March 25, 1993

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Volume 71 , Number 2 l, March 25, 1993


Men's basketball team claims 3rd place in NAIA tournament

I T Koht Dulu• Corru1>cn1d~nl

· 1 wish I could think of a iood 1okc 10 tell you right now but I Cln't think of any " Gcnld S1ock1on. men's he:a'd

baskcth:ill coach said, ~ he s1rug1;lcd through the post~mme prc~s conforence S~HJrday night i n Kmnsas


The Tribe had Just been dcf7atcd, hy Hawaii Pacific Umvc,stty, 85-84 having as many as 1s in the


M idwcs1~rn took home

1h1rd-_pl:11:c trophies after entering the tournament unseeded a~d unranked hy the NAJA seeding committee. The! loss ended the year one game wly , rinishing Midwcstcm's season at 25- I 2. The third place finish w;,s the Indians be.I.I showing at the n:uional level since 1979. The Indians run at lhc n:i.uon:il 1itlc bci:in O\'Cr I week ago wuh a win over the no. 7 S<Cd. Geneva. Pa. The 73-~8

1hc brough1 victo ry Pcnnsylvanian's 28•2 ~cason to an end and advanced the Tnhc to the second round to focc Central Washington. The tcnlh-sredcd Wildcats fought the Indians down to the win:: before MSU's freethrow shooting closed the door for a 78•74 win. ··At the dl.,tril-t tournament one of our fans told me to tell the guy~ 10 shoot every free throw as 1f it was lh..: one tha.1 would win the game," Stocklon said. "and in lhc first two games we did ex:1ctly th:tt" The Indians shot an amazing 44 of SS from the line as a team, for a 79.4 percent shooling mark for lhose two games. Next up was Minnesota• Morris. another unseeded am.I unranked squad that had knocked off the no. 2 seed At.usa Pacific, Ca. in the first round. "l w.:a.\ concerned with thc discipline and in1elli1ence of

the Cougars. but we played perhaps one of our best games of the year as a team." Stockton slid. Led by the p:u sing :and leadership of senior pointguard Rich F:mna. and the thf(l!-point !Ouch of Corey Shead. Ull! lndians held a lh·epoint lead at intermis...;ion be·

~~I/ i~e:is~~~i:·i'~

~ cond The Sea Warrior~ 3 23-2 run in the first half 10 go up 25- 10 before the Trihc slowly worked iL.; w:1y t\ack into the contcsl, trailing only by four at the half. 38-'.\4. •1 couldn't stop 1hc clock lO stop lhe run hcc3use with the iclevision timeoulii you 31\: only alloued three for the giroe by the NAIA,• S1ock1on lbc game was loc;,Ily on Channel 3. After lhc half lhc game became a seesaw affair I.hat saw both 1eams make runs. Midwestern Lied the game at 54-54, only to w3tch Hawaii Pacific reel off eight slr.liJhl

Y.O.U. hiring soon By Dula Sltac Rtporter

Youth Oppori un itics Unlimited. the summer program for disadvantt1.gcc.J te<'nagcrs. will he hiring soon. Or. bqucline Cueva\, director 3nd founder of Midwc~tcrn St:atc's progr;am , says they will he needing s1udcnt~ 10 fil I m:my diffcrcm positions: includ111g her 3dmrnistrative :wi stanL Employccs will take children to sick call. the dentist. rick up mcd1c;i1ion and gla~ses. and oche r adminmra1ivc chores. One mu\ t he 21 and have a ,·alid dnvcr"s liccn~t· for 1hi\ J'l,ISlllun The same re · qmrt·nwnts .apply 10 1hc poJ..11,on of as~i~iani job ck:n:lopcr. Thi,;; ix:r.,on wil I

t.'.lkc the Y.O.U. ~tudcnts tO

their part-time jobs, leach modules on work skills and fill nut government forms required as documcntation. A tutM C()ordinator is needed plus tulors. Tucor1, will work wi1h student skills in high i;chool malh. Te3ching assistanL\ for high school English and Math arc aJ.\O needed. Peer counsek,rs will h\·c in the M1dwe\lcm state t1orms wilh the students, supcrvi.,,ng and going on field 1rip~ wi1h 1hem to plnccs hkc Six Fl:ii!S- They will work Friday through Sunday. Rc.hcf peer coun• sclors for Monday through 'rhursdlly arc also nctck:d. Two nigh! ~upervisors lO p.1trol the dorms from 10 p.m. 10 2 u.m, needed. This positic,n includes 11

1992-93 MSU Indians Indian pl•ytN rr.-.m hotlom 1,n .r,: Chr" (h,,rrt. Arthur Hunt, J•mt~ St,••ll. Cony Shnd. Klch t .rln., Coach Blab Brown uld J im Ad•rm (hununry coach) Standlnc from top lcR an:C~ch Jtff K•y, lr•lnu, J ot t' lckUt, JMM P•ly, G rtl S!,w.-rt. Dart B,ulty, Kury 8r11q. 1-:rul WllrWa•, t:harlk S•aer, W. Colllm, Coach Maril <.:r.U., Gtrakl Stockton. and David Block (ho,-ary 0

CCWltb ).

for a 62-54 lead. The Indians fough1 hack before 1hc Sea Warriors three s tra1gh1. two threcpomt.:rs and a long jumper, 10 pu!,h the lead back to eleven w1lh four minutes rcm,uning. With the score 17-66. Midwestern made one final

dcsperalt run.

MSU's pressure defense Warriors. Farina's 28-foot threeproduced lhrcc 1umovcrs and the Tribe pulled t,3clc to lhrcc pointer with two seconds rewith a 15-4 run, before maining pulled the Trihc ~ack HPU's Lemar Young made to within one. but the Indians one of two free throws for an could not stop Lhc d ock and 85-81 lead with 24.2 seconds left It was to he Young's third straight game to score the winning bucket fc: the Sea



free dorm room. Dr. Cuevas said. People who can u:ach sports and cr.afts in the evenings 3rc welcome 10 apply. she said. "These positions will he very parttimc."

Applicants have a 2.5 GPA and Or. Cucv;is said she prefers lhat they be at least sophomores. "They must have great SO· ciaJ ma1urity." Dr. Cucvas said. 'The program will op• eratc from June 4 10 July 30 and will serve 90 SIU· denlS this year. Posilion~ will training in late May or early June . Applications and job dc.scriptions arc available in room 117 of O'Oonahoc.




Dog Day Afternoon Somt M SU s tud~nts lAII:~ timt: off l,e:tw«n daua to ~njoy the warmer wcathu and

1,.,;;t1oo;,;;..;;•;,;'°';;;';,;"';;1H1;,;loa;;;,;t«t~i•-th■•■q■uod_ran_pt_.- - - - - - - - - - - -• er

C.'1,.rtuy/Ho,.~ Allt 11

Local banks not affected By Loru

M. Arrlaalon


In an effort to s1reumline a

student loan pro~ram 1hat costs taxpayers S5 billion a. year m defaults and administnui,..c t OSL\. lhe Clinton administration is proposing direct lending from lhe government to the student. bypassing banks 1n the process. Banks m Wichita Falls will feel little dm:ct impact of President Clmlon's direct lending pro• pma.l ponfon ofhis educationfor- service program •· as local banks do not make direct Mudcnt loan). However, the Banking Co ns um er As~oci:ation. an organization cump()scd of banks who provide stuc.lcnt loans. ts lobbying Congrcu to block this rroposal. Cucrcn1ly. thc government pays hanks to issue loans to \IUdcnts at low interest rates, thrn rays 1he interest rate~ wh ile the student allends ,;chool. Ir 1hc student later defaults. !ht! governmenl ab• ~ort-i~ the lo~\. Under the proposed system. to be phased in by fi~·.11 year 1997. !lludcnts would borruw directly from thl· go\'ernmcnt 1hrnugh the colk gl''s financial aid office. Student.s would then repay !hdr loam; wilh a ()l'rtcntagc of 1hl'ir post gradua1ion income or 1hrough puhlic scrv1..:..: t'ic.:forc. dunne-, ')r aflt!r i:ollcg.:. The Internal Revenue Scn. ii:c would get involved wnh coUccung loan payment\, \ hJrply rt·du..:ing the risk of loan dt•foulls. ~ A t;n..•at many profossiC"nJI pt..•oplc Jcfault on their stu\knt lt1ans. and at kast lh1s will allln.1.· some manner of p:iymcni.M !>lid Dale Cha.stain of Parka Square Bank. While 1n1t!rv1cws indicate most local h.m~ns support the plan, m1nc <.•f the local hanks process \tudent loan~ locally, ac1ing msll.'ad as brokers for

other banks or refcrn ng s1udcn1s to larger offices in Dallas or other citic...;. The Tc;us Guaranteed S1utJen1 Loan Corporation. a nonprofit public corporation cs13blished by the Sutc ofTexa\ 10 administer federal student loans in Texa.;, currently has 250,000 louns in default. amounting to $900 million m uncollectihle paymenl.S. The Tc.:xas Guaranteed Student Loan Corpora1ion·s legal representative suid 1hcy have h3ndled S4 billion in loans 10 1.5 million sludcnts since thcirincorporation in 19kl. ~The evidence is over• whelming that the federal government will save money and that we'll make college more accessible to mon: people and reduce paperwork massively,· 11ays Senator Paul Simon, 0 -llhnois. Two recent rcpom from the Govcrnmen1 Accoun1ing Office project savings of ahout S1.3 hilliun in the first year of impkmcntation. While the CBA admits that the current system is inefficient. JS Arringmn B:rnkcrs & Student Loan Overhaul cited in a recent Congressional Rcsc:irch Service report. they would rather work with the admimstrJtion m !rimming lhc costs of 1he cum.:n1 proi!rJm. ,ays Jeff Bcrding of Clohan & Dean. thr law firm lh~ CBA. He said the proposed pro~rJm would make ttle Dcpa rtmcnt of

Educa1ion a bankmg institution and the college financial aid offices lending agencies. They have no exp,,:riencc and would not he as .:fficicnt, he said. However. financial aid offices have had experience wi1h direct government Siudent loans with 1he federal Perkin~ loan program. a sucC\:.S.."-ful• .smaller program colleges cum:ntly administer Many college adminis1ra1urs say direct lending will be easier because the govcmmcnl will be responsible for loan servici ng 3nd collec1ion . Bcrding said the CBA is also concerned !hat by utilizing a phase-in f'JfOl!ram. Lhe administration would limit s1udcnts' access to loans. Roger Murphy. ttlc Department of Education. .said lhe implcmcn1a1ion of 1hc plan involves a very dclihcratc process of law and that lhc l).:partml·nt would implement 1he program a-. smoothly as possihlc 10 en• sure students receive the a.-..s1staocc 1hry need. Derdm~ said start-up and admimstrativc costs could cat up s3vi ngs. saying smaller college.~ would be hit hardest hy increased work lo:1d m a time of d1..x-n::a."-Cd funtling 10 higher educational m.;111u• tion.,. Congres1; appnlVed a lest program during 1hc la.~t session to implement dir1,.-ct

lending at varioui.: educational

l■ seepa.ge5

Opera workshop scheduled The mu~ department will pre.,cm an opera work.tlopon Apri12-3,at 8p.m. inAlcin Auditoriom. ltisdirecltd by Dr. Don Muwcll.prnfcs.sorof muiic.Dr. Rolll Mom>w, assistant professor of music and Bolin chair of piano. •and £1)(.$1 director Dale Smith.

Admislon Is ftff and Ille public ill la•ltcd and encoonpd lo tlknd.

Pago 2


Thursday, Maroh 25, 1993

Humane Society It to animal killing Editorial Organization pleas for ha ho have kepl 51moratorium. h ~I Space flight/ ores selling ~up-~1 lhe miracle of birth. and · e oh mal 5htJtcrs.; prohlern too stead of puppy rt11J1 •> 1 10 space fight The Backyard BrcederM . who quicl abOU! as muc h and k111rns. It take, : In the United Stal.CS, every ,s going 10 recoup his cosc to long :1re8 Jtf is ume to P~~ mcnt of !cash law, itJ~ equally al blame, and take resPo in,: requirements h)•tr: seconds of everyday. one buy ihe dog. pct

Ry Lortt M. Arrlnalon


In thu; time of prc\'lllcnt natJonal sclf-doubl. when it's poht1c,1lly 1n vo~ot' to focu~ on Amcril·an downfalls, we're pn;p:mng ll) 1hrow :iway one of l)Ur single biggest .1,ucccs.scs ofthc1.·cnIury.

Whili.! Amenc:i may not make the world's ~l cars or VCR's or ha\'C the highest "national average income: v.-c'vc ht.-cn m the lead in the area of 1Jl3CC c:xplorauon for the 2S yc:us.. Yet 1oda)' we find the Clinton administration willing to forego this qU3r\cr<cniury of work IO add a few dollm to .social programs at home. f1 h:a.s been said many times that "if we can send a man lO 1hc moon, why can'1 we feed lhe hungry. find homes for the homclcss llnd put lhc nauon to work.· llus ts exactly what

we've tried to do. since John F. Kennedy's goal of landing a man on the moon before 1970 wa.'ili reached. Since that occa• 'iliion. funding for c,ploralion has steadily dwindled, oonftscatcd for •more urgent use a1 home.• The pl,quc on the Apollo 11 lunar module i,J1 u, commcmora'C man's first c:ii:tra-lCrTtStriaJ trip m1~ht well be the

tombstone oi Amcric.a's space effort as soc1al-spcndmg µohticians have their way. Now. aflcr 20 years of spending hilhons of dollars and cn:.:ating ten.\ of goV(mmt.:m agencies. those same politicians are 1.1i. bng us lhiu our social problems worse than ever. and that we should continue to try to solve complet.ely our

soci:d iUs hcforc exploring space. In lhc past twenty )'CIU'S we've seen the Apollo program cut short. leaving vast ponjons of the moon unexplored. We've seen lhe design of lhc world's first reusable. space vehicle, America's Space Shuttle, cut to the point th.:u it's too

cxpens:i\'e 10 fly. We\·e seen Amem..a's space sl.3tion cut to vtrtual non-c, istcnce. As we stand on the edge of e&.'if and cheap access to sp3CC through programs like the Single Suge 10 Omit proJCCL the Clinton administn.tion stnnds holding I.he "budget scissors.~ ready 10 cut such · spending." Just what i.s our na110n g1v1ng up by sacrificing ilS space program? Ofcourse. no one can predict the course of invc:nllon. but we can look a1 space progrun spinoffs a..lrcady in US, .

A few cxample.s citcd by U.S. Congrcssm311 and Space Sbuuk mission spcc1.:iJi.,;1Bill Nelson include a ~ grarnmablc, impl3nl..1ble medication s:ysacm whKh allows som~ d1:ihcucs :md victims of other chronic d ~ like leukemia and honnone disorders'° live mOfC nonnaJ lives; an invesmlent of over $20 billion to the computer, semiconductor and aerospace indu.wics effectively creatin& lhc home computer market: the saving or thousands of lives and billions of dollars by improved weather forcca.,ting sys&ems a..nd many mace. 1bc llDplications of these contributions alone :ire so far reaching thal lhey arc impossible to g135p. In many ways, the k.tlling of our program is like



faulL Pct S1ores: who sell pcis share the rc~ponsibihly for overporula1ion by subiidizing the entire puppy mill industry h b df 1 d1:ri~~ti~::!~r ~d :Ver de I bl d' · I th . ~ or.a econ ,uons or I cir Zillions are fighting the' vo un1 • · what we haa7e ~~~,:~~; is not 100 many dogs, just not enough responsible dog owners,- said Wayne Cavanaugh of the American Kennel Club. S1a1istics show that what we have in America is 45 cau and IS dogs born for every one human binh. S1a1istic.illy, enough responsible owners canno1 exist. Purebred breed· ers aren't the sole cause of the problem. -Joe Pel OwncrM who believes il's n0t macho to have a neu1crcd dog: -sally The Perfect Mom" who feels her children should wi1ness


world. Lei's no, forgeL also, the historic implications of expl<r ration; nations thal explore have hl\lOoC.lUy bcrome world powers. Other nations haven't missed lhis point; lhcy'rc x:tively pursuing the explorJUon and exploiLuion of space.~ European SpacC' Agency is known to most Americans for its conuibution orthe SI billion Spacclab. a compact laboratory 1ha1 fits in the Space Shuttle's cargo bay. lo the American crfon. But ESA is now nearing completion of it's own reusable space vehicle. the Hermes spaoeplanc. The Hermes ~ hide will he launched with the same inexpensive Ariane launch vcht<:les now used to place commercial satelliu:s inlO orhit. The e:it-Sov1e1 Union ha.,;; been mvolvcd in space explora1ion as long as America h:15, and even through their cutrtnt poliLical change.s they have m11nagcd to maintain something we're Stil l planning ••their pcnnancntly manned space sta· 110n. Mir. Even China hasentttrcd the game wilh it's Long March vch1clc.,;; wi1h which it hopes in gamer pan of the commerdal satcll1te industry. There is no doubl that we have. to some cxtenl, lost our edge- in the c:iplora11on or space, and indeed in other scicn• tific areas as well. We are, however, in position 10 easily regain 1l given the following actions. Fir..1. we must forei!o the poli1ical rhetoric which tells us that science projects are "~rk harrer projects. Although such proJCClS offer many JOhS 10 the arc:a tn which they arc pl.tCt"d, the benefit of their research is felt by the entire nauon. As every cronomist knows. 1mprovemcnt,;; in ccc:hnology provide 1!'k:n.~ascd oppm1uni1y for everyone. Next. we must addrcs.s our nation's social ills by correcting Ihc problem, no1 the symp1oms. Rather than spending b1lhons of dollars on soci:il programs which ha\.'C J)(Oven thc.J1uclves ineffective, let's spend that money in an are.a, that will not only creJII! job.1,, but :ilso provide substantial spinoffs 1ha1lx!ncfit us all. we mus1 commi1 ourseh·cs to the beucrment of our nation 1hrough educat.1on. Our system can't be driven blt h cards; Amencllfl's c.l.11'1he forced to cducalC thi:mJClvcs. Nevertheless, b)' allowing un.~illcd lahor 10 bt: , upphcd by nalKJns w,lling lo do so and conscquenlly expandrng lht number of skilled jobs available here, we can C"ocouraie Americans to become educated l.hrough work op• l"")MUJUU('..!i.

(>ur!·au~ is not)"\'~ ~o.\t, rcganJlcss of the negauve cf• "'0 years of pohlLCaJ game•playing, But without i C·

fcc 15 ,, (

lion 5000, I.he Chob.m admini,;;uation may give up Lhe one artu ,n which we still havt> the ~pponunily to lead the worJJ.

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blame I he mess we ti.ave sibility for creaie,1.w 1·chil& f alls, a~ou~ ln _,.. are eulhanize 14,<XJOanim.., In the ,wo every yeka r. l track JS a cumonths I ep . ·an I euih3· thanasia tcchn1c1 'and c3tsg doJS nizcd I,76 ieS and kit· Mosl were puPP re young. tens. Mandosi t,ave made healthy wouion 10 some:· a good compan third were one. Roughlt-ad were half· purebred. atht.~ were muns. bred, and 1 1 n,c face All dese~ed haunts of each innocent me.




The: killing mus~op ~and it can! II iakes ,:On son who has a comJ'.e ~ 1 animaJ to ensure th: 11 ~ es spayed or ncutc~ ·10 volun· ca,ch b ~_rlflJl':1er t,,t:cding

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Aliens score on • movie screen ly Oran Uwnace Modi" R••lew..r

Years have put since Richard Dreyfuu schizcd out from his close encounter. and oh, how times have chinged. As our culture has become more violcn1 and adversarial. so have our a.lien visitalions. Witness the "based on a true siory" account of 1hc abducuon of T~vis Walton in the movie "Fire in the Sky. Wahon, a lumbcrJack from Snowflake. Az.. is riding through the woods with his five logging buddies when he spots the distant red glow of a fores! fire . Bui when Travis. (D.S. Sweeney) gets ou1 of the pickup 10 invcsti• gate, he finds that he 1s standing beneath a huge &lowing spaceship He is suddenly knocked unconsciout and taJcen away. M

This is no "we wanl to learn from you/ccach you~ scenario. The aliens want to learn from Travis. but lheir melhods take a naziesque 1um 1oward strange medical experimenis and labora1ory-animaJ treatment M Firc in the SkyMis an amalgam of the n:pons of the growing number of people who have claimed abduction. While such experiences may be entcrt.uningly horrific. the movie is less so. IL is essen· tiaJly two movies i n one. As soon a.s Travis disappears. the focus of the movie shifts to the town of Snowflake's rcaCllon 10 the claims made by Tnvis ' five s urly friends. panicularly on named Mike. The story of the abduc1ion become.~ the focuJ of interc! I i n l(\wn. Almo.,;;1 no one-

~t;e: ~~;~!~ck!~~:

think lha1 he and his comrades murdered Travis and an: using the abduction s1ory a.s an alibi. But the re action from movie-goer! is probably "who cares what the people in town think?" They saw lhc space• ship, and lhey want to know what happened inside iL That effect of delaying the real interc.sting stuff 13.kes the edg.e off the good performances turned in by Garner and Pa1rick. Finally, though. Travis is returned to earth naked, bruised and 1..ombicd out. Al first he can't remember a lhing. bu1 as he emerges from the impact of the ordeal. he and the viewer begin to get fast-cul images in a spaceship's _inlCrior 1h1t finally 1ums into a nightmare 1h1t bcgiru with Travii awakening to find himself imprisoned in a 0cshy cell. I-le escapes and wanders around 1he sp3CCmip for a while, bu! fin.illy ends up on a operating 1able where a.liens of the son viewers have come to expect (albeit, a more sinister version) subJect him lo a series of grisly experiments. This picture is not for small children. The expcrimem _scenes hecomc prcny grueling. Yet the movie moslly succeeds in evokmg the c ree py, sini s 1er s1nngeness of the new closeencounter myths. The movie is Mbascd on a Lrut -story," but ii doesn'I matter whether you acrually believe 11or not "fire in the Sky~ wL!I allow you 10 a~ !e:ast con1empla1c lhe posS1b1li1y for a few minutes. Review Ra1ing: 8-


cials. 11 takes an1m~1 personnel who stan~ tthe problem of O\'erpr - known m:.icad ,.11'~ u q sanwdcc!t~tb~~f~,~ ,~-·. the pubhc raises lhc1r _ness to the suffer,..'' "'I companion animal O\c.,. 1:ation iauscs. ~ 0e0k1Jr1~ go on orcver. tnbi.;i,' pet ovcrpo~ulahon 1:11.1,; come as sociaJly u~ as wearing fur. Colb~ animal ovcrpopul;i110c reached epidemic pr~ •.i in the Uni1cd Slates T~ Wichita Falls, 40 ar;~ were eu1h:im due tr ,i panion animaJ ovc ~· Tommorrow 40 more follow !n thci_r fOOlS!ep! ~ the k.illmg will conttn," animal lovers and the ~ ers are tired of lhc st.1114t\


paarry s back d f

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~~i~,o~; full extent of the innovations tha1 cWTCnt sctcntific rcscarch will bring any more lhat the Wright brothers knew the vase impact their uwcnuon would have on America and I.he




animal is put to death 1n an,. mill shchcrs. On March 18, in an effon 10 s1op the unnecessary ktlhng of IS milhon dogs and cats at shcllers across the country, the Humane Society of the United Stat<S called for a voluntary h~t 10 breeding of dogs and cats for one year. Companion Animal overpopulation costs the counlry's tax.· payers S3 billion a year for animal control. Wichita FalJs taxpayers pay $148.000 a year for animal con1rol. Taxpayers pay S44.000 a year 10 house and destroy the surplu.,; animals 11 the Animal Reclaim Cente r. These amounts would easily double without lhe benefit of a pnvate animaJ shelter at the Humane Socie1y. Overpopulation touches everyone •· even those withou1 pets.


1 ':


and aroun 1 1 neo Lippman Jr. y • ., l■ Hlrnon S•n


Chas. G. Dunn wn tes. .. Not a week goes by that someone in the media raves about the grcatneSS of Harry Truman. _ " But al the end of his ie m, in 1952 he rc1umcd 10 Missouri with a rating somewhere between average and poor. What has brought aboul whal I call a complete about face? Perhaps you can explain it or at least have an opinion." Chas., in the words of the lyricist, who can explain ii. who can iell you why? Fools give you reasons, wise men never try. I'll try. but first, let's review the facts. Truman was indeed considered well-below average in 1952 and is rated well-above avc~ge now. The last Gallup Poll verdic1 on his presidency, conducted in October 1952. one month before the ele.ction thai ended 20 years of Democratic control or the White House. showed that only 32 percent of Americans approved of his performance 15 prcsidenL This was six months aftcr he had announced he would not seek re-election. Al that time he had even worse poll numbers. Gallup found only 25 percent approval. In the election itself T_ru'!'an's choice 10 replae~ htm m the While House, Adlai Steven.~ n. lost to Republican Dw1gh1 Eisenhower by 44 percent to 55 percent. Truman would have done even worse had he been the cand,dalC. A poll of Democratic county chairmen that year showed that by a whopping 80 percent t~ 15 percent, the polls believed Truman's withdrawal

helped the party. But 30 years later a: ~ nearly 1,000 proft!55Qo ,. Truman as the c1gh1h 11presidcnt ever, m a Cillltt the compilers of the poll~ --Near Great." One explanation for .. startling reversal of re.:: was that the passage of::: had proved TrYr:it· popular decis1o~s had 1~ out to be the ngh1 OIIC!. memo irs and offil1al <rt ments became avadaMe.t cory could render its \crut, Or so it was i a1d. I t. buy that. Only IQ yea,, , 1952, another. smaller p: historians also ranked T~ .. Near Great." llus was 1 before the verdict of ha;, argument could he mad: OK. Chas .. hcrc'5:. reason. Truman's rep1.1tr... is now (as in 1962) IY. mined by elites, not lh( lt nary pcopk. In 1952Wr..._ of the public was wh,u \", taken. Today few pcop);: · member Truman, so ··pa· opinion" 1s really " ac3Jtt and journalis tic op1nl\: And, Chas., It's well br, 1ha1 most of us are L Democrats. Truman was popul:u r the people when 11 cou:::. Popular enou~h. an}, 1 That was in 1948, v. ht: ~ for lhe presidency. Hdi assumed the Joh in !~ when Franklin D Romt ~ died. Ten days before Elt(: Day, Republican Thomll Dewey led Truman b)' 5r' centage poinlS m the G ,: Poll. But on clcc11on I!; T rum:in won by 4 Jfe d.-! JCl 50 percent (\•ott:~ " Just mild about Harry). l'e' goc more than Tom, a~: won handily.

(» tl:b~ 1UJ fcbf tan ~ Mid , .,. 34~";~rn State Unive rsi ty Wichi~ :lvd. Box 1 2 160 N alla,TX 76308 ~:• Deak (817) 689-4704 · Deak (817) 689-4705 M.-.nw._, .._,_

M~••1a.,,. ._,,._ ................ ........... ""'"-•



'·"· Naa.,.


"•rlaa~ Editor

(MIO ( ~

£41..... i■tA..L


Gt.phi11 Arti•t Movie Critic

A,, l.& [)11,1


K,;. ll~

n.-u i•.-,. Br~..:,. ,


Cb t tllfc~ttan

Doctor likes practicing on college campus In a WOfld where the word ·campus doc:10,· l o some stu • dents denole., a bad image of 8

.. ,

demented scionhsl, Midwestern can M)' that • his definMely defMI~ the • t•reofyptce1 school



Midweslern'a Pt11nhellen,c

ofhcer, hove 5elected repruen·

There were • tolal of 10 apphcanls who apphed for the RhO Chi pos,Cions. Each applicant wu 1nl1rviewed by the Panhellenic Coun,cil and rated on his respons•s to vertOus

Keith H W1lliaffi$00. 8

farnity practic-9 physician, MNes 11 the doctor fo.- lhe Vinson Infirmary one hour a day for lour


Dy Dritl Mlletcad Reporter



Pare 3

Rho Chi selects new councilors llllve. lo, Rho Chi counc11ort lor the Fell 1993 rush Thole Cho· sen were S,.rah Mc8rld•. Lori Byrd. bolh represenhng Alpha Phi, Lynn Langwell representing Chi Omega, end Chnsly Kellner representing Su~m•

By Kathryn Self Reponer

Thursday, Marc h 2S, I 993

que.sllons Tho~ mlerv1ewed were aMCed such queshcms u , "Why they lhoughl they would make a good rush coonc1lor?" Natalee Rwert. Panhe/lenic pres1den1, said. ·wo a lso put Them in ddfarenl sllun:hons arid ask lhem what lhe1r r93ponse would be, bec.1use If 1s so un• rredlciable what rhe girls will

ask.· Each Rho Chi counc:1lo, wdl be as!UQned one•fOUflh ot \hose going through rush and wilt an• swer any questions l he group mighl hava about rush They are no1 allowed lo let 1he rushees know whJCh $0rOnty they are a

m8fT"btr ol and do nol aUend 1he RJsh panIes ol any of lhe sorouhes The1t dut~• a,e 10 explain what ru•h • about walk thew groups 10 each rush p,11rty. ~nc;N the rushees rt 1hey need as!U&lance and be unblA.&ed Training sessions will be held during !he spring and lhrouqh 1he summer &0 Iha! the PMlhellenic officers can explain lhe duhes to each Aho Chi and 10 teach them Ylhat 1hey can uy wrthOUt be,nc;i biased They also go lhfough the rush sch-1ule lo make wre ft 16 cwgt1n1Zed and 10 get them tamtiat wdh al llw rush dales

deys • week Some rray wonder

AIDS center receives grant

his °"I'

"In terme of my relationship with Midwestem, setving as lhe

doctor ia not as lucrtitive as my lamily practice b\A it is very , 8 •



By Darla Stete Reporter The AIDS Sl.4lf)Ort Center ol WicMa falls receNed S2.188 in


8 • ~ • being a¥a1lable in lhe mornings, Williamson also sponsors a Heatth Watch Chn.;

asaiaunce last week from the ef· torts ol Social Workers Acting

family prachce clinic is closed

The HN!h Watch Chnlc allows women to come in and get a pap smeeir. 9'/necok>glCal exam •nd bteast onrnnations for ve,y little cost. "We conduct the clinic ,n the afternoon so tha1 I have the 1ime

lo talk to lhe women about theK heaMh a nd,coocems lhey rn,ghl

have: Williamson said. "I wane them to feel corn'ortable and relaxed Ind to know that I am here to hetp them • Williamson noles that the Health Walch program has grown in quality as well as q..en. lity s,nce he first came lo MSU two years ego Peggy Harbuck-Holt, regislered nurse and director of the untverstty heahh cenler, en• courages women who want lo haw thia to cal the ciinic Nrty ., lhe month to book an appoi~ment rrhis 11 an ex• cellent opportunity lo talk with a doctor. and becau-te nt this, our ocllod<Hlillsqu,;ldy,'lhesa;c,. A ree of $30 dollars 1s char~ to NCh Auden! for lh• examinalion. A pofflon of !he charge goe, lo cover Iha lab wo,t and a portion or it goes lo


Togelhef' and The Associalion


tor women once a month on a Wednesc:lri afternoon when hll

Social and Behavioral Sciences Coletta Grubba, • SWAT sl4>P()rt and gutdance." he said. Being strong in his own t11m· meni>er. &aid ASBS and SWAT Localed al -405 Galveston, ily relalion.s is lhe utmosl priorty learned-up with • &UCcessful tor Williamson. He considers bake sale Feb 26, railing $86 lhe center otters support ser· being available for his family of great importance He 1md his wife. Anne•Marie, are the par• of

Dr. Keith Williamson Wiliarreon However. WiUiamson lurns lhe funds he does receive over to Child Advocalas. a p,ogram which he Sl41PO'ts Williamson servos on the board of the Wichita Cherpier ol Chdd Advocates and aids in fund rais&rs and provding put>


Nat10Nlty, Child Advocates was staned by a )udge in Seanle 1n t9n It is dedica1ed to lhe wetf1re or <:htldren Wi lliamson describes lhe serv1Ce I his group otters as an · 1nformalion gatherer• once a PfOb'em has been ldentrhed "The group has mofe than 100 volunteers that go 1tvough a rigofous screening and lralll· ing before !hey are assigned 10 a case rt,,. votunlfff !hen goe.s to lhe home of lhe child, visits with the child. acta H • at4)pCW1 person and recotds tacts ol lhe

MuaHon.• Wllliemeon said Williamson's motivahon tor

woricing w ilh this organ,za11on liee m his strong belief in fom1¥ practice philosophy •A strong, hNl1hy femity WIii launch an eq~lly hHllhy aduh into &Ociery. II la the ones thal do no1 have lhis bese Iha! need eXlra

for lhe center, and lhe center, which opened ,n December 1992. apon.sored a Walk•A· Thon on lhe Midweslern campus. asslSled by SWAT The 23 walkers started at O l Ligon Cohsaum and wen! hve miles, ra1smg $2,100. Grubbs said. A SWAT member brought in !he highosl donol;on. $300


Intramural kickball slated for April 3

ag1mnApti Williamson was born in Amarilk>. where he Wed until he was eight He m0Yed lo Wichita Falls at the •ge of 1-4. He WU a 1979 graduate of Wdiita Fals H,gh School and one of th,ee

I )' lritt Mllslud Reporln Alpha Phi sorority will host a "Phi Ball/KickbaU1oumamcnt o n April 3. Play begins at 9 a.m. al the

clu.s valedidoriana.

Intramural Softball Fields and

He earned his bacheJor of last lill around 5 p.m. Fifteen arts from AUSbn College and his to twenty coed teams arc doclorate ot medicine from competing consisting o f IO to SotAhwestem Medical School in 12 playcr3 per team. Dallas in 1987 He earned his posl·graduele medlCII lra1ning and board c.nificetion at the • ..


"Being on """""· Is fun ,

Scholarship offered By Loree M . Aniortoa

a cumulative grade polnl average of at 3.0. To conlinue to be eligible, !he sh.dent moo maintain ful•time status and ar ovaral OPAof at INII 3 O. ApplicaOOM are available in lhe pohhcal Kience otfJCe in OiUerd Hal during reguWir busi· ness hours The deadline for ma;omg ,n polrtical .scien<:e with ~ is April 1


The political aetence de· partmenl 1s ottering a new 5Cholarship lo polllicel actence maJOfS The Robet1 Webster Olf.rden PoJilical Sc,ence Scholarship is available to all luH•l1me ~udenls

M.S.U. students and of our priorities! · Free delivery twice a day to MSU! • l..1~ ,dmion of offa Mtppl"lt3 ind furniture in TUJllT'O! ·Cnm11'c1r in-s,~,c:n'n tk-panmenc • KnCMlcd~~blt-Su(f • Xl'fO,c Copim ~ f"VI M.-. hincs •Swim«T)'pt'o\titr:n

•~ (Tb~ OOnd nl"f,cr fonii,cutt ·lmmo.•Oe~~"icr1uitx,lr · K¼~) Oaall,...- Man • r,tt 6Jn:.' IA"li~vy •lo,bmJ..,. ,;,.., 1942 ~

P~)1fn~• s..~ 40

Regislration fee for each team is $15 and is open IO any organ i1~tion or group teams. Money raised will benefit Alpha Phi's natio nal philant h ropy. Car diac Aid.

bracke1cd with doub~ climi•

nation in regular play. and singl e eliminatio n in the (i. nals. Win ners will recei ve fir st. second and Lhird pla ce plaques. Reg istration dead I inc is Registration forms were d~lribu1ed 10 local businesses. March 30. T o register :i team or for more infonn:itiun call. campus o rganiz.atiol'lS and area Jenna Goss at 689-4793 or high schools.

The tournament will be 696-3473.

MUSIC . St Udents teach commun1•ty program

found college 10 be a tremen• dous. terrilic experience in terms ol growth and education. I By Howard L. Wella am relurning lo thal because J Reporter hke dealing wlllh that age range So. you wanll to take a tor• and that mi nd-set where lhey etgn language. Perhaps you realize and v,sualize lhelr poteo- think ~ would be romanllic, fun ot hal," Wilia11"180r"t sad maybe you juet wa nt lo enhan:e


1/lCeS to families and victims of AIDS. lnckxhng v is«a11on, .«tars tor criS&S siluatt0ns a nd femity ~ r t There i:s a ~ hot• line so cl.ants can always rind someone lo talk 10. and aws· lance can be arranged for daily dil em mas, hke errands for house-bound c lients . and transportafion All ol thll IS of. fered along54de public educa· llOnabo<A AIDS. and "9"Y olhor lfT1)C)flanl servioe.s.


.-., 1hr lllt m l 'l')lJ ~

rn•1M in our Prior111, PricM~




you r lifa. Which language piano. Studenls pursuing a bacheshoukj you chose? French. German, muse? Music ,a a lan- lor' s degree in p,ano perlOf• guage? Definitely, ii ,s docu· mance are required to take a meriled Iha! tnU$ic is medt l4> ol te aching course The class individw.l noles just •• spoken leaches stll<.'.ents Iha profes• language i& m,icte up d incfivld-- st0nal aspects ot operahng a ual worda. Furthermore , lhe stud10 Students '-am teaching formation of both through style skils, to prepare budgets. how end expression ohen provoke and whal 10 charge and how 10 an emotional relp()(\MI Music IS pay !heir taxes. Once lhey have a lanQuage, and ·• very effec1ive successfu lly completed l he meang of COl'l'WTM.mical ion." Or course, they are eligole to leech RI.Ah Morrow. assistant profes· W'I the program sor of music: end Bolin chair o, 'The program gNes my Mopiano, said Midweslern otters a com• dents a realislic approach to munily outreach serv1Ce The leaching and a cNlnc:e for them model c lan program Is de· 10 decide if Iha! LS lhe career signed tor studen1s and W'ldivid· choice for their fUlure . Often uals in the community who are student s leave lhis program With a slucjo,• Morrow said interested in learning to play the



• •An unkno wn m di v 1du:il The M SU P o lice ri.:movcd a RCA model Department rcspondc:d to two JA970W TV monilllr t~ISU thcfls and one act of cnmmal mvcn1ory #28791) from Fine mischief since M,nch 10. Arts B 120 si nt.:c the last 1-1.G, evans, chid of police, inve ntory. The 11cm 1-" wo~ repon ed. $650. The~ a~ no suspccLs. ..An unknown individual ..An unknown m d1v i Juul removed a s poiler from the kidcd a ho le in a shccirock lrunk lid of a dark gray 1990 wall located in a MlUth h.l.11H onda A ccord. parked in Im w ay o f lhc D L. L i go n 12. on Man:h 10. The item 1s Cola~eum fo llo w i ng d wonh S600. and the damag: TEXANS game on Mm:h 16 . was appraised at $JOO. There Th~ damage wa,; appraised at arc no s:uspci.:ts. $511. There an; no su~ri,..--cts

►-rttroukieloMSU~wttJ."-dt.cotlA.Ji {•lth ad or IOl

(, R I.\ I 111 1\ll \ I \ DE l CICIKIES

Lunch!:~. , Jnd"' ll'hcs, soup. baked pota1ocs '-' llh your ..:hoic..:

,,r toppings and salad\

Pnct·, rnnl!t" rmm ti ~ll h\ S2 tJ5



Thurs Juy.Murd,iS. 199:1

Experts sift clues from N. Y. born~ ,~~t( n, \\ 1111•111 t. lh1111wl I .. tncdu l"ln,~~ In ah,· Nl•\\ ' \ HO. ',,.~_ ,~~~r'L. ~;~;~~11 1 1 1 1



:fi 7',~

hu· u llk ,·, thn•c nwnth~ l':II 11\' f rtlo.:y ~1•1 H,,·h a y ,low t.t ll, tnJ:. bfl m.h . _. ,Jwr; ..-.hi• h.all t._,:"·n hdr•n~ unrJ\d ,·nml.', ,.f firt· :rnJ l' \rl,•"on

:~,t ,'Z~.J~): CJ'!::~ n~~~-~ :n~~~,~~tJa~;.~;'. ~~~-:_~~~':, 1 1~L;l I 111 t he I ll'l h.:J IJnl·on,trJmcJ in uthc1 Jin.~uon(, the fon.c lin,:J out Ji~c J

"Jlll',Y of c:k:~hc-'1 li-.1-. ~~:~!'.· 1::,~:;"·r~~:l'~n''~,,'1~~ ~~..),:;'.~~11' ~1:,~;;;i>~:i';~ ::r ,,, ~:: \:~;:,2:!.J'J,~:,~nJk:J 1':a~.::~':.;~":;~~--::~;~~~~~ of ATF\ rivet,,,, was ripped away .:ind )!l.t" .u1J urh,ll,t..:n·,1 , tk·,·t nt1.·w.l Uni) rdot ,11111) lhl.' ,.,l·d

'" l!i, t1..'Jm k.tlk:r natu,n.11 h11mh r..:,-r111i-.1..· "-111.hl. rn.1\.1n1,: him B1.1Jy's

I.iii )· J..·t., c•I lu•t r.i~·.s innn• l' f.Ucll f'Jint. "'-'.1n•J mi:i.1! .1nJ ,pr.1yl'd J'l.1lh.:rn!, 0 1 po.,:\. • m.if\. ;; J1..'rN,~ h.1nJ mc1:a\h..: (

Thi..' (';J'-C w:a-. rouunc. Fr:igm\' Til\ n-cOYl'fl.'d fn1 m the: pipe ho mh :already hat.I kc.I 10 an am:s1. F~r Bfll• h. the hunkn of th,!' Fnday :Jflernoon was I paperwork But th:i.t w:t.(; hclon: 1hc (;rark wrnt off ,n the ydlov.• ,·.1n on ihc 8 2 1c,·cl in the ct.'.nlc:'r p:trktni; g.:ar.igc, hdo~ tht t.lcva.)(Jling "·h:unreaction hrought .ibou1 six deaths. 1.0CO 1n1urics .ind the i;re;nc.._, mvc~, 1~.:1.1m: d:tl• kngc: yet 10 !he ATFs n.itiOfUI n:,fl(,"-'ie.' team Rdc;ascd from the v:1n·s thin ,-hdl. the aw,·M>me force c,(thc OOmh acted with cciuin pred1cublc 1r.11b. h surged ro, lhc Cllilb. Ju.~ .1.-. :i. fire scck.s Olliygen.thc 5cre:iminghall or hc:tl :Jnd g.i~ rckased l>y a bomb n.uurslly seeks :J vcnl, :any avenue of CM'3J'IC. as 11 slams into wn.lls, reilings and noors. With more than 1.000 pounds or energy, this explouve device had the power to make ilS own venu A hole S0-by-80 feet opc:ncd (T\,:rhead in the stetlreinforced. 21-inch-1hick concn:tc ceiling. wiping out the tower commissary on BI. the le,'CI above, and plunging .a

!.~::h,;.4>;./.~1::~~t t.~~ ~~;;~ :~::~.:;~.:,':/'"'"' of " :~'.n.~-!~"~:~t~ly th-.: lorcl'1I h 1 in,-ta~t: 1~\~~ Ji.s.~~~:~r~~~~c It .,.. J(; 12 1~ rm FrHl.1y.

F~·h ~h. l k


l ,(

tc l'hlt'·

,,-m .,..J, \t'Oi-..- in th"• c.1vt"m~iu, unJC'q;mund pJrkmi! ~.1rAt='-' \II s~•w Yor~.'s World 100• (\·ni...:r A\ the ,·Jn hlc.·.,.. J{'art. lhc \Je w ou1 \1.llcomt-i Br:iJ >·'s iir'it•llt\Ot ('fticc. v.indtl'A in J ist;ant ~h:,m, w:u, lu.(h and "'""'nc.· h 0 , .:rlook.~d th"· Dor;1I c,,uniry Club As U>u.:1.I. Or:1dy hJd p.ukc.d his a s.irt d,.n.,nl!C: from thl! ctiurS(.·. l'tcyond the rJni:c of c.runt drives hy Fnd.:iy duffer\ . Th.It .,.. :i.s a nui),,,lnt..'c:. Still. ihc sih cr-h:tirl•d t-1orida n.irivc was going 10




hbl1 h


~l)ld ~s~,n~c~~ runnini; on.: 0( the n:mon:11 b\l m~ response 1cams for ~ fedcraJ Bureau of Akoht1l, To":scco a nd fi rc:arms. lkadquarier.s hold JUM prorThlt.:d to .special a~..:nt m \'h:irJ;e of ihc fidd office m Cleveland. ~~l" :.~

Brady had no1 yet begun ~:u~~gehmio~un!~ his to pxk. Al the n me moment 1n Sull potent. the blu1 then ~faryl.1nd, ATF agem Din ~~=~./~!eh1~,i! Roch 1,1,.1J wof'lung on his l:tt· hole IS-by-20 ur bomb mvcsurauon 41 the R1l11more County Po lice fce1 1n the lobby floor of the Dcp.inmC'nt Loc1l autht.>ritJCJ posh Vista. Hotel h!ld askc:d for fedl.'raJ us1.sSimuh:incou.sly, the force uncc aftc:r a pipe born~ :au.ack crupic.d laterally. spewing biu on the home of :i county po- and pieces of the yellow van


rollcc 1u 1hc FBI A, thc nation\ forcmw.t ~ ,mh ,·,; J lot , ,1

f'Cll '-, the y l!,l'I




\ mall

inh~1kc h" supcrrnor. R,ll..'.h. 47, WJ.S .already Jl.tCkl.ium:hcd Iii,,._: a cianl, nut.le 1ng. Boch'1' ,i ,-signmc nt arrow Firly fl·ec ::icro!I\~ th..: would t"C tc1 Lhan a ~plan n f 0 1

r::!:;~ ~h;;::,t~;:,~~;·:~i" r.,:~,,.~~ lapsed cin10 the last lunl:h ~h:a.n:d by four mainlcnancc workn:- in 1hc 101.:k..:r nlOm nn th-.: other side. Ri:mnanl.s of 1hc van .• from tin: nm.~ .ind &11II to ash 1r:1y and r:id10 dial •· were s.c:ittcnng to the furth~ I regions of the underground garJgc

Senath the van. the 21 inch-thick sl:,b of steel-reinforced c:oncrc1e floor turned to powder A 150 -squarc-fuot hole swallowed the biggest

pic(c.sof1hcvan1nda.nyth1ng else ,n the vicm11y. Tons of dc:hns cu shcd thro uih 1hc noo,. piling a1or :iir•c(indiuontng uruL'i on RS. F,nilly. the force of the bla.\ l wa~ spent. 1c3vint; behind:a chokinshaic of smoke

and dust that climbini; inlo the office lowers ahovc. Searchers groping through the dart ch.amber soon would discover lhat the homl'I had crealCd an interior canyon 60 feet deep .. :t hole 1hcrcafrcr calk:d Mlhc crater. On the n oor of I.he crater was a thrcc•story heap of mangled pipes. s1ccl, commusary equipment, desks. chunks of concrete, bncki and cars. And somewhere in the 2,600-ton) of


1h1n& wt ou~ht I•,


\1Crlll31 l .:n1cr point


Honhn ,:uJ r hc: tJggt!d, phoi,,gnpt-..:d ,..' dig;ovcr)'th \lie nt•lcd °'11 g.r,m o f c tnmc




IO the evidence fl'....

;. ~,:J:,~ry~\~}~:\ ~jf

b•&Jf;~~~'.• · whe~. i~t :~;;., ~~p ~ Boch said 13~r on the 82 pa mgr b squad's Ooe ol the hom dcnufy

I { I ;rth ' bl£.5-. potcnw1 y uo,c u ·hr,, Lhe gara;c::, w~-. bu1l<1:r

·~~~J~;;'~ t~~[ ~~S'ca~,~~d·~h~0 -~~~.~i ~~~~I~~::.,,~~~

towers shor1ly uflcr midnight .. 12 hour~ :after the cxplo,.100 11 w:i!. 1110 c:irl y to go inside. Sc,uch im.l r~uc tc:ims were s1ill comhmg tht: &ar.1gc. · 1 was shocked. I wu n't ready for Mich dam:agc. Never h3vc I ever seen any1hing this muMvc." Roch s:i1d. Lille th:i.t Saturday after• noon. at the fir:!-t gathering of hi.s tc:a.m. Boch addreucd 1n· vcsug:11ors wi1h a fflfl drawl. · well. welcome 10 lhc mother o f all twlmt"11n,.s.~ A key elcmcn1 of OOl:h'~ tn~ lii;.i:uvc plan wa.-. dictalCd hy cond111ons. Prcc:mously loose ehunk.s or concrete dangling around the rim of IJk! crater made wock in the pit extremely d:tnllcrous. n,c mcllculnus sc3r1..h for dues would be restnelcd to the outer fringes until con\truc110n workers could shore up the ho~. Brady underscored that str.atcgy.<k.-cl:1ring. ~, will not endanger one guy for one minuic for one .shred of ev1dcncc." Finding a hardw;ire store open on Sunday. a!.a-cnlS obtamed 3(X) rcct of rope-. Al 12foot intcrv:tls -- roughly the space between each floor of


3U~ ns dw•:~lcmfcth1~~ ~~ t wvu, ~1y vacant Vi,l:t Motel. Boch J, f th 8 ~ line" plumb .i dropped .. tcr .a tcmoon a a[ n heat w:~n~~~;..:::~c:,~~ down 1hmugh the hole. The hla~t damasc h:id 3 he was , oing he 5'id. ·ttomc ccrl3fo .symmetry. A hne to pack."


!(d l~~

81 a higa;t·t hok on_ , throllf h the L~ nl\ " The 01 th.:d b1i;ge,1 hflh: all nn ycllo"' 1.1.r,«: uild lht' L'l 2 j the to the rnpc dan, lint; ( the

ically e.u mrncd for idcntificauon markJi. Noncthclcs!.. ii 11,• • i.--dly dcformc_d th:aL ,1... ,

the nature and i;omr ·'\ g de-

the explosive. the um•

and 1hc dc1onalt"lr. Boeh'~ formal inve.sug11h d broken down lhc: • uve plan crime scene into a


"< ,,.. ml.LSI have ongin:atcd ck;~

=~~~~~ small scents.


bomh site 1 g~: t dc~~~mincd. he fnon actk:ntion rou I CU.SC~ pnm:ny f 82 and the res._iblc _:tre.a~~d mc»t likely ramp~dc~'!t ~uclucs. d0 n ' to yic tnvcsug:uo~ ~.,..·er~'" a~d 1he ramps w11 rood . lls s1f1cr~. They (W:thbc W:t with sterile g3u1c and llC~~onc to n."Co,•c:r explt1sivc: resi uc. They r.ippeUcd down o.secuon of the cra1er looking fo~~ of a vehicle. "They pier k way on hands an / 82 through the deva\tth.atc. fi locker room. using cir ingcrs and s,n:all garden trowc~s 10 scoop up dcbns a.nd pass II ihrough s1f1cr\ capable of retric\•ing objects no h1gJ;er lhan the oost oran earring But it was an ohJcct big enough 10 uip O\cr that turned the inv~ ug:uion And 11 -.Nas found that first Sunday in 4 section of 82 urge1ed for pnom y by Boch's rnvestig311ve ·


plan. ATf bomb technician Joe

~1~,~~ c~~~n·~:: s~~,~~~~~

wa~ .:rn unp,,

Not only wa.-. lhc. 0 r the h I Ih • ~ vc ic c at~ p:irt


number. the OJtinnJlh. : .... ~c:mdbc;ch,clc idcn11f~~·

By Wednesday, ~... five days af1c:r lhe bl«. vestig:1tors linked 1ht ?c. picc~ of deb ris 1n J \: rental v11n owned b) Ryder Truck Co Thai 4 noon FBI agenL-.c.illrd t· Jersey City office th" rented the ,•an t11 ~fohir._A. S:tlamch. A dav bie, Pales1im3n lmm1gf3n1 11i1' custody. the first su~ ch:irgcd wtlh 31d1ng ;m4,. nng lhc bombing.

Memhcr.i Clf lhc ~3~Rcsponsc Te2m are still.: crater sifting through d(t,.se;arch of timing :ind dr . tion devices, parts th;)t u·

sm:tllcr th;i;n a pcl'll.·ll'st·\ but o f enormous v3lue ~ suspects to the cnmc

piece of fit into a vch1cle. hut years (If an:ilyting the effects bomb explosions on v.inous matcn:tls mid him it had hccn very near the source ATF"s nationwl response through the center or the of the bl11s1. 11 was. as homb teams. com monly referred to .smaller hole in the lohby de- upcrts .. say, •severely by the IJ?Cnl\ u the NRT. arc sccndcd throui:h 1he "·cntl'r of str~sscd.



picc.t: of the PUlt.le.

..What a IOI or ~ don'1 understand is tt.. cxpl,os1on doesn't de.,tni. c:\·1dcnce -- ii JU'-1 mii. smaller," Br:idy s:i1J. ": C\'Cnlually. If we \If! enough. wc1J find wh,11 ..._ looking for."

US-Japan trade peace may be short lived IIJ IA,llt lh-lm

r~) ~~0 1

~~" You 1

m1~ht have thought Jr;ipan v.ould tliC heaving a collcc1rvc s1~h of rthcf J.1p1n's unc,pec1cd -.ucCC\\ 1n hot,,t1ng foreign comp1n1cf share o ( 11, ~rT11cnn• ductor m;irkct &o 20 pcrccn11n I.ale I11J2 -.ccrri.:d hkdy to end a long,n:nn1og lradc h.anle with the l"n11c.d <;t.1tc\ Bui\C go ..ernmcm and 1n<tuw y ullk1al, fn:t that the ricv. found 11:ide peace coulJ he ,hort-h, l•d fhc)' v.urrv that h p!ln wtll he unaMc h'I m.:i1ntain tb.• 20 pcrocnl l .(H

produc t\.

Rc cardlcss of whclhcr Japan man4gcs to keep its ) h:are about 20 percent. few qucslion th3l the agreement h.., he lped bn:ak open the Japi,nesc markcL While then= I\ ,5,00'IC lalk 1n Wa .. hinglon or U$ 1Rg lhc semiconductor agnxmcnt as a model for Olher sectors. the asrccmcn1 may nt)I he easily rcph\."atetl Few 1ndus1nc1,, J.n: :i.s or 3..\ cumpc110v,· .it the U.S. .s('ffl1COn duc11w hU.\ IRCM

have said lhcy regarded th-.: 20 pcrccn1 share figure as an obligation of Jap:an. v.·h1le the hpane._\C h:a,·c- mterprc:tcd it more l~ly. · Even though u 1s clc.:1.1ly stated in the 4grct mcn1 a.s 3n · cxpccta11on," 11 w;u m1s un• dcrstood in Amcnc:, ( u a comm11mc.-nt)." S01:ahuro OkamaL\U, director general of lntcrn:111onal Trade Polley ;11 the M1nu1ry of lntcm:a1ion:al Trade and Industry, said

Then.: :ire al,o l.'t1ncem-. th,H Umtcd Stat...:\ 10 dchhenuely pmm1sc market s hare.: th~· Clinton adm1nis1ra110n mo1y •ry 11, DflJlly the lt.-s.,on, , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , or lht· ch1r 3~t\.'Cllll'nl ·· the MKLL\\fol U'-".: nf m:irkcl 1 u1r1lCI\ • tn uth..:r ir1J u~trn·:. 111 whic h the United S1.att• , 1i. dcnund,n~ ~rc3lt.."r o11..i:-c,-,, w ..h d.\ au111m,1h1k: rarh Jap,1.01:~ \11mr.rn1~-. went on .i huving h,r,~c 11f l ' Cii p1,-duu, 1.. onir1houng 10 rc<., ·nt v,mrl:unt\ 1!1.11 Am~·n1..,in m,muf Krwc.·r. c,,ukln l , ,,prl) J.1r.1n \lo, 11h , h,r,. in • 11mdy



The righ1 in1roduc1ion can make all 1hc difference when you·re compcling for a Job. Al Kmko"s. we'll help you crea1c a rc.1ume paclagc 1ha1 introduces you in a professional W3) .

Ok,amalSu vows 10 never

m.trkCHh~rl! j!O:ll \C l tn ii ,\nd J.ip:mc..'iC ofiic1.1IJ )IJII repeat the sam,· m1Makc. "We IIJM 1r.XX- :tgrecmcn1 ht·t'll,1..~n compl:un about what th...:y re• are 001 ::i sca1t-pl:mncd l'COn• Wa-.h,nJIOn ;ind Toi. yo. gard as :in :itrt· mpt hy the ("lmy." he said. "We c.1n'1,n J,,1pJ nC\\' t fl m('l:tl'IIC\, ~h~h mU.t· , 1nually ,111 th..: chip, lor ,.,~n·11'- 1.Cl.:v1• '""''\ .and·r con,umcr

Resumes that reallywork

c\cctronics gear, were hurt by dt.\tort the 1986 chip :ssnx· a. steep slump in .saks of those mcnt. Amencan tndc officials

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Commentary whole. lhJn supp,,n n\lw shown Truly. 1hr 11n"·crs11y

!■ cont. fr. pg. 6 Owm.•r LMham Lym: was c o ns 1dcnna: mo,•ing 1ht·


dub 1f •IICnd:ann· this ~a..,on did n o t v11s1l y improve. Uowcwr. L) ni: ,..,~nt out and d1J \Omc1h1n~ 10 mal e it


I>;"· J oll n Dowd'. 1..n, a nd Dr. l'brcnct' I .. l>•rtcr . f■r r it,hl, pr•unlird lb• annu•l Tru l, A. •. 1u l .-n,n 1.)1"' and J■n,t Marfi,w:, fur ,1:u ll.t1et in dudtnt lnc"h"'I ,clyn "hilt M:hnl111N hlp II .-... l"'"'nt.-d • SI ~ ca,,. •"'·■rd . lbrt rr ~•kl tar h ~wlknl h111-• " don" ■n 011htandlnc jt)h U1ro11111 and n• n·prom1■1h·" ur the -.u ■llty of the l"'°fllt- t.ln(l pur,-rNI I rroaram ~ ~.'!'Mr cullflnHnn


k.n,a,w, lhJt 1)1)(' of irwreJ.."-' ,,.

i.rc:u for 1~· w mpan't'

-M"l' athh:111..-. 1~ mH l un

ror the -.1udc-n111, 1nym,m.·. the f.unc\ lf'C" l'IOl m.-dc:: fun tty the :a.,lmm1 .. u .a11uo and thu .. ,rn-


"uJ \1 Jrk tk-nLS d11 not Wamo, , 1hr(..: hmc N,\I A

On-campus counseling center meets variety of student needs By Kyle Darnell , Reporter No one ntd co'109e 'NOuld be N6Y PreNJJJH p4ac:ed on sh.d«ltt tOO.v a r• ._. vaned u the c •mpus' demographics There ts., however. he.Ip avail• able to MSU .sludenrs llnding 1MmseN.. asking many ques• bons ~ having ,...., •ntwet1 The coun.sehng c..-iter, bc:ated 11"1 Han:lln Soc.ah room 21 1. d an o,as,& for students who tettl O\lerw~1moJ aboU4 ac.ad9mte

concern• car•et' choic•.s or pert,ONII connlcts AcedermeaOy, the inconitng coUtoge student may b,., sur-, p,tMd by lht INdequacy of h\& or her 1-tudy hat:Hts The OOU'l&ellng cent• offers indrvd~ I group counse&.tng on such top-

hen&rve C..-0"1,)Ute, CIUM I gUld · or'IC'e ) yaten, call..:! 'lltk-over • ""'h,ch IS dellgn9d lo provide In• lo1 mu110n ()II l'I Vl'lllftty \)( ll("Oa find rp,b11ad ,ncornes l\;ISed on

na~ and ~at• av«•ges

act. •••

r.. The ~ICM t1190 h!•fT'tlll M urce tN ;, number of r,,rnpoi a11d ro1nmurw1v agen·

rectOf ('II lhe oounMt1ng ~

X~f't"t AII Amcn..111

W1lh, 011\.M.h ht·m11 m:kk •I ..Lil( un1\\."f'llk'\. 1h1.\ I\ a J 1(I H"olt



m1r..1 he

M1J \loC'\l("fR


fetund 10 tJI ~ the m,,m·y "nd

t.nld 1he wo1k1 Wllh betwt.n

"nd th1• ~r nrral

le t \1UJc11u 15 0 and 100 Mudefltl •nd _,,. coor•o.. anyOf.. CMU'ing ...... ruMli' know lkhl'n and when:. tar,ce to mak• •n •pp()l•lltMtl the.• lt'Jm\ ar~ ~-,'IRl4' h• ('l.1y In 1'11C2· X\. ~ hn ,up wtlh lhft stertt•ry of lhe counaolllng ~ nt•r by calltng 689 P£•t1 was muc-h h1ghtr. •' ,.

re( l1fy the problem. hut these

J rc ju.., lh,· ~t: mnmg. Dr. RndngueL. MSU pr\."S1<kn1 anJ ..cti\>e ~urf)\)rtt:r, ht' lf<"d th , .. R.'f1Ur1Cr on the mp 10 the

NAIA murnamc.nt ht."'Cau5C hl" \o\' :tintcd g,1od c:ovc~J;l" l'I ilk: 1eam He has ~t ur J ..·omm,1tct 01 fatuity. studcnls and oth..:u to look 1n10 chc pro hk•m and '<(' whal .::an be

tor ~ludents concernad with theou o~,, of ~ els.'s al-


cOhol \Y df\1g UMI ~oohdenh,l hty IS QW1ra11 •

teed under lhe Titus Manta! HM•t-.Code S•nc:• lhe cenler 11 001 •n






Sh.ld•n15 having dit11culty chcX>-slng a career maiy find a,cf trom the ce nfar through voe.a• tt<>nal tasting,, 1nd1vldual voca· tioniaf oounset.n1 and • COff'Pf..


acler and petSONlity ~

Come cat lunch with the 'HESLEY FOUNDATION lllur,cl> y, 12: 3 0


S20 .. S20


(}ycrt.y>... - ·· --·· ........... . - .......uo Ccn1u,y Plua • fill 0-HC \tu<knt <fl,;ct1:..n1


SUI Tafc

llv~\•;ail\ OU, .vlnlUt


as t&st loklf"lg. ttmll n . ~ ment. concentralt0n skllls. note taking and reedmg convehen· ics

- -~ -· FREE FOOD!!



a cadumc: dN 1610f' urvc:es are otlored lrH ot CNIN]e o.t,,a J Htgo-nbe'ham di-

Arthambo and 0, RlAh Mon'ow.

tnd the lacutly advtMr • Ron Hough Membet1h1p la based on

ore•• aemester


llnn.k,rif anti ntlif\K I.JIii li:·ad to a k'III o& tktnlof', I ('011\IIClion, Of 1 \t'll ,.-on.• \\ hrn \ \JU dnnk 11:1·1 1n,k 1111h o11n,·nd 11,

Mu Ph, Epdon, an lntetn111M)f'lal mus,c honOr frat•rnlty, hat .-::led new offcera and begun prepar•tons tor a new-tnen"O« · pltdQe d nve . Donna Brint. .. the f()(fflef p,Nidenl. s,aid. The new offiee1a compn,e Mike Braz,ef. p,etldenl, Jaton H1ghlowar. vice pre111dent, RachHI Kapalski, Memllry and Judl1h Ab-tlili. 1reasurer The chapl• r •dviter• ••• Or Shely

NAIA tournament



By Alan Ral,ood

Re-• MSll'a Alpha lo«• Chal)ter ol

1nlUt!\l in nur s rmu team"i .itnd I WAnl the..c JIU)'£ co,ercd l i ke- they sho ulJ he.'" Rudr!JUt"I \ Jtd hdu~ 1hc

'" I am c 1111r,·mdy di!i:ap• r,oin1cJ w11h aucnda.nct· 211d

Nail Svcdal


Music fraternity elects new officers

must t MO N • muMC 1'1"111,0, 0< m,nor and have compleled Mu,le Theory I with• 3 0grade Scholat1hip1 •re a vt ilable on lh• rntert\lllONII tevel bHtd on GPA TM MSU c hapter mwtt tNtC• • month and OH.. a NCital



CoN P«llQNII IIJl)l,o,1 1$ \'1teted


~~,~~uy_f.~J!;':~d r~o;r:.~~

h.a~n An ad H· rt1:,ini :aicnL·y w:u h1rt''1, fJn 11vt-:i,..•Jys :and L°<.•nIc,u. were pul an l ur 1s • fll r1. muM :,h:in· ~nmc of every home g:imc.", hJ lf-uni~ the hl:amc. ,\ ~ fonncr "fk-'rl< cn1.:.rt.uRm\.•n1 wu 1mrnwcd rdih>r (I( the W11,:h11in. 1hcre and a promothm:at pJgc: v. as .seemed 10 he I fi&hl :ur:ini;cd wit h Thr T,mn for ~ufrtc,cnt -..p&'I..' to g ive all Rn ur,/ /t, ews, No w \1Rc L°Jn'I the lt",lmS 1cl,qua1c .:,w1.•ras:c. go 2nywhc.-rc" in t" WR w11hou1 Hlllf a p3~'t" f,,, -.ron,.i. in • \,('..:lflg I b1llbo.anl. M;('IOS, (\f )l t •pa,c rarer I) n('ll ('00UJ;h h c ,tnng a commc1..:1:1I or l('I 31.' ll\·cty pmm,He lhc lC.1.fflS reading '°m,•1h1nt prom olm~ on nmpus S1om.•s from tho: 1e>m 10 th< puhhc Kaun:andu ahllUl the.· ralqng "'( Sure cnOuih. 1hc plan > '* ~by T1hct1n monks d\, n\,1 wOfkcd Whtk .aucndan..:L· 1s ou1wc1sh the.! 1mpono.n;,:c of « 111 (k)( \llfhrR: th,: IC;un W\lUld univc:rs11y hl('f'C'RIOgs. sui:h like lO \.CC 1I, 8\ ('r;,gc Jltcn- as athl<"li"~ wh,) llw . l'l~at~. dar..1: 1s up .1.h..1u1 20 p(' n.:c:nt. c::u :ind sleep MSl 1,r-,.11u A, m (l"il ~U.\lnc..·,~ ffiJ J1)r S Stq,, ,1,rt l'k:1ng 1:1kcn 10


ve nlc d

HJ v 1n g

~~.un 3.bout I.he apathy t()w.s.rd Ill 1ha1 llmC' WU d o ini; :I bcltcr MSU ~roru . pcrhsp.s tht·rc jot, itCllmi; the n.1mc 11UI thCl't" uJ \'t',Y ..,mrly. klllRI! J>('<'· pk' km,w MuJw..-Mem 1"'u-.1cd. mtc..'f('(.lcd r.:i.r11rs on how hl C,1mr..1rabk C'nlirt is n,11 1mpt'(WC lhc "iltUllJ\lfl. 1'1<:ing mad,· 1n the 9().., Thai Write Tltt· \Vichitan . ..,,JI hav( 10 1o.hJllJ:t" bcft.l n• Gnpc. <"U~ and 11l0mp on the \o\'Cll·d\.·~ rYing .1thkt,.~ SC' ~ Ouor. bu1 lor g1k>dl\\:S• $akc l\'\.'OJ:nlllM ttry mL'Ol that )C'U 11rt' here, alt,·c The C'ommuR1C:at1ons dt'· and ~king an m~n=s t in I.he JUflffll'nl, o( whlCh lh,,- "'nt.c:r UOI VCllJIY

We believe you should get more out of church than sixty minutes of sleep.

-ON WELCOME MS U STUDENTS! We provide school supplies

as well as office supplies.



i ■ con,. fr. pg. 1


'!401 Kemp Blvd . Wich11• Falls. Tx 76308 Phonc (817)691~555 Fu (8 17) 691-7504



InstHultons acroS5 the 1o.· t'un• try. MSU will proh:1oly not dm.:ct IL·nd,n~ for scvcrJI yrlllS, a.llowing umi.: for mlc· 'it..'C

~r:1 t1ng 1h1~ progr.1m into

fund ing and manDJng for tbc Clfli{'C,

_\ j _ ~


Finan..:rni n:form duc ..n't sc.-cm hlcdy 10 reduce: 1hc h1th cos1 o ( :a higher educ.1t1on


Tu1uon cOSL"i arc c~~1cd to 10 n ~c acros~ 1hc



i:uuntry with shnnJoRg fund· from s1;11c ind fede ral levels. 01rec1 lending. soiJ


one MSU s cudc nt.


mcain.-. you wilJ be able 10 get into dcht a hit.le ca.sier. •

o~~ ~,. Sandsalional Beach Volleyball Courts

.,.,..,., .., FUN .., .. SUN ~,,,. SAND!

LEAGUES ARE NOW FORMING ____..,.._ _..,.....,..,_ •"'".ooTI RECRUTIONAL • POWER



•••• :.~, ::c" •••• t(AVf






or many people going

Cofoniaf B_APTl~T ~




is associated

wilh archaic c ere-

guage, boring singing

and 1rrelevonl sermons.

4300 M1pl1wood (Behind Sikel Sentar MIii) Sunday Worship

9:30AM 10:50AM

6:00PM Sunday School

9:30AM 10:50AM Rich Thompson, Paslot




monies, ouldoted Ion•

S,mply pul, the lime spent otten

doesn 1t seem worth lhe lime and

"~tl\. BOTS Lrguon

effort ii lakes.

If you've stopped going to church, finding 1t easier to sleep a l home, why not 101n us rhis Sunday morning? Because we believe you should get more out of church than sixty minules of sleep



2T\1 r:ut ,n.y •1 6 WK'l11U. Fall, Tc\Jb 76\0K

692, 1002

P• r e 6

Thunday, r-.h,rr h


i:s. 199:J

Totem Pole Farina shines in NAIA - --•r

thl' pcunt-~u:ard

Lemar Youn&\d the wi11r11 ne SC(!~ Sea warrior, t,uekc-1 1n 1hc nd , amcs (t.rSI and s,a;"""" ru~ ~ ,n the "Rich gtll th<" mot•· correct ddc nsc~/ ;,inr win vall·J lht ~c:~ agOl'd 1CJm, .. Q\'er a ~ "he !Ult 100k ! !:.k:~~ : 'rn'c and. !Jn 1he

II) 9(.-,ln 0 Mk t

who h:ad

" Rk h l'()I lh~ ~uys la lht <'Of •

<.ur~f'(ijttd.;~:o r J)C'l nl guJrd ,m ddtnsts and mo<Jnttd R1i:h Fa.n na .....~ 1n IC3f'• I I tht pres, 1.f'nfercncc followini: lht'm 10111. po4n1 win our• vrry cood ltlm, h~ just look So.1urday m ghl \ ' Onl"•p<un1 natnin31 scm,finJI to,i 10 thLS o,er lht ~nw and rift lh~ ycJr s na1u-.n,ll ch11mp1on the: •hok show DUI lhfrt," • Gcrlld St«klon Hawa.i, Pacilic S(•a Wunors But 1h1s young m.Jn, thOuJh ~u(k r1ng from the >tmi of a bitter de.frat, had Afetr '1)Cmng and s«<'nd· nothmg, 10 he :»hamcd of for ro und v1c1on cs 1g11ni1 h1m!.df or the ununlccd .ind Gen,·v:1. P:1 Jnd C.:cn1ral un"!cdcd M SU lmhln'Wa)h1ngton, m which the Whcn a.,ked about h15 pcr- poinl ,uard J as hc d OUI ('J~hl forman,t: at the NAlA .w,~u :u1d h,1 5 or 6 from the N1u rnn.1I \hampio n,h1ps 1 1 000<1nd 6 ol? from the line, K.1nsa.\ City's Kemper Arena, tht quiet youn& mon from Kincwood High School went

41 ~ :~: t!n-:;1f1~r:~5C-~~ bcrsert. swenng. •·.n

WI felt 11 l'ICQ"1$.V)' for M1:n~J t~n~ orri s •!o~:cng~~ ml l('I s.tcr up my game tn the Fanna wa.s ncu pcrfec-1 from mum:\Jncn1 The r ressurc pu1 the lme (9 or 10 ,n ~ I~ five minutcl). whi pped pin•prnnl pa.,sc, in lhc lane fol' e:1gh1 \Ii.I.\ needed durin, 1hc R:gular morc L \.~l)b. and 1..omm111cd ~ .1\0n: Farina J:a1d. only 1wo 1umovcr,; · 1 w:as in prouJ or Rteh. C'o.a..: h Stocklhn w~ cc We '\aW him grow u the gen• stauc wi th 1hc poml gu3rd'\ What', up coach? cr:ll or 1hc team and Ulke o,•et play .1cain11 1hc Cou,11rs ,n,,. the natu r:al rok of a pu1n1 the quar1C"rfin1I WlR &.J. Colhn1 d1 tn11tN the 1• m• w1lh Coach Stodcton •• thf' cu11\1 nn the b.15kc.1t,.1II ,oun. lndlan• fell to Kawa11 ,PaoRc 85--84, SA1urdl,)' niiht The Jnd,ans stm1final thl' ro le ,,r 3 leader.~ NAIA game pined 1he Tnhc ag111nst Coach o f the Year Gera ld thc- 1ourncy's 1h1n.l-secdt·d S1od1on said 1um and the 1h1rd -ronked Fanni's oulst•ndmg play icam tn the l.Oun1ry :u the end Se h10U J--u 1nl . Ar11\ur ru1 him in a posnh,n fot a o( the rccul:ar M::a.\On . Third place finish t-1uu1. Jame\ S1cs 3II and pou1ble: All •T o urnamcnt Hawaii P1c1'1c had C'orcy Shc3d lc:m: MSl l"~ Team S(k-cUon w1th M>fflC o{ quicker. stronger alhlctcs, 111 progum \lo 1th a naufln311h11d• the he.\t haskc1bJJI players 11 eluding Roger Huggins. an Conl. fr. Pl- I rlik."C fln1jh to remc.-mbi..-r thc1r the NAIA D,vmon I level NA IA All-American :1nd caree rs at umc rin OUI w,1hout Ht wau pliy ,nc Pac ific h;avini; to inbound the Midwc~1cm The lnd,aM rc1uro 1hrcc ball. f or the team ~13rtcfs llC\ I ~ :ar, 1ndudlng Juoo Ptty, 8Jn .ind concept p"-ld off at the 1our• namcn1. :u Coxh S1od:1on E J CoUin>. and playe~ orr 1hc ~ och, Ch.arhc Sager. CALAMtns: CAIA.Womt ns: went to hu hc nch early and . \ 4 - . ~ ltti,latt often every iamc. and the Chri.\ Owens. Kerry Brau ~ h ie.-llpl.a scoring leaders wt'rc dJf'fcroit and Gn:g Stc:W3r\. · 1 want tncoach a. n,uioru.l Joe MdlocncU 12 p$a,t.l for thn-c out of the four champio,uh1p team bclnrc I pmcs retire ncxl year, 11nd w11h ''I've hid hcucr u,d1vidual .•CAL!lWomtns: play.:,s, bu1 lhis 1J the hes1 lhc..-.t cuy~ coming 1tact Snd IC:un of bukcthaU pl,ycr, I the pos.s1Mc n.:cru11ng yi:ar h.avc ever c03C' hcd,.. Stndton we're kx>k:1ng to ha,c. we've goc a S1od uon w d s:ud. 0

~: ~t3h~:fr~~~~~:~~~h~~


Commentary 'Tho mc-n s :c;un

hMI a sca.\On IO rcmcml-cr. The l ndliUl$ earned ~ third place u ophy a t rhe NA IA

N;,t1onal Tournament and head coach. Dr. G e rald Stockton. wa., n:amcd NAJA Coxh of the: Year hy his fellow coachc.., an Ka.ruu City Bart Beasley received an honor1bk:: mention spot o n the NAIA N:1tmnaJ team. ,llld two players. Ric h Pao na and Corey Shud. hid I ct\ance lO m1lce the AII-Tourna menc team at K.C 's Kemper Arena. So 11 w:u a £rc:H baske1ball year, n s h11 Riiht .. cx1..cp1 for one m11 nr problem The lnd111M •~¥cd ff.n. 700 fa.M at home games 1n o L. u,on Coliseum. one of lhc nicest :ind ta.rge,11mnas in tJus J i\m e1. Unfortunately. 1 ! :l~d. ~~


MSU ca k:d enough 10 .:aucnd and e1vc (;Vl~n half-hc11rtcJ \uppo rt The 5.S00. 11,c:111 .aud,;urt um echoed the cmplm~ and apath y 111 lhc Tribe', home g.ime.s 11 1s J sad commcnury a.hout MSU .s1u<knn .lnd 1he CllJ7Cn\ o ( W1ch11.a F:ilb and their .support or MSU sports procram\ 11,erc ~ ms to Ix: nothing on tampu.s 1h11 even cloM:ly rot mblcs school spull anymOtt. The pmbk:-m. 5CCmJ 10 1'IC 1wofold I Lack uf s1udc.nt ,uppnn ,nMSU 11hlc11n . 2 UCk or promoo on Cenamfy the prubkm, ru\' m uch deeper .1nd more compte.1 lhan lhc.x I~ h.ls1c .s111c-men1& and a m ore indepth study 1~ necdc-d Perhaps the Wichuan radc rs can o((cr sugge,tu1ns 10

~~e11 ~~,:~u::;.~n or

v1s11l'd during the five months. MSU s1udcn1 wppon ,s r athct1c by companson C'on1,1dcnni the numbt'r o( .siudent organ1n11ons on , amru,t lhcrc is .aby,olutdy no CACUSC for the p111ful IWOper~ cent ~udcn1 rcprcscn1at1on at MSU homeg•""-' For the last three r:an

Tht W1 chunn has pubhs hcd numero us art1 c lca and cd1torfals about the fratcm1Ua and .sororibc.J and lhctr putics


M ■,c lJfM. ••N(l'

lOU,k M«T"t l 1•W01t)


Student or~uH1a11on~ ~re

not the only ones to blllmc for

low fan suppon . Non-1rad1• tionil studcnL\ ho ve fam ilies 11nd Jobs . .so Wl)'$ must be

found 10 make 11 worth their ,,me 10 support lhc um vt1'$1ty. 1





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Bowl First Game


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concern their Tht'y s«m w suppott thc\C intcrc.w e xclus1vd y but c an't find the 11mc kl SurJ)Ort the university

J(a,n..US C lly .

Or Gcr•l d S10, Midw<",1e m'.\ head bl~ co.:ach for 21 yu,, named NA lA Oa, 111 l coach of the Yt .Jr .it ~ ,. of the ch:unpulfl,h1p ~._, · now. J would sonaJly rate thl\ 'ttorv./ the"-' n( :(t lO Wlflfllll£ Lit 1 uonal .:hamp1on~h1p l:'t(~ comes fro m pe:er\ 1n coaching indurny r,

h I n;2ll1..:d I fr~r the I rc:~V(' lO 1:ikc :,: e~~~J.-'fann:1 s:aid, • means lhat <>th<-, eo><t.,,,_, . The fln:d game st:JL\ were thal I've done .i great~ a tc ~tamcnl to h•-" ~ rd P:. year: Stockton u1d and husclc 1n tht hc.lrt·b~ His bcsl fin" h c~ ms defeat. 197S v.•hcn the India'" k, Farina ( d with JS GrJnd C2nyon 1n 1~ -_. int., 6 or 1 from ihc:: floor t hamrio nsh•r 1:ame: "-' :d 3 ' 0 r 3 from thn.""C•po1n1 ended 1hc SC.L'Kln w1U, a 1 r.ance including :1 2dfl.(~: record. · homb w1lh (WO !,CCOn S The lnd1:tns pulled ~th~t pro\11dcd ihc final o ne e1hcr 31nd won three bt po,n~:;'~~n that sevc-n re· ought g:imes ag3mu ~ .:ams as they earned he bounds, (ivc an 1s1.s. c t ory with out a s1an4-,_ s1c.1ls • nd the unmca., \lt.:I k:.&dcr.Ju p fin ihc court. fanna layer. GJCiblishcd himM:lf as one o ( The tc:1.m conccp1 , 1 lhc hc~t point guuds ·'" the ' nst1llcd early wuh 1hu. )'Qicountry at NAIA O,vm on J am. with the great p1.11 he Senior players H~k lcvc:1J'm living a dn::im here ,ch Fann111 and Cor-' making: ii ll\Js far in the na- head. ll~nal 1ournamen1. :1nd I'm ..Through the ycm I lf)'ins 10 ck., whalC\-Cf it been a c oac h . J don'1 kb tak~ for 1h1s ball cl ub to we have ever pul 1ognllc, 'fllll\R,- Fanna poor to the team any bclltr than -.c ,t' loss .iu, )'CM We lacked I ht• 1n qu1clcncss 1n some PQl. \t.a. .. ,..,. . .'ll..... , . . ., , ..,,, _ .... 1ions as we ll as 1n .s~ and dcfcns.,vc ab,h11u. bi ~ :\ten',; Team To1uJ.., w-ay we 1oge1her ru. 1 ... 1u made us a good 1C11 11AII.._C1inM- ll •I 21r.-r,,.. ~ • " Sloc~ ~~g;=-:~1a11ons IO • , 1 ",,._aw-- u wz 6 16 MS U I ndians and Gen. 6~ 41lhnt•-S .-OOO Ou¥ Stockton for lhc1r v,c1oncu &UI the nauonal toumuncnL ~ S) T illtnoftSi.tW l'N" hflnor or winnsn~ 1hc lh.644 t1We-Wl'JIN-f.wMn11Col place trophy and the RX(\J': 7J tra,w'llMllln 8 1ylr" MS t1on of bcin g thr c('ach of Ck I J 1!.M1Tu• "''" U1uv : yaron lhe NAIA

l~! Wttc Tu .. Su~ lln,.,.

the..1iC org1.n11..auons arc ;rnd aJI ~ :: , things they do (or the pro gram~ hu.· k o f K:hool promooon. Well. where wcrC' thac A valuahh: h:sson can be or&an1zu.1ions at the tl.:all kamc d from th«:' succcs.., of c;,mes., Where were the fans this year·~ version or W1t.:h11a scream in&, "air t-:tll air Falls' CS A team, chc Tt"Ul\.'I hall .. , whenever ilR oppo• Prior to 1h11 n the nc nt m1Med ·evcryt1'ung" wilh Tcun'.1 ..-en: hav1n1 a \Cvett I .shOL prohlcm w1lh low 1Ucndancc Camp us gro ups and al ball p mes. organ1Lauons ~cm lo care

majo rs a nd hkc -m,nded 111 facl. of 111 the collcg..:..• 1nd1vidu:ab 10 organi1.c, hold

J-:::'..,.~ 't,,,,ni;



mC("tin~s. elect officers and part1c1P3tc 1n act1v11.1c, th.It

or wh.itevcr. how wonde rful

e:nough about 1h<'1r chflscn

"'hole ..bow H~tre~amc nul · when pnd i; J 11,ht flfl me

11 , t ' ~ Stat.

Student support results in poor attendance 8 y Kn,11 0.11.. Corrupo•4••1


Slianl' <:Jvu,

s,orU £,tltwT ht MSU Ind,.., piud the u lomaic cvn,PI: \ Moncb y in 1dd111on lu~ 11 to 1hc NAIA k'rn1 (•



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