November 19, 1992

Page 1

Volum e 71,

.;:~~Regents approve ing,fees ,park dorm \ '.?J~ .. !!l• lll.• .. H!:


A •l r !..1-\1,, -. U


~1 Mld,,,,1v..,dri<k

For Che f,ru lim e ,a three

£dh°" Ill Chid'

T he M SU 8 111.rd o t Rcaenis

• l'p~ov c d plu1s f o r a n ew

• . rot1 Ua •-Tht re:, , ni.e ball, authootied 1~ (:Ofl• tfl(:ttAUo n o£lhf" notono uscon - \lr uchon o r two park,ai fo is and c:tnl r4110n CaJl\1)$ ~l l ap b)' ·~\, l ohed cou u . fe.cs dUflftJ 1

90&0in llt l'l.t'i!:fMria 'sSf.rbsh



ll'ICTH.wJ .1~1~.tcd C'ovna f~ , n.."~ ha 1. 190'\

Nov, ll mei:t1ni



wmr. \, AT 100 1(111

MT he: bid flX ch e <on~1ruct,on

Geotl HO MA111 2.00

J OO Hll

ftiVt O for t h o<.c ,, ln:ndy fr~~ :~,,~:ullouah-Tuu liall wall he

Fl.TT 6 ('(1


A/'m l JOO .100

Mf..VT 6 UO


S<Xl. lCkl


1'5Y(" JOO

\00 t AAJ HO

) CJ'!

S0WX 1 00


t,ctn h nlred for lac-k of anv

cc>kl, tl.lnk a nd c,q unlld as th; tur i n+.:~!~ ; P•O'if'C~live con1rac•

s,ert, <"a mp-. niav hf'

aR! LJu: onlv rdul(c open·

uu y, Dr Louu J

R d

: nuv t~it '-:d'?:~;"r~~:~:::~/;:,~~c:~ 1

: - ~~.OOOBo~nlan PTfson cra ~;:~d

AU.F.~1'0\VN, Pa.--f"oUow.

Ir« wrrks or OJ1!1C'lpa tton , the nauon·s fou rth 1:vi,t:cst bank.-

t,' com1,any h as ilgreed l0 buy almost all ol Chrysler nr.11 Joc • offlc1a~ from both comp.ant~ said 1\1eMay.

Thr acquisition by Cha r -

1ot1e. N .C.-bi.\S("d ~o.uon5 Bank Corp. wot1 ld fom1 the cou nl.Iy's 1tCond•lilr jlcs t t.orn, umer ftoantc businc:~s owned by a bank The n t"w business. s.tton.,Crcdn. w o u ld rcma.m

headquartered 1n AJlemown. n moc.hy P Ho.rtmRn . chairman of Nations Ba nk Wcat... whleh O'ICrst-es Nauon s Bank's (lClnsumc r fm.ance bu siness,


be completed by May

A 120-spac t" park1n1 lot will N.! lull Jown bct-...·« n tht Catholic Slu tlen t Ccn1e:r ind lhe Church of C hris t S1w.1cnt Ce nter A 30-spKe pu k ing lot will be coru.1ruc1ed be· !ween Fai n Hall • nJ the 01n1el Bu1\J1nx "Th1!. will he .t nel increase of 9 1 " P• cc:s,· Rodrii ucz said. •we ""111 10 ~ .S9 space, lo lhe construeh on o r the new restdence ball. •

8y J ean IWI Sbll" Writtt



He n.son uid ihat • i., 1 o f all Mutlcnts with currenl dqxbib ""•'I

18,lndlcatcs lha t averthepast

O,re< years. crlm< ,n Wic hita FaJls h M d ropped by 10 per•


:u-. ;:




=~ :; ;: J()UI



Joo Joo

... ,........ ......"'' ,.. ...,..,.. ...,.. ,.. '"" ,,.... "" ,.. ... ,.. ,..


AMOS Z, l,Xl 1600

M<'OMl. .

Ml' S(' 100 TllliA I W

till Fu.~ 200 J OO JOO




OfJlM 200

HUM~ 1.00



CMPS 300

ac 11on w11l 1ou ppor1 the ·,1~1ni; eo.11 o r munt11n1na c o mpu1c r


T he Boa rd 'lntc d 10 .. h, n cc

1n hu~in<li\ co mpul\lf 1nformatmn .1oys1em, Th " will 1llu w ~llkknl.!o c huo ~1n1 th ,,. Jci rcc: lt1 be more: hu, 1nc:,s 011,ntc:J th i n 1:.:unpuh11 .1c1c-n.:c: ouentcd · T h is nc-w J r 1-re,e w,11 f,xu" mo re u n m1c ro, •, mru1rr ~ 1h:a n mam(r.1n~ . · ku.t11£'~l ~td The Uo ,ud , li.u •ppro ,·t"d a pc»-s,ble mal>rc-rs proiram 1n nur J· '"K· Thu, wi ll a llow •he n ur1,1nc pro e ram 10 ro~ u< mo re o n ru ral cu e:. ltodri1uci s,uJ The Bo:u J rclu'lc-d 1n lorn11• lion a:latin 1- M1dW<Slcr n rc·ce1\cJ S-1 I million ,n ¥rl11h for the: 199192 au dc:m11.. ) t ar. RoJuiuc z ~ •J 1h1s was lhe lil riies t ,n MSU h1s1o ry, • nd SJ 7 million <.1r 1M 1oi.l wa s do nated in the form o f now

rift., . The Board 1110 1ntruscd the Summer 1993 fsculty .alary buJpt to S.S.S0,000.

PMlo by \/:.rMrl V<"f'ld, ,d :

A.a MSU employee putl final electrical toucbet on an M8U-Burn1 J'aata1y of Lirbw dleplay. Tblt a nnuaJ ab.lbi t will be Ut on Dec. -'•

quu;t;, ~ oa~•!~i!:.:!,:::~ 11~:: d e nt h c , n i a n un e:ii:pe c t e d financia l cn sll woulJ have fontls

donn' 1. then thc, c •• n"I any quc-~110 n 1n my mind wh ich school )OU woukl choow.· A s u rvey o r o t her T u ,u un l\l' rll1t1c-~ ,howcJ 1h11 onJy four ulhcr ,n-.11tul1o ns required :11 m1lu dc pos1h Hc-n"in u 1d ,ll four were richer ,.:-hoob, who!.c l\llt1o n r a to were no t comparahl e 10 "l llo n·1know 1hal it w i,a n M1J wl.'~tcm',. T he tou r,c ll una n 1m o u~ly nh~h1de. but f w("lulJ think thal 11

o n Henion 1111 ,l1ble Ono reas 0 ~ :lsd cJ ::'1~ fs•; :a~O:-h!'::-0 tte mature c:no u sb 10 Jul w u h

;,;~~~ ~ e~ ,:~(t~:!l:.l~!i°';~c;,~ thin e you see up fron1 •~ 1hat one rt 1.1u1 ru • S.SOO depo~,t a nJ o nc:

be d clinred 10 Or . Juse Roac:rs. \ ic e president for a cademic a f• rain ,by 1he end o r1hcmooth so that he c ul compl• le the pap• r· wo rk for refund1n1 1he s1uden11· money.


UPB to present Kornfeld

Ctnl, The nl05l .91,itnl(k"" dt- 8 ) Linda \'\,ilson Srou

Rt'~he; Un1ve rsi1y Program mi ng Board w ill presen t comedian Enc dropp('d 3J perct-nl. The ~ ,tra ph. however. Komfctd at 6 p m . Nov 19 '" the tnd1c ates Sl&Jlifieru'll lncreasc9 C lark Srudcnt Ce n1cr Ballroom Ko rnfe ld ha , p e r fo rm e d tnmurder. robbery. a~rava ted re e ula rl y at T he Conu\ S1rip , MNu lt a.nd V101cnt Cr1m(S . Cact.h a R1s 1n1 S11r . S ranJ Up New York and The ComeJ )' Ccl-

c:rtl.S('. Wa.9


I 1 1

Academic Council suspends admission requirem ent

The A c a dem i c Co u n c il re cc.n tl y voted to 11upend lh• I• le rnahc,nal 1tuJe n1 • Jmi.n1o n req u ire me nl o r a $ $ 00 e mc riency dc-po,11. Thu dec is ion w ill resulc 1n T he t ran saction wa s valued at about $ 2. I b1lhon . the re fund , for 1n1cr1u 110nal ~tudcnta: ha\·e ma de the11 dcpos1U and who ftnal pnce wou Id depend on the valu e of the arq,Hred ;is. m a y he bene r1c1a l 1n 5rec n11t1n1 1 Id.I al the tune or the sale. nter• ~

WICHITA rAU ..S- A ~ aph in lht Timcs / llceord N~~-s on Nov.

lhc b:1chc:lt•r ,1t ~l h·nt c d e1rc-c:

ye.,, , COUfliC ft.:c:, 1n mo~, ■ rll'•A m1n11c:mc:n1 s,·1c:1Kc: to I bai. hd 11r w,U lnc reau Rod rii uez u 1J th1~ of hu~1nc\ , 1J 1111n1~1rall1>n dt".:rct

In burp.Ja nes, whk:h

lar IQ Manha!Ca n Hts I UCCCH II thuc club, o ·entually lcJ 10 appearances on "Star Su.rc h. ' "USA N1shtn1, ht. • Mr v ·s "Ha ir Hour Comc-dy Ho u r· and "T he Ne" ' Joan Roe n Shuw • Kornrdd. who ,l'>nk"hmc.1 • Ppcan ,n cummc rc1ah . hH pla)'c:d 1-c:11111 role, on · All My ChilJrcn· and "Ry•n' J 1/0fk •

en ~ .

Ano lh e r ru , o n w as 1hat 1t po1cd a fo1anc1•I obttacl• 10 11ud en llli s tru~rl1n1- 10 ~cl mto colll'jl' and ma)' have influenced a:tudcnl'( to•c-ckadm1~'(1on loutt.C'r wu\·c-rstlies

; :~::dJ :~:,,': :::•: a~~oe~ t:.. ~:~:; r,uwJ 11 " t n1l1n n1 p,o t,lc:111, ~1 1( c:, e 1l h l'r th e e me r ii c n ... )

d c pos1la: or 1n1crna11ona l sludcnt se r v ice fro f wh 1ch w ere a ho r c c c nll )' dr o ppe d ) ma y be rc1n11a1cJ . "The c u nc t"rn •~ \ ahJ o ne,· Henson \ ,11J "Ii ~ ou lJ he ni... c to ha ve a n c 1n cr~Cn\)' lunJ. b ut I wnulJ u lhe, lhact fonJ cnmc from • wca ll hy, gcnc- rou~ hl'nef1c to r th1n studl.'nl.swho arc1,trugi;lme" A n 1JJe ll hl' ne fit ,i t di,,un· 1 1 :~:~ ~:ict~: a~,:: ~:r: t:1 :a: r :~ : ~ the refor,J 10 help pay lo r ~runs lu illon

'to be oupa p~~~!nted by "!~~~!!.!..~~P~.~tment ti/lo o wo mc:o ~11n ;;-,111ra,c fro m thcu The MS U thn trc: departm,sot unu5y a lh1nce ,1nJ s.hlirc: a JOl,lmcy wi ll p res c n l • A Cou pla Wh ite which c-nJi; with pcri.unal hbcn11on Chicks Sitting AlounJ Tallone" al S for hoth. M1A · 1 li lci 1,ccms to r evolvep .m . • No'I, 19·2 1. and 2: 30 pm ar o unJ \·o mm un1l)' 11c r 'l1Cc a nJ Nnv. :'2 ,n the, Fin.! Arts lbc:Ak.c The pi.y. written by John ForJ ma1nta1n1n, a hoo~ wonhy of "Bc:1Noonan, w ill be d irc-c led by Laura tcr Ho mes u d Gulknl> • Bul()ler"' <.1f I n:it1\"e Tuan w ho has rc:ccntly in· Nc<ly WilliOn, auislanl prof~ thui1ce, Tho Chi cu mpn\CS Shawna ndcd the "\\IAS P· comn1unll)· of McGo\'ern and Kac y Lonea.n, who F o:t Ho ll ow with he r o u1!1nJ1(h porln y Mau J c Mu , and Hanna h clo th1n i . s pce\!h i nd ris.,uc mi nncr. Mac Btndlc, . re.spc,c-th-.:ly McGove rn u1J a nolhc, .:h:.r• Th.: play tak• • plac e tn M11·, kitc hco, with Mu and BtnJlcr ta lk- ac tc:r 1s bc ,ni ad iJcd to th~ pl•) to in a a n d ,om \! Uaie s 1hro w1n1 heir kecr the pace She ~• td a n1a1d uro~. M11 d,, co'ICI.J a k1ndrd will be p rcunt dunn, a ll CO!olumc spu1t ia B1ndler .nd bc1rud11n1 ly c hances 10 h ep the audience t,u'(y a nd to b1sica ll ~el the prop5 for 1p. ac«plt M r fr~


T1'°k.:U for the pl ay wi ll .be a vall1blc 1n the fine: 1rl.i hox ofhce two wt-ek.s hefnrc the li rl>I p¢ rfor• m1n,c C011 for gen.-n l adm1u 1on h \· k c t~ arr SS A S I d11-count 1a a vailable- to all ,-1uden t<, c h,ldrc,n. 1cn1o r c11uens and m,lnary pe.r'°"ne l Ro c r v1t11Jns ca n b ti m• Je Jurin& hox o(fa·c hour,c. I I"' 1n, · S pm., MonJ 1y lhrough Fmby Free 11d ,cb 1r,: a1111la hl~ 10 a ll MSl' -.iudenh •nd b c ulty Stud e: nu will he a hle 10 rccc1'IC lhctt l1t ke1s o n Nuv IQ after rrc~ nt1n, • \lliiJ MSU 10 . F:n uh\ mc ml>t"ra w ,11 ho •Mc to re«I\ ~ their t1c keta •ny11mc. dunn.1 bo, oOtcc boon.

Percussion ensemble to present concert By Charle. Caat

Copy Edicor T he M SU per .. US(IOl'I e n• )C mhlc will pru ent • An Evcnma o f Percuu 1un· unJcr lhe Juc-c1100 ,11 Alan Black , 1~)1~1an1 prnrc, sor o f m1U1c, " ' a r m . Nu,,• lJ 1n the MSU F inl' Arc.. Thutr" The c.un,,..., rf~ <it hl -..:.1« 11011, w1ll 1..-onipr1S<: Plt"4o l1t BrJuvla 8 t11J(lltl

MSU music i tudeote rai.ed $1 ,000 for th r ir rener■I ,cbolan hip fund at "An Evenin1 in

M C.l•' , Jepa rum•nt ,, r '""'"',. m\CJ J rr ro ,imatd) Sl ,fOO ti"lll• teol' ral ,\ h,>1.1r~lur fo,,,1 u n r-.n\ IS lhr1 u h , t ~ 111nui.l - ~ \cn111~ in !lily" tu~-u 1 ,u1~ Jmucr 1ht ~iirr,11.11r,atrh Jfl() iu<~b 11 111 Ln altt'1: d,n," Jmc. J 111 •h~ ' '" d1n1ni 100m 1..1 r lh•· M• 0 M• 111· lo-

· c onga 8 1a, 11: I r 1«e w,th Ill La11n 1\.1\'0f .... h!C"h U.'<S 15 to lb lfl• i.1rumcnl( "Fanfare for T.1n1bcl\lm1c-,, • a p,c:,c for M:t lam~1.11111a:


· 'Evening in Italy' raises funds


Thu ,.d ay, No ve m ber 19 , 1992


·;,trJ ,1! ; 11 2 Kell BhJ "' hilt ILv on I '". 11, mu" c pc-cformcJ 1.:n•;; ~ lajc: •( WClla~,nano1dJ•~· ,mJ ' "' "; :7,(,,rna ncc) ,n, luJcJ 1wo Aiu, li o m 1 ,, ll,>hernc. a nun1hc:r !!Ille a nJ pi.1n,1 ...10 , , nJ a 1 ~lf:CC lor 1 1,mall choral jrouppcr·

f111med b, 1he Uu.1Hrnly Sm1,-cr( Allh(,u~h the n1i;h1 loturcd tllU'I, ~ 1t h an l t a l ,a n t he m< . ap, p , .,_,1 ni:atcly J O pc n:en1 o t th e mu, 11:: "' "' 1n lhe En,h, h l;inf!.wi,,'t"", Dr Olln ''·" ""'I'll. p ro t... ~,,u u l mw.K. i..11tl.

"Le t ·~ Gae Them ii l l.1 nJ , . "h1, h u,-::-!l nn m., trunlent~ 1;a,c 1hc

hanJ\ anJ h'ct o r the pertormtrs T h11, w~, wuucn h; F unCI\ McBc th who u~iully..., ,11es n,u~,._ lur

h, oJ ·s1e1i h k1dr : Ille l.'n,en,hk, nt1..uu ry Chn ~tmu o ffcn n, "Oduhc:r Mo unta in.· a r••·•I' con~1JcreJ a pe, .. u,,K>n cb,.._,K •1 h i) w ill h,: lhl' hau.Je,t uoe fm the 1111J,c111..t lo .ippre,1:ite anJ unllcr,t,inJ , h ut I II)' lu 1nd ull c o ne nn ca~ h con,·crt for -.1uJcnl" 1,1 hl\ e the or pun un, t} 1.. f!l' r• lorm : Ub1dc ..atJ • :,.ula," 11 , .1 uJ,;,dk f.lghmc r •nc ,n \\lu,h Hl.i,I. .... 111 ll'l'l l,•:111 "" c"' \'111 1. i,,.:,:w Yo1 l . th1.•.

, tanJu J m,u Je fa m,11.1~ h) r ritn l S111,;t r.1 l:n•l'mhle n11,•ml-.:-1 , .u111p11, e P.1tr11..l B11k. 1'~111 81:id, R1>11 h n• l,•y, Tu 1•,• ~h L111u i;hh u Jo hn Mu11 W. c: hcl Parl er , C hrt , W,J. n l.' r . \ l.,11 .. /.11.11r 11nJ lc ll\ .. Se1i;lc:r Althuui,: h n nc: ...,,,ulJ ~,pcd lhe \·n•c mhk h i .,,n,1,1 IJrg-:IJ 1•1 mu,. 1, m.11or( , t11 c: 111 hc:,.. ... vm ,· Im m J \Ht\11 o l tu,l~rounJ , 1'"J 1n.. lu ll l' flh) '" ., l "llu .. 111u n .. 11J pre rh.111n.,\ , nu1,,,, Th i.' p:,,..11.,.1<•n ,n•<""mhl1..• ~ .., 1,,rnh•J t-1 IJl.1, l ,n 111!-lt, .1 nJ 1, op,· n IP ... 11 , 1111.knh !nll l•''h' ll 1n r,.·1h•rmm~

}!Jabe ~ 1!,appp tltttrkep !lap



;Pare i ■ Thursd•y, Novemh<-r 19, 1992

Cbt Wltblta, •


MSU . ,,.;~ H4v€. C,1-lA>J<.rlf.O OU/<.

vo1c.£ ,.,.~AIU ~o Pl-E:'A":>!:-

L1-,r~uJ e,A~E-f'vlL'(. • "


DIAL I '5'11 (. If' ..-. RE LONE:LY


N t:E O A F/<.lt:A/D.

o(< Jo ~T

il0,00 .I\ MMJ U T£

,..... "> .,, ,.,,,11•,,.J,d 11


:;::::c:::·:~:::::·::a:·1 1


Bt nncu u suta n1 professor of

urned • dcrr cc 1n JOurnal um 1

Th MSU mu, communica- :.:•~::;:~~I.OCS, UI the Har- from;~ ~:;~

h o ns pr o 1nm wu awatdc d 1

8caotll u1d the innl will

'"" .. No, 16 from tho H<l,n lrw,n L111aucr Educahonll Tl'\l.ll

• llow the mm ,omm,m,uo... proina:a to pure hu e much •

Andrew Bt\ctk)'. \ 'Kt pru1• deal o f the I rus t dcparlmcnt of

needed cqu1pmen1 "We w,11 be able 10 cOC111nuc lo train Mu.dents

Na11 o ns8 1nk , pr ucn tcd 1be S 2, SOO chec k 10 Or . Lo1111 I . Rodrir uu, un1vers1ty pro1dcnt. Dr ROMIJ F1tchh , d1rec10rofthc D1v"1on •)f Fine An .t 111d Cul1

on whu !hey w ill u~c 1a 1hc fu. ture, · Wuid.

11 ~~:,::;

of the

'Jenn11er •~ 8' IS • confusing, • uncIear

Cooncc t1cu1 Lcaiue of \Vl)mtn v ..... " ' w . . " " ''' " aomerous co mm1,1n11 y u r -' ICC PfOJoCCS l1ttaucr also ..,,o,\:cd with dis• 1dv1ntaecd youth She wu 1n· ducted U11o the Wil!on, Conn Hall cif Voh.1atc1trs ui 19S.? The HILET ,s adm1natered by N111ons8ank 1n fOJI Worth

H o l ea I rw1n L1C11uu , a

fo r mer 1unuat cd 11or o f Woman ' • Ho me Co mp1D10Q ,

u oduced. 1he l\"CUIC viewer llu 1lrt1d)' deJuccd 1hc en<hna


Jlel r na eve ntually bccomu lhe 1ar1e1 o f tho uri1l killer. B y this 11mc, bowc~er , 1he 1ud1e nce •I· rtady has a dear susptclOn o f w ho billed 11 1 su1pens e thriller , bul lhe real killer IS , ahhouch the the 1vtr1re movie-pr may have d1rcc:lor of lhe fi lm does nOl 1naom e d1ff1cully f1n J1 nr any 1cnd 1bc m 10 T he end of lbc. aU1peo1e or 1c111n1 much o f a fflOVMI ptO\"Ci their suspic,ons co,tbnll from watchint 11. The wkole So 1he , 1ewer 1s presen1ed film II very CQ11fw;uic at>d W1Cbr. John Bcrli.n. played by Andy w1 tb I uandard plot formul1 for Garcia. 11 a b11-c1I)' cop wbo ac- , usptase mov,ea: • t nme 11 comcepu I p,0511.100 I S dctc-chvc: 0n the milled and lhe PfolllOflllil IS falseHe pohc c force tn Eureka , Cahf He ly 1ccu~ed o f comm1111na 1mmtd11tc\y sets caueht up 10 an overco mes all odJa, ny,nr 1n !he un solved sen1I murder cast 1h11 face o f aulhonty, 10 prove him5elf 1nnoce n1 The JIIY who really 1s has been c losed for s.t.Ytrsl yhrs (Tbc, p;,hc,i: cue file 11 codenamed £',llh)' .- an 1u1honty fi,ure hinndf who abould be I r ood 1uy e1cep1 "Jffll\lfe:,.·, A bllnJ wom1n d1sappun , th11 he h11 been psycboloJ1C1lly tnd Berlin 1s certal.ft that she II the tlamaaeJ 1n bll childhood. Consequen1ly. he decides 10: 1tu1I k1llc:r'1 e11b1h vic111n (hence: • Jenr11 ftr II") because 1n the ~ven a)get re\ enae ; b)pro\'e h1 5 sclfprtVh)lli murdrn lhc v1cllmJ were wo ,1h : .;)pr oYr he lovu bu 1l-...,1ys bhnJ wumcn . Berlin pur• mo1hcr; o r d)demoast n1c b,s 1un the c ue , dop110 J11ccc ur~~n~e:~:;, f~rs:n:r:~:!d~~ J e" f ro n, b u c 1 p111n 10 the 10 ~o meone who 1~ obviously in• coo1ury nocent. lh, mVh hilhlm lnd!i Berhn Need I uy more 1bou1 ° Jcat o yc1 11uJ1ber blind wu1111n, Hcleu Rubefl•o n (U nu Th ur- n1frr J'J• There 11 vc,y little ' cd,e· cnan) who wu the Vl(llm"s clo-.e.!.t o f - you r - \Cat" suapensc and rr,end uJ 1he Int 10 111~ to her •b"olu1cly no s urpruu. By the before she d1uppeareJ Berha 111ne the 1n1111I con thct '" fully 10ByDranl.aWl"tnet

The movie "JeMJ!er 1: now 1how1n111 Ccn1ur)' C11y Sn, ,,

Or, rather. !here u ont 1urp11se. In mosl of 1hu e "for, mula" plot•. the d11lope d USUlll) ve,y wc,.k ind o llc:n ilme. In thu c ue, howevrr, 11 •~ rr1lly ,c,, re1hs1ic. The "f-wo rd" secs ~ around I b11 JtllUII OUSI)', but 01hcr thin 1h11 (or m1ybe partly bec1 use of 1h11) 1he d11lorut n


Poli. sci. receives Darden endowment B,. Char1cs Cap Copy Edilor

MS U'1 D1 ~11,on o f Po l111cal Sc:,encc • PuW ,c Adm1nutu 1t0n ha.1 r1<:01ved • S I0,000 mdawmcfte 10 memory o f lhc 1110 Robert Web11cr 01r.ko. The endowment will be w:ed

10 create 11\ o n-101111 1ehol1rsh1p fot 1tudenu maJOr1n11n pohllcaJ ,c~nce. Dr Michael Preda , d,rector of U. D1v1&10G of Pol1hcal Sclm!Ce Hd Public Adm1n15tr11100, said

,oc11 t c pro feuo r of poh11ca l ac ,coco: Dr. Er.etc Dov•r. aw.a,tul profusor o f pol111cal tcitnco and lutrudf

"He wu a truly nice pcrso., H e wu alwa y, 1n1uo1ed 1n pol111cs ·- not 1n candidales, bvl 10 Jffitrtl pol1IICI, • Pn:d.. sa1d,

Howeve r, u the 1eholauh1p w,U be permucn1, draw,nr o,, ly from lhe 1nlerut on the endow men!, 11 will become 1v11 l1ble to

OarJcn'1 wife, El1T.-1h.:1h Vir1 1n11 OarJc n , 11ud1ed mu, 1~ 11 M1dwe11un, and h11 daurhtcr 1nlaw, M.uiaret Duden , u uren1ly u•rvu on lhe MSU flo,rd Qf

student. no carhe, th111 Fall 199) Dardu. who worked 1n 1he o il bu11ne u and 11.-rd 1n the



prot.una1ely 40 )'Cl ~. ,..,... 1 fncoJ o f Preda and 01hcu ui UK pol1ttul tcieDCc dcparlmtnt

determined by I coamultcc coo11sun1 o f Dr M1t Fllvm, , ,..


·1c;:M·p·us·· ·HA.PPEN1NGaj

ind Helena promrtly fall 1n IO\'c ,

Is It worth the pnce of adllldllOl'l~ Ma ybe . If you art look111r for pure tsc1p1i.m, if you v.ant 10 p11rk yo u r br1 1n ouu, dc tbc 1hn1er w11h your c ir, or 1f )OU hive 1bsolu1cly no1h1n1 else lO do for the c:ven1n11hen see "JtM1ftr &. • Otberwue, Ccatury CII) lhcatcu have fJ\'e o ther mO\IU thJt ur probably heller

R~itw Jutir«:

'flit: 'llldiitllll ,(Ii{/

,., couu,e Then, ,n a r,cnc., of ~lo,.. plOI 1v. u 11, Bcrlio 1 partner o n 1h11 pohcc- force II killed, ind Berlin IS acc used of the mu,dcr In 1 , o le that 11 • buec 1tep down from h1!i ,.o rk 1n, like: Danccro u1 L11uo o,, · John Matkov,ch pll}J an 111tcma1 1ffa11a (Uf ~s,bly l-"'BI -- the ronv1c wu unclear on 1h1s dc! ail ) o ffi c er who 111c mpts tu 0

•• The S1udenl Senafl ,.,II meet 11 6 p m • Nov 111 1n Cllfk Studcnl Ccnlc-r 10,i • • A RadmlOCY mecttnJ ,.ti/ be held 11 6 JO p ai • Nov 19 1G 1hr: CSC Theater •• Cl1llord E O ' NcaL p11nC1p1I o f Zundelow11~ Junrnt lhrh S~buul , ,..di be 1he fc111irc.d spea ke r of lhe MSU Te t u S111drnl Ttl(htr A»oe11hun m«C1n1 11 ? pm , Nov. I Q 1t1 Ferp.'oOl'I J02. •• The- MSU 1tH:1trc dtpu1-

•• A G,cck Wer k cookoul will bit feaNr«I 11 5 pm , Nc.w 2 1 11 the Ou1doof Education Cen1cr. ... The- neu uistallcncnt of the F1c ulry Forum will be hclJ 11 S p.m•• Or.! I in the CSC llidttf .. The Un1ver'l1y Pro1,antm1n1 Bo.rd w ill p~nl lh< movie "C ranJ Can)'on" • tlpm .• Oo.. 2 10 the CSC Th51tt •• The Cnivets11y Dcmoc ua w ill mec1 11 .,, Jo p n1 • Dtc ) ,n CSC I 18. mcnl ._. ,II futu re "A toup;a White •• T he UPB w il l fu1u 1e C h1d: ~ S11UnJ ArounJ T1 lk1n1· 11 , 1n,crlwnpr,ttr Rick Ktllcy 11 6 I p m . Nov 19°2 1 11W l · JO p.m . p.m.., D«. J m thl CSC 81\lroom. No, 22 tn the Flf'llli' AIU Tiw.1t1 • • lbc S1uden1 Sena te "'Ill •• Chetrltader 1ryou11 11. 11\ med 116 p. m., D«. ) in CSC 10& ht hck! it 12 pm . :,.~ 21 Ln G)m •• Mor11r Boud 1s 11v 1nr IOI of!Jw D L Lip Coh ~ 1 w• ~ the c ppo r111nil)' lo ha v e

Police Beat

Th e l't1n r r HI )' P1l li 1.! 1! ropoftotJ to an auiomotl1lt at ulkal 111J I the ft d11t1GJ the put

• «>. • • On N,1\ 1 J • wb11c IW2 Ju p "ran1ltr dr,UD b) "" "1 5U ,1udf'nt n1~ l'\~r al l)w ,.._ Un'< QG We\t ( a 111p11c Ou,·e nl.'a l tbe hoc ArU 9u1!J111¥ , au11n¥ Slll ,Ja,u,e co • ,rnnl.lc1 ,y,um 11.c dnv#r IQ :,..r•<M Ehll~· fh,) Tian· net lr<1 m H u!ltJ • L C CIIC'fC'J Ule t urn 11,,, h ,L afitr tr"nt ttl ro, , notlur 1eh1~l, t,"1 1, • ._r1Jt1 and .lpun 1110 deJltlt\ A ;c.u1J1,1j lu !he polt..e l('f\')fl T111Mr 1:oa~u•11t( 1k /'tt•I pttN' k• 11',e 1, .,



... -'a u,;i nown 10\J'"J111I rrtn••Y~ J • J r• " Jtybt. ,~.J • ar F"'I ,,.tc:pu l r,ini She rl,r - lohr

J;.•i,c Crt>u-, l1f:·t-1•1 ◄,

' "'


lwtl vc hour, uf p,1d 11111ion cred11c-J co ward chc Spunr 1911) ,rrne~ter for a S I J nnaMn T1d:• eu ,.111 t-e ava,l1Mc 1hn:M1ih r-;ov

25 from Mnt l.r Bu ud mc-mb(n, a nd • 1, Me will ~ ut up !fl che CSC /\lrium fro m 9 11 n1 10 ll p.m Wvuih :,.111.- 2.1 The w1MCr w1llhefW>tlfi.dby O... ,1

ionv1e1 Bcrhn

students and of our priorities!

1fappy 19~

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on 1uspec11.

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lma (im~: the lal~ M1dwrsttm Stale Unf\•ers1ry news In yo ur mailbox C'\'t,Y wec:k Sound m -

~:~:~:;~rt:t~:y~;~ri:~~ requ est td 1nthls w11r ~ [u1dmiut l It ak>na w,th a SIO (' htrk o r


c ~ = d e r to· TI!f WICNIJU\

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Midwestern State Un1versr1y

3400 Tait Blvd. PO Box 160 Wichita Falls, Texas 76308 News Desk (817) 689-4704 Ad. Desk (81 7) 689-4705

--- - - - - ~



co,~ r s

Him· a :llal'P!J •11ia11(.,givi11g!

orthe cnmc.

As m1J ht be c 1cd ,

• • The M SU ~h11ptc:1 ul Am• nu.I )' lnl crn11u1nal mceu ii i 4 p m , eve r,· Tue-Way 1n 1he CSC

Th, """" wo,th ss• Tho«...

1101 6c p11bfishcd a_qai11 1111 ti{ 'Dec. 3.




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N e-ws

l~ c 1111cbttcn

Faculty, staff honored


Thunday, November 19, 1992 ■ Pap 3

World AIDS Day slated for Dec. 1

By flfll'ha~ Vendrick

Edilor in Chief' 1 : 1~ ~;: :h!uh::cuhy •ml 111 1 , ;r! 10111 o f 6 2S year,

(of a PIH• .,. r•d ribbo11 c•epa1,o i• Wicbita RtpOrttr The A•rlcu AnooiaOo•, of Palb , Atcl rlbbotu wUJ ba ,-.S World H•ld, 1111 ~ di, aroupd 1ow1 and peoplf ar• ... fiflh--artnual World AlbS Day will cour•1•d to wetr 111.., to .WW 0-r 1uppor1. t» held oe Dec. 1. A raaour...a boolwt publ,-'Md >.ccord.101 IO AAWII,_lM ul• limata plot World AJ[>S Day it by AA WJ-1' 11a1ad, •rha reel rib-

of ,::n,: ;::;ii::'~~~ : .ere honu,cJ Ill I

Dr . L.:> u1 J J , Rodr, \ll\l \'US1ly pru1den1, pre~n~:;~•



30 Ye.t r-()tnA1~

to •h11ve H maoy .people IJ po1-

siblo in the. U.S. aacl around tbe world cc,mmunicttJnt abolit AIDS

•Yo~"!1:,r"rkv~:·:~~t1~1 Jald.

oye rco me for 1he huu~=~~~~t~~ ;::.~llrn a s well I" II has for lhe

to bei1httt1 awartaet1 or AJDS M • al obal ch1llu1• aod lo Cit.II• tho • nily ♦ UU l 1 •l IO th• wortdW1do effort•~ AIDS.• uJ ev. . 11 are bei• 1 platHICd Joc,tly, but ootbi111 .., beeD lioa:lii:ecl.


Faculty •nd 1 ,.rr mcmbc rece1,·1ns: S-year pin. compn!: ~~~,~~~:;ed;~~:to:t student 1 11ve a_ss1Sf1nt to the 'dea; denb . Pc r11n Griner , univer 511 >' cu-h1et , Robert Rin¥1e nnd directo r ; M1chu.l c , ic::"°h foolb11I coac h: Janelle s;v,ead re1111rar 11~1i11nt; >.1an Blac k l:CI, 1111.nt r rofenor o r muiic: S~-=· Hcn9on . dm:ctor of the lntenMv: En1hs.h Lanauaare In~ltlu!e· Dr Al S111ko, assoc 111c p ro fe~.'lOr o f manufac1ur1n1 i::nemeerina, tech•

-..t., .,...

8" Lott tlalt




nodkll todlow t h e i r ~ Wotld AIDS Day !Maso 1a 1911 wbto 140 d•l•1at01 10 tM World S umnul of Hulth Muai• ICf'rt cl.clued 1911 to tN a )'t•t of eornmuo,nhOfl tboOt AIDS. Tiw .._. unify lb• many VOtl:fll de le11tn •1reod !bl yeu 1ho11kf I munln1f11I rHpOPU 10 Iha AIDS ep1d1nuc. 1111 a 1ymbol of end w11b a world~wJde - - ~ hopt. • Plan, are alto belllJ m9'k olthe opade.mtc. AAWH, th• World Health for • caodlc lislll v11il iD L~y Orsan,iatiOA, tha Pan Amenuo Park. Oat of the SMls of Worl4 Ht.■kll Orf1nu'.ahoa aM lhe US. . AIDS D•Y 199211 &o ptO¥ide aa Oepu1mon1 or Httlib ud oppoftunity for ~01r1..u111id• to Huma:n S.rviua a,1 c.oordu,altJII 0. , ac1Mriu that wall IOCIUIO lhl •c.11Yrtit:1 fof' World AIDS





Pltotolrj Miclilwl v,,wid. . Phy1ical Plant ~•tJy (et.eel llumban11upervitor Doyle Andenon WH Midwe11tern. or 30 yean or ouutaadia 1 .ervice to

Changes in Mexican education to affect MSU ByJ.,.,, H,JJ Stan'Wrilff

Tbe Mu1can h11her clluca· 1100 system is 1n a process o( decentraliuna and inremationaliiioa, and ma ny of the ch1n1cs w,11 ~::~h~ :~m1~;s1r4 • directly affecl Midw-e$tcm. 1 maiic~; Billye Go~s. direcaor of the profesSOf or chcnustry. Th11 1s the mesnae more V~ nd• Wr11ht . p, 0 1 ,~ ~ Divi) IOn of Con1inuin1 Educ.alloa lh•n JOO 11udeot1 and fac ulty nun1s lralor of the Small BU$,neH nd Marth 4 Harvey , 1uiS1ant Faculty and staff members members hcard when 1he y Development Center: Dr. L1ll11n a ~ro fessor of busine11 1dminis1ra• recciv1n1 2S•year p,n, comprise crowded the Clark Studc:nl Centet Wanna. Lnle rim direcl o r o f lhc hon, Dr. Jeu e Roae rs. v,ce pru1dcnt Ballroom IHI Thursday 10 bear D1vis1o n o f Heahh Sc iences Facuhy and s11ff members for 1callem1c 1ffa11 s: Dr. Emily Johnnie Covert, ins truc io r ( rc ce1vi n1 IS-year pans compriae Carpenter. auoc11tc pro rusor of Salvidor Garu, director aeneral Technolo11co Y De pohlical scit"nc e ; Dr. Timoi:y Ethel Taylor. Phy11c1l P lant cus• En1hsh; Martha Wood. hbrary u · at ln, 111u10 E11udios Supenores de Monterrey Donovan , associate profusor of tod1111; Wayne S~aner, Physical 11sl1nl; Dr. Harry Hewiu, profes• Tech-Ch1huabua Campus, 1puk malht'mat 1cs and M ic helle Pla nt c us todun: Dale Panenoa 1or o r b1t tory: Dr. Ell.Ion Sund, aboul the 1nterna11on1\ educa11on bosi neu 1dm1n1<;tra1ion Ph ysical Plant c ustodiaa; Gar; profe uor of c hen1111ry; B1ll)'C1 e:a:perience on the fourth da y of Benson . Ph ys ic al Plant mun· Tum. rc111trar; Dr. &lwin Hoh-er- Worlll VteW Sympos,um. F ~culty and 1,la(f me mbers tcnance 1upc rv1sor ; Bill Wood , 1on. p1o fe uorltoortl1111tor o f Gar.ta be11n h11 1peech wuh 0 Pb y11c 1I Plant po wer plant ph y11cs; 01 . Norman Horner, b1ck1round 1nform111on aboul the o perato r : Dr Georse D1ekhoff, direc to r of the D0·1s1on or Scicn• c urrent Mu1can educahonal liY~· c11s1ochan; Je rry Chenault, Phy1i- pro fessor of psyeholou and Or. c es; Dr. Sheroe Gdlcsp,e, as- tem. Muico hu a popul111on of ~ a I Plant a ir co nd, ii o n• !-.11kc Paucrson. professor ofbu$1- sociat e pro rc uor o f physical appro111nalely 90 million wilh education; Dr . Melba Harvill, mo re th an half the po puilt1on 1na:~rcfna:c ra t1on mechanic; Eddie. nd.S 1dm1ms1n11on. hbnry d1r~ 10, ind Cherry Baker, beina under 19 )'ursofagc. Smllh, Physical Ptanl clt"Clnc ian· Bobby Dunn, Phy111ical Plant an ii~ This •i::c composi11on ,s 111· Fac ulty anll s taH members aui1t1 nt profe uor of computer Uni powe r plant s upe r vuo r ; rccc1vi n1 20-year pitiS compriac ICICftCC, nific aall)' lower lha n that of 1he D11nn1.' Wca kl o: y , bencfll coor• H G . Evans , cb,ef of police ; Or. Physical Plant plumhini:: su- Un11ed Stues and placcs a ar~al d1na1 o r o f personne l : Mars ha W1ll11m Barber, professor of pervisor Doyle AndcNon rc«ivcd s train on rbe schools. One of the May, u :m lanl pro fessor of maihe, ellucation and Dr. Robert P1lma, a JO-yea, pu,. results 11 tbal Me1ico has a much lower ra1io of teachers to scudenu. especially in the lower an.Jes. Hither educal1on 1n Me11co be,an as • comflletdy centrahuJ process. "It ui.ed 10 be 1f you wan1tJ 1 1ood educauon , you had lo 10 10 Me11co Ci1y, • Garn 111d "But lhal has chanpd.• Of the three types of uniYer1111u (f,deral, state anll pnv•te), Guz.a s11d private UOl\'el'SIIICS are UICfelllfll !he fut~!. 'Th, priori ty m Mu1co has



~l:~;"~1: ~~~•;:~~e~.6::; f;~~~~~~;:;

TheIBMPS/2 just arrived at

'The priority in Mexico has been to decentralize, hut what t hey never expected to see was the growth of t hese private universities.' Salvador Garza been 10 lleccntra lac. bur wh•t they never upttled 10 sec wu the 1row1h of these pn va.te un1ver· Dbd, • he sud. Carta 111d Monterrey T ech 11 the tar,ul priv11~ un1ve rs1ty 1n Mu1co. wi1h SS,000 studenls and J,S00 faculty mcmbers on 26 t1m-


Garu the n listcll f1roblcms f1c ,n1 the Me11can cducat100 sys• lo:m, ,nclud1na, a lack o f 1rowth in 1 radu a1.: proen•ms, 100 much 1pcc11l1u11on and fli1d,1y 1n cur• riculum1 and a occd 10 better edu• Clle the G o 1 l1 to allJrc ss thue problemJ inc lude spcnd1n1 more money on aradualc proa runs, becom1n1 more open 10 tbe needs or the commun11y and ukm1111 unllc r1nll ua lc fa cult y lo o btain molers dt i:;r,n and 1111raduate fa c ult y to o b111n d octo rate dearees by 199S Guu 111ll many of Mooterrcy Tech'1 coals are1 ~ com1n1 a real it y 1hrou1h the u11dcn1 and faculty e1chan1e proanm 11 Mid• wci;tern. By bnn11n1 Mu1cans lo M1J we1 1ern and se n ll1n1 An1ericans 10 Chihuahua. studtntJ 11 both campuJcs will be e1posell

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· 1 c:in'1 1hmk or a hc11u place for our students to concentrate on fo r 1nte r na11 o naliz111 0 0, • Rollriguu sa11l. In adll1t1o n 10 se r v1n1 as direc lor i:;ene r• I of Mo nte rrey Tec h-Ch1hu1hu1 Campus, Garu h11 also served II du-eclor i:;cnenl o f t he Mo nierrey Tech-Sall 1ll0 C•mpu,. worked as professo r, ch11rman of a researc h insliture and as CEO of a corpont,oo and ho lds i:;nduatc llcarecs 1n o r• a,anaal!onal devclop ment fro m Un1vu 11ty of Montcr,e y and ,n •pphell s~h~llcs from the Un1,·crs1ty o f Wisconsin al M1lwsukce.

The Frtnc:h Club will ho11 i11 French bread b1km1 party with othcr a:oochci oo Dec. 2. A uip 10 Dallas to vie w 1 French film 1s beina planned for neu umeste,. The club has parllcipatell 1n 1 number o f achv111es 1h1s s,me\lcr. The u 1c t1v1ties i ncluded A French Film Niaht on Nov, 9 .• a bake sale on Nov. 4 and the Col• lt>p Bowl Tournamcnr. Frenc h Clu b o fficeu fo r 1992-9 ) acatlem1c ytar compnse Lori Edmond so n , pre11llen1 : Riple y Tale, vice pres11len1; Ton.1 Oli wald . senato r ; anll De nise Fr.:nch , M>C11I ch11r.


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10 new 1niormation and experienwhich will h1oadtn the cduca110n1l c,:penenco. Seven Monlerre)' Tec h s luden1, are study1n111 M,dwestt:ni 1h 11 semes ter, and 1 1roup of MSU fac ul!y members and s lullenls are prep•rin1 to travel 10 Mon1errcy Tecb m the spnoc. Fo llow1ne G11u's s peec h, Or. Louis J . Rotln guci . university president, 1old the audience about his recent Y1s11 to Cb1hu1hua ind 1n Y1lcll s tudents to c-onsidcr pa r• 1icipatm1 1n the uch1 nec pr~

French Club to host baking party on Dec. 2



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r- - Pare 4 ■ Thunoday, November 19, 1992

\■ Digest

Indian soccer team advances to Nationals

of n(h 'Nffk 11 9· SI p m. and .,. bntedc."1 OI\ "11151 kw:,1 nt:hlo'Otb. Beverl y Mill•• , a ...luk 11 O;;nny Pou Euoo, .. iJ they •r• ,elhn1 •n 1vo1asis of 200 ut kt l, PH day, but lb. sc.·rit<h-off h ckeu are "1ll •tlh111 beue:,. S ht lillHi 1h11 1h11 h.u nohc.i Ap prnl 1fn1l1l y l.SO le.tcherS Lotto tk ket $1111:1 1flt'f \"ll~ini Qfl lhe■flJ 1dmin1tlr1h,r) fro m 21 a!'u dJy1 n¥h l b..•t.n I d"w"'I • cttuol d1,tt1(1h al11n1 -.-. iu, MSU L1nJ 1 M 11cht- ll , a d etk 11 1

350 teachers attend conference


T h • M SU , o.:i:er te a m at.I· va nced 10 t he NA IA N a11 on1l Tuu,n■menl for lht l}lh con~o:C U· t1 ve yu r b) w,nnint: 1he Arel J ch1mp1ornh 1f1 l.ut v.,eehnd In tht !\Ctl'IJ •fin■\ 1t11no Frid•)' n isht , M1dwu le1n dtfu1ed St Ed w uJ1 Un 1ver,1l t 1· 0 11 the

a,s-..,,_ ....

111lttknl• •~nded MSU'1 llrd 10mgl r.Mhl'lt coof'trrnu Oft N.>v l fa \Jie Cl,,k S11Nfflt Ctnlt r Tb!$ Tuh AU-oc-1•ho n f1>< 1b• lmprov♦mo1 nt u f RuJi"t 111d '1'h♦. W1eh11• l'all1 A. ru Re.dins C o unc il •POA»ored tile tVtftl wb1c-lti 11. 11 d 1roc1.d by Dr .$lud1. HfUlUI p,or.,,o, of

"°"'• ,o.,...

Scvc n-Elevtn ..,,J ~ lu 1r1 IOW.t th.lo 1he7 Upecltd , hut they .,. llopus, 10 llH unprOYI •


Bury W11u


MSUsocu, field

maruta,:r o ( tht

M S U hoolr.tto , e, t a uJ lbe)' could prnh1hl y •ell the lld:eit In 1he buo4101c, but he felt thc11 w Q •

time an.I• place for l\teb U1i1111, •nJ O, Phyllh anll • co ll«1c campu-1 boJot.1COfe }fotcllk1», • t10("1•10 profo,or u! "'•~ noc one ol them


Dr Mincy J rol•t1•, ~p,..\11• toreJ h)' 8 oot Lurn Inc. , '()(il.e wbok lanptp tlUteftU anJ



Kooks present $5,000 check

lao1u•,. u a con,e pt

to w hic h fu cpacint 11.011n1 a.:• By Hr .ithu Dollins llvtllc., •• 1bundaneci of <'h1ldrcn's Rf11(Jftcr l11• ra1ur t IAd a hM I of com-C11 I Nichols, p, uuknt o f thci 111un1c1ho• 1c tw11,u a,e ufeJ 1n K1ow• K w k:1,,nk:J l)r , Loul, •II KUt)jtCI lrets Aud1coe:o mem• J Rod u 1uc1, UftlVfU"ltl y Pfo.51!.lenl. bc u p1rl1ci p11ed 1n Po le tto·~ w11h a SS.000 chcd : to be adJ,:.J 10 ptese.nt1llo n tu help 1n1roduc e Che K1cr.i.'S K,"lnki/Dr. Arth ur 11, ~r WW cooccpcs . Schola,._h,p Endo11.mcin1. The c hetlc was &:1\.en 10 ~fol• -..· 1tte rn 11n 1 !he annual H om ec umu,, Rrun.:h on Oc t 26. Thu .:on1nbu1to n 10 the enJow-

Vadin speaks at ACE meeting

br1n1s 1hc 101111 ,cbohu s h.ip fur,ch l \la1/Jt':Je IO $15,000 Thr , c hol1uh1p• u11 a-..ardcd


By ShnJI lllu1on lteponn"

Ve metha Vach n. du n UI 111b for a p¢1 ,od of ooc acaJem.c yea, , •t S. H. Rtd•r Hish S.. huol. u ,d and ,s.,.hol,rsh1p rc~·ipieni.. mus!,.. thac kacht:n MN co cclebn~ the. J pply nt'b yeu . Arr,hnuoa~ JH

,aveu117 of c hildrca ra1her tha n , poko o a 1nult1-c:•ltunl ~ a no. No>,· 10 tt th• Auoda1ion for Ch1ldtt.lod E41K'ahOn meciiac O or u S1en1 , bome1 , .:: hool coor4tnator f<H' Hue, Elc mclllll') al,s,o,.• 11 lhc me,ctinJ Sheupl111wd aonw: dd(ercCKN IH.;"bcts aay e ftcourHer w hile w od :1nJ wi1lu n c ullunlly J 1ve1rso• rooms One u■ mrte SIC'nt g, ,,. WH o( Hispanic 1tudcni.. She, Wt mot! H1spa,m: s111dcn11 v..ork bel· ter 10 c roups and ptofn 10 do w : &11•,..fore, w orlnn1 aloocr cOYIJ ba • tt)'ll'II tul: for them A CE mcmbeo ""' Ill help lhe Anoc1:i1ion (Of Retarded C1t1UJ\$ de(o,■le 111 O n stma., Ir« II ] ,JO p . m ., Nov 17 1t Parke r Squ,te

"'•I 1aJ1rt'crtal. S h•

av)1h,hlt ,n tho St'hoo l Rel.a11on1 o H ,~c . 11nd 1hc dndhne for th 199)- 1994 s eadcm.c ~ l1: A.pnl 4. IQ9J Re\'1p1cn1 .a o / !he st'hobuh1p mu,1 ho(: full-11n1c ) luJonL1.. hll\O • muumun, c umul,uvc ;,radc poinl a, e n i c o l 2 S ;and n.UJI h.a,•• t u ned• min1mu1n \JI 30 )t nwiccir h o u n o f cred11 f rnm Mid· wea:tcrn. The •r11l1e1nb.' M:l'\'1ce co M1d wt1!t m ac..Jcnwc 1ch1evr mc.n1 anJ al necJ will l\e ~ 0 11• s1ckrod.

A.n)onc intHc.slcd .:.11n pick up a n a r ph cat,on from O r. Mic hael Preda. Jm:dor of tho D m s 1ot1 o ~"h11.:i.l S-. ,e n~· e H1J Puhhc Ad · nhDllllUIIOU or Johnoie CO\'tr1, utSlnKIOf ol poh11ul !oCKD,:'C.

!;,~~~"!1;::,:bc,, ,,e •ri- Phi Sigma Alpha 1

wm ~

: ".a.~

_c,h:; ~: a~

, ::,

accepts applications

O,. Aan Estnida. --ut■nl profu• BJ Holly F"allmort ol •WCIIIIOGRtportfr


Ptt.:Ao by K~ Ju:i,n

Roaalyft Floyd (12') putt up ■ ahot a111tclst heavy traffic.

Lady Indians lose first home game, 74-67 8 7 Otbhie MM'5W Sport.~ Staff T he MSU Lady lnd 11nJ b11ketball 1nm suffered 1nocher d11· 1pr,0 1n t 1n1 lou here Tuud •)' n11b1 to Ph1lh ~ Un1,·en11y .,..,th• final acorci o f 74~7 Thu m11ked the f u.1 ho mo s •me for the Lady Indian~ who DOW uand with an 0.1 tKord for S u e n, Car tn . ,en1o r , lead the ""1t h 22 reboundi and 19 po1nb M"or.-d K els.e KOdler fol• lo v.ed Ca rter 1n KOtltl& w1 lh IS p01nUc T he Ph,lh p, Un1uir,;1ty F,llcs took tlwl le1t.l 10 ..1111, but ~;e re un· •hie m maintain 11 fur lone, Th • L • d y Indians hus 1le d hu d to 1 t1h Ille lu d anJ hanii on 10 11 unl •I !he lut m1 n\ll e of !ho fir1t ha lf when tht F,11,~ went up hy t"4'U 10 end the: halt MSU ' s ~,am,~ 1i1,•ere nl1t ved 1owart.1 the eDd o f the lin.1 half 10 1v0tJ ,01nii into th\- ~ nnd half 1n foul 1,oubk T he I.Ady Indian, w er.: only ,hie 10 coon..:1 with two of 13, l · po,n1 i hoL~ ta ken 1n the fin t h■ lf, but they red«mcd 1hem1elvu ,n


the ,cco n d h•lf na il i ng fi ve of te•·en. Althouah 1he rum h ullt led hard 1hrou1hou1 thc cnlne 11 n10 , , t wu touch and i o J urin1 U1e second h,lf w,1b the Lady l nd1ant scrambhnJ 11 1he i:nt.l lu m,d :i:up fOI' losct &round J<tff Ray • head coac h , al1ribu1ed 1ho tum ' ) lou lo the n umber o f free 1hruw.1 m11\cd S iartin c pl1 ye u C ar ter a nd Koc'1er w e r e 1n aarermtnt w11h Ray's aunhut,on Thc k:.lm WU 12 for 21 at the frtt throw line Career and Koc-'te r M1J 1hat lhe team h , d not hondeJ, Jdlc:d H • 1um ye1, but bellevc:J 1ha1 1n lime they w ill. They 1bo Jlltd lhat they felt the team 1-. doi,er on 1 penonal t>1s 1.1 t h•n 1n 1hc P"'· and 1h1s he l p s 10 p la y 101ethe r ,no, c on 1hc r.ourt. The M SU Lady lnJ1ans bukt tball wd\ res ume play ae 11n~t the Un1veru1y o f Science & Ari! 11 6 p. m. t h11 S11urday even1nc ,n D L L11on Coh ~ um Thc Lady Ind iana w ill .1,0 ban lc Howard Payne Un1vc:rMly at S p.m, Nov. 24 111 0 L Lip Coliseum.

d11 n 1 wou ld fin ally S(Otc, The Tnbe oulshot !he Hrlh~n 2) ·2 for tho entire pme • 1r we k■t.l , 1uck one of tht»,e orl y $holl 1n , 11 w o ulJ' ve been over u rly, • Nathan P1fic:r , head co, c h, n 1d Th• Trt M h at.I four \hols h11 e1 thc: r the 11dci Of the top o f the coalpos,1 and bounce away. Pdor 111d, " h 's • 1ood ,11n t ha l we hu nJ 1n 1hcrc anJ were pallt nl We knew -..•e'J t;CC)l'e e\"Cll•

....., .

In !he Aro l c n11np11,m-'n1p Saturday 1 flernoon , tho T ntkl ,01 s11,1f1c1ion by de fe111 n1 No. 17• ranked l llC•m11e Word Collc~e 2· I 10 ad v a nce l b 1h o NAIA Na1 iona l Tournament Nov 18-23 1n S a n Anton io T he lnd 11n1

The l nd isn , • ,core, um, h o m Shawn Orell and D.1,n1cl 1111 untt'ftt Orc:11'1 1 011 c■ mc 1111 Ilk 20-11 rna r\.. tht fiua h■ II on a v.c: 11d •r,rnn1nJ , h0t whtn TIit' h■11. tuU uf" w p ,p1 n , h 11 lhc hq1 o f lhe C1 uu d r r 1 0 11 keepe11nJ nr1, mtd 1ntu tho net t u m•kc the i,curei-0 Th,1 In di a ns c onl roll ed !he u-c .,nd ha lf by u uh hoo11n1 1hc Cru"!ldcn ll-2, aDd 1hcy ch nchcJ • n a 11on1J to u rna ment bcrth w11h


6· 26 ,erna1runJ . Ju y m a dc a perfec t .:o rncr kic k 10 M oo, m an for a hnJt r ,hol w hich Wiil\ siruck 100 h arJ ro. 1h-: C , uuder ,o,J.kttper to hand, Jc. • nJ H1 lscn1e1er puc home the IOCKe blll lo 11'K'tU K the kad lo 2Q

The Cr uudcr1 scoreJ 1 1oken 1 0111 w11 h 49 ,eco n d s rema1n1n1 10 make tho final 2-1 Pife r had h11b praise for M uk Wa m or, Moorman • Dd the cnt1~ dcfcMCI, "Wc're hleucd .. we tulty a rc . · P ifer u 1d . "Gud has blCllscd M 1Jw n tc rn 11' 1 m y hat Ind. (l 1nps), and I'm Jusl ecstallC. • Pifer u 1d he pro mi, cd 1h11 !he Jnd 1,1n's would p lay as hud as 11 lakes lo win lhe National Tour• fllffl("ftl ,

MDA wins flag football title By Mike llffld,.m Sporu Staff T he m en's 1ntumunl Oas footb, 11 suson ended Ofl Oct. 26 w11h an ovhwhelm1n1 c bamp1oa• ih1p v 1c1o r y for th e Muscula r Oys.l rophy A11oc1a hon and a third

La ter !ha t evcn1n1 S1,:m1 Nu the thu d p lace 111le witb , comfortable 7-0 win over the Sc:m1• noles. In men' i. tennis doubles. Todd Selso r a nt.I L aoc e B l ■ck ddu ted


C lare nce Du to r and C llad Stor,e

place w1t1 for S1ama Nu.

1-5 and 6-2. rc.'f)l!C11vcly In women' s 1tnn1) doublc,, la a 1r~lin1 IH I o f 1k.tll and Pally Coker ant.I Chr11 McKelha m t a l en t. MDA al u m-ro lled Ph , defca1«1 M~e Grae1 and L1~ HoJ, S11ma Kapp,, 28-0. laway 6·2 lnd 6-2. rci.rcc11wl y


1 IIR CU iANl:.RS ANDLA.UNDRY 17J I So11!1iwc,a11'riw1y 691-1996 R.0 V1.t1Pl.t.J.1

)l2, l5S4

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·or k wcl Chai" 6-91 ,0060

15()1 Midwutrm P•lrw•y 72:\-1900 16129tbS\rttt 761-0080

IH' ,h .... , u 11 nn J r\ d1. ,nunv ua,J I ,u11J I\ l )i..., .,1UII Ill\ th,1-.. uh In\ , >lhd "11'.1 1,I, l'l, ,111\1,1 ll)"11t, m, , 1111u•,..,J..1, i.,1, , , , ,,h...,011"1


KaBlne e

•011• , &VA"S


By ,._._. Dulin,

1610 SIMppwd Acceu Roed

Ille Slamnwr





Lotto ticket sales hono~•! :o~; f::~:r:::, :~:;~ lower than expected ;:.~"::!~~kusr appl!C"aUOOII for Studenll who tneol tb♦ ffilAI R~ mum•ment, arw cocwni Tuu Louo 1icht1 we.111 oa 10 appl y. The nrnumum rcqu11• NIie NoY. 7. rPUlll con,pu,c a■ oo.·enU CPA. o T itk•f1 a r• SI t1c h, aadl J.01nd1l10 1GPA 6' l .0ift11 P*l'aOO ~ w1a by p1ck1111 UirN . 12 liou rs po h1ical i.c1d nc o or four, ""9 or iii: of tlio ,1,. drawn ..:rfminal J1111.U. oumbtn corr.ell)' TM jac kpot . .c h Wfflc 11 IIUlnnl.ed lo be .a Studenll who h■ ve n,iw hour, lout S? .Olioe. The fflwi.,. a,- 1nJ tu• curre11tly eoroll4d In tMi lteld 0111 W♦dn•,da)' ... Saturday ll d1 hour art MIO ..,Jibw..


T he o nly , co, ., the a:.i mc c a me o ff a n uu~I fru m Bod Moorm,n 10 J ud d Joy with l 1-t minute, \ell 1n the pmc. lh1, j J IM .... .. r,eVC'I In tk,uht -.. 11b 1hc o ct poon o f when tM In•

du c ■ 1 ion ,


rcdc:c:me1d a n o rly u■ 1on Jefra1 hy Jnc,mlle WOfJ

By K,-lt HIJ.WJR Sports Staff

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