tl:lJt 1W tcl,Jttatt ~ Thursday, October I, 1992
Rapes spawn precaution
Leak raises 'stink'
By Julit Nanny
AS5ocia~ EditA>r letter~~~ This fria;htenin1 fourScattered ts always 00 our minds. rem d POllers con1tn u11\y tak1n1n o f lhe senous cnme1 I p I CC In our COtnm\lrUty.
EPl.ANET ~:1;~ly~:u~~:~:~:
1 1T
J l•pt-n's fuku.~hima n11elear
rl"'· ,.,J tho operttors erred by
All'fl Japanese nudear safety
dit p,11nrs control computer ~ -wctup water pump wu in ' ~co1twun't. 1,CIJflJ oa this data, 1he co• off another pump cau.a: ',_uaer pumps 10 fail due 10 1 , ..,_in& w,.lcr to the re.cro,_ ' nc ortic11\ s11d the plant's ihutdown s y•lcm theu
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tl)c!rOit) •• \' ICC Preside nt
O-Ylt da1mcJ
h:tnd1e11p in
,._0111101 Vit' c - Prcs1den1ial
dile lO Drmucnit Al G ore 's 11·, ti o n 10 private
Gere au cnd i:d an c aclus iva ,ioa prep school a s w ell H Unrt1cra1t)' and is the soa
gs, Se,gio,, 1)1111• calle d himself·• of tht public schools " aad '1'111 at a t111 disadvaotige, but b tll nghL •
No one ia uempl It can ha
,MU!dou bu bee n " haricd h u11al auault and is bcu:11 t111oJ uf aSl5,CXXJ hond.
\1'"■;~111 Falls) - The Wichita t W--111 and Art CCf'lter will I• tecond annual Sink of the 11-1-nilcr on OcL ). ; . CVIQI will ftalUrt ov~ IWO ltato; ret,pel . wh.ich will vl8 111Qi1dt II severt,I ca1t,orks inllrt Most Crc.■ llve Cbef, M<»I
, StaboO, Stelk
.... ,mcecJ,,willsulo . . . ~ - . m a ) d i t a ~-
Jane Lc1~hnc r . u sistant dea n o f .sluden ts, 111d a leak developed 1n a sewaae hne 10 the basement, bu! the rupture bu been repaired .
ff Fo r single MSU students livina
· campus , the Ulc1dcnts of lbe pasi fou r months keeps lhem alert
T h e reas o n t he od o r I S s tron1er 1n lhe cafeleria 11 hc,,:aU!e access lo the buemcnl 1s throuah the adJomi ne ex-stude nts" d1n1nc
~~d.:~:~ -;:~~ o f lhe th1n1s 1oin1
•1t b"hne. · an MSU s tudent, said, Bero,;~ 1rn.:!e.~:idmt:r~c~~~~ by ffl)stlf. Now, I'm more reserved : : : d i : ~ : ~.·. I always try to be In addition, Jane sa id she probably wouldn't be as cauhous ,f she lived on-eampw:, because there are more people 1round,,
l'ltao by Bel111da B" "°"'
Enjoy the cool, refreshing spray of the fountain while you can. Warm weather won't be around much longer.
Fo r some wo men, loch and c ha~ns are not enoush. They 111 fiod1n1 other fonn. of J'l'Olectioct.
However. 1he problem hH not been corree1ed co mpletely because raw sew1ac 1ecped underneath tht' bu1ldm1'1 foundauon . · u n11I 1he scwaac dries out cumplt1cly, all -...-e will he ahle IO do u tr y 10 mask the s m&ll w 11h rJcodor1ze rs . • Le1shner sa1J.
t-or Sl ◄ . 95 , women CIQ purc hase an aerosol cao of Mace to add to their lis t of prolect ive dcvKcs,
Local candidates debate at Midwestern
Tom Popejoy . assis tant manager o f Sloan's Loans at Midwes tern Parkway, $1Cld, "We sell a lo t of Mac e . Sales have Jumped about 50 10 60 percent.•
Gun sates have also mcrcased, but not without precaution. "We press 1he Mace ,f som► one is 1101 familiar watb suns, · Popejoy said. Hopefully, women wrll have more protcc:1100 if the Texas Leeisla ture passes a b,11 that will make s talking a class A m,sdemcaoor. This wo uld be Hpec1ally importaol s ince police officials admit thal the rar1s 1 11 probably s talk,oe h,s v1c-Un!il the np111 11 cau1ht o r 1hc st.1tk1ne bill passe1, women will ha ve to continue lo be alert and ·:11;t1oll.'l.
r 11aeuu 11 id M e nd o za rti the Ntw Life Chris1ia11 t . be, an quci;tiooma the NlOUZ 1bc bo,)kslore·.:1 s tock, ,tuc ke d hu b ~b,nd the "OIi! counter after 0 1hcr cos •
Tho recent od o r in the Clark S1udcn1 Ccnle r II no t the cafelcria food. mil the r~ uh of a 5CW•~ lcaJc 1n the basement.
~:c:.'c:.:~: ~e ~•rdicss of as~ 0
1£1 •· Fo n y-year-old JittiJou was apprehended 111,-0 blocks from 1n El Paso bookstore Lil whi..:h he 1l11ped a woman.
B, C.Pwick FOC"WI' U Sta«Writtr
·Jilltl/lJII ~[~ ~;..
By ChlU'lesCqt The Metro po litan Business aod Profes s ional Women's Club hdd a candidate forum Sept. 23 m lbe Clark Student Center. Spe1km1 11 the e vent were Roy Sparkman and hwuta Pavlick, cand1d11es for the 891h d istrict J udae 's scat: Tom Callahan and a representative of Ray Ctnncdy. c 1nd1d11t1 for W1c h111 Counly s heoff; Tom Haywood and Sieve Carriker , c 1nd1d11es for s lale senator; and representatives of Beau IJoulter and Bill Sarpalius, candidales for U.S. Representahve. The forum's format. ellplained to audien c e members by Dr . Mic hael Preda , duec lo r o f the D1vis1on of Political Science and P\lblrc Admmts lratio n . allowed eac h c andidate a five minute s peech follo we d by a 2 .5 minule rebuual.
Cand1d11tcs were then u kcd quest ions prepared b y a BPW comm11tce poo r to the e ven t. Finally. all c1nd1d1tes were presented for quest1on1na by lhe audience. Sparkman and Pavlick opened the event. dcfinmg pasl clpcncnce IS a ffllJO f votma ISS UC . While Spa rkm ■ n believes hu bo ard c ert1f1 c 1t1 o n and t ru l law upericnce be tter qualify him for oflite, Pavlick d1:iagrees, citing her cx1>encnce m f1m1ly law, wluch she bcheves w ill encompass mosl of the Jud1:cship's cues. Althoufb both judge candidates aucnded 1he ~vcot aod offe red araument, Preda later said of the candidates "I wish we'd know a little bit more.· Callahan and Mrs . Ray Canned y , repn:senl1t1 vc of Ray
Cannedy who wu unahl~ lo am:nd lhe for um . s poke DU I . Callahan pointed to his past record a~ county s hcnfl sa ying thll ~h~ ngt 1~ not necuu r y C an ned y u 1J he r hus band fe e h she ri ff's o ffH e employee morale 1s a t an al l· tr me low, and he 1n1ends lO address 1h15 problem. The mo st conflic t , however. was o ffered 10 the small audience by• Ha ywoo d and Carriker , whu s p o ke af..ter a 10 minut e iricernussKm . H a ~ spoke first . at11c k1ne Carnker H "the T rial Lawyer"s c1nd1date, • a man who believes · 1berc "s no r oo m for budiet cuts , · and ·• r esident o f Au.stm. not the vonna: distncl. • Carnkcr lhcn counter •slruck s.a.ym1 that be owns no ro1dence 10 Austin and accused Ha ywood of deb1t1n1 · s mo k e and mirrors
,nstead of issues. · Neithe r Sarpa h us no r Bo ulter 11\cndcd tbe eveol , making direcl club d1 fficult . Compound1na 1h,s problem -...15 lhe BPW dcc mon 10 n o t rn ppl y t heu p re-pre p a red q ues11u ns t o th e n o n-att e nd i ng cand1dates pr,or lo the event. ·1 wu du1p po 1nted ,· Shay Brewer . an 1ud1encc member. said w h e n s p eakin g ab o ut the cand,J ates" repre~enta11ves' ab1l11y t o an s w e r B PW and audie n c e questions . Preda aerced, but sa,d, • some r cople fe e l that W ic h ita Falls is he1nr liflOTC'd. I don ' t th mlc so . The r ublic meeti ngs arc sch eduled to he as co nven1cnl as pou 1blc, bul are n · c al wa ys co n ve nie nt for all candida te.~.· A J c ba tc be twee n C ar ri k er anrJ Haywood will take place at 7 p.m . O:t. 5 1n the CSC Theater. All s1ude nts arc cncourtigcd to attend .
Actor's testimony mystifies audience By Linda Wilson Soott
R,pon,r Ac tor Corey Feldmao spoke abo ut the dan1ers o f drua and alcohol abusc before• crowd of mo re than 500 people Sept. 24 an 1be Clark Student Center Ballroom. Feldman c ame 10 M1dwcs1em to relate h11 story aboul his "hfe in the fas l lane• and bis evenlual triumph over drue add1c1ion. Before Feldm■o spoke. David Loodon, a c erllficd drut and alcohol abu se counselor, spoke about h,s friendship w11h Feldman and hii; personal s1o ry o f substance abuse. Whe n Feldman was intro duc ed 10 the audience, the s tandm a: •room•o nly c ro wd was eager 10 see the youna aclor/ tcen ido l w ho bu s carred 1n such bo1 office bits as "Stand By Mc: 'The Lost Boys ,· "The Goon1es· and ·U,, ID Dnve. · Tho audience c ompr ised an unus ual m i x o f MS U s tudents , pare nu with y o una children. ..: hurc h ,roups , MSU fa culty and s ta r-,;trud : 1cen•11ecrs. The crowd li ~tcncJ 1n1i:n1ly 10 Fcldm1n as he de sc ribed 1n vivid detail bis ltfe o r p• m tha t ullimalcl )" le ad lo dru g 1dd1c t1on . Feldman s11d he d idn"t beheve druJ and alc o h ol abus~ wu so
prevalen! JUSI bec aus e people wanted 10 have fun. "Oru1 and alcohol abuse 1s • Juect result of p 1 1n , • he sa ,d . He als o said substance abuse w.u a way lo "fix· h1msdf; a way lo fill the voids tn his l,fe. Ft ldman co ld the crowd the inumate , fr,ghtcmna delails of hi~ de sc e nt inlo a life of hennn add1.:11on by aac 20. G raphically desc nb1ne the low points 1n lus life, Feldman said he. "c rawled on his bathro om flo o r , franti c ally s earc hina for a ·pehble" to free · ba.<ie.· Feldman also described the embarrassment o f bcina: ■nested three time s and having his face "plastered e\·crywbere so everyone UM.lid lcnow I was a junkie.' Feldman u 1J dunne his mne mo n1hs o f drug rchabd1t11mn, he "allowed God into my life. • After 1h1s dcc1s 1on . Feldm1n decided 10 s peak 10 othe r s about hi t experience~. hop,na to u,ve othcn from a life of ·pure hell.· Feldman told the allen11ve 1ud1ence lht he came to Wich,ta Falli. becau~e. ·1 care, not because ii m1gh1 looki,'()00." "There are people here who are burl1n, and d o n · , ha ve so lu11on1, • he said. ·1 want Co soc
people happy. and that 11 ponible .. . if I can help one per,oo in this room, thal is what will make me
b.l'JPy.· Arter !he quesllon and answer peri o d fo llow1n1 the lecture, Feldman wu swarmed by the p h o t o -and -a u t o a rap h-bun1 r y crowd. A llho ugh he si11ned many IUIOjrtph.t , h,s Objective WII to personall y counsel anyOflc with a substance abuse problem. Feldman and London co uns eled lroubled tecnl'I and adults for more than one hour. Due 10 the sell -out c r owd , Feldman offered lo do a sec ond lecture. but dcc\,ned because of the lalc hour. During lhe afternoon press conference, Feldman eave advice IO parencs who miaht be concerned about 1hc1r c hildren . He said the best 1hin1 a ~ rent could do was to en s ure goo d parcnc / chald communic11ion , and to "be a friend 10 t he child , not Just the 'bi&
parent'. • Feldman r e.:enrty appeared on "The Oprah Winfrey Show,• "Sally Jessy Raphael" and ·Married With Children. · He was also featured 10 • July issue of People M11tzine.
Corey Feldman lectured about his '1ife in the fast lane" on Sept. 24.
Cbt Wftbflln Thun;day, October I, 1092 2 ■
"Mohicans" worth $4.50 ticket
Bush or Clinton'!
You make the decision ll} D. 1\bn M11hon Guat \\rittt Nov ) \.\•1II feature th• closes.I prn11.lenh1 l 11l•ct10n in more thin 2\l ye11J. Ir )'Ou h1 v("n·1 re11sl111red
h i voe•. )'Oli nttd IQ 8111 bdi>n you \ 0 1e , ) ou ne•d 10 kn o w ■ few deta,ls about ri ch cand1d11e. Goorae Herkr1 W1lke1 Bu.Ah. 1 Ttun hy 1he way of ('onnech,:uc and 1h11 (IIU dlust11 o us C h1d El·
e.- u1 11•e. ha~ not ua~tl y cone into m uc h dclall
11'0 111
By RohcrtO Rani r tz Jr.
hotn0$Cs ual11v . E1eu~" me, bul isn' t D11ne. Mo t ~ac ht1 . dauihcer of Bush 11de Ru~rc Most.chc-1 and • i:ood friend ol Buih, married to I wl1n\1n·1 On Diane '.\ ¥.all h1n1s a picture of 011ne , 8111h , Robtrl , Dian• •• brother a'rul her spouu , Nanetle , Ac ro u th~ botto m, in black marker , 11 Slltu, ' ~
hi s pl at fo rm .
However . some of his plinks ue
One" •r ••n . Mr . ·iteaJ my li p, · 1s p1o m1• 1n1 · oo new l.n.u . • G t OfCC. th1I '• w h1l you u1d lhl 1.,,., hm t l And ,ner I $ I )1 b1ll1on 1u h.Le 1n 1990, Bush llu.l what &l'IY r ooJ po htt.: un would do •· he hlam r d C' o n~ te u . I th i nk: lbe An1 c ri l ■ n puhbc 1~ a~111n1 a hule hr t J of the "they made! me Jo ,1 · stllnet'
And what aho ul Bus h ' s tu pliln '. He want... ac rou•thc:•boa rd u, cul\, Nt refuses 10 tlabortlc on ~ · he plans 10 finance the ,ovttnmrn t w1th1n thc:St' ta~ cuu Bu11h also wants 10 C'UI rovemm ... nt 11pendin1 . but only 1n areas th.i would REALLY s uffer, like McJ1c1re and Medicaid Bush s.aid 1h1 1 .,.. 111 lowtr the J e fi c11 b y a~ proumaldy 1250 b1lhon, but lhesc 1wo proeram5 1ozethc:r add up to lc:.$1 than S100 tulhon aMwilly. By 1991 . 1hey will only add up 10 appruumalcl)' SlSO billion. So nic of Bush·s to p udcs htlltvc: anyw hert; from $60 billioa to $90 bllh o n will be needed an• miall ) m new taxes dunne a second Bu.\h term 10 brina the deficit down to a "reasona Mc:" le vel of ro u1hly
On Sepe . 27. I weGt to 1a: •fbc Lui o f The Moh 1c an1• 11 S1ke1 Sen ter Ma ll ,n1tud o f d01n1 my ho~7c;!~•re p lann1n1 lo dod1e do1nJ your homework anyway. you m1eh1., well 10 sec •Ma hicans• The movie II Jood , and I always try d1roctly. 10 ,nswcr direct questions People are a lways coming up ro me and ,skins if s uc h and such movie: ., rood or bad J can tell that you are wondcnn& 1f "Moh1c1ns· 11 Jood or 11,ol. Fine . , now lc:1 me tell you why I cons1dtr !NJ; to bi: 1 &ooJ
l...elbiaru:, 1939." So the Re puhlican st1nc e oa 1ay ri1h1s II JUSl 1ft 1ppt1l to lho redneck •1 don't know 110 queen• Amenc L "There 1s oo quc:st10n that Jtl· 11n1 elected 11 Oeorae Bwh'1 lop pnority,• Ralph 0 . Ncu , euc \ltl...e director of tbe Leadership Cottferc:nu o n Civil R11bts , said . "H1s final dec111on oo policy matten bu lnlle to do wi 1h perso :,'- I philosophy and everyth1n1 lo do ....,lhpolitics. · But Bush's opponent Bill Clinton, ,overnor of the ,taie of Arkan· n.s and an Elvis w1M1bc, may not be any bcltcr. ChntOl'I hu defined his dcfictl· reduc lion plan a linlc heller thin Bush bu. He IS callin1 for a b1llioa c ut in midd le clan 11us durin1 lbe nut four years, ind a $82.9 billioa tu, btkc for the richm 2 percent of Che popul111on Clinton 1110 w ant 1 to c u t m il itary 1pcad1n1 funher and c ut o verall pcmment speodint drastically. SIIII, lo be effective , Clinton's plaa wo uld need almosc $100 b1I· lion more 10 spcndia1 cuta or
Substance abusers need help
sro rn1110n.
At tht .n mc: time he Wlnls to a ch1t ,·c: thne cuts , Bush wane, lo expand heallh c ue cover1i;c for nearly 40 million unin s ured AfflC'ncans. Some of Ru sh 's Repubhcan c ut1, $ hl\·c: sud Bu~h 's problems v.•1th th e deficit is no t 1h11 ill • d~\ n'I hiwe o ne stable policy, but he: has 100 many ind docs n·1 fiaht hud for any1h1ni Now Bu s h has d o ne some a o o d , n the put four ycan . America 11 now the world'a la.r,eat e1por1er, Head St:i.rl fund1n1 is up 78 pc:rcc:nl and dru1 use by school cb1klrcn i, down 17 percent. But Buih's ad vise rs and per• 1on al c onv1clio ns bave led b1 m lo make ,o me very unpopular dcc m ons. In 1990, on advice from hi s staff. Bush vetoed a civil nJhtli l\111 hec1usc he wu !o ld it would hccome a quola bill . He bec ame 1hc Ihm.I pr es ident in histo ry lo ~to • CIV'll nahts biU. Bush 11111 al50 taken• very unpopul u stand w11b vofcrs between thearc,oflll·M. Bu1h 1s very much ~ d to abort100 uehta. Bul he docs 1rant exceptions 1n eases of r,pe , 1nc:es1 or 1hrul1 lo the mother's life. Bush rnp puru lhe •1•1 - rulc• which pro h1blls fcdcr1lly •fundc:d c ltn1cs !lorn even d1s.ussin& abortion. lie lui.11 u1d he would veto the F rudom of C ho ice ace wh1 c b wo uld c o dify abortion rithta prolcc t io n 1n federal law. He bas also u1d ht would vc:k> 1dmini11r1llon 1h11 would provide federal fundtnl fo r 1bor1io11, evtn Ill cases of ra!k or incest. But 10 • 1tr1np rum , he has said he s upports pette111 nnl1fica11on rn ca~u 1nvolvin1 tht1r 1«n-11se children. Tha Republ1e1n plank focuses s harpl)· o n i•Y r1 e hts . At 1hc R.-puhhcan Na11on1! Convcnllon 1a llo u1to n 111 Au1u, 1, si1ns 1t11rna 'Family RiJhl~ Forever/Gay R11hts Ne ,·er! • we re waved before telcv i 1 1o n c 1ml!ra 1 . The Re-publican~ feel ttul homoauual r1~bu w o uld br1n1 Ameri c: ao morale down . Bush h.u conllnually ve1oeJ 1dm1 n1strllion 1h11 would ha \1 l upporlcJ 1•Y 0 1h11, and he ploJ,e-1 to k«p Ju111g !IO, The R.-publr c •n ~ uy 1h11 ho mu~ c:1u~hly 1:. wront and Jcv11n1, anJ l hcy don ' I lo lerale
Bush's plan would lake almo&t four years before 11 becan to show any peyoff, whercu ClialoCl's plan wou ld 1mmed11ttly cul lhe deficit by a lmost $40 b1lho n. la the 10111 run , Bush's plan would c u t the deficit by ahnost SIIIO b1llioa dollars , wbc:reu Clinton's would only rouchly cut 11 in half. Most of Chnlon'1 deficit cut• tioJ would happen anyway. Th• ftdcn.l dc:f1c1t s kyrocketed after the uv1n11 and loan scandal, and aometimc in the near future, ii will be p,,idoff However , on top of lu1 deficit plan , Clinton wanta to cllend health uu:uran<:e lo cvtry unimu rod American . To do '°• he would need to ra isc ta1uconside,-bly. As for abortio n, Clinton has claimed to be stndently pro-choice. "I behove 1h11 d1fft('.ul1 aod painful decu ,o n s hould bt Jere to the wome n of Amenca,' he uid. Yet, Chntoo supports parental no11 fica 11o n. and, u a overnor, he 111nc:d a no11 fi cahon Jaw . He s11d there i1 a differen ce between notifica t100 and co nsent , ind a bypass provision 11/ow1n1 lctns to fO lo a JUdJC o r IDOlhc:r adull lo 1v01d notification is cnbcal. Then there 15 C lm1on's stance o n t• Y and civil ri a: ht~. C linton hu uid he will support both . On the ' Choose or looK" 5JlC' c 11I 11red on MTV , C linton was uked if he would lift the rulnc· llon s ha nnrn1 1a ys fr om military service . Hi s answe r wu simple.
C\1nlon has also prom1stJ lo si1n every bit of 1ay ind c1vd nJhll lc:1isl11ion 1h11 1raccs bis desk. If bt is 10 supporti ve o f these mca.suru , why •~ Arkaruu still one of !he mos1 pnmihve statt.S when it comc:1 to aa y and civil rii;hL•? If Clinton's budeet plans are 10 1ood , why i1 Arklnu, sltll one o f the: poorest slate, in lhc n111 on7 Bush and Clinton may nol be the bc:111 c:and1datu in the world fOf 1hc pres1dt ncy , but !hey 1rc: all we have 10 cons ,der lor 1h, momcnl . You mus l remembe r, the founders o f thi ~ co untry 11vt 115 the muim. • For the people, By lhe pi=ople. • It means 1he ,ovem me nt works ti.11' all of us , by o ur connnt do wt allow lhcm lo 1overn, but you can o nl y "pe1i11 o n the 1 ovc rnmc:nl for • rcd rc.n o f 1nev1~s• by vo<1n1 to sbow your opuuoo.. If you don ' t vo te, yo u do n'1 luive the nsht to complain.
·· ······- ········ ··--·-· ,AIITF.I
Luncn 'Buffet [tpturi••· •J;I~ & 7'i<tfuU1
"EAJa,,w ·spaaru,1i •clll!IQl!I.OII. 'Jrw.isrLt "(jttnJ1 '}fr,.a;/Ju,c
·11 (lor J c/o,{1Jar
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parents. Her uklict1on was bccom'"I mine . Was wha t I wts Joma the niht thin& 10 do, or ,s her 1Jd1chon someth1n1 she needs to deal with? The: problem 1s Betsy's. She 1s an addict. She is a compulsi ve user o f I subs tance thac caw;cs physical and psyc holoi;,c:al harm. Sht; will continue to UH coc1ine despite the harm it causes. Bctay' 1 prob lem
By Brian Yount Guest Writer At S a . m. my phone r1n1. It was a friend ulhn1 bec1use 1he thou1ht she had a strious problem. Ta l faster t h111 I could bear , "Betsy' said she had snorted some coc1ine. She worned that she had llkc:n too much . Not knowin1 exactly what to do, I dec1ded lo wk to Betsy until she calmed down. It WH three hours later wbtn Betsy finall y be1an lo make some sense . In those three houu , I wu uposcd lo several o f her cocaine
''°""· I was aslon1 shed to leun that she wu i;pend1n1 $I ,SCIO per month for ber add1 tl 1o n. Bell)' said th1l was cheap compared to whit 50fflC of her friends spent on coc1U1t. She 1\so lold me she scill had some with her, and i he nctdtd to se ll 11 10 eet so me money to eat. When Bcuy uked me 1f I w1n1td any. l ,wu surprised. She knew that I would nc\·c, touch lhc: stuff.
even bailed
her out of jail and lied to her parents. Her addiction was _becoming mine.' .
After a co uple of wetks, Belly's calb 1rew evtn worse. She adm1t1cd s he had I problem, and whirl I 1Ua,c:s1cd she needed help, s he •a rced . I th ought for Betsy 10 realize ber problem was a aood up. lwuwronJ. Bet sy has ye! to ect profes• sional he lp . She 1s afraid of what m1eh1 happtn w hen people hear or htr add1cllnn 10 cocaine . This add1 ch on controls her 11ft , She: is ton· s tant ly di . h u dr o pped o ut of co lleJe and her family no longer trusts tkr .
c ann o t be co otro ll ed wi t b w illpower alone. She ouds rncnds around her to be lp her witb her denial. In order to help Betsy , I have slopped 1iv1n1 her money. I still 1pt:nd time with her. but it ii quallly time . To leave bc:r wou ld be: delmnental . She oec:ds frieods . Wben someone bu • problem that you miJhl be uncomfortable wllb, 11 is selfish to look the Olher w1y . We mull help people 1n Betsy's 11t11.111oa. When we tum our backs on people in need of help the pro blem often becomes loo much for them lo handle.
For a while I cam c:d Betsy's problem on my 1houlJcrs. The auiJt of know1n1 she was doin1 so poo,ly we11bed he1v ll y on m y mind . I started to tb1nk of all I'd done 10 b.-lp htr.
If yo u know anyone wilb a problem s uc h as 8ctsy'1, there are w1y1 of 1c:111n1 profeu,onal help. Al co ho l and dru1 a w1re n c: 11 proara ms arc av11lablc. Doo'I look the other way.
I sta yc: J up late ta lking IO her. I lo ancJ her money . I c:,·en bailed her out o f J• il and lied to her
movi~irst of all , Darucl Day·Lcw1s ,nd Mideline Stowe s iar 1n th1 ~ 'i lm. Diy -Lcw1s won an Q5ear f~r 8e1I Acior ,n J 989 for h u perform1nce ,n "My Left Fool" ( lhi s u no t the R ap hae l Se pli ~n s tor y). Stowe was rec ently seen IJ\ lhe film "Un lawful En1ry, • aho s tarr1nx Kurt Ru sse ll and Ra y Liotta. Their umcs lend the mselves to tbo ughl s o f good 1c11ng . The 1 c1,n1 was cunv1nc mg, bul so "'.'ert; !he m1nnensms and 1c1u3I moti ons 1h11 a pcr~oo o r the ptnod would tui vc to go through. It was u 1f they really were from that time pc:rtod (the mid J700s w he n France and Eneland were fighting over a prime piece of real ,estate, namel y Amenc11), and so meo ne was JU SI miking ho me videos of lhem. Don ' t gel me: w rong, there WIS no! a si ne lc thing wrong w ith lhe c inc:m11ography ... 1I was nothing s hor t o f brcath1ak1ng . What I am refemna co is the actwil portr1yals o f the characlc:n. Directo r M1ch,el Mann has a keen eye for detail . Perhaps 1h11 1s part o f whal made the T V series he produced s uc h a hlelut .' MIIITU Vice. Be fo re I for1c:1. the re isn't any "T & A. m !his film . T he film 1s already fuU of enough goodies, and T ·& A w ould JUSI be aupcrfluo us • nd take 1w1y from lhc J ISI of the fi lm. (I read your mind a1a1n, no frt;c pecks al Stowe here.)
~c:v ~~ i; ::. ~t~~: :::ctht.!e:~~ Other than those 1h1n1s, s he 's prc:tl~::c::~: ~f~II abo ut this
;~1:: 11::\:~~;::::::.::/:;.~~
wenl the 1conoc lu11c image ( read that stereotype) of the noble sava1e and the blood•th.irsty demon out for sctlps. plent~~f t~hn~:~ 1 : :sc~;;~r~;~:1: : on in this film, bu1, we also see 11 in 11s pro per contc ll You sec, the: lndiuu were tauaht how lo scalp by the Europeans, as proof of a kill , much like the coJlee tin&: of cars 1n Vietnam.
;,,•_~•---1 ~~i;,:,:~r·----;;"'--.;,;; $ ~ ~AT£ ( ~
ouc w~;u,!:-;:; Madeline . It's becauae s he hu a real b11 brow n eyes and t he 1nv cr1ed eu-sh1ped face . No, reall y. If yo u take• 1ood look 11
The c o n ve n1 ion1 I tomahaw~ wu a ho a rrodu ct 1nt todUl cd lo 1h t lnd11n 1 by lhc Eur o peans . What tht JoJ111\.\ o ogmally !W inelh1n1 1h11 mo re o r tea, renmbled a ha mmer (1 ~lont hcd co a s l ic k ind use d u • 1001 ... sometunu a weapon), The E uro peans uw th1~ •nd lured lhe metal •nd wOOd 1h1n 1 now at1 ubu1 ed lo iht lndr, 111 u th ei r wupo n of c ho ice Thar brings me to another ohicrvihon a/mos l all !he lnd11n i 1n the fil~ c arried mu 5kc:u and used them r11herwtll. The Hurons us e d muskets quite: well duflnf lhen ambu,h or 1h e arm e d 1 uud 1 thai ac co mran ied the En1lish coloncl'a dauihtcu . But. not all lnd11,u •re bid. JUSI like no l 111 memhc:,s of a fratern ity are good or hid , no1 •II membetS of 1he f1c ult y arc good or bad, not 111 membc u of 1hc fOOlh&J I 1cam uc 100d o r bid ... well , I 1hink you ,e:t my drift. There m1y be a bad apple 11 every barrel. bul, then 1p10, fflllyb., not. I dicrcas, Ma1wa , portra yed by Wes S1ud1, 11 overtly lhc emhod11ncn1 of evi l ,1 firs! . After M1pa reveals why h e wants 10 kill the •c:ed (daug h ters) of Che Enehsh colo11e.l and the n cal the co lo nel' s heart o ne c an began to understand O beatn) his actions. Taken 1n the context of war ind ,evcn1e , • person can hardly be blamed for• desire to kill and e nd a blood line. I hope the lnd11111 d id n 't think that once the FreDC~ belpcd tbcm lack the Enelish out of 1he country , the y would Just hep into their ships and leave loo. Nab. So, wh11 hive wt got. 11 cov ered th e 1ct1n1, c 1ncmat o1 raph y, d1rt c l1 n1 , portr1y.11J of Indians, some history and so me ba c ksr o und into tbe vil lain , o h yeah, an d I •h o drsc ussed the lac k of T & A. Tba, jus l leaves me le ll1n1 you that liked it and I will ao sec: it 1g11n (s pending hard eamc:d money). "The Las t of the Moh.Jc1n.1 · is ' worlh $4.50 • ocket.
'1'1z ~ ,f~~~
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lf'J3. ~
1ft"'l.t~ "-1,.,J.)"' •
Midwestern State University 3400 Taft Blvd. PO Box 160 Wichita Falls, Texas 76308 (817) 689-4704
Subscription rate $1 oper year. Editor In Chief Associate Editor Bu1ln11.s Manager Clrcutanon Mainager Advertl•lng R1 p1. Graphic Artl1t1 StalfWtltara
Photograph1r1 ~ftl.H~v,lt
;:),l()Ol~:r-7~ __.
5!-'!"'.!-1•"°'.?-- -
Copyright C 1992 • The Wichl!an. Wichilan is a membe, of th• Texas In colleg1a1e Prtss Assoc1at10n Le Polley: The Wictutan win i;iladlr pu
your loller to the editor If you w~J i your name and numbe r sowe m,1ycon you .ind be assured Iha! no one I '
Parker Square Bank
b11(ance to, op('l'l accou"l t o• i M, ~uify ma nt.rnan .. ~ kc of ~ oc,
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conten11us1if1esthatac110n, pklast COll the ed1lor so a mutual a greement e1n
reached. Allktnorsare pnn;ed uredOpi n10ns expressed are no1 n.ce!iSM those of lhe lacully. admin1s1ration OI
den1bodyandm.1yno t1epiu1nl il
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Thur•doy, October I, 1092
■ Page 31
"Rock the Vote"a t MSU prc~1dcn1 and campus o r1an1ur 01 the even!, A t 11r11i1r 11thcr1n1 11 Wn l Tu u Sl1te Un1ve u,1y 1n Canyon
by Charles C11t Stall' Writtr On Sept. 21, s1uJenu 11thcred 1n tho Cl1tk Studt nl Ctnttr Atrium
,,,,u,, ,nd ho mocomuia I p.n,, and f.!,.. 11 9:30
., ():t. I anJ91 m, - I P•lll .•
Jt-1 i• 1bc Clark. Studenc Center
~ - f ,H mor• 1nforma1t0fl call , Studen1 Govorn1 c ,n,r :1,.,.,,cu1ioo prr,i~nt, 11 Ht. -,,.•• ,4cnn,Jty lntc rnlflOnal
:cr~~'?;: ~:i~,.~::~~;;:::t;:~ s, 11 ca/ tJ_.,, ,ommun1c11ion Reid al 766-)'173 l
y J'lm
I'=': :.~.:d~~d3!e~;de~;:} i.taff
homecom~nu n - o r r p.rn.., at dear ;".enter Atrium,
~ o l in I for 1C::~t:-:.;i.ll be held Clar\: Sn,..
~:~;,:n;; ~~ ~ ! ~ :o;!;'.~1~~~:;; : aHilJ11e KJTL TV- II, for said.
I htera;:;1:~ purial 1ucce"" for the Un1vers11y y the feel Demo cuts. 11nce Ibey
1enc y l ~o~~~:-r~nt for erner0101 1 • duo bctweea9 1 m, - s " ! p. ·• Oct. 111 Ibo Bu,ineu 1 0 ' more irtforrn:,1!°" call en
Jones il~o u1d nn ly one ,n threel8to 24-year-o lds ,nd o nly
one 1n fivo 18-yur-old, voted in lhe 1988 pru1dent11l tltcrion.
:~r::;ye:u;:t,~ ~.luilon u who "Our l ah l e wu 1 l w ■ yt 1urroundC'd by pc,ople, • Drew Kdly, 1 Collcae Rtpublicaa, wd.
usaie 11 1 p. m., Oct. 12 i n H d~l'ten 1 20 A $ 15 re1istration f •r • more U'lformai7e n rcqu,rtd. For depa~nt •• e•:i~ ...~'. die En1lish
mor~ \dh:~ ~~~· 0 ~;:"~;zoen; :~ un1ver11ti ts ac rou 1he n111on , e nl icod 40 ,tudcnr, 10 reai11er 10 vote throuch tncoun11cmcn1 and o ffeu or free food and dnnk.
da Campu,ter.y Moo y the United at the Cat~ni~~ry offcn • luncheon ?410 We, 1 C~~c C'ompus Center,
;hsi!c~=s~? piu;;,r 1i•~ua:~:o Johnoy Caner, &tudcnt ,ovemmcnt
~~t~~:,~~~e~~ ~~~r JI. fear-~ an uhih1t called "NcJ •,-u: which_bctin, Oct. 2. For
~ -I ,411 tlucknts, f...::ul1y and :,,'"'" arc 1ncoun1ed to P•r• ytl'"'· For moro 1nform11ion con. , 1 Dr , H o wuJ Fa rr ell idtnl for !.ludcot and :ad: ~
·we hope 10 1101 ooly rc1is1er 1 :J:nt:t:;•~~~e: ~: therefore ford na the candidales 10 tulor 1he1r mcss■ae ro youni pwple, • Jooc, uul. ·1 p,w Clanton
~~~I~~ b1u!
~~h:,•d•~;kM ~y~~;h~~ CC.lllOJ tbe.
1■ 111 • ;:•,7; ~,~l; ~~~~A;;;; •1J. B
the •rt
I'll 11 C.ll. ◄264 .
•• Tbt 1eolo gy depe;nmeni 11 .,.-nna: • field cnp 10 Caproclt J ~ .s St.1tc P11rk in Quilaquo on y. H A S5 late-- reais rntion fee
;,. ~o::c.~~
~~'1\'; ; e1! a::: ';n : 1/ ~ ~ : : : • ~ elechon. Al1hou1h •Rock the Vote · was dc: , 11 ncd 10 ho non •p1rt, u n , re pr u cin11t1 voic o f bo lh 1he Un 1vt r 11 1y Dcmoc rau and tho Col/110 Republ1e1n1 we re pre!k'nl, pre1cnt1n1 the u c1nd1d11e1·
~;:,i. ,rn,n,,,o!~ilF:t~•h
, ~. Tht LS~T tc1t will~ held , ..... . (xi. 2 ID BAA 101.
I .,. f an1ny of L11hts workdays
~~1; !7;~~s:~d \ ~a~::,: ~; 1Llrs tt.lCb 1..., Ul, Spike Lee, Danny Oov110 ind the Rod Hot C hili Peppers. The FOX ne1work s pon1o red the "Ro d; tho Vo te " pro rnm , which 11red al 7 p. m. ~pl. 2J. The pro1r1m wu lles1wneJ 10 ·ra~ tho
Jirf' 111for111111on contact
fliJpan,c S1uden1J w bcr~hip dri ve 11 I Z •II hold I mt m• !he CJ: -11 t11dcn1 d , pm. , Oct. 6 1n C la r k Studt nt c in,ni room of tho dine , dean o r , ,:;lcr . Phill,p Bir• featured s p.ake ~nts., will be the lnation conta~t \ or more ,nfor11 ell ~•~1 or 692-ss2°{e Rimo, 1 1
sener•I aiecllor II J p.m., ~ I III Clark Stutkor Center 111
e v~~; ~~:: :racllce 11 6:30 p.m., fields in Jay~ ;:~kT~~;•day, .11
~~ation c1l1 Rod ~otu":::~
· , • anessed. For more Ulfonna.
~~Jly Pro1r1maun1 Board are • c andidate fo rum Carnkc, and T orn ;r,,1)011 al 6 p. m. , O c1. Sin tho I 'llt'- Studenl Center Thea1er. For • ;,t it~m,tion call ext. 4543. • ., Tbc fll i n1 deadline for '•111bcr 1r1du.ates 1s Oct. S. Fo r •.,,,. ,a fo rm a t1 o n, c all the >.-,·,office al cu. 4J2 I. : • Tho Fac ulty Po rum will be Oct. 6 1n lhc Clark 1 jU eC I p.m.,
r ~11011n1
' _,lie Sreve
Or11niu1i o n o t 1 ., Tho
TIie Uo i v1r 11 1y P o li c e responded 10 two 1utomobile acc1dtnts •od two thefts durin& lho put
.-,ocC.nlcr Theater.
hl/HfdfMEnll l·E·ilfrif, ll'l lf1tiiill I
1 j l
TIAA-CREF's Five Steps To Building Your Retirement Nest Erg
Check OUt how an iNW'JT'IOI: company 1w been
=dby <h<<h=k,w"l~"'l '.,,.,..,AM. lla< Company, Standard&: POOf'und Moody', 1,-.
rors- Strvice. TIM hu ti med chie highest r.1ongs: A• +(Supcriofl &om AM Bcsr. MA from SWldard & POOf'und A:u &om Moody·,..
TlAA offm a guanntttd minimum r.lD! of ) %, ph.u d1v1diends (wh,ch uie died a.rcd .annually). !'Jew pmniums to TIM Rt-oremtnr A.nnumcs cw rt ndy earn 7 JIM)" (giararirccd intcrcn plu.s divw.knds), wtulc our ·old mon,ey" canu ~ffn 8% and 11 ~ . &pending on the }u t the funds wt rt rcet i;red ~nd rhie JCru.11 mvestmtn1
pa<onnancc: dar year Look fora~ of ,.fwtycnl JW1h
TIM', .,,i;oon,1 ,nnw,y IP"'>"" """"'l'• wruk CR£F1 vuublc anm,119• F"5 VOil tht
ftuctuallt JfldMt"l'O'guaranrorl.
wh1lohlckina:out ofther.ooc. A.sor preu lime, the d■ ma1c hun' t been ippraised, •• Ao unkno wn 1ndiv1du1I woel. rtmoved I wallet containina SIO, 1 •• Betwaeo Sept. 23 and 24, 1 Texu driver'• license , 1 T eu co 111:Wk>Wn vehicMI struck• bhae 1991 c red11 urd, 1 N1t10 01Ba nk ATM Volkn,i1en Jet11 p■rkcd oa Comcud, 1 1oc 11 1, ecurny cull, 10 m• 19cho Trad. 11le colhs ioa dlmaacd , ounce ID cud ind I r n ide nce the iutomobilc br■ ou the Jetta. A, bill ro om key cud fro m I MSU o f preH Ii.m e, lbe d1ma10 hun·t dorm room. The arc studetit's been •ppraited. worth SJO. lbere an: no SUJpeCIS. unknown ind1 vidu1I An •• e::~:,S,g;~ Msu•:,:::e!: ;;1 1 1 1 :.m::,~~::~ ),~;: ~:: t Nusu Sta.Pu stopped belliod a ' 's•:~:o!: 1 C l11k S1uden1 Cente r Rluc Lounge white 19 14 OMC Sierr■ pick,...p bclon1 to a 1oc11I ftalcrnhy or 1 and replaced ir with a por1ra11 o f 1 ;h: •,,•,•,•,••,.~nLe,~~ ~ • rt1y and must ma1ota1n I GPA 5 au111r 1ntl bollle. The porrr:111 1s .. ....,; ""' 0 3 •0 ot hipr. worth S200. Thtre are no suspects. froiit 111h1 corner o f t he St■ nta •• The paycho lo u clioic provide, help, support and counsel1 for MSU lludcnu. For tnoft IDfonna1toacal1 u t. 4791 ~• Tho African-A.mericin discussaon &roup or(efl open disc\&$sion a bou1 unportanc 1u uea II a p. m. every Wedne.sctay in lhe media r o om o f tho Mo Hcu Librar . Evcry~e II iov11ed. For more!. fomubon call cu ◄ 191. •• Application, arc availiblo in cs; 10S for s ludeots seckina
1eo logy depart-
, ,,.•• Pi S11 m• Al.Ph• and the
•• vote, can be cut fo, frri.h.
diin:,a ~drl,-mafic,.J IJWClllul,:c, ,ill ,-.i,ubk .IMUIOCS. ~ will
look fo, repu!a!ion and'"""''"·
4 S
TlM-CR.Ef k¥ been kMng ffl( eduation and re:scuch communmcs fo, ~, -o }'Qn. We an hdp you ...,U) .ill your rrorcment
nttds.and you get,full nngcofproducailongwn:h , IIUM:t}'ofk'MCcs th,c.inibsolurdy fn:c.
Wirh TIAA-CREF, each dolbt m,"CS;cd on
)'OW' behalf IS working for you
Alumni hono red at luncheon By Michael Vendrick
EdilOr an Chid' Four MSU u-1tudenls were hon o red Sept. 23 for lboir commumly service work. A lunc heon was held 10 !heir ho no r at lhe Ex-st udenls 01n1n1 Room 1n Ibo Cl1tk Student Cen1er. Jim Russell, KLUR radi o anno unce r , an d Dr . Louis J . Ro dri1uez, un1vcn 11y president, preaonlcd Che honored 11udenrs w11b pllques ■ nd MSU pent, rc.specll\-ely. Mac C1nnedy, class of 1966, s11d he was arateful to KLUR for
Whynotfind.~:rnc,n:ibour us.'Jusr&lloucthtcoupon bdow!otyow;m:1nformicion kir,indud.ngamiremenc
the honor ind for "helpmJ 1 1111 the word out. " Other u -,tude nts rece1vin1 plaque, compme Jim Lee, cl,u o f 1966; Carl N1c hob , clan of 1965 and Sylvia H■wluns, clasa of 1969. KodrtJIHIZ Hid lhe purp0$0 Of che Ex- uudonts A uoc11tion 11 10 monitor the 1ucce11 or 1lumn1 and 10 hep them i nformed about lhe needs and proaress of M1dwestem. The ESA was formed 1n 1926 by JO 1od1v1du1ls who ho ped 11 would Jrow to be ■ l ■ rJO t orc•nization.
Senate holds first meeting MSU' 1 Student ~nale held 1ls r u s t mee11n1 of th o 1992-91 1c1dem1c you oo Sept, 17 lll tbo Cl■rk Student Ccnler. Althouah lhe main purpos,e. of 1he mee1in1 wu lo introduce tho new s enato rs to 1en1te procedure u well IS lo this year's senate pra.ideo l, Jenny S1l1n, tho 11eoda included three 11e ms or importance. An 1mendment 1h11 hm1ted und,d■ tu for 1tuden1 aen11c o (ficei to mcmben of the senate only wu reteioded by a neaMmaa.imoua v01c 1flcr a brief debate. "While I believe this amendment was forwuded with ,ot)CI inccntions, I 0011'1 believe aomc oflhe membcn who voted for it last time bid cltarly 1houah1 ii lhrouah, aod I wu o ne o r 1hose mombon • Derek And1ew1, studenl 1en1t~r and • key propooen1 for rescindin1 the amendment, aaid. "After th.iok1n1 about 11 over 1be 1u mmer I realized 1h11 Uut rule isn't what~I.le nt 1 o vornmeo1 is about -· it', more o f an exclus ive rule r1ther than an lt'IC:hmve rule. • In o rder lo be adde d lo tho Stutlen1 Government Association's c o nsr 11u1ion , the 1mendmen1 pused by the 11udc n1 1on1to lasl s tmeiilc r , wo ultl hi ve had lo he voled o n by the who le MSU s tudent body.
ngh( from Ult' ciwgts ,,r any
bcg,.nrung. \X'c ~ no ~ kind, ui<f J m 1rumal c:qieNtfoptnnng dwgc IS dcduettJ o.:h. :,tar &om overall ,nnuiry UICQ.,
Alumni recently honored for outstand• ing communit y service are (left to right) Jim Lee, Sharon Nichols, Carl Nichols, Mac Cannedy and Sylvia Hawkins.
Senators also confirmed SGA Pre11den1 Johnny Cuter's 1ppoinlmen11 or Ric hud Deus as senior s enator and • member o f the Ad· mJruslrativo Council, Shannon Pu&}! 11 1radu1te 1en1tor ind I member of !ho Ac ade mic C o unc il and C huc k Case as a member o f tho ChaMel 2 Advisory Comm,1te,c, f1D11/y, lhc senile 1lso elected ~ah ind Andrews to fill tho pos1llons or p1rh1ment1ri1n ancJ pre1iden1 r ro-tempore, respec11vcly. D ur,n1 lhe moe lln&, Dr. Howard Farre ll , vice presiden1 o f sludent and admin1s trahve services 111d flcully adviser lo lho 1en11e explained pl1ns to possibly enlar1; the C lark S1uden1 Ccnler ■nd 1111.pand ils service s lo include hand• b1 lll rac que1ball courts and 01_ tended food servlCel. "O ur bi11e1t problem is that wo can't 10 up, · Farrell aaid ern-
phulZUlJ CSC 'a alructwal inabili1y to accept a second 11ory. F arrell and others will soon tra ve l to Southe rn Me cbo d ist Un1vor1i ty and the Uoavenily of Teua l o look at their lludent ccnttrs. A consul11n1 firm has beea contraotcd 10 provide demoaraphic 1nalys1s aod adv,c.c. T he t tudent 1en11o will m« t •pin I I 6 p Ill., Oct. \ U1 CSC 104.
conipuuondwt. WcdmJc )"OU'DfindTI-V.-
CRf.Fu d-ic ng:httctircmmcc.ompany f'oryou.
=• 59C_~D
flt wrc,11111
Rugby club on probation
f',.,_.() t,..Kvl.iRUH/1
M1d-..1c11e 111 ""di nt>I ha1•f 1 Ru1t-) Club 1h u )·t u due lo 1· 1,1IJ1111n J l>I' un, ~crut v al.:ohol pol..:)· . T h.- tum aller•dly ,•1o l11cd 1hc f'(lhq· Juun1 hom111 1nJ 1w1y c11n10 Thr. de-·,..,1n y,•a, nt41Jr 11 the cnJ ul the SprinJ 190.! l('(IW(l.r \'ly D1. Do n F lall, d 1rec l o r o f intramural 1nJ dub 1porb. D11o n1 1h111 s prm1, Flatt 111d ht "hcuJ" t>f a k,1hol consu,nrhon on 1hc ,way 11mu u 1>·11111 u tho ho me 11:amo . For th u ru son. ht: .:. 1ll e J I mrct1 n11: w ith Rtne R1m11ct. anJ Mar\ Rcc•~ler, MS U Rushy C' lub p1u ,dcn1 and vi~t · r1n 1Jtn1. ~ ,:,c,.:li\·cly. A,co,J, ns 10 R1m11et ■ nd Rcc is t•t. 1h111 mce t1nt wu very 1ntt:nH. ·we .:oulJ tell he (Fl1U) "'• ~ ' 'ttY Ufll'('t. . Rlrnittz. ,aiJ. "Tht 1, hool would not hive a lc1 IQ stand on ,!" 1ny1tun1wc.11110 harpt n ,)n 1he 11•.:oun1 of yo u, J 11nlon1, • Flin u,J. "I .; 1n no1
'.\!SU goalie John Blackford makes a save against Rockhuryt on Sept. 25.
Soccer slams WTSU W 11h 1,1 .-111\ minult~ lrtl 111 tho fir, 1 h.-11, ~\1J,..,~1,•111 ,...a, ■"1 1\k-.\ • 1•rn111h~ , h,•t , ,..h,~h fdl , h,,11. r...., '"'nllltA lat.-r. Jo, ......, .,n thc a llAd, a,::un a~ ht m~ Jf N ,· ..•hl i-a, l , h.,i- ,,n i:,•al h• ~1r11ali rcM1J1>t,11.·m·• hr-1 ,.•l'f'C
Tillman Si,oro St.10
" ' 1)1,• l~
T hr \ tSl """"' l;••m 11-.,,l, 1 • 1 n l i.,i11 \\ t• I Tt \11 , ~ : ....,!,'ff I \U1'~ n · mi:h1
l noN,,tv t,,
S t i lt
h 1JJ J ,,1, ,,nr 1, ~1•t f,,,,..uJ. .,. • • th<' ,,n,• n-, H •l•nJ ,,ut Ju11n1 lh. 11"1, • • ht 11n~lf-' •""-(full1 b,Hlnli,•,I •hr lJ u11 ·, 1,w.1 1...cp<"r ,,.,1h•h-,.,tti:t-.b.,( T h e Ill ,1
\\ 1th II\ t n11n ulr~ \c,11 111 t~
ll r,t ~II. l l,...,111 llinl,111,. MSL' nuJ lltiJt1 • "''"' " 'Otr, -' .,, tht t-.ll &!hi nimM" Jn,, t ~ -•1 WTSl ,.> Jdtn...1,, .o;,,1 ,1 <.' hu..l \\ 111nunn, :\ISll nlk 11 , 1\ f l<•n1,uJ. 1n a hnJ •.1h1>I ml" 1ht ntl 11• ~" t th<.- lnJ1an:. •t : I kaJ \It Chl" tnJ r,f U,c, fu ~I halt l· ar h 1t1 the ~t.' <1nJ halt . 1h,:, 6ullal,)$ Mft n,t sl.'i:n,,J 1taJ1 ,., 111,,1 h the-} .Ul~mri<!J lu e l' tn the :) : t• re \\ llh Msl' · , J c. fffl 1(' C.>nh ,,llin~ lht ln,ltan:)· J l'l <'nst ""41• M-r\ \\ am,•, , ,·tnln rullt-..:l.:.
o l t he (IUI<'
"'h ~n • \\ 1 S\ ' fotv.trJ b 1·p1 q ..- J ~l'• l ' ,.h.:frnJ,•r ~ 11nJ ~ll rr , J t bc, l- 1 11 r• ~I D inn ) lh ,Ua nJ . \\~r ~,,.., i.,•nJu . inti) M1Jv. t,1rm·,1,,,
,: 1 mr
Ot lr n ;.1 v r l \
lh <' ! t1J11nJ
• r r.-11, J 1.. ~ - ,n ,,,c1lr,•I ,•I lht jllllt' • ~ lh <' y Lt p l 1hr l-111 1n \\TSL! frlflh'I\
Recreational sport is big business r n ' haMv <1sn • c.._.ntui:-1 to rc:turn ,.., th, R• nao:r~ aa J e ar o • rr r.n,m ■ tdy S 3 " ~ millioo ptr
fh i\ta.t" l11'11dn-fl :,,:('Ort- Slaff Ba H l-a ll rl• ) "" art 1hc
h,~~•1 r•-.1 rl'l•ll'~~.t a1hlc1~. Tbc) ha,· t Ul.. l"C • , r ,•rl m oa l rear\e r11r1 i. lfllh" In 1•rll ) U & mun• ,,f , , . rt"at11-n • nJ ll.lrntJ 11 into I mulh •1ml\1nu J o:l11 kt<,nn.,. ln the" \. Q\tr J S ult ~. r<=n rle 1 t nt"ull, rc'hnH tlu,1 lht y ba1·t the frrtJ ,,m a nd ,,rp,.,rtun111 lo fO as tar a.~ !ht,>" Jt~ ll1>1u• n . t-.M"Nll fl"' 11>hiJICM"" mnmn,1,,th..l >Lalt>i:ntnt Ltt · , l ,.'ll•I. a t ~t• mc o f bt--tb.all•~ Nj! m..'f'ln1nab•rs. f11l-(- Ruth 11,~ tht" -.;, ... Yl•r\: , •n~tt,· h1r~c,1 ) la, . Ourin1 the 1,1 .. hl < , th,• ~111't m•J c ,,,.. pr,u1m•lth S~ ('O.) C" mru"'1 10 11,J.- s ~hnJ., rJ:< . ch-.1 ~ ) m•II r<''"•IC'• 1-1,•"" ( H f, 1n tOOW J1)S 11 "'I ) • /N l unt 11 '"'h tht Rat-t h:.J pt■,tJ lift) Vf M,t, ~ ••' Dun·1 It ! an• ,•IK" S<'lll ln,t yuu lh•l S ,•l•n R~an J 1Jn·1 £'."I m1,, tht h 11 •11mt' m,,nt • unul he "'•~ 1.:• qunrJ h~ tht 'f,u ~ R•nscr$. lu 1979, Ryan "''ll.S t .imm» 1 ,-.:,ol $1 1J 11111!1,)fl ll"l•m 1hc l k ou.,t.•n T,-J~) . R, -. n 1~ tht Ran.itr )• :.c) l.· ·,:,.a",· !~ jO•JJ. ~c v. :!I
~ """'· At ,me r,.,,nt.
Ro.a Clt~n.s· SS .l~ m1tlmn <'.Of'l tra..·1 11>"1th the Boi-l<on Red S,u ~n1u,d,d hlce 1ht ul· tm1,11e .k-al. N I thcro!•, IOC"IR. Duna• th t i p r1 n c t>I 191H . O " itht Go.lJea t>l lhe Ne111 Yori( Mt u ,· ■ m e int., • h,r p1c\·t n l ch~njt. In hi,. con1r,1~1. Gnodc n v.u ~uar-11 n1tt":I S.S. I.S m,lh ,-.n for thrtt ) U h anJ he fol a Sl m,lhon hc,nu, JU•I fOI' ~•rn1nr on 1hc Jouc-d
""'·In fact . J u11ni1
!hf IQQ I littiOn,
11l(>rt' than ;oo pl1ytrs we re raminj mNt than SI m1llmn f'l"r year. and lh t num t>trs _..,n1 ,nu c u, irow. Dur 1ns Mar, b . R~nt S1nJbrri: nailtJ lhc C"hi--1110 Cubs 10 a $1.1 m1 lhoo J,1l1ar conrra.:t T h<1 reuol IBJe of Jos,e C10\c.:o tu lht Raa&eU from the O■lt· IAnJ A , w 1, un c o r the mos1 mtr111u1n1 dtal5 m rcu nt t>a~ch■ II h1, h1ry. lintkr the ltrtnS of M COO· 1r1<· t . C"an!>cc o wu a:uu,ntetJ SIJ.8 m d lum per ~ uoo. at lu 111 unhl \QQ.S.
Sports schedule for Oct. 2 - Oct. 6 Soccer vs, Belhaven Away; TBA Soccer vs. WIiiiam Carey Away; TBA WVB vs. Tarleton State 6 p.m., Oct. 6, Home
' -~
,!~ ~\
T,. r1 , .,_.., 11 1- ;,.,.• f• ••' '•.,...
"'" ..,...; . , -·• • ,:fll:,,,U
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•-'·"''a.-.--.lllml~ -4 ...-; ,.,,
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608 Se,•mth Liv<' l ,t1J..
Althou1h new lo Ow wocntn·1 k•m . hff R•r n hy no fflff.GS lo M1dwU!c!'C. lie attMd thtt past •p1,01 lo hcaJ ·up th• wo m•n ·• l)e.-\ c1htll p«>&TI RL.
Ray, 11•0 an auu11n1 cnacb for 1h e men '• 1eam, 111J hu lop p1>only II w1lh thct Lady \nd1al'lll.
Involved in a
\_ender bender? Yo ur Tro1 Orp,utmenl of Tr.1n,port1,lion Offke w,nts you lo know Trx1,s b1w rrqulre,
MbVE IT, it' s not just .a good idu, it' a the law.
Don't be a law breaker!
~ Fu:--ion, and Blues
Tua, Ruab)' UD1011. Dunn1 the 1uma>er . th1 team t rl\'e l e d 10 Fo n Worlh, Saa Anl<>l'IJO and Oall.u. Tho lelm also went 10 Rem in ston Pu rr. 1a Okl41hOma Cil y , E, k imo ]041•· u, S11llw1tcr, Okla. anJ Fort Sill. Okla. The WFRC pncllcu evc,y T uesda y and Thund1y oi1bt 11 J■yc.e Park. Anyone 1nlttes1ed u 1n 1mmedi1te tum member. Fo r mo re in formation contact Rod Puentu 11 096-2652, or Rt11e R41m1ret 11 72).-161 1.
E l eve n pl ■ y ers will toe re1urnm11: 1h1s yea r. mdud1n1 thre. staner~ frnm the 1991 -92 aradenuc
Sarena C1rter, a r e1urn1n1 1en1o r from Plano . and rcturn1n1 1un1 vu Emily Odl anJ MmJy Myer-. fro m (:I Renu. 0\:]1. anJ Mun J1)', r u pec 11 ve ly, w ,ll 1ee 11:hoo th11 tc&..on. T hro 1uM fcr i;111dcn!J, Lynn Budlmuler frum K1 l1orc Junior ro llcae. T am my Murray fro m C1~,., Collt 1e ■nJ Ronlyn Floyd
from SI. Mary·swillbelddtnilherr ta lcnlS 41nd e~pcncDCO lo the !Um. Ra y u1d h e w ill 1mpl, menl some new ideas to the learn 1n 1JJ1ti o n 10 1cc hn1qu es u1ed prev,ow:ly. He said the tcl.m w,ll be lumm110 u11hze roore of I motion
offen.~ and rewtf $Cl plays, Ray s aid cvor)'lbinr 19 f01n1 w el l , an d h ec 1u1e he has had sC" vnal of 1he playen ,n his dn!ICs prev1o u1 ly. 1hr: t ra n 111,on from te1thcr to coach hH betn smooth.
Evangel Temple Assembly of God
3800 Barnett Rd. • 691 -5501
......,... Dlol
Sunday Sund3y School.... ··-····..····9:45 Morning Worship..•.....- .. 10:4 5 ChUdrcn·s Chwth..·--···- ' 0·45 Evening Wcnhip••..- .......6·00
Adult Btblt Study ...... ........ 7:15
Missi~ues.... ................... 7:15 (GirlsA8"3· 13) ..7:15 Royal Ran&crs.. (BoysAa:es3•13}
691 •109b
I .SOI Mlli•utcm Pahl)'
·Ry Jewel· 691•0060
Rl(I V 1<r11'\•1•
Nursery Available A.II St niicts
I HR. CLEANERS AND LAUNDRY 2731 Soulhwul Pulr-rty
723.1900 16129\h Sttca 767•00&0
10~ d,~wI\loJ!l dr) ~k.inmt: ,md lauoJ1) -U1-.i:ount 1m•ahd with ,my otho:r , ,,.,·~1Jh. . Pfl.•,ent MSU ID with m1,umni: tmkr, 111 f\'\l'I\C d1,u)Ufll.
The most complete business center in North Texas!
experience works for the students and faculty at M.S.U.! · .Em..Jklinr,, twice • day to MSU! • t..rp( Jekttion of ofta wpplies
& funiicurc! nr.-1'.'d moll in our Priority Pricn! •Frn:faJ)R'15Ddh·CT)' · K-led.-,1,<Suff • Xcro:-t Copier,&. Fu Machirws
Spnn1 1m ~~"(\5. Alt h o uih I nu m hcr o f ,lleia1,on~ 11t1c made . lh miru ,nd Resister t,..,ch ,,n.-eJ thal some of lhc- to m ' s baJ rtpu11t1on was unw1tnn1r J . · 1 tlunk th<- \•iolcncr .,f the sport and lhe t>«r Jnnkinl 15 ove r eu~rutcd. Roh~u.-all y. -..·r probahly do no l J o 1ny1h1nJ mo re th•n whal a Ct>IICi:C' fBlt"rn1I)' dots. 1·m ooz "-'Yltll wt were Mack-hlik,d tty &n )'C'l nt: , t,u1 80 me of th~ ar c 11ut1ons we re 41 hit c1ttre me. R1m1TNU1J. R•muct ah<> s11d. •The tram accompluhtJ some 1ncrC".d1hlc 1hin1s lut year . we beat three S0111hwut Conftrence 1c1m~ ind hc:ld ou1 o v.n a1a1nst an Army team
1n,I senior 1011nnt reams. Hcv. we J, J Jnnk c,vtry now ■nd lhtn and 1he ,cam t ho 11ld b e e w h11r ve1 c◊ n•tque n c: e , o m o w 11h th, v i o l al1 o nl, I 11111 h upe th e admtDl51rlllOII tup• their word 1t.0 111 ltl llDII: 1be pro1run o ff pc~tmn nu t yeu. • T he tum e1111S undu I acw moniker, the W1\'h1la FIii• R111by Club. T he tum 1:1 91111 very klive 1od 11 ,ompc-tu Ul Div11ioo l of ct.
Youth Service.
· Sa,"' il'O'TI 4() . ()0% on Ult icmu you
Our wjl !ht Fall l ~n anJ lhc: S;mn11: 19'9J , emo teu. M1dwotcm ..., 111 no ln nser b11·<: 1 Rusby Cluh. hui f lall u,J 1h11 ht w,11 ptnnh • 111a l ~u<t>tt l<H rhr F■ U IQ9.I 111d
• it'sthtl.iw Amn.Mgetromyour , . . . . 09partrnent of TnlMIPOf'llltlon
l'i,1yu1g Fnday, in October at ~th N~w Edition
you to move your car off thr ro,d ,ftrr a fender benda.
Soccer vs. Texas Wesleyan 7 p.m., Oct. 6, Home
The M SU L ady lnJ11ns bulctthall IHm hu, 41 new hud
h e •1 ,
Go Tribe
Ray named B-ball coach s,....s...,
, ,•n:u~kntl~ o n l,•r ot tht 1111) O thr 1 J ~ll"n,1\1' •lanJ •••llh 1>tTf' ~h~11n 01.-ll a nJ J ti 81J , ~-.hf.u. M'\U m,J f,.-kk·" I t i t 111 th t H"~••n l.l h all. Nuh:111 !'if.-, . M "i l t ""a' hC'a J ,' N r h. put M ,.: h■d l'hatr1n. m,J. ll dJ1,• 1 , rnh• th,• .:11 1111• Ch,thn . •llt 1 ~111, n, ,,n th.- ,,.1.-\,n r , il•r 11111, h .,, lhC' , . Ill(' . lra,..-J ,,11 the l',,.•n,h \\11h • ,.:n.:ran,,:o, 1,1 hdr tht lmlun~ , 1,1l•1hr,· 1ht11 k-aJ nan S, h,1 ,•11 , M Sll m1J ticl.k1. m1JC' h,~ 1·a,,-11y dtl'>u1 with f11·.: mmuft• \ kit m 1hc ,•ml' s ~h,,.-n "'u 11, 1m111r,"\e ,11,nJ• u ut la , t " ".-l.: ,.,r MSU's 1un10 1 111 <1h· lt"llm ~i1Jv. o tl' m l frt 1he leaJ to rnd ~ eankl ..,.,th• ~·l)nl of l •I .
allow 1h1 ~ 10 contrnUl' un !Cl not
·Swin(«:Typr:writm • Cnmpkte in4t0f't !ltn-icc dtp111tmcnt • Sittiou.. brand ol'f1tt fumiturc • lnitrior lhign St:n,in:,; avaibblr
·JO-darOiargcP\an • In bosil'IOII 1intt (94.!
Ou r CU$fOrn.1"T" /<ryctlcy jpc,1~ {qr{! \\C ,·urc- aboi.1ou r o'.'1uto:11cn:
New Harvest Church George B. Davis, Pastor ..Keep on telling people about Jesus until, Jesus tells you to stop telling them!"
9:45 10:45 6:00 7:00
Sunday School Morning Service Evening Service Wednesday Worship
For more infonna1ion call: 855-5095
Meeting every Sunday in the "Upper Room" of the' Days Inn. 1
est ,.~•?.fc~O~ft1:.n~:~:~:~~::;77::::::::::::::::::1J1•'.i~iii~[::::::::::::::::::~:::::-;;::::::::~:::::::;:::~
:...illlllent causes ,.h rtage , 5 0
. .... •na
-'<'hcdul, 1.1 W r.c:tcn: P'°'""kd. r nd ~
..j, 8tf"U".ll11
~ , s1t 1n ,s hav1n1 ano1he r .~""',i•I" th,s ~eroC$ltr. AS ,~ 11 roll11l1! nl 1n..- 1t'asc , ,
'_,f1~fo1Cht\hort·fall. f t,11 1~ W ■ ltr ~. the new 1'' 'in1111, cr, 111d reorders ;.J•',.,,,.Jt anJ should br, here ,.«k Deh1.y.,
'lbunday, October I, 1992
•h• "°'h w,11 bo
1 1~ di, pliy lo llourish and Un1 YeH; t y <'~rnc tui c: al th at lh e s uppo n by ,., mun11 y show, 11, 01 p,11111, lll!Jc and ;•n1ce r1n1 llme 10 Farrell vice I •lier,' Or. How■NJ and ad~,m ~tr~:::i~•en,nl for stude nt A ll -. !Cm sa d ltltmhe:~udcntt, facult)' ·;n~ ~,.rr p■rtii:ip■tc. • r e e n coun ac ll 10
r 1 1npr~. farre;~;,:;tc cns,on 4782.
-~ ~ rlljC,
~formahon, cu iact
I .~ppin, arr c:ompound,nt .
t••r! =:n::~/::/ d MSU students lx>oki,. h 's 1
,C:\llcr )ell useJ I
? from •
for 1he t-ookun r e to hny
v.•ho leulcr ts oppubhsher and a 25 perJ;11flt1C' for lhe 51UJt nl. She ·t id ihal ,1 ~houtd he the best l~-td('k eve r in December. . ll' 1
';4f~·1 ::11~~~1~·:~~~ : :~::~~ ; l°.,-ernmcn1. spc-e~h anJ al\ ,,. 1tJ.IS, Ntw 1dop11o n1 are ~ ind college alacttra. 1" 10ato m)' u d rhysiology .,-,'!, t,ocik w ent o ut o r prica,
1..,111 ss1J if the publisher i!. fl> C¢1!itS, he mus1 print moni 1 .1 for re turns to \come back. ,..__.ny J o the Ialter. he sa,J. *~s a 8 11 n cs &. N o ble ~ 1,e, th• M SU books1o rc 15 1vc:ry effort to &Cl lhe 1 •• , oil h er l hr o uah the ~ • r and/o r oth er fra nc hise ~ !""said. f ',t:ia\l Air 12" wu purchased illf ffCAF fur its permancn1 col-
rorkdays set for ,itasy of Lights i,i, ,-<ti< Fonntt 11
-,,orkdars for the MSU-Bums ,_,. ort.ithts have been set for ~ends of 0<:1. ) -4 and Oct. DI .orkdlys, part of a yearly fill IO rcnOYlle and res to re the
;,11, will be held
b"'elween 9
begin teaching
=~111an... On Se p1. 23 5 educ atio n s tudents •b O M S~ taude nt tochin W ~l~n the ir flrU schools. I at 1ch1ta Falls
in th~~~n• T ettleton. a sec relary 1 , ;:--~~
there second student
of Education, said e 1emcntary, 16 lb ree •II - level
to S1~dcn1 teachers are tss11ned Th us schools for 12 Weeki er ~y i7&1 n with observaiin n C~ u1 y •ssume tcachin& du1ie1 •re nee Darter • direc t o r of :~•~her certification , ••id •II-level h u en1 teac hers spl11 their duties e 1wcen e leme ntar y and hith : ~ ~ oo l c la u r ooms . They are f s11 ned to an elementary S\chOOI
: ~ : ~ : ~ ; :n~~~~condary 1 Maryellen L eo1~. a st udent te~c at S. H. Rule r H1&h School sa id s he is excited and a1uiuu~ •bout startiJia. Brad Howard, an Enahsh and 1hcs1re maJor, said he can' t wait, • nd ~e h o pes ii will be a fun learning experience for him II well as for the students.
Jones' paper wins first prize By CharLc!s C•e Staff Writer Ra e bel J o nes, a senio r soc1o lo a:y student 11 Midwe,tcrn, recent ly woD fir_atprtu fo(a r
entr y 1n the 1992 Under1rad1111c S ludent P aper Comp eti11o n , i ponsored b y Alrh• Kappa Della , • n ~n1c rn,1i ona1 socioton ho nor SOl.:M:I)'
" lr; •1 1h t 1nJ H1nd111 b, : P e rc,piion, of F e.male V1ct1ms Re,-rd1n1 lhe C1u.te of Violence• ..... u bucd n n 1n1e r v1ew1 Wllh women w ho had bee n 1n ahusi,·c relationships. • r aske d lhe m abo ut their p ercephnn t n f why the 1bu1♦ occ urred and 1f Ibe y 1hou1ht 1h:,t let.pc the m m lhe relationship ton,er or helped them le:i.,'t, " Jcxw u.ul Afler o valuahon b y Alpha Kapp, De lla om c1als. Jone, • paper wa s de e m e d 1 u111ble for publi c 11 1o n 1n lhe i oc 1e1 y'1 nati onall y d istrib uted trade journal, "Social Inquiry.· Jo nes has been I me mbe r of Alpha Kappa Della since rpran1,
Campus becomes more 'friendly'
By Robin Heckeknan
Midwcs1orn has become more Iller-friendly for 1he handiupped. Durin&tbe week of Au&, 31, adjustment• were made to Che wo men' , Ntluoom1 in Bolin Sc.ence Hall lO allow a«ea to newer, lal'fa'-model wheelchlin.. Previously, only &tandani• iz.e whee l c h• irs were able co ae1 t hrouah 1he entranc e of the individ1.11I stall,. Janice Bea rdin, who depu ds on I wide r . mo tor ized c hair, called a1ten1ion to the ptob-
l<m. Midwe uer n d e pend s o n s tud1n1s · suaaestions to help make facil i cies ac ceptable under tho Americans Vlllh Disab1h11u Act. Undu 1h15 le11sl1tion, all new and e,:islln& s truc ture1 muse bo bu1\I or •djus te d a ccori.h n & to specific 1u1dclinc:s. In many cues, older bu1 IJ 1ni;~, s uc b u his to n c al s lruc lurea: that c annol be tom 1pu1, must provide aOOlhcr form o f access gives an e q ua l o ppo rtun ity to u se th e facility. M1d w u t er n has take n 1hu; route on several occasions. · we will do 1n)"lhin1 to assure * Y 1tuden1 bu p roaram acce►
u h1ht y: a;o me11me ~ th at n1ean , 1•1h~uni; enouah , , udtn" to car7 iorncone upst11 n . We do wh•t ,1 take~.· W Dan W1lh1ms, UIOC'llolc du«tor of lhc phy••c• I plan1, ._td, He :m J M1dwei.1e1n lS lookina al the s1tuahon from 1wo penpec~ tivo• the concem (o111Uden11 and the rcquife me nts of 1he Ame riun 01~ah1htics Act. The Ac t require) bu•1nesa;cs and 1ns1i1u1,ons to take 1c11on o r sho.,.,, v111bl11 p roof of , n efforl to 1ccommod1te lht d1.ahled. II hu e:itpJnde.d lhe ohlt r ¥c n1on nf lhe lsw and hu "puc h:e th 1nlo 11, • Drbmah H1sginbo1h~m. dueclor Qf the cou nseltni: center ,u.KI. Th111 term "d1sabilitu:1• now 111• duJu areu of learn,~'( d1fficulhes. dru1 rehahili1111on, visual and boarui1, u ~II H ph)',ical baadicaps. Mod1f1callo n1 made to th e c ampus w 11hin lhe past few years 1nd udlll curb cull to provido whoel· c h11r ram~ lD routes deaipaled by llud1nl1 or w here problems have be.ea foreseeri . Lui )'Hr, 10 cull were mad e al th e cost of approJ.imatel)· $400 cac:h. Other improvements include the new nmp and brick-work 11 Bea Wood Hall, two rarnp1 at lhe Credit Union and Memorial Hall. another sidewalk on the ~I side ol C lark Scudent Conler and an ad• juslment 10 the landinas at Pierce and K111inpworth halls. When 1c1u1I physical correc11ons cannol be made, due to u~ ava1lab1lity of funds o r bcctuse of clructural pec uli1ut1es, other c rea• 11ve me tho ds are used 10 a id the d,ublcd stude nt. Slk:ceuful solutions include r u and e.J. tra time a llowances for the lea r n1n1 impaired o r movina • clus to a room ...,,,,h n o s t airs 10 1ccommoda1111 those Wllh .... hcelchatrs.
Board approves dorm plans Hy G. Putrkk Fortner TI
Slaff Writer Th e 1n1111J p lan s for McCultnui:h-Tuia Hall have been .ipprovcd hy the. 80.ud nf Reacnts, Ted ReJl•czylc, d1reclor nfhous1n1; and residence life, s.a1d. Re d la cz yk s11d the detailed · ·u cbitec:tural plaoa_ wlud. 'tocludc
• • • •
Colluui 11, 1 n1ember of the P1u Ela S11m1 hono, l()(1dy acd wu n1,-d MS U's Ou1111nd1n1 FKUlty Membar of t he Semesler by t!N S1uJeti1 Senat.e Colh n1 received h1:o. bac helor o f uu 1n hntory a nd polo11c1I 1eien..:e ,n I973. tu, nwlff of 1111 i.n h11101y 1n 1915 and h14 doctorale in Am,mc an h1s1or)' ,n 19!4 fro m Tens Chri!IIWI Uruveni11y
the bu1lJ1na s chemat1c1, are now bema dnwn •nd will be , uhm1ucd to tbc Board of Repnll in the nNr
fulure. Althou1b the UICI dato, have no t h•cn ut for th• 1round ,,rcalun1 w111mony, Redlaczyk Mtd II will take pbc• ia late J.nuary or earl y F e hruuy . w 1ttl 1e1u1 I con1 1r u ct1 on b•11nnn11 sborlly tlkre.rter , The new dormitory will houso 1ppro xima1•ly 7S 11udea11 and Rho ul d be open in l ime for the 19QJ-94 academic year
Capps appointed interim director
Collins heads humanities division
D r. Emerson Capps, woc1ate profenor of educalioa , became the inlcrnD d ire(:tor of educahon followin1 lasl nmestcr '1 ,esi1n111on o f D r. Si.vcn T1P?f, who kR M id· we11er■ 10 a ccept a pos111on with the Universily of North Teua.
BJ Trish wwse
D r. Michael L, Col!UIS, ~nm dir e c t o r o f the D i¥i11o n of Hum1n,11cs, areeled the 1992-9] academic y eu wi t h • ead lus mee11na1• and an axleuive amount of paperwork. De s p,u hu i n c naud re,pon,ibihties, Collins promised to "keep ono foot io. the classroom" and lo continue research work, two aspec ts o f h11 caroer be said are of 1rca1 importance. Ho: 111J "tbe h um1n1 ti&1 dcp1rtmen1 as we ll H MSU his an eacellent founda1ton· that be hope• to contmue ind to build on. Colhn.~ replaced Dr. Harry M. Brown , w ho re11aned 10 retu rn lo full-tune tc.adun1. Collma c.1me. lo M idweste rn fro m Texas Wo men·• Univer111y, whe r e be taught for five yean. While 1n Fo rt Worth, be was also 1c11ve as 1hc eRec utive d1rec1or of the H1slouc Prescrv11Lon Council of Tarrant County. In Wic h ita Falls, Colli ns 1s involved 111 the Board of Commef"C(I and lnd ustr y and 11 s member of lhe collections commiuce for tbe W1c h11 a F1 ll1 Museum an d Ar i Center. Co l li n s 1s al so an 3c,ompl1shed wnter . His works include "Thai Dam ned Cowboy : TheoJ o re Roosevelt and t he American, ISS:!· 1898: and a ~ect1un o n Lloyd Bentsen 1n · i-'ruflles 1n Power: Twien1ieth Centu r y Teuns in Washmaton, pcnd1na releax.
■ Pare 5
Capps 19 the 1dmtn11lrato r 1n c barse o f the 1eac ber eJucat1o n pro 1ram u well as the ph y11c1 I cdu.c a11on prorr• m. Upon 1ccer1• int 1h11 position, he a member of the Academic Council.
In 1dd1Cion co adm1ni1t ra11ve du11e1, Capps will leac h fv,o courKS Capps said he hopes lo involve facully more in the J«1inon makin& p roce11, and that their lnf'\11 1n the education prorr•m 1s e1tro~ly 1mporun1. Ca pps, who c ame 10 M i d· western 1n 1970, said his arcatei.t challen,e H interim d1reclor will be 10 fill two vacanc ies in tbc dcj»rlmcnl. T he title o f 1nltr1m d 1rcc1or Juts onl y one yea r , anJ a per· mancnt lflpolnlmenl lo lhe po51· t1on 1s c1pecled w1thm a yea r. " I intend 10 apply,• Capps s,ud . C apps said he encou ra a: ~s education mtJors. mcludina freshmen a nd soph omores, to J01n the Anoc1,11on for Cb1ldhooJ Educ • • t1on l nte rn•t1onal and 1he Texas Student Education Assoc:111100 "These organi z.a t1on,; a re. a n asset lo I.hose wbo are 1nlcreSted in tcachin1 as• profession.· he 1,1.d.
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