Thursday, Oct. 13, 1994
MSU theateti;_p:;::
?.~.:95 ~ ~ ~ ! OD tonight f.ditor
MSU's Theater kicks off
its 1994-95 season with "Tht of Blut l eaves" wnight al 8 p.m. in 1he Fain fine Arts Theater. Described as •• 1...i.ny force with dark ~ in it" by director Ron F1schh, the pl3y will have three other performances· Friday and Saturday at
(S.tcph;inie Ad 3 ms) who
Docs B::i.n:i.nas live up to
thinks :ind acts like she's a her name? dog . . . or course.
And Artie's mistress •Bananas has deah with Bun~y (Kelly Samohyl) her lifo by going into her own who s always pushing Artie to call his Hollywood world. She's a linlc off the wall. She li1crally .icts like a producer friend Billy Einhorn dog. That's her escape," (Sh:J.wn R. Duthie), . . Ad:lnls S3id. <;:ircy his characicr
Arue. now 42, is 3 s::i.d and 3 frustrated anist. "Anic is Stu· Playwright John Gu.ire ~~~ ~hich sct5 him up for crea1ed some outlandish charThe . lCW'S for his plot which octime line or the play is · N SOf!lCWhat blurred with the e11n in cw York City in acuon Carey said.
~;;~;~m~ Sunday matinee
Which brings us 10 Dilly who B;man:1s her n:imc. Billy Einhorn looks o u1 for himselr and is primarily concerncd with achieving his goals, said Sh:1wn Duthie about his role.
:~· ihc day of ihc Pope's Adams said her charac1cr •silly acts as a catolyst for There's Artie Shaughnessy Bananas is the victim or 1his most or the .action in the (Tommy Day Carey), a frus- play in which · everyone play," he s.:i,id. uated musician who works as betrays everybody... But an animal keeper in a ,.oo. . . :~::~~~mains lrue. .she Gu~~c khC:f s~~~k;~tt~ ~~!~
Atrium get face-lift IJ Howit Prince Rrpor1tr the Clark Stude nt Center Atrium is tcmpor:,rily closed. undergoing $80,000 of "incerim" renovations. said Jane Leishncr. assis1ant dean of students. This work was iniliattd at lhc request of the Stud e nt Government Association and with the approval of the MSU Board of Regents, she said. These renovations arc not p2r1 or the $4.8 million proposed CSC rest ructuring which is expected to begin by November 1995, Lcishncr said. The .itrium phase of the rcnov:nion should not come as a surprise to anyone because it was pa rt of the proposal lhat .students approved !:,st year. T he atrium was delibcra1t.:ly left out of the .S4.8 million n.:s1ructuring project to cul costs. she .said. "The atrium was a very sore eye. People begged us 10 do some1hing about i1." she said.
Benson. 3n Oklahoma
firm, was contracted
upholster the furniture r.1ther than buy new se1s. The reupholstering of the furniture will cost $26.385 as compared to $75,000 for new sets. This phase of renovation will also include tiling of the walkways 3nd painting of the entire atrium. Benson was also responsible for the upholstering of the furniture an the Blue Lounge spring a.1 a cost of S8CXX>. The renovation of the atrium is being paid for from the students fee reserve fund . (Student foes were hiked up by $20 to SJS to facilitate 1hc 1hcn proposed S4.8 million restructuring of the CSC). Lcishner said the atrium is always available for Mudcnts' leisure 3nd social activities. but that she hopes they wil I take better care of it. M Thcsc rcnova1ions .ire ex peeled to lasl a1 le:is1 12 years ;:rnd could only do so 1f s1u dents use the facili ties with care.~ she !,.;!id.
~ . ;
' ~f
with nuns. the Pope, .i bomb, and 11. boy n.imcd Ronnie who wants to play Huckleberry Finn in his father's movie. "It's a comedy for the age we live in. . . . h's about characters who arc very funny on the surface but when you look more deeply you sec thc_y arc people desperately ~mg to avoid humiliation: F1schli. director of the division or fine ans and associate professor of Lhcatre. "Housr of Btu~ Uavu" was first produced in 1971 but revived at the Lincoln Center in 1986. Qucre lives in Queens. New York, the same where he grew up. For tickets or more 1nfor• 0 mation, call 689-4393. p.m. ID Fain Flnt Artl Ctnttr Thatu.
Br'!"do1t Olds/flt, Wk ltiia1t
!;:n~ ~,7~~,.~-:!!!: ~~7'!L~~:;:.~u: 1:~:! 0 1 ~
1 ~ 8
Part Il; Non traditional students
Day care facilities major concerl] By Chuck Coge Starr Reporter Day c:are and the needs of non-traditional students are a current concern of MSU administrators, Howard Farrell. vice president of student and administrative services, said.
Investigations into Day Ca re Facilities
Farrell s:iid this environmcnl is not only expensive, but necessarily 1:irgc. "There's just no place on campus to put a day cm: center," he said. Later MSU i:onsidcred a · 1CJming lab" lype day c.irc operated throui h MSU's education and sociology departments. Farrell said. MSU even opened the univcrsit)''S day care needs to public bid without response, he said. -Day care is something we look at every year. We're Illways looking for :i way 10 do it.MFarrell s.:i,id.
Over the years MSU made numerous auempts to ob1ain day care for lhe children or students. Farrell said. MSU f1rs1 considered building its own day care center, but foiled due to lack of funding and space. he said. Cn mpus Events for •A lot or people 1hink. you can jusl pu1 children in a Non•traditionals room. throw in some toys and have 3 day care: Farrell said. Farrell s.iid MSU has sucBut children's' needs e~- ccedod in :,djusting campus tcnd beyond coys 10 a well• evcn1"' to beucr suit nonorganized learning environ- traditional StudcnlS, however. ment, he said. "We know that a sii;nifi-
cant portion of our students arc non-tradition3l," Phillip Birdine, dean of studentS, said. Birdine said progrnms such as MSU's cr11st-lecture series search for speakers who will reach the dh·erse student audiem."C. "The global experience of
C\'cnts helps non-1radition3J students. Furthermore. Jnne Lcis h• ner. assistnnl dean of students. said the upcoming renovation of 1hc Clark Siudent Center will increase access to non-1r.id1tion3I stu dents.
~~un~rsd~:e~-,1:7.....1~i~~r~~~ portion of non-traditionnl studenlS than strictly perform9~~d~~~··"a~~r-di;;ifi~.ontraditional students find what such spcake~s have lo .say hc lp [ul in scc kl_n g employment o r adv1mcmg the~.scl_ves on;lhe-Job. . ~irdme said .he behcyc..s arust - lcc.t urc se ri es attendance 1s often ~ _much as :0::1:~~~c~fn~~~d~•i~~i~~
24-hour Computer Lab
: : ~a~~~:i~;~oc!~:: one free ticket lo campus
l..cishncr cued the rcno,•alion's p13nncd addition of II. 24-hour compuler lab 11nd ~l~~n1~~ily ~:ri~i~l~scnrc:~ examples of the new CSC's benefits to non-1111d'1t I students. ionn Most importantly. hrrcll Birdine and Lcishner c:u:h said siudenu __ especially non-traditional swdcnts __ arc welcome in 1heir offices.
See page 7
Artie timber wolf adapts to civilization "Wi thin the wolf social s1ructurc. lhey don'1kill each other," he said. Ross said th:11 1he social Wolves Not Fierc-e structure of the wolf pack is a ~It's a myth that wol,•c.1; arc commune .system. The .inifierce: Jerry Ross, an ri,,1su mals sh.ire food and feed political science and criminal nursing femaks. E.ich plck ha1; a dominant justice major. .said about his 60-pound white Arctic limber m:ik and a dominant female, called lhc Alpha male and wolf. The wolf. her thick while Alrha female which nonnally fur catching the sun's after- pair off w;cthcr. Ross s.iid. ~w olves arc monog3mous noon rays, l.iy quietly on 1hc 1ilc floor. Oflcn she would and m:uc for life," Ross s.:iid. When a mak sh•Jws ,my :11raise her head and look. at Ross or ,;ct up :ind come o,w trJCl1on to another female. his will fitht lhl· seccmd 10 Ross for a pat on thi: hi:ad. Twice she lay down in frum ll•mal..: and nip her qraymg of him as if aJiking for her m:itc m kCl'P him m line Ro\3 hJd an e,trau from belly 10 be scra1l'hcd. With her c:1r1; I.lid had:. Dl nicl Cohen, "\l'm , litn m Clta"" IA1tt1,t/Th, K'icltitnn she looked hke a big do~. But thr \\'r/1I " It J .:~n1hcd lw w there was somc1l11nt \ 1111. dunnl! .i ~••nfm111.11n·n h:.'t,...l'l' n t,... ~l \\ Oln · , . tn1.'n: h J O St,1la--•ilh •hlle coal th, '""Y ormany, h~ ad1p1td 10 • llfMIJk- rar sen.siti~c. almost dcltCJte in 1 1mpn::-..,;1, L· d1'> plJ~ l•I Lingher 11ct11Jn<; She ,, J , ;i \\ ,1!1 By Brian Ballard Editor
hon, htt m1liH ArlK' homt l:ind,
baring and snarling. But before a blow is struck, the weaker or 1he two will tum its head aside and offer its neck to its more powerful riv:11. The dominant animal always declines to strike the fatal blow. Ross. a slim man of Pucr10 Rican descent. was sitting on his sof.a mJii1.k hu trailer house. Framed picture,; of wolves, both tht! Ari:tic and the gray t1mher wolf varieties. were mounted on 1hc wall,;. Jo3h11.1. R1131,' lic,cn•)•eJrold son. .ind h13 fou r-)l'Jr-old cousin MJd1,un ran in and out or 1hc 1r:11kr house. playing laf!. ~l\ e l lW.t) i hccn intcres1cd m .,..oh·eli," s:11d Ro~. a na11,·c: c,r Brooklyn. N.Y . where h..: lln:d unu l he was 21. "Hu, ther, .,..\·n:n't many
wolves in Brookl)'n. I ne,·er dreamed I'd own one." He 1old of how dunni: Halloween he'd Jlw;iys t.lrcss up as the 'Wolf t-.1:rn ." His tccn:tl!e fncndJi even l':!llcd him by thJt n:imc h\·causc he had a full hcJrd lt a~c 15. Outside flJr .:,ome pic:tun.:s, the wolf immed1:11cly bcg3n lo run .iruund 1hc )'U1J. ca.,ily outpacrni; J,1~hu.1. .,.. ho was trying 10 citt.: h h~·r By cu m, she ran up \U Ro,;~ :ind 1hc children to pl:l)'. facn1u.llly Ros:; c:ilmcd her down enoug_h to 1:1.kc p1,· 1un: ,; Ill' her with Jn;:huJ ,md M.tdi\ nn 11 1.:, tu rl'-.i•nt ,h.: 1h1s pla)'ful :inmul. -..11 JJJplcd to domestic lih: ,, 1th till' Rei~.:, family and 1hi: fo:r\·c rcputJt1on wulvc1; h,1\t' .
Sec page 7
TIII Wkhitao
News It's flu season again Pag,, l Thunday, Octobu 13, 199t
Each m1lhon.1 n ( .\,n('n.:'Jn, lfl' .110 1,. ll' J \.l. ll h 1ROucn1.a anJ pni:umo ma. Tho~ mo,;;t 11 m k art" thl" "'t 'I')
youn,. 1h..- ,"t"ry olJ •nd
th\)$C suffonn~ ir, >m ~ hron1~ lu ns or hc::art dl\l!!l~ :anJ Okl\.C "'11h wc:.kcncJ immune syJl('fflS
Tb1.s (all. lhc Amcnc~n
Lung ASSJ(JJtion ,-..1 Tnu urge., all lho~· "'-ho Mn- con• .,, high rlil 11.) gtc a Ou rrum inrlurn,:a,- he ~1i.J ·c,,m~·n..·J. inll iJl"nL,I :ind ~hul Yo u .1ire .JI h1i:h n )k 1f you arc more 1ha1i age 65. pneumo nu Jr( 1hc lounh
ha,c ~hrontc lung. he:an or k1dne)' dtSt'lsc. reside an ., nursing home or olhtr l~gterm C'arc: fa1.:1hty or if ) have Olhcr chrome d1scascs.
k:iJin~ ,·.1u'l' ,,( ,le.uh Jm,in~ au Amcn,.m " " mc-n am.I thi.'
fifth leaJ 1np: .:.1u.~ ,,r death among ;a ll Aml·n.::i.ns 11'(1 lhe aic of 6.S. ~ Gleicn wd In addi11on. health 1.::are . .,. ,,n:- Lung d1s..·:t\C-. 1ndudm~ in • crs should be 1mmumuJ to Oucn, a and pncumi'\n1~ 1s the reduce the dunces of spr0d- thm..1 lt"Jdmg CJ USc: of d<'alh mg: lhlS condiuon ro h1i;h-nsk 1nAn'l(m: J. people. The shot i.'i recommended C\"try yc.1.r bec,rn~ Scm,,r CIII/Cll \ .m: ll rarthe inOuenu vi rus su :u n u..:ubrly h11,'.h nsk lor both tn · changes annually. The 1dc-:al nuen,a and pncum,,n1:1 and
umc 10 receive llu "accine 1,; arc m1\.\ l likd) tu t'II: h,1lp11:r.lhcn-.-ccn Oct. 15 :and Nov I.S. 1,ed a., a rt"Mtlt ,,f th,, 1k:1:dh
According to 1he Lung N,soc1::riuon. both 1nf1ucn1..a and pneumonia :m: deadly ~In·
I ~ 1Jed 65 1nd ,n~·r. rt · , ultJr. £ in ~ . n:- 1hJ!l t, , _.ll Or dc.:ath!> 1n 1991 lU,11'1(" c:n1n~ lun,: l! t\ CJ\C.. "Only -10 per,·cnl ,,1 ulJl.'r W1ll1am P.:wl Cik1C'n. cr1 • dc:ni.1l.,Ji;1~t .11 the: lnl1UC'n,J aJu!ts h\1n~ 1n th.: .. ommt: • RC\t',m. h C,,: nit•r JI 8 ;1.\l1•r nil\ r'CCCI\(' lhctr m OUC'0 / 3 l 'm,.::rnt) . \.1,J '\1'.lt.~ 1W1> sh~ C\-CI) )'("Jr, 10J , •nl> ;:11 pncumo111.1 hJ, ha n lhl.' p('rt'enl m:-e1,·c !he j'lll('UR:,l· kad1n~ k11Ju !\\ inf,·Lthlul ,o...::i:I r ~ um. Oi l \ J.:1, 1"l' '. Gk.ccn .w,J Both \ . l h 1n..:.:. ~..~ m the l ~ II 1,. tkxh 1h( m1•<it , 1•m m - n Jnd m d .St :trt" covered un.kt i\k J,rJ.f<'!) l u mplKJth ,n Jn,1,101; and olher hnhh ms llucn,.1 1\ a h,s:hly (:Onla• flUU\. ;-,.•1.. n1,.,1!.. hl,: -11'ir,·Jt
comt-o1natuin lnllm: ntJ ..mJ pneumonia :uc- the ltllh lcadmJ C:lU\l' OI Jt!JII\ 11,c
pros:ram.1 -
For mt•n:- in· , rm .it:,,, ,n 1nOucnu ind pncuml.•n1:, ~ots. call the Am~n,:m Lun~ A.s.socJJUUO ol Te.: u~ ;at iN.XJJ
252-5864 The
I the A mcri•
Lune A \soc1ai11 n I\ t"ic rn:\'t'nuon. l.'<\ntn •I .ind ,Lirr
n n
or luo, the th ml
leading ..:1UJC of d<-:11h 1n Teu.s. lllC' ~lil.~tmn fi~ ha lung d1<;ea~ Jnd r rrm1• !uni: hc.allh 1hr,1u,h \ tJtt'"' t.k prngr:uru or re.sC"arr h. l'k::1:l1h <'dUl'atrnn. ad\ ,,, J 1,. \ ,1.nd
o,, Louil J. Rodrtpu, MSU pn,dcknL concntulalrs Shn rt H•lms, ~ • dnsn: ..... ud Ray Crow .....,.._/aaaly st, • lh1s yur's Pnslcknl s Cluoil a dMck l'or $250, and MSU waldl and u Staff Awanl racnT<d plaqoe ar . . _ .... lllaff ...-S.,L JO.
.«11•••-'lon ... - -
commun11y , c 1'1ll.' h\ Id.. u,·ina, proi r:am \ :ire r:J.!··
poss1hlt' t,\ puhlt..- c\1ntn h11 11ons and i."Ommumty , ,,lun•
n case 'Dorm-life' educates Media Symposium addres ses Simpso ,h,•w, ·,,,n SGA President \ IIC"J..· ... ,:~ It-·" ,ti..·
8) Brian Ball •rd Edi tor
By Timb<rty E, -n StatrWriter •o,'Cra.JI. 11.S been \"Cry tducation.:i.l for me.· Stu,kn1 Go"ern mcnl A,1,1o11c111111~m Prcsuknt Jcn'nan Ghaul said 1n week. htr after Killingsworlh HaJL Ghaul dc..:1JcJ lll nh>,cin10 the donn11ory because of the eompllint< th:at came throu&h student ,ovcmment dealt with campus
hfc. A$ a member <Jf the stu-
dent Jt)\'t'ffltnenl. she fC'lt $.he Dttded lO be fattnhJr wuh the n.aturc of lhe probkms.
As 1, res ult. Gha u l mo,'Cd in with Toni Jones.
y.4t~ I-
111 J ,
t- I
~ " ., I l\c ·rc~h,•m.1111,b, m1:d 1J I \ J ". I I I . JHoli.'lllioner$ ipcnl t" u houa thf I ,\ It "" '\ l l'\1 lull.,, 1,r " , -"~· l. 1 , th"'t I () puhl11. thl· tell ll• S t O. lhc m l'dll co,rra1e of lhe small t,. ,, ,n ,nc ,IT\.111 c,,rnrr -1 · ·I •~•· \ I 1h.• d .i "•' 111•1 Snnpwn 0 J rc~rl1ns"· h1 \',• mnw 'I I \ \ ltJ ~ l)l"'S)UrCJ.. In err~ I, the "1i.-d1a i.'t", , i 11p ~Jn ,1·. ( ) J "~ V. :l.!o gnrng lhr r uMtl' v.hJl 11 ,,f ·'w' ~ ""'""' u.1J ~•nlP~ thr)' 1n 1 m, anlt. · thtv. things rninoc w q Ghoul i h I\ l\"l'Orll' " \\\· lr:un I\UI nnJ thC' ~.rn1: v. . ,, ~ rnl th:u ncc..·dcJ hl t-,.., 1mpnl\l,'J It• mal"'I: the s1uJcnL~ m,,rc l.'.t•m- ~' l iil'C))l\'C 1n grt1mg !he :~~ ~~•(~('~I~~-~~ l\11 nt"Jlei.·1 prrhnp$ fortabk "h•k- ,u,,ni:, 1n thrir ra-.:u, !-out ll'OdHn& lhcm hl JIH! 3 lair ~ponJm, to 1hc1r \ K'Wl r,,, 1 u l d Schuler !J!C hJrd h ) ~• taC'C{'IW'II. - 511d 01n ,1 M11f1't't1, Uub Ha1111it.1n had a :l'llt'IY ff\~m home but ll ..,.a._ different pcr\J)C'CUve. of not u b.l.J :lS $ht h:id been ; :;,_~~ n/011~d~~~~";,;~l th e s m:111 co m mu n ity Ntws 10IJ ncwii:p:apcr. The U.J l..UC was "'l',e lc:i.mcJ :1 101 aboul occuring in "a corner of the tr$idcnt life and 11s been 11 pos1t1v<' cxpcnl·nce," !>he busrncs~ ed1tM fo r the arth and should swy there: Wichita Falls TimeYRccord he said, implyme that what W<I. N<'ws: Bo b Hamihon. ed110r happened in L.A . .simply of the lowt1 Pork Ltadu; didn't conci.:m his n::i.dcrs. · o ur rcsponMhili1y is to S usana Sc hule r. news dire...:tor .ii KFDX-TV. :snd r( Oect. to mirror. 1hc cvcnLS Mike McDo nald. news in our community." H:i.m1hon said. He will the audience:: • 1h k for SIOp-;,,mo kmg direc11>r at KAUZ-1V. ~1 think the mcdi3 b:ive 10 that a communi1y newspaper from the Amcnc:i.n Lung :\,s\0Cl:ar1on and read the respect or their cover.s the c:1ses 1n the them. A sm,l lC'r necd,1, to audience ... we rely upon communuy, but he d1dn·1 dig learn 11bou1 hu or hcc own p ging viewer rccdback, :md up facts on such c:isc:s before smoking habu lnd w:ays the networks ha,·c dett:muncd the: trial. The panelists h:id slightly 10 cope with the will to that OJ. Simpson is big business," said Susana different l·onccpts or press smoke lrtcr qu11tmg. -Try lhc 11.)Ur · o·s": Delay. Schuler during the portion of rcsponsibilitie.\. "II comes down to the truth Deep 8 1'Cllh. Drink Water 1hc prafr:utl 1h11 dis<us_<cd press versus a fair tri:i.1... . . . " 'e gh·c them the lruth :ind Do Something Else. • If y ou .shp bac k 10 smolon!?, find ou r wh:11 caused the shp 2nd kcc::p try• H.A. P.S.S . Intl. ing 10 quit ur.til you mUc I( HOM , Alltc>, , P•r•onal security Sy•t•iu for good.
who h:15 11'cd in dcmn11onl·~ for thl\'C )l.'Jr, ' h<' u\c.·J all fac ih11~, vn 1.· amru, .and ~ n-r " ~•nt ht•m1· Ju11nt: thcfh·c ..Up •· Sl•pt \ U-t)..·1 ~ • she ~ .su:leJ in lhl• dt)mutriry
1 rl::('
: ~;j
co~::;:: ~~rffot.~h~8~~~'.
Tips to stop smoking With the: n.1r1orul fr•,:us on smoking. tht" Amcn,an Lung AssociJtioo of Tens has issued a fact shcc1 for people who wish lO Mop smobn1. • Ask for bclp fro m your doctor. friend.(; and family.
• Mm a Ii~ of reasons for quiuioa:. • Set :t date •- !he sooner lhc heller. If Y"'"' a~ noc
rt:Jdy to SC't a d:itc. begin 10
cul down on smoking. Then.
m:ilcc a pl.1n 10 s1op .smoking in the ne,r fuluf't'
news v.-hr n:..,er \\. t l' an 11nd ii I lhc rn1t"dc-m , \lllh as , 4nl rt·mcm!-ot•r hJ\108 hi t'nlC'rlJIRffl t' nl urrtril 'C Jnd ( l forJ t'\-(' t .1r,)h11_!11c 1,1r ~1\lng
m hard \Jld M 1k (' Affmn" have l ' JUS<.-d nc.•w, pnii:rJm, ~we c arry 1ht·m, bu1 I i;c1 'khukr t:11d 1hat K FDX i!;1¥(",I ,n , 111ru' " 1,n hl, w ..::ich o rfcndcJ wht·n tht·-.c , huw.s 1mp.allcJ rh<' prupk 1n 11.) ma~ucralk .i, nc.:ws and not audh'n1.e ~very ll'W J)C'Oplc cntrrwinmcnt."' $(:hulcr sa1J. Morre11 uid 1ha1 the hen. 1.1)1,1hl hJ\ C 1-o.!r n J1ret. l l )' artatcd by lhe () J [.UC,,. 1he ntw,p.aper bu.510('"-S had not d u ne a Gl•od 1ot, of \ .u,J Jlam1hun ~ 1d th ut whi,:n d1•11n1u1• hin.: 11\Clf 1mm the other the OJ came on hh TV. Nat,orwl Enqu,rrr and he '-h•n&ed to the 01(;(.t1\ Cr) tabk11d, 1ht uf end Towud, the ch:annel and watched the d um1111c \Ct,113, of the pn,i;ram, 1hc JuJ1cn ...c v.-u
pt'Oplt- th(' ltu1h: \k l) n.ilJ
allo wed 10 3,k question"' of · we e2n't llffntd 10 he 1hcranc-h,1, wrons when we pnnt · w C'l uld H,u w11hh1) ld 1n fo cma11o n which may so m e o ne ' s ra..:tu:.i l 1nl11rm.111c n 11 you damage re puutton . • s.ud Moffett thought 11 lc:wuuld Jt":tp.lrd1u about Timt 11Ttu nrd Ntws 1hc cue-'>" a\ kcd l k rm:i.n Sanders. 1 member o f the Polica.. All the panelms agreed lludlCTIC.t' . lfl the pJnt•I 5'-hulcr rcpl11:d thJ I KI-OX that checkbook _rlunu.hsm LS in deed withheld not a 1ood pncuce for had 1nform::i11on l h1m 11\ l-lnry rt:pu1ahle ,oumal1su. ..We don't pay for news coverage of the scnal ro1put a here, but people do ask for f'cw yc::iN ago. paymen• :11 once .J Moffen , a1J. · w e t'(' no1 week.• Schuler wd. Hamilto n u1d that there to j ud~c W e're not someone who charged for responsible for hdpmi; the tbeic rnforma1ion wu no t l police mllcC' ::i c.1sc But the q uesuon of 1a1rnc\s 10 ::ill credible source.. The pancJ also discussed panics is our ~ ponsibility."
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$25~ llmhul
,!!!E \\1chllan
Thur>day, Oc1ober 13, 1994
B yMQQ~ VIEWS co11r Editor
Tim~ arc changing, and , th,· poht1cal, social and l'longo~t 1s tJ1c challenge 10 mcc1 11ny f~cc~of t~d:iy·._ ~i,\·~ !IOCi~\ needs or ~any ~ uric in chungml,! 11mc,. 111s11iutiuns of h Anll dunng thc!o.C challenge thcm, clvcs 10 ti~ thci/g er cducatmn mu,;;1 10 the hc:., 1 of their ability .. 10 c/ 3rt. to mc~t the..~ need.~..
Page 3
""' ll't,,,, (3.£
people :uc prepared to meet wh s_u_rc that Y1ahlc. educated nt3Y hnng forth. atc,cr ch:illcn1:cs the future
( l'GffVI-
Midwestern l \ 110 Cl{c cptio n
In the pasl and prc,;,cni O 1II t-ccn able 10 address and ~c~~
1f oeT,-&l.lD.
u~tnous un1Vcrsuy ha.., needs of nur studcni~. and th~ many of the~ categorized,;; prove..,;; n But the qu:i.luy_of cx1s1ing MSU be able to continue this lrtq~~llon is: Will l\·lidwcstcrn Let's hope so.
w,1' M
or Uic ruture?
Ncvcn.hclcss. then: is 3 nc d r
one for c~ch c:uegory, th:n W~I\ h~r scv~ral new programs, the capacuy to adcqu:itd y scrv. chip Midwestern C\'Ol\'c smdenL'\. c t c future needs or our 10 Political Nttds Mu.Jwestcrn currently orrc College Rcpublicanc; and lh. r~ SUl' h organi1...:i.tions :L\ the the needs c'lf c;tuclcnLc; politic~ll n,~~~!1Y Democrats 10 serve -c onscrn11vcs" or "Lihc . Yc ass1ficd as 1dcnt11ied JS" t1,1odcrat~ ,.':'1~· _Butth:H about !hose students in lhe Oc:1. I() I \\UC ot Ti;"" ~ccor. _mg 10 a t;r3ph puhhshed pol~11cally .. l\1o<lc_ra1c" indi,:tdu;s \sn3 conccnt_rat1on or region. Why an:n l their needs be. 1 s tcograph1c M1dwcs1ern should create an '"C a<!dressed and me1? O can adcqua1cly address and m rganhi;,ation on campus that si.udcnLc;. CCI t c needs of "Modcntc" Social Needs There 1s an ongoing cry Callin f c:>.mpus to meet the needs or .. ~ or a ~ay can: center on 1 10nal and "non1r3dttional" parents who auen/~/ is.c;ue has looked good m theo I id~cstem. In ~ c past. this met with adversity Midweste~· :ut m praeticc. II has been local day care cen1~rs and has tric:to_scd t~1s prob_le~ 10 with the D1V1s1on of Education and t~ ~~r~i~atc this •~ ue and Bc~avorial Sciences, all to no ava~I Th1~1on of ; oc,al According to the office nr the vice- • : c reason. adminiStr~llivc services, Midwcsie~~~cnt for ~tudent and :,,nd fundini;. A focili1y should be cn:atc s a r~c1hty. staff renovation ol th~- Clark .Student Centcr~~ thn~ ; ~ :,,tion or state run~s Ol lsct by increased student fees to cover the cos~~!i;~i~d~:~~taf f and adc:qu:>.tc services.
.The Career ~lanning and Placement Center 31 M1dw~stcm oflcrs many fine scr\'iccs -- such as career cducauon. graduate placement and student employment .. !0 help .our graduates meet the challenges or an evcrincrcasmg: h1ghly•compctiti,·c work force. However, do these services adequately make use of new technologies to help our students prosper economically~ ~,fidwcstem ~ ould c~atc a service tha.t would make placement mfonnat!on ava1l:i.blc ·• wnh siudcn~· permission •• to prospective employers on :i d:itabasc. such as the Internet or Ame_rica On-line. According 10 !he CPPC, Midwestern h:asn t 1.akcn ad\'antagc. or ~is aspect in this regard. Du~ng the.~ changing limes. ms1itutions of higher cducauon m~~t challe~gc themselves 10 do their p::in to meet 1hc poli11cal. socrn.l and economic needs or their students -· to lhc of their ability •· 10 ensure that \'iablc, educated people arc prepared 10 meet wha1evcr challenges the ru1ure mily bring fonh. Midwestern is no cxccpuon. One final question. How about valet parking?
WICHITAN EDITORIAL BOARD Brian Ballard Charles Cage Liz Richardson-Hicks Neville Lewis Michael Vendrick
34 10Tafl ::llvd. P.O. Boa 160, W1chiL1 Falb. TX 76308 News dcik: 689-4704 Advcnising desk: 68'>-4705 8,llc: M•lont
fl rlan Dalli.rd
"""""Ellr.alwt h Rkhlrdi,on
Nulll,L~.,.r\i AJSO(;au EJJ,u,r
M i, hatf Vn,drick
Sp<JtlS Ulitor
Copv Ed11or
Marie 1,11yd Boot
~hli.<i.< aSulllu n
.~fw,c Rtv1r11otr
Starf \\'ritrr,; JonmNm 8111,tr, Ch11rlrs Coxr, Tmiberly Eyutn.
S[1<11cuFrirdl llawklm Atl1·n1,s111g Monagn/AccoU11tm:t
Adnrtklng Hr prdrnlih' H l,JJtm TIIC"I..U L11ult1 Opt/111 l)c,an La ..nn«
A.:Rlio 011ran Graphu:Arfl!I
£tt1uw,n1111nt Ed,10, RnnJnn Old~
Erfr Stf/
Crrc:ular,on MaMgtr
Plwwgraphtr Etl,tor
Ch:.rLu " Lliann" Lunon Plmtogrophu
Gallant traditions continue in Mexico By Ne,;11, Lewis Associate Editor Just when you thought gall::mtry was long dead. you learn it is no1 only :,,li\'e hut doing well across the southern border. At least, th:H is the belief or Karen Gonzalez. :,, 21 year-old industri;il engineering major and exchange stu· dent from Chihuahua, Mexico. ~It is very different how guys bcha,•e to girls (in the United States)," she said. "A guy :ilways opens the door for you: Not only that in Mexico, "a guy has 10 wau until a girl gets ou1 or :i door 10 go through 1ha1 door," Gontalcs said. And she 1s no! :ilonc in her belier. Zayde Cabrera and Gahriela Na,•cjas, both 20yc:lr-old exchange s1udcnts from Ch1hu::ihu:1. h;i\'e the 53mc opinion. "E,·en if II is a fncnd. a guy will always open the door for you." 1hcy s:11d in unison. They all :igrcc 1hat they cr:i,·e the ual Mexican food •· tor11lla.\, nau1as. horchatas and enchiladJS; but deep down inside, they yearn for good old-fosh1oncd gall:intry or as 1hey say m Mexico: "Ctibnlfuos,dod."
And to hear their much animated talk about male courtesy seems like a step back in American umc: long before women decided to burn 1he br::i :ind Joni before women s1ancd clnmoring for equ:,,I rights .
mvi1es you out, he hai; 10 pay for you," Cabrera said. Fur10 a restaurant. we're not suppose to talk with the waiter. You tell your boyfriend wh:it ynu want and he orders." "He mu..,1 pull your chair ror you," Gon1...:i.lcz said. M EvIn 1hcir culture women crytimc you sl:ind up, he are well respected. It is a must st.:md up. Men cannm si1 lesson every boy learns while un1il all the women :ire growing up. As Cabrera seated." quickly pointed out: "In Nor is n genteel for a m:in homes, you're taught that to leave his c;ir engine run• women are the most re- ning while :iw:iiting his date's spectable things in the arrival. The worst sin would world." be to honk his horn, the Small wonder that 10 women said. these Mexican women it 1s "Ir a guy is gonn:,, pick discourteous when a m:,,n you up. he has to come to takes the sidi:walk leaving a your door. He must come into woman exposed to the street. the llousc and wait until "A man has to walk on thl' you're n:ady.R they s:iid. street side. Never on the sidewalk. Never," Gonzalez And wait he must. For as the women explained, -A girl said. has to always be at \~ st five To them, the notion of a minutes late." " It is a good tr3dition not woman picking up 1he 1.1b when dining ou1 is almost to be on time," N3,•ejas said. unimaginahlc: for her to "In Mexico, 78 percent of place :an order is not only 1he lime. we'n: nm on time.On :i c!ancc-noor though, unhe:,,rd of but is also uncultured. Dating "Dutch- tinung is c,·i:,ythmg. As ir on cue. when the song ends. the unch;ir-Jctcnstic dancing ends immediately. The gentleman is expected 10 "Mere. 1hc waiter ask\ 1.ake the l:idy b.ack to her origyou . if you want one bill or mal place and say "th.ank separate. When he (:i m:in) you". thermore. "When we go
To put ii simply. d:incing a la Mexico is different. ~You're close. but not too close: Na\'ejas said. "Herc. they dance like it is one person: "They almost have sex dancing," Cabrera added. "The thing here is to be close; in Mexico, it is to dance: This does not deter Mexican men 1hough. In fact. they or1en go 10 the extreme to prove their love. Thus, it is nol strange for a young man, to go his lover's window bclween midnight and 3 a.m. to pour out his heart in .song. ~The girl docs not get up and he is not suppose to see her,~ Gonzalez s:iid. And being quite familiar with the pr:ictice. all three women in chorus said, "If she accepL\, she turns on lhc light." It sounds like a page out or the novel Gont With th~ Wind; but it is a gentle brl-CZe that is still blowing across Mexico. And the Mexican women love it. "It's really nice. It's like you're a queen," GonzalC7. and Navejas said.
Mao's sexual escapades damage reputatio n By Brian Ball:ard Editor John F. Kennl'dy, Wilbur Mills, Bill Clinton and f\.fao Scdong shared a misconccp· tion. namel y. that thl'1r pri\'3.IC ahcrra1 ional sexual li,·cs would not influence public pohcy and would n:· main pnv.:ite forC \'CT. lca\'Jn{! their polt1ic.:1l reputations mtac1. E.:ich was gn C\'OUSly wrong because 1hc1r ~cxuJI peccadilloes d,d come 10 h ghl. dam.:iging the ir repu1a11ons and crcd1hd ity and hormmg the ruhlic polidcs they pur'.\uci.J. Each m:in su1 f1.•rcd from huhrou~:ind uc;i.•J hi\ pohrn.:al position h> £.1in si.: ,u,11 i'J,or~ w11h sui.h N 11..1nt di:.rq.:.:irJ 10 hb puh\11. fCJlUI JIIUn lhJt uni: 1) forced H'I rnndudi: thJI the
0 ho':s b: c~~~~ ~~;:~aa~~oo: ~; his brain. The scxu::al l.'-.CJp·1dcs ur Kennedy, ~111ls :ind Cllnt0n arc old news. Bui now Dr. L1 Zhisui, l\fao'!i perso na l physician for 22 yc;ir~. ha~ wnttcn "Thf' P,fratt' Lif f' of Chtlirn1m1 M ao. 11 l'C\'Cal\ t.1ao :i~ a selr-indulgent, wom:initcr \\ ho Jrbnr:inly decided the fJll' \11 •mllion.., or ChtneSt! people :,:iscd on personal whim. H..: w :i\ not Just petty. mi:Jn Jnd di\loyal to his fnends. hut Ullcd his power m :i ciirrupt "a}. no doubt rJ1mnJh1111g thal ht· lnll•rct,,\s fl l (hrn.1 ,:11mi,:1J~·J w11 h h1SO\\n ~l.10. tlwu~h l'h rn J ix·J,. an1. twhJ,eJ hk~· JO 1.·!".per11r wnh :i hJ1\·m ("I \ 0011 c,1ncuh111l't m hit C'ulturJI \\'mk M
Troupe. I le urged lus young ~ xual pJr tners 10 study the Taoillt sex m:muJI ~T/ir Plmn G,rf t S"l' r r \Vm," 111 prepar:iuon for th1.·1r 1, })I~. llH· hook \tJ\c.r, lh,11 when ~lJo learned that Premier Zhou EnlJt hJd cancer. Mao blodcd 1reJtment 01 Zhou·s cancer unul 11 was 1,,0 late for modern me1..hc:1l tn:Jtm..:nt 10 chcck the !-.prcJd of the disease. Thi!. is how M:io treated 1hc mJn who had cons1c;1en1ly been loyill 10 hun for dcc:icl,:s. ~1ao m h1, la1..:r hfc wa\ revered a, :i god hy more th.:m :i billion Chine,..: people. Yi:t ~rn~c h" Lk.,11h m 1976. he ha, hc1.·11 i.Jc1hrnncd and L.kmyth1 1 l1•!!11ed. Ur l.1 h.1, v. nlll"ll J p:irt1JI Jl ~ •u·.: 1,f ~IJLl hJv:d <rn h1~ [ll.. -~,)n. l nhcn.1ni.:c .,1nd
experiences. The hook docs not dwell on Mao's poli1ical brilliance. But somehow t,.•fao's vcn:ili1y nvcrsh:idows his poli1ical ach1cvemcn1s. His lack or character. o f common decency. makes it impossible to think of htm :is a great man. Hc was simply another tyrJnt in lhc world who conned h1msc1r and his people. But Dr. Li de1.crves our th:inh It tonk courJge 10 write !his c:ind1d hook. It giwc; l h..:.,1hhy <lo..,c of 're:11 ity mcd1cim.·· lor 1hosc of us ~ho "'- ould 1dc.1h1c om polil • 1cal k.1dcrs who. lln1.:c the truth comes ou1. 10~, ortcn pro\'C themsch·i:, 10 he men or IC\\ ch:ir:ic1er. le~, comp::a~s111n. an<l lc~i; grc:11ncss thJn 1he averatc m:in on the SlfC'CI.
Page 4 Thursday, October 13, 199•
Movie includes skin, wise-cracks, insults and steely ~.~~.~ OU
an: oryo~g to
By Dt-an Lanrrn('C
En1cr tolnmcnt l::ditur With :i ca<.1 1nrludmg Sylvestcr S1.1llunc. Sh.iron Stone tind J:iml'~ Woods, 1hc movie "The Sr,ci.:1ali:-1- was bound to rnd udc ca1a1n things: pk nty of <il:in. h:ud• nosed w1S1."-<rJckl and insults and a plcthf11J of s1.:cly·l·ycd glan:s (St::allnne :inJ Stone are both ma.1-tcr-gtan:n,). Dt>cJuSC il IS an Ul' IIOn/ad venlUrl'.' movie. thl•re wen· al~o bu! leis. explosions. SWAT teams and four-lcncr words. There was C\'en a plm. 1hough not a partic ularly good one . Stallone and Woods :ire ex-CIA opcr:mvcs {what clsc'l) who,whcnm the scr ~i~e or 1he country. did cxc11mg things hke blowing
Entertainment Events On Campus
up r,t.·opk " ho gm on tht· Agency\ h.1J \Ide, ,\ II " d i
3nJ g,>oJ . CXl't•r• 1h.11 Nt•d Trl·nt (\Vo,iJ :,.). lhc tni;i;t•r: gcx•s a link• ,1, l..l'w rncn1:1ll )' and Siar!!-. hlowmg up 1nn(1• cent Pl'tipk RJ)' Qu iel: (~1allonl') 1s thl· "p/J nh"r.· ( plant.:r· :ind hm ct:cr· :m: clcwr Agt.'ni.:y n:;tnl'\ and also ckwr 11lt, d1·,,..,.1pt1on, Ray plJnls tht.: hrnnbs, Ned trlf!1!C'n. lhl."m.) Ray llnJlly turn~ Ned in to the A~l'nq •. whn. tx:cau\C nf IIS ~cll-knu"'n dCl'.P r cspc1:1 for mnuccni hfc. 11rcs hun When 1hc mam ponmn of the moYil! b...·t:inS, llhat 1:,., af1, r :a s hon introdu l· 11on t h:it t he es t :ih l1 s h c1"pl:mtcr/lriggcr" thini:) Ray is ~ rr\.-claucc cxplo~h·l•:,, cxpe n
w ho -.pcc1al11c, pcupk . .ind Nl·d
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rx a.,;•Hov., won
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October 13-16: The MSU e nc away Holly wig Theatre Dept. presents "House of Blue Lights". Per- 1 fonnanccs begin :it 8 p.m. on e soeflOPeralor Oct. 13 · 15 and :it 2:30 p.m. 11 ~!"'.=MCh anoiadog _ ll1dl•· on Oct. 16. in the Fain Fine Arcs Center ThcJtre. For ,s, tamous TX royal l'Old 'El more information call 689-
kil hn~ 1:1 111.=ht
23 October 17 • 23: MSU Homecoming 1994 will t:lkc the week of Oct 17. Events include the Fish Fry, athletic events. picnic. bon• fire and the Homecoming Brunch. For more infonn3. tion call 689-4 12 1.
CROSSWORD fr!J Charley & G11y Orbl5on
u nc,"" ·•,11v u111ooting Pi1rce wu, _away
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~~=·~TN,'.oo TX L.uOy's bl,gll'> ,n
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....32 ,,_.., • w.i:n Octobu 27: The MSU Mu,;;-car,-, m.,;, 34 sic Dcpan.mcn1 will present 3 Choir Concert at 8 p.m. in 35 TXBu,111ty ·...a, on Akin Auditorium. 31 cPL&rm Oclobtr 29: MSU's Mortar 37 T1q,1Relays11 Bo:ird will host the Honors 31 !!,':i~-=ii.sta·WI SanN'IIONO(atlbr l Symposium at 8 p.m. in the · ::--:-il ,e , ._, ._s_ru_d_en_,_c..,,n,-te_,.., rc _
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01 111ucu,u Fairclitlel(Wt.)
g s1111 ro, 1h11' 10 SoutttwettAil1inls
~ --;-F; , 2 was 1,,;;. .cnec,r111 TX 25 "The EYff
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(2 YodsJ
ki Smash1"ng p Ump ns releases new album 1
By Mtliss:a Sulliv n Pui:npki~ s Mu 1 , ·,5neda laro~ follow_,~gw.uh_ ~clcasc Siamese fheir 1993 Dream .. and now. to appease their n~w and olJ f:tns. ih_e
ou : 91t,:w A wa( has a v::agudy psychcdd~c fee l and "Pissant." the 8 -s1dc lo an. o ihcr hig s o ng fr om ~s,ame ~: "Chcruh ~ OC~ ," has :i fast. powcrfol gu11ar riff th ~~t~~~~;; : ~g;low song
f.~~ugf~:..,:~:i~e~n~v~f1 and 8 -sidc tracks on _thc}r m:w album •Pisces Jscanot.• Pisces Iscariot" begins nd with · s oo1he." which sou s exactly like what ~he utlc suggcst5. ·s oo1hc· inco~ or.ues Jn ::acoustic guita~ wllh
with occasional vocal octave ch:ingcs. .:1nd _"S1arl:f' uses the same guitar nff over and ove r and over. One of the more 1ntcn:s1ing son,(!S on the a_lbum is "Landslide." "Landslide" was written by S1cvie Nicks and 1s
fr~, m : siamc sc ~~•~-rt~kcs from ihc 3 -s ,aml!Sl!· recording scs.~1ons lh arc included on ihc 3 um. including "'Frail aod Bcdaz· the of lot ~ uses zlcd: which same heavy gullJrs :ind dreamy lyrics that WCfl' foun~ throughout "Siamese Dream. Othe r out-1akcs from the ~Siamese· sessions include · whir: with iL~ acoustic gui• iar and surreal. noatinJ,? fed· mg. and "Spacc_d: ~ quir~y tunt.: fades 1n w11h faint guitar :ind s,ampllng 1hrough·
_ , ...~~11,, s_.,.,.. -· ,, TXiem ·_ 1t1an DOWN Alan Bien wu 111 1 _..,,., MYII' TXtol)Oil ('.-tb.l ,s TXpe,tnn111 1& 1•0 ,udoc TXi1tn ·,r, 11o1
k ss he ur , he -· the date, , not one o f the kids .• v1okncc and pro.
•rall . thi, pKlllrl' 1, nC'lt 1f ·,y}. Th<.· n:'!> nothing new 0 vc i.:crt·11nly :ini 11 1·s good csi.:ap1~t wo t,:id; _thl"rt· ;m· ml ;hing he re, .t,ut w11r~'.rf~~c 1~~ua:l> k aSt 1111 rna!f~~.I. Sr t•i.:i:ihs t· is now w,,,:'.nr,·.l and. thl' t•J,1__.n;,\'..1ur,',',' playin'' at Sikes Six Theaters. • v. ~rl:1; v.•cll 11 " rJku , (,,,th•·~,., , ,•,cikll\.'l' and pro.. . Rc,itw R3 ring: U . ... ~ don't takl' thl' kid, or a 11y, 50
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'Ifie Orioinaf
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4393 o, 6,89-4 I21.
W, Jnd Ro t'il I . 1 )I 1(1 h l\l' ch.ill~l-d father :rnd mol hl'I .ind h., .. I) . 0 ll • Ill hc:cn wo1kmc h)WJt d ha S-l'l;~c(
with 1hc Lc,m F:un ily, a ri:vcni;c t·,•cr 'IOU' (.11 J Cuh:in-muh fa mil)' u orktng gui.:)S, :iround ~O )'l'J n,. ) out nf t\hJrni ll1JI 11 pci.:i:iti,-4•11 Thus, she hire, Ra)' hi kdl Jlt the moh gu)'-. \\h1, W'Crl' 111 t1n m killin~ rx:iiplc. Onl' m1~ht thml.. that 11 11. Thcrc Jn· al,1111lll'111irnrn· v. nulJ tx- h:irJ 111 ligurl· (iut who the t,.uJ gu) 1\, hu1. <ll t1\·c, on l\l.1y·~ rJ11, hul 1hl·)' l'Clursc. RJy hJ.\ th,11 Ji.:epl)• s,·cmrngly llel·ume d11udl·d h)' hcr JllrJUmn t~1 R.1y. ingrained l\'\('lt.'l.'I lor ,nnoc'l·ni lift!, whill' Ned i.:nuld l':tre (Thi:,. ~ultry/sk :11y charJCll'r in not nl."W f11r Stom·. Shi." This one f,ll'I polame\ plays thi..: ~ml' part as sht.: did 1hi..: i:h,iral"tl'r\ .. never mind in · Basic ln,1ine1: ) 1hat thcy arc hoth p10 • They seem 1ired Jnd u~ d up. fcssional :lS!\:IS!oln'\. Enter May Monml'. (Docs Panicularly ShJron Stone. It it seem odd tn you that Sial- is :is if all 1h1s nl'w-found h)ne and Stonc- play rhar:ic- fomc sinl·e ~l n1-1rnc1· has tcrs named RJy and 1',fay'l) drained her youth ;ind beauty. When she was a child. M:iy leaving her an agin,!; ~oflwas forced to waich Toma.~ porn ac1rcss. Stallone looks Leon (Erk Rohcrts) kill her much older, 11111, tiul 1hen, he
~~~Of~ _.
a cover of 3 Flerwo~d Mac
times· hard. somct1mcs-no1 Chic3go-h:m;d_b:md,. "Lafn~slide" is n:cc1vmg 3 OI o :i1r play on KDGE and is currcntly the on_ly_rcleasc from "Pi~f:c~;~~;~riot" is an alhum that Sm:1shing Pumpkins fans will love nnd cherish. Those who arc nol famil iar with the hand might wanL 10 check out s.07ic o~ the ~Jnd's other wo~ks irs l in_ o~ e r to f~:~c~ l~~ri~r.ercCIJIIOn of
: ·: !;to-_,.
Wrenna llitke
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Wichita Square
n1£Wichiu u Thursday. 0<10bt·r I.\, 1994
Indi ans edge out Kan garo os in conference opener: 19-16
~wt·rciJ unul Au:,.un l'ol lci:.1.··,. lh1,\n PJ'\ 1111m quJrlerhJck By J on11lh:1n Urudy Paul Weawr ku:kcd a 2'J. i}r,Jn OJ,,m 111 1.:cc1H·r Rht."ll Spons St•IT M1dwcs1ern hq;:m con• yard fo:ld ~,,al, hnni;mg lhl.' n n,. l!I' m~ the KJn1=,am,1s
M1dv. c,11.·rn Stati.:: outs11.k hmcr Amy Sicwan ha'- tx-i..-n named the v 1 1cyt,1ll Player of the 1n thc Tc,a.<; lmcn.:ollcgiatc
A!.)Ociatao n
fo r malchcs
ending Saturday Oct. 8.
Stc~•an. a 5-6 freshman l rom
T~xas. hdpcd the Lady 10 :
d11n~ 10 a 2: I rcL·ord last
week, beating HustonTIiiotson and McMurr und h)si n~ to 1-lowar~
Payne. _She finished th .
week wnh 35 kills and :\~
dtg~in 10 ~.amc,. · She tma\ly stepped
into her role as a leader on
the team l::m week. Until last week. she had hccn
hlllc 11m1d about playin,3 the balls she needed ~ 1
play and she finally
bcc::imc .ll;grcss1vc on her
~::c;;-;,~~~~i~~d coa,·h
Stew:irt was a mcmhcr
or Windthor st's 1992 and 1993 slate chJmpions hip teams anJ w::is n:imcd the
Sl:11~ lourn:imcnl MVP her senior year. he said. ~c oming into the year. ,.,,.e knew 1ha1 she was go. in~ to be one of the siandou1s o n 1hc 1c:im, hui Wl' also knew 1h:n since she is ~ frc...,hman, it would ial:.e time for her 10 work into
t 1s~ Molly T1uclU\C (?) anJ M olly V.ui
lkmcn aucmpc Mock a ~~ m N=iarenc ,IIL'Kk ,n the '<l'UOdot '"'"s:unc~::11 ''""10rotu.cum 1 MSU z tr,ht 1'hc L:1dy lr11,h :m, Ii\!>! to SNII \ . \ tu the nN IIIIM the ' · caicJ l>:ill:t, ll.11111" \ lm\m,ty J-2
th1 '-·· Piclu ":tid. -h's a pri, 1h.·gt· 111 ht.• a fn:i.hman :ind he honmcd hkc l\u.1,," s:uJ St,•,\,llt Now that the 11.·Jm l1Js hcr~ mc c<1 m 1i1 r1ahll· pla)"lnt! tOt!•.'lhl."r, ,ht· h,lJ'll'~ lhcy can play h.ud on th1.· road 10 m1k r 111 \\Ill ,,ur confercn\."\•. , he , nd This 1) thL." lhirJ tnnc rn four weeks thJt J ~ISU Lad y lnJ1an ha.1, hl'en named the TIAA Vtllleyball Pia er of thi: Weck
fcrcnc.:t· ~nd1rnn pl:iy Saturday "'llh :a wm Mcr Austin Collq;e. Until this gamc. the Indians \I.Cl\' ,;,uffl.-nng a fourG;unc losing st~ak. hul lht:y broke that streak hy hca1mg thc Kangaroos I')- 16. The lnd1an1: was11:d no ume in u kmi 1hc leJd, Sl'Or• tn~ ftrsl on n three-yard run h~· running hJck RodnC) O:ms. who c3med 1hc hall 21 time) for 61 )Jrd!,. Wtth 10.J, left 1n tht." first 14uJner, Nalhnn Turner'1- kick was &ood. tnJkmg the M:ore 7-0. The scon:: n:mnmcd unan-
sc:11:on. Juniilr nuddlc bh\Ckt·r knnifrr Llldu!iau c:ar,11m·d thl' htinilr thrl'C week~ai!11and -.cn111,KC'l h Ridenhour 1;ot th1: Jwud two week, ago.
Thc L:idy lmhan;,, r urrcn1ly ,1iii1t an ,,,·rtu1 1 n"{·,1rJ ,,t ~-\ t o.nJ ;ii\: '\-2 10 the TIAA. Their Ol."<I c,mll'St 1.1\.c, them ht Irvmg, Tl' '{J\, \,hrn· tht.'y will hJttl~· thL• Un1H' 1MI)' of Dall:\S ma 1 [l nl rnntl'M
S4."0rc IO 7-., ,,1th 6.5.1 ldt m thl· k a,1 .11:;un :11 16-10 with 1 111 k n ,1w ~Jmc 1hc half. \\'l'J\'t•(, ,·,trJ fH)lnl alIn the third 4uJrtCr. Au'illO C('llkgc "J\ the 11nly ll'ffl l"l "J' t, and reteam \II h('I coullJ i:~·t mlO the coH·n.·d h\ MSL' c11rncrhJcl:. end- Hint· Run111 ng, had J.uT\'ld 11.u·n._, "hi1 ran 11 bxk Chns Sander:- rJn up the 71 yJiJ!> fo1 ,1 ,Jli...y. making middk for a om·-)'ard touch- 1hc ~l',irt· I 6- 12 w11h Au,tin down. s1,·1ng 1hi: Kang :iroo~ C1lllci!C st1\l m 1hc lead. \\' 1th I J \ left m the lhc lo3d. 10•7. In 1hc foun h qu:ntt·r. gamL', M1d\l.'l•1:1t:rn regained r.•hdwcstcm l':Ulll' hJl'k and the kad and " ,in 1he game tied 1hc Sl'1UC ,,n a ~J -y:ud v. 1th 4uarh.·1 hJ.:k Brodcrick fo:ld g,-.;1. hnnsins l hL' l:C(m: St·ncgal'~ !,t:( ·)'JrJ l1luchdown pas!> M Mu:h:icl ~kDonald 10 10-JO ;\u.qin Colki;t· JO),,\\l"l'\'d Tumc-r't o.tra point was this with a 2~-y.1rd mud1- gooJ
Soccer woes continue on road By S~nctr Friflll Sports SlalT The MSll \iK'Cl!r icam took J 1wo-gamc lus1ni;streak tu DJ\l:ti IJ.\t wc1.·kend IC\Okmg for :i vh.:lnry over nJ• t1on::ill y-r11nkl• d S11u1han Mcth('l d1s1, hut 1he Jmh::.n,' !.lidc c,mtmucd u ihc Mus· ungs w11n , I . SMU's · S.tL' IJn Soulianc 5corc-d iwo goal, w•thm thn.•. mmutcsiife Jrh,iiheri,,gi\i.: the Mu~l:tngs 11 2 11 ,ulvJn • tagc. It ,.t:tyi.:d that WJ)' unul hue 10 lhc luM hall when MSU's Mir had t h::iffln .scored to cul SMU'\ lead 10 2- 1. The lnd iJn,; hJd nnc
more !.COnng \l(lf101 tun1t)' in the half hut 3 .,hot-on-gnal :utcmpt fJikd "hl'O 11 hit the po~t :indhl1u111.·cd (1ut. • Tht.·y ,c,ifl·J I" '' r,·al 1:of1 guat.. wht·1\' lhl'IC ".1,n't 3 h1t of ddi;n"w l·lhut i.1 ,11,r 1h1:m. • NJ!hJn P1i..·r. \1SLI socC'cr coJth, .1,Jnl -s11ulht·tn Mi.:•hod1,;,t" J gl1t1tl ICJm, hut I thmk uur plJ)1.·1, Jn: 1u,t a, goo,1 Jl!h11uJ:.h I felt \ll:.c 14'C plJycd a l1nlc 11m1d 111 ,1J11 uul wuh Thi; w1.,111J half hl.•hingl."J to ~Ml ' -'!> 1ht·y ,hut 1hc lnd1• am uut The \1nl~ l_!ua\ of the half one,· .al_!Jm c.ime ,1ff the Jc~ of (j11uf1JnL' w11h 21t S1
ldt to pl.1)' . "S~W !>1Cpp.:d up their gJmt· 1n lhL' ,1.• half ;md 1hc)' :,.hut u, d,)wn.- P1lcr ~aid "Wt• JU~! ni.:\'er really i:111 JOY\. hJm·..-, Arn•1lii 11 l! 111 P,1 ,·r. lht· lcJm ,, l.1,Lin~ ~nnlldl·n1.·t· · R1gh1 n,m ,1u1 Lllnf1dt·ncc l!i dtl\\11, hut IH1pclull)' "e 1."ln ~1.·t thlllu!!h 11." hc ,.ud "The pnihk m t·,1mc~ wh,·n you ,1ar1 plJ)' IOl! 11110, ly 1n a strt.'ll h whe1e you need to play " t·ll 1,1 w111 hel':tu-.c lhc la.)I fi\l" 1=amc.1o we've had tcnl.ling "11h SMU) wi.:rc live h11_:h qualuy tt·a111, • The lnd,:m'- drup to 7•4.
w11h 1c:unma1e Davis finishing 6th. In 1hc CAT C mens division H:iyi. took 1st bc:nini;aficld of24raccrs. In the critcrium S:uurday aflcmoon. VaS4uct linishcd in 4th with teammates Fishman and Read capturing 5th and 7th, respectively. in a hard fought 10.c ucal CAT A race. After a long b::ittlc m the women's CAT A dh•ision,
Brandy Alexander w;tS edged at lhe finish line co 1:ake 4th with ButJer m 5lh. The road races on Sunday were equally hard•foui!hl. Team Arrow's Ronan .:ind Tam Kelton le•I a 1ai:t1cal as· sault on the CAT A men allowing ~ammatc Rc:id and Fishman to get off on a breakaway. Read Mllocd 1n to capture 1st. followed hy Fishman in 2nd. Ron:u, and
Vasqut.".I fm,,.heJ m 5th .:ind 10th. n:,.pcc.:t1vcly Br:anJ) Alc,.indl·r 100k 4th pl:l<.e wh1\c Autkr followed in 5th 111 1he CAT A women·, di\1\100 In .m c,L llmt, fim,h tn 1he men·~ CAT 8. Amaya and 0JHS cha~d dCl"n a hreak3"3Y Unt\'Cr!,lt)' of Tex:is cych\l. 1hcn m a feed ,one to CJpture 11:t and 2nd w1lh .i. thrci.: minute lead o,·cr the field Tc.1m Arrow will ho1:t !he confcrcm:c s nc-xt e"cn1 " 1th a cntcnum on Ocl. 23 31 Lucy Park. followed hy 1hc annual Spook and Spoke TimcTn:il.
. . MSU 's Team Arro w dominates stage race at Texas A&M
~~~ardson -Hicks Bnndy Alcundcr and ~~ A1 or Cryi.tal Butler IO('lk Jth and h ;.ow :ook_top team 5th plat:cs m the CAT A O 1 ono rs er~ With Paul womcn'sdiv1s1on. ec~d. JJSOn Fd,shCma_n. Alberti Chns Amaya and fason 11,~q~cz an hns Ronan Davis fim,;hcd \st and ~rd finishm,g 1st. ~th, 5th and 8th respectively m the CAT u 1y . 1~ the CAT A men's divi~•on. Al rt.sp~ctivc_ Ab,:inder mens di~mon at ~a s t and Ron H:t)'S captured 2nd wee k ~~d s cycltng and 7th. and Phihp Boo1h compct1l1on al Te xas A&M. finished 15lh.
The cycling etlmpc11110n bcg:m with 1h1• timt tr13l cwnt (lll S:iturJay morning. Ron1n, Vas14uc,. and Read walked off with a I. 2. 3 sw1,..-cp 10 the CAT A mcn's dtv1Mon. Buller and Brandy Alexander tinishcd m 4th and 5th. rcspc..-cti,,cly. in the CAT Awomcndiv1.1,1on. Tc:im Arrow's Amaya caplul\:d 2nd pl:tee honors in the CAT B me n's division
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ti{£ Wlchltan
Thursdoy, October B , 1994
Page 7
Indian history and spiritual legacy .. .
~~~ ~~, -:
! :._ •\ ••
~\~~ •
Jack Gladstone sings, talks By Urion Unllord F.clllor Jack Gla1.1'itt111c. the Blad:Jcc1 fnlk rn1gcr from
Jerry Ross, son J oshua, ri ght and ni ' play(ul lwo-~ear-old pel-wolr Stella': ~~ison enjoy • moment or relaxation with and an Amcncan gray wolr. • t 1 15 • cross betwun an Arctic limber wolr (M1111
u,,,.,.,,.,.. Wld/,o,.
"Wolves often possessive of masters "
From page 1
~wild wolves an: .ifraid of humans and very skittish. Huma~s don't
rcpubuon among wolves," he
Summtrs Too Hot for Arctic Wolves
said, smiling.
How has Stella adapted to As for the cause of Stella's lhe ho1 clim:itc in Wichita playful char:ictcr. Ross ~id, FaJJs? 'Any animal will respond 3C· "Not well ." Ross s:iid. cording to how 11 1s trc:ucd. "She's . better aduptcd 10 a lbis is true of dogs. wolves. cold chmJ.le. The heat here is hard on her." He described OC' monkeys. E\'cn goldfish. You can 1r:1in any of 1hese how Stella's weight dropped a.nimals 10 be vicious or to be from 65 10 about 45 pounds loving and playful." during the fim year here. But she's doing much better now and rcg:iined most of her A Wolr Named 'St~lla' weight. "During the summer, I let Ross pu rchased S1c lla, now a spayed 2-year-old fe. her s1.:1.y in 1he 11:ailcr during male, from a breeder in the day wi1h the air condi• northern California when she tioner on." he said. was a pup. At the lime he was Wolr Owners llan as1udcnt at Community Col• Difficulties Jege of the Redwoods in Crescent C i1y and living in Arc there special difficulhis c:ir on the beach. He saw the ad in 1hc news- 1ic.s in living wilh an Arc1ic p.1pcr 1ha1 wolf pups were for timbcrwotr! "Yes," Ross said, ·s1ella sale. followed it up and bought Stella fo r $50. Nor- pJCCS back :rnd for1h inside m:illy they sell for $200 or 1he lrailer all !he time. That's more. He got her chc:ap he· just a wolf 1rai1. fa•en in the cause 1hc breeder's new wi ld. wolves :ire always kennels were not ready. ;md moving. They're high-strung he had cigh1 wolf pups :ind" Not everyone agrees 1hat 1wo adult wolves inside his keeping wolves and wolf hyhouse. brids as pets 1s :i good idea. The fa ther of the pups was AIi anicle in 1he June 1994 an Arctic 1imbcr wolf, which lhe breeder had broughl with issue of Smi1hsonian magahim from Alaska. The mother zine said that since 1986 nine was an American gray wolf. children in the Um1ed S1a1es, from tmhJlcrs to 3 12-year• Ross S3id he was told. old. have been killed by wolf Ross expl ained that his and wolf-dog pets. The anicle oldcs1 son Justin had a friend claimed th:it many more who had a dog nam..:d Stella. people. both children :ind Justin sugges ted they give the adults, have been maimed, same name 10 their wolf. Problems for owners come Ross thought about it. rc- after their animals first 1wo mc:mbcring his six weeks ?f years when they hecomc hving with 1hc wolf pup m aduils. ac.:cording to 1hc arti: hlS c:ir on 1hc beach. Like the cle. Experts claim the ~oh·es fc:malc charac1er S1cll:i in the normal quest for domin:rncc Marlon Brando movie in the pack ortcn leads them ·s1rrr1cnr Nnmrd Drsirt," 10 chlllengc.: their hu~:an the wolf w:.1s always running masters. The wol\'CS co~s1dcr away. ch:asin& afler hirds or their owners Simply 01her other m1crcMmg things. and wolves' in 1he pJck. . . Ross would h:ive to find her Ross disagreed with this and bring her h:ick. _ asscssmcnl of wol\'es a.~ pets. ·1nc n::imc seemed to I ll. M \Vhcn dogs or woh•cs ge1 M> I n:imed her Stella. Be· be 2-3 years old. the~ ~es1dr.~. ii ga\'e me a chance to 10 vclop their own pcrson~ht1cs. practice my Marlon Br:indo They're often possc:sSl\'e of 1mprcss1ons ," he ~aid. laui:h· their mas ters a~d don'. t wanl ing. 10 be played w11h. This 1s :is
true of Chihuahu:is as of wolves,· he said. Although, Stella looked like the Arctic timber wolves in the pictures on the wall. Ross showed me '1ocumcnta• lion from the ::animal clinic in Crescent City that described her as a 'hy-brced wolf: Many states have declared pure-bred wolves as wild animals and will not let them enter. Wol(Hunting Ross is not active with environmen1al groups 1rying to preserve wolves or wild habi• tats; however, when he lived in California, he encouraged people to write leucrs to slop the commercial hunting of wolves in Alaska. ·That was all about com• mercial gain," Ross said. "The hunters wouldn't come to Al:isk:3 any more jus1 lo hunt c:iribou. So the govcmmenl 1ried to lure them 10 the slate by 11.1\owing them 10 hunt wolves. Slate offici:ils argued that 1he wolves were preying on 1hc caribou :ind rcducint: their numbers." Ross shook his head. "Of course, the wolves ea1 caribou. That's the no.tuf31 order and, if left alone. the two popula1ions would naturally b:ilancc each other out in the cco-sys1em. Ross believes it is morally wrong 10 hunt an anim11l just 10 put its he:id on display. "Hunters should cat what 1hcy hunt.· he said. Ross left 1he room and re• turned with :i thick 1cx1book titled "Lfring m tht Environ· mtnt• by G. Tykr Miller, Jr. The book scr\·ed as the !ext· book for an ecology Jnd cc.:0• sys1em course Ross 100k :it the Community Cullegc of the Redwoods. Ross s:aid :ill species in• eluding wolvc., arc neccss:ary for the existence of a vi:ihle eco-sys1cm . .. Jusl tm:igine. if there were no bacteriJ. We'd be over our hc:ids in i;arhatc," he, holding up hu, ;,
Non-trad itional students MSU's concern From page I Birdine s:ud, · 1!"s impor• ta111 sludcnts realize 1h:H mos1 Offices on c:tmpus arc open 10 them. If u·s a p.irucular pro· gram or :icti, uy thcy'n.: not pleased with. 1hcy can c:ill
thal 10 th~ ancn11on of studcn1 scr.•icc.s. . •r,•c been on some uni· \'crsitu:s v. hc.:rc th~ 1.·omm1t• tees didn't hJ\'C studenls on them. I'm so plca~ed thJ.t MSU's philosophy 1s 10 i::et
input from students." he s.1id. "Then: 1s recourse lhrough administration." Birdine said. "The slUdcn1~ arc 1he ~On· sumt:rs 1n th1 c; whok process.
Montana. mtroduccd his audience 10 N:m,·c American history and spiritual insights Tuesday night. Within minu1cs of w:ilking on the s1age, his audii:nce was howling like wolves as he sang 1hc "Wolf Song... The wolf, he snid. w:is an 11lly :ind friend to the N:ativc American tribes hccausc the wolf fam ily showed them how to coopcr:nc and survive on 1hc l:and. The next song told about the bc11r which 1:oes into its lodge in the fa ll Jnd comes out again in 1he spnng. One time when he felt contrary 1he hear i;tolc 1hc Chinook wind which melt., 1hc snow and allows 1hc 1nhcs 10 g111hcr firewood 10 the winter. None of the onimol5 except thi: magpie knew who h11d s1olcn Chinook hut several animals wcn1 with a young Indian m:in 10 s1cal 1hc wind back from 1h~ hear. Gllds1one set 1hc st-,gc for his nex1 song by 1clling how 1he buffalo we re systematically s laughtered after tht! Civil W:,.r in order to 31 ~~t~ l 4 ~if::1! ·1~';rfn mere 1en years before. there had been an cs1ima1cd 40 million. The Dl:1ckfcc1 tribe took their name from 1he buffalo. Gladstone said. Three branches of 1hc tnbc existed: the 'Scabby Robe' branch in Mont:in:i, dcsccnd:i.nts of Chief Red Crow and the branch which Gladstone belonged to; the 'Blood' branch located near 1he C:in:idi:in border; and the 'Blackfoot"hranch in Calgary, Albcn:t. As the buffalo bec:imc scarce. the nor1hern plains tribes (the Sioux and the Cheyenne} concc:ntr:iu:d in the Mon1:in::i area where they com pc led for scarce n.:sourccs. The Battle of the Llule B1~ Hom wis fought in 1876 when thn.:c U.S. armies with a 101:al of about 5000 men converged on these
!~~ ~~:,~~:
w,~~ TI~f ~~
IO th~~ f'C5Cf\'ations, said AnnSlfon~.
Gener.ii George Annstrong scmi-profcss_ion, I hoschall In Custer pushed the 7th Army North Cuohno hc_forc go1n1 10 cngoge the Sioux before to the Olympics, uld the other armies because he
had politico! amhi1ions and wanted 10 build ;i n11me for himself. Armslong 1hen sang a song about Cusler and 1~c battle in which Cus1cr :ind his 7th Army was dcfoa1cd. Armstong told the story about the vision qul!SI of Red Crow. his ancestor. Red Crow became 3 famous warrior among the Blackfeet nndw~1hcirchieffmm 1870 10 1900. The vision quest is a kind of initiation ceremony among many Native peoples in which a young man or wom:m fasts for scverJI d:iys, then goes repcJ.1cdly through a swe:11 lodge in order 10 purify 1hcmsclvcs. Finally they go up on a hill or alone for t~rcc. ~ays in order 10 seek their vu1on. Usu:illy that vision will be of an animal ally which will tell them :1bout their inner spirit as well as their future possibilities. In Red Crow's, he saw II gopher, aclu:illy 1hc chief of all 1he gophers who asked him1os1opkillint:hisgopher children. The gopher 1old Red Crow lh:it if he would use 1he 31 3 =~reh:ru:~~n~o~ 1o ~~il~ :
Thorpe play~d profcs.s10!11ll b:all for 1he G111~ts .for nine y~us. Thorpe die~ in l95~. Mis med:ils :md his athle~1c record were rc~tnrcd to hl!fl pos1humously tn 1984. s:ud Gl11dstonc. .. Gladston.c then s:mg Old Slitp" which w:as a ,ballad a~ut a shee~hcrder s ~og wh1c~. when his master died andhtsbody1akenaw:iy o~a train, ~•me to ~ CCI the 11a1ns four umes druly for S in years (19_37 to 194_2~ befo-:C he, 100, died and rcJoincd his mtl!iter. , .. Gladstones l;ut song The Circlt of Lift.. conccmc~ lhe spiritual symhol o~ the circle ~hi~h to the pla1~s people signifies the rct~ming cycles of death and rcb1nh and ev~n the Ennh herself. The rcfr.un from the song follows:
Sht's 1he Circle of Lift. Shr 's tht womb of rht Sim's Crrorion. She's hisfortwr wift. She's the harvrs1 of tvtry na1ion. Sht's 1ht molhtr nf tvtry lift form. Through each day and todi night. With tht Fathtr slit govt tlrt b~~e~:nw~:~ ~;~;°w~u\~ Earth form. never be hanned by an enemy She's tht Circle of Lift.
wCJpon. Red Crow did this. and though he fought in many battles :1gains1 the Blackfecl's traditional enemies. not once was he hun. said Gladstone. Gladstone eulogized Bright Path, known to his rans as Jim Thorpe. Ft. Carlyle, Kans:u. WllS turned into an Indian school around the tum of the century, and young Indian children were sent 1here from all over 1he U.S. 10 gc1 an educ:ition and le:irn 1hc white man's ways, Within a few years. 1he school h:id a winning foolbJ.11 ~ with Brighi Path the st.:1.r or the college 1eam. One yc.3r the team even won the national championship. Thorpe. a natural athcletc. went on to thi: Olympic Games and won more med::ils th:in :iny other single athlc1c in history. La1er he was
!~fitf:~!:~ ~r:~s!~: i ~ was discovcrccl he had played
10 0 inc?~::J hi:·sf:11~;: G ladstone. The cider Gladstone s.iid that he served in the U.S. Navy during WW U on the U.S.S. Iowa as a 20 mm spcci3liSt gunner and during the Korean War in the Merthant Marines. He mc1 Jack's mother in Sc.ittle. They h:ive been married 43 yCJrs. Persons interested in learning more about the spiritual cosmology of the Plains lndi:ins should consult the books of Joseph Epps Brown. said bck Armstong. Brown, who was a professor at the University of Montana for many years, studied with Black. Elk, the famous medicine man of the Siou~ for four years. Brown's books include "Black Elk Speaks." "The Sacred Pipe," "Animals of the Soul," and "The Spiritual Legacy of the American lndi:in.•
Homecoming events, Car-Ba sh court announced By Erika 111omns MSU•Howard Payne roo1h:1II Reporlt r game. At half•lime, the MSU will begin home- homecoming queen will be coming on Thursday Oct 20. announced. Meanwhile. Among the program of the rcs1 of 1he court has been le vents for 1ha1 r.lay is the n:amcd. Kellie 8Jker and ~~~~:rLE~~~!:i:~:n~r ~~~ "'j1~~~~an da;~h~et;~: theannual bonl1re respectively . Miss: The parade ts scheduled Greenaway is sophomon 10 stan in front of P1cn:c Hall princess and Kns1cn Baker i Ion Tee Pee Dri\'C at 9:45 p.m. freshman prim:ess. and the bonfire :11 IO p.m. Homecoming events an.· Dr. Lou1'I Rodriguez.. being sponsored by the Uni MSU prcsidenl. will conclude versi1y Programming Board. 1he even! with :i rcccplion 31 Student Govcrnmen Sikcs l·fou,;ca1 I030p.m. Associa1ion. T:iu Kapp:i On Saturday . Oc1. 22. Epsilon :i.nd Alph:i Phi Alpha MSU will hoi.1 a 1:1ilg:11c organ11.a11ons. p:irty in ~lc,norial Stadium For funher information, p:irking 101. Tim event will con1act N:11.1l ic Birdwell 01 1akc place :11 6::l0 p.m. just the UPB. 689-45(Kl. .. . he for~ 1hc l.1ck-off of 1he ,__,,;,,,;;;;;,,;_,;;,;; ;;__.,,.-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __,
The MSU Society of M:mufacturing Engineers will hold 2 "" fuo d•r:i.iser st 1he south side the Clark. tudcntCentcronOc1.19. Between 9 a.m. and I p.m. aR d again from 4 p.m. to 8 ~h~~st~~;sa ~~I wi~~k: with a sledge hammer at a car. "Write your favori te or un~~:on;;n~':[~ss::J n~~ 0~ h w ack," Sam Broyles, SME president, said. "Different portions of the cmr will be allocated 1o differ:tifJ.anmcrns on c:1m1rns," S " tuden1s arc cnc.:ouruged to come smash their frustralions~ ai mcosi of SI. Folr mor< info rmation, c:ill 8 roy cs at 689· 42R2.
Color guard to begin practice FUSION, M1dwes1crn S tate U nivers · ty 's win1cri;u:1rd 1c:am. will hcgin prac11cc sc~o;;iom 7 p.m. Oc-t. 13 in 1hc MSLI h:rnd h:tll Studcn1 s 1ntcrcc;1cd 10 pJrui..:1p.111ng m w1ntcrguard an: 1m 111:d to L<m tJct All:in
Black. associate dircc1or of bands, at 689 -4 I R6 for info rma1ion on rd1earsal times and procedures. FUSION h:i.~ represented MSU for the pa,1 four yc:irs in t!ie Tc,.a c<1lor gu:ard
circui1 and competes 1hroughou11hc s1a1c. FUS ION won the slate Cl:i\S A ch:impionship in 199.l and 1s oprn 10 males and female \ intcres1ec.J m rcrfnrnun!! wi1h Ila!!:,., 110c~ o.nd sJbrc\.
TIIE Wichi!!!!
Page 8 Thun<loy, Oclob<r 13, 1994
MSU HOMECOMING 1994 TUESDAY, OCTOBER 18 6:00 p.m. Spirit Ribbons, Killingswo rth Spirit Ribbons will be tied around trees on MSU camput Sponsored by Gamma Phi Beta and Student Ambassadors
10:00 a.m. Alpha Experience, CSC lawn â&#x20AC;¢ to 4:00 p.m. Sponsored by the University Pro1rammin1 Board Atrium, Center Student Clark Picnic, School All 4:30 p.m. dinner and entertainm ent outdoors Sponsored by the University Programming Board
THURSDAY,OCTOBER20 Maroon and Gold Day! Wear your school colors!
7:00 p.m. Volleyball Game, D.L. Ligon Coliseum MSU vs. Howard Payne University
9:30 p.m. Torch light march to bonfire Meet in front of Pierce and Killingsw orth for march 10:00 p.m. Bonfire, Outdoor Education Center Sponsored by Student Government, Tau Kappa Epsilon, Alpha Phi Alpha and University Programming Board
10:30 p.m. Reception following Bonfire Home of Dr. ~ Mrs. Louis J. Rodrigun
5:00 p.m. Kiowa Kooks Annual Fish Fry, Outdoor Education Center 7:00 p.m. Soccer Game, MSU Soccer Field MSU vs. LeTourneau University
1:00 p.m. Basketball Scrimmage, D.L. Ligon Coliseum
MSU Lady Indians vs. Grayson County Jr. College
7:00 p.m. Tailgate Party, Memorial Stadium Sponsored by Kiowa Kooks and Ex-Student's Association, FREE HOTDOGS
7:45 p.m. Pre-Game Ceremony, Memorial Stadium 8:00 p.m. Football Game, Memorial Stadium MSU vs. Howard Payne University
2:00 p.m. Soccer Game, MSU Soccer Field MSU vs. Baker University