January 27, 1994

Page 1




72, Nu~


DIE Wichitan Midwestern State Oniversity


or ld

R e~ew

y AIBn Moser cportcr Japon T op U.S . 3nd opancsc: orficials failed in an ucmpt to hrcak a deadlock tn u:1dc talks. Trcasury Sccrcwry Lloyd Bentsen th re31. cn,:d Su nday that the United States m1r, ht take a more forceful approach to prying up<n Ja panese m:i.rkcts "Jap_an is out of step " Bentsen said after a hasli iy sc heduled_ _meet ing with Prune M1.n1 Mc r Morih iro Ho,nkJ1, a m Tokyo. Howeve r, the Stern ~P'.'". w:i.s te mpered hy pri\ lt1.: a."-.'<iCS,., m c n ts offered later ~y U.S. (lfr,cials, who portrayed the fopancsc kadcrs as

lly Charle. Ca~e Staff Writer At the end ,,r b st fall. Sludcnt~ !! ave thL·1r l ppr11,al to a pro po., ,ed S5 ~ 1111llh1n renovation tu Cl.ul t.: Stu ,k- nl c;cnti.:r hy a maq; m 1Jf 181 m l avor l11



.11!J m "1

H lH,l,' J rd


\l (l'

prc!tid~ nt it1r Sh 1d l· n1 an d :.i dm1 ni, tra11vc '- i.:rv 11.·r, . ex prcs~ed po"i il l\ i.: kl'lin l,'. , ahnut lhc vo 1t· Jnd s:u J . 'Tm dchgh1cJ.Jani.: Lc1~hncr . .1s_,,, 1,1 :i 111

dc:i. n C'l f s1udt:nL, ~nd cum·n1 dirl:ctm of the ,111dcnt l'Cntcr , 111hcy_can overcome opposi~ !tJ1 d that she 1, "loo kin c for unn within l he govcn\mi:nt's ward to [1hc fl' n {1v:it te1 n f" and

powe rful burea ucrac y Hn,okawa hus said In llcnL, on that he is will ing 10 hocomc per.sonal! ; in,oh·cd in thr 1radc ne:gmi.llfons. Austi n, Texas

Stat\! record., shn\v tha t gubernatorial cand1da1c George W . Bush ha., relied hc:ivily on hi s father's fin ancial hackers 10 launch h1.\ campaign even though he ha~ stated tha t he must cstJhlish his own political iden1i1y. A spokesmen fur Bush .<aid there i$i no conncc1ion b::1wccn fund -raising fo r 1hc

!~:::~a; fi~ana;;il ,;~~;~ !he fu rmcr prcsidcn1. 3

Major donors 10 the campaign arc p:ist su rr orters or former President George Bush. including at lc:is1 11 members M Team 100. an elite gro up of large GOP contri butors. Bogota, Colombia Guomcn believed 10 be left ist guerri ll as fi red weapons at a political gathering killing at least 35 people, authorities said. The massacre took place 300 miles nonh wi:s t of Oogoia, in the i.1wn of Apartado. and was !he bloodiest in Colnmhia in live years. Eight people were wounded. \V11ncs.S<-s said

20 gunmen in camou-

flage appeared as party members were celebrati ng. The gunmen surrounded the ci.:.le-

brJnLs and opened lire. Pre s id e nt Cesar Gaviria prohihi 1ed the'sale of alcohol and the carrying of weapons. He also promised to inc rease the m1'1t3ry's presence ond set a $625,000 reward for inform:i.1100 lead· ins 10 the arrests of ~ucmll,1 leaders. About 200 people have been ki lled in the Apanado rtg icm whe_rc leftists f:lctions :ire \•ymg for pohtical control. Tulsa. Okla. Tv.o J 3-year-old run· awJys ollegcdly s.,t a S5 111il lio n fi re at the Petrnleum Ciuh budding They may he renificd as adults if and ' 1 hen !hey arc charged, proscculMS s, id. . . The hoys r< main '" custody ut the Jusen1lc Dctenlion C!!ntcr cm l:'on.plauw~ or arson, secon d-d:gn:.c h,urgl,ry and mahc> iu, rn1,clud, poli, e said.

Prosec utnrs

"an x10w, 1ng'l'l !1l:Jrtl·d · Fam.:11 ~a id till· li r'-1 dfc.. 1 ~lmh- m~ will Sl'l' " 1\1 he tht· 1111.:n:a.,rct "c.t ulk nl l\ ' IIIL' r fL•t: " h..:!!t nnin!! 1h r I lf '- I '- llmnw r ta m The k t· \\I ll m\, rcJ, r from S15 1n ~15 Although rcnn, ,111n 11 l 1lrl • strucwm wil l 11< 11 h, Fin unt il Ja nuary or f-i.:h rll:Jr~ u l JIJ'JI'. hOLh Fam:11 .mc.J 1.. _·1,hn;:r ~ 1d lhnl !-Orn e n: nc,·, Jtl llll ~. '-J'L:C! I· icall y th at n111 lu ndcd h;t the bnnd mnnc-} Jpprn, r d hy tilt' rcft:rl!nc\u m. \\ il l k ~111 1mmcd1 ;11dy Surh l. ' .trh rt·nm-·a11un, ,, oulJ 1nr lud l'-1m pru\t:m t·n1,

l, ~c lht' CS(\ h.tlh, ay cirp..- 1in~ . "wlul·h "' p1\1'1 :1hl y ~nmr ,,r tht· \\or !- t lonkm c \.",trpl.'1 in th r , tJ ft•, " 17:mdl !-..1Ul

L..- 1'- hn t·r , :nJ i.: ~11m.11 ..-,,, arc ;1ls11 ht· rn e nh1:Hn l'll for n:p!Jrl' m.:nl ,;fa ll r::i rp..- 1 m th-: CS( Atri um nnd lor reuph11\ , , 1rn nf! .il l f11rn11tm· 111 the- ,\r n um .rnJ the "hl11c luun e~ · 'fht,ugh ~ltld l' lll G,,vnnmcn1 ,\,,,,,, , ,l 1a1111n pre,,,1d..- ,,1 Sh.inm•n P11 d1 ,,nd ,hl· h.1, "nn pl :rn "" f11r th~· 'il u1.k nt rr ntr r n·11i1\ ,ll 111n u 1mm 11llT, F;im::: 11 ~.nd lhl' L' Hllltn l lkl' ,,.111 rr m.un 1n, l1 h l •1\ 111 the d:.·o .'-n1n mJ~ltl!_.: pnic~"~ f- urth t·rn1t1ll', Lc,~hnrr !-,11d 1h at ,I .. '-llllkn t re nti.:r ad, ,,, 1,ry t·om1111lli.:t• " wi ll su11n hi.' crc:ttl!J 111 :1d\)1 ~i.: hl'r in tl1 r :irea~ nf u, L ·r-pri,1rit y :ind pncmg Pu t h !-J1d tha t ~uc h a c0mmi 11..:e b n:qu1rcd hy IJw Jnd v. Iii pro h:1hl y rn nsiM of "1,.rn r s1uJ cn1 , . a , 1aff mr mher. a fac ult y memher and \\'Ill tk: chJ1n:d hy the stmknt ccnta dm:rt nr." The m:im 11•!- Ul' farn1!! the i:irult y :rnd , tu dcnl l"l'n tcr rl'nOvJ110n rn mm1tti:c. F:md l !'.> :11d . th l' r flo r<l111 :1t1 011 fl f


rl.'. nm ati ,111 ..·ffo rt~ He ,aiJ. " \\'I..' plan to :-1:111 Jnin~ tl11n!!S a!- 1111111c) l'- ..-om1n!! in. hut \\ t' 11111'-1 ..-,1,,rJ111:Jlt' \l'llh thl' plan fm 11111 rrno\':111on. We

J <1 n'1 ,, .1111 tn do :111y1h in;; '" ll"I..' Fa rrell s.11d 1h:11 lhL· l.11.:• ul 1y :md n:nm·:111011 c\mrn1 1t tl'l' lllll!-I also c:norJinale thl' "fma11c- ia l lr.111," "archll t·r• tur.il tr:111 " ;mJ "food ~crn t·i.: tr:11 1"' 11 1 a·ach J sucTc, sful

Photfll .\forru , Cltrtland

Al \' in G. Hooten

fl'lltl\ :1111, 11

I t·1, lrnn , .1id tvlSU 1, \\Mklll!! w11 h a numhcr nl lO lurm ul :1\l' .1 f\."1\\1 \'alhin pbn tha t wil l offl'. r l ilt' k ,1.'-I mtcrrup11on of s 111 dent n.:ntt· r u~· She ~:11d 1h:11 h) "mnJu l:1n1.in{' the rl~lllJ\ ,tl1011. r,·1mu t111~ <inc p.1r1 at J 111111.: . and hy ,ch-: Uu li ng food serv1rL· rcnc,,·:111ons dur mg summer~. i111cm1p t1 on nf slue.lent ae1i, i111.;.s will he mm 1111:il Thr 1"1..'lhWJtlOn, Lcishn l'r !-a it.I, w ill 1ak t· mnrl· th,111 a yi;ar :ind po"i hl y twn "The students w~rL' the tlrh·a s Ill 1l11s issue." f-am: 11 !-atd. "\Vc 'n: glad th..: students tkl.:' 1d~J h1111 C1,·e in to the 2 h t r cnlury :ind add to the 'com nrnnn y' thr u111 vasit y ra n t1f• ft·r " L1' ll ~u lt.m 11.

University appoints VicePresident for business lly Kell y Webb Muhley ~lan:1i;ing Edi tor

Alvin G Hooten wan ted to Wfl rk at a un1 va si1y with a ~trnng bond am on~ stu de nts, fac ull y and adm1111.~1ra1ion Thc new vice pr!.!sidrnl for husrn.:ss affa ir!\ said hr has fo un d it here a1 ~vlic.Jv. c~tcrn Stale Un ivcri.it y

Hooten said that ~ISU i, J c:1mpus." and 1hat "th,, pcupk and s1udenL1- ;m: cuncl·mell ." 'That 1s j ust a kw of hi s many reasons for movrn g tn Te xas from lliah11. Ho0tL' ll w:i.s a-'"c1t·1ate vic:L' prrsii.knt for finance at Boise Stalt' Ulll \'1.'.rsity 111 Idaho for I7 years Hootrn was lnoktng for a c:mxr :uJv;rnn nwnt ;.ind saul after hc did rL·sc arch on 11..' achmg po.,1tion!- as wl' II as ~1SU and th1!1 area . hr nh1a1111ng lm:al L·111plt1ymt· n1, wanted In coml' ht·rc. When 1-h,utt·n hq::i n at Wanng ~:ial. Dr LlllllS J l{uUn gua .. USU, they had an L'llrnllnu.:nt of 8,llfXI students. A, or Der. 11111 vcr:-. 11 y prt·,1th.:n t. !-aid uni..' m.q1 1r probkm 111 :irth·:1ting 1992. the enro ll ment was I S.SlXI. He said uncc the enth r new 11rugra m was fundmp A ft·w Jl'ar, :1go 1hr.: Co- rollment surpas.scd 12.0(1() the relationship amon t! Mmh:nl. on.h11J11n g nn:ml !11:lrt Cd n.:ljlllfing that u111 vi.:: rsH1 cs ha\'r fa culty and admini strati(1n mom·y on hand 10 fund 1hc dro pped . That was annlhcr lir:-.11w,lycars;mtlha lfo f the r~nsnn fur Houll.'. 11 coming to ~comJ two )'L':tr!- nr new pw· MSU . Hunten said he wa nL" to gram ~ w11hnut spend ing i.:x istin g univcr~ity rc.'iml rc-:s. imprcwc commu nication bctWCl..' n admmistr:ll in n .ind stu The new mas ter of ~Cl · cncc in nursing. alnn g with a mas1i.:r nf sch.:ncc in radi ological technology that will be evaluated by the Coordin31· in g Board in April, require S1.6 million, Rodriguez s,id. By Churlcs Cage StnlTWriter The Midwestern Stale University student senate appoin1ed Jcn'nan Ghazal as Student Govcmmcm Association vice prcs idem in a Jan . 20 mee1ing. Linda WilsnnSeo11 n:sigocdl an. 17. During th e Sl!natc mi.:l! thigher lc~1c\ of cxcclli.:ncc." ing, lh l! noor was opened 1,1 said Dr. Rodnguez. nominees. All nominees wen: Gri rncll i~ a consultant requ ired to come fro m the with Energy Educ ation. Inc., scnn11.:. and wt: ri.: n:quircd to ha.scd in Wichita Fall~. al- meet the other SGA cons1i1u though is work requ ires him tion al n:quircmt: nts fo r th e 10 li ve in Ft. Worth. offict:, incluJing a minim um Garn ett was quoted in l'nroll mcnt of 9 hou rs and a th e Ti mes/ Reco rd Ncws. grade point awragc of 2.0 or ''Tlus is a lremrndous honor hc1tt·r. for th e g<,vi.:rnor to th in k I The se nat e appoin 1ed could serve on thl..' hoard of Gh:11.el by acdamJtum since rcgc nL1- , and als(l !or Dr. she was !he onl y ofti ci::il Rod rig ucl and the adminis- nom inee. tratio n to as k me Ill scr\'c Wi lsim-Scl1t1 would nul their sc hool." commcn1 on th~ cnnk·n 1 llf lll'r lt.'sign.i. uon ku..:r th :11 wn!) "a rcal Jcwr l of

New degree approved By Charles Cage

t;rJ du:itc, to all ,1, ",nil :llll't:: d pr:.ic1111om.:r., .. "Fami ly 111n , ..: pr.H,:l1t1uni.:rs" r..:qmrr :uldi 11nna l prova l from Ll1e Tcx:LI H1ghc1 lr;imint! and ccrt11ic:i1 in n hl!Ed uca tion Coord in:i t1 n;; vond th at uf no1m:d "nur!-i;:,." Board fu r a m:ish.:: r or :-.c1e1Kl' ;nJ an.: g1w 11 grl!,ltl! r ri;\ ponin nurs ing. Cfa!l:--1.:~ 111 the new 1,, 1b1li11e:i. m CJ rm!! fur pa prog ram wi ll hcgi n 111 tht· llt: nts, \V;Jrmg !-,ud. She , aid second summer session. th ey wil l "'pl:1 y an 11npona111 The prngr:1m wtl l mk in he.11th care rdorm" consist of 48 credit hou r~ ~incc thCl'L' ar..- not rn OU!.!h incl uding "c\m 11.:al hours." "pnmary pr;1ct1t1onl..'r3" :1v:1T1. Most or the progrJm's cla~scs ab le,t·:-i pl·dall y 111 rura l ,m.·as. will he offl'rcd in the evi.:ni n~ Wari ng lunhcr cHcd :1 as the s1ud~nl') enrolling will n:111on w1 dl! !\hnn agc ul consist largely of part-timl! nur3D and nu r~ mg farnlty as studcnl~ who work dming thi.: e\'idenci.: of the t:udknt JOb day. Dr. Lillian M. Wa ri ng. placcm-: n1 opportuni tics fo r di rector of the di vi,ion of the pnigram 's gradu:ll i.:~. StalT Wrikr M1dwi:~-;tcrn St:1 1..: U111 vcrsi1y ra'cn tly fCL\.:ivt!d :ip-

health sciences, s:iid. Dr. Jesse IV . Ro gers, She sa id the program vice prcsidr.11 1 fo r a..:ademic will consi st of two tracks: a affairs, ag reed and saiJ juh "nu rse-cdu..-ator" track de- opportunities will on ly in signed 10 prepare graduates crease with proposl!d healt h for teaching posilions llnd a care reforms. "fami ly nurse prac titioner" Grad ua te , possib ly trac k that would prepa re could return 10 ~1SU IO fi ll


Ervi n Gurnett

Kelly Wchb Mobley Managing Editor Gov. Ann Richards appointed Ervin Gorncll 10 the Midwestern Stale Uni\'cr~ity board or rcgenL, on Dec. 3 10 fill the un c.l pircd lcrm of Otis Polk who p:isst.:d aw:iy in October. Garnett sai d. he is "looki ng forward lo meeti ng oth,:r members of the bo:1rd." Dr. Louis J. Rodriguez said that he is cxlrcmcl y delighted with Mr. G:trnc11's appointment "I look rorw:ml to working with him as wi.: atte mpt 10 move th e univ ersitv 10 a new and

dents. " I am a good lis tencrM. he said. He also said MSU has a ""cry positive environ me nt En· ryone works togl! thcr.'' On the business aspect of his new job, he said accountmg rules and regulations di f· for in Trxas. Texas code has

more regu lations and th t y arc identified more sp,: cilically in Texas tha n in Idaho. Concerning the students voting on the student rcnler issue at MSU. he said, "The referendum of studen ts is different. Studcnl.S have no vo le in Idaho. the Board votes. "

He received his bachelor uf science degn:e in 1970 and a maslcr of busincs.~ administration of higher cduc!1ion in 1973 from Southern Illinois Unive rsity. He present! y se rves as s.c-crctJry-trcasun:r of thl! Ada County Planning As."iociation in Idaho. ·111c county governing agency deals with planning iss ues suc h as trans• pmtation. air quali ty and civil defen se.

See page 4

SGA officer resigns

!See page 3

Gov. appoints Garnett to Board

•waiung report!> from fl ri;: m·

>csligators, but llTC rcquc,ung lliuh cerufic~tion fnr the iw<•

Janunry 27, 19')4

Fee Increase . efi'1ect·1ve first summer term

c~gcr to rC!l ch Jn agreement


Round ball: hot sport on campus

Who's Who:41 MSUstu~ents named


!See page 3

Dr lh•\\J1J ,\ I FJr rcl l., iCL' p12,1J~·n1 l11r ,mJcrt

~Clll 10

and adminis1ra1i\'e serv ices. Dr. Louis Rodrigu~z. uni ve rsit y prcsidl! nt. and others on Jan. 17. \Vilson-Scoll SJid, "I enjoyed whco students came 10 me wi th a pro blem. 11,al's 1he highest honor 1he school has paid me. If 1 can't do that 1hcn there ':-. no point in me giving Sl 1 much of my 11mc... She also sa id, "When I first \.'.: amt: here, my g<~tl was, an d still is. to gradu :i. h! and get a degn:c. The trJde-off, (of hc 1ng SGA vice president) were wl'I\ into dim in ishing ~ turns." Shannon Pu gh. SGA prcsitkm. saiJ 1hat sht! d id nut l'\.'Cl'J\'l' J c1)p)' c,f Wilsoi,. Scott's n:.signauon ktll.: r. and, m fan. ~ cc1 w d no J1~Lt no1dk:it iu11 of iL

!See page 3

Page 2

Thursday, Janu · 27, 1994


Insi hts

Edilor's nolt: The follo"'·ing column is a guest commrnlarv by Dr. Roy K. Uout~·tll, inslruclor or business and llSSistont (ootbolUtraek coach, Sever.ii monlh.\ ago. i1n :ict of crul' I, gutl~s \'Md:ili.\m was pclJl<!lratcJ ,, n • memorial rbque han~ing on the wall near thl! main entrance to Clark S1udt:nt Ct!nlcr, which had 11 dc\'a.statin~. pcrsonll dkc1 on me. After my ini1i:i.l

feeling of tota l rasc anti dishdid at wh::it I had so.: n. and the burning lfe.11in.: to h:w..: a ,·cf)' phy)ical dis:igrc..:~cni with whoever haJ J on, it, I wi, finally ahk lo blow II off ind forget it, until Mondo) , January 10th. On that particular C\'cning, ARC ain:d il'i weekly ·oay One" pm~r.im. TI1c till!! of the do-.:umcnury was ·we Were Young •· 1\nd BrJw " It chronklcd the n:lurn \'isit of a dou:n or so c,-military men ln the fa Orang V;i,llcy in the cenlr.ll highl:md~ of Vii:t Nam. ncJr 1hc Camhodiun border This wa.s 1hc sifht of'thc fkr<:est Jnd sini;lc most bhxidy battle of the V1L.' l Nam War On N,wcm~r 17. 1965. tn J

small clearing the size of a footha ll fidd calkJ "LZ (landing zone) A\t'i:iny, my cloS(; (ncnd. ,:l:tssmatc-, nnJ fell ow office r, L1cutcn:rn1 Ronald A. Milll'r hJd half hi s body blown awJy when hl' w35 hil in the.: hl'Jd hy an M-79 grcn,dc. Hi.s unit. Comp,n) C. 2nd Battalion. 7th (3\'alr)'. Airmohilc (part l\f Gc1>r~L' Am1:-arnng Custds old uni1) bore the hrunl of an amhush hy n.:gular North Vic:tnam~ so ld iers, whn compk1cly owrr.in their p1)si1io n. Within ten minutes, afte".r hand-10- hand com hat, Ron and f:S mher men in hi.s comp:iny were dt..·ad, with Jnotha 5-l haJl y woundl'J . only 12 oul of 155 men m C Cf! mpany came ou t :iliw and unscarred. :11 lcllSt phy~icall y ThL' program do...:umcn1cd the ambush and the c.:nsuin!! lihtt..·cn hciur t'iattk in\'oh·!n_g th e rcmainint: thn:l.' com('IJlll L'S of lhct 2nd BJUahon. n:llvmg H moment hy mom en t. lly the end of 1hc: hanlc on No\'CmhC'r IR. the Nonh Victnamc..'sc haJ lo.!.! 0\'l' r 500confirmcd dead of iLS 101al fo rcc: of :in cs1i mah:d 1.6<~) men. Of thc: 500 men • 2nd Battal ion. over 150 h,d hccn killed. onl · RJ


,.f~,,u;;ryy:;;:<a;;:r,:;;olidd~m;;;,;n,fli~e~h:;;adijjFus~t;;ea;;;rn;;;,, .n;;;t;:-j :.::.:::~--,--.----:-::.-;:.-:::i-;;;'.wc;:; was .1 kmdf 1 ~}'ill __ he was a Sunday Schnol lCJcher were a k· m ~lum hl irnmcd i:i!l· 1lu1y Al the.: c:nd or 1hc 31 1 ht..· had J girl fri_l·nd and rhe hopci, ; ht~ tk~,i:~ proi:r~m. ii showcJ the.' mt:n ni thi: t..·nd ii ( 1hclr pil~rim~ ~~-. 1 . titms of ha"i"!: a f:unily :md a career, 3rid thl chun:h 11:mdmg ul 1hr: V1l·tn:1tn Vcr,•r;in ~· ~kmon;il in WJ!'l l1111r 1 lo hope or ~ave. we things oihcr the= all ~~ P I ~!' ~ml d1L'arn~ ton. D.C., in lront of rand .l -E. \\ hu.: h J,~play~ lhl' n:unc..' $ fr:.indduldnn . a t , "hahy kilfc( or any of rhc other :ilurs of the: dL•JJ 111 lhl~ l:i Drant,: Va lk y (.i ll 111 lh L' SS , IS.l n:iml'~ hJ\'l' lie wa.li no :i . •· 1v l:ibcl Viel N.im \'t:lcrans If on the w:i ll arc li \lrd in d11un11ll1£ ical ordL·r in \\h1d1 1hq · c th;it tht..· liii:01.~ of ,rnr :-;oc ic' J1cd.J As the cama,1 11111rnl'd in 1111 thl· wall. lhl' i\· hi!i n J!lh' wa...., 1usr li~t..· y01 1 and ml.'.. WJ!,, Ronald ,\. ~ltllcr Wht..·n I :,.;i w 11 . I ~1arll·l11 P rry. uml then I rt:mcmhl·n·J 1hc pl:,quL m Cl:uk S111dLnl (\·nlLr Thi: \\ ooJc n plaqul' 111 \\ Ind I .mi n:krrmg Il a.Ii a 1 ih ink the.: rurpost of wridng 1his lcu.~r is _two-fold_ hronzc insn;pliun un it.\\ l11d1 rcalh , ··in mr mnry uf lhtN' h· , s(lO\l' of 1hc hurt 1/JJt I fc:11. I tc~ch m Fowler _ mcmht..·rs of 1hc U1111cd SIJl1.:s ,\ml\ \,hu di 1.·<l m dl·ft..'n~· of hr~I. IO.~ \~-~~i~h used 10 house 1hc ROTC unit. Ron and I 11 frL-cd_r1 m. ~ II hnm,r, r :1..(I ~lrdw1·\irrn St:lll' ~111dcn1...; wh11 in the s.ime area.Ii whc~ I 1: ~:~~~h)'-sidl· 111 'n<JTC rl:is~s dk·d m romh.11 for tlwir l'PU llll") r\1t:1d1l•d 10 1ln· pl:1qm· ,111.' · · · 1. ·h We prartice footba ll :ind trJck on the s:irnc four small 1mli\·1d11al mt..'IJI pl.llt.·~ ,~uh tht.· naml·~ uf 1{1111 ~~:~~111 t~~hcrl' Ron :rn cl I m:in:ht..·<l during ~ucsd.iy y1~moon and thn.:c 1Hhn 111t·11 wh11 dlcJ 111 \ 'irl N;in1. In thr \Un um·r <lri lh E"i:n wd:.iy. ,rnr p:i1hs cross ma~y um~-~ cac ~ :iy_on of 19911. I 111Jdt..' m~ own pil!!rim:,~1· 1n \\' ,L\lllll!!lon . DC.. · . ! I . wJ . J cond rnend and 111 ncH:r for c,Ct him th,· lr"m · 11:11111. Rnn·:,. 1f rd1l'f l'td1in!! .m hnnw ht hniug and 1 r die. Th~ ~'.~~:1~1~:~-thu~c who :~re nor for(!0lli:n rca~l_y ne_vc_ w~II (tht..' ~.lffil' way you do hy pl;u.: m~ a cnin undl'r a ~lwc l ~·rimJ and mnlil important purpose of 1h1s letter ts IO hor,c. ul papt·r anrJ ruhhml,! a ['l'Ot..' il 11\"L'r Ill \\'h cn I ~lll h,1111e. I full ~akt..· u.s all :, link more aware.: of ourscl\'L'S and the lammalt..'t.l R,,n ~ n:1111c and pam anc111ly :iffhcd i1 10 1hc hur[l•u1 thinp wl' somet imc.:.s do._Wr all nc~d 1_0 !car~ l~a1 plaqut' One 11:J) b ., 1 -" llmmer. I lol1k1.·J al 1hc plaqul', a.~ I \~e t..'an tli~a~f'l:l' w,1hnu1 hc.:ing d1sagrcc;it,lc Hale, the V1c1 al ....·a)'S do n ·cry t1111t· I am m lht. · n·ntt.·r and, 10 nw 101:il Nam \V;ir if you :,.o dl.'.sin:. fo r wh:i_tc_ver reason }OU have. ;1s \\ e n:11i1 i l . ' Ron ::it..·ru~s f>1.:n disg usl. wnucn in l\'d hJII p(1in1 liul don't h:tll' or disresp..:i.: t rhc.: md1vuluals who fought u, F--- y~u. How rnulJ :111y1111t· ~tuop s11 ll1w 10 ~ 1/1:.11 rallnu_,;,_ thn1ugh 1111 d1olt..'t..' of !heir \,wn. ~nc:mnf:, r_ruL'I ._:1nJ lt)tall y J1 ~rl'~Pl'L" lfu1' 1 I \lilt ha\\' n11 Jdl':1 wh<l d1J tht.\, ur \\h) Perh aps 11·s tx·11 cr th;11 I ncwr )' dirt i~ th h why knnw In lih· ~ull lt.! \\Ou I h111 ~now" ho. I kn ow we have mJny VISl!Ors on camp~s every oar, ltule ~·~r th.II rn.\t lhL· h \"l'' 11f :-.n many men and \\'(11111..:11 from all walks of lilt;. I like to 1h1~k the pcrpctr~tor of this Jnd d1v1lkd ,,u r rnunt~ hkc 1111 nttwr C.: \"l'Ol ~inl'c the C1\'il CO\\,mlly :H.' I is not a!-~nc,:i lcd w11h MSU, he.: II st~dcn1, War still dl\'ldm~ U$ wi1h h Jll' and spilt..·. ,,r w:,_., 11 jusl a :,.ta ff. llf facu lty mc.:mbc.:r. surely we ~s. a com~unuy of th ou!!lulc\S :11.·f' My il\vn :11111 udcs ahout Vil-1 Nam ha\"C h1!'.lu:r cduc:11ion arc ah1ivc suc h :ic~s ol callousness. Whoch:int:c_J mt..·r tlw >l'a r~. t..'l1nsrdain!'. thl' p111i1 ic:il anJ t..'CO· \'Cf it was. if by chance.: you read 1!11s, I hope some day you l' nnm1c 1_ndil·;t1 i1 1n.-. lh.11 wen: 111\'t' h'l·d bu1 nnt tolally l'\'i Jl·n t c:in fnrpvl.'. yourself, ht,:causc I can I. at thl' IHlll' Ewn 11 1h1.· ,,ar wa.\ t..'11m1p1. th1.· vast ma111nty Gcid hl l'.SS you. Ron 1 or !ht· ml' n ;mJ \\11nwn \\ht) r11u ht I( \\Cl\'. 11(11. Ron Mil kr

;n: ~.nd __


Commentary ...

Writer Says ' Case sets Dangerous Precedent ' By Dean L:1wrencc Starr Whl'n lhl' \'CrJ1ct in the Lorena Bohhill trrnl wJ ~ handed dow n last wc..: k. i1 was tu a cascade o( n.::icuons. Rcgardles.li of their professed opinion.~. mos l men shuddered. and mmt women applauded. 1bc verdict so.:med like a vi ndic:1tion of all ahuscd women cvcrywherl!. John Wayne Dobhnt ma)' have abu sed his wife. Or. mayhc he didn 't. It does n't matter nuw. bcl.·ause whl.'.lher or not Lorena Doh~ill was abused. sex ually or n1herwisc. is now hc.,;irJc lhc point. Rq;.a rdk ss of what opinions an yone personall y holds a.,; com:cl, the vcrd1l.· t has been handed dnwu , :ind we. the pl'opk uf this country , we. who empower

1unt:.., IP mal l' Jt1!-t tho~ kind..; nf dcl'.1~ion.~. must nc1w ln·c with lhl· 1mph~ation_.,_ A dangerous prcccde n1 ha.s hel'n .set. No1 unc thJ.I applies on ly In lhusc:d women . hu1 nnl' that .ilso 1s s1~nific:mt fnr all 1hosc wh o commi1 violent cnme m this count') -- the Mcndtl.c:!i, 1hc Jc.:ffay Dahmer!,. the Charles Man~0 ns. ont· 1h:it says. -1 c:innm ht." held rc.spunsi hlc for the vi olence that I comm11. bcc.:au.~c inJu sticcs have Ileen cnrnn1111cd ai:Jm!il me in I.he pas t." Ahu sc.: hc co mo a jus tifica1i on fo r ,·1oltnct~. murdc:r. and muulatiun. How mJny of us han· kd nimpk1dy happy li ve~·, How many uf us cannm pro1,·idc:, 1f de\'er lawyers look hard enough, Jn mst:1ncc.: of possible victimiza ti on in

The Wichitan J4 10Taft Oll'd P 0. Dox 160 Wichita Falls. Tcu, 76308 News desk: 689-4 704 Adl'crtising d<sk: 689-4705

BeUe Malone Kathryn Self

Editor Dara Hawkins Advertising Manager


Kelly Mobley

M1111uging Editor Eric Becks 8tLri11ess Manager

Dean Lawrence EnteHaimnenr Editor Reporters Ronnie Ad,mis, Cindy Kahler Bell, Clwr/e, Cage, Spencer Friedl, Liz Richardson Copy Editor Photographers Bruce Smith Brandon Olds, Ediror Marcus Cleveland Denn Lawrence Drew Myers Spam E,litor

Music Reviewer


MeliJJa Sul/i,·an

\\l,ylon Gretn

C..culation Manager

Assislllnt Circulation

Manager Eric Self Adrertising Representatives Randy Brewster. Jason Tucker Graphic artist Jason Fciirchild

Jason Malone

Copyrlgh! 1994, The W1cliira11. Tite \Wrhiran Is a member of The Texas lntcreollt-gl:11e Press Assudatiun nnd Tiie College Press Service The WichJlan r~vcs thi: righl to cdir any material submincd for publicarion and 10 refuse any ad\'Crtisemcnt. Opinons e1prc.sscd ar~ 001 ncc.nsaril y those of the faculty. adm!ni~trJtion or s1u<lcn1 body of Midwes,cm State Unh·ersily and may no! reµcsc n1 a consensus of the entire W1chi1ar1 s1:iff.

"Regardless of professed opinion, most men shuddered, and most apwomen plauded."

(11r drivc -h~• ~hnoting s hl' l":.111:-.C lht.·y arc.: ha v111!! 1ir havt..: had a rnor childhood'' Tht.· prccctlenls arc now m pl:ire for anyone to w;c: ~urh J plt.-;1.

The l\l L'nda hrothcrs did. and ii has gotten th em a mis1n:il and $2 million in our pi~L'i? m:,. uranrt..: -- !In far. Lori.:nJ 811hhi11 did. :inti nuw the I( we can u.sc 1h11sc 111 slw has !Cl fot.."t..: 1~ J5 worst s1anccs as an exi.:usc. 1hcn who can b\! hdLI rcspnnsihlc d:1y.s of p.sychiatril' evalua1i0n. for an ythin g? Can Tonya Hardini:'s hody~uarJ claim Ir you appro\'t,.' nf lhc 811hh111 dt..'Ci\iun. Ju st UlJ1 he would h:i,·c never t:\'L'n rcm c.: mha 1ha1 11 will als{l cun.s1dacd a11cmpting 10 ruin arply to many othl)f l'aSL'S , Nancy Kerrigan 's ctrcc.:r ex - those.: whoSl! ou1cnmcs m:iy cept lk1t he was nc.:"e r allowed nm Ix· quilt.' .\O .\a\Jsfyin)!. to succeed :11 any thi ni; wht.:n Uy CindJ Kahler Uell And afta you r..:.il i7l' it. St:orr he was a child'! Can memtx:r~ Dr. Tom Galhraith. professor or English, will speak at th<: of violcncc-onenlt.:d gangs h1.· ht.: sure 1n lock your Joor!> th;1t Faculty Forum's monthly presen tati on at 8 p.m. Feb. I in the cx1merJled from n:sp<in.sihilily much tigh it. · r t..·arh night. Clark Student Center Tiieater.

Galbraith To Speak.At Faculty Forum

0Briefs Russian entomologist will address Biology Club Vladimir I. OvtshJrcnko, a Ru~si:in entomologisl. will speak about scie nce in Russia from 7 p.m. to 8:J0 p.m. Jan. 27 in 1hc Clark S1odcnt Cenlc.:r TI1ca1er. The event is sponson:d by the Biology Cluh. OvLSharcnko will stay on the MSU campus Jan. 26 through Jan. 29. He received his m:iMcr of science degree in 1977 from the LeningrJd State Uni versity anJ his doc tor.He degree from the ~lo~ical ln_s1i1u1e of ~he t\l'adc:my of Scicncl's o( the USSR m Leningrad m 1981

Speaker discusses attention disorder Dr. Jim Snowden WJS the guest speaker al the Ti.: xas Studcn1 Education Association mc:c1ing on Jan, 2-t . Dr. Snowden's topic was Allcnli_on Deficit Disor<lc.:r. He discussed the history, causes. how to diagnose, what to cxpt!ct a~ a parent 3 1 3 3nd .. 1;~~~::nDgc~jtOisordcr is not simple, there is no single tcs1 10 diagnose." His ~rulc.: of thumh" is if you see a pc rsis1en1 pillll!rn wi1h hypcrac1ivity, dislractibility Jnd impulsiveness, and they seem to he rh ronic and pervasive, "1his leads us to believe ii is an attention disorder." TSEA will be h:iving another meeting in Fchmary. If you an: intercstc.:d in joining TSEA you may go hy the Ed uca1ion office in the Fe rguson building, room 201. and pick up an application. TSEA is n student affil iation of Texas State Teachers Association.

o~:~ ~~~~~~~ :;~J


Bulletin board to display writings Thc English Clu~ and Writds Cirde has a new bulletin board for poetry and stories or "budding" writt! rs who wish to display their work. All that is required is to date and pin your work on the b_oanJ. Works_mJy be ldt on the board for two . . . weeks, longer 1~ space ~rm1ts. . The bulletin board is located m the flanhn Bu1ldmg on the second noor. You may obtai n more information from lhe . . English depart~t!nt: The orga mzauon will meet the firs_t Wcd ncsda)' of each month f~om 12 :30 P:m· t~ 1:30 p.m. m thc Clark .Srudi;nt Center. 1 he nt:x l mctu ng will t'C Frh. 2.

Galbraith's topic will be "Innocence and Expi.!ricncc: Way Stations for the Mental Traveler.'' He will discuss William Blake's book "Songs of Innoce nce and Experience." A slide prcsc nt.itinn will dcmonstrJtc \'isual motifs. Afte r the presentation. refreshments will be served and ques tion.Ii will he answered. F.1cul1y Forum is an interdisciplinary series sponsored b) Midwestern State Univer.sit)'. Its purpose is to allow MSU facu lty to shari.: the ir ideas and research with their colleagues studenL~. :ind community. Coordinators of Lhe Faculty Forum Series arc Professors Dirk Lindemann, Jeff Campbell and Fred Stangl.

Vinson Deadlines Set FOr Feb• 4 Mar 1 ,

By Cindy Kahler BeV




Dc.:adl_mcs for the Vmson Awar~s will _he at noon Feb. 4 for J0u_rnahs~. an d March I for cre.iuvc wntmg. In the Jo_urnali sm con1c~1. each paruc,pant must submll a fea ture story,_news story (prcforabl y published) and eduonal. All md1cauons

non -ficlion and prose liction. entrants submiuing poetry shou ld supply three poems. All indications of au1hor should be removed. A cowr sheet with tit le, name, address and telephone number should beattached to each submission.

Submissions should be delivered 10 the Hardi n Administrati on Buildi ng. tic, name, address and telc.::- room 214. phone numher mus t be attachetl. Thc Vinson Awards are Submissions shou ld be sponsored by 1he Fi ne Ans deli vered 1o the Fine Arts Division at MSU. building, room B-1 IO · For more in fonn11i,m (In In the cn:a1i vc writin g the awards a.nd suhnus~um:. ma y s1an1s ntc l'0 con 1es1. either 1hr 111.1~s act nt co submit in any o( lhc.: lhrct! catego ri es ·- poc1ry, Jlf0 5L' communicauons offi.;-t· N 1.h.: English d\·pJnmr:ni ofticl'.

f i~~~~rst~~~l~i~ :~c~;ei :

rvfsiYstudents Nam d_____..;:;.N.!,,!e~w~s~--.-----.:..:::TIH:::;:,lr'.l(:;;:..lal'.:..,c'

'= """-'""._ · !'...;...•1-'9Q._I _Po~~•-3

D Police beat

To ' Who's Who , e Forty-one Midwc.1,ll'

'Crowded House' Album Not Worth $15

5131e Un 1wr ,; i1y ~lu·1, rn

Blackbum M F I d . ucnu, Frank ' '\ ' .iry . 0 uruato. wt·rc ,s..• l'Cl" ~o. he inl:lullcJ M C ' ' . Ch:ipm :in. K:in:n ill 1hc J()94 cdn m:i (lf Wh , . C onk lt n. MMy Grace L.


\\'hfl _Am oni; _ S!udl' Oh

A::'11:,~:~.: ." Un 1vn siti cs anJ C, . "'l!"' Studcnt,i; wrrc ch uscn hy 11

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dirt•C ~My .

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,\n F lil.: L D o rd. May - 1' r111 uc.1o und, Lor , L Ed 'Fni:dx~n. ~ ~:ir\1.;s E. ·Fl,,}·d. Gha,a\ · l·m1_.1o~h. kn nifrr ?\l kh:t ·I· Mlr yJanc Gt ay, H· 11 C a ~"ha m. Br:iJk y J Dana ~I. H:1rd:1cla:r. C Hbcrl)' A. 11.:ivrn,. M1chad

fol h 1wi ng n·['•nC'd 111 l h l' Mit.hH'Sll'm SIJll' Uni,,·n.it} r:1mpus p,,11.:-c ~ ·twl'\'11 fan Thl'

aITcn~•i,. Ii


c ontin ui.:d

succc.~.s. TI1cst.: :,, 1ulkn1., JOin :in ell I.; r rn up ,~ch:ctcJ fr om mcirt: than I ... IXJ IO \ tllut k\ns of h1 ~hr r lca rn rn1! In sn sta ll.' !<> , th l" DP.iri c t M C(,lumh,_a and ~vcral forci i;n n:i.1rn n!'> . fhi.: ~nnu al din::cw , wa., fi f!'> l puh h.,hcd in 19'tl f) S 1u 1lcn t:,, f ro m ~fid,\C:,,[l'! " s~lll' Un-\\' l":\ 11 . tnd 11lk . Ek n:i 1\ An clc ri,.n~. .i\ n~IL'a D R. :ir:kcr, Dchc.1 R

A. Murr;iy, Ju li\· F. '\J im,•. ~l,\ J Lo111 sc Pull am, Todd ( u ll a m . M1l h.11nm J J Ma munur Ra:,, lud . Kd h t,,. Ri~en -lmur. Jod i L Sh.i,, ,·er. Clmt E. Skinn er. C011e,· I Suni:. Kerri A S1111nd,·.1m Su.~:rn j " l' :l\. P :i t11 l' L L I· .11• .I

' Puf' h ,:ud !> hc frh thJI \\ 11,on-S.:N t h:iJ lunc rn n- ri l_ Pul:!h \J ld , hr \\ il l :1 r P('I LOi \ \' OJ l (1 r, lir 1111 01hn )a~t , 1immcr :ind " didn I n:;iJ. Cll mtn t ll l"C' \ t'a t, \;\ (.ll l' <l h, 1/ C lhe am_,\) Unt of l JOh' LI \V1b nn-S,·011 J\ 11 h,·,i>m,·, ll l'\' CS.\ l T) u fltil d tak.c to he lhc SGA T hl' ~e n.Ii i: \\ d i rnrl·t n ~L' r r:.:,1dcnt. a~:lln 1tn f,~h ) JI r, p Ill 1,1 !·.my\ l -..:ud u \\ ,1,;, h1 , un - dt.' , ( 11,~ :irn1,11 ~ 01h:·r 1,~u,·., . .1 dcr,1:ir.,ling lh:11 .. Lmd:i h:i r.l a 1"1:,,,1 hill 111 .1\1,m pn•I.·, num h:.:r of r onun11 m~· nb " 1-k , or!'> hlc 111 drnp ,1 111k n1, · 11,r ah ri ~J1d. ~Shl· 1_li d \'l'I)' v,d\_ Thi.: \·11.: \' prc~1JcnC\ 1, m i.:au,c " l l 1uu1:h 1lw h, 11 \\ ,1 , hrn u~h1 11 1 iht· n 1, ,, r <l unnt! many \'- J)' \ m, 1 r,: di1T1rnlt lh t: J Jn 20 nl -.'l" IL!l f. 11 \\ J; th:in lhi.: pri.:!:.1dl·n,·\ Jkr IO · 1ahkr.l IX" cJusL" ,,f J IJ, \.. , 1 rcn.: , t, wi:r\' :: h\ ,I)·, wh ,I! I.' prnpcr J1Jfl{'nn11 \.. JOJi mll· hi.•q f0r thc Slud,:nL, · :\1'11 ,chrdukd lor J tu ·nic !>1.: 1\Jt:.: J i \O '- l1nrinnt d lun: scn:ur nn:l·llnf ,,;, l n.:p...in Pu gh 's app (t in! m,·11 1 lll from s.c nJlor, \\ hP a11,·n,kd Gh:.11:.:I u, rl·plal·c- Wibnn- cnnfl' n·n i:r , d 111 m g ihl· IJ \I .S.:oll \ lll the JCJr.lcnm Cll Ull · ~ mc.., 1t·r.

Garnett appointed l'mml ':ift I

\\' a~hini;t o n _Jun i or l1 1gh Schnn\ and .1 ,-.1!>1:mt ~urx;ri ntt·nde nt fwm 1979 11.1 19ti9.

:md .I SS I\\ Jn t princirJ\ fn r \\'1 chi1:i f- Jll s ll 1gh Sdiool

from 1971 to 197~. Garni.: u w:u, :ilso head foo1hal1 J I Womh on \-11 gh Scho(I I in 1\lnknc. T c.: x:is, and m Cah·crt. TC);:lS. Garnell served on the


0 \~, ~ ; 1 1


Food Bank and lhc C11y of Wkh i,a Fall , Parks and Rl· crealinn. an J the Boys and

(jive a 'lla{entine to tliat specia{ someone in your{ife tlirougli a 'Wicliitan 'lla{entine acf.

\\'1d11 1J


Garni.: 11 a\\O \\,! \ J f11r• mcr mcm hl.:1 of th e L11nt-." d W.iy hudt;cl cc,mm11tc.: Garnctt '!I :ip po111 tmrn1 w:.L,;

A hJrJ., ~mt·n1 n·iill·d fi n Jan I? hy

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MSU College Day Preview

u,· Mcll«II Sullinn


Mu.ii.k Rr,·lt"tr I h:iw :il wJy,; lik.cJ 1h1· hJnJ . Cn1\L'lk\l I lou;fw..· Rr mi·mN·r th\· vi t!b(1 fo r "Snmt~:hln~ So S.tr,mt ,. 11w hand b m a h:1m ~111 ):! Lll}: , und 1li.·,· n· JU~I ~1 rul e ·Th1· n in 19112, wc ht·.1rd fn1m th,· m :it:rtin \\ uh lhc rd{·n ,,· ,,r - w ('l ,11\I.H' \' .' whll h. :i.l 1h,1u~ h ('I nl y n11.n.kra1r h ,,ic.-\•.,:,,ful. \\:1!'> nr111:1lh· pl\·u y i:1•0J So. ,, 1th th1· rd 1.·.1~t· ,,f

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1p1.1hl) \lf' l k B11y, \\ h.11 l d1 ,.1pr,11nlmfn t Th,· di , r h1· t! rn~ w it h K.m· KJ1 1·: 11.1~1L·d for :i. bl.':wh 1n Ne\, Zl'.11:i ml and , ,1ntL nu,·.s w11h "In ~h· C11mm.111d: J ,·.11d1, f"' fl lUTW. :ii ·

1houi; h n,,1 nn,· 11I th, h.md\ hl.\ \ l

"'ill Be Februa r y 12

fl 1CL, from the h,,: ginn in!! of

Gtrb Cluh-' of

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,·alls Th e prnhk m w :h r1• fr1n: 1.I 111 1ln• D1•J 11·, 11ffi ( c Thi.' n1mpla111Jnt clw., c 11, n,,1r n·:,,, duq:\·.,

M.uhC,\ , , nJ L i\t\·G ,n\· 1n ;unck C Murphrl') . Tnl·t~

F11"Vn l'~gr I


fHl rt,


Arl en\· M \\ d1lm.Ln Shan K \\'!l liam \


nuk i ng llJI J,; ,; lnf' pht11u•

s~:~~. Mon1b s

Scott resigns SGA

GJ rn c11 w:i , a r,,rnicr l'.,1:1ch for the W1l·hit:t FJll.s. lnJl:prn Jcnt Sch1 nl 01 ,1nl'. t. pnn~·1p;1 I a l Bnnt l·r T


n H'lhknl of K1\linf',\\ ll rl h lb\l A,"l'l' rJin(!. til the r\'

L1chssa D K \'rtl\Ht, M .!r, II

\\' dka, l ud 11h L \\'lwd,·r

J.m. ~l □


.,ck_,11on rnclud l· a1,,••H,t:mic :ichu:n:mcn l. :-(' rvtl·c lo the c,,r~~un!~Y , ll·,1e.J_c ~~hip in fnnJ uftih~. O~·cn J Hun~n l·,1r:1cu_rrn:ulJr JC li vu iC'~\ :ind ~ • L1 ~a K Jad.: .\ {'ln, pri11.:n tt al

:1 11tl



c11nfinn.,;d h) Lhr '-l'll:ih:


1n 1· :

a1hl ~w al\:i ni:

,11 1h," ..: s,rnµ,; th:i. t just m;i kl·~ ),1u \\Jnt hl run th r,lll ,!:! h a 11.~ld 0 1 pick fl, 1\l\'f'\ 1,r , ,,mi·1hin): By f Jr , tlw hl_-_,1 11::id: lln the alhum is · t 1.Kl..rd Out." lltl' ltlllt' I) C.ltl h) , urhi.::11.

.111J tu ~ hrni,.


Top -IO

,-..,1i·n1w l Th,· dts,· ,·nJi,. wnh ·t o-

1,: ,·llwr ,\l('l nt" · Jn d ka ture.s the ·1,· W:il..:i ll u1J Cuhur.:J I Cr,1up ChC'tl r :inll 1m1k.cs for., l\(:,1utifu l l'uuk. Th is d1 ~l' 1s. J II in nil. prl' II)' nw,1, u\·rc . Jnd l'Jon't think 1hi.: ti;in,l rx-rfonn, d n.!i \\ rl l :1, 1h,•y pMh,1hly cuuld

h.1,·c llll'l l' wa, onl y t' lll' Sl,ng,

· t.r,r k,·J Ou1 : thal I fo unJ m,·s,·lf 1t.,1 L"mn~ to O\'cr :ind ,,\·C"r. .111d ,, lw wants 10 spend S15 fo r one Sfl n{ ' Wuit until

N,11 ,11pn,in!!l~. ln;\,1b l 11 ( Olllt' ~ u u l ,in CJSSC:11(' 1lnu-.r ' /> I Cl\.llllll. h.11mt i11~ s 1n j! h: and you'll so ~c h.i ll:11h ha~,- \\ 1·.1,,· k d tlw1r yi•m, :md ChaJJ J l\11 d\,\'I I ,1 , ,;, h H) KcllJ \\cbh !\ lnhlfJ w:a y ,1n1t , 1h 1, d1 ,;\· \\ 11h p.1111 df ahuu1 SI~ and 1hc 1 \ f hi,.tc nmr. to thi s uni t.1 lhl' 1.h n-r 11 ,r 111 , . - hn, •1 " N:111.-. m ~l y f,l•1· t." Tin r,c1, ~l:111:1r:: in~ Editor .1 lhum 1n 1t.(l'lltircl} ~1uh~ ,·,l l' 111 St:11,· Un, 1\· l:-.1i111b l ·ampu, 1, 11ir, an d .1r:hk n11r dq1 ,11 111u· n1 , 1,1 1'\;,'!!<, I\ )' .. ,111 1\UJ \ t "i1lk ~,· 0 ,1) Pn·\ I\' " 1,1r h1 ~h S\ h,•, •I 1u - \\i ll tl\· ~1wn ,\ lt1 lk ~r d,1) ny q,111 •11 ni i-r, anJ ,\j,_'U \t l l\ will h...· Ft' h ,: ,1 111 ht· ,II Ill 111 ,I Ill Ill 1111• I 11, n P1i:r I App r,, , 1111.1 h·ly Mkl i,.lu • ('~ ( ,l ll l lllll l11 r p .1 r ,• 11h , l k ":ml 1lw \'1'1\lmuuil} d :m·,I th\· 1.: urrc nl nu rS tnl! d,· 11 1., . p,1n: nh .md i:ul·,t, :1t fU LSI.\. i:1nill ~ .111,I ,1.11 1 pr11,·1,ln l S? .Ul.rnlO J nd tlw pr,,1: rJ m J., 1h,·1r n1.1jor. onJ Thi' ll' w1ll .11',, h1· .1lu1!h tt' 11tkJ 1:1\1 ) C,H C.11111 Pi cr,1.1k' lq:1, lutu n· 1, d11pp111 ~ in thl.' Il l'" pro~ rJm will c1 n\y " 'n, :idnnn1.,1r.LII\'\' ;J.\\ l ~I J IH , ~·hli.11 !l rt \' ,11!1 Jll'I II I HII U!'f ll SMill,I MMl fnr 1lw pr,1{!r,1111 in,·r,·.1--c th al numhi:r in~ fr, \m 11 :un 1n I I'm 1n \ JI J . ~\\ \· an: \' \pl'Clin~ flll)fl' "It ,, :i!', a h,nl:! rn1, · , :..." : MSU\ nur~int pl'\ll!rJm thL· fJ Ln Fmr An , (.\· n11·1 1h1i,. ,r.ir • Rmln ~ue/ '- a11J. \\ ill. 111 :111 hkdi hood. s urp.is..,, Thi.' Pn:\ 1nv wil l g l\'l' f1 1}aGa lkry "l'<l likl· 11, np1L'!'>~ our the hu,in c.., \ prngrJ.m in bc, tudcn1.~ anJ 1lwu pJrL' ll l~ thc C,lki:t· t!.1y p:1rtL·1p.1nti,. :i ppr,·ci J1i1•11 111 thl' n •mm u- l'('lmi ng thl' l:irgcst r rogr:i.m nppi"inum1y 111 nwc t 1hc ~·tSL1 will hc :id111111.: J fl\·,· wi th 11i1 y and the k 1:L~l:i 1un.•. " hl' 1,n "·:unrus. Rodn gua SJ.id. flrnl1 y. ,1:1ff. and s11ukn1s thei r 11:1mc I.I!! 111 1lw MS ll ),,. 11(1 S1udrn 1., will OJ\'. t.' I :11 1J ·n\\" lll :L~l\'r llf x" \\'lll'l' IO · wl•·n· 1ryint: to position 1.:iJ y lm\iJns :md tlw lnd1:111 ~ a.m in lh ,· Fa m F111 i.: An s h:i skc1h:ill l:,Lllll' 'i , \·lwdu k d r.1d111h,!! Ll".ll ll'l.:hn11h,.!=)' 1., llH' \,ursdf wht'f\" thc grO\.,th is, ll uild in~ Atrium. Thc pan·nt., "1w:\t sti.:p.~ \V ann!! i,.Ji J , Jn,1 and \\ \' thi nk tho. t area is nL"cd ltl d wck 111 at th,· Clark for 5 p.m :1i1d ? pm wilt. 1f .1ppni\l'd, he lhl' first ht·:11!h ,:arc: RuJriguc:z. s:iid. D,· .Hllllll' Ill RSVP I!> S1udcnl Cc nll' f A1 r111m al 9 s uch pnii;r.nn m lhc n,lllllll. · we mit only llll"Ct a ..: ri tic:il f.i: h. J Tho:-l' nH i: r,-., tl',I Illa) Wuri ng SJ1d over 600 ~Ille 110.:J. it's JOOUISl::tnd ins Ac: ti \' Hk , fo r .'l tu<li: nl :,, contJct Rmhwll .116S'J--l U-l. ~111Jc nt s haw :llrl·,uJy de- Sll"P for lhc univi:rsily.• will rnduJL" tht· l!t"nrral wcl 1·O1111.' hy Dr k .si,.c W. ~ - - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - , Roi; L" ri,., vi ce rr\'\1tk·n1 of :H..':tlklll1 l' :1ll a1r., , ~IUJ l·nt uri EXPERIENCE l' lll:tl1 11n w11h Plullip Rm.line, dl·;in 11 1 ,; tudi.: 111s. Jud ie Smclsl·r. J.~~ h tan l rcj! 1~tr.:ir

Nursing program

SUPPLEMENT YOUR INCOMEI We hove openings for five port -lime quolily p eople

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I O Continuing education I 11.:


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..:.t:\J EJ1X..1ta1n \lr, IU h.• ,:r.ng 2 \ di., ~ \ U J.nlt'I~



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(N•••;:::N,;7;:::'°) ("'"'""'")


P:oceedsbenel,t thoCh,td1011'sMirncioNe~,ork Telethon 01

11RJ 'S ~ ,----°';;,,,;,i;;;a-;,, w~.0 pullru1-1riio1 b

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do.i!ine.o:.m:11UONJ'J:o's. Wc:'rt\lo'l'ning1~tx.'un.lOO.

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Wlk1111F_-~ildl dtrala:t • h • Dlcdcrcqm,.~ ~kcrpml,fn.ai! OY:.


Opm1A twn tdzv. 7dats a11.ttl. 3916Kcq,.bdrinchll<.O!l,eG3idcn_696,('()py




A(JeOt~el------- :j

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Cttidt\¼~~·!"~~:i~p::ir,on II 1600E~hlhStteot

11lo 1, ,,,,, 19 years ard old.!,


llm 100 ..,,. " ' '""'' ,n '"" , 0,



, ,oup .., ~ ;

adval'ICO IOl,nal$

Oualllylng rounds wtll boheld on


Analround wlllbohc,ld on


Solurdoy,Fobru.uy 5, 1994.at10 a.m. ; Saturday, Febru11ry 12,1994,al 10 0.m.


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(Ninle ndo~

@in1e nt1o)

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~!:-111~,c=hi= ta=n===----------------~s~JP~~0-=1.Jfut~s~___________n~,u~rsd~a\l: _"•jJ~•n~\13:! ,;'1!':. ;

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th c hi g mJn Rodcn~ k HJ)' undc: rni:a1h , Jnd hdr irom Chr 1' 0

Sen ior Lincbnckc r rcc ciH•s rare honor

v.:cn~ off lht.: h..·nr h foo 1hJll tl'.m1 ,1:1t11 tJS tad.I ce. ;rnd lil·d for ftrsl In lhc TIAA 1 C"\Citin~ ~ ..:in '-''Ph c.i\'c .:i.nJ a,·c-r.ll!m!! JU-"l m-n 12 laddcs r-,.·r ~:unc ,1.as n:1m,•d lfl th.: s,· Drew Myers 19-JJ D1H,1C'ln II Sc.'1.·,mJ Tc:am All-J\m,·n.:.:1. 1 11 1 1 1h sPorlli Editor JS pb~~~,~ ~ l~;~~n ~~-d st 1. Th l• ~,su l:nJ1 c!\ .m: . A~Ia,·c ~ "'<:nChd1i::cMed, r i mas couniemJn.1,,. mrr1.'.Sfi ivc J.s the ir m~k Wilh1.· Di l_,!h:im c::irncJ Sl',.·,ln d Tt::1111 h1•nt1r!> :mJ m 1952 dinners :di 1hc rm:scnts havC' bt•rn ~! , ci'" \ L:m.·m l\l1h~ins di.I Ilk.· :-.:i.mt· ,,pc nc.:d. an d all the Nl•w 8~· ~ Y · 1}l'r.!i and Lyn n Friw~c-h o th n hon nr:-. 1n /'J 1JJ 11H.·ludc b1 T,·Jm All· Yc.1rs rc.solu11 ons h:l, c lxc n thc'fm.1..,icr lcJd tht· w:i.y for Cl1nft.:ri..' 1H.'t·. di:kn., ih' ~IVP in thr.: 1,·J~ llc. :111d Ac.1dcnrn.· 5 4 mJdt· lJnd Mime o r th ,•ni .. · L.,dy lm..l1 an, ~lwn. .·\II-Confrn·11,,.·t· • a lrt· ::i Jy hro k cn); ., hspunky" plJ y Jnd m1t~u.c .. us_tlc help ,. her r.1d. ur the cont r~n-crs 1:il nJtion:i.l J iSt sts. Bucknus1 1..· r L!n t,.._• Socrcr pla)'crs ~ct National rcco~nition ;\1Sl i fon,JrJ Ju,td Joy 3n rJ ,ll·knckr BrJ <l ;\1ou m1an ch.1mpmn hJs b...·cn nJn1cd tn !-Cc n on the- r,·t·c 1, inl.! cnJ of J C\1lk~c.: foo th:i ll. thi: fig ure r-.1ycrs assis t, Jnd 11:r ih\· p ..t.., 1 h.:i.,e l.x·1.·. n :-dL\.· tcr.l 10 1hc 19~.n Sl~ (lntl Tl·,un r\11 -Amt·n~·Jn ~kJung world hJs t'x:i: n tuml'd two wcd.:s. ha, hrt' n Jnd m1Jfidd1..T 1'. hdud Ouff1n mJJ: the 1h.mor.ihk ~k ntton up51Jc do v.n. CBS ilnd rcro!:n1zcrJ as th t· f\".\ IA li~t. f,">1"'1h:.dl no l1~n1=cr t!O 10g-.: thc- r. Sou tt J11\ h-d 1lw IS-h- 1 lmliJn "'(\l'r 1c.1rn with 1.'\ ~11:1ls :i nd anJ ,\nii:nra 'te:i.rn is h:.ick in \\·1..•c1/"'C"'l P lay,·r ,,f th,· ltl 1s;1:-1.,. ~h1PL-iHJn kJ th ;: ~ ISl! Jl•f1..·11"· 1ha1 p,1sll·d ~ix tht: Sure r 13 (1\l \. \ :-hu11,1w• .1nd :il hm ,•r.l 1u~1 ,~ i_:,,.11.,. l11111'1'•1, in!! ll':lOl'-. A lot h.L, tr:rnsp irc d m the Coac h Jeff R:t) .,nJ hi~ Th1:-. ... th r I Ith C1lll,l'l'l1i1\l' ~,·ar 1ha1 ~1S LI ha~ h;1d :11 p:LSt ml'1Hh :-.1111..· I.! th .a Jolly fot pl.'.l.) ,TS :in· .JUSI J, l' \\' IIIIH! Jil li kJq .. nc pl.1~l·1 11n Pill' nl th,· ,\ ll· Am 1.·. n,·Jn ll',uns fU)' omi: hl ~--·t· us (I am 1 tJILm f :iliout SantJ Cla us for mr r\!..~hc t11 ,,:.i1d1 a; 1h\ Uurkma stt•r ,;rahs ~\\ :1nl for ~t•rond_ \\erk_ F,i r !Ill' .....-r,ind llllll' in ,I h\ll w,·,·I.: llllll' r~: n mJ. Sl..' Olllr thCl:O-t' wh~ do nnt know whi."l ~ ll y ~ \ Hmt. Go h1 J t,::J.tn\' Jnd l Lynn l1u1,.l.m:i:-.1n ,·:mwJ th ,· t11•1w1 ,,f Nt\ lA Di n s.ion I lht· JO iiy IJ t guy 1:-. l. l-,ut It 1_, \c..."l' fn r ynur~df Thai 1~ lht: ,11,r, ,•n 1h\· s,,uih,\\'.o.\ Ri'l!l\lfl ,, 1 ,111\·n·, RJ.,l..t·1t,:ill Pl.1y\'r (,f1lw Wl.'d:. um\· h 1~c.:1 hal'k in th._· c\,llct;L' 1'1.ir rn t-=- 1j1 f, ,11 r ~Jm r , ll\'l'f live 1.b y , Buc_kn\J:-lcr ~w,n~ of lhm g~ hn\· on th..: ~por~'- .\. .."\'n1,.• hL·f\' .1·1 ~ISU . ~1Sl 1 ..·.1mpu'-, which m t·.im 11 t1,.•nm s:. golf. Jnd tr.:i. \·I. .11,· 1u,1 :J\"l'Llc'.l'J rw:irl y :!~ p fl tnL'- ,1 ~anh· . sh,11 fi \ I q tn,m thl' nn\\ ~c111n~ und,·rn :1, 11 n tii:IJ. :ind ~r:1 hb1.· J :11 n:h i ,ur1tl, tl11 J.1 n IJ :>p 1n:-.1 ~bry• 1:-. t inh· I ll ~ct h;ick to ~1 SU pcct th ,•<ii:i.;- thn·t• sp, ,ri, hl "c I l.11,ILn n:i, l,11 Bu,·1.111.1'1\"r r111 l! •gl' thn :I p:1d:.J ~L· !h:ll ~r on~ Jlbl as 1·x1..·111n:= ..t.." t•J o.kt•1h.dl 1 1.: 1,n, 1,il·,I 1, j 1ll r ,1111 1... ,1 rch1•t11HJ.. . 1111(1.· :-.1,::1h anr.l lnu r Round h:.ill i~ th._· hm :-.p,lrt I woulJ li ~e l u ,, ,· k ,nnc .:11 :i:,., 1-.1~ n\m t1n lhc (: ::i mpu!i Th i. · mi..·n uf you h:id , ht \ 1SU :i tH1 I ,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __,. ::in J \ \1 1mrn ari..· in th:.- midJk hope all oi ) ,1u h:i w .1 1,: ,1,,J oi l\\ 1) r, 11.. k.1n· 5-t::t.~,, ns \\1th 1 1 th eir ..- ~\· , ~1,.•t o n hJn~in c. ~~~~%~1~n:~ ; h~? ~ n~~~~} ;in uthi..· r hann c- r fro m thC :i.nJ c , r11,·nll·n1 1.\t k :i:-.1 1h.·nu, "•' r.11\°1 JU :- t nmcan Liz Ri d 1:,rclson Coli., ..·um C:l' tlm!..! srorL, \\ill 1-x•' ) ,1 11 r-.1· l h •,; w ith 1h.11. \\'e JU." I Sptirts l-lt·pt,rtl·r Tlw m1,.• n :m.· it•J hv the {\\\) • Drt' \\ . ~ r,rrJ11.· t 11, 11 Tlw L.1J } lnJ1.in ~ :H\' n,·l'd 1,, pl." ,,d i :111tl hJl ,I 11 no . Jun 1Cl r. R1)hcn R1n ~o a nd :-.::n h,r Ban Co,, 1-,ny~ :n c g,, ml= 11 1 ,, :il l. spJrin~ 1111 n1w 111 lhL·ir qu.-,1 l', •11111w,· 111 i:.,·1 h,· th'r \ Vl• 'rl' 8 1,.•:i.., lc~ Bc- li t·,c II or n.:x . 11 :ill t1 \1·r Buff.: 11' :i ~ J in 1111, l o dr1\ ,. h 1in1c 111 lh \· n:illon, d OP [ 1x·alm s ~I t J II ) 1: I. ~II \\t' 1:-n '1 th: 1r hJ!d h..'J d~ lhJt hJ\'l"' ~e:tr ii ,h11 ulJ ht· 1~1:ri.. , 1mg pvll st,· r.- th .111 h1,.• ~- dn ,fn,· th\· kn o\\ \\l' 1.· .111 Ix· .1 \\·r y !!11l1 d hl s,•1..· h11\\ man , p, mt .. , , l. rc.,r,.·rt ol J l•'P 1.111k. inf! 10 thl' ll".1111 LI \\(' \\\lfk h.irJ CJrn ..·d lht· lnd 1:i n, to a 11-7 l'lhlll\.'. h . N •\l ,\ T~•p . : s p,•11 r1,.•..· 11id R1 n~\, f'l\"t: :- Cn.ich t·an r ,1m'" ur \\ 1thCo•..,,:h1w'- h ' ~1 Sl' hJ :- w,1n ,·1i: h1 tin J.tn 21. 111 1hr L:1Jy G,·r:i!J Sl l' -.:kti'O Sfl l"L'd :md Bill , • 11i :-. lrJ1 Chl i:'.Jllll'' · 1-l o l 11., I.L,l lmh.111' f1r.,1 1di..·v1s,· d !=,IIHl' . qu 1r kn..:s.:-. to hi:- ofic:n ,;:.: and ( In J sk~pcr ' 1 16 ·~11Jwi.:sicm \\J:-. r:rnkl·d ~l1 J\\ l· ,1nn \fU<ii:hed St c xr1t cmt·n1 tCl h1, d1,•. frn ~c ~ (\ . I~ Ill thl' 01, l!'- ICl n I r n· · ~l.1ry\ U111\ l'r, 11 y. 1-ih-51-i . J t B.:J...\ I\· , ·s. :.:,pcni..·n ..·c !..!n·c., tlw :-.:..•J., un To p ~5. hu1 id l 1,111 111 lJ L Ll c! Pn Ct1 l1:-cum. , inhc.: 1h ·•1 ;:,tra , nml·i hml! on the p,1\1 .1fta n:i m1\\ t·arly S,·11i11r, Lyn n U11ckm:i., 1cr 1hc l\l Urt 1Thc 1r h.:i. ld h~·.::id,; :-.c J., l,n hh .'-1..':-. l11 Nu 5 South · and Dill kd 1hc Trihc w11h 22 Jr..· iu, t J h1, nu!-) ,,e~t,·rn OklJh1•mJ StJ ll..' , N<1 and 11-i pt1111I!> rt:s p.:t·11,·cly Rinf! O anJ R,·a... k ~ al11 ng 11 Sllll lh i::1:-.ll..'1"11 01.la hl)O\J Sc11H1r p11111 1 ~u.ml ~1inJy St:11,· . Jnd Nn 16 Ph1 ll 1p, ~ f )l'r:-. \\,lS th t· C1n \y o thn ll ni ,·t·r:-1t,• LJLly ln\li:111 in douhk litul\.'.., ~we -'- h11uld he 1J nked. wnh 1.l 1101111.-. and ;i g:11nc100," said :,;c n1or Em il y Dill. l11 !_.'.h fi h' :L,'i: ISL\. JJn . :!5 ~h llwi..·.'tt'm hq,~an 1h \· 1r nu\·i:11 thri:i: c!:une rn.11..I tnp \\ tl h :111 1mpr\·ss1,·c , i(- . ALASKA SUl'l1lltER tnrv u,·c r Nr\ lA D1v1s11rn II E~TPL0\1\tENT Thru Jan . Nu~ .i rank.t·d T :1rk1on S1atl..' . In f1she r1 e s Man y l'arn RS -70. Jl Wi sdCl m Gy11111J • $2000•.' mo in CWlllC n s or :-.llllll .




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Ho1 '1'rl Nln~o l:1kr!- u jump tlurlni,c 1hr Wr~ltyan.

a ■ nw

Phoro/BranJon OU/J

Frld:1y o~bn\l Tu,u

Men Lose Tight One Uy Sp1.·nccr Frkdl Spor ts Reporter On Mond a\' 'nit:h l MiJ"·cs tt: rn S1a1c ·1ook~d hl !!O J.n nn 1h,·ir current home :-. land h>: h(_1~11n~ Ta rl et~ n S1:1t,· ll ni\"cr.;11 y "hu CJme in ,,·ith an 6-9 n:-1.:orr.l. Th t· g:i mt: was ll!! hl thrnuglwu t wit h t\ fSU :-.i.:,· ming ly 1n cont rn l the who k w:1y The lnd1:1n~. h,•w..:,·..:r. Cl•uld Olli IJnd thc k1h1i.:k ou t pu nr h as the Tt·xans l':-.CJpl·J with an 8078 viclnrv Thl· ind1a 11s s:1ar1,· d f:ts1 \\'llh :in L'l);ht prnn t le:i d lour m111utt·~ in to the g:.:. mi: to Ol J ~t.:

th e

Sl'11 Tl'

I0 - 2 .

TI1cy woulr.l nN hnl d th e lc;iJ for lone as Owens gJvc

MSU the 1cjd JI halhimc by nai lin~ a 1u mper with time rnnnm g mu 111 mJkc !he score JS- .~7 Rc.bliunding w:is. ~le key tn :-. t:irt tht· sccClnLI hJ lf as the lnrJiJns wac l!l'tlini; s.econd, tht rJ . Jnd even fourth :,;hole. at lhc ha skc1 ,-.·ith Rcxkrid: thy ;i nd E.J . Collins eonuolling 1h,· o ffen sive g13ss

The lead wen! back and for1 h 1hroughou1 the second h:1 lf anLI w:ts dt·ad lClc kcd at 78 wi th one minu ll! 10 pl.:!y. Thi: Te xa ns player.I 1ough ddcn sc hy shuuin!! down MS U's. o fli: nsc and with : 11 k fl. th e lnr.11;.rn s fou lc.d ft.·kCormick who c:ilmly huri e<l two frl!I! throws 10 give lhc Texans the lea d, 807S . MSU sti ll h3d a chance o..s Rohen Ringo was 'foule d wi1 h :06 10 go hut mi ssed two frl.'l' throws. Afler a Walke, rL•bo und and a foul. he faill!d lll nai I the door sh ut on the lnr.li ans but J Collins 3pointer wi th :O I left was block..:d to prese rve the vic1ory for TSU. The Ind ians were lcr.l in

Ddc11,1\Tly. MS U WJS 11m ph all nwm r TSU t1, sn,n: s..:vc n poin t, 111 the lirsl ei l! ht n11n111e:-. 11( the g;unc. ,\ dunk hy Ti..· x.1 11 , gu.1 rd , C hri :-. G1 ,·ens seemed 10 c..:1 TSU on 1r ;ick · o ffensi vd ) · as th,· Tnans cut MSU 's lea d to one . The Indian!> wo11\J n1eml th i..•ir k :tJ hy 3S muc.:h as ~eve n poin ts. w hen C hri s Owen~ hit 1wo free throws lat\.' in the; half. hut two dunks hy Scan Walker anr.l ont· hy Eric Al k n ga ve.: TSU 1l11.: momentum :i.nJ ~ave th em thdr lirst k ad of the:: g;.irnc.: at scoring hy Paty's 18 poinLS 37- 36 with I: 11 lcf1 in the with Dart Beasley anLI Hay chipping, in with 14 apiece. half. Givens !er.I Tarlt.!ton State wi1h 29 poinL'i while Walker contrib uted ~5- Midwes1c.:rn State foil s to 12-7 on the year while TSU improves 10 7-9.

_., -~. ·•-<t

u,,--,,,,.._._ _ ,.._

MSU's next game will he Sa turd ay aga in.'i.l Wa yland lloptisl in Plai nvie w. T..:xas. ll1c Ind ians m:xt home ga m..: will be Monday. January 3 1 aga inst Ok lahoma C ity.

Needed! Sclf-mot 1vntcd, o rt:: am zcd


md,vulual to J ist.ribule nd ,-~rti.se mcnts on oollegccam-

pu~ As ::in AMERICAN cum• pus rep, "o rk fo r yourself,

set your own hours und cnrn GREAT income! No selling

involv£'d. For more mforma· tion . c, 11 1~qoo-YOUR.J OD or write : AMERI CAN COl.r I,EG JATE ~IARKET ING. 41 9 Le nlz CL, Lansin g. MJ 48917 .

Our exdtlng new menu features wonderful new ::.:..:.'.:1'- dishes as well your ~:old favorites. •


Bring your friends for TIME OUT every day from 6 p.m. when you'll find HAPPY HOUR HALF PRICE . COCKTAILS, HOUSE WINES and SI.OD DRAFT BEER.

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1..-w,l VISA•/WSTERCARDf' Crnlll CnnJs c,ppro..-etl lmmcdlattly, 1001\'t OUAAAHTE EDI


ADDRESS - - - - - - - - -CITY _ _ _ _ _ STATE -Z1P -


s •rnnEN'I'? !£L.._!!Q._ S.S.• - - - - --

SIGNA11..J11E - - - - - - - -- tern:- MnurCard '* • "Cb''"n-d lnck-n.l\ d ' '"-- '' • ~icn-d tndt1uol1o


MatnOoJd 1,.m,,1 "'".t 1,./iic. a.rd \151\ lnl!; nwllo, w.l

ti \'\Sf\ UM

j t U§i:h-1 1•1·0·113-PI Joi

li+t 0



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'Ki......Americar15.~ Tuer . . ........... _ _ e&! ...._

,_ '

1•,~..- b

Thurwo ·,

lu11110 ·

1•. l')I) I

O' Dell, Jackson; Senior Exhibit Opens Priday A ll l l jll.'llil\~ n.·,•q11 11 111 1111 l\\ ll \;('11i,11 nl11l\11 1!1m ,1111I ,1 ,r1111 l'.\ l11h11 ,qfl l"i.' at ~ p 111



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t,.h·hd ,ir l' I full' :u 1,

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All l·,l11b11, ,lh i.~, .111,t ,1rvn 1, , th,· pulih,

!J\l,' 11 1111·11'1, II J , kl'll1;1 ll l' S

I uhht K' L ( 'l1d1,ll ,111 . 11111111.: , ~

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•1 111



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