November 11, 1993

Page 1

'tudcnts contrihulc to


theater outside of



Soccer team achieves spot in area playoffs

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W;~! Studen;~d:~id~ fate of CSC J!tporler



~y Charita Cage


has ad

a new military dc,;'rted which allows th e nne trOOPB beyond th~i~se or ders to Protect nati:J~nal in!A!rests on d to acL~ of terrorism ~ ash 23 page classi fi ed · d 0 · ment tha t outlines new .doctrin e which th e e n ew 8 Sovi e t Jzuest,a said co~~ e r "quite_ a few scn~~s · t1on s, wa 8 ad Monday by Ru~Ptcd f~~n President Boris y e ••n a nd hi s ec unt y Council.



Dallas Pa rkl and Memoria l Hospital in tends to the federal govcrnm: ~1 beca us e It refu sed pay the medical hills ~~ B r a nch t hr_c _c Da,1d1ans, hospital offi . C1als _•aid Wedn esday Administrators bcliev~ tha t th e U.S. Trcasu Department should ; almos t $370,000 '}0~ ~:::~;.t of th ree sect

Austin Voters refused to ap. pro~e oonds for loans to agncultural businesses this week because backers _didn 't campaign er. fect1vel y or aggressively enough, said supporters mea s ur e . of th e Proposi tio ns I and 16 combined would have crea!A!d $125 million in bonds to back loaus to wom en-and minorityowned businesses and emerging businesses. Lotto Texa s completed its first year of operation S a turday wi th total sales of $1.01 billion.

San Francisco Researchers have discovered the defect behind almost half of all seve r e he m ophilia cases The new dincovery wiJI help doctors to detect most of the genetic fl aws responsi ble for the bleeding disor-


Washington D.C. A federal prosecutor was asked recently to investigate whether a failed Arkansas thrift illegally contribu ted to a Bill Clinton campaign for governor and other political races, a repo rt said Sunday. An a dmin istration offici al, speaking on condition of anonymity, confinned Sunday that a refe rral has been made by the RTC and that a summary of the •ame document was aent to the J us tice Depar tment . But the IOurce decli ned to say What th e referra l was about or provide any other details.

Mi dwc et e rn Univere·


S ta t e


1 ll.ot1'ng for

csc Renovation ,' ~~:~~~:;/b:r;,~;ion

proposed n th orough rcn· · maze

~ ~t; o~ ~;~c~~~o: ~ 1I fl St d P an~ of t he Clark or~ent Cent,,, th e we,ek 6: 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Dec. 10. 6c lh H II K'ff' The Propo, al · a mgswor I pre"' " . . b Pa r e d • t U· dent/fan,I } . a to p.m. p.m. 6 7: Dec. renovaty CSC tio Pierce Hall las~ ~: ~millce over the •cmcs ters, and will 9: 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Dec. and 8 Dec. rd lloa the before or Re~o Frid gent,; Thu rsday and Moffett Library Lobby ay. J 9 Th e three maior rca 80 Dec. 7 and Dec. 8: a.m. to p.m. b ns fo r rerHivrit, on ci ted Lounge Blue report a~/~~ co~ m,nee's he CS_C 1s l<Ki sma ll for Dec. 9 and Dec. 10: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. ~!S Ue tu rrent and futu re CSC Alrium iio • " s t ud cnt popu la. n, th e present build,,bs,,. arc and SCT\1ces l-0 many cu rrent and a ne~a t1 vc impac t on lhe / publi c rclatlfJllS side of Ulu:c Msu st ud ent , . a nd the present CSC ha_, r~!SU J





d" 1ayou L


of , ; :;re:;:;,~t :~;~~~i The re novation will and ad minist rati ve ser· include increased cafote · vices , sai d the _majo r rm dinin ~ facilit ies, a benefi t of re novation to I food court to include na· stude nts wi ll be · an in • t1 on • I na me vendo rs, a creased qual ity oflife not ' conv enie nce s tore a nd onl y for residents, but for new lounge areas incl ud - the entire studenl com· . m g a com mu ter lounge munity • He a lso said he beand a study lounge fur the r renova ti on s lieves in the concept of wi ll incl ude an enla rged the s tuden t center a s a game room; enla rged stu· meeting place for all s tu• de nt offi ces includ ing dents, faculty and staff Farrell said . th~t the space for the Unive rsi ty Progra mming Board, the new building will asS1st H a II in recruiting as well as R es I d c n c e Association and others. r etention of s tud ents," / an enlarged post office; a which will make MSU 2.J -hou r computer la b, , . . . . . - - - - - - - , and a tota ll y new building n oor pl an to revise the current bui ldin g's .

!,,:,========= ===== =


ISee page 2

George W. Bush begins race to Texas capital

By Bill Alderruaa

■ ad Az.alia Duran


Education fund i ng, local governing or schools, problems with th e cri me rate, and th e s ta te's growing budget we re all topics George W Bush addressed at his visit to Wichi ta Falls on Nov. 9. Bu s h a r rive d at Kic kapoo Ai rp or t to announce his candid acy for gove rn or s hip or Th e Hirsc hi Texa s. Ju ni or ROTC gua r d snapped to atte ntio n to salu te his arri va l. About 50 peo pl e s t ood in antici pati on as Bus h entered the waiting room of the ai rport. Bush, 47, began hi s 27- cit y fi ve- da y, cam paign tour of Texas No v. 8 s ta r t in g in Houston and pl anning to end in Victoria. He will trave l to every r egion of the Lone Sta r Sta te rallying fo r peoples votes. and "La di e • gentlemen, let's make it official," Bush said . "I run a candidate for Govern or . of Texas." He began his platform by addressing the issue of ed ucation. For years, the gover nment has fu nded loca ll y a nd gove rn centrally, but Bush wants to reverse that order. He stated th at money is not a problem. Bu s h went on to explai n that eight years ago, state government picked up 52 percent of the education's cost. By 1995 the state's share will have sh runk to 44 percent. He said th at educati on should be t_h e govem monts top pnon ty

and th ey s hould try to fi gure out th e cost of providi ng a basic core, noqua lit y n o n s e n se ed uca ti on for eve ryone tha t is fair an d adequa!A!. Crime was the second issue he discussed. He believes that the rewards outweigh the ri sks and that it should be the PJ,010/Brandon Olds other way around . One of Pam Smith revi Cl\-'8 informat ion D\'&ilabl e at the 'Window to Awareness" display in the th e ideas he pl a ns to Cla rk Studen t Center Atrium. campaign on is no parol e ch ild r apis t s, fo r moles!A!rs and oth er sex offenders. He wants to make a change in th e jail sys te m an d i n t he By KBth ryn Self juvenile justice system. "I am hard-nosed on Editor No one can hide from Plann ing Clinic, sa id the sessment inventory. The adult criminals because I believe most of th em arc thi s kill er anymore. It project developed from an assess ment determines a of beyond re ha bilita ti on," strikes anyone, regard· interest on AIDS by the person's knowl edge AIDS, and explains difBush said. "I say, put less of age, faith, or sex. community. disthe of aspects rent fe in ur fo by problem a is wn kno "There is It ke ma nd a away th em letters, but its overa ll our community," Sinclair ease as questions arise. them stay there." b e said. "We kn ew that Fort After th e inve ntory, the The final concern that imp ac t cann o t Bush spoke abo ut was descri bed with words •· Wo r t h had somethi ng computer ofTers the per(simil ar) they were using son the chance to take a the growing stale budget. AIDS. Th e Wi lson Fa mily that worked well . We risk expos ure assessHe explained tha t it has grown 47 percent since Planning Clinic, in con- were a pproached by Levi ment. The compu ter pro· the pr esent Go ve rn or ·unclio n wi th grants from Strauss Founda ti on, who an d a lso wanted to do some- gram ends with referrals took office, and if it Lev i Strau ss Fami ly s Texa Wil son nd a o t ny AIDS Compa the bout a g thin continues to expand it Planning Clinic, Wichita Department of Hu man problem." .ll b $ l 0 4 b'Ilr ' . wn m Services, now has a new e e a It h H wi nty u Co Smith began writing another four years. tool to combat this grow- fo r the grant in May Department an d Vinson In Bush's concluding ing problem. 1992, an d r eceived fu nd- Health Center for further remarks, he said that this "AIDS: Windo w to ing in July 1992. Levi information. Smith said 79 HI V campaign is about Texas' Awar eness" will be on Strauss Foundation gave future not its past. di s play in the Clark a $10,000 grant, and th e positive cases have been He is offerin g the Student Center Atri um Texa s Depar t men t of r ep orted in Wi chi t a people a modern -day d uring the month of Huma n Servi ces gave a County, while 86 cases of revolution; a revolution of November for MSU stu- $5,600 grant. fu ll-blown AIDS h ave ho~, change and ideas._ dents, said Pam Smith, "I thi nk edu cation is been r epor ted. ThirtyTogether, we wdl public re lations director th e key to solving any of eig ht AIDS r ela t ed unleash the full potential of Wil s on Family th e social problems we deaths have also been reof this beacon state and Planning Clinic and ad- have today," Smi th said. ported in Wichita County. prove what I have always junct instructor of speech "It is estimate d, " The display includes a know in my hea rt what atMSU. con tinu ously run n ing Smith sa id, "that 500 to :cxa ns ca n.. drea m, Carole Sinclair, coor- AIDS _video and a com- 800 people in Wichita fexa ns can do. dinator of Wilson Family utenzed AIDS ris k as- Falls are HIV si ti vc "

Window' breaks silence in AIDS awareness at MSU


P;isc 2 Thursday, Novtmbcr 11, 1993

XfJ,tliryn s Comer Cookiegate:

Cookbooks discriminate against amateur chefs Discrimination manifests itself in almost any area of life in some shape or fonn. Sometimes, it

is more subtle, and other times, it shines brighter

than the North Star on Christmas Eve. Lost Sunday, I discovered this strong discrimination in cookbooks. Yes, I said cookbooks. Granted, if the only thing which discriminates against me is cooking, I stand in pretty good shape. But, like any fonn of discrimination, it cannot be o,·erlooked . my stomach began cra,ing those sugar cookies PI'A moms are infamous for making (the ones with the colored icing wltich packed enough sugar to cause a glucose o,•erdose), I looked into a well-known cookbook to find the recipe. Nothing on the recipe appeared too difficult, so I headed to the store for cookie dough, a cookie mold and the few ingredients for the extra-sweet, homemade icing. Keeping the cookie in the proper shape from the bell-shaped cookie mold to the baking sheet required some skill . Aller battling with this powerful dough, I fin ally got all the cookies in the ove;he next task in\'Ol\'ed making the icing. The recipe was only u paragraph long, so I felt confident in nn easy success. I was definitely in for a surprise. To begin, the recipe called for four cups of sifted confectioners sugar. On the second cup or sifu?d sugar, I began to think somewhere out there was a cookbook author laughing al a small cook laking the time to sift this sugar which did not look much different after sifting I continued on through the fourth cup, and felt as if I had reached a small victory. The simple steps came next, right? All I had to do was combine the sugar, a cup or shortening and o . teaspoon each of vanilla and water . Wrong agam. By the time I had all the ingredients m the mixer and started the power, my combinalion began to take flight. This thick mixt.ure coated everything in sight in a matter or minutes, and then decided to attack the blender. Before .1 knew it0 the mixer began making this low rumbling as if it was about to fall oITits rocker. The blades began to slow, and the engine sounded like a plane heading straight towards the ground. Unplugging this beast o.fkitchcn machinery avoided a crash-landing. My icing finally came together after I poured approximately a cup of water m the bowl, despite what the recipe called for.

Let ter s to the Ed ito r nfnictcd with dbcas~:-i ~uch as Diabetes, Cyclic Muscular Fibro sis, Dystrophy nnd others With th e technology of cloning, we nrc n_ow ublc to hnn·est insulin from Hitl er believed th ut hucteria and soon may 1'.e ~enetically th e human able to purchase cows race was suffcri ng from milk with insulin made mutatio ns Hi s belief within the cow. A dinbeLic arose from reading a gc• would be pl ensed to juSI netics book by one or the drink a gloss or milk. famous Gcnnan scicntist,c:; Chromosomal DNA is of his lime. He was influ enced to follow and soon considered to be the malead a doclrinc formu• lerinl or life. It contains lated by scienti sts nnd the genetic code that 1s ca rri ed out with th e uni\'crsal nmunj! orgnnfeared Germnn SS Whal isrns (bacteria, plant, nnd Hiller didn 't know wa s animal). These codes, that sunival of the fittest masterminded by the is through "Naturul supreme architect (God.), Selection" by mutll lions have complicuted repm r Selectable mutlllions do a syste ms to insure long better job of sun•i\ing in term inheritnhility hv prese nl c nvironmcnl:- correcting unwanted muwhich arc forc\'cr chang- talions Chromosomal DNA (3 ing I am n Christian and X 10' bnse puirs) has not believe thnl God, nil been totally mopped or knowing and all seeing, understood but, ussumc had the wi sdom lo know after we map the human that by mul11linn the sur- chromosome with the i 11 • vival of life wou ld ron- tr. nti on to recrea te, we still face a huge problem . tinuc. Sci enti s ts today arc We would still have lo studying genetic rcco m- find each gene's function binal ion ,md performing nnd to further complicate experimen ts with clones this there ore still some that will sen ·e humans genes called "jumping

Dl'nr Editor I am writin g n re, sponsc to your article in "Knthr \'n·s Corner" on thursdny October 28. entitled "1.,fc God 's choice."

.. that 1110\'0 arounld , wsornc. t J!L'n~s on the ch1on n ossiblc, just sel'~ns II ~rn vc to si nrc we m"~1111 rol the

learn how to ckc up the utnms th nL ntn genetic molecu les.

An embryo is the red suit or male sp.e~m an female egg fert1l11.1ng t~ a growth stage (cmbr)o). Each embryo is made of the necessary DNA) to row o person. or ut 1~r f;,,;ng things. Smee Gods code is the DNA .then nn em bryo is a hvmg creation. This ca n bnng up the issue of ubortwn . Should we conv1cc somc~::ee~~;~~ jer who aborLs

Jerry Wtlltams Posl•Bacca/aurcale . Biology

Dear Editor: Why is/was the computer lab in the Fowler building clo se d for Halloween? f nm a working (fulltime) student und it is hard for me to get into the lnb anyway. P.S. .. Danks don't even close for Halloween . Joseph P. Bohac

Remember to drive safely during holidays A time to be thank. ful is once again "Pon us. It seems that during the Thanksgiving pc. riod , most people are trying to get home to their loved ones. This is a time when families reunite and gather together for big turkey dinners and 8 period of time when we give thanks for being able to get together and enjoy ourselves. This also brings on an increase of traffic on and streets our highways . We, the Texas Departme nt of Public Safety, urge everyone to use extreme core this year, so that we can live to have another Thanksgiving. It is true that many Texas citizens will become a statistic dr;ring this holiday period and that many planned gatherings will be ruined by these tragedies. Let us keep in mind, as we plan our trips and gatherings this year, to plan ahead and give ourselves plenty of travel time and plenty of rest stops . We must remember to be a defensive driver and to watch out for the other person at all times. Remember, no matter how good of a driver we may be that we cannot control the person that we arc meeting. We have no guarantee that that person has not dropped a cigarette, had a cardiac arrest, tanked up on booze or hopped up on pills. Let's drive as if each driver will always do the unexpected and in this manner we can live to enjoy another holiday. Remember, to always be a defensive driver. The Texas Department of Public Safety. fini shing the project, the di scrimination in that cookbook came ever so apparent as I cleaned the walls and floor. The cookbook expected me to be a PI'A cookie expert. Of course, I know there is no action I can take against this biased cookbook au.thors. Ever heard of an association for the protection and development of beginning cookers? Me either. Kathryn St/fl• tditor o{ Th t Wichiton .

Wichitan Clark Student Center


3400 Tan Blvd ., P .O. Box I 60 Wichita F'alls, TX 76308 News d esk : (817) 689-4 704 Advcrlls lnJ:! d esk: (8 I 71 6 89-4 705

FrOOI Page I

more viable in the future . cannot come from state As a part of renova- appropriated revenue . tion, the proposal in- Instead, funds must come .. .............. ...Editor Kathryn Sclr.. _. _ ... cludes a re-bidding of the from an issuing of bonds current food service ven- which would in turn be ...... ...... ........ .........Mln:iging F..i.Ji1or Julie Nanny reclaimed through an indor, PFM. OmluCagc - - - - ... . ........ ...Copy Editor Farrell said that while creased student center Untla Wil5onScotl... . .... .. ... ... .... Edi 1orialksisun1 this does not necessarily fee. A7.alUDur.u, .. . ....... ......Gr:1phk Nli\t Further money would mean that MSU is dissatisfied with the current be obtained through reKyl<Ru'-'<11 .. ......... . .. ..... ...... ..l'hocogrnphyf:.diror vendor, the re-bidding is quiring the newly-con D"'1<k>n01d, ... ... . . ······ ...... .. ...... .. ,__ _J>t10IOgr.1phcr necessary due to the pro- tracted food service venJohnGramh.lm ..... . ... ......... P.cp,r1cr posed changes in MSU's dor to donate and/or lend DryanD:ill.W food service needs. a "substantia l amount" to ...... .... .... SflOrL~Etlilor the project. Orcw Mym •···- ..... .. ............ .... ..... .. ...... .... . .. .Sporb Rtfll.)flcr The student center The CSC renovation Dean Law,cucc ............... .. .... - - - ~...Mo\.·ie Rc,icwer a fl at-fee charged to a fee, slates commiLtce report Mclissa Sulli\'atL.. .. -~ - -~--- .....Music Rc,icwcr projected co s t of each student enrolled at inMSU, would increase .... - -- -- ·~·.C:111000;,1 $4 ,884,480 which WaylilnGn:cn ~;:; from the current $15 to ~:/~~e:e~ i~~:sb~:I ~ M>nagcr Cu.ulltion . ..... ..... ... ......... ...... .... Malone. on Ja.< $35. 0 . . .. A\\i.,ram CircuL11ioo Manager "minor costs such as EricSclr. .. painting and carpeting If the referendum . ....... .... ...... ..... Man.iger F.tic Dtcks . rooms that wi ll not be passes, the fee change ............... AJ,•,-r,;,;01M:magcr D:im 11,-•, ;11,...... take place in the renovated." will Such costs would be .. ... ... .Atlveni~iui; Rcrrcsc nt.'.lti\'C Jason Toci:cr.. summer or fall of 1994. ts This fee will then accudepartmen by funded ntat.i\'C Rrpre~ ,ing 1 .Atl\·cni. ...... Randy Dn:wsrcr making use of the rooms mulate and be invested . .........Adviser BC'lk M:1lonc:. .. not schedul ed for reno• until construction begins lnr~nU(liMt f'rc.u Ctip)Ti"lf C l~l . 1/ce Wirllil"" ,,, Mi,: /lrlJ111.1 1 111t1ubc.u fTio:Te,,u vation. r.!11.111y lUa'C" in the spring of 1996. AJoJU .... -11,r,C~lrp r- sm~ 'Jlat~·..w. re~ .... Dt!1::n1J11 1ti law, financDuring this time, the r,-i:,;«.=:,-;:~ Byfo rstate i::~:!•: ;~~-~;;:;~7! ::'o!~!:'..~~=::! renovation committee hopes to begin the ing _. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ •••' .... '·~ • , " ' . ," . "" • ' .,; °' " ' .,; " ,; . "' ;;; . . . . , •. &':-:.:;::;•

the repair and upgrading, such as painting and carpeting, that is not included as part of the proposal. Though Farrell said MSU cannot assure the price of renovati on in 1996, he is confident the project will succeed. "Can it be done? Yes," Farrell said. "Everyone is confident." In order to try to make the new CSC as self-sufficient as possible, the committee included in the proposal a clause requiring revision of university policy to "close the loopholes which allow offcampus groups to use the CSC faci liti es without bei ng ~h arge , by sponsored by a univerorgaor sity department nization who does not actually participate in the planned event." Al so included is 8 clause requiring "all stu-

dent center revenue, infood any cluding court/food service, convenience store and bookstore rent" to be returned to the student c~nter. Currently, only some of the CSC revenue is reinvested in the CSC . Voting will be held at the following times and places: QDec. 6 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. in !Gllingsworth Hall· Ql)ec. 7 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. in Pierce Hall; QDec. 8 and Dec. 9 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. in the Moffett Library lobby; QDec. 7 and Dec. 8 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the CSC Blue Lounge; QDec. 9 and Dec. JO from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the CSC Atrium. AU currently enrolled MSU students are eligi· hie to vote and muat bring a valid MSU f.D. card or other picture I.D. to vote.

,it£ Wlchitan J111.Z

hnnd pt~rfo11n.~

Th•' M1dwc~t cr 5111te Um\'crsity J n

g11;~tnblt'. under· the~ -z

r<'cl'°." of Alnn Binet ~gsonnte professor , ,nu;,c, will present _of 01111I fall concert its 911 p.111. Nov . 18 in 18 i\Uditotium. n Hi~hlight s of th 0 concert will incl puke tllington's th•· A Train · 8 e 111,ljdny'; C,od Bless Chr,d; ~lood, Sweat nnd fc:1rs Sp1n111n11 1Vhrr/11nd L)·l c Mn .. : o,•rrtur.' . to th e Ro;,s ,1/on c olt~n su;11~ f ,,1.<l>oll frslrl'O/ The jnzz cn~cmbt hll S alm1dy perform.~ for sc,w_nl campus ni~d community events ll . sc~1cstcr including t~: M::,U homecoming t,i,it.Jes nnd Fnlls Fcs~cThc concert is free and open to the public.


/te °


Police Beat

Voi Ry\\-


ces requests sub1nissions

R1•po~=:• D, llakrr-Kl<titr Once ng . Voirrs , Mid~-~ lhe st nfT of Unwersity's /~rn Stntc RrttS t ic tnn tt~rury nnd questing gazinc_, is refrom studc submissions cntccnth n1..~ for its sc,·sct for pu~rnuul edition lime itfl ,cation some. er spnng break This Ye , . consists of~s Vorce., slilfT t?r: Lisa Edtll Ross, cdis1stnnt d' monson, usRobert Jc itor; nnd Dr nd,iscr ohnson, fnculty



for studi cr.s an outlet works in i°t~ onginnl essay~ she ud,ng poetry, lo 'ort stories. photypcs and \'artous Voices o artwork . The di\· . staff encourages t ers,ty of input and !c:~sses that work will be ptcd from all areas of st udy,


Thurs<l~)', ~ovembcr 11, 1993


lly Cindy K11hlor Hell

"I'd lo\'C ll> ,,,., son11! poe try conlt•Sl~ ore i:nnd greal ,•;sa,·; 0 11 11111th or wny~ to mnkc pro~pc,·tivl• student~ nwnrc fl f !Wmr of sci,• ncc,' .lr,hns,,n s:n<l the pr11~rn111s MSU hns lo offer. Ross said, '\\'c• want the publirnli on lo mirror All three \101rr., staff the whole c:1111pus, not Just the tngli, h und art members ai:rcr th111 the goal for Voices shuuld be drpartmrnt,: to estublish itself ns a community presence not just on the cnmpu~ itself Ross ;nid the• 111ag11· hut in Wichita Fall s 11s zinc will nguin cundurt n well . high schoo l poetry con· test. Ross ha s nskcd 15 arcu school s to submit Essnys, short stories, their hcst poetry works. In addition , RM, said the poetry nnd other written material mny he plncr.d in mnJ!nzi1w ii, ro ndurlinl! nn C'ssny con1t. ~t fnr lif- 1hc box locntcd on !he tl'cn nn:a junior coll c~cs second floor in thr The topi c for 1his year is Hnrdin Administration "In the U.S. toda\', should building. Entries in thr there ll<' any linu.ts to free nrt and photogrnphy di,i· sions should be suhmiued speech"" to Gnry Guldhcrg's office in the Fnin Fine Arts Ross said th o! both the essay wnlesl and the Center

Job search seminar scheduled for Nov. 15


DA crimina_l mischief cas c,- desert bed as on&otn g by Police Chief H.G E,·ans, occurred this week . An unknown substance was poured onto the fender of a Ford vehicl e, in . causing dama ae an IS · paint h 12 i~ch area . me by DA black Che,·y pick-

me TheCTexn_s Employnt ommi ssion will co nd uct a Job Search ~emmar Nov. l!i in Clark ludent Center Rooms lOS and 109. Workshop~ will _begin at I p.m and contmue until 4 Pm. for four consecutive days

lt1•1mrl<' r Tv. u locnl l,nnd, , S1111lty and th e f olknJat•. will prrform Nov 18 111 thr> Clnrk Studrnl r.,•n ttr U11llroom. Th r conc,• rt, ~~n11orrtl b)' th e Bnptul Studrnl Union in cMprrnlion w11h C'1rrll' K lnltrn:1t1011:1l, will hl'5:in 111 7 pm. ,,nth lh" t'olknd11u Smiley w11l t..:,kr thr !i!U1£r. nt. 9 p.m. Th,, conrl'r l •~ 111 ro111unct io n ¥.ilh tht AUARt; conte1t ~p\lTl:tun•d Ly thl' MSF cm111,ehnc ct rHer There will hr. no r hnr ~r for :ul m1 !illl 10II

NAACP and BSU sponsor bake sale Dy Toni .Jones

neport,•r The NAACP 1111d th !! Block Student Union will !lponsor n hnkc ,- 1e from 9 n.m. to 1 rm Nov 16 in the Clnrk Studmt 11

C<'n~~cu;~~~;u:~fl gr ll O ,·,,ricly of food11. thnt wi~I inrlu,te cnkr!i!. cupc.1.k~s and Lrowni e1- Thry nrc tryine LO rn1io monr.y to hrlp ,.upp<>rt futur (' progrnm s

Phi Sigma Alpha will initatencwmembcrs


The follo"ing offenses were report ed to th ~!idwc _s te rn St a t ~ University campus poli between Oct. 28 and No~~ By Lisa Boyette 2.

Band will perform in CSC

the classes arc kept to be· telephoning and ground- tween 10 and 20 participnnts , hand s-o n help work nnd answl'ring- nnd anticipating qu r:-.lions in from the facilitator s is availnble nn intl' nirw

Uy Cindy Knhtcr Br.II Reporter . Phi Sii:mn Alpha. the polilicnl science honor society, will ini ti nle M new members ot n dinn l' r nt 7 pm. Nov. 20 nt Lhe Loi? Cnl,in in Lucy Park , Johnnie J Covert, instruct.or of politic.ii science, snid. Those init ia ting nre· Joseph F Cerrito, Shirley Cr:1n, Jn so n C. Joy, Raymoiid ,J Pori!i , Timothy K. Robinson , J ennifer S. Solgodo, 1.orc'I Wilhelm, Mory Chandler, Hugh Hick,, Dnryl Mn,tm, ,\ngeln J . Pnul, Scoll D Rodriguez. ,Jeffrey 8. Showen .ind Scotl A Young Dr Snm WnLcion "i ll be speaking. Cn rol Ann cllo will provide the mcol, which wilJ include lnsa~n. lt:1linn snlad, bread sticks, dr.sscrt and beverage&. Th e cost will be $6.50 pt. r per!lon. Reservation s ore rcquirrd by Nov 15. To make r<'scrvations, coll ex t. 47•19 or cxL 4376.

$Umt'!- nnd cnn•r IC'tt C'rs,

BSU offers devotional By Cindy Kohler Rell Reporter What You ore Looking For con be found meeting al 7 pm. e\'ery Tuesday night in the chapel on the sixlh floor Killing,worthHnll. Ty Phillips , director campus relations ond socio! concerns for the Baptist Student Union, describes \VYLF 01 a non•denominntionnl devotionnl with guitor music. ~It wns designed with the students in mind who in need rellowship,M Phillips Mlf ru,yone has a problem nnd would like someone to pray for them Lhis is Lhe place to


Joann Grey, TF;c contact person for the pro • T gram, said the seminar he seminar co,·ers all should pro\'e useful to up was st ruck by an aspects of job hunting in- anyone who is loo kin•0 for unknown vehicle on West eluding how to fill out employment or for stuCampus Dri\'e. There arc applications, current in- dents who arc nearing no suspects form a_on_rc_:_q_w t.J' ___re:_:d__~::_: or__r___e-~gr=nd=n:::a=tio:n::_.~Al:s:o,~h:ec~.a::u:se 0



There is no charge for the sessions and anyone inlerestcd is encouraged lo register al the TEC Cnllfield office with Grey or Colene Willi ams prior to the date of the seminar .



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· ' "' ~ ~ . , ,tliv.u ■- rhdr 11tt11U:l(y for MSlJ Tht::.1111-, llllvltJ Wtc lJI •, ,,,rt, iw,f Hhu wtJJj M,•tiov,irn , rlt:hl amli! Jt-1,, .

'J'J1e·u ~ter's puhl1'c1·ty needs· MSU t·•ckl" Stt1denj·s '-' « ~ Jly A,ullu 1Jur&1n

TJ,,. v11· w1:r wli •, iri ll1·w,r11•r thrr1u i.:J1 ,,11 t tJ,,: yi:ar H:,• k III r,,,1111 BJ 11 ,,f 111,"l 1,,,,k111J: f1 ,r 11 111 ,,..,,1, u , .,,.,. H•,m d 11111:11 th r~y 11•:ml :.a c: 1'1111 • Ar1 11 l,u,1,J :rn1 F llu! 11 ,·,1 ,,n 1,,. l,1•111•r wo11f,J

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p<1 ~t

Hti /rJ pr,:v 11,u11 /y tt,rn fr,, m lltl UJJ C•irrHrti! tlu:y hurJ rml y tH,ld 1,la y r,, 1•·11 rnrl,,, :w ,Ji · y1:;1rH, n:1tt:ly 2fJ -2!'j w:,1. a h1J1Jl th •dr p c:rfor - <1Jipn,x11

ti,:tll•r nt•l•:c: tu,1111 :11 S,~.,-n :1 1il :J1•• 1•11 •·1•11 1,1,l,h ,J l }' ,d'J j,_,. ,:,1lhu • wm tu:k1:lJ1. 8 11 Tli1•:1l a , wl11·r, • 1111 •, :i )1 fJ W II ll 111 :11111• 11nd ;i n, 111.i: r f• 1.1: fi lm ,,,,,:111•,J ll ur1 w , d ~. 'II J11: J111!,li11/ y 111 :i ,m, ;111d all••flfl1111 , 1•r11 v ,, <; t M lf The pl uyH lw. vt hetn /J,itw ,111,/ :iwf Ha w · Ft,·,d, :w 1,,:,., 111,rl 111:1111,r ti,,,. 't tf,, ,, ur Lnni:rni : in morn .11 tu d1d11 f,,r 11 1111~l1l 111 f n ir,I ,, f tJ,,. rr1 w,: If v1,J IJ11 :md · ' J'' iJ rn :ih•r tJ·lr••11 ,r1,,n J•,I,, ,.,, 1,11 1: •111,uld ,;,m11: u, rfon1.t1, faculty ;md ~enc:rnl W11 ll u1, J,,,x ,, fli, ,. rna11 Jtf;vl,,w Jh1liriK: L w,. ,,xc,:p l thi: JIUliloc l,;iHLyc:ir, "lJcaLI, tl11•al1 •r i,w1: tli•: uf1,,

who have never heard

t11:•·r :111,I 1ur11 1, r 1111111,r , , au I,,! f,,11,ul 1t1 formrn,: IJ1e ,:,•rn:r:11 1,ul, f.,. :111,J .\ ·11 ,lw,•!flt rtl 8 t.1l1: IJ111 v,:ru1ly tt twf,:lll H ,.1 upc,m1111;: ,,,,,rlucLJ1,n r1 ,\h;C: ,, w:rn uwJ Wall 111

Those :,,,. tl11: 1111 t r1 wl,,, c r r,;JI.I• In 19go, when my :we.I 10,(!0Q M unwc., La pe In of the Maniacs ... should take tl11: l1,l,l1 y cdrnh1pl: n:1y11 ·1c:•: :w · 1i1:nd rrn/Jli My Tribr. m• lwd i" my are they if album lr,c:;d this th,. to of n 11l heed 1111m:1•11w 11 car, huge tca n .11lrec1mt-d J,;1 dowr, my fa tf! N,,t ,mly interested in heari ng the band r1u •1T hr•y r1 ·c:r:11tl y fo1rnd wa1 it my fovhntl: W.po, ,,pp,,r t urnly t,, d a111,th,:r ~mplc,ye un my t,ut cm best. 1,n,m ,, L1: M/'-i lJ th 1:.1lc r hi~h 1Chool hudr,f:L, th e wh,:n they (11111 r,n,d11 ct1 ---ruturn for purch..i11r11? a cntd,y J }wa rd 1l 111 c,,ntinw.: to write tton,.:H met ;1 rl u1c jockey from nt!W ont fooked blmi k Winn-U1xi t luH t week with hu ft:llr;w t,u nd KIJAf-' rnd iti nl l.h,• 1 Ahhriu" h lmy wi: a n11 ,1rJw1 cli,:d IJtJ t w,•1:11 tJ 1, , m :ml>1:rff r TJ11 •:Jt1 •r F;in H wt,,, hov e lu:t:n Hm. krJ,,,,>f' i1 much E: u1rlcr for ,\fuz.ik ,11L:m ,fard,s M,<;1,v1:rn awl Wa lli 11 1'rack 11uml11:r 1ux ' " with ll11.: h1Jnd ni11ct 'l'/w went on tlu: 1.11, ;md me now , J IH!Vtr did gl'l l'liutr w1JJ t11j ,,y t around u, buying a new ~H,:y ,Ja ck K1:rnu;1c," 1m Wt1htnJ! : tc i: rn alf.:Ht la lkc:rl HIH,ut rl1fforcn a,py I need nol worry ode t.,; the J9!j(),s IJc: at th1u ir1C11mpl1 . 'fhrmc wJu, 1:Y1:11t~ tlrnt th ey would c:clm11 ,ll u IL etmlinw: ,i with Ju t.II ntJW, hrtWl!V t'r, with lh t t)f the rdea"" 1,f /0.(/()() Mnn,,u, Urn child 11hut1t ,itnf..f:mt ul ha n rwv t r }w..ird u cH until Pr,x MTV Unplugg td , I can IJOrJY., RWh:1t'H Uw Matl<!r M..i,d 'l'l11! '!t!xa., Cronuword fi Bh,, w '" (;l;J HJI vrn111rr T,:lt (mjoy Uit w ri gA J lo11l tmd Htrer fll!l!/J H your brw.n Ufl · UH•! d "Th t He tut '~(;" flf lrnd~ff rcntJUlblu were Other th:st t be ,m,:11 cfJmtn(:r - tr, .,late on 1-<me Star lee,cd aft.or Ll,c 19H7 Ir, includ e th t h;,.unlinY, Uw JJ..iyr( for 1lt1 Don'/ "Trr,uLl e Mc" u11tf tf11: cud 11Jwuld t.JJ.: e her.:d uf State trivia.1 MyTr,~ . ey ur1: in - m u1H ll tll '1 /u~ Tho diac be~in• wiLh Bruce 8 prin,:1 Wr:n rr:• thu, ulhum if th th,: he1,rin1~ in ted U:reff Wicftitan . the cruwd 11creun11ng a.11 make "8,!cau 11 c lh t the pepulur "These arc NighL; which•• rcccivin~ hand uL 1!Ji l><:HL. th e !Joy• · 1turls . • loL of • ir play Wld wiU1 However , for track num- eood reaaon. NaLalie MerchanL'• ber two, "Ea t for 'fwu '" from 1989'• /Jlind Mon ', t h roa ty powerful v oice • to lio fo make, hllr n Ju~y C-Ollin• Zoo, Lhe crowd 9 0• . Lh e hu• h. McrchanL'a hall• d for N1,vcmhcr ll 1hc 11mc frir gi ving I Alpha Pla.\111.a help y11u Lhe (' abouL an unwuu too preg- Unfortu noLe ly , htlng In the hulid:Jy~ hy gi ving lhc Girt or urc 1ft !IA IJnC OII na ncy i1 a ihou1ond Maniac• have di•l,andcd, whn need.,; 11. Ume, more powerful U1• n with Merchan t puuuinr, the albu m v,:rsion ond i1 a tolo career. Hopefully, en, ily cupablc a( evoking Lhough, Mc rchunL will Jload1 of cmoLion. The d i1c co ntin uo11 with "Cundy Every body I Wanta- fr rJm Our 7'im,,. in Eden , th e band'• r1 cwc1L 1i N ttlca1e. './ni• tun e lo Mm4t fleYJtiwcr

/'ltot" /11,a""",. fJIJ,

"'' d ,, ,1111Ji,:ul.

'Maniacs' enter unplugged arena H1 Mell•• RuJU .. n


;1ct,,r'11 p <irf'l1l.h,' Wa ll1 H 1i:i 1tl

!Juli~,. ,,tl,,·r ,,,}, ,. 111 tl11: u,..:1t,.: r d1:p:irtrn ent, l11, wc:v1:r , ,,n,: can 11,,t :Jl wayfl ,;,:1: lli t 1mu11:d1:ilt~ r1 :1ml 1Ji ,irtlu:ir w1,rk 111 1w: ~fc: C,, vc: rr1 , W,illi K :.ind

tJ,,:ir cr1:w'HJ1, I, CfJII Hiftlff ,.r

,,r a Sal cxm:,n " hmught in almrrnt :J full hr,uHt . J-11, w(;V t.:r , "Whridu nit ~ hrou,.:ht in Lhc moKt s,, for McGovt.:r n and W:dha h11p1: for a w,ld ,,ut 1,Jww with lh t upcomin g pro. du clion r,f " N tii tH~H ()IT, "

Raid McC ,, vc: rn r:11 v r:l1, p1:11, :ul • rlrc: Hm11i: ldtcrn and uth,!r "'NoiHCH ()ff Hhould lidt1n i!


,n1:rui.1 l l1rnk s that mu ,i t

at its

· w,.:'t uhow lhcm all we do / McGovern ,mid We ju,1L can't do Lhat," McGwtt"rn ~ud .

B11L th eir 11ccr11nph Hl1 mt nt11 c:rn he Htc:n . ThiH y1!ar McGo vern and WLJllitt h:i vc ""Id LJpprox-

the hr,u s,: ll'H ht<m pc,pu-

lar ;"iLh Lhc high Hchool,, Hfl I m Rtir<.! thr:y art going lo be intcrcHtt:d on how a college will do it." McGovern nod Wallis can he located 1n their officP. fmrn J p.m. to 5 p.m. Monda y Lhrnugh Friday in Fain Fine ArLs Building room BJ 11.



Alpha Plasma

NUMBER. ,• 1),. 9

a~¢ $] :



J ' C

. '_ ,


I09 f





Burr1to1. Choe,y Nachos. Tangy Chllllos. And more for only 59¢, 39¢, and $ 1.09. Al Toco B011,. , u you wont groat lo stes ond g,ool P~co, , you, numbo, ho s Just come up,


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I ,:=a::~·


Iii,; -.

•• Nov,,~ .. can'"""""- two of I~ '7W)II I m:ot,nll.Cd and d• • 00tp ltd r:rrdU ca.Vt'" t h, IIIOfld_v,..,. .. • nd Mull:r'Car IN ffl'dll Clltd,....:1n )'Wr name: tvEff 1, YOU A.RE NEW C'l(fOfT Of

ltAVt Ot ~ 'n.lRUl'.JJ DOWN


dNcr.c~~·~ ~"~~~~~~~

9TOfWI-IJ UT10ri- ttl"J'Elti'AJ NMtNTDl t00ttC\' CASlf-TIC V.ll'fll- Rl!:IITAUIW<T'Sltam.•-v.OTf.L&-~ s-<:AR Rl!:t<TAl&-



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------------r wt' ---ZS73q, All.AWTA, GEORGIA 30353 ; r.o. BOX---YES!

lwu.tV1S11• 1w.srmCA RDeCra1 11

mundobi. If not 8 8 which 11 I ;;;';!'1.:::,noo 100 .... DUAA•N TIIDJ lately. OOli,

f!JE Wichllan

New. fro re~ s ;; ; ~:,:t.'~; · . ,.~-xlubI.ts work ·o,.,·

8Y ~nee Morrill fll!~rter Richard Martin 1Jl, professor of nrtA.a_h Invitation I Gal_lcry. Tah at c~ibiting many of 'h!S 18

\\,orks throughout 'r _. ,o,chnrd Ash ~ Pr,·n~~as ..,., '" 1u ,orrcnl 1Y on display at 1he Martin Museum ;,it al Baylor Unive . of in Waco. The exhibit 7~ty gists of 46 :,"'Orks inclu~: iO~ mono_pnnt, relief Dnd 5crcen pnnt.s. The ~Xhibit will continue through DCC· JO. /\!lb will nlso display three o_f h,s recent screcnpnnts, "Sumrncr Dawn " Sk u 11, , ·Nightwatch"

Ni~hlair #2, '.' in ~h~ Thirteenth Univ . N8 r crsity of JI ion Print DB 89

H_ a_ggor o h Which includ ex 1b1tion, 15 artist cs Works of United Stas from the display th lcs, Will be on rough D F 11 in~,"~i;g D~llas esto~'. move lo Cexh1b,tion will and then torpus Christi State U o East Texas Commer~_n ,vcrsity in


ation focuses , Organiz n comm •t 0 UIll y se~n




Fourteen Tcxns nrtists I d

c rcprcscnte in t ,e exhibition which runs through Dec. 31. or the three works submitted by each artist, Ash will be responsible for sclccling one print by encl, artist lo become part of the permancnt collection of the museum to be donotcd by ...c the Jacque Vaughn Charitable Trust. also --------, , asjuror for the \~erv~d t Pullie tch1ta Falls Museu Centers~- ~nd Arts ibition "'Texas Select"

VaughnChTh_c Jacque Invitation rEntnblc Trust Conte 8 xhibition of . porary Texas Art·,s•·m



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.I. s,May-BriltUucouna Jt,eparter It is_ a common mis-,-V-in-do_w_,-3.-1,-A-d-va_n_c,d_., , I_B_M_P_C_n-nd--□ -.,-o-rth·-in-,--OA-DC conception ~hat only for, ip rhe group w,IJ part,c- L..__T_h_e_M-id_w_e_s-lc_n_1_Stc__!,tcL_.:.O_n.:_N_o.:_v.:_l.:_7..:_1.:_he.:_!_ol-lo-• 8 Compntiblcs: An Introduction 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Nov. 18, staff f clnucs will st.arl: Un,·vcrs · t o· ·• ·o eignersf cahn ecome mem~ S e tn the World View o n instructing. y , ofTriTech Pcr~onnl of to MS -DOS QComputu-Aided Continuing Education be rsdo lt e AIntcmat,·onal NYm_ at posium Parade ~~~m /: 9;~~:.;;h On Nov. 19, the followine 12 . will offer 18 classes start- ~•~win,. ~1;~d~;; to ~;~ Sa ssociation , Me~b;/ fio,• clnu willat.nrt; 17 Lhrough Pcccmbcr 16 (cxcepl Nov. 25). , Wedne,dny, Nov organ':'ti~~·.•sa,id_cdn_t tJ_,cir natfvc:~st!~:·.·anidn ingothne Nwcocvk. olf5N Dec. 15 (nxcepl Nov 2-1), Dr. Al 11 gi □Wichita County Bar Ear and Lrucling. in, OF'inger Sutko start: will classes lowing their about •~ speeches Video : Willa Probate, and Acupressure: What il is and Altemntive,, 9 n.m. lo 4:30 OD river lmprove,llcnl country. nntivc not is this She said Whnl it ain't, 7 p.m. lo 9 p.m. p.m. OContinuing S_ama said community Coune. 6 p.m. lo 9 p.m. Nov. true because anyone inConvenrnlionol Gennan, 6.30 Thursdays Nov, 18 through Bervtce IS an important 15 nnd 16, Tom Crow instruct• p.m. On Nov. 20 the followin£ lo 8:30 p.m. Wcdncsdnys Dec. 9 (except Nov. 25), Joo terested in other cultures aspect of ISA., and many me. clnase, will start: Nov. 17 throueh Dec 22. Koncolik inslruclinl?. can become a member ,. members have visited the □ Leaming Strnt.eeie1 and Improvement ODriver instructinc. Nauth Mnrie the only obligation is lo Boys' and Girls' Club of SLudy Skill, for Jr/Sr High OQuicken, 9 o.m. to 4 p.rn , Course, 8 n.m. lo 3 p,m. Nov. 8 p.m. Nov 18, stnff of TriTcch in- 20, John Seddon inslructinr. have a good time and pay Wichita Falls to offer Students, 6:30 p.m. toGeorge OHnndwriting, 17, and Nov. 15 structinC', $5 dues. QLotus, Beeinninr, 10:45 Handwriting, Handwriting, lhe_ir help. During these DiekhofT instructing. to 1:15 p.m. Saturdays On Nov 16, lhe following 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m Cfl'eleconfercnco: CLU : n.m. v,s,ts, Sama said they . 20 throueh Dec. 18 Nov Patrick Murphrey, a through 17 Nov. in st.llrl: Wednesdays claHes will Estate Planning Strategics children the Nov. 27), Floyd Raines educate (except OChildren's Chri stmns Dec. 15 (except Nov. 24), a Changing Tu Environment instructinr. 111 ember of ISA, said the about foreign nations (ages 6-12), 6:30 p.m. J:imes Cason instructing. .. New Questions, New ISA has changed from be- with the goal and hope Ceramicsp.m. Bceinnine, QWordPerfcct, through 16 Nov. lo 8:30 Opportunities, 9:30 n.m. to 8 n.m. lo 10:30 n.m. Saturdny1 ing a party oriented or- that knowledge will Dec. 6 . 0 , 12:30 p.m. Nov. 18. 14, J oyce Bail ey instruct□WordPerfect Nov. 20 lhrourh Dec. 1B ganization to a more cul, broaden their perspective inr. Befinninr, 9 a.m. lo 4 p.m. OI'eleconforcnce: A Doy (except Nov. 27), Floyd Raines tural one, but it is fore- and can make an impor□Word for Windows , Nov. 17, staff of TriTcch inwith Dr. Peter F. Druckor: instruclin1r. 111osl a social organiza- tant difference in the Becinners, 9 n.m. to 4 p.m. structinr. For more information call Ilusiness ond Management, 10 infollowing lhe 18, TriTech of Nov. On staff 16, Nov. ~on. exL 4052. a.m. to 3 p.m. Nov. 18. children's lives. slruclin . classes will st.Art:



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.orts Indians advance Women tip-offs,,~~~-~,,,,fll~ TIIE~

Thul"lln ', i',11,rmhrr 11. 1'>?.l

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0 1 ~ I-inch freshmnn L posi'li f"r in lhe poH on · Indi Indy tll' 1 11 <J ,ins Lovett c ' 0 ,d; 0~"~; 0ts _ond ~;c;~ge~ 1 001 T e ' / h S h 1hdoy Shi e,~~~;d A;f Dis~ d All n et Lhre w·Sla tc h/ yen~• on 10 se:,"or rnr h hen nske; 0 0 ·1osc Msu t; .dc • twas clo~ • sm nd to home, n ~hey hnve goof progrnm . 18 11 <Adkins ) ou~clle , Znletcl th former me O d Lady lr,dia~bcr of • l 978-79 an~ sq uu 1980-8 1. She. graduat d

' Th, , «h_,, " ' " • rrs l makt• 11 J,fTcrent type 11f tenrn ," J!ny snid . "Thry 11n• pushing for sl.nrlini: po sili11rrn whi ch mnk c prnrtin, nnd givcR 1111• 1,•am 11111rc depth." Stan•y Vrnnklin II r,. lo111l •M-11.,ch jnnior, trni_,s-

'""'' <I<' S-fooH poin ts ond six·<ooh nvcrngcd u1ght rebounds . Jnmc~ on was owu rdcd MVP !~er tcnm in tho Tcxns Jumor College Gnmc. "I wanted to come buck home and Coach Rny wa• n positive i~flu,:

Znletcl c~rrently . hold; three nll-l1mc md1vidua) records. nt MSU : most points in a scnson With 611, mos_t rebounds in season with 30 1 and b a field goal_percentage ii~

lcrrcd from 1'11ns ,Junior Co1ll c1:o There she nvcr• 11g,•d Ill pnints un rl four r.cl111unds per gnmc . I· rn nklm wus uwurrlcd i\rndt•mi c AII -Americun hy the N11 111111al ,Juni or Athl e ti cs l'ull1•g1• Assoriutinn for lhc l!Jfl2ll owe\'e r, . 11 scn,11 9,:1 I· rnnklin will 11111. he pinying fur approxi mntely two tu four weeks hecausc or wri sl 1nJury l.11~<•1111 lforkcnh11II, n !'i -fonl ·!J•inch freshman from Mincru l Well s , Tex us, JJigh School, will he pluying th e for ward posilinn She a\'erngcd 21

onco 1n my dec1s~on, ,rnmos smd . She 18 a sports and exercise scionce mujor. Renno Jossclct, a 5foot-fi-inch guard, is a junior and II transfer sludent from Abilene Christian University. She plnycd 25 gnmes averaging nine poi nts and three rebounds . ,Jossclct snid, "I was dissatisfied nt ACU , but I foci optimist ic nboul Couch Roy's prorram ." Jossclct graduate d from DcmmilL , Texas, High School and is majoring in biology


,• '"" •t11rh,d 11• 11110•1 for _ _ 1:t,:,"" tho NAIA N111lonnl _ Ch1111111ton•hlp. ·,r • I.RMI wcl<'kmul llnrdin ~• 1 :'i11111111111s ond An • lin · ,0I ' 1 ~A I Coll r,r:,• w11rc th1• Trihr'• 1 IA fincl victim• uf thr NA 1:_tnyofTs Th,· two ,·1dll· ·'iJ '. ._. ·· ~ • · te• ~""' ll unrl Conch ._.; •• Pifor nnd lu H N11lh1111 1 1 ,1.--:I, •1111nd !ho D1"1ncl 11th, ~ • · , , ,\ llw 1<1 lwrth _ nnd 11 d,'~ IL llalla! pl11y,,O• 11 11 - • l W,V~ Fndnv 11fl,•n 11111n nvc .-. C:: ~ I . II> ' • 1hr ln,hnn pln)en< found hnck uf llnrdm ·:'inmn, ,. · .. 11 "" 'A '" '"\ I' "'"""""' ' <h, ""' ·r,.., . ·., C't"'l••Y• 9-ll. i-In 1hr r.rst holf th u T~1he pullotl till' tni:i:er '"" do7.l'II t!n1t•s, hut forwnrd Dun Srhom put ill th,, only ~nn l ~:i~htofUw nmc ~,111l ij comr in tho s,•c,~•d hnlf _l'h"'"!Rmnd"" tJll, :-idiocn . nddcd two f'nward llnn Srhoen rlrihhl,•• •. t ) ll nr,h11 S11n111nn, i:nn l k,rprr ' morn 1:o111ls Ill Lho s,•ro11d Slrv,• lloi l sh lh1•Cowbo_1•, f'r, onl,n~r1111'1 11 >fOrt•dlhrer l l <' O , • . , ;,n,rnon11 hat s hi r, half complclin C' hu ck t ~•~k. 111'.d ,isrun•rl Tribe Th,• \\" mnnn 11lso pnl 111 lwo. kep i i:11111 111 Th e . Othor .lnd i11 ns to i:el ils opponent s 11 • l .,,.,•r , Snl.urdny's g11111c clus,._ involved Ill lhe srurini: the weekend The woke up lh,· sleepi ng wore Judd ,Joy \\ilh lwo 1:0111 nguinsl the tnd, uns nnd i:ouls, nnd ,lnson Johnson wns not.. hing shorl of Trihc. . unlnrky wilh Lowery nnd L~nco Aron 1s_ ncxl step ,\ Kangaroo player . one _n piece. shol on frt•s1111h- for lhc lnd111ns. l'if,,r said Following the 9-0 londrd II (; cnIT 1.t'l,cr the compclili on would he whipping , Pifer sui d his man kei•pt•r l11ni·• harder, hut he tcnm felt they could win in 1.hc sc•c·niHI half of 10_ he fe lt his tenm l.r her sn,d hnlllc 's ~nt urdny versus Sulurduy piny In il.s len•I L?llc~o und .rnptnrc the do\'r nnd nrnd ,· an ":Ill • should D, stncl R llll e if they World" save, hnl lhe hall hounccd oIT Lhc cross-har pluycd well . "We us uall y pi ny the Accordini: to Pifer his stniighl buck 111 when we piny te_nm wns Ont, but they Austin College player nnrl lough ms, " sni d rr [,~~;h hclpl,•ss lcO Lcbcrwns 2-1. l<> on out sLIII come


lfockt•nhull e11 rned All· I flr~,;on nnd ,\II -Stn lc ,er senior yenr l,usl ycnr Hoekenhull hnd th<• highest threepoint pcrccnlJJJ:e in Texas wi th 67 . 1 perce nt . l·l11ckenh:1 II iR n physical crluwtion mnjur. She will 111~0 be fl~l _ind ennitcly hec11usco f1111nred urches. Corti1111 ,JumcH, nn in· coming junior, ployed two yc11rs 11l Grnccn ,Junior r.olle1:e nn<l is a former Ludy Raider of Wichito . Fnl!A . While ot Groccn ,

lly ~:11 , nhr lh Ulrhnrd,o n 11 •'1'"""'" th,• Y'''" l.11 •1 :, I II t ,, ~I 111 w" • Irr n llniv,•rs il ~· Lady lndinns f,,n lll' l11nrl 1111 imprcssiv,• 22·R n·c·onl nnd 'Ill NAIA Nnlwn nl To11 rn11111 cnt nppournn rr Thi s vcur th,·y un• rnnk,·cl No i:1 in lh(• nrst NAli\ Top 2fi poll Wilh the loss of four seniors from Inst ycnr'H 'l'rihc, including AllA111cri cnn Snrcnn r.urtcr, ill'nd conch ,JcIT Hny hnd lu mnk c some ndjusl· rncni., in till' gnme plnn .

•1~\fi' ~


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78 Po<ml", ·r,.,: f!-f,om 1gh School in 19 ,

season with 58.7 percent The 5-foot-9-inch p ' snid, " Coach Ray Ost proach.ed me after ~ste1 nlumm game this April and just askel~ would like to piny 'c him . I wanl lo im or prove . 0 my skills and .be judged by what I do this yearn t by records." Zalelcl is a physical education major. The Lady Indians ti off their season at 5 Nov . 13 against 8th · University of Science Arts of Oklahoma in DnL · · Ligon Coliseum .



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1JIE Wlchi12n

Stockton Pre

7 ·._:\'o,_'t'_mbc_r_ll.~l993;;;;;.P•.:::;~· ar_e_---...!S~o~r~ t~s--_-_-_:_Th=u _rsd-'-'-01_


Kevin Duke

s for last season


Gerald St~ckton has bUl _one rcma1n1ng Wish in his _last year to coach 8 1 Midwestern State 11nivers,ty. "We want a national chnmpwnsh1p .. . no run. up we want t 0 Win it ncr· ' . 811; he smd. plisi~~i°:}::s~::C~hi~ else but the elusive na. champ10 ns h ip in tion nl hiS career as the Tribe's lender. The lndfans have been 10 the national lournat' t men i5°vcn . •mes, 197 and thrde~ •~es, '" h 5, '81 an as year, t e Tribe the p,·nal •dvancc_d to h S • tockton also four, wit taking home lhc NAIA Coach of the Year honors. In spite of this record about four years ago th~ conch began to hear criticism when the Indians had five successive teams (hat did not meet expcctaUons. MSU's strong finish last seaso_n, which ended in the national semifinals with a heartbreaking onepoint loss was, therefore more than just a good year to the coach who wanted lo end his career as a \\inner. "f felt vindicated as 8 h ·1h th fi e mish a nd coac WI conch of the year honors,. Stockton said . "It was rerf gratif}ing to come I,ack with two good years. There were those who thought maybe I was past my prime."

• · ""'The fos . th nals to c s •n c semifi- his memories. In th e lute 'iOs nnd chnmpi~cntual national Pacific, w;:; tou ~•wnii - early '80s, the coach nlso gh lo the served us the NAIA repnonnally · II rcscntntive lo the "To ~oI YS!ockton. and Nati ona l Association of come ug so close · P short ... ll was Collegiate Director's of certainly·


blo7:s: ~:l{~sn1 get to th!cFi onl it, just to was . na Four and athegood achievement , award sonal hi hwas the percoacn,n g light of my Stockto g . care e r , L n sa,d. ligh~si011scason's highcoach 11 °Wed what the ca s "five years r rou~hness in the 1980s.·? "Th cru I·r e changes in re mg had a huge imf~ct on the team . creas we had been reUu_,ting all over the nitod States, suddenly th at_avenue was cut olT nd a •t. look lime lo gel th e recruiting in the s tate back to that level." The attempt to go to NCAA I I, and the changes in scheduling were other factors that contributed lo the down years of the program ' Those were ~c ry tough years. I felt that I was still a good coach and st ilf had something lo g,~e lo the players, but things just didn't seem to work for awhile ... The highlights and disappointments ha\'e not confined themselves to the basketball court . Stockton's years os olhle tic director for the universi ty also has a pi nce in

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J:~~~~~:•w;i~~i~~c~~~;{. legiate sporLq even today. "ll was quite an honor. The athletic directors I worked "ith were from Indiana, UCLA, Notre Dome, mostly Division I schools," he said . "At the time there were hardly any schools that viewed women's sports as necessary, but the directors storied lo push fur more programs in women's athlef.ics. I felt like I was a pnrl of women's eq uality in collegiate sports." When Stockton was asked to choose between the two positions he held at the time. the conch had another tou gh period lo deal \\ith in hi s career.

.. , didn't want to leave the coaching profession on a down note, ond wnnled th e op portunity lo pro\'e tltnl the !cum could rebound und er my leade rship." he explained . "At the same time, lhe at hletic director position was very grnlirying." The coach, of course, decided to slay where he thought he would be the most helpful lo the players, and where he really wonted to be anyway, on lhe bnskclbull court.

"I nm a tencher fir,t, student oriented, and I wanted to be where I would have the most contact with the students: Stock'·n said . w "The players, and of 1h ~;~;:~1c ;:~:~e:rc gel so close lo the players. You scream al them, hug them and die with them: he said. "You gel close because we're in on cmolionnl setling, like a life or death situation ... you win nnd loso ballgames together, and these stressful silua(ions produce a real bond with people," Stockton added .


Th e more than 600 "'ins arc sweet memories for Stockton, but the coach remembers the losses as well. "I know about all those 400 losses, every one of them . To understand, you hove lo come home on o bus al three or four in the morning when you get heal. You'·,e got to go through the losses Lo know what the victories really mean," he said . Forlunolcly for the conch, lost season had more good bus rides than bad ones, and with high hopes going into this year the coach expects a few more good rides, to complete on illustrious career with what he desires most, a natrnnal cnamp1• onship.

+~\I CRt.


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J'hoto!Rror11lnn Old1

Drnd Mooremtm goes O\'cr Eddy Ortr.y,:1's bnck to s:e1 to th e boll aeeinsl Hardin Simmons.

Men's basketball wins opener The fifth ranked Indian basketball team tipped olT its season on Nov. 8 against the Pilots of LSU-Shrcvcport. MSU fell behind early, 16-12, as thei r shooting was ice cold . Bui Utah Slate transfer, Rodderick Hay got an easy lay-up and a monster jam lo start MSU on an 18-0 run. The Indians took a 5139 lead into the iockcr room al halftime. In the second half the Pilots managed to pull within six points of the Indian lead twice . But each time they managed

to gel close E.J. Collins and Jason Paty hit crucial three-pointers. The timely threepointers shot down the Pilots as MSU went on lo win 85-75. Charlie Seger led the Indians in scoring with 20 points. While Collins and Paty had 19 and 17 points respectively. Hay led both tea ms in rebounds with 19. MSU's home opener is Saturday night against Incarnate Word al 7:05 PM.

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MSU is starting a NEW spirit organization and is ha.,ing their first organizational meeting on Sunday, Nwemher 14th at 8:00 pm in the CSC atrium. Anfone interested is encouraged to attend this meeting. If unahle to attend please eall ed. 4S00

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