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Midw1·~tcrn SI alt• I l11i v1·r~il y
MSU team advances to College Bowl finals By ,\1 11 11
;\ 111·11·1
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t, 1-..: t l'•, < u l l, ·1 •,· H,,w l 1t· i1111 w 1111 ll w l<1'/' 11•r1 I.! 1h v1• 1t11 1 ,111d w ill at l v a1 n1 · 111 1111 •~.1111 ,11 .d < h,111q 111 111 •1 l11p ·11111111 :111 11 •11 1111 c ,11 11 11 •;. v ll k ,
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l l 'i llll \
In llir 1111.il 1'1 1111 I. tu' u ll ivl'-i l I 111 \ 1 1111·1 /\,\:· 1\ 1 111 w ll ,1i wa, p111h.1hly 1l 1l' 111ml nu t in t• r.1111 c ,d th L' ,., 11111..: 11111r 11 ;1111 l· 111
I hr j!, llll l . l' IHkd 111,.1 ll r, ;111d Ii.id l• hl· ti n 111l:d hy a :,. tHhk11 dr ;11h play1d I ( >11 ..: 1os:-. -11p qu l',111111 w.1-. lilkred
}\f:ii\{f(.?;.\{'.i[fa:!].I:f1?I:!!IQff:,~?~''.s~~ M\ l l :, 11 d
1111 11 I It ,1111 ,I I
IJ .dl a•. ;i nd
\q11 .1rn l o fl :q• ,1111 , w11h r-. tSI I c 11d1 11 1• up 11 11 111 1, 1111 , 111111: .> 1J'l ] HI, h ,1lk
wh ll,· / ,\ I l Lam e 11 , d,· kat A&l\'1 27'-i
11>\ l'11111111 ;111111• A8· M
·1111· two lt.:,1111 , w!lh 1111c It, ..,.., 1l n:11 111 c1 11 1 IJ:illa , c lirn111, 11 r tl 1.\ 1l 2711 I (1~ 1n r .11'11 th •· l'1 1,111L1· 111 l,1r L' MSU ag.1111 ·1 he 111 ,11t: II had ,1 ... 1mv -.1.111 , hu t luith l l ,llll \ \tlll l'l llt' • 1•,111 t' ll l ~i ll J' , 1'. 1'-.U d(Hlll
in 11JXCJ, '1 111 1!Jix win the rt:t i,111:11 L. 1l ,1mpuirl\ l1 ip. MS U \ vic uu y 1\ dc fi . \ l° Cllll t l
,, the
fir 11 1 tlln l' , , ,
nild y c.. urncth1n g 1,, he proud
11f cn n~idcrin g 1hcy 1lcfo:11cd , cvt:r:il t<,p st.li e .~t i111o l\ , v.•l11d1 h:,ve a pcrmancnt fo culty rn cmhcr who dell.!, no11J 1_11 g h111 train 1h ~ C1ill q;t: How l Te~ m
. l l ·:1111 .
whit. h ,,.
t.: tintpri-.r d 111' MiJ,1· M,d 1un11
J11h n Cii.:rhard,
(Cari1a 111),
ua1c,1 all lhc way 1hrt111gl1. Michael K11ufc r, IJ.mrl Mm w 11h the lrn. d .\l'. fll'C of 2 111 • ri ~ nnd 1Ja v1d Du 11!- 111 nn.:. c~u11c lo t;r th cr a~ , l ri: , uh (1 I 1411 MSIJ will lacr I~ 1<•:111" :-. ~u<l l.: 111 COl'llfl l'. lilHIII or~a f111111 ac111." 1he c1111111 ry Th,~ lllZl'll hy c11:id1 and cc,ordinn 11,111011:d 1111m1a111l.'lll will he lor Dr. Jeff C':11nph,·II . ( )(her 111 n11 111t.J rn h111 format, s o , pnn,tJr\ 111clt1dc Dr. lhark.., MSU wi ll [!Cl ill play 15 Ramser. Dr. Dick Kin~ and game, ag:11 11;,1 lhl' lop lea rn., Mr,. Marsha May. 111 lht.:
natio n
ll! a lll p1a c1icc t.J
Colkgc Bowl ha~ hccn a week fur thrt.: i.: rnunths to ' l" "'" "·cd al MSU for l 2 prcrwrc l or the r ompc111io1~. "W11h 1hr add1t 111n ol ye:i" n11w hy J\ lpha Ch ,. a ·· MSll 1!11 1 11 and w11 11 !ht· jL,mior•,r 11ior li 111111r sod cty . Mike Mahurin , a forme r 111,ll c h 2(1 ) -2'i5 I Ii ~ ll·:1111 h:i.-. co111pdl!d in Co ll ege Oow l all -S iar, our look good,'' said A t tile ,.111H' 11111e. LI I rc gt011:il tournaments for I (I clrnncc~ Morri s, an MSU !):, Ila, d.-kai n l LSll \-111- of th us\! years, hav111g rin - IJavicl player. 1'hcd 11s hi)!h as firth , fourth, 1-lll 1
German state promotes investment advantages in EC market place . NlnV h.1-.; an cx tr~mc ly York . This is the curporntion i n Nnv l11gh pt1p 11 1:! 11 1111 lk11 s1t y wit h lnYCSlllll'III Aclr;rnlaJ::CS o four pnrt I:'Ill penpk p,·r .,q11ar,· mj le. orNnw den! with Gi lgl1r.. : , ummari10d lh L' f 1cnn ;111y u~•crall ha~ :1 popu trade and :ul vanta~,-, of NRW a, a in - 1:ttwn d,·n, 11)' 111 SRll pcupk Vl.'S IIn L'll l ., ih' for i\ 11wric111 pn :,.quan.: mik, Dr. Sil~llln , aid. (,•d . "" '" ' Tnn, wit h 11 ~Olllfl!lllil'S. by Brian Bullard - Tlic s1:11c ha, a 11111!1i111dr ol pup11 la1iu11 rou ghl y !he same Assoc. Editor industria l and i.:0nunciT1al ns NRIV had ~ pop11l :1111H1 clc11s i1y 111 I <JXII or 54 ..1 . Government ddegations s ill' !'> avili lahk·. lrom Gcnnany , Dcnmn rk uuu ll ha s :111 l· l'fit-it!lll pcrsnn:-. per :-.quail' mile.) D11sscldnrf, 1hc capi1al of Spain spoke 10 more than IOU commun 11.:a1h1n 111.'.tw,11k . student s, professors and - Thn..: an· m:111 y NRW, i, 1,,,·11 1cd one day 's husi ncss persons on 1h c n;si.; ar..: h ~llld h'r hnology lr11 vc l hy truck (11 iu1111 11111 advan tagt.'S nf in vesting in Cl: Ol l! f ,', df f1r:-.1 cla:,.." 11111<-s) f1<1111 Yi pcrcc nl of 11 11 of Eu111p l' !'> pu1rlin :-.i 111! th ~ir r~spl!c tivc .,;ountri~s• prop,1rlHln:O. lfl Ilic :-.!:Ill' . ~ power. It ~l~o lrns good areconomics frh . 17 al Clark . It i, di:1111l'lcri1,·d hy 1t1Gernw n illld Eurnpl'an ccss Sn,dcnl Center. l'C llll O lllll.: dy1111 111i., rn .rnd hi~hway.,. Dr. S11·i11,·r s.11 d. The Europea ns vi sit ed politica l s1nhil i1y. Ero110111y of NRW MSU under 1he :inspir es of ~ Co111 1h1ni i.:s wb.hi ng u1 111 · NI( IV ha:, 11 GN I' of -1-1(, <) 111<· Nexus Program :II San vcsl in NRW have fr~,· Franrisc~1 SI.th.: University :ll;c..:~s to lhi.; SL' l'V h.:l' S of 1he h,illiou DM, !Ill' largo t llf uny ~ratl' ll llll HO pen:cn t nn,tn Cie and MSU's Burcll ll of s1:11c·-~ Ero11 0111i,· Dcvt'lop nf 1he GNP ,,1 _lhi l'c,,pk's ll uc; inr.:s~ and Gnvi;rnmc nl l\1Clll Corp<>ra 1ion (E DC). \) ! Chu rn. NHW is c li lfrpuh Dr. Jciw:hi m S1d 11cr. h..:nd Rc,ea rch. lar~l'st \·xportt·r The Ge, man s1:i1,, of of the Nnrth /\111i:riL·:11_1 Divi• tht· l'k Vl' nth 111 lht..' ,, urld , pl:1r ing ii ahl'.ad NorJrh,·in-Wc,tful,·u (NRWJ siou ror 1h,: EIJC' . .,aid 1ha1 11f Ta iw.111, Dr. Stl'il1l'r s:i id . wa , rc prc,cnl l'li hy four NR\V. lo1.·:111.!d 011 lh L' wi.;sll'rn TIil'. t't'O llPlll )' w .1s tl nm i rncm t~ r, l' f 1'1 ~ ~1n1c's E,o- t,on.lr r of C c nnany Hl'.x t tn 11Ji<"d 1rad iti<'11Jll y hy 1h,· n>al D.;vc.: lop ijl t lll DL·nmnrk un tl Brl~111ni , 1~ the and ,\ l,'d 111<lus1rk, a11J had nom 1t· ·:, 51111,111)( 1 p,·npk l'111pl11i,·d 111 C'o rl'or,11 io11: Dr. Jnal' hi m l:iq;rsl Gl' n11a11 ,1! 1l l' 111 nH ~lri nc r. lil':HI of the North nlld 1101,11 1, 1,.,n \ 17 1111 1'1 1111) .'' , l' al ,;t S. \l :1 rC wl' it II Sl~plicn n: 1 n r • !J1v1 •-\rrn•nl°iln Ju1,g1 n, rro 1~·e1 111 :1n arc r: would i.in k m unhc1 1ll rl'l' 111 Mll n1~.1 U1..T k, pi Ofl.'l: I a, s1~· 1" 101 .; l11 1,\1r111_1,11u11 1 .1r1l·r
(Editor's note: second purl of suics which iutern ati onul im•estmcr.l.)
Sec page 2
IJiit, un d Kt \l ll (ill i:,: 11rc. lhl" L n11 ill' I pc r, 1, 11 1\•r t h l"
NC \\' Y,11 ~ ,111tl ( id d lll fll ,I.
frowd gathers to hear popular musi The Uni vc r, 11y 11f North lcxu, <ln,· O'chic·k l..11h !land pn lorn,l· d lwfn 1\' ;1 s1a11di11gnH1111 -1111 ly t..:rnwtl III thl! MSU Finr _J\n, Theater Tuesda y '\l' ll11 1): .
limm11 1y aw;ml no111 inati nns,
he sa id. UNT 011c O'cl11ck Lah Band S111d,·111., have cxlended their 1.::ircrrs in h;rnt.J."i wit h s uch ja11 gn·uls as Wo,Hly I kr111a11 , Stnn Kc nt11n ;Hid
Turn 0111 rm 1hc MSU
Mnynanl h·rt!u, 011 .
MSU', nc, 1 Aru , 1Lcc.: turc Saics pres.cn1:1tio1 will fc11lt111: Edward 1\ .\n~r on Apri l 19 al 7 p.111 . Ti ckcL, arc fn,c 111 MSU , 111d~.n1 · wit h a va lid s111dent ID an can he p1l'ked up in thl' Clar · S1111k111 C,·111,·r.
Ar1i ~1- Lcc tul't.: Snil'!- l:vcnl
wn~ s1) large 1hat :1rca residcnb . u11 1.'. 111p1ing to purd1 :1sc ll rkc ts 111 the duor were plai.:cd u 11
wni tin g !isl.
Undn 1he llirl.!eti1H1 uf Neil Sl:i1,· 1, lht: cnscmhk a
1H, 1g r :_1111
ho ur
,., "
1nc l11U in !,!
l'o111po:-.11l on, hy a n11111lwr \}I' p11..; 1 and prrst•nt jnn art i., ts ilS wel l :is a surpri:-.mi; 1111111her ,II pi~Cl'!'I wri lll'II hy
'. , :>-
•I .z". ~
" ~
lJNT :- tlldl' ll L\, . 11.IVing n.:c~n lly rl'turnr d 111.· r l ortr i11 g :i nd l ru 111
rcco1d i11 ~ in l'onu g.11, 1h,· !l:tnd h,1 ~ l11tm:d 1.•x(L•11.,ivcl y 111 ill<' U11i1,•d S1.11,·,, Enrnpe, 1\u !'Jtr,)!1 ,1,
tvh:xi r ,1 11 11 d
Canada. Sl:11c1 ,u ,J Till' ,1q!:u1i n 11 1rn1 h.i... ,1l -.11 1\ ' t:r 1\'t:~I 11 1.1 1l' d,un r,o 11.1t 11 H1J l ,I\\ J I d, h •1 t)(1th h.1nd :1 111.l 111J1\ 1cl u.d rn11 1111t.,'l(l' 111d t1 d 1n• 1 11 nu 111 b1. , 1H
l'!i ,,,,, \f 1r1i.1 ll, , cirmJ 1 11h,.nll y .t ' •11 th ,,JI, , .,, 1,,u, 1l , t", 1,, I•'• 11.m,I 111111lw l. dtli , lr • 1.i.i1 llu b,.. l, J , u,p~l l '"' u nu t a\11, • ll• -.i,,.J 1t11111ltnt (l't .a,i.,.ta,
\ISi 11UMt11
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er to the Edit or I-~Lett -~ =-: ~--~ .
G~~man state
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lndustrv Cl u51c rs ' C::n.Jrn (~ fX') ,· : cnm rJ·
:r: :~ , ·~:i:: ' ;'('.!l~ -:.i. ..· .. • -: TC"< r::', ::: • y ( !·, :: : ~·
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me s n:~d IL' ht: lnc w.:d cl, 1~ to c, :iL· Jn n1h1..~r fr•r cl li c1.:nt
~iriti~ftl·~:~ ;f.·~·}t:!t,J}i·~~t~·: ~~
prr du1.:t11)n A. k:nd of (,,y nagy <l ;:\ dnp:; ht: t >\:: t.:n comn1n11; 5 ·.,·hr-..h hd r, JII th(' ~{'l mp:m11,,.•, 1n .rn m<l u~ rry clusti:r tx:comi: nr 1 only rm · hig hl y hu t du c tin: . proli!Jhk. ~ Dr. Sti:incr sJi d Toda; th1,.• e<lJI .ind .\tccl rn dus:ric·, :n ~R\\ ' t.·mpln;, only ~0.0W prnrk lm ro r· !J nt n: •,l, indL. , m cs in the
.1, !':1." Sp('i:e " · '...J ~ : ~ ~~•._.:.:.:r : , ~:.'-..::. - -..:. :.:- .;-.:,.,::.• J .s..·:-..;? :cr •, .:. .:- - ; :..- ..~ ;::-tJ:..' ~.'"; :..1..:s :.;..•-..~- 'If,,1 .: S,:J \ .:' t<.- : l: fr. tJ-.t:n L~U 1.·•••• ~: "'- :_-: ..-
Dr. Sam \l' nlson
L ::;•r 1. .:;:: \ (I Lh:: . .-:- .11 :- Fr: .!.:.:,. :~:.0::::; B1. -:- . :i:= E 3 :- "- ks. a.:'.;, :-0:i -:"~ -~ . i.. __. i:-.-,i;'.- ,
B~· Alan 'tos,r \\ .3Stlington F:-e.s?J ..·i'.: Ci; :: :: ::: r. :d . . g~ i'::-1 hts L'-~"':'..:!: ::i n•w.:.:::: 1 .:p.u;st J:.j~ s :::1: fl'"' r::!S
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Tr:. 1.: .. _.. _ !,
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Wi::t: Hc o.;c oa • r J U~~ ~!-'1JI l~ 'J. :!5 ;:--ej)i,--,;:,: tr: 1r.:;<s: j.C"'.·.:::: l i':.:,.!i::od rn ilh ,;, n j -"J !1 rs w.-- n n c f Tk
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t ~ v. r: s I: .-. 1- !. :-:: v..'.:' th:: re~t -:., f .-i.:-:.t .::. \\'~ :11 ! E:-p. J t!~~ J;:. c1 ::.
&.e ::d::i iii.3.'.r:?.:r· :i b :t::Tt :,1 f to 115,c .: ::·j ex-;c_ i:~i: c::--d-:i
r:nrsr'...ll . •.i.~. in
p_r._ i:~~"' :-c-
r. o- gun.s L:n . v. l;-!i; f".c. brother!t \ 'rrc:I :!:'lj .\ ior~~:, E,1rp ~ j DoC H:. ::1:i~ si-:0t 11 O:!! \1,, :fr, tr.:.: Cl::H n g::ng. k1 lim :; B!::: C/:!:-1: ;; .:nd Tc, m :ird F,.!.:,l .\kl.:t.r. on . 0::L 26. lo" !.
:)~:-h .i Y..e j:'. I!\ ::ii
1::~ :i.
bdcr:! lc p >bt10:: 1.s ~:•.e:-1 c0:1~!d::i;).t1Jn
Sam Watson will speak at forum \\ :t· h,.: '-'-Iii 1h::n cc· mpJn·
B_,. Cindi 1- ahlc r Bell
Y: !t-lil .,,J G11 rhJc ~t":
St:s fT \ \ ricn
r :.:i . . J
r .. fr ;:n;_'f\
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c -I. F ., ,, Ir. P.1p•·n Tr..: -.1H• rdin:i1nr-. of th~ ,.,:r.. , _r~ Di" D.ik L1r:ckrr:Jn. .1.:,- .. 1-· ..· ri"i !-.:~- r r ni h1.st nr;..
Dr kll C.,mr~•:I!. pr,,fr ssnr c•i En..: ii,h . ..1nJ Dr Frl'.d St..1 ngJ.-_ , ,1x.:1.:i.t:: prnfr,<;r,r nf ~-- !-.. ..·j t-: lo:;: c ,1n ~ th 1, lr..!ml'· h1 r - A,, ... .: :.: - r:: form ~ ~:,:r :-: _'. R ·~ ~ ----------' tiot .! -: :! ~~-· . d.:.. : 1L• t-::n c- ~ L - - - - - - - - : Y.:.;:
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Rev iew
Coni:res:, The \Vhn::- H~:i s.e Jr..d Sen:lle Dcrnocr.n: ,· il!Jdr;:rs Tues ~y cn; ~hc~ J p:o}uscd co:i.!.UH;ri o:-...i. l :ir.i!r:dmen t IO
bll.'.!!ice 1J.e fed\!r.11 t, i;12i.:1 bv
- . 2001. Af1er :! !::rec d:=hJ!e. L~e initiative ,po~sor-.d ~y Sen. Paul Simoo. D- 1:1 .. fotld 6337. Propoi.c d ar::endmeats requm: a two-th:r.Js mJj :imy. or 6i vo:c.s. fm pas.s;zfe . Simon d:,rnh.:rl J iuture ' in •.i, ·hich in terest PJJ me nts '
kJd:.·rs ri:., 1 ;-; J tri ..·n \ :r, nrr::n:..J ,t:'.:i u: , '.\~-:n rur.,J:n;
Dental program earns nat-1·onal accred1"tat1·on Bv Cind,· Kahler Bell
sbrr Wri;tr
~!St.:·s den1ol hyc1 ene p:ogn:n rl!cl.'.:\c.:d rUI/ accred11.:u 1o n in }J nUJiy . ~fanh.1 S. Crump . rn~t ruc tor ol d.:nti l hygi:.:n~·- r,,:11 d. Th:: rc arc 29 'iludcnts enrolled in the d.:p:1n mcn1 JmJ graduJt!On fmm an acc red,t::d progrJm is rcqu1 rl!d to Sil in :my na uon:11 of st Jt:: hnJ rd examinatio ns. T he acc r~ditJll o n wJ, gi\ Cn by the Comm1s.s1o n on Den 11l Acc rccJi[.:.1tion. which
is J hrJnc h or 1hr AmericJn Dt."rH.tl ,.;,y;nc1~ 1i on. J SP<;!('iJlllCJ accrcdi1cd hody recog n1zl'.'d h·. th:: council on Post.s~condjry Accn:dllJtin n. Jnd th.: l ·nu.:J S1.11::s D::partmcn[ of Edct'Jt1tJn. T h.: progra m will he re\·t:.:·.i.cd .i~J m in 1999. Prog; am coo rdinat or. B::.trbJ rJ Dt: B01s sJid. "The dental h) gicn:: proc ram is lookinc strnnc~r than i\ ha.s 1n 7 :J numht.'r of ) ~ars and th<: .:iccrccl1u 1irm has just increased CJ ur chJncc.'i Jt longcvi1y."
fCbe ;;i;; d-;; ;;a~ k~ 12th i;-t~ - ;
f on f Western Regi s were recently ranked I21h ou1of 23 .schoof.1 in 1he Western
v. 1pc out funds for t:.duca1ion ~rid the poor .:1.nd fcrce 1mc rn.::t1on.il inv~sto rs 10 cut ofi credi t to the United StJ~ .. \Ve ought to sto p th is before w~ get to 1hc edge of the cliff." Sim on oddcd.
on the dt: bt wculd
Houston A Housion ar.:a Mu.slim family is 1'Ki ng for monetary dama£e~ from On Th e Border Cofcs Inc. becou, e the beef locos they ordered coniai ncd small amo unts nf
The ~1SL' checrfcoder ' . region vf Division II by t.:ni vcrsal Ch<!erkoding A.<1oc101ion. song. demonstrauon ' Tnt squad scnl in a videoia pe thJI consis1ed of a rhccr. fight two minu. le crowd a Jnd ance. perform ~idchne bling. tum and stunting like of .sidlh highlights.«:£meot.squads in each region received an a.u1oma1 ic hid 10 the na1ional The top thr~e competition to be held in San Diego on April 9 and JO. ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~
t t
Nails by Gayl~ Fe: s: ,Jdencs "<lly
full Set of S.-ulprs $2 ~ ffi h .. ·
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~ Yl-;;;t:t:r:;ff;i;;(s
Janis Howard
rG,•ls or T1fl'l
feo1ur() QwlrJ= Modl:i Chell COlllesl &Se,:y Sift,ouelle Coole1t 13oo.1Upl'ielcome Ho,'!e,1!(4)40{)of'(e¼J!ic 3/IIC~;eld l>Qb-00',5
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tech nriln~ y. ;rn.l mJti:n.1 ls Jung"L:n ,.H<l \"R\\' ;, fiht dc 1. cl opm 1..·n1 tcch~ol ng1~·; _ of the 16 Grr:nJn st ate, ,0 ~ Pni.: of the.¼: n..:•.i. ir.dusm:.:, !erms nr IOri:1,b'n lfl\c ,t rr.~nt t"<1 strd in \R\\' tn, Jny "!lh 2 R. ➔ hif l,011 0 \ 1 ,,.. c: q,:d pn mJnlj 111 rr::rnu1:i ... ~i~~lg~ ..! s~~~~~l~~ irt) )'r..'.Jr, \lun n,g Hc-,....:n I" nL , : \~llh .. Science and Rcsc:irch 27 7 011111 n D~! w111t tra hose in 1'· Rw nn1y of thi!-.t in th~ h:mk. mJJ - 1'-RW hJC', h::c nrnc J fi ing 1nJ J:-.1ry 1:i Fran lfu rt. h~ ccon nrmc pmi.crhnu.1. i.: ti ~- ,Jid cause Clf two (Jc[c,r,. fir~ t. 1.hc T he L·nn ..·<l St:.ill'.') 1, the st.:Hc: ·.,; sc1c:ncc Jnd h!gf.::it fr1 n: ifn Jll\ L:-. \Or in ba se. Second . the high ~ R\\' and rqm,.:,~nti.::d hv quJl1ty or llS '.\ Ork fo rct:. " such A ma!CJn 1-:' c· mrJnil'., :i·, Ste phen Junc~n. proJCC t l-kwlc1 1 P.1,brd . lnerr,.ofl mJn.1cc r or· i hc i\"o rth Rand. Furd. 3.\L JnU J0hn.\on A.mcn(·:m Di nsio n of \ 'R\\ ..s and Jnhn~u n. Jt:n;~n \..uJ. EDC. rn d. Thi: stJ!c.: t:..1. ~ 50 u n 1v<.:rs1Economic Dc \ clopmcnt t1c.~ .:md p,1I) tcchmi.: institu1cs Cnrpor:lli on in :\R\\° ,, 11h n'. er 5(IO.l ~X1s1udcnts 31 logy .1n ;, ,.. n:.: um.:. 45 techno Mnnik:! Bed,. r wJc·, t a;. contrrs and 1cchnolof y r ark.s whic h func1ion like new sistanl SJid 1h01 the EDC 11 n:~pons 1hk for puhli( n:!J. bmrness rncuh;itors. Jnd 25 Jnd ;uh :rt1~,ng tion!-. tcrhnnl1\gy tr-Jn, for ~gcncil:s. nn g_\'R\\' J.') .!fl Ci..'O· (CJIU_ an.: acc.:ncii.:.s T~:: lrJnsfc r nom1c tn',L' l !m1,,.· n1 Sill' . ~t up hy vJri1us ~ni n .· rslli~ J I .1c uv:11: , fo r Jl· to hi..'.'lp domcsuc and fo rd gn prnm1.ll10n JncJ GLTffiJn companil.!s identify those LrJcting forci,:!n (ancc /or : J ~:-.1:-. invc!-.lors exto need 1hcy tcchnologi:.:.'i in comp.mies t.•d NR\V-b.1_1. pand th~i r hu,incsscs. They d:.!\'Clop 1ni; m.:w i"on.·1gn marC\'C n assist th:: compJnics in :.ind 1c~ ;idv and ts; m.1king the husinl!Ss connl!c - ki..: for Gi:rmJn :rn d ti ons necessa ry to Jcq uirc assistan1.:e cnmp;in1~., inti: rc.st::d lh~se new tcch nolm.'.11!.'i . Jun- fore ign !inL! in N RW \ in in\'l.:'.~ ~ gen sJ i<.I . B~r k outlined lt,,w EDC i\"RW universities ar~ rs might assist ranked firsi in all of GermJny proji.:ct man:.1g1.• n comp:m) frnm AmericJ an in sur h importJnl technica l su n ey111g Ult: of steps first it~ engineerelectrical as lds fie rk~ 1 for poss,hk ing , compu ti: r sc ience. Eu ropean mo sitl!S, h1 i'XrD· l! rin manufoctu and ng, engineeri l mechanica ing in on One ~nc in a mathcm:11ics, Jungen said. particular country, to ncgotiIndustrial Training ~Hing ,i.'. ith local go ve rnm::nl inNRW The s1J1c·s polytochnics authoritie s fo r bui lding of in: ins1i1u1es have fess absirac t permi ts and "fcttr r.s curricula 1han the universities tent, " to co nclud ing the and teach their siudenL, 1hosc contracts and implemcnt inc skills required by industi;ies the project. • in the state. Most students in
Thursday,.A pril 14, 1994
Tifkets arP S5 and niJJ he availahll beginning ·Uareh 21st in tl1e l1ark StudP11f fenf Pr Offirr 1
eye cdor i, {un and a{f<miali,;
P.oat~'""1s f,unyrur~•: i-q TSO
Gn n1Jn.
D.L. Ligon Coliseum
st.11c .ui: ch ..·m 1dl. m..:r.:hJm· c::il cn~10l'.cnn c!. ( C1m put cr 'iO fl\!o'Jrl' dL'\ ~l fl;,mi:nl. h1n-
Championship savings on Duraso[t; 3~Colors
i Pai OrJ; S119Alte1a S IORl:-l'Jal!:
):oo '.)re~ 'J! ; 'Ji err. ':iX 001 Drh>! &Dr:,i ~ u,1, 00 pr-,
dt: ,·:: lu r 1.·d \'-J' · 1?1Ju5,:r;c!ustcr_;," Dr Srt:1rc.:r !->J ld. Jndus trb l S tr ;1tl'i;!) 'O f
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TIIE Wkhitan
Thumln •, \l mh .l, 19iJ1
l'a d
C?nd0ms not educatin Midwestern notes increase g • nontrad·t· I 1onaI StU dents ~i! Ill lh• KellyWcbhM01 t:.illnr >Icy 10 /:pi~,~~~~~~~po~sibility
fo r students'/ Is s~;c~•i•cs condom machines lo s1~J111 g
fre • · e informati on on AIDS 1'.~;:~;~•;.c~/1:~•~~'rti~~;'.
lo have such thin gs,
.ippropr~~t wo uld he morl!
Kelly Webb ~lohlcJ
tr:nht ,nn.d ' " "1,·nr'
Shi.: h d11\'lll P 15 mil o nnl'
1own 1, .1mJ II• t'1.1 111t1rn11. ,ill y hi.: th•r tl1Jn nw•a ,d11 11 1I\ T h\'1 1.'. l 'I , 011 1\· r\Jt no n1 r.1l1 111 on,1I ·,l llLk nts, hu l h\l'.l'a ll lllt'y l' njuy unrn ~ '" c11lll'!'L' D1 l~1 1d1 1i; 11c1 :-..1111 he
nllntraditional s1udcn~is one there :1rc ~n 11111 11 y n1mtradiwho is ~5 years or older. ti1111:1 I \lutk nt, 111:tl.c, me fed
w.1y, h.1, :i l'I yt·.ir•ohl »Ml who I.\ a ~ ·111 01' Ill hi t:11 , l.'. hrnd am! .1 ltl •yl•,1 r·1,1rJ wli n i, Ill c1J; hth graJc :111d l:1kc" 12 h1)11r..; She , :,id tl 1c lu1=1•1..•s1 d1 ~:1drn 111 .1!_!L' 11-. lier is , "T1y111 c 111 jugi!ll' L11n ily, homl· mu! ·~ d, onl " Bui ilir at.Jva ut:i gl: IS
:,;t:~~~-t;:-::'.'.~. ',',·t;~:,"'..~: '""'" llll lll ll o
uni ,°c,r;,i7;,''~~.}~id~~~~tfJ : c,nnl ;;:.tu,~:~:c:/'\ ~·;~\ , A11 ·
sec wh.-re y,11 11 cdu,.,11on "
~, \','~'
Iowa the ~,s ?n~ ~:~'rc~-~~ ;ji~~c-C:tcading or venereal Th e onl y prevention 1 ~r,~,•; ;;~~hc~ h~ i1~~ ~'~eis -~t\i~:ovc~ I 00 pcrccn·l ~nt c ag:i 1n~1 HIV/ AIDS
},;'~'1\!i~I •;~'~:~k;':;~dp~:~~-~ of l-k al~o ))ilirJ 1h~ll hc1.:aU.'- l' 1 11 h!\~i~:r~~:~ i::,'. ~v:::,t;;:~s pi,::c1~ 1~ haskit~~II o~~dcampus from :~~/~'t:·1~: l:11~~1': n:1~ :~:~r~1~~~~·.~1~ lo ·hand ~on1 'SL~"~v~cr ~·amps or nontraditional s1ur.Ji.=11L..;.
111king the caliy way out Just Pirsl of:ill, no m:.iu . h you s;,iy ii , in a rcsolu~~ ow otherwise, pl acing conc~o~~
machines on campus is in wny an altcrn\1l1\·c to ~d no 10£ people ahout AIDS urat. Co~dorn s help lo~,;cr th • not preve nt -~
~nt~ t:omiideration th at MSU
h·~~ ~f
d vci° crca di se ases con oms i.1vc nol Secondl y, the studcnL1i on 1lh1i_sldcarn pus arc adults, not c I rc n; thcrcfo ri: should • treatcd as adulL~ . he When one g~aduatc.<1. from college and goes to wo rk an employer is not go· ,
.' •
l~~~~g,\~~- Jake
"Enf"Y' tho )'""" ~er <tuJenl • '" " 1:.,,1,I J. ,,,11,.,11 r., r ru JJI
l.1 !i11 Bn)'!.'.11 ...:, .1 ~i.: 111 nr
m:1!'-.~ r n111111t11m·a1 iw1 m:1111r. Nn nlrad11ional students !-,lid , h l' drn•, not "frc l pre'> nrc nn the rise Ill MSU In r:1II ~u rc fr~in 1y11 u11gn ~111,\i.: n" .. or l99~. tnl!ll l!n ro llmcnl nl She drive'- 15 m1 k ~ ,1111.' undergrad uate s1uden1s \\'a., way, wo rks 25 tt, lO htllll'!. 5. 1., 8 and upprux ima1cl y pa \\•cci.. , take, 15 ho ur\ and 1,7-l6 \\'lTC non tr.adi1ional. !\till munugL'!\ IO make th l' rvlS U's c.kfinition uf :1 c.l c:tn \ li!\I "The for t th.it
a m.ich1n ~ '\gl!t lhl!m frn m If c: m ~ I: h;11hrnn m'.' :.1hout on~ ed s insl·c urc c:cntcrJ/H ng l o tlu.: hea lth ~ton: wh~t~~lltn lhl~g1nci::ry som~onc ~ ..' ~nc o when hathroom hcu, t icm 111 the uymg c11nclrirn.\·, If yo u arc not adult ~~olughl lo he rcspon, ihlc and 1 You j~s;c n~f:~tlh ncii°~"!· , Jt~I~
educating tht:m or i~ it ~nLc;
;~~~,t:(;~. 1~;;~;, L ~n1~,'~· ~:;',: vcn,1t y of S11u1h Flmid:i.
~~ri:;;1~1ig~ r~~:i r: :tc
will thi s p~· t .
lil t i~rngc
"Ms r ray lo t wsc du is . the pl ace s ~~:~l~n~tc~tvu}nh!~ . . . . i.: c i; 1v in i; in fom1a11on to every stude nt ~~de•,:~~; a~o~ t HI V/A ID~ tdl inl! th i.: ca.. he isc:ilscs an k'd ,,
~~ ;;
cm, t con y way to
ply them with cond~~ !° sup- ~~:•,~~~~ .. ones se lf ,s lo St udents allending colWe ca n't have it hn1 h lcge_arc responsi hlc enough ways. 1\ hvc don therr ow n, have Stud ents al MSll ore JO, s an_ vote ro.r the prcs i- adults: however. it's not thl' dent , ol the Unllcd States. responsibil ity or MSU 10 Hop,Jull y, one would he re- supply condom, 10 the irrc spons,hlc enough to ci1hcr sponsible student,. protect themselves or just say If sludcms say ye, 10 no. . puu ing up the m:ichines, the n It 1s not the responsrhilit y the y arc saying il's OK 10 of MSU lo hold the hand, of have sex, and w take a students and say, "here arc chance with your li re. yo ur condoms, which an: not I applaud the ,1uden1, 100 percent effecti ve agai nst who arc ahs1ai ning and arc HI V/A IDS and venereal d,s- tell ing others 1h rs ,s the on ly cases. But yo u coul d he one way 111 pro tec t yoursel f from ~;1:h: ;1: 1;:na1~ ~ ~t ~n~rno~ ~ !::,~~ds and ven erea l venereal disease. Rcmcinhc r. MSLl and the stu de nt thL·sc condoms :1rc here to go vc rn mc n1 can pro perl y educate you ." educ ate s tu de nt s abou t
Furthermore, the Vinson HIV/AIDS and vcnerc- 1 disHea lth Center prov ides free cases without .,upplying con• condoms. They also pro vide doms
The Wichitan 3410 Tall Dil'<l P.O. Dox 160 Wichi•1 r ans. Tcxa, 76J08 New~ dc:.,k: 689-4704 A<l\'cnh-ing tlc.,k: 689-4705
Belle Malone Adviser Kelly Webb Mobley Editor
Brian Ballard Associatt' Editor
Dara Howkins Advertising Manai;er
Eric llccks Busint'.'i.'i Mat1llXt'r
DrewM)'crS Sports Editor
Dean Lawrence Entertainmenr Ecliwr
Staff Reporters Cilldy Kal,/er Bell, Charles Cage, Spena r Fri,i/1, Afa11 Moser, Liz Riclwrd.w11 Photographers Bra11don Olds, Edirar A1arcus Clt!veland
Copy Editors Brue, S,mrh Dt•n11 Lnwn•nct
Circulation Mnnager Jason Malone
Cartoonist Waylon Green
Music Re,•iewer Melissa S11//iwm
Asst. Circulation Manager Eric Self
Advertising Rcpresentitl'eS Rondy Brew., ter, Jason Tucker Graphic Artist Ja.rnn fa(rchild .. The W1chi1tm is a mcmbt:r orTI1eTcx:1~ Copyright 199-1, 11/t' W,clur~m: LI The College Pn:s.o;Sc rvicc. TI,c h11ercnlkgi.1IC Press ~ssoc~,~~;: ;~ maicri il.l suhmiuctl for publil'i\li~n Wichitan reserves the n ~ll 1 inions expres.....ctl are not IIL'Ce.~anly 0 and In refuse on)' at1,·cru~ ~ncn:io/or s!utle nl body nf ~fo.hwi-1cm S1.1tc lhosc of lhc fac ulty, adln: 11: : n consensus or the cn un.: Widuwn :-t.,rf. Uni\'crs i1y am.I may no! rep • 111
Letter policy J lett ers of opini on from facu~ty, The Wichil•n welcomes a l Id be bri ef an d wi thout ab w:1ve rtuden ll, and /IU IC, Letten ~o u d h uJd l■nru ace or per.onal atta~ ; ho writer ( not type d) an . • o Letteu m\U l be s iped y and a ddreu for verifi ca tion pur; include • telepho~e o um1:i:..hed •ith t he 11~th o~~: ::e Poeea. All lettert will bee~umad• ..,u h th e edJ tor. •rranreme nt.11 h 3 ve be edited fo~ ,ramDJ.•r only. , the Fa in Flne Aru Center, D103 Tht1 Wh: h iUn la loc.• tcd in
, 11111
l1.1d11 1111 1al "1uden1,
ll\' 111011..: h,i; hly mn11\·:1lCJ whi! 1~_:;~·1~11~\':~:~~•;,/,•)1: \ ~H:?i 11 1 I.lie 11,r hi,
it ,:•;,•:,l::;~,;~'f~~':d~~~
kac~ ;);,;~11nc l< m<'<'. a ,eni"r :;:;•,:::~:\:~:~: l~'•'t~·r ~·,;',\,:: ,~:'.'[\:~
Lisa Boyette
l 11uh. It•
~1\~ ~.: lo/;,; ..: ":~~} ~.~- :~::.\'~: ~~ II X ·~ I I ·u1<l 1 1 1 I\ ta king a ; ~•:~:·.:i:ai~: ,:ur::k:;-IC·l•i,'.;;;•;, i:~
::~.~~~:::'(;~.~~ ~1'.,~1~',·,/ \;: < :~ 10 fer! peer p1"L·,~1irc." B111 She ~:ml cine or lhc d1sadnnl' or ihc disadva nla!_! c~ is v;1111i1!,.'. L'~ is :-.h..: h:1, "1\n rime th at "I um 1u11 frl'.sh out of 10 !,, llll1 y ,,r hea~ ,ll' liv..: in exI 1ra -cuir 1L11lar :u:11 vi 1ie.~ " sll1d~1~1t; •h~,;:11; ~;~~1 ~~~i!t~}'1~ r~~':i':1:~a:~:1v~tl:~ Hnwcvc 1 rif lh~ ;1d\';i11I II ., I r••snnnsih il ity or 111II !-., c.:ar l:J L'L"~ i, ., ht· "did no t n.:;i l_lll' yo nn!,!a 1:niw( ·, · ow uo I ll')' ..., ,. td w:;,;~t ,,,:~",'."ra,'.·,w;~ ri::ii~nc.~1, in suranc e nnd '~.:i,·:;~1i:~11tr,~,·r':~;t::;:: d' Cindy Piper, a fr, shm un very ' "Jll><1rt 11·c ,, Arc tlll.: rc ;.nlr:1111:igl'S ur IS· nursin•• ma.1·or, :-.a id ~he. Row.,; Jt h.kd th at l\1SIJ I~ ad v:rnl •1 ~i:, in hcmg a nonr-
"''l! '"
how unpw t:1111 JI Y.":J!\ f<1 r hl:r tn g( , 1,, ..:n lh.: J:!c 10 prepare ha :-.1: lf lor 1h.,; l11 t11rc. M.111 y m1111 r:1di11un:1 I !ilu ·
,1 ,,
dcnh ad11111 h:inl Ju g· J;lc a l.1 md y. Wt1 rk unt.l !<ll'll rn d, hul tl u..:y M'. C th\! 1m-
JM lance of an cdu,;u 11un and rnivc ha1d lo , uccecd '"
,..:;1rni ng thc 1r colli.:~c diploma
Catherine Rowe
Cindy Piper
L---------------------------------o JI Commentary
Senate receives ~~t ~~. .!~-~""~~~~
By Brian Ballard Assoclalt Edllur
I congratulate the MSU student senate for voting 10 request that 1he adm inistration "install condom dispensing machines in all MSU rest rooms in academic and student service huildings" and to encourage "the Vinson Hea lth Center and the AIDS Awareness Commillec to design a comprehen sive HIV/AID S education pro gram which stresses the prevent ion of HIV/AIDS through ahstinencc and latex condom use. " Why congra111latc them ? Because those senators have looked this deadly disease in the eye and not blinked. Although controversial with some, this vole was not onl y courageous hut a highly responsible, although belated, step towards safeguarding the public healtl1. Doing what is possihlc 10 safegu ard public health must he 1he primary criteria on which we evaluate thi s action, not the morality of certain population groups and certainly not the resolutions's public relations im • pacL Yes, the vole could be misinterpre ted by some im portant MSU puhlics as encouraging MSU studenls lo ha ve promisc uous sex. But that misconception can easily be overcome wilh an intc• grated communic:11ions pro• gram 10 get the 1111th out What is that tru th? The intentio n of the student senate is to save student lh·es and snfeguord student henllh in these dangerous times. As of Ja n. 6 this year, 93 people have hcen diagnosed wi th AIDS in Wich ita County and 44 have died. An additiona l 94 persons urc HIV positi ve. These sta1is1ics from the Texas Dcpartmcnl of Health verify AIDS has
Jong hcc11 present in our 1985· 7- pcn:c, partners with whom one has community and will continue sc ~u.a~ or _h~s.exua.l, 117 ~er~~'~.1 unprntcc h.: d Sl'X . the grl!at.cr to he a puhli, hca l!h mcn:1cc. ~ i.:n.: rn_t r~~ i.:mi~,~ ~ .U.~r·.: likclih ou t.J hchd1 c will Ed MJtclsk1 : ~ise:~sc In- four pi.:rc~nt \~~~~ nt all\~a~1~~ con1ra1.: t the disease. . tcrvention Spec,ahsl lor the and on_e_ p_c ,., One need not he prom,s\Vi chit a Fall s- Wi c hi ta hem oph• 1."'."' : , '~11 . ,111~ euous w get AIDS : it could County Health Dcp:irtment, grnups were st,g'i"''.u ~ed ' 1 be cont rac ted frum unp rosaid in a Wichita Falls pnlrucall y .~owcr cs~ m tee led sex one time with Times/Record Nl!ws story commuruucs. Somi.: P~ 01 ~ soml!Olll' who is also not Feb. 22 th at the co,!inty's even . rcga rd ~d th ese_~• mrp.s promisc unu, but. had unproAIDS infection rate IS . ab~".! as d;?os~h~e p:;rculj:i::i:- of tee led sex on_c llmc wllh un lhc same, gi ve or lake a kw . d.o~: c~c_r. other counrrics mfl!cted pros tllutc or lowr. perce n1agc points lO other th e JScasc 111 . . Will constant u, e of con11 1 Texas ~o untics with similar n~t rel~ ~~:)~ ~~ ~~~.0Sl.!X· doms ~urin g sex gua rant..:~ 111 populauon totuls. . . . u,, tr,insm,rn cclural Africa one will never ge t AIDS 1 . AIDS penctrn11on ,n W1- . AI_D\rn ohscrl'ulion in Prnbahl_y ll{lt ·- , onMom s 111 1 1 1 ~l~::c~~ 1 :\~ c::;'1y"]~80~ indicat~d ~;~;:,~e/: lr;~•;:~;. a:;~a~~;~ medical education institution trunsm.• ~s.,d0 '1, ~ru'.i,anl] s .: rcw people get any train ing in North Central Texas, had unp(Olecle 1icte,ose,u,, · e · in ho w 111 use th em ag gre ssive ly initiated TI,cmural mea~s w:is ."".h: n effecti vely. HIV/AIDS education in the male truck dn vcrs visuc_d lfowcvcr, the Presidential community in 1984. Thal _is fom_alc pro, t,tule_, . 01 11 ;~" Commis.,ion on HIV , the Na· when AIDS li rsl appeared m variou s s 1opovers. T1 Y tional Academ y ol Sctcncc, the city. hccamc infected and carried and the U.S. Surgeon Gcncrol MSU's failure lo act the disease 10 their wi ves and have all endo1'cd condoms as prnactivcly resulted in an in- childre n. an effective way to reduce tcllcctual and moral vucuum Michael Fume n!O in "'nic the risk of HIV lran,miss,"n. reg arding AIDS and Myth of He terosexual Abstinence from sex is AIDS/HIV education in Wi - AIDS ," cited a stu dy ol the only sure way lO avoid chita Falls. For many years homeless I J th ro ugh 18- gl' lling AIDS thr"ugh sexual Dr. Robert Mcllroom was the year-olds in New York City intercourse. Yet, rcw (>f us al only doctor who wo uld lreu1 in 1990 which showed rates MSU, yo ung or ,,Id, single or AIDS patients in the ci ty, of HIV positivity of 6.88 marrictl, traditional or nonforcing many with the illness percent in the ma le subjects 1rnditio11al, whate ver our sex· to seek treatment in Dallas and 5.56 percent in fem ale ual affinity, arc ready 10 \Oland 10 add to that city's AIDS subjects. This stud y slrongly un1aril y kad li ves " r cnrns1a1is1ics. suggests 1hn1 heterosex ual plelc chastity. McB roo m, ap parentl y transmission of the vi rus i.s So thank you David dishcnne ncd, eve nt ua ll y spreading rapidly in some Morris , scna lor- -Divcrsity; abando ned his prac tice and pop ulations in the United Mary L:ind, scnstor--S\VAT; moved away. The other doc - States. und Jo hn Gerhard, senatortors feared with good reason The key fa ctor IQ the Pierce Hall. for inilis11 ng this that treating AIDS patients rapid spread of the di sease resolution 93/9-1-5. Let us would cause them lo lose virus th rough a human popu- hope the hoard of rcgcnL, and other patients .ind hurt their lation hy scxuul 1r:1nsmi~siun the admim.s1raunn will lnllow busintss~s and t\.:pu t;Jtions. is whc1hcr the dom in~.m t 1:ul- your cx:impk und t"..:Jrll'.)\l y The li rsl AIDS housing sup· tural pa llcrn is relatively look this puhlic hi:ahh dul • port center also fa iled for monogam ous (one ;cxua l lcnge in the eye. lackorcomm un11y , upport. partner for li fcJ or mon· Wi1h ,,,·er 90 ,fl()(I Arn rn• The reaso n .. there was polyga mou., (many sex ual ca11s with AIDS :ind "" e,ti such a , 1igma abou t "·"o~,a- part ners) . Whether the popu- mated I 10 I 5 mi llion i\mrr • Lion with AIDS is tha1dunng luti on is hctt.'rosexu:i l or ho• ica ns lc.·:-.ung ll lV r11~111, l'. :J\ the earl y years ii was char~1.:- mosl· xua l ha, n<1t yet hcen of J9CJO, we nct'd on :i 1,~,\::~ tcrizcd in tlic medi a :t.t; :..i d1.s- pro ven Ii > he u , 1J! r11fic;.in1 s1vc AIJ)~/1 11\' cd 1a.1t1o n c.ise of homr):;,.• xu:il.c rJi.:l<ir prni:; ru,n i111 ;\1'-; ( 1 ,1n<l \\' 1TI1i"' wJs hotnl' nu t hy the Fl,r n10,1 \1SU , 1u Ji.: 1~Lc; , ch11.1 I .ill, \vl11d1 wil l ~llvt' stal i.m , , c,f llit> di'l.·,1-.c m.tht.· thl· mo1i 1 l,!..l· I)' WJ) thl'y slmfon 1 Int·~ ornl s~1frguunl Unnt<l StJll..'~ 01 1t1l· 5. ' 1 "1 would c< ullr:.11.:t AIJ"lS trdJ~ 1, i;tmJt nt hrllllh in tlw,e 1fh11 • "ho hau di~J 1.11 Alf)~ ~-. 1 •ro11::!, linp111tn. 1n l -.:.: x \,1,1/ h i;-rruus timt~
~d '."'t
:S~l~fi t;~a~~~~
l':I c 1
Thuo,bv, .llarrl1 .l. 1?11I
Movie Review
Seagal 's new movie receives criticism t, y l) ,·un
rt'n n ·
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Music Review...
'Enigma' albu m is relax ing
Santa brings good news San l:t C bu ~ mnd1.· un
1111 •
~d1l·<lukd v1:-.ll 111 W1d111 J
r-atl.. Tlrnr,; tl ay mnrn 111 i; 111 ;mnri 1111 tl· the hq.'. rnnm1: ,11 .1
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The nr,, d1:- pl. t) w,11 hi.'. ll ll' ~ Ill'." d 1., pl;1) Ill f\' , '1 \~ nJ hut/1 h, D, 1n ti c1r1 of the F11 nt:1., y 11( I .q; ht.'- ' d,· '-1 L: n1.:d :md . f\ 1Sl1 ,l \ ,\ 1'\. 1:1ir r r11 • ·n~lld IL I U ~I.S .20111 ;mn ivcr,:1ry on th r IL'"1 'i' 11 f 1hr .11 rr :md hl'J J ,ii l':11\lru:-..
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11111H·, ,, 1th "T hl' F yn (1/ Tru1h ." :1 ~1·H· 11-1 111rlll h ' ~, 111.~ ,., mpl l·, fr ,1111 "Satin ~, , [\l.' 11 E,lf,.,.t,1111111111I l'11m 111 ..: n1 n l ,1 11 11 Dr l' p /'.i n I " .1ml ...·ml ~ w 11h the 111i.: ,1nrn 1h 111' ,, ,l \'l'' :ilm l' :md y" l:ih l.ul I Swl'l' " \ I 1in•,a 1h,· ., h11t1.· E nl f ll~ :1 , " R1· 111rn o f 111 11 11 • l r.1,hrn~ .1~. 1111 ~1 l tlil'..:l· 1111 lh,· d1,i.: I~ \Jill Tt.ll l 1\; j)1111 WII I Ill (1 11 \ l r k, 1•1 1111, nl·,, 11 11 .1,1..· m mu - "lfr lll rn 11, ln111 1l',·11n •." wl11d1 i, h1· 111 l: pl.L )l'll 11 11 KNIN :1., wel l :1, li l".I\' )' nit:1lin11 Oil Kl >(il. I 1i: ;i ll y ll~ l' 1111 ., I lh , 11 n·, l:111j,:t 11 .1 da l 11 1,1,1 )T, ir, aJ.;1, w11h " "'adni:~, .,iln i.:. wh11 h 111du,h- s a l' lll :il \11 1,; 111 !! 111 h·rl:1c 1• d \1· 11h :Ill P.in I ," hul th 1:y h:n1.· ll'I 1:1i 11l y n. p.111dcd 1m II w 11h 1h.11 d 1. 111 1111 ~ tlh' Jf IIL'\\ :.ilh11111 "Thl' (' 111 \\ i\ ,· ,1 ,111 th e d 1w " rhc uf C h.lll ~l·~ " I'll up lil un t "I Lu, ,· You "Th l' Cn1.,, nl Ch.rn1: c," KIi i Y11u, " w/11d1 L"- ~urc to 1s :.i chan ~~ nf p:.il·c lrc1111 llh' 1mrn..:.,s anVOfll' whn hi:ars ii. dn \'d 1h :1 1 i:: 111 p.1 ~:. a ~ 111u:.1l "S11l-11t W:unnr" l'lll'1 •1J1 · th1.•~,._· d:.i y~. hut the l'han l,'.l' 1, rr u.:kc t,; ~ll l'l.:l'., sful and d 11..:.~11 ·1 c 11111 i: p:t,~l'S rl· la~ in !! nh: ltHl ii.: w 11h ~ dmp111 off as bl1rin )! or rq x·111m.:.
1h ,11
h.1lk t! r1111nd 0111\ll', J u<J " D1\·;~rn ol 1hc l>1dpl1111 c." 1., :rn olil l' r ,1111!,'. th .JI l1.,n nrl·a n w,1n· :-n und l'lit', h Tiu., .al hulll 1~ 1\·l.1 xrn!! h wn11 ld lw 11k:d 111 111 1n ll up lnud :111d 111,1 Iii: 1111 lh• · hl·d :111d 1.1ll' thl· 11111,rc 111 :1flcr a lt111 1! d.1v :11 w,1rl.. . l1 '~ v..:ry t1,~1~nc1.' hut .,1,nll:lrnu-, d1f. li.: t\' lll 1!- 11 1.\ I hc ll L'I
t Puzzle
Hollywood Recording Artist A.D. A.D.
~;U-y $2. 00 SUP RJS E A.D.
COVER : OVER 21 $3 .00
UNDER 21 $4.00
TI-IE Wlchit:in
~-- --- --- -=S~p~o=;;r;:;t:::s==========Thu;;;rsd3:;:l'· a~er dominate .,,,,~"'"""n Baptist University Wayla d'
SlllfT l<eportcr ~lidwcSlt,rn State I Ch 3 rlic Sage r ;nad .,cad hy Gaald Stockton's lac coach ,n D.L Ligon Corsi game ,ucccs., The 6-foo ISeum a ;cnior scorcdaca~· lO-inch points and pulled htgh 34 rchuunds to lead lhc ~wn_ IO nd,ans 10 a IO 1-87 victo Wayland llapu , ?uovc.' rival nl\crs11y Sa1t1rday night. ., The_Indians a., a team h·• , _, a,sms on lhc c,·. _-d (Rohen Ringo led Wit ening a, Sager was lhe hcn~t,'~ht) of mo, 1 nf lhc pas,c ,c,ary dencc of his 15- JR ~ a., e_v,. 10 from the licld Mo:: n11n_g .shots came within th, ,~f his cc feet haske1. the of MSU began 10 ta k. c conin 1n1I 0f the game 1I half when Eric Henk'.C'c ~rn~:
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E.J. Coir lhrcc- po_ins hll hack lo h,ck 1 Indian., 1;,: i~ rs tha t pw the lead 0137 _ fi r,;1 douhlc d_1!'11 27 111111 J -10 kit Ill the hair _Howeve r. Pi oneer guard nailed _r.indon Schneide r 1 0 bring l\'~ lhrcc-pniniers 11, 1 but a Sa ,). an_d Uaptist hack. line jum g~r la )'up and ha.ic J, lead Per pve MSU a -l-l · · S at halftunc. 1 whc·,:t~' 1_P ck_ed up rig ht second hal d t nil h1 hcgin the of MSU's f_.is he scorcd eight whcn,Ja; ftrSI IU pll1n1.1 and three ._on Pat)' c,,nverted a Indian~~~-' opportunity. lhe lead of ih}~;;~de.the•'.'.,(hl1~~cs1 57 • A 1 • hy Pinne~r forward brou •I ,Jonie Arbu ckle 10 within 11 at 6 J .5fi \ BU 1h close'., u; a_t wnu l~ he as
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:cgul;.1r .sl!ason in rare alnd 1mprcss1ve form as lhe defea ted lwo Top 20 learn~ :c~r~~rpassed two dll-timc
In a n clcc1rifyin performance Saturday nigh~ the Lady Indians defeated No. 20-rankcd Wayland Baptist in front on 3.500 fan s at D L · · Ligon. _S,,nior Lynn Buckmaster draine d 40 point s which boasted her season pnrnis IOIJI lo 622, capturi ng the alllime 111d1 v1d11al record for the mos l poi nts in a season Ironically . ihe old sing l~ season record was held hy 33-
Louisiana Tech Road Race Soulhwes1 Texas S1a1e Uni versity ~ , Road Race
April 9-10
Texas A&M Stage Race
,~ ·..:-,"} ~, / ~\
April 16-17 Texas Tech Stage Race
., \ ,' :' .
April 23-24 Conference Championships/ Southwest Texas Stale University
MSU's next acunn wdl he in Brownwood 1his weekend for the Southwest Reg ion lflUl11:l111Clll.
Dudm:1~1cr :mtl frlhl,, SL'11111r ~fmd y Myl· r~ c,lmlH ncd Jnr D of ~ISU\ 1;11a l 15 J'"""-'
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Collins finished with 15 pornl<while Oa11 Beasley had 12. Anth ony Ma)'ficld led the Pioneers wi th 21 points and former Rider Hi gh School prod net Ton)' Wagner finished with 18.
Lady Indians set two ~told team mate Loune11e - ctel who scored 6 I I poinL, 111 1 ~\J_978-79 season . _ ayland was playing me rea l ha rd . hut I cn1 a lot of grea t sc n:t:n s .. from my tc~m matt:s lo ~l!I mu. frL·c:: ... said lluckmaster "Brcaki~.g · Lnu ncttt: 's record is nI<.:L', huI hea ting Wayland is s11·re1cr. Bui the mo st im portant th in~ 1s lhL· tram won thi s ~amc. Wl' hcat \Vayland . se t our,,.drt:s ".P well IO make nationab Im also l!Xt'i tt:d hi: in l! a senior. hr..:c;,i ust: \i.·c \\':tntl''ZI ro make sure ~ind win our last said game, " home Buckmaster. Th" Lad y Indian s con trolled mo,1 of the firs t half and took a 4:1-:1-l lead into the l ocker room afll! r
pie wen: i,ikinF ah,,u1, 1'.1tinna l Champl{)n, h1p We stopped wMry tng ah,1u1 it and just started playing and we're pl aying prcll)' goud rig ht nnw."
Records by Elizabeth Richardson Sports Reporter The 93-94 MSU worn , basketball team ended c~ ~
·--11,,, \\as a h1g 11111 t. •r '" - ll'c n,·cd,·d a "111 toni eht", Sae<r ,0111 · .-11 th,· t>cg1 nn,ng rir 1h,· ,-ca·" '",,..,, ,
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b J I U yun ," •ald l 'n.h,nlfJ "'C.•• rh Sin.-ltun hat bff"ft - (Ii lit, kad/nr ,onhr1 In d" N-U nlry and li,n •• U~U 1hr 1 c~-b .. r u., )Of Iv! WWlfL lf,rf' ti r N •ldt111 , ..,ul• J. Rudriru,L S1U( ll u11 .. .. our#JW.l • i1 .. •I ~l '1 ..nd '"'" IMlmt"d '\;AJ.\ •rrni11 11n,,,f1h,lr...lJ•1"J'r•1firf'ftumynr-1 1,Ht.
univcr~II) 1, , ~ay !!"•Jcl-hyc..: to
On the
Sports Col11m11 by Drew ~fyers Spons Ed itor
Thl' war INn !!l'n lkman gave 1me l:1s1 wavt: and ci ne la!- 1 mspir:111 onal wo n.I to his su p; o rt L•r ..;, numer o us r li mhl'J 1111 hi s hleach whttc
But l hl' Fl>111g QuL·,· n, fnu~h t ih l'l f way l':tL k 1111n th.: hor~l'. :ind wuh his mo1hr.:r .game 1.:arl) 111 thl' St:umJ h:1lf and wife hy lus srJc hl' rode as ~u;i.rd K~mdy Snnlh ,cfuctl off 1111 0 tin: sumt'I (So u·s not 11 point, and fnrm,·n,\rchcr Louis L',\m ou r or Larry Ci ty star Shan non c.,p,·LinJ Mc~l11rt1)'. hut I did my hcs1. ) 11 w;,i..; the perfect ,ending added li1c as \V[lll took :1 SC.-5:1 lead . ~!SU mi "cd 10 a gn.:JI gn,::H !-IOry. Last S:i turda y night Dr. Sl'raal .l -pnintcr during thc coach stretch. hut guards Rcnae Gerald Stnck1t,n head LaSr..::in of the men 's haskc thall te:1111 and J oss ckt srcn;,irio vr..:ry ; . . 1111 out tcd :u.: the to s1,·pped-up ull l·lockcnh challenge an d huricd two )- {minus thL' su nse t and the: Indians pointers lll ignite the TrihL' horse ) following lhl! m ass:tl'fl' of \Va yl:1nJ B:iptist. and gain a 61-5~ lead. It wa...; n L·hanrc for StockMyers was the only other ton to s:1y good-hyc 10 MSU the MSU player in douhlc ligun:s and an opportunit y for with 13 poinL,. Hockenhull. a freshman from Mineral Wells wh o was 1hi: stati:'s h.:ading 3point shooter lasl scaslln, was three fo r thn:c fo rm the 3pnint line for a game high nine points. Monica Miller shined with six poi nts. eight rehounds. and th ree hlocks.
him .
r; 1,i;n l1ut !ht! m.m r,f the hour
~~i:~l~h~'u}~::s,~;: ~~~~i'~ !~~~
my fir:-l ~cmc'i.l~r .,, ~,su SP J was on l)' ahlc 10 crowJ on l11m (e.,pcc,;Jly L'XpaIcnn.· ,1nc rhJplr.:r of mind all hi: ~:11d w:,:,, ; nu S10ckton\ 2-l chap1a .\hiry. know I love yuu all and thank hut when ht· ., 1no d on the )'O U. WOW' The chill humps lloor of D.L. Licon Coliseum saying /w. ~ooi hyl'.., and ri..:- were.: out m rull forc:c followtci\'Jn~ hie; rccogmtrnn I w,1s ing 1h31 linl" KoJJk moment. Once ag;i.in I ,i..,1s c>:lrl"mdy whold,eancdl)' mm ed. I w;1.1i: mm i.:d hy thl: mun- moved. A gn:J I nifhl for l gn:JI t,l·r of f:ins thal wc,i.: :-i t thi: !.!am e. (f- <1 r ~! SU ii was m:m. On behalf nf ~!SU I PacknJ! !) I w;Lli: nw, L·d hy the rccognItI on Co:,ch Stock ton wou ld like 10 say th:ink you received from 1he unin.!rsi1 y. Coac h Stockton for the last I wa, mmetl hy 1hc m<ins1•;r 24 yc.1r~. On my own percake 1hat was whcd1.:d nn to sonal hchalf I wou ld like to lhi: l'.'OUrt to bl! sharl.'.d among sa)' thank you fo r !)laking a S1ock1011. l11 s pl.1yer.1 and Im mark on my frc-.hm:rn year. r:m:,, and I'm sorry I wasn' t hen: fo r It cou ld not ha ve hl'1.:n more than one ~cason of more perfec t if II had wkcn mcn·s ha,ketha ll with yo u ' plJc~ nn llw h1!! :-cn.:cn or hc- holding the rt:ii;n~. t,~t:l'n lh t: CO\'Cr of a bnok. game he 1 to go Shannon didn't you from • If Evl!rycmt: Pu~h to Pre.sident Rodriguez Saturday night you didn't JU.st ceremony, ..c. mt:morahk a and . ' mis:S 1L'ropho111. m thl' took pn:s.sl!d tht:ir feeli ngs to tht: hut yo u missed an All-World perform ance hy Charl ie Ion~ time co;.ieh. When all the plaques had Sager. Gr-..:at g:1me hig man !! ! just had to th row that rn) (l gifts ihe all and been read Th b
In the final showdown of the regular season the No. I6rankcd Lady Indians tra veled 10 Weatherford and up-set No. 6-ra nked Southwestern Oklahoma S1a1c. C.8-67. The 1993-94 Lady Indians improved their record to 25-5 overall to capture the all-lime team record for most win s io a season--hreaking the old mark of 24 set hy the 1980-81 team which finished
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and lnif>t'n. S2t1.1n:l1y rufltd Dr. Grnld Stod:lon hnd C'O • rh ar thr mrn'• bad.:db:all 1..am p<ml wi th hi, coad1in111.:.ifT Slockl,111'J rlllll! J :lmc on 1hr MSU ciimpu• IU1d ll pu..1 r,2n,r ur11T1 n11y vu cln·n in bi, hunur.
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a !iucce ss f u l Ca r eer §pon■ore d by UPB . Admi■ !I Io n F r ee