Nov. 17, 2010

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(COUNTRY) GIRL POWER: Female artists steal the show with victories at the CMA awards.

CELEBRATE THE VOTE: MSU honors anniversary of 19th amendment with influential speakers.

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Wednesday n November 17, 2010

CALIFORNIA BOUND: Soccer team earns a trip to Chico, Calif. for national quarterfinals, maintain lossless record.

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your university n your voice

President fields student questions at SGA meeting Chris Collins Managing Editor

Last week, the Staff Senate gave President Dr. Jesse Rogers a vote of confidence. Monday, the Board of Regents gave him their full support. But on Tuesday evening, students at the Student Government Association (SGA) meeting weren’t so accomodating.

Some students grilled him about MSU spending on the Harvey House property. Recently Rogers has faced criticism for paying an interior decorator more than $94,000 to furnish a mansion gifted to the university. Rogers met with students in a lecture hall in Bolin. The room was packed. “If you take one thing out of this room, it’s that you can al-

ways come back to us,” one student told Rogers. “You should come back and talk to us a little bit more to avoid miscommunication.” Rogers didn’t cut straight to the chase in the meeting, despite a room full of students who were eager to ask questions. He acknowledged that the issue of spending on the home was definitely on a lot of students’ minds,

but he didn’t get right to it – instead he spoke for about 20 minutes about his own collegiate career and how happy he is to serve as MSU president. Rogers likened the present controversy regarding the Harvey House to the situation MSU was put in when it was asked to change its team name from the Indians to the Mustangs. “It was a serious time. This is a

Close encounters with

junk from outer space The sky – or rather, orbiting debris – really did fall on art secretary Chris Collins Managing Editor

On the morning of Nov. 5, Jesika Fisher awoke to find her bed was on fire. Little did the secretary of the Jaunita and Ralph Harvey School of the Visual Arts know she was under attack by an object from outer space! “The first thing I became aware of was this orange light, and on my legs it felt like something was burning,” Fisher said. “I tear out of bed and realize the fire is still burning my bed,” she said. She stomped the fire out and started trying to figure out what exactly caught her bed on fire. Distressed, she called family members to help her investigate. Fisher’s brother-in-law noticed a hole in the top left-hand corner of her bedroom window. Something had plummeted through the screen, windowpane, drapes and curtain. Whatever broke the window then slammed into the opposite wall, gashing it, then fell on the bed, starting the fire. “We were like, ‘What the hell is that!?’” she said. That’s when Fisher called the police. Wichita Falls police officers, after investigating the room, supposed someone had thrown a bottle rocket at Fisher’s window. Officers found some metallic debris near the burn marks in the bed, but no

Jesika Fisher, left, displays the object that broke her window and lit her bed on fire Nov. 5. The object (above) was identified as manmade technology probably derived from an orbiting satellite. (Photos by Chris Collins)

bottle rocket. They weren’t too sure what the debris was or if it caused the fire. “The officer said he was going to retire in 10 days and that was one of the weirdest things he had ever seen,” she said. Fisher left her house, too freaked out to stay there. She tried to sleep but was awoken by a phone call from the WFPD. An officer told her the incident could have been the result of Rider/Old High vandalism. It was the night of the two schools’ annual football game. The offi-

cer said the case was being categorized as deadly conduct, a designation usually reserved for drive-by shootings. Unsatisfied with the conclusion, Fisher brought some of the debris to Dr. Pamela Stephens, chair of geosciences to investigate. The object was eventually deemed to be space junk, possibly a chipped-off piece of satellite. “I feel lucky,” she said. “It could have been a lot worse.”

serious time,” he said. “As time has gone on, the state has put less and less into higher education,” he said. “So students at this university have to pay more and more for their education.” At this point Rogers began to address spending decisions regarding the Harvey House, and how those decisions may have reflected on him.

“I am very saddened by the mistrust, the anger that has been directed toward me as a result of articles published in The Wichitan and the Times Record News.” He gave students the backstory of how the house was acquired from the Frank Harvey family and how the university attempted to deal with property. “It’s an asset, it’s a nice piece

See SGA on page 4

$300,000 invested in one MSU house Alyssa Johnston For the Wichitan

MSU has pumped $157,971 into repairing and renovating an off-campus house now occupied by a dean who lives there rent free. These expenditures exceed the $147,000 the university paid for the property in August 2009. In total, MSU has invested more than $300,000 in the 2,894-square-foot home at 3311 Taft where Dr. Barbara Nemecek, dean of the Dillard College of Business, lives. At the time of its acquisi-

tion, the residence was valued at $197,000. Since then, the value of most properties in Wichita Falls has declined. According to the Wichita County Appraisal District, the home is currently worth $132,863. Since 1996, MSU has bought 10 off-campus properties to expand its footprint. The Taft house is the priciest to date since the cost of renovations exceeded the purchase price. Of those properties, eight are located on Hampstead, directly

See TAFT on page 4

Regents reaffirm support for Rogers Brittany Norman Editor in Chief

Regents unanimously affirmed their continued support for President Dr. Jesse Rogers in a special board meeting Monday evening. MSU faculty and staff members, media representatives and visitors attended the meeting. The sole agenda item was consideration of Rogers’ status as president of the university. Two regents, Samuel Sanchez of Keller and Tiffany Burks of

Grand Prairie, took part in the session by telephone. Michael Bernhardt of Wichita Falls was unable to attend. Three individuals signed up to speak on Rogers’ behalf during the public comment period at the beginning of the meeting, which was held 12 days after The Wichitan published a list of expenditures on a house donated to Midwestern by the Frank Harvey family. Arnold Oliver, who served on

See REGENTS on page 3

Dean follows in father’s footsteps Chris Collins Managing Editor

Dr. Matthew Capps, dean of the West College of Education, is a lot like his dad. He shares his father’s features, mannerisms and interests. In fact, as dean of the college, Matthew is even working the same job his dad Emerson did for nine years. Emerson started working at MSU six weeks before Matthew was born. He worked as an assistant professor in the College of Education at the time. “I’ve been told we look a lot alike,” Emerson said. He thinks the two have similar personalities. Both are very interested in science and math, biology and the outdoors. They like to know how things work and researching the teaching process. At one time, Emerson even

Matthew and Emerson Capps stand in front of Ferguson Hall. (Photo by Chris Collins)

worked in the same office Matthew currently works in. “It looked kind of like this, but there was a stack of stuff there, and another stack of stuff there, and there… he’s a lot more organized than I am,” Emerson said, laughing. “He refers to himself as Young Dr. Capps and me as Old Dr.

Capps,” he continued. “I try to discourage people from doing that.” “I try to encourage it,” Matthew said. Matthew said he spent long hours of his childhood roaming the MSU campus. “I’ve been here since the day I was born,” Matthew said.

“I’ve seen how the building has changed, and I’ve seen how the campus has changed. People ask me how long I’ve been here, sometimes I say five years, sometimes I say 39 years. It all depends on your perception.” Emerson taught educational psychology and helped with the counseling program while Matthew was attending the program at MSU. Educational psychology, it turns out, was a required course for Matthew during his college career at MSU. “He taught one of the courses I had to take,” Matthew said. “Educational psychology is about how children develop. He would use stories about my brother and me growing up. He would tell these stories, and I was like, ‘That’s not the way I remember that happening.’ I asked

See CAPPS on page 5

Helen Hong. (Photos by Kassie Bruton)

Pint-sized comedian inspires big laughs Brittney Cottingham Features Editor

“If you believe everything about Asians, we are all math geniuses who give great manicures, love doing laundry and playing the violin. I’d like to meet this schizophrenic person,” comedian Helen Hong said. The University Programming Board (UPB) brought in the New York City comedian who

wowed MSU students Thursday night. Hong tackled taboo topics in other jokes to break the ice with the audience. “Talking about and laughing about sensitive topics like racial stereotypes is the only way to overcome them,” Hong said in an interview. “Most stereotypes are so ridiculous, it’s easy to make fun of them.”

See HONG on page 4

2 n The Wichitan



nour view

Working toward wisdom

“Blessed is the one who finds wisdom, and the one who gets understanding, for the gain from her is better than gain from silver and her profit better than gold.” The words of Solomon in the book of Proverbs have a timeless truth that should be considered. People are quick to judge, slow to listen and hard-headed. Abrasive and rash words can deal more damage to people’s dignity than sticks and stones do to their bones. Wisdom is a balance of confronting the truth and acting with grace. Words are dangerous tools that are easy to abuse and hard to control. In today’s world, full of e-mails, Facebook and text messages, it is a lot harder to take back a ruthless insult or derogatory letter. Sometimes the powerful effect of words meant to damage can be lost when people pursue the latest gos-

sip, complain about their friends on a sports team, or even when op-ed columns are written. Words have the potential to inflict damage, but they can also heal and build-up. A well placed and sincere compliment or encouragement can work wonders for a person’s self-esteem and attitude. Wisdom, however, is not a oneway street of niceties and restraint. Sometimes the truth hurts, and sometimes the truth needs to be told. Sacrificing what you believe to be the truth to keep someone else comfortable is doing them a disservice and selling them short. Too often in life telling the truth, or calling it like you see it, is used as a justification for being too brusque or ruthless in relationships. Siding with the truth without be-

November 17, 2010

3410 Taft Blvd. Box 14 n Wichita Falls, Texas 76308 News Desk: (940) 397-4704 n Ads: (940) 397-4705 Fax (940) 397-4025 n E-mail

ing gracious will not get anyone very far and will hurt relationships far more than it will help. Sometimes, it is even the right and proper thing to publicly confront a person. Knowing how to tell a harsh reality politely is the real key. Discretion and consideration are critical, but so is not backing down from what needs to be said because it might hurt. Patience is a sign of wisdom, and giving thought and weighing what you may say or write may be the difference between wisdom and foolishness. When conflict and strife arise, it is far better if everyone slows down and considers what is being said before acting. At the same time, people should not shy away from speaking the truth. Even if it might hurt.

editorial board

nEditor in Chief: Brittany Norman nManaging Editor: Chris Collins nEntertainment Editor: Lauren Wood nOp-Ed Editor: Cameron Shaffer nSports Editor: Andre Gonzalez nFeatures editor: Brittney Cottingham nPhoto Editor: Hannah Hofmann nAdvertising manager: Rachel Bingham nCopy editors: Alyssa Johnston nadviser: Randy Pruitt nReporters: Damian Atamenwan, Orlando Flores, Rhea Isaac nPhotographers: Kassie Bruton, Damian Atamenwan

Copyright © 2010. The Wichitan is a member of the Texas Intercollegiate Press Association. The Wichitan reserves the right to edit any material submitted for publication. Opinions expressed in The Wichitan do not necessarily reflect those of the students, staff, faculty, administration or Board of Regents of Midwestern State University. The Wichitan welcomes letters of opinion from students, faculty and staff submitted by the Friday before intended publication. Letters should be brief (350 words or less) and without abusive language or personal attacks. Letters must be typed and signed by the writer and include a telephone number and address for verification purposes. The editor retains the right to edit letters.

nSocietal Floss

Student activism here to stay

Another SGA last spring meeting ended with nothing accomplished. An effort to get legislation passed was killed by red tape and motions to adjourn early. There was no vote, and the little debate on the bill revolved around whether senators had enough time (more than the month they had previously been given) to consider the details of the bill. As the meeting ended with nothing accomplished, two of the senators who supported the bill met to discuss the failure of the meeting. Besides the usual complaints about the SGA, one senator made the point that MSU is one of the most apolitical campuses he had ever seen. The lackluster, do-nothing senate of 2009-2010 ended with its mission fulfilled: accomplish nothing. Students just did not care about anything and the senate reflected that. Midwestern State’s student body has always reflected an air of indifference. When the tobacco policy was debated two years ago many students expressed the opinion that the policy might trample on their rights. A rally was held in protest of the policy. About a dozen people showed up. The Student Athletic Fee and the Student Center Fee votes only had a few hundred students take part each. Midwestern is a university that, as one staff member once put it, is not accustomed to student activists. That all changed last week. The outrage surrounding the Harvey House has received a lot of focus, not only from The Wichitan, but also the Times Record News. A lot can, and has been said about the issue, but perhaps the most important element is timing. The Clark Student Center fee increase on its own was not that big of deal. And most students probably would not really care about the Harvey House any more than they cared about the tobacco policy. Most students would be disappointed, two or three would protest, and the issue would fade away in a week or so. Fee increases at MSU last year totaling 5.5 percent (including those that were studentapproved) were understandable, given the recession and the bud-

Cameron Shaffer Opinion Editor get problems in Austin. Even the decision last week to not renew the “Mustangs Promise” to not raise tuition or fees more than 5 percent in any one year would have probably been grudgingly accepted as all right at any other time. But all together, these financial decisions have created a side effect that the Board of Regents and Dr. Rogers’ office probably could not have foreseen. Students are mad. Not a few students. A lot of them. And they are not just a little disappointed. They are mad. The events from the past few weeks have created an activist movement on campus that will not go away any time soon. Several students expressed their thoughts in a survey for a news writing classes last Tuesday. A senior said, “I think it’s unfair for these people to invest so much money into a house that belongs the school I attend and pay tuition to go to. And yet I can’t set foot inside the house to see what is all being done.” Another student asserted, “I don’t like that my tuition could possibly go up because of the school’s lack of money when clearly our money is going to other things that don’t benefit me or other students at all.” Some students are frustrated with how the consulting and contracting were done. “Also, why spend all that money on a decorating consultant when they could’ve had an entire team of art students do it for some extra credit or something?” demanded a student online. Students have not been won over by the reasoning provided by the administration. According to one freshman, “Every year

universities have to figure out ways to cut back on the budget, which usually ends with tuition and fees being raised. Why is it fair that we do that and at the same time spend money on something we’re not even using? If the president were going to move there so we could expand the campus, then it might be acceptable. But since that’s not what’s happening then it’s simply ridiculous.” Students are speaking out, and most are not happy with the state of things. A junior said, “There are plenty of underfunded programs that could really use the money – I’m in one of them. Plenty of places on campus could be renovated. The money could have been used for scholarships, but instead we’re buying $600 lampshades? It doesn’t make sense?” But perhaps the most frustrating aspect for students is the lack of communication about how money is being spent and how those financial decisions are made. A junior asks, “It’s my university, why don’t we get a say in how money is spent? Where are the student voices?” Facebook groups oriented around the idea of fighting corruption at MSU have started popping up, a telling sign of frustration in this digital age. A student-led information session focusing on the Mustangs Promise and inspired by the Harvey House is set for Thursday night in room C111 in the Fain Fine Arts Building. Independent students have organized the meeting as a prelude to a planned protest. Gone are the days of a dozen disgruntled students smoking hookah to protest a tobacco policy. As of Tuesday afternoon over 100 students on Facebook said they would attend the information session. Almost 100 more students said they might show up. More than 800 students have yet to respond. Nothing may come of student anger. Nothing may come of the protests. The university might be able to pacify the situation and calm things down. But a door has been opened that will not close for a long time. Until last week, Midwestern did not have student activists. That has now changed. The Harvey House has brought out the activist in us all.

nLetters to the editor In my opinion it is, as the bumper sticker says, time for the press, faculty, students and the general public to “BackOff!” From what I am reading in the The Wichitan and The Times and Record News, you would think that the Harvey House was the central point in our Educational Mission. I personally am fed up with everyone taking “pot shots” at our University President. Being raised on a farm, this issue reminds me of a pen of chickens. If one gets a get a drop of blood on it, the others pick at until it succumbs to the other chicken’s punishment. I first met Dr. Rogers when we joined the faculty 43 years ago. Dr. Rogers became Chair of the Chemistry Department two years later! Before criticizing Dr. Rogers I ask you to look at some facts. n Dr. Rogers has committed his entire career to Midwestern. His car is on campus most weekends because he is working in his office. n Administrators have to make decisions and usually someone disagrees, I know because I have been there.

n Dr. Rogers was awarded the Hardin Professorship only five years after he became employed by Midwestern. As a chemist he was known as an excellent teacher, productive scholar, mentor to future Ph.D. and M.D. and as Chemistry Chair he set an example for his faculty to follow. n In just 11 years, he became Academic Vice-President a position he held for many years and he was highly respected for his leadership by the faculty and staff. n Go to Austin and check his status with Higher Education Committees and the Legislature! He is highly respected. n As President, he has raised over $60 million dollars in private donations. With these funds you can now see the Dillard Building, McCoy Building, Fain Instrumental Music Building, the women’s softball field, etc. n The Harvey House has turned into a “Witch Hunt” with Dr. Rogers being the Witch! He didn’t make all the decisions about the house, but he is the target. The bottom

line is expenses to the house will be recovered when it is sold. n Some of you think Dr. Rogers is among the social elite, well, I hate to disappoint you, because he is not. He enjoys beans and cornbread almost as much as I do. Dr. Rogers’ Dad came from river bottoms in Georgia and his Mother from a cotton farm in west Texas. He went to UT Arlington for his B.S. in Chemistry and then to TCU for a Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry. Yes, he is very intelligent. What he has done for MSU is not for self glorification, it was done because of his commitment to the institution. Dr. Rogers is not a dishonest man. My suggestion is that everyone “cool their jets” and forget about the drop of blood you thought you saw. Look around, Dr. Rogers has “feathered your nest.” P.S. This letter was written without Dr. Rogers’ knowledge or permission. Norman Horner, Ph.D. Director of Natural Laboratories

November 17, 2010

campus briefs n Wednesday Let’s talk about sex!: CSC Shawnee Theatre at noon n THURSDAY Athletic Luncheon: The Wichita Falls Museum of Art at MSU at noon Jazz Ensemble Concert: Akin Auditorium at 7:30 p.m. Theatre: Anatomy of Gray: Bea Wood Studio Theatre at 7:30 p.m. n friday Anarchism in the USA: CSC Shawnee at 4:30 p.m. Theatre: Anatomy of Gray: Bea Wood Studio Theatre at 7:30 p.m. n Saturday Theatre: Anatomy of Gray: Bea Wood Studio Theatre at 7:30 p.m. n Sunday Theatre: Anatomy of Gray: Bea Wood Studio Theatre at 2:30 p.m. n tuesday Journey of Hope Grief Sup port Group: Counseling Center Group Room at noon Percussion Ensemble Con- cert: Akin Auditorium at 7:30 p.m.


The Wichitan n 3

REGENTS.....................................................................................................................................continued from page 1 the MSU Board of Regents from 1996-2002, commended Rogers’ “exceptional” character and record of service to the university, and said the president has not been fairly portrayed. Oliver said the invoices surrounding the Harvey House are public, and “evidently” fact, but he doesn’t believe the public fully understands the circumstances of the situation. “So far what I’ve seen in the paper and heard in the community, Jesse’s hanging out there at the end of the string,” Oliver said. “I don’t think that’s exactly fair.” Oliver added that he was “puzzled” by the motion to take a vote of confidence or no confidence in Rogers made in the Nov. 11 faculty senate meeting. The motion was discussed briefly, but the senate ultimately adjourned before taking any action. “What kind of a vote of confidence do you want? It’s visible to everyone,” Oliver said. “Look at the Dillard School of Business. Look at the buildings, the capital improvements, the programs, the school of mechanical engineering, things that have been brought to this university. Donors don’t give to an administration they don’t have confidence in, so I think the vote of confidence is right here for all of you to see. “Jesse has raised these funds. One of the things the general public may not understand is the fact that the (Texas) legislature does a lousy job of funding higher education. I can tell you that the university would not succeed if it weren’t for private donors.” Oliver emphasized that a university president does not operate in a vacuum. All Rogers can do, Oliver said, is bring the Board of Regents an idea. At that point, the board must decide whether or not to pursue it. “In my estimation, it’s time for the board to take some ownership of this public relations fiasco,” Oliver said. “Somebody needs to step up and defend this man. In my opinion, it’s time

to end this episode of ‘Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous’ and let this man get on with what he does best, which is run this university in an excellent and exemplary manner.” Dr. Tom Hoffman, an associate professor of English at MSU, spoke in support of Rogers as well. Hoffman said he came to the university 42 years ago, shortly after Rogers began his career at Midwestern. Hoffman served as past president of the Texas Association of College Teachers, and said Rogers is “well respected, admired and highly regarded” by his colleagues statewide. Hoffman does not believe Rogers has been frivolous with the university’s finances. “I was once told by a former commissioner of higher education in Texas that in 1968, 58 percent of the cost of a college education in Texas was borne by state funds,” Hoffman said. “By the year 2000, 28 percent was borne by state funds. The money keeps coming away from us. This year alone, we have to give back approximately $1.2 million. Over the past two years, it’s been $2 million out of a budget that’s already strained. This university and this president makes use of every single penny of every tax dollar for this institution. He does not waste it.” Hoffman said he doesn’t believe Rogers has done anything wrong regarding the Harvey House. He said the house had not been maintained for many years, and stabilizing the conditions of the house was necessary to make it sellable. “There is a marketing strategy known as staging,” Hoffman said. “Many of you who have watched HGTV know that the best way to sell a house is to put it in the most attractive and enhanced condition possible. You can’t do that if things don’t match, and you hire an expert to make sure that happens.” Hoffman said a conversation he had with Rogers last week demonstrates the president’s dedication to the university and its students.

“When I spoke to (Rogers) briefly on Friday afternoon, his comment was: ‘What is this going to do to our students? This controversy is not good for our students,’” Hoffman said. “He has served us ardently and honestly with every inch of his heart and soul. He does not deserve the public outcry generated against him. Hoffman believes the negative outcry from people in the Wichita Falls community “who do not know all of the details and the facts underlying the situation is undermining and demeaning the positive intent of the Harvey family, who donated their home to benefit this university.” The third speaker during the public comment period was Beverley Bolin, who was introduced as a “community leader.” Bolin said she supports Rogers and believes the university has made great progress during his term as president. She pointed out that the business and engineering schools and the student wellness center have been completed during his presidency, and all of the university’s sports teams have enjoyed success. “I am here because I’ve been waiting to hear real, true support for a gentleman (Rogers) that I praise,” Bolin said. “I’m representing the general public, and the general public on this matter has not been informed at all. They don’t know what a consultant’s fee is. A consultant comes in and says, ‘I suggest we do this, other than that.’” She said consultants can save thousands of dollars on a project due to their expertise. Bolin said she believes the media left out information regarding Harvey House expenditures that she considers important. “I noticed that they (the media) didn’t put in any of the charges from the plumber over the gas leak,” Bolin said. “What about the roof leak? What about the pool? I’m here to represent the general public, who I think have been poorly represented by a biased

media.” Before the board went into closed executive session just before 4 p.m., Rogers made a brief statement outlining his 44 years of service to the university. He said he works to keep the board well informed, and hopes to continue to move the university forward with the permission of the board. The board deliberated in closed session for approximately an hour and a half. When the meeting was again opened to the public, the board voted unanimously to issue the following statement of support for Rogers: “The Board of Regents of Midwestern State University is acutely aware of the concerns of the MSU student body, faculty, staff, and community concerning the expenditures at the Harvey House. Donors were generous enough to donate private funds to furnish the Harvey house and were fully aware that the money would be utilized for that purpose. These funds could not have been used toward any other university expenditure. None of the funds used for furnishings were derived from the state, student tuition, or student fees. Under the current administration of President Jesse Rogers, and with the support of the Board of Regents, MSU has achieved unprecedented success and national acclaim. The Board of Regents fully supports Dr. Jesse Rogers.” After the meeting adjourned, Rogers told The Wichitan he is grateful to the board for its vote of confidence. “My 44 years at this university have been the center of my professional life. I’ve enjoyed serving in every position, both teaching and administrative, and I look forward to even more accomplishments by the students and the university,” Rogers said. “I will do everything I can to facilitate the continued movement of MSU toward greater excellence.”

Hagy.............................................continued from page 1

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4 n The Wichitan

November 17, 2010

Event celebrates 90 years of women’s suffrage MSU honored the 1920 ratification of the 19th amendment with prominent female speakers Brittney Cottingham Features Editor 90 years ago, the United States granted women the right to vote through the 19th amendment. To celebrate the anniversary, the Prof. Edwards Discussions in Politics Series organized a forum to discuss the transforming role of women in politics and society on Tuesday. Provost Dr. Alicia White, Dr Susan Sportsman, dean of the College of Health and Human services, American history professor Dr. Kenneth Hendrickson, and former Wichita Falls mayors Kay Yeager and Arthur Bea Williams told stories about their careers and lives being women. “When I told my parents, I wanted to get my PhD, I was

Provost Dr. Alisa White speaks during the 19th Amendment celebration on Tuesday. (Photo by Hannah Hofmann)

told men didn’t want to marry I had were the ones I proposed women who upstaged them,” on myself.” White said. “The only real limits Former mayor of Wichita

Falls, Kay Yeager discussed the challenges of developing the Wichita Falls Multi-Purpose Event Center known as the MPEC when it came to not only gathering bonds but getting city and county support. Like all of the women who spoke, Yeager paid homage to the women who paved the way before them. “You learn a lot from public service,” Yeager said. “Some you want to remember. Some you don’t. (Being mayor) was a chance of a lifetime.” Being a woman of the baby boomer generation, Sportsman depicted growing up where the only female jobs she had ever heard have was being a nurse, secretary or teacher. She couldn’t type, she joked so she became a nurse. “There will always be a chal-

lenge between wanting to be a feminist but no a man-hater,” Sportsman said. “It will always be different. I am confident that you too will be able to fight.” Former Wichita Falls lawyer Charlye Farris was the first black woman to actively practice law in Wichita County. Henderskin is currently writing a book about her life including her experience during the 1950s and 60s in Wichita Falls, which at that time was segregated. A lot of people think that after the 19th amendment woman equality fight was finished but not for black woman, Henderskin said. “When met with evils, Farris fought back with dignity,” Henderskin said. “ (She faced) a lot of discrimination when she practiced law here. She chose

to fight back by being dignified and practicing the law.” Farris hired a young woman, Williams, during the 1950s to be her first legal secretary. Williams recalled when she interviewed with Farris she said to her that she had six weeks of typing experience but an ego as big of New York City. Williams was the first black woman judge in Wichita Falls who said at times she was her own worst enemy. She told audiences that she was a living example of perseverance. “There is no such thing as a woman’s job, just work that needs to be done.” Williams said.

TAFT..............................................................................................................................................................................................................continued from page 1 contiguous to the university. In an e-mail interview Tuesday, MSU President Dr. Rogers said no longterm decisions have been made regarding the houses’ future purpose. “It will take time to determine the best use of this important contiguous property,” Rogers said. MSU has used the home at 3311 Taft and other off-campus properties to house faculty and administrators, some without charge. “In this day of the national housing crisis, I am pleased that we have, at least, three houses that can be used to assist in the movement of new administrators, visiting faculty, and others needed by the university,” Rogers said. Nemecek, who was hired hired in May 2009, moved from another university property at 2514 Hampstead to her new residence in February 2010. Rogers said the house was not purchased for any specific person. “We needed to make the home a guest house for future temporary housing of new visiting professors, administrators, campus visitors and others,” Rogers said. Rogers said Nemecek moved to the house on Taft because: “After its purchase and remodel, it was much more adequate to accommodate Dr. Nemecek’s needs.” According to Nemecek’s term contract, the university will continue to provide her a home at 3311 Taft Blvd. “at no expense to her,” and the arrangement shall continue “until her departure from Midwestern State University.” In addition, the university pays her utilities, including a $150-per-month Time Warner Cable package. MSU also mows the lawn and maintains the grounds. Utility bills at 3311 Taft between January and August of this year totaled $1,600 for water, $465 for gas and $987 for electricity. When asked by The Wichitan why MSU pays Nemecek’s cable bills, Rogers said: “We offered her housing and she is taxed on the appropriate value.” MSU considers the house, utilities and mainte-

nance to be worth $1,200 per month, an amount reported to the Internal Revenue Service for tax purposes. “Her contract was changed to include a higher compensation amount since the rental value of the home is higher. The taxes she pays are, of course, adjusted accordingly,” Rogers said. Of the $152,971 in renovations, interior decorator Lynn Moran was paid $1,202 in consulting fees. Moran, according to documents, picked out flooring, shutters and kitchen countertops and measured rooms for furniture layout. She charged $150 per hour. Work done by her assistant was billed at $20 per hour. Chavez Construction was paid $105,916 for work done on the property. According to the Physical Plant, the floors needed repairs, and the air-conditioning system had to be replaced and relocated. All bathroom tiles and fixtures were also replaced. In addition, AOC Environmental received $21,495 for asbestos abatement. Lambert and Associates, Inc. was paid $7,358 to conduct asbestos and leadbased paint inspections as well as other environmental inspections. Campus work orders began in July 2009, before the Board of Regents officially approved the purchase of the home at their regular meeting in August 2009. These work orders totaled $5,800, including $1,000 to move Nemecek from the Hampstead residence into the Taft residence. Rogers said that without free housing Nemecek would not have come to MSU. “We were without a business dean and she was highly recommended. I needed her to go to work within a very short time,” he said. Nemecek could not be reached for comment on Tuesday. According to an Integrated Campus Planning System document filed with the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board in 2009 by Juan Sandoval, vice president for administration and finance, MSU said it was purchasing the Taft property for use as an auxiliary/rental.

The document states: “Purchase of this property will provide students with access to new facilities, accommodating their needs, and in the case of new faculty hires, provide a temporary housing accommodation to quality faculty, helping our goals of instructional excellence.” Personnel offices at Texas A&M University – Kingsville, West Texas A&M – Amarillo, Tarleton State University in Stephenville and Stephen F. Austin University in Nacogdoches, said their institutions do not offer any kind of free housing in addition to salaries for administrators or faculty members. Rogers said he doesn’t believe that providing housing on a situational basis will lead future faculty to expect the same treatment. “It all depends on the circumstances of the faculty member or administrator and the university’s needs,” Rogers said. Others who currently live rent-free in universityowned houses include Dr. David Rankin, English department chair; Dr. Alisa White, provost; and Alan Dubinsky, Dillard distinguished professor of marketing. According to documents provided by MSU, these individuals are taxed on the value of their home. In the past, MSU-owned houses have been occupied rent-free by Athletic Director Charlie Carr, head soccer coach Doug Elder and Dr. Russell Long, former interim provost. When asked if the funds spent on the Taft house could have been used elsewhere on campus, Rogers said, “Yes, but we set priorities regarding needs of repair and rehabilitation of all of our buildings during the year.” Rogers said the house could someday be rented out to generate revenue for the university when it wasn’t being used for “more important purposes.” According to Rogers, $70,000 of the funds used to purchase the home at 3311 Taft came from “unallocated local funds” and $77,000 came from “renewal and replacement funds.” According to Sandoval, $20,000 spent on repairs

SGA...............................................................................................................................................continued from page 1 of property,” he said. Rogers said that once the home was given to the university, MSU was obligated to care for it. “Once we accepted that home, it was our responsibility to take care of it,” he said. He attempted to address large expenditures for utilities on the home, despite the fact that no one was living in it at the time. Rogers attributed a large portion of the $218 monthly phone bill cost to the home’s security system, which was connected to the phone line. “We couldn’t leave it unsecured because the house wasn’t occupied,” he said. There were other costs associated with the home because it was so old, Rogers said. “Every time I would go in the home, something else would be wrong with it,” Rogers said. “I could see that the home was going down pretty badly. I became pretty concerned about what in the world we were going to do to keep this up. “We started cleaning it up, which took a lot of time of our custodians and grounds people,” he said. He told students that university staff was used to fix the roof, clear out gutters and clean the inside of the home. “Their work depends on where we send them,” he said. Rogers justified his decision to use MSU personnel to work on the house by saying the home is property of MSU, and therefore, the state. Other main-

tenance issues included repairing the heating and cooling system, as well as the gas lines, of the home. “We didn’t repaint the home,” Rogers said. But an invoice obtained by The Wichitan through a Freedom of Information Act this semester states that $7,875 was spent on painting costs for the home. Since the Harvey children asked to retrieve their belongings from the home before it was completely turned over to MSU, some of the furniture was missing. Rogers said he felt like he needed to replace the furniture. His idea: to purchase replacements with funds he would raise. “On everything we own, we budget campus maintenance at the beginning of the year,” Rogers said. “I never took $200,000 out of Midwestern State University Foundation to do maintenance on the home and to improve infrastructure. “The university may use private funds to furnish this building or a home. I try not to do things like that with university funds. My agreement with the Board was that I could raise the money from private sources for the home so we could use it from time to time.” The private sources for the Harvey House were two donors in particular, he said. “Once a donor gives you money for a purpose, there’s something called donor intent,” Rogers said. According to him, the donors intended for their contributions to be used furnishing the home.

Rogers raised $83,000 in donor funding for the furniture. An additional $8,000 was pulled from discretionary funds, money allocated for use by the president. “We couldn’t even sell the home unless we fixed it,” he said. “I guess we could have sold it as is, but I think it’d be a lot more sellable when it’s clean.” At some point during the renovation process, Rogers said he began to consider selling the home. “This fall I started hearing rumblings about the cost of the building,” he said. “My fervent belief is that we will sell the home and we will end up with an endowment that will create funds.” Again Rogers told students he’s sorry if it appears that he made bad decisions regarding the house. “If I’ve made a misjudgment, I regret it,” he said. “It was my judgment that we needed to take care of an asset. We’re now in the process of trying to dispose of state property.” “I regret this has caused a question of my character, of my judgment, of anything I have done,” he said. “I regret the turmoil. I regret your loss of confidence in me. I promise I will always work for this student body. I always will.” Rogers said Lynn Moran, a key player in furnishing the home, was first used as a single-source provider, but later began working under a contract as the project got bigger. “The decorator was never a consultant,” he said. One student asked Rogers if he thought the money used on the Harvey

House would have been better spent on Clark Student Center. Last week students approved a fee increase, which will be used to repair the building’s infrastructure. Rogers said student fees must pay for upkeep of the student center because the state of Texas considers it an “auxiliary” building. “The state will not let us put a dime of state money into the student center,” he said. “We could not have done it.” Another student asked if anyone but Moran was ever considered for the decorator position. Rogers explained that Moran’s husband used to serve as chairman of the Board. But no one else was considered for the job, he said. “She’s the only licensed decorator that I know of,” Rogers said. “People in her line of work do two things: they buy stuff and they sell it to you. When they do, they tell you what the markup will be.” The evening’s conversation was dominated by the topic of the Harvey House, but students also voiced other concerns, including the abolishment of the MSU Promise, rising fees and Clark Student Center repairs. In fact, the discussion ran so long that no time remained for regular SGA duties, which were delayed until the next meeting.

came from auxiliary funds, $120,000 came from indirect cost recovery funds negotiated from federal government and the rest came from designated Physical Plant funds. Rogers said the university’s off-campus properties constitute a “tremendous advantage” to MSU, and provided The Wichitan with an example of how one of those houses has been utilized. “Our interim provost (2009-2010) was housed in a guest house on Hampstead,” Rogers said. “He is now gone. Dr. White (current provost) was provided use of the home to allow her to go to work very soon after hiring. She, too, could not move her family immediately and she had homes in Tyler.” Rogers said White has now purchased a home in Wichita Falls and will move out of the guest house by the end of the year. The administration and Board of Regents chose to pursue the acquisition of off-campus properties, including the Taft house, according to Rogers. “These houses have been very valuable assets to the functioning of MSU,” Rogers said.

Hong.........continued from page 1

Hong confesses being an Asian female comic has its pros and cons but when a show calls for diversity, she is often a top choice. Ultimately, she wants to be on top because she’s good at what she does. “Comedy is a male dominated business and a typical comedy show is almost all men,” Hong said. “For me, I feel like it all levels out in the end. There are shows I get hired for because I’m an Asian woman, and shows that I won’t get hired for they’ve already got their diversity card filled.” Performing for college students is gratifying for Hong who describes this demographic as smart and willing to think about complex social issues like racism and sexism. College students don’t want to just laugh, they also want to think, Hong said. Before comedy, Hong had experienced in television and producing, working for E! Entertainment Television, TLC’s What Not to Wear and currently hosts a syndicated discussion show, Asian American on PBS. As a TV production assistant for E!, Hong recalled transcribing hours and hours of footage. She also volunteered to write segments on her off time and she says that’s how she got promoted. That drive of willing to do anything and everything is her advice to any student interested in the television field. “Be willing to carry gear, transcribe, get coffee, do anything necessary,” Hong said. “At the same time, be proactive and ask for creative challenges.” Conan O’ Brien, Glee and people who take themselves too seriously are who makes Hong laugh. Junior Sophia Duke found Hong rather witty and loves when Midwestern has these types of events. “It was refreshing to see a female comedic come on campus,” Moore said. “When MSU has occasions like this one it usually is a man performing. It is always interesting to hear things from a female’s point of view.” As a comedian, Hong has said her first job is the make people laugh but if she can help people with a new way to see the world that’s a plus for her. “Most of my material is about satirizing the racial stereotypes of making light of dating and marriage,” Hong said. “I hope students see that and realize you can’t make quick conclusions about people.” University Programming Board next event will be MSU After Dark: Charlie Brown Thanksgiving Feast of Fun. It will be Friday in Shawnee Theater at 9 p.m.


November 17, 2010

The Wichitan n 5

Yikes! How to survive finals week!

*results may vary

With the fall semester coming to a close, students start to worry about the stressful week of finals Brittney Cottingham Features Editor e n i o r Amanda Plowman has to prepare for five finals in two weeks. Along with

a 35 hour a week job at a restaurant and attempting to have a social life, Plowman has a lot on her plate. “Work and school always come before my social life,” Plowman said. “I try to set aside one or two nights a week to hang out with friends, especially if I’m feeling overwhelmed with school and work.”

Study habits do change when it comes to finals week, Plowman said. “Many of my finals are comprehensive so I have to study a lot more material,” Plowman. “One thing I might do is make flash cards so if I have time between classes or free time at work I can look over those easily.” Like many students, Plowman

is already feeling the stress as the fall semester comes to a close but understands the negative effects of being stressed. “It’s hard not to stress, but I just try to make myself realize ‘its just a test!’” Plowman said. “The more I stress, the worse I’m going to do.” Freshman Andrew Ferguson is gearing up for his first semes-

ter of college finals and calls his nervousness overpowering. “High school final exams are nothing like what I am getting myself into,” Ferguson said. “Last year, my tests were a cakewalk. College exams are way more in detail and more time consuming to study for. I definitely have my work cut out for me.” Plowman studies extremely

harder for finals than any other test during the semester and is preparing herself for finals frenzy. “(My study habits) depend on how I’ve done through the whole semester,” Plowman said. “Sometimes you have those classes where you have to make a certain grade on the final that can make you or break you.”

Start early.

Cram selectively.

Schedule your study sessions to avoid last

The night before an exam, when you are more anxious

minute cramming.

than usual, is one of the least effective times for study. Cramming only serves to make you more frantic about the exam and, hence, less prepared.

Allow large blocks of time for studying.

Be realistic!


ties based on what you expect to be emphasized on the

Block out hour spans for getting down concepts and basic


Stay calm. Spend your last hours calmly reviewing what you have

already learned. Try not to tackle new material then.

Avoid staying up all night.

The shorter you are on sleep, the harder it will be to thin down and write what you know on the exam.

Developed by PASSL/Learning Services, A332 Jester, Univer- Photo by MCT sity of Texas at Austin and MSU Counseling Center

CAPPS................................................................................continued from page 1 him about it later on and he said, ‘Yeah, I used a little poetic license with that.’” Emerson was always a presence during Matthew’s schooling. For instance, he would evaluate student teachers instructing Matthew’s classes. “People would say, ‘Who’s that old man sitting in the back?’” Matthew said. “I look back there and I’m like, ‘Crap, that’s my dad.’” “Being around that all the time had a big influence on me.” Matthew said one of his main focuses is upholding the reputation of MSU. To him, all the school has at the end of the day is its reputation. “That attitude was instilled in me by my father by seeing how much he cared about the university,” he said. “When I walk across campus and talk to people, it seems like they still do have a lot of respect for him. I hear that from the president all the way to the guys at the physical plant. They all seem to like him and respect him.” But Emerson’s popularity didn’t make Matthew a shoe-in for the dean position. It was pertinent that Matthew was hired on his own merit, not because of family loyalty. “It was very important to me and my father that when I was hired here it was because of my qualifications,” Matthew said. “He didn’t want to talk to anyone about it, didn’t want anyone asking him questions. He stayed out of that.” Emerson made no contact with the search committees involved in Matthew’s professorship or promotion to dean. “I appreciate the respect that comes along with that, but I wanted them to pick me because of who I am, what I can do, and how much I care about the col-

lege,” Matthew said. “It would really bother me if his influence was a key factor in me getting any position.” Emerson was the associate provost of graduate studies when Matthew began teaching educational leadership at MSU five years ago. “It was really cool to get to work with him,” Matthew said. “As far as we know, a son has never followed his father as dean of a college on this campus. And it’s probably pretty rare that it happens anywhere.” “Every now and then I’d get a piece of mail or phone call, and say, ‘Hey, this is for Matthew,’” he said. “It was very nice after all these years to be working on the same campus as him,” Emerson said. Matthew said he calls his father whenever he needs advice about his job or students. Emerson also calls Matthew when he needs help figuring out a problem. “It’s handy to be able to call him,” Matthew said. “It gives us a lot more information. It’s prevented us from making some mistakes. That’s a real advantage. It’s an informed opinion.” Matthew said if he ever feels like he’s not working at full capacity as dean of the college, he’ll gladly let someone else take the reins. But it needs to be someone who cares about the job like he does. “I believe if someone else took this position, they would think of it as just another job,” Matthew said. “They couldn’t possibly care about it as much as I do. I don’t look at this as a job – I look at it as part of me.” One of the questions the search committee asked Matthew while he was being considered for the dean job was: What would hap-

Be realistic about what you can accomplish; set priori-

pen if we reached the point where you weren’t the best thing for the college? Matthew’s response was easy – he would resign immediately. “If I’m not the best thing for the college I don’t need to be leading it,” he said. Matthew said he sees the college as a family. But just as Emerson had high expectations for his children, Matthew expects a lot out of his students. “We expect them to do great things,” Matthew said. “We’ll be held accountable for the teachers we produce. We want to be able to be proud of every family member we produce.” Matthew has a boatload of concerns for the college, including keeping students on track and qualifying for accreditation, but he doesn’t worry about living up to his father’s name. “I think about it, but I don’t stress about it,” Matthew said. “I hope I can be the kind of person people perceive him to be here. I just do the best job I can. And I don’t think he worried about doing a good job and having a good reputation. He just did. The end result was people respected his work.” Matthew described his father as a teacher and a problem solver. He said Emerson is dedicated and hardworking. “He worked more hours than he was expected to,” Matthew said. “He has a really strong work ethic and loves working hard.” Matthew and his wife have no children. “I’m the kid of the house,” he said.

Moderate stimulants.

Coffee, tea and sodas all contain caffeine and are relatively safe ways to help you stay away.

Stay positive! Don’t waste time worrying, doubting yourself. Don’t

worry about what you should have done: pay attention to what you can do now.

Calling all creative minds Literary magazine looks for aspiring artists for 2011 issue Brittney Cottingham Features Editor

review the scores and compile the highest scoring pieces for the magazine.” When it comes to the art in the publication, new digital

Midwestern’s literary magazine, Voices is now taking submissions of literature and art for the 2011 issue of their annual publication. The student produced magazine features original literature and artwork of the student body. “The community and the alumni love reading Voices to see the work of the students that they support and the school uses Voices as a recruiting tool as well,” editor Adam Henson said. Voices has a variety of advertising strategies including some English professors giving students extra credit for par- (Photo courtesy of Voices) ticipating. After all world technology has changed literature has been edited and how they operate. Instead of approved, it is given to a blind giving psychical copies of stujury of five to seven members. dents’ work, more and more “They rank the literature students are sending digital based on how well the mate- copies. Voices also has a blind rial is written, how interest- jury for the art submissions as ing the subject matter is and well. the diversity of its contend,” “An opportunity to help editor Breanna Sill said. “We the student body voice its tal-

ents, concerns and thoughts is an honor,” Henson said. “This passion is what drives me to continue our publication and ensure that the passion of others are heard.” In the past Voices has published everything from song lyrics from aspiring musicians to satires about politics and pop culture to advertisements and sculptures. Henson said they try to group the literature and artwork together thematically. “It is an honor to be published and it is a wonderful way to display one’s talents and the talents of MSU students collectively,” Sill said. “The ultimate good, we believe, rests with encouraging writers and artists to keep their trades alive, and with providing an appropriate venue for them to do so.” Literary submissions are due no later than November 19. Art submissions are due in early Spring 2011, exact date not available at this time. To submit visit http://students. voices/submissions.asp.

6 n


The Wichitan

the feed

November 17, 2010

Gwyneth Paltrow, Taylor Swift and Lady Antebellum performed that night. (Photo Courtesy)

Orlando Flores, Jr For the Wichitan

The best way to discover what’s new in music. TOP 30 ALBUMS OF THE YEAR, PART 1 This is it. While the actual year still has over a month left to it, the actual school year only has 16 days left! So, this week The Feed will begin its countdown of the top

30 albums of the year. Yes, there is a possibility that something might come out once school is over that would totally destroy this list, but it’s not very likely (especially dethroning what’s at

the top of the list). There is no verdict needed for these albums; all of them are must haves, or at the very least deserve a listen.

30. Cee-Lo Green The Lady Killer 29. Kid Cudi Man on the Moon, Vol. II: The Legend of Mr. Rager 28. Vampire Weekend Contra

The “A-Punks” return with a solid sophomore album that not only beats the sophomore jinx, but also improves on its predecessor. 27. The Black Keys Brothers

Ohio’s new favorite duo (now that Lebron and Shaq are gone) “Tighten Up” their sound to deliver a soulful blues-rock experience. 26. Toro y Moi Causers of This

The “Summer of Chillwave” continued well into the beginning of 2010 with this debut album, becoming one of the subgenre’s defining albums. 25. The Band Perry The Band Perry 24. M.I.A. /\/\/\Y/\ (Maya)

After focusing on her father (Arular) and mother (Kala), Maya Arulpragasam opens up about herself, and like her this album is noisy and loud. 23. Erykah Badu New Amerykah, Pt. II: Return of the Ankh

There’s no such thing as bad PR, as the “Window Seat” controversy proved. This album finds Badu on a new level with a more soulful sound. 22. How to Dress Well Love Remains 21. Crystal Castles Crystal Castles (II)

Lush vocals over spastic electronic beats abound in this sophomore album named exactly the same as the band’s debut album. 20. Ariel Pink’s Haunted Graffiti Before Today

A lo-fi throwback to 70s psych-rock, Ariel Pink records an album in a studio for the first time and shows his true potential as an artist. 19. Janelle Monae The ArchAndroid

Bright, futuristic and down-right strange, Janelle Monae’s concept of a world full of androids continues in her most solid work to date. 18. Sleigh Bells Treats

The subgenre of Noise Pop is created with this energetic duo’s debut album full of bombastic, danceable beats on M.I.A.’s N.E.E.T. imprint. 17. The-Dream Love King

The-Dream and Tricky Stewart continue to work their magic with the final installment of the “Love Trilogy.” Say hello to the new R. Kelly. 16. Best Coast Crazy For You

(Photo Courtesy)

Honest, simple lyrics are what set Bethany Cosentino miles ahead of her peers. The fact that she made a Twitter for her cat also helps.

Country Music Awards 2010:

Winners, Performers and Hosts Sonya Sorich MCT

the stage and perform “Why Wait.” As usual, these guys exceeded their sparkly garment quota tonight. Two is too many, IMHO. Brad Paisley won Entertainer of the Year, but 8:22 -- Kellie Pickler goes all va-va-voom on us female artists stole the show at the CMA Awards while presenting Song of the Year. She’s sporting 2010. an extremely low-cut gold sequined gown. Too Miranda Lambert nabbed four awards, much? Maybe. I hardly notice her co-presenters, including album of the year and song of the year, Luke Bryan and Jerrod Niemann. and joined Sheryl Crow for a memorable tribute Anyway, the award goes to the guys who wrote to Loretta Lynn. Miranda Lambert’s “The House That Built Me.” Then, there was Gwyneth Paltrow’s highly Their acceptance speech marks the first musical talked-about performance. She sang “Country cutoff of the night. Strong,” the title track from her upcoming film, 8:26 -- Carrie Underwood and Brad Paisley while accompanied by Vince Gill. poke fun at Miranda Lambert’s engagement ring. In other memorable performances, Taylor Swift Then, they introduce Blake Shelton’s performance. sang “Back to December,” the song that may or He sings “All About Tonight” on a stage in the may not be about Taylor Lautner. “American Idol” middle of the crowd. winner Kelly Clarkson teamed with Jason Aldean 8:35 -- Happy birthday, Miranda Lambert! for an emotional duet to “Don’t You Wanna Stay.” Carrie Underwood announces the news while Carrie Underwood sings “Songs Like This” to introducing Miranda’s performance. She sings open the show. Keith Urban and Brad Paisley join “That’s The Way The World Goes ‘Round” and it’s her on stage. pretty awesome. After that, hosts Brad Paisley and Carrie Miranda Lambert was one of the first bigUnderwood perform a quick comedy bit. They name celebrities I talked to in my journalism point out Gwyneth Paltrow in the audience. Brad career and she remains one of the nicest people has a question for Gwyneth: “Can you get me two I’ve interviewed. Also, this song’s message speaks Coldplay tickets?” to me right now, since I’m currently stranded in We get the usual cracks about Tiger Woods, my office with a flat tire. Shrug. I guess that’s the Bret Favre and BP. Brad even pulls out a few Lady way the world goes round. Gaga tunes. At 8:11 p.m., we get the first Brooks 8:37 -- Little Jimmy Dickens is on stage! He & Dunn breakup joke. Too soon? does a cute comedy bit that involves scuba-type 8:12 -- Ty Pennington and LeAnn Rimes gear. present Single of the Year to Lady Antebellum for 8:38 -- George Strait takes the stage and “Need You Now.” Katherine Heigl gives them some performs “Breath You Take.” I’ve never been a huge high-fives. Remember, Katherine Heigl’s husband’s George Strait fan, but I feel like dissing George brother is a member of Lady Antebellum. Strait is like dissing pizza. You just can’t do it. Or 8:18 -- The musicians from Rascal Flatts take can you?

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November 17, 2010

New on DVD: ‘The Last Airbender’ The world is divided into four kingdoms, each represented by the element they harness, and peace has lasted throughout the realms of Water, Air, Earth, and Fire under the supervision of the Avatar, a link to the spirit world and the only being capable of mastering the use of all four elements. When young Avatar Aang disappears, the Fire Nation launches an attack to eradicate all members of the Air Nomads to prevent interference in their future plans for world domination. One hundred years pass and current Fire Lord Ozai continues to conquer and imprison anyone with elemental “bending” abilities in the Earth and Water Kingdoms, while siblings Katara and Sokka from a Southern Water Tribe find a mysterious boy trapped beneath the ice outside their village. Upon rescuing him, he reveals himself to be Aang, Avatar and last of the Air Nomads. Swearing to protect the Avatar, Katara and Sokka journey with him to the Northern Water Kingdom in his quest to master “Waterbending” and eventually fulfill his destiny of once again restoring peace to the world. But as they inch nearer to

DVD released: November 16, 2010 Genres: Science Fiction/Fantasy, Adaptation, Action/Adventure, and Kids/Family Running Time: 1 hour 43 minutes Rating: PG for fantasy action violence Starring: Noah Ringer, Nicola Peltz, Jackson Rathbone, Dev Patel, Aasif Mandvi, Shaun Toub

The Wichitan n 7

MSU Theatre presents:

n “Anatomy of Gray” by jim leonard:

bea wood studio theatre nov. 18-20 at 7:30 nov. 21 at 2:30 Prices: free for MSU students, faculty, and staff, $8 general admission, $7 reduced (senior citizens 55+, military personnel, and high school students) Brief Description of Play: Leonard’s story of an incurable disease striking a religiously conservative Indiana town during the 19th century leaves its 21st-century audience with profound food for thought. the box office is open monday-friday from reserved over the phone by calling (940)

1-5 p.m. tickets can be 397-4393.

Save the Shows

More TV shows are going off the air Lauren Wood Entertainment Editor

“The Last Airbender” was directed by M. Night Shyamalan. (Photo Courtesy)

their goal, the group must evade Prince Zuko, the exiled son of Lord Ozai, Commander Zhao, the Fire Nation’s military leader, and the tyrannical onslaught of the evil Fire Lord himself. DVD Special Features Include:

Discovering The Last Airbender - Siege Of The North Origins of the Avatar Katara for a Day - Deleted Scenes Outtakes - Select Scene Commentary

Don’t you just hate it when you start to really get involved with a TV show and then all of a sudden it has been canceled? This past year has been cutting television series right and left, ending some good (and not so good) shows. The most recent cancellations include: ABC “My Generation” “The Gates” “The Whole Truth “ Fox “Lone Star” NBC

“Outlaw” “Undercovers “ ABC Family “Greek” – which is ending in 2011 “Huge” HBO “Big Love” – ending after five seasons. In addition to these losses, it has now come to the end of the road for “Rubicon.” AMC announced last Thursday that it will not move forward with the conspiracy thriller starring James Badge Dale, leaving plenty of unanswered questions for the drama’s small audience. The cancellation comes as no surprise. The ambitious series

never gained traction with the AMC audience, despite its cushy time slot before “Mad Men.” “’Rubicon’ gave us an opportunity to tell a rich and compelling story, and we’re proud of the series,” the network said in a statement. This was not an easy decision, but we are grateful to have had the opportunity to work with such a phenomenally talented and dedicated team.” If you don’t want to see your favorite shows go off the air, be sure to tune in or have your TiVo set to watch your weekly shows.

Lacking dialogue and special blue effects make up ‘Skyline’ Michael Phillips MCT

In “Skyline,” which offers a few stray sights of enticing PG13 grossness but not much of a movie, space aliens drop in on Los Angeles, luring the residents with mesmerizing shafts of unholy blue light. It’s like a trip to a Kmart staffed by the ugliest beings imaginable. Seeing “Skyline” with a latenight audience was instructive, derision-wise. I didn’t sense the right kind of laughter happening; I sensed more of a “ahhhh, kill ‘em all! These people are idiots!” kind of laughter. The poseurs littering the story, several of whom work in the special effects industry but act like millionaire gangstas, deliver each new straight line on cue. “Morning already?” wonders

Eric Balfour

the visiting pregnant Brooklynite played by Scottie Thompson (best thing in the film), upon first sighting of the blue light. Once too often somebody screams “Ruuuuunnnn!” or “Noooooooo!” simply because they’ve seen other characters in





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“Skyline” starring Eric Balfour as Jarrod and other survivors fight to live while people are vanishing into the air by otherworldly forces. (Photo Courtesy)

other movies do the same. The blue light, according to directors and producers Greg and Colin Strause and screenwriters Joshua Cordes and Liam O’Donnell, is meant to be the visual equivalent of the siren songs of old, the trickery by which humans meet their doom. Each time one of the vacuous youngfolk stuck in a Marina Del Ray high-rise starts zombiewalking toward the light, you think: Isn’t that James Cameron’s preferred icy blue hue? Are the aliens actually working for Cameron? The Brothers Strause, as

We Welcome Students

in and around and atop the highrise. Too much of it. Released: Nov. 12, 2010 Instead of effective Genres: Science Fiction, Action/Adventure claustrophobia, “Skyline” feels Running Time: 1 hour 32 minutes static, even with the digital Rating: PG-13 for sequences of intense sci-fi megillahs giving Earth a dehumanizing makeover. action and violence, some language, and brief The movie takes an absurd sexual content leap into cross-species heroism Starring: Eric Balfour, Scottie Thompson, at the end, once we see what Brittany Daniel, David Zayas, Donald Faison actually goes on inside the brainslurping motherships. “I never saw myself out here,” they’re billed, certainly did; they creatures derived from “War mutters our East Coast hero, contributed to the effects work of the Worlds” and “Minority on “Avatar,” among many other Report” and many others. played, dully, by Eric Balfour, high-profile projects. “Skyline” There are the motherships, earlier on. There’s a sly joke exists to show off a portfolio of into which masses of hypnotized buried in “Skyline” relating to Angelenos are sucked. (They’re the gullibility of Angelenos brain food, literally, for the when it comes to the latest demanding tourists. Insert L.A. shiny distraction, whether it’s joke here.) There are so-called hydras an Angelyne billboard or a blueand drones, smaller, tentacled light-not-so-special. The Strauses could’ve, beasts that give Donald “Scrubs” should’ve exploited that joke Faison - who plays a callow more ruthlessly. special-effects wizard living large, Their effects are pretty good, until he dies larger (whoopsie, “spoiler”) - a time of it in the on a fairly limited budget. And high-rise. that’s about all you can say for Most of the film takes place “Skyline.”


8 n


The Wichitan

November 17, 2010

(Photos Courtesy)

Rugby ends semester with 1-2 record Damian Atamenwan For The Wichitan

MSU rugby played its last game of the semester and ended with a lost to the Dallas RFC men’s team Saturday. MSU started three new play-

ers and tested many of them in different positions in the friendly match against a very experienced men’s team. They had just enough players to field a side. The result was not very good as MSU yielded 42 points and was not able to capitalize on a few of its own scoring opportu-

nities. “We are trying to find the right chemistry with what players we had,” head coach Rod Puentes said. “I scheduled many matches against experienced and bigger men’s teams this semester so we could learn what it takes to play at the higher level.”

Bo Williams and Luis Banda played well at the center positions but need more playing time together as they could not finish off some scoring opportunities. Even though the team had a new second row, flanker as well as eight-man, they held up well against the more experienced

Dallas men’s team. New players Nick James and Matt Casting got a first-time taste of rugby and showed a lot of potential. Williams and Banda were voted men of the match for MSU as they played well defensively and were all over the field.

Athlete Spotlight

Kirsti Degelia • Freshman Basketball

Brandon Kelsey • Sophomore Football

• Kirsti earned all-tournament honors at the SEU

• Brandon stepped in as quarterback for MSU after Zack Eskridge became injured.

Shootout by leading MSU with an average 14 points a game.

MSU will take a break for Thanksgiving and Christmas and begin its season again the first weekend of the spring semester traveling to TCU, with matches every weekend afterwards against University of Texas, North Texas, and UT-San Antonio.

• Rushed 100 yards during MSU’s game against North-

• Landed a game high of 16 points against St. Edward’s. eastern State.

• Undecided major from Arlington, Texas

• Mathematics major from Denton, Texas

nin the cage with tolu

Tolu Agunbiade For the Wichitan

knocked me off balance, ramming his shoulder into my chest and smashing me down to the mat. I was in his side control. “Stay calm Tolu. Don’t freak out,” I told myself. He tried to whip his leg over and fully mount, but I blocked and trapped his leg with mine. “Squeeze him!” a lady in the audience screamed at my opponent. I laid there waiting for him to raise and bombard me with punches. I would use that opportunity to escape. He didn’t rise, and he seemed content with just keeping me trapped in his side control and recuperating. “Pull his dreads!” a woman in the audience jokingly screamed. I wasn’t going to leave any room in the judges’ minds to think he won this round. I concentrated all my energy and exploded, swinging my hips upwards and over, taking his back. He struggled to get me off, flipping from his knees to his left side, finally settling on his right. I stayed on his back through the struggle. I slipped my right forearm over his throat and tightened up a rear naked choke. “Don’t let go Tolu. Finish this!” I screamed in my head. I could feel the fight leaving him as I squeezed tighter, cutting off the circulation of blood to his brain. He slowly tapped on the mat. The referee rushed over, and pulled me off him. That was it. I finished the fight in 1:39 of the first round. I remain undefeated with a record of 3-0.

nAndre’s mustang memo

Andre Gonzalez Sports Editor They come to each and every game and commit their time to make sure things get in order for when the time comes. They spend countless hours in preparation for what they do, and they don’t even get paid. No, they’re not some volunteer coach or a student athlete, but they may just put in as much time as they do. They are the student athletic trainers who come out to support the team, but as well to make sure they are out of harm’s way. Sophomore Demond McDuffie, an athletic training major, is just one of the many athletic training students who take one this task. “The way this program works is to allow you to explore personal incidents and prevent injuries,” McDuffie said. “It enables you be interfered with other sports throughout your college career.” Every semester, students in

the program are assigned a specific sport in which they will be athletic trainers for. McDuffie was appointed to be in women’s soccer, a contact sport where athletes are prone to becoming injured. “I’ve had some scary situations in women’s soccer,” he said. However, McDuffie and many others like him have fallen victim to the belief that they are only as important as the towelboy. “A lot of people think we just go out there to hand out water,” he said.” Truth be told, if it wasn’t for us, athletes wouldn’t be as ready to get back into their game when they’re injured.” In athletic training, students are taught to specialize in five parts, including prevention, diagnosis, assessment, treatment, and rehabilitation of bone and muscle injuries and even illnesses. In the moment of an injury, they are the first healthcare provider to the athletes and must identify the injury as well as to know how to assess it. While also caring for the injury, they also educate the athlete on how to prevent it from happening, and what proper actions

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to take while dealing with it. With all this knowledge and service McDuffie has committed to the program, it has taken up quite a bit of his time. “It is very time consuming,” he said.”We have to put in a minimum requirement of 200 hours per semester, that’s put on top of other classes, homework, and our own personal jobs.” Although the program takes up an abundance of McDuffie’s time, he believed it has been worth it. “It’s something that I enjoy and look forward to everyday,” he said. “I like that I can help the athletes make it through whatever it is they’re injury is.” Being in the program has given McDuffie the hands-on experience he felt he needed. Rather than learning about it in a textbook. “It’s a lot better than sitting in a classroom and reading about it somewhere,” he said. McDuffie is holding high hopes of landing his dream career of being an athletic trainer for the NBA’s Denver Nuggets. “If Carmelo Anthony was injured, I’d do my best to help him, but first I’d be star-struck!” he said.

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The cage door closes. There is no turning back now. Only one of us will walk out of here undefeated. I looked across the mat at my opponent, Albert ‘Squeeze’ Walters, 6’2” and 177 pounds of solid muscle. He glared back menacingly, and wanted revenge from our last rumble in the boxing ring. “Fight!” the referee screamed. We walked to the center of the cage and touched gloves. I maintained center as he circled left. I had my sights on his jaw, waiting to close the distance as I blocked his left jab. He threw a missed left-right combo. I swung at him hard with a left, right, left. The right punch crashed into his face hard. The crowd gasped. I backed out of his reach as he tried to hit me with a flurry of punches. I went in for the takedown, grabbing both of his legs, making a hard left. We spun around three times before we tumbled to the ground, landing on our knees and leaving him in a dominant position. He punched at my head and missed as I scrambled to my feet. He was in hot pursuit.

He grabbed my right leg and drove me backward as his dreadlocks flailed wildly. Before I hit the ground I wrapped my legs around his waist trapping him in my guard. I hit with a thud that reverberated through the room, and braced my fall with an arched back and my right forearm. I immediately grabbed the back of his head to keep him from raising and smashing me with punches. “It’s okay Tolu. You’ve been here before. Stay calm,” I reassured myself. I placed my left arm across the back of his head and torqued my upper body to his right side in an attempt to sweep him to his back. No luck. I unwrapped my legs and tried to stand up. He grabbed them, shoving his shoulder into my chest, pushing me back down, and leaving his neck in vulnerable position. I wrapped my left arm around it shoving the blade of my forearm deep into his throat, and clasped my left hand with my right, tightening the pressure, and wrapped my legs back around his waist, having him in a Guillotine Choke. “This is it Tolu. Let’s take this Win,” I thought. He stood up before I could put all my body weight on his throat. Keeping my forearm in his neck, I punched him in the ribs with my other arm then clasped my hands back together. I could hear him gargling for air as I dangled in the air with the choke sunk in, my feet off the ground, still wrapped around his waist. I felt his head slipping out of the choke, so I planted my feet on the canvas and hit him with a right, then a left. He circled away dazed as he tried to catch his breath. I followed him and kicked his inner thigh with my shin. He caught my leg, and

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November 17, 2010

On Deck This Week n today: Nov. 17 basketball: men’s vs. southwestern christian (okla.) 7 p.m.

The Wichitan n 9

National quarterfinals, here they come!

n Saturday: nov. 20 cross country: ncaa division ii south central regional meet, warrensburg, mo.

soccer: men’s ncaa division ii national quarterfinals vs. chico state @ chico, calif. 3 p.m.

n Monday: Nov. 22 basketball: women’s vs.

hillsdale freewill baptist. p.m.


n tuesday: nov. 23 basketball: men’s @ plainview vs. northern new mexico. 7 p.m.

Andre Gonzalez Sports Editor For the fourth time in history, the Mustangs men’s soccer team will be moving onto the NCAA Division II national quarterfinals in a battle against Chico State. But for MSU to get there, they were put through hard tasks this past weekend at the NCAA Division II South Central Region championship at the MSU soccer field. First, the No. 2 Mustangs took on No. 8 Truman State to pull out a 3-2 win. Junior midfielder Dean Lovegrove drew first blood for MSU when he notched in a penalty kick at the 21st minute, giving the team a 1-0 lead.

Then in the 34th minute, senior midfielders Sam Broadbent and Bryce Taylor worked a combination shot when Taylor knocked in his sixth goal of the season with Broadbent at the assist. The Bulldogs then put in their first goal of the game at the 53rd minute when Matt Kimball went unassisted for his 12th goal of the season. Junior forward Tex McCullough put the lead to 3-1 when Lovegrove took a serve on a corner kick to assist him at the 61st minute. Truman’s Dan Meagher would receive an assist from Bobby Larkin to put the Bulldogs at two points on the scoreboard near the end of the game, but it wasn’t enough to grant them a win. Truman ended their season at 12-3. As the ball rolled onto Sunday, MSU took on their next opponent, the No. 3 Colorado Mines. The Mustangs squeezed in another victory at 3-1, securing them the national quarterfinals. “We did a good job, defense stepped it up,” head soccer coach Doug Elder said. “This team (Colorado) hasn’t allowed three goals all year, so for us to do that was a pleasure.” During the 6th minute, Love-

grove went unassisted to give MSU the early lead at 1-0, while also putting in his 4th goal of the season. MSU put in the second goal early in the first half when Taylor caught an assist ball from junior midfielder Casey Hibbs at the 49th minute. “That early goal changed the momentum, at 2-0 we pretty much had them down,” Elder said. The Orediggers put their only goal in minutes later after Tesho Akindele assisted Baski Baker. The Mustangs secured their victory at the 88th minute when senior midfielder Paulo Teixeira went unassisted for his 5th goal of the season. “At 2-1 we needed that one more goal to win, because they were working hard, that one goal put us through,” Teixeira said. “I was excited to get that one in, but it takes the whole team to get us where we’re at right now.” MSU improved 18-0-2 on the season with an unbeaten stretch of 32 matches on the home field. “It’s an unbelievable feeling, especially since we get to win at home,” junior goalkeeper Michael Wood said. “All of us have worked extremely hard, this is absolutely fantastic.” Colorado Mines closed their

season at 17-2-2. MSU will face Chico State in the Final Four this Saturday at University Soccer Stadium in Chico, Calif. Kickoff is set for 3 p.m.

(Above) Mustangs chant their victory cry after they won their match against Colorado Mines, 3-1. (Bottom Left) Senior midfielder Paulo Teixeira paces carefully with the ball before notching in his 5th goal of the season. (Bottom Right) Junior midfielder David Freeland catches up to an Oredigger defender to capture the ball. (Photos by Hannah Hofmann)

MSU football ends regular season, Kanza Bowl in sights Andre Gonzalez Sports Editor

The No. 24 Mustangs ended their regular season this past Saturday afternoon against Northeastern State with an impressive score of 28-8 at Memorial Stadium. However, their 8-3 record wasn’t good enough for the Mustangs to go into NCAA playoff

status. Instead, Missouri Western (83) was chosen for the sixth spot, bumping out MSU and Central Washington (8-3) out of playoff chances. Abilene Christian was selected as the No. 1 position, while Texas A&M-Kingsville goes in at No. 2, both teams hold a 10-1 record and will receive first round byes. Chosen at third is Northwest Missouri State (9-1) fourth is Central Missouri (9-2), and holding the fifth spot is West Texas A&M (8-3). MSU’s last regular season game started with the Riverhawks’ Josh Lewis scoring from a one-yard run to a touchdown with 9:45 on the scoreboard during the first quarter. The Mustangs fired back twice in the second quarter. First, when sophomore quarterback Brandon Kelsey landed a six-yard run for a touchdown with 11:15 left to play. Kelsey, an Arlington native, took the place of senior quarterback Zack Eskridge, who became injured during the Texas A&M-Kingsville game. “Brandon did a great job, he had a 100 (yards) on his rushing

Defensive end Brett Oldenkamp prepares to put down the quarterback. (Photo by: Kassie Bruton)

and did a good job throwing the ball,” Eskridge said. “It’s a good sign of things to come here for Midwestern in the future.” Kelsey rushed his 100 yards on 10 carries, completing 8 of 12 passes for 68 yards.

“I thought we had a pretty good game, we could do a little better in our passing game,” Kelsey said.” Offensively, we did well.” Junior running back Lester Bush completed a four-yard run

to give the Mustangs a commanding 14-8 lead at the end of the first half. “Our offensive line did a good job of running the ball, which gave me the opportunity to score a touchdown,” Bush said.

Going into the third quarter, freshman running back Keidrick Jackson put up a four-yard run with 3:50 remaining on the scoreboard. In the middle of the fourth quarter, Bush whacked off another touchdown with a 15-yard run, ending the game in MSU’s favor. The Riverhawks ended their season closing at a 6-5 record. MSU will have a two week break before competing in the 2nd annual Kanza Bowl held at Hummer Sports Park in Topeka, Kan. “We want the seniors to go out with another win,” Bush said. “Our record looks better now and we want another win.” This will be MSU’s first bowl appearance in 63 years. The Mustangs were chosen as the representative for the Lone Star Conference. “We get to play another game and our season’s still going on,” Eskridge said. “Hopefully I’ll be able to play that game.” MSU will face off with the Ichabods of Washburn State (Topeka, Kan.) They hold a 7-4 overall record.

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