October 21, 1993

Page 1

Indians win n lfomecoming victory

SOMALI Remer Tyson of th e ported _ Friday war! Soma I, Mohammed Far~:~ A1d1d relea sed Ch · Warrant Officer Dur~{ and another U N solider,_ Pvt . Uma; ~hantal1 of Nigeria, as a gesture of Peace ." He also demanded th Presi dent Bill Chnt:~ stop the _troop buildup m So~ah. Clinton sai d th a t no deal s· were made for Durant's release ~d that events in Somah were moving in the right d irecti on ,

Detrn,t Free Pre


T_h e Dallas Morning J\eu;s reported in a related story that Clinton signaled on Thursdav that he might agree to Ai_did's call for a comm1 ss10n to investigate the deaths of u N. peacekeepers . Haiti Clinton al so vowed that he would enfo rce

new economic sanctions The against Haiti . President also stated the Haitians would be sadJy misguided if they behe"e that U.S. intentions to see democracy r estor ed there ha ve weakened.

Russia to According Reuters, Boris Yeltsin's government banned 14 opposition newspapers and one television program claiming th ey helped organize an armed revolt and are destabilizing the political situation in Russia. The press crackdown is viewed by some of Yeltsin's opposition as a move lo strengthen his position as a possible dictator. According lo the Fort Worth StarTelegram Russia began dumping radioactive waste into the Sea of Japan on Sunday. Russian response was that the action was necessary lo prevent possible contaminatio n of Russia's coastal waters. The waste, which is low-level radioactive, came from a ship-repair plant on the Russian coast.

Texas Mary Roser of the Fort Worth StarTelegram reported that Wesley McGehee, a career employee al state treasury, said permanent computer records we re a lter ed and deleted while Sen. Kay Bai l ey Hutchin s on headed the Trea sury Department.

Recapping even~ of Homecoming week

Ancicns William W. Associution des Dr L'Institul Barrow of Fort Worth re- Eleves do Pasteur. Dr cel\·ed the 1993 B:-irrow is an nssociutc Beyer F. Arthur microbiology Di stinJ:Uished Alumnus professor of at the Award from the MSU Ex- and immunoloJ:Y of North University Students A.<sociation Oct Science Health Texas homecoming the at 16 Center at Fort Worth. He brunch. chair Barrow is a 1969 was appointed vice for five graduate of MSU ,-;th a of his department because ycnr!i com:;ccuti\'C double major in biology and orand chemistry He earned of hi s leadcrnhip l ski lls. He a mn stC'r of science de- ga nizationa research received has the from 1972 gree in $1 Universi:y of Hou s ton funding in excess of and a doctorate of philos- million. ophy from Colorado State Hi s accomplishm ents University in 19i8 in microbiology ore many, He was a Heiser Post with more than 20 fullDoc tora I Fellow from length scien tific publica19i8 to 1980 at the tions, numerous presenNational Jewish Hospital tatio ns at national and and Research Center in interna tional meetings Denver, which is a widely and scientific text contrirecognized leade r in res- butions and reviewer for piratory disease research. several sci en ti fie jourBarrow has made sig- nals. nificant contributions to Barrow was instruthe study of respiratory disease in his 15-year ca- mental in establishing an Ex-Studen ts reer as a microbiologist. MSU He has studi ed the group Association Chapter in and served as Worth Fort include which of bacteria those causing tuberculo- the chapter's first presi/'hoto/Kyld/asu/1 dent. insis, leprosy and severe wm again st MaTC'll! All en, ~ o 2S, ~-a.it! for the b.a ll to reach his hands during the Homecom ing While a student at fections of AIDS patients. Austin College. AJlE:n V-3! inl L"Umental in achie,ing th e victory. Possibly his most sig- MSU, Barrow was a of Kappa Sigma member ent accomplishm nificant is his Nation al Institute fraternity and was named in 1967. Midwestern Lord of H cal th Fogarty Barrow's parents, Mr. Fellowship to conduct Th e agenda for th e Admini s tratin loa n fund revi sion and collaborative research at and l\lrs. Ernest Barrow, discussion of the Board of the Pasteur Institute in and brother, Bob, live in tonight's student senate Council. meeting 'AiU include: •Di scussion of ol d Regents observer. Paris, France, where he Wichita Falls. He has two * Special presenta- business including the was recently made a da ughters, Ann and s r nato se Student tions regarding the book- CSC bill and campus \10· the Julie. of should pick up all infor- member store and other issues. Jenee •Di scussion of new mati on and notebooks •Committee report s Peace Corps recruit on campus from the Clark Student business including com- from the SGA office beRenovation mittee appointments, re- fore the meeting The Center senate The Peace Corps will pressi ng problems. Peace student next Committee , the Indi an ,·ision of bylaws, electi ons for be recruiting volunteers Corps assignments emRun Committee, the code re"isio n, Student meeting is scheduled 9 a. m. to 2:30 p.m. phasize appropriate techfrom 4. Academic Council and the Gonrnment Association Nov. Tucsday, Oct. 26, in the nology, cultural sensitivClark Student Center ity and lasting skill transfer. blue lounge. Volunteers can work yearPeace Corps offers l\fogshols for the The from 9 a.m. to noon Oct State University's agriculture, forestry in chance a women ediand Herder, men i\!alt Wai-Kun yearbook will be 25, and from noon to 3 book," to gain impressive ere- and environment , fish tor of the Wai-Kun, said. taken in the Clark p.m. Oct. 26. health and nulriculture, themdenti als, stretch "This will be the last Student Center Blue For more information, selves personally and lion, education, engineerlounge Oct. 25 and Oct. opportunity this semester ing and industrial arts. for students to be pho- contact Herder al ext. help solve the world's 26. Pictures will be taken tographed for Midwestern 4498.

Student senate reviews CSC report tonight

Wai-Kun schedules final photo opportunity

Divisions recognize outstanding alumni An outstanding alumnus from each division at MSU was honored al the homecoming brunch this year. Dr. T. Kevin Thomas, a 1978 summa cum laude graduate, was recognized by the Division ~f Sciences. He earned his doctors le of medicine from University of Texas Southwester n Medical School in 1982, where he graduated in the top 25 percent of his class. He has served as chairman of the department of surgery at Bethama Regional H cal th Care Center . His published articles include "North Texas Regional Advisory Council." The Divis ion of

Education recognized Tracy Menard . Menard earned his master of education degree in 1967 from MSU and his doctorate of education . from University of Northern Colorado in 1972. He has been employed as a consultant psychologist and coordinator of psychological services at Education Service Center. He has also served as an adjunct instructor at MSU and has a private practice in Wichita Falls. His affilia tions include the Foster Child Advocacy Board Member and Children's AID Society Board Member. Michael Duty was honored by the Divi sion

of Humanities . Duty earned his bach elor of ar .s degree in Engli sh and journalism in 1973 at MSU. He also earned his master of a rts de~ree from MSU in 1975. Duty is currently head of the Indianapoli s Museum. He is also author of Wichita

Falls: A Century in Phvt.ograph, MSU Press,

1982. The Division of Fine Arts honored Richard Parrigan, a 1958 gradua tc of MSU. Parri iaan earned a bachelor of music in 1958 and a master of music degree in 1959 from MSU. He is presently organis t fo r La urel Heights United Methodist Church in San Antonio . Parri ga n is

the of chairman Department of Music and San Humanities at Antonio College. He teaches music theory and organ. His affiliations 11ith professional organizations includ e the Planning Committee for the National Conference, 1993 of the Community College Humanities Association . Vernal L. Huffines was selected as an honoree by the Di vision of Business. Huffines is currently a shareholder of Mathis, West, Huffines & Co. He earned his bachelor of business administration in accountin g from MSU in 1963 and his Certified Public Acco untant license in

May 1964. His professional activities include the American Institute of CPAs and Texas Society of CPAs, where he has served on the board of directors since 1972. The Division of Mathematica l Sciences honored Tu Dinh Huynh as its outstanding alumnus. Huynh graduated with a bachelor of science degree in math in 1979 and a master of science degree in math in 1960. He has been employed as a United Technology software engineer, l\lead Data Center system programmer, Mostck senior

!See page 3

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Caffeine: A student's breakfast of champions 5-ome students said they use caffeine to replace eating and sleeping.

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,....,,,,o.m~,ZI ... News ;Theat~ Partment presents 'Fron1 the Insane Asylum' Jl




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society sa h<• ~lo;,/R t!iey shou ld Jlor ms, sin R. o drd mi/re in~ lo the P~~~~ nnd da 11 ,.

•' f ho M1d1< cs1~rn St.it thcut e l10 ,v cr s 1ty dr pnrtnwn t will n,:u~~ , 1i nll on~o the a tr ica l b11 11 ndnncs Wllh th . , c;cn la \1 on.. of ,lose >h 11 J(ouPh"r 8 F'_rom 1~ , c 10,3nc Asylum.


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wn ntcd n show wi th a hig rectin~ crrorl. "l•'rom the In sa ne rn cssagt• to the nud iL1 11rc wanted there to he a big Asylum" ";II hnvc nn un-


· impact nn them ·· Monis snid he wnnl.s lo lenve the nudiencc cnplivatcd with his first di -





October 25

\:ar,.·rJ k,•:nt llrd li-1r JC'h1drn Onrnt.:ilf'l 11tcr

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October 27

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All dinners will have a Rice and Bread Bar.

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Oct. 23:



1·,1rn ! \ •ht-i"nr~

renlistic set with lots of

movement nnd chorco~-

rnphy Si nging will be performed ucuppclla nnd

sin,:crH for four yl!nra un<l

wn• n chcurlcnd or nnd Univcrait y Pro~rnmmlni: llon rd member l111t yonr. Morri H Rnid ho hopes lo grndunte in tho ~•011 of 1994 witJ1 n tenchi ng ccrtilicute in thcntor nnd in

spo(lch communicnlion,t

While he unti cipntoA tenchin1: . ho cxproaHc d intoroHt in porformin,: in udclitionnl mnsicu ls. ··1 would like to perform in mu sica ls Howovcr, it mnttcr• where you nrc You huvo to be in the ri~ht pince nt the right time," Morris Hnid.

Morris is uctivo in Admission will be SI mnny activities . Ho perform ed with the bond for nnd studcnta with a MSU two ycnrA, university I.D. mny attend free.

Accounting society hosts goJf tournament The Midwestern Slntc University accounting society hosted its first nn· nual golf tournnment on Oct. 16 at LuVista golf course

Alt lun ches 1Uill have a Vegetable

Nc,11h11 ci1 "iJnd1.1M /i lnt n Chd1 1',r Gnl!r,lf'hrr 1t

r ,-rnl..\Jg M.1t:.i1T>r11 .:md lhrr,c

will bo cnrofully chorco~ruphcd . Thia will he tho first directing joh for Morri R, yet ho ia not new to the thentor world . Ho hnR chorco~rnphcd numerou s plnys in vnriouH thcntcra such n• : "WoHt Side Story," "Uye, £Iyo Birdi e," "Live il to the Mux 2," "Oklnhomu!," "I.ii' Ahner nnd "Die Flod,•rmnus.·· He hue nl•o pcrfom,ed in various ploys, musica ls nnd operns nnd performed feature dnncing in "Hello, Dolly!" in n thonter in Tul sa.

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. The rnst actors Who ~ li l SLq uf six diffcrrnt I w,11 portrny different sic inrnrl l! r g in nbout N1choln_s Morri s, 11 rcn l Jlcopl~lal11i ons ·1th real i Problems enior s ;cco nd ) ~n r world. a rcnl thcatN mn;or nt Msu Luck of c/nformity mndc ,l'iil direct the play whict'1 them ins h_appier ~~: nnd th ey urc ,rill uprn al 8 p.,n N o,·. ·, there being ' e 1-1 1,1 and since th Paid th • ; have nlready debt lo society. cir "F ro..m th e In sane ,1.,ylum IS n collection f "This pla . . pacms that shows a p ~ the \\'a ll ( will break lcin but does not ncto~s° conformity The ;olut1on._It deals 1<ith th be talk· wifl actually w:iY ;oc1ety has hrandc~ and i:~i~o the audience ,n~ny people insa ne for them," Mo~~-tin~ . wit_h not conforming to What chose thi s pin~~ h~~~~se [


.... ,

There were li ve tcnms co mposed of MSU students, Uni on Square Feclern l Credit Uni on empl oyees, Pinnochio's Pizza empl oye es und Windthnrst residents. F'irst place winners were ,Joe Potterso n, Golf tournamtnt winnm (1,t! to rl&ht): Conni, Pattmon, Jo,

Connie Patterson, Rick PatttrlOII, Rick l/a11 Jon and Jeff Taylor Hanson and Jeff Taylor Texans tickets were briefcas e, nnd Scars promen's longest re presenti ng Uni on vidcd un Arnold Palmer given to the nnd a bas· t ~~::~vii{~e;~~rec;;~i; golf bag, both of which drive winner, by Pier 1 donated kct the to awarded under par. They were were who drove closest Imports was given to the awarded food ccrLificates players to the pin. Numerou s women's longes t drive Olive s, Bcnnignn from were winner. Wil son office Garden, Oxford Street other door prizes supply donated a leather awarded. the Ramada Inn.

~~;;;~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~~~;:::~~ r~:~~ w,m.,· ••oo• ACROSS 'Jk Original TEXAS "' "'""°'"""'"' CROSSWORD ~~~:;~~r~,'.;'* ~:ie ·= and 37 'P,ony




'Mu<d,, _ Tom·

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11>Ulottoryt1eke 1s

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42 ·_ aomegravel' (flilll) 43 TXhter&lulll51udenls ltudythern ,u TXisrn 'Wflenheamt h&mming _ h.lwtng" 45 lBJfemnlebeaglesnnme 46 boot width

6y Charlty&r. uyOrhl~nn

Outstanding alumni 11><-t-+--.,l-·-+-+-..J._, -l-!-+- +-I

don'lgolnob1scu11s· 16 Coloman,log.ltl ollokos· 17 TX Sp.iaik film "The LongWalk _ ' 18 ch,c:twnshome •

47 Roag;an's 20 Grand _ Opry --'--1-- ■■-+-I-I• stale (abbr) -..,rn--t-i-+-+-'---+-+--1 tanker lh:J.I burned m Gullin'90 - Borg •a stocl(exCflangt · Jones 22 T,og.:i sGenoAutry •g•=long' (goo<llye) had ra dioshowm 50 this TX Sh&!lf'/ lh1s Oklahoma c,ty was Olr.-1 Oyl (1nrf.) 23 TX,sm. 'plily possum' 3 K1lleenluby's _ 51 retiremenlaccounl nows) (oll M Do.llasAM 26 _ Jorsey Farmin 5mos attershooling 52 BobWdlsbne. 'Take 27 •- andshut'case Sandia has world's 4 piece ol o ropo _ awoy. Leon!' 28 TX Rangers brought largasl jerseyhe,d 9 l.akeO' _ _ 53 TXism. 'nmnmgon bw nnd imposSJVe Graeks 31 10 th1, TX Gmgerdatad _ , (tired) 29 Sp.lni~ ·river' 32 LBJ _ (l-635) TX Howard Hu~es 55 TXi,m: "fits fik, 30 Gull hsh catcher 31 35 S6 \ck' 1 ~ .: ,::~~~40 Mni. or Miss 13 Synder'scounty (amattt.Jr) 32 t¥s VP was Jack 41 TXisnr•go1the _ 22 TXism 'gotas 57 TX'ism: "blister _ . 14 ·- tha!ort' GarnorollJvalde _ollhe s11ck' much 15 characlarof '9'2Soc (th&hendle) 33 d&graeofTX 42 TXism~·= = •u 23 1 15 DOWN 34 °!6:,11~::3rk or 48TXi-;,: 'you·re_' _ andaleg' partof_L)' IYl 1Hou,tonfilm: ' The d1scusses this eon' snuHou1olmy ency Bushfo,marag 24 sidelack' ' lot 19 TXism _ NawsS.lllS' prah1sloncanimol



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2 TXism: 'enjoyed_ 21 JFKwas1n1.valing

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in _


25 TXism: 'fromwomb 49 Spanish'yas' 54 spouse ID _' (lifetime)

From Page I

CAD/CAE engineer und 1972 from Louisiana IBM project manager ad· State University. He has been employed as a U.S. viser. Ne lson Probation Officer since James Drennan wns honored by 1975. Brennan hus mcm· the Division of Social und bcrships in local, state Behavioral Sciences . He and federal organizais a 1968 graduate with a tions, is involved in nubachelor of arts degree in merous civic activities in psychology. He earned his Wichita Falls and is a mnstcr of social work in member of Kiowa Kooks. Brennan won the Liberty Bell Award , Wichita County Bar Association in 1991. The Division of Political Science selected Burry Macha. He is a 1977 summa cum laude graduate of MSU . He earned a doctorate of laws from the University of Houston College of Low in 1980. Macha is currently Wichita County district attorney. His professional experience includes board certification

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in criminal law nnd criminal trial advocacy . Macha hos several publications including "Crime Victims ' Informa tion Handbook." Finally, Marie Racine was honored by the Division of He a lth Sciences. Racine is a 1991 MSU graduate . She is a program coordina tor of Th erapy Radi ation Technology. She is nlso chairwoman for the Texas Departm ent of Health nnd Medical Radiological Technologist Advisory Board. Racine is past preside nt of Tex as Society of Radiological Technologists.


L--- --.J


• Free coffee or tea with any dessert ordered! 3115 Kemp Blvd. Mon-Thu r.: 9aam-IOpm Friday: ll a m-l 1pm Su1urd.11y: llam- llpm Sunday : 11 •m -3 prn 691-5859






Uy Moll• .. Sullivan Mutic 11.evie"' or

"Big Gay Heart" uses a steel guitar. and lead singer Evan Dando's voice takes on a deeper feel . The song almost has an Eh-is Costello flavor Eccl the Lcmnnhrads. Needless lo say, I was not from when Costello was going through his rockadisappointed. billy st8 ge . The disc begins with "The Great Big No," a "Style" is an interestpop-flavored typical ing song that uses heavy Lemonheads tune, and continues with "'Into Your drums and swirling guitars with Dando deliberArms," that is almost ating whether or not he guaranteed to be a hit. wants to get high or not. Strangely enough, the Once again, alternareprises the song band tive pop goddess Juliana toward the end of the disc Hatfield helps the band by singing back up. ~i~;k"~~~c~a;:)~fe~~~~-"

Mer tho Lemonheads last a l b u m , ~ ~ I was waiting with baited breath for their new one, .c.awi:..nn

(you guessed it) Rick ''Down About It" James performing with starts off with thundering the band. It is a lot more guitars and launches into mellow than "Style." a feel-good pop track.



"Being Around" is an- ~ ~ other rockab,lly-lmged ~ lune peppered with Immor Dando asks such questions mcludmg 'If I was grass, would you ' mow your lnwn'1' ' The disc ends \11th "The Jello Fund," an m- ~ strumental piano composition that sounds I t r/J t Of I I t Pace, iu y, s range You I'holo/ Kyft RiuJt// ~ is a classy touch Yes, the Lemonhcads ~ W arc definitely back. and • Gregg, Conn~r Mcfi~~~:~~::f £_ Former MSU students //efl to right) Gary 3 do not let anyone down per ~ Larry Lebow and David 1/olckomb gwe a specm their latest effort. N so, W hom~coming dance.



Goroe oo Feel the

Lemnnheads has 30 min- ~ utes more music than "'· ~ JJu2


So Shame abnut Rny. feel the

rejoice and come Lcmonhcads!

wfiI d l(i•"'n dom


, .-------r;1tt1 M,mr ru·icwrr lki n l.:i...,TI"rK"t all lhr J)( Wt' \ I nicb In Thr W,dwan

Mr. Colle e's

.,, ......, ..

WN,1,, •c,i,. mv noser-MacJo&octy. on t:,or,g struclt wffh a toonx..


What happened 1o

wilhabrc4enginbolriecbinga dc,meititcfiip,t•.

■ JCorol'thips9'1Wtowidt


Dy Dean Ulll.Tcncc Movie Reviewer

It's not a deep movie. No burning questions of the day are addressed. But it is fun, and maybe that's enough.

;ssssesssssss,s:;s s,sss,-ss,s.,,

Carol's firsl huiband! Al Caollat<J~_,,,d,dh,,,

Beverly Hillbillies fails to meet expectations There is a trend lately lo remake old television serials into feature movies. We've seen The Addams Family, The Fugitive and now the latest installment, The Beverly Hillbillies. There is also a tendency to compare these reborn classics lo the original, and, almost without exception, they fail lo live up lo expectations. There's no doubt the new Beverly llillbi//ies doesn't meet expectations ei thcr and could never reach expectations unless Hollywood could somehow re,ive the original actors at their original ages and use the original scene locations. But maybe they don't have lo. Maybe we should take a different approach. No, Jim Varney's Jed is not the same as Buddy Ebsen's was, and the same can be said for Erika Eleniak's Elly May, Lily Tomlin's Miss Hathaway and Dabney Coleman's Mr. Drysdale. Yel each character is still believable; each character is still the


h• wen bud 1a l«J't'&. CJ sh. wen n...,. rncnied M«cia, Jai, ond GM/ en he ba,-=wd d,~dren of lhr.. diff.unt Hell'1 Angal rnnbw,.

:to'%~~oc':°=.t=-2 1.1Thes,odyk;d,l am..,.Si'-A-.. 2.1Gn,Jy;,avo11ynd.d lnla rhin.ing she's l,e na.d Shirl.,- Ttmpl•. ~., Mib ropicly drinb a

character we know and love. And , if they don't look exactly the same as they once did, well, neither do you or I. The overall effect is still acceptable. even though it lacks the zaniness oflhe onginal. (It did, ho,-..·cvcr, answer some heretofore unresolved questions like "how much money did Jed gel for all that oil?" and "what did Jethro's twin sister, Jethrinc, look like?") Most of the clements which make Beverly Hillbillies what we remember arc still there. Jed hits oil shootin' at some food; the kinfolk say "Jed, move away from there," and so they load

up their truck and move to Beverly ... Hills, that is . At the end of the movie, lhey still wave good-bye to us from their front porch. We still sing along lo the theme song. Every kid who is old enough to watch syndicated television knows at least parts of it, and those of us who experienced the original still know it by heart. It doesn't have the original wit of Max Baer Jr. But, bumpkins arc still bumpkins, and they still come off seeming somehow more sane than

th eir city-dwcllin' cousins, even if their methods are a bit eccentric . (Who's going lo argue a case for the presence of sanity in modernday Los Angeles anyway?) It's not a deep movie. No burning questions of the day arc addressed. But it is fun, and maybe that's enough . It enterk1ins -- and that was all it, or the original , was meant to do. If you go looking for more, you'll be disappointed. The Beverly Hillbillies is now playing al Century Six Cinemas. Review Rating: B+

hall-bori,olo,qu;lo...dboahl,,holouto/C0<ol. 4°1 Powb,oob aonif• Mcim's b.orit, \IOSe. s.J bl hm t-,,;-' delwons cl a ,....d Jo/v, Glau. 6.J G<og dn,p, 1wo h;o cl ood ood booo ... ho'! QA


o/Co,o/. 7,IP•...,..g.!~omb ,;"!l""''"Yavwd1o doc',bya a looW. fulling l<Jy-sb"• Ji.If. ■ .J Geg noil1 Mcrcia... in th. • •I Alw b,;"!ll,;11on by a..b;d,.,nlu,y, Tog« goo, mad<n:l booo II,, holoutclc.. ~. IO,liiobbylrio,lo,...i,ivm..ilbyha,,gmglnm ...


,..;,,g..i. 11.1..i......... al,;g..lod. 12.)Caddmba"'l!' bol!l,c/.,.l·pdiih,.,_ mdboahlhoho'lou 1clt...il. ~-> WhathoppenedloFlullylhecataflerhis / · appea--nlhefirsl epilode?






~,!1~~s;z;: ' ! '!'f''!l '119J.~

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State changes registration tags

Hollabaugh, Klein iresent research papers Uy Alice Erwin


Dr. Linda Hollaba ugh, as!-:u,lant profc H,w r of Spani sh, and Dr. Rudolf Kl em, associatc profcss,,r of German , presente d research papcrH at the South Centra l Modern Langua ge Associat ion meeting Oct . 16 in Austin .

hafi bttn cons1dcrt d the "pure: ·· molht r , La Malinch c , who was Cortez's mtcrprtl cr t<, the Azttcs as wt•II as his concubinc and mother 1,f his son, is con sid ered lhe "lcrrihlc " mother III Hispanic hi Hlory. Now lhcy are viewed more as women with slrenglh of charactc r lo achieve per-

Hollobaugh presented her paper on the roles of Queen Isabella and La ~~~f~o~f:~• in a p:rlri:rrKl . , YMalmch e, two women 1 ic , CJ~ 8 paper'. . " '1_ from Hispanic literature , m and how the world's Polar Constell ation Tonio 's n perceptio n of them has khoma~. Man_ 'l'om,o d~scnbes roger, changed . Krogera s1homas Manns said favo~•l.e novel. The novel Hollaba ugh r althoueh Oueen Isabella consists of a characte

who Jiv1~s 1n an unsalisficd Hlate h<:Lwr:c n th e world of lhc ord1n..11,· mun and Lhe world ,,f Lh1 scholar with 1.:ach fool 111 fi rml_y planted different worlds , Kl ein sa id . . 'l'hl!i was KJcin's twelfth presenta tion to the 8CMLA in 25 years. . The SCMLA p~omolcs scholars/up, tcuchrng and research in the areas of literatur e and modern languag e . Kl ei n nnd Holla baugh said selcclces must serve on the selection committe e the followin~ vcar.


•♦. ,_ •

.. ·- ;,; ~ - 4· .

· •-

• ,.



. t?e.mwriml:t:


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Art cxhihitcd /I

Yur1 ,/j 7,, 11111wr.inlo pro· (111111o r of urt, I,. ,..1l1ihlt · 111 ('

Hy 'f <,nl ,l1,n11•

H1 r hur1J,1H1n, r, nrliumt' II Jf 1s Ml!HI lt, t, t"Iµ n •rd htujJ ,,, lh•: ,,.,,.l, tl1 fJ rium o W ,, tfl r'! fl rn,~\::'1~ 11 ) Pm.r !t f1Hl£t ,;;:;~ ;,1'- lun, l~~,l~J~dbtl t4 , ..., ~ HWIHE Iurn hfJl'II u 11Mht1- tnrrnu, 'f'ru chcdlu ,Wnrn,,r. in S 111 11•Jt 11 ,111,J ii I, 1 '!''''ff..H 1 t "tc ""'r .,,, u1 : ~ ,,,, t,, .. AlpJw 1itt1t! 1J nl 1uu111lor Trury I PJ'H 11,,. d1~i.il11y tto,J ~CJ,-.,.,,t l-.,J1J 1 i,twu ' " ,u t k111,: ni w ult•,J wHh Liu, 1 r " hmt,if-,,. , 1'lfl ,. 1, ~-?-.!Y ,J,.~-...,~ ._Y "ii,,,,,i,.t, 1 1 KuJiJ,U Alphu .,, rr,nty FJn 11 iu, int1um11r,1I roo , m1 rnl; •ru 11,,,.1,1-:Ji r111rtu =•-~. ,,... _ W1lll.un11 kt11tf tf1 ;1L t}1111 ,linutor, nntl 1.flla r,,,li• 11,rill rm 11111 ""11J,. vtin,1 y 1o r f1t1rrlin:i '"tv'hl(JC' .,,,no lf(•· d11tf'1ltr/J 11 1111 'E /1tl1 v 1L1r 11 1111th /I ll Ill 111,,,,,,. ,111, rl 11\"IS, ~ I I Y .llJ LnJtnuri,I 111,c1 rt11, 11 m,•11l/Jf w,,rn,:n from Jhlfill1J!, 1mrl 1ft u urcul wuy for fomuJ,, ,,,,w UWl.'-H·! I H l,rt:ukrni~ Jlfl1J.: r :1111 for y111.111i: 1:1rl 11 know lo f!f:I t,, ntmlunltl awuy (rr,m AKA uud 1n uwJ vuulu,i,: d,urdu:11 t: nch other unrl li11 Ill · Tfiepu,r, ,,ht• hftlu·or wr,rkinu lll un11 c 1h11 vulv1:cl in 1111 (,U r.:1mpw1 wonwn on r.umpwr tilack "':t J:llllll.tittrm Hf II, f: Ho f,f,m IJ Tire ,m,:1-!M nw1si; nctivily Wlll/lf' II in •111 lverl "' tl,r, [l\VJHJ,; r,11.: 0 111 rol!U· fl~purwr y ,.., , W1llit11t1H fffC ::unpll,H, ;inrJ thr• llrf~ (lnJ · ,,mc,:fll n One Would prHH1d r nt , Ln Taru lurly ut i run. Thrundny Zilllllri " .: 1,tJI 1H Lt, pull I J.:nflw it to lc,,,k flf:vc:r 1 th 1 (lil;l:~:~~t~/~~;,~/lt·~~~:'~; ~'.~:.·I~•:n•~'.!t:,· i~~:::i:~:,:" :;J(, 1;;;:~::;~;.;: ~.',::,.iwt .~?l',",~ci~r'c~,_d·,··,,· J J far111ly '<.-IIL,H;u, trrruu r l.'r, El1zuh1•U1 Hif,n 11'127 i au, fjtsr•nll frr; J k l .~ ,., y , her j,fo,· "•l',e"• rk1:r 1 ,, dc t,_ 1 Ruf lh,: sll.ri,, to, ·.:11 n >Ult' l1J I ,1r lh111 r1t r1• forn fr<,m hul1mi..a n . R1111 J, , hci"'· her·. ;, dflel d;,im , tlwl Afti,r VU ~ll . Nov •l t, 11 N11v :1, II, ~ fol1 1,w111 i: f, :IO -R ,, m Thuriulnp a t lu:r 1l1rr,u1:h Nnv I.II, Jn111 1·• Cn1611 h~ r, p11.:di 1.ed at the :sge'~J~ form,,:~•i~L i:rr,up w. u Tiu: Midw1•H tn11 StHl~· d M1r 1 w1ll 1La rl n1 ve r,uty 111 J.,, ,J.:uH: t fficlit" 1l111, , lfl <1lru •llr i:11111li,g l.r1tu.1, 2 :w f, IJ11iv1:fh ily rfi\·11111111 uf f * S ilk fl r, wN Swr.nt1, y1, Nov :1 name:) h.:rn Hpcnt Lhe·r..UH ~~:~.~n,d ouH a id In ' 11(: c.: m1l111w111 ~ cduC":tlwn i ii II III Wo1h1r.,Jn 1'11111111:ll.a l'r,,Uy, Ii n Jim Nr,v fj vl.' J<!an; rn a Nlate i.lH} Sine,, '•t ~1th_1.o n:coVt:r}' ,1rfon11i: J.I cl illifl f:li 'ilarl- 1l,rnu1:h Nuv :,!-1 , fln vul <1, Cfltr,lyn Mr. rr,m :111 lll !llruct~ t,, ~f, <:ull oucli 1111trurt.1n,: ri:r.ovc~ry form :t diHea;~ Mid~ e /t_n Rfernn,i: I 1111'. Mt r r o•" fl St ·,t, rni.: th,~ wc1• kI, of1J,1,N11v • rn · fr,JI,,.,.. 1111~ Wnrk• •,IJ ~l(UlflitH! w1Lh «ymplt1m •mu/l ,T,d1:u,11 f1•n•nc,: ( }11 ::.,v ' ' l' {I ,, rn .-1 p rn Nov :1, · c I ikc: I1J.niw•.r111ty, that m1pphr 11lrn l1c,l1 •ifn . J\r criunt11ncy f' nrum To• 1l11 u 1,11 v.dl ~IMI 111,,ff ,,fTr,T1•d1 C1, m1>1111111c 111 1 IHil hc:,:n cr,m •1:1111•nl 1!1:for111 111 th,- !IO•, 11 00 n •1 l 111p rn vu111,-111 ••!i I, Or1 v1-r A/,mg with . 1111r uct , ,, '.I 1r, 11 '" s,,.,. I ~1, 011 N1, v -1 . th•· full,,w1111: JIiii N1,v '1 11,:/p for p (;n; r111 ;1 ,,.,. 1th <:,,uu,:-;,,,.. 1wrvus;1 a nd Ctlf~n•:,~~"-JiJ 2, T 1, 111 r•, ,,w 111 • Ur i,:-inr11nf Wc,rdprrf od :u,,J ,l11.n 1- 4 w1/l nl:irl l.'l 11111 f1 I for Window1, !I fl ,m,·'1 p.m o~1~n •~1l111g-, hul1rru~ u; ,;,~~ ,:at1111: d1Hurd,:rh :i lr11rl 1fl~ . c,,11ti11u i11r. ti, ,trif( n( TriTnch th,! Wi c h1l :1 Falb Nnv /nt.,-,A,,, ,,l11c11 , f;7 l, rn ,:1<1 r, .,I LIH· lhree etiling d1H11r- llt d ,Illhow1.:vr:r Cft-rm1111, r:1111v1J r~ nt.i 1>11nl , th,· ,1, 1111 MWf" r.;,,v I 1hrr,uch :,:,iv :tfl, k :IO p III Thurnluy a, N11v •I ('. umputinf! 11111tructinJ,!', dcrs dfoctmi.: <me tn CV · :1n•a On Nov G, th e folfowini: IJ 11 :l't f ':,lli y M1111 • f11 •1d nri d K,,rla tJ,r,,ui,:-h JJ,,c Hi, M1,ne N:rntli cry JO() college ui,:c fo . Ht: lini: ccnU:r .it ~1 S d:1, 11oi1 will11Uirt. ,•;u,,rl,1i: u1 ufnul111i,:111 ~lrur.tin1: rn;ilc.•n A !imallc:r pc . nffc rt:d JtH a 111-u s tam:,, 111 (Jn :--; ,, \' l ,ti,. f,ill 11 ¥>1111: • r>riv1: r lmprov em r. nl • Bcit"11111!11t Er cr• I for forming:. HUppnrt 1:r,,up d,,~•·• ,.,., d/ , t1t1 cf:nlaJ.!e c,f malei-. an: :11 r , C()lm11•, R n 111. -:I p,m Nnv 6, Thur11d11y• p.111 .!) f, •, W111rluw HO for HLudr:ntH th;1L w,,ulrl • T,-1,,, ,, 11f1,r1•111 ,. 'I h1• s,-ddnn hu•lruclin t fihn .J tffN_·lr•d •xc1•pl l1 lfi IJ••c '11hrnu1:h tfov 1;,,,;1l fi :11111• t,r ll 1u,1fll •.. , , , , Nu v U,1, Mur,1· Nnuth lfl •GMwnn lol!y ft'nmdy Mudt'I"n rcseard1 indi - m('c l once ;i w,)c k on a Ill I •111 11 Ill :.;,,~- '.I. ll u tMy ), 9 n.m ••t p.m. Nov 6, r11r.1111s~ ~, cnmpw-1 .. 11,-1:111/Jlfll(' W,, ,,J1 •,.,(, ,t1 cat,:s If1al paUk rr1s t,f ,:nLi1utructi115: • Hyp1H1lhni1J1 y 111 tl11 • l,it.:1 Wat.Aon For more informalJfJO r1 I, j II HI ,Ip UI K11v '.t , • l:if( For more in (nrmntion call rn i.: U1 so rd er H uflt:n de:ind Ali 1,I Tri"f,,c/1 C, ,111111111111• 1r1 •lruc1 Trc nl11wnt of Cl11•111lcnl w•lrop fr<>m stress, anxiety c:, 1/ exlennwn 46 1R (Jthn A,frJictiv•i Ht!h t1v io r , IA(7J Gk(J.,10!;2, fll " • llr, w,i..

111 l-'rl'11,

h I 'illop,e

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l11t1r\/by. <kr,,1 .. , 21 19'.IJ

1' c x a s Thc of D c par l men t Transpor tation will hei:in iHs uini.: u new vehicle ref!· islralio_n sticker with the expiration of the ,January 1994 regislrali ons.

The new slicker will he placed on the inside of lhc windshield instead of on license plates. The Hlickcr's muin

purpose is t.o dctcr theft. If the slicker is peeled olT lhc windshie ld, the word "VOID" uppcnrs on it, renderin g il a useless scrap of paper. 111 1992, 568,885 re• plnccmc nt license plulcs a nd stickers were issued. 'fxDOT eslimatc s that 60 pcrccnL of replacem ent slickers issued wus due t.o Lheft. Al $5.30 per rcploccmen t, replacing the stickers cost tho public $1.8 million.

"When the word gets ouL that these slickers arc usclcs r. when peeled nfT the glas~, incidence of stolen stickers will drop quickly, us will the cost of replacing stolen stickers," Jerry Dike, director of the 'l'xDOT's division of mo• tor vehicle titles and registration, slawd. "Uut the savings don't slop there. If nil stolen stickers were used on vehicles that would otherwi se be lega lly registere d, stale and county revenue losses could exceed $17 million. Recouping these losses could mean savings passes on for use on other projects." Tho 72nd Texas Legislatu re passed n law in 1991 mandati ng the slicker be changed Lo lower vehicle registrat ion theft. Vohiclos withouL a windshie ld will continua using the license plate stickers.


h e r whrk nt thu

llr~r. kc11rMuc , Taxn •. F1m., ,\rt" Conl ll r Arl

Exl11'11l1on. Tho r,xluh1twn fan · tun,, Ynro,z'• 1!193 " The p1rl11l1 n,: Thrr,ahold of Chun~•." u lrunapnr ont 11 · 1 9" wnt,•rcolM Tliu cxhil,i • t11,n wa• juri~~• hy ,luhn 1':nc1niuH fn,m 0 l>envcr Tho 1Jxhihilio11 will cf1llti11ur. throu,:h Oct. IM

Clean-up day scheduled Phi ~;tu Sigmn ontl Al phu Lurn~du Ooltn honor ar,ciclie• will hold o "Campus Clcnn -Up Day" Oct. 27 . Groep• will mcot nl 8 a.m., 9 u.m., JO 11.m. und I I n.m. in Clark Student r.cnlc r Room 103. Each ,:roup will work 30 lo 45 minutes cleaning the cnmpus. Membe rs of hoth or· i~uni1.ntion~ nro asked to 1,ttend one of the mcotin,: limos . Trash bu,:s and ,:loves w,II he provided at the mcctin,::H .

IPolice beat The following offenses were reported lo the State Midwe stern Universi ty campus police between Oct. I and Oct. 12.

*$45 in currency ond

$120 in checks wore

stolen from Beu Wood room I 18. There urc no suspects. * A SJOO pnir of Nike Crosslra incr shoes was stolen from the D.L. Ligon Colliseu m locker room by the pool. *A case of indecent cxposuro near the jogging track wos reported . There arc no suspects . * A Dodge vehicle reportedly struck a Honda vehicle while attempti ng lo cross a lune of traffic. No tickets were issued. *A Corvnir wos struck by an unknow n vehicle on West Cumpus Drive. * MSU police assisted in the investig ation of criminal mischief involving the pumpkin s on the Methodi st church properly. Pumpki ns were scntlcrcd in the stnJet. *Lifelin e was coiled to assist a s tudent having in the Fine Arts seizure a center. The student was transpor ted to Wichita Falls General Hospital and was treated.

r, , N


11 \Vhot's In it for me? ' TI1crc ore scveruJ possibililics:

...JWit u you arr! I. You oould lr.arn how much God lhc •·•thcr luvu you ■ nd lnllmalrly. 1. Ynu roukl lnrn lhe Joy o(knuwlnJ: JHus prrwnally In your Urr. tclh-ely Spltll lloly o(lhr power lhe frd ld ruu J . Y011 .. . \'r,u co11klh:•rnlnl11\'ca1:,aln. S. \' ou roukl urrrkn« 01c rullnus ur nrw ll(r. 6.l'nurouhl ful');lve1nd ~fhtJh·cn, 7, You cuukl lrara n111 lo br arraldnfanythln&, II, \'ourfillth couhtb•1lrr ni;lhl'nNIHd n-rwwal, !I. You ('l)UkJ h 11 hukJ.


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1u{·: ·.


■ : :~I::::

Pa ,e(,

TI111Nla •, Ortuhcr ! I.




In d ia n s w in Ry Bryan fl•llard Sport. ~;dltor

Tiu, Ind ian footbull team look lo the field Sotnrdny ni~hl in hope• or oponin,: confere nce piny with II virlory over A11•1i11 College. Tho lndion• loo k o 7-0 leod in th e lirHt quorlcr wh en K"vin Penson Hco rcd on a I ynrd run with 2.:IO left A 21 yard screen puMs from Brodden r k Scngal to Danny Wi11111ms H<•t up Pcn Nun's touchdown run . An , lin College would lie th e game al 7 wh en Uri on Odum completed n 5 I yard TIJ puss to llorn e l ,Jenkin• with 14 .5:1 lo pin y

Tho Kangnroos would

~•ko a l:J-i lead wilh 7:23 lo i:o in th e firs t hn lf wh en Odom and ,Jenkins combined for anothe r Tll pass. This tim e it wus for 30 Yord , However Paul Wco vc r', PAT would fail. With 2.:12 left in th e firs t hnlf, injured quartcrhack Craig Pettigrew entered th e ~amc and d1 rrclcd nn 87 y~ird Lo uchdown driv e. Pclligrcw wcnl to the a ir primarily ns he compl cl.cd pusses of 11 and 33 ya rd s Pettigrew would hit J oey Gree n wo od on a third

drive into Indian tcrri lnry The drive came lo a crashing hall wh e n Reggie Campbell inte rce pted an Odom pass a l th e MSU eight and re• turn it 92 yards for the J\lark t o uchdown . Mars h's PAT would fail hut th e Indians led 20-13. The Kangaroos wouldn't go away thou gh . They hopped 65 yard s down th e field for a Chris Sand ers 2 yard touch down run lo tic th e game al20. After an J\ISU punt, Au s tin College would mounl nnolh cr drive inlo Indi a n territory, bu t lightning would strik e th e Ka ngaroos twice. Odom would drop ha ck and thro w a pass into the cndzonc Lhat was hy i ntercep ted Re ggi cCa mpbcll w ho wo uld return ii 61 yards. Campb ell 's intercepti on up Ma rsh's 23 y a rd sci. I'hoto!Kyl~ R,m:~} Plroto!K)'l~ Ru1ull ga me winning fi eld goal. So ph om1m• mnnlOJ! lmck Diln ny Willinm ~c:i rr i1•~ thr (Mtb:t /1 dur111,eIndi a ns would The of I mo~ out t ~:i nd :i The :\mcncan Pararh11tc/11 cnrpnratrd, Falcon Sky D1 LJing Tram 1li r lnd ,:in·, ho111t•rnming f!O me He wa:'I inJun·d s Li II ha \'C lo a vo id 3 pa rachu te dmrn with tht homrc:oming football The d y dhitrR lht• ~;une Kan ga roo comeback, bul u u t R,,s,, WrofJ/cwski, Ted Rosf , J ack McCaya nrl llank Abbott. could mount a touchd ow n Wcm·cr 's 35 va rd fi e ld down pa s~ in JZ play for a good ~o was j!oal to ti c 28 _v:ird l.011 chd ow n to dri\·e. and /IISU wo n 2~-20. In th e fourth qu a rt er gi "c ~! S U Lhe 14 -13 haJf. ga\'C up 49:1 ya rd s though th e fir ewo rk s Athle tics!! ] lim e lead of offe nse to Au stin !Supp ort fV1SU _ Th e third qu a rt e r wouldhc,,j n The K,rn ga roos hcgan Coll ege hul forced four . would he a s tal emate for -- - - - - ---· cr 'C;,;";;. ,;; ' ilh ;;,o.; nC! m .. u 1 •:hoth t ea ms, ~ with a very imprcssi\' e .


Highlighting Intramurals

Lady Indians return home with wins

m assa cre with the if s omewhat s tupid -S emin oles sco rin g 4 5 demonstra ti on of how to un a nswe red points. Yon hydroplan e thr oug h a pYok crs d efeated Dia lleg proximate ly 25 feet of th e 13 -0, ~ISA beat Ca t. much . On the oth er fi eld E nergy 13-7 and BSU Alpha Phi d e fe a t ed' Sigma Kappa in what heal WWF l.1-7. was a clean contest by Women's Flag Football comarison , 2 1-0

had to mu ch Jun fly Ronni e L. Adams play th e U ni ve r sity of hut we Th e Lady Indi a ns llcportcr Ry DrcwMycn Dnllas ea rli er Lhis month Sport. Reporter fourth the in back me ca tc-nm Men's Flag Football During homecomi ng and Pi ehl said h1s g 14 tu sre wha t se t with a dominatin lasL weekend the Lady got a cha nce 1 run before finally matched he would ey th Fl a g fooLball action Indian volleyball team pulling Dallas away . wus just as successful as up ngainsl. Sunday Picht and his last wee k included conPic11t sa id cxpc rirnce Mond ay . on te s t s the other sports team s er oth an ptured ca team hi s tca m'!-a nd W e dne s day around the MSU campus. w:1s th e kcv to hnvC' four set viclory bea ting In nights y a d Thurs Jimmy Piehl a nd his \' iclory. \\;hen ynu 8College or Ambassad lent a t r n\'c ce n e experi team defeated University '1 5- men's a ction Mond a y, "i n. we 15, 15- 10, 15-8, and the defeated W of Da llas las t Friday y() u arc J!O ing lo B+ 13. heal hav e l' Xperi c n ce c.111d and nighL The two victories run Bushwha ckers 12-7, Ambassador College on tal enL. e tea m's record 10 17-7 Sigma Nu blew oul Phi th nut umped j Th e tribe Sunday. overa ll and 11-2 in Sigma Ka ppa 20-0 and Friday night was the lo a qu ick two sci lead District 8 . TKE wa s de feated by first Lime Picht and hi s showing their expe ri ence Wednesda y, Oct. 20, Kappa Sigma 6-0. Lcum had played al home and l.:il cnt, hut hecausc it the Lady Indians traveled Th e s occer fi e ld in over u month, and th,· was homecomi n g Pi cht to Sherman to fa ce Wedn esday night wa s th e Ludy Indians ga ve the wanled his k am to have Austin College, a nd will scene of several slippery home crowd a four se t a htU c fun . a three mud s linging contes ts . We pl ayed so me peo- return home for victory, 15-5, 15-7, 10-15, starlin g The early game between ple in different positions , game homestead ond 15-4 . against the Se minoles and Th e 24 Oct. Sunday, We knew we could f.uid Piehl ahout th e rea - Sul Ross. oil 40s was an absolute numc th e score in this son hi s squad dropped makh, said Piehl. The the third sci. I wanted Health Facility Executive Private A x APrlvateE lndiuns had traveled to some people lo hove fun,

I , . . : . · . ~ I




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Women's Doubles Tennis Results I.GD! 2. Alpha Phi 3. Sigma Ka ppa 4. Alpha Phi


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Th e soccer field rese mbl ed a tractor pull Thurs da y t night wh e n GD I rep ort ed for the ga me in which they defea ted Ga mma Phi Beta 8-(i. Thi s game is sure lo be rem embered by those wh o participated as THE ~IUD BOWL. One spectator did ul on a heroic • -

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Tiwrsd~y. Or1ohcr l I, 19')3

Team Arrow captures title lly Eli1J1hclh lllchurd•on Hcporh!r

Team Arrow, the MSU cycli ng tenm, cnplured a first pince finish in the category "A" men's division Oct. 9 nl Southwest Texas Stale Universi ty wh en Chri s Ronan , n frcshnwn from Co ppell, Texas, pulled uwny from

vision in n field sprint. Also plncin~ for Team Arrow were Travis Luwson . 0 juniur from Graham, Texns, who fin ished seventh, int.he cal· egory "C" Men's division in II field of 30 racers, and

n junior from Wichita Fulls, captured Re cond

place in category "D" womcn'e division In cut• cs.:nry .. C.. rncn'tt divi sion, Scott Todd, also n junior from Wichita Falls, look Hon Hnys, n senior from fin.h, nnd Chris Amnyn, a Wichita Fulls, took fiOh freshman from Azle, pince in the category "C" men's division. This past weekend Texue, earned seventh the hopped eventually und MSU will puck with the help of Team Arrow competed in pince. held nt Sa m host a critcrium, a timed crilcrium n ftobhic tenmmutc s Stu t e tr.1ck race, at 7 u.m. Oct. Brown, Adum Spikes und H O u 6 t O n University. In category 24 in Lucy Park end will ,Joe McDonnell. Spik cR, n junior from "A" men's divi Rion Romm a time trial with W,chiln Fnlls, corned look first pince while co-hostWichita Falh the sixth pi nce in the snnoc Cluh ut the nnBicycling cupevent. Crysta l Buller, u leummule Spikes nnd Spoke Spook nual Duller pince. sixth lured from dent stu graduale h scheduled for ,Jacksboro, Tcxa• cup· eurned II fourl place fin- ulso held lured second place in the ish in category "A" worn- Oct. 24 . Brown, • d. en's divi sion . Lisa "A'' ir);;.'-•'•'".,"•'e•n •s-•-- - - - - - - - - , l'hnt11/A",,J,. Nuurll ,,_c.,nl;,;,e:;;g1;,,;,

B d M.~ -rman battles for control { l U'°. City O I It -~occcr ball durin,: ,\tsu·.. ,:ame n,:nin.,·t Oltlllhnmn nwtr,H ) .

MSV athletes

Soccer team overcomes 'blues'


By Brynn Bnllard Sports Editor Th e soccer team kicked their way to two th e over victories weekend. On Friday the Indians LeTourne au faced University. MSU was a much better team than the Yellow Jackets, but someone forgot to tell their goalkeeper. Letournea u keeper Freddie Locario kept MSU from scoring in the first half. He stopped 15 shots in the first 45 minutes; 32 seconds into the second half though, Dan Schoen took a pass from Judd Joy and drilled the ball into the left corner of the net to give MSU a 1-0 lead. At the 19:50 mark the tribe would go up 2-0 when Schoen scored his second goal of the night with another assist from Joy ·

Midwestern's Kelli The Indians would go The Indians would on lo win 2-0, but they increase their lead t.o 2-0 outshot LeTounwau ~!i-3 midway through the first for the 11ame ha lf when Eddi e Ortega received a pass from ,Joy cad H me ga the After and just tapped the hull Coach Nathan Pifer was by OCU's diving keeper. ,._.-o:,;;;aa-• pleased with t.he win bul Ok lahoma City would not with lhe effort "We've got what J call get on the board with 19 , ,/ Ocwber blues. We're tired seconds left in the first • • r of practicing. We're tired half to make the hulflime of pl ayi ng. We're just go- score 2-1. In the second ha lf mg through the motions·· ,c , "We've got to stop ~ISU would finish OCU ', playing to the level of our when Joy beat two dc.. ~ it~ ' .. compcli lion and piny fenders and rocketed a , crossthe under just shot steady," said Pifer Sunday anemnon the bar to 1,ove th e Indians Indians would give Coach the 3-1 victory. With the two victories -'-' , ~ Pifer whul he wa nted, a MSU improves their •♦ consislent game . record to 11-3- l. The . ) ........._ Indi ans will host the MSU cam e out ana ~ . . - i : -- ... ..,.. MSU Classic thi s weekcomplete ly dominated l'lroto!K.yl~ Nuss~// City end. Oki ah oma M1chnrl Chaffin httUl, thr. ball durrng Sunday'• gamr. t'C'r,11, OCU. University . . . With Just over lour minutes gone in the first 1 half Schoen took a pass The Ludy Indian ranked #17 heading into from Chuck Wiemenn enm has been the NAIA National Dnskctb~Ut and headed the ball into rated #13 m Lhe 1993-94 Tournamen t last year ' NAJA Division I Women's said Ray. _ ~~~:~::~e~ ~-~:dd :::~ Tech, Arkansas Prcseuson Dnskelball MSU a 1-0 lead. National defending Poll. Second-ye ar head Champions took top


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(, . surprised Southweste rn Oklahoma .. ranking m the polls. We thought we would State Union TN and ' be ranked around 15th or David Lipscomb' TN ,---;::--; a~-::;:-- --, round out the top five . The Lady Indians open tho season, Nov._ 13, 5 p.m., at home agnmst the Universily of Science and Arts of Oklahoma

Free safety Reggie Campbell has been TIAA the named Defensive Player of the week for his efforts against Austin College. Campbell, a junior from Austin, intercepted two passes for a totul of 155 ynrds, including a 92 yarder for a touchdown and another for 63 yards thut helped set up MSU's game winning field goal. Campbell's 92 yard TD run is the longes t inLerception return for a TD in MSU modern history. The Indian s arc currently 2-3 overall and 1-0 in the TIAA.

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Ridenhour has been named the T . I.A .A. Pl ayer of the Week for women's volleyball. Ridenhour led the Lady Indians with 27 kills in ten games in addition to eight aces, 42 digs, and eight blocks. It's heen a long time coming for Kelli to get such an honor, said head volleyball coach Jimmy Picht. She carries the load on our team in regards lo our attacks and passing. So, its nice to see her get some recognition for a change. Picht said other individuals on the team like TiAda Hill and Molly Van Hemert get more noteriety, But Kelli docs most of the dirty work.

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