MY FAIR WEEKEND: State Fair of Texas offers rides, entertainment and the best in fried food.
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Wednesday n October 13, 2010
INFORMING VOTERS: Candidates for Texas House of Representatives visit MSU for Q&A.
npage 4
WINNING FOR THE CURE: MSU men’s and women’s soccer teams win matches, raise money to fight breast cancer.
npage 10
SimMan breathes life into training Chris Collins Managing Editor
Mac has a pretty hard life. Just last week his blood pressure dropped to zero and he stopped breathing. It took a whole class period of CPR to bring him back to life. “My head hurts. I think I’m gonna throw up,” Mac said last week. Since he arrived at MSU this
summer, Mac has suffered from pneumonia, internal bleeding and seizures, among other ailments. He hasn’t been able to get out of bed all semester. But things are looking up for Mac. His doctors – the students in the MSU respiratory care program – are getting better at taking care of him. In fact, some of them are ready to work on real people. Confused? Mac is a machine. A machine who can talk,
breathe, cry and shake. His real name is SimMan 3G. He helps train respiratory care students to deal with scenarios they will eventually see in a hospital setting, said Ann Medford, respiratory care program chair. Students can practice a wide range of job skills with Mac so they’re better prepared when they need to work on actual patients. The respiratory care program has the Bryant Edwards Founda-
your university n your voice
tion to thank for the new equipment – it made a donation to the tune of $116,300 this summer to bring Mac to MSU. “The Bryant Edwards Foundation’s continued support of our respiratory care program has lifted it to one of the best in the United States,” said MSU President Dr. Jesse Rogers. “This program would not exist without the long-term and generous support MSU Respiratory Care students practice skills on Mac, a
See MAC on page 3 realistic simulated patient. (Photo courtesy)
Island time
MSU students celebrate Caribbean culture
The MSU Caribbean Students Organization gave MSU a taste of island culture Friday at Caribfest. This is the 12th year the CSO has put on the festival, which celebrates students’ Caribbean heritage while raising money for local charity organizations. The event kicked off with a colorful parade. Students danced to the beat of rhythmic music while making their way around campus in bright costumes. Afterward, spectators had the opportunity to sample Caribbean cuisine while performers played music and danced in Sunwatcher Plaza. The CSO selected the Wichita Falls Independent School District, Wichita Falls Leadership Legacy and the Senior Citizens Center to receive the proceeds from this year’s event. (Photos by Kerde Severin)
Former student finds niche in administration Brittney Cottingham Features Editor
Two years ago, Dominique Calhoun was selecting courses for his last semester of college, stressing over midterms and spending Thursday nights out with his friends. Now, he heads up Spirit Days to help incoming freshmen begin their college experience, balances a backto-back schedule full of meetings with deans, administrators and community leaders, and spends his evenings developing new ideas for the Shades of Color newsletter. Calhoun, MSU coordinator of multicultural services, has many things in common with the students he works with because he was a student until a
few short years ago. Calhoun graduated in December 2008 from Midwestern with a Bachelors of Science in psychology. When he started school, he planned to study medicine and become a doctor, but his grades began to suffer. Like many students, Calhoun had to support himself through school by working in housing and doing other local jobs. “I was having a difficult time with going to work to pay for college and ensuring that I was on top of my course work, particularly Biology and Chemistry labs,” Calhoun said. “So I decided to change my major. I took a class in psychology and became interested.” He said psychology courses prepared him for the real world. Calhoun says
Stiles: women still face workplace inequality Chris Collins Managing Editor
Dominique Calhoun (Photo by Hannah Hofmann)
that his education at Midwestern was not solely academic. He also learned how to take care of himself.
See CALHOUN on page 5
In the 1970-1971 school year, MSU employed 34 female faculty members and 122 male faculty members. In 2010, the numbers are 118 females to 144 males. These stats were presented by Dr. Beverly Stiles, chair of sociology, in a presentation Thursday about gender inequities in the workplace. She hoped the talk would open audience member’s eyes to the fact that even though some Americans are trying to close the gender inequity gap, there are still obstacles to overcome. “Look at the WWF. Look at the fit-
ness industry. You don’t have to look that far,” she said. “Feminism has become the ultimate ‘F’ word.” Regardless, one can’t debate that women are on average more educated than men. Women earned more doctorate degrees (50.4 percent) than men in the 2008-2009 school year. It was the first time they had surpassed men in this category, and it was the last degree type men had dominated at the start of the millenium. Women began earning more bachelor’s degrees than men in 19811982 and earned more master’s degrees than men in 1980-1981. This seems to be in opposition to the
See STILES on page 4
2 n The Wichitan
campusvoice nour view
Core classes provide solid foundation Students often claim core curriculum courses are irrelevant, but the required math, science, humanities and language credits should be viewed as an opportunity, not an inconvenience. Incoming college freshmen are rarely certain about what they want to do with their lives. The MSU catalog states that the core curriculum not only “introduces students to a variety of disciplines,” but helps prepare them for success once they begin working on their area of specialization. That freshman English course doesn’t just exist to force students to churn out papers, just like the required science courses aren’t intended just to fill the labs in Bolin. These courses might not convince someone to become an English or science major, but they will teach students how to think differently
and broaden their range of knowledge. Obtaining knowledge is the purpose of higher education. That intention has been muddied because many students attend a university only as a means to an end. It would be more convenient for these individuals to get in, obtain the courses necessary to complete their major, and get out in the real world to start pulling in the extra income a college degree promises. Limiting study to only a concentrated area cripples students in the long run. If pre-med majors are not required to take courses in the social sciences, they might be experts on disease but ignorant to the nature of the people they treat. The core curriculum doesn’t diminish specialization. It broadens students’ perspectives and provides insight into elements of society and
the world that students might otherwise never encounter. The problem doesn’t lie within the requirements or the professors. Student attitudes create an environment in many core curriculum classes that makes it impossible to teach. Students’ lack of participation and effort can turn a potentially informative class into one where a professor is unable to truly teach anything. The academic foundations requirements don’t exist to inconvenience students. They are a crucial element to attaining the purpose of higher education as a whole – learning. They teach students how to think, solve problems and communicate. Knowledge in one area is valuable but students’ post-college lives will not take place in a vacuum. Wellrounded students will be more prepared to take on challenges that can’t be covered in a single area of study.
October 13, 2010
thewichitan 3410 Taft Blvd. Box 14 n Wichita Falls, Texas 76308 News Desk: (940) 397-4704 n Ads: (940) 397-4705 Fax (940) 397-4025 n E-mail
editorial board
nEditor in Chief: Brittany Norman nManaging Editor: Chris Collins nEntertainment Editor: Lauren Wood nOp-Ed Editor: Cameron Shaffer nSports Editor: Andre Gonzalez nFeatures editor: Brittney Cottingham nPhoto Editor: Hannah Hofmann nAdvertising manager: Rachel Bingham nCopy editors: Alyssa Johnston nadviser: Randy Pruitt nReporters: nPhotographers: Kassie Bruton, Kerde Severin
Copyright © 2010. The Wichitan is a member of the Texas Intercollegiate Press Association. The Wichitan reserves the right to edit any material submitted for publication. Opinions expressed in The Wichitan do not necessarily reflect those of the students, staff, faculty, administration or Board of Regents of Midwestern State University. First copy of the paper is free of charge; additional copies are $1. The Wichitan welcomes letters of opinion from students, faculty and staff submitted by the Friday before intended publication. Letters should be brief and without abusive language or personal attacks. Letters must be typed and signed by the writer and include a telephone number and address for verification purposes. The editor retains the right to edit letters.
nSocietal Floss
Be respectful or face a cleaning In February 2009, a series of 40 nationwide protests took place. Most people dismissed these rallies as a one-time event, like so many other rallies before. No one would have guessed that over the next 16 months the Tea Party movement would emerge as a dominant political and cultural force in this year’s election. The Tea Party has elicited almost as many emotions and responses as the ones that produced the movement. Where some people see racism, ignorance and hate manifesting itself as a Republican puppet, others see angry taxpayers ready to take back their freedom from big government. Some people seem to think this is the biggest political movement since the 1960s, while others see it as nothing more than a small blip on the political radar. The difference can be seen in which television networks paid attention to the Tea Party rallies earlier on. When the former governor of Arkansas, Mike Huckabee, was here last week, he went so far as to state that the Tea Party was doing exactly what the political system in America was designed to allow – to serve as a self purifier. Huckabee elaborated by comparing the U.S.A. to a selfcleaning stove and the Tea Party as the cleaner. Conversely, a senior adviser to President Obama, David Axelrod, stated, “I think any time that you have severe economic conditions, there is always an element of disaffection that can mutate into something that’s unhealthy.” The difference between clean and unhealthy is fairly large. But the biggest implication for the Tea Party is the way the opposition has reacted to them. While the Tea Party’s various affiliates have scored several impressive victories over prominent Republican favorites in primaries this past year, the way the Democrats and progressives in general have reacted is rather disconcerting. The Republican Party has, grudgingly in many cases, accepted the reality of the Tea Party as an important and influential member of the public discussion, at least for this election cycle. With party favorites
Cameron Shaffer Opinion Editor getting ousted and defeated in Alaska, Connecticut, Kentucky, Louisiana, South Carolina and Utah, there is no particular reason for the Republican establishment to be particularly favorable to the movement. But the GOP has shown respect, even if at an arm’s length. Progressives, on the other hand, have no such qualms. Besides incessantly labeling the movement as bigoted and racist (something Tim Scott of South Carolina might not agree with), commentators and opponents have picked apart apolitical aspects of candidates to an undeserved and severe level. Case in point is the reaction to Christine O’Donnell’s decade old confession to having been around witchcraft while in highschool during the 1980s. The mockery she’s received for believing that masturbation is sinful (consistent with her Roman Catholic faith) is shocking. The astonishment of Democrats and progressives at New York gubernatorial candidate Carl Palodino’s position that homosexuality is not an acceptable or equal lifestyle choice is quickly followed by accusations of extremism. Perhaps they forget that Roman Catholics have held that view for millennia and that Palodino holds a view not uncommon from Americans. The withering attacks on Rich Iott for taking part in World War II reenactments years ago, in which he filled U.S. and Nazi roles, associate acting with belief. It is almost as if the Democrats lobbing the attacks believe dressing up as a Nazi in a reenactment makes you a Nazi. It may not be particularly helpful for the Tea Party’s image
to have protestors and activists running around in funny hats, colonialesque costumes, carrying guns. You never get a chance at a second impression, and the initial one that opponents to the movement walked away with is that this is just a bunch of goofy looking rednecks that can not stand President Obama and are constantly asking for his birth certificate. That impression may have gotten in the way of what those people yelling, “Don’t tread on me!” were truly about. A majority of polls have found that most members of the Tea Party movement have more education than the average American. Nonetheless, the impression remains and foes of the Tea Party still have not accepted the credibility of the movement. Luckily for the Democrats, it was the Republican Party that first figured the consequences of ignoring this grassroots group. While Democrats have confidently predicated the overwhelming success of their candidates over what they see as fringe upstarts, it may pay to heed what has already happened to the incumbent power. Viewing the Tea Party and their nominees as a laughingstock is easy, and possibly expedient to temporarily marginalize the candidates. But the populist energy and fury is not something to be tossed aside lightly and ignored. Attack of the character instead of the position seems to be the order of the day. But what needs to be realized is that the zeal that produced the Tea Party, the cleaner of the American oven, is not a fleeting incident. It is an anger that will not be squelched November 2, regardless of the election outcome. If progressives want to truly end this threat to their political power, it would be far better to engage the Tea Party on a respectable level with valid points rather than regulating it to the corner as if it was some sort of ideological freakshow. If the Democrats do not pick up on this soon, they will be learning the hard way again on November 6, 2012.
nLetter to the editor We welcome opportunities to discuss the relevance of the Writing Proficiency Exam, and we understand students’ frustration and anxiety. Many students fear writing, fear the exposure, fear the caustic comments they anticipate they’ll receive from their teacher-readers. Students have hectic lives; many work hard to pay for school and consequently resent what seem unreasonable— even unfair—demands on their schedules and bank accounts. Unfortunately, however, many of the arguments we hear or read against the WPE often demonstrate its necessity. As the Writing Proficiency Requirement website points out, MSU wants to make sure that its graduates can write and reason well, yet paradoxically, many common arguments against the exam reveal a lack of such reasoning. A first example: By the time they’ve earned 60 hours, students should know how to write. We agree: they should, but many do not. Some students need more practice and struggle with writ-
ten communication more than others. Learning any skill, especially one as complex as writing, takes time, effort, and practice. We can’t expect someone who has passed Freshman English but has written relatively little since then to retain the skills, let alone improve them. A second example: If the English department did its job, students would know how to write well. English teachers should take seriously their commitment to their students. But what about the students? What if students don’t come to class, don’t turn in papers, or get others to write their papers for them? What if students don’t take seriously the reality that college requires sophisticated thinking and writing? What if students take their English courses elsewhere and transfer to MSU? Teachers are only half of the equation; the other half, student commitment and performance, obviously contains many variables. Third: The Writing Proficiency
Exam is worthless. Twenty-five percent of our students do not pass this exam, do not demonstrate a reasonable knowledge of standard written English or the ability to apply critical and logical reasoning to an issue. As inconvenient as it may be, the Writing Proficiency Exam gives us an opportunity to ensure students have the skills they need; the value of your MSU diploma depends on the quality of our graduates. The Writing Proficiency Exam raises plenty of legitimate questions and concerns, but weak arguments distract us from pursuing them. Being able to engage in a productive debate about the WPE (or any topic) in clear, insightful language is in fact the goal of the WPE, and when every student can accomplish that goal, the WPE will no longer be needed. Susan Button Kristen Garrison Greg Giddings Becky Green Sue Henson
October 13, 2010
campus briefs n
today: Transition Fair
tHURSDAY: Athletic Luncheon: at the Wichita Falls museum of Art at MSU at noon Preemptive love coalition: In Dillard 121 at 7 p.m. Speakers and Issues series: Captain Jepp and the Little Black Book: in Akin AUditorium at 7 p.m.
FRIDAY: Graduate and Professional School Fair: in CSC Comache at 10 a.m.
Sunday: Dr. Robert Hansen: in Akin Auditorium at 3 p.m.
Monday: Last day to drop with a ‘W’ Resumania Days: in CSC Wichita I & II at 11 a.m.
tuesday: Imagine graduation:in CSC Atrium at 11 a.m. Classic Film Series the Quiet Man: In the Wichita Falls Museum of Art at MSU at 7 p.m. Resumania Days: in CSC Wichita I & II at 11 a.m. Student Success Series: Ultimate Money Skills in CSC Shawnee at 7 p.m.
The Wichitan n 3
MAC...............................................................................................................................................continued from page 1 of the Foundation.” “Mac is amazing!” Medford said. “He is the latest and the greatest. I can’t tell you how excited I am about it and how much we appreciate it.” The MSU nursing program also uses a SimMan, but Mac is specifically made for respiratory care students. Instructors can induce breathing or circulatory complications in the machine with the click of a mouse. They can even talk to students remotely through a microphone during the procedure. “It’s not unlikely to be in a code situation in your first week at the clinic,” she said. “Students are trained to respond to and participate in code settings in the hospital setting. Mac helps them gain confidence in their airway management and compression skills before entering the hospital setting.” Medford said students need to be well trained in how to respond to code situations, some of which are Respiratory care students practice treatments on Laerdal’s SimMan 3G, a lifelike robot that helps students life-threatening for patients. “Our students don’t go to clinic and hone their skill in various treatment sceanrios. The robot, Mac, is used primarily by the students in laborajust observe,” Medford said. “They go tory classes, which prepare them for tough clinic situations. (Photo courtesy) to clinic and work. They do tons of for of “medicine” to MSU, along with work.” She explained that MSU respiratory students aren’t required to attend the robot. It isn’t real medicine, but Mac the 6-month orientation sessions some other doesn’t know any better. Sensors on his body read bar codes on empty containers medical students are. • Automatic drug recognition system This is in large part because simulated sce- marked with the names of different medi• ECG rhythm monitoring narios are never used in place of actual clinic cations. This way students also get practice apexperience. • Quality CPR feedback “Because our clinicals are so intense and plying medicine to patients in a labora• Realistic eye responses to light structured, our graduates might have a six- tory setting. “The SimMan is the best tool for learnweek orientation at the longest,” Medford • Chest decompression and drain ing how to assess and administer therapy said. “Then they’re ready to go.” Mac’s lifelike lung and diaphragm setup to a patient,” said Toby Beason, a junior in • Internal blood resevoir is hooked up to a wireless sensor system, the respiratory care program at MSU. • Remote wireless monitoring He said it helped him prepare for his which means instructors can evaluate the effectiveness of student CPR techniques in first ‘code blue’ scenario, which means a • Rugged, reliable frame patient has gone into respiratory failure or real time. • Vital signs respond to therapy Mac can also link up to a computer wire- cardiac arrest. In this case, Beason had to lessly so students can easily keep track of perform CPR on a patient. He was grate- • Memory bank of vocal responses ful to have the laboratory experience to pulse, blood pressure and ECG tracings. • Controllable open/closed airway Mac’s manufacturer, Laerdal, sent a bag help him with the procedure.
Laerdal’s SimMan 3G
4 n
The Wichitan
October 13, 2010
TACT hosts forum with state representative hopefuls Brittney Cottingham Features Editor
The CSC Kiowa room was buzzing as Dominique Calhoun, Multi-Cultural Coordinator for Student Development, played moderator for the Texas Association of College Teachers (TACT) on Tuesday afternoon
with the candidates for Texas 69th District state representative. Candidates, former Mayor Lanham Lyne and City Councilor Michael Smith, had seven minutes each to introduce themselves with both giving and outlining their platforms.
Students entered questions anonymously and got answers from both men who were given two minutes each to respond. This ping-pong question and answer period was exactly what TACT President Clara Latham had in mind. “We try to offer varied pro-
grams that have appeal to a wide variety of faculty and staff members across campus,” Latham said. Sophomore Brandon Miller is a first time voter. He called the forum a good learning experience but admitted he didn’t know much about the election
before this forum. Miller usually leans to the republican side but he said after hearing from both candidates his decision might be harder on Election Day. “I didn’t know anything about the candidates or who was even running actually,” Miller said. “I will be voting. Now that I know
where each candidate stand for. I have no reason not to vote. I want my opinion out there.” Early voting starts Oct. 18 and ends the 29th. Students can vote at the Home Depot, JCPenney court in Sikes Senter Mall and the Wichita County Courthouse.
Candidates at a glance
Michael Smith - D
Lanham Lyne - R
District 1 city councilor for three years Retired; if elected would be a full-time representative 37-year career in education as a teacher, principal and superintendant at Cityview ISD 4th generation Texan; resident of Wichita County for over 60 years
Wichita Falls Mayor for five years Experience in energy exploration Owned banking, agriculture, sports and television businesses Service in non-profit organizations
Platform: “My platform is simple. Keep the burden of government low
on the citizens of the state. This is accomplished with low taxes, lean government, and eliminating regulations that put an undue burden on Texans.”
Gay Marriage: “I believe marriage is between one man and one woman. I believe gay and lesbian couples, as well as unmarried couples should have rights when it comes to sharing benefits such as insurance and retirement funds.”
Gun control: “I am in favor of carrying concealed weapon laws. I believe anybody who is trained and tested for the use of concealed guns should have the right to carry a concealed weapon. I believe any institution should have the right to determine whether they allow concealed weapons.”
Higher education: “Higher education should provide a quality educa-
tion that allows the graduate to move into the workforce in their chosen career. We must find more efficient methods of delivering this education to reduce costs.”
Student voting: “Voting is a right not an obligation, however if you don’t
vote you are giving your right to someone else to determine the direction of your city, county, state, and federal governments. These entities determine how much tax you pay, where you can work, who you can hire and fire, plus many more issues in our lives. Many people take this right too lightly and don’t realize the power of the vote and an informed electorate. Every vote makes a difference.
Contact the campaign: 940-691-5200 To contribute, volunteer or get a yard sign:
Platform: “I do have several things that I know are very important to my campaign. I’m really concerned about the electricity rates in Texas. We pay some of the highest rates in the country. One of the biggest issues right now with this economic downturn is to protect existing jobs. I feel like we need to revisit the homeowner rate situation and try to understand why suddenly we pay almost the highest rates in the country.” Gay Marriage: “I feel like [gay marriage] is between two individuals and
I am open to that but I do believe we have to obey by the laws that are currently on the books. Again, I am open to legislation that would change that current law that would not allow gay marriage but I would have to see that first before I would actually vote for it. Again, at principal I am open on the matter.”
Gun control: “I am against weapons/guns on college campuses. I understand
the argument of the other side of let’s let anybody and everybody bear [arms] but I just don’t agree with that. I think there are places you leave your weapons at home and of all places, a place of learning, a college campus aren’t one of them.”
Higher education: “Specifically on lower tuition, I just know what’s being
charged for tuition now must be looked at and must be put on the table. It’s gone up so much, so quickly. I think we need to look at that as far as what can the state do to assist students more in paying tuition and what we can do to lower tuition for all potential students who want to go to college.”
Student voting: “I hope all college students vote and I hope they vote
in all elections. I think this is an opportunity to give your opinion by looking at the candidates, looking at their views and finding the candidate that is best for you. It is civic duty and civic responsibility and I think it’s one of the things that we have guarantee by the Constitution, so we need to always exert our right to vote.”
Contact the campaign: 940-692-5288 E-mail:
STILES...........................................................................................................................................................................................................continued from page 1 fact that women still earn less money in the workplace than men. In 1970, women workers earned $.58 for every dollar made by their male counterparts. Some progress has been made since, but the gap hasn’t closed completely. This year only still only make $.83 to every women’s dollar. Just last year, Stiles said, that figure was stuck at $.77 for women. She noted that black women and handicapped women make less money on average than other groups of women. “You may have heard that
women are faring better than men in the recession,” she said. “That’s true. The ratio is men’s earnings to women’s earning is changing because of a decrease in men’s wages.” The reason for the shift, she said, is many of the jobs lost due to recession involved manufacturing and construction, two male-dominated fields. Stiles provided a list of the five most prevalent occupations for women in 2009. nSecretaries and administrative assistants nRegistered nurses nElementary and middle
school teachers nCashiers nWorkers in the psychiatric and home health fields In 1970, 4 percent of women earned more than their husbands. In 2007, 22 percent of women earned more than their husbands. “Working men still lag behind women in housework,” Stiles said. “In the 1960s through the 1980s, housework remained almost exclusively the province of women. In 2005, women clocked 16.5 hours of housework on average, while men trailed with 12.5
hours. “We shift to a more equitable, although not equal, division of labor,” she said. In 1971, the first female CEO of a Fortune 500 company was hired. Almost 40 years later, there are only 13 female CEOs of toptier businesses. These women make up 2.3 percent of the Fortune 500 company CEOs. “The glass ceiling effect is proving persistent,” Stiles said. “The top remains stubbornly male.” There are no women working as CEOs of a Fortune 100 company.
Stiles said some women working as executives of successful companies offered three reasons why glass ceiling barrier still appears to be unbroken. The first is exclusion for informal networks of communication. “It’s the shop talk and the late night boozing that oils the wheels of progress,” Stiles said. “If you’re not part of that, you’re limited.” The second reason was stereotyping women’s capacity for leadership. “When we think ‘leader,’ we think ‘male,’” she said. “We tend to be unconsciously biased and
there’s strong evidence for that.” The third reason is a lack of strong female role models. “There are too few women in top jobs to show others just how it is done,” she said. “Many studies in the U.S. show that men are thought to be agentic, assertive, instrumental and confident,” Stiles said. “Women are thought to be communal, expressive, responsive and less competent.” She pointed out that similar behaviors are coded as aggressive when boys do them, but pro-social when girls do them.
Save a tree, MSU!
You can now access current and archived issues of The Wichitan online.
October 13, 2010
The Wichitan n 5
Local organization refreshes its alter eco Participants in Saturday morning’s 4th annual Eco Fair at River Bend Nature Center came out to help people collect with the environment. The event boasted local and regional vendors, food, nature seminars, wildlife tours, recycled crafts and local musicians. “As individuals, the best way to learn is by having a good time while learning,” Liz Martin, executive director of River Bend Nature Center, said. “Eco Fair provided knowledge about green subjects: solar energy, recycling and water harvesting. The fair promotes eco-friendly businesses in a fun atmosphere for the whole family.” The Eco Fair was started four years ago by the Red River Sierra Club. The original event was inspired by the Renewable Energy Round-up in Fredericksburg, Texas. Samantha McMahen, administrative coordinator for River Bend Nature Center, said that they wanted to put on a similar event to reach people in North Texas and southern Oklahoma to educate them about how they can be “green” locally and regionally. “The goal of the Eco Fair is to showcase local and regional businesses that are doing something good for our planet,” McMahen said. “We want people to get to know these businesses in person. McMahen said she also hopes people begin to realize all the ways they can be more environmentally friendly without leaving
Wichita Falls. “A lot of people don’t realize how much we actually have going on in this area that is ecoconscious,” McMahen said. “We have speakers to educate people as well.” Pamela Johnson from Rose Creek Farms showed visitors how compost tea cleanses the soils and doesn’t harm beneficial insects, including the bee population. Johnson said she hopes people realize they can make a positive change one purchase at a time. “The compost tea class is important because it offers an ecological approach verses chemical fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides,” Johnson. “It can be used on your lawn, trees, landscape and then of course your backyard vegetable garden. We can help people understand what these chemicals do the soil and the soil biology.” Tad Gose from Texas Parks and Wildife’s Lake Arrowhead State Park spoke about endangered species and how to preserve their habits. Gose said he hoped people learned that nature or the natural habitat and all species are linked together, and when one link is removed, all others are affected. “An informed public is an educated public and the more educated the public is, the more we can work together to improve the world in which we live,” Gose said. “Educating the public is one of the ways [TPWD] works toward fulfilling our responsibility and the EcoFair is a wonderful venue for reaching out to the public.” Each vendor showed their merchandise to inform the com-
munity of the type of green products available locally. Katherine Smith, owner of Smith’s Gardentown Farm, was one of the vendors at the event. Smith believes that it’s important to use natural resources correctly. “[Our business] recycles. (We) trade the plastic pots that plants go in and reuse them instead of sending them to the landfills,” Smith said. “We also water a lot of our greenhouses with recaptured rainwater.” Martn said there are numerous ways MSU students can help the environment. She said students could get involved on a personal level by recycling. McMahen suggests students get involved with organizations like River Bend Nature Center, the Sierra Club or Keep Wichita Falls Beautiful. “If we want ourselves along with our children, grandchildren and so on to have clean water and fresh air, then we have to act now to protect it,” McMahen said. “We also have to protect our natural areas like state and national parks. If it were up to businesses alone there would be no green spaces left. Citizens have to take a stand and show that living on a clean, sustainable planet is important.” Attendance was down from last year, but McMahen still called the Eco Fair a succes. River Bend Nature Center is now preparing for there NotSo-Scary Halloween on Oct. 22 where they will have a costume contest, pumpkin patch, and live River Bend Nature Center had their 4th annual Ecofair combined regional eco-friendly vendors, bats.
“(The courses) gave me the opportunity to think critically and analyze issues from various areas, something that I didn’t really know how to do,” Calhoun said. “It wasn’t until I took those classes that I began to rationalize and assess the world in a different manner.” As a student, Calhoun was involved in organizations ranging from the Biology Club to the Black Student Union. He had many other roles on campus as a resident assistant and an assistant hall director at the dormitories, and served as president of the Student Government Association from 2007 to 2008. “As SGA president, I had the opportunity to serve on various university committees with the present, vice-presidents, deans, faculty, and department heads of the university,” Calhoun said. “My position on these committees was to be the sole voice for the student body.” Calhoun was operating a construction company with his father after he graduated from college in 2008, but he realized the difficulties of running a company without a business degree. He decided
to further his education and pursue a master’s degree in business administration. While pursuing his master’s degree, Calhoun took a job as the graduate assistant for student affairs at MSU. He said his responsibilities included assisting the dean of students and lending a hand in the Office of Student Development and Orientation. “After a brief stint in that position, the coordinator of multicultural services position opened and a faculty member suggested that I apply,” Calhoun said. “I went through the interview process and was offered the position.” Going from student to MSU employee was an interesting experience for Calhoun, who explains the experience as being a freshman all over again. He had to change his behavior, develop a new degree of responsibility and prove himself all over again. “Things that were typical or normal for me before became atypical,” Calhoun said. “I decided not to go out every Thursday night or not go to parties at all, and some people started treating me differently. I had to mature ahead of everyone else and I had
to do it instantly, which made some people feel uncomfortable or cautious of me.” As Coordinator of Multicultural Services, Calhoun’s goal is to ensure that his office provides the best services for the student population. He said he enjoys being in a position to change things he wished the university would address when he was a student. Calhoun encourages students to establish a positive relationship with their professors, particularly in their field of study, because they never know how their professors could assist them in the future. He also advises students to make time to “stop and smell the roses.” “My grandmother always told me, ‘if you’re focused on your goals so much that you don’t stop and develop the plan, then you will never go anywhere,’” Calhoun said. “That means if you only have dreams, but no roadmap to get there, then you will be wandering aimlessly forever, chasing ‘hoop dreams,’ as she called them. Finally, take the time to have fun. Trust me, you will only be a college student once.”
Brittney Cottingham Features Editor
CALHOUN....................................................................continued from page 1
nature experts and local musicians to help save the environment. (Photos by Hannah Hofmann)
18 hours of theology in every degree program. That’s 20% more than most evangelical seminaries.
Attention August and December graduates!
October 19 and 20 11 a.m. - 6 p.m. in Clark Student Center Comanche Suites (Atrium Entrance) It will take a few minutes of your time, and you can register to win one of ve $100 cash prizes or other door prizes to be given away! Questions? Call (940) 397-6217 or 397-4116.
Meet reps from Dallas Theological Seminary on Friday, October 15 in the Clark Student Center from 10 am ’til 1 pm.
6 n The Wichitan
October 13, 2010
Last call for State Fair Lauren Wood Entertainment Editor
For more than 100 years, the State Fair of Texas has been a major source of entertainment for millions. However time is running out to visit this staple of Texas history. The booths, rides and Big Tex are only in town till October 17. This historic event is located at Fair Park in Dallas. Top things you must do at the State Fair of Texas: Try this year’s Big Tex Choice Awards winners Since the invention of the Fletcher’s Corny Dog, fairgoers have often ranked food as one of the top reasons for attending the annual State Fair of Texas. In 2005, Fair organizers - determined to take the association with food to a new level - organized the first annual Big Tex Choice Awards contest. The contest is considered a friendly food fight among Fair concessionaires. Entries must be new to the Fair, unique and tastetempting. The winner for most creative in this year’s contest went to Fried Beer while Texas Fried FRITOS Pie won the trophy for best taste. The Texas Fried FRITOS Pie is a generous portion of savory Texas born chili accented with a hint of sharp cheddar encased in the famous FRITOS corn chip. It is said to be a lightly battered, fried to a golden brown perfection that is a smooth medley of hot, meaty, crunchy, salty, cheesy, oozing goodness. Fried Beer is a beer-filled pretzel pocket that is deep-fried to a golden brown. However, you must be 21 years old or over to enjoy this odd concoction and ID is required. In addition to these two fried delights, the fair offers deep fried S’mores Pop Tarts, deep fried frozen margaritas, fried club salad, fried chocolate, fried lemonade, fried Texas caviar and many more delectable treats you won’t find anywhere else but at the State Fair.
Visit Midway and Big Tex Midway features over 70 attractions including the overhead Texas SkyWay, the Texas Star Ferris Wheel, which looms 212 feet over the crowd at its highest point, and a 1914 Dentzel carousel. There is also a chance to get your adrenaline rushing in the extreme ride “Thrillway” section of the park. Big Tex towers 52 feet above the ground and this happy cowboy is a must-see (and hear) at the annual event. See a Night Show There are concerts all week long, with headliners on weekends at the Chevrolet Main Stage and a crowd-pleasing Illumination Sensation that offers lights, music, dancing waters and pyrotechnics along the recently refurbished Esplanade reflecting pool. The nights also are illuminated with the StarTex Power Parade which glides through Fair Park. It features illuminated floats, giant puppets and the United States Marine Corp Drum & Bugle Corps. Other attractions include the Chevrolet Test Track for qualified drivers to test drive new models and the Century in the Making Football Pavilion, which is a celebration of the greatest moments in the first 100 years of football in North Texas, all leading up to Super Bowl XLV. The Russian Bar Trio will perform at the Fair on Saturday and Sunday. Using only a bar, floor acrobats work in tandem with the Trio’s aerial “flyer.” Comedic buccaneers will also be present this year with the Pirate of the Caribbean Dive Show. The BMX Bike Show will star the 720 Action Sports team performing gravity-defying feats in the “Thrillway.” As always, the State Fair Auto Show will be presenting the biggest new car and truck show in the Southwest. It features new models, concept vehicles and weekend collectors’ rallies. Time for relaxation is also available this year with the State Fair of Texas Wine Garden that offers tastings daily. As always there are plenty of vendors and shops to get anything practical, unusual and everything in between.
Texans come across the state to visit the State Fair to see Big Tex, try the fried PopTart, ride the ferris wheel, and eat the new fried Fritos Pie. (Photo Courtesy)
Chillin’ to some good tunes Production company tries to start There are times when you want to have fun, drive around with your friends or be all peppy and fun. You put some punk or rap or something in to sing along to, and you and your friends have a blast. There are other times, when you’re stressed, or need to study, or are just tired, where you just want to chill, relax or wind down. That’s what chill music is for. Chill music is very versatile. When you’re hanging out with your friends in deep conversation, or studying, or trying to write a paper or just wanting some alone time to take a break. Nothing is more soothing than some of these chill bands. Chill isn’t really an official genre, but these are some really good bands to chill to. More for his voice than his music (although both are pretty chill), Sam Beam’s Iron and Wine is always a good band to start off with. Beam hails from
Josh Hoggard For the Wichitan Austin and is known for his solo acoustic stuff. Beam has several studio albums to select from, none of which are a bad choice when it comes to chill. The Creek Drank the Cradle, Our Endless Numbered Days, and The Woman King EP are three albums worth adding to your collection. Iron and Wine’s southern style and metaphoric writing make them an excellent choice. Another solo-artist-with-a-
band, Bon Iver, is an amazing choice. After a bad break up, battle with mono and quitting an old band, singer/songwriter Justin Vernon stayed alone in his father’s Wisconsin cabin for a whole winter, with no intentions of writing any music at all. He left after that “good winter” (Bon Iver is a derivative of the French words for good winter) with an album he produced himself. With his harmonic vocals and intentional imperfections, Bon Iver is a great chill band. Thanks to Bon Iver’s Pandora station, the discovery of a band called Radical Face was made possible. A solo project of a busy Florida native, Ben Cooper, Radical Face brings a wide array of calm, soothing melodies with all kinds of different instruments. That should get you started on your chill collection. Due to the joys of music ADD, next week, we’ll venture away from calmer stuff and jump into some punk.
new music scene in Wichita Falls Josh Hoggard For the Wichitan
What a week it was for the Wichita Falls music scene. Third String Productions, a promotion business out of Dallas, headed by Mike Ziemer, has been working hard over the past year to re-establish some kind of music scene in Wichita Falls. Big bands have been coming through like crazy since Ziemer brought his business into the world of this smaller city. We’ve seen bands like Forever The Sickest Kids, Attack Attack, The Chariot, and many more make their way to our humble city thanks to the efforts of Third String Production. Add about five or six more to that list after these past few weeks. On Sept. 28, Abilene’s success story Close Your Eyes headlined a show at the Hangar off of Sheppard Access Road with Kid
Liberty and local band Fight the Good Fight. These pop-punk-core bands had a blast and got a mid-sized crowd completely involved in every aspect. Nothing is more exciting than watching several bands have as much fun as the crowd. However, according to their Twitter account, the day after the show, Close Your Eyes broke down in Vernon. The five guys were stuck there on the tour they were already on with Kid Liberty. After shacking up with friends from Wichita Falls, however, they ended up getting put on the next upcoming big show from Third String Productions. On Oct. 2, For Today came to town with Bleeding Through on the Anti-Hero Tour. With a more metal feel, this show brought out one of the biggest crowds a Wichita Falls show has ever had.
And, with the addition of Close Your Eyes playing here for the second time in five days, this show couldn’t be labeled anything but fun. As if that wasn’t enough, Third String brought it once again. On Oct. 6, Oh Sleeper and A Plea For Purging came through town. As compared to the Anti-Hero tour, the crowd was significantly smaller. But that didn’t seem to bother either the bands or the crowd. That night, on A Plea For Purging’s Twitter read, “One of the smallest and one of the most fun shows we’ve played in a while.” With six signed bands playing in an eight-day span in Wichita Falls at the Hangar, it’s safe to say that the scene is alive and well again in our city. Add Third String Productions on Facebook for all of the latest upcoming shows to the Wichita Falls area.
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October 13, 2010
The Wichitan n 7
Left: Trinton Williams and Parker Arnold show mature talent in this weekend’s perfromance of “All My Sons.” Right: Morgan Burkey and Kristi Mills draw emotion from the audience with their roles in the play. (Photos by Hannah Hofmann)
Cast takes performance to another level with ‘Sons’ Lauren Wood Entertainment Editor
Last weekend, the Midwestern State University Theatre presented “All My Sons” by Arthur Miller. Director Brandon Smith created acts that opened the audience’s eyes to how life was in America after World War II. He cast a talented crew of actors who played into the hearts of viewers and led them into the 1940s. Arthur Miller at first was not a successful playwright. His 1944 play “The Man Who Had All the Luck” only ran four performances. After his failure, he decided to write one last play for the theatre, and if he failed, he promised to go into another line of work. “All My Sons” premiered on Broadway in January 1947 and it became an instant favorite among audiences. Miller found the inspiration for the play in a newspaper article about the Curtiss-Wright Aeronautical Corporation of Ohio. The article motivated him to declare that “the truth was blinding” and it moved him to write his play. The play takes place in the backyard of the Keller home in the outskirts of an American town in August of 1946. Joe Keller, played by the wonderfully talented Trinton Williams, was exonerated after being charged with shipping damaged airplane cylinder heads out of his factory during World War II, inadvertently causing the deaths of 21 pilots. However, he claimed he was innocent and blamed his partner and former neighbor, Steve Deever. Williams was phenomenal. The maturity of his acting was by far the best of all in the play, and his character, despite being the “bad guy,” was relatable and the audience felt compassionate toward him, giving him their sympathy. Kate Keller, played by Kristi Mills, knows that her husband is guilty but lives in denial while mourning for her elder son Larry, who has been MIA for three years. Mills does a great job at portraying
a sick woman who believes her son is coming back. She adds slight humor with her dislike for Ann Deever, Larry’s ex-girlfriend, who returns to be with Chris, Larry’s brother, (talk about some drama). Mills conveys Kate’s agony and pain in almost a creepy way that gets the audience to dislike her, but she does a very respectable job. MSU actor Parker Arnold portrayed Chris Keller, son of Joe and Kate. Chris returned home from the war a couple of years before the play began. He invited Ann, played by Morgan Burkey, to his house in order to ask her hand in marriage, but he finds their obstacle becomes Kate’s unreasonable conviction that Larry will return someday. Arnold was a perfect match for this part. He portrayed Chris as a good-hearted young man who respects his parents and gets along with just about anyone. Burkey was mature in her acting but was not a stand-out character. Ann arrived at the Keller home having shunned her “guilty” father since his imprisonment. However, she soon finds out that the neighbors all believe that Joe is guilty, and eventually finds out the truth after a visit from her older brother George, played by Adam Granberry. Granberry plays a successful New York lawyer and war veteran, and a childhood friend of Chris. He initially believed in his father’s guilt, but upon visiting Steve in jail, realizes his innocence and becomes enraged at the Keller’s for deceiving him. He returns to save his sister from her marriage to Chris, creating the catalyst that destroys the Keller family. Granberry’s role in the play, although short, is essential and powerful. He comes off as an enraged man who blames the Keller’s for his father’s imprisonment, but the audience sees his layers melt away over time and his gives in to the Keller’s hospitality. Ryan Moore and Abigail Clements play Dr. Jim Bayliss and Sue Bayliss, the Keller’s neighbors. Moore adds a humorous side to the play with his witty comments but also has a bit of a serious moment toward the end. Clements does not portray a likeable character in the
play because of her resentment toward Chris and her attitude toward Ann. Again, not major roles, but the two actors do a respectable job of adding character and depth in the play. Marcus Jones and Lauren Payne are by far the actors with least maturity and their lack of experience showed during the performance. Jones plays Frank Lubey, another neighbor to the Keller’s and Payne played Lydia, Frank’s wife. Jones stumbled over lines now and then, throwing off the smoothness of the play, but quickly recovered. Both actors had minor roles, but didn’t add too much to this production. The last character, Berdie, was played by the tiniest actor of the night, Makenzie Niesman. Niesman was cast perfectly for this role as a little girl who lives in the neighborhood and frequently visits the Kellers’ yard to play “jail” with Joe. She only appears twice in the play. The first time she appears, her part seems pretty unimportant, but the second time she appears her character gets more important as she sparks a verbal attack from Kate mentioning “jail,” which highlights Joe’s secret. Despite being a freshman in college, Niesman could have passed as a young girl in the production . She didn’t have much acting to do since her presence did a lot for her, but she still did a commendable job. In the end of the play, the truth finally emerges: Joe was responsible for sending out the damaged parts, not Ann’s father. Joe justifies his actions by claiming that he did it for his family, however, Chris is devastated. Ann forgives Joe but adds more drama to the situation when she she reveals a letter from Larry stating his intention to commit suicide having heard of his father’s imprisonment when the incident first occurred. At the end of the play Joe kills himself in a sad attempt to rid his family of the problems he has caused them. It was an emotional venture throughout the play which left many with tears in their eyes, heavy hearts and standing in ovation.
all of which can be customized to the customer’s liking. When ordering, don’t be shy to ask to try a sample of the meat. They will gladly serve a sample so customers are happy with what they are ordering. The meat options include grilled chicken and steak, pulled pork, shredded beef, seasoned ground beef, and there is always the option to go vegetarian. When ordering a burrito, it comes with fresh cilantro-lime rice, a choice of slow-simmered black or pinto beans, a choice of salsa, sour cream and cheese, along with a choice of meat. The grilled meats are marinated in a bold Mexican seasoning which adds plenty of flavor to the meat. Again, ask to sample the meat, it will help in the decision of what kind to get. A warm three-cheese queso is also available for your burrito and is
Nachos. This Mexican eatery hosts five different salsas, two mild, a medium, a hot and one extra hot. It can be added in your meal or on the side for those more hesitant eaters. They also carry their own hand-smashed guacamole. Qdoba is family and kidfriendly and offers kids’ meals for those 12 years old and under. A perk for MSU students is if they show their student ID, they receive free fountain drinks, making it a pretty good reason to
New Mexican grill serves up spicy flavor and friendly service Lauren Wood Entertainment Editor
Qdoba Mexican Grill recently opened its doors to locals, introducing new flavor to Wichita Falls. It is located off of Lawrence Road in the shopping center with Orange Leaf and James Avery, across from Wal-Mart. When entering the restaurant, the first thing one might notice is a familiar face. Former MSU Police Chief Michael Hagy manages the new eatery and socializes with the customers. The atmosphere is modern in style and very friendly. With helpful employees and a casual
dining area, it is an enjoyable place to socialize and watch one of the two televisions mounted in the restaurant. In terms of comparing ordering styles, Qdoba is similar to Chipotle or El Diablo in the options they offer. They offer a variety of signature items, but customers can build their own entrée as well. Their signature items feature Queso Burritos, Fajita Ranchera Burritos, Poblano Pesto Burritos, Ancho Chile BBQ Burritos and Mexican Gumbo. Other savory options include burritos, taco salads, tacos, nachos and grilled quesadillas,
Qdoba Mexican Grill is a chain restaurant that has over 500 eateries from coast to coast. (Photos by: Kassie Bruton)
phenomenal. It has a small kick, but overall it makes the burrito so much better. If cautious on consuming carbs, order a Naked Burrito or Naked Taco Salad. It is the same flavor, just served without the tortilla or shell in a bowl. Qdoba also offers a Craft 2 Menu, which is the perfect way to enjoy two items in one entrée. With Craft 2, the customer orders two of the following perfectly portioned items: Naked Taco Salad, Single Taco, Grilled Quesadilla, Mexican Gumbo, Naked Burrito, Tortilla Soup or
go there. As any good Mexican restaurant offers, they also have handmade tortilla chips you can add to your meal which are tossed with lime and kosher salt. For those who plan to make this new eatery a staple in Wichita Falls, ask for a Qdoba card to start earning toward free Qdoba entrees, the more you visit, the more you earn. This Mexican Grill is definitely worth a try and can stand its own against local Mexican restaurants.
8 n The Wichitan
Lady Mustangs premiere new line up Andre Gonzalez Sports Editor
tacks. The team totaled nine blocks when junior outside hitters The MSU volleyball team Miranda Byrd and Hillary hit the road this weekend to White both copped eight kills captured a win and suffered a and 12 digs. Senior middleblocker Lauloss. ren Bayer put up seven kills First, this past Thursday, the for MSU, while junior libero Mustangs faced off against Kiara Jordan led the back row Eastern New Mexico and with 25 digs. claimed the win at 3-1 (25-13, “We played pretty well 14-25, 25-16, 25-20) against them (ENMU) and got Senior opposite hitter Karoout with the win,” head vollina Damjanovic claimed a leyball coach Venera Flores.462 hitting percentage after Stafford said. “We played with putting up 14 kills and 26 at-
a new lineup as well and I felt the girls adjusted well to that.” Saturday, MSU took on West Texas A&M and lost in a battle that resulted at 3-0 (24-26, 22-25, 22-25) Byrd, Bayer, and Damjanovic all smacked the Lady Buffs with seven kills each, but WTAMU’s Stormi Lancaster copped 14. White led in digs totaling in at 11, as well as five kills, while Jordan put in eight digs. Setters junior Taryn Wester-
man and sophomore Kimberly Jeffrey put in 15 and 12 assists, respectively. “The girls played hard every step of the way, and I was real proud of them,” FloresStafford said. “I feel like every match so far this year they’ve learned and grew with it.” MSU fell to 10-8 overall and 4-2 in LSC play. Next, MSU battles against Abilene Christian on Thursday at 7 p.m. and Angelo State on Saturday at 2 p.m. Both games are at D.L. Ligon Coliseum.
October 13, 2010
Volleyball wins against Eastern New Mexico but loses to West Texas A&M. (Photo by Kassie Bruton from match against Incarnate Word)
Football flawless, no more Mustangs take a hit in Abilene, dropping to No. 15 in AFCA division Andre Gonzalez Sports Editor The Mustangs football team suffered its first loss Saturday afternoon after falling to No. 5 Abilene Christian at Shotwell Stadium. The loss pushed MSU from its No. 8 position in the AFCA Division II polls to the No. 15 spot. The game kept a scoreless first quarter, but ACU came underway in the second after Mitchell Gale gave a 16 yard and 11 yard pass to Kendrick Johnson and Edmund Gates, respectively. Senior placekicker Jose Martinez
landed 41 and 31 yard field goals, ending the first half with MSU trailing at 6-14. The Mustangs came to tie with ACU early in the third quarter when junior running back Lester Bush landed a touchdown on a one yard run and a two point conversion pass from senior quarterback Zack Eskridge to junior wide receiver David Little. But the Wildcats came to scratch MSU on a 10-play, 56yard drive on a 27 yard field goal done by Morgan Linberry, regaining the lead at 17-14. Though the lead didn’t last long when minutes later fresh-
man runningback Keidrick Jackson ran an eight play, 63- yard drive for a 5-yard run to put MSU ahead at the end of the third quarter with 21-17 on the scoreboard. Going into the last quarter, the scoring continued back and forth for both teams and ACU claimed the lead again when Darrell Cantu-Harkless hit a 69yard run for a touchdown with almost 11 minutes left to play. Eskridge then hit Little on a 35-yard pass for him to score a touchdown and give MSU the lead at 28-14 with eight minutes left in the game.
Then the Wildcats were on top for good when gale hit Daryl Richardson on a 10 yard pass, putting them ahead at 31-28. MSU attempted to regain the lead once more after Lineberry failed to connect a field goal and worked the ball with junior wide receiver Keivin Swanson before ACU claimed a two yard reception, allowing them to run down the remaining seconds of the game. MSU falls 5-1 overall and 1-1 in the LSC South. MSU takes on Angelo State this Saturday at Memorial Stadium. Kickoff is set for 8 p.m.
MSU loses to Abilene Christian. (Photos by Kassie Bruton from the game against Southwest Oklahoma State)
Golf swings for 12th at invitational team total of 597 (+21). MSU trails tournament leading Lynn University by 33 strokes as the Fighting Knights carded rounds Sophomore Raine Copeland of 282 and 292 for a total of 574 used a steady hand to string a (-2). pair of even-par rounds to lead “The courses are very challengMidwestern State in the open- ing and the field is very deep,” ing two rounds of the NSU Ray said. “This gives our kids an Shark Invitational Monday af- idea of the kind of program we ternoon at the Par-72, 7,048- want to be. This is a PGA type yard PGA National Champion- of course and is a great experiship Course. ence for our kids that can help The Carrollton Hebron High us down the road in regional and product carded consecutive national tournaments.” rounds of 72 for a two-round Senior Travis Klutts sits 18th total of 144 and is tied for 12th after shooting rounds of 72 and place, five strokes off of the pace 74 for a total of 146 (+2) and juof individual leaders Daniel nior Brett Perry, who is tied for Claytor of Barton (N.C.) and 47th, carded scores of 78 and 77 Jose Joia of Lynn (Fla.) who for a total of 155 (+11). notched 5-under totals of 139. Freshman Jeremy LeGuen “Raine was really solid and opened strong with a 74 before played the Par-5s really smartly,” struggling through a second MSU coach Jeff Ray said. “There round score of 82 for a total of are some temptations on the 156 (+12). He is tied for 53rd Par-5s, but he never really put with teammate Chad Bryant, himself in difficult spots and was who fired two rounds of 78. smart in the way he chose to lay The 54-hole tournament up.” concludes with a third and final Copeland’s consistent rounds round Tuesday morning. guided the Mustangs to a ninthplace standing with a two-round For the Wichitan
Now Available @ Kemp Discount Store
Episcopalian? The Diocese of Fort Worth of The Episcopal Church USA has travel scholarship money to send two MSU students from the Diocese to the 2010 Gather Around the Table conference for Episcopal college students in Estes Park, Colorado, December 28-January 1. Conference registration, housing, meals, and transportation wil be paid. For more information, call Millie Lancaster at 761-2066.
(940) 692-1731 M-F 8:00-5:00
October 13, 2010
On Deck This Week n
tHURSDAY: Oct. 14 volleyball: vs. abilene christian . 7 p.m.
FRIDAY: oct. 15 soccer: men @ northeastern state. 3 p.m. women vs. southwestern okla. state, 7 p.m.
Saturday: oct. 16 cross country: event description, location. 0:00 p.m. volleyball: vs. angelo state. 2 p.m. football: vs. angelo state. 8 p.m.
Sunday: oct. 17 soccer: mens @ newman university 1 p.m. womens vs. central okla. 6 p.m.
Monday: oct. 18 volleyball: @ lubbock christian . 6 p.m.
nAndre’s mustang memo
nin the cage with tolu
Tolu Agunbidae For the Wichitan The referee signaled the fight to start. Both fighters walked to the center of the ring, touched gloves, and backed up a little. Trey Mendoza, the fighter in the red corner, and a sophomore at MSU, throws a standard left jab, straight right, then a head kick with his right leg. The kick hit Matt Gonzales, his opponent, in the face as he ducked under for a takedown. Gonzales crashed to the mat, hard. Mendoza jumped on Gonzales to finish him off, but the referee stopped him. It was all over. Mendoza won in seven seconds by knock out. This is what happened during the Mendoza vs. Gonzales fight at the Extreme Cage Combat 8.0 show in McAlester, Okla., last weekend. The Original Toughman Contest also featured a boxing tournament alongside the cage matches. Fights were shown back and forth between the cage and the boxing ring, giving the audience a nice blend of the two sports. I competed in the in the Original Toughman Contest, a two-day, amateur boxing tournament. One loss eliminated a competitor from the tournament. Anyone can enter the contest as long as they aren’t a profes-
sional fighter and are in good health. Each contestant fights once the first day, and usually up to three times the next. There are three weight classes: middleweight (145-159.9 lb), light heavyweight (160-184.9 lb.), and heavyweight (185-400 lb). There are regional tournaments with a grand prize of usually $1000 and a Toughman jacket. The winner in the light heavyweight and heavyweight divisions get the opportunity to compete at a national level at “World Championship.” There, a competitor has the opportunity of winning a grand prize of up to $20,000. The amount varies each year. I competed in the lightweight division, and won my first fight by unanimous decision on Friday. I knocked my opponent down twice in the first round, and was more dominant in the ring, delivering more punches. I had to fight twice Saturday. My first opponent on Saturday was a 6’2” cage fighter, who had a significant reach advantage over me. This fight was an all out brawl. Both of us were slinging leather wildly, throwing power punches. I was faster and more accurate, and before long my connected punches started to show their effects on my opponent. He was stumbling all over the ring, visibly fatigued and having a hard time dealing with my aggression. The judges scored this bout unanimously in my favor. This advanced me to the finals where I out-boxed the other guy. I was more technical with my striking, delivering crisp punches, and staying aggressive. I won by unanimous decision, placing first in the tournament. My prize was $500, a Toughman jacket and the opportunity to compete in the World Championship. Training has changed from a hobby to a full time job now. With a possible $20,000 at stake, things have gotten serious.
The Wichitan n 9
Andre Gonzalez Sports Editor There I was, panting and breathing heavily, choking for every breath I took. I wasn’t sure if I could keep it up for much longer. I was afraid I was going to blow and release at any second. I could hardly see out of my oversized glasses from all the sweat on them, which drained out of every pore on my body. My partner tried her best to keep me motivated by cheering me on, “C’mon you can do it! Just a little more! Do it for me!” But it was too late. I started throwing off excuses, “This usually never happens, I swear!” and “Please give me five minutes and I’ll be back on top of things.” I was in denial for so long, but now it was time to face the ugly truth, and I’m not talking about that two-star Katherine Heigl movie. My nemesis was the treadmill, and I of course was out of shape. I should have seen the signs: last year’s pants fit tighter than usual; my shirts were getting smaller, too, and this time I couldn’t blame it on the dryer. It was even more evident in the locker room. Looking at myself in the mirror made me wish I was like a vampire and had no reflection, at least then I’d
be on an all liquid diet. I managed to stretch into a black Under Armour compression shirt, but took it off shortly after I saw a fat, sweaty gorilla staring back at me. Was I going bananas? It’s not too late. I can still win this battle of the becoming bulge. Maybe I should start by not relying as heavily on dollar menus to satisfy my appetite. But nothing beats that McChicken with buffalo sauce! Out of shape Americans are about as ordinary as the common cold. We hear it all the time, but weight problems really are at an all-time high. Devin Wright, senior exercise physiology major, is working as a personal trainer at Gold’s Gym. She agreed that Americans are getting too fat. “Most of the people I work with can’t even do one sit-up,” she said. But Wright doesn’t blame the people for their lack of exercise. It’s society’s fault, she said. “Peoples’ main problem is not enough time or motivation to go to the gym,” Wright said. In today’s 24/7 world we live in and people’s busy schedules, Wright suggested people do at least 20 to 30 minutes of any type of movement such as walking to avoid an expanding waistband. Dieting also plays a huge part of how people shape up. “It’s not really what people eat as to how much of it they eat,” she said. “People like to eat when they’re bored or when they study, and all that can add up.” The last thing most people lack is self-discipline. As Americans, we’re used to having most things handed to us. So when it comes to working out, we whine about the pain. At least I know I do. “Most people constantly say they can’t do something and keep making up excuses,” Wright said. “It’s my job to reassure them that they can.” So you can eat your cake and have it, too, but maybe for longer than you’d like.
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10 n The Wichitan
October 13, 2010
MSU soccer Battles for breasts
Andre Gonzalez Sports Edtor The past weekend was a busy one for the Mustang soccer teams when they played double games on the home field against Eastern New Mexico on Friday and West Texas A&M on Sunday. Although ENMU and WTAM weren’t the only enemies in the Mustangs crosshairs, both teams were in a fight with breast cancer as the weekend also served as the Breast Cancer Awareness games. First the No. 19 Lady Mustangs kicked out the Zias 1-0. A scoreless first half caused the Lady Mustangs to work harder in the second half. The effort paid off as junior forward Kelsey Hill caught an assist by senior midfielder Brittany Subia in the 57th minute, which allowed her to score the first and only goal of the game. “We thought it was going to be a very physical game, and we saw that they were a very good defense team,” head women’s soccer coach Jeff Trimble said. MSU earned a 6-2 shutout for shots on goal against the Zias. Sophomore goalkeeper Mallory
Whitworth claimed her third shutout of the season as she put on two saves during her performance. After the Lady Mustangs kept their winning streak going, the men’s soccer team continued to do the same against the No. 23 Greyhounds with a victory of 4-0. Junior forward Tex McCullough and senior forward Bryce Taylor claimed their fourth goals for the season after McCullough caught an assist by Taylor in the 15th minute and junior forward David Freeland assisted Taylor in the 68th minute, putting the MSU at 2-0. Five minutes later, Freeland was back at it on assists to give a through ball to junior forward Chris Dwyer, which very proudly gave him his first goal of the season. Freshman forward Chad Caldwell wrapped up the game, and snatched his third goal of the season, after putting away a cross ball from junior midfielder Sam Broadbent. Both teams practiced in preparation Saturday to make jerky out of the West Texas A&M Buffalo on Sunday. The women’s game suffered another scoreless first half but came into action in the 51st minute when sophomore defender Hanna Staley notched
her first goal of the season after heading in a corner kick received from senior midfielder Brittany Subia. Then the Lady Buffs were given their only goal when Lindsay McHorse claimed a penalty kick in the 71st minute to tie the game at 1-1. But West Texas’s buffness wore soft in the 76th minute when senior midfielder Jordan Smith went unassisted to fire the ball at 25 yards out of the left corner, giving MSU the win at 2-1 and their overall record at 10-1. Earlier in the day, the men took on West Texas A&M as well, punching in a victory of 2-1, but not without the Buffalo fighting for it. “This team has always given us a struggle no matter what their record is,” head men’s soccer coach Doug Elder said. “They just play hard.” MSU found themselves not being the first ones to put a tally on the scoreboard, those honors went to WTAMU’s Nick Nielsen when he knocked in a corner kick during the 44th minute. Although the lead didn’t last long for the Buffalo when in the 51st minute Freeland put in a bicycle kick near the six yard box to tie the game. Then in the 77th minute, MSU had a few
attempts to knock the ball in the goal, but couldn’t get past the saves made by WTAMU’s goalkeeper Sebastian Furness. Finally, freshman forward VcMor Eligwe broke through Furness’s saves to give him his fourth goal of the season and MSU the victory. “That’s one of those things where if you miss the first one, get the rebound and miss the second one, then miss the third one, they clear out and it gives them total momentum,” Elder said. MSU kept their home winning stretch and improved their undefeated record to 10-0. “I didn’t think it was our best game, but we did what it took to win,” Elder said. Next, the men go on the road this Friday against Northeastern State in Tahlequah, Okla. at 3 p.m. then against Newman on Sunday at 1 p.m. in Wichita, Kan. The women stay on the home field to take on Southwestern Okla. State this Friday at 7 p.m. and on Sunday against Central Okla. at 6 p.m.
MSU women’s and men’s soccer team showed their support and fought for victory and the cure. (Photos by Hannah Hofmann and Kassie Bruton)