January 30, 2013

Page 1

~tar(taa mu~niau~~( ~enin~ tne ma~e pg. 4

The university provides students with a morning pick-me-up in Dillard, but is it worth the bucks?


When the theater dept. brings 'Sweeney Todd' to the main stage, all eyes will be on the music major holding the sharp barber's blade.

Wichitan ■

•. 1-,.,,Jav. l,muJr, 30, 2013

c,.v,o(A,!il~\UA(Of,,1 f"!'MCMIJUI

lri"9int in . ,.,...m, of LIii• • IMI hlnk. Grupo f • IIIH IM 1, KlluulM 10 llrilll Its 111,,,1, ce salM -.C 10 lhl Artl11 ledlr1 S.n■t ~ TlturNoy, JM J1. TH And• hlWI It c""'"'ly tt1 . _ ,,--oti111 itl ntw t i ~ "El bltteff6al_-

Latin-funk band brings flavor to Artist-Lecture


( t II




s ( 'S' ~-'CPJ1PV

stn undl the crew lu>oM Q'ley hive


the ,pprnpm.te \'0lCh.

Henschel and his staff lhC'll Col· Jaborated with the director 10 lnlf:· gratl" 1deu for the ftnal model of lhe

·11 Is easier 10 fudge actinl!, sk1lh

than m:il:C.!I talem." .idds Deml':lt 0n~e the np,tm were ?:>oup,ht for


•in order to ~tay on schedule, I Cffall"'d .a ume chan that describeli what must br built and how manr 0\'e~ the hohda-r.:. 10 prepare for rt hours it will 1ake 10 design and hearsals w!uch !x>gan a wr-ek belore bmk1. Mhe wid Fall c!as..\ n Acco,J.ng ro lhiS chart, hundreds The .icto~ and vocahsl$ are no. of man-hours w1U go into crta1ing the on!',' members of lhl" muSical that the London !>el of Sweeney Todd. nttd 10 prep.ire - - -- - - - - - - The theater for opmn1t ni)l)l1 "It takes an army to dep a ttmen 1 S2,000. \he Cl'f'W fltld



ilUdl!'<l:lS !he

of Offrmber ar.d thP

casr was able to take the scnp1 home

nt preseni the horror musi.:al (odd· (hr Demon 8'rbf>r RHf StTWl.

The le.id character. Swee:s,ry , whO Is pliyed ta• WOii)! An Ja,-n1son, IS a JY.-YCl10IK barber Dt 10 Fleer S1rttt In l.nndon

. ·. . .,












tnlS production bf populanty and recn~11

• s.1d John Dement, rhr the 1hcater dcr,.irtmrnt play ba~d l)n rht ~ a However, lhl' procesi,

produe11on t'l! • mu, 1


make a show."

m:.,51 ~ dOnt 10 rrr-.,tr tht> mt ol


~ ::!ec~ ' ~; using matenal lrom previous !hi' ~t'.tr,.,.•. ihows. -1 t;R~n lh<' · A woodrn procf',~ <lf Ctf'aUn~ t!Jr s!age bv go· wherl lhturrd !n thl' mu~lCII Wl5 ur.e'1 in anothl"r play over twemy in~ 10 thr nrst re.id through and I imagine the ~mN as~ member of the year-$ ago,· mem1r,ned Henschel. <imce th1, production b a period audience,~ said non Henschel. th1: pie,e ~nd a lar~e <"3~1. tht' 1.ibot and sragt' and ~ 1:r.1c d~ tim"'r. He lht'n make) a list of ~srnuals efforu for o~tumr drs1gn 1s greater. ·Soml'umes cD!>!uml"i can he Wlfh hi~cr"'J." • Ihe bf ne, the senpl. the !es; ma pu!ll'd from ~tura_Re, bu1 other times a co~1ume m11s1 be created rrom wnalI thai mu~r be orov1dr b«at.se cxce\, pro?S w ilt ca~.se a distracuon sc;;atch and tn this u se only 1bou1 ten p!!rcen• of the c~tumes could bf from u..-· s!ol)': llen'<MI said. Hrnschei also crea1e~ a story pulled.· said fh7.Abeth Lcwandows lo. head costume designer. bo,Jrd {0 Llh,~Tta!e the play s.<ene by

For some. costumes, 20 boors of labor won'1 even get them com· pitied. M lt takes an army lO make a show,· Lewandowski ~id. nns show creates a challenge be ca~ 1he costumes for 1he women areverymtncate. ·One Col'!l,t't takes about ten hours to create and lhere are 15 to make because every female cast member must wur a corset due to the setung of lhe plaY: she cl.ir1fied. Ltwandowsk1's crrw includes 1wo student mi!.tanu. an aSS!Stant designer, rwo makeup designers. and one hair designer "1th lhe1r 15· sistants. "It un take over your lifr 11 yoll're not careful,• Lewandowski excnedty remarked. Vocal coach Don Maxwell $aid hr bellevt'i the collaboration between lhe theatl'r and music depmment makes 1he production t>euer. "The music dep,utment is lm1ited for whal it can do by itself because: the department lacks costum~. props, and utras wtttn producing a show,· Maxwell explained. This 1h0w has the orchestra play


l'M'.lr.l,Sf"I Sl"l.ll ·• O,IO'd hltWlfllf1AN

l(it,f-re....,.....CPIONl......._ ..... .,._,w,c•ldtilh_,Mil~rtab.

University presents Grammy-winner Grupo Fantasma Thursday night 9"ITT'M:V COTTINGHAM EOITOIMN-CMII,



1r.1; for Ult :.,-oops

1n Iraq ar.d Ku•..,.a1t, collaboraur,g with fflUSIU/ lCOn! hk.e


The band WM onginally a ~de· pro,ect /or many of the member.i, who wtre .alreldy in rock-lunk or )U2 punk bands Soon, all of these genres were- combmed to fonn what is now Grupo Fanwma. Guitarist Beto Martinez said lht band has ntver fomfully mashed rwo styles of music !ogethe; 10 create li)I somethmg new.



sry!:All ~~;~;;~~


have come about Dots the Artist-Ltct"rt na1uralty through· Fantasma ..,.,!! bnn11. Strits provide speakers out !hi' wntlng their Uun and !:ink you art intertsltd in? procffi,~ Marunez fUntS 10 ih.e Al'tlst ::.;e ~hec~:~ lecture Senes on ones 10 ever do this. Thursday, Jan. 3I. but I think we are very comfortable This ten p1ect ~nd. which was with um app10Kh and 111s a natural rounded m 2000. is a melung pot of sme of the band. no1 some1hmg we v;inous sound~ from lunk 10 reggae

.,: •\ ', 11•




Students open NMCP chapter their col1ea11,ues to l"xpenence the samr tn0uencl'. -1fttl like therr needs 10 be some thing on campus to unile people of ORIS IA WlWAMS color and minon11es, as well u 1each ST-,f"F WRITER the h~t0I)' of NAACP to people on Thr National ~1auon for lhe why 11 got )tarted.· said Staton. Advancemem of Colored People Staton said e•en though there are tNAACPI 1s set and reitdy to be re a lot t1f orgamzauons geared towards launchtd on campus. IU'lmb bilck. to the communir,. !.he NAACP iS the oldest and lar11,est NAACP or~mzat1on R0eS beyond clvll rights woup m Amenca. Smee Iha:. IU u tabhshment at M1dwes1ern. M To be a pan of something that the group has htld SC\'tral debalt'S helps create chanR,r on campu!> and on 1~ues alfecung young people, lhe commumtv l\ Rood: Sm on :If teaching lealk'n hlp sk1I~. promol!!lg the people or MSIJ work together on unitv, and encouraged volunteer•~m. campus, u can do a lot 1>r -.:ooj,M In 2012, the orR.an11auon smed To 1umpmr1 thl" flrgami:~uon·) operauon. rrv1tallzat10n. !he )tl'Oup has o;e\'eraJ Howl"\'fr, r....-o enthu)1ast1C voun~ evt:it5 slazed for th1~~prm~ M'ffil'•W, 1ad1rs d1shnnrnl'd by 1h1) occur wlu,h ind11d1?s U1e rr-cn.mm.:nt of rence have taken up lhe mmauve member\ and Jund ra1~1n11 dCliviti~. :hh lprmg semester 10 revive the MWc ilrt' gomR 10 11ave ll fnCl'I wour, mR m :hr form n! a mrft and )IJttl t )hv1a Whitley, prts1drnl and la~ so 01her.. can rind out abou! thl' or m:ne Staton, vice- f'rc:;11.lc:it ar.- 1hr ~anm11ons, said Whlllt\'. · wr drl' two md1v1duai1 w ho aff eaRer 10 re i:01nx lr> try and havr sun•rthing m .., ,e the NAALP Sunwatchtr Plaza wht'r\' thcrt will Some of !ht' obtte11\·~ for lht' bl' iiOme jllvt aw,11,, and .t tlil\:t sale. ~ oup tn(!udc t1rmwn1t aw;iren.-s..~ to Hopefullv tv !hf' f !11 ol 1ne <;tmt'$ter HIV, rncouragmp, \IOUnp, !or le.Mltr we Will h.av(' a ~00-:I ~LU!liln)l., St) tllal ship other th~n the prt.Mden11al can by f.all w,,. c.a:1 rum" b.lck wonger. • dldlll'S and pwrnotmg lhP 1mpor ru 11 tt lau::, •11 tht· fuocuon~hr; o! tanc.-. n! t>d1JCauon. the _troup, Whlt!fV and Smon pl.in NAACP has bro>n lmponant and mnut>nU,I 10 tl'if !IV('\ ol boUl \-\'hit pg. 3 Irv and ~ra!cin, .i11d 1rwy would hkr

New multicultural group promotes unity


. hitS!


2 M MBM!IA'iiiMlli

' " *' * ' No guns on camp¼

¥69 ""

'561\!Zr, W~o. YO\I c!IN'T lo6


OUJI VIEW: School shooimgs have become I debatable 1op1c and a problem, which Pru1dtnl Barack Obama wants lo solve. II passed, llte filed Senile 8111 182 by Sen Bnan 81tdwell (R· Grandbury) on Jen 17 would al• low concealed handgun hcense holders to cerryweepons on pubhc university campuses.

!lt•lr not

'° mtl(h t,vorllt profts

sors Jusr by ftndlng out where

Guns protect students Should students carry concealed weapons on campus? lf'l.s 1n orw 1!'1.1~Z1ne .and more guns

works against school shootings by allowing guns on campus

fhe hypothcno .1 snua-uon rnav

occu~ .a aeprn.;td .and t:1.ilhtd stu '1rn, in h;s ,emor ;'tu ot<idrd one ""1min~ to go 10 Ac~my 10 t;uv l Run and SOlnf amm11nlll0n al'ld


... Al•A.••••• Of'INIO"' l OfTOJI

"lod#'fl .ll'llt"Jf"l rol:1// SllJdt'nfl

M1ti 1t;, r1.<1.r"lr•t,l)ll•1rii.r 'k'.,. !O'°"'TI , { o~,"l ,t • ~,.r.1~ .,;t,tlf'l. :11.RQVl'mrr,t!,! I!- i,k ~R ac r:n ," P'" \'fr.Im~ !11rtl,'"f ._,,J<-ol f!l ·:-ac"r' Wh(>•h<or or n11 .iutr·,!1 • · .;;:1 t;tc

ab!t, 10 cu .., c,:<:c•W'C! ...,,.,run\ ·,ri ll:m?'J) h12, ftf"M ,,r, I h" .l't'1 (kt,11{, Th, 'Kr,M Amt · irrt1:· } f.i!f') tl'M' nV'f 10 t,r.ar U'.1 \ i I~ [,l ,, 17, S.-n Bo.,;" lt/"1W•!! ~l..._l). • ,!1 B.ll 182, #tud ..,.,,_,'d • lll• A '.Jfldp:1n !lecMt no!J"ro; tn .:atr 1 wtap II\ O!, putllk ·;.,1Vl"l'\,II"


on put>bc grour,ds

lntff,lrOi• I' 11· ~"l'W"II ~1!·

,nrt ~,rw1rds ~ I f ~ f'tf' 1houl!,h1 th.al I ftllow Slu 1o>M, NhO k J!U!'l~ IWO rows 1n !f'Ollt

J m", o ~ a ~ n and would t-f'

U:mt!Ocm!pus In thU Sctnino. lhtl'f! IS \ltll hope

enough feu, bCIW w,U students fttl and be able to think during

ltCtures. If the only thing m their hl'ad Is: •By how miny guru i1m I surroundtd right now and I 1J \ll.fpt'1 lW,y ind WJp lhffl: fro:n ~ g'JY in tht Sl'lt Ln from of wht rt (s the ntaresr exit,~ «:.m11, cur, l'nf' WUll I Colt 4 S \IJ1(¥d to h!S For lhe nrsr llme In college f~~\ scnimo mtaht •lsO erA m wal~ ~ ltJSt IS 1nUmld.atlng ~ any I roul hOIOCiust, ..... ~ft f!Udfnts othff~WHh llgun, WMISOOl history, students might actually Milrl ff"'.lking OUI 11\d Min sheotlng a tnmed polictm,n or from the mlll ngM ror the seats in the lront J' tl(h (>lfM:r lorFf!:llil~ In ru: WhO

In <as,, c,: 1 , .'!,nv. ·.,.,,.

::.~ r.;' '1)1'~!

k..i l.llf,•:v rr, 1,~1r\ 11, ,1.r ,4 lflt maUlt'l<' ,\·,.uli:1 tr .,m,tl'd . ;i.., Wth 15 ltk' ,mrr ~n1!t00 lt~t !H\I ~

l n!"KICcm peorJt ( O'Jld be hun ,'Id l"l«t ~un <11o!ence would tptt~ .1ro\Jnd tflf country. btuuse wtth


100 m1l!M1 g1.11is



.ab!t 10 I.Ike tnts uoubltd stuClem's UU1 noc c,nty tht t.-oubkd ktd Should 1 1.'oe ,w.av, IS mort •,on· than OOf> pe, R'l lhrou,Ji a 'ps)'ch' n-alii.auon, but ,..n 111th Qltr g11n .ahio B!tdwtll and the rut ofsU:lt AJUlouRti, Blrdwe:I ~litvts: !))It rt~ntatNtl,, who •:t vonr.it !or ll'lfSI' nt"N '.71"llSIJ:1'1 wm k.tep pottn thhbtll

lhtr m:1bft ;i._i;S .ind u:!.,, crn•t.,''Ofl

ii'1tN>futf'. th" l)O,l,; :t1UIY ,.f i\J:J sl:ooflrlRS ,s W!I <b h.t"I a. bt-!urv, fltn •t lf-~ 1t>1 rt 1.11\ tit f,..,.,.rr

In rnlity, of CO'JIW, thlt tS not but our hYi'OtMrk~ unagvwy $tudtttt ·Mn pr~btJ ftod • way 10 &fl II ho1d of one, I! bt or she pl.In~ ond<m1gso. With COOCtlltd IKtnsed handgun O'll.'Tlt~ 1n lht room, tM pttSSUlt 111d fur would Inert~ 111d f,w,r mw.acres would ha~ beoust &ill 182 1-·oukf ltr studtnb and pro, f ~ ulmly ust t\:ur.ru, d a loller

,Y•>tet w15,

1n u,, lJ}i. ind • :io)p'1t,111<>n ot 300 m1Uion pe,oplt, ll'ot nialh Sh®id Dt ti.SY th.at t<try

~ho:d ~!Nm •

tvy. row. Tht r.gN of U'lt Second Amtnd 8!rdwe11 has 21!.o not rtcog meni to btu Mmi sl':O\Jld not be nlztd how professors are gotng v\olattd. bu1 no1 evervboov m Ttm to rcac1 hll to ~1artd oo !ht fu ngl'lt sldr 04 Pror~rs art aware to only Ulr Ge~tt to bt ablt to ~how off provide as muctr ln!ormnlon as thtlr nrw t1unting nr.e u Khoo!.

O fl t fa . Ufl } Ofl tro

lh~~~e~;lt JSi, proftsSOrs wUI tel

want TO" 1behtnd bullPI p!OV gl~ss, when talking JO thtfr no! so-we!l-domg siudents Thinking postovelT abOul It, the new gun control law will not only provide more st{unry on campus. but also Improve lhe esidts the assumption thal GPA of college siudents. The argumenl that the most colltge students are Second Amendmen1 guarantees ,.mder the age of 21and American citlzens the right to are thertfore no! ellgible to o-..vn or buy a gun, che purpoSt of this bt>a.r arms is d~batablc. In case the reade~ need reminding, new law Is 10 offer more protec llon during emergency slruallons the text helpfully includes the Secon~ Am1mdmentsays••,._ as they h,ave been occurring In well regubted militia being ner· the country The log\<' behind lhls blll 15 to essa.rv to the securtry of a frtt prevent further student dearhs. If state. tht ngh1 of the people to keep and bear arms shill not be shooters recognized the prob ability of other armed people In a Infringed.~There .re two ques tlons that pop up: pubhc facility. Question I : W11o .vould But If mosl students at a lout· yen college legallV cannot own a. drflnr any col/,p c,mpus u •• wd/-~ t , d milllur gun. It Is left to Slaff and faculty aunt/on 2: Whit do to shoot the 'cruy pt>rson· who .Khooi shootinp and 'tht is about to lull his or her feUow stcurltyof afrtt st.alt ' ~ students. fn common? The 21 year olds. who can There ha•1e bttn reasons 10 bear arms as t1ie Second Amend· move away from the politics dur· ment $tates, have to t.lke a Ing the il:~volu1ionary War and gun control class to be able to properly care for a weapon. After why there should not be weap ons in pub!k 1ac1ht1es. a seven·day waiting period a If the discussion tm comt up person receives the gun and his or her license. whether or not s1udents, raculty and staff can ccrri· guns on c.tm· The procedure does not take into account any mental health pus 10 proletl them!.tlves, what te$ts or ~ ycho!ogical evalua about chu re.hes and shoppmg lions, which are lhe reasons for malls? Thew arr aho publlc plact); the seven day wa1ung period, to prevenl Ule amount of sulodes, where it m!ght noi bt save because hopefulty that 'crazy enough lo walk around wllhout peoon' ts going 10 second guess a gun in a 1acker pock.et, look him· or ttersell. Ing at recent religious 1erroris1 The W'lchftdn m ff has come attacks or housewives going wlld to the conclusion that hopefully over the Rjty Shades ofGrey Birdwell !s gomg to s«ond·guess trtlogy. hlm!.tlf as welt, becauw more The argument tha! people guns are not going to solve the should have enough common problem of one gun k!IUng many 5'n$t to not shoot each other and many guns killing one. over rel!glous beliels or porno Despite the fact that one gun graphic flOYf'ISIS a v~Ud one, but In one clfuroom is spreading try lo explam lhat to a person


Smale Hill 182


. 1o so1v8 the problem of_ school shooti"!I More guns are not going _ ___

'tTOltl WITH

runmng amok.

Un1vers1tv Pres1den1 Jesse Rogers has expressed his nrm behcf that we cannot defend our· selves against d,mger by allowing more nrea nns on campus. WP. hope lhat other Texas uni• vemr; leaders Uke R~rs wm lake a stance m Austin against lhis bill becaUS('. m thl~ case, less

Why sludnu, sh,r4, lOrry a gun on (ll>r,;,._ • Mor• leg,tty littns.ta armowners I-; • Tr11nt d to lJl:e Cllt ~I weapon lncreand r"


firee rms lnc,eest d l)C'OfttbQri-.

case of an em,,gtflc-r Number ot sthool


inqs 1round the COl.lrfr may detlint '

To tllerc,se the r,; 111 d Second Amendmtni: Concentratmg on tht 1t1t ,ts ol ptople H people obeytd liYn ....,

would not need mo,1


Gun Control Why sludmts should not ,an y a gun on ,ampuJ: Fewer repem,ssions ci concealed wH POM ir

p11bhc places Outbreak of shoot•o,•,a,1t lnnoc em ptoptt 9e~ kdlt d tna si11e ol p111: 0utbr11k of chaos

Increased gunv10ltnu Spreading of laar

less security tor Pfoltssi and teachers Srude-nts Itel unt 0fflf0'1 I ble: with guns prtstfllt1 class room Psycho~ICI! tvllcaf!Cl'I

of gun own11s art flffe«

Is more.

netded to separate their work and peoonal life. because stu


dents havt taken acuon against

Should concealed weapons be allowed on campus? "No. becausu vo11 don't know the cnm1nal

i I __________I__ history of peoples backgrounds. I underS1and If but not ii lac ulty, studt nts or s1aH 11would m11ke people feel very panicy and it wo11lo chtn\jt the enwonment of rhe school au1hori1,es hove tt

Only po~ce should have guns,·


·1 10.. t1 more tow11ds no because n's• school. 11 muldn't mtk.e me feel any leu safe or any mo,e nf,. 1f Ilr-ow rtitv had ttieu l,cenn and they t ilrntd a gun You 1yp1cally think of a school as a sttP p1ac11 tf you have your license and you want 1n carry .t QUll, do it.· LUIS LOPEZ. JUNIOR INTERNATIONALSTUDIES

editorial board

· only the security should be allowed to cerry guns for the safety ol the students and faculty Other than the1 no guns should be allowed on campus because sludents would be end1ngered with guns. If ell students had guns theywould just pull ttlem out to show off, the gun could go off Without them knowing.CNRlfflNA GIIAU, SOPHOMORt PRE-MEO "No, i(s llOI saf1 btcause particularly If !he person has 1ng1r issues. Uthey wera to heve a gun they would reteliate tn anv sort of way Just based on the pest It's a prime eu mple ol whal woold happen Ff gun$ we,a allowed Problems

fikt that would escalate • QAJ1£N THOMAS, SENIOR, ENV SCIENCE

.,,. .,__. .7,,.,_.,..w,.......,..,...,_..,. ,. __, ., ...........................



IDJTOl,!N.CHIEF: !rin.nlT Co!.UDftam -CINC EDITOII, Ald,yla ~ OP-!I> tDITOI; S&nb MUICbkli AH EDTTOR: Or\ando Roru,Jr. S10trS EDrTOI: Ollllar! Atlmffiwan l'HOTO EDITOI: Hanwoot la


wnmrr01, c....,_

COPTEDITOOS, ~C...., ,"'1ioryGntayruts COHTIIIUTorls. Cowu,y !,tu, R\llb llbct ,Jcllttny- ,..,,.. ... h:bf °"1l, AltJil Cty, Sbw:e GIWff. Skrr Htn. Elll,1111 l,'\e'.ta'.l l.r..:--~ 1'~

,CoayP~ i . - . c ltobtrts, MiabllJl'lffl OfiMWitt:,v.\~ f ,-i

Wn,'lktt, J,n.'lori! Winffit

•EUVUY:_ llndi.r_Wliott



' ichitan i -w

EXHIBIT pg. 5 art' tmnit a\ a tdmmd:.• l,\JJ"llnf'.!! ~Id hf' think.\ ltul Stalt mmd b wh111 makes Ctupo f'an iasm, unique. Lw•n 1ho11~ tht' mem~!' of tl1c 11,uwp comt Imm d1/!ett'.'n! b.lck jtrounds and lc...·a11ons. 1/ltn A~llll rnol, hravdv lnflurnct l ;n;po 1:an· {I(


Cafe services defends food options, answers complaints ,,,.,,w,uTtA ...... \'llr>'N >:ll'

Si:D('t tht bt1tmni11R of s, hi-oJ ol ttrrJS. iht food ha., alwa•,°) 11.N\t'n

broogtll utenuon tfl was tht lack

bulk( ,(IYI( <0 hP (',)I) t a\ unlll ii,. l\ lull "In Q'U••r 10 kft'p 1hc> nutntional 1nfo1maoon as ,1(\Ufillf' ..~ pvo.s1tok>,

· \W .ut 11)1nt 10 ,1ay ahrld ,md 1f.\> som,1hin~ m,l/lv )ludf'nts h,wt ,u)l:

t:hfmn ....11 ln rt ~rc•n~ to 1114' ,;inall ,~, ponkln)

to UV ;ind PM'Mr 700 plus, student~ Who ~!1 thr C.t.lttttia d,lil\•. "()ne bti thm~ 1he ~111denti,

•AuMln is an Ooll.l' in Tuas tor mU'>KIAn., and f,('llCUJIY crtatJ\"e ptQplf of all IVJ>M,, • Mamnez ~IJ. •All --.f 111 fr,und !he cltY :,nd rht life sr.-it w·rf accommodaung IO ht a mUSIC,.111 and lhb IS 1tllf<led In the fxt that \u<h a d!\'l'fW IUOUP 0: In dlr1duals With \'a:')'LllR mu'ICaJ b-Kk ,uuunJ s wtn.- ablt 10 \omt 1ogethf'r hut .&rid lorm thl~ b.ln'1 Tot groop could ha,·t only comt lot?ttt>.tr III a ciry like Austin. !\>Uni 111:1. \lld, AhhooR,h only Three foundint,t mrmt,,rs rem.iIn, a laf).'t pan ol thl' suoup l!.ob t-crn coN1s1er.1 for at lei!il lrn\'f'M'S ·wr au havt and maintain fTW!'nd~h1~." Minlntz !.aid 'lht, camarokltn• hn helped us 10 work U'lr-,uW, 1.,,urs .ind rt'SOl'-'t' conH1rts brth'r than 11 wt wrrt a ounch ol

3 h!tr J WJns

'ftM) of 1ounni havr us how to work to~·tlht't and a1 tht same rlmt ,;vr Pa.:h nthcr

, 1st, ,aup,ht

'""', ,rupn Fanta\rna.

w tio

~a, had

their :'IHI'!( ru:urtd on tc!o?V1\l(ln WlW~hkt' ·('rukm~ ~,1- ~rtd ~1 ''°y

!kny· hopes io F,r~b thl' ,111t•nuon l,1 collt'9.t ,1udl'ntt ·Nhrn n jX'r!or.m rm Thur,d:iy n1pJ11. ,¼.rt!nrz )IJtt. ·[l:<•Hl'R<' ~:udenl)I :irt hom b.:ardt'\l With .:all 1hr new ffiU)IC and products and art m tt11~ vtrY tran smonal pha-.f' ol 1ht1r !lit •,irhrri~ thty':t ~mtnA new m1eprndtnc, what and N'.ihzm i,: wht> t«omt.-hC"qid ·11n1ucan~ton ~rd. 11 pr,w1df'i a jlOO:I ar.d 11.' f'I/ comlt'CIPd nrf\l. Ork of laM .ill «!'OM tht coun1rv frtty' II U,\Ua.llv 1um OUI .ind bi,• tnthuswl!c lor \Mll.'S. whkh in tum mi:lt:~ tht' b.'tnd ,n1h u~~


lhrv 1

to prrform.· Altrr performmR ,u tht Anis! I« IUrt' !,tn,-s. the tlJ'OUI) will bf' ,Mw or 1hr1r amstry as c.1\tnii. anothtr !ht'V pl• Yill lrrin l lo~ Pub u lhl'lr ,1Uer l'Jot" woup, Brownout. which IS


and !t.tilurn IWO l1•3d ','OC.l!bti.~ M.ir11nrz , ;'111J · S,ownoul aoo lncor pl.!Ule\ manv , 1, 1,..,, but b pnmm!y hX•tt'd :;i lunk l\,,,•h NUd' Mf' a kl! nl flin .iM rt,l!r•• " n•1mu\l<,111,r l1:1 R'l~l!I' pA?!f'Q'H~ilf' F> t'TI~{ •'ither lou1m11. u,r1 11-.·~ -..',O"A-'\ ar? l ,ritPI.• 1,m~rr..i\ bitad u1 J t.uue.. .ir~, rd #

lllg \0 '1,\IMhlt'.' Ht ~ld e~'tn thvui:I,

ttl"OtdtnR ln tnr )tudi,) is a satisr.·.njt Jnd rn>aHvt p!3<.e. U· N'JIIY et,i'>V' pl,wbg [JV(' :ind nl)p,;, 111 trf doing ll for manv rnoreyfar-,, ·w,·vr- 11At wtilpprJ up uur \llth alt>i;m ·.•mh ·r:t ,mmf"l$1'~ ralenttd

producrr dlld ~,:c,pt,1,n1·1~If'\',' !',er

Un ol LIA l o!~ !ame. among oth ht )olld ·we hn;, to !,;('I Iha\ all squutd awiv ,r.<! ,1:.11 ,.('mr1un1• 1h1s year. hoprh;ilv ra:-ty ,u"Tim,.• • <,rupo Fant.a,ma\ Ar:L,; l.tetvrr Sr~ pertormanct 11.1il ~,art 11 7 ('I">. -

pm rhuMay a! Ak•n Audl!OfJUrJI Adm1~1on ~ s.zo10 lh(· R('I er.it OU~ he .ind ::tr tfl )U1i"nlS w•th ... arr:pt,\ 10. iKkt•U art i vatlab:.. di the f!.tiri< ~IUtl<'I\I l11fonna11on IK'\k


· (;rupo I an1J~ma, .il!houRh Ill cotr()Wlllll :. d1v,•f:le m ay of lnfiu enr~. 1) firml) rooted In I,uln ~!yle~ ol m~tc ,uch .t.\ cumbia and ..al~

a-, rap. but 1hf dtff(1or ol dm1na. or nu1nuon.al !act\ hst~. he ~Kl. wr ha\·.,. 10 )111.k to th,. por1ion),"

~ a!

MSl!, Michael l :hhon, L\

~to put an tnd mu.

Tbr 17 ·;rar ve:.-.r.in of dlnin~ St>! ~tf'Q.~ N,11 Ctf1I\' " thf' ofotrm 1,,\btd d !'..JS bttn makmJ,?. Chan~ lwer Cllrlon 001 l1n]y tlSf'S t.ht r,.,\,(I on fonJ, tun al~ otl n11km11, 1hr ,1u e, pet s,ewn vu.rs no;, hu b.>tn a1 W~ltm dminR '4°\'tislli' 10 •how drnts l,i'I wtk"Offli' At1drr·1 VMt,n. ~ !tm.

at.on t,.._, m•ermg,a:M mort op, 10 Ult QI.lid

bar. ajdtd mott

s,u: <hOtets 10 the ·comfort· br~ io,1 rwn ~as ht lPfd Col It! to \~O

- ~ . in students.



- -

D.anitl!t' s.Jiwenntr

~ ihe u~1rs made 10 tti•·

'i)tul.td b,u fi ont ol my favor ~ ~: sh, ,;,a,,d $chwtr1r.er \l.hn • ti the Ukltm lbo'Jl !PO lilt.~ .eek woultt ontv ask fc\r a few f'S. "more rhan prv• 111w thal dl!IY a:id hta:!h1N npuons • CbttNl ha-- bttn IJlolt'fllfl,11. 10 L'1e . :s and h.- has mat!o? Cllllfl8('S

rnrnu O?f!Ofb, bul ht ~ abo crt w hO hi \ bttn WOll.!111\ Ill thP CJfth• a1td an fur ~man phon~ Havmi r!a for .i \'tar. Ql•I ,hr rnJO)-~ 'A-urkma tht-st> C.-tl!kts can help .-.tudents thrrt btxau\t' of all 1hr ~u\ P"Ol)h.• wnch lhflr ca!Ork- mQkt and make · ,h(> mtth. ' My mam ~oncrm ~ thr \h,Jrn~, btttrr choten White '-Onlt' ~Ud<"l'lb a,e Wort~ anJ q!IM\'ln~ thtm,. )hi' ~liJ Clifton .ind \'adt'n roth a)."Jt t that about ovnnilni:,. olht>r SludenL, arr Upst'1 about rtccivmg ~ allfr bu! anv <iludtnt who hb any iu~ es111m\ lot the oft'lf'tla ~houl:1 1,1 dmlll~ hi'llllhlo!Tporl1or.s. strvk:u know. · 1n tht• ~ liJte I\~ no~ ·Thr caltltri3 <) dr$J)IJled tn take :hu lhl' mrs havt bttn conStrved. 1: seem, hk,: ~;d ~phomor, Fl Olli !hi! \IMS o! having 10 make lood :h d\' and !>rin~\ V3t1ety !O tht' )tU· Richtrd~. Richard, Ytd ht cnmes to c.i!ete• dcr.t~. • ~:Jllum u1d m about ten umts a week, E\'tn thougl'I he ha$ 1101ict'd the )(nailer ~ruon~ he also sa1d :1 LS a

Student finds cafeteria food lacking in taste, presentation

I !:~i

When one pays owe: S1,000 for

d!!un! semcrs. they shoUld u pttt

:~=:/e~:!. [~a~~~'~~


U:ehurgtr. le : dL~RUstm1t1 I lnhk:t Ille break fas, bacon. 11 l\ not cnsp ar.d 11· lKkP.d 'ltrv 1mpo1un1 k,\SOnlll R, sa!t. Tl>e mtat C11J no1t~te r,rll!cd 111 tht !rut and th• bread waJ hard. I weru 10 lh• :ne.\ noJ,!ng

Jda fttquent ansumtr of


!ht call food 1: MSU. I ri pr






:, ~;:,~hi~ Aluii G.y

!~~~t:d~:~:b~d~~~:~ !~~~v~;~

c:omts 10 the food b-tmR se;red

On ,:riv 10·,en rr11.•rn1nR- rhe u.r Mia ser,15 a v~neiy ot thin>1:, Im !Im .kt.st, lndudlnJ!: 1-rtnch toASI., l!acu1lS, YIUS.lRC p.illll":>. l,ltf~ HI~. MS!! l:rowns. waffles. fre'..h fruit l'llh apple IUICt. gupe 1ukt ar.d a TV!try of sc,da\ !fl wash thf' bre.lk :.st ,1owri. l:, mi past exp<>ntno . the mn tlttu:d baconarrvcrywell dont. 1l.t bacor. h.i~ ti.I!! tMU~h cn\p Q.1 &e ••:tr 101s .&rt crur.cny :1ke ~ WO'J!d ('(pt(t th,m 1,1 bf Tht lr.;lbatl'~"Nl~h~ well. Th t.l~u,a wtr !lkr It h.t.\ not / O,.o ,:;,,r,i OL', tiut hkl' 11 I\ put


·'~ ~~~c:; a~re:.:t;_ ,:f:t..i!<e ;,•e ~ !t

I ,n

.endt r hamburget I sat stn!g.ht up m my seat ind p/Ke my har.ds


1: ; :

w~ 11'>1 G

go\"<d I:

~fd 11kt • )tla~ ot W1ch111 Fall~ "1:e- Witt- a IU~~ot.•n CII apple 11 r'"it rnomirii, ,tte r.,it u~·1al1,' ! 'lf•...,c?d i.lftly G tew P'''F?i' l'l~a·.v •!'f. :1,0f?l.r.i ill! dl'd f\So'." OU! r•I . .JCJ

!ound lht qual!{y ol thr tood rather d)11amlc in llavot 2nd tnnching In 1t1tture. Many students hthtve L'lat thl' hJmOurger IS cookrd per

OI • vark'fY tii!htr than jU}I pilli

whO bl'Utvts lhll lht' ct:e b


tnetr.~ 111skd as 1r thf'v wtrt 1101

~:~~,f:1:',;:h~;~~f~:~ ~_a; 1(:t~!•te~j~:~bdlf ·ereni.

-• ''"·•• .-

SWEENEY pg. 5 lllR lhroughout tht t nurt play •1,1lh ongomg ~n~ng from tbe .icto~ ·rh,s Is a particularly dlfficul1 pro docoon becaust there lS very kmg ind C(lffll)lex mu~k. but tht cast IS doing a jtreal !(lb mak.mJ It look natural and Nsy," Maxwtllsa.id. !>wttney Todd opens Thursday. Feb 28 and con1mues 10 Sa1urda1 March 2 ~ the Fam Ant Ans Center l hPilller /·or !lckcl informuion. call lhl' box

otfice at !040-307,4393.

:!y::::a;~,1::1~~;:1~~'. ~~


l:t'~~~,af"n 1$ liOl !he onl)' one


Whlk' some Vlt wtd the cut stm~ as far horn satMmory, others


; ;t,.-.rr, /J,-:,~,





su ,

rate 11 a


:...Slt'd gt)l}lj • l )n , ..cry 5-Kll' of an a;yumtn! Dt-spllt my OJ'IITUOD, It look..~ likt' I ilf! nOI 11':l' only ~tudent whO a mlddlt' )0'0111:d IS formed. or :he L\ -.omeumu Jr,,suanon wuh !ht vµy arN \\'h1!r some Sludrnts arr 1 ~ ,!~~~~:c~a~tdo not th;nk ,~~at ,.., tl:l' lood m thP Mesqul!t' Ca;1: ~\ 11m:1· up to p4r with !llt>S\.l~C' uri '•11f'~:1~·cdfc1ena') food lS (h.• )IRJ'I !11a1 hanK5 1m,l ab)Vl' !h(' 1 ~ 131:: ~nu,: ba, :hu ruds· "R<-a! food a,1 : :~m;c\,n~~:e, 1 a fm~rrilfl u1 p~,.cholojr/, .)IJd · 1 Mr!1Wf'~ll"m )ra:e Umvm11y.. •, w'luM nfll call JI quallry b(> had a hamburi,:r and ftl~ ·111e h;;mhurit-r w.is r.&thf'f desc:"111, bu! (IJ,l,l" 11f how oad it I\.• Jerr.,,nd

•nd Nmburiitl'l it could bt beu,r. I ....,ou.td hit if !he-.' addtd \Q!l'!E!



and (Cit'{.




na.•v also lacked cn.<p and some S.&lad IS alway~ fre<.h along wlth the rather unport~m a"ld ~,1£ S('aSOfl· l'\l!f .&nd the dnnkS arr alw.ivs a lnR that chff, ,hriuld be faal•, fa ~;ru. wa,• to Wa)h down thl' food. •8f>f01't I cam, ht~ I always n'!lliar wuh Bui on lht t: 1tJ~ ~!de. !ht di~ ht.ird peopk tall:. aOOut how IIUIY tl Nctr c1r.>n w11h ,uSI !t.c rigtit inc food " lht cafeteria would am,,un1 of ,h,nf' !'ht o le:l'na W,b, be." Meap.,1n Slt1h. a lmhman Ill c1Nn .is well with no n,es or .1.he• rli>men1arf tduo11or.. ~1d. "8.11 t,u,;s runn,r , atuand. rhc worke~ Nhrn I fln.allv camr htrt to !.l\!t had great ,ir1•udf'\ anJ srru'.ed l,k:e 11 /or mr,;rlf, 11 wil§ .1 ivtat ei~ri they wcrt' happ·, to tie working m,e,l 1ti.nk1hattht'foodhd~ll;l'Pat thrre, wt!ch m.idt rh.- environ ll~,;o" and 1he ule hi\ a lu,r ,·a mcr.t and dlmos.phere comf')ltahtt ,1ery trichl'X'IM' fMm aM thtv lood

U'l'l"n~ l)'J .&:iy r; v,".:; dmrN t•r lor.c•, ! ~.t).;r. lil', tl\'TIJ'T,IC 1S dmua!Jv

1 ; ; ; ~~·:~:

mg II\ varie1y. "Out of ten. I would

,.,, •• , ,, ~ ,,. , ... ,\W'<"'!f!.1,'<

!•t•"• r::,e,.·.\v,•••1,1..,_,.., "'"'l<t•.

NAACP pg. 5 oti cntorc1nr, !he ~IS or!,Q:in.&lly ~,

bv NMI

r. S•udt'nts who are appre

oasc the$(- rndea.,.Oul". • A\ f.ir ob our purpc6f (ln this campus. wr ue •1,•orkm~ tovmds -chOl.&f:lhlp!o., 3ChV\Sm ;m d 11,•01klng 11,w,m:Ss q)l\ing problems that we s..•e. ~ Wh!!lcv w:d · 11,;AAC.r has

molded so many ;ierson~ inco Jr.idcrs and I Ice! It c•n do 1he wnt thmg ro a 101 of poten11al mmorlty lf'Miers 11.c ha.,.c herf' on umpw.. tht")' ,~1otttt ,1 venue through Whktl the;· can di· f<'ct 1hat k.ide~hlp." The group wP!comts alt mdlVk!u •h from vanous Dilck!IJ()Unds 11\to !ht group Fo, !unhtr upd-ltts and lnform.i

Mr. •Lou! i01nm11, NAACP 'IOU c.in V~lt their ra-.c-book pai,:t> ti WWW. bcl'bt>ok,\flm 1MldwestcrnNAALP 01 i'Ou can tmaJI thtm 111 midwo.t trr.m1C"naacp(PM1ad.com.

The cast of'Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street' 11x IMatr, d,.,,.,,,,,,11, ui/1P,tlffll 'Swtffl"' ToJJ/ror11 1h11r,Jay Fil, 1b/Jtrr 1R n, Sahlr.J,zy lWintl, 1111 tlx F,,,,. ,_-,,., Am


• ....._....._t1$WHNyTMCI Whitney Lebow u Mrs. Loven TNN1MalprauAMIIMy Nicole Neely as Johanna Z.C:Biu11Toiiat Zack Brasfield ts BHdle • Jnlft Mh•cw .. J-.. Tur,in Kt tc,e Brush ts Lucy/ Beggar Wom,m • Rea ctewelan4 11 Sr. Piram

• • • • •










wichita, 1!

Groupo Fanta11

in ~rtist-Lectu,


, "'- >;l'.t '; !,.• • 1,r • • ,.,... "' ••

''1"r"''"' p..t,

S/11 ,, . ( ,• I)"•

1.,• •_,:l'P

:••···d ,. :•ir.- "'·, l-.••1••"' Bi'l v,,...., ,, ,, · 'f;r-J-• ~,,11,4...,


''> r_., ' / ' !•' • ,·'.t, •Jtt •• ..

•• J '" ,ol,t,;.d,1' ,!

I, · 1•;" ••

1~,...,• '



-.,,,o,_T . JI

One-act play festival auditi~


""-': • • ;d"•' j)"')'1:.to."'!f/,-r

Sit" ef ~ Mhch · · • llM'f iff ,,/c, '9,.Nffll tft t ill 111, ....._, 11 NI 1M t ..... . . , II liCI Mt4 f re111 ttfl .. ritllll.,.

lflH r..it1, 211 llfflCW, fll....,

1,(" ,l ,,..,,,

1' OtMCH . 1 M ttll, 12 MIICH

rrn litrn J rM' r1f M l1w1-•!•·m '-' ~I,. ftY. r.lOf(' !h,1/1 1.1 H'Jr~ 11 WJ, ',l'\I

U.1.:k \!u::liml 1,t'llit': 'II I0'./1) htlott mrnm11, to ib~llr~nr IO C.ll!On in (Alla:>1 t nllP,r uf B•1\mf'\'> loe.lr~J m


" It'\ /fl r,.Uud t:t<.JU\f' 11 .,.,.,\\ ,l ~-,. p:-ov,dl"U 1:l rh, :rcrmqrut •1r.n," 11inflfl ,J;(I !tira/f'p-J.S locJ'1/J'l vf \t,'ll'blk ~



'-ir,~... 1),,: ::-1f.t:n'.>'1, ·w,a:,11M lfltrmaM 1"4:-1 cC1~•1111,.;y <,tu <.,n (offro, c1,;p .1n~ u'~t ~Jrrr.,: bev " " ~- U'T¥ llt I.)

pl., I

,\ h,r, 'i;1a;

bl.Cb "A,h P\fat:11ho<;t .n !Vil. \lull>' Oil a CO.,t'j:.l (ilffl0\o\, Ir°) 'irf' ,r., lll'd I ~l:.de!!l \:ru11.n~ !(, c!a.,;;s NifhOt>t nnr e! lh..Y :!r:.~<.' r: h.\nJ A.. ·• I ' M .,.'.,VI (. .f'tou. J i ,t._:,li cl .!,1.,1,v ~ r.1C~. '-•.1.;ouck.,


own "

J "wr

r,ro.; llv



Smbuck}• \IX.ttl()n, Mf'Jnir.jl

)hop IS :IOI I lvJI)· hc,m,.J '-t.irt-U(b

,.ufff'I' hou<i. Th11 d!'-4!1jm«:r 1m111, rt-~ ...,.M (>';!!IC.on\ ,,.-,t.,,.d \hr ,µ, cl'k l(M •h,) l).J!1".r 1rir~ not ~JI!'\' lS lM fr.1.pr.At1M, t.1.11 1: 1U("\ orrv

1 c!'IITl~ra!l'.,. 11f'mc.1.,:eo.1 frlf)~

~y,.,.·~ ~111 Jblt' "· c.,f!c: ~v""' t!'l1n11, in J .,",no u·, u,.- ,..,. cm k,mp l:'l~t°f''ld,in.

I· im(')r.. •n-, -•..rtv-r

I,, .,

.-iu \1,,rl1,t1 t• 1~ •,1:,.. ,ump of r, ,r r11crn;1; CHt.,,, 4Jll kn, l n~:'l,,.. r .t! lfif' C:J'' J•'h ,o Ol.;flfl f-u111J• .!11\''-'rl!lht ·:l'""r'" ~PIV#i bf,r.i.u:, '1.IJ ' U ')(I ,·ri·ut,#1' a ,J~y A,.1 nr<l,111 'fl! r,~t,lf, ·ti• hi" tr•~! poru1~r 111111,;., 1 1,r-.r1..,.,.1 t;·f ro,!•~ •1ud, r •, •r~ ·r1,, J.'.1- 11uxha, nraTl'lrrJ~·-tli"fl .... 1.,, tf,.,

m1, ! •• w

r vr,.,11

!)(;in! :-"r,1,. r,'1"'" t.,1 i,,.

"fll\l['•.,.,, I ,I, ta,1rn1, rr.Jf /Jr{

flllPr,!"\ ,,j•,i,-1 •' 11,r ;,111J1'1

tionc0111r,.1"t.lio 1 !1u•n:.r lr1•!•1l" f

N/1i'TPI 'fl" lr,r4~K.:,1 1. ,! • l...u• mu'. Jt;r,;, 1nnU , a11'1j 111

It,, \/•rl,u,_, on ~f'lll,' 111'1 YrU

th;it .irt4,nh,t~ · \\e·i,. ,,kl 11i • r,, $:.tn11r J , 11Jn

m•,m•r,riP1 rPll'Jlar,y a: • IKtn'-td ;r•i.Jlrr tfl "r~•1rP a cu11,p1rilf'·''" .,net

I .,l!Wl ~,d rhfo IY,,R ,)f si!e mad" Jt •►_,. 1,, 1-11 l V.>rt'.Jcb tj.-:,.-rrne\ :he


an,•~n' ,,. ,,.:,. c,,,n1r,1\SfOfJ 1t1;;1



•·.•11\ 'fl t•.t ,rtr#'r-1ty •'.','t t,.,.,. ~m• . :hit 'Nt h.1.·,e 1., rtflJ1iP ~1m <;:,rv'KI:.\ lfr. ve:y ~~,.- f, ,1• ,1 ...,,,,


K,np .;•,J kiP:1,ir1


dnr,k-, I~



n ..lt .nd (<II'"" t:lf'r,i.o:! '1,p;t"'•.,·. Oiftl)fl\111 a·.j ~rKt"I 1.ary bf•n,.,.n un:ic•nl'f':f \".;rt,•,c>'... ~,,ff,1• tin-N ~•i\ r,ur.· "I'S lt.thc,.n~'-:n't.Jck• (;f'



,L:1,v; !1. ,1 ,

Hr :-:,.,r, •,fr;-r,J'.(,• ··• ""fft"'.,('.- J ' HO W7.t\,~ •t ,...,,.,<,'"""· A'Saf'OU

REC sports tean captain meetin1 .;:··

J.'•·;tav·,•.,.-, '•.• .,

'P(ll'II!~• c:,,,_, l,r•P1.,.••· dttd rnf. • •Q~ -AV,. "l ~,-,• l.tidm 1~,Vf,.,!flf"S' , ••,,_., ! ror t;o,~ m,· 1 ::.a:1,•1,,i, i'11 1 YC>if'Yb,11! f-or r m•,.r • • ,r- •• u, ~~· ._.

.,, •.an,.,..· ,· c:r1 'lnnt+lf, ,.




Black history month events



Mun:.·-. 1eu.-.·.tt ..,.,u bt •,.




v•<" ,t,.

ln.t' ';1,1:~cr..1, ntt I JtJ' ·-,~..... I\


1Ar11.,..J 1"" ,,.a; ...,,., 40 (ti•, f'nc"'S


11,,. lta~~'IH'.trn, \ • ~-,.

1h,. ,,,., '1 .11..•renc"

P,•r ,ut.or..i •t.• :C.r .&!!1 I '> !'I r- •'""'

m ir,1m,i Wi ..•1,•,n.;,i11r,,i ·h, mO\.I

l!"Q•.ei' t



ll"lrrr Fn,hflf'k'\1,., ..,

A11hou~:1 l!)t' ~rlU" Uri from ,il<t1 !•iuwm.

\filft-Kh<lf"•''"' ··c••l'""•r l m,.I.

I\ I 1,,11\ 1,r, ru;..d \till!.U{I'.\ ort l hl) k~,Ul,>f' lt'C{IVHm'IIT ·f l•X) to I'.)() ~Uf1ffll<. IIPI d.t•, ~ •~Uut /.tin a11,tt 1..allonr• \\';;!kn ..aid hc,rn.~d \tJrbu.::b rmol toll<.,w 1 •met ! «11..t fl)f ,,1ch drink madr unJ11:t., ki\.ri11on~


m 1~•••· · •! .. r, :~,,. •4 n1• IJ!1''-"' r,,r ,-ac•i <1nnk 1 ,.na,r drin,, a: ihe m i /I'(· \1'11,p 1•1 ! •lttAf"i .)T" i:,r.<,.d h1J,htr ·\'o'e ,, l,;ll)l,~r,. ownf'd Utf'"/ t:1rA"1·1 h_, .. •n, I.~·,, tht "4me pr,c:t h • 1Jr"r .,...1 ~•-.;~,,.• ~•,,1.,k,.r Qld

,,,rt JCb


;1 I

out 0'1l~IU d1.1f\!"',l tht

.j:'!;;:, ,',



t,roWT, !,411l!.Ccu...c.• ·,..

:,M:o,1" w1!1 ti-- he,111•: '.'•·~ 4 ,r, ,-:..,~ ( 1,.,:,..n1 r#f,•r








c;•)rl•'.'lnf, 1ok1 1,Wl ,r.1 tht>luip#.1'11<'"' v.1.rytmm •t11,1ou








•n 1,1 .:I.... " 1P,,-•,'.J•;r!l1,·. l1t, l-. •

Prices differ among Starbucks brewers Costs vary from Dillard College of Business Administration a11d local licensed Starbucks




L:,..~r :,-,,;T> 11 a '.~ Afnnr Ar-::.-r,u· _A:· ,


Nb"at· •,pa~!

<)fl .... j



RYIJ-Jlf'• ir.r<,:rr,•r · t~

fr,,,n 11 Q,W; l 01 l.\1...-\ • •


Old Band Hall parking lot close

College graduates see an increase in job market Career Management Center prepares students for jobs post graduation

iknWflf' ~Jd f'l'"O !hOult)'l \ hf'

'll:e,hl ll'ld d1fllcul1y l'ln-hn,t ..mp:oy ment, a 100 \l'!t dOf'o :l11d m•v r.ot rrt~n!·f bf 1hr ,ot m wh,ct: h,r tJla1n11>


f),tk Welt!n. d!T'"Cl,.,J ,., L J rttr

l,h~!lfm""' r tnttr and tf'Sbn~ V1' virts. ~ .'d !TIC' Wirf of !hf' ( Mr, lid\



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"'mpJuy-mer1 thw ;oolunR · )1,'l? l."-1< I wor~ ~ 1Y1•fl."'111!tv WI!~

~li.,dtll!\ ll'.d

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rate dr•,pr.td 10 t'J I P"rcer.1 la~t m,,,,tfi. m W1rt1:L1 hJI!. I.ht ~erCiPfll

,,,,wmifrket :t1Prr1.;..t ,'t1 ::, !hf ~_,.,,

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ol •ht <n:rca-1 a-sp,,m 10

rr-,1Uy 'r,llrkc"l'll l'/'lNII rfll'CIIV"tf k a poh~hl'd n 1t>at yrriCe'\'I. of


rt'lWTlt. C'>'Jf'" 1,,11,, Jn1 'hf' 1~·tr

vrN ~ppr,,.,c/1 •

The~ a.'¥"r M.1.n1voerr.,.n: ,:..nr"r


·1 del'lm,rN ·hmi: ,, ·1,·f!I bf' 1,!11 . ;>rtp.lrt\ \ l,dn,1, lt.r •!II' ,nb ""•fri c J!t ,11,,c,•,r,e ~ ~)b .1.f:rr , om~1e11111 IW CH!.qu;n,i. lf-'!•1mt'\ , co,cr ll'll"r'S uiw:rwry; Br<>wn, \.i1d "!lf'a.1,(Jn ,1nt1 cowluc1,::y mock in1crv1,....,. · 111t,1.&tf(O.',Wm1zr,;af\b~arch ~;llp C"'(~.i- Mr,r, r,,r,>pi,> ar,. bf' ({,lr.,PI'


,.,,.1 \?H,( • t'.n:r

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/lli,-nU. ~1(1!l) ir1!1 \J' rlQII" •t1!11.~ b&1 •1pnn thr $JieC1r.c ,ob y,t:,,n;

p0111on. - Wekh QJd.


Wi~ t.tJ1U~l'"l,

MFrnploi·e~ h,w, ,r,d,<,tf'd' 1h.111 i !In ;r., h1tt I 3 P"f<t"nt more ll...N MIi~ VJ.lldUJti"'li ,,,an tl)e-; did


la.st ·;ur.• WtKh u 1,j ,



fa•!,)t m lfr ~o•!f-nr


·,,,.1,._r,:,a1(1 M!K/1 ''"ar tt>~rdt--•.1 of ,i-,. ••111p!<qm,r11 utr. 1t1ry .l:" flmna • "W N r.,errcnta;!., cf coil, 'i." r;•1u ••o i ll,rr..-1 hM l)PM1 • ii"''""'iPC

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'i'oua PADYiflADql.Ul'1ll l'Oa:



lDnDr ATM011-

and bert Cl.toMr aervlCe In Wk:Nla

'f'Ol'lfd lll UlrlCU~CUJ,lJ' ac•r , ,1 ('$,

•,\'t>Kh said .tc..-1,r,fo111, 10 the N•


R1W)1 now lht ma.JOT I ;am df, Inf{ IU'lts ;a 101 c,f oppor!Unll Y m mv u-ea,M s.i1d feon Bedlord, a 1un1or

In computer


·rm ,;urs,sml.!.

that for th, ntXI 10 ro IS YU!'(, I~ ,cbmU-li:fl l! )f'>lllRIQ tit' 11kt · t1J:.·

For :.ipcom,~

v.r~· latb.


\IIJ:b, '•klr11 Rlllall\'(',

1 ' 8 u o ~ H I CT ZIEGFNRO<..K & UVSTONI" I I t.i t-I r 112 MRRHL KLG'li . SIIJ l'I IJ 'li 'I AX "

Geat Nlectlorl, great ~


clubs, OrJtilll.Ur.or, ~UOf'r.l ~ m

the mos, demMJrt

ci;rrl"'J m l'JO~ •n!l 2/J()') \!Jli plJ~ a

14:,., .



e1n11tli'"S Nh<l U"' W"ll rr•·1•.d"1 l)Uav1l ti •hf,r ,cadem,c <1:s.c1;:llne m,~nin, 1t;.;; the\' ha,'f t,e.e,.. ,r

;i.re , lot f'.lf bl.1)1llffl d1SC1phllft rrom computer infcrmat1t,n )('.ence 10 mu k,.tm(l to finJOCt' tt-.a1 .ttt 1n

~Ml 1t l! y,ry 1mport.1n1 for \IUdtt)b to h11r]lli,J,1 lt1,tr1~Nr, ,l'.111\ :-..,mt olht'f S~ll!S Ir! Lr h!V.hhJU\t C1 arc piou,m sn1,·:rip; WII>. rt'am work. '"fCtl!f'nt wntten .lf11 ool


The largest selecllon of croft/Imported beer, In town!


For lhf' clil.\ ol 2'>13, Wtkh said thert

p,KltlV" hln11RIU""htl1, lor Y)OI\ 1obt ~:n,dua1...... evt•1 on~ :h~t hue ,,. cemly 1111 •hr ,i1!J rrm\:;r1 th1r t"fllltht ~,1u Le 1,,..~m~ • lhc N.r,w.,.m1< dr.wntum ·hat oc


L ocAL 8.oYs.~=:;..,7:.,- ~


\\'tkh et1td a ~•Jl'\'i",' b'1 t ht Nil tiona, AWX1iltlnn of I :•)l!"'J,'~ and Empluyc~ v. her, the..- s.aw an In m h!nn~ VO'Jl':l ;:,,,opK' pos,111.w Th~ \lln'fV 111,~ Yhl () ti 10 tmokf.,rs 10 ~,1 a r,..., ol tl'it' for«ut ,,1 ,mrkr1r1' hlw1a u~1.auon for


an.i,tyz,r.r. J.nj svnth,....Jr.n~ !nlom1111,,n and t1Pm11 nu1b1P a,e kf''/ ~loll ~b Ihat t'rn -.o <> Ille r·<<i'\~ fl' mar~r,1'1$! t)(!f>Yi' b 11-.,. ~pPl'UIINl L/l"W:~\.. Wf')('b \.111'1 'f-mpl,,y.-:,. h.tYt' !tmnp inttr~r m • f r,~

f!Q'ftl ' runy 111'-\,r" a.rd

llOnA! MYX:1.u1on


I :fo!IP'.~


h·n1,·lovr~. rtnp!f)-.~I'\ J)tf'lt~ J •., h 'f(' lil!,d'.d.ll~ w ho l'::t(! rt]t'.-Jnf wOri: etpt:r " '!(t

• ,._ lo! o' tmp:O·:,"" will ~x.,I' .a: ~ ·1,•ell J ~ J(l"'o1l JP in•tn\h,:, J) a 't'I f"V.tm Wtltk "XD<!'ll"t,Ct,~ V.t 'Ch Qui Ac((,td·nR '() w,; h. 7A.3 ;,erc"nt ol t mplO\'#... UIJJll e I ,P,\ a:., a '-Crt~n ' ll TOOl ,n lhoJIJj::Oh1:.:m1 t'~o')(f\!o_ •Ont> \h"l.i1 ,,c,i,. thJ I rn1~IO\'l>r., mr1¢:1


.l t!'U,lfll!J:tl I.!',\ Tt1UIN"

mtn• of 'VJ:K,,,y .lfl.M \\'pk>i "4Jd: "In 21)12, the 1 ,PA .:ot (•II lo: a lot o! C1'~:-►rr,n,t flr'l'~ in,j .,,.c,, 1" W.&\ lS I f'!. 1•lt · tS 3U w..kt •111 rw :,,,...;ri·, II.Ink ' ht> 1rnpt" r1.1n,iP d t ,l'A' w,U ct-.:mp.. 111

lv!Mrt1v. il'l l-, ·••

Hat ~-'<ir,1t 1111 ·~-.~ tt ..: 1,rc,1,'TI•:tly~"Yln·• h • M r <.>1101.r.".,' ,\r. ..,1-•: ~ 'f:ay ,..,., tr., ,,1 .,.,"1, ~!:r:-r.,ativ" pi·~ n~ 'l',

,.,..., p.ark ni ,,;



St.Ill 0:l l,;11 •••••

.; .••· .. i·-/•ArJ-• .,_... ,,..., • '• ·~.

. .. ..~-.,, ~·.... "I' In P•II• l 1torv. "Un1Vtrit1 ,-:,.tt1ean;h u;i•rt. • tt,t t ,t(! 1·1

of Roben Cl,1r~. vi<t 11•t1 w•••. 1clrrunisu111011and.,..,:rt....'.:-'l< efftctrv•nus, ..,u tt'l 0"

l n1p1iJ• • ~1ory, ·unr.t•r"!J.~• m•lhoritocru!t' !TIOft lml •;' f 1111r, 'll lT\41 WU rr,u!lt,fl

rht W,cM• n •poloQ :t\10'~,,



rrin1 •••e~i;::.,,..,.,.

···~·· ·········· ~ ~muo~Y3e¥4 ~ . './12-...,mo (f ... oft . C'rl'"r. f.s

: '8pecu,fi:Jm9 in


any one service

: 940-761-CUR L(2875) : w w w .sh awsbe autyplus.n et ••2~~3• ~I~~~

c_h!ta Falls. T X 76301 'f"1 t "'-~ • • • • • • • e •

•f i:,ow.- ~a i , , ., ......,..





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Experience leads Sweeney Tod___ d--.:-~ WHEN: Thursday, Ftb. 21 and runs through Saturday, Ma,ch 2 at 7:30 p.m. WHERE: Tht F1i11 Arts Centar Thtatrt. COST: Frff for students

Senior vocal performance major prepares for big role

hi~ tht'Jtriral choi{i"$ hr

ilUd<!nl, hi' brtng; a IT\il!Urlty IO hb

wort that the other student<, can only devr!op wuh 11me: Drment

ii:ti:s, c.:imcra, .,ction' With )Omr JO ~ludrnls rt

tlldll( (', Simi hr hJ~ Uttn ,inll,lllR as lo!ll{ a~ he can rememllt>r and has en


1ht•.1n-mM t11r it roles and doz

1oyed bt>lnit on slagl' ~Iner hr Man,'d collegr. Smee tht n. he h,1\ been m morr than lO sia~ed op(·r,~ .-ind mu

en, mur-t prf'piltmi




l)(>mcnl $.lid he bt !1Cvl'S lamoon beinRolder ht>I~ his matunry as an actor and as a sin~r ·BtmR older than !ht avera1te

ni~kr~. - Berrt•hlll ~1d lam1~on, a )tfllor tn ;·ocal prrlot



wr ,Ub . aiuttd w11h l)emvnl, ·our to hls amazinR sta~ pre~ rncP, .l.\ a choruJ mt'ffibl:t m lhe ~hr,w I have b<'(:n ablt to rNCI on {(l

.ind m.:ih'11p. thr thr a1cr and music dt•partn-1·111~ Art ~Im~1 onr mQnlh 1 mt<• l\•hf'af\41; im· t h,•ir rend1tmn of sica_~t tm brr ri 1tw mu~1~.11 \ Wt'i'ntr lodJ long rood to l'rrfoirnlnR m Ult' 1,•ad roll'. An drr w l.;mi~on ~Id. Ml rcallr en1ov 1h11 , ,.,tJbor,t1on v:11h thr theatr r :lt'p;mmrm 'iur;•m ln)tlv wr don·1 crtN r ,1th.~ mul/1 ;end I ~nroy 1he!r St·n~r >.ooky peMnah1le:.,- Jamison n111rd. /r.cis hb 1alrnt, fhPa(.-r ;m:I fflU"-K \ludents auJ1- by C<munued tcachlnR th1m1!1)1 th(' 1Jon,·d for ,.,, ~en)" rood la~1 wmM. year.. t"r ln Offcmbt'r · 1 h,we brcn 1~km11: ·,oicr IC>SON, llut ol" the man~ ~tudrnt.s who for morr than 1rn yran. and ,•ach wanto'd to br a pan of lhl'i prodtK 1how h' ilCht><- mr w much rnon•: Mn, d1r(-c10! john l'ltmen1 sa:d Jam1~n ,;aid lhrrr aJ•' ar,1und 40 !hcat!'r student$ The \\'1chlta I JII~ na!l\'Ch-l.\ be-l'n MV1 15 J.O mu~:c StUdPOL\ who were cast ii~ !ekyU ' Hyile, fony in Wtst t'1th(•r ca..-.t or work a'\ a c;.-,wmem ~!de SIOT)', F1i,::..-iro m the Marnai,te: of l-1~aro, and l;URlirlnw m ro~1fan Bui ther~ can he only one Swee tuHl' 1u~t to n.ime a ll'W. ny "l'rodd, Oemcn1 s-akl Jamison had StrryhiU ~ti sht be\lev« lhl' ~I p't lf!'l(P M r! t~l,:TI! ' l".a• lfJ l.irm~n\ op('rat1c vu1, r 1~ wh,11 h mt,, ~rr rhP ro,r 1.>f •w, .-er,v l c,d 1 m~kt'\ hmi a gl'IOd ~Wl"(!nPy l"rxtd • Andy nas a VJ• J I W;1re ani1 St.ljtl' · H., has 1hat low. dnnwdmg prc-,r nce,· l)tnirnt ~,w1 vn1n that Is rn lrct filr 1hr roll'," ~he lid!f!tf Bt:n"t:\11, a lUF,!,.lfln !ht ~ua

l he arnng veteran spends time in am1 out or rehearsal priep,artnR ror his up(OmLnR role. · w e rehea~

th ree hou~ a

d' 1his sho"w has~/way; ~~~:~M~~~::

wry intrigued 111t. It is_a ~n!t ;~~:u~ =~~ r~(:~ :):~ very dark show with ~~~:;1~1;,~~~; great ensentbles'' school prac11c Thr




•~• •Rn.,o,,.


H • M1'" o•,

•n101 i11 'IOttl ,,rtonMntt, An11.-.w JIN!ltion w ill ■1,r IS Sw1tney THIii in t,l lhHter ffp,,,_111·1 p1011Nt!lon ol ToiH· Th• Dtffletn of Fl, 11 ~ Jloll'liton has ptr1onn141n "'°4'tth1112I o,eto1 ■nil m111ic1l1. · 11 Ms --.n, . . lon9 roed lo 1111 whrlro 1 -. alMI r. iirst ftOW 1tt1lnt 111111•: he u id





1 1 a dayoub1dtof


me: :

mrnt said. But rhrc~ b· work 1sn't doneyet. · Mc-mor1tinRis a p.a.nicular problem at this point of rehearsals,· Demrnl s.'lid, "lht>re !S a lot or mu~1c and so many Imes 10 lrarn·. "When we grt closer 10 !hr show, we w1U1ehearse evtry day until we open," Ol'ment adJed about !he re heaM!S for Sweeny Todd. JamlSOn said he 1s e xc1tl'd ro add his roll' as Sw·ccnev Todd 10 his re sume. "This ,how has alwa')'!! mmgucd me It tS a ;·erv d,u k ~how with RfCa! cn~mbli...; lam1i.on sa1d · r love SonJ he1m's music and emoy the d1f

s,;causr of h1i muslC11 e,:pertbt he has been a ~ !'It for Sweeny Todd, fk'rryh1l1 said. "As a music major he hu rul/y 1mprt'S.\ed lU all With hb abllit'f [O take on ~uch ;an leomc role m musl cal theatre,· Berryhlll said.

Jamison ~ Id he appreciated 111 the work being done by the dozffil of cast and crew members, mclud·

Ins,\ scenic designer Don Herschel, costume dts11U1er EI.Jz.abelh Lewan• duwsk1. pianist Sandra Cunningha..m, mu~cal dlttetor Rachael Kapelsld and vocll coach Don Maxwell. · 1 want 10 praise I.he organluUon and dedlcatJon or the 1echn1Cal and stagt management crews,· Jamison said. "Ha\'mit a ca.st wi!h such e,eat 1alen1 l~ P,Omg 10 make for ,a spec· 1.teu!arshow · As oprnlng nip)Jt approa(hes Jamison looks forward to his favorite sctne LS "God That's Good.·

· 11 bt>gins m :he ~ ond act and lncludts most or the ca.st,- he said. Slm1!ar!y, Strryhill said she en· ioys when Jarruson performs -My Fnends •

"That Is my favorlle scene he does because his emouon towards

the role really com~ out through his stnglng. ~ Btrryhlll Slid.

llculr,· of 11:

1,, .,.., •wr,.,'..,.1,~

Wrtw J•l'lltnn rthe•rs•• wiltl cni..11 Whi1•

I:itf:i!nliH!1~r.1 lii!f:I~

"'Lteow to, rh• product,on of SwNne, THIii.

1111 • op, n F.11 21 JM111on •nd lfflw ar• tho ~(• l1tffl. pof11•,t.. Sw"M' Todi atllll Mn. 1,11'8 rHptcllffly. Th IHiOf wocol ,-rte,. .-:, m•1•r 111d tht show·, forte nalatt 1nllf .... 11111rnbl1 hn -1lw•ys ln1rl1u1d him. ond ht _,dt lff,YOH inwolnlll w i1h dte ,r1nk,c· ...., tfloi1 hlfd wor, 11111f lll1tllfitati0fl. · Hni"I 1

Denim and Diamonds continue concert series ·

•wilt! such,,.., lolfftl ii 1oino ro lnlkl lo,• .-CIKllltrdlovw," h,uilll.

Dtmm and D1:i.mond, n!ghl(lub 13915 ktll 8Jvd.l wWcontinut its co[lfp nl[lht .:onct n ~ nts tr>morro11,· When RogC'l" Crttgtr Qktt lhf: Wiae. Concerts "(hC'dukd in thr monu1ol Frbrnry thiit II.Ive bttn announced lncludt Tot C:uty Don, hrw Band ot1 F-eb. 7 ,ind Wl!lltm Clark Gretn Slopping by on 'hltn• line's Dl\' for mott in!orm1non \'!sit den1manddtvnondSWkhita/1lls.com

The Spot to educate guests on the news business M 1hr Spot tomorrow .ti S JO p m., antndtes can at!tod Hippy Hour In ru~ tomorrow w1t1, a d1sn.u.s1cn of tht bes\ plKl!l to grab 1 drink ln \\1chJta FaU\ hostt d tr,· 1r l1"111lon anchor Rachel W~ il and Codv S~w. An optn mic nWl! \\-ill 11-.o bt' held tomorrow .1trt'1the evrnt.

KQCKS Liquor.Beer.Wine Happy Hour 10 ~-;?··2 p.m. Largest

selection lOi: Off of liquor, beer. ::iters of l;iquor ~

and wine in town

ALL W1nes


940.696.9229 s ···t,r KoC<S ' bM fo•.,s

ax 94C.322.3&72 t~':,,,;~1d

·1,'ichlta .,,~


mu1ce ,, O p.m on ~aturd,1\•. >. C(J\'t'r th,rge•or U wlll be ch,ugro tor both H f "IIS. The Pub ,,.,; n !'i nst 1:, Sup.>r !kiwi Party on Sund~., stanlng at noon and


~~\lnp, unnl mlilnl[tllL

Uh THE WICNITU • facoNlt.

Boot Scootin' Boogie to be held Feb. 2 at Ray Clymer Exhibit Hall

D ,.,Wichitan

S1,..., ~ ·1:Pr Mi l l, ~ 9.;m Wt>SMn WtJf Wl!! prr1tn1 the !loo! Srootin' Boog,e on ~rb. 2 t-orn S t I pm. l l ;tte Roly G!Vlf'rr E1~ib!t Hill. The annual rvrn1 ~ 1 1uM1J.m ro: flH· Ar;: Of WK"Mi f.aur.~ with procetds bene!'lung thr;r .a'.'lf'r!(hool rrow.a111~ar.(I rn'l'o::w-r c,1:r-P3, 8HO ll!OVldtd l>y The Bmidlng lm:1 w.!, !it !>tl"\1''1 du1 flRInt •f a:l(,r w1tt> 1 i:vr perfor!Tl.lltl<'f' from The lunch Roctt!\ Fot t..:Ktti or rr.Grt 'Mor:t1.a•1t1r. co:u, .:? fl':r Arc 11 0.$0, (')02 2303.

\ll\Jf\ [AMA.JS Yl.'UHl!\·\ 'S


. ~ ~, ~•-·.~

'. iJS On racebook '

flie Iron Html' r uti w111. r.o111 numt.e, of t vt:tl.1. itm w«kend. Fnd.ty kicks o:r with ,1 cor.cen Imm ~ C1ook.s. ~1i rt Unie Is s.et fm o p.m. Local favorites lUf,t!, (..OOk ~r.d lht AurlKJ(V wm kttp lilt Wtektnd RO:fl& \\1th thtlr perfor.

F-ol._w THE 'MCKITAN • Twtatr.

;,.·.:\_►:·~, KHAN~. ~~~~~-~E Wine &Li~or lasting ._ ..... .... .,,.~...... . ~aturdays 3 p.m. - 6 p.m. _';~kocksliquorco111

The Iron Horse Pub schedules events during Super Bowl

HI f'II I I'- -,, I .., 0 co"

World of Wheels returns Feb. 8-10


~I ,.



I//Jl?/1//J,1// /IIJI h'li'I M/1/1 /Ill J"/1/,1//,P/1/l/lli'S/ Co m e-r Of 'ihepp.1rd IIA.te",<; Ro.ad & Old lo w.1 P.trll; Road EXIT 1D Off 1--14 · 940. / 61.9099

The W<'!r!.1 ol WI\Pt':s Wt/I bi. bici:. ,n \',1cM ,a Nlrs fro.11 Ffb. 8 10. (41:-s., ~ b T.ntoi~·,.-::t.s, w-u~crs i nd cl"rt,n w g11~n win tit 111 utrndance at tht h )' C!vr.r- Ethtl ,! H,!!, ,,., l'lllt- Te1om.a Sl'!oo!ut:t Mini 5P!,nl RK~ W!Ube hell1 at IIW: 1 ~ lh ~v:.. ' Al, {.c•,•~; ! ht \'t 1d1iu h lf~ Deitr.· D.iml'$ WU! alsc hold .n tu:ixr1rt' >l'"SS- ...'.l 1 ir,:ig Tn111v, ff'S~\"ltlO u 7 p.DI., NI-ii+.· Ccdy O'Neil & tht.

r..,,..,,,.~j w :: ; ro\ dt mu,ic. 1~n:tr-~!'l:n~t '>fl s.ituni,v11i o.m. Tktet:s m SI 1 i,,s :c· ~~•Jlti

J' • •1•.• •,--, _. ~~•:.,. >1 4 l · •~. ,-..t ""'-'.l

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•),, ...,-., , -Ofnlflfhil, , :--:n~.r:lao,~



ft -➔·+Mi!


wfchita1 - Toroy~ 'Returns· wi~ solid album

IW :,:'· ~ •...

;,;~\~ ,.:~·;r':,·;:1:',::> . st• m •,,1,•;•~••·lf ••• ~•1 I J' f W,'tl ~/1'• 1 :,. lr,;i: 11,.:,1-ci.v,r,w .,, nlV'i f·•J!OOS! ,1,• ;, ,, • ,,hlJ\j •••Jtr~<t ,Mr,,,~ : . •1·r,1 111•, ;:,nz•~i I rr , eirlv fttN,.... •, .,

~:;:::·:'.·~~-:~/~:~~ '.:·,L r-1•1:..< 11 ~If r,•n,· •~•r 111,n~k ~



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r:11,IUK~ /,,·•·# ,

('L;•w~vr~.,r•lha!'.t ~HrPf! •n 'ht,urr'l1(11~ Jti, 1.11 J,n.,bly sr~,, ,, ,\ b:wl>tt.111\· :fo,1•~1-·~-

R&B 11m 1 ►111 iJ"f/1'<'' ,· :,. RundM.k\ 1-vn!t1•lor rr,.. 1 •

30 Rock finale Thursday Hour long finale ends seven season series of NBC comedy show

~rNll1ft•• pttitflle"li~ <11Wriltr for ",l(utd JV N11.h: IJ\t Li



W I' WI\



Rr~ hi\

oOs n,I r 1tl\ 2000s ln-1 m r,,trrtt•J m h!~ qur,! f,,r c11rpora1e dom1n111C('. tht'X m·, r io ! rm(ln. 4.'l in,ud,-v 1n a~J ,111•r«1wii:; .l~!nf<. Tr~o· Morl(Jn 1o,-r tltlJ "n nt,r r,f .i ,,nu!.ir ~kr:ch . rd b n,· KnkflW)kl pNtc~llv por

cromM ~huw ihat t>Xr mpl:!ltd • }trofijl. f~milr !ud u, • ""lllf- Jom1

1niytJ th.- nucM~,11, mrs ol n !\, lh,) lord,,r :md ltnna Marontv

JO Rock'.) ~l f0:11!.''S\ pomt WIS It:.


· • •t!)ll'Oft

Rocli. 117p.m

brt11'1.1p-;... stx.u.1l hirusmt :11 work

l'ht how-:onf: tp;mt win ~tw ll'ICllll"rU. •00 ttooblt W,!h htr U of tt,tvt5.lon's ffl{'(II m • ll\'t 10~ lrmfln wtti t!lrou,J\ mort m u:d hu-;nfv unJ,mttd shnw of t!lt sr·,'tn Y-~ru. tt'~n moo p,tor!f' gu

OUI Ol'lf'

db~i!V to

fhi, 'IJ I !'J<l~·, r,t)JICi1Jt :,.,,

I 1n,st1,~ ·1~ r.,_c,._,,.; ,\:,vi1,m1 fri llr:Jrr11 u ,,•,,, frt,m .u·t 10 ~nu."t, tw :·, , . ti Hu•~•n'ilati'llrflo" i.i _.


.-11or5 .l.\ hu\lnr.....r.mi IJ<k 1)011.•Rtir

l.Jz l.tmor l nd !ht jl,<lfljl, Wll\ 6 n<11tdwot1:3 nl lhe s?-ut do1wn Tl:r G11i1t S!·1ow st! l.e~\ H~tMpt, !(' ·h•w• ll '11~ for toad on ThuNav. ~ NSl. w1U pol ~t': thl"O\lg,~ :.trNlu!, )"ti romt •lr I.flt ~ 8-)11 ~lid Sl"llt'S f'lr,u nt W ltic, lift \,1 l;!!!OI\~ IJ~t himallOOl,ll,

(\f,11 ANOQ•• UJlt~

IOOM mu~K:!lO v1, l 1Jlf ( •,

PAAIIS I M:CM:ATION I Thk 1MC•11111t11tat'f lly lh ,rtdiKn ol TIit Ofk• •H- 11 11-,-11t1ci1n l nll1 bo,. .. •IM -111..n,hlOINko , ,..... NI the city ol P1-o, 1114l1n, . Mlt' tl,H 'I. RR()f)l', r 1"'"'· ht,., ...... llltn· 1 ~cmc••• ·1\,,,.,nt~ .un • .,~,,,If ,,1 '!"" J c-<, \,,,t ,r • 11rc111_t•mn1• I Jun A11 )' I\Khkr I rh,nk , 1..-'; p, m,· .. urv .1ncl ,h~ m~V> 1h , 1,,,.,.,

r<-1.l' fi,n ol 1radl11onal trlr

\' 1\IO!l ll!IJ tiu1tnt<s con~,n111lM. I rom 1hr cf\rnt.im Jal)!. o! N8r' Dt1~ tht' J~t placr nrtwork, to tht blat.ln! product ;i!i.:tmen! g.igs on par,om wmp,nv r,I: .l!ld thr11 own sh.lw~n\01).

~\tW!l V".1.r-. [vtr. w1t'l ihr show gomgoff !~ mg thtOu~h In a 11/f>Ufflt' W?l1le- hm,ldtd ~ a ctJIKa! du Tlw- w r~ ~11.alf' d0t'$ h.a<tt a h,1:p air, lht r,11utt of NBC's lnmtdy dt Un,-, JO Rock w,s l\tl"t.r .Ab!t to e,am PY tndL"IK for Ltmori. ~ w l\nally panrntnt a ) U!l pror.11~1ng lat mmp ('I t;'T'ffii;'t\)100 b~t 1hr !tf'U her wtsn or trlr.~ 1 mo1hu ful Nrw ,hows !!kt 1000 Ptr.n ano l't~ B,UHl, fhMr( ,..t Bow I MC' Yoot !lllf'd t,y lld(lplll\~ lWtl ~b\lnlll Wllh l~ll'f), Wllh ~lds in1 ~h !IVOn\ts like Mo!ht'r. P,rb s, Rl'Crt••i,m md CommunUv her nt:Wt'f\\~ ht1~ nd Lnu. Dunng ifs ~'t'fl St&100 run. 30 Rod. w.u: no1 a ont-'l'IOOlar. lo:lk. to kN'P brtr.wni tht !.aughttr ro s.now c1tu l'lr and st•r no.a 1-n' took , how. tlwur,h M.a!f- Ind Alfo< B:lld

'lJwt ""T .... lilll ifs SIIM W...:." •TfWYMW I l-ttogo:utl'<flt . t•,t.rr«i l · ttey, ...ml W.Nl!We...._ ..... ~,.,-11 ... i.u'tcr!H911Ce tl4.ey1 1'Ws..t· . Lit~ 1 llO~l~.nth>trornl.l"Nol~~ lwantlOIIJl:tlt t11111t1C1-t11rp,,~ JChX.4 MUge1 •1 ~ · l•ao.»',\lrl l"lf1.,u.WIMl• l.• l -r -Jacl:0tttet1ty I AAr:11'-'U~ «.ntcm,,,;!Mblt1UW;ou"' ,-ptr,ec1all"IOOf\!l(aq,.stl,JIW8fl'Mll'Ve1"""'tQITIIM ll.1tq~ · ~Mi!OMYI-W.-• •- TrK, ....,._ISOUACl: IMlnllrieMI MffllO...-. NDl.c•

How to get free music legally i,i the postNapstrr era \,)l';;IA'II0.)1 , ! •l.t-. .•fl


!\.ad: m tm, fflU).l('<h.1•...,nlNd

While students still rite iTu11es as their primary source of music, other sites offerfree music.

m~ cht''lt N.ap..(ttr went on!int md 11 fortvt1 ch.lngrdtt:tr:r.u,1c mdu,tn S!ncri~rrtl!l<Xl .and s11m<'qllfnl 07 militor. ~ t ordl~ 10 ·tw M~r niet~c'\ l),t)t.11 MIJSIC lndi'x rrpon JllWn!,11, 1!i("jl:Al1ownlNJ~h.iV(''.lk fn •w.av frnm mit\k'. s.1if,. capp!~ in mStptl'rnbtr2012 A n.w tn on~nt reu1!~:,s )!llh lOOll wt'en a ,-,por1 ftoM lht ln:e-r nil Ftdrraoo., vr \ht POOnr,pJ1r~1e •s : Ttir.l"", Am.1zon ~ Cio:1d Music lfldllll.'"V est:mati'G !Jut VS pttunt, Stort •nd lA'\.·,gif'~ Pl.av S•ort hM or 40 blll,on ~ - .,.,.m .i►5tillV ~oo a.idf>d 1n iht' dtdmt of liif~ l duwn!QlJ.-. dc.,,.,r,'lk>a-drdr:111.l:v('ara!on» ~Vtta! Sl'J,11'1:' L, on , ampU!> <.:lid f~ RW)l'dl1li1 lnd1J~ ry AWXl.t Uon of 1'..'Tlll'l(',a strpl'M rn to 1.i.:t 1Tun~ was tntlr primary M>l:rlt down varlou) cl1rnb, ~,ci·.idmg nf mu~~ ~i,mu,'lJ'f!Oll. Mm1 cnr-d tht W!~ly pt;bh,:1~tj we! on ~n11 IISt&\l'•l!•J:l'lndJ.INr rn 1,,nm11: t<lll:lt ,,.., th fti,, P1mt Sn. ar.J I.as! , au,J\! an,1 ~r:l!d ~$ U\t u 1tawn lor \'t lf ~ publlC ¢,u!d,iwn (.l/ Mn al Ip :.ism.: .\~p1r\ m•n:< hos1 H<l~rvn thr;e •ri' -;c;JJ p!rnty ol The !'f'SUl1c of tilt' RJAA's .aWv,'\5 W~\' tu f';r,(I ttt.~, it~• l nllAIC on tt,t 11'\ul:ed m • ,~1.,unt:al dl'<.:mr old Wi•t!!l\'M~Wtn. In 1r. autmpi 10 htlr un:ii,ant'd ltJiilv dOW~f'd l<"l'l»- 1fown 1(1


i nd lr.dcp('nden1 b.lr,d~ ruch a lars:tr lllritt't\Ct', Wl"bs!lh like NOi wlr.i!t arid 8;mdc•mp •llow bands 10 post \flll!io~rod·1cl'd muslcfrttol <hilrjf to,n~1ur.tts. ( )lhrr Sdl"i, hkt Sot.'Nlcloud, hivr a \1.-.rW mt<l" fl'rnpuntnr ro 1ntr.1, 1i~•Nln1t 'JM°fS to P,"l!>t their own fflll)IC nra1Jr,n~ :c,r ,nv//11t to he.i,r and comment llll For hi?hOp !ans, St'NlCh hk.r I.Jve Mixu~'t" ,nd Datrirf offer up ftttmlll!al)l')frornm.lj()rlabtlland ur.1m roJl'kl l>b. r•ppt1s i nd R&B

t:nge~ io appHI,(' (1n.\ tr1 promi,1e 1n upwrru~J. 11trum or who>n 1n .i

, 1: ~:; :~. lovN,r-,..: 1>.1\h \',, ~1(.r t.- :·1 ll0'~1~ ,

Wflll'i L1w it,1! Cl'lbotl!ti ,.•,. •~

yt t !ttlntd Will of WJi1~1~•· Nlrm1d1bkh'II/JOU!h-c<1::.,,.,. GUYS wmt KJOS I fin JI-, F1llff•,,O~IICI~ 1i!C01111111.ws • • 41Jly tile If 11Cft1:ly ~i..tclll aw1, onc1 hk 11111 IIIIMI Nici: _, G.r, H rllly tliM . .i, dli..,_ IM llllliH11 In New Yorlt City'. MF G,\.'1 ING. "°l'homott, ",,r,.d \\'pr~ -I'...: wir<ik:d Cu) t w,rh I,.,.\, ,>u<t " ' ,,.1,t ""'' n , m 1cJ I 1h11Jc ,1'. f<n:Uy r1mny. ,.,J I hkr th.II 1hr) 11u1 lu1,oic • k,,l fo wn 1hf IC''v•, pn<pc, 1t\r •

Amthtt S<"!'I.C<' e 1m~me1 r.idio.

lows IJ.\l.'I"!> IO 11w•n to• '1.UI amount

o1 music rN frl'f -A·1th adv,mu.t m,'rltl,. or Pl\' ~ \l!l:Jil :ti? !O hiVt' .ad rrulis!emnt.. S<i 1th• n..-x• 11ml' vou n~ 1 mu SK 61 m i:I find 101..11Sf'Jf low on u~h. I;(' Silt!' to l'IM '1,1t' ..-.f tt!t'5t' Wtb.sites

li1hl'rthan l



■ Nois,T11dt lr.-.s

of iTuoes. l'rn tlratd rd get •nested using any1f11n9 elsil I do use Pendora and Youfube. SOtnfflmtS. usualty becausa ifs on ITfY phone tnd easy to tate anywhere •




vour wr,~r!'\ rt.I' alt>um·~ ~f'il tn<I:, ••, dtr 1sO11rs," optns w,1hir:-r ming 1nmu'lltnUllon ·,..,. •

bttnmun1i,:;~t·hr:r.tll', t"ttnure alt~rn.·1t11:n,~:.~ Utn11'<K'l'l~tr:tWnd,,;,:, lhttflt(k .,.,!}1 (t:elrtn1trr,·, ··,

Soundcloud,1 Th1 F1cel>ook ol mu11< Slits 0n~. 1111r1

"Whtrt ~ft' we ROIORl l'!• r, l101ni 1· Lhu demandi lllf ·;.

Albllll1S Completely

c1n 11plo1d1he,r


FrH Completely L,911 · B111d11nd11'11Sts c1nuplotd

1hl mtten1ltt1tm111vt1m1n tltcm to bl/lld 11poM.111 1nd c1utooew 11n, . t . . .1N.c.



:;,, nn1 wr.R, ·ooua: 1 m~l l>m tt<Kk on thf r~,o·1 · II\ 'l",ort,1~11 !IUptrtt! Vl'l pcf;,


up 1011111111m,,

1nd ll't d110,rtl11S hu1 bt1111n10 postll11 con1tnton 1h1w1h1111 10,th1usub1rnlM!rl,II OQITTQ

f1om,Ot1gh dem01 ol n1w s1ngl11.

8eruk1mp t1 Hlup I0 1t comphh 1WU ll'Hng1 ailow1r1,111 IOH~ lllt11mus1<

end111t1ch d111clly to th,~ l1ns , 1nd1Qow l1n,to d1scovtr 111W ri'IUllt I nd d111ttly 5Upt)On Thi 1rti,IJI who 1111h rt. Wh~, some 1111111tdouh1~1 1 p11c:1 mtrr, b1nd1IYIN 0lt11 1:blims 11 "ptywhet '(OIi w1n1· PIIU, o, ,nCWldt 1,ee

11t1rn111111ijnh 1~

own p11Mmal 1on111 ID d1111 Wtth luends tor u mmenll 1nd c1,riqu11 Mu,y m110f1nists



""' ""''"'"' h1p-hop wtlm lt th11prov,du 1r11 mnrz10e1 tiom ll\ljOl ll btl and underg1oul\CIOJ s, rep01rs 1ndA&B

slrum,nlil 1l hum p,ovievn ind ,a,.,

11nrelu u dtracks l 11111Mk:IOM.c1.i

P1ndo111i 1ru

bastd oft otyour musical pi1t11ent11 1h11 hn 0 /SlOII I~ Mltdwi1h bu,r

comm11c11lsb11wn~1ongs. and you 1reonty allowed to sl.,p e

""11nnumbe,ofsonysptrhour For 1 mon111Jy tu , vo11 t1n5ub1cnbe 10 P1nao11 0 ne 101l,n11n111 th1u futuru I,,11~or1.co111

SPOTIFY Uu r1unllst1n10

~z. ·:

fofl'lulll ,. 11 )I.SI •hvo: ~...

ASAP Rocky debuts a more polished sound


vin11altr en1 11bum

thty Cln thmlo!.

l tq(J!fl1 1 1Cffflll!lil Prottss btlOte

cru te pl1yh11s

Somtffl/n9 II ?(!Slid I liYNliirto,H,

andsh•t•thlrn w,fhlnt n~, ltkeP1ndo11, th1 lr11 ~e1110nclo15

comtW11h 1ds,bu1!or

~ 99,•month, V011t1n •hmio1t1 1t1em


t.t,r~;t ,:··

''"· ,.,,... Ro,.~.v

t, 't




lr,v~ ASAP L~· l.1uf)(hfd t!;e ASAI' M"t •' ll'll\l!)t 1.,,.. \',V(IVU!'\ i ~

Wr:t1r ,,11'-Jtr.t1e1~, ..AM ' . ind 1:,·1 IP.\ ·•.· 1.iinlv doo1~.:.r1t.J.f"("''~1:-,·: t.lldv: l,th)M lor:i L,~ A.· •

0·11 m1i'a,'t

:l'f llb 1,,n • fllC.:' 1••'',l't-l 't• Pml«f~"U);. b• ~t t~.f' .,,- ' M..

· 1usually ge1mus,c lrom You Tube 01 1Tunes I've used Oat

P1ff once to 0111 LeCrae·s Chu1ch Clo1hes m11C11pe. The m1x1ape was good. and the Slle was worked line, but I prefer to buy music·


" losed l imeW11ebackio 1he




lntt met11d1o th1t 1t1um,mus1c

1111111,, Uni•• 01tP,ll. l 1v1 Moo, ou


fag:ioll\, th~ altom •j,j , 1 dr1our from wha! makt, 1• ~ , _· m hm•n to 11110 ur,fam1~1: ·••··· !hf Nnd, sud\ n tte z1r.1 •,:,., Sonjl" whlcl'a rudi n,o"1' d• y !O pm)dy Bllllk ~t>™'.l' ra· . i lltmpl•l~rr.ttt>!n,111·\\ AIIOf.l'lhrr, f htJovfo-.- · <.ll'llltd ana!b~m lhar, . i;:,-r;

rwwlomrrs an.i old tu,,•. (' " wmal d•Ylauo:u rrum •M,· ,


What is the primary way you find the music you listen to? · 1usually buy my music ott

son~. 11\ tl'.f:) r~,nl•,1.,, ..;. 11Jnw tht al~:JII' tD !akt o• r.• • thf- ,pie ot<l>~:rall(JM u~•v-

/n.i1111ttm.1tyonlvcw· ..


blJmj!eh al'layed

suer: .a~ Pandora ur Spoofv, wh:ch al,

Wolf's Lawfalb short for The J~ Formidable

i«l •;;.',, I


Free music plentiful on World Wide Web

;~;;~ 1~ d~:;:/~i~~;;, .,

day, but since then I haven't added 1ny mus,c I use Pandora all the time when I study It helps vou hear music you've never heard before, but ,1~eeps n iri !he u me oenre you like. ·


~nt!i:1..-» 111.\t nu'k ~f'• :-: l.ipt Y1 tJ.1,ttm,(:urr; :

Lt~rt.irv proj~~tr


lUKn !lit tlb•.'fl Wr!I · j ~~•t>.'v il'lc m ~I ht.c••~ 1 '

~ •'

iltum. R,•!'11'1 ;!,~~ •:~, ..·.~: l:o.-. ~vn 1\, ~~r ,',1'll,.,I:, • '~' llt'I IIOi'l:'ls .J'.iP'I';;, •., ,., •· d,:,u11'1Vlip/<"1 t,,11, ~ ,'.•: • l)OYr!V lll"Ki:tl ~~ ' 1 •

l •

tJ,~1 .s r••1.'\ofot~•:r:,,•,• · · ' lbou1m0!!,·l1~n1 .It r•'• · wt ·,M:n ~, , r.r~•r, ..,~ ~·

w~,,, L"f' i-m.:1 . :r , ,:··••·

,,:cv~w'.•. •\, , · anoa:1s1., ...,,, 1~.•<:rJf:" •


m..._,. l.0:,11, l v

,..,,.r,. ··.~

7 Super Bowl Facts This ,s the 47th Suptr Bowl Tht lirtl Suc,tf 8owt . ., held ii l"7 t fttr !ht merg■ r of tM Nttklntl Foolbll LttfUI INFU Wehe Am,nc,n footb,n L11gut IAflJ(Sourc.: HR.com) WIii bt lt..Vlltd Sundty, Ftb. 3 on CIS t i 5.10 ,.m, (SOI.R« NF\.

"""' • WI bl htld ti lt1t Mtrttdts·Btnz Su,e,domt isl,Ntw o.tNna, LA Tht first $uptt Bowl n.ld in OM Suptrdofflt ""'' Humctnl Kt tnnt (Sutt: NFLcllfl'II

Tht rwo lllffll f1cwi9 off art~ AFC'a laN!Of'I Rtvenl I IM I and tht NF,t'1 $1n Frtncnco.._,( 11+1 l(Sown: NR..ccwn) Born 111m1 1r1 Pft\'k>u• Sliltf 8M cbtmpiont Tht fte¥tnl: " 1h11r flul tnd 110 fttl otlty Suptf Bowl In 200I, tflt 4 tinewinntrl in lNt, 1. .. 1., 1• tnd1tlM ISourct :

"'1-:.._ .


The -t9trs bt with tht O.lts C ~ fOf 1tCond MOSI $-.., with six

8ow1 wine. Tht Pirbbufgtl StNltfl htwt dM !Source Nflcoml • Tht •


• hold • pt rftct S-0 record in Super 8owf 9""" pllyrtd

• The National Foott>ell Conttttne• fNfC)Jetds ttlt Amtrican footbaNConltr•nc• (AFC) 25-21 in Sup■r Bowls Wini !Source: Nfleom)

N1ckn, m d tht Ht rtl1ugh Bowl tfttr bfothtrs John f8ellimore coecl\J; thll merls tht first l!mt that two bfOIMf'I tl1Ye lactd H Ch od'llf

R1vtn'1 httd coach) end Jim (San FranciJco fttrs hud

,n Iha Super BOIM ISoutu


Tht laet melting bftwt■n the Htfbau,hs t l'Kftd wt1tt John·• Ravtnt bHtM\9 Ji,n'1 49tn 11.f on ThtnkqMng In 2111I (Source:

Nfl.coml R,v1n'1 m.odlt liintbtcktr Aay l tWII' first U<Hr Hck WIS agtinst Jim H11bt ugh,

wdo you intend to spend Super Bowl Sunday? · rm 1ust going to watch lhe game with a couple of friends at their apartment·

· ru be watching the Super Bowl a, home with friends.·



W,n or lose, thtl win bt Ray LtWII' lnt game II ht pltn1 to retire n d btcom, '" ESPN1n1fysl at tht t nd ot tht HHon (Source: ESPN coml

· r11 prob11bly wa1ch the game with my lrumds m

Sundance ·

• ·super Sowl Sundr( is It.. seconcHartpt day of food consumption In Ameou nm to Thi~

Pf'ldicdon: lflin,ts


Tht Suptr Bowl has bttn tht mott Wl'tehld ltlmSIOO show the pastlhrttyurs


·rm gtad 1he Ravens are in since its Ray lewis' las! year I'll spend Super Bowl sundaywith food and,.a big screen at a fnend·s house •

Alic11 Kt'fl will 1109 the National Anthfl!'I, wtlM Btyonc, wtll bt tht halftimt ptrformtr !Source: Nfl.co,n} •

Tht IVltl'lgt cost of I l0-1ttond commercJfl 11 $3.1 lllilliorllhil .,...,. (Sauret. Tht Huffington POI()

PrtdictiOfl: Rn,,,s


FA Cup features impressive display from lower-tier teams Lower division clubs stun a few Premier League teams

E~:: fil~ . is


coupttd M!~

lfonal mmhes as last week enlfs st! u empl!fted Tht most enter· D•• '-• At-.llWM I1mmg r.amts of the w~kend involved 13 Pnmie.r League tf:oims ....,th si1 l11Hng 10 quaI lfy !or lbt r.e11 round, OtJeens Pvk Rangers might hlVf' had the 11,l'Uloi upsel ol lhe wttkend ;md thf' Ranaers mliz~ this when they were 4 0 down at a point whilst playing al home again${ :-.iilton Keynes Don~. a League One

club. Armand rraore's own go.al came eu ly as OPR iWarded MK Don~ the lead, Anton1-· Kay then scnr a 70 yard pass to Ryan Lowe before the LIiier slid the ~11 ~ R00tn Green (or an istoundmg goal in lhe 40th mir.ute. I owe beome the ar Ch\le<l of the lhtrd iw,a.l bv setting up his r.am,.s.ake. Rv;in Harlev, Ioex !tnd 111.. altudf' tl,alll1n~ In:!, Hir le-, JoUowed s,ut ~ he wrnt ahud 10

provide- the ass1$t fm l)am~n Poner,

who lound the net lor lhf: MK Dons· fourth.

Rme W.ibilra double-d O)dham's ad· m :uge with a ~flt helder. Joe Aile:n

Harry ltedknapp couldn't quue netted IS tint l.wtrpool go.al but lt believe his t'fn-, Nonetheless, the wmi't enou&h to Set his tem, to the home skte was ible 10 mullt i m two consolauon goal, m m empt 10 ln\·e some .l1gn1ty, the compeu1100 Jay Bothroyd's go;l ln the 6Jrd mm· ute and fabJO Da Sil\'.ll·s smkt mne mlnute:s L1te1 wa.s no1enough to buy the Rangel$ 1 spot m the ft/th round of the FA Cup. Redknapp·s former tum, Touen ham Hotlipur. hid a s1mllaI expen• ence 10 OPR's utter disappointment when lhe Spurs vmted ll"tds Um1 ed. It took 1S m!nutcs for l.ttds to put one ~ Brad Fntdel ll El Hadj Oiouf ft!cked the Nil to Luke ViiffitY, who wenf all the Wl'f 10 pu1 a ftn ISh afatH.ast1c ~I. D10Ufwa.sthert ,~In to ilSSISl Ross M<Cormack for the Pncockf St<ond g~. Olm Otmpsty pulled the triAA,l't ;ind hll hrs ui1ge1 In the S8Ul mmu1r but hi~ elfon was deemed con·:-01aiory as l.ttds advanced 10 1hr ftlth round. 8ut the most enteminlng game was lhe ftxture between Oldham Athh.•t,c and lJverpool. 1',Uu Smuh inggere.i an epoode of excttemem amOflgit the home fans when he KOfed in the third minute Luis !:iu• Ut z grantf'd hl~ 1he equ;ihzer 14 minu1~ laIer but Smnh. i g.ain. ftn ished 111! lhe half Wllh another g~ thit >hocked IJverpoot Brendan


Rodl(C1$ and his )lde ~ulferrd yet anothtt St"!baC'k in the iµme when

next round. Oldtwn concluded • Wttktnd th.at c.in besl be de:scrtbtd

u bnlll.nt with a well-<ltWrved Win o·,er Uverpool.. Brentford, a ltague One club ~ well, wa.s on tile \"ffgt of eHmlnallng defenchng ch1mpions Chelse1 Sun• diiy afternoon. luckily for O'le Bluts, Fem.nclo To:rrs linalty lou.nd the net 10 make the score 2·2 .rid s.ive Chelsea from embmassment. The olhtr FA Cup n11ures \nvotv· mg Prtmler Ltague clubs did no! fea, lure much dram1,. S:okt C11y hosted MJnchtsttr City and U\e Potters' huru were SUQktn when Pablo Z1baleui's L1te SUlke gave CIcy the lead ind 1, tlcktl to lht tll".l.t round. City'~ ntl,Rhbors, Manchester United, h~ted Fulham it Old Traf• lord. The Rtd Dtv1ls demollshed the Cou.,1,gers 4-l wt1h goals from Ryan Lt~ and Wayne Rooney as well u a brace from Javier Hemilndez. The ~fth round mate~ wtll be played on ftb. IO Kttp Ill touch on BBC, Sk-,· Spclrts and Ru; Soccer for entrnammtnt from me world'1 bes! ~pons tngut.


~~ art~

~ ·

U prepares for season de~

■ -♦IEE■

Softball focuses on leadership, defense Ol'IULNOO 1'\.QN:11 ,JIii


A ym l't'mrwtd from .1 ~mI nrw ~n~h lll Utt NLM II World Sfnn. thf )()ft~1/ 1)1\'fJ.llffl lound lhtm '-tins In unl•m1~.11r ttmlntv ~ \"tit, llnl!>hlng 20 2S •Mflll 'Nllh • IS 12 Lent 51:,ar Conltrmct rKord Ralhtr th.ln m,~ 1 rq,tat ol

2011 ·s stJCC&w11hitnptr.1fltCol ltRf' World

5'nn., 1M 2012 'tlSOII

l'fldtd WLlh I OJ ~ 10 lnormte

Won:l lnthtl.St <('mlllnali ·our SUKin dut nto\ tM thr wa)'

wt wamtd b'f 110 mrans. ~ hud soil ball 1'.l'IM'h l\11lfv fiRt'1 )l)d "lhls rmwim hH 11v.•11'\ ~n oo, flf tht

lop cc,n:,11dt,., 1n thr conrrrtncr

\ vie~

twll \IOf'Y tor 1hr W YMi..Stlllgl on ~pN ( hn of !llf l'i playe.n OO !bt ~1tr, t1R.h1 art mcomin• ~hmtn. lfo•Mvtr, ngrr1dotSnO(sttlhl1 rt 'o'.lmJ)(d tum ~ ont 1h11 w!U n'Jftll lb! i,euoo, bu! ont Iha! wUI a,t !he soflball program blek on u-Kk and mdy 10 bt fttl't<' compttitOl'S. iigTI I IYI ',ff$ an lnCit'.ISt of dtSlrt (O wtn • tr11~w..1SOn • Jhb t, a vtrv t.1ltn1td sqU.ld, l1gtrt w d ·Jht st'ltn Iha! iw~e bttn httt btfore art vtrY good and lht tl#lt trtshmtn Wt brOtlgl'II 111 art m UV Wf'mt.:S arid WI ~y. Thtv wane fO COll'lptlf I!') hard IO sav, bot lftltllktthtrtwmc,omtoM.lson our tr.m !a~ ytU lh•I dldn·1 w.1111 10 comprtt Al tms Intl. fO\J havt 10 ltam to compttt nch and t\·try



Thi' rt~!:vt youth of !ht ttam Lh! yr•r ·,1,1.sn't our tvl'ICJl ~uson, and wr: honrnlv d!dn't hkt II Vt!Y dors po1n: 10 tht L.1dy Mu~np biggest Wt lkllffl 1h15 \'tlr. Tigtn much " AlMNSl'TlONYW

Tigrr! s.111d p.ar1 ol last Sl'.l5C.ln, )ub oar ftrlS.h stemmf'd trom 1hr Jou Of ln~truml'nt.ll pl•ytn dot lO f,llldu

said Ult bl[UtfS! CCh'lCf'ffl for lht tum lS ldjUJnng the newcomrrs to lhr co1~r gamt and .11Jowmg thrm 10. 1nm lhf ropo. "lht btn,tU conctm v.-r have ~ our two rrtthmtn pitchers.· rlgrrt

tt uknig tMm to As far '-\ 1t> ~ ., Wt rf' • Ir.A rr,riit : 1•• m~ • 1 kttp Ul 1n !tit bll ! n be I pnm•rv WPrt :~ VtM ,~.,.. ···,., Whllt d,t,n:mt:'ll, narrl t, pl11tD Wt 11.i·;, r:..~.

niny ut, but





:n l'mnotwinr:,,

1,1n1;1 totitofft11

n c1Jlml1li 11,vrs tht I adV MU) s1v,1y ttnltrtd thlS S,tl~l~t pla'(t'FS ju~t abolil e·.itry ont o >A't ll

on 1ht Mitt c.111 hit vrrv


111 ~ whal.Ylt'wr •





/he I.Jdy MUlfi•, Ort off Ftb I .1$ 1t. ,""' lEAOtNOTltlTfAII Photrux 10 play a r, .:· fllLni out tlW lf~l'~I~~ W1!hboth Cnind1-:~,·:. 1 ~ntll Ind ffll N,w Mtlko I i,..., tion( for ~~:,:l&mgtwn and ,unior rnch ~mr wiu bt a iv.,-.: ,.1~ tr Kim Jtm£k Tht lhrff worn;: for thtllid1n,a::11, ,;,,,-


have rKkfd up numt'rou5 • ~

n an1 1oum.untnl 1urn ~ n,u w.s a Nt:Af DU ~or:d learn

AJl Amtnc.1n In ZOii, wh1:t 811nv, h.lm recehtd U1t simr honor ~ , sn son, u well as t,tlng mcludtd mto the LSC) ,n.1ugur.1l Golden Glo\·e 1H m lt rrkk wa:, an aJI I.SC plCklnlSH ~ ·Too.st thrff can uttllllf .iund out by tht mstlm 1f they h1vr. 1ht vws lfl,y·re cap.able ol having. n Rttl sa1.:S •All thttt cf thtm together could make for I hrck of~ yur Thr wholt 1r.1m can bt .,.,rv good. but 1r~ .111 ,1 m~uer of wno will 51l'P up llOO ~!l!ld tJUl,.


Jas1wav,n\ (114r ~ .

·Maymi on 1t"',

touNi; T1,:er. ~11 :· I rlfl! lht rtg11!.1t 1ti'b ,

wt 1Uually ·111n ,-., ,,. ,_; I W1!h that bt·na l.o l. ~. .1 bt11,r,obon1ti,,,-'I~• J t.:, du 'Nit,. who w, ;i-,_ The l...ldy M w.it ;:.c J stand wm bt ltom 1,~ 1, Ult flul1day Inn ,\i ;.,. ; UonaJ Toumarrrm r- ~ ► ,!so rn~rk the hf'\: 11~.• :·€ 1


NII ie,m wtll..,,t.,,

gam~lhlnks!O rltv.; :·

diu.m lfghU



"Wt hope t'l !'tivt 1 comt out and } U ~ ' said • f'hty'r, thr only two pitchtn s.id ·wt lhfnktht ._._; 11\AVlH tN ATOUGH CONRA(NC( WI' ha\'t thll yt.lI, K) thty'rr tacbng 1 tit Lldv Mumnit( wUI nttd lO '" 10 play tn !h(' f'l•tr11rIll.It t iptr1tocr I hty r, Uiltnttd, but lhtrt·s a 1ta.min11 J.nd maturity ~ttp up weatly whtn t.1kln1t on a lht .lfttmoon Wiil lll't ,:,. ~1Kked lSt A reun1 preseuon pot! and anyor:t tlst m<.-. , , ptocffl With lfll~ ~port. • Audt !tom p11d1mg. 1hour,h, predkted IM ltlffi to ftmsh nrth in comt watch II\ I thJ:-<•• nien sttS no !rut wt.11U1rnes for the conltr,.nct. tlrd w,th lncamatt 10 do very wrli hs it-.1 clll\Vf,lf \l,' l.(n"lll\ilyUrfor~· Tigtn ~uu ~\\, lut !lt'UOO &S ,I tht L1dy Mustang this M-'5Cn Ht Word and t,,hind Anl(tlo Stair, rei how much wt can m11,., POSIIJ\·t Up,rrif!lCI' lor his tu m. btheves thty wdl nttd to Rtl ttlltr as WOfJl.ln \, Wl"SI ["llS A&.M .Ind ptnod ol11mr I lhrtl. "' 1 of wmning 4v e,: • thoup,h, clhn" 1M 1t.1m winning dtltl\M\'rly, lklt that a.If dtpends on Attltnt" fhm•1.in ·1t1, 1.sr. b ,ouw, ·,tu m and 13 of 11$ l&SI 17 gamts 10 clme out tht SUC:Ct:SS ol lht p1!Chtl'$. "Tht btttrr your pl!Chlna IS. thr )?.II OU:," TI~trf(.lld "lfHlfl'oltht I.ht !ltasM •nd 8nMlng W1lh I win bt1ttrycurdeltnst 11.'\lt t.ot; ht ~Id 1oughtst c'lnl,rtncn ,n tht cnuntIV, mort 1tuin SO prrctnl of 1hr umt. nus stuoo h~ a '1rru1U tr1ns.i ·w,·rr noc asking jour p11cnrrsJ to so voo alwlln ~avt ro bt pri:p,111'1 .111011

and Olhti ru.sons,

"hWUltr1M1tlOn YtU; hts;ald . ,.._,.didn't~ buf ltvt filai't'tl'S, but \'.1.0 ot 1 ~ .lrt \M lop pl!Chrrs In ttlt counuy With oor .sport, who t\'tr voo bnn~ m has to ronmbutt lmmtdla!tly Mr wh.attvtr rtlSOl'I,


E..._INNt, "A1, . . . 1upec1-,..._i. ....


..................... , ....... «NIM , ..... . ., . . . . . . . . . . . .



MSU bounces back from midweek loss Men's basketball improves its defense in rematch

H~ny w.lcf plavmg on tht road. howtvtt, 1s not an~-riS!tr, t$PfCUilly \l,'htfl tht <lPS)01Uon IS ~ good li Citr.tron

"Now of COIJrst II donn"t makt 11 any tllsitr p!nmg on Ult road ,~ he Wd "TlltY'rt I pl(! btikttbalJ

DilllMIAHAl....._NWA.N S~""Ta(Ofl'O,_

Tht h-lodwtslrm SLl{t btikttbi.11 UP5fl by C..1mffl>II Uru','f>f s.ttvattht~R)'ffllan 2J bt:Ort IM M tt$Wlg5 fffllptm,d J.1n. 20 'Nlth a vrngttul Mmt Vl(.lor/ 1n ~ lf'Ul'I WiS

team and any111nr you p!iy on lbt l'O'd in our leagur, It's PrtA lo bt lOUgll 10 Comt IWIY w!lh a viao,y." ·J think wt·rt con&dtn1 bttng on !he FOid, bt..11 trus In! g.lll'lf Gl!Tlt down to:ht'I.IS-I ffW mL-iutesoltllt lf)mt: M Solid ·Wt didn't gtt SIQJ»

rtplayoflllttnlfCh. N MSll ti.id won IU 11.S! Svt out and w, dkln'tgtl ttOOUnlh." Some players n.l.l to ld/\&Sl to rolt dUingtS Ill lilt hnet:p ~ wtll ~ pliiy moft 1TUn1.11ts 1han h.Jhi1ual. H.1ge,er Cl.llfT'IS p!.Jymg ,1w,1y from homf' WIS r, did noc see 11 ~ a m son bthlnd not a lltttrminlll~ factor behind thf' MSln t,u Ht nottd lha1 the Mus M11SUng.\• ~Mnnanct 1.1ngs' poor rrboundmg Wa$ l~ tr. ·wt·tt LISNI to r;l.1ying ~ tht ·1 lhooghr we wm a !inlt ou1 r~ SQ!d0fl l\ttlhtfactthat11 o: svnc offtn\lvtly !!1 ihr nm n.atf wu u, awa•, g,ur.t I factor bthmd ol 1hr glmt . IT could te btUIJSf: ol our~.· h,sa1rl thttoltch.1!1~th.ltwt.,madt lht of wx away 5t1mrs btfott ltlvribng to l.fW1on 10 f.ct C'fflltron. He..t 8.ukttball Co.ch !"Jtlson H.lgffrty


guys wtrt playing mort mmuta lOd thal might ha\t bttn I problem•• hr WCI ·That's an .1d1ustmen1 bu1 J don t lhmk tllat w,s .1 drtermining !actor. Wr iaveup•coupleotltnslvt rtboun::I~ thit thtY scorrd on Th.It wu the blgkey tolht p,imt· ACC(lrdltlg to HaAAftly, Ult Mus Llnp illd not rebound Ult b.111 Wtll and thb WI) a pnmt factor bthind th, mldwrtk k>S.S Th, Att)ts donu na1ed thr tatrr p.an of tt,r second hall otfl'Ml\'tly and Wttt ftw.ll'dtd With I \LW)t YklON "Thfy made mo:t pl.lJ'S than our guys did On tht ~I tight or nme p(d$ffllOflS oC tht ll,lmt. they go! lour or 8'1t offmsivt rn,ounds that ttSlJ!tfd into poinlS !or thtm," H~ gtrty ~,d "Jfs realty undmilettr 15dc ol our b.lskrtba!I ium and we h.lvt got 10 do .1 beutr lob In tht tuturt · And 1ndtt-d lhr Mu~tanp did a bttttr JOb whtn thty mtt Clmeron

Unlvmlry at tht D.L Jjgon Co/1 stum Midwestern State- m.adt an Jmp,ovrmtnt !tom a 64 03 dtleat to an 86 72 victory "The energy was gre.11, - H.1ggtr fY said "lt'sptat tocomt home and play In front of our !ans.· Haggerty btllrves that lht Ml.il 1anp had an :mprovtd ~ftns1vr hnrup In Ult rtm.atch. "Wt St'I the tonr dtltrtSIVt/',', Wt RU.lfdt-d Ult ~I wtll and our rota uon wa.s grru: hr said. ·Detel'l.Slvt ty, wt wrre vtry a~1ve • Midwesttm Stitt wtJJ~ lnm na1t Word Jan. 31 .1t tht D.I Ligon coliseum. Tipoff IS !.Chtilultd at i-JO p.m. · wr upt<t to wm. • sa.id Haggrrty. ·11 wW bt a rll1 pmt' b«au.se tlley do .1 ivtal )Ob of ertatmi !um, •~I "1(1'01' vs, ... . '.A\.· .,

C-.fM..,'1 ,rftetlC• Mi ttie......,.. tflMse WU ~ I i i

MIN;.,.lerpr,,- in•tttalefll,-iMS-.,ffllttheAftiu.

Rivalry week favors women's basketb Women's basketball score consecutive wins 0AMUW AT"""11ENWAH SPORTS l!OflO,_

Ann 1wttp,ni '-.:amtron Uru ll'nll)' .I\~ a1 I awton OS S2 in • m1 lw,-d: n111nt. hod ·•••omtn's ~ !cP!baU coach NO"l lot:nson wld tht

L.ICV /,\1.Dtan11f iinb1t,on ol NlflniTIA Ulr Jonr Siar ct.1mp!orutup WIS one of lht kty factors bfhmd the VICIOrv mrr thttr r:vals ln sp1tt ol <.~mtron·~ atundan<t ol hOm( SUl)f)l)rt, M1dwnttm Swt t•'lOk command of thr na!rv match With four pllV"rs gtHmR, doublt dill IU on rh, SC()(tt>oard SILU, the op bolh \taim m~!.P"11'd 41n mtt1?Stin1t ma1ch. "lh,rr ~ I r,valrt bttv,'ttn us .IM ihert's tcmlOfl In rhe gym: lohnson q1d "Tht \ rcwd Is reallv Into n but 11\ a!1.1r. nJwrhtrebr1wr, nlhfSf ?')(1ll(lfl h1s1orv tlf:{Wf'ffl


..., ....,,



K'lf'flihfe{lt- . . . . n.. ,..., . . .... _.. .,awe41Jltlll1G 1•._ .-...-c....."" melrywNl

lliN..,.,.NCell . . le-~14,.iMs 1•wchet . . ~


lohr..-.on t-ellf:\'til MSll <11 ~ ab1r !ht ~cf tiomt .ad

!O O\ 'CfCOnl('

un1.1tt ~ - pt.1},r,t mtelh#ntty "\V'ltn pl.'(,llj c:, ll'tt !Nd. ~'OU a."N,1-;\ ►.alt

•r, te ffi#ntal~, lll'Jgh

IJ'ld gel


ro ;i dilforem en'llton

mtn1."shfsald "flltyh.adalotof f.1ns htnct \lit hid 1 ~rd umt ver ti..!lzi:,g some calls Agam. you JllSt havt to bt meoLllly tough on thr

'1..-ety especuUy btc.lust th('fve run Vfrydbciplmtd stis on olftrw:t • Nr..-rrthrlffi. John~n w~

plt.lStd !hill the ijtls m.1dr rt.1~ablr .ad1UStmrnts In Ctrt.1,n aru~ Wnh lm th.1n I Joztn garnn. Nont!htlts.s. Uus tOUWI ptnt bttwrrn tht l..ldy Mu~ngi. anii tht could hivt goot ttthtr way ~ ~"fason tourll.lmtnl. lht plavtrs Ca.mtron pul logtthtr a wtat pt!' ~tmd 10 kttp thr l)l»lt!Yr rnulu rorm.1nct couiusy of a grtat ieam. COOUS{ent. JohfllOO uprt:Med ht\' .idmlraflon · we tt continum,t IO ~ in hum for this wcill<oachtd turn lot tht Loot Stu Cha.mp1onih.1p ~ · 1 ttllnlt Camtton pla~ well. 'Nt J'lavt to WIil Ofl 1hr TO.lid •• said They don't tl.lV@ ;i b1g t.111 girl Ol' Johnson. ·11\ JUSI about w, 1mprov somt0nt who w.ores 4o polnlS but tnl(ritry~mt " thevpQyw,11isart.1m.·snt sa1d Tht llldv M1.1Mangi m~t a "II "Thty have good chetn.strV. :heir n!fk1.n1 improvement whtn they coach ruN rul:y good stlS and ht Is hosted Cimeron Univtn1ty Jan 20 a very oon 1rad11ion.1J coach m somt m a pmt 1ha1 Pndcd oo 4',l ol tht Sl'I.J lhat ht n,n~ • -This ~ a touch Wttk bK.ltW' In thr procru of rrconimnR 1·ou play thts 1um back. to b.<'k • <.:amrron's lmpo!,mR form, Jolm.<.em Johnson ~ rd "Therr•~ 1 d1ffrrrm ad nouced .1 few flll•NS th.at htr 1e;im 1u11mrnt you fttl you ciln makr Mit 011P)l1 to true as Wtll as areas 1h11 YOU have !usl a 1tior, •mount of 11me need llltnoon Dtspne IIOuble dlglll 10 put lh(l:)t ldiUSlmtnr ln • from lllrte pta.yrrs. )ht 1ncludtd of. lohm.on hliJ .1.t.1!td :it!ort lht !tnst dtp&nrrotrll m Ul:'M th.it CO\Jli1 ~OOd rluurt that the win .11 \ht h.lvrdon,bc.'tter. Amr gvm rnatrd conMtnct In tr,e ·Wt d1dn·1 l\iYt COOS!Sltnr shoot ,;.- . '"- W" •mt 10 t,,,, more dtli~tt "h's a conAdmct bulldtr ~ng wllh t'lr ~krtb.lU gr,c.og m10 :ht ,mo Slturday ·1o•l1m we bt.11 tt.em at ~1.55 " )ht said ·1 fttl like thtrt"s Ulelr plKr .nd v.e ~• tht:m hert •: O!Kt:§ v.t nttd 11) :mprovr on dtftn home; sht \.lid ·rrw bru,gs I loc


of conftdencr btu1.~. re.~ on !ht rOid. Johnson r,11 1tia1 ht: · proved in tht 1ma1ct: •t °!' gon Cot~um ~ a f'P(,•.- t.o :· dtnct lht l..1dv M~ a.~~ ·"Out dt'ltnst Wl'- "f'-. • tha: wt creattd a lot rltnst, !J'1r 5,aJd "lft l !lt • loc ol confidtnce ,r. tt.e ,>." ·/t 1001( us a w~i,, t tn tht gamt but w,· 1ra·,,· allcylmdt~m{hr't,tu'i'. · !"ht nvalr1• cor:Lr"e 1. Mus1.1n~ hmt tt',t ( ~! • · ornate Word lin 31 I. tor SJO pm Tot~• ·· teams mtt th~ S('u,1~. · ~. ' tdRt'(I a point 1·,.::iurvr.. ,•~,( 0

a doublt C1V('tt1m~. l!e,~• m1tnds comt out 1•,c•,,~ ,..,. "W1: m1~da10t ,l·•:; '

tht~ttimt 'Ae mct." '.' ll h.1vt ·o rnmr (.,,;'. 1.•,;_ •·•


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