Legal framew ork of the student press
Basketball teams
Feature: Senior Exhibitions
finish season
• -
- Volume 72, Number 2I
orld in
March 24, 1994
Midwes tern State Universi ty
SG A ele cti ons to be hel d in Ap ril
Revie w
By Alan Moser
By Alun Moser
Staff Writer
Little Rocle Former municipal Judge David L. Hale pleaded guilty Tuesday 10 two federal conspiracy and fraud charges and was whi sked away to a new lifo - Jt lcast rcmporarily _ as a grand Jury witness in the Whircwater investigation. Mr. Hale pleaded guilly to defrauding the U.S. Small Business Adminis1ra1ion of S900.000 in a new two-count indictment covering a "patrcrn of conduct " between 1985 and 1991. The new indicrment superseded earlier charges of alleged wrongdoing in 1988 and 1989. Mr. Hale's Capital Man agement Services Inc. made the $300,000 loan in 1986 to Susan McDougal. a panner wilh Mr. Clinton and his wife , Hillary Rodham ClinlOn. in lhe Whirewatcr Developmenl Corp. Hale fac es a maximum senrenec of 10 years in prison and a fine of $500.000. A rcpon released Monday by the U.S. General Accounling Office said SBA oversighl of Hale's firm "was clearl y inadequarc." By the time the SBA placed Capital
Sruden1.s intercs1ed in becoming involved in Siudent Govern ment should pick up fo rm s rn Clark Student Center room 106. or 1he vice pr~ident for student services Hardin in o ffi ce Ad mi nis lration room 112 Deadline fo r registration is 5 p. m. Friday. In ?rdcr to be eligible for a pos 111on on the sludcnt govcmmen r, one must have
hecn a student at MSU for
1,,,0 rq!ul ar semesters or one
rcgul.:t r semes ter an<l two summa tl'.rm s preceding the clcct1ons and a junior at the end of the scmcs ta in which
dcc tcd . O nl! must ulso carry
The main purpose of the President is relaying information from the students to the administration.
at h.:ast nine semester hours
during tenure in office and must have a cumulati ve grade pnint a\'cragc of at least 2.5. Pos iti o ns availab le arc
president , vice president and secreta ry.
Two senators from each
ISee page 2 I
stude nts must be aware of. Becomin g
St u de n t
undcrgradua1e class .ind one
fro m the graduate class will also he elected. The freshman class wi ll elect its senators during the fall elections.
Scnalors must he enrolled in ill least six scmcslcr hours amJ have a cumulative grade poinr avcrJgc of at least 2.0. Elect ions will he held
1h a1 one is au1oma1i cally a member of the admi nistrative council, the intcrco llcgi,11c
/ Seepa ge 2
Chemical spill forcesiIDlllediate eva cua tion
Depa rt me nt arri ved and cv:u.:uatcd the snack har area nce it hcga n its ve ntilation o forced A chemical spill the evacuation of rhc MSU proccd ure.,. area bar post office and snack The Hazardous Material in Clark Student Center mateTuesday after a bollle of un it used an absorbing the acid. then acetic acid crashed to the rial to soak up and remainder the up mopped noor. they se t up fa ns 10 ventilate MSU Police Chief H.G. the area . In order to ventilate. Ev,ns said the United Parcel the Fire Dcpar1mcn1 removed Service was de li vering a the outer window in rhc post package con tai ning the ac id office and broke out the pane al 9:35 a.m . when the bouom of gla.~s in the inner window. of the box gave way. The area was declared The MSU police were safe and reopened al 11 a. m. called 10 the scene and the 1ha1 same day . The UPS delivery man sought medical post officl.! was evacuated. The Hazardous Material allcnti on, hut no one else was -1111i1 of the Wichita Falls Fire inj ured. Cindy Kahler Bell
SL-.rr Rcport~r
crew During MSU's Spring Break, the cast, director, and three members of Terra Nova put on the play at the lnstituto y de Estudios an Superiore s de Monterrey in Chihuahu a, Mexico, on March 18 before of a udience of 1400. The show's director was Don Henschel, professor Olsen, Benjamin include right Theatre_ Members of the cast from left to Daniel Ouzts, Gregory Jones, Bart Noggle, and Tommy Carey.
Graduates have hidden assets EDITOR'S NOTE: This is
uatc \ w11 ho ut spec ific proks~ion;il !raining tend to
lhe firs ( column in a four• pa rt series on job search
do wn g rade thei r ahilitks and
Bv Cheryl Woodruff
1hc s tart hy taki ng a cl o~c
strategics for graduating wi nd up under em ployed. Thc smart ones hil the students. ground runnin g right from
The smart ones hit the ground running right from the start.
look al their .skills and a good look at the big picture ~of a particu lar licl d, then fillin g When looking for their the pieces to~cthcr. for~e1 the idea th at you firs t .. real" jobs. college grad have no n:lc van t expl!ricncc. package and verbalize them . 1lum an rl!snurccs consul The ski lls yo u've developed in schuol, part-time johs and 1,1111, Lynn Nemscr, who deex tracurricu lar activilies arc veloped and conducted career ;he same ones you'll need .'icminars and workshops for wh l!n you work for a lihcru l ans graduates at the corpora tion. You just need to University of Pennsylvania, lcnrn how 10 ide ntify. says any co llege courses
a~d Greg Ptacek College Press Service
FCA plans prilretrea
Fellowship of Christian . 0f the (or thei r ann ual Spring The Red Ri ver Chaple~ Chaparra l in Wichita Athletes (FCA) are ge~1n 2n2g 31 Retreat 10 be held Apn f FCA is seeking college stu. Falls. O The Red River Ch~pu,'r th •msclvcs 10 the discipline of dents who hav': subm_'ttcd h • R Reneau. MSU Huddle's the Christian hfc, said Jo n · . f r those studen ts who can be a "adopted dad." They arc also looking 0 . . high and high school positive role model. The retreat is open to J_u n~ornon Chrislians, hoys and ' Chnsuan . athletes. non-athletes sidenL said FCA Hudd le girls. fi r athletes. · However, rc p_ Huddle MSU E. J. Collins, j~in the organi,_ation. he 1s "a rime of Christian fe ll~'j';;~~'fo 81 You do not have lO be an . ma·or from Copperas Cove. said. Collins is a senior nurst1;jsu 1ndian h!Lskctball 1,:am. an FCA leader for the TX. He la 5 guard for the. 1. If anlon~ is inre res tcd 11 be ; 1g6R9-7752. Please len~e spri ng Re1re.at, con tact C~t~eeds 10 hear from you Y • h, Your name and numher. .30 p.m. Thur..duys. ,n I c April 1. 7 MSU's FCA Huddle meets .. C Hos i it roQm.
Gn vc rnmc nl
Government president means
Manage me nt into receiver-
ship, the firm had cost the agency s:u milli on. The agency said ii was unabl e IO fully analyze the loan to McDougal and several other firms because the records were incomplete and several people were unavailable for interviews. Washington A $1.25 -a-pack increase in the cigarette tax was appro ved hy a House subco mm illce Tuesday to fi. nance health reform , including subsidies to help small businesses insure their employees. The bill would expand Medicare to cover the uninsured and require all employers to help buy insu~ance for workers and 1he1r families hy 1997. Firms with more than I00 workers would have to provide coverage by _ 1995.
i\pnl 11 - 15. Stud e nt
prcsidL' ll l. Shann on Pugh. said there arc num erous n.:spnn sibil1tics in student gove rn ment p ro.r,; pcct1vc
you've taken arc rclcvanl. "Ask yourself wh:tl you did in college. You read, researched, e., plored, analyzed, summari zed , wrote," she says. "Thosl.! arc crnployahlc ski lls and talcnLS. Those arc th ings yo u do when you have ajoh. Almost :1II hum an r.,;-~ourcl!S executives who recruit liheral ans graduates say they arc looking fo r people who have wc ll in ski ll s de vel o pcd cornm unicn.tion, leadership and teamwork. 111ereforc, he surl! to emphasize th ese qualities on your resume and in you r interviews.
ln onkr to convince yo urself and po ten li al employers who may read you resum e or intervi ew, you should nuke a list of the 1.·our~cs you took tha1 involved teamwork, leadership or communica tion . Also make a list of lhc organ i1.a1ions you hclunged to. offices you held and an y other ex1r:1curri cular activiti es in whkh you were involved. Write down the skills you developed in lhcsc activities. Herc an! snml.! words and phra.ses that wilt help you
/ Seepa ge 2
Spain becollles the largest consulller market in Europe Editor's note: This Is ~~/';:i:::•s~~1::;ntr.:~~~~1: with inlernalion nl t rade and investment Uv Brian Ballard A.~ocU&t .. Editor
Government del egations from Germany, Denmark and Spain spok<' 10 more than I00 students , profes.1ors and ~usincss people on the ::i.dvanrn gcs of investing in the cro111Jmics of !heir respective coun tries Fe b. 17 at Clark Student Center. The Europeans visi ted
vclop a strategy for taking
Budowski said he began
~~~n~i: :~s J;~~rt:ii~r ~i~; and MSU 's Bureau of Dusi- Bend was an American pri ness and Governmen t Re - vatcly owned . medium -size pro duct s agricult ura l search . company foc u;cd on tl1e doU.S. company ••panels mcstic U.S. ma rkcL Its into global market Michel Budowski rcpre• products were lemons, ors~ntcd the province of Mur- angcs, to ma ro pas!<· and c1 a, Spam , ar the conforcncc. proccsscJ citrus. The comp~ny was •orri Now director or U.S. investmen Ls fu r Murcia. he fi rs t caJly inlCgrall.-d sln,:e ii grew, and distrlbut,:d ill proce$5Cd, learned abou1 the province while em ployed by Riv,·r products It owned 10.00u n4 111 Cahforni;J. lrt ()f ~cru California. of Bend Company Budowskl WM hired in Soon af'ler llud,lwst/ Mned IY86 by R lvt'I Bend 10 de- it the C1lnlpaoy w,,n1 pubhc
~~~ ~crvst: 5o~_e J; ~~l~n';°~f disp osab le inco me. the Un11ed Stales and Cln~da hn d 24 percent. Wes te rn Europe h,d 25 percent. and Asia had 18 percent. Japan alono acco unted fo r 17 pcn'ent of i\~ a·~ diSj'!m:!ble income. Siner Rivet !lend llln;;id)I ~joyed a lli&b market 1h11rc 1n the lJrut«l Sl'l~-Callada marl,·1. ! urn ,.-i, llud,i w1kl
MSU under the auspices of
~,i~:; ~~r~~~~~~h~:t~i~~. g
See page 2
Titursda •• March 24, 1994
Stud ent assets
W or
From pug~ I
trans l,ltc yo ur s tude nt .s kill s tn hus incs,., language.
0 Analyt ical tho ught
O Analysis o r ideas and da1a
0 Assc.,~mcnt 1cchniquc."i
O nudge ting O Connict ~solution 0 Cr.:ati vity 0 Critica l rea ding
O To use analytical and in a sma ll -
O Prohkm solvine ..,
O Sir;11c-gi1.mg
D Time manageme nt After each of the above husi nc.:ss tcrm s. wrilc down some 1.•xamplcs of 1hc situa -
tions in w hich y0u used th o~ skill s. Clrno!i-c a fcw rif th ese !-ikills 1ha1 you think you possess and lls1 th em nn your resum e to dcm0nstr.:itc vou r husincss sav\'y . Y ou can also mcntwn Sl11.: h sk ills when di.<.-
russing nr dr:scrihing yl1 ur qualif1cat1ons in kllcrs. o n 1hc h:kphl,nr: o r in in1c r-
Nc mscr.
translatinc s tUdcnt s kill s to th e bu.sines~ world IS ln ug h fo r man y rL·c r:nt gradua t1.; s. r ., pcciall y lthcral
Both the Clinton plan "'1<1 the proposal_ by Rep. Pete Stark, D :Caltf .. called for 1 75-cent increa se m th e 24ccnt federal ta x_ o~ cigare 11cs to raise $1 0 btllton a year Clinton also has said some the tobacco revenues should be set aside to help the fann. crs find other ways to make a living.
ynu r resume : □ Entry -level position in m:irkt! ting. market research or othc:r fa cet of consume r
rl~Sl' arc h s kWs
OTr:am work
From paKe l
O Dch.:gating 0 fk<1h1litv O F(,ll ow-th rough 0 (it1;1I Sl'll lllg O lnh.· rpcrso nal skills O Organi 1Jti on skills (idc:i$. pcor,l r.:. i:vc nts) 0 rvk 1.~ t1ng d..::ad lim~s O Mo tivating D Plann111c D Pn~scnti~1g O Prioriti1ing
Acl·ordi n!.!
Ht.•·rc arr: some ways to d('nrnnstra1c your skills when writing yo ur ohjcctivc on
an, maj o rs
husrncss Sl'Hing. O Posi ti on in a managcmcnt training p( program in a~;1 of .. (sali.:.s, marketing, adm1ms1 rati on, c usto mer savicr:. manufacturing. managl~mc111 consulting. etc.) If you've narrowed your interests down to one field or indus 1ry. make up .several diffe rent resumes. each with a different otijcc tive of posi tions o r fir:lds in whic h you have .some interest o r knowl ed ~L' • Alth o ugh your summe r johs may have .seemed insig nificant. the y a lso gave you s kill s you can translate to th e husincss world. For ex a m pil·. if you worked th e coun ta at Mc-Do nald s' you can rcf. .·r to it as custome r sr:r,·h.·r: If you ,val' ;1 rL'CCp tin n1st al Blul' Cros~. lahcl i i lwa hh -..·an.: lklivc ry.
MSU government elections f"rom pn,:e I
;.ithk1ic commilll'e. as well a., hccominp. a me mhcr of va ri ous :,.carc:h co mmittees. Th,.. main purpose o f the pre si d e nt. howev e r. is rcla yin i; ,;;fonn ;11ion from the
stu u c nt s 10 th e admin 1s1ra t1 o n. whh:h rt· -
All the h.·c hniqucs and suggl'Sti 0n~ mcnti tml·d ahovc an.· intended to give you co nfhkm.:l' - and prJl·ticc. \Vhc n
4uircs that yo u spe nd scvcr.! I ho~1rs a Wl'L'k mcr: tm g wi 1h fon:lly and s taff 111 add ition
yo u a rc cl n m g yo ur 1ra ns l:i-
1hr r res 1dl!nt. s111.:h as intcrv1cwin):! for pc1si ti ons from h,,oks1nrr: manager to th e ,·ice pres ident of hu s incss affam:.
ti,1 ns for you r rl· sum e a nd m yn u k1ta, l'. 0n .,1d c r 11 fl' · i1e:irs:il fr,r th e m n, t 1mpc1r1:in1 les t o f all. thr intl.'rv it:,"'·· I f \'lll1'vc dnnc tlwm th o ro uf! hl y. y,1u w ill he prcparl·J and l:o nfi c.k nt when ,·ou 'rl' in till' lll1 1 ~ •:11
thl' 01hc r n·sp,insih11itil!..'- or
Also. va rious opinion survey~ arc co ndu cted hy the preside nt 10 acc uratel y de-
sc rihc Lhe needs of st udent~ to administrators. The res ponsibilities or the vice president inc)ude heing in charge of th e s tudent scnatc, wh ich requires m aki ng the agenda for student governme nt meetings, taking and typing the minutes as well as kee ping tra ck of the attendance of vario us commitlec mcmhcrs. ·n1·.! vice president al so prcparc.:..s. letters for the
student traffic review board. 1l1e secretary is in charge o f the student loan fond, w hich requires keeping track of payme nts and loans. Other res pnnsihilitics include helping with homecoming elec-
Prospective mcmbc~s shoul d he informed that this is a year-round job, which requires work during the summer rr:0nths to avoid hccoming over-burdened with various 1~sponsihilitics, Pugh
said. Members should also remember that this coming yoar is a legislative year which requires lengthy prepara tion for lobbying legis lat ors in Austin, she s aid. In the past five years student government has grown from eight mem be rs to 60 and il is important that as many pe ople become involved as possibl e to lead the university to be the most advantageou s for its students, she said.
Premier Li Peng said China would make "great e[. forts" 10 improve its relation, with the United States, which arc in danger of unravelin g over differences on hum an ri ghts. Allhou_gh he did not detail what his governm ent would do, the United States l, demanding more progress in hum an rights by June to pro. vent a disruption of bilateral trade.
Even as M r. Li wos m a kin g his conciliatory stateme n ts Tuesday, one or C hina's leading newspapers delivered a slinging rebuke to the United States for demanding hell er tteatmcnt of dissidents. " May I offer some advice to the Mr. Big shots who are always sh o uting, 'Human righLs , law• ·• said the c o mm en tary in the nation:tl
Guangming Daily. Secretary of State Warren Chris to pher cited "solid im proveme n t" by China in en-
Spain is rated largest market in Europe From page I
reaso ned. wa~ th e m:x1 tJr!!C I Argen 1111 c:.in lem o ns 0 1 mark e t for Rive r BenJ. ovcrcoml· lhc high tanffs in Bud m, .ski nl' Xt rl.! n cwcd Europe hi ~ 1:11mp:tn~ s pniduc ts rc b An111.h1.·. r prohkm that s ur11,·l· to wn rld compt." 1tt10 n fac ed WJ., the g1,,; nc ru us ag ri • Bra,il d<, mm:itcd l11t· world rultu r.i l ~uhs 1d 1c :-. o f Euro m ark1.:t fo r oran gc,;; and a rn" pca n fO ' l..· rnml'n b tll 1hl' 11 larg1,,; l:t1mpanil's in thJt l·oun - domc.sl K i;ro"a~. lJud owsb try easi ly cnntrolkd lhl'. pri er: dccukd Ri,L·r BL·nd wou ld fa ced w ith ~lrong fo rl:1gn ncL·d w hu y 1,s ,va y into Lill'. compelltllln Eu ro p..::m ma rket to ove r Rh•cr Bend tries come these oh.stacks.
direct t•xporting to Europe llud ow s kt <.: nnc lud l..·d h; mon s might o ffl.'r Rh·c r Bend Its hcs t c.: h:HlCl! for t.'X· pur11n g fr o m lh i.: UnitL· d State s intt• thl' w 11 rld market bcl.':.iu.i:,c kmon:-. arc produced in qu an tity o nl y in California. Ari1.ona. kil y. S pai n and Argcntina. and River Bend al ready had s trong cxpcricnc1..· as a growe r and processor citrus . Rive r Bend lirst tncd cxp\lrtmg d irl'..c tl y to Europe from Califnrn1a hut fou nd that it cou ld no l compe1i.: with th e c he a per prices of
llalJ .. a closed market for U.S. ai.;ricultural in,·cs tm cnts Budlw., ... kj fin,t invcs li !:,'..Jli.:d It al y as an in ve~ tment s ill! hut fnund that th e s tro ng presc nl:c.: of 1hc Mafia . corrupt offic ia l,. and loca l cronyism mad e 11 difficult for forr:i~n compami.:s to buy com panies o r agricult ura l land th r:rc. Spain •• JarJ:;CSt consumer market in Europe Budo wski ne xt reviewed proSJll!('l'- in Spain wilh much bette r res ults. S pain rnvidcd .
mcmtx:r~hip in the Eu ropean Union. no 1;-i riffs on hi s kmo ns 111 any EU CllUntry. a strong l!co no m y . political s t.1hil ity al hlllh the natio nal a nd n.:g ionJ I levels. F r o m I \JX7 10 1992, Spain w a ~ th e lnrge s t consum e r market in Europe . ·n 1c pc ntup dL· m:md had huilt up aJta 10 p lu ~ yl!ars o f a dcprc s ...:r:d cr 1H11,my under Gena:11 Frann , ro Franco. Spai n has a pnpu luti o n of ..H) m ill111 n wi th another 55 millwn touri s t~ :.rnnually. TI1e provinr i: nf rvturc 1a offered e ve n g_n :ata ml vantages, Budowsk1 d iscovi.:~d. ln \'cs tmcnt ad ,·anwges of Murcia, Spain O It has kmnn productio n of 650,000 tons unnua ll v.
□ 1t has low land costs. (S pain has the lowest land costs in Europe ant.I Murc ia has the lowest in Spain.) □ It ha s the lowest lahor costs in the Common Market. It has gcncmtL~ agricuhural 0 subs idies. Budowski negotiatcd a 4 2 percent subsidy fro m th e Murcia Provi ncial G R. d' sJ\~:~:~n~~~cs~~~t8 f~r
juice processi ng plant. 0 It has good communicali ons sys tems including freeway-road systems, railroads, a port, airport..~ a nd a phone sy s tcm. O It has an excellent qua lity
climate. Th e people of Muniaare pro-American. Strategic advantages of global marketing Putting the citrus proccssing plant in :M urti a proved a successful strategy for taki ng River Bend into the global market, Budowski said . Fron:i th ~ wo rl d ma~ket pcrspcctt vl!, 1l ~n~bled R1~er Bend to s uppl y 1lS wo rldwtdc customers from so urces aJI over th~ wo rl d. The stry.tcgy gav~ ~ .1ve r Bc~d maximum n ex1b1hty to qui ckl y take ad -
vantag~ of opportuniti es in the vunous mnrkcts.
A., fo r the European market, River B ~nd 's ne w proc essing p lan t in Murti a he lped it build cred ibil ity wi th iL, Euro pe an cus tome rs and s ho w th a t Ri ver Bend was se riou s ahout the Europe market. Tariffs we re completdy e liminated o n its Mu rt ia· g ro wn prod uc ts throu ghout E urop e . T he new Spani sh s ubs idiary w as staffed wi th Eu ropean wo rkers who oeu<r un ders tood the c o mpany 's nt.: w E uro pea n cuMomers.
r - - - -- - - - - -- - -- - - - - ----i
~~t!1e~nT~l~c P~;jrt~~!~el~~ coma and enjoys a temperate
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L~tter to the Editor
MSU 1s a long way r . rom wheelchair accessibility
Dear Echtm, I am so proud 10 he . th,· students are fri endl y a s~uicnt at MSU . The majority of lahorcrs up to the preside~ ; 1Pful. MSU employees from made me feel inferior l i')'c _always pleasanL No one has whcd chau. TI1c more I l ·. nul one day I brought my came. I felt inferior. ncd lo gei around the angrier I t,c. Gcnerally when for d lucky ~nough _to have so~eo~o use my whcl!lchair, J am
alone m puhhc faciliti es for l~clofi hdp_me. One day J was all. Doors wanted lo crush " st lime. Wasn't easy at olds gohblcd the from wh my ha nd s and trap me. Threshwheels pass . Tables were ;ets or refused to let the back under. Restrooms weren't11 l meant for wheelchairs to slide I occupant to enter a stall U argf cn~ugh for wheelchair and main open causing cmb ~ua 1Y l e st all doors have to reAfter going through se~~~~~s~ent and a _loss of di gnity . decided to try my whcelchai ours of said struggling, J MSU has a long wa tor piwcr on the MSU campus. wheelchair accessible. 1 ~retc~d!S ~-axe this campus fully this campus. I started at the H ~- hat_I had never been on ment : fair. No directi on si n: ,n . u1ld1111;. Parkmg allothowcvt'r. Al the Clark Stud .g C tell mg which wa y to go, allotments. There is one at enter. there _arc no parking occupied . There is anoth . clost office side, and II was ing. it too was oc~u ic er J~ ront of the _F~rguson huilJ cilitics al the Clark PSl dd:n,c~cfor~, there is madequatc fa. wheelchair users whcr~ ~:l rc~~tcr. Is Lh~rc a sign telling wheelchair accessible? N h ooms are located that arc designed for wheel h. · o. Is l ere a table the cafeteria Cafe? No D . . lie air users? No. ls there a tahlc in the . . . oors_ a over campus arc another matter The , arc monsters designed lo lhwan any wheelchair user~ Pluls 1 umid_ ~ _ysclf from the O'Donohoc huilding to the Fcrgus~n ui 1 '.ng (mt class lo class route two days a week). t \\ Ould ncc:d to kavc one class at lca~t ten minutc.:s earl y to am~ at the o_thcr on time ! · . There is nm enough space in this lcucr 10 list each place rnd1v1dually_. An cnure newspaper page would be needed to hsl cvc ryt~mg. Have mercy admini..~trators ~ Look at '"'·hat yo u an.: doing t ~ the student~. I cannot help but wonder how many wheelchair-bound studcnls have chosen not to auend as fine a university as MSU t>ccaus., it would he 100 hard 10 get around ? I enjoy ancndin g MSU . but I ha ve decided 1ha1 what few da ys I may have In use my wheelchair will he best spent at home.
Connnentary - student press by Brian Ballard Auodatt Editor
Doe.s Kelley Mobley. edi tor of Tii e Wichitan , get her marching orders for the week when she meeL,;, with Prcsi· dent Loui s Rodrigue z'/ ls administrati on censorship at Midwestern State University effected by the self-censorship of the editors of Th e \Vic:hiran ? ls the guiding motive of Th e \Vichi1nn "Don't make wa ves for the 'powers that I:>..!' if you kn ow what's good for you?" Certainl y many al MSU assume that Th e \\'ichitan is necess:irily a creature of the MSU administration . After all , the paper is fund,·d primaril y hy the univers ity , rather than ad vertising, and its staffers are all college stu dents suhjcct to university di sciplinary measures. I-low could the editors possihly huck the administration on any serioU.'- issue? There arc legal and politi cal issul.'s which every a.'- pir• ing cdi1or of The Wic:hiwn should thoroughly research before ac,·cpting the position. Law nf the S1udent Press A hook titled Law of r/11• Srutle111 Pren, puhlished by Student Pn:ss Law Center. ddin cah.:s the legal grounds ~>n whu.: h a student ncwspa· per opl.'.rates. It makes clear that ·· rre.:dum of the pn·ss," at lc.1s1 as II applies to studcnl news pape rs, has hcen ;m evolving hody of law in the U.S. Not a few student editors ha,·e nm afoul of advis• ers, princi pals, and school hna rds when it came to cxer•
'\-tlO 'foll lll vd 1'.0. 0 11:.. 160 Wid1 i1:1 F.1\ k To :t, 7(,lllX N'-·w~ tk.,k · f1XCJ •.1m .1
llelle ~!alone A,fr1.H' r Drew ~1yers S11111I.\. Etl1111 r
llria11 l\ollartf A.,smim1· 1:·t1,1or
Etl,ro r
Erk lkcks Mu11i1g ,, ,
Dara llawkins
/J11 J i t1t'\ .\'
Atfrt'rri si11.~ A1mulJ: t·r
lk:111 Lnwrcncc l:.:111,·rr1 1111111,·111 Edito r
Staff Writers Ctnd v K11Mt'r 11,·II. U .w fl rnc ·t1c , Spcii , ,·r Friedl. A /011 Alma. l.1 ;: Uid1nrtl.\rm Photogr~1phcrs Brandon Olds, Editor i\forcus C /c l'dtmcl Circulation i\1~111:.ig<'r
Jasmi 1\/olonr
Copy Edilurs 11,,,1,·Smirli D ('( III
Cu rto1111ist \\'m /1111 Grt','11
l.mn ,.11c ,,
c; rnphic Ar1ist j\f,,{i.n u S11//J rn11
,\ ss t. Circ ulutiun l\J ::m agl'r £1 ic Se lf
./r,l( J/1 , ..(tin. l, i/d
,\(h'Crlisi n~ Rcprt!,Clllih l"~ /fomfr /Jr,•11·.111•r, Jo w n Tucl..r·r
.., , . . 11w w,c-1111011 1<; ,I \l lt.: ll1 t'L"1 11111~..:T..:x. a, l11h.:l l lillq.:1:1l1,.' PH·s:-. i\ ~so da!it11'. 11 Cnpyri t hl 19 1)4. H • ·n 1t: Wh.'liir:in 11•• , l'IH''- th.: n ~\11 h1 \'1hl Jn)' ,.11 :11\·11 :II ~11 h1111t~ L ·tl h11 :1nt1 ·n1t: Cu ll q ;L' J 1t.:.,,<;~ r, 1~t.: ,1.:rlhl·mt·ni ( )p11Jh •n, c:xph·:,,.,cd :u..: 11,11 11~t·1.·,~an l y ll khl' 111 thL· 1:1r 11l1 y. puh li l::1110 11 ~ncl Ill rd u'-L' ,m y .ill f Mi ll wr, ll·, n SI all ' tJ nl\Tr~i,y ;11 1d 111:1y nJ11 rq11..:'{·111 :1(11 11~ 1L, us t• I 1h1,,• JLl rr 1ini s1rati o 11 t,r , 1m k1tl ht1dy 11
Th'.' " 1:''~~
Letter policy
\V,, """" s,:, II
k lll..'I' iii ,,pinulll Jrillll hh: u lt ) , .;1u1k 11h ;inti , 1.111 l.c.:U t·J\ , hnu li.J llt! hlicJ I ii,· Wu /t 1t, J11 wd r.:ollh " al , onal :111 :id.-. ai1tJ wit hnut aliu~IH: t:i ngu;igt· i• r ~~: : nol l)l"l\'tO .imJ :-linu h.J lt1t·lud~ ,, tdi.:plmm: 1111111ht·1 1111tl .tl.llln·,~ ftir l.cth.' rs mu~I he ~iguc c.J h y 1/ll' ' ~11 c: hi.! puhli ~ll,·d wi rh 1hc ~1111hi 11 , 11:1111~ 1111IL''- ' .urang~rnt·lll" h:l\c 11 v:1ifica1i1111 pu1-p1-.C~ All lLll l! l 'C v.1 ill ht! ('0111.:d 111r 1!~11 11111:11 only 1 he-en made with 1hc L~ ,,~r . ~;~ :c.:j~;im! Art\ C\ -: IIH'I. B1 111 r,k, \V1cl11 um i~ 1rn..·l lc.:t.l in I .
• . I
foil un::
The "public forum" reasoning constitutes the linchpin for the First Amendment rights of student publications. cising their First Amendment ri ghts. The First Amendment originally granted freed om of speech and the press and lim ited the power of the federal government, not 1hc various state government'-, to ccn.,,:;or or punish expression. h did not prohihit action taken hy private persons against the ores.,,:;.
However, in
I 925 in
Gitlow v. Ne ~· York. the
Supreme Court cited those rights granted in the Fourteenth Amendment of 1868 and ruled that the First Amendment applied to the states und local governments including school board s and public administrators. The Supreme Court explicitly recogn ized that school children ha ve First Amendment rights in \Ve st Virginia State Board of Education v . Barneuc in 1943. Ti11ken·. Dts Moines
lndepmd,nt Commiunily School District In Tink er v. Dts f.fo ;nes In cleprntle nt Commuriil\1 School Di.<1rie1 in I 969. the
Supreme Court ruled that administrators cannot stine on•campus student expression just hecause they disagrcc:d with it. The Court said that students ha\'c the right under the First Amendment to express them~ln:s pcacef ully on school grounds free from administrative censorship, so Jong as they do not c_ause a "substantial" disruptton of or material intcrfcr• cncc with school activities. Writing for the 7-2 majority in Tinker, Justice Ahc Fonas declared : "First Amendment righL<, applied in the light of the spec ial characteristics of the school environment. arc availahle to 1cachers and students. It can hardly he argued that either students or teachers shed tht·ir constitutional rights, to f~ccdom of speech or exprc.ss1on at the schonlhou5'..! gate." Should a puhlic school dislric t or college which provides funding for a stude nt publication enjoy the same right and power of con trol as the "puhlisher" of u commercial newspaper'! Ev• cry ..:mart which hos ,,Jdresscd the question has saitl
At.l VL"lli~i u;; !. 1 1.>I.. . (i~•J ..t)O I;,
Kell y Wcbh ~fohle)·
P2ge 3
Thursd2y, March 24, 1m
Whether the puhli.:ntion w;1s written hy high school or college student.,. wriucn hy Stllllcn1s rcrcivine, 11t.·ndemk c redit, produced using school r.acilitics or in connection with a j ournulism class , funded hy the school or supervised hy a faculty advi.scr, Ill every case the <.' 0urts have declared that slate funding 1111d spnnsnrship dll not grnnt 1hc slull· lhc right 10 suppress the Firs! Amcndm~nl ri£hl.s of stmknts. Gambino ~•. Fairfax Cou11t)' Sc/,011/ 811artl
The I ~77 landmark tfecision in Cnmbim> ,._ l-'t1i1f,u Cmmty Sdwol lloan/ hcsl illu ~1rntt.'S lhe lr.gu l rc usoning adopted in nil 1hcse court cases. Lilurc n Ooytl un<l Ginu Gnmhino were the cdilor.'t of
their s1.·hool ncwspupa. 1"h t? Farm Nrw.<, ul Hayfield High School In fairfa. Count y. Virgin ia. After their inf11n11nl s urvey indicah.:J many Sl'X· uall y•ac1 ivc students failed io use any fn nn of birth 1.:o ntrt1I , the y J ccided 10 publi.s h an i.trtH:· 11.! un c nntraL ·e ptitJ n method.,. ·_t11ci r piinl·ipal kamcd llf tlw 11nr,..:ndi n~ ort it:k nnd ortfcn:d them 1101 10 puhlis h It.
~~~~~~1\ 11~,~~,:~
~~l~i~-j;~lO~hn~'~ 1..:011 tr11l 111[1irnrn 1ion n1~d thal the ll1 l1ch' 111 igh1 o lknd n 10 11th1.•1 1\ 1• ! the
nr l1inh
pc-rform th ~ir du •
In summol), th,· 'forum· thcorv i.s the r ~~..: n1 un.1n1 • m0us· rule t 1f l:t \\ conccmin c s1.·. hon l-spt" OSl1rc<l puhl ic:.1: licms. No c,,urt has ..:' \er upheld the ccnSll~h1r r,f 3 S\ U· dcn l publ 1i.:.1tin n sole ly he· cause 1t was fu ndc J nr sprinsorcd hy the. si.:h0nl. E, ny court which has JJ J n:. "-."-1.'d . th~ qut.:$1.io n tthe Umit:J Stales CourL1\ of Appea l, fo r the Second. Fourth , Fi fth anJ Scvl·nth Circuus) ha." n1.h1ptc-tl th t: fo mm anal ysis :rnd rukd that s1udcnts '" ho work nn sc hool fu,ukJ 1.H sc h0ol sponso rcd puhlications. cni ov the protc c1i on 1.1 r 1hr FirSt Amt!' nd men1 .
communi1y. After the ir ap peal 10 th e ho.1 rd was turned down . Gamhino and Bovd file d suit in fed1.· n1I coUrt against the principal. superintendent and sch ool board claiming a violation of their First Amendment richl~. Sch,,ol offici,ls said Thr Fa rm News rl!cc ived more than half its hud~cl from the hoard . and the adviser was paid a $ 1.225 salary supplement for supcn •ising the pape r. The sch ool bo ard The c0u rts h.1,·\! n1.11 , ·l't claimed it held the same position ns a private puhlishcr ni lrd on l·ascs m\'olvrng ~·tu· with the full power to deter- de nt radi0 or T .V. s1:i.tions. mine the cont('nt of '"its .. hut one would ex. pee l thl· " fo mm " th t.:OT) w also apply newspaper. Jud ge Alhcrl V. Bryan tu 1hc m as wdl. disagreed. rulin g in favor of Gambino and Boyd , holding that the school district's cen- Ren) Politics in MDSS Medin sorship constituted a viola lion Havinc csial-ol ishcd the of the First Amendment legal fr.1mC wo rk under which ri ghts of the two editors. 77tr' \\lichitan npc r.1tc.-.. let us Judge Bryan rcas,,ncd that hrid1y look al the political is71u_ Farm Nr.ws was u "puh• sue. Thi.! edih)r_.; 0r mass mt·· lie forum ." that is. a publ icly dia vchiclc.s. whethe r 1hcv J I\! owned medium for the ex- s1udc nt puhlic:ll ions c,r Com• pression of student view• merda.ll y-owncd. ha\'c some points on a variety of sub- of thi: most politicall y ~e nsi • jcc1s. Judge Bryan's decision ti\'C jnhs in the c11mmunity. was upheld hy the U.S. Court The y arc th,, p lekccpc· rs of Appeals for the Fourth on the infomrntion fl o w in to Circuit. tht:. community. If they alien• "Public forum" theory ate their n:a<lc r s or powl!rfu1 The "public forum " rea- sectors in the communil\' . soning constitutc.i;; th1.· lineh• they lose their bas., o f fi nanpin for the First Amendment cial and politi cn l support. right~ of s1udcnt publications. news sources will rcfu~c 10 The Supreme Court had ruled talk with them. and they will earlier that if the .stale c.stah- soon fi nd thc m~d vcs and lishc.< a "puhlic forum," then their puhlications murginal• 1 hc '-late cannot censor the i1.cd. express ion which takc.s place Thcn again, if the editors in that forum. arc pcrrdvc <l as mere. Cnuns have ~cognizcd "mouth piece:; of the powers th a t offici a l s chool that he" who praclicr sclfncw., :; papcrs arc "forums for ccnsurship J. nd close thl! ir student expression. " entitled eyes 10 the inequities which lO the protection of tl1c First continue to ll(nuish. their pn• Amendment. if they nrc per will lose ii, reputa ti on something more than a "mere amt not he taken seriously by activity time and place an yCl nt·-. Th.:rc. is a fine line sheet. " A publication is a fo . for t·llitors to walk hctw...·cn rum if it ( I) puhlishes news, the c xt,~lnl'S. stud,·nt editorials and kncrs The best str:.i •q~y for ~rn,· to the editor; and (2) is clis - t.·diwr is 10 hone in on his r:-i• trihutcd outside the journal- pt.·r's mis.siun and kC'cp hon ism classroom. in g in on his 1rnper·s mis.,,;;it•m Th,· \Vichitm1 hus lon g "s ~c./~hl· mak1..'."i thl•SL' daily met thc critrria of a "puhlir dec1s1on.'- uhnul whkh storic.'i forum ." lo puhlish und which to kill Where tl1c hurk stops or nnt cvi:n pursue.. Tlwre arc Docs this mean th :ll the alw ays ~on sHkr!ltio ns \ l f editurs of J11t· \Vfrhiu111 arc time, cnt~rg,y. and n!.soun:cs tl, frcc to puhlish wh:neva tht\y l:K.· fo.cto1\·d in. want '! To pnrnphrnsc the ,vonls of I lnrry Tnunan, "Tiu: huck slop s nn the editor's I\Jl~ion of'l'/1t Wichitnn desk." In cffet.'I , 1hc forum Now wt.· shall nn~we r tht•nry k ;1vL'S the slmlcnt edi- th use que.1,;tions posed in the tors u:1. the di! fucto puhlishcrs first two paragrnph.,, EUihlr ( ) f the student puhlication. Kell y l\lohley !lo,·s not get This n1t,:111s that the .,,li- ht.·r marching on li.:rs from lors rnn t>c personally held Ji. Prcsidonl lloclrigu~, nt thd r ahlc ,,ml sued for puhlbhing wct.'kl y m~c.ling. R~Hirit? m!1 :1ny one tif the nine l':ltl'gf1ril"s l't'rl:tinl y gi\'l·.s ha story il1t--:1 s of "unp rotc.:cted spcc~h'" "·" and tries to pasu;i dt.: her 10 d(· tcm1inc<l hy the Suprc mu pl ay the stork!ri in a w.1y Co un: nhsc~nil)', dcfom uticm, whic h will 1>:Jkcl pnsi tivd )' im:itt·mcnt to immint·nt l:iw- upon himself and MSIJ . Thnt k :\S a1.: fi o11, fi ghting word s, is part of his job. unw;\rr..1111cU invn.-;inn uf pn• llnwc\'t: r, ~tohlcy ui. 'o tn •• vacy, :1dvcrtisc mt.:nts for ilk~ <l L'IH t·d1lt1r h:1, rhie kg.ii gal products lll' :-cr.•k c.s. clcur fo undnlion Jnd p(llllll-.ll sp!ICl~ uml im11wdi1u c lhn.";.us tn na- tn 1kc Hh· fo r htrsl'lf whk h ti(l ~1al /\cruri ty, cn pyrig ht vio• st0 n1..~s th~· p.1p1.:r will pursue lutwns. and , most imp1lr- und huw rhcy will hl• pl ay1..·1!. tanll y , 1.·x pr1.·ss.Hl n which l·,:wsrs u mutcdn l ;111<l sub- Thi s i.s based on hL' r Fir.. t !rilantia l <li srup tin n uf sd rno l Am cnJntt·nt n >!,ht:> No. tht.' cdj1 urs ,,f r >, t ac1ivit ks. The courts ha\'l· mlc-d 1hl l \Vid utmr <l (1 n u t pr:.1~ttcc -""If school nd ministru wrs arc not ce n~o rshi p h1.: t.1 U~l' of uny li ahlc for the legal pro hkm, p1 \·~surc.· fmm tht: ndm111 1,tr.1 ol slu ll~nt eJitN~ . prr,,·idrd li o n: /u,wt· vt·r, "' t' m m.i t"it· 1 hO!-e admi nislr:uor:-. J o thi t prude nt 111 \\, h:11 ,~t· pt ,n t 111 cxt· rl J ny din,·c L or 1ndi rct·t J \ 1)1J 11 1fn n ~Htf u n 1h.· n 1+ 1., CC'l llt ro l ll\'Cr lh 1.·. 1.:tl iturij l 111 01hcr~ .in,\ :n .•11.I llw• :,111 policy l• f th<.; s t m k- 11 1 puhl ka - p rnlCl.'. lt' d f11 rm , 111 ) f"l , h \\\• Ut i 1\(\ 1 \ \ !UH I ,) hii_, \l J\ J tH>n . nu.· fU1t l11 1,v ll h 11,~· 1\f In ,,1hcr 1..:u\l·s , thl' C\) u11 s / ¾, H ,, hrt, Hf . , h 1 \ ! t' II , ,\ h,l \ "t ' rukLI lh jl ~ch1111I ti l I1 f1111 1111 111 w :11t h tlh· ~1 ... t ciul , cann1•t " 11hdr,1w fu11 UI C, 111' 111UJ11! S1.!h 0 ('1 !
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Page 4
Thu rsday,
March 24, 1991
LIS~ 2,!)cio~~ ,-E" · •
EXHIBITIO N Editor's uote: To complcll' th eir harh clor's of fine arls dc~rccs, senior studcnli;; a rc r equired to dis play a porti on of their work at u public cx hihition.
:-hip , and has hl.!cn rcprc-
rumics and prints. He has re Sl' nll'd in three univcrsit y- ceived several seholnrships, sponsorn l l'X hibilinns si nce incl udi ng the Robert and I lJl) I 1-k r work is also in- Ge ne Rmh Fine An s En cl ulkd 111 Sl'Vcral indi vidu al dowmen t Scholarship fo r ans rn lki..: tio ns. and academics since 1988. Ducio amc's subject mat- He has been represented in lL' r is dra wn from the explo- fi ve univers it y-s ponsored rati on of hL" r fami ly rc1ation- ex hi bitions. He has shown ., 111ps. prinL, in lhc ".\9th Annual " "l'h l'St.! autohiographical Competition" at the Museums phutns allcmpt to reconcile of Abilene and "The First how Ill )' ea rl y childhood cx - Annual AII-Amcrlca n Print pn 1c11i..: i.:s have shaped my Competi tion" at West Texas li ft-. " she sai d. "I respond to State Uni versity lo Canyon. the stra ightforwardness and Texas. 'hand s- o n' q uality of th e Bills' imagery ~ n:prcsenmedi um . Th is directness mirn ,rs the emotionall y ahrup t tational , with .no empha.•is on event.'- 1ha1 have occurred m color and form. my life." "W he n my wo rk is viewed as a whole,' he said , Oanny Bills works in cc- "it is diverse. but it is this
The Un iversi ty Ga lle ry will p rl' !-L' ll l 1hc work nf se 11 1u r MSU slu (.k nt s Lis a Ducin:111u.:. Da nn y Uills :rn<l Nu.:ult- Eka,.c r 111 an exh1h it 10 11 cnt.li ng April 22. L
Ducionmc' s subjcrl matter is d r11 wn from the exploration uf h er family r elalimt\ hip~. A hove is ;1 22 Inch by 2S inch cynnot )'pe Lili ed "Siste r,." llclow is a 22 inch by 28 inch cpnolypc lilied ""Show & Tell. "
IJ Ul' ll1a 11h.: ·s wor k inl ud n , C y n oty pe an <l
Va n Dyk e ph o to g ra ph s . D11 r.: ina 111c has had several phnt ogr:1ph s. illu str atio ns, :ind gr:1ph u.: desig ns puh lishcd 111 \V ic hita Fall s and St . 1.011 1s . She was given lhc h 1i.: mb o f lhe Ans Sd10lar-
fi ·
\..~ -~ l.l ill s '
-~ Im agery
·. ·
. is
represen ta tiona l with 11n emphasi s on color and
for m. A ho ve is o 22 inch bv 30 inrh scree npr in t tftlc d " S a d is t th e Clown ," At ri ght is u 22 i nch by 30 in ch scr ccnprlnl lilied "Sih•cr l.lulfulo." At far ri ght Is a 22 inch by 30 inch r elier pri nt lilied " Cross Fl rt I."
~ '
very dive rslly that binds it as
a co ncept. My work will co nti nue to evol ve through
cicperimcntntion." Nicole Eleazcr's ph 11lo• graphic work has hccn sckcted fo r cxhihitioo in thn:< '"Annual Student Exhibitions" held each spring at MSU ruid has been featured on the cover of "Voices." "I am co)lct:rncd about th, proMoms chilJ ren face 1oday dealing wilh gangs, murders. physical and sex ual abuse." she said. "By the juxtaposi· thi n of my photos with news· paper aniclcs, a rc lat,onship Is created th at s uggests any• one's child is al risk. Tho dio• loguc CO!iccrn s a confrnntn· lion with n1ot1ali ty."
Entertainmen t
fRI W"tehltlln
Thu rsday,
Spielberg honored
B• Ou n Law,...ntt
em 1 w ,:,aph) and tilm cdit-
1~ ..-i.inm<nt Editor
0 pera Workshop will present 'Merry Widow'
soun d. sound effec ts. and ,·i\\" 1lltam s· sc ore sual e ffects. Suppon ing actor credit~ sco re ~st ··l~~1ginJ.I mu s.ic hlrde; .rg ma~ he a went to Tommy Lee Jones fo r his po rtrayal of the U.S. Marhe has shall who pursued Dr. Kimthet he i s capable of m, km s1.:riou.~ film s as . 11 . - g hlll (Harrison Fo rd ) in "The ta.s,·_ '-'t: as l ;?n - Fu gi 1i v<!, " and eleven-year..·\ ls,, hc norcd were Tom old Anna Paquin. who played H:inks and Ho1ly Hunter as !folly Hunters daughter in "Th e Pi l no." Paquin is the bes_
:i~ J~ h n
Th: man wh o made h n-..•,l mPnr y fo r Holl y"'° ~~ , in.-.: C,·cil B . De ~lille was
ti~l\ n·,~ogni1..ed at the 66th \ '~ u- 1 .\ cadcm y _Aw ard.<
,:":. rcnu"n~ M0ndJ.y mght. He h.iJ h:c n uno fficial!\' ;r.sr\,cJ _h y _the Academy for
sc~ h-~""l'\: of11rc h.tts as W Jaw~ · :ir:d .. t . . T. The ExL-a -Tcrres:nJl. . ) ..·t ~le, en Sp1c1berg w,~k tnc ~"tllum nut once . hut t\\ 11..·c t;i c_ol kct OscJ.rs fo r
The MS U Ope ra Works ho p will pre sent "Me rr y Widow." an ope ra hy Franz Lehar. March 25-26 at 8 p.m. in Akin Auditorium . Th is o pera is direc ted hy Da le Smi1h. a fonncr MSl! student and now a profcs-
t kadin(, performers fo r
~~c hin d kr s L ist. .. his c pit·
sp~cc h. Han ks said '" Th ~
Moo n· m 1972.
an d S5 for the ge neral puhl ic.
.. Ace of Innoce nce." al- Ticke ts fo r stu dents fr om s. tri.:i.:ts. o f hi.:aven arr.-: to o th ouch no minated se veral other schools and military c_r0wdi.:d wi th angels.." rcfer- times. wo n on ly fo r be st mcmhers arc $ 3. nng to thoS(! people who have die.d of .-\JDS . -- w e kn ow their n~mcs: th ey numbcr J th ous:md for cn~ry red ribbon wo rn ton icht." ' .. Jurassic Pa rk. " also a
n,n:i inltl o ns. the 11lm 100k h,,th hest picture a nd k , t din.\.:" W T .1'-'- ards . It als o wo n J\\ Jrd; fo r screenpl ay adap-
Spiellx rg lilm. won awards in lh r<!c catego ries. including
utu' n. an directlon. best cin-
Movie review
As pa n of the 1993-94 Vis iting Anist Program . the pain1ing depanmcnt is span· so rin g a hands-on worksho p of oil pai nting and glazing techniques by Dr. Haro ld Gregor. Disti nguished Professo r o f Art a l Illinois S1a1e Univ ers it y in Bloo mingto n.
i!:c~uamt:~~ Danillo will 11<! played by 1hc fo~ ac tio n/:ld\·~ ntun.· and Norwegian liason to _the Air hich-d oli,r s pecial effects. Fnrce at She~pard Atr Force
Stay tuned.
Ang~~~ ~'~~~ -0pe ra W ork sho p extends its thank.s to the
:~-~9~:::.~~ir:~-':::~~ 'Ifie
5~'.:it: ~::;:~7n
is backe d bY a Bcatk•-li kc n ff and angry J}Oii uca! lyrics
Gb d," which 1s done m th e
e ;,1_::.~';°'_H ~";!as·· '?
ca-r.;>ground found
12 :;~~~TetaS , t'l•c1 e , --. Dallas
Koch to perform clarinet recital
~'/ ~; ~~~~'::ec:'-ou'l
Koc h also teaches priva1c lessons in Burk burnett.
Poetry contest orrers $12,000 in cash, prizes
The National Library of Poe try has an noun ced th at $ 12 ,000 in prizes will be awarded !his year to mo re than 250 poets in the North A meri ca n Open Poe try Contesl. The deadline for lhe contesl is Marc h 3 1. The co ntest is open to everyone and en1ry is free. Any poet, w he1her prev iously puhlished or not. can be a winn e r. Every poem has a chance to oc published in a deluxe. hardbound anthology. To enter , send o ne origin::i.l pocm, any s ubject nnd any style, to the Nat..ional
56 this \ 'Jil ll arT".S IS sl3rt1ng
59 ~1: 1 : ~~ :;n~~ensa
same fa shi on as '" Pump It
Up." l cou ld co on aho ut "Brutal Fo rce;:, for days and da ys. It wi ll please old fan s
22 : 0 ' :-.;:;~:~~: 23 JGnn~ M d it bel~re
11 TX!s--n ·1J,ri • asil
like an ice cream cone m
s :..-p1:rBo-Mxxv11 2.C*O('Jl"lanz.a's' 9 1oc.k.er ¥1"&SOO'n hero
rx rt\U:ic c
30 ' i!;l.]t~ ...~ · 31 g;ov.nsv,ne 'On the
TX De!:lb1e ReynOlas 36 TXism ' you c..Jt: I _ w1th o 11,7tes1lyo-.; wcrkwi:U1lu,ir.cys'
iittttt® 8 #'till=
=<f'ul, Tonite thni Satllrday at9pm
Sikes Senter NO (OVER CHARGE! All Next
•WEONESDAYSll 50 luptr Jl-oun<t Dnnkl & 98< Dnft Bm i9pm-ll pm) H,lf Pn<1 Onnkl (9pm-l 1pm)
l:s:.rn11(2 ·11-osJ
11 ~;.ism · r119hM
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I Lihrary
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,12 Hobbyv. hO rcpraced
I211 YF, 17.
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48 :.tx1 o1 Go-or:;i~ 00~ 50
20 oor,i.:oy or IOOI 21 lh1sTX Trls1ramMci
na." T>&llOfOklill"..otr'.a
heap 01 troublo' 18 sixty i:;oconds fnbbr J
- · ftroa ii
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45 onr.s1sa3aJn (slang/ 47 t ruo leans !Ha nd
.c ·irs -
true tMF. ra am 1
4311-'X)toCo 10 ...mwas
Week at 9pm:
Mor. . fri. lpm~pm
...=•,?•_c'n~~?, ,3~ ..,.., ......
14 SAmBa1lst-orso
"The Oonlcn _ . 15 TX1!,IT\ •~rad tho d1c ken~ C\JI
;, ......,~m o•'l;pona,y •n••~ I"'"'
38 TX1sm 'bu,;yns
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p,,por hilf,gor·
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March ]~ A new contes t
opcns Ap nl I.
Luvl n-;-Ni t;1 nl"
f iUNN _ _ '1{9w scfretf11fi11gfor frat u nity a,uf soron·ty partits. 'Eco11omica{ prices a,!tf specin( prices for party pies. 20 years o-f uq1trimce sfrooti11g part its of MS'U.
Tiu.· 111111k Got•, 011! Sim~ 1'>711
llll' Sho1• ol \I.Ill\ Uoul,., STUDENT SERVICES. in<".
• ~daJl.tH lnprlnle H dot fund l"9 from eo,poraUon,, m.mor1e1,, IN9bi,foul\MU0t11, n hgiou• CltOUJ", er,d
2 Letters $39.99 3 Letters $44.99 K ..1 ~ .t A
m&r1yoth•t phil•11lhtoplc orgllnluUon.1. At • llll I nd l ed•rM fwndlno •ource• cont.nu•
~,~-:~ ::::~~::1:·
be t price in town on The -sState University Rings! Mid western
~of~ ~NJ.:!t.,. (8171691-46()()
<1 '.J
Ow in gs
1141 9
Box 704 .
Mills, Mcl . Gov Forguson nnii 1 The poem sho uld be ~~~;m·~;a;;:xhc./ no. mor: than 20 lines. an d lo Duda hom Abilene the pocl s name should appear m llllo. ry •10 11n' I on lh c top of the page. Enlrit!s
JS TXJsm ·s11s tc111 tho i.addio · 37
1n1,mho,,o.,hoo, :~ :~r.vicc · _ unto 1
of Poetr y Cr?nril1gc_Dr., P.O.
an0 bett10 wa'rt.ncr·
37 1.AeSQ'.J1!a'srt01 -i1it
rx,,., •ch" ' _
Bc1d«if. Ey _ _ • 32 F' 1srie, who rr.., .. •~ 1
includi ng Ti bor de Nagy. and currcn1ly shows with Sherry Fr..: nc h During a January exh ib itio n at the Richard G ray G31kry, G rego r hccame th e ohjtct o f me di a attenti o n wh en the gallery was hurglari1.c.: d and l wo painli ng.s were s1o h:n : a $500.000 Pica sso and a landscape paintin g by Grego r. In Jan uary and Fe bruary, Gregor was fea tured in a 20ye ar ret ros pec ti ve at the Rockfo rd Ari Muse um in Rockford , Ill. He was rece ntly the recipient of a $20.(JOO Natio nal Endowm enl for the Arts Fell ows hip Award.
Senior MSU student Dianne Koch will be featured at a c larinet recita l at 8 p.m. March 29 , in Akin Audito Ill. rium . She wi ll be pl ayin g Th e worksho p will he · sonata in G Minor" by G . F. March 28-29 beginning at 9 Hand e l. "Co ncerto for Clara.m . in room C 106 in !he in c l. K622 Ad ag io" by Fain Fine Art.s Cente r. Moza rl , "Scene and Air" from "Luisa di Montfon" by G rego r will dcmonstrale Michae l Bergson and "Bal vari o us painting and glazi ng lade· by Eul(ene Bozza. tec hm 4ucs using oil media in a hands-on wo rks ho p. Pan,cKoch is from Ve rn o n, ipants wi ll !cam s uch trad i- Texas . and is a membe r of tio nal techn iqu es as griscllc. T au Beta Sigm a sorority. She w hi ch uses o nly gra y lints. ts a member of the AssociaWork shop participants will tion of Te xas Professional need to bri ng 3 or 4 oil painl- E_d u ca 1o rs . and was recog ing brushe s. nized as an All-American G rego r has shown wilh Scholar by the Untied S lates seve. ral New Yo rk ga ll e ries , Ac hieveme nt Academy.
~!~°,;,:~noc~;•i~~fu~~\1~:~~ Kern a n . Beth Makibbin. Ernest Neal. Casey Grey, and
. . summ er and also might tum ~ ;~a~ ~~li~s~i~'::.~~;~~ r E,·erythmg 1s there : the new fa ns o n to his older mu • • Attractions, the melodies, sic. Faith Baptist Church and the "angry young man•· Eve rything ,s there : The presents 'Redeemer' lyrics Attracti ons. the me lodics. and For the seventh stra igh t - - - - - - - - - the · angry young man · lyri cs. speeds up into a pop exploMy onl y ques ti on is thi s : with season . Faith Bapti sl Church sio n. !Ls so und is similar to the fo nn e r Eli1 aheth Ard en w ill perform th e a nnu a l that of l9SJ's .. Bie SiSler's sales man pushin g mid dle age. Ea..qcr Par:cant. "Rcdc.:cmer." Cl o th es .· Alth o u gh • 13 Thi s mu sical dramati1..a docs that make him as angry Steps· did ge t beat up pretty old man ' It does n't mauc r. ti on. co mplete with full cas t, bad ly o n KNJN's "N ight EIYis is cool no mau er how cost umin g, sta ging. s peci al lig hlin g and 140-voicc choir. Fights" by G m Blossom.<. the old he is. "father oithc new wa ve" still - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -51 rul es in mvbook. ACROSS on· ina{ Also c{n the disc is "' Th is · ~1ownolCO'Tleis Hell."' and the energy fiikd ~ ~ "Clo wn Strikr ," "20~ Am5-! TX bornCl WlemaJe ~ 1 5 cic:n-,.-a.avc;r nesia '" is a po werfu l tune that s1ng1:r Ti.r.1< 1?1(m i t ) ..,_...,_-+-+-• 6y C harlt:y & G u y Orbison 7 TXJoe0on8a:O:er
~~, l~~u~~~v.~~~l i"e~~~~·: ·J;r~ Cos~~l ~'~h;~~t der.'" But. m my o pinio n. Lhr best trac k is song number three..'" 13 Steps Leid Down." wh ic h is al so bei ng release d as the fi rst Si ngle. The song ~rarL~ off prctl y 3)Qw. but
Painting Department sponsoring workshop
1.:ostuming . Th i.: role of Sonia Glawari Now th at the Oscars ha ve is a du al cas ted role. playc LI ~c:n h::md~J out for thi~ vc:ar. hy Eli za l-ii: th Reece and fi lmmakers will look to;.·ard Rache l Ka pcl ski. Prin ce
Costello releases IleW album
By Melissa Sullinn Mu.de RnWwcr I lo ve Elvis Cos1ell o. J love him so much it's almost disgu stin g . I hav e El vis books. El vis impo n a lbums and even original albums still in the s hnnk wrap. So whe n I heard about the release of "Brutal Youth." the iim , !bum C ostello b as recorde d wi th hi s o rigina l band. The Attractions, since 1986'_; .. Bloo d and Chocola~. MI was as giddy as a 12yi:J r-old girl goi ng to the mall. Th t.: di sc is noth in g but ·. inlaf e El vi s. h hcgins wi th -Pony St..'' which is in th e SJffi\! grou r .1S th e. faster mu-
depic t.', Je sus Chr ist's las t wet.:\.: o n earth. "Rc d,·emer· will oc presen ted a t 7 p.m . Friday. 4 p.m . an d 7 p.m . Saturday. and 4 p.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday. Th ere is no admiss ion c harge and all pc rform~nccs an; op~n to tht! puhlic. v.ilh grn up sea ting avai lab le for tht:: Jfte moon prese ntations. Fur mmc inform atio n ca ll the "Rcl1ccmcr" hotline at 6Y6-0R09.
the ir rolrs fn "" Pht!Jddphi.1" young<!s t Academ y Award sional opcrJ singer. winner since a ten-\'Car-old Admi s.s ion is fret.: fo r and ~The Pb.no .. re.spt-ct1vclv. !n an t:m ouonal .icccptanC. Tatum O'Neal won for "Pape r MSU studenLs and facult y.
t:i!iute _ W th~ c ourJgc of O.;k:i_r ~- \_u ndl7 r. th,.: Gcnnan indu.!-tnll1:H '-'-no S-.?-'- 'Cd more thJn 1.100 Jews lro m ~ l zi d~Jth CJ~ r :s durin~ _\V orld \\J r _11. Alb.·r r~ct~1 ,·tn£ I:!
Page S
March 24, 1994
W e c..tn proviel~ you w ith ., ltU ot l undlniJ 1our(("1 m<nt 4 p 11r oj)tl J l r 10 y o u r b <1 t lt 9rou nd d nd c1Juc ... 11 ori a t g o.t!J.
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~ I UDCrJI ~LRVI CU. Inc h.h 111 d J lab.fnk o t OV('( I H0, 0 00 lh UOIJI l Choldt1hl p 1, h.·Howthtp, , (Jl•ln U ;in d lo.tm, H' ptP\r 1111n9 lJILUON.S. o f ()o,lJ;"tr1 .,, prh'.tl ll!' 1("(. IO, fu ndi ng.
f Ap,kt.cl10QtO,..hle"
CALL Toll-FREE 24 Hours for a Brochure :
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On the
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Indians return to the Final F ur for second year in a_ .r?~s S1x·nt·('r Friedl :-- ,-...,,:1~ ~cpu r~rr
1 h\! M1 dwt·'-l c rn St:11 ..• l ini H· rs1t , lnlii ~rn .!: re:1d1cd
1lw N,\I A Final Fl,ur f,,1 till' :,.l•,·,,n,I 1..•1111 -.ccuti\'e yc;1r and 1lw n· . . uh was ;111 trnl fami liar ,1:-
l 111' (\lll q:'.l' i.kf,· :1 1nJ
~f S ll SS -h 7 at th,· Mahe,· C1·1111: 1 l lll tl w c unpn_,; ,,f Oral R\)h ·11:- l ,nl\nsll ) in Tu l:,;. :.1, t )kl:t C,,ach Ci n nld Stock h ,n. ,1 h H11= "llh f i" '-' si.: ni nr.-.. \\,t lkcd , 1 1f lhl· tl 1wr lnr the f111:1 \ 1111w S.11unby m ~IH . S1l1,·k11"11 . " lh) 1\·t11\·s after 24 :-\·.,-.ons a:- ll w f\ lSll t"l1ad1.
k.1 , .,·s w 11h 1lw:-c numhl·rs · 0 ~h -I 1.1 r\·l·i,rd a~ a 1.·. nll\'e!C ..- \, ,\\·h :rnd .1 -1°J 12~ rn:0rd .1:- lw.1d \·,,.1,·h 11f till' Ind ian:-:.. '" I l nl·d 111H h' 1hink what 1\ 1 d, 1 "hc- n 11 w :L"i ,wt·r he.· · l".lll!'-l' th l'rl' "as alw,1 ys onl' 11wn· l!:11111.: t, r lllll' nwn.· h:111 ,,r :,.1,n;l·1l11nl.! ... !-.11d Sh 1...·kt,1n . Tlw l11d ~.111s t· :1 1111· l, ut hot ,·:11 h ,,n .i.. th n Sl'twi.·d nine 1'•'11\1~ In lhl' 2 ·w ,,,- lhl•
~rurn.:d hy 1h..- full ..-oun fl rl'!'-S, l' ll:thkJ _Life Collq:c In i.corc 21 of thr n~xt l I pl, ints to pui the ga me away for f!ul•d. "\\' (.• go t into some prn h· lc rn s wilh u turnove rs in the fin.t half. The n'" ihi: second ha lf. I th ought we co ul d
l.'.r1mc hat·k like we have a ll
week. hut Wt' gol fatigued .md ra n ,,u1 o f gas after pla yi n!! fnur gu ml'S in four
d:1vs." sa id n1arh Stot·kton . · Thl~ Ind ians hat! fivc
pla yc.·rs iu thlli hk figures . Bcas lt·,· nn b: hcJ with 14 iw int s · whik CC'l llins on<l R,idl'ril-k tb y had 12 . Ja:mn Pa1 ,- dll Sl'S ou t hi s can·cr wit i, 11 fll,in l!<i and Charlie
Sager l'lldl·d his carci.::r wilh 11 d,,u hh.· -dCluhk hy sco ring 10 p0i nts and grahhin g 10 n> h, 1unds. frrry Jones led the Eagks " i1h Jtl puint.,. 27 of whic h came.: in the secon d half. " II w.is great to he bksscd with the kind of kid s ~-lllll' .md kd 2 1- 1 ' midw a\" " c h ad . Th osi.• y,,ung men i111\,11~h 1hl· fi, ... 1 h.1 lf T h.11 i°!'- \\tll ht· a su ..·t:t:Y.S. iu wh:llcver " l1t· n l.1 i"c C , ) \l q!l' slqipnl lh t·v lh1," (.'nach Stockton up 11., ~kl'~·n:-1"· pn-,s un· ~a 1il. MSU finishl.·s t he 1lw F J!.! k:- ,~ ..·nt \1 ll a U - ,;c ~,sl,n w11h a reco rd of :! 3• 11 11111 th:11 ~.,, l' thl' lll ,1 26-2 1 J 2 .1,h.1111. q.:\· In MSl l's earlier ·\\ ,· \\ncn't 1\·.1dy h' pb~ rnumL,;;... .l f l lll\l the ir pn•,,._ _ .. S1nc kh1J1 MSll llpi.· nc.:d 1hc.: touma • , .1hl nwnt hy playing the num hcr n .1 r1 lk.tsln :-1.·11r..:d ,111 a three team 111 the count ry. 1hc 11 r 111 1h.11 ,·,l~k d ;1 r,\'.,. t lnivc rsi ty of Mobile. The m11w1.· ,c,•n nt: \lr.1ul! hl for R.1m:. c 1mc into th e 1011 rn ath,· l11 d 1.rn:- il 1 i,nn l! ~1Sl 1 111 1111.· nt wi1 h :1 J 2•2 reco rd (that ,, 11h111 th 1\'l". hut a'" 12, . 7 run indud t·d a :!6 game.· winning h, till· E:1i.:k,; l.! a,·i.· 1h1.· m a str..·ak ea rl kr in the ye ar) on '" · •11 h.1\ft~mi.· !~.id . 1lw .season hut the.: Indi ans \ \ ·rn (' ll Orr h11 :.i 3- wl'rc nnt imprc.ss..-d as th ey r ,,1nll·1 1, 1 ~1rc n thl'. st·co nd 1urneJ a nnc point ddkit at h.11 1 t\, r th e F.;1~k~ hut E.J . halflime into a 74•61 vic tory (\ ,ll11i.. ,.,1.·1,r~·d <' n hack -10 - O\'er th e Rams :.is Bea.sky led li:1 d, hu ...·kc1s w bri ng thi.· In - th t· w ay wi th 24 points. ,Jun, 11, "11h 111 ~c ,·,· n. -11 -J-l . " Dan is a hig play player. l-hm \., 1·r. a,w tlw r Eag k run llll' I'\.' an:. so me.: ni ghts tha t he
fi r. ,
The Hurricanes sun had chance to tic the game but ,t 3. pointcr b_y Taylor wouldn( fall a nd with :06 left, ROdc, Rick Hay h it one of two throws to seal lhc vic tory for MSU . " I th oug ht Jas on P,i made some re ally good play; 1 umcs and we al way s ri:iy 3 ·automatic' when h~ shooti free throws. but he still ha., 111 hit them ." sa id coach Siock,. ton. "1l1cy we re hard to play 11 points . Dennis Po~cll agai nst Ol.'.'caus~ we normalhthe Rams wi th 16 pCHnL" an gc t a lot of po in ts from ou·r a g:.imc high ei ght rctiou nd s. In the seco nd ro u_nd of defense. In the_ firsi half we 1hc NA IA Nati~nal got ou r guards m foul trouhli: Tournamen t. th e 1n d1 ans and it tonk away so me of our hattlc<l Georgia Southwe stcrn_ Ucfonsivc. pressu re . But "-'c in what proved to he.: one ot really p icked il up in the &·c the m0s1 e xciting games _of ond half defensive ly. Thai the tournam e nt. Once again. has been th e ca."c during 1hl MSU found itsl!lf down _by l:L,t three to four weeks of ll1<: six at halftime . but ralli ed season. We ha ve bee n play. l:Jtc in the game to sq ueak hy ing he ttcr defense." Sager led fou r MSU play. the Hurricanes 81-77. The Hurricanes held a 65 - crs in do uble figu res with I~ points . Ha y scored 14 points 57 lead with 8:00 lcfl in chc ga me when the Indians went and gra hbed 9 rebound, on a 7 .2 run us Poly sco red while Paty fi nished with 1.1 five of those poi nts to ge t points a nd Collins had I l. MSU hack in the ga me . rn th e thi rd rou nd. MS{; G~orgia South western man· faced Be ned ic t Col lege who aged to kee p the lead u nt il the n igh t before beat North th e 1: 10 mark when E ric western O k lahoma , whi ch Taylor fouled MSU guard was no l only the num he r t•.i. o Eric He nke hcyo nd th e three seed in !he to urn ament hu1 point line giving Henke three a lso the num ber two rankl'J free throws. The Hurricanes team in the country. would pay for that mistake as Benedict cam e into th~ 1-lcnkc calml y hit all three ga me wi th a 2 8-2 rl!conl. sholS gi vin g MSU a one with both losses com mg by a point lead. 78-77. combined s c ore of two After a time-o ut . the poi nts. They also were ridin g Hurricanes failed to re take a 16 ga me w inni ng s tr~ak the lead and had to do exactly The In d ia ns j um ped ahc.,u wha1 the y didn 't want to d o - early an d he ld their biggest foul Paty. Paty. who is hitting lead o f the ha lf at 22 -13 aiicr 91 % from the charity stripe. sank bo th free th rows to give MSU a th ree point lcud wi th j :22 ldi. 1s not chck ing •• dom i11 game ~ ~ar~ r~: srockton. nates. s=i1d coacf I ,. - inded " At the hal ~~...ccond the team that we arc a · 01 hair hall cl uh and that we d Mo hilc whcrc we ;an ~them. Our _pluyers ten too rl lil•vc that 1f they play po in th e first half. th c y wi_n come ou t and piny tu.:ttc.r I the !'-l'Cond half." h Saga w ;1s the only ol Indian in douhlc figures wit 1
f ·fl
I ~ee page 8
Lady Indians fall in second round by Liz Kiclurdso n Hicks S ports Reporter Cu·urlrs;\ tlf lin,c,ri: H.rcord f'\ r ,..,
Th;. M idWL' l;ll'rO ~l ;t h • Lnd, Indians. r-.rn\..l·,I \;i.l le, m 1hr linnl NA IA T ,lp ;~ p\1\1 anJ !'--l.'t· Jcd I ~th l\)r the NJ th1n.1l C' h:1mpw1l!'- h1r touma mi.: nt. Jdt·;1tl'd No 1J ran\.. t' d lkm·. Ga . in !he: fir:,. t wund twfo·r,· k1~ int: to NP . t, r;i nkl:LI SlnJth wl' Stl· rn ( Jkl a-
lH,ma Stnh'
s\\ l' \' I
rt>und .
Ju n h>rs Stary Fr :i nkli n and Mvnu:a Mille r comhincJ f,.,,r --1 2 pl1 i n L-. as f\ tSl l :tnruh il.1t t:: J No 2--1 -rank cd O,· rr, ( \ 1l kt:..· . G.t. ll I - C, 7. 111 fnHlt l,f 3, 11'9 fans m 1ir~1 rnuntl of the ~A l,.\ Di v1swn I t'\ :ui,111:1 1 lh:1mph,ns.h1p hmm am ..·nt in Ja ck "i"rn. T l." nn Fr.rn \..l1n. a fC'rwarJ fr, lm S li dd l w h l, ;l \t.:r Jg,· s ? .1 pomL~ .1 gam ~. hJJ 1h:u rn:1 g1c 1ou<: h :i.s she hu all sb. ,1f hl·r
:_ r ,1,n 1 .\ll l'"lll' I ' .l!ld l111i..lw-l \\ 1t h .t f.ltn~· hif h ~~ \Hl\li t , Sh,· .!15-,1 .1dJ~· ,I , !\ ll"l', ' llll 1.\.. Jll,I il' Ul ,tt·.11 . . ;\ 1Jlln . .t f' ,, ,1 lr\H11 I kn
rll"ll.1 \\ lh' .l\ l"l.!L:l'"' ( 1 rw mh , n :ukJ 4 ,, 1 ·1 ~ ..,h ,, i.. 11.,m 1h, tli'i 'f .:r nJ , 1.· t'll'd ~ti 1•,11 111:-
Siw a l,<, fl .1h t-il· d
~ (j
lt' .lrtb t lk,n
,,., th :.: 11.1th111 •;
~ u 1. n.·h,H11id1 n~ h ·.11n ). tnnt 1..·.m· tl( tlw ti.ill .rnJ t,:, 11 uft" ht ,I ),! 1\', 11
:,; t.111 ."
·n,..: Tnh..:s ~t·u111d mp Ill the Swl~ I 16 l' ll i.kJ hiu~d y.
:L.:; 1h(' Nit. 5 s~cd ~u uth w.._.:°'t · cm Okl.1lnrn1.1 SI.lie rulktl \ l\'l'r MS U .6S -.5-t. II\ 1h1.· :,.\'( · o ntl r,)llnd :i t ( )rn:m ,\ n: n:t.
No. not t11e Chlc~en coat ing stuffl The get down and boogie while you tan place Laser Looks' Tl1e place that has 8 re ally cool Wolff ta nning oects wtl h I1eadphones for getting down while vou·re getting bronzed• Try It out and see for yourself why evPrvon~ I~ coming to Laser l ooks' 8 '
U' I J
) ' 0
,111.· \l l
; t·.,r,
" \Vl· J ll "i t IIW, ",l'd Sl, m l".
up1.·n , hni.... .111d Sou th weste rn ,, .h .1hlc 111 hud<l .1 lc:1tl ." M11l wc~ 1,·rn tr:1ilcJ 12- 18 ,ll hJ lf-l11nl· and fell hchinJ
but th e kids re ally fou gh t back ." Ra y said. "All these kids were overachieve rs and rm pro ud of them. We 're di sappointed right now. but we'll look back in a fe w days and realize what a wonderful ycur we've hod."
All-Am ~rican firs t tcJm 011 Monday. B uck master is thl! SL~unJ straight NA lA tirst team AllAme rican selec tion for M id· western State . Sarena CJ n:: w as named Lo the tcJm l!l,t year.
Support 1:;~ ~
Seni or foiward Duckmas• ter was named to th e 1994 NAIA Wome n's Di visio n I
-'','7: ,
Athleti~!! •.
Donors Banquet
.lit ~x-
D.L Ligon Coliseum
,. ,,. ,, " z ,. ,, I
♦....,__..., Pl~11 "Shop,:,4.n,g C.ftltif on Sovtt11,w1t P11 rtrw• r ~-- ~
c , l· 111u.tl ..-1ump1\\ ll S 111
hy :.is many as 18 points in the second h:tlf at 46-28 wit h HU2 left in the gam,·. The La dy Indians then wc.·n t to a 1-point shooting l11wup and hrokc off a 13-4 run 10 ge l hack in the game. MS U freshm a n LcSc:.in I hu.: kcnhull hit two treys. _j u• nio r Rl•n ;ll' Jnssc lcl 11:.iilc<l a lo ng .\ -poin te r. senior Mindy Mye rs hit a dri vi ng layup and Uurkmaslc r scon:d to make it a 50-_4 I game with 7:34 sti ll rl'111 :u111ng. flut th,• Lady Bulldogs \..nrn..·kc.:J in th e free th rows, making th·\! of six in the fi . nal lwo mi nutes to capture 1hc vic.::1ory. "W e go t too far be hind.
rrhlll'Stlay, April l1t, 1994
,.., -.._ LASER l~!.. ~r.,r«llt1S
lltk 0r 111:- t t o the.:
•· n1 i.· y
N ,\ I -\
all hut lhl· p.1,t l' lfhl )'C ,lf\ . rJ11 a tri;m!!lc-nnd · ··\\ l' ,trnl th,· h.111 \\ l' II l\\ U \lk f..-n~l') .11 u s w stop a nd ~1.1,·, \\ J\. ,•n 111,· ou t L,nn ( 0\H: kmJS I L'f) and it ,, ,,rkc J ." ~.utl c,i.ii: h Ray. lhl· 1t.• ." ' t\ l SL' l i> Xh kif R:.1 , , .11 d '" \\ l ' rn11 rl:' h11111Hlt:'d n;1 "h, i µ111d ..·d the Lady lnd1:in ..; 111 J ~0 - 1,1 n.·l·nrJ thi.: past two thL' c,, unt n ·:°' h...·,t n: ho undt1 h! "'l.' \L'll r~· b,•un,I , .in, I h lm ·\..l· ,I
ll'll f ,h11L,.
Shake . ~ 'n Bake ! ~
S\\ 'O S l !. J fi,\·-tim i.· n,1• h:11np1on w nh a 30 -4 rL· ,.:11rd JI 1lw 81 {! D:rncl.' . aJ . \JIH. L' d 11 1 1hc qu anc.: rlin als tu r l.1, !\,, -l sc..- d ,\uhurn \t, , ni rt, ml· ry . Ala . l '1 · .\ ). S \\'\ l '\ l l h a!'- c lllll· r wo n th t: 111111.ll ,
C-9'-#80 ~ - ~ to• ~ ~~t. u'(.(Jilt ,~ - TR.~r,.s. c1vH.......,.\ "a."'lol&c-
... Tickets are $5 and ..will be available be~nning Hardt 21st in the Clark Student fluter Office
9::'\0TO 12 MlD l\ i(~ HT
l .25 PER GAME
X SNAC K BA.R SPECL\ I.~ ;-~-~
ill-~ J~i\~!\
i'i} ·
691 - 2 2 t l
Lov :, t • d b , C () " \ t.n 'r C h y. 'l tet5 M<'\P L t"'"\l'(k'lP
Tffl:'. Wichitan
Students must learn how to protect themselves against AIDS ~r~~;;~:;~i::"
\Vit h an estimated I in 500 college studc: ntc. infcctcd 1.•oith the HIV viru s . s tud c.: nts be ·
precauti on~. offid:,h. s~.11 ll . The HIV-,\ IDS lnst11 u1 c. a n o n•pro fi t zn s t11 u li nn foun dcc.J in 19Kei, i!-. dc ,;i,; nct..l to ed ucate , tudcn ts at UCF
are · comrng aware that they ahout AIDS. ::ind do rc~curch must proti:ct and g ive !-ic r v1cc to the thc msdlearn vc., how fro ml o gett in g C ,.\ JDS, health officiaL,; ~ay. cntrul Florid3 c11rnrn uni 1y Th e start ling fi gure wa s
found in a s tudy conducted b\' 1hc: Ce nters fo r Disease
· d h Contro l an t c Am e ri ca n c,,I~~~ l l~a~~~~-~ ~t' io;~ , cor1<.l uc1~d hy tes tin g 20.(X}() bloo d ~a m pies d r;:iw n a1 35 cnllc gc healt h CL" n tc r s. The hl rio d wa ~ dr aw n f o r pur r o~c s o th er t ha n A I DS tc.s ti nc. a nd th e no n. 1dc: nt ifyi n g de m o gr a ph ic SJmplcs we re draw n hc 1wcc n Sep te m be r and 199 19 8 9 Cxcember 0. AIDS c:1.scs arc ex pec te d LO in c rc:isc hcc:ius e ri s k fJc lCl r~ a.'-SOC JJ lc d wi th AIDS are evi den t a m ong c o ll c£:e , 1u dc nt ~. R 1c;k s. ~uc h as having !-.CX w ith a num be r of pa rt ne r~ a nd no t u~ing. J condom durin g C\'Cry 5'.: X :ic t. ex i5t 10 r s t ud e nt!-. o n
hJprti"\,-mfcc t1 o n anll
,-\ JDS
ari: t.h~ c;. 1xt h· l.:.adin £ l.'. :t u--c of
dr J th am ong 15· to 24-ycJ r· 1..1ld me n an d woml' n in the Un11ed S t.1 t1..: r;. :acc ord in g to CDC s t2t1 ~11c~. The only w.iy fo r col lt-gc stud ents to pro tec t thcm~c lvcs fw m hcr om m g mfcu:.=d 1s to hcco mc a ware of the ri !> k ~ :rncf 1:.: k t.:
d n~s. She ~uid ~cum: \ tudc11 1,
. _ ,ill 1h111 k o f AID~ a, ,1 d d1sc:i ,c only l!:ty rn crt 11r nit: rcprdin g AIDS. use rs g et. Jlowc~c r, th l' In an e ffo rt to d ii. pd nu mh c r of A ll.J S c.. ;1.., t· 1i m y th s aho ut the U11,ca 01,;c , ,1 :t ll n hu tc <l to he h.: ro,c x ua l c las~ at IJ C F j_.., ta ught contacr innca ~cd 2 1 11c n:~111 exclusively ;ihnut AIDS . Tot.· frnm 1990 111 l'l'J I, ucc111d111J! cou rse , "HIV Disease : 1\ to the CD(' H um;m C once rn : · i ~ di.:,ignct.l
to rc n c h s tu de ni , inld lcctua ll y and L'molll)nall y ahout the effec t~ ,ind ri..,k of coniraciing AIDS. Do u£las s, th ~ fo un de r of the ins titute and profc s!-to r nf the course, s:iid hc r c.'. las, nf aho ut 20 0 !'- tutl e nl .s pe r sc mc_,..tc r JS .i lwa ys lil k d She s aid s tud e nt ~ arc cage r 1t 1 le arn a ho ut A IDS an d thl· c lass has ;il w:,r~ hcc n a valuahh: ion l for £1..•ttJng he r messag e ahnu t A IDS '" rhc si udc nL, .
~It gors 111 nnt.: car. ~ll d ,-. :i nd May~ ... Dougla-., ,;ml Srnc. c the cl :i, -. 1.., dc.., igncd 10 :i.ppcal 1,, . , ,udcr11.-. c ..i mpu , c s n a t 10 n\1••1d c c m o 11 on a ll y. peo p le w i1h Infor m:rn o n fro m univc rs Hy A JDS art o f te n g u1..· , 1 h::.1.hh c c m~r , also in d ica te , lecture r, Sludcnt, a l, o w:.i ic: h lh:i t student., use ~lco ho l ~m d :i s lid e rrc~c nl ~Hi n n ahu u1 o th er drugs tha t may 1m pJ ir people who arc dying fr om
thto~::,i_udg mcnt when It CC'l ffil." ".-. ~It rr: :i v take 50 ti me, !'l cforc th~Y·n.: rnfi.:- ctC'd. P r ll mJ\ tJ. kc o nce ." '-a id S h.!ro n DoUl'.i:tss. dm.: c tn r o f th e Hl \ '~A IDS l n., t ll u tr at th l· t,;ni\ c r,H.., o f Ccn[r.!I Fl ond :i m OrlJ.m.1<• But H ~ ~r11 ng In
D uuc lu 'i&, a rc: sp1ra t11r y therapy worc-.,1,r, ~nil.J mn .. 1 studl.! nt, hove ·mnh.:. klnt.1 nf rn1.,cn n1..c pt10 11 a h11 11 1 1hr d i, ca;c hc lurc tuk tnt 11,c
thl' di "~ A I [) S "' S eein g ht1v.· v 1c11m!- :.ictu all y su ffe r m::uk me Lhrnk ahout thl.· f.1ct 1ha1 I have to take prcc au1 1mi1 , J t ~II umcs if I dcm '1 w:i nt to ,u lkr li ke 1hc m s•,mcdJ ) ." 1.; ;11d Jn J n o n y m o u c. ~1ud c n t '~ L..". \':lluau on of the 1.:ourc.e
~1ud~~~/;~~~~t~~~ ~;~~:ti~~~
the a tti tud e th~t AIDS 1, ~o mc 1h 111p tha t c o uld never hJ ppcn 1u th.:.m She '3 1d th:a l hcfo rc taki ng th L' c la ,;;,c.. rn .i ny nf he r ~tudc nl\ wc rl' ~ ,; uall y pc rm 1\.!, 1vc and did nut 1akt.: :i n) p rc cJu 11 on, l<• proti.:c1 th cm ?-c ivc , Jl;;::11 n-. t 1h c c.lts1.:a..\.C
D11u gJ;1, , . , :u d 1h:.i 1 ;11fi.: r
ahuut iv.·11 wed :, uf lh l! ll a" the , 1utle11 1., rr ali 1c wli al the y knew hefnn• the dw.•, :1h1111 1 JIIV w 3 ,, mi r1 11 ,t. 11 k . mu! , Il l' .!J.; mt he II H· end ol Ll.1·,-. lhr y rcah ,.c hrn.., 11111 1!l11r1 11l' tl they were uh11u t 1hc <l 1~:;1"l: Si ncl.' Dntq!l:i ·. , hq !an lc;ic hing the d :" " 111 l 'J l-!11 , '- he h." ha d fo ur III V p11!-ili vc -.111J cn1.-. 111 hcr Li a, -., Jnd :1n111hcr ., 1u_< k 111 had l ullhlow n AIO S '-i hl'. \ 11 111 th 1..·rl· h.ivc prn hahl y bn· ,-.. 111hn !-lnch:11 1, 111 fc1.: tt·d 111 lin t l.1 ,, , hu t clw:-i.: not rn ll.' 11 l >1,11 gk" 1, aho u1 1l1L· 11 11!1w~-. . Dout!l:I\ \, -..11d •, he rl11 nk, ht:r cb ._ , ,, l.h:11 1r in t! a11 11mk -. 111 the , 1111kn l\ w hu 1.1kc ln:1 l'.Our., e Slw ,.11d 111 a11 y 11 f lu , \ ll 1t.k111 , lc ll h c 1 1h ,11 lhq · :m· a.c;kinc mnrc l{U l' '- IH 111 '- lw li ill' ck c1d 1ng 111 l lll t~p ttll t 1 hcd
1 0
~: ~:;:_~~; , s,~~~I
~::~~ l~~I~
lh t.:y arc w .1 111 11 1! lri n g t· t ~ fo rt: h.1v 111 g \l'X w 11II ;1 ni.:w a n d a rc n1, w
par l n c r
prJc llcing
~~1fc r "-C X
11 \ III J!
ccmd orn , .
St udcn1, m:1y hc w,111mg longe r tn lwve , e x, hu l they arc nnl y pr;u.: tid ng , cJ C(; livc pro1cc.: tion. ~au.I Joa nut: /unh . :.i hc allh e duc ato r ~I the Uni vl'f~ll y uf Florid a\ I lc:1lt h Cc nlc r. Au l h , a,c.J m;1ny \ tu tk nt, arc usin g t.:n mlnm, onl y whe n the y feel lh c1r p;1r1n t: r 1-. al n , k .. And 11! .1 1 m:1y ru,1 he enough r1f thc time." t,hc ,:ml
c u 111p r~IJ C' 11tl ! It al 'i (1Jil r o 11i·
i11 rn :tl' ll with II IV t.J o1•.i 1 I 111.:cc i:, un ly 11111~ i. 1i.: k , in fol I. th l' y cu n lunk li l•,1hh y fnr
y,:,11 " ( '11l ll' j!C '- l lld L' ll l 'i ICrH I to
th111 k tl wy k11, ,w t"\l i: 1y1hi 11 1t :1h11u l J\ 11 )'-i , ul1 l11,u1:1t 111 rrn y :. ll u lt:11 1•1 d 11 11 11 1 J, 11 uw 11 111,11 1 41 ·.e,,,ntl Mr.mi ,,I J\ IIJ S 1h01 ,,.. 1110 \ II }' (111111d Ill W l' 1t l A I JJ UIII ct,llfl l l ll' ~, h ur 1\ ul rio h1: 111l!
f111111tl in 1'1l· Ut1II L"fl S tt1 11•,1, Au lh ~:1id 1111 1;1:t- IJ11uu1.,-.,,, Aut li 1h i11 k •, 11 1s d ilfi c11l1 Iv 11: uch l1 dkp · 1;1u 111'11 1': 11 110111 A II JS h l.'c.: a11 \C thcy tl11 11Y. 11,1.,: y k 11 11w l" Vl'I y1l ll 11g Slw •1:ii d 1111 1111 n
li e r Jll l' \ 1' 11 la ti1111', ,., d u~•,l'•• , ht· ha .. 111 J!t ;1li 1lw ;111d1l'lllt.: h y fllll \l lllll lJ: l' llh ' fl il lll lll l'III
a nd g1•t1 111 l' th e i. 111d1· 11 1•1 111 vu lw tl 111 1h, · cl 1,l.' 11 , 1,1 11n In :111 t•lfn n 111 g rali th e ~11 1·11l1 1J11 o f l lw l k 1,1 2,1 y ,· a 1 old l' tH W tl , an AII Jc.; 1 ~ ::: ::
of Ili c h !th: r al l >cp :111111 ,;111 111 l k nl1l 1 11 111 I I 111 111 ,111 Sn v1cc, Th~ Lafl no n ,,. ge a red 111w ;11 d l.'tl ur :11111 1• lhL yn u nttc r i;cnc ra t1 n11 :1h1111I 1\ h 1P 1t ·
1h1,; CH/II ICt. li1111 IW I WC\.: 11 l h l!
11, c 11f dfll/!\ und ;1koh rd uml 1111 i,11fc
M lll I 1'1
;; ,,. ., , ,. IJ'lfl1
KA's hold reunion
puhl k 1,
.\c r v1c.. c
111 lcd '' G e l h1 t;h .
ge t , t11 p 11I , ge t All l~ .. It largl.'. I'. 1l w, 11llt: i;c .iJ~u <.: 11, w d w llh tlic mt·i:..,agc 1h:11 11 ·,, c:1·.y 10 gc l A IIJ '-i 1f y1111'1, : h1 j' h 1,11 drnt'' rn 111 111 x 1c ;1l l' (I. " Y H1111J: ..itJ ult ~ ;, re pa rl 1t.:td all )' v uln c 1:1h lc 111 J\ II J'-i. a1u l 111 a11 y 11f l h l.' 11 1 a rl' 1111 n e d 11ff by \ t.:~•1e 1;11.: r1 L•,, ·· ,.,.;11d A li rn h ,1111 h 1r 111 a ri , d c p ul y c.:h1 c f , d' ti n: C11 m 11 11111 it y and l'n,fcv ,i11 11 al
E tl uL..i lrn n Br an c h 11f 11 11: Nali1111a l ln , 1i1111 c of f)ru l_! /\ hw.c. A l: 1'11 Hli11 g tu h 1rr 11:111, lhc G1rl 111111 c: hara u c r-. u-.cd in 1l1c 111111,,; , 1alk :11111 hd1avt· 111,,; c th e t;1rg c 1
L;1111 pJ1j! II
At.:t.n rdin l_! to A11 1h , 11 ic., d 1ff n. ul1 lc,r , t1 Hk11 t!. lo aml1 c1R t'
,_li ,q ,I • , ·., jl l l ' ,p \t Il l , •, ,111\
lt y ! 'l111J y l<11 hh·r 11 <·11
·1li r
C: 11 111 111 11 ( J 11 11'/: :t C'lrn p11..· 1 ul K, 1J1 p,1 A lphu ,, 1 ck r w ill h :1v1· II \ HI Yl ' III' n
t:::;:: ~\:'1:~111:, ·','i/,1,1,~;;.:~.::::~ ()111 1.:,:11
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·1111· 111 11111,11 nc n1 will h r
-.e x
·1 he Li1m pa 1g t1
I l,J,111 ?'1 r dh
1'11111 11, ,111 ',L r:11111 ,k ,11 W 1'1 k•,
l 1J 1 , ll ,d i ) .1 ' 11111 11 hu 'l / 11\'" , \ II h,i'. 11 w c,d 111 1' l111•IJ• l•I, 11 11 1 ln l 1,11 11· 11un , 11 11 ·11 1! •4,' 1', d111 1, p1·••pt• 11 y 1,1·•• ·•. uul h,11 ·. I Ii,• ll :t l ltlll ,11 ,d l 11 I f l 1! 1tl 11 1t•,i
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:l_i 'i\!!1:~.',\l,: ~.1\';,/ ~:~JI\ , :~ •11 1~tl'
<:1,II <'11111 ·.c
l': J\ t', ,d ·" 1mu h 1d 11 1 lh t Ki\ 'H ,I ' . 111 11 /ll l l d 11 .11 11111 '\ 11 q• t.; fl lt j' \l\1 1II IJ' ( 11•'l' ~ :dl :t I Jl'L 2 1. I Xf,'i 'lht" 1, .1 \ V1·,·~ ,11111 Ill 1111 1,11111 11 ,il h.:11 111 y l !! l l ,idt' I', II ', 'i flllllU ,d •,pt tll 'K J\ 1dl h n ·. ,111 . ~.1,h h 111 1, lc..1dt·1 111 h1· { in n r:d 1(1 d1t·11
r11 r \ 1d 1· 111 , M .111 I n1r1~ h111 I .Cl' \lit. r p 11 · .1,l1 111 , . 111d < 1111 ,. KA W,1', 11 ll1 L1,d l y ill -.1a lk 1I ,11 M '-. 11 Mu 1l. h (,_ Ku, lilt , ..,, •1 1t ' l ,11 v l 'U, 1 l. ;111 ~' !< o ld ,. 11 11 · Ll1,tf• f ll l lt.l l 1 h'111,111 •, w i ll h\· lt; I ,dUIHII U'• ,ld Vl ',\' 1 , W ,J ' , ll l ll' M .11 d1 ~It I Ill' Ill ,L1 lh11 111 11 ,11 111 ,1 11' ,11 l·•· 111 .. r \·1 111..: 11 1h 1,11 11.. 1·1•, wd l t.1 t..: 1il ,ll t' Ar 1t1 mll11 q•," ,ll l. t11d 111J ' 111 lli t.: 10, S o11ll1, •111 S 1t11 , Iii~: h ,l. .d K 1\ ·11w 1l' ;11 c ,1.! .11 II\ •' 111\.·,11 new•, lellu I I ;ill , 1,11 1l' il w11h li,:1•1 f1 11l. h uh11 1• I ', 111,· 111t,, •n, l1 v1.: , 1Ut k 11 h •,11111 , w11111ctl 11 1 1t1 I\\: 111ll1J ln l 1111 l::i 11 untl .., 1,111 ,I \.. l1.1p1c1 It 1t 1nk 1w 11 y1.:;11 ,, n l J• r tll 111 111 11 1• ll n.: 11 :i 11, ,11, tl 1dl 1t1..• hc li ,11• l!u- KA C' li api.- 1 wa, ••11111 ,,vl d l 11 ICe l1 lll t.: lllhl·/ , w , 11· llll\l ,1h ti 111111 th e l'J<i-1 t h,1ph·1
Hnll f\ 1tl ·.11..·.1 tl fil e lttl,. ,d
l•HI I pkdj l' :1
'I Ill' (l lctl ~t\!~, 11111lh-' )' 1'0 1 KA la y 1
hr lp
1.11 'H'
v uli1 nh' \. fl fl jt
lh l.! 11 111111' 111 dn
11dtl 1u h , 11 ~.l' y:11 ,I w11 rk, 1111
dt,11 ,11 11111 ', ltt h 1• ll lllr/'~llf ,11 1..'d 111 11 , 1111 KA h11tl1T I
...... 0
le s
P:age 8
Thursd ay, March 24, 1994
Ca m pu s Co nn ec tio n
Brief s l ':\ SP rq~i:-. lr a t io n :-. l't for i\ J:ird1 25
If your org an iza ti on has an event fo r C a m pus Connec tion , call the \Vic/1irnn at 689-4704 . D eadline is noon Mo nday before the Thursd ay publ ic ation . Thur ~d 2i ,·, M a rch 24
'.J O flkc r/Sc 11~11t1r Rcg1s tr.uion. S1ulk nt Gm·cnum•nt omcc & AJm ini, 1r:111,·c Sct"\'KC:,. O ffLn ·: 8 :i.m - ~ run J ~ tmlcm Sc n:uc ~kc 111H.~: CSC HI~: 6 pm .J W f'RST M eeting: (S C Thc:ttcr; 7 p.m .
:J Me n':,. B:t'-4..° t,:ll l \":,. . llow:11LI
Sa l u rd a ,·, M a r c h 2'1 ...J lJII . ? AA. Atrium: 7 ]O a.m.
S und [w , M atth 27 -.) Sigm.1 L~txl.1 Alph :t. CSC Lu ungc : -4 p .m
LJ M e n \ Ba..:.c b:tl l ,..,. n nl(lkh.1n:n J C , I lnmc: .;r,.m
1tw 1,1 rl\.'1..' 01 11 w l\.·g i'-lr.1 r and .1d 1111 •,, 1nn in thl· H a n l 111 Ad m1 n 1~ t r.1l1 l 'll 0111 ld 111 c. ,\1 uth. n 11 1111 ~Il l Fl,1 ~nh m.: rnh1r111 .11 11 m 1..,dl
W~dncsclay, March JO Me n'!\ 0;1:-cti;1ll v~ l h iwa n l P:iync. ·111cn:: 12 p .111 .
:111 l 1111
Ll:11 1.1 l nt! h, h
c1s o ..r -;•q 2
Dl'lta l\lu Delta insta lls
•Ma rch J l
lns ta ll atiDn
M nnday, April 4 Fil l Sclmlor.. h,r ,\ rplk :itton r>c.1t1 l1m:
MS U. Dc, lta Mu D,· ll a
na 11 on:i l ho nor ~nd c tv rn hu ~inc ~, ;1dmrn1 stra l1 011 : and 1s a mcmhn n f 1h~ Assn1: ia-
T uc.-.d ay, April 5 Cl F:h:ult y Fornm ; llli\
t1 Pn o f C ul lc g1.· I hrnl1r S,1( 11..·t tc~. r-0r n11.:: m hl· 1, h1p , umk rpr al.l u.1tc ,tu <l l'l1 1~ m ti...l h1..· ~11,, ni. .· " dq :rl'l' c 111 d 1d ,1\\' \, ha,'1..' :1 m inimum o l a ~ 2
Wedneo.d ay, April 6
·: J Movie: "Son in L1\I. -. CS\ l llc.itc r. 7 p.m Th u r ,;dniy , April 7 0 S111(1c 111 ~c nat c t,,k l· liu j: , rsr J(l,.J , 6 pm
C ind i· Kahler ll c ll
11.: an fo r w a rd Kn ~ Bruto n
13i. ·. as ky held Bru to n . wlw has a 41-\" ve rrn.: al lea p a nd who i~ , I pruh ahk N BA <l rJ ft
Educa tion d epa r tm ent to p n ·s1•11t wo rk~ hop l l.1rlan Sh,.' f'h Co un , l'\1 11 1! Co n fl' ri:m·,· 1\pril 7 in Iii ~
C l.irk Slu {knl Cl' l\ll' r Hall Dr Pa1ru.:ii'l Lnw. author a nd dirl'l· to r of th ,· Aus tin r: :1m d y ln '- li tu 1c wi ll p1\ ·~ ·111 "T iu· Ti cs That B ind."
1,10 111
. l.ll\'l.' 1:,; ;1 licensed pro rl"!-. • ~ ll111a l a 1a l a 1 ,:li nical mcmhN .i nd :t ppru \'l'd ~11 r 1..· rv 1c.or in
thL· Am l'l"1L" a n ,\ ~,, x.· 1:i11,m ft,r 1' t.1rn :i~1..· .111 d Family Thc r-
Shl· ha, a ppca n·d o n
,I P ).
111cl mlc mu s ic a l ~h ai rs, lu~.
,, r-war a nd p yrami d huildin~ T hl' work:-, hnr j.;. o pl~ O to At 'I p .m . th e an yo ne wlHl ~n ay ha\'C a rc-: r· 1ln rro r PiclU re Shl, w·• will ~ , ,,n :il nr pHik ~~ Hlt~ al mtc n.:st p l ay in ~ a t th e· Outdo,,, in tlw n 1k 1h;11 fo m1ly c.l yn~,m- Ed uc a 11 <> n Ce nt e r k s piny in , ]J :1pin ~ th i.: 11,,cs l)n•s.-. in chorac tcr (01:('i anti hrin1: l' I t;1mily 1111; 111\lcrs. Yl)tir w atc- r.~un. Thi.: c.:ht lt coc1J.. -o ff will I'.: T hl· ,c,11fr n•ncl! ft.:l' 1s fro m 12 noo n until 2 p m. al $~ 11. F,,r an mld111nna l $5 fee . the OEC vo lleyball cnun.,. C E I i, Ll 'C , S,,ci a l W ork. Awards will he given frir TA AUA C. CJAfJ. :ind TJPC 1hc wcckcn< l ac Livitic~ nnll Cl"l'.llil ,~ avail ahk. at the <l oor c hc c k ,,ri ll he prcsc nh: d ;" tlm 1ugh lh L· M S ll division of MDA for the sh am rock sake n mlinuin g cJu1.: at1 on. fu nd• raisc r. Sh amnx: k s were :-,olJ for The rq!is1rn 11on (k: adlim· S I l!ac h to ra! S4..~ mnne) hir is Ma rc h 3 1. Fo r m o rl~ in fonn :Hion ca ll th t: MSU MDA . Th ..:y wi l l hi." 1) 1l disdiv is io n of cdm:a1io n a1 MN• play 111 1hc C la rk St ud rnt C\· n1a A tri um 47(, 2.
TI11..· :\mcnca n A...._-.oc1ation 1) ! Un i\'c rs ity \ Vl) m e n w as f, Hllllk cl 111 I >-i 8 I w it h th i.: m1~s,nn o f promo11ng l:qui ty p u.:k thi s summ er. to nn l\' 1-t ln r women ah"' ng with cdu ca• f!O\O l ii. anc.J scvi: n reho u nd ~ t11, n a nd Sl·lf-<lc vdo pmi. .· nt well ht:l ow hi, ;\\'l• rac.c o r 2. 1 C'l\ \.· r J h k ~r an. ;rn<l p,1siu n: poinL, and HI hoard~ :"1 ga m1.; soc11.; tal c han ge. C o;ic h Stoc k ton sa id . " \ In I X8 5 the Assodat 1 o n th nu ght ll an pb ycd a i:: rcat pr ndu n :.d its fir st rese arc h game on a pla ye r ( Bruw n ) , tudy whi i: h d isprove d 1he we kn ~w 1.;oulJ J u mp \i ll! 1"'1 p,1pular l,ri mon tha1 h1ght:.r the gym I \l>O ul d rem in d 1,; \" - ed uc ati o n ad \' erscl y affec ted cryho dy th:Jt Ban wa!- a Hnn- wo mc n's hea lth In tnda y's 0rablc !\.k nl Hlll A\\ -Amt." n (J ~llCl C l y, th1,; ,\AU\V rromnlCS la..,i.; t yea r and ha~ pn wc.n 0 \ll' r ,c lf-c s1c1.; m io r gi rls :.ind the yea r, tha1 hl' is a 4 uali t) worn l.'. n. l l 1cy a b u ht.:l p wn h th L· lc pal i. .·os t in sL·x ual <l 1-.NA IA ha.skc tha ll pl ayer .. cn mi nat1 on case~. 1111.· lm.h Jn ~ again u, 1..· d T hl· /\A U W h r in gs h al.in cc !-<.: u n ng a-.. Co llin~ . wo me n fro m a ll ov1.; r th~ Bi..:a.'lq . and S agi:r all :,..c ( H\'<l " l1 rld 111 lhl' United States and 13 p0in L'p:1ys for th~,r cdu r.: :uion . T hq :.1 1, n fin a nLC 1hc t: tlm:a-
UC " Ot= t=OCUS
t 11111 11 1 , ~1 111K ' ll 1n
of hl· lun p. rn g to AAU\V ul., o l!ll.'llllk :i vokc in Washmgtnn. nwnt hl y puhlii:ations. gro up msur;rnc e. low -priced c ;1r r1..·ntals . sd1o larshir ~ and
l' lil.,
S l a ff R "Jw rl u
F in al F ou r Bca.l", lcy scor~· d on ;i dri vin£! lay ur. ·n1c Tif!!.'.rS wo uld thc~ gn on a 17. g run to gt.' l the ~am1: tied al halfti me. J0-30 The sec~nd ha lf wo ul d ~clong w the I nd ia ns "' Coll ins, w ho had bee n 0 -9 fro m ) -po in t r an ge in thi.: toum:iment. hit 3-6 fro m thJ I d1.'-larn:t.! tu put the Jml 1an!) in the Frnal f-o ur fo r th e S<.'co nd str.l1ght year. A nothe r hi g key fo r the ln<li ;m s was t11~ dcfc nsc tha t Bea.s k y r laycd on All-i\ mc· r-
1m11 a1n l ni..· w mcmt"ln ~
AAUW recruitin g ne w m em bers
• :',, l n nday, ,1 a n :h 2M
1-'r c,m paKr 6
111s1alll'd tlw hx::.il chaptn ;i nd
MS ll \\ ill prl·, ,:11 1 th e
Zc 1a Pht c ha pter of the D~lta ~-1u Dl'i ta ll1ok pl ttcl· M ari: h 6 Jl
The MS\! All , Orce\ Coti ne il 1~ s pon ~on nu ih, Sprin p. 1994 ( ,ree k Wcel:cn: ,,n March 25 throu gh M,n; 1 16. G rccJ... o lympic.-t will Man :1 1 7 :30 p.m. f n d ay . 1'hty
1k n .· lnp 111 1.; n1 o f lhl' n a 1i,1 11 ,1l d 1aph; r of Dc \1 ;1 l\ 1u Dclt:1. n1ndtll" tt· ll the l'l'f\' lll tm y th .it
it s Zet a Phi clmpk r
April I • April 4 Eas ter H ulld :ay
F.-ida y, M a rch 25 j l rn 1) / \ / \ . A1rium . 12 p .m. U O fft,.:crtSc n.1 tor Rcgi.~lr.lti on. Student G m •cmmc nt Om~·c & Vu..·c PTc, iJcnl o{ Stullcnt and A(h ninisu a tivc Service,
O rficc:8 :i.m . • S r .m.
Payn..:: ·1111.:n:: \ :\fl p m
T.'\SP " l' l'lil ,111\ll h arc :1v.11l:1hk 111 tlw l1 lf1l·\· ,,t" IL·, ti 11 1! m th\· Hu ~in i.:~ , A1..l11n11 1~trali llll
T ut"1;d ll) , l\1 a n.:h 2Y
VH:c Prc•dtktU o f StmJcnl and
~1.lllh 1"1 1, th l' (h l'-l! ll ,11" lk. nllm l· 1,1 ;l\ 1!1d a \al l' ri. : \· tn r ll h' Apri l 2\ T ,\ S P h'\ l
G n •ck WHkm d SCI ro, Ma r ch 25 and 211
( i P.-\ . h:l\ l' n1 mp k 1i: tl .ll k .\\l hall o f 1lwir i: o ur ,l" wt1 rk and hl· in lhl' 111p .2 0 pnn• nt ul 1lw1rd ,,~" 1Jr J ;11 1h '~ ( i ri flin . v ,,·i: pn..·,Hk nt t,,r l'. Xll' ll St,m and
o lhl' r coun -
1nc , . Fnr c xamp k.. !\1:i<l a mc cd uc.1110 11 ,va-. r1 -
\l) J fl S.
Thl' AAU\ V 1s mtcrestcd in helpi ng you ng wom en who
wi!-. h l o atten d c.::o llcge no mall t: r what Lh cir fi cld of inten;._..; t. Eli ,.ahcth Ludy. a 47-ycar me mber o f AAU W , said, "T he door should be open so th c i;e girl s can choose w hatl·,·cr thcy want 10 do." A AU \V s po nso rs the an nu a l College Fin ancial Aid C li nic . in . wh ic h a ri:a hi gh ¼'hno l JU nt ors and seni ors and t heir parc ni s a rl." inv ited to come and liste n tn i.:xpc rL11 in the licl <l of financia l aid. r
T hey also sponsor lhc ;innu:11 M;ith Scie nce Worksh 1)p. In this works ho p the teache rs give an ovc rvh; w of some of the. spccilit.: courses offtn:d hy MSU . This gives the girls 3 hroatkr vie w or the choices 11pcn IO them in fields suc h ;1s cnginct.'.ri ng or other math and science rd alcd tic.Ids. Th~rc is also a keynote speake r cv-
cry year. Th i.! s rcakcr IJsl }~:i:wa.s Judge Jll uni 1a Pavlitk.
T he
W ich ita
will he spnnson ng a ti.!a Ai nt 2R 4:00 -5:00 p.m . at ll,: C lar k S tu dcn! Ccnlcr Ex-Stu dents Room . Nu in"'1Lltion 1s ni:cdc.J.
'Ifie 'J,/j,1.u 'Traae '1/J)inc{s~;
Moto r Hot el
Pa rt ies'/ \ Wdd in gs? M eetings ? Banq uets'? D.J1J....L!.. h ir All
or Y, ,ur ll :i1.,1m·1 .. r C
,krl 11 ,; Ne •.:.
Ml1 -il..\- k llltX
1212 1.\1,1.M.I Ml\"C: l \\' 1d11 \J I .1!h. "\ :i. . i (,l\11
I l'\lMI C.7l- l\Xt,': I·•\ ;\. ~ Ii J11 \J(fl
PR INC l I' I. 1' S • /' SO l ' :\ D RI I IHI·. \\ ,t, :-,: r--1 ';I(;,~
Cu rH,: ·,
nanccJ h) Ai\ l )W Thi." W it.: h11:1 F;i\ t-. h ra m:h
pf /\ AU \V ,~a~ ru un ,h·d Ill 192 7. Th e p11 rpt1!-i C 11f lhc AAU\V i... 10 c na hlc C..: l' lk gi.: wum i. .· n tu <."o nl 1nui.: 1hi.: 1r ow n 11Hdkc tu:tl grow th . ln l"urt hl." r 1hi.: adv a nci.: m c n t o f w11mi.: 11 an <l III d i sc ha r ge thl." spcc1 ;il rc:-, po n, 1h i\ 1t y 10 so c 1c ty o f 1hoc.c wh o have l:n1 nyc <l 1he ad va ri ta~cs or highe r cdu ca -
Anila S m ith, pri:.:-.illent o f th e local hra nch, s:.1iU tht: bcn•
( ·n 1i, c Shi p Jo h:-,! ~l1nk111, ni:i:,k d' E:11 11
-., :!_t ll lll ~11 111 111h ly ~11111111 l-rflu 1li , l.i),f1 11 1\ -111 m: \\,1rhJ11,1w l C :11 1hh,:.111. I l.11... 11i. I 11 , 1,p,:. ~k ,kn l 1u 1r C1: 11 J ..!., . (i 11t Sh,, p S ak,.
I ) .-, ~ I l,1t1d,. l .1,11 111 \\ 0
,,1k1.:r:,, .d ..:
:"!11, , p.-111..1 1~1: ll t:l'C", U)'
( 'AL L
r,1(• .h ~ll --k•-17 1·, 11· 1.iJ
SC. ·11-: NTJIJi.:J:; I .·\ SS-
II J O \\'EI\S \\' A ~
U \ i\ l l:"I: ' l ·111 po 1 .11i , , 11 \111 .:l:.:, I 111 ~L,r •l\•1 1.1 l c ,:L, c,i{) 111 11~, :-,!, 11t11•.•.1.."'- I , ,I l h111• 11•1 11 1, -....d; tt l!' \ .,11uu , k \ d ·- , ,I ~,p,.-1,~·11~ l 1I S\'.1~•111 lli•. { ,l.1,., h !o•,•· d ' 1·:1p,1M l"
111" 1·,tl1 1.-: ,1111 ;.: 1 ,114..-,,hu, rl.1\,-
Hop On D own a nd Give
the Gift of Life.
c:: l Ci in ~"'t..rn. -i ,·,_1] (£,1...?
C'cm f'c'IDt C
<twic e
Iv'r , 1<
·, 11 111 " I' .,, u-1, nf l II•\ ,. S., 111 mon,·., t he, , , 1. l, I IJ, , ·,, 11 ;· 1.. 1 1,1 11 , 1111·11 1 I ,, r1 u,. ,11 , !, d ,,, , · ., 1111 ,1., J... , .. ,i l ., 11 ~·.. ~d• .,' ,,, l ,.. ii , 11 \ \ l. \ti I '-I H \
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ll 111 ,u1 '. awV, 11 111 "\·J '-Lh\ :I 1.JII U11 '
( "••11 •1· l"- i l h ·1 \.: II l u1••;.• 11,•1:1
.J. 1 , l ', 1, ,
... 111 11 ,, ...
II , 11 .. , ,. , .,r , "''"' ,l, ul •l•O• • r1 ,., ,, ! ,11 \ . t • , ,\,. I! , , u pa1 I. .
E·1:·:1~.:-,·:.:~, ::1'.:·~:1: s,:.'I~·:~::'.·:\:,;:~.,
, \.,1 1, 1.,L,: .n\ , ,11 11 .,g~- ,,1 1,1, d.-1,·n .,I ,,n ,I
\·.- u \ 111.1d: l ll!l ll b, ,111, t11 r:i l\' i·l.1" t--: 1111. !''( .
1\11 1ir 1k1 •. I: !11:· >II
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• . . t. 1 I 11 l 11)1"
lq t t ,1 \) 1111
11"\,• ;\ l
,l'-..,_•t"u 1 ,1, !1<11~·li 1~ •n,n n,1
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!,j•11t •1\ll U \'\\I'- ' ( ,, r pnrJl 11o 11 \1101 'J l '.\I IJ J
t l')' l l.,
I.. f''
Earn ifa on your first visit with your MSU LD.
'\ l.1 1.!.l\llh J , J ,. , ..... ~ - I -~
\ h,,u t- 1- 1 t1t('.( :1 "T "' , 1 ,,011 ◄ V , zt:-,1, I \'\ •1 i ;r o - .11• 1
1! , I I'
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