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,1u1nr 72, N11111brr 11
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Countdown to Christ.mus begins shoppmg spree
Nuvcmhrr 18, 1993
l\lidwcstcrn State University
.,. . .~:h:e Theater sweeps ACTF W orld
Sudden death brings life to soccer team
~~ llo\'id Krlllll'
Tipping off the home season
([he Widow's IJIlff • d Da t e
Russin 1 _S tntc Communists, ro. r,,nntlrs, em1ronmcn1a1. duction . of rnter ".. Pru • ;;ts :md fomwrs ure in Widow's Ill' the The (lie runnmg for Russin's the ·c ,;;~~.Dnt,•" ,~on Award" · · Chom, .__ _,:::._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __, new. Parlinment Tcxns A0,t th e Northcnst plnys produ,·NI at the Exc,•llence" fur 1•11sr111hh• t,;kcllon officials snid p11rt1cs meet the rc- the ,\ run .competition of Nortlwn~t 1\•xns Arnn uctinJ.! Olher Awnnls of quirtlmcnts for compet- Tl . mcncan Colh•gc Fosti\'11I votl'd "Th,• :iiostirnl held \\'idows lllind llntl'" for Excl'ill'llfl' i11cludc Dr ing in the parliamen. Hun Fischli , d1rccli11g, tlw D1r~r tor s' Choin uu')' vote slated for D Anthnn,· Damron, sound Pli,ductton is now r\wnrd 12. ec. desi~1;, Eliznheth ?ua tfiy d for rons idl'l'H Heh,•,·ra ~lohlcv , Howenr, 22 other . tht.: Rt•~ional Tomm v CtHllL'\' n1;d Lrwnndowski , costume parties did not. Boris ~t?~~i/n nnd llon . •,I Ill r:l)'l'tt(•l'llit-, ~lirh:i;·l Huflil~ wen• d1•sign, Yeltsin ordered lh~ Ark., Fch 2:l . 2(i nomm nll'd to comprll' Ht•nschC'I. ~ccnir :ind P1irhnmcnt disbanded a C'o,~ipehl Hill was lwld lt,tt•r tl11 :- \'l'ilr for the lighting design. nnd cnllcd for new elec- CI Co lhn Count\' prr sti gious lr C' llL' Hynn Thr cntirt:' company tions m September. He ommunity Colic~,, ,;, Art1ng N.'holarsh1p:--. received honors for the smashed hnrd-line op- Pl nno, Tt•xns. Thr r nl1n• rnst re· "Best Load i11 nnd Lond pos1t.10n \\1th troops and The directors of 1•1ght C'L'iwd 11 :-prrwl "Awnrd or Out." wnks on Oct. 4 after rioting by Parliament's supporters. The single group from . the hard-core Yeltsm. opposition that qunhf1cd was the ~Thnnks~i>in~ Hnlidn)· br~ht< 9:30 p.m. 011 :-io\', !4 ~ Enrly Regl11ration Dales: 0 Russrnn Communist ClaSSl'S resume DIS a.m. NO\', :?I) .~·~~~ ll:~ :~1. Pnrty, which political ID a.m.: !\I nnnlysts say could win ll:.'6Lln., l·S 11 :..\ 0~.: S So,,n: O IOa.m.: 0-.'i up to 10 percent of the lp,M-I P,Q lll.'tla.m. : T•7, ,·ote. Final E.nminatitm!i: Der. 10. 16 l p.lll-: R l:~p.m.: 0-11 ~ p.m.: Ci,,,, ):J0 1ua., ,\ -C Washington Sp.m. : Ofllt The Brady bill :'<i'o, . l 9 named for formc; ~or. l~ 11:.\0a.m.: [.I) ~ Pay alt re~islration fees nr firsl tnslaltmml prior to IUOa.m.:X,l', /, Reagan aide James IOa.m.:( V:JOa.rn.: \\ Brady. was approved by 4 p.m.. D<c. 17 in the Business Office. Adrop box is 11 :.\(Ja.m.: T, U. \ ' 11:JOa.m.:R la.m.: A U ,.\(J: S the House 238-1 89. a,·aitahlr for afler-hours paymenl by check or money ◄ p.m. :ll.,., ◄ p.m .: Llo.r House members from order. against thevoted bill ••;;,; •:•;""' ;;;;";;;,1= Texas 22-8 I ..,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..;•;··;:·;;•·,;;
Semester Update ..,.. . ~ .. • ••• ..1.. ,
The Brady bill, which has been debated on Capital Hill for more than six years, was passed during the last Congress but never became law. Austin If you drive a car, mow a lawn, use a dry cleaner or buy doughnuts in Dallas, Collin, Denton or Tarrant counties your cost ofliving is about to go up. State officials have adopted a new clean-air plan for the four-county Dallas-Fort Worth area Wednesday. Under the plan motorists must pay up lo $25 lo have their vehicles' emissions systems inspected every two years al state-sponsored stations. Virginia John Wayne Bobbitt, who found himself in a national spotlight after his wife sliced off his penis , was acquitted Wednesday of a charge of marital sexual assault. The jury of nine women and three men took barely four hours before finding Mr . Bobbitt not guilty. Mrs. Bobbitt was charged with marital assault because under Virginia law, rape appli es only to coupl es living apart of if the vie· lim is seriously physi· cally injured. Bobbitt's Penis was reattached in an eight hour surgery.
Pharo/Brandon Oldr
Charlie "Big Sugar" Segar lips ofTMSU Men's Bas· kelball home season Nov. 15 against Incarnate Word . MSU lost to Incarnate 78-77. Last season, the men traveled to lhe Final Four in NAIA competition.
Parade opens door to a whole new world By Moy,Britt Ducsund Reporter
Nine counlries were represented in the annual Parade of Nations hosted by the International Students Association Nov. 12. The parade concluded activities of the Fourth Annual World View Symposium.
The Internationnl Luncheon was served at noon in the Clark Student Center Bnllroom. For $4, one hnd the op• portuni ty to choose different kinds of food from nil over the world. There was J apanese fri ed rice, Turkish rice and clam chowder.
(Abm-c): Anna Marie Brouwer, left, and Evelicn 13rnuwer, right, display dOlhing from (he Nelherlaoo5. their na1ivc country. The sisters participated inlbcPmutkofNations la.st Frid3y. (Righi): Yul:ikO vwmw,010, Naol.o !so, Akiko OkamOIO. Mllloko 'J'akShaShi, Kaori Harada and lsoo Naru.sc dance around Ken Tasakoshi, ccntcr.intr0:ditional JapantseCOSIWllCil lhcParadeofNations. Tasakoshi wrtc a SBlllurai costume..
Phoros by BrandOII Olds
They also hnd koroke from Japan, panuchos from Mexico, and nrroz con polio from South Am erica . In addition there was chilc con queso from Mexico, frijotes chnrros from Mexico and egg roles from China. During the Parade of Nations one could experience national cu stoms from all over the world. Studonls participating in the parade were Anna and Evelien Brouwer came from Holland, Trina and Linda Vu from Vietnam, Sailre Hsiao Ching from Taiwan and Martha Samo and Ana Paula Borrego from
Mexico. Others included Obaidrar Ur Rashid from Bangladesh and Abbas Mirza from Pakistan. J.W. Justice wore the Native American costume. Horvie Prince and Nesty Dale entertained the audience with their performance from St. Vincent. The majority of participants came from Japan: Yukiko Yamamoto, Naoko !so, Akiko Motoko Ok a moto , Takahashi , Kaori Harada, lsao Naruse and Ken Tasako s hi .
, -..: . _ -~ n,~ t_-~~d:___---------'»:~~ Pl'g~~~~?.2L_--==--JO¥,~n l 8 X[ltft.ryn's Corner Changes ~lioo Prkin5
Thursday, November 18, 1993
Every individual, family, organization, charity ads business, city, state nnd notion reaches crossro cross• at somo point in its existenco. It is at theso the roods that a major decision \\ill bo mndo, and direction oft.ho entity will bo set. Midwestern State University has reached oneis n oftheso crossroads, nnd the impending decisio one that could shape o bright outlook for the fu . University, or cast a dim expectation of MSU's lure growth . MSU students will vole during the week of reno• Dec. 6 through Dec. 10 on a referendum lo t vote and expand the current Clark Studenwill Center. It will be this student vote which symbolize whero Midwestem's future lies. The present Clark Student Center shows tsigns of lagging behind Midwestern's rapid studen hold lo population growth . The CSC was designed tion a maximum of 3,000 students; MSU's populawas g buildin the s is reaching 6,000. The service r of designed lo orrer only reach a limited numbe students; the 6,000 students Midwestern hostsbe should which needs of t carry a diverse amoun met by a university. This conflict brought Midwestern to the mid• : die of 8Uch o crossroads. Two solutions existed MSU could ignore this problem and risk cuning handle not could it e becaus ard its growth downw the students, or MSU could renovate and expandt the current building to: handle a greater amoun t body; of services, accommodate a gro\\ing studen 's and better incorporate a larger portion ofMSU use. g's buildin population into the Making the latter decision required great cau• lion and insight on behalf of Dr. Louis J. Farrell, Rodriguez, president ofMSU, Dr. Howard slu• vice president of student and administrative ts, dents, Jane Leishner, assistant dean of studens• and many other concerned faculty and admini trative personnel. re• The project moved forward for these people alized tho importance of growth at MSU. Under stu• of nt preside Pugh, n the direction of Shanno ts dent government, a committee ofMSU studen s, representing a variety of backgrounds, cultureideas ating formul began groups and organizations cen• of what a college student center in the 21st tury should be. Tho decisions made in this group during the ttee Foll 1993 semester were not easy. The commi realized the great finances a project like this would involve , and thus walked carefully through plan after plan, waiting for the one plan which would encompass a wide aspect of student life while effectively utilizing student money. and After three mont.hs of weekly two•, three• a con• four•hour meetings, the committee reached in sensus on one plan. The group was confident choice. their and ation their deliber a The cost of the proposed project does cany . The steep price tag•· almost 4.9 million dollars be price, however, is not unreasonable and can e in handled by the University through an increas student center fees. It is now the student body's tum to voice its is for opinion. This project, designed by students, ove ;~udents. And students will approve or disappr The cost initially may seem high; and presently, the student center may not be some• all of thing of great interest for it does not involve tion Midwestern's students. However, the renova ts, committee wants this plan to include all studen all so that the CSC can once again be a place for ofMSU . Holding Midwestern's future in one's hands can be a frightening thought. Any form of major is change will be a frightening thought. But it And only through change that growth can occur. con• "Yes, say ts studen if growth can occur only tinue the traditions Midwestern has held since." the early 1900s into the late 2000s and beyond Say yes to growth; say yes to past and future MSU students; and say yes to MSU. Kath n S,lf i1tditor o{Tht Wichitan .
Pall,, 11C 76308 3400Tal l Blvd, P.O. Dox 160• Wichi1a nt detk: (R I-,) 689~705 New, dcak: (817) 619-470-t • Advcrtisi
- -"···E,Jitor KathrynSeif... _ _ _ --:- - - ........ .Managing Editor Julie Nanny....._ _ _ _ _ _ _ ............Cc,pyE,Ji1or C!wlcaCage... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
~~~ ..-
Drandoo Olds..
- - - -- - - -... .GraphicAnis1 .. .. Pbolograpby E,Ji10r
Bryan Dall:ud.... _ __
_ "··
Dn:wMyen._ _ _ •. ········Movic Reviewer Dean Lawn:ncc ....,_ __ _ _ __
.MusicReviewcr MelwaSullivau .... - - - - - -........ CaJ1oonisl
J'Z°!~!::: . . ... . __"
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..... . . . . . . -2::~ :=:~:~. • U.~i~~ ~:~:~~:3: A · · · · · · · · ... d~·~~;.:~ ::::~~=:.~~~-- --::;~;;~·~ ~yi5er EricSeJf....
Jawn Tuckcr _ _ _ _ _
· l iH , 1"-"R'iclfl,,a. 1"1n<MM 1r , .....
Dusincs., Manager
Advcf'Usin g Represcn!Ulh•t
=~ ~r .~ :23:!.=:t~~~l:~j ~
Severed relationship brings poets together by courte1,-y of Edi/or'.~ Nnte. The followin g column is printed in response to Tn"bunt Media Service.~ . This cnlumn was written . limericks for asking an tarlitr column By Mike Royko Chicago Tribun e ng
s. He will hove Peter Kendall, a journnlist, mode two offering to live with himself. Now you know thnt it hod to sting But no curses did poor Johnny sing He was quite rclnxed When his manhood wns axed Guess it wasn't that big of a thing.
To my disgust, the fax machine began hummi ks early this morning, spewing out terrible limeric about the Babbitts. per• correct lly John Bobbitt was bit too cocky politica Being highly sensitive and h the And his marriage grew ever more rocky son, my conscience tells me to run them throug Now it's true, l swear, paper shredder. That in terms of underwear psycho!• stitches, not boxers or jockeys. But I suppose they can be of some value to wears He workings ogists, sociologists and others who study the was drinking his A guy named Harold, who sounded like he of the sadistic mind . I don't haven fax them lunch, called and said: "I wrote a couple, but So I will stifle my better instincts and pass to you?" And he them read just I Con long. ond th e mail takes too along as a service to scholars. an Paul One of the first to arrive was the work of Chicago Strflili: When drinking in full rcgnlin Sometimes your memory will ran ya' But John B. woke up thinking I really musL hnve been drinking l have misplaced my genitalia . remorse Kevin Theis wns man enough to express some as your lunch ' saying: ~l plead guilty to th e same vileness into my head." companions. God help me but they just popped And he wrote three of them. Sweet Lorena did not use precision The darkness, she said, hindered vision , She jumped on tho divan And gave husband John An un-voluntcered circumcision. Big John B. was a creep, don't ya' kn ow Whose wife gave him a horrible blow Now the people he meets As he walks down the streets Sny, "John Bobbitt? That's old sew.and.sew.• 'This_case," said Lhe cops, sure does pickle usus Search mg for this man's thing does not tickle lt was somewhere 'round here That she threw this man's gear But to us the whole thig is ri•dick•ulus.
Ill.,:;~;:~•:?t!':::;'::rltorse, Jim Schaefer, of ML Prospect, A much.abused Indy named Bobbitt Said unto her husband, please stop it Or I'll draw my stiletto And chop down your palmetto And see just how far I con lob it author used The ~e~~ one came from Lake Forest, m. The noL only the 1mt1als A.H. Such modesty. Or maybe His technique, oh boy, it was brutal To retr11in him, she knew, would be futile So she aimed for the tip But the blade it did slip And cut off th e whole kit and caboodle
A fellow named John went out drinking When he finally got home he wos thinking He would give his sweet wife The big thrill of her life Alas, the means to this end was soon shri nking. Pausing only to take another swn!Jow, he went
lt's not sinful to hit a few bars And to drink beer 'ti) the pre-dawn hours But ho lurched to his bed With sheer lust in his head Now when he meets a new gal he just cowers. bad, huh? I never wrote "OK?: Harold s•!~· "\YJint'yn think? Not lunch. hmencks before. I wished him a happy
tion was faxed from George, who said: . 1:he next contribu and full name. My wife takes this thing seriously Don t use my to be next." we haven't been getting along. I don't want They're making plans in movie•land For a film about Lorena's sleight•of.hond Whether it's funny or sad One thing makes me glad I don't have to be Bobbitt's stunt man. we have this: And from Larry Meekma in Oak Lawn, Ill., The legend of Bobbitt is growing It's n story will worth the knowing He offended his wife So she took up her knife going. I will dAnd .Put an end to his coming andtion: en it Wlth this an onymous contribu This s~ry is just so much flot.sam Appealmg to those who are rotten I know that don't rhyme But I just don't have time As &Journa list you hnve hit bottom. To which I must respond : I'll admit th at I wasn't too keen About ~wetldlingl nn a topic so menu u o really hn, ta When the Write nbo ut NAFTA nation is obse15ed by Johu's wien"
T1lf Wichlt.:1n Thun<by. :'iO\'Clllber 18. I ?93
1'2~ 3
Leadership COnfe ugh set for Jan 2 rence Vmson competition Funds sought thro n · 0-23 entr•ilties due Feb. 4 mini-music maratho
8Y~~S chre11 ,e. fl" Tesas A&M U . 1i1Y will host the n?er. ,1111ual Southw cs:Xth Leader s •~n JJ)ack conferen ce Jan . 20 hip Th• annual e,_-23 _ Work hent ;nclude s pcakers, a cnree; 1 in air enterta and ment event!!. St h · ep ame William con_feren_ce" associatse, chair, said One of Jllain pur_poses of lbe ctbe n 18 to Provide 0 • ference an stud opportun ity for Jeaders to address th e_nt sues 8nd concerns or"1;,8" Africtan,;American corn~ p1uru y. _Intereste d college a d universi ty student s a~ e encouraged to P•rtici Pate in the conference. Keyn~te speaker s. elude Na 1m Akbar in. Af:,can- America n • an cholo~ist und author rsy. Florida State Unive rom
Nat' Lea~~~sahl _ Black Youth 1p C D n r . Julianne ouncil; and Malveaux f n economi 0nd Write; Colm the ,/ . ty of ~versi at a •fornia One of hrkeley. major e t th of events e conference the IS Corpora tio~aree r fair an_d _graduate schools sPart •cipati~g in Ibis Year' WjlJ tnclud sHcareer fair e ·E-8, Wal Mart Chemica l gccide ntal orp ., State Farm I Univers ity nsfurnn ce, Southw e t O Texas Center s ern Medical University ~~T Dallas , exns Law Sc b O O I D a I I as I ndepen d Dis trict Rndl School Corp ., ian estne South__: Bell rn AT&T ' ~lobil , Foley's' C ' o~hoe and.DuPont. . egistrn tion dead) ·
at Tallaha ssee ; J::·:~ t~k~~~s f ~• ton of the sodn and a hu~an ri~h~c .0 • an P0liti st cal __activi ; Denni s t Rahnm . Wa son, execu. 11ve directo r of the
Regis:r: :io~s fe~ :·s ~e: student and 570 per mpornsor or ad,·iser. For e info cont., cl Stephan ·rm~iri" 18 01 (409) 8~t45~ s 0~s f ax (409) 862-2640
Du ..uad
nnme, nddrcss, major. and lelephon e number wriler the of Submiss ions should be i,, mniled or deli,·ered Hardi n the Adminis tration Building Hoom 209 The news/ed itorial tr ee hns also subsect ions : feature d t t s ory, news s ory on editorial. Only the news heen hove should story published. Ench purlicip nnt must submit not more than one article from each category . A cover each for sheet submiss ion should list the article's headline and the writer's name, address, and telephone number. Submiss ions should be delivere d or mailed to Belle z Ma lone Bl 10 in the Pain Fine Arts Center.
The Vinson Award i• dh•ided into two parts, creati ve writing nnd news/editorial ; eacn offen o S680 price. Those who like to write and "-;sh to enter work in the competit ion must submit them by Peb. 4. be will Winner s announced al the 1993Awards uni Ann 94 C eremony in Apri I. In the creat ive writing division , there nre three subsecti ons: poetry, prose non-fiction nnd prose fiction . may Contes tants submit in any of these three ca tego ries. Those submi !ting poetry should supply three poems. Prose pieces should be typed. double-s paced and can consis•. of 1,000 words. All identification page than other t ea~h ~:::o~-::t
ent~~;· :eed
page. Also, eac h entry shou ld have a cover attache d, sheet identif};ng the piece by ti lie and listing the
the envelope .,;th either creative writing or editorial. The address is MSU, 3410 Taft Blvd ., Wichita falls Texas , 76308-2o 99 _ ·
Ry Mtlluo Schr•lbt r ~porter
United first Methodi st Church w,11 host a Mini-M usic Maratho n from 1.30 p.m to 3:30 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 21, in the church'• Rane• tuary located at 909 Tenth St. The maratho n is un• der the directio n of Judith Higbee, music director nt FUMC . The purpose of the maratho n is to raise money for new choir robes. A total of 30 pieces will be ployed. Pledges per each piece of music played are being taken . The minimu m pledge asked is 25 cents for each piece of music. Mini-M usic The Maratho n will include mu sic for all ages . Selectio ns will includr.
- The erm1na tors team, ~omP?sed of Mike Mah_unn, Michael Koofer, David Moms and Jim Hodges and sponsored by t h onor Phi . Alpha Th ea the society ,_ beat U~1vers1ty Democr ats twice to claim the College Bowl championship Oct. 30-31 on MSU campus . The
D Democr ats, composed of p erek Andrews, Shannon ugh, StaC1e Beauchamp Jerry McClurg and Ad~ · d second Andrews • cl rume plac~ -- Thirteen teams in the douted a part1C1p_ ble;~rru nalion event. rd place went lo i th e Pre-Med Club team composed of Amye Miller, John Gerhard , Boyd
ByCindyluhlerB<,tt ~porter The Midwestern State t ' Th ta Th ta U
semeste r of 1994. This is the first time this has
~:~~/s1T e~~1m!i ~~: arsh1p to a qualifyi ng 1977. are Applic ations member of Pi Sigma availabl e at the Division Alpha. and The scholars hip will of Political Science be awarded for the fall Public Adminis tration. _ _.,. ....,_,....,..._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ closed ~ T h e Molfell Library will be during Thanksgiving break and will re-open on Monday, Nov. 29. Regular hours are:
the BuUer, Bruce Palmer nnd Jchn Cregge r and ican s Richard Niles. The Phi College Republ Jimmy of up made Alpha Theta #2 team , Ron Chamble ss, compos ed of Chris Moruan O Maddox and Hartman , Kimberly Roe, Kathy Morgon. Charli e Rouzer and Mignon As winners , the David Dunsmore claimed memfourth . Two teams tied Termina tors team for a for fifth place : the hers will compete varsity MSU's Humani sts made up of place on Th e team. Bowl College Cooke, Mark Tom Bundy, t MSU Roberto Ramirez and team will represen
Welcome back to lecture halls, all-nighters, pizza breakfasts, and Kiiiko's.
For more informa tion contact Judith Higbee nt 766-4231.
• a Alpha Ph• s1gm I • offiers SChoIarshIp
~08 ~~~:
Terminators WI·n MSU- College Bow-Ii~~(~ :i!n~i /:1;i T
piece• from Beethove n and Gilbert & Sullivan . The Asbury Ringer,, fUJII C'• handhell choir, will perform ·phantom of the Opera," "MemoricA~ from the broadwa y play · cats and ",Jingle- Bell Rock ." Six choirs ";II be parthe tn ti ci pn ting maratho n including vocal instrum ental and soloisLs. Jay Terpstra , a student at MSU, will play the organ. Persons pledging will be admitted free, all others will pay $3 for adult!!, $1 for studenLs and children under 12 will be admitted free .
Monday-Tbunday: 7:4S Lm. -Midnigb< Friday: 7:4h.m. -Sp.m. Saturday: Noon-6p.m. Sunday: 2p.JJ1.· IOp.m.
Computer lab hours are:
/see page 7
Monday-Wcdncsd.ly: 9 a.m. • 10 p.m. Thullday: II a.m. • IO p.m. Fridai: Noon • 5 p.m. Sa1unlay: I p.m. • 4 p.m. Sunday: 2 p.m. • IO p.m.
~Thaeuarc foua.ded:a nit.blc MaJllimac.t crpftoin IOp.m. lo
indaiahc,Mowi. -Thun. ~ACl.lffutM SUID. ifreqwttd to ch(doul boob er Olbtt l)'ptl cl IJll!criWf,omlbchbr.vy. 0..,'4.,t ArrWJAnl i.°"'911
Lisa Ellard
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TIIE Wir li1ra,
All-star cast performs classic By Ooaa n l .t1Wrt1 nca Mo\' lt• H.c\·lcwC'l r
Tho public's fu ir'y-roconU y-ucquirod tustc (or peri od movies nnd wc~l· erna (which ure rcully j ust unother kind oCpo· ri od pi rccs \ i:,; once ngnin sen ·od in Walt Disney's "The Three Mu•keteers." Hero is a rcpul!lble cast. Kcifor Sutherland us tho hroodi ng Athos, Charlie Sheen a• the romnntic Arnmis. Oli,•cr Plutt ns the sli~hUy portly nnd comical l'ortho, nnd Cltri, O'Donnell (the kid who played next to Al Pocino in "Scent or n Woman) as m11skctccr-in -thc -mnking D'Artagnun. Based (rnther loosely) on Alcxnndcr Dumas' book, the nudicncc is once ngain led through udvcnture or the swash-buckling sort as the musketeers ult.empt to wrest control or France from the evil Cardinal Richelieu, pluyed by Tim Curry. And, true to the Walt Disney tradi tion -- the guys at Disney ore no stra ngers to swash-buckling -- the mov;ic iRfun and cntcrtnining, wi th elaborate costuming nnd even more elaborate set• tings. There arc plenty of sword-fighLs and hcrsechasC!,. And if the mnin characters occasionally seem as if they would be more nt home on th e bench at Malibu than in Paris, just keep in mind that Malibu (or place, like it ) is where Disney's target audience spends u groat deal of its time.
I wuuld he unfuir not to mention Utrcc other actora of quality who were in the lilm . Gubricllc Anwur who played Queen Anne, ,Julie Dolpy a• her Indy-inwaiting and Rebecca Demomay a• Milady OeWinter But while the, o purls were importnnt lo the plot, they were cssonlinlly cameo nppcarunce:;, because the mnin focus was on the boys, in nn effort, according to producer Joo Roth, to court "a Cull -fnmily, 'Honey I Shrunk the Kids' audi ence," to be, in hi s words, "more 'Rnid cr:;' Umn ro moncc Roger Rumhnum, co• producer sayH, "'J'wo generations hn\.'C never seen thht Thnt'.s our core audience." Packing in the kids will he crucial for Disney since tho $30 million price tag makes "Musketeers" among the costliest live-action film s in Disney's history. With thnt aucficnce in mind, the producers lookod again toward "Robin Hood~ for inspiration, commissioning Brynn Adams to do the thome song. Will nil this work? Disney is betting th nt it ..;11. The studio is officially not worried abouL the film's debut on more than 2,000 scrocns, which is u Disney record. But Sheen is r,•cn more relaxed about it. "It can't hurt to he in
Di•noy'• big Thunk tt1,rivinu-Chri Rltnll:i picture n11 one of Lhc top cost," he snyA whil1! collcctinl! u $5 million pay check . "lfit flicK, I'm on hoard. And ifit ,ink.,," ho add,, " it ain't my fnult. " Don't worry Chnrli o. It'• likely to fly. If for no other reason, thero's the novelty of seeing u n~w breed of stnr~ enncling old fouta of romantic derring-do. Review Hating· Al l Puu:lt
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Velvet Underground shapes alternative music Ry Mcliaaa Sullh•nn Mu1ic Re\•lcwcr
un emotionally weary voice, Recd Hines alK,uL loss with anJ{cr and confu sion and anyone who haR ever lus l love will relu te fully, especially with the line "I thought o[ you us everything I had, hut co uldn't keep. Linger on, your paJc bhw cycR.H
Holl ," alsn found II pluce MCMXCIII is n compilaon t.h c di:,c 11ml i:, a power New York Dolls, The Sex lion oflhc bnnd'Rconctirts pucked perfnrmnncc t.hut performed in Pnris in Pistols or e,·en Pearl would hrinJ! anyon<.' lo ,June 199:J The hand's Jam, there was The thtir feet. cncr,zy ant.I c1m,ti on live Volvet Undergrounri . Alus, howe\' cr, the a ln for pucked songs mndr Releasing lhcir first bum is not willwul the lhnt 11lh11m dcli~htful album in 1967 and di sdnrk trucks that Vcl vcl most peoplo thought banding in 1970, the Unclcrj:!'rouncl fun s have would nc\'Cr he mudc. band's short career grown to love. The hand's The disc hes,jns with helped shnpo the altemnof "Hcroin" pcrfonnnncc "Venus in Furs" and contive music scene. (most recently rcmudc hy tinucs wilh one of Urn Although the band Billy Idol, who nil hut debest known VU songs, members (most not.nbly stroyod it) is by far tho "Sweet Jano." "Sweet Lou Reed) went their most compelling and Jane" denounces critics separate wnys nnd rcartistic song the band and proves Urnt The leasod solo alhums, The made. ever was Velvet Underground as a Velvet Undorground Tho disc closes wi th not ull abo ut self-decnhand was csscntinlly Dluo Eyes," possibly "Pale dcnce und dnrk lyrics. dead. Until now. Another one of the fow the most beautiful of the The Velvet Underground 's songs. In "fun'' tracks, "Rock 'N' Underground • Li ve Before there were The
The Vel vet Underground , whose songs have hccn recorded by eve ryone from H.E.M. to Tho Cowboy Junkie•, has proved above and beyond that after 25 years they slill have what it takes lo affect a nyone who li stens.
,. ~ 1,1_1, .,.: ' -~. DRINK $1.50
.r~·-- ...... ···-- .. ----- .. ···-·· · Wednesday- November 24
Special Appeara nce by:
Balloon Sculptor
Stone Culture upstairs Pflg~.
a ~r om Austin
SPECIALS -. D.J. Bobby Miranda
·- -
ater :
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C,UEft WJ-tAr, J-ff WA~ ........
WE'VE ltM[ AS/6 ~EAL our OF WOTHIN6.
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fot lltlrl)· 100 )"fll1. Dunn, lh.it 111111: r~oplt hum all "'1Jl.1 ol lift- u1C/114i~j 0 1 Ontd l.1nn~1h) nt . Sir Anh, SullMn.Clwlc:1D iclcn1indt11cf~ of FnnUin D Roo1c~clt-hoc U'Cd l.tltldiat)piartnc:ft.. ,\ nc:w Lr lU duign fcuurc, rinc h1ndcufrrd Jct, rl1-1Jm u11 1 ID\t 111 iodiit t1,nJ.1tilchedcovm. Jiklnlpalt nlau ,nd ,ilky nbbon bool.ma1b art lll inc ll.ldcd In the Dcsl1ncr Cullmion ol 1m~honikd.lod•kd htrpl11111en, For1ht- klalionoflhtncan:u u:tt,o1 London rt1ailer or any 1ddition1J h1fo,. mJtion. call Leto Cu11omcr Scr,·itt
Oq,utmtnt 1011,frrr 111 -800-~HOl. Nr--·1l'14
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.ffltWJUJ(b:J!Dlpn:ass .t'lllJ~ ro,,Uf4ifJ·j, fcc·,n(lr.!tr/)•Mmrr.brm u JU(ll/l,JJj r,, f\'Amll,;,(A
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filE Wlchilan
News wvs ~ ======================:::::; e=-s-~~ on Eer focu·-=-s Thurs1fay, November 18, 1993
uropean histo f y The Wichitan and MSU2
:~~~riltDut•u nd
wRichard professor Emcrit~rcs, 1:!istory at Ball ss of l]ni,•ersity, was the t~~te ..1est-spoakcr in as ~rd six at World VCrtcs 1c\\ • O · 5ymposium. His sp focused on "Tho Nech o~w The guropc, d problems." Wires talked ab tJ,e importance of~ dout ;uinding the lust 50 n erof Europe's histo,ictJ'"0 uilkcd about the wn . Bosnia and about rthn 1118ny European institu~ uons,_thntarcout-datcd · \\ 1res d T sa, an example . 1s NA 0 . Accordin Wires more than 22 c~~~ (l'ics would like to bcco affiliated with NATO a:~ 01any of those countries s~c Ea st ·Euro_pcan coun. tries . Ho said today'
P2gc 7
_. European pohttcnl lendcrs arc lnckvisi~ot brtllinnt nnd Novcrnth. Said h• r C1oss,. Wires " ,cit o l st I 11 >out th f P •mi ic uturc of Europe countries h~cnusc the Wish to ~ t av{ n st rong strong indcu ~ ong. Their technology s Y 0nd high vantage for th>s an nd · countries said ~VEu~pcnn Wires h ires. chairman of ths h_bccn dHcpartmcntat 8: 11 ~~ry He Inter headed I.thee. on c s ors ,ollcgc, and then crvcd as cxcculiv d' tor of the Univ:rs:~r . s ondon Centre. c Dr._ Wires was edu /led m the U.S. and in ranee and then comt etcd law school before
the Countertth 11 h~ scltligcnlcrd Cortpsf tll·lc ' . rave C mos O IC world and hns returned to Europe more than 50 limes to pursue research nncl writing interests. In addition he hus puhli shed ext,•nsi\'ely in the field of modern European hi story Among a re books hi s
"Tcrminoloi:y of the Thi rel P Reich ", "John Mnrquund nnd Mr . ~Joto", nnd the forthcoming "The Cicero AIToir", exnmining World Wnr ll's
~~r:!s f~~:~"~ei~i~/~~~j
want yOu"
Pos1'tions available on The ll'ichitan sraff include:
• • MSU2 w1·11 host tryouts for two anchor positions for the
Managing ediior Reporters
last newscast of Campus Watch for the Fall 1993
Copy editor Sports reporters
Appl icants should send a brief description of qualifications
Also, tryouts for anchors for the Spring I994 editions of Campus Watch will soon be held.
The Wichilan P.O. Box 160 Midwestern Stale University Wichita Falls, Tl'~as, 76308
Those wanting to apply, should contact Pam Bettencourt at ext. 4785.
time to writing and his current research project is a study of the early cs• pionngc novels of Eric L _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
·n ~ ; i a S peci:I Agent Ambll'r
win ner s,-- ---- ---- ---- -
Fn1nr,£' '
at the regional tournament m Huntsville at th end of February, All-stn~ players, the top scorers from other teams, will also be eligible to compete for vnrs,ty positions. The all-stars and their teams are: John Gerhard Pre-Med Club; Chri;
Gilbert, Alpha Ch i Kimberly Row, Phi Alph ~ ~hcta #2 ; Staci e eauchamp, University :?;mocrats; Micha el koczy, Know-Nothin~s; Angela Caras, Sigma Tau Delta #3; Derck Andrews Universi ty Democrats: and Mark Cooke .
Humani sts. Honorable mention players .. those who scored next highest to the all-stars .. will also be cl it;ible to t.ry for a spot on the \'ar sily team . Honorable mention went to: Dolli e Reeser, Sigma Tau Delta #I ; Chri s
Hartman, Phi Alpha David #2 ; Theta Dunsmore, Phi Alpha Theta #2; Jimmy Morgan, College Repuhlicnns ; Pugh, Sh an non University Democrats; Darla Tice, Sigma Tau Delta #I ; Jesse Mendez, Circle K; and Roberto
Ramirez, Humanists. Practice will begin soon for those seeking varsity positions. There will be exhibition matches in Janua1y and early February, one of which will feature the student players against a faculty team. There will
also be a practice tour• nament at the University of Texas, Dallas in early February. The regional tournament which will feature about eighteen teams from Texas, Louisiana and Arkansas colleges and universities.
1.g~;~{Qiiu§ZtfflUtM ~~~~dway play opens November 20
November 21
November 22
lhc Lcl:uuCruam ni «l~ct: a~tN>dln
C.lf\•c-dR0~1,0i:cf FmJCh1dcn
Stcu.t=in~m fonch8rc.iJ P1m
IW.cdD c;w
TomJtu So~p
O:·wn!Jl l'llncr
...D~al:f.ut D:ir..
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V.'hirr,:,lr1·,u1(~_\ Wil h GrJ•')'
Cbid:rurod Rin: Sour
May•,dNoo<11,r,"'ml, JkilRo.i.q Dccf S~d . . ,ch O,mc:1:\/rg:r
Spiih,~'.'./:,~ sm,
rmx:hOrud Pa ,z.. llot Dof OrOC't'oh R1cC" C.Uk n1lc
,1oc~ Tn T;itur3 l!!'-.,-'9...
c .m~~'.';
Falls this weekend. The musical, which I
f ootlun~Ch1li Chi:cscdog
SpJt hctt, wuhRcJSJU('c J'l:ul..Jclph1Jn
for Sp.innb Ricc
All dinners will have a Rice and Bread Bar.
OackcnNml'cSru" Shrimp Stir f ry...,·1thR1rc P:tu .i Stc.U:
Nov. 10:Erl}oyan evenlng in Italy
fahwich SpicedJic~bcs
Lisa A. Boyette
W£VE GorYOUR NUMBER. Make that three numbers.
59¢ Sg'{0¢9· '.,i ,·..· ,
Because only al Taco Bell, 11 can you get so many different taste sensations tor three Jow prtces. Get
1 1
~ r'
•' 'j
$1, 1
crunchy Tacos. Zesty Burrttos. Cheesy Nachos. Tan gy ChlUtos. And more tor only 59¢, 89¢, and $l .09. AfTOCO Bells, If you want great tastes and great prices, your number has Just come up.
c JC_Pcnney
The spellbinding mu•
aocl tccbmcally amazmg to the unforgettable muperformances ever, ac- sical score by the LI d And cording lo 8 press release.
The elaborati~n may _be demonstrated ,n the size of the crew alone. The touring company will hire 62 local stagehands along with the 30 union stagehands which travel with the troupe.
This weekend's per• fonnances will be the second occasion the musical will have been brought to Wichita Falls. The piny was in the area in 1989.
Univers ity Police
Media Club sponsors sale By
current y the longest on play running Broadway and the third longest running musical ever, will be held Nov. 20 and 21 at Memorial Auditorium. Tickets arc available
••fru;, e~--·
the at
performance to Wichita most elab~rate, beautiful Practical Cats" and is set
,,..,,,,Jomo" -
lkd )i,,·
Fourth National Tounng t}jcf service ~ounter for sical is based on T .S . the ah dorrd per ormanccs Eliot's whimsical and un~ of Company conventional poetry of • , Broadway play "CATS" SC C ~ C . 15 ~he "Old Possum's Book of This musical their bring will
The Media Club will be accepting donations of hardback books, paper• back books, album•, cassettes and compact discs for a book sole the club will be sponsoring in early December. Donations may be dropped of in the broadcast lab in the Fain Fine Arts Center.
By Cindy Kahler Belt lleporter
The following ofTenscs were reported to the State Midwestern University campus police between Oct. 28 and Nov. 9. 0 A possible case of harassment occurred ouside the Fain Fine Arts Center on Nov. 2. The officer filing the report de• scribed a note left on a car as being of a "satanic nature." There are no suspects. 0 A wallet containing $100 and various identifi• cation was taken from a room in Piorcc Hall. The investigation is ongoing.
There is n suspect. O An unfounded report of theft was filed on Nov. 5. An organizer with $52, credit cards, a checkbook and a driver's license was left in D.L Ligon Coliseum Room 118. The victim Inter re• ported that a friend had taken it as a joke and returned it. O A burglary of a vehicle occurred on Nov. 8 or 9. A suspect used some type of a slim jim to unlock the vehicle. Two purses and the ~~_1,1ts of the car were stolen. One purse con•
Fat McBride's Steak house Grllled Chicken $5.95
for lunch
Filet Mlgnon Vegetable or the Day $6.50 for lunch
Cooked over Mcsqui1e Wood ,uved wilh baJced potato and salad.
$1.25 Draw Beer Com<r of Soulhwes1 Parkway and Maplewood. Ju,i down lhc road from lhc Mall. "Tb ls Aln'I No Midwrsltrn Carrttria Food!"
tained a checkbook, a phone calling card, social security card and a cash card.
The other purse con• tained $300, a checkbook, credit cards, MPACT card, school ID., locker keys and a birth certifi• cate. The contents of the car included a Canon 35 mm camera, approxi• mately 100 tapes and an umbrella. The total loss was estimated at $750. The investigation is ongoing and there are no suspects. O A burglary of a vehicle occurred on Nov. 8 outside of the Hardin Administration Building. The victim went in to make a tuition payment. While he was gone the left rear window was pulled back. His wallet and bracelet were stolen. The wallet contained various credit cards and MPACT cards. The loss was estimated at $399. There are two suspects. In tbe course of the investigation, one of the suspects has been identified , the otbe.r sus• pect is unknown at this time: Tho investigation is ongoin,:.
Thu~~r. l\'ovrmber lB, 1993
Men win and then fall Soccer claims 13th area title Ry Drew Myer,
Uy Spoacc,r Friedl Spo~e'1:/s'Ui~duin• took the court Tuesday night hopinc to avenge their loRH on Soturduy night to Incarnate Word Collogo by routing Southern Nazarene 92-7. MSU jumped aheod ea rly in tho came with help from senior Charlie Sogcr who hit several inside baskets and crabbed key rebounds. Sacer fin ished the half with seven rebounds. The defense as a whole wos outstanding in the first half as MSU held th e Reds kins to just 35 percent shooting. the Offensi,·ely, lndinns were led by senior Jason Pnty's J 0 points and five nssiste as MSU look o 41-30 lead into halnime. The second half started out as the fir st half ended with MSU k<'<lping a relatively comfortable lead . However, that wouldn't lost long. Southern Nazarene began to make a run ot the 15:00 mork and, with 13:50 remaining in the game, were down by only three points, 50-47. On the Indians next possession, junior Kerry Bragg took a shot from Uw corner that bounced ofT the rim and senior Chris Owens cought the ball in mid air and in one motion dunked the ball hnck in the basket for a spectacular play If that. play didn't break the Redskins' back the next one most ccrnly did . After a Redskin free throw (ofT a technical foul because Owens hung onto U1e rim following his dunk ) and a Bragg free throw, senior E.J. Collins took the life out of Southern Nazarene by a breakaway dunk ofT of a steal with J0:00 Jen to go. The Redskins couldn't recover and MSU's lead ballooned lo 24 before fi. nally winning the contest by 22. led by MSU was Pnty's 16 points ~nd 10
Go, Indians Go! Woodies we1comes
SpoFrtaorRthcpoorl13,rtl1 co11eec11- onship ~amc Saturday. Dnn Schoon stnrted th live time lhc MSU •occcr off the ~coring agmn 5 l c tenm hns ~nincd R berth Hilltoppcrs with an ns•••t to Joy to the NAIA National from forward Judd nd "b 10 Tollmamcnl. g ive the T n ed n d· t· d· wcckc11d the vunt.i•c. St r; wnr s ,e I•-nstwo11 I I d h two nnil - the "amc .ho wit I a ,_en er Tri J h against Sl . ,,· tcr• l ·,,cre1·ty nnd by Tim Durke, but in t ,c •ccond half ,Joy connected E,dwHrds Ulll " Incarnate Word College t" on n penalty kick lo give to capture the Arcu 3 •· MSU the win. Saturday it took more de tlc. Friday the Indians 1 footed St. Edwards 2-1 to ~\::n .i;i:tu~:f~~~o;~
1 .
t ,cir monoy •ending th' contest m to • udd e I •n b d th ovcrt·m c, Ut on~ en · J thro ..ug,,L oy came ng_am n w1u1 2 361 e •n overt· · : Joy punched in the ..'." '• ~,n I · · gon mng The national tou · ment kicks off Nov. 2~aSon Antonio with t~n championship ca"'
illdii~s win "iiiiii; lly llryon Rnllnrd Sports Editor The J\ISU football team finished its disappointing seaso n on Nov . 14 in II hard hitting contest with Sul Ross Stoic University. The first quarter was n defensive showcase ns neither ofTensc could gel
E.J Collin 5 goe5 for the bn skt t ~;th
cruMdt r in h,~ fa ce.
assists Sager fir.i s hcd nior Eric Henke, Owt~ns the ga me with 11 re· nnd Brag~ to chip nw:1y al the Cn1sadcr's lead. bounds. Southern Nazarene was led by Greg Factor's 13 points. MSU impro,·cd its record to 2- I. The Indians' nex t home game will be in Fort Worth on Saturday against Texas \\'cslc_v an The game is scheduled lo tip-off at 7:30 p.m. The MSU Indian s hosted lncarnate Word on Saturday night m th eir
home opener The two teams battled back and forth in th e first half with the biggest lead being just four points in the firs t half. IC\\' led at halftime, 39-37 The second h a lf started out much the same way as the first, but !CW s lowly began to pull away from the Indians. With ll :48 left in th e came, the Crusaders had their bicgcsl lead of th e game \\ilh a 60-51 lcad. But the Indians called a timeout and used un aggressive defense and solid bench play from ju-
~ISU then sln rt cd to
~o inside and at th e :J .4•1
mark, Ricky Rhodes, a
six-foot-5-inch sophomore forward for ICW fouled out That wn!- a hig- loss for the Cn1sodcrs bccnusc he Jen th e game ",1h 10 rebou nds After n pair ol free-throws from junior Roderick Hay and Henke, Collins hit back to back three-poi nters to put the Indians ahead with just ove r a minute left. ICW tied the Rcort' a t 75 on it~ next possession Ha v then hit two free· throw~ to put the Indians up by two points with :14 lcfi . Following a time-out, ICW drove th e length of the court and hit a threepointer with two ticks left on the clock. Still with :02 left, the Indians had one more shot, but a Paty 25 -foolcr came up short lo seal the 78 -77 win for the Crusaders. The Indians shot 10-23 from the free throw line.
Calderon's PAT was blocked nnd the Lobos took a 6-0 lend into the half. In the second half the lndinns came out fired up. On their second possession of the hnl f, hit Mike Scnnngal on trnck. MSU hnd an excellent Mr.Oonaln rnr n 58-yard chance to put some points TD pnss to tic the game on the board lntc in the quarter when the Lobo at six. The PAT was blocked punter hnd n punt parto keep the score tied. tinily blocked. The MSU defen se qunrMSU However, Broddcrick then forced Sul Ross to tcrbnck punt. Scnngall threw an interThe lndinn offense, ception to spoil nny optrying to keep th e moportunity for a .score. The second quarter s tarted with Sul Hoss mcntum, us ed a trick mounting nn impressive piny lo take the lend. Receiver Kenny Boner drive all the way to the MSU 18 . '!'he drive took a hand-off from st.11lcd nnd Sul Ross al- Sennagal nnd lolled a pass 38 yards down field tempted a field goal. Lobo kicker, J .J . to a wide open Joey Calderon's kick had the Greenwood for the TD. MSU went for a two distance, but it hit the point conversion, but it right upright. Later in the quarter failed and the Indians led the Lobos were driving 12-6. The Lobos didn't go again until Reggie Campbell intercepted a away though . Tony pass lo apparently slop Aragon blocked an MSU the drive. But an MSU punt and gave Sul Ross penalty negated the in- possession at the MSU 8. Two plays later tcrccption. Two plays later Lobo Gonzales threw a sixSergio yard TD pass lo Jimmy quarterback Gonzales hit Bobo Calderon lo tic the game at 12. Comacho for the TD.
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Jimmy Railes blocked the Lobo's PAT to kee the ~nme knolled at. 12. P \Vith 7:25 left in the game, Sul Hoss mutTed a punt nnd gave MSU ()Os. session al the Lobo 37. Dan Paige started th drive by bursting through the Lobo line for 20 yards. McDonald would fin. ish the drive on the next piny by scampering 17 yards for the game win. nin~TD. The PAT was good and MSU won 19-12. With this win, MSU finishes the season with 2 3-6 overall record and , 2-3 record in the TIM. '
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111E Wlchiran
S orts Lady Ind· stu Ians mble after winning opener Volleyball finishes year TI1ur><l>y, Novcmh<r 18, 19'J.1
Page 9
Midweotern'e L JndinnK tipped off ~~Y 1993-94. ••aeon With e impr•••1vo debut Nov. ~~ L senio r n• Buckmu~ter knocked~~; career lugh 36 Point.ii . eluding three a-point;~ sgnrn•t the Univereit Science and A Y of rto of Oklahoma. "I !lad on idea I h d that many point,, It a tninly .~idn't feel like th~~; many, Buckma•ter said "If 1t hadn't been m~ shooting them in, •ome. one else would hove mad c them." Everyone on the lenm mode u contnbution lo the No . I a-ranked Lnd fndinn• ' 75-61 victor Y Senior guard Min/y Myers WOR next with 16 :;~;";e~~::~,:••i•ts and
Indians. "We can not continually come in night after night shooting from the outside ... If we ure going to be n good haskelbnll te:1m we need someo ne l o post up in good !-coring po"itiOrlnnd put it in the
was dimmed when the
"The tempo wna •low in the first half, in lhc fa . vor of USAO, " explained MSU conc h Jeff Ruy whose team trailed 37.3 1 st halftime. "In the second hnlf. the game was Monica Miller tries to bloc~ 3 sho1 whtl11 Tnrnmy Murry wntch c~
Lady Savnges led by forword sop homore Crystal Robimmn went on a 20-4 run with I0.26 Jen in the gnmc.
such more in our tempo
ond oil the girls i:01 in Senior forward Sharon volved . Our depth pnid Bratcher pushed th e off. We were going us Lady Drovers lo •1•ithin hnrd m lhc Inst five min- four points w,Lh n 10utes as we did in the foot_cr, however, the Lady gnmc'A firRt five min- Indians, ttmidsl the conutes." stant sh uffiing of players Myers lend the Lndy regained a 10-poinl lead )ndions on a 9-0 run nl with a 9-3 outburst and the start of th e second never looked back half wit h n IO-foot Bratcher led USAO in jumper nnd n quick lay- ;coring with 16 points, up off o stea l, while Buckmaster knocked in n Georgia was next with 15 3-pointcr ond a lay-up af. and Pckcta Hurley ter a steal hy junior post : hipped in 14 . Barbosa Monica Millcr. aleo pulled down " game
Every year, your heart pumps 2,625,000 pints of blood. Surely, you can spare a few
high 11 rebounds "Th ere's not much cornrnlation in fini shing second, bul Midwcstcrn'e an awfu lly good team. l'hcy (Lady Indians) showed excellent, excellent depth, and it got us al the end .. ." said USAO coach George Davidson. MSU shot 46 .3 percent (32 of 69) from the Ooor, including hitting 50 percent (5 of 10) from three-point range.
In Tuesday night's against conte s t Southeastern Oklahoma Stale, Midwestern Slate found little comfort m lluckmastcr's 30 points. Capita li zing on the Midwcstcrn's embarrassing 38 percent (23 of GO)from the Ooor and 26 turnovers the La dy Savages where able to remain unbentcn with o 72-60 win over the Lady
Robinson, the most valunblc pl nyc r at the U.S. Olympic Festival in San Antonio this poet summer, scored a damaging 29 points. Teammate Annita Dunn chipped in 17 points and eight rebounds. Myers was the only other Lady India n in double fi gures with 10 points and four assis_ts. Emily Dill fouled oul with seven points nnd seven rebounds in Inst 1:33 of the game. The Lady Indians hit the road Nov. 19 with n II record os they play Northwestern Oklahoma State in the first game of the Phillips Classic in Enid, Okin.
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his tcnm.
This mnrkcd the third lime during the 1993 season in which Picht and Smith had engaged in this post-game hnnd shnkc, but on Nov. 11 the circumstances were d1f• forenl from the two times before .. This lime Piehl ond his La,dy lndrnn. were the ones on th~ lo~ing end, not Smiths Cowboye. Hardin Simmons knocked MSU out of the District 8 ,·ellcyhall playoffs in four sets. Picht said hie lenm had on olT night nnd Hardin Simmons wns on their game. He snid thirty hitting errors led lo the Tribe's foll . "We knew we were n better lenm, but we were looking ahead to Western New Mexico," said Picht. "I didn't hove them rcndy to play Hardin Simmone." The Lady Indians had defeated the Cowboys in their two previous meetings, one of which gave them the conference championship. Picht said that gnmc was probably the highlight of the n fairly tcar~s lor,:e crowd, Picht and his
going to rcmcm-
her pulling on thnt confcrcncc ring nol losin1: in the pl ayolTs. He hcl1c,·cd thi• ond told his ployers the •nmc thing. Following the plnyon loss Piehl snid he wnlkcd nro~nd the gym fru s• !rated and shocked . "ft woo over," onid Picht. "You go lo Lubbock ond expect to piny oil weekend and then il'• over." Picht pulled his piny• era aside one by one al\cr gelling himself together and told them he could notbcproudcrifthcyhod Nationul tho won Championship. "We had O great year," said Picht. "We hod three mai n goale at the slnrl of the season: win confer• ence, mnkc the pluyoffs and go to natio nals. We knew the third one was a long ehot, but 88 the year progressed we thought we hod O ehot." The Lady Indians linish the season nt 21-9, and arc ready for the 1994 season. •we arc going to pick up where we left off; said Picht proudly.
Hill and Van Hemert recognizeci For the third straight . T'Ada Hill year ecmor I woe named . to .tho !iret team All-D1stnct after leading the Lady Indians to the District 8 playoffs. "It makes me feel good," said Hill . "It ie
hard to do fhrce years in o row and Im glad I went out on o good note." Aleo for the third . . M . straight year Junior o11y Van Hemert was named to. th.e second team AllDiS tri ct.
Midwestern State University student Chris Ronan, a top category A racer on Team Arrow, has been invited to atte,:id the Fall Cycling Training Camp Nov. 16-25 at the U.S. Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springe, Colorado. Only 35 cyclists from acroee the United States
nutritional guidelines. The invitation often precedes selection to be on the national cycling team.
.?:!.:; -~ Ronan going for gold
American Red Cross
_11u,· /i/1,~/ 1/1)11111
bosket," Ray said . Midwcstrrn slruj.!1,!lcd with their inside game in the first 20 minutes. Rily snid lhol accordi ng lo the statistics they were lucky lo be tied wilh SEOSU goi ng into the second hnlf. The Lndy lndinn• missed wide open shot~ hencnlh the gonl and gnvc up the second •hot on the hoards. "We just have too good of a team to do some of the thing-A we did ." The Lady Indian•' sight on nnolhcr victory
team heal llnrdi11 MSU volleyhnll coach Simmon• tu win lhoir Jimmy Piehl made hi• eighth 111 n row 1111d win way lo tho Hnrdin the conference chnmpl · Simmons bench. shook onship 0111 rir,ht "ft doc•n't ~,•t much hands with the Cowboy•' conch Jennifor Smith, boltor than thnt," snld and ~ulkcd around the Piehl with II Hmilc. "It i• gym once lo gel himself tough to lop thnl fr,•ling." together before talking to Picht hnd hcc11 told th:1l
L U.N~C:~
'B T T ~ ~.:w;-, ,.....,., ,•~-.: ·l:P ~ lti .S~~ I .
Ronan wae a major contributor to Tea m Arrow'e fall season which concluded with the team leading the conference .
have been invited to at- He placed first in Men's tend the camp which will category A division win. cycling techniques and •'"fc•a-tu•r•e-tr•a-in•i•n-ge.uc•h-as_n•in•g•~-o-ur•o•f•h•is•s•ix•r•a•cc•s-,
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AnU,bkloWk hlt,f,.Jh o1, Must Present 4311 K, mp bouk-unl !;~dent 1.0. Cnrd _ _ _ _ ii _ m-om __ .J ...........,....,.....__________ _.
it-th e y w ill c om e . . . . ¥$ J
op Ten Reasons to Improve the Student Center ps 10. Mo re TV s me an mo re soa r the nig ht all y typ e tha t sem est er pa pe fin to y nit rtu po op er eat Gr 9. co mp ute r lab . bef ore it's du e in a 24 HO UR ind yo u of mo re vis ibl e loc ati on to rem 8. Ca ree r Ce nte r wilJ be in ayo u' re go ing to sch ool . the rea son
s. 7. Mo re use r fri end ly res tro om to rob . On e mo re con ven ien ce sto re
t any mo re. Vice Pre sid ent s wo n't ge t los 5. Str aig hte r hal lwa ys so tho se 4. Mo re spa ce, big ger par tie s. de nts in aw ay fro m the hig h sch oo l stu 3. Al ter nat ive pla ce to stu dythe lib rar y. nu tri tio n de nt req uir es a mo re div ers e 2. To day 's int ell ect ual stu ! OD sup ply -- FA ST FO while ski pp ing cla ss. 1. Mo re lou nge s to hid e ou t in during the week ot Dec. 6 • 1Qtbl Whece can 1vote Mon., 6th from 6-8 p.m.
KJmngsworth Hall: PierCll Hall: CSC Blue I.Dungs: Ubra,y LDbby : CSC Atnum:
Tue., 7th lrom 6-8 p.m, • 1 p.m, Tuo., 7th & Wed., 8th from g a.m. Wed., 8th & Thur., !Ith from 6·8 p.m. 1 p,m. • . am 9 from 10th Thur,. 9th & Frt.,
YOU MUST BRIN CARD TO voTEI ADDRESS ANYGQ~ VALID MSU fD TO CSC 103 or 106. You may call the SGA ~~O NS queauona at ext. 47~ce with