Caribbeau celebration
Homecoming Memories
TheWic itan
votume 73, Numb er 7
Thu rsd ay, Oct. 27, 1994
Some textbooks may get scarce and higher in cost By Nevillt Ltwis Associa1, Ed itor Come next scmc1;1er, stu-
M1dwcstt.'. rn may he
~::~t; !~ [ks~da~1:~,1;~;c; ~
pm:cs and a shorta~c of 1e:u books. McGraw-H11l. ont.: of 1hc nauon·s 1::irgc:M 1cx1hook pub·
hshcrs and one of the campus's ffiJJOr supphcrs. mti:nds
to assess a f1,•c percent charge on all hooks that ::ire returned by the t't<wkqorc.
Peter Rook. MSU Book.'iton: manJgcr, s:ud Th,s ~hart;c alter,; the cost M of 1hc bonk and forces us 10 add this 111cn::men1al cos1 lO
the fin:i l selling pnccs," he said. Prior to Sep1. I. textbooks were sold to hooks1orcs on a
rcturnahle !'Iasis which al• lowed hnokswrcs 10 return the unsold ones a1 1he end of each semester. Instead of waumg un1d close to the heg1nnmg of 1he scmes1cr when enrollment T.
I eefl
MSU Slutlcnu matrhed acroq cam ('Ill,
, in
Cnann Lonon/Th, 1Virl111an the homecoming lfrth light ITWCh 10 the bonrirt on ThuDday .
By Charles Cage St:aff Writer Vo,cts. Midwes te rn 's ycarly literary m::iga,.rne. ha.._ cx1cndcd its s ubmissio n deadline to Dec. 9. Submissions s hou ld he p'3ccd in the Voicn suhm1ss1on box on the 2nd floor of lhc H:irdm building or turned in to Roben Johnson, associ:itc professor of English and Voirts' adviser. :i cc c fl ts Vv i c r s submissions of prose fit: tiun. poetry Jnd brief dramati(: pieces, Johnson ~1d.
Johnson said Vmcrs mlends to continue its high school poctry :mdjunior collcge t'S\a y C(1nteMs Thi-. year's essay topu: will he ~The Effect~ of News Media ·- Print :ind Elcc1romc .. CHI PuhlicOpi ninn.N The Junior colk!!C ess:iy Winners :ire sdec1ed by a blind jury consntinsrof foe- competition he1;3n l3SI )ear ulty :ind studeni from many and was very succe\sful, he. dcp3ttment'l, Johnson said. said. This is Vmct .r' e1g.htccn1h He s:ud the iur)' will nor know the au1hors of the year of puhliC:Jt1on. Thb submissions. nor will the au- year's puhlicauon will ag-ain thors know the nJffll"S of 1hc he til:ick and " hitc dut:' w budget cons1raints ;ury. John;;on cncourJgcd stu• denlSfrom all dep:irtmenlS IO submit and s:ud. ~vo,c,s is n01 owned by 30)' one depar1mcn1 •- the result of which is that !here's a lot of autonomy.~
Psychology clinic open to students, staff, public By Timbtrly Eyssen Slaff Rr portr r MSU stutknts and MJff suffcnng from tcM an:\1CI)' or mild depression cJn get help at the MSU Psychology Clinic, s:11d Tht.-resJ Wo,.cn crafl. assis1an1 profo!>~Or uf pJychology. Four graduJIC s1udcn1s o f psychology arc counscling for a \anl·ty of disordc1s :md an "<u·tu:~. \ he said.
O e
I Or
assault/weapons on
'Voices' submissio ns extended to Dec. 9
bo k d ~
MSU campus
Timberly Eyssen StafTWriter Scve.n1cen-ycar-olJ Todd W. Ernest, nnt 3 s1udcnt of MSU, was a~tt·r.l off campus on 0 <.: t. 21 for ::ii;i;rava1cd assault and for CJrrying a firearm 01110 [\.·tSU Around 11 :20 pm .. 1he MSU police depanmcn1 received 3 phone l·all ahuu1 3 white pickup truck p.irkcd bchmd Killtngswor1h Hall. Erne,t and an u111dcn111icd comp:rn1on .111.: Jccuscd of pullini; J shnti;un 0n Sl'Yl'rJI MSU \ ludcnh in a argument concenung i.e\cral len1Jh.:s. By the 1imt: ti.lSU polKc offi . ccr T1mo1hy SwcJ huri; arrived, lhc truck and o<....:upants had aln:ady lei t the 'tlem; The 11uck <lrovc hy ag:im as the olllt. cr wa, tJkini; st::itcmcnlS fo1m ._,udcnts :ind w11ncssc~. The 11fticer pursuL•d o1nd smppcJ 1hc vchidc driven h)' Erne:,,.t, JI 1he corner or M:iplcwood .md M1dwc~tcrn
Pa1kv..1y Oll n. ~·r Swedhurg Jrrestcd Erne:,,.\ ,ind confis<.·atcJ a ,h11tl!un Jnd a ~mall h:asehJII hJi" that had hL•cn 3llcrcd tnhl J cluh. Pos,l•q 1o n o f hoth weapons Jrc t.nn,1di:n:d third degree lclOO!L''l when lhe)' an: C3rrtl'd Onto JO)' 1'l hool CJtn· pus. Aix ordm~ In lhL' Justice nf thl' Pl·:1cc ,\ nhur B W1\·~ puhln: r.;cPrth, S:;1. ThomJs Slnan 11kd 1he wJrrJnt~ fin hl:halt' of the U01\C1\ ily Erne, , ha'i hccn rclc:hed on '-1 SOIi tl(lnd 0
Clinic StafT All \C\'1t -n, Jrc \lnclh confo.knliJI Coun-.clor~ J r~ t:rJdu.alc stud.:nh tn th;; p\) i.:hol,i~y dcpJ1 lnH:nt. \\ Ith Wo1:.:m:ra f1. J l!tcn/il'd P~) d hl hlg1:-.t. \ U('\:1\ bin!;
R1d 1 WJo n~. Fmlly lld:t') , Kd li Hill .•n J K.a~en
~~ ~, ii~ ?11 iw ~~ Jm ~uinb Ii~ !wll!r ?1 t~il1rm
figures are more st3 hlc. McGraw -Hil l's previous policy allowed the books111re to order and havi: in place sufficient hooks to mi:et every class's demand hcfore the first d:iy of cla._s, Rook said. Coupled with a new 1n:nd which secs a greater number of non-tradi11onal studcntS cnrollin1, m colleges and universiucs. thi: new McGraw Hill pohcy makes ii dtfficult to correctly estimate 1he number of books to order per class and effectively control the rc1urn of excess inveniory, he said. It 1.s for this reason that Rook 1s 3dvising professors th3t · if they can find a possihie way of avo iding McGraw-Hill. 11 might be in (1he1r) mtcresi and (their) s1udcnts' mtcrest • Fear of the new McGrawMill policy hJvmg a ripple c:f. feet on tcxthook puhlishmg m the United St:ite/i 1s .1 m:ajor concern "If this 1H ucccs~ful, every pul'tlisher will follow the same suit Ullim3tcly II :Ufccts us all.~ he saiJ. •w~·re fighting that this docs nm hecome a lrc:nd across the industry.~
Keeping prices al a min1mum is a maJor goal of the bookstore, Rook s:ud. ~students are 3Jre.:1dy unhappy about the pnccs or 1ex1~ A lot of times, they don't sec 1he value for their dollar People are so cost-conscious 1hat 1hcy have to see the value. ~The bookstore 1s fighting to keep prices down. We're doing evcrytheng th:ll we possihly can to keep 1t (pncc) inexpensive. It is m the SIU · dents .:1nd our mterest: he said. Since 11 is a ·b!.lnket policy," which ul!ima1ely affects all booksellers, 1he MSU Bookstore and other rnllege campus hoo~stores ;ire mountmg a unified t·.ffort to thwarl McGraw- I-fills plan. . Rook Slid. . ~o~ever. he rem~ms o_p11i:ri1st1c McGraw- Hill will withdraw the new policy. "I'~ ~onfident that. they'll see this 1s a bad dcc1s1on :rn_d th_cy .will cha_n ge. th_eir m10~s. Ro~k s.:11d. I think they re wa11i~g to sec what the backl:ish 1s going 10 he We have had 01her puhlishers trymg to cu1 pnces and <.'ut losses. Th:11 IS the way ii is supposed to he ·
-t't't$'tt~'t,...-. tttUtt•u
Celtic New Year/Halloween shar e annual celebration By Cl1ris1ine Dreher R~porter W11h H3llowcen near, m::any people arc making elahorurc plans on how to spend their time around the dJy so heavily cclcbr:11cd. A<.· tivmcs rangi: from par11cs m tnck-or-trcating Ye1 one _o f 1hc most intercslrn g muals 1s 1hc
along with ii. -semainM 1s significant for 3 number of reasons. Dunng this time there w2s a fear that the sun would not return and chaos would surround 1he earth Also. 1hc harrier between th~ living and 1he dl·ad was lowcn:d and spmlS took on forms ·• supcm3tural figures who walked the earth •. in con-
~::~~;,cac~i~~~~ ~~ ~c~~·:1!} t:~1~~;~1.h other uneanhly ~tJr~s:~a: _ :~~s ~ 1~~rl! ~~~~ To remind th~ sun 10 wnh lauthta :ind fu n. plus return and avo,d these occurrc~ccs, the CclL\ \\ Ould soml! cUucation;il msi~ht II i~ tht· Celli,,; NL•w Year ~ngag~ m .:1 _numtl\:r o~111uals, and :ill Eni:h:.h Club mem- mcludmg light1~g b_,g. honhers and ihcir fuend~ arc fires_and man:hmg 10 ccre.wckomc 1o auend. Activities momal processions. Wheninclude catrng. ndme horses ever the boundary of 1hc 03l· ond chanting. The cVcnt has u_ral ~nd supernatural w :is n:· been called r:vcrything from lmqu1~h~d. the Celu _would voodoo right~ 10 pai;anism, have v1s1ons of good thmgs to come. winch arc hmh int'om..·ct. ~The participation and ,c. The Ccl11(' calendar has an :igncullural. r:ithcr lhan a so- cnac1mcnt in soml·thing 1h:it l~r basis. There arc four sis- has been 1rad1tional for al~tficant dates w11hm the c~I- m~st 1500 yc3rs 1:. the hvmg i.:~d~r.' al~ S(gn1fymg spec11!c e_v1dcnce of 1he way Chu!>~1v1s1~n! . in the ~e~sons. t1an1ty ah~orhcd pagan trndt· Scm:un 1.s lhe most ~1~n1fi • lions and t·ulture,~* T:i.ylur cnnt of these, ht:c:iu\C ll 1s 1hc s.11d · dins1on hcl\l.\:Cn au111mn and Hence every year in order winter ·s c:m.un 1._ rclcl'lrateJ on Nov. I. Th1.: uthi.:r!> l rc to ensure a w1~h for a fruitful "fmboh,:," the tli, is wn he- Ha.llowcen. the Ccl11c New l\\.Cen v.inic, ,md spring, Year 1s cclcbr:itcJ . Through "Bclraint..',N the 1,l·ginnrng of 1his, the power or the o ld summer anJ frn.1ll y "Lug- ways rnnlrnuc.._, but in Chn:.nJ..\ ld. ih..: hcgmnmg. ol au- 11.:1n form. The corn god is tumn. All ,sif thl''ic date,;, mJrk burned :ind Chn<.11.1n prayer 1hc ht.:!!innin~ of an agncul- ~:~:JcmcntetJ tor a g,lod 1ur.i.l t'Vt..'01, ~m:h J\ pn.•p;irint: 10
1h, l1dd• tor plJnllng ,nd
... . . .. .......,ti ....
h.u,·c,;,trnt Lhc Im! frull'i from !ht· •:d,lr. /h L"••J_J m~ IP k e:l'llJ, r:1e C ~·11·( \~•i\ ) -"Jr ho1, MJII)" '·1 i:iJ·,·•i:. .i .p-.:u., lhJt ~o
The Cc-ltic New Ycar cclebration will be Jl (, p.m.. Oct :!9 f or mC1rc inform.11i11n, c31J 1hc En~li,h Jcp.Jnmcnt, fik9-4 1f)l1
.... ........ . . . . .......
-.............. ·•
_ _. _. _. -..-•- . ;::S New r·,- ·- · - · - ·- · - ·- ·- · -··- · - . f: '. TIIE Wichitan
P,~c l
Thursday, Ocrobcr 27, 19')4
Psychology clinic--- i fru,n pa_r:,r I \l l ( \HIHll k JI, [Ill' lllll11,.\
1.11un....,.•h11, l,1r 1h1, -.C llll' \ll'r '\p1"l llll r rlibti.:m Ca.\CS .ire J 11nh:d 111 JJ..:qul.'hnc
PJ ul G11 1hr1c .
J h,· 1~·,.1 W Ml' lll'l'J lt, ::i,"q.111 1 prnfr,,ur.1,
lo 1>1.1y d l.'.l n An11rt' 'IJ lll'f\'11'a l'JSe'i 11..:etl php1 • l'IJn, Jnd 1mr,e, 111 momh1r aniJ Y. tlrk with the pJllt'nts. ~ht· .~:ud
Cost for Couns,lin~
fh} i.:h1•loi::y who \\urk w11h
l hey JOHll l}'
lhl· din 11.
C\ ,tlu.11c JnJ Jo1gn thl' p111rl' I tn:Jlffil'l\l for ca1.·h dint l' JlJ \ 1.; 11 1 E:tl.' h P')'t:h11h1~11;1 ,1wc1Jl11c.~ in l'l"t 1.nn
I.ind,; ,,1 pmhkm.-.
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l'\ f\,' 111\\.' j, In
pn,1,nJlll) .1:-,c"-,m1.·nt J nd h111 ~-k·m1 1hi:r.1r> C UC\'a.1,\ (.''(f1\'L[1\ l'
Ol JOl ,tl
Studl·ni... facult y. :i nd :!lt.1ff 111 MSU tl11 ntll nccd 1o pJy Im tlw 1hl' l'JPY ('11sh to non-MSU Jf! llt,ltl'd pci :.on,. I ~ evJhlJll.'d (lll a shchni; :-1.Jk hJ~l~ T,1 tJUJltly 11,r ,.:l'lln~cl mg, the mtl1 \'1d11al\ 111corni.: mu:.t ht.· JI povi.:rty lc\·d and hdshi: mu:.t hJvc no priv:itc
inform,11wn ,inly lur 1hi: 1.· hm1. 1Jn, Jlld 1hc MIi'",:" 1~111~
p~y1.·hu!C1~1sb : W1bon :,Jttl Thr avi:r:ii;i: 111J1v1tluJI session~ IJSI Jpproximatdy 50 nunutcs &·,,ion:,, arc held o nce 11r twice a week, dcpcnt11ng on the rndtvlllual's needs. Af1t·r 1wn or thrcl.' Sl.'ssion,. :i.n a.\,C-\Snll'nl 1s n1Jtle 10 tlcll.'l'mmc how muc.:h lunger the 111dt\'1dual need.~ the therapy. if any JI all. she said. Olhtr Clinic ~nires
~n~~l~r:;~~i:: ov~;ty ~~~i;~r;·~ J1.·.1I, murc \\1th ch1IJn.:n .1nd 1;uiddincs whu.:h arc based .uJ,1ksu:n1" on th~ ,;11c and income of the In l'\hcmc c.1,\.', whcl\' md1v1tlual'i. fJmil)'. The least .11h l1t1on,II 1ri.:.1 1mcn1 1.\ amounl the pcr,nn would p:iy 1c-qu11cJ, rnJn·1du.1I,,; are 1.\ S5 pc1 ,e~.~ll,n. Wilson Tl'lcm·<l 1,1 1hc McntJI Hl'Jlth s::iid. "La,t ,;cml'Stcr the chnie .,nd ~k n1.1 I R1:1:1rJa1ion ( Mll ~!R) d1ntl, llr rnv:Hc coun~ekd SC\'Cn !\·!SU SIU · rhy, 1l· 1.111-. or r~yl..'lnatm1s. dl!nlS anti S IX 111d111 1duals liJ~~·d on thi: k1ml 11f 1hi:rJp)' fwm the community for l th1,,; int11, 1duJl ,.111 J fford v,1nety of prnhkms. Wilson ~tH~tR J1,,;.1b \\tth mdi• sa1d. (Ow IO !he pnvacy v1du:ih m lhc community :it issul'. Wilson Jed med to !hi! r o\'crty lcvd. w11h mo~t prnv1dc the nami:s l1f past i;\1unscl111g frl·c ,11 1.·hargl!. c lte nu . ,;;o fo l l11w-un Phy~1l'1Jns Jnd p:.y1.·h1:uns1s. interview~ l'uuld not he on the 1Hhcr hand. ch.1rgl' 1.· onductcd 10 dl'lcnnmc hnw l:i r~1.·1 lt'C<.: the y hc-nd11e tl from counschn~) What Problrms <'::I ll ht Wot.l·nn,111 said 1111c Hel ped l l lhl' Clinic? n:ason 1~ npk tlon't , 1Jy wilh
1hcrJpy, \, \uh: Wo1cncr.1fl
A ,111,· \\'1h1H1. ···,·rl' IJrv Jl ... !hi! P:.)'lh11li1t-:} Clm1c ; J1d tLh',·r ,31\'Ta,, :,.",. ,' ,'·,'o"',',;:l_mi; IJhn:,·,: "' " inlludi;:,. ..:llJnJ.:c of tlcJlh LO lhi.: • 1Jm1ly, and tl1von:l'. Amich' Disord,rs·•
~1~\~1t~,'.~1~1lJ~~~~~._~:1n.~~~j :ingl'f managemcnl. Social S kill P,oblcms-- ,ncluuin~ SU\'.'S.~•m,1nat;l·ment. vo<.:altf\ll.ll a:!1\C~:.mcnt :i.nd co unsel ing . hchav1or manJg.::mt•nt, p.1rcn1:il skill tr;uning, mant.11 counsding. :inJ ch1lt.ln:n who hJ"e hccn .scxuJ\1) :ihu~ d. Spcc.:,al campus prohlt:ms ;.ire buhmtJ and r:1pc vtCllm thl·r::apy Alc11hol and drug n:latcd prnhkm~. a> well :is anori:xia nervo,J . Jfl.! not l' J.I the dinu: hccJu,t· ol lhl•ir ),pl!cific needs
Campus News Brie s
I.. Honor Stlldents t: By Jlowlr rrinn•
Food fair
Art exhibit Hy Alida Aaro11 Reporter f lk1.\•ntly. Jn unprl.'SS1t1111: ~Nigh1watd1 ~ tiy Richar f ~fartin A~h Ill. profrssor art. WJS purf ~•"cd tiy ti~ l-law:m S1:ill' l·oundJt1t1n ' 1 Cul!Url· and th,· Arb , Thi· 1mpn.•:,.~_wn ~( ~~~~~ ),c,:rl'Cn pr 111t ,~111 hl pc ,' nr.nliy loc;ucd 1n the Sl:lh: s ar1Cco,,1,1,:.'n·1,if1yn, hi~ scn,-cn prin1
jRrport, r • M11rc than JOU hq! h i sch()(ll hnnor studcnl" will .~ompctc tor mnre honors dur• ,- ing the ll1~h Sc.:hool Bowl .Compc1111o n Ou 29. 1 hl· j student!-1. rcprl.'-.cn1111g hil,!h • schools from D:illJ" t,, ,· Okl;ihom:a. will meet at r-.·1SU . for the Nm1h AnnuJI Fall ,- Honnrs s,Y'!'P-",'111 1': thl' hnwl ~ 10 11u 1101 0 11 1s hemi; d1sp1Jyed JI m:m y 10th 11 : , ,= museum,; and ~alkncs ( 1 ... i:H:iwai1a11 Islands as part 0d
~.:!,~~~~~ ~:"~~~~,\~~"\~i,~
By Howie' Prince l· Rtporter C 'bhi:an , tudents · the ir v~~cc:nuan_'co unter~~~~: i in cch:hraiion of 1hi: mdcpcn .: dc nc.:c of S1. Vrnt·cnl anti lhc Grcnatlines . mday _Sludi:nts I: h:ivc nrg:m1zcd a, loud fau ·ind mint cxh1h111on schcd .: ~kd for 1hc CJ.irk S1udt nt Center. 11 00 a m to 2 Oil : pm. .. Carlos I homa\. pre, 1• : dl'OI of 1hc CJn hhl·an S111dl'nt Org:mi/.J!l(Hl. :,.:mJ the event : is part of an on~omg prnce~s
scss~~n~~~~tt~',;~'.h:~~,g~1~t t ~att:t!~";~l~~~~~l.\•~~s~ ~~~~t/\t[:s1.'·cxh1h1t title of promoting CJrjhhcan af.: p:inmcnl has mJny other scr- :compuli:r sc1c11l'C fal'ult y. and Thr: LinckflnJ Ari Cr:nter fairsh: ca~~1~~;1c~"::uo~her ,•1cc:s, 1ncludin~ workshops Jim Hall. :.!Jff The tlicmc 11 1 and thl' HoMlulu Pn n111111k· Can ·an c I i h . OM for gmups. Issue.~ hke m:u:11al ,= the 1echnology latr will hi: mg Workshop org:inued the indepc~dc~cc ~~/ ra~il~\ 9 1herJpy :md ma1h 1cst anx1i.:t>: ~Internet-Thi.: W11rltl .11 Your cxhihttion. soon:N nllf!Lt~; ::inJr \ a 1· arc d1scus~etl rn ~omc ol l=Fingertip.~ on ov. fD t e these group.. . Karen Jeff C:imphdl. profo$· Commonwc:i1I O om1n1c.: a : McCormick Jnd Rich W;irmg : sor-English and an on Nov. Jrd. c,·i:n m::tkl! .~pi;l'1al trips out i\f l or the symposium. s:nd thl' By Erika Thomns 1· mwn to counsel ind1viduah.. : Bowl IS so mewhal ltkc RcportC!r' Wilson :.aid Jeopardy. It ::lfford:. oumaotl• The Vinson l·k ,11lh Ci.:nrer By J t rcmy Kingston ~our pr:ae11t:11m students : ing high SlUdent~ a un1qlll' will begin givmg nu vacci- Reporter provide group Jnd ind1v1duJI and sumulatmg. d 1allengl' nation shuL\ tic~innini; Nov. I. Southe.rn t\ok1ho~1s1 Un1-1· thcr:ipy 1,1 ad)ltdicatcd 1uvc- 1· The studcnL'i will compete Ill There i~ a limited amount vcrsity will tic hostmg a law nilc ddimiucnu m Youn& 1wo d1v1siuns Sl:hlxils will tic ('I f Y:tccine ava1lahlc. so c.ills fair from 2-S p.m., Nov. 4, in 1' County," Woa:ncraft said. . divided into icams compns- ar<" now bcmg :icci:p1cd to Dallas There will he more Every Satu r d ay . l ing four player.!. wi th J team schctluleappointments:. than JOO law schools rcpre-; McC'mmid and Warrng ; to he eliminated after two "Prcvenuon 1s possiblc,R scntcd at the fa ir, indudinsl 10 th make the all·dJy Inf'! c llose.'i. Ma11ha Perry, Vmson Health Harvard, Yale and m.iny: Offil•es of the Juvcn1k l. The syrnpo~nun I \ \pon• Center nurse. ~aid. "hy avoid· other prcstigmu.~ schools Proh:lllon Dl·parlmcnl in th e sored hy Alpha Chi . AlphJ in , the llu virus 11sc lf with This will hi; a good oppor-: Grnhum Courthouse: to coun• L::imhda_Ddta. Mnrw RnJrJ }od h•·alth hahits wch as d · ·~ sci thl!sc children. Sessions and Phi Eta S1gmJ, llllnor g ,... f d' iunity for stu cnts mtcreStcd 11 I ~~~\r/,?Y,~~~htJn~o .s~~'./,",:'nli7;~ last from 30 minutes for in- so.:1i.:1ic~:11 MSU marntamml.!:! a hear 11 ut ;~~ m :mending law sch,ool m the , ... .... dh·iduals 1o om.: :inti ::i half 1· gcttinl! P cnty O res ' . future anti to sec I tc v~ne1y needl'd to help their pmhlcm. hours for groups. . most 1m pM1an1ly. gctung of programs ihat arc olfcred: ti\•' "Oc'1",,."~l,in !',',Jhl 1s1,",',-,hhe·I·~ The Ps)'d111logy CI\OIC I ~ ,= vaccina1i.:d ~ I f r both tiy the hig schools :a~d , ,.. " kx:ated in Room 111 tn 1he lnoi.:ulatmn l iargc> 0 the many smaller schools 1n : prohlcm. with n1nli<kn11ahty : MSU s!lldrnts :ire mdudcd in a:!I Jn extra henefil O'Donohnl' hu11tling. Hours The Rctl R1vc1 Ph11tugrJ · 1hc fee ;tlluned each semester thc.;;:~iu Pre-Law Socii:ty : 01 2 5 Evi.:l)'lhm•' 1s undl·r Ind : and :ire from · P Mootl:iy• : PhY <;luh will hold n's n.:,;ulJr 10 each ,tudcnt To sci up an . L.• • I •av·n" .i~ a oroup ,., ,:, Th u rsday Fnr more 1mccung ai 7:30 pm . Nov 8. appointment ur for any o1hcr w1 11 lll! c· , to e• k•·•.:, Y·- ".".h_ " _'·,_·,_, _ '_" _'h• <,.;: in::;f'::; 'llll ;;a;;ll::; "";;·,;; ca;;ll. 6;.; N'.l-4 ;. ;7.; 9.;l._" the Amcncan Red Cro~\ questions. \!lldcnts i.:an con- 11 a.m. from M1d7cs1crn. , • building: on IMOlJ Sth Sirect tact enhcr Perr)', or Peggy ~~~~~i~~~~ .iri.: a Ml wd .. ,(Seymou, H,ghway). Holtat 689-42,I. Fo, moretnlmma1111n <all,· Visitors arc mvnctl. For VHC uffu.:c ho urs arc Mich·y Gro~~ MSU Pre-Law : entangled in the front tire • more information, call John Mond:ay through Friday from Society prcsidi.:nt. 692-7897 .••~ Ckt. 1.9 ul 6:3Op.m.. spokes. \lipping her over the jEcker1. 69'2-0470. 7-45 3 m 10 4:45 fl m. :i t-.1cycl1ns _ :i:cc1~cnl occurred handkt-o:ars. -- ..- •·- •- ·•- ··- ··~ •·- ··- •·- ··- ·•- ·•- ••- ••- " - ''- ''- •~ 1 on campus nJunng one per• A Life Linc amhulancc ~·-;.;;;;;_;;,.;;;_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~ - - - - - - - - - , son. took M::iriincz m General _. Bren_da M:ir1inc7: :tn~ a Hospi1al where she was companion were hicycli_ng trc::itcd and n:kascd for a gash home on Wes! Campus Dnvc on her fon.:hcad. a laccr:itcd from shopping J I Sik~ Senter knee. :ind shoulder pain. Mall. A plastic shopping h.ig Martinez w:i.s unavailahle for she was c::irry1ng hcc::imc comment
,I 1
Flu shots
Law even
Photo club
•~--------='--'------, Laugh about the Money y ou Save
Wilson SJld. Ah:ohol :ind drug prutilcms some times nl·ctl de1nx11icJt1on mcasur\:S anti rou11 nc therapy in ortlt:r
Wuh C o opon
is Ava ilable J.11.,l\~~1·011I.U!l~(l\'t'f 1.50.l'XXl
\IM1ffc~ ,u ;ud, g1:u1t.,, anU J'lftli'r.uo~
W.lfll1ow1SlOh1llm11.Cal tnuwfo, frt't' ,ccnrJttl mc.•., <.:1,c aoJ
w onJcr
If('(' htt.l(hun:
l-~11:XM•XJ-~ ,u
n l
/,\ ;ub/llc 2J hour,.
Saturday Oct. 29 Halloween Pa rty Dance Floor Live DJ Co,tume Conte,t
Po~e~hH~~:io~r~m ( .75 Wcllo & Drawo)
18 & Over Welco me c.,... ,..
0YCr 21 t 2/Undu 21 t ,
Party @ Cou•ins for a Bit<hin' Good Time !1!! In tl-e loi.1ri6i!ln ll Kell & Harrieon 767-4339
Order your college ring NOW. SAVE S80 OFF ANY 14k GOLD RING. !Ok GOLD womans ring start at S2S4 mens at S334. Order dirttt from JOSTENS REP ON SALE DAVS TO see tbe beautiful designs and SAVESS. date: November 7 & 8 time: 10AM to 4:00PM place: MSll Book Store vot ·R BEST SELECTION & VALUE! !!
, 1
Stude,it hurt i,i bicycle accident
DriveSat'e Da•ansive Driving of medic al h:ickground.~ ~ 691-4132
{ ) IU
ihc~~~s~a~:t:~~c~r a 7~,~~
Money for College
! II
books• m
Wichita Square
.. 0 p1n1on
TIIE Wichitan
OUR VIEWS By llrian Ballard Editor To d~c1dc who you will \ 'Oh; for N
:ibdica1c your rndi,• riowc, h
ov k 1.._ h;ird work. hut 1o
l not vmmg ,... most"""' "' nm work if the people dc<:hnc
since the dcmocra11c proccs\ ,1 ·
to show lhcir will.
E:ich voicr mu,1accept re~ l .h 001 voting and lhc 1.:onscqucn1.·g,/~M I1ny for either \ Oling ur ? our communi11c\, Recent ltl\,31 clt:<:!mns 1n Wichila Co contc~tccJ MJIC or n:uiona\ r'll'.~~'h 11~~ l~ich then.: Wl'rc no n.:g1~h.:n.:d vmcrs of lc:..s th·•~ ( ,l\ i.,: had a vmcr turn-out of 21 11 rc~c1v~ as mu~h
a.~ 6() pcr~cnL 01~;~~ · .sh~uld _a_canduJa1c
minonty camhd:nc since 1~ I1. c otc. hcb,hc 1s s1dl a ss ian 50 rcrccnt of the rcgi~1crcd vo11.:rs p:mic1patcd.
-----~{;{]IJJ[fi®~ '-fDU
anything artcr these mmorii wh:11 the ma1ori1y ol ihc
andaie 10 d,) mu,h of I_cction~: l!dshc d~sn'1 know away from 1he vo11rig ~ I P1.f,wani .'imce the maJorny Slayer.I the ,:a.ndf1~:i1e U\ ually stands pJ.t w11h whatever g~-.. IC name o convcnt1,10:il wisdom.· · ti · gln n all he This would 11 nngs were generally ~omg well in our communitic\ and 1 d1c1atcs "If 11 ain't h k . ntu~ cPiuntry. Cnn\'..:n11onal w1<;dom 1 of the v~rious politi:; ~~~a~\~~ ~~- How_e"_cr. ~ 4~1d: sur\·ey 1~~~~~~~1; our society revca\i; that m~s1 Jrc ~ot pc~foor: 1 1 Evef)•onc a_gn.-e<; that the MK'1al welfare ~ystem is hroke~ :ind loo oft~n .!a mply entraps f')t:oplc min the povertY,,: yclc U~1ted StJte~ hJ\ a higher pcri.:entat:e c;.f ll5 CllltC~S !ockcd up m p_nson(; than any mher ,oun1ry ,n ihc world Th,~ mcl_udes Ru~~ta, the People's Rcpuhhc or China and Sou.,h · Afnc:i. Con-..1dcnn~ I hat dollar est1m:1tcs 10 keep an irunJie lock~d up 1n a max1mun~ sccunty prison range from S25,lXXI 1o S35, )(M.) a y.e~r. ~uch ol our co~ntry's wealth 1._ Oi:mg spent 10 keep people m ru 1son. Could this md1c:a1c there 1s something w~o~g w1_th ~ur educ:111011, economic, soc ml welfare and ~~:;~~~~ust1cc policies? Yes. a non-im-olvcd person would
. George W. 8 lhh OIiers a )l1Und 1m.:1hrn.l 10 run TexJ., . Un li kc ;\ nn R1t..h:m.h. Tcxa1,' eurrt..·nt governor. Bu\ h !! Uppon ~ po hl11,.· ctl11<:au1in
M.~ 1'• ~ -
.J f tr~f'.
By Cll:trlrs Cugt St.arr Wriltr
T~c candidJ1c doesn't have a m
Nm ju'il lip ~erv1ce). hut indei.:d 1rue f111a nc1al and pollt1cal suppon of puhlic: educ:rnon will follow if Bush 1s d ccted Policies such JJ culling the TCXJS EducJt1on Agency 10 lls on gmJJ purpose as J non-pol1 1ical r~gu!Jlo ry agency will_help lrce T~x:is sc hools l rom p:ir1 1~Jn poh1ics
' ~-
~t ~~1~
b~O{]fftJ E?f0~' :@~
More than 30 million U.S. citiLens do nol ha\'c act..·css to cording to rcc,:nt news reporn. Yet. ad.equate health car~. ac_ this ma country which 1s one of lhc wealthiest rn the world on ll--------7"11.,,\"tc a per c:ipi1a ha~1s. ~an ~l .hodc well for the future of a country if such a large nunonty 01 HS t..'1111.cns ra nnm secure m1mm:il health care for their fomi lies., Homicide has passed traffic acc1dc:n1~ a:. 1he maJor cau'\C of dea1h for hlack lcenagers. Th1,; 1~. of course. JU~t one ~tat1st1c th.11 g1v~s rise to the dcteriowion or the ,1uali1y of lire 1n m:i1nr U--.,s---.!....---,-~~:....::::_:~7~:-;--;(--4-...::..-;----,---,--i
ssay contest open to MSU seniors, juniors
mc1ropolii.n ccnim . An:wcnntallfam,11c,lly,mpactcdhy
Yes. we are through our laxes and our general qu:ihty of
So why vote'! Can a pol111ciJn make a diffcrcnce when the whole world <;Ccms Out of Joint? Yes. We grant our politicians the power to mak, and rtvis, l;,ws and oncoinc policies. Jr 1h,y do not hav, a clue to what is goinc wrong in our political system and how to fix it, thos, r,sources we gh·e government lhroui;h our laxts "ill be wa.~led and 1hings will get "ors, for all or us. No economic class. no race or ethnic J:rOup, no ramily, is exempt from lhis. Wt're :ill linked togl•lhcr in community. Yes. 1l is hard work: cvalu:ning !he Ions slate of c:mdidatcs, some running for nfficcs which may he obscure. You are bomharded with onc-minu1e poli1ical ads on 1he ti.:lcv1<;1on .~ 1 which may tell you no1hmg suhs1:m1ivc :ihout the main political issuc.s or the qualifications of the candid:i1cs. Bui times arc too perilous to indult;e your penchant for apa1hy, to abdicate your power hy not voting. Pie~ up a c~py of the ~f Wnmcn Vo1ers guide or U<;c lhe i;mdi:: puhhshed by lhc W1c/11u, Fnl_ls T,n~t'J/Rttcortl News or your local newsp.:ipcr. Study 11, decide and vote for lhc candidates or your . .. . ho1ce. Lei us relearn from Sou1h Afnca and Ha1t1 • theres re:il owcr in 1hi.: individual \ OIC to hnn~ nt...-clkd change.
3410 Tall 0h t.l. I' 0 Do\ ]ti(), W1ch11.11-.tll\, TX 7630R New:. tlc,k· 6RfJ-170J Ath'cr11~1ns 1.k,1.:- 6SIJ-470.S lk llr i\lul1111r Atlm n AH(,,or
llri:111 llatl:,rd f.1h10,
Ell1;allt'lh Milhanhon S1xmsf- 'l,wr
M11rk 1.u)d no11~ Rc-,·1r1, r r
Mirlwt!I Vc-nJrid. C1111•Fd1w,
A :t1lifl l)umn C 11111lur Art/II
( ,r, ,d,1111m,\lm1111•rt
Atl•riTl-fni,: Rrpr.-..rnfil• 1'c J,1qm 11u4rr
IJ,·,111 I J " r.,nrt' ,-,.1,•rr,11r1,11rr:l f;l11ur ll r:1ml11n !lid, 11,,,1.. ,,111 ·, , f/111,11
sionary lcadersl11p. She succet..·ded in gelling the SIJ!e's pmon~. r uhlte ,;chools. and mcnt.11he.11ih S) ,tcm nut from umkr thl· 1umd1t..!lon o/ the 1,.·01111, Shl' 1n,1Lrcd nLw bm,mev•,e:. Jnd Jll citpJntlmt; ceonurny, .\o lu.: helped pos1111111 Tc.,;:i, to (,11,.·c the rigor~ of Jn 1nte rnJtic111al l't fllHHny, F1 • nally, he r lc:ide1"l11 p in drJmat1l'ally l'nl:ir~ing lhe ,;1,1 h:'s p ri ,;1111 ~y,1em has lnr~ed .1,1ccl hJmmer agam\1 crim111Jl'i. Vision:ir)' Ll•ackrship Ann ha\ hl'cn a gl1\'C1111ir \\ l lh d l':ir, lnnJ;• 1.mge ,•1, ion fl l whJt Ti;x:is shl'ultl look lik,: 111 1he 2 ht o.: entury She elfcctl\·dy i:nrnmmm·Jte, 1h1, \ 1\1110 111 11tlta .!t1\l'11111wn1 k .idt·r, and 11, 1h/ ,1.11 · , \'tllt·r, Why i, 1hi\ ,o unp11n.11111 Un·.111,~· thl· ,,Id \\'JP 1\1111'1 v.,1rk Jny mmr.: r hl• lHI Jilli ~ J\ r.:(Ulltllll\" th.11 hull1 T~\J' 10. 011 t L\i:·r 0, 1 mL hJ1. J.. i.• 1111 thi.: \llll' ,'-l"!ll J \ 0
(. h.irl, c '" l.unun
/ /,(1/i•i:wi•h,·r
~In IO<lay's complex world, i1 becomes increasingly impor1an1 to 1hink .i:hout 1hc e1hical questions that remain unrcsolved in our struggles for f)l.::lec. human dignity and unders t:indin~.M Rebecca Weiss. administr:llivt din:ctor of the Elie Wiesel foundation, said. · The Elie Wiesel Prize in Ethics challenges students to examine ur •ent, ethical issues
which we face :is md1v1duals and as members of sociely.Weiss said. StudenlS must suhmll cssays by fan 13. Only three es.says will be :accepted from each school, Recipients of first, second and third pri1.CS will be guests of the Elie Wiesel found:lli~n at an awar~s ci:remony m New York City.
Has Ric h:irds funded educa1ion'1 ll's impossihle 10 know heeause fund s originJ l! y :.ill oeatcd lO educJtton consi<;tently. umkr R1ch:1rdi., wrnd up t,Jck in 1he geoeral fund 10 ~ ~pc~I at the s1a1e 1;11,•ernmem s leisure. Under Bus h. mone y alloc:ited to edu1,.•:it1on would n:marn all oca ted 10 edw:a11on. Accoun1at,1l11y of cdU1.:a1ion funds would exhl. While hoth l'andid:u i.:s take a firm s1and on crime:. Richards' only claim to an an11-cnme record involve:" upholding a coun order to fund pn,on\. Bu\h, nn 1111; other hJnd, offers the only rcJI ~oluuon 10 cnme •· :i poni)hmi:nt SUl!Jhle to 1he crime. No ha.s kclhall iamcs. no day camps -- off~ndcrs would .serve j:i1I 11me for thcir cnmcs Funhermore. second and 1h ud•t1me offenders would recc1,•e gre:iter sentences The is.sues or education :ind crime arc the 1.sM1cs of the dccadc: your vote should be clear.
Ann Richards best choice for governor
Brian Ba.ll:ird 8 Jiior Ann Richard) i ~ the heM c:andidJle for governor of Tex:i.~ h:inds down and descrv ·s' your ~Ole No'v. _She cons~stenlly demons1rJ18cs vi-
l\ldi,,J.'iullh :111 M1mcRr11ruo
..;1.. rT"rit,,r ..., J.,r11111J,111 flrmfr. Clwrlc-1 ("{lc:r. 1 tMlic'fh l:.)urn. ,f t,rncrr fi,r1/I J),,ra 11.1,, l,.in~ >.if, , ,, mn~ \1wt.1 ; 1 r/A1cmtn/11"1
Junior and senior undergraduate:. at colleges ihrooghout the Uniicd Stah:s arc invited to compcle for SJ0.000 in awards in the I995 Elie Wiesel Priie in Ethics Essay Contl!!>t. Studcnis :ire encour:iged 1o enter original c,<;says based on the following theme: -creating an Ethical Society: Per• sonal Responsibility and 1hc Common Good."
Page 3
Bush supports crime solution, education fund
J@~ )o/)13
Thursday, October 27, 1994
ln.1, l!fl\L1n11wn1 rd 1LJ
lhn\e i1, ll}' oil ,Lil.I !!J\ wh.ll t: '.\..i , ... 1,1\L', Tl1.11\ .IIJ,J\\ .:J !he ,\IJIC Ill J\'U11J ,I ,1Jtt· 1m 1•n1.· 1,1\ 1111 ,11 lun~ nut n,·1\ 1Un,l111r ,1,111~,·, h,;.J 10 tic 11111111! h• t,'l'I i.1.,1_. c11·.·c1m'tl'n1 .1',0.1 !{· .-h.1rJ,'" •'' J ,,..1,11·1 .·.nl} !or I· ll .\'ou,J .Ill inu1w' t, \ h.'11Ulll' 1111.1 mut..11 1,,•r!t11.·.1t1P n l1f lh.: I ul'-!,1,·. 11..:1 tu , t 1crm So , h..: pu..l ,.·J iot .mJ ~ 111 .i '>1Jli: l,•11,·J) ~rr1m·,.· J Annth,·r h'l'll."I\L 1J \' f c<;. h11 1 H \~J\ lh~· kJ,I {lJ\
pamful tax r o~~1hle :.i1 1hi~ Other Slil:lCS. No thanks 10 11me. She had the pohtu::il Ann Rich.:irds, you say. l\(Ulelll'S\ Jnd the lcJdcrship Wrong. In today's world evab1li11e\ 10 rull ll off. ihe erything is connel'tc:d 10 everythmg clst:. 11 Richards h::is mewed on ii). It is Geori;e W. Bush's 1hrcc fronts 10 pO)ltlOll the (:fealcM wcaknt..·ss (\mcc. like Texas economy for 1hc 21st his father. he doesn't have 11). century. Fir~t. she encour:if:1."d t he Tcx.i:s Co mm erce Rescued Stntc Systems from Ocpanment to initiate various progr:uns lo promolc Tcx:is Courl Jurisdir lion exports oversc:i,; and to mher Ann Richard's inherited a states. Second. she has vigorously significant li::ihdity when she iook over from Rl'publiean supported programs such as Govcrnor Bill Clements in the atom smasher which 19\) I. Three of the slate's would sive Texas a more largest systems weri:: opcr.11- diversified economy. in~ under cmu t _onkr: the Third . she aJ;gresi.ivcly prtson~. the puhlic schools, s upported NAFl"A. which and the menlJI hcJlth system. wi ll din:ctly hcn1.:lit Texas ::is In effect, these syMems had a key h11rder )late through to do what 1he Judges told which goods and services them, not 1he SIJ l.l! leg1sla1un:, will flow from Mex ico. This hccause 1hcy had been run 111 will hring joh~ a~ well JS new ~ud :1 g:iwd-awfol way. un- markets for Texas products. dcrfonded, and were unfair. Business leaders sec that R1chJrd~. wo1k111g with 01her Tex:is is now movint; rapidly Te , a~ go\·e1 nmc111 leader<;, under R11.:hard's lc:idcrsh,p lo succcetled in t elling all three face its d1allen!!e~: 1hb gives syslcm, h.1ck untler the juiis- them confiden1,.·c 1u inve\l tl1c11 on o r the s1atc their moni:y m TcxJ.\, alv..iys k g1<;la1un; cri1icJ I to J gruwrni; Wh)' j<; 1h1s ~n ,;1gn1fit:an1'! economy. BccJu:.c \\h1le lhl',e systems c,pcrJ11.:d undt·r t..uurt orda . F.,p:mding !he Tcxa'i thc rt· \\ .1~ hllle m no Prison Sy.slcm d1, c1etion Ill ho,, (If Jl what le, cl the\' ,q1ultl tii; fondl·d. The TcxJ-. p1i:.on S)'\leru It 1hi; le~1\I.H11ri; dcJ11:d the ha~ hcl!ll a lonr-runn111g 1:nurl\. 11 wnnh.1 tw f:11x d "uh n1ghtmJre. For ,kt:Jde,. 1hc1e :i l •lu1t 1n11mlt11,n 1h,11 would wi:n:n·1 l'nOt1f: h f11 i~nn cell:; 10 lri:o.: up ,1J1c p1h'11mwn1 mJke \·tolent ,illen<ln, ., cnt'. Con, 1tl i.: 1in!! 1h,1t l\\ 11 .i high pcrlenl,l!_!l' of thc11 pri.:\1111~ g(i\ anni:. {Bill pn~un :.c111i.:nl'l'' The pri,orh C l.'.n' t'n l ~ .1 h1 '.\1.ul \l.'h11l') \\t'rc J ll'\ olviuc dm ,r, 1here lud •n.1 k l111h.· I ror1.:,.\ , n \\,1, 1111 t..1kct1~t· detc11cn1 th11;_ l{ll h.11 I', l ·,. ,1rpho,IJ . ag,,uh t t.r1mc Tlic Te, .1\ 1u• mt·nt 1w.1h h h.!r d1u:i! ,y~1,:ni \\,1, .i 11h·. , 1 1.' 1m11,Jud111 ·~'t.1-hip ancl h:1d JC'I ~I.! hlr 'ht· \IJll··~ I I\\ ah1J111t' 1:w, t·m ToJJ\ 1h: T.:,;J . :..:onc,m1 ThJ fll l\ll/1\ \lol'rl ' \1l , , 1,1hlM Jnd J;h,., 1ni; rJr1dl) 111.1dn 1uJlC thJt ,.·, ~11 !hi: rclJtl\ e to lhl' mJ !i•fll)' tll c11urt<, d,·tl.'1mnwd thJt th,•
nghis of prisoners were being abused and 100k the: system over. Clcments did a\mos1 nothing to deal wuh 1his issue. l-lowe\'cr. Richards used her lc::idersh1p skills to pcrsu::ide the legislature 10 fund the largest pr ison huilding program the world has ever seen. In a rew short Texas will h:ivc the largcs1 prison sys1cm of any slate. It will have an dfccli \'C dl'lerrcnt agJill)I cnme. Why is this so 1mponant°1 If a prisoner knows he/she will have to ~crvt: onl y J small pon1on of the Sl'ntencc in prison. hdshe will have no incen1ivc to ahide hy the law, Jusl -as importJnt, thr.! prisons will not have time 10 ckvclop an effe<:t1 vi.:: rehat,1JitJt1 on prngram for those prisoners capable of 1.:hangrng 1hcir criminJI hJhll'-. Riclwds is rnmmiued to :a vision ol Tc>.a) th:it will he good for the ma1on1y of Tex• ans ( t he whi te:.. hiJt..k ,. H1span1n; lhc poor. the \\'Orking. middle. .ind upper econom1e cla~!le)). She but ll ht•r k:nowled1!Cof Tl' and lhi.:ir nct·ds a1the t;r.t<;)rOOts. Wlut do we really know ahout George W. 8u,h :md his lllUtlVJllUIIS, h1~ long•ll'ITTl c1,mm 1tml'11t w wh,Jt'~ m our hl'-.t ltllne\l\' ~IL' I~ a J('l hnn:,,--,omc- l,1tl'I) hl proll·~,111nal pnllt1l, wlw 1 ~ t1 .iJ111!! ly 1,n ha~ daddy·~ IIJllll'. l l'rtJ inly no, hi\ rn\'11 1ccm d m pnl111~:i he• CJtt\C lw h," n11 ll'n11J. A11J •,di)' UUJ\I ht.• ~l.lfl \\I llO'>l· \() !he lnp ' 0 .:i ,r~ · \\' Ill Shi uh, ,1, ~fully h 111, lin ·\ 1n tJJI hun. h ,L p1d r11e1l l·mcmJ ,1nJ n11( {\I hc llll\ll·J JO -~" 1,i'11 :.; ,I\ l nlflllr(Jnl J, th-: ~l•\'l'l llt\r Ill 1 eit:h U1lh.11lh 1, lh. :..,_.,, d1111~--· I r 1!,Cl\'f'.OM
TIIE Wichitan
E .1nfilll.t~e~rt...l'a1.JlfiU,!~m~e ~ n~=-----:-;.::te=-r~ ting ghosts
~P:li:<~1 ~ Thu~nd:l ~ )'.~ Oc~ tob<~ r 2!2:_7.~ 199~•_ _ _
Horror movie revived for· 1994 Halloween season
fl) l'lu n t .l\H C'nrt E nttrlainmtnl 1-: d 11or
l ·m10J-Mu\.\1n£'. lin Jk rcumtinf ,1f11,'.1nJI t.l~I
111,.; ,11
Thi:,. I\ 1h,· 11ml' f!t )t"Jr mcm~r~ In J d.1,,1.. tiu1 1,1,hcn our thf•ui;hu turn hl dc:iJly ~Ilk tict\l.~·cn gnod
Hy Ma rk Loyd R I r
JTh•lhf' lmJ , 1 thl: , 1 ,h.•1atu \
M nc '-'' \hlliC\ l On<.<"rnin~ 111 •r'"'"' 1i,•,n1= M lK·.iJ \.\ ,::\I " 'ntrr rc"<3' 3n:.1( Sht· pfl'f..-r, Dch; 3 Munn 1.·nJOY\ hunung. nam-.:s. t-u1 r\.l.·udi.ll)ITI' ...,,1!
Jaui:h1cr h;:r,,,:11 tl'I.'" her fl<'\\1.'1, 111 J i,r \h( 1,1 nvJI\
Jnd of cou~c. lnd c,11.·
Hn ll)\\111.x! 1, hJrflY l('I uhhgi: lh('l~l' v1i:.,, \\ ho \\Jnl to l'nJOy 1h( .K".1.,011 in full mr.1 sun· Thi.:f\' .ire )l.':Wr:i.l nc.,.. mm,.,·, 1h.1t :i~ !\l.:~·dulcd 10 hu 1h1..· \lt1.·h·c, 11£ , 1cko s111n:s lh1\ month 11lc liN 1, ..PJinntnmi Ill, Uirt/ fl/ th~ Drml that h ,
Texas ; · t Texas plains offbe es . ,,..,.,nJh,nJm•"'"''oid t'~~('t ' m:any
IM lhl' mJn ,ht· 1t1,l', T:tlk
t'.Spcc1:illy 10 wr,;1 Tc:c:i.1.. But do JU~I fine
Well. who knt1V.\ It , 11u :ire :i horrnr mm•tc j r1c1on:11Ju. )'lu h:1, ,.· ,urdy sn.-.n I.he li~t two rtunt.1,m·s. hu1 )'Ou may nt1t kn11w 1h:11 1he on~mal won 1hc Spena! Jul')· Pn,c JI lhl• A,·on.11 Film Fc,ti,•al in FrJ nLc One un only hope thJI 1hi: ,i:qud ur• hulJs lhi: hum,r
.1!'11.1u1 tou~h ~l1mr--·ut 11in h n:1lly. in 'Ghmt nj fr flnJ..rnu,111, rlan\ 10 redL·cm th..· m11n,1i.-r,. murdi.-rou, n.1tur\' .... 1111 .1 nc"' 1r.1n,r l.illlct.l r-r.110 ~•l .,.,..,y, k.1d,n~ It> h11mfa• 1,.1,n,1.."t.lWnce:. All !hi:¼: 411.1li1y ,Hkos sh,1uld Ix' t'n the ,rwlvl'.., ~y ni1\\ , ,n J, k wur \ ill.:n ou1k1 ~'c_,_ o,_J•_•:;.~-'"-''-"-'r'-rc_,_,_,,_ .._ _·o_,_"_'"cc'•, ·_,c.n;.;'::c "'-". •~h.:.c•":..c_" ""-'''" """"';.;'•~ttl~'':..:J;.;;':..:''cc"cc''""hcclcc.·
Debra's prey 1s n,ll dcl'r ';' qu:u l Wh:it shl" hunL~ (JI S undc; 1hc c.1tcsory of -uuon· ·bl • gi [Ji.,t,ra hun1, (!hO)lS H.1,•ing r.:11mpktl'd ihrc~ , olumcs of ~houh,~1 ~a I~~ 3 Carlos F uentl"S cn1cn·d annmd ~lcini.:i.n., I() Wy(1min~. ~luun h,I~ cJr,tuf\· the ,.p,nl" l1 f thr rc,as Panhandle. South Pl:un.. Cun· cho Valley 3ntl TrJn,.· Pi.'cns ACROSS 50 ,_,,io.1~ arc:i.s in 3 ncw ~iok c' c11I• I Routtl Tho<i,1 QI _ c,- ,'I 11J8 'I1ie Ori inaf lcch.! J ~h11<t ,!Nie.'~ ,\ nd ~he 5 Nll:tOITuar, 51 rx..,. _ a..,, •• _ ..cw1~ ~ roo.o'Clftti \~ I ' 1· The MSll A111st LL,·1urc ,1e:cds the hdp of TcxlS .-Coil· 6 ,o,• Wo,t11IT'O'IIOI' 5J IIMl'(Ot Scn (.S LUllllnllL"' ll\ J()th ~J- lkn~~unn I~ h,o~ inj! for llr,1 TXQ.llQfl~ S<il n 1'i>rtH ""°"'°' II ~Ch1r1t, & Gu, Orbbon • T'Xi.-T''O'"lllot.,ou· "TX.lot_ a.o., 1;,on wuh J (c('turc by I ~ , 0•• •1 C AW •n ~ "V,' a..'\onl;lT"'" Aml:i.1..,-.JdM" C;irl," Furn1..-, ""91' r,,,,,,a I""' I 5e TX.-n. •ai, hMdld" Fuenu:1;, " 1m,: of LJtm 9 ~ ·.:uc lUCl "-t ~ ~loo.t'd..,TX Amt'rtL.I , m11,1 1.l1,1mi:m•JK•d •~~ _ • ~9 TX~Uoll"nFM!r<tal II,../--,'!'"!!!" nO\cll\h Arn,,nt: hh ntm.:h ■~~-'---+--■■ Jrt 11\dr, , tlrail, ;.1. 'J'l) ~ thnlkr. :inJ Aur11 . •m l'Hllll 11v.»'"sCCU'ty(lf Chc,~I ,tor) 111, n,1\.:I. Old lh' Melissa su111,•:11n v~.,.:,t:\,11 22tx~IIMol Grm~o .,..a, 1hc 1u,1 Atnl'!I· ~iusic Rt ,•kwtr WC"'Cl.1.·r·s sclf-mlcd dc:hut l.#'9f"JIU1..u$ c;in hc,1 ,clkr hy J ~tc, 1~:in ., _ .. 101ot_· alhum 1s 2 4u1rl.y for.iy into :1u1hor 23 afarvw,Co i.:n,., ~n:ipp) lym.:..(. grun~y i!u11ars He Jl\11 ' " "' It· ,mJ Lt•pr,:,~loi'M ,entcJ th,· fl'.,· !,.. ur HBC rv :ind l'lh.:hy mclothts. The Jlhum hct: 1~' w i th 2, £ • P1t0 1 ~ ~m·,. ! hr /l,111111 \fu ror P.-T,_...," m wh1d1 hr \'1( 1m111L·.I 1h,: "M\' Nam, 1t ) flnfl.f, which an_ ca=,1, c11 .,t:trl , 1\ff w11h 3 lighl ~UIIJr tont1nu:1, 1,1 H"p,1n1l nn.. {pe,t,.lnt) r.:uhur1..· !IL, l.11.• .11.. ,L·l. /hr hc..'forc cruptlll!! Lill~ 16 _ MartolleQto .. XI l'I04 1 '1t ...,.. _ II.IQ in Co,putO,<lll• thundcrins ~u11:m,. Ao n, Orm11:,f' 7rrr. \\.1\ puM1, l11:d 1J,..!Wlll'l l!IIOI 1t ti.g b!nlr"ttd oro !l'\t,..,0n1.,.,.,11 £1,u" 1~ 1klin11d~ houncy li,1 Arni pop with c;11, ·hy nlf, thJI, •.~ ,0 fucntt' \ \\ Iii ,1pp,.-.11 :.II 7 15 ti IO\c lZ TXd,,, - ~ 4 AtutM I o/l tc: 1M 20 •t.ty _ $al" ,11 -,rr;M \'tf !II"' J"I m .• ~II\ X .1( ;\;,,rn AuJ1/f1• tL'\ own \trani;t· w::iy. \CJn~ Th~ \Vorftl llm Trm,nl (lnr/ Lt'[/ ,\ If' llrrrM " : i v.·t·ard 3, rx aJ ~~ ,~ ;:~~'_ ~ ~ ~0 0 ~BWl-.~-1 .sting wilh 1u dcprc~,anJ; 1 lyrn:s )Ct hJPl'Y musir.:. Jnd Q ri..,,-.ioi:;N tta:l!IIQ~~ 46 00 1 11 · eud,h I/oily, 1hc ~conJ 0 21 u ~~t•'(nctl) _. -:::. ~ Mn~k off thl' album. ha, 1 11 ),C(:m\ to me some \'0· ,1 =~~0,,31 ~~If_;. - 31 o The 192S ~IJ~\t.. ,1kn1 3J~_t'°!.~°'~. C::,GIChnL 500..,oec.i1ter1 lilm "Pha,uom flf th,(Jp.-m • c:il, 1h:1t )Ountl J lmost like The Beach Boys ~~r will he ...FradJy ho,,_,n JIJIA~m f 1onum 'J ,15AuJ1· I'm w
-~Artist Leet u res
TEXAS present author CROSSWORD
:: ~";::'
36 ::~c;-: ~
~=:= ~!=~-1~1, ~f42~/~1'9'1'~ <;':_ =-~--r,. ::::r~_. ~'°';,;,;c,: ~~! ::r,d ::,:.,;.;:,~ =:~•~r:-
=·=- :"'; ~•~~.~~-· .,,..._CW\~~~
~~="'' ~":!:.~
Classic movie
scheduled for weekend sho,vs
½~~§-§'"=;=;:;=;;;;_::;;_ :,";''= ==:":···•~-=-= • :;"-'irr"•a,aaa,;a"';;°;"';'°'~"';' \-VIN A C .D.! Be the first one to comple1ly and correctly fimsh the crossword puzzle. Then bring it by The W,chitan office [O collect your prize.
ould be htre if you ar tht ,vinner of a
: rdc~:~ut'~: ~}0
t,ook~ ~c1ium ( !II th, Hmi;,:t
£r rir
To ft·t
ww,m ,n f , Jn_J 811( Sh, ch ,su /:.fflf' 7,,,, Taln ()j Mo~uw,. ~ Vo/.. I and 2 She hwS in AmJnll,1.
weezer debuT~smn~!,~,~ ~.
31~ •~.:t l :~.ri::~ It ~~1-~m;lllU
An)11nc w1ih tn!11rmatmn c:in C(IOIJCI 1ir W,ch1tat1 Or Munn h(rsdl Se nd , wrn.:., IO Dd-ir., Mu~n . 6,107 t llydc Pkwy, Am:1n\lo. T>. Hltl') Dchr:i Munn lt",1Lhi·, r.:n:• ativc ,,nun~ :uiJ Jl't' woi~, l~d115 2 rr~•cl2n1..·c wnt1..·r jllJ tor. She: 1\ the Jut!wi <11 thn·c
ihe llhum. with :urrl.iy tin KNIN, KDGE. lnd MTV. 1s "Uru/rm, .. Th, S,mg." ··unilonr'" ,;1Jyi. ~1th you. Listcnt'r\ ~ 111 ht: \ln~ang it for d:tys l iter lhC) h:ac h(!cncd 10 11 "Surf W 11t Aml'nra~ m:tkCJ. you WJlll to )ump around with ii:-. f:t,t gu11.:1n1, and then 1hinf'\ ,h1w down J hi! with "Sm• I, Am 't Sn" This i;ccond tunc has .1 ht:ht i:uil:ir wi1h .1lm,1~1 J _19i'lh-
s. . ,,,,,
funk l~-cl. and I' tht.' !>O!k!,t un the a um If w ~·c:,L·r\ th:h111 .iltium 1~ 30)' ind•~·auun. 1h1~ band a hnt;hl 1u1urc lhr..'lJ. T he ~ltium',; ,trJn}!t: l)nc\. (u11 ftd lll<l hcl\'Y ~UIIJrS m:tdc for a trt·at for tht• h,. tcncrs
!: ~;~ ~~;~ Southwest Automotive
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hastiA#S e~i ., books • music • video Wichita Square
Sports ~ ~::...-,;:-- MSU humbled by Howard Payne - · ....,.~ ~I ~ === =
n1EW i::t~n ....
Thursdoy, October 27, 19?4
•J • ,
_.... 1 .... -
l2 ..
lly J onathnn llrndy S1mrl~St:11f ·1he l nth:111' \\rr~· humhkd -11 -7 S.11111t.l,1y nitht hy the ll nwJ rd 1'Jy1w Yellow J.1cke1, I lw Yd low J ,11.:kt:1,;, 1101,n ncd four"' thm lnnch<lowm c111 tlf1w, o l 17 yJ1d,;, 21 yanh 22 )JrJ, Jnd 2l
• '
1,, ,.....
' Mldwuttrn s 1 1
.~::::7::-'.::--::----------..:=;;;;;;J • 5-1 vkior on. s:' .1c1n,1ttrr nr:id Mr.1\11 :.n 'I . nd :1 1 an nnoon. K ktt1>, l ht h:,11 from• lbktr Unl,,, ,lty d, r,nd,, In th,
Brandon OldJllh, U',cJu1an
Plier s predi t· C
By Spencer Friedl Sports Starr
IOns right on the money
~hanc'cs hut !he oncs they did
I p~;e they took adv:m1age of t~t):~~~,!~a~:)~,~~d '. er said. · T hey Put a liuic scored fou r more 11mc-s 1hc ~1,;ar~ 1 lnl'l w: hut we fell go. rest of 1he way to cruise to .1 ~:fn ;:~.~!m:~.. WL'rc goinJ:? to 5- 1 v1t1ory. S " Pifer told h1!. team at h:1lfdiff uoclay afternoon w:1s .i time to not worry ahout hcin~ wh ercnt st0 ry. The ·k,1.-nsc. down by one and 10 keep up g \ch had ~ivcn up four the defon~ivc pn.:ssurc...We doa s tc. LeTC'l urncau on Fri- -:amc mu :m<' dominated (1hc 1 Y surreo dereJ On\! 111 second halt). I told the team 1~ y, c ~SI half. T hc p,·ohlcm to keep pushing forward and whas t .C offcn5.1.• Dc.\pitc out- 1he shoi.s will s1art fJlhn g... he s 0011 0 !=- Baker Univcrsi1y said. I l -i. thc 1nd ians cuuld not The Indians improved to man~gc any points m the 12·5 Oil the season and take a oul. Judd Joy scored tw~ opc~ng half. three game winning s1m1k go~ls to go along wilh two . c scored Sll)'Cd th at way int11 Wedn~day night's game a..uists. unta 1 M1dwc11tcrn's Steven • T Ch • • U • ·Th d'd • h Schol1.c scored bis fir~t gool ata1m,1 exas nsuan mev I n t ave m:rny of thc !:(!:ison with _ kf, vcrsi1y. This will be thcir last 25 48 rcgul:lr sc:ison home i;amc.
MSU S occer Co:ich Nal h:rn Pifer said last week dial one o f these days the shots an.. g'li:lg to start (:ailing. That day was Friday The India ns exploded fo~ seven goals. tr, heat LeTournc:iu Univcrsi1y 7 • 4 at the MSU Soccer Field. Sophomore M:irk Carvajal making only his second ca: rcer fo r the Indians ~arncd the hat tnck by 5':0r: ing_three goals . the I.1st of which came from 25 yards
' MSU AOphomort rornnhKk 1-A rn~I \Vrlithl (7) ur C~nnd l'rulrk
1rnkls !low.rd r ayn, dtfrn\t 1, hr 1m1kn • ~ r 11 mhlu for 1hr ,nd,.orw In the 41-7 drfu t. Clmn11 /,,monlf lrt 11'it"h1/an
back al 1hcir ll\\ n 2-1-y.irdlinc, hu1 on fouith aml Ii \'(', ,m the 29-yJrd-lmc. running o:ick K)k Milkr fumtilcd the ball for a 12-yard loss. giving llowanl P.iyn..: th..: b;11l hack at the Midwc,tern 17-yardlmc. Four plays l:uer. 1hc score wa!<I 1..1-ll on lllll's fiveyard run with ~:56 left in th\' lim <J11Jrl\'r.
go any heller for the lndi:ms. Wi1h 10:56 left m the 411:1.rtcr , the Indians' punt w3s blocked :md Howard Payne recovcn:<J on 1he Midwestern 22-y::irdline. Two pl:iys la1cr, with 8:0 1 left in 1hc half, 1he score was 27-0. Midwcs1crn got ano1her chance whe n Yellow fat kct
'l'l'Oh!d to "1 1hc pan:This or the "holL- ~.imc, at least the fir, 1 h.ilf On lh..: 111'1 play of Mid• western', nm d"''C " the;, own 21 -y.ird-linc. running hack R,,dnl'y O,111\ r:in two
quarterback Stott Lichner's pass was inien:cpted by MSU hnebackcr C had Brewer al the Midwestern 24-yard-linc. Three plays later. l ndt>n quaricrback Andy Hrnoir fumbled 1hc ball at 1he Mid-
1hc1r only ~<.·(11mi; Jn\'C MSU 4uartcrh:id: Bn1dcrn::k Scnci;:11 ran the h.111 .\cven yards into the end t <in<: wllh 10.43 left m 1he quan\·r. making the M:0n: ."\4-7 The Indian\ l!nl .inoilu:r chance IO StltrC 1n 1hr 1h1 1J qu:1r1cr when l.u.:hnt· 1·, p ,l!i.\ was interc,·ptcd hy nose d 8 d L ' f< d JOd guar Y M un .. c ,rP.1yne rc1umed ra to lhc nw,ird 28-yard-linc. The I ndia~~ foi led to anything with II. thoush, T he Yellow fa ckets scored! the~ lin:il touchdown
~~:~~ ~!ika;~-lir~~~~~~~~ ~~~~eru~u~y iua~~c;~~1~;l~~~ Three plays later, 1hc score final scorc 4 1•7, was 34-0 on a 10-yard pass The Indians arc n11w 2-5. from Liehncr to Brandon with a \. J record III conferHarrison. On the firs! drive of the ence. They play McMurry second half. the lndi:ins drove College at 2 p m., (kl. 29 111 63 yards down the field for Abilene.
Football lntramurnls
Alpha Phi shutout Sigma Kappa 8-0 By R<'ltt:rra Rob<'rtson Reporter In women's intramural 0ag football . Alpha Ph i and Sigma Kappa went head-lo• head Oc1ohcr 13. In th~ first hair of the g:imc. Beth Marsdcn, qu:irtcrback for Alpha Phi. threw a touchdown pass to i<ellic Barker for s ix points. One play later. Marsden thre,·, to I 11 1 '\ l
I I ' I ! '-
Allie Palma for the two-point conversion making the score
,\lpha Phi domin:ucd hoth halves of play. With threc plays left in 1hc game. Alpha
Wi1h eight plllys left in the Phi's Kris1cn Baker 1ntcrhalf, Sigma Kappa 100k a ccpted a pass. Bl!tau:.c of a 11me out. Nhen play re- penalty. 1hc h:ill was turned ;~:~~~i~~g:,.a, h~a~~~- t~~ over 10 S1gm:i Kappa. '!'he they were unable to score he- game e nded with Alpha Phi fore the half e nded. on top 8-0. .._ 1
I '\ \ I '- ! I '\ I
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tradition of excellence In Jntercolleglate athletics
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seven- yard , un hy runnint:
In 1hr ''"' qntrtcr, 1'1c Yellow fad,e h dime X2
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Thuoo•y. Or1ubcr 2- . l'l?l
1-(omecoming Memories '94 +
. ..' ),
It may be true that lie "call 11 ever go ltome gain, 11 as Thomas \Vo({ 1 nee wrote. But---perltap~ isn't the going home that so 111 uch as the 111atters memories we carry with us.
,, ,, game...
The homecoming court for 1994 includes (from left) Amy Mosesmann, Kellie Baker, Kristen Raker, Pamela Bailey-queen, Je1111ifer Novak, Rebecca Black, Jennifer Casey, and Melissa Greenway. And a rou,;d orvolle ball..
~ (lJ I
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