Indian soccer team headed to playoffs
\lolurne 73, Number 8
-=== McGraw-H· H@#fiitii'NMMN textbook !11; Barnes & Noble argue pricing and return policies
Thursday, Nov. 3, 1994
,4,SSociale Editor Tcxt hoo k
, But Ml:Graw-tlilJ ar , , , th,H thc polic it 1' gucs ex,css stock within a ri.:asonablc time. _The prohlcm is nm l1nly facing them again. hut it has also c..w alatcd. he said. Previously, 1..·xccss invi.:nrc.: stoc.kin g p_ol u.: y, Bo h tory was returned at n1) :iddi • Chnsu c . pre side nt or th . tional cost. But h.:c.:au!II: some co.mpn.ny's college divisioni.; ~~i'urn ;Nhilc a fi ve percent bookstores arc returmng in $3,id. ' ~ argc is as.•icsscd for returns excess of 40 pcrci:nt of their The pu blis her. whic h ~n cxccss ~f 20 (>Crccnt, Mark initial order. M,Graw-Hill is r.inks ~mo~g ~he top fi vl.! in 1!a~rop, director of puhlic re - forced 10 produce thous:inds the nauon. 1s ~1ssa1isficd with , lions fo r McGraw-Hill . of excess hooks each yc:ir. a lcllcr that 1s hcing circu- said. the return of which r.:os1s the lated to college and univ. . "Hopefu lly, whal we arc publishers millions of dollars, sity adm inistra1i vc and f;i: to do is control the de - Christie said. ulty memhcrs by Barnes & o f over-ordering Harrop .said although hi.~ Nohkcampus hookstorcs o vc rs t0 d ing and over~ company deal., with hook"That lcuer grossly ~ is- returning." he said. stores on :in individual hasis, rc~rcscnL,;_ou~ policy and the The problem surfaced it is the Barnes & Nohlc r:iuo~alc lor.. mstituting a n.: - scv~n yc~rs ago. Harrop said. storl.!s that urc frequently stocking kc. Christie said. Thi.: N:itton:il Association of guilty of excessive shel f. • ~n~cr t~c nc":' policy, Co llege s tores talked stocking. McGraw:_H1\I now intends 10 :4cGr-J w-Hi11 out of initiating "They return .'6 of every assess a live percent charge a re st0ckmg fee. The com- 100 texts ordered while some on all books that arc returned pany th en offcn:d incentives :ire rc1Urning 40 pcrrcnt nr by 1hc hookstorc," the Barnes sui.:h as fn:ight allowances t;, more," he said. "We're rnn& Nohlc lcucr s1a1cd. · booksiorcs which have low ccmcd with the level <if ovcr,_. • returns and send back their ordering. We cannot sit and
uh .
t,kGraw-ll ill i~ h{~~-. h~ ~ 1cmpung hl S1.' l the ri.:conl s1r:11f ht ~n the controvcrs surm un~mg its n~•~ ll!xtho;J
Sc~1. I cha~cs :~t~sur:uc to the pcrccnta •c ooks that art! returned g cc For c xa~plc , a 2.5 J)crfo~~ rc.-.tockmg kc is chargr.:d a I 5-20 percent textbook
By Anita Smith
lllughl artb l, photni;niphu, 11nd ,culptor. Su V-G' 4 for , 1nry.
Reporter Donna Arp Lo uer and other sclec1ed MSU alumni were honored .21 the Homecoming Brunch Oct. 22. Each ac:idcmic dcpartment reviews its alumni and suhmits names 10 the selcc.:tion commiucc for 1hc respective awards based on out.~landing achievements ,1J1d community service.
MSU student charged with theft By Timberly EySSt!n Staff Wrilt!r
Thd 1 ch:irgcs have been filed against a student employee of the campus police department. according to MSU chief of police H.G. Evans. Ninetccn-yc:ir-old Misty Bledsoe, a freshman studying eleme ntary cduca1ion, is acc used of Stl!ali ng S29 1 from thl! office cash dr:iwcr. Ev:ins said.
Dr. Archur F. Beyt!r Distinguished A lumnus
Donna Arp Lotter of Colleyville was awarded the 1994 Dr. Arihur F. Beyer Dis tin g uis he d Alumnus Award from the MS U Ex.Students' Association. Lotter was a 1974 Hardin Scholar at Midwestern. She graduated in 1975 with a h:ichclor of sciem:c in cdut"a• tion and again in 1979 with a master's o f educati on in counseling. She has post• gradualc work at the Uni versity of North Loiter is prcsidcnt of Arp Loua ln vestmen1s. an in\'l'Slmcnl and marke1ing firm in the Dallas/Fort Wonh area whirh spcciali1.cs in in vest· men!.\ in srn:1II husincSSC!i and JS marketing Clmsuhants to ~mall and mid-si;,cd com pa• ntr~. Shi: is also chairman of thr hoard for Lifestyle Commumi:ations. Inc .. a puhlishing anJ r omm uniratw 1.1s com pany lu:ad4uarh.:rcJ 111 81.' dtiirJ . PnN 10 s1arting her own l\1mpJny in 19 SJ . Lo uer was Jn Jn,:a mJuag\·r for Pr11c.:1l.'r JnJ Gamhk ('11.• anJ wa:- 1hc fir.,1 k mak managi.:r for ll~l' 111 thl' Sou1hwi.:s1 1ll lhl' Pa11i.: n1 Care PrmJurt:l)i\·i., ion. She hirl'd :ind trJ1th:d thi.: initial markl·ting fort\' for Pnll:llT and G:un hlL' in th,: Southwe:-t for 1hc nL'w d1vi,mn fo e.· and CtHmt•po/1"111 m~l'.Minl'S h:1vc t'catur,·J· IILb on Lonr r'., hu~im.:!'>.,l''-. !n llJKlJ, ~he wa1- n,1min.11cJ f,.r the J,ir /~k rrill Ly111.: h E~trcprcnl'IJr.<1f1hc Yl'Jf Shl' 'currl'ntly nnmin.1ll'd f l 1r tlw
lel it h:ippcn." Though Barnes & Nohlc operates ahoul 300 i.:ampus hookstores, they arc not 1he hil:igcst chair.. Follct's i.~ a hi~gcr chain, yet their rc1urn :average is lower. Harrop said. "And we're not getting th,; saml· form of leucr writing carnp:iign. Barnes & Nnhlc seems to he the only one. (l'Ompl;1ining)." He m:iintains that his company will s1and firm on its policy. "They're !he middlemen. They're charging a fee for what is basically their incflicicncy," H:im)p said. Peter Rook, manager of the MSU campus hooks1ore (managed hy the Barnes & Nohlc grciup). said. "The inefficicn(:y (as tamed hy McGr:iw-Hill) is trying to make sure 1hc student has ev ery book avai lahle IO him at the heginn ing of the semester." "You have 10 huy :i ccrt:iin amount of hooks from them per semester in the firs1 ,..._ _ _ _ _ _.-.. place" to avoid having IO pay the 2.5 percent fee, Rook Tht n:hlblt " lnntr Vbiom " uptm tod11y 111 th.: Unlvns lly Art G11llt r )' In t' a ln t' Jne Art., C, ntn. t'icluud l• Waltn Wining, N,L~on, ~, 1r. See page 3
Evan.'i said the mon..::y lilkcn was "for tickets and decals. hut tickets were processed and shown 10 he paid. No one wi ll h..: contacted for a l:i1c ticket th:it ha.~ :i.c:1Ually hccn paid." According 10 Evans, the money was stolen over a period of a month. with small amount-. taken each day. Retci pts showed the theft started Sept. 19 and occurred until Oc:t. 24 . The only
monl!y recovered was the SI 2 she had stolen that J :iy. Evans said. Blcdsoc turned herself in 10 the Wichita Fall\ Pol ii.:c 01.!partment on ( k t. 27. Shl' has hccn arrested and char!!cd wi1h mi.~dcmc:i nor thclL Blcd.~oc has hccn rclcaSl'd on S2fXI hond. Philip Birdine. MSU dl.'an of studcnL'i. said di.~ciplinary action is hcing considi.:rl!d against Bledsoe.
Experts examine world politics, economics By Neville Lewis, A~ oci:ate
Donna Arp Lotter Li.:p c,;y ot' W11men Award. whid1 rccognizcs five ou1:-1:1nding women in the fields of husiness. arls and volun ll't.:rini;. Loner's rnmmuni ty invo [\',: mc nt indudcs vice: d iairm:in fur 1hc hoard. ol trusk'CS of Baylor Hosp11al. IY95 pn.:sidenl of lhl' Colk yvil k Chamhcr of Comnll•rcc. t,oard of governors of till' Nlirthi.:ast Tarrant Co.unty t\rb \ ,l·aguc. hoa.rd of dtri.:t,.'\lir:- uf thl' J\ml'rK~n Cance~ Si)C!l'IY, h,)ard of d1n:c1.ors ol the Nlir11K·a:-t L1..·,1dcrsh1p ~Orum EJuc.,tion:il F,lu'.1d:1.110~ :inJ bn,irJ 1,f Jircct.Ms 111 1111.: ('(ilk, vilk \\ ,111\l'll s Cluh. L;,lll'r 1-. 0r,~111all) from Ri n1!~1,td. Shl' ,11~J her hu:· hJrhl. Brun·. ha\ !.: 1w,1 s,m~. IJt,1nd11n :.ind C~l hn. Tlw y fl . ,i,k 111 CPlkyv1llc.
Each division honorl~d ;m outstanding alumnus al the Homecoming Brunch. Division or Malhtmatical Sciences The Division of ~fa thl'· matical Scicncl'S hnn0rl:d Dr. Will ium R. Jones 11f Wu:hita F:ills. Hi.: is a physici:in at the Wichi1a Falls Clinil' and prl'S• idcn: of North Tcx.1., SurciCi.:nll'r. ~ fonl·~ is J ffil'lllhl'r ~)f thi.: corporJtl' l"Olllll1 it11.' l' of the W1..:h11.1 F.111., ~h1,eu111 and Art$ Ccllll'r. I le rl'l'l'iv1..·d the B l':>!
R1.· :>1dc 111
l 11,tn11.·1t1r
honN from !hl' l 'ni\·er!'>II) 1.1f KansJ:,, Wnky Mi:J11:.l1 Ccnti.:r for 19.S~-Xl.
See page 2
tion will examine Soulh Korea's cc.:11ruunic deveh1pmen1. llai shcni;. Chinese cu lwral i.:nnsul in I lous1on, will adJrl'si. contem porary China's , ul1uro and sod,.;ty. The aim llf the .~ympusium i.\ to develop greater und1..· r• s1anding rl'l'.arding glohal issue~ wilhin the i.:ummunity,
Thi.! event ah o ofrl'rs to st udents an alte rnati ve method of learning. MSU's fi fth annual World Le:iming should not he ju,1 View Symposium will showin 1hc classroom. Pred:.i said. case several world poli1 ical "It's a way to learn wi1hnut science, economics and culregular fo rm:ll lecture and lural intellectuals. exams. Studcnts in Wichita The highlight of !he No\'. Falls can learn a little hit 7-17 event will he thl! Intermore ahout lhi.: world." national Night Nov. 10 when The symposium is orgamcmhcrs nf the International Michael Preda, director of the Students Associ:ition will division of political scil!ncc nized in conjunction wi1h the Artisl Lec ture Series. the display cultural 1.·os1uml'S, and puhlic administra1ion, Faculty Forum Series and the music. dam:e and food. said. cc.:nnomic lecturer on campu'-. Topping the list of speakers is Carlos F11cn1es. tine of Latin America·i. most dis1inp 1ished novelis1s and a forrnl'r Mexican amhassador 10 Mnnd,r Nun ml1tr 7 1994 • France. llr. i,_..1d J . J k k Un~ 11!,~inSrl.1><0 11.11 14-l -• 11 ..m 1 " C urrt nl l.~1lon Arntrk-im T"nd1o: Th Mun To,ur,h l}t nn1r11Hutl11n" Ernl.'.~t Dover. associate Dr. fa no t A. l)on·r 1< Sludtnl Cmtn -- 11,p.rn,, professor of poli1ical si.::icm:e, " W ind., o r t:h11n1:I' in Suu th Afrk 11: A l'11lllk11l l n kr11~1lu n A1111ruac h" will addrcs11 the "\Vind.~ n.f Chm1x1• in Sn111h Africa." Tv,~d;,1· Nonml1tr M Da vid Jickling. an 111 Amha,~ador t'arlt" t u r nlt~ t,\~,n AuJil.,nun, - i p "' , tcrnational consultant wh(I has v.w kcd e:1.:tcnsi\'cly in Wulnr:,dit\' N11n:ml1tr>! Latin Arni:ri,:1. Eurnpl' . thc Dr I 'hu lcs J. Ol,un {t:SC"llot-.i,.. .. ltf•.m 1 Pacific bl.inds, AfrirJ and " (;r,ula,h l.:a11ltalbn1: ll unt u~··, i::11, rrKtnl't' frnm lht t:11,t lllt,,:" A111:.i. will take u politil'al hiok JI i.:um.:nt m:nd11 ot' Llltin Ihvrnlu N•m rnht:r 10 Arnl' n i.:an nathms 111wards i'.h11u ll ahh~nt 1t:St: fhuln -· 1la.m,I " Co111~111p nur~Chln11. l b Culhirt 11 nd ~udtt,1·" clcl·entral11ation. lr!lt rnal ~1nal Nlthl tC.::-l· ti.u,,,.,.,, •. ~ - ll!p. m.J On th,: othcr hand. ('h,ir:, ., l ll~t'hllU S7.~II Ohnn, J forml'r pcr:-1111ncl dirl'Ct11r at tlw US emhassy in \\ tdornJu 'fornnhrc 16 BudJpc~t. wi ll !ipcak on ! Ir llun~ ' ont l.n rc-.c IIMllrooni ,. 7p ni.l l-lung:1ry\ i.:mcrgcnl·c from the Communist Bloc. Agricu lture pn ik ., ~or llong Yoni; Ll'..::·, pr,:,e111a Editor and J t!remy Kingston, Reporter
,:Id\ 1c,~ S\-mposiu· ~
~~::.: :·: ·::',;:;,E E:.:: ::;::::;cl
THE Wh:hitan
P:a ~ J ThurW:a,·. i\'ml•rnbt•r
t 1')9-1
MSU alumni honored - - - - - from pagr I llh i,ion or Uusi~~,; Admiul\t rafiun
rhc Dl\1 1.H)ll (\( Hu,in(' \( AJm1ni,Lr:a11on h,1m1rt·J 1)1 Ed"in ln.-l;and u( lk r, the lh1cf fm;u1c1J/ offi . ccr Pl Nco~nf1 . Inc , and 1, a ~t1ulh)1dc P/J1.\.': Cny Counl'II n1t.·mtocr lrcbnd ha.~ !>!'(1kcn \l, (lrlJy,•1dt: on the \UhJeCI of cn1.•1,:y and n:11ural i;a.1. lk 1s a !-<"nu1mastcr :md J mcmlx·r of 1hc hoard ord1n.:l·· hm for the S::im HouSl(\n J\rt•a Council ('I( the Boy S.:ouLS or Amcnca
"hl· \,-a, tt"\cmly h,1n11n.·,I '"!! f"Jrnr"-'11 h th1.· r n''ltkn1 ,\11-SIJI C'uJ1.:h hy lhl' tll th1· ll l\hirir P n.-~·n•,1tH111 k'( J' G1d~ C1•JChl•~ ,\ \\ll• C,,un, d h1r TJrrlnl Cr,unt) .mt! J mcmt11:r 111 lhl· hoard 111 Cl,l1111n J1rrc111r, for th\' r n,Js Do"ntown ,\ ~\l'l.'IJtHln She OM~lon or Fl11r Ari~ " Jn ,durnn1 Jmha\\:td1>r :it D:il l.1Vr o,1 \\ 11r1h areJ the Ans The 01\'l\l(ln 11I l·mc hmh1h•d Gaf) K1ns1.·:a,k of ~ h1l(1I, 1,1, hcr,· , Iii.' a\\llol'I Ill 11·crn,1111cn1 \\'1, h11:i FJIIS. l k ,., JO an1\t Jilt.I an J I! ICJd11:r :It W1ch11a FJJI, Ila~h Sichool K1n~l' l>hision or Social and 1, a ml·mtwr of tht· MSl l E."<• Bthaviora l Scitnc-es S1udcn1~· A~,ocia11o n :int.I 1hi: Kiowa Kooh fhc D1\1,;1on or Sor,:il 1-k hJS serYcd on thl' hoard of d1rrc10r\ llf thl: \V j. Jlld lk ha\'lilrul Sciences , h11a Falls Anists' Guild and h11nored Or. Elinbrth s1.·rvcd as \'kc president , Graunh o l, of Wes t " ays and me:in~ chairm:an Lafa)ellc. In She i.\ an 3~~antl e"<h1h11inn l'h:urman for c1:1tl" profc,w r of socrnlogy the \\'1eh1t.1 F,1lh Art A,soc1- l l Pu rtlue Un1Ye rs11y. Cir:i uerh('ll1 was a L1heral Jlmn Ans nominee for the Murphy Ui,·ision or llu l1h Sclt n«s Undcr1= raduatc Teaching Award for 1993-94 :and reThe Ol\'1s1on of Hc:1l1h ceived the Depanmcntal Setcnci:s honored Rohm T,•:tchmg Award. Her forthcumm~ pub/int• Lo1,: l:hart of W1ch11:1 Falls. She 1-. a registered nurse at trnn IS titled "'Gtntltr, Powrr the llc1hun1a Rciional Health and Jlarmsmrnt m tht of Can.· Ccnier and an a.,;sist:tn1 A, tulr my Thr Cnsr • r rnfo~sor :u Midwcial.'rn. Womt11 ProJ,s.forJi.. Lockh:tn is an MSU Honor Soi.:iety and Sigma Theta Tau DiYlsion or PoH1ir.11I ScirllC'r mcmhcr She wa.!< aw:trtled theThe D1v1s111n of Poh11cal Nurse Oncology Fcllowslup hy the N:11ion:al Oncology Sc1enl·e and Puhhc Admm1s• honc1n•d Dr. Lawrence lr:tlion Educ:at1on Program in June Colo. He 1s and rel·l~ntly puhlt shcd Dodd uf Boulder, -.,ur 11f poluu:al sc1profc. a Pro,i:rmrnt ~Q11nll1}' ,\fw w lhe ,(!rnmfor a llnmr llralth O, . l'IICe and !he d1rt:l'IOr or of Study ga,u ;:,m,on." Lockhart 1s a Cr-n1er for 1hc Umth<:u cs Pt1ht1 mcmhcr of 1hc Tc.'l:as Nurse" 1\ mcrkJn wr., 11y of Col11r:ido. Ass01.·1a11on and Acadl·my of Dodd's rccenl publicaMedical-Surgical Nurses. 110m, include "'Ntll' Prrsptcon Amtllllln Pol11icJ"' mrs Dh·ision or Humanilits (1,1,11h J111,on) and 7hr Dynf Amr ,1ca11 Polmn • 1111mu·s The D1Y1,.ion or HumamJilhon). Dodd w(ln the t1es honored Susan Campt'ICII ("1th 0-Nurthern Tcal·h• Burl1n~1t1 for works of Arlington She e Award from Downtown Fort Worth Inc.. 111 ~ E,l·cllcnc' of Color:ado at Universil) 1hl.· of director the s 1 where ~he in 1989. Boulder communications and market• J,
• htma res from . Iran MSU stud ent stdl has m~ nary lutio revo her childhood in • •1 Vit•rnam files •• he;;ids hlo"-n blootJ
Ry Nrvill, Lewis Associ11e Editor Few MSU students know f1rsth:and what ii is like living on 1hrcc coritinents . Morco,·cr, few MSU s1udents know firsthand wha1ii 1s like 10 Ike a rcYolu1ion. Oi,·ision or Sci,n«s Chanel Taherpou rzaky docs. The D1v1s111n ('If Scicnct:, But 1hc 23-year-old is not honored Dr. Robert D. your average MSU s1uden1 -· W1l11ams ('I f Durant. Okla. He 1s. from Wichita Falls or that 1.s 11 plan! rhys1olog1s1 for 1he the six surrounding counties. agru.:uhur1.· resc:trch ~rvicc li,·cd 1n England for "'I've or the US Dep:trtmcn1 of :a few months while my father Agricultu re. Williams is business, then we on was pn:s1Jcnt of the Durant ~hgh moved 10 Paris,· Taher• Sch,1111 Choir 81Klslcr Cluh said. The family pourzaky :md a membtr of 1he band now c.tlls Dallu their home. hoos1er cluh. Before coming 10 Midwest• He 1s a rehj:10us educacm, she pursued pre-medical tion m~1ruc1or for S1. Wilham studies on the Caribbean is• P.msh Williams· publications land of Ant1£ua. include some SO m:anuscnp lS Taherpour1aky refers 10 and abstr:telS m :add11ion 10 48 herself as Pcman. American refereed joumaJ articlc.1., book and Caribhean . but she 1s a chaptcr5 and special publicana11vc of Teheran, Iran. tions. where she wuncsscd her country hcrng tom apan by Division or Education revolutionary forces. Hearing her speak. 11 is The Di,·1s10n or Educadifficult 10 determine Taher· uon honored Diana Conrady poun..aky's orit in because or of Windthorst She 1s the her crisp pronunc1a1ion, bu1 :11h1~1ic dira:tor. physical t."d· there is no difficulty 1n de• ucat1on !~Cher 11nd coach :at tcrminmg what she values Windthorst High School. mOSI. Conrady is a member of the "I am a hbcratcd woman.~ Long•Ra ngc Planning she s:aid. And perhaps. years Committe e of the Archer ago, lh:tt would have been County Extension Service possihle. however, there was and SCr'\-Cd on a comm1ucc to no place for a liberated compi le !he Region IX woman in pos1-revolu1io n Ph)•s1cal Educauon CurncuIran. lum Document. The wearing of veils. ac• quiescing to wear clothes that reach one's ankles and being forbidden lo show one's hair was :an unncccssnry and too ~evcrc a rcs1riclion for che Tilherpou rzalcy women in and revolutionary Iran. veil; she s1udcnt go,·cmmc nt, and Tra- such a.s ms1a.n1 buffets ~1 never wore a By Natasha Gabritl impromptu pu ta b:ars. uuering open-eyed and SIUdent Warner. chellc Reporter ral momhly xtivi1ic.s like inter• with such pointed defiance. 'J'b c University Food Con- ass1s1ant for mulucuhu and 1vals. fcs1 food national the coup tra ct Com miuec met programming. snacks"' during fi. still fresh as though Leishncr said Morrisons . two ~exam that toppled the Shah of Iran's yesterday but has not yet deProfessional n:als. For the food court. cided which food sen·icc Aramark. and en1 all had Morrison's branded concep15 govemmenl in February 1979 occurred only months ago. vendcr to recommend 10 the Food Managcm include Super Heroe, Peppers proposals. But the revolution may board of regcnt5, members of exec llen1commiuo. P11.1..a. Ho1 Wok. World Fare. seem more rccen1 to her than dif. a has : TI-IC ~ lhc commitlCC said, since Scoops. Daily Deli, and Waf. almos1 16 years ago. Though The committee is com- ficuh ta..,;k/ cspcci:ally to Oe Shop. prised of How:ard Fnrrel. all vcndcrs an.- required Aramark' s proposill inbirthschool's viet: prcs1den1 of s1uden1 ac- work w11hin the for the cludes service from 7 :a.m. 10 or cakes and pizzas for days. In addition, Aramark tivities and chair person; Jane specification of S770 a.m. breakfast proposed a Deli Comer and 6 a wi1h p.m. 7 the for 8 I S8 and plan meal 2 l Lc1shner. assist:an1 dean of and 3 midnight breakfast duroffer s tudents: Tom Hoffman. 3.5. 19 meal plan. their regular ing fi nals; sick trays for Grilled Works which In add111on made-to-o rder sandwiches soc1atc professnr or English; who cannot come to students the ly. prnpos:al. Ted Rcdlaczyk. d1rccror or food service the follow1ni: the cafctcna, exam surprises, and burgers. respeclive housing: Al Hooter. vice bidders offered proposal in- a.nd special del1Ycry .services Stt pageJ Mornson's president of business affairs: hreakers Jen'nan Ghaz:al. president of cludes weekly p::icc
Bid s ope ned for cam pu s foo d ser vic e con tra ct
--~ -So Com
,\ ;l,,n •('<, 1Jh/lhf I" (,.,L i1>,'.1•m; 1•1'•1~, ) ·>U !n f ...,JJJ , l )r..- ~o.l ,\~.,,1,"k-
,(( limhs nussmg. ~pt.',.,..111g and grown mco q:n•amins .. 11 1s no1 the Iran y ch1ldhOOO . "'I can sull rcmcmhcr our h('IU.SC,"' Tahcrpoun.ak)· Silld rem1n1sl·cd in a rno. she 35 me~t of puerile fantasy. "'Iran was a most hra111i(ul country It had power Iran u~d 10 ~ a very powerful C"nuntry p •11r k were frt·e 111 ~pc.:ik th\•,r mind and he their unique s1:h·cs JU~I like in the US The poverty level 1,1,·;i.!. ...~f)' low.Educatio n. which .\ he ranked high :al><wc cha1or 1hc United S1a1cs, w:ts a ma1nr nauonal concNn. she said. The people who failed 1o meet ihc college Slandard\; came to ihe US. Over 1imc. Iran has done omc fence mending. hut ~aherpourz.iky docs nm sec herself hvmg in Iran :tgam a1 Jcasl not nght now. "'(~nly) if 11 wen_, back 1hc way 11 wa.,;,she .said. H:av!ng a pcr~ n:1hty !hat has been 1cmpercd. by lhc carefree:, s~n -sc~k1ng and beach-ho rpmg lifcs1ylc of "'bcauufu l A,,n11gu:a w11h i1s 365 beaches :and llhcratcd, · ngh1s-guaran1ecd" a1111udc of the US, il is d_iffic~uh for Taherpour,..iky 10 JU.SI get up nndgoback 1o lran." In spite of this. she lauds 1he country of her bir1h for being "'very very s1ruc1ured " with a legal sys1cm that ~or~s . e.ffcc1iveJy and where cnme 1s nothing comp:ared 10 the Un i1ed S1ateS.· "If it wcni back lhe way 11 was." Tahcrpour,.alcy mused. The wounds may have healed. but the scars of being tom from her hclovcd country rcm:ain. Her country look :a 3 degree turn. s he said, and went back a century. "'When once women ruled a country. they're now scrvan 1s 10 men ,- Tahcrpour7.aky said. "This is my home now."
YS TE RIC AL . "H Lemmon and~.. !~.!!!~ !~ movie magic." "Funfl}'! One of tht sea.son's more enttrtaining holida}· mmie;. Ltmmon and Manhau do "·ondtrs.~
The Better Choic e
Pr isd lla C us en h ary a l E scad a Salon • P!!•lltlJ (
nhl'rpou r1.aky was mere~ scvC"n year( old. the gho~is :d ihc p::ist arc inc:scap:ihlc a from ume io ume han: n:· ~ turned to haunt he~. · 1 ,\Iii/ h3\'C ,mghtmlft'~: she said. • At umcs I ha.. e1 these flashbacks . The m~n:: ge1 the more l remember. Tahcrpou r,akts drca~! are stHI peopled w11h soldier. and accented hy ~unshois. she said. -My school wa.s. ~ quar1er mile from h_on~c. to remember runmng like hdl school and hearing bullctt nd going off in the hackgrou · remember sold1~rs kn(l('k~~~ 1 a1 our door ask mg (or~ 3n· sheets 10 be used as d d:agcs." 79 an The y~nr was 1he Pi.ihlav1 Oynas1y s 50-year rule had suddenly comet~~ 1 end. The Shab of Ira~. hammed Reza Pahla;'jI , ~~~ ousted from power w c 1 of ~ ~o~nl~ '; : 0rc~~;sw:,. ~~~~d riot. Thc Muslim fundnmentrJI• 1sts wen: now in control :and under the leadership of Aya1ollah Ruhollah Khomeini. a miht:an1. :1n1i-impcrialis1 re· hgious leader who h:ad been living in exile foi- 13 years. However. the fall of the monarchy wu presaged bx an unsuccessful coup a1tempt 1n 1953 and riots rn 196:t The 1977 nots escalated m 1978 and were :accompan ied by demonstra11ons. The popular upnsmg resultcd in half a million lr:ani• ans •· middle cl:ass and pro• fess1onals •· leaving the country as l!migrts and ex• iles. In all. some 10,000 people were executed in wave.~or n:volutionary terror. The Taherpourzaky ramily were among the 1hrongs leaving Iran in search of a life beuer than tha1 of lhe heavily resuictt:d and much confi ned one of lhc new Islamic Republic of Iran. where ii was "'short on every1hing except water." Though It seems to her now as a page 10m from the
··1laughed nll I hun' \ b,g,nu), of , m01ie ••
L\1/fRITA/,c.E AooPllQI~
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Ooo~ Open al 8:00 pm 50e 8ot Dillis &Oro"' Seer Unlilll:00 pm feolurilg Our Infamous Macho Chest Contest &SexyS.lhouelle Coolest
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November 9 FREE Admission
Sponsored by UPB
THE Wichitan Tirnr..drt ·, l\ovt:mhcr
UR VIEW Hy Nnlll«' 1.l'wl, As.~oclut, F.ditor
l tl~;r.t~:~l~ ~ llal·e IU\t ,Ulnth..:1 Ill lh 1\ lthuugh at':;~ri:_.11 11)' , )' ur a p11\ \lh1ht)' lh111 pru., pcct. nll in a ll '-enc c.'Wnts ,n•1 u hil:hcvc we h,1v~ : there \."). I \ \\ ovc~h ~tl1.·nmn..: 1h1.· fl\:.i1.·l' 1hc rnnrm:nt. t:J.\ t o ur r ye, 111 l h:u d..: '." 1ni; 1l'.1,11n, to lrc1.ti1111 A ll"a,,. fur ThL, yeur. !1)()4 ha1,; h pro, pct I of much l~ci • ruught a new hrce, c a 11npn, onmcn1 h th _r>c ~I lcr 27 year, ur l' : nd !he and un1u, t cm1111ry, Nci,.41/M:ic r~c_1,~ and nprre\ \ l\c AlncJ Ya\ tr 1\r:irai"_(~lll~~~ ~IIW lhc fln!, 1d~1t~\ ::: :~s · 1, nuw an ar.lvo,:.tie of p . mm111cd 10 l!loh leadc1 <1 Yu,hak R· h alc:s1in1an peace R •11 lcrn1nsm. wnh Arafat a~ Noh!:~/'.1'1 _S h1rn 1111 Pere~ ,~~~~I I~•. 1_, racli !he y were ,worn . , cacc l.turca11.•, .tlth h side hy \Hit ( )n the othe r h~~c1~1e<1. nug 1111 y1.·.1r, yc.slcrday\ new, .1 !dda much hcl'ahnctt I h n h.:ind A cca/o.C·l1r::.·d .~~1~rac)' , ~ given a ~h~ l'i. ,_u,w is :1nothl!r rm im,se o? l,1r'-=c.l hy the ln<ih ll c ru~t to play iu 1 1_:urt~1cr afield·. lhe : :~~~- . . , can Army pol.m ,.atmn, :11 IL'·1M r ~ cm-. 10 have n1ov d nceJ for Slratc •1.' , ,o r m1l1t.ary gain-. Th. , c pa!.! h11.'-' ~aunchrng pm ,tu~~~ ,\~ ~u l~)r., a n hal:mcc o r c sc.:cne OI ti . d . .1 Jc.m e fur calli.!d lhe Cold W <;:lf,.111o.~t and ,,,.,.:;,~,~!t:d w11h an "e~i/~:ag~ ;~/t ..hear~I cr:at~? into thl! Berlin {Ua~htle the liun Cu11.110 came • u ice II lo say that wur1r.1· .. sh'.p. un so me d1Mant hori,on f'IC:•ce luom~ like :1phantom we can hnnl! that hoa1 a,h) : Yet, H remains lu he !ieen 1f All too otte n. we art: .11;/:-=· stark :mJ '~.rutal reality t~f ll~cd hack r:~c.:e In lac.:c with lhe l~lh that lhc more lhings ch~aradnx1cal hut axiumat1c '. ~ sa~c.... I\ hlooJh:uh a~d ca ni;e; _the mun: thcy remain ,bo lcnn~mg 10 Bosni::i-Hen:cgov lll~l!c m Rwandn. ethnk mhmg-. Ill Palcs1ml! and . _mia, m.ts~ murJer :me.I r cr.<11an Gulr as Iraq, lr0ti ~ : h~~~ ::i1u11her s1,irm in !he 1 "'.'1'1:C-'(; of recurring lro u~ic~ ~n ll~ ~uwait .. all bear !ens1on tn Wedowee. /\la a ti k c.<1. Closer 10 humc. racial is not well and at peace. . • n ·xmg11111, Ky, remind us all But should we ::illo cv1:n1s'! A.(; MSU's w7ir~~u~'-l!~ves ln he d:i11nted hy tht:!.C ~cmons1r:111: nn t week. we 1\~,; ' _S ~mN ('M 1.,mm will IL'i gn:a1 studc ni d1versuy m .1 ,111allc1Nworld With wo rld. In the pursuii ~)f educ.ati<t a m1cmeo,m ot that 11 • we c1.·na1nly co-c:c:1s1 harmonious ly in an inc . . Likewise. we should~~~:l.!:ft _rnult1cultur.1I w('lrld here imponant co ncerns for u~ all ih·c w,'.rld there a1\· mur,: w::irs. The ravages of hu . .1_11 wa1 and more hloody the dcsp:iir of povcn 1~~1r. ~h1.: deadly rl:1i;ue (If AIDS, :ihovc all, the hudi;ef ~uL~ 1~)'~~ g ~a.~11.· to till• land and c uc~t11•11 that llC\'l.!r hc:tl .. these should he lu •h A . g on uur li:-.t ot pnontic~ gain, arc Wt: headed for I . of motorist Rodney Km word flCal't:'' Or, in th..: word,_; I hands. of police officers ~p~/~~~ 1llc~-~~d heating at th~ along ! Can we :111jus1 gel alo ng/ N~ll u.-. ~~1:~1~1.1__g1.•t
'I t I
Wichiian Editorial Board
YMCA seeking referees
Justice attacks Republican 'Contract' Wc\ •e heard ;1ll the hoopla ahou1 the Rl•puhhcan\ "Conrmu 11'1/lt Amr n r a." We've !1c.1rd their rm11nisc~ of passm g n halanccd hudge1 aml!ndmcnt 10 the Cnnsrnu tum, mq)lt•mcntm i; a linc llc m vc1u. lowe ring laxes ( rn,1inly nn tht: wealthy). Cl l!etcra. What W l" haYl'n't heard , ~ the ir propo,at, - wrincn HJI() th!.! "cnntruu' •· Iv redurc fo1knil ,1uU1·11t aid pn1grnm~ ti.·la1.: Th11rnhc rry. 11 1,;ongrc~, 11111:il 1..,11\llidate and ,111 111· ",\JrnnCl' lawyl'r who J 11C\n'1 ~wn hvc ,r• 1hc 111h District, ,1g1wd th1, c0 ntract nlong Wlth mm c th,111 )!Kl 11thcr Re• puhlK,111 I h•u:-.c c.1mhd:1tc~. 11 1lw (i( )I • 1;1kcs rn111rnl ol thc I lou-...: OI R1,; prcM:n1:1t1ves.
1he Republicans wi ll mtrodun· leg1-.la1ion 10 tunUna lc ull 1.ampu.\ hascd student aid programs. Thi, means no mnre ~upplcmcnrnl Equal Opp1.1r1unity Grants , no more Wo rk Srndy Loans :md no mure Perk ins Loans. Midweste rn S1a1c Un1veui1y wo uld lose mo re 1han \1 5S.O(KI m fonding. Stu· dcnn who depend upo n these lunch would not he able ltl rin1-.h 1hc ir studies! ThoM: !ol311511l' ll, hy the way, l!Ome from 1he US Depar1men1 of Educ:1110n. Wi: a ll know how expcn• , 1vc a college cducanon is. We all know how hard it 1s 10 ge1 a good jnh wuh a deccni :,.alary w11ho111 a college de -
grce. Under tlus sn-c:illcd "rnn1r.:ic1: poor and ~omc m1ddle-cl::iss s1udenLo;; would he forced out of sch1M1I into a very compcti11ve JOb market without the 1u11ls needed rn get the kind of jobs the y di!· serve. It's time 10 say "NO!" io this Co n1rac1 ON Stude nts and America. You can J o that hy clecung Bill S.:irpaliu.~ 1/11, Novcmhcr. As a formcr 1cat:her. he has ,·11n.~1s1~:ntl)' vo1ed for educ ation 111 Congrc.,s. For the ~akc o r higher cducation, we MUST defeat tin.-. "contraCI' by de• foatmg the Republicans. s1gocd J . W. Jus, Prcsidt nt, Uni versity J.>cmocrw.ts
Hot dog sale to benefit local AIDS support group Hy Maril'ltn r eo11ll's
Rcpo nr.r
Bna~-~aRll_a_rhd Ncvi!lc Lewis Mtchacl Vendrick 17. LI! ard~on Hic ks Charles Ca 'I!
SWAT. 1hi.: SGJ\ Senate, and D1vcrs11y will host a hot dog sale in 1he Clark Student Center D!.!c. I for "World Aids Recognuion Day/ s.:i1d 8 :arhara We<il. adviser to SW AT and .:is~1stant professor of social work.
. . The 'J'. MCA is seeking Yo uth ha.,;.ke tball referees to wo rk Proceeds from thc sale Fn d~y nights and S::itun.Jays . according 1o Gcorgcttc L. will go to !he local AIDS Mo~aghan, . Y_MCA youth baske thall dircc1or. For persons support group Cm:le of l-lnpc quail lied. 1h1s_1s a cha~cc to earn extra money. Wcst s.1id. ' Fo r more 1nforma11o n, call Georgette or Brenda. 322-7Rl6.
There will he a candh: lighl memorial 11ervice at 7 p.m. that same evening i n honor of those pcr.-.ons all over 1he world who have died of AIDS. West said. SWAT will also wo rk with F.:iith City Mission 10 dis1ribute dinners 10 fami lies on Thanksgiving. she said. SWAT (Social Workers Aclinc Toge1her) is com. pose d of studen1s ornd professors who help people in need. The group volunt1.:ers
wnh local ch:in11es mcludmg the M.:itcrnity Collcl!e, F1rs1 Step. Women In Need {WIN), and the AIDS Support Group Officers or SWAT arc Greg Srnglcto n. president: Tess Moore. v1cl!•presidcn1. Lorri Vie1cnh1e mer, <:ecrc• iary; Jessie Ra1liff. trl.!ao;urer; and Carol Brown. scna1or. For more mforma1ion on SWAT. c all B.:irhara Wes1.
MSU planetarium now offers shows
\4 Ill Tafl Blvd. r O Do:,; lt,O. W1chu:1 Fall~. TX 7630K
New~desk· 6MIJ-'7o.& AJvcr1ising UC., k· 689-4705 Jlrl,1nJbll,1rd
Rdk Malone
Nuill, t,wb
t: JJ1.:ilk'l h
Cop)' f.1/itor
S/Hlf/,1 l:"1/,tm
AHIIClf//r ,.; il,tor
Micha ,J Vr111lrlrlc
Mdi~,a S ulUvan Mime Rr\·1r11n
M11rk tu)·d
&ol. Rn,r1rrr S LaIT \\' rlltr~
n,r1,N, Cluirlt J Cu/lr, T,ml,rrh h •n t n. S11rnu rF1mJ/
l>.11r11lbwkin.• A1/rrrt, w1g Man(lger/Au111m11mt
Advtrll,lnl( Rtprt•tnlil\' t~ J //,W n for ( rr
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W1rl!,1un -.1..n
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Rr1mrlt r r..·IS U ,1ud~·n1<1 :m· u\mg tht ,r , kill,' The newc..i rl·M.turant 1n tuwn. 1-!11 and Many\ Zocaln, the , kill\ of pre\cnt :i nd 10, mer i.tudcnt'i 111 the 1 1 ~ ~ ~tn i ~~ninfro~ j!taph1e art designs to hcmJ; employed therl', MSU \ tU· den!\ arc. as always. on top, Joe D, o mL·dc-.. a ma,;,; commun1c.:i1wn graduate n l MichNe\lt:rn and J:cnc,agcr of ME. Me Unde .rnd Son, flrs l approached Gary Goldhcrg. MSU assoc1Jtc professor o f ;art. 10 th!.! Spring 19<>] ~ me<11cr wi1h a conll'~l of name 1hc Mexican rc,1.tur:mt. At th1.: end of one cl.t, , -.c'ismn, Goldhcrl! per· sc111.tll y c.:1011.• up wu h the namt: "Zocalo" •· .:i common n.1mc i 1v1.·n to g:athcrmg• pl a1,;cs in Mexican t:it1cs. I h:ncc the name o r Zocalo was giYcn to the n:s1nuran1. In 1he fal l of 199:l. Diomcde approached MSU seni o r fine arts majo r Michael Ca,·cnder to dcs,l!n the logo for the word Zocalo. Ca vendl~r has s mce created 01hc r designs for the com · p:my, including the Zocalo Tsh1r1<1. His logo design ap• pears not only on 1he building itself. but also on menus. matl·h hooks, neon bracelets :ind neon shot !!lasses. Earlie r 1h1 , semeste r. Diomede again met with Goldhcrg tn discuss the fXl'i· sihllily of a contest for the me nu de\1gn The re<1uest evolved mw o ne of lhc numcrou,; projects done in the ,;cn1M level rnmmercial ar1 c:..!>s. Pan1c1pan1s mcludcd Cavender. Brian Hickman. Jennifer Pool. St:()11 Camphcll and Ben Morton. ldea<1 were imple mc n1ed from seve ral menu design&. Former MSU fine arL'i stu· den! T ina Walker designed and painied !he mural that appea rs m 1hc mai n dining room of the restaurant. She worked on the Zocalo scene for a ppro:c: 1m ate ly three weeks . In additio n to students whos.c artis11c talenL'i we re for iniual prepara• tion-. and the o pening of Zoealo. other studen1s arc now e mployed there. Kathy Judson. senior psychology m.:i1or. s.:i id . "Wo rking at Zocalo i~ a lot of fun. I gel to wo rk wi1h my friends and meet a 101 of new pt!oplc." Also. Michael Gresham. senior ma, s communicatio n maJor. !>aid, "Zocalo is a really d1fferen1 res1aurant for W1ch11a Falls. It's more or a h1g•c1ty n:staur.:int." Diom!.!de said Midweslcm 1s an a.,sc1 10 1he community hl!cau-.c one i, ahle to d raw ,,n e ach individual dcp.:irl• went in rn..ianccs such as tins unc. "MSU has some very talented stude nts •· du1.· to a talcr1 tcd racuhy. which WC h:ive hcen fortunate to uti lize for Zocalo's needs." hc said.
~li~ ;1
lly C hrl'itinc Drt·htr
Restaurateur utilizes MSU design skills
The MSU planc1arium offl!rs shows on a limited ha.~is for the Fall 1994 semester. .:iccording 10 the ph ys ics department.
Thc planc1arium is c.:urrtntly under rcnova1ion and is awaiting shipme nt of 1,;quipment. In the mc.:intime. 1he planc1ar1um wi ll conduct
Food service from page 2 wokcry stirfry e\'ery nighl. lhCmi.! dinner:,, wcdly spe· cials llki; i(·c•crcam eating con1cs1s, and a "construction company~ where can make a v,1ric ty o r wafncs. their own omcleb . and have a "sund:1c C\'Cryday" with a variety or topping, tu c.: hoose from. Aramark's hrandc d rnnce pu include l11a Pi11a. Blimp1es, and Grill Work., tn he unplcmcntcd unmcdia1cly and C h i c k-Fil - A . WhatahurJ!er. Burger King. P111.a Hut. K.F.C. and Suh• way IO he 11npkmc1111.:d with 1hc food rl)Url. P.F.M.':, prn pns.ils in• dude:, moh1le food l';1rh , a pa,ta ,pccialty h.1r. momhl y holul.1y ,;;cr\'iCI.'. fpr !llUUL,1h who sl,1) 11n c.1mp11:,. dunng hreaks. Jdt.lin!,! , oft se rve yogu rl ;ind an u:cc ri.:am mad nnc to thd r pn.·• 'iCOI u:c-l'rCJITI , c rv1c1.·' and mnno1ony hrc.t\..i.:r~ ,uc h as Clmclel.~ tu order. a pancake b.:ir. a po!Jtll, .mJ a huild )tlur-own-hurgl.!r-har. Thc,c will he U)>Cd III addi11on lC'I their prc\\.'.lll !,,Cr, !CC. P.F.M.\ hr.tndcJ concerts ml'lude T.tco Del l ;i nd
Pandy's Pi11a 10 he imple mented in Sonne and Chic.:kFill-A. ICB IY Bar. r auy's Grill. Slicer's Deli. Cinna• mon's Desert, Qucnchcrs.
shows for 1he local schools if they do 001 mind 1he current conditions. The s1ar projec1ion equip• mcnt 1s opcr.ttmnal hut the planetarium has limned. tem po rary seating. For lar~e r classes. children may cnJoy sitting on the new carrcL Thi! plancianum has $CV· er.:il new shows to include a tour of the solar system and a d oSl' look at the Hubhle Space Tclcscopc, .1s wcll as the usu.:il "Swrs Tvmg/11" show. Shows arc hc1ng offcr1..·d on Tuesday .:ind Thur,day mornings and We dnc, d.ty and Friday .:if1crnm1n,.
r ,:~~:if~~en~:c:~~:~e2onav:~ rucnce S1ore. /\II the hiddcrs have orfe red im•e, 1me n1s in 1he Clark Student Ccn1cr rcnova• tions. Morrison's h.:is offered $250.()00 : Aramark has offe red $ 3110.l)(J(l: and P.F.M. From page I has offered a minimum of said. Because ol 11, M1e. !,IIT'\!' t' " s200,oon and a ma)(imum of MSU docs ll()t f it into 1h1:,, Tn him. thc puhli, hcr's S750.IKIO. with every $50.0(K) ca1egnry. he added. ollc.:r of tncentivi.;s is news. "I But Ham1p conte nded ha\'c \nokcd 1hr(lugh lheir let · incre:isc ahovc the min,mum 1nvcs1mcnt 11ffrr tif S200,0IKI. 1hat "ma)'hc they nevrr 1;01 ta s. and I c:mnot remc rnhcr thcri.! will he an increase or around to rcac.:hmg lhc pro• any of them e '<plamm~ any fcssors" in <1rd!.!r to ohtain l)'(h!Of 1111.1.:nt1vc." ll.0472 m the per meal price. F.irri.:I 'i:11d the comrnincc class numhcr, . The 1...tmpu, hooh1ori.! "Wc rely \'Cry heavily on U!>Ually rctu1n, Jhml! 20 pcr i'i lookrng fo r "what hc~t affoc1s the cntirc university what the profcs:-.ur!> es11m:11e l'Cnt of ih ,1111..k. he :-..tid community.'" Ht: o;;a1d the cn- If they tell u~ 1hcn: b gcung tu It w~, a Vl'r\ dtllicuh detcna 1hc commiucc 1~ using he 30 students . .tnd wc order c.: 1\ 11111 to enlhark up1m, IO evaluate 1he pw pmah in- only 25. and thcrc 1.~ rcally >i I llarwp \i111I c lude fooJ n 1un 1dc.:1!>. ~lUdcnt:-.. then it m.tke~ u'i "The nnv rew 1cking fee look really" R0<1k SJ1d m:an:igcmcm. and qualny. is :m impo11ant meJn~ uf ac"\Vh:it thcy (~kG1.1w- compli ,hing o ur gc1JI\ We The Ct)mmmce 1s e ,t[)CCteJ H1IIJ arc h.1qcally a~krn~ u~ ha1..•c 10 take .1ct1on hccau,c. tu meet al!ain LOday. Farrd -.:ud the hoJrd of rq:cnb will 1s that whenever the p1 ol1.•,. h.tvc the c()mm1lleL•\ rclOlll · !.or, turn in J hnok 11rUcr .1nJ liki.; uthcr college puhli:-.her~. mcndation hy Nov. Wth. The llJYthe y arc gomg 1(1 ha\'c 111 we a rc cn nfrun lc d wi th hoard will m.1kc the rinal dc- !>tuden1_,;. in a cl:1\\, we ~.all rec ord lc,•cl <if n.;1urn,;., N lhem ha..:k to , ay ' Ml.'. you Chr i!IL1c ).JiJ . c1siun.
Textbook pricing
Thursda ', ~0\'('mbcr 3. l 1l\J --1
Fuentes to share experiences in his Artist-Lecture Series Hy Dttn La•Nnrt E.n1crtaJnmtnl F..di1or
Carlos Fuenh!~ " one ot Umn Amcnca's mos1 Jmmgul\l'k:d mm." h!illl and it Ont·· m:in m1crnati1ln11I cuhural
r r.: ,11~11•u, llll'fJ(\ J'A ;m.l l'.I \ Cn h~ lh<" \'\"Olt ud .in ; ,•, t"mmt·ru ,,nh 11n~l· t•,·1•f'\ Sram ,.h -, p,·.ak• n~ "' 11rhJ 11 h ' )CJ.r, In ;1,JJ111,1n. h~ I -r n r11 ,Vflltf tl ., h i \.JU\IH. !'l,•IJ, ,n\·, .,.J h,•n11rJI') d...mJ1l·1m..:11t.!I uf lhl.' frlltcn ,:•~.,_., l wm t~ m,,,t pn:~t,
It• l"Wt11. 1' ,,t ur11 \ , \1. 1\r lJ
'h'fH' ,
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f\J1tl\.j Ul' h1'-ll,n l•,: 01 1hi:
JJ1d po hhc:,,I forc e. acco rding
Mc " \ .in N.c, o lutuin I fhr
to lhl' ne w s release of Sp:U.Ns Wor1dw1dc. Inc. Fuc:ntcs "''ill speak 1 1 7 p.m 1h1s Tuesday in Akin
A!I I literary fi&urt. he is lca:end:iry. As• dirlonut, he
1s po1ent. conlmU('S the relcn~ . Born m 1928. Carlos
Fuente\ JJ)(nt hu you1h in Wa.1:hingl<ln O.C.. when: his
father was pos1ed as :a Mcx1J I PI om a 11 c c :l n rcpn:scntative. As a ltcn. Fuen1cs also lived in Artenun:i and Chile. a.• W('ll as his nall\'C Mci1:ico. 1nc:5C early cxr,tricnt'cs Fuentes his unique h(misphcric pcnpcc11\'e :ind
literary voice. Fe-w Latin Amcncan wntcrs have s uch
m intimate knowlcdJc or Amen<:ans ur sec !ht" Amcri1 1 ~
~mu, Unl \ t•r,111c, 1n 1hc \\ ,1rlJ. 1ndud1ni: U::ar,arJ ,
C.unhnJi,:c. ;and D.1nmuu1h
l k 1nau g u utt" d thl· R,•"-.·11 F K<nn<dy ChJ tr in L.111n Amcn ..·Jn StuJll"S JI C3pt1, all-d n::uk r\ .1nd 1.•. nt1i.:1: l!Jnard Jnd ,..a., tht· Simon on bo1h s1Jc~ of 1hc R111 01,II\ Jr Prof,•( \l1r 3 1 C,1,mGr.mdc. h11Ji;t· In ch,· ,ummcr uf Hu nu,d ..Th( OIJ Jlll.1 2, th< t rniwr,1ty nf h 1- h .. G ~l JJriJ J c\'u ll·J a ,.•hc1k w lht• ,111Jy o f hts 1~ 1~ ~:-~101~ ~ " l"d bcs1-,dkr in 1hr: l'nu~d \1. 1111,, lk 1, 1 mt·mh...·r of ihc S\Jtl"( Thi: movll' ,·r:rnl\n, ,1:un n~ Ja~ Fond:i. and Gn:- C.tll."g,o ~ ,m \lnal 1n \ k xK o. :i lnl\lt'\.' 1,f lht' St."w York g ,11)' Pt·lk, mnr:iscJ Fwn1e,;, c Puhlit L i hury, ,tnd " l3mc in thl\ cuuniry rc1.. c nth•. he wmtc JnJ ore - mc mha of the Amc ri~·.1n s-:nh.:J 1ht· fi..,.c,hour. fi,·C" Ata..k.-nw of Am :an,I Lcttc..•rs Fut·n'1 L·, ha~ Jl'i.o plJ.)td :a URC-TV ~ ncs,, 'Thr Bu nfrl M in or, d1.",iltn~ "'uh ttk· m.1 11,, wk -'-' 3 pc.1ht1cJI fi~ rnn1mu11,• l,r lh'iran1t· ~ul• uit· n-.. · Lc•1Jm1ruhwn J uthor hll t1lv .t t 1U1t·n o11h...• ~ 11rld 111n:-. H \ I' 1 A on C.arh,., I ucntc , h.1.., bt·t:n 11..' lHh'l' \ n,Hu,n.11 th1und ar Lckhratt•J J.rnund itw gloti(• Jm·, .,_, t•J,1ly J.nJ nt·.1.rly J \ R) ~~~h, .it,c,.•th A YJ.t1" ' · rm · th.. lfll\.), ml'n<, ,\ .1, ,11l·n :I.), ,11-....· ,11 tht• \lo(ll'IJ'.!. k adini 1 rc all~m •
Auduonum .
Artfm/ll Cru: ,
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Professor's art gains national recognition
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Artist to display 'Inner Visions' JI ~kh\i n') ~1ud1l1 m Henn - 1n,m M1d" •cq t•m m 19M Jk ..:n:i Tm,• wo,kshor will in- l:ill"r smd1t•d a~ J gradual(' :11 R~porttr Tl•,:a.'i A&M. Ndson t'lcl·amt' ctuJe a phoco scs.,;,ion. W.thtr W1mng.s Nelson, a 11\l·rc w,U he a n.:cqu1on rntcrl."slcd ,n photograph)' tn native Wichitan and a self- hoMnni Nelson's Mlnnrr v,. the l:uc 60s and bccamc m• tauthl amst. photognphcr. .fl(ltts~ al 8 p.m.. Nov. l l in tcrcstcd in pamung and painter and sculptor, will the UAG. RefrtshmcnL, will -.culpture in the late 70s. open his e xhibit. "/nntr v;. ll1s work 1s greatly 1nflu bl,: scrYcd ;and the put,lic ,s sions ~ IOdly nl the Uni• 1nv11cJ . cnl'l!d hy his uavcls around vcrsity Art Gallery in the :--:clMJn, a graduate of w,. the world. Nelson lives in Fain Fine~ Ccnicr. The exhibit, which is chm, Falls H1g:h Schoo l. Hc.nncu:1. The exhibit will be on dissponsored by lhc MSU art earned a bachelor of science department. consists or mixed in mammalogy and geology pl:iy until Dec. 16. phocography !llld painted relief construc tion. Visual in• tcrest in mixing media is the focus ~lnntr Visions... J Discounts with MSU Student I.D. There w;n be a discussion :ahout I.he exhit111 from 1-1 :SO o • '' CD anyp.m.• Nov. 9 1n the UAG, and Brand new CDs starting at 3 workshop day for "fnnu 11 ViJionJ • al I p.m.. Nov. I 0, 11 Uy Alida ,h roa
hun lfl·d
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h~ WitchlqSqwi,-
,!!.!.E Wichitan
Indians Sp<"n~ r •·rif'd l 5p0rts R~portr r
head into playoffs with a five game streak 1hrl·l· kr) 'J' '-'' down the , th'll h tu prl''-CrH· thl' \ ' IC ·
l\lSU vs. Oklahomn Chris tian Univnsity
hll )
(hmtian Umwrsity 4-() Fn . day n1~hl. MSU winds up thl· rrgular season wnh a 14 . ~ ft"l.' Ord
·we went
up lhere <md played real wl'\I, went after thtm _a nd put our dances ia"•ay. ~ca~ cn~ch Nathan Pifer ~atd I thrnk we arc nghl on track. and we're 1ookin~ foN •ard to the play . offs. · Forwa rd Dan Schoen scorct.l the first of hi• , NO goal~ w11h less th.i.n I...Cl(_) rcmainmg 1n the first half 1 give the l nd1Jn~ a 1-0 lead 3~ halfumc. Aftl'r Sd oen·~ second goal gave M SU a 2 _ 0
Brandon OldV fhotoi rnphu C(Ml( h flfn nt~, h k lum htrr1r , thir la., 1 riricul■r .w■wn homor a•mt a,t■ln.,t Tir.n ~ C..1u'D11■n Unhrr,il) , ~I!
took a cross pai.s from ~cholzt.: and punched to givc MSU a J.o ll'at.l.
1/even 10
I Wuh thrl-c minutes left to 1 lead m lhc second halt . Juao fr~~Joy ~ on:d ~ff _:1n Joy put the ~amc away when MSU' fi . Alex Garbe! for s ma! goal.
ByJon~ ~Br ady a l l
Spor1S StafT On Saturday. lhe M SU Indians wenl up against another group of Indians th · McMurry College Indians~ an~ came out on top. 20. 14. Midwcs1ern, coming hack from a huge defea, . Howard Payne U .a~ai~s~ the week before _ni vcrsu1 improve 115 recor d 10 3· 5· •McMurry' .c.
MSU vs. THo.s Chrislian University
Chnsti:m Umvcr.s1ty Despite MSU being a l:tr hl'uer team. thl' Indian~ l·sLaM Wcdn..:sday mght 1he cared with a :l-2 ,•1cMry. Indians played their final Senior Dan Schoen scored regular sea~ n home g.:imc o ( 1he winning go::i.1 with J :0 1 1he )L'ar as they hosted remaining 1n the game. GoalNC AA O1\'ision I Texas keeper Geoff Lchcr made
Player'""' , l1h~
Sd111t•n , ~11.11 ..-n1.h:.d ~,st·, w,111nl! dh1uth1 11\l'r l'll!hl)' minul l'\ a, th\.', \CIHl't.l lhl' fint 1wo 1=uah v. llhm the fir st five minute~ o l lhl· game. I he 1-fnrnl'd Frogs CUI ~ 'SU\ lead 10 one at the -;(1 57 m;uk of thl' first half whcn midfielder Kyk Sawui ,rml·t.l. Saw;11 lied thc game w11h 11 .48 rl'mainins off of a penall y k ick . TCU was ,1wJrt.led ttle kick because :t I h1rned Frog attacker was llll'kkt.l in the gno.lic's box. " I 1hought we were in trouhlc whl'n we got the red card. and they tied it up.M coach Pifer said. · but we foughl t,:ick. For us 10 t,c able IO win with 10 players was Molly Van Htm<rt mcc for u.s. I'm jusl glad that we kcpl figh1ing an~ didn't gi,,e up in that s11uation and Fourth TIAA endct.l up winnmg 1he game.\ · This wcckent.l MSU will volleyball honoree host a subregional tourn.:iment. All games will be Liz Richantson-Hlcks pla)'cd at the MSU Soccer Sports Editor MSU sener Molly Van Field. Hcmi.:rl h:1s been named TIAA Volleyball ~Player of the Weck~ for the w..:ck Mc Murry fina lly an• ending Saturday. Oc:t. 29. Van Hcmcrt. a 5-5 senior ~wcrct.l Midwes1crn's 1hrce touchdowns on a two-yard from Garland. helped the Lady Indians to a 2-1 record run hy Keegan Clark with 0:00 left in the third. The lai.t week. She had 108 assists in the three matches, 43 digs. PAT was good, fixi ng the 1wo hlocks, three aces, and 46 final score al 20-14. SCrVl'S. • Although her s1a1istical Sa1urda)' the lndinns will host Hardin-Simmons Uni- con1ribution to the team ha.~ been outstanding this year. vcrsi1y al 7:30 p. m. in her leadership qualities have Memorial Stadium. been much more important since we have such a young team this season,'' said head getting used 10 no football," volleyball coach Jimm y Beard said. " Sometimes. if Picht. you kill so me thing and it If 1hc Lady Indians arc to stays dead a long time, you beyo nd lhc don'1 think about bringing it advanc e conference toumrunent. then back." Sc ho Ia rs hip s we re she will be the one 1hat will supposed to follow in two or lead them 10 1he regional three years hut Beard and his 1ournamcn1 and lalcr the staff of four coaches _ who national tournament. The also must teach classes and Indians arc now 7-4 in pay for their own recruiting conference. Van Hcmert. a memhc!r of I rips_ arc still fighting through economic hardtimcs. last's year TIAA Champion " We thought II might be team. is llpproaching a career two or three years t,ut il's milestone of 4.000 assists at be·en th'1s Iong and we sI1II MSU. · in the two years that I don'1 have a target date,'' Beard said. " We though! we ha\'c coached her. Molly has were Just holding the fort con1ribu1ed greatly to the of MSU's program," un~c~pe ~:;,a~z !~i:~t · The success Picht c:<plained. "I will miss school's athletic tiud~ct for 15 her both as a player and a sports ,s $846.IXX). compared friend." Van Hcmcrt is the fourth 10 many Division I schools MSU player named TIAA which have S2 million "Player of the Weck" this season. Jennifer Ladusau, hudgets for foothall alone. It's difficult. scemg the Kelli Ridenhour, and Amy S1cwa.n were also honored. suppon othi.:r M:hools get.
MSU cndl·d the rq;ular ,i)C(l'r ,ca~on wnh 3 five game wmnmg '\lreak 3~ lhl· Indian:,. shut nut Oklahoma
Page 5
TI111r:,d:ir, :>.m·cmbcr J, 199<
~ghting for respect with 20-14 road win ccord drops to 3-4-1. The score remained 0-0 011 ~ ,1 lhc second quancr. hen Mc Murry running back Kec~an Clark ran 43 yards through the middle tnto the end zone with 14:51 remaining m the half The PAT was &ood. so the score: hccamc 7-0, McMurry
It d1dn't iake long IOr rcn. Turner's PA I was no ~·lldwl·Mrn1 to answer wi1h good. keeping the score nBroderick Senegal's !~-yard 7. touchdown pass to M1ch11d In the third quarter, Mid Md)onald wuh 10:43 left i,n the half. ~athan ,:urner ~ western scon:d the wmnin~ P~ T. was goot.l, 1yrng the 1ouchdi1wn when Senegal M:O~ a1 7-7. completed J 14-yard pass to Midwestern then took the Cedcric Wilson with 11:14 lcad wi1h 7:51 lcft to play on lcft m thc quarter. Turner's Senegal's 23-yart.l touch• PAT was good. making the down J>JSS 10 Marcus War- score 20-7.
Losingest team in country still have dreams PRAIR IE VIEW. Texa1, wncn people call his players (AP) - Even players on the losers. losing~SI college football It's true the Pamhers have team in lhe country have lost 43 consccu1ive foo1ball dream~.. . . g~mcs a.n~ . could tic the Pramc View hnehackcr N~ AA D1v1sion I-AA record Alfonse Provo wants to make with a loss Saturday _ but hts mother proud by getting !hat d<_>esn't qualify them as his ~egrcc. Cory Fregia and in Beard's view. Kevin Garner wanted a They may be losers on chance to play college foot- the foothal/ field hut 1hey'rc ba.11. even if it's meant paying wrnners in every other way,'· for it themselves. Beard said. Because they have dreams. Sin ce foo t hall was Ron Beard becomes angry re instated af1er a one-year
~ ~ , y Pim
with!, w,.:E .~::::.., . I
Oo1M1llc Draw• SI & Pitch•r■ $4,85 W• II Drlnkl $2.25
TuH. I Thur1.
soo-t oo
u, ............
hiatus in 1989, the Panthers Field Saturday. A loss would have lost hy such scores as tic Columbia for the longest
92-0. 55-0. 63-3. They've Division I-AA losing streak, been close to victory, such as losing on the fi nal play of their season opener against Texas Southem. There is no ou1pouring of suppon on campus for a team that hasn'1 won a game since beating Mississippi Valley 21 -12 on Oct. 28. 1989. Yet. the walk-ons keep coming . man y of 1hcm gelling student loans just for the honor of gcuing battered on a collet::e football field c,·cry week. The Panthers host Tnrlcmn State { 1-6- 1) in their homecoming game 3 1 Blackshear
set between 1983 :and 1988. Within Prairie View's gr.asp is the all-divisions record of 50 s1raigh1 losses by Macalestcr (Minn.) hetwcen 1974 and 1979. Prairie View, a member of the South wcstcrn Athletic Conference. dis coniinucd fooiball for the 1990 season becauiic of SC\'ere fi nancial prohlems. Foothall was reinstated m 1991 tiut w·yhout SChol.., rsh·1,.ns. Beard is in his founh season. o,·crsceing the come• back. " We didn'I W pcoplc
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According 10 fames R KD1ck• King. moci:alC pro• 1 ht· Wc$ley Found:nion s1i;nt:J m help r~;iirk t,:i.: t tn frs~r of h1\tory :ind Alpha ;111 l)flt'.,'" a \IX•Wt't.:k work- the point wht·1\· 1hn • an.: M'I , n_r 1m n ,\•on.:c RccO\'CI')'." ling new g,1::ils in 1fil' IL hH·, Chi faculty <ipoMor, Sunday's md11ct1nn v.•a.,;, lhe largest C\·cr ~-1~m~ at 7 P m t\uv t), ~:ml Jnd Jt'Cl'pung th,·m,l·h c, 111 for the 1\ \pha GJmm:,, ChJp· r 11 I A't'. d1n:,tur of Wi:1'k y 1hc1r n i.:w ,11llJt111n~ ... t"<• tcr. 1hc ~ISU arm of Alrha r 11unJ.111,m rl:um:d l..t.·e. C'h1. Lei:. .... ho w 1 11 be The \Hul..,h11p 1, ,1ix·n h i c,mJu...tmg lht• u ,11 k,hup. Membership m the ,;,<,Ctely all agt ,;ruup~ .1nd .... 1111..,111· s:ud lht: work,h11p IS for .ltl~t kt tur,·.,. mJ1, 1du.1\ .1nd I~ llllllll' d to JUOIOl'S :m d '-C · pt·oph: who :m· prcsi.:111 ly group pll\ll' ip.1l11lll. Jlld ,I naOB who rlnl. m the top 11.:n i,.cp:ira1cd or d1\lll\'t•d :md no1 workhook percent of the unncr51l)', 5':dong r..:c,,nc1h.:1tion with acadr nu i: lnddcr and who 1hc1r p:i.nncr. For m111\.' 111f,,rma111111 , have shov. n strong ch:araetrr "Tht• w,llk1-hf1p 1, tk - C"JI! U.·e, 7fl7-.'\7111. on c:unpu~
BWISE plans show By• G abriel
Rtporttr Blat·k Women Interested m Success and Educau on (BWI.SE) will hold a fashion shcrw m mid-November. said Bn.·ndl Smith. advi~r to the gro6~horah Ray. BWISE \'1cc-pn:sidc~1. said the group plan~ to :us1st the Faith City M1:-.s1on at Th:mksgivmg and sin~ Chns tmal- carols at a nur~mi home 1h1s scmc.s1cr. ~kmt,crs will fom1 a study flT>Up for final,;,. she s:nd. BW ISE will parucipate in lhc African American History Challenge in February. "At 1hc end o~ Oc1ohcr. we will st:irt 1:-irnmg a ~cam for lhc "-'\'Cnt. ~ 1d Desiree Murray. orcs,dcn1 of BWISE. · we
were 5t•,:om.l runn~·t•up th1,
)'ear. hut we h\lfl'' h> conw 1n first next year.· This Sl'me,tl·r tl- 1.k d1rJ1cd to · re-cv3\ui11m~ ~o:1h Jnd strcn~1hcnin~ the ori:an11a• t10n.· Murray ~id. 1 s:~~ -~~: sc~a~: n~'~ fc llow~hip among fr mak students. h>a.s$1,1 eac:h lllhcr m llbtarnmg ::u.:alkmil' c·n·cl· lcnel' :md If" tx· al.'.'IIW m the communm•.· Otht•r ~)ffic~·rl- ,if BWISE an: Monica Bud:wJll~·r, St"<.' • retary: Sha4uana Hall. trcasurer; Larnra Hurd. part.a• mcn1:man. and Linda Colt:. hospitality rer n·scntuti\'C, BWISE mcc1s at 3 p. every We • · S1udcnt
In congrJtul olln~
dueIce~. King prescn1cd cok.h with th<" Alpho Chi pm i nd
S,11d , • Alph11
Chi IS ahoul the rel l)i;n111on of scholi1rshir which 11, 1hc po\l,cr of the minJ 1,1 dispel i~norancc and (;upcr~uuon through the fcarlcso,; lll\'C<itig111inn of the 54.•nn:h for lruth
Jv,.('p h l,. t;r«11, J"nlnfl11olfll'M ,..,n, i~'"'"' ma.Inf: Mk l,11rtl ftr l111 C r r,hm, J•nl ..r f nrll• h ni•Jor ; \IIU ltd O,., Junior KMu• kt n1i jo,; \ M 1n Jr 11ld11.., J1111lnr hlsior7 n111,jor: K}k Jm 11r r, wnlllrrilunliotr7 m•Jor. ll~phnr} Lo n• J,.ry•tr, ~ "'"' ~pul•I tdunllm1 m•Jor; J en· •lltr J n l.a, l11u11,wn lor !111"dl.. .d· J1lt11n y , 111d~ t'lf'mi°nlan , d llf'&f lun
1u jtlr: l '""lm} l .tt l ,u•;,.,,l;,>C"n lnt' ffl&ll alll,l' lll f n l/ HOll t,mln 1111Ju r : IJ,nk l \\•Jc. \bnnlni:, Junlnr f rlml• n.l J11~l k • 111-..Jur. Mnbtrl 1\1,rk \ l, l ,11tTin, J11nlot n11r,lni:m11j(,r1MI ;;•"' Mou tlo, \C'•lnr -l<Ml>&r 111, .
ISA to participate i~ World View Symposmm Bv Anthony Evans Rf Porltr ·Memhcrs of 1hc Jntcrna· tninal S1uden1 Association tlSM will put on the ~aradc of Nations. o gathenng nf MSU ,ntcrnational ~tudl.'nls ,,n·an n!! their na1ional drc_s..,;,, JI Jn1cma1ional Night s1arung
~'~ ' 6~p-.m¥_¥N~o~ , .~1o._ _ _"1 \1,.,y (. 0- rn•, J11nlul" u r\Lni: majnf, Mk1H-lk- l' ..1lr.-11, ,nlor 1h,-. •lrtnu,Jor; ll" '" '"' M l'rl11l'f, H'lliof . .llh """"'""k-.. llr,n m ~Jnr : U,O.tll Ul.onn, Rltlr '".JnnlM p rr-mc-J m•• J,a,1--, k rl., tl,.11 l,r nn M111llrrlllfd, w • n lu r b ln foi:y m • Jor : 1,1,. ~hrlr '-• hlltini:, Junlnr h1ninr .. m11u,1;• · 11>rnl 11a1jor. ( a1lhr rlM ~ b , j v11tfN' 1111,.-(lild plhu ,r> ma}<lr , Jt•· 111ftt lfop.. ,111111, , ..,,.1,;., n11• ,...• - · ,lo,, J , ;.11 \I ' f " r"• J1111lor JJ"C'ltol ,,clionl ltlOI "'"r""• lhlan11 I. Wr~III Tn• lnu. v r.for d r,n.-111, n l(llltlltlna m.oj,:,r, 1 1111, .. n h,a, lr1l1uo1, J1111klr ■fc1111 •t ln1: ... ..Jur , J u ll• A11 n T11d , n , l•nln, .,, 111■.,.,,: Tr oy \\«-,elm • W.o;h10"<1r1h , J1111ln, bltll• uctp, ... mrd ... ;,... k ohh1 Wal~n. J1111~,r l111n d l>C"lplin a1n , 1. t1W'\ 1111• J,,1, Hr,htt! I. "'"l llh,,,,, . J r . J1111lor IIAA(;,/,1fn1l111IJ,..1l« m•.)tor , Jr- pll
~I 1, llv,n. J11nlo1 ft'<WlllffllC.• J u n lf,r
lln d !-1:.o l u la WoU, ll'i:l..,.rk mC"otl •ry n rtlllot•
The ParJ<le of Natrnns 1, J part l)f 1he uricoming World View Symposium, slated for Nnv. 7-11. lntcrnat_ional ~'1gh1 w111 fe:iturl~ an in1erna11nnat din. ncr ;is well as mtt·rna1111n;it music. da ncl'. drl''i:S, and 1 ~~~l~lc~~:~ 0 ~:~:
~~IT 1~~c~s~~-~tr~~~1;.\:il.~~l: e,U3i!C JnslilUIC.
Red Cross seeks volunteer drivers
Js:10 Maruso 1s 1hc rn-\ 1• dent of 1hc MSU char ier of C.111 yuu ,pJ l'l' one lhl' ISA. m11rr11nt; 1,r a111.:rno1m a \\l•d'' For information cin ISA The American lk d Cn1" or ucket n:Sl'r\'alion~ for In. " i n n,.•,:J of , _.lun1,~cr JnWL' k•mational Nigh!. call Hen. 111 keq1 our prn1?1-:.1m rolhn~ ,;tln. (1R9-42-4 5. or Johnnie Gel J ~rl·,1t h.:dlll!! a\ )OU M:I Covert. in~1ru, tor of political hdun<l ,he wh~·t·I Jnd dn\'e science. 689-47-49. 1hr l'ldl·rl)' and ph ym·.1lly d1,1lkni;l·t.l tu JnJ lnlfll 111~·11
m.:J1l'Jl JpfKUlllnlC111 ' . It v.l1n'1 co,l )'1111 J dun~·. .md \'ou'll fl.'.'cl ltkc J m1!linn. r,ir 'muri: 1nfm ma1111n . l'all
Lytha. 122-~6R6.
t,..'{J'J:Ki.'iAllil&.L ~ I.lU!l::m;. !>\' 1<;1« l'r11,um. t-,US Im n11;,ai.>11 t:,·«1-.c..11J, p11wi.k, I ] \
• •.for•
r111un,;ntn:"J,.-nt•1~1u, r u,un."' ..ilmo•t .JI
"""''Inf' ..,~~1~,,.,J
:w11"ai1SI c •• ,...r..,, (' \ •11v,,
Ttl 1• 11)77:, 711.rl, !~ll) 'll' ~~!I
\.\mittd Time Oller 101. ,th · Nov. 11th
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