March 23, 1995

Page 1


Getting published


Men's & lady's basketball

The Wichitan

., 1ume 73, Number 19


News Briefs

Texas higher education funds decreased in '95


Howie Prince Spccilil reporter The quality or higher education in Tcx:is is being 1hrealencd by inadequate

Student Ambassador

applications for the 199596 1cadem1c year are le 1,-a,ilab_

in t~e Office of AlUJl'lffl Rt.labons. Hardin Juildin, room 111 . Deadline IS Friday April 7.

~c::nfta,~c~o;i~gR~a~~ Organi7.lltion's (HRO) annuaJ finance report for 1994-95. According to 1h1s report, Tcxa.s ranked 49th among the states in dollars spent per student for higher educuion and 501h in the amount students pay for college tuition and recs. According to the HRO. 18.4 percent of the state's budget was spent to finance state colleges and universities in 1985. This percencage dropped to 12.S percent in 1995. The report said the SUlle spends 24 percent less than lhc natiorut.l average lO educate each full -time student. Texas

The Enilish Uuge riarn, • requirement for Sfldu.ttion. will be offered Marth 23-25 at I :30 p.m. in ihe Business ,._dministration Annex 102 and Morch 28 at I p.01. in Hardin Adminisaalion building. Persons interested in f\lnning for student government and student sen.ate can register through Man:h it in the Student Govcrn-

,.,,n office. CSC room I06

« 11 lhe Office of

the Vice Prt,$ident for Student and

Students who have not taken the TASP test and will reach their 9th college level hour 1his semester •USI ISke lhe ICSI April 22. Reclstration ends Friday, Matth 24. Applications are 1vaillble in 1he Regislta(s office. Hardin South room JOI. Applications can also bt picked up in the Office or Testing. Business Admini.strttion Annex.

Caribbcao Expressions

'9S a night of Carihhean

eakmll expressions will be

leld Tuesday, Man:h 28 in teCSC ballroom at 7 p.m. Activities will include poea,, dance, instrument ocillls and various types of


Billie Ruth Goss, IISU's coatiouing educa• COOldiaa1or, has been aa:IDd to serve a three Ill" 1e,n1 on the Intema11111 Aasociation for Con~ Education and Tia.lnfs Certified ..... Comm ission. Du~ ilclade establishing ..... and procedures for It IQllmissio.n and re- • and approving for Certified ....... membership.




: ' - CO-tpoNOrshlp to

....~!itr Proeram..,.._ a dleir prcsen~ - lialpg aroup '8'1. Ill "'- March 2, .._ We teem any ... ovcnlcht _,._

spends an average or $4,932 10 pay 1hc cost or each fulltime student every year. The national average is S6. 0 19. Louis Rodriguez. MSU presiden1. said "Texas hilS a serious problem. Th~ s~alC ranks low in appropn:111on. Additionally, studen1s in Texas pay almo~t the lo~cst tuition and fees m the nauon. This means that quality education is at stake. The C03l of higher educatio~ is setting higher and I will n~l be surprised if those who wuh lo raise the cost of tuition fees win.• The HRO report also staled that low funding makes it diHicult for Texas institutions to attract and keep quality faculty. According to the report, faculty salaries in Texas averaged $46,288 in 1994. The n1uional average that year was $51.730.

MSU symposiu m to address media ethics

Adroinislr2tive Services in }!,roin room I 12. Elections .,;nt,chcldApril3-7.

Nominations for Lord and Lady Midwestern. aass Favorites, Beauties ODd Beaus will be llCCCptcd 11>rougj, March 24 from 9 a.n>.-1 p.m. in the CSC ,uium. Elections will be lloldApri13-7.

Thursday, March 23, 1995

Midwestern State Univ<>rsity

A tornado, like this th destroy whatever la i°ne at struck Wichita Falls In 1958, can strike quickly and know where to f'i1nd Yh ~ its path. Students should stay aware of weather conditions and s e tcr in case a tornado &ouches down while classes arc in session.

ornado season looms...

Preparation key to tornado safety Man Loyd Students living in the Wichita Falls area in 1979 arc familfar with tomados and their devastaling effects. April 10. 1979, or "Terrible Tuesday" as the day is ortc:n referred lo, left 44 dead and an estimated $300 million in damages to residences, businesses and parts of the MSU campus, according lo official reports. Since then, weather officials and residents have educated themselves in case another powerful storm strikes. But. tornado season lasts longer than the months or April, May and June. According to John Basham, meteorologist at KFDX TV channel three.

tornado season l:lsts 24 hour, a day. 365 d,ys, yeor. He added. tomodos are more prominent in 1hc spring and fall due to weather condi-

tio":iasham said during spring ,nd fall the upper otmosphere is chilled and a~r c lose the Earth's surface 1s hot. The he:ued air rises an_d mixes with the CO<?lcr :ur making conditions nght for torn~i~tta F:111s is included in the geographical arc! known as " tornado alley, said. Thi: ai:c-i runs sou1h from Kansas City. M?· and covcr!I a wide area m Kansas Oklahoma and north Texas. . Basham added he and rcsid~n1s have. much since ,1ht:campus tornado. 000 in s ustained .· L damages i_nc ludm;~d 0 ;h~ Ligon coh~cum W st socce r com~l.~x o~ffic~al Campus on,c.



repons stated. RcsidcnLS should know ahead of time where to find shelter in case of a tornado, Basham said. People should stay on ground floors or areas be.low ground 1ike b:iscments and storm cellars. Basham also said "People should try and put as m:iny walls as they c:in between themselves and the outside.~ Rooms with no windows arc safer. He suuested laying in a bathtub in a bathroom with no windowa. There, he said. you are low and receive addition protectioo from the plumbing. One thing residents should not do. according 10 Basham, is Ir)' and out run a tom:tdo in their car. Drivers should get out of their cars and seek shelter. If no shelter is immediately available, occupants should get as far away from the vehicle as possible. Powe~ul tornado winds can easily 1urn a parked car into a projectile. Occupants sho_uld lie. down in a low spot like a duch or culven. Basham also dispelled the myth conceminJ open wmdows during tornados. It was long believed windows should be opened to equaliu.d air pre.ssure in a house. Windows. open or closed, should be avoided. Basham

radar. Tornado warnings are issued county wide by the Na1ional Weather Seni1ce. It will mention Wichitll Falls or other cities in the tornado's path. The ci1y or Wichita Falls will sound sirens when the city is threatened by a tornado. According to the MSU office of public infonnation. MSU has specific procedures to be followed in tht.: event or a tornado: I.Under no circumstances should students. faculty or staff attempt to leave campus while 1he warning is in effect. 2.Facully should not dis• miss classes. Students should be directed into an in1erior hallway on the lowest noor or the building. Persons should lie on the noor as close to a wall as po~ible.

said'The National Weather Service recommends people be aware or lhe weather. A tornado watch means weather conditions arc fa vorable for tomados to ~evelop. A tornado warning me31lS a tomado.h~ ac,ually been sigh1ed or indicated on

4. Eleva1ors should nm be used. S. University basements should be avoided. Steam pipes could burst and call5C· injury. 6. Normal tornado dnll procedures for dormitories should be followed.

3. Should a person lind thcmsclvc.s in one of MSU's unreinforced buildings (Music, Music education, Gaines Clinic, Band Hall, McOaha, McCullough, Vinson Infirmary, Daniel , Marchman, Welding and Paint Shop). they should 1ry and move to another building or seek shelter under heavy furniture.

nmbcrly Eys.scn Staff Writer Media ethics will be the topic of a symposium held Tuesday, M:irch 28, in the Clark Student Center Theater. The purpose of the symposium 1s 10 c:ducate the public and students about journalism ethics, said a.ssisUnt profcsS('lr of journal ism, Brian Thornton. "I want studt:ntS :ind citi zens 10 come t:ilk about these situations. I want to show the media does have principles th:11 guide our actions. The decisions we milke are tough. We need 10 tell how we decide which s1ories to run :ind which l o not run,11 said Thornton. The symposium is an audience ~nicipa1ion form:it. with se,·c ral MSU mass communications students: and professnrs lc:iding groups of audience mcmhcrs in discus sion. Each group will be g.iven three hypo1hcoc:1I questions concerning media ethics in news reporting. A panel of media pruft.:ss1onals from Wichita Falls will he present to discuss how the woulcl

handle the ethical situations and tell how lhey made their decisions. The panel or media professionals include: Ted Buss. Trish Cho:itc and Dana Mo(fan from The Times Record News, Rob Cizek from KFDX Channel 3. and R:iy Wallace from KAUZ Channel 6. ScverlU situ:itions similiar to 1he actual situations presented could be: A reponcr is asked out on a d:::ite by a source. The reporter is attracted to the source-should the reponer':iccept? Another siluation could be: An important meeting you nt:Cd to cover is closed but in an adjoining room you can hear che discussionshould you listen in? Midwes1ern State University's Media Club is spon soring th~ symposium . Bri:in Thornton will be moderator. ~1 w:int s1udents to see how media elhics c:in be used in the real world, in everyday situations," said Thornton. The symposium is open to the puhlic and is free of charge.


Thurw• Mmh l .\ , 1995


Timbuk 3 releases new album MrU~ • Sullh·111 1lc 1u d : follo,vi. 1,1; 11h an \J~ll\.' b r [J\lf1i1 fl'f l Mu~k Kr ,·ir"rr :·u .n u\ 11.. ~u intro 1h.11 On ~,,t h·1 fi,lnl·· 1hcH,·ni('m\'l..-r 1 imhul , ., ~liJr:,. Ullf' "m"•lh p1•r M, IOIIIJ I th urn to..·.1 1 ,,,11 ·1,h 111\l 01Jn'11h111k i,,1, Dut l'h,mu•, l)nr,,1 IJ continue-,;; IO :,.tn)!· like '-pm D1,, 111r, l \\o


) OU

,cm,•nibcr 1hl.·1r

.m .ilml),t L,,u Rd:d

Pun.. n Un Pl'CV · \ld),111 .ilJ , 111~, J t-.11 m;,h. 1h.1n ,, n p rt>, 1ou, "'n!!" 111i;: tnk , th;i.t I 1houi;ht m11'.hl U:nh,u.a K 1.11.f, thl· nn\..1.• he a fun MlO~ I!- - Ju,l W.1nnJ ontl' m,m: l•n ""h,•l}!un W,•d· Funk With YuurMmd .. Th11 drn~ : ~<.,,1mr.1n i1.• LI hy umc had,•up voc.;,,lhl B~a,a h\m•:,y .U:\>lh\11. ~ 1111,11 K wltt·s cwt-r 1hc lead. l kr The: ,1lt'lum \.·nJ-. \\1th ·111 lk:(p 1101C\.' thnl is. ca:.! u,·i.:r a -.ulc Out ." wl11d1 tlq rnu funky ha.. }.g 111uilll ru..ou-.11,all) hu t p 1d t. up m11, "Lc):"!ali1c Our Lm·,:· h,t'\ r:ip1,,-cJ pop, ,11mr ,n,1g.h1ful lyrk:, wilh a Mo~t of 1h~ mu,1i: rn,,.in1r a hummmf! m tht.: ~One l·lundri:J L,1,·.;n • "a< ti~ki;round record\.'d m Au<t1n, "'-hlch T1mhuk ., :ilso l' · mokc:r- 1h1s :,11r1 1, 1 J "horn\.'• mcnt:, with :,omc J1ff.:rctn ~rown" alhum Ami u wot, ;ill 1.ulturll s11u1uJs . "C ynical" nt:ht, hut 1ru1hfull). I wl< r '< • has a l.:ttm percussion t)cJt peeling mon.• {'IJrty fhlfl hkr und "Kt1t•h..:n F1rc" ha~ 3 thcu m1tJ• Jt)ti,0\ mu~1c

' hi):"

lp.:lk in

h11 11mg. ~Tlw 1=01urc, "11 8ri3h1 l l t: t'III Wc ;ar ~h.uks) • Wd l. T1mbuk , 1s hark w11h tht rt'lc4sc of "A llundl'\.'d Lo,'Cf'S." On llus new al· hum 1ht" hiand plays. with som<' mlcr~sting >ly ks anJ vr<ttl 1r,ck~. hut 1f you :;m• looktn ~ for lnything. c:vcn n:m1Jtl'ly l\'~mhlmg tht·1r fun pi.1r :r-nunJ of )'l:''\ti:ryc:u . prr• jlart tu be \, Th<! •lbum bcims w11h "Sun.)hinc m ll::ln~e:roui.." which ha!Jo J funLy bus hnc and 1om~er Pat Mr Donlld'> almosi.spoktn lync.s. The 11·

w,1 111 ~J) One ul !he mo1c 1111a1.·$I•

THE ~ ic-hi~n


moV1C that rarely slo.,.,·s down long enough 10 let the audience catch t\S hrt3th.

With 11s racc-aga1nsHhcclock prcm,.se. the movie seems 10 hurtle forward as n:lcntlcs~ly as the str.1ngc disease 11s charach:rs arc hauling . The ai.:tion d:tirlS from hcl1coptcr) IO hoats. and from the Jungle..\ of Afne11. to the: town of \cdar Cnxk. C:i. where the d1~i,.c lhrc::itcns lhc h \'e.\ of the 1own's 2,(\00 rcs1dtnu. "Outbreak" bcndus from a. tale nted c.1st. Dustin Hoffmiln as .at the top nf his ,ilme u the rclucllnt hero who risks his own hfo m

fl!dtr 10 Mop lhc Spl'C'3d of the hflw humJn th.;)' l\'Jll) .uC disuse . Tht of lhe C.tSI "Ou1tin.:~k " l!Jo a nc\.\ include~ Rene Rus~o as medical 1hrd kr Jhou1 3 HoffmJn's n-w,rc and fcllt,w mt\tcri C111s ~nd dt·adl)' n.;w d isease re:,carc hrr 3nd ,·iru.s that u carrit.·d 10 lh<' Donnld SuthC'rland :ss J rr.11y Unih:J Sto1ll'S v13 an African mihury general who w~u to monkey. Tht· \ JN\ a.1o bomb 1hc town and u~ the easil y a1o 1hc common c~1ld 'Y 1rus as a weapon. Moit.ln and kills v1c11,m, ~uickly Freeman, !!l'YCS a splcnJid When lhc ,•1ru~ infect, !he pc:rformanec JS Hof£man·s resident~ o f a s ma ll hoss :and fr ,~nd who~e C11hfornia town, 11 n Army loyalllcs are d1v1dcd bc1wecn re.~arch team qu.1r:111uncs the obeying h,s superiors Jnd lo wn an d li:ca, c hcs ~vmg innocent lives. dci.pcrutcly for 0: \'ur,· tic-for,: What m.tkes · outbrc:tl.. • lh..: d1sca." ~pre:,d, lll'W\li: ,he M\ enicrLJmmg 1s; thnt ii 1s. not •lobe. too d1ffo;ult to imo1~mc 1h1s n:;ally hJp('t'ning someday. In this er.a of AIDS :rind othrr incurable 111ru.\CS. 3 film like "Outbreak" shil.kes ilud,encc.s up :and remind.-t them of 1us1

Enltrlainnwnt Edilor The "D.iy of 1hc Grc.11 Who-Gets-II" lS 1h1s Monda) . March 27 On 1hat day the Academy of Mo11on P1nure Arts and Sc1cnl"CS wall hand ou1 their Oscars. h w11J probably not be a day of great

Bes.t Suppo rting Actor oom1nat1ons 1m:lude Samuel Jack.sCln fo1 -Pulp Fiction ," G,u y Smei.e for "Gumrt :mJ Chu.L Palmenlcn for Woody Allen's. "BulkL., over BroadWJ'V. Who will wm this C:llC· goiy 1s anybody's guess. hu1 Samuel Jackson l ooks .-.1rong.

surpnsc.s. "Forrest Gumr· and Tom Hanks will be lhe big w1nncn: in the Best Picture and Besa Ac1or categories this year, that's almost a g1..,cn Their only compc11tion will be "Pulp F1cuon" and John Tr:1110 lt0, bui ~t anks is much mon- of a l·lollywood "l-101 Property" JI the moment, and 1h31 C!JUnlS for J lot. W1nnt r.s will nol he so easy 10 lonx:as1 mother c.itegones. howe..,cr. S:tlly Field r Fom:st Gump..) J1dn'1 C'Yen get a nomm:uion, but Jodie Fosler did for her ponuy~I of a soc1:ally d1s.:.dvanLlgtd girl m - Ndl; anJ so did Winon.1 Ryder for •Link Women •

Uma Thurman looks, 1f not stron~. at lc.ast noc weak for her work in -Pulp F1c11on.- hu t s he sh:irts the nom• immon wuh Helen Mim.:n for · Madness of King George." and Jennifer Tilly and D1:inc West for " O\'C' r





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Woody Allen could get the Best Duccmr nod. proving lh:n I} Hollywood 1s .i s1range town: 2) the motion picture industry 1s a strangt:. busmcs.s: and :\) there is life a(ter Mia. S1111, Oscu is a fickle friend. and lht' Academy is nCMCd for llS unprcdictab1hty.

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t) Chulcy & Gu> O rb1~n



10 a,.


"Gump" is a given, Hanks a sure thing Dun Lawrence

plan< now

lt"lld tht: MSU.,~a~c pr(). dut:Uon ,,f "K~. This pliy kt:S you to a f, lcd~c ~n the side of 1hG world'" second-htshes1 moun1a1n What 1ic,1n.~ a.,. a rnounl3inchmt'lin& plasul't' mp tum!I


"Outbreak" fast and exciting Larry BIiis Rcporltr "Oulbl"C.\k" 1s an c,:cufog


Dr Cornell pro3 fcs.•,or I)( rrlig,on :m d 1hc hest-seller siatus A~d g ,nc.J d1 rCl'tor o f th( Afro- the atttnuon of 111111 mlii!. a,Jnc and N,wrwut... A m t r1 c::rn Studie s The prcscntau_o n ~:~ dcrttr1mcn1 JI Princeto n Uni\·crsny will sJ)CU on the began al 7 p.m '" A 1op1c -Rat.:c Matters." on AudilOl"'ium. Apnl 5 ■ s a part of thl" MSU Artist Lcc1un: Series The sculp1urc of Robbie Dr Wcs1's &peaking Barhcr is on display a l ihc ~l)·lc wa! formed hy his Fam Fine Arts Gallery ,nm~ ,n the Bapusc Church The cfopl:ly. entt1leJ and provides a blend or '"Southern tnnuences, ~ will kno'A ledgc. dram:a and m• remain through Apnl 2I. \p1rJ.uon. From 1hc Bl ad, PJmhcn, Dr. West hcgan 10 Nothing w do? S1op ~y rcal i, c the 1mpor1:mcc of t ommunuy~bascd r,oliucul I.he Wich1tt Falls Mu~u,:n5 ..and Arts Center. Then: JC.'t1on. An ac,:omplishcd writer always something intcrcSI· inj: to sec at the museum. on Afro-Amcncan al.sues. his hooks have :ichic:..,ed

tit0ff"atlS41IOel..,._~,._JS,_c-tarswllllic,._., 5 :00 • mldn'fht

FROZEN BEUJNlS Wed, & Sat. 1 2,tS • ,:00 - 1:00 'l.50 • 1-00 -midnlghl

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tJO,..-.,.,_ 1:JOLIII. l tJOp.a "f:)Oui1. - l:GO,-

' ' \ U,rtr<-...rion •W tll) 111flc~lllltlOTMTlllnMj . .

Applialion llc-.Mllint In llonday, April 10. 1995! lf w.ihN....,,.._~a...111Sdlool....._"'4JJt






• 0 rVIews

How to get published . Th . h.1tan ID e W 1c Mark Loyd The Wichi1an is your news guidelines y~u !'Ced to know to ~~:r:i~· But there some The W1ch1um survives because store user fncndly. infonncd ahout MSU. its activities udents want 10 stay considered •ncwswort.h .. . • 3ccomplishmcnu-1 Newswonhy events include item! r an~ around C.lmpus. p0licy. cri!"cs, political is.sues aff~t~ c ::ingcs in school usues pcntncnt to rc.adc ing MSU and olhcr .,tr arc encouraged 10 use The Siudems: faculty and 1~ voice concerns, idUS and opinions through letters 10 Voices section and guc..'lit comrncntan c~or, the Campus t,cst 10 cover 1he entire c.impus ~- . e SUI.ff 1rics its apPrtcinle and use input and story a.~ 115 cvcnis. They student body. faculty and st:1f; cas fr?m lhc entire orglllliz.ations. However, to try and i-~not Just c~mpu.s given equal treatmcnc... some areas of th sure all pan,es are t,c clarified. c newspaper should When choosing stories to prim in th conside r m:1ny aspects of ncws w~·~apcr•.the editors newsworthinc..u, timeliness and the SI itmg inc luding; semester. due to limited space lhc ,:~\~s a whole. This stories on the front page. Each ~eek sl~c. itan hils ru~ 4-5 due to space limita1ions. Some siones" C:Sf ~ not pnntcd written. arc h~ld for future issues. Di ~~ . 1 cy arc well events. mccungs. testing dates fa~uh itcm~--campus acheivements arc printed down th~ far lelc ~n s1udent front pai;:e. o umn on the Stories and story ideas .lre!d mainl b ~ichilan Slaff ~t weekly meetings. Editors and yre~~~ d1SCu!s upcoming .cam~us events, politics and issue" affoctmg MSU. Ston~. digest pieces and photogr.1.phs als~ come from the .school s office of puhlic informaiion lcu and memos_ from facuhy. s_tu~t!nlS, campus ori;ilni~ti:~ ~d groups an and around ~1ch11a Falls. Since The Wichiun 11 a weekly paper. the deadline for these ilCms is Friday. the w~k hl?forc the paper comes out This means ma1erial pnnted .m ~he Thursday March 23. 1995 i.uue had to be in The W1ch1tan ~f~ce by 5 p.m. Friday. March 17, 1995. However, subm1ss10n bcfore)6e ~dline does not guar:uucc the i1em or ~tory will be printed. H.opcfolly. as The Wichi1an grows in size, more space for Items like meetings and notices will be available. The only way to guaranice a notice or announcement will be printed in a timely manner is 10 buy advertising space in 1hc Wichiun. Bu yi ng an ad (o! notices. wo rds of praise, announcement~ and other important. non-news items insures a pince in The Wichitan. Advertising representatives .:md graphic artis1s can help de.,;;ign ads 19 IJLak£,!hem effcctiv~ and easy 10 read and understand. AdvertiscmcnL'li created by clients arc equally acceptable, barring a few limitations. AH ids are subject to review by the :1dvertising staff and newspaper advisor based on the paper's perceived view of community standards. The Wichitan hopes to serve and satisfy its readers by keeping students aware of what is happening on their campus. Fair, objective and timely repcrting of important Wucs and events is always our goal. Mmakcs are made and corrcc1.ed wilh the help of a concerned student body, focuhy and staff. As journalism students we learn from one another and our mistakes. Small .is the Wichitan may be. its pages arc filled each week by a hardworking slilff. The stories can only get better wi~ t~ ~uppor! of t~ose who make this univcrsi1 the su nor msutut1on II con1mues to be.


Page 3 Thursday, Moreb 23, 1995

a111pus Vote•~ What changes would you like to see in The Wichitan?





3410TaR Blvd. P.O. Box 160. Wichita Falls.. TX'.76308 News Jc..\k: 689-4704 Atlvcrtisina: dcSk: 689-4705 N,riU,U•·iJ

Maril LoJd



Jonathan BmdJ S1>0rtJ&l11or



Jason Fnlrchild Cr11ph1c Artur

M,IJsM SuU/w,n Mus,~ Revie'K-er 1llrhrl1 F.,sn•.BrrmirJ Hurlti.lJ

S111JJ Rr110rrrr, Bmndt,n Olds Pho101mphy f.1/,1(11

Kristut Wollhtr Phnf()gmphrr

Jan,u H'i1'hnm II

A.sSOCtOU ul11or Opin,M/Fralwre jaJOlf T,uur Mi•,ui,1111 Managa l)aro Hawklru Acro1U1tnlll

Deolf [,1Jwr,nr11 1£nur111inmLnt &lttor ,,,..., x,,,,,,on AJfvtrllSI/II Rrpr<Stfllihl't'

Matfl,ew NirktnJ Spam Rrportrr

EricStl/ CirculaJiott JIOIIIJI<' Kr1UI Mr,cr Ctrrulat10t1 A.ssi,anl

Kimberly Hill, junior "There's always stuff about spons.. It seems like other organizations get lert on the cutting

Marcus Allen, senior. "I would like 10 sec more pages and a gossip column."

Slq,lmeOam,11,~ "I think more Greek is-

sues shou ld be discussed."

room floor."

Kellie Baker, senior "I'd like 10 see more letters to the editor about student issues."

Courtney M:w1bum, 9ri>r "I want to see some comics."

Chuck Rice, senior "I like it the way it is. There's just not enough to write about at such a small school."

Texas A.G. warns of tax fraud By Neville Lewis Associate Editor

M3rch mndncss has once ngain descended upon the nalion as millions of Americans rush 10 mee1 the April 15 in· come tax filing deadline. For the colkge s1udcn1. this is not an cxc.:cp1ion. Since many college SIU· dcn1s have eilht!r pari-timc or full time jobs which guarantee !hem an 1.;aming of at leasl $2500 per annum .it mini• mum wage (S4.25 per hour) level. 1herc is no escape or safo haven from this insane scramble. Amid the perplexity and sheer madness of collccring documents, filling oul forms. filing re1urns and wailing for refunds. help 1s on the way. The office of O:1n MorJlcs. :111orney of lhe slate of Texas offers some worthy. if not tirncsavin_g. Iiiins tips. . Because: of 11s accuracy and speedy pay.ments ~f _re· funds, clcclWntC tilX ILhng has t,ccomc populor. How• cwr the Morak:s has .issued a sirong wamin~ a_g:11nst t~e possibility ol t!lec1ronic fraud. In an era of high-te..:h crime. !he laucr has prcsenr_ed another avemu: for white cotl:ir criminals 10 defr:1ud the govemmcn1--and you. the iaxpaycr--of millions of dollars each '"T3XPll)~rs fikd 13.5 mil-

lion electronic In returns in 1993. Of these. 26. (X)O were found to be fraudulcn1. al a cost of more than S50 nu llion." the office's ncwsk ttcr st.ited. Honest students can he jusl as vulncrahle as the avcraj!e American who ha,; been unsuspcc1in~Jy drawn in10 these fraudu k n1 schemes, !he office warned. A major prac1icc c1b:J wJs the claim of non-ex1s1ent or ineligible dependents under 1he E:irncd Income Tax Credit program by low • income filers . NTh e unscrupulo us filer then pockets 1he extra cash sent by the government.~ MSU students may also he vulnerable to lhis scheme due 10 1he large number of nonuaditional studcnL'li --many of whom have dependents. The offi ce 3Jso ad, 1sed that the taxpayer. studenis 111 this ease. are ultimJtdy responsible for the mformJtmn on his or her return. Nlf your signa1un: appl.!::tl'!on an inaccural.t! or fr.t.udulcnt re1um, regardless of who prl.'p.1rcs it, you arc responsihlc for All the 11ddition:il t.1xcs or pc~ltics,- Morales stated. To :1void being an unwilling party t<l 1ax fraud. the state attorney general advi~\ that you should review the prinu:d copy of your ele<:1rcm1c.illy filed re1urn for J .. ..:u· racy. Make sure the list of dl'•

pendents-- if lherc is one. is accurate, and thal their social security numbers nrc correct Also. the signature form should be signed only after you arc completely satisfied wi1h 1he accuracy of your rctum. Question the preparer ahoul anything that docs not ma1ch your records and your undt:r'litanding of what the rc1um sh(lu)d cont:un. Finally. if you do nol :agree with somc1hing tha1 1he electronic J'lrepan:r has done . do not file 1he rc1um. A vol• untccr at the nearest Internal Revenue Scr,•icc office will

assis1 you in reviewing the prcp:1ra1ion of your rc1urn. Morales' newsletter stated. Key warning signs of fraud include a larger refund th:in e:itpected. extra forms hcing used for which you arc not sure you qualify and une:itpectcd people listed as dependents. Jus1 as students must prepare re1ums, so they musl be prepared 10 face the consequences of tax fraud. The office of the slate attorney general is reminding all tha1 tax fraud is a criminal offense "that can land y(lu a big fi ne or even earn jail time.~





Thund• , Man:b 23, 1995

Lady Indians eliminated in second round

Indians fall to ~ Wonder Boys in first round S~ncer Frirdl Sp,<1111 Reporl<r

The MSU Indians were l ooking to ::advance 10 1he

Sweet 16 for the 11\ird consecutive year in the

NAIA b:tSke1baU tourruunen1 and for I.he first 38 minute..,;. of Mar. l 4's morn ing con1u1. 11 looked hkc they wcrr ~'1!11 on their way. The Indians held a six poin t lead Wllh j~I over IW0 mmulcs LO pl:iy but foiled to score again as Ark:tns:is Tech went on :rn 8 -0 run


close out the g::imc 3nd ~3pc \\'ith an 6(). ~8 vic1ory m the first round o f the NAJA Nattonal Tourn:imcnt in Tul.\ a, Okla W,ih MSU ,head 58-Sl Tcch's Durell Banks n:ulcd ~ '.'-pointer (his only basket of lhc game) 10 CUI the lc:1d in half with l :Sti to pl:iy. After a Kerry Br:1gg miss from

long r:mgc, David Bevis gm inside for an easy ba.ske 1 to

trim lhe lead IC'I one. Tcch's Bryan Hodge:.~ then

stoic! a p:1ss and gave Lhc b:sll up to Banks, but MSU's Bnan Hightower gOl b:ick ,n tJme lO draw a charge. With :40 left and the ball. 1hc Indians were still in contro l. Ho wever, ano1her MSU lurnover provi?d to be A eoslly one. Thayer McKinley ga\·e Arkanw Tech the lend for good with : 15 ldt to play hy hitting 3 ~hon 1umpcr ~!SU then called 11mco u1. With : 11 rem::unmg. MSU had

· oown the Mretch, we just 1urncd the ball over too many times, and you can'1 go s<'orclcs~ in the laSl two m inutes of a unless you arc going t<' m:ikc some defensive stops. I tho ught we had played good defense the whole game. hut we were tcntat1Yc in 1hc IJ..SI two minutes.~ heild coach Jeff R.:i.y said. The




defc:nsc. W o nder

1,, o mplctc ly dt•min a1cd !111.irH.ana S1:11c- No rthern 81 · 7 1.

•1t•I~ Arkansu-Monlirr no. TM l.ldy lndlan.t lo§I 79-5A. Pholo h7 S pc>rU lntormallon Oirt'('tor

MS U he ld the

Athletes honored

Boys 10 45% shooting and an inc1"d1Me 2 of 16 (12 .5 'I ) fn:1m .l-puin1 dis tance. The prohlem was

Indian ,; n,1mt·t.1 10 the Jonathan Brady \\ O m(· n ·, A \1-~ t,ut hv. t·,t Sporu F,dho r The lnd1.rn!I ph1Cl' d t•n1,,• Hq:11)n llr~t t.,~J m pl:tyrr on lhe firu t..·.tm 11f th1,•, 1995 NAIA mcn'3 D1v11;1Un I ~lllkr, J 6 I \l" ntllr P'''' A ll• Region F1rM fh•m l knn 1,,• IIJ. '"''"' ..._.u nd Team. The L.tdy lnJian~ leading s...nrcr .ind lc J d1ng ploced 1wo playrr!I on Lhc re-hou nder l t11 1ht· L.111y w omr- n '5 All• So!I. 8\ t'rJg1ng 10 7 Rcg10n F1rs1 Tt"ani. po int.\ and 6 7 rebound \ a Rl>dem;k Hay, a 6 -9 game. senior fmm Hou,;1o n. wa..-. 1hc P1uman. a 6- 1 freshman only Indian picked on the rost from Ru:,cnb ..-rg. v.a-. the first tc::im. Hay ll·d 1hc leading loCOrcr for the Lady Indians in scoring. avcr.ag1 ng Indians, avcragmi; 11 pomL, a 16.7 poinu: a gamt·. game. She 1.s the -.ecnnJ • Monica Miller and Deni~ lcadmg rchoundi:r. il\cra~m{! P111man were the only Lady 6 4 hoards a &Jmc

MSU's llfknse. The ln< hu only 41 % l) f their s.hut.s, including 4 of 14 ( 2ij,6 <.f) from the arch. MSU was gening good looks at 1hc b3sla:t. the sholS JUSl we~n·t gomg 1n. ~we ncvcr did shOOt the ba11 well the whole

game,· coach Ray said.

HJ.y. l 1ne of four seniors on the 1eam, led MSU with 17 po ints and SC \'Cn

Bevis led Ark.i.nsas Tr-c h

4 1 o n Mar. 15. MSU (20-9!

F'rahmH Dnltt rtftm•• _.,,mpu I lay-up durln1 lht SttOnd round ttamt nr l ht NA IA National Tournf'mtnl


rchuunds. Jerry Pcrry added


The Talk

shouldn't hav~ rnmc duWTI to lhe wire. With the c,u.·crtion of lhc 13.St !WI,) mtnUICS, the Indians played o uistanding

plenty of 11me 10 ~cl a gciod shot. Unfnrtun:uely. RM(rt

Ghntborg with :03 lef1.



free throw but hi1 the second one. Bragg then threw .t l ong inhounds pass that wa.~ dcnectcd 10 D.1nus 8 111wn who missed a dc.\per:allon 3rointer II th<-

Rmso's p:J.SS ,.., Roderick Hay w:.~ ti pped and s1olc n by Kirk Glin1burg leaving Hay n o cho ice but tu foul Ghntborg m1~scd 1hc rirM

In ihe ~ ond round on Mar. 17, 1hc Lady Indian\ h) o wn . :1w:1y hy Spo1 ~~~t rc,und o f 1hc: Arkansas•Monuccllo 79-511.. na.11 o nal 10urn11mcnt.. ihe NC1nc: of the Lady l ~d1an1 Lldy lndi:ins looked like a sc(lred 10 douhle d1g11 ) a, conh.:nJ cr for the 1i1le. hul m Arkansa,;- Montu.:c lh • (27-5) tht· ,c1,;ond ruu11d. they JU'-1 J)OSttd (o ur pl.:i.yers with looked had pi.i tnts o ver 10. Pillmiln , Adkms, scnmr The 17th•ranked L:1d y Stacy franklm, .ind freshman rnd1ans hc.:i.ded 10 J:lckso n. Buffy Ferguso n a ll .t1c:d for Tenn on at-large bid given !O MSU-s mp scorer w11h c.ich 15 1cam.~ who did 00 ! w,~ ~oring nine pm nLS.. Adkins lhcir region They lost m. the led ihc: Lady lnd1:1n~ in southwc.!-1 rcgmn pl:iy_o fls to rebounds wnh 12. The Udy Indians ftnh h Wc-.1crn ;,,.;'cw M C;KJCO IR their seaso n w11h a reco rd of 89-85. 2(>!0. Eve n though they came on :1n at-large hid, lhe L.ady lndi:m s d id not play like ~t m !he fir-.t round agarn 1>l Mnnt:ina Sta1c-Nor1hem (25· J onathan Brady

15 points :tnd H1~h1owcr 11.

<fl) Little Caesars·Pizza .

with 28 points and 1 1 rebou nds. MSU had its 11 game wi n ning s 1reak snapped and fini shes the .season at 19-11.

Delivers to MSU $

The Town.

Frc, hman Dem~ P1t1man "-·11r.:d 3 t;.irnc-hi t:h 22 poinL!i. ~emPf\ l...uunl·llc: Adkins and

C'nntma fames Jlo;;o ~urcd m lluut'llc J1g11~. Adkm'i ,;t;ur~ng I K pM III\ •.ind

James ~ o n ni

. \ IJJf'/lf ,,,,, ,

(,11 /J

1-J prnnL\ Ad k1 n3 aho led tn rd "MionJ!I with nine


11\l1110\ S l'H l.\h

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