March 11, 1993

Page 1

1W Volume 71, Number 20

Thunday, March 11, 1993

"Reportln1 Mldweolem Stale Univenlty New• Since 1922''

Spring Break can be fun with low fund$ By Kathr,n Self Reporter Spring SrOlk. What I wonderluUy refreehing and relaxing ph,aae. Ck,ee your eyes and re-

peel lhtse two llny words unlif you SH lhoN trr<:IW'f slopes Of nwyt,e; INII white Nnd and av•· t•I water. Slowly open your ey•. becaUM for most tNI rNI• ity is you cannot afford a major

getaway However. don't fret if you cannot afford an exotic !rip.

much lor young people to ex· plore, see and experience. In the Museum, you can lravel lhrough time back to Iha day ot lhe caveman and dinosaurs and ell'perience !he Roc ks and Fossih extti as well a the Man and His PouaNionS exhibit. If you are more inco the body'. •n· l•t into Iha Hiatory of Medicine exhit»1 or take a slroll lhrough Y0ot Body and leam "everything

from adrenal gtandl; 10 zygotas."

For people who juSI can'I absort> enough history, tha to do and see with a limited History ell'hibit is Miling tor you budget if you koow where to The mos1 fascinating part of look. Rted clONly, for this is the museum IOf many peopla II your chance lo tee !he bell of the Omni Theater whtr• you acthe bul in unknown plllcH lo tually expemtnce !he action MCape tor Spring BfMk through an 80-loot domed the· He.ading to the Malroplex ate, For 1hoN that hlv• never can mean more than amusa• been. If ia an Hperience bemen\ parks and malls. Don't yond words Currently. "Tropical overlook the nol•wel•known for Rainforest· and "Speed" are they n-.y be !he bNt 1how1ng For more inform1Iion Fort Worth on any of these adivitlea. call The MuHum ol Science (817) 732-1631. and Natural Hialory offers so Your next stop could be the Believe it or not, lhtte is much


Fort Worth Zoo where you can

bond with lhe creatures of the •rth and stid stay at • safe dlltance. Call (817) 871 •7050 if you a,e ready IO go wild. Before you a.ave town,


t•r the wortd of lhe wacky, w•ird and -waxy• as you visit Ripley's Belilve It Of Not and The Palace of Wax. See lhe amazing oddi· tiM 1h11 have stunned mankind !hen walk through COftidors of wax r•pbcas of l amoua scenes and people. Beware though. sometimes Iha flgtKes seem al• moet too lifelike! You be the judge. Call (214) 263-2391 for rnofe intriguing details. 01IIH and lrvlng VISit the hands-on museum, The Science Palace or tour The Sixth Floor, where you can look inlo the assassination of Presidanl John F. Kennedy. Call 214· 428-5555 for The Sc~nce Pa~ca and 21-4-653· 6668 lor The Sooh Floor. Don't forge! lo &Cop In II ! he Medieval T imes Dinner &

Toumamenl You are not only wined •nd dined, you are gr,.ian •n avening ol enlartamment iike you cou5d never imagine One MSU Nnior caNs this place an all'cil.lng and advemurous: travel through lime and one !hat can definitely not be missed Calf 1 • 800· 229•Q900 Before you ieave, ge1 a feel for Hollywood by v1sihng "The Studios al l as Colinas· and "Southfork Ranch.· home of tho long-running 'Oaltas• show Al The Stud.Os, expenenc.e movie h istory and behind the s:cenes action. And before you leave SouthfOfk, grab a sandwich in MIN Blie·s Del, Cal 1·21-4-869· 0700 lor The Studios and 1 · 800-989-7800 to ~hrow a ranch

in yoorpllns.· The BeachH

Maybe yoot hope fo, spnng break ls to hive an early taste of surrmer sun and sand on the



Clinton program ·called--~lmtg-shot' for·M8U By Loree M. Arrinftoa Reporter

H looks like • ·1ong-shot• if any MSU SIUdenlt ~ gel first year benefit from PrNidenl Bill

Decl1loru, declaiona.•• MSU aenior Lance & cen penuu travel b, while where be should lfl)ft'ld Sprin, Bru.k.

Psych. dept. needs volunteers By Darla Staie

Re-1,<r The psychology deponme,t needs vofunleers . Students in Experimental Psychology, undergraduate and graduate, need people lo participate in lheir exJ)i'riments, which rang•

from tasae tests to attitudes towards homoNXUlls. Tovofunl..,, a siuderd may leave hi s name and phone number on lhe lilt beside the ydow box in front of the mein .,,-iranc• of O'Donahoe.

Clinton's ptop<>Md coUeg•for• service program. Information from Ms White House office in· dicalea that, provided Congress passe, th• measure, about 1,000 students. nahOnwide, woukf benefit during fiscal year 1994, whk:h begins Oct 1 1h11 y..,-. Judy Sinmorw. MSU dirao-

tor of financial aid, ui:1 ttwl if !he prog11m passed Congress lhis session, it woukl probabty be next year belOfe students could

llk• ectvaruge of • · Pre1idenl Bil Clr'llon chose Iha 32nd •nniverury of the

Peace Corps to introduce his Nalional Service Program Monday, March 1, lo I cro'Nd of several !housand students 11 Rutgers Un iversll y In Pisclllaway. New Jersey. Thal same evening, he reached an even larger audience by appear• ing on MTV lo discuss his plan 10 make a college educaHon available 10 everyone in the country White House officials expect Iha detail& of the President's National Service inllialflle lo be ironed out and presented to Congress wiU1in • month. Representalflle 8d Sarpeulis, D· Texas, slrongly supports the National Servk:e initiative and said lha1 ii would be receN'ed

very favorably in Congress. He siudents who agree lo work al• said lhal Iha cost wil be the main tar graduation as a INcher, poissue in !he p.-09r11m. but said lice officer, medical 1&ehnician, lhe money would be well spent. in sen.Or citizen prog,ams or m considering the baneli11 ex- some Olhar commun~y service pected from Iha investment of For each year of servk:e, two funds in young people. years of payments on Iha loan Th• prOfected C0$1 of the will be forgfllen progt11m, $7,4 billion, will be dis· Sarpaulis satd enlhusi.ast1btned CtYar e four y61r period. cally Iha! each convnunity wlll with e ~ hatf of the amount • hen.lit significantly from this $3.4 billion. requested fOf I ha program. He said ii IS a win-win louf1h yeM of 1he progtem • fllC81 siluatlon where !he student wi11 year 1997. The inillaltve wil be get a college education, needy phased·in OYer a four year pa• people win berietit lrom Ihe serriod, with p rojeclions. !hat vicN received, and laxpayers 100,000 students will benefit wil reap !he benefr1s of a protheLaSCyNI. Under lhe proposed Students, Nallonal Servic• initiatN'e, co,. lege loans would be lorg,ven !Of



Bosnian student remembers life before war fK• the r•llzation the! today his fr~nd• of his age are lighting Faruk SaHagic thinks abotA •nd dying tll a war he can only home oflen Al 18, h• has watch on "CNN," Sdagic said "When I firsl heerd war had watched his home. Sarajevo. Bosnla•Henego'olina. !um from a broken out, I wanced to go bade. normal. quIel c ommunity lo a I felt lhlll wha1evar happens lo war-torn habital •· an trom hit my friends, shoukf happen to ma. I tried to go beck. I called the lelevision screen. Sallagic leh his home in tirporlS, but Iha only thing they Sarajevo, on Aug. 14, 1991 , 10 could do was fly me to Beio,.&t, uplore II totally new and whic h 15 1n Serbia. My name d1fferenl world lhrough an would show that I am not exchal'lge student program: he Serbian. I OU-- as IOOf'I . . 1got never dreamed ! hat his out of Be&grade. ii I were ~ lo do 1h11, oomebody WCXJld Jul ml homelown would fall to pieces "I ltked lhe tdee of exchange jual beceuse of my neme." he uid. sh.dents You ere there for I ·1 talked to my mom In April year, meet a whole bunch of people and for !he resl of your when rNlly b.:t war brok• out,· Salagic 11id. "I !<>kl her I wanted ,,a you will have lnends in 40 or SO different countries That to come home. She lold me to st■y hit'• wt,«a I was sal e. Sy sounded hke e lun 1du." than, my cousin, who WH 22 Sallag,cseid and my best f ri•nd, had ba•n 'There was no 1ndicaho n Iha! !Wen slight dis.order would kiUed' By Kathryn Self


happen In neighbonng Croatia, there was a litlle br1 of fighting, but it was moslly classified as ganos and nothing was realty otganized. • he said The night before Sallagic

leh SaraIevo, he spent hme with his friends uyIng. whal ha considered, temporaty good· bye1. Now, however. ha mUl1


s.bglc's stayrng in America it his parents. He knows !hat right row ha is lheif hope. ·Sotoetlme people hive a bun c h of pro blems ind averyth1rig Is dark. ll's ,ke going 1hrough a tunnel and you only see one liflle light. For my p,irents. that light is me ... If I want home Ind wal klled.

my parenls wouldn't have going on, th• more end more any1hing to liv• for. That's why I lhat I suspect that I am glltling slay her•. That's my brain further eway. There is a gap spulong, but my heert lells me befween what I remeni>er as mf to go; htl said. counlry end what i1 ~ now. I Saltlgic thinka aboul what could not kill anybody because hi• lif• used to be like and of lhalr name I Wint lo be a remembert • t01ally differenl doclOf; I am Suppoled lo keep S.,ajovo lNn the lrnogeo sl-oown people alive,• he said on th• MW&. "I went lo school Sa1tagic does not SH a from 8 a m oolil 2 p.m then I solution to the problem, in his would go wi1h my friends. We coootry right now. He feelt that would walk through the S1reets the United Nations should not and go to • shop and eat be in his ooootry if !hey wil not cookiH and hang ou1 We give a luH commitment "Back would atay ther• unlll we got home, ev•rybody is laughing at !Ired of Heh o ther, Iha we them (lhe U.N ) I am sony lo say wwd ..y good-by• I would QO thal. They drive into a crty !hat ~ . IN m, parents, ea! , then has been shelled !or monlhs .. Sludy.' hlsald Thay are Iusl being there They Sattagic's lam1ly is Muslim are on Serbian terrr1ory Serbs and still living in Sarajevo. He play wi1h lhem; they lake them has r8Ceivltd two let1M1, one in wherever l hey want l o lake October 1992 and the olher in I hem,• he said. December 1992, through the · 11 They are going to help, Red Cross. However, ha does lhey need lo help wr1h all !he not know wher• his family ,, power lhey can If you are not cumtnlly slaying, He suspects going lo help, pull out and lel hes hoUM is bedty damaged and lhe people d1e.' he said his family is sfaylllg In a sheHer Saltagic does see one somewhere. He ii afraid 10 lry poss1ble so1ullon l o his and contacl them. ho-Never, for country's problem •ir a wh<He any COfreapondence might tall bunch ol people are killed, then intorhe twKilofaSerbianwho

mi,t<lalltil....,. 'ue joi<e'



I •tch what is

I. ... .sau,,.;,,. ,,,.a

Faruk Saltagic


Pa11e 2 ■ Thunoday, March 11, 1993

Enjoy Spring Break at Texas Gulf coaSl , ol off-lhe•Wllft Ho&J; ; :, forget St Pt1trv..~ , •~•




l'rom p•&e I many pktcu ou-..,

beach If


lhan P&dre Island ere fC)( 'fOO io hoild CUllea !fl thff sand

Start~ at lho soulhem lip of Texu, lhe "boatlrig and rlSh-

1ng capi1•I or tropfcal T.xaa· aw11tS lhe .ege, ..,,.nhef You can bnng your°""" boat or CMr"-

ter a skiff to, • half-day £ilher way, y,ou'U be deAgh1ed by lhe

env,ronrMnl Call 1·800-627· 8102 for delails about Pott Isabel

lake Corpus Chn 1,,11 S late


Park oNers. the 011c11emen1 ol all

Finalty POr1 Ar1hur. Tt KIIS,

Ck.ddoor .aivll1ea on lls 365 acre area Tt,e lar.t lrNZe o4 the yeor on average occuts Feb 1-4 so

loca100 between Texas and ArQn,s.a.s 1n !he Eaiu Tox.n, Gull' CoaSI, boasts of 111 balmy temperalwe avett1g1n9 69 d egrees year • sN stde state park and chsmplonsh,p goll couraes Lake Sabine provides a place to sail, waler sk1and windsurf wtule anglers can e r,,oy a day deep sea 11$.htng in lhe Gulf ol MeXKX>. Onty one coll slands betwoen you and paradise • • 409·985· 7822

you can counl on w11rm and friendly aides, Call 5 12-547-

2835 Rockpot1 Beach Park, nof1h of Co,pus Chnatl. olfer• a wde r111nge of ac1PYllies lor 1ha bench addict. From a jlf skt arM, sail-

boat l1unchet, pt;ddle bo at aru, blrd sanctuary 10 • 36(). 100' shorebne pter for hshtrs. thlS piece offers ,omelhtng for tvef)'OM The price IS smaO, $0 caU t -800•'-42-0071 10< more

Camping Many studenls will be he.'\Cliinq 10 th• wik:lem•s to, a

chanc. lo rllld1"COYer n(!IIUfll and themselves while SO!Tlft are U,0Ing Just lo have tun Whtchev9f g,oup you Ia n mto t>eau!ilul cArnpgrounds awafl the arrN'SI of you and your lent Stale parks may be the best place to "makff' ea"l)· f()( lhey olfer the comforl ■oo convenience of Che OU!doors wilhoul leaving the cMlized wof'1d too far behind Also, JUSI about anywhere you go, thore WIii bf a .stale~ F,naVy, if you are one o4 !he unlucky souls who ~ be slavJnQ away at worlc dunng this Spmg Break, lry to take a day lo gel

8 w,.y 10 a nv<rlY a,. . fl'\/enl.s a,oond ~ Ends Welf' 1 "Ah Well ·n Mid/and, w,11 be preie~,h~ M idl•nd Texu. by ,,. in Theltl• rf ConYnuMY n.,., 8 re held on Perlormanc~• and SaturdlY

wtl t,- eetebfa1 ed du,1rig Y.,.,. · 9ce,1k 50 you m.:1y wani 1,J ~~ ()ubl,O. T e,lUI.S, where yei.., ,=..: ,san1)le ' lr+5h h.,n and f(.I(>: ~ , _, · and an that r.unou,-,. t

ThUtsd•v. fr;doy ,

Happy ltatll lo YOu V\.., Spt109 8r.,k1 5k>p by the Te-~ Tr~ Soreeu and $M wha<: ~ you may firo on yoor •1tay •o c... r,dis• . wherever lhAt may Cot

111 al 8 pm CaU 682· ~ m¥y FaclOf)' OUI'-' ll'1 a new ,nlarHI tho~ seek Ose,son wardrobe to~ cheoln:rgains a,o

~_:8~~E~i1t0n Malt• in


Col 817-«5•342?

Oen1on Te•as. 11"1 Now 8ra1,111,.e s. Sk)reS

Remember to wea, greer ~ weoriesday and come ~~ " safely En,oy ~ ,

and at Lone SW Fa,dOf'f near

,..-,.you've earned •

~~:-4t'\~,:',~ MICfweSletn


LaMargue. TaJCH,

Students will be eligible for loan pr~~!~~ Pattqien1.s witl be paid $4.25/hr (mm1mum wage) plus . $1 ,000 end of summer bonus lo be used for education or lob train• tog, in exchange for working m hMlh Of edocatcn program& to, po0f children. They will also participel e in a late summer ·vouth Servic. Summr1· wtth Presdent Clinlon Senator Nancy Landon Kauebeum. R·K•nsae. ex• pressed d1sappomlm•nt lhal

com•-contingent • college Repeymenl wtl bebased , upon lhe ability 10 pey. Graduates taking lower-paying )Obs wrll hi~• their loans pro-rrom page I rated to It,..,- abllty lo I»)' gram that W\I pay lor llseW many President Clin1o n, ,n his hmes over much •s the GI bi! tpeech at Rutgers University, has expanded the inhiehve to inStudenl a Who do not wish elude high school seniors tn a to perfom, volunlary servece are "Sl..l'MMH' ol service• pilot prose<:! &hi\ ehgibht 10 finance lhelr edu· that ll'rYON• 1,000 htgh ~ CffllOt'I 1 ~ a program of •;n- seNOtS at• cost of $15 billeon.

Continued I loans


fflOfe emphaSts has not been plac«t on ,emed111I education nst.-d ot summer ,ot>s. She staled lhat !he atarm1ngly low levels of base literacy skills among d1sadvanteg8d youth 1nchcates the locus of summer yoUlh programs should be remed'ltl educahon A mator problem w11h !he summer program 1s not the tack ol funda. bul thal !he remedial education componenl is op-

tl()n81 Kassebaum Slid lo make l(assebeum sad. She said" IS=loty beShe IU11her a rgues !fial 1/'lf!sa programs many . I•s between oft ' cause disturbingly In h pat· !he choleit b t'lr-; O crtJies. the nun-ber 01 ~ summer ~o sho ' sum~ 1100 11c ipa11ng in : ,. achc>Ob, • c tee is clear programs 1s far betow pe summer .ehoo'5 cent $ho alaled thal a sorrime, 1 Althou~h Labor seer• ,ob 6tils onty rwo months. bJ Robert Reic h has •~rmar Iha value of mprovmg • s,~ $300 million !or remedial educa· Nd wrl1 hri hon Rech shoukS t ~ lhe MJ(t ~ :rast arc; step and make remedial edue:8·



;heir :~IIT'le

Saltagic keeps busy with classes, work and cheerleading son: df ■ Continue


done Then It will be 100 late. !hough bu! Iha! .. rh• only solulcn I can &ff, · he said Soll•gic kMI)$ Mmself busy

from pagt 1




lt,ey {Iha lead.,.) would . .y that, works lw.nty hours a !hey dtd nol have anymore peopte lo drrve the 1anks lhen !hey would klCk lhemsetves '" the hMd and SN whal thfrf had

week and par11c1patu In •vou cannot think about 11 •• lhe lime,• he sad. ·1 an, supposed to tM going lo

school hare Sometimes, though. when 1 am ., fff1i room bv my'611 I lighl a candle, ~sien IO $CMT'lt rrusa:: and look .. the cetltng and thri. • ~ ud part abotA 1h15 war •• !hat a bunch or Sertcan, that are not respol'\M)le tor whal JS happenmg ■re gotng to have lroubfe JU5f t> whal IS -n,ng Th... people will

ktl wilhou: any ,. . he sad Sabgic lived wi1h • hoal family 1n • small Kansas community before commg lo Wichita Falls Sakagc recoo~s se nchng letters to schools all acro$$ the coun1ry so he could stay in Amenca. He recerted a lelle, about Midw&Stern Stale Un,verslfy from his current roomme1e. Zo An.tie Aocord11g

10 Saltagic. his iril nol expw9 uni~ 1996 as long as he

con1inues bea',g a Sludenl. •1 wiU have to wart and see what WIii happen Unlll lhen, l conhnue on.• Salagic a.d


Ed llo,·• no t • : Laa t week, Saltaglc ' a mother was killed when a mortar

ehell atru ck the Sar1 j1YO ho 1 p lt■ I w h e re sh, w orked. On behalf et! M l dw• at ern S1ah U nive r s ity . the Wichilaft staff wish •• to nprt u e xtreme symp athy let Faruk and h i • f am ily 11 they deal w ith th1lr trag edy.

FUSION places 5th in Houston Th e MSU FUSION Winte,guard. under the d11ec• hon of MSU aNitta.nt p,ofN$0J Alan Bladl, ha& rec.nlly bffn lhe winn• r ot MVenil ~ 11IK>ns. They look Int pl8Ce in lhe lndependenl A dr11a.,n dwing a Texas Color Guard C1rcuil Competrlion at Weslfiekt H,gh School 1n Hou.ion. Two a1u•

denla who competed in 50k, High School n Houston FUSION 1rave1ed l o KMtin COffl)llflion also won ftrSt ~ Oak High School 1n Houston on medals ll'l their Marc h 6 l or the Texas On Feb. 26, !hey won fiftl Colorguard Circuit Con1>ett1ion place 1n lhe Texas lnvr1ational Show and also look ftrst pi.c. honof's The FUSION Winterguard on Salurday al lhe Southwest pract1Ces on Tuesdays and Reg ional Compe1111o n lor Thursdays. 12 pm lo 2 pm at Wint~rguard lnterna1100al Both the F1rS1 Chnsllan Church gym• cornpe:11111()(\9: look plac• al KJein

,~iv• .,..


A Jau Enaeni>le coocett 'Ml be head al 8 pm., March 11, '" the Fne Arts Theater A science faW wit b4o held at 8 am . March 12, in the Ctlwtc Student Center Balroom. Classes ,■ horn Spring BrNk a1 8 • m.. March 22 * The SIUIHnt S.nal• wiJI meet at ff pm . March 2S, !fl csc 104 Boys ' Chi> Schogn.hips are av••'-~• for th• FaH 1993 s-emetter For more .,,onnetion oonlect Or Gery Fashin,par. u.• acx::..llt, ol BOCial WOfk, al 889-4319




o~. Sand satlonal Beach

Voffeyball Coutl9

... ,...i~i., FUN i.. .. SUN ~ .. SAND!


··- ·6:::.;,~~---




students and faculty of our priorities! ·Free delivery twice a day to MSU! • l~,vc '('le-coon of of'f1et supplo and rum«ure in Tc-~! · UJn>pldc- in--tcn ~~ dt,.."1ntnc • Kno..·~

SrJf · X.-m" (...opt~&. hi, \bdnl'lt-> ·Swint« T \r,tll,nl<T\ · St«~~ hr.ind Nf.c:c- fum•Ul't' • lnl/'f10r l'.h,cn s.:rvitc-~VlJ.abk · ~ \ LlU1'\.'C' Pbn •hwfaaru,.Odi,\cry

.,,.,........ ,.., ,941 '


'a\ t ,t,{'I Ol'\



1!w- 11nn• ...v f'n.:~'








: ONE HOUR OF FREE ···------------· POOL I I


•l"i!';! THIS COL' PO'i

1 I I 1


~bt 11llcbf tan


Thunday, March U , 1993 • Pa1e 3

College Bowl team earns fifth place 1 ~~~;h tee,n 1 12 1o u,nemM1t ; ; ~ ~&QK>n 8 Hue1011 La Eighleen 1~~~; h om T UH A k L0Utl,l,llt\ft ~:.:ns~a • nd N m~m, '" 1 • tour-


~•o• ~""

M ldwutern won 1 0: of 115

e"jJN game, ,n the 1oumarnen1 Mtdweslern del ealed lexas

Chn111an Un1\let,!uty, Hardtng Un1v•rs11y N o r1hwe1tern l o u rs18N1 U1111, 8 , 1 11v l ama, Urwvefs•ty. Sul Rou un,..or,rty and lhe Untvetsily oC Tnu o, !he Perm111n Ba sm M ldweaiern WH delN led onfy by Rice and t he Un1ver11ty ol Tuu 11 Aushn

Rk:t Urwersrty won lhe re• Q!Ot'tal championship tor lhe l our1h c.onae<;utive year, and Tex.a A&M claimed second place The UMerMy of T6as at Aulit•n was third, and LSU waa fou,i h M idwest ern and the Univer,SJTy o( New O,leans tied IOC' lifth p&e,ce The MSU learn 1s COfTY,)l'ised

of Ctns Git>ert (c.:iptain). Johrw,y

Corter, John Ge,h1m J M ichflel l<ooht, and S tacie Deauchlu'l) bowlOr Jell Campbell, collogo eoord,na!Of and coach , ond Or M1Ch81f1 Collm1 direclor of lhe DM11on o1 Human1119i , accomptln,e,j !he tum oo lhe 1t111


The Internal Revenue SefVice wdl be on campus Merth 24 interviewing students Inter• estod m becoming an Internal Revenue agont es a caree,, according to lhe Ca reer Planning and Pi.c~ office Ouahhcalions include •

Dclit Kn-.g, H toCIOht prol e/1-

ment/buaineu 1dmln1slre11o n

end Mar$M May, t1SS1518nl


feat()f of n-elh. also tolt(:hed 1he ,. .m

·conStdeung !he caliber of 1he 1eams 1nYONed in the 1ournamen1, the MSU l eam's tecofd

WH exceVent,' Ca,r¢ell said. "When our lootbell team or our baskelbeA team defeats TCU ts soundty as our College Bow1 leem did, c will SU'~ make tront page headlmes1 We are very proud ol oor team," Campbell


said. Coffege bowl ectiviHes al Midwestern are sponsored by

Dr. David.Tucker

Alpha Ch. e IUNOr·Mnlor honor SOC>ely

beeheb'• ~ - o, higher wch • mepr m ao:ounling However. • degree ll¥llh a differeol major tS .C:Ceplab'9 H long H lhe ~udt,ni hH 2◄ hours m acooun1•

ing, Anyone interesled should CareM Planning and Placement office al ext 4215 lo set an V11en,iew t ~

eontact the


&> 1- 1?%

k -,Vn1.a ~,,1 ] ll,.1)5-•

Reece and Gray present junior music recitals By Howard L Welt. Reporter

The musrc depanmenl wm present Elizabeth Reece and Casey Gray in thff Junior f'9Cita1s al 8 pm , March 12, in the Akin Aud11orium. Boch are sludent.s "' 0, Don Maxwell, pro(eoso, "' music The reatals ere offe,ed in compl'8nee 'Mlh the degree of bac.helor of music in vocal pet·


1 IIR CU ~A.,~S AND LAUM)kY 17') I So)ulhWQt,y


Hy Julie Nanny A.Nloclate Ulto r ·compUlers and gr■ph,c c alcu1,1o rs e,e needed ,n 1oachlng and 1n !he ciusroom,• Or Davd Tucker• PfOles50t' of mathemelcs. In hit tpeech "Vl1uahzat10n of Ma1hemel1C1° during !he March 2 FACUtly Forum 1n lhe Clark Studenl C.nter Theater ·we have a very exc1Iing tool that can be llMd in rNth• mahcs but no on, really knows how lo lncorporale Ill this: Tucker s.ald aboul lhe tools being used 1n the clau•

so, of h1s10,y, Or Charles Ramie, . prolesscu ol m&n•go •

IRS job interviews set for March 24 By Kathryn Seit Reporter

Tucker speaks on visual mathematics at facuity forum

l ~I Mtdwucnn rnway 71),1900 1612?dl ~ttte 1111-00&o

The recrtal of enu and ,n songs m French, German, fta han and English Reece, a 50Pf•no. and Gray. • lenor, wdl perlorm ptee:ea by G<O<go F,ederic Handel. Cla..S. Oebussy. Henn Ol.4)erc, Cheriee Gounod, Johannu Brahms,

1,.., ,,11111 ,111 ,II> di.,inrni,: .-w.J l.wnllr)

I h~• ..m l Ill' tlul 'l< llh m, ,1tli,;r ,p..,1,il'l, ... 111 \l'il lll\\i1hm,, ,1111u;,.,llo.:hh ,,,,, ,,h-..•~lrtl

Rob&r1 Schumainn, Leonard Ber~etn. s.tvei Rachmaninoff and G~ Vffll The recrt.l

Tucker sald one group of people is enchu~•lic about tht 1echnok>gy of eomput■rs and grapNc calc:uLak>f's On the other hand, another group of peopM "advocate caucion but recognize !he desirability" o l lhe

lh• sprud&Mel The c.aleuMIIOC' ehminotes many of the mtStakes ot h,rd comptJlaliona and ..rm. natea lablN The spread~ program pro\lidet • larg1r 5<:reen •nd better reao luhon and a SG11te can be lhown on

""'"" Al!hoogh !he caJcu'8,o, and l htl ~ e r .,. much ._..., and falfM to use. many 11mes a.1udet1• wll lum in ,an answer without questioning rt, Tucker

sad Tucker said ev«y calcutltor Md 1U plu&N and mtnuMS, bul i1 depends on what the i'Klivd• ual wa.nlt. He also se,d eeeh kl(>( COl.4d be m11mldal!ng depending on the student BoMIMS Mudd.a are more inclJned to uM tM


S4)fflldtheet, wh«eas, seience student• want a graphing ~

The F ~ Forum WU c:o-

technology After demonstral ing some

of the eapebiWfies of the g,a~ ing calculator •nd the spread· sheet. Tucker btod some of the advanc.ges ol !he cab."81or ard

will also tealura duets from "Rigotetto• and ' Romeo and Juliet." ·we chose pieces 1~ best illuslr■tld our voeal ab1hlles There is not one pal'1icular theme lo lhe recitals. This • I• By LiN Pecot lowed us 10 choose from • Wide Reporter "'9dion of 1nUS1C81 sryles, and I The M SU businus believe varialion it lhe Slrongeat depertment is seeking tpp,0vaJ aspect ot the reeilals,' Reece lor a new degree - buslneu said. OOf'T1)tAGt" tnlom.!lon systems, • spin-off from 1he management Reece has pertormed wtlh science degree. S.C:kdoot Thealre. Burkburnett The proposed curriculum Communily Theatre and woutd prepare &1udents to INOf"k Soo,nwstoek Opera House in with and d19ign computer o1a s,,ringo. A"'- She lo the blsed intonnation systems Ul~i:z. daughler of Mr and Mrs. Robert mg m1crocornpu1e,s and com • RNCO cl Oklahoma C,Y. putM networb. It also Pfeperes Gray Wat a fNtured soloist SludtrO lo won,; in !he lield of in last yHrs Communfly opera11ons management tor "Messiah • He is lhe son of

epon,eor«t bv the ~•r ec►

ence organization The next Faculty Forum ls slated fot 8 p ,m ., April 8 in the CSC Thule,.

Business department seeks approval for BCIS degree


L()UlSoe Gray ol Lawton, Okla.

production bas4M:S eomp,mies. The proposed program will

Admlsaion lo lhe recilels is be e&peetally surtable tor slu• lrN, and the pubic is invited 10 denls who en10y woricmg wrth microcomputers and prepack• aged COrf1)UIOf sot1ware 1nclud· ing MS·DOS, W ordPerfec t , LOTUS, Oualtro Pro, da!abase systems. d esklop publi1hmg, Harv•rd Grephics and UN sys• terns.


The BCIS degrH is • 128

crd hour program that can be ~ e d In 81'1"<>>dmotely to., years, dependtng on an ndividual's oducalionel backo,ound. Student, must co~ete lhe univ..-sity COJe curriculum plus • vanety of courseia renging from the busmesa environment •nd public poljcy 10 orgaNalional

behove><. Dr. Charles McCullough, dJ. rector o l t he D1v1s1on of Busu~u Admm1str11ion, sakt studenls gradualing wrth a budMSG COfl"'PJ1M information Sys• tems degree can expect • start· ing salary ranging from $28,000

10 S35.000. depending on their work experience. Job opportl#lilies are aveil· able in a1I types of busmeu. .such aa wholeselers. retaileri, IINlncial inslilutiont, heelth care ptovtders, aceounllng firms. manufecturert and computer

Resumes that • 1 reallywork 11 111~1111;1111111111 1

The ri ghl intruducliOll can make all !he difference when you·re compcling for a job. At Kinko·s. we· II help you creaie a rc._wme package 1ha1 introduce~you ma profes.~ional way.

The MSU Police Deper1ment retpOnded to two .cts of cnmintl miaehiel , one burglary end one t heh a1oce Mardi 1. HG. Evans. chiet of poftc•. reported An unknown tndividual vandahzed the door of a fem• MM napkrtl d1spe11ser in the women·• ret(ro()m localed rtellf 1he the,eler in lhe Fine Arts


Formal and design assistance

Bulldm g on Marc h 2 Appro,omately $20 1n coins was removed. There tre no sus• pe<:11 An unknown individual shot o ut five OUl&ide panes of g1.ass at lhe Outdoof Education Cenl er W11h ellher • BB or pellet gun between M arch 5-6. The 11ems are worth $10,,45 There are no suspects



An unknown

removld two size 5 nngs, one wilh a blue s!one on one skte and lhree smaN d•monds on the dher &de, the ocher • solid gokt band, from room 207 in Killingsworth H•II on March 2. The 1lems a re wor1h $380 There are no suspects. • An unknown individual removed a gddish•brown meca1-

=--,,,--------,---------, ~~~=~~~!!ns:':

• Typcscuing

Fine Ar11 Building recen1ly. The ilem tS worth $-450. There are no

• RepruduL1ion on fine s1ationery

• Affordable prices


$29.99 professional resume package Professional resume package includes ,inc page I) pcscl and saved on disk. 12 copies on fine stauoncry. 12 matching hlank sheclS (for cover letters). and 12 envelopes(# I OJ.


Open 24 696-COPY 3916 Kemp

the copy center

&hind tht Olive Gar/kn

- - - --

- -


p ~


t rat ation


~I. Call for appointments 81 f" .... ~•L_ Eam _ u_p_1o_S60 -"._ e_v_e_ ry_2_we _ e1<s. _ _ _ _.;..(8_1-'7):....._'4_6__, 84 :~~-~~-

~bt U!ltblq


P•K• 4 ■ Thunday, Mar~h 11, 199.,

boJ11eland Student returns to wa~.!~.~~ ~:·:~~~"~~:":,,,~

LETTER TO THE EDITOR Inspira tion to others

~ ---l.-d'I•--,..~,,...,..~...-..ot,,,...._..........,...,.__,,__d~~N,_,.,_,,,..., 1,.etter to the Md ltor:

"'-•fl ~ I O ... ~ ' W t w t l• " •NllfN'' ft N 1_.,.A:11,,


" ....... ., ... ...,..,,,_......, n . . ~ ~,..., tNO'



· N 'T- P . , .' M•pwl(W'l _,. ,,_...._Clf'l f'll ~


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-- ...... -~fld+_,.....,,.,..., ...... ~


. ,.~bo.lhw'

- . N.-..ct el ~J.-.,xila b ~ ~ t d l f •..,,,...ot ~ tl<t' olllo'l 'Odf b:..i ~ •j ~ Of tlplec;-.b h\,..,O(lf ~ IOOCOK M • _ . . , ~- -. . . . . , ~ W. .,,._., bl ~ b ~ ~ _ . . , N ~ el~ . . . . . . , . . . . l ~ t w1- N OHf ~ . J i i # / ' on ,,_,_.,e, MSU MtlNIII

-'"tirt•~•---,,,,,..r----•- ~•~t-jfN~ .....,.,_ .....~cai:t•---.lll'IM,.,.,.,~...,.rMI,,.,.., " · ~ ~ " " ' . . '(),', . . . ,a,tr,,o,a, ,.... . . . . . . , .... . . . . .

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...,_,.. ~-~..- Wtl,0CIUIIIII lfCIOIN'. .G.---·-.

..... 'TaaM " " " . . . , _ _ . . . ~ 0 , 0 , .,'. . . . .



By Kathryn Self

fflOfnlr,O w11h lhe news ol h•• mother • dfflh he ~ g41n 10

R e porter

Fat\itii s.n19,c 1hlnks tbolA h lS home lhinkt abctA he ~ and roN he 1tw'b aboue hla dud rno4het, c ~ by• nAhlN&, bind end awl wtr On anofM r page ol !his n~ 1 leetuni JtOfY ct.1CnbN Fat\M a IIUltOn, wily he ca;m• 10 AtM,g •rd wt-wt he has k> deal With dNy. Al• ,..


portltf, I trirtd 10 dt,scrbl tw1 hopt,, atrengd, (Ind cour1191 h• pouauN to u,ry on •• lnowing t. t.mlfy, fMf'Ol and~

_,..,ed Now, ho

are bolng mull dMl'tll'ilh-"




· ,t.t,cr 1 1alked ,0

~ a/n l°.,pulaaleil..iin ~h•,• ~ nd•a~ )~

8 1 ......, , btoktdown looudnothllrdtll enymor,.• he aatd His mothtr woridnO H • lop 0N1e1al 1n I ho,sprfl l 1n S.1ajOYO, 8oan10·He<Z<90''"' when sheff,ng began S M wu hf and )ultd bit • w1r tt1t hlMf UI


tud' •• ~ 9


mv 1, 1htr pk.lmb•no ,,...,.,,~ , • ., _,,d

Saturday motrw'IQ I &aid t,ack -' bed I did nol lei r,,,, ~ If I felt 1embt1 1nllde I hid 100 much .nergy. I did my hOme· wor1t 1nd went 10 WOflt I WI$ ,..,


~ol~=:~ =ng not~-:._,:nd I n _ , _ _ , . . , ~. FtnAt

U1' oN/ tmlO w,il det1royed t,y W,QfAI F~ no ,U ,nodetr,

make arrangement• 10 ,_.u,n


food "'--';~.,,,,.,, ftotr'I i,o'III'


wM"; : t:W

...nnle 1n A,i,lflU would.,,.,,


ut111ed to noc ontf paw, but P'...,... •

,ng MtJip;Fan.ik'saAP'f, ~

11lcen h!S ,nothtr f ~ : : t,uman bllflOI, we F1ruk'1



Aa ..e,ydayAlnen<an< -


wu..Mt.~rd..__..whlht ... ~ • ~ - , , . . .

,,,,._. ._,..._,.~.,___,.._,_,U'ld"°""flllil;,IOl'I"',_.·


H E/...P J'M c,c, ,N er

,_ __ a .,--,,c--,...,,_,...... .. ~ . , "-~•

To BE. -rR,,.f1PLE D

~ .... ~,.,..,,,.,,o.A.- 1¥ ~ , - , _ l h , . . . . . . . . .


.__,.. IN'Wc.-~etW:1111•.,,.,..._ d , . . . , _ . . , . .


(3 Y A

n., ...



you wound ? lhe A• t,u~tn t>tln9s, "!' st,oUtd bl ~ to prt~ thil All O\lef lhl '#Olld, ctiff«tnf (MIi lo< 1,,_. · ~ C1'Yc:n,M tor an end IO : rn,::ni"9 t.,-rof thl-1 h8.t


1hof·s pt,ona oe/1 Salurday

Atwei,..: w..ks • ~.,::

.cenel of

'Mlhnohed:ation " Attert.ata•



FCf rhOte AIO know k)SI of hd mother OQVI'

U\e to19 of ~

lhel' was killed, hOW -~_... MO read .• •nd hOW delf' wu---

gion, ·tt anylhtng , vtr happe,wd lo "fl 1..-ily. I wll go,_


~ r•~



rt V'TffitJI • bLA do rd tum•~ it 11 11 ,.,...._, ,,,, ~ th• ...,o,td IO ..... ..fl 41 i. ~y , od feet the Qrl)- 1

~ .t If .

you ~ ,. ., hOW ...-,ou kl you pa yo1.1r family


10 , : . Wll~ ~w: dd not IC• ....,...., 11'1 • Thtiw ,.,.., - deal""fed by a bon"b _,.

femt, IIN Hli klld

,oo1 F.:A 11 yo! n l


c l"

Df:./-1 0C. f<A T S .,,

,c:cec,ct1nc:•haPPI wNCh

e ..-, m.11~ , ~


flamed b')' hOHSde:M•C>f.., this tamtt)' t,OOd One c.n Ott, woncJtr why w t ...,,,r It! tf'I,. t,apP<I" FtrulC nc,,,,, waifs tor ~

#Olk 10 be p,oceued ~.., •low hfTt .nlO Crothl tnd I~ tnk> Saf1lieYO One• he hai ttit papers. •hJCh he says 1 ho1Ai, t,e a fa,riy qu,<k p<OCO. .. he .. M re1:umto""'

urray Sh0 WS new persona in movie role 81 0eao Lawr~ncc ,to•MI Jl,evfewcr

GoryGol41><,s ANOC':l•&e Profe.or of Art

Jn IV• •eic,ond ffl(Wttt ,n ..., ,na.ny ,nonlhl, 8,1 Murr.-y on en IJl'l•xpe,c1ed pe,$00.a .


Editor'• note:

,,... of ganvaJorllocal loon ...._

~~~ rd . . . . ~ . . . - . . . - - -

M,O Bui 1hen, "Mltd Dog


.,,..._ ,___.___,, ,...,..,....,..,.....~


Frank "Th• Money Mee.hint·

.,~ ·-,n..,,.,..,,.

..,_,., ~

.,,, ...-• .-.,lldW'dlNWll:HW\1'11,_-r,___,


........ ............. n,,___,_.,.,._,_

Niro·• chal,aciar Wayne 'Mid Dog' ()oboe, a Choe.go photograph« who would ra:,,... shoot a camera .t the bad 9"'1'I than lu ll'"'

............... !{.-, _ ~ ,.,.._,"',.. .....



_,...,.. .. ~..._.,,......... ................. ~~--· ....................... . _,~ ...........,...,_..,..,.... ...................

_ .,,_,.,....tw__,..,_.,~..... ......., ....

WMn 1taa shy. non 1tv,ae , and qu,el Lonely Gu,-

_...,_.,..f/'ffN!d.................. ,_-.y,...,,_. ............ .


uve.s Milo's We dunng • CM.-t, nlenctl lf0f8 hokf-up, h" non~ life beglnt lo cl'wlot SIHk, mocloog and lrlQl'c .,;,,,;,Ja1W11hoiklfck ha;, W,1 an ani>lguOUS ghn1 ,n h, s 9)1 Frank Is a rephhan !hug w'lQ does ~ 11a ncklp comedy r. hes own ntgMcJub He rs 10 grateful 10 Mad Dog !Of $,8~


-.....",_~.,,.,...-o-\. . .. ,.....,.,. .,._,.,.,....rd~....CC. N_,.,_ ....,. ..,..._._,-...o,tar

1",aW!cMlrl, n .-, ~IOl9ilcl "... llllltfl h ~,• ~ ...... ¥Jlld,t" """' tM ~ h f t i l n . b ' " " ' -0ut .........,._, ~ &Onl llp,dlloCl ~W.donl ~ n ~o,


•,_.,, .....,. ,..,..,.,.~.,... z


N "l~

.....-........,. .

IJd9•t1 , . . . . , _ • -d 'rt.'Mlf.-i. .,...__,.....,..

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IP . . . . lld'ocMp'dl,Wld _..,OoN 10-...0.-,,cr,t Nhlrl,U ...... IIMI

UNt•.,_..WlrAl c.> t:,ol,-l,__,DciM•lhrd.,,._lhll,_OlnWIII~

_,.,..~ __,,_.,lrdoWlrlNdo,oll' To~ ~ ..,,_.... ...,_.,...,.,

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I■ 11tt Murray, plf. 6


~w.c,_,----' ___ ,__

,_..,,.,.,..._,__,,aa..·.... ,~


G IOty" tt filled w1lh OPJX>Sllt cullng, Wll fll H Ro b•r1

.....,,_.,._._,_. poau,tf'°"""tor,..,......, . .. ~Hlr'dlilrlll. TN~••.. .....,,_.......,.._... _,

°"""d-°""" Flll,ll,;S.UOC,. M,_,._ID

,-~ n - . _ , ~ IO O. ..-,,-,.WtW)'~h .... ofl'W ll'ICifW "-' h C.-W ol M Thryl o.~you F.,.,._ rd,,.,"-PfO"llde Lldlirc,,o,g r c l ~ b r "->w-"° - ~- ~

Michael Vendrick Editor in C hitif, Tbe Wichlua

It is taken from the First Amendment


By O. Palt'ick Portaer II

Staff Writer

-co,,goullhal.-noltw , ~ an ~ M of raligtOn, or frH uarcl H thereof, abndging the ,, ...


dom ol spM<;h, Of of the P,8N.

Pe,hapl: eome of you thlll

rNd lhe abova quote recog•

,..zed ii

I undetttand lhtt pe1,on'a reuc,neng in 1hal hll cons-ders lenn ·Ftt1' to be an inede·


(II.IIN~offralemJly Whit I do noc u~st•nd.



II hit a ~k)n lt\11 the ·Fra* fl. hMdllne. an iru 10 lhe GtNk tylftm member IC:lmeOM, somewhMe. ONpile al - • made by sometime ma)'M manllonlng GrMk o,genlzlllona to ~ e lhoJ pal1Jcula1 pal1 of ,... u.s ,,,_ " -• Jho 'An,mal House' JinnlyCon1tku11on Oh, you tamamber lh• ded In the mindil d many people Con11t1uUon. h'a the baste. _ , . . _ _ _ _ aboul

It. of coutM, ii r.kan lrom

Jhe F..,Alnendrnor< Perhape, M>fM of you


UM ol lhe l t rm 'MSU lnct.n•·• a cs•" of rfllPld 10 lhe henl•g• ot lhe ,t,menc:.n


If 1he term& were UHd in a derogatory f,sJuon. Of If they

were uwd lo maJ(e lun of the lndtriln w1y of We Of hl:Sloty. lhen 1 woukt be one 1ha rni pe,ope to stand up i nd demand 1h11 The Wdwln apologizt However, the terms

not used in auch • luh,on


Bernard Shaw, CNN rt porter, st.eted !hat 'Freedom d speech, Wflhou'I r1sponUJ114y undermines thll freedom • S.Ce I became a mtniler d The Wd utan 111N. I have ooNtYed that the men'Clfs o1 me staff have • devohon 10 thf truth I furth• submit Iha! 1l-. WIChilan .steN has suNc11nrt, laQn on the Wetghl or ,.~ s1brt11y l hal m embers ol lhit

prea muse hive

.........,,.1a ...

-"'~-"""•ff<• Letters to the editor should be brief, to the point and without abusive language or personal attacks. etters must be signed by the writer -- not typed ·· and should include a telephone number and addres.~ for uerifi.cation purposes. If you wish your letter l-0 be published without your name, and the content justifies that action, please ('Vntact the edit-Or so a mutual greement can be reached. AU letter.~ will be printed unedited.

The lraltmCy Nth 510fY 1h11 ran in Iha Mt,rct, ◄ 1uue o, The W!Chllen was anldl:td since the hNdllnt rctudltd lhe 1..-m "Frat ruah.'

lhelal""-bna.,..,,, Now that r ve bMn tde·

q u11efy condHc 1nd1ng and

. . -. nl)a< 10o,y por0. LIGHTEN UP PEOPLEI


W.chltan. howev•,.

G,..._, {Of eny group lo.- 1h11


maNer) wilh any pre-conc;eNed

A• •

n1w1p•p•r. Th e


Wchilan'• obigatlOf'I is 10 report

Wichilan edilonal stalf r.ce,v9d rv.o perticularty d1&1utbng notes

theno'#SinldNrllnd urbllwd



wHk ,

l"llhlmd Ont ol lheH WH I hand· Wfllltn scnwl lrom • stud•nt


chMIM1gJho~Jo,.,.Jtng t h• GtHk 1ys 1,m .,

T htO,,..-.., tecttf lrotn a ol the lacully anadong the MWtpe~ saeff of ""'9

IMfter, and lhe INUIT~)hOn lhel

The: Wc hrtan woutd knowingly alltdl o,. . !he GrN k sy,. 1em • unlound«I and ludicrous The 'To ltm Pole· and ·smok• Sign11r po,1t0ns o, lhe pll9tl'

w.ra qu. .honld as weN

the UH "

Midwe11tcrn Stat e University 3•UO Taft B l vd. Box 12160 Wich ita FalJs, TX 76308 Now" Desk (817) 689-4704 Ad. Ucak (817) 689- 4705

,._,.,. . , .., I C-,.yEdlter

Spu U Edlt.,

LU1Wl■ Ch1-,

Mid.I \ 'tM',d M Y.,.th,i n• M• p

C:upk.l~ ArO.t

" • ·• M •

11 .. ,

tht A ....n c;,n Indian

as the Mictw.lem l'nHOOl lf'I lhe


lener from t he MSU faculty ttrms In rl'ftrenc:• to Nal Ne American& thet are . wrong .-w1 The Amer,can lnd11n ex CAAurally i1Mttf8lt ' ,mpllflH lh• qu,111 1.. Iha! Since 1 em • member 01 a ii'llptKt Americ.t honor duty Gree k o rgar11u11on , p,rl revo,ence to • tiohtr oower and Ame,ICiln lnd.llJl I nd . tMmbef • itrong c;lo\lOIIOfl l o nal u,e and ot The V✓ich•ari , 111N. I IHI I 11m IO lhe lamify 1letl, H pert ~ n lhlll lhe Julllllld 11"1 a,ddfas&ing lhes.e in·


~t 11Hcbilan


Thu r sday, Marc h II, 1993 ■ Pare 5

. .,. Kan sas City here we come! R)' Shanf: Ginns

Sporta Editor

'I said at the begin ning of the year that this team had a chance to make it to the National tourname nt a nd now we've done it.' Gerald Stockton

The MSU men's ba$kelbalt I Nm eamod • hckel 10 KanSM Ccy. as they lhru hod Wu~ern Now Mu.lCO 95·60. TuHdly ovenmg et 1h11 Teon Dome in Leve1and.

Ben Beasley led lhe lndan& in teOring as he Pl.A in 33 point• 18 of which "re ., the H,-e hell. 1nd had nine rebounda In lhe contest ·

The In dians breezed 11'1fough the tournament H they

weraged 8 30 5 poinl l'T\llrgtn of "We ce me in ,..a,, lo P'-Y VJCl<MY per game over Lubbock end I lhink lhl6 wa1 lhe most Chrildan U,wers,ty and W8'tern pumped up we've been • II New Mexico Univwsly J. Colint also had • g,ea1

y_,- _....,...,


Lady India n enjoy bittersweet season By Sh••• Glven1 Sporu Editor

A C - N i p& Bai< - , . loodo Ille lodi. ., to the SAIA Nwonelo wllh a

Tenni s team wins, loses to McM urry The MSU rnen·s lenni:s lNm fared wel Feb 2 4 However, the wonwn's INm was nearly s wepe by M c Murry University 1n Abilene The men won 9·0 to lfT'IP'OY• their reconf to 4·2 lor the.....,,. and 3-1 \n lhli Texaa

lnle rcolleg,ate


Ripley Tate

•The girls had lo det■uh three matches bee,iU$e lhey had rnidleme and oouldn'l malc:e the trip." Oen N .uce. l enn,s heod coach. sed

The doublH te1ms o f Cleo.,.IIIBley\ocil, Renl</Hoove< and Alen Cosgro ve/George .ch came awr, With vw::1oriee: in lhe Abilene loumamenl ,

r-- - -





~ ................. I ,._..,,.._

__•=__.-•_=_ :=::.-~~.



-.... ... -~



-.......•:.:=--· -·

thlf'd team.


I was not surprised lo aee



LOONlld - • T.-Y In a tf)en of 24 hou's. !he New York Jets ~gnad both playeJs lo comracls worth a con'Qned total of abotA $8 mlloon. ,oug1>1; half ol wNeh WII be pekt thlS .,.., And lhere·• mote whefe thal came from The Jets have se1 aMde enough of Leon Hau· money to pursue lhe

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"~tll. DOYS

,._. °' !he

hN•agenl mwket ReggteWhile "Dam nghl, we're lo g ,va him e pt1ch,•· Coech Bruce Cc.lel 111d Tuesday II Hol!tra





27\! ~'Othwc..,1 l \arltw;t~ 116 \\.'Ki-ttA I ~t.. l c.'lb U~)(~

·1 expected lo make lhe IHm, blA I didn't expect 10 make the first l•m.• Car1er said

•Being Nmed a firll leam

AI-Americ.lln 16 one of the grNI· est honors e baaketball player c1n receive, and Sareoa has ~ worblg lor lhet diallnction tn::,m !he first day she came to MSU IOU' years ago all the way lo her hnal game II the nallonal t ~ U1 week.• Jeff Ray. MSU women's hMd eoech. sakt

692- 1002

The Lady Indians hod Iha bffl MUOn in tt'IN' 18-year hi&·

~-~o: :.:.-:.:-°~;1~:

All•Aaeriaul Girl aa_,.c-.-wba taadowaPin t,._AII-American

. . . . drainaathrwpoln lM.

bM t..n "lhl ~

IJniversty, where Marst.l - now a tonner New G 11n1 •• hekt Ma G'ed•to·be•e .Jel news eonl•enee. ·•11h1nk we have a 101 10


oN•r (Whfle),


much H any-

body out lhete ..

Lanc:hng lhe perenrntl Pro Bowl defenSNe and wou)d be • While ChrislmH lor the Jets Some mighl say Hwy don·t hive e f.n()Wbel(s chine,. but they're going al OU1 The Jets are plenning lo roll out lhe green carpel when White eomee: to town -ml, ~ h Is axpecied within •

rughl He'a expected lo stop 1n GrHn Bay, Wis . Wednesd•y The Washingk)n Redskins ere a contender, •nd the Phoenix Cardr.ak allo are in the pctwe " We're on h.1 agenda •· Reggie's Wortd Tour," a smiling

Coslal, who catted White l he besl de fensive end In the Netionel FOOlbel League. 19kt

'°' •

Whil e' • si,gnalure w1N coal bucks u he suppoa.cfty Wllnll el least $3 million • year .. but the J•I• don't seem 10 be fllnchmg Remembef. lhey ean·1

White. on his crou-counlry l ou r . alrHdy has v111led Clev•nd Ind A1\enla and was expected 1n Oetro,1 Tuead•y

ltvow around IOo much money ·• • salary cap II expecied lo go Into ne!Ct season ·· bul, make no m1slelce !he Jets' 1111



Drive r..1e


Man;h lti & 18

6A M

M:-.rch 20


M orc h 22 & 2' Mtlt'Ch 2 7 Thursday April I Apnl 3 M•y 1at:.h•lf c:tM, . ,


6 AM l<AM 1J AM 8AM &


~ H


l mr I K00-4GO 3"im

Speek1ng of con1r1et s, !he Jets gave s weet deals 10 Marshall and Loll Marshall signed a ltvee-year eontrad fo, $4 5 fNl10n - a $500.000 .s,gn119 bonus, wrth baH salanes of

$1 5 mil!IOI\, $1 4 million and $1 1 million The Giants a lso of• f ered a lhree-ye■, deal. but Marst-.11 said " rt as com•


pelllive ..

"When you·,. tn lh1s buSI· neu any length of hmo." the GM sad, "you know you e.n·t c.oonl on anylhing uni,! the ex1t1 polf'lls ••e locked, 1he fiek:I goals ara made and lhe conlracls are signed ··

23-15t.7 K 1J O O I O O O I O 3 II O II 11 2


ltll E S 4 I .\52

\ISUisnon-1 - 1



.n·1 .,.,,.,,ty

hh. 2-' lla,l'l,all ~anll' al S \ ll 1

DEFEN~:r.£~¥. ' ~I:.:~,NG



Whe re will Whit e be next year? 87 Rk h Ci llUal HEMPSTEAD. N Y - A m<lion dolars here. a mlion dolet'I the,e ROf\l'MI Lott on Monday,



NAIA Orvision I Player ol lhe

alhlel e l o ever make lhe All· American ~ WU Dee Wood, who made lhl INm in 1990-91, When ahe WH M6ec:(ed fo, the•y

l ... . , _ ,. ,_. ,,..,_...

..---------•:Slo<l<!«'sw,. Li!

Other honors lhe MSU ... ni01 rece1Ved lhk season in· ciuded F'nt TNm A.11-0.ltlCI 8, Oiltrici e Pleyer of the YNr and


lier this HHOn wim.n •h•


game to, the I nbe es he sc.ored 20 poml s, wh+le Ar1huf Hu, 5t The NAI A Nal1onol chipped m 11 po'°ts and had lournament begins March 16 seve n ••bound s m lh• • uld at lhe boginnlt\g of the 1 Cha"1)100lh'P game lhe year lhal l hl• team had a1rch chine• to make II to the NallONI Jason Pal y , who led tt'1 ou, .11nd now weve 1

'I txpcckd to mak• th• t•am, but I didn't expect to make th• nrst team.' Sarona Carter

The Lady lnd11n1 were beaten by MkanlM Tech In 1he 1eeond round of the NAIA N•honal toumament ... WNk, be< lhol loM • 1 llllo -poriul sence Car1M WIS named NAIA F'nl T earn AI-Amenclln on



'he game

scored 35 points and made

So nol onfy have the Lady lndiena mllde their,._ I"' IO 1h11 Nat.oM1 1oumarnent thta y•r. they hllv• allO Md • p&ayef The women lost 8--1 •net are named to the IIISI INm All• 2•4 f« 1he seeson Wllh II recon:S Amenean tNm lof lhe firsl time ot 2·2 in lhe TIM . Tonya Wnght 11'11heirhiR>I')' was lhe onfy lady lO Win Car1er WH th• lelding h4W mald'I agansa Mc:Ml.ffY ICOlef fo, the Indians this yea, a 19 9 potnll pet Qlme evfhe men had 1mg1ea erage a nd also eve,aged 8 .8 r• " IClotlH lrom Cho• Blayk>ck. bounds per Monie C. T,Aly G-ve, The orly orhef MSU woman Healh Hoovet, Cabc:,I Rank and

the Indians 10 e 22-11 ,eeo<d lhls season. w.n narrw,d OISlnc.l a Couch ol the YeM tonowmg

Dillrlc1 8 pleye, d lhe weol<.

Congratulolions lo lhe Lady lndlana lo, • tremendout IN•

, . _ llial, ,IU .,.i.... ill tho D..,-;.,, B T - ~

team ,n ICOf'"9 M<>nd3y .-.ienno agllinsl LCU Wllh 24 pomts onty had t hree pomt& in l he oame acp,nst Weslo,n New Meiuco Gerold Stockton. whO led

I1---~--·-----T :-~ I -----FJ.\ LL~ lliOWL





) '.

Bowl First Game

I RECEIVE SECOND ~ I GAME FREE 41 05 M•plewood A••· F..':i'I -22 I I



====== ------------------



~e 111{tblta~

h. . nderac 1ever Man arrested in bombing described as u .. ~'°go<"""""''"" '° ~ N TION/WORLD

Pae,, 6 ■ Thursday, March 11, 1993

Ry SUN• S.ch1 Ne......y

AMMAN. ..kwdtn - He's the ~r9C:hlevet' of h.a lhe o6deel o# 1 I btotherl 90d -,en .,.,h o grew '41 in • fow•room


aptrtment in • blM\(.


:subufb. • YOt.nO man 10 ~ of htmleffthalhewouktlnlill his lalhef 8CXX>fT1)1nY l'lirn lo 1ht 5tore to h-'P decide wtiich pair ol ~nts 10 t>u,. Mohammed Salameh, th•

said. Wtry noc go 10 the United $Cate&?' Mohammtd WU _ T _ C.......,htamothor, utonished k> be gr1n1ed tht

Coutd he haYI become ,n, votved in Iha pk,( to bomb the


Aywhl, WIS uktd

vt$11 . Non• ol his lnends got

"My eon


dNn:· she •id on.

:•::t:;:~::~~k~ lha1 '

morch saJwy • • .Jon:wwl army

In tab wilh Salameh's rela· lives and neighbors. a pic1ur•

o fl 1c:er 10 pay lo, 1he 11,plan• liclo,el H,a parents wenl to lnends to borrow lhe money MohatMlld', VC1fft9910 Amenc;.a

emerged of an ins.acure young man who never marufHted

pa.- lo< ony,t;ng ,... _,,,

25-yeer-oid Jordln~n aneated an oonntdion with the bon'tMng of the World Trad• C.Ot1r. nev« got lfllO any tFO\b.. back

an apol;ticat who Is rtmatMrble in hie «dtnded lam<'/.,,., '"' hav,ng "l'l)liad to, •rd received a slandard hve-y. .,

home rt Musoum . • neq'lbof· at Chi deS41111 tdgl of

tour!M vaa In Decerrc.r 1987 lrom the Amencan consulate in

Ammar, that 15

home 10 thou· u nd1 or tr1 n1p l1nt1d Pat.thins ,ke NS molher and



celled u she


•H• was

that bnghl • boy," Yaceoub o.•... a c1o1e lorniy lnond who not

hlll known S.._rneh's tither sane• the rwo were IOdclers in lho ""°90 cl a.,;,., uid.

"Ha WH .uily dectivtd," Dl'N said. ~ 1tw1ys 'Mlnled someone to take ca,. of Nm. Pooplo to laugh al two a little "

Ther e wun r enough moNy from the father's 1275-• -

No one could bel~ve ~ at the tme, his mother, Ayahl, resat hunched in a ehoooWe.bfown armchlllr v, rhe tam,iy parlot Sunday, barofocl

and-inalongbblld>a ·11:wie,klndofatc,kethll he even ac,plied," the moo..., tad "He end some friend• • .,.

complainlng ebout their k)w Nlarieol . • Mohammed WH

wo,t,ng- ... . - •35-(163► •- - and

WH I neighborhood effort h look lht family many monlh$ to pay b,,ck lhe k>an1 , his mother saod. ' In Amenc•. he thought he would find thlllgl dsy becaUM it 11 • rich country," she said ·sue • wesn"l so He 'M>ft.:.ed in • StJpenMtklC ~ worked in conlCruction He worked., I bekery He 'M>fked en I lot of lf<>rN pJ&I to meke rnoMy Then. ~ely. he said he WM W'Orlong in a company bul I don1 know 'Nhlch one " Over 1he courte ot N Ch in 1tte United St,111, Mohammed Salameh managed lo scrape up a lew hundred dollara l o Hild lo JordlNl The Ullt transfer was in

yHr he apent

• - ., - · 11, ~ .-twvo ~k 10 Arn.nca He Nud ',_ Id be able 10 aend so,,_ I,_ s#n hoW lift ~ H ~ r99bZed ~ end h.s father loid hvJi t 988 unM his • "est. ht sen1 penon1t,ty t-til fa watch twf\ th•I IS the onfy woy We can·, 1hal and thOY u,ed ~•li>'Od t,ore. /,ell> .. home $4,500, h-. mother sa,d t,;m ,o ~ As Mohammed struggled cerofull)'. Augusl Al!ogather Sfnce 11rnv1ng 1n New York m February



Only ooco did Mohamn,_, ol pollttCS. refemng lo ,.

along pul the e11piral ion dale of h,s V1S1 11'1 Decerrber, hts k,uf younger brothers and SU M&ICKS Whit 0$1.r were dogQedly luN1lhng th•ir Every one• in• holida)'. parencs· drNms of schol,atde ally o n aom• ie+.phOne Unit~ achievement One brother is • Mohamm.ct would eet1ifted nurse lnOthet \wl soon his perentt from were heve ht& degree In mathtrn10c1 Stat•• The c;:onv~ the t•Jeeducl1ion. lhe ttwd ii rt a sci- t>Mf becl~ he •IH s ence oo41ege and the tounh .S phon• in someon• entra!ed said to be • high schoof math apartment. They c~ t>r01t1•r


~i,w ihet legaltZed P<>lllqi r1.-s rn ,Jot<Uin fo r !he hru - •He warnsd u~ aga,n11 arr, new pohhcal P,rty ,otrn09 alty any lllamie P8rty.~ ~~said ' He MIid Islam II lo, ,:erybodY rt ~ not 1us1 for 0f't ~

' ;'iOnt


Of"! famtty matters.

Mohammed too, went lo coti.91 •· tOf 3 yeers at lh• Unlveraity a, Jorden But hlS anuwnce aoores were 100 k>w to qualjy htm tor e ~ I or vocarlonal school He "'-'<fled In 1ha ody he'd ....... Shane, Of ..... Whan h a ~-

g,ouP o,porty Th• p•ople who kn.,_,


Mohammed Satameh when he

Mejdsaid in Arnman are ve ~ thl subfeci of his am1uae le> re,.gion · He was n04 • 11.


T..... IMC f9W llr'MI he c,iltd

,,.MohafTVnld talked Inc;ta:·

hOIN. ,.,.~

nallC ~ a COUSlr'I who dad l'led IO iv• name uld His rno1h1r

his desire to get oboUI~_.....,. ,.;oh"" t•·


:nd t>rothert

m,rried He . - - womllf1 ,,,., ., fird t,;m. young high he faced t two-yNr mandatory in Jordln. one who t.ct • 14"/" hitch .r1 lhe army lnstNd, he ,c:000, d9gree, ·not IOO In went

10 A.mtnc:a

end wiling 10 cornt a~

· n would hew beet1 ben« I th• United Ste!H Mrved 1n tht • rmy." •lone," hit Oa'u . !he famty mend WOO ,... T h i ~ .


lsl ·• hll brother MaJd1 S11d •,kyt,41 h9 got more 1ebg10u1

H•t.d of

mol~~,:',!. MP'

he had


Iha1 Salameh wouldn't ahop for clothes withotA hit ta-


'He was hke any 0l her

Muskn He's not a fund■~ when he went to New York I-it preyed m the mosque Ht tasted But nolhing spec:ml ~


aey;ng 1Nil he cen= ,,...,., t,eeaUN then he

Media ethics under scrutiny in Texas cult shooting Ry Rita Ciolli Ne"'11day

Eve, 11nc• 1h41 Branch Davidian Met ,OUS,., ill~


tome of the grot41's ~ in

MCI's compound OUlside Waco,

T ~ qu•iona Urted when the Waco Trt,u,.,......,.t began • HriH ebotA the cuN and t1S INde,, Oevid Korelh, the day before the ra,d Sf'Verat dlya

1he ~Ndbnu. lh• news med• heve been on the defen,,ve lnitialty. the rne6a we,a IOcuMd of inl•rf~ wkh fedetll •gent1' raid last Sunday on the

Texa, By tM end of the w.... the media were bea,g crihazed 101 cooperating loo much Madie etha in general were already under sen.lttny etJ»aaly aNer NBC't r.eenl apobgy !or ngg1ng the IHI crash ol a General Motors truck Cillng concerns about whether the media had K1ed properly, the Soc1e1 y of Proless1onal Joumehta. Sigma Deha Chi, a nnounced Sunday thal it had appointed a talk IOfte to Hamine what happened in wl!l:K) 'The P,NS SMrnl to be under some kind of credtiility a1Iack

16,000•member organization.

tald. Ford sad INS WH lhe first

Methodi<I U,we<MY, NKI

As for lhe Herald•Trlbunt Mfl86 IN: sect •was rather IOfld 01 ex'poture and publ~ 1ty,~ Evant Slid. and more articles

lbo4A them "'WOUid not have ag..

laled 1hem and put them on ...rt " ANer 1he ,howdown Iha! klfled fo1X ATF agenls and I Sit uncertain nurnbet of cull mem. bers, !he media got drawn "'Ila th• ne9C>liahc>ns between lh1 two s,des On Tuesday, lhe FBI contacted !<ALO. a Dallas 11neW5 radio stalK>n, and asked• 10 at' a 58-rmnute !ape WI which Kore5h rarTtlled on about lhe

earher. lh• U.S BurHu ol Alcohol T ~ and Fir•rms

had..icadtha~oltha newspaper not lo run lhe sto-

ries Ho w ever.



H«aJd " ' ,,......,. told the raid was 1mm1n•nt. a bureau spokesmen and the managing edil:o, of the newspepe, utd Local _, enkwcemenl officials ._., sui:,gNtad, but ,,...,_ substamMed, the! a 1"9phone calf

~ I Y ls.0n of lhe apoc.alyp&, The FBI tald that KOfesh t\MI agreed to surrender rf the laPI were played

wwrwi,g the clA of the raid came from lhe news rnede.



,pacut,lion that Iha , _ WU 1ha ,00,CI of the c:aM: Bill Evans. executive edifOf of the


"While t

• d

b«tg irwNli-

the&• days," Ernie Ford, gotad, Iha ATT hu -

axeclAive dtrecio, of the

O.IIH Morning News and an matruetor of elhlC~ II Soulhem

hme the a.ociely had irwH h· g,rad • ~ and aaid I ... don• al The requHI ot

Comt ca1 lut'll..11 with lht 1bunda)' 12..\0

Murray has different role in 'Mad Dog and Glory' I■ Continued I -· 'll'lth those namH, the movie coukt hardty Uop. S1111, !here seemed 10 be little aciual poinl lo lhti him Thurman's chatllcier from page 4 I& a devek)pmenta,I Zef'O. 0e Niro his life, !NI ht him ,m, proves one. again that ht can becoming his "friend" -- a~ succeutuDy assume whetevtt' !hough you get 1he lee/1ng lrom rol• 11 H I before him. and Mik> thal he doesrt°I realty have Mutray .s able to suppress his ·1r1ends • W'lff-guy pe,10ne 'Mfhoul quite A few days lalfM', there Is a abandoning II, corning off II a knock o1 Mad Dog's door. 11nd in playful guy-noxt-doof who hapwalks Glory (played by Uma pens 10 also be compla49'y M Thurman), a tk>e•eyed beauty The chmactic ~ where who announces that &he 11 the Mad Dog stand& 14> 10 Mik>'t "1hank you g,ft". and that Frank is comical and poigMnt, she is going lo be spending lhe but IHves Iha viewer with the -,.;,ht,;m tee~ng lhel no one hat ac1ual~ Al llrsl Mad Dog doe1n·1 ,. .med any1hmg her•. that !hie wanl Mr around. Then he real· tZH lhal he wants her aroond qJotfy t01evtc, arr:t 1hal he's gomg to have to ftghl 10 keep her The act,ng is good, bul ~ IS earned off completely by the O.,.H1.... G--.M. . .. .-0, ..... ArengCha of De Niro and Murrey ~


has been a mosUy inMgnrlic:ant moment in the live& of several ~ • that passed and then ii was gone

wor1h lhe pric• of the hckal7 Sure Go see it It', aomething • ht11e bil new and different I for no other , . .aon 1hen l o see

St,I, its worth seeing if one doean'I expect too much. Is rt

Murray pl•y the heavy and De Niro play Prince Charming Ifs playmg now at C•ntury Six

2407 Kemp Blvd.



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