March 2, 1995

Page 1

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Indians make

Affirmative action




Thursday, March 2,1995

iiffiMWi&SG:IMMiA News, ~


Librar y materials facing exterm ination

Brief~ THE ARTS Th< MSU Symphonic Band and the North Tuu Community Band wiJI present I.heir winre.r conccn tonight at 8: IS 1n Akin Aud1tonum. MSU Theater'.s production or William Shakespe:u-e's "Comedy of Errors"' opens tonight .it eight m Fine Aris Ccnlt:r thtatre. The

play runs lhrough Mar<h 5

ow, ,.....• .,, ~ . Richard Ddll~ d st Kttchum prtp1rr thtir nhlclt for llJ oat- and onl •~rt drop con1a1 1 , . ty p1rtklp1ttd In last Wttk's tgJ: lht sunlvt plualltt from ih Unrnrtunaltly lhtlr tJJ did not t catwalk In D.L. Lli.:on Colistum.


The MSU jan ensemble wtll have its spnng concert M:uch 9 31 F:ttn F1oc Ans l~tre '1l 8 pm. for :ut1s1 Rohbie Barber w,11 be held M3rch 10 from 8-10 p.m in the Umvc:rslly Art GaJJcry ,n F3tn F,nc Ans Center. Barber's mixed media

A reception

·sou thern


JnOucnces" will be on durluy 1n the an gallery in through April 21 dunns

regular gallery hours. Barllcr w,11 speak Marth 29 1 p.m. in the Universuy


An8'Jllery. An professor Eli1.:1hcth A.

Yarou·~ wa1crcolor and goldleor pam,in& "Fhg.h, of 1he Son:crcss'" L~ compcung oauon:i.lly al ,he Realism '95 exhibit an P11rkc:rsbur,

W V. through March 25.


Tht English U~1:c c~am. a

for gr;aduJl1on. WIii be olfc:n.:d Mar-.:.h 6-IO


and March 20-25 01 I:30 Business in pm . Adminstr.uion Annex room 102 ,nd M,rch 28 al I pm. 1n Hardin Atlmin1~tn1ion building A social sav,c<'~ r:ur will be held Morch 7 from 8 a.m.-noon in CSC a.mum. Social services i:roups planning 10 :mend include MSU Counseling Center. first Step. M.atcrn~ty




Protective Services amonJ othcl$.

Social Workers Acting Toicthc:r will rccogniu a«tal worl.~rs 3t MSU u.nd 1urround1ng rommun1lies dunng a r'C\:tpuon March 7

frnm 7-9p m 107


CSC rm

Tht Bari1t.\l StuJcnt Mm1wy will hold :1 l\.'Vl\al M.arch 6--R S(rv1t.-,:, ,w1 JI noon on the 61h and 8th Sc:.rv1ces hci1n Jt 12 20 p.m on the:: \t'VCnlh

College Bowl team finishes strong By Jama Winham II Sl:afr Writer

Midwestern St:llc Un1vcrsuy·s College Bowl tc.:im • placed founh out of 18 t~ms in d1S1rk1 compc:rition :&t College St:nion Feb. 24-25. This ye.:ir's MSU College Bowl team members .ire· Michncl Koofor, Cody Cole, David Mo rris, Donna Church . .:ind team captain Kimberly Roe. These Siu• dcnLS arc all-stars from last Novemher's MSU College Bowl comJ)!!tition. The .:illSQr:< were given lhc opporlu• oily to try out for the: c.impus learn. rhcn 11dvanced 10 rhc d1stric, lcvd ht:ld :u Tcxa~ A&M in Co!lc,:c S131ion At 1he district comrc1i11on, according 10 S3mud W:11.son Ill , the team's ii:ponsor. tht: fr:ims "-'c.'fC div1d~·d inio 1wo i;roups or nmc The MSU tcJm c:ompc1ed against the other cighl !cams in their group. beJting Baylor. Oni\'c~ity flf Hnus1on. Nor1hwcs1ern Stale. .:ind Nuncl Community Colkgc. The MSU tt.!am lo..~t ~o Texas

1s not foun d 11S record 1s 1aken oul of the hbr:uy's collccuon. LilthJm added. UlthJm said 3hout 20-25 percent of the withdr3wn items were labeled as lost or scolen l:is1 year. Some lost items c anno1 ~ 1eplaccd because they :ire ou1 of pnnt. s he added. Missing pagcs. can ad ded. Lath a m so1111:11mc.s he 1·cpl:a,crJ wi1h photocopies from 01her hbr.mcs. Latham s:ud somc of lht: library's dam3gcd books .:ire repaired by her staff, Others. with more exlCns1ve damaie. an: sent out to hook binding companies. Another problem library suiff has faced in the past 1~ infesta1ion. Hanilll said Older collec1ions have been subject to damage from moths. silverfish and ants. Moths and silverfish like

collcc1ion bcc.:iusc: ou1of date. lost or missing. Lost items, U1ham s;tid. arc those which students pay for when they cannot return them due 10 loss or damage. Missing items :arc subject to a six momh search. Ir the i1em

:.~e~~ls~~-~f focus their efforts on glue that hinds some books. Harv ill added gift m:&terials are kepi on the loading dock :ind :arc trca1ed for pcst.S. Most collcct1on depiction of library ma1crials, Harvill

:rY~ !k~~d~:t ~}e~:c •~~b: they an.:

Tlmb<rlyEys.«n Staff'Write-r Ek,:~n MSU studcnis ::md om.: MSU r:acully mcmhcr will prcstnl par,.:t1 :U th~ 981h Tt"xa~ Ac::td~my of Sc ience on March J at Baylor Uni\'CrMIV111 W::tc\,. Texas. i\l.'~·o(tli n~ to John V

This year. 1hc TexJ s Ac.:idemy of Science will !-It hoM I k5 paper pn:sc.:n1a1ions, 1wclve or those from lht· ~ISU hiolog1i:al ..c1cnu.: de· parun~·nt. W1l1iJm 8. C1)("1k. J1..., 1, 1Jn1 prO(CSSM 01 t'IIOhl!!Y. A~la1a Chandler. J. Ho .... JrJ Norm:tn. and fonn1fcr Cra•~ · he:id ,,.., jJI CJl'h pri:scnl J pJrcr over the mnlccul:ir i;cnct1cs of mJ11,c (com) There.SJ J ~kO(,nough. Tammy D. S:imucls. L) nn Re \·c.s . and Lorence R Wm,hdl \\ Ill CJl·h rirc~nt J p.1p..·r fl\ C:r tlw ~·nc..:1\ of Jiu• nunum ~\ft d • 1 r rlJnl\. ~t.111hJ K l)J \ I~ ~ ill f'!l'l '• "L'lll ha 1ur c1 ,1\a 1hc "'n)l1,,•1n of kthJI fflUl-llll fi :ut i1ic.., ~·b rg.1rc1 J.1nnn\l.1-Bdl .... 111 prt·sc.:n1 J flJ(X-1 11\ Cf the 1ad11, 1ekmctn <>I lh1,•, Tc'< J, hrown T .1rJ OIUIJ. ,,.. h11.· h 111-

~~:afJ. ~~~:

s.a1d. comes from waler leaks in the hhrary. hooks chewed by hcnrowcrs· pets :md theft G1lhan Thoma~. :1 library Student assi~tant, s:i1d MSU \tudcnts arc con1muo us ly disobeying library rcgula1ions t,y c:m ying food, dnnk :i.nd candy into 1he lihr.:iry. He said s1uden1s exit, leaving empty cola cans. gum, .:ind candy wrappers in sight on desks, or stuffed in a book. "1lk: vending machines in the students· lounge can be the cun1rihu11ng factor to this prohlcm, ~ said ThomJs The only ac11on taken so for by hbrary s1aff has hccn fooJ and drink confisca1ion. Staff has also begun asking patrons to fi nish their snacks in lhc student lounge. H;irvill said she did not wan1 to resort to door checks to make sure no rood or drink was heing brought m10 the llbory Media llhr.:iri:i,n Scoll Allen said conrrol personnel h:ive hcen hrought in many limes durin~ the past semesters 10 combat the pest problem. · should this ac110n become a norm: .uid Allen. ·steps may have to he tllcn, possibly the removal or the vend mg machines."

Artist Lecture Series...

Greenpeace presents views Timlxrly Eysscn StarfWriltr Chri~tophcr Childs. n3· tio n:il .spe:&ker for Greenpeace. will be at MSU on March 7 to address studcnis :ind foculty members ahout current environmental con-

ccrn1;, Greenpeace is an international org.:ini1.ation dcdica1cd 10 pn:.M:rving the cnv1mnmcn1 1hrou1:h non-vioh!n1 mc.:an1; They work 10 prfllci:r the.: environment from nudcar and 10111c po llu11on . .s1op

Midwestern student, faculty science papers to be presented

Grim\·),. l·,1orJina1or of ~iolo,). rhc purpuM.' of 1hc prcM•n l.llltl ll S /,lo (\I · rn.•c(lmC parl of the .~c1cn11fic ,:ntcr• mJkin~ thl' n.•sull, of rn,c. PEAKEnS S yflur ,iuJil·~ knnw11 \ \I that "-S1>c111I W orkers Acung oih~·, \lllek·ni, nu1=h1 drJ" .t>n h:ll you hJ\C n:.-,car\'hcJ Toe-ether (SWA anJ thc ~wc1atinft rM Soctjll anJ \I, Gnmc\ ~a id MSU . ha!Bchn,orial St1encc v.iJI hcl·n J ~,g pJrt11.:1pJnc ,,1 the ho,1 Diane Wuh1ngl0n Tto~ .-\cJJ~•m)' 1 ,f S..:11:n,,:c !\4u\:h Jin C<;C at 9 a_m for )CJr.i, MSl ' hm1cJ 1h~· 1n ihc Tc,Jl A l.'.1Ji:m) 1,1 Sucm:c 1n •nd I p.m tiNi All f'!~ll\·r, 1\ i:r~ wm1 0 Donohoe Budding Wutungton w11I spc~k 00 Julh,ncJ w,ih pro_rc,,,11, Rim:nn . (.'nC\\. , ( , 11m,' \; )Olll.h ~ang members rn,·r. ,nJ Si,n~I. '"" fi,, m~. page _ _2_ _ _ _ Gn __ ._$ee


A&.M and Unm,:n1ty of SL Thom:is. Wa!SOR w d. MSU's team mode 1hc rinal-four cut from their division, going on\",hc the linals. There I.hey compelCd agamst University of TexasDallu, winning the first or three matches. "The first mntc h victory w:i..s an :ich1evemcn1, since MSU was the only tc.:im 10 bc.:it UT of Dallas lhroughuut 1hc whole tournJmenl,'" Warson s.:iid. The MSU 1e.:im then played TeXJ.S A&M and was defeated. Roe was named the .!.c1;• ond rJnking all-slar for the compc:tition. Although thcy diJ not I\.'· pt.:Jt their di.s1rict win from hL\ I year. the MSU 1eam mem~rs s;ud 1hcy ~1111 had J good 1imc. · 11 wa..s a lot of fun," Church s:ud. "The tournamcn1 was :a great expcricncc fur the lc:im. This tnri will provide a grca1 hJ.1.c: for nl'XI year's team." Cole s.ud W:i1son prJ11c..·d ttk! tl!am "I'm proud of 1hcm.~ ht.' ~id

Karen Pttcn: Reporter Depictio n of library materials is an o n-going concern with the Moffet Library suff. Melba Harvill, director of libraries. said one problem hiscorically has been damage 10 library ma1crials. Art hooks. encyclopedias and ma1;uincs are common v1cums. Harvill s:iid paLrons cu1out photos and articles raiht:r 1h:an pho1ocopy or take notes. Gr3'1iti on elevator doors and study c.:irrcls is another problem. The c:&rrels need 10 be refinished .:about once a year hcc.:;iusc s1udenL\ cover them wuh mcss:i.gcs. Harvill added. Cfar.:i Latham. collccuon development libr.:irian. said ahout 2.C.00 ill!m\ arc labeled withdrawn e ach year.

global w.irming and ozone layer dcstruc11on :ind IO halt the s l:wghter of m;irine mamm.:ils and other cnd:mgcrcd :animals. Childs ~aid 1hc purpose nl spe3king 10 MSU 1s not of a rccnuun~ na1un:. hu1 mflfC or an 1n,p11-;a11onal kind. w11h a !>llde/lccturc program de1Jdmg 1h1: h1s1ory and purpo<,e of GrccnjX'aci..:. Child~ )aid he hor,cs to 1nsp1rl· Mudcnb :i.ntl facu lty mcmhcri. nr MSU m \tn:ni;1hcning campu\ and community CR\ 1ronmcntal &roups w11h lhc1r ~Uf)Jl(ll'L BccJusc NI SU ~tudcn1s and \ laff h.J\'e Jt.cess tn comruten and audio and visual t'quipmrnt. Clnld..,, ..,,:ud they can hccomc m1cract1\'C

supporters w11h 1he community cnvirnnmcn1.:il commtl · tees. Childs said that a few pco,ilc confo\C GrccnpcJce w11h other more violent aw:art.!nc:-.s !!,fOups .:ind he hope~ 10 clcJr ~omc or th~• m1sconl·crt1ons anyone may ha,'l' nl lhc organi1..a1i,m. .. People: need to make commllmcnis Ill th!.! 1m r,ruvcmc111 or the c n"1rnnmc111 Jnd they nccd 10 take a s1.1nd t i\ pn:Sl·n..: the ccolOl!)' c,f the planet.~ said Childs. Childs will speak March 7 m Akm Auditorium 317 p.m. ahuut the :itmosphcn:, energy usai;c• .:ind dcforcsl3tion and how they combine 10 deplete 1hc 01.onc layer and incrc.:isc glob.ti warning.

\'flh l.!\ 1rJc111g the mf!vcmcnu of tile spader Jcm-.s the land. P:aul 0 . 8.:irron will prc ~nl hi\ rlJ~r o, i:r the hcmolymph h1ochcm,lllry 01 1.p1dcrs. HcmOl)·mph I ll the ~rider cqu1valcn1 or hlood: ll\ tht" fluid ,n 1hc lxidy cavil) of 1hc arxhmdi,, GcrarJ (Ton)) A Cl)•dc \\tll prl'\.-:nl J f'Jfl\.'r o, er the llllflJCI l l l 1hc Jam rcl unLtru.;1111n ,111 limno logy n1 Lakc \\'1ch11J Cl)dc\ rlr-,·r ,·omrarcs lht" cu,wnt OX) ~cn L'onccnlr.1111,n,. pM halan~e\. Jnd 1t·mJ'.·1J1UrC\ of the !Jkc • w11h r~·\cJr,. h rc~u11, lr('lm 19itl-'i l

T" 11 unJacraduJlc ,1udc n1, . ~h D,:nl1ugh J nJ \\'1nch\·II \\1II JI\O comp.:11: Im J .... JrJ, h' f lhl"lr p.iJX'f\ at the: IC\..1, .-\~.idcmy vi (i,1l0ll~ l· F.1\ h r-•f1t•r ..., 111 ..l-rh· J -. flJI! ..i 1hc1r mJ-,1.:1 1hc-.1, hc.:h•I\' ~rJdU.11t11n

~ISl 's Jtnnifrr llullt'f drh~ 10 lht ha,ktl durln~ tht Lady's 7f~~5 ~1n ol,r r !'Ht . ~lory paitt 4

.. l..O·, .. .




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Regency Concert charming, fast-paced and harmonious By Jnmts Winham II S taff Writer The hi~hly ver ~;it1lc. J.CappcllJ s rni;ing Group. Rc,cncy pcrfom1.:d F.:h 2 1 as :1. pln of the MSU Arus1LI."~1un: &nc:,. l)l(' five memb(r group bcg~n ch1rm1ng the .iud1c:ncc: hd,:,rc the show bc1:3n The group even

::ac.kcd for the ludicncc'c; l1p1n1 on on how thC)' \Ounded during 1he pre• show rchc..uSJl En: n tho u~h the fir~t C'lf Regency's s o ng pcrfonn:ancc w ;l! to fut for me to gl'I 1he utlc the hJrmony w:u 1-upremc B) th<: umc they ~g~n their nc~t wnt:, th~ audience wJ., darp1ng 10 the rhythm In :a la1i:r -.ont:,. the group


Grace· " 11h them Rci;cn.:y rlu\ ('Int: l':lrnc clns~· 111 1hc p::rrect H'0.11\n <1( th"° d a.\.,1i: 1-rin1uo1l h),rnn Rescncy J1d n,11 l11ni1

their pcrform3nCt: They C\'Cn nng a count ry h11 (with :i hint or mui.1cal accomp101me n1 ), • A t'h)' Bruky Hean· . By the end ('I( lhc fll'r • form:ancc. I kn(w why R(,cncy 1s dut,h(d · The Temp~11ons or the 90·s·

T1ckc~ arc ~!ill J\!td· ahk for the MSU pn:scnlJ· uon or ~~ake$pc;m:'s "A Corned) ol Erro~ • The- pl;iy will orcn on Thursday , MJrlh 2

a1 R pm ;md will run M:irch 1, :and 4, abo 011 k p.m A

matmce pcrform.rncc will he given on Sunday. ~l:anh 5 Jt 2 '\O fl m All performances "'111 he C"ln Lhc Ma~!.' at 1hc Fo11n Fine A,t,. Center. Admis,.1on IS free with a current MSU ID Sp\X"1.11

have , n cnTCr•

,\ Jm11-s1on I ) free with a \.' urrcn1 ~·tSU ID Spcc1al d11-(·ounu :ire av:1il:1blc to h1f.h llChool s1udcnL,., mll1tilry pc:rwnnel ;and senior ci11zens. Group d,~counl s :ire also Fo r tic:kct avai la t,lc 1nform 1111on call 1he MSU ThcJtre 11d,ct office :it 6~9-

fund· rJisin Y . tatnmenj or Id I kc 10 ~ ~ event ~ . w~u. I ~isurc Aru d 1110 he pnnled in c : · sccuon, bnng .1t ~n . 3 W1ch11an. attn En1ci t mmcnt Ed11or .. N~uficat,on mus~ ,n the W1ch1t:m office :it lcJ.M two weeks pnor to the C\'Cnl

4393 - - - - -


:alpbagraphiGS t ~ V(Jk.lw1lhu-,,,ofhel ~ Q I ~

lhJ!1 grai,,l!Jgh lol<m< ~ • a.J 11,n, ~ , ilI< to row Coor llflsd, ~ • NI lltiM °"IP> I J,ayc.t. Ylcdd1rq ln~ldloni • as , U '4' to U , 11 Coor ~

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-?/?t_ing l3reak. Tanning_~pecial ~

Wi1h fi~t don.11m11 and student I D




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Soulhmoor Fut11i1urc ,\ppl a1U"c 11,c> placf! to b u_,, u,uJ sell good "·"cd f11r11 it11r" a nd upplianc:t>~ 3010 llolhd.iy Wlctu11 l·alls. Tx. 767-708 1

8 Srnion, for $19 !Student ID "'l"""d) JIIJI lvitf'P & l"""r1t«J ,,,, Xru ~ • O&.JJll


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ga"t !ht audience :1 short autohiogr:iphy or t ilch of 1hc h ...,,..._ ,1n m cmhcrs c ii:cdlent w,1y to pr'-'sent lhcm)('l\·cs to the ;iud1cmc. Some or their other 'llRi;S were hlcc the first. 100 fast p.1ccd for me.• to undcrst:lfld 1hc words. but I hked the bcJ.t Sll)' W:il)'. When they sang · How To To Goodbye Sing YCS&(rd:ay~. I knew thit was i;oing 10 be a show 10 n:membcr. They made lhc song sound e"·en bc1ter lhan the Boy's To Mi.·n ,·cnion. Later. Resency called a member or the: a.uJ1ence forward to smg. The group then ...,-c:nt inlO a rtndnion of "l bpp)' B,nhday." Then 1he i:roup brought anothe r audie nce member



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The altium end., w11h -~pring-Hcdcd Jim ." ;af11;0 ,;om -vauxh:.11 :md 1: w11h ,u :i1ainrllng 1nt('rl.1l"n l ·111l· I 0 11 r , ~ wilh ' 1hrou' It• in !Ill\ " 'or\U 1)r ~1mnv rfu:rc were. s.,mc ,gl:111ng 11ml' k,•qnnt Jnun ~i:al JOJ \C) ," 11 ",,uh.I prnt'lahly ht· omissions (rom 1h1$ disc. I M om,,,•)"') l.1tl•q rd.:J,1' , 1lw •fo"r.:r, ml"loJu: B~xcr~ co1nc1Jcn1.1II\ l"Jlkd · w , ,rh! .11\t• rn:ikl· an .1rf)l·.1r.1nl t' 0 ~ thought -Ewry dJ)' " hke v.hllh 1l'.11url'" tlw ..dt,um M1•ffll'-t"Y di'<'" S d " "Our FrJnk" and 11f Murn .. un Oarmy (J\•Onh:~. "S1ng lhl• f11rma Smllh\ IH•OlnlJn" .iO lnlCfl'.)IIOg f.'0\CI vcr,;i(in one Life · Jr\,': :ill n11ssmg (II ~~foC'\ n R1H~r." till' old sn:all•,., hm ' \\'t1dJ 1•1 '.1-h1ir""1.' ) J\J lknry M.111..:1111 dJ51-ll" ihtil Yourl 51 ; pnng·~ KDGE h1; you Iinorc Mc rcrr~·\.I Jihom t.1r 1h,,....- \\ho woulJ ,kf1n11d y noi ~ 31 ~,h!s 1.1.J..c a n,m\11 mtunl. t,u1 11 1:- , 1~ · er..:.1L.f:1)I JI the ~ loser J Gc:t... All m JII: Yer ,twas :1 firw c olli:ch <iUt\" h' tic .1 mu\l•h:nc · 1,,, T11fany s. One 1hmg I Jh\ J)'S I1kt·d 1owe f ~foni~y's ~gr'l"ate\f" h" d1: hJ1d !Jn" 1 he Jl~um h\.'••ms \\ 1th tibout ~h1rrn1)cy's former tn: ' t know how he 1usufi~~ ih:il: hc·s rn:,·cr h:id J · wha1e,cr ll.1pr,c~. I Lr,,t' , wup. The Sm11hs." v.•a~ lhc You: ...,.,th IL\ ln:lrP> }!U1t,1r brutally hlJnC'SI lyn,s. My 10 or probahly e,·cn a riff Jnd Mom 1-~l')' ~ s"cct l.ovc Life· captures l hulc ~op 40 hit) 1nc · world of ,s nol such :a b.1d voice lhJI comr1- in Jllcr a tut 1f_ th:it honesty an~ . ,?P . mere ten scconJs anJ conun - ·ccmun People I know, l",orrt.SSCY ucs with Dilly BuJd.· J v. i1h 11~ 1:mglini; gu 11:ir. pl:1cc :it:1II.


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Thursdav, M•n:h Z, 1995

! MDU(iD ~Dmlm□N I



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books • music • video


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Wichita Sq uare



---==--- ---- -~o~.1pniJDLUi~Owfll!..____ ___

Our views MSU students sh little school spirit ow By Noillc L~wis Try lelhng • M1dwesi . dent lhnt ~c or she has 1~'',lCUui\'tf'ii\y student ser vice on campus A Y I nn C\'cnt or a ~tuqu1cklr . n:rninded that i'hc ~,;~~~ccd~y. o ne would be I docs no t only p3y tu1t1on here , b ut mu!.t al fees · so pay student .~ervicc E\'tr so o ften. one he~ famili:ir st..11cmcn1: "cvcrytt~1udc nis echo the all too ~ h1 1o freedom•-gua rant~~r~g ~n campus is free." their s tude nt service fees h Y the payment of be po.n of a package which :l~wcvcr. often seems to from participating in camp~!li so gu.:-i~antccs treed om Frcquen1ly. there is a no11~:c~1i"111cs. ,;1udcnts a, event,; and acti vir~c~c 3 b~encc of MSU spcc 1fical1y 1:11lorcd to meet b hw hic~ have been cuhural an~ extra-curricul ar ncc~'s then acadcm,c.


The Ar11s1-Lcc1ure Series Sia d· esl indiciuion of this foct R n s out as the clcarl"ins did no1 fail to dcliv~r h~nowncd satiri~t Molly politician~. Former ~,1ex.ica r usu~1 cutting jibes at and wol'ld figure Carlos Fue ~ a,m ass.1dor, writer I er;iry e legance c harmed lh~ cs : .oqucncc and litccntly the famed acappclln ro au ience. More rchsieners. Dcspi ie lhe highgca1~t~•rncy.1hnHed they ne ver pcif onned before a f II O h ihcsc artists, to. u ousc--or close


o ften. o~e ~ces very fe w students auendin these events. 1 heir smnll numbe ·s d g measure o f force or coercion in th;ir in icate some w~e.n th cy do attend . often I heir pf;~~pn~~i- ~ 11~ 0 1· minuna1. On 1he 01her hand. many of ihe Josi souls found wa1.1dcnn~ th~ campus hallways trying 10 locale ihe Akin Aud1tonum or Fain Fi ne Aris Center' does not reflect an ~SU presence, but rather th:u of 1hc greaicr communuy . , It is the same fntc that our athlcics suffer. Many umes when fon suppcn could make a difference in a close ho me-gamt: s outcome, with the ~xccption ~ o:/; ~!~~rnon ty. the much-needed boost is al-

S1uden1 apa1hy. It has become not only the bane of MSU act1v111cs. but characteristica lly, the highligh1 of these

events Where is the feisty Indian spirit?

What is the problem? Is it the organizations that pla_n these e vents? Does the proble m lie in the an1s~ themsclves1 Or on the other hand. ,s it 1he quality o~ athle tes h~rc? Or is II simply a rn3ller of students JUSt not canng or not sharing 3 feeling of


wh~~;arc-- MSU students --apathy lurks




J -41 0 'I aft l)h,J, P U Om: l<iO. W 1lh1w Fa lh, TX 76308

New~ J<~k.: 6lW-4m. Al.lvcni,,n, Je.~k: ()8tJ.470S Murk l .uJd A uoc,o,,. EJl,wr N,•11s.



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Professors laud affirmative action

'I see no reason to go back on it's promise now:' Preda Ry llo-.~it Priore RC'Por1er "Affirma11 vc action 1s good. ha.s <lone much good, nnd mu"l con1111uc:," according 10 Dr M1d 1.1el Preda, a prtifc\,; or of pnl11ica1 science: a1 MSU. Dunng -separnte in1crv1c...,,s tlm week, Preda and Dr. Erne, 1 Dover, a,;socia1e profe, sor of pol11ical science, added their opinions 10 a na11011:il dcha1c on affinn~t1vc ac11on. Dover. who also 1e:-iches a1 MSU . descnbcs affim1:11ive acuon a, programs designed I? e,1ualiie hinng 1md admi'is1on opporiunnies 10 people who were lc:g11\ly and his1oricall~• le~t ou1 of jobs or other msu1u11ons on the basis of rncc, color or for 01her ethnic reasons. Dover said the reason for having such ro rams was

c lear!) nn ancmpt at genuine mtegm11on, r:ic1Jl an<l 01herw1'\e, bcgmnmg with oppor· tuninc, a1 the h:der,11 level. Omer \ a1d affim1:i1ive :ict1nn h :H llUl complc1ed lhl't JOb and mus1 1hcrefore be kept acll\tC, Do~~r~a ;~~,t:a~fthe~~ ,;~~ .:tlf1rma11..,c :tc11on was popu13.rited in 1961. At that lime, Prcsu.leni John F. Kennedy nsued E:-i:ecutive Order 10925 which required federal con• iractor, to uke 'affirma1ive ncuon' 10 rccnnt workers on a nondiscriminatory basis. Accordmg to Prtda, ii was n01 unul 1969 th111 :iffinn:iuve action gained "some teerh" when President Richard Nixon ordered agericieS to spend money for affirmative :1c1ion rograms. Preda ob·

served 1ha1 aJfirmauve .1crion protri ms wciC "very visibly weakened d uring 1he RC'agan·s an<l Rush's iidmimstrarions. Howe\tcr." said Preda. "1ffonuu..ive acuon h:n seen many g.iins for many minori1y Americans and I sec no reason 10 go back on us promises now." A lawsuu by a s1uden1 in Maryl:tnd has added new fuel 10 the debate over affinnalive ac1ion. Daniel Podbcresky, a white student of the UniverSlly of Maryland wu visibly angry. According to 1he HU.S. News and World Rcpon," Feb. 3, Podberc, ky's application for a full scholarship wu turned down. Podbcresky sued 1he university. He claimed its policy of reserving full scholarships for high-achieving black studenu discrimina1ed a ainst him.

Podbcresky won tus cue. This case, whu:h 1s expected to go :all the way to the U S Su preme: Coun. has many 11npllc111ion.\ for S13te :ind federall y funded colleecs mcha~ MSU. Dover noted that fedC'rnl and suite government!> currenlly supply rt sub51an11al amounl of money m 51:\te colleges. This money is use~ 10 fund scholo.rsh1ps and to alf programs spec1f1cally de• signed 10 encourage grtatcr enrollmenl of minomy group!> such as African-American, Hispanic. Nauve Amencans and Asian-Americans. Dover said he 1s somewh11 womed these funds may now be threatened by the anti-affir mative action feelings creep• inj!. into the United S1a1es.

Legislative action threatens MSU international student enrollment .i Bernard Hurtault Starr Writer It 1s interesting 10 note th:u Tcus legislature h:is choS(n 10 ICY)' an increase on the tuition of non-resident and intem:11ional studenu . This, of course, tr.inslatc$ into a bleak economic future for hard pressed international s1uden1s coming from third world nations. Inevitably this means thal MSU will ccruinly lo,;;c some of 1hc luster and

These I.nest r:ltC hikes may very well prove 10 he the pitch-forked dc Yil that pushes some of these s1udents over the economic at'l yss, :rnd hence terminate lhe1r further education.

=--------------, 'MSU

will cert•

ai11ly lose some ~'1fe~~ \~a~h~h~~;~~c~~i~~ of the luster and c.iuestion 1hcn IS 1his - ls thts appeal tliaJ. lower increase fai r or even honor:i.hlc ill 1h1s :.iage., tuitio11 offered Car:;~!~ i~,~~;~~:l!~h~ ~~~ at first.,, here on compc1iliYc waiver scholarships. These s1udcn1:,, were offered in-stale 1ui11on and were 1hus ahle 10 take s1udent lo:ins in order to tin:,;nce 1hcir cduc:ition. These lo:ins :ire h1~h inter..:sl affairs b::ick in the Caribbean ,md arc rcslrlininl;, However, w11h the src<:ial r:11c~ offered. the loaM ~ere cndur:ihk .

""'""'""'""'"" '""'""'""'"" In addition. 1hese fee hikes seem dcMincd 10 s1inc the hope.,;; of many Carihbc:an n:i11onals who had begun 10 look. al MSU a.s a pioneer in making <1u::ility educnlion available to 1hcm :u an affordable price.

By no means can the ug~mcnl be used th:at C:rnbhean n::i110nals arc a f: burden to the University. All competitiw waiver ~ holarship winners :ire n:qu1rcd 10 ...., mamtam a 3.0 GPA Tha1's quile a tough requirement! Nevertheless. so committed are C:lribbcan studcnLS 10 their achievement of a good educ:ation-and in order 10 honor 1heir agreement. lhal most far exceed 1h:n requ1remen1 and av~c:n~~c~,!~icss night h:as been h::id by 1hesc Sludents to achieve this. Many a tiring, cold day ha.s been endured 10

:C~l:;e~~~i~~Y ~f:;Y~~~

sacrificed on the of good ~rac1cs and honorable commitmcnt. The contribution to MSU by Caribbean nation.ils is not minimal. Let us hope th:u the new Texas legisluurc doc., not douse the light of coopenuve friendship and eliminate 1he possihiluics of good lhing~ 10 come.

-----~ -----e-----------fs -----w s b:r i.e: From page 1 A.~,;ocia1c professor A.O. Stewart. will speak on BudJh1sm at thi: rh1lusophy dub mcctrng Thursday, tvbrch 9 in CSC rooms 1118 and Hit) The meeting 1.s open to ,;1udcn1-. .ind faculty

Lynn HoggJrd, profossor C'lf Fre nch and Fore ign L.inguai;e coordinator has rece nt I)' h::i d he r tran\l:atn1ns of frcnch poet llcnn M11:hJu~ put'lllsh\!d in 1he Wifllcr Jl).).W)5 issue of Gl".aham I louse Review (no.


The TcxC'lma CtlUnt.1I of TcJt.hcr\ 01 ~hthcmJt1t.\ cnnkre111:c ~ 111 pn.·w nt Bcu yc Fnrtt· . d1rc .. h1r for m.ithcmJ11..,·,. h 1r1 W11r1h 1,0 MJr-.h 4 in CSC Jlnum Siu.: ~ 111,;; '\HJtepl.'" tu f CI rJrcnt-. 1n, ,,h l·d 111 1h..·11 ..lulJr\.'n-. m ., I h

r r ,, ~ I


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_!'.: P•!!!&C!:__; ' 3 !..._T!!b~urs~d~•.r:_.y~M~•r!!ch~2:!. , !,2 19229 5

~1:a l'h 9 BrtJn Thnrntun, 3S\!\1Jnt proh:,~nr ol Rl3\', communrcatmns. will prc~cm hi , pJpt:r - Muekr.1k1n1; Er.1 Jou rnalt,;;1 u: St:andJrds Expn.:.., t'ly Joumali ...1, anti Rc.ada:i.. ltJ02- 19 12" .it lhc ,\,\,)CIJIU•n Ill fa.lucator\ Of J,,urn JliSm .int.I M.1-..., Comm un11.·.11111m S1111thc.1\l Rqpon.11 l' rdl11c.iu 1um. GJme-., 1lk.FIJ


~l ,ln,l!!t'lll\'11 1 p1 ull,.•-.\tH (hJt\~, RJm,t.·1 "il l present h1, pJ~r · opcnmt:, 1hc \\ inJ,1" 111 E, c..i111, c: C11mm1mi..:.i!1<1 n, r\ C.1,t.· ii:;1mh in 1hc: l k .1llh ('Jr\."\ JI thl· :,0 \Jr-.h 11)95

!Til.!\.' 1111 ~



/\"i\t.1 .1 t1,111 11,r Bu-.1n,'1t!C,1mmun1'-l11on- S,1u1h~·c.,1 Ri:~ 11 n m ll1•u'111n


An ARC lr\-.\11t.·1JUOn frn RetJrdcJ Cm1cM} w.alk will 1:ikc plJl'C April )\ at S,ke-. lake. Jerms from 1hc :,..,tSU campu,; t..:i;1n, at 9 am .ind lhe wJlk will hcg1n JI If) J m and will IJ~t until noon The orgamtJt1on Lh:il th.; mus1 m11ney ~ 11\ receive a cnmrhmentary T-sh1n for :ill 11.:i. panu.1p:i11nt: mc:mh~·r, Rollcrhladcr'- arc wl·l~11me

Due 10 lhe increasing numhcr of graduates and !heir guests, MSU will hJ,·c 1wo gradu::i1ion ceremonies on ~-fa y I:-\, 1995. The first ceremony be~ins al 10:30 ::i.m. and will include gradua1c.s from 1hc following :areas of study:

A.ssocialc of Applied Science Associ:tle of Science in Radiological Tcehnolngy Bachelor of Applied Ans :md Science.,;; Bachelor of Business Administration Bachelor of Fine. Ans Bachelor of Music Bnchclor of Science in Criminal Justice Bachelor of Science in Denial l·lyg1cnc Bachelor of Science in Tcchnnlngy 8 :,;chclor of Sc1i.:ncc in r,,;;ur,mg B.achclor of Sc.:ient.·c in R.admlt1g1t.:.1I Sc1cnu: Bachch1r of S1.:1cncc in Radiolog, Tc..:hnolugy Bachelor of Social Wo1k Thc M:l Ond ceremony hi..•g1no; at 2 '\ii pm .and include..,;; graduJIC\ Imm the lolluw111g .arc.1, ,11' .:i.1udy Bachelor nf An,;; B:tchdor of S1.. 11..·ncc Bachdcu uf ';c1.;11l e m In1cr<l1.... 1ph11Jr) ';1ud1c, ~1aslcr nl Arb. ~fal ter fif Bu,lOC\\ Jdminl\ll;il1(1n ~1aMcr 111 Ec.l 11CJt1<1n ~-IJ.,;;tcr of ~c,cncc ~l"!ootc1 of St.tent.\' 1n K1nc'i111IOt,!Y M.1-.tc1 ofSc1cn~c an Ph),;;1c.a1 l:ducaiu,n The rc1.ept1on for ..,,udcnls and 1.hc1r fJmlltl·\ ~•II t'IC from 12 noon- I· \() p.m. at 1he pn:.s1dcnt's h,,mc


rm \ll ch,un

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ft'III Mytn tMnlR,port<r M onJ1y n11b11 h,rnk


'"'""" 1bc MSU LaJy rhhans • nd E:ut Tc"u ;,putt. m1.1r\ th,· llnill ~ular it:nun S:Jme 1h,1l unlln~ hmt, "'nulJ plJy ('n

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~r'"YJ~~~su~~' ~ ~;~s~ 1


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Wilham~ Jc-.cnhtd th( Laid) M~tan~,•

Q.\ ;an Uj\

tcn1ro hh! lJO \.h,,o, the 1-pou,ld

MSU . "'·b1ch only kJ th1.• Jt h)II • ·wuh \,u1 quc,1wn. our hmc. nu~,,rcJ Ebt Tcu~ dch.· Mt \\ '"'"g 10 be tht 35-23 1n the ~c"nd h~lf 1, mo,1 cruc.;1~ f'Jn.· Wtlh:1m~ rab I.he .,..,o s.;uJ Wt.· h.i"t lC'I l.tlc.c J"" .I) Some

,,f ~lf 1hh:i\s •

'"Tbe rnuy t~f lM g3lT'K 1t Wc1i1ern New Mcxu.:o mmut<: effort... lO..i<.h W.t~nt.· ( 19-7 oHr::ill ;1nd 6·-1 in W dlu1n< <Jill '"Tb;1t) ~Ul'lh:n:nc."l:) I\ lt:d hy 6-S p,.)1.t 'WU~ .u.J

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Eleni \hJdrtn.\


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i,, 20 ~ ) 11\1\ 'Wlvms f,,r ill ~.1S4,n • MSL' put the g;unc ;aw;iy plllC • ·1th J httlc o,·cr fi,c mmuto rcmJin1ng "¥.h<n freshmen Ne~ ~k,.h,n ho1, :a ~1,Bull) Fcrgux,n and knmftr g.ame w1nrnnc ' "" tht Bull knnck 1.'Niin hrl• Im<

w1lh l'J~I.

MSll ht:gin\ 11, plJ)llll .ic11,ln Fnd.iy m~hl m l) L L11;on Coh...cum JI 7 111 pm 3~:un!>I T:irlt:111n S1:i1t ~S<\•c:ul ('If ou r plJ)'t"f) h:1 vc t::ii:J)'!m·nci:: 1n pl:1yo11 gamt'\, w ihc1c .>h11u!J he nu


roMcm plJ)'1n, grioJ Ft1l1J y

~iJ:hl Our 1c.un

hi; thai.:."

Ewn w11h tile wrc ,1r\.:~•. Perry , ,11 ,,ut l•nly tv.o nun• ui..:;; 1) J 1h1.· e,'..im1.· l k· 1..tmc m

~\\,\ · (llJ)1.·J 10 1,1,111. and k Hy hJS h'.J lty , tcrJ"l.· d up the r.1.~t cnupk ('I f ilmc, :md

Mid"'·tstcrn's Kttry Rrau \hl,ots mer l!SAU'\ ddcnw durtnJ Monday ni1;thl's "'In. Photo by Dre"' M~·,rs

ll.1) , "h11 plJ)1.· J 11,r ,:,1 mmutt, Mill m.1J._, 12 ('M>lnl\ S,1r,l11unnrc Clint J-ok y rJ.1ycJ J .:uod t:.1mc w11h t:lt:ht ('Omb

11.:h,1unJ , ,mJ ,c, l"n

Thr fir,1 211 mmu1c -. ul ,Im! n:.11 \\t! II ThJt 1, wh y I the l!,l n\C .... J \ l ,·rt do....- hy kt·pt hm1 in the t:am1.•," coJ... h low ~h nt llln~ f"ll'rl' ClllJgl'' Jc1f R,I) ~ml ( M SU: 17 I 11cr.. cn1 .1nd All 111 th1.· 1uhcr MSU USA<> \.S 1 rcncnt) Huth \ tJrlc r \ ~J" li1111t~d a1.1u, n lrlm~ 1r.1ckd ,,tf th(' lcaJ untd S..·n1M Ro""-:rt Ringo. the ln- 1hr e nd o r the hJ\I wh,·n J1.1n,· ~, t t.ktcn,1 w pl:t)'t"r. Perry mJJ ,· h1 \ lo tulh \ . ,lnl) r l..1)~ h.111 1hc g.1rnc hc- f'C'mll·r ..., uh k \C\. ,,mh ld t tu t J u..-.c.· ol the 1l u Scn11•r, R,-d • IX lhc <,,i. orr."" 1(, 1(-, "·n1.k tt.1y .ind K1.·ny Ur:ii~. Thc \C1. 11nd h.1II , 1.1r11.•t.1 1h1.· " k.idm s ,,Mers. 0 1.11 h.i~ll'Jlly 1he ~me .... ,1h d1dn 1 plJ)' rnu" h due 111 ..,ornc htl th lr."Jln~ ~IJ)' lllg ll(.'C'IH,• · c.irh !Oul lmuhk nec k for lhl' 111~1 1wn.;ind·.1·

~s? S1'<"9 'Ht'KI IU.11.hll~


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JAIAM'S . \/111'1/I ! 1//1 I (






C'IJ1l S1uJl·nt ('l'lll...1 I hl'JUt'

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Holliday Sf. Flea 1"1arl:ef


11 \C.1110\ :-.l'FU.\ 1~ •,1 .113 & l'I'.

The ~111ry ol Eun1p.·..1 n d.1nt L"r, Inna :md FrJnk P.11 th~·1r 1.ullurJI 1mp.11.·11,n \\'1d111.J F.111\

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F ARL\ URl~K ~PE(HLS Tl r,.. ,n. l :00 - HO ,,.,._"" •0,1 Ont'-'s '1.00 vt'"""bo!' Pitr hf'r) t.a.9!-

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Ura" ~ 75' • Pitchtn ,., .So








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7? 10 !L~LiDAY 7t 7

rt•:ld) 111







OHIIL\ l l h ln

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The Talk of The Town. WINTER


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Men &Women


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