March 6, 2013

Page 1

~,t~~~li,~].~t., both "· ~~~J.Ul~~!rooro'"~" "· 4


medical students, compete in track events.

student safety in the wake of national tragedies.

1chitan11 ·111s about time form 1


m;,In benofit of the pr e o re~rre anyway. Tht who have been on th' Ysons, 1· Professors century benefit from~ campus for close to half a

and then only if lh retire -


-irs going to be a totally drfferent program that I'm 9raduating from than the one I came into. Lulu (Elizabeth L1wandowski) hu been my mentor. She recruited me and took me under her wing. She 1ust helped me out. We 1ust bonded, and she helped me with a big Ide decision.~

- 1can't say that I've always done my best. That would be a lie. But I've always shown up.

of retirement financia~gram '\~0 mike the idea

Everyone is repl1ce■bla and in some ways, the replacement brings new ideas that art bitter

,gmn~ up for the program


person IS,realty ready to







e Goal surpassed for faculty voluntary separation offer; six in College of Fine Arts take offer

nanclalty sensible.· Hoe,gard, who has worked at MSU slnce Stp!tmbet

·1 have mixed feeling about retlr· from than the one I c~e In to.· ing. but I knew I was close 10 the Lacy u ld she h•sbonded w1lh le· ome, when it was • good thing 10 wiltldow~kl, who she calls lulu, and do - a rig.hi thing to do, you kiDd refen. to htr as her mentor. fessors who h;i·,e betn on thh nm• of sen.w 'Nhfn it's time so maybe 11 · 1 lust don't want to ste her go pus for clost to hall a ctntury bent• wu lht Unit nudge that I needed,· evtn thougtl I know they're all n1 from signing up lo, the program.· hei.iiid. ll!ed," LKyQld, "ldon't want1ose-e Accordtna 10 Hog,,ard, tht um• AschU IS one Fischll go becaust 11enhy IS saving money bf'nust ol smn '" helped m• , •. thOS( who h•vr bttn tmpJo,,•td for 1 them~~= •: : a !onl', timt ptt1od m mort likely to draw h1g,her s.ilules. of fain Ant Aru time and have done Just In the class• ·The umvers1ty wt.U bt ab!e In who volunlttred Q great service to room, but who wme cases w l\lre t'NO younger proM idwestern. n : !es.wr. Ulan an oldl'f professors. · Hoggard said. "The UOIVfl'\lly lS sori Ehubf'lh Le SANOM W#J lllenschell lS JUSt w•ndowskl, who lNSTRUCTOft,MASSCOMMUNICATION 1iwts0me. I don't p.1mnR a level of ncx1blht/ here.· Even thoul&I ht IS not $Utt how •11.o ht.ids the w•m to see him his dep,ututt wtll al1t:l lilt Enl!,liSh cosrume dnlgn /or theater produc KO, but I know he dneNes • retire• department, Homrd 5iid ht would Uon5, and Don Henschel. who op, ment because ht l de!J.gried over mtes sragt dtsign for productions. 180 shows.· keep ttachmg penod1olli Tunoth}' Grten, a lunlor In the· "In the fall I wiU teach the g13.du· have llso entered their names to be am, Yiid the department would feel a1e seminar 1ind a crtatlvc 'A'titlng considered for the program. II Lewandowski and Henschel are a los.s 1f they both accept the offer. class," Hoggard said ~who's going to te•dl out tech Ronald Flscl\.lJ, dean of the Col both accepted [nlo the program and !ege of the Fain Fine Aru. •nnounced accept 1he ofl\ce, that would luve classes; Green asked. ~w,·re just going to Jose everything. If lulu re• Tuesday ht pl11\.S 10 ml~ in AUg\.1$L only two thea1er faculty memben.. Studenu In the 11tr•ier depm· ures, then I un't ~ k.e my cos1ume ·rve bttn reallzm~ tor ll'Lrte or four yt,U$ that I nttd to think •bout ment have VOKed their opinions corlSlructlon cou~. One person reliremrnt btcau~ ltere comes • rtgardmg the poM1blf reurement ol ~avmg LS d11feren1 Wn three peop!t leaving: urnr an ·,'Out lift whtn ~w admit two key pto!t'i50B ·1 don·, w111t them to ,to." Sild Dtvon Farnsworth, • stnior In lhal you ai-e mom,I," Rs.chli said. Flschll. who has -....·orked .it Carotyn lxy, ii semor in thuter. theater, admlned worry about the "The wriote program will change future ol the theater depanmem. Midwestern smce I QQO. said even "As far itS buying out depin· though 1he Volumary Sfpm non withou1 them btcaust the prowm s wh;at the s1udenu .ind 1eachers menu, I don·t think that's fa.Ir." FamProg.r•m had sometMng to do w!th 1 his decision. 11 was 1101!ht sole rt•· make 11. It's going to be a 101ally dif· sworth said. ·11 seems Uke they're ferent program thal rm gr,idu•tinit saying other programs m more im· son tiehmd his choice.

p!;m crtated by adminls· 1%0, said "It dots not make sense uators ~st fall to help ad• to do ll'Lls for • )'OUng profes.sot Pr<>

1ust the umvers,ty b•Jd t l'W cornt' 1og<'t hu as W.'Y 1ind mff member; ha·,e 1merest in the Voluntary :tJO Program. The prog13.m la(ulty md staff membtrs 1he •rJty m volunml!y miiui in /or s1i month~' salart r«,'.ttn ~1atf members, lnclud· lct:tua Merk.IP, admissions d1· m1 Dianne Weakley. d1recror rtSOurres. ha•Jr indicated au:a like lo pu~ue U'le pt(} Aschh. dean of t.:oUtje of fiw Arn, and Social Work (:wl Bisbtt, along with 13 flculry membrrs. have also lnlertMed in the pfOIUam. Ir 27 ftcuity and staff membf!rs lit Much I deadline. Jndicat· In the program. Apnl I asiotf dait 10 reium the ror igrttmtnt, then faculty will l\a\"f .1 stven-day trre111:nt period just IDcase they


.s Protho 01stlnRu1Shcd Prod English jamt!I Hop.gard me1 Awth I deadline for the pro 11d &aid 11 WM about 1ime for


~ = ---~~-

~~=t~t Pr:~::

NA lot of my friends thought Or. Fischli IN8S a . genius. He's really smart and has a lot of talent in

multiple areas:

"These people have ,. been here a long :"!'






1was going to take classes trom Don Henschel next year because ha's I great s.cene painter. I was going 10 take a one-on-one session with him for scenic painting. Next year wdl be a year of transition, so we·u set how it goes.



portant than these program$." Farnsworth $1ild theaier studenu en,oy ltamlng under f'tschll, who also tuchts a d1f't'C!Jng course. "When I was lO cl1ss IO<b y and I first heard a.bout 11, a lot of my CW.S· ma1es wtrt sad btcause they lo\·t Dt AschU." he !I.aid The musk dtpiMlthl Is loMng thrtt profes.sors who him been em ployed at Midwestern for matt than 25 years. Profts.50rs lany Archam bo, NoNoil Crews and Gary Lewis have all lnd1oted they art lnlerested in the program. ·Mos1 or th~ people wt rt like me, perct1Vlng that they wert • boul nght thtre ltowoird~ reurtmentj so I think It wun·1u 1fthey suddenly de cldtd to go." Fischl! said. "You wil.h siluoillons were mof't' robut In terms ol M'pl•dng lho!.e people. In most of th05t' Cast5, n1ituralprogres· sion !or people to reure.• Flschli Qid the college 1s Jllowed to some uistent 10 rtplace those lac, ultymembcTs. · we are seeing what we can do •nd we've bttn authonztd 10 try Ito ftnd rtplaumentsj, F1schll said. ·A lob ad ha\ bttn placed for !iOme tUne for Arthambo's ~lion and act!Wly we have a Rood number of app!Jca lion~ lor ll'Lat job.· Sandra Gran1. Instructor In mm commun1c.t!on, hAS been 1eachmg at Midwestern $.Ince I093. Accord· Ing to Gran1. a 101 of people in the


college have been teaching for a long time so most of ellg1ble for the pro· gram

·You don'! just ltcture and go home In the Fain Ant Ans. - Gram uld. "Thert L'S so much Olhcr OUl· skle COUl')('Work. These people h•ve been here• long lime •nd have do~ a grta\ serv!Ct to Midwestern" Even though retiree:s s11\1 change their mmd, Cram said !1 is going to be dilftcult to fill these posi lions with qualified people. "Whoever we bring m, I am sure we Wlll work 10 make sure we m•ln· t•ln m tht high s11ind1rds ol the col• le91',"Gro1mQld. Senior admml~rn:ors introductd !ht program last Oc1ober. al!owmg faculty members who h•ve IO con• secullve rtars ser.1ng al Midwestern • nd wh~ age plus veirs of service equals to or exceeds 80, to recel\'e ~ ~yout of 50 percent of their budge!· ed sa.l•ry 10 be paid by Ule following September after they go on 1, mpo: rary leave. Thtrt L'S more than S4 mlihon ln saloiry to faculty Wt •re eligible !or thisprog,am. S.Ck In October, i\-\atilyn f-ow~. vice pm.Iden! of business and 6 nance. said If half of th™' proles.sors lake lt !hen the Unl\'Cl'Slty probably could save SS00,000, the amount needed to do the propostd faculty ~!a]l enhancem,m plan.

"Who's going to teach our tech claues? We're just going to lose everything. If lulu (Elizabeth Lewandowski) redfes, then I cen't take my costume constrvc:tion course. Ont person leaving ia different "811 three people 5eavlng.~



Students should r~!~.~:~.~~~mi~

SGA's changes proves commendable w, 0

OUIII VIEW: The Studont Governmen1 Assoc1at1on odds GPA 11 " d community service rt qulrtments to homocommg nommet proce5•, but leaves n up to a Homecommg Commmoe ol SGA membors

Last )'l'ar'~ homecoming Wt'fk was drenched in comroversy w~n studenl5 claime-d the voling was tamperrd with. Ptople suppOSt<\ Y macte homecoming Into a big loke by nsn!ng ror votes and stealing people's M·n11mbers 10 vote tor lrtl'nds. Now, current students art being punished ror thetr actions despite no rral mvestlgaUon•taKln& pla~~~sday. the Student Govern.men1 Association members presented a by law proposal for ru1urr homecoming eleCllons. According to the proposal, thr etecuon process wll/ begin nve weeks before homecoming. In week one, SCA will hold a general lnformatlon meeting for anyone Interested In taking pan in home• coming. At this time, nominations ror hom«oming will be open to all cJass!ncatJOns, but with some adtustments. ~in order for a nominauon to be valid, a mmlmum cumulative CPA of 2.2S 1s required for sophomore 1hrough senior c1,15s posi tlons.- the bylaws state. MFreshmen will have no CPA requiremen1;; Homecoming kmg and queen must hold a cumulative GPA of 2.5. To add to the requirement, king and queen nominations must show characteristlcs of leadership through organizations on campus or off campus and community semce. Having a GPA requirement is a great sta.ndard 10 add 10 the homecoming process. This wlll defi mtely ensure that not every nominee will be a member of Greek life. This might also help with homecoming being a popularity contest, bu1 a ranking Jetter of rcrnmmendation Is ques1Jonable What mikes a good letter of recommendauon anyway? In week two, voting will beg)n amongst lhe 1op four women and top rour me:n from each class receiving lhe greatest number of nominating votes, which Is a minimum of three nominations. On the Fnda\' of week two, nominees 3ft' required to a11end a meeting 10 Inform them of election rules and process. "During week three. nominees may sign up for a meet and gtet'I booth so tha! students will have the opponumty to meet their candi dates.~ t.~e b\1aws staled. "Elecllons will being at S p.m. on Friday of week three and will last through S p.m. on Wednesday of week four.·

Security training needed Money for students' safety better spent on preparation 1 1<>button ilpp would be betttr spem di.Ire source of the .ittack ts com of ~e~:: on prevtnt.ltlve,stcurity mu.wm In ing lrom, Mus·h}'lttrul alone could prt>p<>UI !O 1h, case of a umpus•wide attKk.. qu!lt easily put studenlS al a lugher unplemtnt a The \VflSD hlS lmplememed risk for becommg vktim.s. esr,e<ially pa,IC b,tton such sa:urity meuures such u if we put oursel\'es lll rne !mt of ~1e


app for M5U prepping studentS on wha1 to do or whlle attempting 10 nee !ht scene. studenlS, 1c got wher, 10 go II a gunman brtached It Is illbsoluttly 1emfy1ng to thmk me thinking securltv, Dril~ include protoeol such about- bl.d we rtfed protocol to fol about ovtrtll u shumn11 off an thf lights to each low m such lnstmces ror our own Rtllh llec• ~tudent ufety clusroom uid h!din~ in utl!Jry dos and our fi millef j'.:tKt of min~. and the ways eis if a elm is unable 10 lock its door. 1 am sure many schoo:S, 'N t c~n heller prepue oor.,e.Jves for While II IS t.eanbreak\ng 10 ftl'ld busmeMn and other t.&!gtts ol mass !hi! wom. The third annlvel'Siry ol th.111 our Joal ) •year-olds must have Violence In snuu town Arnenn have thr rooy·~ and H1Stlni$ ~001m~ l\ a grimu understanding ol such OC· all thought lhtQ;me th!n~ · 11 can·t 1u.1t ;iround tht comer. currence:s andbefortitif'dlromthetr happen to us. ·w, should no1 sit 1he tragedy has ltfl 11 scu on the l\m dav o! 5C'hool that "the boogie Idly by untU wmeihlng does ha!} city, amt thO!if' affected by I.he horror moruter· 1s mf.Ktoutthere,thebot pE'n .and pr.iy uu, the polic, or the tom line is- thty art beurr prepartd SWAT team rushtt Ill 10 ~Vt us. As ;ir.- swl suffering lrom 11 both PhVSI callyar:d mentally. for an attack than we are lll m.any (~- It might be.> lOO liliP. A pMIK buflon WIU not help the Tht am1ck> on our mnocem ej !rltrequlredmortupemewhue nn"nlilry !iChooh cannot go unno- campus .111 all in tile ClSC of a gun a prevrntaUvt serurity rum to VWt tkf'd, ..nd Wt, as cOlltt!f: Students, min a11ack.. In bet. lt could cause t:Kh elm on cunpus or to hold an cannvt 1orie1 About \'1rgm1a Tectl ~uch ma~ hystt'na lll tha! that ~mblv to ~ner prepare $Tud!'nts Wt11J, Udon ~how con«m for s(u both the cimpus and local pohc:e !OJ the ulUtn.111! l1'3i!f'dy. then I.he dt !ll ut,1v, the lumh rocrNte A pan m1Wll no1 know when the 1mmt monfY "Pf'l'.1 would bf' wt!! worth 1L

Hivtng ii meet and g,eel t,ontlt \VJrh those nomlnilttJ:. ~ f0 thl1 ntW election system. plul~ ~vlous ycaN. nom\net"S had the oppor1unlty ti)~,,,.

P h eXI to their name when voting. Yet. not evtr'fr; · bl ~fn so It left th<>M' who dldri'r ar a dlsadvantagt t , pa The pro~I alsO suggests Ula\all 51udenc.s can ¥Oft !0t l•


d te despite classfftratJon

aThe Homec.omlng Commllltt wlll then evaluate the~..._ criteria during week four, and a wlnntr wJJl be selec1"1 ~J.t all resul~. Including voting, The 1-fomecommg Comml!let. wlll be ~!Pctlng hom~fl:: nominauons, for freshman, sophomores and Juniors, rJff r-ir i iem based 00 the number of community service hOUf\_., :ommendatJon forms. King and queen nominees Will b! '"-~


for their campus tnv0Jvemen1. ~The Homecoming Committee wm evaluate all king u-,1 , candidates tor their service to o mpu~ organlz.ltlons an1 ,..,,;, ~ ud ed on membership, and whetJm or not they held anv~. ~yl:ws seated. ~rhe Homeco~lng rnmmlllee w1!1 awar~ atr,-,. from 3- IOpoints 10 each cand1da1e based on their evaJua~&.' . 0

cal~~ i~:r that homecoming 1s never going 10 be what fl I!:.,.. 5 otncials are uying to restore fal1h In the proc~. commendable. Yet, there are obvious holes in this plan. What If a member of $GA, which ,s likely, gets nominaltij , homecoming klng or queen? How can we 1rust that lheyw'l: · vote for fe!low SGA members? Thankfully there wtll be an appeals process. Also. the ~am problem with homecoming voting is Che S'fi of studen1 ID numbers that are required to voie. Before !ht&:, Comminet and the Sf'nate vole on this proposaJ after spr1n~{., we suggest that they consider having a central location, ~, the Clark Student Center. for voting to take place. from a positive side, students finally get Involved and cc, the university, even though it ~as not qune understOOd What: coming ls about but competition. ~ e r~sults _showed teamwOi't determination, rwo useful and quahiauve ab11!tles fitting lo a~ coming king and queen.



fntw1ml!tll!ru l'.nbmn

l{ome alpne for spring break


Oby,somaybeyoum •"'-"

hett In Wtchl11 Falls for spring brea.k but do rlOt be 100 upset be· ciuse 11 may not be as bid is you lhlnk. Even though I am not m y• Ing tn Wk.hita Falls ove:r sprmg break. r have before .and I hiVf thought or a ftw ways you can en1oy your suy here. lria, First nnd in or.her lone wolf. lhat war It looks like you rnunt to stay ln Wichita Falls. You would not want to leave a fl1end behlnd.•.you att only thlnk!ng of others. You CJnnol be alone on on! of the most exciting Wttlaoflheyeu. In vour off lime during the week catch up on homewolt! I know thls sounds so l.ame bu1 you v.i ll thank me when au your frimds come back ind can· I\Ol go OUl that Ant Thursday because they are so br

SWtlng W!dnesday ol spring bre_tk lht ~ clu~ will be: up and running and most.of .:1, ., for bUilness. The bars will nor be as busy bf.:l!t eryone will be out of town. This wlll le:1w VD: more dnnks md mott opportun1Ua with tt.e¾. se:t I mean you already have something Ill Cb"'f with them: you botll did nol ge1 any lnvnes14, of this town. Th1t1k about how much money you m sr,~ not going to some beach thal IS probably inles:ll! Sharks Jnd pohct .anyway. You w!U nave a nke warm bed, ind l'lO d: friends to take cut of A!l 1ha1money you are saving can go towmi s.avln~ lund for moving out ol here alter TOO ~



Plus you could And J plice to live tm1 is~ I beich ind then spring bmk wlll be all }·t,u rr,~ ! If you spend spring bttak In Wlchtta F~ ltl. behlr.dlnthtlrC]asstS. look like a good friend, catdl up on home-.i;r, Plus wes causes hair loss and since ~-ou Will no1 even ge:t ihtad, you wlll not be bald, yotJ will'..-. 1 be ,tressed tow.ard, the end of the semtsm since you bener chance at the bu, you will save montv ~: 1 •lttJdy Ii.ft i(ltten at:ead In your clwes, you guys day have a beautiful house on 1he beach. out thtte wm ii better sfiO( with lhe ladies. .. be· ~:=~d:~i:t~~n spring bre.ak Ulf'7/ I cause no one likes a Wtdlng guy. Period.

~~una WI



l410 Tafll!YO 8ot UW1tto1i, Fall!,, Ttr:1o1 7oXIB N~Dt.i::. /°'401Yl7 470-l

Is Midwestern a safe campus?

Adt,.{Q-40) 3Q7470S

Fu !0401307"402S V11JiW1C;IIIW'lli-!nW3Ut4U


· No. There is no sercurity 1t specific checkpoints so any and everyone can gel on to tile campus· RI/Tit LOLA ROSS, SENIOR,


~v,s Since it's I small campus, polica have more control and I am in an organ,zatton that has to_be here late and !hey lpolice) check up on us



· 1do. I don·1feel any harmwhen walking around at 111ght-

EDfTOR·IH•CHIEF: Brittne'/ t.:o!unW,am MANACl'NG EDITOR: Millvla ~ney OP·ED EDITOft: Sin,h Muschlol SPORTS EDrTOR: Oriuido Flom PHOTO EDn'OR: Ht11woot

·ves Well generally With a small campus you have less people on n. I hava been here at 8 pm and !here is still people run111ng around. When there 1s no one around there •S the emergency button.· Nichols Vasquez, Undecided, Freshmen NICHOLS VASQUEZ, FRESHMAN, UNOECIOEO

WEI EDlTOR: C1iitn Bu~ COPY £0fTDn K!lly", M.11ory GnKl'fJlsi.l

IUSINESS MA.NAGER! rn~l'p Mun<llnf

6 7 pe,oent Aid, 'Ye-. I dtlnlr It la ,.,.,,, Nie.•


editorial board


,-.:..I Aid, 'No, I dtlnlr ,,,.-et ,,.. .,.,,,_,._,

cowd be d-. to


CONnlBUTOas: Courtnef Bfta. Ruth Black, JOhn:1y BltrJU.. ~lt1' Aiall Gay, 5lwtlce Glover, ~V! Hui. AlTOII Mm:tr, MtKll'. a.,:.·:. Liuttn Rol:.eru, Btbh Tun!ti. ~ Wllllams, Enn Wnr.klt. ~::t I DELIVEIY: Stdan Auinmov

AOViSEa: 8.-a.:lley W111Gn





Greek chapters improve GPAs

f:RIU!iUlH l: 1',\

c)opters credit helter pdYhaPits/or higher de averages

21 lfRU ·,T

_.~1 4 tUNNLY


~,~nl DH't<IOt of '\iu~"nt



~ ~\,i lmprovtmtms Wllh ,,_11 (~.tpltf or council. 'l)'I our t nd, from tu~, the uni

URI (Y.£ \Vli"tl A 1 'if.PA

"~~)a~dl~N~~~ :pnh~I;:~:

1 ut 1mpon1nt. We nttct ~ on :L Council lfvt l, IH: , ~;'l;C ,ind MGC ]M1JIUcu! ~ Grttk Counrill, tht\"'vt bef.n


in..11·/lduall}' with !ht cha~ • s,7,e-1 s.ild.

~ 2 OCPA bt -- ~.c or'k'er




an org_inlllltlon.

d .zarion h.t\.C d1f!erem require


. ·w,·4 love

to nulntaJn tht au-

~:.~ ~:~,r~;e

the lll·ompus

An~· org~nizauon uisung on ~!or tlle tndlv1duals In volved. campus has e1thl'r a component or •i,!r.idtJallv ~ a un:vrtshy, the academics or sch<>UlstK M:h:t\-emnn , s rrquire~ent ,~ 1ha1 any officer in !t.S orpruuuonaJ ROO\s From an ,., ->!'R;mlzatmn mus1 m.tintam aca:1em,c s1andpolm lhest objec 11 ic r:mi:;e for anv of the indi llvt, art m hn(' with tht Oil!)nlza1 oon·~ m1~Jon. "h•('ry ~m~e one of r.he groups ~ , t t w!d the r<>als for any of has some son of component where • ltt ,1l'J,,.::us or chap:m is to bf' lhty're i n abt>ut making s\lle they're j,,,"ff ~ resperti·,e averaR,t'. wnh ,uadua!mR the.Ir menibe~ or ('ducat ~ • s:.1:f!t m ar. org.ami:a11on bf.Ing m~ 1hei; membf:rs 10 be productl•1t ! #J1lf ~'It all campus malt mem~rs or sociery: &azntr said. ,J aR rcma!es In an_01~Jm ,on Afl('r a low all Creek CPA lasl se:J;i: al).Wt the all-o mpus remale mn1er. emphu!s on gl"jdts has bttn

::~;:~.~h~2;~~~~;e average

Staff, faculty take voluntary separation offer


~..:..,.~~r:-;e F"'"., ...., 111,,.,... :e,e_::if,.:::. to

flf IM'ko ls


SUKler on uch organlzaoon. "The rmph~ thH gr.ides are 1mponan1, aodemk:s, and being very publlc v.ith the grade rtports has rtally helped" Commander of Slitma Nu fr.II. tem1ty Zane Pollock said hl~ frattmlt\· has tncreased hb11ry houn to increase the chapter'$ GPA and dropped members who consbttnUy hMI low grades. ·Our GPA has consbtently bten raising since iut fall, and we now hi\'t the steond hlghfSI CPA in IFC.~ Pollock~ld. Sigma Nu hM maintained a high CPA by requiring membNs to par tklpa,te !n s1udy hours. Two nlghlS a Wttk. !ht- fr.ltemll)' gather.. in study

,uum w.Mf

--· _.,,_ ~ ~llenol4 ...... Ilic~

Soc111Work,SSI.IIOl, 1997 Music, S53,&3a. 1910 Otmtl Hv1111no, SSl.504. 1998 Ottn. fi"t Arti. S76.3JJ. 1990 Phys,u - Cnu, S74,8ll, 1989


Thntrt. S7J.ffl, 1970

- ·""'



(nws. Nonlt


_,..,,Milnll ~ I. ElllaNdl


Musit, $56,0&4, 1971

00' NAMF

POSHIO~ SAIAIIY HIii! VIAii lnt1111111on11StMCU, S44.162, 1919 tnlormo11on 11chnology, $69,21)1, 1917 Purchu,ng, $34,797. 1971

M1th. S29.7911, 200I


.... ...c.c,;

Cou11se!1ng.S21.• 20. 1e

......... s...


M11n1en1nc1 r1chnic1n, $31.419 . 1ffl


Custodial StrYICIJ, S,i,732. 1993 Pose Off1c1.S44,978, 1981 011,cto, ol 1dm1uion1. $77,Sl8. 1983


illc:btft, lilty



..... Cl1t1


M:l,y. OifflM


Thut11. S68.190,1993




fnghsh.ffl.620 . 1966 Counnllng and Speci1t Education, $71,1&2. 1993

lnfo1m1t1ont1chnol09V. $60.l31, 1992

Const1uc rton lnsp1ct0<, S53,619, 1994 Sup111n1tndtnt • flcJlll,15 S1rric11,S5J.877, 1918 lnt1rn1I Audit, S71,7!,0, 200l G11ntsAdm1n111r111on, "S,S99, 1973 Ou1c1or of Human Ru ourcn,sn,122, 1982 ~ ( -Wiltolo, _ _



on the ptnious stmts{er's GPA. ·our study habits haw Improved by our 5<:holarshtp chair keepIng watch of who d0ts theLI study hours. We get study rooms cwo nlghlS a Wttk to allow for all of us to n udy together, kttplng each Olh· ('r on tmk and orr of Facebook and l\v!uer.• Pollock said.

Sl l!tJfll.TS PAR~ICIPATf Ir~ ,\ !;REEK CHAP TfR




srum·N ISV'IE RF 1/JVOL'.'LO IN GREH I IFf l~JfAltWll



DfRCftH Of UP.EH,! 1FF HAO A 4 lJ OR Hlr.ti E-i IN 2311

Theft remains campus issue, awareness of crime increases

: ':,~!:'!,~':."t""rs htn IMitatN ifftw111 J.. diis ,,..,-. Cautious students ros1i \(i,, )Al ,\flY ►lflt YI AR

rooms. S1udy hours for lhts group ranga lrom two 10 10 hours ba.Wd

can prevent most campus offensess f THAN M f.TCAl f &TMfWAITIA

Afm the school shooting in Com\ecl!Cut last fill. a shootJng that followtd an wrewd number of shooUngs on campu~ tncludmg Virginia Tech and Lon(' Sm College near Hou.ston, awarenh.S of cnme and safety on collegt campust:!i has lncrea:!.td. Dan Wdlianu. chief of ponce, saJd MSU b ~!tr than 51udenlli typically realize, but Iha! there are sllll some problems officials need 10 add11'SS. ·Thtfl IS probably our blggtsl prob~m on campus,· Wtllwns said ·we·ve had i ruh of burg.lanes towards the end of li!.t stmnter and lht> brginning of this Stmtster.• To William), 1he real tragedy rs that siudtnlli could easily prevem most on campus thefts tf they were more n u11ou1 ·Ntth their belong·

Ing,. · Yoong adults 1us1 hav, a ien dencv 10 not really worry about their persona! salety ind Items ~ much as olde: adults ttr.d do,~ WI/ hams said. ~If the'( would simply lock their doors. that's all it would 1ake to ttSOlvt ii· w,uwms saJd many studen~ ler thtlr gu,11«! down on campus be· causethey1rustthe1rclassmares. ·You hate 10 think that studenr.s are going to take !the belongings of othtf )!udentl, bu! siudents rtpre·

sent normal populous out there, ind there's a cenain percen1age thal's going 10 like ~v,1nt.age ol other students.· Williams wld. Vke Pru1dent of Student Aflalrs Keith Lamb !.ald he agrtts chat studenu can prevent most of these thefb by exercising some common senst aiound theLI belongings. but campus o.'ftci<1ls can do more 10 educate SJudents. "II IS obvious that we aren't getting r.he! out very well

: . :v:':! d00<> ,nkxk<d st ~:



he ':d~!lta:: 11 ctn be in-

"It's good 10 have them asa pltl-

enc, in our btnlding\,• Ruy said. R,ay said the police also make up lot Ulf ~ k of cameras In the dorm,. ·we ha·1e camms mainly .ii our entnnct and ul1 areas,· Reay s.1Jd. "Wedohavecommunlrybath rooms in ourhalls, sowe ca.!1't have our cameru up there.· Smee Williams took over as chief of police iwo-and-a half-years ago, according to Lamb, lhe police

n~ "Young adultsjust ;;,::~~!,% have a tendency to not on comp"'""" :;;/ver really worry ahout ·n,, ' " their personal safety and items as much as ~:" und: other adults do." Ch1e1 Williams 0


they've really DAN WIWAMS convtnlent for staned commuCHIEF OF POLICE studtnu 10 lock nlty policing." lheir door lusl to US(> the bathroom down the hall. Lamb said. ·we have I very proacbut lhe al1tmatl\'e can be much tive polKe force on c<1mpus.• W1IIJ."ims w:1 he encourages his worse. "It's a b!p,g,r inconvenience 10 ofllce11 10 be more aw ve on campus. missing." come back and Ond thin~ ·Ger out there and be ~en. E\-en IJ mbuld Most of the theft.son campus oc If nolhmg else: tS going on, be out cur ln the midency hills. with the in that truck." WIUlams said. "If hightsl proportion of thnn taking they'rt seting you ou1!here, It's ltss ~e m Pierce Hall. TI11s means Ukely !hat they're going to comm!! thal umvenl['f pollce mus1 work .icnme Ht added lhil 11 is hard 10 cha"'e closely wltll homing faculty and ~meone·s mmd when they have al· rrsldtnt advisers. As.s.rslant HouslnR D.rt'CtOr An rudy decided to commit i cnme. "Rut If we're v,gi.tam enouAA 10 git Re.ay s.1ld campll) police have stmed making round~ of the res!- be~n: wmwnssaid, · 11 maypl't'· denct halls to make studenu fttl vent them'trom fcomm1nlng crimes! or'l OUT campus.• .saltr mthelrhomes.




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Join Us

1n mnovatar on lhf x ooffiC sutur

•wtllk- 0.m,,JJhko ts 01.e ol Ult dnc'St f H)f: ind mlfldOlin pl¥fffl In XOUJt!crnu,ic

ncuu U't I Vlt!J l>lt I I Ult Cb.rt Siu dtnt Oentct lnlommlon Ont and ut rrtt/or11u'1tnt.1, fKU;ry 1nds1aJTwi1h 1 n lld MSU U m~u1f.,1rd. For snort 1nfonn1"°'1 caG 0-40/307 4201.

HH.C£1'\r or MSU PWOTOtiM'IU>rl'WI Mffll t M'MCNll!o

~Y---11mi,..._...1t. _ MSU......_A~la-,IIMillk ... ol lhe ro11eMiehllllfthe~,._. II f'Ni e. ...... ,.IM mir.,.._ .

::;r'!lbtts wnhln .t PutlCular


v---.ncH¥H.t.,a.o,. -

An lt.l:Wl In )ovt Wllh A,ne,lon mu


Pi RU-NT INCfifA.->I 01


~o wlll ;nt l0tm in tht Art!St I.Kt\lrt s,r!n Marer 8 11 AX/11 rt 7 p.m. Sk lllftlS UknllllJ/1!Un mJMbi!n tnd YIQl1n for , lflfdlfv cf rrou-polllnal td roou, p u 1nd folk mwic Gambf'W


s,:r.n ~.tld 1M tr:iphM1) on ~-,:.,!'!as f'ttn tnCl\'.t~ .llon11

Artist-Lecture Series presents acoustic band 1kppt GJmbfm uld Pe11: Osll"OWh

-r !JI\FO..',!'Ai•

fl. ' ·;FA OR Hlt,Hlfl 1r;

~.,,_a 1NO !OITOI"


News ~1i~I~


f·t flC{ NI or UFHK 'i'IIO~f~l,f/\RNfOfl. 10's track and cross country host 5K TIit women s crou couno-, 1nd a-Kk tums w,it hon ll'lt Glo"N Ru:'! I.Jwit Up SK Much 71t 7 p m.

Pm1dpvits wiUmnthrough1gJow ttlck hntd sunlng and dn.bhlnA o1t O L I.J&OII c.o&tum. Gtow slkb. necklloces and siusn v.,O bf pro'tldtd Peu •rt wtkome lO llttnd. Tht nn.t 100 ptopM' 10 rtgistrr wnl tt<tM I pnzt. In pffl(ln f$trUJon will Wt pL,ct u O.L Ugon Jro:n 5 p.m. ro 7 p.m. Rtt l~u !loo Ult day ot Ult nee wtD tJkt pbct /'tom 4;.JO to 6:30 p_m. P'rocfflh bentf.r tht CIOU counuy tum, t1Kit. tom 1nd,1he W'IChlt.a falls Anim11SMltt1. R,1 mott lnforimdcn conll(t J:ot,y


Former student shares experience The Counst!lng Cmtrr and Wdlnm

Ctn1u p11?$tnts Se.n C1ntr. • former

MSU, Wtdnnclly Muell O a1 8 p.m. fn tht Sitts U~e Centtr behind the WeU

nt.uetnttr. Caner ·was N lonng In business ~ mlnts:tn!lon ind punu1ng a model O · rttrwhenhtwaslnvo.'Yfd 1n adrunktn dr!Ylng acddtnl Ill Wk hlU Fills Mucn 27, 200S. Me, a nigh! o/ drlntlng. CtJ"'ltr got1ntht vth1ClfW1thllls fl"knd. H is lntnd IOit conU'OI o/ !hf Cll q>IMIJ\3 IJ'DU,'KI u.d ~:nmlng into a trtt. Cmtr sulffl"td mulllplt frKIUm, L'lltm,1] l!lju·

nt1 W traumallC br~n mrury.

Alll'lls tvfflt, C-.ffl.etW1llltll lht1!ory of tht cr1.1h and the tournty to rebwld mg his ~fe. For more tnfomutlon caUSusan Grt tnw,1y 11040/ 3074018

Honor Society accepting applications The N1 t1orw StnlClr HonorSocltlY Is honor som ty rttogruzms col

1 111ition1/

legt senlotS for Khiertmtnts 1n scbola: sllip.k1denhipi1indstmct Appl,cants mwt ha·.-e proof ol devollOn to

sch0anh!f). bdtrU11p, semce,

be I ~ ol )\lnlOI d~ and hl\"t


cumu~llvt GPA of 31S 0< h.l;.her.. The apphotlon dudlnie II Mari:h 8 Fol mort lnlom11110n contKl Gmn

Tho~ ~I 040/ S'.kl 3700 or gthomu24~gma11 com

Library hosts workshops Mofltll I.Jbruv 11,ill prtstn1 "Copv


Ind tht An dtmic En\1fOnmtnl: Whal'~ ~ and w~l's notr Man.h

7 trom 3:30 to J.30. Mtd11 1Jb11n111 Chris Hemitrson W\Usptll: OU( !ht


changing la1v~ ilfrKhnRlHChtrs ilnd l"flntchirs m a cl.iUTOOmenv\ronmtnt.


Tot pmtntH!O:i ....,11 be tifkl m Mofftll

libmy 1n Room 212A Documtnts L.tru, n, n Ryl/1 5.amutl son WI~ ~• hOw !O bbl me SOU!Cts Uld ~1-0:d <"hi1gn or plilgl<lrwTI Mm:h 2t lrom )· )0 10 d:30 1n Mofftn Ubr.ry Room 21l. f'-or more 1nlorm1tlr.n or to 11:5\'P c11t Alllson lltten at OJ0, )07-4 171 /'!trl41rM,,ot\Oft«r,ap,'9~!)M-..J...•

,......uw.i.tlrlftr,·,~ ...~



w,~"l(,tJ O'O·l 4flh tll.,.,.fflllool 21)1)~ .,_lfldpbf,Dc 111r..bclrof1- ~ ilas--.ltlt,,r ~ t i . l b r r _ , . ld)fc

4 NiiMIMiMWi




News ~rml:i

Venezuelan a visits Fain 1 J'lf1;fA.¼fl~

. t°...

::::I\=:~~:- ,i :"'. ~;~ '::~:: ;~~;~1. """'

Mflf'lltfO W)li JP"« l~-1.~ to6.2(lpm In Flir, •• ,,

Film series presents 'Art;,

"'I0'1 1•UJ'l..~Will~I 1'11!C~' ""

ll'i• MtMtf, , ....., .... It F'tnt 1-,dtt ~ l r l .. AtcMf City, -4 it,an lt1M, 1 frniNIN \■ - - ~ • I t111'-"'-1 ll.. te lrt.... INtffl , .,.1c, stlllb at Rm ••'- CIWftk. TIM ~It. f.etl, 2'.


(..oi• w.< ~ -~

a•7p.m. Mmll IQi• 1" 1 •

~;::.~~-~~·::. ·, n,,.


Art,~! ;J •

coml'dy..iu.. • ...,

a D!let tiM wt,t:f' , •~· • • • u i:n pUcr u, HO::V#Ot:,.l •.f'"r. Uld 1032 b..:JWJ~ O' ··•.

=.c=~.~;r:~:-~} ol '" oldtr IJ('Tlt Dirr::.:,


T'ht tm


YJ~ 'TIO'f

n"' D-.l't1-:>N "'V~[Hl' vuy TUf"5dJy night, on lht comu of 8th i nd Bl"Old. hun(IJi'dS of Sludfonl.i gllhff ·.-.1 th OM COmtTK'lflmte•n: fa1lh From ~ u p!lyer., io m~c m,iors 10 :na1hrma:iol g,m~. a WlM vanety of studtnts anrnd lht Wt d :tv ~ thrnng I fl~ I~ not the US!.Ull Ufll\'tmtv 5-JOC!int.~ club or t\'tnl, but no ont would ht Ullt to ·t,1 ~ ltl# ncff'bf'r and 01vr1;,1ty of m,dfnts 1tu:1 attl'nd E'ifn tr.ouRti 1h15 wrtU'/ tvtnt as rr« htlJ on or ~•r ur.p~ 11 1$ consuit:itly dri., studtnts from ·~·tt~ to Wttk


·romeo a • mltilstli' for col.lfge, or coUegt aged. uu f1r11 8.lpt!S1 Oiurcl'I It 1s optn 10 anyortt i ntl ~ w.n,owheno pe<>pl'! C,lfl come and no1 \\OTT)' about

1eflt, 1nrouW,C

otir.i !Ud,eed ~ j on /'low the'( look or Wllil thfy bt 11r,e, t·it nn IU~ rtl.U and havt l good llfflt W!tl'I Olht t ptY.,,. 1'1,,m,!u S~Rn of Mr,·!'ftl f-t~. a 1unl0f in ~,•JIZ'(. !.1,J P-xt,t\l s~ru> 11n lt1t fall ol 2000 at rht lfdl, a bUl/d 1ngoo thot c.urp,uof M11. BlPoSt ChJtCh and ftwrrthan 20 ,1u'1tnl!. wt rt ,n 1:trniUnce n.>ur ytaJ1 and a couple ,tm.. t changt-. 11rtr. anrA1t1t1e: from I SO 300 coUett

<.:J.mpbtll has bttn antndlng Panko for four yms, wn thf !IJOUp'i 1ncepuon, ind s.ervts as a worship ltld crn-rrywttk. · 11t1501u:e1Y lovt beingatllt 10 come .ind wootup my (.ocl frtttv with hundrtds ol omtr college studtnts who lovt Cl'lrut and art f>llSlonatt 1bout worsr11ppmg ,UKI strvmg him: )ht said Campbtlt addtd th.111 Panico 1s 1mporun1 10 her t~uus.e it hu allowtd ht1 10 ftnd a pl act thar sht.. can WV". f1'1W and k-mi how to do things sh,. dnlm 10 do With tltrttmrt hfe. II ts not JUSI a plKt 10 hmgoul, but titso a pi«'e 10 pin t xprnence In 1hln,zs lhJ.t sht was not gt11Jnga.nywhtrr ehf'. ·Portico/"~ helped mt btoust 11 IS ,11 place 1ha1 I can go aod bt ,urrounatd by pt0plt who encoorage: me tind

hft me up: lti,nl1 WtlZtl, a senK>f In m~ communlu lioo.uM1 With the su<cffl tl!J.1 Portico hal1 on rut'Sday ruit/'lts. lht ~ adtn S,llld thry dtddtd 10 mike thl.i iruruwy gro'N, uuhng Pontco Sundays, an 11 a.m strvict th.111 ln· eludes a frtt IUtKh and timr, of rellowsh1p and !taming

in Tht Rock.. Dl'tW HrU. a s.enlor ID t'UfClst phY5Kllop;y, s.erves u )ofudrnu an,.nd Pon1eo. Tundavevtnln~ a18 pm now 1 t.lble ~up leader at Poruco Sundays i nd satd Poruco 11 rl\t Red: ah(, on 1ht H~t Bapust Church umpus bf'#n a grut SOW'Ct of accountabohtv lor him and hu r,rns. ,,mn.h1p leadrr a1 PortlCo ,,nee D«vnbtt of gi\ts him the chance 10 r.1.kt a httlt break tro:n studylng 2(,/ I. said, · tvrr •,mer U:tn I flaVt Stt1l 11 wr,11 and loru) on hb faith. Ul and ~ t 1:\IO !ht awf'SOIT,t ("','"nf 1_ha1 It hu tunlf'd into fht !rtt mu! on Sundavs oltrn dniws students. but • POMk.ll ~ mat!, .itlf'ttPd m~ !tit. m lht bt tht rtl.\On thty i tay not may ~;1,•:t wav Ir r,, t:.rv1.11thr me !O ,.,,ow tnPndshlps and · Tot tnvttmg,. run. livtly ll.ff'IO!tphert of lrieMshtp h1.t 1\w \1rentihmt<1 1N" onr( tha1 I ••rrldt had • Ill' add"<! that ht thoultht lnt ndmlp ..nd 1,11owsh1p and t,,l10wsh1p with both the lll'gt and small groups 1,r..,. t',uic ·u•,m~ IN romeo'\ )lh.Cl"\5, 11111Jn1t :h11 bf would make any dav great.· Jacob Sm11h. a sophomott !Toil: 1!.!1" I~ ,tilhtr '4 '!01 hulldrtd) rf 'llhtr ,tudents WJlh 111 mm communicallon, wd ·11 6 a very comforung tht J.l"rlt' ~I\ c · 1wts1.orr:f' • Afltl "" 9/ldua:n ~ Slid Ind ttll(l'i'lblt group to be a p.m of and lht ltadtf'!htp of ht' waril\ r.,1al.t 1tw- ,,.achtrl<,rli" t:• rKe1ved 'rom B~ both our coUt-gt- p,s!Or 8rady Sharp and t:Kh mdtvidUII ~up tc"i~ min~t"Ft. anJ Utt fntndshJP-' 11\ar ht has tabk' grotip ltadtt, nprclalJy my 0'4'Tl mentor, art rtla t'>u1l1and1J1lkl'lf,tnllU' Allf't 1tr11h,.a1m, from h,gti w:hool, 1rid in somr casr. mOYtng11n v rmm a ti«nt:own . \talr. N ll"YUI counu-,, fir.elm,- lrl"nd~. .:i gr ,up c,I people, ,,r a 1,,11et to ilf down fOOb. can DIOYf' 10 t.r an ~xrff'f?lel'; difflcull ~

m llt for COilf'Rt SIU11'1'lts, lht tttU'nlflg mtmbt-1'5 rell

W11"i PtJl'bCh. Qud#nts havt loomd htlp · 1,u1h ~ ,:'!)!!fat !s 11)"JWI [ IS trying to ~g urt ,111t wt,,u rr, ,l1• •rd who 10 be r ortl£O lhowf'd me that I .tn 'IN tiOnf' 11 11ft' J mldt frirr.d) who pushtd mf'. ct-11Htn~ mt <1l1<! twl1 mt 1<coun1at1tr Por11CO hi \ bttn tht p•Me rha1 I un .:onsmen1Jy cnmr 10 and ftnd pr,ce, rt\t. MtnO\h.lP'i and f'• A'htr! u:e Sllib. ID~' d -n'ku•1 i.'ld tVf'f' Ill rht good IJ'Tlt).Al\"\'!.I larr,plle.l. 1 )ur.:OI' in pryct-o~ . sad pl'(bUN"tJ.

Tht Cartt, ,\ bnart"Y • sporuortnl Utt Scrtr,c,r, y.,, t glnttriDR Cl•ttr fc M.1:r /0-.30&.m lOI J0PM.tnA;,.,:_·.

forl!l(Y.tinb-matiotc.i. ◄


Graduate to speak

AJumnus ..,u\ fWt:, • ~l'\'Jrtl MHQI SdlOCil ,r ,j '> 1ppcwntt<11htW!lu:ml:.ud• Su,itry

80$1on Qlllt',..,.

5Pdnal Spw.m and 1w.ie1tw,. Thef\'l'flt wlUbl: t.UJ0:,- 1 i.n Akin AW!torl!Jm

'Monologues' opens March ~ Tht honoral'V Thwr, X.11"'

Rm ~ BaptistClwJn:h

P,J Omtga along Wllh M.'l • per1'0t1nrn1 a Sl.lgrd rtMl."&t' g:na Monologu,s Mr.fl pm mthtBt1Wood Sr.1"~· ~

• li,r.,•i..<J 1_1 ·,v1!Jv. 1, rl• 1~00 9r•1 Sir, d

Th,s ptrformiD<" ts l • ·~'"Ill Ion With procttds bffif,•· "1 :. ind thf •~op L"it \', o~,.t' :~

• 51:eri~did r rtrl'P•Jl lCJ! .~•1:'1 t.1l /101 P,101•1t


• Al~ of:p:~ !)urJia\l rr1or11•rllj ,f'fl..irc

H15am:1( us1 rc

g 10 ,, rn 11 1111

1.oOl f>fT'lµnrdfV

hli•nded .niJ el,irt1 ,t crnten,p,,;1,1ry c,,r. ~•~

z=: ,



Jtf1t~ ii 94()/ J07 .IJQS

Finals Frenzy begins May2

Fln1!sFrenzv~"lf, \\lr: ◄ thfmt ol • Around Ult W on,j • j lUW'IS .L't , Studtf'II ~ in piann~ Mf5 ._ • on tht lu1 Tht.ndn rMSltr Ptann1n~ ~ i-'t ~• lndAonl 24at I pm 11C.., -J Ctnt,r m tht Apirht fta.;,j b;.• ~

~ fun

For mort infor:i...;,s 1 QA0/397..JSOOo: u~wr11-.i;.n

LOlle~liOII~ lntn1F1b l71uue

Ap191 lsto,y1bout 1l'lt'll'p::;"f SVSllffl COntllnled cefttll lf~ 11'1 the SICKV wtl,c:h - • inatN' tttribut1d Thty lhould lmOH' 1ttribut1dto K11fhl1mb

1-Ytn 11 ,1 LS )01'!\eltung thtv w,rt nOI nrcess,nty look

Th1W1ch!11n reg1etsth•t••!lf


1! I h..-t 1104 comr to POftiCo, I ptobabfy would flOl

btconr-«ttd ln a church nlhtnow ano not ltadlng ,...-o, ~tu;i for 11nf ol H~1 !J.ptb.t's nmpusn f h,. interns .lnd Pf'(')p!e ol 1hl$ co!legl' g,,oup JU~ \lUlght "P lo·1td on mt rtv,.ardl..-..~ ol whtrt I um, lrom Of wha1 my put wu 81'1:df IOOk. m, in and ~hO'Nl"d mt What 11 ttuly mew,., bf> a man and a man of l,.od I am th.anklul r,·cr, day Joi :tie opponu:11t1tS Uld hinl1~h•~ that ha·.-e com,. from

r,.r11co.- Fem\ wld

"My favortte thing ebCN11 Po~co is being •~It: to let go of all ttlt bu1i11n1 1oi119 011 in life to lrnt takt a co•,I• hNrs to worship and fellowship with lrienft.• Krltt11t A41tfdell, so,homort, ••th J My lavorne thing about Portico would have to be the sense of communrty Everyone 1~ w1lhng to meet new peQple and have conversations wJth people rhey may have ntvet seen before lt ,s also• great environment to worship and hear !he word in general Kevin Ruddy, sophomore, bustness 1•11 h , tut widl ff11YON . .4 Hari191 wtl1t Brdy t.11 to HY Hety weM. fl i1 • fl'Hf place for me to grow ,,irifullly.• lelaM Wetzel. IHio,, meu CCNMluaic,tio• 1 ,::•:~ 8 iNOtsh1p, ttit fell0Mh1p And 1t 1s a great place 10 meet people who share the same fa1th as mt People from Portico have invested III my life ind I always lea e lh 1 spiritu1lly lid. I love to serv, chert · Rachtf Hamson. sen,or. r,spnatory cue I · oehMly tltt wtntdp. Mense ii Is Htazhtt .,,•sic, with trtel hlffltOfty bvut. ere _etlmg 0 more '"'P r• ' ••ntecilled 1111tly '(CHI flt , sense of •kHM•ess witt1 Gotf, •"4 can worsllii, frti111 fflteerety.• ,i. .,,. Fieldt,




Pulkr u, &IIC:SI lt(rure: 1,,r

MW rhln~ tvtry Wttk undt r their lf'Mhing..



r.._ ,c

Career Center hosts fair

uonshlps Iha! I would l'M!Vtt want to ~ht up on I learn m1t for, P(m,co h.15 pbiyed I m•JOt rot, In ttlt llvn «vkfl{), and ttd1rn:ltd the lives ol oth~rs.

ra·~ l'f, t,



Once a week, hundreds ofstudents gather to grow in their faith STAr,WRJTlfll


is l'ttt




Education career fair brings opportunities Texas school districts present job options. give career advice

!Obi; posl JIJ)du.1tl1Jn h~ mlJl'n 1n d,, wun th" \~\ ,:., dlsctp!IM In tthK•1tOll, th, R~Oll,J'aphll 10(..IIIOfl m wt1J(1'1 Ont lS corntucun,t tht ioti ~arch u;d hu'N Pr"J:UM !ht , .,, 10 nur•w Ulfmwlves through 1h, •l•~l10:1nn Ir,..

(}1 11'1.1/\ Wl•UI\M ~



rht ~ gtl CUlS have l!OI de •t n td CUl'Tf'nr t,n ma,ors from Uk fteld Tonya P.rham. Sf1'1JOr In 1p«1al tduut100, ~ rr:.,,.. concemf'd with how dfKU.'t' she will t,t m ftl"' d.1~ room. ·F.very rime tht'rt is a cut m hlndll,R 11 IL'1\lts whu you un do In lhr clll.Sroom .111d lhal 1s a r,-;u of min".·

Educ,1tlon m•JOB ttclt\'td race 10 t.<:t mettmgi. With piM1ble employf,rs F:1d~ .11 Utt f.duotlon l .ar,er I-ill. ,'.lore ltan 20 l'PpttwntJl1vts from d1fftrtn! locallom m Ttn) ~.1nic1pattd to rttndl ~d oner ad'IICt 10 fduc-a tton malvn,.

·To,. t:ducatlon h lr ts • Rft.lT venue 10 brina Mu dents, gn,dulte\ and employers 1ogttht r in one place,~id llcrk \\'elch, dlm1or of lhe carter Mu11gemtn1 Centn. •A f, w othl'r btneftts to job seektrs are they Ill' ,t!c to meet dlrt<.tly with hiring dedslon mil:.trs Thty mttt wtth many employers m one locallon dunng a shon



with a job stekers apphuoon • 1 1 tet

Partmn si.fd. ·When you're trylnR 10 utch up to nthf't countrin and you're uy ing 10 do that by more impact vr mott foKe at on, time. 11 ls O'\'ttwhe!m1n~ 10 evtf)'DOd•· and Ulen they art cuuinR hm1~ and II 1on no: wori: vtry well. ·

lnd:;~~t!~m;.:s t~a: ~!i :

uEducation still remains one ofthe muket loJt teK htl" .... 1u a!wa~ rr.\1. better options in terms In ~;/:~~·t,· ie11.heN at" h:m, ofjoh mar/ut demand ·nierc ts lots o: •aJk ol the ~ uMr,r 1 ~~~~ n1pa~f~ and opportunities. " ~; : ,~:::~~:;·.~t1~

:o~:u:,:~ !~!e~ou~:

The Texas eduo1ional s~em h.u 10 1 : ~.; ~ ~ ~1,;~1~:: cub


lmlc down~tzlng !Tl O!Jt d1m:ct I CGupl<' DINI WlLCH • The brtJTll ol lhf 1mpa<1 !, ~ yurs ago: Prm~ r ~:::I. "TOdav I am a CAREEII MANAGMENT CENlEII today compared 10 pi)I Vt'ID, part of a 111owtna di:stn, : o;o we conunue DI RECTO II but .w:hool admm~uators are iull faced With the challtngt nf J)f'O\'ldmg high qualtty t duu 10 h1rt p,ople every j'Hf. We ha·, e IO do mo:e Wllh lesi. 6on on low budp;tts.. shon.'lgt:J of stafl 1nd rtduct'd ~a- •nd be cartful how 'Nt !,pfnd our moroe!'I. bu1 (lvttall I think wt a1t do1r.g • rin. Jim Ph1U1ps, reti!'f'd p;UK"lp?e of fturlthurne:t lnih!-pen Shen 811nkemtiip. ~qa,n1 wpttm1endtn1 of prol~ ~"Kt'S It Hertford lndeptnd<'nl SchOOI Otwkt, dem Scl'tool Di.stnd. further r.aJd 1h11 thf' d1fficu1u~ Liu! conflrmd that tilt bl!d~I cuts have not detrrttd the may txlSt) tor itUdtnl5 are 1hat lOO many ol tht m toe•"' on Ont area Instead of s.pteializma \fl areas 11~1' mat.~ 111 nttd for ,·oung teacritf') m the cll»rooms •1 would descnbf: 1he tduution atm~phrre as btlTlJ "1rnct -1·ve aJwaY') thought that ' t'"rt ·....a~~trach1:l};)Ob tn: a Jmle controversial at this 11me, panKullrlv today with ltle St"qU~trtnon and fedtral prow-ams.· l\!anktMh1p tvery011e thllt w~nltd ro !<'Kh,· Pn1h1P"- ~Jd "( )W-r rtie .sax1. "But I thmk also n's• IUt'~l time to Rel m10 edlKa Ja~t couple )'l'ars that l\ not !\eCf'\~t· 1\' so. tht>1 m:9)11 hon beouw 1t IS one of those lltld5 ihat ..,.111 alwayi bf have to mov(' They TIPt'd I() ~tr ~ot,.inc crtdeiua:s 1n around. \\'e art ai-...·ayi !oolonv for young teacht'rs who order 10 1each not ju,.1 on E1 1·n ~ern-ral~t I 'A'o,I! l m art w!Ding :o come Into 1he cl.a.wooms and tx~ our cou11gt tl'"m 10 go m:o the math .1n:1 \C~OCf' nf'ld ar.1 loot 10 ~ where there is • ton 01chlidhoo<11e.c.htn." students: to new innovauv, ldw • Wekh also admits that drsi:il" aJ: ~ e1rcums1,ncn . cns:s. :t Ult w! :n.ul:ed or d«rt,se studtnu· ab1Ur,· to ftnd )Obs po,$1 graJu•tlon ·fduca11on still remams one ol the btuer opUor.s m 1trms of 10b mub1 demand .1nd o~;,ortumu~. • Wekh u id. "The lncrtast or <ltC1ta.s(> m or.e's .ib:hty to find

trom t.\Xt@fl

IJ! not 1noe~ W


I 1,.,,1110el1t11f1•l• •


IK•t10tt A 1ti, ot """'' wn,n LOm•IOlf-t 1tltY•nts l wt11t t ,d1 t11d th•,' ,...11110 b-t ,nor,, pllCt Ullflnt,tl:•t. b-111 a kltf1' filhtrtt,!if,fflttyourilvtMVfl beto IU h t v-a J lot r(I Ofllf

2 h .,.. to

•....-,1"" "ftr

Nwlitft""Wt"'lotHdl ff w!wftJOtlWHtNtllCIII f!l tltw

d!NtfMt scnoo/1 '{Gu tHl•lt tht! • nd 1h11 sm!Hnts .,, on" 11rt1, ren1 S<hool• lt(IUUt d1Nit1tnl


3 wtu,n yO'JOOIO.,tn!l bl t flht Uuc,r,on C••tt• ~, 11! IHft 11ict , k ,l"DltM10Mf Hill nJr


I 8 tWLIMglo _.,,...,_ . . jok-

2 le -,.11 10 lo!S (f. 001rib lhl,ts

J Tali.1bou11ht tll1•pfOVNn tliH,, iklH [ mp!oytrs M19hl nHd some ol !host thongs

4 B, w1lt.nq to w.111 wi1lll 1 • -

I D111, 10, saccn.1

2 B1rudy 1ncto,,.p1rtd I• ,,,~r.dlor 11f11ll-time1oll 3 Worttrl11« e11llllfll0f•lt111ot u t"m' 1mpon,nc, and I ""'Ould tnCOUIIQI 1~,m to U1' 1h11 ,very


4 Oon·11uun-eany1hln9tnd

•twavs N

reMy enllll wllll111.

5 Fo,vuuoQeduutors t..-ovld encou,•11• lll•m 10 ',It! ~I

end MMt~h-Hv,silt~. Nhllhtl d bf U,1ouQh IIIIOIIOQ 01 YO!uncur,119

uide teaches about nature nr11 ,.c:o!Ol{V Wob my minor. b111 1 btcam, really lntnt!.tM 111 11 when I look a cla.1-~ with Lany Wtll;All'IS I decided tndoublt


malorln11· , li 2011) IO'lldUillt' in ,oc;JolO(lV, lhf" River

• 'tntn is mort m,r. thly w11ti a rn1-..~on ro ~to n1tu1t ~ 11 t'lUr

to worb



e\'tt)'"J11ng tror,1 butter ht IS ff'SpOflSlt!e {flt SUf:"b 1Mut tht dlf :h,. c••mer l"rlt'nt, 1by N Pnddv Bu11erfly t:oMt>F'\'IIOfY, l'l'Vlor.·, nt Ldwttd$ I ,amini


Rtver e,,,1om forest tt:d '.hlldrtn\ (.Hrden low~~-..fob.· Horry k With i ,:ood W-OUP ol rt'<lllY ){ft




I lfTI

With PfO

OV't'f Ind 1/llm~\ I.S


tlorr; ~•Cl )';e !lbs 1hr 1r.1,.,..,.,tn.1 with amm1b, nr..1pl.ln :d, ~1 w,n ;aiwu-.. ln!t>r ho1')gv ~ i ~ l wa,

AlltlnupJ\ Hony

uid hf' wam.,-(1 ll> RO 1,th,r pl•.:ts ;n klng S.'llkt 1tia1 kr,n to kW Horrfs nose. f'hfn thtr,.·, 1h, variflies or but:erfflt":5 hO\IStd In Pey

~~ ---RB _,.._

ton\ Pt...'.~. ·1 1m 'JJ.11 leamm~ about tllt <enter afld a.tlllt\.\1$ btcilU(.(' Ofi" MYtt 5'0Jl',ltarn,rll.·


9a111 »~ P"'

Hony s.ald. "h l(l(ok lift mtl1 hlS dev.rtt, ~ 10alll _, 4 pM me about I year to Pt't tuivlng • dt1l,/tt lfl ~IIOCll'l lO •pm trutycornfurUblew,th r., AdiNtsion psvd1ofotCY al"J so ooi.oirrw~ uw:ful H!pl/~ ' M l ' l f . afvulg IOUT" t!ld !tam 1ng tMUM! d:.out :he t->r g,vma101,r-.. a.,1mals to g>~, tG!lrs • ·f)i, ma)Or ?r" Hony's l•·,onte pin c.,f his JOO Ii ~led mt to mttrK! Wl!I: lht f>'ll>lK br~t,r: llvrry UJd "It r.pttialty ~ng ro schoob and tucf'linR > helptd rTI" 1/lltrKI Wltn peoptr wl!h about llllUft'. "I love wht:n wt art to le~Yt' 11.~ mf'nlal ,1.~l'llh!I~ 1IIM'.M:o .. Thi' cia.~ lh.11 ,11:t no! gri w11h IKilllV and w> IUCll IN UXtJI IWO llorry ~.d "Wt [0 t h 114' hours: his ma!(>: h-'lrc'1 him pft?itt lot the W s all o! nature I k>vt u h{.~ 1.1lh the fl.\lUf(' ~tnlft ~ wrll kids 'N(' tf<llh lo lJl'!T'a·r!y !ht when "'M r lift 1C1tnrf'\ rnily pre~rrd fllda'f



llW" :or 1hf 1oo: t4orr, <.1~. "8o1any and mNOllY htlpf'd mt rl'ti g,vt 1oors. ht hl'1 111 5eam aboul 1he m~m. :he an:nwh ~ tJ'lot toc.1I ,nv1ronmen1, , nJ 1ha1 d1dn ·1 happen O\"t'I n,3h1

Ai rht ri.iturc cen1e: all k/11::h o! .-nir.1al~ rnam lmJdt tht a!U.\ tn droi.urit, frnm a , ~ mnntr n1mt':l Rn..hl Wht' hkf') w,11er t ittlS ar.d hl.f"' ,.-, v.' av hkl" and "'-" k m a 'IJl"V


KRANK 11 ~~~~~-~ ~ ........~ ~"""• . 8 1, 1

,..::·.:••~· ·i;. /


Jv1w1/11,111 IIU/ #lllf/.11111 /II/ .f/11,1/Il'/111//llSl




· w.. ha•" ,o pouonom \nikh

in r.r a li:t!f> g;ri l;y 1hc: name of k11led p..,,on," Hl'.ltrV ~1j ·Stir bv a Vt'OOl":OU~ ~1tke In noflOT nl n•r •t.e lamitv d!ln~'"d u, rht' fx11 i:y and drJ,nte.:1 re-111,n ) Placr la Mfl()!




ho!:'k 10


r.tO('"I nf butmfly Si,('

<ie-s11,, :ier · A Uf;f)'Ji,j:, H'lf'r-,' I~ not domg

ar.;-:•,.r.,:"1psycllOI09:Yo:S0(1oJo,;f, Honv s.a.1 tir may Like lht skd~ hf t,a<, lt:at"ltJ '"''Offtlfl, a! fh" C£'11t' f an,jj!I) 1t'fJ '"I Ch,MI.

-1 rt. 0


c ,n :jr-,..j

at:'mR mf

,!"! l >'X',l ,\Cof"ICt', t,,;•

( ,1,il

h•v" {"l' 11'(1'1"'1," lh ff"'/ \,111 ~,

w,m t :o ua<t1 t:-'ti 1"' I 'f.r.. iW\\1 111 Ii,,' If\ 4 h ' i \\ nl, l 1••r mr J It,;.. !u l('i dl , bu1 I '•Uri IO ' U( h \rl,l'!P,e •l!NRI ir,h .,,:o•nl ,,,. ,.,

, ,1.1. My

,... o,1..,1/,\11w,..,1rm

team anJ •'" nttf""i"j •n


~ • 1,,,.1 •

' ••· 1... ... M t •~

JH Hi,iry hollllll t Ztbl1 Strlpp,111 l ufltrfly 111 I~ !Un, B,nlll N1t1111 C,nttr Ho,ry dtvltk --.11,.; ln ,s:ychol'f't' ••1111 MC!OIOIJ 1111, ru11 ll11 time at MSU. "TIM m•INJ 1"tpe1M - i. hn!K1 willl ttMi ,u~hc ht111." Ht1ry u•d "h u,-cltllf hil,-4 wittri ffllnltl •tu11drtin /illntHl1 • - lltltrKt w,di



Jl:1vtr 8elld hU M ,r n,,:T"f')tn snUes ln U"J' l'O'lre fM, IIV


Needs Young Adults to work during the Su""11!r.


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& ALL Wines

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Like us On a d: --c

Fax 91,e, ~22 ~· .·2

· . . · · .·,,.

Art~ &[~t~rtainm~nt



Mime0111il~ lndie band proves to be more than country li;~olhu."I .IM K,o.llt-.ffll


M'?d,t Tttn.-W. s 1M W(1'IM -~I"\

~· Nufth C,ro!tna)

Mou-,1 ~\oNri Whl1t k"Mt , •~ tl'I P.-,90J't ,ts ,:,rtt \fir«~ 7;,'"N \I bts• UPt1"'ncffl Sll!'lp,\o slnng b,,ct ~M t n)O'ftn• n lhtr i~ri arui:yz,JII. Tht Doi'flq\M''PO!CtolHtlrtw:McE'I tiff :Jllff>f\1!j!t)\, l'tUl\s lht \ftmdil."Y


wi~ . bvl i', ~\ofw: l'ls !OOr.«h~on 10 S1mply bf 1K1-lfCI

""""" AJ1TW1.


t1'ffY n"'~ nt!!'f' wn,:,, 11 dtlpp,n• 11.,111 1Wffl 5CoJthtM r~ n, kb I <Ml l)U< ot S'fll'UI ita c,n I flo• T"'"l)I, IS Ct rtlll'li'V K C'Oil!l:t to Cit'!' \!Jickt1'\, t1.11 lrJOnt

Tnu d.w ,'-il-« lt

Nr ' , •

....,..,•-.w••I ..,,,

,. ·n

bmc..nt1, ..._, i• 1,t, . . . . lltltl ltlMI P'9C..-.... -YtllMS,.. . ~ "A IONP~• ~ l. . tlflll . . . . . . MUlkhn,-.. ,.: taiwul4. •s...p11et"~N p/lhH t-'~j.etNttlf, tNl,1tlu11u~IM -Ntt.NI

bom M>uthOl 1htMu.,n[)iJ1e b1WIMII

M-,_.,u____.,...._,.,.,..1~ ............_ ..,~(IINC•.._·


lttl I (OflnttUOr\ 10 this hwtJtlt lJwm an~ IU Xlus:oru L> H t tr. ' Cod', roun

Student exhibition to ope n Frida

Lvnutrv, L"lel~ !t!lS tht HotY of a &lrt "JCk 1n a CalJttt iown tn bttwttn Mfflf'S':t:i Whtn ~ oMtwltf'J Oon'I bf loclt<I tho!.rltl, M/•KW Tt f'fl/lW i5 not

Whllt l.ll'ICUUinty Pfffl1' I ICI frnm M([ nlltt\ ~ It tlmn_ thtrt It Ml 1nsp.rin1 conMrnc.1 Mid


Senior art major to showcase photos from Sltmmer in New York

•lfflllh In >itf W',#n& that 15 l'HW,iritl&,. Tht m\lfk ~ wonckrf\lllT WUffl, •:xi thr guiUr wort twn bordtn on in

but I\ tM1'ff ~ tht ,potl-gtltln,;lf.:i,ll ~thfpoufld\lJOn b \lc[rtlft CQ drtTt tht aut l'l'ltlfllnC tlCh SOfll hornt W',ttl l'lt'f ..,'Otldtrflll \'Ct\-.: , putllflf. Moi.tnt Morjlh on tht ftkl!t!, II Ul!\tl,

OOIANOQfllJ<lt ..,





N-tonct.Common, P OW, a."ld Thf Roou., l's wt Ill

Ay lh~I &ulJ ti llrtm 11'1 IC~ muslcm Thf J()U!NI UB mia,t ck a4td not to Wlp !Mtt, fflU:51Jll thrtt ~ tt,,I ol htl own. Th, IUnl ol whldl. A Lo.t> SfJN M, combtr..n I hu !thy dotl

c4:'KllW!0,1:r«n 1,t tmnoltJlt1n111K l'\dU\fffWltli ~ m 1Mtng IOC!t:l't l nn rty ~"'1ffl RH~

• tostro:Now· .s 1Wfl)l'\W M, .»


Vi:tl.lll Art$

hmf lri Nl"..,, 'Ml "".1.~ )Uffb



Tht luan1u & R.l!pll H;irv,v Xt.ool

ptlJ:to r;tlU'WSL

Veteran singer explains the process of love


Aa,l llOCTOR;


·1 ftnJ 1rt ft"',r'r • t!'o. ~,, ,. ,.,,

Alt\ tn ~ 1·v. Yotk I 11\

~nt Waiklnl lht

win hold , n

optrung roe ~.em O.wn Urtcr w ru« 1n lr1, on Mar1;:h 8 'rom Cl! p m. in the Jl!i:'llta Harvtv An Gal ltf'/ ~ r. Tot eihlb.UOn W'lll run unUI A.prii \0 The l'll'llblbon ..,m bt (.iltfr\



fi-.cinaun~ •

1 ..11,r


alh' WU"tt WI\' to ,)ll( 1fi rh grttn ~~ lrl tht rj{y • t J.rttr

Ill ln,o l, rl)'T!lll!R ilo• l•tin ~JT t,,11 l,•,ud,, IN{ N y,,1',t-1,• " I' In '!':P

)IIJ - \1~ da1'\ ,,,,_mt,J ,,· n,t

t 1flt\

tabn!l !ht ~b•uv to a r1ndc,m <,tttp --~ •o { ,"IIUI Pa:t. Jr.! ':-q•lM


1·1l'tt6 'mv-,: 1t1 f.t'K>l~a::l11 )!1:'1."1 1n 2\1()8 atll'T htr f.utirr

~ja11i1y !n'ff'lbrai1"1.;.ancl'r

r,aJtitd how tmpt'M,Ult an lm.lSf Ci..'I bt•• W ~Iii ' I ha.-e al WI" drawn and tnf(l\'t'J Art. blil I W ~ Ufubltwn M UlnptlS Old not ,,..,l lzt thal th.s Wlloill I l:.arttr s.a1d thal tht ~ d\11 wa."lttd 10 do -.,,"h mf unW my lmitt was (ttttlng all of tier pnn1s :ta.1\ doth The- flflly :ti11'a lt\.11 !t(ll Aru.vied Ofl Llmt me ttu'OU.lh UUI lime WU dtJ't1.!nJ •J Ir.I YUdmt IUChuit- \ii f''l'f p,..'"11la:1.S tverv n)lhL • l>ttn ptt1ty busy.· slie llld ·With l~rttr :-aid htr txhlbftJOn WI$ out tht htlt of Lathfnnt PrtM. tnSPt,"td by Strttl photographv JfMlftr YIK\1.1,, C&rl~ Mtm<L-i Ind Ind ll~thf'f" D'll,ltl Joc,JSt:S. Tht Syan,er Kuthltr. !• w ookl /Li\"t bttn ftl'SI ~ prt?10 of pt0p!t' In t:tn1r.11I dtfflcult ro g,t t'ltf)'lhm~ ~nLShtd.• Pllk wnhithtnll. whicti ( \J.ld UMtr W\11 pmtM pbolog,aphs s.tit: lound m1tmtil:g t.«aust tht attn dunnr. l\tr 201 I Summtr "'fflOC'l~ Of Ntw York do not h.lvt Res.Jdt fK"Y •t thf> xhool of \oisaa\ bac kyards ·1

would JJfl'.t.lblV ~- m~ed •

'l,J<,114 1\· r,.. , ll, l 11,u dlown an w1 \

~-,n,m,ti\ ~.O\ ~r ~· i • l;W,'\4:d 'll.1:e• 1.11au· (I! :tl'r , ,,rrr,ir.: .. • ,..,. il"""lirr £• ·• • • ·n tt' ..._,. ,.,:

Dt,r:nll'nerrtwkn,·) r a•t111<Ja,\ 1Ur ,,, n ff' w 1LIJ. an1 >' c-,•: 1u1 I bt k,v I ruft\..'<>r., ~~ ..,,,;, a, l,r..;

J:i.: , l.~·t

J'Jl'i 1!ft:'t-r,· .o•r>n·.i.r fot;.>l'f'

w~.•• .i,mli:r1l !1t~t""' i r•ti '.bµ:,M


fht' s«(.";i,:,

f•'<J~ ..,.

1r j \met Att!'.1. 1 1,,.\: knl,)W": rr•. \K 1011m• ,.,, a!ld r' , •~~;,.h~ (f,t1c

htr uh1t'

t!(lon ) ltorn ill 1 >'tr.I (lfl t ~ •f'mr,r\ l~an1 ~•Hr1 l'ur I H i nd~ ~ t,..:n

whO h.1)

,~lll.-d(.fhvt'!I\ J'.J,.nit.c\lC

ud Ro11ir, ''''"" \t•v>::~I'


,..,. ph<'i1n::.•o1c~• L6:t,·

~,dt'J •

Clk( 1t,f')t phOIM, ••• rttr had 10 C.antr ...I,, \~.. ,O"·" ? a Cl hin1 !(f'I ll l'lf m1r1111~ nl ,I rno,:h p1I fht tie rrO:tSSCII", 11"1 ,~c .I.! ~'..f'\l, .lf'IJ thl!d anJ nn~· " "-ll' 'k U a plar ~ mr, lit',?'1 1mp,(..Vt' Mr f,t,Mlll1i l1'f'n'H"d on ( .O\'l:T1•1r'\ l<Jan1 durn1g ph, in annu~J an lt:il1\' .ill -,A!t!!.1\1 cr:1,1w d ;-iy .... ri·11: Actordm.g IO l.arttl tl':r bl~ WI\ ~Ii I W•lU ,N! iU<T W ti ((1 0: d::fl."1en<r W fac,d Ml()()t,n~ 111 Ind tha1 IT',, P.J·,, 1~.a·." o• .>1•~ Ntw York com~•atrli r<J 1ru) wa~ wert' some o' •~.t' tt<-' ~i..- ,:JI ri:.t. !ti~ ot::o,tn~ ol lht rnldrn!J: UW&?hY ht M !ll"ff1 ' ·Tht, Htt rallr Writ tbt1r Wrttd l)f all ll'tr,t,u:~1p,t.\l> "t'ffitPd Tie!,$ out III tht optn,• sht $.IJCI. Cmrr s.a1d ht-r twr fA·:orr, ~ .I'((':\ 'Thtv ,re also used 10 tarneta) Wttt •Ytllow ~CG .. •-; nu~ 1.' t!WIR rvt...,.....'flm, W> I could JUM 1n ,:,verwt!l)l'.. '>lffl r u ·,iur,. ,1 bltnO m10 !ht crowd Wt ur moll' cu r.ap ln tt.t p..a w1tt "~ ,·1o·nes cor.strv.tlJvt l!'t W•ch11i lf I we,, \Ulttrtd ~ti a..-our.d '\,:r .i"ld · H,u.:l to go to WiJ Main and ):art lii:.lng Dn'IU'g Rock 100 Rnll," 1n ,Ml~ pictures ol P"'O?k m •ht pukmg ITo:n Punk lsi111.d t>! a "" mR;,,;1n ,r lol, thr~ woold bt ftNk.ed ool tnd I i mosh J)lT

C-~='"f pla .. I() µa• ,,

"'"'l.:.r; •, r V1l!JJ.f \'m~•

AJiu .. ,.I •,rrr 1r ,:,1


.-r• ...,,..,.

v,·,tun:r,-, :,; ,..l:', • -N


., ~-

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and Gl>.1.,'."~" ,•.'•i~•ir 'IJt ,~h '1 ;'.,,"'4:l'J~· , ·1 ~I' ,' •tt · -;:-....,

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r<,. l.M't'fW ·-1 -1


"llO NCkt;;ie",nlla,: ·,

1'1•' -r--;,j.-nr1('S fr1 t· v\ t' t"tl" wor,;1 •·, •

an •e.a..htr ,n Lr.,;.. ,t)t, ,,.,11;ld t,,, .,vr,•

Dt,n" l r,<IV'PJC;.'•· (~,l{)T'IC•


1!:1:he. ~Wmnofflhff ltJw-n:. ot 111t llbum Comblruna I mtU.Nho!V r,:IW nt: W11h 8tJII\ ,owig \IOlct , tl'w


411 od1tv ~ U:ptn thf'OUAb !."It al.bum Jlus wit.'! V\$IOa lor !h, ilbum to t mbodTlht ptOCe.ol IO\tf• "mtt:l."lg.thtbN:U. up,jlndJ1M lt\ bKk tottthtt" AA,r tl\t t ntrgttlc low po$1'11 ol A l..ow5'J"",i, lhtrnoodpKb ~ 141 ~ tt.t "itt! t:«k •ogtthtr" Wat ffillldcU i~I Oil !ht tt<Ofd. 1.itniv· optN 11p Wiltl I JUllr !UU llkt Its Pffik'(t:WX, btlt htrt ~ ~ ur 0pf'f\l Wlll'I I cont! dtnl arowl 10 \hoW WI L~np ltt flOW kloklni up 1'htconftdn<tdoes n'1 uop ihut ttr.tifr, 11 Bual s.!rp •wno .tllaWt(I Ctt,lta

t l'ICt ~!!WIT


~ Cl)lhdctn

Nearby festival provides cheap spring break ju 135+ bands set to Play Denton's annual · music festival


A61l 1.Dn'Ofll

W'Mt sornt ~uden~ havr p1uu to soa.k up tht }un ntu thf> btKh sprtng bmlt. OO!ers will ~


up W)Rfd IS ~tll

w:ng !):(- 1)¥; M _. tu~t.. t.,ol,j~ a:lin&hli lo',tt out A UJW!iuttt, 111 Ult p,rlta l tbuffl lot 1nror.t Wt mno:tlt tnj(M R.U .

Alternative supergroup releases debut


too:f'd {') Sta)' httt 1n W1ch1t1 hits ror st1J<ltn~ 1ook!n11 for " •rne thing cht1p ind fun 10 ~o ~,rr lht


fl'Omold,choQl ~ ru,totJlt nt'A'

AIOfflS lor1r x e 15 I IUPtflJOUP: compnwd ol h ·

spnn11. brnk hotmav. lht- JS t1tn1on

~~ u '~~:

Siver p Com Truise

~:!1:S 1nd

The Soft

The lestivi l bcks off March;

dW!Odlt~ Sll\gtf'

11cktts • - ·•.,, ,,,. ',

4dav wr..,1~rt · Si•' · , J av tio."• Ti..kl':.. "r:,., : .. I t lht' t....Lva .•;,, ,• ?'



v.,itt,: Downtown Oenton

When· M1,eh 7-10 ..o,yWriS1band • $!,!,


S10Qlt·01y Ticket S35



;irounll 0.-nton.

Httdlintrs Sol•nie ICnowies. Sleep, Ch1lsu


ti;ht Mov1n;, Ro,v Enck-




lht oov,·mown <,qJ.Jat~


1'lltJ50.... ...ic fnt,nlwiH M MIii Marc~ 1·10 11 llowt111wt1 D111tM1. HtN1i1ttn iKIN1 raOilc111• ~t.taftc:11

.... .'""!·'""'~' ~."'

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•~u::1~ .__•_on_& _K<t _.,_M<_•_•____J

a) IN O main COil('" \ l.t)'C\ v-: lip m


sk.ans wt', (I ,rpm:y <rN !t ¥1 llll:l<'llt 5'1'T'L~,d~ l-°ld!l'(81!.laPfflOJ.,

1.,hl lll

\'Wl l\aJ.abt. 'l.nt"Z'- 7 \


~ ~~ 1~~\•~~

Yoru w:td thAf lht w .c1 r=wnbm bondtd owr mrlr 1ovt or ~ " wtw.n ll'"Y rtton:lt:f , . ... a».l'ffl · gttur.1 wa)tfd ar-..1 M:fTli."IC to ftlli Kuti..' TN

,r.Udl:f)Oll :O!Uun10 IOffl'~-idOWff..

,f"",., ,::J;l•

Sir &Mo!,"li.·1<,i.\·, :-,,._. • ta 'r,,1 1rJ P.,:, ' · ,·

1nd 11\!l, lhf'OUjth 1

CW...Utfrl llowffltW ....,...,__,rnltwl MadliMtC.•

Pli: t"(r' ,:-r.,..?\ .,.... ~

u,n·~ ow-:

"'' •• ,., "" 35 Denton lhtbrtakanll get 1 " " ' ' ,rom cam Music Festival

Thom Yortt, Rtd HOI Cll.ffl 1tppr:n bmil.lfla, IOn& Cmt bdi<lhud ptl)du,c:ff t41#'l GodrKII plaYlng k~ a.'1:1 synlh With Jot"f WlfOl'lkV from RE..M ,M &-ck Mid &utllln f"U'C\m!On.lil Mluro Rti.o PfO'W'ldtng lht intnallt rt'Mh.'Tlk pat tm\J ~ Oil A..-WO,t lflt ll;J'OUpl dtb\11

in!lutnct ' l l i ~•tbtT'ldt:'I I~ ~111 1.~dr,m p:m mu,nalAfluniCY bfU l;l'ts !flat ~!ta lS kf)l)V,n !or, Ytl at ..U u:itre !to-n • 'l\!r.:rr..aitc ~ kl :tit :n-yo,.,, IKf atUJ4t or I.he ,:>u!) l'tpptr,' NS5lst 151\0lfl\tft :o bl' f<MJM M10k " , l'T'1'!'!.sdc 1o11f fl of art ~tffltf'::s/w.1 11~L,YCO!of rn11

2,0 tar•1~ a, 1 \r,,-.;.·,--

ran,. to b·~ "an .c:.

O AI.ANOO ri.onr ~ ;II


Den:on ,, 200? ,. 1nd ho&S ~r"' rj a~.~.,,,,.. -

l hfo innuJ/ m..sic !estlv•I or1~ nal~• Stt1rltd M ~ $hciwc1~ for r~n l(lfl 1/b\U i i tht at:riual So'..!th by ~uiw,~1 ks11va1 1r, .\ustm frorn 200S 2<Yl8

Tot ltlbva! ffiO\f'd bkk homt 10

O'hf1 r

,•,1:~ .t

l.llt!,;t,ht.!l •W •.~ !,

tni,:t.. •c,rm,., ... . ; ·•••, bar.d Jh" ' a"r.:,. !•

8e•ct• lo, ,1, 1~ I ' ,;i.. ma•,J\1•. •-. ?f~An; J.vr.. t~1 ,


MUST-SEE $£TS AT JS DENTON I Rf82 i huridav. Andy-s 11. ~Pm I Si•kl~: Tli•rdey, Tht 12:30 u11. I PaUb€'Jre1 Thur.W,3', Ha,levs 0..1,.... 1Ar:rwon r,,oay Ha1leys 11. 30 a m IAstnH1aut1hs Snmf,y, M11n s,,.. 30 cl ,n I SIHp: Friday. ,i111 ! The Cannabinol('ls Ml'i Sa,,, Jail• s , d12 M , ' s.1twday, ~•111 Stag• Tw~ 7 , ,, ., /Solange aiurdov. !vi::t,n taqe IJOf'8 Dm I Com Tru11e: ,- au, av a 'l)'d''lt0r"Pfi·1~ I".,1lit'~ S11unf1y. TIie Hin 12:30 , .m. I Beach Fossils Sooda t•I , , 1 .' , • 10'1 Uthf Movutg: Sttn41y. M11• St11• Oft, I p.m I Oil,1t>I fr.)0(1s Dov'~ )U,1r~ 0Jn> S1hE1ll'df 10 11 JO um I Mac Demarco· Sunday n H' ' 'a ..iJ4r .. ~ • S,1-,edeat 121( · ' • 1" ' 10:JOp.m. f l>.11' ·,' ,t,










7 ~~fll!S illlflt Men's, women's seeding set for LSC tournament &v.1'1 n1t :;\ .rJ ,r.••ri".N•.ttt!,.'i rt(11•m, r"'~Vl'.1 ih, '-:o I •t#'lt ~ - t'.t lOl l l.011,. <:1¥ \ .,.!--t•l'l(tlc.:.•• •'ll""'' in A..~n. T•1asrro-:i Mmht> 11 1/'lf 11,1....-.1131 11 ~ M ,: II~ ltf ' ,

Utt ~M t I'(} f. "r. '(Ir •t. N'f,-.t•. , ~1 S·JOpm J«fi,:~1111• 4.i'ffll•rr• (.,•,•t : J't,t11·0-,,1':1 1.·,.J :u.. 00 tl'A: :... 8 Mtd•n •:,.., ,,., ...,,. TH :"I"'! Wlll~i rOl'lltoC"'..o 8 ;,wlTf1uM,M f .omm11c,

llc.,(tt'"f":J:· .•

m,...,~· ,,..,,,

1t lf 11 rlOntnU!l"' (O':" '::f 1: ".~ P'' lrt JOO, ~•-j Pit All ie4 M




m.1.k..- up Ult ttm1111ini on hPr own


•Uq s,nintt't, 1runnmg on my mix h.a~ PIO\'en to bt dilfxult l()f !ht two runflffl M~ of tht tlmt. 1'.,wfl.l ..,.n rt.1.Uy difficul!. tru: you C•mrtie-11 llndl huwlf hiving 10 ~I uJffl 10 It ,1n;S .dt'l)I,• Sh, ~,d run oo htr own. • ll\f,rt Ut ti:~ di Y) Ill.It Wt un·• pr~rl<r with tht turn; ~

"It's somethm11 yw MN~e With, 001 u·s bttn ,1 :oi t l\ltr 1tus Stmcs

ttr !.ttt wmniu. ~net uuk b

elm tmm 1 6 t m mo." t indlvldual ltld wh11 ,-ou P\11 on ,.,lond.ays .and pucuct ~u m at m:o II l !'!Vl C® counin· 11. • ·1 hl','f


ablt to lllrtt. l lil strnt)tt r I pr.Kl:(f' ,,mh lht tum JUil .abool $(l I WA thk s.rm,,._ ltr ~ ~1ng to bt <I Chllltntt Mrmalty. I WU $,W td about how

ll would a.l'ftcl my llmt1 or whtn I would hf abJI> to dQ h.u d work OJI~ .


~ln h~

Dtspltt W ch.llltngt$ awx1 IIN! wllh t1,i/,1r1anj\ school '"1.' llh lt..'llf!UO.. bo11 g1fts l.."t #)ttful lot )tllntd tht Upt'nt nctt !htv


lrom !t · 1 think l!'S mllfit' cOIICi:t iO much t l.~lu , Ix-oust you co!l'lt m, Ind Yl}'J .1!rf'1dy h1vt I FJ'QUP thll otlonjl' w11t1; ump~!I ~ )()flltl h•ng you IOvt 1:'l.d o n shut th11 Nith tiW"r p<op!t u " mv 1um Mr IUf'•ll')l

uld thit COKh KOby you KCOfflmodilttd Mf "It',

vou"~ult .and h~ taktn time out of hi$ ovm to run hird 11,0:kou~ 'N1lh htl whm 1ht 1$ avalll.blt (';imp - rh11\ htlptd piHh btll uld •I'm 1.ble 10 stl!J run my l!.me , but 11 I h•d:i't M>mtbody on lhf' lt,tcl: Wi!h me, I don't UIOw 11 thln,J would be lht wiy lhtv

I 1hufk tV"li Ult tmd dl fS With run.'Una wht-n YOU doUbl 'fOUMI' , nd ,our U JUIV, h~ r hlV. lt.R othtr p,o;>!t' Wit~ VOii r.i.ikn It


nitt lyij/) ltaR,Jm ·




'O m.teh t.»1tl .

IJ(' f' I W!\lt,f

s,n . .i'/'l

SIS,r ·

I 1h,1dtn ' 1 1)

Freshman wins LSC pitcher of the week l.11 ~ttv r.c~ ,\\J•d• "' ~ pnct. tt of lt-. t 'Nttk 1Wl"d 11:,f "t{Ot ! '1t 1r. "-w~ ...,.(q' &t fourtl'I p,rlte·


Ofl Mud.


)£JJM1 11, 11~0~1


dlt Tht trnnman ri,•,r, •r':"tJ IJ IJ lnllt-nshf !Kl'd mt.Y' :•L':l'1 00 .,,,• n 8.atn~s ff(O!'d l:"'P,O\'td 'o i l dlt"' lht Counystd !:.v /••Urr,c,I ln\1\1;,v-, lrom Muth I l $to(' .o.k>Wl'd "if: Ma ;n 11 ~'\!\mp , ;;,1 Wtl! 1\ p01'.Jtl 10 1:ni.f'O\IU .nd tlelj"'.:r. tl'lC' q:;:O'it\lM 'O I ,ZOO b,rLng IW:'ig." JI ~f • Non'lus:tm ~:a:e ,-:! 01.!W•


t!lll'lfl~4:t. Th sal'::i.d

~..-,~1 :llf r \ t tt n p 11:t ho!T't ltllS'fd mvia:i,onl, ~•q-,O\ ltll lDlto •O"t"le~lk:!. L<c ~ n ~ ,.: to )\!11 t.Ul'dl 8 0, "' Mn tht t('l:n "' .C rrntt to r OfWn, ,-;,.... \itlko :u tHt on E» w n Ntw Mt L'(l'l Tllf' lt4!;\ l nn t h il:T.t \l1nj wtlJ W ,t ;,!Kt \tuch l'j lo ~ lr\t Wfi! 1t'U t 0

·1io-.·,1C t ►"''!IS -..1d

· rodt-ft


OWtns, on tht othtr h.and, 1:1 1b:t to pmuct v.1U't lht tum lhr•·~ !Cl four um~ , w«k, bul hu 10

Oland lead's men's golf to second place Sophof:lort~ti t)'i.Ml"110fl't-ltop ,pc;t 1: tht Lu v~ Dest'~ C-'»'C \\ircl'l J 4 101t1ci lM mt11"1,:t1'!•unto W'<oncl ~I.Kt ()b:i,j )h()(. 1 1 0 1."' '..'ltOf'('f\,'l~t oi;~d

md ~n11h,ng ,trooi. '-'11'.h I I un~t: ~: 71,11 1hf!lnll roJnd :onr.:U'l (l()\'trpr

"'1111• l~lo~~o:•

nit mfr

PO!!tJ •

:u m rouJ 0: 012

'OUm.\'l\ff.t. ~,K.'ll. !hf-. O'..I -..,~ I ~ I t, 'OW 011 11".tt t!':.t • 'Ill

O\Tr tht

t'A~ \ "

Sf(Md 1':.t:: W€'S1 PN:i.U ti!~


Tht :fl m

, !"tr tht fM

,.,,.d 1

~oT\:.-01<, !fa!

~a~· bt'.:irf


\', ,...:


~11:i; s::ol,C.,._,.:uop,tr'.Jr,,.t1 •~,.

lot tr't tu m. 'ln:i.t. rt ii ilf','tf Y.~:t ~ k'Ott <J IS) 4n100·,, Hf:r, '! "'lMtH IOtwt: U IS-J lltl t .i,.!Aitr:tr •-, ~4 110,·tr,1 ISS Jtrtmv L"'(.ut'l rt>Lrt.:f'd N ' '.tit' tt, :r, .<nr,;, r-x tll• 1u:n ...,: th, l iO•oi.l'l(O"t n1,. 1um 1\'l;..r~., 10 ,\:ior ._,.:,/\ 11 12,nnu111.,1~ • .-..~ ll !IYIU,.t't'I (!H~(

"-"IN._ .... __,_, Klutts wins w.-•·

"<J•G l ' f -.. OC.Jll '"'W.;>, "'f

"-MW-.1 l al. . .l C..Cl1Jh.l ......... ..,., I ......, . . . . --■I ...... .i!III ,._•■ wi• -


... ,.. n

CHAMPIONS pg. 8 :-01.r :!. tl' it\ r1 •,, ;-,. lt;r 11~t nf ' J .(


It .,~~

fll ft

Sh, :nl rru ltmN

ni, l,r '\.,:ht JWit 1c~111d,n~ i nd ,r.t!'I'( '(J OU! l t .tm 1tus 'IUt -~ I

,r,aw 1• ,-wmntr • f r..r1,-1<,n,,,.,. y,p'ic,rr:1Jrt nt"W(om,r i11nJ Skv


Ii lrum1t" \\',,r<J, the ·wri r•,u i,,la·, t1 • nM,1 ,r1 \ 1)11', u µ 11,tl!ll. n1 '"" I,;;, 1,11c, at ft pm 011 ',laid ij >. 1:~u~1 ihfr, c 1 n11 r)j'• \ .

,.,....,.,.,..,.0,1 ~ • we..·"

lat '"fttffli"" • ,.wm.iurr,. his4oaaln1M1<hwldtae-'0t C.~_..........ina Dtl~ ~ .. Mtrtfl IIIIJTNM CHtll

Jrtc• 1114 M~1 WCMI !Mw .-,;lol·S. Mlltfloe - • 1-•-,,.4 . . MMt 11 OCUs-&. . .. '"•..r .,..,.,,(

. ' ... ,, •-:,



Corl'IIN' ol ~ • ~ s t Pllrtwar ,:·•, ...



..... . . ......... ,QQXS - . --O~AL

- ... •••lh .. •'•,..,., ,.,,

/ -

The loroe,t selection of croft/ imported


!o S[I ru



b eers In to wn!


\Jj(f',,)ftfirt ...·,t,"l


lOl'1DY AJ'M ON-

/ ll·l,FNROLK t,.· ~,, ) ION I 11( , IIT I l MRRrl I KFGS • SQ I Pill ~ TAX''

-.1111ec:11on. great~ aid beet cwtoMr ..vtce In WlcNlo




rornn,;ui 'T<'d•• 'I,• ': 12 YPI °'• 1:V" t"f 'ti IS ot~:

:c,uJ,1• '.i:'~'{•rl f'Pff,fj ?' irr 1a.,1 • \('.l\Hr~


L'l' r-~r P'"fl'hlpDn"'<''

friO:Plll 1tt,,· ,rr bv 0..:1) ~1:.,,1 Nhtr" rt-~ WO~f'1'S UJ.t t~ .J ;,t'l',.'.:"W, '!I,,:\ I~ 4!ltr ',b:,:~ Q •h,:r .\ f,I) 1C·\ :-i;

t:r.-~.•r ,,


· ,i. •1.-+· ;:,•ri,

l(,ht'IY1 s.i:1 ,.-t.ilf



!,,,•,11 l" J.r -:Aanj;., 1't'1 ( l'""T ,,. Uy ctr•p~ 'l;> ! hK Y".&' •~ '(."r'ft;'

anj rct,.,,J •.!.rt •► <> ,1.·,11 d"J'!1 r,: ' 'le 'I"~, !u.• p•· ;r•1 :t\ t-1 It,,. ftj',JU•;»,l,.rf'L..i -'ll,41

U,:•h tur-"l;: •.,. •'!,HJ>.t.':1 ,1;1J •~tlM~I ' !. '), ht fo· ,,,: :"\me~~ l -~'l.a•.:;., "Ul.t r,;,t Yr.A.I \:!';'t,

~ , ,t:>-1: Y)~:ct • 1

'".t. . r

and h.Jrii J..r,., 1:-t \t:V "3M 1i• i...J:1 ol!"d ol"\ 1'_.rt 1'1:• l t

!fr W.amU. h,s b,>r:-i


~p.1rk. off

thr bPr-.... h .J.11 SN'•l!! '.\1'/, ·.o.· ha! I tt 111~ a!" •hr t.,,.,• r;iq ffil'IVC~ tn

ll'!t l '-C. i:.tCh playr r l'" thu. t,•am c.,~tfll!U't" 'ltmtndr,u,t~· l"V(f'Y di ( 1:-i p .artcr l~r Jrt (tJ<'\ a .;,,c·.ai 11,"0Lp I \'O :. init l.l._,!e,. tN! •·:r.> ·• 1 ,r, 1 *"•r•,1r~• '· -Jtl''Mtt .t

a ll'i"" V,'il! R,' 'l ~.: V ·h(> "If.I•; 1.rn.o· fr,,mtt,••f'•rrifter1h1( tCl;t~'f\ 1"~,~.v,'l <,a l

,, ·r.t.. tt,; \t b ~".,


·r It ,r,11" ,l(l'll -~,~g:, a~;> ' •J b,, ..,. ~..:••J h;.... •b, pv1r 1,f 1al<"ntrJ ~-•i··r'I ,:: h'd:•



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1.1·,! l .\'f~


(••• ' ~ !-t.,!"' ' • :,,._,. ~•~Ji. i1 1J lr'f' " Xt,,i.'"'.(f' '•r~;tt" t.-hl 1\1,'l't ,t.f'\ ,:,' !1 .J> I ~,ar-;, )I 11•f' 1\4{\I,

,,. ,.;ft r-• o!·t,\ ·e,1:1.

~.; ·n..

L ·.-:;>



t•"laf.1 lnto..r

Ct- ,,Ci':'!. 1"11 WI( "'>pt !C. t;#- (00

first collegiate tournament ""mut 1n'nt ~ v::.s .:i. mM v. ~ ~ Dt1tn

\Pl)I II U'I" l.1.S

1h( : lJI


Ma:c~ j ,l IO (f'• .l tn(' WOMtn\ ~! I'•"' 10 ~ w-,onJ j;I,(• t'.r...!.h.

I.lull\ l)t.:lt.r1 i:p lw'r ~~· {o!!"IU''t

1our1 Jrntn: w,n •hoo:111~ • 1,,wn1:,;1r11 U>!ll l\7

lt,t tnm hfJ a ~ n •:r-•r ul o;c· (,wiJ \'1~n· ._,,.,. \1 <h J'tt" L~.t fro1 ~l\'Oftht •r.u•N.,,l .. r¥t \,)7"' ! L-t:l illj IO p.1«

f\c-nd Wt.I'

i ·,,•~ of

to4l,lour wMn~M-11,\)

hn.1r~ ~-...1.nt~ !i:.i'M ,1 w- t i( ~,1'1 I. ·1m ...-.1~ • ·,,t., 1 '('C>rf Cl 1"-JI •,, t., '<Ir stto· '· ....

•,·t L,i,irtn


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i rilllm!)ol', B.11,J,,,.l;fd•v,...,,'>1 '/t 11,11h a """~ II \ e,5 P.-.·1,: 1 \h,•,

N\l,lr,:M r,¥1 tt,, lt•m·, 1,r1f,r.~ ,1·.r wl:h1..:o:t ol l(,Q n-t •~1m I I\, 1.r,t rif' Nfr •r 1, .cl!vr ',\~•,'1 IP JQ Nf•r. \It'; f()(' .,.. ',bl i:N,'I ' ~l 11 :t.t W1Ct:"f.1l,(. ,.-ri~i"-ll


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,~~~p; •rt•t:t •


lr~t"I,. Jk ...~•-,-:1c- •.. 'ri• ._.,,.




Women tie for LSC championshi Program


. Wl~S

up,ur,d IU l\n.l LS( UwnptOTIShtp in over 11 • Ult WI conltr ence du1mp:omhtp bfmg woo in 2001 ~11 was ,1 very t1cltlng n'W!I fOf Th, womc,; ·s h.\sketblll J)fORf1ffl p1dtd uJI ii 73.ol victory ovn Ttxu us ind tht kids wtrt pump,d when 1J thryhta1d1htllnalscwofthtA<. Womrn~ llm.-'fr\l[Y on ftb 27 to clo.w t'\UI Its ~quln \tUOI'! on I high and lncarnalP Word V,ll'l'lt,• Ht~ Noel COICh 8-ls~ttb.ill Womtn·s oo:,, btJI ~ Vlt{(,I"\' playtd second)ohn,c,n <aid. -vou co1.1ld stt I.Mm ft1dlt 10 ll RJmt 1'blltnt ( hn~Ulln llnlVl'tsllY, kKlc It 11110 high Jtm when tht)' who ht'ld 11 on, game lt~ over found 001 dunn1t thf' pru It ftll M\IJ, p!.iY!'d The lln1Yt1'HY or Ult 50 ~atdmg 10 s« those yoong la ln<UNlt Word in ~n Antonio lht dies, who hlvt worktd so hard, CUI do'.vn lht nttS on Wrdntsdly They ~ t mll,ht m what .,.,OO!d dt1trm:nt th• wom('n·\ Lont Sm Confertnce d.,.,,,., lilt rh,mp,oruhlp ,od thty rtprtwnl thispr~m with cJu.s.· champ.'00 0..LANOO ,L<>f.._■ Jft 8 P0"1'9 IOlfOJII


', ...hclMllttM't fM 11,k-

AMni• lhf . . _

.,..,..T.... w.....~ c.n.ttc'tfl42J,-lauWt'""4tlt1

__. ;....,._. i.""""-"

* lmltM S111 eo.t1renc1ckl""',o"'tll11

Ulee2I0'1 Tllet.MlhititH . . ,..¥11fMIMNIWllllll1•5~•11HClf4

,....._ , I J """'" ty 0,1"'8 AefN Jr.r JeMI c-,.,.tl. i-11' i. Mni-,. .,.; W.""- Ow-, w- - ~. 1ift ...1tpltsMIMMSU ....,crr.i.i.a f.ellityt1.t,. ....,1w -1,. a... weruut l'llotot 2 I 5 t,--N C.W,..,. IMy lryiff~ C-,11111111411 0 - . 1'11111 II rH ltM $br 1Mfflnt1 IIMIMr

plivin tJ".f'lrttdOO

Cltfll!I! Word 63 53, ffif'llnlfll thll !tit womrn's b&$kttblll prostrim had

conference /tile ,n more than O decade

N': 10t•-•~•

d unt ~mt left lO Al.ti ttlll 1u1 ooMardl2 hol,t

All/would io,,, !ht prnt 10 In


Jilt A

k)W 111

No I setd.• IOhnsori


a Ut'ltlft on OU• lili(,

ion~ ,0 the- lOds ll't

~ ~~ fht 'lrtt

mp. fens~!:~ lht women·,

!hit polluon.

~ ' ; ;· p,ogam b,r-lng tilt sole b.lsKt :,, lht dtimpionshlp. Unlor'IJ «>'*- a commwdlng nw~ri tr. KIAA5Wlt ie,, Tun11e'Y, AC Sl Sl VictOl'T ~ MStJ tied ,;,, &nt lttJ boll'i ACU al LS'-. record of J0'-4, wilhanldtnUC 121 .s an.danovt:nillrtC thfullt did NK Johruon said i n ~ ovtr tht ch,ui~ !ht reams m In I season victory or lht upcom g.:as Toe 1 toumamtnr ~~•dut ro ttam won a lit a U !vtrslrv ind m~ btltlOl'l Stale n teams thll ~\est Texu MM. iwo lilt ACU <P"' Ill• ., thJnr11sa~ lhlngto

Ont advan~ wlth thf ftn:I: s«d 111 Ult· IS !King k>wes1 f"ilr\i.fd ~ Muico UnJWffity !Oday lht AHtn Event Ctnirr. r 1




AJlhough comPtr"J:f. 1otasontoEHtffll~ :c,

21 1dlffll.ll614 lSC~ w1d thf



rtatty U

1 rvery surpdst. stann 1 h1s been worklng : ' d!fl'utnt dtfe!Wvt ~.: wtt.k It the tt&m mikes' . .-,

CHAMPIONs, I AeW C"-,ion11ri, OIi F9' ZJ. N!.CN411 (rti.toa If lrieal11 Mer1ln)- CaapNII Mi OwtM

talliftf I ,e(i1111·1 11,... ,,...II,. N ,,,etlu thtlr tll11tul lhlffN i11 l1IMtll hi/I c..,t,.11,rlltfltff ,rtctlc:1 llki11t I IC. . If C......11.

Ow-. Ml11 0__. IM!fs i canett1lnl:11 1-rey ruchlM tt

Medical students run day and night Two cross-country and track runners balance schoolwork, clinicals, athletics A.Ofll!.9.Jfl ~ IIPOftTS IDfTOA

ludtnl Uh~ fJllY l>t bl~ Wlth •he pl;ty'lng .ttilttv lO WI Uivn m10 col~~. but tl!ry ilw c,rry !ht burdtn of h1vtn;: to bl.! lnlt schoolwork with 1t1mt\, pn,c


Uco ind othtr sporu rtlited


For Jiotf c...ampbtit and Huthu ()v.·r,u., runners c,n Ole WOffl(n\

crou country and l!Kk tum. lha1

burdtn IS Wttg.htd down funhff with the addiuon of cl1runls <.ampt>tll. ,1 1umor m nur$10,. Ind Owtns. , 1tt1lor m rMtk»oln', h1vt run on !ht cfO!l.5 counuv ind

trKi ltam thtlI tnllrt CJ rttn. but :his st.i:son n.H both rur. nrrs andin~ 11mt on lht1t own to run Wl'.h0t11 the tum due 10 their dtmlndlf!Jl M:htd~ Campbell adm1L\ ~OClllP, Khool j)fl<'.:!Ct and cllmcall, I.S • 1°""1 tl:Sk, bul ~ .WIC tht l'lard wort and t!rot put :n makes 11 rr.ort Wl'lt'thltmthtend

·1 lt\1r..1. the rieason we do It " bt CIUSf Its W d;rkuJ1: C'lwtns 41d "It'\ Jur:i foT l.1S. !l's twd /o, ,.y,ry.

body, b\JI ifs 1ht SJCCN Iha: mU:t$ tlwortildolr,g.· IMl'f' IESINNtNGS (llTIJ)btll ,tar.tit rw,n,°' ,: tt:• yo,"°' ¥it CJI s.!JI, p,Jtk1D1:tng in 'i.n t\lns wnt- ~r. "'~- lr.d ~ n.:e nlflR cr,mptrlll\'e!y Ill IIXt.'I ~ It ..,." fhX ur.:iJ hPr tr~an VtU .., hW! K"hO"II ! w, r~;lmJ W t\'VIIMI'

to run comp,1.·tltlwt", P¥•

-...;-c-ndm• t,(h,-1("!

·1t was:iom,1h•ngl ~t11Uvtn,oytd u.d I kMw !Nt 11 I could r ll schcw arshlplncol'~.uwo:.dd~lpme,· Campbt.i\M1. ·1 majr it 10 Ult ,1~:e Ct0\H0tmuy mtt1 .a coop, c,f limit\ [in I\~ Khuoij, and m'I' ~nior ynr I 111'° made 1ht 1rac:k \Ult tnttl. • C ,. mp bf' 11 c!"fd1is twr a1h

ll;OOd ind nttdtd to IJY and run m c«ltjt •

tt1c ptd1Wft to t,tt par,nts. whO

{.lwtns .. ~ did not g,et lht ch.11nct to run In collf-Rt Tht Wttk en(S l>tfO:t' htr S'..llt mttl ha St'r.191' '(tit, an IC'Cldtm led lD 1mtt su:grrv and put her on bt1 me fora month ·1 wun) Sutt ii I wciuJd tYfn bt Ible to walk,~


Owrns wtd ~Tot

'Nfff both

>w1mtwo mtol?~-m T~I m,; wavs poW-J htr


u well

Oespltt all the perso~ bt:su Uld champlOn te.11m ~IJ)l

tw.lprtd wtn, both

haw~':~ 1

NMffl w1d Whit 1

IU~'I'O"JI fin, •





·1 know a kx of pt0ple that are nul'$1!S., • she Slid. ·f ve heard lhtir stones and how rtwardlng the u· rttr 1~, and I though! thit was amizmg. Thll's whu got me Imo nursing. Owens found htrwll on the path to btcom mg a r.idlok> ltChnldan Ult



com~uuwfV In

"•• .first and




·1 Uuni 11·s 1 huge ICComJ)llsh ment, because nnt


her high school

K hOnoi,



sanf<I lht All Star Conference tum, lht LS( All Acldiemic 1tam and the lSC Commisstonfr's Hon or Roll in ZO 11 Umpbt" made lht t:ommus1oner·s H6no, Roll m 2012

lhty Wtrt ~g


dH'tctJon to ~ 1n untiJ consulting a

FCCCA AllSouth C.entril Region frwfnends.

-~ ~ i:IM>n . ttltv u,ought


her main ~ttt o(

COK.hes As.\Oc11llon D1vtst0n II All school, but she never knew wb,11 I AU.NCINC. SCHOOL. PMtM Andtmk team m 2010, the LIST


" ••• the reason we


graduaoon didn't ·1 want to gµd u ~~ hl~m~h~

foren10st, we are ~~,~~;~:; : s,:::s'bt1o~ do it is because it's c0Hegeundec1d fl. .., "' athk«s: so difficult. It's the ~;~shi' ~~.~ ~ sh1dmts before we ""' ,"'W'fnd -~, = h ..., umpbttl ' C>mpbtU are athletes. That's O,.,ens hlvt tKh ·Ton's why rm rn succ~ss t at makes it todosomelhing ~I ~••·d, mbu"', ii worth doinu-. " why I'm in college. _, ptar~ Yitai pans colltge I WOUidn't IC.vt for runmng..


wougllout sct•001 pusllmc 00 toward her ·1 Marted In SIX!h g:t.lldt> pl\)11


on lht team

Owens "'·~ I


=~,~;~,: : ::

ht here ti I dtdn·, Wutl 'df'grtt.

education--====;..._ _ 2011 LSf Com : ~ , • C>wN» sax, I had a rral?v :n~rs Hon« Roll rt0P1tnl and CHOOSING TMENI Nll4 ul


iumor yiear m l\1W, sc.n,-n:. J hid .11 nt>W


comr 111 from Hanlin;a




~~ : : , : ;



wU'. •:s im, Soulh Cto•nJ Jtgionil tttlt and •n 111h place ~nbh at na

ru:,rung tarly in ltfe. lM1t SJ)f('dk c11ttr P.lllhs dki not com, 00 lhm:



rnyn,M,r.a~1r·v <;.~:ad fwci:ttr. mabngtnt lfMf<!Sta1tS iod-O~ioglnlhtmtdleal5t..ld hard •c dnt ,,, !"''h' l'\t,rj :.n;t! I •us T""a\.k & Ht~ &nd c~ C()UnllV after Uk1ng IJ\ an.alomv ~ 1n n,gn



ddotdn'lth WaJl! 10 e actu~

s: :o';."~:~iv

Owens s..KI Sht ~~ry:n~~

Although both girts ~" • chnlals. !he tasts ir'IIXI!!~ tKh conctnt.raoon dtl'!tt ltss,lhestnmolbil11~ school SIIU pltys ;t ht1Ti -rt girts'llv~ •It's hanl,"

0..,tll!, la.1 'la

to dmluls 34 hourH v.·tt1.• the tnd of tht day vou ~ 1 and It's llkt gt(tin, otl <wi- ' nmt)ob. Youdon1wn·•i1 1hm1 tlse but relu l!IO cl'... ' of !he night, but yoo hi\'t ~

anend _. Whllt O,Ntns° d1N<Ul'.!J

gjonll HOSJ)ltll art t.r.d ?,."1 day, Cam~·s altnr.n ~ day .11nd n1jlht shJ\S ,1 ·~ 1 State Hosp1l.lll and Urut~ '-11 dtpendlng on the dav


Wh11e some m;iw Ot -'~ Camp!>tll Clrt"W ~ <J!Cl,1f·:, straw having to v.,irk , : ~ t llJ'e d!Sidvanta~ts '.t• t 1'~-,• ~ u1t100. ·K)r Hu!lair 1tS '. .,,..,..

ciuse shf' h~ ~ onlint -~ C,1mpbell said 'Shf ~ f'>•.,.. to SI! throuJql a IK!ll!t. ~•• dotY1'1 havt anvont ~ ·' •

get htr \Cho,;. wr-r« dltt

for me, bul I get ·•~;";.: di','\ off, !lJ1 -.,,-tien' ~,.; ~hlfl on Wt1r.c:,JJ1i ~ ;t dly 1:5 gont btUUSt l Cl IDOSl of the di;' nf'Vn SOml'th1ng tha! I Along w,lll ,...:'4


mer ~dowtnaa toc~I n~ologm to

see 1111 WllSsomtthm@s.h, would be and l'Vtrvth.~g tOOI( off "It 'Hai ~at otfw1nrtn1t10d•J,· \ht s.x, ~W"Jrt Ol found mt Ind wew 0n mt ~IUSlWtmf'drott,me,.· ·



Wort. kttptng IHJT' ·•


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