The student voice of Midwestern State University
The Wichitan page 6 Star grows brighter
‘Eagle Eye’ the newest release in Shia LaBeouf’s growing repertoire.
page 8 Family Day victory The No. 17 Mustangs cap off fun-filled Family Day with 17-3 win over Angelo State.
WEDNESDAY, October 1, 2008
Wall Street crisis casts shadow on economy Chris Collins Managing Editor
Students may be faced with a staggering national debt and a grim economic future after graduation. The $700 billion bailout bill, which was regarded by many politicians and pundits as a quick fix for the quickening world economic crisis, was rejected by the U.S. House of Representatives
in a 228-205 vote Monday. The bill was partly a response to a number of economic meltdowns in the U.S., including the bankruptcy of investment firm Lehman Brothers, Inc. and the buyouts of Washington Mutual and the Wachovia Corporation. “The legislation may have failed, but the crisis is still with us,” said House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., after the bill failed. The Dow Jones Industrial
Complex fell seven percent to 10,365 points Tuesday as a result of the bill’s failure. It was the market’s biggest loss since the day after the Sept. 11 terror attacks. Our economy isn’t currently in a recession, but it will be soon, said Dr. John Martinez, professor of economics. “No one knows where all the toxic fumes are,” Martinez said. “Banks aren’t even willing to loan to banks.”
The National Bureau of Economic Research reveals data at the end of two consecutive quarters. If GDP falls for half a year or more, the nation is considered to be in a recession. Because of the way data is presented by the Bureau, American citizens may be months into a recession before they even realize it, said Dr. James Owen, professor of economics. Early warning signs that an economy is in recession are
companies struggling to make payrolls and pay off loans, Owen said. McDonalds had difficulty acquiring a loan for a new line of iced coffee in September. General Motors Co. met resistance when requesting a loan from Congress to produce a new line of fuel-efficient vehicles in the same month. “It’s too early to say if we’re in a recession, but there has been a slowdown,” Martinez said. “Af-
ter it’s all said and done, we’ll be in a recession.” The United States has experienced 11 recessions since World War II. The last occurred in 2001, Martinez said. The national debt in the U.S. is about $10 trillion. “Young folks will be paying the national debt,” Owen said. Students who pay for school with loans will be faced with See “ECONOMY” on pg. 4
MCT Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama addresses supporters during a rally at Knology Park in Dunedin, Florida, Sept. 24, 2008.
Different votes for different folks Student voters weigh choices for election
Brittany Norman Editor in Chief
The most challenged book of 2007 was a children’s picture book about homosexual penguins. And Tango Makes Three, a story of two male penguins in a zoo who hatch an egg and raise a chick together, was challenged and/or banned in libraries around the country for sexism, homosexuality, and for being anti-ethnic, promoting a religious viewpoint, and being
unsuited to the age group for which it was intended, according to the American Library Association (ALA) Web site. It has joined the ranks of To Kill a Mockingbird, Lolita, Of Mice and Men, Brave New World, 1984, Harry Potter and Huckleberry Finn on the ALA’s list of banned or challenged books. This year The American Democracy Project at Midwestern is sponsoring a celebration of Banned Books Week, which
began Sept. 27 and ends Oct. 4. Today in Sunwatcher Plaza, faculty and students will be reading excerpts from banned and challenged books aloud as part of the celebration of the freedom to read. According to political science professor Dr. Michael Preda, the celebration of Banned Books Week is important because of its direct relation to the first amendment. See “BOOKS” on pg. 4
Brittany Norman Editor in Chief For Midwestern students, the upcoming election takes on different meanings. For some, it’s simply a choice between two unfavorable candidates. For others, it’s an opportunity for change. Some, however, are just thankful they can’t vote. Madlen Gohlke, a sophomore from Germany, is one of them. She has an outsider’s perspective on this year’s presidential elections. “I’m just glad I’m not an American citizen,” she said, laughing a bit. “But I adore it (the American election process). It’s crazy. It’s a totally different thing how y’all promote it. In Germany it’s like, ‘Hey, an elec-
tion is coming up.’ Politics are not as big of a thing over there.” Here, however, the political circus has been going on since as early as June 2007 for some candidates. During the rush to whittle down the field of also-rans into a single candidate for either party, news stations and newspapers were inundated with stories about the candidates, their pasts, their plans for the future. And now, with a clear-cut choice existing between Sen. John McCain and Sen. Barack Obama, there are all sorts of reasons why people choose the candidates they support. Some choose based on party lines. Others prefer to base their opinions on the candidate’s take on the “issues.”
to CSC Room 194 and exchange it for a new Mustangs T-shirt. All T-shirts with other university logos will adorn the woodpile that will later ignite the bonfire Thursday evening at 9:15 p.m. “The T-shirt exchange is an idea we came up with several years ago and it is an activity that is fun for everyone,” Park said. The All-School Picnic on Wednesday, Oct. 8 will officially kick off Homecoming week.
The event, for students, faculty and staff, begins at 11:30 a.m. in Sunwatcher Plaza. The cost is $3 per person unless you are on a meal plan. The picnic will also celebrate MSU mascot Maverick the Mustang’s second birthday party, with cake and all. MSU’s mascot became official last year after the name was changed from Indians to Mustangs three years ago.
See “POLITICS” on pg. 3
Homecoming float parade to bring a blast from the past Russ Lawrenz For The Wichitan
Everyone get out your mums and your garters, Homecoming is just around the corner. There may not be any mums or garters, but they were in fashion for some when MSU held its last Homecoming float parade 47 years ago. The floats revive a tradition that is nearly a half century old. According to the Waikun Yearbook, Homecoming
floats have not graced the campus since 1961. MSU will hold its annual Homecoming this year from Oct. 8 to Oct. 11. “The students are really excited about it (the floats),” said Matthew Park, director of student development and orientation. “It used to take place on the streets of the community. It will be exciting because we are doing it right here on campus.” Student organizations and fac-
ulty departments are constructing floats incorporating the 2008 Homecoming theme, “There’s no Place Like Home.” This was a custom popular throughout the 1940s and 1950s at MSU. “We got together and decided that having Homecoming floats is a tradition that should’ve never gone away. Besides, everyone loves floats,” said Shahala Hanks, coordinator of Greek Life. “I saw some pictures of the
float parades they used to have back then and figured it would be fun to do again.” The Rider High School band and the local Boys & Girls Club are helping out. “We are attempting to get different organizations within the community involved in this as well.” Hanks said. A T-shirt exchange will begin Monday, Oct. 6. This tradition began three years ago. Bring a T-shirt from any other university
See “HOMECOMING” on pg. 3
Sweepstakes Winner 2006 Texas Intercollegiate Press Association
Finalist 2004 Associated Collegiate Press Pacemaker Award
The Wichitan
Staff Editorial
Firearm frustration
Soon, students could be packing heat along
In the wake of recent school shootings, state
with their notepads and textbooks.
legislatures across the country have been re-thinking whether or not college campuses should be gun-free zones after all.
Texas Gov. Rick Perry has said that students
and others with concealed weapons permits should be
able to carry guns on campus for their own protection.
This proposal misses the bulls-eye as far as
It is one thing to protect second amendment
intelligence is concerned.
rights, but quite another to knowingly put weapons in the hands of students.
First of all, it seems counterproductive to
bring weapons into a situation in order to avoid violence.
College students are also not known to be
the most responsible human beings on the planet.
We’re constantly being arrested/punished/admonished for doing pretty ridiculous things. Adding firearms in with the binge drinking seems like a recipe for disaster.
What happens when a girl carrying a loaded
pistol in her purse forgets to check that the gun is on safety, and it accidentally discharges in the middle
of class? Or when the fistfight in the student center
turns into something a whole lot uglier when someone whips out a revolver?
Some proponents of concealed carry on
campus, such as Texas State representative Joe Driver (R-Garland), believe that the simple knowledge
that others at the college or university are carrying weapons would dissuade any potential shooters.
But, let’s assume it doesn’t.
Let’s assume instead that a disgruntled student
comes into a lecture hall and opens fire. Let’s assume that there are two other people in that classroom
who are carrying guns, both of whom draw their
weapons and shoot in defense of themselves and their
Karrie Walker Opinion Editor I’m sure you’ve heard by now about the Wall Street companies going out of business and the government’s plan to bail them out. As if our economy hasn’t already been in a steady decline over the past few years, let’s put icing on the cakeand have a fullblown economic recession. For those of you unaware of what I’m talking about, I’ll sum it up. Basically, many banks and other Wall Street firms went bankrupt from giving too much credit. People, in turn, got in over their heads. Apparently, these bank loans were so huge and such vital pieces of the economy that massive defaults sparked a financial meltdown. The “creative” investment methods linked to many home mortgages such as AIG (American International Group) led to the falling housing prices and the credit crisis. So who else but the government can step in to
In the panic of a crisis like that, what are
the odds that both of these vigilante shooters would
have true aim? It seems far more likely that someone would get caught in the crossfire.
Let’s all bail on bailout plan
When the police arrive and see not one but
clean up this mess? Well, pretty much no one, so we’ll just have to settle for the government. President Bush’s plan is to use taxpayer’s money--$700 billion to be exact—to bail out these companies and to avoid a economic catastrophe. The idea is to not only bail them out of their bankruptcy, but to restore confidence in the financial system, ensure that banks can still carry on their roles of offering credit, and to help shape a policy to make the nation less accustomed to easy credit and overspending. The $700 billion price tag is uncertain. It all depends on the prices that the government pays for the “troubled securities” it buys from banks and how much they get back from eventually selling them, which won’t be for years. I am appalled at this state of affairs—we are in a lose-lose situation. The plan is not only too generous for Wall Street companies, but too costly for taxpayers. It has been said that if this bail
Something to say?
along with the two “good Samaritans” all wind up staring down the business end of a SWAT team member’s barrel?
Any incidence of campus violence is a
tragedy, but adding more firepower would only make things worse.
The Wichitan 3410 Taft Blvd. Box 14 • Wichita Falls, Texas 76308 News Desk (940) 397-4704 • Advertising Desk (940) 397-4705 Fax (940) 397-4025 • E-mail Web site: Copyright © 2007. The Wichitan is a member of the Texas Intercollegiate Press Association. The Wichitan reserves the right to edit any material submitted for publication. Opinions expressed in The Wichitan do not necessarily reflect those of the students, staff, faculty, administration or Board of Regents of Midwestern State University. First copy of the paper is free of charge; additional copies are $1. The Wichitan welcomes letters of opinion from students, faculty and staff submitted by the Friday before intended publication. Letters should be brief and without abusive language or personal attacks. Letters must be typed and signed by the writer and include a telephone number and address for verification purposes. The editor retains the right to edit letters.
can expect this issue to dominate his agenda for his entire Presidential term and then some. Instead of bailing out the companies, the government should bail out the taxpayers! It’s the fault of greedy bankers and Wall Street that everyone is in this mess. Why should it be up to the taxpayers to pony up the money? I, personally, have nothing to do with AIG. Up until last week, I had never heard of AIG. I think the government should use that $700 billion and divide it up between hard-working taxpaying Americans. First off, we could use that money to pay off our debts. We could pay off our mortgages, pay off student loans, or simply put our money in the bank to save up for the future. By spending our own money, we would be stimulating our economy to the maximum. Imagine $1 million for every man, woman, and child in America, and that’s being conservative. After all, the progress of the economy depends on us consumers anyway, right?
The Wichitan is seeking guest columnists. If you have something you’d like to write about, e-mail an opinion piece to wichitan@ We welcome opinions from students, faculty and staff.
Use your voice!
three students brandishing weapons, would they really stop and ask questions first? Or would the shooter
out plan fails, the U.S. will experience a recession so severe that it will be akin to another Great Depression. Well, get ready to be a part of a Greater Depression. The House of Representatives voted Monday against the bail-out plan. The defeat stunned Capitol Hill and Wall Street bankers. Panicked investors caused the Dow Jones to plunge 780 points—the largest point drop in history. Rising unemployment and extended recession may not happen immediately, but it will eventually. It’s kind of like the doctor telling you to quit smoking. You know it’s bad for you, but at the same time you know nothing will happen to you tomorrow or even in the next few weeks, but when it affects you, it’s too late. With so many people, both Democrats and Republicans, arguing for and against it, many lawmakers were worried about the reaction of the homefolks in their districts. Whoever is elected President
THINK GREEN: Please recycle The Wichitan after reading.
Bins are located in Clark Student Center and Bolin Hall Editorial Board
Editor-in-Chief Brittany Norman
Managing Editor Chris Collins
Entertainment Editor Courtney Foreman
Reporters Richard Carter Josh Mujica Lauren Wood
Op-Ed Editor Karrie Walker
Photographers Loren Eggenschwiler
Photo Editor Patrick Johnston
Advertising Manager Ayesha Dorsey
Sports Editor Bobby Morris
Copy Editor Patrick Johnston Adviser Randy Pruitt
“POLITICS”...................................................................................................continued from pg. 1 And some are just looking for which of the two major candidates are least full of crap. “I believe when choosing the lesser of two evils, you should go for the least hypocritical,” junior Chelsea Humphrey said. “Just from what I’ve seen, he’s more likely to say what he thinks even if it’s not going to win him votes.” Freshman Adam Henson has a different take on voting McCain. “I don’t want to vote for him, because if he dies, I don’t want (Sarah) Palin in office,” he said. “I would rather have Biden as president than Palin. All the interviews I’ve seen of Palin were just atrocious. She’s terrible.” Henson said Palin’s recent interview with Katie Couric made her come off as a person who had no idea what she was getting herself into. “If she considers foreign relations the proximity of Alaska to Russia, something’s wrong,” he said. Humphrey isn’t a Palin fan, either, but she still favors the Republican ticket over the Democrats. “I don’t really like the thought of Palin being president,” she said. “I think she’s more conservative than
I would like. I don’t mind her being vice president; I think she would be a good influence in the office. I think together, they will try better than the Obama team to get things done.” Humphrey thinks that Obama is simply not right for the job because of his inexperience. “I find him more superficial as well,” she said. “I think he’s less likely to tell people the truth than what he thinks they want to hear. All politicians do that, but I think McCain would do it less. I think he’s more likely to be truthful.” Gohlke said that Germans seem to definitely favor Obama. “Germans just adore Obama,” she said. “They hate McCain, just like Bush. When Obama came to Berlin and had a speech over there, the Germans got crazy. They cheered for him.” While she will be unable to vote in the election, Gohlke said she, too, favors Obama. Henson will be heading to the polls in November, but not necessarily out of dedication to either candidate. He said he will vote for Obama, but he’s not particularly thrilled with the choices. “I don’t think of myself as an inAtrium. Photo key chains will also be available. This will be the last day for the T-shirt exchange as everyone gets ready for the torchlight parade and bonfire Thurday night. The torchlight parade will begin at the CSC at 9 p.m. and arrive at the homecoming bonfire in the Nocona Trail South parking lot 15 minutes later. Fish will fry and burgers will sizzle on Friday, Oct. 10 at Sikes Lake from 5 to7 p.m. Cost is $8 per person. The annual MSU cardboard boat race will be held at the lake at 6 p.m. Students will display their creativity and insanity in attempting to navigate a boat they have constructed. “The boat race has really grown
Oct. 1, 2008
Campus briefs •
Oct. 1
“Who Is Hispanic?”
forum; part of Hispanic Heritage Month; CSC Shawnee; Wed. 4 p.m. •
Oct. 2
Athletics luncheon;
Wichita Falls Museum of Art at MSU; video replays, coach updates; Thurs. 12 p.m. to 1 p.m.; cost $6 • Where’s the Tent?; Find the tent MCT Republican presidential candidate Sen. John McCain speaks during a campaign rally on the steps of the Chester County
credibly political person,” Henson said, “but I do have my political opinions. Pretty much the only reason that I am going to be involved in this upcoming election is that it’s the first one I’ll be old enough to
vote in. “I always say that it’s your duty as an American to vote, and I wouldn’t want to go back on that even if I don’t necessarily like either of the candidates.”
“HOMECOMING”.......................................................................................... continued from pg. 1 show their school spirit by decorating a banner and submitting it for judging. Registration is available in CSC Room 194. “We will provide the banner. All they have to do is come sign up,” Hanks said. Mentalist Chris Carter will enthrall everyone with his “Theater of Thoughts E.S.P.” show Wednesday night. Campus Activities Magazine Reader’s Choice awarded Carter with College Entertainer of the Year in 2005 and Best Male Performer in 2005 and 2006. On Thursday, everyone can get inked up with airbrush tattoos. From 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the CSC The tatooing will take place in the
The Wichitan
in recent years and it’s fun to come out and watch,” Park said. The University Programming Board will put on a “Black Light Party” in the Don Flatt Gym, 101, from 10 p.m. to 2 a.m. “This is an alternative event we hold on the Friday night of Homecoming,” Park said. “The theme changes each year. There will be white T-shirts, highlighters and black lights, along with music and dancing.” The float parade will begin at 11:45 a.m. on Saturday, Oct. 11 behind the Dillard College of Business. It will end at the judging table in the quadrangle. That evening at 5:30 the tailgate party and student tailgate competi-
tion will be held at Memorial Stadium. Following the tailgating will be a performance by Micky & the Motorcars, an Americana/country band from Austin. All of this leads up to the kickoff at 7 p.m. where the Mustangs will host Tarleton State for Homecoming 2008. Monetary prizes will be awarded in all of the competitions for the top three winners in each category. For more information, pick up a detailed homecoming schedule as well as flyers and registration information about all the week’s events in the Student Development and Orientation Office, CSC Room 194. Reach them by phone at 397-4500.
and CMC staff on campus; Thurs. 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. •
Oct. 3
CaribFest 2008; Food,
music, dance, parade; Sunwatcher Plaza; Fri. 5 p.m.; no cost • Glow Fete Afterparty; part of CaribFest; Fri. 10 p.m.; cost $5 •
Oct. 4
Fantasy of Lights
Workdays; volunteers needed to refurbish and paint lights; Sat. and Sun. 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.; lunch served • Calypso competition; Akin Auditorium; Sat. 5 p.m.; no charge •
Oct. 7
Hispanic Heriage Month:
Salsa dancing; CSC Wichita I and II; Tues. 7 p.m.; no cost
The Wichitan Oct. 1, 2008
ECONOMICS...............................................................................................................................................................................continued from pg. 1 greater limitations and higher interest rates. “If you own a savings account, you share the national debt,” Owen said. “It will have more impact on careers students are trying to pursue than the ones they have now.” States have mandated balanced budgets, unlike the federal government, Martinez said. If federal taxes are raised, states reduce public spending. When MSU receives less money from the state government, tuition rates will rise. “If tax revenue and spending slow down, then where does the money come from for college?” Martinez said. “It will have to be from tuition hikes.” The bailout bill was supposed to free up credit, according to Martinez. Credit loans allow most people to acquire businesses, houses and vehicles. No credit leads to little spending, which could be a catalyst of recession, Martinez said. “This market is based on credit,” Martinez said. “If the administration is correct, the credit market is drying up. Something has to be done or the economy’s going to go down even faster.” The United States Federal Reserve Board is charged with the duty of keeping money and credit flowing in the U.S. The leadership of chairperson Alan Greenspan, who held the post from 1987 to 2006, allowed much of the leveraging and borrowing in Wall Street, Martinez said. Now the Federal Reserve can do little to halt an increasing national debt. “The monetary authorities don’t have much room to maneuver right now,” Martinez said. “Their hands are tied. The Federal Reserve’s ability to regulate the economy has been drastically weakened.” The general public may oppose a bailout bill, according to Martinez. “To the public this is bailing out those who caused the problem,” Martinez said. “To a de-
gree that’s correct, but it’s not what’s motivating the policymakers.” While Martinez concedes that Wall Street and the people who oversee it are responsible for the economic crisis, he believes the bailout bill would have been beneficial to everyone. “No one’s trying to reward the people who create all the problems, like Wall Street,” Martinez said. “This package is to help the economy. It would be nice if we could make the people who caused this problem pay for it, but unfortunately we can’t do that.” Owen chalks our nation’s economic woes to sub-prime mortgage lending. This occurs when loans are awarded to people who might not be sufficiently prepared to handle the payments. “Part of it is the responsibility of activist entities that push mass housing for sub-prime borrowers,” Owen said. Sub-prime mortgage lending currently accounts for about five percent of housing, Owen said. Some of our economic problems could be chalked up to an inherent flaw in capitalism, Martinez said. Our economic system lends itself to huge gains and huge losses. “You could say this is the nature of capitalism,” Martinez said. “Maybe it was the free market that caused this. Our system gives us tremendous growth, but it gives us a lot of problems, too.” Large investment firms may be a necessary evil, Martinez said. American capitalism couldn’t thrive without Wall Street. “I don’t blame people who are greedy because that’s the nature of our system,” Martinez said. “These businesses out there are trying to make a profit, but by doing that they do what’s best for society as a whole.” The failure of the bailout bill leaves many question unanswered, but Congress is currently hammering out comparable legislation.
Some action needs to be taken, Martinez said. “The last time we experimented with a do-nothing attitude was the Great Depression,” Martinez said. “We basically had a hands-off approach.” The stock market crash of 1929, which is inevitably compared to the current crisis, resulted in many American legislative changes, Martinez said. These included Roosevelt’s New Deal and various public welfare programs. “If you have a severe recession, it will bring about dramatic change,” Martinez said. Action should have been taken by the White House much sooner to adequately address the crisis, Owen said. The bailout bill was too little, too late. “They’ve been proactive for about a week,” he said. Owen relates the situation to a 500-pound person who needs to lose 400 pounds in one day. “It’s just unrealistic,” he said. “There are very few appropriate, short-term solutions to this.” The U.S. market isn’t the only one in trouble. Plummeting stock prices have affected markets globally, Owen said. “What we do here will have an impact around the world,” Owen said. “The impact that other economies have is similar, except there are few economies that rival ours in size. We generate half or more of the world’s economy.” “There’s a problem with tremendous debt,” Martinez said. The Chinese, Japanese and other world markets are helping to finance our debt, he said. Pulling foreign funds out of the U.S. could cause a global ripple of economic backlash. “If they put money in here, they can pull it out,” Martinez said. Most of the financing for a bailout plan would come from overseas, not taxpayers, he said. “The global economy is sufficiently integrated that we can’t effectively operate in isolation,” Owen said.
MCT House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif. and Rep. Jim Clyburn (D-SC) leave a news conference on Capitol Hill in Washington, Monday, Sept. 29, 2008, after the failed House vote on the financial bailout package.
BOOKS.......................................................................................................................................................................................continued from pg. 1 literature,” Hoggard said. “I find it important in the sense that it basically ushered in conversational speech as often the most effective literary speech. “Another reason Huckleberry Finn is so important is that it is so distinctly American. Basically, it shows the American literary culture getting ready to develop its own important voice, which it did, rather than being nostalgic about the British and European voices.” Hoggard said that censors tend to not be very bright, but they can be amusing. “I find the reasons for ban-
ning it so wonderfully funny,” he said. “It was banned in New York City a long time ago because it encouraged irresponsibility in boys.” The reasons that motivate people to ban books are as numerous as the books that are challenged. I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou has been challenged for sexually explicit content, according to the ALA, because of Angelou’s description of the rape she suffered as a child. Other reasons for challenges included portrayal of the occult/
E-mail isn’t always secure Elise Ackerman MCT
The hacker who infiltrated Sarah Palin’s e-mail account last month may have intended to embarrass the Republican vice presidential candidate, but the prank also exposed one of the Internet industry’s most uncomfortable secrets: It is remarkably easy for someone to break into your online e-mail account. In a post on an online community bulletin board, the hacker, who called himself “Rubico,” described how he broke into Palin’s account at Yahoo by using an automated password recovery tool that asked for Palin’s birthday, her zip code and where she met her spouse. “It took seriously 45 mins on Wikipedia and Google to find the info,” Rubico wrote. Internet companies like Yahoo, Google and Microsoft, which own the biggest online mail services, don’t disclose how
often accounts are compromised but they acknowledge that it does happen. “We know the bad guys are out there,” said John Kremer, vice president of Yahoo Mail. “Everyone is trying to figure out how to straddle the line between making an account recoverable and at the same time making it secure.” Kremer said the first line of defense is good consumer practices. He said users of Yahoo Mail should be careful when they set up their accounts. But Markus Jakobsson, a principal scientist at the Palo Alto Research Center and security expert, said it is not fair for Internet companies to put the onus on the customer. “It shouldn’t be the guy or gal on the street who has to worry about his or her security,” he said. Jakobsson said ordinary people are running the same risks accessing their mail at companies
like Yahoo and Google and managing their 401(k)s at companies like Fidelity Investments because the systems for safeguarding accounts rely on information that can be found either online or through public records. In a statement, Google said it takes security seriously and asks for information, such as someone’s frequent flier number, that isn’t easy to find online. Google also notifies users if their account is open in another location. Barrett, of PayPal, said the payment service, which is owned by eBay, employs different levels of security depending on whether someone has money in their PayPal account or has linked a bank account to their PayPal account. But Jon Fisher, who sold an authentication services company to Oracle last year, said there is no bulletproof solution. “The one-to-one attack, human being to human being, is very hard to defend against,” he said.
Satanism, abortion, violence, promoting a religious viewpoint, offensive language, sexually explicit, and portrayal of nudity. Protecting people from literature is nothing new, however. “Back in the 19th century in the United States it was common to glue together certain pages of the Bible because they were unfit to be read by children and women,” Hoggard said. “It was basically that grown men could handle this kind of thing, but the women were too delicate and the children are too impressionable to read the stories about sex, so they didn’t want them to read
David and Bathsheba.” And now, parents are trying to keep their children sheltered from the topics addressed in Harry Potter, Captain Under-
pants and Fahrenheit 451. And today, students and faculty will fight back against censorship by exercising their right to read freely by doing so aloud.
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“By observing banned books week on the MSU campus this year,” Preda said, “We can remind people in the MSU community that the first amendment should not be ignored.” For some, however, the celebration is less about the constitutional right to read and write freely, but the effect controversial books have had on literature as a whole. English professor James Hoggard’s favorite banned book is Huckleberry Finn. “It’s such a wonderful book and such an important book in the development of American
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The Wichitan
Ballroom’s Back Oct. 1, 2008
Dancing with the Stars returns for another season on ABC
Lauren Wood For The Wichitan
even seasons running and still a hit, “Dancing with the Stars” premiered September 22 with its largest cast assembled to date.With 13 celebrity contestants, this season has the oldest and youngest competitors ever and includes two Olympic Gold medalists, a Grammywinning singer, a television legend, an Oscar winner and a Super Bowl champion. Apart of the successful pop group *NSYNC, singer Lance Bass partners with Lacey Schwimmer, making her series debut. Lance has executive-produced and starred in many film and television projects as well as trained to be a cosmonaut at Russia’s Star City. Capturing her second gold medal at the 2008 Beijing Summer Olympics, Misty May-Treanor will have to work her magic with her new partner, Maksim Chmerkovskiv, who is returning for his fifth season. Rocco DiSpirito, the James Beard Award-winning celebrity chef and author, will step out of the kitchen and try his hand at dancing with Karina Smirnoff, who is a fifth season participant. In 2003 DiSpirito launched the reality series “The Restaurant” and will star in a new A&E series in October, “Rocco Gets Real.” Warren Sapp, retired defensive tackle and Superbowl champion, played for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers and the Oakland Raiders during his 13-year career. He has played in seven consecutive Pro Bowls and will have to be light on his feet with partner Kym Johnson, also returning for her fifth season. Comedian Jeffrey Ross, a.k.a. the “Roastmaster General,” and has also been named “The Meanest Man in Comedy,” teams up with Edyta Sliwinska, the only dancer to compete in all seven seasons. Billboard chart-topping singer Toni Braxton partners with season one champion Alec Mazo, who is returning for his fourth season. Braxton is a winner of six Grammy Awards and
has the second-biggest single by a female artist in history, “Un-Break My Heart.” Trying to add another trophy to her collection, actress Cloris Leachman dances with World Latin Champion Corky Ballas, who is making his series debut. Leachman has been recognized with nine Emmy’s, a Golden Globe and an Academy Award. She is
currently in the process of writing her memoir and touring the U.S. with her one-woman show, “CLORIS!” Kim Kardashian, actress, model and reality television star from the hit E! reality series, “Keeping up with the Kardashians,” pairs with the defending champ Mark Ballas, son of Corky Ballas. Cody Linley, best known for his
role as Jake Ryan in “Hannah Montana,” is the youngest contestant ever to compete on “Dancing with the Stars.” Linley also has appeared in multiple films including “My Dog Skip,” “HOOT,” and “Cheaper By the Dozen.” He teams up with two-time champ Julianne Hough, who is returning for her fourth season. Actress, host and entrepreneur,
Brooke Burke, who is also ranked in men’s magazines as one of the sexiest women in the world, shakes her stuff with Derek Hough, who is returning for his third season. She has hosted the travel series “Wild On!,” is a mother of four and has launched her own baby store, The “World’s Fastest Man,” Maurice Greene, paired with two-time champion Cheryl Burke, who is returning for her sixth season. Greene has won two gold medals in the 100m sprint and the 4x100m relay at the 2000 Sydney Summer Olympics and has also won siver and bronze medals at the 2004 Athens Summer Olympics. Susan Lucci, one of the most famous faces in daytime television, teams up with Tony Dovolani who returns for his sixth season. Lucci has won the Emmy Award for Best Actress on ABC’s “All My Children,” and will continue to work on that show while competing on “Dancing with the Stars.” Lastly, television legend Ted McGinley pairs with newcomer Inna Brayer, U.S. Amateur 10 Dance Champion. McGinley has starred in “Married…with Children,” “Hope & Faith,” “Happy Days” and has also had roles in films “Pearl Harbor,” “Dick” and “Wayne’s World 2.” Last weeks’ first episode consisted of half the competitors dancing the Cha-Cha and the other half dancing the Foxtrot. At the end of the night, Brooke Burke and Derek received the highest score, while Jeffrey Ross and Edyta received the lowest. The next night six couples danced the Quickstep and the other six danced the Mambo. In the end, Jeffrey Ross and Edyta were eliminated. The following night Ross and his partner came back to perform the Quickstep, The Jonas Brothers and Jesse McCartney performed, and at the end of the show Ted McGinley and Inna were eliminated. The remaining pairs tried their luck at either the paso doble or the rumba Monday. The results came in Tuesday. Kim and Mark were eliminated.
Housewives still hot to trot down Wisteria Lane The Wisteria Lane neighborhood has spent the past four years battling cancer, tornadoes, blindness, infidelity and attempted murder. Now the residents face the most daunting challenge of their suburban lives: aging. “Desperate Housewives” opens its new season tonight by fast-forwarding the action five years, as bold and risky a move as adding Keith Olbermann as an “American Idol” judge or turning “Law & Order” into a campy musical. After a preview of the first two episodes, it appears the gamble has paid off. Creator Marc Cherry has used the leap into the future to turn back the clock and recapture the tone of the prime-time soap opera’s Emmy-nominated inaugural season, where sniping and sarcasm were more powerful and destructive than any windstorm. “It was a chance for us to reset,” said Cherry, whose show has largely been overlooked at awards ceremonies since that heralded rookie year. “Soaps tend to build up, and I wanted to get back to where we were that first season when it was just the small and relatable problems of
some ordinary women.” Cherry said he was partly inspired by the time-travel twist employed by another ABC series, “Lost.” “I was initially going to do an eight-year jump, but then when someone explained to me how the actresses would react to the idea that they were eight
shopping for window-washing. “Teri and I were saying that we’ve kind of switched roles because she’s glamorous now and I’m frumpy,” said Parker, whose use of stomach and buttock pads on set have triggered rumors that she’s either pregnant or addicted to creme-filled doughnuts. “I love it, because I come into hair
We’re going to get out while people still like us
years older, I thought, ‘Maybe five. Maybe I can get away with five.’” The results are fresh and funny: Lynette’s (Felicity Huffman) rambunctious kids are now borderline delinquents. Bree (Marcia Cross) has become a wildly successful, wildly insecure TV personality. Edie (Nicollette Sheridan) has married a motivational speaker. Susan (Teri Hatcher) has been transformed into a love-’em-and-leave-’em free spirit. Gabby (Eva Longoria Parker) now has two children, forcing her to trade in window-
Neal Justin MCT
and makeup now and it’s like 10 minutes instead of two hours.” In serving up new story lines, Cherry also has given his cast new challenges _ something rarely provided to actors on network TV, which is always wary of messing with a successful formula. “It’s given all of us an opportunity to be something we haven’t been,” said Hatcher, whose character was dangerously close to running out of ways to whine. “For Susan, it’s been years of ‘Please love me, please love me, please love me,’
and now, for reasons that will be revealed this season, she’s more closed off to love and not so needy of it. It’s empowering and exciting to play different levels and different parts of your personality and have legitimate reasons why each character is in a new place.” What hasn’t changed are the witty zingers, which were always the series’ strength, but too often buried under heavyhanded story lines and dramatic twists that had more in common with “The Twilight Zone” than a frothy comedy. The season kicks off with one perfect punch line after another, whether it’s an icy saleswoman suggesting that Gabby’s overweight daughter might want to shop in the costume department where they sell a Mrs. Shrek outfit, or the response to Edie’s news that she now has a husband. “Really?” Susan quips. “Whose?” There’s also a series of delightful vignettes, including Lynette’s accidental “e-mail affair” with one of her sons (don’t worry, it’s more touching than icky); Bree being forced to produce a tricky dessert that she boasted of creating, and Gabby’s attempt to sneak into a high-end party out
of fear that her social life is disintegrating into a future of “flipflops and keggers.” “What I love about my gals is that, for all the glamour, they’re all actresses first,” Cherry said. “I have friends who work on other TV shows who constantly marvel at what my gals allow me to do and how ridiculously silly I make them and how wickedly driven I can make the characters. They really go with me.” The ride can’t go on forever.
Cherry openly admits that he plans to end the series at the conclusion of the seventh season and don’t expect him to hand the reins to anyone else. “I love working with these gals, but the idea of letting anyone else take the show from me makes me sick to my stomach,” he said. “I would rather just end it as my thing. We’re going to get out while people still like us.”
The Wichitan Oct. 1, 2008
Shia LaBeouf makes his way to the A-list Courtney Foreman Entertainment Editor
When two strangers meet by a mysterious phone call, the struggle between staying alive and discovering the truth begins to unravel. Jerry Shaw (Shia LaBeouf) and Rachel Holloman (Michelle Monoghan) were taken from their ordinary life and thrown into a series of events all being controlled by a massive computer technology system. The voice on the other end of the phone call chooses to send these two strangers on a wild goose chase as she threatens their lives and family. The movie starts off with LaBeouf’s character being framed for something he didn’t do as he meets up with a woman who has been talking to the “voice” as well. The movie is faced paced and has a ton of twists that will keep you captivated the entire way through. However, the idea of a computer system that can see, hear, and has the ability to control every move you make is a
little far-fetched at times. Billy Bob Thornton and Rosario Dawson also play in the movie as Secret Service agents trying to get to the bottom of the strange behavior that seems to be causing such a disturbance in the Nations security. The movie is different and puts a new spin on the classic “government is taking over the Nation” type of movie we’ve seen before. Also, in my opinion the acting by Shia LaBeouf lately is only getting better with each film he completes. On top of that, there was great chemistry between him and newcomer Michelle Monoghan (Maid of Honor) that always proves for a fun time at the movies. Although the plot premises seems a little unconvincing at times, in the end Eagle Eye is definitely a movie worth spending some cash on at the theater. Before up and comer Shia LeBeouf hit the big screen and became the movie star he is today, the young actor started small. The actor was born right in the heart of Los Angeles on
June 11, 1986. Although he was born in California, the 22 year-old never had a deep root of desire when it came to being an actor. Instead, he one day watched his friend who acted on the show, “Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman” and decided he wanted to become an actor. LeBeouf got his start on the popular Disney Channel show “Evan Stevens”. The show starred him as the little brother of a goofy family that even scored the actor a Daytime Emmy award for his performance as Louis Stevens. Lately, Shia has been linked to some of the most popular blockbuster hits and won major movie roles with prominent actors that anyone would kill for. But what film roles have truly catapulted this actor onto the A list? Below is a list of the most recent movies Shia LeBeouf has starred in that has truly impacted his career as an actor: Holes: Shia played an innocent kid named Stanley, who was falsely accused of a crime and sent away to a detention camp in the middle of nowhere.
Throughout the film, Stanley has to solve the mystery behind the camp and learn how to deal with anything that comes his way. Disturbia: When Kale is forced into house arrest after getting in trouble at school, he finds himself spying on his “suburbian” neighbors to keep himself occupied. Little edoes he know, Kale winds up stumbling upon more than he bargained for when he suspects his neighbor to be a serial killer. Transformers: A young teenager winds up in the middle of a power struggle between the heroic Autobots and the evil Decepticons as this flick re lives the once popular kids show Transformers. Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull: Dr. Henry (Harrison Ford) is called back to the action when he tries to reveal the ultimate secret behind the Crystal Skull. Mutt Williams (LaBeouf) is along for the ride as he tries to help the Dr. and discover the mysteries behind these ancient artifacts.
Notebook and A Walk To Remember author. The film is directed by George C. Wolfe and stars Diane Lane as Adrienne, a mother of two who is separated from her unfaithful husband (Christopher Meloni) and needs to get away. She sends the kids on a vacation with their father and heads to Rodanthe, N.C. to look after her best friend Jean’s (Viola Davis) inn on the beach. Dr. Paul Flanner (Richard Gere), the only inn patron that sticks around to wait out the
weather, came to Rodanthe to make amends with the family of a patient that he lost during a routine operation. He and Adrienne meet and begin a completely platonic relationship, each mind their own business and each deal with their own emotional demons. It’s not until midway through the film that the heated love affair evolves. It all starts when a hurricane unleashes its rage on the North Carolina shore, leaving Adrienne and Dr. Flanner alone in the dark, lonely inn to keep each other company. They fall in love, spend the remaining few days together, and then go their separate ways. Dr. Flanner goes to Ecuador to reconcile with his son (James Franco), who works with Doctors Without Borders, and Adrienne goes home to be with her children. The two keep up their relationship through letters and gift packages, both awaiting the day
that they can plan a life together and settle down forever. Their communication continues for months, and just when everything seems perfect, a twist of events changes both their lives forever. This movie is the ultimate chick flick. It’s filled with sap and every woman in the audience was balling when it was over. It doesn’t top The Notebook, but it’s definitely more realistic than A Walk to Remember. It’s a film targeted to an older audience, but if you’re looking for the ideal date movie or some emotional mush to top off your week, you’ll find it here.
Shia LaBeouf and Michelle Monoghan star in “Eagle Eye.”
Nights In Rodanthe proves to be ideal date-movie Chance Gibbs For The Wichitan
Passion, forgiveness and an impeding hurricane storm the beaches of Rodanthe, N.C. in this film about a stand-in inn keeper who falls for her only customer while a tropical storm brews. The book, Nights In Rodanthe by Nicholas Sparks, was a #1 New York Times bestseller that spent 56 consecutive weeks on the list. It’s the sixth book by The
79 $25,000
Percentage of students who received some form of nancial assistance during the 2007-08 academic year. Amount of donations collected from one Phonathon student caller, Amber H. Godby.
Richard Gere and Diane Lane star opposite each other in Nights in Rodanthe.
The Wichitan Oct. 1, 2008
Rest leads to offensive explosion in road victories stepped in to fill the void in Denver this weekend. Kmiec knocked in two goals in both of this weekend’s games to lead the Mustangs’ offense. On Sunday afternoon the No. 2 Mustangs competed against the No. 18 Metro State Roadrunners at the Auraria Soccer Field. MSU withstood an early goal from Metro State and eventually extended the final score to 4-1 in the second half. Kellen Johnson, two-time Rocky Mountain Athletic Conference Player of the Week, scored the opening goal in the 5th minute of the match to put the Mustangs back on their heels. “They came out really hard and
Bobby Morris Sports Editor
DENVER – After enjoying a two-week reprieve from the constant-game grind, the No. 2 Mustangs traveled to Colorado to take on the No. 18 Metropolitan State Roadrunners and the Regis (Colo.) Rangers. The Mustangs took advantage of their well-rested legs, scoring four goals in each match to extend their season record to 6-1 and extend their winning streak to four matches. Redshirt freshman Craig Sutherland sparked the Mustangs early-season offense with five goals in his first four collegiate games but junior Kyle Kmiec
caught us really sleepy,” MSU head coach Doug Elder said. “(Johnson) ran right over the top and scored a really nice goal.” But the Mustangs held tough, scoring two goals in the first half, before adding two more goals for insurance in the second half. Senior Ahmad Ihmeidan found Estevao Alexandre in the 16th minute for his team-best sixth assist, to even up the game, 1-1. Then, Kmiec blasted in his first goal of the match in the 21st minute to take the lead for good. Kmiec scored his second goal off of an assist from Alexandre in the 61st minute, before Rod Humphrey buried an unassisted goal in the 79th minute to close
out the scoring. Despite the lop-sided score, the Roadrunners (6-2-1) outshot MSU 20-16 but couldn’t take advantage of the scoring opportunities in either half. “They were putting up a fight and playing very hard,” Elder said. “We had the better chances and the score really wasn’t indicative of the game.” This victory came two days after the No. 2 Mustangs blew past the Regis (Colo.) Rangers, 4-2 at the Regis Match Pitch. Ihmeidan and Nick Auditore each scored a goal in the first half to give the Mustangs a commanding 2-0 lead entering intermission.
The Rangers (1-5-1) knocked in a goal to open the second half before Kmiec struck again with a pair of second-half goals to lead the Mustangs to the 4-2 victory after a meaningless goal was netted late in the second half game for Regis. “We’re happy to get two road victories,” Elder said. “To score eight goals on these teams was really impressive. We’re ready to come home and play two great teams at home.” The No. 2 Mustangs improved to 6-1 on the season and will return to the MSU Soccer Field Friday night for a match against No. 21 St. Edward’s. Kickoff is slated for 7 p.m.
Mustangs Conference Standings Lone Star Conference
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Football North W-L Central Okla. (1-4) 1-0 East Central (1-4) 1-0 SE Oklahoma (1-4) 0-0 SW Oklahoma (1-4) 0-0 Texas A&M-Comm (2-3) 0-1 Northeastern State (0-5) 0-1 South W-L #5 WTAMU (5-0) 1-0 #4 ACU (3-0) 1-0 #17 MSU (4-0) 1-0 #13 Tarleton State (5-0) 0-0 TAMU-Kingsville (3-2) 0-1 Angelo State (2-3) 0-1 Eastern NM (1-4) 0-1 Volleyball
W-L #20 MSU (18-0) 3-0 #3 WTAMU (15-2) 2-0 Tarleton State (11-6) 3-1 Texas Woman’s (10-6) 3-1 TAMU-Comm (9-6) 3-1 Central Okla. (8-10) 3-1 Abilene Christian (12-3) 2-2 Angelo State (11-7) 2-2 Cameron (8-7) 1-2 SW Oklahoma (6-10) 1-3 East Central (5-10) 1-3 TAMU-Kingsville (3-11) 1-3 Eastern NM (5-13) 0-2 SE Oklahoma (10-8) 0-4
Southwest Soccer Conference
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Men’s Soccer W-L-T #12 WTAMU (6-1) 2-0 Eastern NM (3-2-2) 1-0-1 NE State (2-7) 1-2 MO Southern (0-9-1) 0-2-1 #2 MSU (4-1) 0-0 Women’s Soccer W-L-T WTAMU (6-1-1) 1-0 Angelo St (6-3-1) 1-0 East Central (4-3-2) 0-0-1 NE State (1-4-2) 0-0-1 TAMU-Comm (6-1-1) 0-0 Central Okla. (5-2-2) 0-0 MSU (5-3) 0-0 TWU (4-3) 0-0 SW Oklahoma (2-7) 0-0 Eastern NM (6-4) 0-1 ACU (4-3-1) 0-1
On Deck this week... Friday October 3 Womens Soccer @ Angelo State 4 p.m.
Mens Soccer St. Edwards 7p.m. Volleyball @ Washburn University Tournament
Saturday October 4 Cross Country @ Oklahoma State Cowboy Jamboree Volleyball @ Washburn University Tournament Football @ West Texas A&M 6 p.m.
Sunday October 5 Womens Soccer @ Abilene Christian 2 p.m.
Mens Soccer Incarnate Word 1 p.m. Golf Texoma Cup @ Southeastern Oklahoma
Mon. & Tues. October 5 & 6 Golf Texoma Cup @ Southeastern Oklahoma Home Events are Bolded
The Wichitan Oct. 1, 2008
Mile High city nailbiters
Clutch goals and constant intensity lead Mustangs to pair of victories in Colorado road trip Bobby Morris Sports Editor
Clutch goals from Brittany Subia and Kari Bristow vaulted the Mustangs to their second- and third-consecutive victories as they continue to gain momentum heading into Lone Star Conference play this week. Sophomore Brandy O’Neal led the way for the Mustangs over the Colorado School of Mines Orediggers last Friday, scoring her first goal of the season and providing energy throughout the contest that was eventually won on an overtime penalty kick, 2-1. O’Neal opened the scoring with a blast to the far post in the 35th minute, but, most importantly, it was her play in the overtime period that set up the decisive penalty kick. After taking in Megan Hanlon’s through-ball, O’Neal was taken down in the box, which gave Bristow the gamewinning penalty kick opportu-
nity. Bristow knocked in the penalty kick, awarding the Mustangs with a win over the Orediggers (4-2-2) after a game of constant intensity. “We played really good soccer today,” MSU head coach Jeff Trimble said. “Mines played us really well. The girls played with good intensity and worked hard.” The Mustangs then moved on to take on the University of Colorado-Colorado Springs Mountain Lions Sunday afternoon at Mountain Lion Stadium. UCCS was matching MSU shot-for-shot and even took a one-goal lead into intermission before the Mustangs supplied the suffering second-half attack they needed to win the match, 1-1. “We stepped up the intensity and played really good soccer in the second half,” Trimble said. “It’s fun right now. It’s nice to dictate play and get re-
warded for it.” Brianna Guzzardo scored her first goal of the season for the Mountain Lions in the 35th minute to give UCCS the 1-0 for almost 20 minutes. But freshman Kelsey Hill knotted the game at 1-1 with her seventh goal of the season with a powerful 15-yard strike to the back of the net seven minutes into the second half. The game played out in a dead-heat until Subia was able to corral a pass to the right wing with less than a minute left in the match. Subia took the pass and cut towards the middle of the field where she was able to get off a shot from 16 yards that sailed pass UCCS goalkeeper Amie Kern to propel the Mustangs to the victory. “It was nice to continue to get after it especially in this altitude,” Trimble said. “The girls looked fit, they worked hard and played very well in the second half.”
Patrick Johnston | The Wichitan Brandy O’Neal (2) dribbling the ball in between two Southern Nazaren defenders two weeks ago. O’Neal provided the spark for the Mustangs against the Colorado School of Mines Orediggers as she scored one goal and sparked the play that led to the game-winning penalty kick. MSU won in overtime, 2-1.
The wins improve MSU to 5-3 on the season, as they’ve won five of their last six matches. MSU looks to ride this wave of momentum into Lone Star
Conference play on Friday when they take on the Angelo State Rambelles. They also travel to take on Abilene Christian in LSC competition on Sunday after-
noon. Their opening match is set for 4 p.m. Friday at the ASU Soccer Field, before battling at the ACU Soccer Field at 2 p.m. Sunday.
Volleyball squad preparing for toughest test of dominant season Josh Mujica For The Wichitan
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Patrick Johnston | The Wichitan Freshman Hillary White (near) and senior Alysha Pritt (far) line up to make a block in a match against Dallas Baptist two weeks ago. White has continued stepping up over the past few weeks as she recorded her first double-double of her career on Saturday against Incarnate Word. Pritt also played well garnering LSC Defensive Player of the Week honors after her play against Incarnate Word and Cameron.
of the Week and Schreiber was named LSC Setter of the Week. Pritt averaged 2.29 digs per set this week as MSU limited its opponents to a .082 attack percentage. It’s the second time Pritt has been recognized this season as she was also honored on the offensive side of the net on Sept. 16. Schreiber was bestowed with her fourth setter of the week title of the season as she averaged 10.86 assists and three digs each set last week. MSU will have stiff competition as they go to Topeka, Kansas to battle in the Washburn Lady Blues Fall Classic beginning Friday. Their first game will be against No. 11 Emporia State and is scheduled for 2 p.m. The Mustangs will also take on No. 9 Washburn on Friday, as well as Missouri Western State and No. 15 Truman State on Saturday.
Hendrix honored after breaking record at Stampede
Midwestern State’s Kayla Hendrix was named Lone Star Conference Runner of the Week last Thursday when the league announced its weekly
awards. The freshman from Lubbock set a school record last Sturday afternoon finishing 18th individual after finishing the Stampede 5K course in 18:09.7. Hendrix’s time is the best
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The MSU volleyball team traveled to San Antonio Saturday to take on archrival Incarnate Word. Although the Cardinals stayed close through each set, the Mustangs were able to prevail, 25-19, 25-21, 25-14. The No. 20 Mustangs now improve to 18-0 on the season, the longest win streak in program history. Freshman Hillary White posted the first double-double of her young career with a ten kill-ten dig performance while tallying a .409 hitting percentage. Senior Jessica Ransom chipped in eight kills and junior Sesley Graves contributed seven of her own. Senior libero Shay Velasquez led the back row by recording 17 digs. “They put up a nice block and have a scrappy back row,” MSU coach Venera Flores-Stafford said. “We’re glad to get out of here with a win.”
Junior middle blocker Alysha Pritt pitched in six kills for the Mustangs while setter Allison Schreiber racked up 36 assists to go along with eight digs, to lead MSU to a .254 team hitting percentage. With the win, the Mustangs moved up three spots to No. 20 in this week’s American Volleyball Coaches’ Association Top 25 Poll. MSU and No. 3 West Texas A&M are the only Lone Star Conference representatives in the poll as MSU prepares for stiff competition this weekend. On Thursday, the Mustangs galloped over to Lawton and toppled Cameron, 25-20, 25-23, 22-25, 25-18. Pritt had 13 digs, nine kills and seven blocks for the game. Velasquez had 16 digs as Schreiber produced a double-double with 13 digs and 40 assists. Freshman standout Kiara Jordan finished with nine digs and two assists. On Monday, Pritt was honored as LSC Defensive Player
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5K time in the LSC thus far this season and broke the old school standard of 19:23 which was shared by Anna Crockett at the 2005 Oklahoma Baptist Invitational and Andrea Borgman at the Missouri Southern Stampede in 2007. Last weekend’s great showing helped the Mustangs move in to the United State Track & Field and Cross Country Coaches’ Association national rankings for the first time in school history at No. 23. MSU also moved up spots in the USTFCCCA South Central Region rankings to No. 4, before dropping to No. 5 due to
Loren Eggenschwiler | The Wichitan Kayla Hendrix (left) passing off the pair’s bracelet to her partner Kourtney Aylor (right) during the MSU Relays. Hendrix ran a school-record 18:09.7 in their last competition.
an idle weekend. The Mustangs compete in the Oklahoma State
Cowboy Jamboree next weekend in Stillwater.
Disappointing finish for MSU
SAN ANTONIO – Midwestern State struggled to a finalround 308 (+20) Tuesday afternoon at the Par-72, 6,937-yard Dominion Country Club Course to finish tied for 10th in the Bruce Williams Memorial Invitational. “It was a tough day,” MSU coach Jeff Ray said. “We were in great position to have a good finish and we did not have a good day at all. It’s a little disappointing for all of us.” The Mustangs went into the
tournament’s final round 12 strokes behind the tournament leading Longhorns of the University of Texas, but fell five spots to finish in a 10th-place tie with Cameron with a 38-over par team tournament total of 920. Travis Klutts was MSU’s top individual as the sophomore from Lake Kiowa carded a 2-over 74 in the final round and finished in 11th place with a three-round total of 219 (+3). Junior Mitch Molen also scored a 3-over 74 in the final round to finish 33rd with a 227
(+12), while freshman Chad Bryant was 40th with a 230 (+15), senior Andrew Ludlow was 47th with a 232 (+17) and junior Jay Weaver was 59th with a 238 (+23). Sophomore Logan Waldrip, who competed in individual medalists play, finished 44th with a 31 (+16). The Mustags compete in the Texoma Cup hosted by Southwestern Oklahoma State next week at the Chickasaw Pointe Golf Club in Kingston, Okla.