October 8, 1997

Page 1


\111 d \Ve~/ octohcr !!, 1997 • Volume 76 Issue 6 n _e __ S t _u d e n 1

N e


s p a p e r


S t a t e

Mi d wes t e r n


Wanna get high?

l)l\'lslon of Fi ne Arts prepares a

Game to watch

The Wlchltan takes a look at marijuana use on campus and how attitudes about the drug have changed since the

~:;~!~t:~ntl~;~;;emorate the

turbulent 1960s

Un i v e r s i t

The volleyball team takes on Texas Wesleyan at 7 p.m. Tuesday In D.L.

Ligon Coliseum

On Page 6

Next Week

MSU: Home of the 'Boys? iJ University trying to land football team's summer training camp

·•(Ii~ I

f, ....


, \


Wefeel,,eno,\ ha\cthes1.11c-of-1hc fac1l111l'\ lo hol<l u tr.un mg c,1mp Farrell s;1id. "Wi th our new dining hall and the add ition of three noon• to McCollough-Trigg Hall. we think we have fi rst-c las s facilit ies for the Cowhoys" The pmfe~sional 1i;-am has hcl<l its 1r.1ining camp at St. Edw;1rcr s Universit)' in Austin for the past eight )'Can:. but owner Jem• Jones <led<led he wa nted to move dSr\\ hcrc fo r nn t summer. Farrc ll said.aflcrameeling wi th seve ral memt,cr.,; of thl" univcsily facu lty ;111d adm inislr.iti(ln, including President Louis J. Rodriguez. he contactccl lhc Cowboys. and they ha"e considered Midwestern as 011eof1 hc final plnec.1. fo r the new 1r.iinmg s11e. "We looked at all of the issues, and we .irt


Could Amcric,1·s Team he hcadinc to 1 ha~~ it~ ~ :f\;~~te:hs~:c ~\·ay, 1he Dallas ~owhoys could he spending pan of their summer on 1hl." MSU campus. In an attcmpl to gain exposure for lh(' ~c hool. .the uni,·l"rsity has expressed 1111crcst in hcc0ming th(' home of the Cowhoy:. for 1/wir si;~ -wl.'ck tr.iinin c ~ camp in July. Dr. Howard Farn:11, vice president for ~tudcnt ;md adminslr.Ui\"C ~ervke s. said the univen:ity lwd been looking to hold a training camp fo r lhc las! three yc:1rs hut t:s~en wai ling to han~ the proi,cr faci l•



,1skcd ourselves Do we have the fac1l111cs to hold them? And yes we do Farrell said. ''Then. we evalumed all the pros and cons, from parki ng to traffic and security. And we ull imntely decided that the posith·cs for over,,,•helmingly exceed the nc::gatives." He al so snid the cons were not considered as. cn1irely negotive aspects. but issues 1h:it would need 10 be dealt with. "Any time you h:ive a major function going on. you 're going 10 have some inconveniences... Farrell said. Farrell said lhc Cowboys, who are also consideri ng Lamar University, Soulhwes1 Tcxns State Univer.; i1y. lhe University of Texas-San Antonio and lhe Un iversity of Texas- El Paso, hope 10 mnke n decis ion by the end of October. "R ighi now, the dialogue continues

Race ~Edu cati,o n JASON LAWRENCE

Editor In Chia! Midweslem State i.1, unl ikel y 10 feel the ofa. 1996 ru ling that rJcc can no longer llSCd a~ a fact or in gr.1n1 ing :iclm1:.,.ions.. ding to MSU a:.sndutc profc,,.or of polit ,cience Emcsl Dover. J)o..-c:r said "shockw:1vc,·· were fell in Tcxa, cducu1ion " ·hen 1hc 5th Ci rcuit of thi: Coun Clr Appc:1h made thm rul ing 111 a brough1 by Cheryl Hop,H.,od ;1~.i in,1 the 'mitynf Tcxa-.. Hopwood. a white '-ludcnt who h.id been · admission to UT\. law ,;chool. filed ,uit thcunivcr,i1 y claiming rarial di!-enm1 -

M.SU Bte~akdow n -


By E·tnnic Gre.up

Tbe. federal di.1,tril·t court th..tt urigin;illy the case ruled in fav or of UT. but ·oo(I won " hen it \\ :1, .ippc:.ilcd 101he 5th iL The S\'Stcm u~c<l bv Tcxa~ unih·r, it ic, dec:tde.1. tO make up for.pal>! discnmination decl~d uncOO'sltutiona l llT's law school h.i:. ~l."cn " dramatk decli nl" fit number of Afrk an -Arncrii.:an :1ml minor.slUdcnls since the ruling. TI1c )Choo! had 97 · n-America11 , 1udent~ enrolled 111 Fall .,Jn lht' foll of 1hb yea~. only one Afric;mncan studen1 wa:. admmed to the l;iw pro• .actordinf to Dover. Bui at Midwc:-tl'm . the percentage of mi nor51udcnts actua!l v rose OCtween the Fall 1996 . F,IJ 1997. tcording 10 thl" Office of Puhlit· · til,n. African -Arnerir;m<;acwuntedfor pcrccrn of the total MSU enrollment in Thal numhc-r ha:- ri :.en to 5.8 percent thi:-


Source: Office of Public Information

ady Indians trying to keep ome winning streak alive

Mid westl."rn Stati: Lady s' soccer 1eum hopes the tum of a nine-game unbcatak "'ill carry through ;1 cou1mponan1 home games over Tfourdnys. Ilic pa._, nine game.. the Tribe ~tscorcd it s opponen ts 38-5. lhuhd::iy. the 8-2- 1 Lady \ play host to Sou thern ne, an old NA IA-ri\'al , al 6 before rtay ing ho~1 to the lprn~l:.ite Ramhcllcs on Su nday ~ t; is jus1 hoping its home

ten Streak of 16 games will

News Editor Race and issues surrounding it arc prevalent in every aspect or society, and Midwestern State is no excepti on. Senior Lyndon Locke. who is a membe r of a black fra1cmity. Kappa Alpha Psi, said one or the m.1in problems concerning racial issues m MSU is the feeling of os1racization. "College sludcnts a." a whole arc just real cliquish," Locke said. Locke i.aid minorities might feel more involved in the campus if there were more organizations for minorities. "I think it's imponant to hn\'c them:' Loc ke said. " It gets black

There is a variety of student organizati ons fo r mi nority st udent.~ncross campus. according to director of student activities Leslee Ponder. The groups ninge from special interest groups like the Black Studc111 Union to fraterni ties and sororities like Omega Delta Phi and Sigma Lanibda Alpha . The purposes \'ary from enhancing minority students' lives 10 sharing a ccrtuin cul1urc wi th the students of Midwestern State. According to poli tical science professor Emest Dover, the goal of the Alpha Phi Alphu fra1 cmi1y is to upli ft college men of color.

!t~t~~~;c~~~ );~~~nsu ltant :md writr'r:~ many anick:. abou1 the c:1:-c. said thi:



Associate Editor

alw risen. Hi spanics make up 6.7 percen t thi:- year. compm!d to 6.4


Attitudes about minorities vary at Midwestern State


Tbe numhcr of Hi:.panic s1uden1.1. at \ ISU


See Cowboys on 3

students involved in this college process." Locke said more minority organiza1ions would help MSU remin i1s minori ty students: "I think a lot of minority students would " 1 !/firini.u stay." Locke said that while he lhinks minority students are treated fairly: they-rometimc-s still foci out of place. "You kind of feel oslracized." Locke said. A Caribbean student who wanted to remain anonym0Us said he sees some problems with mCe on campus. "There seems to be some slight levels of ethnoccnLrisrri," the studen1 said . .. Some peop le see

See Race on 4

Groups promote sense of pride in minority students

f.tbc student hody

See Hopwood on 3

hct"cen us and them (Cowboys)' Fnrre ll said They'\e md1c,11ed 10 us that they re looki ng ot us, as well ns 01her schools. Farrell said not on ly the university would benefit from housing 1hc Cowboys for six weeks, bu1 1hc community as well. '' It would be wonde rful exposure for the university. as well as 1hc ci ty of Wichita Falls," Farrell said. " It wou ld also he a great opponun ity to provide MSU with national and international exposure." Farrell also said all expenses y10uld be paid on ly by the Cowboys. "No state money wi ll he used 10 suppan thi s;· Farrell said. " It would he a between relati onship contractual Midwestern Siate Univers ity and the

co.~;1n~a1 SNU we have to mainlain our hard work, bu t when )'OU .ire on a roll il's hard not io _slack oIT:' fo r,,,·ard April La~a1cr said. "If we play like we·vc hccn pl ay ing. wc·11 1:>cfinc." Sou1hem Nazarene dcfeatcd 1he Lady Indians ht"t year. and according to assistant coach Rob Woodard. SNU has a more talen ted team than las! )'Car. Woodard also said 18th-ranked SNU has good ~peed and an All-American fo rward. "SNU is jus1 a challc_ngc," MSU hcn.d assistant Jeff Tnmblc soid. " It \ a real good game, and one of our biggcsi games of the year, to s.cc whcre wc 'rc u1us for.1sa com·

parison tn lu~f year's 1cam. "I'd like In !.CC if we CU ii ,lep Ufl and play ;1 good lcam C\'Cll . Ever)'thing's going righl :md we're plu)•ing we ll a1 home, .,o everything 's going our way." MS U will have ;mo1her strc.,k, a JO-g:unc unbeu1en .1.1rc11k in Lone Siar Conference play, on 1hc line when ASU visi1s on Sunday. Trimble suid ASU, who gave MSU its last blemish in LSC play. is 1111 impona111 game bccau~e of the significance or all conference games ''They're down a liule bi1 1his )'ear,butall thctcams sccmtoget up for conference gomes." Trimble said.

See Soccer on 3

~•With the strong support of our alumni chapter in Wichi ta Falls. we encourage our members to work hard and clcvmc themselves on the campu s and in the communil y," Dover said . "The main things we stress in the frat em ity are scholarsh ip and community service. "Since we began the local chapter back in 1989. Alph a Ph i Alpha has had a 92 percent graduation rate." Like Alphn Ph i Alph..t, the Black Student Union and the Nat ional Assoc iati on for the Advancement of Colored People provide n forum fo r AfrieunAmerica11s lo have their ideas heard according to D0\'Cr, who is

See Groups on 3

"Others" account for 5 percent

In the name of progress Workers

continue constructron of the 3-story addition to McCullough• Trigg dorms. But the work

Is causing problems for some students. See the story

on page 4. Photo by Amber Lehmann


Page 2


October a


Cowboys and Indians would make good combination for new summ er training camp shou ld

Troy Ai knrnn. Emmill Sm i1 h :md

choose Midwc!-.tcm Slate.: Un ive rsity a!,, the new ~itc for thei r ~umrnc r

Drion Sanders. Eve n Jerry Jones ;rnd Barry

tr:ii ning camp.

Swiw.:r could prohab ly find somc-




1hing to cat in thc cafrtcria. Another ;:11..l \'a ntagc of 1rnl\' ing 1hc lrain ing camp to Wic hi ta Fall!-i would he the distance the Cowboys would have 10 travel to go to c.1mp. Wichita Falls is only about two hours away from the Da ll as/Fo r! Eve ry M1mma. the media nod: to Worth area. requiri ng one less hour St. Edward 's Un ivcf!,,ity in Aus tin 10 of tr.m:: I than they would have in :111cnd the Cowhoys tr.1in ing camp going 10 Aus1i n. Th is med ia c., pos urc would be Alt hough hav in g the Dallas grca1 ad vertising fo r Midwes1cm and Cowboys on campus wou ld n::quirc Wichit ,1 F;.Lll 'i, and it's free. security to accommoda te the more The costs of having the camp held frenzy that would accompany the hac wou ld he covered enti rely by 'Boys. th e benefits 1hc universi1y lhe Cowboys organiz;.1tion . Wi1h the addition of three noors 10 would sec arc far more important. So. in choosing the new site fo r McCu llough-Trigg Hall. the Cowhoys will be staying in first-class their tra ini 1H? camp. Jerry Jones eli mi~ ah.' all of the olh cr should accommod.itions. Th e new Mcsqui1e Dining Hall ,viii choices and choose Midwestern all ow a large variety of choices for S1a1e Univer.;ity. Both the Cowhoys unJ the Indian s (Mi dwestern) coult.l be nefit in a number of \\ay~. I-lav ing the Dalla!-. Cowhoys in Wich ita Falls would hring ;1 101 of much-needed a11cn1ion to the ci ty and to 1ht.: uni\'crsi1 y.

GET INVOLVED Students should participate in organizations Every student who a!lcnds Mi d- in campus or,ganiz:11 ions comes after western State should be involved in college when you Jrc looking for ;i job or caree r. at lea!-.l one sc hool activity. An empl oyer is much more likely Thcrc nrc many hcncfils to be to hire someone who has hcc n pa rticfou nd. Gcuing involved means meeting ipaling in various ac1ivi1 ics 1ha n someone who has on ly gone lo colmore people. The more people you meet. the lcgc and s1ud ic<l for class or panicd more opport un i1 ics you have 10 make 1hc cntirc lime Someone who is mu ch more more l.1sting fricndships . Thcsc frie nd shi ps have a good rou nded in their ex perie nces has a belier chance of gelling hired much chance of lasting a lifct imc bctiLUSe you alrcrrdyknow ~"Omc of the thing~ in the job marker than others do. So gc1 in volved while m MSU. II you have in common. Anothcr benefit or gell ing involved will pay off in th e future . Opinions expressed i n the unsi gned editorial represent tho se of The Wichltan editorial board, consisting of the editor in chief, associate editor, news editor and sports editor. The unsigned editori al does not necessarily represent a consensu s of the entire Wichltan staff.

Letters . .


The W1chftan welcomes letters of op1n1on from students, faculty and staff. Letters should be brief and without abusive language or pers onal attacks. Letters must be signed by the wri ter and include a telephone number and address for verification purposes. Letters will be edite d for grammar only.

Ann a didn 't need her alarm clock to wake up in lime for that 8 a .m. class.

Freshman decides not to conform to typical fashic AMANDA HAMILTON

The Wichitan


3410Taft Blvd. Box 14 •Wlch11a Falls, Texas 76308 Desk (940) 689-1704 • Advertloln~ Desk (940) 689-1705 Edttor In Chief Graphic Artists Photographers Jason Lawrence Adam Chavez Michael Frtzsimmons Torres Brandon Mana Lawry Asooclato Edttor Josh Qeskln Reporte,a Amber Lehmann David Edwards Angie McClain News Editor Alisha Ferguson Torah Curry Ad Rep ■ Chris Fisher Sport& Edttor Greg Bacus April Gibbins Nick Eatman Donna Payton Amanda HamlHon KimTackel lseia Herevia Photography Editor Alex Tsybin Wwyne Moore J.C. Garcia Newberry Anthony Clrculltlon Manager Advertising Director Mark Scott Shannon Norris KirkCor1ey Jaime Silva Accountant AdvlNr JennlferTillery Paul Flaming Hal-Te'lllng Jim Semott Corniiahl o .' 997



IDCfllbnorlhc Tcw: ~ PmtAtsmllloa. 1k Wldillao Wichitan thtnJbr io a11t1J1Yimlab>tabnJlaedfotpllblation.0pinicmn.pces-.J1IIThtW'ICWIMdoM1 ~ rtte•Arily ~ ttncflaCODNMNofl!E w ff. •iidrm hody, bnllty, lhlAdmiobtndoaordltBolNlol RtJtm, ofM~S111rUIUwnily. F1rR copy ofthtp;19« is ftwofcblrge:41ddkiomlcopie11R$1 .


Dare to be different Cle~ning out my dose, fnr the .. hig nnm:' 10 college. I w,1 ._ fnrecd to i.eparatc 1 1 11 1 g;~ : , 1:~•~ ~!th~~:~ ;~ ~hcc~~~~ii1~ ridiculoui. height on my bed, my "nonn:.t·· clothes rcu.1:1ine<l a pitiful few. My sm(l ll






c h;, .

Amanda Hamilton is a n ~ ass a freshm_

:a)o~~~~~a~i~~~ J ones obseS$iOn.


The sa\·ing grm:e of my ~t)'k~ 1 11 " . w;iisl -knglb . red ,~·ig : ~i·;is

:~ i~~~s~~:~;~~Jri:~~~~; ::1~~~ 1


~ti l! The wig was in a hag befr:: Om:e I had crossed lhe line in111 t general public miglu consiJ.:r~.;:i

\~~:~s~!f·~ :~~::~1ojnc~•;;i.~~!~~~:,::.~ ~ 0\ ;.~ ester JUlllJlSIHts. hoop ski ns ;md i.1rc1chy patent lc:uhcr. I 1.kcidcd I should gel some new Mull Mom agreed. a little l oo eagerly, and we se t off for the mall The question was: how did I want 10 dress as a new co-ed? I would soon he surrounded by people who hadn"l prev iously hcen exposed 10 my ... unique style. A l

Won<lcring why I was so miscr.iblc I .: . ··t,T contemplated al l of the I f~~~~: homc.~ickness, loneliness. · man nngsl. Whm w;1s a girl 10 do') .· d • i w·ts I I realized how wrong sion to conform to typical c~llc;c•~:es;i.:tWhat right ~id I have to squelch my .n.at11rnll y ch.irrmng pcr.~ona lity bcr.:ause of ~omc trendy clothes? Who was I 10 hide

college s1udent. ,ray foshi('n~--~ muurc re1umcd and su1'.shi~ ..~ follow me lhroughout the da. •1 , 1111 A.s a ser\'icC 10 lhc1• 11 •~ ~ ~iiyscl~. I had opem·d I ,mdor.1 .J •mmcdmtely i.et 10 work ~·~t1•~\,r~ 1 re1~11a11ts of the costume i1cm\ to si:eak from 1.hc g.a~.i~c. , ,t' k\i Y1.: .~. ~ gel a h:w · \\II.II ih.1 • 1,, 1 :md a d1stn:ss~d commcul !~1m1~·-,

~~;~;~1~:~:~1'.~n ~~rtr~;\~~ ::~{~(~~:.: ~ on .crnck at the ti~ie, but very libcml in their wardrobe cri tiques. I am ashamed 10 admit ihat I bowed 10 tl~e .. norm ," wa.!> inOuenccd hy window d1 ., p!ays and calmed my leopard -prim cravings. I hough! a pair of khaki s.

~ 1 o~;rnhoyan1 nalurc from lhc studen t., of And where had Ill)' sp.1rkl i11g sclf-assurancc gone? ~any may argue lhttl clo1hing .~ hou ldn't aOect one's sclf-eMccm, persona lity, nmfidem.:~. um.I hlah hlah hlah . Or that if some?1.1e !5.truly. i..clf-co11fide11t 1ha1 something

:::~:e:h~~l~l~~ . 1, ing smi k s. . As a ca rtkarrying ccctntn~• .,1 1 l~ke 10 cncour.1ge ,my funtiN ' J'j t11n s," as my mot her wou ld ~l) ,t<' ,J Free )'Ourse lf fmm the tiond:(lf~ 1 s1wakcrs, exprC'~S your van1l)

'.'~omen~s ;ui~I at l une~ Ill}' humi lity is 1 ~~ :;•~~~lg~~~~~~~cn •.mnu1es .of meekness , .. · ~asht aHtrc and all . A . the~~•~;\~~•~; ;, f~~~~ 111 ?allas. was in my missi~n. Ar~ict : h~•~u~ ~~oppu!g was and rny innovati ve se ns: ~re f~~~ •t card st0 rmed the i.:ity in .search of' ihd°;~~\~

J:.~;l~~;'.cL~~~iee~~;;1; that trunk in yourclo;el :111J tcJC:: '.·, wit~ pride! Never fc:1r. 1hcrt'~~ poh1.·c (simply a nasl}' rurwlfl. .f Al though Midwcs1cm wClUIJl'l , stale of affair.; if I h:.tppcn 1~: , i.oul on i:ampus who is "MrJ~. ✓ ·, 1 f;}1\~~r l°''J ~1~:~

ar:~;;,,.1!itt: .1~c ak;;r~~\a:~hi~~e


1~~••~ti~~it ~~,;~:~1:1~~i~ ~ :1,~\~~?;e of dres.~ shouldn 't 11 11 ~~~ 1:f~f; '1 ~~,~ Ill)' wallOow~r 1

t~~;1~~;~.10 like the khakis bcucr un

l fo ll crnmpcd and inM:cure <luring the fir ~.' two weeks of clas~s in my spiffy collcg1a1e duds (I never quite made the leap to a sweatsh1n a~d base ball cap, but the peer pressure was im mense). I felt more con-


~t~~ ~~"~i~l~1~1l~~:~~::lo[. ever did 1

;:~Wii1~tll: ;~;~(,JI



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gla~~ciaiiJ~J 11


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fellowsMps offered for science, engineerin

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Wichilan staff me111ber wins contest

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Page 3


c..(j "N,.Q, . Q;J ~

the adviser for all 1hn:e organi,.alions. "TI1e Black Student Union wa~ ,-1artcd ;1s :m intercsl group lo try ro make the enviromnenl more com fonabk for Africrrn-A meric;m students," Dover suid. ··We u~e lhc groups 10 communicate our idea.~ wi1h 1hc :tdmini...ir:uion. "Like :ill the groups on campus. we accepl all people . We don·, care what r:iccyouarc." According 10 psychology _professor Jacqueline Cueva~. adviser _for 1he Sigma L:,mlxln ~ lph:, soroncy. the group\ purpose 1s to pr~mote 1hc :,dvanccmen1 of hispanic girl~

"Our purpme is 10 encourage hi,p:rn ic girls 10 go 10 cotlcsc and 10 succeed once they ge t 1hcrc.'' CucvassaiJ . Although 1he.-.c groups 1ry IO pr nmotc the ~,uden1s :11 M1Jwcs1cm. the Carihhc::m S111dc11ti. Organi• 11111011 lrics 10 ~how i1s society 10 Midwcs1em. accordi nt lo :,dv i~cr Dcndl Taylor. :, mas~ commun ications profc.~ror. ·'11,c purpose of our o~aniza11on i~ to shurc the Caribbc:m culture wi1h the , 1udcn1s al Midwe.~1ern

had suffered :i ~·2 loss 10 a year ago. She ha.~ scored fi ve goals nnd nssist• cd on two others in the r•1~1 fi_vc games . She is third on the 1cu111 with I.I poin1s. ·-rm feeling :i 101 better.'' Lasal~r said. "I finall y woke up :mU did somc1h i11i; toni ght. l fell out of it the fi rs, couple of_g:,mcs back, bul I feel lik\.' rm back ,n shape now ·· Lasater thought Smurday\ ,•iclo• ~· wus good ~cause William Carey 1s an 11ggrcss1,·e learn who made MS U work hard the entire game. L1sa1cr·s fim go:il, which wa~ assisted hy Stephanie Kei.~r. knot ted the score just 10 seconds before halflimc ai one after Willi:lm Carey had takl'n the early lead on a direct

kick. Kl'i~r·s pas~ bounced off a couple of defenders before Lll~ater had a ch:mcc 1o na1I u p:1... 11he keep• er and give the Tribe some momen tum bcforc halflime Mer sccond go:11 came jusl 11 minu1es into 1he second h:ilf on a ,·orncrkick1h;1t curl'cd in101hc right comer of 1he nc1. :ind La.~:ncr s:.,icJ she w;1s just trying 10 give :i good pass aflcr missing a comer kick earlier in the contest. MSU h,1d extended iL~s1rcaks car• lier in the week by domina1ing Texas LutherJn 11 -0. Becky l\~hcy had a hat_ Irick for MSU and picked up her 1hird. fou_nh and frflh go:ih:. of the scawn 10 g1\'c the Lady lndi:ins five plarcr.. wilh a1

leas! live go:ih. t,.kg Mom\On opcneU the scormg fo r the LaUy Indian~ le,~ 1h:in 1hn.-e minutes into the game . Then. l\thl·y o<ldcd a pair of goals for MSU. Hol ly Wooten and Tab:itha Bry:1111 :iddcd one goat \.'..tCh before hal (umc 10 give MSU a 5-0 lead at m1crm1 ~• sion. Kci~c r added a goal JUSI ~e,cn minu1e~ imo 1111.: ~ccond ha.If. The Lady Indians added fi,·c more go:il, in the game 10 ~ct a ...:hoot -record 11 go:ils. Catherine Bonner. Melb ,a Butz. Stacy ~-lercalf, La.~atcr :md Athey each aJJed a _ElOJ I.

we would h:.i,·e 10 iakc care or:· Farrell .~:iid. "But I Jon ·1 1hink lhis would affect our academic program Jl all." F:.irrcll believes Midwestern holds ,e,·cral :1dvan1agcs over lhe 01hcr bidding schools. " I think our dining faci lity can

exceed any mcnu c:i:pcc1a1ions hy

minority pcn:em.igcs at MSU did er coun order). wilt be hull by tht:: no1 fa ll because lhe Unh·cr.-i1y lms ru ling. More minority s1udents 1111 ".ilmosl open" admissions policy. applying to profo.~sional schools arc But he :also said Hopwood could r.1ther than greatly affcc1 universities wi1hou1 looking 10 1he Nonh open admission policies. like UT Tc.,as. he said. andTcx11s A&M . ··11 (l-lopwood) has lrnd :, ,·cry "For 1host people who would like negalivc impact 011 minoricics," he IO stress more. in respect 10 di,·c~iapplying 10 ty. 1hcy may fi11d 1hc111selves rc11ml • said. especiully those cd in Joing so because or professional schools. said. he Hopwood;· ·n,c U.S. Supreme Coun will uhiDo"er said Tc~as. curren1ly 1hc 11rn1cty rutc on lhe issue, Do,·cr said. only state affected by Hopwood (lhc Texas' rcccn1 other two 51atcs, Mis~is,-ippi :rnd hut i1 would 1101 grJnl Louisiana ar\.' currcmly untlcr anolh • h'<1uc~1 10 hear the case.

Soccer The L:iJy Indian ~ continued their hot pl;1y last week wi1h a J.J win over Wil1i.im Carey on Saturd:,y and an 11 -0druhhingofTeus l.utherun Thun.day. " I was a liulc wonicd ahout com• ing ou1 n:it. buc thc girls ph1yed a gre,11 game tonight (Satu rday).'" Trimhlc said. ··we nl·t•d to nrnke bc11cr decision~ in the offensive third. That would help us fini sh more of ouropf)Onunuies ··r:astc-r fnrwarJ ~ haw caused us some pmbkms in 1hc past. :ind Wl' have been pinyin.El it bcucrlatl'I(" Lasa1cr. who h;is mi ssl·d some 11111...- Jue 10 an injury. knor k\.'d in two goals in lhc bi g win o,·er William Carey. to whom 1hc Trihc

Cowboys Da ll a., Cliwhoys " Dc5pit1; problem~ \\ilh l:1d of parkmg and hea,·y traflil· on c:impus. brrc ll s.1id 1hose is~ues could

be ,wl·rcc101c and the camp would not in1crfcrc with any summer school .~ essions. "There would he some things 1h:il

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M1kste111 State U11ivers1t'f wt!! ,Ph'f Tex,;s A &. M /(!Mgsv1lle 011 October 18tlt at tlte U11ivers1tr of Tex,;s at ArltMgto11 a11d m- will be tltere.I Tlte b11s will leave at 1000 AM from DL Lig,11 Colt8e11m a11d tlte ,Price 18j11st $5 00 (de/tM1teo/ cltea,Per tlta11 a ta11!; of gas.I) a11d ltot dogs a11d sodas will be provided at tlte Tailgate PartrI

for more i11formt1tio11 &!Mee tlt18 18 c011s1dered a ltome football game, st11de11ts JJ!et1se ct1II tlte m11st atte11d tlt18 game t o tp1alt/'f for Office of St11de11t Activities fR.lf. Tii1t io11. fees. R_oom a11d Board for tlte StrrMg 1998 semester.I tJt 689-4500



This·ti Thursday, Oct. 9 •Mortar Board meeting, 7 a.m. m Fowler Room 112 •Homecoming voting, 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. in Bolin Science Hall

and 6 to 6 p.m. in Moffett Library •Soc ia! Workers Acting Together meeti ng, noon in

O'Donohoe Room 208 •Envi ronmental Science Club meeting, 12:15 p.m. and 5 p.m. in Bolin Room 315 •FUSION Winterguard meet-

ing, 1 p.m. in the band hall. For inlormalion about Wintergua rd, call Alan Black al 689-4186 -Chess Club meet ing, 3 p.m.

in Bolin Room 11 s •Women's soccer vs. Southern Nazarene , 6 p.m. at

the MSU soccer field •Amnesty In ternationa l meeting, 7 p.m. in Marchman Aoom 11 0 •MSU Theatre Depart me nt presents " The Fo reigner," 8

p.m. In Fain Fine Arts Theatre. For tickel informa1ion, call 689-4399 •Men 's soccer vs. Southern

Nazarene, 8 p.m. at the MSU soccer field •Ca mpus Crusad e meeting, 8:30 p.m. in Ha rdin Room 207 Friday, Oct. 10 •Homecoming voting, 7 a.m lo 1 p.m. in Bolin Science Hall •Environmental Science Club T-sh irt sa le, to 11 a.m. in Bolin Science Half •Luncheon for Rep. John Hirschi, noon at the Outdoor Educat ion Center •MSU Theatre Depart ment p resents " The Foreigner," 8 p.m. in Fain Fine Ar1s Theal re. Saturday, Oct. 11 •Race For The Cure race to benefit b reast cancer research and treatment, 6:30 a. m. to 9:45 p.m . at Sikes Senter Mall. For more information. call Dee Decker at

592-9850 •MSU Theatre Department

presents ·n,e Foreigner,· 8 p.m. in Fain Fine Ar1s Theatre. For ticket information, call

689-4399 Su nday, Oct. 12 •Women 's so ccer vs. Angelo State, 2 p.m. al the MSU SOC· cer field •MSU Theatre Department prese nt s " The Foreigner," 2:30 p.m. in Fain Fine Arts Theatre. •Rulh Morrow pia no recital, 3 p.m. in Akin Auditorium Monday, Oct. 13 •Association for Childhood Education lnternatlonal meeting, 7 p.m. in Ferguson Room 102 Tuesday, Oct. 14 •Interviews with Enterprise Financial Group recruiters, 8:30 a.m. lo 4 p.m., Hardin South Room 211. CaU the Career Services Office at 689· 4215 in advance to make an appointment •Ex-Students Association meeting, 5:15 p.m. in Fowler Room 109 •Volleyball vs. Texas Wesleya n, 7 p.m. in D.L Ligon Coliseum •Red River Photography Club meeting, 7:30 p.m. in the Wichila Falls American Red Cross Chapler Building. 1809 5th SI. For more information, call John Eckert at

692-0470. •Circle K International meet• ing , 8:30 p.m. in Bolin Room

100 Wednesday, Oct. 15 •Mortar Board meeting, 7 a.m. in Fowler Room 112 •Span ish Club meeting , noon in Ha rdin Room 216 •Women 's soccer vs. Oklahoma City University, 4 p.m. al !he MSU soccer field •Dan iel Planetarium public show, 5 p.m. in Bolin Science Hall


Octobe, 8

Page 4

In the name of progress



veniences from addit•10 l · . . Residents experience some rncc~~or dormi tory accmnmod"· ,1t>o ..1 fou r1or,,.,y i DAVID EDWARDS The Wichi!an Students :11 l\kCullough -Trig!l do nol need alam1clock.~ anymore. 1t i~ not the sound of their alarm d ocks 1hat wake them up. Rather ii is 1hc noi:-:e from the construc1io11 crew pounding and ri\'cting e,·cf)' 111on11 ng. Rccon~truction 011 the l\kCullough-Trig:g buildint; i~ al iti; prime. \\ hilc st udents occupy the fir-t 1hrcc nourJ\of1hc building Howc\·cr. 1his reco 11 s1ruc1iun comes wi1h some di ~l·omforl 10 the rc~ idcnts at McCulloogh-Trii;g. Students think the noise level at McCullough-Trigg i:-: mu ch 100 high. csixoeiall y when they :m: trying 10slccp or s1udy. One studcni. who did nol want her name u~cd. ~aid she consrnnt ly h:,s

to du)-1 ha .ipplianl·:.-. •~nJ th:il the :i on~. there wa~ a lcucr i.n ,heir reg. ck ·isc infonrn ng 1hcrn of . . . du$1a~g r.w:11cs lll'r ,111u:-cs, 1 Swdenh on 1he firsl Ooor arc pn · 1~ ra!ion pa .' mari ly :10Cc1c~I by the du.SI._ bu.I •h~ t'.:~::: ::~; ·hc has rcceiv~d no 1 f phints from rc!-1<len1.~ . iho~e 0 11 the third Ooor arc lt.ivtnf! • 11 11 : • co~i 1i's n.:hted lO the con· tough time with 1he noise, dust and 11 ' the con~l:tnl vihr.1r ion. Some s1U- ~ : . pro Cl · 1 dent ~ i;:1i~ they_ can h:m.lly ha~'~ a Sl~~ ~1~•~;uc.lent was i;ivcn ;1S50 gift cc.I, ·rmblc al the MSU ·ri con\·cr:rnuun w11hou1 the const,ml ~1; fo;m of compcnsulout.I noise and vi hr.it ion in1emrp!ing cen~ ,eatc ~. 1 1 • , .. ~~ ~~~~a~ ~ ', to c.leal wi1h the di ~. . them . 10 i h ~.d ·ic.lding tlwt he 1., Another n:s1dent s.uLI h1; ~\ Orh 11 un!il I ;un. :ind ~\'hen he is 1~111g IO c~: :,~~ ~c ~c:•;~e·n;s to ch:ingc their gl'~so.ml' s.lccp. m 1hc morning. lllc ~fe~t- lcs yhut to ti)' to bear with 1he . y r f r , while longer norsc 1s ut 1ts t11ghc~1. _ One s1udent suggested 1trn 1 ~ous: dr ~~~: 1:,i~/ of the oute; bri.ck . 11 )On he comple1c. he s:ud. ll ing ~hould h:t\'C cloi;cd McCul tough-Trii;g .. c~tablished 1cm,rorary ::~~ : ;:kc;~ will proceed to the intc· f I b 1 'Jc.I ' c As .1 rc.~ull of . acco1111110da11 ons for 1J1c residents. and . pl:11111l'd 10 reopen it upon com- r~:~i ~lc:i~: ~ ~ 1~~~~u1~,' w;ill . dust he sig11ific 1 pleuon . 1. h Id 11 . :;:~cl~o;;~o~:~ s ou sai~ot:;~::1~~:~~c:~~ :~l~l:n~:




The Wichitan

Co\\'hClys to MSU would bring pres1ige 10 the University :1.~ well ns 000~• the local economy.


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s~dt:c.~~dvicc lo r /

cussing somethi ng able to taik a 1hink if there w rnu ld openly an would hel p." Locke said he 1 lcms coulc.l be ad talk ing: "'Ju~t hit tal k'"




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College & Career (ages 18·23) College & Career Celebration at 9:00 a.m . the Women s " Y" on Burnett (rlghtneKl to thechurch1) 10:50 a. m . Church Service

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- Everyone wear Blue Jeans! -

FINNELL FISH FRY All Education Students!


This Sunday, October 12, 199 Blue Jean Sunday!

If your club or organ ization has an event for This Week send It to t he Wlchitan th rough campus mall. Deadl ine' is 5 p.m. on the Friday prior to publlcation.

:ic;nc1110.1 l.lllcmcw,. wludJ an required for admw,oD10 UV teAm«' «lucaboll prOJr.l.l'TI, wilt be eondudo,J WcdAuda y, Ord. U a.11<1 Friday, Oct 17. lokJ-f'icWCCJI mun liavc completed 11 least 45 awlUler hows, mu&\ have applied fO( 1drniffl0nlo Ult k-.chcr cduc•tion prtl¥flll11, ind mUS1 sig n up for I.II in1uv1t"' time in 1hr. War. Oivi, i011 of &luca1ion offia:, io Fe,cu~oo 201 lotcrvic w times •••ill br. 1ched11lcd 0111. fir.i come, fir'1 oltl1cinttrvie w uuti01Uw!Kntl1cv 1ir nu 1rrwba.,U. Studcou,hou1d ick u •


l 1

~wdcnL~ ~ceking on c'J<'tr.,,, . 1 · anir•• 1 . i11g. ~uc 10. 111\ three Slone~ I !he founc.1.rtim 1? port six. T!1c Cllnlplc1 cc.l 111 il4.!1;j in ,;ummcr 1994. . 1

Race minorities as a lesser race." The s1udcnt s:i id the proble1~ could be :1llcviatcd somewhal i f

,\ unanimous resolution support - Rc~~7~11 i~r~tl;;~~8/~w! ~hi~~h:::::~~ 1nJ1.f~~~~/ ing a petition for the Da ll :1~ for the c~l.ihli shrncnl of a tcmponiry l)ccome involved. Cowboys· training camp 10 he g;1mc room while the rcnov:11ion of According to Locke, black stu moved 10 MS U wa~ 1he highlight of Cl ark Student Ce111er con1in ucs. dents would ftoel more comfortable Tuesday nig ht':-: S1udent Govcmin the clas~ room scttini; if profc sLewi s ~:iid the facility would be mcnt Association meeting .~or.,; and instruc1ors wou ld get to recregeneral for only nol luable v:, /foward F:1mll. vice president of know them as well as they do smnc in swdcn1 .im.l :uJminiqr.i1ive service.-. ai ion bl.11 :1ls0 for panicipants white swdcnl s. and ad,·iscr for SGA, said, ..Thi~ i111ramur:i l :,;port.~ bcc:tusc of the .. I don't 1hink that that comwould offe r us :1 window not llnly IO addition of pool to 1hc intramu ral the state. but 011 the nation.ii ;met ... ~:kt[~:~~~j C\'en in1cma1ional level about lhc pr~~~'.11~.W. Justice announced in sure wish there was some way we quali1y educa1ioo at Midwc~1ern 1hc Elcc1 ions Bo:trd report 1hat 1hc could bring everyone 1ogc1hcr:· discrcpancic~ in the ouicome of the St.lie Uni"ersity " F:1rrcl l cited MSU '.~ pm,"<irnity of facili1ies, highly-r.,ted dini ng ~cr"i cc. ant.I ava il:1bili1y of priv:nc moms :1s advantages that m.iy put dcms to ,·01c in 1he re-election. racial issues on campus 11 1 111 the University ahe!ld of the other s:i;J, '.~:u t',!~rec~:\r~· ~ ~~: fee; SGA Vice Preside nt George schools intcrcmd in bringing the Cowboys to their campuses. "I think :·_,,... mo;_rc_b;..ta_ck.;.p-ro-fes_·so_rs,... .J.,.._ we ha,·c a \'Cl)' lcgi 1imatc shot." he said . a~;~i~'~I~ ,~;:{ 8•/ft.f > Sen. William Allsup. who suhmil• 1cd the resolution, said bri ngi ng the ba.,ed on the show "Rn:id Rules."

~~;i~~J~ti ~f!~~~:t;~

McCullnugh f?mi ty don~ , . h0~1 to MSU tor the ~o\ IC!J \ t hu1I ":i 1:hc

Holl ld11y, T u.1n

Singles (agea 23-u p) Church Service 9:15 a.m .

Stnd t· INNt.: t L CAJ'i l l'A IGN Con1rihu1ions 10: (: t1mmill ct fur Hn pnn ,ihlt Hq1rc1c11t• liu11

( ►'lnnrll

10:50 a.m.

(.'• ml>Mlcu)

Singles Celebration at the Womens " Y'' on Burnett (right nert 10 tha churchlJ

1Jox6J9, Jl ullld11 y, Te:rns 16J66

For More Information, Call



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Page 5

jvi~ion of Fine Arts preparin g pec1al program for annivers ary JEN~~:~~:~~IEAV ·LI fine ,-\ rt.-. l)cpanmcn.1 will be putting .~l-" H111.-dia cm~1memor.111,·c program 10 ~~r, 751han111,en.al)•. \IS~iik•,toncs"_ wi_l_l tic prc~n1et.1 on Oct. ' in the Fa1.n Fmc Ans Theat re. ie1\or and. ~,~cctor. of the program is ,Jin-'l ,\ rtS OJ\'IS~on .Director Ron Fischli. ~, eommumca11ons profe ssor Carla , _,,,;he ho\l ant.I narrator of the program P 10 be :1 clcc:it.Jc.by-d...-cadc look at th~ t ell! f r,.!SU." Bennett said. ,:, ~d MSU m~ss com mu.n ication profc.~ope wrote. ~m.'C lcd. edited and taped 3 calkd .. V1JL"O Documentary of the ·

1s lh~ rdcd into four scgmen1s 1 The 1 documentary ~~ ·•re four to five mmutc.-. long. It looks at the h,siory of MSU from 1922 to the present with narr.uion, music il!ld intcn·icws with different _


scenes for lhc progr.un. Wilson will ;1lsn l>Crvc a,; !ila);!C man:.agcr for th c . production.

MSU theatre prufr,;~t1r and t·o,1umc designer The music department will be contributing with perfor'!nanccs by the MSU Ja 7.z Ensemble. the Elizallclh Lcwmidowski rrc.1tcd costumes fur ~he marching ~a~d drum line, a solo by MSU sopho• dancers and actors i~1 11t: progr:_un, ··11·.~_:1 wrc!~ ~ore Chnlilma Sanchc1. and 1hc Midwestern r.ingc or costumes lmtonc:.al_ly ~•!~cc 1hc sh<1w •.~ Smgcr5: MSU music profossor Ruth Morrow will dh·idcd into hi•dccadc sectmn.;, Lcw;mduw,kt . snid. be playmg 1hc piano. Tammy Gann from Studio 5•6•7-Kworked with . Din.'Ctor of thc Midwes1cm Singer,; Dom White, director of the ja1.z band Alan Black :md Morrow the dnnccr.- and dwreogrnphcd 1he dancing f(lr ~adc decisions on 1he produL·tion of 1he music. of us," collabor:ui\'t cffnn bctWL'Cll h Whnc said MSU lhtatrc professor Laura Wil~on will impro\'ised dc,·ck)p four ,·igncttcs. or shon,

;1 1


the prop.ran~.



international student.<· did. "N~x1_yca~ we arc looking for 500. We're ::~-~7-ngrng. m lllPrl' a~d mon..• ~l udenti- from

Marilyn Adams

. :1lso deals with ac:idcm,c M!)l')Cn,ion and pro. lS "·ell as the An1dcm1c Readmi ssion~

~:~ of 1h_c rcci,1r;tr's nfficc i, to maimai n all ~ Pont 3e;idcm1c file~ fnr ~tudcnl\ 1111 c 1mpu, , fr:,dc rcflli.n, and oih,:=i rd:11ct.1 record~ ~ ancndcd high \Chool m Rurkbumeu a~~ cona siuderll at .\lid\\c,tcm S1:11c . She mamcd a~ ~ n 3111! pul off c1,!l c,p.- for :i !cw year,. She onct· r L-SJl :ntcnding MSU ,mt.I earned hl'r bac~c lor of 3nd master·:-. dcgrl.'l' in an and puhhc m;m .



ej ~~:m~-~r~·~11

rirnJrrii.-d ~llll!cnt. Atl;un~ ,ai~ 11 wa~ di fficult for

r·..... . ..'" '"•. . . . . -

r-Jtinn for the 75th anniwrs:,ry L·clcbration. " h is nice h) work for a uniwr.-ity th:11 has such a nice hi~111ry and hcing ahk tll cc lcbr-Jlc that ," she said. ''I thin k that student:-. ::ippn.-ciatc Midwcstcm, p.i~t and prc~nt ."

Adams is planning to movc to Lubbock this year wilh hcr hust>and, Robcn . and thcir-t-momh-old son, Robbie. Ahhough she will he lca\'i ng Midwestern soo~. .-\dam~ is sti ll U\';iil ablc to help students: "My r.J oor 1s :alw:ivi- llJll'n. r\nv student that needs help in any way. fc.-d fn.·l· 10 stop iO. C\'Cn if it 's just 10 say hi ."


~\\~lp:;\l~~1~ ,l~:I~~~~~~•: PiSilm1:1 Alph ·1 a r(ll111t·a l :-c1cncc or~nmz:itton



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~~~iy 1::~~i1:~:ic~:i~o;:,~~-~~;:::~~-! 1

tr ~o. niu 111.1 y he ~urrcnng from

11 l'o11111\;lll ai l11w111 :11nong colkgc ~1udcnts - fatigue

According l'cggy ~·;:~~l~tt;~~t ~~- ;~l: 10

I loh, ;1

who arc \'ague when they complain . they a.re fc?ling. Holl ~aid nrnny times fo1 1guc could he :1 comhination o~ lack of nes~. ek home~1 et di sleep. poor i-chool pmMcms, relationship pro~ lc m~ and niher strc.~sm~. She s;ud th:n wilh ,1ll those factors. ~rndcnls ha\'c a rca.~on lo he 1ircd. Frc,hm :m Jennifer Steck ham. who li\'C,\ in Killings"·onh Hall. s;1id she h11:- heen suffering from faticue . "he nc\'er h:1d this problem:· Srcrkh:im :-.ai d. " 8111 1 ni:ver sleep good here hi:c:1usc of the surroundin!!s ·· S 1cekham s:1id 1he dorms arc alway:- snmcwhat noisy. cwn during quiet hour~ HOWC\'er.shc hasfound lhatSC\'help her to fee l more cral rc:-.tcd "Work ing out helps," Stcckham :-.aid. aJtling that al1h~ugh she ~arlicipalc~ in c~1~crlcaU111g _pr.1ct1cc. ~he nccJ~ add1t 1011al cxan~c. Eating hrl•;1kfas1 and selling a ;1hou1 hnw

News Editor


:11 1he Vin,on Hc:11h C.\•ntl'r. f:uigu~• 11 1 11 ~~J ~1 ~ t~~1 diet. "The key i\ lo get plemy of ,kt·p and to cal w\'1 1." lloh :-.aid. The cl ink geb lhc Jll\l~I ctllllplaint, of f.J1ig uc duri n!! nudtcrm., ant.I limib ..There seems 10 he time, Uuring the scmc:-lcr 1h.11 ~,mkn1.~ cumpl;1in mon::· Hoh ~:1i1I. "li'i- not unu~u:11 for stuUcnts 10 , ray up wel l p;,~t miUnight and 1he11 gel up c:irl y. II', h.irJ on vour hndy." Hol1 s:1itl she ~cc., many ~!mlen1.,



hcdiimc .II\! .il,;o important. acrnrJ i11g to S1c-ckh:im . Her main ad\'icc 1n quden1, \\'Ollld he lo gel rkn~y nf ,le~p "Don't gi:I into the hahn of :-.taymg 0111 l:uc C\'CI')' nigh1." S1ed,ham ,ai1l. "Set a hedtirm:." Sophomore Byron Gr;i, ill :igrce, ihat dorm life e;1n conlrihute !' 1 fatigue. "r\ t home it ,cen~cd likl' l-~l go 10 hell 1;arlicr.'' Gr.n 111 ~:ml. I p,:r-.unally need more ,lccp 1h;m -·~-i••••.•othcrf)Coplc'' Gr.1viu aJded chat p:1r11cpatmg 111 fontha ll at ~!SU al,o keep., l11r11 b11'y. Junior Tr.tvi~ Taylor. who i\ ;11,o a footh:ill player. ~ai1I he i~ mthl tin.:t.l during fnothall ,ea~on. Taylor said p:1n n~ 1he rc-J_~on he is tired is hccau~e ol lack tll , lcep. "I' m so busy during the day that I do my homework. ufl~r midnight or carlv in the= monung. "i go from dusk to ~l:1wn ~v11h_m11 stor,ping:· 'foy lnr said. "Im JU~l frcakin' 1in:d"

PflllU/,'d, SCO


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Page 6

Indians looking to avenge lo~s.<~,~-·~ ~ N ICK E ATM4N

Sports Ed11or Af1cr :1 di sapptlintini:, 49-7 se1b.1ck again,1 Tc~<h A& M,C.:oniml.'fl'I.' l:1.\t S:t1urd:iy, the Midwc,11.· m St.ltc footb;i ll tc,1m wil l look 10 ret ha r k into th~ "- in i.:olumn :1t ,\ hilenc Chri,tian chi , w..-ckcnd. Tile Trihe. ~-2. lo,t to the Wildcab 17-1 -' J:i,1 ,ca,1111 in :m twe niml· ~ame in Abilene. MSl' mi , ...cd J fidd gti:11 l:11e in rqwl:nion and mil' in O\'enimc ro allow ,\ CU 10 0\W• rnmc the Trihl· \' ith their own field goot. Kid.off ;11 Ab1knc '., Shotv.dl Stodium i,; 6 p.m.

"That wa, a gJme I really thoug ht we could han· won l:i.~1 year:· MS U head coach 11:ml. ~h:Clung ~aid. ··But th:ll wa<; last year. Thl·~ ha\'c a different team. and I know v.c·\'c gol a diffcrcnt tt·ani. \() ii won 't be th..~a lll\.' ...

McClung hopes hi ~ squall will fare beuer

than the Indian~ or a year ago. " I think we're going 10 h:wc tt1 phi)' :i lot hcucr fh:m we did l11s1 )'CJr. We c11n·1 go down there Joel play like Inst yc:1r, because we losf." he s:iid. ''Thc\''rc nn irnpro\'cd leJnl, but al the "llllC tiri1c, I think WC arc too.' ~-!SU has never hcatl·n r\bilene Chri$lian in 12 games, but the teams ha\·c on ly played three game~ since football came h:tck to ~1idwestcrn in 1988. The WildcaL,;, 4 • I. arc coming off their highest offcnsi\'e outpul or the season in a -'0-7 win O\'Cf Eastern New Mex ico. The Indians· defense will be looking to ~lop ACU quancrh:ick ,\.iron Dardc:n, who threw for 200 yards and three 1ouchdowns and ran for another in las1 week's big win. McClung said, howe\'er. it will be 1h~ ACU defense 1ha1 wi ll gi\·c his team 1hc mo~t trouble:. " I 1hink thc:y h3.\'C the best tlcfcnsivc line

in the (lone S1!1r) conference:· McClung ...aid . "From top 10 bonom. thc)"n: really

_ ttmgh: · ~kClung :il so _..aid t\ C~ AI I-Ar~1cnrn11 Jcfcnsi\'C end Junior Filik110ng;1 nught be 1hc hl'.'> I defensive pl:1ycr in 1hc Lune Siar Confcri=m:c. ·nic lnJians will go into SAturtl:iy's game



:~-~~;~~ hj~ r;~:•~~e~e~~;~s 1






1 McClung $tll~I despite - ~c/his tc:in1 h11d · m:mcc b)' ihc Lion.~. he wi~ c

,, u~~J~~~~vcrc~~ prepared. Bu.~ wlrntcvcr , cC M 181 11 nn1

g~mc's opcnin~ kickofT7;tt t


1h~~~~tl!~~-~c ~~i~l~-h~:~:~~ 11,c in the_fiIT-1 1 qurirtcr t~n a l-y:ml pass 10 Tonncll Walson (rum <i unrtcrh:d Mnny tv!itchcll . The ~ore 1 ~: \):~~'.l~ii:~~:~:t ~~c~~~-G:uv in and



Todd Henry s tood tlul for 1he Tribe. ~ enq-. a j unior from Archer Ci ty, fini sh~d willl 1_m nc tackles 10 lead the Indian~. _wl~ilc G~rv j unior from Pampa. added six slops. inc u

onh· St.·ori ng dri \'c of 1hc game "it was o \'C f)' dis.,ppointing loss for us,"

in\~\p\'~!~1r0~~s~: ~e safety Gar~t ~i lvey 1\.-conJcd his first career intercepuon 10 the



a~ '

The Jnd i:ins gm off lo sophomore llry:,n Cilllla lflli<\

··\ye 1

iin~~v.J~~~~l\.~ ~L~n!~~ MSU fin ished with only 105 yimts or 1mal offense aml had only three fir.-t downs in the first h:llr, all of which came on 1hc India ns'

~-l~;~u~\~:;i~~ ;~ed~~·;. '~~~n~~~fl~~}~.~~.an y-

block lhc Lionf fin.1 Cl.tr~ ~ the game.

t,ccn more rca<ly 10 pluy. . 1 nuch emotion " 1 0 did_n·.1 c~: ~ ~/ ~~~\~ \rwc 100\.: 1hc~1


wfiveretumsforl 1h11t leads the Lone

On the season, Andre::i Spcam1an lead., the ~ ca1chcs :tnd 218 ~ard.\. ~ ,, lending rus her wuh ISK y ~,) .trd\ · 7 1•y!l rd touchdown. Ddcnsively, Garvin lt'atJ 35.iacklcs. Onman and k ni~lht l:, Enc Costello !l": cl<>sc bc~i lld-1\ 30 sto ps. respcc11vely.

loss. slopping a secon~ •quan er Commerce

1 '~

b:1;::~~t: : il~~o~cr~m·s e


driJ:en1:: ~i~c~~~:c~:~z.~I Ortman had

Anchoring the defense

Junior linebacker leads charge for improved MSU defensive u · CHAIS FISHER

The Wichitan

O rtman (44) has c ome up with b ig plays fo r the MSU defen s e th is year, Incl uding a 13-yard fumbl e re u trn fo r a to u c how n aga in st Northeaste rn State t h is s easo n . Photo by Josh Deskin

In SC\'C nth grndc a yo ung ~1ich:tcl Ortman fo llowed the crowd. ,\11 of 1he hn)'S were joining up to play a game thal he had only seen on 1ek\·ision ,1 few 1imc:i;, football. He dccickd !hat if e,-...r)'Onc else was doing it. he should too. " I hJd ne\'Cr really played as a kid. I was imo soccer," Onman 1\.-C:lllt'd. '' I had 10 ask Ill)' ch,d what posit ion to go mn for because I didn' 1 know," Now, Onmtm is ccnnin what hi~ position is • lincb;1d.:cr. The 6·-' j unior from W:i1augo is quickly bl.'coming the brn.:kbonc of a \':.LSl ly impro11ed Mid western State defen~c tlrn t is ~tarting 10 turn hcnds in the Lone Star

Conference "Every week we try to ploy better than 1he l:1~1." Onman suid . " We arc fi ghting for respect, and the way 10 achieve tha t ii. to piny hanJ and win ball games." To head coach H;ink McClung, Onrn:m is a definite kadcr on the field . "Mike docs .i good job for us and is a ddcnsivc leader," McClung s;1id. " He ha.~ a kn:ick for making the hig play. lie always seems 10 be ncnr the ball." Ori.man 's nose for the foo1b..1 1I ha.~ landed him third on the team in totnl tackles and he is tied for 1he team lead in interceptions. His furnhlc recovery :md return for :t 1ouchdown against Northeastern Stale scaled a 13- 10 victory earlier in the season. Onman believes his mmurit y

and leadership abilit ies were , - - - - - helped by plnying wi ih some of the finest lincbuckcrs in school history. Srnndout linebackers like Corby W;ilker, Rud y Powe and Mike McLoughlin s~owc~ him that plnying the pcmtion 1s mo re lhan jus, being o n the field. ..They really showed me how 10 • 11ct around my fellow teammates . «-- ~•• ~ and defined the leadership role _ that the goes with the position,"




O~~:a~•if~ looking forward to the rest of the season in the Lone Star Conference and secs big things in the ruture. "\Ve arc wo rking hard to become compet itive and we arc m:iking s1rides toward becoming a factor in the conference.''

l .. ~


Midwestern turns to home field in hopes of ending two-game winless streak ANTHON Y NEWBERRY

TheWlchitan Thl· Midwcsicrn S1a1e Indian~· soc • cer 1c'.1m b hnpinf nne of rhl'ir Ion).!• 11ml·lricnds will hdp them gel back on tr.irk Home field ha, nt!~n a longtime ad\'amagc for 1!_1c Jm.11:ms. They ;1n· 4-J :it home 1tu, year ;mtl havl' an 82- 1::!•1 home rccurd during the 1990-. , The lmhan, . who arc 5•-'· l. will play ho,1 10 Southc-rn Na1.arcnc. who dcfratcd the Indian~ 2-l J.1,1 ,ea,o n. on Thul\d:1y :11 ~ p.m. "The~ ;ire :t lung.•t1 me O \J I and om· of the lai;t purcl~· \'A IA '-Choo!., "-C "'ill play;· ;\I SU head n,:1c h N:11/1:111 Pifer ),,tri.J . " Wl' h:nc 1r:tded "' in!< 11 ith them lt•r ~t·al'l, . We 're ha,ing:ihardume,1.:nring.-.oc,·cry g:mll' 1, .i t·hallcn~c nght no.,.,·· f ollowmg Thuhday', f:amc . the lmh.111, "'ill lrawl 111 Tahlc4oah. Okla .. to focc Northca)ll'rn Sl:lll', a Lllnc Star Conference rh.il. :11 2 p.m. on Saturday. '"\\'c\ c h1,1 10 thl.'m once in the: pa,t 1\1.oJ year..:· Pilcr !klid . ··Jt will



~a~~h ;;~~~l~~lC~-:~~~c ~t:1~~~-~

take a hulc pride

1111 0



TI,c lnJi;111:. ha\c yet to shake 1hc1r :-c,,Mln-long pruhk'm of liimh•

' ' We're havi ng a hard time scoring, so every game is a challenge ''

right now.

- Nathan Pifer men's head soccer coach ing 1hw opportunit ies MSU ha~ ,cored n1 0 goab or k.ss in :ill hut 1wo of 11, 10 game,. The lndwn, ~:i1·e hc~n hcatcn hy one go.ii III all four 1hc1r lo,:.c, MSL1 found hfl' :tftcr Jake Joy to be 10U).!h ;me.I lhc ~coring \ Oid left h) hnn h;is nOI been filled through 1hc fi rst JOganlC,.

Pife r .,;11d Joy took 1ht· pres~urc: off of thl' other !>Corch and opened 11 1hcm hy dr..1wing doubk·

~:a u;~~

"Some of lhe goys thal ,cured 111 1he pa,t foru~jusl can't ~ore," Pifer l>llid. "/\'.ow the guy~ ari.: all C\'Cnly m:irkcd ;111d c.111 '1 find ll gtXxl a , hot, and C\"CO v:·hcn WC get a good look we're not lulling the ~ho1:· Newcomer Ryder /\.fcDor1a ld . w~u leads the team with five goal\, ~atd the l11dia11s h.ivi: a few thing~ lo work on ··we nccd 10 move lhc hall quick •

Lady Indians headed for Missouri Tournament N IC K E4TMAN

Spons Editor _T ill· ~1idv.e.,tern State m ll..-) hall .... 111 ~,ay on the ro:1d thi:. weekend in hupc!i of ending a fi\'C•);!:llllC losing , 1rcak. The La<ly Indian~. 5- 11, ff:l\'c/ to M:liy\·1llc, ~fo.. for the Nonhwc=:.t ~1i~,uu ri Stale Uni\etsily Tourn • :m1en1 MSU i, st·hc<.lulcd to meet Mi ~,. ouri Western and Nonl1wcst Mis~• ouri Slate on friday. hcforc taking on Wayne S1arc (Ncb.J and Dan.t (Neb.) nn S:nu rday. Midw_esiem head co;1ch Jimmy Picht said 1hc tournament ., hou ld be a good test fo r hi s team. "This will give us an oppununi1y 10 ~c how ":'e stock up again~t other 1c.1ms !n ad 1ffcrcntpan o fthccoun1rJ," PIC'hl said. " I think "'"c: ha\·e :i chance to do welt. ifwe conunuc 10 play hard." 0...'l-piic the 1eam 's current losing ,tn:ak. Pich1 >aid the Lady Indians an:

showing impi:u\'Cmcnt in each game. " l"m stm mg to sec confi dence grow in them." Piehl s::iid . " Ir we continue to p~ay hard, I think good things arc gomg 10 start hapixning for us ,·cry ~oon... ,~ftcr the tournament. the Lady Indian~ wi ll have: played ilS last six matches awa y from home. In la~t week·.~ action, Midwestern fell in 1hrec games to Texas Wcslcyan _las1 Tuesday. Sc:p1. 30, before 1r.i,·ehng10Ark.1nsasfor two sched· ulcd ma!che., with LSC foes Harding. and Ouach ila Baptist . MSU W'JS swc:pl in thrt!e games by HU on Frid,y. but th1:re were no rcfrrce,, and !he rcsul1 m.iy IX! unofficial . ~1:mdy Pinkcn on .tntl Molly Truclm·c c.a:h had eight kill s. Shayna Bu:oon cuntrihuted with 25 scl!i. On Sa1urday. there w.is a misunde rstanding about the ~1:1.ning time of the OBU match, therefore il was not played. Picht said he is still waiting 10 hear from conference official s on the status of the game. andwhcther it will be rescheduled.

l'r to t:ike advnn1:1gc of our good tc.im ~peed," McDon:ild said. "We'll havc _to do ~o rnc pa.~sing dril~s. com• mun 1cotc mnrc and pnu.:1 1cc our shooting. We've dic ked 111 timci;, bu1 we need lo dick for the full 90 min111e~." The Indian, pl;1yed to a 1- 1 st:md ., ,ill :i ft er 120 minulc:. nf han lc in Sund:1y\ m:11ch again,1 SI. Edward ·~. The h1lli;1m look the earl y lead when nudficldcr Jeremy 11:lrncu ~cored after l:1kmg a pa~~ from defender Mike Sorola. St: Edward\ an ~wercd with a goal late 111 1he fi~t lwlf1u knot Ilic score ;ii one. ."It 's ?'=en happening :1II year," Pifer sn1<l. "\Ve M:Ufe fir..i and we can 't hold the le:id for 10 minu1e,. " It 's mi.:nrnlly tnug h for a 1c.im and 1h_cy ge 1 i.Ji ~i.:o uraged when ,o methrn~ h:1d h:ippcns. We j u~\

have lo forge ahead and start fi nding 1he back or the net." The Indians could nol come up with a score over the remainder of regulalion or in the 30 minutes of ovcnime On Saturday, the Indians dropped a tough match 10 Incarnate Word University, 2- 1. "We dominated the game, and I fdt like we were tlw better tc um," Pifer sa id. "We did not score, and they hung in there and beat us in the last JO minutes." _The Cni~aders scored the ~amc• wmncr with just th ree mmutes remaining i111hl.' ~·ontcst to h..-.11 the h,ml• l11i.:k lndi;ms. "We'rl.' snnkc~il with not being ahlc to score," P1rer said. "We need 10 hong in lhcre :md find where the flnotlg:1tc door opens." McDon:tld sc.:ored lhe Ind ians' lone go:11 late in the firs1 holf by knocking home ;1 Rohhy Wilsnn feed "We foc usc,I all wct'k on being mentally prepared." McDonald s:iid "Sometime~ when we get ahead I think we lcl up nn playing the ball when we ncctl to take it to them C\'Cll mnrc" Mc Donald hus five goals on the

::.'--'1 l :111111 "- ba~ll,_a_w_ay-l-,o-m_a_:W::;1 ps~t"he :.:.,: kee , "' p,- "'-••-a-te..: ;,~~;~~;iu"·:~:~~~t~.i; :~~c~a~ :idded' 1,:::-'-:,-s.,..:. 1 defender In the Lady Indians' 3-1 win Saturday night.Thi gu~~! :; i~~~d Joa rd Oder.i huve two has wo n five straight games. Photo by Michael Fit z ~ 1

Players of the Week Team Arrow starts of VOLLEYBALL


I R Thol,oshman

th·.• ke.pt drive fullback only sooring alive with a 13· yard run on lh11d down. He ended the drive with his third TD of the season, a twoyard reception.

Sholed1ho1eam ~gains! t!arding rn sels with 25. The sophom°'e selier leads lhe teamwith527 sels and a 9.58

:::~;i:~s the team leader with 36 service aces.

Tonnell Wil son

Shayna Buxton



~~:1:f~;~~ ~:~e

wins last week and now has five 1.~=11!1:~


iue~6~~:~f~ goals In the last hve games.

April Lasater

The s001<>, mid· fielder scored the only goal ln lhe loss to lncama1e Word, his lormer learn. He leads lho teamlnpolnts (11) with five goals and one assist.

Ryder McDonald

Note : The selections are made by lh8 sports staff of The Wichllan.

quick, wins Dallas ra monilll

e MSU Cychng Team started

began 00 Sa10«lay 1.9-mile indi\'idual 1imetf;. was won by MSU-s Ld ·

~:p~'.'~?~~8~~tho; ma~ce m the UT-Dalla.,; Stage Roce, '.~kmg advan) Uf:c of UT-Austin's

Team Arrow domina1etf ~ CAT A rncc by placiogfinl

~ 01~~~.t~;:;n;

seventh. with Booth 18iDI








an!ci;n~~c~~~"~:;;:1 ih~~~-~ral l lean: pnze by defoa ting Te."(aS A&M Universi ty or North Te,'(as and Baylor. The race took place 0 11 the ;~11~~.s or1he Uni\·crsi ty or Texas at po~~1s'.h~hi ::~c~~t~~!k


:i~n~~~~~~~l~ :~l~1 ~~

Kello n 1 S~~:t ~~11 third ~d foorth behi nd two Texas A&M ndcrs. in ~ / ! ~ ~ r placed third overJJI s CAT C. Th e two.day, i h rcc-stage race




lO~~andy Alc.~and_e r; W1dhnlm too~ firs_, places, rcspcc11vcly, inyit if , catcgo_ry.



K~oen !!~nt~i~;~ -

~~~~:r; ~~~s"'~~~

re~ii;:!n·s 1eam f~ place in the o,·el'IH C\ .standings behind me l!III' Tex~ A&.\t: Texas, hns four races 1n the' action picks upw«klYia ~


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