November 5, 1992

Page 1


volum• 71, Number 9

Thunadey, November 5, 1992


Bush i· 1nton c 1ps


AROJJND7c1· -..


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h,tie ll u,u , 1 11J ro touJ P 1 r ty J O \rt n 1n c 11 1 1n 1 a. ~"l '~ t 101t !lat l&&Nt p IM4 ltaqt n1Ho q 11ut«d •- ,·I 1 <.:!inio n , 46, t \ ph,n ~d !.11\u la • • • •• 1elhat • t'rOWd ''-' . ; : ; I hac0 i ion w ,ih the t 1.•on1Jm)' •nd , • IOII cifM •,o; lie kl..._ ht 1 1~ •; J c,irc lo , 1.hancc 1u hre1k e c publlcan ln1.k o n the d «:· h d ••~ • S•ddl.m Hl.l&H.t• l\rtcl h

taU> lhtau ■ft«hcar~,~

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1~ ccc: ~~: r,c0J1 C.Cl.lrJu, tu Cuhlr&d11, tu 1urn Pre~,. u~nr Bui h 0 1.11 of Vll11.c afle r one Bush ', S.A LT LAK E <' IT'r •• A :~~:• JU!\I 20 niontb, .. ,n the Pcrs,an Gulf ..-.·u -,.1 )ltd.. ,n UIJlh hu Nied j e ), a, 1n Jcp c ndc n1 Roi• Wf O( .IIHlworkon w IJt 1, e; ol , ""hu1<c C• mr,.a1¥a )huol the ste4 IJSX 1>f c losuaa • '°1II~h ~ 1~~•1 rah u s th1, ) Ur. un 1bi,J,1 lo pay tbc,n theu h at ap p c uc d 10 ht' l ho Tbe ex•c 1 ta,.ou 1peo, - wiU ba d.Jtorm e.d • ;:. \l ro ni:•&1 pc: , 1u, n11ncc 1,, ,. 1hnd • 1Y 1.indi J .1.1e • •ne e T heodore 1rt1• ma1s bu1 l•wy~ • ~ 00-.C\·ch tn 19 12 on • ••Y th••)' COi.lid Clinto n l apturcd 170 .-J~ toral rue ll'll(l lhel o(dr,Uirt I vote& and 8ui;h 1.1.rlk'red loS In the • I popular YOle, C h ntun '""On ,o pe t· Cent . Bus h JS pe.rccn1 d(S Prrot 19







Cl ,nio n w o n plu r . l, t1 c:, o t O~LLAS .. A lo rmc-r Dalla V(ltt f<t in C'\'e,y • re rrwr I nd e"Try I killer: f ..atcnce bccal.lW ihc VJClu•i le vel ul c.Ju-. ..11on .1.nJ " " " .,mt,Ai te ,,., Ml• loct hui laln t elect,o,ol a ll hut 1he wulrh1r,1 Amt 11can1. rcdasm1n1 m.any or chc , 01cr~ '-I.ho 141. foua e 1 11,re dt~tr,u J udae1 t KaapM>ft W M Y)'.baa for• _, ; h•ndo ncd lh(' Oc moc r.11~ p.,,., dle Tut:t cuurt o f appuli Stb1 o r Ruo1ld Ru11n 1n 19,!0 iad

14.. who u 1d he Ji ve

• 1, but kat , J I to 49 pcn:cn1.


;,n;~i:',:~~:1: : ~ ~ i ~ •~ ;.~/ ;:1~

WICH ITA FA LLS .. A 11n1t)' WIil hf' hdd Satunl.ty 10

more a iJ.:.c. J.: Bui w 11h Pe1u1 , pltn in1 1he 1J l1• Bu u 1 vole , C l1nln n ..,,>n ,t,c r rcs1de""Y w11h '"" rhan j() pu c ent nf lhC' po pul,r ¥Ole. mak1n1 hi m 1h, h u e m1no rily prn ,dc nt 11nce R1d 111rd M Ni-'f'ln 111 1?63 C'h nlon . ... bu ,h,,,HU remulr: ,._le r u 1l1cnc e 1 n w inn, ni: !he


I: Ea.II Side Mt'itc(J that ba-~ fa.I. • IO crim• anJ dn,1 ach v11y . A~ II rally will ht b.lcJ •I• "•U,tf h,1 lot• t • d •l lhe 400 blo c k o


°:r:~t~ ;~::;,~~".,;~ t~::"~


Alt-c:rt <iorc Jr. o f TcMl'\tU, their

"'''' " lnd t h,IJrcn,Chnl(ln,..,J, "On 1h11 J .ay, w,1h h11h hopes and bu Yc h.:uli the Amcnc-an p,e()Pf• ha\'C' YulcJ ;o md:e I new be11n• , 1 d.r1on c all n1 n1, Tb 1, t lecllvn ,_ for u ur ,:ouotry tu fare the chtllm·


,. .






• \

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:!,:;~•:'!~b;t~~~~.~ ~:I~:: 1 on cbt counuy 10 h.-al its wouodl, Clinton u,d , "You all 1pote with equal voi.:u for chanro and lomor• rc,w ...C' .. ,u fry to ('\'C )'JIU !NII. • He prom1 , cJ ·• new r~tr1ol1Sm 10 11ft up v ur peo ple" and plcJ1ed ' • ,euaitcd s111u • aod 1n 1Jmin1itr•• 110 n co mmillcJ 10 "people who 'A'Ot .. hard and f'Lt) lw the rukc • G o r e 1o ld 1he L111le Rot k c ro..., J "Bell Chntu n won b«:1uso , he ,., h 1,1,1llm¥ 10 lo~ Ile , tuck to He o l ed for your vale beheh h.b) c h1 1\e n r 1ne )O U ta ma ke A m('f!Ca ht n e r WhCfe I c ame fru m, "'e hoc a name for th.I H's 1.allcd • Clinton ~ Hrlory spcecb came d vnll) after 1rudn1iht En.1em lime. but 1he pump,J ur ,.,nncr wn still 101n1 1tron1 more lh.u thrtt hours b ltr , , pca k1 n1 to \ AIIOUJ f llhtr111_.. of ~ppotlr.n- oa lbci b.luut


~:!,~l :~6Dcmuc n11~ cr.lebrafion1 1 Ru\ h , n nceded defeat about 11 IS p. m , " ho rll)' after u lh•J tl1 n1n n 011 th(' 1clepllo nc lo co o• sr11ul•k h11n. lo , 1raclD!ol.5 conca· Jl(ffl ) 1.1.fC'mcl!I IO b1:t ) UJ)POf'LCU Ill Jlo u, ton. 8 u1b u1d "Here' s the way 1 ,ec 11 . Tho people hav• , poktn. and we rupee-I Che mJealy o f the dcmocnt,c •)'\&cm.·



___.. hd I h t 1 T t l>tu\il~ aind 1\r111IJ1-1n u .~,,,..-· '1100, •iut I 11 I , d 111n~ J h ur Vll.' • 11 1 " " \l:.,hinatun 1,.,.,,1 .\t ltn, u f;~ \ Bill C'l,oo,,o lu ry bc l1•1c • 1. h1n11n,i , 1.hrt rm1 out• r,;:,I ~••ht ' ' PP'"'" " ' ul J uw, , I .,..,, 4 lk■ 2nJ r 1t'~11Jt nt 1•f \ldt' Iha Old lluu.1c h u1IJ1n1 • • lh t ~ .,ll1ld 11 : ' "°tt' : t d Slll n lut •Ja.) 1n • ,n 1.,ulo k od, Ar ~ , wlw111 he ■n· , cnJcli; • • lcc t o , 11 v1c 10 , y 1h 11 nuunccJ h11 1,.111J,J1cy 10 Oclobct lt<'puh l1.:1n rule 19 Jo1n,;:d tiy r nn1n1 m•te S\'n . in th, W yu rs

President-ele ct Bill Clinton tinu. So ,..c will re• hdunJour new p1u ,Jtnl Perot-• the of the 1hrt.e c1 od1d1tcs lo ,ppu r Tue"day n11hl. concc.din~ tu Chnlon H the winner 1n.J,e lbe polls had clo!,;ed on t~ Wot c~~I. With b11 1uppot1cra c h1nt1n1



work w uh the new aJ. John F. KeQM\Cly defcatNl Nu,uo 111 nunlllration, bw 1.150 made clear he 1960 hopes 10 rcm11n u I pohcical force. 111 b11 YICIOf)' ..peech. Cllntoo, Chncon and Oore unts,a1,ned the th11d younr('.sl ptt.sidcnl tn his• 1 u rcpreM:olallVH of• new bf«d of lo ry, pro m1HJ 10 brin1 • new mode rice De m oc r11, ind Oemocnllc Parl)"" lo Wa.~h1na:1on, preHntcd 1he mHlve1 H a bru it ind ai the fint mtmbcr of the Biby



1 :r::,:e:cey~e:e•~1~i" f;; C' ~ll=r~ ~~o:r.:: :;::~~p~~: wm ; ~:~~~u;.,~ ~::':':::7o ~1 J•o~,_$ !:;:~,;~~~~t: ~w~ llc p ro hlenu i nd 111 clc.:• I , hr e w.J c .. n1pru 1 n 1h.,1 kepi lhc i urc t he \ fflOOt h tra111o111on o f now. • 111 urJcJ b11 , upporlcts to tory tcpfClffllS cbe moll 1ipifica111 J o mu ■ UMtM'lflhorhotJJ, l1>J1le 1nJ.K1UJ to ~hon. 11ncc power 1n 1b1fl 1encnhonal lo effort" clau, world It• ·11Y'li come atw.)'1 rm.I\! Amcuu ... R • r u h i I c :t n , o f t . ha I 11 0 1 e puwtr

WVS III features Robert F. Kennedy Jr.. 1

I"!! ,.#

:!;.~ riUmort

"l: nvm,nmc.nlal Ch:illence, for a. 1~ · will be tht lopt1. for the World V1t w Sympo11um Ill. Nov. 9-ll in the Clark SruJcnt Ccnlcr. J en n ife r Ola ud e m•n • w ill;::~~" : : ~·,ncd her hed wlor o f arh lrum cho Uruven11y o f Tel 11 11 Au, 1, n 1fte( h1 Y1nr .iuJ,c d • few 1c mc1ICft al Mid· wo.11:,n She Nrrwd he, mult N 1n Pu blic Po lit')' and ln1cr n11, ona l



~::i::i;, ,c;:: :1nu,: ~:: 00

~:~~!eei'1.':!!~~e~'::1~~~~•~; ::: 'W•II Street Joum1t• far h11 1uppo re o f human r11h1s anJ freedom for Jt oman11ru, Hd the Senale of lht Co mm o nw•ellh o f Mat• u c hu) ell1 adopled • ruoluhon ::',",.'o~:r::;:r!· .!C':Cdc~~~:,:

Jtom~n~:~~~·rcput1l1on u a ruolu te defender of lht env1ton• mcnt 11om1 fro1n • l1t•n y of 1u1:• ceuful le11I 1c11on1: prose-cu11n1 JOYcrnmeno and compa,01es for

see Kennedy, pg. 6

1puk u n "The Gorbac hev Y1!1r, · H11 L1pc y and lmpac l" 11 IO• m. 9 JA 1hc CSC e,11,oom 1 . . ,:,:,:::;~:1 ttol ..,II ho1t ·r1r1J<' o f Nation, •

6c1r• from the Un1\('n11y of Cun• 11 ~~ nd o c kta n II c urre ntl y I pro fcou, .n.J 1.CM.1td1n11<x '" hts·

=•n::~:~e~~~h:,•,ll~~:::::nc,:;Al Ip m. 1n lh• CSC T he.tier. Dr. Jtune1h Hcndm.i.: ~c,n Jr w ,11 ad4 rH I th e F a c ult y Fv t11m o n

~ :u~: ~:~,~:,' ~~:~.. "In lh1s cue, JU~llcc wn ,w1ft lh,1,lo , y Il e carr:ird h•• J,,cior.1.1c .87 M6dal Yfftlliidl ind i cvcre." BlrJ1ne .,.1d, "S1m1i.t r,01n lht' l!n1~t.011y uf Old , b,11n1 Edkot in CW 1 A• MSU 1Uul•n1 W11a .. fvturem1Utnw,ll ~t.k1lt w1tb._. andi,tbc ~ho-Jr c.! m t,,or.,kJ;



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1n Akin

A'9di::~u; m , Nu-. l l ID the CSC hllroorf\ , Dr l anK' , Rt ~ n, 111,•ill lac.tu c un • Arrnos,-IM-1t.. P\)llullon lttwn-n the Pa\l •nd ltM- fucure . ~ah 1dm G11t.1 o r Mt \ h U wiU . . .l a l ') " 11) . S u\ 12 111 the CSC l.allr.,11m o n ' T h t ln11 1rtllto nal fchtcatmn J.~r,c-ueMt • Al I I I m . ~ 1J\ 1J Ill the CSC l1 ilron1n r rt d 8 r 11mt-au1h .,.,II \'I • "-'' pr..,-.rnu1 ,1111 , ,n "Our Eev110ftlJIOfll from V. o ,hJ V,t ,... (, ~"'l""'um /II -inc n..i , 1, ..,..,d o f ll"ll.lute<tlllo•th•n ~ . ,111110n, 1 t. un bc,•rt al 11 ,U • 111 ui the 1,,'"il' .-.1num t, ,U, Mi:J "' 1 Siw,Juu f c,, u:" v. t'-C"IC' •tuJe ne<

~,_..t .

;'!t.~1~~~ ~~,::;~ 1::;:'°'

:ht1 P t r '""<' n:.1,\"' ,r,,m c a ~t>

:;,:,:!:/~ 0 n c1ence

ln"ICW<I tleniJ11d, u1nbl' bctn lo l NCf"Hl.,.•l11. ShoJR.QdolpbBrewtr, 19, 1 tht Mu!dl•Eo 1 fourllmC\and11 K b-edulc.J to re1u1n ,n 190] 10 Joe ,,__. fr• Dt.Solo, •Kl be Via\ .... lure.on "A11W.11un h1<IOfY tnd c ul elnk k Oii liwi Med ■llmerout lifan . . Nre at die Un,....,,,,,,. u r Alt'ppo in by frc....._ CNOG Wlllt,m•, IIBO 1•. frta W\atba, Syn.

Davul FunJt"r h utl ...,, 111 c peak 'frn,p. c t ,; & Pr u p o ul .s for loman11 & Ea~tc,n l: urope· in itw CSC' Ballroom Rot..,c Kt nneJ) Jr will <pt!"• k 00 'FnYiwa rn<nla l C h1llen1e' o f at 7 p m

tsBtudent H IIin li s •assaulted a

~::~~;.:~~:~::~: ·; :'.~::'~"E:~f:::.!~~:::f ~~~;.::.;•,t:::~::~·:~~

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lh 90,"

-=---=---- - - - - -::,-- -=---=- _



hadn'tcho«.nkl doto<ln~CM,'fl " OnOcl 29,0ary TymncWal• lc:r , 19 , a fre~hman fro m Fore Worth. snd Micha.I Ray · - a1c , c lui11f1 c1 11on and residenco unkJKl'l,l,'ft • • ""tie ar.nulttd b) fN"sh:;~:i~::.?n•~:: f~:;1,;on~


:;!;;,~~.~!.= ." ;f ::io

Gl,udcmaM 111,- 0,keJ tof near I) t 1ih1 ~'-'• r. b • $ti,te1olo(ul kif 1tw LS ""tmment A) an 1nal)·1t n f s~,\ 1t't f.>1e 11a po l 11.y. •bt , .., u >t d f1t\ l o a Sov ie! JWhq 11, ..., 1rJ 1h1t d "'" rid , 1hr. M1dJlc f:.a, 1 1nr1,11,ub r . 1ht 11 oaS0"'1ot p..,l,,;y tuwarJ •be U S aDd foully o,n Suu ~1 urnh notrol poltey t h• U S Sh<' w-, r\. irJ

f;,e;!m;; ~:.l~ ~cr~ ~L' ~ I 11 1ovun meh1 pul,,y ul , upport ' " ' h••a ve.,t,1lly •h uHd ~rew., pubh t ,ntoucahon and wken 10 tho Wichila County OelN\IIOO Ct nlt'r the- k ,m:ian11n C, mmun1,1 C"tO'\('rn• Jbctan: ~ l f y ~ binl. HO Euu MS U , h t i af •Ho told Mc to ,tnu cht f·•t incol He h.t._~ "'rrntn "<\t'UI No.A.~ •1 klldbuntot'h&ll pohoe. aaid the, Oi:~ 27 tinJ ~ . ~ 11w:lud1n1 · p,n,u1P"1 & Rt J 1 An . .. A.ffl.t'llc• n .A111ba-.u Jor .:•uJhl B111-10¥t, huf he ltd ll'le wll~le. 11uuh1 •, nre ulat•d •we 1ool,. 1111o-eco tb• S111e D•pu1men1 and 10'4hta .:.'k~. t ... wlliltboJ'••· u atem• a U. made a rrcth: aad r•f•NM tht acttoa 10 rht- dun I o f. ••• the Romaruan Commundt. • W1lU.., 00111da' 1 h& rcacJUd fict." lilt tiaJd He hH been c hairman o f 1he Or . L o u , , J Ro J r , 14 ue i , ~ c o f (1bef 0 maa u St lous Fuun,J.,i11a., \ b, • - - . . . .._IO lhe emer• uoi,uaily pre udtnt uiJ \1,Jln1crn111c n1l Ru man11n Rc lt" f Fund . m" m hu u f the N111o n1 I pfll<J ,ooa ti die: Widaiu Gmtnl WUlehl will oot iole.ra~ 11u, t, pe of • Bo• rd ~•o latt 1n.1.lll'nal Ed11, at10n 1' Hotptt.l, .._,.. be wa, ll'Mled •NI conduct !'.In umpu, •tllJ 1,D11t\:l(ffof Cun~rvtIDftfor ·w, dOft't ~ thtw d1~rupof lllf· Ptuhip lhnlnt&. F,ec-dom. • pol 1t1-.1I • ct100 com• 14nu, ni4 W,IH•"'• e leefcd IO ltOll:t • lie sa.Jd. ·we arc hue u a mitt« lie hu a,•l\ttU. ..-.1thuuc w,1hdu,w from Mtdwe1.1tro MIO u111vcr11 ty commullll) 10 ac biie.vt

;:irfjn ;1~~~~~e~l~~; n11.:.-Al~•r;"f

~ ~>~:: 11~~ n;1 ; 1~1ft: :~•d: f~~~~t~ )~


dt anmcn l .,_,,11 1,,c o n lhc uudt nr to :Um II\ ,,l rr.mtnl i\fl t'r.' lf'QSlff"t ll· l t l ~h,J i.,, ch.-\ itkn..lN Jun:,, the' " '-' ~ 1h<" rrui: ..u-. J 1,,.,~ 11 .,1 .. ,h ,., ,,Jn.J ,nfvtm•uon , , lt1c::J ·:"~;r , , .. ular J' ,l'IC", l.w Ji\·t itit. rh I 1 he " :::,,1 11 uYU \IC'"" o f 1 _ od duun, tbc "'.ct Jt"n" • flJ '- luJ.-nt• Ac• 1 .\lrh.a ~ ,11 .tnJ : .~~" 1 h,·•• t<,,il\ ,,lm•


,,,.,,,,mi:~';;;.,nil 1".~ r, ~,.mA



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c: -r htr

oAaClon\ .


Editorial/() inions

Pa11e 2 ■ Thunday, Novtmber a, 1992

1:bc 1111cbltan

'Pure Country' gets a B+ ChlnJl tr. • l .,.b ■ I c l>t ' ) .,.ow,lry Tuch, •""" hi m , 110 be W\ll rHuni 1o




tlu who

1c:11 IUt'd





I I wo rk • T u c: k c: r t ell,. Oeor rc S 11111 11 • Purr sh11. i nJ, tthc-puh11 , · 1t.e ,mokc • n d ,r up1,n 1 ,ulcan o> " 1h11 Ch,nJ!c'r t he nt\tr w,111, lu ~, CounU) • hul'I ,p,n i nd be- 100 No.le kl hi, dorrun.ttci h H ,1,1,e 1hc,w , 11 rJom D1mn1 t he lul 10 ) UO , he In 1hc c:nJ, hi)"'O' tl ""U) Ht htr ully ...,, Jb ,w,y from hu r1,,n tu IM rur of 1hr coun1ry mus ,c bup hy 1c:lc:u101 1 nuinber h t, ,oaJ fu ur a nd bitc: hh iku 10 th1n1 1u11u OUI all 11th• l:h ,) tt1, (where cl.w ') Tc.ui whtrt k tNf· cu l. 1ht \.tll:tuts lurn OUI IO b,c, n..;c ol hib :"':h u You.~ SoG~ turyonc lwt:,, The ~n._ All My Ea • cht, (Of hu mum:, ! , od ,motton.111 :;:.:, : 1:;: 1n U.,,,,:,



~~v:. •~~e;nu· : ~v::C':!:;

i';'h,;-';:;.~~~; roob hy1c1um,nJ 10a,unpkr llfci


So me wh tn ,n t UI ToH C hancJh: r me e U Jlul ec, T uc ker (lulxll 0 11\Jt:r), 1 youns wo m•n 1nd I.VO who, • kwl1 w1lh her ~, 01htn , " 1tlt mp11n1 10 huld • f.11l1nf bone undt 101, 1ber finan· t.r· c11U; b) lr)'1n1 lo,..,.. 11 1~ rtl-1.c1111


Pred1ct1bly, "Puro COllntry• 11 I show( HC' fflOYIC for S1r11I , \ll'hO 1n1roJ1,u, 10 new JOntJ from I~ ,ounJ1 r1r t •nd .11:comp.1ny1n1 alhum Ont of thow ilOn_p, ·1 CrCJU My Hufl , • h u already been

:::;:n~;:~,:;~:~~;~11i: ~~

1 ::

tl n w cYtf , th e re ire




10 lintUp The fact howner 11 a 1how· caae piece ~ n 't MCC"~u,ly mean ,t'.1 bad. «p«11lly for Geora,e Stnut f1n1 " Pure Counlry· i" a ro maauc: dram.a, w11h an occ111on1I IC■ller· 1111 o r humor Oirecled b)' Chns· Copher C 11 n (· Youna Gu!kS"}, the moY1e re hu heav ily 0 11 S1r111' 1 l-oy1,h ch.arm, Jood loolu , nd s,ns • 1111 ■hlh1y




lo ~at up C handltt de fend Tucktr s bocwr, atJ T ucker taku him 10 her ranch (die docsa 'I re.:01n1u h1ml. kls bun sleep off • haJ J,unk 1n 1ht bunkhoo~ •nd Idl1m11e l y falh 1n loYe w11h lu• (never re■hllnl he's • star). '

Me111wh1le , Chandler m, ues one of b u concerts . H u r o ad m1 n11er , Liala Rodsera •• play~d by 111 1pprop1111cly ile■ zy Luhc Ann Warren - coveN for hua. She Jl'lf· buall Ch&Ddltr down ud. S lnll p l&)'I ou~c , W y au 11cul1rly tacky way, ( OITICS bctw«ft

,n •

mul h lt1J1 .\Ltlnchnf o n ,ta~c- .c1nr 111,:, UJ'lt,:.ialle 11 ihe hc:SlM1n1 111·here he )ins• t nllfl' )01'1. 1n II OIU\ K•Y11ko \l) le anJ then p.-rl ol , nurhtr hc: lott tht r iot u, tVen ,n11oJuc~ 81.11 !hi,,, 1 ,howca~ fflOYIC. co tha1'1 P,obibly lo be u r,t<"lod


~ 100




,n Strall 1 I IO wear, 1 lht fi,, 1 r• rl of the fflOYte 111hacJi i< o bv101tal) fd ,e . bitl he CUtJ u oft euly 1n the plot. so ifs a1y mouiti lo forret O,·c ra ll, • Pure Coun1ry· 1, 1 n,ce mOY1e but II noc terubly dctp, fml) p,ed,ciablc M1d " ,.l:.IC in 1 pllK'e or IWO


But flX 1,,0unlf) music b.m '" ceat ul • .and Georsc- S 111 ,1 f.1n,'" r111,cvlar . 11'1 ,.-o, 1h 1he pu ce of the llcket. I flVC" 11 • B-pkh~

WtJllf¾.11"£> Gl1:@I2@?ygf

• IS

American education _ _,......,_,_

-,-...cJ. c..w-

relu. . acuda.rcb. lM puc:tsc.

1llo111ill lrHl th l011d c:ne■ IIOW c:oa1q froa collet- ■-f Ul't'er11tl• Chai lM INC bubo■ of HC:ell..u •• A•nc.• iaduc:euoa I, blla1 , ..... by 1111e bYdpt c:-ut■ lad mouncu,1 CON, Whiner elH 11 u , 11111\er ed11c 1l10• h aol I bHIIOII of nc:ell..u . II 11 sltottllrc.p w1• wule, In Kadem1c alaDdarcla ud IM4tocre IM<luq ud tcltolaulup. tlli. ~ , , . . . , . • • ho M Ille h'y l•111t• 10• ay&tem, - .,. 1■te11... Lui ,..., IIO ...,., rwo-llairdll of IChcio'S • •kl m 1d -y111 1pudu111 cul• lo


r ...,


a1ayw11hi■ 1hw ~.

II II a l.a lrue ( H ltlUVt.UII)' pru11fHh ud duo, u1v.) tha t rellew1n1 lhoN prunitu mcr,i:ly by t1i1in1 tu111o n and cuu,na eour-e, W111


SNdeeu will Jl'IY mun • nd flt Mu TM vn1v•ni1y pru.dMta and dona waa1 to b• ,p.r•d fro• r.a,1111, 10 ,..•r•••ol bvds.c c:1tl1, c:eN II WN.k. H11Jrter echcahOII II I _..,.,,.,., Toomaeyprofeuc:w1do 100 liul• lMc:llJ111 t.o loo ma■y 111· IN!l.a. Coell cu be c:lll and qualily ,,■pro v•d w 11ll o u1 rdite1n1 t!M ev•ber or aradura&N. Maa y coll• 1•• ud iaa1Y1n1hH 11Kx!ld1Jmak , Some lhouW,OOIII of buNMel. c.o..1r. IS..cepl for •Iii• ,choola,



Kade•ic ■--adan1a a,.low. About


at fou<•year coll•a • • . . d 1t111nr1111c:1 •Head tbair f,nt<IKtice 1ebooh. ltoupJy 20 p•rceal 1 0 lo lbeir u co•4 c:hoiC.. MOM ac~• have e•,erly hooiud •Mo llm.nU Co 111H1m,u

70 pen:411M of


P1ull7 IMClll1■1 kMd■ fallH 1tudi17 1111c:e U.. 60a. le • •JOr ••,,..n,UN. N■tOf r.c.ii, oftH 4o 1... ~ two lllown a 4■y of. . . . .. Prof1uon are •aoc:11hud to pubh1h, IMC~ 1r1dHte 111ad. .11 Hd •r•d II hnl• , ••• IHCIIIUII (ud1r 1nd111IH) •• pou1bl1 , • JamH F11rw1111Kr of Pea• Statt, U11 wen 11y u1d ,e a aew tiudy f 1e 1tl17 pl)' C:OII IIIIH11)' rlH.I U uodlr1r1d116k &MC.btal ao.dl drop. U•1ven1h-■ UY• ,ao.,oa o f . . . , ...., •• 1rad1Yta deJT..1- S111C• 1960, lb. •••b•t o r a u 1er1 ' d•1n11 ritN IM>f• 1wardt4 . ..... tba• rourfold lo 1)7,000 196J aod 1919, ~ - I . . . - o r m ••I• r 1 1 • b u • i •ea• 7.600 1data111nu011 Jv•,-cl ID 71,01)), Ovr t71t•• ll11 lltHJ'~. II 1>ou1, ...,.,. CO,•acMC:ll •NOit ■-t allow, a lao,1 a ■ yoae 10 10 10 con,, .. Blllt IIMdioc.nty • pen'Mt'l"I, We pHb 11 auy (r11ltau II p o 1.11bl• 1luov 1 1t Ill• 4 oor , rep,dlul af qu■l,f1C.100111. I H &IIH bac: lllelou' de J rHI art so coruaoa , we c:teat• mar• frldWI . . .,,... o f ~ wo,1b, Dou uyou Ml in• 1.b• MBA •• pl o 11 0 111 b11 , mpr o.- ed ••nas••.nr7 Voit wo11'1 bur mlK"II 1 bou1 U111 from c: oll•s• duH or 11111veui1y pruMloatl. n.y cre&Nd i la b111u1 1)11 11 m•n a nd



u,. ....


from vacJerrnditalo 1ud11n1 to c:onc11111ra1e 0111 wr11iar 111d ru•arc:h : 1b1 101ttc♦ o f 1111u.t. A1c:llard HialM, , • forratr c:0Ue1• ;..., writ. . how101ly ta 1 book, •How Profeaton Play the Cal Ovardios die Cru,■ ; WIiy Wo' rc P1111•1 Mon aod OelhllJ Leu 1a Hi1lll•r Editc:acioe," : Pru1dc111ll, dMu a■d tNl&Nil ... call for more r.COflUltoe or Jood lucbl1111 w1tll priHI ud ula ry 1ac:•0Uvet. Tbe ruhty it rlowr IO 1k uperieou o( Huvard Ulll'fcn,1y'a d~fU!t-lled peleoat.olo1t11 Stepbco Jay Gould, ' Ta bl parfec:tly booatt, tbou,tl hp MNK•ll11..,..1a1e1c:~1. lllav. ••.,., urio u1Jy 111-■ rd 1u c b101 c:oui d•rcd 1e uy muhar for proaoltOl'I .. Wri11n1 i1 1111• e ia rreacy o f pr11 11 r e 1 11 d



proaotion. "

Al>ou1 fo 11 r • f 1ftb 1 of a ll attand 1t■ to-1ub,,d1zed l)'lllllll, fro• COlmllUIUt)' c:otle,e. 1<1 prH111iou un1ven1l1H. How a ov euon and alal• l•11alat1trtl dul w111t their l>\ld111 prt1111,.. will M d•c:mH . PnYal• Kboal, w,11 , fo, belt., or worn , b• i ■ nH■c-4 by ■tale I CIIOH, The

dHc rvc 11. Nut , , 1110 1 bo vld ratte facvlly lcachinr loads, mainly al four •yar tcboola. (Te■c: luns lo.di at torn111un11y r 0Hc1ea are alrudy lurh,) Tbn ,.-oold cue C05ll aad roe•phu1u1bepnMACyof Leaclun1 11 mo11 11thoola.

.....,....,,.111narioll. I.a 196), lw.Jf of the ,wd,eoU,


,a1,od•e 1o ry plulo.90pi,y co uH t ,.. 1 I · ur wo,.... 1916, only 21 ,_......_ • - acllooll MY•




Chw\e, Ce9I


Our expenence


Fir,1, c r••te feAltllM ....,..... r 1qu111rnu c. . To d1 y ' 1 l o w 1taodard1 1eJI b.isb echool 11udniu , "You doa'I bava 10 work hard lo ,o

works for


the students and faculty atM.S.U.!


· \. ~

C'lmllMMIM~• TIM:\ll"'idllc11t l400 Taftll.-d , o lo1 160 Wduu. TX 76)()1


Jrrf_,..: _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __


Mldwestem State University

1&1.1et ■-d10doduffthulp.


... , , 1111•1 b1 Cllt H c: olle ac i Ut1J1rd 1 hav t apparcall)' fall,n OH 111td)· o f Hvu to p , ct.Gola (aac:lltd1•1 A-..ra.1. Chat• IN dl,a U n1..,.rt1ly o f M1eb1fH) fo ,a11d

irrllt 'Wtcbttan

........ £....

•Etr:uldbuy cwkt: • day 10 MSU! • l..a,aet tt:leaim ~ offa suppl'a


• . c~.s,-. z., c• .-====== •=====-• ••••••• • • • • • •• •• •• • •

•Sa,~ from <tO 60'- on cht Cffill )all nttd fflOII in ou, Priorcy Prictt! , f,.. E,p,,,. o.u...., • Know...,.i,i. Sbff • Xerox Coritn &. Fa.11 Madimta ·«T)·JX""'Nm



Mdtt.N _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __


C.c:ll&aloft .......

o.Vld ~

cw rt(:tl)I



OPatnci!~ II


...............;.1 NobWt


a... z. ~



••· ;;~~':::;' ( 1111110 11 ud 1111e · • ~ • • • • • • • • • • • •· • •· · lma111nc: the ~ M'id~em Drop-oul ratu are h1fh. Half ~ SIi~ University news an ~ r o r mo re o f fres hmen d oa ' I s ec ~~ \t.l ~ mailbox eve ry weci. Sound mdea re ... A rcunt 11vJy .,f PhD ~~ tettsdc:i,:~ Toruelve your I year u,uven,1,u 9 , 01 ,.m, ,, J O II\IJOr ~ subtcnpuon lO 11,e Wlchitan, ( 1nclud101 H arvcrd. Stanford and ~ ~ pltut(X)(Qpkit:thcinfonnac.ian Y&lc) aho lo1i11d h11 b dro p•o u1


f,n■ II)', , 1are1 should reduce or el, m1n11c rh o l e as t use ful 1radu11e pro cram . Jouraah , m ( n Ow d u b b Od • m a I J commun1c111o n~•1. bus1neu and educarion are prime cand,d.atei A lo, of whal 1ht)" 1u c h c u •• and 1ho uld - be learned o n the Job. If colle1 e1 and un1 vor1111es did 1 b e tt e r JO b a f t e a c h , ns 11nder rudu11 es, there wo uld be le..n need for J radu.atc desn:a



ntesr~."°:~:.~~ •'7;. o • s

li1 J hc r e d1t c a1 1on CllulJ JOl!malL ·Yo.a c ■ a 'I J o mo r e of o nt become a b.1s11oa or e1ctllen.:e , f (resHr<h) without leu of !he other wconly1ry ( 1e■ c h 1 n1), • Fai r weathe r u1d. "Peopleare\lo0rk1111 hard - 11's1vsi r - - - - = - - - - . whe~ they'tt worki.nJ. •

Wh at we nu cJ ar~ tuc:heu 3400 Ta~ Blvd. PO Box 160 Our colltsu anJ un1ve r,it1e~ who kno "'· cbcu f1eld1 aad can co mmian1 c at e c nth1.u 11 s m lo need 10 provide I he11t-r cJuc11mn Wichita Faus, Texas 76308 1tiaJen11 Not ,II pro rc:.u ors on be 10 ducrY1ni 11udenl1 . Th11 m•) News Desk (817) 689-4704 p 1 lh · l>ru k 1n1 1ch olars Tbe mun 1m1llo r enrollme nll, bu1 Ad. Desk (817) 689-4705 UCIIIIYe emphu,1 on K hoi.1rdlip , ...., n 1oday'1 .1tlr1t10n U leS , the r enentu m1ny 11nre1d boob aod num ber o f 1r1du11 u ntc-d not t.ld-'Veno'I(& Edilerlnctihf med, oc~• ar11 clu 1n ac■ dem,c cJrop - -- - - - - -- - - ,

S111u 1bovld c:h u11 th . .... by n11101 naicioo atwply ••d c:01tph111 lh 1DCIU H w1tlr1 seaerov., 1c hol1 nl11p1 bud 011 bue(at:'9,... L ■ r1• earollm••la 1upporl ••rtl ••d ia c om• T o 1e1 J■ r1• fa c ialu... More 1ndia111 1ebof11sh1ps, 11udc:ou would have 1111du11 h beral• IH11tcd facialty co pat me.a,uasfial mtnnc.e t aams

ud e r 1 r■ d11 1 1 u u par1ic: ulu ly

·bemg gutted:

Jdoall)', l he 1cbol1rsb1p1 should be •va1l1ble for use at 1a• ,rate pu val c .cbools. All school, wo uld 1hen co mpele for 11uJen1S on the ba111of ■udt111.1c qu.a.hty ad c:os1s . Today ·, 1y11em of 1ener1I 1.a11,o n 1ub11d1u p,o vidCIJ a,d 10 well •IO•do l1m1he1 !bat doft'I need 11 or unqu.al1ficd ltUdenll who don'I

•0,mplrtt Nl1Ultt M"rvict drp.nmcnc • Sc.«bw brand office fumwre

• ln(tra:" ~ ~ n n'libblt • JO,d.ay(ha~ l't.n

· lnbuoom 11nce 19-i2 O ut ('WUQmrr lo:,a/ry spt.iks for itself!

~ 1 ' 9 7 Tt.W'lr:Han l Nl'llCl'II.-,


il • -.o111'11T1w~ ~ L..a. ......,

TN l'l',rl'lt.llll_,.

... ..-e-,_ 01...-.~...-... ........... lndudt,.., _.., ,_,,_\O 1o ...

COl'lll.1tl -,ot,WICIM - M, - - ~


10MC110.,, - . . ~~,-,,-ard!lwf#61,/11


.-.... ,.__.,.IM(,-dtr,11 • •. __p,lrwll •. .....,...

..... .., ....,..,..,..,.._,_...., ~

,. ,. ,..._.~ ol------



1'11:11 ~

. . _ d lNIK·





credit cards

Thunday, ~o\'ember 5,- 1992 ~;:::;)

Companies · sign up students

11 H- Dolin,

~eci•fou,tb1 or •II ""Hime ,,-fc,1nd11u• 1 tudea1a 1111 tbe 1,1,,1,J S111et h1 v• al lt:111 o oe

••Jor ..:udll c ud , AMer icu p,aostilJl&K.S!11a1UUM1ta\ed

Major cre~il C'U d comp,;n1e.s ,r• u y1n1 to 1111 up colleie ll1t_,11 lw,U\IH lh.y ~lh(IIC. Ont of . . IUI -.OHt\lreled IQarhlt ia .. _.J\tttry. NUM:ty perce111c of all

,,,~•bol<hn1 111.1denlt r opon du.

,.,ir cndil c ard111 I Dd bills • r•I


Studeat1 are oa liced h lh _. of obtl1ntn1 cnd11 Cb'da y • A repruenta[r,,o for Di~ cird and Bank Amonc, wllo ' : : ii C,.rli:: Student Cater on Oct S _ 1 u yi111 to 111n u p acudent · f c,c4it cards uid i i ,.,11 ..11 ,: f: c,Otlell sNdents co pt Credit c a ret. tbe credit card com ftl oat care 1r I i t udeot baa pa u ff(1A cro,dit haatory. a Pr►

'More •tu.deft t 9 are t • urning to Credit cards t 0 pay for tuition, books, rent and even luxuries.'


prau • nd C illbank w hich allows th ' " comp1n1u to use tahlc apace ,n l he bookuo,e for •ohcilallon of ll\ldent e r.edit applica hOfl.l. W ate rs Hid tbu Barnes & Noble Ines IO cowuenicl the credn Card ao h c 1t111o n by pro vu.lin bookstore, with handout phi I which provide inform,,,:.m , : 0 Proper uu of cred,l n Dr . Ho ward F . 1 More tludcnis are luf'11.in1 10 p r_cs ideat for r.t u de~i' ~'~dv:~~ ~ : : ! ~ : J : Y ~ : :•11011, , mu11atnt ive aervicca. u id tb• Perry Griner, director oftJus,. • v• u ae • umber o r credit card ,e,,1 11T11rs , said 742 •n.denta paid compa ruea that come to c,mpus it fol' tbt1r hllltOn and With tv.-o per ICffleNtr •



,.... ......._,



Sb c u 11ma led that t h plttlu or th• lluda1n1 llMd Cr:;-

catdf III lho1rown nam.a..

r it

Barry W atcn mu.a us boobtore, d ..r ortt.. ~ that out or _,-, ued credn ea d pus, • bo\ac I I P"rchue wok• Hecst ima t ; ,~ 6 - "nl1 uted • cr~1t e&rdo~n•= :,'116S itudonta


_ . MIM

W11«1 • id 11M ho.. ot'fiui or ...-S & Noble bu I ayr.lem called 1t.e ' othe r inco m1 pro1um • in w,ictt 11 mal(~r.. cor porate • ir• • ....1 wi th C1.t1bo~ 10 put c radit u rd apphca hons 111 av•r y boot ,old,

H• J&ld lbe ~tot• also t.: 1 • ~a1reome 111 w 1tJ'I Aa..nun Ea-

She u 1J 1ludeot1 1oued1 ted w 1tb 1pplk1t10fl l bcC11Hc c red11 cud C"ompao,u bdicn mtdeals ban: • poceot1,11! for makiDI montcy in tb,e Mure. Cunn11:11ham 1dv 1sei 1tlkkntJ 10 sho p u ound. She 1■1d tM belt crtdll Catd to fied II oee with low 1nttrut ratu and oo IQ.null! fem. Shanno11 Push, a 2 1-year-old 1ndu11c siudent at M 1Jwule ra , Hid s be rccci v, d bu fi n e c- rcd11 cud when 1he wu a sophomore. At ono time . she hid 12 credit cards w1~ a IOU! baJaoc. oo-til of about U ,600. Pu;,:h .,.1d she bu cul 1hem all up but two . Sb.e u,n bcr ~)'Cbcd lo pay tb1 m1n1mum ba.laou on all the eardi and tbcn a, forced to th• cards 1h11 moatb for livin1 ll· She Hid 1t II a loop dlat w difficult to CK'lpO. Pu.ah 111d lbat cr1d 1t card• "doa' I t eem Ilka real moacy. • S1119 111d her mother tohl her DOC ro ,.a mon than ooe card, but ahe did D listra. Now lhe hldel U. amoual that the owes _from hsr ~ r boica.a I ..W JOU

~ ~ t want ID '-r,

H• ••prm,d,omro ,bo.,

.... .... ,., ,d"" ' 0 " ~

dcn11 would be to not lot !be e r.chi ~arid com~111:9 ra1M Iha ma.umYfll m:, yu ~ b.c-~u•• lb• ,X1/w1~lr; ~...!. on, H , I • •ore ·- r Fruhm·"' Kimber ly llawk1n1 i ho rc~••"'eJ a cred11 ca1d in 1 aemuter af col• hc her 1 e~ Ji • pp ,ed for tM card lO-11 1 daapD~ of~~ u: uc.Jh cre.Jii sh:'~;:d i he cha i s u 11. . 11 I i.k - Ro dn au~i . 1muun11 oa~b moath , but always ua ,verai l Deis s , :d p,e~• h n t, • 11rccd wilb p• ) • 1h, balence 111 full 11 1he 111J Channel tot ~ • would like for o f lhe mon1h. H, ,. k1n1 u 11I 1bit mahve 2 tome l)'pc of infor.. w, y 1be H labll1bu cui d11 , bt.11 ter. pr o1rammic1 Ga 1h11 int i·' 1 h1Ye to P'Y all tha,1 ltll t ~. Giil C uM iriahlim t:ouruclur ln torell .: h1 r 1e1 o n moil I for Coosumer C r-edu Couo..loct ia credit urJ, rom11n • ~v• I_I per• W1cb1ta f alls, Hid he r bininen oadl\'er11e , • nd iw o-ttu id,; or 111 It cud wen only P• Y th usually couosclt avera r of 111 10 atudionts per month. mi ni mum balani.:. eac h month , 4' Fmanc11I World map,.100 1taal.

1tuduta l•thna i n to fi nanc i• I trouble e.arly tn their carH rt but ... ~ II II hard \0 lea ally Slop c'r.ctu ca c~mpuuee:' toh c1t1t1011. Richard Deus . i tudeAI , . ~ Un h t1 ve to the adm1n1tlrat1va counctl, aid Mld~ena's faculty ne eds lo be alort to the facl lhal Uu den1 11hould he ta u ahi the


:••Jm;! t''







• MSU eoc1al and behavioral .cience 1tudenU try their 1kill8 at the n ew ,port or broom ball at Tandy Center in Ft. Worth. Some aaid the winner WU the ice rink.

Broomballers promote new sport ., Linda Hffldriclu

bill r uhar lh.n a f Ud: 1nJ u~e I R,porur broom to •"'' "P lhe Mii a\:rou the Look out. hoc ke y p h ycn' fklOI' Thor• may be anofher l"o mpctllo1 hoaded your w11! Oa Oc:1 2), • aroup of Au oc11tmn of Social and 111 bro.:i111b1tl , lhe,e 1r o HA B•h• Y1 0 11I Sc 1• ncc me1nb1r1 mcntbo11onU\:h1ot1m 0 111 ~;,~•!'!t~ 1~~~.: ~ ~t• r · The t•mc, 1J pla)ed h h hoc:k· 17 hut w11h much mor• fua , u pe· The AS BS had 12 m,mbe11 c1:1lly fo t rh c,11 who know 1k>lhm1 who ,lid 1hen w, y 1crou 1hc floo, 1bc;u1 hep1n1 lheu ti.l ance ut1 1t• fu, 1n •YeNIII full offm wfu lc wan na 1CMt1 lhoai

Broomball u 1 , porl 11 play~ on • n ice nnl: and ,. 111 - Y wa ys hh hockey, yet v.1th KYeral J1 ffea ncu. O no must wu , 1c,u111 • ~ .......,m,11 ml.Jl!. 1171,-~ I





M1dwe11cm wtll be d iatn butlllJ recently d11Cove rtd fuod• u ac,hol1 n h1p1 to srudca1s in neocJ of financial 11d. T he money wu lefl over from 1chol1r.sh1p awardJ that were uncl11med in pH l serneaiers. A memo w u i;:1ven 10 profcs• sors m the Hardin 8 u1ldin1 10 make thom awu e of the funJ 1. h111ructors were I.hen ukcd lo recommend srudents they knew 1h11 rni1h1 be 111 nee d or ur.i111nc e 1n o rUer 10 1warJ the scbolarshipe. Or. Emily Carpealer, usociale


ALARM SYSTEMS rr-1....... ito. kiw CIOAAo,■ a•i.i..­


• •


72).. . . .




t ori Gr llham , p,u idc:nl of ASBS, .. id. · wo ,re m"'otved 111 80 G11th1m u1J the hroomb• II maa y v0Jvn1ccr 1c ll\ llt H u c h a• me w11 J UJ.I ac 1ct1 v1ty for th1 monlh that 1h11 wu 1 toseiher membe,1 10 hi ve fun 1moai the•


.,,wcdidJ'lltfor fun • .. < ••

pro fessor or Eo1h 1b , utd t he would encour1p any ,tud,en.i. c.on• 11der1111 lbc rot elvu I A o,ced o( f1n1110C11l ,11d to contacl her. Sbc


you· re •n

r~ZC:C: ::!s::ea ri!'=~~~,;':;1~.:'w'!:.=



• • lonJ II funds are available and can be applied 10 M J.I t emeller' .r. u p.,n,os. T he Cbu1e, H. Jones FOl11'Wia!\on 11 "fK)(U,OflOI 1b. 199) S11ioul Poelfy Compcll t1on. One thousand dollau will be 1...-.rded 10 the firu prue winner, S.SOO 10 the sc..:ond pnlc winner , S2S0 for third pnu. S 100 for fou r1h, SS0 Hono rable Me.nt,on and S 10 Commend11100 awards. Con1es1 w inne r, will M publii hed 1n the 199] ed i11on o f the Winners Book. Tbc j lldr es Scliectcd for Uu1 year's CVClll arc Tom Clait. Cima Lkwell)'lli 11\d Diane W ako,.lei More 1nfor m111on can be ob111ocd by sendmJ a 1elf·1dU ~





2731 Soulh•t.Jt Pmtw,y


Rio Viluf'lu.1 32l-15S.



1501 Midwcm m P■P'I)'

691 ,1996

Widuu. Squar-e ·e y Jewel <Mo' 691-0060

723-1900 1612 91A S1ree1 761-0050

J, .... ,,uul Ofl Jj\ ll-.m1nJ! Jr.! ~JUllllr} IJ,x,,uru 111, ,tul 1,11h Jn) ,o1J1, r 'I'-. ll 11,

- Emily Carpenter

'• •••••••Iii

envelope to the Chester H. Jones Found111on . P.0 Boll .a91 , Cbardon, Ohio 44024 . The cl01.1n1 d.aie to!- enlJ1C." I ) Ma.n:h J I. 1993. Pro fc.uor,; 10 all dcputme ots a re l,c:1n1 as ked to ulect ltudcots for nomu1.a11on or the W ho ", Who award for 1992. T he 1Mtruc10n arc 11ven a h si of .:me ri ll ,n order 10 R lect ,tu• dent, ba~.J on such aspe,c ts of Mu• dl!nt hfe u t ra de po1n1 averase. 1n"qlvemen1 1n cl.ln.-( urncular ac11viuc1 and par11c1pa11on 1n 1tudea1 or11n1za1,ons. S1udcnts selected for numtna• llon mu11 compJcLe aa 1pphc11 1on duc ribm1 thcu, ..ccomphshme n11 aod 1nler~ . Each year 11UdcnL<1 of JUnKlf and seruor clus1fic.a11ocu are

Ir, 'ln l \l,t II>



studen1 aw erd,s arc 11vcn 11 1hc Spnna BUK1uc1. More 1nforma1ton can be ob11incd concern101 the W bo'• W ho 11o m1n1 t1 ons by 11n1 aa y ~SU 1nsln,ctor.

KaBina e 0

I( )



Im uch 88 you dot'

r--- --- -c-:~o-me - -t-® ______ ~i:l:I;•. : ~


~ CO'J,&,l'W{JOWCYJ./.5

T he ASD~ 1roup dvu "'c,lunte e , wor k onc e • month 11 the W11:h1 t1 Falls S rere tfo,p11• I i nd tho 8 1>y1 C lub1. ii also conJucu fund raisers fur Fin.I Step Inc. and he lp• w 1tb the 8 11 Brot hen a nd Sutcn pros:r-m.

·•"t ~•-~ ll ,., -. - ~ ! i f ' "".1o1I ~"' ""' Uriciainied·scholarships re-distri6iited ·. one knows if Il'No you're in need a s l)'TrishWiest


G rat ham 0 1d 1h11 everyo ne h1J • lut ol h1n cspcc11ll y i 1nc c 11 h1rJ lo lillrnl on lhe MX Sho 111J thal many li mes the NII wnuld f1nJ 111 way to 1he ne1 and the ne1 woolJ 10 •hJ1n1 aero,:, lhe noor WU !60

m,,,1111111! ,11J,·r>. 1,, ,,-..c1,, rt 1..., 0 ur,1

Playing this F~n d,y and Saturd• y ;at the Slammer 2610She ppa rd

Acc:ns ROiid


Live lazz, Fus1on, and Blues

Ii •


♦ MSU St udents are Wel come !


We pr ovi de s chcx>l s upplies


as 'llell of fice sq::plies.


3401 Kemp Blvd . Wachi\.ll Falls. Tx 7h.'°8 Phoni.: (817) tm,655S Fa~ (fl l 7) 691-7~ I


You Ibo 1et • FREE 111\ADPHO~·r. RADJO JU11for e1Uin1 l -80().1>)2. (l:521. E1LM

Page 4 ■ Thursday, November 5, 1992

Cbe 1111cbtttn

Student teacher awards go to Lentz, Millican, Moldenhauer RJ Sht'f)I &rtort Rt purlt'r On Od 23, The D r Tm·11 A

and Eul) n While Sludtnl Tocher Awards were prc\Cntod to Mct}'d ·

len Lcncz , Barbu• M1 1J1c 111 111J lhlh MolJonh1uer in t hr d1\u1tJn 1 (ol td1u.111on o (f..:ti;.:,e~~e,n1~, ; ht'::;,:,,~11; ~~~ ~~~~ 10

Th t SI 2 5

She ) I HI ~b, lovn (. h1ldrtn


wa, J \ v. er • Je nt tu, hrr 1 1 S H RiJcr pre,rnlcd 10 lht rec1pu:nl~ by l>r. S, hool The aw,u J , lo htr , •• • 1



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incheo while ,,,:,wmJ up. ·1 w1n1 ~;~;:,~'~"~~~r~:\;hr110:,e;~.;~ -~~ com~'.:~~\',',;:1~:S,.'t!~!~~~cn In i; iH 10 my,tuJcal ~ what my , 1~LIIDI profo~or of eJ oc111on


The- 1w11J,; ■ rt r1\'fn uc h 1rmt , h: r 10 cduu11on \ludirnu wht> art prcparm11 lo fi.Jlfill 1hc1r ,1ud(nt l u ch1 n11 dUI Ltt Rr ,: 1p1e nh ate 1.hostn by MSU cduc11mn b cu lry belore ~l udet'II le.tch1n1 be11nt


Winnen and preNntera of the Travit A. ■od Evalyn White award■, from left, Maryelle n Lentz., Dr. John Dowd, Beth Moldenhauer, Barbara M111ic■ a and Dr. Clannce Darter.

Siudcnls mu\l hive .1 J (J GPA 1nd must havl' compl~tt d 11 leu l 60 h<'LH~ 11 M1dwc.1ttm to qu.d if) 0 1hc r than sc ho lu t1 c rccu rJ1, ielcct,o n 11 hasc:J ,.,., appliu nts · pocc n11a l 1u be auccessfu l 1n 1he trachme field.

hi►lon· wnJ

John Kno1 . former duc:1.tor of th e CCSC \poke about Hu1hu ' hfot) le hy 'luo un1 ucerpl\ fro m Allen R M1.G 1nn,s · hook • The Fr1e nds h1p F 1..:1or • Kn ox i.11d H ur h u had lh c: d c: s 1,n1 h o f tho uund t of people 10 b1-. cue •od the re..,ourcH o f ,overnme nu ac his d,~pou l Kno x u1J Huahe.s l,vod • ~ -

lcu , JO)'le)~ anJ ha lf-lun11u.: h fc:. Dunn ,; Hu11he,· later year►• h,t s c ra,~ly beard ruchcd hn w1111, h11 hair reached to the m1JJlc o l hu, hid, h1_.. fm1~rnj 1Js were twu mchcs looi and h11 IOfrmls (fC:W IO resemble Iona corUC~w-s · Evtry m•n hu hi\ price or I au y like mc: could n o t c:lal , · Huahu allegedly u 1d, Hushes ' usoc.,uu s11J oo a mu unt of mone,cou!J huy 1he1r 1Ffe.:hon Most of h1 ~ em!'IIO)tccs said ,h,. y were di~• c uMeU by b,m Whrn Hui;hcs d,ed, only th ree peo ple 1t1cnded hi s funenil · w 11h lllmo.;I unl1m1tcd mooey and hunJ rc.ds o f btiu11ful wo men 1v11la hlt 10 t111n, why 'ii-IS Hushes 50 11nlo\·e i! , 1~ola1cd and lo ncfy'I •

Knoll. \lld "S imply because he fhe SO 10 SS percent drop -out rare c:toc: ro be.• ol colk~frnhmcn • tic said. K no i 1hu nu! God £1Y e Kn oi cone haded his address mank tnd chin,~ to use • nJ people with tm follOYJLnlf sdf tese to enJoy . 1nJ Hushes never learned • • Do you hive 11 leul one to enJO)' • nd hue me1n 1n~ful pcuon nearby 1ha1 yo u .,:an 011 on rc \a 11o n~h1p1 with people hcc1use 1n 11me, or persoo•I d,~tru{ • he wa:,,. too bWi)' m1n1pul1tma them •• Do you have 1cven l people ·u you i nd I •re not 101n110 who m )OU u n vmt , w11h little ad· be lonely. if we ■ re J:01n1 to h1vo vanccd wunmc anJ no apolo11y? ioo d rcl1 11o n ~h1p~ wit h 01hcr .. Do you have several people people , we ha v..- 10 a n 11n lop w 1ch whom yoo c,n enJoy and mire p r,,,r ,i y to 1hoJ.e relat1 oniihl Jll>. • recrcallonal , c1,v1t1e1? Knox w 1J . ·our focw; shoulJ be or, •• Do you ba vc people 1h11 the needs of other$. · wil l lenJ you money1fyoo noed 1fl Knox s:ud many 1tuJ e nt1 d o •• Do yo a hive peop le who not IY.lum ~rtcr thl'1r fre-.hm3n year wlll c,re for you in pnicttc.11 w1y, if bl'ctus c thty have d1 ff~uhy 1dJu~t· lho nttd ansc:," Ing • nd ma k i n e w o r th wh 1I c.• ·•· •• What 15 yo ur netwo r k of 1'hend,;h1ps. "Tiu• 15 ra~ ible for fr1e,11Jah1p1 hb'f

, om h1 n1

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Speaker blames freshmen drop-out on lack of meaningful relationships :Y Jin•ny Tl'fTy f'~ht>r l f f c ~ c O the lace m, lliooai!Y. 11 odwar d u1hc i w as co mpared an C\l nl(~~lcJ to lhe iubJec t o f mcani n£ u coll eee re li ltonship~ dur,n¥ an Oc1. 21 luod iwa addrcn ~t lh e Chu rc h or Chu,t Sludcn l rnkr

1h11l 1hr

11011 o f lh~ IWII led he r IO chOOJe ha1U~1~:~cnh1u,:r V.IPII \ lo hr lhc 1e1<h1ni t arte r She hopu ~ l>ei.l lhf' un tc O I IC'.tchc-r $C) !hat he I mr111v11or m htr 111idc nu, tn d n l ca n rc: a,: h rhe 11 lull 111lhn11 1n lhc:m lht dCj1rc: lor •UC· ~: ; t ; l1,~ J e ' Cc» D d u td lhc: rc,:1p1rnl1 h,ive Mdha n, an 1nlC'rd111<1pl ,n■ ry o 11- · 1 p,o mih· ,.5 l u l u re , 1ud1e• m.iror w1lh 11n cmph• •~ : ;~~:;;r: r~~I wi' ,. huJ ~h ,uce 1 h T ht rc ,re: tO m1ny l'ood f n11ln h, u 1J ~ht I.\ \ try lton-0( rece•~ the 1M1J Sheu I slud cnl· : : ~ t he .uiJ 11:: 1.:hcr 11 hu n Ekmcntll)" · h< w,u J ..,,..,. c:1.1■bl"hrd ,n 1 M1lhcan ~.a,d toc:1ne • teacher. 1' 7◄ b ~ T ra \' " A and Evalyi God\ p11nforhc1 · 1t1~wherelm !vh YD rWhi te~erveda,pre 11. , u ~ to t-c," \he w,td. d n:•: f ~idwe"ccrn from 19SS to M1lo n1 a J 1ffcrenc:o 1s bcr c: ma m ~oal in tc:ach,n1 She Wj nts to 1974 •

us 1!,app •• T he Un1vcrs11y Pro~ram m,n , !:loud \I, 111 prestnl 1hr mov,c ·JFK · ~• Sp 111 • NO\' 5 lt1 the Cl1ri.: S1udc:n1 Ctnter Thca ler. •• A bl~ek student retreat will be held NO\' 6-8 at the Mt . Le h, non 81pt1sl Enumpmenl m Ced., Hdl ~. Fo r more 1nform111on conla..:1 thr Bapt"t St1,1Jent Unio n art 767•1 222. .. A s11ff runnrn11 .:tremonr will bC" lu1urcJ art 12 p.m , Nov 6 111 CSC JQ.I •• Upw.. rd Bound. • ft (kul!y funded proar• m dl's 1encd 10 help

1ru h1¥h ~ hool s iudents w hu arc fin1nc111l l) d rud\Jnlaged :ind rirsi 10 thcu fam ily to poicn tially c:om, piece ,;ollege. will fcawrc an <>p:n hous e from I JO to J JO p . m m Mo ffett Library 316 • • A T /\ IR r e ,J , n~ co n• fercncc: w1JI be he ld •t 7 am . Nov 1 m 1he Clark Student Ccnl1:r. • • The CCUE le,c will he htld at 8 am, Nu\ 7 m 8 u,;1nc,_.. Adm1n1\lrlllon ,•,nn.:~ 101 •• The mu,,\· J c.parl mc:nt will fca lu rc • , hotr ~once rt at J r m , NOv. 9 rn lhe Akin A~ll'lnum




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•s,oNSOREI IIY-..s,n

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Sports --- --- ----- --- ---- --- ----, Indian football playoff hopes fall ·--- ------ ------- -


Cllc Wltblttn


· Tern Thompson(~) 18

acroo• the net.



ByO.'fflTilfman Sporb Staff M1dwc-,.lern ·~ pl,y-off hOf'e• WC-It .ti,llcmrd l1 ~t S11unby wbc-n McMurr y Collete defc.ted lhe In· d,1m; 1n Abilene by I KOH o f 26· 21. W11h both team, com1n1 orr rcceot IO.'lses, M1Jwcscern h■d lo \\<In th•~ 11m e 10 he playoff hope• fub . C-om,na in10 the rame. the lo• d11ns rc-curtl wu 1· 1 anJ 4. J aftc.r los m.: to How1rd Payne by a Kore u'21· 13 801h M1dwu1un and Mc• Murry are COM1dcrcd to be NM/."f tnm1 . .50 !he came wa.'I pretl1cled to be I h111le of the runnint backs S u1pri s1n1ly, tho uJh , 11 wu the pus101 Jame that kept both ceams O('l1mu11c. Before the 11me, Mike Cal• -.:ole, MSU hnd foolball coach, n1d. ·1 thud we· II do 1l11Jhl 1fwe don ·1 shoot o urael ves 10 the fool with penalt,e, • T he ftnt qu,rler be11n o n a deprcsi.1n1 note as both ltams had o ff•1e thn1 penall ies dut1nJ the •ntnJ kickoff. Five plays utlo the match-up MSU quarterback Cra11 Pe 1111rew c o mple letl I pass to fullback Dernck Wasoncr for I JO. yard 1110 l o pu1 lh e lnd11n, o n Pltofot,y K)ltltMJU/l McMurry's ◄2•yarJ-hne. U nable lo capHllize on this 10 • pike the ball dri ve. M1Jwestern hid 10 punt !he

Support MSU Athletics

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3800 Barnen Rd. • 691-5501



Adult Bibk Slud}'.- ............7: lS

Sunday School........... .......9:45 Mom111g Worship .......... 10:45 Chtldren's Church........... 10:45 E\t.lUOi Worship....... _ .....6:00

MissicneltCS.._._ ....._._.__._7:15 (GwAacs l-13) Royal RlnJ,n.•....•.•........7,15 (Boys ,.... 3· 13) Youth Semee._-·-·· •.•...•..7-15

Nursery Availablt A.Ii Suvicts

h,11. J Lee Polls, MSU punier, fumhleJ tht i n1p a nJ 111,,v.-c:J ,, McMurry player 1-, rc-lum the t-,all ro, a T D. W11h McMurry's c,ffeut , 1111 not ytl hav«11 louchtd the turf, the tcorebo1rJ rHJ McMuny-6, Mid· w.es1cro•O To st.rt MSU·1 s«ond po1aeu10n, P.ni11•w picked up 27 yards for a firsl down, bu1 10 no avail the ln1hans had to pun.t. Midwa y 1n10 !he ti,111 quaner, ~tcMurry'• uffenws fiully 11eppeJ 0010 lhe fidd .-.fie, three ofrellltve pl1y1, a McMurry r..-ce1vcr -nt 70 yuds for the11 s.econtl TD. W,th a failed two po1n1 conversio n. 1he 500ft wu 12-0. 5 h11 nol yet o ut o f the fust quarltr, McMurry went 60 yard& 111 four plays 10 pul Msu·s defense deep 1n their o wo ternlo ry . McMurry fumbled the hlll mto MSU's eod zone fo, their 1hud TD. After a two point cociversion lhc score stood at 20-0. To ,tart the secoad quarter, Pcu11rcw bit tiJhl end Sean Rubino for a IJ•yard pick up aod 1he ir e 11h1b firu dowo of lhe compc1ihoo. Bad:•11p punier Keith Wood wu forced to pWII and put Ibo ball o n McMuny's l•y1rd•l1ne , wb1c b cventwl\y forced Mc Murry 's first punt of the Jay. W11h c11h1 m1nu1u remarn1n11n the firsl luilf, 1a1lbick

l!enr )' Andc,, ran 16 yarJ-. for the lnd11 n, fnM p,..11 nuur 1ht afttrnoon 10 mike 1h11 ..,.......,e 20-7 Tbe l ndun a· Jcfc n1e he ld , u nn.: as M cMurry's n 1ne•pl1y d11 ve fell shor t. Pet111rew complcted a pus 10 w1tle rcct1Ye1 Dcme111u1 Galba n lo pul the la• d11n llfftn,e o n Mc Murry', 4 yard 11111' Andef' c.1ppcd o ff a 7(),),HJ Juve 1h111 boo,teJ the score lo 1014 hy h1uhn11n a 4•yard TD recq>hon. McMurr y bloc ketl a W ouJ ficld•soal ttlempl with 18 MConds 1e r1 "' the- first half. With 1hrec 1econJ .\ re1n,in1n1 o n lhc cloclt, Mc Murry con~1ed o n a ll-yud TD p-.1).S to end the fi" I half of play with a score of 26--14.

Pcwsrew hit hJht end Woody Ill put o · Kccfe on I IJ-y1rd t he T u be on McMuH y, H •yarJ• hnc. T he nc.1.t 11l1y, Galben J)fl:ked 11p 27 )'a tds on a r-.u play IO Id up a Pet111,n:w T D


Tha five ounulc, 10-pl•y drwo m 1de th e 1cou M c M11r,y• 26, MSU·21. The clo11n1 two minutes wer. lhe m o1t u ci11nf of lhe entire ball r ame . Midwes tern drovo down IO Mc Murry's 2•yarJ•hoe 'Wbere they received a ho ldint pculty thal put them hick on the: 16•yanl•lint. Trey T11lor. 1.1dback, caul,ht ■ p u , 1n lhe end z o ne w11h 22 1«ondi left, bul Pc1111rew wu pal 1he liac of sc rimm11e whea ho threw lbc ball . wh,c:h backed the lod11111 up to the 2 1 •y■rd·linc.

The se cond ha ir sllrted out 1denl 1c1lly like the fi111 , w1tb off. seninc pcn1l1iu. The third quarter wu a defen~1Ye s und-off w,th nctthtr 1e1m M:ortnc. In tho fourth quarter, defeDuve end Eddte Redmon s parked the Indians by recove11n1 • Mc• Murry f11mble close 10 the MSU end zone

With only seven KConds left on 1h e c loc k. Pet1 11rew fouad Anders 10 lhc back of the end tooe for a would be TD 1f Anders bad bec:n 1n bounds. Pe1111row showed his tl1sappmn1menl by lhrow1nJ h11 helmet o n !he 1ro und ca us1n1 yel ano1 her penalty. W 11h one second ,em.a1n1n1 on the clock, PelliJrew made o ne lul fbilioJ allempl to Suffer1n1 17 yards in penall1es, pu t !he ball 11110 1he end tooe that the lntl11n offense rtl1etl heavily on c1me up short. M1Jwestem rel l 1hoJ1 ofa win ta itb.lck P11tr1c Horace lo 1ive M1tl· w,lh • final 11:ore ofJ.6-21. w~ lcrn some brca1h1n1 room.

Tribe advances to district semi-finals By Klk llwi;ton Sporb SUIT T h e MS U soccer toam defeated Hardin S,mmoot U111vcr· 51ly 6-0 <kl . ] I al the MSU ,occcr field 1n a preview uf , Is Up(Om1n1 D1~111ct I r.cnu •final pme. T ho T ribe 's first 11)11 came with 11 17 lcf\ 1n 1tM! lint half on an IUIISMMttl 1oal h)' JudJ Joy. M,dwes tern 's second s oal came jus l 13 seconds later. w11h 10•04 lefl 1n lhe hair o n ID ISSISI fr o m D in Sc hoen 10 Chuc k Witmann. who, e header wenl 1n10 1be r11ht corner 10 1acreaH the T utie·s kad 10 2-0 With J ·S I left 111 the ha\£, Brad Moorman •curtd on a header 1h11 wu. JUI barely o ut of the HSU 10,1,lkcc:por·s ru~h 10 end the: firsl hair scunn11 with M1dw~tcm lead• 11'11 J-0. The T11be co mpletely do m1n11e d the finl b1 lf by oul· shooona Hardin S1mmom 20-0. The Tobe came out smo kina ind Kored three Joals 10 !he first IS minutes of the second half lo put the Cowboys away. Joy s.cored his second 1011 of


Randall to 1ncrcuc the T11be'1 lead

1u 4-0.

M1chacl Cbaff1n. ,ophomo re m1d•fieldc,. 1cond the lut lwo pis of the 11me both off UIUb by Joy 10 make the final 6-0. The firs! 1011 -.:11n1e o ff of a header and the 1ccontl 1011 wo o rr I nice lead pus tha t put the CtJwboy1· aMl1e 1n • one-on-one ~,tuahon w11h Cluiftin. who hluteJ I ldl•fooled shol into Che 111h1 corner of 1he net to cinch lhe 111ne. ·we 11 wwldn'1 he• n:al b111•m• • • Naihao P1h1r . ,MS U hud l<>CCcr COICh, ..._Mi. "Ovcn.U, 11 went rul we ll . and we mc:I o u r for the aame." M1dwe, 1ern comple1cl y ind utterly do m1na1cd the 11mc: by h1vm1 41 shots•on·101I compated to Hardin Simmon.1' thn1c. T he Tube·s nut 1cl1o n will come 1111nst these same Cowboys at l p. m. ID the ucootl sem1•f1nal 11me of the D1strK:18 Tournament at !he MSU soccer fic:ld. The two semi-final w inners will play 11 I p.m., Nov. 7 fof the D1stricl 8 Ch1mpionsb1p and the

, - - -- - -- - - - - -- - -- - - - - , the 1•me o rr an assist fro m Jeff r11h1 to ,o IO theplayofh.







ni versity



Dan Schoen (f5) watcbu u the defender uaes his he ad to block the 1hot-on-1oaL

Lady Indians open basketball season on Tuesday, Nov.10

Every Wednesday until December 31. 1992 Special prices for collc:1;c students


Open till 6 p.m. ****$1 .00 per game****

New Ka.rvest Church. George B. Davis, Pastor

From 9 p.m. till close ****$1.50 per game****

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Rcgistt:r for a free howhng hall when you come in nn Wc:llncsdays

SHEDULE OF SERVICE 9:45 A.M. Sunduy School JO:~S A.M. J\,1orning Service 6:00 P.~I. [\'ening Service Wednesday Worship 7:00 PM.

" of the Days Inn. ,. ~1c:cung in ihe Upper ~oom JI· g5-;.5095 f-or more infonnauon ca . .


By Ot-bbic MaeslAZ SporlS Staff T he MSU l ady lnd11ns bas• kt1ball team will open thctr 1992-93 seuon al S JO p. m .. Nov. 10 at So ulh,,., eslern Oklahoma S tate Un1veo1ty, lhe 41h ranked team 1n the NAIA Women·, D1vtSK1n ~ poll. J erf Ray. LaJy Jnd11ns heatl coac h , ha1d lhe team has looked s ooJ tlu11n1 ,ts prcscuon sc um• m11e~ anti IS ready for 111 first i,t ame The team hu hatl a co uple of tcmpor■ry setbacks w uh ttM! 1n• cl1g1b1h1y of lr1nsfcr studt.nt LyM Bud1mM, h-r •nfJ • knee 1n1ury 10 Rosal~i, Floyd. R1y 1111tl Buckm1,1C"1 wtll 11c11on by ho. S, 199]. In tk mean um..-, 1h1s wi ll i:1vc 1he olhcr te■ m mc mbeo II c han ~e lo s ho w case thcu capab1l1t1a.


s~ ~


✓" ..., ..-.-,-.,.-m-,.,.-_

"They always h ■ve a :11ron1 tum. anti a aood coach 10 John

Loftin," Ray said

lie u1d :as things siand no w Mindy M)'crs. T ammy Muu ay. Kd· sey Koester, S arena C111cr and Emily Dill will s tart play dunn1 the opcn1n111mc The fina l ro,ccr will abo 10• d ude Syde lle McDona ld. Vcronic■ Ramnez.. Kcl\ 10 Baker , Mo nica M1lltr , D1rh1c 8 ,~e. Rl"nc.,. Pot ier, M111ett a Peo ples , Je nnifer Lillie

••J N,cot, Ro,m. A lt1\C'hn1 <itJUI J hu not )'Cl bctn named hu1 w ill co nsis t o f twcl\·c pl•rcr11.

< . I I . _ ....... _



Soulhweslern Oklaho ma has scve: nl re 1urn 1na pl,yers and ■ 1rca1 deal o f pl1ym1 e 1Jkmence tb" i cason Last year they were tlefett ed in 1hc NA Ii\ nat1on■ I semi.finals.

,.!;'\.= .._:;-~

Century Cn\ u~t~O~ M,plcwood


Wkh11:i falls. Tx 7f)30X


(8 17) 691•12 11

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on'""9 1.,.._ . ..,1,,.1,: .,...,__ 1 t..,, 1« .. -.m1•Tu.w

G a me tim e wi ll v 1 1y 1hro11g ho u1 lhc season J cpcnd1nz un whelhcr or no l i i ,s I J ouhle • header 1,1;1th the men' \ 1e1m lollow• 1n1. A !>Chcd11le CID he oh1a,nc-d al lhe phy11cal cduc■ llon ur 11hlc-hc: office.... 1n ~ D. L. Lip Colascwn


P • ir~ 6 ■ Thu n<d ay. No,•emb<-r 5. 1992

TSEA elects

In h1, • ~I C lli,h •. \.h1.11,r11 <" I••~• ~d::.l::is .imlluu 1nJ lllJ ::~~~ :~=t.•o .,nJ rctM.,IJJ• ~ vlJ

new offirers

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display \\·orks


1 1.Jl•atd h • l'-cft~ll": IL} m1n 111I~ \h: 11,t-«-1, , t ttK- \ l~l , hl.pct:r bt:t' 11 ~ISL •


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greater in students


J9'Vny TttT) RC'1"W1ff Rc1J \Ith hell .,., 111 aq11nw lbcp,.•.,1lmft u l .. imp~ m,a,stc, •I theOur~ b ,,f Chr1~1 S1udta1 Ctali:-r on Dt-.. :1 •ttu , , .-Juat,n.: 1, _.,m 1bcl n1\rr,1f\ -11 ln.&.,"' Arhn'"' " I h.:: h o c m 1bc11 ( ~t11.:hcll •nJ bis fun,u, Samm1.:: L)nt h ) ~ J\-Otlll O ftOJtb, . their mmt•tr y "'r"'r, c n,c, hC'rt , 1n J 1br,r rc la ,,,,n). h l p tng:t-lhcr. \ 111\fttl} 1 1"11J,,·,1,1c 1h 1 thty -.1!1 make , l:1"'<'11 l (' ainpu -. m,a,~tr~ cca m , • Dan o)' C ,,rb1u. Lil "'· ,. Chur.:h (of C"hn,1 ...-amru• m1nl\lrt . ... ,J ·Th,) Uf b.)th v.,rll ld,,:J anJ v.tll·rt\ptcled \\',: v.11) .......-eh m1,, lhf-1r 1nnueoce here, hw '- t t'oow thAI CK-.1 v.,ll U!lt thtrn f'()"" tr f'lllly u, h1~ m1011t1)' an ano!hc-r M11,hcll ,, 1n 1t1lctn ._.,1h lht Cb.r, h ,11 C hn, t Sl\!Jcn1 Cc-nttr •

""l1"lf"lli ·

l 'T <\ tit ,,, i: r •ct .i. 1hc: ,c11Jc n1 ~ 0 I) r J I n.;, I .:: . • " J C' ' 1 lftlf rtU lh•t.1I \ tUJtnl m101,trv. luJ , , m..11 t '""P 8,Mt ~tu.lie" aoJ lc.a,hc-, B,bl~ , l.a.s...r, Uc :,,c-ntd 1..~ a v<>..i th 1,: 1rr n ! o r 1h r A It J o Cbur.h ,>! Ct.r,,t t 'I A kdt.> M il, h~II ... , n rnJu.11e v.,1h , toa, hcln r o l hl.,.nc" •Jm1a1,u ,;t\,('lfl dciue ,. irh .:oit..'t'Oltatro n ,a fin1n.:.- In iJ.llto<-.n. hr • l ruJv h.Lc tu, c-u , rul n tlk' 1...,/l!IC



·sn,,hc , , ho"' 1h11 ocw 1a SQO Wl.lU0.11)' "1lu.kn1:. 1:. HI\ " J""'-'b'"•' Ca1oh 11 P-.1kcr. UC.;"\lh\'t Wftit.l;)( IIM" T~u < \105 ?r\d\o\ort, .lil.iJ. A rec ent 1U1\t) 1ssUN •I llte lnknut1on•I Coarerenct OD AIDS w,J nearl y ball o f U.S. Am)' IOIdiers 1Jn111 lo huudu\11 so,-1111 \'!'Kh,; u , ,.utb u failu:tJ to\lllie"('OO• J.,m,,. 1bc:: Ouh· Tirun


~ ''. h"'•.

,........\.t-th Ciucrlo)(, IN-4 ~(If • I •• ab,.1 !DOM c,I the ll-

·t,:': ho)nr,, ~

ou.,tah •ka ~

... ,.... t)lt,~ jlt 1)w J•k .. lth -

•t:r«:--,.~:Jo7! "


IUIH, f't'Of'lc



1hr.MJirb lbr do 11\>C pl\ • tt •).101,1 ol l~~ff J,)i'IS


: .. ;~,~, 1=:,~ ~ •aKtJuas •

honest mistakes

1wo 1r1 u • 11,l(Jmtu,, ....


:;t:_~~~~-'"'r~0~1~;~.~~:~ ~~~:7;·n~~,~,~~~I~ Kennedy has ""-u.• "Oc-..1Ui of env1ronmenta) ex·perience GED program o~;;:~·- o .k R1dce. reaches 50 ,,ears Der-rt• lh♦ PC• 1 ■ continued 1

1 Sabnu • 1nJ arc J11pla:,t-d a1 the Emiwn :r;~ :::cr •I lkP1u~ Ua1,cr-ll) ,





8) ltoUy F"AnuinRrportl.,. Tb" yur mu h tht' GEO procum's SOfh an•,v•rsa, y Eac• ~t'-lf •ppru um.atdy 350,000 .Julu comr lt1,· their h11h ,,hool tJu.:ahon b) nnun.: GEOJ1~

Smith discusses female figures

m,~•h'fl h"qlllrtfflC'llt.i


QJ 11uJtm.... Du11nr the ~ear. \ltd'lfl.c•tiem 1~ ..., .. m, t,hc aJ. rn1n1\1Jllll•c .-b u i i: req 1111c-J for 111 5'l 1111\Unr , um r the ld,1nc -> f •tr .1nJ t>ld.:: r " SIO Ire- " re.;,urcJ hu lht 1, Ju,n,r o l lhc ,c:r• h lk.ak


F,,, mo n 1nformali(ln •houl -'"~~t'r : ~~nc,• ~~n~:;•;; ; ; . : ;c1hc

., L: S GtlM'Jal ._,"\:OW-.C.I.Qc A Tbc ~ccond e,h1b1t100 , .. the N1t1 01111 "ICJ"fl c~ntr1I Ttui Compet1hon· l: 5 La borAIL•J!' aaJ from 11 LM An Ct.ntet 1ft Wa."O f e-;ri, o nx-nt _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ L. ~ • hy Ash 1S ~prtsfflC,Cd a,.,mbaush ' , 1a1111I und("raJ _ prwc Ulkd "Slcud on ScuJ 26-Q I • Eltab«h A . ' ' '°"'· • -~ 11tr pollut1ns 1he Ri vtr ~,;. udu.tft , c aJtnuc 1nltrt\ h '4trt fht f,clJ of -.~. oaJ•f) N\l,,.ll,Ofl p r o ~ of art, ll 1100 rqm-scnttd Loq f1lattJ SouoJ. .,.,IM1DI 1 1a 11tie " 1991 Ccniral Tuu C"oN•, mc-•H for t!M HudM>n RI\-Ctkee.s:: .,., ,b \ftCCialhe:1 1ft fTl'fn~, •IW and su1n1 ,c-.·arc trutmcnt plkin lbt-1 eutli s,,. itB."c-1: pettbcm" • W.:o. Silbfc:~ut'n1 -.o rl t ,pe11ea..•c SIie ..,,,II u.h1lt11 a .N,)U),,.h hyt,O to force compli1n..-c -.,lb Cbe C IDI.I ba • h •~1."rJ o n h o -. 1< 11 111 N ld uich wa1e,.:o lo r p.11n11nr 111lcd Wattr ,'\Cl 1 hi m, t a.a be adJrnw-J thrnt.ip He" a d1aical profu,o, "f ~ S~.:: • TIM" cocnptl1l1,c uhlt>Jh,WI .,.,ti · Wf'l'notJ•ns arronie~ at the ED,'lrc»- ~;: • ,: i.~alioa o f tta>OI<" sc:n.n n 1 acn1 , I L111i,uon : hn,c • 1 ~•re ; le,, h~ h •i\ F,>r 1lmos1 lbru 1l. QOMUIUII until dhado h, h,, ktn m• ohnl ... mi UnnCts ll) Law S, h ool ,n.' OJDS Yor l In add111oft ht H nts O num<"fl>Yl> .ISJk"~b <>fir ml'llt ..rn• ~nMH" <;llff .t.tlUflN'} f(\f the- Hud.K'a 1n, ,i .i.ltm .. anJ 1n aprl1,:al'11lt1y lo RtHf F1,hrrme11, A)1$(11.l&h0ft , Dd r a~/..... il"TIC-C P"",t,l,:m., Ht ur-n,J h i• masl-tn 1n cnsc ni (l f lll{irncy for the Nat ural Kim llawl.ins c:rn- , ,ro omcalal m,u, a &cmcnl 11 tbc llnouncs Del'tn-.e Ct:u,~~~ «~ Krn~irJyh:,::~ •ts th1l111av.111 l fn,,rr,,1 y o ( 11 ,;u al <'ft 11 Cl ea t O,tlu n.s W1l&nn ~tly JOlncd . ud be ond Lalt Ourini tht lnl lb rte yun lht sli lf of tht Moffru L,hran lll pllacuc- 1 t c h e ha, pia).cJ a \ t ta l H•li: hcul o(lhe c ittubhMI dtpattmtl'l -. orld 111 tht N ~SA •~ Sp.a~, Sbullle E.1r1b 0~ Wilioo tnJO)lo work1n1111 tht 1•clud1ni fl"\er po c i n:ulalion deplnmtnt bK111sc of warrrunc and lht If the lilt Sell •c-rulion~ ProJ« l at tht Jahn.on ihe Uf'l"")tl\lNl)" k> 1t1k"ncl with , tu• He. 11 ~beK::::: , ~O) New Yori:. Sp•o:e (en1rr 111 Hou.,Ma ..,,~ ~1a1 Mi:- pnman ly w1L'I the ultmllll+Jffi.:,t : F Robct1 d-tn1.s and Offit"r people I Hi, ma1 or uslt 1nduJrd Rir1tn<i: 11 1 "You M\tr kJIO'lli wh,1 )t--..' rt 111 , ~i , o naut •r.a,n , nc 111 lb~ c1 r1b 0Un,~~;:';'Hc ;o, n110 M dt1hn1 -.,1.h • W1hon pollt" -,gl~~ deuin, ~ 1tn~c-t, ,upr'-'n1ns 1hc- )f'!Kt N• 'i wHI bl~ , nJ .. nc,- lit m ••"l(HI~ ' .. ,eal·l1mr ortb " ,lion ~• ul , hr pl•n.i. IO nut.: lhc .tUlh<ll .,.C h ' l tnc.- rtquircmcnl$, p&.-f , I\' RC' ,um• ,hanrt, IQ 1he J tpJll ftlC:nl Sbc ui J •h•I few ~hanirc arc !.'o~th~o '; pllb li,•tion, •oJ s him le m1,.i.hJG t •~lo s 1nr .tnd 1n 11 J e i ,n.- ,,( .all • ~qu11rJ h•nJ-hcld llt.:c-»&r} be,ausc lhe c , rcul.aiion cun{c-r.-n..c pa.pc,-., .::oa, 11.,nt 11, , . riou, c1r1h , , c-. 1ni rh o to 1raph) and 1ft I\ Jtpartmtn ls of m11s t u n1\rr,u 110 M,~ Mod 1prn ,atc11tttlUP'- U'1C lud1n1 TQ"t Ou1rc.a.;b 1e,m a.:t1Ht10 Uc ).tll\llar "'II \t$ll sn...knu f.1, 1111, anJ Wilton ,nJ ht-, h\l.\Nind Cu,.. iho: O, s.. nit.1li<iH1 for E,·o nuffl h' "cd b.:-rY ho.-:1\tk! she ..., ,-,J Coo nuoa •ad D,v•lopmeal H afl arc • n co,1111ed 10 llt.::nd 111• ino-oOk U S f"E■viroarotati l Pr,>lcc-t,on WorkJ \.at.,., S)mpotetum Ill f•m•I The ~111Ofl I 11 10 : ~ ~I Jacbboron~ar he~ b1-i1h



Wilton J. library staff




re: !trca.

t~~ =:c.::i:':c

~Erccpcn ·

=~::i:.:~~-1 "'n':,.)'

. . . . ..---- - -• WEDNESDAY •



Fri. - Nov. 6th

• College Night - $2 cover


• New Band Night • • 75c Well Drinks all night • $1 Bud Longnecks all night


• LOCIII Bands cal llH-6013 for IX1olong & Hllo

•FRIDAY• • Ladies Night - no cover

Sat. - Nov. 7th

• No Cover before 10 pm if over 21


• $3 after 10 pm • 50a: Draw Beer & House Wine until 11 • $1 .25 Well Drinks unlil 11

Wed. - Nov. 11th




• $3 cover if over 21

• $4 cover 1f under 21 • 50c Draw Beer & House Wine until 11 • $1 .25 Well Drinks until 11

College Night $3 Cover



9 P.M. - ?




Shc> .1 h o ,, 1d v.•lien \ OllltOfl, oot •P'~ thf•"''" tt..e Jlk" " 1th • h.q I Prnco1h , lbtrll! ,., t h .t t io.a• t1"ush1 I m m lhe 1-uui h1b1uo. 1n Gniioen Cude. 1nd v.hdl 1cm wilh m;ur,sh be•• I u a t n ,! •rt rt-, , i..nn v. 111 f\} \ .ft lk1m1t \cho n , lnaloh l'lut- ... 111 tQtlllnut lhnlufh S o,, I~ h o rn chci hb111 y. Mlf tbdt o,.,un Two o f A,11.·, ... cub, "Piou,.:• ru,11itnt . ,,u I the' 011•111:.ath)fl ....111 •nJ · 1v,n the Co... ·,

$111-.e the GEO lt-1,1-1 w-ero ua~ pltlntnlcd ID 1942 . l!Ktre lbM ,_ m1ll1 on 1nJ,v11.luAh ba,e OAfOtd tbttr d1plo n1u Tha GEO lt'.\b a~ 1n1tnJ r J hi mca,urc, lhe las t1a1 UUl l t>lll.e -l.Ul.k' llled w11h • four • )tar lush 91:"lk...._-, pmcn.m of " ' lily t ht G60 llallC'ff 1:0111pn,es In t uq1 v. 1111111 s kills soc.111 s1uJ ,ea ..._,rn..c 1nltrprcon11111:n hut anJ chr uc~ , .,J matM'm1ltC"s ANll\l\lm~ltl~ thtu tou r1b, o l 9v Jftll'I Hall L'S ~••l lt_~~s and 11111\er,11,rs ac• StlJTnni« Fe m a le: I, cu r,:s 11 n c i: ,:cpl lhc: G ED • • c-1u,1.1lcn1 co • J c- m,nurJ rc- lirhill<i: m,th, anJ 111J11t,•"al J 11,l<>n11 to '1-lh Sf) '" '

'"" _ ,..


Teu~,:;~:~:~ :~.':;:::>

t)fit• ••ourh ro l no"' ,, •1111 a.,-

sci tbc) b•~: ,•, .~~b,::ot


!~:;,\~t;;;.:·:! :~~::.:



Thefts sometimes

Sni11il r nuru,11 '" lb, ,lult d1cpll)lnf 1'tcu v.o rk, in thrn f\ • •e\cral lhH~1tn fttr) 1,ln "hi, h h1bUkXh

AllhU\1111 many urm-en1lies lll ~ 1111<11' Tcu1 haw m111,>0 l\11lablc thfl>Ujh s luJC'nl h\·•hh ~nha~. AID"- ne,,h 1.., be J1 $cu,-_s,:d 1n 111 area, ..i i ~ampui life, P•rti:r sud • •

OI nt11.1l.i. Dr £ L Sm,th. Earl ,,h , ~• 1J Jun11i 1hc 0 .1 lb m«unr o l lh.- MSl' Enil1..b C1uh l:1 his pr,:•r nl:Jtu.>n .thou! lht tcm iftutr ar .ho:1,r,r< 1n n1~ 1b~ .-nd 1•1r, ::aJc., Sm,th J"~u•.i.ei.l t bt 1 11 ~b•nr 1ni; '"k• 111 lcm;mn : i; tt• Ill "°'-1<"\\ B->c h J;,Jco C h ri, tun 1n J lndo•[urnr,tao 1nflur n.. c, hrlp,tJ traufornt the an..-1ca1 n1111"rdt1I ::-':.':.~~' ,n1u par,u, r\ hl ""'-itlln

, he fflA) rur,w i.:;,=:,iJ hJ\11"'1rffl

MSL arl d<pall~t'fll • r• c,ar,t'Oli?" ma,t.. r' , al ,\

0 1 ("<"nr , , v.1un prn lc-lo•l'r fl ....... lh t ltalu r,J mc-c-1111i Ht (C.-P S l ·- l ' n1,c-1,1t) ,1u\k'nts •J--..-:il ,: al'-.11.ot lht l \.~ t, OI ,...S'-1\6 ihM\ 1 b11ht r u11: kitt'-c of IIIV lll· 1111.I ar;, t• ' " "' 11111udt, 111 ,1,..,. fc<.tiaoa than n11li1,~ rc.: ruu,. ,ul • 1 n o->m, 1nJ fl\C 11p, , ,n ho.•" 1, , kc- ,peakc, at tho '"' unJ IM\l.ll Sum- ... 11 mer HI\' PrtH11t1on lo.1,t11utt for C.,tletcs 1r,J l ' ll,\Tnlbfio.

,r,·•k,., Juri n¥ t hr

11> l1t-1U) ·, , u.-..~IIOO .kpir1ffk'fll

•~ t, ( f ,.o R,port ,, I I'-,.,. '" 1.::uI I\ mitfflorh


~~:JJ~~~'~!,~':t::,"~~~:!::'!;: i., ~ ,;1:~~1;, 86'~) hrJt'f", j"ltoWrnl 8~l ) '""· \01,._1"¥ lo.1,-..ArJ to Rc1J M,tdwll's CH.,;1 1"1,rr N hit TIM fAtn· ul.. 10. d1trlay1ns hi, wo,t d11dC'J ·Tt" h->t Prm, na, • "The h,~ti..nt. • h H ,1,:e, pr11,1dtt1t. "1tl1,.,a aa-rn,I •

Mitchell to as.sume minister position

I J"'"ll't MJ to.dint• W'luk hrlcl""' J1t .. orlcrJ 1111

hft •ot •:,r1011 ;;1 ' I • m \,)o.tku1.1 :~~l~,: :: ::.,:~~· ,.;,\ u::. .~ . , lltllndl llt'1nm

l " u "! f.Ju..,rk n A, · ul llo 1J Pree(; Tl.'" ' r•u•Jc:al ,,,111:1•~ t l,t, LcJ dh, n , J1,1""' ••I rh,... ( h11hh ,11 l'lstl\ l Stud1•1 Ulc.1f (l.. t -:: • r.\o,W\f

,,t td 1i1 .1:1o

t ld,•11

t • ,1J111 t C'J lro AII h ~,.. l ' llf \C'f • IIJ ... 101' 1H11fT ,n

Ash. Yarosz

Wlc !tan



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