"COtnedy" is a hit
Men's basketball wins big
Spring Break
Volume 73, Number 18
News~ Briefsw fflEARTS Eliubc1h A. Yaro,x
~ or •n. " exh1b11 •
'"I het "'•ten:olor "The !,hn:lllold or Chance· in .c Otea1 Pl111a NahonaJ • the Mo.s-Thoms Gallery or Art, Fort Hays sia,e Uruvcnny !~ Hoy,, Kan. Tht ~ompcutive uhlb,uon c<>nlinues lhrough March 2-4.
Aru>t Rabb,e Barber will speak Man:h 29 a, I p.m 1n the Un1VCf!11y An pllety. "Down Cr«p1nc; an •rtwork by •rt professor Richard AJh, has bee,, l)llr• chased and will become pan o( lh< pcnn,ncn, col-
lection of Fon Hays S1a1c Univcm1y, luys, Kan.
CAMPUS EVl!NTS The S1uden1 Govtm• rnenl N,SOC1ation mceu.ni
w ill be held 1onighl at 6 p.m In lhe CSC lhcaier,
The English Us,,o cum. 11 requirement !or a,aduauan, will be oITerul March 9-10 and Man:h 20· 25 11 1:30 pm. on Business Admin1s1r1uon Annex room 102 ond Mon:h 28 01 1 p.m. in l·brd1n Adm1nlSualion hlulding. A scrccnins lntcrv1cw will be held Morch 27 for ,wdcnts 5CC.kin& admw,on to tachcr cduc.iuon. Stu•
dcnlS muM hove C<Wnp~ed 4$ hours and returned a
.Asned appli.:adon to the
ICICher cdUC&hOO procnam. The next antic1p3te.d mtet• view will be held 1n Octol>er. TIie AnLSl Lcc1ure st-
nes eomm1uu will be JC• lecung membeu for the 1995-1996 3Cndcmic yeor Apphcations can be picked up in the dean of s1udcnLS office CSC I I6 Deodhne LS M•r<h 31
ACHIEVEMENTS M>OC1a1e prn(essor or
Classes cut to help fund new master's program
Timbtrly Eys.scn StaffWriltr The numhcr of summer cl3~scs offered 1n health sc1encc;s h3.ve suyed the S4ffle, while other divLc.1on's summl!r cbssa h:lvc decreased. Why'f It u a ,omphc:ucd .SllUlllOn uys Jc.SSC Rogers. \'ice prc.sidcnl for aca~mic affairs. Rogers .uid list ycats summer school hudgcl wu $630,000, lhc 1ar,cs1 1n IO years. But MSU's summer a, . rollmen1 decreued by 1 pcrcen1. This means MSU Josi money. According 10 Roecrs. the Texas le~~laturc 1old MSU some services usually provided for would be cut thiJ year bccau.se of the overscheduled summer terms. This decision !di MSU cov · Legislation could mean tuition Increase~. ering the bill: MSU was left approximately SI milhon shon from ns operating hudgc1 for I.his year, said Ro1,-cB. The openlm& budget ~~~Pri11Ct million every year by mclud~ facuhy •.naff :,,nd awlNin& acadcnuc waivers stutkn1 :1ssistan1 salllfics. It So rtporttr '"'" metnben of the lO - - - ~ tlhtdenu. Ed _.., lftdude. openling COMt MSU fac~lty . arr bauling a Martin. legal 1sslsuan1 10 such .as i:ompuccr and copy Texas legisli;tJvc proposal to rcprexntalivc Mowery. Jaid paper. MSU only hod• sm:oll sto p i:nnllna academic the bill is ·simply to S3VC monc1ary reserve to usc for scholuships lo n~n-1\!stdcnl 1hc u.x payers money. Each summer dasses. students attendmJ natc year, many non-rcsidcn1 Through 311 thl: ,uthad~. colic~ ind univcfllues. graduates lc;ave the slllC 81II HB 1146 u without making any proposed by Texas SUitc significant cont.rihuuon to Rcprcscntat1 ve Anna the s tate. I see no rcaso·n Mowery (R). The hill is why the state should presented as an amcndmcn1 subsidize 1hcse people's to the Texas Education Code edua11on. ~ Shannon M Iiis 54.064, a 198_9 law which Janus Buss~ MSU Reporter :i.llows non-rc.s1dcn1s1udcn1J director of publi c Chri~ Rnnlln and Paul 10 compete w11h students of mform:uion, said 1he idea Read. MSU sophomores. arc Texas for academic tha t schools are los ing not only roomma.1cs and .schol;irsh!ps. . money hy awarding aca- 1c4rnmatcs. hut they usu11.lly Rcacoons to 1hc bill by demic waivers to non-rcsi- cross the finish line l<>&clhet MSU fac_ul.ty h3.S hecn quick dent 11udcnlS is '"abwrd." durins a cycling event riding and decmvc. A aro~p of Ouu said, "If you minus (or Team Arrow, Ille MSU concerned professors s1~ academic scholarships from cycling IC.Ull. and forwarded a pct111on non-rcaidcnt students. then Ron1n and Read are the p~otcsho& the bdl., Dirt H. rou ~inu.s the only rco.l current leaders in the Sou1h Lindemann. af,,SOCl:llc pro- inccnuvc 1ha1 btini:s the Central Collegiate Cyclin; fossor of hmory ~id. "Such students in the fiut pl:acc. Co nference ea,ceory A a move i& <.:()unccrproducuvc 1he&c compctiiivc ~mic foUowing fall compcti110n. 10 cuhural di\'crsity :iucmpts schol1tsh1p help boost Ronan is I n:-itivt of on campu$. This move will enrollment 11 MSU and als-0 Dallas where he auendcd kill M5U's 1ntcrna11onal cncoura,e good students lo Coppell Hi,h School. There program 3nd I can see no come here: he competed in cro~ coumry good in d11ing 1h:a1 • MSU president. Louis running. He s:ud he h;a..s According to a rcr,<m Rodriguu said he is wonicd bccA cycling for 3hout four hy the Stile's Higher hv the bill!-RodriJue7 said years. Ron:rn got mto the spon by using c:ychng J~ 11
Faculty protests
recently awarded the I994 Americ•n Journol of Nur>,ng Book of lhe Year awonl for her roccn~y pub• lished 1oxibook ' GeronlO· logical Nurs,n&,• S1.1nley's book W4.\ selected BS the year's mosl ouu1and1ng pubhcauun in the held of ae,on1nlogicl\l nursing.
' Cn:dh Union S•fe•y and Parent Or11niuuon Elllployrnent Si,b1li1y, an
anicle ewu1hon:d by Roy P. Paun, Jr. prolCSS<Jr of fi· ...,.. 11 MSU and Douglas McNeil of McN«se S1110 Univcr.s1Ly will be pu_b· lillled ill I (onh<Mllftl LS· 11c: ,>f 1he Journal of Fi· _.ill and S1n1<gi< Dec•· lloo Makin&,
MSU"s dun:11orc. 10 1hi: health sciences d1\'1, 1l1n includc:s: The Wilson fc,unda• tion, The Bridwell founda · tion. The Pnddy FoundJhon, pror;;;t~d ~~~d~ ::eR'!f:~c. Wichita, Gcncr:al Hosp1tJI. Bc1hani3 Rcg1on11I Hc;ilth lci1sla1un: for the: money bl.:· c.2UJC of .2 highc:r numhc:r of Care Center Jnd mhc:r pnv:111.: donoo. students enrolled in lhl! health Ro~crs s..11d Lillian W;,rsc:;ence..c;; pmgr.ims. Coinc1dcntaHy, for :in ap- 1ng. dm.-ctM of 1hc hc:tllh proval of .2 master's pmgrJm, c;;c1i;nccs d1vm on of MS U th ree financial conditions St.:I needed some course.-. offered by the Tex:is coord1na11ng m the summer 10 keep some board were ohtamcd b)' s1udcnts in set{UC:nct with !ht= nuuing and r.1diolog1cJI pro • MSU First MSU cu1 funds gr:ams Rogc:rs s.;mJ Wann f: from 01her d1vis.ions to show decided 10 take s11mc of thL· MSU ~ helping 10 i.tan the .1llon~:d :1rpropn:it1on money 10 restore the S(!quc ncc tu new prugrum. Second. the s1:ue lcg1slJ- help the: stuck.nL-. W:mng saJd Tcit:ac. ~ w J 1urc appro\'cd 1he state 1 shortai:e m the numhcr r,f 0 app~d~ ~rccs nursing faculty, which 1s why conmhutcd mone y for 1hc Texas 1s now providing more m:mcr's pr<,gr.i.m money 10 un1vers111c~ ,,rforAno1her guicklinc when in& nursini: cl:l55CS. "The dollar pl!r Mudcnl bcginninG 3 m;a.sh.:r's pro&Dm 1s the school cannot use the Sia.IC g1,·es U.!o for he.1!tli rei:ul.1r :1pprnpri.11ed m oney science 1s ,•cry lari:c ,·flm • 10 be&in :a new program. The pared to chcmlSlry. ~c;-o,chor,1 fflUS' ,un the first five , nm1c:c . ma.ss comm. or yeus of 1hc progrim wuh cduc111on, $.lid Rogers It's one, or :a comhimn1on of, thi; probably twice as much. or lhrce guidelines. MSLI used even mnn: in nursm~ all thrc-c to obto11n the money See Classes page 3 fmm the: leg1sl:uurc 1he nuBing JnJ rad1oh,gu:al science progrJms s111nmc;r tla.sses rcm:aincJ 1hc .SJmL' bec:ause of a ~pcc1a.l 11:uc up·
Team Arrow...
Teammates share top ranking
See Bill page 3
College Bowl terun takes second place
nvrsm1 Mickty Sumley
Thursday, March 9,1995
J ames Winham JI Slaff Writer Tying Rice Univcrslly for first place, MSU's Collcac Bowl team c.1med mp three s1a1us at 1hc Academic Co mpc1i1ion Federation toum:imcnt. lbc ACF tournament took plucc at the Univers ity nf Oklahom:1 in Norman. Oklahom:i list S:11urday MSL' ranked in the cop three of lh<! .'iCVt"n tc:ams th:1t p:1nicipJtcd 1n th9
toum:unc:nt MSU play,:d C\'c.'.ry tt·am in doublt U""IUnd-rut-m fashion MSU t,cat Tc,:is ~·hn ~11an Univi;rs it). Wu:htia S1:llc lJn.-vcr.'iily. Uni vc:rs11y 1Jf Mi~s,.:,un a l Rulll. :ind Atk.:insa-. ~IJIL' Un1\cr-,11y a1 f :1;ycnc;villt! J II 1w\, umcs
cx h. MSU hc:it Tc;xa.s A&M and Rkc Univcr,i1y one tim< c:ich, said Samuel Wa tson. :idvlJOr or the MSU ic-am. By the end of the tou rnament.. MSU oed Ru..'C
~~~~~ ~fJ•p!~~~n~l~~
The tie bn::aker consiltcd or
~1tts8u'~:! :/::. and
~~f~of}o~nr~~:.h,~caa~ said he enjoyed thC' sport $0 much 1ha1 he con11n ucd cytllng. and competing 111 the
cluh level. The spon was not offered .:it his high sc.hool. AJ the numhc:r one seed ,n the conference. heading in10 sprini:: compc1i1ion Ron:in ~ id he is cyclinB well but w.1nts 10 regain the peak performance he h:id m 199:? A na.tive of Seattle:. W.:i.sh.• Rc:id h:i.s hccn i;yclm~ for six years for club learns Like Ron.1n. the spnn was not offered :11 1hc high school lc\·cl. Re.ad SJ1d hi; got Jn c1:11rly s1art in the >port because his fothcr has hccn tompctin1: m cychn~ for Mer 20 yc;irs. At a young :igc, Read wJs able tc> compete for his 1unior high duh tc:am which hdp:d him ge1 his fool m the door of the .'i port of cyc;mg. Read said Ile I.lo 1ryin& 10 J.djust to the .'ii"luthcrn wc.1t hc r co n d It io n~ d u r i n~ ..:ompc1ilions Jnd 1rainin&. H~ mo\'cd to Teit:L) m Auiust.
--~ -
._,5.! .
.~ &;jj
MSU lintsik:d m 1hc top three and qualifitd MSU 10
advancC' 10 the n31ion:il ACF co ~ ~ ~s
As compani cms. Rr,n3n and R'-·ad sc,-m inscp:1nhlc on the bikes and in their every da y 1:11e11v111es. The Team Arrow 1r:11ns on WedncMJ111ys, S:a1urd.1ys ,ind Sundays. Read :and Rona n usually train together during the rem:1ining four da.ys. Durint their training. !hey push each other 1ow.1rd excellence. :1ccordrng 10 Read. The two ride an aver:igc of 300-450 miles (:.l(:h week, Read Added. Read also said 1hcy arc cum:ntly following 3 1r:un1ng proi;ram that was .set up hy the US Olympic coach m Color.ido. This proiram 1s paying gre:it dividends for the m, according 10 Read. Both feel they arc now m excellent physical cnnd111on With 1h1c;; cond111oning and dcdic:itmn. hoth ~:11d lhcy ~re lnokm~ forward in ~pnng comix•1i11on.
stt ~t!:~1su
1i=:un ,.wre Mike M:ahurm. M1ch:icl Koofcr. Kim Roe:. J nd Chris H3rtman. "The 1t :1m did ~Hy well. Sprir,~ Bruk They bc:al Rice Univcr~ity <m one ma11.h) - you ~:an'1:ask for more 1h:11n tha1. c.:1,1~ M SU's Dtnlw Pittman takrs 011 t•o dtrrn~I~, WaL«m i...:'•=•=al::!IISl ~ W~est!!r~m .:!..!:N~ •w ~~~t~u~k:!'.o~S1~•~i.:;.Stt~ · '..;'~ ' '!'.:"l!_1:P•!!,••~•~· -_J ... ~ ~ , . . . . -
-~ t~;if;
Thursdav March 9, 1995
ntt 1fichitan
MSU Theater Dept. presents Alternat ive group The The the bard's Comedy of Errors reprises Hank Willi~~~,: ~~" :
Oy Dr-::r n Lawttnft Entt rl:tinmcnt Editor \ l~L; 1hcatn Jm_,ducuon \.I f Shakc,;,pcarc1- ~ 0;\mnb r,f EITPT'• ".l:,, a fine prc-.cnt.uinn. \I.ell wonh tlw ttmc 11p . .· n1 , cc 1ng 1l.
Authen, ...'., 1,:cnJml:-, v.11! ~ 111 thl' n'lJrkc t l11r mure of th...· same 111 the nt.!a_r l ullln:. Cvs1ume.,;, 1r nm opulent, were fully reprC!,Cnlat1vc of 1hr rcnod, and 1'0mc ()I thl· cast memh ...· rs actuall y m:inai!l'd f;mly l'lcl tcvahk English aec...·nts. Tot.• ~ts were 1mpre~,,,1,•e. hut hen: w:i.s one m1n~,r prnhlcm· ~omc C\f the :icunn (n,ll mlll:h, Jdmmcdly) lllOk place in a .h1w spot hch1nd the main pom ons <'f the set Jnd was lhu~ hidden frof!' those mcmhers or 1he audience that sat in 1hc bouom scc1ions near the front of thl• lhcatcr. Fortun:uely no1hmi; went on then.: th.it was critical to under,.,,,andms ~ht: plo1. hul it was a ~It annoymf!,. Supcrhly d1re...:1...-.c.1_by Ron F13Ch\i. assoc1all' prolcssor \l f theater. this comical. almost farc ical. .Elin hcthl n pl~y ca,:oe lo life m . an Cnt:rget1c cnJoyahk:. and 10 some ways non-trad111on::i1 p.-csenlation. All !he clemcn1s m the play wo rked .:as Sha kespeare intcnde~ . Eli_,a hc th a n ...:omcdy 1s fu ll 01 pun~. hut th~se players added an ong1ung scnes of sight gag~ that kepi the ac11on movmi; and ~nlivcncd a difficult scn pL T he cast inc lude d Michacl Chnstian Huftile and Eric Bailey as lhe twin Anti holuscs and Grc or
Jone),, and Ru.:kt.')· llngut.' a~ lht.· Oromios. Ah1) fca1urcd wt.·r~· M,chdk PJ Jgc11 a~ ;\ dr1a11a , S1.1t't.')' Pavht.·a :1, Lut.'13na.. ShJ" 11 Duthk- a:,
Ei;con. David WaJII,. JS thr Duke . K...•lly Samohyl a:Em1 ha the Pri0r...·ss, aiHI LJ1an1:1 8 \lCtJUin as ih...Cou~csan. S:irJ Flippo wa., a particularly eni;ag1n~ 1f not wholly traditional jcsh.:r/strcct player tha1 func\1oncd as t1mekec[k'r. a momtor or thl' fate.\ , and the visiblc/iO\·isihlc rtprescntative of the spirit world that was supposed to exist in Ephesus at the timt.:. ·n.c plot twists and turns. An tipholus of Syracuse comes to Ephesus in search of his 1win brother from whom he was ~ par:ited during childhood Little docs he know 1hat h1~ twin (also named Antipholus) liveJ in Ephesus and that his scrv:i.nt. Dromio. is also twin to Ant1phol us or _ Syracus...•'s servant. who 1s also named Dromio. A series of mistakcn identities then occurs thJt fonn the comic aciion of the rest or the play. Finall y Egcon, an old Syracusian merchanl recognizes 1he boys as his long 10s1 children and the Prioress in quite a touching scene, re1;ogni1.cs Egeon as her long lost hushand. Now. if all this seems just a bit too coinddt'nla\ tu be bdievable. 1ht viewer mu:,1 rc:1li1.c 1hat such is the nature of farce -- that the Eli1Jbclhan audicocc (and so. the modem audience) was 3sk...·d to take vin uoll an •thm nu
mJ1t~·r how unhcl1c,,1hlt: . .11pm,,1bk. ~1nhh other farces ,if th~ pmo~I. h \)Wt.'\W, ~
C11nll'dY 1"'f Eams nSt"sahovc rure fare~ m th1.: W3 ) that 11 (k:ib w11h scp:i.1a1i.111 ,ind un f'l.'OdmgJcJth. Thl.'pllyend,. not fJr\°1CJl\y, hul (}£'1CllC:llly. v. 11h a H'n,t.: nf r...-shirat111n, n:um11n. Jnd 111y. Th..,·re was sadne,s. too. ~s J r;cmTing n:mrndcr of E~l'.'11n s fall' he was scmcm:c.:d hy the Duke lo Ju: bccauSI.! he was SyrJcus1an and 1herL'IC1re an enemy o Ephl·.~u.s-- :rnd the stn:ct player ...-amc Mto the st:a~e. the street player adv:mcmg lhe hand:- nf the clock on the clock tower. '!larking the hours u\l E~l'ons doom. and Egcon ~hurning__ ti redly. hopl'lc-.,ly . aw:uting hi e. death. Rarely dOt.!s an audience gc1 the Ol'Pl111unity tu au.end a Shakcspcart.: play. A "thank you" 1s due the M ~U theater dcpartml.'nl for m:i.ktni; lhe effort 10 present it without c,c ten~1\'e abndgmg and mod• em11.1n .
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iut s1ylc of ~ ·\·cn doc~ avcrTh_:-..The. c~·s Tc.:ar in My sillfl tll 1:11,n: 3 ofl-spoken Bi.:cr· wi lh ~- ks,., ui, with 1n1ro 1~:i.t r ,.nd 4 deep harmo nic a 3 sporadic hass. •nJs with ~I The alhum m Y ou " Can't Escape il~olondine;s which reeks ~ wails in 1hc as the harmoniui11 backgn1und. • . me interThe 1:hc doc_.stlWilliams' esting things ":11 • er notes songs and t~C , h~ Panky~ romisc that H~n Y rics of fs only thl' lirsl in ~~.,. ertribuies to song,Hitc fonners. I cnn hardly:: 10 s....-e who's neit. M~y . can learn m ore snn8s ihal m y r'Jndma sings.
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21/M Ho/1,doy W1eh1to Folh T1
More Hope 10 your hfc., Healing of a hurt in your life? A greater sLrenglh to live daily life?
C he au,n lfodds 10 the scornlClOk piano 3hC song..
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t,o.x. '."~a ·afi~ the honky-
Music Rcu cwer My grandmt11hcr h!\'CS Hank W1\~1Jms. Sr Shi.· sings his song~ in th..,• k11...·hcn \\'h1lc
Hollidoy--St. Flea l".arket
. m and fohn · C"intr 3 h~rmomu st.,n ~ vu,;ab.. • a Dahy tu ~l~You ~1_13'- • h:irmo· Ml.! include.~. ,01111 \:. ~lm , a nium thJI J; IH!'I t1~h·· g.1y she's ...-ooking.. she ) ings ~churchy~ ft· ...·I_. ;inc pfow whiles_ ~hc's driv1n~: she foh1Nln ~Jn~ ~ \ wa~ alsmgs h1s~o11gs all th1:111nc. and Mi lk ihl Cw ·i· a I, on the oih...~r h:ind. h:ave most J dow.nni;h~h(~M1~•. ~~s little: interest in singing Hank Long G\inc Dad Y ca1 d Wi\li:i.ms Sr.'s songs. But heavy powt'rru~ r~'!~~c.:: ~y now, alternative band The on the Pr\:llY\V~d · , .. Johnson The has rclea.(ed ::in alhum B.lucs From . aiun · ,, nd is strictly of Williams· rcka.~ s. h11s some hai;h 11_111c~ -~'lusii~ Th.:at makes these songs :,, lot h:ickcd only hy ·111 a, , · mon: intercsiing for me. gu1t;u. • us The alhum. c:1\kd "Hanky , ~,lme of the m~_rc fa-~~ _ Pank .. is definite\ micrc~l- W1Jhams ~ongs n;cord~, in.. ing. the The takes Y Willia~u· clu_dc "I Sa~·- the _Ligh~. old count son s and makes w~1~h 1s so d~llrn:~t tni in 1. ~ lh •m 'ft!Jlrycatlandqutrky vni;u1al vcr~mn 1hat 11 is al c · ' : mos~ unrecl,sn.11.ahh:.,. The " H T~c a~u~ . b::&ms dw•.th pulsing i;u11ar intro " 1th a on "'i .on in an its bluesy edi!C gives wa_y IO \wan3 y s uitar that act~all~ Johnson's "l'm-stuck-111-a· 1 1 ~ un. ~ ~m~s~~~n t~i.s. s ngcr d at . 'ddo s ccp :::~t~s ~~•c~~rs 50~t~a~,~~ aho th k k. , >' ~ on Y • n~ YAIUE . Si:\ More · ~•le~ is sadf and mournfol. Wllh its u:.e o •
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Page 3 Thursday, March 9, 199S
=;~);E}.~~~~~~~~~ fiMpusVoicE·s
Mass.ichuseus . The same SC growing :u We.Iden o ~s . a liv~d for two years and ~n~ where Henry David _in while he composed his A re_ cd for Truth and K rcau Hopefully, this spring, t~cncan !i1crature classic"Y{~lld~e from arou!ld the tree illld it wfu°~Ccllve tuhc will be rcmov d ro new heights.. _ :t.ve 3 chance 10 bud and rocw Thoreau wn1es th;u his . g ~ ... was not to live cheaply p:~rsc i_n going to Walden pond 1rans:ac1 some pri vate businc to 1vc _dearly there. but 10 compose ~ by studyin s\h H,s business was to woods_and ~is own life. He su~c c pond, its surroundin expton~g his priva1c p:iradisc ThCCdcd. After two years 0 from his cabrn to the pond: orcau wore a path directl students: the pnth to graduntfo shhre. However. for man; Thoreau s. n as not been as direct as _ _ For most ~tudc nts, next week' mm~te pause rn a Journey lhat al s spring break is but a outside the boundancs of time p ready seems to continue in the trnditional time alloued ·S ew who enter college finish the f~r-year plan have moved t 0 students who began on get dLSCouragcd--Knowledge como t c five-year plan. Do not So~ S.tUdents will rcmembc:S ~t the _expense of time. spent beside the gentle shores of M~s spnng as an end to time Tru_th has been realized. KnowJ~dwcs1em ~t3tc University. unlike Thoreau·s furrow from b~ge ob1amcd. However graduat_ion is one cu!"'e af!,Cr ano~:r.'n to shore. the path 1~ Bhnd turns hke hmitcd 1 . shonages and !ilition hikes go h:.;~.s offer~ngs, te xtbook Knowledge. Like a waUc. in Ule m-hand m the quest for themselves learning expcricn Woods. these obstacles arc negotiatio n skills, alternate ro~~s. These cu_rves enhance College students gain knowledge ( 1nd crea11ve financing. rom prof~rs and text as well as from the hip. Think.in core cl~ all students need. 1 on your feet 1s one of those Spnng should graduates use potenti3I. Malec s ure you me next. wcc.k to its fullest requirements. Read up on the •abet umversuy graduation for. Work on your resumes anJ r.:/ouoodare ali:nost qualified interviews. ag suu for all those Spring breakers spend your time ff fl . you are going to get through the rest of ~ re ccung on how on your reading, start your term a e sc_mcstcr. Catch up won't skip nnymore classes. P pers, convince yourself you Now is the time for rebinh and growth Some w·11 tnnSpl:m_t t~emselves to new environments. om;rs will 1 s~nger 1ns1d~ the protecti_vc tube. preparing for lhe da g~ will be ~ted .m a new environment, their SUl'\'ival de Yde on dctermm3tlon and naJ achievement. pen n
Where are you going for Spring Break?
Thomas Reed, sophomore He will soon be off and running to the chill and snow-capped hills of Angel Fire, N.M.
ner, freshman ownhill for Misti. be burning up her ngel Fire, N.M .
....... ,
resident and international students
:~::::i~. Js/J'an~°.Y:.: encourage good students to come here.·
MSU president, Louis Rodriguez said he is worried by the bill. Rodriguez said Larger institutions such as the Universities of Texas and Texas A&M are also
628, is intended to ensure
Rodriquez said he must admit however, "These are cough economic times for higher education and they will get even tougher.~ _ Jesse Rogers. vice preside nt fo r academic affairs, said given the 1igh1 economic situation 1hat the
hi1hcr cducarion bill faces. lhcrc maybe e noug h "'PP0rtcrs of rhis bill 10 ger ~t passed. Rogers a lso 1ndic:ued that another bill
Introduce d
rtp,..cntative Maxcy (D)
11,y result in Jess challenge ,to bill 1146. AccordinB to •og,rs, the new bill. HB
exemption from tuition fees ; ~ afl okl to all graduate students TV o,ogr.,,, employed as teaching ~~ ~~anoe. Ant assistants and assistants to ,s a.t-•Y m,m instructors at state colleges ~~ ~ .ko ~ and universities.. 11 LOolls arouno Rogers said since the 19 Mlt~ larger institutions are con- : ccmed mainly about protect- 2• c,,.,.,cn of'lloaJ ing the ir graduate assis• ~ ~KIIW lAntship programs they may Pl"90l'I not give strong opposition to 30 Maga.zi,w ,___ : :::_, bill 1146. The bill , if appro ved, NtVlll'ltl will go into immcdiue :
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new master's program in radiological technology ....... ,
" "
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w Soak 1hrouVh
15 su, .,...,
li~ :aoor :
Frank Schmidt, freshman He is looking forward to the surf and sun and may bring bac a tan from Padre Island. Tx.
Crystal Gee, sophomore She will be enjoying the ski slopes at Crested Butte, Co.
I ■"
" I"
~f!:=~ !~:~: ,:~:fT~~~ protect non-residentsludenLS :E-:-.... ~=:~:l~~nf:~lft; :!S:.. ..!'~~-.= 40
continue to receive academic waivers until they graduate o r until the fall of opposing the bill. Rodriguez 1997 , which ever comes said he opposes rhe bill for first According to Rodriquez.. two reasons. non-reside nt students make Firs!, it will he lp the up 6 percent of _MSU's state to save money. Less than 5 percent of stude.nts s tudent body wuh an arc non-residents. Accordmg additional 2 percent beina international students. On a to Rodriguez if you remove compar1tive basis, resident this 5 perce nt, the studcnu pay SS7S in tuition ins1itu1ions will require the for 12 credil hours same fac ult y size and fees while the fees for the same facilities. Rodriquez said the ho urs for a non-resident presence of no n•rcsident student will be about $2,22_8. students enhances and W ith an ac ad e mi c enriches campus life. Ro- scholarship the fees would driquez said the bill is counth groups be the same for bo terproductive to Texas ne w thrust towards a global econ• of srude
Kimberly Hill, junior She may j ust hit the jackpot in Las Vegas. Nv.
Bill could mean higher tuition' for nonJanu s Bu ss , M SU direct o r of publ ic informatio n, said the idea •hat schools are losing money by awarding aca• demic waivers to no n•re.sident stude nts is "absurd.• Buss said, "If you minus academic scholarships from non-resident stude nts. then you minus the only real incentive that bri ngs the students in the first place. These competitive a~demic
Dawn Abernathy, freshman She plans to have some fun in the sun on Padre Island, Tx.
"If we are effc:ctively able to handle the large number of students, it can generate so much income that we c:in put it into operating the resc of the university. There are a. lot of programs the state docs not give us enough money to opcrate because of high enroll ment and low cost is not
~ ~h:~~ks::t
how the university would hc:lp .:my
:~~~: ni~ of the shonagc of summer classes. Rogers S.Jid if the advisor was willing 10 ma.kt: a substi 1u1ion. 1he university would work With the SIU· dents. •1n cases where stu • dents were put in a hind for graduation, I'm gonna put the pressure righ1 hack on 1ht: advisors," said Rogers. T he spec ia l item appropriations fund is a pilrt ofh a appropriations hill. w ich is voted on hy hoth houses. The mont:y MSU re~ci;ed for 1hc next two years 1s or the "es1ahlishment of ~ astt:r's in,R~DJcienceand I e m:istcr s m ursing de• grcc~~t ~~fi'::;ko $75,0<Ml OUI
of a pool
aside for
summer classes. But MSU gor back $70,000 from surplus fund s fo r graduate
the original budget would
have been cut from $630,000 lo $500,000.
The money MSU re• ccived for Lhe ne~ master's "There is a hig student demand. That was the major consideralion. There is a waiting lis1 to enroll in nurs• ing :ind dental hygiene," said Rogers. Rogers said the main reasons for the cutbacks in summer classes was hccausc of lhe decline in summer school enrollme nt and 1he depletion of funds hy state
man~~~~ ~~71~i~h~~~~~-r of th~ division of humanities, saJd he tried to m:iximizc: his course offerings and minimize the 3fft:ct of the cuthack program will end after 1wo years. But Rogers said MSU has asked for the mo ney again. Rogers said he will know in June when the legislatu re votes on the appropriations bill if MSU will recei vt: the money. For th~ nursing and radiological science programs, MSU got $333,000 for each vear.
on students. Colhns said upper level studcnl fu nding and adjuncr courses were more affected by cuts. Collins said no gr-Jdfacuhy salaries. uation wil l he de l::iyed For cx:imph:. when a becaust: of the reduction in f I h acu ty mcm er quit mid- sumr.,er school classes. year, or when MSU hired a replacement teacher at a "'Students should not folower salary, the unused por- c us cr itic isms o n the lio n of the mork!y went h:1ck administra1ion. lhey should inro tho pool. focus their c riticisms on a Over the year, MSU was system that doesn't provide ::ible to pull $70.000 from this ~dc9ua_te funding for puhlic pool hy "1aking a Ii Ille here msutullon~.~ saiJ Rogers. and there from cenain de:· Ron Fischli, director of p::irlment.s." said Rogers. If lhc line ans division , s.iid no MSU had not heen a.hie to one reported prohk:ms with pull lhe $70,000, Rogers sa,d dcl3ycd gr.iduation.
Pah~ q
Thursday, March 9, 1995
National tournament bound ...
Indians take Huskies to the pound ClA~~mED~
Jonathan Brady Spnrts F.di1or
MSU 1, m:alrdn~ 1u third to 1hc NA.IA Na11onil I tiy runn1ni O\'Cr Boprist Huskies, 9S -79 in 1hc Southwest Rc}'.'1o n c hamrionsh1p$ Mt)nd:1y night. The lnd1:in, 19-10, h:1w won 11 gam~ 1~
,1ppl•arJn1.cDn oo1on 1 uurnam<."nt th<' Hou~ton
Th!! l·lus1rn:s r,ruvcd 10 be
playcu ~\·url·d in 1he double.., for the lndums ~(llou!,lun O:irusn IS a bcth.:r ot fc-nsi"c 1eam than Turkton, Hhc iirs r team thl· Indians focc.•d
1hc: playt•ffs)
hut doc~ rwt ha,·c- :i gn!al
pn.·•~sun: •t)'re dct'cn~ Even though we duln'1 sh oo! p;irt1(.· 11l0rly well, bt.-c.iusc: of m:iking ddc. nsct\u r turn overs, we were able to
a small w:ill for 1hc lnditl.M 10 chmh to n::.1ch their goal, five
put up poinL~.~ MSU l~Jch frff Ray ~id
Lady Indians knocked out in overtime, 89-85 J onathan Brady
SponsEdilor The Lady Indians (19-9) were k nocked out or the playoff race Saturday night hy two play.:rs Western New Mexico s Elena Shadnna. a 66 JUn1or. and Ekaterina CC!rdova. 1 S· l l sophomore. both from M oscow. logcthcr scored 61 of the Lady Mu51angs· 89 poin1s m 1he M-85 ovcnime decision. The game was kept close throughou1 the first h31f until n J •poin1cr by senior Stacy Franklin bcg3 n a 14-3 run th:u would put the Lady lnd1:ins up by IO. Then 1hc Lody Mus1angs t20-7) began to come l»ck on tht:. Lady Indians to finish the h.:;alf off only two poinu
The second half was kept
tight for the entire 20 mmu1cs with nc11hcr learn gelling
more th:rn a lhr.!c point lead with the half ending 75-75 bringing 1hc game into
Lcadinj! m ,rnnng rm 1he Indian~ w~, ) 11phom01c Oanu) Brnwn. "°hO h.td 21 point) m lhl• ,amc. E:1rly 1n 1hc !;Jffil". when thl" ~ on:: wis lll'tl 10- 10 Wllh I.$ '" ldt m the h.all . Brown pul up c 1ih1 p<nnt, m thl· IS- ' run Thi), ~a,·e th,· lnd1Jn, :i ,1rnng IL'Jd for the rc,1 r-1 the h:a1f "Oanus mot.le som,: good dcc1Sllln'i tnmgln. I le und I hull hNds ~omc1imcs ovl'f h1, dci:1~11,n\, but in a h1g. game, Oanus B rown c,lmei. 10 play," Ray said. Senior Rohen Rmg.o alw put on a incrc::d,hk pcr forn,11.nce with 1-4 points. 11 rebounds. s ix a.ss1~1s. and three steals <! r..ing 1he l!Jmc. Ringo playt"d longer than any player for MSU. hu1only had one mmovcr. ~,n my opinion Rohen is probQbly one or the be.st
New Mexico contolled th~ en1trc OT pcnnd with Sh:idnna scoring se,•cn of 1he 12 Lady Mu\lang pomts m the fin:il Western
led the Lady Indians with 21
points. Ocher Lady lnd,:ins with douhle figures in the pomL..; column w35 fre.\hman Jennifer Buller w11h IS. and seniors Stacy Franklin and Montea Maller wuh 12 .
the hcsl Jden,a·c- play1.:r in the rt"l:1nn N t 1\.to ;1tJJy , that's no1 glamorou,. Gu)'' dron't g:c1 much rcspcc1 fur 1t Bui he gcu a lot
rc-.pcCI from
me: Ray said Abo sconng m d11uhlcs wa.s scniur Hn:ln H1~h1ower wi1 h I I< po111t$.. .w n,or R\>denck May w11h 17 poinL\, and M!nior Kerry Br Jl!J;. with
l~~u~~l ~p to $5.00
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$ 1 00
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$ 4 00
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YOU have alwdys
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Casual Clot hing for
Tony Dic1rn1 /lo. and D,vid
Giv, tt,, Gift Qf t.if, by DQniltin~ PlilSfflil
j!JITil", the 12-2 in tirouJ hl thJI Husk1c::s run1he m.:tlc 3 "'' ilhin four ()l>1nts on scormi: hy seniors Shannon Holmes.
4¢ COPIES .!--- r:_7: ,. ,.J '
('jll h,r Jrr11111t111, 111 l·Jrn ur 1.. \t,0,hr) 1\\\1 U\'l'k,
e.O QtCl"I dal• 4/ ~/95
\t."Cond hair With 1-l.57 ldl
Pn:s,on. Th..: Indians would nol allow 1h<m 10 g,i ony doscr. Af1<r ~IC l·luskics' run, MSU g:uned more and m1Jrc nf a 14 point.\. Hay, who ,rcn1 l"l> hours lcud. mostly on free 1hrows by 1hc 1-luski<> hcovy caused on an IV before thc- gami.> IX'cau~ he h:nl a nu, \COrC"d fouling. all half. first 1hc in Dicam1lln led H o us1on four poml\ of them on frC"l' throws He: Daptisl with 20 po1n1s. led in boards with olmes H half "4..'ConJ the m ~k camt: five. and cmmc in second 1n to score .anothl"r I:l points. · Rod may be our leading points with I lit Other Hu~k,cs scorer, but he's al., o .a grc:i.t to finish m do u ble figures defender. If he didn't score 11 were Presto n wilh 17 poinLS point, he'd s1ill he a h1g and senior Bohhy Sanders w11h 10 points. ractor: Ray said. H ouston Bar11~1
Broke after Spring Break? $ 1().20
JU\I l.ay down afltr gemng hch1nd 16 pmn~ earl)' in ihc
Alpt,za Plzasmza
0\'en imc.
Frc.\hmJn Denise
~UlrJs m our rq;i11n He 1s
l:. n.!luring the futurf' for t hosf' who i,,hapt' it.""
, ._.
I '\ '