Volume 71, Number 26
Thursday, May 6, 1993
Graduates face uncertain, competitive job market Ry Lorn M. Arrlnglon
Rep. Daniel James Kubiak
Legislator will speak at commencement S111c
Daniel James Kubiak will be the speaker for MSU'li
commencement ceremonies 11
8 p.m., May 15
Ligon Coliseum. Kubiak is serving his ninth term in the Texas
Legislature where he is a member of the Appro-
priations Committee and Licensing and Administrative Procedures Comminee. He represents District 13 which includes Austin. Brazos. Burleson,
Milam. Lee and Washington counlics. He is a 1962 gradu~h!
of the University of Norlh Texas with a hachclor of business adminis1ration degree. He earned his master's
degree in education from
MSU in 1968 and his doctorate of cduca1fon from
University of Texas at Austin.
In 1982. he: was honored as MSU's Alumnus of the Year during homecom-
ing activitks. In .Jddilion 10 his duties as state re prcsenta1ive, Kubiak is involved in radio, ranching :md real estate.. 1--k has authored two hooks, Monument to a Blade. M:m a biograpriy of Willia~ Goyens, .nnd Ten Tall Tcx:ans. a hiography of ten foundini; fothcrs of the Rcpuhlic of T c:xa.,. Kubiak has three daughters and resides in Rockdale, Texas.
Graduation signals new beginnings ly Chrh:llnr Push Rrportu
The day is Sa1urday. May 15. This is the day tha1 makes all those gruding hours o r staying up until 4 a.m. cramming for a lest worthwhile. Th e registrar and admi~ ions office reports that 520 seniors :ire scheduled to receive 1heir degrees at the commencement ceremony to be held al 8 p.m a1 D.L. Ligon coliseum. D1ffcren1 cmntions will abound o n this day -antic i pat io n. anxiety. exalta!lon und sorrow, just to name a few. Much will be lefl behind ·· food memories of new friends and a profc.s.~or who made his mark . c hampion s h ip bukc1balt games, schoo l £unctions and mD.kine ,h,u "A" for "Which one worked .'io hard. For some. this w1U he on end to one scmcs1,~r and a ber;inning IO lln(Hht!r IS Cttdootc ,chool Sc.--cms to be .u
~~::~~)tC~i)I~ t
when the tough get going and work must be found. One major concern of ~:~~:~';~;c;c;~~ITn~odit·i~:J entry-level rositions in the job market. It doesn't help when one hca~ horror s1orie.s about the person with a master's degree who s1ill can't land :1 joh. One hl► pc s that early planning and organiz~tion of an excclkm resume will serve its purpose of getting an interview with 1he com~ny or choice. So. how arc some MSU gradu:ues approal·hing this spccioJ and ncrve-rackm¥ day .• surprisini:,ly. in a conhdcnt s1ridc. Acc o unting stud e nt Michael Dcnhum has many fond memories of his time at MSU. One or the r1.•a."t0ns is because or o ne o l hi s professors. "I thoughl o f a ll lhL"
l ■seepage3
Graduates f.:acc uncc rt.Linty, a competitive joh market and major life uphe.1val after graduation. The job market remains tight for 1his year's coUcgc gradu:llt!S with fewer employers visiting campuses -- and 1hosc few brin,ing only limited opportunities with them. lhc College Placement Council said. Bui there's hope and hclp for graduating seniors who take the time to u1ili7.c the resources available to them. Ahhough the loc:al unem· ploymcntr.m;of7 .8 pe~ nt is higher than the national rJte of 7.~ pi:rccnt. Texas· rat1; is lower than most Slates al 6.7 percent. Plus, Texas offers four cities 1ha1 made the top 50 job marke1s according 10 MoneyMagaV.nt. April 1993. The top fi ve were Wa.~hingmn D.C.. Anaheim . Calif., A1Jan1a. Phoenix. Ari7 ., nnd San Diego. Dallas ra_nked ci~l11h with 69,31)() ~ew Jobs proJ1.'ctcd hy 1995_w1th an :ivcrage salary rangmg from $30,000 10 $40,000. The fastest growing
O{'CUpations in Dallas arc computer service analys1, fi. nancial service representative and operations analyst Fort Worth ranked 16th with 45,700 new jobs expeeled by 1995 with an average salary ranging from $30,000 to $50.000. The fastest growing occupations in Fort Worth are properly managemcnt. accountant, and computer programmer. Austin ranked 34th with 26,800 new jobs anticipated by 1995 wi1h an aver:1ge salary ranging from $35.000 10 $55,000. The fa stcs1 growing occupatio ns in Austin are property man.1gement, compu1cr programmer. :ind electric:11engineer. El Paso runkcd 491/t with 14,700 new jobs by 1995 with an average salary ranging from $25,1)00 to S3R,OOO. The fa.c;test growing occupations in El Paso are physician, primary school teacher and registered nurse. Monty also cited the top 50 occupations based on mcrease expected and starting
salary with the top lO heing computer systems ana lyst, physical therapist, operalilmS analyst. psychologis t, trawl agent, computer programmer. occup::itional therapist, management analyst, rcspira1ory therapist and marketing. advcnising or public relations manager. Locally, jobs with 1he most job openings arc .~ocial work, nursing. ;:,,nd husiness administration (including marketing and accountin{!) according to Linda Beckly wilh the Texas Employment Commission. Stali3tics obtoincd from the Career Planning and Placement Office show that starting salaries show little increase over the last year. Accounting graduates have slight 2 percent increase, hut business administration graduatcs showed ;:,, slight dccn!ase in starting salary. Industrial and chemical engineering graduates' S13rting salary incre.i.scd lhe most for the cngino:.ring field, while civil. mechanical and electrical cngi-
nccrs sh.owed h~tlc or no in crease 10 s1artmg salanl!s. Psychology . gra.duatc.~ were the only maJor 1~ _social sci• encc.c: a~d humaniucs to have a mar~mal ) .8 pcrcc nl !TI· crease in sta~~g s,alary. whik some humanities m:iJors tlccreased 9.3 percent over last year. . . . The largest inc~~ ITIJOh offers came from cnvironmenlal/enginccring/survcying employers. The number of reponcd job of~crs to gradu· ates from this category jumped by 21 percent . Accoun1ing firm s provided 34.6 percent of the reported job offers. But !here is help! MSU offers graduating seniors many different services. with the Career Planning and Placemen! Office. the Small Business Development Center and the Counseling Center. Career Planning and Placement can help studenLc; in setting up a resume, leners of
Fiber optics increase possibilitie~ tions will release MSU into a sea of global communications. With Moffcu. Bo lin. Me mo rial and Hardin (buildings) leading the way. Clark Studen1 Center and Fcr~uson w ill become thi.:. na;t links on the path of 1hc The fu1urc is :iwa.sh with underground tunnel of camthe reality of technological pus fih~r-optic connections. change. and MSU is rc3dy 10 After the entire campus is ride the lidc. Already fiber linked 10 the nearest fiber-opOplics has brought four tic strJnd, the trace rou1e leads buildings on campus in touch to Dallas. Aus1in. then the with lhousands of dala tia.scs. Washing1on D.C. and evenand hy summer's end. a pri- tually ovcM,eas. 1l takes only ori1y !isl of buildin!! connec· I. J second s to reach Thl1 Ir the IHI or lhut In• 1t • llm,nll In a 1trlt1 COD• urnln& n,w technology In cduc:•tlon. lnform•llnn WH 111:athcrtd by Joe Diomede, Holly FIiimore, Sh11nc: Glnru. Mary B,ch lhgh,r11: and Daniell■ l.bulo.
Washington D.C. This type of cons 1ruc1ion provides the possibility of fibcr•optic •·super highways.~ which will introduce society to ycl unknown possihilities and conflicts. 1nc Clinmn administr.ition campaigned on promises of c..kveloping 1hc information super highway -- a \'aSt electronic network that would deliver voice, video and computer data from coast 10 coas1 and into every American home c.quippcd with a telephone and television or compu1er screen.
John Sculley, the chairman and chief excculive officer of Cupertino-based Apple Compulcr Inc .. estimates that U.S. companies could sell as much as $3.5 Lrillion in hightech goods and services annually once the informalion super highway is in place. Washington-based analysts have recently hcgun to suggest that 1his would be the perfec t way to t.!mploy the thousands of American scien•
Students deal with depression ymplomscompilrd by the National Institute olMenlal Health
Thb b ch, l:ut or thrH lnshllmenB in a H rl,~ ( Oh· c-nnlng 1h·pu.o ion. h1Cnrm1tlon _.:as g111hued hr Ch·II Tlckl,, T:.mmlc: ll ill~ untl I.Inda Wibon Scull.
• Persistent sad, anxious, or "empty" mood • Fttlinp or hopelessnw, pessimism • Fttllngs or guilt, worthlessness, helplessness • Loss or Interest or pleasure In hobbles and activities that you one, enjoytd
M:tny MSU Mu1.kn1s Mlffcr from deprc:.sion. Perhaps you arc o ne of 1hem. According to stat1,;1in fr(lm the American Psychiatric Association a1 kast 5.R percent of Americans ovl:r IR at some time J uring their lives will suffer from dcpn.:.-.!)ion. The Association SJ1d many cases will l!O undiai_!n11scd. According to Od1rJ Hif!ginbotham . d1rel·tor of thl' MSU Counsel ing Ccn1..-r. these statis1ics prohahly .Kcu· r:i1cly rcnect lhc: pnihlcm Jt
MSU. Fortun.11l·ly. i.kprl!-.,l'd pcople :in· not only not al1.m..-. but 1hi:rc 1swhn hopehJ!. for l..:.d1111,s1 ev~ryone <pcn • enceJ the hcJrthn.:ak and londincss nf J1.·pn..~t!>-hlll Dr. John Mi.:l nl\·1l·, th1.· Am e ri c: an Ps y th 1.11 ra l . Assc~1.u ion rire!>-1J1: n1-clcd said. 'T here I!>- vu tu:ill)' m• pa1 icn1 with ,1 m.q,•1 Lkr1e, sivc lh .-.C1 rda who l \ tn1111l ht· helped tu ,onh.' dq:1\·l· ·· 11..: s.Jid ncarl • 85 ·rc\·111 Of J ·
• lmomnla, early-morning awakening, or o,·ersleeping • Appetile and/or weight loss or onreatlng and weight gain
• Decreastd energy, fatigue, being "slowed down" • Thoughts of death or suicide, suicide attempts • Resllessness. Irritability • Difficulty concentrating, remembering, making decisions • Persistent physical symploms that do not respond to treatment. such as headaches, dlgeslh·e disorden and chronic pain
•-----------------.1 ucnt, will rcsp1mll p,1s1tively rn tf\'Jlmem. The. :.ymptnms Lkp!'C!>-li.lfln may vary. hu1 m:.iny penpk wdl ..:xrcncnc:e so1111.· of the 1'-)'mptorm h,11.·d hdow. The .\cv~nly ol <ympwm-. will vJry with the md 1nduJI. hul lhi: / 1,;1 may hLlp yflu 10 lktcrmtn..: ii y1m Jr1.· M1ffrnn • fwm J Ji.,\·asi.;
11 f
thal can he S\1Cccsslully treated. If you have hec.n cxpaicncmg several o f thi:sc symptoms for more lhan 1wo wi:eks, perhaps it il'.o time hl explore some flf the many n.:· sourl'l'.". MSU and thc. Wichita F3lls community has to ht!lp the de re.sscd student.
MSU students should consider several other options. The MSU Psychology clinic 1rea1s Sludents who suffe r from depression and various other problems. In addili(ln, the MSU Counseling Center offers trc:11mcnt and referral .services lO students. Higginbotham ~aid that typically there arc peak tames during the school year that she secs an incrcasc in Lhc number of students the counse ling center 1rcats. Higginbotham said that the peak times <.' OITI· cide with lhe end of school. mid-term exams and surpris• ingly during the firs1 few weeks of the school year. "Some tratlitional students ha\'c a d1fftcult 1ransi1ion 10 college," she .!>:.tid. • Aftc:r 1hc newness wears 1.1ft', reality sc.ts in . For many s1udcnts who havcn"t qui1e Jdjus1cd to their cl.tsscs and p,.:rhap~ new housing. !his can he qui 1e challenging.'· Hi11,ginhotham s:.i1d that when a smdent cnmcs tri the counsdmg l'Cllter fo1 treatment. th..: lir,\I Sll·p 1c; c.valua•
Par~ 2
Thun1day, May 6, 1993
- ----------------------
~htllll ~
4 1.'eANDIfo.,_,, ... ~
$1.25 WELL DRINKS TILL!\ PM $1.00
Draw Beer . All Night Long. SI.,_.
1 All Others $3.00 $2.00 Blue Hawlians + Su on lhe tach :aod 5 ·~ For Men 21 & Over Before 11 1·
All En1rlcs W elcome • De Prcp:ued 2 Line Up at 11:45 B y Stage - Cash Pri,e,.
3210 MIDWESTERN PKWY. INFO. 696-0212
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• ' '
MENS SWIM SUIT CONTESI' $1.00111w Bawll. . a Sox
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And Sl.00 Draw Bttr
... 1'
The Ultimate Combination of Proeresslve Dance
MlL1ic Screwdrlvus, Marpritas & Lonpocks S1.25 Ualil 11 PM SI,7S Hurr1unes AJI Ni&hl
$1.0t Draw Ilftr-AU Nip(
l..actits 21 & Onr St.00
Btfore 11 PM. SJ.OO Ahtr,
SI.00 For M.., lJ A Ovtr Wclrtl!PM
Mu 21 & Ovu S3.00 All
I I I ,
B•tr All Night Long!
Midnight! Cash Prius A -.·ar·drd
Before 11 PM Aflrr Hours Hf!
( 'orporak :md Pd,·akPartit.•s-,v;-lt.·o~·! Hirthday Specials A• . ~ - . - - ~ • · - · · ---- - ----- ... · . ____ re _ "._a1lable!
(!;'hr U)1rl111,111
Depression .)e.ssmcnt 13' mJdc
:S \·
t.1e1crmme will then re.for them lo some-
the bnJ of dcf'l"C' \\hln, 1hc one who ~pcc1:ih1.c~ in th:u 1nc:1dcnce of ~u1c-1d:1I 1dca1iun type or dtprtsMl,n E moi,ons An o nym ous 3nd 1hc levl'I or dcplh ..,f tk r re.\)io n If mi.:d1l J tu.m •~ 111. .1.lso prov1drs :sss1~1:antc Jic~tC'd , tht.: Mudc.n11s rdcrrc.•d A cco rd int h> Ruth. wh,1 10 0 1her f C') 0 un: c3, 1n the ~,shes h'.I n.:m,un :.inonymou1o
commurury, she '-Jld,
Our progr,1m 1s h:1.~d on the
12•5tcp progum 1h:u lJlhcr FM m:m y dl·prl"S!ll'd ~tutknlS. thc lh\· rJp ; offcn:J hy 5oelf-hclp prot:rams use. We the c~un.1,cling i;1.:n1cr mJy ~ dc.111I wuh Cvl·ryd3 y h,·ing the d1ffcrcncc t-....:twl·cn hcing problem,~. We 1ry lo explain tkpn:sscd and cop1ns 'w nh the P<!wcrlcssncss." The ftnil s1ruggks and c hnllcn~cs 01 ihing we do IS offer c:ncour. :igcmcnt tmd then l!ct fll'opll! univc:rsil)' h(c.
Many other cnm muniiy h:ascd pr,)~r.1m~ ~eek In pmvide hel p for th e <h:pu.•s,cd indi vidu:al. Onl' \ uch progr.im is phom• hsli:nmg hn(' and refcrr:il service.· c :illcd CONCERN. When J d~presscd rc.rson n,:~ds ;a k1m.l. un_dcrs1and1n~. rca.\oSUnng \'OlCe or mayhc phone numhers of plaC"cs 10 s:,i:.1 help for dcprei.~ton, lhc CU!\"CERN volun1ccrs :m: ready to help !!:~urs a day, seven d.1ys a Th e Rev. Ray Menn1gh of the Un1versily Ur11 ted Mcthod1'\I Church 1s m mcmber or CONCERN An)onc may c:all ham and 1atk 10 him "I will lalk tu ~hem lhcn n::frr th~m t_CI CONCERN Inc.• which IS 3 voluniccr rou ... Henn, h S3ld. "The
fr1Jffl patlf'I
uon of 1hc problem. An
Thurtday, May 6, 1993
to use ~heir fauh to c.·ommumcntc wuh a flOwcr i:rc:ucr th:an lhcir own The n the.· "ounsclors share [)CrS(m:al cJtpcri. ,_ n,.~w "" C!)mc dcpre,~ion. If profcssmn;il help is needed the suppon group will offer suggeslions. The chromcall>· depressed will need 3 pmfcss1on3l 's 3dvic-<:. If a person ~c!5 p~r:x:J:;1.cmot1ons will The T3fl Counschni; Center also offers counseling for _d~pres5ed people in 3 Cbns.uancnvarorunC"nl Many trc::umcnt options an: av3ilablc for I.he dcpn:A:d student This list of service is by no mc3ns compn:hcnMvc, hut should provide $!!,·er.ii places · 10 !'.tart.
~ic3~~lh~~\!~.~ ro·~~l~0k0
fn>mplltl~ I
tist.s and i:ng1nccrs who ha,·c hetn idled by the end of 1hc cold war. "Make no mmakc ahout it. the 1nforma11on super highway is at 311 odds lhc most important .:i.nd lucr.uivc marketplace of 1he 2 ls1 cen• lUry."' Vice Prc-stdent Allxrt Gore Jr. uid m an intervic"'' in the Morch ) fl 1,s11c of
The information super hig,hw.:i.y will allow more people to .,.,.o,k from their homes, cunins buck on trafric congcsiion nnd smog in Inger ci1ies. h will also crc;i1c joh opportunities for people not wanting to m0 \'C to mctropolit.in c11ics to land mp p.:i.ying J0bs. Students will be Jblc 10 study more effic1cnlly from thctr rooms. Already. the dlys of picking up 3 good book to re3d arc being replaced by compuicr book.1: th.:i.t change wilh :a Lap of a hunon. In mo.u telephone fihcrop1ic sy.stcm5, 1hc Int block of the "street " that reaches between the telephone comp3nie.s sw11ching ccn1cr and homes or offices consists of copper wire. the lnformalion Ai:c's equivalent 10 a aravel
vanced llS libcr•opuc c;iblc is. it's also CJtllcmcly cxpcnswe (t would cost .S200 btlhon 10 brini; fitl('r-op1u; cable to every home in lhc U.S. In add11ion ti '40uld take 111 lca.s1 20 yt"a11 tu msuall. A copper-wire h»cd 1.1.:,:hnolo~y called Che ln1cgr,11ed Services D1gi1al Network (ISDN) would cost SJO b1Ilion -- S60 billion to msull llnd could be .ac1iv:ncd na· 1ionwidc in three IO fo ur years. Because every home wuh a telephone already has a copper wire conncct1on, the network could be .:i.ctiv.atcd wilh .:i. Olp of a sw1lCh. In addi11on. lohhying groups th3t su1>pon 1hc copper ISDN say. ;i household would in1t1;illy pay a minimum 3 $ 360 a year to he connected to 11n ISDN network. compared to $3.850 a year for a fibcr. optic network. Gore stressed the point th:it it's unlikely th:u the backbone ne1work will involve .:i. great deal of new fiber :u all. Most or 1hc fiher cxislS. hut it may be nccc.u:ary 10 rc:pl:lcc switches. soflwarc. 3nd 01hcr new slMda.rd lh:11 \'3.\tl y up,.~drel~~c~acfn~~~~~c,~hi~c~:!
telephone .scrvic:c.s ;m: .11s0 b:aullnf 11 out over who will conuo the power 10 the • &U· pc:r htthway." :1s noted IO recent u:lcv1,.lon ;ind r.itho ads. con1r1hu1cd AT&T Sl.514,610 to cand1J:11c\ running on the "suricr h1e,h way • plltfonn But '-,1hle tclcv1smn and the cntcrtJinmcnt industry al· read y bc:it them 10 the punch. Dul II didn't cC\me chc.ar: Tune Warner will spend somewhere in the nc1ghhmhood or S:\00 million this year. :and between .S~OO million and $500 mdlion ncxl new c,.ble requireyear ments due to the new rctulations. 1n an in1crview with Den Bucher. gener:il m:tn.agcr of Vist:a Cable Co. (owned by Time Womer), he explained 1h.:i.1 by the end or 1h1s yc;ir a -super h1e,hway" will be in opcr.u1on in a small Florid:, comm unity - ;i Tum· Warner development. The c;ihle com~y will read thl! commuruty·~ gas ml.'1ers. electric meters ::and hill cus1omcrs 1:11c c1uzens can pfay 1n1er:1cm•c g3mes w11h olhcr neighborhoods 3.nd towns. They ha"c the .:i.bilily to bank, p;iy bills and shop through TV or com• putcrs. Bucher said th;it the h1sgcr cable comp;mics will evenlu• ally 1;ike over smaller bus1O<'.SSCS bec3usc of ihe vast sums of capital required 10 complete renovations. High Dclinit.ion Television (HDTV) will most likely be bypa..\..'iC<I because of the super hiihways which fiN:r op~cs
roatilh exis1ing technology lle~ely lari;c data flows th31 3 the fastest electronic trans• gigabyte nc1work will feature. Gore believes ISDN is an mission on copper wire available today is 144,000 hps advance, but ii simply doesn't have the c::apaci1y for permit• (biLS o f d3ta per second). A fiber-op1k cable ting lhc moSl imponanl new transmits several hillion bps •· applica1ions. The copper wire or fiber· the equivalent of an entire IJ K.aU.r)·n Sdl' Encyclopedia Brit:inmca C\'C,Y opttC cable war I! nnt 1hc only Rtptir1u battle raging in the "super S1udc n1s needing the s.:i.1d. "Anyone c.'an gl!t this m- second, Gore said. As tcchnolocically ad- highway .. war. Cable TV and time. wclther forecast and fonnation w11hou1 h;ll\•ing to lottery numbers will only be .a 1um on the tclc"is1on ilnd phone call .away due 10 a new search for it • phone information line Aec o rdin !? 10 the from par I m ined by Professional Grah.:i.ms. they~ hope 10 exhad, .science, forstining him in the cnJoy wnllng. It goc me I've Business Services. pand the inform.ition avail· profe sso rs Michael and Debbie able 10 the communuy. TI,cy Professor Tittle is by far one riiht direction. "He's gotten scaned. ~ Smi1h said. After Grah:im began this bus1nes,s arc lookini; ;u adding ctJnccrt of the best I've had here," on the phone for me more gradua11on Smi1h will in August 1992 as a sen.•1cc rnformacion .:i.nd commun11y Dtnh:im said. He also s:.id than oncc--he11 do whatc\.·cr it continue working at the Iims.:s. college h::a.i; t.aught him many takes to help you ou1: and Record News. to lhc community after a local events 1f the people want i1. Finance maJor Na1ash3 After said . Sho wen bank discontinued their in• " If anytmdy would like to rcspomibitu,es. Jeff Showen, is receiving graduation, Showen plan5 to Soolsma. a native of Holl3nd. formation line. The new sec something started. we always remember lhe will in school gr:aduuc attend .111d 3rt.S applied of bachelor a number is 322, TIME (8463). .,.,.ould be happy to try to add many 1nterna11on:i.l friends "This is somcchmg valu- it on to the service.· Debbie .science in political science and Virginia. made while auendi ni;: she's ne fi MSU's es appreci:u ahlc 10 people in 1hc com• Grah:im s.i id. Journalism s1udcn1 Bruce MSU. ..Whe n we ftrs l architcc1un:. mun1ty as well as s1udcnts on Anyone w11h su~estions, 11 was difficult for my arrived. the forget ver ne will Smi1h 01hcr the to Comp::ared .. campus," Debbie ,9raham con call 569-5422. schools I have been 10, the T.J.P.A. trips he look while sister and l to m.:i.ke fncnds. beautiful campus is wh111 J aucncJing college. •v ou go110 but now we arc hllppy wuh will always re membe r," meet other people from the w:ty thmss 1urncd out."' Showen said. Showen also differon1 schools and ano1hcr Soolsma s.:i.id. She plans 10 credits Dr. D.:i.v1d Martin. highlight would ho working continue working for 1he Nu se:_I~ Skin com p:in y when she c:::hi:::1a:::o_:bc::;·<:,:•::u;:: fo::,r~I;::hc~W~i:::; c•:;•_:: i1i: = :.'.r.!:po:::l;: • :pr:o:r=r~o " : :i:•': 3SSOC returns 10 Holland. • If a coat ofpaint could do to your /c.cl! what it dots too wait. Kristin Higgins. Enghsh REMEMBER US FOR YOUR DIPLOMA NEEDS you would ntvu hnvt 10 worry about skin cart • fl)rtunately, m.:i.jor. ha.1- good memories of framing • prinu • postas days ll a member of the her ,kin care is t aJiu tluut picking up a painl brush. chocrlcading squ3d. Higgins lll-Dn t he also app rccialcs enthusi:asm Dr. M1ehc:tl Colhns. division director ol • Facials S15.00 humanities. brini;s to his • Pt""'111I hair rtmoml cluscs. •He makes classes • Tann,111 btd $29.00 a month wirh a studtnt ID
Company offers weather telephone line service
provide, Bucher said. 11k: new 1ides or tc:C'hnology no1 ohly provide ease :lnd convenience in the :.b1h1y of communications:. hut also flood c•pcrts with a w:avc of murky qucs11on.s conccming l:aw. regulauon.s :ind clh1cs. h 's only a m~ltcr of time until 1he currcnl law ,s challt-ngcd bcfor<' 3 1udsc ;ind/or Jury 1odetcnn111t: its lci;ality. f tlf cumplc, the current Code of Federal Regullll0ns. revised as of Octohcr 1992 sovcrning Meridian :ind (!!her systems of tekcommun1i.;a• 1ions in regard 10 1clephone recording devices, .slates that ii is pcrmiu 1ble under the Ct'rt.lin condi1ions b.L\ed on 1he consent by all convcrsmi; p.1nies. with vcr'b:11 ('If written noufic3110n. 3ecomp:in1ed by 3n automa1k warning signal. used repeatedly 1hroughou1 the conversation. for example I.he barge in 1one used with the Meridian system Specific ch,1 rac~n s1ics rcg.1rd1nt the warning de\'1ce ;,re set oul in the co de (I ( Feder.:i. l Regulation~. Pan 47. 64.501. Subpan E. t:DITOR'S NOTEt A• ar1fd t In Tv.t.rday'r Thau R,cord N••• ,calu thl part 11 of lb•
Ntlu: added
rut l to pu.alsl.nl rumor, plaonu are that MSU
,, •:;; ~~~«t~·;dT:~ ~:~~~' latcadcd to w.u t .. artlcl• pnlnt • « uslni ly at anyone. U ...,._. Intended to point out
• f•w
t.. po,IUu and
nt• aUYt • pou lbll ltlu ~:o;::~n::'ne~~lh fnnovatlom
• Sculpturtd M ils $25.00
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Al 7 691-182S
Cl,arl" Hantr, dlt'MLM- • t T•a.co-unkat.1♦11•, wu q•♦L♦d • • ha-ri.,r M.ld.T♦rhntanc♦,lf♦ pr-.
, . _ bu be♦n c.Ulnr hK bookie quota -.oulcl fro• kbO♦l· attrf~'-9 4-♦ lha Pa.. a... 11lty S.na&. Mlnu'" fn• Mart.h 11, n♦ttr-oll\Hanly, Wu♦p♦l a.ny inN""•nl♦ne♦ or lhl• - , NIN •II.Md.
·: ~,,
Barber wi1h 30 yea.rs experience
Nails By Phyllis Headlines ',ol1••• •
interesting because he's really excited about whaL he's leac hing." Higgins said. Higgins pla.ns 10 work in Dalla< upon gradu.ation. Marke11ng senior Ar1hur Hurst, will remember with appreciation his fr.:i.ternity . Alpa Pht Alpha. :ind will have of memories good Dr.Rountree. pro fessor of marketing and business and Dr. McCullough, d1rec1or or business admmis1ra1ion. -11·s nice 10 h:ive focul1y who rcali1.e what your going through .:i.nd are willing to help you." Hurst said. Hurs1 believes he w1U find .:i. job hut he's going to give himself time and not become discouraged. ~ It migh1 take me 1hree months to six months. bul if I work really hard. 11 will happen. It may not be wh.11 I wan1 10 do at first. but It will be 11 J0b." Hurst sajd. Hurst helicvcs he will ha\.·e to deal w ith who have employers misconccp1ions about blacks. "I'll h3ve 10 cut ou1 3 101 of stereo-types: Hurst s.:i.id. Regardless o f the obs1.1clcs th31 may cross the pathw:ty to success. you1h a nd perservernncc will prevail!
co,r\(T I .E:'l:S
fd .,1\•11
1,11 .... i:,, ,1,,,,..,, ., ,,h l',1A't111 If,., ,I" 1\14 l',1, .......,1,ru..,oJJ:,,:l'lo,lh 11•\lo" ~•I I Ill I' ,q, :\!W',.(,
We provide school supplies as well as offi ce supplies.
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Phone (8 17) 69 1-6555 Fu (8 17) 691-7504
Fffe\iLLS f~rQWL
SPECIAL** ** MSU Bowl First Game
"~ , •~ , ~
69~ •2211
irhr ll>trh,,~
PAi e 4 l11un1day, May 6, 1993
President's Scholars for 1993.94 announced
From Italy to Texas:
Trading pasta for Tex-rnex ••'r~:'
I J o..W ,.,_1oa
joined the ranks of Americans this spring as they entered a new country and coll~gc through the MSU English Language lnsritu1c.1bcir goal •- to learn a language tha1 migh1 save their lives.
1,. ci.ruu.. P•all R~,orcer Hemon Is plca,cd that her cl lMC.\. Tiicy al.so 13.<' 1n l"''O ~ ,d. ·we love lhtS plxe.• With the aninl of spnng ·omc.1 the arriv al of a fresh s<udenlJ ol the put haYO done hours of , rammu and 1wo Michele Buccolo wonden new aroup of foreign flOCIexcq,tionally well and have hours o( 1.eehnic:il training ev- whctt everybody IS. Thc MSU Enshsh been sua:cssful in their com- <ryday "There seems LO be more Me linda Mc Murtry. lire in h1ty: Buccolo said Languaic Ins• - welcomed pletion of the pH0Hra1nin& En&li~h 1n11ructor. bch <"vc:i · The s1recu uc desened rcccn~y srodull<d Italian COUl'JC. Air Force Academy studcnLS The Enslish prosram h~• the cuicst way 10 learn an- her,,-
prm•cd bencfic.al to the stu
into I\S prolf'll'D.
The pl'OCT'lffl is i.n its SCY· cnth yur. Sue Henson, director of tbe MSU En1lish Lanaua1e lnstiuue, said the program ,s crow,ni 11eadily each year, drawins not only lhe · lOp· nolCh" of the Italian Air Fon:e Academy but also all the ac.>dcmy gnduaoe.s.
Since the prognm besan
In the spring of 1986. 255
llalian students have made h through the intensiYc pro• gram. For these srudea ts. il could be a mlllef or hfc or death to k now the Engli$.b ltngul gc and lO know it wcU. ln the coct pit of a jct.
commun1c1Don between the pilo< and me air-uaff'ac conuol IO'kCI' lS i1DpOCWl:L Ally diffi. c ully spealdol and under• standing Enatuh the pilot m>&hl have could jeopardize tht ~II of the flight
other l;anguai:c:
10 11pcak 11
with r-e<)plt' -. ho ~rcat the "One rea.son they came" to laneuai;c. ~I t') hcnrficul m thr m ,r 1a wu because of 1nadequ.itt languase training at UCkbnJ. they can mat(' A mcn can A1r Force Ba se an San fnfnd\, but m:ln)' n( 1hc gu)S A n1011io , " HC'nso n said. ate UlSC('Ul'C 11hou1 thi:.ir pr<'fi "Now the y ha ve shown the ctenry wnh Enshsh • they m a:n:.atcst impro\'e mcnl~ when ~~f~!~S"' Dch rcoplc.• rt.sled with the other f0ttign pilot.< at Sheppard." The 55 s1udt•,us now en· The proarorn "''""""' the ro lled ,r-ad1J;11,:d from the s1udcnts in10 sc.verul groups. hilian Air Force Academy 1n A student is placed in a I0weck, 12-wcclc, 16-wccJc or Pou:uoli, Naples. all.:r thn.:e years o( stuJy 18-weck ,roup ""r.'•din1 on The student\ goJI 1\ 10 bu pror,dency w,th lhc lon• compklC 1hc: lnicn,i,e Eni;h~h su•sc. Language pmgum in pttpaSeven instructors and two rauon for the 13-month Euroaeachins w ~ u: accommo- N ato Joint Jct P1!01 Tr;umng d1.te the students. The classes procum at Sheppard Air a.re: divided in10 28 .seclJoru.. Focw Base. In a short 11mc. 1he .SIU· Each in.strUclOr teaches 20 dents have noticed 1hc many hours I week. Hen.son said. . Each ~Y the stuclcnts ,re d1(fcn:nccs which .:A1st ~ unrnosed tn the En&lish lan- tween lhc two a dtwu. · n e people inc very SU'&<· They •acnd spcaicin,, li.stening and vocabulary fncndly: Sed ano De Fth I$ dents.
Phi Eta Sigma initiates freshmen 1, anu
1.pon., Ptu Et.a Si&ma, a national Davenport. Lon de Lopescholastic honor society ror D111., Sherry Lynn Dodd, freshman coUe&c and univcr• San.h Ann Englcdow. Alan 1 G lenn Haigood. Dond1
lu s~~!~~- ~;~;ati! ,:!
Clark S1udcn1 Cen ter B,llroom. The &oaf of Phi Eta Siam• i& to encourage and reward academic c:,:cellencc among freshmen in ins111u11ons o( higher learning. AJI studcnu who h:1ve a grade point avet1,:e of 3..S or bcucr during lhcir freshm;in ) 'CM are elizible for scholanlup,. New initiates arc Sarah Ann Bc lgrado. Anne Mane Bianchi, Michelle Rae Bors, Sam Da vid Broyles. Angela K11heriac Caras, Lee Ann Co c l:1nd. Bre nt Ala n
1 ,osrtph T he P rc .\ ide- 1 1993 Preside n!' Leadership Sc hol~rsh•~ t.cadcn h1p Schobr, Pro~ ofl'ercd by MSU 10 rc, 11 U1 r'::..hmen to be the 1993 niu: l(:,dersh1p ah,l111e, 111 ~ p!.,clent'I Scholat$, TIIC:SC pcrior in\.'ommg frr,hl\studcnu incl~ ~t~ At' /;: $tudcnts and 1~ cn1..our from Olcar<- • ' thclf p:irt1c1p;a11on :a, School: c,.;, Andcrle 1~~ campus leaders Studcnq :it Windthorst, Texas, Hi,: tccled an: cxpcc1cd 10 l'Ol1<; School· Tanya Beyer from pitc 1n 3C1&v111c:s dc1-1gnrd " Burkb;mell H1J h Sch: ~ develop mdiv1d.u:il lr.i<Jcruq Cody Cole from tow• . High School; Beth Qoodg•o~ skills and ob1a1n 11 prlC'IJc from Rider High Schoof, knowlcdJ<: • ~ UI MSu·, ,: Oliana Jaramillo (rom H1rsch1 dent 0111n1zalJons and 0pa,. Hi h School; Melissa M•!lct lions. PartJc1p1uon 1n this Pto. f,.,'m Sacred Heart l llgh School '" Mucnstt-r, Texas, gnmIs n,quired for one "" Scou Shelton from Boswell demic year. Each studrn11,c: High School In s11,JRIW, tcc1Cd will rcce1v~ • Si ,l.(Q Texas. and Jay Wol (rom tuition schola11h1p for Ott acadOlnic yea,, with SlOO be. Wichita Falls H1ch Sc~· Only one schoimlup par· ins awarded durina the ,., sc:mu &er and SSOO ht,n, 1ic1p1nt and one allernate could be sclec1Cd from each awarded during the SPflti lt'meJter. Oood11on ;i=~ bish school Applic"!'~ must be accepted uncond1uon1Uy Anderle arc siblincs of p..; acholanhlp rec 1p1cn1s All for adm ,.ssion to the t 993 freshman clan and m usl JCudcnU haYO been ,en, icoa, nollfylns them about lh<t, submit lhree letters of recom~ rnendation 1nd a current pho- award.
eoo, ·uce.lde<:oed 10 ,ncom
1nc Italian Air Force Academ y graduates
Lu a M,m c Sclullint:, John w ,111.ams S1cwa11, Carol Sue Thomason. Marby D\•n1ce Thompson, Laurie Diane 1 00 : ; or1~rofosh~ a Waincr. Robbin Gail Walker,
Other 1n111:ates arc Jcsk" Pe.rcz Menda. Dian:i Miller, Gail Larraine Molnar. Misty Renrc Park. Jennifer C:amllc Payton, Leslie Mtchcllc: Penrose . Monic.i Lynn Pribyla, Joyce Jeraldine Recd. Jenny Di:inc R1,·crs. Dec AM
Campus activities of the MSU chapter of the Phi E1a S11ma 1rc pl.anncd 10 cncour• age. honor and pubhci,e schohu sh1p among )lucknu The ch.ar tcr co-sponJors the an nua l MSU Honors Sympo~1um for high school studcnu McmhcB o( Phi Eu Sigma arc chgiblc for OP1.'. or
~~=an~P~~':iH~t~;i~~~~~ ~!~
~½:1! ~1 ~:J~~= ~r;~~~1mWrr:r~ock and Mc t...auchlin
Ro bcriso n.
To some. b:ina in Tcus 1~ somc1hine ou1 of a storyhook
•11•1 1lmo1t unreal 10 sec people: wc1 nn1 cowboy luu: Pcdcrzotli .u1d. · u nul now I h:ad only and boou:,• Ennco
seen that on television.·
h 's obvious 1h11 the Italians have a ere;,1 love (or machines. Five ycan ago. • fad had htsun when aJI the hahan s1udents purchued Ninja mo1or•
Ash, Yarosz exhibit in Abilene competition I r NacJ WNTft
"it':i:..d M. Aah m and l!liubetb A. Yaroaz, both profc:NC>B or an. are being ...,.....ooc1 ill die 49th Annual Competition ,ponsoJ<d by the cycle,. The motorcycle or today's Museums of Abilene at the choice ts a Harley-Davidson, Grace Cuhural Center in and each student as op1ing to Abilene, TCllU. buy the ,-chicle uf choice from Ash is exhibiu ng two COf'\'ClltS 10 keps. 1992 scroenpnnu: •NiJht Air Pcdcr1.0lh ha.s already ex• No. r -Nishi Alt No. ~ ncnced the: pam of receiving 3: Yaros.z lS exh1b1ting two a spoedU1g ticket painti nas. "X-Rated" and ·1n Italy, there's less con- -Ba1.anc"" Act t. Meuur< for ccm about lhe speed limit."' be Measure. " Thls exhibilion said opened March 26 , nd will Welcome to WKhita Falls. continue lhrouzh May 23.
John Fincher. an anut froa Santa Fe. N.M.• and 2; artilU from Tc:cu juned ~
el<hibition. Ash wi ll al.so be '(t)rt. ~ nlCd in the "20th Annual ·
This compcllt1on focusei OI two dimc:Mional worts bf aniau
fro m Texas. So ,
M exico. C olorado, KtnS,1s
aod Oklahoma, and will ~ ,oon,ored by the Amanllo An C..1er ill Amanllo Alli '1! be e,hibilinC a "'1a,aph UIIK "Nie.ht Air No. 3" Thu. ei
:,:tn°:e=g~fu~~ ~
Resumes that reallywork The right incroductioo can makt all the difl'etCOCC when you're competing for ajob. At Kinko's, we'll help yoo create a resumt package that intro:luces yoo in a professional way. • Format and design assis1ancc
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Competition apttllt Soutfl CmraJ ColkJIMC Cyclinr ConlcttllCC c.eam, , i,c;h u Soudrwa t Tu.MS... u ..va&ity, TuuA & M, l.Auis1&M Tcch UNvc.D.i:y. RioelJruveruy. •nJBa.ylor faJI, Utt Sep(cmbct rt1.ro.1h November SprillJ, Fd>nlary ll>rough Ap<,I M041Qtata bike ICIUOn. Md Novcmbt, tbrou&h N:bruaty ltlcefs rteel'"c. u-avd fltOMJ that~ Cl\& l'IHJOl'"Y of costs Ut()Cittcd wtd'I lU .111 ln.V~I MS\f1 TEAM AlllOW " ~I liool llle 1994 National Road Championships, and '""' ....._, d DOC hive 10 qi,,ali(y k) p1nKis-k 619.... 179 Of 689 ""'.)40 For acn htfONNtio,ll aJI: Bob Cbn: 322-61.. Suolc.y Ptccnon 767.)26.S JoeMcC>oeoc.U
$29.99 prof~ional resume package Profcssio~al fcsume_package includes one page typeset and saved on disk, 12 copies on fine stationery, 12 matching blank sheelS (for cover letters), and 12 envelopes(# 1OJ. Open 24 Hours
696-COPY 3916 Kemp
Behind tht Olive Garden
the copy center
trlir Jlli1~iti111
selects Dance new member s
Award, and k ff Williams ref;'vcd a CPA review course
P1 l,i,rN M. Arrt••ton .•il•N' Wrltu M SU's dance tc:1m wiJI
hs,·c ;a fr(sh, ne w look for fall. S11ndrn Oran1 , director s11d s he is enthusiastic ■houi 1he C'hang:e.s. Si,1ccn women were sckt lcd :ifler tryOUL\ on ~fay I. 1i:3m mcm~rs were JUd&;cd on two ro uti nes -· one jiz:i and llnc high k1dc routine.
·m e 1cam is rc1uming to a more 1radillo nal line dance with an cmrih:uu on the hlt h kick. style, Grant said.
Mr 1hi nk tht' nl.'w te:i.m mt'rnh cr.s r eprc~cnt the \ l111vcrs1ty well. T hey aa• rxoted and display a c:in-do
r rc~1dcnt or 1h~ vi-ic"~IlaAyer\, Falls Chapter or
Tcx:u Snc1c1y o( CPA's wa, prese nted a plaque' , n
re.coi;n111on of the chJpter·, SUpP<Jn 1_0 MSU and <he MSU Accounh n; SOl·iciy. Following t he n wards r rc.\Cn1a11on, :a gucs1 spc:tker for the Decker CPA Review Course prnviJcd informa11on :vfc~~tudcnts C0rK."eming the
Honor society inducts member s
S_igma Tau Delta, MSU's Enghsh Ho nor Society. inducted 22 new members and lt.:Jm vo1cd to jo in the W alden mcmN:rs ::arc . Pam 8":u lcy. Woods Project in a ceremony Victoria T~x~s. ~:i:7, 1 Ho/1_ and ~anquct Apnl 5 1111 the Barficl , W1d11a, Kan~au ; Wich11.a F;alls Sheraton. fa·d y~ FJ:u,. Hous1on, Teu s: New undcrgn.duote memBobbu~ D1ttr~ch, Quannuh , bers arc Yvonne B:ilcer Tco s: Melissa CadtJc n She')'I Barton, Betty Carroll'. Wic hua Falls, Texas; M11:, i Regina Engl:ind :and Charles Brock. _Wichu:i f:JII.~. Tcx::t.~~ Floyd. Also initiated were Joella Jimenez. Wic:hit.a F.al ls Shannon Gordon, Suzanne Te u s . Do nna P:tyto n: Grace, 8 :ubara Gunn, Cindy Burkburni:tt . Tex.as; Darla Kahler Bell. and Chri stopher Cow:ln, Wichita Falls, Tcx:1.~; Pa_ri~h. Other undergrnduatc Mw3 Fnus10. \Vic:hit.a F.alls. inttu.tcs we re S he drick Tcx.a_11. S1cphJn1c SanJc rs. Putman. C. EdwarJ Roberts ~knncua High School: Caryl Christina Sulek, Anna ~ Gutlkrmo. Wich11:1 Fa lls, Waid. Tonya Wright ind Tex.as: Mc-!1ssa G arman Kelly Wucs1e. Aus1in, T l!x.is. Jodie Head' Gradu;ne inductees u c P:aris. TC'u s : Br:mdy Neshin' Ca rmel.a Bn.ncato, Edna Burkburnett . Texas: Deedra' Buliche, And re.a Cantrell, Wca1hcrbcc, Gr:ih:im, Tcxa.< Susan ~f<'Carson, Bonnie Steuer and Charla Whi1c. Accounting society Sigma Tau Delta mcmhc1-s wnc tre:11cd to :i report from students honors , haptcr sponsor Professor The M SU Accounting fames Hogg~ J who has been Society honored several s1u- in Chihu:i hua, Mexico, 1his dcnts :it 1U first Reception academic year. lltld Awards Night April 27 at Past c hap1c r president Cbrk S1udrnt Center Lounge. Greg Giddings presented the Three S 1,000 scho lar- report he h:ad prepared for the s hips. pro vide d by the regional Sigm:a Tau Della W1ch1t:i Fa lls Chapter o r convent.ion scheduled for l:ucr Tcx.:i." Society of CPA's.. 'l\'Cre 1h1s month. The report was ti· awarded lo Angela Gilboy, tied "The Jung and the Dehn fl umpcn and Monica Restless· ,\ fom s. Charles Floyd wns c:lecied Margaret Gr-,gg received president during the husiness the Accoun11ng Excellence session of the meeting. Other . officers arc Bonnie Steuer. vice president. and BU.er, sccrct.1ry. Mc mhers :also voted un3Jlimously 10 participate in the plant.int of a red maple
,•.... .......................... -~
p~ serve the beauty th:11 tn ·
:a~~r:~ :J'live~:r;on;~~~~~~ and wm e about
Walden Pond. ()lhcr p1r11t i• p11n1s in 1he project include recording anisc Don Henley. The tn:c wall be pl:mlCd on the MSU campus.
Pothastj oins social work departm ent Dr. Henry Pothll.51 will Join the soci.al work department in Fall of 1993 10 balance ou1 the s1udcnt-tcac hcr racio in the social work classes, accordin& to Dr. Robert Clark, dircctrir of the .sociology dcpllltmenL "We st:u 1cd looking in October 1992/ Clarie s:1id. "The minimum qualific:11.aons we wanted was a master' degree in social work, bu1 we· preferred I doc1ora1e. which we got " Poth:asl was chosen by commi11cc th11t consi.s1ed or both the social work professors already here, Barbara West and Dr.Gary Fashimpar. Dr.Teresa Wozcncraf1 from 1he p.1ychology department. a_nd two student rcprC5Cnta11ves recommended by the committee, Brenda Walburn and Les Hugcrford. Clark cho.te lhc committee. 11 a l•i~ ~-~~~ri;~r:. dJ1 phone interviews with 16 and narrowed il down to thnx, Poth::ist .tnd two others. They were all brought 10 MSU for interviews with the committee (as :i whole), myselr, the commince members scpara~ly, the s1uden1 rcpres c n1111ve s , Dr.Ro gers , Dr.Rodrigue z, and SWAT (Social Workers Acting Together). They were shown the campus and toured the community."
Small Business Week celebrated Small BusinCSJ Weck, a week to honor America's 20 million small businesses, is May 9-1S. This year's theme is "Small Busi nesses:
Building Amenca·s f ulure." In the Non h Teu s arc:1. Busi ness S ma ll
l he
t :m!~•:1ra~i~~:f Dc\ldopmcni Center at MSU. The SBOC serves 11 12 county area by providing rrec business counseling. l hC' C hamber o r W ichiu Commerce provides IOCJI office space :ind sc1s up :sp•
byi$~OC': ~o: sc1J~ ~ar "isil$ 0
The SBDC pro"1dc.s inform:ition on business st:inups, e Jt panding a business. how 10 revive a troubled busme.ss and how lo sell :i husiness . They provide oncon-one counseling with business owners to help them find the information they need 10 succeed. They offer free or low cost 1raining on topics such :ris small business accoun1ing, employer or employee 1.ixcs. how to apply for SBA guaranteed loons. fi. nanc1:il man:igemen1. computer appl1ca1ions, marketing, advertising :11nd home-bu cd businesses. Small business is impor· 11n1 and v11.1;J an Wichi1a 1 1 0 ;c,ur"fig ~~cs 101al payroll for small busincs= w•s S69l.7 13,050, ..,. counting for more than 46 percent or all income for the c ounty. Small husinesscs provide 99.7 percent of all Jobs n.ationwidc.
The number o f small busincs.5Cs na1ionwide 1s 20.S million. In Wichita County it is 3.352. The number or Jobs provided by smalI bus1nc.ue.s nauonwide is 124.9 m1ll1on. Jn Wichita county th:il numben .s 37, 028. Small businesses arc 1hc source or some or 1hc most imporcant innov:i1wns in the 20th century such as the airplane. hean val"c. opucal scanner. pacemaker, pcrson:il computer. zipper, soft contact lens and fiber optic eu mm• ing cquipmenL Small businesses produce twice .is man)' innova1ions per employee as large firms.
Perot visits
Wichita Falls Ross Pcro1. founder o
We Stand Amcnc:i, ,,,:-,;:,,;:,,:,,".':;:",:,:7"'."7,.,.,.,..,,.,..,.,.,..,..,..,..,..,...,..,,.,..,.,...,.,..,..,.,.. Unitedspeak r:;::,:: ., 7:30 p.m. will May 13 at Wich1u Thursday, , ~~~~:~~~~>=:f,1'~;~~~❖
,' ' rftt:t.6'-'.>P..:,•:rk ~A:~ ti~;-;,'
[ ",\ friend df'lllliO(Cd me 1o
th<' Modem
trtt from Tl,c Walden Wriod< Project This is an effort 10
By Darla Sita• Rtporltr
I J J~n Hall R~porl-r
:imtudc," 5-hc ~aid. l9\J.l -9 4 Danci:
Thun da:v, May 6, 1993 P oa-o 5
llt• trit."CI to rxplain a tnile t bowl moontird on
thl" wnll bul " ,.. ,ioon
! M rnplainina I.hat hi_, uhnt-
1 hip WM.-8 hurt hi• fefl.
j w1b,t~ rontm,plming ; ia .JO!iJ 1,/ack canMJ, !
--: ,.;:!M/!!!i!~ -~F:: ;;§;~f~~[~1§~ $ 19 ,:;:,•:t F' Q
~ C: ~•,f•\ ~ W,' ,",' ''•'•~•~ ',',',',',',' J · aun
Congress, government reform and hi.s proposed econon11c planAdmw ion i.s free.
. It mtUl be tht- way they ~ : c radl<' my fc.'<'t becau lM! the ; ( only lhi"I( ik'hin,t •1111 my : head from tryinc to fieune ; out what thi111 Mtu:ff meant. j : Nat " ~ NW an nnpt,y ; 1 pcdf'1tlal. My friend [
~l~o~;~t~ =:~or putting my llirk<"nJtlO<'lua on ii. Now chac .uuJd ht- a ~ ' "
I --
I Th< •riillnal romfon . ....• 1
I A;::::eat Natural Wear l'arktr St1ua1-. 761#2093
from pag• 1 n.-comml·nd:illon :ind jtih rcfcrTal. Ttm Thom:u. d1rcL"IOr for Bu s in ess Small t he De vclripment Center, SJ1d ahout six stuJ c nL"i <:omc: hy every yeJ.t :iround grJdu:111on. tnlcn:Jl&.'J in st~ ing thc:ir own husiness. The ccn1er hc:lps them wuh wn 11ng businc~s plans, doing marke lln(! re~ sc.a.rt'h anJ analyMs. oh1:1imng, liccnse5 .ind U't numbt:rs. "'Tradition:il s1u,k n1s st.'n• en.Uy do not make .:ood c;mdid:11cs 1f 1hcy do 001 h:iw ex.pcricnce in the husm\.' SS they wa.nl 10 s1ar1. hut for non1u di1iunal studcnu. selfowned busiru!sses :ire :i good option," Thomas said Banks rcq1ure ~1udcnts inlc~ u.:J In stamnt: tJ1eir o..., n business to hJvc JI leas, J O percent of 1he st..irt up cos1 before the b:ink will :ipprovc a loan. he s:1.id. Thi: ccn1er's services arc: fn.« . s,ncc they are funded by n:ition:il, Sl:lll' o.nd local go vernmen1. a•·J their o ffic e i pace u comphmenl ary from MSU, but services are availabk for anyone, said Thomas. Many ~rudentS undersumd the transi11on and expect a certain amount of stn:.ss while lookina: for a job and saying s oodbye to friends. Howe,•er. 5ome times the stress can overwhelm :a student 1f a Job is not rc.adtly avadahk: Debra H1gginbo1hom ,
Empl o yment Tc x;u Commission 1s whc:rc most graduatl!S 1urn when joh leads have run thin. TEC offcn stalc:-wide referr:il scr"iccs along with local services. Lmda Bcclc.ly. placement officer a1 TEC. said they cxr,cricncc an increase of joh requests .after gr:iduation, along wllh :in increase tn joh 3\lailabilities And there 1s hope.'' If all else fails. now is n good time 10 pursue your rnastcr's de-
1llc Student Stn1tt will Expcncncc Wonh Sharing" at meet al 6 p.m. Thursday, the Teache rs of English Speakers of Other Languages Moy6io CSC 104 Conference April I 6 1n The S. Daniels Rtcit 31 Atlanu.Ga. will be at 8 p.m., Thursday. Dr. Eugeni3 Tickle, as• Mly 6 in Akin Auditorium. socia1e professor o r nur..ing. the as an ekc1ed rcprcscnof served A recep11on Student Exhibition will be 1a11vc 10 the Ho use o r Tc xa~ Nursl!s in 7 lega1es, M:ty Oc Friday, p.m., 8 at Associ:ition April 16 -18 in the: University Art Gallery. Austin. The Alpha Psi Omega Charin Walke r . :l!>SISBanquet will be al 6 p.m.• Sawrday. May 8 in CSC 104. lanl prorcssor of nursing. preA s1udent recital will be sented a paper, "Aho\lc at 1:30 p.m.. Sunday, May 9 Re p roac h: The Mo ral Characte r of Nu rsc1- in in Akm Audimnum. Training ( 187 3-1922). ~ May Dr. Ann Estrada. a.ssis• I at the annu.al research day 1ant professor of edut .1t1on. co-sponsored by the MSU co-presented "Explonng the Nursing Honor Soc.1cty and World's o r L11craturc: Life Wichita General Ho>ip11al.
We'r e outt a here , Hav e a hap py sum mer
Let them see you arrive in style, driving your new car or truck from PATTERSON AUTO CENTER.
MSU Coun.~ hng Ccnltr. s,11d counselors often 5CC s1udcnlS ohout six months Jftcr graduation, when tht ncw~s of gnduat1on h3s worn off and they arc gcuing d1scourugcd by e nd less JDb h un1ing Hi£emhotho m s.Jld 1hc: coun• sclors see more i;:r:iduatc s1udcnLS th:an gr:1dua1ing ~en1nrs at this time of )C3r. t'lt.·c:.usc the t;r:1du.111n~ :.cmors cxpc11cncc a type o f curhon a. a hgh1 al !he e nd ol 1hi: tunnd so to !ipeak. ThL' ('oun~ lint; Center is opc:n Ill all ~1udL·nts, current and r rc"1rius , she sa1J. "If you pa•J !hi! studi:nl service.,; f1..-i:. you an: eh~1hk," H1gginhotho m s:ud. Cum.-nt studl·nts arc ~i\'cO a pnonty for .appc11n1men1s :ind pre \1 1nus students :ue given :ippointments on a sp:icc: ava1l.ahlc basis.
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Frank lin Accepts athletic scholarship StJ,'C)'
Fr,1nkh n. ;un~i~
forward h,rm P,ms
CC1llc~l'. h:i\ ,.rccpt..: tr ~h1>lar,h1r I~ plJ ydh~.,J~~IIJ~S f 11 r the ~ISU La Y ni.· , 1 ~.l~,n Frankhn. ""•ho hJ1b fr~1m Sh..k·II r~,.a.._(, a,·craieJ 1 1) ,1 rct-ound\ Jnd l
as_...,,1, ..t ~:11m: ft,r P~n.s Junior Ctilkl!I.'. th1'- ra.'-t ~ a~ n. She l wJ'- JI~,, nlmcd honorat, ' me n1w n all con fr rc ncej ~she ~t.:irt~J !WO YC'a!\ • acad,:m11.· a1t-Am1.·rica. an .... :as in,·1tcd 10 pl:iy in ihc Pans Junior Colk{!c. 3 :'I! • Tna, Junior ('(llh:~c All-Star i hC shoolJ hn ns rn ;i: 1~ • g:imc. h\J!,ll·d i,y p311s Junior ~,cpcn("ncc t o our tcJn, ~ 1 yea,. She dcfini1cly hu . C\11~;~~ of her hc'!-l ouungs of chance 10 sllU't One lhmi \ · her JL'('O ..:arGcr came ~hen med 10 Jo this yc.ar \\ at , i.hl· "l' (lrt'd 27 pl)I0(5' in 4 unprove our dcp1h L;. ~cgul.ar ,cJ"<'" conference season we played 100 "1t'.
7"' Wr lhr-'K1I, A.., ,d/
Steve Holland, MSU Ath1et.ic Director p~sents the lifetime achie vement award to h e;d brutke t• ball coac h Ge rald Stockton.
n.,. w.,1o<1.-'1'\ltA1,u,i/
Mark Warrior was named soccer l'tlVP at the banquet.
All Sports Banquet Midwest ern State Universi ty
g.amc .ig:uru.t c,,~nw.aJ n:ililJ!':ll l'hJnqrn1 n) K1l ~or\." Junior
Ctil~~~t"~ ht~h school ,;wn<loul
-w e rccru1u:d $1accy
hcc•u~· ,,f her ah1hty It• $!\not tht· Ii.all She· .. .a great threep,,nt ,hOflt..:r. .and she 1s :ilso :,n ~o pen.cnt free- throw .i.hoo1er." MSU coa1,.h Jeff
May 1, 1993
11 Ray ".aid.
Classifieds ,-.,c
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fi,hmn 1-..unS~Wwcd:mc;ancnc ~)(,0./m nth111"1 r1,htnll'oo.lU !:rec 1urupM1,1,!.on1 Rrnm &: BmnJ1 (he
,'rffllnJ, f',:o ~pcrK'f'ICco«CS· ~
Mdco, fcnuk l'Ot' tffllln)rnttll
m;nm , o1II 1-:M-~ J, ..u ,s
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Wome n'8 he ad coac h Jeff Ray poses for a picture with Sarena Carte r, who was presented v.; th the Lady Indians MVP award.
The t..aJy Indians finisl-c.; 1he 1992-93 .s.e.ison with< overall record of 22-IS Uf' 3dvanccd to lhc second mi.:.; of the N AI A 0 1\' 1\1(11, 1 Wo me n ' s Na11 0:111
:ii 'il!Jdl, rr.anklin l·amcd alld 1!>tric 1 ai.:colad1.·s as ...,,ell a,; fiNI 1cam JII-M,1tc and ~cond ~am all-rq;111n her )eninr ~-a-..,n under ht:JJ co.a..,;h anJ T our nament I n hchn~ foi ha Gene f ranklin. She abo p.artH,:ap.ateJ in the.'.' Tc~as TcnnC.SSOCA,.i.oc1at1on of Ba,kcth:ill ~ - - - - - - Cual hc~ H1{:h <;<. hvol All-Star i!affiC
Departm ent of Athletics
Minuics.~ Ray added
l l1~Kl.i)' ~11nimcunJ< ..m:iempk1) llk'f\l ,1\,&i\ahlc :-.oc\ ('1Cfll'O..C11tC'C~-.U)
I or cmr k>) 1ncn1 rwgrain a ll
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Bu~11-=i..1., lcllcri.. rc...,umc.,, tc rm r,:if'Cf"- UlflC tnl'l'-CnJlhNI, prufr.i.,-.'ICUJ
,uiru r,ro,.:c"•n~ INf rnn1cr l'all i 66-2(',()J
S1 ~ '
Altigh,fat.tu,,.•h<h111'sr1tll dil·t larl inn-r.1~· \'1A1r n-.l: of lwart d1!<a--c.· :-,.1 pllCc
roor nrd<'r a" lhuu~h \Wr lifc.-1ll'pt'Odl.'tl (in11.hm.r, 'hi C'a n h<·lp pn.·vl'nt
lu•art d1~ d~' and ,1ru\..1
f N ll 1t lht-'A1lf' R1<htll
Amy Esleo was awarded the MSU Track Te am MVP for 1993. I
AND SO. COLO IIEDICIIIE. n., I+',. 11.,..,._,K.l, Aouu/1
Arthur Hunt a.nd Bart BeaMley s mile as they pose for anotht!r Po1Aroic1.
27J ISouui- 1 l'iutw,1
l"P11 Midw.uccm l'•t w~~
641 l>MI
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lhc W.'3)' 11Ut
We c~ !e ll you how I.. .,Jl
1-l!OO-AIIA-U>,,\ I ♦ American Heart &
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....,. ~
«l)t Withiun Paco 7
Priority seating: Advanced tickets $10.00 General Admission $6.00 Tickets Night of the Performa nce $8.00 Show Starts 9PM • Limited availability on all tickets!!
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