May 4, 1995

Page 1

'Kiss ~,


Tukcllce inc te nat.iQnafs

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r,ewsfi \ 1\vo explosions

alarm, scare


i"'"'""'"" '. g~~ ~-~.I~~~~" Fvct)tlfl\' ,~ 1nv11{'d to

Eldon Sund', ! "'°" pany ',rt1n:mcnt May JO Dr


ftl'IJI :? p m,-4 P ,m. n lC CSl'. o -studel'I\. ~ dtruns f'OO'I'

i ·,m)IH \t'-llJ\ h<crazy



flarnong 'ludcnt

n,, ~hon 1Mrif, and

~)(, ,,:iln ti..- r1d;.1..'d .ll W11..h11an nc\1,~f'l:&JlCr :.._, woug.hou11.:.1mpu,

Thi.'. dead hnt for the \illrt:1'1 '1l;11onc J. Gram~ 1i.•h .,._i,oi,r>l11p ,pphc.!l"'1

rnd.iy. Ml)' 5 ,t noun


Conllon concerts will be J>4!rformcd on the rouo~1n1 d.itea. Sunday.

11, 1 14 rrom 710 rm 8 30 pm, Sunday. June J l from g p m.-9 p "' ·· s.,,,d,y, July9 from Rp.m.r m ,nd Sunday, Scp«mb<r 10 from 7.30 r.m -~10r.m 1~ 1~1duals arc encouraged



IO brmg blankcis and lawn chairs to the front lawn of )ufd1n to h~tcn.


Effective June t. I 995 lhe Financial Aid office -,U 1mplcm<:nt chanl:"C.J m the Sausfaclory Acadcm1C

Propes.\ ivies


cr1y1ng financial ajd should conuc1 the office for more


ACHIEVEMENTS Rich,rd A•h. MSU prof~SJOr or an. ha). work hicluded in the 12th Na.11ona l An nual Ei}11h1uon~ m C11r,1,·Jna, reprc\CntcJ 1, A,h Tcu, , 1 1hrce ~crccnr11n1,, •N11h1watch," · rrorhy. ~ p

114 ·1k>dwork •

s,. rr Writtn




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gave pohcc a dc.."4,:nptiim or n





~ A

s'~: ~-t~~~o~~=u~~

M,dwcucm Parkway and

Final preparations... A

sr•p ofMSU ihNSfflu kan nv,r tktr Ol'IIIIIK c11Mtn6wy boolu, In Mllff,t Ubrary. SN fful cu

Midwestern's cnme rate lower than most Timbcrly Eyssen

Stalf Writer MSU h35 one of tht.' low~t crime rates or any college , ampuses in Tens. Only 96 crones wen: reponed at MSU in 1993, and 77 were reported in 199.S, according lO the Tc:us Unifonn Crime

Rcro:, comparison. East Teu.J St:u e UniYers11y. which h:is a similar student population as MSU. had a 101.ll of 145 cnmcs reported for 199,. Figures from Teu .s in 1994 arc no1 )'~I :w:tibhk

Mos1 of the ,rimes reportl.'d to the MSU pohce dcpartmen1 were m1nor-1nvolv1ng cl.urns of u:lcphonc h;an ,.;sment's and fal ,e .s«unty :inJ fire :al:1nn.\ No on.,: (1n <.-:ampu~ seems to he t.'Xat:11)' sun: why MSU 1, winnin1; the war on cnmc. When :iskrd why he thinks MSU's enme 1nde:.. 1.s low compared 10 01hcr univers1tics. Mt:;t: pol11..e omcer Tunothy Swctlt-ierg said. -we :i young. aggrcss1w¥ saul he kcl-. I.he student body. a~ wC'll :u non•\tudcnL-\. ,1r1; a\l.•arc of how ofk·n the offo:e~ ~rroltha.fs wh)' crime 1\ low on campus

oo. 2, 11- 67. Brun Tho<n1on. MSU llll.lllnl profc.uor of mm commutucatioru, hu been --~~ccd u a 1uc h1na

ftllo• at the Pl') illcr Jnurn.tll • m lut11ue

l~~°f~ s~ '~1~~~:1.~ 1

ay JO-June

ant or 20


llllMd lhc tourury




police force

Lynn Hogprd, MSU profouor (1 ( f re nth. poem a f•bhd1ed LngbJn& Ladies· m Xaa•,t.r Rc"tew, vol. 14.





said 1h11

\'C hicle and th:n they havi: two ,u,pccb. Rcdlac,yk \l1d rcporis fo~m ''imou,. \ludcnt, ,ay th:11 :u l:l1.·1yk, dif\.•ctor of housin; the 1!lplos1vc dc,•,ci: l\lo O wh11c pickup lllld:s had \l,•('rc ,;;._:1 orr hl' I Ween h ~ been k."Cn tn lhc an:3 :11 ahout K11lmg,;,wnrih and Pti::,: lht llmc of the mcidcnts. Student .t..<;S1\tant Melvina dhrm) . Red lac , ylt ' th ~ Sc.iy, who was on duty MonfirM c,iplm.1vc device w oif ahuut 12·'\() 3 m 300a.s 5<.:t day morning. s:iid that r\'!lpunJcd to h)' the w ~as following lhc ~rnnd c~plopolice whu IC Ila s1on.<'r:&\ s1udcn1.s c:amc F:ilh were downst:11~ It> mqui~ :ahout v.·1th1n a hlock ~r th . lhc.• d1'turhanccs. She ~au.I c seen':· Afu.:r the fi some s1ud1.·nts were sc:m: d, .•rM resident a.s Rcdlxiyk. ~; ~~~L"i .~o~ficd and " 'Om cd abou1 what wa., .ic,) • ong happcnm~ wnh VP r ~Stuc,knts were :angry 0 rd or Mu<knt dfairs ~~,.w~ ~il~~I. tu.'\hed 10 lhc som<' were very upset. and ..... IX' . Rcdl3<:.r.yk S3.)'S at the for wmc it wa!. a traum111c lime of the cxplns1on, some e,'C"nL... Rcdlac.rrk !-ald "Thu i.tudcnL\ were 4~11oncd but 1s a very \Cnous m:&11cr }hank Gud there were nn \\-Cr~~a~~~lc{"'{I or damntc 10 1 3t a.m. the ume lnJurics, munmg. nmh..-:r explosive propcn y. hu1 who knows ~vice Wh SCI off. funhu what could have happened 1f al.arman~ ,1utk:n1.,._ and awak,. a student h:ad been at the ing '-lime who h;;ad not heard wrong plact 11 1he wrong dw fi"t c-xrlu,inn. Rcdl:tetyk liffll!'.- he added. The Monday af1crnoon s;ud he cannut l;•"C the e uc1 nature o r 1he cxp_losi ve, followmi:, 1hc IT'M:adcnt. Farrell 1nv11lvcd. hut all mdM.'at1on1 and Rcdlac,yk mc1 and de• arc 1ha1 they were more c1dcd 10 offer I reward for powcrfuJ a c~ny bomb. any information leading 10 MSU police chief, H.G the arrcs1 and prosc.•cutaon (1( Evans, confi,nncd lhc rcpon any individual(\) rc.spon~1blc of the c.cplos1on. hut said that for the e.cpJoqons Numcmu~ he Wa$ unahlc hl rdc:uc any no1u:r:1 were printed and information a_<, 10 the type and posted o,·cr 1hc carnpu, The s11c u( the explosives dcio~ full read~. A.nv .m ,dnus n;ucd. Eva,ns uid, however, havini a,n in/<,rmatwn th:at orfic:er.\ and re\1dcnI rtgardint 1hn "" ,Jrn1 " 1S\1Slants found and coUectcd rnrnurutnl ,n conwc t thr evidence from the devic:es. O/ficr of UnuJini ur Evanj , aid !he explM1vc Unu,rr,ury pol,u Yf>ur narnr dcv1ce1 were a manufactured ttU/ br J:rpt confidrn11a/ If th~ 111/nrmn1111n lrad, tn tlu kind Rcdlac,yk \lid a~cordmg arrr,, und pm.rri utlf>n of 1h, to W1dm.a f.all~ police, th,, rrsponriblr pusnnls} H1u SJofl w..._.. nut an •~ohucd mC1<knt, 11 £""Hr 11 00 thnx ulhc:r incidcnu hJd hc.x·n reported In vanous r,ttan So rar nn reports the with filed hcrn have that h1lb r.1r1<1 n~ W1ch11a pol~. Wd Eva,u.

E.ilt.ah<"lh A Varos,. MSLI profi!..UUf Qf lrl, had kt work x lcrud for a Be.,, of Show Cll\h a....,.1rJ In a C('lmpe1111ve c1.h1h1 • I•Mnal IMin an Toas, N.M Hc:r wa ICKOlor and goldkaf wM"k "'Puck.. wu 1hc wmninE



Edward were rc~d E

_ fwo <>rlu,.uns. P<>ssihl t.:hcrry•homh,, , 1:1rt1cd rl',uknt, ..-:.rly ~1ond ay morning. Arni 24 · Af...\.11rd1ni! 10 TcJ R d -


00 ....


Thursday, ~•Y 4. 199S

- ~fo,t 'itu<kn t, feel ~ •..because v.e patrol around We cover lcs.s ground 1ha.n city orru.:en. rnoshly 10 miles.- t:;wedberg \31ll · w e cover mflrl: arc:1 In a \h,1r1cr amount tlf t1mc-1t'5, a \maller bear.. - he added. •They B ludcnl,;) dnn·1 know c tlM..11) "hat ,.~·re do ing \h do 1he unc,rccteJ, we never follow \Cl rou• tines • u id s ..•cdhc:rg -sometime, ..-. e park ,. car and noN>dy knows ir \I.C J actually 1n the car or ir we lit c,n foot ra1ro1.• he :lddcd MSU chief of pohce. H.G E,ans. he doc,n't ha\'C any rason for MSl1'J lower cnme rates hut djd ~)' he reeb tha1 most o ( the cnmc comm1n.:d on campus 1s nN Jrom enrolk'd \ ludent~. hut from non-students who 1.'.Cimc <1nh'I MSl''s campu~. -tlw sa1J he foci;. \•ISL'"s ,;1udt::n1 l)\l pulauun 1~

more :1;w,1n: of campus cnmc

and how m protcca them-

selves. He :il~o said :ilcc,hol plays 3 big pan in_ mo:-1 of 1hc criminal acll\'IIY o n Msu·sca.mpu, . f or many s1udcnt.s. their first scmc.,tcr at MSU is the first iime in their h vcs without parental gu1d::incc. s:ud Evans. and many of lM stutScnlS begin c:xpcnmcnung wilh akohol .tnd drug use. [)(an u( S1udc nts Phillip Budine aGrecd. 811dmc said he .secs m.:iny firs1-11me col• kgc stud~nt.s mvol~ed in enmmal act1\'II)' As a rcsuh. 1hc s1udcnts get in uouhlc, gr:acks lower and !hen either p:arcntS fir the slU• dent m::ikcs the needed ch:rngcs 1n his or her hcha,·1or: ~;11d Birdmc . Ev:ins s:11d th3t bcc.:iu!ic! we have o.n open-c.:im flUS pohc)', we arc always going prohlcms with non•)tudcnt.s coming onto MSU's campu.\ hccausc 1hcrc 1s no way M monitor 1hcm as they arm-•c Many or 1hc indmduals coming .lnto c3mpus ;are tl.'cn:agcu u~ually 1(1(,kmg ror a pany, or to chcck out the other ~lutlents, s:rnJ Evans. Evans :1dded th:u since ~t SU u located n~x, 10 M:\'Cral (li'flul:ir lccn hang• uuL\; S1kc, Senter Mall and lhl' W1~h1t.a Fall's dr:ag strip. Kemp Boulcv:ud, prnhlcm!w11h kids coming omo cam · pus is nix-i:1cd. &-cause MSU 1s loca1cd in th1, 'hot-spot' fa:an\ <;31d the locallOn of ~·ISU must he ta ken 1ntu 1.ons1dcra11 on when c"alu:a11ni 1b cnmc \l.lllst1C!>

~Down1own rel.all lrihup• pmg ha\ mo\Cd tr, Sikes Scntcr•vnc hlol'k awa y• which has 1ncrca.wd cnmc on campu,; We arc ln Op(n · campu<; Some unl\crsn1cs hJ\'C ptc suJ.rJs tu chcl"k fof car decal,. ~·c don t.' \aid Ev.ans When c,•:aluatmi MSU s cnmc. one mu~t rcme mbcr that other rcrortcd cnmc,. ~uch .a, f.ihc alarms .md tt'lt:phone h:&r1<;,mcnt). ,m: n<,1 1urncd in tc• 1he l 'niform Cnmr l ndc '< Th<"'C minor

n:-pom u1mr rom11.t 1hi: hulk or MSL'"s rc-pMtcd m1sde-


MSU h:u 1:ikcn mc:uurcs 10 help conl«'I the 3moun1 or cnme on c3mpus. Twenty • four hours. e\"cry day of the year 1hcrc u a1 least one offi~cr p:itrolhng M SU's c:impus. S.11d E\' an.'i. Orficcrs p:atrol all MSU l'luildings and grounds. the prcs1dcn1's house and grounds, and the OEC and tr.\Ck arc.a. Three years :igo, the MSU police depa rtment h1n:d ;i; studcn1 assis1a.n1 10 work ~\'cnmgs on foot patrol :around and 1n the Clark Student Center and all the dorms. The s1udcnt 1s within r3d10 contx t of the flOhcc at all time.~ The MSU campus police depJrcmen1 1s only one rcr~on larger than when 11 w:is cr~:ucd tn 1968: s.1id pol1ce The Evan~ department 1s comprom1.scd of fi ve palrolmcn. one ~rgl!:lnt. one chief, on_c M:C· rctary. four student ass1.\ tan1S and one three-hour t1clcc1 wntcr fof this YC3T. Sw~dl"icrg said weeks an: usually quiet except for Cheyenne C.iulc Co. college night, MSU polu;c officer Jerry Smyers added, · w e're lucky. w..-: have ra1r\y small campus c:ommunuy. When we make an arres1, 11's ohscrvcd hy others. We've even waited for a student 10 rnm1; out of their class, or m their dorms.• At all times. MSU 's offit..-crs c:irry a gun, surfical gln,·c<;, a pocket fl:ishhghl. 1apc recorders, handcuffs. and an As p collaps,hlc hi• ton. · rve heard rumors of hulc lnlil:&nccs where d<'llm room!> h:avc bc..-cn l'lrokcn into. hut nobody has complained According lo Evans, tn 1'182. a hgh1mg committee was ,·n::itcd and a.<,signcd tiy MSL! Preside nt Lo uis Rodn~uc1 to cv,luatc MSU's hgh1mg on c:impus. The hghtmi; comm1 ttcc LS comrmcd oft~ dean of Siu . dcnl,. the chic:( of pohcc. the phy,1cal pl.ant dirct:t<ir. a hbranan and a faculty member faery week, the hghttng

S.t Crlmt Pa«• 5

1'18! l

ntt lricttltl,.


Thunday, MO\' 4, 1995

Music Review _ _ _

New Radney Foster Album Good Traditional Country Mcfo,H Sulli\an Music Re, k"·cr Radney r o"-ll"I .. OC'\I. C',l rckia .....-. Labuf o f L~,\,·: 1, J 1r-:.J1t111nO.I alh!.!m th:,t t-kn1h 1he

hc:,t ,, r


i,.-. 0 ..

.,onp. qu1c1 h:all.aJ, and 1nd1h,,n.i.l (;1•untr) ml'l(l\i1n 1ha1 1!- ,;urr tt> rka"': <lll)' fJn of .."OUnt') mU\l ("

[,er, h1•J,

.1nd !-..·JI ur h1~ mol.h..•r "1111 )i•u knt,..., hu..., lOun11 y h-l ) \ kd .:i.h,•ut lhL·1r r 1ckur

(;l.'"l" 1h..: R ILk'\

B«-nton 'ii11on Rcponcr Art ,.,uden1c. il'flm ~1q · "tll ii:1 the i:h:am:l· ll' , h11"

h.ti .1n 111111DI nlf lhJl o.-,:-l... nf


lrJd111i•n .1l .;{1ontr,,


l•'IUIJ .11lm1,U r 1, 1un· II r,,lhnr 0 1.11 ,,f the Jllk,·l'l.l\ JI Bar L ...,h,N,.'" C\ 't'f) 410C' ll',"4'> Jc,\ltn red Jr:a"'.s. • 11 h Wc-n: ~k ' hac. the r,o1Cnt1a\ tn t'C a gn:a1 t'l:a.ll:1J Aftc.•r a --IS•'lfi.·ond r 1an., mtm. 1c p1d:~ up into a rollu.k,ni; tount') hell l h,.:- h nr~ JI\: '-1.J .1nd Fn ~tcr\ , r•,al" hJH" tru,lr.:tu,n .tt'iit) UI .Ill Jlf

lnk,. \. ,

PM.'IOU\ rx·.1rl hJ, J , 11,·I gu ,1.1r h i r hJi. l ur ..., h1I,• I ()) ll'r h.:lt, out l""1,•llttll f)Jdtc..'d lrnn. · Chan"c- for Lmc-· 1dh :a ,wry ll~IUI t.lk1nr n~k \

and u~ unplucced cJ,1.1nclS tn the hlk-k &round Thlt aJi.h JO tntcn:stmt? IOIJ("h One flf my f.t\tmlc-i. r,n tho: d1--e was ~alk1n' T :ilktn' :t \Ong Wo mJn:

Thi: alh-um ht.·e:in, . ., llh ~W11l1n' Ttl Walk." in \4h1,:h Fo~1cr ..., :uh 1hc hr\l lane w 11~1ut hJdup ~fc:-,n· ktck • 1ne. 1n10 a modentdy pa..:t'd beat The lyni:-1o hit 1ho, ,• lft\('lh(, ,o~ ~n·JUI\C US4..' S I\I.Jnj?)' oc1a,•c.,; JI 1.'.hlr.u,.ll'I• o f rau,c, .ln.l WJ.\ 1u,t ::i .. i.x th..: ,, ,nu. Thl· 1111<' tr.1d. , .111.h, :a., cnulJ t-oc-. h.1, ll nll'C .k."0\1\lll i:u11.1 r Ill · The alt-um ,·nd, with tro and lyr,-.:-,; \tl h11nc..1 1h,u · Making: It ll r a, I G1, they hordn fin tx:ini l.lppy A!ont I lhmk 11 1c; l ._. ,11~ .1

the 11,,uk thcv'vc d ooc 1'\ 0 the ,~~• two X'mc'ilc~ 1n th< annu:11 Sludl.'nt E.lh1t'i1t1on The Studtnt E.:1h1hll H1n m~rk~ the culminl\lwn 11f studio ac h \IIIIC~ a .. \,)l l.l lCJ w1Lh the lrt pcogram during the IW-1-9S academic yc:ar Thl c , h1h111o n'.s goal 1\ to h1~hl1i::h1 lhc mM t o ut,1Jnd 1ni \tuden1 cfforu from lhl· d1s,c..1rlull.'~ ,1ffrn-J toy 1h,-. un· dt'rir.idu;u.1.• pro1:r;1m Thi,



· eMl.,· D,,\l,n h JIIOlhi.:r (Wl\·\IC('('ln' ,,,ng lh.11 "' Ill

makt' 1hc h,t-.· ncr lJ J'! h1\ (n·1 Fo,tcr ~ , 1x·.1J.. tJlL' ,,n a. k·l'I J'- h.: w.uh. '" Sht· h )(\l. my tru(·l. ;rnd ,he 11l\1k nl)' pmk · II m:nk m,· ...,l,n Int of rcopk n 1u!J rd.114: 10 dcr 11 ,)w :i.1... , , h, ,1 hi' J oj •My Wh,,Jc Wide Wortd• "ll<'e 11 •~ ahout ch:1'1n!! ) ,,ur "l...,ho r 1, r Lo,·..-· 11.. a !!•'N I\ II f.&-\ICr ,on g th:u JU\\ :,...k ~ dream \ and h(•" lht·y Ji•n t l'lforl t"ly h ' .!,h.:t .and ..., il l 10 be d:11-...~d kJ. while · Nner .,lw.ily) w,,rk ,1u1 1h...· 'lltJ) )OU pk.a ..c cc•unlt ) fans JnJ Say Dtc~ ,., a 5\nw h.1H.1d 1h:11 'llt:ant 1h<.·m 111 may~ tntn'<lut"'\' ""'11: 11, l"K'"'-' 1,; sun:. 1n .:c.1 3 dc.·d.catwn on "Jc..\\l.'"·, '\our h:i, an JI • ...,un<l~. t'\IX"C'l.lll )' h•f f'l'Oflk:any flf thl.· coun1ry r:1d10 ~t:1 - mo,1.1 bluc.,y c,1untr:, h.."1.· I .i.n,1 l1lc me. \\ h o arf n t l \lJ t10n~ In IO'A'n.

:·.~~. i~: . I..,,.....,,...-.r..., .....--=~

1dt!,, .1 ,1ory

in•J \ OcJI"

Larry Bills Movie Reviewer Whc-n 03.v1d CJruso qu11 the tclc,, ...10n ~ne_,; ~YPO Blue last year lo pu1.;ur a movte can:cr, he '11,.!1.!, 'llt Otto:n

off by many as an c~om:tni:1." whose c ar~cr wo uld g,, nowhere. ln h15 fi~l sl!lrriniJ role 1n the new ,· nmr Jnml " Kiss o f Dc.:111h·. C atu50 hl5 :all h is cn11cs wrong


~r'~ ~J~-;:::,~:h~t\ only tttt bcgmnmg of a long him career DC"a1h•. Jimmy

K1lm:mm. :in 1:x•t,H thid trying In FO straight ,n he i.:an be the family mln hi;; wile w;u,ts him t,1 he. Juq when



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pull o ff lhl' tnd,.,;; C'aru,,, d,x:s 1n 1h1s film. J,mm) 1$ a

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\' har~c1t·r ) flu c , pc\·t h• ht· ou1spohn J nd ml·nacing ln., ~:ad, Caru.\o pl:t)'\ J1mm)' In an C\tn:mdy t4u1et J nJ suhd ucd m anner He i,cver gets too tcmMy l.', i.:i tcJ ph)5.k.':tlly. hu1 his 14111,· t ,·ml·,· :and ~g.gmg fo...-1.' rt'Oi,: ..·1 lhi.: ra~c he fc<'b more lhan ~n)' o ver lhc 10p 11c1tng e H·r could. When Jimmy·~ 111'-'"• hfr cousin a.~ks him for h\'lr 1n mo vin • a caria..,:tn of s1ok·n


l\iSiflttlOli\1¥@ llll!llllflll


Design a logo with a theme for next fall's HOMECOMING CELEBRATION!


- CD

aloff any lll!lor

Submit design to the Office of Student Activities CSC 119by Mays, 1995.

Brand new CD's starting ail!lllll ' A.II M•,o,Cndo1 Catd1 Wdr.ofl'IN'

ll11ur, \1, n S.11 I l..t m IJ




,or m





c..turyPlllla ... w1thln W11•1ngd1ti1anottromc:emp

of llusii1Hss

COLLIOI IIIOn 5:00 p.m. - mldnlgh1

1 0r- ~

!!!~" '3.50

Shin,r Bock Ni&ht - Thursdays Draws 75' • Pitchen 'J.50

Sa 50%-



5:00 · ~:00

Oomt,ac ,001 Dra"·s '1.00 "°"'9.Jac 60 w Pitchers 1:t 95 Wt.II drinks 1.2.l.5

,fkot1· . Jtoir/4•


- . -·J'


C••,~ .:• .••.•••. .-t,,-,u,'!H

_v__0'00_~,8/ RESTAURANT ==:::::::--~~ ====DI DIIUY'l Goin!f Ouf: t.:::=N=


r. l h.1rlc• S, (,u, o,.,.,w n



. ..., .., ...,,, ... . . ,.i~ .....


r-!7- f_

Casual Clothing for Men & Women




ll ll D C ll N ,I S II A fll I A AN I fli l , f

ll T I\


he ~c1, h1~ Ilk m~1·1hcr. hl· i:,•ts u,., bad 1nh1 thl' ...,orlJ of ,·nmc hi.: kft hi..·hind and 11 hinds him m 1a 1l and "'-' l'w fl<'\l'r l1hi-'" h1)1. f.un1ly "-'l'n :in .K'"tor whn 1( ahk l\'


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l t 1.1•'4o .......... b9 ..,,_





1 "-A-._...11:'0.· .., A - d _.


'Kiss of Death'-starts Caruso off right



•flit On3111ul " "--

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\' 11un1ry Ian~

Movie Review

In '" Ki ~s p l pJa y5 Caruso

"•~ •.-o,.r,-,.. ~

,i •, ....


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~ }'-)

~i i .,£~';), ~ - - -BA;

TUN. & Thurs.


5:00 • midnight

It's open to all MSU students, faculty and staff.


Only rule:

'295 · 5·00 - t:OO • HO • mldnlgM

,~\r<. t:',.~~

_..,.,o1Mr.,.c1, 11i...,ovw1111

Daily Sp~<;iilllS 3·7 p,n,, II




1 Op<o !)aily l1a"'· l2 "'i<l"i,~t 1m l .. i~:!:i":arkway

No obscenities


First Prize:

gift Certificate to the MSU bookstore. , $§0.00

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If it were easy everyone would be doing it

CGiii~us-v••Are you prepared for finals?

Mork I.oyd ~,social< Editor The W1chitan had many things in abund


~mes1er: sohd reporting, timely and ancc this ~ wries and criucs. ncwswonhy s It i-. those in the critic department I w Id 1'k 1 ,sk: Whal help did you offer• C10 Critics. did yc_>u know The Wichitan operated on a skeleton staff tht~ semester. The_paper was minus n sPor1·" reporter, _mmu_s a copy•cd1tor and minus one pho1ographcr 1his spnng. Yet, every week 1h was on 1he Slands put logether by a sclc~t c papc~ ,iaff members who worked diligcn1ly to ~;~?i;e campus mfonncd. Yes, th~re were mistakes. most preventable. but we recognized them and c d (hem in a timely manner. oncctc ~clle Malone. the papcr:s advisor, is 10 be


crcd1~ed for much of the paper s success. It was her nudging that lead reporters to pursue a story

anoihcr angle of a s1ory. She will not rc1urn 10 Ms'/; in the fall. a decmon made in haste by the univer -1

graduate student

Carmen Ortiz junior

Tori Smith freshman

"I have only one. It will be okay."

"I'm more prepared than last semester."

"A little bit more than last semster."

Mary Laud senior

Ben Daniels sophomore

Sherri Pryor senior

"Yes-we have a choice and I've waited five years not to take finals"

"Yes-not too hard this semester."

"I'm ready to get it done and over."

Gordan Morncilovic


Also, thank _you to_ ~rian Thornton support and adv1ce--solic1ted and unsolicited in

helpin~ getting the paper gel to press each week. ' . This fall marks.a sort of new beginning for The W1ch1tan. T here will _be a new advisor, editor and staff at the helm of this great paper. The critics will still be here, t~e same fac~s. making tired comments without offenng a~y ad':1cc to irr,prove the paper. Some arc experts 1n tht1r fields, most arc still in training and far from being qualific1 to do much

belier lhan !his scmcsler's slaff. I was not the perfect edi!or. I did not run a

perfect operation. Many of the mistakes passed across my desk and I missed them. And come

Thursday af1ernoon. albeit mainly 1hrough 1he grapevine, I heard about them. Gossip is all lhe feedback I got. No leuers 10 1he editor, no dialog through professional channels. just snickers and whispers like 1hosc in a high school classroom. I appreciate the cpportunity the universily ha.~ give n me. I feel my skills as a journalis t have improved in many aspects- reporting, editing. layout. It has gi vcn me the all important real world t:xptritnce. I appreciate the critics for making me thickskinned, almost callus 1his semes1cr. You all have helped me realize thal talk. rcaJly is cheap when you are doing what you love to do. Please circle all rrustakes in this commentary and

submil 10 Wichi1an office by Friday, May 5. The person who correctly identifies all mistakes gets to be editor next fall.

'**·*··································· The


3410 Taft Blvd. P.O. Box 160. Wid>ica Falls. TX 76308 News desk:: 689-4704 Advcnising dcst.: 689-4705


Mril,,'4 Aswc1tUt F.duor NtwJ


Jo11allN" BrodJ SportJ Hdi10,

Adwnifln1 M anogu

/ a.Jo" Fairdti1'


luwtUJJt Ed,10, Jaso" T11d:u

Cruph,c Artut

Act:OWTI Onl

M,U,,. S11lliNlf

DtM Ulwnncr

MuJic RtVll~'tf

£ntrfl01"1fllt'lf U/110 ,

TimhrrlJ Bpw,,&""°"' llwrta11ll Stoff Rtporltrr Jrr,,ny Xi1'J#01', J,,,,,ifrr 1.Andr11m Adrtr/1S1fll RrprtJrn1n·t r Krilwn ""altlrrr Ph-Otogruphtr

Jomrs Wi"J.a"' 11 Crnrraf Rtporttr

F.ricStl/ C.rcw/01,on Man11gn

K,,,;,.M,~r C,rcullllintl AJ.f1Jl t1fll

Campus Voices photos and interviews by Kristen Walther ~**************ttie*"*"***~ttie**ttie"**ttie** =Letters to the editor...

Outgoing adviser states views Dear Etlilor; Over 1he pasl 1wo years. there has bee n an abundance of arm-chair editors with an abundance of ignorance of whal a weekly newspaper is about. offering an abundance or criticism with little inclination 10 do more than be a part or 1he problem. Ir the newspaper has hccn so in1olcrahlc. where was all this cxpcnisc when the going g01 tough? I have observed lhat lhcre arc many who would like 10 control the reins or the paper, but who ha\'c neither the skills. dedication, dctcnnination, grit nor understanding 10 carry lhrough when it quickly becomes cvidenl that putting ou1 a wcddy s1udcnt newspaper L~ not the glamour game imagined. What many people fail to realize is that 1hc o,;malk:r lhe ncwsp:ipcr. 1hc more journalistic sic.ills arc required or the smaller staffs lhat put those newspapers togc1hcr_ All s1aff mcmhcrs must he ready, willing and ahlc tc1 double and triple on the tasks n1.--ccssary 10 get that ncw~p:ipcr on 1he s lrcct. Most weekly newspapers do not have the advantage of large staffs where each person 1s rcspon.'l1hk for a .\ inglc task. The editor of a daily newspaper m::iy Ix: 1hi.' pc~on who docs nothing cxccp1wntc I.he 1.·1.hlonal or ;in opinion column or just keep up with 1hc now of 111f1,rma1ion: the cdilor o ( a weekly newspaper must dnuhlc as business mana1:cr. prohlcm ~~ Iver~. ma.kc-up ani~,. copy editor. and he or she will likely cover .scvcrJI of lhc n:gularly scheduled t,:m•crnmcn1:1l mccung.s. He or she may also have the respon'l1h1hty of making photographs. doing feature srnrics. hagging the mail copi.:.~ and ultimately sv.-ceping the 0oor. These ccn:unly arc no1 all the l horcs that often l'lcrall the cdiwr of a ""·cckly newspaper. hut this lis1should enlighten I.he uninformed ahoul the magnitude of skills expected of wl.':ckly newspaper p.:oplc and md1catc 1h~· degree or dl.':dic:u11Jn fl.'qu1rcd. In the ca.\e of a wcckl)" ~tudcnl ncwspJpcr. it 1!'- rJre mdl~cd 1r a staff mcmlx:r has all of thc ah<>\'C skills when hl· or she goes 1in M3ff. That is why ii is cons1dcrcd a \ludent newspaper. It i~ an oppr,nunity for s1udcn1s lfl hone 1hc ~kills they arc k arnmg and m learn add1uonal ..,k,ll.!> thcy have not acquired wi1hin the academic clas.<,room. ?\fore impon.intly, 1he s1Udent newspaper sho~ld rro\1<lc rnfr,r• mauon studcnlS need 10 function in their cap.icily as .\ IU· denis and 10 provu.k a forum fN campus dc0atc. h \ huuld he 3 s1t1dcn1 product and not that of a professor who ha~ 1.,-ditcd and n:wri11en II story 10 the point that the studcnl no longer rccogm,t·s it. Such rcwrincn stone.\ shuuhl 0e incligihlc ror compct_i11~1n m s1udcn1 m~d•~ contest. In my opinion and joumal1.\IU: plulo~ _phy. 11 1s dc.m uc11, c nf JOurnalistic cth1c'i and rcspon~101hty tu give ..,_lUJcnt 'i lhc idl!a that wrnning. an av. ard supl•rsedcs the JournailqK misswn. In thl' lvn~ haul. llwsc .'ltudcn~). arc _cvcmu:illy going to hJv'-' IO produce copy for some discerning cd1tor·•

provided 1hcy elect to s11ck with the profos.~ion--and there isn't going to be a professor around 10 rcwn1e his or her copy. h doesn't ta.kc bu1 one look for an editor 10 know what I.his prospective journalist can and cannot do--thosc who can't make the grade don't get hin::d or shortly get fired; the school from which they came loses crcdibilily•• and lhc word makes the rounds among newspaper editors. The student newspaper is a time for learning. indudmg learning from ones misiakc.s. But it is preferable to make those mistakes at the student level than at a time when it means the difference between a job and I.he unemployment liRC. Additionally, it is importan1 that the student newspaper be exactly that! Ideally. the student newspaper adviser will be hired scpar.111c and apart from any academic division or administrative division. He or she would be directly rcsponllihlc to a puhlica11on hoard made up or student~. elected hy 1hc s tudem body, and 1enun:d faculty, elected by the faculty senate. who can put their weight and support hchind the puhlication. ld1.~ally. it should be housed apart from academic and adm in 1s1rat1vc funct ions-preferably -in 1hc student c:cmer of the univcrsity--10 clim1natc the appearance of pandering 10 any one department or office. If the adviser knows his or her husincss. the newspaper can u.~ually func1ion with student ~ppropna1ion _funds a~d advertising ~ v~nue. Evcmually. if the advcmsmg base in the community 1s adi..-quatc--and i1 1s in "'1'.ichua Falls--thc. new-.papcr ~hould bernme sclfsuppontng. But, above and hcyond all thing.~, 1hc student newspaper should he a studcn1 rnxJuct. It should never he relegated to the role of a public relations tool. At the momcn1 it hc~umes_ such, 11 cease~ 11s 1dcnlily a.!> a newspaper._ l hu~ 11s value as a honing ground for prospc~11vc 1oumallsL~ and as a student ncwllp;1rcr ceases; 11 ~ comes another animal m the world of communication-a propaganda sheet for special mtcre.\ ts. It 1s additionall y hurtful to student~ when 1he power.\ 1h:u prc\'ail arc so mtn!d m 1helr own academic pumpou~ne~'l 1hat they have lost si1:h1 o ( educational purp?~···lhat of training young minds 10 think. II is a relJ!1\'Cly Mmplc matter 10 acquire information. hut i1 takes an educated mind 10 C\'aluatc. assimila1c and usefully ~;1!~t ~~al information. And--~a mind is a tcrrihlc thing: Ma_y pc:acc. pros ('ICrity and a free and ,c.,ponsihle prcM be with you always. Belle Z. Malone Joumalis1. Teacher. Adviser



Thursda ,

nu: Wichi1an


M• • 4, 1995

Teant Arrow takes first Teakell beading to nation als overa ll in confe rence Jonathan llrady

Sports F.dilor ~ 11 hllS h..'t'n all n long. Team Arrnw. thl' MSU cycling ll~Am. 1.h 1mma1cd '"' " of the lhH'c ,·n·nt!ri at th...: South CcntrJI C1Jlkg1a1c Co nfrrcn\'c Chamr11on\ h1p, at the Un1, c ~1ty ,11 Tn:i.1- o n April 29 J Md 10 h) C.:i.pturc firs1 place honor1o TL'am Arrci\\ bc1..1mc the overall wrnnc r in the cn tcnum and n,ad mcL: 'Jnc only even, MSU Jid not 1,1,, ,n ovl.'rJII \\ 3 \ the team lime tnal

In the cntl·num CVl'nh o n Apnl 29. J:bOn took rust plac.·. c in 1he men 's ..:atci:<iry A while u.-ammatc

Ami A~sayag <amt· 1n ..-. llh 1h1rJ MSU's Paul R1.•l J follo" cd wuh 'iit'<lh. and Tim Kt·hon anJ Alhcn1 Va~u.:, t1)1,1k c1~hth .1nd 12th plJ1.'\·, Brandy Alc.;and1.•r cJml' m f1llh m the..• '-" 1in1en ~ c .itcir•ry A rul lo wed h~ lCJmm.111.; Cry:,,,tal Buller ,n

fourth .111J \'J,ljUl.'t ,Jmc in l'l~hlh, Akundc.:r rJI..L'J mto 1hirJ in tht· \\'lllllL'n ') l.ttci11ry A

,, Hh 8u1k r 1.1k111i; t·1s:h1h

In 1h1.· men·, ea1q:o r) B. Chn, Am.1).1 cap1urcd fir~1 "ilh th~· J').,1,1Jnl'L' nf D.i,,, who 1110k 1111h Jnd hi:lrx·d Mx.lh. Jason Davis once .again AmJya. 1n 1n1t1a11n~ J ,tole rm,t 1n the men·, hrcahway l'lrly m 1ht• tJl C l.'.ltegury U wh1k Jcn'n,ln Ghual too k third in the Gha13I 100k fourth in th..: women's catciory B ancr \\Omen s c.·. atq :ory 8 As.\aya~ took lirst m 1h1.• rnmmg hJC'k from a cra.~h men's c:;Uc(!ory A roJd ra1.·c l:uc in the ran· and \\ mnmr J finishing 60 ~pnnt at 11\1.• fin1"1 o n Apnl Team Arw" comph:h.·d seconds ahead of th,: rc\ t cif thL~ racer~. F,~hman capturt·d S(·a,C1n J f.)I) l"M,Hnts ahead «1f plac1.• Tc.;u., A&M .•co.nJ 1 1. took !lccond while RcaJ


\\1th l;T AuMm Jm1c.rnng in third and SoulhWC"SI T~us StJlc L'n1vc..·r.Mt)' commj! in f,,unh F,s 1uo k owrall hon->r-. Ill the men :,,, c:11cgory ;\ wnh RcaJ t.tlung second Alcundcr took lhirJ placl· O\ Crlll m 1tlc woml'n',;; l'alCi;Ory A. follo..-. cJ hy Bu1kr m fourth D:tlll!,, f'i1111J\cd !he SC3.'-l.)n firs1 in 1he mcn·s c..·.11c-g11r) 8

w11h Arnl)'J laking sci.:on.J o,•cnll Gha,al finis hl.'d founh ,,vcr3II in the .... omen\ l .llCf~imB. Arrnw will hc

iravcling Natwn:il.s

the hl in Reno.


them nt:x I )'CM. Angela Heller. a 5,M posl from Nocona, and Shalt~a Brown, a 6-2 pos1 fro m Mc l en nan C-.,m mun uy College in Wa~o. have :>1}!1'1\.'d national leucr-of- m1cnt:s to pl:ay ba~k1.·1hall for lhc Midwestern Stale nc ~I fall. MSU head rnac h Wayne :1nn(l uncc d Willi ams

aho 1:1hhcd rtll•J1.!> trlC'I hL·r ::alp1q:u.1n \t.· kc.1 1110, Bni\\n Sl"phonwn.· yi·ar. J\ Crai,:an~ J\ l.;tJ!!•·•I o,c.;r 1-1 r rnnL,. 12 nmi.: ruint" and f'\.'~(lun,t,;;. .tm.l 11,\. M,,.,kc. a Sl'vcn hoordi. a ~:i nw. anJ g.tml' frc, MdA:nn:m in i'N~ w;is SC'lccccd her J1!,,tr1CI') and hdr<,·d k .td hL·r k'Jm h•

JUM o,c.;r

newcomer ,)r the )'l':U-

,h e Alth o ugh pn:'dOffltnllntl)' plJ)'l'd ('l()Sl m hi gh sl'hC1ol. \V1ll111m~ cxpi:c..· ts lldlcr h' makt• thl.' w,11ch 10 a iuarJ rx1:-11t11\n

Wcdrx·\day Hclkr w;b 3n iill-,tatc nc,t -.election hy thl- Tcu.~ SP'1ns Wntc rs A1o"lona1111n and pl·kr athk11.::1sm an.J named all•rl.'.'g 1on by the shooti ng will fit Tell.a\ A\ C.()1, IJ\I0 n vr 1hrcc-potnt in wdl with our s 1yk· 01 pl:iy. Basketh:111 Co:,ch('.'> and was hackgr11und tn the O1stnc1 10.2A MVP 1h,s I think her lhc st)'lc -.,r season ShC' a.wrap.:d 21 fundam1.·ntal~ anJ

poinis :.nd 10 rchuund.') a game fr,r Nocon.i Ht~h and hclpt·d lead the L.1Jy Indians 10 29-J tCl'ord and the h•· d1s tn1.·1 ch:1mru)o,h1 p She was al ~, namL·d IO 1he Red Ri va All •Ar1.•a Team her senior year Dunn~ her 1u111or )1: .1.f at Noc.:.ona. Hdkr 3\·cra{:l·d over I5 poinL" and P rebounds a


ba.,krt ball thi:y play 1n

NO\!ona will help Angda

adju.c.t quickly lo our S)'$ti:m. w ~·re \'ery c;,;c.:11cd about ha\'1ng somcon~ like Angda as p:irt of our baskethall prognm at Midwestern

th..• rq!1\1n:al '-Cm1f1nal, She w 3 , nlmc.;J h ' 1hc 19'i15 ,~l!,T:~l~~:~Jn~ C II J hT 1111 ~~~~St:arl' ~J/ 1 Women·, or A1-s,,~1ltm n


~~11tS: /:\\~f,_~;

8;i.'k\'lhlll C'o:.chc,..


,1 .., , ..

-HO l 112





The Talk



The Town.

THE PERSONALS. : \/Ill ' /(t 1/IIJJ fill/I \ I ,Ill·


i.11, ,, " '

\ I • ~ r ~ T.'• r

Falt11m1,: 1111 k, .,, I,· l~•I <.,,,,,/o,,d F. I .,,\ ,,-. r,.., ...1 \\ ,.,,' I

what to e~r-·l"l, T1:lkdl :-.ud

- hut rm :-url' I ,:Jn l' Ornpt tr "Chn:-tic ,,; a ~:rl':lt tl'nn1 , ·r who has workcJ hJr<l ~1~>~c r hf'-· l('I tx· ~hit If! 1 c~1mpctc ll 1h11; 1t-,·d, Co;Kh ms 53 ,d.


tl•;am is hiokm ~ IOr\\ ard In

;'.;'.";fif~1~1ig •~otr<n,~f~;••i~

Au'-tin oi May 27 ·MThc spnn!! ,dw<luk hJ..\ lx.-cn 3 j:.ood \\' Jflll · Ufl for u,, ~ ·au \C t hl' l'Olllp(llllon .11 lh ~ ioum:unent will ht· much Our ~aicr.MDr:tJ!ll(l ,aid, M fcu m ha~ 11 lot ,)! ~ ninrs in kl')' Jl(lSllHmS fin 1oc team and with th 1, c.·. omclo great h:.adcrsh1 p whic h in 1um w ill





~::.~:\~·t:;~r;~~ ~V:~~~~:W




Jncbburo Highway


•car 1\ 1 arn.· ml 1hr .n:.1111nJI l,1urn.1mcn1. 1.. J ~n 1_ kn""'

Rugby team finishes 4-0

1 11011, d / -S027 C.:~11 Fidd (,1)2.JlO0 "'lme ("rc"rn t,

( BchrnrJ S1.:011 \ Dn\·c In)


r{gion all four )'l' J r, in hi h ~h0til. \,'11min ~ m lhircJ al ~-••1onal, hl'r ...._·111\,r )'l':U -In ~inn: th,, 1:i. my fir, 1

10~l~; :~~1


- - - -- - - -


enccm,woJ Bc111100\I, founfo QI! 202-2(18-9}72


cammlh' (':arm~ Liebl. ti- I. I · ·Tc.1kdl "' J,;; the numhcr , n.:- si:t·d in the . Tl,\A c<'nlcrc_nce nd1ndua l h.1mp1vn'ih1r) 3nd n·n·i\·cd

~ilr onJa n l'W ~1~U '-oJ.:h arr w,~~'"' Tl·.ikt"il v.cnt


''~~:in~:.;~~~1..1~ ~ShJh~a ~,11 ha\l.' an Golf Courses 11um1."dnm..- 1mpaL' I 1111 thl· Tournamcnl in Jadt:son. ~~a;,~~l~~~::17.~hfn\\:~\~ ~:,\ :. Tenn T hey ~on their fir,! nd SICIQ TOUklSAMVITS A.I7·o&gm U ISWl ),7l.,Alflf)R g:im1.:. ursetung D !l'.SDA.Y . I rou d 3RO..,t,OS,:Y:>-E.OALPl.AY pmt p,l~IIIOn an IS a n.: a. clevcnth•s.ecd MonLana Statc• W1f1IITAMU ., I'\ FREE~C11CESTA.RTS AT 6:00 acl.l\C pla,~r ,arnund _th~ Nonhcrn. hut loM in the 692 4144 PIIIZl:I IS.DO DIIITY FD basket \II(: r1.: ~ aJly looking second round 10 sixth-seeded =.:.::=:...:.:...:._________ _, ID AIIJI =:.:: O:P.:R i:::= for her to ~ · a dcfcns1\'C fo~c Moniiccllo. with her sho1-hlock10g abiluy and her rd~1unJing. She docs a grnt JOb of ~1arung the faSl break and has the athleticism

No ( l('lffl•

,•11111<01tf111< l'k l l'\IU 1, rkl -.11 1t-. 1 1111< \111 '' CALt.1:-:\IH RIJUDfR

TcJ.kdl progre55CJ 10 _the ournaml'AI by dcfoaung




1129 ~t't"l'I l':'. 1~~181 E maihnt OU1 ClfCllbn

au unal 111urnJm(nl in Tulsa, )K 11nM.t) 2fl

- - - -11 \l<ttE1< s HOP i l•FIT,·ERs1n l'Al<KGu,01111•1~ ;M 'nit, :, '

r laycr,

hn :-t1c Teakell. • frcs~~:

. ~::~MIiis AJ1cr a d1sappomung fall St.1tc M1dwC$tem the ,;caq)n. 1n fimm 11. • W1lhams Q1d Ttk.· Udy lnd1.ins have ru~hy team has bounced bac k Lc::d .season. spnng 1hc Junng 1n now c.1g1u.·d 1hrct" ~cru1ts ) lnCl' Ar,111 12. the first hy l!raduall.! siudcnt, L>uant.: Ore.. ~. rn Po Myrtle of Duc-y inJ : 1 Ct)!lc1;:e, 01f1c1al r.h uc thai unm.:mtws could s,gn high 1he Indians won all lcmr ~,r -.chool hu,1,kcthall pl:ayl.'rS the sprmi: games to f1 ~th La!.t \\\'C k, ihc Lady lndi:m, w,lh ll. pcricc1 record or 4. "gned ~- I I P0 ~1 Shann,in Ciro1nhury lhgh DrJ~i,~.o~d1;t~w/08 m:.1or from W1ch1ta Fall<c. lhc .rin11-hcd Indian,;; Lady n,c ~h~~ I \~ third stra,gh1 tnr, co I.he NAIA

~.,JJ L~~~• (LM~IBIED~ I GEPESCO 767-414} Pllnl& Body -


rorn W1l'h11:a FJll1o. \\I • pn:scntmj: th-I.' girls te.t.m m h\'. liln~k.HH."nl at llic: NAIA

1995 l ~hc~·~M~V;!:P~o:w~,r:l!d~,n~th:;_c,;!T;!:IA~A~_:;,:liji:,~-----:--:~

Msu Sl·gns Heller and Brown game on ncr WJ )' 111 1irc.1 W11l1.1m, ,Ju.I The LaJy Indians hl\'C all-d1!ilric1 honors. She \\' 31- S1.ttl", An .tll lOnfr,c nl' l: 1wo new pla~rs to play fur

chJmp111n1;h1p 1o1.hl·n 1 tl)('lk firn pl::u:c In h•~h si.:h,wl T,•J~dl IJ cJ ltir Wu;hlll I all

;::~ IClllll

on1th1n Brady


'$haring the 'Vision!" The Mldwutern State University Department of Athletlc:s Is grateful to the buslneSMS listed below for their Corporate Sponsorship of the athletics program. They are helping MSU build a new tradition of IXctlltnee In intercolteglate athletics and their support 11 apt1reclated. For Information on the Corporate Sponsorship Program, contact tht Alltlttics office at (817) &IS-4351.



llfr-U Wichi_ta General ii\:!!: Hospital


IJ.IParker Square Bank

'Jr ;,-,

,,,,! llc,l,i l..,n I '·"·"

JI '\llllll\~'El MIS ,111.·,& l ' P.


ank ,V ~ WffATABURGfR NationsB L' S Ol\1npil The Genuine Article. I 1



Ui:i1..1J.I Spo n"4Jr 19<,6

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jNew memb

criJ11e on • caJllpus IS

[he Ms

Alpha La,nb~~ <hapt«, of

_..!Pa~g[. • i.S___!!Th!!.!!•!!rsd!!,!•~r,~M!):•)'~•·:..!l:!.J 992,.S_

------ers named

Ah , E1a S1~ma, nJu l>t1ta and Phi \1cricno, ~ athryn Jo:urn:t honor , on:il 11eac1cm1 ~1 ), Ond.t Thcn•,c


m1\\t~ m..-l·l\ at "'Ghl and ~H•,,cr) lighc un c-.tmr,u) ,nakl' ~uo: 11 ,._ ~ ork1ng tO ti :md lha1 lhcre :u~ n1) ~ ~~,ts on campus, \J1d


f ,·~ ) J n·)uh llf a 11,!!.hling r.. cy, h~ht puk1, on ,ll s wen· r:u Si:J 10 foc t ,,1~fl~~I l!£hl t,ult-~ havl! tx·cn ~:.ngcd hi a !) pc which



,nd u<t..' \~.-. ro" cr mt the umc.-. Sltd E~J.ns ~ ushi:, c.:ut hadc ·tnnd f owkr. trees were iomrnc:d ~hind Clark Stu d,i:nt Ctnicr Jnd pon:h hghLS wer~ changed. to help c-hmtnatc any areas on camU'i which c.:ould :mract bur,1~. a1.-cording to Evans E,-an!\ s:ud the OEC track. a,t:a t,.chind Sikes lake 15 not )ii t,cc:1usc 1hc umvcrs11y d()('S nl)I have lh~ money needed 10 hght thi! trick. 8u1 ~ hght in 1hc OEC lot (lays on ~onllnuously, he aJJed

and un~;~~•t•s lor col!eg~ 1 1n111a1ctl new ~c!rc1;hmcn, !he org:1n1i:u1on on ~rs into ; ~~ceremony in 23 ni Center ballr00rn llr\: Innwc~ 1ncludc· ~ ~a Allamon .. Mark. ~~hclle erg, Ro~ am ward Blanchard. Cccoc~d A , grand 1. ~1on1ca yR Sue urk h.1ltcr R cncc f~n1ccros. Jo~~ph M c~_c cc. a Ch~ rnbtcnn,rcr !Cook C),s, C:irol Dccl v I Cook. J athcnne Eh1;ib n~ .!Ind , ihp L)'nn Crossl c1 Cu George Ben,a and, , nningham m,n 1 , 0 3 ~ ~o. Daniel Todd !Duna ,Port. Jenn y Lea Flemi~:tnN Andrew Paul Gabn •1.1ash3 Dominique d c • cth Ann Gooc.l~ion D~nnt Jnnc Henry, fame~ Ro c 1 Henslcy , Shana Hal~llync ~.hckman. Ray Lynn St nerj__ crcs:,, Lea Himes Paa~~ 1,rw1n, Van Lee Iv/ IJ ca K Jnme'i, Jen nc-r J Joseph. Kimberly K wn J U'\t1cc. Sang Kvun im, cnara Renee KOCL: Juhc Renee Lawrence 1 s. Mane Leneau, JcrcmY x~~ Lew,, , Reth A L1dbC'ro Apnl Lobo-Guerrero i;. and










1a~' •~~· 1~ 1ty Alacc \ 1oy;. ,J Sh.-nnon ~ 3; N~~/ c~l;\usch 1 Chn~tina Pta,c


t~!Jn~c 1 Peret, Wendy ~1co~!Ji ~o ( \ 11 ( ty Ka) P1.1rccll Ac er • j Nicole Reyes J imcc M1chcllc R·obccatc11c ~ca11a1asha R R r son . ChJndra Jo)' Roo"~bcrtson, ~.111, hcl!c SJmfo"rd • !3nr~; Carol Schrocde \1 r Rhea Sharp, Bra~W ~1th~llc Smuh Jeremy Scor; rand1c Lu Sp:ikc, Jili IOddM(! and Lll,, Stroud Al1;0, hmcs Kem T . Ronnie Walker Kun ~1um, \',allicc. R:in'd al ~~1h11m1 re, Jame~ Ru fu s 1 y inham,11, Johnny Donald Zaoc~nis, Layc,1 De- Ann 2.t: k3 ry. And Patnc1a Annei n er Si I nducted 1n1o Phi Er:i; p gma only wu Danielle J:lncia Flatley Brammer J nn3 Ehtabc1h Grah 3 m' Lc!~1ca. Sioux Mannion. Ka~ R. ti" Rce,e, Lori o w~, ~d~e, Donna Lynn g 1· rcvino Carnc I. Co;skcr, R:tchcl Lo~i Conon, Mirand:a llavin~ an Rao Phuc Tran '4Crc: IO dulled in10 Alpha I ambda Delta only


Ed . .~;;;


New Greek rush guidelines set G1:1dd 1nc~ for 1-oron1v flh h ...,, c-c.- k .anJ rrocC'Jun:'( '" 1!1 take: a more- )Omt"Cr apPrtXK h ,~n ~tSl' CJmr,u~ 1h1< !;all JJne Lct<hncr. um1ant dean of 'itudc:ni< and Pan Hc llenit 3d, 1( er. u1J '"There< 1 need 10 re f(k."Ul-

n:lih 10 Jilr.lCl mort CClllcgc \\ IJmcn ""hn rmght be wrncd ofr b, 1hc c1Jhora1c \l..11S and ru~h ~c:.,1t1es 1h:11 "'c \C httd ;n 1he pht. Dy changing ru~h. "'C hope 10 rc,erse 1hc :rend 10,,.Jrd Jecl ining num• bcr'\ of "'cwrnrn p::ir1tc1pl11ng m riJ,h \\'(' :ue promoting :ndl\ 1du:1li1y ::ind dl\cr<tly,

- -. I





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Rradronl ,-,r"'"

Trees planted to honor former facuity members :~~ :tw:";t~~~':r~:;:n! mg


11u1s1de 1hc F:un

Fine M, center Ten Bradford pear uces w-crc planted 10 honor rllrmcr

AJ 1hc trecJ mature, Ash s.:ud. they will provide white til05SomS in evly spnni and 11ddi1nmal cok)r in 1hc fall. The tree r,l:inung 1.i the first or 115 kind for the divi-

sion or tine ans. Ash said. Ht' added 1h11 1hc d1vs1on

Friday, May 5 ls the final auo~he ~no fr1lh .. g111dchnc, hopes to plant more da~ of classes iN ru,h .,.. ,II go 1n10 cffccr 1n r.culty members who "made the future. •

Srrtc-mt)C'r under 1hc: leader

\ )up ol 11.N~ Piln llrllenic. orfic.:r,,


trees in

For 1h1s planung. Ash lhc dcvdopmcnl of Im" d1 V· said, contributing members cholie to honor the foHowing: \l(Jfl nf fine arts. according to Rl(.hiud Ash. MSU gallery Dr. June Cable, Thomu CroJ...'inoc, Or. Jenny L.ou1~ d11"1:CIOr A!ih \a1d the ,,ru ~ rve a lhndmln :and Dr. Jacquelyn

s1gn1 rtcant i.:on1nhu11ons U'I


De Camp




~ ,_._\:-t.r '

• • i,,,.,.......

yeart old, define 1hcm u t>c:n, more conmcnllOU'i of the \Ch olar1; h1p and commum1v scr, 1cc Jlde of (0r(lrtt1C \ ·:and arc le~( 1m• prc-,,ed .md 1nOucncc-ti by e\lr.1,,11tini panics during rul h She adv11;cd Pan Mark Loyd l lc-!lrnit. member, 11nd coun• Aaoclalt Edilor c1I , :h;u 1f 1oorun11es arc going Faculty members from 10 lllJtn ta1n mcmbenh1p, 1hc art, thratrr and ma~/. lhC') mu~I appeJ\ tn frt, hmen communicauons <kpanmcnts who a,c mn re 1.J, u,d 1n1I n:· honored fo rmer facully l:hc:1I Jn\l 1,1 ..... mncn .,. _ ho do m('mbcrs recently hy plant·


c, ~\:~. ft I

•.":1.f...; ..~



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