x·. .;. . . . . . ~
1l\ llll\V ,/
S I u d e n t
i~~nten's-Soccer {
J,.die5' soccer team make It lo the
t",? find out about the LSC tourney
p e r
Midwes t e r n
S t a I e
Univ e r s i t
e w_ s ~ a
'19~_' .. ,·~ !Jr ~ - -"- •. _ .1rS~
Risky Behavior A recent study by the Center for Disease Control found that college students are placlng their health and even their lives In danger. Find out how
Game to watch The men's baskotball team opens Its season this weekend at D.L. Ligon Coliseum
rr;- ----~----------0
On Page 6
, ,,
------- - • • ·, "-
rv studio upgrade
pps Board agenda
beThe change has been n.'Commcndcd t cause 0 ~ the .i_dministrati\'c hnsslc the cc causes, wh ich will only increa~c when telephone rcgi s1ration nnd add/drop con:ic-~ onlinc in spring 1998. . R~gcnts will also consider the foll owing Hems: • Rcnovn1ion of L'lmar Fain H:ill. The S1 project would mean a new ch:ur 11ft, new. heating and cooling sys-
-president s epon, · ampus ;:~ aod "Spons Scene·: arc taped. /1 ao,,.rd will also consider climin.i1~. SS ftc charged when students .idd
~~ c]llSSCS.
On Page 6
Next Week
' '
cost of an education
Page 3: The ins and outs of applying for financial aid
- and what happens to loan defaulters
plumbing work on
. • Authori1.mion to pursue special items m ~e . 199.9 lcgislati\'C session. The Admm1strntmn is asking for approval 10 seek. fu nd.~. from the Tc.,;as Legislature for mstruct1on:il suppon. csrnblishmcnl of :m Aca~cmic Development Center. and upgradmg student computer labs
~ beginning to look a lot like...
Student debt has more than doubled since 1991. As Congress debates the future of financial aid programs in higher education, what can students expect? And how much is it going to hurt?
ristmas seem s to be starting a little early this year. The Fantasy of ~Is dlsplay was set out last Wednesday - nearly three weeks Ere Thanksgi vin g. Photo by J. C. Garcia
Edi1orin Chier
Pennanz s:iid many ~tudents :ind pnrcn t~ have not been saving to p:iy for college. or they have not been saving enough. These stu de11ts arc left with little choice but 10 take out a loan, she said. Another foctor contributing to the incrc;1se is older sludents returning to college. "A lot of the students :ire coming b:ick for more traini ng," Penn:1nz said. These students often t::ikc out loans to cover living expenses, ~!r;'.ell as p::iy fo r other needs such as d.iy
us1ask any col1cg.·e student - it's not , cheap to get a higher cdue::ition. 1 Between the tugh cost of tuition · ;md low s:i larics. it's h::ird 10 keep the hudgct in the b!:ick while in college And more and more. students arc 1uming to fin:mic al :iid - especially student Joans to fin.ince 1heirdcgrces. According to a survey recently released by The shrinking ::ivailabi!ity of gr:i.nts. which "'Nellie Mac, the country's largest nonprofit student le nder, nc::irly 60 percent of s1udcnts do not have 10 be repaid. could also be causing a number of students to apply for loan~. take out lo::ins to pay for college. The National Student Loan Survey. which Average student ::iwards from programs such sampled almos1 1.100 undergrndua1e ::ind :is Pell :md Supplemental Educ:i.tion Opporgrnduate borrower.-. also reported the ::iver- tunity grants have declined sharply over the :ige student loan debt has more lh,m doubled p::ist dcc:idc, according lo the College since 1991. Students today owe an average Board's repon ''Trends in Student Aid: 1987 of S 18.800 in loans. compared to S8.200 just to 1997." • $.he s11,iq·Q.W:;.or tlle g~ps h_arde~t hit by , ~ .• six yem ago. The loan survey also showed that college financial aid programs is inde~ndcm stutuition :ind fees nre increasing ;11 ..1 level dents. who are nol claimed as dependents their parents' ta:.; returns, bcc::iusc those stutwice that of innation. MSU Director of Financial Aid Kathy dents have a difficult time quali fying for Pcnnanz said s1udent~arc increasingly using grants. Often. independent students are manicd student loans for a number of reasons. "The cost of education is going up," she but do not have children. The government s.iid. "Unfortunately. we've gone up in the - - - - - - - - - area of student loans more th::in anything."
See Financial Aid on 3
Source: Nellie Mae Organization
Graphic by Jason Lawrence
Cowboy representatives tour campus NICK EATMAN
Sports Editor 1orepresenrn1ives
of 1hc Datl:is 1!lofs c::imc to the Midwcstem t campus Tuesday 10 see the fiits,forapossiblesitc for their :=rtr trainingc::impncxtJuly. :.-,xc Mays, director of footb::ill tllions for the Cowboys, und his ~~ Steve Carichoff, made a ~ lhree-hour 1ou r of the en tire ~ • checking out various
~ s~~t ::ill d::iy looki.ng at all
acil111es,"Vi_1.cc. Prcs1dcnt fo.r and Adm1m s1rati vc SerHoward Farrell s:iid. "They tt~ out our dining halls, re.s1i~ alls. weight room and tram~ ms. l lhink they were very
~ 1r~hh;~t~Scu~:~~?c~~~~~~ -in presenting the campus for ib!e. site. said the Cowboys tahves discus.~ed imponant that h.ive been brought up by faculty and st udents .talked about the entire range .cs going on," Farrell said .issues such as parking and ,and blcachm for t.he fan s Were ull brought up and we •e have the righ t foci lties ::ill
, , They were very open and up front with what they were looking for. ,, - Dr. Howard Farrell, VP of Student and Administrative Services the way arou nd." Farrell also suid Mays and C::irichoIT were very pleased with the uppcar::mcc of the campu s. "They were very complimen1ary about the qu.tlity of the university," Farrell said. "They also were very complimentary ::ibout our .~tudents und the cle::in liness of our cnmpus Those arc things they said they just don·, see a lot of on other campuses" Farrell said the Cowboys, who would not discuss the situations with other schools in Lhe running . wil l try to make a final d~cision wi thin the next six weeks. While Farrc!I said he believed the representatives were very pleased
with 1he unive rsity and its different ::ipsects, he nlso said he admired the manner of Mays and Carichoff. " I w::is very impressed with lhe professionalism that they h:td," Farrel l said, "They were very open and up front with what they were looking for." As u whole, Farrell said he believes the visit w;1s a success :ind th inks it was another positive showing for the school. "I think the visit went extremely well." Farrell said. ''As far ,1s the quu!i ty of this un iversity, it wasn ' t \'ery hard show ing them around here. "We think our facilities on campus arc second 10 none."
This sign welcoming the Cowboy representatives to Midwestern sat outside the collseum on Tuesday. A decision from the football team is expected within six weeks . Photo by JC. Gama
Page 2
FEW AND FAR BETWEEN I.hi~ . ,, ill 1h1~ ,cm1.·,1cr C\'l'r t•ml' 1 It ha, hi.·t.·n mmt· than 1,,0 month!,incc lht· la,1 t1ml' we h:1d a hrt•.i~ and 1!1c Th:111~,~1\111~ hc,lltl:w• a~ , 1dJ [Wtl \\Cd..:,.;\\\,\~ .
,cmc:,.ta l l1i, wou ld 1101 nnl ) provide 1hc ,1mlcnts ,dth :l little rc,1 and n=la:\alillll. b111 it would abo ullm, proft·:-,c1rs .i hit uf time to c;itch up wi1 h ,0111c of the lhin!!s thcv mav hnn: ~en pulling off d~IC to 1ack oi· lime t\ddi nt? a Fall Brc:1k would a!-.o adJ time- to the end of the fall scmc:,.tcr. but it would he wor1 h iL
II ,("c:m, lih· ion.-,a ,mn: \.,;1hnr l>,t) ,,·cdt·ml an{\ !ht.· ,hun hrcak fn1111 d;1,,t·, it hri.1ui::lu a\01111. The lm.:a~, in 1hc ~f:lll ,cn;l' .. li.:r .ire ,n , pai:cd llll l th:11 the 1hc l\\O :md a half month~,-- - - - - - - - - - ~ It woul<l not bet" '"" Loh<'r have to be :m Da~ :inti cntin.• week like Th,nk,,i,ine Spring Break make ,lmh:nt~ i,;: just a long \o,;c inkrt.:!\I • weekend to alanJ c,cn quit luw students 10 ~oi n\! lo ,;ome ~o home would ~fth~irclo<sc,. sullicc. The monnto- ~ - - - - - - - - - - - ' Th is wo uld n) of the ,pring ~e me:,,tcr is broken prohably im:reasc all l'ndancc in !he \\ ith Spring Break. making student:,, l:111cr parts of 1hc se mester am.I therego to cb,!\ for a ma'(imum of aboul fore help the s1udcnts do better on two mnmh~ w11hm11 n hrcak. bu! thei r finals in Dccc mhcr. there :10:: no hrcak!\ hetwccn Labor .-\s it sta nds. s1mlc nts musl de;.11 Da\' and Than\.. ,!!i,·im!. wi1h the monotony of the :-emcs1cr The uni,cr,1ly ,h~ould con,idcr and find a way to gel enough mot iva:1dd1ng a f ;.1 1! Rrc:1k 10 1hc sc hed ule. tion to M to 1h:1t 8 o'clock class and maybe ,omctimi: in thc mi<ldk of stud} f1~r 1hose remai ning tcs1s. Oi.:1ohcr. in order 10 !!i\-c ,1mknts .I The Thanksgi\'ing holidays wi ll lmlc tim1.· off in 1hc ~ middle of thi: jlb l nul ge t hi.=rr.: soon enough.
Midwestern State University should cons1 der adding a Fall Break
Opinions expressed In the unsigned editorial represent those of The Wichitan editorial board, consisting of the editor in chief, associate editor1 news editor and sports editor. The unsigned editorial does not necessarily represent a consensus of the entire Wichitan staff.
Letters . .
Cross-dressers and alie
Columnist discusses her addiction to talk sho\v1 BAIDQET SWEENEY
Tho Wlchltnn I nt'\Wlh1111c.hl I'd ,a)' ii - m~· life 1, 1\1)1 that t,Jd. 1'111c:1n ,wm•whcrc l·ll'f)'ihl) in ,\1ui:rk;1 a 1mm i:- Hin\ ht,'\\\Cl'll tu, wifc :md lmcr. Someone·~ hmthcr is : , crm,drc~~ing lli.:tcro•l':<U:i\. Wr:. know thi, 1~ true - 1hr,e pcopk arc 1hc tiulk of trJsh TV. Tai).. show [!Lll'.,b h:11c ii hud . Thr~c :n-c till' pc-opk i,i life 11 ho arc a~luctcd h} nlicu\. These ntt! 1hc mother:. w11h IJ·)'C:1r• ,,Id ~l'Xually :icti1e girh TI1c\Curc the men whn ,pill L'lllh,1rr.,~,in,!! ,ccrct, to lo~·ed one~ !Ill 111111011111 TV These pe11pk Jt1S I aren·tnorm:11. But I OOmiL I :un one nf the million, 11 h(l tune in cicry 1..bv 10 w.i1ch 1hc~e weir• due,. If ii is n ~101,: "'i1h ,trifc or utmor111:ilill', mv rc mu1cfiml\\h1.·channcl Wl;ieh ·hrinp my mlc~ fN 1r:1.sh TV ch:11111cl :-urfin~. Ruic N1i , 1: if lhl' ln1st'sm1me isot"l~cur,:, ii is more 1lrnn li)..d v a good ~ourl·e for trn~h. lh1w m:my rCmcrnhcr CarniL''!_ I rcmemnt!r her hes! ,how w:1~ surpn\e fl'tmi11m. She reunited n wnma11 wi1h a chi ldhood fricml who lwd hccn pla,tii:ully i:11han1.·ed . lier friend trnd heconll' ;m C:<tll · ii; J:mrcr with hrc.i~l\ so l.tr£l' \he kepi 1cu1 maker.- in hu ~ines,. Suhp11i111: plastic ~urgcry equal~ serious r.uini!~Ruk No. 1: .1hnomrnli1y equals ou1r:1• seous. ou1r.1gcou~ equ:1\~ fig lu s, n~1d fight~ :ill ~o hark 111 r:1tin~s. I 1~·:is w:11chmg krry Spnngcr, 1hc mosl !-CTIOU\ purveyor of tr:t!>h TV, 1his morning. He hml a 1r:i11sgc11dcr man gening m:irricd to a 11·0111.1n on the show. k ny al'tl had :l fornk!r ~uC SI 011 lhe show who c:<prcssed ;m interest in datiug 1he trJmgemkr·s 1i.n1cec. Reno, lhe Jr.lllS· gender, WJ~ uffende<l lhat this nrnn 111an1ed 10 date hi~ fi:mcce ,n he au:ickcd lhc man 1ertially .iml physically I lll\'C light ~. krry Springer is "di1c:· 11c i, the king. !he grand mnstcr and .ill -ti me wi,ard uf tal k ~hnw weirdoism. 1-k ha!\ lhe ht•q lopic', aml the mos! ac1ion-p:1..-kc<l fights in the hu,inc~!>. TI1is guy h:ts lo be 1hc only 1.mc in talk ,how land who employs eight bouni:crs w hreak up fi gtm
Bridget Sweeney is freshma~ m~ss communteal1ons major who wishes she owned a Donny and Marie Osmond record player
tltllh~;1~~\:~•ltt:11 :1 guc,t get, in :1 vcrh:11
ilh :rn ;1udicncc member. Th~~~•n
t~~,~~:c~h~~!,.;~:\l~hen1~~f~s'.>~~t:.~c;1~;:~ and hair-pulli ng get me HI !11Y fee~. ~1; \l'lr•c\iecm get~ ,1 hooq al1er seem~ , guest ·1ica1cn 10 :t bloody pulp hy a foldi ng cl1t1~·1ink producer.. of these sh~\\'\ secret• 1
~'uflg~~:~ ~\
e~~1~;~h~~u~:1 : Grnnted . I h:11•c nol hce1_1 out.of l11gh_ sch'.KJI loni;, :-o my memory is fo1rly rch_a~lc. I c:m·1 recall :iny time when :111 _adm1m~tra· 1,1r or 1cacher stepped in lhe nuddlc of ,wo girls fi!):htin g. Why? Girls have the bc !>t lig~::·nffcnsc 111 the mcmhcrs of my gen· dcr. but walching girls aucn~pt to pummel each oihcr am.I folling eons1derJhly sh~rt h,is got 10 he one re:ison talk shows a!c st tll around. I love wa1ching th~ gn:is~ing of 1ee1h. lhe scratching. the h:iir pul_hng. th c n:nnc calling :md fi !-IS ~ying. Girl~ have the hcsl .11temp1~ :11fi ghtmg. and_my whole exh1encc is in :1111ici pation of tlus even!. Ruic No. 4: sc:mdal is the key phrase . If 1he show ha~n·1go1:111 insinuation of scan• dal. I will Oi p the channel and find ~ mc1hing that docs. I can nc,·er forge t the Sull y show when a m,111 revcalcd 10 his wife he neve r really loved her. he only used her ~or the 1rust fund . Sallv. in her compasstonate 111.t)'. w:1lked ovCr to the 111om:1n, hugged her. ;111d offered her a 1issuc. Subpoint: tears. \\'hethcr fake or nCII. arc sure IO he a jump in r.,tings. Ru ic No. S: the onl y 10pics that foil arc nonm1l ones. Many talk shows have made
1 1 1 ::n~ ~~~1~ ~ ~~1~~.,:~i~:~e\J111 11J1:
,how titled ·· 1>11\t;,I Ernp;;:1111~} there v.crc ,1 :·d1.,~nint1ei~ ·. lns1c:id uf Mr. Smith itinw 1\tk . un u,.i tv
wa1ch; thi, 1., what we Ct'J \ _~I \ t I ulw:1ys w:i!IICd to he a t \ 1~iasc Cl'Clll S m my life '>O~lk I! . ~00 numhcr. Of c11ur:.c, 1 . c:vi ~ "11 11-shots i;onc horthily a11 ~~ ~, 1 '" cmharra:;c<l by my !:ilk I) )ii ;\ Moo;;\ lopie~ of 111)' ciinv,~%~111 you catch Jenn~,~~
Let', he sc · show:- tn make ns once wa1chin i\fler where it US ,\ nl:lrl,1
relax. My nor hour.. of nagging 1le mumbling wh up for adoption. 1 ~il~. 1~ it any ~ brcrik '! Ondc:1 Other pro1•id
1 ~
with tr.ish TV pir:mha inside f recnzy 10 sweep outlet fo r reality. Ncvcr1hclcss, m)' life_i~ hard~ make i1_ou1 to be a.no I JU~I h3\'. '
_vic:1nously throu:~\
Reader's responsibilities go beyond classroom duties 1 \\,1, 11pp:.ilk1.l \\Ith th,: ,u~gc,twn 1h:11 atK·nd.1nl·c po!1i.:ic, 1c:1d1 fl'' [,._!ll,1h1li1~. 1 ;1111
a J:! year i•ld ,1u1.kr11. and rc:-poi1'ihdil~ i, C\.ntl~ \\hat kc.:1h 111c fro m ):.c Uing toda•"
,om,:th\,. I h;11e· the r.: ,rx.m,ih1hty ''.I a Xfl )Car old fot hcr-rn-lJ111 lw11, hhnd. l·npplc<l Jllddiffi . i: uh . If H1u had rnui wav. wrn 11uul<l be Join,; ,11~-J~ 11 11h 1ill"! tif the ;1un-tradi1ion:1I ,tmh:m, at Mst · I do c1cry1t11ng I po"ihly l·;m 11.1 h,:;u.l ofl pwM,:rn, thal m1gh1kccp me from ,d1m1l. hut n111hrn~ I h:11c k:1mcd al cnllcp.c } Cl ha, ~lll'll llll' !he ,kill, (II pruUt11.:c m1r,1dc, I ))J1d tor In) d;1,",:' anJ 11 ,huuk! he up 10 mc ii I ,11\l·nt! or mil. Gl·Hmg 1wte, frnm ;i rl;1"m:1te doc , not fC l unc the tr.tdl· . Thn,e m1tc, h,1\e to Ix· rcad. ,1u<l1e<l ,ind added In
fnr a pa!-,int ~rJdc. To get lhat in formation and ~1u<ly 1, n:,pnnsibili1 y. So if you were to hu~ ,umelhing at Scar, and take it home, but nol u-.c it. doc~ Scar!> ha\'c the right to bill 1nu c,1rn c,r tu take it back'! I think not. Docs \ 1si.; ha\'c 1he right lo im·ade our homes and l·hcck our ~tu<ly hahit, w ,cc if i1 warran ls 1hc gr.1<lc wc get'! I Lhink no1 Gel a life. or maybe -.omc rc,porn,ihilty .mtl your opinion mal very v.ell ch:mgc. I h:i\c \\a11cd a long time 111 fini,h col lege ,m<l 110w you wanl 1tl 1akl' i1 .iway. I :im ,urc ther :ire a lot of tired c:<cu--c, for wh)' ,1u<len1~ mi,, cla", hut fr.111kl y. I am too hu,y to 1hink of 1hcm. I ju~l ha1•e a LOT OF RESl'ONS IUILITY.
Yvette Quinn
The Wichitan welcomes letters of opi ni on from students, faculty and staff. letters should be bri ef and without abusive language or personal attacks. letters must be signed by the writer and i nclude a telephone number and address for verification purposes, letters will be edited for grammar only.
Wichitan 3410 Taft Blvd. Box 14 • Wichita Falls, Texas 76308 News Desk (940) 689-4704 • Advertising Desk (940) 689-4705 E-mail: MSUEditor@aol.com.
Editor In Chief Jason Lawrence Associate Editor Josh Deskin
News Editor Tarah Curry
Sports Editor Nick Eatman
Photography Editor J.C. Garcia Advertising Director
Shannon Norris Accountant Paul Fleming
Graphic Artists
Neil Swabnil Desai
Adam Chavez Brandon Torres Photographers Michael Fitzsimmons Marla Lawry
David Edwards Alisha Ferguson Chris Fisher
Amanda Hamilton Jennifer Herrell Jennifer Jarvis Wayne Moore Anthony Newberry Jaime Silva Bridge! Sweeney Jennifer Tillery Miscilda Vllal Hai-Te Yang Clrculatlon Manager
Kirk Coney
Amber Lehmann Angle McClain
Teannelte MIiier Ad Reps Greg Bacus Donne Paylon Kim Tacke! Alex Tsybin
Advi ser Jim Semott
C,:,r)•rirltt O l9'J7 ~ Wiclt1tan 1s "mem~r of the- T~ /otcrcolkgiilc Prw MSOl.i~IKln. Thi: WkbiWI ,e.,;ef\·ts Ult' ns:111 10 etln any m'1tcri31 s11bmi11td fPl' rubllQtioo. Oplnio1t~ CAprtUeei In 1'be \ltichilan do oot ne~ily ,cnc.:1 tho."' or I c..m,cmus uf the staff, student bod)', flt11by. 1he AdminiW'l!OOII or the Bo,vd of Regent, of Midv.'t'Slcm S!:!te Uni\•tn.il)', fim copy of Ult paper is free of charge: lddit~ copies are $1.
' Hey, is it too kJte lo schedule Prairie View A&M!"
Danger in the workplac
College newspaper editors under fire for decisio JASON LAWRENCE
Edilor in Chiel
1e:~,~'. :~·d
:·;1::r/~l'.~1 t~ I <lo11·1 lhink rmahoul 1ogct fired. But with what's happening to college newsparcr editors the~e days, ii looks like none of u~ is safe. Take my tounlcrpart at the Uni,·er~ity of Tcxas. Colby Angus 81:1ck, for cxamplc. Me's in trouhle for running some conlro• versial L'liitori.il cartoons in the Daily Tex:in making fun of an artirm:itivc .iction ad\'Ocatc. Critics claim 1he c:mouns hu<l rnci.11 overtone\ :in<l that Blm.:k u~cd the l'artoon
~~J~~·~I 11k~o~•~l~~t;:~~\
~~g:~~\: l\~S~~~:~
sq u:ibblc in the Texan office. the staff handed Black an overwhelmi ng vo1i: of no
CO!lfidcncc. Black may even be 0111 of a job when the Texas Stu<knt Publica1ions Bo,m! mcm Friday to address the problem. Now I do11·1 .igrcc with the stalcment Black·~ car1oon made. but his job shouln't tic 011 the line ci1her. ll·s
y Turn
. .,. .
~· ~1
' ·
••••••••• Jason
. . . . the _e~t!Or s righ1. anti ev~n.tn s or her rCSJ?On~1b1l1ly, 10 share 1hcir op1mons_on the ed1torml p~gc. The F1i:st Amendmcn.t d1~n· t even save lhe co-cd11ors of The R1ce 1 hrc~her when
against lhe co-editor:-. who 11ert 1 guilty by the school's at.lministral:~ One cdi1or. Mar1 v Bc:ird, 11"J 1 ~' 1
for.a..~cmestcr .pu1·unU.cr d_i,~.·1pli batmn for lhe . rest of her 1tm~.II \'en;ity, and ordered 10 perform i service. The othcr ed11or.graduJll1+ Vivck Rao, was also required in
: :1: o~~:~~c~:u:~~:;t;r.:~: ;~i
school 1'11 save you a dcb,ne on F~ Press: I think thc.\i: 1woc:&SPI.: ous concern about the rndep: 4 authority of rnlkge ni:wsp~.per tili'~ . ~~;·ii ra~l1i?~~/h~ir sa1irica l .l.SSU~ l:ls1 None of us sets nu1to ma!K 1~ ,1 , The Thn.:sh~r. or 'T~e Trasher as 1t was othcn;, but we do often have 1011))C,ille<l on . Apnl I. poked f~n by s_poofing sions th.it arc unpopular 1\1lh tit 1he se\cct1on of s1uden1 Alhson Pnce Fine tr.i1ion facuhv and Olhcr )l~llh as one of Glamour magaw1e ·s lop 10 colTha;'s the 'nature of our J(',11 • j lcgc women of 1?96. look oul for our April fool\ 1.J11 • 1 Ir! th t' p~mdy issue, they said Alice _N. Whmc w~s sckctcd by Hustler magwne ::.::r aso_ne of I\S top college women. Fine filed har.i:;sme111 rnrnpl:iint decidC' ,m ,1 mmor.
1 1 m1~;;::~:;it~'.; ;::;:·: : ~h~ ~'.:',
Page 3
Student loan defaults decrease JosH DESKIN Assoc1a10 Edi1or
ll1in~ ,1\-.;m1 the fumrc for a moment. \'011 arc 1m1ha_M} 1111:,bining youN.'lf siuini,: at a Ill.'\\' hnmt· l'llJ 11ymi_:tife .11r111ay~y<iu:m:dri1·i11g;noundin :i m..:cncw,p, lr1 , c:.ir. i'i nnc (lf thi~ will Ix- poi,..,;ihlt•.1 ho11~h. u11k,, y1rn t1fl',1hlr top:1y h:n;k wur,tudl' nl lo.111~. 1 Pc:~~-~~~~~~-~c_,\: 1 1c~~i~\\~:~:~~l:~111~~'.~~ r11::~~ttl~c:iu~:'.t1~,i[1:u;1i~~,ci~~-~'.~- <:~:~::::;t,i'~,:::t "Ll'11dt"r, h!ntt 10 lo\(' 1111d of ,wdent, 11, llll'Y Jl'f:1ul1 on 1hc1r -iudcnl lo:m~. ··The fiN thin!_! 1h111 happen, i~ the tkfaull i, mml':iruu11dfm111pl:lrt•r,,pl:11•t" l.11an J1•f:iul h c1m1c had to lmunt 1he uni,·cr..ily 11.:pont·1I In the Cn.'tlit hurL·:rn:· l\:n11;u11 ,aid . ..·111c tkl?uh ~hcl\\·~ up .i, :1 hhp ,,11 ~our t·rt·dit hi,t('I:'·" :L,wdl "i\ lot of ,wdcnts d1in' t und1•f\t:1nd why we l':11\' She ,.iiJ 1h,, mah·~ i1 n1':uly ittqli,,~ih!e 1n i:c1:1 kmg-tmnln,m 11hcthl'r or 1101 1hcy rt·p:iy their 111:in~... l'cnn;11'11 ,,iid. "lf tht' ddault r:111.· }!t i , tno hi~h. \\'C arc ·n1cn.· J!,11:, )Our 111•11· hou~e :md m·11· ru1 She ~md other ct11isc11ut·nn·, inc lud1· J!i1mi1h - forced lUl'lll propr,1111,. Wt· lhen h"l' 1hr ngh1 lll mcm nf waJ!e,, hoh!1 1111 rnlkgc rccnri.l, :111J t·1c11 ulll't l•thcr fin:.inci.11 .iill ,ud1 \'dl Gr.mt, " She ~uitl the ddault r.uc h,h 1k crt·;1~t'd in Tl'Cenl ln\\u(im·lllllCl:1.\1\' fll nJ, "Loan rn,1, even inoca~c with the ii,ldition:1! ye:11, The Jcf.iult r:ttc fo r ~-\idwc,rcm St:'llC in ft,c:.il ch:111=-c, ol :morncy,· frc J. ,111tl 11e11:1l!ic, <Me,M:d 11 htn the ,tulknl default~ ... ,he s.iid 1t·:1r 19'-J] 11·11, 1,1..1 pcrrcnt E\"cn thuui;h a ~1uden1 111;1y out ht· ahk !n pay · Thc r.i!e for 1995 (lhc m1iq rcccnl year rcpor1cJ ) h:tl·~ n h1:111. Pcnnam ,:ii<l. the k1a11 aj!encic~ :m: 11," 9.9 pen:crn. up from 8.-4 f)l:rrcm in l'J?-l u~ually will int lo WClrk with lhe stutll'llt~ l'c11n;iri1, ,aid thl'll! :irt· two main 1h111g~ m "LcnJn, wilt hem.I m-cr b:11'k\\'arJ, fu r ~111dents n:1 ncrnber:,ho111 ~tudenl lo:m, 11 !10 c:1111101 repay their 1.. an~;· ~hl' ,:.id. 'l ..cmlc:' " It i~ 1·c:1:· impot1anl th:it ~Mlcm~ h•cp !!nod 111!1 work wi1h the ,111dcm,1f1 ht·y willjus1ge1111 recurJ, of cx;1c1ly how much thry h:ll'C hom,wecl 1:umac1 11i1hche lcndct\a11Jc., p!ainuichcmll'h:11 1hniughrn11 cnlkgc." she ~aid . "Studcn1,; ~hr,nld the pn1hlc 111 h" :d,o ,1ay wi1h the ,:tme lcnda from ye.ir to year 10 She ,,11d the 11,u.il ,ulutwn i, tu dcl°l'r the pay- keep fffl111 ~p1l':1ding 1ht- lnnn~ out"
1c'i1: ~~~c~~\
)i11ancial Aid
r 1, 1hc-.('pc.'1)pkt,1ha\canca,icr t1rm•
rng, un the i., ,1~c thi ~ ~ummer. hl' ~aid Snc!:il 'CNon~ tif lhl' rc:m1hori;ation hi ll _l~:1,l' been 11 ritten. hc ,aiJ. hm nn 11 1 1 1~: ~~;. 1:-~';,1~~~~~:~ ::~ )-'!!l~l)! In enme up wiih ." Ch:111gc, could 1-..: ma<k in prov1, ion~ for workmg 111dcpl'mk111 ,! t1dl"01,. Poff \aiJ 1 1 :::~~~ 'i1: 1hnn1;1tmn111 t•)l)2 Tllc nnl~· thinJ! rcn.iin :1tlim1 fi n:ind:11 aid pr?¥r:u11, 1, 1ha11hcrc will he more 111<111l'1' :1v1alahk- 111 fi~·a l year 19_9~. Cont,:fl!~~ haS ,1ppr11pnatl'd almu,1 $'-J h1 llwn 10 financial <llll prngr:1111'. up rmm .$75 hi llion in ri~eal 1car 1997 . Thc :irrrnpri:itiC1n, lcgi,btmn al,o raiscJ lhl' amo11111 of l'dl Gr.1111~ Imm 52.7(Kl to SHX)(l :11·car. Pcnnari1 ,:,i<l ,1udcn1~ ,hnuld not l'.~pccl an~ tlr.i,u r change, 111 th1· immcdi:nc
i~; ,:~r.1· ;g;r:,~~;: :,:~: : :~~,'.,~; ~~i~:::~~. ~~~\~~ h'l 1um tn ,1udcnt loan, :11 ,n
,.1 capitol Hill
~ :4icr,>' w1\11;1\..c II['. 1hc finan ci,il aid 11.( )ccril rt.'l('l1\C!IC\ Ill J;u~u;1ry. 11hcn ii ~~ ft',u1hM11c1 h,·!l1ghcrb:h1c:1t 1nn1\c.:t
,~~- ~;c r'~~;~r.: 1:1~~hm~r,l;:11~ :;·i\~~ t;: '.,~'.~:J:c:;i~; ,;(;,~;'."n"~:'.;,
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the fl'aUl ho-
:~11(111 ha, hc_cn lah•n on !he tlnor nf ihc 111111,c ol Rcprc,cne;1111·c, northc ,! c. althnufh the H\lu,c did hold hear-
nll'nh 111:1 l,11er umc when 1hc ,1mlenb :II\' :1hlc t11 pay hack th1· h•an "lJ,u:ill) 1h1· n::1\Clll 1h.11 ,tuJcnt~ Jre unahk 1u p..iy hack 1hl'ir ln;uh 1,; hcc_1u1r 1hc1c1b 111;1rket l_l!~~ not p:,y wh.1l they 1h1•t1J!h111w11uld," Prnn:u12 ,:ml S01t1l' ,tmkni, ju ,1 c;innc,1 :1ffunl tr, 11a) h.~cl thdr ln:,n, . ~he ,;iid. 1,1:c;uN' they dnl not rc.ihll' ho" much thcY \\'l'f"c.' ai.:fually Nirmwin~. They JLl'l h,1rn111 11, tht·~- lll'CLI JI and d(11101 timl~c,
.':~e~;~~l-~~ ~~~~\~~l~~~n
i~:::; ~~;I~
i'ut11rc "It's going 10 he hu.,inc,~ ;1\ 11,ual." ~he , aid. "We 'rl" not going 10 ~cc 11 101 nf t-h:1ngn in linnncio l aid i11 the 1998-99 ,·car." · Preliminary :ipplil':tlions fo r lhl' 199!.Pl'-J yeararc:ilre:idyout, Pennar11. saiJ,and they arc ~imil:.r to the applicalicm, for 1his Yl':ir. She snid if any 111:ijorl"hangc, wl'rl' ,;urning, the .ipplic:itiun~ woulJ he eon,idcrnhly Jit1m: nl l'l'1m:.in1. ,.iiJ ~he :iho doc, nm knnw wh;1llOl'Xfll!l"lfru1111hc11pcnm ingro11ndof rl':1u1huri1.:11ion. Prnpo~nl~ often come :,cross ha dc~k ;mJ l'lli.l up dc:1d lhll!c day.~ lmcr, ~he s:1id "0nl'1hing Iha! you'll sec wilh fina m: i:il aid i~ you never know what wi ll happen until i1·~ in concrete," she said f>l't111:irt1.said she alsoexpl'tls Congrl's~ to make some rllangc., 1hac will ht'lp indi:· pendent ~111dcn1s.
Back In the real world T:iking nut s111dcm lo:.111' ran lead 10 sc~·· cral prohlcrmafccrgraJu,11ion, the Nellie Mac ~uf\·cv found Th iny-~i.\ (ll'rcen1 of tl1e ,urvcy rc~pnndcnr.~ ,:iid repaying their s1udc111 loans h:,J 1::iu~ed thl'm more hardshi p than lhcy haJ antil"ipalcd. T11 l'nly-six percent ~:iid they would 1:i kc nu1 fcwc rlo:m, if1hcy h;1d it tn du :.ill Ol'cr ag:1in l.nJth h;wc al~o 1::1u,cd ~tudcnts to dc l.iy ,cveral 111:.jor life decision~. A 101:il or .lO pcr1:c111ha1·e t!claycdpureha., ingaht1u, c, whi le 31 pcrccm s:1iJ they arc w:.iiting tu purch:i~c :i e:ir hcc:iu.,c of their loans. Additionll_ly. 22 percent said they hal'c del ayed h:il'ing childrc11, :md 15 percent have put off ge lling marril'tl, :.tClWding 10 the ~UTl'Cy
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The ins and outs of the financial aid process at MSU THE W ICHITAN
l ltc Finand:il Aid omcc encourages :1,111dl'nts npplying forlinand:d ,,id 1,,bcgin the ripplic:t1ion proce~, c:trly. . . "We u,se s1Udt· n_1~ 10 bcgm I~ fi~~nr1_:il ;1i<l jlfllCt' 5) a~ qmtkly as pos~1t,lc, s:.t1tl Fiu:mci:il Aid Dirt(IOr Kulh)' Pcnnrt111.. Th\' fi n.t ~lcp is 10 submit lhc1998-~l) Fret• 1\pplic:11ion for FC'dcr,d Studcn! Aid (fli\FSA). which n:11uircs income tax mfnrm:ition from both lhl' ,rntlcnt~ and 1he p:ircnr~11f depcnden, ~rudents. . 'Ille :ipplicaiion can be ohtamcd from lhc fi nuncial 1\ id omrc. and a renewal fom1 will be ~cnt to ~ludcnts who fi led 1hc fum1 1:,~1 year. , Srndcnts can ol~o apply by con1:iclmg www.fofsa.cd.gov 011 the lntcme1. '!11c compurer l:ih in ;\1emoria1 Hall is C<[lllppcd for this rmces,. . , Swdents who h:11·c m,1 n:ce1\'ed 1he1r rcucw:11 f0nn bv the end nf Dcccmhcr shnuld C{ln!:lct clie Fin:10dnl ,\id omrc co oh111in .i paper funn , Pennant. said. After the forms arc proces~J. student!> will receive :i 1:upy of !he FAFSA report, which they musl check for 11ccuracy. If :ill 1hc information i~ com:ct, lll person~ who pro\'idcd infonm1tion for ~he fo~ must sign it ~nd submit it to 1he Fm.inci:11 Aid Office. If :any inform:ition is incom:cL the com:ctcd fonn musl be rcrumed tn the Dcpanmcnt of Educ:ition. . Once the Financi:il Aid Office rctc!l'e~ the F,\FS;\ results. ii will infonn ~tudents of whii:h infnnnation it .~till needs. Student~ ,tiould hC' awnrc of 1heir current :academic progress slatu!., hl'..:au~c il may alfoc1 eligibility Mtcr all n.·quiml infomialion is ~obmil• tcJ :mJ de1cm1inc<l fo he corrcc1, swdcnts will be e\'aluatcd for thi.: Pell Grnnl, stall' grants, work-study aw:,rds and/or s!Udent loan, Summer :.iward~ :ire dctcnnincd bcfoll! Fall and Spring awards. TI1e Financi:il Aid Office will then m:iil awurd letter,; !(l student~. who must indicate which nw:.irtls they will :,cccpl. StudenL~ .icccpling loans mu~t romplc1c :1 lfla n :ipplil'ation fonn. This paperwork must be returned rothc FinaueialAidOfficc.
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fn,• IO MSU ,1u1knt, and :ilumni lhl· On\! alumna in rartk ul:lf "as un:i11-Jn' ..cn ·1n ·~ nffcn•d. ··wry liltk c111ph:1:-,1l 1\·J:-. pl:il"t'U on c:.m:L·r \\ 'd-.•:n,· II• Hurc,·r•R.1m1. m.n I raJ..t· H\llf e,i un-.cl_m~. CIL"n during my fi nal ,l.'mor )>\'Ille,• . • N1k:pk ...c • tl·r." 19'>7 gr;11Ju:i1e Rl·nec Lal'kl'~ s:,id. Thi- 1t.1lL' mrn 1, 11nh•rtun.)h:h . ,, in the , 1).·,1bu"In all faiml,, I mus1 . .:a, th:it in !he cru~h ul l.1r. 1'1 111Jn) f'.'Oj\k. m,:luJmi:· cnlkf C ~r.klu;uc,. );e Um~ n:-:tJ~ In frJdU:tlC i ju, t lll'\ Cr wok lhl' \ l,m~ ,1 t11knh rr,·c1, ..- J qu,11 u~ l-Ju,.11wn :ind 11 111..: ,~ lfl\\:'\lig.11l' wh:11 -:i,•nicl•, they r rm·ickd. t-ot my kJm ~h.·r h1 11f ~r.1J11.1IL' from in ,11111111,n, an ll J11l' r ~1:tdu:ilion. I t.l1d 111'! think that lhl') ,x..,a l n,._·\, lhl' 1,p11111h th:11 w,·n: a,;ii\:ihlc 111 l\l1uld hdpmr.' 1hcm lhll\c1,•r. othl·r s1udL·n1~ are 1\cll :111 .,n·. "I \ lt,1v.,·,tcrn S 1:11c ·, C1rt' L'f Pl:rnnmg and think c1rcer ,1·n il\:, i~ c~c1::llc111 ," Jami·, Zinkl', l'l.1n·r11rnt \ en 1\\.·, 1, :I\ Jil,,l'ik tu ;111,rnJL•nt~ .ind Ju111or_intcm:ition:11 lrJtk m:ij11r. :'>:Jill. ':Till' ,·:tri• r1, LIi -t·n Kc, th:11 1hc1· t1frc r i, :1m;111nl!. ·n1l·,· :ilunuu 111 r,.•1n1 1hcm 111 1h,• nfhl tlm:rnun. "Our 11ffirc 111frr, ,·:m:c1 rnun,i:l ini;. wor~ hc~,t mod, inll.'l"\'ic11,, h~lp )ilu w11h n:,un;l''· unit ,h,,r, 11n v. ru1ng r.:, umc,. 1111cr.u:v.mg Jnd Joh hnld t'\'lnfc n·nl'c' t(I t..:ar.:h nmlcnh;llll"Cjot, intl'r• ,c,1r.:h ,J..1 lh :· Tom Wh:i, kn. Jtrl'\"l!'r ol 1·,1n-i:r 1 ICl\illl! , \;. 1l1 1." \\'ha~ k n ~a1<l iht· ,1tlk ..: .11,o hamlk., l'teJ,:ntial -er. ,,·~••- -.:m.1. ,1Jding 1h;;1 JII nt the ,cr.rl'c, ;1n: WAYNE MOORE
folU\•1y "Tiic fotJe~ r nn1:1 i11 n·,uml' '· l•1·11h1:,. 1i,1n, imm prnfc,~ur.- and :ll.11 •~r~. onJ fur l·du· 11111 cation majo~ 1hcy :1l •n.1m:lmk 1.•111111:irion, fr . ,1udcn11c:1chmg•upcr1 1,ors." Sophon1t1n: l:11gli•h m.::ijor Nl'k~h:1 ~1~;11~ ~,u 1hl' ccntcr helJ)Cd her choose her maJor. I 1.~nlll<~ 1hr m (c:m."l·r H'n·icc., J 11, ht.• mo,1 hL•lpfol, , he
~~:~~i~~l~;: /: 11::~~/~'. . . . eh1,kcol m:tjor-." Can.'Cr ~cn·in·, will he ho\Hll,!! :1 Joh fmr _111 Frhrn:m' 1998 al the ~ll'EC in wnjuocrl,,11 wnh Cumcm·n Unin•r.-il\'. \ll'mo11 Rl·~ion:i l Jun ior Ct1llt'l!C, Shcrr art.! ,.\ir fom· Ru,c, Fun Stl l anU Al lu~,\i r fo rce U11~<'. Wha) kn , :1id 1he wc1rblJ11p will nffrr intcn·icw)> with s1,111c mujtir corporn · 1i1111, and nonpmfil orf:!;11111:11ion•. a~ 11 dl :11. ltx::,I . , 1:l!..: :md rcdrnil gt1\'emment Ht-:encrc~
Stude nts can get on Intern et via MSU "MS L', r11m m111nl' 11! 1n i.:Ju,:1ti1rn pru1iJl·, -iu dcm, 1111h 1hl''l' ' l'l"\ll'Cl> fn·l·nf ch:tq:L•:· Sophomor..: :\ntu:111 Simmnn~ hd ie1c:-. pnwiJ • mp thl'~l' ,cr. l,·l·, i, l':\P..,'CIL'd Imm lhl' unil cr-it~ ~\'W\\'MWSI '.('O~l 1, n,11Ju, 1th\· ;ul.lr,:" tor " I think JI \ (lht· Jn1L•mc 111m.·:t1." Sinrn1on, , aid. ~fohtc,IC'm "il,11(' l nt \ (>NI\ [Ill\ m,,n· " ~ISL' \\ {1ulJ nnt tx- much 1;( :initki.:,: 1i i1d111u·1 Siu.Jent ;..:,:l'" lhrnu£!h • 1h,:. uni\l·r-ir~ onl't' • 1hc !111crnl'1 ·· uppl) , nnc1m l:rh, !h1•.:11mr111..:r 111..:.111! p 1i nth1c,nl'<lf Sl'niur Lc,u ,\ nn lhrd acrce<l : "I J 011' 1 know r u, :\ n" , , 111,k m, ,:rn ..:Jrn :.i,:, 'l'" h • 1IK· lnlanl·t 11h.11 l'd 1l1111i1luiu1 11:"' . " 11h thL·1r o" n n •mr,11icr, 1hr11uch ~lidwc,1l·m Studc,u, c:111 u,c the lntcml't fnr a 1:ml'ty uf • S1,11c t :m1l' r,i 1) S1uJ,:nh h:.i11· lhl' 11pr,. 1r1 un11~ 1n ,urf lhl' \h'h, f'l'a,1111, ScmN Slurll n IA• C,m·au ~:tid 1h:11\1hilc ,hl· i, ,cn1I .ind rl'\l'l\ \' C•m,ul 1't Nl1h. tr l-..-,1f .:h:ir~l·. for ~r;nlua1c 1hr,,11j!h Ilk· Ull lll'r.J I\ , J,·,:ordin c h• Jun l l:11 1. 1>r1 till' lmcnil'!. , hl' •~ h)('lkin~ •l'.'hrol-. "I fou 11ll ,, hofil, that ~rc i;carl·d 'llC\'11ir;11I~· 111 .\l~~;;~~~;: ll;:~lr~rk~~j ~~~\1~:1111~:1;::;l~~~~;~;.1,p l':m,l' .w;n·" ,1.:,·,,11n1 .md ,: ,m:ii l ' l'f\ lC<' ... he ,;mJ rn~ lid d.'' ,he ,;ud. "I 1h111k ii', t?•wi.J t>i.· .. ,11hkn r, ,::.en :1n:,:,, a11 11 h111 i: 011 1h,: wi.:h b:1,ic:1lly 1tw lnk·mct incrc:i,t·, y,,ur ~11nw lcd1,:e • . .1Nm1th ine, aniunJ \·11u " 1J11t1u,:h ,\ ISl '" \\' h1k 11;:111~ , tu<ll·Tit, u,l' lhl· ln1em1.·1 for ,dwol lk · ,:uJ thL''I.' -...· n ,,·l· ,·,i-.t ,1u1krn, n,,t h1n!! JOSH DESKIN
Assooa1e Ed.tor
rel:ueJ p11rpci,1.·•. other~ use it for pcr~onn l rc:i • ,m1'. "I , c:m for infonn :ttl(ln nflh ing~ 1h:11 --ccm cun · 1111 ~ IL' me. :md I al~o ~c;m fo r h:thcs." Si mmon, ~:1id . Al'eurding 111 1h11. all a ,iudcnt ha.~10 1h1to J;t l n 111nc\"1rJ 10 the w..:t> i( g1110 une of the e_ompul• er l:ih~ :1rcnm1l ~l SU u111.J duwolo:id 1hc in~m1c·· 1i111b on hnw 10 fl'I inw ~!SU nc1. ~lcmnri:11 ~!:ill, 1\1ofrcu Litm1ry nnJ Fcrgu~on :ire all 11utk1' al which ~tud..:111( can downlo;ul lhl·,,: instmction, Midwl',lcrn ·~ network sy-tcm 11:" recently up_!!r.uk<l for lic lll'r ll'Chnnlogy. I l:ill ~;1id. "t\~ parl of the ur gr:1d1·. 11.c gnt ru~1i.:1 1110<.krn 1..:rh · 1111logy."· he ,;,id S1Udcn1~ an:- nnw :1uh)m:nir ally ~l'l up with ;111 ;1,:cc,~ arrount in whkh 1hcv u,r tllL'ir ,od al M.'rnrity numhcr :1\ 1hcirp:1"11:ord
Moore exhibit opens at Moffett Library and tnm1..; hook, ·1 rnld lhl' rrc,iilcnt 11lr. Liiui~ :11-o c,:nnpk , 11f cuneiform wrning magazi ne~ " It '.~ .i very cdedk rnllce1ion." 11 11 :1, , 0nl<.'1hin~ 11 l' ·" 1,l'I) a, hkrng l~phl\•:-, :ind wood ddinlld) n1.•cd 111 h;m:." 1)1rl'l'I01 of hlockprintmf,fromE uropc :mdlhl· Han·ill , ;iid. , hould , 1:1y in thl' eollci:titin The 111 r,,: () tin· l.1hrJn ~ld'1:a lfan 1ll ,.1id Thl' l·k r1laCl' or 1'11111 , 111:,11 ,\ ll!urninalrd manuscripts from th ,: lihraryforawhik. "II wil l s1:,y thcrc ·111c i.:., 1;1t, u1.·1 1111:1in, :11:i.,tL·olk1·· ~1uorc Ill ( ,;l kl·1wn 1, n 1111. h1.•1 11 g • ~fo.ldlc ,\~1·, :in· al,o a pan uf the I hope i'or.ivcry loni; lime." lfan•ill an1 of ~ in11k f3r, and prmb 01 1ion nui. CollcLJ n h1h111.•d m 1he Spl'1:1:1l n •mp1lrd. "Tht.• cntk ctiM. Tht·-.c hook~ wen: c-1:tOU· said. "h ncr1h l>pccial c:m: ;md ,p.:. W.111 ,m on the "-'1.· 11nd nonr ul 1lw l.1ci- lh:11 \k~1n.· r,ilkl'llf'lll tran ·, the dc, cti, rml•nt of ra1cly dc~i1,; ned :ind colored hy .:i.:i t prrscn•:111011." l1h1,1r1 The rnl lce tion can hl' 1'1ewed 1 11• in monk~. Tht.:l11!kt.11l 111 ,.. ,1, don,1h.:J h, th,: man \ .11t1.•mp1 111 n ,mmumc. W,lfk ~ of grl·:11 primer, like from ~ 10 5 p.m. MonUay 1hrough ll.1n 1ll ,:11J i.11111 1} 111 •he 1:11\' ' l•l.m A. ,i1,11h' wri1111!!.'' fmm Friday. No appointment is needed Franklin Bl·n mu/ diffcn·nt 1..1 Gu1rnhl.·I}: h:11. runn ..:nlk Th\· ' ht. 1 Ill. 11 li" 111111c 111 hi' 11111 1h.1 Graduall' 1\ s~i~1an1 1'11111 Carwr d1 11dcd 1n11, pan, h~l' afk·r the dew!opmrm of the prin1mg 1, Jn11·111 hl'L:1<lk ,:t1 n11 111;•11t1101a· n1 part- It 1, will be :1blc 10 show 1hc collec11on 10 l'nnhllJI aml 1hr 1Jr~.:111·cn of 1he pn.·ss art· included in 1hccollcc1ion ,1 h,t ,,r n1inproli1 111µ;u111.,1mn, rh:11 and ,h ..... Mind nr The collel'lion al:-o comain~ dif• :tnyone intcr1.· ~1rd :1 lour. He is in m.-lUlk! J ,\ l~ t Till· fa1111 h d ui-1• 1< • Wnrld .md Prmtmt>• ~t:m fr rl"n l type, or prim~. Jt cornpri,1·~ ,·h.irgc of the rare bo0k ..:1,lkc11un. l.1 011.il \" the· l'll li l'l't lOI I lit /\I SL Th\· l'ul k i:twn d~k, hJ..: k 10 1h,: ~uch work., ;i, maps. ~nnw 1if Manin htll hc all\W..:h que,q ion~ W IH."l'ming llc.·tJU,l' \h11 1\' h:11.t :111md1:d here b1• Luther's sermon~. ncwl> papcr,. 1h~· n1l k c1ion. commun1C":11mn nl t(inm fiht !Pr'"'' ~l·.1r, .1, h.1d h1, t>r111hl·r Jnd "\Vl" l(l1'l' 10 ~hnw ii off ht•i.:,111,l' i1 .\ u,1r.rl1an •\ hi.1n~1 m·• Thcrl· ar~· r,o~tcr.-. po~lcard~. Chri,1ma~ card~. i~ :i wonderful rnllcc1ion .. 11 ;,rvit l ~:ud JENNIFER TILLERY Thc W,chilan
!{11 d r1~11 a 1
1· "-' ;; . ."'·~ -
w~~ :
r, \_)
Mark Rios
Tickets a t Cash A Check (3002 Kemp Blvd) or Charge by Phone at 940-69 1-1723 If Orde rin g by Ph one Ask for th e Student Discount
interview. •MSU Percussion Ensttrt con~ert, 8 p.m. in Akin Auditorium. Admission is & •Circle K lnternatlonal l'! 8:30 p.m. in Bolin llo,,
Wednesday! Nov. 19 •Morta~ Board meellrtg, 7 a.m. 1n Fowler Room 112 •Interviews with recrultm fo~ Prude~tial lns~rance, : . 12.30 to 4.30 p.m. mHara~1 South Room 21 1. Call 6894215 lo sign up for art interview. •UPB meeting, 1:30p.m.~ O'Donohoe 236
News and sports reporters are also being hired. For , more information, call Jason Lawrence at 689-4704 - - - - --~
Products for Men
With Valid Student ID
Tuesday, Nov. 18 •Psi Chi bake saleJboo\ sale, 9 a.m. lo 3 p.m. irt 0; Arrowhead Lounge , Clan' ' Student Center •Interviews wlth recruit for Enterprise Rent-a~ 12:30 lo 4:30 p.m. in Ha~ South Room 211 . c,11 611· 4215 to sign up for an
The Wichitan is taking applications for advertising
Quali ly Grooming
Special Student Discount
Monday, Nov. 17 •Red River Society ~ 7 p.m. in Bolin Room 1~
director and opinions editor for the Spring semester.
~~~-~;~~:urchase ticke~ :t
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2Ji1tJdueslemPb,y.Sn1115: ~FlDS.TX76lce•817"92.m)
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Friday, Nov. 14 •Social Workers Acting Together bake sale, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in O'Donohoe •Artist-Lecture Serles presents Allegro '97 con• cert, 7 p.m. in Akin Audit· orium. Admission is free for MSU students. !acuity and staff with proper 1.0 •The Greater Wichita Falls All iance for the Performing Arts presents "Amelia Goes to the Ball," 8 p.m. in Akin Auditorium. For more inlormalion or to purchase tickels, calf 767-1272. •Backdoor Theatre presents
NewM Memori Road a •Backd "The R 501 lndi informati 1ickets, •The Gre Alliance Arts pre to the Bal Auditorium. or more int
To include an event in This Week, send it to The is 5 p.m. on the Friday
· eiements
Thursday • November 20 • 8 p.m.
Thursday, Nov. 13 •Mortar Board meeting, 7 a.m. in Fowler Room 11 2 •Socia l Workers Acting Together meeting, noon in O'Donohoe Room 208 •Envlronmental Science Club meeting, 12:15 and 5 p.m. in Bolin Room 315 •Interviews with recruiters for ''Palace Acquire" Air Force program, 12:30 to 4:30 p.m. in Hardin South R<;>0m 211 . Call 689-4215 to s,gn up for an interview •Chess Club meeting, 3 p.m. Jn Bolin Room 115 •Beta Beta Beta biology society meeting, 4 p.m. in Bolin Room 213 •Jaque Vaughn Charitable Trust Collectlon Exhibition opening, 7 to 9 p.m. at lhe Wichila Falls Museum and Art Center. 2 Eureka Circle •Beckdoor Theatre presents "The Royal Famlly," 8 p.m. at 501 Indiana St. For more information or 10 purchase tickels, call 322·5000.
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Page 5
~~~bawamba falls flat with 'Tubthumper' ~:~ ;~:~~;11.~~~t,:,,i,111" ha, a grc,1t heat wi1h
l;IRl~hC Wicti11an
ru~ ... Dri p. drip. drip goe~ the wm cr."
The chlru ' r_1,1t_1n1l'~ lhrnughnut the ,trng.
up a!!ain ." m\lc
~~~ k_nod
Chu111h,1wamha redeems i1~clf with ·~nic
~d down. hut I get
Oig h , uc." The a r:ipd la h11rmoni1.1tio11 at
rn~on ;~;~.:~;o~~~;~~-1
11nrld. Granted th , le~] l c~uld take on thc hccn drinking C Ill the song ha~ 1 from
lht: hcginning of the ,ong i., \'C f)' catd 1y and comes :1cros~ well . The lvrics haw a soc ially im.licting me~s;,gc. Hu.wcvcr, the point of thc snng wa, l1 iddl'n in a ramp:mt 1cdmo beat ·1·1ic Good Lil'c~tylc" has my vote for rnost point less song of the CD. If there is so.me kind or point here, I just na, out missed ii. I do m11 :-.cc some kinJ of mess.igc with lhc ~IOI)' of a ship with an undefined course because all the people urc jumping ovcrho:ird ..One hy One" is a very pol i1ic11 lly moti vah!tl song. Up unt il this point. I felt a poli1 ic,1l uudcnonc tugg ing <tl my shirt. This is lhc song 1hat un leashes the unlrnppincs~ 1l1i, is an oh\' ious slam to the org,mii'..itiou of govcrnmt:nt, ahhough the musk is vcr)' g0<1d at hiding 1hc acti vism The song "Ou tsider.. ha~ a very tcchno beat. The hannony throughout the song tics the six lines of lyric~ in wel l. Thi s song is in!cresting and {mcc again the po litical ac1ivi.~m comes shini ng !hrough
1h}~c ncSI nf 1~~~~
, , n,,· l
sc~;~~ll~~:~i,cd..10 ~t.i~· ,'.i~.,i~11i~1ic duri ng the unique, cat~j1y'~n~s i,~. f h1s song ha~ .:, would be .1 lo1 . ~inning, but I knew 11 of the ch~ms when th~ wonts
;ind ~act~cncd lha_t I w.i~icd IHl lC li sk mng lo th is
hJIC ncvc_r heard 1hc _ n,unc
:;~!~.n~~: 1
.-~i rt;1·ic11inf _t h1,_debut alb_um. My j .if thl' CD •~ h~c !he ~H song,
;·:~n':\~n ~t~~-i~a; ,_ould he 1 ~ :~, 1
line at
of wisdtun : Don' t waste the
1' ~:~t
:]'}~::~,:~;~; ;,~ l~t{r,(~:'.£1;~:~:~~:
t ppc,i rn my lllU.\ 1cal st:nsc · · t l h~d lo fo llow lhe lyrks in .the CD jade! 1~,i~n, cr~t ;1!1d Whal thi\ Bri tish grnup w ;L\ 1 o{·el ~~t :;· T~e .mt!sic .wa~ cith.er ~oo arc lo\t 10 fi,em~hc pnm:iple$ of enumca1 m11
.. ~ rr a~;~f)' di s~u~d during the third song. gr· 1/ · ·t p, Dnp . I acw a!ly recalkd fi rst ' e '~ lcn rny teacher q ood hdorc the 1 ~ •.t.,~ .w uh fl ash canh . She hdd one with ;i h~p~mg. fau cet and wld u.~ 10 rcrcat :1ftcr er. irnnu.:ally enough, 1hc wonh of 1he cho-
bcci! i n 1997 , ' pin!?°' would tk: his t_hl!mc song
~~lorfo Gaynor\ " I Will Surv ive':
"Creepy CmwHng" m:idc no scn~c wh3ttSOl.' \'t:r. The bes! :md only WNd Ill 1b c nhc 1his song: rnnfusing. The lyric~ we re masked hy the overptw,•cring heat. The , ingcr just mumhlcd 1he words .. Mary Mury" was definitely a m e1ch of the imagination . ,\ fcmak voiCl' chm11 s tht: C:1tholic "Hoil Maf)'.. over and over ,11 1he begi nn ing nf 1hc song. 171c son¥ h:i, a hard rod !,cat wilh tcchno tr:i.c k dunng the chorus. r-or 1he mos1 p,in. lhc srici ally im.lk:1i11g lyric:-. .ire overpowered by 1hc music ..Sm:ilhown" lwd a smoother sound. I fell mi~ted since lhc lyric~ pro\'Cd to he poli tit ally rnoti\'ated. If you Wtl llt to ge t ,1 d1.ingc. make !he music something that calb in my mind for a d1angc, nut mu~ic that call s fo r a nap. By 1his song. I saw the need fo r a theory. In lhc music industry, somc lhings work wel l for ~omc people . For insta nce, Alanis ,\forrisc\lc picked ,mg~t as a Iheme and matched her music. She left no lis1cna eonfu.~cd a\ to wh<1l she meant . Contlu~ion: Pic k a Iheme and write an arr.rngcmcnt to match. Ano1hcr song. another socia l indictment·
··1Want ,\ fore .. i~ .:i focu,cd hil on , <N..:io l pro • grJ lll.\, 11H: :,.ong ,t!I, the tht:mc al ihc hct,?in • ning wi1h 1hc c11 1111c ... l'lca.,c ,ir. l'tl li ke ., omc more." Again. powerful \\nrd, hidd...:11 in the 1cdmc1hc.1t Finall y "Scapcgnal., b 111urc or le" the cul min:111 011 of 1hc polit ically mnt i\;itt:d alhurn. It i~ a contlcmn:alion of curren t "Kl · c1y. The group i~ n11t ~hy in lcui11g l now thl·rc h ;,lway., ., ,unconc to hlamc The la:-.t li ne of the CD rnnli nm my gut fee lin g 1ha 1 1h i., t1lbum i, not ;1 11 happy-fu• Judy. The ~pcakcr ~;1y,. "Bny they , urc can knock 11ut a political tt'. ne.". Overall, I W(>ul·d· have prdcrrcd some1h111g hght and h:ippy 1.1 the lyric ~ h:•d hccn nrndc lo ma1ch. was lclt feeli ng !here w:is ~omt: rc;1,tm I , hnu ld h:i1c my govem1cn1. ~fayhc Churn huw;1111h:i intends the album 10 be a subli mi nal me ,., age at ,nmt: ,oe1al reform. If so, I rc:i lly hate being !ricked. I mean, I like angst and rc \oll a\ much"' the I
:~1{~:\ns~?;1.~:ir~~ lions ofinn occnl lislcncrs
t:~~ii~n; lr~,1~'11~ 1 1 ~
Benefits of an education
(appa Sigma chapters earn up for charity
Whaley says entire society benefits from one's learning
when one of their mcmhcr,; was struck wi1h c.mcer ··one of Kapp;l Sigrrn1·~ mcmJ; Jncffon to ra ise m~ncy for hcr~ a l Ea~tcrn New Mc., ieo w:L, , ~merican ~;mccr.Soc1c1y, the di:ignosed wi 1h cancer," hi: saicl ··weju, t wanted 10 do ~omcthing 7:t;;i~\~~~er;~ ;;c~~re th,11 wo uld help him ;i nd !he 1 : 1~~1~ A111c ric111 C.111ccr Snt'ie tv at llll' : from Por1;1lc., 10 Wich i1,1 s:ime1 imc ." · M:ir,tun ~aid Msu·~ chapter ~r3 Si.gma mcmht·r~ h:_1\'c will take ovn lht: ru nn ing in ~collect.1ng tlnrwuon, tP.g1\·e Mat1tlor. Tcx:1~ . ;rnd wi ll 1ake the pe Amrnc:m Can~c.r.Soc1cty ·lie h3\'C hcen ~ohc1t111g don.i- game hal l tht· rcq ofthev.:ay .. It b :ihout 300 miles from c, and gi\ ing 1ht: ~(lllOr>, 1hc 11,Y of.citht:r don:11111g h~· thl' E:l'(ern Nt: v.· Mex ico tn Wii.:hita :k or ;u~t :i n at don:it mn:· F:111 ~. so c;tl·h member will ha\'C tJ MIDtcm . who i~ Ka ppa lu run ahnut 4 mile~ 101a1: · : ~:;l~~l~l l~~~l~::~~l~:~'.;~ l'l·larwm ., aid Ht: al ~n ~:1id MSU is providing ,r,(l betv.'ec n thl' two chapter~: ~phomore Richard D:ivi, . . a a hus to fol lo\1 alone hchi nd the sib:r of ,\·~SU's .chapter, ~aid group and th.it ~o~e member~ ~ got 1hc rde;i tor thi, even \ may fn!low in thei r car~ . A5socia1e Editor
The Wichita n Local in1ercs1 in 1hc fi d d of medii.:al imaging tt:chnology has grown signit'ican! ly on-r the pa~I rcwyc:irs. It is an arc.i ofh ealth carc that many hc licvc is grca1ly ove rl ooked and undeveloped One nf the tlri l' ing fo rces hchind the growlh and mai ntcnancc of this ricld is profe ssor of rndi olog-
~~~,~~t a
ir: ; ~~t:Cc~g:~ master's degree i11 radiologic science in 1994. The pmgmrn now boasts 67 swdcnt~ gr:1du;1ting thi~ year and reprcst:nta• 1ivcs of past MSU gmduatc.~ spanning 27 s1,11es . Whaley and his associates work on a dail y basis IO nrnkc hc:11th carc in the United Siate.~ more c0icic111, of ;1 bcuer quality nnd more easil y accessible to the genera l public. He helievcs this c;m he best accomplished by the fonher dcvc lopmt·nt of r.idi ologic technology. a.~ wel l as funhering cduc:11ionul opportunities for interes1cd MSU students. ··A publ ic education," he say.~. ••is a benefit 10 society as a whole and should be available to everyone:· He contends that belier tmined indil'idual s make more t:d11ca1ionall y sound medical oITi ci:il s and make 1rc;1Lrnen1 facilitie s more cm c1ent Also. nt:w and bcner radiology 1cchniques cul tivated by hi ghly trained students in um.lcrdevc l-
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opt:d scicn1ific areas make it easier to ident ify di sorders earlier. make 1rcatrncnt more effcc1ivc, and reduce p:uicnt tr:i.uma ;md recovery time. Whaley earned his doctorate in 1982 al North Caro lin :1 Stale Univcrsi1y. He most enjoyed the ··community a1 mosphcrc" he fo und at the eollege, as well as hi s growing "~cnsc of indcpcndt:ncc." I le al so enjoyed attending local spor1 ing evem s and Wa \ in"olved in College Oemocrals, an orga11i za1 ion 1ha1 promo!cs putilic voting. Uut he was kept loo busy hy a rigorous curritulum to become involved in other college organi zalions \-le hccumc interested in the fidd of radiological science because it was "a newly emergi ng and u~eful fie ld·· Whaley began working at MSU in Fall 1996 When .isked why he had 1ravclcd such a distance to work al MS U. he replied with a num ber of reason.\ "This university recogni zed the need fo r upperlevel education in radiological science. fun ded the crcotion of the neccssar}' foi.:ult y, and fun ded a mas1er's degree in thal area :· he said. He currentl y teaches classes concerning legal issues in rad iologi c sc ience. organizational behavior in The medical field , :tnd health fimrnce. He also works with students in deve loping theses On campus, he is ;1 member or the Wichita DcmocrJ! s, an org,mi zation that promotes pol i1i -
Pro cal interest in educational funding in hi~ ticld . a member of the Wi chi !a Falls Society nf Radiological Scientists, .ind is involved in the Chair of Faculty Affairs, an organ izmion "crt:mively designed for educating Lhe facu lty and fa culty development" Outside of MSU, he enjoys playing tcnni~ with fell ow faculty members and snowskiing. preferably in Colorado. He be lieves halancing pmfc,sional happiness with personal happiness is one of the most irnpor1an t goa ls in life . 'Those th ings." he says. " e.111 be a:-. imponant to rnc as a good lecture."
ALS presents Mexican dance troupe this Friday ALISHA FER~USON
The Wichilan ;\ mult i- t.ilcnted. mu l1i -lingual i.:ast from ,\ kxico wil l .ip!Jl.!ar in lhc Fai n Fine Ans Theatre Friday, Nov. 14 "' 7 p.m. whcu ,h, Ani si -Lwurc Serie, prcsc ms "Allegro ·97 " The , how i.~ a ~ong-and-d:incc performance fc:Hu ring a cast of 47 s1ude11b fro m Mon1crrt:y Tee. lll
'r-,/12 • 9@6)(1.;1~i:';i@.;~1f i~ ~ .qI:lJ•Owner -:<>.!" /,,
6 "0 4
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JeSS Ashton
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~;~:u::l~~~~~ 1;1~c
The fo ct that some of the song.~ arc in Spanish should be no barrier to apprec ia ting the show, Linda Hollabaugh, professor of Spanish. said : ··Everyone should he ahlc to enjoy it becau se it 's ull song and cl;ince. I th ink it will be vcr)' cxcit-
mg ·The students do11 '1 have a thc;itcr group per sc. They eomc from all different majors and 1ry out fo r shows each yeur." Thc:11cr professor Don 1-lcnsche l .~aid ··A11egrn ·IJT" has an ··up With
!~~ysg ,a"'uNa'M rm g
People .. !heme and !hat it is Monterrey Tec.·s way of returning a favor. Henschel said student~ from 1hc MSU Theater Department performed "Terru Nova," a play about South Pole explorers. at Monterrey Tee. in 1994 . .. We kept being concerned about bein g ahlc to tell the story hccausc it w;1s in English." Henschel !iUid. As it turned out. they needn't have worried . Their audience already knew the story from a song thal was popular in Mc."< ico. he said
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November 1<
Page 6
Tho Wichitan
The Mi<lwNcrn S1:11c Lad_y Jndi:ms' .-.ncccr ~t•:i~on ended th1.-.
1hc w.iy ii ~wr1cd wrck hci:nusc 1wo month ... .igo.
TIie 16-4-1 Lady lndi:.in.-. f?ur1d
out the\' mi.-. ... i:d 1/1c NC,\,\ Di v1,i1111 II pbyOm i\fomlay hcc:mse of their
, \:~
The Lady Indians' Holly Wooten (13) battles the snow and frigid temperatures In Sunday 's 1-0
loss In the Lone Star Conference Tournament In Canyon, Texas. MSU (16-4-1) fai led to receive a bid to the NCAA Division II National Tournament bid, Photo by Josh Deskin
Picht' s contract not renew ed THE W tCHITAN
The l'flnlr.1c1 of ,\.f id11·e,1em State l' n 11• c r ~i t)' ~omen ·, \~JI C\ ~ hal l head cm{·); 1 11 J.1i~~. ~e p~::~: ~.:. altt.'r till\ ,r:Mn •,~~::,L,,·,atl,1,.'ic· d>ih1 81 •• , ~klkl' ann uu1
r.:,, .;... .
nl'cr 1he pa-t fin: years." .\kBl'C Picht in 1993. s:iid then: 11';L~ never any problem." bc1wcen Picht and the ,aid in a pre~, rclc;1..c. A nationwide ,c:1rch for :i replace- players. "Thercdcfinitlcy w:i~n·t a ch:iracwill hL·gin immed ia1ely. 1111cm 1er problcmforhim,"Pinkcnon saitl McBce,;ml. Piehl . "ho served 1110 yc;1r~ a~ a of Picht "I 1hink 99 percent of the 1 1 : ~\~i~i:~ 1!i~~~rfi~~·:h ~:~r:d ~~ Lady Indians to !" o 10.win !>ea.,nn~. Sad ler agreed with Pinkcnon that MSU\ junior ou1,idc-hi11er and 1herc was ;1need for a change. °' If gelling a new co;ich i, what '~ 19% 7'A1A All-Americ:in M:mdy Pinker1(111, who IL-d the team in kills going 10 help 1he team. then I think
1 ~~~~~~ ~-~ ~,;~~~th} ~~~~)-~~~ i~ / 1: ,1 Thuf\ • ~umc way. P1d11. who 1, 'Tm lllll ,uri: if gelli ng a new 1n hb liflh \'e;ir coach w,1, the change v.·c needed Picht a! 1l1l' Lad, That \ nol my call," Pinkennn said. Indian,· hcl ni. ha, crnnpikd ;m 8-4-76 record ;11 "We don' t really \.:miv. why he MS I ·. includ ini:: a 9-2) nwk lhi, ll'on' t he hack. The AD (~1dkc ) came m and told u, he wa~ making a ,ca.,on "\\'e'rc n·ry t,TJldu! IO Jimmy fnr di.mgc. hut we don' t know why or hh hard \lork and dedica1ion In ho11 1hc decbion 11·a, made·· · h)~ itc_d__ _<_n>_ ·,,,_~ '· _w_ho_•_ Pi_ok_,n_"'_ ,d_,,._.,,_cr_n \_ ,u_ll,_·) h_,1_1 _P'_" i_r;1_m_ _ ~.\t_
!~fJ.ul,?1.~ an~~~u~1uitt \.:;1dt~~ coach that needed to be the ('hangc. But if it will help us. then I think a change i~ OK." Pin\.:cnon ":1id .~he and her 1eamnw1es will be looking forwa rd In know ing who thei r new co:ich wil l be ·· 1t will he hard for u, 10 he cxcitcd and h,n·c hig CXf)l.'l'l;1tion.~ for next year lx·cau,e we dnn' 1 \.:now
~~•~:~~~~, ~'.~,d~:~d ~;;~ 7: 19 !nw 1
111 ~.;~e~~~~~i :~~·~e fi rst. it make~ it . .ca.-.on-upcni ng lo.-.s 10 Northern h:trd hccausc they' re so defcnsi~cCulorJdu, oricn led," Trimhh: ~ilid. "Even lllter i\·ISU and Nonhcm ColorJdo were they SCMCd. v.·e thought we .could tkd for l>CCOlll.l in !he. \'Olini; for lhl' !>till get :i go;1 I. hut oncc- :ig;un we Grc:il l>l:1ii1.~ Rq;ion. Nit in the fifth didn ' t 1akc :idv(lnmge of the oppor1ic-hrc11kcr, hcad,tu-hcml play. tl~c 1 Ludy Indians 10~1out !'tccau~ nf Iheir ;~)::~:;hc weather 100~ a wrn for the worse. It ~1ar1cd .~ lccting ! :1~e/~~~;\1::~ r~~;~!;:~:rs and the wind hlcw !he .\ lcCI into 1hc MSU. :h the third te:tm from 1hc foccs of 1he MSU players. n:~ioo. w;L~ ld1 out of 1he playom :L\ "The weather wa!> a big fac tor, but only the top two temns from each no! an excu~e." Trimble said. . region advance. In 1hc fina le, the Lady Indians "We 1uld the women :ii the hc~in- ou1shot the L'1dy Buff~ 10-9. bm nin{!. nf lhl' .-.c:isun that every g.ime MSU fe ll IO 1-2 ag.:iinsl WfAMU counts when you 're looking for a hid:· head us~i,tant Jeff Tri mble illi~;c~~~~d defeated the Nor1hcassaill. "We' ll ha\'CIn keep our player~ lcm Sltllc L1dy Reds 6-1 on fromgct1ing injured1md1.1kcital:iil S:1turd:1y 10.1dv:incc to the finals .. casicr intr.1ining." Stephanie Keiser led the w:iy w~lh The Lady lndim1s fini shed their goals in the conte~ l. while sc,1son in the Lone Siar Conference two S:irJh Bars1ad. Becky loumrnnent Sunday, losing 1-0 in 1\nt:ela Boyd. Wooten ~c_ored one and Holly the l'h11mpion~hip game to the West Athey go.ii apiece for the ~1dy Indians. Tcxn~ A&M L.idy Buffs Boyd scored firs! for the Lady The Lady /ndi:ms h:id the wind at :1 1-0 lead at thei r hac k.~ in !he firl>t h:1 lf but lndi:i.ns 10 give MSU a couldn ' l fini sh :iny of their fi ve fi rst h:ilftimc. Boyd's goal wa.~ set up by cross pass from the wing ~y Athe~. lrnlf !>hOI~. Keiser scored four mmutcs mto "You have 10 lake advanlage in 1h:i.t situation. Wc h.idafcw chanccs the second h;1lf with a sliding kick in
V' /
ht1t we had a h:ml ti_mc fi ni,hing in 1 111 ~,rung in the ~ ~; ;·~;~;~ ,ee(~~d h.ilf. but it was ihe L.1d.y llum who came up with 1/_1e g:'.mc ., first and on ly !>l'NC: Julie, S.iy~~ n;iilcd a corn~r kick JU~I. ~v~~) ~\ 1,c
who the coach wi ll be," Pinkerton said. "But I think a disadvantage we wi llh,wcwill be in recruiting." Mi dwestern wcm 21 -10 :ind claimed the Texas lntcrcollcgi<1te A1hlc1ic 1\s~ocia1ion championshi p in Picht\ first season as hc:1d coach, he lping him g,1rner TIAJ\ Coach of the Year honors The Lady Indians were 26- 10 io 199.5. which i~ the founh-besl season record in MSU l'Ollcyba ll history. That yc,ir. MSU won only fo ur of it~fi r.I IO matches before r.1llying to wi n 22 of i1s la:i! 26, including a school- reco rd 16-match wi nning stre:ik. While ;11 MSU, Piehl ha~ co,Khcd one All-American (Pi nkcr1on). five :ill -confere nce se lecti ons. one league Player of the Year ;md an NA IA J\ 11 -,\ merican Schol.ir Athlete
l l~:~~~
8 Lady Indians hea all-con ference tea ANTHONY NEWBERRY The Wichilan
Butz. Morrison. ~ I.lit A1hey led a talented Mid· offense that ~cored 2.9 gr. g:imc. These four women c for31 of MSU's 60goalion•
The Midwestern Stale Lad y Indians' soccer team dom inated the all-conference team af1er posting a : :ng f ~~1~/~nddi: lJ- 1 mark in Lone Star Conference S_ccond team selcetionsi play this .~Cason. Ressa Morris. April Las.:iter, Meg semor forward Stephanie ke' Morrison :ind Catherine Bonner were freshman goalkccpcr lir.d,,a repc:iL~ on the fi rst team. an~~~~;~:~1s ~~~ };. goaJi tj Morris :ind Bonner, both sophoKiser recorded li1:e ~ let! mores, :inchorcd a defen~ that posted goals agarns1 a,Cf.! .i 0.85 _ h:id held and games 10 shutou!s in 21 Acudermc all-LSC stt; opponents to just 0.76 goals ;1 game. Morris w:1s the LSC Freshman of induded Sarah Ba~tad, \ the Year a yc:1r ago and continued lo Chaky. Sara Fu~l'O. Robinli and Las:itcr. imprc~s LSC rivab with her pl:1y. Bur.,tad fini shed with r~ Mi<lf1('lder Mel issa Bu1z. a sophomore 1rnnsfcr from 1he University of .ind 10 poims in 15 gama,~ Den,·er. was a first-lime ~lection Chaky, Fusco a_nd i\ 1urphv for MSU . Forward Becky Athey of 1hc LSC's stingiest dcfc . was al.~o ri tir.~t-lime selection.
MSU ready for Classic TSU gives Tribe disappointing loss, 29-A IOI in an exhibi tion game. Junior Rich,1rd fohn!>on. a trnn~Ccr from Baylor. led the Tribe with l'lw ,\ hd11l''ll'ffi State men·, h;1., - 30 poml~ and 12 rl.'hound~. Vande rhih Un iver,ity 1ra n~fcr kl.'thall 1~·:im will ,tan the 1997,9S Charlie Bennc11 al~o contrihuted 'l.'a,nn ;1, the hu~t of ih own ;.,.\SI for Midwl·,tem w11h 20 poinK C/a"ie thi, 11wkend. The Indian~ al,o got help from ·1hi' Indian, wi ll pl.1 y s, NICK EATMAN
X-y;ird line Tarleton quanerbac k Ch:i.d Cnle\ pa~ into the cn<l zone was broken up IWCr the The l,1,t live lo~se~ for lhe hy two MSU defender.; and Midwestern State foothall 1c:1m head of lhc intended receiver. but 1heend ckof 1 bc 1hc in10 knocked then rea of variuu~ to ted credi he could ~on~ ~ud1 :lS lack of size or cxpcri- zone and into lhe hand.~ nf 1ight end Lofl en Swi nt for the go-ahead score. ft:c~p;1~~i;~:.no1 being ;1s 1t1hlctic a~ The Indian~ lried to march down for another score, but Marty But in fas1 Saturday's 29-28 IO!>), Mitchell's fourt h-down p:,s, fel l ~~<l~;~~~~ Stale. had luck i.\ what incompkle ;md the Tcx:m., prevailed "[\1Vi1sj us1u lu<.:kybren kthat l'ell lhi~J~~:,::~~r~~'.~ their way. That's how i1 goc., .,omc• ~:· MSU he:1d coach Hank two toudidowns in 1hc fina l 20 mi n- lime. McC lung s.iid. "It was very di.~.ip1 1 ~~~~· ir: :~11 11 :~:~u~:t.lle-winni ng pointing because of how we lo\l. not With MSU leading 2R-23 with how 1ve played." ju.,t over four minutes le ft in ihc The Indians· offense h:td nne of its game. the lndiuns had fon.:cd TSU hest performances of the .~cason netling 285 yards. The 203 rushing into a fourt h and goal from i1s own NICK EATMAN
Sports Editor
~.\\~ ;\:~1·;)Y~:1~~~~~:; ~~/1~:.~:\~' ~'. 1~ 1 1 '.'it;~~~i~:~i~tml.~:::.~ o~r!; u~t~~ing, -.:11<.I thl'l:oad1ing~t:iffis h:tving prob1
~~::hi~~: ~i'.:~d ~~•;;,~~: J~:h~~e 1
Wa~hingtun -.cored 21 point~ and 1:~~cf1 /J(~in~ :~~'·fo::1:J\~;,) ),~ckron
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~~h~;'\~·~:;~:~t P,'tl~i~l~~d~~ i~f 1
"Hut Nmlhea.,!crn. we don 't kn,lw an~ thm~ ahout them 1his year · The Indian, g1111heir fir,1 look at ~·,1mpc111ii1n la, 1 S;1lllrday a, 1hey
Spor1s Editor
··1 1hink we pbye<l well a~ a 3
~:~~'b i:~111 ; :~ct'.: e: ~h~:~),~ Int of 1hing~ to work on hu t we pr01 ed 1ha1 we can run up :md down the Ooor and v.·c·re goi ng to he a~.le Ill ~core ;i lot of points thi~
" ='="=·= y=t·•=" ·=========== === "'=•lS="=' == ll'>:;:1u:=d='"=' =W=BO ;:::::::d,= 1
!Players of th e Weeki FOOTBALL
E 0 I Thefreshman tailback ran for a career_-high _107 yards 1nclud1ng a 72-yard TD. _He firs! of . me !he beca rusher 100-yard the season and had !he year's IOngest play lrom scnmmage. Boobie Thornton
Shosco<ed a goal a0d had an assist ma 6-1 win Saturday over NSU in Sa1urday·s semifinal ameinthe LSC ~ournament in Canyon. The
Sarah Barstad
....._ , .-. , ... .,
wide receiver
~~~~~ ~:~~ 2
yards including a 32-yard score In lirst.·hall -4. . the loss 10ol1he 29-28 _......_..., Tarehon He was the first 100-yard receiver of the season Bryan Gilmore
MEN 'S BASKETBALL Thejuoimt<ansferfromBaylor scored 30 points and had 12 1ebounds in his first MSU game. The Indians bea1 theWBOAUStars 114· 101 in exh1bi!ion ac!ion.
Richard Johnson
r4ote: The selectrons are made by !he spons statf o! The Wichitan
y.ird~ were the most by 1he Tribe in one game 1hi~ year. Tailh.tds lfoohic Thornton and Germom Jackson led the way. combining for three touchdowns Thornton. who became lhc fim 100-yard rusher of the season, hud the tcam·, longest mn of the ye.ir on :i 72•yard score in 1hc second quancr. Jack.wn r.m fur 80 yards and 1wo toochdownl>. before breaking his fi bula in Ll1e fou nh quaner. He will miss the kL,t g.une of the .<:e;1s1rn and is ouL of any action for the ncxl .,ix weeks. The Indians wil l look 10 fini ~h the .,casononapositil'enotc,afterseeing their 2- 1 record drop to 2-7 . Midwestern will take on Eastern New Mexim Univcr.;ity al Memori:il Sw<lium Sawrday at 2 p.m. McClung. alm1g with MSU
co;1ches Lou Mora and JimG] playe<l and coached at EN~t1 ··we au look forward 10~ them," McClung said. "h'm lil game fur me, and I sur\' W tohc:ttlhem" ENM U, 5-5. is comine olb pointing ovenirl'k! loM 10 \\ti A&M las1 week. 35-34. MS.I West Texa.~ 1wo weeks aeo, !, McClung s.iidthc gari"M: 1: tanl fur his team 10winfa1 rti.lSOnS. "I th ink weoweitloOUr .\"' give them a win in tht ir b4; McClung sai<l."They'vc ruj! to get where they arc. "lalso1hinkllwinin thrp
~e~ ;:~~j~f:~c~~~:~~
Just win it for the seniors When the final gun goes off 1his Saturday uf1er lhc lai,I MSU footba ll g:imc of the year, it may be a relief 10 ~ome players. coaches :ind fa ns, who have endured a Jough sc:1son !hat ha~ had its .~lrnre of ups :ind down~ But for1he sc1·e11 seniors, :i c.ireer ,u Mi<lwcslcm, :md prob.ibly foothall all together, will come IO ml end For 1110~1 team~ in college fomba ll, sc\·cn seniors is :iln10.~t unheard of, und only five of them actually st art . That could be part of 1hc reason 1hc: ln<li;m~ ha\'e had 1hcir sh:ire of troubles thi~ sca~on . simpl y becau se of a l:il'k of experiem:c and leadership But for thc:se :.eniors, they've <lone :il l butyarry th!s team this yc:ir. Maybc 1101rn s1.1lis11cs.bu1probably 111 lcadeNhip and pride. For ~tancri., defcnsi\'C end Eric Coste ll o. who mii.i,c<l ull of last season due 10 knee surg~·ry, eume hack 1h11, ,c:ison better than e\Cr. I k kad~ the team with ~ix ., ad s and 1~ third
l.r.~:J: rk&-1
because I know he'd do :inything 10 get his 1cam a win. For Gardner Rcynol<ls, I would say he mi ght be one of the best guys • .l'l'c eve r met :it Midwestern . Knowing him personally. 1 know . - - -· wh:11 he's been through 10 get where he1s. Like Sla1er, he·s had his dou bters :1bout his abili lics, and he seems to overcome them each g:ime Reyno ld,, who head roach H.ink on the squ;1d in iat·kb. But he's made so many key plays th.ii ne1·er McClung s.iid is one of the team·s ~how up in the staii stics. He°s most va luable player.;, w<1s one of knocked down p:is~cs al the line of onl y four member.~ of the 1 99➔ scrimm.ige, blocked kirks, and pul TIAA Championsh ip team. Safety CrJig Fros! ha~ also been l)rcssure on the quanerback on JUSI .ibout Cl'cry pass. If he's not on the through the w:irs :is an Indian . He Lone Siar Confcrl'ncc first te:irn thi~ came frurn one of lhc state's most l>Cason , lherc is no justice. succl·ssful high schools (Southlake Guys like C?Jy Sl.uer. Ch:iunccy Carroll) and has nxeived considerFrnnki, and Keith Robins have: been able playing time in cai.: h of h1~ t'uur here :ind balllcd i11 prJcticc to make yeaN. themselves bcucr. Many people lolJ Mc almo~t didn 't play 1his year Slater he wa.,n 't fa~ I enough to be :i N'l·uu~. he had pl:inncd for l'arl) co llcgi: wide rece iver. and he 's graJuauon but changed hi, 111111d pro,·etl them wrong c:ich year. To Whl·n he l'arne ba,: k. hl· ,11, 1, nll'. Slater is one of the mo~Ldt-di- chanied h1, J)Ol>11Mn Imm t.:1>1·rw 1 l'aled pl ayers on 1hc lt•;1m, ~imply h:1ck tu 'iafcty :1111!" h.11rng hh tv, 1
Sideline Chatter by
sea~ n /k had a ear«r,'.'! 1acklc~· 1ast weckin1he!9-'.!
T,i~~l~n t •~te. quartcrba,l 1 Mi tchell. 1herc\ pro~:ibl• . ~ ore-liked _guy on th~ him. I !net hun when h~fint J 1 hiu~;~ : ~ I've ever met. 11·, h~rdtol( journalist and a fan whtn '\ friend~on the te:irn, r.')pt'(I .:. they've gone throughl•C: ,., th1sycar.
!~c~;;~~\~~~t ~~~:~
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,el,e~ hi the cearn. nlll.JIII- , 1 :i~1~ 1:1~l-~nl~n;~'. ~'; pomt th:it could n.'p.11 th ' effon~ 1s a h1g 1qOJth1' 1J 1 j la~t l!<lllll'
1 '
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1 1c:1111 \ 1a~, ,:Jul\'. ,,1 r 1J 1h,11 ,\ kl'lunf .1mt 111 1• 1