March 4, 1993

Page 1

Wtc Volume 71, Number 19

"Reporting Mldweotem State Unlvenlty News Sin ce 1922''

University BOR meetings may get student representation By G. Patrick Fortner 11 Steff Writer Student• may soon hava a voice in Soard ol Regents meelings at universities ecroS&

!he slale. Jim Turner, slale senalor from district five, hes introduced leg15lalion that woold aeete an advisory student regent poll• hon Under Senate Bill 254, each university system would c.ubmit nominees from tis student gov• ernment, and lhe go vernor would make lhe' selection of !he

non-voling student regent. The student regent would receive no money from lhe slale. Studen1 s.ervlce lees al each univers4y would pay costs incuned by the student 'Un,versrty students can be a valuable .source of mformalion and Ideas !or l he1r respective The universities of regents this Slale 8XISI for the benefit of our sludenls, end input •• essen11a t to t he decision-making p,ocess, • Turner said. Senalor Gonzalo Barrienlos ol Ausiin sponsored sunilar leg-

1alalk>n in the 72nd L egislative Seslion, and is co-sponsoring Senate Bill 25" ol Ho us e lhe In Repte$8nlalives, Represenl a• live Shem Greenberg al Aushn and Represental1ve Si e v e Ogden of Bryan are co• sponsoring the bdl as House Bill

95 . '"We are lrying lo make g,,Jery par1 of stale government more responsive to lhe people . Tlus b~I aimJ>'y applies Iha! ph1loSO· phy lo hi gher educa tion ," Turner saKt.

Japan's Consul General visits MSU By Loree M. ArriDIU)D







ri.., W11C./1JJ0"'11,lrnda Rrru U/fl

Traslc ta-"'•··· Memorial QuJlt were duplayed latt we-ek in the Clark Student

Shojiro lmamshi, Consul General d Japan, Houston !old students galhered in the Clark Student Center Theater on Feb 25 that the key to economic recovery was cooperatton be• tween lhe United States and Japan. The consul genefal was optim istic abou ~ng wilh !he Clinton admmstmllon . · Mr. Chnton has been say• ing Japanese and U S. relations are the mo~ mpof1anl bilateral relatl0n5 for the Un~ed States. h

has been lhis way lor Japan.

Local panel, af' the AIDS Japanese percepsame the said we havealso _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ . Nowlmenishi Atrium. , tion," lmanishi said

Lady Indians qualify for Nationals :t,·~:·:.:.~;::::-~~~ Dorm b1·ds ing

By Debbie Mafftaa Sport, Staff

The MSU Lady Indians bHketb1II team be gin fir&I round play todaiy in the NAIA Division I N11tk>n1I Toumament unseeded the agiinat

"'5 first month tn offace.

The Lady Indians receNed

ever lnp to nationals. carrying

He American's are fflOf9

an at-large berth l o lhe lournament on Friday loMowing Wednel<My's loss to Wayland Baptist in rhe Oistricr 8 pfayotts ll'l Levelland. Midwestern !raveled l o

with t hem the number 13 seeding and a 2 1· 7 record !he e nters R oc khursr tournament with a J0.1, overall season record and champions of Districi 16

serious about reducing the

dehc11 and l h&I instead of blam• mg someone else Americans are finally trying to !ix 1he problems themselves.

A betler underslandlng ol lhe relianc e both countries economies have on each other would strengthen the political lies between the counlt1es, lmamsh, said. He caulioned, howe ver, lhal special in1e,est groups lfl both counlnas foster a prOlection,st senllmenl !hal is harmful lo bolh eoonorries He said the true trade bal· ances of lhe United Slates and Japan he between the mIscon• ceplion of ·open' markel and 'closed" marttets as underS1ood by each nation He referred to studies thal incbcale lhe markets are about equal C urrently. Japan and Germany are suffering reces• sions as much as lhe United

States. lmanishl said lhe Uniled States ind Japan'$ tac:o\leries are tied cloHly together, lhus !here la a need lo work togethe, lo reeotve trade differences. Dr. Yoshi Fukasawa, prolesaor of economics al MSU, agreed and a.aid Iha! coopera• lion between Japan a nd lhe United Stales la necesS1111ry tor economic recovery lo r bolh countries. A.-eady, half ol the r(!JC(Nery from this r9C8$6Klfl is due lo ex• panak>n in exports lrom lhe Unified Stales, lmani.shi said Fukasawa said thal Japan and Germany entered ,ec es• -.ona belween she and nine monlha aflet" lhe Unrted Slalos, but have not yel tell the reoov• ery Iha! lhe United S ta tes has u:perienc:ed in the past three to six monl hs.

beg1·n 1·0

~-----·_Mo_______J_■_ck_""'_·_T_•_nn_._,_01_,_h_•i_,_'"-"----------, two weeks

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---1- ~ - ~ - -- - - -·~----!'1:_' :;_

By Thoma• Brien Hos

Reporter Many sludenls who hve on campus are wondenng what kn:I ol changes are going to OC· cur once 1he new housing facil • rty is buiH. The new dormitory (McCullough-Trigg) will be lo· caled behind KillingsW0t1h Hall and across 1he street from

Marchrren Ted Aedlaczyk, director of housing and residence life, said, "Bid openings wi! begm in less than lwo weeks and assummg lhal we get bids within our budget. lhe ground b!'eaking cere• mony WII be sometmfJ ., early 1o mid-March. Conslruct1on w,11 begin shof11y afle, thal and there will be approx,matety 13 months of bu1ld1ng. The dorm should be comp4eted by May or June ol

199-4." Over !he pasl lew years Midwestern has beel'I grow1ng increasing l he n eed lor more

_ "',.. L..---_,;1;;9,;9,;3..M_s_u_La_d_y_I_n_d_i_a_n_s_ _,_...._"'°"""

l■see New, pg. 21

U.S/Japane8" cooperation. .. Sbojiro lmaniahi,J apa.n'5Coo.tu.l, addreued a cmwd in the Clark Student Ctnter on Feb. 25.

!Pare 2 ■1bu.nday, March 4, 1993



Media Club elects officers, plans trip

Farrell hosts Leadership breakfast By Michael Veadrkk F.dltor in chief D<. lioword M F • -· MSU vic,e J>f•eident tor atudenl and

hoe1ed. l ~rship BrMldalf on Feb 18 lo d lscu•• campus

~ - NrV1C:IN.

IITC>rovamenta, ttw .,.rch lor a new vie. prMOlnl fof ~ affairs, Mudenl fNa and developments within the alhlahc pro--


LMders of numeroua stu• dent orgeni.zahone and unrY•• arty adrrirutratora were to otfe, thw inplJI at lhe btMk·


FamiH Mid lhllt during a r-. cant MSU Soard of Regents meeting, $ 200,000 was allo• c.aled to r9ffl0del the ruidenoe halb a1'd add s...,arel outdoor basketbal oour1a to the can,>1,a

·wa want to make 1tvs a

.-we1. it you wit. of a unrver-My," he said -Wa Wlil e.niNta dNd e,p«e lo enhance ec1ivittH for

atuc:Mnts .· ThrN indivd.Jatl: hll.,,.. been W'll9Mewed to fill tt-19 poeition ol vice Pfudent of bus.,...,. affairs vaceted by Chart• Hardy. who aoceptMi an admnattaliva

potitlon .C Sam Houston State University in Huntav~le So far, Mith« ol the apphcanla have bMn accepted, Fa.,..U •Id ·our )ob la to hire !he right pen,on - a person with humanlMic · ~ lo Ml values fot

By Britt MiletlNd Jl.po,Ur

RatH tor residents at Iha



Ai.xander. Jaaon Barton, 8'I Boatman. Scx,tt c..-, Doug Char1re. Simon 0,,,.,. Eaplnon. O avkJ Freeman,

H---Brant Martaon. JoN Miranda.


McMillan, Rog«"""""·

,,,..,,ng& c1o,;gn.tod •nd

Thia yMr'a spring rush be42 awi;c.nts On Fab. was hek.l wner9 NCh fral:emily WU repre. Nnled lo give nJShffa a pet· apect1Ye of the Greek ayatem and individual fraternity. That eveNng, an all OrNk 4 , a frat.,.nity forum


ct.w::. - - held.


Fab.l,wilh-,1.-nioyt-• Ing a dll.,.,.. tme abl hosting n . . ~. thUI anowing them a

Chna Putaanauu, Ho,a Ton, Oomwuck Trwino, OaVJd Valaz

chance to meet individual fr•• ,.,.,;,y ---.. Sigma Nu 11gned Paul Pe1coff, Ben~ Ma~. Cullin Coburn. Thornes Ali.n. Ai.x Romero, Eddie Ortega, l•• Couto, Troy MIiier. Brandon eon., Chris Brumley. Enc Moo« and Co,y l.agodw,u. ~ Alpha Order stgned Shane LovMaa. c~ MMd and C had Riggins Phi Sigma Kappa signed Mi ke Anderson

Each tralemity achedu~ ditt•enl activities 1hroughout the . . _ gNjng lhoM who appNd an oppc>f1unllty IO choose the lratemity of their choice. R--tt..;rb;d& Fab. 12, bmg,>g formal ruah to a doM Tr.y Harrie, IFC pr..;.. denl, •Id, •1t ~ tt.l lhe run-

bot ol that agnad wil be v_,., beneficial 10 the




from pare I



housing ~ - Th• facility will be a thrf f Rory structure with • toundat 10n ~hie of suppo,11ng three more lloors on top o1 lhal Tho long ,anga plan IS to add the othltf tht'M floors H needed Under the current oonfigurabOn. lhe building • ~ tended lo hold 75 students with an aipet1menl tor one altl9 membar Near Iha and ol Iha Spring 1993 semea1..- students will have the oppot1unity 10 sign up to, the n,ext fall's housing regis·

howwet, nothing '9 NI in Ilene

yet .

Reclecryl< -

&aid, -


thinking about ch angi ng Marc hman from doubte oc:cu• pancy lo aingl• rooms Hopel\,ly Iha mojorily ol aingla rooma in our donne win be oc• cupied by atudenla who will

trallOn. "The current upperclassmen rNldenta .;1 have the fnl shot al picking where 1hey want to IN•. and ..nee lhete WIii onty be 75 spots v, the new building. I feel sutfl that they WIit! be gone quockly • Aadlaeryk Nod "The rett of the dofm ruJdenta end the new incoming ah.dents wil


Feb 20 8AM Feb 22 & 23 '5PM T hun day Feb 25 9AM Marc h 6 8AM Marc h 8 & 9 6rM May take half class at a lime 1- 800--400- H Otc

\"l 1>tt ""',.ovn,1itt1vNt'I :i.u.YTY C"Otllllll!

a,e $6 peraemNlfN'


Becky Mobley bu.u• Juon Ha,emann dunnc a drue rehurtal f'orthe u,pcominc MSU theatn prodllC\Jon '"Whodu.nnit· slated for

March &-7.

Hickey named TV2 director By LI• Pecot

Reporter The MSU mau communications departmenl has a new IMWiMw"I lechnlell assistant thla aemu1e, Thomas Hickey WH hued H the new 5ludb dwector lot"5U2 HK:key'• dutiea will include MNting Mudenl s with 1echnlcal



* The Sludent Sanate will

•. working as a ha,son

between the communica•


lion$ department and the can,. pus and ooordmaltng with lhe

Public lnfonNt,on Office

Hickey W .. pre"¥iously em• ployed at Vista Cablevision where he worked as • video production spac~list . While '#Orking f()( Vista, Hickey begin producing his own tel ev1s10n ahow. "Step FOfWard • The program Is a progres&ive k>ok at Wichlia Falls and ccwers a vanety ol IOplC5 ranging from the Red R,ver Rodeo and

Chnatrnu ... g,c to hang-glklong and hot -a ir ballooning. Hickey wtll cool inue to p,oduce the ah::,w in h• apare time

Hickey currently fff"Ves ■s p..t,.liciry dmtctor for "Odyssey of the Mu"Kt: tn the North T exu Region. He tS a membef of Fnt Baphat Church aod volunleers

p.m . March -4, ,n CSC

., ks media deperlment H1ekey began has career at KAUZ TV, a CBS ttf1l111e on chamel 6 , 'M'lere he worked for four yeara He begin ,n p!'odUC· hon as a playback opet"ator and wotked hill way ~ 10 news lechnical director He WH also 1he assistant director tor the weekend and 10 pm newscast

Hickey also worked at KJTl. a FoxaNilialeon Channel 18, aa the H Si~a nt production direc• lor Finely, he also ass,s,led set• hng up Fox·• aporta netwon: on cl>amel35 Hickey. a lifelong relidenl: ol Wtehila Falla, graduated from Aider High School In 19n He Mmed his bachelor of apphed arts and scienc e s from M!dweatem m lhe summer ol 1992


any monetary IOCfNMS nexl year's hout-1ng but Aedlaczyk anticipates a .shgh11y higher lee fo, residents one• the new taoJiy is ~ e d


Favonte, beauty, t,eau and Lord & Lady Midwestern voting will be held from ~ 8 p.m., M•rch 4 end 9 a m 10 t p m • March 5 , 1n the Clark Student Center Atrium • The MSU Oanee Teem wll prachc• el 8 p m , March -4 , in lhe CSC Eic•a1udenl.s Dining

meet at e 104


'K_pruhfs Paint & 'Body ............ Do--0,,

The M SU Philosophy Ck.A:> wlfl hofd a meeting open to all lf'l1eruted students at 7 p m , Me.n::h ... ., csc 118 • The Auocialion for Computing Machinery will pr•• senl ·rhe Brown Sag Lunch Seminar," fealuring 1he latest in compUlltf tecM<>k>gy. al 1 p.m., March 5 Bring your lunch. Admt&stOn IS frM

• An Odyssey of the Mind Tournament will be heki at 8 p m . March 5 and 7 a.m., March 6 , in the CSC Atnum • "W hodunnrt," • theatre production. w1tl be held al 8 p m . March 5•6 and 2:30 p m . March 7, in the Fine Arts

Thea•• • An ACT Sc,ectrum Wt1 be



Doo)'o'"'.... ..,....,,




A Tax As.slStance s...,.._ wiNbeheidat 10am . Marchg in the Small Bua1neu O.vek>pment Cent&r • An Egg Drop contea 'Iii be held al 10 am . March 8 • Kilingsworth Han • An Alpha Chi 1nrh1ho,, c.eremooy w,II be held 11 3 p l"i March 7, in lhe CSC Balroo,n A Science Fei, ri be hit; ale am . March 8· 12 mtht


CSC Ballroom


Boys" Cl<b Schols,..... are availal:>Je !or !he Fall 1993 HmMter Fo, more inlormalO\ Or. Gary Fashl~r. • ,ociate profeuor ol social won-. al ext 4319

. . . 1111919 tandy.,_ ..

,., ,, ..



,1 •.• '

• I'"••'"· '•· •




.... Doo.

held at e • m . Marc h 6 11 Bu~meu Administration A,,,.., 101.





1 HR. Cl.l~ ''l'EMS ANO LAUNDRY 27J I SouUl-t Pakw•y 691 1996 R10Vuh Phu l221SJ•


W 1ChtU Sqi,-1tt

·n yx-10.w 691-0060


IS01 Mld~Cl'TI l'•hu• 72)-1900 161 ?91.b Suul 767,(QO

111Jlou1tll\ "I... \ 1 ,1~ l J1,..1•1111

1,, .... ,,11111 "" ,Ii I 1, llh Ill\ 111h, f

l'i. ,, i,i\l',I lll "llh /11, 111111,

<Wd\ 1 , h•hut


W...iaiaa Pcaclioc· NggL MIC£b 12 Cmli"t WriliM 1'11 Poetry. " ' -

...r-. ,._ r"°""

O\MlirlotkQ· Coo1c.!lt&nts may 1Ubm1t 111 any ooe o( the ~ Tbole pocery ffl'Al1 l!Ubn»t thnici l)Oefflll, Prmc pteeet lho\lld nm abouc I.(X)() wo,ds Rm110,,.• all UNlicalKJM o r author. AU.Ch c.ow.r ~ to 9'1b«MDH>D ec,..•« ~ lhowd 1.ndude


M.lbmlMion 1.111•, your umr-. addrws ..wt ldcphoGe 1111mbef. Daliur or ma.ii &o: VinMMI Awar• (Crailiff Wril.._,

DITiAon o/ Hwuoities • Hardin »9 MidwGkm State UniTtnity 341' Tall BITd. Wtchita Falh. TX. 7'311

:-,. nrsfEdilorifJ · KN fc,alun!; ll<>ry (publi~

or wapubliwcfl

N..., "'"' (pn(<nhl7 publiwd) Edill'Mial (publi.dwd or unput,li.wd)



mass commun,c allon,. 0, M Jtchell Land. ........ean1 prof.._ ,or of mesa communicet10t11 r. vendnck. W dli1an ed•or

Pucker up, bis boy!

u•tk>n end be very H nous ,,.._.ed kWrMtd lhlir afUdiN. • At pr......C. the pra for a

plan. OllieM ' - • ""' ya! . -

A.n/OfW intarMled m ios.,


..... ,.. .-ol-lueky>il·

Mmi•privllte room la $768 plus the IIIIUCMr'lla choice of • fflMI

o-na v..m.

tt,aMSUM«M Ckbca,,°"""' Pam Bettencourt. InstfUClor tJ.

also dJS· c..-sed a Merch t 3 tnp to !he WN I End Histoncal Ois1f,c::I ,n Dallas 10 view th• KeMedy .aasa.sainaUon axhi>'s on the sixth floor ol !he to,rnat Teus SchOOI

New dorm to have three stories ~-------go- Pien:e and K.lling&WOtth.

committee assignment• for (MC()faltng H weft a cre•UOO ,_ vode<> _ . tape and the 1


gan -

MSU'1 hlemty ruth doMd Feb. 1 2 , adding 35 new members to the rnen'a Greek ayatem.

on Feb 18 and Feb ~~-loClub cuaa th• annual M _. - . i banquflf aWied for 7 P m .• ......,. •• 22 ., the Clarl< StudO<' c.,,« 8 · Members at1e nding~

BridweMCourts Aplr1 ment1 ION 1hghtly a nd food COIII lnCfNMd 3.5 percent "Sludenta deckt. wh.,.. lheH ,... Farrel Mid Otmg a diacUNion penod following lhe breakfast, MSU ptMidar< D< Looos J Rodnguez Nki a commrttee lo Qenere1e ~ and ltudent fflhus•sm for alhktk: programs would be c:Nlllled in the ,... future.

Frat rush garners 35 new members


Ckb _, Tl•• MSU ,.._ dis-

our 11uden1s," he said

"TanMOl'I Stat• (Un,v.,.ity. in Stephenville) 991• behind their 11\.denta: he Mid. •1 don'I ... lilf'f ,_eon ..t,y we can1 lltther" Rodriguez auggealed ttudenl1 llhould do their part to ~ gal Iha word out .... - · ommended · c ram lh• CoHNum· rjgta lhould be ~ ~ed~

eook Oepoa,tory bu1'd1ng &t.i th• JFK A suu 1ri 1 1i0n Intormet10n Center ..-i fh. End Marketp&ace The c: lub began t,i,. ~ • r with• new $1.tte <-' >:A. t,cere. The new office,, c.c,,.. priN Mk:Nlel Vendrie.k p,..._ dent, Dav.ct KNbng, Ylte1)t... denl. J . . n Hall. s«ret.ary ~ treeaurlf'

By LI.. f'eCOC Reporter

E.ach par1 u: 1pel - " ' ""°'nut not IIIOR. lhan one art1de (rnm EACII calt.80fJ'• all ~tQl10M of author Atbcb co,·t.r 11b«C 10 th,r Mlbou»H>n :Jd CoYt.r thecC should ir,cludc arttdc ulNI. yow o.ame., addlTN and ldq,honc: number Dt&iur CW' ..._ii to: V A~ ards (Ediconal) ,-i nt Am Oivi!,1on OfTk ~


Mi~·C!l&,t:nl State Unntnity 3410 Tafl Bhd. Wichita fl&lb, TX. 7'308

students and of our priorities! ·Fn:e delivtty twice a day to MSU ! :~M"lrnlOO t:J o(f~ 501,plin •nd (umitur,o in lcw,n,)'

. Kno....'«ic~u;~~ dt.flln.1ntnr • Xerox Copc-n &. Fa111 Mach,ro • 5'wmc.« TYP,:-wrilcn :~~~"' b,-,._,-id o(fict: fumitun: nu-new Des,gn ~rvicf' h~•lalk • JO.d:iy L1uiri."'" ' Frtt" E."Pf'tM IA·li"tty ·,.e"<c 194Z


P~!)~~• •• :::.-•

~Yt -4() . ~

IV\ 1

the 11:tn'I) )I.JU nt'Cd

nt.c in our ~




~e 111fcbltn



Thunday, March 4, 19113

Student Senate defeats, tables bills 8)' Charil,• C■1e Copy Editor In heated diacuu,or, on

Fob 18, the MSU &ludent M:tn• ftf8 de hMled IWO btlls and labled , thlrcl. The mo1t Inlense discussion 04 lhe mghl centered on bill 92/93· 15 which proposed !he ehminaHon of the spring elec11ons of b eavhes, beaus, ta-



Cart-, al50 commenlcd on th0 fervent end lt\len. in some cases. bitter lone taken by some senal ors and said, "Tharo's so htne discus.aion I11k1ng plac• that • heated d&SCus.slon is 8 good lhmg •

On a calmer note, senalors CSelNted biH 92193-5 which was an amendment lo the SGA con• ~o:,e:,.:,~d Lord and Lady atitu0on proposed by senator Jay Justice The bil would have Rea sons given for lhe re- adjusted Mtction 13 of the conmoval of the elecoons included siituoon to allow a quorum of I-el the contention lhet "the prolifer- of 1he sonata's member,. aUon o f popularity l1tles has 1onded 10 downgrade the $1SJnilSaoatOf's tabled bill 92Jg3. K:11 nce and honorary neture of 1 ~ ~ich will, If P8t.sed, creale a the titles.· posihon of ·,1uden1 observer· Afler the discuaatOn, sena- to be responsible for attending tors voled down the bill wi1h a MSU Board of Regents meetma,onty vote ings as ■n official representalive Johnny Carter, MSU alu• of the studen1 body. This poaident government associa11on Hon would ~ appoinled by !he president and proponent cl the SGA prealdent, and is intended bll1 Hpla1ned lhe bin's failure and H • fwst step toward obtaining a slud, 'Peopie have a herd time voling ,epreaantative for MSU telling go of the past I can un- atudenls.

SWAT needs senator By Dario Ster•

Crop Walk slated for March 28

be... -


lo -

Uy Holly FIiimore


The Wdila Fdl CROP,,.._

1993 will be held al 12 p .m on March 28. Th• format of the wenl: wll be • k)..kioffleter . . . . a-1hon• In wtileh pwticipanll wlll an~ to ,.... tunda by ...k. 1ng oponao,a from tho oommJ· nity. CROP standl for Chritti9n Rural OvMMM Program •nd ii the name given lo walk• and other commun;ty hunger, edu·


nominations. Lu t year 1,858 CROP


Walks involved some 3. 17 million people ■s participant•

you bear thia fOI' . .,

Rerina F-'or receiv• • OOM , , _ 0... Wtleb al- di• AIDS MetDOrial Service, li.eld Ptb. 11 ia' tha Cllrtl: Sludl:nt Cater


Aids Support Center 405 Galveston. Suite 10 Wichita Falls, Texas

Information & Referral Local 322-9122

Hot Line Toll Free


Contrtbutions can be maJlcd to

P.O. Box 2023 Wichita Falls. TI{ 76307

==='~."~!h~= IHI and hoki an ·a-thon,• or creale their own individoallz.S

liAtriiiiii·iiiumiii.i'i_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _,,


Malone to attend workshop


lklns for the pogjton.


The need for• student sen-. Brenda Walburn SWAT a1or was !he main topic of th9 p,eaident. introduced Henry last meeltng of Social Workers "Hank", a new prolNSOf Acting Together on Feb 8. TI\41 of soc!Ology who wil be starting group, now totaling 61 mem• work at MidwMtern n.xt fall

callon and fund rat.Ing event• ~nsored by Church World Service. CWS i1 • non-denominational Christian organization affililled with more than 50 d•

countries, CROP gif1s provide

health care, impfovementa in food produclion or Iha

By Linda Wileen Scott Reporter Belle Malone. assistant profeSSOf ot communica-



tionl and adviser to The Wichitan. has been named to participate In Iha 9th NatiONI Workshop of 1he Teaching of Ethics in Journalism and Masa Communica1ion. The is sp<>n&Ofed by 1he University of Missouri School of Journalism and lhe Associaho n lo r Educalton in Journalis m and Mass Communication The forum Is funded and hosted by the Freedom Forum and will Iaka place July 10-1 ~In Arlington,

sowces. lo



cit•• few.


SponlOf'I for lhe individual wallwra ol the Wk:hita Fal l wait win plec;g. a certain amount per kilomllllt' to be peid on the ba· &is of total kllomelera completed. Direct donlltiom of any amount will alao be accepted ..t appreciated. ProcNds from the walk wil go to feed the hoo'¥'/ on a local, national and inler-

national level.

pating inforrMition, idHS and 9f'ICOUragement Humbert emphasized !hat lhe general public ls ancour• aged to portlclpoto Lind• Whel•n of Sacred Hfftt Catholic Church. is Iha chowmon o1 recruiting lndMluola 1nd organizations for CROP 1093 Whelan said racrwtera. in addition to walking in the event themaelvH, will be going OU! lnlo the community to seek lpOMOf1 and donations as waH •• t9C:Niling ado1l0081 walker$ Humben said !he succoss of

Iha CROP Wak l'I Wictvla Falls is vital 10 the success of the pro· gram, and lhal he wanted lo ~ courege all forms of individual, church and community group participation. Whelan under• IIC0f«t that me, •nd said, "TM rally end CROP Walk is open to any organization. but

we ar• Np«ialy interested in MSU student invotvement• Hunt,ert called attention to the fact that 25 percent of 1he

procNds would be earmarked to feed the hungry in the W,c:hda Fella ar. .. Humbtu1 aakf Iha goal for this year'• w•lk is to a xceed $3,805. the arnot.M'lt raised from CROP Walk 1990. Any MSU Sludents or atu· den1 orgainizations wishing to participate are welcome. Thou -..ho are Interested n■ed to con-lad Frankie Chacon. president of Untied C•n"4)US Ministry, at th• Cathotlc Campus Center (992-9TTS). Arr, lrll'.Widual, church or org.anizatk>n h•ving questions or needing more Information on CROP Walk may contact the R•v. Humbert, First United

Va · Anendino thl, workshop will allow me lo get a bigger perspectiva. I hope lo ~in new insight on how lo present theM kfeas to students. I have always wanted to go to 1hi1 forum."

The Rav. Dantal Humbert, uaociale peaior of First Unit.ct M9thodist Chuft:h and chairman of the k>cal CROP Walk IV93, wl bt ~ to ,;,,. beat rep,estna• tivN of churchlla and other or-

Molone soid.

!ll'nizot- ........od In pmticl- Catholic ChllCh, 732-5288.

Melhoc:lst Church. 766-4321, or Linda Whahin. Sacred Heart

-=---=-..:....:IL.:lt...*k~m •:f 4\\ I Th• MSU Polic• Oepartmenl: rNP()OOed to lh,.. tl'Mtts, two automobile accidlnla and one acl of aimlnal miachlef ~ Feb. 23, H.G. Evan1, et-' of po1a, reported.

An ·unknown indiv;duel remoYed • PanMonle black and whit• video camera and caM, rnoMI IWV3320, from Fowler 129 on Fab. 23. TM ,1.,,. are worth $&42, Tl-. .,. no IU8""



An individual removed a $20 bill from an unlocked cash '9gieter rl Clark Studenl Center 103 on Feb. 23. An MSU employee la suspected in the

crime. Drive Rite



T<MC Wlnds-1212 Brood Much 6 March 8 & 9 March 16 & 18 March 20 March 22 & 23


March 27


May tab half c1....., • IIQW I -I00--460-3509

'--'" "a::•T£=-=O:_:V<D=D::,RMM=O:..,S:::,Al'HTY=-"COOU!==-- --.~~~~~~--~-

--------ffe\l _L]=,;;)f [g>IQ\ "\i\/L !2">\YI 'I

-- ,

,..,.. MSU SPECIAL,..,.. Bowl First Game

N S! hallway of the D L. Ligon Colmeum on Feb. 26. Tho ...... are worlh $30. A non-student is suapee1ed in the crime. An MSU studen1 driving a brown 1984 Oldsmobile Cutlass struck a ~ 1989 Ford Fesliva while eding lot 4 on Feb. 24. As


of prNS time, Iha damage hasn't been appraised.

* An MSU studenl driving a

btuo 198• GMC H;gh s ;ena

struck • red 1991 Chevrolet Silv..- •X• logolly parked ;n tot 2 on Feb. 26. As of press lime, the demega hasn't been oppnlised. An individual shot out an outside pane of glass on a noflhwest door of the OU1door Education Center Wflh either a



* An individual removed

two CBA caps from the noJth·

69l ·2211

BB or pellel gun on Feb. 27

• item la worth $418. A non• . - - - - -• - -- -• - -- -. . .; .;;; ; ;,;; ; ;; ,; ; ;; ; ; ; ; : ; , The s1udant is s uspected in the




11 · • • • •





ONE HOUR OF FREE ·······--------· : POOL : 1




2731 Southv.-al P,ri:way •t6 Widuia Falls, Tt~ 76308



-------, ~ =~ --~ IPare 4 ■Thunday,Ma.rch4,1993 OPINIONS Commentary EDITORAL . co questiont ID wa A.,,,... ATF's attack

Head Start

Program focuses on quality The Baltimore Eveninr Sun Launched 1n 1965 as part ol President Johnson's War on Poverty, Pro1ect Head Start began as a relatively modest six-to e1gh1-week summer program serving 1us1 over half a millton children. By 1989, Head Slart was serving only about 452,000 children, only one in five who were eligible, but they were enrolled in programs Iha! spanned a full academic year. Ouantrty versus quality 1s the central Head Start issue. President Clinton has called for funding Head Start at a level that w,11 serve every eligible child. raising spending by $785 million next year and by $3. 1 billion in 1997 10 more than double the currenl level. Even so. the administration's ftgures fall short of lhe $to billion over five years recommended by lhe Children's Defense Fund, the advocacy group formerly chaired by firs! lac!y Hillary Rodham Clinton. Ten billion dollars? That figure sounds like a budgel-bosler, but !here is no doubl that funding a ful~ day, year-round program will be expensive. Moreover, even Head Start's strongest advocates admit !hat not every program meets the standards that produce glowing results in the lives of many impoverished children and their tamihes. In fact, the focus 1n recent years on increasing the number of children in Head Slart has sometimes come at lhe expense of the quality of those programs. Head Start broughl a new concepl lo pre-school programs, broadening lhe scope lo include health services and attention to emotional, social and motivational devek)pment. Most important perhaps, was its focus on Including families. teaching parents that they can influence whal happens lo their children outside the home.

By Robert L Jacbon and RoaaJd J. Ostrow The Loi An1ele1 Tlrne1 WASHINGTON ·· Once known as "rev1nooers" who

tracked down !he backwoods opera!Ol's of whiskey atnls ard those who tratfk:ked in meoer brews, 1genlt of 1he U.S

8txNU of Ak:oho:, Tobecoo end FlrHrmt heve be~ around since 1919, An organizffl:Wl rich rn his• tory, its most famous member, Eliot Neu, headed an 1nt1• bootlegglf strikl fore, during Prohibition !hit went after the "ku of Al Capone and oth1r mob chiebina. He and his col• IMgues •med !he mckname ''The Unlouchablta" u e triu1 10 thw moral rtev,iy.

Bui with the end of ProhibiUon in 1933, lhi& unil of lhe Department of lhe Treasury

gradl»ly toded lrom J)<bl,c - · even lhough rl took on mor,


__..,,,.olfhO ·

prol1u10nal tuks over : year.. li:ke crftekilO doWf'I on • use of 1Wtg11I lir..rml -~ IXf ploSIVIS In the comrntSS'°" O

viole;1,::ly k>W-key btA es· s-ential par1ner In maior '"~: 11ge1iv1 etf0r1s, ATF none le$$ hat remau\ld •· in the ,yes ol mony loderal ~., ..,on;omon1 offic1r1 •· somethlf'lg o4 • aec· ond-level crimt•f1ghtmg unit whose member1 lack ihe breadth. training and soph1tflc•· tlOll ot larger agenclet like the FBI and th• 1n1ernel Revenue

S e ~ ~ raid0118 hlilvilv am,-j rehgious cuN in Texas that resuhed 1n the dealh of four agents •nd two cultists hll


gone~"•~ lil<O ~

"'"'.:°~ s

bY 1heIr owr, Dt-~ s,lir, ""°,,,rp0<ot• int• · [)Ol)el1morl cl tho 1,'•• FolrlOX, V• ;..,urilY ~ - cording lo law .,,,, - ""

:"!wf1,jk,<ol~ ......... tho culid• ~-...,..-,d,

"on•..,"'°' had•hk#I,.. Sof• ,.td hO IO< ATF b!"


A lormet hOI ~ Just~• ottc~I ,t,oir ,_,.--, with ATF ~iptotN•• , ~ ex,,.r1is• on • .,.i j,w151i0' noted: "Aa • gon not il'I -

liV• ogor<Y,

tt>eY::,,..u (F81),

rai,ed lur1h&r queshons abouC ATFs tactica.l OOIT4)8lence in IIW u ~ the Admini11r,1ion, enforcemenl "A$ e geMr~I Enforcement of 1h• rule when the bad guys win. bolh div11lons,~• ATF and ~body mad• 1 mistak1," ~ ol Howard s.tir, formlr depUty di·


E GA1 v,~1ot.J. /vf.f IN ({I< fO


&0D 5A IO,

1l- 1-


t4fN A p(.1.,./ ,A1 ,, NfAR t,.,IACO.


• l1r, ....,._, ix.,. ........ c....,.IIIM!dw.....,,! 1.o..,

thr~2~, and see ""• '-


On bohott of UPS ~ Tho AIDS Sl4)p0r1 C..., .,veryon• who par,~ th< AIDS W,.


gn,rr,ni,,g, I wish lo '-. ond your llaN fo, YO\I .. your asaiatance, •·.:

-~ollhoo,"'1 week. Th• articMts ....,.,;

LrdlWlilonSoonro.., olh«I ' " the

rtarn-, ,,

wH one very 11~r1.., ; that Jeanne White S.ICl t audience of 275 o, so ~. leh unreportad ... 11\a!

poop1ewt<>rea1y....._ 1 ther9 thait night and tee t wet• not; those Wt-wJ , needed IO hear lht ~ ot the week were r.w:.c Ct anention. I was amaze:it , the many reachon, to~. pan8'1 as there Wete ~

TUMday r'T'IOfrung 1n !ht~ Many people did 1"101 ~ ; they were, what !hey me., yet only 15 people llsted to lhe story of lt,t t


AIDS... each panel ltp"llr the many k>Ved ones ~" hole in their lives. The P«fl the Wichita Falls are1 co..:, OYlt 35 ptnets ~

k:rcal f<Mks who are nowb:1 to the quilt. There are n


Nerd wreaks revenge while 'Falling Down' . brea-~::::~;;!,!isab,ut1ly

manipulative revenge fantasy. N isa peraphrueof ~we'dlike lo do o urselvH. grv,n the opportunity and the right amount of mental inslability. Douglas" ~ role ii more image than characler. He embod11a the helpless lhat all people feel when confronted with society's ptOb'9ms - and di· recl or Joel Schumacher ("SI Elmo's Fire· and "Flatliners") helps the view1r solve t hose problems by vicariously gening beck a bit of their own. h ts app,opriale_10f those who • .re lir9d s..4e,r,~.-.bbl1 aaoua-V-traddlheel:y. of lhe cnme. poverty, vioience OtM I.Awrr.Picking up w•pon• along and ugHl"l8$S of big-city streets. lh,■ way, he uses !hem to ~al ~hr~ughou~ the anti r• wrth vanoua rude adversanes movte. ~ -F~ns , as Doug~s· !hat he encounters He mani- character 1& nickna.mecl , r.-nains cally des1roys a Korean store• a victim. He is the Ordinaryo~ner's invenl~,y because_his A~n-lumed-zoni>i•kitlet'. pncN ata 100 high. He terronzes He ISO I !he lrue aggteS904" here; a fast-food restaurant with an he'• merely • defender, striking machine gun becauH th1y beck Ma lousy wond. The movie I won'! serve him brukfast at it saying that he's mad u hell 11 ·32 1.m. (They slop serving and not going to lake it any-

lf PA l 1=-=::.-.:~-,.,_,,. -- "°"" la..,,_


AIDS problem. How..• ,

"Falng Down,' now playrng 11_Century City Cioema•·.'!"' M1c haal DouglH H WIiham Foster, a not-~paa.ive n.,d who, becoming fed up with the rude, irrUling inhurr.nity of btO· Ad D eak (817) 889-4.705 c~•Mt&. CrouMthalffM liM • betWNn raCiooality end iNaMy uu..r 1a CbJ.t and wrNkl hia rl'Y9flge on the MOCWI v. ldnd: paople of Loa Angeles in a M Ad""-Lri,cbp. AqiiSpeKff spree of vk>Mnce and destruc0w1iac,ac Gr1,phlc ArtW i\u.lMDwu lion. The movie take& lhl form of Sb,.a,t Cinai SWl' G ,,_.,nFortatru a nihilistic road movie. with u 1..,..lal A..t. (~aes ~ Phet,e,,r•pb•,.. Krl• R-il Ooogta abandoning his car in a ■P-Man.,... Oa.F..... freeway lraflic Jim ind •~Icing

Midweste rn State Untveraity B l d 3 4 lo • T a ft B v • ox 12160 Wichita Falls, TX 76308 Newe Deak (817) 689-4704

~ - U , 0 , _ t ll W.. .L..,.~lo1lbfNI.. "4 • 1 ~.. ~

' t

Secretary of lht l Llal'd e,,,tsen, ~

- • gnoot. Hopelu~ tt, 1 ol our follow lluden, ,.

~ ~be U,icbttan @} :r.:-~.~:nnc•

o,........__. ... _-..-n:,, ..... tt1"",_

Mc;CielWI, Ala

of the entire quilt r._ peopCe who have died .,..

~-_ -_ ------:-;_, -;;:--, _;_ 1

("o,pfl"lllll l ~rr,., Wt,.lr,\u TA,, WolloJfJ&,.10• .....,...,.

opora•~~," RohH,aai, \ . fieVed lo have be,,, ~ ~ncy•• lrain,og .:_"flf.,

Every one of lhe 20.~ c:.

Letters to the editor should be brief, to the point and without abusiue language or personal attacks. Letters must be signed by the writer .. not typed .. and should include a telephone number and address for uerificatwn purposes. Ifyou w~h your letter lo be publ~hed without your nam,,, and the content justifies that actwn, please contact the editor so a mutual agreement can be reached. All letters will be printed unedited.

ot ,.._. r.,,.-., l1>1am>IWJl,oll Pt- ~ um1 .,.... Tiw L.-AnllJ""'-.,..,_,,....~ 1 \ a - ..,.._. 7"'

Tr..SUIY .._,;,~",

o.,ir Mr. Vendrick:


I_. ,.,..._.O!lll



t>,Jlpllrk •• 108,nor• 1 5t11t-of· ThlY'" ,nuch lk>f\." t,/ reporters If ATF t.., , tho-P"r11~• tho ra<l property, "!>loo'~ F8Und tho o,ug reaOy• lh• l.rflj :

His concerns, however, must be reconciled with another danger facing lhe counlry ·• a defictt lhal in tt· setf threatens the future prosperity of every American. Given that reality. one lhing at least is clear. Any increases for Heed Slart should focus as much •• or more - on the quality of programs as on the numbers of children served. The oounlry may nol be able lo do all nshould do for ~• children. But whalever ~ can do, nshould do well.

CldlT°"" A.d•iMr lkllc Z



no1 unti Friday l'-t~

gird g,nera,liY)aWJ'# ,.hit~ knOWl.cigtablt &oi,i~~; odded· "lci"" 1 , • ~thot "ATF ... 's IOCl£OI ~ •~rtrno•1 01 ,,,.u tho

By paying attenlion to physical and emolional development as well as academic readiness - and, es• pecially, by bringing parents into lhe process - Head Slart helps keep children healthy and families funclional. Thal in ~self saves money - about $3 tor every $1 spent, according to Clinton. The president believes Head Start funding is an investment in the future, one lhal, hke good roads and sound bridges, is essenlial to building a competitive, prosperous America.


th• lnt•m~I r,,rvotrodil""'"ly °"" ,

roct"'fo<~--.... • ~ :,9f-.~•no'# n--• Iii

=-~-~1~':.~ guy?" h• ukt increduk>uafy. "How'1thlt hlq)enr Bl.C the trouble ii that, tven if Doug.a· victim,,,. mo,e 1,.. dltional "bad guye," the film

naver suggelts thet lhey are alaot~ in the same~ bling, oppreaaiva 10ciety lhat he

70 plus people in No.-!ti 7, wt<> have full blown AIOS. hundreds more who Nw HIV virus. That's abod ..-i Tarrant County, which rot thousands of res1den:s • wlh AIDS, was hve yews1r people do not oceepl . . ~ of AIDS here and t1U necessary steps to Jlfe'l'Y aprMcl, we wiH be ~ i r



st The,: 1~ Wadneaday's panel sa• ,

hoMI tho reality ol AIDS> ~

living wilh ar.:l t

fn:m the cbNae her• 11'1 We F.... Tho 275 l)IOple"'

lo Jeanne Whil:e aaw v.twl 11 Hke to have • child 6t ~ A.JDS. The hetecon-.:1.111•:

of two who hH Al0S 1N 1 WM pall

of !he aucfienctl"\l

• - t h o prol.......... Worthy of note ii the per- who last their son l,sl i1" fornwlCetr,, Robert CkNelasan AIDS con1)1icotil>ns I""' • SV·going, congeolal cop on some of the studenls lltW' ' believe lhemsetvas to bf ' hit 1811 day befOfe retire~ He, of C0UrM is the one n1· trom the disease, who ttwJ' Douglas' trail ~nd handJea h?" it woukt never happen la :"' wtth a good-natured serio:. that they wUI never be ,.._ by AJOS and therefor• .,nus that makes lhe . somewhat leu •rduous movie need to worry will r:JJl"1 The movie it raied "R• aoc1p1 the reality ol AJDS mainly because of rou h la : ■ti, Jeame White MJt/1 ~ she WOt.dd be attecied. ·• guage. There wa g . n blood, and no M s r9rv litlla did lhe father no, mos! ~ ~ - I did nol lhlnk 1,.,v bcJ: 1h41 hard-core 11:< society, 'Qh all the tli ly of lllfoctod by AIDS ·reedily ac>Partnt It . : . ' ~ II to -thanks not a m<Me tor lllitlfy friand, Again for h~ ii.





RWiew Raiti'lg: C

-dtho word. Sincerely , Faye Reea



liii' f;;, 111fc~flan

Thunday, March 4,

J993■Pa11e ~1,

Wayland's curse results in 11th straight loss at Plainview By K•vl■ Duke 0.,-i Sloc~on WIii not .. • • heppy with !he Tribe's

c;_,..tip0■ Mat

What ia it about P&alnvl•w tht1 Mdwelllem <So.en·1 like? 1'M MIIONI touma~-bound

- - .. lho _lng ..

he Mf~ed twice kl Iha llra1 hal I O - a toohnicol to.i, bu1 the zebrae wouldn't 000pllrala "When Wayland came to our PMc• we lhot 50 frN throws and I ~ the ,.,. .,..,. hying to atone for that 99ma tonight,· Stoctinon Mid Mldwa atern p ut Iha

l.116/ lrdiene know al abo\.f the


Flying two ot W•ylond Bop!ltl. le I tho -0<? Pod>opo Iha _..,, Iha plolno ion1 quioo rig!,? Whal...,., lhe rNaon, the ,nen'a belketbal teem got one ,non, INle of the Waylend cur.e ut S.tUfdly nigh!, t.ufl.,ing an al1'+'an1h llra lghl lo.. to Wa yland Bapliat in Plainvl..-.

Pion. .,. In Iha one-and,one bonus with only nine mlnutH gone in the first haW Wavtanc:1 waa Mnl to the tree throw line

,a..,__, Iha hall lO tho Tri>o'a



ooghl --- IO Iha charily 11'1)0

farent !Nm In the aa,cond holf• cJoeing tho QIIP to a t 85-64 with 10 37 left in the game A combinalion of At1hur Hurit .,,. aKie and E.J Coffins and Jason Pety outside broughl MldwHltrn back t,om the MYen-point halftlme defied . Bue Smith got hot. and wrlh 3·S0 '9ft in the game began • ,iring of nine ,tralghl po1nl1, putting Wayland in Iha driver's a..c ,o, Iha rest r.J lhe oontesl "Aflar we cerne beck ,n the MCOnd Ni" I tt,oughl we had • chance. bul 1he)' just dldn'1 any tree lhrows In lhe last I~ mtnutn and won the game,

However. Dave Smith had liOfflethw,g lo do with the 'IICIOfY for lhe Pionffra The 6.fJ, 240 pound s.nior Pol l cons1s1enlly buNied NI way inside to lud 111 Ml()(efl wrth UI point, ., lhe


haN. The ltdlens tell behind by H many H 13, but fought back lo

tra»ony bf MVan at 1he half. 4630

"I wu whh !ho play.,. In lhe ti,al haff becauu ltley

;:;. cr.gc:1!~,;~~=~~~~ ~ing lhem1atv,s and crHt•


W\9 the fouls,• Stockton Mid. The Indiana came

OU: • dl·

Stccidon said

Smith~ al 5COI'~ IIW.h 30 poinla on t 2 ol 16 ahootmg, white !he Indian, were paced by Paty's 19 Collln11 had 1e •nd Hurst lallted 14 in the k,slng .,.


The Trbe dropped to 2~11 on lhe year , but the lo.a did not affecl the Hading• fot nut

week• District 8 tournament et South Plains Junior College In Levelland. MldwHlarn clinched lhe No 1 s.ed two Wffb ago, with 11 6·1 record In dilfrici play, end will meac No 4 u.d Lubbock Christian Monday night, with Iha

Super Bowl champs to play hoops with MSU Hot Shots Tort Dallas An-Stars. a besk ~ l ,. . m C0"1)0aed of cur• ,... ,_,._, of tho Supe, Bowt ~ n Dallas Cowboys, will be 1n Wichita F,11$ March 12 to play • cha~ game against the MSU Ho< Shoes. The Hot Shol1 are a grOUp composed mostty ol lorrrtflr MSU bllskel~II pleyera. Game time ~ &lated tor 7 05 p m. and the proceeds will benefit 1he Roever Educational A sslstance Progrom (REAP). The O.iias All-Stars are led by IHm captain l•rTY Brown, who is lhe starting defensive cornerback for the Cowboys Brown medo Dallas h,.. to,y by becoming the first 12th round drah p,ck to make the


starting lin1K4> in hjg rookie Ma• son. In addition to Brown, the Oelas All•Stars mcfude Cowboy

greats Ken Nonon Jr., K..,in Smith, Jim Jeflcoal, Nale Newton and Kenny Gent. There will be a t<>lal of ....,en Cowboys

matong !ho tj, to Wdlia Fab. Tho _,.,.,. by tho AD· Start is being tpOnaored by the MSU M-Club, KAUZ·TV and REAP. Qa,,. Roever, pruident of REAP. waa burned beyond recognition in Vietnam while serving with the rivw-pa1ro1 dM&ion of lhe Uniled StatM NaYY A phoephort• grenade ha " ' poised to throw eKploded in his hand and sank the bol.l ha was

on. Roever's s urvival waa miracuk>ua, and Iha ordNI of being ho1pilallzed tor 14 months a nd undergoing 15 ma}of Opt;ralions heighten his kwe for Amanca. He uses his





o...Jd Sc«kton, MSU ...... boabdlel11-d-", -

fcn- the pl ayoffs wtth a to hi1 pl.-yers.

as an •I-Americ:9n. as he hes the laSI ttvee l imes he was ptelced," Nathan Pifer, MSU soccer heed

•Martt did a gt"NI tot, this NMOn QOM cl the tri-cllptaine

and tNder of our defense. He cel1alrw-.. being p;ci(ed




Thia ia Iha third time lhel Warrior, a Mnior from Dallas (Waalarn Hills), has been se· lected first INm All-American








He was aJso a first team pick last year and during hit sophomore yea, in 1998. As• freshmen in 1987, he WU a HCond team Al-American. Warrior ia lh8 only ■l hleta ln MSU hoalo,y tobe Mmed an AlAmerican lour tirnM end onty the lhird in NAIA aoec. hillto,y. "He's definflaly one of l he best players 1n the nation at any level," Pier said.


- --tht~"W ~l'l)' prtt"Jlption

lp[o Table

r_._.,.......,..,.• ..,..

..___..n,. . .,_ _,_,-.

,,..•~·-,.._.,._,w_ ,....... . . . . .. ._

,----~ MH!WN


1 Jew· F= = ~ ~:a~:~~ : Jewish pe,aon, unless ii is meanl 10 be 'M'oef'I said in a hat• ful way by a skin•head or halo group,· Malone said. l feel people should address the issue of prejudice and stereotypes before condemn• ing a rrwa::ot Of team name. I've been to many lndtan dances In Oklahoma and ,rs easy 10 . . . the care taken to preserve their heritage The reuon for the dances is: to u,shll pride and respect 1n th e yOtM'lger generation tor !heir el• ders and break down the stereotypes of lnd411na pot1rayed in television ard motion pictures Pre1udice and stereotypes 3re bom out of ignorance and are sustained by slupidily ." Mlkinttqid Europeans judged the people they encountered when they fnc arrived in America by a EuropNn value system, and did not want lo und4tratand or re• sp«:t tM India,-' values or be-


·oa...•-:, - •O.•-·:::----· --·-

Student Center 9:00 am - 1:00 pm

lllhllllic: tNml mcC. and I'm sure •• 1p,0rting INms ChooH !heir ic:aw lorthll Mme reasons. ANiatanl: proteuor of m1ss communications Belle Malone, llll'ho ii one-hal netfV"e Ameocan and faculty adviser to the Wichilan. said any1hing referring to • group of people depends ....1r1y on the tcf1fent and hid• den meaning m their voce.


YOODON'TNM TODRINI TO RIDE DRUNK. ,1m~.:inr(.4'1a&c-il'OW',ord1nat1t1n. ind v1~on 11 much u mlhi~. Ml'r drinlonKor taking tflt'd. 1ra11on, don'I ndr's ~

jRecruiters on Campus ... II March 3 I I I I

Come OD f'UY'l:I

American YOClng.

3401 Kemp Blvd.. Wichiu Falb, Tx 76308 Phone (817) 691 -6555 Fu (817)691-7504


Vo" . .. bu11\len1ily !he bMt traits of lhe Native American. auch as strength, un~, a alrong will and kwe of n11hn, with my school It mak• me proud when the

for rNd-I9\lel rese,ved and S15 10, courtside rHerved There will al5o be a limled numbet of VIP courtside level reHrved tickels tor $50, wtuch will indude an autograph seuk>n with five of Iha Dau.a Cowboys Tic:kets tor lhe Al-Star game w.nt on sale Merd, 1 at lhe MSU athletic office, Cla,1!; Student Center, the Shepperd Air Force Base Rec:realion Center and Iha Wichita Falls Texans oNice m



ma-1 I think not. I don't know


tionGaneral lldmLssion are $5, $8 tor upper deck reserved, $12



By 8baa.a Glvea • Sparta Edlto, Should MK!wellem be pol•· icall'y COfl'ect and ,.fuse lo daim the Indian •a the MSU spot1s

MSU sweeper back Mark Waniof hN bMn named lo the firll 1. .m in lhe 1992 NAIA All-


iPeace~ !Corps

~i a name?

!..-~~--------------• Warrior earns All-American again


We provide school supplies as well as o ffice supplies.


r What'sin

war experiences of loneliness. peerpr....,,e, d.Sflguremant end pain lo lelk about 10lu1ton1 lo problems 1uch H drug abuse, drinking and driving, suicide, p,.marital aex end low MW-image Smee 1978, Roever has spoken to almoat five million sludenla in public schoob: across the na-

For rn::,ra information con• I.ct the MSU 1lhletic oNlce at 689•4767



Totem Pole



mn« advancK\g to lho cham• plonahip gamo Tue9daoy ntght fOf" the nghl 10 go IO nat,onaJa, "We may not end ~ playinQ Wayland if we 8dvance Western New MHico ha.s played very Mrong •s of le1e; bl.A regardleH. wa' I ha\te to be better than we were IOnlghe,' Stockton t81d The IS probably JUSI glad th• oamft 1s nol •.n Plainview. •rd hope• the AM' IS better 50 milH aouth m Levelland Bolh Mondlly •nd Tuesday Nghl's games w~I be broadcast loc■lty on KLLF·1290 AM, be· gwv,i'tg Monday al 6 p.m.

Career Planning & Placement Office 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm

I take pride in Indian sym• bol1, tuch Q Iha arrowhead. and fNI the Wichitan rellecls the Mme pride. I k>ok at "Smoke Sign,i1■• and the banner, lhink• ing we have much more ac:hool spirit lhan other schools lhis

size. In ooncluslon, the lnd'8n is jus1 a mascot and if we have pride and respect for what 1he real Indians went Uvou~. then we will be worthy lo call our· selves (native) Amencans


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=-:====--=---------------.:::-;-.--;;:;;~ .---------NATION/WORLD iPap s■ nu,nday,March4,199S



Autho rities track clues left by bombe rs drUO eal'lea-releted ~ to ~ that the W()fMr was stiff

By Sc<>tt t.dtl and Joeepb A. GambardeUo Newed.ay NEW YOAK .• The Wo,kf

IOfS are expected to rtview tha1 IOOlllge, officials said.

lnveallga,0,1 alto have

perking slubl: from !he under• ground garage on which atlen• •ve,ywhe,re. Though ftde111I d#lnes wrote down lh• ticenu Mid of)' ffiNbgalors hive yec lo p611e nun-bers of al c::.ra lhlt en• reach tht •..,.,.. of the ••Pio· 1ered sk>n, top FBI officleta qid And mojor INda developed the y've elrudy collecl&d from • uriM of c.lla from wttwhat Fox enough INd& lo build a protns- nesMs who ing ~igMion into the u:pb- le,mtd •,uspidoua'' behavior a.on Ihm kll6ed al five and and nociced cars movfng In and wr. .ked terror on the> Tw,n out the garage About a Tow, doz..-. calls e,ime in, and Fox . ·rd btt a WMk'• Nllry we' re &aid thrM or four proved valu-

T ~ Ctn1• bombeta left clues




going lo 1olv• this crime," Foz. the . . . .anl FBI di' I NW lhia car do this, I MW rec:lor tn dwge of 1h41 New YOik lhia guy ~ lhis way· said


off;c., satd Fox uld federal ag en1s "have some pretty good raw information and int•I I ~"' 1h11 th• bomb WH driven inlo the underground perking garage

rninutH Mfo,- it detonated. Agents aifled through the bombed aru. removing dust


Moel likely, the bomb was trantpc:>rted bv • 1111~ ca, or van ,,., -

~ photog,aphed

by a video camera ITIOl.ned neer the rnein entrance on WHt StrNI, inYestigllors Nd A louriM In the vicinity also

people lie•· ahol - - oland irwest1911ing the building,

Fox dMCribing lhe caUs. "We got some ~ we're looklng lo, based on thoae calts These peopl• aren't WS,peds, not by a long lhot, bl.A they're PtiOP'e we Wllnl to take • cloMf look at or hava them •xp~in why they "' In news b,~ings through• oue the day, Fox uid thal ~ pie in the .,... ahottly before IM exploaion might have noticed the ~t>Miring vehicle ii it WM overburdened by- • 1T11M;h of a half-ton of an exploeive devk:e. Accordng to eource,. on. 911 cea. said ha had tpOtted ■

bfue van or truck traveling at hi gh speed lrom the World Trade C.nt• about Iha lime of the explof,,on. but it WH unclear \llllha1 oonnechOn, ii any . !he ve• hicle might have had to l ho bombing The CBS Evening News. cit,ng e source close to lhe i nves1 ig ■ llon . repo,Ied Mondoy night Iha! witnesses dncn'bed a truck INvmg the partting garage at a hfgh rate of speed at the time of the blast The witneues ..Kl t he lruck was IT'IOVlng so fasl lhet II was "benglng into things on the woy O\.C," Iha report Mid CBS said the w1tneHH apparently de• aaibed lhe !ruck as nding so high on U springs 1ha1 its top htl the garage cetAing on ils way out

The ,epc»t stid investigators were wondering whether the INCk WU rigged to Cllf'TY a very heavy loed and whether !hat kied was lef'I k'I the tt'8de center's pe,lung garaga. The Police Department and the federal Bu,eau or Alcoho', Tobec<:o and Firearms said !hey had no knowledge of such .yewttness reports

FBI spokesman Joseph Valiquette Mid lhe CBS report did not originate with the bu• r..u. but '#Ollkj neither confirm

nor deny if lhe FBI wuawared the wcneu 1talements ched in the report It is un~kety the deva wH

the work of• aingJe t,o,rt,er, Fox SAtd. and mey have u :pfoded premeturety Thal woutd expleln why no advance warning waa r• Ceived, he Hid 'It's unusual if it'a ■ group that _..nls 10 get publicity It's clearly unusual," Fox said of the lack or credlbfa c1a1ms of , • • sponsibdity · n could mean that the boni> misfired, went off Nrtier than 1hey thought " Investigators have not yel been abla lo d•le,mme whal kind d bomb ll was he said, but nitrate residue ard ocher chemicals al the acene will provide clues. Fox said residue i.h by the blasl suggests the bomb

. s 6,-rwrnfe or• sinwar device. The arduous investigation, hampered by the enormous amount of rubble and buiJdmg in fhe bomb·s wake. debris was lurther sk>wed when a wall


wNkened by the bolT'btng cd· lapsed in • garage benMlh the Vista lnletNlt0nal Hocel Monday ahernoon. Offictals said there were no 1njurlM and i1 did nol cause senou1 slructural dam• age Meanwhile, the family ol • WOfker In lhe blJlkj1ng repor1ed

2:iec-;:nW:~~ ~Hfinwted 1


n;:::,,,. 12-18 pm t,,a~

~t!~,.,- of the ve1tiQators

,.!~•:;:t. as1,eet

would be entrance, driy• '~oo W1th ~ an at· hended • parkinO 1he Ii· res! of lhe f,ckel Iendant who Jotl was cense pi.ta numb"'· "Their recotd ~ ~ o l ic• pre lly , g ooAd . rnond Kelty n CommiuiOnef •Y said A aecond •ntranc• ~r Vesfl( SlrHf was reservttd In·

through IM



monlhly, Wllh d<IV°Kelly se,ting an 10 cald for .,my. utd those reco,ds heve t)een turned over 10 itrlestiOlltorl A third garage entranc• on ~ Slreel _ , uo,dfOf--

d-'N'eriN Ev..-, ••


t,or d1spu1e, IOmelhiri; • t ~ I .. Fox Mtd he 'Waln'I •·.. al• pairtk:u&ar labord~ 1"\, might tngger such • r ~~ bli he . .id d'a •a ~~•"

Age,.., a Sp•c1al Aunamenti. • ~e"'-r. the fecfe,al Drug Enforc...,.," ,Adn,iniatrahon, said the ~ ,..1 .-;nglheF81 by ~

ing 111 lates~ mtelhgenc, ,, na rco- terro rism, bu1 Or

IOIJ"CH said i1 • unlikei-, 1i. •

ther of the mejOf C o ~ ~ c,iine c ar1elt. cen1erec, In r-:,,

and Me<Hllfin wolHd be l'h~ in well • t,omb,ng

•ovnarncte, end lo!:1 (it conaistent with theo ~ oPerand•." satd one vt1.,~

ogor<oflhev,olen!Medolwi; 1el led by Pablo Eseobir, .-

hoo -,aped • Colon-boon ..., and • • fugitive SUI. the agent said, 1'hii

crilicaJ detail not

•me<VOd """' ,,,. - - ol ,,,.

decimeted garage, the nagging quaetiona of who N4 the ~ sive car bc>n'i> •• and wh)' - r• maiMd unana_..,-ed. F~x ~ nd Kelly they are revie'#lng audio tapN d the more thwl 55 telephone caKer• claiming ,....

sponaolilyfo<lheblasl. Fox sad "We're loOking now more at a terrorist tnetdtnt - a

u,.i, slyle, and lhi1 II •l

(Coli•) .ry!e."

Ac:oording to Fox, a hA ., thOfough examma1ion OI t bomb srte couJd lake sevt-.' we,eks He said !he !he FBI

considerino mov,ng a 'Pe0ii11; to conduct lhe examinlb:t since it woukt be eaaltf lte carting ~ e to ano1he, ~


Ex-Sovie t nuclear weapons arsenal feared unstable , unsafe By Mary.llyek, Special to the Loe A.,elea Time• KIEV. Ulctow,e •· The . .1e1y of 1he former Sov~t Union's strategic nudMr arMNI has deleriotaled in recent months u RUNia end Ukn11ne ~ CNW reaponaibility for i11 ma1nt•• nanca. The dispute recently be· came public, expoe,ng hazards

thal o1herwiN might have re• mained secr.c But with each ployw,g '"1 lhe donge,s and baffling !hem on the on·.., and minimizing its own taulla, the lhrNt d a nuclNJ .cciclent is


Uce an automobtle lhat requW-es regular ll.Wle~, nuclNt weapons $)'sterN 1.#ldergo periodic: rnaintenane.. Cireuits are tested, mechlt'lery is lobncated, wom -out parts are replaced.

Sometimes, everything works per1ectty Olhe, hrnes, the enlife syst1m nNds ovtfhaul. In an article headhned "Another Chernobyl Is Growing in Ukreine's Missile Sik>s," the Ruu1an newspape, lzvestra ralMd an alann last mooth abou cond1l10ns al mterconlinental balliscte missie beNc ri Ukfarie The report was baaed on in• lerviews with Vladmir Nikltyn, depuly commander of lhe

Commonweal!h ol Independent StalN' strategic rocket forces. and other RuS&&an source&. llVHfll reported thal .ator• age facilities In Ukrallle were so overloaded with nuelaar war• hNds that rad1&110n out• 14de them hed nsen to at least double lhe accept1ble hm,ts II also said thal leaky Ukrainian

mis.s1le silos we,e in dange, d short•ClfCU1!1ng "with unfore• seen consequences" and lhal

security sy,cems at 20 weapont c:on1)lexes were broken. The fingef•pointing reflec!S the struggle betwe•n Ruu11 and Ulo'atne ove, control d 178 ICBMs inherited by Ukraine when 1he Soviet Union col• lapMd in 1991 . Ko.tenko Mid

Run 11



promtt,ed ma10tenance MMC• at Ukrainian rrussde sites as a me,,n1 of prea.sunng Ukraine 10 hand CN8f !he weapons.

Ukraine. in l um, rs Sfllb!. economic •Id and securty, surances from Ru ss11 Ire Western nuclear powers ~ it will ratify the START 2 l'II and rid itsel of atomic~ Even 1f Kiev raI1!1u l\ traaty. Ukraine and RUSSia "' remain mutually dependeN: ,: the aaf ety of nuclear •m. , thei r temlones 1n the Sf'.tyears before the last of tholeo Ukrain&en lemlory are dearo,.c

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