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Fulbright scholar killed in South Africa
tCPS l ·· 13'- all ,u·• t·(nmt::, Amy l3id,I wn s Mdirnted. ,·nthusi:1stic and f,·nrl,•,$ in h('r nr:1 rl\' yr:ir-loni: t'lfort to help bind,,: g,,1 tl1cir ti.1ir ::hnro of politicnl powt•r in Soutl1 Af,ica. Dul 01w tl1ing the 26· year-old Fulbri,;bl sr.holnr wouldn't do was piny by the rul es of apnrl.hdd. and tlllll. was wh~I led to her doolh Aug. 25. ironirnlly 111. th,· hand,: of tho people she .,as ti,ing to aid, fri ends and collt\Ul(ucs snid. "She wns there bcc~use she wus trying t.o mnkc South :\f,icn n bet· ter pince, nnd t.h11t's what. makes it so trngic, " ~lirhnel i\lcFnul, a friend nnd mmlor nt. St.nnford University in Cnlifornin , said. . Biehl was stabbed Lo death by blnck youths, belic\'cd to belong to tl1c Pnn Africnnist Congress IPAC), in whal nuthorities bclie\'C was a rncinlly moti\'ated nt.tnck nflcr she drove some fellow students to their hotnc in Gugulclu , a dnngerous lownship in Cupe Town. She was kill ed jusl two days before she planned to rel.um t.o the United States Lo pursue her docturuto in polilicnl •c1once a L Ru tr;c r~ ~nive r sily i II Now ..,~•ey. Biehl uppnn•nll.V as t he fir s t while .i.incricnn to di e in the vi · olence thnt hns cl ni111 od
1 1 11111111 li 111111,·11,·~. I ii11l11 \'11, Huh in 11,•,·k,•hnnn, Nntull,· lllnlw,•11111,•;; 1'.1.,:·
page 3 'Incentive' employees Morrow present~ recital
Uy ,h1llu Nnnny M111111KIIIK l•:,lllor Dr. I,uuiH,I . Hoclri1iuuz, m1ivor~i)' prc,8idonl, rocog• ni7. od :!2 Miclw u11 torn Sluto Univursily mnpln,voo H for Lhoir pnrl.icipnl.inn in tho MSU StnlT l1wonlivo Proi:rum for li se11I yonr 19!J2-!):l ul 11 hmchonn on Ocl. G. 'l'hr co of l ho timployoo11 honored ul tho l11nchcon onrnod do,::rooH from MSU in t!lD3. Korrie llnrv o,v, lnJnAcripl ovnlm1l.111· in the roJ:'i Blror nncl ocl mis ,iion s ofli co, ourn od II bn cholor of nppliod ,.,'ls nnd 6cioncos; Nol'mnn Low is Jr . nssisLUnt diroclor of th~ Uurcnu of llu sinoss und Oovornmo nl, on rn ocl O bn cholor or urLR; nnd l 1h11te1iStmtf,1rd U,urtr:lll\' ""'-' lll<h~ • s1,11roril t111lvmlty ~n11lu,1,,t11,t1 l11S 1111 th Afrk,. S1111 d r n Ko LC h 11111 moro than Jf,,000 bl nt:ks vidc follnw ships in Afriru 11ssisl11nl lo tho nlhl oli~ since the mid-J!)80s, Ill'· for SLunford Rlncl onl.s 1.0 dirocLor, onrncd o bnchocording to wiro reporl s. loo m about. so ul.l'.orn lor or url.s. Since Uicn, cnllcn~""'", Arricn, nnd Soul.h ,\Jncn Kelc h um sn id tho fr' ond s and family huvc 111 purl1c11lur; 11nd to pro- progrnm cncnul'llgod hor b:cn Lrring lo 111akc some vido srholnrship 11ssis· lo work hurdor ul hor . ~sc of her dcnlh . In Lnncc nl Stanford for slu· lll'lldos. in U,c beginnin g, ~~irly Sopl.cnibor, her dcnt.s from the Unh·orAil,v Ketchum only look o few nrcnl ~, Poler ond l,indn of tho _Western Cupe, oln s~os. "I wus nol lly hiohl of Newport Beach, wh,ero ~whl wns based ns intent unli,I niJoul rcn throe Culiforniu , c,1:,hlish cd n II I• 1:lh11,rhl sch?lar.. yeurAago," she said . 'l'hi s f d al Stnnford 1hc l'und w1ll gn•c ns oncourugcmon l lend to '~:vcrsilv to honor their muny 11s livo Sta nford her r.rndnalion fro m tho Yuughtcr'~ ,,1Tc,rl s 1 help st,_lllcnls summcr folluw• univ crsily lasl May. 11 l,ring grenll'r ,, 1it y to ships t.o wurk 011 educn · Thu 1993 graduulos Snul.h Africu . 111111 wcro honored wit h 11 'l'h ~ rund will hnvo twofold p11rp11:<1•: 10 pro·11
' ll•li'"" m• "" ""':
lrn ,witl . Ito 6nid mnny rcnttona C1111li,nl ,\rc1rn clrivo udulo11ccnlu lo join d111<11. 1_111n1:", i11cludl11~ huln1: Li ll.lu h1111 hoi,11 u 1111•1nbur of lhu Wi chitnSee 1"111111 l'nli co llcp11rl.munl .
1,INn A. lloyottu
Dr. Huth Morrow, l.luluroH I' . Bolin Di11Linl(uiHh01I Chnir of l'iuno nl Midwc11torn Slnlo Univornily, will proHenl. u pro1:rum or Holo pin no music · nl 8 p.m. Oct . l!l in Akin Auditorium . 'l'ho lirnl hnlf of Lho pro1:r11rn will foulurc rnroly-huurd pieces by ,Johnnn Sohnsl.iuu Bach und l.udwi,:: Yun lloolhovon. 'l'ho second Dr. Rulh Morrow hnlf will include II lirRL for Wichita i•'ullH: George crol ocudemic lilies in the Cnimb's ",\ Lilllu Suite fi eld of music and piuno, ror Chri s l.m1111 , A.D. Morrow cnmc lo MSU 1!)79." This pnrliculur four yeurH ngo and hue piece is unusuol hecuuse Bhurcd her knowledge wilh HludonlM nnd foe • it incl11d oH sound a pro• ully . She enrncd her ducod by pluying in:,idc hncholor of orla dcb'TOO in tho piano (plucking nnd music from Whitman strununing Lhc strings) College. Sho olso corned DH well u A convonlionnl master's degrees in pi ano 1 Lcd111ique11 . '!'he pro :nun und mu sicolo gy from w,11 .:0!1cludo with tho Enslmnn School of Music. "ll irnl. Piuno Sonntu Sho cn rnud her doclorulc ( l!lfii)" or Alhcrto in piano performance and Ginu slcrn . pedagogy ul lndi nnn Morrow su id , "'!'ho He• University. lodions I havu chosen There will bo n rcccprun the gnmuL of musicul sty les 1111d emotions6 und Lion immcdiol.oly foll ow• includt• _su mo inlcro ting1 ing th o reci tal in Lhc ways ol ustn /t the piun, homo of Dr. Lnui ~ J n~ n musi instrumunl nol sc t•ncul bt,fo r o in llod r in11 oz. uni ver e,t v prcs,d,• nl. Th o reciu1I rn· , . CC CC Wirhlla Foil s." L _ _ _ _.e....--.....1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. ll nv111f~ urqu11·nu Rev free of chorgo .
S page 3
page 3
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Xp.tfuyn's Comtr
Seeing yourself through rose colored glasses Th, other day. ,rhilo p<1nderi~ tho mat\\" thtn::,i l hare luppcnini; tn "I)' life, I d<cid,d it ..-as lmw to tak<> a r<ali~• ch,ck. Actua.Qi-. r>.•lllity d,,-;d,'<i to ch,cl; 1M oul It suddenly lut mo that the middle ,,f 0..-tolx-r be Sl'1nn~ was upoo us. Like it or not, finals of us 1n th<, face m les.< than ...ch and ei,:ht - 4 EIGHT WEEKS -· wasn't II Au~-i.tst just a few dsys ago. Of course. lo snm, (liko my managing ....!itor wh,, l t;reatly en,1·l, my r-.ali%3tion of this quickly fl""ting semester mesnt jubil:tnt cheers and hoorays that h~ ro11ege can."'C.r w-n.s nc..1.nn.g an ('Od
To mt', the realir..1tfon mcs.nt tul\inl? to n"'<'\·alu:1.h' ..-here I am in life and ho"· far into my t:.>:1ls hnw I n,ached. &,!f-,,,,iluatfo n is r<>Ui;h It means a lot of mtnd · tossing, soul-s-e3rching, h~:ut-wn':nchin); b..1d hmr days. When I bepn to e,-aluntc mys,,lf. cn•i,1hm~ else flies ou: the "indow. l am too cni.-ros.""'1 m findin1; my real self too care what l l0<ik lik,•. or how I am relating "ith other p.'<>ple In ,,thcr w,,rds. I am not a fun pers.>n lo be around. Que.sooning your own actinn:-.. thoughts nnd goals can b, scary &fan, then, is time ro thmk twi~, a wonderful life can ,;~"'·ed by its (\Wnt' r ns horri6c. And sometimes., ,;c,e ,·e~. Of cour:se, my bike down tlus p.sth usually 1.-nds me to thinking my world is ca,;ni; in. Wh en discussing this sensation with others. ma ny an' ta.ken aback that I ha.-e sucli feelings Wei'\' not all P<' r· feet, though, and that is important to remember. Yet, through it all. I seem to gain a ren ewed sense of focus on what is important "·hilo t.rekkmi: down this windy road. When I eventually lea,·e this period of rell,-ction. I feel refreshed and readv to tackle the world. Sometimes, though, getting out of this spell is a lot harder than some think. Pulling out of this stage for some is eith,•r extremely difficult and almost impossible Mnny people can fall during this self-evaluation mto what can b< termed ·depression." Very few p,.'Oplc "ill admit lo this. and e\'en fewer "ill deade to be treated for it Howe\"er, depression is an important illness lo kno"· about. Lca,ing ii untreated can lend to dr:1.•· tic situations; si tuations that one might regret in the end. Depression is not something to b, ashamed of, nor is it something lo be loleratoo like a bad cold. There is something different in life than · blah days and aying nights.· Of course. it is up lo the person to decide what is best for his/her life. I am only speaking from personal experiences, and I hope maybe someone out there might benefit from shared knowledge. If you can relate to me al most perfectly, maybe it is time to rethink a mental state-of-mind. The MSU Psychology Clinic pro,ides on-campus help to any student who may need a helping hand to lift sunken spirits. All services are free and confidential. Don't let depression ruin a semesl<?r •· Call the Psychology Clinic al ext. 4791. KIJlhrJ• S,lf i, tditor of T1i, Wic/lita n.
3400 Taft Blvd .. P.O . Box 160 Wichita Falls, TX 76308 News desk: (817) 689-4704 Advertising desk: (817) 689-4 705
KalbrynScJf _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.....f.di·ux-
Julil:NDny _ _ _ _ __ _ __ ..,.,1""81ngEJiuxCopy Ediux-
Cbar1cs Un4t Wilson S<XXL..
ilOri>I AssisWII Gr.ipl>lc Artist
<Xogriphy Editor
Kyle lw.<s<I
Bnindoo OJ
Jolin Grmo,,m
......................Sports F.tlitor
B1).111 Ba!Lw Om,, M
pons Rq,onc:r
Dean Llwrt
ovic Rc,icwcr
Mc:liw SuJli\•
1\WC Reviewer
Jwia MalMc
Circulation Manager ·,taot Citcul;ition Manager
Eric Sci
vmising Manager
Dan Ha"'-t·
J110aTuctcr _ __ __ _ _ .Advcnising Rc~uti,-c
Rnfy Orni-J'Cf._ ...._ ..... ..........................Advcnls.ing Rtprescnmtivc •.., .. ·-··- ·"'frlsa llellcM.olme_ __ _ _ __ _ rl"PJl1 ~ ¢1991. 11w M'iclu,a n, Wir._,.u,immbttofl'brlu..ulllkrc.olilt&Mftta1 Aui)a&JOa .... lb, c.oDtjll Pru, Sc:r,ir,r. Tb& Widiitu n.i-vu tk 111!- 10 rdic 11)'
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nm ,t IM? 6illlll'I ~Uc-rs lo the Nfilor should ho ~ricf, h> thr point 1m,l wi thout nhu,h-c lnn'-ua~ l" or 111•rtt1,nnl nll:wk, . l..t•llar~ by lht• ""Tllt!r ·• not typrd ·· :111d ,hould rnclud o 11tuh•phuno 11umbt1r 11111111ddros, for ,·,•rifh·nt11111 )l\lfllll!lt' I. 111111 muhu,I rdihn· tha tn,:l rm1 fH'linn, thnt Ir you wuh ror a lc1t1•r lo be publishNI nnonynhmsly, nnd tlw oont r.nl Ju stifies 3gTN"me.nt t!ln be reached. 1 Wichifn, lhtl of ,·irwit th,, 1 :tlnff m1r 1hr ~lll!n w,II be IXli t<'-0 for .::rnmmnr only. Thn v1uWS l!.'ICllrN1ttr.J in thn \11ttt rtt Ill'\• 11111 . llnm!rnty 7~J0,>t. xn ·r lht, •n ~ W1rluto 11 11 Send lrtten 10 . Editor, The Wichit:m,P.O llox Hl0, Mitlwrsl crn Still u Unh•t1r!lil,l·,
C. rJl ~ WI :1e~ Cl
Kr,:p U,r ""'Yli'1wi111I Rc;11IL,~twr;.•l '5" ll ~1t1'ks lU- ou"1t,'(' 4
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11 11 11 uf ll nrm11IH1, itu:lud i11 1: hln t·k, whit t1 111111 lli Hpa nil' rm·,·n
Th,• i:rn up wi ll flt'r Nm· t:l-1·1 111 tho \'l 11rk Stud,•nl ('c 11 t 11 r Al ~n in Nm•1, 111 h,•r, lh,•.v wrll fl crfor nr 11 1 11 11 r k,lrrur 'l'l wa1n-. fu r111
Prol( mm Oct. R d l• plny tc mpl11)'t•1•1i1 In 111t110cl11 11r t• or th f' lund H'on for Clw Hin" ln rr ntl\•1•
1 r 1•,:·, l 11 11 1 ..
n• r t 1firnl 1•
wull:h Ollll' r
McCuin, Vn l11n1• 1-1 111 ff nwrnb ur ,1 hn vo Mu n i rp m p11 r ti crp n11, d in th o Mnxwtt ll , nf flu- M11or111~, Chn rlolt.o Pnrn, pn11rr11111 .
1\1111111!1 11
11 w 111ht•rt1 l'tt1· 1· 1,· 11 d
l{u r in Pnl lonw n und '1' 111 ,11 1• C11illl' ri1111 ll11dy. Ollu•rn wu ro l.111dn I-Inn·,• All<'II, V,,rrr ,In llell , ('h11dd Scoll , ~! 11ry SI.opp, S11H11n lll'icl w1•ll , Tom Brumfi el d, \'iNi nl11i rn1 r 1 D11rl11 Voi,1, pr111:rn m
r,•rl r flrn I •• •
1111•111ht•r H i11r l11clc •
111 11 11 . ' . h.11 " t killcc, ---- ---- ---- ---- --- Sh'"""' 111111 I<"." ~11' 11' ' 11 l•,l,lnfid,•
iionnl , Hocinl or cu lturnl projcclH in South Afrir.11 this ncmlern ic year An Oct. 7 memurirrl unnt!d nl 80rvicc• wa R pl Sta nfor d, whoro Bi<" hl served HHa cuptui n of Llw womon•~ divi ng: tonrn . Siu, l!fndunt,-.d in l!JA~l with II bnchclor'i,; dc,::rce in in• tcrnntionu l r<'lnliomt Friends romcrnl wred her os i:;nmcrmc who tuckJed n proj ocl with comrnitmonl nnd energy. "Arny, in t he wrry • la, was und whut she did was totnlly ongu gcd. Sir~ went into o lot rrf t hr ngs wilh sclf-conlidl'llcc nnd Hll id commi lm c ri t., " McFnul , a research ussociutc nt tho Ce nte r fo r Inlcrn ut1onu l Sec urity
Wnlkn,•r, Vi l'kic Andrn l11 rr rs, WillLydin W,•lch <: cnrl,i W_ill i11111 s, W11ltc, r I I lllt>mh o n~ ~~:.111 \Vi ll rn rm, 0 111 'o m1c ~l nrt' wrrt1 )'t•llin1:, 'C:n ho1111•, t-1o t11 11 rl' ~lw w:um'l II l·H' I · hn11111·1•d wcm Koru l·loi:11<', il»nn. Tir e St11ff In ce nti ve ll11 rl 11 1111:lish, ,lcrro1•iuv c li er Irr wlrrl ,• Su rrllr n in H)7!l, Arriru nl, nrnl ~lw w n M ,l unf'H , ,Ju li11 1111 Kolly, Liz Prn1!rn m lrn1:11 Hi rn·t• thul t.imo 486 nnd l.11ult•r, l'nlririn l.nwr_v, 1:oi uJ: hnuw .. 11 ' 111111111111
s upc n •1Ml• BH•hl'i, s1•111or thcHis nnd llic.v lntn hC'
Clim e fn1•11d" wj,.,11 0 111 , work(•d fo r tl w Nn t, unul Dunancrn tir lnst1111 1.4, fur Internutiunn l Affuirs 111 \Vmd tin1~lnn , D.(', whir h monitn r:-4 1·l1•c ll 11 11 s 11 11 d pro~nu t t:s dt•m ocrnr .,· Mchml worked us n ,·o n xull nnl lo 1111• Nill "Slw wo uldn't pla_\· by l ite rul us or tlH· 1:n nw . She •~n or(' d I li l' lll " ' McFurrl surd In ~o ulh Afn cu, that rn c11ns wlril1•s und hlur ks don't mix "1'111· prohlurn whe11 yo u, in yo ur is own mind, don'! lhlll k of yo urBelf "" white ur hlnck but yo u'r,• s1rll wlu l,· In l hcm," he s111 d '" Thl·
Arrir11 11
N111.i o1111I
C1111 1: rP NH l.-1ult•r N1 1 l1urn
t lw ki ll1111~. 1w _v1111: it wnH no t M1111d1•lu
r11 111li •1111 H' d
lh l• wn y lo 111 m·u lnwu rd
polil irn l 1•q1111 lily l'AC lrndl' r!'I nhm 11willl v d isnH• :rnl"i nl ctl tl w or,:m~ iznlinn fr om Bu•hl ':-1 dcnt.h , though wi l1 11•sHOHsaid the .l'011t hs who kill od Biehl wo re l'AC HhirlH uncl slruulccl l'i\C slog1111N. ~!cFmrl sa id lliehl huli l'vcd lli ul indi vidu uls could rrrnk u II clilToronco in n pur l of t ir e world whcrn hi Hluric chun~os were lnk ini: pince. "This lifo, not and Arm s ~o ntro l a t trnJ:cdy wrrs th11t wlrcrr wus u p11 rt of her he H11id. j -~ nford . Mch, ul helped shu wus killed, people ust doini: njo h,"
=~~~=~==============~~ ~=== ACROSS
Welcome back to lecture halls, all-nighters, pill.a i breakfasts, and Kiiiko's. I
4:! lh•• C11c •• n11r,o-11'
I f,Jm nllovl IX HM\Jitl
,IJ ~: :~:::
!: ~
Mc~~=~· 411 ~X~;1 ' n _• c1u 11' ,. , A1.1 , bn qolf,1t<ii. t1r11!) ti ,..1ol1nl te • CrHT'MI • , 11 'Mo or ' 7 I X1tm 'dab11
r. /: ~1 ' -
, on11nk
n lloua1on TV1111t,on
1ft LBJ look
~y t:h•rlf'y l~ (; uy Orbl«)n
r, u,
SO l lou tlon flapY1ihO 11ull10111dlon11rybil l ~:I Rockn, . TX w.,t nnmiMI
11"'otyhdigunmnn knoll 011 lho
,nr coachol
ol olf1c•
onA1r l (HWOno 17 TXu,,n ' m1111"(g.Jod mporl 11,1 TX C1,inl/111w'l \l0ftl on lhog1uonj2 wd l ) 2 1 rM.1r11l1lond1&1cNIIKJ l n1 _ 8111nu1 2Jrullw,gfool b11rg11,1n
i2wd•I 28 "_ ht. n' (11goodJ 2g TX1sm ' _ n1a boby"t bollom'
56 s1•1hsanN
JO TX1,m '
100,tor ho'llcrow' l l SMUs lllfoolbnll
I Au1!1n Wd. '_ ou,onlyrlllOU rti' f)(J,m 'could talk 1100' b11d1oul
ooach _ Morri son J2 plo _ modo JJ rx.~ ·,11, , tixin
llodri~uo, srrirl 11t tho conclusion of tho luncheon 1.lr n1. h,• uq:od onch lo rocru il mo re pcop lo i11 lo tho inn•rr livo prw:rnm. He rrl so c mph rr1.ie d t. h o wnrthineHR 11 f thi ~ ondcn\'o r. Hohert Hi n~le, cli rocto r of re rao rrncl, nnd J oyrc ,Jn HJ10r, ,uu,1i r1 tn nt lo lhc dir ec t or , por s orrn ol nH:iislcd wilh tho nwnrdH.
14/usl pl\"4'1bll.J Hi Toxuw11arw11r 0,,1 sl olHou1ton 3<1 howt-ouno'un,091 Oigo Cruk <I TXism ' 111ong cool\iodough lrom 17 TX RncihorH HayM,· n broluln bol!le ol a apoon(Jwds) profet1lon(obbr) whn!RubyuNdon 37 Scoll OtorgoC. 10 'Cowboy 8 TX11t11. o ,.,,,11"1 (2wcfl ) 2e wu rt1J1 pgno,-1 • (boe1) _ 38 TX1vn ' QOl lhe _ O pro_ (hu111tng g1\S) 20 Dyen m11i11ry brMch down' (J)fOO I) 22 TXl,m. 'p1CllJ19 _ • 27 10 TX1sm' 'runl _ J O ' Doonatbur(1111111 (movie) lick ol H n to' whopohdlun nl 20 23 Spnnlsh 'y11s' Cklah'1 TX1esdon011 11 pnuuJ;,mtwhowon 24 Olloi,' oldloague lom11n ' T2 {1nll.) -40 1Xl ~ 'lneod lhol 25 UT , nlpcir Charlos 32 12 posl MA\·o,1clt.1' l1koan11rmnttino JS _;nan ('ti&) _ lntorsta! o' _ 1tn, Enghsh (1nll,J JonOalvostonUo y
_ '(nbout10 0011J
Dush ~ltd _ ftJes Ghoul JFK f)(Jsm: ' 10dt1 hko • slink on
;,a TX11m. 'onlyoo1 on•_ in ~walitf 37 San Antonio Zoo ho1 woM 1blgot11 co-.Coon ollht11 38 TXism: ' o.day _ anda dollorshorl' -' 1 TXVtdordlrectod ' 'Dutl 1n lhe
,14 Porot1111,olill\_ ◄ 5 TXlsm '!he lot
_ _ fir•'
Pec:01 Bi11-,;;;1.
51 TX Scott Joplin 11
ht:,rt. _ ,FoolSue ' Rock of • 'TtxH _-;-(011)
52 TXlsm: 'got knocked down a peg _ two'
on lttdoss_
Yorrr Uu,·k Hus to I.us( A Lifetime Unin· rshy s uCl.'.l'SS rl'quircs 111011,.uml., of hours studyinf:, wri1i11~ nnd wor~i 111: OIi compurrrs no mallcr what you'rl' s1udyi 11g. ·n1csc hours rnn he p11infu l in 11 hall l'hair nnll cn n damage irrepl:u::iblc vcncbml'. ,\ good d1n ir rnn kee p your back hr,11!hy and 11111kt' you more prudurlh'l' • so you cun dn morL' fosll~r • bci.:uusc L'ollegc is more 1l11111 prep.iring fo r clmm~s.
I !
'l1ltll1ckS1ttrC halr
•1w'n1iuci<'"sro•1 ,.._
3823 Cnllfiold lld
20% Studen t Discount Card
Open 24 hours aday, 7days a week, Kinko's providrs cvc1y1hi11gyoo need 10 mccl 1oughdeadlines. Exccpl ihcenergy. you a free Bee' sc we knowastudent's budge! c1u1ge11igh1. Ki nko's will give TI '?O" ff ' I uU, Sludenl Discounl Card wi1h proper s1udcn1I.D. 1a1 ; - "_o a w1rc 20% hile and color ices includinghlack nnd , cop1t·s, . w rangr.o r.Serv , computer services, laser pn111s. fax, and more.
kinko·s· Your branch office Opell 14 IKrur, n,~r)'. 7days a week. 3916 Kcrnp behind the Olil'eGruderr 696-C'OPY
Wichi~, !'nil,, Toxn, 7G3~
Just Arr ived
Lor~c selcrllon of:
• Rugby !1M1Lt • mnuy colors nml s1ylc~ 10 d1t.1osc rron1. • Men·~ !l\.l'C il!Cr5. \'llrit'I)' of l'OkU'l§ an<l Sl)'ks In SWl'IIICrs lllltf \'t'.~I.
Wichitan advertising works for you! Coll 689-4705.
• LaJies:iwc:lll'rs - 1111u1y hnnd-notchc:1, \'C."b;, tiulton-up sl)'lc~. nndcolor.;, Lei Un~Couon 1-:xchunJ.!e help your group or 011:anltatlon wl1h
ru<tomS<rttn prlnllng, llklll"!lrwnlng, tnrbroldery and leiterlng. We EMII ROIDER GREEK i<lltr5 on yoor fevorlle T-shirts , ,wui.,, or Ju1·kt1S.
S1al# Ntp. CbarW1 F'lmw:U Fuftdnhtr
• Rtnlll lnl11jt rack or , unm,u tltanmu S0-7U~ orr with dttor■ INI 1}11111 11tU sh,r lln,i: 1111Slit
Re<'tlft 120%dlsi'OUnl wllh stodfnl I.I),
w,·~ h.K'ltNI
Pti rk•n 11m;s,1 lhlm ~ ka St'nlcr1 ~ 1tl0Vhlfl'nbl
l j Cmur(r64tlt llt>44nDiJ'trid
e,·,,ud Friend, " • C,'r,at Fuo,I W C-I L £\'Tt:RT.-1/,\'.IIE.\'T W11h The Rur.U Flavor of tht Outncl
Thur>., Oct. 28 6:30 p.m. Holliday. Tu:u S(h ool C•fr lnia
ll uffrt • SI~ l'or,,ou • Casual
.!:,E! Jnl!.t~ert~amb!·~1nwe~n~tL-_ ___ _ th ought than n actio n1ore s build ' 1\Jan n 'Demolitia ni~ ...:..:.:.:;
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HopefuDy. people ,nJJ not hal"e th! sa.mf O.ttl· tude i=ards J udgmuJ
"' -~:-i· tn l)
nllff', ' _ ~,1'
6 1 ~ :~~':~ ,
Night Mum:, from the
motion picture The IOWldtrac.l: carefolly cumbioes some of the best
Fat McBride's Steakhouse
rap music the ,.,,rid has ID offer ,.;th some of the
the alternBtive
be,t from
7(•J!1('1 :iit i: 1J:it3: iij 111rsday !
Gourmet P-rzza (Pereonal S!u)
Sunday /
Lisa Ellard Manager
Grief or llrloln Cl■ Steak $5.95 Cllllill ,,~hind. both cooked over Mesquite Wood served with baked potato and salad
au.tt,,, From,-~!
$1,25 Draw BHr
~ o ,= Th.t10tici:..'T.
V-=IG!= VC¥".ar~, Soir~,;c,, c,-~
C11mcr tif South,ws.t P:trtway amt ~bpk,,\.'<xl. Ju51 down the ru.,u fNm !he Mlil. "lliis Ain't No Mid\\ CSlern Carl'lcria Food!"
Mutl>,I P!n,
; n.,,
114111,w= iluy°"" at ~ul;ir
a..J get the se<ond
(•JIT.O 0, low<, priU)
for only
$2.00 Ol!o-!'Q! f!>-r.al-Hut Oifo- . 5.:pt.:lO.
ooi: F.ii. ·ix·2s,,q, Alt.NITA, GEOR1iJA 30358 l."ES!
tff\'.ICl\l....-d and ...-«pltd crtdll ta.\.!S In ti~ v.orkL\'hn"" and MntcrC:ardll c:1'dlt cmJ1-·1n )'O t.:, ~ITI(_- t VEt' If YOU ARE NEW IN No•
)Co .. cant ... ""' two
or :h,
hwit\1SAO/ MAST£RCARD"°'11H :
tards. Endos<tl Ond S 5 ~ i<h 1, l<Xlll rcfund,ble~r,.,t I 1 100°"" QIJAAANTHDI •PP""«t lmmcdlat<ly.
Cli£.DiT or IIAVE DEEN TVR1'iED 00\ll'N BOORE! \'lSA l9 and J,h11~:Clu dt thr ~~11 CJUds )OU dncrR and nfflf Jo,-- 10-000KS--DEf'AATM ENT STORF.5--1\R110N -tNTEITTAl~t tKT'-
ADDRESS _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
0~o ~;..c~ '11\~ill!~•••~
cm - - - - - STATE_ zJP-
PHONE ----S.S .• ----~GNA11JRE
llo lcrn downs! No cred:t chocks!
l!o security deoosltl
:.JTT. .~•a~~ . . . . -~~•.._
tlW.,.,U.5.\.llnc.lf tt\15.\~---
- ••••• _ ~•:•:- ~iEi i3 flihl MJ+tU __ •• J
RHA brin gs ches s mas ter to MSU ll)· Ahhy l.o.•kurd
Th o l(<•s1tl,•nc,• llall
A,11111cint1nn npJll'OJll'inlNI mo1wv Ln hnllJ.: ,Junw~
llr. Louis ,I. lfo1lrigu1•z (for righl) nnd (;rruhl Willi:uus (hark h•rl) 1m·s1•11h·1I Angi1• Lt•wis lh1• Clnssifil·d S1:1rr ,\mini for EmplnJ't't' or lhe Y1·11r Ori. I. l.1·wis sl:uuls wil h ht•r daughll'r.
Thea ter depa rtme nt emp ties close ts H~· Azulin llurnn lh.•por1<'1·
All 1hc clothini: ~old lil•ti 11 1rivc•n ns n profr•ssnr of lliral,•r, will gi n. d,•sipird nncl nc,·L'r oncl! und can mwd or used from l,• sa hold II msl111nc p.m. not be reused . noon until more I.hon nre 'l'ht•rc in Wednesday, llct 27, 2000 different pieces or lien Wood Thcall'r. ht• dis will that dofhin,: Evayl.hing will se ll plnyccl for unyone to hny. Eliznlwlh
I.ewanclowski, assistant. has ~it.lwr
Lots of universitie s do this, Lewandow ski said. The fund s which nrc • earned from the costume snlc will be used to pur· chase more equipment for the dress shop while also bringing publicity to the theater department. T I ,\ A· C R E I' o
Greeks & Clubs Rois,:upu,Sl,0()()fNJllSTONE
Hohn;i,:h, o dwtH~ 11111n11?1', 111 Midw oAto rn titnto Univ,•1·sll1• ell her (kt 2·1 or No\·. i; nl. ll1t• Oct (j RIIA nwol.111~ l!lli\ nls,, :<t'lll'u11lcd 11 llnllow1•11n du c11rnti11g ('llllll•HI for nil wi111:s of 11111 donns. Vol.1111! for tho husl. w1111: dc,·orutio11s will ht• nl •l p.111 Ocl. 2R l(ohru1:h will chnl1t,nJ.!c nny Nlud1.ml to 11 l!llnlll of rhess . Multiplo choss honrds will be nvnilnhlo for more thnn ,1110 con,µt,t.it.ion nt n t.inw A $20 i:rnncl prize will he 11w1ml1•d to nny student who dcfon ts ·Rohrugh . 1-'rru pizzn will be nvnilnhle for those in nttendnncc. The Profossionnl Food Servict• Mnnngcmcnt contrncl. wns the mnin topic of discussion nt the Sept. 29 HHA meelini:. Question s nhout the proi:rcss of the rcpnir of the ice crenm machine, co mments nhout the temperature of the food nncl where it wns served and complnints nbout what wns being served were nll heard nt the meeting. At the meeting Wcdncsdny, Oct. 6, copies of the food contrnct was handed out lo those in attendantc. Nolan ,Jones, RHA food coordinato r, said students cannot physically attend the contract signing. However, Jones offered an alternative of another committee, which is forming, to gather specific complaints. These complaints will then be submitted to
lln11·11nl Furroll, v1co prcaid,•nl fur nl.ud unf 111111 udmini,ctrut.ivl'
th )f\'I COH,
hoforo II new runtrnrl IH sii.nod Comment cnrdH ore nvuilnblu in tho cnfot,•rin. nnd should h,• mnilod to Nolnn ,loncH, No. 12217. :1410 Tnfl. Blvd., Wichita Foils, TexnH w:108 . Folicin Brown, tho nnt iunul communicntionH coordinutor for RHA, anid dcdicntud llH/\ memborH cun ullcnd II conforonco fur rosiclout living nt Stu to Oklnhom n University Nov . I 1-14 . The confOrcncc ls sponsored by the Southwest Asso ci nt io n of College nnd University Residence Hnlls. The group decided to determine delegates to the conference nl. a future meetini:. Other happening s of the meetings include henring n complaint regnrding the lnck of lighting in the courtyard and sidewulks between Pierce and Killingsworth; a disthe of cussion Homecoming spirit bandisplayed be to ner Homecoming weekend in the atrium; and the installation of a suggestion box in the lobby of Killingswo rth for those who wish to make anonymous comments. The Resident Hall Association meetings are at 8 p .m . every Wednesda y on the first floor of Killingsw orth Hall. Meetings are open to residents of the three dorms plus Bridwell Courts, and are led by Myra Williams, RHA president.
S O U II: D R E T I R E .\I I II: T I II: \ ' E S T I II: G
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Volleyball team hits the road BJ 11,)-.a 83..1.Lard Sports Ednm The ~,"t.'.ilf \·bx.i
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th .. La<h lnd:ian./d<'feated l'ruwN1tv ,,f
Dallas LD an ea,,~ =:~ Bdund :\Ioli_,,. \ 'ar. Hemen·s 26 a_<s,st.; an:: nine og,;. tM ooes cruised to an ea,,· l.o- l l' I 5--0 and I S-6 ,"l,t.>ry Tne next st0l' fort ~ te:l.Cl \l.aS Brv...,--nw~ 'C .
T~=. for a lxmlr m:h Howard Pame l,'nivernt,· · l'nforturunely. t h,, Lady YeUow µckets stung '.\!Jdm,,_.tem l o- 7. 13-15 . IS-, and !5-6 icr
~!Sl:'s first Di.;mct S ar.d TL\A l~ss Tiad:i. Hill wa.,; the Indian:; to p pb yer ·•1t:t 10 lrills. S digs :i:,d 3 block.s After the I= . '.\!Sl' loaded the bus for the long ride to Alpine.
Texas. Saturday. they faced Sul Ross State Saturda,·. Oc.L 9. ,,.-ouJdo't be- any bet:er
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Tribe ranked 5th The :\lidwestern St.:m Uni,·ersit,· Indians are ranked fifth 10 the '.I/AH Dhision I Men·s preseaS-On ba.;kethall poll. Tbe No . 1 ranked team is Oklahoma Bapbst foll owed by Da,,d Lipscomb College 10 Tennesee at :--o 2 Geor get own LiruYerSJty in Kentucky 1s No 3.
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The ~ISl' Lad~· Indians lead District 8 and the
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e,·t' ntua ! t l' }('l s1n ; l' h ..1rn pwn ~att on al Haw :u1-Pa nfic Hawau Par!li c 1~ r.tn.k t' d ~ .1 15 m tr.15 yt.·.1 r ·:- p~e~i.> .1:-C' n
Show ,·our !IISU spirit at the Homecoming
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Footb;u game at 7:30p,m.... OcL 16.
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Alpha Plasma
A Print, Elccc:utlve Health Fll(-lllty l ' llll l'~Ol;~ \\t,, l'b~ r.t1.~ ',t\'t N U. b.j11 lh.t.lL -..Mk~ h.t.!l h•
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l<'h'st Unnnlln n
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-Quarterback' fi l'IIE Wlchll!ln
sports Reporter ~ou ., ~now the old sll)"1"g hghtning t 'kes twi ? " \ never ce . Yell, for s n_ senior qunrterback C . Pettigrew it c ra,g ume extreme IY cIosc. . Pettigrew 15 questiona ble to pla , 111 the homecoming ) against Austin Coll game cge on Saturday.
On0ct.2du ·
Ina} homecoming
s I1 I high p In . ettigrC!w found ~ ?0 ~llm!-ie)f lO a si n1il n .· r s1tuat1on hut by · kl a broken . instead. He sn I·d un . e nu ssing Snturdn\''s • 111game w,l! h n reect him missing hi s°re 1 _a n honiecon,ing a t D0 s_c ni or "•e. It's th b' e •ggest game of th
Broderick Scncl!nl. come up \'i ct ori ous ngni ns t p . Au · . C II _~t m o egc, t.'!tt1::rcw snid he would be ronlcnt whctherheplny,• d ornot If we Iosc Ill · wonder if I co uld ha,·c made a d11Tc rencc. Depending on th e e,·e nts of the ga me will determine if Pettigre w
.eyearanditisli keyou secs any
act1 ~ n
s h owed n hint _o f · areacheerlca d fir stq unrler:1gthc optumsm when he sard . er. .1 c Indian s' gnme AuslinCollcgeis n'tthat . lnh· n~~nst Texas West l\l , 1 . 1 •gh school I knew tough. d Pet ti g r ew For Smcpl thi s is his cartilage hi s ri ~\~~gcd col!:u d be going on to nee o th ge and I would ha"c first game to sta rt . and lore the Duck ha s lo keep homecomin g er anterior ciale I' :iking n :~~ment while ga~es. sai d Pettigrew . from ge ttin g, down 0 ~ I ctt 1grc11 . las t h1mHlf. Thi s will be , d p 11· pointed out He hns n't Ill) . e igre\\ un er went ham 11 had a I,,t ofpla)i ng time. P':t~~ ; e~,~nme. . surgery_Oct. 6 to repair e, pl mned it will be a good test the carulngc damage but hi . r g Pe ttigrew who ~i'ill athe '.'·ill wa_i t to ha\'~ r.. sit~n r~~.~r;~ti o_n s _a bout con,truch, e surgery for He saTd he ~ 1high ,chool tended workout s said the ·r h et lcfl out . he tea m was con fi den t goina the torn hgnment at the ~ It rondusion. of the season. o~th:\~amc wns not part int o thi s Sa turday •; g'ame It . •th . b' If Pettigrew docs not The Indinns hn,·e only get any ~l aying time in of the ' \arc ,ggest.!an1c nd 11 ged to put toge ther mnna hke •• a · Saturdays game, it will ·ou a;e _a J;eJrleader. one ,ictol')· in four g'nmes. not be the first time he tctti but they are still ali ,·e in . lfc;;;' d' c ~ will sit ou ~ hi s seni or n ,an. , bchin~ th e ra ce for th e bncku homecoming grune.
1;e:~r~ do~1 notT:m~]!,_ the spring b t I un are alread}'. co:di~i~~f;s and training. Dan Neuseg MSU tennis coach, said be has high expectations for the conung season . I . Ret urnmg Payers are: Hea_th Hoover, a junior environmental_ sci ence ma~~~o~ ~V,ch,ta Falls ; Br . . egn , a_ fresh• man cnm1nal Justice ma•
Cheerleaders try to find home
What it costs to go to the game
A·.1 •:--., c- •1:.·., :i..,yn. ,h,s -aQ(' Sl ;J .JJ io a:-c '\C a~. ~,H;.?-1e~ ;~n ,1.-r--0 "'; 1" rrum U .trter,ryRl'CAVf!- -l-n.-.,i F-," c=i~• ,.,,~._ FC · ro F"Cl ist.J.scd on1.,e a,'l",cOl!' pr<:(' ot1 c,ets o..Y<Ce-s s..., "\S r J !,,.-x., . .,- -sH,,r: if c'!1'<.l·m;,"li~; aiac:"o!<>sso-.a! ;;.ar,
-----,mF .,,CosJr_ ,_____ ' · s,;,, ,:,:,o - - • · $3205 T,,., •s Cow0oyS sw 0•U H: .• l• ..........___. Sono,·, , oo .,. soo milillJil
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By Kelly Webb Mobley Reporter ~I S U The C heerleaders have a new coach , but no place on campus to practice. The 16 member squad travels to Zundy Junior High School at 1706 Polk St. t?;o nights a week to practice their routines. Coach Lori Cochran said thesquadhasno facility oncampusavai lableto them for practices. are "Academics (MSU's) first priorities, _s nnert ,coannd• chspoertserle"a-odiunldgbe 1 01 sidered a sport," Jane Leishner, assistant dean ofstudents.said. Leishner said one of the Clark Student Center renovation proposals, if accepted, will include a recreationill gym . Thi s gym would be available to the cheerleaders and other organizati ons on campus. The Coliseum is unavailable because of scheduled classes, ath• letic events and intramu•
• ·
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Favor takes over dance team
Nesbitt , Donna Payton and Deedra Weatherbee, c.,ptain. Fa,·er said the team will perform a t football, soccer a nd vo lleyball home games as well as basketball games in the Spring semester. The dance team will attend competition in December 1993 or January 1994 _ Members arc awarded a $300 scholarship each t i :·e ; t n ~e; t t a l e n t s.•.m_e_S-er_.__- _- - -."'"'- r,,a~I--:env•e·n-ts_._ _,..
MSU tennis
Thursday, October 14, 1993
ByKrllyWrbbMoblr,l!rportrr Me li ssa Fa,·cr , a fomier Texan cheerleader from Holliday, Texas, is th e n,•w ~I SU Dance Team co.,ch. ~ISL' Da nce team members arc Pam Dai ley, captain: \ ',ck;c Barfi eld ~Ielissn Cadden E\'ch.; Flnx, ~! a r ia Fra usto, ~l elissn Ga rm an , Ca n ·I Guill ermo. J odie Head.
tr of Iowa Pn rk : Tully e~rge, a Jumor nursing
t10n s , s t c m s maJ or of s~ud the lu t:h point ofLhe
!"Jo;. of \\\chit:-i Fall s: olo ' resa \ u, se~1or b1Fal~. maJor of \\1 ch1t a New pl a ,·e r s a rc. h. Ch d F ea t er st on. a a freshman undeclared ma • jor of Iowa Pa rk; Chn s Cato, a freshman sport s a nd _exerci se major . of Ch1lhcothe. Texas: Lisa Harn son, a juni or hus1-
sea,o n "a s defeat m g pa ) n e H o" n rd Unl\ crsm to : itu~~i!~~~,s~: ~~~': Tarleton State Uni\'Crsity and Howa rd Pa yne University. Team posi tions a re still open . For more in• fomiat10n. ca ll Neuse al ext. 4-1 29.
ness comptll,•r m fo rma- la <t <prrng, but Neuse
M,llsap, Te,a s. Stephen Da, . a sophomore mass rommu111cat1ons nrnJor of lo\\a Park : and L,1urr e Arnold. n Jllm or dental hvaicne major of Red Oak T •,a· The\1su tennis team fini s hed seco nd to Hardin-Simmons Univcrsitv nt the TIA:\. Dis tri ct 8 Tournament
t~.,oo,fl~a~J '
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