October 15, 1992

Page 1

[c-,1, No. 6


Th ursday, October 15, 1992


· h H·11 H




- ..;,\:::~-~ eco~ ng ~egms wit ..?~ r- t-



0...,· 1- OnOc1 14. Ru.st rcfi J tn t Bo r is Yc l t, in

l(it rf("OtJmgi; or n,~.,, com'·•aliODS co nc t.rn1 n1 tho ~of • Korean Air Lin-es 747 w' ~sfiltr JC(J m IQSJ. ~rJuin ~·u • 11.n expccied lo tl' m, rWle't fl11o:b1 ~orde rs, 4'Clln<d, )J~·1ng the r«ordc" •J runa1n 1n Ruui:a bccau~e '.-rid1suscnihkd. r,r 1.&7 WU de~froycd , k1 lhnc ) f ~oens:ers ind c r"""' for nuc -:!,i\ict

llr Sf'&Cc




~? 10 and Ja cobsen are ~ ,iuiJ S600 m1ll1lJn lJf Ira n 's ,.a 1.bct•· u d:amasu for lhdr ,11pr1nf, rhys,;:al ahuse , false .-.i,Ptlmtnl 1nJ inhumane mcd1· :s,1fictnl dun111 the11 ca phv1ty. TM s1.111 v,•u h lC"d tn federal t-◄ 1'1 Wash1naton, O.r ., bwyers


/A~shn) •• Su fin1h ~1s hi.vo •idtn:1hcJ tu rer l:u: t W 1ll11m lmu1ham u presid ent o f !ht ;nu,~11 y of T e , as after .-i111h1m ' s 1ppo1nt ment u ,sdlor of thC' UT xrlC'm. C1nd1d1to will 1ndu1h: Muk 'alf. dctn of th"' UT s.:.hool of ,\1ken. provosl of 1he

a1m1ty o f Prnnsyh·1n11: Robtrl «41bl , v1 ~, c hanc e ll or for tlcnuc affairs 111 lb(. Un1veu11y il!hr.,m: L ■ ur l' I W1JL:coin¥, mou of lhe U ni\·e r s 1ty o f 'ID.it1$11.tO. Lulher Williams, atittct d11, c1or for ed u.::o.h on ind Ill.In rHnur,·el> at the 11at1nn1 I ;m a fou11J a1111n an d He nry -S, don of ,ag1necrinx: t i Pur-• li111vtrmy. Tlte canJidatcs will 101ervicw 1ll rtsent.s, who will m ike tho Ii.I 1ppo infml'nl IS earl y U


ca11pu1tcd into 1~ 1101 -l ~l\kim' ■) • re~uh u f1hc: u,~ ......__.klv ' ' J)Oo;Ufl"


•s turda from


form,,i,on c-u1 N:- ohr41ncd tn CSC 10).


re.11.:~Dnt the h11 t o ry o f tbo ce c ~lc'd NBC MlO"" 1ha1 ch.nit(! lclc.v1S1nnfore1-tr lt.tl ,.,111~ 1111

chp, ,,.,Nl.h


~ ►












P/wl~ Cowtny

Maryellen Hooper

Dou g Hill UI r;a:;,; tea~; J ~ :

h \I

~... ?~,n;:::~n

alWl)llJ11I. 't'H o•t' t re, e111i,io1 M Ch,~e: '1\11\ ht J 1i..u:h e:J, .u ..,., II as lhc fa.:I 1h11 Muruy pun.:hcd out Cbn c fi\"e m1nu1,:1 tocforc 11r-Un1e, The proar•m will re\·c•I cb~t A~kroyJ tru bl"d wt a wall on 1be 171b noornf the 1'8C Bu1ld1nc, and""hY Bcl\bh1 du,lllcd Lily Tomlul. Chase ,nd dol"~ lhe "Bees."

Miu1c- h,1\11 1Jm1n1•tral1\e ati,~ta nt 1,, !he d1".1n o l ,tuJeot; Art1, 1 L~111,o S1'uo aJvatc.r, ,..id, ·we hi\• rt r r 1ved quite • few 1&qumn c:ofr- omr-, abnvt th" pro1nm. Wt 1,e u 1.11cd , ~ u1 the co n1m11n11y'1 re~ponte 10d u p«I 1h11 cht proi:nm will b. ~ II 11· 1end1•d .


Hill, a fne-laoce v,'nler, tw a blchelor of 1ru m1oumalmn a.ad I m111cr of 1ru from Columb11

By Jean 11::iU SWTWrirtr MSU Hudenl~ will hive 1n opp o rt u n I t y "to llke par! 1n a ta.tpayrr's revolu11on· on Oc1. 17, Roi e r Hill, coord1n1tor of the l)lh Coni:ren1on1I D1~1nc1 Tupayer·, Action Ne!Wurlt, !<,1.Kl. A tu.payer·, seminar, sponM'>ted by TAN and C1tu.t.M Against Government W1s le will be held 1n K1wan1~ Park Saturday from I p.m. lO ) p . m. 1n l"OtlJUOCl1on with lhe th1rJ annual Tu.payer's Ac lion Doy. The pu r pos e u to ed uc 11c e111zcns a bout w1,1eful i:ovcrnmenl spendmg anJ offer all 1Uend111g an oppor1un11y 10 become: involved 1n dforts to control ~uch spcndmg. Hill u,d II •~ 1mp or11n1 for

MSli studencs to become invoh·cJ bcc1usc their future 10m :1nd u~cs arc at n.Jc. · 1 hore to sec Midwestern rcprc.wnted 11 1he rally." 11 111 si1d. · wc·d rul1y like lo see the fralcr· n111es am! 1he w ronhl:$ and 1he ~tu• J eni go,ernment lhcre, rca:ardksiof their pol111c1l "i"'ws. hccausc we i re non•pol111cal. •

CA.GW does no1 endouc or oppose :any candu.latc, hut acts as a w11chdo1: ove r 111 pollllrians, !llll

"'" He u1d lhe na1ionll debt 1J th(. most 1mporu.n1 faclor 1ff..:ct1n1 the economy, JOhll, pcrmon~. health care and wc1:il prognms. • Accordmg to nur own pemmcnt accoun11n1: fl1uru, 67 ccnls of

1~ ~P""' o n dtbl r:iym o:111~. • Hill su d . • At 1h,~ nte. w11hin nine ycu~. 102 percent ofall tuc~ will he, nc(.dcd to ply tnlerrst o n t h e J ebt. The Amcr1c 1n c<unt1m1~ .l,)·~lcm <'IJUld rnlllp:,c.· thll's f1guro show th11 the J:<1Yernmcnt 1~ ¥"In!: into d,·hl a l th,: r:itc o f S7U2,000 per mmulc , or SI I hdhon p,:1 !Jay. Coni:r(..h m1n B111 Sur:ihu.1, tnd congre,smna l cand1J.ite Bnu Boulrcr will be proc nt 11th.- n lly 10 1Jdr,·~1- concc!'M of government Jd,1 am! ,u~ldul spcnJ1n,.

e,uy tu dollar

Alw aJJrc"ln}; 1he J,:!OUp "'111 th< Rev. Thmn~~ Simon, hcaJ of the E11-t~1dc M1n1\ Ctm11l Alli.nee; C'h:irl1e Davi\, he1J of the W1ch11.11 County Tup1yeu Assuu•hon ind the North Tcus Tu.r:ayer Lni;U<:


Other pro 1nm1 1cb1dule d durins th• 1991-93 1e1100 u o It.ob-so kroncdy Jr., DtM,)' Glo\·t.r ud F•l11. Jur1c•, Na<bne Stroom ud rb" Dall:t.J Bta.."$

~~;tru7~~= ~;:;,'

Ken Hill, pnv■te ci111.en: Ted Bow• man, owner o f Bo wmu1 Cotnputers : and a rcpre~entallve from th e Rou Pero! or1ao1u11on, Un11ed We Stand. Members of the audience will be given oppor1un11y to i pcak ■ nd 1sk quc.stmns. Hrll u 1d tbc efforu of CAGW will no1 end w ith 1he clcc11nn, hut "'-'ill continue as lhc a:roup tnu to force poh11cuns lo follow th.rough on campaign prom,~. "We mu!il ~how poh11c11ns 11 C\'tr)' level of &0\'crnmcnl th:at \l,'c ""ill no lonaer 1olcr1Cc bus1neu u usual." Hill ~1d. CAGW 15 1 n■tmnal orran1u• ■ m11hne 11~1 of 700.~. 110 0 It Wh founded 10 yuu 1£0 hy J Peter Grace. For more informal!Orl. ,all l-800,BE,ASGRY.

T1ekell ar• free lo MSU SIU· den11 1od l:'an be ob~n•d 111 CSC 103.



i1y M:hcdule for1h1.; forOclober 19•24

19: Comedienne r perfonns at 6 rk Student Center


.. '


Ry C.P..w-icL: Fortner II Stafl'Wriltr The North Ccnlral Teu.. Envuonmenlal Encrcprrncunn1o: Conference, hosteJ hy M1dwc~1cm. lhc Tens Ge neral LanJ Office, the Tnu Agnc uhu re Exten,ion Service and the ReJ R1\·cr Sierra C'lub w■s held the woi:kcnd of Oct. 9· 10. The pu rpo~ or lhc conference wu to identify businc~~ o ppo rtun1he,- m lhe cnv1ronmcnt~I fi eld and holp n ew anJ existing ~o mp~n,u 1n Nouh Centr,11 Tcus or• ::::c~c to provide t he rc11uueJ


Students fron Barwisc ,Junior High School ezamine exhibits at the North Central Texas Environmental Entreprencuriag conference last weekend.

More thin 100 pe ople al· h'ndcJ lh e uinferen~ e wh,c h tocu, "d u n lo p,c~ rani;1n.: from way ~ to efh ,·1,:nlly u.~~ c11a1o:y 10 m11nuf~ c tur1n.: use111I 1te ms from "" ~).t" rroJ1K"ts. Dr Norma n llorne1, J 11cctor of rhc D1\l).h1n ol Sl1et1Cc111, "-11d rho:: conference Wh 1 ~ucce~, Jiu: 10 ~ 11u•li1r o r lh" "'ru ker, an.I the w1Jc ran.:c of ,cle...-""t 1or1o:~.


N1cbola, M o r r1 1, U PB pubh.;1ty cb1ir1111n, , aiJ &111dcnl• , hould pick up 1he ir 11cl e1• earl)' bet a UICI lho last ~ mcJ11n Chat per· fo rmed 11 M1d wt1IC' rn e n1n}td a stanchna-room-only Ct O'o','d,

conferen ce



U ftl\'fflflY. Tbt Artm•l.ecturci Stfiot wa1 ee11b)Lrii.ed ,n 1964 10 brust noted l~h:aren 1nd quality proa:nm1 ,n 1he perfomun 1 1n• k) MKhi,eJter11 a.od (k W1e.h:ita F1U1 c:offlm\lnlty

MSU hosts




'Revolution' scheduled for weekend

' fWi...h111 Fills) •· J■nies Ar• ,.;hlr~tJ wilh •lcbo)'etl Jr. \ 1.iitft of a S2000 ne ck l ace ~ C lohufalbcr. Selloyen wu 1pprehcndc d /ltt 110l1ce found I pawn reee1p1 '-ru11 Scho)en p1w11ed t he sohd 1icl11ce, w11h I r1.1by aod ~ encrus ted uale peodlnt.


19 , n lhc Cl1tk Scude nl Ccn1er 81Uroom Ho oper wu a f1n1l111 1n Tropican1'1, N111onal Co ,ued11n t.rf-Off contu-t anti has ...-urkod • 1 ~ornedy club, and col lei" .:am• puses 1n tho Un1t ~J Stttu and Ensland. She hu performt d 1n All;ant~ c,1y ind L■s V111as <:1:-.mo.. for IUC'h IClll u G1lb;.rl ..,. tfried, Kelly Mo n1e 1lh , o mmy O.vuon ind Jerry St-,nfdJ Hooper 1, abo an •'-trc.u ind hu :t.ppc1rcd with a c t on Bon c,ou and Ned Beall) tn •Tho Un•



h h\oyea way J••led ,n lieu o f

Th• Un1umly Pro1un1m,n, Board will pre j enl 1: o me d1u Maryellen Hooper al 6 p m . Oct





by Undcr1round com"J ) rcnc-i;iJt ~ Jl tl,h~• anJ \.\b) Murr h> 1lm~ t

Hil l'• rrosram w,I\ e a plo re ll Om..i OI lhe b111er beb1nd-1hr, 1c ene1 l:o11tlu of 1he 11, u . T he OOCumettlar) ,.1II deal w11h aomc of t~ prot-leou tbat SUC"teu bt-ou1h1 m1ny of the cut D'll!O\bm Durio.: !he t out'H of 1h1s pro-


4...I: 1, ~.

etc:lua,~40-n11n111efilm 11 unavailable 111,;c\l, hue, 111Mrtd fro m lhc vauhs ol the ,11(., w The t hli.,.. , ..,,lu ch b■ t llfed sin.:c 197S, hn pt'NU<.c.J 'lkh Sbn as Jo hn Bl'l u~h, , G t Ida RllJne r D■n A)kro>d, EUJ ,e \iurrh), J~ Plkopo. Cht-V) Clwo. B,11 Mumy ■ne C urtin , Ga ucll \ forr tt 111 j thera Min \ o f lh1')C' "~r, .,..,,o

truss,ontKktL,- areSfi forthe rutdJi: SS for UDIM cihzcn~ c, ...cu-


lari. Student Center Ba\lruom, Dour li,11, co-1u1hor 0(11'4 s_t-,cller · sarurday N1;ht: w,11


1 fU t1 current Jtltu1 u a e:ome:J ) u,. s11tu11o n

1Pcn11s ~lv ,i1nia) · • J Oteph :,910 ,nd O;iv1d hcobstn , # I , me11un hos1■ae,;, ha\'c ii• [1•du111gaw1 Iran, cll1m1n11 -,. tun iponsllrs ·commerc, I

9: M1ch:.d


1•<:-kuaae ll 111ory of S1oturda ~•~Li~. •at7pm , CAt 20 mit!

~ IO a South Kornn delera-


MS U', Ho mecom

II Vlhe1 continue .,., 1b lh,n~ ei-


• ..... .-·

bl A 1'....l f' !.r\l '1!:,

1 t'




-.._ --_




1 , ...:~~~~


20: "A Backstage V ..


TWeingr.i.dat7p.m dent Center Ball• 22: It's Maroon \t IOp.m. on South

ill be a bonfire. 23: At River Creek Blurkbumett ther mingGolfToumaion is at 7:30 a.m. •ts at 8 a.m. The fte udcs a gulfcan and m 5•7p.m. at the onCcnterthcrcwill s Annual Fish Fry. $4.50 for childn:n U studcms. From ere will be a camithe Lady Indians willplay. A17p.m illchallangeOkla 24: Bcia Bela Bc1a will take place a1 Sc icnce I lall room .m. there's the Ang Brunch. Tickets Ilium; must he nt.u.le .m. thesoccerteam ards. There will hr a, 6:30 p.m. m. Al7:30p.m. lhc nball 1camwilt1ake ne University Ye!~ enmrial Stadium


Cbe 11Jttbltiu Pae• 2 ■ Thuroday, OctolM!r 16, 1992

Family values misconstrued By Jf'Cln 1111II

l llU/lfCI

Sun \\'ritcr


A IOI ol f!WPI• 11'1 m1u m1 the r o 1n1 Th• 1m pnillr,nl half u ( 1h1 CIICh phrue · r1m1ly \llue," "tJ.: MllURJ \l,\JrJ , not the r11sc. AnJ ) 'U , fatmly , 1 luo1 ,,. • lr11t1m110 conc.-rn of pohlK'II Rli 100 YOltD

What 111 famil)' ~·,lue,! They 1ndud c hone,,ty, 1mb1hon, ('ulfural rr 1de , 11 1111 11 11 . fre 1 J o ru . monu11m} and Cou11tlu~ 01h11 v tr• tuea . All lh\! lh11111 you lurnad ca,Jy l o hold Jur .,,. y~r family Yalun. They 1re ulleJ f•nuly value1 u mr ly b1c ■ u,e yu u Jo r n lhrm frum yu11r r,nuly Whut yw 1111ere l ·)'UU-Old and )'\)Uf 1.1hcr ., /1Pfl"d )Our band for •w1pinr yo111 .-it ler ', , oukie and u 1d, ' That d oen't !>,Ion, lo yw, . you lcatnNI I brNly value . S1cahnr ,..rtAIJ,


" ' he n your motht"r wlNbd lb hour-. 11 day tu •urf'()fl brr l h1kft1fl a l ter he r husba nd lc ll, then ,-ou lnrncJ •ume fanul y v1luc.1 Wo rk hard. Tako ure uf Neh other. 0

JLetter1 to tlie 'Eaitor

M• r11dl en of w ha l k tnd o f f1m1l y )OU 11ew Ufl ,n. )'OU kamtd Tho,e valuu are 11'11(10r· 11nl bcou~e Ibey d1.:l1le t¥)w you land C\'uyone ehC' ,n 1hr counlfy) a r t In )<tur r euonal and r rofu-

Ro1u H i nu h 1r1pe d uid m em ht1 you 1 ho uld l Uppo r t co cripl1111eJ 1bou1 1h c fcH , m ■n­ M . S. U ·_. prnv1am1 1n every pol• Hn . a nd buu: appur.n.:c of i 1hla "" • )' , e,pc,(1111)' • proeum I.tr Core)' F1ldmtn 1n hi• lene, 111 the 1h11. Th11 w11 • 1rnt upt:r1ence October I lu:u, of 1he W 1~h111an a n d o ppo rtunll y for M S U . , Tiu• lencr 11 1n dcfcnM of C"Ofcy, W1ch,1a F■ll'i, 1nJ Ollr 1unound1n1 t uppo rh lh• rn•on ho c ■mo to l ieu The 1uM1n I hau 11h n .1.0 M.S.U . 1nd 1,coclcuthcm• lffd• much dclt"nsr u n your lc ltc, tl be· tl'lf , u a b ctual. and 1rrelev1n1 stalo- ..::■uu , ob1no u:,I), I wu offended (1 mon1 n!hen I And bcUU\C 11ffit:ntt mad4I by Mr, Huwa.h. cohn l h1, 1 ve ry 1mpor l anl 1, re.-:1 F1ut, when did Cony ncr 1n n1y l,fc II 1if.e, IJ me every day commun1u1e, 1dvor1te, OJ 1uppor1 1nJ hu for cht 101 21 yu,- My "Poli~ Buh1nc'1° A, fat u fcl,p::,a father 1S 1n akfflullc. i1 cooc:crned , Corey w u very op,n minded 1hou1 reh11oa 1nJ I s u~ I hOpf' before )'OU dec ide IU nor he1n1 lie never preac.Md, u · write anoihtr lf'IIU Uuh1n1 · one hortcd, ot lecrurt.d on reh1ioa, that ol U. P 9 .'r pto1ram, you will lir,I wu nnt hit pu rpoae But bc- .:er• 1hmk 1t,qu1 "'h•t you 1ft' 10111111 11,nly n1v• r "Duhcd" ul111o n 1n10 . an d w-~·onJ I h.or c yc,u w ill fiverynn1 hu lhtir (lwn o p1n100 1!10 touch up on your 1111mmu. ■bowl rt1111on ■nd thc11 own 1od. Onc e • 111a . 1h11 letter u, •ut 10 Corey • unply kepi h 11 op1n,on to ~111.1.1 trnuble tiut lo dear up tho hunSC!I[. untr ue1 , nnn - fa c 1u1I , and que.t• cio n,ble , 111e men11 mad• 1hou1 Secood, what doc. 0 .o ,J Lon· Co rey Ftldman and h11 procram don (not Con~y•• drut coun,clor, pr o cn1cJ hy •h• Un1ver.11y l,111 yu. • drus co u n,c lor ) 10d Pro1r1mm1n1 Board. Corey·, fucnd1h1p 10 hua have to - C. Nichul.rt MOITl\ do w11h ch.m 101n1 out? T hey d,J 1101 ,0 lo I b11r, bul 10 a pool haU kJ ralu , hf.v• • rood tune, and lo SCI you 1rGWMI the C'1ty. (By the v,,ay. Corey 11 well over lho dn nk101 •te to bo intended t o r eally 1dm111td into a pl1co 1h11 wervq •I· m ak e someone cohol. Anyone coulJ h1,·• f11111ed 1h11 OUI w11h the 1111.cmcnb Corey mad turned out ll'llde deahn1 w11h the yoa11 be wu 1dJ1c tod i nd 1obet ) Dn,d Lon• IO aln¥,hl don d1d not (f\K)le, ·u WU f O 1n10 • place lh1t aervH 1kohol l.ECA1l.tf ho wu • drua c:oun· Lau Wnk (Tuu • Or i 6) I k k>t." but h, did NY, 'We have co I }J:Q' o b1ccn• lt1ll et on r1 Oft w11h ltv1n1 and that 1tcohot 1cu1ved the w1nd~h11ill of my vch1dc. Finl wall 1lw1 y1 ho aro und. • (/ ..,,u dr,vc a l,111. cu . J doa't I 111, or JlintJh Jrn,1d1n1 thtrr wh,,. M r 1 1uburhAn Some hfflt'1 1l 11 , "'1, ly altd oluuuioiul1 uprnxuh,d dnve d1ffi.:11lc IU f'lrl/lcl puk I UCh I lon1 h,rn ) Cor ey u~u•lly hkes tu ,pend vch,cle ,n thole lmy JllOOn1 ,s.ce:s. l1ma Wllh !he , 1udcnt1 1n the l ludcnt i;Hitct or 1n tho r c\1dcnl hallt I wu parked 1'p,t,b:, OO'WC','\':r, hul could DOC duo to h11 ,oiJ my r,on1 wheel wu ,a tho red l.011(' ,:one). App1reo1ly th. pol ice (fH• T h11d , w h11 ,r you arc I n:r• did n()t find any probkm with th11, 11f.ed drue co un,clor , and M> w hat w meone cite did Tho lotter bul ,f you hive t he r1fhl ID compl1m ,c-ufol~. Maybo you 1hould ha,·a darl'W fcJt' your "wondcrtul " i.lb. f rom w, 'Do ) OU know ,11,gl to puk ,n twvc 1ce n your sc!t11om ire nnc Ye, y fire In ,..one you Dumb F- k. (MSU e ffec1,,·c e1pccially ,.,hcn yo11 yell Faculty mcmb:r)" and bark 11 people for what they

IIJ 111110

••onal ltlc Why UC', lhr,;c value., lhe con • (C m o f puhll~ lln-'11 Valuci• d1cl1t1 1\lmM , nJ , ..-1111n, ha1 e ,mpar h on MX'te ly TM io,~mn'M'nt alw1yi. hM 1nJ 11lw1y~ w ill fllU l•WJ 1h11 t'P·

By Rohmo R11m1r-n Jr. Mo,·WCritir The new S1evC' n Sea11I r.lm. Wow! Let your memory kx k ui, If yuu'n "-'In any other S11,wm ¥ •pl ftlm , ,ndul ac yo uru l f . the vtOluce . the r.-.f'l~IOft-4 ... the lft• lere,11n1 "" •Y• IO n111m ind loll • the loUIIJf.tuooe. Would )'OU JIUI you, hfe 1n lhe h,ndJ o f a cook? How 1bo111 if he1 wu 1n u • N1 vy SEAL1 Well. n11yhe. In b1 l newest him , Sua:•1 portray, 1 Navy cook on lhe USS M1., wun The N1tlcsh1p 1~ KIJ&Ck· ed . yo1,1 know, hkc , k)'J&Ckcd , bul 1n w aler The head b1J .:uy 11 playeJ hy Tommy Loe font\. You ma y r e m e mber J o nu r,o n1 f.lrni si:c h u ·c~1Miner's O;auah1er. • ·Eu c ut1one r·• Sonr." · Bl ac k M oo n R1"n t " a nd °Fu ebud1 • Ho II con~1dcrC'd hy many lube 1 ,cry fine ac1o r .. I do 100 . , Jeez, Joni\ hu i oth:n u lJ I Now he r e be " por111y 1n.: an ell· CIA a1rn1 lur nC'd b1d (rc1d 1h11 · 1rec:dy"). Ht anJ an d11c 1nm o r le rro r11U have ckc1deJ lo C'omman• dee r the USS M1s\O\m and 11t1I its wupnnry ■ nd u ll 11 10 lhe h1Jhcst


for the good."

t11~,. We ll, ncedld ~ lo ny. S1even

Se• r•I " no1 r o 1nv 10 h 1Jc 1n 1ny

o ld mul lor kcr •nd lc l 1h1~ happe n S0111 and loon e\·e n1uaJly square off 1n OQt' of 1hc 111MC c:1, 111nic knife lia hts I've e ve r k l'n. 1NJ


r·-~r;·····;;;:···1 :


~ "';~~·;;/ ,..,, .....


•...• .....• ...... ..•... I

Offertxpuu Novcm1'cr I, 1992




S1oce a 111y l1w1 nd ■ocial pro1 n 1111 1 rfrc l o•r v1luH , 11 voeen we ban I a.JjtiR11a. cca:eni u co wb11 kind of veluet poh t,cel u nd+dalu hold. Out C h11100 have I R 1ff1u ""lib 01an1~r Flo'Wn? D,J h• ho ■bout dod11ot the draft? la Bu1b ly1a1 1 bou1 h11 pi n • lo r11H llUI •111n1 Dou Perot di.cr1m1n1ie 1pw1 hoftloMJ.uaJf1

Tbc.n u c c har1clu and value 1.uues 1.y1n1, cM111ftC, be111c ta00rt· 1 11 1tnl a nd cr 11 1c11. i 11 J bo moJUIUlhly UC lfllll 1h11 dt'ptcl I t1 od1d11e·, v1IUH fo, bellc, or wone. Then v1li.H i• lurn ,. 11 111 1ho u1 the duecllon Ch•y bo,- ID luJ lbe counlry Whal 1b o w1 rlii• Di n Q u , y l t / Murrby Bro we fuuly va lues up, o u ? AJ111, a IOI o f



I ~

U C'nc a nd muy o lhrn filled aw w1ch 1w1 11 ue1n1 t he •• lent o r lhoe IWO men . I' d 10 u far H 10 Ill)' that l OGu hat lh• l1on '1 1hare of 1he 11con11b1l111u .. I ' m 1urr Sca11I would •VCIC· H owever, J u11n11h11 p■ r· hc ular K rnc, the whole wu 1fc.a1n than the I Uffl of bolh p1rt1 Scas• I c an c arry I movi• llh b e did 10 "Abo,·e th• Ulw, . "Hard ID Kill." " Marked for Death" ind "Out for Ju~eice • Bui, add lonu to lhc cul 1.1 Ibo v1ll11n, 1nd 1h11 COll]d be the b1nut ho1-<1ffice hil for SCllpl )'M. Yuh , I'm I Sccvcn Scaa:11 fan, h owever, I ' m u even b1r1er Tommy Lc:c Jonu fan. I'm 111II the mov ic b uH and fi lm c1111c thourh uld I' ll 1h11 tell 11 to you IJi:c 1111.

B• honc$1, ""'hll kind of v1luct WH the c huac ler Murphy Brown d11pl1y 1n1., She wu 1lttf11n1 w11h lwo men and u,1n, no pmlec110n. She lhr•w mono11my and rupon· t1b1hlyout lbcw~·.

Mldwestem State University 3400 Tatt Blvd. PO Box 160 Wichita Falls. Tmeas 76308 (817) 689-4 70<4 Subscription rato $1 o per year I Edllor n Ch1-I Attoelal• Edllor

Juh1 Nan Chari"


Y1I\M:1 dictate aclu>-■

c1rcui.11on aan.;« Adv•rti.k'lg Raips.


lreme ndous odd1 •111nu rulbleu ICffOfltll. 1111 worth the pr1ceof1 11eh(/ HOM:!llly 1pc,k1n1, 11 1 film Crll!C, yu Ni.,w, 1pe.aha1 . . I niw• meal u1tn1. r.,1t~uff-lo vm1 bar• blnu, 11'1 worth 1w1ee tho pnee o r

I IICket! S11,;.;';;:.::


1 ~~:~~il~


-..o..., D•wn AoWlan:, AubOu1an Ang11Sl>tf'<:lt Jean Hal

G Pal rd Fonner H l<y10Au1s.b

B•~nd.a S.11,a,n Sal'IMr■ f-!Ob!,n


e,n. z. M11o,,.


Copyoght Cl 19i2 • Th• Wictwt.ll\ Th, Wichilllll ... m•mbe, ol Iha hus ln!er-

and eo- coll•1,1lat•

llOIUI hlvo coruequencu. Kcq, !bat •• m1ncl whu , ~101 our future

Lei me lcll 11 now. the film 11 vio lent, Thero'• 1 htUo bit of n&ldiry (rnd thal •1ople11") for JWI an m111n1, ,111 • 1uepmu/lhnllcr and 11 IS 1h0 1 on loc111on OD I real ba l· llu h,p ind 1ubmanoe. If you h ke film1 11kb u "The D111y Doun, • "Tbo a.... o f N1vuronc. • N1vyScals 01 1ba "M/S.IUJI 1n Act,011° fihu ... o, ewn Rambo I th,o us h 1nlin11y, where a fcw take on many bad ,U)'I then Chu II you, bnd orfilm Ac1 u 1 ll y, th11 fil m cloHl y resembles the " Die Hard"' film. in which o ne 1uy bu lo overcome 0

Pr111 A uoc1a1.o"


lell.r lo 1he edllOr i you WIii ll'Cfuda

yoUl'l'lam• and number to we mayCQMICI you and be auu,.cf lhlll no o,,t 11:11ty used your name If you w11h your letttr lo be pubhs hed w~l'wwl your name, and ma con1e nl ,ust41t1• tt'oal KI\Of'I, plHH COtii.:t 11\t tdl!Of ,o • mti!ual agrHrnen1can be reachltd Al! !011er1 ar• prfl'II~ untdlid

C)pln101'11 erpresHd are nol riec:11.u.,it,

:hOso of the fllC\IITy, admin1S1r1110n o, ,1u. de n1 body a nd may not rep,esen1 a ec» HMUI of tn. entir• Slat!

_____ _____,.


Come t®

I HR a.EANERS AND LAUNDRY 2n1 SouUl1t't:M P.tw,y 691 1996 RJoVL1UP\.u.,

ISOI MadW'CSttm P•kwl)' Widi1t, $quart


"By Jewel OK,o· 691,0060

161291h Sc«1 767,(XX()

111•, ,h'>(.o~mun di) ~i.:.:i11mi: and l.iurxlr) U, ,u,unt m, ,1hd u·1th .in) olht-r ,p.'l Mb. Pr,"'·m \l~I If) u1th 1n.,:orrun~ on1cr-. 10 IU.l'IH' d1\Counl

tlsra J'ul,8 #til.


Doxe '

G;~ Criop Salads, Soupo, Burger,,, ',;I Sanoi.icheo, Nach09 morel




<Ot•;~ ~~c~i i~;cken



.... ..-~ :;-·.. '~




4pm·8pm Mond,ay· FridB'jf Any drin~ on the menu · Glsnt Bur & wlne'5 a dollar offt



$4 Litv Orinki; & Pitc.1,ers tvery Wedne&aa


ChOOSG from arry mixed drink on the ml Excludc:6 beer an

ENTERrAINME 0 un'.f • Thltl""U't • t90Cpm

When It comes to alcohol abuse - you hold the keys to prevention Support


National Collegiate Alc ohol Aw•,.~ • Wffk O t tobcr IH-2-1, 1'¥J2

l 11ta,

w,chlt•n WIii g ladly l)Ub/.i1h

Polley· Th•

~ , alOYIC I are ( M o h1 c an1. • "Hc:ro." "Ouc:b" and ·sneu:1:n°)


: • :.


Dan FaMll'I

llut/neH Man•g• r

Q uayle w u nchl , ,ht ,, • po,:,, rnle modc: I. The YICC pru 1dc nl'1 Grep hlc Artltlt values are more ralcv1nl 1h10 a fie• Qu1)'lc SlaffWrlt•rt IM>MI .:h1fac1cr'1, 1nd ,bowed th1t he a,lcl' m, re.t(IOD11hihty and cnono11my by cntK"WllJ P hotogra p her • 1hi»e -..bo n,unl chcse va luu . Sure , poh11c11n, un he about 1he ir famil y v,luu JUJI H eaH I)' II 1hey can 1hou1 lhc11 t11 recurd Out doll' ! ddfflJM lhc family valUCII dtUO u IA l lllck OIi fanuhu 0 1 II IOlnO"' llUDJ 1h11 doe•n' I 1ffccl !he "real"



Copy Editor

J!2 7SS4

The keys to responsible decisions •

Supreme Pizza :

o,.... ,J

In I GOlher J lalc , • woman I C• tu.ally Jo1es we lfare benefit& 1M ,name• Of h vu with thc father o f hcr children Th11 law ducourue, tho (1m1ly v1lue1 o f marri1,- end

Bui chili v ice pre11dcnl ne-ver att«ked ••nsle-moehcr f1m1hr, Ho d i d n o l cr y 10 define w h ll ~on• I IIIUIO a 1,,,1im1to f1mtl )', Wht n Qu,yle u 1d the charat'1U Murphy Brown WI\ 1 pnor role, model. he ....... CrlllCIZIRK hu value~. not ht.r fam1lyslt\leturc.



ha ve c hm.en 10 do wteh their hvu. F1ut, I know I MS U F1c ul1 y Thi II nn l wht flCOple want to tc iuch a he.u i nd 1h11 ,1 i1 rertamfy AOC tho me mber wovlJ aevrr Wtl lo 1h11 utent , 111J wo u/J llcr le mHNp. (I 1p,ollft""4 ,.q,,r/,tlll) probably find 1h1t offrn.11vo I U1d. Second . I ' m I C h11) l11n and wu Wblle1 11111nJ 111 o n Corey'• very ufrendcd 1h1t 1omCODC would pnvlle u111on I ftlt :110 much lovs us. i u.:h llnl(lllft' (w1lh 111.):il11£}. i nd wlf m lh ,n the r oom. 111 unc •re ly aaJ lruly t'1 rcd for lhOH Lui , M y hu1b.nd did 0011ppeople and hOt1Ctlly did help them. Spend1na: ch, 1fter noon and dmner prcci11c h1~ wife 1cce1vmz fl()les oi with C0tey w11 • 1rca1 hunu r and 1uc h o t.1cco1l y , and was very orpr1Y1l t 1e . lh 11 • very down lo ftnJed. t l rlb, l\sru1y, 1nd wo,iderful pc,rKIII T o the r e rson w ho wrote the tryl•1 lo help ~ p lo. How could my w ors1 yo w J)QU1hl y t l1m, JNI down, ind no te · I had bun h1Y1n1 uu:uh Cot•)' lhe. w ay you d,dl You day o ( lhc ICfflCS!et I nd bec1u~ of I u1 con11Jc111e l y ,n uquo tcJ him . your no te I found I dear friend made f1.lte Mltemcn11 U\ll were DOC hllVt'n' I ..«n ID 1e,·u11 ynr1. Wlu1 only d1, b0Ge11 but 1l10 mclt vanl, yo u h1J inte nded 10 really mike ID<:Ohtrenl , and UflJllt11fied . Be1n1 sumcone maJ , curned oul for 1ht1 u M S . U c u11od110 1nd ,1.U J<io.l. - Kdly Mobk-1


For u.1mpl1, tONukr the ~ 1111 c 1y1te m Bi ll • 1 n IM1n1 con· Jldeted 1n d1rfe ru1 l l■ I H 1h11 wou ld mike wrlf1rt ht'ftef1IJ1 dep e nd e nl o o • partnt k u p1n1 c h,IJren ,n •c h oul. o r o n an u o· cmplu yeJ 11n1le mothu find1nJ • Jitb ,r1cr 1 •pcc ,fie d 1 m oun1 of llme . 11'eN l»lh wrra wnncn w1lh lbe family Y&luu o ( cd1,1ca11on incl .w:lf-.uffioency III mlftd.

Th• of "Mur· phy Brown • 111acked Qu1ylt u 1h011ch h• had 1t11r kcd f1m1hu They ,peal• IOI o f tune JU.tlify1nJ theu depk 11o n o f t 1ntle-mo lhc r fim,liu, Sl)'tnl 1h11 Qu■yki wu Olll o f to~ h by noC recocm1.1n1 the u · l\ltnte o f theH f, milie• p• npl o n11,1eJ 1h1 p o ,nl

1:1ulor■ and tcnp1w r1kr11

Seagal film called thril ler



Uf d uroun ie cc rllUI

"Robe rt Browne!"

One ~ the l?est vocalis t& and 9uitar player&

to li,t the Chel5ea scene. RoPert BroMie CCNer&all &tvfe, of muoic from rock Plue& and • SOUNDII '

country. BIG VOICE/BIG


,.,. "'itbltan


:efuge draws diverse crowd ,,i,t"""'"

'<,.,1J h.a vt ht"en loolt.1ni for ~



~' r !a.::c: "'here c\'f'ryonc ._.

8 ) HullJ" tin.non R cpor1t.r

"To Ja:-. Ru i ,1 1 1, "'" a rnu ho::11r where II\) l)P,: of wupoo ('an t>c pur.::hu,:J ,1n the ~lreel t-:,, 1he h1 ~he., 1 h.tdJ..r •• v.bclh, r 01 n..rt 11", SaJdam Hu)~e111 01 , omco n,: eh,: . • Or S imuel E W11~0 0 . pol1 t1c1l -.c11:n•·e prol, vor and on.c: nf M~U-, ncv.e•I far ult} m,:mt'Cr• .

:~~- !kivjc 1J • non••lcoholic ' ,.fffC c-s1a hh , hmco1 v. hcrc: I; ~,. , and yo un1 adults ca n 1 •!t( n >mp,ny o f their pcc:n: or ~,,; ·,:'ltnt nl prm1Jed l>y &elN:totl


,.pr Rt1u1.: I ~ u~nl~J hy 1



1 : ~ 1


.-"~, 11 M1Jwc:~ler n , aod MSU

Dr. M1,h1tl ,\ P1.-..ia. dir«:lfll o f the D1H, 1.::in l'f Poh:1.:..1 S,ic:n,r IIHI Pul'd h .\Jrn, n1 , lfl l 1<) n . 1nlrl'Ju, ed W1 1, -,n a, ·,•ur ne "' Rl1(,1.1n !:~p,.•rt •

-~; , Chrni- Burm.•y, Vu.:lo rta 31

: ,1:, D1..1 oc: fcl1 1, and C' h,ulcs


Watson speaks of Russia, Election

~:t.11 )l,:,.,1J~. )-Upp1 rs . cmuon.

.-'J~•b, .art,, L~ llnd m u,1c 1:11b ;a~


Police Beat 10 one: automo hde 1cc1•

,,d 1hr"t lhtfls duu na lbe

~ t II 05 1.m. , Oct. 9, an . , uuJent dri ving• 11lver JQ8S " u, Xft4Tl ~t,ucl,; • red 1989

-,4, preh,1dc

b1c k 1na o u t

or 1

ca P1poose Tml. No of press , chc J1 ma1e hasn ' t been ap,. An unkno wn 1nd 1v1d u1I 11,11llt1 ccnll.lftlna S30. 1 ,,s Jr 1vcrs llccrue, • soc ia l ,ir:r,· cud , • D1~cove r 4-.rcdit •i. • 5ors cred11 card , D1k:over ,t\'t 1pts, a blil\k account card , lb MSU ID c ard Oct. 8 from


e l op o t 1 10ft drink ma{'h,ne , 11 i he loun¥e of the Molfeu Library The llems are wonh S40. There •re

no 5U."J)ie(ts..



•• An MSU ~t\tJcnt rcm<wed a n •leebra te:ub..l<Jk •nJ I Biul1>&v of Animals k11hook O..t I! frnm ~ ) IUJ cnl', rrs1dcn.:e hall r Ol>IIJ Thr algebra book Y.U 1~1,:1 re,;on:n•J m lhe t>oolmo re The 1tiem.i, are wwth




1bo n \l\llr d Ru"t.1 m J9!1h •nl.l Jc-":11he d 11 n "1.:1n1 •,,;1ry 1nt11n,J.:111tn1 Ill .l/1 A~U1. -''1 " Il e- , ud " ll u,◄ u h•• a H r y 11111 1,: ,J n m,nal c J <01. ' " ' ~ •nJ hc<:au,c ,,r 1ht ,•:i.1rrmc- <'flJl'"'"•••n 1110, t m•I .. , h• •r 1 <c• r 1e a l,,,h,,I JH1 •hl ,: m . lcH ,ni: th e ,..,,, mrn lu 1nanatt lhC' , h1hJr,•n. lh(' h,, ,m,r anJ 0 \\

• • An u n ltno,,.,·n 1nih viJ u.:11t removed a b11ck P1000:e r r,ull •o ut Cir s1ereo, an :.ilil"bra ieul,ooJ,, appro:r. 1 ma1cly 15 audio ra~,,:tru O c l. 10 from an unlO<"J.. cd \\•hide parked on T«ptt. Orivc-. T he- lltm~ arc ""'onh S·ISO l'hcr,: arc n,,

nee s

During h1,- ;1r1du1le , 1uil•ri. W1ho n •.1, ,irJ.. ed for lhl' C-:ntrr o ! Ea\ 1- Wc,1 Tr11lc P,111, ~ .,._ he- rt' h,, p1111111 y ar,:a t•f ~1uJ ) '4- -' ' 1hcrro1Llcrat,on o ( So• 1C'I y.•uro nr ~ 1nJ h o"' tu c o nlr<1l 11 1h1 o ugh nrort , },ICm\

ht" ,·,r,·1:1,:J Int-..- th,• f'l' lllr:n,an \' ' the ..., ,,rt.: .::ome up "1th •ll 1hc rarM,,..,.., • W 1 1,o n q1J . " L c-a rnrn g i.1lcr1f'1r ,: s1mph 1.1 J.. t, 11mt :tnJ I ll e iJn b1 I 1· .::o nom1<" , .,_., , ,,, ,n , nurtc-J v.11h 1h<' ■ lmo,1 ~"mrh:tcanar'-h) ,,t th<' formu ~11, 1.-I L1n,,~n v. ,1 1 r,:sult , n C"<'l\l1nucd v111l.-.11, cand [,J,,...J.,hc.-d • Qt B,..,r,$ Yrlr~tn. \\_.1,on YKl. 'llr ,.. • , 1l nnn11nn11cnct "hf! h, ~ r:.11nc J 1nt.:rn111ron 1I , c~p<.:I ( IOCt the c ..•ur, • 11.i"'nl"r . W1ttson ,c:,·~ ·,icohr,I .and hnlth r robl.-m~ I \ a real threat l o Ye ll u n ' s futurr leaJcr.Jup • • Rtl111 u us 'lfrc.l"d o in • ~ n oun~h1ni IOJ-' Y 111 th t> lo rmer S o v 1e1 Un ion u people t urn II) t.hc , r l11lh fo1 ~lrength anJ -surpo1t dunna ~,: vo l111le tm~. • Wat:,i;in

m l. Whe n okc d 1<1 co mmrnt n n l hc ·~2 clt">:hoa, Vl-a!l>(ofl \ltJ. ·11•~ 100 .1,oon to preJ11. t . hi() mu.:h hme f.,, •0 1nc t..,J} 1.1 ~h,)(lt 1he n1seh ·n ,n 11\e 1..,,,,. hd,-re N,wcmht-1 • lit a l,., , .11J , "Thr r o..,cr o f th e: p r t-i J r n L) , ~ irea t l y r, 1 ir1e u1 r tl "' h t n 11 c,, me ~ t ,, "' flll<'II r,..J1tv A r,1 e\1Jen1 c ann,11 m, kc .\m~, i. , r,rn,pcr "II.I>. 1h1vt1fh

WMl,.,n 1• ,,,r, 1, lo • t <' , , ,nt,nur ll

c. <inum• 1• 111 tr•11 , m1,n. , h11unr

cJuUIC and (C"IUlll Amenra allHI , .. n c c- ntutc- o n tlc-,elo pm1 hu h1ih•ln h ,riJu~IIIU W e have to 1r ■ dr 1df •- lu,1n1 ,1, nic of o ur ,nJu, 1,y ~•1 1ha l oihe r pi rla of 1hc ...,,,dJ und.-,"tkif,, ·

wlh•, int,; . Mn,,d , htJ a11J J l" Alh t-d, 11,: , ..1.-,.n, e 1, 1.-.r nul 111 !h.11 M! ,' I ,11 lh t " n fl,J 111J ·,n 1h.nw•111,mt . • he ~-11J. • •\mr 11~• "'Ill

~:;~~pl:,~ : n.rl•~: ' :~1:lll:~n " ,ut. m•n} 1,,h• will he 1m l We un ' I 1rnort , -..rr ix..,, \l. e '"11U\ I re•

, t~ c 11<cd hu1 ma ~t,:fa m 1989 from

rola.y .

1.1ltn1 1,•11r,,Tf"

( 1,., ,

1hr nt\t ll\'C 1,, JU ,,•.u ,




•• 1 he fina rl".1al 11J nffi, r ...,,II nnl) prond,: l1m1ltJ u •r•1,c, o n

ion, and Blues

15 due- l o a ftdc r• I [lf0S •Am

~avertising r ederation $500 Sch olarship Gr ant

• • I.! 15 pm , Oc l 16 in Bo lin S 1r n.. c- Hall 20S. •• f ,\~ P ropon)1blc '1udents

fur r..aurhor11.1t1on whKh the H JIIII• ~rlun mui.l ■u.:nJ • • f>h, Chi T"hc:u ...,1ll 1poo-.ur J rbu ml "1orks"bo p fullmng: Inn

wh,1 h • ..-c nu l l ak ,:n lhe o fh , 111 TA Sf> teci i. h uu ld re11"'ler for tbe -.;11,.. 1-1 lc\l be fore Oc t 16 For

Frcem:111, at I )O.}.)Op m , (J..1 15

~•h .h ~, t 11 -011 • • Th e ~ du , a1 1on d..p111mcn1" , Fi ll luoma Council will ti.: held ,., 8 11.m . Oc1 J7 m the C ia,k Student Center • • A h-' ~ch11l ~ .. ,d Jhow w,11 be hc- lJ ll /0 I m Oc! 17, I ll the Oi.1JUt,r Edi.c ..uon Cent.er •· The )rd "nnual Tup1 yc1

1he Clark S 1ud e nt Ccntc-1 Thcalc:r. _. The UmYers1ly Oemou11. w ,11 mee l at 4 :30 pm . Oo IS 1n CSC I 18 No m~ 1mg, ..., ill he held o n O c l 20 o r Oc t. 22 Reg ulu m,:c:lings w,11 rn.imt at 7 pm , 0.1 27 anJ -I 30 p m .. Oct 2'l ~ l. D group will 11tc-nJ 1hc Cl■-• Counlv Dcmocra lJ. Dmner on Oc:1 ~.i F,;r more: mform:11,on conl1('I h lhn11y Carte, . SGA ;1nJ UO prc:)rJenl, a: in


11 1 ■dua1td

Wa t,un fro m l he Un1H n1h' o ( Geor111• m 1986 He

~XI. 4 7()9

•• The 81olot;y Club "'Ill ~ I

n:1 u: mform1r1on oonbitt

,Mass Communications ,Business , Marketing Public Relations

For application call Jan Noel-Smith at 592-4809 or write to: P.O. Box 381 Iowa Park, Tx 76367

O■ rta


A c Tio ~ Da y. (e1 11.1r1n z C o n·

~,e,.,m_.n Ud l S.1rp1 h us. co ngres, 1on:al c1nJ1d111e Beau Boulter and rrpre sen l.ll1\eS l ro m Un11ed We Sund 11>111 t-r heiJ 11 1·) p.m . Ocl 11 at K1warui. PuJ.. For mon: mfOl•

Offering two sets ofsculptures f or the price ofone. Nail ~:tlon and 1:i:nninR b«I

Booth rcnl.:il aVJ1iLlb&t

T rac~· Scott

Sara Donnell

of 1993 for Spring sem ester ·

All students in Advertising related fields should apply

Flc-tc her'~ Sch,)nl of l .111>' ll ll ll l>iplnmary. an ,ntenutton•I allaus rroa: ram w ,th fuft~ lJn1vu~1t)' in Boston , Mu s . He re,:-,:1\·c J hi \ J o,: tcirtlc fro m the Un, wr \11 )' o f G«>ri1a four "'~U ago Wallo a .u,d he and ht5 wile ,

FD,•t,~":;:11ove li,ina: 1n 1he W1.:h1t1

{C) ampus@appenings Ocl


Dr. Samuel E . Watson

MSU ~tuJcnt :ind employee o( Pcn...-lopt"s / Oh,·ct's

M itfwestem

·qet-5'/.cquainted' S pecial I~"'• off evcry1hmg in

ma11o n contac t Roae r 11111 •t 69 1-


•• The m\ls,c depu1mcnt will fulure an •Eyen,ni- 111 l t1ty• 1t 7 p m., Ocl. 17. For more u:iformatwon c all 1h, music- J e p1.11me nt al ,:xt.

4167 • • A lien1o r re.:ltal fe•turing Donoa. Brimli:e will be hclJ a l ) p . m . • O c t. JI 111 the Abn Aud1lo num •• Qcl 19 IS lhe filing dcaJltnc for May 1r1dua1e11. • • Thi: fountain 11 the "uad· ran1lc: wi ll he ded1 e1 ted al 1 .~O p.m . Oct 20 All s1uJcnt or, aruiallOn j arc i:nc-oungeJ to au cnJ, ind o r1an,u1,o n1I mcmbe n are cncowared to wi:ar .1h1rtx ...,1th lheu o rgamut1o n · s logo Re fres hme nt~ will he ser ved arter lhe ..crcmon)'. For mo re 1Dform1uo n coo12<:I Les• Ice Phillips, d1reclo r J f student IC• b\'IOC5, at CAl. 4500 • • Ho mccommg W eek w,11 he k1d:ed-off w11h an all •'IChool p1c mc at 4 :30 p .m • Oct. 2 1 on the CSC bv.1:1. • • Fusion, M1dwestcm·~ co m • r,e1111ve <"Olorg-uud. will ho ld 1uJ1• 1w n s lo r the 1992-93 cro up at 6 pm, Nov. 2 Ill Lhe band ~11 Pra.:hce ~ssmn., for leammg 1hc tl)"-1VI rou11ne will bc helJ at I 45 p . m , Oc l 2J anJ Oc t JO, in lhc banJ hall For more ,nform11mn co ntaC"I Alan Black at ut. 41 86

CLASSIFIED ADS Run a clarnfied ad for just $2.00 for the fn~l 25 words wnh IO cent\ per each add1tt0nal word.

Sportswear company

l\fan's smre

needs fratemi1y and sorori1y house rcpresc n1ives Earn $60 to SI 50+ for one

Th11rsJ:1y -- Monday

night's \'-Ork 1.... o or 1hr~c

L:u.Jic·s store and

Cl«. 15 thru Oc1. 19

rime,;; a ~mes1cr. Call l-800-242-SIO-l

l'Mtc byMl(hiut Vr~Jl11r.t

Pt:Rf.L()PE'~ / ~liv~r:S ............ -,-, ..~ ·,

T•,11 lcr Sqvuc

\\',. h,1.o1hlk T, 71,tf,IC

l"'h (ll:17J l ~114.11

Application s are due

I 01.atcd ocxl tu P:irh·r S'-Ju».: 8;u1J,, 011 Kd l

November 15,1992

"Onr hope is thal yon leave our s10re happier 1han when you came i n."

Help Wanted Now hiring for all position, Apply in person M-F from 2-5 pm

Martelli's Pizza

S Orts

qi Wlc~fl«.

Indians break losing streak e, Daffi Tillm:i.n Sporl~ SWT M1dwc~lt1n Jdntcd Pa nh1nt.llc State Unt\ CfMt) 21"6 dunog

1 loo1b1II match up on Oct 26 1n GOOOwd \. Okla

h&:rew complt1ed a pu~ 10 Andcn th•t woulJ hl''C put the lnd11ns on P4nh1nJk Statt' J 20 -yarJ hne , hut 1he h~II .,." ,·a lleJ hack ~ c3u.-.e of 1 rrn:ahy On )rd and 38 Pett11rtw IJun, hcd a r,.a~s 10 Demctriu~ Gal·

ban, MSU w,dt rece1 ..,r. that wu 11rped anJ 1nterctp1tJ hy a PSU deftndtr

The lnJ1.. n1 i.tar1cd lhc rime: hy b11t1Ln1 two oppooenl.!I, the Ag• eies lnd lhc rcfercu. It Sttmed h 1f the lnd11ns cnulJn ·1 do 1nyth1n1 w1th o111 rcc cI Y1ni, so m e kind o f


M1dwcstcrn ma y ha ve came

1n10 1hc game 1Juolr.in11 th1L the y had the- 1•mc wrapped up ht fort the f,nu s nap o f the ball. hut Ibis \05 not 1hc c ue Ou1 oc Wade, MSU ddcn , 1,·c: end. tried 10 1c-1 a .spark i.tartcd for the lnd11ru whc-n be n c kcJ AIJIC'• Q u1rterb1d:; OJyn 11.:ndtrliOn for a 2-yud hw.

Thanks 10 the cffons of Msu·, o l'fcn,1vc J,nc , T11lhack He nr y Andus had SC:\'etal c b1ntu 10 s how v. hat ho could do "'11h the hlll l AnJcri. lno k~d 1mprt~~1Y( .

L _________;::::;~ ~ !!!!;:....:::;.,,....,_J !:r~~J;;/11~:'. p~n\,~~1.\~!:~

Panhand le S la te haJ the b.all for only four play~ before hav1n1 IO punt MSU Corncr · B■d Rtuu, C ampbell rumbled t he pun! and ,:ave the bill t o thit Arg, rs o n M1Jwu1crn'i ll-yuJ-l1ne. lron1· c ■ ! l y . two pl1y! later, Campbell redccmcJ h1msc:1r by dcflectini an Au1c pu s t o a ll o w MSU L1nch1cker John F r1ti:sc h 10 ,nler· ctpl the ball


h11f l ll t!III CI , Mid-

western haJ IO fint du~·n, to Pan·

handle S1&tt11' J. M,Jwcslern rushed 26 umet for \ 07 y,nb. and Pem erew was•

of 17 pusinJ w11h one tnlerc~. M1dwutcn'I bad ISO•yu Js IOQI o f• fcn.ite.

1 he Ae,,es ru~hed 25 limu for S 1•y■ rJs anJ had live pus1111 il tempts for no co mpletion• and one 1ntcrccp1ion. Panhand le S1a1e made 000 last atte m pt 10 put more points on rhe houJ by k1d:1na I fidd aoal. Der· ri d: Wa1oner , Indian fullbac k . answered with a 4S-y■rJ nan lo pul th<" lnd11n5 up I Hi P<"marew went down with 1n ankle mJury and al·


With quarterback Craig Pettigrew injured, will the Indians have a leg to stand on this weekend against Austin College?

,1,•1n110 inch hu1 ,:a11un1 mo r,t

1h■11 th-1.

MSll Quar1e1hack Cra111 Pet·

B1>b McK1alcy. head coach, u ,d tho Wt.II O\'tt McMun-y an usy win for the Ladies , hut 1h1t Mc Murry bad also played w1lh a lot o f 1ncon~11trncy. Scoru fo r this pmc wtl'\' 15-4. IS-land IS-5

The Lady lnJ1ans are also It~ 1111th Lu bboc k Chm.t11n Unwersity for firs• pt.ce 1n :>.stncl 8.

T he Lady Indians started !he 11mt w11h H1rJ1n-S1mmun., • l1Ulc overconfident, bu1 they were at-le lo 1e1 1010 the iroovc for another Wlll S-:Of\D$ \S-11. 16-14 a.ad 15-8. M.:Kinley saKI, "That even on a bad day for !be Indians. they sl\11

M1Jwutcrn came home w11b two more wins Ck! 8, when they traveled 10 Abilene 10 compete with M.: !\furry and H1rd1n-S1m·


works for

When the lnd1n1 re111ned pouen,on , they aJY1nced 10 Pan· handle S t11cs· 4 7-yard hnt Keith Wood nailed a 47-yard firlJ p l tu end tho fim t..ir with a acorc of6-0.

would bave M at Mdi,hrr)' and

HarJin-SnnmoM. •

l.>1llu. • new team 1n ConfercnCfl:

A no lher z lo riou1 win from I prtv1oui. £Ame w11h Tatlclon Slate abo he l pe d 10 ho os l thr Latly lnJ11n~· confidern:t' S\'cM'e.~ lrom thiAt ramts wcrr IJ-15, I.H S.

Sul R4u Slate . 11, 1 ye ar · , Con• lertnce champs, ■ nd Soulhct n N• ure nc , ■ n NC AA 0 1\·1~wn 2 l\'111rn

IS-12. 15--& anJ IS-,\ .

0\crall, the Lady Indian~ arc

"T ha a1rb showed more htart

11 -7 In T IA A tNlchu . they s rc 5.

1h1s eame 1h10 the whole &ta.son. ·


McKllllcy said . A nd 1h,y al!iO •showed a lot or cbaraclcr com1n1 ha.:k from a two pmc .Jefic1t. • O tlur v 1cto ne s for the Lady lnd11ns were with tht Unl\'C:ml)' of

Upco m1n11amu for MSU arc: Luhhock C hr1 sh1n Un1vers1ty , OCI. IS . awa)': Wr,,y land Rap!ISI, Oct. 16, away; and Sul Ros~ Slate,



the students and faculty atM.S.U.! . m:iuldmrJ twice• clay to MSU!

Lady Indians move into first place Byl>tlana Pwktr Sport. Staff The Lady tntJ1an \·o lleyball team mo ved 1n 10 f 1r s l phce in Coorcrencc due lo Howard P;1.yne's Jou lo Hudin·S1mmon..~on O::t. 10


experience On Il l anJ 10 Pe11111rc w a ot lhc offtnse rollins as ho completed 1 pa n 10 M,ke Lawrenc e , MSU wide reccwcr, for a 32-y■ r-J pm It loo~ the Indian, 14 plays ,nJ S I )ards tn se t up a Keith Wood field Jo■.1 IO make the ,cor-e l-0.


Plido by Kyl.t Riwt

lowed back•up Quartert.clt, Aact; Hcro,n. 10 1bow hi1 11\iff', aod did he: ever! Brant Perry, MSU roc ei-,a, 111d , 'We came up IHH ll:uU.1ni 1hat o ur o ffenae would do rn 1na11 the w ho le 1•mc, we d1da·1 •ho-.. very mucb in tho ftut half hut, 11 the thud quarler Hemm pu.llod • 101ethcr and •parked •n offensiva upk>11011". Herncu tocsed 44-yard pu1 to G alban 10 c apital11e a, a TD When the Indians rot the ball hack. Herneir look bia o ffeDk dow0 ~ the Aple'I J-yvd lee. Hernc1r ran an 0ph<M! lDCo dtil end t one to make lhe final lk:Or,

0:t. 17, aWI)'.




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•Urpc:aelettionofoff'alt,pplies &fumiture! •S.ve from '40 · 60'X on the itanl you nctd fflOIC in our Priority Pritt,! •fu.Exp,a,D,l·Know~ Sa,ff , Xao:11 u,pirn &.. F1:11 Machmtl .5......., Typewrilffl · Complece il'HCOtt ar:nict: dq.,artmttt •Scttlas,e bnnd off',ce fumitutt •lnirrior Design Srrvia availa.blt • JOd,y



•In ~ines& lintt 19-42

Our CMJ!Omc' lo:,alry Jptaks far itself. We ca~ aboMt ow, C1l.ttomrrs!

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College Night





9 P.M. - ?







~u·• r h1 Alph• The11, an ~ bitI~"~· tOC'ltty ' ha-, 111111

Pb , Alph a T he11 wa , e1tabluheditMd hy k indic , •h• •c~CJlcrn 1n 1972 Pier adviur Ea,:h April lh cornm e m~, . : 1:rran,u11on h,,~ 1 1nduci. ~ ffk~n~•n~uet and

Lindsey wins staff award Sc.lrWritff laae L1 ad 117, J1v 111on i1cc1etary of tbe D1v11100 of Sc,■rt· Cc,, woo lhct Pru1~·1 Cluuficd Staff Awud Fud1y 11 tbe 1taff •P' prec tthon banqut,e. L1nduy h11 worked ,1 M11lwo1em 11n.a 1915, and Ml "'"'->Bod 1n h,u current posi11on 1ioc• !9S'9 "Mo11 of the llme the nun1bcr of peopl• 1n her o rtice m1k1n1 re• qUC!SU 11 IO 1rut !hat chaos tttp,, • Nancy Scou , 1111stan1 profc»OI' of h10!017. said abou1 Und1ey. "She manacu C\lery bi! of 1h11 w11h a smile ind a willin1ness 10 du hu ha.ton every jOb. •

UW na.IIOCI The chapter ~ " ~J 1h11 h(HW)r 10 or tbt

~ - 11

Y"" ' · a nd tHned

, tM nun hon 1n prev,ou,



a,,: •""~ rdcd ·~1 ~ r · f~1tlY ni u.\ l pruv• to be


i'". c 11v e

c h a p1er b o ib

j," i llYal'ld ,oc■Uy.

'I!': .t11plCf e unod lb. IWa,d : , b~' J N DI on_ field trips, 0 1 s p1n£1 d n c ua:u o ns

I" 11111J, for teholanh1ps


'I', -oll. $~•kln1 10 hutory




l o lbc MSU

~ .,,ste rn Soci al Sc ience

~ ~ .,a (1)1\ference .


10 e1i1h1 Hudcnrs from ,,ra prt.u.nl pape rs 10 th is

:~,re ,nnu■ ll y. wbkh Dr.

;.: .~:t~;;•:u~




1 1u.


Simmon• s ud o thus have ~en t1y1n11 10 p,tch tn. buc only rwo counselo u are 1va1l1hlo for loan 1ppo11umcnt1. Thc~e 1ppom1mcnL, ■ re req uired for f1nt-11me loon l'«IJUenls S i mmon ■ uid she prefou 1n• d1 v1du1I 1ppo1nlmen11 for 111 apphc■ni. because 11 c,vea a student 1 ch.nee to uk quuhons. She 111d she likes 10 talk 11udent1 OUI of loan11 unl us they ab5olulely need lhem bccau,e repayment bas a ltndt:nc)' 10 soeak up oo them. Tho 11,rr m11ht be able lo p,oceu more loans futer if 11 did 1he 1n1er111cw, ,n 1roup senion,, but Simmon1 feels 1h.11 ono-oa-one 11 tho but ,1ru.t10a. She repeated 1h1t Iona ■ro 1 senu11 ve 1uue with mosl people, and ihe fe1rs atudents will OOl a.st che quesllons they want lo ult in 1 1roup aeu1on.

L,nd" y 1s matned to KeMeth L1nd1ey, • se1acant for tbt W1Ch.ill Fills Pulice Depatlmenl, and bu two children. Km17 1nd Scotl. She 1110 ha, 1 1uad1o n , Ta ylo r Lnwbey. The Pru ulent 's Clu11r1ed Staff Awud 11 1ivcn annually lo recoa.niz.e an uulStan1..hn1 employee for hi1 cootubuhon ,n , upportinJ lhc bask miuionofd,e uruvcnity.

-,;~ , pd pNKnhnr f)lptrs al , ,:oafen nces 1rK'lud101 lhe

or the

Clau 1fied staff employees include Cllllodmu;, ,rounds keepers. 1ccret.■riu , library 11iff, clerks. compuler opcratorl, pohce officers i nt.I all phy11<:al plant personnel. Pre\110us W1Mers include Fred Welden, cus1odi1I aupervisor; Mary Cage, 1dm1n.istrat1Ve a.uislanl ta Information Systems; Dianne Weakley, payr oll auul1t11 and Li~ L111der, d1v1sion secretary of the Oiv111on of Social and Behavioral Sctcnccs. Lindsey received an enrraved plaque and SIOO.

~ , , 11on1I o r11n1u11on is

• 1(4 11110 J 1v1s1on1 acco rd,os -:.~, cn rollmcol, and several ~ t0mpc1e 1n u ch d1v1s,on , • ;)fder to be r ~o,aiud for

•~ 11crn'1 chapter is made 10 JO ac1wc members, t111tOt . w-n,nr and rradu.ate c 11onn1 or m1norina 10


,-,'4c~ rib1p is open lo history did others, bu1 prospcc11~ ~ a,ui1 bave al least a 3.0 ~- • ml4.lmum of 12 hours 1n

Teach-in set for Oct. 19 • 23



The N11ion1I Social Work Tcacb•ln on Welfare, Women ud Cbildren will be held dunn1 th• of 0cl. 19-2J. ~ The call for I nationally c.oord1naled, locally conduclcd teacb•ta wu 1u ued by lhe New York City area sc hools of social work. The purpose of tho teach-in II to proiut attac ks on welfare p101rams and clients and 10 educate !he nation about possible positive altemanvea. Karen Kelton, member of Soc11I Work.en AcC1n1 Toeetber, sa,d the leach•tn will involve w11hn1 an 1c1u1l accounl of I fsmily on welfare pro1rams and documen1101 lhe impact aad problems the pro1ram h11 crea1ed for womea aad children. Kellon u.1d certain 1uukhnea w1U bo followed durinc lhe w111ina,

By Heather Doains

R"'°The"" number

o ( 11udent loan 1ppl1c 1t1ons i nc reas ed tbu somu lcr because more studenls are ehs,bk. Judy Simmons, dir.:tor of iOJ·


dent fiAaoc11I ■Ml. attributes this


crease to the depressed «oaom)'. She 1111d f1n1nci.al aid 11 1 very seru1hve Uc■. for moll people. and

and 1tric1 confiden111lity will be ma1nta1neJ. E•i:h partii:1pant will iden11fy prgbl,rm1 1bo family hu oocou• lared, f• COtd them, lhtn talk or wu&a 10 11 1..,, OM 1lacc.d off'~i.11 or pohcy mtker wbo rru1bt ba 1h11 to help them. The tNch•iD wu aadoned by rho Council on Social Work Educ.· lion, B.cul1wu1e Proaram Duecton and the N111ooal Auoc,a1i0t1 of Soc11I Workcn. The teac h-in ia upecled lo cre■ tt an 1ctiv1 role in 1nflucnc1n1 KIC'ial polic1CJ. Resull1 of th■ leach· 1n will be rov1ewed by an adv1tory commlltH and disclosed duria1 Social Work month ia March 1993. At of Sept. 12, appro1.1ma1aly 200 coll•1•• · ur11veui1i11 and departmenta of 10Cial work 1D more thn 40 1t1te1 were putteipatin1 in th• effort of 1oc11l worhn lo p,0 111t 1h1 111aclu o a w11far1 pro1ram1 and !ho 1ffDCts IMy bava oo womn i nd ch,ldAlll. The number of coll•Jts Htd uni ve111ti11 puticipatio1 i, still 1rowi.n1, Kellon u id ■be Hp.ell aood participatioa aad representalion by lheSWATrroupatMidWllllml.

Auditor interviews held Oct. 22 By Amy Foen&er Rq,oru,r

By Linda Hmdritb

Eligibility increases loan applications


Thunday, October 16, 1992 ■ Paire 6

lhey w,11 not apply unld 11 ,. ab,olulcly ntttua ry. S1rnmo"' 1l1u 111d 11udcn11 are becom1n1 more 1w1n of lho 1\·11l1h1hty of f~1al 11J. S1mmun1 and her ~llff lr,cd IO strelc b the bud1et for non•ref)ly• 1hlr, ,ranu olher 1h1n Pell 1rant1, bu1 lhc amount bud11ctcd did not wrc&-~• th11 atnlel,ler. The re have ■ ho been 1laff ch11n1111 1n financial ..d office th11

B:r J-, H.n

'l'lr, .; OJfllllOn 1 1 • &e at





·elY recognized ,i,est chapter'

S1ndr1 Hilliard, Wicbitl Falls roprueo111ive for Ibo Tuu Comptroller of Public Accoun11, will ba II Midweatem OD Oct. 22 to ialo,.. view caodidatas for 111te•wid1 openin1s for Tu Auditot poaibam. Qu1lific11ion1 include• dear« in ICCOUDIUIJ with I minimu.m Of 24 hour, iD ICCOUAtiJIJ, Iii bolars of inlermed1ato accounliaJ and thr11 hour, of auditin1.· E1perieaeo 1n computer scieoco i, preferred. Kay Barrell, ucretary of MSU'1 Cu eer Pl■nninl a.nd Plae.rneat Office, said lime, are bard and man y pro1poclive 1pplicut1 ue 1eeluac fedcr,I or 1S1te employment to ensure job lllCUril)'. • Bein1 • tax 1\MJitor will bo • ,1eppin1 ,1000 towlfd hiapr and better 1hiap ln 1bo atate of Te.us,· t.heuid. Tbe pcs1tion will involve per-

fotmin1 uu1111ted 11.1d11t of Tua• 1nduattMI. Tr..nin1 wlll be rrt.rVukd. In• tervlow1 can bo achedulod be.tween 9 a. m. ll'ld 4 p .m. Inform ati ve brochure, and li111n11 of 1ta1cw1ik openin11 will be 1v11labk-. For more 1nform11io n call Barrell at HI. 4215.

Broom accepts new duties


By Tonya ffidu

! baate llo Broo m. MSU' 1 ct.erleader aod d&nce team coach, ha., accepted 1dd11i001I dut1e1 11 Cuuo mar Sarvica Cootdinalnr TN aew po1ilioo i1 duiped to e111bli1b I more pet1onal link w,1h ■lvdcoll.

Broom', new duti•• include 11lkin1 aad commuaic11i111 with 1tudent1 aboul their id,11 for tho ruideace h1ll1 and 11cor111n1n1 ponibililioa o( cb101e and 1mprov1mcnt. Sht wiJI Ullpec:t die dorm, and ,-port additiooal DMdl. Broom w,11 work four houri • day confemn1 witb ttudtots 0G !heir compla.&nll. TbOIIIU Hulm. a11111&nl d11DClor of hou1ia1, said Broom It a ht1 belp aad caa immediawJy aoe what needs 10 be dooe aince her office 1s ia Killinpwo,1h Hill. Broom bu already identified projecu for lho re11deoce hall. She ii developin1 1 bousinJ new,ktte, lo provide ioforrnahon on events aff1ct101 Ibo reNdcoce balls and to inform 11uden11 of what i, bcin1 dooo about lhe11 complatata. She said, • 1 enjoy the new Joh 1lon1 with tho two I still b.ave. II w11 1 very need~ posi1ion. It 11 • cballenco, bul ii will brin1 1bou1 p011ilive cbanp. • Broom's olber chan1c.s include 111 outude buketblll court oear lhe dorms and new Lluodty room!. She ia 1110 developinJ acw pro1ram1 d11i1ned to help students feel 11 home in wliversil)' hcUlin,. The division of bow11.a1 ~ 1110 incerviewia1 c1ad1d11u for an aJ· sistaal coordioator posltton which willua1t 8room. Btoom ·• new offitc 1:1 Jcgted Kilbeside the vi1itou office linpwarth HaU.




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t{ou know, it! fo ridiculouf. If I don't call my

parentf every funday at exact~ s. o'clock, -they think I was kidnapped hy al,eM, or ~on,efhing. Anyway , OM 5ut)day me arid Mark we decide to take-off and checkouf the city. fo we're hanj1n3 out and I loo/< a+ my watch. 5 o'cloc/(. Alri9ht, )0 rny callih9 card ar-.d I head dow~ +o fhe local poof hall.

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