March 30, 1995

Page 1

1 -.modeb I

_ Arr_o_w_ II_Team

The Wich itan


,r0 JuJ11e 73, Number 20

•fa@Wiffi#'fflMMJ CAr,fPUS EVENTS

prc,-re~1striltion for 1he 1 fall 1995 semester is sch~J. ul<d for April 24-28 and May




p syc h o l o gy Th• t 1s soliciting dcpiar~men_

offer a master's degree

fr o m

prosrnm in radiology.


undergraduate psychol ogy m•jo" for 1he. Dolores Burgei

"'This move h:is ccruinl y

pul us in 1he forcfr~nt/ said

Nadia Du~g. coordinator of

ttays McmonaJ scholarship.


psyc hology


Jl<partm""' for more delaits.

Eh1,11beth A. Yorosz,

together a nt11ional

~viuitional cxhihition titled ·S111e of the Art: Wit and

wisdom" at Parkl and College in Champaign, m. yarosz. is. c."thihiting works 11, 1his ex hibit ion and another in Florida through M,id, 31.

Artist Lccrure Series ristnts Or. Corncl West.

~ofessor of religion and director of



S t udies Ameri c an dtpartment al Priaceton l)niversj1y. West will speak April 5_at 7 p.m. in Akin Avd110nwn.

The MSU 1hca ter wilJ perforrn K2 . a Patrick drama which begins u a moun1uin•c limbing rk:JSurc 1rip and de ve lops iAto a life: or death journey Mc)'tfS

(Of two clo~ fiicnds. The

puy will run

photo hy Krkt,n w.11hu . MSU art prort . - . unlversl( art ~ r Ro~b_ae Darber's sculpture ''Lin1t• Green lhnnmerhrad" h:rn,µ: In lht


1,1SU profc.sor of ar1, has 111


between 115 id $~Y· 1 his plttt Is nol for sale but oth,rs In Hwrbtr'!I i:ullrcllon are prktd 000 11 '":::'°!!:"!:"":;A~p::;r1::,1 •!:; ' "...;;·;,;;;;;-_;,:;":_:d:;:is::;p:,::lay;.•:::•:::ll,::co::;n::;t1n:;:u::, -----


April 6-9



pm in the Be u Wood 1hc.:11cr. The Apr il 9 rcrforrn:mce hegins :u 2:30



Michael Collons. MSU's 61, mon of hum a nities , direc1or :rnd profossor of !Mlory, prcsc!nti:d his p:1pc:r inJI by Fear: Violence. V1g1lan1is m Jnd the Confcdrr:11c E'< pc rienrc in ~h Te,as," n l the annual m ling of 1hl' Te·ws S1U11! ffUlitt:ll Associ.uicm in San An""110. An :m1cle wri ll<.>n lly MSIJ'$ cum,·ulum materi:ils

litrarian Andrea Willi.ams >ill bepubl,shed in 1he book


h 30 1995 ,



Bernard Hurtault program w~s _1n1 t1ated Stnff\Vriter followi ni an inquiry by . an MSU has tx:comc 1he firs1 team wh 1c.:h accrediting university in 1hc coun1ry 10


appl 1c:1t1 n ns


MSU radiology master's program first in nation

1.z_ StudcnlS should gc1•d·

vised before trying



.f!: MSu students attend con1erence . to dl·scUSS Arab nat·100 issues J ames Winham 11 Reporter . ~SU students part.iepatmg m 1he .Model League or Arab Nations rcc1.::ivcd :in Outstand ing de legation award, .Ill a conforcncc held in Washington. D.C. _Dr. Kenneth E. He ndrickson Jr. , of the history de partment accompanil'd the group or students which included Kimberley Roe Chris Hartman. Charles son, David Gaines. Ira Krouinger. Gordon Momcilovic, Hiroshi Harada Craig Mcnens, and Paui


Sprall. Hendrickson explained 1h:it the Model League is a simulated!ue of Arah States. wi1h 1wenty- Iwo countr ies difrcrl"nt rcprc~ nted. According to Hendrick son, t he real League or i\rah Siates meets in C uro. E!!YPI, to discuss issues and prohlcms or mu1ual eoncl"rn 10 Arah natio ns. The k agut.: was form~d in 1945. Tht.: MSU rq Hescntc d st u de nts Palestine al the event The pul'po5'! of Ihc cwnt is IO cnc.:ouraJ;!C slUdt·nts 10 karn abnu1 the ~h dJle East in gcm::ral. "Mo.c:,t 1,1mh.'n1s dnn't know muc~ :1hClttl the ri.·1iddk East. ~ said Hen•

dnckson. The group mel with PLO

Kha lil FnutJh for a hnding session. i\lSU qu~knI.,; wen: rcprcs cnrnt1vc

then d1\'1dl· d inw lln: l·ommnh.' t""i dl·aling wilh the ir adopted c(1untry's sland on issues oi concern. The i:-omnnlll'CS included r uh1 1cJ I. sor1al. cul111r.1I. l' C1JnomIr . .rnd other Pales11ma11 affairs. The s1uJl·n1.s later par1ic1patcd in the plenary scssmn, when: the agenda w~ i;ct for i1ems or dcha1c, l>Jid Hendrickson The fo llowing day, Ihe s1udents held a sum mit session. where they either appro\'ed or. rcjec1c d prop,,sals mlde hy 1he comm111ct.:J.. 1-lcndrn:kson said. Two or the mpics discussed at the conkrcncc were the rutu rc or Jerusalem. and the dc\'cl• opmcnt or trade he1wcen 1he Ar:it, l C'lt1ntncs and Ihe rest of the wmld. aL"con.ling

The M.SU ~roup as a whole

al,;o canwd an excellence award. I lendrickson said that 1hc awards were ba.1,ed on knnwlcd!!C or 1hc coun1ry. staying in character wi1h 1hc c.:nu11Iry, and dellal• ins skills of the group. · 1 :im very pwucl or them." he aJdcd The bendits th:11 the s1udt.:nts n."t:eived from the trip wa.,1, increased knowledge or the Middle Ea.,;t, expansion or lcgisla1iw :,kills and de• ha1ing skills. The 1np wJs sponsored ~y MSU.

MSU will host one of 1hc rcgionJI conrcrcnccs nf 1he Model LL"aguc or Arah Stales in CIJrk Stur.!cnt Ccn1er April 61h8th. Fifteen i.:Ollcgcs an.! cxpec1cd



B:iylor, Univcrsily or Texas at San 10 1-kndnckson. Thl· MSU stude nts exAntonio. Soutwcst Texas Junior College. Missouri celled 1n dd1a1111!! skills JI Southern, Trinity Univcr1he C\'Cnt. ac.:cordrni; 111 si1y. Ea.1,1crn New Mexico, i-lcndrich on He OlllCd th:it Unh·ersity nr Arkansas at murh rl·:.c.1rch is mvnl\'cd Monticello. St. Edward's, nn the Mudcui's' p:in while St. Mary's, Oklahoma Bap• part1l1pJ1111i;: in the cnnfcrtis1. Soutwi:st Texas State, cncc. U111vrcs1ty or North Texas. The n•i,earl'h paid off as Tl~xas We!itly:in, and 1hc R~. Ilartman. ~k ne ns , and of Texas al Univl·rsi1y • Harada cJrncd .Jwards for Austin. excdkncc in lhlatr w11rk. includin g :

Student elections to be held Pam Bailey Reporter

. faces will tk.: l'hantrn!! 111 wil Rrnhl5 l ihrncies and the officer positions of MU· L1hoiriADShlP The dent sovcrnm~nt wit_lun th,: artde, tt.ici:s 1h!! history of next week. Ekction umc h~s ~ puhbc library on 1hc ~ast anivcd and numerous cand1lij,ofWkhii:, Falls. da1cs have iumcd ~ut for thl" posiuon~ of prcs1dt·n1 anJ vil'C•pres1dcn1. , k<voilb E. Hendrickson, Candidates runnin~ w~ O f of hisiory and J;!Cthcr include: Znran ~ru): :-'1 roordinalc>r.•• MSU for President :ind ~1dan11.: ~~- as a Carroll for Vice Prl·~1Jl·nt. _as ·~ mcm~r of~ wdl a.~ Carlos TlwmJs wr 11-,ai _S1a1c Hisior1cal Preimknt and Jesse ~kndl:, for Vice Pr~s1Jl·~t. N adine Koen1f 1·~ un~·lin • ~ 1 . I as Studcnl G11wrnnh.'~t nlS T~l'l!>4 J.\V Ju-.lKl' 1' • n<l Larence ~unmn~ ror Pre~1J\·n1 \1n a firat aod ticke1. . ahCl t,cini! iw ty at the sini:lc :>n: . ' . • clSc-• hdJElt.:i:uon'i for '"'n3("nJwr P''~1110~~ • . .yior in c:ich cl:1s~1fie.i11on Cu


rt.:ntly. there an: two •,acJ n· cics for GraduJll' Student Senator. O,w of thl' h\11 Senior Senator po!,it1nns has ti..:cn lltled hy Bd;;1h Tcll1cr. C:indidah,:i, for th!.' jun1nr !i-C nat or arc CJmc rnn ;\'1x1nkl.'.'stcr. Ty Phillip!...111J Anna S1ins,111 Onl.'.' ol the Sl1pht1mnre Sl' n.11or po,;itit"ln.. has hl'L"n filkd hy Na1,1!,hJ

Gat-tnd. Freshman scnJIOr~ will hi! d rnscn in the FJll Sl:111C." ll'I Thf Eicl.'lh)O

Cl)dC !ltJtel 1hJI c.1.:h scnJli'•r ,hall t'C l' ll• r0lkd for JI ka,1 " "< ' l"ffll'!,ln h1•ur, al 1he tune Pl d1.'L'!111n, anJ wluk s~n·mg. l'Jl·h -.h.dl h J h ' .in MSL' l'Umu!J1n .;: r .i11n JH:r.1~l· nf .u k·J,1 8rJJ..2.11011 J J .0 f'l11 nt ~) ,tl·m. Jnd , hJII not ~~· l,n , l·hdl;1-.ta: rrot,a11\"" Vo11n{? ¼ ill hl· held J.)

1hc gr:)duatc program... The wholc country is w::uching to ~ what wc do .:md how the program develops. Th is pioneering move is vi:ry important fo r 1hc e n1irc one, The new program. professio n and our primary however. has placed l1l1 cwn goal is 10 huild ao dficicn1. greater burden on the already model cr:aduatc Master's stressed accommodations of program ... Bugg added. the radiology department. The new pro~ram was Show alter s ta ted that lime I," offered for~,. fall. Prcscmly. J2 studen1s arc accommodations arc rapidly e nrolled in the proiram. becoming inadequate ;md 1hc: Valerie Showahcr. radiology university is hcginning to pr ogram seek new avenues. She said tec hn o l o gy coordina1or. said there has that president Rodriguez has hcen a grc.11 intere5t in the hegun discussions wi lh 1he n.:iti o n widc . Texas lc~islature ahou1 prog r a m Sc\•cn1y-onc percent or the cons1ructing a new. modem studcn1s in the program arc equipped huilding for the Tt.:xa., rc.1,idcnts. Students :ire radiology department. In the coming from as far as mcan1ime. a new !ah area has Florida . been recently buih . some California. Pennsylvania. NehrJska. and new equipment provided and Oklahoma are applying add 1tion.:il office space creaicd. Show:ilicr added. Showalter said that she MSU ha~ always nt!t.:n seen :is being progressive . secs a hrigh1 future for 1he Showallcr said. in Lhc :irca or program as there 1s good joh radiologic.11 technology. She security in the field. She also added that pnor lo 1his latest noted there is :i high demand addition. MSU had been one for 1hc pmgram as n:llected of only 19 schools offering in the numhcr or applications 1he D.S. rn rJd1ologieal received last foll . Showalter science in Ihc US and the said she expects even greater numhcrs in foll 1995. only St:hool in Tc."<.as.


Professor's play wins local award Timberly Ey),~n Stafl'Wrilt r Tom Mc Neely. adjunct faculty in En~lish. rcl·cntly won the Bai.:kJoor Theatre's New Play Contc.!St for a Si.'C· ond time in J row for his work in D·1mac1·d Goods The play is a rom:.mtic comedy in tlu"Cc act,. ()fll.'ncd

Morch 17 :ind runs 1hrOu!!h April k at the Backdoor Dinlll.!r Thl'alre in Wichit:i F:ills.


~111ni.lJy, Apri l 1, lrom (1 p m.-9 p.m.. 111 Killm!!)\\ Urlh

Hall: TueMlay. Ap iil 4. fm m ') J.m.-12:10 rm .. 111 1hi.: csc Atrium, and 6 p.m.-9 p.m.• 111 P1i.:rcc Hall: Wednesday. Apnl 5. from 9 a m.- 12J tl p.m., in thc CSC A1rium , and fir rn.-9 p.m.. Ill Muffell l.10rary: Thur!.d:ty. Apn l \1. frnm IJ a.m.- 12:10 p.m . 111 the CSC Blul' Loungl' . JnJ fi p.m.-9 p.m.. in Mollcn L1hrary. Friday. Apn l 7. fr()m (J a.m.• 12:.10 p.m.. in thl" CSC Blue L11uni;..-. If JR'Cl·~ .:U")'. run-llff \ '111111~ will t'it: hc!J Apnl 111-JJ. A picture J.[) I~ Oell' ~\Jr) 10 ,or,..• All rl.!gubt1on~ f\,r VtllJOp: v. ti! he p1)., :t·:.l hl·-.idc the ,·ouni arcJ

visited the univasity early last yea.r Showalter said. ~~y nmcd that MSU did not ol lcr a 1e rminal d~grec in radiology. Unfor1una tcly . 1hcre was no such program being offered anywhere in the country. and so on 1he init.i:ative or Dr. Rodriguez the decision w:lS taken to create

~kN\!ely hJs also rl' · ce1ved honN ahle mcnt1ons in 11:iti(Jn,1I t..oin[)l.!tilinn~ for two Olhl'r pl:i)'!<.,

Thin('" I i'n·,·,r Told You. J 1wo-ac 1 Cflllll:d)·. n:cl·ivl.!c.l :in honorahlc inc ntinn 111 Wri1d, Pi('L"' I 199-t Stage Play compc.1 ition. l..iul.Lu: - a IWil•aCt C(lmcdy. ~ pl,1ccd m !he top t,;n in Kentucky Un, vcn.ity's 1995 Year-End s~11l'" L~ompctition. Nont! or Mc ~ecly's plays an: Oa.tcd on lus persoiul ex• pcn~nces. "M y work i1 nothing autobiographie:al. it has nothing 10 do will> me," .s;id McNt..-cly.

McNeely is a graduate ol MSU. He began tc.:1ching as an aide .:11 MSU in 1989 and st.:1ncd teaching full 1ime in 1993.

McNeely tc:ichcs a remc• di.ii reading criursc a l MSU. He also tcachc5 a new ln1e~sive English Lan~ua~c lnstllute program ~t Vernon Rc~ional Junior College where he teaches 19 Chinese students English as a st"Cond lanJ?UllJ,!e. Whl:n asked if his wri11n,: w:u, limited 10 plays, Mc• Neely i.aid yes. thut ut thil> particular time hl~ is cnnccn1r:iting on pruducing plays

1md entering them into com• rctition. McNeely is cum:ntly writing u screen play to submit next month to the

Nicholl Fellowships through 1hc Academy of Mo tion Picture Ans nnd Sciences.

A SIJfC pl•y scrirl for a fellowship is also being sent 10 lhc

Walt Oi.lnoy Corpo,a-

lion. according lO McNeely.




Thund• • March .\0. 1995


THl:l Wkhitan



"Race Matters" racismin America ·:~~~,1~_~ ~-=~,..

Bnan Ball,ud Rt portu

\ (Hnt l Wc-~ t. In t he prdim .· hl h1~ tinol!.'.


-...,-n1~-.. 1ha1 Pl:lhl ..1nd \V E ll Du liOI\ f'OM'd the most fund;aml' nlal <hJllc.n,st·s 10 b1, l'i:Nc ;um 10 l,fo ..., h1ch 1s · 10 Sfll'.tk 1hc tru1h t1, (ll'I\\ Cr w11h love- -~ 1h;1 1hc qu:ahly of e\·eryd:ay life for ordmJJy rcoph: 1s cnh::inccd and "'hue !>uprC"m:IC')' IS Mrippcd of llS authon1 y w1d lq; 111m&e)' " Raq: MJllCU ruhlishcc.l 1n 1'>9\ 1~ ;a 'i.mall hut 11npor • 1ant ?'iN k be,.1u'i.C 11 h11n~( clear. :tn31)11CJI h~hl to m:my t:ab.;H) 'l:Uh}C1.:lS \.u \.. ,ll ,n . dtp1h

d1~1,'\IS)IOO( !lh\l tll f lCC

in Amrnc:1. the n1h1h.'.m c.k • s1roym~ Bbck Amcnc;a. the. Black lco1dc1~h1p cn.,1s. 1hc new 81:ic k cons..:rv;al1)m. Black: scxu.1h1 y. and Jt-w,~h· Blx lc rd:U1on1; Wen hcgms l\y .1ri;uin, 1h11 d1 SCUSSlt"ftS at->out llCC.

1 1 Tll:affl '1u1 1.,\ tt'

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•roo~I •lzQo.,floJ!l(l,c,

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~n,;~ I T>.,vr, • t.dlfl, •

1' :.11 ...


11,e Ori i11af


I O•J10TVl'ul 1fl0t1

EJ Charity & Orbbon

•• 1"Vf«l"I...,-.; llf''•t• N.lf


:: ~ ~~.~~ i't•do91' !,2 , , .... .11., ...,., ·eh1,

_ r.1<'i.1l r, r,tilt'm~ 1, t(',.1 f: UJl!l"' HI unJcr,tJn J ,1ur ~ "611'1' \1mph~111.:, main!) · t",_.".,tU\4." 11 tk-cp mJl,u-.c.•. W1:,i wnh.·, o TX Vlfl CM1u,n ""°'"' , " n . f OC U\c!. sokh on 1hc l!C',1 Sec,inJ. ""'" niu,1 hxu-.. j _,_ _ no m1c J11n,:iHu,n.· w ..-,1 our .ith:n11nn 1m 1h,· ·1.,,mm11n ,s TXt,,n · 0.1 N 1 ...,nll"S. l':"o<r thJI g11 d, ,1ur rNJWG' v,,-.tt111 .. ...- ,~ !• \\:.t, th\· .:,1ni,cn.a11,·c Ot'· n3t1t1nJl 11nJ t;lot,31 lfc,11nil·~. HI CQleffl.wl.........,. IIOTI ~ tt1 \\hJI 1, 111.'..:dcJ I\ J \\'(',51 IIOIC~ h.;it , 1n,· OUI 111 10) ':..;--pi.rtu:"" lus l·hani;"· 111 1111: lnl1rJI hd1..1, 1C'l1 ri"t.: ch1ldn:n tin lJk." U.S. lt\c~ ,._,. ~ • t'f J)O(lr hl:1r.:\.. urhan J wdlcr'i. m pm'('fly 21 ;1."i. o,tx&.11"' ~ s· mcrd y h1ghhJ:hl~ 1mmmJI ~hcrN pri\•atc ac11o,n~ ~..., h,lc 1~n11122 ~ ot ~A.FB SS 0.!lu. mg puhhc f\''l.fK\n-..1h1lil)' rur Third. w..: mu,t m ,1ll (Ill 17 Thornto,,F...,,., the 1mm11r;il cucumsi..1ncc.\ some form 1'1f l.ui,:~·-,c.ili: 21 wnau tlt.W'I• DOWN lhJt hlun1 our frll,,w C111· r uM,c in1l·r, cn11vn Ill l"nMtl\" 29 l&.r,c»le,r,M~ I °''"·••"!!Ml 1..cns.~Wcjt nrlJins. 2 lKCC~ to hlMI! ,o..·1,1\ !!O.kJ-.,. lO = I ~ W~,t wmtc 1h;it Amt·nc;an housin~. fo'1J. hc,1l1h lJh.· , to.ildni,11,..,_, lTXillfl•rv;•• ore-.1••• politics h.1~ hcl·n mckcJ hy cducltlOn. ch1IJ l.Jll', ;rnJ ru;" ,~ . . . s o f ~ Co :in unk;i\h m~ o f i;recd 1ohs. Wc.. "1.l wn1l·:3Zs,ll'l\ll'd1-11tlf'dlet • •TV ..,.u a1 ,tpor,e,f)~ w~ :.mon~ ,1rro nun1 \l1C puhhl· U:Glle Stotm 111-x..m ....·ctCOl"(IIHI 33 ,l,......,~ '" 1n.-n·p1-.,,u ... Athey~ MTI 23rx.,m't,Mtlhld' oflirntls "ho h:ivc followed 1 tht u courncrrans in 1hc pnComel w \,'\l IS J prnlc,- Je ~ ~ Ill ::Ca~W~,. 24 : ; : : :..~ \'lllC sphcn::. ,\\evidence.he Sor of n:hE:H•n anJ tlw lhn:.:<»1i.cs no-..i tme1 MuMiro..»1 oo,. 5"dl nntcs th::tt m 1989 NlC rc:n.1:nt l flr o f t ht' ,\1 10-Am~•11l'ln 37 11DOh•• tl'O.ltlil" ,ov1nt1:g,1 pl,1,,... 2' 11tJOc.ll'lhO'N o f the porul.a11u11 u"' ni:rJ )7 S tuJ,c-.. lkf\Jrlll1Cnl JI 31 ,o : , : ; : ~. ~ rcrccnt Clf the we;ihh :inll 1cn PnllC't'l!ln U111,·c1~II) l k will M1lu lfl"Nort11· 11 i,irtcb0fl10 0.n11 lt"lklCl lln• c,n ·r,- t....s _ percent of the p,1pubt1iH1 Clwncd Sl6 pcl l'l"O l M the Spt·lk at Ma n Aud11onum JI L _____

S\l h ~·


!ti: :;/_.



""tf'I ' "~,·


;:;:;:!'7:: '

gcncr.tlly "f;ul lO confrwu th<' comrlc,11y of thi: 1s!>uc. 1n a candid ;anJ cr111c.1I manner " l ie , 11cs 1he L A nol\ S(t off "''1!311.h. by the vc.rdicl in 1hc Rodnt"y This a:,1nom1c foct ,11 hfr Kmg cue i..t ;i pnmc. cum- h:i~ led 10 :i profound C')' nl· pie c1sm 1nJ pcs.\1m1sm Jmon, Gcnc nlly. disr.:us1;ion, 1hc ct111.cnry. he wrn1i:. about race in America l;ike As for wh;i.1 can ix- Jone plllcc within the narr ow 1bou11h1~ qu.1~mm:. rnmcwnrks of 1hc domin:im We \t l~ 1cd 1he follnwing Larry Hills hbcral and ..:onservJuYc steps: Rtpor1tr VICWS Rmh Vl('\1,,1 ' ffll!>S the First. we must k1'.l\.. to om Tik: sounJs of UJX'rJ wall point. :lt't.:ording 10 W e..'l:t. common history which hndic fi ll 1hc h :al1 1; l' I Akin .1uditonum 1h1s \\ L"C'kc nd h MSU's mu\1c dcr an mcnt performs Moun·, ..The Magic Flu1c-· for lhcar annual


~ :~.

Mt:Ussa SullJvan

Mu.sic Rnit"'·cr Annie Lcnno, ·, new album '" Meduu" ,~ a coll<X"t1on of co,-ers (song,."' o ngtnally rcleucd by m her :irti.s1s.) most o( which got on my nerves. " Mcdug ~ has its high r om l3. hu1 most definitely has i ts low points. Be forewvncd, 1f you h:tle cover versions :is much as I do, this album 1s nol for you The album begins w11h "No MNe I Love You·i;: which is receiving .some 1m • pl:ay in Dllll.s lier voic'c S('lund.s hc;n111 lul .1nd 1111,:h• pitched. and the t>Xkj!:round s1n~1ng IS .SWCCI . NCAI I) Lc nnM's ,•c r.sio n (l( the Talkinl; Meads' "Take Mc to 1hc River" "'' ith iLS funky 1niti:al heat o:nd Jeep breathy


Procol H:arc-m'.s "Wh11cr

Shade of Pak" ha..s l wc1rJ 5yn1hc..1,11..c.· r ~ , in1ro and the

vCK.·.ih ;are smoo1h ,1.s silk. Her version of "Don't Lc:t h Brint You Do wn~ 1.s c mo--

11on-fillcd. But the vcn ion of the Cl:uh's lr.un 1n V:un.. irked me- hk:c rini;.c rn~1b o n a ch:1lkbo.lrd w11h 1Lt 1cchnnhcn1 and poppy feel. AnJ

she 1akCJ. · 1 C:in't Gct Ncx1

10 You· J nJ 1ums Mom.,.,n into w mc m\.'iln aduh ~on1eroror:1ry.

Larry Bills Anyo ne- i;flin~ to sec "Dolores Cl:ubornc: 1 nc.w movie h:i.scd on Stephen Kine's novel of the Slffll! n:amc. s ho uld no1 ~o expecting to sec: a tilm lbout errc py. supernatural forces. What they will .k."C is two hril h ant pt:rformanccs t,y Kat hy Bates a nd knmfcr J uo n - L c 1gh . Their perfc,rm1occss h1~h11ght 1h1s great film ihout h.Jw pc.l1plc arc nc,·er ....,h31 lhc:y 5c'.'Cm J;a,on•l.c 1gh', 1\ t'-> 1;,r 1ht best ~n 01 1hc mo,tl' At J pill porrnng alulh,lhl'. , n~ C" n,11111,,u, dq11h 111 J ch:ir.K'ter who, Jn onh m.ikr thc p .1111 ('If h,·r hfr ,!;.~l JWJ) hy num h•nl! her t,rJ1n \\ Uh dnis~ Jnd J!...,,h,,I D.u~·\ 1, ~up<rh a, Dril,11l',, .i "" 1m,tn ~n.>...,n \u Jl ~·uq 1lmcd 111 t>..· 1ng al,1n.: 1h.a! , 11,· II\..:, 111 J w,,rhl .111 hc.•t 1,,,n \\h,.'lr.! ,hr m:1~C-\ lh..:11Jk-.. 0~1!,,ft" , C'l:uh m..- ., J dJrL swry 31'111111 IIIC' tn JO

\\•o rks ho p.


pcrform:ancc \\'Ill be held on M:uch "I a1 8 r .m.. .anJ Apnl 2 DI 2•.\0p m. ·r,..c J unl' orc-ra l•ff and on for m:my year'\ and tlu) workshop 1s the bc, t om: ""'e'\C ha,d in J loni lime:

u 1d Don M:u1.~ c11. r rnf.:'-5Clr

of ,·mt:t• in the ~fSU mu ...c dcp3rlme nt. Al·cordini; 10 Maxwe ll. !he rcrffirmarm: I ) the fin;al product of an cntm.:

scme.strr's "'nrk. Studcnl!> m the opcr.1 ...,,urhhop cl3ss

Bui thl' desccra11on th..11 hurt me 1hc "'orsi w.i.s her ,·crsion of PJul S1m,,n'\ · s o mc1hini: Sn R1gh1: one of my fovontc songs. She 100k th.:.· hcan-folc t•mo11onal tune and mJJc. intc'I T llp 40

ilufC It hurt

at-.u,1vc family The .auJ1t"oc:c Dolorc\. an ohlcr

m c CI \

rolling prn Allh11u~h Dul11rc\ d:111ns 10 t-,c inntX.1.·111 in the "'om.m's death. the l1Xa l thcnlf Inc -.. di.!, rc:rJldy h) pin th-.: lnm l' ,10 hl· r The )hl!nff susp..·.:t) 0 ~1hH·c.s. Jl'-0 \.1llcc.J her hu.,h:md I 8: ) l!lr~ CJrh..!r but could nl•, rr,--.,c 11. Ja.son• Le,gh pl..1)-.. DohHc,·"' alcohol1~ dJ ul.'.h l"'r ..., ho n-wm~ )l\,mf.' fur il'k.: lin,t umc 1n 15 years 10 hdr ha nm1hcr pnwc her IOllflCl' lllC


h:i,·c the flEhl YOILCS o r

simply won'1 wo,k: .MJA'NCII.

l 1\ in~ \\.1th rJ1nlul 111cmo11,·, 1\\1.r th,• )1.'-11, t'k•lh l).1h•n.·~ ,111J h,·r 1,, ti,u, th,:u 1ruc h:d;n~, , .1 J,·,·r th,·~


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p,t l>Tan.

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IJ\cms,.•hcii .an1J1hcr o



A\OIU(A'\ 111.,un .\._~ X IATK"\ 1.41 ~ .'-"T'lllltl.1[)


111!)1 IIJudllilgb 1,..,;.- r;,p1~~fitm Cop1<, o,, i. r.. Cob, Ol!!d, ~ • l'lill ~,mu ll<S1g, I ""1"'Wo!duq lm'~"' • 8.S 1 ll upt. l1 1 l7 Cobr ~

TUI:~. · SAl .


•each;,tW'ol ..,-vi.,•lue.i

i~~~;ni,~~ \\ ~~~f~ r~a~~r~'.


"Ofl _

ft'flt)~ Ull W..:;,~ f.O.)


S:00 -mtdnight

, Ju~~




Draws 75' • Pitchtn 13.50



Even past Mudcnt1 an: gc111ns Jn\'Ol ved MSU ~rJduatc D.1lc Sm11h will he

1~A•.,.. ..,_.~y • ~ \&l•Wi(hl.ll~I,

~1 to111n __

Sl T~v.::111\1tomle



Dr-• 75'

u t'~-=~ :)7 -..,th

50 U:IOlcllarin



hl!nn11-hkc hou\<.·kccpcr. u the 1s s1.1nd1ng 11\cr her hoss ahoul Ill t'lcDI hcr \\. llh a

ec,.t,ovt in '93 1~1

1ew:,, _ tMgnt,t., tOtrtrf!ICllgodof~ 43Tl0tffl"CA11 _ _


~ alphagraphiGS ~ I


n •• ·,,_,,_. d.,,


Jrcn't 1he nnly 1lm:,; ic11in, an,·\11\rJ "1th ~The MJ~•t' Flute". Local l111;h school s1udl·nb ;and ,11hcr :i,pmn~ smi:e r, from :around W1chilJ FAi b W\.'rt.'. JJlo wcd 10 :iud111o n for the c1(1e u A ci:orJ ing to Muwdl. 11rc:n aud111ons wen: hdJ fo, tlw opcr:a in order 10 find 1hr: ~1 !>lni:CrS for lh~ ,oh. ..When you d,--. an tipcr-J. yuu ha,·c to

work .:ill scm~1cr llll J sin1;lc opera 10 he j"ICrformed n1 thi.! · o o wntown L1gh1s 1, end of the !>Cmc..,ll·r. ~we u~ hauntin, :ind her ,·crs1o n of a hands-on approxh 1nstl·.1d the.·nrJcr'I:' ~Thin Linc of a k:Xtbook IO thJI Cl:l"). h Be1wct'n Love and tl Jtc" 1s makes clasi mo rl' rnn,ally fa.1111 and s.hc almost cnmphc.ucd, hut the ,1udl'nl~ .'.JICaks 1hc I) ncs. T he vc:r• kJrn a lo t mnrc:.- )aid s1on o f Rob ~hrlcy' \ Mu"NCll. "Waums 1.n Vain· " · \l:dl. Current MSU ,tuJcnL, no t rei:i..e fl1vorcd in the shj1h1rs1

"Dolores Claiborne " not typical Stephen King film Rtporttr

o pera



=~= __::'==0..-=::,==~"'~"~ "''"==:===,=,--- ----~ r;;.o:;:t:..

Opera workshop to perform ''Magic Flute''

"Medusa" may turn listeners to stone

31 fXitffl "Vfl _ 1ow·


·as . HO-t:OO "3.50. 1 -00 • mldni;ht

__~_,....,.-e.._.,.. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __. hl .____________ t..!l,nt~ . 1 J;v,r/4~ _,.

ha \,

j .

books • music • video Wichita Square

,.: .,





Page 3 Thu rsd• )', M•rch 30, 1995

{)ur views Campus


Determination be

ats all

Forrest Gump, ·h

s ow the way

Who do you consider a role model and why?

By N,,illc l.cwls . When talks _turn to _this )'car·~ cc:ttmony. there 1s hnlc, ,r any d b Academy Aw;:a d s th.11 FtJrrt'rr Lhc sul'(lnSC h11 movic-iif 1994 ' w, incvnably donunti'~ con,"CtSJllons. Thu is hardly ;:a i urpnsc to he ~ t~rillcd hy Tom Hank.~ aw~ d.~~ 3ny v1cw(rs who ,n the lJtk roh:. However, as this . , nnmg pc1forn 1:inc:c



Gwmp h3S probAbly delivered thi~c;; ; ~~.~1lm. Fnr, , u not v.hcre you come from but wh • rs •"QI lts."On: h i."' As the lll1c ch::11.:1.c1er demons~~ you end Ufl.

wioning the race. H is that pcrsc led. 11 is not 11II about the road 1.\ seldom easy. Too ofic:vcrancc counts. In ltfc uphill climh 8u1 never mind th; ~~15 a &n1clling. MccP lhc '>Clhacks or 1hc hurtl)cs. 311 ll tJkcs is a'sin •le on . h ne\·cr hurts m try. Fodu rc 1s a possihilit 1\ sausf:ic,ion in :u least knowmr ,h UI isn't lhcrc some 31 an ertnn ha~ hccn rna<fe'> Suppose 11 wasn't? On 1hc other h:ind. wh:u ,f th:u p0t of gold " This ccr~inly wil c crro,, turns out 10 he 3 ror as the saying goes Rnolhing ocour.igc Other a1ti:mpL~ JU5t ask the: Tom H:inks character succeeds like $ucccss." From binh, Forres, Gump w~ hc.\c t wuh jui1 ahout e,-c:ry :ul mcnt and shoncomin • dcfcc11vc lcp. social rctardat~o~~~~intlc including Ycl he was always 1here makin 1 • s Owed ,"-J)I.--Cch. A]1hough the fim!.hing line was 31 g his con1 n hutmn nc,·er an Ralso -ran .. Gump · wan reac hed. he was e\·erything. Like him, honor a:dasrc~c dwhcrc and did :ir seemed JU"-1 a.s obsequious. . Fmm a humble ~tan, one c:in alw beighL,. This message should not he: lo ay1, 3Ham i;rc.:it 00. Mudcnts. but rather :idapttd to their daily h vcs.


Thorpe Grint r, j unior ~1~ntor: · Marco VJn Da.~ton, es In)' fo vonte , rn..-~·cr play1;,1•

Mau Mcl , morr, senior Roh.- Model · M y unde McMunry Why? 1-fo :a1'11l11y to wntl' al\out wh31 h..: know~ ~Ion: lhun that 1s thal he hai,.n'I (:\'Cr forcllth.' O where he came from Hc·s

\'Cry consc1oui. and cann~ ahou1 hu f.imdy Joi.I the town he ~rc.•w up in dcspllc h1~ fomt" ·

model. From the mr1ml·n1 I mc1 her a),, :In 1momin~ frcshm.1n there has ne"cr ~en a da)' I hJvcn't ~ en IK-r show J:Cnu1 nc concern Jn\J c.m.: for cad ),,llxknt thlt ha\ w.ilkcd i1110 her u ffict

Campus Voices photos and interviews by Kristen Walther


whether they arc students at Midwe5icrn S~~ ~f~1 :~~~ a.s opposed to Y:ilc or H11rva!d ~ n,vcr,nic.s. The ·,/

Y However. ~hat guar:in1ccs lh:1.t UflOn J;rJdu"~~ns~~~i:Lt. best at what the" do • ., 1 1 " ~My~ , -~ There 1s no kno wn surdin:. formula r bc:.s_idcs_hunJwork 3nd detcrmin:nion. [( studc:~ :~~~ ~~m~~~~n hem~ :ii the !Op, ihc top definitely will n01

Pam 8 111ilry. junior Mento r · · 1 1h111k Lc ~lcl· Ph1ll11h ,~ .in 1111..·n:d1t,lc rok

lnt;l>C schools do set high pnoruie.~ for th . students w,11 he the

. A case ~n point 1s. USA T{l(/.a>• ncw.sp:ipcr namin , M1dwc.stcm s own Je n nan Ghau) :imong 1hc top \IUdcn~ 1n lhc n:iuon Al!hou~h only rccc.1,·1ng honorJhlc m~·nt1on ti9nors for 1t\ A ll USA Collci;c Team." the aw:trd ~:; :~::;ck~~~i~n~istinc1ion :and is n sun: c.3Uk for

Ma rl)' Milclu: 11. su11homo~ Mc n1o r: - 11 ca1h Shuler

Ghaz.11 was one of five stude nts in Texas and one of

Where 1herc 1s sn:ioke. there mus1 be 3 fi n:. ff one MSU student can do 1t. thcrtis sun: to be 01hcr Jcn'n:in Gh:,,;r,:il on cam us.



J4 H)Tarr DlvJ. P.O. Box 160. WIChit."I F.llb., TX 76308 New>dc.., k: 68<>-4704 Advcrti\:UII Jo.t.: ~ 1'47()5 M11,ll lo)J luJfltlult &/ilor Nrws ) 01Mtluu1 Dmd1

Rtl~Malott• Adviwr

Sf"'•111£4/irm J nwn Fflirc-1,i lJ Cr,111h,c A.,r111 Mrli.u n S 1111irnn

MUJ,r Rrnrn,, T1akri1 £)'u rn,Buttt1rd lfurtnult

.~afl RrtJcJr,r,.t

N• nll• lr,,ls A.IMl'(",ar,.£d,10, Opu1.1mVFtorure Jrrsott T•t'lltr Adva1,1,,,, M1111oxrr f}(in,/lawtlttr A1 l't1Ut1/(lfll /)t"tl ff / ./lN' f ttlU

Enrrr1111Mlf't1t l;il1ror

J ru m1 Klnrt latt Alhrrll\tttJ Rrprt ft'IIM1\'f'

Krul&'tt ll'a/lhu Pl10,0Gro11l1n

J,,,,,.,, U'1nlrn1H II G1,i.-111I Rr11m1rr

.11,inlu wNidt<,u Spum Rrpnt1u

Eric.'M/ (u, 1,l11f1t111 ,\f(l,i,1~n

1,,·"~in .lt,y,r c, ,, 1,lllr1t1t1A.f1t11fl,rt

Slupid •

etters to the Editor

uc" or= r=ocus n,a15TERINE

Student cites Wichita n's error, asks for correction and more accuracy Editor,

·r h► w,c:hu.m 1\\ 1Juld hJ,·c

Last wed 's cd111on or i.uggcstcd more cow r.ige of Tbs: W1chuan contained a lhc COnlrO\'Cn:11 I.S\ues lhat picture of me wnh my name spelled mcorrcc1ly and :i quote that was 31lnbutcd to me. however. I wo.s mis•

quoLCc.J. To be cornrlc1ly ac• curate thal picture was from

::iffcct lhc entire -.1udl·nt body. Al'iO, I \l,OU!d !'ill},:j;C.:,t u.smi lc)s 'ip::icc for revu:ws of ITIO\ 1c, and :ilhums I think m(li.l of lhc'-C articles :!re informative. bu1 1( our pJpcr can only he four pJgc, long other 1op1..:s about our univ~rs11y s hould have

a few weeks ago wht•n I wa'i asked what I 1houi:,h1 aOOut liucr on our campus I rc.1111,c th.ti 1h1!. w:as pn1mty I h::ivl! never h:id 3, proOObly an hone.,1 m1.stJkc. howc:.vcr. I do nm :.pprcc1:uc prohkm \.I.1th The \\'id111w bcint lnl)(jUOlcd, The quote hcforc. m fJct I ha\c .... nucn which Jppc:ircd unJcr my for the f!J("Cr m the pJ,1 All p1c1urc was onr-~idcd. Mm· I a.d,, 1, 1h.11 J he w,cturao pit• :ind no1h1nJ_: I would C\'cr chedc to mJkc sure 111lor• m::i11on I\ :l('CUrJIC hcforc 11 say. If you hJd :t\ kt•d rnc whJI 1~ pnmcd I 1ho Ul!hl woulLI unr rn\'C 51cfon1c Curmll

Endorsement for SGA presidential candidate as election nears Dc::ir

Jtnttif" laffdr11m Aihv,11J111,f Rrfllt'Jt''lfnf'

he's ma.kine money jus1 hcmg

quan crb:.d: who h vc.~ :a chriSllJn lilc., tylc 1n l-pllc Of many 3d\·crs..itu:s ..

60 from acrO)S the nation tha1 w:is so honon:d Sh Id . ~ Ivy Leaguers with their "supcrion 1yRh:av~ fi l~~ t~ ~

c list of honorees'> Fr,rrrst G11mp hccame a major blockbu.\ tcr wh J ~h~~I bcc:ime an odds.beater hcc3usc they were willi~~

D:miel Min, junior Mcnior: • Jim Carrey because

bccaus..· hc'i,. :a smooth young


I lhmk t~ chime 1, dc;u 14,r SG,\ r ~~ldc:nt J \\' Ju5. lice lsn'1 II tlml' Im !<,lllTIC 1 JL STlCE m thi.: SGA"

l am ,\nt111t; m rc~:ud!<> ICJ 1hc upcomm~ ckctinns , I 1hink 11 1s nccc\\al)' 10 porn1 OUI lhc bcM pn·Mdcn11a.l can• dldatc ,n the f1dd. J W. Justkc . Mr JuqllC' prom1!-C~ 10 watch out for lhl· 'ilUdcnts in1i:n.:su hy upt·111n~ the SG,\ up 10 rcpulJ1 )IUdcnl p.m1c1pJ 11on. It ,._ h1i; 1.'.Clnh! nlton lhJ t JO open sll1~ n1 f!Ovcmml·nt C.Jn Ol!st 'l.l·rvc 1hc ,1udl·n1 t--ody. He Jl,f• rn)m1M."S II'\ lr..c cp Jn c:yc on th.: ~111lr..\111n: somi:thin~ all .s1udcn1s "vuld hi! £fltcful for 8.:,1 f•f 11.II he ..., 111 try 10 ~cl more ~ho\Jr.h1p, l,>1 th(· Slut.lent,. Wi; ;i 11 nc~·d hdr m ~ell in~ 1hrou~h ,i.:h1wl Jnd th1,

L:1s1 week in the Campus Vmccs scc110n The \V1d1tJn prinlcd an incorrect 4uo1r under the pho tn of Stcl :inu: C1rro ll. We n::i;rct uny proh•

would htlp us m:iy ha,·c.: c:i;

LACI\ Of fOCUS ~u~r 1'1EN Soll~i-t ST'E~ OM A ~HI) MIME .

Gahud \\' Br,N Icy

Correcti on

i ii 0

TI1urs<l• , M•n:h

Pa •c -i

~o. 1995

Rugby team wins Team Arrow places third game in a row first in team trials Shannon MIii\

Sporn k tporlf'r Aller a J1'4r!'•tnl in1t f.JII

~..a.son, dlr M 1J"""'"'ll"IO


lln1\'c r\1t y rn~hv h·,m ho1, tx1um.' l"'d ha.. i. w11h thrl'c." con• k '('UII\'\' \ h,:h)n c:s h l lipl' O 1hc

19')S ~r ri n~ ,,,: hcJull· lnc lnd1.111, .in: tx•111.: kd Duq, 2 i:r:rd u .11c \IUJc nt llllOl'r in ,.,: 1,n n ~ t'I) f)\\ :&)'IIC

m:, ,on nj.! 1n k1nc~1oloiy ,\

n.11tvC' l ll Myn k- P\.11111. On: . DuCfi' ,., " h:i,:i. ,1,nJ the k.1d• lni! "-'orer fnr thr tc:rm w i1h fi w tnt'\

Two 11( the ,1t ht· r t'-Jl k 11;

~nd k•,1Je1~ ,11 1tw :m· fro m W u.· h 11,1 I-all~ G.11')

G11-..sclt· ·:l 1un1nr m,11nnnc. 1n psyt. h1,h1~y .1nJ R,,n DrJe:~,'lO~1,1l~1~y.

· .t St'Olt)r M lJOnni; Ill

have play,•d ru~h)' lflr

l i h!

)'t"3f.. C3l h

Go~"l"ll :ittc nJt"d R,Jc r l11 ~h Sc hc1o l wh tk Or.i~ Oll we nt h1 \\'11..h,t.i Falh H 1~h l'>r.igoo W.LS a ha~ball player dunng h1i;h e;c hool 3nd sl i d he g ot tntC'I rn,-hy t'lc..·.1u~ 1t Wl~ tntr:n-ii;tini; JnJ 1n1n gutn~ .

l.3q \ ('lrtn~. thi! rul,'.by

tc.:un ~ n:"l'('!rd wa..i IO-tl- 1 and \\·llh l 5-.l iJll rl·cnn.J. DrJgoo s :ud 11 w::,,.s l d 1s apro m tmg fall ~ .1-.nn for 1h1.: tc.Jm Otha d1"-!pp.1mtmcn1s for

lh<.· rughy lnd1:111, were when 1h,:y Jo,;,1 thei r d ut-i <1:pcm .,,or-

~h1p fro m the ~tSU. which c.:.usc..,, lhc athlclC', 1n ray for all their liw n cx nc-n,l· ., The C\:pca ~, uu.luJ c.,, uniforms.

N l· ,1. thf h'J nl 11f 1,11 . , 1r.1h·kJ u• l..t,\ h>n to l' 1111 thl· I 1} 11 ~,II Gunnl·, .. AF,.un.

the J11J1JO\

V.Cll' \"ICltl llllll'

w11h a ~tJ I "> \\ 111 f h,: n m1 ~h.nh J , ttw tl'.tm trJ, ckJ 111 l>cninn 11, 13~\· o n Nn11h T ,•, :a\ Un1,c1·., 11y m \\hh. h lh~ lnd1.1n1: C,lllll' h1•llh.' w11h :i l1IJh 1J1•d Vl( h lry hy lhl' S\ "1' 1\'

nf (1_l ' ·1he M ~ ll rul!h)' lt:Jm wi ll (llay 1L, hN h<1111c !!,Jm1• on ,\ pnl 22 ,11 the fldd ..i~J m, t Nnrth Tcu" TI'M..· lnd1.11h d 11 m il pl.t) in J Li"ll1.•i:1ah.: c,,nfrrcncl'. hu1 llu r omr,ctl! 1n thc nJ t11,n.1I J~so1.1atc d l\1S11.)ll Th1) I\::,, div,. ~hm m wllli.. h 1he n1ghy lnJ1.111, 1.:m rlJ y :ii;Jm , 1 :m y tc Jm\ t rom 1hc m,: n') :inJ colki;1:itc d1, 1$1,ln~ Or.1i;,i..1 " the c:l['tJlll <ti

J o n111han l.lrath· S1,orl" Ed itor ·

l \Jl/1 ,\ rtun \.\ Ill h.,· lh\ hn,1 h ,1 ,I 1.,1llq,! 1.11t· 1,.llh'l1.

r \\'(l lll\." lll t-....-1, ol ~l\ l ', qd1n~ k'Jlll , T1•,1m Awl\\ w 1111 l 1r\ 1 pl.1 ..1· 111 I \.\ ,1 l\'JIII 1111w tnal, on ~t.ud1 ~, .inJ U1 A l~•rt 1 VJ \\j\h.,/ .iml PJul

\Ill ,\ p11l 2 ,II I ii\' l h1ttl"I :,.. l kll ll u1t,lhtl r.1u .: 111u1 "-· ,n llnv. 11111" 11 \\ "· h11.1 I J ih fh1· tx·;:111, .u ~ J 111 1,11 \1,.ull !\ul'l"I. \\h1 1c 11 ,, 111 .1h1• h n

h",llll 11 1.11 lq:1 .111· C:)\liO!! ( \ ,111t.:r.:n1.1•. v.h, .. h tnlliuk, u m, ..:1, 1111.: ,

J l ::,, l'\.\ O m .m

MJnh 25 .11 St•uthv.c,1 Tn,1' S ra1c lln1,T 1, 11y 1n '\.1 n MJo:11, , T,'AJ\ C'hn~ R1111.1n a nd Ami A " J ) J~ ' '- 1.' rl'

~~~~~- f~~~'-"1} ~;~

~~!:~Ji;~! 1 ;


s,on In thl" C'AT

-n- 111,·n -.

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