January 28, 1993

Page 1

eHe CdlCfflTAtl "Reporting Midwe8tem State Univeraity News Since 1922'' Volume 71, Number I ◄

·11tureday1 January 28. 1993



M.L. King Jr. By Michael Vendrick Editor in chief Mldweslarn honorod lhe '91e CIVIi rights ICll'lllt lh9 R.... Or Men •n Lulh•r King Jr on Jan 18 lo commemorate 'the servw:. tnd spiril of a man 1h11 shH 1ouche1 our lives today." Phillip 81rd1ne. MSU dean of students, said Kenneth Crumpton a re•

Ices lhan any pr8VJOUI pettod of American hlstory · There t re more mnom~s and women m President Clinh)f,-, cabinet than any of hts predecessors.· C rumpton said •Also, General Cohn Powell 1s the mosl powerful mdl4•ry f19Ure

porter from KFOX•TV in Wichita

1R lhe worid

Faff•. was the fealured speaker He spoke about the monurMn· 1a1 changes that King was able IO bring ebo\.11 befo re his dealh •nd lhe slat• of th• Alncan• American male 1n loday's soc,--

Oly Before King began h11 ac• J,v1sm. Alrican-Amencans w.,e allowod only 10 s,t on lhe rear seots of a bos, Crumpton sad.

"The Rev Dr Mar1tn LU1h81" King Jr was 1n11rumental in ending ugregahon by hrst ~tng lhe way lo, IAlOSll rt Mt/

n, ~h,11:,,VK~ t ~u.su/1

~~tit. ~~mptoa, • repGrWr from KFDX-TV In Wichita l'all.. wu tba fM.tu.red


• Mania Luther Kine, Jr. ceremony oa Jan. 18.

Ru~h Begins Feb. 4 By Ja.eph Diomede



. sad

Feb A will be !he kick -off dlie for the Spmg 1993 RU&h The men of Alpha PN Alpha, Kappe AlpM, Kappa Sign., Ph, Sigma Kappa and Sign. Nu are gearing up fo, • week of ICINI·

From 10 a m to 2 pm on Feb 4, lhe IFC wilf hold a lralernity IOfum 1n l he Clark Student Center Alnum Each fraternity will have a labM w,th 11'1'oonation available tor prospec l1ve rushees Refreshmenl s 'NIii be

6N to a ttract new membershrp


to NCh perspectrve Ofgamza-


"Anoch• purpose of rush LS 10 educate 1ndepanden11 and incoming freshmen about fta tarnitiel and hopefully sho w !ham whal I hey can offer: Mic hael Gresham , lnltl· Fr,tarnlty Counc il rush chair•

place Time sklls w,11 be made av•Nble al a later dale

considered ·open hme • Each fr•tefM)' will be anowed 10 hok:1 the,r own luncilOf'IS dunng l heM dal. . The conclus10n of formal Feb


pm , Feb 8 E•ch lla!ernity WIii be allo wed one hour 101 prospective rushees lo ·meet the bl'olhers· a1 the respective fraternity ho uses or meo1ing

ruah or the MSU greek sytlem can contact GrHh■m 11 322· 8112

At8pm , Feb 4. lhe lFCWlll sponsor • school-wide dance ,n Formal rush

wm begin

at 6

Student Senate to join Texas Student Association By Charlel c . .e

C<,pyEdltor The MSU S1udent Senate met on Jan 15 to consider per• tq),elk>n in • stat•wde ,tudent 90Vemrnen1 orgamzetton. as ,... Q lo review four prop01,ed

16 Th• Senetors dectded lo

;o1n th e Tena Students Auociahon, • slate-wide slu· dtnf organization des.gned lo htfp ensure ■ student voice ,n

more reasonable lhan other su,;:h orgaoo:ations On• of the main goals of TSA ie the prevenhon of the tu-lllOfl increase c uNently under d1scussoo wtMch would place tu1ho n al $46 per hour Other goats are to p,otect Pell Granl funding and to obla1n student representaoon on !he Board of Regents send dele• Midwestern gates lo TSA' s state conventlOl"I


Feb 4 !hrough Feb 7 19'5UN,, ·-· Johnny

MSU Car ter. Governm en t Studenl "'8oeia1ion p,estdent, s.ad, -We ~ be getting lnlo the main stu· dtni k>bby1ng 0 1gan11a11on in

S1udent senalors also passed four bills 1nclud1ng 81II

92/ 93-2. 811192/93-1, 811192/9311 and BIii 9 2i93- 1o BIii 9219J·2 will. If paued by

Ttxas. and we hope lh1s will tho sludent bOdy in April 1n• hq, us 10 defend ouic;ell as a crease all s!udents ·,n!luence wntKer school • He also sa.d on !he 1egtS1a1111e process ol 1he TS.A·, membership dues were

• He u1d l here are more

Afrk:an•AmerlCl!ln males incar• ce,.ted now then ever before and more AIDS and gunshol· relat ed deal hs 1n Afucan • Amencan societies than m any other ethnic gr01.41

Crump1on said Afnea n ·

Amerk.ant wiH ~ u e to gar· ne, more prOffll'Mnl pot,iliont in today·• soc;.ty, but will alto have to do their pa,t 10 .-.er__. /TIOf9 ~k>y'menl opportuniltN lonl ·we have OtM" ~ Js,

·• aMd our MaQIC Ja." he said -We need to concentlltfe


onnofa - no,ot,s• After Crumpton·• speech. Erica Woodard ol !ht Black Student Union. Ana Mo+ina of lhe Organ,ahOn of Hi.spank: Students and Johnny Carttf cl lh• S 1udenl , Government Associahon reMlted how King's actMsm 1ouched lhefr iv•.

·we musl nev..-

loro-f Or.

·11 makes you wonder what Dr Martin Luther King dlfJd for in the first place,· C"'""4on said

Kmg and his dream. for his dream IS our history.• Woode rd

Kmg WH shol to death by J.-nes Eart Ray on Apnl 4. 1968, whlla standing on a bak::ony of the Lorraine Motel m Mtff'C)hls,

Musical ertlertainment for the ceremony was provided by "True Fdelit)',' en a capt:,e41a gospel muse group from Iha Welch Street Churt:h cl Chntt.



Fine Arts receives $2 million from Fain Foundation ByCharleoCa,e

Copy Ediior The MSU Qr.11SK>f'I of Fine Arts has 1ect11ved • S2 m1H10n grant from Mrs Ramon Wood lhrough lhe Fain Foundation. The granl will be paid in four equal instellmenls ol $500 thousand over the rie,,;I lour

yea" The DNISIOO of FN Arts will nol

spend the endowment

money. but WIil make UN of a port10n of the gentraled 1n!er• 111.. The 1ema1n1ng srnaU« por• IIOn of interest wdl be 1e1nvosled to allow the endowmen1to grow, Or Ron Fischli, interim director of the DMsion of Fine Arts. said

Although no decisions have yel been made as to !he actual apphcalfon of the funds, one area under consideration is the enhancement of scholarshtps in

the divl6K>n, F1&ehli Aid. F1sehh also satd, 'The en• IS the Wisest and 100$1 lasting dona110n an individual can make. and we feel very WNrrly lowa,d MB Wood for her constderahon of the value of the arts ·

dowment This means tha1 depar1• merts will begin to receive direct funds from !he endowmenl approximalely al 1he hme of lhe second mstallmenl


ru!oh II slaled lo, Feb 12 Bd ~grnng, lhe lime when rushees t1rKf out whlCh tralemll1es hav• chosen them lo be,come candi• dates tor aci1Ve rnemberstup. wit takepwteefrom8am 1o12pm .nCSC 116 Sludent5 interuled In obtaining information ,,.r!ainlng lo

the CSC Ballroom.

we want lo.' he uld M1nouties now /'lave more righls end hold more poibcaf cA· wet

Sludenl Sena!•" lhrough I IU· den! bo6f ref«endOO"II

BIN 92/93- 1 rw lSed lhe lltU· boesd lo alow dent traffic e thrH member board during the summer semulfft

Rodriguez stops purchasing program By G. Patrick Fortner D S taff Wriler A memo,enchm conceming the use ol university resourcas wu issued to the MSU facutfy and staff on Dec. 10, 1992 by Or Louis J Rodri9uez, MSU p,esldenl. The memo slated some

MSU empk>yees were invONed

n a men::handi&e purch8H pro-

gram durmg campu, ofhc e hes were not in thll best K""iereist hours and used ce!Tl)UI rnalen- of Midwestern, and lherefore had l o be Slopped. he ud. als and ~ n t The memo aiso stal ed that The program invotved the to the c urrenl budget ens• due colle<:hve purchase ol va110U1 !he Mal e's cioM I CNhrt)' of and 'small items and odds and ends' higher education, MSU l aculty 11 discounl pncea due to bulk and staff have to be very careful purchases, Rodnguez said lo avoid any edion that could be Although no p1of11ee11ng or m1sconst1ued as improper or malice was Involved, the acl lVI· unelhal.



Btll 92/93-11 ofhc,alty erealed the l.cutly apprec1111ion

commitN, whose IHk WIii be to organae and conduc1 a 'Fac!A:y Appreciation 0.y' ev«y tchool

-~\ _.1

Y- 8111 92/93--10 WI" add lhe sele<:llon of 1n ' Outs1and1rig end Man' Gradua t e "Outstanding Graduate WorM,11' 10 the aMUal honon banquet

The Student Senale wilt hold «s nexl meeting al 6 p m . Feb 4 1n Ci.rk Student Center 104

.. _.. ,.~





'T'rue F idelity," an• ca pell a 11n11in1J rroup from the Welch St reet C hurch of Cluut 1■ WSehlta Fall•, ho nottd the memory uf the late Re v. Or. Mart.in Luther Kint Jr. oa. .Jaa. II by performiof orilia.al muatCal R.le-ctiou in the C lark Student C••ter Ballf'OO&

U.S. Supre me Court

CIA employee sho t

Jus tice Ma rsh all dies By David G. Savace The Loo Anceleo Tlmeo

Could • ,,...., lo unded on


"Tlvrit h4I did what M Iha princ,pla 1hal "an , _ .,. with whal ha h~ " lht 1g1ng WASHINGTON •. Rali..d . -lad equal " Marshol oll<ad. ..........lied

Juttice Thurgood Marshell • Cf.,til rights g1•rw who •• a lawy« won the •ndnwtic VICIOMa lhal ~ lron:ed ~ I o n 1n the Unif.t Stale& and 1~ b«ame Iha hrat ~.c;:k jul1te• of Iha S ~ Cou-1, dttd Swlday at

eontnie to deny baMC humen


The simple dtrec:tneu nght, to eom, ot 1hem M>Wy lh.tt commenl was relltcttd in l>KauH of lht color of lheir much of Mwshlirs i.g.1 'NOf'k "°'1? The answe, C41me on May Unlike ,ome of hi• court 17, 1954, in a case known H brethren who might e ~ parsBtowt, va Boud ol Edl,,qfio,1 Ing the bankruptcy eodo By • unanimous vote, the Marshan look on lhe majo, 1egoi

who •tapped ~'r.d~~=I '~-~~::11~::" !:!

:r.,~h!il, :.-;h~~::.:::,~=:~ ;=•:,,~naquar· and the

MUN:olhi1 dey1ndltp0 used ~::"•• ltratghttOf'Wtrd princl-

PrNident Al Gore dunng the l,\. augural e.temorty Ha h9d ..,.

On •bortion, fo, ex•mpla the ConatrtUlion That d9ciaaon lhlt lhe dec•11>n oi and lht acore1 ot rulings 1hai ht V'lsaled to le,rninat, 1 p,eg, whether followed ~. changed the lace of

le,ed Bethetda N.val Hotpital Mlffentd hNr1 t•iture al 2

:!: =_ and nee ruat to

canc.i pllna to ._..., "" Vk:a



n,ncy ~ to 11'11 won-.n He loleraltd no ..,~

the. netion and g,ava new oppot·

He WH equalty uny1t'ding bul ,..,. SUCC:esalul, lfl ~ lhe dealh pen111y Hia many years rtprea,enting black defendan!a In Southem cour1rooms had convinced him that capital punlahrnen1 was embutd wllh racism •nd was lundamenlaffy unfu A• • Supreme COUtt JLG· lice, h• vol ed against •very ~•th "nlence presenltcl 10 him 8y the lime o1 tthfemtnl lf'I 1991, though, t)I ~ IO aklnt Marshall ,IOlntd !ht court in 1987 at lht Ngh water tnllr1i:: 01 rht liberal ,,.. unde, Chief Justice Eart wa,,.~ W111h • aolid maioncy of libtr•I appom!aea IM coun had lnlltled on lh. duegregaho n ol schools and state coNeges, expanded the nghts of cnrTWnal deltnd•nts end :>rOldly P,ottciad !ht freedom of lf)Mch and the p,eu

Though bt~ known few hla The J)mCIJ)le of ~ lrMlment 24 YMrl on the ~ Cour1. oodef law •Ito J.t lo legal mernmany i.g,a1 tcholara consider victones fo, women and him lhe mo&1 '"l)(Htant lawyer of bef'I of ..hntc rnlno,t'"• . . Wfltlt the 201h eeritu,y becaUH of hia • k> rote in tndi-lg lnstituhonal Mg· the handicaw«t and daMbltd In • lribult 1o Marshall '90ltion in lhe Unhd Stat• hi a A 0,Nt-grands on of •v• Pr11tdanl Clinton rl01ed ~ on lhe nat,on powenul ~ Balhtnoft. an Le> grew ht QueiM the in giant • was ''He he cotHd not entoa at hie local op• publ.e school: nor coukf he and fo, human ngh11 and equal his famty lhop in downlown de- portunity in the wtl06e hlsfory of p,Ndtnt lhe pe,tment Morea. Though • fine our country," •tudtn« he •Ito could n o t ~ said "Evety Am.riean &hould ., I h a ~ ol Mo,y1and Law be r,rotolu1 for Iha C<l<llri>uloons School. Because ht WIii bllck h9 rMde aa an acNocil t Ind 11

~ -hoM doors

Wife cloQd 1~,


- Umled Statec

H1rvard Law Proleasor It WH an indignity ind I wrong that Marshall ntYef f0t- l1urence H Tribe called ihe grNfNI llwyer in Merahal thin fflOfe got And probabfy • oy other American. he de· Ito. 20lh c«ttury He.,., lo lhl




As !he chief legal counsel IMUN," Fo, his part, Mat1haU rt• for the NAACP lt1g1I o.,.....,_ a grNI, Fu~. Ma11haU challenged fl.Md lo pity the ro~ otht law l racaam In the courts thtoughx.C gt11y eminence of the 19.)()e. MlCf 1940&. Finaly, in lnttMd, hi was gruff and oft.n the •rtv 19501, he presented ~ in his later yNra. He with the CUUI aquaraly lo lht u s kapt hil: ... cftfb •muud Sl4:>r.,,. Cooo, an .n-wtvte and wry COfTWnWltstheabcMA day of IMlJN tht thin •l•mal• ~ thal 1or more On 1h11 day ht retired from The Loo An1eleo 1lmeo • century had btithtfy ,gno,ed the COU't, he was asked how hi ~ of racW l'lfl.Sliot WASHINGTON •• p,.,dent would flt to be rtmemblfed Clinton continued to work or, hit Mltclion of a new nominee fot llftomey gene,.I Monday lo r• place Zoe Baird, who wihdrew her candidacy Friday, u ~ !ant pend.no actions 1n the Department of Juttice added ugenc:y lo the talk A1d11 suggested a d1c111on Hamid oouJd come later lh11 wHt At Mtnllte, lnfonnat1on r By Nonnan Kem.-1e Humm•h tad Iha! Iraq The Loo Anpleo nmeo .. ready fo, "pragmetk:, bUSI· one poltnhal cancSdate, Judge

Clin ton looking for new A.G.

Iraq continues to challenge no-fly zone

-----.. WASHINGTON - Sactola,y

of Otft nM Les A.spin pkt

&.rodoy lhal lroq moy be """"'II

U.S.«dtre d " no-fty" zonN Ind Nfting 14' a confrontation


However, AIJHn ptOYiditd no dllail tnd M id lhal ii iii 100 • rtv to be ""9 If rht movement• signet • new Iraqi cheJ.

__ ____ rang. 1o""'

Ul1ilad -endb- .

toon lo d9-"1lhnk_, l'a a termine whM'1 gong on (in Iraq) lira lht C'-'lon amwwfratio n

"I think we're goeng to need to wM e coupteot day'l 10 fflUt aure .. One of lh• thinv- wt

nNCftobe ..tct-.ngin thtnMI oouplo ol daya la Iha p1aca.of thole SAMe (surtau-lO-a ir


~PrNfde ntBushO f• dared I MriN of ptdtvt slr.N at Iraqi fefgillaNrti erlhil month 111:w Iraq dtp6oyld Matae•IO-P' miNIIN in lt\t zonH The

p----1,oqhad .,_.._...,,,. moYod

!hey no longer conatlUI~ • t»nger

the ffQIIN again 10 that

_ "_lo_ Baghdad,



t-tu...in'a gonrrmenl u lCI 1h11



Pap 2 ■ Thunday , J anuuy 28, 1993

IN tnjurwd, a &O year -o'd lhaf! fl'OfTI o.Jaon, V• , wu., cr1q 1 001'1dlfOn Wl1h I gun•hol ~ w i ~ s. Sen tMf ~ MY.-.d h6a '-ft &r,n C IA •pnkHm•n Bob Smith, R-N H w ho had dropped hll s,on ott at tehOOI Ch1ttl6an ..id lhel IIGU~ ""•• rby lokf r ~ t f l 1h11 lhO ~ t,ot,ltd up •rounu ~ ::.11,'r,t " WH 1y1temehc •I~ quart"• btCIUH '1htrt • II, way• lhe poH1blhty ol COP)-c.ai w•lklng down and ihoOllng lhe cars 'TMf• wes no -,noeon ~11,11, and alao ooncervAb", ~

noc flPPHl lo aarQM anv

By Knut Royce Ne,..day WASHINGTON •• A


gumn,n mtlhodlcaly lolltod IWO CtA ttnployees and .n)Urtd two other• wilh • htgh powered rtflt h..d, jl.111 Olllllde lht qUlr1et'I lfl M.lburbln Mcl. .n Va . Monday. pohce and .yeW'II·




ness11aa'd ,,~,~~w·h• adquarltr• ..wu A fifth men. who WOfl(td !Of slunned by the kdhngs C~ We don't know lt's tll 'Plcula. 1 IIVI at lhi& po«l1 .. amployHs are 1hoClled jurtd In the drarnahc mo,ning Arnono the thecm os bt,t1g saddened et IM ••n••~• •:· rush•hout lhool/ng binge on • racl( on our ftiendl • nd co· pursued, t)e said, was !hat lht

I CIA l:Mraclor, 1150 ••• In•

huv;!y lrav.itd road The suspec:1 slopped his 1mall , tallon wagon on , through lane of Roul e 123 m F11rfu County, strode between slopped ca15 lo th• rnl(Jdle ol two let'Hurn-only lanes HMng CIA htadquarler a and shot point-blank 1nlo the windows of at INst lhrH cars, pol.et wld He 1h•n qu11tty rttumed lo tht car and aped oft Ha wn sil11 t>..ng 50Ughl lale Mondey Fatrlax Polic• Chief Michul Young tokt .-.por'ltra that lht al• tack lasted oofy aeeond$ and did

lugues.'' 1he in11lllgenc1 1 agency said Jn a slaltmtn Ille


icy ot no1 commenting on lh• Identity of Ill agent• 0, •fT'910V· ees it confirmed 1h11 1he two dead men were Lansing H Bennett. 66, and Frank 01rhng, 28 both of nearby R..ton ' The CIA. poi1C1 and Fairfax Ho1plfaf. where !he two ,.,,. were ously ,n1ured being 1,. .1ed. refused to tdtn· hotpllal A them 11fy 1pob1wornt1n uld Iha! ont ol


ously womed. ht ~ too weak to overcome opposition by olhers in 1ht mi~ry 10 !ht return of ex· 1teid Pres1den1 Jean·Btrlra nd PORT-AU-PRINCE. Ha~ - A Ari&llde ntW h.trd-ftne appro.ch by !he Cedras 1od1y'1 de facto Clinlon adminestration and ev•n ruler of Haili, led tht coup m an irrplied lhrMl ol mililaty inte,• September 1991 that overthrew v•nlion by lhl Unlfed Nations Anstde, the t'lllbon·• I•~ d8fT'& rndihave l•ded 10 move cnitalty elecied president tary toward mnnlflgful neootia· Anothof dipbrnal said 1h11 liont lo end the ooun1ry·1 ~ t - wtvle he 1hinks tho lhreal of m.li• eal criaia. dipbmatlc and HdW1n 1ary .ntervtnhon is reel, "it •• my ooun:osaay view 1h11 Cedras 1s s1Ff'f)Jy buy· ''The military hett JUSI tng lime ,n hopes he can stlll doesn't Nlievt anyone WIii u.se p,evtnl Aoahde's re1um " milllery force 1ganst 1hem,.. one So fa,, all efforts 10 rellort He said off1c111 l mltrna110na eonsl1luhonal govemmenl here added lhol ..,en ff a,my slrong· have foundered on 1h41 mditary's man Raoul Cedras war• 11ri-

By Kenneth Freed The Loo Anp lN Timeo


1pp11l1 court hett app11rs 10 have ruled hlr111f out. SOUfC1$

,.,,.., With lht pt'OCMI •id

Sources uld Clinton col')> llnuu to look al several other candldalH, 1nclud1no Judge Richard Arnold of lh• f.dtral appeals court in Unle Rock.

U S official& s.ed 1h11 they art btwildwed by lreq'a polital maMtNering. whtch sttma to

M . CharlNFC RtA!. • -


be aimed at Nling tlNIOf'IS W'llh the new 1dm1n111ra1, on whda oonlinua,g to challenge lhe norty zones. Wh.eh th• Baghdad ptmmtnt hu said • oonsld• ... 1o be -.goJ,

Jame Gorelick. • Waatwlglcn al• tomey who served H one of Zoe Bawd's adv11ers during her codirmahon hNnngt,.

-------IN TW _ _ _



I IIR. CU-ANl·.RS ANJll.Al'Nl>RY ISO I M odw.-to!ff!I P.tw.y

27)1 So@Ulw.,.1Part:way

'91 19'>6

lho V~ • Pl•u

W.ctuu S.,u.n 8 7 k ,.d O,,,:o·

)21 1554

691 .(1()(,0


t1._.,,,m1,41,h ,

721 1900 16 129-JI SCrm 767,0JIII()

,k v1111~• 11-.ll 1t111,h , ,p., 1,I,

ourm et o ee, and Accessories I

11,.,., orn", ,lrd ,.,Iii ,111 ud)lr

.1111 I\ .,.111\I\! 11, .. ,,1, ,.,..,mm . >11L. 1, 1o '""', h -.,

wfth PrNdtnl Cinlon'a NUOU· ration Wednesday , dHp1l1 lhtN IJurfflllhel in the no-fly NlCt the,,




..__ ........... ....... o... ...._. ._... ........ ""'. ........ ·.-.. •-,,,__ ·---•.... ___..•f- ,._ .:--.•--:: ...... _,... ..... _..::::::--·\

WELC OME M SU STUDE NTS! We provide school supplies as well as office supplies.





34(11 Kemp Bl<d • Wich11, Fl.fl, . T, 7630ll Phonc (81 7) 691-6555 F3' (8 l 7J 69f -7504


Poftc:t dHCrtbed lhe su,. p,,d aJ t young W'Me male WII b,own hair. 5-fool-10 pert"' 1n his 20.. whO was wearing dartc f1C=kel and panls

refusal, baekod by mos! of c111irlan 1l11e. to accept Anshde 1 retum. even in !he lace of re. pealed demands from lht Un1lld Stales •nd l h1 Organizaho n of American Stele, The demand, hav, been backed by the 1mpo11hon ol ..::onomically c.rippltng sane. on this pove11y-ndden "-'·


hc>n A conl1ngon1 of 37 Ob· server5 11 e>q>eeted hare by lht end of January They win J()ln 18 others already in place Angl,da, however, has dem•nd•d !ht p,111nct of "thousands of ob, servers,'' a demand Iha millta,y w,I oeru11nly tet'Cf


P . - M Wald ol Iha fede!al

neu-Jik• dtteullion" Wllh lht Cinton adminiatratw:,n He said thal tM recent clashes we,e . Ind we are com"minor ~ mined to the cene.fn "

atslllanl WIS I "d!sgrunlltd lf)J)hCa"' •• lormM eff'4)foyee knc,wl what could unhinge ,omebOd)' •· perhaps• 00nlr1e. IOI' wh()H c,onlr.ct had not botn renewed .And I tuppose one c:an'1 ru.. out exttmelly du9e1 1erron1m. bu1 the,1'1 no h i denc• "


i Clinton takes hard-line on HaitHa••·•

h conllnues to 1dh1rt l o a


,a,e cStpertur• rrom pol·








Thursday, January 2R, 1993

■ Page~

Noted artist presents forum II)' Julie Nlllln)'

ANoclale Editor Tho loU<lh of IIOdh ochod u1oc1 •xhlbitlono ., .,.



MGdolywllbog;,,Jon.2eWti, Sieve TNIM,

Teeters' exhibition ••n• temb14yNts. ci•~t/Futu re. A Steel Tfffen' rote u viping artist Environment· is • at..r inst■III• ■ at.q>Onld by the Wichita Facts lion of SCUipt'"° wit, a .....ical Ar11 Commiulon. the City of - - by Tino Eng1-,. Wichita Fals, Nllions8antc. lhe "My ICulpture ltndt; ,~ fo. MSU Ari Endowment and !he CU& on our never ending quell Pr9aident'1 Exc.ilence Fund. to define each of our own apirf. e,chbttion oNk:lelly be'""'.boundo<1eo: r..,... .,.1o<1 ginsThe Feb. 1 and will contimtti in h11 ar1llt's statement "By I.JI· lhtough Mitch 5 The public is Ing lhe human ftgure I want to wwilod lo anend. ~ men·, inward qullt ror :;::_.own spiritual understandFor more informalJoo con• ceming 1"- S,ide l.cl16e and the By IJ.nda Bendricb of Nmed hi• bac:helot

TNte,s will outline hit d&velop,Mnt of "•ncienvFuture A SIMI E,,.,.....,_ • His-... taUon wtu begin at 4 P rn . c111 of the F'wne Atta in The opening rece~~n honoring Tfftoro wil be hold _, 9 p.m , Jan. 2'i in !he Urw , Art. 4:1■1S.ry of the Rne ~ actenc■ In art from THH Build,ng. Th. event IS ,,.. ■nd Tech University. He has been op..-. to tt. Public. •rnpbyed aa an art lnstq.ictor in tho LLt>bock IXbk school ■yl·

bulldi .


Psych clinic available for students


opening reception, conlacl


Richlln! M. Aah 111, professor of art end UniY•rdy Art Gole<y dC

The Psychobgical CWnk: at

t~ hu expanded 10 olher areas ot lhe Wichil■ Fakcormu,ity, Or. Paul C. GulMa, director of the er k: nd . tanl prot of

rwc:tor, at 689-.:388.

Students excell .


Forty-eight MSU students achieve Who's Who honors

Whal do Prniderit d Chief Executive Offic of •n American Red Croq :~, Iha Dole, NBC News •nchllabeth Tom Brokaw •nd the A.:= JNN L. Jackeon have in mon 'Mlf'l 48 MSU student fhNe P'Orninent A s. are distinguished r e c ~ Iha Who"s Who A nls of Students in Am ~ong Univ~iea•ndCoftegaaerican 48 students horn MS~wal'd, r908fltly selected lo be 'ncl w.t'e I In the 1993 edition of I heuded tional pubicarion n■· MSU recipie~ts namec:t . thi5 yur are Sylvia y A d Derek J . Andrew · " ersen. 5 Asbury Carle 8 ~ ~Slln L CaJ'TOII '..lohmy etty J . G. Keri D A Chape M . ina 9 • • • Claer,




W "'·

CC~rt~t!~ Bobeit

E gbert J Collins Ind Carol H Connally. Olhera include David W


-Ptiri:ia L Dey, Richard

ur Degga Ill, James P. Devney, Gayla G Dunagan. Kory D F ~. Kregg M. Fehr, Holly H. Fillmore. Mariko R. Flagg. Candice E. Futton. Jack L. Funhouser and Margaret A.

Gragg. More recipienls are Coleta M . Gnbbs. Jean L Hen, Lori C. Hamilton, Chrialopher O Hartman, KeUy D H1I, Paull M. Hugt,9:1. Margaret L. lee. Mery A. lovang, lant4 J Lyles, Katen K. Mccormick. t<.ritn A. McKee, Jorge Meave Jr and Jan M. Metcalf

FiNilly, Kerry D Mitchell, Rebecca A . Mobley, Bart A. Noggle, Pamela R Panerson,

Alhena L Pond, John C. Royse. Jennifttr M Schenk. Sieve C. Schmitz, Linda W Scou, Esther z Tilley and Eizabelh C. Wuthemtd. Students were MHlded by c.mpua nominaling committees and edtora ot the ann1.al direc· 1ory based on academic achievement, Hrvic9 to th• community, ludenhip in ex· tracurricl.ilr .ctiviliN and poten• !ill tor continued SUC0HS, These atudenls join an elite group of studenls selected from more lhlin I ,.too inatitudons cf Nghef education in all SO atetes, the Oistricl of Columblll and ....,.,., for9ign nations. These studen1s wiH be pre• sented • certifical e al lho Annual Honors Banquet on Apnl 22


Guthrie said the clink: was

~::::~ ~:.V~a~aa!ci~t~ professor of psychology. The

~=~::r:~pp~~= ::~;

Boe,d ot Regerta 1n May.

GIAhria .uid he thnka: ~ny stuclett1 have needl for a clinic of thia type. ·A very aJgnificant nufl'ar of studenta are on thei' own ard the demands are very

VOICES MSU's student produced literary and artistic magazine Voices is accepting submissions of all mediums of expression that can be reproduced in a magazine format (photographs, artwork, cartoons, poetry, short stories. nonfiction). Submission box is located in upstairs Hardin. Do not put name on your work. Include a cover sheet with your name, classification, major, adress, phone number, and title. Please type all literary submissions.

son's abdity 10 pay. The feM are uauaJly lesa llwn what olher ~

graduate students get handa-on

agoncGut~C::.~UMt cJi~'s pro-

::":! :8~;!~

!he codure i1 to tlrsl achedul• •PHe said lhe .«:ill workers in poinlments and _.eMeWS. the department have the oppo,· A aocilil history is than lunily lo work wilh these clientsde C001)1,. , -~ byGutU:,~ ~~ and can earn Cf8dil tor -,cial his· _..., nr.. ..... V"--!Ory work. Ulle tlud«II decide if more for• Th• ctinic la working with

=.::::.r= including the economicalty d•


mal ~ ~ n t is


nHded, arrangements ar• ::':



=•~~~~t::'ed lo Iha COIKM ol lrealfflffl, Contacts are made through priale k> lhe palienl'a nMdl. local agencies, such II Iha The clinic, k>cated in lhe Manta I Health Mental O'Donohoe Buikfing. 1s open RetardaUon Canter of W,chita Monday through Thursday from Fafls. 1 30 p.m to 5:30 p.m and on Tho cost of aervicet el the Tuaadeys from 6.30 p.m . to

ji;ibat·G~fh~;ingsj •• The MSU Dance T•m will practice al 8 p m • Jan. 28. in the Ex-studencs Dining Room ot lhe Clatk Student Cenler •• The 25th Annual Menlal HeaJlh FIim Festival will be hek1 lrom 8·.tS a.m. 10 12 pm. and 14·15 pm., Jan. JO, in the CSC BaMroom. •• The MSU CoUege Bowl team will prKtice el 2:30 p.m.,

How will you be heard if you don't use your

Gultvie aleo said atudenls get Iha help they need and

Jan. 31, in the CSC Hoapitality Room. •• The United Campus Mlnislry will hold a p{anning meeling al 8 p m .. Feb. 1. in the Catholic Carfl>US Center .. Or. Mk:hael Coflins, direc•

tor of the Oiviaion of Humanities. will be lhe lealured speaker dunng lhe Facuky Forum al 8 p m .. Feb. 2, in the CSC

T'Meler. •• The Student Senate wlll : : at 6 p.m.. Feb, .t, tn CSC

•· Slale Ropresenlalive John Hirschi will be lhe foelured speaker during a meeting of lhe MSU TACT cheptar at 1:30 p.m.. Feb. 5 , rn the CSC Thealer Refreshmenls are available. and non-ment:>ers are encouraged lo anend. •• Congressman Bill Sarp1lius will be the featured

speaker dunng a "Town Hall Mealing," hosted by Iha Otviston of Polil.c&I Science and Public Admrn1stra1ion, at 11 a.m., Feb. 8. m !he CSC Thealet.

•;e~,:l1~=~~: 0~7,:

will u;e 9 words of the Rev. Or. Martin Luther King Jr and Langslon Hughes, performed by Danny Glover and Felix Justice, al 8 p.m.. Feb. 9, in !he Fine Arts Theater Tickets are available in 103. •• Sludenls lnteresled in running track can contact Robert Blacitshear, MSUlrackcoach, al tm. 4421 or in D.L Ligon 117.


(Poliffl.l:3eat) The MSU Pofice responded to four burglaries, three automobile accidents and lwo ads of criminal m~hief during the put two weeks. •· An unknown individual removed an intermediate algebra book, lwo .sociology boob and two American history books from a Killingswor1h Hal t st noor dorm room between 11 :30 a.m - 12.30 p.m.. Jan. 15 The ilams are worth $137.31. There are no SUspeciS.

•• An u nknown individual removed a 1an John Hart vinyl purse, a wallet wilh $100 cash. •

pair of eyeglasses, a pair of sunglasses, a retro pen, a

Texaco credit card and a Oilarda credit card from a Killin~wor1h Hall 3rd floor dorm room belween ,t p .m .• Jan. 1S and 1 a.m., Jan. 16. The items are worlh $343. Thara a re no suspects. •• An unknown individual removed clothing from • dryer at the Bridwell Courts apartmenl compl•x between 8-9.15 pm.. Jan 15. The items are worth s«. There era no suspec!s. •• An unknown individual removed candy bars. potato chips, Myslic bolllad water, ' three cases of lemon hard candy and one case of TEXANS plasbc cups lrom lhe easl and west

iowmun Qlompulrrs

Selections will be made by a student and faculty jury and the Voices staff. All decisions are final. Magazine distribution is scheduled for May 1.

Alllllversary Salt 13 Years 804MSI c..,.ta Syslm WI..,

Cl).A~2~:. ~~~~ lady to 10 for,

Submission deadline is February 19.

$ 1397.00

I04NSI llotkrlou,LJ :159.00 CD 1011 W/Stmo SCSI .S 244.00 I04NDl-33 •twloo,dS 5119.00 ~

llol1crlori...S atoo

Lura Lotu. Wffll rarec~ Wladow Wor4, Dk1t, Vutan. lr,cJ. I !Iott 1111 or PU<MH Vldco Prof-.

Say Something. Use your Voices.


ass-seev or drop ta ot

11192 Wlllb

Wlcblla falls

13 Yesn in busmen ,ervinc all Computer Reqwremenls: .Wu.sic

Accountini:. Nel•orkinc Educational, Home Mai.n ttaance and Supplie,

concesSK>n slands of the D.L. Ugon Cohseum after 12 p.m .. Jan. 2.t. The items are wor1h $300. There are no suspects. •• An MSU sh.ldent driving a white 1985 Chevrolet van struck a blue 1988 Buick Skylartc while attffll)ting to partc in a space on an MSU parlong lo!, Jan. 19 As of p,esg time, the damage 1-esn't been appraised

•• A blue l 980 Chevrolel Scottsdale truck was slruck on the pauengar door while l4101lty parl(ed in • space on an MSU part<ing k>t, Jan. 20. As of prN1 lime, lhe damage hasn't been

oppraised. •• Four silver plastic hubcaps were removed from • red 1990 Mitsubishi EcltpM: par11:ed in a space on lot 4, Jan. 23. The items are worth $225. There .,. no SUSpecis.

•• An unknown indivtduat vandalized sbc 1oilel paper dis~naers in lhe southeas1 womens restro::,m of lhe O,L. Ltgc>n Coiaeum between Jan. 22-25. Th9 damage was appraised at $2.tO. There are no suspects. •· An unknown indivtclual shallered a 12" X 12" window pane ol th e D . L. Ligon Collseum. Jan. 23. The damage was appraised at $20 There are no suspects


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Pore 4 ■ 'fh un,day, Jan uary ~8, 1993


EDITORIAL Sessions scandal shows need for strong attorney general By The Baltimore Sun Nothing better illustrates the need for President Clinton to in• tall • strong attorney general than the confusing scandal Involving William Session!, director of the Fede,al Bureau of Investigation. On hi• last day as Bush's attorney general, Wilham Barr accused Sessions of numerous lmproprielies. He based this on • repM by the Oepenment of Justice's Office of Prolessionol ResPOns,blhty. The thrust of the repon Is that Sessions lrequantly scheduled activ111es lor personal rather than official reasons. Given the special security considerations of an FBI direc10r. some of the complaints in tha OPR·s report seem awfully petty. However, cumulatively the charges do suggest at the very least ethical obtusenes ol the son lhat forced one ol his predecessors out of the office In the 1970s. Sessions knows this history. He should have been more circumspect.

Clinton's 'inclusive' policies exclude Asian-Americans By Edward U u The Loe Anrelee Tim.ea

Celilorma, ona-lh1td of San Francisco , numerically blgge,

Sou1hern edll10n ol the American dielionery, his delini: : , : d,t_flflfty _ • and mine 1 1 ~ 1..,.. In 1h11 country ol incrtHlngty disparate e1hnlc and cullural groups, dlveraity can no longer be viewed under the obsolele Pll,.d igm of black/white rtiatk>ns. Al 900• of lh• New Sou1h Cl~ lon Ind Al Gore were per~ ceived by many Asian-American baby boomer, as hopeful INder. wil:h a vtaion beyond the okt ~ilics of •xculon and de l~o

Even though Rap Norman M1nela San Jose, Calif,, wu uld to have boon approac hed aboul I pouibl e Cablnel posl and d eclined, 1 cannot believe lMt lhere are no olhet outstanding Asian-AmertCans being oonlfdered lor alb-Cabinel and v.,,~• House stan posilk>ns

1 cringe when !he main - then Hong Kong, more 1han atr. . m medlal leud PrHidant twice Singapore·• pQpulallon Clnton's diversity Iheme in the and OUf repretenlallon m the choice llnd ulection ol his new Clinton 1dmlni1lfalt0fl la Cablnel and 11eff Un1es, reltQ■led 10 a few low-level Clinton ii using an expu,gated aides


I cal this the pohtlea: of "Hop Sing." In l h• politicelarena . Alien-Americans wiH alweys be the backdrop, not quila lu lty

Americln Hop Sing wu • char•

act..- In "Bonina," the popular TV Wellem series of !he 1950.

Sessions said the report is misleading and full of •~,,_,-:~ are, folly 7 5 mil~ and '60s errors He cenainly deserves 10 be heard. The OPR 1 ~~~ :~:.:~~ lnveslig~ti~ seem.ad to s~e I? have been a response people, 3 percent of the ; : whe~~ to SessK>ns ordering an invesltgation of improprieties tk>nal population, 10 pereenc of Vlctor Sen Yoog p1ey the role of In lhe Depanment of Justice. Even if that 1s not true it appeared _that high Justice officials leaked details ~f the ~i./1 HILLARY 1nvest1gat1on last tall in order to embarrass Sessions ij not to deter him We consider the mere hint of the CAN'f I AT latter to have serious enough implications to call for an THE OVAL Investigation of the whole Sessions attair. ()FF/CE: DESK


Hop Slng. lh• 000k • nd houte·· boy of !he Cartwright• Ht wa., the OOf'IIUl'T\INle ChlnMe IKM· kick often n•n m th • back· ~ . blJI rarefy heetd, He Wit the y1Uow token of Amark:an telavi,lon !or more lhan. • decad• If Hop Sing we,e tlNe today, ho woukj proba~Y b•

worttlng kM' Zoe Baird.

Even though 63 p«cenl ~ A11an-American1 voltd for 8111 Clinton according lo txit polls (compared wi1h 37 percent lor George Buah and 9 percent f0t Ross Perot). Asian-Americans have nothing l o look fotward 10 in the Clinton NTI!NStralbn. Al thls r•I• . we will be no more than l he Hop Sing$. As we head toward !he edge of l he Pacific Century, with the _pha· nomenel growth 1n the soc.opolitlcal econom1es. of the coun·

t:n:.:~~~ ~a~~•:~ Bill Clinton to tap t heir ta~nts end potenlial !Of leadership In

Amenc.a a quot! fof AK'leWal Clinton's pol~ics for change, inckJsion and dtv•,aity will 1n: elude wom.n, blacks , latlnoa and gay, bef0te it witl embtac. Atlan-Amerlcan• •nd N111va Americans LOOk out fOf lhe H0p

$tngl of hts lldmlnlilrallon! To


f ello w

A 11an-

AmerieaM, l ~ II It lime !or ua to sit down ond rethink ou, 1tt1tegy fOf politJcal empower. ment The 0.afQe Walteces anc:, Leater M addoxes of lh• Old may be gone from lhe ,eene. bl.A th• BIJI c , ntons and Al Go,w ot tho New South may not ~ r i l y meen a nel ga,n



" E Plurl>ut Unum·· (out of many, one), IM mono ol lhe United St.ates, ._ mean ingtua ooa., Asien-Ameticans are fufy

:~:rr:~e:'K)"n•~~ ~~

poralec:J io his bold vislon lot our country.

,------==========::._------ ---, should Handicapped zones be for str

handicapped only By Randy Hmin( Reporter


Since 1976, FBI directors have been limited to 10year 1erms. This was designed to keep them from becoming as independent as J. Edgar Hoover. who intimidated presidents and held lhe job for over four decades. Presidents retained the right to gel rid of directors at will, but the 10-year te,m _ longer than two pres1dent1al terms _ was a clear congressional slgnal that the FBI directorship should not be a pol~ical plum.

H•v• you aver been tempted to do it? I know l hav•I Have you ever been t•mpted to ~ in • handicapped zone? Have you actually went ltvough with it? I know 1haven't There ii no way I could because every time I con19fll)&al e 11 I 1hink

ot one ll>ng - Gra,q,a My grandfather was a diabetic, and due lo his cond1110n, he had both legs amputaled

8 111 Clinlon's attorney general must look into the charges against Sessions and Into his charges against his accusers. Congress has a responsibility to keep an eye on 1he Clinton adm1n1stration's handling of this, watellful for any s,gn of polilics in play in the administration's decision-making.

bebw lhe knees

This is why this matter is so ~ I to me h bolhers me 10 no end 10

see •

person lha1 is

not disabled partc.ed 1n e hand!· cappod,pace

There ,, only one lh1ng worse thin a non-handicapped person uamg a handkappad spece •· a per$0fl abusing !he right to possess a handicapped po"'"'9 pem,il.

LETTER POLICY Letters to the editor should be brief, to the point and without abusive language or personal attacks. Letters must be signed by the writer •· not ped •· and should include a elephone number and address for verification purposes. If you wish your letter to be published without your name, and the content justifies that action, please contact the editor so a mutual a~reement can be reached. All letters will be printed unedited.

I knOw of at leaSI one person on campus lhal has a habit ol usmg a handiupped pe1m1t lo use lhe specl81 zones.

'Scent of a Woman' explores facets of human emotion



Midweet-,rn State U nJv e raity 8◄ 10 T aft Blv d . B o x 12160 W i chi ta Falla, TX 7 8808

New• Deak (81 7 ) A d. De•k (817) M,dwwi Y_.Jd

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M...-le Crltk

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o... c . -

During a ciass, I heard !he

¥rtOman admit lo sometimes using lhe pen'nil when ahopping in Dallas duling bad wi,ather How many disabled people

¥rtOuld like a handicapped space during bed wealher or to get lo dassonti'ne?

When asked aboul lhe situ• alion, Marvm Brincefield, ol the Wich i l a County V ehicle Regis1fa1ion Oeparlmenl. $tlid peopkl seeking a handicapped mu11 report 10 his de• pertment and pk:k up a special

By Dean i..wrence

putslon hanging over Sims head. he lakes on a three-day

"Scenl of • Woman•. now playing at Sikes Six Thelters. ia • nother In a long line of SUC·

;ob ol "babytitliog" • bfind ex-

around him are doing and 1hirwing not only i~essea Charley, but elso Pf"(l'llides an

Army c.olonet. Frank Slade, played by Pac1no, while Slade'a niece and her l1m1ty go otf on a

OOCNlonal touch of comic relief. The movie ~ k>ng, •bout two and a half hou,., and lot" form.

Movie Critic


T his woman obtained her parking perm,t when her daughter was severely hul1 m a aUlomobi'8 accident This woman is nol handicapped.

ceu•s l or maslet acior Al Pecina. end an admirable namerNker tor ldor Chrta O'Oonnel. O'Donnell plays Char let Slmt, e s l ~ at an exclueive New Englond boys p<ep IChoot. Unlike vkt..lty al ol M clusm■IH, Sims does not come rrom a nch famity. bul is ab6e 10 alltnd only because he re• cai\led a scholarship f rom his

homacown schoot in Oregon. While his das.smales ;et oft lo akllng re.sorts in Switzerland for Thanksgt1o11ng, Sims look& fOf • lefl1)0r8ry pb to make enough money to gel home for

Chostrr-.s break. It IS hi• nisf0f"lune 10 witness !I ~•nk perpelra1ed by &orne of the och kids, and th• tehool· mast9t' IS bent on forcing Sims to !ell who WH mvofvad Howev.,-, lhe unwritten code of honor wiCI not aUow him lo snitch on his l9'1ow Slud90IS desprtt heavy pr9"Ure from lhe headmaster Wilh lhe po111blhty of ex-

ThanksgMng holday S\ade ls a bitter . anoganl. loud-mouthed alc ohohc. he dis~kes his niec.e's lami"1', his blind-


lhoae who pref er 1he physical aclloo of a Seagal o r Schwattzeneog,ar ottering. i1 is probebty not that 1nleresting. ness •nd We in general As soon It is, however, a ep ic pl• as they are gone, he reveals lo earNqUe in the 1radi!lon of ' Rain Sims !hat he has a«anged lo, a Man," heavily psychological withoul being ponderous, and it ""toNowYO!l<Cly Slfl\5 reluci1nl"1' followl him has • happy ending. Tha lanas a carelaker/guide dog, and guage is rough 1n some places 1he Colonel finally tells Sms that bu: nol graluieoos, and there i s he is actually plannrig lo take his no love mterasl !hough sex is own Ille after • weekend of high referred lo often. Pacino 1s masterful in h is living The dilemma that l ollows eharacteriza1ion, and O'DoMell forces Sims to exalTllne his own does a no less th&n exper1 job in courage to tac.a the ddficulhes 1n his role of an 1nexpetienc:ed his Ile 1n W ghl ol the Colonefs YOI.M\9 man who haa lo dul With failing courage, eombmed wilh gro wing up in a slfesslul and 1he more tangible problem of sornelimM unfair WOftd This movie wilt not tum into a how to prevent Slade', suicide The 111:le of !ht mov,a refers cinema clu4ie, but for those lo SMlde'a empal htc ability lo who en,oy fil ms that explore some of the fKetl ol human •ne· • woman by the acent her perfume or the soa.p that emotion, it it worth seeing. she uses, and h1s almost extrasensory knowledge ol what Revl9W Rat.-.g. B•



The form must then be car• lifted by a doctor who must stale wh al the d1seb11ily IS and whelher ii i, a permanent or 1emporary (up to a six month) situation. Brincel ielcl al50 said a person who is neither hanchcapped nor transporting handicapped people but parks m a d esign.l ed zone IS sw,ed lo I hckel The line on such a hckel 15 not definite hke 1he l ee con• nected Wllh spaadmg He said 1he line is set by a 1udge who

heirs !he case ., a court of law

Bnnc:eheld said that m order 10 keep ~pie from abusmg handicapped pnvrl ege s, l he S1ata of Texas reqU11es all peo, pie who ha ve handicapped parking permils to 1enew 1hem every live years No w ma~be handicapped zones w1U be ln1ty lhal • · zon es meant !or hand•· cappe d p e op le and ha nd1· capped people a lone!


[ m'IWfCfflTAN


Thunday, January 38, 1993



By Shane GiftM

opportunity lo win !ht game on

Sport.I Editor

• taat Hcond 3-poinler Iha!

The lndl1ns puU.d off a miraculous win J•n 25 when • co,tty leclvlieal foul HI up two Juon P.ty frN throws to Ice the game against Soul ham Nazarene, 77-7◄

bouncod off the back of lhe rim

The ltchnlcel foul wes celed

acore, tMn Frazier made the fa• lal mistake Iha! cost Solllhern

Nazarene the game

7Jw 1'-irb<f~:,il" Riu1dl

&..I. Collla1 (fl4) . , . , _ . . . . and acorecl the - d a loft llD

mtbi::.._OU7 two earl7 la tbe



Athletes named All-American Seven MSU athletes ha,..e been Mlecte,d lo the ~emtc AJJ-Oi&lrict T. .m for the fah of 1992. VoUeybell players Leal. . Aodlrle and Te"i Thompson, - I I playera Bruce Palmo< J-1f Scnue,er, Tom A meNo John Frhtch and aoccer •andJ.E. hNd the i,a ol 25 athlete, from Diatrict 8


°" Iliac_,

nomodlotheocedomicAnderlee, a jlmior hite, from Wndlhotst. bollata a 3.43 GPA

in special education, while Thompson. • sophomore hiner lrorn Graham, apof'ls a 3.29 GPA 111 elementairy educator,. Palmer, • sophomore Wide receiver from Iowa Park, metn'-"• a 3.IM GPA In politk:al sci-

The Indians, 9-9 overall and 4-0 al home, regained po6Se&· 1lon after the lwo free lhrows. Authur Hurs« was fouled irrvn&dcatety attar ha received the inbound pasa. bUI could only connect on one of his free throws. The Redskins had one more

and aealed the comeb•ck for lho Indiana Pery and Authur Hutsl led the Indians 1n l&COring, each wil:h 18 poln11

E.J ColUna and Chlrfte Sager chipped in 12 and 11 points. respocirv.ty . Redskrn senior guard Tim Price had a career-high night by hilling IW..-y'lhirlg he shol Pric41 finished 1he game with 27 poio11, including an 1nc:red1ble 5 for 5 perlormance lrOf'I' 3-point '8nge Midwestern led in the first few moments of the game bUI soon feA behind and trafCed until the crilieal technical foul Iha! eo&t lhe Redskins the vidory. 'I lhink !hl:S game win help UI on down lhe hoe, and our pi.yers knew we had l o have a miracle lo pull ii OUII," Stocklon Mid. The lrd&ns will play lhe ttwd game of a six game home stand againsl W•yland Bapl11t at 7 pm., Jan 30, in !he O L Ligon Coliseum






NO C ONT RACTS • Can be madr in two o mt nl.J

bt thrM-peilll Sc..,., Bowl k>Nlg auppor18f. Dave Wennsredl will be lhe new head coach ~ I.he Chicago 8Nrs, but who will r.. place h,m .., CMtensiv• coordiNforfof the Dalles C<:,,,boys? How wit! the Cowboys repate eoch • good coech? Wann1tedt taughl hlt play• era!Op&,yandttrihkeateam. l propose Jffiffy JoMaon ahould give a gr.., 1eam plilyer an ~ por1 unity to coach nex1 yeer. Bill Bales should be given th• nghl of hr ~ refusal for !he tob Just imagine how good the

still his ,pirit and drive

m this

Don't get me wrong though. folk.I If 0111 can co~ back lrom his aeuon•end1ng fnlury nelCI yNr to ptay 11ga1n, I would weSoome him bac k w,lh open arms Howeve,. If he does relire, his knowfedge of the game would make him an excellenl coach Whal do you CowboyS fans think of ""/ opint00? . Since th■ Super Bowl i s Sunday. n 91' ahead and make my fir1t prediction of. I~ new Cowboys, 31 ·· Billa. 17.


Women crush Southern Nazarene By Shane Givena Sporta Editor The L.cty Indian• crushed 3 rank•d Southern Nazarene 99-76 on Jan. 25 at D.L. Ligon CoUr.eum and bel· lafed their r9COfd to 13-5 overaH for !he MUC>n . Senior forward Sarena Carter led the way for MidwNtem by acoring 34 pords and grabbing 13 r.t>ounda.

Six playe,s from MSU hllva been selected 10 Iha 1992 Texas lntercollegiale Alhl•lic Aaaocialion Academic AIIConfe,enca foo(beR 1eam. Tighl end Sean Rubino, linebackers John Fritzach and Toby Hibbilts, defensive end Jeff Schueler, punier J . Lee Potts, and pMlcek1cker Keith Wood hNd the list of 33 pllyers named to !he all-academic

Alhletea selected to the aca<»mic aft-district team muSl have had al lea.st a 3.25 GPA on a 4.0 scale as o4 the last demc reporting period and mus.t have made a stgnitlCant contribution lo the teem.

MOl'ffHLY RA TE $10

'Pokes wo""1 bed a;i,y wuld.,.

No, nol the Buffak> Bini r m ye•r'• No t ranked deff"nH tn • Cowboys fan IM'd no1 a soon IO the '88igue.

head basketball coach, said. "If not for a 3-point shot al the buzz« at Philipa UnNersify, we would have a 12-geme win streak." Toe Ledy lrdans shot 64.2 percent from the fietd and never looked back at Southern Nazarene after leadU'lg 47-37 at halftime. Cherilyn Morris led an Lady Redskin scorers with 21 points and Joanna Baity chipped in 17 poinls in a losing effoff The Ledy Indians will host No 8 ranked Wayland Baphst Univer&ity at 5 p.m , Jan. 30, in the D L Ligon Coliseum.

MSU gridders chosen All-Conference

A sentOf defendef from Fort Wor1 h and the only &occer pllyer in !he dis.1rict &elecled to the all-ac ademic t eam, BlackahMr 1s a cnminal 1ushce rrajor with a 3.55 GPA.


By Shane Glw,m Sportl Editor

Junior fofwa:rd lyM Bockmast« chipped in 20 points and 6 rebounds, while jurnor point guard M,ndy Myers added 17 points and 3 steela. ·we're • different team now: Jeff Ray, MSU WOffi8fW

Fritz.sch, a ~ lioebecke< from Wichita Fall&, has a 3 29 GPA In psychology


Let's give Bill a chance


enca, and Schueler, a $0phomore defensive end lrom Watauga, haa a 3 .68 GPA ,n busll'le.U. A~lo. a 1unior funbadl: from Lancaster. JS • crimnel justice maior w~h a 3.41 GPA


1608 Monroe 767-7203

Totem Pole

Late foul rallys Indians

o n SNU aophomore forward Steve Frazier fof llegtl pe,1icipe• tion (six players on lhe coun In· steed of the riorrnal ftve). "The way I understaind II WN he didn't go olA when • 1ubst.,_ tution came Into the game," Garald Sfock1on, MSU mens heed baskett>IIM coach, uid. E.J Collins hit a 3-pointer wilh 10 aec:onds left 10 lie the

■Pap 51

squad. 11w Ww:t1111,,,li)1, R"1ull

LJ'llll Bueltmuler (H2) pull ia two of her 20 poiota

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Rubino. a senior from Ar1ington (South Grand Prairie H,gh 5-hool).,. • crilnnal jus1k:e major wilh a 3.03 grade point average. He s tar1ed seven games in 1992 after suffering a knee injury midway through the $MSOn and caught 3 puses f or

2• yards. A Junior from Wichita Falls (S.H. Aider High School), Fritzsch has • 3.29 gniide poinc •ve,age in psychology He stetted al !en gamM in 1992 •I mtddla hnebacker and led lhe a.quad ln total tackles wtth 98 and was also • first teem aU-c:onference pick. Hti>itts, a senior from Wyke,

me;onng in b10k>gy end posls a 3 06 grade poml average. He ~ayed in an ten games th.is season and fintshed his Onal year in a MSU unifonn with 21 taclde:s Schue~r started !he final seven games this season and ended 1he year wilh 27 1ackles The Wetauga sophomore boasts a 3.66 grade poml average in busines.s Potts, a senior fro m Woodson. has a 3 08 grflde point average in cnmmal 1ust1ee He played in every game this season and punted 41 tn-ne5 for a 32.8 awrage with a long ol 55 yards. Wood. a junior fro m FarmersviHe and a lransfer from coo> Junie,, Colege, is majonng In history with a 3 O grade pomt average. He led the Indians in scoring in 1992 wrth 44 points, inciuding 7 of 17 fiekt goals and 24 of 26 extra porits In order lo be ehgible for ae•demie all-conference, an alhlete must heve maintained at I•~ a 3.0 grade po!nt average and made a stgnificanc contrbotion IO his team. is

Support MSU Athletics






NIGHT - - - - NIGHT 18 .~ :ip wc!co:nc. 3T.: c,.:J::c::1

ilmc::t :'on ·10 I:,r.cc l~'lO:c. 633--0055


IP•r• e■ThundAy, Snowball fight turns ugly

see at,out 40 to 50 lhM11e ,..,._

tduc.tlon and pest ~moot

ralaref\CiM. Many llrms are now u.ing paychological IMting • Stud.ms with degree, m By CoUese P'rwa Service ~nMring ~n e,cpea ularin 1 1 1 ~AST LANSING, Mk:h •• 3 : :~ ~ictugan SIiia ~nrvera,ty of11 • cane higMf', and maihmeOct or 01111 were 1nvestrgahng how • stnllk:9. 1 percent high« c;.,TC)OS ~ I light eac11lal~ Patnch Scheetz, dlfect0t of into • f'M!Jff lhef left hv• tlu• the Colleg,ale Emptoymenl dents 1f'lflM'ed • nd near1y $3,000 Rese•rch 1nah1ut• at MtChigan 10 ~ dotTMonet end au• St.le Uf\f\le,lity 1n En,t LAnsing, I O H foung in a natJon•I survey lhllt The light, which lested employtf& ere projecting • de· ebout ..Ohl hoUf&, began In lhe CrNH ,n the h iring of 0041ege Nrty evening of O~ 10. 199? g,lduatH for tt-. lour1h straighl and wasn't hniahed unhl lhe yThe resub reported in Mxt dr, The 1n1uries included Miehtgan Stale's 22ncJ annual broken fingers. nose inJurfea, • nelional survey, which Mud !he d1sloca1ad kn•• and shoulder moat Ht1ou1 problem lacing and • hNd concuUK>r'I Otf,dall NJd fou, studenls campus recruiters Is the hmiled we<e ■ rTelltd and charged with number ol minority and lemale ,,....lic,ous d. .lruchon ol p,op- Jot,.settc:ert, and the need tor wty, ~ behavior and vio- mote ■ppticar(1 Wl1h wortc experience Graduate 1tuden11 •'-<> 1,0on d • v.twcle code The rMIN apparenlty be· have unrealistic e1tpectal!ona, ~ u • stres►reheving anow• lhe report uld Amono the ma,or findings. blU fight that Hc:allted into • • Empk>yers are becoming nNMiot that l"l'ICWtd from one ca~ . , . to another u snow mo,e Mlechve aboul lheir new 1upphe1 dwindted, achoo! 0H1• h1res, and some firms won't C'il1 . ..ct. Several ears were even COf'lsder appllcanls with a do,._.t by lhe """"'811&, end grade point eve,age less than one v.tlk:~ WH kicked by • ~u- 3.0. • Job availability, ~ com-dont -Wa will nol t~ate any ec• petlll\le nahonWtde. is better 1n IMtiet INII put Sh.d.n1 safety at the Southeast and North risk.," Gordon Guyer, Michigan Central, and more con1)9titiv• m the Southwest. South Central, Stele interim president. saJd. Northeaat and Northwes4

g~a:::; l~~:~~11~~



Graduates face mixed job market By John Willlaml Collep P..a Service 0.apl• an i'l'lpto\'Wlg econ-

omy. colieg. greduatas lace • miud iob market lhi• apnng. Mor• ;oh opportunities emy be poNible, but axpeciahona tor ....... are lowef, acx:on:ing to• INding ~loy,_,, ,.,,.. 'There • widffp,Md anticipaOon that the naw adml'llstralion and Cong.- will puO ..,.

grams lnlo piece lo Simulate the economy, • uid Vic tor Lindquist, a110Ciete dean and direct or o f p lecement et Northwestern Unrvers11y m Evanston. ta He II the alAhot ol 1he 1993 No rthwestern University Lmgqu111-Endicort

Ropon The ~7th annual survey of bulineu and indu6trial hnns ,.... 1lonwtde found lhet corporale America is •rellllively op11mestic,• but that the outlook for 19113 gr~tes II only shghOy Mtter than 1992. lh• worst ,Mrkef !Of ~edualN in the peat 20 years Moil ot lhe 258 buH1• nusn surveyed ere cut1mg back on r.cruitmer-. on college carnpuMS and are reducing hw· Ing in several di,cipllnes, inclld· ing most non-engineenng grad• uatu, "Student• wdl have to mar· ket 1hemselve1 more etlectrvely and have more flex1b11tty: L.,ndqurst •Id 'They moat real· Cu that their ' dfNm ,ob' may be in anoeher bcetoo or et • level

lesa lt•n d6111ed ' Some otMr hnc:hnga of the

repottinclude • Student• with degree• in oomputer acienc• wil ftnd 1n 18 pe,cenl increaaa In fob oppor·

,unit.... • Demand lo, students Wllh

maaflf'• degrffl in aocountino



, Al 1M t.chebr'1 level, ◄7

p«eenl o1 the firms w,11 nHd

.. ~ 42 p«eenl Ml nHd fewer 1"141W ernpby... For student• with master's degreet. -42 percent of lhe hrm1 , . hi,. more greduales, b\.11 34 percent wil twe fewer su.,derO • A .,.,.,,..., oi !he ijnno coodud drug teal• and mer,y cheek



January 28, 1993

• The qualllelhoos empk,y• era ere looktng for 1n college students include lle1t1b1hty, INmwork skills and !he abdrty to p.-cwide customer sahsfachon Computer knowtedge is ~Sid· itr9d nandalory, the report sad

phernaha " l rom any olher Soulhwe11 Conference school woukt be ISSued a vOahon and woukt h811e to do ll\le hot.Ira ~ community Hrvlce on campus and wnte II two-page typed ••· port lo gtv11 lhe dHn ol I IU· dents on !he h1~ory and lrad1• 100s ot lhe UN\leruy "Peopt,a •re taking II wtty 100 H IIOUSly," Patm4)r 1old The Oaity Cougar. the c•mpu1 news.paper 'It 11 l ■kH me wri11ng 1h11 legisl111on to get $0me re sponse, 11 SI\OWI 1tu1I people don't care About anything· The S1uden1 A1soe1ntlon did nol lnke any echon on !he proposal, bu1 11, 1ntroduchon ceuatd a minor uproar One atudent lold the Cougar lhal having lo do Hrvlce work ...,._ould t11ke away neceuery Sludy lime • Another, who 1rans• ferred from lhe UnrYers1iy ol Tuas-Au1lin, said i1 wa1 her choice lo wear whatever 1wea1shirt or T-shirt she wanted 10. and lo advertiae whalever school she wanted An attorney was even con• suited "Unlesa LJH were to d1· vorce ,tselt from lhe UMed Slates, 1h11 proposed bill lS a cleer v101a11on of lhe Constl1lAion,• Mika C.sh, attorney. said vYh~e 4 IS admnble lhal the students proposing the blU take pnde tn their IChoot, cona1it1Ak>na1 righls do not stop a1theQatesof UH·

Mass Comm. plans improvements Re~=~ly.·

l>.. OOfT'C'IUiera In the ,CUJ\liliit,n i.t,oralotY TM IBM COl"l1>ulet"a wil i,. rr,t:Jitd lor UH b; bror.«J,

Student borrowing to Increase

,11o, holf>O him k - h• t<>b

Thit change 11 Heri by aome as v..-y • xc111ng Beik Mllon4t, uai•t•nt p,of•tof ct commun1cat1on1 and W 1ch itan adv11er, ud lh1 change •w1I be a ptus· tor Mu--

WASHINGTON •· Sludef"III wiN continue to bouow more moNY to pey lof cohge educa· 1lon1 In the future, end higher education tnslitutiona will be lon:ed la 1.»e larger po,tions of thew budgets on ad, en .l.fnerlun Council on Educ:aition


ceiving federal uuscance lo pay for college 1ncr. .a.cj , ,gnifi• cantty between 1970 and 1990 · 1n COf'\ltenl 1990 dollars. IIU• dent borrowing und• r the guar· anfNd loan program fflOfe than t.;:,fad, from $4,3 bek>n r. 1117071 lo $14 billion lut year." 1he repo,1 said.

B y C0Ue1e Pres■ Service


Grent1 more th•n doubled Q'\/er the same period. lrom $5 7 bfllon to $13 bdli on "Twenty years ago. more studenl 1td was given In the lorm of grants than 1n loan&, bul 1od1y the reverse 1s true." ChanM Andeflen. • HNOf »Aff associate wilh the American Counc~ on Education, sad. Nor Is l he situation ex· peeled to imprO\le The 1992 •mendmenla lo the Higher Education Aci raas«t annual and curnulativ11 loan limrta lor students borrowing under lhe fed• era1 guaranteed loan p,ogrems, and also changed some income bmlts lo make more middle·dHS aluden1s ehglble IOJ gran11 However. budge! limita1ions r•· suited in a cut 1n lhe maximum award tor Pel grenl& Ill 1993-9~ trom $2.300 10 s2.200 ·wrth c:ontinu1ng pt"essures on 1he federel budg•I hkely 10 res1rict lhe size of increases m federal ~nt p,09fams, it seems llkety lhal Slgnlfic•nt grow1h m federally funded student aid progranw Mil be found only 1n the loan programs,' 1he report conclud«t A gru1er rehance on bot· rowing c:oufd make ii harder for minority and low-income slu• denl1 to attend coHege





der control FiscMI cun-eotty overloOkl

meny of ch•noe• occurrmo ,n ol co,nmun.u· hon •nd theatre 1nctudrnQ new comput•r• tor !he Journahem labo,..1ory, a new hOff'lt !Of 1h8 Wtch11 ■ n end new recru11mont measure• for the lh. .lre stu• dent• Oesplle the p,eun1 short·

partment offering greal oppor· 1unilies 10 1tudenl1

Space has become • problem lor MS U S men oo,nmuntCall()N program doe lo growth in the program, Fiachli a.aid He ettnbulea ~rt of the unexpecled i ncrease in students sa ek i ng communication skJlls 10 1he e•· panding tob markel in mass oornmooications

Rschlt further dentfl~ re· crui1ing ea • major probfetn tn MSlfs theatre program and sad that efforts wil be made to reach greater numbers of prc,gpt-c'Uve ,1uctenl1 1h,ou9h improvement of 1he ,ecrud1ng process Allhough Fisch h was noC specilic ebool how recrul1.menl efforts may locus on students lrom smeller high schools, he did suggest recrui1menl efforts mey focus on studenls from smaller high achool1 Two ot F~h·s stated goals are to recruit more studenls from outside d the Wiehlla Falls area and to recruit more s1udent1 rnajonng l"I th9etrl

F'l5Chli said he would tike to



[)esp;t• the feel Iha! lh1 new equtpnienl 11 already a,ny. Ing. the updated lab I~ nol ,._. peeled lo be "'"" luncliOnol next fal

Jn Augt.111. Iha Wichita,n wtl


10 • new loeatlon wher1

Or oend Taylor'• office II Ct.I'• rently localed The wal belwetn T•Y'°"• office and lhe teecher,· cdfee loungti W1II be rfWTlOYec, 1o provi<M the new,peper with larger news and adwrti 1ing ~ <M:tion


A subscription to the Loa Ano{H Trmee/Waatun~on P011 news wire hf"V.C.. hes akeedy been made .....a ~ for use by the WicMan, MSU TV 2, Ind wrilng and ediling clllsaes In adcfll,on lo rev1ewtr1g recrul1ment. Fischl, woutd hke to review facufty needs in the theatre program. He said the PfOgram is a 1table area with very act,va 1nstrue1ors. but aometlffiN the iutructors' lalents ar• 11retch.cj because 1hey must cover many bask: requ1remeo1 c:ouraas H well u focusing oo

.-111o1 -1,pecific:oly "'h theetw student• . Presently, !he program does not offer eny dance courses. but Fitchh Hid he would hke to . . . this chanoe,d with IM hiring of a chontogrt•



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By CoUere p...,.. Service HOUSTON - SM_,, 1Mder1, 1n en attempt lo booI I 9ehool sprl1 et 1he University ol Hou11on. wrote • re10lul1on banning sludenCI from w•ring rlv•I Southwest Conference colors. tt wasn't a ...-ious p,opoaal, but lhe , . .ct,on from ,om• 11udents was real enough.

The proposal. ffl<>ducod ., Decembe r by Student

A11ocialion members MtChell• P,1,,., and Jeff Fuler, said student, caughl wearing ·par• ·

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m.-.. ,n .-..ar l'riuf-i:, Pn."'


pto.-d to, !ho Jo<,mohom po,. ,_ ot_the_men Appe....._ lion COfM!Unica.


all'W"led urU 9 a m In adc.hhon, lhe sud clll1m1


LC• ,.;I ,eplo«I !ho I B M -·

Dr Ronald F11ehN, intenm, dt,ec:to, ol~h~ 01v1at0n ol Fin• Art•. laughmi;ty, ,1 the ma,or •s:~

ages ~ • ~ • a~ 1pend1ng. -said The number of atudeoC• r.. FIIGhli said he snvislOflS lhe de-

Rape victim files $18.9 million suit

unrveraily police ·took th•

By Randy fferl,11

By Colle,e Preo• Service !he depo"""'"'

FAIRFAX, Va •• A young wom11n hu litedan $18.11 milhon • The est1mal~ beginning suit egam11 G•oro• M•son salanes lor 1993- oollege gcadu• Univ~. cla1mw-.._ -.;a "1)US poelea range from $40, t 73 tor lice bungi.d the rNe&llgahon ct chemical -,glt'lffJ'$ lo $19,114 he< ohged ,ape for pun-.liam majors For •u• The woman. who was a 17• dents wl1h m1111er'1 degrNI , yNr-oki lrethman el !he hme of lhe .verage is $35,289, encl for the enac.k, said she was raped Ph O 's, $37 .755 end sodomtZed by Ovee man m g,edua1es also are hef dormiloty room al 2 .20 • m .• competing for jobs with peop'e Sept. 2. 1991 , the c•mpus who have ,ob experience but newspeper reported have * n lakt off Of are swi!ch· According lo !he lawsull, mg compame5 or cereers which ldenhf1ed !he VtciITT'I IS During !he pe.51 trve years. 2~0 •~ne Doe." ,nitial reports c.co· ol lhe 540 buslnasel surveyed lated by lhe university media r• by Michigan State hav• losS • n lahons department 1ndJCaled the utirnated 24,454 salarif)d ~ - crlm• was an ·acqua1nta.nce lions repe• evet'I lhough !he you ng •Anol har !a ctor atfec11n9 woman tokt irweshg•IOfS 1he new gradualH ts lh• change 1n did not know her auacker1. the corporele hirini; prac11cas.' Broadside reporl&d l1ndqu1st &-aid •Siudent1 lac• The lawsuit a\.sO referrod to more compeht!Ot'I ltom exp«i- •1he urwerally admtnlslraoon al• enced peraonnel in the job mar• 1emp11ng 10 coerce her. and kel" through her perents, k> Withdraw L1ngqu1at esllmlle& lhal from the un,vers11y• and utd firms in 1992 hued 55 percenl of ·the un1veraily' s •gents and n•w employees from people employees published reports wrlh previous ,ob expenence, abo\.C tha crune nipfylfl'J lhe vie· and "6 pen:ent of_1he ltrms now hm '■lked fOf ti .. p,ol_ _ uH con1rtct personnel lo !di The sul1 claims Jane Doe wH not taken to lhe hospflal until61 m . and she was not ex·

Spirit resolution creates flap

wrong t>eddmo to lhe loransic tabofalor( and ie.i IO moni1or !he collecllon •nd ev1lu.tlon ol evldenc•· The women alto 111lAng me lhfN •Ueoed mpisl1, ell lonner Georg• M•son University atu• d•nt1. IOf asuutl and battery lalH 1rnpriscnmenl 11nd tfH• passing


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