~ b t Wttbtt~tt Vol••• 71 , Nu111ber 10
ThursdA y, Novemb e1 12, 1992
~ L. ! I S ~ ¼
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1!?5 . € &XSRW !
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Kennedy says medical solutions lost with extinct plan ts we lo,ie • Sf>OCICS B, l.inda Wilson Scou • 11 u rhe wo"1 t1'11na one Rt"porttf" the not •we ,:oulJ hr Jo11a11 ~ure r en c rat1 Cl n und o 10 lur AIDS or cancc, or ,omc form rencnih<M, • he- s,uJ .
o l mcnt1I 1etar1J.u mn anJ no< ovt.n know 11, • R~rl F Ke n~Jy h., cn ~irvn 111cnt1J 11.Jvou1c, .u1J 1n a (ulHwu~c ,n A loo AuJ11orium Tue..Jay N~ I. the Kenne d y \ ,111J 1h11 J rslruc1.onuf our ec~syoem c on• 11 n u ti,. , we wil l have 10 •. :apur.d) plK', r,tn.dcOf homnll • Il e wen t u n 10 upl ar n lh•I there .,e -<11ous. l;&M calhrni: ,mpht ■l iuni. ea.:h lime 1 ~p,:.:10 he· c orn,:i,. e,t in c 1. H e c n c J the e 11mp l.- ui 1he ro,y peri winkle n owe r that he,•.ime rumct. c,·cn thou, h ,1 haJ hc~ome a cure for mut e rh,n 80 r••rc e:it '-"' ce,11111 ch1IJh11od lcukc 11111< K,·nneJ) 11-.., c.,1eJ u .impln ,)f th,: ~loh~I \"Cu nom,~ 1mp~r 1 of 1hc e , 1in11111n 11( \!"(•"lo lie alw n 1J th• • th,• rc arc mo r•I ll'IIO 1h11 ".: !,,hn ulJ ~••M1tkr .-11~h lime
pR£TORIA . South Afnc-:t Jonas Savlmb1 ha.s dis,..yed h ts loyal rrtcnds In 1'ffl(ric'a and South Arric n
lf05l ol )us bn,ithttsl lieu-
tenants an: c1cad . And. 111 'ffhll mus 1 ~ lht most painful blow o r all, lcgtons fl hta compa~rtot..<1 tn Angola now doubt his commitment to ckmocracy. S,v1ntbl sptnt more t h a n half his life In lhc Arne.in
bush, flghlln~ for dcmo-
craUc clccllons. But wlu: n
lh08C clcc llo ns were held 1n September. he refused 10 aC'cept defeat and des troyed A.ngOla's fragile pcacc
The ~,,mm1Ure \\ ,on,1J.·1ms .1.,:d ,rn1 uh c 11,..,·,• J I\J .1,1mn"11S 1, s on,1J.-11n~ T ht StuJrnc Fee Al1~1t1<>ni t,,r · \ ,1110 " JnJ 1.., a Co1nm1Ucc \ u1cJ lo J 1~con tmuc ch•nain, 11,un a 1n•iu1nr cul pub• huulia, o f "V0tee," lhlS ..mut.r lablo1J furm,t ,.,tkr 10 lhe rvr l1uJrd The ro~I, h l1,al1un v,.11 foJlo .,,.,n, M~\ Cr1I f'hlhl11m, 19Q~ "\/m.:o · ,, . , 11rpu,11111.1dy th. c a nnual M S U l1 l e r• I) ma111zme; ho"'C\'tr, 1hc put-11,;, . S-1.CXX)fiJrJ. 'iOO\,'flk.'\ Or Tom Ho llma n, \'01.:,:.:,,· h on• bo11J i~ M">Ck1ni ""'•)',. 10 finJ 1J , tudc nl 1lc c ro11 i,•c f un J 1ni: for 1he l hUII ) 1d v1.r. r , u f O'-·e rnrnc: 01 pr u.1Jc:n1 J '-" hnn ) ma~u.,nc. r"'I rc.,w n, t ,c:\ im h ,..,c: , Cuter p11bhca• UnJ, hdl Dr Mll r l io n ) bn ard c h, u man a nd U • lu r Clo: Je, 1~1v n hi .. u1 funJ, ns: • ,o~ u1e r r u l eS(l) r o f nu )~ >u,; h a.1, C11 rl<'r ' , 1•r1ot(•n lh,11 tht <:o mm11n11.•l1 ons. c i.!ahln,htJ 1n ma11111n.- ,hou/J h~ ,•t hrcn r un o f 1n 1d ho,; Cl"lmm, uce on 0 <:I 13 lo Ir k .- a b u ,1 nc: i. ~ in ) h:Jd 1h11 t'lpl o,c W I ~),, o t f t'\l\'i nx lhe e dut 11,o n11I dpc u en ..c anJ d,-,idllnd. me-c1 10 kd u f. ff ot.1 1 . the m•i:•ZJnc Ho ffm•n ~111J the m.iiu mc Commmec me mh,cr ) 1nduJe To rn Hn ffm1n, Amy Dean, Chit.:k ,i.·11) r,ubl,~heJ l,1, tw1u: 1>c,·1usc C•i;c , Li nd a S c Cllf , Ro h e rl o f 01.1brck .. mum~tam:es 111.:luchng • dea th 1n 1hc c:d11o r ·s l1m1ly 1nJ John ,oo, Belle ~blon,: •nJ oihc-n lt:.:hn,u l prob\cmJ 'o\llh che phot.:, to he na,ncJ hy LanJ L a nJ u1 J h e wa.s J1 ~a p- lah. G:iiry Goldbcrx. fonntr ar1 p o1ntcJ h}' l bc d c c u, o n 10 ..:u1 undrrfunJani: beu use ·vu1c.::,· wai. the •Jv1'>t t 10 " Vmi:e(, • i.slU ht only pub h .:1 1w n ,,fits 1yrc o n ) tooJ l h lll lhc fund1nJ: "'' ' CUI h,:. , a u,t tho: ~1a rr wa~ u n1h1 c, 10 c111npu5. · 1r · Vu,ces' J ne\n '1 publ1,h. tumplcce lhc: nur azm1.1 m a 11mdy u • wh:u 1\ !he lik rJ r~ nutlct fot nor mln ntr . hut o the r d1fficullre~ 1st.-J c11mpu,•· LanJ ..auJ C11,tJher1: h:,J , 1oprcJ \l"Ot l • L ,nJ .1,;11J 1he .:ornmruce w ill 1n1 mcr f 11.i;"' rn ,oon lo wo r t o n the m~ w11h ·v111,· c:s· f.do rc funJ wa~ J 1..cllflh nut d l"l".:110-.• uf • 1:1r♦'C I h le .... nJ hr .... ,11 lnl!CC ""Ith O r J .,.a, r.:c:m.-nf,• w,tb the , uff "'nd L OU!\ ROtlr11:u.:L. u,,i,_•..,,,,y pre.1,1• nu l IO lolluw hill J c:n l. 10 md.e ,et1a1n nu 01 h.: r l h <'lf J .-..iHnn, .td\·Kc ut,,1,1,lc\t, 1, 1 · t( they J on ' ! 1.ikc anyth1ni: I "Or. RoJr,i;ua h.., t.r:cn ,t,r vu: e, the re 's uu s u pport1\e ul all pnhli, • 11,,ni. · u y o 100J ad me 10 w aste my tune, · Land '-lid T II ~ \ 'Cf ) \ llrprl.!Cd ,f nccJ for ,J. · 11b1nk th e re he ') no t ,nt.-1e,1cd on s11r11n~ the G o ldher i: u .• h ould be 11n o ulle1 l,le th:al oo TIUIMU.U,,c: up lil ltl • ByJe:ui H all
you're lookJng for • Job In Clinton administ ra t ion ? Yo!,!'tt not the on ly one; there were easily 3,000 ~ 1umes at I.he Clinton-C ore transition office las t week aod lhe now Is becoming a
Chuck HOLLYWO OD Connors. the professio n a l baseball player- who becam,::
an actor bes1 known for h is
lllle role In lhe lelev1s1on
series ..The RJneman ." died Tuesday. He was 7 1. The 6-foot -5 - inc h act o r died of lun_i!: c a ncer a1 Me d te a l Cedars -Sin at
Cenltr. whe re l,e had spent the las t week. Co nnors bC"came we ll-
known m lhe Western se-
ries. wlud1 ran from Sepl 30.1 958 until J uly I. 1963.
He starred a s Lucas McCnm . a New Mexico homr-slcad er
bringing up a son by him•
His lradt"m a rk In his
continuing batt le with vlllatns was a sawed-or ( Wincheste r rlOc wh ich he camed In a leg holster.
dmrui I thrnl they n<'t d new l,;11dr r,h1r w11h an ed1e lo 11. The l,,n i: J ~•o,1• tion w 11h 1h.- ,•me pcoplt 111,tk 11 1l•Cl'Wll. • Gu ldbt t¥ rurihrr u 1d 1h11 th.- , 1J rf h•J an · ,na , ru ous 1<'l•humh11, ll llh 1hr ma1.-11,1t pubh ,h.-J" .nJ lh111 1hc rn:ii;um<' .,,. , ~ bocau."C he.onimt; a ·v1n11y 1hc .:d110 1 11nd , 1afl w.-rc: fd l1n1 · v o,,o • w11h lfk.-ir ~" wi-.b. Go lJ ~ ri; (•1J he wo ulJ he .,,.11J111• ••1""0,l: .,,.,th "V1.11cCJ>" ap111 11 lhc new \ Lill.,,,~," \lork..hlc • lloflman u1d he had h earJ 1h21 ~rnu:1,m t-tforc , h111 11 lud no \'llhJity. • Almo, 1 e,ny cJ 11or h•s h11J 111 rcvtc w ,om malh-c 10 apprOYC nu.1e11at- I Ju11'1 tb,nk wc\ c c.-cr h:aJ •n eJ ll o r "'hu 11bused the pt1\·1t.-i:.-, • 11,,thrun ~ JU He u,J , umc1,mcs he h•d 10 con\'1ncr cJ11<10 10 md uJc rhc u o w o wo1l, hec11 u~c: th<:)' a fra ,J o f lh,: ,1 ppe u 11 nce o f 1m• prUJlflcl) • An eJ11or s hu ulJ no t he pt-na l u e J II h.: "ah!..• lo ""'flle CJLUl11y w01k." llolfnl:ln "3111.
By J ulit N:.inny
Ai,.~ocialr [dilur
Fnrmcr So\ 1.-1 Pr.-~1J,•n1 M1kh.·u l S Gorh~r hc, r11J1,ally ultcrcd 1he Sov1tl Un1on·s forc:ri;n pnh,;y h)· cli mm1hn4: 1wo v f lh1:- stron~ci.l 1Jeuloi1e.-. hd J h) !he So, ,els •·
the 1nhr re nt e vil of cap11ah 5m anJ 1he natu,c: or ""'o le rn 1hrt11, Jen · nd er G/ aud e ma os, 1aalp t of Sov,e l fore ign polic y, sa1d Junnr the o pcn, n, lc:c lure <Jf fhc Wo rld View S)'mpos,um. In •Jd1hon, Gl11.1 Jtmans n ld
coope n11on "" 11h 5eel1n1 thr Wc:~1 Gorhac h e,• rllu .1.1t•led lhat Sovich c an bt coopcra11 ve wuh ,h< W,so.,h, ..~ . Th ree con i:e plS crcJ ire d 10 the e h mmallon o l " ' ~!,·rn 1hrta1 arc b• la n ,e o l inte: rc ,1, m u1 ua l l>t~·1mt)' •nJ freeJ om o ( -.:hu,cc-. U odu ,,,.dom o f ohoo<,. r vcry na rion w ,11 1\C abli: 10 chu(~ l h 01.,. n 111h . G laudem an, ) .0 1d
,: I
.I •. '
behind the m . Clinton 1s vtewr-d m o re c nllC'a lly by many VISillll,-? t h e VIC' lrt •.1111 Mcmor1al lt11s w eek
clttUon of BIii Clinton m ay prove lhal Am('(ICU II S have finally put the V u: tnrun War
The 19 92 ·vo 1ces· ,nc ludeJ lwo poemi. and one eJ11o r's note wt11ten by ed ,ro r Jannett Then.ult. Land ..1J ano ther con.1,den.• tion in rht: dec1don 10 cul l'undinr lhc ma11a,1n11 'a fa ilure 10 11trac l eno u11h liludenl allenlHlfl •nd 1hc r e1 ul11n1 ldrovcr copits o f prr\·10~ 1s.NeJ. Th u prohl cm wo uld he atl· by effort< 10 marke l the pubhc.a11c,n lO '-ludcnls. · v o ,ce~· w1l c ) 11hl1~hed 1n 1975 1c, all~ , mJcnts to he hc.ard 1n ,11..\ many forllUlts L\ possible: AJ. 1ho ugh 11 wu sp<i n,ured b y the En1hsh dcparlmeol. Ho ffouin u,d II CUI l '-fOS\ the enlHe campu..•. T he fine volume c ont11neJ r.-prc s e n11 1wn fro m 15 d epafl• n1c n1s l"ln t 11mpus by c.ss.ay,. chort )lor ,es, photocraphs , fore11n Ian• 11u11:e tompos1hon s. o ncll\al mus1• 1: 11 cu m pou u o n s , an, tl c a o f sc1ent1fic Of 11U1the.ma11eal lheoric:. and ph o tor raph s o f p11n11nes. skt lchc.~ and ~ ulpn,rc.s C re 1 f1ve w o rk s fro m 2) d.-riartmcn1s were publis hed 1n the 1992 volume.
n~~;~::~:: ~:. ~ec-;)'.er~ f""'""'""'-""'"""-,....,...S,......,_,...,,_,_,..._...,,,_.,...,,....,...,,__.,=~ ~;:~:r:,si~:r re.fer
T here ts
on the E• l l Coa!it li e p vc. e ump los of lbe abundance o ( ~pec1c.& ,n 1he u \'er 1 1 1s htc Noah '\ arl:." hc .said. Kenned y c h al le n z e J the 1uJ1ence to • ••cle1n up your own hack yard . Th ink t lo b1lly 1ni.l wClttcknll)' " Kenn ed )· u 1J 1n conc hn,o n , • 1 look forw:11J 10 the day whe n every n\ t r. t\·en th( W,duu R,ve r hu. • keer " ' 10 p10 1cc l 11.·
Nc1f'lt: nf thc: · v01cc:s· sufTwu p11d for the w o ,l: , ho wever. the cJ1to r wa.1, comrcns■te d by three semes l tt hour• o f crcd,1 for an independ ent study e o urse for two con1ecu11v-e !l<:m-eSlcn 0 Tha1 was anraher \·n1tt1sm of Mr. (Jo hnny) Carter (SG A prcs:,denlJ, • Ho ffm an sa id. "lie d1Jo 't .1<<:c that 11 wa,j that m uch w o,lc. To my lcttowlcJ ec he hu never eJ,ted 1 m11u1ne. I , ~sure )'OU, it'i IT10R. "'or k l h1n I s mcle dass. It', btcn the equiva lent o f 1eat h1nc an extra cbu for me · Hoffm11n 1. 11,J ,n 1dd 111on 10 i:1v 1ni: s luJenh a cru11ve o utlel , 1h e masu:1ne hu been used u a recru111 n1 coo l irnJ a 1ra1n,n1 11rounJ for future ra ruts. ·1 ·,·e ~.-n al le.11)1 SO ~tuJt nlS \I. ho puhl1 , hcJ m · v o ,~o · t,-o on 10 .....o ,l IO the crcl ll\"C ficlJ , . he u,d. ·vo ices• h as won 12 • l:Ue•,ude award.~ for both O\"erall cffM and for 1nd1 \ Hlua l c ale r o rie s of s tu.Jcnt cntncs. Ho ffman ha\ been r1c ulty aJ • v,s e r for 15 o f lhe 17 yea rs 1he: IIUISlzinc h1\ bocn pubh ,heJ
Gorbachev changed Russian image
a lot of ta lk 1111s Vet eran s Day week a bou l llow I he
WASHING TON A Senate committee 1111·cst1j!Ull /ll! t he rate of m lsslnJi!: scrv1c~111~n examines alk,t!,11io ns th al Presldenl Eiscnltow f'r covered up lhe abdut: Uo n by lhc So\·let Union o f be · twct'n 800 and 1.200 US. POWs durlnj! 1llc Kon •,lll
:tc:CUfllY The n e w s cha I Ke nn e dy dclw ercd was nae •II NJ, 1houi:h . He bc h evel> 1h,i 1he Clinton-Gor e 11J rn1n1)lr1I IOfl will hc mun, 1Ut n• 11vc 10 en\·Hu nmc nlal conc erns anJ o ur cou nlry wil l re111n the m o mcn1•1m 11 Josi Jurin & the: Rc1g11n-~ui,.h aJmm, stni t,on, . "The Un11c:J Slates ha) 1he 1Jv1 nl• ze 1n h:c hno lo1:y fo le aiJ the worliJ ,n U\ 1ne nor planccf We h:avc: tht hc.\l l•nJftll hne r\, the ~d u w11ec 1ru1menl pl11nt1o,. 1md
Revival of 'Voices' reviewed San'Wrikr
Lrrrt.E ROCK, Ark.
Kt nncJ y lo hl !he 1t1c nll'i C' 1uJ u: n ce chat 80 p trc cnt o ( the s cie nl1 ll l $ 1n o ur nat w n a r c employed ,n the defense 1ndu.,1ry. He heh c\· es 1h11 we ne e J IO .:h1nft o ur pno nt, u . The n1n for hU anJ the r1 Ye f ll .\hou ld rtph c c: !he Sov 1t l U ni o n IS 1hroh t o o ur well -be1 n1 and
w e can m1rkel 1h1• lechnolol)' to 1he res! o f the world. · K c nnrd y hclu,vn tha t s ood e n v u o nrnen11I p o l i,y 11 1:ooJ eco nom ic policy " T he t nv1ronmen1 i • nu l 1noeon1) IIC 10 Jobs The nallo n w 11h lhc ) UIC IC', I Cit· viro nment1I rt1ul1110 M w,11 CIP,marke1." he ,aid. lure lhe The auJ1en .: e h ~lene J U Ke nned) c1tt-J the sUC'Ce,..~c1o, of !he: Natural Resourcc • Ocfcn~ C'oun· c il. He Clpl11ned that bec ause or the e f fort• of ·u\ cr keepers, 1he Hudson River ,, only live e ... tuary
lb.al th1, con~cpl ""1ll 1·ot111nuc:. She 111-.o dtM.m>xJ lhc: idea c,I Ru) !>I.I as • 1h uJ wo tlJ coun11y • S o me v ie w Ru,i,.1a a) a t h u d ll·o rlJ coun tr y lh.11 ... n not bear t he bunl c n of empir e, · G/1uJcman-. sa1J . A f1c:r d i)l"U~Slnl: the ,trcnj lh:, o r Go rba\ hcv, G b udemlln, con• tlud.-d hcr le1,.lure hy J "CU\) lftJ: Go, bachev·.,. primary f:ulur~ whole 1n powe r • He fa1leJ 10 ca rry 001 t h e c-.:o n o m, ~ rclu r m, · G laui.lc:m.in~ <aiJ . W ha t Russ ia i.J.-c1Jc~ for 1he futur e und e r P re \ld e nt 8 0 11.s Yd 1~1n ,,.,II c1che r be a foo11101e <J r a turning po1n1 1n h1,.lo ry. ) he
See Russia pg. 2
Thea tre presents new production Nov.19-22
Ti~kets ~~c now on sale for the MSU theatre pro?,f A Coupla While Chicks S itting Around Ta lkm g. Performa nces wi ll be at 8 p.m. on Nov. 19-21, and al 2·30 on Nov. 22 m the Fine Arts Theatre .. Costs f~r general admi ssion is S5 per and adult with S I di scounts for eleme nta ry duct1_on
M fiill""
al PNYo by Brl:JtJa Bm,<l"'
from left. Repr<-'se nti ng Japan in the P arade of N. ation s are, , Yukiko Jurtji Ho nda , Naoko lso, Tsuneo Nagai, Akiko Okamoto JS&S ~ES: ~~se. ~ ~:!1d
'j !
:~~:~~::a~;o~ifit~~~n~~rss~~!~:r.ch~~;~~~.:~i1~i~~ shou ld be made at lhe box offi ce from 1_5 p.m.,
j Monday through Friday . ......,. ......,_,a ..-.;.. .....: ;...~ ;;,,_ ----- l
,1P are
■ Thun dflY, November 12, 199~
«bt Wleblt111
Last date to pure ase R-12 Freon is Nov. 15.
By Da,id ltiptl) 1ltp0r\ff Sh1Jet1,r n1 e.. l11nic 1 ,uJ tinktrtn takr, ft(ltt No\/. IS ,~ tht 1111J11y th.ti R· 12 frelln c an be ltp.11)' .oJJ on 1~ r1U11I rHrlri.:-t 1n tht. Un1 ttd !,,talt>1 D0-11-yountlftr'i will have 10 Jtt profusK>nal serv1,t 1Rtr thn 1Aa10. R- 11 freon 1l> the refr11er1nt utr.d 1n 1hc ar,rro,1m11dy 1'20 m+I• hon , uio au ,l)flJ 11ionen , urrtntl y 1 n u I e . F re o n 1\ • Is o a t hlnrofloo11, 1rt-..ln C hl orofluorn.:11t>vn , , al1t•.> lrinown 1..- CFC11, h•ve Wl\-«J mainly u r11f111erant1 1n lhe hun.JieJ• ot million• of coohnr ')'Slrm• aruwnd ~ "'-orlJ !or the pt.\l 00 yrt1n1 The 1mpr1u~ for 1h1, p1o>s;;npuon of Frcon- 12 rtta1I ulc..1 htt 1n lM C"lo.n Air At l o t 1m . The Act ulh for• tola l phoe •o111 of aU CFC,, mduJms R-12, by the cl'kl ol 1h1 tJ«1de. Allhouch 1lw 8 u,h 1tlrrunntr1hon ha, , horh:nctJ 1h1" tJcrHll,oo t.1 IQ1S, the thcm1tal 1ndu~1ry , t;a:,er In jtl on with pnxluc,ns CFC subalitules, hu ,·olunlarily ilf'l'f)Cd up thephue'<ll!t Tbe C lt'an frn At t call, IN lhc phue -out o f CFC, due 10 lhc as• sumption 1h11 CFC1 dnft up 1n10 1h111 cartb \ 11mosphc rt' a nti , thro uch complc, c.hem1,· :1\ rue· tK>n1, dc:pltlclht'o:oncLly.:r S11'K'c: 191 4, ,\Mn th" otonc:deplctm nhy pothe, 1~wuf1r.tP'):'• tulalcd , ennron ment1hs t s hl'' C: pu,hc:d for an array ot WOllld han CFCs around t~ world. While , erv,u 11,11on:i: will be 1blc 10 use Freon-12 for ,, Iona u they find ,1. short••"' 11 deemed im• nHnenl. By 10me 1nd11Uty e,,;flmatcs, 1hllrt11cs of F1con- l'2 1rc Up«lcd to bec•n 1n 199) 1nJ Meomc= se:,'En: 1r1 19i)6. IC! Amc:r1tu Int , I lftlJOt sup pl 1cr o f t h111 roe ft 1¥\lflnl , reporlcd 1n Moto r Ma1 n1nc that • 1n the best -c a s e <c e n1r1 0, 1florta,n will occur 1n Ille.- 1996. U1 the wors1-c ue 1ten1110 , thue short•l6 w,11 occur 1n lalll! 19Q) or mrly 1994. · Prices for freon h1 vt alrudy nscn a1kfolJ in lh• p1.11 fow yun du.a to• ◄O pu cenl drop U\ p,odl.lC· hon and e,c,H Wea 00 11.1 ,;ale.
1■'"'1 1ha1
MSU professor lectures TSEA 8yShtryl Barton Rf'POl'1tt Dr. Gone Ne"' ron, profeuor of ed ucar,o n , u1d 1h11 teachers should t,c ano1·11ve wuh 1he11 J N drats bul remai n wllhin reuon du11n1 the Oc1 20 meel1nJ of the MS U chapter of the Teus Studenl Educ.hon Auoc1111on. Newt on le ctured to TS EA munben o n lhe 1mpuria nce o f u serllveness an d how 10 ha nJle w11h out bc mc C'lephve. Women should be ctpec 11ll7 1:uer11vc, be u1d, because 1h11 ( hlflj,. te11,11c 11 :n :;_'.b11te of1no\l n1cn hut not of
T hi' .:oU o l lrton in July of 19Q2 v.·H •pp11>.1. 1m1 loly SS p•r ('-1und. U 15 for • 12ouno.-ecan, up ll om 1bi.1ot 80 cent ► 11(1 pound, 60 -. e nl\ fo r • 12 ounce can. • fr.w )Uf' •i(l The puCC' ol lrcun w,11 c11n11nue to me hy II lu~t 40 ccnhi per r o unJ , J ue 10 ltdenl ut11t llui. u t h )tar throu£,h 199S, "'l'Wn thr m1nul1.'.'1u11ni o 1 Frcon- 1211 di"M:ont1n1HJ tomplctt.ly Alt houih recycltnt is supro•c,1 It! hrlp 1n11n111n !he supply o f Frton- 12 lor ~everal yur, lo co m•. • lJn 1led Nations rcr,o rt prrJ1.:, ~ lhat, al full 1mp\11men11""n, re.:yd1n1 w,11 ~upr,ly only 40 percent ol lhc- refr11enn1 nec-~d ,.,,h1lc F11.,l)fl-u,1n1 veh1de.\ a!"f 111\1 on tit. rfllld The report co ncludu 1h1t "rtfni1er111t ,~ta1e.• will occur by lh c mtJ - 1190, 1n dnelopod .:1.1un1r1u , which w,1 1 resull 1n ~q u1p111cnt o b1olu cent e or the nt t nMty of r.11ro-fi1t1n11y,1,teau to u~ a non-CFC rtfntrnnl." Ac tord 1n1 lo rbe M otor Ma1n1nr repon . the ao n-CFC relr1tt r1n1 hkely to replace Freon• 12 1,1hc h~dro1luoroc11bonknown "
R· llib.
Thi:. rcfrieennt u not con• ,,tiered dctnmen11I to thoc o:r.onc la )u , hue s ome con1cntl 1h1t n m•i ht tootnhute to 11<,b;al "'·armina A, 1 1c:,ul1, somecnvuonmcn11hsa a l\O ...,,nt to phuc out 1h1• 1u~ , 1.ul\ccbythct"ndofthcllci..wle The EM•11onmc:n1a Protctllon A1cnc:, hu ulried the S« ie1y of ;\ulomot1 , t En11merr1 to J c,·elop an affoulahle re1tof11 dr,i1n thu ,.,.,JI cn~hlc Frc:on-12 sys1tm110 run on R I !<la, bu1 en111nccu; hl\'t not ) rt been 1blo tu rc,,,"Omnlt'nd • sys• 1cm 1hry think tOMumets will be "'1lhfl¥ lo pay fOf A ..:Oml)lo:le rcp/1~cn1e1n1 w11h 10 R- ll4a 1ystem II osllmllcJ 10 cCMot S l.000 IO $2,500, hkely u.,·-1,ns, the value of many t• u nccdin, thcir tcrns. lately trt'ativ• rnlrcpnneun h,ve b«a ;nlrodl.lCUII 001 of doll•your~lf rtf11£eranH 15 rtpltc• mcnts fl)f the u ru of R-12 tbal will be banned. Ek~ns !.I)' tho rtplac&m l!in ts I h re• ten 10 J e11 roy tho usands of air cond1uoner1, no maltllr wh■t lhc manufaclurcr's claim.
II 1 ~non> 11r cond111oner 11 , uspe(tC'd ol btm¥ cootsmuutcJ, •
uniple from 1ht t) slem w1II bc cul· \c\;'tctl ■ nJ nnl 10 a tt , llnJ lab, If ,uulh ,ho\\ that ~nmc1t11n1 olhtr
than the 1pprupr111k R- 1'2 or I ) ~a 15 111 lht •y, tcm. the mec:h1n1c will hive II.I draw the retu~.:rant 1n10 • ,pe e, ■ I con111ner ■ nd ha ve ti ,cmo\·Nfby ahaurJou,wuleC:on· tractor All expense, will be puscd 00 10 iheur'• CN,'ncl All 1h,.~ ,nrnnvtnteme ro, m1lliont of ,·on1umcr1 ,s made more 1,:ute when one conmler• lh111, en• vironmen11hu hyperbole to th• conlfal) , CFC~ to date have caused litlle trac•ublc danwi;C 10 th.: ozone layer and no mruu~blc ,ncrrak UI !armful nd1a11on N 11ural and o ften unpre-Jictablc Oucluahoni ,n ol.ont. diH: to 1he :.olu •unspol cyd11, volc anoH , the JCt ,1, trum a nd lh• weather 111 ■Hect ozone leVl:1110 1 muc h 1rutcr dciiru than CFCs ind ,c:1,t«I ch<m1cals, rmk1n1 c\lr•i.,_ _ ..,..,.....,...,...,....,_ r,rnl 0U"Jsn1cnb of CFCs' rolt 1nl utunc dcpl,r11on 11nrtl11bifl' , Or FrcJ S1nrer .!'lld. S1n1e r 1s ■ n .11mM r he11~ phy~1,'1,1 with 1hr Un1ve1,tl)' Vu • 11n,1 anJ , ~ thr dev,itor fl'r of the mfl'lhod '"t'tl 10 nw:oura ozvne Uc ,u,r( nlt y e,11m1to 1h11 CFC. , ,.cou,u for unly on,Hcnth of on• rer cc n1 0 1 1he ,:h,nce~ 1n , otOl'le Incl~ prr )'"' B7R:.ndy llrnnte Ann1htr uea ofun..f1'1ll1n1y 1s Rtpor1tt f 1 th•t vi 1he ,dftCIJ uf o,:onc: un lh• For whom did you vote. I \Jut 1,,h,",',,",rhul111vmlet \1;h1 rcach1n1 qp,•,•,•,~:; n h, •....~h t~;e:nc•os~p\du~! " 30 We 11c 10IJ that ot one 11 1m• M1dwutcrn, the iniwer would porunt he,:au,e 11 hlo..lri1 much of been d,Hercn t from 1h' wh ole lh• ultn v,olcl hthl 1n t un ~h1 nc. ClNnty. wh1~•h, 1f nul hlod,rJ, C®IJ Ollk la 1he pr u1dcnt1al n ee . 1n~kln1:1ncrf , rye pf00kn11 anJ plan1 c 11 mt<,nl Geo11e Bu1h h ■ d no dama~e trouble w1nn1n1 t he popul1r vote Vc:1 Or D111e LN- Ray, former amons prccinc:I JO vo1cr1 1ccorJ1n1 ch1111111n \) I t he Atomic Encrn 10 llllh~llCI JUpphcd by the W1ch1ll Con11n 1u1l)n , r c-p<,rl\ that • t h.1•1 County Chuk't Volcr Rrcutration rec,,rJ• from i, nrtwork of record· Oc:rriment Of all the 990 people 1n11n)l1Umcnhsc1 11p1n 117~11.1 .£bovot«l1n1Mprac:1nctonNov. meuure ultraviolet h1h1 re:ach101 ) , 4◄9 vocc:J for Bu1h. Z9S for H. or relro-fitted 111 condihonin& sys· 1hc eart h ', surface hi ve shown Rou Pero! ind '237 for Arkan111 1cm. r t r nta Ii. pcnctrallon to h1I tlecreu1n1 at • Gov. 8111 Cl1nt0n. . 11 0 Field ~ _';n'1sco: ly I rato ~r S to I. I JJCf'l:rnt per year. When p,ecuM.:t JO I eiuly vottll 1 not • v 11 ew~~ e u1 mcn1 co,;tIf !he 1hcor1 cs 1bou1 o:r.oae we r e co u nted. they showed • $30 {iK/can l.lcrer· deplel10n were cor~cct, ultr1v1olet 11m1l1 r I re nd •. ◄9'2 for Bush. 276 m:ne whit I of reffl1er1nt hu r1d11111on should ha~e bce.n mt reas• for ChntCln and 176 for Pero1 been P"' tnfo)'~y.tem, •nJ:, not dccrrasm1, Ray Aid. Jn the ,1.a1c Senile 11cc hetween 1ntu mhent Sieve Carnkcr
t"' ~::':~';! ,1~:~
It beeins with • Pru bytu 11n minl'ler, pl:1yc:d by Tom Sktmll, wilh I pcn\ hlnl for fly fi,h 1n¥ 1nJ two boy1 who !tam 10 lov• 11, t:\'CA II ihcu f11het does Norman ,umc up 1hc lecl1nr ~her, he u,d, ·tr, wr f■ m i ly 1herc ...,... no de■ r l1ne bltw«n rd 1e1on and lly fahmw • C,rnwi nii up ,n rural Montana d unn J ri roh, bition , Nor ma n 1nJ Paul u pen c:oce •II th•t I$ normal UI adolucen,·t •• .1nt1k1n1 oul of the bo u,e to r c t drunk on homemade beer 1 , well .,. , wcanne and ,l1rvii u ch olhertomkhi• Me But the omni-pre1tn1 cn111y ,s , !way, 1he Hlickfoot River , 1h , parkltnJ w,t er ,nJ 1,s1en1n; 1 sped.leJ 1rou1.
1g screen
The Rivtr •~ th' ,pi ritual centc:r of 1hc1r 11,·c,, a!W ny fatunc •!i th.a un,f)'llll fo,c.. As the boy, arow o!Jer thetr tnlercs ls d1 verie , T he f11~c~ remain, a w lid, • 11,l wall mim,.;t~ Sctina to th' nrcd, of his n oc · N °r m I n· w h u ll 0 " 0 ff 10 D1rtmou th Un•~en,cy to ~ ome .1 profo~,or of ltteniure , Ufl'~ n I 11 rel urn 10 M,sso ul:~~r " 1 P,ul hctomei ~/ P:Cki~ h,._ 1 ni1h\l ,n ncuhy t 1en ' ' d ' :1m• ~~~n:t~ • pu CIS)'I Mn 1 1
coadoued from Pl'• 1
"There 11 no t,>Hl. f t...·lc. Thty have to 11111 on ,r, • Glaudem■ns u1J. G lautle man < WMhd lo r 1he U S. aove rnmt nt fu, norl) .:11h1 yc.ar ~ u • So, 1rtulv ~u • She focu1cJ on Sv \' ICI pu lr~) 10...,ard Che lhud wo rl d , s.-., h.-'I r o liq 1ow11J lhe lJ n1ti J :tl,d t, a nJ •Jn Sovic1 arms ~-1'11tr,1I JIN"-" She wurkcJ f.Jr Chet CIA 19.ii \ t o 1990 and to r !he lJ. S Shi lo Oe p31tmt nt fr\)m ! O•IO ru 19-JI
lm~ mc !he l31CSI Mid~estem St31C Univcnity news m y~r m iulbox every week SOWld tn·
But always tho nver o lls them. ind lly fi~hmK unites Chem, bt11U1n1 them w 11h I hond !hat tran,cenJs any weJac of J1ffcrencc 1h11 1m1h1 be dm·en bcrwecn !hem RetlfortJ narrates 1h1~ movie usini r-u•ecs 11ken duoctly from
•.Ertt.dtl.iYuy 1wia: • day co MSU! · La~ xl«tion of off" 1upplies
11 ~:::;11' ~;:,cn~ : h; t ~..n"'ie , ~: ,:.,i-:; • C'~ -~ Conne.:11,ul
~ ~
_____________ ~
~odt· · •a•
• frtt bllfCM tlf~vcry • K,_kdpbl, Sufi • XtroJC C-ot,ir1> &. Fax Mkhiocs
''>. /.,,.
·n.rW1d111•n :WOOTdt Bl"d P O Bo.\11>0 W,thll~ Falb, TX 763-0II
wiiiiiiiiiiiiiaii"• • •
Midwestern State University 3400 Tait Blvd, PO Box 160
Wichita Falls, Texas 76308 News Desk (817) 689-4704 Ad. Desk (817) 689-4705 Editor In ctuef
C.,y Ecltot
ci.1ro.11 Graphi• AIU■ta
Jeon Htl
G PetnekFo"""°' II KylaRutMII
S.ndt11 Noblitt
&fumiturr! • ~ vc: from <40 •«>"on tht ittm1 you nctd mo!II in our PrioricyPl'Uf!
~ \. ~ ~
r:1 ,! l
and faculty at M.S.U.!
It 11\ong w11h J $10 check or monc)' order to: Circul4ion Manqcr
perso n to be reiisleretJ 1n • parltcular county JO da ys before be:1ns ■ hie to vole •n 1h11 counh· W 1t h1l1 Cou nty turned out 47,025 voters to the polls Of those, 12,8 23 took 1Jv.nt11e of early vo11n1 polls Stl up II p l ■ces M:c T1rset or Wil-Ma11. w ,~ h tll C ount 1110 bid a •I• hi r1 1e ,nth )' erc enl o f f d \.P 11 ~ h':'c' ;:~t)' ve~'; ;:,:~:~: v:';!: 0 cenl increase: ,n reiistercd vote r ,urn out n te. Thu; year 79 pe:rcenl of all re ,,tere:J voters voted u opposed t~ the 78.48 pe: rcent in Che 198& pre.s1dcn11al el«uon
~h.:wRo:~ uf~~~~:end ~~~dvo~:Jt~o 2 ~:mk.:r~0 ~ , :: :~,~YS~o~i; ~ to a, er s 19 Of !hose who \Oh:J nrl~, tv.'O hundrctl anJ Jil:t prcClncl 30 oh:rs vOtfl'd 111111h1 Republican whdt oaly 1)9 \'Otcd s1111i:Jit Democntt. Of 1ho~c who vo1ed on Elct· 110 n da y, I }O c hose 11n1rh1 Republican and I 16 chose slr11ih1 Democnt. V h d d I 0 c ause :ti nr!~~,: ~o \:~~ : 1 t~c MS U ~,.Jcnis who ba,-e pcrouncn, addrh,e~ other 1h1n W1,h111 FIii) and lhc , urrounding are.
Our expenence works for the students
the book , and Shc lfer and Pill h11ndl c lhe p<utrayal of lhe,_r multitl1mens1on1I t haracltU with ton• 1umma1r ~kill. Skerr11t Joe• h,~ u1u1 I sohtl )Ob of por1r11y1n1 • conservahvci bol comp1u1ona1e father , and Enuly Lloy d t ap1ur o 1h11 pretl y, ~phemenl quality of the 201 wom•n u Jeu,,e Durru:. lhc: woman Norman cvcnlua lly INfnd.
pica!< complc!C !he infonnaiioo requested an this space 1nd mad
'." ,,•, •,• ,•hh•' •'•'•'•••h•omm < 0 •h•,', ',',:',',· 100 10 1 .,
J::: :::,',':.:'~·:::.~ ;:::::i·::::',
The: crown1ns achievement of the movie 1s ,ts c1nem1101 r1phy. The to"'·ennr peals and lu.~h 1reen vall eys lhal ,cn·t 15 11, backdrop can br prope rly i.ctn only on the b•Ji .cr.:""n 10 ict the full imp;tct. • A River R1.1n~ Throuih It' IS luw 11n .ac u on with mo~t of lhe v,oknce 1mj1hfl'd nthcr 1han )),own, Jr 1s high on ""armlh and no~1■l111 ind II hnle "d •I tunes. But lot..- the nwv1e, even 1f )OU rrt"lrr 1ome1h1n1 w11h more 1c11on .,,J 11d,·enture S-01nc:1h1ni In 11 will ~;h o,·fl'n 1hc mo~, t)'n.c:11 tn some
Russia changes •••••••••••••• •••••••••
S tudent.s wh o w ere :i.t ill recutered 10 volt 1n then home count 1e~werc:not ehi1Me 1ovo11!1 here Sume llveJ 100 far 1w1y to
., have Texas requ11u •
8 Omn Law en« RT r r ~ R1ve1 Run.\ Throuch 11, . now Johowm al Siku S1t, Theilen, _, a o,in•~t look ooe Amcuun 11 f1m1~)' and 1wo brother,, Norman anti Paul Mid.tin (C ra 18 Sheffer ind Brad Pill) erowini up 1n the ,we-,nlip1r1n1 ~nd oflcn b1ntht•k· 1n 1 buul)' o f the northern Rocky Mountain, Dtrec 1ed by Rober! Redford and based on Norman ~br lun· s au1obio1raph1cal DO¥Cill, lht \IOf)' \~l~~ I in Mi uoula , Mo nt , c irca
Campus precinct t V otes or Bush
l Mov1·e ~hould be seen on
Elc:c11on1 fo r TSEA o fficen for lho 199'2·9} 1.-aJ em1<: ,chool yur were l.'OntJut led •• the meet• ins, New o01ceu compri~e Be<ky FuJae, president, Btcky Fu,cher, v,ce pre11den1: Mth\11 Moore, n cre.111y / 1re1uuer and Tricia Bon«ullc:r, 1tuJen1 ~ n•tor. O ut ao1 n1 T SEA pres 1Jen1 John Fiore, who rs currently slu• dent teach1ni • t Jc:tffl' 1100 Eltmcntat)', u1J t h■t bc1n1 p,ei,dcnr h•i been 1 1ru1 l~1mmr opcri~n.:e. "II h• s hrlpeJ mt 1n my profentonal ,,owth," ht ,..1J Thr nc,,1 TS EA rnrfl'l1n1 dale hu Ill.II ~n sel
ThuC' allercd "drop 10· repilccn1rnu for Freon 12 i re be1n1 al)I J 10 bot h me ch,n1c~ and 1he J C' ncnl publ u: . 1 he 1epbc cmcnl 11rm1 arc not ~ompahb1e w11h CYr• rcnl J u 1ins o f R· J 2 au1omot1 ve1 11r -conJ1hon1111 Jy)fem1 and c.1n cause S)"•lem (11IUl'eJ, h11her cm111, ,on rain and can 1n wme CIKI M flamnub~ Some: floru tha t 1tll aulom<Il ive 1upphc1 h1 v, bern m1rkt11ar cans of R - 1 )41 and R-22, whteh 11 u,ed 1n hoine air cond111oner, , u 1u1t1bl c do-11-youru l f rcplac:.men11 for R- 11 Howeve r, neither o f the two rcf111er 11ts will WOfk 1n , undard R- 12 1y,h11M, amt !he use of R-22 1n place of R- 11 W\ll acwa.1ly duiroy the s7stcm. E,·t n 1f people do not UJe any o f the ·roiue· rdn1cr1n111n lhcu nu, 11 11111II pou,ble fo r th e re triwcranls 10 jt.1 1n10 1ht1r u rs' ~)'llems. Expcrls fear 1h11 people will huy unaprruveJ rcpl1ce.mcnu anJ eventually 10 to mc-ch1n1cs co have 1he1r atr co •.-The price of Freon will eo ntinue to rlN by at least , oceoU o r und, d ue to f: d I p , po h • era e :1ciH tas e&, eac ,.ar tbrou1h l99S, when the manu tacturln~of Freon-12 la dlcont1nued com lete1y .' No t kn ow inJ: 1 iub"ilul• r c friscrinl h• • bcien u ,a d , mcth•n,c, will slio!k the rtfriJl.,Unl 1010 lhetr recychnlh m1thT ,ohu, lhU-1 0 1 ~. :,:.~::.•:~~~~n"';:;_~ condn, onen sc, vh · t d hy lhe 111 machino, dam•c•nt them bf.fora lhe mc-.:han,c nollcu tho rroblcm. Substquently , thele .. r conditioncu could pollu1c olhc:r rte)'• t hn~ machmes, which will continue the cyde. Because environment, I li w1 abo require R-13,la 10 be rc.:yclcd,. 1hcsamecaahappcntoone' 1 new
llame,rc,e,,CI .... T•ue, ..,_~tc,P-
~ -T,-.LN,AnQ,,t'"T-..W_,.,
• Swint« T yprwnlen • Complete i1Htorr .tcrvil:e dtp.r1men1 · Stttlcut bnnd oifu fomiturt' • lnttnJII' Dtsisn Sm-ice: IV11ilable: • )Ocbv Cha'lt Pbn · In M i,~ ,irn 19◄2 •MCtltol
Our .:w1omCTIC7)1(1fr,
~ • 1'1!1....S ar• no;,! ,_e.t-Jetlti' IIIOlt
,peaks (o, ;u,/f1
dit>tl.acvty-....r•....,.., ....a,,.. Dody'
\\{! c,irr about ourcu.s10111t"n!
.,.,_.,.ro;,l,."4!'111 ~1111'-
,a, Wfcbltln
---- -
. representatives . j\ir • 1 recruiters French community . Force techn1ca will screen students Nov. 12 to speak at local church Nov. 15 tf 4, 1"1 Fornier
lr n m so ld <- r " i c unue . m11nta1n1ng ialtlht<- 5 u bs ' .''.On) I t., a need t o.Jo 10. ,.pph u nt.~ m ~•• Ed uca tional Y~krm also be el1g1ble lo obla1n a sccullly !hcsc pos 1110115 1~cc1~~~mt'n:s fo, cl_c1111nce w ht n nc.tJ ctl . Crnni n:.I lnaccoun11nK , b io lo V e ba J -.:erec Olfcn se_ s , c,..:esi.1vc u~ of akohol, chem istry, comm\in i! ~;. us inc u, supplyi nii or u smJ d le11l J ru.:s, pule r •c 1c nce, e ng ine ~~s, com. be1n1 firetl Or qu11tins before bc mi 1 1necr 1ng tc c hn o lu , ~rin g, Co• fn ed may 1dvc r.wly affec t acce~ finance , nianaicment ll:Y, E h ns li~h . lance: 1n10 o r con11nu1tion o f 1he phy.s1<:1. . , , m 111 ematic,,, prosram d eg ree · 1: i.!~~o~~~rd o~ a hache lt)l't Mal~ bom 1fter De-c. 31 , 19SQ ccr11fica11on. uh tcic hrng m U!it re11s1cr with 1he Selc..:tivc Ser· S t uJenu m vice System to be employed by the rnum (:ri de l>Oit'II ~::,~• ve I m,n,. Federal Go~rno~cnl. . . lhe unl.le ri radua ic co"~ u l ).4~ 111 Q u1 l1f1cd 1nd1v 1d ua ls will 1n lhc lo p 10 pe rce nt ;t) or rank receive c-on~1tlc1111on for appotnl· 0 11:raduate d ass Gradua the unt.lcr~ mc nt. w11hou1 rei11J tu age, race , cl1s1hility , ~ also based I ,: studenb rcl1g10n._color, se.l, h1 ndicap, n~-
~ ~m ews w,th the Pala In fe r for A F Ce Acl':e ~ : :~:n,: will~~ c~r.::e Itc h; ••1 in lhl!l CarC"Cr Pa nd uctel.l 12 ,;.J• nt o nict , , Midw::"• anJ l'J <'rmc poslllon ~ re U c~ c.J, anJ a letter o r~ i"c '- 1•ss 15 1 ~ ',' ~ rank 1, 11 or e.an Olll!>I ,(JIO t ~ be ~ ntc~. T~: ~~:le rr;~: ~s to ~t.i.te :,.i: it:~ . ~:.ikcJ ,/ th..., ,: ted o r •~ ,rrtn } J P JO ~rra ~ti of h~ lluiue c lus o r 1 ,-P' : tt: •Of•lhc·u rt le h 5 in~·i rh:s co mh c ni q ue s ,,d1 pr 1ns1r uc 11ona l ine d w uh • °"rrn rc i,:enl m :u e r mcd1a arc
~ J....~om~n o f the A u F~a, ~; ~
o7h:~dcr,:r;!~a•c G PA or cla~~ : n ;· ~a:1;; ~.0111:111 or any other DOO-mcrit
f~t-1 nmen t •~cnc ic1. and a l h eJ ;Qllacric~ Edu..:,. ho n anJ r,-1r.1IIC pe arc ltsp,on:-ublc f:f 10,·hin1 t, t im ng Cour ses thu ~ ,n length fro m three weeks IO 11a,ost one yell r · S ubj ect s ra nge
..:lude U ;i •o na l rcquucm.:nt.s InApphca.nrt ~~~~: 1~.anU moh1hty. sta tc m t q n ed to s11 n a re lot :. ,n •~d~ca rmg wilhn.:ncsi. to comple ti: ei~ ~r Jurin~ or upo n if the Air ~ ~rcte ~;;: ;:~:e~~~! ~~;
Cont1c 1 chc Career Plann1111 and Place ment Office 10 schedule a n 1111er v1 cw ti m e and bring a resume • nJ an unofficial transcript o f all ,;omplctetl 11nde r111tlu11e : ~ scs, 1nd utl1111 tra ns fe rred
• scheduled Ash art exhI•b•1t1on
Btttn,n I~ A rccep11on for Che third of six itHdu le tl c :1. h,b11 1oa s 1n 1hc l)ti\·d s11y Art ?•~lc ry, locarcd m itc f1!1(' Aris bu1ld1ng, will be hclJ JI I p.m. , Nov. I ] . T he i;allcry will ~.,u:t , solo cxh1b1t1on for Richard ~ Ash 111. g1 llcr y d11 ec1o r and ~ r of art , titled "Prints 1988
durmg the Fall 1978 . A h . SllfflCliler. 1 0 mo re ,~.n~~ rep rc soe,nte d by m o n o t . <'I rlu , w h,ch •nd udo screen • r e lie f prin u i nd 11 e.thi bi~io n ~ : sh u,d pnnls m this 1988 •nd IQg, rendtreated bctw<-en o bJec t and · l:\~; roe~ V1SU11lly oo H fl · i IS wor kJ • dJrcss • p11u1on im. • ' · o r pnninu,kmi antl LIS uso..:1atcJ Th u 1.s part of 1 n o nJo ina r~occssi:s. A~h 's works ~0111p11sc: ttne:s of solo exh1bi11o n:,; di:voh:d 10 ~~ n/i5 wi ~te nng m tho i.1 uJ1 0: 11 tt, workoflhe memhcrsofthe ari hor: o: \ :t;e:~~~~fromAu.s11 n:a
~::·~~::';~;::·::;;}~~· ~·,t: ~:':::t~:.~:,~·;~i~~::~:: • .,rt 111 the UA G s mce
o pene J meial ll s h bo r row ed fro m
·~ tf
Any whole s ub $3.99 with college ID Novcm hcr
· ,
U1 The1etts..t ;ii T11ewa11 -
691-1701 3204 Kemp Blvd.
AJ m,mo, '" • ". UAG " '"" ~ ~~ ~nd lhe 11uhhc 1a encoura ~ed 1 11
By Hf'nlht'f Dollins Rtportcr Due lo a shortfall, Pell il'ilnts will be cul $1 00 no t yea r. JuJy Simmons , d1rec1or or stuJ.:nt of financ ial ■id, s.a1U. ~i.,Hnons s.ai 1U thlll lhc ou~mal
KaBine e Playing this F n ~ dwa y a.nd Saturday at theSlammcr 26JOSheppard . Access ~ d
Live Taz.z, Fusion, and Blues
MSU debate team be1·ng organ1·zed MSU stlHlen1\ •re nr111nr.r:1nll'. 1 debat e 1cam 10 com pc hi 1n the Spn ni 1?93 -"'lfl<!~le,. The tea m w,11 compde 1n the C1ou- E 1a m1 n111o n De b1 re As• ioc- 111,on to urnamcn11 throuihout 1hc area. C hu l ei. C11ie, M SU dchlle p re ) 1J cnt i t • tcd 1n t he
?;::;·,::;::. :!'~ ';·c·;;::.::ri: :~:~~~~~"~; 1,~;e;;:: :~d.:;~::::
"We hop< to ach1ev.: lhn. aoal For more 111form1uon contact by compc1i n1 m u m1ny lourna• Ca ge 11t 569-0550 or Lawrence at me nu u w<- c a n a ffo rd ,n lhc 767-0396.
~~ ~~~~
'p O 11· C e B e a t'
1 e1.us!~~:~,~~~~:/~o~r~;i1! ~:,~; has grown so large. T he li nii nc,:i.1 aid ofli,: e awarUcJ I. IS i Pcll .i:1'2/ll'> 1h1s st.: m<-slc r comp..rcd to ln l f111·~ tixure of 1.097. Simmons s11d this mcre1seis a 1r.:nU11.cro,;'t thcna11on because of the reCci.)1on Congrc~s hh:i.vo, ce 1nthc m a tl e r , a ntl S 1mn1ons sa id s he hopes C li nton w ill be a hl~ to 1mprove things.
1501 Mldwu trm P:.rli:w,y
Wicllil.l SquU"C
72)- 1900 16\2 Q\h Slr'l'ct 767.1)(180
S,ku s~n1rr )l,t1 11 ~ ._,~« 6<12.J◄ :l
Hi ll ·la l . 1~:!~ fcat ur11111: Martha Conner, w ill be
Nov. 14 in the Akin
• • The U m\c1s 1tJ Prn11ram~rung B?ard "-ii~ present the cnov1e 8 P m., No\' 18
•• T he Um ver~ny Democrat, 11 4 : JO p. m .. Nov. 19 1n
• • The U Pl3 w,11 fea ture co-
•• A ppl i ca ti o n s fo r th e med1:an Enc Kornfield 111 6 p. m .. Wic hita Fills Advc rlis mg Fedcra· No,,. 19 in th.: CSC Ballro..•m. •• The. Studenl Senate wdl mc-tta16 p.m. ,Nov \9111CSC104 • • T he MS U chapter of Amnes ly l n1ernall(,n1 l mo:o:ts cvc: r)' T hurs Jay 111 3 pm. rn the CSC Thc11er.
M:i.lc-wh1tc-early 20's Stt:i.wbcrry Blonde Hair
5'8" ·• 145 LBS. Soft spoken Light Comple~ion
Two White Females Firsi· Dark Hair, Dark Skin Se,ond: Blonde
t 1on ~cholauh,p •re due Nov. I S. Fo r m o re info r ma tio n c ,11 5924809 •• A se n io r voice r cc 11:1l, f<-alun ng L1)ll Cook, w ill be held "' 8 p . m . . N ov 17 i n t he A k ,n AuUi1oriu m. •• Dr . Jeff Campbell, profei.• .sor of Enghsh, will be th.: featured speaker at !he nc:t.l Facully Forum, 8 p. m., Nov. 17 in the CSC lncatcr.
al 8 a. m. , Nov. 14 1n Bolin Scie nce ,~';~~; ; ; :,ca/
Emcrccncy 1u111on and Ice loaru. llrt due Nov. \2. For more u,. fo rma tio n concac-1 1he F1 n1.nc 11I A1d Offtc.e 1t696-61 86. •• The 81p11s1 S1uden1 Union will fe11 ure11 spade$1oum 1mcn111 1 p.m .• Nov. 13 m the BSU. For mo re 1nform a11 on con1 ac t Reck Balchclor al 761-ln2. •• Mo rtar Board w ill fu ture 11n hono rs .sympos111m 11 7 a . m , Nov. 14 m 1he C lark S1udcn1 Center Alnum •• The TASP t~ t wi ll b,e held ••
Accom plices:
O ur Slorrs hunor the~" third p:arty lnsu ro1n.:e pla; :
Fo r any information leading to 1hc :i.m:s1o f suspect o r return o f merchandise
PCS, Texas Blue C ross and Blu~ Shi~ld, me ,me
Mosr Contact Lensu A vaifablt' In 48 Hours
• •©o 0
3 FREE lenses w ith 12, $44
h worl ssoo. Then IIICI no •• A n unknow n 1nd1v 1dua l removed SI S. 1wo car lc.:ys and 1n MSU ID card Nov. 4 from • pone localed near the LOIS syi.tcm on t h e. 1h ird floo r of the Moffcll Library. The ite m~ uc worth S I S. There 111e no sw:~ ts.
Comet® 'Dy k .,,'tl Oml 691·0060
rc.s:n: : d ~o"t~voc,t~: ~~ytl!1~~'r~: pu l wc,ck. • • An unknow n 1nd 1v1du:1 I r emoved a N1 n1 cntlo v,dco game m 1c h , ne, S IA N1n1c nd o i:a me c11trcd11c• and two Nintendo con• lrollcrs Nov. J from the pmc room 1n Th t C b.rt Studcnc Center. T he ..__ _
sa1J m:1ny ) lutlenl s wi ll come 11110 :~e aid office for adJ111on- ,
See Quence, NewVues or Acuvue I F'REE lens with 6, $22
11iumc111111on •ntl debate by o ffer· s11r,ns scmC:! ler. • he _...1d. ina MSU students the opportunity M SU debate mee t, ni:.s w:11 be: 10 J ebate eo mpe1 111 vc ly o n a held 11 7 p. m. e\'ery T uc ..d:.<)' tn the statewide. and na11onwit.lc le\·el. • Moffett L1br1ry.
autho 11u11on o l $2, 400 c11nno1 be met, •o the federal ~ovcrnmcnl has bee n forcc:J to c ut Pell i:, ran1 s 10 $2,300 for th,: 19Q3•94 i.chool year. Howe ve r . the student' s nccJ will nol b.: rctluced , 1nJ Simmons
141', J1-...,iu111 1>11Jr, \k ,run:;- u1d I 1unJ1, 1,.......ont Ill\ tfol \\ Uh Ill) nth~r '(I\.• 1 11, l'i, ,, nt \I\I II l 1111h 11""111111~ 111tl,i- In 1,n 1" J1"011111
Ask our pharmacist about Contact Replacements-Check our Low Prices!
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Everything you want in replacement soft lens es. Even fash ion tints! .
)_ • '~'~" ~' ~" Y· YT~h•_"_m,_ ,_. ~w~h'Y 'Y' ~" :,_ " _• •·• ~•~·•~ ff,_"Y~Y · ,y . - - - - ~ ' ~ '·- - - - - - - - - 4
T he co nco:rn for lho , econ• c1\i111on o f a ll churchu 1nJ tho " odd h1 li le J the commun,ty fu beyonJ 11s h11h1Je m Bur¥ondy. As • ,;oncre te ~1~n of ~t•l1du11y, ~mall ~ruups oi brvthtn hve 1n dcvukd a 11tl povo: rl )' ~1r,c ~cn arc u ol Afrt~a, anil Latl/'I Amtnca. In N o nh i\ mc.ri.:-a , aevc ul brotht'n live tn • see11on of New York City ulktl "l h·ll'i Kilchcn,"
p11enb and boo15 once worn hv 1 shcnft from Throckmort()ll cwn1Y Some o f 1huc 1111K~Cli evolve from mnn o 1ype!( 11nJ proJ r us thro11i;h 1hc: 11111~ 110 11nJ rd ac t fl r o c c s) e 5 t o c m c r 1: e a i. scro::o::npnnts. Sin~<- Che m1d•OOs, ,. , h hu been 1nvolvo::J m mor.- than 100 n• · 11,"1.ll ct1rnpcl1 twc nlu/>11100~. more th11n 40 mn111tmn11 I c~h1h1t1,ms 11nJ hu had 48 solo • nJ two pcrs<1n u.h1b1tmns dunnl,l'. h1sorl.'C'r
lh o: in,d\li,J ' hrolhc r~. • not onh ~mne from d1ffcrc:nl cnunu1d 1n\ cul ture~ . />111 ah,o belona 10 J , f lut'nl 1d1g1ous UC:nnmmatinn:,; T ho:: tommunity J \k',11'1 ~cco:r t i!h o r Joru,11ons It ) UltJKllll 1tsd · and olh\lrs , olrly throuih Che wo,~ of 11' roemb..::N Larae num bu ~ o f people , pn mard y bctwe,:n the •¥cs of I i anJ 30 , go lo T11 zc. fo1 a w ~ck,
fo r fi~~: ::~R~,~1/:~ .fcf~~;t; r~f , hc: i: ;:~f; ,o ~::~~~ot u.~ ~1~h'~ :;~;~c~c:h:~ Ta12e Com muni ty, hcl~J rcfugee5 T•11c. att rac ts more chan 6000 pu• pr:aytr, wmk anJ hosr11al1fy for the 1n Eun,pe J u11n ~ WorlJ War JI. t1c1p11nts • wcc:k fro111 approx1mt1e• sake of Chm,1 llnd lht Gospel. While in Europe. he -.carchcd for a ly 60 1hffnc: n1 counlrlOs. Du ring T hu.1uihou1 1hc year, pru;· p l1c c 10 b¢e•n I s m• ll C hri"i•n he wu k-lo na i n1e rco n11n.,n1 al s 1hl c lo f.:O 10 T11zr lor a week of .:roup comm111ed to r«on..: ihation. h ccttn•-s which arc run hy the com• p rayer, per,ona l re Occ-t 1on an d Brother Ro£c r·~ 111tc1111on w11s t m 1nity 1hro<111hout 1hc year, people ~ha11n11 with mhcr\ f1 o m around n ot 10 s t1 rt a new c hur c h or k ,plo ,e 1hr sourcu of foith 11nJ 1he wo rlJ . People 11lan11111 lo 11d c no m1n1t1on. b ul In 1.· ro lc • look fo r ways of brina ,na together lend shoulJ 11rnv<- Un a SunJay 11nd "pauhle of com muntly" roo1ed 1n 1Mtr li fe 1.ntl hum.n sohJanty. slay until the lul!o"'cni Sund ay. the monu t,c 1radit1rtn. He formed T hr ee 11me s a day , lhe Accom mo tl a t 1ons are very • com munit y of hr o th <.h w ho brol hc n anJ vis ilort aather for ~1mple, i;p11<'e cs h m11c:d, !>011...,-ou!J would make I l1fdon~ comm11nu~nt o mmon p rayer 1n tho Churc h o1 he w1 st to "'ntc tn ;,Jvancc. Tho~ to cel ibacy a ntl ma t crul a nd Reconcih 11t1on. This prayer penod allcnJ mg will be asked lo m.11kc a mcluJes short music al rdn ins , n111 lt cnntrihutton 10 help with the, sp1ntu1I sh111lflJ . B ro l ht r Roge r loc11eJ hi s t11J.:cn fr om l11Crtplu1c which are oow u pcn~\ of ml!iils 11nd JoJg1nj a1oup 1n 1he ~mall v1 lh•l:e ol T.1111c, ki)cJ 1n chu r'ch<S around the world. For ad J 1t1 on 1l 1n for m11io n located southc&$1 o f Piir1.s 1n 1hc A t Ta12c , p1r11c1pants form s mall and lo announce, your v1s1t. pica'° Burcundy rc~1on of fran.:c. £10ups for B1bh: d1scuss1on, , hare wr ilc to: Meelmj$, 7 1250 Taizc T o<l,y , lh, ,o mmu,or y .,. ,h, " oublo, ,h,y"' ,. ,hm ow, Co mm uoo<y, F, m,. o, " " Tel c lutlc1 SO men .:0111m1tcc:J 10 • ht'c: commu n111u and J iscuss ho w lo())) SS-~30-30, Fu (33) SS-~ )O..
Pell grants cut for spring
Special ..... 10.)0 hJ lOp,"
1; 0
8) Jimmy Trrry Rtporkr T wo rcpre,en1 ~11vu frnm 1ho T au.e Commu n1ty tn Fi anC'c will conJuc1 ,n ec ume nical pu yer M:r· Vii.'(' 111 1 p. m., Nov. IS :11 :he fir.st Chn st11n C hu, ch, 3701 Taft BlvJ . A v1tlc<1 o l lho story of1'a110 will be • hown at 6:30 p.m. The re~ resen1111vu w ill a l!>o be at lhe Un1te tl C•mpu, ~,, ltni~l riu , ] 40 1 Campu~ Drive, at 12 p.m. , Nov. J6
Call 691·3229 or Crime Slop['Cf$ al 322-9888 (All rails are conliJcntial)
$l000 IN JUST ONE WEEKI PLUS S 1000 FOK THE MEMBER WHO CALLS! ~oobh,111>0". :-.oc.ott.
You 11!J.o &ct 1 •·REF. llf.ADPIIO~E RADlO JUJtforcallin1 1,800.932,0528, fat. 6S
ALARM SYSTB1S 1-'rffl•C.ll•lloft kiw «at/low maJ1i..l11r,w A rfo rdablot
"""' '2> 696., 1◄ 1
Ktlth U.rDrll
Pa1re 4 ■ Th..nday, November 12, 199'2
Team wins in playoffs
01hu o "at,ui, J i nv p irrto, WC'f• 11.1rnt-J i n h)' Lu k<t And C' rl l' . T ,A th H,11 . Tu r i
to blud . 1n \tod ot 1.... 0 before th< Ulhtf I C'am rd urn.., tlM t.11. l h" , , e-uh -. rl • ) lr ndt-i.l In 1nt1m1dl\lC' LCll \f' VC1rlv · 11 lf'-' C lhcm ftb, • ~k.K.!Nn· w k! The I • d) lnd11M J c p~IIC'J "° c J n""d"'} murn1nv fro m Lub-t-a.:k ,o 1n1.,~ I to S1h, cr C11, '- \t There the Lad) Indian, .... ~11 com• p,ece w it h We~tu n Ne,. ).lc•,i1.o lJn,H ~ ll)I. wh,l u , urrc,11ly lup· Mf'd B,n ,. au ~c lh c r f ""ere o n l y .:. ,e n 1c-1m, ,n lhc pla ) u ft'-. • Y~ MU ""• ~ able t-, calc -. b)c Inf 1bc finl rotn.l W ay lanJ B1 p ti, 1 l,oive u ,1! will ~ \.'Ompccu11 ,... 11b T arlc ton Stale u,d H~ ard P•rne Un " cr· s.117 ,viii hr , o mpeC1n c w11h S ul ~ , S1a1e If 1ho L 1Jy f,.,J, a n .: Jdc al \\izr.r. M U . Md{1nl o r rr1.h d-c lh&I 1 11
to ry o •n r Lubbodt C hrol1an
T h .... mp i. , ,n an d M o ll y v . a
h;l, ,cb.,
H«m• rt Andt'rlr • n o uu,Jc hu re r , had to ._,ll1. "" error., 16 dip and o<Hn hkl.. L- Hill , • nud.Jl. h.tt&h hMf 14 luJh . on,1; cmx. IOdt~ and •" blo..\ .. ThomplOII , • n out.U de b11!c-r , had 11 kJl8. 30 Jip a11J r.i.o t>lt)I.U v.n Hc mc fl , 1e11.r,. hMf s, u,,st, , 11 J.ir ~rid hilro Hod..'M<:l( 1nlr ..,cJ,crd lh< 1eam ·,
1,~;~; ~ h';.:~pt~~::~
an Leer portrays Malcolm
T'h• Lady l11J ,an, Vo lle) h.t.11 ltarn b e 1u1 1h e 1ocn 0 1,111c1 I playolTJw11han O\'tNhellnu1J ~ICU1u'fcr$.11J Oft Nov 10 ~ La.Jy lnd1n,f dc(utcd LCU tn lhrN out uf 6w pmca I.S-10 I\ 10 l · IS. 7• 1.S and 11•3 Cob M .: K u, le)' hu J O:Noch . 11ve hllNlnhlCI ~ nt •nn 10 w--,·enl o l the playe r, He bl.r 1n w ith N,.. tile. R1i1 r,,tn . Rup.n , rn1Jd1e h,,. l<Er , had 10 lt1lb , nu .mm and tour
1 ; 11
~ id "Sha n m• ali,C', • M .:K1nky
Dy Lmdll \\ i.1-.un Srott ltt"porlt'f
T h ,: F1nr Arc , Thotcr ho• l .lmo .an 1n"1rumc n1 for lea rn1n1 -..:,,,. J. a .. • clo r Darryl Van Leer
J tl1\ r 1ed M:ik olm X ■ · 111u u1e lo Lbe Gn1• Roou" and " The Bal • lul n r 1he Oullcl" >pe• ;;:h • • lo • l lr-;-" ) au.JtC"ftl.'t . For ao mc •ud1ence m,cmbc:n . 1t w u t h e f1 u 1 upnsure 10 lhe 1h-.:t,1 rh. o f 1h c inartyu d blac k le ader, who ha> b•H· o m c • "hu t 1op1.: · o f 1n tc:re~1" 11lm d1tN:lur S pike Lee > om c b •awa itcd SJ4 mdl t<'" do llar mo~·,c: ope n> ne at
"'"' Fo,
ma n y other s , • o me o ( ,...hom ,,t,n tl) mo...1hed lhe wOt'Ch o l 1t,, , ~11c hc, al on1 ,. 111, Van Leet. cbc p,erform•~ bmuch t lo h(e lhc 11,•o rda lhe" h■J read and
\ IUdieJ
1!;~: ~1~J'::;~:7! ~!
for yurs
V an Le er deli v e r e d the .,,ecdw, -.11b Mi( h 6cr y 11Ue n.s.1y. lh;ll many 111 lhc a1.1d1 rnc e ('Offl"'" mir nl c:d t hat be a( IUIII)" N su 10
actMe.dulC'd to pl•) WN MU 1ocuch1 111 Sllw1 C11y
By Od>hw Meal&:t Sporl~ Starr t c:Cb~l~et:.'! ~1~1~~
1e11o n w11h an 11nfor1una,.,
PMln b) KWr lt..-11
Under heavy preoaW't!, David Hih!entecer makes a lhot in tho 4•0 win over Hardln-Slmmons Unl• veraity.
Indians soccer team on championshi p road ,,~,~'C; 11) I-It-Ip lhc:
By K,k llu,ion
W.>,."\J ,HJ ... i.•J
Sport., StalT
E ver y b oJ~· tal c no t1.cc 1hc MSU so.=c er lc:acn nu1t11 be un • roU 1ha1 ,...,II \, &r l )' them •11 the.,.,.. to the N•l1 C ~ lftfJ'h"''•tup The Ind ia ~ roOoJ throucb 1hc01str1 ,;: 1 I T 1H1r n<1 m t' nl la u week e nd hy ou 11,;onn1 H•rd111 S1mm o1u U n 1u :r-c11y • nd ,.\..,,-h l'I Co llete- wu• • ~omb1aed ,.,oro o l
Tb.- lnJ,an, ~01«! hf'I off an una"\\1-eJ 1,1a by Jov IV t• l <e 1h, IC'aJ 1 0 Jo , lbc• ~.. o , • J a t l he l l 00 nu 1L o fr an L"'il'I lr<'nt ll1bentc1•1 tv e \ tcnJ th..- T,,t-c ', k.tJ tu 2-0
12-0 l o w1a 0 1s1n .:t $
Lhc I Qm
The T ri be d•lute d HarJ 1n SnnmOtU J. -0 l"oov 6 a l the MSl1 ~ (:er l\dtJ. ·w. pla)"N 1 ~ , 1 m.: ~..-, a ll. alt houJ:h w a ~ crc J lulk 11:i.l I (ell l1kc we "'" re , t1nd1111, im ,>w:nJ 11 lol. • N atha n Pife r , MSU "'"'-~n hc•d coac h .... ,J "\\ bco 1Gcoff) H101o n c a me 111110 1b c i amc . h r save us , re.al spar li: , M lpc.J open up the offcnk Afkr we ci)ftll.! we u cmc-d 10 p1d. up the r-cc tor Cito ust o f the 1 unc · M1d we ...1c 1n 11c o rad 1,, .., o n •n un:n ,\l '\ICd 10111 b y t◄ ,nt0f1 1n10 Ute tr(! ,td,.. o f 1hc Cowboys' ncl lo make the ...._Ofe 1-0
al the 39 49 rnairl; The Jnd 1,1h ., \lc>nJod 1he 1r kad 10 2-0 al the ◄: 04 inarl. u tf t n • """'' ht>m Da niel tl1hcritc:ic:r 10 Da nn)' Co._et, ,... ho l,!VfM:J a ,h<11 into the left corner ut 1hr nee The T nb.: 1ncrca~ 1ti kaJ 10 l •0 o ff an as,111 lrorn u11o n co Co k e r w hu >h o c 1n 10 t h e 111 h1 corner o f the C owboy,.·~ T he Indian• r,n■I ,.,:nre c:: ■ me wllb 11 JI left 1111 tbe s a me: o ff ' " au , 11 from \1 t1.hacl C hlffin lo fnn Schoen Ort N o v 7 M1dwes 1r rn whipped thf' Au~t m C oll•at• Kan• 1.ar001 S·O 10 e111c nd lhc11 w mn1n1
h , .. h• I t rid, at lht' 4J "\(, m.ark "'ttcn he folk,....'CJ up• S111J \ l u..•rn1.,1n h,c.,1Jcr 10 1Mrc,1.w, lhc Trtr-c ._ k.JM ).() Mart \I, llf fli)1 J thrt••t1me .-.11 .-.,n c n ,.•n. 1eorcd o n• lon1J,~11n.:•· hu dt r :,.1 1hc: SS•4 I 1t11rk t,1 up th e: lnJu1n.'- lelld 1u 4 -0 lh l,cnle&t:r pul ho me another , h, , t a t 1hc c,.7 14 mark of lho vmc ,.., m•ke lhe ..:l...-c 5 0 YI ooJarJ maJ e the K0rt 6 ·0 •.JCI
a p,.•nah ) lid : Jtte, H1h,e rneitcr
...,,.,. , • • kitJ in 1hr ,o■ l •\ ec:rw, ·1t,o, • nd , ...orld •1a.1n o ff an , ,.,..~1 hum C.h•ltin 10 m,1kc the XOfc -0 S, h oc • ,~_,, .,Jal th e Sb OO
nur ~ un • purtth , hol lo m•ke lhc:. final ..core S-0 \\ ■ ruor ,;11d the Ind ians arc ·1°"'1 k.l lhc: «how• and hJive made 1,1p 1he 1t m 111J s 1h 111 t he ) · re n o t ,c,111e 10 ION" ,no1hcr "'me f h• lrtJ11n~ ,. 111 pla)' 1n the 4,u J pl• )ufh at the MSU ~c.c.r h rlJ 1h, .. .,.cclcnJ
r::t~'!:!,::;:~l~~i.:.•:11;~~ Wnh fina l s, orc o(
711 lo 61.
~t,.',~:;•~1~:~~;; ,~i;cf.:~:
0 :~ , : ~ ~ 1
S■ rt'n• Cu lt!,
a.!IUOI . Ind the 1'$1llJ~~r1; ~~~ =J~ =~ .2:!-,J tu
te a m~ •> a 1,111. nc:,vu u, tlut 1 1 ~ 1~\ :c :,:: 1..~~: ',:~~:
t m•i t nKJh''
1 ~u, c ~:~~-~cf, 1~1~ cr,;,~r~ t:.:~~~ re (crt n..11 lo 1tH- 011p,Wlf'nl s.,u , h.,.er1 c 1n \.'■ m e u u t >ln'Wlt 1nJ toot lhc: lnJ ea rl) , 1111· h n, C'lfhl o l 1h lu <I nm~ <hot, Th" meant lht' lnJ1an, twJ lo t• ke • a•mbl• and ,un, JHet.■ e11 ly 1,a OW• l•IM li't U IC'll up Ra)' u ,J lhat .althn uth 1hr) pl1nn~•J 10 111,h.te , rr<",1, Jc l~n~c rhe y h,Jn 't p h,nn..-J en run a rrcss. for en c nt,rc ~• me ..s 1h1, tcnJ s 10 ho rmnr fo, !he pla).:t'C. W11 h a -.,e l hcfor e lh,: nc , 1 1 • mc, K• ) ,.,iJ th:,t thu.: .,. ,II 11ve 1he tn m 1uue to wl\l l W t w mc o f l hc rro hlcn1, 11 u pcnc n..cJ 1n 1h, li n.t ; .ame The LaJy l11d1.,1n, w,11 lllkc on Pt11lhps Univcr<1ty t1f O~h, hunu at 7 pm ., No\ 17 m O L. L,ion C u h sc u 1n Th1-c m•rk~ 1he 11 li1't home sa me , M1J we11e rn has not rJa ~cd Ph ,11 ,p-. Un1,u, 1t) 1.n Sc,cr.al ~ .al'). b ur Ray u,J . • A ll NA( t\ O k• lahoma tcalt' tre cooJ • He .u,d 1h11 he 11111b 1.11es lh" 10 1he 1r r ec ru 11,n 1 , b d 1ll ei.. w hu.· h h.1 ~ a broade r ba.'\C than M;d ...,•c., h!rn
~ ' WltlJlta11
~!;:;~0~a;.~~::: Berman
c ~I J~~ :efrne A r h T ho 1cr rool. "'hur tlw~ Th,, " -...).illl tw1ory. on• · ..:, mr mnc,n1 • •t~ phr.rc Chn, 8 ndl ir), • 14-ycar-old 1, .auJ1tn-,c me mbcn •i:rced w11h frc"1m<1n at Wi ~h, ,~ FAIi s B ,i:h Ma k ol m X · , u ll f o t Bla < k Schuol. Mud "I think wme. pc,oplc: Ul hHali11n T h• c:n tbUllaJII(: wear ·x· ha.I> :,nd don't ~ - know 11 1::~! •'~ ~:u:~;; 'h:; :~~ h 1: .::::;.~0 ~:a;~d • lu t n,c:1.1rt,,r,,~. duc nption Q utn iun G1ba:o n , ll. a , tu~; : ~,: ; :~ ; r (If bbl t u,f(cc : ,:nf~ ~1 2.:~~)'I, 11 AH ... t hC' IJO 11u nu 1c: ~ r im• l ie (Van 1-"r) 11, ,ho\l1ni Uj -.hal 1 1 11 1: 1'• : ~:~ ~~·::/ M■k~l::i ~ ~ ~~,:1~ .- pt t · lorm■n,.- Dr I U f) W 1ll1arM . rorm■n...~ .. 111 \ l am n Luther Kine 1 ~~~:::\":~•: ~~ ~~~;:,~~• ::,:,::~' ,: •1•;wa~~~11,~1r)n t ~ =o~: lh1Pl 11·, rrc■ I 111..t1 Ilk un1,tf'•ty X
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Spikes finishes 2nd in CAT A 9y Kyk lfo,mn
Spor~ Slotf Tcsrn Artow , the MSU .:J"hn1 1um, compel~ 1n • ru.d r.co Nov 7 11 Sou1hwc$l T n u SUic Unsv-c"r• 1,11y 1n Sin ~t.rco, and Chc.n r.ud Nu v II 1n !he: T ou t DcGr ucn., a tu.m tune ,,.. .,1
S p,tu • nd ft,.tih1C' kruwn ftr11dwd
ln lho women' ,;; d1Vl\11Jn B\llk1 and and O &v 1.: f1n1 s h• J 2n J 11, hd .Danu:h fi,mhrd W A lc.u nJ c r 1n,J 81 u wn h ni,heJ 1n D1.ir1 n1t 1he 1 uur Od,,u<nt 5th pl~c
.Srb. In C AT 8 Tr, 1m
Alpine Stereo Package · · S200 nff -· Lowe..,1 pnc..: m town
Tc• m A rruw 1• ~llttenl l ) 1n tl,1r d pl11, e 1n the ..: uarc:ir co ce bif.. hmJ Teus A & M anJSTSU. The rc ~u.lL'- of the Nov 7 rOtld '"~c include I\J .un Spike, r.nu,h,111 2nd ,n C AT A. Sh.annu a l)1n1cls linl'h<oJ l rJ 1n CAT 8 ..,..h,k Robhie U, ow n c hnc:heJ 61h pl•«
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1 Ou t l c", ~ : ~~: ~:•da; ~;,n ,8~~~: :~ , - -- - - - -Alcundcr fin1., hcd S1h. Lisa Bro-.-n l 1n11> heJ 81h :i nJ M111h• Du o 1in1, hcJ 9ch
-ON ~;re p rov1de gchool sur,pb es os w.?.1.1 of.t.ice St.Wl ies.
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ni,•er s ity
Every Wednesday unu I December 3 1. l 992
WII Kcm r OIYJ ., W1ch1L1 1:a1h. 1 ., 76 \08 Phooc (8 J7}ffJ I MS'i 1·:ut tX l 7)(f )l .75()4
JuJd Joy. ~a rho m o r c . P* ' · fo rm • d ■ hat 111c k •n d Ruh
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Open till 6 p.m. ****$ 1.00 per game****
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MSU Students are Welcome!
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