October 29, 1997

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l\11 ·1d \V G~ n.toher 29. 1997 • \nlunw 76 lssiw lJ 0

In Photos



1 S t

a t e

Movie Review

Game to watch

~ s trom the events that made the 75th anniversary

f ...

The women's soccer tea m takes on archrival West Texas A&M at 2 p.m. Monday at the MSU Soccer Complex

The Wlc hltan starts a new feature next week as Amanda Hamilton of " Hardcore Quirky" fame begins her weekly movie reviews

On Page 4

On Page 7

Starting Next Week

tast chance


1s deadline to drop sses without hurting GPA



,AsSOCiate Editor


i~~~fd~~ ~:ortp:~\t; •~~

~ ~ip.marks 1hc l:ISl day

~ m students can drop a ,•itha "W." . ~ng 10 Admi ssions A ss•

Kimberl)' Boggs. dropping 1 ·Y.,.. means that whe n the 11 goes on 1hcir u-anscript. a 1 fill show up in place of a i D'.I the course will not count ~ 1be Student's grade point

:said tha1 in order to drop a u wdcnt must first go to the · office 10 get o drop slip. t~she then mus1 fill i1out wi1h ia((ltll3l.ion about the cour~ iain a signat ure on the slip die adviser and fro m 1hc

mstruc1or of1hc course. Following that 1hc student mu st get the financial aid offi ce 10 sign the fonn. Then comes the pan thal most students dread the most - the money. The final stop in !he process is the husincss offi ce. where student s must pay S5 10 comple1c !he drop of a eour.;c. Accon.Hng ro Boggs. 1hcre arc many reasons a i.tudent would drop ac la.,;,;, "Some s1Udcn1s· schedules at 1heir workplace change. ca usi ng them 10 he unahle 10 :111cnd a cl : 1.~s at ~a~~nain time of the day.'· Boggs

Women 's soccer players Catherine Bonner and Meg Morrison s how their spirit as they brave nearfreezing temperatures at Saturday night's football game. The lndlans lost the Homecoming game to Angela: State,.by a score

She al so said _gmdcs arc a major rea,;011 for dropping d ll.,sc.~ . "!fa s1udc-nt realizes that lhcy iffC nol maki ng lhc grJdes they wou ld like 10 he makinl!, !hey may choose

See Drop on 3

of 30 to 9. Photo by Josh Deskin

A b~ats goal r food drive

had." Dirt.'l:tor of Stu<knt Activities Lcs:k-e Ponder s:lid. " It was huge." " MSU ~lilcstom.:s" h.id a. 101al The 75th anni \'Cr.-ary nnd Home- atlcndance of 850 peopl e fo r coming •Q7 cclcbmtion~ :trc 11nally Tltu~day and Friday nights toscther. over. and administrators were ··Toa1·:- ulmo:;1 full cup.icily." lluss s;1id. plcused with the lU OlOU I. ·· we were plcu!>e<I wi th the Mos1 of thl· 1,;V\'.n ls we re well 111tcndcd de:.pitc the bad wc.ilhc r 1t1m1Ju1 .'' coordin:uor of the m.iss conditions. Some ut·tivitics were the communication:- dcpar1111cn1 Carla s:tid. "Ovemll . 1 thought it Bennett l'lcJ: l ll llCllUCd iu ycnrs. " II (the 75th nnni \·c~ary) was a wusrccein."dwell ." Rodriguc1. thought 1he program MSU i.ucccss." trcmendou-. President Louis J. Rodriguez suid. was i.:.\'ceptionul. " t'11ISU Milestone.,;• ·'We hnd excellent aucndoncc. The wns superbly done. It wa~ profe:$.sional work.·· he said. programs were ou1~tnnc.Ji ng.·· S1uden1:- nlso enjoyed the proThen: were ubout 300 pancake brenkfn.4-t 1ickets given out. plus the gr.un. Preshmun Enmunettc l )'son students who cat there on the mcnl suid, ··1 thought it wus very cntenainplw1, :iceording to Director of Public ing. l learned a lot ubout the hb1ory ofsehool 1hu1 I didn·1even know." lnfom1a1ion Janus Buss. Comedian George Wall:icc WIL" 11 II wu<. cst inuitcd thil\ more than 2,000 !r.lwJcnts ,mended the bonfire. Festivities on 4 See ''Timt's 1hc higgcst crowd we've ever JENNIFER TILLERY

The Wichltan

and I' m very pmud uf them:· The 1hrcl· o rgan izat io ns 1h.1t rai sed thc 111os1 food wcrc 1he Cherokee Boys inlrnmu ra l team. Ch1 Omega sorority and 1J1c Associa ti on for Social and Beh;n ioral Science~. The w111nc~ wen: ;mnounced during the I lomc1."0ming 1=-amc and won S500, $)(XI aml Sl 50. rtSJ)(C livdy. ··1 " 'ould have liked more orgamGationi. 10 get involved. but the imix,nant thing. i-. we beat o ur g:oal. We M:I and met a goal. ;ind I think that'~ a good sign for any organi,..a1ion.'0 Young s.a..id. 'The Wichita Fall s Food Dank was down IO percent. and ii w;i, good we could help.'·

organizations hcl~d the Government Association il5goal fo r lhe 75th auni,·erdrl\'c. Praidcn1 Aaron Young said \~ raised approxi rnat~ly pounds of food for the Falb Food Bank by , I j()() pounds more than of7.SOO. It was an incn-ase than twice the amount tha1 raised a<; ofTucsd;i~·did really well in J1c 1~1 ol days:· Yount? MIid . " We flr¥ani1.utions panici palc and organizations wi1h 1.100 « more. Thcrc·s a handful !'lie who real ly worked hard.

Un i v e r s i t y


The bonfire didn't make much ,mok4ThursdaJ night after rains that a fternoon dampened the Homecoming ~ tradition. Photo by Michael Fitzsimmons

Ghosts, Goblins and Witches? Witchcraft not lil<e stereotype, says practictng witch TERAH CURRY News


She doc:sn'1 have :i long, green nose. Shi! doesn' t dress in hlack. She doc.,n·1 C\'Cl1 ride ai. broom. Nunclhelc~~. she is a practicing wi rch. II may !oound a bit Slr.tngc. b111 lhis Midw~tem S1a1c studcm. who did 1101 want her name used. has been inrnl\'cd in wi1chcrofl for~ \·eral yc.irs. .. , ,hose lhis rcligiou~ path ahout four yea.rs ago." the Mudcnt said. "II seemed like the right thing: · She said wi1clu.:r:1rt docs ntll fit lhi: ,-1i:rcolYJX"S often :lSSOC ia1cd wi 1h ii

The Jcli11i1ion of wi 1d1rn1f1 or wicca is "a pnsim·c journey Ill enligh1cnmcnt through yuddc~!>•\\'Or\hip and the myslical art of whi1e 'magick.' II is a n.iturc-oricnted religion ;md ;i uni4uc ;md cxci ling hlcnd of the 1rnd i1ional .ind the e.dcc1ic that seeks neither IO convcn. conform or control.'. " \Vicc:1is 1101an1i-Chri ~1ian,·• she !>aid. " I t is a cclchration of the cycle of sea.\ons and of li fe.'' AccorJini; to the wi1d1 . lhere Uri! h:L-.ic rules in wi1chcrnft. ''If )'OUdclibcmtcly h.inn or numiputate ill\other person, throu!,!h t,J ack magick or any form uf c"il, )'tlU will pay for it by h.iving the evil retum In ynu 1hrecfold.'' ~he ,aid . ... Ilic ,umc i.\ true in the foci that if

you do sornc1hi11g i;oo<l likc a healing spe ll. lhal good energy will rcltlm 10 you threefold.'' A lot of mi)l,cont.·cption, :,bout spclb exist a!> well . '"People loye spell:,,,'· thl!' wi1ch s.iid. "But you cnn't do :my1hi11g 1ha1 would change anyone's own will.'. The witch snid hcrhs, ineen,c, candle-. nnd oil" arc ll.~C'd in spells or the ·•Witch's Pra)'Cr." ··spell~ inrnlving d rnnging thin~s for the l'k!Uer must he dune by the waxing moon," )!,he saiJ . ··spells 10 get ri<l of neguiivc things must t\\' done by 1hc waning moon. If 11 s~l1

See Witches on 3

Part!~o~:T ~~=:~ mo~~1~~"' ~~~' ,~,t~~~~~t 1~!;! ~~~ost~~~~~~r~1ax.



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l . 1tt tn the yard or the Wnley Center acro11 Tall Boulevard lrom

1fia group 11 ■elllng tho pumkln1 11 a fund ralaer. Photo by JC Garcia

The Wtchltan

Sbfm: MSU siudeui,; arc going to 1,artics, 0 had lo be ~1: d~~ Swmu11ha Lynch, a senior English major, will/Spend her Hllllowt.'Cn in Dallas. She is going 10 !>CC her friend's barid pla)' at a party. MC'lissa Larmon. a fimlfl~ ma,or. said she will go wi1h her sister to Lawton •·10 meet up with one of her friends."

,;.;~~~~f~w~~~ i:~;!r.

o:i:3i1~~a m~/~; ~grbc: !~~-

w~I! gs~i~~ ••faeryonc I have met online will be in

coming fr(_)m all over and _some people :ire even mccung for lhc first 111nc.'' Mnny s1uc.Jcn1s will not get to visit . the

ing. wmching movies and gi\' ing Candy to trick-or-treaters.. He said he did not have anything in' panicular phmncd for

have to close l·nday mght -~ ~e will nol gc1 10 do many Halloween a~t1v1lJcs.. . ~re)l,.h m~ the,11~ maJor 1Je11 Kennedy satd she 1s not gomg 10 a. huumed ~O\ISC because they ure too expensive. She did not see why ~he should spend S5 10 walk around

H~~;eR~~ve,. a sophomore. said he would be trolveling ~ack home to see his younger brother play U1 • •football game. J?exter ~~n; a senior music educution f!l~Jor. _said ttc nlmost had forgoueo ihnt Fmlay 1s_ Hallowccn. He said. .. I' m not su~ what I will do. I will probably be 111 a foot1 clwon' t

~:~~t ~a!~~~~r.)~~~~eu~ i~~o~~ 1



fok~~:~~u~e:i-d she wi.~I "more than likely


go to the party ut work. Business major Ju..wn Thum1011d said his

See Plans on



,, '


,Page 2


Halloween is what


A.:. students. m.lministra1ion anti alumni gathered la st week 10 cc lc.>

L.1sl week, 1hings loC't kcd hlc:i.k when tht~torn ls we re a little less thnn

bratc the 75 th :11111i1wsary uf MSU,

half of the goal had been turn ed in on

semester. SG/\ had

Guos1Column llalln\\ccn il~clf is not e\' il, nt'f i~ ii

collect food as a way tn commc mn- organi zations came th rough and not n, te the nnni\'t.:n;ary and help .:1 wor- onl y reached the total. but surpassed it by 1500 pounds. This week, MSU showed what it is

or2.anization:-. and ~ - - - - - - - - - ~ really made of. st~dcnt, at ~ISU to raise 7500 1xmnds of food to donate 10 the Wichita Falls Food Bank. The students at Midwestern State Un iversit y came

Students surpass goal Of 7500 pounds in SGA food drive

We banded together and found a way to support a great cause. Organizati ons such as Chi Omega. the Cherokee Boys

throul!h when the intramural 1cam StudCnt Government Association and the Association for Social and needed them. Behavioral Sciences were just a few We always he.ir or the hake sell . of the campu s groups which offered

lhe car wash and even the tri p to the their time and resources to ~,id the funeral home in order to benefit one



cs~t~~l): f ~~~istia11, apprcciuic Anthony Loui s' concern fo_r the !-p\ri1w.ll well -being of mlu:r,;. o~ cv1dcnred 111 h1 :, column 1wn wed~ aio, u li ulc research will show that people who re lehrntc Halloween arc not necessari ly engaging in n Satanic cdehr:uion. Halloween began centuries :igo as 1hc Celtic hC11iday of Samh:1in. ·n1c Cells wor• shipped nature :md hdicvcd in the impor1:lncc of the hah111cc of na\lL!ill force:-. Smnlmin wus the time when the opposing forces of 1hei r go<l Dagda and their god· dcss Morrig:111 were belicwd lo renew theirh:ilanec. Because il was 1he 1ime of renewing the balance und becriusc ii w,1s harvest time. ii was a 11atur:1l choice fo rthcir ncwyear cel• cbration. Gr.mtcd. lhcy did build bonfires and sacrifice people. r-.•1osl of thei r sacrific~s were criminals. volunteers or w;1r prisoners. Most. if not all . ancient people subjected criminnls and war prisoners 10 fntcs such as this, andfornll wck11ow, 1hcvolu n1ecrs may have con sidered it an honor.

been planuing to 1101 Ill! C1:achcd, bltl in the encl. the

thy cause in the process. T hey i"ued a challenge lo the



the S1udclll Governme nt As:-ocialion Tuesday. had plans of their own for the ewnt. It started to loo~ like the goal that As early as the ~ ginning of the SG.-\ set before the studc1us would

x~.,~~-~e i 0

1 t1esi. what - they wcn:n 1 ~\ O·~d ~f 80 1 . ~ 1 <i~v il ! They 11c\'Cr even ~ :i k ss ping J daco•Chri s1i un God, muc 1 ~:~a,/ui~ril 1h~ fifl h {lr sixth ;~~~~~-iimes, 1 Frolll the M1dd lc.~gcs 10 he dead. both , pl . bclic,·ed sp1nts of I arth at ~~d 1.: and ev il._ walked_ t ~f ~;s don '! t-hllowccn. Oh\'1ously mo~ . thcrwise h~ld that hclicf 1odt1y. ~ au~ : trick-orwe wouldn 't h:t our children g 1rc:1t ing. op\c wm1ld 1-\ l the time .. _howev~r. ~ con fuse the df\•ss l~P. like spir~ts, hopin~omary 10 lea~c real sp1n1s. Also. II was cu•s1he spi ri1s. Thi s some 1idbi~ out 10 a~1~ a;c amc from . is where tnck-or•lre,ii,_ns c oplc car\'ed ,\ Is~ during that or turnip)\ jack-o -\a~tcms ou t_0 g ,. or pumpkins) 1 11 5 11 ~ft ~t~:~~h ~~ an oneinpt to scare away spi r)t~. dcd that a Anthony Lmu s colun~n con 1c; irit cap· jack•o·-1,1ntcrn sy~boh 1.~:v~ n~•cr heard 'h"c';odrcb.y s,v',wn,:.~,'tht "nhot~cfutc_ th_." · idea. ~ e 1, 1511 bccot1sc we don'! kno~ 111?1 11 ~s~ruof All we know is the h1 stoncal purp · 11 111 :.~~~~~wccn is likewise ~ime 1 1o 1hink abo~~ spiri1s of th ~ !~~dr~ 11~~i~ 1 ~~~~~~a::~d ~~~~d ~~cs~,:~~:_ried and f ray. 1l1cre is certainl y nothing ev il about t ml.

ur:~ll ~S



,P 6




Satanic ri1uals on l l:1llow:n1x1 know they ti?. ~ J-1:\1\owccn evil. known 10 pr?cli rn:,ss. a mock_c_l)'. and thut do1.: sn t evil. . _ al¼~ a1: If one ~hcve,; th.it all llill! 5 ity is c\' 11 simpl y because i O ,'I, same date as a .~ ~l same can 1"? s~i tf1• 14 (Val ent_n!c s Roman fcrllht y r fl f Cl 11

JU from the pagan No f h~~ eternal life hccause ii rcfll . winter and echoes of sacrific a1111r:,. Norse gods. The mislletoc c~ Of sacred plant to the Cchic <lniict~-i1 Like :my other con~cpt holi~ bo l 1hat has sun•1vcd the }'q





nc P1


~~~~:'.~i~lltt:hcte;u~fed ~


day in 11se(f 1s not evil . Mallov,~ \1


you make


eti, t. J( ~



campus organization or another. Twelve other organizations at This event showed lhat MidwcstCm State aisO deserve much Midwestern students care aholl t of the credit for contributing to the someone other than 1hcmsclvcs or success of the food dri ve. (he organiza ti on to which they belong. The food drive proved that MSU

We hope that the spirit whic h moti-

vated these students to donate this much food will only co nt inue throu ghout the rest of the year and

reall y did arc concerned about 1hcir fellow m:m. th rough any other chari tnh lc events. Opinions expressed in the unsigned editorial represent those of The Wichitan editorial board, consisting of the editor in chief, ass9ciate editor, news editor and sports editor. The unsigned editorial does not necessarily represent a consensus of the entire Wichltan staff.

Letters. .


Student disagrees with columnists view of Halloween's meaning I am writin!! in reply to the cditoriul on Halloween. I di sagrl."e with the opinion of Mr. Anthony Loui,;. I don't believe th:.it H:11lowcc11 is a holiday for Satan. In fac t, The Random I lou~c Dictionary of the English Language impl ies olht rwise. It de fin e,; H:i lluwccn as "A ll H:!llows Eve:· or "The Eve of All Sainb Day." And ~aint is defined :.l'i. "Any uf ccnain per• son~ of exct"plional holine .. ,; of life. fum1ally rccogni1.cd hy the Christian Church as having allaincd an cxalled posi1ion in HC:l\'CII and ;ts hcing entitled 10 \·encmtion on earth: a canon• ilcd fl('n.on: · All Saints Day i~oh\•iou'i.\)' a Christian holiday. :md we dun·1 sec demons nm ni ng wild in the ~1rceb ,md Christnrn~ fae and Easler"~ Eve, !hey realize whc:n 1hey arc nol wanted. For me Hal!owe1:n w;,,~ ;1 grc;\l time when I could drc~s up and become my favori te super hero or TV chara-.: h.:r :.ind walk around town and gel a 101 of free candy. And 1hc only bad p:irt :1bout Hallowc1..·11 wa, '"uking. up the ncxl morning with a lJcl!y:ichc.

Professor concerned with Wichitan's lack of coveragel

Philip Karch The Wichitan welcomes letters of opinion from students, faculty and staff. Letters should be brief and without abusive language or personal attacks. Letters must be signed by the writer and include a telephone number and address for verification purposes. Letters will be edited for grammar only.


Lauer lo the Editor

1Wichitan ::ti •

3410 Taft Blvd. Box 14 • Wichita Fall s, Texas 76308 News Desk (940) 689-4704 • Advertising Desk (940) 689-4705


Editor In Chief ~ason Lawrence Associate Editor 3, Josh Deskin , News Editor ' ' Tarah Curry : : t Sports Editor Nick Eatman ·Pl)otography Editor

Reporters Nell Swabnil Desai D~vid Edward s

J.C. Garcia Advertising DIN>Ctor Shannon Norris ~ Accountant Paul Fleming

~~;g~~~:"eeney Jenntter Tillery Mlscllda Vital Hal-Te Yang Circulation Manager

:t gf


l,;~~~son Amanda Hamilton Isela Herevia Jennifer Jaivls Wayne Moore Anthony Newberry Mark Scott

Kirk Corley

Graphic Artists Adam Chavez Brandon Torres' Photographers Michael Fitzsimmons Marla Lawry Amber Lehmann Angie McClain Teannette MIiier Ad Reps Greg Bacus Donna Payton Kim Tackel Alex Tsybin Adviser Jim Semoe

:,=t' ~~~:rl:11():I:=~=edo~:;~:~:~:J=~:~~~~;:~~1:1:

nr.:.:ci,§Jl'll)' rcflol.:1 thta<>f1 eoxiM:RM11 ol 1beM1lr, l11Jdcn1 body, facuil)'. thtAdroi11btntioou Ibo Boud nf Rclfflf'ol MidwesNm~Unhwt)', Pin1~'<lp}'11f 1ht ~ 11 f1ttafc~;addltionlll coph:S' ll't' .SI.

The Wichillm looks good thi s year: color on the fro nt page, new layout designs, new races and :1rticles. I am deeply discouraged, however, hy the seeming disregard


aw.iy fr~m other stories wit.h a b.r.oodcr (in your upmion) reader base? With rcgurd to the l.1rgcr ,ssuc of faculty presentations on campus, do you rind facu\ty produclivity to be of such lnt le merit th at it warrants only a mention m the calCll der'? We ask of you as students to pro-

~~; ~~~~~~~~~llir~ep~nt~·;:~ ~~ ,~nf~_ d:

for the work of fac ulty on campus. Qui te a thc;n:~r~~u~i~~/~~!_:!i;iJ~Jg~u~~i~~ ~:~~trt~;;~~dFa~v~;~y dS~~~!c~,.~~h t~~~e~ ~e_n,ts and to ga.m an ms1g~t mto o.ur capain Septe mber, hut since then numerous bihties as worku~g pr~fcs~ionals, H seems opportunities to infonn the campus of 10 be or such mmor sigmficance th at our importam and significam contributions by campus ncws_p,ip~r fio ds n~ need for m~re individual fac ulty members to lhe cultural than .a mention III a section fi lled wi th li fe at Midwestern State University have r ;:~m~~g~~~~~\C;~sfe~~ir ~~~k~;:~~~~· a~~ been given only cursory listing within the Coordmator of the Forei gn Language ''Calender·· sec1ion of the paper. While Dcpanment, is the 1997 Hardin Professor, "thc publicati on seeks lo present an event which took place after The ~~1;i~~~~~~:1: ~f ~~~/l~~~;rfc~;~:1~~a~~ Wichitun had gone to bed fo r the 1996-97 1 cs of university act ivity, to furnish students ~~si~ ~,'.~J;~a~a'~! r~~~u!t~~:~~~;~~: ~~i rc~~s~~l~e; ~n~v~~~~~~~~bl'~!~'.~~~d nity fo r the pa_pcr to acknowledge this 0 afford un oppor1unity for students of journalism to test their talents." I cun find 110 celebration of three composers, and of the cquun imity of how much or type of cover- womun who created my posiiion. Mrs. age given to the presentation of announce• Dolores p_ Bolin. Two furthe r genenuions mcnts of coming evcn1s. To furth er he 10\d of Bolins were in attendance. one havino 1 t,'~~ ~ ~rvi:~~ p~~~:~: ~~;n: ~ more than doubled the initial amoum of 1 1




pcrtinc. nt informatio.n was i~ Pardon my sense of the ordcrof lhir?' more mention was given 10 the\\' 1 apology for misspelling Don H I name m the previous issue (plus ht 1 he:ider) in "Briefs." 1 I h;i vc discussed these fruslr.llic,ai

~\~:~~~d~~p f;;~~o~;nr~~~~t~:~~~~::~t~


~!~t~~~ ~~c 1~~:~

trying to work wi1h The Wichiwi._J1 letter is writlen in an attempt notto f'i but rather to become a medium of,ct sion on what I perceive as a problem. I hope you will print iL ?' itron,~'. ,ghh.l stimu late furth er discuwt! g ~ , , ·vcrsit , is 3l I ~1dwcs1~m State U_m ·nv~h'~ tut1on _of htg~cr _le;immg, 1helfb ib'~ ed~c~t.m~ ot ..; ~n~ mll 11 1 f~_ ~e o~! ~fng cdfs~::. for events happcnmg on our_c:un:~~







1~~;,ai5~~s~,~~; eres to a larger world v1~w.. ~~t-.~ i discover the senses of cun~s1() . der that e.'<c ite our im:ig1nauoP> hopefu ll y, may wc: reap the ~ 1 obtaining an cduc:11 ion as \\Cll ll


music department because you felt sli ghted las! year,'' again begs the question of who decides what is news-and the answer to this. I have been told, is you , lhe editor. Is it your personal seeming disregard for musical events 1ha1 leads to our excl usion as newsworthy events':' ls it your pcrceplion that mt1sil':il events impact 011ly a

~~~w;oct~t~t:;t~t~ 360 hours (an average of 4 hours a day, seve n days a week) in addition 10 all other ~n\versity duti_cs _and personal 1a:;ks pr..tcltcmg the music lor this event. I comarn~d more than one reponer on the Wichiian staff with paniculars, and 1hen was left a message by you slating that I would be included in the "calender:· and indeed I


~~t~'!~J/;:~~~1~~,J~~t~c:~i~~!1/J;·~~j1~~; ';~:;;:::~

11 ,~~L::~c 1~,~~pii 1i1~1~ ~:~;;:~

1, "j

cc: Pres. Loui s Rodrigun Rogers, Dr. Howard F:11rcll. ~ '> J Leishncr. Dr. Ron Fischh, Dr p.i.~_ t Mr. Richard Noh, ~·Ir,. C1rl:1Bro£-\! Linda Wil,;on. Dr. Lynn Hl'Jl.i.'.JN. ,t Scmoc, Dr. Di r~ Lmiknt.1nu. Dr Collins Rlllh Morrmi ll llti


/l ,,fon•.i f'


, 29, 1997

if ... . .


TACT gives professors voice ; JOSH DESKIN

~~ ~~!·~~..

Pm. in Bolin Room 100

soccer vs. Texas

~ 102 Years of Radiology "

~i! 1~:~h• Clark m~:~~i·e~/·m, at

Associate Editor

~Onday, Nov. 3

y the Radiology Club 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in lhe '



~ce a.m. to

~Women's soccer vs. West exas A&M, 2 to 4 p.m.

ce Hall

Tuesday, Nov. 4

ontest, ~i.l~~';n will be

MN ission is


e music

-Gene~al elec~lon, 6 a.m lo 8 P-m. 1n Hardin toyer · •b"l 02 Years of Radiology" y the Radiology Club 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the ' Arrowhead Lounge , Clark Student Center ~~~mou_r Shots fund-raiser,

Admi~~s~~~~:n-;~n~~s~;;~ 101

•Lunch and Learn, Career Services program to teach

resu~ skllls, 12:30 p.m. in 1


:,;,1ay Oct. 31

r·:E~ Sigma/Alpha

~ t,da Della bake sale, rm .to noon on the second iJ. of Hardin

~ ironmental Science

~b bake sale, 7:30 a.m. to ;uJfl. in Bolin Science Hall II pp.I Alpha/Children 's P" ~ Network haunted ~ . 7 p.m. to midnight at

j)! Jacksboro Highway.

11f1iSSIOO lSS3.

~urday, Nov. 1

~ETest, 8 a.m . to 1 p.m. in :-.-.!er Rooms 107 and 109 ,~ ,nore information , call t.vvion Eastman at 689-

~ sslah" auditions, 7 to 9 n. inHardin South Room

ioday, Nov. 2

:,r~bean Student l!'nlzation meeting, 5:30


~:~ 211 . This pro-

•Amnesty lnternatlonal ~~ngQ; p.m. in Fowler 1 •Faculty Forum presents Professor of Engllsh Jeff Campbell speaking on " Poor Richard Confronts the Dynamo, or a Funny

Thing Happened on the Way

)i ~~~n2:,~e~~ry," 8 p.m. •Phi Eta Sigma/Alpha Lambda Delta meeting, 7:30 p.m. in Martin Room 110 -Circle K lnternatlonal meeting, 8:30 p.m. in Bolin Room 100

Wednesday, Nov. 5 •Yearbook pictures , g a .m. to 2 p.m. and 5 to 7 p.m . in the Arrowhead Lounge , Clark Student Center •Glamour Shots fund-raiser, 1:30 to 8:30 p.m., Business Administration Annex Room 101


TheTcxas ,\ssociationofCollect· Teachers is dedicated . . . dedirn1Cd to lhe ~ighcst srnndard!- of tt':K·hing, acconJmg to as~c•t.·inte profes~or of Engli sh Ttlm Hoffman He should know; Hoffman 11-,L~ recently clt-ctt'd to b._, 1hc ~,.,,e pres• hfcn1 of TACT. Hoi:t"man said TACT, a non -pmfit nrgamz:it10~. h:is local chap!er~ in all JS public senior in.qi1u1io11s in Te.'(.J.S "We rcpn:scnt the intl'rcsb of around 30,UOO coll ege IL'arhers acmss the statc.""ht• said. "Wl·art•a lobbying group whose main cC'ncc,:ns orcl:ictter work ingcondi1ions. rc1in·ml·nt lx-nefits and 1hc dl'ft•n~t·

llfll'llUI"\' '· AccorJin~ hi lloffm:111. Mi1lwc.~tem S1:11c hns the se{·nnd l:irgesl chap1er i11 lht· srntc. lx·hind Sum Houston Stall' ,wi th I05 111t· mhcr.-. .-\ cC(lrdinl! w Dr. R111h i\'lorrow, prcsidL·nt uf the MSU chaptl'T nl TACT. thl' sd ino ls tx~ndi1 from 1h i~ (111w ni 2:itioninanurntx·r of ways. ·•T,\CT ul lows till' le:tchers hcrt' :ll Midwi.•~tt·m 10 adtln.·r.., tlu·ir irn1cs ll11 a broadl•r tcm1 :1rross the stale," f-.lorn1w ~u itl. "\\-'\' ha\'c this organi • za1ion i;o tha1 wcdo1101h:1\·e1o figh1 l'Urbaulcs on our own: · SC\'l'rnl rime~1lno11gtu,ut the yc:ir. lhe fac ully ati\lS U g.a! hcrs forlunch mt·cting~ at whirh they discu~s tht' prohkms uml is~m•, !hey are fari ng · Al the meetin g~. we have spt·11kcr.- who di~t·ms various pc..ililical. proft-ss ion:il and pt.•r..011:11 11re:1s or

imercs110 !ht' famil y."· ~he s:iid She t1l~n said 1he grnup h:,s a cnn• n·111i1111i11Aus1i11inwhil'h dclq"!:\ICS fro m cuch ~chonl :,ucnd and <lisct1."s wh:1l1sgoi11g0nurmmdthe srn1e. 1\ ff nrdin~ ltJ Moffrnan, lhe or~a1111.ation repnrb 111 (\ >ngn!.\~ period• ira ll ,·. 1 "\\ c·v~ fo und 1hal tlll'rc 1, a h1g mi , undcrs1:mding ah(IU1 h ll\l 11111d l work colk ce 1enchcr., d1..l :ind whn1 1hey get p:iict :· hl' .~aid lfoffm:m s:,id TACT i, cum·n1l y trving 10 co11duc1 n sun'C\' {If :i ll it ~ rriem'i-. trs to dctcnnim· · wh:11 till' a\'rnig.cworkloadd11ring :1 wti.'k ft•r acoll t·gt·1e:1cheris "We plan to !llke ou r .~ur,·ey 1111hc ,1al(' Lcg i~laturc in order In ~how

:~:~~~?-'~ l~l ~~;:

1~,-~~~/·c do for our He ~aid Texns ha:<: s1,me ui the

ll!'ld It to the W1chltan through campus mall. Deadline Is ,p.m. on the Friday prior to publication.


IOJl lhe clils~ _and repcm ii at :i ;dJtc,.. she ~a1d. okssor.;around campu s tended i:oc 14,iththeseri:ason s. il.'51of !he students who drop 1m)'COUf'SCS USU:Jtl y dosoi nthc coople of weeks of school or 1ttforethe dropdate," Dr. Sam ~11 Ill. as~ocia1c professor of rJlS(iencc. said ·iiially ~omcthing unexpected t1 up1odivertthcst ude11t 's limc mtn1iontost1ml'thingc lsl"like

thc_ir . rc-~ponsihilitic-s concerning their Joh.· Professor or biology Dr. John Grimes said he usual ly docs n01 many students drop his cour-


.. Thcy usuall y w:.i it until !hey have 1akcn their second lest 10sec if they ar~ pcrionning as well as they would like: · Accordi ng to profcs~or and graduate coordinator of radiologic sciences Nad ia Bugg, the gradu:itc program ha~ \'Cf)' few students drop. ..Since the program is so competiti ve to get into, we sec very few _ _ _ _ _ _ _ students drop their courses:· Bugg said. "We stan~d with 66 studcnls in 1/ ◄ 1hcprogram1lt1Sycarandha\'e had ;J; ~ Ir... three drop out. Two of those had to drop due to them geuing a new job."

,u,,, ,.,,s J

1 ~ - - - - - - --


Follow ing is a lis1 of ind dem s reponcd to MS U Police in Oc101'cr· Oetoher I •Thcdriveroiacar tuming in 101 2 collided with the lcf! back quaner of aparkcdpickuplmck Ot:loher2 •A student n:poned the windshield oi his car damaged. pr1ssihl y by ;i soccer t>all. while it was parkl•d in lot 6 •An MSU cmplnyee rcporll·d ,ht· h;1s received hang •11pc1lls owr !Ill: past 1wo 111onths. •Thc drivcrsofapiekuplmck.inda car parked along Co unci l Dri\'t' auemp1cd to pull {)U! nfthe parking spJcc~ a11dwllidcd •An . _MSU empl oyee reported rece1\'mgath~ateni11gphonccall October.' •.'\ student reponed her wallet stolen from J restroom in Killingswonh aflcr shehadlet't itt.hcre byacci -

dcm . Tlw wa lk! C(lntaineJ :1 credit rnrd.which was latcruscd •Thc<lri\'l'rllf:l\':l nhackingou!t•f aparkin!,!sp:iri: inlo! lOhittht•kft rearof:1p:1rkedc;1r :rndd:1111agcd thi: b11mf)l'r. Oclohcr6 •TI1c Hi story Dl'pannwnt rcponcd Lhcho1wm l"lordt·rand handlcrnt1lff :iworldhistorym:1pinM:ini11 Ol'loher7 •A spare lire was reponcd stolen fro111ac1rparkedink112 •A Pierce residenl rcponcd a walle t s1olcn rrom hi~ nitm1 while he was ~k eping. The wallet C'O JUaincd cred• it r:ird~ ;md $ 150 OctohrrD •A Killingswonh rcsidl'n! rcpnncd $60 s1nlc11 from her dc .. k dr:1wcr ovcrthccoursel1rtwoday". October 14 •The dri\'e r of a car hit a van in Loi 3 when trying to park nl'XI 10 it

(klobtr 15 •A woman reponcd 1hc wi ndshield of her car ~hallcrcd while it wa.~ p:1rked along Counc il Dri,·e. Sht· thinks ii migh! have bccu damaged hy:1S()(.'t-crh:ill. •The History Depanr11en1 reponed a world map d:nnascd by a ~tlilrp ohjl'C 1inMan in. •A woman rtporlcll havi ng lost a g.ame1 frnm her nec klace. probabl y hetwccn Clark Stud en l Ct•ntcr. Fo\\'lcrand Martin. •A student' s car coll ided wilh ;,i slop sign a, the in1cr.~ection of Mid wcs1crn Parkway aml Counci l Dri w . Thc- dri rc-r \\'a, unfamiliar with 1hr vehicle, which ~he had hought the previous day. and was having 1roublc shifli11gge:m Octnher 16 •A Kill ingswonh rc,iden t rl•puncd her roommate' s belon ging ~ scat1ered in lhe room. $60 was stole-11 •Thcdrivcrofacargo,·anhclonging 10 MS U hacked over thl' sidl·walk :i long Tet•pee Dri \'e :md Jarn,1ged 1he ~idewal k light.







IPllll1111Uf .11&UT1

12.500jounrnls •Content s 1st - table ot contents of nc..irly 12.500 joumals •Ne!First - OCLC databa ses uf lnlcrncl Finding the information you need for thnt rc-sou rrcs researchpapcrjus1go1easier •Union Li sr~ - OC LC Unron Li sts ot Allison Bree n, a reference librnriiln at Moffeu Periodic;1b Library. said OCLC. the cornp:iny that provides •ER IC - journal an ides :md rcpons in eJuc1catalog and database services 10 the library. 11on rece ntly placed lld:itabasesonlhelnlemcL •GPO - U.S.gow mment puhlicati o11s "In the p:iM. we had one machine 1hat let you •CINA HL - indc;,;, of journal artkk.\ in nur.-ing get to these I I datahases," Breen said . "S tudents •MEDLINE - ab~lracb of an ick ~ fro m mcdhad 10 sign up ro use i1."' The CINAHL dutabase ita l journal s was al so a\'ailablc 1h roul!h four other rnrnpu 1er~ •Prorccdings - index of conference put-ili c.1inthclihrary. 11om Now these databases e:111 be rc:iched hy any •P:,pcr~Fi r~t - indc.~ of p:1pcr~ pre~e111l·d a! roi1lntr.:me1-linked computer on campus or in hnrncs fl'rt·1ll·es The databases are · MSU s111dt· n1s, fornlty and staff can obtain a •WorldCat - book s :ind 01hcr ma!crml., i11 p:1~sword in rhc Mu.~ic Educat ion Building 10 use li brari es worldwide the FirqSca rch in1crfocc 1h rough1hc WorldWidc •Anicle bt - index of ankle~ from 1h::1rl y Wei,. ·nie pa~~worcl i, bei ng used 10 avoid ove rTheWichilan

is pcrfonned by the wrong moon. i1 will have the opposite effect.'' According 10 the student. who has al ~n read a 101 about the witchcrart reli gion. Hall oween i~ an impon:int holiday for witches bcl'ause it i~ thenighttha11hevcilbctwecn1henarnr:1l world andthe supcmaturalworld is weak Hallowccni s thetimcwhe111hc scasons h:i vc come full ci rcle, she sa id : "I ju._ 1 lo1•c


4507 Southwest Pkwy

S1500 week ly potential mail• ing ou r circuJars. No

Hall oween . Halloween i~ the \1•i1t·h's new yea r .. She sa id th ere are sc,wa l myths about ll ;1l lowec11, includi ng the origi n~ of thl· jack-o"lamem and why wi1dll·~celchr.11e 1he holid:1y. "llie jac k-o· .1a111crn was rictually u~ed tu wardoffc\'il spiri1s ,111dncg.iti vi1 y,"1he swdcnt ~aid . "Jack-o'- lantcrll', arc nol in viting the devil 1n your hou~e. They' re ust·d In protect your tu111sc·· She .~aid witr hr raf1 is :, vi allle option for some peopl e, hut ··Ew ryh11dy .,hou ld believe in \Olllething. Every person ho.~ their own p11th."'

~ro~~;n~~ p~g1 ~r"t~11 ~o~~

Bringing you quality name brands for your home furnishings . . Broyhill, Best Chairs, Chromcraft, Lane Action, La-Z-Boy, Georgia Leoni Leather, Massoud, Pulaski, Riverside, Rowe, Sealy, Spring Air, and Stanley.

Oclohcr2J •A Ki llingswonh re,idcnt re 1)()ned S-'Uand rieheckc:inl ~h1kn from her room. TI1c card wa~ btcr Lhl'd hl withdraw .5200 from the ,1udcn!'~

Oclohrr25 •A student reported hi s car. 1dlie6 was parked :!l ong Cou nr il Dri1·c. damaged along !he left iro111 quana.

The Appliance & Electronics Store at Hamilton Bryan Bringing you quality name brands for home appliances and electronics .. Canon, Fedders, Frigidaire, Maytag, Pioneer, RCA, Roper, Sharp, Sony, Whirlpool, White/Westinghouse and Zenith.

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lo.iding 1he sc.in.:h enginc . FirstScard1 rnnbc rcachcdthrouch :1link in1hc MSUhomcpnge. ~ "One or the things the new sys1em h:1s is :1 cap,1hili1 y, in a numhcr of the FirstScard1 databa~e~. lo pl;icc your in1er-!ibr:1ry loan re4uc~l online: · Breen s.iid. Thi s m:1kes the rnter-libraf) loan procc~s easicr and :1 Jillie faster 01hcr new service~ 011 the li br.1f)•~ l'llrllpUtl'r~ indude the "Enl'yclopcJia Amerit ;tna." 11hirh can bl' rc:iched 1hrough LANA and tlw librnry' j wcl.1pagc Moffe ll al.~o has a !ink now tu ST1\T-USA. :1 group or fcdcr.d d:1tab:t~es rrom 111tirc 1han ➔ 0 gowrnme1u agl'ntil'S. Bn.'l'll s.iiJ STAT-US t\ will flcnefil pcopk in the economics andgOH'rllllK'n! department s fn r !hl~ most pnrt . " It rou111s people . 1radc. who Wt' de.ii wilh. how much money wt; makc. th ings like th.it." Breen , aid


•Afu!ITimeCareer? •Tempororywork1osupplemen1yourincome7 •Pori fime work lo complimen1 your college M:hedule?

Cl C ~•

!!f!ptat' offmLhelollowing:

·::J, ..1/) I,,.

Mar1in :1lsosaidtwlik cs theidl·:i of fri ~h1lcss i"u11 nigh1~ for Hall oween. He said. "Tha1·~ wh:u I u~ed to do when l w:1s akidcveryye:ir. l' vealsogo1K' 011 hayrides and to bonfires. thing~ like th:11. hut I, h:1\'c bel'll nro11nd Chri stian people 011 Halloween ·· Ly nrh \.1 id shl' enjoys the Hallo" l'l'l1 ct'ld1rations: "S0111epcop!cthi11k 1hc holidayi,pag:m. liu1 I think ii promnte.~ community rel at ion,." Linton ~aid he th inks Hall oween is good, hu1 1hr l·elcbrati o11s .ind :,cti\'iticsc:inhecarricd10orar. Ysasi ,aid ...Just have a good time. ht: c:1refu~. 1 and getadesign.1!l'ddrivcr··

r--"' l 1



The Furniture Store at Hamilton Bryan

Octnhcr20 •,\jacket w;,s rcportl·d s1okn from 1he common area of 1hc men ·~ restroom on the fi rst lloor 0r Bt1!iQ SricnCl' Hall



Car Wash Wash Cycle 50¢ Vacuum 25¢ Towels 25¢

Or!nlll'r 17 , •Two MS U employee, rcpmll·d rece iving obsce ne llll'~,;1µc ,on 1hci r vuice m:1il •A.~tudc11t r.:ported his pickup 1mck, which had hccn parked in lot l"t "i ncc 1hc l." lh . d:1111acnl from lhl· left rcar1ire 10 1he lt'ft ~luor '

Moffett adds 11 new Internet databases

Pat's Mon·Fri !Hl:30 Sat !1-5

l·lnff111 an ,:1id. •·~-! ) f:i \'urtt t· 1hrny ab1)llt teaching i, lwari11~ all \lf the diffcn• 111 1dea., 1h:11 cnrne nu1 11f the d as~ronrn Ji ~cus,1011 ·· •\ l'curJing 10 1-luffm:in. 1he hi, to-; ry of 1he org:1ni;,:11i1m d:11 e, hack 111 I94X when a 111:111 tlilllll'Ll S:1m ffanon N'gan 1he g.rt1up in ortkr t() pnwide ~l•n·1ct•, and rcprr,cut :1rit111 10 f:il·ult y, ~taff ;md libran un, of Te.~.is puhlic rnlkgl·, and 11n1 l'cr,i: 1ic~

Car damage, theft common in October;


1,aur club or o.rganlzatlon has an event for This Week,

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Page 4

29 I


75t h Anniversary In Ph oto s I I

Below : Jacob Ahlone, elder or the Kiowa Tribe, speaks at Snlurday's dodlcatlon ol tho Ex•Students Association's SunwnlchN statue.


Right : Ahtono, along with Regent Chairperson Kay Yeager, Student Gove rnment President Attron Young and Faculty Sonale Chair John Dowd, unveil tho statue . Pho/C'S by Angie McClam

J. ," _,. ,

'3 ' .r



Below: Stacy Stines I& congratulated by herd

atter being named 1991~


Homecoming Oueen d Ing halftime of SaturdalJ~.


Festivities 1111 !"i lhi: -\r11,t l.c.11u,· ",,::rw, . .1,·.-c•r,linf 111

D,·.111 nl S1udn11 , J;inc l.1.·1,hn,·r I 1111111~]11 11 ;:; \~ ~1 ;,?r\·.,1 ,11,·,·c " ·· , h.- ,,ml ··1-k 1, ;, , \l'': 11

·\\,· t\l'r,· h1•p1ni: 1h1, 1111u hl he h •1 1ti,· ,1u

, :ud TIil' Al, l"\l"lll 1\.1, 111.11111\ .11trn1kd h1 \ ISL' ,1udrni- . ,111d 1111h . ,11>, 1111 h.111 .1,!,,11·11 ,1·:11 , 111·r1· "llo.'fl \11w1~ i'i H· ~nlll·r- ]'IJ ~cd 111 lhc f" l1 h•u 111,1 lll l'UI , in Fml.1~ monun~ Th:ll 1, 1h1• rm"! p1•t•· 11 1•k 11ho h,1\C pl:i~cd III rhc ,.,um;11111·n1 ,mt·c lll.'i.:'<111 111 n·.,r, :11.:11. :K1·nr1hn c 111 l>111•1·111r 111 \ !;1111111 l<,:ti,11•11, .Shi.:~ K111g(.11k 1hr l 1,h I n 11,1, ahu 1\1·11 .1111•m.ktl 11 11h IXI 111,kru, 11h11 ,:,mw 1111 1h1· 1111•:1I pl:rn :m,I ~;,itJ 1hm1111 111, .. au1·11dnl ··r1tcr1· \1,1, ,1 l,irft'r 1!1 •11 J lh,m norm ,11. " flu ,... ,aid rtu: l.,•1wnmm , H1c.1U.1,1 11 ,1, ,1t1tndcJ ll\ !111 p1:Ppk . ,Ull! Jrrr,,,1111:111.-1~ :.:!.Iii p,:opl~· .111cmkJ thr -\l11111ni -\11 .uJ, >1'h'lll1 •111 . .1,·,·,iri..l• . lll t' lt1 1\111 1.!l dJl• ·l'.1r1·111 , ·· l).1~ 11.1, ;1 •tKn: .... 1111h .! 7h p,11t'111' .,nd ;:u1·,1, 11h,1 ,1p1nl III JIPII~ w11 h 11: l;11.'.t1h~ .111, l ,1,11 1 ·1111•11· 111•r,· ,il,o ,umc l-,;11 >11;i lnd1:m , dl'llh ·· Lr 1, tmn


;m;l o1h\'f fm·,r, 11 It, , ,lul 1101 ,,~n 1n. :1..-1·11n.ling lo 1'1,ndcr ,\nu1ml 7110 rc-r,pk 11l'r1' "·n 1·d lt1oll.l, ;1r..-11rd· lllf IP 1h1· l11rlo.1 ,cr.i,,·. "' II i, (',ll ll1:11cd lh:11 7~11 f''<•pk .,r111.11J ~ .111c11dl'll l\irl'llt,.' Day

.,ru,11 1.-,

l'l1mk1 did m,1 1h111l thl' 11l':1th1•r :1ffcc1cd the .11ll·nd.1111:r :11 tlw t-..>nllll· nr P.1rl·n1~ · Dai . ,\ n:ur.11c ,,,u ni, r,mlJ 1J1ll t\.: taken :ii t::h'llb ,11c/1 a, 1hc Sm111:i td 11•r 1lcd1c:1r ion and the GJ1t.::, ,,, 1/cr,uk, uO\i:i linf ,incc lickeL, were nn1,oldfmth1•, l'l'H' llt...llk· :111c11tlam:c at 1hc Su1m aldll'r Jcdil'a• 111,n l'\n·i:J,·J my cXr'('ct:ilion!<>.·· KlngL·:.idc ,:iid Tlw 11l·,11lw1 J 1d h;11c an effect on the ,mentl.lllu' al 1hc Ga1c, 111 1-kn:utc~ unveiling. llif•u~ h. "111l' 11('athi:1 l·oulJ ha\'C kepi ,om..: l"ll'"l'k Imm ;lllcndmt:· 81i-s ,;1id. Tht· 111•:1IIK·r :.il,n h:id :i n cff1•c1tm Iii..: tail~;uc p;1n~ h1·f1Hl' S:1tunl:1) mgh1\ footlla ll g;1mc. ",\ 111·mt.111u· ,111hc 1:ii lgalt pan r 11•;1!<> :t lillk di~;1pp1•11111111= ... Km~••1d1· ,:11J. "I 1hink if the 111•ath1·1 li.1J hl'IJ 1•u1 :i lmlc lnngcr. 111Ufl' would h:l\l':Jtll'lh.kd '·

\, .,,.,-'•' , 1·


.' .,

I· . ~,J:::l.


~!~ 7:--L...... -


~1 :my 11ac surpri-L·J 1hal :1 numli,;r 11f rcnpk :1U1·ntkd thi: lhimernming f1111thall g:rnll' . ·· t w:1, pk:i~cJ wilh lhc .111..:1111:mcc :11 the fontb:111 !!:uni:. rnnsidcrin~ th..: wca1hcr." Kini:l':1Jl' ,aid AcrroJing ln the lime!> Rccnrd ~kw:- ·l.~00 pl'<1pk w..:rl' in alll'nd,mcc :11 thl' Hmncrnmm~ foothall g;unl' " I lhink Wl' h:1d a gcl\hl lWWtl, l'\'l'11 ;11 lh:11 . (foo1hall g:.irnc1," BtM ,:1iJ. S1uJcnt n::re1ion~ 10 thl' cc lcbr.111011 ,1cn. . 1110!-ll y po,;ili\'C. Sophornnrc Erin Chr1 ,11e aucntli:J thl' Sunwatchcr ,kdication lx.'\' .IU.~l' fa: k S1e1·crK

::~C r~~lt J~l~~~~~~~~rr(l~~ ~~;•i: i'.1~.\ ; :~~~;1hc1~

it wa~ nice ho1\ lhl' Kiowa lnJi:m., ,,rn~ h)'rnm,. 11 wa~ likl' :1 mutual r1·., pccl hctwc..:11 u, :mdlhi::111." "I lik..:J the l:l!<>l'rl i~lu , h1111· a lt11 ," fri:!<>hm:111 Pct.Im Sald:irri:iga s:1it.l. "I rc:ilty ;1pprcci:11eJ the work 1h:11 11\'nt inio thi ~ weekend," Rodriguez ~:1id. "I' m :1pprl'l'iativ..: of ..-1·..:n•onc who work..-d ~,1 hard ltl m:1kl' 1h i, amc111~r.1hlc11wkcnd:·

ALS comedian Wallace thrills crowd



'~ ..





ALISHA FERGUSON Wichitan Repor1er

No, it 11·:l.\n' t lhl' forma governor 11f Al.ihama the i\nis1-Lcc1ure Serie, hro11gh1 to Midwl'~ll'm Frie.fa y night. Award-winni ng rnrnedi:m George Wa ll.ice g:11·..: ;, ~nldoul pcrform:incc in Akin Auditorium. whid1 holtl~ -U2 people. In addition to comedy. he i;:a"c the at11.l i1·ncl' :, mes~:ige. ··on whal you love 10 do. Just bt:cau~c you're .i 111ar~l'I· ing major J ocM1·1 mean you have Ill do statisriral ;maly,h all ynur li fl'," he said . Wallm:c's lopk incl uded hotd .1J\·c11111rcs. thing~ you ncvc_r sec and ~tupiJ 1h!ng~ lll'11pk say. He concluJcd hy playrns "lhc dozens" wllh lhe aud ience Becky Hell. ;1 junior social wnrk major, said. " It wa, a nice clmnsc-up. Thi: Artis1-Lec1urc ~cries has a good v:1ricty of progrmns, :ind ii was good 10 sec somclhin~ light. Hcwnsvcry,vcry fuuu y." . Poli1ical science professor R,1ml)' Glean .~aid. "I thought 11 was well prcscnlcd. wholcsom..: ..:ntcrtainrn..: ru . It w;,~ lhc ki nd of thing Midwcstem shuuld hil\'C more ofl('n. I thought he i;nnnec1cd wilh !he ;mdicocc \'Cf)' wdl."

Doug Burns, donor of the Gates of Hercules, speaks at the sculpture's ~edlcatlon ceremony on Thursday. Photo by

Teannette MIiier


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il'.!l~~'.5' !~1'>11500 ~~~~J:~~IDAY~

____--.. JAMES LANE AIR CONDITIONING -~ffi'Dfiuj;;s:;;in~e~s::::s'"l'i"e=-v..,.ie_w :!~~;c~!~r~~,:~~~i~~~~d regular maintenance of your plumoIng or heating and _cooling I Hometown Newspaper S .

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:e~s~,~11:c~.~~'.:..___J ..;'";;·~CO;nt~en:l:sn~d=~e:rv~1c ;:;'·~·r·'•,'w,•;";porn,ilbll,;lo~,~ collectionc for Ihle Bu~t1ecc 9ootion. -; f VATION ARMY THRIFT STORE b · JI ing more ano uy,ng less, Mavbe You should be

,:-11~ aualltv anCI value go hand·ln-hand Located


f,~e ,ere you wltl flno clothing for ever'{ mood at 403 7th Street In Wichita Falls, phOne 322·

NE can attora. It's a great Place t ' every season, ano each member of your famlly at clothing and realistlc prices Them~ get your children ready for back to school with the necessities In llfe, Uke tOod and s~aFement Of this shop feels that most people pay I e ter, and don·r need to spend TOD much to 100k There Is no pressure from the cl esy", There Is clothlng for the e;:s, ~0 fancy prices, and they speclallze fn •otd·fash1 ~- as Well as llousehold Items, books and most SALVATlo~' this Make need. might you RMY THRIFT STORE your ·one Stop Clothing ,tfl109 y'Oll"re also reminded that SALVATIO . Ing and household Items. Your don ~ t RMY THRIFT STORE Is a great place to donate you r nwI1I1~ community services! The a ans are tax deductible and the proceeds go to fund In savrng money and stlJI look gr;~~t~~s of,th ls 1997 Business Review suggest that If vou·re satur dar, g a.m . to 4 .-Jo P.m . .., at \OU give this respected shop a trv. open Mon-

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svstems call

JAMES l.ANE AIR CONDITIONING. Tnls ts one companv which does the whole JOb ana

does It 'verv. verv welll Whether vou·re navJng problems wltn your air conditioning or your In plumblng chis fine firm can t'lke care of It. From their location at 5024 Jacksboro Highway 1 Wichita F; lls, phone 766-0244, this outstanding contractor can speed repair service to /our Mme or OuSlness. For ALL r;pes of plumolng ano cooling repairs, this Is one company that stands reaoy to get the Job done right the FIRSTtlme l New construction and complete Installations of all kinds of plumbing and heating andTooting systems, as well as the services Of professional engineers are other areas where JAMES LANE AIR CONDITIONINC excels. They offer comple~e service from design and planning to finished product. The writers of th(s 1997 FaU Business Review would like to con• ,, ..... tulate t his respected plumbing and heating and cooling contractor...JAMES LANE AIR CONDITION· 1:1 10







commercial and Industrial businessmen, needing quallty pre-engineered metal buildings for mo st any application, can do better If they contact the M & F LITTEKEN COMPANY first! L~cated at 1804 East Scott In Wichita Falls, phOne 766-4442 , thls reputable contractor Is your authOnzed dealer for famous VAIICO·Plll/DEN Buildings and they can place a permanent metal structure on vour site In Just a matter of weeks! Acknowledged as some of the best structures available, VARCO-PRUDEN sulldlng systemsare In use throughout the countrv and their many satlSfled customers are their best testlmonlal. so, If you want the utmost In metal buildings AND some of the best service. contact M & F l/TTEKEN COMPANY and find out more about famous VAKCO-PRUDEN Building System• The authOrs Of thiS 1997 Business Review and Reference Gulde hlghlY recommend M & F LITTEKENCOMPANY toa11ofourreaders

Fax: <940> 692-7723 pi,one: <94 o> 692 ·0091 ,'f1'ERSON BRAKE fl ALIGNMENT r,1r.1Y BAKER · MANAGER I

,rJJ' ca~ ~~-;u~!~t~ ; v~fu~t~fr~lng quickly, the results can be verv costly ln terms of money and what could be a better way to enjoy the Iast weeK of summer than with a g~me of golf? in the



always wo rking tt1elr best by stopping In at PATTERSON "" !IV!5ALIGNMENT for thorou~~~es E !dwestern Parkway In W ra e and front end Inspection. This well known firm, located 1:2 5 ~eering and suspension an lch fta Falls, Phone 767-7022, will professlonally check your caf'S f,ts.~Ke warning light is a defln!~ealq~llck Check of your CV bo~ts may avoid later expensive repair. n cator of a Problem. Likewise, a soft brake pedal - · If vour . D , en the brake Is a culls \/h tile services 0 ~~;~E~ th e pedal pulses, or if vou hear a scrubbing sound all suggest so~ BRAK.E & ALICNME_NT. tf you notice uneven tire wear or If to one side drif or meres Play rn vour steering, you could have a serious front end 11 the front Jsrear end of a lot of late model cars require alignment and cause a~ we~r. A Quick rnspectlon will tell t he pros at this reliable concern If there is any probst raw~s, ~hock~. ruts ~r steering on vour car. Whether vour automoblle Is foreign or ' , tlc. front ee or 4 wheel drive, employs a dlsc or drum braking system PATTERSON BRAKE NT has th e. parts, the tools and the knowledge to fix them properly.' oon·t take chances ,1.1JGNME_ ~ your Ufe or the hves of others. The ed itors of this 1997 Business Revlew and Reference Gulde ~:;~ you make an appointment for a brake and wheel Inspection with PATTERSON BRAKE &


t:i'£RIDGE PLACE i(EILA HERRELL · COMMUNITY DIRECTOR -emost wonderful atmosphere of this entire area Is available at LAKERIDCE PLACE In Wichita Falls ,zs.4? Pla za Parkway, Phone 696·.13S1. The trained personnel t1ere are alwavs striving to excel In ~aa1rvcare_and supervision of their residents and their needs. This modern and custom equipped p1ff ls designed for only one Purpose. That purpose is to provide the resident a relaxed and tvi'envlronment. !hev feature pr ivate studio, alcove and one bedroom apartments and all apart~iisare Iar~e a~d airy, well f_!g hted and exceptionally clean. Three hot meals dally are prepared to ; tne Individuals persona! likes or requirements as prescribed by his or her physician . They offer ;arnee1 24 h9ur staff, mirse cau systems and weekl'{ hous~keeplng and laundering of li nens and ~ nal ~l~thmg. The famlly atmospI1ere that always prevails here is second to none, and the Intl• 'l!e. artistic surroun~lngs Wi ll ~lease the most discriminating. creative activities, programs and ~:duled tran~~ortat on are available to each and every one of their residents. LAKERIDCE PLACE Is senior crtizens are treated with all of the _respect and dignity that they've earned and can e1own and enjoy the golden vears! This leadrng retirement community ts highly pralseCI by the is 1997 Business Review. Give them a call for further Information on availabllity and

wlclllta Falls area, better golfers prefer the smoother greens and beautlful fauways of the WEEKS PARK COLF COURSE owned and operat ed by the City of Wichita Falls at 4400 Lak_e Park Dr., phone 767·6107, in Wichita Falls. This Is truly a •golfers course· and it's speclficallv designed to ~e both challenging AND tremendous fun1 They feature an 18 hOle championship course, golf equip• ment and accessories, golf instruction available and sent crass Greens. They are the "Home of Texas ·T~~ai~~ft~u;~~~ 7~~nTgi;~~j;cr;ver Just now great a game of golf can be. vou·n find tnat your score will Improve when you ptav on a course that's well·cared for like this one AND you·1_1enjoy your game a lot more at this beautifully landscaped facmtv. The writers of this Business Review ~uggest that vour game wilt Improve and vou'HenJov yourself a lot more wnen vou p!av this outstanding golf course!

SAUNDERS BODY fl PAINT SHOP As dependable experts In the auto body repair business, SAUNDERS BO~Y & PAINT SHOP, located at 338 Hwy. 79 in Wichit a Falls, phone 766-0B71 , offers the people of this area a complete, one·stoP collision center. Thev feature expert service for all cars, both foreign and domestic, and are well known tnrougnaut the area for quality work. SAUNDERS BODY & PAINT S~DP are. experts at color matching and will make your car look like new again. Large and small Jobs ahke receive careful.atten· tion. SAUNDERS BODY & PAINT SHOP also speclalizes In au types of _frame w~rk. Thev can repa,~ vour ca, body to factorv specifications using the most modern tec~niques available today. Your rnsur· ance claims are always welcomed and estimates are carefully given. To be assured of the finest In auto body repair, call the professionals at SAUNDERS BODY & PAINT SHOP. YOU wlll be pleased with the quality of t heir work and their competitive prices. If you are part!cular about vour car, then be parrlcular about wno repairs itl select SAUNDERS BODY & PAINT SHOP for your body work todav.





rng tne OIi fleld.1ndustry·s need for quality ~lectric servic~ is the full time job of KAMAY ELECTRIC f:M(E, INC. This is the recommended elecmcal company rn the tocal area, and they'll do a better


you. canthem Whenever vou need help ... the KAMAY number Is 438·2B44 and the WICHITA t,er723·91 26. Th~ are at Hlgh~y 258 in Kamay. TheYre ready to come to vour site ANYTIME

~l~:~~s~I~~ ~~~,~~~If ~~-:~~!~~ii~ r;~fo;~:~-a~~~~f~ark~~:~1~! ~~~~~:u~ t~~~i~~~p~it~~i~~ I

f''Ce. They ha~e electrlc motors for sale, naturally, but thei r facilltles enable them also to rewind

Need money? The DEFOOR$ JEWELRY & LOAN roans money on ANYTHING of value! This reputable pawnbroker has established an enviable reputation for loaning the most and their large number of repeat customers shows it. Loca ted for your convenience at 601 8th st. in Wichit a Falls, phone 723-91 35, this well•run shOp specializes In the making of loans on such items as guns, jewelry, watches. musical instruments, knives and all manner of other goods. As a retail store, DEFOORS JEWELRY & LOAN has also oeen very successful In offering their customers some of the area·s outstanding bargains on out-of.pawn merchandise. stop In today and look over the selection of goods that he has to offer ... you·11 be sure to find something vou llke! The writers of this 1997 Business Review urge au price·conscious shoppers to took to this fine shop for bargains galore. Oh ves they also loan money!



PLUM~INC tHepalr electrical motors. KAMAY ELECTRIC SERVICE, INC. suggest that vou call them whether In ;-,nergencv or scheduled work. Thev welcome the opportunity to work with you. The authOrs of o! OVIC! 1.s1997 Business Review would llke to ma~e prominent mention of t his respected company and ~.,., • ._~., KENNETH CUNNINGHAM· OWNER/MANAGER f:'businessmen, oll operators and Industrial o~ople alike_to contact the KAMAY ELECTRICSERVICE, That's whatvou get when HERITACE PLUMBING SERVICE IS on the Job. This experienced service! Tota\ ffor ANYTHING that requires tile best in oil field elecmcal work! firm specializes in all phases of plumbing and can handle the entire project from start to finish! Located in Wichita Falls, phOne 723-6687, this is one company that's capable of complete installa • tlons of you r plumbing system. Thev, can handle both commercial and resldentiat work, and they·11 l~ !~: ~ sa~ ! ~Q~ ! !ark and dlng.y thrlftstores. wa lkln.g Into CISSE'S SECRETS is like take care of every detail from inltlal plannlng and design to finished product. can them today if ng into a shopper'S dream. Attract1veIy dlsplayeel merchandise ranging from corporate to ca· vou·re planning to build or remodel. The HERITACE PLUMBINC SERVICE also specializes In all manner formal to fast,ionable, meets the eve and fills the mind with visions of a new wardrobe . at of repair work on your plumbing. Whether lt'S a hot water heater installation, drain unclogging, or b:o:iable prices. How many times have vou said this is too good to throw awav or to donate? so kitchen or bath remodeling ... their team of skllled experts stands ready to assist you In everv posto do with those garments that are perfectly fine, but simply aren·t ·vou· anymore? Recycle sible way. The writers of this 1997 Business Review suggest that you contact this full service firm for at CISSE'S SECRETS. They feature new gowns for your prom or wedding and offer Quality all of your needs ln regard to all kinds Of plumbing service ... HERITACE PLUMBINC SERVICE. mg for men, ladles and children including accessories. Let Cisse show that that with dying of ~ t>ags and shoes you can change the I00k of vesterdav into a new rook of tomorrow with just a Investment. You'll enjoy shopping and browsing in a frienOly, relaxed atmosphere. They are ed in their newly remodeled facility at 219 E. 3rd street In Burkburnett , phone S69·5357. are always glad to help you setect color.s and styles to make you look and feel vour best. This Is [ esaIe boutique ·wnere tne discrimlnaring can find the unfau~ in high qualfty fasnlons. • CISSE . ~es vou to come by and check out her new look. She, now, Is featuring a whole new line of the working lady lncludin~ KARLIE.". co. along with au o.f the o. ther designer r_ le fashions fo_ othlng she carnes. we, the editors of this 1997 Busrness Review, suggest that for the shOP · •Energy Efficient Appliances pertence of a ltfetime, vou put CISSE'S SECRETS at the top of the ·oo Today· 11st. •Convenient Location





re house of beautiful frame stock for custom tramrng of fine art, pictures and prints awaits ' ".THE GALLERY A! vou·u find Just the frame to accent you r decor and comp liment your subject CAU.ERY A CUSTOM FRAMES where they speciallze In custom framing and feature a tremendous ~:tion of framestock with hundreds of styles and colors to choose from . Just the thing to add . •_charm and bring a unique quality to every .wall In your ho~e or office. Nothing lends more t!tv; ~ecor or makes a statement better than creative custom framrng. From a simple matte board, ~tic wood for elegant frames, to museum grade quaUty, whether vou want a tie to the past In ':IOd frame, traditiona l or contemporary framing, if vou desire to create a focal point. en/lance ::mpIement your decor, you can trust your framing to tile cra~tsmen at THE CALLERY A located 37 Callfleld Rd. in Wichita Fall s, phone 69.1·2B01, for the frnest In personalized profess.lanai rn framing and at reasonable prices! This fine gallery also features a large selection of prin ts! ~ether its ready-made frames, custom framing, matting, or mounting for needlework fram• '!Ot.rre sure to find sometlllng to your taste in the stvle, color, and price range you desire. The ..JiS Of this 1997 Business Review would like to suggest that If you haven't visited with Adelaide I~~~ci CALLERY A, then you haven't expenenced personal service and professional framrng at

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OUTLET when look i~~~~o! t! ~ ! ! !m~ ~~Quality in bOots They have 4 locations to serve you East HWY. B2 In Nocona, phone 825•; at so2 Field st ." fn c aln esvllle, phone 665-7062; Hwy. 287 and Laurie In Vernon, phone ' 1022 and at 121 N. Mason In Bowle, phone 872·5828. For real values In great boots special· , ~e,e You·u find the hardworking Mot you need, for work or sport! Drop by NOCONA BOOTS Oty OUTLET and ask to see the complete line of NOCONA BOOTS. NOCONA offers one Of the ions of boots for men, women and children of all ages. T~ev make bOots out of all r boots have all leather construction), so vou·re sur_e to frnd bOots that meet your tastes You' ll be pleased wltt1 the kind of durabllItv and comfort that a quality s to Offer! so stOp In at the NOCONA BOOTS ~ACTORY OUTLET an_d ask what'S new In the r;g world of NOCONA BOOTS! The writers of this 1997 Business Review know vou'rt like the -'~anc:1 the quality that this respected company represents! Bring In this ad for $10 off any


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we do it every day.

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October 3I I


Men's basketba11 tea.1J.L

to staN


season with 10 new players guys who t·nn really play."' Ray sa id. "Some of the new guy."- hu\·e played ~forc in n1her progr.uns and should he uhlc lo step in and rontrihutc When the 11ll'n\ haskc1hall ~,:hcd- Ami tx-cnuse {)f all the new guys. , fall this Ligon .. ulc kick~ off al OJ 1hcy'rc gning 10 hnve tti." don't he ,mpri~ed if you find yourThe rn:wcomcrs c:qx.-ctcd to con~elf looking :II your pro~r;un often to iribulc e.lrly in lhe . .e:L'-Oll i.nclude rcmcmhcr some ul' the nam~~. Richan! Joh11son, 11 6-.l trnnstcr for· lndi:mf the on Of lhl' 14 players w:ud from Baylor. mswr this season, on ly four were in "Richard will be one of (lttr wp unifom1 fnrthc Tribcaycar :igo. forw:irds. He'll play ou t on the 11 Head coach Jeff Rav said the higgcst ·his is • guy players· inex~rience 11 1 concern heading into the season, Another 1ransfcr from a D1v1sir ~ "A lmmt all of thcsc guys h:wc11·1 program is 6-9 forward Ch:1r!tc played together.'' Ray said " It'll lknncll. from Vundt·rbill Univcrsil)' iake them some time 10 lcam their in Nashville. . roles in our sy~1em, which mav be "Charlieisve ryathletic.:in d sincc different lhan where they pli1yed he n:dshined nl Yundcrbill last :-~a:-md. befon:." Ray frcshnwn.'' son. he'll be a Or1 he four player~ rctuming, :ill "I really think he hn~ a chance to be n..--cci\'ed a lot of playin~ 1imc, and :1 £!"Cal plnycr for u.~:· evcns1:u1ed some. last se:1son. ll1e Indians ;tlso added 6-2 guard Joc\Vash i11gton.a6-6s l'lliorfrom Tony Avczznno. who t~ansfci:rcd Dalla!-, will h~ one of the top from Angelo S1:itc University. a nval rcbounders this season. as well :1!- Lone Stnr Conference opponent. ~c the tcam·ll on ly senior. He arcmged is 1he son of Dallas Cowboys spccml 8.5 poi nts per game anti 5.4 IL':llllSCOilChJocAve1.znno. n:bounds. "Tony wa~ ,1 1wo-year s1ancr al Junior Karron Taylor of Temple Ray ~aid . ''\Ve e,tpccl slaned 15games la!-I season. While Angelo (Slate)," htfromthc slart. averaging only J.2 point!- a game. himto con1ribu1erig knows thceonferkidthat He'salso:i the on second was guard 11 5!he team in 3-poin1 percentage at J8.5 enceundwhattoeltpect fmmit." Ra,· is also expecling forw.ird pcn..·em. and his CH :,~sisls were Craig" Stastny to ,ontribute fo r the third-highest. Retur~ning sophomores indude Tribe. 6-0 .i gu;1rJ s Craig Snodgrass, Stastny, ;t 6-5 sophomore f~m Wich ita Fal ls Ridcr ~raduate, and Slidcll.Teltas. playcdforthe Indi ans Jerome fa ckscm, 6-.1, from Mini:ral in lhe 1995-96 season hcforc transWells, Tcxa!-. fe rring 10 Nor!h Cen tr:.il TcltaS Snodgrass played in all 28 games Junior College. as.lfrcshm:mand101aled57assists. "Crnig is comi ng off u knecJackson !-farted in two games last injury, but I think he·~ recovered season.avrraging6.5pointsagamc. we ll and wi ll be able to help us;' r'\ llhou~h inexpcricncci sa prima- Ray suid. "He (S tasllly) knows the :1~oncL"rn for Ray, t:ilent level is systemfai rlywellsince hc was here ..I think we've hrought in a 101 of 1wo years rtgo.''

~::::~:~::~~~~ti·,/~t:;~ 'i~/:

year, Denise Pittman, an NAIA 2nd-team All-American last File Pho/o averaged 16.8 points a game last season.

Hig h expectations set for Lady Indians ANTHONY NEWBERRY TheWict,itan

\ r

• r



If experience i. . 1he !'IC$! teacher, the Midwes1cm S!alL' Lady Indian.,;· h.i!-ke1ball 1c.im ,hou ld be equipped for thi,; ~easl1n when it open.1. No\ 14 at the Lady Buff Tipoff Classic. The Lady Indian" return five players who s1a r1cd 31 least 20 game.lo from lusl year's ~0-10 squad. ,o cxpec1.n ion~ arc high even wh ile !he women adjust to fir!>t-ycar head coach Jennifer Hu ll. They also return thrce other, whosawexlcndcdplaying time a year ago. .. Expcricncl' i~ the strength of lhis ,cam:· Hu ll said ... , expccl ;i lot of lcade~hip from our five ,;enior.-. All of our !-cniors want a lot out of thi. . ,eason and they all workeJ on their g:uncs during the off-sc:1son.·· MS U will h:i,·e 10 cope with the loss of ils ~ccond-le:1ding ~rnrcr from :i year ago. Julie Lovell. who ~cored 11.6 point~ per game a year :1go and grabhcd 5.i rchounds per co111e.\,1. graduat ed. The Ladv Indians also lost Jennifer Liule, whO ;nw;tgcd 7.1 points per game. .. Losing those 1wo player.~ hu rt.-. u~ in different ways." Hull said. :·Lovett g:ivc U" a 101 of ~coring. and 11 hum 10 lo~l' Jennifer's le.idership ·· l·ktuming star1crs include centers Dcnis1.: Pittman and Shannon Boasc, .!,;Uar<ls Jennifer Butler-Griffin and Mandy Clulcy and forward Andreu Gardner. Kalil' Thycn, Murie High and Carrie Yoakum als11 return fo r MSU. Piuman :md Hoase pair up In give the Lady Indian~ a lllron~ inside pn.·~crn..:e. Piltman wa!i the leading '-Corer for the Lt<l v Indians a vcar at!o wi th 16.8 jioints and , 8.0 rd1ound.~ per contes t. She al so scorched ihe nc1s by shoo1ing a iearn-high57pt'rccnc. Boasc averagcd 9.3 points per game ;md grnhhcd 4.6 n::bounds in her games fo r the Lady Indians. Gardner gives the Lady Indians a Im of things from the forward spot. She a\'cragcd 8.4 poi111s. 5.2




rchounds. I.S s1cals and 2A a:-1;is1.-. per game. She also knockc<l down ~8 3-poinlc~ in as m;111y games. Butler-Griffi n k<t MSU in as~i~ts wi1h 4.1 per con1cs1. She abo ;1vcragcd 8.0 poinb,


ho:irds and 1.6

~teals. She conncc1cd 26 times from hchind the 3-point arc Clulcv and Th vrn ho1h avc.TJ!.!l'<l 2.8assiS1spcr garTlc. Newcomers for the Lady Indians include J.J . Anderson. Erin Hoasc. Rnchcl Rmchcm', Chri1,~y Wallace and Toni \Vcstf.111. Wc.~i fall is :t junior transfer from Univcrsitv of Tcxa.~-San Aninn io. whiiL' the· rest .ire frc.,hmcn. Hull s.iid all of the nc"·comcn, had a chance to play. CHRIS FISHER She (h!~rribcd Westfa ll ;ii; .i cood The W1chllan shomcr wh ik she said AndCrson will ha\'c ;m upportunity !O get a lot Dcspuc a subpar sca.-.on for ihe of playing time. ..She (Ander.on} has looked great men's soccer program MSU mid in !he pn:sea."on. She Im ~ ,great ath- fie lder Jeremy Barnett 1s puu mg ihe lc1i c ability und she i~ a good finishmg touches on his fin.ii season defender and hall handler." Hull at Midwestern and ha,mg a lot of said. fu n domg 1t A year :1go. 1hc Lady Indians finSome of the best omes of my lrfe i."hcd third in the Lone Star lm e been here wuh t111s program, Conference hut thi~ will t>c 1heir Barnell s,11d · I re.lhze that I am at fin,t season as an .ictivc member of the end of my career, and I am Just NCAA Divi.~ion 11. MSU ha~ hccn happy 10 have had the success that pidcd fourth in the LSCs prcsca- we ,,e had' ~on. poll. hut Hull ex pects the Lady Although he 1s enJoymg the fruits Indians 10 finish higher. of h,s labor now he almost dtd not Hull said the key tu finishing get here -l ' again. imen,.ity ng vi ha is higher After spendrng bis freshm,111 sea every opponent. hut ~he thinks the )lenior.. know 1hat. ; ;~~c Last sea~on, the Lady Indian~ to do some sou l searchwere road warriors. posting :i 12-5 in Lubhock .l lrcady hccn accepted to had He ing. Ligon D.L. from record ..iway ~ech and was: considering Coli~cum. including a 6-3 in.irk in Tex.is there. But something LSC games away from 1hc Dome. tr.ansfcrrmg within hi s he.in. llowcvcr, 1hey were just 5-4 at d1d11·1 sit well "I woke up one morning ;md ri.!alhome in LSC games and 8-5 overall. love for ·'I think the hon~e court is impor- ized lhat I st ill had a lot of give t:1111. and our sc mors like 10 plav rhcgamt: und I wasn' t ready lo · it up,'' Barnell said. "It was like I hen:," Hull said. Fans .shouldn't worry ;1bout any knew I was meant to he here.'' chan ge mthephilosophywithanew




NICK EATMAN Sports Editor

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._, ·(· ) wor~ed his way into the Msu 1 " 40 Jerome Jackson I eshman. He is one of only four ,,j'"'I u· Photo File season. this ~=~=~:~i; t~! fnJlans .. An1hony saguyrhill'· f hman guards . · ~ the of one He's athlete. and on) Ray said I re~Hous1 ) will shoo1crs we ha\'c .. :"~ l Anthony Ea sey , Tr;tvis Hu l,i (Peaster,im e:~: for Easley. ''Travis Hu1i is~ c and really s:rong for \tri P also make an afrt.J-., Midwes1cm.

Going ou t in style

MSU forward enjoying senior season despi te team's strug


~o:rn~1~ ~l~~t

~~;i~n~~!~l\a ':i~as~~~t/t ~c ~~~t 1

M1dwes1em State men s soccer head couch Nathan Pifer believes th at Bc1rnct1 s desire hclpt::d gel hun on track ' Jeremy has a big heart and a slrong desire to play," Pifer said He made a pl,1yer out of himselr andcameup1hrough the ranks "He's been told by olhcr co.lehes 1hal he would never make 11 .ls a collcgc player He's worked hard to prove them wrong · A rededicated Barnell returned to M1dwes1em and made the v;trslly squad that eventually played tor the NA IA national ehamp1onsh1p m 1995 Playmg with :;tandouts fake Joy Michael Chafin and Sieve Schullz

gives us our emouon He is .in excitmg and fun player1(095watch But Lhe JOYS of 9 ;tre a f~ cry from che penis of 1997 I1 NO ?3 A season lha1 began wn a nauonal rankmg with lheir first ye; of compe1111on m NCAA Di vision _ has turned mto a 8~8- 1 disappmnl ment But Barnett knows the Tribe is a bounce or two from being 15-2 • II 1s hard to lose the way we have ' Barnell said ''We JUSl aren ' t gcumg the kmd of breaks we are used lo gettrng Al though 1hey aren't happy wuh season's results, Barnell and the Indians know 1ha1 fi nish mg on a hot slreak 1s 1mpor1,10t

::~l~~e~1~;1~::~:~1 tinn~.1~~: ~~~1 :td tcr. "Those three guys really helped me become a bclter pl ayer," he !-aid. ··Before I was just a speed player. hut they helped round out my game.'" Pifer said Barnell'.'> style is a plus to the Indians' altack. "Jeremy is a spark 10 our learn," Pifer said. "He is our leader that

of ~ ,~r :a~;~~~s tum going into next year and fo r rccrn iting." he said. In order for the Indians to win their remaining games, Barnell is going to have to keep his offensive production


Don't miss Monday's women's soccer

~('.~~,'.~\J'~; 1 d~~•;s;,~,-~~/~~;;ci game against West Texas A&M 6 p.m.

offense and implement a high-pressure defense










~ J ~\

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' 1 ..:



, ~,







He leads the Indians in~ ning goals and is tied fir; the team in total points.










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,r 29, 1997 Page 7

Improved West Texas A&M next opponent for Midwestern yl·ar, a.s lhC"y h:11·c ... ~k{"Jung uhn l;1i<l Wc~t Tc.,a~· nffcnlil'C nnd tlcfcn~il'C line~ ~ Fc,r the ri r~I lime in fo ur wrcL5. ;m1ongthchc:1wr uni1.; in 1hcconkrth e ,\ lid wl•qcm StJtc foothJll ll."11111 cncc. 'They' ft" hugc on both lid~ of will nrn tic foci nf! a hif;hly r-JnkC'd ihc b:il l." McC'lung said. "TI1cy'rc orTcn,i1·c or 1.kfcn ,;i,·r artad;, M tcr playini; the nation\ hc~t one nf the heJ\'ie~t teams in our 1.lcfcn sC's in Abiknc Chri~1i ~n :uuJ k11gL:r. Th(.")' h:i1·e sc1·er.ll ~ .1lly big Tens A&M-Kingsvillt•, :ind the ;ind ~lro ng li ll(.'11\Cn." ,\hhough Te~.i.l A&M-Kingl1·itlc Lu11cSrnrConfcrcnce\ 1op uffcn.--c h1q wc-d; ~~ain,! Angelo Stntc, rhc shut om the Burr~ JJ.Q IJ\I week. lmJiaM. :!-~. wi ll focc Wcq Tc., .1~ McClung ~lid \VT,\MU \ ofTeMe il 1\&M. a 1c:m1 MSU hem.I coach sii llllangcrous. "They 1hmw 1he h:111 a r,11. hu1 Mauk ~kCluns t;1llcd 1hc mo, 1 irnpru1·t·d 1cam in the Lt>llC St.ir thcyal~Cl h;weu rc:illyg0<1Urunning hack," McClung ~id. ..They cnn pul Cn11frrc11n·. Kil'koll for Satunh1 y·s g111 111' i11 UllS(lr11C' pni nU,." Leadi ng th(." Buffaloes' run ning Cnnyon. 'ku.~. i.~111 6 p.111 .. I 1hink 1ht·y· n.' :1 n·:illy gor1<I g:1mc wi ll ht.· fre., hmnn DcWayn(." Mib. who has run for 4~-l yn rds lc :1111. ('lllcy'ft') n 101 hclln than 1lwir l\·c1•nl shows," McClung ~aitl nnd sc 1·cn IC'l uchJown~. oi !11l· .i ..i Bu ffa loes. "I bc lic\'e Junior qua nrrh:,ck Gary Thoma, 11icri.·· , nut an1,1hcr team (in LliCi lms comp!crcd IO1-of- 18 1 pa~1cs 1h:11 hal 1111pro1•cdnlmuchfrumlast fo r 1.439 y:udl :ind nine score.~. NrcK EATMAN

Sports Edito1

,,,stve back Tremayne Morgan b 1 1 ~ 111 1ng game. The Tribe lost to the rN:~; ~~~; an Angelo Stale receiver Saturday In the ed Rams 30-9. Photo by Josh Deskin

.rd quarter disaster

!Players of the Weeki FOOTBALL Ms c·~offcnsc hn,t 1wo lengthy ~eoringdrivcs in 1he fo unh qu:iner 10 rn:-1·cnr :i ~hot-out Tiw lnJinn, man:hetl IJ9 ya rd~ on 12 plnys fo r :1 h1uchdownnndfo11owcd 1hal wilh nn ll •rla y, .~-l .y;ml jm1m lh:11 cnds·J inn fi eld !!O~I. .S1•111nrqu:1r1trback Mnr1)' 11-litchl•II lhrcw for IJ () yn rd, ,,11 10 C'( llllrl(.'lion,. rvl itrhc ll -~C'o rcd lhc Tnlx', 011 1~, 1uochd(lwn. un a I-yard run in 1he !<111nh q11:ina. It 11',1~ lhl· f'in; t 1iml· thi tscnto n onlvo nc quar1,•rh:1rk pl:1ycd fur 1he Indian,. · Jnni(•r light ,·nd Tim Rl'ddi 1 hatl three c:11r hcs f,,r M ya nk 10ppl'll hy 11 59-yankr 1ha1 Jed lo a l,1lt liclil i;ual. The fi ,:-ld gu;1I. t>y frc~hman Milan S111;1J,1. w:tl 1hc liN nf 1lw season for 1hc Tribe. MSU\ ki r knff n-lUrn 1e11m rnminucll to shine. Ah•n!! wnh lhl• LSC's leading retuml'r in Boobi.: Th,,m1011 (J 1.1 al'g.), fre shman foll hack Tonnell Wihtm h:1J two r,·tum~ for 7 1 ya rds. including ~ '44 •yarJ n-lnm in lh.: secondquaner.


a f~mhlc rct·rnc ry ;mJ a ,J (llllll.i,o1hdccpm 1l·IS L1 1mi1nry. 1o ~c! , r[or nhOUI lh rec quan~r, of lhL' gmnc . , .J 3i w.-11 a.., 11~ ~,ad all ~c:1r... t-.lS U ht·ad ,l~,nk ~tc( lun ~ ,;ml "We _111,t look a lap'il'

di ans fall to Chiefs 1-0, seniors isappointed in final home game ',lllfflOMY ~EWBERRY


)lidwcs1em S1:11c Indian, · k1!ll' gamc 1t•a, pmh.1hly n"1 iu <,t11ior.,apcs·t,·d. h"r,.:J,,1 a),(,u1 11-ith the ~l·a,nn !he l11J1:LJ1, k3d.irdidn '1,urprN· thc.-f:n11 ro,KhNath:inl'1l n

~.m~ alh)11\•d :1 go:il 11mlfn1Ughthc ~e,·(•nd _h:1 11 when a ,w1undcr llw d11,· of ;:0;1I JonSonncnhurJ!:11 1tl pr"1 1dJh(lmaCit) L:111 1·.:r,i1 ~ "11h ,1 rt1~· Tw,day in tl1l' lti-1111..:

Th,· lnd 1a11,.11tm fdlu,S·K ·I ;ind !inish(•d11ic,.·J,11nfi-2;11 hnnwll'ilh 1!1c Ith,. n1anJ;:cd ,ci l't! ,hn111n ll1(· l1r~1 h:ilftu thn-c tl•r th,·('111 ,·f,. bur l'lluld11 ·1 rume up with a i;oal 5cn1nr J:'!l;ilkcqx·r Chri, Rohin ~on h;1J hdd the Chil'f, ,cNd1·,, 111 the fi r,1 -4S 1111 11ul t', and had ~nix.·keJ l\111 ,hot- :iv. a) h111 pit' v.·av 1" Sonn.:nburg in 1he ,eeund half' ·n1{' c1gh111"'•·, 11c 1!11· record for 1hr mo,1 I"'"'' 111 a 'l':1"m lw an .\I SL' ~ljll:ill Ths· ('l11l'f,. 1111!; iht' ,1111d :11 1he1J tiad., m lhe '><.:runll 1


11 1



;',~;~;' ~ i1~·r :;,~'. ~1~-J~:~: \~ ~r~·J;~;\ ,1t11,in,hnr1\\1tli 211111nu1.:,lcf1111 nsthe~amr 11ld fru, tr :iuo11 II 1hr <.1>nt1·,t. ,cn111r 1111dlicl,kr Js·r,·111) H:1rnl·11 11,1, ;: 11s·n ,1 red 11 unfortuna! r 111r-ta~c for uur . bu1 Ill' ll'trcn ·t ,roring c 1rd. lcJ\ 111;: MSL rl:iy111g 11 1 u11 r( Pifcr~_uid. "\Vl' h:id , 01nl· II ·n1l' lnd1.111, p1,~ed up :1 1ic1ur. opponuni11e, hut11c11nl·n·1 ii pu1tl1tm (ch;111cc,1 ;111:iy If l:i,1 Frid.,~ 111 glu l•1.-r Te ~:I, lilJ been ahle Ill. II 111111/J 11 ·1 W.:,l,:y;111 l 1111\cr,1l) h~ :.i 1 i <."uunl Pifer gaw ,ill hi- ,c11111r, ih,· ,1:1n !«n ~gamc. ju11hal'cn '1 had .1 ;:nod }l',U 111 thl·ir fowl 111 ;:lu hum.: ga1nr un l lomccull\1 11!' Wl't'~l'r1d. ;mJ 1l1q ."ll~oon ..

for tltelnd wn,

r.:~ro nds·d by t:1ki11g a :'.! ·Ulc•;ul in 1he te:im wi th 16 points on si~ goals and linth:1lf four assist~ Ch:1d W1 ll i:un, ,rnr1•.I J11 ,1 )-4 :(J~ ·Wepl:iyeJai;reatf'irsthalfanJ lrllu lhl' l'Oll l\';;[ <JI I :I lh'dcr rlayed brilliant ~occcr. rr 11'l' co11IJ \fd),1n;1ld a~,;i,1. 11 11<;1, \Vill1:'11u.,· 90 111111u1es together like that. we'd ~•n1nd gc,al of1h,·,l·a~(,n:1f1erbt.·1ng 11·,~n :i lot mnrl' pamc.-s," Pifer ~:iid. illl· -.crontl•ll'ad111g ,n,rl"r ln,1 yc.1r TI1e Indian, Jro ppcd :1 garn ~ 1t1 w11hei gh1!:',1:,I-.. lhl' Wesl Tl'XJ~ A&!\·I OufTalocs J . 1 Ju~t l:'i minull'' la in. am•lhl·r la\l Wednesda y. IJranJon Bcyrr ~ldJunalll p;1~1 11:i, k111 11:h •d in. '-l'!m•d his sl'wnll goalofthcscason. Thi- 11 111l', it \\;1,; ~l'ni"r n1 idf'iclder Tht Indians wi ll f:1n· E:L,1 Te., as l< nh,:rt Sh:111~ 1d1 n hla,1l·tl Md)o11 · :ihJ\ p;"' inlo 1tw hac· k 11( Ill<.' 11ct fur lfap1i,1un Sa1nrday:it 2 p.rn . lx·forc f;11·1n~ NC1\A Divi.,iun I Nu. 5lu, fi r,1 ~1,:,I Ill Ille ,.::1,(lll, r:mk.:d Southe rn .\k1hodi ~1 Um"~r• Sh,Ull' ,;nil i1 w;" r r11n;1I 11i:1l h~ " ·ore:.itlt.1-.t"ll<.°J!"·il,·1c r)' 't:i,,on sity Thl• Mu,r:111)!., wen: r:mk.td a, "II w,i- .:11hn g,,rn;: 1<1 ht· ii n1 , II · high :1. \ ~ , , . ~ hcfnrc lo~ inl:' 10 N,·11· 1111,: 111111.1 ;:l)a lorr1n1,l1m!' dry.,0 11 ,\ k.\ll'1> "Thcy·rc ,1 ' C'I'}' ~troug D I (Divi w.1, 1c·r~ 11 11p1 nt.,111 !P " 'Hit :, !!"a l." h.: ,;11,I " t-.l y d:1d w;1 , al 1hr i_:;111\l' , itlll 11 rrot'rJm . Wl'H hal'e our :111d th.11 11." pr,,h:1hl) the l:" 111111.: 11,1ml, f1ill." Pifer ,;iiJ. •·1t ·s sornche' ll \Cl' 11 1,· pl.I)'," ' it 11·:is pr,'11) lh 111g 11·l' r1• looking forwa rJ to. If n,•;,1· Wt' emlld lx•at SMU. u would be .\ h:JJ11n.ild.u!J.:d.11hird.1,., 1,11 ,11 "u 11ctl 1111g lhl· pl;1y.:rs wi ll ntl't'r frc,l un:111 ~l.ir~ Km;: \ ,.:r,.11d g11:1I for~l'I " (of the ,cJ,(•n K111g ~11oi.~c•tl 111 Ille' If 1he ll1di:111\ tun't :1.\'oill lo~ing rro" p:1" \1 t l),,11.1ld11n11 lc,1d1 1hl· .:ilh~r oi their l:i,t IWO g:irnes. lhcy ll' ill ,cc :1 rl·to rd for th.: n101t lo~sc~



Kemp Hl l'tl

McClunc al10 lllhl We,, T.:1,1, may h:i~c 1hc LliC\ t,eq 01·cr.11! defrudc r in rnmcr h;1d, Rclx-11 ~fort The -cn inr l'Omerh:1l' k lcatll h1l icmn with 1hrcc in1crcrp1ion~ Li ke rhe lndi:tnl, \\hi Tr111l h.l~ fallen offuf1era ll rong s1.1n. Mtcr the sc:~,;on·~ fiN four 11:1mc~. the IJuffaloc~ were unddcatell :,nd had 011llcortd 1heir opponent,. l-l7-42. Bui ~inec Ult·n. 1\&M ha, lo~\ 1hree ouioffour. " I still rhink King~villc h:i~ 1he hc,1 dcfen M: in the conference." McCluni; (uid. "13u! I think Wc~t Tc\11'- !~ proh:1h)y a, good. if nor bcuer 1han Ahilenc (Christian) dcfr n,;ivcly.·· TI1e Indians, who will be !ookint: to avenge a 5·0 los~ in ]a...,1 year'l g~mc. have on ly wM only three of IO cnnresr~ovcrlhc ycars wirh Wc.l\ Tc~a\A&M .

TIME ' ' \

:,,,·u ,\ppo i~tment i\'t·~t•~:-.; 1r.\ ·,


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MSU Athletics

~J1~cklhrew !ot146yardson 1OcompleLions. HealSoraofo,2.3 yerdsineludfng MSU's only score ona 1-yardrun. Ha alsoplayedh1s firslentlregame ot iheseason.

VOLLEYBALL She hod 17 kills andnineblockS 1as1week lnthe threamatches. Theiunloralso has49digs. She leads1he.1eam.io blocks (61) and is second on Iha 1eam ln k1llsw11h 162.

Marty Mitchell

Molly Truelove



Thesenlorgoatkeeperplayedall 90minu1esin ge1tlngherlouJ1h shutouiol the season lnlhewin overECU. She leads the Lone Star Conference wi!h a .48goals against average

Mindy Chaky


Thej,oio, 1ransler assisted

?" all th~ee goa.ls

the Tobe's 3·1 win Friday over TWU. Heleads the team wilh s1~ goals and now has four assists onlheyear. in

Ryder McDonald

Note: The selec1ions are made by the spor1s staft of The Wichilan .

Lady Indians fight for post-season play ANTHONY NEWBEAAY


11 ·s crunch lime for 1h~ Lady lnllian.-· ~ocr.:r team. MiJwcstem Sta!~ will face 1h ree Lonc S1ar Conference orponc n1.~ in the ncx1 sixJ;1ys. Thc l:idy lntli:in~ nl·ed to win a!l thrl'c 10 retain tht LSC rrown. MSU will 110.~l Te., as A&MCommar e on Wl'dne,;d~ y :ii 6 p.m. bc.-fon- hining the m:1d 10 Angelo State al noon on Sa!Urt..lay. Wcsl Te~as A&~·! the n ll'i ll visit MSU 011 Monday al 2 p.m. :ind will be a chan,·l' for 1he Lady Indians 10 :.i1·l·nge their onl y LSC loss of lhc ~cason. WTAMU d.:fr:1tcd the Lldy lnllians 2-0 ll'., ~1han tll'o wecbago. Thl' Lady lndi:ins also nccll 10 clo,;l• oul !ht n·gu lar se:ison wi1 h tlir,·c run~ecutivt· win, tu ha ve a rh:mre 10 m:ikl· the pl;1yoff~ " 1\II th rte ganw.\ :ire hugl' if wt wmu 1nh;1 n-ach;1nrc 10111:ikc lhc r layoff,." head assis1an l k ff Trimbll' , aid. "Thl•girbhnl'c tosltp up ;111d pl:1y. Thell' wi ll h,: ICllS of emotion hcrause lh.:y arc tunfc r.:ncegamcs:111d 1hco1hcr !cJm~wi ll N! prcrarc fo rus" Dnpih.' ;1 l~•J•l nmk and only rn 1,· In.ls i11 their last 14 m:.i1chl·s. lhe L:ith Indian\ ha n · dr11ppcd out of lhe Circ:1t Plain~ Rcgi<lllill roll. MSU h:L, tlropr,:d Olll or lh,· top f11·.: and lltt•d,; 10 fin ish strong 10

m:ikcthcpush tooneof thewp1wo spots. The Lady lndi:in~ have few.:r losses than t'l'CT)' team in lhc !op five but tht· 1op-r.mked ~k ~:1 Stale squadandh:11·ea5-2win o"erNo.5 Southern Color:itlo lo their crcdi1. Non.:Uldess. they h:1l'e fa llen fro m the rankings. Commen.:e was dcka1cd 1.0 carlic·r this sea.wn by MSU on th.: road. ),(1 head :i~sislant J.:ff Trimble kHO\\'~ MSUcunnoltaktlhcrnli!_!htly. "I think it 11ill bcnl·1it u~ playi ng them the SC"Cnnd timc. anJ lhl· girls will be pn-p;Lrl-<l llll'lllally," Tri mbk said. Trimh!c knows 1he mo~t imrorront gaml· will bc th.: n- venge match against lhc L:1dy Buffaloes. "It 11·,1., a wakt-up rail lo~i n;: to lhl'm. W..- h~l'ee1·cry1h ing j!oing for us now." Trimble ,aiJ. "They h:.i vl' bc:11 us so we have tob,.• up. \\'.:'rt tit home :ind now wt· know lheir styk l1 'sju~1 ~ mauer ofc.,croting. and the re arl· nu,·.u· uscsthis 1ime" MS U got back on thl· winni ng track !:is! Wcdnc., J;1,· aftt'r the lo~~ al Wtsl Tex;K ThC Lady Indians pirh·d ur thei r ninth shu1out of the sc.-asun by knork ingoffEa., 1Ccmrnl Univmity 1-0 in Ada. Ok l:.i . .. Weplayedwl·ll hu1didn '1 fi nish well ," Trimble said. "We 111:.ide cood dct·isions i11 the mitllil'ld but 1101 in llu· fro nl 1hird. We allowed them to ~lay in the gaml· hy not srnring on orronuni11es in lir-i h~lf.''

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