THE WICHITAN The Student Voice of Midwestern State University
Wednesday Oct. 11, 2006
Graduates benefit from in-state tuition SHERA TAYLOR FOR THE WICHITAN
The Graduate Studies program at MSU is now offering out-of-state graduate students in-state tuition costs. Tuition for graduate students is $30 per semester hour more than undergraduate tuition. The $30 extra will stay the same, but as of this fall, U.S. citizens from other states will only pay in-state tuition. Formerly, the waiving of out-ofstate tuition applied only to undergraduate students. Graduate students will now benefit as well. According to Dr. Emerson Capps, graduate dean, MSU has increased the funds given to students in the graduate program. “Many students donʼt know that a Graduate Merit Scholarship is available to them,” Capps said. MSU offers graduate masterʼs degrees in 28 majors that will help students prepare for doctoral studies and advanced professional positions.
Leroy McIlhaney gives his all at MSU sporting events ADRIAN MCCANDLESS PHOTO EDITOR At any campus athletic event, one fixture remains the same. At menʼs basketball games he can be found in a suit and tie sitting next to the coaches. At soccer games, he can be spotted near the ticket booth checking student IDs. At a volleyball match, he is usually sitting at the announcerʼs table. At football games he paces back and forth on the sideline cheering away. His name is Leroy McIlhaney. He isnʼt a coach nor is he a student. Leroy is a 55year-old mentally challenged man who simply loves sports. Leroy spent the majority of his life northwest of Wichita Falls in the neighboring town of Vernon. He moved to a group home in Wichita Falls not long before he became involved with the athletic department. Leroy moved to nearby apartments to be closer to MSU and his job at Taco Bell. Defensive Coordinator Cary Fowler met Leroy at the Special Olympics where Leroy excelled in softball and long jump. “I worked at the Special Olympics and thatʼs where we started talking,” Fowler said. “He wanted a schedule for the games and we asked him to come help us coach.” Fowler said Leroy helps set up drills in practice and insures players stay off of the sidelines during the games to avoid penalties . “I never have to worry about missing a campus event. Leroy is the human schedule,” said assistant basketball coach Rob McIlhaney. “He knows that thing by heart.” McIlhaney, Leroyʼs cousin, came back in touch with him when he started coaching at MSU in 2003. “When I got here,” McIlhaney said. “I
Pride Poll
Students, employees give raves to MSU CARRIE SULLIVAN EDITOR-IN-CHIEF
ADRIAN MCCANDLESS | THE WICHITAN Leroy McIlhaney helps many of the MSU sports teams in practice and during the games.
remembered him and we realized who each other was.” Leroy started attending the menʼs basketball practices and helping the team on and off the court. Whistle in hand, he attends their practices and makes sure the team runs lines if they mess up. “He handles a lot of our manager type duties. If laundry isnʼt out for the guys to put on their clothes yet, heʼll go pull them out of the dryer and roll it out to them,” Mc-
Ilhaney said. “He also gets the basketballs out and the clock.” As for basketball games, Leroy does not sit in the stands like the rest of the fans. He gets closer to the action. “The coach lets him sit on the bench during the home games,” McIlhaney said. “When they introduce the starting line up for each team itʼs a tradition for the opposing five to come over and shake the hand of See Leroy page 3
Required proficiency exam not a write-off SHERA TAYLOR FOR THE WICHITAN
Midwestern State University testing services will be administering the Writing Proficiency Exam (WPE), formerly the English Usage Exam, on Thursday, Oct. 12 and on Saturday, Oct. 14. The testing site for the exam will be in Bolin 100 at 2 p.m. and 6 p.m. on Thursday and 10 a.m. on Saturday. All students who are seeking a bachelorʼs degree from MSU have to take the WPE. The exam must be taken between the studentʼs completion of 60 to 90 credit hours. The writing proficiency requirement can also be met by enrolling in and passing English 2113; which is also called Composition Skills. If a student fails to meet the requirement, a registration hold is placed on their record so students need to make sure that they take the exam. Composition Skills, or English 2113, is a course that is designed to help students build their skills in composition and in correct grammar usage. The course requires students to write a final essay that is similar
Another graduate studies program at MSU sets it apart from all others. It was the first university in the United States to offer a Master of Science Radiologic Science degree. The program is designed to transfer students who are already working in the radiology field into administration or education. A masterʼs degree helps students in any field advance into higher positions. While studying to earn a masterʼs degree, students also have the opportunity to apply for graduate and teacher assistantships. Currently, 114 students hold teacher and graduate assistant positions. The assistants help with research, lab work and teach classes. Most graduate assistants are training to be teaching assistants. They must complete 18 hours before they can become a teaching assistant. Teaching assistants are able to teach up to six hours of college courses while still working on their degree. See Grads page 3
to the WPE, and it is graded using the same WPE standards. Some students decide to take English 2113 instead of taking the WPE. Mark McCloskey, a senior criminal justice major, needed an extra class last semester so he chose to take the course and was exempt from the WPE. “I needed the three extra credit hours,” McCloskey said. “So, I chose to take Composition Skills as my elective, and I didnʼt have to take the exam.” The exam itself is a two-hour essay test, and it cannot be retaken. Studentʼs are asked to write a persuasive essay that addresses one of two prompts. The essay should be at least 300 words in length. Addressing prompts is sometimes difficult for students because they donʼt know what to write about. Jay Whaley, a senior biology major, said that the prompt on his exam was so broad that he had a difficult time choosing something to focus on. When he turned in his essay, he was worried about failing the exam.
“I ended up writing a pretty good essay, but I still felt like I could possibly have failed the exam,” Whaley said. “But it turned out that I passed it after all.” Members of the MSU English faculty grade the exam, and they look for certain criteria in each one. The members check for a clearly stated thesis statement that is supported throughout the essay. They also grade the organization of the paper as well as the number of spelling and grammar errors. Students who fail the exam usually do no write on the topic that they are given or they turn in an essay that is too short and not welldeveloped. Another reason students fail the exam is because they do not proofread their paper to check for errors in spelling and grammar usage. Writing a practice essay before taking the exam is a good idea for students who have not taken any English courses since their freshman year. Students should also review all grammar and usage rules beforehand so they will not lose points for usage mistakes on the exam.
When a studentʼs paper is graded, the grade is marked pass or fail. A number grade is not issued. The grades given to students on the exam are final and cannot be disputed. Results of the WPE are kept confidential. The registrarʼs office only posts the exam results of students who pass the exam. The results are posted to the individual studentʼs transcript. The results of the exam are not available until about six weeks after the exam. Students can check their transcripts on the MSU web site, however, results are not given out over the phone. All students who will be taking WPE must pay a registration fee of $25 at the business office. Students should take their receipt from the business office, a photo ID and pens or pencils to the test site. Students who are seeking additional information about the WPE can contact the writing proficiency office in the English department or the testing services office in Hardin South, room 224.
Are you proud of MSU and why? A News Writing I class ventured out to ask that question to students, faculty and other MSU employees. Many students said they liked the overall environment at the school. “Itʼs a positive environment and I like working with kids and getting them into college,” said DaNette Stalnaker from admissions. Mickey Matlock, assistant director of the Annual Fund, said he likes the atmosphere of higher learning. “I enjoy being around college students with goals, hopes and dreams,” he said. “The people are so nice,” said Tiffany Alexander, sophomore criminal justice major. “I have made good friends since I started school
here.” It helped when students had another institution to compare MSU to. “MSU has a great environment compared to the school I previously attended. It seems to have more pride,” said Elizabeth Welch, sophomore communications major. Some people expressed their appreciation of the campusʼs smaller size. “The small size of the campus makes it an easy commute. Also the apartments of Sunwatcher are nice,” said Marlena Y. Hanna, senior criminal justice major. Senior nursing student Jacqueline Lockart said she liked the fact that the school isnʼt big and that there arenʼt too many people on the campus.
See Pride page 3
HERSHEL SELF | THE WICHITAN A Caribbean student joins in the festivities during Friday’s Caribfest.
‘The Departed’
Winning streak ends
Caribbean students enjoy annual festivities.
Mob movie gets rave reviews.
Buffaloes are the first team to beat the MSU Mustangs.
pages 4 & 5
page 6
page 8
Sweepstakes Winner 2006 Texas Intercollegiate Press Association
Finalist 2004 Associated Collegiate Press Pacemaker Award
Oct. 11, 2006
Staff Editorial
Depression a choice College life is tough. It is a time when young adults venture out into the real world, only to find that their new studies, occupations, responsibilities and relationships take more of a toll on them now than ever before. Because of this pressure, many people become depressed. Of those, many choose to take the path of medication. When they do, they play a dangerous game. The media constantly pushes the belief that depression is a chemical imbalance, usually under the guise of “manic depressive” or “bipolar disorder” diagnosis. Doctors and big medical companies would have you believe that you cannot help but spiral into the depths of despair, that you are unable to control your manic outbursts of rage. What if you actually could, but didnʼt want to, or didnʼt think you had the ability? Studies show this might be the case. The actual cause of depression is unknown. Symptoms have been traced to low serotonin levels in the brain but no proof exists that low serotonin creates depression. Many people are under the false impression that these chemical levels are something they cannot possibly change, when in actuality, research studies at the UCLA School of Medicine show that cognitive-behavioral therapy alone causes chemical changes in the brain. Therapy and a conscious shift of thought patterns provide lasting results. In other words, pills only mask the problem. Furthermore, some cases of depression in adolescents have resulted in suicide due to the anti-depression medications prescribed to them. Why should doctors sell pills for depression that could, and has been proven to, make you sink to the point of taking your own life? Why? Because they make damn good money doing it. A 1999 study at Duke University showed that three 30minute workouts each week induced the same results as drug treatment. A Psychometric Medicine study came up with the result that 40 percent of patients who relied on anti-depressant drugs had a relapse into depression within only six months. Only eight percent of those who exercised had a relapse. The method by which doctors determine whether a person suffers from depression is alarming in itself. They diagnose by self-reported symptoms alone. Psychologists and psychiatrists form committees and draw up lists of symptoms and give the lists illness names. They then take a vote and place the illnesses in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. So basically, a perfectly happy person could, in theory, walk into a psychologistʼs office, say he felt depressed and horrible and suicidal and other things on the list, and the doctor would prescribe an anti-depression medicine to take care of the patientʼs troubles. No other tests would be needed. Is this not dangerous? What is the difference from going to a street corner drug dealer and telling him you need a quick fix to numb your pain? Why not find the strength inside yourself to either change your life situation or modify the way you think and deal with it? You do have that power. Everyone gets depressed. Everyone, even children, have experienced sorrow, stress, loss and disappointment. Unfortunately we live in an age that does not like to feel. We drink away our job troubles on the weekend. We smoke ourselves stupid to forget the boyfriend or girlfriend who dumped us. Only recently have we added anti-depressants to the list of “cures” to ease this sort of life pain. It is a cowardʼs way out and a disintegration of our culture when we choose not to feel. Only by going through hardships and facing them with the inner-strength we all possess as humans do we attain two of the most honorable traits a person can achieve: Character and self-control.
3410 Taft Blvd. Box 14 • Wichita Falls, Texas 76308 News Desk (940) 397-4704 • Advertising Desk (940) 397-4705 Fax (940) 397-4025 • E-mail Web site: Copyright © 2006. The Wichitan is a member of the Texas Intercollegiate Press Association. The Wichitan reserves the right to edit any material submitted for publication. Opinions expressed in The Wichitan do not necessarily reflect those of the students, staff, faculty, administration or Board of Regents of Midwestern State University. First copy of the paper is free of charge; additional copies are $1. The Wichitan welcomes letters of opinion from students, faculty and staff submitted by the Friday before intended publication. Letters should be brief and without abusive language or personal attacks. Letters must be typed and signed by the writer and include a telephone number and address for verification purposes. The editor retains the right to edit letters.
New World Order dominates capitalism “For I dipt into the future, far as human eye could see / Saw a vision of the world, and all the wonCHRISTIAN MCPHATE der that OPINIONS EDITOR would be/ … / Till the war-drum throbbʼd no longer / and the battle-flags were furled / In the parliament of man, the federation of the world.” – Lord Alfred Tennyson, “Locksley Hall.” A secret order of elite puppeteers are pulling the strings of some of the worldʼs most earth shattering events, maneuvering the global governments into a transformation of a single, fascist regime that will rule over the human race, a New World Order. Well, at least those who survive the annihilation of control through the means of capitalism amok and brainwashed, religious, blinded extremists. An organization that rules the world behind a veil of secrecy, they are the godfathers of the Skull and Bones (a secret group of yuppie elites with chapters at Harvard, Yale and other “elite” universities), the secret bad guys from Dan Brownʼs
“Angel and Demons,” the Illuminati and they are manipulating the world with their visions of controlling conformity. In 1770, Mayer Rothschild enlisted the services of ex-Jesuit Dr. Adam Weishaupt, a professor of Canon Law at Ingolstadt University, to create a secret society within the secret society of Freemasons in the Masonic lodges of Germany. The secret of a secret society were charged with the obliteration of Christian dominance and a renewed vision of the world, or New World Order, or Novous Ordo Seclorum, a new order of ages. “The great strength of our Order lies in its concealment, let it never appear, in any place in its own name, but always covered by another name, and another occupation,” Weishaupt said. According to conspiracy theorists, the Illuminatiʼs signs are everywhere from the strange murals in the Denver International Airport to the seal of the Illuminati on the one-dollar bill (the all-seeing eye floating above the pyramid on the back). The enemies of the secret of a secret order were the monarchs of Europe and the Church. The elite members were tired of the minddumbing control of religious zealots. They wanted to further the means of their views of a world where the al-
mighty dollar and not the almighty God reigned supreme. Now how does a mystery of a mystery accomplish this task of a world where capitalistic vampires drain the blood and soul of humanity in the guise of peace and unity? According to Immanuel Kant, author of “Perpetual Peace, a philosophical sketch” (1795), to organize human affairs and permanently abolish the threat of future war, three basic requirements had to be met: “The civil constitution of each state shall be republican, the law of nations shall be founded on a federation of free states, the rights of people, as citizens of the world, shall be limited to the conditions of universal hospitality.” Creepy. However, herein lies a problem with the secret group, the students of “Illuminology” could not agree on the true purpose of their order, for each member was a power unto himself (especially in his own mind) and was unable to share a vision where he was not the head of the “New One World Organization.” The problem was solved, theorists said, with the creation of the American branch of the Illuminati, Skull and Bones, a secret of a secret of a secret organization whose membership at one time included President Bush and Senator John
Kerry. Theorists said that through the means of assassination, bribery, blackmail, mind control, addictions, pharmaceutical “cure all our problems” medicines, the control of banks and other financial powers and the lists goes on and on, they establish control. The Illuminati seem to be on the top of their political totem pole. “Conspiracy theories explain disturbing events or social phenomena in terms of actions of specific, powerful individuals,” Theodore Sasson, sociologist, said. “They deflect responsibility or keep people from acknowledging that tragic events sometimes happen inexplicably.” William Domhoff, a sociologist at the University of California at Santa Cruz, explained that conspiracy theorists usually end up attributing more power to elites than they actually have. However, from October 2001 to March 2002, 11 of the worldʼs leading microbiologists mysteriously died within the five-month span. They were involved with developing weapons-grade biological plagues, studying, preventing and manipulating infectious diseases like HIV, Ebola and influenza and understanding the sequence of the DNA chain mysteriously die. Seems like plenty of power.
I was raised in a Pentecostal Christian home. This sort of abodes can be heavyl a d e n w i t h JASON KIMBRO ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR m a n y strict rules in terms of appropriate language and demanding schedules of locale (i.e. we better be in church every time the doors are open). This idea was particularly demanding whenever there was a revival. Revivals were weeklong events kind of like a church service every evening. Now if most of you have never been to a high-spirited Pentecostal service, then you really have no clue as to how excruciating this can be for a child. Pentecostal services can last
up to five or six hours. The Holy Ghost fills the room and everybody starts speaking in tongues, crying, praying, dancing around and getting drunk with the Holy Ghost. This would often follow a sermon that would take up at least one to two hours of the evening. This is all fine and dandy for the hardcore adult members of the congregation, but many times us kids were forced to sit down, be quiet, or if we were up to it, actually participate in the wondrous activities, consuming the entire church. Life was tough growing up in my household. “Butt” was a naughty word, yet “crap” was not, that is if you didnʼt use it in the context for which it meant. In other words I could say “Holy crap that hurt,” but I had to avoid “I need to take a huge crap, Iʼll be right back.” My mother, a particularly sweet individual, was the piano player in the various churches we attended. My brothers and I were favorites for singing specials. This grew more prominent for me as I got older.
Donʼt get me wrong, I was a Jesus freak in my day. I would go up front, do my share of the ʻol tongue speaking, dance around, collapse on the floor, etcetera, but I honestly could not tell you to this day whether or not I was doing it on my own behalf, or if I was really possessed by the benevolent left hand of God. Nowadays I donʼt feel the spirit. I have my beliefs, but I am very far from being a Christian. Some would say Iʼm agnostic. I just say that I am situationally spiritual, and I truly feel that this is how most people are. Take, for instance, the individuals who are the most intense in their worship and attend every service no matter what happens. They tend to be the poorest of the flock, or the eldest. Many others show up on behalf of appearances and social latitude. The rest are those that truly are deeply routed in their faith and desire to go to heaven, therefore their situation is being a person who wants an eternity in heaven more
than anything else in the world, unless youʼre my mother and you want the same for your children. I love my mother. I pray each night that she receives nothing but the best, in the least stressful ways possible, and I really want to make it clear to folks like her that I am not out to bash Christianity, I am out to bash most of todayʼs societal Christians. Why? Because bashing is fun! Keep your faith true, if faith is what youʼre into. If it isnʼt, do not use it as an instrument toward your standing in society. Love God, Buddha, Muhammad, the spaghetti monster, whomever for the reasons their doctrines tell you to love them. In case you are having trouble figuring out the reasons for true faith, then grab yourself a copy of the Bible, the Quran, the Tao Te Ching, or Tom Cruiseʼs memoirs. In the meantime, go ahead and do a little backsliding. Then, your testimonials will have that much more umpf!
Situational faith a real bummer for kids
THE WICHITAN Editorial Board
Editor-in-Chief Carrie Sullivan Managing Editor Krystle Carey Entertainment Editor Jason Kimbro Sports Editor Josh Mujica Opinions Editor Christian McPhate Photo Editor Adrian McCandless
Reporters Matt Hulme Richard Carter Christian McPhate LaTia Banks Tiffany Mercer Photographers T.J. Hornbeck Hershel Self Graphic Artist SunKyu Yoo-Norris
Advertising Manager Josh Leal Cartoonist David Stephenson
Adviser Randy Pruitt
THE WICHITAN Oct. 11, 2006
Pride_____________________________________________continued from page 1
Phonathon helps raise funds RYAN HATCHER FOR THE WICHITAN Midwestern State University Phonathon callers hold the position for highest paid job on campus and do a lot for the university. Although the Phonathon is going on its third year, and has raised as much as $300,000 for the university, not many people are familiar with what it is. Not many students are familiar with what deeds the MSU Phonathon does for the school, but callers are encouraged to wear their Phonathon shirts, and have booths at two MSU fairs within the year. Phonathon works in conjunction with the Annual Fund, “who is an integral part of the universityʼs fundraising efforts.” Last year Midwestern met its goal of $200,000 in donations,
and at 1,900 alumni donors. The average rate for employment on the Midwestern campus ranges from $5.15, minimum wage to $6. The Phonathonʼs starting wage is $6.15 and can be as high as $8.65 through good performance and incentives. Midwestern employs as many as 12 callers each year with the goals of calling, updating and asking for pledges from Midweste r n alumni. M i dweste r n has achieved 7.6 percent of alumni participation from this form of cold calling. This amount is very notable considering they have a higher per-
centage than Sam Houston, West Texas A&M, University of Texas at Dallas, Stephen F. Austin and several other larger universities. The callers work a seven-day week, starting calls in September and ending in
May. Over 2 5 c o m panies currently support Midwestern, including Radio Shack, Cells-U-More and Powerhouse Gym. These companies have pledged to award callers through gift certificates, gift cards and free merchandise for great performance. The group callers are very diverse, ranging from MSU cheerleaders
to Caribbean exchange students. Phonathon Director Krystal Amador said this yearʼs goal is to reach $400,000, which is considered very reachable. Each pledge made by donors can be designated to whichever school or area they wish, including athletics, Moffett Library, MSU Museum, MSU scholarships or basic university needs. Callers secure the pledges through credit cards, which are automatically transmitted to the school, and checks, those of which will receive a letter from the Phonathon with a return envelope. “This should be our most productive year,” annual fund assistant Renee McCafree said. The Phonathon will continue its efforts in raising funds for Midwestern as long as its efforts prove effective.
Leroy____________________________________________continued from page 1 the coach. Leroy wanted to do that so coach lets him shake their hands.” “In basketball we all dress up in suits,” Leroy said. “All the coaches walk together and we shake hands with the visiting team.” McIlhaney said Leroy gets involved in practice by standing in as a screener for the basketball team. Assistant athletic director Ted Buss canʼt remember a time when Leroy wasnʼt at a sporting event. “Heʼs been working with me for right at five years,” Buss said. “He comes in every morning and asks me if he can help.” Leroy helps with half time at basketball games by coordinating the shows. When there are kids from local schools, Leroy gathers them together and brings them down to the court. “There are times I come in here
on a Saturday to check on my office and there heʼll be,” Buss said. The basketball court wonʼt be the only place to find Leroy. “Leroy not only helps with the basketball program, he also goes to all the football practices and all the games,” McIlhaney said. MSU running back Ross Harrison said Leroy enjoys participating in the football games as well as practices. Every home game Leroy runs down to the field with the football players. “I think it means the world to him,” Harrison said. Not only does Leroy run on the field with the team, he also stands on the sidelines to cheer the team on. “He brings uplifting spirits to everybody,” Harrison said. “When he doesnʼt get to go on trips he wants us to play hard.”
Harrison said Leroy helps the defense run drills during practice. “Iʼve known him for a long time,” Harrison said. “Weʼve been buds. He has always called me “three-two” since he came in.” Leroy is the first person a soccer fan is going to see when they cross through the gates at the soccer field. Leroy stands at the entrance and ask everyone who looks like a student to show him their ID. Leroy also helps out at the concession stand on occasion. “He comes out to Midwestern everyday. He doesnʼt get paid,” Harrison said. “He loves sports and he loves Midwestern.” Whether its basketball, football or soccer one thing is for sure Leroy will be there. “I support my Midwestern,” Leroy said, grinning big.
“I donʼt go for bigger campuses,” she said. Junior nursing major Megan F. Mattner said she likes being part of the school. “Smaller schools are more tight knit,” she said. Faculty as well as students appreciate the intimate size. “I like the camaraderie and the smallness of the classes that allow us to know our students,” said Susan K. Button, an adjunct faculty member of the English department. Despite the size of the campus, the departments still please many. Some students said they particularly loved the programs for their majors. Billy F. Morgan, a junior nursing major said the nursing program is one of the best in the state. “By passing all my classes, I feel like I can pass the nursing licensing exam, and I feel prepared for my career,” he said. The art department is one of the best, according to Jimmy C. Thomason, senior art major. Also, student-professor relations hold importance to many MSU scholars. “There is a lot of one-on-one interaction with the professors,”
Capps also said that the number of students who enroll in the graduate program annually stays fairly flat. “During some years enrollment is up and sometimes it is down,” Capps said. “Generally, it stays about the same.” Capps hopes that with the out-ofstate tuition waiver and new graduate programs will attract more students to MSU. The new Dillard College of Business Administration is also expected to attract more graduate students. The college offers an MBA program where students can get a bachelorʼs and masterʼs degree by only using one-degree plan. Students who are in the MBA program will graduate with both a bachelorʼs and a masterʼs degree in about five years. If students are considering attending graduate school they must meet with the graduate coordinator of the program they are interested in. The coordinator has all the necessary applications and information that a student needs. The graduate studies office is in Hardin North, Room 205. Applications for the Graduate Merit Scholarship are available in the office.
E. Lewis said he just wants proof of graduation. “I donʼt care where I go. I just want a piece of paper with my name on it,” he said. Gairry K. Steward, senior criminal justice major, is not a fan of MSUʼs small size. “Iʼd rather be at a bigger school with more students, better academic programs and a better athletic department,” he said. The vast majority of people polled are happy with their school and Wichita Fallsʼs involvement with it. “I like the fact that the community gets behind the school in everything it does, as well as the way the campus looks,” said Phillip Alexander, senior sports fitness management. “I also like the fact that my major is well respected around the state.” Jordan Guss, sophomore elementary education major, said the university has much to offer. “Each faculty member truly cares about my success. Itʼs almost like a small town feel to it. They are doing so many things to improve our university. Because the staff cares, I care, and that makes me proud,” he said.
Violence victims share stories MCCLATCHY TRIBUNE CHEVY CHASE, Md.–Victims of school violence shared their horrific experiences at a White House conference Tuesday that ended with a call for more focus on character and values in the nationʼs classrooms. Sitting at a table with President Bush, Craig Scott, a survivor of the 1999 Columbine High School massacre, urged educators to influence studentsʼ hearts as well as their heads. “Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold were very smart,” Scott said of the two shooters who killed his sister and 12 others at the Colorado school. “The problem wasnʼt their education at my school, Columbine. Their problem was their character.” Other conference participants _ including Bush _ echoed Scottʼs assessment. The meeting, hosted in a Maryland suburb of Washington by Attorney General Alberto Gonzales and Education Secretary Margaret Spellings, examined ways to prevent school violence and strategies for dealing with the trauma of a
Grads__________________continued from page 1 A graduate coordinator heads each college on campus that offers a graduate program. The coordinators advise all graduate students. At MSU, each graduate coordinator advises a small number of students and builds a close relationship with them. Each graduate student that is accepted must have a bachelorʼs degree and a passing grade on the Graduate Record Examination (GRE). Graduate coordinators also choose which students will be admitted to the program. Students are chosen based on academic standing and specific standards required by the college they want to get in. Many graduate students in the social sciences and humanities field plan to seek a Ph.D., according to Capps. Students in professional programs such as education and business are usually trying to move up in their position.
Thomason said. Laura D. Gerred, senior international studies major, admires the faculty. “Iʼm extremely proud because of the exceptional staff, clean campus and cheap tuition.” Senior political science and psychology major Jessica Jackson agrees about the teachers and the tuition. “I am getting a good education at a bargain,” she said. “I am able to communicate with the professors easily here.” However, not all students are happy with their college experience. One employee, who wished to remain anonymous, has been here for years and is not proud to be a part of MSU “Thereʼs too much racial tension and discrimination. MSU claims to have such a great rep(utation) but they still have a lot of work to do,” said the employee. “They donʼt provide enough parking for the students. This school is all about politics and who has money and who does not. Our management is the problem and how they communicate.” Sophomore business major Todd
Kruger Brothers
school shooting. Bush announced the conference after recent shootings in Wisconsin, Colorado and Pennsylvania schools claimed seven victims and left two of the shooters dead. Experts cited a host of factors that have contributed to the violence, including stress and feelings of alienation among students, negative media influences and inattentive parents. They said shooters tended to be depressed and suicidal. “What weʼve learned about shooters is suicide and homicide are two sides of the same coin. They all in some ways express a wish to die,” said Marleen Wong, the director of crisis counseling for the Los Angeles School District. A 2004 threat assessment by the Secret Service warned that attempting to profile school shooters is dangerous, however, because some shooters donʼt fit the mold. “Rather than asking whether a particular student `looks likeʼ those who have launched school-based attacks before, it is more productive to ask whether a student is on a path toward a violent attack,” the assessment concluded. Conference participants urged educators, parents and students to pay more attention to students who complain of alienation, appear depressed or talk about violence. School shootings are rarely impulsive acts; in 81 percent of cases, at least one person knew that the attacker was contemplating violence, the Secret Service report said. “Teachers should know more about mental health and have a system to report concerns,” said Cathy Paine, a crisis-response specialist for the Springfield School District in Oregon. Paine said teachers at Thurston High School in Springfield saw potential warning signs in 15-year-old Kip Kinkel in 1998, but didnʼt connect the dots until he opened fire in the schoolʼs cafeteria, killing two students and wounding about two dozen others. Scott of Columbine, whoʼs now
a film student at the University of Colorado, said he frequently met potential shooters on his travels for Rachelʼs Challenge, an organization founded in memory of his slain sister. The group urges students to reach out to loners, victims of bullies and other vulnerable students. “I see a lot of depression. I see a lot of loneliness and a lot of anger,” he said. “Iʼve heard all kinds of terrible stories about things theyʼve been through.” He urged educators to “take a look at teaching that doesnʼt just teach the head, but teaches the heart. ... You can help point them to whatʼs right and whatʼs wrong.” Some advocates of character education offered implicit criticism of Bushʼs No Child Left Behind Act, which stresses academic achievement and requires frequent testing. “I think you can make sure a child learns, and I think you can instill character at the same time. I donʼt think you have to choose,” the president said after one of the speakers complained that “testing and testing and testing” was crowding out attention to character and values in schools. He also told the audience members that they shouldnʼt look to the federal government to bankroll character education or other school programs. “Let me put the funding issue right on the table. The federal government is a limited funder of education. And I happen to believe thatʼs the way it should be. ... This is a local responsibility,” he said. Acknowledging the reality of school shootings, one conference panel focused on helping students cope with classroom deaths. Experts advised extensive mentalhealth follow-up. “Recovery takes a long time. Weʼre eight years out and weʼre still recovering,” Paine said of the Oregon shooting. “Whenever something happens, weʼre always right back there again in that cafeteria.”
HERSHEL SELF | THE WICHITAN The Kruger Brothers’ concert on Oct. 5 gave the audience a taste of American Folk and Bluegrass.
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THE WICHITAN Oct. 11, 2006
Photos by Adrian McCandless, Hershel Self and Zeno Ferguson
THE WICHITAN Oct. 11, 2006
Pan drums, spices and laughter filled the air Friday evening in Sunwatcher Plaza. The Caribfest celebraton started a little late, with the parade beginning at 5:30 p.m. but that didnʼt deter Midwestern students, faculty, staff and Wichita Falls residents, who lined up, gave $5 for a ticket and with a short wait in line were able to taste the Caribbean. Smiling students filled plates with rice, curried green bananas and vegetable, jerk chicken, pork, fried bread and other culinary delights from the islands. Food wasnʼt the only thing in store for the evening. A tent was set up selling t-shirts, face-painting, recipes, necklaces and beautiful paintings. And donʼt forget the main entertainment for the evening. Carribean students put on a wonderful show including fashion portion, showcasing the variety of clostes worn in the Caribbean islands. Beautiful, painted dancers filled the center of Sunwatcher plaza, dressed in colorful costumes, dancing to music from the Caribbean. Nearly 1,500 people attended the event. The fun, food and dancing lasted until 8 p.m. The proceeds of Caribfest go to the Asylum Down Orphanage, The Boys and Girls Club and the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.
Oct. 11, 2006
Across Campus MSU Career Fair The Career Management Center will be hosting the fall University Career Fair on Thursday, Oct. 19 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the Clark Student Center, Comanche Suites. At this time, 72 employers are registered for the event. To view a list of the registered participants, go to www. and click on “MSU Career Fair.” Students, please bring plenty of resumes and dress professionally (think suit). The employers will be visiting with you about full-time opportunities and internships so be ready to answer questions about yourself and bring questions to ask them. Any questions concerning this event should be directed to Courtenay Sealock, employer relations coordinator, at 397-4407.
Race for the Cure The 10th Annual Komen Wichita Falls Race for the Cure will be held on Saturday, Oct. 14 at 8 a.m. between 6th and 7th Streets on Lamar Street east of the Wichita County Courthouse. The proceeds will help fund education, screening, local treatment programs and help support the Komen Foundationʼs National Grant Program for research dedicated to breast cancer. Registration forms are available at the following Wichita Falls locations: North Texas Ford Dealers, Design Works, Times Record News, Sikes Senter Mall, Skyline Developers, United Supermarkets, YMCA, Wichita Falls Health Department, Walmart, Starbucks or by registering online at www. wichitafalls-raceforthecure. org. Parking for the event will be available in the First Wichita building parking garage at 719 Scott St. Various awards, such as largest team and door prizes, will be presented at the completion of the race. An aerobic warm-up will be held at 7:40 a.m. For more information, call 940-687-3672.
Classic Film Series Continuing Education Classic Film Series presents “Cat People” on Oct. 17 at 7 p.m. at the Wichita Falls Museum of Art at MSU, #2 Eureka Circle. Instructor Tom McNeeley will introduce producer Val Lewtonʼs first RKO horror film, which broke new ground for Hollywood psychological thrillers. In this 1942 film, a beautiful artist believes she bears a curse that will change her into a murderous beast if she ever consummates her love. Admission is free and donations are welcome. For more information, call 397-4756.
ʻThe Departedʼ receives perfect grade JASON KIMBRO ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR
newest triumph, “The Departed” is like taking a refreshing dip into the waters of “Goodfellas” and drying off in the sun of “Gangs of New York.” Cheesy metaphors aside, this is perhaps the best movie this year. With lead-ridden headshots aplenty, hereʼs the gist: Frank Costello (Jack Nicholson) is the top dog in Bostonʼs mob scene. This self-made man has decided to take young Colin Sullivan under his wing. Zip ahead a decade or two and we now see a mature Colin (Matt Damon) going through some intensive police training for the Massachusettsʼs state police. On the flip of the coin we see Billy Costigan (Leonardo DiCaprio) going through the same training in a different facility. Billy comes from a rough family with ties to the mob but not unlike his father, wants to live a straight life. Colin is obviously there to play the rat for Costello, and soon we find that the state police want Billy
to join the undercover team headed by Dignam (Mark Wahlberg) and Queenan (Martin Sheen). Billy works his way up the mob ladder and eventually becomes one of Costelloʼs top dogs, while Colin works his way up to special force detective as one of the big kahunaʼs in the strike force out to get Costello, comfy spots that arenʼt so comfy. While Billy is working undercover building a case against Costello, Colin is doing his best trying to find the mole in Costelloʼs outfit. If things arenʼt already a bit too complicated, it gets worse as several twists come into play. But donʼt worry, it all gets sorted out by the beginning of the last act. I loved every aspect of this film. It was explosively entertaining, tense, and highly suspenseful and the incredible script and atmosphere really make you care for every single character in this film, from most ill-fated of heroes to the most gritty of villains, all the while making the audience try and figure out which is
which. With a cast like this it isnʼt a wonder that the performances were stellar. Even the two-note traditions of DiCaprio and Damon were thrown out the window and given much more flare than weʼre used to seeing. And, of course, Nicholson always steals a screen.
RICHARD CARTER WICHITAN DANCE CRITIC Thereʼs a world of cool new music out there, and itʼs often as close away as several keystrokes and the enter button on your laptop. While can be the center for utter idiocy, the site does feature sites for some of the more unusually promising bands from around the world. From crazy Japanese lounge acts to outrageous Australian screamo, musical groups everywhere are playing and promoting all kinds of music, and some of itʼs actually pretty good. But itʼs not like youʼre going to find them checking the page of some clown from Ardmore or something. It takes some real digging and a little translation. For example, I recently uncovered a Swedish brother and sister electronica group named The Knife on The duoʼs new re-
cord, its first in America, is called “Silent Shout” and itʼs definitely worth a listen. The Knifeʼs understated, but impactful music, borrows heavily from the sequenced keyboard vocabulary of early ʻ80s groups like Soft Cell. The difference being that the Swedish bandʼs songs benefit from a mix of sharper songwriting, a less cloying blues-y pop sound and some experimental vocal pitches and harmonies. Thereʼs nothing syrupy pop or nostalgic about the catchy, dark and sometimes eerie 11 songs of “Silent Shout.” And with Halloween coming up, this could make a great soundtrack to scare the hell out of your significant other. Based on enticingly simple keyboard chord and note sequences, a drum machine beat or two and processed vocals, The Knifeʼs minimal music is aimed towards listeners who appreciateserious electronica.
Songs such as “Still Light,” with its winding keyboard part (that establishes both beat and melody) and its wistful treated female vocal, are perfect for quiet listening. Other tunes like “Neverland” with its catchy strait-forward drum beat, strong keyboard melody and multi-pitched lead vocal should play great on a dance floor. Few groups are capable of creating a collection of sounds this strong and atmospheric with so few instruments. “Silent Scream” works because of songwriting, musical programming and finesse. By the way, itʼs great to put on the iPod and walk to late at night. Another Scandinavian band that makes for great iPod listening is the Icelandic quartet Sigur Ros. The group recently released an EP called “Saeglopur,” containing their new impressive eight-minute tour de force single, three previously unreleased quieter tracks and
three gorgeous videos (on a separate are storybook, and the pastoral, urDVD) off their excellent “Takk” al- ban and underwater Icelandic scenbum. ery is breathtaking. What I like so much about this Thereʼs so much more to new band is that the band members music than what is normally found check their musical egos at the on the radio. And while much of the door. Thereʼs no wailing guitar so- dialogue on can be los, weird time signatures or any- as trite as a standard radio play list, thing that diverts attention from the some of the music can be absolutely songs. The drums, bass, keyboards, inspired. guitar and otherwordly tenor vocals Thanks, Tom. (sung in falsetto) evoke abstract musical moods. As gorgeous and as moving as the music of Sigur Ros can be, the songs actually become a little richer with the addition of images (which explains why they are so frequently employed in movies). The songs on the “Saeglopur” set are interesting, but the videos make the package necessary. The videos are child-like quest stories that are emotionally charged, richly symbolic and gorgeously filmed. The characters and their quests The Knife yearns to scare
KONNIE SEWELL STAFF REPORTER Brandon Flowers: He doesnʼt look a thing like Jesus, but he talks like a gentleman. At least, he used to. Forget the baby-faced crooner with the Charlie Chaplin moves, who appeared on an episode of “Saturday Night Live” in a neonpink jacket and eyeliner galore. Flowers has dropped the prettyboy persona for a more rugged, Old West-inspired one, as have the other three members of the Killers. (Drummer Ronnie Vannucci has a scary resemblance to Jason Lee from “My Name is Earl.”) Theyʼve become these outlaws because the Las Vegas casino where they first got their start, Samʼs Town, also has this Americana theme; their second major album is named for this casino. But with a new wardrobe comes a new musical style for the band, as it should be on any new record. Their debut, Hot Fuss, was an inspired and catchy group of songs that made you sit up and pay attention, something very rare in music these days. No one except the very narrowminded and the very dumb actually expected them to release Hot Fuss II. So, apparently, the Killers threw away their British pop influences and made room on their shelves for their American influences. I honestly donʼt know if the Killers sound more “American” on this CD than on their previous one. I donʼt pretend to know that much about music or music theory or music history. I donʼt even know how to play a damn instrument. I just know what I like, and I know when a good melody moves me. And I know that very little from Samʼs Town moves me. There are exactly two good songs on this album. There are a few interesting ideas, but the rest is disposable. Iʼm not expecting another “Mr. Brightside” or another murder trilogy about poor Jenny. All I want is good music, but I canʼt find it on
this CD. Flowers (lead vocals and main songwriter) has said this is the greatest album released in 20 years. Thatʼs a bold statement to make. Is he trying to be ironic or does he really believe that? Because the greatest album in 20 years shouldnʼt be uninspired, apathetic, or, I hate to say it, boring. The disc begins with the track “Samʼs Town,” and what an interesting little song it is, too. Itʼs the theme song to the carnival that could be actually be Samʼs town. If the band had made a concept album about the town of Sam, it would undoubtedly be one of the best albums of the year. The absolute highlight of the disc
is the first single, “When You Were Young.” Itʼs a song that just gets better and better with every listen. This song isnʼt perfect (the line “weʼre burning down the highway skyline / on the back of a hurricane / that started turning / when you were young” is a little embarrassing) but itʼs oh so close. Itʼs grand and epic, vivacious and lovely. But soon the writing becomes monotonous and overblown, and the music becomes numbing. There seems to be a theme of We Can Do It! No Matter What They Say! on the CD, but I wonder what the Killers are running from? Or who theyʼre directing this message to? “Donʼt you wanna come with me?
/ Donʼt you wanna feel my bones on your bones? / Itʼs only natural,” Flowers sings on “Bones.” And no, not really, we donʼt wanna feel our bones meshed with yours, dude. Then, on “My List”: “You should have known by now / you were on my list.” How nice to know. Now, what are you gonna do with that list, and what are you gonna do with the rest of your lyrics, Flowers?
Entertainment Value: Artistic Crap: Plot/Script: Performances: Overall GPA:
A A A A 4.0
Many of you were probably wondering when I was going to give a good review. Well, even though I have had some 3.0 near misses, I havenʼt yet given a stellar review to any film, that is until now. Leave it to one of the greatest American filmmakers of all time to win me over. Martin Scorseseʼs
Leo tries to hug an unwilling Matt in “The Departed”
Walk, nay, run to the movie theater. Watch this film. What is most likely to become a classic in American cinema, letʼs say in the realm of “Goodfellas” or “The Godfather,” “The Departed” blows away any expectation one would expect from the typical slop of mid-fall Hollywood releasing.
Myspace gets eerie with great Scandinavian sounds
The Killers sound more Americana with new album
A major problem with the songs of Samʼs Town (“Uncle Johnny” and “For Reasons Unknown” are the main, lamentable examples) is that they just donʼt go anywhere. Itʼs like The Killers all of a sudden got stumped. Well, we canʼt really thank them for this journey through Samʼs town. Despite a few bright spots, in all this albumʼs just no fun. And life is too short to waste on a trip to Samʼs Town.
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THE WICHITAN Oct. 11, 2006
Lady Mustangs fall to Rambelles, 2-1 KONNIE SEWELL STAFF REPORTER
Fort Lewis’ men’s soccer team may have suffered at the hands of the Mustangs last Friday night, but the MSU women’s soccer team was defeated by the Skyhawks 3-0. Fort Lewis’ Kate Mahler broke free after a downfield kick from goalkeeper Bree Baker and scored the first goal of the game during the 15th minute. This would be the only goal scored by either team during the first half. During the second half, the Skyhawks got a huge advantage from Nichole Kluk. She scored the second goal of the game just 2:12 into the half. The third and final goal of the game was scored by Lady Skyhawk Kim Sisneros. There were less than seven minutes left. Though Fort Lewis out shot MSU 22-11 and Baker got in five saves for Fort Lewis, MSU goal keeper Ashley Meek got five saves.
The Lady Mustangs played their next game Sunday afternoon against Mesa State. This time around, it was the Colorado school who ended up losing to MSU. The final score was 2-1 in favor of the MSU women. The game winner was scored in the 63rd minute when junior Brittany Burney got a feed from freshman Katy Lukert for a one-on-one against the Mesa goalie, Kaitlyn Bennett. Burney blasted it past Bennett at the lower right corner to give MSU the lead. This was a mere four minutes after a defensive mistake allowed the match to be tied 1-1 — a free kick from Mesa’s Kira Brannan was misplayed by Amy Smith and got by MSU keeper Heather Primavera for an own goal. Freshman Erin Torres put a shot in during the 32nd minute. It was off a pass from Samantha Orer. Premavera recorded seven saves while facing 24 shots from Mesa. MSU recorded 27 shots against Bennett.
In related news, the win against Mesa was a major milestone for women’s soccer coach Jeff Trimble, who has been head coach since 1998. This was the 100th win of Trimble’s coaching career. His record is now 100-56-16. Then, the team picked up another win against the Texas Wesleyan Lady Rams at the MSU soccer field. The final score was 2-0. This was the team’s sixth win of the season. Sophomore Megan Bibilone picked up her third goal of the season on a pass from freshman Kari Bristow with only 31:02 left on clock during the first half. During the second half of the game, Lukert scored the final goal with 33:16 left to play. This was her second goal of the season. Primavera picked up her fifth shut out of the season during this game, saving two of the four shots she faced. The Mustangs then traveled to San Angelo Sunday for what was to be a key Lone Star Conference game
tournament. In the finals on Saturday, Emerson won the men’s number one singles by defeating Abilene Christian’s Juan Nunez, 3-6, 6-3, 6-2. The senior from Canberra, Australia, then teamed with Zach Dillard of Wichita Falls to beat Jordi Mullor and Nicolas Mascheroni of Cameron in number one doubles, 61, 4-6, 10-7. MSU sophomore Stefan McKinney of Camarillo, Calif. won number two singles with a 6-2, 1-6, 62, victory over Cameron’s Ignacio Murgier. However, MSU didn’t fare as well in three other finals. Agustin Criado of Cameron beat senior Charles van Swelm of The Hague, Netherlands, 6-4, 7-5, in number four singles. Cameron’s Tin Hinst defeated senior Ivan Camillo of Angers, France, 6-1, 6-3, in number five singles, and Abilene Christian’s Ryan Hudson and Kevin Beedy beat McKinney
and van Swelm in number two doubles, 6-4, 6-4 In the women’s draw, MSU’s number three doubles team of senior Cilia Muller of Middelburg, South Africa and freshman Janell Hetherington of Wichita Falls advanced to the finals of the flight by beating Cameron’s Sandra-Leigh King and Viviana Seca, 6-4, 6-4. But in the final, the duo fell to Meagan Brown and Sarah Drummond of Abilene Christian, 6-1, 62. MSU had one other player in the women’s draw, as freshman Collean Kinzer of Austin lost in the semifinals of the number four singles to eventual champion Emina Spirtovic of Northeastern State, 6-3, 6-2. The LSC Individual Championships determine the 2006-07 AllLone Star Conference teams, with the flight champions named firstteam and the other finalists earning second-team honors.
against the Angelo State Rambelles at 1 p.m. ASU won with an own-goal scored during the 40th minute, the Rambelles claiming a 2-1 victory over MSU. MSU got the first goal of the game during the 19th minute with Lukert scoring. On this goal Bristow and Megan Hanlon got the assists. ASU, which is now 9-4-1, 2-2-1, tied the game with a goal in the 38th minute off a corner kick. Just two minutes later, Primavera back-heeled a loose ball that found the net for an own goal and gave ASU the lead. No goals were made by either side during the second half. ASU outshot MSU 13-12. Primavera recorded eight saves during this game, and allowed the two goals. The MSU women’s soccer team is now 6-6-1, 2-2-1. Friday, the Mustangs travel to Northeastern State to continue their Lone Star Conference action.
Tennis serves well in LSC tournament Recreational TIFFANY MERCER STAFF REPORTER
Midwestern State University finished big in The Lone Star Conference Individual Tennis Championships in Wichita Falls this weekend. Senior Brett Emerson won titles in both singles and doubles, leading the MSU squad in the two-day
Next Up Thurs. 7 p.m. Women’s Volleyball v.s. Cameron at Wichita Falls Fri. 2 p.m. Women’s Soccer v.s. Northeastern State (Okla.) at Tahlequah, Okla. 5 p.m. Men’s Soccer v.s. St. Edward’s at Austin Sat. Women’s Cross Country in Chile Pepper Festival hosted by Arkansas at Fayetteville, Ark. 2 p.m. Women’s Volleyball v.s. Central Oklahoma at Wichita Falls 7 p.m. Football v.s. Tarleton State at Wichita Falls
Men’s soccer kicks butt KONNIE SEWELL STAFF REPORTER
For MSU men’s soccer team seniors Sun Potter, Brandon Swartzendruber and Daniel Woolard, their last home game was a winner. The three seniors combined for six goals and five assists Thursday against Texas Wesleyan University, with the Mustangs winning with an incredible 9-0. The trio of Potter, Swartzendruber and Woolard scored the first three goals of the night. Potter lead in points with eight, scoring on two goals and a team-high four assists. Swartzendruber followed with seven — on three goals and one assist. Scoring his first goal of the season, Woolard got it on a corner kick from Daniel Brown. But the seniors weren’t the only lucky ones that night. Junior Daniel Brown and freshmen Daniel Goss and Matt Nauman also scored.
Sun. 1 p.m. Men’s Soccer v.s. Incarnate Word at San Antonio
The Mustangs then traveled to Conway, Ark., to take on Division I Central Arkansas at 1 p.m. Sunday. With a final score of 1-0, this non-conference game, too, was anything but disappointing for the stellar team. MSU is now 11-2-1. This game marked UCA’s only home game of the year. The single goal scored was made during the 33rd minute, when Swartzendruber took a pass from Sun Potter. This was Swartzendruber’s 12th goal of the season, making him the lead scorer for the season. Goalie Jeremy Turner, a junior, got three saves while securing his third consecutive shutout. UCA was outshot by MSU 119. The UCA goalie also chalked up three saves as well. The team is off until Friday. They will travel to Austin to face off against St. Edward’s at 5 p.m.
Maskat Shriners Present
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Soccer Tournament
Bowling Champ
HERSHEL SELF | THE WICHITAN MSU’s Megan Hanlon, 6, hustles to the ball after a Texas Wesleyan player drives to score at the MSU Soccer Field.
The Midwestern State University golf team finished third in the Texoma Match Play Championship at the Chickasaw Pointe Resort yesterday, despite defaulting their number one position. Jason Bender was injured during Monday’s second round, and could not play the following day, so it was up to Andrew Ludlow to come up big. And he did. Ludlow was paired with the withdrawn position in the four-ball competition and defeated the West Texas A& M number 1-2 teams of Thomas Maldonado and Spud Dillingham, one up to give MSU the win. He was also defeated Dillingham 2-and-1 in singles. Ludlow wasn’t the only mus-
tang making his shots count. Brady Jones and Gordon Quebodeaux, playing in the fifth and sixth positions, also won their matches. Jones defeated Kent Neal 1 up and Quebodeaux downed Jonathan Shelley 4-and-3. The MSU team also beat Neal and Shelley 3-and-2 in the four-ball. WT’s Ray Holdeman beat Eric Thomson 2 up at number three and John Musser defeats MSU’s Hunter Linscombe 2 up in the other singles matches. Thompson and Linscombe also lost in the four-ball. “It was exciting,” said MSU golf coach Jeff Ray. “The match play was fun for the kids because they don’t normally play that way. It’s a different and exciting format and it wasn’t decided until the last hole.” Central Oklahoma won the tournament by defeating Abilene Christian.
Volleyball gets pancaked IGGY CRUZ
STAFF REPORTER Tarleton State sent the women’s volleyball team reeling to its third consecutive defeat of the Lone Star Conference Crossover Tournament Saturday, 3-1. The TexAnns (10-10, 3-2 LSC) edged out the Lady Mustangs (1111, 2-4 LSC) in games one and three by narrow scores of 38-36 and 33-31 before pulling away convincingly in game four 30-22. Lacey Lanier posted a .316 attack percentage for MSU while registering 17 kills and four service aces. Rachel Gilmore added 11 kills and 14 digs as the Lady Mustangs had five players rack double-figures in kills. Allison Schreiber finished with 61 set assists, while Katie Guehler had a game-high 26 digs. Julie Hamilton had an impressive .444 attacking percentage while totaling 24 kills and 10 digs for the TexAnns. Alesha Bourgo helped with 21 kills and 20 digs.
The Lady Mustangs will host Cameron University in D.L. Ligon Coliseum Thursday at 7 p.m. The volleyball team also had two matches on Friday for the opening of tournament play. The Lady Mustangs were blanked by Abilene Christian 30-25, 30-27, 30-24. Johnson led MSU with 11 kills and Shay Velasquez had six kills and seven digs. Schreiber finished with 31 set assists and seven digs. The Lady Mustangs hit .139 for the game while ACU hit .246, led by a .607 attack percentage from Lauren Leone. Leone finished with 19 kills and Abbie Lowry added 14. MSU then dropped another match to South Division leading West Texas A&M 30-26, 29-31, 3016, 23-30, 15-3. Sesley Graves, Velasquez, and Johnson each tallied up 10 kills in the loss. Velasquez had a game-high 21 digs while Kim Doolittle and Schreiber had 16 and 13 digs respectively.
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THE WICHITAN Oct. 11, 2006
Harrison puts team ahead of breaking rushing record ADRIAN MCCANDLESS STAFF REPORTER
From the humble beginnings playing pee-wee football for the Byers-Petrolia Hornets, MSUʼs running back Ross Harrison now has a fighting chance of surpassing the rushing record of 2,541 career yards set by Dominique Rhodes while he attended MSU. “A lot of schools in the Lone Star conference offered me a scholarship but I love Wichita Falls,” Harrison said. “I picked Midwestern and it turned out to be a great place. I couldnʼt be happier.” Harrison, a senior geology major lacks less than 300 yards with five games to go. He injured his ankle two weeks ago in a game against Angelo State and watched from the sidelines as West Texas A&M defeated the Mustangs 29-27. However, with the number of games left to play, Harrison stands the chance of crushing Rhodesʼ record. “Itʼs kind of become a curse,” he said, looking at his ankle. Harrison said San Angelo State ended up stopping MSUʼs running game even though the Mustangs ended up winning the game. According to Janus Buss, director of public information and marketing, a billboard with Harrisonʼs picture will be a prominent display on MSUʼs campus in the upcoming weeks. The billboard will look like a football field with hash marks counting down until the record is beaten by Harrison. This 22-year-old hasnʼt let the hype go to his head and still insists his success is only because of the team efforts. Harrison flashes a boyish smile as he recalls first being introduced to the sport. “I was in third grade. It was the first team they ever started for pee-wee,” he said. “Once I got in there, I loved it,” he said. While playing football at Petrolia High School, Harrison and his teammates accomplished something most teams only
ADRIAN MCCANDLESS | THE WICHITAN Although on course to break the MSU rushing record, Ross Harrison stays focused on being a team player.
dream of. “Celeste ended our season first three years in high school,” he said. “My senior year we beat them in state finals.” Harrison said Celeste and Petrolia were huge rivals during his high school career and was glad his senior year was the year they beat them. “So far thatʼs been one of the highlights
of my football career,” he said. His freshman year, Harrison started for MSUʼs football team, however he wasnʼt originally the star running back he is today. “I didnʼt red shirt and was playing linebacker,” he said. “The thought of playing running back never crossed my mind. I thought I was going to have a good career as a linebacker.”
Harrison admits football consumes a huge part of his life but says it is worth it. “Itʼs a job,” he said. “We start at one, go to a meeting at two and get out of practice at six. You have to love it. If you donʼt love it, itʼs not worth it.” Harrison devotes an abundance of time toward football but does find time to pick up some hobbies. “During the summer time I play golf at
least three or four times a week,” he said. Harrison simply loves the outdoors whether itʼs playing a sport or sitting in a deer stand. “In the spare time I like to hunt a lot.” Harrison said. “I love to get out, especially when it gets cooler, and just watch wildlife.” Like any other college student, Harrison juggles school work with everything else in his life. Unlike most college students, he also has a grueling football schedule. “You learn to deal with it,” Harrison admits. “But after Christmas I donʼt know what to do with all of my free time.” When asked if he is better football player or student, Harrison jokingly said he loves school work but is probably a better football player. “Iʼm just living the college life, having fun,” he said. Rhodes went on to play for the Indianapolis Colts and has had modest success. Only time will tell if Harrison will break Rhodesʼ rushing record and possibly follow his footsteps into the NFL. “I will put all that I have into it if I get the opportunity. Hopefully by the end of the season I will know one way or the other,” he said. “If I do I will go with it, if not I have other opportunities with my geology degree. Iʼm not in a bad situation either way. Very few go, you have to be very lucky.” Although the previous rushing record may be overcome by Harrison, he is not worried about it as much as the rest of the campus. He will remain humble and loyal to his teammates. “There are two different levels of accomplishments. Kind of like when you win the MVP for the season and your team wins the national championship,” Harrison said. Beating the previous rushing record is a personal award. It would be a great personal accomplishment, but an accomplishment as a team, thatʼs your best award.” Harrison is 294 yards away from the record.
Buffs hoof MSU first loss, 29-27 IGGY CRUZ
STAFF REPORTER Many believe catʼs possess nine lives. Apparently, the myth should apply to Buffaloes as well. After surviving MSU 47-44 in the closing seconds last season, sixth-ranked West Texas A&M borrowed another life Saturday in Kimbrough Stadium; capitalizing on a late Mustang interception to preserve a 29-27 Homecoming victory in front of 16,481 fans. WTAMU gunslinger Dalton Bell threw for 336 yards and four touchdowns on 42-of-58 passing, while hitting receiver Kolo Kapanui for the 1-yard game-winning touchdown at the 2:30 mark. In two career starts against MSU, Bell has torched the Mustang defense by compiling 788 yards through the air on 82-of-112 passing with 7 scores. Twenty fourth-ranked MSU (51, 3-1 LSC) out gained the Buffs (6-0, 4-0) offensively, racking up 422 yards to their 402, on only 25 minutes of possession for the game. But time management allowed WTAMU to run down the clock and limit the potent Mustang offense to 24 fewer plays than the Buffs. DelJuan Lee had a monster night for the Mustangs, ripping off a 9yard touchdown run in the second quarter to put MSU in front and later on a 33-yard scoring pass from Rahsaan Bell in the third. Lee finished with six catches and a seasonhigh 170 yards receiving. MSUʼs two-head quarterback system of Bell and junior Daniel Polk finished the night with 332 yards passing and three touchdowns. Bell threw for 194 yards and two scores, while Polk had one touchdown on 7-of-10 passing for 138 yards. A shootout was predicted from the beginning as MSU and WTAMU entered the game ranked number one and two in total offense within the Lone Star Conference. However, each team struggled to get the chains moving during the first quarter and went into the second scoreless. MSU responded quickly in the opening minutes of the second as Polk found Keith Flanagan on a 16yard route to the Buff 9-yard line before Lee finished the drive with a score. MSUʼs LSC-leading ground attack was limited on the night
without the services of injured senior starter Ross Harrison. Without Harrison, the Buffs held MSU to 51 total rushing yards, while the Mustang defense countered back by holding WTAMU to a 2.9 rushing average. WTAMU got the ball rolling midway through the quarter when Bell found Charlie Martin for a 16yard strike to tie the game. Ulysses Odoms would haul in a 5-yard toss from Polk to take the lead back on the ensuing drive, but Kristian Fosterʼs extra-point attempt was blocked, giving MSU a 13-7 edge. Bell then implemented the running back position into the passing game, hitting Maurice White in the end zone for an 8-yard score and 14-13 lead into the half. White grabbed seven passes for 36 yards and rushed 16 times for 62 yards. After holding the Buffs to a 31yard field goal to open the second half, Bell went under center for the Mustangs and guided the team 70 yards for a 20-17 score. In the
drive, Bell hit Chad Olsen for a 20yard gain on third-and-two before connecting with Lee for a 33-yard touchdown. Momentum started shifting in the Mustangs way after Darius Bortters picked off Bell on the following drive, setting up MSU at their own 49-yard line. But MSU fumbled the ball away at the 26-yard line and set the Buffs up for another scoring drive. A drive that would come back and bite the Mustangs. It took 10 plays and 70 yards, but Bell again shredded the defense and found Shawn Scott-Jones for a big 30-yard touchdown with 12:19 remaining in the fourth. The extrapoint attempt was blocked, giving WTAMU a 23-20 advantage. Devon Campbell led the Mustang defense with 11 tackles while Bortters added eight. Despite the loss, MSU keeps its 24th National ranking heading into Saturdayʼs home game with Tarleton State University. Kickoff is set for 7 p.m. at Memorial Stadium.
T.J. HORNBECK | THE WICHITAN MSU’s Lance Moss, 3, eyes a pass in the air intended for a WT receiver last Saturday night.