The Wichitan
Volume 73, Number 6
Thursday, Oct. 20, I 994
•~@MW1MN%MbiH Facu lty benefits...
Legislators said to be considering reductions in optional retirement By Charles Cagt StaN' Writtr Rumors :ibound 1ha1 1he Texas st.lie lcgis!J.1u~ may rcducr higher educators' hcnefi1s. Chuck Hcmpste::id. cxecuti\'e dircc1or of the Texas Association of College Teachc:rs. said. Hempstead :i.ddrcssed :i meeting of the local TACT eh:ip1cr ycstt·rday. The rumored rt'duc1ion m hcndi1s wou ld come from reducing Texas' -opuonal re· t1rcm ent program" as opposed w the s1:ite's · 1eachcr rcuremenl sy!.tcm : l-lempstcaJ s:iid. The ORP program would he l'\'duccd from 6.23 percent to fl percent, ~,hus throwing
us 11110 the dark Jges,K Hempstead said. TACT hc lp..:d es1:1.tilish ORP ;1pproximately 27 )' 31::0, he said. Tom Hoffman. a$soc1ate professor of English Jnd \'ice presidcnl of TACT. s.iid many MSU faculty sw11chcd from TRS to ORP in the late 60s due to good _in1en:s1 r:ncs. Hoffman said !he s1:ite may a11emp1 to Kd1vidi.: and c:onquer~ Texas higher educa1ors hy offering a 1empor.iry s:ilary increase m rc1urn for a decrease an bcncfiu. Other issues TACT will address in the upcoming lcg1sl:itive session will include scparale accounlll'iihty for te:ichini; .lnd other funds :i.nd increasing overall Tex:is rev-
cnucs for so th:1.1 higher education apprnpri:it1ons c;;in be mcn:a~J. Hemps tead promised 10 coniinue to ....'Ork with Texas higher educators while lobhyin~ . 1he lci;1sla1urc 1his session. He .llso encouraged MSU educ:itors to suppon TACTs efforts hy writing and c:illing their Sllle Jegi.slators. TACT has approxim:i1ely 1200 memhcrs state-wide :ind 75 members in MSU's chap• ter alone. Hempstead MSU 1s leading TACTs membership drive. ha,•ing dnven memhcrship from .SU las1 year 10 75 this ye3r. For more mformation about TACT. contlCt Hoffman. 689-4125.
New requirements for teacher ed. Uy Anita Smith
Reri:.rJ:~1.5 in the Division of Education will now be required to p:irtidp:ne in a
screening interview for admission to 1he Teacher Edu-
cation Program. Brandon OldJ/Photoiraphtr
MSU ~tudcnt Gina,Whatcott, foreground, displays school spirit as she adorns another
tt:ce With the MSU s colors o r ';"aroon during the ri bbon-tying ceremony which arr the annual h om teomang ctlcbr::l lion. In the backgorund, Stefanie Carroll looks
Dr. Emerson Capps, din.'Ctor or the division of educ::1-
semester hours and submiucd an application for admission to c:mdidacy will be schcd-
an intcr\'icw beginforOctober. ulcd in - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ning Capps said studcnlS will be interviewed 1n groups of fi ve
. d Cl·nema Club 0 rgamze By Christine Dreher
Reporter The newest s1uden1 organi1.ation on the M,S.U. campus is 1he Cinema C luh. a lilm-viewing and discussion i!roup designed for anyone in1crcs1cd in fi lms. The mi.:m bcrship fee of S5 per scmcsti.:r will cover mos1 pl:mni.:d C\'CntS, The Cinema Cluh hdd its fir:.t meeting on Ckt. 6 ;11 7 p.m. m the media room cif the ~1offet L1hrary. S1udcnlS :ind facu ltv members d1sc uss1:d the bc'nclil\ of ha,•1n!_! more exposure to d11fon:n1 fd m.'PropMl'd events include guest ) [X',1kcrs lnim 1hi.: 111 · f il m s pe,:1:il dustry. scn:emn1=, and 1rips 10 Jrca Cllll'-~ hl , icw fi lm.. nol a\'a1l :ihle in Wu;h11a J.all-.. T he nc,:1 rt1l't·11n f 1s schcdukd for lk1. 27 al 7 r.m. 111 the L1hrar)' ~1cdi:i room. l11i.: dub is planrung IO v. at,. h J Hallowt'cn-rl·l:i1cd mo\'1e, po.~ihly ~N,isfr.:rJtU; • :i s1lent. prc-DrJcula vampire mo, 1c Thi: t·n·nt ,, Lil he
open to those who w1!>h 10 :iuend. Two fi lms will be shown each month. including shon 1rips to the mt.:troplcx arc:i for viewings. An m1rcr:ic1ive dis• cussion will follow each showin~. Cinema Cluh i:. the ri.:vival of a duh cx1s1cd in the la1c 70's :inJ t!Jrly S(J's •• The Fol'\'1i;n Film Senc!.. That or· gani1.,:11ion w:is started b~ Dr. Baird Whulock. dean ol hu· mani1ics from 197R until 1989. Th:it f:rOup concen• 1r:i1cd on fori.:ifn films. whereas the Cinema Club wil l focus on :ill types of film'i. The Forc1fn Film Scrn:'i y. JS. JI 1imi..·s. {'r(l)S•hStt·d under 1-ioth lht' hum:rnnii:s Jnd dr:imJ d.:p:irtmcnts. :ind 1:iken thH'luf:h rnntinum!! c_ducJt1on. 11 t rrnlJ tx: tJkt·n lor ('r..:dit. The C1nrn1J Cluh i...innnt t-,c tJkcn f1 r ..:rt·dit. I Im, c,·c:r. 11 1, ,iren to Jny0nc 1n1en::.1eJ . Or. \\' hi1l1Kk ~uc:h J followin!! in Wid11ta FJII ~ lhJt hi.: \\',IS J~kcd to CCllOt'
back for :i. numhcr of )'Cars. af1er his retirement m Mame, 10 present a WL.'Ck fcsli\'JI m lilms. One of his dcvmcd c:i.mpus fans. Billye Ruth Goss. direc• 1or of continuing education. s:i id, -He rc:i.lly made the Foreign Film Series m1t:n:s1ing. The discussions were grea1. :i.nd he hroui;h t out wondcrfo l idl'l!. in people.~ The Cinema Cluh is pl:rnning 10 hrmg Dr. Wh11lock to 1he campus in the sprin g scmcs1er for anmhcr fc~li\·al Facuhy ar.l\l~ors :ire Dr. Ro hen Johnson. a~soc1a1c professor of Eni:hsh, .lnd Dr. P:1 1nc1J Murphy. :idJunL'I facuhy of English Other faculty memhcrs who will he inYohed Dr. E.L. Smuh. :issociatc prole:.snr of En• gh:.h. Dr. Dirk Lindemann, :i..s.sociJtc prof.:..-..-.or of histC'I I)'. Dr. Lynn HOgf!Jrd. coordin:i• 1or of fofi!ign l:in1=uages, :ind Dr. LindJ Hollahaugh. a5si.-.· t:int prr,fossnr nf 1ore1gn l:ingu:ii;cs.
expects to compkti: all interviews in umi: for early registration in No\'Cmhcr. In addilion 10 the interview. Capps said all 19941996 :ipplic:ints mus1 h::ivc :a GPA of :it le:ist 2.6 •· :i one• point fwm the previous requirement. Then: will :;ilso be :i. more in-depth :inalysis of c:ich applicant's TASP scores. Capps s:iid :ill requirements must he met for :i.dmis.sion 10 the TEP. He said the rc;i.son for changes arc 10 help choose the best lpplic:lllts for field b:i.sed education. which ·infuse 1he lc:amin; process with pr:ic•
• •. • • • • • • • • • • • I I •
MSU students attend Dallas conference By Howie Prince
Reporter There is :i. need for greater enrollment of minority stu• dents in graduate, .said Dr. Franklyn Jenifer, president of the Unn·ersity of Texas in DJ\bs. during his kc)·nntc address :1.1 a leader• ship workshop Oct. IJ and 14. Eighteen MSU students were exposed to enhanced leadership Sl)'le techniques while the workshop. The Iheme of the workshop was · Rise. Unite. Sc11c the Future The ~,udcnts :ilso p:inicip;11cd in st'.5sions :i1mcd at strcngthenm!! the f:imily unit, dc:ilm~ wnh the Tens Judi• c1ary system :ind devdopment of h::idership styles \\htch will fosti.:r positl\·e socill ch:in!!CS. Oku Okd:r.:, dm:c1or Bridwell Courts Hall. led the ~ISU cktc~:iuon. "The a11end mg of <;uth leadership wtirbhor~ i~ part of an oni;,,m~ trJmm~ program by the Hou~mg 0111c..: aimed at cr~·:itil1£ :i. 1:.idrc of s tudent k :iJ~•r, 1in th..: MSU campus Th:ll r,n:-.cn1.1t11m 1s :,,,:htcJukd p.m. Seh,·r.lul.·J lnr futun.: r r..:!-,.'n• who, m !urn. :ire 1'\ fl"eled to Im :",lo, . I Jt Sr m. m Cllrk IJtiC'ln~ ;m: Dr. Rulh M,1rr11,\ . PJ" on 1h1, 11Jmmg Ill thC' S1ur.lrnt Ccnh:r 1 h,·J1;;r. l $S1.\tJnl profc5s11r 11f music. dl•11n,.~ 01-d.c ~J1J. On Ko, 7. Dr. Ern,•s1 ,\ S1uJt·n1'> rl.'. p,,·,.:nkJ \I.'\ OiiH·r " 111 prt·,;r.t \\' mJ <If Dr. 8Jrhl1J K. l·k tungcr, :i,Ch:incc m ~c,uth ,\!11t·J . /\ w~1:i1i; pmfr.~sor <'f nur,mg; crJI mm1•n1, 1,1.:.:ini tJ!Hln~ c.1mr,1~." 1rduJin,! th;: ,,n 1Jti.: ... ,w J Hoi:;Jrd. l\ilil~t·:?I ln1,•1J.:tmn Ar, Dr. L)nn r tioJl.'h D,n,·r \\ l"''tlJle p1 ofi.: ....,r , f Fn.-n.:11. .inJ Dr Bl.11.k \111,knt l 111011. K1 nn,:th I lknJ r1i..l..~,•n, :'\.\r\CP. (), •: :•li/Jl h , 111 111,!'Jn ~ S·u,, :'\• Jr.J the p: ,_., .,r ,1I "11,1,,1·, :::c' :~.\ ,~•· ..1J,:nl H ,:1 \\ ..,,,. .1lh n
Dowd to speak at Nov. 1 Forum By Mario Sii;al:1 Rt portl'r Two Faculty FC1rum PL\'.'-C~ltati on.'i will he hc:ld 1n No,•cml-ier. Dr. John .-. Dowd, a-.s1st:in1 ,,rorc:-.'-11r ilf l'ducalhlO. "'ii! ,peJJ.. 1' n (JuJlil.itn i.: R:,t·.11~h J llJ Ttk'uri..·111..'J I M1Jo.:b Ci..1rn~, 11~· tu L.ntll\t:r thc 1Ai.. '. 1..n l'i ilik, of 'ii..h11d Supi..·1mh.:11Ji..·nt,
by three interviewers. Stu·
dents will be presented five
ques1ions and one sccn:irio. with an opportunity for each studen1 10 give :in :i.nswer first. He said the 30-mmutc in• tervicw wall evaluate skills. problem-so lving and the overall impn:.ssion given hy lhe s1udcnl. E:lch screening panel will consist of :it le.lSt 1wo educ:ition faculty members and one from .lno1her dcpartmenL Applic:i.n!S can prepare for the questions .lnd :ire encouraged to do so by cont:1c1ing the division office. All pans of the screenmg count equally and will be forw:i.rdcd 10 the Tc:icher EducJ1ion Commincc. Capps
a • • • •
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Homecoming car bashing
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Stc,·e Ketchum, can MSU Sludtnt, takes a ~·ack "'ith a sledge hammtr at runctrafsing ca,...bash sponsortd by the Sodely of Manutac:turinc Enginttrs.
Page 2 Thur,day, Oc:tobor 20, 1994
TIIE ll'ichitan
Car ibbe an stud ents ~--- host food fest g,~!:". ?:?. -.i•--41a1 1•
Turkish women aspire to new roles poli1 ics and ,ol'1tl)'.MM:inc, oh.,•\ " Th", MJna l h: hro•1gh1 women\ bclteve!I, oi:cur" prunar lly S31d M rit:hts. but there wl~ Im o r hcc.1u!>e ~he "3 wnma n silent rchell1on (lm0 ng Tmk1sh women. though, Modern Turkl\h women wo mcn).M :ire.• Jc,11n<.:d IU mJkC ,;oc,c1JI bl'lievc thc.y ha ve cqu:i;I OU!, get hl wantcJ <.·hant;\.'.\; al Je:a,t, 11 ,~ so in · rhc)' nghL~ hul thtrc wc.-re -.11\1 IJws • 1he 111111d ot ~,1Jlll'r newly the hy Thi, llll'\'II.Jhd1) 1~ JlrcJdy Embohkncll Fo r 1ns1an<..c, Zumra found rn:cdoms. women even surfot: m!! Wo men hJvc ~~~ proclaim to :.11..:cts 1hc IO took moved into the trJJ11ionJl!y 3 1 due fields of law. melhc.:1nc. mamcd to ~bnds their nghl\. pohl1l'S and !>cience. The ir h.1hcr. Ask M::incr 1f shl· Th,~ f::ic t sccm!I. rather odd vo1cc.·s c Jn no Ionper he would do the s:ime :md she 1n cou n1r y whose stilled. "1 hey hJvt• hroken :1 :an will answer with popul:lhon 1s 99 percent 1h:u Mk-nee They .ire more uncqu1voc:d "no.· Mus lim and surroundcd hy ,·ocal now: ~1;,ncr \:J1d -11u1 the :irdcnt blam1c c1,un1rics they )1,1111 kd the pres!ourc of 10 had Nnt lhat her ffllllhcr Turkey do it, the 21 -year-old Turkis h or Iran o.nd lr:1q Dul wuh yc:i,,. hc.-fon·." s1udent 11 MSU will tdl you lS :i. bnd lhl t IS at odd\ 3..\ Accor<hnl,! to ~1.incr, H " rdered Bo surrounding!\. its It was 3 simple decision; n ('l( 1hc current Bulgari;:i Jnd the wome who w•ll ck.Jr the Greece. hy well cot she ~ bccau. qu11 "She Tu1key .. and ~cncratilln Russ ia. hurdle. 'Tm prcny m:irricd." Maner s:ud. l fina espcc1:all)' 11s ch1cl c11y cynical. h Bound by 1rad1111m. m:iny IManbul-- 1s :i combin.i11on or optmmtu.: I'm not 1s a h1ng tc.•m1 dc\'clt1pmcn1. Turkish women adhered 10 the Ea~! anJ W.:st. Maner anything expt:Cl cJ.nnol Yuu the so-called convcn11onal s:ud. · T urke)' 1s S4.'C Ul::ar In 100 .soon. \Vomc:n have a 101 wisdom o f the day lhc large CIUCS people hl\'C 3 accomph~h. nm only in to Over the ye:us, the whcd 1cndency 10 he more hhcral. Turkey hut everywhere: she of poliucs and culture has II is very wcs1e ..n11cd, (hut) turned m womens' favor. you can s till 5ec 1ht· So far 1hey arc on the righl although at a. plow-plodding mysuc1sm or the c:;ast .. track. Like the ir modem male pace. Th;:it modern Tu1 kc)' has coun1erpar1s. 1hey ha\.'e Ro man. th:il cduc:uinn ,~ the lro n1cally, 11 was a m:m c,·ol vcd fro m By1:1n11nc key 10 any SIIC(.'CM Ill 100:iy·s who put his shoulder to th:u O11o man and foct world p low :md pushed for m:m y empires is a luMoncal Women in Turkey arc ,.,.olnl'n h:wc reforms. Mu!.t:if:i Kcmll ur Thal the Turkish is an 1nJ1sputahle l\!fu~ml! 10 ~be second-plal'C • A1:11urk" •· the Fa1hcr of c..,oh·c:d 10 me n A\ Manl"r c111tcns· fact. 1s he ;u Turkey , ll. "This gcnc rlllOn IS Tan~u C1llcr. the current !>CC~ arrcction:ucly known .. he differen t My to goin~ • instituted much change prime m inistcr and a km.ale gcner.1t10n i) 1;0,ng to he very dunng has tenure as president hears wltnes!I to 1:lC am val of of "hJt happened informed ,s "This the T urkish women. during lhe 1930s. before. So. hopcfolly. they a proof ('If a changing !>OC1Cty: w11l not n:pca1 the m1s1akcs." In 1926 a new civil code have to ready arc they That outlawed polygamy. In 1935. a wom:an lS a Jc:;adcr Ten. 30 She is undaunted by the fu1urc poss,hlity of her being the ,.-oting right wu cicicndcd years a.go. you wo uld nm to women. Divorce bc:Qnu: ::a have a woman pnmc min1,;h,;r 3 ) UC.:Ccssfol woman 1R Turke y · 1 will use :all c1v1I con1r.1;c1 makm~ it more in Turkc_y .· ~-1Jncr '31d difficult for husb;rnds to ;:i oppon unities. I think that I o ver Pres 1d 1n g extricate 1hemsc:lvcs ftom prcdomin.1n1ly male cabinet. can make n hlppcn." rcl::ationsh,ps th::an 11 h:u.l been the!\! is still ~ me orpos111on. The defiance of the new in the past. By 1931, 11 lSC.- has rcpl:iccd the silent women held judi;cs h,ps. ·she gets a 101 of pos1t1\.'e r:it,c that defined her molhcr's ~·f :rncr s.iiJ. er.i. As M;:iner tell~ 1t. · most Women. however. h:.d rcpon, cs. • Hm.1.c,cr. •whC'n she wants women will choose educa11on made stndl!S on their own there an: now." snmcthin& do to ·He m::ade a lot or rdmms in By Ntvlllt Lewis Associate Editor
~:~;~:g m:~cr ft~;c
By Nnlllr l..t.,, Ass()('iate Edilor The Canhhc:m Studcnl Or• g:1n1zatmn at MSU will host 11.', fint m:i,or evcnl Oc1 27 3 food s:ilc which will 61vc 1hc c;:impus a · 1;:is1e or 1he C:mhhc:tn • From 11 am • I p.m . racuhy, staff and students can Slmple some island trc:11s 31 :i rcl.:1;1i..,cly incxpens,..,c pncc in 1hc Clark Srudcnt Ccntl'r between the bookstore and chc Dc;:in of Student,;;' orfiee. ·rr you will dcfini1ely cn1oy pcl;:iu. h 1as 1es
G1 I h.1 n
~in Thom:1s CSO ,ncmt'lc:r. .,;a1J !".lie.; MJuh)', ,oru.-1 .inJ 1 of the m'::a1n d1.~h 1hcy will h~ · i:r ht·er. r\ipu!Jr "!JniJ ~nnks. will tx· J \ Jtl.,hk · \- I "This ,, 1,nl) J 1.i,lc." ~s~~gdc~nhcd 1, :as a t;J'lt)' 111 , ,uJl· . · wil l C:mbhcJn dc.·lu;&1c.' )' made wh:il C::irihht•Jn 11 1 lbi.: i.:.imr,u, wilh nee. chu: kc n, carrol~. he ,ht1w1n!! 111 1 1 3 nd thl! \\. ll '- 1111,,!!\ lcnlll pc" :and cJbhJ~I! Thoush rhc mJIR ohJcCI ,if cummuni1y. I hnm.h Pnpul:ll (' .111hhl· 1n n,C\lt lhe food ~ale "is 10 acqu;11n1 1 people on campus w11h )omc will t,e plJ)'CJ ti1 ili.:t 11d.J}' of 1hc food of 1he CanhhcJn. whic h wl ' c.h\•,l·n lti "' m• only one dish will he on dis- mcmo r JIC thr ..·c "l.Jnd play, cSO prcsidcn1 Carlos n1110 n,;;' indt·rcn~t·n.. l· ~, . v,nccnl and thl.' ( ,ft:l1Jdmn . Thom:as 53id. However. 1sfond ravonte!I on the: 3cwa_l J.J y. Aniig1 u.1 d BarhuclJ ~- JnJ Oom m• s uch 35 pineapple and co• I anJ 1. t.lR No v m1nccmc:i1 conut t::arts. patties. coconut burn ;:ind R.'.:\J)CC:ll"l'ly
~e~l•L<- ----- ---, ~h:•c:h~m ;c:he:e:sc::.:":"=w:•.·~w
Univt rsity Dtmocrats ,ncourag, early voting To e ncourai:c students 10 vole in the upcoming clcclion, Univcrsuy Democrats will mcc1 Friday 11 12 p.m 31 the Gourme1 Coffee Shoppe 1n 1hc Amum. s:ud J W. Justice, prts1dtnt or the group and a studcnl scn.:1;1or. Following the meeting. I.he group will parti1.- ipllc m the early voli ng :at K-Man on
Call Field Road.
Justice said that the group will llSO meet Fnday night ::at the \Vichi1a County Democratic hc;:idquancn Friday night ::at 8 p.m to watch 1he de bates on PBS between Governor Ann Richards ..,er• sus George W. Bush and Scn::a1or Kay Bailey Mutchin• son and R1ch::ard Fisher.
Ba ha'i Club to hold rap s•ssion Friday Stressing the theme of "Unity in Racial and Ethnic Di..,crsity," the MSU B:aha'i Club will host informal rlp SC$Sions where s1udcnt.s can discuss everyday soci3.I problcms, said Chanel Tahcrpour• bky. prcs1dcn1or 1he group. The Baha'i Club i nvi tes students 10 1hcir meetings cv• cry Fnday 31 2 p.m. m the Hospi1:ali1y Room or 1he Clark Student Cen1er. she said.
Society accepts membe rs Jcnmy Kingston · we're here 10 k:am: s.i,d Rcporltr Grn~s. ·bul •he re's nothing h is no1 100 l.11c.• to Jmn the that s:ay, we c:rn'1 have run Pre Law Society. said Mickey Gross. president or lhc ,,oup. wo: 1l'le o rg;m11a11on will mc.-cl Ano1her mcettng wall he held Tue.sday Oc:t. 25 in .JI Pmodno'\ IO rclH :i.nd Dill::ard. room 112 at :'I fl m. meel some uf 1hc new Thi.s is a m::anda1ory mccung mt·mbc:r> GW<i\ Jll,111,; to hold for Moot Coun par11c.·1p:ant\, infc11mJI ~1udy \C-\'ilOlh for hut is open tfl all whu arc the I...SA f. :ind · 1u~1 hJng interested in Moot Coun or out· Pn.: L3w Socte1y For more mformJ.tHln Gross \;J 1d he wanti. to rhc Pn: Law include all who Jn.: ,n1crcs1eJ. Cflnccrm ng call Gross. 692Society. in comrc::1e not just tho~ who 7M~7. MocuCourt. Philosophy Club lo mttl The Phll1,~1phy Club will Wilham J:imcf book .. Pragrnntum • next Tuesday 7:30 p.m. an the CSC 1..oun~e. uid Ma rk Shirley. duh
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SyLQ ! !o! !ks Spor ts Editor
All or my life f ha"c hccn m:rdc sut'ls tant1:il progress i 10.hJ ihat we hlack folk h black and \\ hue. speak . •. n th1scouniry. My rot ave 1h31 :in.: "uut there" for i~~~:~~:'Jl a:X, ut 1hc optonu~ ~• .'11cntcd minoriiics
cspcc1:i 11y women. Blacks
ninning billion dollar coru;: _holding polnical office; honors. ~tos1people would nic! and ~inning internal: 1 !:ly America sure h:is tona profrcsscd." Somc111ncs I almoM hcli • • h- .. , hu1 sooner o r l~t~c
:u . we Americans " mc comes along 0 sl:lp me hack into n:ality Ac~ somcc then I remember wh:n 1m Big M'!mma u~ d 10 ~.ty · -~ cvl:r think lhJt you arc like th~: ~II you can girl, but do~'t what th:11 mc.·an1. But now 1 . · . I TIC\'cr n:ally understood m me Iha! :ill the nppon unit~~'i: .that she tried to explain as bl.csscd hy the l ord w11h won l!c my place L:1,;1 Oc1ohcr I ncc<led 3 r~~:~~s.soc1c1y. The Dallas Morning er. M. annual their Nrwt ho,1cd cJ:is,;matc and I were select .~nomy Joh Fair. :ind .i. male 1. was feeling attend. to by~ e pmgn.:ssiv p:i~11cularly YPz:<)fcssor ~ rcc? mmenda1io n. 1111s was Cs.!.Cntially :in O 10 submit mmontics .for ~unuy : f examples and resumes 0 lh_:in 30 newspapers in the southwest reg.ion in a IOmore 1to level the pl:iying field. After a day 0 1 nci~ ork~ aue'!"P th American journalisL\ l felt .•~g wi my fellow Africanleft the ho1el. I almos·t stJne~x tmclr progressive. As we 8:inncr." Then a polic. u;::mmg "The Star-Sp::mgled asked. "When! arc ya·11 gumg~'~ iccr pulled up 10 us and He w:is as poli1c as a waite~ . fi politely asked us what we w ·r/~ a. me restaurant. He a public road. He turned 10 ~ cl omg there·· "'there" being name. and then how 10 s _•11 M~~ale and ~ kcd him his driv.e r's li~cnse and his s~ial ~curi~quc stcd.h1s Arkan~ the m1crv1c.w was over, the officer h Y/u~bcr..BY the.11me h10:,. poluely, for everything but a DNA sample J a fkk~d I wrote everything down 00 a li1tlc · USl cl w:ulcr .. he 1he processmg Aflcr pad. k "D asked he n. informa1io p:~~~~ 0s~fi~~ ! ou?" \~hen I said "no... ihe 0 horrific ~tory of how a hlack man had been reported :as a in which store clerks rohhcries area of suspect '" a scnes ;:~ .assauhcd. And my classmate was dclinitely :i black
'rylc ntn-in with Dallas' finest was a not-too-subtle ~m!nd_c~ 1.hl l when all is said and done, my place in societ Y 1s s1111 m111:1lly de~cnnin.ed hy 1hc color of my skin. 001 tly my (?_PA. pro~c.,;,s1onal 1111c or by expcnsi\'C possessions. we what matter Like my ~'!! Momma always said. "No arc. we all s11II hlal.'.k people."
Letter to the Editor...
Financial punishment for staying in co lle ge
Winter brini;:s on cold weather whic!i requires more clo1hes: I don'r feel as fa1 wht:n I have more clothes on. . Holidays 1ha1 are really important happen in 1he winter like Thanksgivins (elltrng too muc h). C hri s tm;u (spending 100 much). :ind my Tan people make me sick: favo r ite , Ne w Year's how do they gel so 1an? I (drinking 100 much). I suppose though the best usu:illy work 10 10 12 hours a day in the s ummer, so 1hc 1h int about winter has to be only timt: I h:ivc to 1an is on not having to l,uy ice for lhe w,:chnd, which usually beer. So here's to Jack Frost nipping at ocr noSt:s. JUSI ends up in good bum.
1.J 10 Tart Dini. P.O. Box l(JO. W1ch1ta Falls, TX 76308 News d~ k: 689-4~ AJ\•ClfL,ing dc.,k: 689-4705 Orl:en D•ll■rd
llrl/c ~htlunc Adl'lsn
N,,illr 1.l'wi-. AIJnt 111/r l;A/itr,r
Edt1or Mi,1'a1I V.ndrick
Eli1.11hr 1h Rk hard"4m
Copy £,1,tor Mdl(....a S ullivan Mw1f Rr1·1rl\"tr
Mar k Lu)II &Hi ( Rr1·,r urr S IJ rf Wr lltr""
Jonuth"1I n,11,fr, C/111rlrs Cagr. Nmbrrly 1:.)-sun. :,;,mcc-r FrmJI Dar.a Jl:o•·klu" Nh, nums Mam13NIArcnunwnt
Ad n r ll,;;Jn,i Rc:prtn nllh·u
TucJ:u Uruk, Opr/111
Dun l,:.wnncr f:nlalmnnll'nl £1/itor
G111pl 11c A 111SI
Brandon Ohb
Frir ,·elf
Plm/f1grt1pllcr I::d1ttH
C11,1, !111111,i M 11n11i;n
l'll.,rlr , " C h:mn" Lonon Phmor,:mpl in
{\f unft'S
bu1, aft..:~ experience in 1hc work p!:1cc, rcali1.c the importane: of education. and. more often than not.. are foc~•scd towards bc!comrnl: outstanding s1udents. Or who. some years lo.1cr, ha"e learned that a degree in a different field is a wiser choice than their original sdcctinil. T hese pt:oplc art:r l "slackers." They are Texo.ns with better vision and greater dedication, who need cx tcnsions of opportunity to allow them to take !heir places as po1cntially some of our state's most productive people. Indeed. it is now umvcrsal and conve:uionul wiMJom that 1he rapid rate of change 1n technology l nd vast cxtcnsions of knowledge will rcquir.: almost cvcry Amen• can 10 be re-educated more 1han one~ during a workini:: lifetime New dcfrt:c fields, not even envisioned now may well be the paths to indi vidual and collective progress in 1he fu1urc. A wcll-wnucn aniclc on 1his subject ap~arcd rn the:
Teu s residents who arc relying.on Texas colleges and universitie s for their cducation and re-educ:nion were placed in danger during the last session of the Texas Leg· isla1ure, and renewe'i :'II1empts against their best
. interests lat Fat people swe at~ ~ Q By Kurt E lliQtt Thank God and \Villar<l Scou summer is Jin:illy over. I hale summe r and here's why. Fa1 people sweat a lot in the summer; I'm fat lnd I hale sweat.
iage 0 1 earhcr college years
Jct 13, 1994
will cen:tinly be
made when the Legislature convenes again in Austin this coming January. The bad news for Texas residenis seeking doc1oral degrees was passed into l:iw this last session. And others, seeking b:ichelor's dcgrecs. were also 1argc1cd by a bill that failed 10 by 1hc narrowcst o ( margins. That meas ure will ccriainly be filed :igain in the new legisla1ive session. If passed. all Texas colleges and universitics would be required 1n develop and maintai:i a lifetimc record of the numhcr ('If hours in which every student hasevcrhc cncnrolled. From 1ha1 point forward. as any student exceeds some arbitrary numhcr of specified hours towards thc :111.:iinmcnt of his or her staled degree, the student wou ld then he charged the equivalent of the fees 1h:it out-of-s1a1c studcnt~ Jrc required 10 pay. For n:fr.:r• cnce rurpoM:s. the charge per semester hour for TcxJ'i rcs1dent undcn:radualc studt:n1s is S28.00, While lhe comparatitvucdccn·o,,st ,r,or .. nlo?nJ•_r(l'osidp,c"•rt
Austin Amr,.ie<m Swr-.mum
on Sund .:iy. Oc_tohcr 2 · 199~· und er i hc hylu_,c of l"chbie th S,ravcs, thc anicli: cncs e ICY.! book case ~f onr th is.. 1: h~. ~ l~dy 1o_un1t mer, will pinh:.ibly rc<.:c _1; her ba~hclor'". degree ·· su Dcnai:~c:.!:~yr T~f~~;t~~J ~~~
is wnrkint; at two johs person <'rdcr 10 stay in school 10 in 1 achieve a dct;rcc in a \..· u ni;cd major.
lobbied for one single issue for personal protil or olhcrwise, un:il nC'w. J strongly f\..-.:1 that lhc one most cos1-cffcc.: tivc way m invest nt•:- 1.,oncy 1s 10 con-
In addi1ion. h.. Jchers 10 r ublic schools Jnd in mnny other pror,ssions ar: requir!d 10 . g:1i~ ongoi~g addi~ion?l umvcrs11y rn::dns_ic~ m:11nu11r proficiency m !heir J0bs.
aren't people ns Texa 'slackers.' They are with better VJS1on and greater dedication..." Tom Waldrop
It is simply 001 in our hc.!il tinue to providc unl i11,i1cd intcrcslli to limit the ac1:esi. of opportunuy for Tcxa.. citizens 10 our ..:nllr.:gcs dents who want to pursue 'iighcr c<lt.l':!'ion in our own and univcrsi11cs and vmvcrs111,: s. inOur state ha~ a major ad• colleges txn:1li1.inr, them with \'3nlagc over .:ill the nthcr stead of 1uition rJt:.s1a1cs hy the cxistcncc of thc 011t-r,f-~1:ac Pcrm:1ncnt Umver~1ty Fund. And. !hat mcans npr onu• which has hcen m:i inly ac- nity for those who may have cumulated through Tex:1s' bc.."Cn lale staners. who an! too uniq_uc owncrs hip ~f i~s pubhc lands. TI1c PUF 1und1s' poor to sai: through in four one o( the l:irsc~t cducationa: years w1:;wu1 workinij, whu endowment fund s in 1hc have hccn dclayt:d hy chi ld · world. rearing and who now have 10 It only n•a~es '-Cnsc that be earners, wh,1 sec more opTexas should l,ml ,t all the portunity throuch a ..:hangc of easier 10 rbc tu thc \..hullt:nge, to provide thc addi11ona l dq ;rec r Jan to une hct11;r fundin~ and t0 :ah-pt the sui1ed to !heir aptill•dcs. wt,c, <.:.:ircers 1n policies 1ha1 will ensure 1h:11 sec challenge 1n t:xist when its largest pot~·n11al i~ rc:1li1cd fields 1hat didn't earlier, s1:hool 10 !'ly th: highcr cdm:auon nf •hey went to want who those \..'\'Cll and mon: at own <.: 1l1A•n,; grow iu undcrs!;rnding of by ohs · i r , the· a,,., worl·' r , tlic· mh:ri.:,t, Contrary 10 that u u several hills v.crc pJ, dur• mg the las• l::c1, IJt1\'C !-.C.S!-ltln pursuing additional knowlsJ~~~~°._~~d;,;;r \~~ that i;ramcd Texa~•1"1..:s1dcnt
ter hour. The effect semes ' would bc 10 effectively den)' many Texas resident students the opportunity to compl" ' 1hl!ir cduca11onul goals. To gather support forthcs, mcasures. 1hi.: studt:nts who, in th, opinion of the hill's sponsors. have li ngered overlong in the si,1e·s colicgiatc system ha v~ ht:cn lahdcd "sla,h:n." ! (')I' purpose:; of r.. fon:nrc dunn.,. di:-
L - - - - -- - - - -
~~L'il~~:tin j~;;:~~:~r~ ~: s"d Sl::Kkers ,uc hJd. nghl'! Wdl. lei's tJkc .1 lllnk Jt who m(hl o( the~e , o-ullcd "slackers· r\..·al ly J1c:
stu~:~lS h:~:. Jl: ~ furthc:r SlJh.::-.. :i llllldy hy th.: NCAA t:J> h)t1:1U th.:1 1hc aver J!_!t: t1mi:: it nc..\• IJ~l.'ll studcn! 10 l.':110 hJd1d111\
"The ba d news fOr T eXaS l d k, resid ents see 1ng octor a degr ees was pass ed into law this last session."
1 I hClll.' Jrc p.;(1pk \\ h1 may1 have hJd hJ lcJ\l' \l.'.hool t1 r:11sc a f,1m1ly. h l t\..·uJ m Jt=L·d parents or h.111d1carJX·d J°Jm· dy mcmher,. w \'.ork hlr :iwh1k. or Jrr Jfl) numh~·r nf ~u<'d rt.'JS0O'i. Thesi: J:\" r-.•,,pk· ,,h,1 IT'. y not h:i,·c t.1J....:n prnp..-r .u.h.m •
;r :.1r~~~\~'.
~it:~t. '.,~.n~:~t~l.:'~1~~~1:t1~
oppor,uniti'5. The mca.,ure that passed lost session relating 10 doctorul desrecs should be repca l,d . and all all•:-npts 10 penalize Jexas residents in their pursuit of higher cduca1ion should he emphati.;ally rcJCCtcd as oad policy. - - - - - ----''-- ' A: thl\ IJ1c d;:,c 11 1s not
Tom Waldro p
possibk 10 11t:lec1 wh~ the c:indid ...c.., for election 10 the legislature wil ! he. eut any• in this, fl' 3·,y IC' pur~u~ tlu, L••lll!,,l.'. \\ luh: JI onc in1crcs.•cd 1~~Jtat~c~i~vu\~; tin: :-Jrnc 111n _· .1dopt1ng pro •
~l~l~IO~IH~~ ~,' \'.\'. :~,:,•~ ~ / ~•.~~~ studcnb If fi, l·JI rt· :rJllll i, ,;t°CL'\).:1,·. 11 i, nnt 1~·.;...111uhlc
~:;~1,~,:'.: r,'1~::~" 1 /;,\·
Ullem pt lO JJCI J lirm comm1trne111 o / p0\H1on from 1hc1r l1therw1M: :and:1!.11e of 111 H·.u, \..·1•:·11 "1\' n'.! n k L no,, ll\ C \\.·Ji, 1 h..: in , , 1 r ~· xJ~ il .iu,c u l di 1<.:1· hi:fm.: \..J,tllll! a vu11.:. dcditJtcJ ..iuU:.ih nlJ) \.:I) the ,1~11cd ;11.: \H'll hL• thn,: \, 11, , ll"!!lmu.: tu Rl'pn:,.·n•.111, :,. I •.. w.-J,·.:r) rr.: pu1.1r1c1n I I I c1.1g th.: 1 1 I ul .1/I aldrop. 1011ncr mcm· \\ ,11 ..: T,1n1 .tll', 'I, .. lh , ' \._ ~l't'~f~ \'.'. Jd~j\ ::~1~ \c,!~~~,~~~ f'l(H 11 ht·r T c \;. ~ ll ,n1, c o f 1 unJ\ ,vJ 1hk tkl.1~ , .,:1.J Ji• ~. ?,1 R.:p1l·lt·ntJ II\ C\ vc1 v1r ~:~~~.11:
1 t::\L;/~:·,~i; ;\~,·t :,1:1
TIIE Wichi~
~E~n~t~e~rt~a~in~n~i~e~n~t!:-__ ____
1994!.....__ _ . !.2'Z, ~____!Th~urstl~•J~'• Oct~obc~,2~0 ""!i"~ .!?l!
Liz Phair's 'UlhiP_
'Pulp Fiction': A film with no substance or coherency Dy !nan L:n~rcnrt £n1t rt11inrmnt Edilor Pulp. accunhng to the movu:, ..Pulp F,cmm.- is · 1) :a soft spong y m;m 1h:11 hu
no suhs1:mc-c or cuhcn:ncy. fir
2) a m:tg:lljnc llf hook lbing rough-iurfaccd r :ipcr and of1cn dealing w11h scns:111onal ma1cnal. • The 1.hrcctors of this movie told the truth in th:u 11 hld ve ry little co• hcrcncy and was \'Cry rough.
h :ilso hJd very htclc of anything n.:scmhhng :i plot _I say th:H d~•:,.puc tlus fi lm winnanJ: Be-st P1r1urc :it the 1994 C.1nnes Film Fcstl\'31 Th:u ~wcs 1t .!lomcthmg of :rn · ~n film "' lt.:g1timacy Still. ~11hcr I missed somc1hing
1mpon an1 wh1k wa1chmg i1.
or I'm too
p hl\ me,:d 10
the Judging tnh!n J I don't know. I w11s :ihlc 10 1\,110~ lhc xuon. afler a f.uluon. hut II ~ ms IO me lhJl the mO\'h,! foiled 10 hQ\'C much nf l poin1. The c:m w:is good. John Trav~ha. Sllmucl L. hckson. Uma Thurm:in. M:tr\'ey K1• etcl. Ros:inna Arqucnc. BniC'c Willis, AmJnd:a Plummer, Chris1ophcr Welkin. and Tim Roth, along w11h other no1so•well-known aciors. ~byt,c thC5C players wanted to n:· mind the puhlu.• they an: )CO · ous :ictors: perhaps they wen: trying to make J \ISntfirnnr film that tran-.ccnd) actionfadvcntur\· 1lr ,omcJy {ahh11ugh 1h1,; film was ,om1• calm pl;,cc-.) 01 mayt'ic they JU51 needed y,ork. WhJh,:\'cr the ca5'.' , this movie rcnc,u odd choice:,, ah,,ut ,\hat 1)
the deeper truth m 11, or all the Olhcr films at Cannes m 199.a were rrall\• poor. s11,:mricJn1. The film, sunnoscd to t'C Ma-.•bc I 1ust don'1 unde~t:md
honest storyte lling
SCl in the u,mkrfll:11) ,,1 Loe An~clC\, I\ m cnJ1in\'. cspcc1all y 1n the u-.c n l 1hc -f...,ord • Ma)hc the ...,, 11crs thousht thll the d1Jlt1~11c Y,J• not "strcct-kwl" enough. )>(l they rJunlht'.d 11 up ',(1m, Bui 1h1s mo\ 11: mu,., holJ thl· wmlJ re~·orJ IM the numhcr of umcs ttk: "f-w11rt.1· 1, 11:,,ed in :a mO\•ic " ow. I'm nCI prude. nor Jm I .1 rclig1C1u-. person, hu l I ~Cl lm:d OI hearing lhJt \WrJ Jlh.· r l wluk. Ennugh, Jh\·,1Jy G1,.•t J lapc on clft:1,.tl\l' \\lffinlUlllc;ul(ln. "'1.1~e .1 mgh1 d.1,., 1:1 Eni;h,h, or " 'ml·thmg If you·rc 1010 1h1s l mJ of thing, or 13n\y )'llursdf Jn in1clkl:1ual. g11 S\'l" "1'1,l1, F,c,mn. II you do, y,•n tc me c:irc of th,-. ncw~papcr .1nd ICII me wh:11 II IS J hOUI It CS· ,aped me Cl1mpk1l'ly 8
The Chu:Jgt1·ha~ t.l w1~er. althnugh not bl£ un thl" mm· merc1:1I mlrkct. hJs ~en a cri ucf dJrlml! {She wJ, nJmcd Bcst New fl·m.1lc Arll l>l o f IW'\ 111 R11ll111,I( Stfmr'.t Cnlil'' Pnlll Jnl.i 1:- 110 th\· hn nk of s1an.lorn ·whw·Smm ,.. lllllllf'l\lrJll'~ Ph:11r's hrulJI h1,nc,t) , l" \ • rhcll lynl~ . .1nJ Jltcrn.1tmt:: ,mgin~·l>pt:Jk mt,; , tyk hl.:auu lully The album hl•~rn-. w11h "Clwp1t1d..,,.. wluch yC'lu it. thc olJ p1.1no s1.1ndhy ·" ha\k~round. m1cr·
Wtlh drt:ams ('If h1, futon; :l.'- 3 famous sons wntcr. Ame sh:u~s his apanmcnt with has 1roubh:d wife. 8:in:in as Shaughnessy (Stephanie Ad:uns). 8 :m:in:is con1inuously dnf1s bc.:twccn periods of ins.1M11y to those of startling insight in to her reality. Bunny Flingus ( Kelly S:1moh)'I) is the downs1airs nei&hbor :iind Artie's girlfriend. Her mos1 fc-rvcnt wash is 10 t-c mamcd, :lnd she withholds her rooking skills. but not her sc,i:ual f;1:,•ors. in hopes or luring Artie to 1he alter. Bunny around stA&c, coaxin, Anie _10 her thick Queens K'Cent to leave
Thn Allen's book is 1V spinoff By l\fnrk Lo) d Book Rrvitwtr Tim Allen·s firsl book "Don't S1:1nd 100 Close 10 3 Naked M:an· h:is us funny moments. Finding 1he laughs 1s 3 m:111cr of undcm:indmg Allen's s1yle :and dcli\'ery. Naked Man 1s : spin-off of his I/om, lmprovrmtnt TV show and stand-up work. The chap1crs tend 10 begin wi1h one subject and end w11h :1n• other. Somcumcs lhc issues arc unrcl3ted. bu1 lhc1r presentalion 1s :ilways funny. - 0on'1 S1and too Close 10 A Naked M:in• is Tim Allen's humorous lo(Jk :It the w:iy men :ind womc-n view men, their :mlludcs :ind xt1ons. Alli:n rcl:rn:s h,~ cxpcricnces :u l hoy and his con•
tinuing c ffon s 10 become. :,. man :ind :adds a comedic 1w1st. He discusses Playhoy pin-ups. sc,i: and. of course. power tools. Men w,11 fint.l themselves s.:iying 'Hey that's me.' Women g:un insight into why men :ict the W3)' Ulc-y do 1ow:ard lhing.s hkc c:irs. h:i.rt.l• w:irc and -uu.:n·s zones· (Si:;u s hardw.iri: dept.. the home workshop :and lhc ba1hroom :ire a few cii::implcs). Allen n:vcals a linlc aboul his personal life in N.akcd M:m. He discussc~ his time in prison in :1 lig,hthc:aned, truthful manDCr: •peuy 1hdt was nol for me. I slopped hanging :1round with 1hosc guys :ind sci my own eo.i l1- Selling drug~.~ He cOCS on to d1scu,s wh:11 his ~~ like. the
Laugh about the Mon ey y o u S ave
Drivesa• e De•ensiv e Driving
food. the company. the lack of femn le comp:in1on)h1p :i.s well JS lc.~sons learned Imm doing lime. In a chJplcr dC\'OlCd to ~m:iculm1sr:1." Allen define) the term a.s hcmg "the study of wha1 men do wrong." His
:~~~~~~i~1s~~!~r~;~~~ 1
W.ilh\), .t G I Jtic look•.1hkc n11h1ary piilll' (fad, V:.n Zani), and 1hrcc un 1nv ued nuns (Jennifer M Ph.11:an. Srncey Pavlic:i. ;ml.I Allyson Slagle} The mosl memor:iblc pcrformJnccs were chose of Adams and C:irey. Adams' pri:~entat1on w.1,; fu ll of energy, 1m:ii:rna11on. and bdicvah1l11y. Carey added dimension 10 his role by pulling depth Jnd cmouon into his pt:rfonnancc. :ict:~1~~~ ~~~~:::n~~ movcmcn1 :ind blocking th 1~~h~~l~;~~21:~~S sct. s ovcull pl:i.y!knschcl. theDon 10 by added designed belic\'ab1hty. Wcll•planncd lighting and sound cues :also :idded further dtmcnston 10 ihc play The ~-c:i.k link m 1hc play's h<:licvah,lny was the :,l:ip· sock 1n1rus10n of lhc 1hrec nuns. Their parts SCl'mi.:d 100 c h? rcogr:aphed 111 he bchc,·ed r--------,------,-- ---,7
Discounts with MSU Student I.D.
lecous• onty ot Toco ••II• can you get so many
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dlfferenl taste sensations
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Crunchy Tacos. Zesty
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Hours: Mon. - Sat. 11 a.m. • 9 p.m.; Sun. 12:30- 6p.m.
nior C redit C ords W elcomcd.
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most dn::imy 4u.1ht)
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w?nt great tastes and greet prices, your number has Just come up.
;u~t Jlhum t.·nds ¼ 11h ...\fr,>
Qurt n" ,vh1d1 1, J !C'l t ,luwcr and hl' r voice IJke~. on ,in al-
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Tangy Chllltos. And more
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Mok• that three numbers.
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JmOSI :I n; intlll.' hdore f::iunchins i nto J L':llchy pop
B:ich is a_noth!.!_r cbss1ca\ piece which IS :ilway. popul:ir. Compositions from con u:mporary composers mclu an arrangcmcnl of .. th Gardtn" by O;ilc Wood. an "Counl yo11r mam· Blru ings." 3 gospel thlt "''•II done in the:ater organ Mylc:. Hough earned his doctC'l r ate from the Univcrsit)' o Illinois :1nd h3S been tcachin music :11 1hc collcgi:uc le"cl for 29 years. 24 :it MSU. The rcci1:il 1s open to the public. AdmiMion is fn.-e.
By Mall l\1drmore Rt•porlt'r Music fans will hear a ,,.,. nety of org3n music by composers from ihc Rom:in· II nd Baro i u c 11c. contcmpor:iry periods when . Ronald A. Hough presents his 111h annu:il fac ulty organ rcc,ul this Sunday 31 4 p.m. in Akm Auditorium. Hough.profc.ssor ofmusic. s:ud a vari:ition of "Not/" by Marcel Dupre "...should be ~~~:r~l~P1~:'~~fo':~~~h~ • org..~nFoma.rv and Fu ut" b
'1-..- ·- ·- ·- ·""' , 7.achtr . ., ... - - - ... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~I, &ducation ,. ~ I i
l1k,: 11111." trJ1,:k t'>q!llh W11h
dug1;n ··G() Wat, . Pl,101r Liz Phair ye1. hut c vcn1u:illy shows off her \'ocal skills. you will. Her honi.:s1y and :altern:i1ing i\ctwccn .:i !e:11:y sioryielling wJ)' ,,f ~•ni;1ng high sound to ::i disunct Y :ire c:ip1,,•a1in~ 10 1th· li~tcrk.'r lower oct:a,•c ..Cinco di'
mcdi:1tc bond with Allen :ind hi.1- manly ideals.
llO l 9tbStlMI
Brand new CDs starting atB
~f31f:~3~~-...,~~r~~~- Q~sr::
• Dig Screen TV • Comfo riable Ch<ll!S • Fun Course
moff any BD'l'Jor&mc o
synihcsiit.·d in1rnJult111n !'or 3
nc~ w:i,·e ,uund ""Uh
Hough to perform organ rec.Ital Sunday
~~~i;=~~~n~~:i{::~:h:~~ lcn's TV :111J stand-up work will cnjoy~dmgwh:ithc h:is
,?~:.!!:: '
HlJ;.l:,,,t',nma . p1l'kS1 up a7~:!
IJr!.Sht111r' - s1arts off faint groovy snunJ .ind , oicc snunds d,-.1an1. :int.I an octJ\'l' lower thaf u~uJI "Ntuhwllr .. uses so ~ cium~s in the t,:ick;~~nu~SI in111:1lly Jnd )ou nJs off-tempo ,n II) ncarly on~ minute 1ns1ruml·n1:1I intro·
Rc,·icw Rolin!!: fl
Ran:ana~ .md run aw.1y h1 C:1hforn1a wnh ht.•r. Ronn ie Shaughne-.:,,y {fames R. foiner) 1s Artie's and D:innnas' :11.lult 1-on. Ronruc harhor:,, 1hc 1,amc resentments toward hfe a~ his father. In an :1t11.'mr1lO fi n:illy :ichie\'e fame, Ronnie goes AWOL from hi~ du1y m Vk 1 Num, hides oul m h1~ paren1i.' apanmcnt, and hu1lds :a homb lo hlow up the pope. The lives of the Sh:iughncssys arc further complic.:11ed hy the \'isits of 1hc deaf uctrcss Corinna Stroller (K3cy Longan), lhc fa"l?US nuwie director Billy Ernhom (Sbawn .R,. Duth1i:). :in__ asylum doc1or (David J.
:rnd Ph:u r'( Jhnn(t spc:J \\llh J t.1>l•p:l1."l'J. -'. '"~;~~,n~ funk :-uuoJ .,ml a . w11h i:u1tar. .111d l on 11n_u~1th its -support Srtrr~1 n ·~ gui· MtJn~c. Jlmosl ~ru i;
.. hJ"' a
I.iced wnh a J1i,111rtcd G~\~;
Bv Mdiss:1 Sullh ::in ~iusiC' Rt'\it'"t'r L11 Pha1r's ..U'h11, -Smmt .. ~h~)WS off hl·r \HH) 1clling style. making tor a />lftln~ snphomorc foll ow-up !fl her rn de but alhum
Theater production funny, but disturbing By Tess Goodwin Rtpor1tr Pon1ons of MSU Thcatn:'s produc11on of John Gu:i.n:·s '"Th, Houst of Shu Un\·ts~. s1irrcd laughter, bul the o,·cr.ill effect of the play w2S d1s1urbmg. Wry bits of humor arc c;u dully laid over such serious issues :u adulta:ry, suicide. :ind even murder. The pl:1y is 100 dok to n:al life to be 1nJly funny. -rh, Houst of Slut U a\'rs~ takes pl:icc on Oct 4, I96S, in :in :ip:irtmcnl in Queens. New York City. The main ch:arac1c r is Arlie Shaughnessy (Tommy Day Carey). Artie is a zookccpcr who mllnages lQ.dea1 't•tb the disappointments in his life
I' ' ;
Oools Open 18 00 IJII 50C BorDml<s &lllow Beer Unlj 11:00 pm Our Infamous Mocho Chell Contest &Sexy ~lhouelle ConiesI IBondUpWelcome Hollesl lop40Donce MuJic 37 11 Coll~ld 696-0055
~_s~~ritLS_ _ _~~~~
_!!!!-::.c-c-Wichi _ l3n'_ _ _ _ _
Thunday,Octobcr 20, 1994
P•ge 5
Soccer Indians 1-1 in tough weekend matches
lndians win one in overtime, Joy's two goals no match for physical play Sptn«r Fritdl 5p0rts Rcporlcr
MSU vs Ttikyo Westma r
MSU vs Huntingdon The MSU So,xcr Field
On Saturday. 1he lndiJnS r l:1yi!d host to Tc.ikyo WcMm:u and won their second overtnnc {!Jmc in a row. 5 10 2. Earltcr in the week. MSU deic:11ed Suu1hcrn NJun;:r'I( 2 to I m o,·er11me as wdl
w :,._,;,
tlC on Sunday :afccrnnon for ~~)t ~he place to ¢ily offrndcd I lurnmgdnn Co~sc ~who iln: the- MSU fJn'i n.:r,catcdly thro h cgc taunted and ldl 1hc field under a ~~li~~t the came (SC;,pc with a 4 . -' v 1c 1n ry m the MScscon 10
"... we wanl 10 play well. and 11 we relax and gel on a roll. anything can happen. so 1ha1's whal we're g~ing lo concen1ra1e on." Coach Pifer
· U Soccer
Al one: J'IOIOI, 11 went farth.
caunting. With 9 23 lcfl lo pl.ay ~r t~an JUSI [)allOY Norton tonk a swing :u' MS~);~don·s pancrson. giving him a severely blood ddtm 1 panerson was taken 10 Wichua F.ill !'>· ()IC, while Norton r«:civc.d 3 red 5 mic
The Indians took 3 I 10 0 !t:ad into intermission. counesy of a M1ch:1d Chaffin kick just oulSide 1hc hox. In chc: second h.ilf. Teikyo Wcs1mar lied the gamc and eventually took the lc:ad with IJ:05 lcft to play.
,.,omauc q.:e11on from the came. • card and
~,, w~s a very physical g.:i.m , ~ l.'nach f'bthan Pifer sauJ c,
Tius frustr.ucd the Indians. MSU had numerous opponunllics to put the game away hut coul<ln't gc:t 11 d!'ne. "~tght now our forwards an: slru~ghng pulling the ball in the net.~ said Pifer. ~one of thest; days all or a suddc:n the shoL~ will s1ar1 fa lling for them
Down 3 m I with under 17·0() •
the Indians fought hack. Firs~cft~o pla:,
(.'haffin scored to c ul lhc Hawks' d ichacl ooe with the score at 3 10 2 ,; ,3 va~tagc to ,ern:i.ining m the contest, Judd }~" · ;~th 7:~3 ,econd goal of the game nff a ,...~Jalt k":dkhis tie the scan.: at 3 10 J. ,.... · Y ic to
The shuts did hcgm to foll as the Indians' Bnan Fl:mai;an scored with 4.53 n.:mainmg 10 send the game into overtime
How~vcr, nne minute l:iier Huntin d , Mike Kinne scored the game winninl on s 1 MSU's goalkeeper Gc.: off Leber was cjfc~~d from 1hc game for rcac1ing violently at
The Indians owncJ the extra pcnod as Chuck Wie mann. Doug Brow n and J Anderson each scored goals. ~once we got tnlO overtime. we 111s1 relaxed." s:ud Pifer. ~wi1h the~ I.1st live games. we're not gmng 10 look al 11 as a win . loss thing, we're J USI going to look 31 11 as 'Hcy. we want to play well. and tf we: rd Jx :rnd get on a roll, anylhmg can happen,' so 1h;11's wh.11 we're going to concentrate on."
· we sh~ul~n't have made tha1 last mistake (Ge_o f~s cJcc 11on) hut we did and they cap11allzed on H, co;ich Pifor said. '' That game was a. hard one for us to swallow i,ecausc of the way 1hosc guys acted.• _T~c loss s napped the Indians two game wmning s treak and dropped their n..-cord to 9 . 5 for the scas<in.
MSU plays LeTourncau University on Friday nigh1 and B:iker University on Sund:iy afternoon. 8 01h i;amcs an: at the MSU Soccer Field.
l\1SU rorward Dan S<"hotn, no.14, buts a Teikyo Westmar derender ror the ball in MSU won the gamt 5-2 In ovtrlime.
tht first or a two-i:;amt werkend sched ule.
BrtJtrdo11 OIJJ//'hottJ1raplt~r
Alpha Phi wins flag football - - - - - -.. Intramurals I)' Rebecu Robtrtson Rtporlt r MSU women's intr.irnural sports completed the flag football compet itio n in Septemhcr with first place honors going 10 the ladies or Alpha Phi. Rounding out the top four
places were lhe GDls. Gamma Phi Beta and, in a t.C. Sigma Kappa 2nd Chi Omcg2. Other ongoing intramural sports arc tennis doubles and badminton doubles. The final results of tennis and b:idminton do ubles were not :iv:iilablc at press timc.
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can join in1ramur1ls 31 any Reporter lime. To form a team, one The MSU intr:imural must gi\'c ,1 list of all rh:: sports program fields eight players with their social sewomen's teams and sixteen c uri1y num bers to the men's te:ims. said Ch:id Sto- intramural office. he said. rie, ~ ist:int to the intramural The intumural program director. also includes sports for indi"lntr:imurals is :i sports viduals. The majori ty of progr:im for non-varsi1y ath- games in the intramur:i.l prole tes who enjoy various gram arc pla)'cd according 10 sporu," Storie said. There is the participants' ~chcdulcs. something for everyone. This makes it possible for whether the per.son chooses more people. 10 participate. to particip:ite in a team. as an Any s1udent can join the inindividual or in co-ed groups. tr.imural program and participatc in any individual A few of the sports arc e,·ent. Individual events :ire only for 1e.ims, such as foot- archery. bowling, pool. frisball. soccer. volleyb:ill. bas- bcc golf. and putt pull golf. kctb:ill. and softball. A team Storie said. Thc. co-cd sports are an as~ct 1hat mos! people do not
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For more information, call Don Fl:itl. 1 ntramural director, 689-44206. or ancnd a regular intramural meeting the first and third Monday ~ch month. 3:30 p.m. for men and 4 p.m. for women, the Coliseum, room 137.
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know about. There arc: three co-ed sports hadminton, lenms. and v.>llc yball, The registr:i.tion for co-ed sporlS occu,s durint: November, with the comf)C1i tions in December. Students can still sign up for three ·.:vents this scmc.~tcr. The men's volleyb:ill and women's b1Skc:thall deadline is today. Oct. 20. The h.tske tball fn..-c throws deadline is Nov. 10, he said.
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ISl r
~ 1
llon1e con1in g 1 994 ~ l~\l(~lll,S THURSDAY,OfTOBER20 Maroon and Gold Day! Wear your school colors!
7:00 p.m. Volleyball Game, D.L. Ligon Coliseum MSU vs. Howard Payne University
9:30 p.m. Torch light march to bonfire Meet in front of Pierce and Killingswor th for march 10:00 p.m. Bonfire, Outdoor Education Center Sponsored by Student Government, Tau Kappa Epsilon, Alpha Phi Alpha and University Programming &oarcl
10:30p.m. Rec~ption following Bonflre Home of Dr. f6 Mrs. Louis J. Rodripei
FRIDAY,~: 0,: . 5:00 p.m. Kiowa Kooks Annual Fish Fry, Outdoor Education Center 7:00 p.m. Soccer Game, MSU Soccer Field MSU vs. LeTourneau University
SAT' nnAY, ~CT(B!ER 2
1:00 p.m. Basketball Scrimmage, D.L Ligon Coliseum MSU Lady Indians vs. Grayson County Jr. College
7:00 p.m. Tailgate Party, Memorial Stadium Sponsored by Kiowa Kooks and Ex-Student's Association, FREE HOTDOGS
7:45 p.m. Pre-Game Ceremony, Memorial Stadium 8:00 p.m. Football Game, Memorial Stadium MIU vs. Howard Payne University
2:00 p.m. Soccer Game, MSU Soccer Field MSU vs. Baker University