November 4, 1993

Page 1

Football team misses chance for TIAA title

F€A delermin~s goals for group's direction

·v"™"-~~IE!__Wi~1c~l~1~it~a~n~N=:::i:ovtmbe~r4,19CJ3 Midwestern State University


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Hardin Sim.Iilons to a victor

Glanc e

By Also Mooer fl,cporter





Wildfire& swept through aome of the canyon lushest in neighborh oods Southern California. have The fires destroyed some 600 homes from the bl uffa of Malibu to the Mexican border. The flames drove more than 30,000 people from their homes and charred at least 116,000 acres in a zigzag pattern through five counties. Total damages from the Ii ro may exceed $1.75 billion. SANANTONIO ~·ormcr FBI Director W11liam Sessions and Atu,rney Gonerul Janet he could lt ono suhpocnaed to testify at the tri11I of ))nvid fo))ow e rH KurcHh &ccuHcd or killi ng four ug e nt H, red oral l ccordrn,: th )uwycrH.

fourth annual World View Symposium sponsored by Midwestern State University will be tho Nov. 8 . 12. Leslee Phillips, direc• tor of student activities, View World said Symposium week is a way to give students a broader view of what is going on in the world. Dr. i\Hchael A. Preda, division director of politi• cal science, and Dr. Dirk H. Lindemann, associate professor of history, are the coordinators of the event. Dr. Ruth Morrow will present "20th Century Music of the Americans" at 10 a.m. Monday, Nov. 8 in Akin Auditorium. She will be giving a lee• ture recital which will include a performance and a talk. "Go Global! Gaining International Experience," will be pre• sented by Gina G. Henry at 11 :00 a. m. Monday in the Clark Student Center Ballroom. She will dis• cuss study abroad pro• grams, internatio nal Rel!rti~r


Sharp, John comptroller of the state of Texas, said Monday that Texas has set a national record for first• year lotto sales, which are expected to break $1 billion. "With two weeks of Rales left in our first year, we will easily break the $1 billion mark before lotto celebrates its first birthday" on Nov. 7, said Sharp in Austin.

Symposium offers MSU a different view of life Dy Cindy Kahler Bell

Egyptian President Hosni Mub_a rak meet with President B'll Clinton Monday, a~d said he believed th differences betwee~ Israel and Syria could soon be overcome. The secunty at _the White House was tighter than usual because Mubarak has received death threats from Islamic fundamen talists • 1n Egypt. SOMALIA UN officials said at least 10 Somalis we killed and at least skirmishes wounded surroundin g General Mohamma d Farrah Aidid's stronghold that put an end to a 19. month-old truce. UN and American troops stayed clear of the battle still mindful of the heavy casualties from an Oct. 3 raid that killed 18 Americans and about 300 Somalis. The fighting stopped the relative calm along the city's Green Line which separates th~ southern side controlled and Aidid by Mogadishu's northern side controlled by Ali Mahdi Mohamed.

A whole new world

Phota/KJ,/, Russ,// title game Oct. MSU f101 uae their hatcheu to support the volleyball team at the TIAA 29. MSU captured the victory. See related story, Page ◄.

MSU scholarship deadline approaches By Paula S. Brown Reporter

Deadline for making application for scholarships for the spring semester is Nov. lfi. And students aren't the only people aware of those deadlines. Better Business Bureaus throughout the country warn college stu• dents warn to be wary of offers promising scholar• ships in exchange for so called "processing fees ." An article published in College Outlook stated scholarsh ip these matching companies are often "licensees" or "information brokers" who do not actually provide the scholarship matching service themselves. The licensee company does not assist students in obtaining financial aid nor do they screen the applicants; they simply

send out the scholarship infonnation and applicalion to the student and then forward the student's completed application to its "parent" company. company This matches the student with "potential" sources to the student. It is then the student's responsibility to research and contact each source listed. Barbara R. Merkle, director of MSU school relations, said her office is the best place to begin looking for a scholarship. She said she is aware of most scholarships available and their requiremeats •· a processing fee is not required . Applicants in most cases, she said, will need to have at least a 3.0 grade point average and complete a preliminary

MSU instructor begins 'Open Mike night' at local coffeehouse By Lance Morrill Reporter

During the turmoil and social upheaval brewing during the J 950s, a subculture called the Beatniks sprouted. Armed with a pen, these young thinkers commented on the world in the fonn of poetry. Today the same spirit has been captured in the form of Open Mike Night at a local coffeehouse called "The Refuge ." People can ex• preae their ideas conccrnini.: iHRUCS such aH Jove, death and politics u, un audience. 'l'h e ,dea for the Open Mik e Night waa

the brain child of Debra Chandler, a Midwestern State University art history instructor. "People need to feel that there is a forum available for them to ex• press their concerns, emotions, id eas and opinions," Chandler said. From a start of 25 people tu a current size of 40, the response to thi s open forum has bee n overwhelmin g. Th e Op en Mik e Ni ght begins at 9 p.m. every Wednesday. It is upon to the puhlic. The Hefuge is locutcd ut 250 I l:rant SL

undergraduate scholarship form . This will be used to help locate a scholarship for the student. If the student does re• ceive a scholarship and maintains a 3.0 GPA or above, he can usually ex• peel the scholarship re• newed for the next semester. Students looking for scholarships should also check with their depart· ment head who is aware of scholarships offered in that department . Moffett Library also offers sources for finding scholarships in more than 70 books offering information about scholar• ships. These books pro• vide information for all fields of study and for both undergraduate and graduate students.

scholarship s, interns• tionnl internships, over· sens jobs/careers and af• fordable student travel. Dr. Richard Wires will discuss "The New Europe •· The Old Problems" at 9:30 a.m. Tuesday, Nov. 9 in the CSC Theater. • Mario Ruggia will present "Continuity & Change in Africa" at 11 a.m. Wednesday, Nov. 10, in Bolin Science Hall Room 100. "Soul to Soul" will be presented by Yelenda Khanga at 7 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 11, in the Fain Fine Arts Theater. Khanga is an accomplished journalist with a diverse background . An Internatio nal Luncheon will be served from noon to 12:30 p.m. Friday, Nov. 12, in the CSC Ballroom. It will be the by prepared Internation al Student Association. A Parade of Nations will conclude the week Friday. The parade will be from 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. in the CSC Ballroom.

Kelman-Berg, Neal present recitals Audra Kelman-Berg will present a senior flute recital at 8 p.m. Nov. 15 in Akin Auditorium . The performance will include "Suite Modale" by Ernest Bloch, "Pan et Les Berge rs " by Jules Mouguet, "Trio Sonata in D major" by G. Ph. Telemann and "Sonatina" by Antonin Dvorak. of Kelman-B erg, Lawton, Okin., is the daughter of Keith and Terry Kelman . She is seeking a bachelor of music degree in music education. Kelman-Berg's applied instructor is Dr. Pamela Youngblood .

Ernest Neal will pre• sent a junior pipe organ recital at 3 p.m. Nov. 20 in Akin Auditorium. Recital selections will include: "Sinfonia in F major" by J.S. Bach, "'Air' from Orchestral Suite No. 3 in D major" by J .S. Bach and "Two Hymn Variations: 'Shall We Gather at the River?' and 'A Mighty Fortress is Our God."' Neal, the son of the Rev . and Mrs . Larry Neal, seeks a bachelor of music degree in pipe or• gan performance. Neal's applied instructor is Dr. Ronald A. Hough.

Texas Tech recruiter, Woods, addresses MSU Pre-law society By Cindy Kabler Bell

Reporter Pierre Woods will be the guest speaker at the pre-law society Nov. 5 in the Clark Student Center Room 104. Woods is a member of the Black Law Student Association and will be recruiting for Texas Tech University. Information on membcrghip of the Black Law SLudent A8sociation wi ll -be nvailnble as well as scholarship informati on. The melllin g is O!Je tl to U,e public. During th e Oct. 28 meetine, !.he 1,'Tuup dis-

cussed dues for joining, the collection of money for sweatshirts and a fund-miser for a trip to Abilene, Texas Nov. 19 . 20. Members will go to Simmons Hardin University in Abilene to compete wi th other colleges in a moot court. Students will present their ca~es before a mock supreme court. Dr. Ernest Dover Jr., associate professor of polit,rnl sci,•ncc. desai bed lhe moot court as hon.I work, chall enging, ,,0 111 •

petitive and rewarding. The group will at• tempt to take five teams, each consisting of two people. In order to prepare, they have a copy of the case to be argued, and they will be critiqued on their performance by local lawyers from the district attorney's office. The case to be argued concerns the right..• of 11 student living in u dormi• tory on n campus with reference to 80 11.rch and seizure without R search warrant.

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Author suggests students Album helps to unwind practice Zen for tests after long work day ICl'SJ .. H,:pcal Lhi H phruoo 1«.:vcral tim,~H: '"Grudc11 do nnl malwr. GradcH do not matU.:r.'" So whal if finul • ore cuming up ond you hove two mujor popnr• duu. Keep rcJ')(!otinJ!, "Grod,:H do not mn ttcr," rcporlH ,1.,1. Gibb•, profc••or of criminology uL ln<liunu University of PcnnRylvuniu.



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Hy Mcll,u1n Sullivun

Using this tool can remove 'impediments' to study ...

He orTer• lhc•c lip• to gel in lhc Zen mode: □ Clear your mind through mcdiwlion and B1r,i11 lhtlhvd .. .. S fiOfll 11,litur deep brculhing. GihhH,,r of l>fcw Mycu . ,. .Sporh llcpurltt □ Lcl go of other "Duncing With Your Dean l.itwrcocC' IJJHke, limes and pluceR, ....... Movie kcvkwct Uook•: The Zen Woy of und moko o commilmcnl Melina S11IIJY'.111 . MuAlc RcVlo·cr · Studying;· Huggc•lll I.hut. oludcnlfl pruct.icc Zen ond w study for o sel omounl Waybtn ( i1cc.11 , .... Cvu,onbl of lime. r.nd '" the znno" w leurn Jakin Mak•1t. .. . ..Clrcul:11hm M:uingtr □ Set.lie inlo studying how w ocoro hi gh gradea. ond abHorb I.he moleriol. l!, k: Self . Au imnl Clrcu\111i11n Ma1liJKt' □ Dismisn thought.a l'.l lc Uc.cb . U111i11e.., Man:i~cr ion cmplurni1.os tho thol ore Rt.raying from r>n,a l1:1wkhll.~.- . .. Adv.:1ti•Jn,: Mim:igrr loHk at hand, GihhH lhe toak. .. ,~,l'uc"cr... writ.os, und iH centered in ,. □ Sludy DH if il's lhc .. /u1vcrtMnn lk r,ocn1m1ve the proHcnt l,.,.., moment. only rco•on you were put. M1:1\dy On:wittr. .. Advc:rthh11t fkpru.r111.11iv, UBing thin tool cun ro• on lhis eurth. Ucl lc Malooe.. .. .. ~- ..tulvl.PoCr movo "impediments" to "To livo fully you have °"1",.,, ,,.,.n. w._,-u... 7\,W,ct.i""'1'• """""''"11c ·ho•tlllffl...ntsi.,,et h m Htudy nnd when student.ff .11-·kl._ _,.,,,.!J•"'- ~'1,;f n.wk..l.- ,~ •u d.. ,,,1, 1uC11o1 1n1 111N11&1 fully concentrate on ll1oi r to poy full ullont.ion t.o whol you're doing," Gibbs :;:-;i,!L~!~~:::,•::.. ::-:::,1;:;.•;:;;:;-~: work, they will diHcovor 1 auid. ._~.-...,.•.,..., -- ",.'"•••.w..,•.., ·•·"-'...-.,""' ....- - - - - - - - ttntiefoction with study. Pr:ukli,n Olth.

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Murdc U.evlcwcr

The disc moves on wi th "Listen, I'm Gone," a song lhal eoolhes and relaxes wilh ils slow melody and David Schelzcl's sofl voice. "Bliss is Unaware'" Alt.hough t.he brillionl sounds like an old Style authors of I.his fine dilly Council song and incorporates a saxophone, giving were nol wlking about The Ocean Blue, I.he cute it o jazzy feel. foursome from Another I.rack Pennsylvania, I.hey mighl is "lee ol Night." us well hove. The song almost makes On I.he bond's new al- one feel as if he is gliding bum, Beneath the Rhythm on a frozen pond al 2 o.m. and Sound, lhe collect.ion wit.h ils articulate lyrics and dreamy music. of 11 tunes relaxeH and calms the listener like tho wovcs of I.he Atlantic. "Crash'" is onot.her good song that merges pop-flavored music and The disc begins wit.h "Peace of Mind," and con- surreal lyrics. tinues wit.h lhe sure fire Beneath the Rhythm alternative radio hit and Sound is nol an al"Sublime." "Sublime" bum for parties, but calches lhc listener's ear serves for unwinding wilh ils lyrics t.hal won'l after four hours of studyleave you wilh swirling ing, seven hours of work melodics . orbolh. When I wo• in kindergurtcn, we learned I.his Hlupid song ol Columbu• Duy I.hat. haunlll me st.ill: "Columbus soiled I.he occun hluc in 1492 ... "

fJlf, Wichllan



University Police

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Hy Kully W•hb Mohl•Y lteporlc! r

Athlol-0• Huddle, Hnid tho

gonlH uf the ori,:-n11i1.11tion lhiN Hchoul ycnr uro lo i11crc11Ko mumbor11hip nnd nctiviticH . C:110HtH Hpr.nkcr nl lho Oct. iR mcoling included John Honcnu , Kovin

duly i• tu ho H11pp11rlive of tho MSU Huddle , help with f11nd -rniHcrH, provide HpcnkcrH nnd opporlu nilicN Lo i:o lo cumpR, lcndcrHhip confcroncuH nnd clor fa lin1: cuntnl11~ ecl1oluruhipe. Copt. Chip Propal, o O An 11aH11ull occu rred nurHe al Sheppurd Air on the front luwn of ~•orcc BnHc, provided muPierce Hull. ll woo re- Hie ul the meeting . He bepurled hy the Genorul •110 with "Our God IH An 1~:mcrJ,!cr1cy Hoom .

Welcome backto lecture halls, all-nighters, pizza breakfasts, and Kiiiko's. JQ i[/.I::./




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Award honors former dean

Tho ,lnmo• I,. Swwrrrl Sorvico Award will be ed ot lire llonorH proeenl AwoHomc God" nnd con- Hocognitit,n Bnnq ucl on cludod with ··seek Yo April 14, 199-1. ~:irH( the Kini:dom of C.,od. Thi• owurd iH pro· ltonenu if tho MSU Hent,,d nnnunlly lo II Hlu • Hmldlo's "udopted dnd." dent orl,!nnizulion ur incli llo iH nvoilublo to help 1111 vidurrl Lhol boAl rcpre oult4tu ndiug mcmhcrN nnd those H on LH in memhcrahip. Tho nchiovomont and/or con• rrdult chuplor meol• al lrihutionH in lho nrcn of noon every Pridny nl Acrvicc to Midwc11 Lcrn 1.uhy'• Cnfotorin, 180 I Stoic UniverHily or for nu, st. MSU within tho Wichiln Th o noxl scheduled Full• community durin~ MSU the for thiA ncodcmic ycnr. meeting FCA Huddl o ie 8 p.m. Clurk Althou,:h npplicntions Nov . 18 in lire Studonl Center. Active or will no(. be ovnilnhle uni.ii innclivc olhlclos uro en- l•'chrua ry, prcpurn tion couraged Lo come. Colline ahould begin now for 11 alHo said if eomoonc pnr- norvico portfolio . licipawd in o high school sport and i• no(. pnrlici• '!'ho ripplicnliorr deadpoling in o college Hporl line to be considored for they ore still considered this year's uword i• nn athlclo nod welcome Morch 26, 1994. t,1 ull-Ond the meelin . A slalT und studen t commilleo will review the applica nt's credenlirrls and determine tho recipi ent ofthia uwnrd .

0,1.~ Noy IZ-18 :fiT,p,<' 9 n.m.-4 p.~.

20°/c, Student Discount Card

rwnlno In llal11

Application• will be nvuilnble in the Clnrk Studen t Center Room 116 in ~'ebrunry.

,.. , ·;;. ~- --·

Open 24 hour, aday, 7days a week, Kinko's provides evcry1hing you 10 mcel 1oughdeadlines . Exccpl Ilic energy.

All dlnn,,. wlll haw a Hice and Dread Dar. Nau, 10: E'l/011 an


FCA Huddle sets goals for the school year

vuhiclc re•


U,tt-J Mu1J,11f

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unknow n U An 11111011nl of mun uy wa11 Lynd• und Willirrm nrrd rf•movl'CI frn111 11 rnpy mn • Ilrcndn Urclnnd , morn · l'hi nc rn th e Clnrk lrnrH of tho FCA Huddle Slmfon l Ccnh:r Th un: udull chuplor . nrclund Hnid th oi r n rc no H11~pcclH C:1!0

llll(Jl'llfl -;11.,fwi.,h !.w,t111h Mir•l~lh Slof'JlYll.lfl

I Jnllhlk,uN u 1_,.,1,A111n- .'"t l,-ul11h

K,J CollinH, prnHidonl O A cntt1• of crimim1I of FollowHhip ufChri•tiun OCC tlfrl! d lhiH

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November II

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W1Jro rrportud lo lho MSIJ cumpu ,i rrnli c:o lrn lwoon Oct IH 111111 Oct. 27


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Men's tearn ~nish~s strong m scrimmage

Pa ~ 4 Thundll', :'<i0vtmhcr 4- 1993

Indians knocked out

MSU volleyball team wins first TIAA title lly lln,wMyoro

Spono Reportor

The MSU volleyball team captured its first TIAA title l11,t. rridn y night by defeating Hardin Simmons University in tl1ree sets - 15-11 , 15- 10, 15-11. Head coach Jimmy Picht ,nid hi• team was really pump('d up before t'ridny's ~amc. They know they were pl aying for an outright ch am pionship , said Piehl. They didn't want tn bc co-cllampions . Piehl said hi s team passed the ball well nnd sc,•eral hitters pl ayed well, but he said Molly Vnn Heme rt sol the best game she hns ever set nt MSU She picked the right time to do it, Picht said jokingly. Hardin Simmon s played the Indians tight

in each of the sc' ls. but ~!SU cnmr 0111 on tnp. Following the contest Picht ,nid his team wn• cc.<t.ntic, but they rculir.ed there wns work still to he donr ,ind other ~onls to b., reached Pi cht and his squad will fini ah the season with u game No" 4. against Tarleton in Stephenville. and Nov 7, against Ambassador in Big Sandy. Texas. The playoffs begin Nov . 11 , at Lubbock Chri s tian and run through No,· 13. Piehl said Western New Mexico would be the team lo beat. He added by saiing over the course of the season some of his girls hove become O\'Crachievcrs, and if New Mexico is off their game in the least, it "ill be a good matcli.

MSU linebacker honored John Fritzsch, a 5-11 , 195-pound linebacker for the footba ll team, has been named the TIAA Defensive Player of the Weck for hi s efforts in MSU's 25-20 loss to Mc.\forry last Saturday. Fritzsch, a senior from Wichita Falls, recorded I 9 total tackles and also blocked an extra point in tho loss. This is the second time this season that Fritzsch has won the award. He shared the award MSU's 21-14 to Southern lo ss Arkansas during the first

week of the season . So far thi s season Fritzsch leads MSU "ith 71 tackles, including five for 11 yards in losses. He also tops the T!AA defensive charts, averagi ng 11.S tackles per ame.

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Wide rt<tl\'l'r Keith Jenk ins lets n 1mn from Brodcnck Senegn fhoto/Kylt Rt111tll slip through his hnnd s.

Tribe with 51 yards on By Drew Mycro the gro und . He a lso Sport,; Report« Last Saturday t he passed for 106 yards and t~~ed fi~!~a~~I 0 }:::. two touchdowns Jn the first half tention for the TIAA title dropping a 25-20 battle to McMurry dominated the McMurry scoreboard 19-7, but in 23 No . the second half Reggie University. MSU was forced to go Campbell and the MSU put the team defense quarthird-team to their terback, committed five back in the game. turnovers and could not co ntrol t he McMurry running game . Th ese Campbe ll returned were the deciding factors the second half kick-off yards to cut the loss. 94 in the MSU McMurry finished McMurry lead to six, and wi lh 355 total yards to a Mark Marsh extra point MSU's 226. Quarttrback cut it to five. Broderick Senegal led the

MSU scored again on a Senegal pass to Joey Greenwood, but the effort come to little to low. The Tribe would receive one last shot, this time behind quarterback Robert Denton. With under two minutes to play, 84 yards stood between an MSU victory and a loss. After fo ur unsuccessful MSU ploys, McMurry ran out the clock to end the game. The Indians wm try to r ebo und this week against Hardin Simmons in Abilene, Texas, and will fini sh up their season al home against Sul Ross State.



Grrt:n Day

Kansas Cit)'






Girl~Nile Ou1

RcdDiJt R:u1gm


MSU opens the season Nov . 8 against LSU. Shreveport. The home opener will be at 7:05 p.m. Nov . 13 against Incarnate Word College.



• 12:00~oon Brcakfa~I Buffet


Tourney J&J Duct


22 New Ork:tn~




San Diego




Din Ran£a>



Girls Nitc Out

24 hrnn.l




-:7 ~


GirlsNitc Ou1 J&J Dut: I





The second half fared much better for the Indians as th~y came out more aggressive not on)y defensively, but offen. sively as well. Early in the second half, Jason Paty took a shot to the nose and had to )eave for a short period of time. During his ab. sence, MSU slowly in. creased its lead . Paty' 8 return to the coun seemed to spark the team , especially learn. mate E.J . Collins. Collins hit back to back three-pointers and played tough defense to put Oklahoma Christian away for good as MSU coasted to a 53-32 win.

November '93


fhllas at


time. This would be nil that McMu rry wou ld need.

.>,··-. . _. . -


goal. MSU's momentum came to an abrupt hnlt . the FoJlowing turnover, McMurry drbov,1 n the put the field and in the endzone one Inst

_----i .. '


• 12:00Noon Buffet

The MSU Indians 1-0o

the court O~t. 30 in D. t~ Ligon Coliseum in again~ scrimmage 81 Oklahoma Christian. The Tribe jumJ>ed 0 early in the first half Ut Charlie Sager hit seve~~ key inside baskete to Pu the Indians ahead by 1 How!ver point s . Oklahoma Ch ri stian battled back and took th fir~t scrimm11ge by h,:

JI ex· yurd line. Senegal Jed n we . th ~ ecuted drive _to McMurry ~oo l hne, bu just as they wrre knock· ing on the door to take the lend Senegnl fumbled the bull on a second and

Shufncboord 3 7 7 - = l J&JDucl J&J l ucl Shufncboord J&Jllucl Shufncboonl Ouff:tlo D:1ll:L\

By Sponc•r Friedl Reporter




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On the next ~tc]lludry drive the defense fo~en -~ O fumble giving the / 4 the bnll on McMu!T) s

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Alpha Phi crowned football champs Tho• 111111hl' lc11111 will l) ;dlnn for 11 Nnv 1:1 Tl11 y will 11111.v 111. h111111• on Nov W HJ(llit1HI Fort Wort.lo I! F.C lr11v1•I 111


v,11 1111 1 011

Anv11111' inl.1•n•Hl.ud in

Ei0N, iAii44 111tAINfiilNitGIIID n I III l'N4k:NAMS , H••'fv,l hall•llan,lhall•\\'aU.,)l1 1ll•N11C 'o111ll1·"' • l 't11lMlt ,n1ISl1tt tlh•111INI • ,\,1·11hl,• • t '1mSl11

t,m·~ ►:1,jul111n .. nl•I0,1aUo1i.1• M,-.nllor,•,l"·rn• Ill ) lk'l'flt..-' 111111\lnl111\•llj1t'h J4 h"III• a ,b,

f\l ·11 I IU ~ INt'I 11UK

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, r.. 11,~~,,.,....,.



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plny i,;v, fur t.h c MSU H111(hv t,•11 111 ran cnll Hern, 1!11111irn,. nt. n:J-Hli 11 or 1IH· n11d1y inf'nr111111.ion lino nl 72:l -81i 11 l'rnd.icoH nro nt 6 p.m. h.v tho M8U Hocccr fi eld .


October 28 Ro1ultJ: Si~m• Knppn dcfenlcd Alpha Knppn (39,21 I

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10~ dl,rnunl tdlh

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1;rllh'd Chicken

and sports reporter Drew Mytrs kttp MSU current on all campus sports in Tht Wlchltan.



Fat McBri e's Steakhouse

Qd 27 Rc,utr.,-

Women's bnRkctball

Suedc C', defcat,d BSU 115-1,15-10) WWF dc(ent,d Seminoles Alphi !'hi rn plurod (15,7,15-111 t.he chnrnpio11Hhip wrn10 Chi Om~£n won n thriller over 4-Pent dtfeat,d Dialt,g lll(llinf4t Chi Omc1;,o Oct. Gommn l'hi Bel.II (28-27) iH 14 -0. Chi Omc~u could OWISE bcnl Alphn Om•K• !30- (15-1,15-2) Faculty defeated lucppa du littlo to control the ball 211 Kappa P,i 115-7,15-3) muv orncnt of tho Alphn'H, Thein Kappa Sigma deMen's VollcybnU,d Kappa Alpha (forfeit) who hnd two touchdownA Oct 2~ Bt·sult,· SiKmn Nu defeated Kappa c11llcd buck duo t.,, ponnlBu,hwhockero defcntcd Sigma 115-2,15-3) x (IJ,Jr,,J5,8,15-2J tieH . In II surpriHingly MDA defeated Alpha Flothellie, dcfont,d Alpha phyHicnl 1:nme, Chi Omega (15-12,15-5) OmeKn 115-12,15•12) Omoga wuA just not able Bushwhacker• defeated Kappa Sigmn defenlcd to get the ball in the cnd- TKE (IG- 14,15-7 Flalbellies (15-9,8-15,15-'1) 1.onc. SiKm• Nu defcot,d Kappa Alpha (forfeilJ Facu lty dcfent,d Cntnbolic SportS editor Brynn Ballard By Jlonnic Ad11nu1 ltoporh,r



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