March 3, 1999

Page 1


__, Textbooks COIJld be one state rep exempt from state sales tax, tt resentative has h~ ~ - Page 3



Students maybe feeling the effects of stress, which can harm the immune system . Page 3

Indians claim LSC Championship, now lo host NCAA regional tournament Page 6

THE WICHITAN 111.17, .... 18

SU to host NCAA regional tourney dians top seed in ·eld of" six teams DA- HENSUY


western State men's basketball team news on Sunday that they would host the V. South Central Regional! set ibiS",:d::cod. ~ lndians waited for the news that was dcUvfrom Channel 6 and cheered when the news


JJrf '\\inning the Lone Siar Coofcrcncc tour' MSU had hoped to host the Regional nt. It will play the winner of Truman >,(issoWi Western on Friday. 111 looking for it to ~ real intense," junior Tenc:oce Thomas said. '"I feel like if we <Mil with a lot of emotion and be well prelbcn we should win." MSU wins, they will ad van« to the NCAA n ' toumamcnL. also known as the Elite held on March 11. 18 and 20, with the last


being lhc national championship game io

· illc.Ky.

Tribe has worked hard this season and is · for that work to pay off this weekend. 't- played 101(:thcr as a team." junior guard Hamihon said. ·-we just have a lot of heart polled togclhcr." basl:c1balJ coach Jeff by is preparing the fm- the tournament lhc way he has been · g lhcm for games all season. t·~ no11oing 10 change anything," Ray said. 'rt going to prcpart jus1 like we've been · gall year long. It's too late in the year to lll)'lhing." Indians will, howe\'er. be watching the orllbursday to prepare for Friday's game . bopc Thursday night we get to \'.!Itch they play, and kind of give us an idea of who ·• going 10 play for Friday," Ray said. " It'll ~~ttlc bit of a scoul rcpon so ~ can go

_• 1

t really don't know that much about some

61: team," Johnson said. "We know abou1 the oul of the Lone Star Conference. Bui. by us bving to play Thursday, that will give us a to find out a linlc more about the teams we bt:playine,." lodians arc taking the tournament slow to


r.u~::;1~ : time. ao·t wony about winning (the tournament); to wony about Friday night. and if we

Friday night. we can be concerned about y night. lbat's the way we've approached 1hing all year long. so we're not going to 111)'\hing." rqional 1oumarncnt will be loughcr than lbt Indians have done thus far due to lhc caJol' lbc teams in the region. ·gtu now they arc all tough:· Ray said. "I ~ idea who we 're going to play yct. lbcy're rotDg to be tough. lnere's six teams left in our · lDdthcn:'s n01anyofthcmthat 'snotcapaor winning the whole thing." U v.ill be the top seed for the tournament &.'tothcr teams.

Fans of the MSU Indians lined up tram the box office through the Hall of Honor and all around D.L. Ligon Coliseum Tuesday afternoon when tickets for this

weekend's NCAA Division II South Central Regional Tournament went_on sale. Some fans waited in line for more than two hours. Photo by Teannette Miller

Local station leads campaign to boost school spirit DAWN H ■ NSLIY TheWlchi1an

With the Midwcslcm Slate men's baskccball team hosting the NCAA Soulh Central Regional Tournament this weekend. KFDX Channel 3 is planning a campaign for MSU students to show their school spirit. The program is named "Show your Spirit," and is aimed at the community to

encourage 1hc Indians to a victory over the weekend. Channel 3 is asking its ; udicnce to pain1 windows, leave messages on marquees, put out signs or even display banners in fron1 of their homes -and stores around town. Each person who participates is to call Channel 3. and a picture will be taken of lhc display and shown on the news '"We arc urging our viewers 10 show their spirit like !hey did when the Cowboys

came lo town," News Cbtnncl ) ·reporter Megan Henderson saqi :'ll's more like a wclco_mc mat We arc really hoping all the stOt"cs on Kemp will decorate for it" KFDX is also going to be shooting Live at 5 from D.L. Ligon coliseum to enthuse lhc fans before the game. Students art asked 10 wear school colors and logos 10 the game on Friday 10 show support for the Indians. The program also allows MSU to show

off lhc facilities 10 the visiting fans and MSU hopefuls from out of town . /


Usually the only time the i th1clic facili .. tics arc displayed arc during Collcg-e Preview Day in the Spring and Spirit Days in the summer. With this campaign, the athletic dcpaitmcnt will be able to show the coliseum, classrooms in the coliseum and the weight room if desired.

-,fuiettJ·/fttAek ome student s especially prone to pressures of tests, school -

J-IFUI TtWlllY Viewpomts Editor

lest day is coming up and the

&ht of sitting down to tau: the makes some: people want to ' up. This can mean that pcrsoo


Jou of different ~ _ people get test anxiety,"

.~c~~;uo~~::i: ~mi/.!,.~::: ~ •hen people leaving the ~

it di;.!:


..,~ ~~!.,~.:::

~ the test. it milht also inllu""' J)C<)ple" ~ Wozcncraft./rofcssor of ~ cbology, aJ&o sai there are


deficit also can get test according to Wozcncnft: ''Test anxiety is an anxious reaction. The person has the ability. but somehow they have just become anxious about test taking." Wozcocraft also said that all it would cake to cause someone to become anxiow in a certain subject area was one bad class in the past. ''The srudcnt might do really bad in a class and then think be is not competent in that area." Wozcocraft

wi~eracbicvers also have a problem with test an.x.icty. "PcrfcctioniSIS put so much pressure on themselves to succeed, and they pot so much pressure on each


an~P;'y~~;~ Department the Counseling Center can provide students wilh free help for test anx-

~ u ~ s ~ ~ ~ ~cty," .liid. '"This comes from being s but it'li rcaliitic because ~,have• real ,kill deficit... ~ •~ying for lhe tcsl can alw

ielt the Counseling Center, they have I resource roo!D full of pam-

a skill

are aw,y ways that a student can


~~ ,~H=;:~~~~

receive help for test anxic1y the~. Students can be taught brcalhmg and relaxation exercises. There arc also videos they can wa1ch, or they can rehearse Laking the 1cs1. The Counseling Center also offers information on how to properly study for exam~. and tips on how to slay calm dunng the test. "We have informational handouts on how to study. 1aking notes prop• crly, the book correctly and study lcchniqucs," Hollingsworth said. They also encourage students to get into proper frame of mind for laking a test. .. You can sabotage everything you've prepared for if you tnink negatively about the test," Hollingswonh said. The Psychology Department also works with students to change lhc way they think about the test. "We work oo decreasing the person's IIWety by working on ways to relax them physically before the test. We then recognize and change lbc behavior thal makes them anx-

ious," Wozencrafl said. They teach the students a though! stopping 1cchniquc which will help the students wilh tcx1 anxiety stop thinking negative thoughts and think new IX>5itivc thoughts about thc 1cs1. Ocfinilc signs people have test anxiety arc going black constantly during a test, upset stomach , throwing up and even diarrhea. according to Wozeocraft. "For people with true test anxiety, it's best to ge l counseling," Wouncraft said. "It could lake four to six one-hour sessions. Very few people arc successful in doing it on their own wi1J1 honest 10 goodness lest anxiety." Students who have strong physical reaclions to taking tests should strongly consider help at either the Counseling Ccn1cr or Psychology Department "It's hard to take a lest when you think you arc going to hurl," Wozcncraft said.

Test and other pressures can,lead to·a realistic problem of test anxiety for some students, Photo by Teannette Miller •


VIEWPOINTS Mlrcll 3, 1999

Cheating doesn't pay off T~,t day come~ and you ha\-en't s1ud1ed. Wh.i1 arc you going 10 do? Mant college students 1hink they arr ullang the easy way 001 :ind the,· cheat Attorui ng to NBC Nightt)' NN< \l.ith Tom Brokaw, 80 pcrc-tm of rolkge studcnls admit to chcatmg on c~ams af!cr a rttent survey.

nals mean wha1. Proplc !Jiould slop w.isting their lime worrying aboo1 cheating. llicy could he spending the time the )' SCI

;;~tme answers and lhcy both get

text books and notes is less time consuming than cheating it~lf. Why memoriz~ answers and put the information m1o rote mcmocy '-''hen ~tudents can study and put the infonn:nioo into long tenn memory? N01 s1udying nOI only hurts the class. but it also hun.'i the s1oden1s. I can remember in elementary school when there was a rumor that someone had cheated on a test. The only problem was. the 1cacher did not know who had c~ting She was going to give everyone in ~~a~~~s~i;n~c:;n f~,;~J~ if the

Thal definitely isn' t !he righ1 thing lo do. Someone who studied got a zero on his paper just because someone cheated off his paper. Yeah. sometimes the pre~sun: 10 make that grade high is grea1. and i1 seems like cheating '-''Ould be the easiest thing 10 do, but there are so many bad consequences tochea1ing. I ha\·cn·1 even mentioned tha1 cheating al so hurts the person who cheats. Chcati~g might seem like the easy way out m the short run, but in the long run. it catches up wi1h people. There arc a Jot of classes college students arc required to take which

The sur\.'Cy

i.aid that 80

-=,J=EN=N=l=F=EA= :~cennt~ ~s~~~ admitted 10 it. TILLERY 0

Viewpoints Editor



q:f,~ :fc~ students

who do cheat.

-----bu1 iL

don' t admit


S1a1is1ics or

not, lht:rt

arc a loi of

students who cheat .

I don"t Stt the point in chtali ng. though. A lol of people w!II go throuB,h clabor.uc measures JUSI to cheat. They ~:ill spend hours memorizing answers to pltvious 1cs1s. Thty will come up with signals 10 ctk=at with classmatcs. spending many houri. going O\'er which sig-

I never did think tha t was the right

Menefee. Wilma Jean Norris and Golden White filed a federal lawsuit agains1 the Wichita Falls Junior College District in 1951 for the right to attend Hardin Junior College (freshmen and sopho• mores attended Hardin Junior College, juniors and seniors auendcd Midwestern University). Battle, along with the other fi\'e plainliffs. won the decision in the U.S. District Coun for the Northern District of Texas. But wait. The story docs not end there. The .. Separate but Equal" Jim Crow doctrine must be preserved at all cost, and with that in mind !he Wichita Falls Junior College District appealed the decision up 10 the U.S. Coon of Appeals 51h Circuit. and on May 15, 1953. the 51h Circuit affinncd the decision

made by the lower coun. Willie ~ac Batlle and the other fi ve plainl1fTs finally rccch·ed the right to allend Hardin Junior College. One final fact must ~ ment ioned in regard to the da1es of these decisions (Nov. 27, 195 1; May 15. 1953). Both of these dates arc prior 10 Bcown v. Board or Education (1954). This makes their contribution C\'en more significant in the hi story of MSU, which makes one wonder why Midwestern would not want 10 publicize its pioneering rote in dcsegrcgatioo. By the way. why was this achievement was omiued from mention in Midwcslem State Uni,·cr..ity's 75th Anni\·crsaryce1cbration la.~t year? Skou G. Walton

No connection seen between two crimes matching plates. I then contacted several police officers, who laughed at the suggestion that matching two As a s1udcnt of this university, I fu lly expect The or three numbers would cons1itu1c worthwhile eviWichi1an to have its .share of mistakes along with its dence in a crime like thi s In the aniclc I said 1ha1 I would ccnainl y need more nonnal quality production. What I saw in the Feb. J 7 publications far exceeded the boundaries of rcsponsi• evidence before I declared someone guilty of a crime, ble rcponing, _let alone joumalis1ic intcgri\Y· In t~ and I stand by that statement. It was not until the last ankle ..Could 11 happen here," oor editor in chief d1s- sentence or the anicle tha1 a police lieutenant was rlays superb liter.try skill hy '-''Caving two complclcl)' quo1cd as saying there were no suspects in this case. unrclalcd slorics together under on headline. The first How could that be? Why didn 't they just ask The pan of the article described in inddent at Southwest Wichitan for help in their investigation? In research• Texa., State where a frntern ity pledge was beaten 10 ing this aniclc, I also lcamed that some young men dca1h after a night of panyi ng. Then lhc incidenl at not affiliated with this school or fraternity had con• South"'·cst was compared 10 an incident of vandalism fessed 10 the crime and h'ad been rcponed to the on thi s campus. A memo The Wichitan (who wa.s not authori1ics. Where is that story? In another intercs1ing on 1hc distribution lislJ rccci\·ed reported that SC\"cral tum, the police officer quoted in the article said he had windows in the Kappa Sigma House were recently not even heard of this incident. Where is this stuff broken by men driving trucks. Since they were driving corning from? I would like to conclude by reminding you tha1 The trucks. i1 was assumed that thc vandals must be mcmWic hitan is not a cheap supcnnarket tabloid so please ~ri. of the Kappa Alpha Order. An alleged panial hcc:nsc plate match was the ~vcrwhelming proof The forego the sensationalist journalism. The paper Wichitan needed to all bul mdic1 the Kappa Alpha belongs 10 lhe s1udcms. and you, as editor in chief. are responsible to the students. Our Student Service Fcts Order in this crime. Let '!. examine these allegations. (Remember that pay for The Wichitan, and I don't think the students this is a story of how the swr incident could happen appreciate seeing their money go to the sensational, here.) The memo states that the license plate~ of the grasping-for-straws debacle that we were treated to 1wo trucks suspected in the vandali sm partially Feb. 17. I would implore you to get back 10 reponing matched that of two Kappa Alpha members. Panially the news as it is. Take some time to actually research matched'! I 100k the liberty or contacti ng the your ankles, and put some journalistic in1egrity back Dcpartmcnl of Motor Vehicles, where a manager in the paper. infonncd me that license plates were printed in sequential order. and that hundreds of vehicles in a Gant A. Grimes ci 1y of our size would theoretically ha\'C panially President of Kappa Alpha Order To The Wichitan:

3410 Tafl Blvd. Doi: 14 • Wichita Falb, Texas 76J08 Ne"11 Dtsk (940) 397-4704 • Ad,·ertlslng Desk (940)397-4705

E-mail: MSUEdllor@aol.rom

Eat the malerial

L__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Cheat sheet

v_•_rl•_•_•_w•_:P_••_m_m_f•_,._•_•_u_m_.__________ I

Give n1e a tip

People need to learn respect for waiter Can you smell the po,·erty on me '.' Do you wonder why I wear the same clothes as last year'.' Should I be ashamed to say I got my shoes at a .

MSU history plays part in fight for equal rights Black l+istory Month is a lime 10 rcnect back on some of the outstanding accompli shments and contributions made by Afric.i.nAmcricans. MSU as well as the Wichita Falls comm unity as a whole seem 10 all bu1 forgc1 !he significance of this month. I will not. Rcccn1ly. I took a tour of the pic1ure.d his1ory of MSU. located on the second noor of the Moffeu Library. when I no1iccd the rcmarkablc a~nce of the most significant contribution made by an African-American to MSU: Batlle \'. Wichita Falls Junior College Dis!. (Decided Nov. 27, 195 1). Willie Fae Baule. Helen Murie l bavis, Carl Lawrence McBride, Maryalen Virginia

Brain steroids

lhc~:l~~::~~sh~~~ ~~~- lhe

;::a:~tp:ad~~!~~~it~~~~~nr.i::. l~ second time around, especially if come fOf'Wan:I and admit 10 che:uing. students actually learned 1hc conI don' t think that he would ha\·e cepts well. People who cheat on exams arc been cheating in the fir..i place 1ne teacher should have said that not just cheating while in that class. anyooc was welcome to come and but they arc also cheating themtell her who chea1cd, which was selves out of an education which they are paying for. exactly what happened. I say ge1 your mollCy's wonh. and I would have _been the goody two shoes who told if I had know who i1 actually learn the material ttlc first ~·as because I didn' t li ke being pun• t=;;;,;;-- , - -, - - - ~ - Tillt:ry is an-,/t'mmtary t'ducation 1 ~ for someone el~'s mistake. lnen what abou1 th:u person who · major from Wichita Falls.

Letters to the Editor To 1ne Wtehitan:



didn 't study who takes a peck al the person·s test nc1110 him'! When the tcsls gel lurned in. the 1cachcr no1iccs that two studenl!i ha\·e the

like the eas-

·~-,i.~ but just think about it




:;;i1;:~~g;~,1i~~I:!:~ INscore. Sometimes just cracking open the

-~ Osmosis




.' 11~rand or Kman' Do you think I'm cheap or just poor? Could I possibly be more

. ;1c:/:~~t:::: l.~rti!c~~~)o !:i;I my madness?

My logic is the same as that of millions of other people that work as waiters and waitresses or batlcndcrs · and busser... We work· foi' - - - - tips.Anyone who makes Jack Rabbit nothing per hour prays that you (the JOE

security number and phone number arc print."d times out of 10. so with the cheap tip I got Carlitt,1 afford to call your hou se at least once a day Wi1h credit card receipts your name is prinitt1, and the Wichita Falls phone book is \'Cry thin. lo charge a months wonh of 1-900-PORN numbentti account Lea~ing you enraged O\'er the bill anj 1 spouse belicvmg you have some severe bcha\1cq order...





i! .:C~~;~ t~:~~u~t~~rya~I~ C\'C::; one docs know. Servers do the same lwo thmg, 1' 1 0 :!~~~:en!~ ! 1f~ s~~:f~~~!~th a~v~:::g•tj also visit other establishments to drink and c~ lousy tipper.. and lousy cus1omers. When one server notices a lousy customer 1n ~ '!I rant, they will go right to your current SCr\'tl a:,h the~. And when you sec a group ~f scr\·er., m~ gossiping they arc probabl y discussing what ac pc:r' you arc. We also sec you at the malt and the .store. and don't think for a minute that >,1•c fotf<1 · cheap you are. There arc so many other .si tuations scrvcrs lutt ~~~ocn~ld go forcv~r. but I' ll give you the Cliff

f:an:~m;r)g~~![~~~ ~ : d~~c~~~~ world: We are broke. Most wait staff me mbers make $2. 13 per hour and bartender.. - - - - and bussers make about a dime more than that We hus1lc between !ables. run from the kitchen 10 dinning area, and we ha\'e to deal with the wide selection 'of odd people. We have to listen to pco• pie call us cvcry1hing bu! out name s, and as for the fcn:ial_c staff, they have 10 put up with some exceptionalIf you have obnox_1ous kids, before I serve your, ly 1mta1ing "male cus1omcrs." We ha\'e all seen those meal should I ask Jf II would be easier if I throwL'ill guys that scream "hey honey" ac,oss the restaurant and oo the noor'.' Babies are culc all dressed up :r. 1 try to look through their aprons. clothes bul when they scream take them to the hlOl I've worked at rcstaura~ts and fast food rat traps for or even outside. Brat children need to be bca1n1 11i years. My first job was nipping burgers at Braum 's in of the restaurant so other children will take nolitt.l J dishes. cleaned the late 80s. l'\'C bussed tables and Hey 1ecnagcr.., I will spil in your food if JOO have_done e\·crything in the restaurant business except ~cave somc_money. I am so tired of junior highbtll kctpmg myself from getting fired. Currently, I wait tables at a local r_estaurant._~re I have seen every kind f~ c:~.:/ ~ey.w,I~:. of si1ua1ion that mvol\·cs t1ppmg or the: lack thereof. re'!lembcr, we get'paid pennies an hour to 11-:iK~. There arc people in 1his town that know how to tip, bu1 children so please 1cach them some manners ~ere are so many of you ~hal do not. These people that Another 1mponant hint: Don't irrita1e the s.enci up well understand the pnnciple of servicc . Those who ~~~r you get your food . Use your imagina1ion 1t l constantly leave small change and/or belly button lint make a server feel as they have worked for nothing. We T~ all of thosc·cldcrly people Josi in the 1930:,,; work ~or tips and depend on the generosiiy of other.. 10 ler 1s not a realistic 1ip. No. you can not ~1ill pl make1110 1hcncxt monlh. theater and see a movie wi1h six friends and a1Trd I have goucn used lo cheap wine and Ramcn noodles. cor:n and~ pick !e. (What the hell arc you 1hinkin; ~ -t I always look both ways before contemplating caung a pickle ma movie theater anyway.) htJacking some of lhe nicerthings. Things like Blue Bell If you ~an') afford the tip, don't go out. E1 •. ice_cream. 50 cents more than ~heap melted sherbc1 k"?ws gomg mto a restaurant that you ha\·e 10 Cf Thmgs like Albertson's hnind milk 10 Oak Farms, 75 waiter. GI? to Subway or Taco Bell where Uk.~ cent diffcrcnc..:. I would like to gel any 1hing that Krafl work for taps. Hey, orders to go need a [iule re<" has but the extra quarter might be the fina l detcnnina- too. Those people take your orders. try to fi~l:-~ tion in whc1her I go 10 summer school. what you want, tell you about the menu. and 1/l() To those of you who don't understand the con- to get y_our food boxed up and ready to go. A ,· cept of lipping, here is a er.ash course: 15 pcrccm of the dollars .as not 10() much 10 ask. !(){al ti~ket price is. a good tip, but you can give more And if I know you, 1ha1's no excuse no1 co 11 r J.S There 1s no such thmg as a lip tha1 is too big. Scou Canada abou1 his co ld wings. loose who consistcnlly lea\'C mntt: 1han 15 percent Coupon people, you still have to tip. I don'1-. probably work or have worked in other rcstaurJnts. Uncle .Frank and ~unt Jack gave you a gif1 cert·~ These other server.. understand wha1 a good tip can do you s11II _need 10 lip your server for all their 11:Jt.l for the rest of your .shift, and what a bad tip does 10 your You gO( 11 as a gift anyway, so why not given~~ sclf-wonh 0 1 As you gel up from your scat after eating a meal and J ~a~a~~t :per~:n~ consider not tipping. here are some '-''Ord s of advice SCl;\'Crs m our ~ation and I have· yet to con\ 1C1~ (humorously speaking): felony for s1.:ilkmg lousy tippers. First and foremost do not stiff a scl'\'cr wilh a check . Your address is printed boldly in the left hand comer. J ::::,:~// is a muss cm1111umications major Jmm \l~ may be poor, bu1 I ha\'C lots of spare time. Your social


Staff Writer


Wcbsilt: h1tp://www.m" ·su,tdu/- wichit.1m

Editorial Board

Copy1ight O 1999. The Wichitan i~a member of the Te1,b lntcrcolleg'.:uc Pre!>!> A~.-.ocia11on. The Wichit:m rc~r.·c~ the right 10 t"di1any material submutcd for publication. Opinions e1,pn:)., 1n The Wichit:m do not necessarily rc:Occt those or the ~laff, ~udcnl!>, faculty. Adminbtration or Board or Regents or Mid11o·estcrn Sutc- Uni\·e,,.11y. Fir~• copy or 1hc paper i~ fr« or charre: addi1ional copies an: SI . Thc Wic-h11an 11,·clcomc) lclten. of opinion) from ~udcnL~. focu hy and ~:tff )Ohmit• tcd by thc Friday before inlc-ndc-d publ icauon. Lener.. ~hould be brid and without nbu,i1·c- language or pen.on:tl auach. Lcuen. mu,1 he type~ and_signed by the wrilC'r and 111clutle ~ 1elephonc- number and nddr~) for venlic.1uon pufJXN'~ Lc11er,; 11•ill be edited for ,:rJmmar only.

Editor in Chief Jason Lawrence Managing Editor Deanna Dolf~rd Viewpoi nts Editor Jennifer Ti llery Copy Editor Alisha Ferguson Photo Edi tor Teanneue Mi ller Ad viser Jim Scrnoc



1 '


Reporters Nick Bagherpour Stephanie Cerny Kim Chamness Wendy Gurfinldc Oa\•c Gunncll Anika Kentisha Dawn Hensley JcnnirerHcrrcll Nancy Quan Danicll.;Roncy Joe Russell

Pho1ographers Davon Baker Masako MiurJ Lindsey Hunl1 incs Graphic Artisu Adam Chavez Kci1h Mycrs Ad~ertising Reps Chns Joncs Donna Payton


Accountan1 · Josh [)c~l 1n Circulation


Websilt Coordinator Adam Chait!


NEWS vJORLD BRIEFS ,on for tourist massacre in U ~ -.,p!c. 1ncluJmf ,..., o Arnc:ncan\ ...,.e .~anda still unclear

~t,rl- Thr Wh11r ll,111-.c: 1t:1, plcJgcd : ~ _rJ )hi,. 11,•ccl.: hy R.,.,·:imlan 1 death,. official, ,ay the\ " ."JlJU,I ICC' I~ th~ rr,pon. ,1 rt-cut Of",."rJtm,1: a ,uf\•irOr , irtim, \lo'C'ft' k1lkJ ma ,hoo(. 3 ,.rn' l'irul:ally had,ctl hy m:ichcic, . )' lhcy 11tcn:- lidn3P(ll'tl, and

~ ' " t~



· r'renchr lcahan plane hijacked hi• ex pol' p.1hn.· officer hi acl..cJ . • _Iceman

1 forced 1hc ~lane 11• ~ Air 1-r:incc n igh, 1ha1 held more .-'dll' ~urort. the man held -.c\•cn '. ~lour 111 a d1ffcrcn1 Pari, airport. ~~ for thrti.' hoof'\ he tore finally paM,cnfcr-.

' ~ 1,.~~ k. then


_, ~fC Champs signs Testaverde 1



?' MJ:r~·

l 1,t•insky brings "easy money" to ABC

, &( 1, chari;m~ achcn,loCn 11\c tmle, the :a\ ~r•(r in1cn1cv- 11i11h Mom,a L.cwm\l) V:~l!e!l'C for \\alter\ • 11i ill co,1 ;xhcn,,. S800 0110 c oc ay A '<> second com10 ~ to 1hc .SI fl n11llion Fo.\ cha~:;tunn~he two hourm1cn1cw ~ 8"'4 t or a -.ecood ad dunng the

,, ,ckSOn 5 for the 9()'s? tffll'n,l'C'r- of the J:u:l -.on family nm incl d ~ contrxl \II 11h hrothcr R:an.dy\ lai:l. and Michael. ha\'C , , j.:l!Jtl ha, a .:ofllr-JCI wuh Son}, he cannot ·o m cm Rcco~ s. Bccau-.c if,und Jad 1c on their pop and rhythm aJNJJ buRandy. ~cnmnne. ~1:irlon. 11 .tlJM~ 10 thc :all:oum in ~omc way. m. herc 1~ lall: or him con-



uchanan, Bush move closer to Wh·t H · auchJ.O:m :announced h,\ third Whue t-fou h d I e ouse bids

1ATucsda) prom,~mg wi 1 a~am,1 1he mor-Jl dcficn lhat h:a~ hcc ~ ,dun· Mran" h,lc Go\ G1.•orgc w Bu h 0 7;cf mc-nc:a ~ grcat cncm) •


comm111ec 11i ho-.c fin.t Job ",;1 : :0

:.:t:::1 ~ o~:

prc\ 1dcntrnl

AMPUS BRIEFS ·, i Chi sponsoring dona tion drive Oi \Iii~ be sponsoring a don;it1on dri\e for the local teen ~her from

~ ~:it~,c~~~\!~un~~1~~~t:·, 1~:

Bill would exempt textbooks from taxes lo.,.,cr the price~ for Mulknu would t-c~rca1." R:armof't' ~aid the boohtore 1oelb Slur.lent, could t'C' 1n for :a plca,:m1 nM1rc than SI million in 1c~tboob a ~urpri!,C ne.\l J:anu;try - rhc cml nr year. That 11i·rnild lr-Jn.\fote into about ;:\~t~i~~bool:, could :1c1Ually he S62.500 in ):l\·ing~ for MSU !.lo• JASON LAnl..CI Ectitor1n CtHel

A tiill ~roi11N 1,e d hy Rep. Henry

~!~~-,~·::,C~ ·f:;~u:ic e::•:t~


flt ~-~ r' ; :1/~-: ' ; ~\ ~ ~ qu:mcrhack Vinny Tc,1:1,·crdt 10 ;a ~ The .\S-~car-old chre; f~r a ll'~~~~-h•~h tcludcd a 56.2 millmn iclm 10 ttw:ir lir,1 AFC E:1si litlc la,, . o 29 IOOchdown,. leading n ~t} . h:ld a rccorJ or 1.\-2 a~ a Tc,ta\·crdc. artcr rcpl;w;mg

•~:i~!~: Don:i1ion idea_~ such as 1oi•

offee shop opens in Clark Student Center l s Cofkc o pt n, Wcdnc~ J Y in bc1" ecn the McMJoi1c Dining Hall the Sund:mce Food Coon in the Clarl Slur.lent Center. Rcsidcnu 1udt'n1s other _,1ulknh ~n :in fo.·1SU meal _pl:in can U\C the declining bal:ance 0 ~ c-JJdi IO purcha)oC product~. v.h1ch 1ncll>dc c:indics in addition 10 cof-

T HE W ICHITAN Mardi 3, 1888




6 .25 percent ,ale, la.\ . Siudnut would , 1111 ha\·e 10 pay city or coon1y ,ale.\ ta., under 1hc bill. ..He (Rep. Cuellar) feel\ tha1 1u111on and fer, arc incrc.um1: and a lot or the financial burden I) hcinl! pa\,cd on 10 ,tudenh," )aid R~mary Gana. k g1,l:iti1c :i1dc for

dc~:ir~:i f:"c~~~~iy t,e(Ott the llou!,C Ways and Mean\ Committee. which will begin hcarini:s WNnc'td:iy. S1odcnts from ~\'cral collcges. includini:; Baylor and the Tcu~ A&M systrm. will 1c.,1ify before the committee. A l Hooten. vice p;csidcnt for bu\lOC)) affairs. ~id the commincc will h:a\'e )C\'era1 q uc)tions :about the

~ k\~i~~~t~:1~·~;/::~/:ir:~

proflOSC'd legislation. but belie\·es ii

ModcG nh 001."

~;:~~~~a~i~,:::ca: ~=::~:di~:~

ar-ta )aid pn:lunin.:iry ri\C:al note) !Jlow the e\cmption '-'OUld !1.3\'C student\ :aero" 1hc ,t:uc :iboot 523 millmn m 2000. " I hope i1 p:a,\C~... ,:aid Jenny Barmore. m:inai:cr or the MSU Boohmrc. "Anything 1h:i1 .,.,ill help .

G:ina said she Wllli unsure of lhc hill\ ,uppon among memt,cn; the Ugislarnre. " I ha\'cn' t seen too much of a rcx11un."' shes.aid. "But I don't real• ly !.CC :any opposi1ioo 10 it."


SGA tables legislation concerning parking fines DAVIO GUNNILL

The WIChilan

The co mm1 t1ce ll..o frlt M1d11,•cqcrn S1acc Unh c r,uy. alrraJy 1hc orgam,.crVof vanou, charity e~·cnt~. h:i~ a dcrini1c mrcre\t in the Wichi1a Falh community. and that 1hc J'f'Ol)O\Cd hill woold chcapcn campu, parl • ,ng law~ and make 1hcm J~, effccli\·c. SGA prc,idcnl Gant Grime, announced the Board of Re1:cnb dcci\ion 10 :approve the bill bringing a full lime doc1or In

A hill lhat would have alhJ""·eJ ~1udcnl) to riay fine, with canoed ~ood, 11,·a, recommended for rcJec11M in the Student Govcrnrne n1 mce11ng Tue'>day nighl. The public policy committee m ·iewcd SGA hill 9H/99-02, origm:illy propo'-Cd d uring the Feb. 2 mceung by Sen. Ryan MSU. AlcAandcr. Grime\ .»id 1hc bill will he Comm111cc chamnan Michxl Pcnibon ci1ed four rca'-00\ for \'Olcd on by the MIJdcnt!'i nc\t 11,·cck. the dcchion. . If the \·Ole i, appro,·cd by lhc The commi11ce felt 1hc hill would lal:c a1<1-;ay 3 )>()UICC of ll'V• ,1udcn1 body. it .,., 111 1hcn he enoc u)oC(! 10 fund road m:im- hrough1 10 the Tcx:a., L..tgi\l:uurc 1aincncc :and thi~ would lead to lO 'bc en:aclcd. increased ,\ tudcnl {cc.,,, \llhitc no A S200 Lud m hip Fund evidence wa\ d ist·o\·en·d fi nding rcq0t:M hy H:ahitat for Humanity th:11 parking fine) constitult· d :i "as unanimou~ly gr.anted withfin:inc1al burden on s1uden1s. OUl discussion.

Stress can harm immune system monly l:nown a) adrenaline. which cf1e1h a rc~ponsc of cnersy amJ :ilcnoc~~. Therefore conccntrJting on studying for a big test is h:b1c:ill>· out of the qucs1ion. M1d1crr"' c:in be :a l:illc r. Other sympcoms ~uch :is ..bolter• Noc liter.illy. or cour-.c. Ho.,.,e\ cr. 01c:1" in 1hc s1omach and slccplcuI~ \tre,) c~pcncnced dunng 1h1\ time of the 'l'liool year nn he u1cr, ocss arc also due lo the rcle:lle or whelming. and it dcrin11cly affect, \':anou\ hormones. Ha\'C yoo C\'Cr 11,•ondcrcd why the the hody. 1bc on1-ct of )Ire~, rn111:11c, ncr- flu :and s1re)s go hand in hand~ The \'Ou~ and hormonal rl'\pon-c, 1hJI :an\11i·cr h very simple; stress weakprepare the rody fllf ph)'\IC:al :ach\1- en~ the immune sy~tcm. ty. Mo,r of the wnc 1h1, rc,pnn-.c. ~ any ~tre>M>rs decrease •~ commonl)' kno11i·n a\ the "01gh1 or amoum of cclb that right infcc11on. fi~hl" rc,!)0!1~. j \ no1 apprupn:itc IO Some hormone) also con1rihutc 10 the si1ua11on. Thi, pmct•" 1cnd, 10 lu'-lcring the :imounl of infcctionput the body in :1 ,talc of ncit~mc-111 fighung ce lls. As :i result. we by rc:lca,ing hurmooc, t·.illcd cpi• hccume more suscep1iblc 10 illnessncphrint· and norcp1ncphcri11c c, \UCh as the nu or common cold Epinephrine i, 1hc honnone t·om• and JlO)SJbly ,umcthing more ~ ri• DANIKA TAYLO" AND DEANNA DoLFO"D


e ver. Sire)) tend~ to be caused by a ous. To people who h;m: c:irdio\ascu• number of 1hinss which c:in be tar d,~~ or problem\, ~,re~s cah rt'duced by changes in likstylc. For be a mon: scriou., mancr. Stres~ c~amplc. time man:igement. exeroften c aU)oC\ the cardiov;i.M'.ular S)')· cise, mcditauon or ~imply finding 1cm 10 weaken lfy increasing bolh time 10 do something cnjoyabk arc 1hc hc:an rntc :and blood prc,\urc. .ill )Ucccssful mc1hods of rcl~\'ing lncrc;,scd bcalinl! of the hean 1;311 stress. cause ) damage. Change~ in MS U students ha\C their own blood prc,~urc ,end 10 aggr-J\':ate method~ of rcliC\'1ng Of 3\'0iding, other physicul problem\ 1h:u arc stress. )J)CCific 10 1hc ,·arious cardim':bCUBo Hopkin~. 20. s:iid,"I 1ry 10 ,tud y rTlO(C often ~-cau~ then I will lar d i~a~s. So how do you gel nd of , irc~s? feel more prepared and lch This an,wcr 1ends IO \ ':II')' with wha1 stressed... • 1hc undc1/ymg c:au~ k For mmc " I tr)' 10 go 10 bed c:irlicr, pcopk. ,1rc., s i~ the re\ulc of a chem- usual I fed rcstt'd." saitl Tonncll' ical or ho rmonal imbalance for Wil'iOO. 20. • which !here arc drug5 that may alle• /lrftm11atio11 i11 thi.t mticl.e e,111 1w \•i:atc their symptoms. fmmd ul 1hr wrbJi1r For the majurity uf people. how- h1111:IA,·11·,,:hra/1h•ern1rr.r1im.


Come and see it! Hypnotist Mark Maverick


"The Mysteries of the Mind Tour" FREE!

Tuesday, March 9 CSC Comanche Suites 7 p.m.

Presented by UPB


THE WICHITAN --~Mll-'Cl--,b--=a,...,,1=999~--


ALS to present author Graves ~~~:y.~rc~JEK

gfk S1udcnt Cemi:r Ro.,

1111 lJ,

McMurtry Center to give writer lifetime achievement award •~i:;•;i;:;,a~;.;:;~~.!:~• "· i\ru,t Lcclun: Sencs Comm111~ Grave, ~1 11 ag,1in he n,.,:ugmzcd th Na11onal HooL A1,anl. Some of 1 1>thrr worL, include ho11b liLe '111c fur hi, work. pre" rclca-.c fmrn ~~~:/",t~ ~~;~:·•~ca: N:cn ~·ell ~~tl;u~~~~ t:~ic;'~~! rs~·in L3,1 Runmng:· Scr.imhk," the Lurry i\kMumy Center fur the Im




Thi, \C:ar', Anisi l.l-..·tun· Scnl'' " !,cymni'ng lo 11o·md dnwn 11 llh a kctun· hy award-,..,mninf' 11nlcr folm

Gr.i,·c, ,,n March 10 a, 7

fl.Ill .


Comanche Suitt", in lhl' C larl, S1udc nl Ccnlcr. GrJ1'<". a n:111,·c Tc ~an. gr.1Uu:11cJ fmm Rice lln11·cr..1I) m 19-L~ ;111J rccc1n~d a f'r.l.dua le dCf'TCC Ill Engli.h from Cnlumh1;1 l1nl\t'l"'1ty 6 ycar. later. He h3, 3l"'11:iugh1 ut Tc:\3.\- Chri,tian Uni"rr.m· 3nJ h::i~ worlcd for the LL S. lxp3.nmcnt of the lnh::rior m W:i:.hing.ltin D.C. Gr.l\c, h3~ hecn wn11ng nO\·d s. ,,one!, 3nd :inick!oo for o,·er .lO yo:3n.. "'Gor.Jh}O: To A R11er:· hi\ iin,1 hook, 113~ nomin,ued for the

rccchcd hy focuhy and s1udcn1s. ··Frum a Li111e, to111.· Ll'·Ji;c:· and hi s 1\n~ ,md llunmnit ic, ,1:111.·, 1ha1 il "We h;i,·c had u fu ll house for ull mo,1 rcl·ent hooL. ··A John Gmw, "ill :iward Grn,·1.·, l\'llh a Lune,tur lhe lecture, ,o for," Jane Lcishner. R1•a1,k r."" :m amhology of ~omc of All':ird for Lifetime A...-hiC\"Ctnent. Thi, :iw,.ird will he pcrwnally prc - D.-:in uf Studl'nl\, ,1,11d h1, "nrL . Sociology profc\,or Emily He ha, a1'11 wriH('n , tori1.'!,, c,sa,·s ~cntcd hy Larry i\kMurt1J . and anu:lc, Ihm ha, hccn puhlbh~ll Frt·d Reynolth. dircclor uf the Lalkff. who h:1, aucnded rnuny lecin ''Tr., a, Monthl)•," "The New Mci\·lunry Ce111cr. ,aid Grave!- i~ tures owr 1he ye:ir.. cnmmented on"" "Town and Coutll" ·" and "1\•idclyre,pcc1cdhyNJ1h the public 1he lccturt• ,eril'~. "They",·e OCcn 1he " ES(jUII\' " • ani.lhisfellowwritc". We:ircrcally hc,te,·cr:·,tie-aid A pa,1 1lrc,1den1 of the Tuas plc;1wd th:it he wi ll be coming to She 31,o no1ed 1hat the .\-Cries ln\tiune of Leucr-. Gr.ivl', ha\ on rumpu, not only to r1·cc1\'C lhe gi1·e, people 1hc opponunity 10 hc:ir many 01.. :a,11111~ 111.'en l"l'rngni1ed fur :iward. hot to ,peak ·· from ~pca\.:ers they would not onJi. hi, work. lk ha, received Gral"e~ will be al"ail:ihle for a Guggenheim :ind R<.x:kcfeller fc]. hook ,igning after the lecture nar1ly hal"e the chance to he:ir. The ArliM Lc~·tore Serie~ was Copie\ of hi s latest book will he on ~~:~;~~f' lh~ ~~~pi~:~~: s:tk. e,1ahli~hed in 1964 . Since then it A\\'ard~. In 1%0 he \\a., :il,o awardThi\ lcc1ure is orgamzed hy the has hrough, Midwcslcm a ho~I of ed for ll'riting one uf the .. Bc!,t Ani~, Lectul\' Series. in conj unc1ion di!,lingui~hed lecturers from all 01•er Amcric:in Shon Storie," ll'ith 1he Larry McMunry Center for the world

~'.d 1~~1;;:~.

College Bowl: Sport of the Mind WENDY G,UIFINKLE The W1ch11an

College B011 I puh 3 differen1 1wi,1 to 1hc ~pon of howling. ln!,tead of employing :i hall and pin,. College Bowl panicip3nts u"I.' word~ tc, dcfC311heir opponenh Midwe!,lem· s V3rsity College 8 011·1 te3m memhcn.. 1e3m c3pt:iin MiLe Bcnnim . Paul Hopkin!oo. S3ndrJ Wright. A:iron Wihon and team 3ltern3tc. Stephanie Cerny. were chosen out of 45 s1udcn1s who compi!ted in the MSU toum:iment las, No,·eml-c:r. The fiN rc4uiremcnt for llcing o n the Var.,ily team is competing in the MS U toum3mcnt in November. The 10p player. were im·itcd as potei:itial mcmben, of the var.ity. Eight of those !,[Udcnh were in1ere~1cd in pl:iymg; they were n:irrmn·d doll'n 10 the for the regional competition -nm cul w3s made hy :i variel y of fart ol\. including balann: :irnon g hackground knowledge. 1hc n~ d for e.,pcri cnced pl ayer!- both m 1hi,

year', h.>am and future teams. :ind a\'ai labilily for practices:· Mark Fanis. .b,ociate profc~~or of math :ind ~ISU Colk·gc Boll'! coordinator. cxpl:iincd While Wibon h:is ~n competing in Col lege B0111 ~inc\.' hh frc )hman ye:ir. thi , wa\ his first year as a IT'lember of lhc Van.ity 1eam " II wa, a blast : a real honor:· he ~aid The Van.i1y 1eaiTI challenged the M~U facuhy to a thrc~•g:ime compelllion on Feb. 16 m the Clark Stud1.·nt Center Hospitality Room The ~acuhy team narrowly beat the V3n1ty team 2- 1. Each game wa~ compo!,ed of 111'0 nine minute hahe,. The quc,tion, U.'ol:d in 1he focuh) -V:in.i1y chalknge wi:re left 01·er from the Noveml-c:r tournament ··we won 1he fin.1 game:· Wil~n ,aid. " We ll'ere happy ahout that. II ;~. a downw:ird slide from tlwn

si.on of Hu~anities 3nd_profc\so~ of hl!,[Of)': M1ch3d t-l:J\' lll, :i~wc,atc profc!,~r of political ~ience: kfT C~ mpbell, profes>or of English: Dick I< mg, :i,!,oc1a1c profc!,~or of hi~tory; and Lee Green, graduate lcc1urcrin history. The V:ir-ity team then competed in the regional tournament :it College S!uti(ln on Feb. 20. Besille~ t~~ MS U 1c:11n. 11 olher s1.·hool ~par• t1e1patcd : Un1\'crsity of Arkan~a~. Universin· of Texas-Au stin. Univl'rsit}· of Houslon-main c:1m pu,. Univcr~i,y of Hou,ton-doll'n• town. Ce111en:1ry CollcgeShrcve port. Hcndm College• Conll':1 y. Ark., Lou1,iana Stale Un\vcr,_ity -Baton Rou ge, Rice Un1 1'el\1ty-lfous!on , Te.,a~ A&i\•I· College Station, B:iylor Uni\Cr~ityB:iylor and Tex:is Tech Unhen.11yLubbock The Unin::rs1tv of To:xa, al t\u!,tin. who W()n th._; competition, the Unin·r!,ity of Arkan,a~. ll'ho c:imc in ~econd, Rice llniversity. who pl:iced thi rd. :iml T1.':\as A&i\1, who

The facu lty ll·:im nK·mt....·r, werl' fl.·likc Colhn,. dircc1or of th1.· divi-

IT H.\PPEXfD TO \O.\lfOXE l\llll K\0\1"\ S())JEOXE \UL' KXO\\

Hll"I\E XE:\l

pl:iced founh. will go on to 1he N:i1ion:it Tournament in G3in~1·itle, Fl:i .. Apri l 16-18. MSU's Varsity landed :i three-ll'a)' tic for six1h pl:1cc with Uni\"l•n.11y of Hou~ton and Hendrix "We had to go up against team~ thac meet con~t:m!ly durin1,1 the yc:ir.'' Wi l~on cxpluincd ··UT• Au,tin and Rice were definitely tough compctiton. .. ··Ba~ed on the competition, we did a~ good as we ~h~uld hal"e done;· Benneu said "Wi.> were prcuy proud of oursch·es."' Wright ,:iid. "We fim shed in the middle of the p.ick. ll'hich b where we thought we would be·· MSU V:ir!,ily is through for the year. A new te:im will be cho)Cn fo]. loll'ing the 1999 MSU campus tournament in Novcmhcr. Wil,un ~:iid that College Bowl ._·h:illenges ~tudcnts a~ indi,•iduals in the 1oss-up 4ue~1 ions. anti a~ memof :i IO:illll on the bonus quc~-


He advise, studcntS ll'ho arc interested in College 80\1.•I to re:1d th!.' new!,p:ipcr. pay ancntion in cl11s!,. and "'do ll'hate\'er you c:in do 10 ~pong1.· up infonn:ition .. Thi~ ll'a.\ Benneu \ 1hird year on thcV:ir!,i l)' team '"Wl' ~we in :i very halanccd tc3m."" he ~aid. ''The tournament it~lf w:i~ prob:ibly lhe hc,1 one l'\'e been to "' Bcnncll cncourJge~ ,1udent~ ll'ho are intl'rC!,ICd in College Bowl to h:.l"c :1 good background in a lot of 1hing~, and .. get out and panicip:11e." This was Wright's firsi )'c:iron the V:irsity team and participating •in College Bowl. " I h:id heard of ii bcforr," she ~aid. ··Hu1nc\'erreally1hought I ll'as good enough to maLc the team Surpri se!" Wright ~aid that m:iny ~tud~·nl~ protiably ~on·, rc:ilize t_hcy don't ha~c w h_c rn :i club or society tu participate m College Bowl. She s:11d she enjoyed r:inicipating in Colle_gc Bull'l and hcmg pan of the Varsny tc:1111.

• NCAA Dinner. 6 p.111. in Clark S1udcn1 Center Rooms I .15A 300

• Alph:1 LambJa Delia r p.m. in Clar\.: Student Cc~



1 ;t l1~~J~~id~~~ ~es~1~%! i i1


:n~~w~~: ;::~:~ • Kine,iology Ctuh met11 11K

!-U:aprc~ nls "Urban Legends," 7

:n~.1::1 ~St'f:i~;:~;:~~

p.m. in dark Studcnl Center Room JJR


! ~ ~m~~a!~ 1:~t~~!~igning, IO a.m. 10 3 p.m. in Clark S1odcn1 Center Booksmrc . • F:icu lty Senate E~ec u11ve Commiucc mcc1ing. J p.m. 111 Clark Student Center Room 183 • French Fi lm "~;mon o_f 1he Spri ngs:· 7 p.m. m the Llhrnry Media Center • Re\idcnt H:ill Associa1ion meet• ing. 7 p.m. in Cl11rk Student Ce111er Room 177 . • P-Jnhrllenic mL-cting. 7:30 p.m. m Clark Studcn1 Cemer Room 17 1 • Bapti st Studenl Ministry J:izz and J:iva C:ife. 8 p.m. in Clark Studenl

in Cl:irk S1u~n~

Tuesday, Mar. 9 •State Fa11!1 lnsuraocc inter, m Clark Stutk111 ~'. • Alpha L~mbda ~ll ~~

~;~:~, ~~~~:gR~ma.~ .I in (• i • As One G<:,spc:l Choir r.tfnr_ 1 10 12 p.m. tn Clark S1udcn1( 1 Room 136



• Sic~le Ce ll Aw:irene,,, I p 111 ~)~· in Clark Stoden1 Crmrr


rHorN 1.x \i\


.... .

J i:'llti']


• A1hlctics. Banquet. 6 p.rn. in t Ligon Coliseum

Friday, March _5

;~~~~,1~e11n:t~~.;,7 1n r • UPB presents Mark Ma1cn.: ~fsAin Clark Student Cemer k~

Cru~ades m«ting. 8:30 p.rn. in Clark Student Center Room 138

• Education screcnmg inten·iews. 8

a.m. to 3 p.m. in Clark Student Center Rooms 172. 177, 16 1 and


• A~crican Markc!ing A11((Q: meeung, 7 p.m. i~ Fowler IOJ

~ i!i Chi general meeting, I p.m. in ~.~~~o~~~le~ :c:~~e12mrt11r~

Clark Student Center Room I 38 • Upsi lon Pi Epsi_lon initi31ion ceremony. 7 p.m. m Clark Stude nt Cenlcr Room 162

Wednesday,_March 1_0 • Sherwin W1l h3ms imen1e11 1 1 4 p.m. Clark Student Cemer · ·

108 • Mortar Board Gcnernl mttcr , a.m. in Clark Student Cen1er~ • 138 • As Once Gospc_l Choir r.tfr<. :i.m. to 12 p.m. m Clark S1 Cen1er Room 136 • Sc.-nior Salu1e, 11 a.m.106p r,. Clark S1uden1 Center Book~hm Sunday, March 7 • Greek Counci l mectin£. l p.n • C3thohc Mass. 7 p.m. to 8 p. m. in Clark Student Center Room 19] the Ca1holic Campus Center • Society for Crca1ive Anachronism • Sm~II Business Stan-up '>(rn1 ~ mee1ing. 7 p.m. at the Oucdoor p.m. m Fow ler Room 106 • Financial Aid Emrance & bn Etluc:ition Center sion, 2 p.m. in Clark Stuckn1 Cr Room 138 Monday, March 8 • As One Gospe l Choir R3ffic. 8 • College Republican~ nll'ttin~. \_ :i.m. to I 2 p.m. in Clark Student p.m. in Clark S1udent Cemer R 171 Center Room 136 • United Regioniil Hcal lh Ca re • Financial Aid E_n1rnncc & 1 System, 9 3.m. 10, l p.m. in Bridwell Session. 5:30 p.m. m Clark Stu Center Room 138 Hall Lobby • Phi Alph:i Honor Society meeting, • MSU Artist Lecture Sa1e1 IO a.m. to 12 p.m. in Clar\.: Stude nt sents John Graves. 7 p.m. m Ccnlcr Room 162 Aodi1orium • United Campus Mini,try lunch, 12 • Alcohol Awareness program.;_ p.m. in the Catholic Campus Center p.m. in Cl:irk S1ude111 Cemer R,. • Resume Workshop. l :J0 p.m. · in 138

Saturday, March 6

• M11th conference, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m in Clark Student Center • International Scudents Orguni z3. tion Picnic and Spons Day, 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Outdoor Educa1ion Center

MSU announces Who's Who · Six1y- 1hree Midwestern S!alc Studems hal'e been nominated for Who'~ Who Am~ng _S_tudents in Amencun Umversi11cs and Colleges. The nominees will be recogni zed :it a special ceremony Sunday, M:irch 28 al 3 p.m. in the CSC Sh:iwnec Theater. The nominee!, arc: Wil helmine Adrien. Br:indy Ale_xa_nder, Megan Apostolo, Chnstma Be ll , Mary

Place Time

c.s,ter 1p.rrt

Qr. Teetn fime ~fachlne fri. Maren stn ~at, March ,th Direct from Dallas



BUCK JONES Fri. March 12th

AdmiJnfrd yth:3 Date



1 : ~~~~pus

Brosiu s, Si h·ia Brunet, M;I. Buck. Leslie Campbell an<l R.n: Case.· Also. Tracy Cline. Erin Cl. S11undr-J Crouch. Ch Cunnin1,1 ham. Sharon Day. Rl Denton, Lisa Dixon. D, Edward s, Michelle Farrell. Nc1r1 Fenton. Jeremy Fcnnan. D,:~ Ford. Sharon-Ruth Fre<k Jenn ifer Griffi n, Shannon H Marg_aret Hooper and N~ Kocmg. Also. Jason Lawrence. R . L_ight, Stephan Lopez, Joe Li. Stl \'annc Maloney. Jessica M.irl. Andrew Martin. f,,13cf~ McCartney. Carla Nichols. Gb · O'Garro. Dy lan Oll ivierre. ~'Olson, Lawrencia Pierre. f Polydorc, Rona Ross, f,,fo ~ Samuel. Simone Senhou..e. B~ Sinclair and Blake Smith Also, Daniel S1emem311n. ,\ Lt1 Supcrville, Tobias Su Talley, Pa1ricia Thomas. A , Thompson, S1even Tincher. ~hr Townsend, J_immy Trotter, ~h -.; Vital, D3v 1d Vi1al. Chri ,h'r Vomas1ek, David Welgc. T~-t Wiist. Aaron Wilson. Terri Wr,,:,! · An hur Woolf and Scott Yori.. 1









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THE WICHITAN -----=...:.. ::.Mrch 3, 1889

~u~tin: Music.City USA?



Hare she Is...

artist Nelson showcases huge talent in Texas capitol

..9Cll IAGHUfJOUII The WIChitan

the Byru~. lhc Grateful Dclld lhc

lead 11uiurr work. The drum !>cat i, cool anJ steady anJ the combination of the chord progression and Ncbon\ Mylc of rhythm m:ikc hi~ guilar ,tylc unique. The guic:ir solo oo "Strong ..." ~how ~ Ncwcumh must be an accom-

autohiogr:iphical. On lhi~ ~ong. Nelson rc:illy d1ows hi) ,·ocal l"lll"lgc. Tr...c k ~i• . "SlrJy Dog,K is proba· bly my f:l\ onte one. It is full or alli• hc~md Nd-.on arc lhe lc:id guitudc and seems 10 al.w> be autohiot~n)l/produccr ··scrarpy" Jud graphical. Ii has II Black Crown ftcl ~~;f,~mb drummcr/pcrcu~10 it Nelson mu\l ha\"e a fi x11tion P:mcr,on. The with moonlight and howling, because he mc:ntioM them again in ba~~ Reiff, player, plishcdHismusiGcorgc i\ ' , - - - - - - - - cian. har- 1his song. aho \'cry a<lcpl mony meal~ "Thing~ Get Shaky ' Round \ \ 1n a ,:ool ~ of 10i•ay. lrnd :11 lh..: traditonal Nelson strikes me as lhroughout lhe Midnight." the sc:,·cnt h tr.tek on the (/ he ha, JU'l , tan~d J!3rJ!li ng 11 album. rcmind~ me of Bob Dylan the country-rock ltl Jnd Nlihlllj! alcohol ~nd h n'I ~ 1 because or ib cool rhyt hmic, mucsi1 J -tiwoed wteran at n )'Cl. ~ 1: answer to the early - M ,1nle:-- me: a~ the 0:UUntl) . h cal and lyrical s1ylc, though M oo nl i gh1. " Nehon's ,·ocals art better. On this f~,,,crto 1h,: early-·90,. ~aulc Seattle grunge 1~i~:~~~ song he piles loo or lyrics into each ~ Cf3/t. lk look, hl ,: he has- ~~~1 ,·crsc kind of like "Subtcrr:incan 11 .~ h1, h:ur any more fl..'("l'nt· ~~:~~1~~"~. craze ballad wi,h a Blucs'" with a different tempo. un anyofthe guy, from Alice In The ninth track. '"One Car r: or Mudhooey. 001 hi.· decided c~mcr and :a spc· cool lyrics. On ' ' folk:y fc:c l and Collision," has thoughtful and sym~ u~ht-eut whiem .\hin, wi1h ~~:lly [~11~dgui; - - - - - - - one line bolic lyrics. 11 has cool 1 ch:ingc:s in m,1t:id of pl:i1d 0anncl p Nclron sings 1tmpo. The drums come in a, juSI ~c~i:s~;;~'hitc String Bender ~~~~i~~\u~tb 1hc right time: in the beginning of the Tht whole alhom is cxcdlem, bu1 1raditional because it\ a collabora• song. All in all. Nelson s«ms like one i. arnuinJ! unknown Au,un-area the rc~I gems arc tracks two, ihr«. 1ion between Newcomb on guitar of those Au~lin-musician types who k,an} 10 prodocc a wcll-bal- four, m, :iOO seven. and Kc-.·in Carroll on mandolin. T~k two, "'Slrong A.\ I Look.'' Wcount!)' rock feet. Ncl~n\ The ncu track, "Forge1Thinkin' :· would be cool to h:ing out with ~ h b fre sh a11d. though ii establishes the a11i1udc Nelson car- is an c:isy rock song with a nice bttau!,C of his lyrics and unique th d1fferen1. i1 rt'"minisccn, of rics- thmughout the album. h 's b,;asi- combination of mandolin und ekc- musical )Cnsibilities. I wouldn't take t.lp(fimental country rock call y a ~1raight-forward roc k song tric gui1ar. The candid lyrics arc any grooming tips from him, e.\cep1 for Lhe vibrato--dri\'cn 1wang o.ccllen1 and M"em 10 be sornewh:;u though - or jus1 :,,bout any other ,ris reco«kd by "60s hand~ likc lifc:~1yle tips for 1ha1 matter. Flyini Burri10 Bru1hm, 11nd the ·New Rider.. of the Purple sa,c. ~ mu~ician s who rcally ~hinc


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Miss Killingsworth 1999 Amy Baum slruls her... um.. stutt in Monday nighl's conies!. Photo by Teanette Miller

;tangl wins Mortar Board award for teaching JlNNIFUI HEIIRILL TheWIChilan

rrrcm ti,e ~1uden1s. fellow fac. !11tmhef'>. and MSU dcpanmcnt 2, loOked on proudly Feb. 23. as • Stan~!. profcs,;or of biology at ~I. 'A'J\ n:imcd Monar Bo:ird f- 1999 Profc~~or of the Year. ' am~I h:i~ bttn a pmfcs~or at 11 r--·er ~incc hi~ am,·al here in II He currently m~t ruct~ a~p1ring ,rub on both undel'l)raduatc and ~ , k,·ch. leaching ..any dass11oh1ni m:immal,.'' 1 fr'A of the cla~!>(:) he 1c:achc~ \t,k ~c nerJI zoology. comparJ• !anatomy, \"CRC br3te zoology. ~ - bK>gcography. fi eld zoolo~ "'1ldhfc m:inagcmenl among

F'Kk of leaching. Stangl con-

JI a "''Ide

\'arie1y of m:immalian m h. workin~ with C:H'l)'thing 11hr comparath·c ~kull anatomy as to mammalian disca.,;c control


h;:::n:i~\c )lid . " I what I do. I rnay ll a p;ipc:r today and stan work-

~ lllfTt)IO," down

mg on something lotally different tomorrow." A.\ it turns 001, ha,·ing the abi lity lo keep his op1ion~ open i~ the a~cl of hh work thal Stangl mrn.t CnjO}'\. " I couldn't funct ion in either a purc researc h or a pure teaching SCl• tmg;· he said. " I like the freedom to do what I wane and get paid for i1:· Although part of the research that Stangl doci concerns his own pcr~al biological inte rests. n\OSI of his time m the lab is spent working with E-rJduatc ~tudents. "'11 really kcc-p~ me popping," he ~aid. Stangl "s intcrcs1 in helping graduate ~tudenb come~ in pan from hi~ O\Oi n c1pcriences a~ an MidwcslCm grJduate. He earned his bachelor's degree: in biology in 1974 and hi\ master's degree m the s:imc subject in 1981. Making the decision to fully complclC his cdocation. he bc:g:in :iucnding Teufftcch Uni,·e~ily shonly af1er gradua1ion. compkling hi~ doc1or:ite of biology in J 984. He remains acti,·c wi1hin the com-

munit)" a"" a member of the Ci1y Waler Advi!>OI)' Board. On-campu~. he i~ u member of the Rank und Tenure Commiuce und help~ pub I ish the

10 him. '"When you thmk abo ut how many good people we ha,·e here:· he said, :"just to get picked out is pretty nc:a1:·

~J ~~;nc!:~rnal ' , - - - - - - - - awarJ h10i·a~ A l tho u gh prcscnled at Stangl has done the organil a•

:~u~~:;:~~~~ It was Stangl's intertific work both action with and dedi• :~~ide c~~s~~~ cation to the students :~~f~ring Boa;~ that really stood out. Prc:sidc:nt Jul ie -Julie Peterson Peterson, it was


~~~::i~tt~h lab cquipmenl 1ha1 earned him the prores)(M" of the year nomi nation. '"We believe 1hat those who stand oul on campus ~hould be rewardcd,1' Pe1c:rson s::iid. '"It was Stangl"s inter• ac1ion wi1h and dedication to the s1udcnts that reall y stood out." Stangl wa~ as proud to rcceh-e 1hc uward as his student~ were to give i1


luncheon. an

:~i~~-:!t!~ succ~~~- reall y

Cate~. G:irrcu Sih·ey and Aaron Coru m, and gr.adua1c: ~tudc:m Jacob Rcc,·c~. Boquin pl aced 5th in the 56 kg bodyweighl cla.~s. Schlager, who i, dually enrolled in MSU and Henrietta High School. won the bronze: medal in the 62 kg da)~. Ret\C~ IOi'On thci;oltl medal in the 69 kg cla!i).

Canterbury won lhe ~ih·cr medal in the 94 kg cla,s. Cate~ \Oi"ort the bronze medal in the 94 kgd:iss. Silvey pl:iced 41h in the 94 ki; cla,s. Corum won the ~1h·er ITICdal in th,: 105+ kg cl:i~~Mcno won lhc bronze metlal in lhe I 05+ kg cla,~. The pcrforrnunCe) by Reeve~. Cunterhury, Cate~. Corum and Meno - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - , qualified the ri,·e )ludcn1 ~ for lhc Collegiate National We1gh1hfling ChampiOfbhip) th,!,1 w11I be held on 1he MSU ~-ampu, thi~ June. Meno .ibo qualified for the TH£ WtcHITAN

~-~~.--· ~ ,_,_


..., JVJcCA,,... .,




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BoarJ aJ \'i!>ar Larry Wilhanl\. "11", pret1y !>Clcct." Profc~.\ON rrum all tlepanmcnh are nomin:itcd for th1) a\\ ard by Monar Board memhcr, u1 an annual meeting during the fall ,eme,1er. Finafot~ arc \'ia a ballot• style \'otc.

Since thal time. Monar Board has grown considerably. both in the num ber of members and in ib abili1y 10 reach out 10 the Wichita Falb

""Thes,: )(~,ion, :ire clu,cd lo e\"el)·one but studcn1 member.,,"' ,aiJ Williams. ··11·.\ nm e\en opc1uo ch, aik i~ors."' ·


Na11onal Junior Cham piomhips and Rcc,·cs qualified for 1he American Open, the largot and mo~I presli• gious open clrnmpjo n~hip in the U.S. Bo.:quin and Schlager·~ rc)ult~ we1e c~pc:cially n()(ablc, ~,ntl ad,·i~r Lon Kilgore. hccaur.c they were competing head-to-head again,t male weightlifter~. The team wll\ l>t'e aeuon again on March 13 al the Top of Texas Weightl1f1ing Champion~hip~ m Wichita F3lh .

' -1~



s2.:-.o nn ■ ll l! flllld C Pllc h ~ r • 'TILCLO SE!

-~~~~9~~~ PHIL PRITCHETT ~' . ~ ·

Sat . . March 13th · . Direct from Austin , TX . · ·; ....... 4705-A Jacksboro Hwy., (next to Scott's Drive In) 940-723-2554 .


..The nallonal ch11p1er of ~lurtar Board doc,n 't let u~ ha\e more than year:· saiJ Mon ar

◄O member.. each

~h~~ t~a:~d)u!;;.~~c~~sl~s~i: ~ dents man:agc:d gel the: organization more 1han on its" feet ··1t usually takes a new chapter al kast fi,·c ye;m 10 be appro,·ed by the national organization,"' Peterson said, '"but we were one of the few ;.::t~rs 10 cam a charter in our first

went wel l,'" she said. '"We c~O~-~~h~hc p;ist ycar,"Pc:terson =~h~~~;.: said. " We ha,·c panic1patcd in toy cally for the dri\·cs and adopltd families at both purpose of presenting this a10i·ard. " As pan of the award, SIOO was Thanksgiving and Chrh una ~. We donaccd in Stangl's name to the · arc al \O currentl y pan of a project to Monar Board National Fellowship d ean up Tex:is highway~:· Annual membership with thi~ Fund. a fund from which del>Crving gr3duatc s1udtnts arc aided fin an- ~~g:~~a~r~l~~~~~oh 1 ;~ 1r. ~~'. . cially nationwide. · mem bers arc: cho~en by cuncm The Cap and Gown chapter of Monar Board is a senior honor soci• membc~ on Lhe basi~ or ~holar• ship, lcader, hip. arld !>Crvice. '

t\Teightlifting team wins medals

~ 1member,,, or the Mid10i·e~1cm t Uni1·mit) Weigh11if1111g Team ~ ltd in the Tua, Slate 111p1on, hip:,. held Fch. 20 in the fl,, Mttroplu. Team mcmbcn, ~ nr IO.Ch:: fre, hmcn Elizabeth ilicr. '-Ophomore Alicia !q.J1n and Jarrod Meno. Junior i Canicrbury. ~c nior, Ja,on

c1y and ,ervicc orga mzation at MSU. When i1 wa., founded in 1914. 1he 187th chaplcr of Munar Bw rd

Stangl ag rted 10 thi, f'llJin t. "Thcy'r.: prctl) ,n,::ily," hc !>aid. "Yo u don"t C\'er know that you·,~ gonen ii until you·\"c l!0llen it."' Along with choosini; rec1 p1en1, of the Profc,~ r of the Yc,1r ,\\Oi~JrJ anJ N:itional Monar RoarJ Foundation Fclhl\Oi\hlp awards. ~lonar Bo:irJ al\u annu:illy prc-.cnh the Sophmorc Scholarshi p 10 dc,el"\'lllg ~1w.kn1, and pro,pccti,e ml·tnhcr..

MSU basketball players picked for LSC All-Conference team s THI ~HITAN Thb year·.) All -Conrc rem.:e team ~clcc1ion wa~ an nounced Tue,day afternoon. Bcini; eho).Cn 10 lhc wome n\ 1999 All-Lone Srnr Conference South Dl\•i~ion fihl team wa~ .'i10 junior for.1-·artl TcNuy Garn u. G:1rren lei.I lhc Lady Indian., in .•,rnriny with 3 19 for the,on. a,·cr,1g111i; 12.11 pninl.\ per game. She al,o ktl lhc team 111 rebour11h \Oi uh 229-92 offcmin·. 137 dcfen~h·c anJ field goal.\ 10i ilh 126. Scni nr ~·emer Shan non Bo.i~ earned II pl ace on 1he AIICoofcrcno:e !ieeond 1eam. Boa., c fullowctl G:ineu rn potnl.) wuh 3011, a,·c:r.i11ini; I I.ti a gumc, rel>ound ~ wi1h l\1~ •7 1 offen~l\'C, 124 dcfcn-.c and field 0

goal, with 11K. Frc,hman ot lhe Year Avr.ini 10ienl 10 guard LinJ} U1111harJ . whu lcJ 111 block~ wi1h lh unJ 111 frcc throw\ with 1111. She 1, ~,:cond on Lhl· LaJ y Indian, in ~ll·al, w11h H . third m poi nts with .:?KO. a"t\1, " 11h 70. 1chound, 10i i1h 142 anJ fiel d i,;oJls wi th 92. Chu-en to th~ m,:n \ l'N'J All · Lone S1.u Sou1 h D111,11111 Fu, 1 Team wa~ 6- .\ ,enmr fn rwa11I R1ch111J fohn., nn. Juh n... 111 ~·d 101h Ill till' LSC Ill .\Cllflll f 10i1th ◄ 66 durin ~ 1he rq:ul :u '<':1"m, a\"c rayi ni,; H,.6 poinh p,·r f :mll' and lfllh m rcli\1u1M.lini.: \Oi tlh lt11J, a,cragmg 61-:1 fame . John,on 10i:t~ .iho 11Jt11eJ h 1 lhl' AII-Toum11111c111 1eu111 J • \OiCII .i, Mo)t Valuable l'l~)'l'r lhn111i_: 1h~ LSC' loUfll :& 11\l'lll.

lk-irikO;S:l 3916 Kt m l l't'd Suitt I • Wichlt1 hll,, Tuu 76108_(IIWl)lll:lWIJ •

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THE WICH ITAN --'-'-Mll'cll 3, 1899


We are the champions DAWN H INIUY


.,hootmg f'('rfc-~1 from 1hr

fll-'C in

lint' anJ k:iJing lh~• learn v.1th .l.

throw Slt'ab

TI1c woRh. "Hcr( an- your ncv. Loni.' Stnr Conference champion,. 1hc M1d1>.c,1em S1atl' lni..han< " an: ,1111 echoing in the D.L Lig,m coli'('Unl after a wed: of Jcmnnding

Junior center EJg:ir Ancaga aho earned a duuhk-Jouhlc for 1hc night. M.'oring 15 points and 11 rebound,. J_unior guurd Craig ~nodGr,n!>

{?:IRlC• agam\l F..a!>ICrn Ccn1r:i l rn.lahnma. Tcxa, A&M Commcn:c, :mJ 1hc l·h:1111p1l1n,hip gan\C facing Tarlc1on S1:11c. "I 1hough1 it wa, a gooJ toumamcn1. 11.·c h:11J to wort.: hard 10 win," ,aid Junior guard Terrence Thuma~ "I lmd of had c.\pcct:ation.\ of al lca.,.1 wrnning C<'nference, an<l f 1hink we can ...1ill go fanher·· Saturday nigh!".,. i amc was wi1r-.c, . .cd by of the largest audience at :a _confcrc~ championship g11mc wnh 4,96:'i in ;i11end:mcc. T:arlcton gave the Indian . . a .'> trong g:ime, bu1 the Indians pre\~Jiled once ag:iin, 78-62. W11h a surprise \ i_.. i1 from Dallas Co11i·ho(-" mascot. Rowdy, 1hc crowd besan a small roar and the wa\'C "'ilh the help of a fe11i• excited , r~dcnts as 1he s1:1n ing line-up was bemg called. One<' the g:imc got undcr,,,•:iy. the only people cheering were the T:irk1on fans, a_i. 1he T<" ~-~re ~p hy 18 point \ with 6: 11 l'<'m:immg m the fir..t half. A t half time the game l,("Cn)Cd :1/mo)t uniouchable with the Tribe' trailing ..J0..30.

Toomamcnt team with a rtgular record of 3.0 roints • :l\'Cr.iging 11.3 a game • 48 ~,cals, 74 asshts. and shoocinl,! .819 from the free lhruw line. ··r 1hink . i1 wa_.. qui1c an honor;· Thomas s.nd . ··1 think I worked hard cnoogh 10 n.'Cch·c i1.'' Al'° being named 10 the All· Tournament learn was Aneaga with JJ9 poin1s :ind 192 rebounds k3ding the 1eam for the regu lar season . ··1 worked hard for it. we all did."' Aneaga said. Johnson was named to the AIITournament 1eam, AII-Coofrrcnce lea rn and voted the Lone Star Conference Tournamcm Mos1 Valuable Player. " ii doesn't surprise me:· Ray ~:aid ··He's be-en our lc:wler all year long, ~nd he led u_.. 1n the toum:imcnt. just hke he led U\ 1hroush the year:· He led the team to the second place finish in Ilk= LSC ll!i well as lhe champion~hip in the LSC 1ourn:ime nt . Johnson is al . .o ranked tenth in 1hc LSC in M:oring and lead

~~;~ ~·~

ll\ \l\lctl 3 team high of Sill basket~ for the lndian!o. Thonrns wa, named 10 the AII-

- - ~:~uttaat \~:;:~ 466 wi 1h pomt~. avcr:ig16.b points ing 0 o n a I d per g:ime. Hamil1on said. "'/ wa~ "We made a \'Cry proud." good nm at the Johnson said of li(")l the of end the awards. ··1 half.wccutthc 1hink I descn·cd lead to 10. And it" " A I I just _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ' ' Co:ich telling us wa!i three uf them In keep chip• de~n·e it." Ray said. " I think when ping awa~ at the k3d ·· out come honor\ conference the And 1ha1 \ ju_.. 1 _" h_at they did the actual fir~t team, M!tond team. Beginning "1th a llp•m by . . opho- all that - -.•c' /1 ha\·e some ktd~ make co Beasley Rodney morc for,,, ard 1h:1t :is well. which they dcsen·e to open the ~ond half. 1he lndi11ns do." 11icnt on a 12-0 run 10 lie up the Thursday nisht the Tribe faced i;arne-12-42. TeAas A&M Commerce, in an Afler IW0 free lhfOW ) and a same tha1 hac.l 1hc Indians intense the . . Thoma. jumper. both by !>Cr.1mbling:1t che fini sh Indian_.. rook the lead and main• Commerce 100k an early le.Kl fi '"e t:imcd it 1hcrcaf1cr. minu1es in 1he game, 12-9, hut The Trihe plowed 0\·er Tarleton, Hamil1on hit :i thrce-poimcr and "-'oti ng .is 10 lht- Tex:in)' 22 in the a. . ~h,cd a baske1 10 1ake MSU 10 the ~ ond to win the game by 16. lead '"Aga.imt Tarleton we came oul Wi1h J :07 lefl in the fi1>t half, Lind of cold rrom the second half of )>()phomorc forward Charlie Bennett the game and on and pulled ii off," dunked on 1hc Lions with a behind John)on ,en1or forward Richard 1hc hack pass from Hami lton, 10 ,aid bring the crowd 10 ib feet ··1 11i as proud of 1he kids," head Going into the lockt•r room the ba. . le1ball co:ich Jeff Ray said. "We lnd1~n ~ were u_r 49-)6 and looking were down 18 poi nts in lhe fiN half. 1owmthescm1-finals. They could ha \"C giH·n up, but they Howe\·er. once 1hc second half gOI JU\I Lept lighting and lighting and undcrwily. Commerce snuck up on lep11hcir head... up for minute.'>.'' the Trihc, closing the gap 10 84-80 off ·ent 1 1. buzzer final Che When with 2:42 left in the g:imc. announcing MSU as the LSC chamWith lb ~cond-" rcm:ii ning in the p.on\, the crowd _.. wamped the floor same. the game wa~ wi1hin one b:is• 10 congratula1e the team. ket of going into O\·enime, 86-84. The Indian\ did the trad itional _Bui, lht- Indian"> rcfu~d 10 gi\"e ,·umng of the net arter the trophy th1 ~game up to the Lions. edging by had been handed 10 co-captain ~·84 for the fina l score. John'°'1. Si.\ uf tht- Indians registered dou··It 11i•a, a big 1.1•in for us because ble digit s in scoring against 1ha1 \ what 11,·e\·e been wailing for Commerce. Uading the 1eam wa.\ all sca.'> on: · Hamilton .'>aid. "We Johnson with 17. Thomas with J]. lnew if wc won that game. there Bennett 11,•ith 13. Hamilton with J2, wa, a good chance that we 11,·el'C Arteaga with 12, and junior guard going lo ho. . 1 the region:ib. and we Jerome Jackson with 10. would be slaying home." Hami llon wa.\ on fire shoo1ing 5-6 "'And. 11ie\e been trying to gc1 the from the_field, 1-2 in the t_hrcc-poi~l lt:hampionshipJ ring 1111 year," he range and added Si.\ assists 10 h1~ con11nucd. "No" that we·\·e 11,•on record r_u11fcrcm::c, we'll probably get a Leading rcboundcrs for 1he night nni;; ." were Arteaga with 9 and Bennet! Leading the 1c:1m in points was with 8 Th_umas with 21. mal.:.ins 7- 10 three• pointer.... Snodgr.iss earned fi ve a.\s1sts, and Aho puuing up number-. were by JohnM>n recording a double-double Ja1:kMln had four steal s followed with 17 points and 10 rebounds. Arteaga with three. ' "-~~ come ~:ick:· junior guard



- --



They could have given up, but they kept fighting . -Coach Ray


Above: Johnson stands alone as the Lone Star Conference Tournament Most Valuable Player.

Above: Junior center Edgar Meaga lays up for a basl<el to lnd,ans to a victory over Tarleton making them the new Lone s. Conference Champions.


Tourney Left: Fans show their support for the Indians Saturday by spelling out l•N•D+A•N·S . Photos by Lindsey Huffhines

With a 27-4 overall !'<'cord and 17-J at home n.-cor~. th~ Indians also hold the second place st~n_ding 1n the Lone _Siar _CO(lfc rencc Soulh D1v1s1on and lhe ch:imp1onsh1p tnlc of the Lone Star Conference Tournament that w:1~ held at MSU last weekend Senior forward Richard John~on. who was named the LSC . Tournamem ~1o~t Valuable :!~_r. is the Indians' top scorer w11h J6.6 per The Tri be :iverages 93 points a game :ind arc the No. 3 offensive team in NCAA II . Pittsburg S11:ue holds the No 2. slot with a record ~f 24-4. ,:Jle Gori llas were the conference leader rn dcfensrve field goal percentage. outrebounJ foes an ~vcrnge of 7.1 per game, and junior forw:i_rd ~•chacl Jone!. is the lll0_M llCCUrJIC 1hrcc~ :::~1~~~;~ii~1 :~~-Mid-Amcnca lntereullcgiate _MSU rival Wcs1 Texas A&M has the No. 3 place 11i·11h :i rcco_rd of 22-6. WTAMU look first plucc in the LSC th1s year 0\·cr MS_U. Top scorer Terrence Jolly recorded :i career high ]5 points Feh. 20

ag:1ins11hc Indians. The Buffs hosted !he South Cen1ral Tourr advancing to 1he Eli!i' J

1 won, :~~ fi~s~\f:!_

The No 4. Spot is held by Missouri Wr,r,·1 ~ rcco rd of 22-6. Junior forw:i~d Randy Di•'· ts ch~ 0~ to watch averaging 2 1 points r-··, 5nd _1s also the l_cading ~bounder for ihc Gn' cmor gu_artl Nick Jcnkms averages 15 rr~~hc team rn assists and was the NCAA II It 1e~ig~:1I percentage SSOUn Western leads the league in fi, 1 re;,~;i~ge and_arc No 1. in the nation . 0 - 5 seed in the toumamenl · ,, fn · S a~at: wnh a 25_-6 record. The Bulldo~• ~-'~ 1 perfect g~:itr::~;_ trcak, making F~~' 1 ChT~c_last _place is held by MSU rilJI-' 4 i:is11an _wuh a 19-7 record. ACU t,c:11~t~t · 1~ Ab~Jene 95-85, The Rcsional t1wr: , 0 ~h~fr;•ll be pla~ed by the Wildcab "~- , rsl game •n almoM 1wo wee~' 1

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