March 10, 1994

Page 1

letters t 0

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the ed'itor: I cont roversy I

Basketball teams advance to Nationals

Spring Break

~lH E Wichitan


\l arch J(l. 19')~

\lidwestcrn Sta le Uni versity

Posting grades is

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.\frxico Ci11 Dill lrd D,·plrtmcni Stort".'\ will be lhe ffrst dt:pJr!mL'nt sto re' in \kxi.. ,, Ci1y us of 19% The L111 k Rock -hJ ,r d d,panm,:ni slorc chain plJns 10 build lour stnrt ~ in .'vkx11:o in thi: n~ >.! I\\ o to thrt~ yeJr.,. W.R. ..\ppkh). prcs1drn1 of DJillrd's dn isi on in F1. Wonh. >Ji J D1l!Jrd 's is obo ,·onsidermg t:XrJn,, nn in Puerto Ri co :llld olhcr poin1s , outh. Ap· plchy rnd

Washinglon 1\elrl" 2(, mil lion Americans rd ~; on foo d r Jntm: 1.:. soup kitchens and emergency feeding pr0grams. J nd 1h ou• sJnds Jrc wrncd l\\ ay hecause the shelves are har,-. according 10 a s111d)' spon· sored by Second HJf\'CSt, ''"' country's larg~l hunger-re lief orgam1..:Jt ion.

The swdy came at a lime thll Concrcss wres1ks wi1h Pre;iden1 Clin rn n's proposal 10 climinllc fedcrn l spending on commo<lilics <li.st11hu1ed 10

The LJ h •: D. r,nmn1

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nl'SSL':,., rut pu t p,: 1 \\ 1L·r ! 'i · cn.·~i:u I ; f)L'i \.L'I~' IJi..t \L'J r, much l 1l 1! 111 thl· r'rn.d i hr: i:

mon1hc. hut.

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efi t') innc..:"t'd ,~nl; (J (1 p..·rCt.'nt Jfti: r rnll.! Ucin The 6. 1 pcrcc n1 pr, duc.·11\ 1ty ~:11n in thi: fo urth quarter \', :.i s the !Jrrt·,t quartcrl) incri:J ,i: ~l nt.:i..: .. thr

fi r,, 1hrce month, ,ii I9X6. when n ro~L' 6.1J pt.:r-...:n1. thl' dcpJr1m,·n1 ; :,iJ. ;\ C\\ York

~k 1ropnli1 on Life lnurancc Co. J!!ri;.•..:d Tu..:~J;iv to 9:.ty S20 m111 i1111 in fint:~ 10 s:.:Hk chJr~es of dl'cc pt i ve sJ ll!S of li fe in su rj lll.: l! to 1houso n<ls of customers. 8111 ih~ nlllon's tare~,, insurnncc company could ~nd up Sp.!ndi ng nearl y s1:t0 mil-


Da ll as Th.: DJll.b Sdtllt d 13 (1 Jr{J \\.'.h PffaL· J h l1IO!.! n J ~:rnll \\ iL" h.!::, h) .1 tJxp.!~)\."r I )' Jh11ut till' h0 Jrd'~ \\ 1111 n1.: .inJ

drnrn ~ Ill tk n.!l1on\ llnnt rc-,tJ urJnt, J JffiL' 'I Cr, 1\\L' lr· \1.J!\ ..imon e 15 lJJl! J , l'L'!i Jr..l:.·nt'I th e i r wh ,1 ~ l'\prt.: ., H·J d 1~ph.'.!')tlft: \\ilh IIU ~lCL'' Ill drJm:llll \\i.l)' 'I ffi lr nlL' ll l'> bl!· fon: tht: h1,JrJ JJ optn J a pol1cv 1lul v. ( uld lm1 Jt tru ~tec ·s sp°!.!nd1ng Jnd requ ire mur.: rL"corJ kl'.cping on tnp;\ Dt:l t:.i A ir Linl':,. Inc Jnd

Sll lC Univcrs11y Editor's note: This is Franc isco'; Bu rea u nf BusiMSU the lhird part ora four part and Re• GoH·rnmenr and ness series that deals with in• lernatio nal trade and in• search. Economy of Denmark •estmenL "Denm ark is J smnll coun try wilh Jbou t fi re milby Brian Ballard lion people and the highes; ~ociate Editor ,1andl rd of hvin~ in Eu rope. Government dclcga1ions John Jensen . inves1mcn1 adfrom Germany. Denmark Jnd viser represcn11 ng. the Royal SpJ,n spoke 10 more lhl/1 J00 Dani ,h Consul 3tl.! in Chicago. .111,denis. professors Jn d busi· lle'-5 persons on 1hc adva11· sai\inc ty percent ol 1he ~ges of rnves 11 ng ,n the Gro,s Dorn cs11c Pro<luc r of C(l")%mte; nf 1he1r rc,pc:ctive D:.•nm ark is i n in:1nufa1..: wnng ~CJn1ne~ fob. 17 ,II Cl l rk and Sl'rvirc s. II hJs " ~luJrn1Cen1cr. I ,. nt·v•L"m~o u~ P' ipul:Iuon and The E11rop, J lll vi1 i1 ,·J ge~~ r,,phicJII) .,1111ated M,c under 1he ou, r icc, ,, f n ~h t JI thr u 11~,u1Jds uf Eu:he \cw1 Pro.c1Jm JI SJn


rope. he said .

kn ~i.:n ncnl.!d till" .: oun try

h::id few rJw rl·sourL"es until oil wJs Ji scovcrc:- d in 1hr: North Seu ;i ri::w years agn. Seven per<:c111 of Denm :irk's Gross N:n Pnidm:t is ~tlu.:Jtio n. on sp!.! nl EducJJion and heallh Services an; frt:t! 10th.: population. Unc mployme n1 is 10 10 12 p.:rcent. hut i;,·.:r}one is el igible fo r uncmp ln, ment benefits. This avoids social disru p1ion. Comm ercia l fune1ions have a stro ng prcs..:nct.: 1n

!See page 2


\."J L'h

., t• lf . lJtfr1..•,,.·J. •tJIT'f.: j c.n.•l f\ pt: ;:iifmc \\ 11 h .1 r .1rd l n ',\ hu.: h th.· Pr(if:.·-. ... ,r \\ (l t. ld r o , ! th.· ft .d: ..tnJ :b.. n r.u1 l ti:.: .;m ._·. IC'l J'I.'. h:id. t,1 1r ..: -.t u..!.:nL .-\ th mJ Jl!L·m . 1 1!,L' :-. for 1..' JLh c.tUJL' nl l ll Lll h) lb : d1 ', l•l, !rl J ir-.·~ 11 r ·w ohurn J J,1m numh ..·r. thL·n t·.ich J

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numh,.:r, •,,h-.·n p 11 ,1 1n,:? tb~·

1!-Sui. : uf :\ JO, .

By Kelly I\ ehb ~loblei· Edilur

Barhara JSSl ~IJ/ll p r rif~,, 111 1)1 \ t iUJ!

work h:1s ht.·t:n n() L'd IM

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\V l'~l°.'I COllllllUJl in ,:ommu111 ty

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l' Omml!m l·nt


l'duc:.itt on . hl"r wo rk w11h people w11h AIDS anJ her dedi cation to human <l1 wrs1ty wi thin our socil' t)', 1;, he WJS nnminJlcd hy 1h c ~!SU chapt .:r of Son :il \\'mkr:r,

Ac ting Togc1hcr (SW AT)

of intent 1h1t cou ld ieJd lo of Social Workers. She helped assist 111 1hc scrvicl! ht~twl!t: n 1h.: org :1niz::i1ion of 1he fir~t Uni1cd S1a1cs ond Vic1n:1m. suppnn ~ro up fo r people wi th AIDS in 1he Dall Js•Fn n Wonh area. In 1993 she v.a., lhe primary orgnnii'..1:r fhr thl! week lone cvenlS MS U hdd on campus that add rcs.scd lhe

Denmark ranked first in Europe

1h1 \ num· f, 1r

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d1 recl1•r of th.: J !\·1..::wn ul puli t1c JI ,..: ,i:nc.: ,.1 1d th .1 1 h:! Jnd h1 1. 1Jcul 1y :zr..: .)tuJ; ini;

1hc iss u~ 01 po111nf grad,:,; hu 1 hJ \'I.! nut )c..' ! ,.k1crmincd ho w th,: y \~ di p,1!:)t gr:idL's )Cl

West nominated social worker of the year

ViL"m:i m t\1rli n~~ ~:11d Tu1:s- and hy !he Red River ChJpt,·r day they h:!\L. !\igne d a l.:tk r of the National As,uc1.11i un



Dr. \ lll·h1C'I Cnllin,.

hl'nc !1t, \\l'll! t , 1 \ , ,h •r , rJth,·r thJn \\ PrL.:r~ Fur ,di n,1n- 1.1~m h , 1 _


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\~n h !lhu r JnL'L' { l \L'f th..: J:.i,;;1 Lk L' JJi..:. Stq,hl'll I3mh;."t·k.



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in Review

Br Alan Moser

1Jl ,


Center Th ..1t r~ fhursda). ~larch~ c<cni 11, ,pnng , on,t' 11 JI 1hc t-:u n Fine Am 0 d1rec11 0_n 01 .-\IJn l3bck, :i,soci 11 , ·:11 SP m_The 18 piece gr,,u p ,, un der the mu>ic lrom 11cl!-k.n o 11 n jazz ;/ di rc,-~or 0 1 b:inds They 111 11 pl:i,· big band · g at, a, S1.1n 1': ento n. L,·, Hoope r :ind ;\ , hie, Alex and er. . . Norva l D. Crc\\ s. assi , 1an1 d " irc,1 or of m11,1.:. " ' II be 1e:itured on a Don Schamber piece ca lled "N 11 nd I J m1cd rfo pc h:i, En,crnhlc Jazz e Th ·· Tiicn " Falls Fes1 :ind ,, ill be on ram us and in the co ·' ornung laier in the ,eme<1cr in ou1d oor paformanccs 0



in,!,hllh " ' ·

The \!S U

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Shr i, Jh n hd rrn~ 11',,mrn In Nee d (\l' l:S: 1. improve 1he qua l11y of 1h,· \Vichi1a Fa lls Fnod Bank . ~oc 1JI work prngr:im :it ~1.\ U Fir,1 Step and Jhe Latch Ke y h> int rodunng nt:\\ cb::,s:;s Consomum: sa,d Pullam "Evay s~ml.'st~r WI! put such as the Hum Jn D1 ,·1..-rsi lv . un 1.h:::l rng wi1h nn :.t prugr~ cl.JS!-. She i, the adn; n for occurring issui:s . .,u ...·h as SWAT. 11 hich WJ.< JrpnncJ rapt:. cccn pr.:gn:.,, nc y :lnd nn March 3 for mcmhar,lup violence ." Sli<l L1sl Pullam. in !he Ph i Alpha Honllr "'-'C n:l:lr.· of SWAT. Th is yeJr 1h~y "ill oc Socil'ty for \\ orki:rs.. ~ISU '"II he 1he Ddr., Kappa pre sentin c th.! SlU cknt Th!i!Jtr.: for Aw :i r.:nt!:-!J, Chapler. Sll'AT has b,· comc :, Growth and Educ;11i on very acli\'L'. Or£Jniz:1t1 o n on (STAGE). he w ill STAGE campus. They are currc·n1ly in tht! pron~:-s of gai n111g performing JI 7 p.m ~brch 1he from accrcdllltio n 22 in !he Cla rk Srndent Council on Socia l il'nrk Cenier Ballroom. Ed uc,11011 (CS\VEJ SWAT, in cc,njunct10n They Jrc inwd vcd not w11h 1h,, R~J R,vcr ChJ pter only on ompus hu1 also of NASIV and th< Teen within 1hc community, ~J1d Tod d Pulbm. treas urer of SWAT. "We· \\'orkcd wi1h the Al zheimer's A_.._,s,K1Jr1on: \\C

See page 2

Candidate registration deadline set for March 25-- -

Elcclinns for >1udcn1 ~ovemmcnt oliiccr.; ond scnJ1or.; for 1993-9~ will be held ~Ion.Joy, . April 11 1hroug h Fridly, Apiil 15. Rt.·gb1m1inn frmns may he 0htaini::d in the studc!nt govc-mmen1 o(lici: in the! Cb.rk S1ud.:n1 locarc:J 01Tice serYi~cs admin1S1rat'w and ,1udcn1 far nl preside vice lhe ,,r Ill/, room Cen1er. in the Hardin Adm inistrJlion Buildinf, room 112. Dt:~dline for n,gis1n1ion is 5 p.m. FnJJ) . March 25. Positi ons availahlc :m.! presidc•n t. \'ice pr!!s1U~nr =:rn<l ~ccrc:t.1T)·. fn artier fl> be ~hg11:' lt 1n1 these position., ont: must ha\'C bt~n J student Jt MSU for lY.o long semc.c:.1 ~ or ~n.; 1:n _ semester and two summl!r terms pn.::l..'. eding th-: d ecti ('lnS :md a JUn i0r at tfil' .: nJ \J f U:.: semester in wh ic h dcCtcd. Oni: mu~, <.·a rr)' nine Sc''r hours du ring tenure 1n 1,fli\·c anJ must h:ivi: a cum ul ative gradl' point a,·cra~c of 2.5. Two scn:11ors from ca<.'h umkrcrJdu,31~· c!J.,c; Jnd l' r. L' fwm th~ t?r:i.JuJt~ cl.liS u 11! lk.~ clectt!d . Tht! freshman cb .,s '"111 i.:ie i:1 1h~ir Si:n:i.tcrs dunn!! thr tJfl i;.sk..:l hm'\. Si:nJtef'\ m•J.Sl he cnrnlk d in six ~\.' ffiC~!cr hour.s anJ· ~ cumuiJ[1\~ !!r; Jc fh ,tnt ;l\..:r.i;t: ol 1 {A.I. Tht· Wichiran wi ll run n:4ui:~L'i f.,r )Ut:mc:nt, t'wm rindli Jtcs m tht" \lJrc h ~.: .tnd March,:\ I 1s.sucs for 1h~1~~ "'ho :.m: run ning I, r ~tuJ.:nt I.'. ,:.•m'Tlenl dl1Cl'.:,

News ■

· Thu~ay,Marc hl-0,1994

_____ 1--'l.:IF%1.t . :.


PL = = :; ; ~?:~-~-~-~-~~ Edi tor 's nnl<:: The folltn\i u ~ co l um n is a commrnt .:ir , In l\lid1acl ( 'oll ins. ~l in•ci'ur of the di \'i,iu11 or h1111111 11iti1.·s.

",-\ nyth in!! rdi.;vJ nt ((\ ••• The student of in1;;n.:., t 10 .,tu- should he most concerned

10 t11it 1n n 1nc:rc a,c ~. p.irki ng

u~·:.1l!o nal ~y1-.1cm n/ tlw rnul nin c h:~ nth l' L l1lltr ) h;.it.l

ft..·ssm l knry 1\ tb m, (Wilt~. b) th\! way. ; IlJ _I.\ prnp hl:, 11..:d 11 mankint.l\ ,d l -tk, tnH: tiun) For nur c h .ll"!!l' ;rn d , n rr l·lul · lcn cl: , ~ to l,t fcr , tutknt~ .111 c..·dtlc:itit,n nwr~ rl·k \',llll 11 ,

)l' .1r , 1h.1n I ~htHi!lJ cure 1c, fin t.:, - shl! re spc, ntlc<l. "Yem adm 11..1 1,,.::\\ 1\tkr t· d ~,mknt (:an cvt·n he funny if y(lu ;i pp1 .,,h·li .. d nw Jlta ,.: l.1~s w:1111 to." Tlwn ~he mfonn l· cl H,-. p111 .·!wJ I.H: 1:il L'X p~s.smn OH! th I musl haw the colrl'\ ,·:il\d fi ll' 1.11..' I th .II hl! \'- :1~ umn n:,11.t y " 110 l:llL~r th an \I c11ha c.kq ,ly m1uhkd. ,w l'· week fn11n i\lflnday." Thi !lo ht· Ind t, ~•..: n t:.I U\\ 1nl.! 0 11 :1 t.J1l1 was the.: nr~ t li m1..· in my 19pkkk ··n1, ~t' l• h.1,·l. a prnh- yc~1r t,·adllng c.m.·cr lhat a lcni I ~1 •uld lwl p with ''" I stu ckn t had impuscd a dt: at.1 :1, .,.i;d hnc on ITIL' . But mon: trouhk"It, th,· ,,urt fur ne xt s0111c is thcf.JL·t tha11hcstu\\ 1:ck \ 1· ,. 1111 . h1· ~,ghcd . "I'm dl! nl seem ed Lo enjoy it im• n,,, , ui. \ lllltkf\ l.ltH.1 all I nll' llSd y. ~

had karn ~ll onl y h1 understun d thl· wt1rltl or his fathers . a world which no l11nl.!1..'r ex is ll!d . ~ Adam ., ' Wl)l'ds ~lwuhl spi.:ak to hoth th e :-t11den1 and the edul'a tor lnday . t'\ s for s1udcn1s. th L'y mu ~t rcalizc th ut!1 g a l' fl l_kge di...·g ri..:_e or oht:111~\ll!! prok..,,..,, 111n:1l Ii lontnc11011gh to ensure tu tun.: , ucn :ss. Slu den ts of lhl! lat1.. · IWl'll liclh

t l'i\'l. '. d h~hm: ll\ . Hislll ry anJ ,.: hanp· :in.: hnth :u:1..:1..·ki ati n~ at ·111 11 11 • flt'CCl· d c nh.: d pal'l', ~OI II L' llling f·kn ry ,\d,im:,, fpu·... ;iw l' \'C ll hcfon· Wo rl d \Vai 1· ",\ ! till' rate.: o f prngrc..,,~ ,i nn: IROO." he prt·lii c,: ted. "l'v1.·r y AmL'n · r:i n whn li\'C'i i ll thc )'l· ,,r 2,000 ... 1., ht1uldj knnw lw w tocon ind unlnnit ed pi,,w r l·k will thtn._ 1n Cl Hllpk xtll \'." un imag inable ltl an t·J rl lcr

hi s tor1 :1 11 l·k nry Ad ,1111 s not o nl y w11h makmg a hvcommcnl\·cl 1h a1 .. ll t)l h i n r in i~g ," _but also wi1h l_l'arn in g Ill l'th1 c; Hi l) ll i, ~(l i.1 ~10111:0.hin~ as li \'c In what promises lo he the am0un1 nt' ll.! l1t1r,1m.:~ it th l! incn.:a!-. inl.!l y nu1rl' l·nm accumul:llL'S 111 1i1c form llf pll!x an<l 1111~·C na111 world of ine rt i'Jl't., .. ln Im, ;1 ut ohiol! - thi.: l\\·en1 y~l1nil n·ntury. Oy ra ph). f111rngl) 1.· 1111lkd "Tl;..: tha1 I mc:an k ,1 rni11 g languagl' Eth1ca110n of 1-l i. .· nry ,\dams." a nd com11H111il:a1irn 1 skill s, th t· i.:rand :-on Pl Pr1,;si de n1 he ing c.·. lmci.: nwd wi th both John .. Qumq Ad.1111:-. ;111J the n~llura l :1n<l glnha l litl' l"iKY , grea t-~ra11d.-.on nl Pr1..·s i1knt '"":11h rom putc r l11 e r:1..:y. anti Juhn Ad:un"- l.11111.·nll·d th:11 he\'doping mathc.: 111:llK;d and w:is an '\• i~h 11..·1..·nth ce ntury analytic ll_ ~ki l_ls In $h_or1. chi ld " whn h.tJ hcen hurtlL·t.l wl11 k ~c1p1~~g \\'11111hi.:.. rap1tll y tnh1 the 1,,l· n11 l·1h ee nturv rl~an gtng l11 ~h-1t·L·h wn rltl Ad.1111:-. 1.'tlmpl :11 11cd h111niy nl 1he Ill'\\' lnlt)rn1:111nn A!!C, th at 111~ 1.'. duc.1ll1lll h:1d ht·t·n a lh t: stu d\·11 1 -. h11uld l~t· mnq "waMl' of IIOll~.. \1 nri: wh.ll ht~ ronce r~l·d \\·1th frrn111 hg holl" had h,.;cn 1:rn~h1 Jud hllk or 10 th111k 011,I Jun, rn ll'am nn rclJtH1n l~ 1 till' w11! Id he For llHl~l· 111" u-. wh11 arc 1 1 1 ~\:~~ -h~no~~~·,i;.~_.:- ,\ ~~~~~a;:::~\ lcmk·d th.II lht· :\nwnt·an 1..•J . sion o f 1hc pc~s1111 1.\lll' pro •

km:- :i ltog1.·t lu:r hq•n nd th c ran l!C {If carli l!r \;(l(.'k ty.'' ";rnda y, u., in th l! timl' or He nr y Adam s. Willi am Ja mes, Thcodoi l! R1111 :-.l..'. vdl anc.l Mark Tw,1111. th!.'. uni n :rsi1 y is a l'at hL·d ral of k arn ing , nul 111 c rcl y a factory w hi.: re p ro fl· s.,w nal , a nd led111ici:1m, ;ire 1ra11ll'd, hut :1 pla..:c whi. .·rc lll L' ll an d w11mcn, s111dc n1 s ;111d :o.l' ho lar~ alike. ari.: frc:L' tu in vn tig:111..· and exp lo r1..· anti di su1v1.:r. And snrncw hl!rc . am 1d s1 all tlh! lec111ri.: ... :111d ass 1gnm t:n1s and cx;ims . .;nmnvht.: n· along th :11 journey nr cx pi; rn;11cc , we shou ld lc:1rn 1n orl· · · and 1111 c.lers l:inJ mnrl! · · ahmll not 1 11 ~ ~,~vl~::·:l:il~:~t:1,~::~:~~:·~~ Sci \'L"S.


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,\..,, 11 1t1111\· d ,, l11. till' stulkll l Ill q11~ ' 1111n \.111.,'.W enoug h i ,1 r,!'' ,. 1th ,l ~r.ulc of "C. " 1'--:,1 , m:dl ,l, ~·~1111ph!--hnwn1 for a -.1 ru :: 1.: l111t! l n..:,hm :rn who .1dm 1u~;1 1h:11 lw w;1, ,·, 111s1d l"1 111µ ~1,.1,p111g 11ut c1f :-.chno l ;i\111~t·lh-. ·1 I l.1ti...·r lc.tmcd th:n hl' ~u1ll1m11..· d hb cnllcgi.: ca rL:n :in d 1.'\ \" ll ,:omph.· tcd ;1 har ~·:.d . 1tm:a lt' dq;1\'l' I han:: l,fti; n ,\, 1nll:1L:d \\h,11 hcc:11111..· 11i"l11111 I !-..n11w 1h.11 lw1..•:,nwd a d1 f)l 111n .1 I ,1111) h(Jpt.: Ihat ht· l\!Ll.'.'t':l·tl :in l· Jm.1 111 m in lh i. .· r roi...·.,_·,, \\ lwn I \,..1, ,1 r rr11:1dli.! d rt'1.Tn lh ;1nJ .1,kL·d 10 \\nil' .1 "i.! t1l'.~t ·l ,\]11 mn•' IPr Tiu· w, . c/11wn. I t'ir,t 1nyu1rl·d (1f Olll'

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lknl~ ... J,,h,· 1.., pl.11 111.:d.

"M;iy I adr.J n.·,, Jn ,~sui.: th:n l'- c••mpktdy ur,rcl::u cd

learning how .~o thmk and how to !earn. _ wi_th


ago century must _hl' l'Olll'erned mind. I-lewill ,kal wrlhprnh-

~~in ~/~~:;:

':;~,!~~ \!~~0::1,~!{~~ ;;;;!~

r rom P;i gr: •

Denm ark first in trade ..... - - - D l·11ma1k ·,

l'Ct llHHTI\.


\\ llh on\ ) J .ip:111 :ind th t· Dane said. · Unt1L·cl S1:11..: , ,ilh',ld 1,r IL It EEC ~lcmher ,, .1~ fi r, 1 111 Emnp,· 111 l'JlJ-L Th t.: 1.·11u1Hr} h,1:- h~l..'..n a O Th i..: l..'.IIUJ'lll"~ ha~ .1 r m.tll\i..,' memhcr of 1hi. .· EEC .ind suh - tr.tdl'. hJ la11r1.·. evt! n ,,i th sL"q ucn t or_g ;_in 1L:J11 011 , ,mcc fap:m ;_inJ} . tk,p11i.: 1972 Al thou!! h Dcn m:t rk '..,_ prnd111. 1ng n 1) l'Jr, d,1mc~ 11 r1111i.: n.., .1cc:c p'it.: d !h,: Maa:-- CJ II ) .rnJ 1mpnrt tn!..! :ill ' i1., 1r1l'ht ·1 r:.:.ll;> 11 l· aty \ l'h1 rl n 1111111 ulhl·r i. .~lll llll'll':-. rq1:11cJ1 n~ Elll, lf1l',1n 111111in •· 0 II h .1 , Jn 1111lJ111111 r .11.: Ii..;,:,. hy uni ) 51 pc1rr nt. thl·) .ire th:rn I pn"l·cnL lh L· hl\', 1..' \l 111 \\ !th lh t· l ' O llllll)y · , EunipL· [ll'C\Cnt EFC , l.llli-.. frn s1.·n 0 T hi.'. C1 ,p1..·11h.1t!l'll /\ 1rr nn 1:0. ~:11J . a l11gh qu:1l1 t) ,111 huh :.111 d I11 ,·c.., t111e111 Ad\a11t:1gcs SAS \t he D1..· nn1.1rk n .i11 (111J\ He ,.ml Dc111n.11l h:1:-. th!.'. J1rr:11Tll'.I' ) Ju -. l.! 1•11t.l L·11 nni.:t ft1ll ow 111t :Hh .1nl,1ge.., ,13 ~Ill ll or1 \ all 11\LT El~l 11pc lll\'1..',Llll l'III :0- II C, O It ha, ;1 \cm ltirporati.:' 1:1, 0 It h,b <,U pl' lt't Ji.. \ ·..: ... ~ to ;1\I rate c,f >4 pnt.t.:111 .md t:.ivnr llr Eur1lpl·, llll iUdt ng Ea,tt.:rn abk dcp rl'.c 1;111un rule, A EurnpL' comp;rny ,, 1th 11 .., hl·:iJquarO The \\' nrld fa:onom11: r-o - ters in D1..·n ma rk <.:an ~111 fl tin: ru111 in ~,, !lt erl.rnU I Jllkcd dt.:prcu auc,n t1f it~ Eunipl.!i.1 11 Dc1Hn.1rk i. ,u1 1h 111 th t.: wo rld affiliati.:"- to 01..'.n mark a nd ;1•. ,111 111 \c:o.1mc11t , i1c 111 !(J9l S:l\'C mnn~y hy tining Ml . It \\ ,1, 1,11d•,L'd tlnn.l 111 199-1

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O Dani sh wurkers h:lvc a sonal inL'ome ta x: ho wever. hi gh nut;nl'y in Eng lish. manage rs from fo rei gn co un - O Laho r :.ihsl!ntecism and tr ies are taxe d a lmwr fl •H strikes :ire low in De nm ark. r:ite. ycl sti ll have ;1t.:ccss 10 O De nm ark 's frci.: ht.:a lth i.:.i rc. has th e lowi.:s t rcnt:il rates of th e.: major ca pitals in Europ~. O Social ~c n1r i1 y O contrihul ion:-. in Denma rk arc Denmark an: Lhe lov,11!Sl in paid solely by employl..'. l":O.. not Europe. co mp anies.

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C.luh Cll l l llll L'' and th 1,; ~1a r~· I\ , (' 111111 11 ..,,, 11 , 11 1Hl May, 11 s . ~ \\', t1iirn I he Si:itu~ lll • will pn.· ,1 ·111 1.; rr;)t!r- 11 ~1L1,..1,~'2Ta1k ." ._ I c~1p l~ l,I STAli 1~ 1 hl: · · .. ht f h ,1. l1111d com,tsls 01 1lft,I 1 · st1H~~11 t~ ll'r rn nn ull l'C l ·1 ,11:,. 1'i t . ., nd .,u tl1&.: IIL'. l' "! .. \ s: ; Vh· , 1. pr11 t! ra111 d! Sl u. ·. 1D11 : G ·iry F., , himp ar. J m; c trn, I. 1,




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r, 111i,,, IU l,! 111l pH i i'; 11 11 S hi , 11 11r)n1. p11 ,1 11 1 S\ V ·\ r , 11 t1 111 • • t,

O Tlli; co untry has lihi.:ral hi r• ing :i nd linng pnhc11.:s for la bor.



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1 111

rnt o rm :itu111 •

I ·s·, A Uoycttc

pn.::i. u1L:_11t. .1 Lll h11 \'t•h:n t_ci..:r:-. 10 ~. _v:1:·11 Hi i; l' an1p 111 u1!11r11111_u ' ·. S ll .1 .nn-.11 l'u&b SG A _pn,., ,rlL:n_i. ,, ,11 m:1l:t: 1t~ ap ptHll llll \' 111 " :l l lh r nn 1 mc..:~ ~1n g ol _l hl' ~l' ll,11~ . Dr. F:llrl' ll . SOA lat: uh) s po n..;or , i.:on grutulJt~·ll th~ MSU Colkigc flmvl f"t'.11nr • 1 fi•:~,,'.1. • tl )ci r l\.'Cl:!ll _v_k lo1 ~~1 I tht·n:: Sc nalnr J.\V . Ju s1 i,.:i; .1_1_1- ~1~n:tl J1 v1s 1on I ht· 1t:;ur nou nt·cd that th e Traf11 c w al _l he i.:11mpt:l1n ~ .i! ,\ l'.t ls ~e iings wi ll now n,1 t1 or1:)b _,\ pnl 2 1-,4 111 111 ca1.:h T hu r... <lu y nt 11 G:.1 insv 1llc . H :t. 1 a.m. in thc Stude nt Govern ll w:~s :11~11mml.'. 1'cl th:ll ! : mcn t OflicG in lhc Cl..trk cause o l ,\ flf·1n g brc:1k, M,m.1. Simie n I Ci.:n h:l'. roo m JO(,. I ~ - 18, the lh..:X l .,l ltedu kd kn' na n Gha;,d, "ice lll l;L! ling wil l s~:.r'rwrih'r

. :i°i~




lwMardi H

MSU hosts science fair The 1994

Red River Rc-

gio n:i l Science and Enginc(· ring Fair he~;111 on Mard1 H

and wrll en d on ~larch 11 in the MS U Clark Student C'cn-

ti.:r Da ll rnu m. Elcwn l..'.1H111ti l!s w ill prcscn t cxhihiLs 1hat will hi.: jud!!ecl on Murl'l1 9. H ~-in.


and happy Break! The \Vichium staff

Have a safe Spring

Thi! t":ii r will hl! dn 11l• in 10 hieh sc hno l. Jun ior hi::~ an d ~k~ne nt ~lry di\ 1-: mn,. ~ The. 1.':< hi hu~ .ire :iv,ulJ!i~ fo r puhlir v1c wi ni; 11ulJ) fro111 8 a .111 . l'nuJ>. March 11. 8 11 nr. 7 p.rn For mur~ inf111111:-i11,1'l cr111 1:1c 1 1hc ~l SlJ dc parrm•·n, or hiolilµy al hX'J-42~l 1

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. The MSU S111dcnt Se n.nit; Ind lls hinwnthl y 1m·c 11_n g M -,rc h " and <k:dl w ith .' tT -- · ,, c kc l ~pp c:1l s. ~.r., n~itt t,;t,; appointmc n1s. :ind r ·t., u\t . , o l ~1S lJ '.., 1 ~~t·c·p~t1ion in thi.: c,,J kgc 1

ITTluNN ____



bul k \\h t1 ha vin g ;1 ,1I.II l tunv 11lt :Jlwnt I h. 1"'L 11..· , ~l1 d 1' , 1111 .., l!l lh'l' ,,hu ,....- . flh \ 1 ,1h11 :,,~·,;1 1_, 'C llplq.! ll.1 11, y '•· S\\ Ar hiil,t . 111, 'ar r IH H III 011 the ,,·1. 11 11d ~1i, •1 of r :1 r h m11 111h 111110/)

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It's linll' to mm·t• our thl11ld11~ into tlu- •JO'!'o I am wnlln f 111 ri- , p tin w 11 , \ht· \' Olll ll h..'llh 111 .111.' h)' M1


in rq!ard ... h• th,· umd1•111 nuu.: h111,·., u1ul ,1h11 111 11 II th,· 111 c111h1'1!> nf s lluknt t,:11\', ' flllllllll\ wln1 \ ' lll,•1.I 11 i:~i11 , 1 1h,•1u I ,Lill .1pp.dkd h)' 1h11 1111111111 lhal -"111!.kllh w lh) :U"l' in lh1.· -',Im,· :l!,:l' 1.1111:,· I .1111. (n ul y 211'~) ur,· .\1111 li"111J: hy the 111,1 :1dJ):1· lh .111:ill, in g :1h11t1l '-'.: X a 11 1l hl1lh n 1111111I p111111o h•.,;. !lt l 'lll fl l llt' ll\'ily l•n•rl,• 111 • 111 11 11,· , ·1 I tu t:111. nh1111t ,..,•.-: 111 , 11Lh:r hi pul uk ,1, 111 1h,·11 h,·nd Tht1M' 1tkas 111,· p1,·,1.•nt 1,·1:,1rtl k ,,.. 11f

wl11·tl1,·1 l1f 11111 ,w 1:1 lk at¼1 111 ii I li: d 11 , .. tinw li1r uur Ml\.' k l y to 111m·1· 11\ll 111111~111): i11 111 thG 1Jll's nnd n •,11 111 th a 1 in,l\.·:u.l uf lr) m l:_? 111 pn1nwh' ah , t11w11n · In l"\'\'1)'11111·. \\/l' 11n·d 11, :1 dd11.'. , ., lh,, ~1• \\h11 an· m n l-111}! lhl· d11 1i1.·,· 111 l111 n · 'l'' '1h,· 11111 ~1 ,•lf1 T ti \'l' \\ ,l )' w,• ,-.111 1h l'11 mplt , h 1\11 s I\ h1 tl i, l 11\\ 1111·1hutl -. nf, 1111 11 ,1l"c p11 u11 11ml tlw p11 \\ ihil11i,·, 1h:i t "- :111 :111:-l' fi .im du1,1 , 111 ,.: 11, h.n ,· u11 1•11111·1"1,·d "' ' Its i, 1...-11,•1 f111 u~ 111 11"'' 11k ..:,,111 rnu·p· ll ,,,.,. lh an h• w11h th ,· h1111• h' nn 1c,1il1:- 111 1111v.. ,1111 ,•d p1 q : 11 ,111,·H•,. ,\ID"' nnd al111r111111~ ,\ 1.-.n, I do 111 11 IL·cl 1h .11 ~IS l l -. 1ud,· 111 ~. 1111r llw fa,·ulty .\houlil tw ,·mh :1rr,1 -., nl. hut r.11h,· r pr,md 1h:11 w,· :11,· :1d:n,1wl ,·il1iin1: th,· pr,1h ln11 , sm11111111l1111! . . c ,md al' ll vi 1y in y1111n t ;11 luh , :111d ;11\' 1:iktn!! .\ ll' P-' w p111111111,· :-.1h· )-\'.'A . A, 11 M1rh- t)', \\' t ' 11111 ., 1 1\ ·,d1 11.'.' t h .i t rn 1111k 1 h1 hdp ll' lhl n : uur ..: urh'II I prohkm ., s 11rr1111111.li111: , /\ JOS. pn ·1:11 :111q• a nil ahn11 i11n, w,: nlll )- 1 1


f'ltlll\1111.'. , :1h : s,•,

It b :1 :-:id 1\•,1l11 y. t'lu t n :pn·1i11t! ;1hsll111' nl·c from 0111 rl ul •

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w,· \'!Ill lwlp ,,1l1 s 11dl' I)' ma!- ,· 11H11\.'

inform,~tl :mll . ; afc

K :in·n AIIIM111 / 1!r,11\ua1e .\ lmll-nt

SCir\ ,·,11 ..: , 1111:111i1111nhl y fo 1 1. c,111h ,111 m ad 1i11l·.~·• T:ik1· ;1

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1 1 1 1 1 :~~~,'II 11I~:~'.:' I 1~ I~-. 11~ \' p1r s:-1m: ,ti l'l" lll l: loil'l\· kd . 1 n ud . in\.\.·m 11i n · rx·rsun fur \'11li11 : 1 :11:a111 s 1 a IIIV/ ,\l l)S .1wn 1,·11 ,• ,..,../prn•,· 11111111 r,·,uluti rn , n · r1ainl y 1., " lq .: 1tinrn1c f:wi. ,1, np,·1. rn ll )· l'nn~i d,· 1111 1: :- uhlk , 1:i1,·11H· 11t:- 1•pp1 1., i11t llw " in)-l' l"i 1i w 111111al pl.11fo1 111 ." ~li i.. t 1111p1111:i nll)' , I kn11 w SO ll h' :.1.· n:11111 , ,, ,1 1•tl )i·, dtw to th ,· ,th' ' :- , 1vmin!! I)' pl.K,:d 1111 nlh lin1.·11r\.· C\111ltl 1l11s JU:. t h1.· :i 1.·:1nd y l'11at111 l! l ,u a 11111,T p ill' ' Wl· h:a w th c l..1.·y 111 th e l' \nltl n m p1ohk·111 :l\ ;11l ahd1t y P1.·1" 111 ,; wh11 h:1v,· ,·1•Wl' d 1t1 )- !,1y :ih~ lllh'III d11n 't lll'l'd ah , 1illl'lll' l' l"1h1 1.'.:1t111n, hut pe r.~11ad1n1: lh l' !-.~\ua l u,·tivc 111 lwn ,111 1.'.' ;1h:-1incn1 b 1he kq · ( lnl )• "lll'n 1h1.\ a1x ,•111pil shn l will Wl' h:l\'C' an l'fli.•l' liw ,1hstin,· nl'c :- t:iti:m1· nt lll!.:_111-..: r:.i l ,·11.!w I hl·.11· ~1111l'ti-11 i, " Ah . . 1ini:nn · ts tr11l y 1hc cinl )' !l.:11t.: way, hut \\' l ' :ill kno\\ 1ha l 1., 11 ·1 pr.1c·1ic 1l " Norm!i :u,· r h:111i:tn~. 1111 (1 r l·oph· ,LI \' i; om i: ltl do ii :in ywny. Ml why 1 I~



: : 11:: ~'



hnthc r w11 h :ihs1me 111.·1.·'!

Sn11t lll :1d,wll. :1 1: ro1111d h1\·:1~cr in dunce musk in thl· N1.: w York duh )-H' rh' , c xd :um ..;, ~If 11h..: :.:iys. 'lh- n ·, put this 1lll. I h:i ~•c AIDS .' un· ~uu :.1 111 t;oint; 111 have :-l' lt w ith ht· r'! No ! Wl11d1 ,; hnws w h l" II g1,,·11 .)oullid1• n11~:1s11n),. , p1·,1pk wi ll a h~ta in



25% discount on all

Gyro (Yee Ro)

Sprtiut, . ~bv arti d 1t-c.-:i.· . a vund u 1:1l·1· n \ C£ · r.: 1:ll ,k s :111J rctJ hc ll j'll..'fll'' "rs 0 11 v. hc:11 hn::tJ w ,111 T'l.lltlki. 11ur 1:1111011 )1. u 1t·u111h\'.'r/i;:u lk ., p1 t•:1ll

0 1..·t:1 lll d1ld , l.'ll !>l'l\'l'1 I 1111 plla lu..::1tl with h.:11ti.:c, 1n 111:ih1, 11111 1111 . ..111tl T t:iltl kl, uur )-IX't·b l l'Ul'umhc1 / p.r \ll' )- flll':ILI.


Da Vinci

Wdl ltilllllll'd (lJ.).11 :11 ui , 11:w:ulit hL"l.''-l.' , )-:U11'f~r:w1 with sln nl.' !_!r ,1umJ 11111 ,;1:ud \111 a l1 c,;J1\ y h .tkl'\J

PW .\{"I UIIP IL:1111 . , :1IJ111l. pt·p111.:rnul . f)lll\'11l1111c & Sw h :. d 1cc.,t·. nhp klltll't' . louwlu l~ thinly sllc"-~I 1111it,11 )-l' l \'l'.tl w1111 ... pl\'.'y 111usl;uil on Mul:ikl a hr~atl.

BBQ Chicken Breast Mc.,;quilc gril kd wlwk DIJ Q 'tJ dild,t·n lm ·.e..,, Sl'Jvctl h(I( tin 10 :1s 1cd k:ii~cr with 111d11.'t..l 11 11 " 11 · loo,: Ttipp,.:tJ wit h l'li -:p kllUCl' nnd 111111:1111. with ~1tle 111J..:r nl l(and1 tJn..-s,t ng.

Gourmet Club 114 \h.ot'ham ; 1/4 lh . u l . Swiss. P11wolt 111 :· b:icon, Lcn un~. 10111:1h1 Sl·r,·cd on wheal 111 '"'hlk A Til:tgnlfitcOI sanllwirl1 l

will ,11.1. ur l1 1c•l11 lhn1; ~111.h In ·

Alnn l\tos,·r Sluff Wrlh·r Sp1i11n Hn·ul. i , h,:11·. anti if~ ,kfmlld)' timc h1r n v.1, :l · riun . Su w h :11 au· )d ll i:11il11: h1


,\ pull 111 l )' pl l ,11 l 1,lk >,:1.· ~tmknl)- in 1h,· , 1mk11t n ·11h'I'

th i, ,w 1·l-. 1n ·c ukd 111 .111 )' pl:111 1rn ,h1 1n11 ,1l , :1t:111 ;11"

Sc wr.11 , .1 hl 1h,•y

A l1 ;1vmlu\ , ( ir.::rm :m .),:ttJ.),:11:C:!iCl'\'t..-Jon :t Kaber roll wl lh ..,ph;y 11\U!>l:ud :iud S:tUt.·1l.r:iut.

rit.lJ;l' l'ud1 ,· 1., 1.111~ ,·d 1i1 , 1 wnh th,· lw.1d 1 ,.:t"-·1:.. S11111 i.: ,.11tl 1h1·y w 11ulll !-.lh' lltl 11111,· \\ ith fo 1111 ly .111d lrkud , wlH1 li\'1.'. 11111 <•I 1n w11 A fr w w,· 11· n1111.111\1 l·a ll )' 111 d111l'il 1111d pl .tn 11, g 1· t 111,ll l'll' d l 11 H1 l h,11 (f.. t1 11 . :-1· 111111 . admi11c tl , tw \,·1,u ld IK· u 111,11 rll'd w111 11 :1n w hl' II -.he l'\'llllllS 11'11111 lhl• l-1\',lk Nr, 111· ir1 lllt' pnll ., :1nl th,·)' Wl1 11 ill vl· n111 rc

:11T1i.. s


prmn , , l·uil)'


1:~:~;:~~1!yi'~::1:.;::;;:"-~}~//~-~\.'.': ·, ddltl i)'l11: ,·.11.·:1111 ,11 ti ,1)1. h,·l.' 11 .), /t' f C: lll )' l'll' d :tS l'tll• ~l' j!t' ., tt1 lk 111 ~. l'lw y \1.1pp1·n


-.1· 11th111 • )' 1111 -..: 111111111\}l lll '(hk

lhl l'\' \'II \U11l' f 1111 :.111111: flllj~ 1h1111'11 l,l hl

l ll tltlll ~/1

h11111:,•1· ,·,11,li- 1111\I 11 1ru111

1'h11 1h' 1i,,u1li. 1111: y1111 111111 , p:u' l' lh1h1i..1.11I , u lll\'.\.' 11-1111· 1.. :11 )- llfl 1111,1111 . h '~ l 'i yu 111 hal .111 l' ,· .ind " "1hh y,,u lumM illJ'

1 1 I1):,11 cllfl~;l\ f~I~\~:11'.~:::J ~t\~ ,\;

lfrw:J.. w .,11 l ll ,~lllil· 11i 1w 11 lh\· in hill' s k nt,·s. T ult• fl y1111: k:111 mhl gc1 s tu d,: u1i..iJ1· tlnwn 11n lh1.• Vdno Wa ll ,11 , ult up ,n lnn~tatik ,- 111111• .~ 1111 -. :md wr,•..,;1 lc y,nir " lll"l"I 11 11


fiwml , . A tlau l111 l: Rus,i :111 Swin t! . . hem, wi ll ha\'l.l '11.'. lil • h.1ts , 11:1 1111 1: :1ho \'e lhl· urena.

For C'S I St•n ·lct' VolunfN"rs S111 d,·111 , wi )- hlllj! 111 pt.•r· wi ,lih U S.

(1-.nn puhll\· ~ rvki: nrny 111 vuh11 11t·c r w1 1h th ,• F111'1.'. ., 1 S( l'\'Kl"

Thi )- wil l h1: tlu: ;'<, Ci,: \llld )'l':t r r1f "Gn.·l!n Sprilll! Fli n1~...

n pn1t: n11n w hid1 al low s

)- \udc ni.. 1n w o rk \\'ilh 1hc lJ .S FMr.::~ I S l: rvic l: Jurini; the Spnn1: ll r!!:tk . Pn,.si hlc ti ll' ll l'. W ,\ r:1 1:l' ' tlt11m,: Sprli1~ ta )- b in clud e trni l mainh> 11:inl',· . 1c., t11r:it 1on nf c:imp · ll n·ak 1:r,,u111b , nnprn\' ing hahit:ll Co rpu -. C hrl ~II r,,r lh h :111d entl:rnf:!l'l\'d hinJs. NutT L' \ C 11unty . w lll.'n: i, lt n.. ul c,1. h:1s pl :1111 , 11rvl'.ys :rnd l'. Vl' n p:m h.:p11hl1t· i1cd it., w,111tk1ful nt · 1p:11 in l! 111 an :in.: h1.•1)ltll!,kul l r:ll' t i,lll .\ l or h1: al'. h -hn u11tl di g fll r !hose ~lud cnts wi 1h s1ude11b Vis itnr:-. cun tak,· in thc 1i gh1 q11 :1lilir 111i1ms. Al:in Ncwornn, supi.·rvis,1r Th~ South T l' ).,1 ,; ,\quanum. th ,· D11 ).! R:ii.:c T1 .1t·k . .1111! lih' , 1f four n11l1tinal fon.' 'ilS und 1wo 11:i1i111rnl i:rn ss l1111d s i n U.S S. Lnin 1=1t1n. ll ,n\·1.· vl.'.' r . s lt1lkn1 ., arl' Tcltll)- , ),.,1id the studcn1 s arc :Hkis,·d to he: in lhl·ir "' h1.• ...;1 n nl p:1iJ l'or th!! work. hut will hd1 :1\'il\\ mode " hl'nlt1 )-C th ~ n:L,·iw $ 11 :1 dny fur food n1unt y a11omcy ha ~ ~a itl hi s 1111d wi ll lw l'dmhurscJ for po lk y 1h11111 l! till' S p nn t! joh - rcla tcJ lr:1nspn rt:11 in n £\r1.·:ik paiml M :m: h 12-2 1 1~, t:tl~IS, T h.: Fos'l'S I Scrvii,;e wi ll IO d1ar~1.1 th.: 111:"imum fi lll' S2,0IIO f11r :m yonc l'l1 11 · ab,1 frl' l" Cillllfllll&, \'iCt1•tl ur Dnvi ll (! Wink tool s :uni sakty c: quirmcnl . 1:uiJ:111n: :.iml work c ,·ulu u• lnt<1 x11.: :1tl'd . th111s wl11r h s tu 1knts t:un dt~ S ix Fini.:-. O ,·cr 1\•xu:-. Six Fl:1p t1\·1.: r T 1.•x,1s un• whl· n :-1.'l' kin!! puyi nl! johs. " ... tins pmJl':t.:t l! i-.·cs us :111 nuu m·t·J th1.• y wi ll han· a Sprm!! n,~:1k()ut l·d c hra1i1111 o pportuntt )' IU l!l'l hi kno w Mardi 11 -:!0 The h:1s po1cr11i:il empl11)'1.'.' l"S anJ a sl'Cl'll tr:111sfon u1:d irllu :1 hUJ!l' :-C!I.S 1h1.•1r moti,·utio n and bcar h p:111 y l'11111pk1c wi th work hahits, " Puhl it.- 1.\rl':li rs S111ff <Hl'kc r Cu rl GiJlunJ !-!&nl.J anti )- Ul'f. JII SI


l"llllllJ: h lo thHl1111 :tl l'



l · an




Sl'l' IW. !h e n I'm s u n; lltlll.'r:. l·:m IOH 1 N,1,-.•. b n 'I llus whJ I

Ty Phill i11~:-11plu11 n111\: 11ml s 1111k111 M:n:11nr


Tup n:i mc..s m UMX

l':ll.' ·

inJ! ;mtl s tunt l:O lllfll'tili \lll S

will u m a1.c C\'c ry,11u.: wi th th eir u1.•1 i:.i l :1nuha tks A whirlwind ,,f srwt·i:11 cwn ls

said. Those


ca n

ph l,ne the Na tiona l Fu~:sls

nml Grass lanJs in Tl.'itas (40'1) t.:W-~5 74 .

The Wichitan H IUT:ill 111 n l I'l l ll m ICJO \Vk hic1Fall ~. Tt·.\ :L, 7(')\11~ Nnv., lk, k. : <>."i 11-I JO,I

IJclll• I\ fol o ne

,\i/l'i.,·,,,. Kelly WL·hb l\lohlc.-y Ecliror

Url11n ll nlh1rd ,1J.h U iorr

l>uru lluwklns t\tlwr1iJi11,i; M,mug,.,·

French Dip

Erk llcck s Ho.\11/ r' \',\'

1>rc-w l\ 1yers



,\'po rt:~ Editor

l>l'l\11 L uw rcnce f.'11tr1t,1i11111,-,r, E,Jiror

SlurT \\'rllcn.

11111 Rt1:t\ l Un·! ~ rwll on l'OISIY lrcnch 11111 111:1,ktl with 111l'11cJ l'rnvul\1Ut" A ~1,le order 111 Au Jus 111p.-. th is 111K·oll

Ci11d\' Kohl,·, 11,.11, t,.\a ltor,-rt(, .~j,,·,ha Fl'irdl, Al"" Mmr, . IJ: .Rit hmd, o,i

Roast Beef

Photog,rupl1l•rs ltrmu/rm Olcls, Etlirur

l)dlciou~. k ;m lx"\!r wllh Swl s~ d1t:l"Sl", l'.1isp kl • lll\'l'. 111111ato Jml 111 :ay,11111:ilsc , on whl':1t brt•;u.J.

Marn,.t Clr1·,-/1111d

Bn11.. r Smith Dr1m / ,1111'/'r ll l'f'


Circul nliun l\·11111 ui;cr l cum1 M11lt111 r

l\·lu:-.'k Rt" ,·icwcr Mc-/1., rn S11ll1 1'(Jn

Sll\'l'tl. ll•:111 h:un, Swls.~ t:hr.: c:-.c, nisp kllucc 11ml ICIIH:lllt. Sl·n·cd wi lh lllll.)ol;1f(I OU wlll ll' hri::ill .

Club for 2

Cop)· Editors

Asst. Cl rrnhulun 1\1:rn n~c r

1::ric s,.JJ

Curtoonlsl W11y/cm Gra11 C ruphk Artis t Jmnn Fuircliiltl

Adn•rlising Rt.'i1rt:Sculitn~s

Rand,• /11 ,. ..,_ ,·ta, Ja.,0,1 Tud:a

~opylic~u }9'>4 , 771:· \Vir_f1111111 . Tf_1r W1 cl11tm1 is:. 111~·1t1hl'I 1.>1 'llll·Tn :L'- l111 t· 1l 't1ll,'t:i:i1l• l'n:ss ,\ )-v x·l:uhui

,\lld 111c Lnllcgc I n·s!>Sl"cvkc. nw Wkhll:1n IC!>CT\'\'~ 1111' 1lrht lt1 l"\111 JI\)' IH :ilcJla l suhmlllt'll rl'll puhlk ;1~lnn untl hi 1l"fm1: ;my ud,•_,·nl St.' IUCIII . Upinlrnt.\ nr,11.'\.\1.'l l u1,· 11(•1 lll'l'~'S\ ,lrlly 1h1.1s..• I\[ !he f.1, ully. ud111lnls11:ill_m1 Cl£ ~,mien! hod)' of Mldwcs ll'ln !--1:111: llnl \' cr., 11)' J Jtd 111 :-iy ,.. ,, rcpf'c ,:c ,11 3 cni\.~ n<;us ,,r u"-" cnllrc Wu:/nl{/11 Mair

Add :innllwr sick s:11:u.l & 1wt1 shks of s11u p.

Mon. - Thurs. 7 a.m. - 9 p.m. Fri. 7 a.m. - 11 p.m.

Letter policy

sat. 11 a.m. - 11 p.m. tertainment in the evening Live en Information call 691-5859 for more _

.11,· 1:,1

i111i :- k i 1111: 0 1 Ill lht• .h ,· .11 II r h ,1111• i., \\'111 1 ( ' ffd: 1:1111,· r 1h.111 ll n· t l,,· n•

Th . .: .), h•j)I' ul

::•,:1,~~~\: l~\:t: I,'.~~:~lflllJ~~ ~/\~•: :.''(

1\t.l \'r.::11 i., i11.: tlr.::,l..: (l:-l', ..l71)\

Knock wurst

Sliced rurl-..l'y hrc;l\l , Swiss d1ccst· . ..:risp kllun ·. tom;uu. :rnJ SIUllC trnund UIU Sl ilfil 1111 a 111..-~hl )' b:i k1.'t.1 noi ssanl

Bl a1.· k wl' II

t:Oll\'ill C'l'tl :1(11.: r SI.'< y,·:1rs llf

l !>)- UC !

sandwiches with student 1.0.




so nw Sl'll:ll(ll'S thtlll i!hl tlw y wo1: \'\1tmt! for \Ve s h1111hl11 '1 :.cllk f\1r :mythinl! less 1lwn l11 1!hl y pns u;1s1w Al'tl-r ull . !Ins is a dt·a1h and tlyinl!

All S :111cJ w h ll'h1.·s ar 1tl E 111n:cs :1 rl' ,t·n 1.· d with )'11url·hc111.'. c , ,1C :1..::-.1r11r(i rr.::l·k .S:il:i,I, P:is t:1Sa \.ul or Ge rm an Po1:.1tn S:.ibJ (hcM :-....· n ..: d hm'l

C1 l•iss:.in1


Students, faculty,staff find change of pace with spring break

h111 1kr i1,t11 M,·-..: ln1 , ,!rink way 11111 11111 d1 t1.·qu d 11 . a11d

'llc.•n•. put lhis on. rhan· AlllS .'

Pot c.· .\

wclc11111cs 11II k ll,·1s uf opl11111n frnm !'ul-u ll y, ,1uct..:111~ :nw.J ~f:i lf lclh!: S , ttt:,iltl ht.· t,ril r and wllhou1 atiuslvt: 1:mt;unv,c ,,1 pcr~unul :.i ll ll.' kS. Lc11c1·:c must be slgnl't.l tiy the wrili:r (nul ty1,"'1) and .),hoold lnr.:lutk a h,:lqihonc numtx-, &nd !r..l,!i ~, r, 1 v..:rlnc:itlon purp11sc.-:. All lclll.'rs will hi.- puhl h ht"\J wllll the ~utllllr'~ nl.m1.• uni (.'-.~ an .uii;:\' II "'r.l , ,

'flit' W1rhitm1


tic~n matJc Wilh lht.• 1.'-t..lilor. l..c.'tlCIS will he 4..'tllh'\I for l(ramm 111ll v. Th e \V.cl1iwn Is lnC:tl1-'CI In the l·:tln l"l nc Ail s l 'r.::nl t'I . 0 Ill \ .

'.'. • ._ ,,l'Vtl

l'a~c c,

T11 11 r-. tb • ~larc h





Movie review

TIIE \\',ch;taii

Problems eating Gilbert G~~P.~ Uy l)l·rt n I m,rl' tn·t•

IX , .111d '"" ,1,11·, , \\ h11 ari: . , . . . . - - - - - - - - - ~ 1lw m:111 n l th1.· (ir.1r1.· hu u., t' · th i: hur hold. Ii \ 111!.! w11 h t\ 1111 11111 :1 If you want to iruilulc (D:i rk·tw c .~1l;, ). \\ hn,1.· 1111 ~1..· \\ IH ' ll ,I ) \ 1\1 11 /' \\'(1 11 1.l ll life, yon have to blend si,,: I '\ pl:i yin g h,l\'llt' \\ 1th lht.: p1..· 11 pk w hu 11',· IIH·1,.· .111 n.1 111cd _H..· 1. I-.) ,1 111v\ · , 111 En infr:uarul·turl! of lh ~ Grn p..: l- 1w,\ l'J,.: h 01hc1 .111tl tl1i: 11 d1u.1, l ,1l h·11 lend, h1 111,d l a, dnuna ...~ co111cdy. homestead: lus bnllh1.·r Armi.: d ays 11 1!1t~,1. ., 1..0 , n ,rn .11~ 11at·kd 111 _11 11 , \\ . .'. II 11 .11.d . .·d (L.e o na n1 C ap r 11 1). f11r 111u t11w 't l' I . 111 .11 d1 1l' "- ll I 11uhuk·1 J \w l! l hld ll t'"" 11 11 ----=---=-=- -=--==--" w h llm :i rn .ijur L"l.' kh ra ti n n ,,. rm· :111 thn kJd t1. 111q111l .111 tl ll illil·11 t, t h:ll , ht· n111 1u·, a 'l'll'l.' 11[1 \ ,1) l\·11,•1 lh'll!!t'' pl :11ml'd l\,r h1:-. I Xthb1nhd:1y. i, n hn.11 , 11, L, \ ,r , l ,.ill ~ h1111 . lt1u I h-1 .:11 1\ .d i:-. tl w b,, _..l.d 1111 h, , lh•n-1 h i!<- (1l d1.· r shta /\my (L1u ra ,i. ,t ~ lih,:1 1 (i1 ,!r•· 111 :-1 rn .1 ' \.T1L' ' iii ,o rp1 ,, rn~ '"All ,,f Ill\ 11111,1 l' .., iJ .1w ll :1rring t1111). :1 :- trn!!!,!l1ng t ': ~' .l,L ~-~ Ll'lnt ., t,1 •h.'t 111 in tl h.' ltk ,, f lhL· a111 h1111111 lw Ill !,! lnllh lrn11w111:ik. 1.: r. :md lr-. 1:Jry , 11 1~·11 G1.,p...· ltil ." lbll , 1111111 _..:m l ;, If y1111 Kal i.: Sd1e llh .inh ). the: h.11 d,hq ,._ ,•. h 1h' r 1o1,, 111 )_.'. op Sl. 11 11111: J 1d1110, l) v pp wa11l \11 111111:ul· lil L:. yn u ha,1· yo un gl."sl. who :-(1IIIL"\1111c ., i k h,, _.. :1 u11o1! :, i ,,h, , \\ 1· 1~h, .ind foh,·u ~- I ,·,, i ... "\\ ' h;11' ll1 hkm l drama .11i...l 1,.· 1111wtl y L::111'1 hl'ip 11\.::111 111! ( iilhl· , t lik.\· ) fHI p11u 11d, . ,1 1,, 1111 t\ hd I 1t 111 !! <iil l~ 11<i1 .,pl· \, ,1,11 1 ,nll't' li k , , dr. inu ti,.: ~inti u~urrot,l tl· Llll ll' , . w.i-. n't , up/1 11 '--· , i 111 '.t ll \ l\l' tl' t 1. d \,, I .1, , ..: I l.d l , 11 0 111 c, 111 h:du: " Gilh1,•rt w \1rk :-. as a 1.·. krk ch dd hc,,•d 1"'1 :1 ,, IH•''· 11 111111,!! 1 \ I, l 11.." \ , \ ! )1, ,• · , lr ,1111 l iilhn l l}11h1111 y l k ppl 1s :ll 1hc L:11 n.,." n Cirol'.t'I"}' :-lure l·: 111i-1·111ll 11 11t·11t I d1111r E11d 111 .1. hi\\ ,1. h .1~~ , 1 pup 11l.11 llll l u t I .tJtJ I l lw

,, h·~"l:~\1

a l •H , 111 ,1 ,1 1; 111 rv 1, l l 1 h ) 1 •It·

den, wi,, uj.: 111

:·1 :;1,'. '. 1\,1'.,1;:~1



Music review


1 horso go.,tl fl r TXlsm ·uo:olo !-S A S pnn!y ~ OI i A pig" n 1UV.1l 111 1n101:soction nl hwy:s 87 6 63 7 1 X Jonn Cinwlord was l uullo Sew 11 Uvnldo Co s Shoo M ounmln 9 Mnver1c"-s Tnrplov ptnyetl on this M ,nm1 loom In '9 1 {lJSDL) 10 WO SI TX cil v El 17 mllHn ry hondw,.;, r (2wds) 19 In Gro\yson Co . :su ol Shormnn. Vnn 71 Ynnkoo s s..1y Tc ;;;s hnvo n _ lwang 22 Nolnn pllchott 2 nohlt101:s In _ St,1d1um 27 TXism: • to· (inlond) - 28 c alm 29 TXism "ho could 5

'Mellow Gold' album

_______ii II " G liU "

.ti ' 1 1111 1,

' 11 ,r , 1n l· ,\ ,·h I , ... 1.

;111 1111(,

·1 hl di.... h.-t='' l h l'



\ CL" rn "

1.. 1

1 11. it '.' \ '- \

1. •r1111 ,·


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(good cov.boyJ 30 n p;mJon 32 TX Wh1lo wns 1SI l o wnlk In :spaco {lnll ) 33 TXlsm. 'dot tho i's nnd • 36 Goctd0Ss U~rty Is _ cnpllol demo 37 Dallas nctros:s Fni rc lllld (lnU)


1, .. 1h1t l:cr ,H Iil!

38 ' Tc11.ns· wns n

I J'' l1 ni.; .u.~I l q,1n ( 11 d i.

39 lho 111118 gonoral




Harpor (l nll ) 43 bl!) Amoricnn El\l"onl won by TX Travino

I , 1.""._:Jn l



42 Cowtx,'/S rocolvar

t.:11 1 1h:i 1

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. nt.,<.l.h tol • . 111 1.!1 , 11umh. l1kt· lh'L L 1•, , 1.11 a l111 !,: in 11 11.·

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D11i.::-. B,x k 111. L· up to lh\: n l 1hi.: t'ir,1 track . I d1111 ·1 think hL· d ill" ' - In L1 1..· 1. 1.,·11h " ~•ld ltl w G Pl<l " hL-~ <.k fin :111.·l y :J w m t1t li.:



Il l·

How Js STUDENT SERVICES, Inc . DiHcrcnt from .t

~1 11 d is hav tll!! 1111 wi~h


B..: ll )' Ca rvi: r ( M~I

,: r, MAflO Osmond nlb\Jln. Wanted You" 47 c111oct1on to Ausun from Ab~cno 40 0 ,1 !1\ rx Sp;mlsh mission· S,in Fmn do _ To/ns <19 TXlsm· • scorch ovory


1·1 •t o f 1.:rc<.li ls lo hi ~


S tci:nhuf!_ !1..·n l T h~ alll_1_nn~ ll t.' W v 1si llir 111 l:. n_ d u l ,\ I ' fk,.:ky (J 11l ll.: lli.: l.1.·w1., ). whn ,,. h.!ft s1r.11Hkd 111 th1.: I0\~.1~ w llh her 11r;11llhna wlwn th1, 11 mntor hom e (kvl'inps 1..•ng11h.! trnuhk . "Gi.llwn is stuck 111 En dur:1 wo rkin g in a gr1u.:~ r y s um: :inc.I cvcr)•t'lody ':-. gnaw in g :1 1 him : hi s fam ily. hi s fri e nd s his lo v~ r." says Hcc.lgt.:~.' "ln~n the wwn ro lls a girl who cnllHlcs w ith cvcryt h in{! thjl h:is hl!cn c losed up inside him ."

incl ud rn c "Pl

.s me


~uun g

~~~dw~in..l Sc ,sst;rh:intla:.~'~n." " A Nightnl :Ht.: ti n. ~11 ~ ~t n!Cl" lhis uffi.:rin' is I El in ~ l h .; sk1tp..:r __ :.rn ~v ·11 •~ti) H ·ol'!lc w h n •n t o s1,• i.:,1 th1)x: p1,; P__ . . aft , · It . h ts a l a \1 . at .t psych_o o g1 ca r~1m:.i. hut it t\ ~ "~· . 111Gt~~ ;:1m ~ '"~ •!1 a~ .. ~:~\~ n1•n;~;;ss c;~1~~ly1~~ , , e..... : .· - . ti.~ solllt..:\\ha t 1,; nlt.:: rt,11nrn g. hu1 dOl.!s n't exactly nv l'.: t you lo you~s..:a 1. _ . Review Ratmg: 8 •



TEXAS CROSSW ORD by Chorley & Guy Orbi<ron

,,nd cranny·

50 v.hat motnl dovicos do nt OFW Alrpo rl 53 11 pulls Toxnns up o ski hill 54 El Paro p.,rlsh l!l oldo:sl 1nUS SOCOl'I0do _

DOWN 1 TX1sm.: "that's all _ wroto• 2 TXism ·snnp bonns• {boons In tho _ ) J TXism: •_ as porlumo oo a pJg· 4 whnt an Astro does v.hon cool ract Is up 8 TXlsm: •901 ·om n lho _ ol my hnnd' 9 TXism: ·cvon _ _ _ con bo dCholtlod (bOlllilblo) 10 TO)J)S oll lliollgh!or "Roel' (lnil.) 11 bordors TX (abbr ) t2 W Housloo auburb

'II A H.arrmor• 14 'house• 1s square dance Is the

35 Os.trtch•Uka bird bred at Van-.:!orpoo 37 TX oducation




c:ommlsSIO!ler ~

16 TXlsm: .lown red~ 17 Wichita Fnl!s FM raalo

40 Austin wa:i lln.1 caUedWaia,_ 41 home of Rang,n

18 TXlsm: · a wholo _ . {lot,) 20 ToQns cnn thorn •swoel potatoes' 22 good 1ree fot lence posb: Bois O'_ 23 TXlsm: 'eouldni roo hide _ hlllr of him' 24 TXIsm: ·two poas ln _ _ • (lden1icat)

rival Yonkees (at-ci.• 44 TXism: "cokla,•

25 TXlsm: • - _ few ¥>-.ek.~lldi' brida Shy of a lood' .(.5 TX Grice C,o,ml 26 TXls.m: ' it's ?s and othof m.,.,rers






5 1 this Cnbel1 was


3 1 tho man Musiftl 34 short TX oroeUng


52 Lvnda Bird's

h·usba.nd Reeb nrN t,

llt♦FIHMNm ,,




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pr 1,1tc , ., y o u, h ,1ck9 r o und -11ul cduc.1ll on:d goa l s. St ud1•11t Srtvlc ••t . I n c. 6 174 H011 h Mtl.,..1111r kc-c Avc-nue • Ctuc•go. 11 f.0646



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j t


111E Wichitan Thursday, March 10, 1994

On their way Women going to"the Dance" by Elizabeth Richardson ports Reporter

N3 l iO . na I

\\ 0 m c n s

(Jut:l:ns caml: o ul 10 t early m

Somebody is definitel y playing Midwcstc m's song a., they head back to the B i Dance ' and it sounds like thge

i?~~namc.nt in . Ja ck s on . 16 ., w hich hcgrns March ·

lhc second half.\\ ayland ral ~cd 10 w11~,n tour points. 41·' 7 · afln Ka nd Y Smil h rnn ,cried on a layup.

wcet Te nncs.<ee Waltz.

The third lime wa.s most cfinitely a charm as the No. 16-rankc d L ady Indians not niy claimed thei r third vicory. by a score of 83 -70 ver Wayland Baptist . bu; lso the NAJA Di v is ion 1 ou th wcs l Region champi nship al Brownwood oliscu m Mo nday nigh t. The Tribe . w inne rs of fo ur strai g ht and 19 of th e ir las t 20 . imp rove to 27-5 ove rall. W ith the victory . lidwe s lern receives a~ aunmauc hcnh into lhc N,\IA


Complete pai ring will be released on Ma rch 10. and clmed MSU c oach Jeff Ra y be lieves lhc Lad y Indian s w ill be a Top 10 seed. He has a good case hccause J\·I SU · has defeated No . 6 -ranke d Southwestern O kla ho m a Stale and No . 25-ra nk ed Wayland in the pa.s t wc-.:k. "' Bea ting Southwrs h:rn. who's won five national ti tles.

~?!:}~:ti~~c\~a}~ani;t~~~~\~ powc r ... we ll . I reall y think we'll haven Ne>. 8 10 No. llJ seed." "1id Rn y. Al the hall M~ U fl•ad hy nin e. 35 -26, hu1 1he Fl yrn~

Back to back

,• .




~ut the Wa yland ra ll y ended whe n juni or forwa rd Stacy r-rankli°n nailed a pair of free throws a nd :, 22 -foot 3-pointt: r. ·n,c Trih~ contin -

ing further at nattonals thi s yea r. We did re ach a highe r le vel in thi s win . a nd I think we can :11 Juckson.1 00." Three othe r Lad v In dians

scored in douhk figures as r-ranklin fini shed wi 1h 12 points, senio r Emily Dill had 11 points and a ga me -high 10 n:hounds. and M illc r lallic d

ued 10 put on the h..:at as sc n i or fo r wa r d Lynn 10 points an<l eigh t hoard s. Buckma.,;,t..:r then knocked in Senior Mind y Mye rs fini.,lll:d anoth 1.·r trl!y and rvt rinicn wi th nilll' poinls and a gami.;Milk•r came up w ith bi g wi th hi gh six ,1ssists . while frc~ ha layup and nght -handc<l sky man Jul ie Lovett l.." <Hne up wi th e ight pn in L,;. ~~~~\ I~~~ i:~,~~~o~1fs~. wa lh "Tm l)tl lnp of thL· WLl rl d. " \Vhcn we !.!C t mt o a rh ythm lik e toniiht, its hard h's nu r tim!.! tn take 11.'" Myers to slOp us." satd Buckm as ta, said ·'\Ve nuL..;hot 1hcm. out who led s..: orin~ wit h J .1 rcbnundcd them and \Ii: !.! were

Midwestern Stale men 's askelhall lea rn w o n th e AIA D ivision I South west


to urnam e nt


mwnwood. Texas ove r th e ecke nd lo e arn its secon d onscc utive trip to the NAIA atio nal T o urnament. The en defeated ri val Wayland aptist University fof' the ird time this season. 81-67 . The Indians hea d inlo 'alionals which will be held

Inside Sports Column

hi· Drew M ycrs

Sport.s Edit,,r !l's mnn: phy., ical u,an a ga me o r n ag foo tball. ifs

mon: thought provoking th an a good old fa.s hi on game of

Tc1 ris. nnd it's more 11ring than Sla y in~ np all ni ght

studyin g for an exam. I'm talking nhout the: spicy new spon on 1hc MS U c amp us, cafc tc ri ah all. ( It pro hahly won't be a ml'dal C' V('O l in '96. but it 's .'.'ti ll a sport in my hnc, k.)

The objec1 of tlus insane game i., to um ~ yo ur approach just rig h1 so you havl! a chancl.! to cho w down . (Gosh' I haven't s:iid chow Llo w n sinn· j r. hi !!h ) Y ou mus t strateg icall y plan your all aek a nd fighl 1h n> ugh

anythi ng IO at:co mph ~h your goa l of vic tory. hut 1f yo u miss thc windcw.: fl f opportu nity )'l\U lose !! Th at's 11. rhat's the ga me. Simpk. nght ') \\'RO NG !

in Tulsa, Okla. thi s ye ar, nd -

Roh en Ringo 1hcn go1

ing a four ga me win ning

on 1hc action hy draining

streak. Against Wa yla nd MS U was in co ntrol fo r vinu all \'

luck to hack .1-poinlers lO ex te nd the Indi an lead 10 I J w,1h 7 :00 lcfl . St o nie

40-34 leadillln ha lfti ~ c. The Pionee rs ope ne d th e seco nd half with a 6-0 ru n lO come within two al 4 2-40. hul lhe In dian s an swered by going 0n

o r his own to pull WBU to wi thin 10 al 63-53 hut Roderick Hay haile d any kind o f a Pi o neer come hack hy hitting a 1urnarou nd 1umpc r and hammering home: ;i slam dunk fo llowi ng a slcal. Co ll ins le d four MS U

the en tire came as lhl' \ lOok J

a 10-3 run themselves a.1- E.J . Collins a nd Jason Paly nailed co nsec uti ve 3- poi nl ers lO go

up by


Arhu..:klc buried a ~-pointer

la yers in

11·s a dail y cuuhroal L 0mp cti11on he. twee n !hi.! c:>.fcti.::ria :i nd the , luc.k:nLS.

Ev..: n tlhm l.!h the mat ch seem, tn he faif . th i.:. cafeteria has 1he upp,: r h;md . Ii has the

26 pnints, se \'t:n rL·h ound s, hom e ri c td advantage and lhe and fi ve assists . Ha y scored game is pln ycJ by their rules. 14 poinLs and grahbcd I I re It <l ncs n't matter if you hounds while Ringo added 11 were savin g the world, acpoin ts and C harlie Sage r 10. When asked what he fell ceplrn g the No bel peace alkr the ~ame i:o.1ch Gerald pri ze. nr JU SI gning to clas.s. if S1ock1on said. " Reli e f. ". you'rG run111ng lalG you might as wc: 11 forgc t ii. The nthcr "When you're fav ore d lO te;.1111 has alrc:ady wnn and win th e re's a lot more: pre s- you 'vl' h1.·c n h.:(t with an sure than if yo u're not. \Ve cmpty slomac h. th o ugh t we'd beat Waylan<l and we did . If we play ou r TIHS usuall y doesn't play bes t. we can win it all... on my mind. I just play the

t10uhh; fi gun.:-s with ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~.,,w--- --------::---:-:--::'.'

Players, coaches honored at tournament Men 's ha skelhall head coac h Ge rald S tockto n a nd

wo men's hJske1ball coach Je ff Ra y ''"·cr1.· hon(lrcd f\1 onda y night in Brownwood at the NA IA Di\'i~io11 I Southw~st Reg ion tou rn amen t as l:Oaehcs of th!.! yL"a r In di vidua l honors a lso wl'nl out. Se nio r Lynn Buc:kma~lcr was named lo the fi rs! 1c:i m all -rc,;ion a."- wd l a.s the women's pla yer of th e year. Seni or ~-tin ciy l\l)•Cr.- wa ~ al so nam ed fir s.c team all -reg ion. Seninrs llan Beasley anJ Jason Paty waL· n:11ned fir~t team al l -n!gion in th e mt: n's division.

Assistant basketball coach named

A Dirrrro:nt Kl n,I u C fl,· ld T riJ1 11 y,,.,·rr 1, ,.. 1y f,11 ..,hcro tn u .. 11,l cJrU c11 .: 1:1. 11,r A l lll) SJt u,11.d l ,i.1~1,ll u ., .an ~ ~ 1111 ,l )'"" l., fr ),.., l! ,h,,,,, r , 11 iir • · • •<'( \J ..

r, ,,. .

11, 11 ... r ,

Y"II IIU ) IU rn

r.c• Jl.ilh,n1 1-111 11urn1< ~h>t>1 , ,,.11ru1 r 1, cku1 ..111,.,, ,,r ,'1'1, .,r 111111.1, ~, I• .. , ,~t,r1 trduuca.lhd,1' Y, -.i111.1y•Jll-1 l1l)' l " < ' " : 1 \ 1o t 1J1111

t,11th>n &.~l • lll •--· 111 d ... 1,urt1 ...

~l<~ti,:1>11•·r> l i l D,11. •Jl.u") n,, t ,, lu·r

r,;f J, h Uk l • ~ kwt!J.) • J w,,e:11~,.f J I. ,. 11. , .- l , J ,rJI ) ,..,, _.,,


~:,~::~'.~-~ '.','!'~,~:·:.:•.1:·~•t; ~. :. \ b1

Alpha Plasma



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Hm~ II litill" f 11 11 /in (t d\luv:r!

llascball ltam off to a hot start Pitehmi;. guoLI dc kns~ and the ahility to score runs w hL·n nc1.:J cd has nm the MSU's baseball team to a 6-1

Sr1 far this :-.~aSl\l\ 1hc trihc has swcpl tw o three g.u.1c sc ric s with 1heir on ly Jos.,; coming ~l Texas \Vcslyan. In a two gam e stand with SfvtU the Ind ians scored 33 runs 10 the l\111 ,;tan g.~ 4. The team 's nc ,1 homc game will be against SMU al 5 p.m. March IO al Henderson Field in Burkbumcll.


(8 17) 322-730 1




_w,i. ~x-

cfu.h 8 #'tl.ll=== Sikes Senter

1-~~t-~'I IT'S SHOWTIME!

°'1J>·S / 19/Lftc-r a $1QR!.'0Jt~

'\'tl...-ed-1..'6 h~PJr1.unx.-.ut.'>I) N)


While playing for th e Indians Harris knocked <lown 2,0<n poi nts lO pul him lhird on MSU 's all-time scoring list He wa.s sc kelcd NAIA Third Team All- Ameri ca n in 1987 and ll om,ra hk Mention All-Am erican in 1986.


&<...., tf'

f"l'f'f\ 0'Y")J(J/G,-1Rt0,1•t.> f-otmo,..,J

curfl'n1 ly se rves as the head men's

O\t{sea £trte,

$199~., , l Pi.llr

t1 ;1rr1 s


Championship savings on Durasof t J@Colors CONTAU LENSES

1 1,o..a,lrt'fr ~

a Week!!

• Some people might say. "Just go to Wh atabnrger or so meth in g." All I have to say to th at is : I'm m ore broken tl1an a foo l run over by an 18 wheeler. so how am I suppose 10 buy th is food? Wilh my good looks? (That would ge t me s mall fin:s and maybe a drink.)

Ki llecn-Elhson High School in Killeen. Texa.s where he has

C1·uisc, Ship Jobs!

Clu1ngiug )014 r eyc nMT LS fun mvl a(fon:iabk! 'fWI CC

In the time il look me to drink a of lemonade the cafeteria staff packed up all lhc food and called it a night. So just because I made il through the door lh a1 corn dog was all I was go ing lo get AUGH !!!!! (Sorry. As you can see I'm a tad biller about the s ituation.) A nyw ay, that's the game. cafcte riaball. Catch It!

coached for three yea rs.

StuJ f' nt s n c6 J cd ! En r n S2000+ mo n1hl y S uinm e r/ ho lid ny s/full -L1m o. Wo rl d Lrnvcl. Cnr ibbL• an. 1l a\\ n1i , Europe, Mt:x ico 'four GuuJc• s, Gift S h op 5 .}l es, D1•i l;. Jl::rnd ~,

Buy 2 Pair For Only r"' \.

That is whe n I was hh nd sided and my lille was stolen.


Former MSU ha.skethall playe r. Robert I larris. ha, h,·cn na med t11 c new men's ass istant baskc thJ II co:ich, acc ording lo n~wly nppoin ted head coach Jeff Ra y.

This Lucky Fell~ Gave ~ the G~ift of Life. ~

I wa lked up lO lhe e ntrance of the cafotcria and it was like standin g in front of 1he gates of heave n, (O K a little exaggerati on) I gave a small sigh, and wen t in lo ha.,k in my glory.

Quick Sports

After the Break...

• Craig Pettigrew going pro • Men's & Women's track • Rugby Feature • Basketball wrap-up

night that se t me olT. The y c hea ted !!! Let me tc.11 you n li11k story. It happened las t Sunday. I planne d m y allack to the ve r y minor detail. I ha d skipp,,d "brunch" so I could use my fina l meal on din ner 1ha1 night. I went IOtl m iles per hour nil day long up so I could make lo the ca feteria j ust 15 minutes be fore they closed. ( I won't bore you wilh th e details o f my life, but I did do a lot lhat day and I did it in a hu rry.) I a rrive d a1 the dorm s wi th five min utes to sp:i rc , jaunt ed 10 the studl!nt ccntl'r. an d ho ped an prayed I hadn 't lost the game thi s time.

consume one com dog and


Men return to Nationals

pencer Friedl Sports Reporter

game like cvcryhody else , bul someth ing happened the N h.:.t

On the

poin t., . "\\\• plan on aJvanc- simply th1.· ~tter tc..· :im ...

Paiie 7

')f11\.,,,~._1,., ... ·,•,;,,.,,• ....,_, I.I ' 'ltl"",'

~;.1. ,

' •-<.Cr,.._ ,,,


•MON.•fRI.• tlA!-M t'C" I , '



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THE \11,.h;~

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