RolNll' The Men's basketball 1eam boasts an 18-2 reco rd and a No 8 ranking 1n the nation as ii prepares 10 finish conference play Page 6
"Varsity Blues"
New Game Plan
This movie e,plores the myth of high school football mTe,as Page 5
New MSU football coach Lynwood Ferguson shares his plans to make lhe Indians a Lone Star Conference contender Page 6
:_.y 27, 1899
Vol. n, Issue 14
The Student Newspaper ol Midwestern State University
:senate opposesreorganizationplans 1
Administration says faculty plan would be too costly, would not fix problems 1 1 1 1 '.~~m-,~il~~~~'.; p~~~,·:~:,· ,:·,,,~;,- ,;:~::,:;:'1'.;~ '.'1',~:,·1~: "i ,1'.::'~;:,;~;1; :::::: :,::c,i::.~p'.::,;,c1 t:',';::1i:::~i"l,',';;;;:,t1':,'.:1 k~::'\,'.'.' ~::,:'.: ;'..;; R ~~~:;,,;;, ::~'")~~·;;g·:
JASE~~,~~~:~C_E -
\\'0uld ~·omhml' min lhl· Cn!ll·~i: ,,i L1hl..'r:1l An ,
1l1l·t, . hl· ,:ml ·" h llhl' ,'ll!Tl'lll ,1 ru,:1u1\·l 1111\'.ht be .1 t-,·1-
ah1,111 h:t\'111 £ l'q u:il '. llH' ~~ 111 1hr admin1,1r:i11, 111 :i, ., nwn1h1.·r 0! :1 l:1Tj,'.l'I n 1 lkgc
'~~~ ', ,:::;,,,~;
largl' numht·r nf n1lkgl·~ .. Rc1ccr~ ~aHI ii would Ix• diffirulr to ohtain
~~i~~;;:;~fi~~ t:~ ~:i:i~i jJ~ii ;il~itl~t~~~il}t;~ ~1;;~1:;l~I~;;~ 1
::::~~-1~~ ~~~:\~-~·~::t'~~,: ~~::; l~~~:~ ;: ~1l~·::/ :1~1~: ~':.~~~- ~~~:~1-~~\'::~;·n~.};::.t~~~~:~.:it1h~ff~~~! lra_~~~r money ough1 10 be ,uppor1 ing L•1 ,·1c11, Jtx1u1 the rt•qru,·nmn~ \l·~: :~1~,(~:1~11~e;~:;;:f~1~ : ~ ~ ~: ~ :l:Ii~~\ : :~~;1;~~:~;,;;~· :~~111:::::1::f1~ ~- ~;::1~\:~1~:t:~~ ~:~~~~'.i~~~~/1 ~~1~;~~~~\ ~~!r~-~~;I~~~; 1 1 1h 1 , 11~~: \~~~-~•~z ~1~\~~l; l~~:~1• ;,~~l~ ~ ,': ~ :::i::~.t~1~t•::~~:,!:'.' rl~·:";::1:;~,1:::;'.:; 1,:'.1t:: ikt;:..1.~~~,•~-~uld lllll ,lt•;1I wi1h gradual(' pro- ~~~7 11~~~ ~i:~t~;·~c~~~I ~~~~~~•ay. lll d O:l\ul Tu('kt·r. J~,,,i.1ll' pmfr"•'r ol m.llh. \\\'fl' ,,1,m,·d .1t-->n111 till' llllll'rl :11n11c, ,,f !!r:11 th. l·r,nr um:n1 cnrollrnenl or dis1:mcc Roger~ <.a1J he and Rodriguez wilt consid'·11ul·k,·r n01t·J 1hJ1 1hc cum·n1 ,1rn,111rl· ~ ~~T'.: ~1:~.1~,;;:::11~'.~::::: ~~-1 1~~1~ :i/~~:;;,~~~~:: ,·J~:·~:::i~ ;~e:r~/~;~l·. Prt•~tdc111 Louis J ~~e~~-:11 ~~1 ~~~~~1 r;~~;~~n~~li~:'· :~:r/~~ g1,t·, ~I SL ' .'om,· :idv:1111:i~,·, .ind rl·dun· , ,,,,uld l:111;,·l~ kfl up Ii' 1ht' 1k:111 R11d n ~Ul'
fr~~~~i!~~n~f thl' FJ,·u l1 ~ Sl·nall· npri•,~1-d
11 ,
1 1 1~;
n ,nfl ,,1 bc1,1t·cn fJc ul!, :ind th,· .1dn11n1, ll':l ·
·11 \ h:ird
1111.· It•
, ·1•1t11· <'ll l 111
l.11 1•1 Pl
7 , ,11d h:1\'lllf nine colkg,·, woulct MSU
Rt·g,·nls 111 Fehrn:iry
111.111y f,11
Wood gives to Midwestern, community
Retro Night
ing :inJ cooling sys tems. and a h:indk::ip-:ii.xc"ibkr::nnp. The Di\'i ~ion of Fine Arts has
Copy Editor
,,,/.he·~ a genumely geneniu, perFin,·
~~for~•-n~~~~);~~ :;1\~:~~:-h~~n~;~
Direc tor
Jon:111011 w:i~ i11qrument:il in build-
~-~'.:~1~,~il;tl~/ ahou1 bc nt.'fac!or Minnie
int~~:t~~11;r'~ii~~~~~ISD~~i'll~~mchl• I re mem ber, lhl' ('O!hlrul'lmn of the huilding :rnd the probkms till' di\'i-
ha~~~0::~\td1~~~,r~:rd~t~~~e;~<i' :~ lion, uf \lotlars 111 ,uppC!rt Mid-
si~· ~:~!1~1~:t~ ~e~vt~,~~\ coming here when the hutlding w::i, undci-
\\'l'Sll·rn. Through the year, she ha,
~:s!~l'!\~~:~}J\~'t~r;~ .~d~a~~r~:~
menll·d variou.,. Ulll\'Cr~i ly pwgram.... anJ .,upplied ,cholar,hip funds Hcr late st rnn lrihu tion to ihe ,chool wa, a SI million gift in Novcmlx·r 1r1 esiablish lhl· Minnil' Rhc:i Wood Ht':ihh ScieiKc Srhol• ar ... hi p Fund . She said shl· chosl· ihi., :lrl':l 10 Jon:iic 111 "becau,e of ihc need imd the !!()(xi it will do fc,r lhe rnrmnuml y. T-hcr,· ;ir,· ~o many ~Ill· dent s who :ire unabk 10 afford ihe fee" ;rnd wou lJ oc un:ibk 10 :i l\end otherwi-.e."
(lhl' tine arts cenicr was bu ilt) WC wen: Se:1111.'rl' d all O\l'T l':tmpus:· Ht'IN'hcl ,:1id the lhl·atrl· dl·p;irtllll'III h:,d 10 shan· .·\km Auditorium w11h lhe mu:-ie dl·p:1n me11t. BecaU'-C of 1h1,, :ind hct':w,c the scent.'J'\' shop w:i.s in the garagt· of what i"s now lhl• Uni \'er, ity Press building . scencr\' had In Ix- slorl·J ou1side un11l fie:ht befort· a J>1:rfonnancc · Spi,:l.'ch ·and 01hcr fine ans d::isscs w~·rl'. ,queezed in ;1rnund r ampu~ where\'l'f 1hcr~· w:ii. room Wood ha~ sint'l' become the presi-
Retrofashions made a temporary comeback Saturday night as the MSU Indians took on Abilene Christian University. D.L. Ligon saw its first sold-out crowd since the early 1980s, and lhe largest
crowd of the 1990s. The women won 88-78 in overtime. The men posted an 88-75 win, dropping ACU from its No. 19 ranking. Photo by TeanneNe Miller
Midwestern student, 19, dies in auto accident over break from injuries sustained in an automobile accidcn1. She wa~ 19. . Krahl, a sophomore pn:- pharmaceut1eal major, was a member Clf_ Student Ambassadors. She :i lso rece1\'cd the Presidentia l Leadership Scholarship. Spectrum Scholarship and ~:iny others_. "She' s going 10 be missed,.. _ said ~beny Kingcade, di rector of alumm relations and adviser for S1udcn t Ambassadors. ''l1's sad. and we were just in shockwhen wcheard." I<rahl of1cn volun1cered for ac1ivi1ies as a member of Student Ambassadors. Kingeadesaid. . "For her 10 make that kind of comm1t~ nt was a lot on her part," Kingcade said. "She was pos itive . depend::ible and
Krahl was employed at Park Pl::iza Pharmacy She graduated from Windthorst High School :is el::iss \';1lcdictorian in 1997 . In high school. she receiwd a numbt:r of honors and panici• pated' in many ex liaeurricular aeti\' itic~. Krahl is sur\' i\'cd by her parent s, Richard and Evelyn of Scotland , Texas: 1wo sisteCT-. Debra H::ielm of Archer City and Leanne Curtis of Iowa Park: and a grandmother. Katherine of Wichita Falls. She was i.:ngaged lo MSU studeni Tony Grogan of Wichita Falls. A scholarship fu nd has been established in her memory. Conlributionscan be sent to Norwc st Bank. Drawer A. Archer City. Texas. 7635 1
~~ ~~uc~: th~h~ou 1~; ~:~onFih~ ~;~l~~na 1
11,. ;t~i~ai:ri~~~;:~11~::::j 1~~c~i~rsit~ 1: :mlkipaies be ing able 10 gi\'e srholarships drawn fro m the interest on 1hc gift thi., fall scmc ... icr. " \ fn;I sure there wi ll be ;m increa,e of ~tudcnb in my depart• ml·nts." Spor1sman said. " h'" a won-
$2 million endowment for the division in 1992 . ·n1e gift ha~ helped fun d art e.,hibit1ons. thcatt•r prudurlion~. con<.' l'ns. rel·i1a] s :md numerou~ sd1olarships. Ac,·ording 10 Fis~·hli, the imacst
derfu l opport uni ty. and we·re very
: ,~~~~~n!;~rl~:i,~h~0:~. ~ "i, ~~~~
apj~c~.~~i~; r.. reccnt gift. Wood and
vidcd approx 11na1cly 60 students
her daughter Manha Shores providcd funds ]:isl spring for the rcno\'ation of Lamar Fain Hall. which 0 1 ~-~~s~~o;t ~~~\~de~h~~;e::~<l:t~o~ ~~1 chair lift, new rt•.~1 room~. new he:il-
Sc·~i°~~~:.~t~·agmc where we wou ld
811 WIied III Page 4
Session light on higher ed issues JASON LAWRENCE
Editor in Chief
MSU student Kristy Krahl died Jan. 14 enjoyed doing the \'O]untecr work .'' J
Tax,·u1s.publ<l auewnm!.lilut ion lop lheagcutfa of the 761hTe.'(as Legislatu re
~~;/ ,;ii~'.
but higher education issues seem few .and far between . Wh1k the Lc 2islaturc
1 ~~~~·,f;re ad;~:~i,? Midwestern Sl at e Prc~idt:nl Loui s J. Rodrigua said thi s i-ession could hun the sto:ue ·s universities and eollegt:s. .. I' m not vt:ry optimisti~ about
the ~t: S\ in 11 :.i.,. f:iras Midwestern and hi gher eJucation arc concerned.'' Rodriguez s;iid, "but it\ still veryearly in the game." Thl· Leghl:iture is likely 10 foc us on e~lahli shing more " n::igship univcr~ i1ics," which arc geared mort: toward graduate programs. Rodriguez said. These univc rsi1ies would be fo\·orcd in thl' budgetary process: hunmg. smal~er. 1e::ichmg instuu 11ons hkl· Midwestern "lnadc-qu:ite funding is a big conctmform(•." hes:iid. The Lcgisl:iturc docs :1ppear likely 10 provide more funding for fin:11Kiul aid programs and scholarships. "I think things there i-i:em tu be moving in thl' right di rection," he said
Midwt·stem seems safe. at k:is1for thcmomcnt.from lcgislation requiring the university to be incorporated into a state sys1em. like the UniversityofTcx::is system or the Texas A&~·! sys1cm, he said. Allhough both s1a1e representatives from the Wichita Falls area Democrat David Farabee and Republican Rjek Hardcastle-are entering their first tenns, Rodriguez said he docs not think that will hun Mid1Ves1cm. But he said it might take them a whil e lo work through the process :ind_make a major impact on k gislat 1on. The politicaJ realities of Texas poli1ics could work to Mi<lwc-stern 's advantage, fl;fahad Flavin. professor of
politkal science. said FarJbee. 1he son of o. respected former state scn:11or. is ::i lready fomil iar wnh the Legislature's leaders. "The leadership down there will beeognitive of the foci 1hat ht: is one of the up-and-coming stale leaders." he said The Republic::in pmy wants a majority in the st:ilc: house and will concenlf'Jle on helpi ng its members pass legislation that is most imponam to their distrir1s '' In the Lcgisla1ure . 1he Republi~·:in party wi ll have work\•d with Rid; Hank:ii-tk• 10 gethimcffe.:tivc::iides,'' hl·said Aide~ arc imponam in the legislative pr01.:ess lx"'-'llllsc of all th,· behind-lhl•-secnes work nccd,•d !o cct lcl!islatitm oasseJ
VIEWPOINTS Former editor returns for second try at running paper rm l;l:t,.· \.. It \ ~""C'n Ju,1 C'\L·r l cmcl· I , :uJ l <' hdl \\ u h "' en lh1m: . n:- •1 1?nc-J .1, l·J1 11,r N. nir n7clurn~. J.nd- trJ.n , frm·J 10 Tnl" Tech .
So here I am again. spending Sn ha" 1 am ~gain. ,pi.·ndmg m~ my Tuesday Tlh:sd11y ni gh1 , cltm~ cold p1zz:;_ nights eatin g wntmg amck·, and b ~ In f out cold pizza. ~ .-\ nd I ,, ouldn ·1 haH· 11 l n ~ olhL·t wri ti ng articl es :~:~:~' i",;',~1,:d and la) ing out fl'v. tn mJ \..L· .:hlm::C', \h tir,1 , , pages 11me- :irouOd. I --IOIJII\
,, ht:"rc tht> m,, ,, 3, ~m.·~·nt'r II ,,ac tlicr, hm,,·~·cr. th:it I n:JI I ZL·J
no t:r.h, m Lubtxxk
plfCS .
ih1m:. rr·om rcarf":mc1Tle 1hc
C1ftkc 10 bl1ngm~ ,·r,lor 10 thC' fr(lnt
_ _ p:i~c Whil L· m, _N -J-A-SO c-ffom 1h1, um~-
.ll'cn't that Jmh1 -
EditO( in Chief
~~~'.:r1\-~011~~r~ 1
the nc\,· name - - - - plak' and layout ~tvlc
"rhc,c ch:in21> rt"!l l·,·t 1h,· TIC\\ ,t\·le I \\ :tnt - in tinne 1c, Tht n ichmm There \\'l:- no1h mc wr('l nC v,11h lhc p:i.pcr', old \Mk . hUt I \\J~I to take- :i mort· ~nnu ~. rc"-r,:-:tJhk approxh to lhl· JOb th1, opponum1~ I don ·1 han: an~1h1ng 1n prow th,, t1mt.' \\t' dun ·1 h:i,t' to bt· ll;i,h\ or sho\\ t'\1.'l""\ Onl" thJI \\C ~l~nt ht·re \\1.' \I.' j1rc:id~ pro,en \\l··fl· uni.' ,f tht.' bc ,1 college paper,, m thl' ,tatc. 1f not lht" l,e,;i So here ·,\\ ha! ~ou .::in cXpcl·t th 1, "-C mestc r • ln tcrc.~tin~ . in-depth an1(lc,
Thc,c arc lht' ~acklxmt· oi Jn\ tood nC\\s:papc-r We won·1 JU-I tC\1- ~0U ,, hal h:ippcn'- . hut wc ·11 ~we you the '101""\ hchind 11 • \ 'anc1, Ynu m:l\ haH' nNKed a fl'\\ tl"t!ulJr feature{. hkc- Prf'fr,.~or Pni iik·- and Orgamz:i.11on Sp<'thghl. ar.:n ·1 m 1h,, 1"ul' ThJi', b<..·~·:iu,e 1, c·,c dcnded to ,0,·cr rc:il c-,·cni, 1h;it h.1ri:'l:n. ,ind not JU't ,mte :ibout JU ,t 1\ hc.x·, er happen, to 1'i.' on \·:i.m po, • ls,uc'- 1ha1 mailer 01·at hc next ,cme'-lc r. ,,c·11 cnn·r 1,,w:, th::u rc:i lh mJtll'r 10 colk!.::l' -.tudl'llh BU1 dc111·1 Judgl· 1i, JU~l on th i, fir<-t ed1110n w r·rl· ;.id] tl""\1n1; 10 cct · ~ 1hmc'- undrr l-ontrnl It-might takl· u, :i , t,upk e-d1110n, ll• h11 our croo,eBut {lnc~- v.c d0. ,ou·11 look fo r":nd to 1.'\CI""\ WcdnC~d.n. \\hen vou CJ.II p1d: ur· a II('\\ cd1linn of r1i ..
Students adapt to th e foul smell th at lingers in the library entra nce.
Y2K computer conspiracy
Uid111mz f..n1, ri·,1 cc n a Jcr11or mass n• mm11 •w1?11m1 , ma1or (mm 8 1c r{
Viewpoints Editor
Are you having personal problems and have nowhere to turn? The Wichitc1n might have the answer for you. Beginning in the next issue The Wichitan will be providing a personal advice column. 1. You have a problem. 2. Get a p~~e of pc1per and write it down. (Write legibly please). Be descriptive, yet te1steful, in describing your problem. 3. Write 1.our first name and age. 4. Slip at into an envelope anc:I send it to Tht Wichitan via campos mail. 5. Two psychology students in association with Thv Wichitan will respond to as many questions as possible. 6. Rtc1d the viewpoints page to sn if your CJUestion has ~,n answered m Tht Wichitan.
3410 Taft Blvd. Box 14 • Wichita Falls, Texas 76308
~ t~::~~~
the staff. s1udents, faruhy. Administration or Board or Regems or Midwestern
S1a1e Universi1y. Firs! copy or the paper is free or charge: additional copies arc SI. The Wichitan welcomes leners of opinions from s1udcnlS, faculty and staff submitled by the Friday before intended put.icalion. Leners should be brief and without abusive language or J)C'rsonal auacks. Lcncn; must be 1yped and signed by the wriler :ind mdudc a telephone number and address for verification purposes. Lenm will be e.di!e~ for grammar onl y.
Then a new par1 come~ ou1 and sa\•e~ dJy. Milli ons of crazy people rush 0111 buy the pan . paying way loo much for and have it ins1a\lcd on their eompulc~ soon as possible. The people so womed aboui suppo<,;ed comt
~~~'.~'.2,~''.,'.,,~"'.~~ My opinion is that threat of'" economic
the change wasn 't
just acc identally forgotten
~~tbi~cy:'!td.'..' WO")' that th<y JC
~r~:r~~~brng ~j~~~
Starns of JI ~li ; ~~l;/~l~ ~ p; ~~~ ~all me c~ wil l m:-ikc :1 lot more _ __ _ _ _ _ _, ' but I Just don ·1 money on the se magic par1 s that in,.!antl y fix the transition how mil lions of in telligent people c O\'erlook such an i~ponam as_pcct, uni~ of the yc:ir~ in the compu1cr'~ memory Th in k about it. Slip major ncwsp:ipcrs money has somcthmg to do wnh it the 1ir about the year change. and within a rnaller of months. everyone in the United S1a1c, is worried about what wil l happen 7il~ay is a jwrior ed11catio11 major /rtfo 10 thl' econom y - and other industric~ tv,duta Falls. dep,:ndcnl on the computer - and mass hyl,lcria break~ out
'Real w orld' worries can wait
Managing Editor
Th1necn hundred doll ar~ a month 1, what I am c:s;pectmg my hill ~ to amount to once I gr;1du:i1e and mo"e out uf 1he dorms into 1he ·· rc:1l world·· When I am cxrec ted IO gradua1 e? Probably in May 2000 Although I realize I 'vc go1 plenty of 11rnc to prepare for my introduc1io11 to 1hc "rea l world.'" I cannot help hu1 be con!>Umcd by all of the re,pnn~1bili1ics I will be forced to face on a daily ba~i~: rent. hea lth insurance. car in surance. ntw car paymenl :ind lhe 11 ~1 goc~ un. All of thi s j,; compounded with the fac 1 that my parent s will begin to sec me a" an adult as we ll. I wi ll 1hercfnrc be forced to a\'md picking up the phone to ask fo r a few dol lar, here and 1hcrc like I do now. During my en tire Chri ~1mas break. I practically drove my father crazy di!>cussing al_lof the .. whal ifs.. and hypothel• ica l s1tuat1uns 1h:it might ari se upon grndua1ion. as well as much later in my life I had him explain how to figure the monthl y paymcnls for a five -year plan on a $20,000 car. fin anced at 8 pcr(.·e nt with a S-4:.000. down payment. Three hundred 1luny-s1_:s; do\Jars, if you were wonderi ng. Figun ng my future monthly car payments ".'as rcasona~\e. Howeve r_. I got a Iii• lie earned aw:i.y w1th my pl annmg ahead
Editorial Board
Copyright 0 1999. The Wichitan is a mem~r or the Texas lmercollegiate Press :n::h~~c;:;:
f:ic1., Theil' rnuq have hcen a frw people who 1hnugh1 of 11. Bui why put :i. ~imple part in :i. computer 1ha1 wou ld cost the con,;umer 530 e:s;tr:1 on lop of the price of 1he com- ' ' pu1c r., They could i;el around SJOO m 1999
I talked with my d:id for approximatdy 45 minutes about what would be a rc:isonahle ~alary for a liw-in housekeepe r who would only be req uired 10 do li ght daily cleani ng. cook mc:11 s and baby-sit my chil dren . All of this would req ui re I make al least $500.000 a year ' ' in salary Aflcr my d:id enter-
Editor in Chier Jason Lawrence Managing Editor Deanna Doi ford Viewpoints Editor Jennifer Tillery Copy Editor Alisha Ferguson Photo Editor Teanncue Miller Adviser Jim Sernoe
keep remind ing myself that I have It 1h ree more semesters of work 1h:it I ni:n tackle before I start drawing up the bki! prints on my dream house I did not write this column to give :I!! sou nd advice . I obv ious ly do no1 h;we ari 1 jus1 fig ured 0 someone who rei th is might be ;r1i
~1101~~ rlr°~t1~:~ I got a little carried
1 ~:~
\;~ ~~~ofv~~~i~lf1c~uu~1~
News Desk (940) 397-470,I • Advertising Desk 1940)397-4705 E-mail: Website:
The yea, 2000 1, qui ckl y :i.ppro;1ching. ,o ('\'l'ryune bctl('I get rc:idy fur lhl' glnhal melt-down 111:i.(, thr new rumor thal t'- <.preadmg. fo r now 11 sctllb when computer~ were designed. they 11crc pu t 0n :i 100-year ca lendar starting at the year 1900 and endi ng in 1999 Whrn fan. 1. 2000. roll s arou nd. computers , upposcdly won '1know wh:it 10 do I don·t buy imo the whole ,;chcmc. I' ve heard :ill kinds of ~ccn:irios about how our whok economy will be wip,:d out m a maucr of minutes just bcc:iuse our computer~ won·1 have 1hc correct d:nc I p,:rso n:ill y don·1 ~cc the problem w11h compulers thinking 11 1s 1900 when it 1, :actually 2000, but 1 don ·t cl:iim 10 be a compu.1er geniu s. either. t\faybt 1h:i1 wi ll c:iu~e some di s:is1rous Cl'ent. bm thc ri: i~ nothing I can imagine My opinion j, that lhc change wa~n·1 just accidemally fo rgoncn . It' s common knowled ge that the year 2000 wou ld come right after 1999 How could millions of intclligcm p,:ople forget about 1h:i1 one
away with my planning ahead
:ela~~a~:nghc~~ ~~;pa!h~:~ ore! 0
~fs:L':;s:ss:; ~ ~~IJerboa~;d his or her prcp.rl back into reality 1ion for the fu1wt. ' ' he Fort unately. By 1he way. brough1 me along with - - - - - -- is not easy 1o sJ., him "Deanna. plc:ii.e !.low down," he sai d. down. Shon ly after I fin ished writing C u~ing a calming tone as a rnc:ins 10 lilcral - article . I started drawing ske1_ches slow me down . ··vou·ve got plenty of bridesmaids' dresses . Who is getung ried, you ask? Heck if I Lim~ ~fore you have to make any of these dc~•~1ons. espec ially. how much you arc gm ng to_pay a po1en1ial hou sekeeper." He ex u~d the !iving room, leaving me to ponder his adv ice. I laughed. lung and hard. He i~so right. Even though my first two and ;1 half year.~ of c_ol lcge have nown by Dolford is a j,mior mass :ind the nex1 yea r wi ll too. I ~till have to communicatioris major from San Amor-'
Reporters Nick Bagherpour Cindy Bell We ndy Garfinkle Dave Gunnell Dawn Hens ley Jennifer Herre ll Joe Russell Photographers Devon Baker Lindsey Huffhinl' s Masako Miura
Gra phics Artists Adam Chavez Keith Myers
Advertising Reps Chris Jones Donna Payton
Circulation Manugtr Man Humphreys
Website Coordin11lor Adam Chavez
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/1 ,, Umi:rr E.1,1,·, Al ,u, K1;·hi>la, ~hJnc E:11111:in, ,\ mt,,.., Jill l l.n , c.1 r-,l ul~ ,. l.1 ~:1 M1 chdlr hrt,\u!Pn . Sharrn on Lynn l':1rn•h He1 che, . Al i,on ll mi:ick11,· fon1.1111e l.)d)o1,1h k o<lyn fo,J . 1 Ue crl1 ·\uJnna I rJnc". O:l\ 1J Akun,k, l·,1. S:ua U i1:11't'1h l'u<,;"O. Sara Li1.e11,· C:,ll3i;hcr, R(><,i linJ:i ll imi ~r, n Ga mhrr,
·r ihc [)r:in., L1~l. a sludcn,
'r,,~1.J.:1 kit' :, ~,•mc~ll'r schcduk· fl ,,1~_ 1; hour, wi th nu grade
To makl' thl' JI 10: r1n A 0 ,id 1~,. H,,nor Roll. :a ~,udcn,
:i rts-11·
kh: :1
scmc,ll'T ,l·h_cdule
,1,,1111 ~, hllU~ w11 h ;1 minimum
' ;l(~:: 1/ 3wr:igl' 0f 35 :ind no 11 1 :·~·~,~~~ :-~L;~c r~·qu1rc111cnt ,•cour..l·_s m dc,·clop•
B,,nn ,c Darlene JC'hnion G1urrn . Merl yn Mat:JJkne Got-Joo. s u,an I " 111 Gam ion
~ l~
in Engh~h and ma1h
In addition . not have :1 ~.:-mc~tcr or NC .
~~[~\l~;_1:~t'::.:ih~:'J.rn~~'~(}::J9t!t\i .~ .i,~~hn~:: t u~'.~ ~t1::;1:.:
Wilh:1n1Car- ~r. Steph.1n1r ,\ b1, nl('," ann,J ·\11nJ CJthninr t •"rcr Bran,h C.u lcn f"aihn . Tcr- n \l:11 ,, ., Ch:,mr,.,, I I.Jo T•u Ch:,n,.-\nn.1 l br11lr1('1'!,1 r,h ui:hh.111, fl r:,ndor, Paul Chu,,· Jnd •\d:1n 1 \ k n~ C'h.1"·, ·\ !<, > 1 ' 0~.,,J f. Jo h • Lllc- rl.J,' u, , [),_l\ J I Rct1e.1u Ch,1Jrc, , Jr Clirr,,np hcr D:le Ch,,,. .,.>d fa.,on Chn <1o, phcr CIJA I m,11l Annl /lfan c Cl:iut.-1, ltl<'' Onlr CliM, •\m , Jean Co le , l)inn nr lnJIIJ C,,k C-nun n,·~ Ra~, O •r11ptun \111 , hc ll l l wm a, Cnmn~
., ,._.
, ........ u
Ibl e~ :\I.,,. KJ1cn l\'1u•lc ,\t.:-hlc1 11~11. l i ITan1· 1 l bnJ. \\':1<enc~ l;1:1"'i~ IIonic;. M:u ) l:li1:,h,:1 h ll:11 fn rd . R(• l•1n l.11111 lfan, ,.,n, ,hhln ,\11u c lien ~ . form,· 1....:,i;h lk11t) , l'Jr:. l:IJm,: lk nl'I.C,n,h llclfll{)<1llo. Kcmm,eL!n D,w.,t 1 H,~,..,.J.u;, ue ll nll nla ) " ""'ell. Shn11111 l):111sc 11<,11. krmi frr M,1111· 10~1,·. Ter.••~ C.11<>1 \\'mt"~ knr1111p . M1 <i l)
Mdn1 urtT. llougl1U('r.lii: Mc lulurff. UrcnJ;rn 11.u" ~,,. .,c 11 i:er. Kmtcn Kny kc llurn ~nlc Meyer. Stnd An11cuc Miller, S.-011 M1d1afl M ut·h lt..-,~e,. 1'11111 T1t1N hy /llu "aclno k i,ica 1( 1,.,. Nerh . Thro l.1nn Neeb. C(•urrnc y Mnt1 "n Nr wc.,m t•. Curln Jc ,1 n
•• ·,,,:",",'.,· ,',·•,',",.','..'.:,.~'r.••',". ,1, ~Ml,,",:~,',',..L,•f"' .','.',h,1,i_
~::~•:,,~a~:-~\;::.c~a~'.~•:~ ~;~\~:,.~~ ,:~~cb~~~~ 1
K(',.'.l . AmJml:i. l>J""" Kenned}. Tr10 :i M GooJ.,.,n Key. KJr:, 1:>.:-ann lo:1lc1TJ\a: , Renee r re:in lb11 Kl ein. \\'enJ y Man e Ko llm:inn . /llan~or, 1\(111,~ . Km1y Rose Kr nh l. C h11)t('l1•hr1 Nr:il L1\111, 01ed1ra Lynn L1.m:incr. Apo l Rrnr /lkCt>llnugh L~u1er, fame < l'nul l.rrm•n ,. M1chc-llr Edi1h Lrrani:, l.:rnrq· ,\nn ,~,, l.,·11·i•. Rot-o.:-n 1'1r., 1011 l.1 gJ11 .
T.uumi 1'. b n,• TtmmCI (,,.·,~,. (nn I )'nn,·11r (., fan1r • R l'udJ,'· S1,·phan1c Ann Hoc prn cr nan,tl. Dc•1!1 c;inn Dar i. Shern Oa1<11 (r ,,,, Dau~hen, John H,1) nmuJ Ddun.1, R:,l.nh 0..·mb. J,n hua 1'.ml D,,,lm. :mJ I ,mt,.,, n l"" Th:w• Al,,, TrJ C\ 1~ .1 Oc"'·"prl.Yr.·. Summer Ann~ D,•,qn, Slt H'II S.-01 1 Di. I. rs . llr.llh Ju-1,n O,,nart ,1\11~1r l:ll1nc SI.e ll"" Du rican l).n1 <,,• H11J hc1h l)llnll}. l i<1al, l l: t1K'l"'n l·.11 111 1 " um mcr k. cll('(' ll r>"l111F l:d1eh. Ken Acnlhlm S,:011 h h,ard . ,\n1hon1 D,: 1ghh>n Khalilbh,.1rJ<. Ken nr1h ChJJE1 ,t,,n D:i,1tl larur • l: m,u1lc1. ,\~um, EnJr,, Tn,hl """ l rnlrt, . Hrn:1 ,\ \Jnc r :1m1C1, \°Jnr«a Lynn E1m1 er Johe l),a ne FJul l.n,·r. lla11,· rr-1 m h·li c1r 11 . Ali)hJ l' tr~ 11 •,> n. a11,I J\'ll'!lllh li 1/rwe Fenn.on •\l <n 1.rr., l b1 111•. Aln S 1-1,llc•. Sai:,h Ann h :m~ lm. 1-. ,m S Fulknon. Chn <IOl'll('r Thoma• GJ1nc-, 1\Jr,nnnr ,\kJ;mJr a (i.nnl'l1,,. /u Jn Ca hnlkrn G~m a Jr . l., s:, .\ la 11 r Gama , ShJ11n /111 r h:1d G~«·,a. Nat"h3 ~b11e Smuh G:1rra1J. Vi1i: m1a M11hd le Brimer C.a, key. K,1 r,·n 1.eJ nn S1alku pGnu1h1c1 . E.1n11:,1,\1 G1p~"n II. DJ1n \b ne Goin. R:i.-hrl RoJr1g ue1 Gon,.:rl a . ,\ n,11,·J L~·nn GooJ"-m. Ellen K:1} Tindle
A Tim e
to Kill Starring Sandra Bullock. Samuel L. Jackson & Matthe w McCona ughey Wed •• February 3rd. 7 p.m. CSC Shawnee Theatre Sponsore d by University Program ming Board
- ~~a;1:;,
~;~::~ :~ti~~ 1 11~ :'.; ~l y~~~a Mayri clJ, C1R1~ l.ucland M:,yn:11J . Ra ma nd1 Rhea Mp~·u. /lb1g.:m,1 J:meue ~k {'~n""Y· Kam ,\nn G1t•h~ /lkG(""l"tn , AndrcJ Kau•n3
Go,,J" 111 , Chcr) I Lee G0< ,lnn. l!n-ru Andre"'
(io,"·11 . Juu /lJ,·nl Cora), lfll' I l;l1Pn Grrcn
lo<h1111 IJ.",J Grcc nw,~~ ,. n11d 1\ ngdn Nkok Gn.-go~· Alco. k n1,a G,e,1;,. ('~,1:11 l)a"' n Coomh~ G11ffi n. l. 111,l.1 K:1J· AkunJ1·1 Gu lletre St<rhcn Rr>~ lbi: 111· II. Trn,·y l ! nnc ll al r , JcJ nncue G1~II,· lblc1 llnll. L1u11e Ann lh1 Jman l b nl1n, . ,\ t" J )'O lbr:, 1n. ll r.indy ,\1 11 i·nc lb rbc • Jcnn ,kr falccn ll arJcr. Manhc "' W.,Je l tain ,.S hclh yfa nclfau sler. M1d1acl D.•n lb"'~'"'· Bradley Cfa~· ll a)'t < Oa·ndn D:11,·11 l b ~·,. 1'1111,.: I. ,\: u-on llc Jrn J• •~rh k ) an lkcnnn. lll a,n Aron l kfnrr. T, ,m Mam· K,,p1• lk111mnn. D:rm,J n Tn.-}' I lell1n~l'I. \'akric K:1)' D111·alt Helm s I l1•Jthrr fr;111<'t•· I kmk rsnn. nnd Ma1 lcne (in ~· Hc nJe r,un Also. S1ephcn fa y llen ry. l•e la l:d11 h l krc,·1a. knm(cr \~,· ~knell. ,\,hlcy I.J1,·c tk , 1cr, DJrrcn W.1 tlc ll icl lin. Laur.i L)·nn Si m, Hil l. Joknr Thoma.< ll ,"1ge~. ,\ mh(-1 M1chd le 11offman. MKhelle llnl ~uin, Aly~•a "- ri•lin lloll1ngc ...·r,nh. k ay Lll'cl y Hullo"-·J~·. ,\ nJ rc., Lynne Cl:nl Hoope r. Ken L,·nnc Wl11t1 !topper. Mi chelle Dcl ynn c:, mphcl! llopp<:<. JcITn.-1 Darrinn Ho .. cro r1 . Mnnl ~·nn lx111"· Jowell. K1m hcr ly Dc-n,sc llubt>.:11 . Mrchd k Renee llookc r Hu ff. Slw:111,· Renee ll ogh,·s. \'ic1nna Poi Jin g Hu,.-. nnJ Mau ()Jn1cl lt un,phn.-y s Also. Trt ~U>O 1\,. 11 l url H111 di son . Jenn, k r Mane Ra•h HyJc. Selin•- M,~ a lnbc. Ilona Shc,r.iun lr1 <h. A~1l o lsh1hn1a . Dfan:i Lynn lfall fad.\on. S 1111 nn Andre"' JJm,· <. Timo lh y Patrick JJn K,. K1mhc1 I)· l>a\O.n Jans-Stull.. RL·~i nJJd Am hon) JarJnu llo. G1sdc Jn Bapi<_le. lloll~ fo) J.>hn,on,fa ncl KJ lh l)·nW:111.:N Johnw n K.15hcl lll Ja -Me1ern John~on. Kunl>c rl y ,\ nn Jo hn<on. Va kr i,· An n John ,n n. ChJnl c ll N1colt Jone,, . Chnmiphc1 Midi:tcl JOM.~. Rodncy Jos.: ph, Harlen Moon: foyner. l'hih p John Karch . :mJ Lori 0:, wn Kn~pJl't' k Also. Doni D1nhc1h Knulhold. Kerry L}·nn Kcau ng, Clin1 ,\n d~w Kennedy. C,1ndy L~nn Yoas1 KcphJn. Karen Dr l11."cr Killir,n. Hyon A. Kim. A1mrc Elizabr1h K,n d,g, Krndrn Rae Co lye r Kmg. Ea1!11nd Lal>ad1c, Nathan Derck J.nnJrum . Jo lene Murie Ask~ CJrNn Lane. Dtann Kar Lankford. Jname R Dcn1on L:mHord. 1·11.-1J /lllm· L11 11 nr r. Cl lll)$)' L)n LJ"''lei'll"'l", Ju!,Un DJk 1.a.,.·rcn ce. ,\n~cla Ga il L<·c. t-b11:in11c D TeIT) ~nn Casa nJr:, Chrisloph<·r Alan l.c"·"· k 1,:h;ud foJJ l.i gon. l.1.~a Ann l.. ,rflL'. J.:mrn Ann,: Loblq·. Carrie Moni.-a
M11 ~11 ru O no. Rachel 0:i"n PJ11cuo n. Md an,c C hm1 1n• r u,c. Jam, c lxm•c PcJcn. Juli e Marie Pc!el"(l n. (r)·,rn l D.t"-n J>hilhp $. Am )· Lynn l'inion. /lbn d)· Sue l'mkenon. 1~ 11• ,\111\C' Pl ummer. Em,l y Ann Pt>!hJ\ I, Lena ku1h an n G:iuic" r o.,.·dl. Jenni fer Lt-c k11nsom. Sa r-n Anrnn,1~ Cok Recd. k Knnr 11e Le igh R1chmo11 J . Onn,clk
l)Jnib N1~1•k T:i.)lnr. l\nhby D~k Thom~• Jr . fi11rvlr l. 1m-oln Thom.,), Pa1ric1a E.l1ubc:1h Thnrn;"· Jennircr Lynn Ti llery. f l't'J John Tralllf'l'll , ,\kk .<c)' Vieto r n~·bin. Michelle Lynn l'crg uwn Turner. Timot hy (),mid \'JJ cn, lkboru \':irr:im. krrnifcr ,\nn Wllenhc,ma, Rohe n Wayne \'eni,blc Chr11top hcr Lee VomasicL . Mit ~unori
/'111co k Ronq . MrchJcl Seem S1im plc1, Mrc haclc Cn:1ha S11m11d. Tanu1a Kct\ha
\\'aianahe . WcnJ) Wehh. Amanda c;,,icc Wed... D,, ugl:u Duwaynr While , rcironcUJ
K11chen, Wh,111-:k . C Curk uc Wh ite . Lon Ann W,~g in ~. Cir tnl Jc~n Wi ~k y. Tcrc•i 1'3)'C llow~,J W, i,1. Diana FclictJ Willoam ~. Kin Tl't'~Of WiU, ;im\. ,\:iron Sinen
B~·::~~t~~rJ-~,~~:~: ~
Sdilc sin gcr. Chr1 <1i, ~n Wo ync S,:oi;gi 11 . Sh,cm111 Jo~1c Scotland, Swndra Jo /11 ,ller Scon. Yus11~c Sd1. Simone Fion1 Sc:n housc. Tammie Fu ll er Shell on. Rxhel l.ou Skni:st>c: rg, Mereduh Ku ye Slnc l , Em il y D~y Sm11h. /1111n Raymond Smn h. !leather Ann Soo.,.·. Cand,ceA l'<ychcS0111hweU, M1ch;icl Kai l S< ~fand1 Kns1en Si•gs s, D~n1cl
Wihnn. knn, fC1 Chcl•ea WinJnl. CoJy Shank Wnher-po,.)n. Meagan Co lleen Wood Ch1dn Y1,nc ya ma. Sc"n ~buhe"' Yo1k. Brandon l·l1>"-.1rJ Yoong. Ci ~i;nry k ~nd.:all Ynuni:. Kr1 ~1i fran Wilt>auk• Yoo ni:. Y(kna
TI1nmn, S1erncmnnn . S1i'll"y Marie S11no
\lbd,m, mv nn Z~1mn"n
Cha, lc, T)·rone Lonon Jr . Irena Ak , anck r l.uc hko. ,\ Vci1cnhe1mer l.u1g. /lkli <J K:,y Lynch. M~rk field Mndcy, ,\mm1d,1 K,11hlren Mah one v. lnd Julie Ann /11.11.,,.r,\l <u. L>·lc ,\11lcc Mark , Jc,s1u Elwtc /lfanc11,1 Can1r Marl ow, Zand rJ L)·nellc M.1 rsh. Chn <t , Renu M:mrnn Cheri n lxir.chawn M~•trr.«in. CJ1h y Ann \'n1Gt Mathc"~•ll rll. Chnl1'111 Juon /lla1h1\ J.,.,.,n Ma1h11rin. Jonathan D;l\•td Manhc"- > Penn~ Ma,.,.·dl. A)hlee Ann Mafcc , W111iam l>o n McCon nell. Kelli Ni co le McCord, ll rian Chann inl!, McCr1y. Oa, 1tl Conrad McDolc . Judith Lanell Mcl>uffie. Krym l Jo McGhec. Rll}'n Sre,·cn McGr:i il. Mcghan Eli t.ahoc1h McShan. Randa ll fame s Meye r, JoJnna Lo r.iine Mll(r,rd, nndTr.icey
Tim1u V.1lcnl1l R,chJrd, , Ml"ft'dllh ,\ h dic llc Rrch~rd, , Bryce Mic hae l R1ch1cr. Cac,ar Gc1<h nn1 ,\ kDon:1ld R1 gh1on. ·Ru1hl )'n /lfar, r-Ncl!J Rile )', ,\ uJrJ L)·nn k nb..•JllOn. Wendi 1.b i;:h Rnht-rwfl . l.1-=1 Anne Rnhcnc , an,I Timot hy Paul Rohen~, He:1thcr El)'CC Rnbcn,(m. Eli1al)c1h Alu:1J R(lhrn.0 11. Jc• s1ca Rcn c ' Rodcnc k Ch amu Anne ll e Rodt!CI~. Mcl"u ,\n n' Wolfe RoJnguc, . Jennifer '.\1c1>.k k nJa.s Rnna Shc n:ui Ros,. Jcnmfcr ,\nnr Ruddy. l'cdru Joc.c Sn ldamasa. Jill Michelle San.Irr,. Dlmcl Jeffrey Sch lub<. Sara Jo Schrc1hc1 Enca l~ J .lochnxdc,. Ed.,.~u-d Kati Scluijt,.. Ca.~~re Renee l~c l'ew:1 Schul,.<'. Chrryl M3n 3n ScOlla nd. A1lJky Richard Scull Chril)' l..c~· ShJnk . L.1ur., Kay e Shannon. Kerri Su,.:mnc Hu, Shearman. Chns1cn Don Shcllon.,1nd Chm 1ophc1ClayShclt on ,\lso, /lhst) Dn"n Shipp. Richard ,\ hrl S1bc1.Kc\l yS u1.3nn cS1cfb.,.Tc.\lyn l.:itoya Simmond~. Ju an Jo<c Snnon- Ri,·<.'.r.i, Mill') J.uq uchncS1mp.wn. Brycc Mic haclS1ncb1r. Staci Lt1gh Skmner. Screua Jo~ce Clilrk Sm,1llndge. M e nne Mane South;ll l Smith Br.indon Mich ad Dill~rJ Smnh. C:u~a ndra Anne Sm nh . Lon Raque l Jonc.<Sm ,th .Cnig Alan SnoJgr:iss. Ch11~1d Sue SnyJcr. Jian Song, Mary Eliubcch Soio. Sig, Jessica S1 ~te lcne. Na1h3 n Scon S1aggs. CJ thcrin,· All iso n StJndircr. Sh:mclc Lyn n S1n.rkc, Sh~n non Sheree R,1ni;cl Steele. k rcmyScott Stcinru.:k. D11nc Kayl'kt.:hcrS1r"anl. Trrry Ltc Ste"-'1111. J nd Dorr.m ,\mlrc"' SirJClu n. Abo. ( IJ)'ton (x.,. nyne S1rcal~·. Mkah Lyn Walke r S1n.-e1. Shdley R. S1uhbldirld. Amber l.01·r S1ud dJ rd . k Mcllc M1ri11m S\O. ann. Andrew K~k S)ru<. Dus1in Sha ne Tahmahkcra, Mak1ko TJ l.-ahashi. Tomoka Takatan i, h., unu Taka ~:t . Gyo R~'<'Sa Jean Ta ) lOf. JoJi L;men Thomas. Gi<lgc1 Marlene Tibhi1 s. l'a111ck Wayne Timms N:nhame l Rob,:n Tolle. Jeffie~· Jo~:ph Tual Thad Amhony Trou~d:llc. GcrnJ ,\lh<"ft Trou1man , Kyle !):i1·1d Tu cker. Tra~v Kathleen Tu11in~ton. Candace MKhc ll e T"'ill1~ car. Kore) IX"-111 -()()u gb, Utz Chmtorhcr SeJn \Ian,·,!. Julie D.,wn \lanJcr.,.·orth , Cry,wl Dawn Va nfa.• . JnJ Oa1·id MallhcwVi t:i l ,\lsu, M1-..:1lda l/ir:il. U,:•n11 rn.: 11mngVu M1chJcl I.yon Wa1:g,,ner.,c G:11 k Walker. Omcl Man a ,\JmJ Wa lker. kn111fer Anne Ward . Sparkle L:1shl~· Washing ion . l)usi i L~·nn We lc h. Ka1hy Lynn D1rk.·n.on Well s. l'd1 pc Antonio Wcscoup. lh a11J1 Lnmr West. Da"iJ En c Wr,1. 8~th ,\nn Widhalm. Nuah 1'11.,.·c<' Wilks. Ma1thL""'' Do)· k Wilham~. Mut l")·cc Aga1ha Wi ll, ams. Shirla11 Antonia Willi:,m,. Tamm}' /1,hric Wilh:1111, , /IIMts:t Wi ll\Otl, Callie Sulallnr Wil son. Chn<lnphn !Jrem Wil5on. k nnifcr Dm11c W1 :1cma n. S!cphame lxn1 s~ Win l'amd a Mnric H<·n11111 W" lf. Clwc Elit.aN:1h WooJ. foh,m)· Alan Wood. Tcm 1.yn Woodk e , C.ul~ D,:ann Wni;hl. Mari Y~m:w.1:r.. Takeo Yaniada. Natalia Yarko•"J. Kimhc:rl y • Ann Yohnb . Tc,es a Ann Uum, York. Ashl i Mari Duplessis YounJ. Hui Yue. a nd Counncy Mc.:a~an Zc: nl.-.
L P (l l'J.
S111Jn11c,\11~1in/l-lillcr. Al~. SJ11111cl Dale M1tchcll , Natha 11 k p n Ochr.1 Kay Al.~i[l MorclJnJ. Da"n Rnc Mom,. Mcli<~a Y, onnc Morri s. Pni rk ia Co lleen P.l)'lll' Moni~. Rcu1 Ann Monit, Andrt'w TllomJs Morn.son. Ann ./lla,y fa:101 Moses. Terry Fem Mum:11 MO!r, Mchnda Dawn MOI i. /Ilaria Jo MO"-'Cf)'. Robin l~e Murph )·. C.1nd iJa,\n<lrcaN:1sh. Ja50nPa1rid Ne"'. Rolxn ~brold Nc\O. mln Jr. Yen 8 lnh Nio. Chmhnc f.b1)' Ngu}cn. Nian llunh Nguye n. Tuycn Le ,\d,1m Nguyen. ,1nd Van ll o11ng Ng11 rc n. Al.w. Jo\ hua E,·e ren N1ehcn. Mcrc<luh Di onne Nolen. Bryan Ra y Ot-lc . Cosme 0JcJa II . Lau ra Mar ie Olin. Sall y-Ann Elizabeth OU11·1em. K~·lc Da,·id 01.<o n, Aaron Ovcn on•Slac k. DJ vi d fron toha Owen. ShJn non LinMi~cr PJlmer,Jonath:mLtssl v P:rnu~d. Ja.,hmina Na.tu PJtd. Carrir Sur Wc sL Paucrson. Lindsay Alane f>;incrson. ,\manda Dawn P,1 yne . fason ,\ndl't'"' Payne . Qumcy Gabriel Pence. Mi c helle Dawn l'c,1.- in~ n. Kerry Wayn,e Pcrsick. Scott Way ne Peterson. Ben ·"bn Phuric<, N1r k11yan Karen Ph ilbc:n. and Elinbcth Ahhi gni1 Pickrrill ,\l m. L:iu1c nri aP,em, Ja.'°'1 LynnP1rkcy. Barbara Cl3 ire Bran tley Puchcr. Dust in Monroe Pmman. knn1fc1 Ellen Plemons. Brian Po ll ard , Ernie l'olydo rc. MMgic kamnc Chambless l'Olter. Bridge! Thrl't's~ f'O'ol'Cn., Dana Loui~ Prier. Ryan Garrell i')C11nk. Kem L)'nann BJmcs Ra ngel. Kr)'Sla licnik Rcacl.M ichellc l.c1gh Rrams. knnifcr i\1J ric Reb(c lJ . The1c s11 Currie McC111ty Reimund. Ki, 1.- f.bnhew RCl'c ll. Wilham Don kc1·ell. faso11 Samuel Hcynaga. Chcnlan Mic hdlc Rc~·nolJ~. Br.indl Pal Rice. Erdine
■ ,1111i119 ta tht lur CiaNl111
Zac Mallop • "unplugged" Friday, Feb. 12th Hill Billy Cafe Satardap, Feb. 13th
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Retum this ad as you pay you_r bill for $S off one bill 3 97-45 5 ◄
TH E WJCHITAN - y....,2=,,--c1=999=----;Januar-
Pierce, Killingsworth dormatories experience nor mal spr ing vacancies DAVID GUNNELL The W1ch11an
P1c1l·c :111J K1ll m)!',w1,nhh11lb :m·
cmpl1c1 1h1, ~rnng ("fll1 1p:1rl·d Ill 1:i.,1 ~cmntn. l'\t11 :i.·cnn.lm): IC' D1n·,·1or 1 pf I lnu~mg Tc.I Rl·db,:1, k. 1h1, 1~ I('! 1:·,;;"'1~~~ . I-<- l' ~fXY IC'd ..1) rr,·:i ll ~ IJ1 th<· srnn g \l'lllCSll'r ~N!\ cd 111~~ Ill WC h:IH' at'l1 u1 100 fr"n qu,kn1~ 1
This presents kind of a false i1nage. ..
~~~;:fin~ i:~n 1/;~
Ted Redlaczyk, Director of Housing
abou1 can s1mkn1s ' ' bt.- m0wd 50 house pc1 ! h t · - - -- - - - n oor. If Wl' only ~kC ulloui h10. nbou1 had T r I g g . 1ht· n we mighl mm·t· o frw people Bnd1wll :ind M:lf\'hman bui ldi ngs. :i.rc:1 of Ille an ose d :ind around lsc fo n f o kind prcsen1.s .. ll11s :iss i,1:lflt image <t hat mnny s1udt·n1s arc not building 10 s:-ive on n·~i<lent
.. R,ghc nn"
11 ll>
s11II prcuy nuitl
lx·c:i.u,1' \W h;we pt·oplc ,till lllO\'ing arounJ and ,1,· ·rc st ill tr.i..: km ~ do1rn , 1uJc n1 \ from las! ~cnlL',tt.'r." he
wouldn 't fill the 1•aca n1 posilion... he ~aid. " If we h:1d n signific11ntly low
num ber of studc111s per noor. we would onl y have one RA pt·r nror m~lt•ad nf IW0 ..
Toy drives brings Christmas to kids WENDY GARFINKLE
TheW1chitan M,dwe,1cm Stare ·~ Assoc iation of Soc ial and Bc ha\'io r:i.l S..: 1t>nccs 1h,:hngh 1cncd has (:\SB S) Chri ,1rna~ of many Wi.:h11a Falh ch1ldrcn The ASBS annu:,I 1oy dri\'c benefit~ ,·nnou, non •profi1 orp ni za1ion~ m Wk h1ta Falk The toys ,·ollc..:1ed dunng lhl' IQ9S 10) dm·c were do nated 10 Fi rq Ste p, the.' Tee n Emcrgcnc~ Shell er. tht· W1chi1:i Coun1 y Children ·, Home. and 1he Ro,;,cwocxl Ccnicr Bov, ;md G irh . Cluh. The 10v dri\'e wa~ condo ned 1hroughnui 1hc monrh (lf No\'cmbcr. :ind th(' roys wc rc taken 10 the dc ~1g. n:i1cd loca1ions on Dec .J Elc1·cn c:impu, org:1m z:i.11 on~ dona ted appro~im<lll"l) l ,000 roys.
il. :md Sod~ I SO p,.-rccnt new. 10 rhc toy dri,·l·. P:mhcllcn1c Counc · (SWAT) Kim Ball ard. vice president of Worker,. ,\cli ng Togclht:1 donated n new ASBS ~atd the- org:-i ni zation rai ~cd The Media Club olso b1..:-,·ck 10 1lw Chih.lrcn ·~ Home S,20.000 1n toys. 1lirec of · " II w:i.s a mul·h 1hosr• tiiggt:r t u,·ccss ' , - - - - - - - - zat1 on~ won 1han wr c,·er pri zes cas h lhought ,, would
:~;.s•~~d n~::
~h; u~,~~1 It was a much bigger success lhan we ever
ochm ii ..
qu, l11y IO)'S. 8 ~:t:~c ~~: 0 ta~lc ~ iz~ '.·
thought it wou)d be. - Kim Ballard c~~-
~~cd1~oy , n ic Pa nh e ll cwon ' ' Counl· K:1 pp:1 Sig ma . il E.-. - S1 ud c n,, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~et:o nd 1hc Assol· 1:1 r1 o n . pl:i..:t: prizt· of En\'ir o nm e nral !he 1hirll place Sc ,cnl·c Club. Spanish C lub. 5200. and SWAT won Co mpu1mg prize of $ 100. Ench of 1he winning for Assoc1a11on plaqut·s. rt"('eivl•d also Mx hintry, Tau Be1a S,~ma , Hcahh orgnmz.:11 ions They \l'Crc chliscn by blind judg • Sc ience~ (Radio logy :ind S1udc-n1 1101 know which did udgrs j thl' ing . Bo:ird Mortar ). A~~oc,a1ion Nurse-,
n' 1 he wn hou1 11 ." F1 ,c hh sa id "Two- tlurd, of the money from 1hc mrcre~I J;OCS IOward ~eho l:irsh1 ps It ha, hdr-,:d a1t rac1 and keep ~rudcni ~ ::m d n·" ·urd ~t udems " 'ho hll\'t' done
·-nir rt·,1 1, u,ed fo r all kmds of lhmg ~ thr ari pallcry. MSIJ band 11 ha.~ helped re p:11r and replace musi cal 111'-lrulllrnl ~ and 1hea1rica l equipmrnt. She rc:nll y lo1·c, th1~ buildmg :md shr ha~ a large emotional 111,·cslment m 11 " Wood ~atd 1hr an s h111·r alwav \ b...·cn an tmpon:int pan of he r life in addJ1 1un 10 conrnbutmg 10 fir1t· ans :11 MSl ·. ~he hn~ al ,n bt~n :i ~uppo rre r of 1hr W1chr1a Falls
M1dwc~trm 1110,·cs fo.rtht:r inlo lhl' Age of lnfonna11on as ln1cmc1 reg1 stra t10n bt.-corncs art:al i1y Reg1s1rar B1l!yt· Tims said tha1 Jntrmet rei1s1rntion should be a,·a1 I• ahl,r for s1ud~nts who plan on regislcnng early for Summer I and II :ind F:i ll 1999 in April. D1rer1or of Information Sys1ems BIi i Palmertree. said rh:it needed ~of1warr 10 inslalt lhl· reg1 ~llation
Any computer 1h:tt h:is access to the Internet wi ll be able to ge1 .~IUdenls 10 lhc website to rcgis1cr over the Internet There arc other additions 10 the page _which will help s1udcn1s kee p up w11h thd r finances because 1he wcbsi1e will keep up wi1h lhcir hill
wcbp:,gc has not arrived at M SU yei TllCy arc preparing 10 pul lhc sofl warr on the mai nframe. but it is a long process which requires a 101 of work "Our goal 1~ 10 have i1 (lntcmel reg!stral!0n) up and run ning pri~r 10 registration fo r the summer session, 1 1 .~~~;~t;elo l ~~J mc~~:e
j~•~r -
mcnc:il in !he s uccess of the uni vc rsil)' in lht· sense 1h:1t she is nol onl y :1 fin nndal supponer bu1 ~he also builds s upporl from lhe community There is always a hand ful of people you look to for dynamic leadership, and Minnie Rhea Wood is one o f them . It 's people like her that have
~-- ---- ---- ----- ---,
Tuesd ay
$2.00 Do1111•
• ope n to clo:o1r •
i\no1 hcr gene h;1s lx·c 11 1de nt1fied 1~h1ch might ~ffi:cl vulne arcltc ndchc1inn. Re!,('a rchers arc hoping lo u~c th1 ~ gene 10 10 help pt•oplc ~,or ~moking. Ther~· arc 1wo di tTerc~t studie~ to a form of 1h1 ~ gene ni:ike, 11 ea~1cr 10 ~,op ~nmkmg. or ;1dd1t lcd 111 !he fir q pb ct·
THIS WEEK Wednesd ay. Jan. 27
• UPB pre scnl~ Comedian Jeff Greenfield. 7 p.m. m C brk S1udent Center Comanche Suites
Thursdoy. Jan. 28
• Ci rdc ~ lmernational 111 Clark Siuden~~:i ,
Tuesday. Feb. 2
• ABC Leadershi p Confe rence, 8 n.m . in C lark Studen t Ccnler Comanche Sui1cs :ind Rooms 161.
• Br~tish Swdie~ _Progr:im int 1 111 Clark Stu ~;~1 1 • Facuh y Fo rum Sene, Michal le Kitc~cn. cducario:~: sor. Her 1op1c 1s .. Sensui\•ir~ O ursel ves. Scns1_11vi ty 10 Y ciassr~om . Scn_s11ivi1 y m L
162. 172 Bild 177
~ co:i~; R: ~ -~jg m Clar k Sru
• S1uden1 Ambassador meeting. 7 a.m. in C l:irk Swden t Center Room
Sal urd ay, Jan. 30
Sunday, J an. 31
• Catho lic ma~s. 7 p.m. at the Ca1holic Campus Cen1 cr
Monday, Feb. I
• Habe rma n Semi nar. 8 a.m . in C lark Studcnl Cemer Rooms 177 :i nd 172 • Uni1ed Campus Ministry lunch. noon al the Ca tho lic Campus Center • C hi Alph:i bible sludy. 6:30 p.m . in C lark Student Ce mer Room 171 •Phi Chi Theia meet ing. 6 :45 p.m. in Fowler Room 107
• S1u_dc= n1 Govc~mcnt :\sSOcrnti
1 ~3~; Clark S1u1Jt•
WednesdaJ , Feb. J
• Monar Board mec11ng 7 3 m Clark S1uderu Cemer Room 138 • Omega Delia Ph1 bum1o ,ale 7 lj ~:,c;~a;~o n on Clark Siu&
• Blood Dri,e. 8 am IO 5 p.m C l~rk Stude nt Center Coman~ Sui tes • . UPB Movie Night presents •. Tame to Kill ,'' 7 p.m. in CJ Student Center Sha\\'nee Thcaicr
nex l level."
If you haven't told your
a.~ they add classt:s. S1uden1s l·an al.~o l' icw their 1ransc rip1s. the course ca1aJogue, :ind !heir financia l s1a1emenl s. S1uden1s can also research and '.•pply for finan_cia/ aid from 1hc reg1strn1i on web s11c .
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;h: '.~'l'J(!J
) left Colnmh,a "' n:th IJio,.; th:1~1 1.000 d~:ul :md :1hn11~1 1wo-1turds nf the buildrng~ ruined e 1.1 u;J rcg1s1acd :, ~•-"< .
• Noire Dame Booster C lub dinner, 7 p.m . at the Outdon r Education Cen1er Sy mpho ny Orc hcs1ra and the Museum and Ans Center J Lo ui s Pres idem MSU Rodn guez h:t~ appreciated Wood's gcnero~11y ~m.:-c 1hr t>cginning of hi s presidency "Atiou1 lhe llmt' I camc here . shehelped tinnncc the rctiuilding of Sikc.!. House. which w3.5 hit by the ( 1979) to m :i.dn .. In add11ion. he sa,d. "Shr 's done- treme ndous things foi 1he communuy and M1dwcs1cm She ·.~ a person who cares about people." 11 ·~ 1101JUSI pcoplc al M1dwcstcm "''ho ha ve good (eelings toward named was She Wood " Philan1hrop1s1 of 1hc Year" an 1993
Earlhqua kc destroys Colombia ·nil' worse c:1r1hq u:1kl· m more l~:U) 11 t:e nlury
Internet registration available to stude nts in Spring 1999 THE WICHITAN
1 1 1 10111 1)·~ ; 1! 1~-~ h~l1~: ~~~~::~:1c c: ~:~~:1 :11 ; ;~;~-l~du :~1 hh~~~ in n l hy tell mg till' l lnilr d S1:itl'S milit31)' tn be more :1ggn·s\11c no.nlf lOlle~.
Genetics may be able to a id smokers kick
organiw1 io11 donated which 1oys. Thl· j mlgcs were Lt-slce ~on~kr. d irt:c lo r o f studen1 11ct1 vi 11 cs: Bnrhara Mcrkk. dirccwr of sl·hool re lations. 1111d Lynda T homp ~o n. 3s~i~rnn1 1lircc1or o f housing . Since the mcmhcrs or AS BS have " ndop ted" lhe members of the Rosc1w)(ld Boys & Girls C lub and visit !hem on,·c each 111on1h during 1ht: school year. these c hildren rr..:-l·iwd thei r toys - rwo each dire..:1ly from 1he member<. o f AS BS. nr a s ped al Chri slm:is p:1r1y on Ike. 11 , held in honor o f thl· diildren Titl' members of ASBS will make 1hcir firsl visit of the .~pring semes1cr to lhe Rosewood Boys & Girls C lu b on Fnd:iy. J;111 , 29. :11 6 p.rn. They will prm•ide pizzas and beverages for the children and wi ll .( pend abou1 two hour.( wi lh lhcm. "Thl'y' rc ou r babies." Ballard explained .
Wood by lhc Tl·xn~ Associalion of Homes for 1he Aging in rccogni1 ion of her cont ributions to Prcsby1erian Manor, a re1iremen1 home s he helpcd found in 1977. Wood has been a member of tOC President's Excellence Club since ii began in 1985 . Thi s club is composed of pcople who donate al le3st S 1,000 per year to the school. She has 3lso helped fund teacher Moffett progrnm s. education Library and MSU Music Service Gui ld and s uppons MSU a1hle1ics :i.~ a member of M-Club. Vice President for S1uden1 and Adminislr31ivc Sen·icc s Howard Farrell said. "She has been so instru-
hack Saddam -~romises to pay1 United Stales 11
'1 'ht· onl y way we would lower 1lw mm1hl'r (Ir RA's i~. if nnc left. Wl'
RrdlJa ~I. ~.11.I· 11 1, 1ro 1·:uly 10 , :1) n ,tl·tl~· h11w mnny ,cu,km ~ h:n-r 1c1umt·J 1,1 lhc n·~idcnc-c h::ilh
Re,,deul ri,\1~1:mt, who 11·111k m 1·:iric1u ~ arc-a~ pf 1ht· donnrironc~ will nor 10~1· 1hc1r pM llmns des pite 1hc
:~;r~~~:, n,t~~~
1:; 1
~:~~:~d\~ ~~linton f, ,, d:. tq ' 11 b~\ Monica 1..._•w111sky. :1 frit"nd of 1h_c rre~llkn1·~. Ve rnon for ~~· auJ \\ij;)i l-lflu~t: :i 1d Sidney Bl unw n1hal C h1!to n·~ :1uoml')" :m; cornpJ 1 Ing lh;;1 ~ nC\\l'~ Wll re mo iling ..:a y t> :,11 q H OU\(' i~ Jll \ l 1ry 111g 10
ck~: ~ ,~r;;t1J·1~~•~:~;;'.;~1::~;:1 r~~ :1?
1 ~r: 11 ir'1;sw~~i1dh
:~~; 11:~~ 1: ~~;;
h;1 lh 1h1 , IIITll.' of vc:ir ''
President Clinton ca lled lo tesliry 1
l'llS~i t> k , 1h1111~h "
rl·dun·1I ntunh..-rs of , 1udcnts.
1hr r1·,1dn1,~,. hall, !h:in wr .In 111 tht· foll :· h(· ~:u.l '1'ht~ :i fft·,·i-. .,11 of lhl'
:11111 uti li1y l' P~ I~ Wl· gr naally Ir)' In n1•011I d1srnp1111g pcnpll' :1~ 111111: h n~
n-1um111g 1c, 1hc tlonn,I,.. hr s:ud 11 is l"O~siMc rh:11 arc:t~ (If P1l' rn:· 111 Kill mgs" ·nrth mis ht Ix- do~e1 I 1r 11\('I fl"W s111&.-m~ • - - - - - - - - miw c in1n 1lw hulls
/k c~1 11n:i1cJ 1h.:i11hr J,1nna1orl<'s nn· nt....1111 70 pc1w n1 full " In lhl· fa ll. lhc donm :ire u~u11lh·
S5 11, ' hc.·1wccn pt:rn·n1 '){) full ," hc ,aid.
Hillary Clinlon ofTcrcd $5 million deal ~
I 11:i,,,t're,,11 111 , ed1h )r Jud11h Regan 1~ ntTcnng Hall :tt) Cli n1o ,n I h n1111 . 1 1o ,pi ll lhl' t,c;uh . an,1 w11h lh:tl mudi ,-,( :m t11Ter. ~he Woul to 1~ C lm ton·~ l:tw)l'f p11hh~)1cr thl' 111 11~ h ·0H ,1n 1hem. of ,1 1110 1 !la~ ~:ud ~tw ,, nor cnn\11k rm~ lht' '1,l(1k n fl er rc r now She wou1t1n ·, co ll<:<'n1~ on :, !loo~ l'L'.fm,· ~00 1
- - - - - - - - - -
Y5>. o. tµe~llll
Mon. - Sat. 4-2 • Sun. 5-1
Specials Nightly
H/Q 11:m..
.$1.~ Mon. & Tues.
gp ,eii ~''" lf'ON
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9p,, .-llo.,,/ ~,>'. 'J ()p/k-1
jne Arts Division has ]anned exciting events or spnng semeste r OU NNA DoLFOAD
111.1 ,,,r, ttw li1 ,ll' \r111,,f 1l1,· wn11·,11·11,,r 11i,·
11111\lc dq,,11 111 11· 111 1
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Recycle this paper when you're done with it. You might just save a tree.
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J anuiry27, 1999
Lew ando wski awar ded for lifetime of service in USITT
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Slh,r 1u.o h/r Slu1r 1t111 1ft..1"'in •'l'.11l (MUST HAVE VALID TEXAS DRIVER'S LICENSE & MSU I.D.)
THE WICHITAN ~-=-=------JBlllll'y 27, 1988
New Game Plan Midwestern ,omd,nnl<'f ·" Sr_.llr. ~1 urr .1~
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Rollin' Indians look strong heading into last half of LSC play ALISHA FERGUSON
Copy Editor
~~~:; 1r;:~~
ga!~~e ~;~;~\•~·: 1:;n ~{ ~ciai I Sa turday, pushing up 11s NC,\,\ D1vis1on II No. 8. in£ from No. The ln~li ans' 88-75 vic1ory before a full hou a1 D.L. Ligon Coliseum bri ngs Their record 10 1r 2 ove ra ll :md ~• I in Lone S1:ir Conference: play · Fnrn•ard Richard Johmon and guard Crai Snodgras~ led the lnJ ia ns with 18 and 17 PoinJ ~c,pcc tivc ly. Snodgrass al so made eigh_t of eight tree 1h rows. Johnson and Donald Hnm1llon each con1ribu1ed 1wo 1h rcc•point shots O1 hcr key players were forward Edg:ir Anca~a wi1h 12 rebound s and Rodney Beasley. who came off the bench lo add fi ve bloc ks. ACU's guards Charles Jockson and Kenne Wh il e ma1ched Johnson and Hamilton in thr?cpoint ~ho1s \_\' ilh 1wo each. Forward Pe1cr Kigany~ led ACU wnh 17 point~ and. White contnbuicd with six nssis1s. '' We 've had several gur pl:iying really well thU yc:1r. You don't win 18 games un less your team ii pre ny good," head coach Jeff Ray said. The Indians rank among 1hc LSC's top three in 12 or 18 stati s1ic~1 c:ilcgorics. ,_nd lead the I league in scoring margm. field goal percentage, threc•point goal percentage and ass ists. Johnson. a senior, is the league's top 1hn:c-poim shooter at 48.4 percent. Snodgrass. a Junior. ranki f1flh in ass1st/tumover ratio and scvcmh 111 fm 1hrow percc n1 age at 78.2 percent. Afler six wins in a row. the Indians prepare 10 defend their streak with a homr: game Thursdl)· against Na1ional Christian und wi ll gel anmha chance Satu rd ay atTarlcton State. the onlv 1trun the men have lost 10 in conference play · Wilh live out of seven LSC games out of 1ow11, lhc Indians arc "going to have to prove W( c:in gt on the ro:td and win." Ray said. Since the end of the fa ll semcstcr. lJle mt:n ha1·c played eight games prior to the win 01·cr ACU The,, included: • i-lawai i-Hilo 105. MSU 102. on Dec. 20 • MSU 88, Bellaimine 74. on Dec. 21 • T:irlcton Stute 82. MSU 75 on Jan . 2 • MSU 93. Texas A&M•Commerec 82. on fan . 7 • MSU 97. A&M · Kingsv illc 8~. onJan.9 • MSU 108. Wcs1Texas A&M 83. on Jan. 14 • t,,•ISU 1m. Eastern New Mcxirn74,unJan. 16 • MSU 98, Angelo Stale 85, on fan. 21.
11 10
The Wichi1an Te;1rn ,\rro,,., ·, Lc-~ Atkin, ,, nalJ H' uf Vanr mwer. C:mad:i. '-' .'i• one ni 28 c:vc: h~,., n:un,·d lP 1hr l 99X Cyc lm; _','.;i11 C1 nal · Co t1cr1 a1r ,\~ Vll.: i:111nr1 _.\JJ -Amene,111 Cvr lmf
Size does matter: MSU's Edgar Arteaga goes for a rebound Saturday night against ACU. Arteaga led the Indians wi th 12 rebounds. Photo by Devon Baker
Lady Indians heating up the basketball court DAWN HENSLEY The Wichitan
'The M.idwc.~tcm Sl:itr men 's ba~r kc1ball 1eam is nut tlk: onl y baskel • ball learn on cam pus malmg nrnsc. The Lady Indians g1\'10g the fan s a run for their money wilh a record of I 1.7 in all game s. 6--3 in confe rence games. In Tuesday night's game agams1 Cameron Universi1y the women won
MSU was ahead ~1 1he hllf 48 -34, making the Looy Aggie~ wonder wha1 10 do 10 catch up. The ladies had a 20-poml k11d with about 13 mrnu1cs lcf1 in the game. The Lady Indi ans slowed dow~ ddensin·l y, and 1he Lady Aggies CUI the lead IC> 10 with fi ve minules remaining. Bui the Lady lndians picked ii bad: ~p and wen, up by 15 at the 1wo- mmu1e mark . The ladies hung o~ strong ~d fini shed the game w11h a 16-pomt lead. mak:ing their at•home record 4.3_ Scori ng for MSU were sophomore guard JJ . Anderson wilh 17 fo llowed closely by junior forward TeNay Garren with 14. Frt~hman gu~rd Lindy Lombard also pul up 11 points for the night.
Top rcboundc1, included Garrell . ~mor n·nter Shannon Boa)c and lhm)y gu:u<l ~ophomore L.1wrcn,.·e. each 11,1th Soe\(n SaturJay mglJ the Lady lndrnns went head 10 head a.gains, Abilene Chmt1an. who was 1ied for first in 1hc LSC. w1nmng m ovc nimc Thi., WJ!) the lad ies· hig hcs1-auendcd game wi1h 2.650 fans. and hy 1hc lime 8 sho11wo free Lhrows fo r the lie wi1h Jess than a mi nute on the d ock, the crowd was on I.he edge of their seals. She made both shms, sendmg 1hc gamr mto m'ert.Jme. Going lo I.he loc ker room a1 halftune the Udy Indians were behind 36--31. Once the s.econd half of the game resumed. MSU made the Wildcats· heads ~pin in confusion The Lady lnd1 an~ scOJcd 38 point\ m lhe second half lo end regulmion in a lie wi1h Abilene . After a ~hart break , the ladies exploded in ove r• time. As o,·ertime began , both 11:am~ were provin~ that they were strong enough 10 wm. When the clock ran out, however, the Lady Indi ans pul the Lady Wildcats back on the bus home with a huge upset. The ladies scored 19 points in overtime ending lhc gumc 88-78 "l think the crowd at games helps 1hc ladies," head coach Jennifer Hull
,:i1J of S.11urd.1y ntghl , g;une ·· 1 1c:111h loul!hl 10 lhc cud w1th Augcln ~l :1h.' L·dg1ng ahead 7., . 7 I. 1h111~ 11 w.1, .1 hu~c plti- fu1 lh " Thrct.: nf !he l:id1e, h11 lhc duuhlc Top ,L·ore r lor the c1c11111~ 11 ;1<, L, imh:ud wuh 21J pu1111,. h1 111g1ng d1g1h 111 ,,.;11rmg l iarrc ll rccordcJ her O\'er:1111 n1al 111 16.l fo1 Ilic ,ca· 10 re hnund, and 16 prnnh f{l r the Foll1w,•111g dlhl' hchrnd h:111 lc Bn:1'r wn 11n ued lhc rai.:c ,c)n Lornharil "-1~ Ciam:ll " 11h If) lmn g- ag:1111,1 llw Ka1nh..- llc,. pull111g up 15 pouu ~ and pull 111 g d()\\' fl , ix Jcfcn• ing hr, a1cr.1µc \!Ve rebounds. pomt ~ 1)C1 game ' ' for• Juni or to I ➔ Boa sc ward Carrie hrou gh1 1n 14
G~:!nce ~cuar~~ I !Garrell led the
::,~ dcfcnsiv'ilb
l feel like we have a ~~~e~ k u 1'~ ~~ u:,'i~n:::ciu~;lot of depth . .Jennifer Hull,
play. Over ihc
Women 's Head Coach C hri , lm as r<bound,again, , hrea k MSlJ Lady the played a 101al Wi ldca1~ She _ __ _ _ _ _ _ , ' of six games, lent.I ~ 1he 1eam in wi nning four. rebound\ wi 1h O n e 179. 13oa5c al\o fou gh1 fo r rcbnund.".,, carnmg nine, ,1 rung poi m 10 1hc ladies' ga me is 1he halam:c or the tc:1111. fo llowed by Lombarll wi 1h eight.
:. m~~c r~1~a:nt~,~~ Thursday ni ght MSU faced Angelo Slate and loM hy two after pushing the game into o,·crtimc. In lhe first half of lhc game the Lady Indi ans were ahead 27.24 but had a har~cr second half, !)Coring only 39 po1ms to Angelo State's 42. Once overtime got underway bolh
11::i1 f;:i d_i ~~;~ce~a:ccas~~. arc playing just ~ well as our first group. I think Iha! helps a lot. Right now I think tha1 we .ire a wcll •baJ. ~111.:cd !cam. It 's hard for ~ople 10 JUSI i.:oncentrnlc on our inside game, because we shoot the ball well from the perimeter. It 's hard for people (o only play tough on our perimeter
player, and lc;\\'c our post players 11nc-011-onc lo shoo!." On Ja n. 16 1he Lady Indians put ,ume figure s up against Eas lcm Nc.:w Mcx i(.'O, but cndeJ up losing by ~even . Juni or guard Hcather O'Ncal stole fivi.: h.i lb fro m 1hc Zias, maki ng them work lO keep possession of the ha ll Garrell led the offe nsively with IJ rebound., and 14 points. Yoa kum pul up 12 poi nts. fo llowed by Uoasc with 11.
~f~:l:dth:c~ Te~~t~.A~t. conference a long wi 1h MSU. The ladies slartcd out strong and stayed on top. wi nning 87•77. Garren lopped lhe learn offensive• ly. recording 22 points, 10 rebounds :inJ three s1eals in just 20 minutes of playing lime. Lombard scored 14 points and had li \'c assists. Other notable play• ers for the night were O'Neal with 11 points and four assists and Boase wi 1h 10 points. Othe r games over 1he break included:
; ~i~a;~!crn 65. T:irkton S 57. on Jan . 2. Hull is practicmg the "m!IG t;lking it one game al a unit. "Now Iha! W( an: 111 si:JSOII just really prcpanng for "·t.J play next. As a whok we an: pl!; real well ," Hull s.11~. · ~ (Garrett} night in and 111gh1.0 i.:omc out and done gooJ th ingl our teo.m. She avi:ragi:s. a double, 14 points in ~,onng rebounds a game. "A lot of what he successful is th a1 plays well on the people can'1 con.: TeNay.
"On the penmrtr:r. Lombard is s1epp111g up bcuer and bcner. (:lfl1r.' la)1 consistently comes 1n !lnd ~' and puts some pollll!! on So right now I k d liLe "~, 1 really good bahmcc and i.iui
keU~6~~.'~gn,-es i\'tlh Hull ii
e~~~: bt:"~~;,g th~~. ~
• MidweSlcm 59, Texas A&M- strong is our tc::inJ 1H)rt Kingsville 53, on Jan. 9 said. "We come iogd he~tti • MidwcS1cm 78, Texo.s A&M- win the close games just work together." Commerce 62. on Jan. 7 • Texas Women's 58, Midwestern 1 "