October 23, 1990

Page 1


Chi Initiates


s« Page 3

Ne w M em b e r■


Richards closhig gap on Republic an's lead rdir'-""9 n or-, · T'hUI t. th • ~ d ..,i1tl• i" a Hriftl t'Ot>.irlng lh• T', uu. f""',iu,i'$ 's r<.1N

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the ttxmo.>.~rat1c \ I' ,•1\.il] .1,>11\l'n1 100 .trM.I started h,·r .J;:.;,.i ..,:11 1,1 1th I.he lllJJt)III) ol her , ,1!\. 1:ll 1'.:, ~m~ ,l)mmj; from llo\'"'l"l-1, ;, ,·..-l,·lv 11 u:S !0outh.:is Lmd.1 ;: , ,:.\.!I.in,! l'.1ul l\cv. man. 1,-·r 1J..., ,.. 10 promllle.nce III hes ~,,1, ,L..1tt" , ;,.me <YI lh~ heels of the !,. J.,wt.ni:: !1h» hy M1d1x l O1U.ak 1s J.'. : \•,J B,·m-.cn to George Bu~ .._: l,lJl (..h J.1, l..: m thc '8S clc-cuon In ,~ ,ultllt (l<°th.1t J<- Ndc ~he rose as ...,: .~ tht:' t,: w <,ur. 1,·ms DcmocraL~ Jui nvt only retai n<'<! 3 measure of ~lffk.' d J I

:~1:Grundr An intramural nag football g.amc bC'iwccn Kappa Sigma an<l Phi Kal"J)a Sigma turned mlO a brawl Oct 15 on the final play when I team rnember from the sideline." 111terfcrcd with 1111 opponent carrying lhc ball. Bol.h teams con verged on I.he field m an encounter !hat ended w11h 1he suspen• sion of one player and two broken 1celh for anolher. Cory Scoct, Phi Kappa Sigma,

\I.Il l )'.

\ lu1 1J1~ 1tw wl,· 1 i~;l ,k·h.i•<'~ l.l\ l !',pi Ill ~ Ul !hi• i'l' \ ll\ IA·mocn111c \II III IIU \ ,

i{ h h ,u ,h

\ U! \ I\ Ctl

i1t1'l,mi,:h1 111 .1; \·u, ,11 K1 n,

t•IJ SlJ.tt• 1 u;·a,u1r r

Friend ly game ends in ~~!]!.~ fl k

1 t.', hhil ih , hut \;1w h, 1 1111.1g1• lllllrnlly ' u!u,._ ,·,\ t" th,· ml,· 1111 u~t 111,on her h, n.111,111.1\ l\:m,\. r:lll(' \q\\k fl- a~ a ll• lllt: ,t,U U\


u uKrrning

h, 1 J\.' rwn,11 hk ln1m Jun ~-1:lllo.~ and l,lrnli'r t!,tl\t' ll\1'11 \ 1.u l. White- 10 wm h~·r p.1111 \ r1,,uu11.11mn ;l~ •t'~ guher-

11.1hir 1a! 1. .1 11 d1ll, Ul" l n,1hlc hi fmtl .my chmk m her p,ih11,.1l armm 1.'0l\l'c-nung policy Ul.lll\'I'\, \\ h11.- a.11,J r..1auo.\ IIUIUII OO ·111 Ui,;h , .imp.n~n nn he r b:ickcround, ~1xY1fi1. ,111) Lhc11ucst1011of whether or n, 11 ~ 1c n cr U'l\.' d dlcg:11 1.h ugs. Richard~. an adm1urd rocovcr1ng :1lrnhol1r . held faq 10 her n 1n, 1,·t1on nm to d1rcr ll y acldrcss the qu..·.,t1n11 . n:a.soning 1h.11 if she were to :inswcr ei ther 11-'U}', she would run the nsk o{ di"<'oumgmg anyone who was 1h111k1ng of scd ;ing help for a drug prohlr m 1f her campaign crumbled bttausc of MICh a rc"elation. She alro h.:1s come under fire from Republk :,,n cJndad:ne ClaylOn Wilham ~ for her st:mcc on l\\'O parut ular issues; .'.lbonton and how she is managing slate funds m her JOb llS U'Casun:r. The di ,·orccd mother of four grown children is ,·ery ,·ocal in her suppon for pro,cho1ce, claiming that conlrol over the n::producti"e process is 1he sole choice of the woman and no one el se, esp,:x:ially Lhc sl:lte. She

Sonny Arm1tron&

See Page 6


See Page 5


invfllvcd,11"' ill 1-c d1!fK.ult to findoul wha1:1t·1ually h;1ppcncd , V.tlcrio ~:u~ Th,~ 11,:i,.\ :m unronun:nc iric ident m",,l,•1ng .i -.i ngle member lrom ca<: h ftJICrtUI)'. As for a., lhC fratcrn,uc, arecoll\.erncJ . the kader~lup or e.ach orgJni1.aunn ha~ reconciled any difference,. and I h.i ve every conf1dl! ncc lh:H our rel.moni,hip wi ll r:on 11n uc ma pos.mve mrumer.~ Ptul Than\C~, Kappa S igma prc.s,dent , ~id.

This is the eighth and most serious occu"ence in the fraternity league this year. •· Dr. Don Flatt Dt!mocrat Ann Richards 11 fa clne: Republican Clayton Wl1Uam1 in the Tezas Governor'• race . suppons her siance by arguing \hat 10 make abomon ille.1::il would be IO add millions of unw:.·11cd children to al ready swollen welfare rolls. Al Te.11.ss' Treasurer, Richards took a department that had bocn 1.he target of reform groups, bolh Democratic and Republican. bcc.iuse of incffic icnc1c..\ and questionable management. und 1umcd ll :lmund in five years to show a profit for Texas of over 10 billion dollars. Williams contends lhat she pulled offtlus turn • aroond by m:ik mg ccnam ques1ionablc conccs~1ons to OUl •Of• state intercslS, s.:icrificmg jobs and

busmcss opponunnics for Tex.as. Most recently. Williams has

refused to acknowledge Richards in pubhc and has been malcmg rumblings about l>ri.nging--up I.he illegal

drug qucsuon again.

Rccc.nily. on a visi1 to W1chiu FJll s and the t-.-!SU campus, Ric hards ~·:is asked 10 honestly assess he, ch3n • ccs for clecuon. l11c sl.ltcly, sih-cr•h:.urcd woman s.1id , "I .im a r,:ahsl, but 1f I don' t win, I hope lh:it I ha, c t>ttn an example to somebody out 1hm: who bd1cves thr11 1here 1s :1 belier way and 1h:11 lhc old ~·ay JU-t won' t ~ock anymore.~

was c:,.rryi ng lhc ball on the last play of (he game when Chris Bigbie , Kappa Sigma. came from the sidelines and disrupted (he pl:ly. This IS the eighlh :ind most serious occurrence in the fralcrnity l~guc lhis year, Dr. Don Flltt, mLnlfflutal director. said. The incident was brou~t before

Dr. V:,.nce Valerio, de:m of °siudcnlS. A commiuce made up of Valerio, A. Ramon Garcia, assis1.ant dean of s1udcnts,und Ted Red1:,czyk. director of housing, ques1ioncd some 30 people in connccuons wi1h lhe mcidcm. Those questioned included members of bolh frau:mi11cs, student officials and spcc1:11ors.

Foundation Survey shows shortage of convient parking helps fund Midwestern program

"The altcrc:i.uon w:i.s unfonunalC but unfortunate. 1h~ngs happen. Ttu s w:is an isolated 1nc 1dcnL and I hope 11 docs n'1 rcllcc1on ~ Greek sy!,,lem as l whole Phi S1g~ a Kappa ~IJW CS \0 be abo"e such 1h1ngs. and we regret lh:it 1t happ.!ncd,~ P;un ~k Fonner. Phi S1g11u Kap~ \'ICC pr~'i1de nt. s:ud Joey h dcl.te. Juruor phys1Cal education ma.JOr, was one ol St:t stu dents official.mi;: at I.he g:tme fo, a class rcquuemenL • As a show of support for the sludc nt oflk 1al~. I lhmk the comm 11 1cc (Valeno, Garcia 11nd Redb:.lyk) should lake SU'l el chsc1phnasy action 10 make an (':,.ample of the Slluauon to insure this doesn' t h:lppcn again . F1dchc sate!.

Officials realign classes to utlilize space By 1Jn1tt Sml1ll Aabtant Editor


. . The 1990 M•d~stcm Parking SUf\•ey_shows there lS no1a shoruge ofp:,.rking s~x:ca\'~ 1lablconcamp~. but Academic Affa_1rs _o fficials the proc.css of rcal•~mfo~'= 1990 iw~ n 9 nnd 12 a . . · .spnng an~ 1~_9 1 ra1:i: .n:r~: : ·1s dis• . . Um,en:ily Po_. \;lw· s kin W\ i tcd lhat th r rc is a ax parf ~1>3C';_~ _availd?le ~1 an): l!m~ ~h=i~ ·s ~Y· Con,'\":lll<'n'. GP"'E~~-n~ •s ~ ni~c~3 s. 1~ short suppl y, 1~· , · ~tty P..:ihccclucf.said. . d Ill Dr. Jc.....c Rogers, ~ICC presi c of AcadcUHC Affuirs. S!lld classes :. be-mg 11hgnt'd 10 llY 10 occomm le the studcntS. . • As 8 sn1:dler umv~rsily , we should maLc th i~gs conw nicntfor lhc studcnb ." OC s.ud. _ ofIn ~ chmg for tbc su;vcyk· 3 1 : ;~bfe!'.~~~~oar~ .J~~


l 11nk~ 1'tl ontpKIII

fh; W esl Foundation has ;,k'4;,.-J a.n aJJ.ttuJnal $219,600 IO ...,1L.nur fund.mg programs for the c ":'Jon 1 :md Ellen Wcsc Cen1e1 for l ,•.1,.:ung b ~enencc 111 Midwestern ~:..i!.~ l' n,,·eN11y.

The furn.hn g will support the i-,•,hnok,c\· 1n Teac hing Program. the J.Nl'c1,ksi.ursh1pand t.he WwEx. ·

n.1,:nr-c mlduc.uwn ~es. I:, 1undmg th<' T cchnology m

7,·J..hlll~ Program. M1dwestc:m St3le l'~·,, t\ 1ty m3) ellu1 p a computer lab f..,. llolh the faculty and educ at.ion stu• ,k1\~

1 h,· IJ.b " 111 include a \11.'ord

,~,..,,:v,4.1r th~! ,.-an use darnbasc, ·i'f,.i.bhC'e1.\ and Cl<'CIJQrllC graphing to ai.S1s: 1n l.heprcj)ltatlOn of licx-,ic., ort ~ 1gumcn1S. research

a. :i , , 'K' \


:a.r~~'J 1

studcm parking spaces and 383 erve s ces al':tilablc on cam us. ~ ass alFnml'nl cau5cs the o~ercrowdm g of · convenient" parking areas. rfcsc areas are the lots located on Ule north side or campus near the lfanlin building and the cast side next 10 the Bolin Science 11:lll . The lroublcd times of the momings occur lx:twccn 9 nnd 11 every dly Then· arc 34 rlasscs scheduled C\'e;y Mond.ly al 9 a.m. w11h 2,63~ studcnL\. Wedncscbr 2,656 students attend 85 cb.s.scs ut 9 and 2,238 s1u dents a\ll.'nd 69 clussc.s Friday. Tuesdays and ThursdJys have 88 and S5dasses rcspccth·cly with :? 560and 2,543 studcms at 9:30. Al JO 3 m 86 classc.~ contam 2 613 )ludcn~ ·~1um:by 87 cla!l..~S c~mai n 1,630 W-:du~:ty anll 70 clas.~ s coniain :?,:?80 Fml:1y. At II 3 m. llicrc arc 87 c\a)>S(') with 2,406 s1ud,·nts t,.Jond:1y, 85 cl.ls-

·□ · =

:.u:dcnts can e.xploo·. C\'1>.lu.11.e ~ J k.irn 1u u-.c conwwcr ass1smJ ,'e1; J;.. UOO auJ mu lumeJ.l!l 111d lclm ..: 1, ,t p.i~ these 1111.> l.CJ,.hlnG, IO

1 · ;,,•r,tl \P°lOI C'~ilJl }f ,,_ I,.'\;." 1ipp~. ,tu::..tt.li (, I l hc .).-, 1 1 fl ()I i du .. .!110 11 . h.b hc!J 11)1;'


In lhc 11 o'clock hour. Monday there arc 474 s1udcnt place..~ and 32 reserve pticcs avai!Jble: 480 and 57 Tuesday ; 400 and 36 Wednesday; 509 antl 71 Thursday: and 663 and67 on tile a"crage for Friday. Roge rs said he iscurrcmly work • ing on lrymg to incrc.,sc the nwnbo:-r of cbsscs at 8 ,1.m. anti noun , and :\t the same time . he wanL;. to lK"C'Ulllmod:itc the facully. M Somc professors tr;ich n1 gh1 classes here or al tht· baSI.',~he s.iid. ~l don 't wan t to assign them ~IJ~sc, :u eight m U1c morning 1f that is I.he case." By sniOOlhrn~ out 1hc d ~ ,.:~ 'i<." Lhi:re will b,; more ti t g a,m. a.n..l no..1a, Rogers lhinks there will be le~, ol a probk m \\llh pai:Lini,:,. He 1,1 JnlS Ult· new schu.lulc to an,•,•u f.i! lhc ,IJ!Oo$room spxc probl.:m also. AIQl)'tltAk, there 1)001a s11~k classcoom va.:ru11 on ,:unpus, Ill..· S3JJ.

Toerc w11\ be a large ~hcrouon ofrb..s • scs °:.11.t fall . • , YjC c~ld ha., c a fall 9 1 llOl ss hec uc. ~ s:ud. W1uk lhc poss.ib,ht} of a ll.'." \\ parking lo( bcmg bu 1h on c:i.mpu.,. as being ~ISCUS~d by th(, . B03td of Rcgonts, Evarb anJ RogcN Jgree lhal thrrc is no iie..•d lo; l.'lf\l' unk'.!1 3 nc..,. dorm 1~ Nu\t, Since Jl)i8. \'.IPPO.U 1ma li:'l) 3(l per.. .111 more p..u l mg ' ~ ~ Ix-a , addtd to 1'-Lll·" C)lctlt . 111)\\ .:,.: r, only 19 to ~U per..:clll :nt1n.· ,11Alct1L, ha,,: .:omchc,~·. E,-a.1b::.aid.

ArounJ S.000 s1udi:nh i.-."!J .ll · 11.'nd \ h..f...,'-'.,ll'm "'11."t<iut 1h.· '-ht:.. I h:wmg 111 add ObC' >wllll,k r,.irlJn~ ' rt,K".: if ~~~ " <'rt' a.bb'lh'J h,=wr Lvans S-llll R..:ig.:~ ),,J.1d he 1( no1 'SUf"~ .a~">ul ~.ln' s1\l0Cnl~. ~ \ h~ 2!f\X'o Uut \ hd-.c.,tem ,l>uW ..li:,ommoJ .llc more , tuumu .,,, 1th no rrohkm

Unused Parking Spaces at 8, 9-9:30 and 12-12:30 12/- -t..,,,Jtttit-- - -+-+-ttt1ttHi:---t- --+--+----;f---/ 11 >--


-+-+----+--t--- - + -- t - - - - + --+--



05 2.'.l.38

1. li&O

Pr,1k .>:>O'' ,li\J I.he w ,._,l


37 on 1l1ur:'iday. At 10 Monday tm·.re on• 329 anr.1 15; W,:<lncsday 119 and 10: and Fnday 372 and 31.

2,6 56


l'r-,,i, .... ~ :1. p 1 ru.s ,ni:ludcs 1hc W,:.,1 Jht1n~u,-.h..d Pcu{c:ssor. ~he We.st

• ~1

sp;m:s a,a11ablcTuesday and 330 and

Number of Students at 8, 9-9:30 and 12-12:30

;.f(••. hlndouLS 3od qm.u.e.s.

-"1: j',..._l .,_:,1..Jll._~ls I~ l!n.h "tl l sup)'Ol'I U1r \Vr ,1

ses w11h _2.334 Wcd~esday and 64 classes ll.'1lh l ,9?5 Fnd.:1y. On Tuesday93cl:l.~sc.s w1th2,244 s1u~nts and on Thursday 88 classes with 2.203 students meet. Howe\·cr, there nre al_ways spaces a\'31labk, though lhl')' ai e not ...c:11cd on lhecon"<'nicntsideofcam pus. At 8 a.m., on the a,·crage. 847 s1udrnt sprcs and 130rcscr.. espxcs ru-c a,-:i1bble Monday; 877 anti 139 Tucsd:ly: 869 and 120 Wednesday; 864 :md 138 Thursday; and 963 and ISO Fricby. At 9 a.m. 276 studC'nt places and 28 rcscn·c plJCeS arc a,•ai!Jble Monday ; :?32 and 18 Wcdnc_sd.1y; and 380 and 66 a, cr.'.lgcd for Fmby, At 9:30, there :ire 259 student and 34 rcst.' l'\'C

1 57

1. 52 1

t-'r--+-·+-+-- t --+--jr--+--+- 1 - + --t-- -1--t---i


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M e Foundation. h&e 3

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T ufS day. (klobrr 2.1. t 990

Play has goo~ ~ast, weak script .~~!!~~g_,o or r.,r1r1. <.11~1t ( "l'l ~:d11,,.. MSU lhe.mr r

P:r;:! ~

n·scnlcd of · The A th ol Fugard, a wdl -1ntc-rµre~r~ I , W Ison I SR03d to Meccil d1m:1ed hy ~ura O ~ nm~nirll;/011 c s1.stant ruofcssor

r jet

and l~~tc~cnogrJphy sparkled . Don

entC'r the S!tf('ty of the old age home. El..a w:lULS t-11~s I Iden to refuse culc

{;om /1.kcc:t The two ac100 forccfol -

ly sc:ncr:itc ,;-motrnnal firework s G:irn:11 Cl)ll \'iOC'lngly porlt'3)'S ~IJnus' cool m:tn-0f-Ciod _cMcn or fall mg awJy 10 expose g1•11u111c con •


rem and IO\'C for Miss Helen.

colorful nmlm1c-ro 11ngsc1wlmhwus

Fmally, M,~ Helen speaks for her-

llcn~ehcl anti 1hc !-Cl crew crea1cd

::i chJ.r:ictcr il~l•lf. D1:mc C:vvcr-Sun~. post-bx~-.,1aun-.11c theater mnJOt, elfc CU\'c ly portr3yrd ,\ l,ss Hden a~n vulncrahlc I but q111 r tly strong nrust s,.ms krpt ~ aud1rncc rntcrcsINI m Miss ll~kn s s1ruggk lo dc-c1<k if her rood to Mccc:i wasen1lcd Miss Hclt'n 15 faced w1lh :1 compktcd Mt"cca m I.he fonn of her

off-be~~ ~~• ;~:t:~~~:~~ a h:ilfroosLCr, half-m:in pulling his p.1ntson __ or off .• and a huge owl wnh car


hr.1dl~f:~ 'f1:~~n must decide if she wantsioex ilehcrsc lf1oa home for the


·s close friend. p.1)'S II surpriSt' \'~s11because of a suicidal kttcr from Miss Helen. ln:1li:i Baudm, jumor then.1re mJJOf, portr::iys Elsa B:l!low as an tn • dependent, outspoken young "':om:1n, stuN>omly defian t of rnc1:il pcqud,cc. DJ.nn Garrell. a senior theater · m:ip, cffccli\'Cly presents ~fanus ll )'lcvcld 3S a m..n defeated 111 his IO\'e for Helen nnd Oman who will never have a Mccc:i. Baudm and Garren OOttJe over Miss Helen's decision in an intense

S(' lf. In ;i Sllrnng speech, Cnn·c_r-S 1ms hWCa ls Miss lk.lcn'J. <kCISIO II lO rcm:un 111 her own home. Miss 1-lek n 1s al the c.nd of her roa,I 10 Mrcca. bu11t Is nOI a s.1d end.

C:irvrr-Sims un\'t' ils a triumplmnt and :n peace Miss Ilclcn. The play ends on rm upbeat note with EL'\3, arms oul~prc~d. on I~ n'. rgc of lc:tping mto r-.1iss Helen s . arms as 3 sign of tn1s1. 1l1e script, ihough powerful m m.:iny 1,lact'.S, did seem 10 rontnm ex • ccs.s \·erbi:igc to lhc North Texas C.'.11'. Fug:mt often .se(.'mcd 10 use 20 words for "-'h:1 1a North Texnn m1gh1 t:lke 10 orcvcn Stosay. However. the nc1ors are congrmul:ucd ror ~ pcr~orm:mccs of . their marmhon sohloqu1es. Also, Fugard iert few pomts open for the pl.'.ly goer ~o SJXculatc on. The audience was easily able to rc:ilizc Marius loved Miss Hcl~n. But Fugard still has El~ ~!:um that Mnrius is in love wnh Miss Hclc.n. That point is clear. Th~ is no need to direct a spotlight on u . Butlhcactors' in1crprelllt1on and sceno~raphy imaginati\'e the dimimshcd the foul LS of the scnp1.

=------;M:-=~ir::::iili;;;;-The Wichita n


· confronllDOD.-::


f~ ,.;:~~'i,u~~'ri~~

~"-1chU.ltlla ub~.i-tW.,~1~ 1 To:-iJt;"Shopptt l'r1nun,::.andMl~r11Aln(II Tafl Ul\'d . Wkhlt• ~ m.~l~ 1>11Kl.~:•tlllp<1wlf \Vk,hll.an" a mm1ticr


=~~~:ii~=pe~:~: ~~~


arc not

.............. ....., ..w. .. ....... •nan lmlth





Dear Mr. Armstrong, Today I read this week's version of the Wichitan but failed to find an article in the sports page about the Midwestern Sutc volleyball 1eam. This is not the fi rst time this has haopcncd this year. f ha\'e threatened scvcra.l times to wri1e a letter to you c,;press.ing my frustration a.nd anger over this matter, but my p:ioence has prevailed each time. Tod.:iy I lost my pat.ienc.c and undersunding. Let me fi rst note that in last wcd:'s edition of the Wichitan , there was an :uticle about the voll~yball team and even a pk ture. The picture was nice, bul it WOUid have.been much better if it had bocn a p1c1.~ of a piciure of a ma1ch from I.his Y~ ralher than last yc.ar. It w:is also mce 10 sec an article since there had not






d' _

been one in _1he p,cvoous wcc_k s c

t1on. Thcaruclcwas nice, bu1.1t wo;cd have been bcncr if it had inclu coverage of the previous lwo weeks rathcc than one. In the week tha1 was missed, overlooked :ind/or ~orgotten. 1n lhe volleyball 1c:im was 3-0 clu~mg awinoverTc,;asWcsleyan, nnat,onally ranked team which the Lady Indians had never beaten before. <T.he m:11ch lasted almost three hours. With scores of 18-16, 18- 16, 3-I S, 14-16, 15-7, it would h:ivc been a game well wonh~~:;f:~ Wichil3n was only contribuling factor to the end of my patience. The final Slr3w. Mr.


Armstrong. came when I read your article in the Times Record News homecoming inscrtemillcd "Athletic

h. hlighl Homecoming: . . "Beginning events 1g second paragraph begins. Qc1. t I, al with a bonfire on Thurs . th MSU 9:50p.m .... " Mr. Armsu:ong, h ~which volleyball !(.'.am ha~ a '71ma1c ning) means 1.hcy pl:iy 1w1cc '" on~~ay , cd which began at 5:00p.m. OcL I I. The team not only p1PY 01 . 0., &o~rtLI

r Homecoming s ,,.11,. but 11li,o-. 7:30pm or the schcdul~s

1CNE=tC~ErifNTTIE~R: I ~D~AN.;;N:a.,Y,.F°"QIVIx~s~~01RvJii,:: ...., iJ2: = :,: ~ .~~-•,·r., ;~r:1.~.:~-~E AllG!W(1·, r.•4~ttA1U~' ~:~ cc,.:.·.ca r,.c ·,; O> ACNC ·~ WiiL(L

•· ., .....






PWS (110S~~: ~ ~ ~ )

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9s '$9:E



" CH

TO SOTS. OIL·: · . .. "'!<~

--, ,... . <a!.'-

$13.95 EXPIRES 10/00

' .~UC K~ ,. UN S

1no:~or<rOtt·· iC M




PO\'JER CLE Ml FL. El IIJJEC T0'1 ', .: 6C/iSCYL •i, :'E'1\ L'• ,.FS


S. J 95 AtN! r,c,•i



e\'cn~. ~;~;/ ¥,.is too makes me ~::.bul ol le.isl lhc p:rson w~ published ~ schedules

~t~fJ1: ~g;:

h OU did i... I cumsiances .~ •..-,,: humorous. Ahuoug Y 1

few nice words to say about the "t( tcybalt «am,all I could lhink""!io

you should have saved .lhc r~ suggestions or at least Offlllted tfn.,, few so lhere would have bctii ~

for an article (beside the foothaQ soc:cer teams') about the vo~

tcamin case you are wonderin1. ~ arc at least Wee weeks lcR in ~ volleyball season. It is not too bt, Alanna Albrecht

~ r of the NSU volleyball teUI

HERE'S WHY THE SMART MONEY AT MIDWESTERN STATE UNIVERSITY IS GOING WITH TIAA-CREF AS IF THE FlJfURE DEPENDED ON IT. ecause it does. Smart investors growth through dividends. CREF's know that you r future depends on v-.t.riable annuity offers opponunities


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5 A T U R D A Y5 ■ ''



in prcseason rat.ings. I ~ink is 31 least worth reporting very



::::vents is

t ~ is 14no1a 1 7 this year and was voted number one


723-14 59

:::.cs on Thursday

inlheWichiian. lundcrstandth,i ~ q -~:wria!Lhi.sweclcwas~tendedt, der d.iffcrcat · humorous. I ~ighl ha,e r~" ·




s-.,,.. 0a,t.o51,,FandLnkyT hornpoon.

11 °cru£<l, Kt A/CfB!ORS Pfl/H'f HAVE 111£


[9.- ~~~~~~)f!,<, _]

=.::;~~·: :~~8;~~ p~i,;:~~ :"'~u:!

~:~s! :: i!~:=.=-~:;.~~~tl~ 'ti::: =-naru. 5■Moion,. cmi.

; :~.!.'~:.~""

. h Iac k of .":'he news covera1 ed wit Volley baller d·sappoint u I

Letter to the Editor


W ,t ll ~ .. 1111/ rAIN

. ..,.

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Students join Alpha Chi ,\lph,1 flu m1t1.11r,I ~l new mr ml'Cn ~un.b\ ,ll h:rniNlr'I 31 ,1 C<'r(mnn) mC'SC "lhc:11r r Minimum rrifllll'C'mt' nt, l(lf ,tn m, ll!!LJOn to Jom 1111: llllllllllJI ar!hknuc hnnor lli(X ICly hide 7! hou r .. f1f t' f(d U Wll h I j f, C,l'A Nrw m( n1t-.,·n 11nd ttw:1r f<M:ulty ~f"lO"'"' ,ur lk m,1 I ynn Adam~. junu 1r manu/ at 1urinti 11rn1 r ng,nttrma l('( l1111il11t,:y map , J;tn Br111k , IJ,m


nun.mg lllJfor, Cyn1h1a W,•1~; :inJ ~uc Ann l kmp01ng, (('nu,:,, i orn1.I 11,ork lllJjOr. Dr l:.la1nc Pu1i:dl 11ft uthcr 1m110.LC~and ~m~ors

ln..ludcd rn tlK' 11st of mcn10Crs .1,IJ ,rouso,s:u.: Dli)rn t.lJr 1a l loang. 1uruu, bioln~t 111:tJllf. Jow-ph MK>nr; Yvoi1nc Man(' 1n,alls.scn11N' pol111C'al \4.lt llCC rnaJ(.)r, Dr. Mile Prcdl.

\li:uon K11y l.awrcnr(', w:-11iorcJU1. a• uon m11J0r, Dr ('la,cnc-c Dar1rr, Dan:i

(.A"Oll.lnl llutkr , JUlllOf h"lury lllllJOr, Or t.1 1kt: ( 't•llm,. I dn11 l:'.rn nia V l"l u~·hc,~c11u1r lhYl hol,1Jt)' m111or , Dr. I ,1 Befr , (lknd:1 01111 I 1111ly C"nm 11lld l, JU lllOf nur~mg llllt)Of, Smw.lra Clum h, amt r11rllip Fdwlll'd Ch:1p,1. JU lll01 hmlngy m,l_tOI', Dr Jr~-.c W , Hni!C' I~ I 1\ll L.udonna Cook , 1unl0f nlLI \ IC rducal!Ofl lll:SJOr, Dr Shelly Arch.i mho, lfandy \/lean, S<'n11)1 mo"~

l'tllllllllllllC!l\1('(11 m ap. Dr. Dcncd Taylm; Gcraltl RogC'r I l1111bcrg , SC'll ior pohuu l ,cience maJor, Johnnie Cm·cn, Mary Jamer Ilai,:berg. JUmor

Chi tnUl•t~d new menibe

::?1•"" 1

~-~m~~undation provides funds

~ . ~,1

"~: • l'r\•1'""1t'rh t,) ii i..: SL11tc


••1i11•n ·, 1•n,, iJ,· a \\·c ,t 01,tm•.!l'r.- ,,., ·: ,hip for Dr. Ph, 11,~ 1irotC's,;or· 0j . , "· .t-'''1i.r J.,,,mpl1,hmcnt:, m... , : . , " 1 : L \\llh lhe schu,.)l , ,•n,,.1~ lhl.· d11\.'\:l1)r of :.tu1 ··" ;..). . i,. ,Ofhu\t:tr1t 10 tJ~ ,.. ~- ,:,,lf'·11~·nul f\'l.li hng •, 1" ..-.-..•ro.h1p C.\1!1t't11shcd lasi •

,, •


•• ·: \\:-t l !U\ "CNll)

Prorcssor IS

·-, !'· \'. . 'lJd L31\J,a.~"-OCl3tC •, l,: ,Ju,:Ju,,n. Land 11 n:i • , r: ..•i:nm.:d 3), a s;cience J,..J. '( .1.'11.i ha., ("(HlUlhored



Bm c lfanru1 May. ,c11Ktf d1<:m1, try may,r, Mar~ha May: Ruclolph Junior Mohna. J1m1or nurs ,

('h.u\c) R,1111..c.r. R0gcr Glen Snmh. ...:11l()(~ lrnHn.:II 111\ IIU'nlJJ(.\f Jt',hnn1c Cm-cit. .md

r on1

\ ljue War\·cll .

M'mor denial /1 yg1l"rlC m:ip. Barrot:I DcHo,s. Officers l1Jr Alpha Clu lit

fkll y Jo Tumcr, bu!,.lnc,1 map. prrs 1dcni; o",·,d PallCf'iOl'I, prC•llled p1e,1dcn1. Jle\'t."rly lfuc. ~1uology tn<1J(ll, 'iCtret3ry; Md Stacey Bacon , !iOCIOl~y m1J0r, 11\"~urer Dr. 011.k Kmg, ISJOCUttr pro(r5• SOI' of hbU,ry: Dr John w Meux , lll!lJl"ll , ~ ICC

111v m;,p r, C'ymlua We1u. EunK.c L. Neely, Junior wtlal wo,k maJor. Launt Nee ly W1l.snn, ROOC:rt L.

pro lc~Jr uf ma1hema1k:~. Dr. Jeff CamphcU, profc)~r of English; and Or Charle, R.1m :w:r, profc.nor of nut1l.'lgcmcn1, sent IJ athtsrn LO the organ11a11on.

Rackc, Junior aiccounllni m3JOf, Kathleen Bauc:r ~ new membe r,; and

Alpha Chi will sponSOI" a high arhool honors sympoin um and Collc&:e Bowl durrng lhc \C.Jne.acr.

5poll§C)f'S ,

Officials to set up paper bins


36 · GVA Wit h at Je~at ;;_ !~~z:.:.lte CSC Theatre. To be ell&lble for Alpha Chi, atudenta

'"· h.1, •H11t,·n Tipp), ~r.l•~ . .,. ( ,,1un.,,1,,n ,11 Stmdunls fur

I) l.ec, 1u111or munagrmcnl ma,or, Dr I red SLCwnn: andJenmk, L<'C Kubis, sc rum rnana,iemcnt lll.1.JOf , David

('ontlu.lmg the lt ~t ,ur Y,·onoc P <a,ul,t.ld ,nuo, ma, l c-un,1; mJJ{'II', Dr Knti..:n \l. t:lt h, KC\lfl ~1K~I Sm,th , ,cnwr JCCounr111g m:a,-ir, 1J1,

tl('hing ln~ltlulC' and aulhor of SC'\'C'r:il rublrc:uion.~. The funding alsosu1iponed vis11, mg f" Ofos.~ who held i.cmin:us and cl:1.S.S('.s dC' 3 hng wuh suc-h topics as cdocational needs for the 21st century, whole l.1ng1.1:1gc, at riM:-chi ldren


Series. Th is offers seven courses for area teachers. These courses deal with lhe compu1cr in cdUC4Uon. whole lan5:uase, wunscling with elementary s1udcnts, classroom manngement and liter:nure-bascd reading insuuc1ions. The West Foundation has appro\-cd contmu.auon of cum:nt programs IO be firunced with exisung funds such as West Fellows, We.\t

The West Fou11datio 11 helped establish the Excelle11ce i11 Educatio11 Series.

Scholarships, Wes1Assoc iates. West Profcss,ona.1 Development and Re•

search and fonds fo, the opern1.1 ons of Lhc West Cen ter. West Founcfation trustees are Lane T. West. Reece A. W est, Gordon

~ ks :ind written more lha11 30 nr-


. The West Foundation helped est.abhsh the Ex.c-ellcncc in Education

T. West, Jr. and Joseph N. Shem II, Jr.


By D1ph11r Band

Recycling paper 1s a mucd bag, but worth pursuing. Although students take tests in blue books made from rec ye. led p3pcr. sp1r.il noicbooks sold in lhe University Books10fe arc not. ~The quality of the recyded paper is good, but the cost is nearly twice as much. Swdc-nts won'1J.13Y S3 for a notebook jus1 because it's recycled paper; Cbud: Booth , manage-,, said. The W1chitan is printed on recycled paper, ? spokesperson for The Shopper said. The printmg office uses 11. The state of Texas conlr.lClS for rteyc.lcd paper when 1t can. Ger.ild Witfo1m$, director of supplies, said. Some grades of paper can'1 be made from recycled m::nenal. Thc fibcl'l aren' t long enough for a high qua.h,y f'1u.sh. b!Jt lb,i.:.y arc c.xpcrimcnung with bk:oding new fibers with recycled material 10 produce bct1er qu:1hty, Wilhamssaid.

·People don't rcali1.e thll a Soi of paper is made from 11ees e,own specifically for that purpose. New suains arc being devcklped th!ll cul lhe growing umc by a third or more: Williams.said. Pulp wood 1s necessary foe W good 1imbcr product.ion, ~ g~ timber management recogmus th is, Elu.abeth Whiu.cn Meux. owner or timberland in A.Ikansas, said. win.sects and fires do more damage IO good trees if lhe undergrowth trees arcn ' t harvested, Meux said. But the amount of paper used continues 10grow.Since thetimc \ViJ. Iiams ca.me 10 M1dwcstem, the amount of cul , sued paper has grown from abou t 20 canons a week 10abou1 110 cartons a week. he said. Also lhc amount of work done in lhe shop has mcrcasrd by 25 pcrcc:nt m the las, three years.

The admmistrauon d•scu~ plans for seuing up collccuon buu for paper on campus with Doug Hicman ,

hc.,d of the Clicnl WOfW pr~am at lbc WichiLa Falls Siatc Hm rnl!LI . About 7,(XX) pounds or p:1pcr a

week ore OC111g ,on.ed ror RMP lncorporntcd by chcnL~ at thr ho1pit.a.l who grc an hoorly wa3e for I.heir wort, Bnan Lee 8allard, chairman d !he Siem Cluh. u.id.

About JO percent ofthr paper•~

collcc1cd from loc.tl bu~ints-'t'J: and

msu1uuoos. and the


comes Crom

the mctroplc.11 area.

Af1rr KJrtmg, RMP Inc dchvcn 11 to a rccyclmg pl wit in W1t:.o, liallerd said. Most of I.he popcr collected ,s office and computer ~pc,. "Mills don 't like to Cuss "''1th ncw~papcrs,~ H1cm3L'l said. "We 're going 10 do it. It 's good ecology. and 11 wU I be good LO help them with thcu pro~ram ." Or. Louis

J. Rodnguez, uni versity president s.:iid. "Wecanstatt3s sooouthey C3/l gc1 their contai ners m place."

He has really moved his docket. He is nice to work 11

ig or )1Jur best • idm for Uie~ond Annual "Knw \\~ten To Sey When''. F\Jster Con 'tion.

with and very

Judge Bob Brotlierto11

fCJ,ir. Can. we ?"

clone hzm. ----·-

The Times Record News in Wichita Falls recently sent a suNev to area attorneys asking them !or their thoughts on Wichita County Juoges. This was one of the many positive responses they received in regards to Judge Bob Brothenon. Following is a list ol the questions and responses. QUESTIONS: Is this judge hard working?-92'4 Voted YES Is this 1uci9& ,mpartial--90'11, Voted YES Does thlS judge correctly apply th& law-$'11, Voted YES Does th,s judge demonsuate a proper 1udlcial temperament and demeanor'-92'f. \,\)ltd YES Does lhls Judge make himself ava,labt& when neec&d7-98'11, Voted YES Do you ,w,ove of this jooge's performanca? 95'11, Vottd YES

Proven Perfonnance

'.~,, i,i,-1itrn L, being h(>ld in t'OltjlUtction with \atiomtl ('<illegiale Aloo!M>i All\ln'll~ ll'et:'k. ~--•► l_'t1 !!111Qw~1p~ -. ..~., ,....• '°"""'M'l'•-"'"4>u.o

-""'':':.~~\1~,,.l~ ,. ,,r...., ··~~•i"


· +,..



rtrv i1,o,~'lt{l.~•:~u

~~:...._1111rt,bl \ ~ - lki.._1i ,,,,..,..irtlll>""'.,.,.,.'l' 'l.J



.,._ Ramon Garcia ,



tln, ,, ,m.1111[ri,,t'J ..... , o l ~



.,.,_-.i W...... l .....


11.,.l\-\•9"1<'111u,.,,ll_,... lto ,,..,.. \o ..~ - . i . - lilllt..lhH

DI·gest Kc ll )' f.1c1•,

" "" \ 1. l<flflf'I

• p ,lll'IIL\ 1-001,· IUntc, ,m•11 ' 1 wi ll · 111g w , ub111 11 ,n1,. 11rnr 1.1., rc111ms."

M<'ro';;;. V:mce R . Va lcno, dean of ~lmknl~, will he ihe fca1111 ed speaker I SI11dents As o0· · f a1 the Non-rrmJ1110n3 s1)1.· 1;111c111111t"Ctmi; sd1cdulrd i)(fl In , N,w. ] , CS(.' 11 8, 11 W:1!1'. :tflno unc e< at the N·1SA org:1nw 11 con:il mer ung l:i.sl

cha.... ,ILJ{l.:11110 pur. ·h1: m:v.' :tppro.K h I' :n •,uL:1hlc 11•1~' 1t,ly ter r~k ~\ l(lllal , tu durmg spnng h.1, ic cour-.('' The iopn: o dcnts whow1shWd• ·· ~""·d B11t,:ht :11 mghl w:t ~ :il~u,;~~~~ p11:•rc~1, 1: r cJu: m!!l11 , 111111111. r .,;i1d 1f rnout h rortxisiccl.t~scs •n1mstr..11J 1Jn ',\,Ot1lt.l 11 h )CSs1on. i cm :Kl:iekphone ron1m • l~ s~bh shcJ du~•:~ s~~ rnec11ng to 1clcphonr intcrt :.. th r input dents for ci . 1~ctudcd l·oriccrn) Newtios1nc.,;sl avruhhihlY :u11I over fin:UICt31 :\Jl r',h, ,,;umn;,IJIIS· c ~ " n m.:crcd1tauon o

Wedr~;;:.:~~~ will spr11k on probkm

;;!~~a;~~1al wo1k

J'u€',d n,, . (h·loh,•r .!.1. 11190 rom luJr ~Jon,l.,y·, l ct 11.111r~ \loU:1 ;i t.-, 1uu: ,,n Jht• lmp:kt 1,f R,·..r nc (i hlN I l~ u,·, .Ult.I lk n·I •lll/111.'fll \ o n \ m,: n,.m l >..· fr n..r P,ih,y lilf thr l•l'/tl's- .it ),I 11 m Ill Ala n 1\ tk hll>rllllll ,1, p.:111 of 1ht· Ar l"t l.,.r(·1ur ,· Sruc~ It) \h rl •h. '•h •• Krp,,,h·1 ~ropul.ir< ·ultur,· Ill\\ ..-,1 Afr1Ca K:tp(M t\1111\.1 f1J ICrl1tly 01)('0<.'cl W,·, 1,·rr111a11on Through Tdl' \ I· 11\ f\ 1J1.c of llomi i"," hJ1m 1rtJ hou!IC' "on" i, Or f\ht, hcl l L.uut \ t11p1r JI ( ).. 1 ll Ill lJ 11111 m P.irl.n S4ui1re JI :, Ill, Ko,· ] l tn Lhl' csc ·1h\'JICr. l'l.v:1 n<.' ,t 10 0hH•r', S1,1:ma Nu Lm,I WJ\ 1l11c;..1nr 1,( Jl:ljlh\l l'ubhr :1fr.11rrn11y op,,·ned IL~ "t!JI I of llooor" 1um, I•" Fn·rx h Al rn :1 for IO }r:ir, h.rnntl·dhou,r .u 7 p111. Uk: ~1mrrw :tml V, ill t,K LI~ )j)l'(. 1ficnll y on th(' run~ m P.irkr SllUllfl' nr.\l to hw ') f'1),bl Kru&('r ·~ I he 1. r1 , 1~ m 1hr 1\!Jddlr Ea~t wil l Tk 5jt.lll ~ r of 1)1(• KA h:lUllll'd he 111..- sut,Jl'C l OI U F,11.ul 1y Fmum hOU\lo' 1~ th(' Murch of Dimes and 1,·.1w1111t,: Dr MK hacl P1,·d.1, fa nies pmfits 1.1 ill 1..:· don:i1rd l,l 11 lhl!,!!!,ud , Dr. Kc1111cl11 l kndrd: .... m TIie KA ·~ "MaJ(' of Horror." \I.I ll N: or1<1:11 1ro111 <dO p.m 11, 10 :mt.I Dr l>Jv 1t.l Manm at I< l' ·m 111 lhe 'SC nira1a l pm , ~lum.l.1)' 1hrnugh 'lhu,sdJy 1111d L>on Lul'C, d1rte'tor of 1he A\la on SundJy II ..., 111 be op('n from 6.J0 p.m to midnight oo huby onJ S11111r- Rc--oun·r C'<n trr :ind 11u1hor ol "V1('l• Thr Unhrard \10 1r(' s'' and N:uw day fmm Oct. 16 • 31. Thr houi;t w1ll 1-ta)' Of'('fl l:ltrron · 11ost:1gcs of War: will sp..!!Ak on ~southt"a(t Asm· Wh:11 the 1990's Fmb}S and Sa1urd:l) 'l 1f1hr rro,,d 1s W1ll lloW :11 11 :u n. WC"dnrsday m r('Sf'Olhl \'{' the CSC Thca1cr. Tiu ~ 1s 1hr .--ccoml )C',ir fo1 th(' ll1c Symposium 's fiool lerrun:' KA 's prt'J('(' t Thr hou;;c- h:1, p o\,\ n v, 1lllx-prcsrntrt.la18pm. Nov. lSin from 11 10 16 m.inH. Some 1-rx•,:1,11 the Fmc Ans Thrater by Richnrd fr.Jtur,•s mdudc a C:IH' , :t IOI Hire Kmv l!lrK'h. d1rcrtor of the Office of ch.imt-.cr 11ml !I .~urgcry room . R,·gn,rol Polmc11 I-Eronom1c Affoi~ "I rr:1ll y rnjcw v,or~mi; wuh my ,n the Bun-au of European and brotllrr~co,·n·:ur a haunll'J house lhat C:;m:td1.1n Aff:u~. The rn!senmtion 1~ f.u m1irr th,m en111)':lhk ." Ruhy ,11 11 be a part of Uie An ist Lrcturc lbmp1011 , KA rnrmbcr, ~111. .Series and u.·111 address "Dynamic Ctu Onu.•ga sor...v11y 1s .~('rving Ch:ingc m Europe: Politics, Go\'cm · l'Olll'C.~SIOlb (II lh(' KA 's h.'IUflte1! mrnt and Ei.'(mmuics." houS1.·. A slud~nl f['l rum will wrap up lhc ·w(' \.\ .lnted Iii hdp " 'C:i.usc it,~ Symposium :ti noon Friday m CSC for it ~ooJ i.'3us-;." N1l'Ok ScJntkn. 104-107 . Stud('Ots and faculty will Ch i Omrga ffk.'mbt.·r, ..ind. dbtUSS I~ ulr.is and xlivicics Co,.,;c.,.:_,l()n pmfil.\. go 10 the presented throughou t the wed,:. MJn h nf Dunes, 100. The S,gma Nu '1- · 11.111 of Huc"-111 br op,.'.' n from Ckt. rm 16·.' I. It \,\ 111 bc ,,rcn from 7 p.m. 10 HJ p.m. Monday through Thursday and (ln Suncby. They ..., 111 be open Ry D,.,.1. s c~, from 7 p.m. ~ m1dn1gh1 on Fndayand R~orttr Satuni::ly. If lhry h.wc a large ('ro11,•d, Pete Hocgger. MSU purchasing th.'.-) l'-1II SU1) opcnl!ltc onFndays ond agenl, will rclire Dec. 25 after more SJturJays. than 24 years service. Pete Bcnncu, a Th(' Assoc1all()l\ for Rr Ulrdcd 1974 MS U graduate. will replace him. C1tm·ns 1s sponsoring 1he house. All A retirement party will be hosted profits go 10 ARC. by lhe purch:ismg office staff Dec. 5. This is the s1xr.h yr.u for lhc Hocgger will rel.ire to his farm near Sigma Nu's 10 have a haun1cd house. Scotland to "raise cows, grand};jds "Tius one 's a whole \01bigger and a little hell, - he said. Mid v.,jll attract a l01 more auen11on Bennett worked in the oi l in• due to a better loc3uon," Troy dustry before coming 10 Midwesttm. Thompson, Sigma Nu member, said. His wife, Carla Bennett. is an assistani professor of mass com • municalions. "l tikcr.hcoldpurchasingagent ," she said. "Pete Hocgger is lhc nicest

Frats open spook houses

Agent plans retirement


Studcfll'> now en, 01 ~ ~

~I 1u~t hdr1h,·m -.cc thc11upuo11s .u1,l tf) t.1hrlp1hcmJ1,,:mcrlhc1r 1n,l1 \•1tl11.1l mlcrc ,h ,md Llknt..,~ Kell}

'"" l!r< au ....·

T.iknt Sc;inh I\ ;1 l\·t.l.:1.tlprc•JCl l,l ,lll!.fol1t ('\ l('flhCpromu,1 mee t ,·,·rt.un ff qu1rcml·nl) 111 Ort.Irr in pJ111np;11,· 1'11101 ol 1111.m· (1,1lm·i.'d" Ol1\' lll l1 11; m;IJOI p11ibk111, s 1.1111

Kl'lly,J11I I he mnm l:lf~l' I group 01 Tall'/11 s~·.ud1 1, fu ,\ I ~r nn:i11ern , (1llkgcbou11d , 1uclc11 1~ wl111 :irl' 111 u~·cd r,n:111• n :1lly In ltJX(). J{, 7 ,1udcnr~ par • l•l·,p.uC't.l 111 1hr lou ll TJknt Sean·h. 1111\ yr.1r K('lly ho p('~ to h;1vc :u leas! ~ }~ pan,c1p1m1s

G roup picks 1 t h eme Yeary


, Jrnntr('r Drithl

KtpOrl('r Circ le K's theme for lhe yC.11' is · rn,·cs1 m Our Future.~ 11m. mttrro• 1ional tJ1cmc was chosen bcc-nusc the Circle K'r rs want to 1ell the community th:n r.: hildtcn arcanimpc,rtam p.ut of our society and arc the fu1urc , Jolie Akjandro, prcsidcmofCut lc K, d

:~. : l~~:~~~~:i~~:[i~~sr~~~

& Big Sisters. Projcc1 Lilcr.'.lcy U.S., BACCHUS and SA DD. These programs were chosen so Circ lcK 'ers could work wir.h children and help chi ldrcn rrali1.c 1hcirfullpo1en1ial. At noon lOday in the Activi1ics Center, the University Kiwanis Club is hosting a l:llk by Naomi Cbric. director of Big Brothers&. S1s1crs of Wichib Fa lls. Clark 's cmpha.~is is to tell Kiwanis :ind Circk:. K the impor-


: ~c.a0: h~~;. the Circle K theme, "lnvcs1 in OuiFuturci1. 19-2 1 lho Circle K 'crs in (he Oklahoma and Texas d1stric1auendcd a fall retreat in Brownwood. About 35 Circ le K 'crs rcgis1cred 10 ancnd. Six s1udcnts and two advisers planned I.O allend from MSU, Alej3ndro said.

I d

·ni~· \.\·ctkend th, me t CWJ \C ,1rount.l a 111urJ1•r lll\'~ll'f), A kpllrl to , ud. Other .i.:::U\' II K' ' l or th,· wcC'~cnJ mclu(kd a , h1h ltW)k -off. !I /11.l~k COil· 1r,1:uwl k.untn8 mon- abo1.1 1Cuck K.



11vc 0t1:;,~~:;;,overe:i::, ~eomc1..... ~ 11,rcc·din11,:m,1011al ~, ,t ....,.. d mr~urcmcnt an soc ial c~~ ._\ 1Jc:il apphcau~s "'~-!l!~ ""'·'"' h as m,mmi,,ng "'\ 'I /I'll/Ing profit Or output Ind tlri"le\ di~u ,but1on of resources. "Evcrrdny structurC$ irt on m:1thc-mal11,:ul models." ~~~ Chris Rice. Junior ,~ tet. hnology ~aJor. said ~flllda"""""I temporary mathcmauc.s m11;h ~ \ undc rst:mdnblc.

~U) lll _,

• es Course grv alternative



m a, e,.c!kf ,,


KtpM~:ntempontrY math~i:a~~;~rcd alternati ve to algebr.:i. •~,~:ti malh p,ofn rthes1udentin a~~h l by 0 ,. John gram. Thecour~. ... .g I applied Mewc, dC3IS wilh s,cvera

llJC~as~._ _ _ _ _ _.:;;;;;;;..----:;;;;~ ''.,.~,u,~c~m~a~uc~s; ·.







. : .....'.· .·

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(P @ · (b [b@ ml @00 ggg .




f-:. ·,

r: ~! l

semes1cr is anOlhcr concern of the or• g:tmzation. Larry Bright. pres idem of NTSA,saidmanystudcntswhodonOl lh·e on campus would benefit from a meal ticket plan that would allow 1hc

c,,ur"' In 1.hc JM\ I 11 '" "For .I , 1u1knton 1•111i;,:u11 , tJm I~ the be~ I\, 'ii J\1cu1. ~ •d "l "ouldl1kc1ot ~ LilUN do vc:.ry -.i.·cll : l.,nc;Jf pmgramming er... Jt:lft lllthed.l}S V.h1ch <Sca1,.;'''"'\ ,rublcnl\ ,;uch as gar~gc: c IUi"-: 1 l\'11h the ka~t thsunce ua$ pt1h11c1.1n covering cacti c,1<~ li, , trii:'t one C while lrJve111ng~~~ ~ ih~IJUCe or ,_he rouung or p~,i: ~ ,..l1m 1, an apphM co. I,; ~, · "· 111 ud1so," fl.k ux ~aid.


~Js:: ~ -

tain ~~ i~~~•~~ 0°!iu1~:ts

l\'~hrwlug y TIICl,C \IU(kfU.1 ~ \ ~ , , ,11 ,cd lO have only one 1

r.cmt ,!~,.

•1"1len1s and -.oh ·111s p,ocC(Iu,cs f Or •

~~~v3cJ:f,~:i:t!e~~~-ncour3gc Participants in the session will gai nimmcd1a1cfccdbnckonhowthey performed during the session bcca_use il will be video taped aod an ad viser willgooverc.ach()ClSOn'sinJ:ulwi lh 1hcm. The Lime and place of the SCS· sion will be announced later in the month. Other business included a Prospective Student's Seminar which NTSA is organizing for fu1ure frcsh1 :;~nts~~1hs~~ ~~~17: and answer qocsuons and concerns.

m,•J" " """" ,m·hodc 111111m :1uun. M)CIOlogy 311(1 /,.,. ~

~-~t,,~d"111~;· 10 11>c:

Dean spea • ks at mee t 1ng

wi ll include the n:mic.~ ol facult y to .-.eek for assistanc:e ruul U1r type or hdpmh '"npm•••dC. Thc 1neeung will be 11 •nrown Bag" uffair, nnd ~tudcnt.s nrccncouragcd to hring lhcir mcal lo thc mccting. Nov. 14 and 15 llfC sc hcdulet.l as pr.-ciice sessions for 1~osc part.1c1~at· mg m 1hc NTSA' s pro,JCct for ~ c De Drug-Free Weck" camp:ugn m thc W1chil!I Falls ISD. The projcc1 is in conjunc1,on with lhc campus Alcohol & Drug Awarcncss RcsponsibilHy:tndEduc~tion (A DARE)conttst. 11lc conttst ,s designed t0 promote oni;m.'11 and c(.

m._ \

. "o,, ty ' fc" ,n,•Jh


K~===~~~=-'.:":::-:::-:::-::-==~~~;;;~!!I ____ - - - - - - - - • -, L:

id• 33022 ,--------------------------------student s ~ r-..ice" Le-n ■ lab,. P . O ~ Bo:z: 22-2596,. &011:,wood .. Plor --'


Symposium to be held


ByOtrk EastWON

A "Work! View Sympc,sium · lO enhance the awnrcncss of ·glOOOI in-

People helped by program

1crdepcndcnc('" among students 3tld unu,cnity oommunil}' starts Nov. By Sutannt £ ~hu1son RtportN 12 with a lecture on ·ctullcngcs for the United StaleS in Ccmr.il America T:tlcnt Search is a nation-wide mlhc 1990's~and culmin:1tcsNov. 16 fede rally-funded educational prowith a studcnl forum pesentcd by Pi gram designed to assist youth and Siglll!I AJpha. pol.J.ticaJ science honoc adults to gmduatc from secondary schools and to enroll in pos1-scconSOCtCly. The Monday lcctW'C on Central dary srhools. America is by Or. Alejandro Ben The local Talent Search office, dalla, former foreign affairs officer in housed in the McrcanLilc Building. is the NiC3!3guan govcmmem under :1 satellite office sponsored by the Daniel Ortega. Un iversil}' of North Texas. Talenl Bendana cWTCmly serves as the Sea.rch helps people become aware of executive director of the Ccnaer of career opportunities. sci goals for the International Studies al the Jcsui1 fu ture. obum informal.ion about postUniversi1y of Ccnlt'.i.l America in secondary cducationa.l institutions M.:magua. which he also founded. and gain ace~ I.O olhcr community The lcc1un: wt.II be. u1 11 a.m. in agencies and resources. CSC Thcaler. Juliann Kelly, campus Talcm Coswmc.s and foods from Search counselor said that in visiling around the wodd v.·111 be p escnt.cd by area high schools she has been made 1hc rmerrotional S100Cnt Associ.:iLion aware of need for the program in this a1 I t:30a.m. in CSC 104-107. 31Ca. Former ScnalOr John Tower. Kelly currently visits seven area chatnnan of the President's Foreign high schools 3tld junior highs in In1clligence Advisory Boord, will search of studcnis in need of hel . lhe




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r,,,,c1,.. . tkl ohrr1 .l , l')')0

i~.~ campus


the r1:1~ntlatton for m0rc mfonnauon An assocuue of First Su:p a

,~•II"" ,,AnA~"

'-I; ' •• J'l1 n i...:crn cam 1akl.',on TC'U • fTI 1,,1111,:ht 1m 1hc v.-..1 c-, fie ld 11ie ,~-11 dtfrJl1'd !\L'AA ·~ Si\·\LJ 2 I m ti,· fi,,>1n,"'l 1)111 UJ,!! ~ium· Th,: football

,hi·hcr lorbaucrcd women, wiil speclc. ,ll lbc Wesley Found:mon Friday at n()Qn Lunch will be scr vctl

~,n rnrcl, 1'k ,\ lunJ)' at 7.lO pm · J1,IJ) Jl \l1' nh111.1I Atnhtonum .,. • •..:1mkn1 ~ Ar.un, t Dmnk IC. i-..~~1ni,: mt·r1C\·r r,· ~hind,,y at Kill . tli ',,p .,.•t"fl h l\,1IJ' ~ lunf,!;nc ('JII ext ~ t,.. ,J '4:<tl1\ umc, ~ .."I ,:1 I..'\ unmr D,tLl \ ~,h: in._ will (,l, n11t rn 1 ,,u11 p 11, \\\•dnc'>(Lly, l\/ld 1lt ,.,1..,, . ,,qu 1r(' I hgh Pou:nhul

• •1 hcChurc h ofChr1s1S1udcnt ( cmcr will offer " banner to, signa . tun', from ) ludcnts w1shmg IO c,unmuntentc a mcss.:age 10 lrOOfK 10



id ;•111h.tn








.. ltr(I ._



'iaudi Ambia. The banner will be 10 • l.llCd m the rnyr.- r at Moffc u Lilmtty ••'J'hc US . Postal Service ha·s hllcd 1hc 12 ounce wcit:ht rt.\Hnc tm~ 1 l the posl ~~1;:;.::~; ~: u •~ , , •• rs1Ch1 , thc1~ychology honor -.oc,ciy will Prcst nt Dr J:uncs Snowck-n o{ the W1ch11.a Falls ~1l 1MR \cnicr 111 8 p.m. on Ocl 21J at CSC 11 8: Gratlu;ltcsiudcnlSw1ll alsodi~l u:i,s cm: umstaoccs of gradu.ite school All are m\ llcd

. .::


,\lJn.ij;\' nwn1 Rl-c ru11nic nt

,J \)(1d,,pml'nt. l'roi:r.un 11>i l1

rt,.n111lluu .... L1) ( nm.11.tUtc C:uccr j'Uluufl~ ,11111 l'IJll'llll'nt UtJ 11. (' 10 arrl'lt<' :1n m1r.- r.1l'11 •• 01(' \\'l•,lq I o u111L111on 141 11 l'fl,r ltl 11> 1'l l.,1erutm, l l.i,"-'~' Afcc 1S!\'-lu1n.:J fur r('~1 , lr:1L1un Contai; i

Police investigate ~ theJl S~•·· ,••••, . , DL.--=.b••==.,.=-,.:......-t-r■-ml-llu'I________. employee ~;:; :=;;: l n1H'r.t1t > l"ohu:

currcnlly 1~1"cs11~:111ng :1 Llmd dcgrtt fe lony ,lfC

ltf'i)ftc-.10 ~1. Q.

/\\'L\Jrdu1g lo the rcr"'•t. S. l .200 _ 51,..:m 11,w th 0r ._,_.rnp w ppcr was ,wh:n 1n"'n the Cl)(l.-.tn.Jclion area ru ill: D.in1d building. The c-ompl:unam l~ rJ from (){hc-r employees that •

~'ffl\' l'OlplO)'('C,; hal'C been Slcahng :i.,rr-·r lrom lhc construction )ilc. !IG E\an),Chtciofpolicc,s:ud &) \lSU student" or facul ty arc in,l'.'hi:J. An MSU ~1udcm·~ bxk pack ,os 1.3kcn from the K1lhngsworth j(ul'l,C C "hen .-.he k fl 11 unaucndcd for 1 k w mmutC) around 8:30 p.m. Oct.


Thr.- studcm' s purse w:is inside t.Y rod: p.1ck along with her books.

She had sso cash m her walle1. Another MSU student had

Shirley Acuna or SI&m• Kappa received the hllheat total or Avid soccer ran. mott Ukely hue seen then let• on the field. Chris Hansen was the wtnner in the men'• best legs contest. money or any participant ln the MSU best let• contest.


red ID, case ,stolen from 1he second noor11, omcn s rcstroommlhcHardin bu1 tdmg Oct. 10. ~ c ctue eonuincd $58 cash, drwer s hcense, miliiary ID, studcn1 ID, J.C . Penn y, Bca\ls and D1lltard's

DJ •• nd1 Glun Clrnilatlo,i Manai:w

credit cards, AT&T calling card and Tcllcr QJds. The complainant snid she laid i1 d011>'fl in lhe restroom, and it was gone when she retu rned. A non-student had her purse taken fro m CSC Oct. 6.

. AlmOSI every dignitary who VIS IIS the campus w ill be met by a S!u~nt Amb:lssador. Both gubcr• natonalcand1d:ncs, Ann Rich3rds and CLa}'IOn Williams were accorded lhc gr.>c1ous wclcome~ntedby mcrnbets of lhat organ1 7.:it1on. Student Ambauooors nre stu-

Ambassadors help university greet guests

The complainant left the purse 1 ~':sl~:ed !:~g ; : purse contamcd SS cash 2 Evans said there an: no sus lS pee manyoftheca.ses






add.loon l? 3 pos111 vesclf unagc. 1}lc orgamzauon was created by Dr. Mic~I-Fla\in, asso ciate p~ofcssor m pollllca~ ~icncc. and his wife, f/~DaV.: Flavin, m lhe fall of !983.

According 10 Flavin , the idea came up whe n he observed confusion on several campuses among v1silors ll)'mg to l'Clch events. Twenty mcm• hers were selected for lhe f1 rs1 group whose initial l:lsk w3S to assist with a majOr soccer tournan,cnt on cllllpus. Althoughlhe orgru,11.:itionbcgan as a purtly volunt.aryendC3vor, Flavm found the need fo r some form of

has m:idc requests rorlhcirass1sl3nce. 1be II cart Foondluon. American Cancer Society and Ha uer 'N Hell Hundred arc jusl some or the organ1z:iuons lhe Studcm Ambass.ido~ have helped. Stude nt Amb:iss:tdors 3J'C re• quLtcd to maintain 3 2.5 GPA and main tru n t11(' 1r posiU\'C image. However, mlny of the s1udcms who do

~~o: ~~~~d:s~·!;!hh~~:i:~ S150 annual scholarships ror r.hc l>IU· dcnlS who qualify. Mosl of the ambassadors' work

~:~~mi~o~l1t; 1c~~~st:Cm~:m~~ ship stands at 5 1. "This mvol\'cmcnt wtll help SIU· dent~ de\·clop skills and ulenlS beyond ihe classroom," s:11d F-la\·m. "The :1l~i;:c1ou1 into th~ccommun11 y

~~ ~;::;111:.. . . 1""'"°"'~_'!>-' ~ ~-Bi.LL' s

lil...:. ·~

~ !

ing. "I just love 1hc opponun1ty to represent Midwestern 311d get close to al l !hose 1mporun1 people.• srud Student Ambassador Enn Vallcrio, sophomore polillcal science m3jor. "It's not work. h 's fu n." A ;lVin :ind Debbie Barrow. secretary 10 President Rodriguez. scr.·e as ad"isc~ lO the S1udent Am• bassadors.

I ';, --~'~ :-~~ ~>-·,


-f',,> • - • -


i'' • : \ - ~~\• ('--

' ' · >• ......

. ! '

ll)1ngtoSUC!ch dollar.; ,1ien )Oli'IC compu1cr shopping ooesn·, mean )0ti're •illing 1omakesaaifices. That's whnuu shouklconsider the ne\\: ~111k 11111, ,h"" th, \l.1c1111,,,h ( l'"" atT0111ablc M:w.·m1uJ1• Cla.SSK... comput1.1'. 11 ltG<''c[)1hing )W neul-tncluding a mon11oc kC)Ml( 11>.IUX'. 1 nlll,ID)lc,, t{R,\.\l, and a-i<>n~~1c hanl di,k.Just 1•0~ ('ll>)UllllK in and the M.K1010;h Classic is read)' to run, bec-Ju,e 11.- si:-1,111 ~i/t\11rt i, ~n.,- li ut~:ilkd: And. 1hanks to the Macin1o;h compu1er's k.1,oendary CJStti use. )rn·u Ix up aiKI running in "" ume. likr.•t'l-erv MarinlCl<h, 1he Clas.,ic ctn run tho."'1llbt{ :11:ul:Jbl,.·applic11>Mb 1ha1all work mthe :i.1ff'II:. COll)L5{etll \\'il)'-SO 1.w·k:e )Oll\'C bm.·d one prt~r:un, )1..tlJ°rt' \\t -U on your w·ay to leanung them all. Arx.J lhb is ont dw.ip rtornn:111? ,ha, ck'-"'·t ha"' ,rouble sh.111ng. 11>.· Appk-• Superllm~' - si.11sbnl 1..~ulflflX'lll

and meet a lo t of 1nOucn1ial people.· The students generally a.re dcdi · catcd lO I.he c.-ganization. Attcn d:incc at meeting$ 1s almost perfect Commionent lO proJCClS is oulSt.and ·

wuh t1'l'1Y .\lK.1mush--n:"JC.l41 ITUm and \\TII(~ to ,\tac1n1U\h,

MS-llOS.lli'! ,:ind ,lpjik 11 1\:ippvdi,k.'- >1h,,h n,·.,n, ~ }l)Ut:1.nsh:m.· m1C'Nmawn,, 11h:"J1 lllk.'\lflt.'\\hou:,t.,,J

diffi.mu OJ>t<fou1pu1,1 S..ac the \bunto,h U,~ cfcx- "'""'[ It'll

:lWut che1p nonrnatt:'-.


dun,"'""uund • ·

For further informauon v1S1t the

Leaming Center Room 202, Ferguson Bldg.

Out of Bounds 0,,. ol my adnunng rcmlcr~ r.1lkdmca1homr1hcot/1('rl.U) h•rau 1111('/IC\. lual (" \ Ch angr Oil lh<' lUOIC'UI 111 m) wurl.

I ,Ul\\\\"Ft"d 1hr phoni.- on th.: 1'11•1(•01/1 rrng (11 wa~ ca,lr, around lll(ll.! J Ill ) nm.I '4':IS gm·1cd Ii)· a lth rni,:. md,xlu.: 1·01c-r -.., )mg, "/ky, ,tuJ)ld' "

· ~tn,n•· I 11nw,·<"n·d. "Wh,11'!> haf!pcnm' ' "

I 'm not )'OUtmorhC'r, )'OU mcn1.11-mrd~<'I ' · the i.o.lkr mformcd mt'

nnd) llli: 1alkr w;u: n ghl, 111) moth..•r .tlv.,t)" '·'ll,mc "J\r:iin-dc.::ld " tth v.hlll ~·an I do kor \'3 '"" I mquncJ

" All )OU c1'l"1 11.:ntc 11hou1 •~ 3



that's o nly Y.O0 Ont

i,:.um.· and try IO makt' 'rm -.ound 111.r 1hr .sn•a1c~1 thmg ~mu 1he '69 Long horn~.· lhc c aller s11d s wtttly.

"WC'II ..uh..they're 1hc11c.-n cam the number~ 1ndica1c: I ddcmk'd my.self and lhc footb.1llcrs.


(11'~ true, 100 If you don ' t hd1c1·e mt'. JU' ! t,i Shem111n next week and set


for },>Ursell). - yt'M, ngtu.. oL:I)', wh:ite\·er, l•ul looJ.., you crctm, lh<')' am't the' onl) game m IO\l,'11, 1fyou l:now 111hn1 I m,·an,~ the caller J)Olnll'd OUl t:rXl'foll) I k new th:11. !led,, thcrt"'s 1).)11,hng .ind clommocs and gm

rummy anJ all .sorl~ of stuff going on :1ll lhc lllllC I knr11, ttllit. So I p~nlOO lht" calkr wnh the C3refully worOCd n:sponsc, -Uh-huh.I h::ldn fcdmg I wasn't g1\'1ng the caller 11, h:l!e\·cr 11 was h<"/she/1t II, Jn!l'd \\ hen they SUR!;e5ttd I. "put v.h.1tc\"t'r ,s IC'fc of your bro1n m :1 Jlll of formaldehyde and rntcr 11 ,n a Jr. high sc1cnct (:ur: The)' hung up lhtn. I thought.about the C.311 fora long time. 53)' about. .oh.. t\\O or three mmu1es, before I came 10 iJie con, dusion thn1 I.hey were dead nght. ll's lruC. I HAVE been givmg a IOI of sp:icc in these p.,gc.s IO footb:lll and soccer and no1much else. But. I ha\·e some good rcMons. They an:: I. I am limited by the amount of SJ>3CC on the sports pages because of p11z:i adds.

1 FN"t-.1ll.1111l ..:1i.u' rtlr:1w,h1;:Sl'r l'h)\\ J.. :m,I tlut m.tl,,.r, h1gi;l'1

m1111C1 Jmu, ~. I l Jn ·1 hr r1 crywh,•I\' at cinn· :md [ don't Jl11,a)~ SCI j,!,UllC rr p,;111~ fr..m, :,II

'l'IKhll,l(l'\ l'lll\ Ir 11, e tJ(lTl ' t

Ln\11\ tl. '4\' can'1pnnt 11 ,1 I'm liurl) 1~nurJn1 and don ·1

J..no w thl' mks 1oall 1hc 1hf frr\"nt!>l'(lrK Su. 11 ·, no1 that lli'l' i.1011'1larr. \I,' lllr(" \'Ct) mu, h Rut. he). thl\ I\ JU~I 3 n,l!egl.' flt'\\ ~f'Jl)('t put l'UI h) PC'Oflk v.hu an· karmng abi)nt 1111111111- nut 3 ll(v.,p.:1pcr Thi~ 1s an r Jm .t11on.1I rnlk-il\'Ot', n..x the D,1lla~~lor111ng Ne\\ "·


I 11i1II. In all Mlk C'flt) );l \'r

more :mcnuon :md m11n- )t.p.lCt' 10 all ~pons and, mo,t 1mf"O(Wml), the ath, lcll'"

v.ho an· 1m·oh c,l1n1ho\(' ~p(lrb

and n.>tJu,1 r,~llxalland -.occ("r Thcsi:

,,.,,·oplc d C.',(' f\'(" l he Ull("nllon and ha\'(' ranM"d a lot more than I have given

thcrn. And m :1dd111on.. JUSI 3 stcond. the phone'Hmgmg. Ohrnigod. l'l't' JUSI bct'n In· fonned th:n b.lskt'thall stnns ma few weeks.

Lady Indians rout Nazarene The MSU Women's vollc)•b.111 le3m defeated Southern Nv.arcnc ll1ursd:iymght 16-14, 15-1 and 15-4 10 bnng their record 10 15-7.

Genc\·a Hammond led Lhe offense with 12 kills on 24 nuempis. Lisa Wyauh3d l I klllson 34 attcmpu: and Alanna Albrcch1 had seven kills on 19 attempts. Albrech1 had 10 digs and Wyau had e1gh1.

Joy Engeldrnger and Albrecht served two aces apiece and Wyau served one. They mcc1 Abilene Christian in D.L. Ligon Cohscum t0nigh1 at 7 p.m. Th ursd:1yn igh1 they ta.kc on MeMurry

Uni\·crsity here at the c.oliseum.

On Tap This Week: Football: Saturday, 7:30 p.m. Memorial Stadium, Indians vs. McMurry Univ. R) '""") \rm,1,.,n~

Soccer: Tuesday, 7 p.m., MSU Soccer Field, Indians vs. Texas Christian Univ.

1 '"'" ',~:::: College u~cd


t ,1lkg1,1IC At/ll('IIC ANX:i:aUO ' 111 Shcrm:1n Saturd.:a)' :aftcr~()l:~i-con-

Volleyball: Tuesday, 7 p.m., D.L. Ligon Coliseum, Lady Indians vs. Abilene Christian Univ. Thursday, 7 p.m., D.L. Ligon Coliseum,.Lady Indians vs. McMuny Univ.

Intramural K;mgarc:;t::~~ Action .. .

~1;~1°::k..':.~e~t~•~f;m;: ~J. 4'} ~~,J~~cy;th:~~h<" the Indian, thc'II ~,~nd ,~thi.' ,-11 ~ los~. ,·1r1u.1lly r[m11na11n,: cufQ-7


It's a Tail Gate Party!


OJtnn llcdgcs' rxtrJ ~i~ try was good and l\.·!1dwcs1crn, ~~u~tl 10 within 1wo pom1s where the)


ljU:ll'tCt .

ll) Ka lb) 1-1,iyd

MSU goohe Derck Otymy sang th<' lofk•<ome blue~ from his endorthc f,cltl Fnd:iy mgh1 as he wa1chcd the '<ll\.C'Ct tc.1m v.h1p Culver-Stockton :,oundl)' 11 -0. Bnn Harder ~orcd his first of thtc"C m the first half with 31:46 left. Jlcforc thirty mmu1cs of the g:ime \\t'fC up, the score was 5-0. Kns HcnJcoon scottd one goal and hld 1w11 ass,~LS. Harder also wos crcducd "'1th one :l.'-'-iSI. Fans coached I.he Oth("t team from the s1.:inds. The scor.: v.as 7-0 at I.he half. Th,: d.tnt·.: 1eam performed while most ofthr crowd exited the sunds. Bu1, 1hcguys from Canton, Mo., i.1ur k with 11 and held I.he Indians 10 onl)' four coals an the second half. Cltm Clark scored two goals. Abo l>C'ormg were Kirk 8 uchan.1n, GcoffJ-11n1on,S1cphcnPelcr,Michacl Boudreau and Stephen Bcnurd.

lrom :r,~:tl:y for 1h~ Indian~ c-umc on o onc-y.;arJ plunb~

from Alton Cram m th" :,1.•c00t

Indians win 11-0, host TCU tonight

lk pot1rr


\1 ulr11. k (1d J i:o,tl~ ID t . J 1 \l;dwc~tcru·s hm l. -wJll :~1:rn,11.:h 1hc 1r ,a••,nd win in . ~ ' ·~ ·iciion

The lntlrnns out-Shot Cuh·erStockton 42-3. O1.ymy only had 10 m:ike 1wo s., vc~. Culwr-Stock1on coolie Ch:ld Hilbmg mJdc 19 !).1\'C.~ . Early I ll 1he second hal(. Lhc In• d1aus e1.ccutcd mass subsrnuuons. A SSISL1nl Coach Carl Wiersema SJ Id there were two r<!.:lsons. · 11 gi\·cs ("\Ct)'bodya ch:incc 1opl:iya11d11will gi1·c the. stani.:rs a rest for the hard w.:ckcnd coming up." The lnd1:ms bt'.1t SL Mary's or the Plains 5-0 S.iturday afternoon m bclow-frcc,.mg weather m Dodge Caty, Kan. TI1e team suycd m Kan!o.ts to play Kans.as Newman Sunday aftcrnoon. The lntl,ans won 6-0, but Head Soccrr Coach Nathan Pifer said the other ,cam rcsoncd LO somerlir1y rnclies. TI1c tc.un takes on !'\CAA Texas Christian Uni,·ers1ty tonight :it 7:00 pm. at the MSU Soccer Field.

rcma;~· the third quancr I.he lnd1:in defense stopped the Roos on four~ :ind two at the Tn bc's own 24-)'at t111c,


0 1~ ;;;~

onadnvcth:it ..aw Cram e:,rry ihc t,all 11 times for 42 )':irtls and one pass

~:U~~ :d ~~u/~~n~~~sA;~:c~I~ 1

lcge 26. !ledges n.1rrowly missal a field goal thlll 11.•ould have put I.he

:~rJ bderc1:~


India~!" has allowed 3 touchd0\1'11 now for 15 consccuU\'Cquar1ers. They continued the string against the Kangoroos. holding thr TIAA's Ic:xlmg sconng team 10 onc-tJurd lhclf normal ou1put and shuHJng down Jason John~n. the conferences lcadmg ,ndu·1Ju.al scorer. Lancb.lclccr Chris Cardinale agam led all defenders with 11 solo tackles and three assists. Teddy M.lrtyniuk h3d rive solos antl two assists ond the thlfd member or the lincbacl:mg trio. Rus.~ Grissom. had rive smglcs, two for lo)t.SCS with one quarterback sxlc on Kangaroo Captain, Dale Tromplcr. The loss drops the Jndaans to 1-6 overall and 1-2 in con(ercnce while Auslln College improves to 5-2 overall lnd 2-2 in Lhe TIAA.


..... "'"

Come join BANK ONE, KFOX-TV 3, & Coca Cola for pre-game fun!



Bowling... Dy \brla G r undf Rl'!Xlrll'r

Dowling mtrnmur.als COl\c~ \\ 1th champions named in ttt lc:igucs. For the men's league, F~ pl3ccd ftr.si.. PIH Sigma ~ finished second, Sigma Nu piz. thmJ and Campus Mm1stnes foirt Marc PaJkcr of Phi S1gmaK.iRl3't !ugh scorer. Women's bowling clOScd , 1 S1gni(y NoLhings in lirs1. Chi~ second. anll Campus MiniSlnes ~ third. Women's lugh sccrer , 11 l\11c h e llc Zuega.

two game losing streak b)' out- a.. clmg and out-running Southcn Methodist University 28-0. Tlus ,y. tory brings MidwcslCm's record; 2- 1 in the collegian ranks, and 2.1

COIIJrN,nce 17 Concern,ng Ill POSM»ive

:~::~~~t~ci~~~tha~~: I


his own.

28Cr1n.1slrut1 pl

"We came togcthcrasatc:lllldil weelc, Rob 1-lowleu. dub petSl(lel_ saiJ. "Everyone hustled the a1m g:1mc and ti.all not m:ikc Lhc SJJll( !Dliukcs made m thl' 13St two ~:una." Everyone 1' slo\l ly gaining upcncncc wcc.k a ftcr v."iXL \\'hat llll Iha) mean? M1dw~i.tcm i:ould be ca the verge of bc..om1ns 3 rugbypo'ltt houst•, he s.aid. Midwcstcm's nc:.\t gJ1nc1ssiac Unt\'Cr)t.1t) of Dall:is Oct. W.



3 1 Edge 32Keepnl<u 358elall 38W.,gOCI

42 Through 43 South Ame<1t1n

mammal 45 O.ne 46 For ltltlmple

8S1ng1e 9 HypoUlf!tieal


101no1V1<1u111 11 Badgers 13HatvMTS

47 Spolleo

1eso ,ke

49 Hebrew 1e11er SOSpm

19 Rubber -l>ol -

,.. ,..... ,

52 Football team



lOff'led IOOIWHr

21 ~ucetorma


55 Units J I pnysical 23 Yawns 25 St11ke ~

DOWN 1 Cbmb,ng palm 2 Equally


overall. Midwestern came out fired ~ and from the ftrs1whistle on Ul<!)' du not let up. Corey Fcnoglao. Marc \\1,

pr011ovn 20Gl11ten 21 King ol Juo ,r, 22 Zest 24 Greeklelte, 25 1-1,11 26 MovesatJ.Out


Free Hot Dogs and Cokes


The MSU rugby 1cam SlOpp:di

11 Hunllng 6og 12 "4UM

41 Mans name

6pm-7:15pm at Memorial Stadium


e<Ullf)Cl lllon-

For a brier explanallon Ill sp<'ltl. archery rcquLrc~ the sl:in 6i: u, mg a bow nnd arrow IO hn a~ !I' Th<" 1argc1 ,._ d1v1ded into h:wing d1ff<'rcnt porn! ranges, In I.he women's league, ~ PIH wok ~rsl P(.ace. folk>•••C([ I. Gamma Phi Beta m second,~ Mimstt1CS captured thud, and~ fm1shcd fourth. Amy Pulthoft .,..., h1~hCSt SCOfC,f . Men's acuon ended 11.-11.h s· N u sc11mg rirsl. Faculty in ~ Campus Mm1Slf1CSgrabbingthinf-.i rounh bomg to Kappa S1&mt, st\ Purcluc w:I.'> lhe high scorer.

Rugby wins

39 Also

October 27, 1990

Intramural archery h.s agam come 10 an end .,,,ilh ~ ,;urpns1ng rcsulL<i m both ICII~

Br1anB1/brd R,portt~

1S Mecrien,u1


\t4 r1ar.ru11d1


27 RIIJ\99 01 knov.ledg11

29 earo,e


,ocrioosa , 3 Cau~


Golf team signs two BJ' BrJ•n UaUard

3 Doctrine 4 OU.na




Rtpor ler

5 Eng, a-...1 will'!

JSCoolo.~ 1nho r



ll1c ~..fSU golf trJ.m reCCl1 ~ \'Crbal comnuuncnts from S.-..'4 Brake and Brian Trainc.r to ~ O' from McOcnron Communil) Cl' k ge m Waco in the fall. Brake, a sophomore. 11,•JS ll' number lhrC"c golfer 1:1~1 ~pnr.g SI \L Cknn~. Bcfon- r ntrnni; Jl)!l,." f college, he was a mC"mOC/ ol l:t \\ aclma falls R,clcr golf ttJfll ~!:f fimshl.'d fourth m liu: IQg9 5' ,JJt ch:1mp1nn~h,p.

33 A 1ta1'

6 Pet1ammg10 11\IOICk~


36 Anange, ,n

7 Pilch

37 Conaumad



,a La11 51 A, liltH 53 8,0111er OI Ochn



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!<eh110l 11.'hO~f;,.)lf prvg11m ":b41'l :.¥ v.ay up and v. h1th hmt.1 n~hJ.#';;:i. l,.JlhtJOlt, J.nd ~li1!wc~~·rn $LSI' . fl!:hl 11\Ull'n:,~ 1kJ 11Golll\-V.hL' l\,ib1 :-..11t!

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lh.1t llr.J.c ,11\..I TrJ111,· 1 ... 1l! t,t'J1-'- 111 11k.' ~di ll',1111 Hl \ \ t.all, ,_..._1,1.1• '11.. ,' , .. ,. •

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