l'hu nday, Oc tobe r 29, 1992
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tHE PlANe-r 1\11011 •11lu1l•11,ui":e
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.1.m f nllr1, 1hc tr1·n .. jt1 \.now n ., 'I ,'flt 1,1.mJ L,,1,1, • hu hct n
r,i~1rn,1lo h I th) J Ufl l l<'1lr r 11 fut ~ I ?,·r,"JI d,.1u tr d "\Ve J.'ln'I ... ire·
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r•S~(:r'-.k•l~lll t,,IJ rt r ••1tn,; Pc-ru1( all«I h1111 111 Jul) , hc-tt)nl tho Dalin!
;u,:H'~",1"n ,lu •prc:-J 0 111 of lhe ~ : ::J:l~,•~::,r~ / '
1., rn1, c GOr
R,-r,n1,• 1, th t't1 ,.. , l,.,:d w h,·
j te>-'Ll ~k Ju.It!' ! ;11c-11t1,1 n the a l-
lrtJhrn, m Juh Rd 1,1t' 'st11,l.dik h.,d the op • ,-,,un11~ i., l t'S\h>UJ . ,I l'llf i>I ~U~ • ,;11,I , ' ll c,·;1uSt'
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-'f'(':t, 111 ·
(\11'1 , h1ta Fath / ·· A W u:: h h • .{'-,uni) 11u y tuo k l e:,u; than 10
••"Utt• Tur11d,1 y to fi nd Honr y !11d.:h1.1,,h Ill JU1lly off11li.n1 lo •Ur• ,ot hd l h he d rove down fiir,l(l} 80Uk\ ~r,1 Oil AUi(. 26. llu wni: , !h,.- kbus c b, w h o ,.,,u s hr \• 111 ,..-,ntuiuo 10 i.k{y the kw Ii.: ~r, uu1u,t , ,-.1J .!otal hdu
;11>'t ~• 1-1,c h\c , •J 'm MIi .,lu ll anJ I .::• n mak ,s Aot ,J('e , ~11, n 'i .-.n M)' o w n .• he t u d •r ,hrn ' I w11n 1 h 1g m :a ma iri·trnmtr!I ,. 0 11 u ng 111 ;,tu.I 11.>llms
1 ; - "';•;.~ ~;1; ;•
;~"·,,.,•J I hn·kbui-, h'1
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11? flnJ 1nc. J,1,.,1 <JI ~t uJcnl!I,
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BOnfi re
ln1bonlirewa1 a bi11u cceH1. Sch oo1s p1r1 , ' t ex hibite d by MSU s tude nts w . . as huge as the c rackling flames.
:!i ~~L!}t\~It.~ilriJ.1'HI··:·l~ ~:=hock-lull or history thn,,· .... 111~'1 tn, lud ,:.d i11~11;1,~:! :
• .! :i1, l.d, I "m •, 11d1nt¥h ) I it I ~ l •O bd l !'lc ,1•..- ~t 1\ . l ~unt If By J iinncyTtrry i •,.:ur J 11 thr p1111-.: ~ C,Jn • Rt ler' ,., Jv:i't 111:n ,um gudly, \'('II lw 11,,h1 of Ocl. )I ,s • time • <" c- rl ~r uc )r>U :i,n~lr,1\nr.i:i·) Oll o f 1 h\1flJ, l'lhlin'I". de,~~n~c"•:~; k , ,, ,l p,..1 ._ full) " l ll " .. -0 latnll'l!a, w,1~he I • i, ! ,J ul ll•JI 1\ tu,111 ) n11h1 o l Mihb1ni tor 0~ -, .~.~ ,, • 1,01 ol it \\,~:1~;='11~.,, 1~ll1n1 fottUH'- ,nJ 1i~1en1ni I tie p , ,., Jff , 1 my 1,t~w•r ' P ,:h<>'I Jl,)r,t• 1 a.::f ,liJ1: • ,e~ ':'lmu1.--. HvV-t\trJ Bui, 1hc let'fllli dev, •• ~;· 101 11 ,~ , , r~ turu 1<' p111 11 a l • 1111 ; nJ 1,,~A)' la.nlern, . uckH 1 ~ \tn \~t c 1i;hl do ll1,~ Thu..,, j "' icht., inJ atl the Ol h Cr11 • 1• l l,b,11 u 1,J.,, 1111 I b,;'l it,,: ,c due. ~• t:,('tl ')mhOIJ ,.:~crl to ,:._ , l,11 1,.- 1e 1 tr 1 ro ,! Iv"" ::en p,tflple 1ounQ: • n,J t'ld,;:..1, ii ~ r.u.• r 1n , ,f ,;-r 1w II lhc' c nU in •~!uni 1c-rrof Of 1vMw. :U\' , i
t tr and a mnuls t ~Oneot the,r de111eiwu Sam h111n. l,,ord or 1he Dead, 10 whom hty paid tubu~ on 1he eu of 1he1r ~,. O.t ll. \he Druid> cuolc prrSonfrt of ir cuminlll'i or ,n1m1ls and ;u,~ed lht-m 1 l1ve 111 we,rJ)y ,hireJ b•\kdb 1n orJar lo plt.lH <-•n,hJ n By ..:ih~'"'"I !he- ..,.,
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.,,,u:u :.--.
" • •1 l~u, 'i JO, , h> kl, •' .,) l'\fl< r...:
1n.h1b11111ts or lreh1 nd. SC()\• l.1.od W:.luandGenna.ny heu htg: b p riuu, c:1 lled
t■ uitu
1 ,u,J,
1hci wunh1p of
~1nr~ in uuuon l:i•rth, '-ky. foe,
· """'' Jo,J )\1IIU\\~..,,.c-,.n h1, ,,~ roc~h in ihe lht fu•u1t: Hall•• the 11 nt 1en l 1
Homecoming fest1v1t1es d raw record Crowd •
<••:~:;:;;-;:~~;;J :,::,~;:,
,b, Dru,a, uw om,o, uf T
iflh ",!l'il )',
By M1Ch:1tl Vtndn ck [ditot" in Chttr :-. uml·r,1 u ~ M SU ~•ud,;nl ~ ~a l hrr c ,J n" n 1hr Cluk S1ude n1 lc ntc- r o n O c 1 22 t u ·101s1· Hom,,.;m1n~ 19•)1 ,...,,h the annWII
plied 1hc c rowJ with l o r~h es the cm"d "hrc,J ur, · School ~p1r11 w1s runnmic r11mp.nl M1k ,• C:a!~ o lc \l~ L h":a J 1~ the ~• oup h,,-g;an thl'ir trek Ill the foot"a.11 coat h ht lhc lu11) r1k <•I h on fif e ulc n ~ u EJu~alllln C(nler
th e O ut.J oor palle t~ w h1C'h \\ a~ U,m1tcJ h) ln<~I
~~~:~1 ~~~:\~nt: ::::;J\~ullr:t:, ~ au
,oJ \ kmher- I mm ~t'\t1•I , 1uJrn1 , , , 1111.l.•nh wer.: pr.:~cn t 11nd o r i;•n 11. 1111 o n , m ,J 1e ~n lhr,rc,~nl~ll\c, !r<>m Lh~ [.,._ d n o un~ , m C' 11I ~ an J hd p ,: J ,n m~di.1 hrn~J, ,6\1 !h( h.' ,11'\.mc, l1 H , ,. u,u nt c t he b1,n!uc , JflU th e anU th-, \\ 1d111.. I ,!I, ! ir~ Dq•,111 ~h~cd eader~ and Jan,c ltllm got mcnt "~' o n h,1nJ 1,, ,;-n,ur~ '-llrl)
"""''',,,, "~' \,,,.,, s pg. :,'.~.'.:.:·:::.;: lio bo,,., 1u1 :md u1>11i,:ht f<C,,, ~•~ l••..; 1P",h~ •;rl ~•~ th~~ <,~' "~ " ''"::0'- "'"' - -see - --ou -- - - ;;;~'.'t~.:::::,i!';~ 6-v.~fi vn.11< ht-d M S l l ..iu• If~~\" "'('"
-------C'bt Wftblltn
;:::: Election 1992 :::: I I Clinton blows hot air
e, J,an Haft Suff \'t'rltcrTho countdown to 1M tlc..· hon 11 into 111111• \.h1[11\ n ow 1 h1, ,, )' Our la11 c han c t to h11IJ yo ur 1 1 : ~~• : 0 ~n:,;:~~11 ~::u:h :~: polthc uns Spcc ifi,.ally,)'l -.•nt 10 uH, ■boul Gov Bill Chniun·, hot au ; ho H tm• 10 •rcw 11 the mc-sl oft.ft
Tu be blun1, C"lllllon ,. 1 h1r When he sea • 1ush1 off fro m bu MTV and Aruru., Hall round~. ina )'bc- he coulJ md:e • ,w•t a ppumKe Saturday N1sht Live u the compul\l\'.: Im, )'Uk, lhal's the hckrl lei ' s t.1\;c II look at ~ me of th e I us h is c a mpa1£ft hu ,.mrin1tc-d
Lio I I I ..., 111 on ly n,tc IAl\cs
1 ';:0:1:':~:;:,:~~~~~$~~~
a year. Cllnl()ft uid he .,.ill fllhcr S U0 bllliun , n new re venue h y t.11111a his '1op 2 prrccnl • This: 15 1 he 111 o f we m,dJlc and lowe rdas.s fol k, w1n1 to believe Wouldn ' t 11 be nice lO lhtnlt Ch.at ....<e'J all be c.fc i nd s ecure while cho•c ric h e uys
JOI a;oaktd"
T here aro 1....0 ptobltm~ -...1th b,~ I.U plan On-r i , that lhe 1np 2 p ctceat of i ncome earner, and lhose m:alun1 nior" Cban $200 000 art n0t the N me rro up of people
VIYOU . , bc.twei:n )) ptrcenl tnJ S2 peht nl Consreu 11 ho ld1n J lho bill u.r111I aft~r 1bc tl~ 110n. lcoowltll thAI Huth w ill \'t lo 11 b\lt Chn1on .,,.,11 IM. )
lit • 2 Geor,e 8 \lill i.u The -...ont e con o mi c record o f •ny pru1dC'ol Ul 50 yea n . C'hnlOG bu ruad e 1h11 da,m ~cputcdl y ,n Je~atu aniJ 10 poh11c:1I commtt• c1al, . Bui ,urd y be b.Hft'c for~ lhe t co no m1c reco rd o f tbe 1111 Dt mo c rat,c presideol, Jinuny Cuter . C u ter helpe d create dovble d1J11 1nOahon a nd 1nlcrut n lct. Bush ha s pu1hed bo lb o f lhc~r lacto,:1 woruk:rfuUy low. The wool a11 umen1 one coulJ m1k• would b< 1hat Bu.sh lus thr wont «onom,c re,,;ord 1n 12 ye.us, ..tucll woulJ 11tcludc h1.s o wa 1dm1n1str•• hon and Rutan',.
O\Uhtw had ~ncral coinmca•
d:ablc plan ~ lo hC'lp the: tconomy, >uc h as C'aterpru c ionu, wh11: h Con ~re<s: hu ,·e locd In f1c:1, the o nl y rea l blun d er o n Bus h ' • economic record wu comprom1.1n1 WLlh the Democrats by ptuin1 the tu h1h of 1990, a tDOYW whw: h n 1sed 11xe1 oo ' Che n ch' and wor• s:irncd the recunoo, a mov, wbich C linton c anl'IOI wall lo reput O\'et a nd ovtr 1e11n. Al lcUI Bvs h hu tbe i;cn.,e tu re.-:oplU tbll ta.t hak.s ue dama11n1 aad pro~ aheru• 1.ves
:~i .
~~e,:::.;:Jc;:ntt~t ::.~ah~"!0
Sample ballot Perot should be - . . - tossed out
be cannot ftl lhc amount o l n\OIW h d h d I f h y 0 c~i'a: e pay Of 1~ ~ P osn The lnlerna\ Reveaue Scr.·i.;<' u1d 1h11 !he top 2 p,r rt irnl of In • a hle 1ncn me 1ro u p s co mpru.c congle1 ..,1th ,n;:omn bc11nnm1 1t S6 ◄ , S00. hc:i1J, o f hnw,thu lJs bea1nn,n1 al S91.IOO, and JOl!ll fi1c,. bcflMll'lj at SIOUX()
L,e I J · I am a mode,-•. nu. u D" lhinJ but a Shct W1lhe-11m deusned lo appeal lo llffe'• DUm • bcn of ,ott n who really do ha,·o modeure bchds. Maybe after Hal· Jo,,.tta, bc-11 tale ol'f has mask Chaton U U 30C 111cd .....,b DVDl)"1h1n1 1n tbe llben l maa,futo : runth-moath a bort1o n1. le11h:rcd huahuu11al • arr1,,.., c~oldf•••• Clfhl$ 10 sue 11M1r pariralf. JO,C1ll1ud mtd1c1oe aud 10 oo. You cu nu1kc up yow ov,.,a tlllDd oa H Cb of thuo 1nue,; but an t.one&I, you will adm11 that Clinton's pc»,1· t1oru ■r e not moderate and ceatnsl, T h ey arc lo the left of lh l m.am~rea m
,r you
Ac cord1 n1 to I RS fi,uru, in o ,Jer 10 r•11e 1hc rev(nue he ., 1,d he would w 11h t,aes on his 1m111· any · 1op 2 rtrcirnt, • Chn1on would hive I U n1sc tuu on the ,ul IO(l two pcrC:f'nt , rlu, r11s1n11.-~u on luwirr rroup< l'h<"~( 1ov.cr sroup~ Lie , • . I oaly atkaded two or 1ncl1.1,Jc :a1n1lu w11h u u blc 1ncl.'m- tbrC'e a o.h•war nllsu dunns Ibo e< of SSJ,-400. hf'•d.s of households V1etn■. m era. Cllll&oll bas madt UW u S7 4 .I00. an d 10 1n1 filC'h al staCcmc■t scvef'U 11mu IO mcmbc11 $19 ,000 But lho sc uc .11111 'tbo of lbe ptefl, Yel C"YidirDC'e and eye• nth.· ,o maybo it's OK 1 1 :~ ~::so: :c:;::::i :.c~!: : Ooa 'I loo k DOW, bul lbtre IS Amenca and abtaad. He dida'I Jl»l mo re decc!I ,n Clinto n's 11.1 plan. H1 al.10 said be would ruw. $-IS bil· ;;;c~ 1bem. 110 0 froin fore1sa-owoed corpora• Strusely, hir · c.a.a·1 ranember' 11001 whose Amcncaa sulol1d1tnct opcra le he re Bud1c1 offic11b u, 1117 del,,ls from Ibis WIii of bis ' -· the T rtHury Ckpartmeot and ((mo ,uch u wb.al nll,c:s be aueoded. or 1ru1 ~1d the tu lcor,hok1 Chntoo wh :a t be d id a a d wh om he met wenis lo c lOM will oaly ruM SI bd- wink VISllioS tbe Sowl Uaioa. iM>n. T b u 1s t he u mo suy who ln all. Clinton's tu plan C0111C$ coolda' 1 remember wbelbcr or DOC up SSO b1lhon shou of the amount be received a draft D04ice . How 111• he needs 10 spoo10r h,.- prosnrns n1ficanl does an e vent have lo be T o nuke up !hat J,Herencc, h e for Chnton lo remirmbcr it 1h drell would ha~·e 10 tu: income irarncrs notice I.Dd I VISII to h11 COUlltry's way d o wn tbe tc• le ·- 11n1le1 11 cntmy durinJ • ...,., are !hat NI)' 10 SJ6 ,000, hnd1 of hou,eho ld1 1t OVC'riool:1 SSl,850; and ]Otllt fikrs aJ S61,000 Do you tb1nk h is mirinory of
:~~~ ors■a,z.ed
(FY I T htre II a bdl 1n Coa • rrc u RIG H T NOW t h• t bu provnu l.)ns 10 raise 1nhu1lanco tu on pro rlo -...,th mvrot chin S200,000 ia ■s-tcl.1 A h,1 of people who sre 1101 cun&idc rcd ric h (■II into this catt1ory bc:i.av1c 'au ct1' 1ochule hf• UUUIIDCe bentfiu. bown, can. cvcry1h1ns, TM bill ...,"\luld tu sur•
e, J ohnny Carttr cn,,1(.• ► .nnen
Pro11CS.nl and Vic• P,. .ldant 8 ·11 f.ro,-•t,i Al (ie,10
fl., -~.._ D->n Qu,y,o
S11110 Represenl:ilrve, 0111'lct 69 Jc,lu, H•r\Chl
R ~s Pit<'(' .' 4rt"lt>\ Slockd.111
And•rY.11• v ~1.........., V1arr..w Wr,'l' '• C.1,..JIO.'l!t
Jusllco. 2nd Court of Appo:111 Oistr1C1, Pbcc,3 i)o:-(IE>W.n.sJr ~N W~.Jvcr
Unil•d Stain RoprHenl3tlvo. Oislrlct 13
R:11tro:id Comm1n1oner L,.,,, C ut<•l'•O D1stnc1 Judgo. 89th Judicial 011tnc1
f' ,l/ry W • 1,-,~/Y'
R,ct,1,:1~ [lqhe,,., .1, W<Jl('lr,(J .....foj,1'('
Ju1hc•. Supreme Court Pl:,ce 1 ('t-..: H •• VJ,..;1 Shorltl (•,J·J[,,x~,
T;ft(J l dhlr'I
A·••t J A<1.1,k
Rav ( )'"'ffl
Jusllc•. Supremo Court, Pl::ac. 2 Rew Sl)«10I Ev<Jc"it Cook Ju1tlco, Supreme Court, Plae. 3 Jo,k ._.,.,hlo...,·o, John D Mor-tgo~rv
County Tax A1seuor.Colloc1or Moooll t> r>,:,....t,...-ton County Comm1s11onor, Precinct No. t Wood/ow W 1W(Ntjy1 GO'i..orn Jr
County C0mm1111oner. Precinct Judg•. Court0IC11m1nolAp~ol1. No. 3 Ploc• t (i,;,,1,;.,. r,,,n,111 Chtlrlc,'i ~ !( 1'vtoo) B.tt1d
Jowr" A , Jc .. , O""J"tf Juallco of !ho Pe:,ce . Procincl No. 1, Pbict I J!Jdge, Court of C11m1n1I Appoall, JJn, ,. ~, 1.,1on Sor,s Pltce 2 M(ii,15, l O.~\IIO('! C0ntlobl1. Prec inct No. I Sue l JQa•dt
M;i1< A Btewt'I'
Wr•lo 1., C,nd-date
Pel., n,,,,.,.,w~
$11m ~a,,ch,ld
Constable, Prvc1nct No. 4 Don Brew~r
\V~h.im l •R,• 1 t◄vd!:>01"1
Yoo /~
•• P eret hu a lw ays liad a
11 h~ :/;e:;;:;~«r C .. In che orly 19605 , Pc1ot be an his riu 10 b illionaire stattll S o mpuier d a ll tt;oc'c:\•,::• n:o~p~ny calltd EDS ~DS r fC'w'to I luie estent b,cc1U1t 11 rc..-e,w,rd c c nlfatll to process Tuu Med,.:u c•Mtdie11d c)a ,nu
peochanl for covert P,Oj«t, . In the early 1980s, be ,..u an 1ntdl,rcor:t comm,uu~y 1ns1der o a kurao·, Pre11dt nt c Fore110 l0Ccll1suc, Adv11ory Board. Pirrot JOI: to kl'IO'lt, L1euten1nt Colonel Oln-u Nori~ well , s1v1n1 him SSCX>.OCO for "Clt:ftt proJ cc.ts 1n 1981 and $200,000 •n
handltd hy Blu,-, CroulOlue Shield.
19&5.u In 19811. Perot t:a\t SI CXX)
E DS rt,mvfJ , 1, first cormac1 of th ,~ ,orl ..,, hile Pero! wa J 11111 emph, yt d ~, S l ue c , ou. l B lue Sh,dd, 1 Milan! con llict of int.c:n'SI. o EDS \/UH kl y bci.ame the n:atit.Jn ' • larJd l pruuuor u f we l· !arc c\iirn,, makinl Perot !he first •wc:.!IJrc: bilhlMYllrt • ... E DS ch,i..,cd un d er 1he N1um :aJm1n1)tr111on. fl c hars~ the g o ve rnnicnl S2 :a u nit for rroc eu, n t while: 01 hclf c u11er1 t ha r Jt J 65 .:enu Govern ine nl cmp lo yeu ~• llirJ EDS ' • contr■c ll •c:••1fh1Wll •
to• Bu.sh-Quayle clc<:hon tonu,111. Ice
O In J uly 1991 , rirpo 111 •rpn rird lhal Puo1 m11h1 con,iJer 1
run for lhe pre.~idcncy II. )'Ur lat,:, 11:at bi d fo r lho pre ,,dc:acy cnl. lapsed u put u soc111u or Ptroi b(JI O Co reveal ho w ht had con. Ju<t(d persona l •·cndfttu :ar • inu them However, thir c■ mpa,ptkv(r re.ally d01ird shop Pirro! t ont,nuw 10 pay voluntC'en lo rr1 hua oatbc ballo l , occ111onally wirir11pp•nr 1he1r te lepho nes 1f he 1uspeu,J d1slo)'l,l!y •• Ptroc ' re-<nc, -...:• the ra.:t ,evcaline b is ne w economic pla~ and plt"d11n1 1<.o bnnJ dov.,i the ,,... 1<''11, Hu muc h -ball yhooed piu would lremeadous:IJ increuc ~ o a mi ddle ■ ad low 1a c ome
The N 1.-: o n White House hclp td P c:ro 1 r.in c o n1ra c 1, 1hr'l11ch non-compe11t1ve h1dd1 nt and hd pcd Perol ,n b, i con01tlS with the IRS and So.:1al Secur ity Adm101suatKIO
Ron P ero! 11 a Jfn1u1 o f• ulum :an . R1c herd Scblak mu . EDS i tncral couu d , sa,d. •A pan of bi~ 1en1us 11 1h11 he can be K if• dclus10nal -.·hen most of Ill :arc ODlr hypurnUCII. '
•• Pcrul's innucoce continued ('Vtn a (ler N1A0 n ru1;11cd 1n dis-1racc: He 1hnc,.t 1:a,ned 1he lnees1 <tnc•llmc tu break 10 U S history u 1everal mc mbcn of lb• H011s.e \I. ays and Mean, Comminee voted lak ooc n,,h1 10 197S lo pUI bam 1 very unus1,1,1I benefit c alled a cap1ul-lou unv.-k.
If thir A.,e11c1n p,rople rtJec1 del1,&510D , Perot's .:ucc:r will foll~· tbe course o f Willy l o m:an·~ 11 ' Death of a Salc:5rmn. "
' Wtlly wu • uksma.n. And fot Alum.an, there II no rock houom
to 1bt life . He d on ' I pul a bolt IO 1 nut, he don' t lcU ~ the law or Jlvt
ean bquate. •
Our experience works for the students
and faculty at M.S.U.!
Clinton ud 0011. YC'U, lbal'1 the 11cke1.
U'IC the ~yslC'ffl a.s If was nieatll lo bl moll h1n1 ins up. Ind lhen 1orcu tho S)'~lcm I< ackqUltC, the rlUl,OOly uud , but vnfortu nuely. a ffu suf• you 10 talk lo ID optnllor7 or s ludtnts I havt spokc11 lo fed fc:r1n1 1hrou1h al mosl five minutes the DID sy11cm ~b One dtfimllon of proi:rc<J . . ... of Lomp11tenud lisls o f u1ens1ons I ha\C okcd •cveul ,1u..kn1~ Th( DID ,..,1 , , uppoM"d tu
By G. l"alrick For1ntt II Scatl'\\'rik'r
cord inJ lo WcbJt!r' , Ntw WorlJ ::~~~~ ; ;;:: tJo~!u:~Qd~:~~b! :::: ~ n 1
:i::: t~ e1~;n~ 1
~ ;,';;:"O:,~~n\~'::W/-dvancf' 10,,.,:. rd operllot.
Pc rhap, , o meo nc could U · pl.a1n 10 me 1bc: 1dn o111es " ' a On mo re th•n one uc.:u1on, I computuuc:J ph o ne systt' m 1h11 bue •cttmplotd '" he pahcnl and lflll\tlU ) 'O U t o lhc po1n1 of •I·
pubhc hfe •• II Ro.:scr:'r°'ihe hi s h-
• • Pu o1 hu cun11nued h is 1enero us upport of cer t11.11 t onI ur se yo u 10 101a 1h r J re u mu tbrou1b the prescol 11me. ca rtbquakir. lo reJC'CI the' 1u1Ju Over the last fiflcen yuu, be bas politics or 1lhu1on and sclf•1nttresi 11,·cn $ 146,SSO IO members o( C0& R.eJC(t Ross Perol OD Nov ) .
Lit ,5 I didn ' 1 inha le . The more I bur Clin ton talk, the leu I believe 1h.at ODC.
Aflc:r ,uch • f,)lay, I lht n coo• te m p late 1he 1nuoe reuo11s I bo lhercd lo enter lhc c:o mpucer \OICC loop 10 the fin t place, when I co uld bavt no1d e d !he annoy,na enc.:ow,iu sunply by ptt:Uinl ·o.'
~ you med1t1 oe. Ht's • m&n war <MIi Perot had doo11ed more thu lbere ID the blue, ndllll on a llllllt S27 ,000 to twelve membcn of the and a s hoeshine. And when tbey comm111«. ~1111 no t sm1lin1 bac k -· tb:a1·, 1 11
Phone system 'in'adequate Tb e a ew ph o ne ~pltm un c.ampus, despite ch"' adv:anca i;<1 uf comp\l!U d-r• c t t h1n1e 11\ll ,·01CC'· ~ 1 ,, 1 di~ i lct 1 ' T he compute n:red fu ture, uf tbt 01rc( 1 lnwarJ 011\ (DID) •Y•· tcmana j(lke
Ai ~ w Puot nJ h11 )l'Jft • -fuc•r.ni S l20 m1lho11 more money ro finance the e1tcnuon of r run,.·ay Th,~ utcnc,on ...,,111 be • 3 limes chc usu• l coll o f ru to 9 •o nslrudion hccau•e 11.t. ,un~~~•y ; lfl will ~uue a na~I\C' ui~ u_.. ~nullr (Mma)!llll l:andt11l. •roe.
mifJe a never lulf,UeJ promise l<.o S1dly, e ven Pc:ro1'1 "shared wy S'SO m1th01111 WOJlh of mtd11 oul· u c r1f1ce· econom,c pl an 11 • Jc" in ookr to s1ve N11on ■ccCSI lo 1chemc: lo li ne h11 cwo pochlJ 11 hvo u ble mc,d,1 public upeaac.
C0nst,3bJo. P1ec:1nct No. 3
t~ I vJOIJ '--';:.'-'f_-::,,:r-, -
chi;; c: ounlr)' 10 d cina nd accoun t• a b, l ,t y f ro m p o llC•~;:n •· Mas:~ 1 peo ple 1b1nk we ahou 00 :;n 1 1 cltc t 1he o ld 1nOuotnco•ped j hand 1n ch• publii. irou&h cype O pohtii.1ao1 I wholchea ~f'<lly a~ i nd I behtve 1h11 the 1151 corru poll 11c o WC' , ho ... ld IOU oul of
Pcr•tl dc,n11cd U OO.octJ lo the ~~::-;;";e:~t~; :;~a::,et ; t;~:~ Nuon wmp11en 1n 1972 ind evtn bumdf "
To,.. 'Co.1ch' Block
ltamber, Sl,110 Bo:ird of Educahon. D11!.lr1tl 14
o f iureycr moooy fnr h11 .\Iha:
('u nJreH launched an 1nvu• ltJUL•.)fl 1nlt1 PC"rnt':a •1wC1'lhea r1' dc:a t1 w11 h the ' \)YClnlntnl Nuon .:.lffl C' hi P(ro1·1 J,tftnH N111011 lncw wh,11 11de ht• bRad wu bu1· tcred on.
Jud;., Court of Cr1mlnDI Appe:111, Place 3 Con11abl1, Proc:lnct No. 2
!~~~~ ~~:h::•~:.e~
■fool ,a
D1at11C1 Jud go. 78th Jud1e1.sl o ,,1ric1
mll,tary aff1trs will suddenly 1m• prove 1f you clcc l him c:omawwle, ID chief of Olli armed bees"
SC.\ Slole Rc,p1eaent.111vo, 01&ltlcl 68
unfor11.1n1ttlr lhe
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W,eh,i. Squarc 'By Jt ..,t l °"'°
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· Ea:it.Jldimy tMa'. • day 10 MSU! · l.vp acmion ol o(fl(C: wpr,I~ &.fumCU~! •S.,'e from .fO · 60% on rl"' u~ }-oti nerd nQC 111 oor Priol'll\ Pricer' • Fm- bPJtU Dtlivc:ry ·K...,.lodg,>1,1,,Swf • Xmui: ~ r s & Fa.x Mach,ra • Swincn:: T ypc:wnm. •C-ompktir iMl0tt M"Mt tkpinrntm •S.ttlwe hnnJ offict fumi1U~ • ln1tr1or llclien Sirr.U a,·aibbk
• JO.<by 0..1\'f' Plan • In busi!'lffl ~ntt 1942
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st>('aks for 1~lf.
\Vt can abo1.i ou r ciuur.
,Qt 1111cbttan
Editorial/0 inions
($1 If.,~ ! >-n I=m; M~=k~--.z.: 1PFS1a:.~,•]l1 ~
I am wnhni m rt.1.ponse 10 the 2 Th · letton Olat .,.·e re printed ID the Oct ~pt J,:'. ie iuue of Mr. Feldman's 2Znd 1JSUt o f the "W1chit..n. • Mr: . ~~d~~ .was l>rouKht lo h1h1 U1 \oll1r1 had • po1n1, hut ( feel thai l~ttcr. l el'i t, H ~II H Hmesh'a, 1 1 ibey -... ere • llllle 100 htirs h on come 10 W,~~ Yenous. WoulU you l\i<'holts Mom!>. kno w woul 11• Fall1 for _free? I I Ye.s. Morns " -U • little: OUI of cun all thew/ .. NOT.1 This man J 1nt. w~ e n h e a11ac ke d Roser lalk Wilh MS(, f;~u~e°ut of 11.Jte 10 tt111uh s 11r:1mmu 1n bu le lie r c:a:pcc l him nts, and you 10 (tYen 1ho111h I found If to be ter- Roger Hinesh do 11 for frc~. Yes, nble). but hi:< commcnc~ b,c the nait i ft does offer his talks nshl on the he ad. _ t;:v,J':~,b~~~ docs not Ulffi11vely The let1ons dm~clcd to Morris J I e either. seemed to do the c11.ac1 sanw- lhuiai Hmesh •lso brou1ht up that they wo_r ~ a ~c ~s,n1 Morr u o r icenscs drua counselor. 1 81 doiflJ-cntic1zing. th: deal. D0c1 this mean he acts 1 would like !o take th15 tune to • r/:1a1 acro u to people? 1 know p01nt out some th1ni:s in the lette rs. lev people who hoe 1nduate Mrs Medlin made liO mc ve ry h e l dearecs that leach collep &Dd ~1fi.: Stalemcnts tn he r letter that ave DO riaht lo step inlo a classneed to he 1ddreskd ;:~r:u1 Y~I, their diplomu uy I. She (and H1nu h ) bro uaht . Y qualified lo be lhcre tucb11p the fa,·r that Cory Fc1Jm1n wu ~,!e• c_lus. I have aeco one of ,n • plai:C' lhal s ci ved alco hol. SO i m ,Sh• speeches and I w11 aot -N_HATI The~e 1s noth1n1 wro ni: ma~ c u ed. I •m no1 •1•ia11 tho w1lh • recover1ni alcoholic J:OUlJ: to • but I feel there are better s place 1h11 serves d':nks u loni as lh■n sc arinr kids 001 to use thll pcr~o.n IS not <lnnt.an11 •kohol. I" (by lhe way, scare lactic, e re Th~ dC'CISIOn, o r whether o r ooc to prov~o work). . be in• plac e 1ha 1 serves liquor is "Wh ·. . s also said by Medho, 11p 10 tho akoholic. An akoholic h o •~ Nicholas ddeDdina here1 e ac i,ve cr1m1n1I who choose& 1 nd ooly that akoholic , knowi. h • or bcr hm1t111ons. ,s c rime • nd druas?? · To whom it , iatemeni rde mni:? Feldman docs I know a few rccovcrina a\. ~ I .use d Ngs or dnnk anymore ud cohohcs 1h11 are pcrf« 1\y '°omfon- d c f,is not • c riminal. Morns was able 111 • bar o r pub environment e e nd101 Feldman's honor which bft 111se the x. ha ve: leuncd 10 deal was denied b) Hinesh·s false stale..-1lb and accept their Lllness. Now- ,f :;n~:•a ~c 11 lly lhe one coaccm• Roser Hinesh (or an y o lher •I· coho lic) docs not reel he can io uito a bar and s tay liObe r , tho he Reet:1~~hue:s~e~~:;1~~::ri,~..0 ; : should n o t do s o , bu1 if Co ry • dd , Feldman thinks he can- - mo re d. re:• what II said rather lhao • ISc re 11 the perso n mak1n1 the
i: :~s
r.. , ~
It's time to address real issues
tl1nes h tep~u en1ed hi mself wi1b some falao mforma· l ion. W~ar wu Morns 1uppose 1_0 do? Bes1du, _dnJ ~ l H1nesh bu1c,lly try lo d11cred1t Feldman •~d his compacuon Mr. Lootlo11 . ho II •lso • drui coun,elor. Mo rns wrot_e b11 lelter 111 lh~ ho pu ~f correctm11nacc~rate •? formanon a,ven by Mr-_ Hine.sh~ the Oct. 8th 1sS\.IC of the WicMan. I am in II class with Morris, •nd I saw bow upkl ho WH when the ktter from Hinc!lh w1s pubhshc:d. He wu mad about the m1srcprcseota• lion ofthc facu in me letter. . . I wu Morm'li friend io b,ah school, a~d I know wh~t he wcol lhrouah w11h an alcoboltc father. I was their when he c ried because his father would noc listc:11 or unJcrstand wh.u he was tcllms b:sm. TNIC me when I say, he. ·c• n tell you about alcohol abuse. He and I were also in the same lbeatrc 1roup (ahhourh not at the same lime) called ST AGE· Student Theatre for Awareoe.u Growch & Eduu11on. This II whe re we firsl 101 10 know the person who we referred to as JUII Roser (Roaer Hanu b). Mr Hinesh does bavo • aood aoal io life- lo keq, kn:b off dt\111 and alcohol. Tho only problem 11 sometimes he comes off too 1tron1 during bis pruentations. J hope thal I have hved up lo Ms. Recs' upecl al~un or be1n1 re~pons1ble of 1dd~101 wi:i-1 w~ n,d, but I will definitely d1~recht anyoae who makea ~ty aod IAC~reel 1tatement1. N1c bol11 Mo rn• should also! - llMdJ Htri,. at1tc,ment.
'Giggles' more humor than horror ~..:~Ramire:z;J-;..
8)' Charle C,ct
Copy F.ditor Ourini rhii eleccion year, our nalio n 11 faced with an abundance of i»ucs vie.al to our collective fu.. ture. But forac:t th• economy, for1et foreip affairs, foraet Supreme Court appoiatmeall. Lei°• diKuu the o nly real issue at h■ ad : Corey Feldman! Here'• the s ituation'° rar. It all s l•rted wilh Roior Hinc:sh's ◄2) won!, 9 sentt,nce. uo• edited letter altacki.na Feldman. Theo Nicbolu Mom li, a mem• her of MSU's Univer,ity Pro1ram• m1n1 Board. the o r110iza11on 1h11 sponsored f cldmaa, wrote a letler, complele wilh iu fair share of irammatica l errors allackint Hi0e&h for allackina Feidman. Nut cOmea Faye Recs· letler ellack,na Mo rn• for attac lCIDI Hine.sh fOf' attackint Feldman. FollowtnJ that we find Bevctly Medlin's le tter ddendinf Hinesh attackini Mom s and, believe 11 0; not , atll c ki na and dofeodint Feldman. As ,r this u not eoousb you '
M.dwestem State University
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Belle Z. ~
8 °'9M, 1.awrtnC't R~ Freddy Krurcr, with hll ruorblade fmcen , died in hi■ luC IIIO'\'lll, and luon. of "fnd1y the I ) th" ra me wilh his ice-hockey mask and machete has prob1bly died from a lack of plo t, (both movie- aad
,,.v~~............., .... f,.• . thr
h tth . t 0 kill oug e moVJe 1 • , peop e messy ways.
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f h • 'Candyman's weapon O C 01ce 1·s that b1·g hook, and he uses 1·t
~Davi• o.wnAownd
In all serioUSDOU, I (ail'° UDdertiand lhe importance placed oa lbi• evul the au1bor1 o f th• 1foreme~11oned lenen. . _Whd• lbeae l•!fer wn1e~ .•"" cl~1m10J u.p~r!eace, clttDI ev1de~ce ,nd po1alln1 finsc:ra , cbe true uaue_o f dru1 and alcohol abuse rema1~ untouched. UPB paid Feldma n a fee~• l'Darket value 10 speak about b11 h(e, which be did. People who ~id not feel lhe e vent wu wor1hwb1lo did no~ attend. Undoubtedly'. 10DM who d,d ,nend were not 11111~.ed, j us.t a, so~ JDO'lte,ocn •~ cfiuppointed w11 h • poor_ly wnltea or ti.dly performed mov,c. Yet w11b • turnout of more than 500 peo ple, UPB doa, ia my opulion, have• basis fot its claim ol IUC:oe&s. In tho end, we shoul d ~ her that wh,le one hu l~e _naht '° hold ind e:a:pres1 ID ~p1n100, the a1recmenl or others 11 not ID usenrial e~emen! of ri~ While we re 1t 11, l e t • ~ her that Chere are 1ome real lSSUU OUI !hen'° be addreued.
•candyman good 'slasher' movie
miy look el.ewhere on thit pa,e ro,I letter fro m Randy Henna, tbo latesl add,iion to the Feldman dif· ci.issioa iroup, lhlt defeods Morris. attacks Hiuesh, ,uacks Rees aod even <,up!) re motely addru••• Feldman. It 11 true tha.l feld~•n did c harse • lot for hil services, and p robibly didn' t s ioslehandedly wipe ouc drua we m Wk hita Falls. II IS also true 1hat H inosh ii probably nol the world's foremotl expert on drus rehabililllioo and public presentJtion. 11 ii further irue that none o r these 1nd1v1dual1 s hould b1Ve al• tacked eac h other quile so por• sonally andviolefttly Poinl made •• ~ lesa lhan 2 m• cbes of pnnt. Do 1heac ,odividuals like each other1 Do we care? Will this eveal bec ome tho cencer of Ron Perot'• final week of campairnini:? Will this be the IHI issue oflhe "Corey Feldman Diies t Pip:?• The 1U11Wen art, tupoclively: no, DO, probably no and I ruowtd• 1n1 YES!
So w~at... l now know thiswu not Finally. upon the deepest 0 ~ E:r~Jaa:ii;;h!;~~~::!-!::'~b! OU lhe in1e n11 o n o r lhe film . scrntionthev1ewer sect 1 p1tbcbc, you·re Ulluck! Suspcnse .. . yc:ah, lhere WU somo. inuoa man who real!)' WIDIS lo -~ •ndyman:· based on CliY~ ID What I d idn'I expect to sco w11 • help a you na 1irl w,th a heart con- Buker s oovel, _The Fo rh,dden, ~~;a;i;~~~-:~~l:e~o;:•;~~~ !\~~0::~~ ~;ehsel~o~~~-e ~:~u:!~:: 1nlr0Juce1 "!ov1e-1oe rs 10 Ca_n· 1 0 1 1 PY · Yes, I know these l jiu1 men-- no matte, how dttply I vic\1-cr may :~;:n;c:~ i~ ~~:ha1~ !e':;:e~f liOOcd •re TV shows 10 what? scr utinize 1h1s film , 1he film fulfills 1upe rn1tur1I slashers ,n s uper• bl1ek woman who hvll 111 the boUI111 purpolC. -..u1ural •luber fn9YIN. _ 1n1 projoc11 (not th.al she bas a lot La rry Drake, who portn,ys tho Cendym1n. who 11,md ■ad or ,nppU11 di1lope). mentally bandic1ppcJ LDd1v1d11al oa I ne purpose, my collerialc ended liro IS• slave iri thCl..,IIOOI, Helen discovers• secrel u ea ·L.A. Law,• or u the ,·,llain in fnends, 15 to entcr111n the viewers hi d • llle nt for p1in11n1. While behind Ibo b11hroom mirro r lhal ·oarkm:1n, • plays Evan Reodell Jr. with an askew poinl of view saririz• p11ntin1 • portrai1 or his master's leadJ: io Candymaa'a lair, • piece of' Who 1s 1h1s Rendell ch1rac 1er? int the · u c red cow' (read that d1uabter, lhcy fell 10 love, and lhe candles and buarre -u-p,inliDp. He's ·• ,ctu:tophreruc with an 1.Q. "bull") that horror moviu have ho- bec•me pregnanl. Helen eventually evokes h1l'D up in the slralospbcre · to q uote 1 ,:omc to the film siudio■. J di,ress. As punis hment, the owner (w,ch 1be fivc-times-in-1-m1rror character 1n lht film. paid some ruffia ns l o c ut o ff lh1n1, of course) and be proceed• Needless to uy, mo11 of the Candyma n·, hand, lie h,m 10 the IO. over the courK oftbe rat of the Well, you know what happens olher c rilics didn't li ke thi s z round and s mear honey 111 over movie, frame her for 11 leasl lwo next? He escapes from 1he funny fi lm .. . but rhea a111n how many him so that bees would sting him to murden , and v1riow Olber au■ ullS farm . Another or tu, httle probfems s1r111ht-laced, main-strea med, mid• dea th . (Would thal work? h's and kidnappinp. 1s, "he thinks he 's • doc1o r. • He die-of-the-road , aon-life-h1vin1, doubtfuL) For I reason !hat C1odym1n·1 weapoa ofcboico returns lo the town he 1rcw up tn IO non-cu111n1-eJ1e critics hke "The remains unclear, the ruffians also is lh1t b11 book, ud be u1es ii i:c:1 e ven with 1he lmle town (kmd Simpsoos, • "Ren and Sllmpy· o r stuck a l1 ric book on the end of his lhrouahout lhe movie lo k.ill people o f like this o ne) that eYentually "Wayne's World"'? AMwcr me lha1! bleedin1 arm, which, as it tu rned in me&)' ways. caused h11 father '• death. O. K. so, out , was • career break for C■n · Candym1n dou have the d11· now we havt. roven1e .. .jus1 when it tioclioo ofbe1n1 the first black Now' lel me tell II hlce it II .. dyman. seems liko li11s film is too predicl• Like all i:ood maniacs, he supernatural slasher, and actor th rs film isn't for e ve rybody. This able. film is rated " R, • because of 1he rema in• unseen lhrouah 11 lease Tony Todd does a passable job of playin& the pert, tbou1h not much Dircc1or Maru,y Cotto (no! 10 blood, and a police officer don half oflhe movie. be confused with the oeo• pop •ton his cookies" in the film ... (for .. T he person we do_, ee is Vir- i1 really rcq~ired e~cepl 1tandin1 directoress Terr• Colta) brin11 to thoae or you 1n10 colloqu11hs1J1S, to 11n11 Madsen, 1n what as obvious ly around look1n1 omino us ind octa a view at the villain from the 1n-- toss o ne's cook1u i1 also known as not the best role 1n her career, play- cn1oaally ki llina someone in I s1de of someone's moulh. This, 15 to ·puke,• 10 "ralph, • 10 'yalc, • to in1 the par1 or Helen, • 1radu1te messy way. The final outcome 1s predictsometh1n1 new 10 me. It 11 fruh, "hurl • ... and for you b1olo11 pre- student who, along w,tb Bcmadelle (played by Ku, Lemmons, who able. like the fi rsc time I saw ·Ren and med,. lo JCRUr11tate). prob1hl y turns in the best perforH e len i s/ wu /loo ks• l ike S 1impy · ( lhe ·space Madness" T here 11 no "T & A• io this mance in the Candym1n 's 1800s lover, tho uih episode") ...I wu ama.z.ed! film. Do noc take youna children to movie) 1s doin1 post 11raduate this point wu never m1de really Cotto 11ves us a mirror maze a ce thi s fi l m . .. they' l l be rese arch for a thesis.o n •c.onlem- clear. . , c hue rem1n11cent o f •some1h1n1 lnumalrted. ponry urban lcaend~, a un1ven11y W11ho~1. rovc1hn1 the end _o r Wicked Thu Way Comes• starrini n~mc for all those l,Ule stones 1h11 tho .movie, 1111 urc lo say thal Vir1be old J:UY that plays Mu Du11n T he ac11n1 is mua,nal, with kids tell u o und Che campfire to 1~n•~ M~tlsen m~y end up with tho in · The Relurn of Mu Dugan• (I th~ e:a:.ceplion of Drake, who, 1lona scare tac~ other. disraaclion or bema the tint ftlmale forge1 what his name is. but, you with h~lle ~1d ~~ Rendell Ourin1 thetr research, these s upe rn1 1ural alube, (Candy k.now who I mean). Cotto's use o~ ., a cbild,.JS brilhanl ta this film. two he ar the story of Candy man,• Woman?) As ii i1, she already seca Che mull1 -i m11es in the m11ror• supernatural ! lasher who can be in- lo kill,ooe pel"IOO ~ • ffll!:lly way. ma:te scene is a musitll, bul it a.I· The musical score (read thal Yoked by 11yin1 b1.s: 1\lme five times m _bel1bot101 t~I "mesaiJudes 10 the multi-levels of Ibis soundtrack) is 1nc1dent1I. However, (why it's five, and DOI, SI)', lhroe o, ncu point because I think II sum, the closin1 sons "Bad Cue of some other oumber 11 unclear) up ~he entire movie -- messy, I ruov~. Lovm1 You, ·_ori11nally recorded by while look1n1 inlo, mirror O don'I don t JUSI mea_n the blood ud ,on, On the surface, the viewer stea Moon Marlin , '! ~aul know why I mirror j 1 required thou~h there 11 plenty of that. 1ne the o ld •s ch izo escapes ~outine. ' Rodaers, the former lead SUl,Cr of either. but those are the rules). plot IS measy, loO, Upon deeper o bse r vation , the Bad Compuy. H• hu been terroniins resi• • . Ii us es a oumber o f those viewer see• e sennas walkln1 the . . tlcnta or a hous1n1 project buildias _ Jump-oul-■ad-sc~re-you" device, 1 11 1iahtrope between br1lh1nce and i? ~s .~r~-~'!:_!! .c o.;:!;;ck- and haa been credited with at lout m ~la~ ~r real • ction (ye.I, I know, 1 madness (somo people say I'm kind esik· ~ ti 1 11 one actual murder. rca I 1c1o n1dos of Ibis 1eare love of that way). es nte~ a . Helen and Bernadeue decide lbal stuff, but ,1 seems like a cheap . - • • • • • • • • •~• - • • • • • • • • • · IOcheck it out. shot- i~s not reaUyscary,j111t1tar-
lwasafraidtogosee·Dr G sics. • The prev,ews made II be some "ho rro r nic k. • I 'll admil I'm not a biJ ran of horror films. ' I've seen •Halloween• and the 1 '7'h~~ ~.; -· i·ve ~ "F~iday tho h an e s~1ue s · ·· ~ vo 1 · & lmare on m 5ttee~ and Che scquch · · ·• •hnd )'es. 1 vo s eon 'Hc::r•ter, d;l ~ot th e sequels (I fioa Y e•;ne · expected 10 be .cared C•n.d sl~p w 1th !he h&hlS on · h~t I di a r ~ 0nJ:t.0.lb). Dr. Ginles did not ,care me.
Thursday, October 29, 1992 ■ Pa.., 3
. The y 10 to t he bou s i n 1 proJcct, and after dealin~ with 1an1 memben that are ban1101 around 0~1s 1de and a oe11hbor lady with a bit do t , lh~y fina lly set 1n10 the dead woman s •partme11t. Vaaeua Willmns does ID adeq ua1e job po rlrayina a youn1
The movie u f ull o f u n-developed sub-plois: • Thero is a feeble auempt to addres s the poverly and 1101 problems 10 low-income neishborhoods. but since i1's only inc,dcatJI to lhe ploc, ii is soon dropped io favor of other elemcnis.
• There ia • pu1in1 ■bot •I prejudice wbeo Heleo rove.ala to Bernadene eerly in the movie lb.II the condo Helen hves in was 01111o■ lly meant lo ho• housin1 proJect buildin1, but 1h11 · there is DO dividin1-line, like a freeway or someth1n1, bolween 1h11 bu1ldia1 and 1bc Gold Coest,· ao tbo cioder block wills were plastered eod tbo buildia1 wu turned IJ!ilo a hi1b·reol condominium. That aeemed CO mdicate there wa1 1oin1 lo be aome connec tion bc1ween thal buildinr and the bousin1 projocl buildio1 1h11 Candyman lived in , bul that coaaec1ton wu never eslablilbed.
• Caodyman kidnapped• baby and Helen 101 bl•med for ic, buc why 1be baby WH takon wu oever uplained. Several times Candymao meolioned that there was 10 be•• new kind of mirac le" conceruina lhe child , but aolhin1 ever b1ppe11ed. • Aad hero is the m a.t 1Jariri1 of all: why wu dus py called "Caadymao?" There wu ooo quick shot, whca Helen wu ia bis \air, that she found a satc hel-full of candy with razo r-b lades inside lbc wr■ ppeu, and then no1hin1 else. C1ndymaa dida·t give any cand y 10 anyone, oor did be mcntioa, use or even cal a picce of candy aoy1ime durins Ibo eoci re film . Ho used• hook ·- • mossy ooe. Ob, and one other t hia1: Candyman's entire beck1round bas to be uplaioed in a 1in1lo lO• s econd monoloaue by one maa •• some auy apparently associated wi1b the Univenity, but I PY you never see 11ain throughout the rest of tbe mcwie. Wed;, Very wou:. The final question: 11 it worth the pnco of 1dmis11on? Well, if you like slasher movies, I'd 11y )'Cl. Thore'1 enouah violence and 1ntu1tous nudity lo make ii worth the price o f tho ticket, and like most other fint• in a scnei of quels, it 's probably better than the later install~ts will be · But if lbe score does n' t hno lhat mU<:h appeal for you, w■ it for ii to tum up in !he video ,tores.
Pboto,raphr, Belinda Bertram Kyle R..-U
PapOeeip: Michael Vt'lldrick
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=---• 11:
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I 9
«be Wftblt111 ,
'Pare 6 ■ Tburaday, October 29, 1992 I
Candid ates debate rally issues at CAGW ~::.n::"c!~d;
Bo ulier 1110
17, lb• C1 11nn1 SOIi
A111n1I Gov~r nmcnl Wu1c ,net 11 K1v,,1n11 f'ark lo prundt I non•par· uun forum for B,11 S1rp1liu• and Beau Bo uli e r , c1ndidarc1 for 1h1 United Slates Con1rt--o, to d ucu.1 the nallon'i economy. Bouller ud Sarpahu, am v.cl It 1ppri;111malcly 2 p.m. 10 speak In the mcd11 and, hny audience. Doulter •lrcucd h,s co-found· 1n1 and iencnl ch11rm1n1h1p of tbe Grace Caucus an o r1a1uu11on fo rm e d h y Pete·, Grae:• . aho founder an J head ofCAGW, ,n PMJlo b)' MicNUl l ', ..trirt 1982 wh,ch 1n 11.J 1984 rcporl IUJ• 1u1ed 2478 c ui. or i ove rn ment Incentive Pro,.-am were w11ce lotalUIJ $424.◄ biUion.
These pArlicipanta of the MSU Slaff Educallonal recently feted durlnr a luncheon. '11,ey received framed plaque, for their service to Midweatem..
h ri pumar)
i• IQ provide. 1 occ,n•imic: opp<,r·
lun•l~!~p:i ;ut
touied b1< co,,pon· 1ors h1p o f 1he b1 l1 oced•h11d1e1 a mendment, no ru11 hu r111po n11b1i11y 10 1he voter. and » 1J , 'My docx II a lw•~ ~n • Ounni • prc-rvcn t 1n1cr v1ow. Buul ter clled Government Wasle Watc h . lhc C AGW ncw~leue r , as ll'lllll S1rp,l1uJ i CAGW racm, uf JS which ch1tl<'lenu1 him U • un• friendly U> the tupayer." Sa rp1l 1us la ter downplayed this c:r1tKi,m 1nJ .-,d, · n,a, p■ par (Wult W11d1) u dc.nincd bluul· lyto hci,cli1ke publ1t anawmherJ° 01hc:r , pcaket1 al the event i n • duded C huhe Davia, htad o l !he W1c:h1ta County T upayen A"°"-••·
0 1::~an, "-nu of CAG W al.o c unlac1cd Steve d Ha y wood lo C ar nltcr ' " 111 •pell • 1 the ra Ytbc received 110 event ruponwi pnor lo 11 °'lll')Jza.. (A(; W h 0:1cm~r1 • u o n w il over na1io nw 1d• . Ro1 er Hill , lu dc:r of Tu,. d11lr1C1 Ccin1rns10MI the IJth ri-ye r Ac:uon Nctwort, q,id. Loe.al 1 21 wo:~ly a ' memhc:r<hlp llill u id CAG c t o ll, 10elude llle ~uu;nb•,;!~nl~nbtll1C111111 1 I YS1n1Je ... u te w, o u f pt!!j tlffl for m o re in urmaflo n •bouc
0 1; ~
. ,~Ii~
~~~~~ltr C"-GW 11 69 ,d u•rt:, 11 12021 ~ : Hill 46 t1o na l he q SlOJ,
Participa nts receive awards ByMichx-lVrndrid,; Editor in Chid' T"'t'nly-fivc par11c,panls of the MSU St.tr Eduut,out lnccn11 vc Prt1N1•m .,, 1tte hOnorcll Ott 26 11 • luncheon 1n tbc Cl.ark S1uden1 Ccnttt .
Louu J Rodriauu.
un1vt1,,1, prc.,,Jcnt, u ,d the.~ ~uff mem bers wr.rc dd ,acnl tnd per· formed " above 1nJ beyond !he call
The SEIP p1r1, c 1pant s N o r fo,d, K1r 1n P111coon , reu,v~ framed cer11fiu1u l.al&d• C 11beunir R11lly, Schell■ Sm11h, S o phlr y Tan , D o nna Telllelo n, SEIP 1urth. 1p1n11 1m: nd1n, Lyd11 Welch, Geulll W1ll11m s ind th e lunc h eon comprtst" Harvc Walter D.n W,lllamt.. SEIP pu11c1panl& not auc:nd· Allu , T o m 8r11mf,chJ, Joe M Cro.u, Chua Ea.,;1erhn1, Sh1non int the lunc heo n compriu Belly Eu1m1n. Mclcdu1 F.IJndff'. Davtd B,coy . Joa c.h1m Knop . Norman G111bcr, Kay Han.nab. Kcrue Har• Lc:vm Jr • Am:antb McCain mJ h } vc), M1n.u..t Hill, J cne111c\c Jones, Dao W,lhams Thc:1e p;uuc,pants Sandra Kc1 c hum , L,z L1ndu, also re<:e1~ed cer11fk 1tes P11nc11 Lowry , Chri, r.an Mc• The lunc heo n wu sponsored Keihin. v ..1,r1e Muwell. Mildred by Rodnpz. 1n1 their ptrformln«
Bill regulates soaring rates By Holly F".&-nort
Rtp)rlu Tb rec wcok1 a.1:0, Conrrou< :knt Prct1dc:nt8u..,h 1hcconuo1;cr· flll cable tcle'-'ISIOCI bill which w,11 replate 1ou1.111 cable nlel. T he Senate appn.vc-d the bill by a AW-pruin1ly v,,1de mar.sin of74 lo ZS. 10 s p,w o r 1nlenl: fobby,01 •i•1n, r 11 by the llollywood studioil, 1he cable 1nduslf )' •nd 1he Wb,ce H oUM.
Hush'" ptomt)C lo 1.clo ttus btll may be wor1h/u1 •lnl·e the H11use Jlfevwusly appro~ed the bill. abo by 1 llor1e ffl-'r11n . Bur 1n1 wny IHI m1n\llC 1 11rp11ru, Con1 rcu will ha ve enou1h votci. 10 O\ermh: a vero ind reaulauon will be.;omc a real,1y Bro,dca<1us ■ nJ c..on,umer rtfhts 1uard,aM ia) the bill -.,U ac:• c(1mphch the li.>1'°""·011
I R11e +ncru u , for bu1c cable urvKc will be sub}, c1 10 ap, proval by local o ffiC1ds w11h !he ~•1,11dchnc.'!iklbytheFCC ln add1· 110n , the Fcdeul Commun1<.'1hun1 Comm1u1on could curb uorb1tant pricci fo.- noa•ba.uc wrvic:e 2. C.t>k opcuton wtll bav• pay l~ al broadc.s1en, 1oclud1n1 ne1work 1ffih1lt-\. for 1he r 11b1 10 tnncm,1 proir1mmm1. Until now, c:ablc prov11.lcrs hn·e urnt-d th1,c (ru of c har1c. Hollywood 11\Kl,05 a rc up ,n :1rms over th it ht-cause they pru.,.,dc most o f the pro1ramm1n1 anJ feel !hey s hould be puJ. l . Cable nelworks, dunn1 the out 10 yua. w,11 hl\' c 10 offer 1be1t pro1nmm1n1 to nun•uble c:ompehlwn at re.,,;onablc ratu. The nehHlfkt u c 11ccw.,n1 the cahlc 1ndu,tty l)f w.1n1 K ue I.IICUCI hy 1hreatcn1nr 1h11 1.o nwmcr n1u
w1ll 1n.:rc1sc bec■llSC of the bill O ne ,re• ca ble- u -. ner ~a id 1h11 1f the bill ptUCS, the FCC will m1k11 new demand• o n c ablt: nwncrs 10 provide belter p1 c1ure quahl y, l'lettc:r ,ervicc: and new te<:hnoloay 1n reaard to tes.11n11 .111· ul n11,1n1} w11h1n 1:ert.un hm,ts, all of "'fach will increa!C nlcs This c able o wne r 1s presently a llowed by /oul offi c uds 10 1.11· c:reuc n ~ S2' every rwo yaN . He. u1d lhc co11 lo 1mpkmcn1 1bc new re1u lat1oas w,tl cosc bc1wren SIO mtl hoo and S4S m.illlon, -.·b,ch w,11 ult1ma1cly be char1.d IO 1hc consumc:u. He 1110 upla tntd lhat cable o w n en found !he espcou o r up1r1d1n1 lt"chnolo11 un fau beuusc only cable 1ubK11hen v,,ould foot thi: bill for up1raJm1 p1c:1urc quahty for 1hr. en1tre area..
Danyl Van Leer
University Programming Board presents-Van Leer By Linda W ibon Scoct R fPO'(,er
The Un1ve rMty PrOjt1mm1n1 Board will pre>cnt ac tor Otrryl Van Leu 11 7 p. m , No,· 4 1n the Fux Arts Tbe.r1er Van Leer I> an cn11c,ni 1ccor who , pe:tllh 1 1rut deal of h 11 tuM cn1er111n1n1 and educahni collei:e 1ud1 cnc:u. with h1.s c huacler 1m• press10t1s or srcat h11torn.: al fi&:\lru ,uch as Frcdet1d:: Doualu. Mal• 1:olm X anJ Mut,.11 Luther Kll'IJ Jr Van Lcer ' a perfo rmance al Midwcllcrn will be "Rated Mal• colm X. • a h1¥h 1tccler111on per•
fo.-rnance of M ■kolm X'r "Mcs...,.re 10 1hc Gra u Roo1s· and "811101 or the Bullet • ~pa,chc.s. V i n Lc,r ho r,e , to hr1ni: • "po'.\111ve l'ltCSMle tur the enliF!kn· mcnl o f both lbe younier and older 1cncnocn,;." A muh 1-11 lcn1ed performer. Van Leer boa.a b11 1clen11ot1 • c• 11n 1 ..: .a ue r as a b■ dc.sround .,.oc,h, t , wn1cr • Ml I stsff phocoa• rapher on lhc Bl■c k En1crt111nmcn1 Nc1w o rk •, • Bobby Jonn Gu1pel ~• V a n Ltcr hH a ppca r cJ ,n comme n :11h for Gen,:ir11I Mo to n
@dh1111~i ifyJ;•&hOi •• The l)n, vcritly Dcmoc rus will n1ct1 1t 4 30 J'l. m , Ocl. 29 1n Clark SruJenr Ct"n•C"r 104 •• A ·F111h1Je,, F un N11ht" will be fu1ured lro m S.45 pm lo 10 p m • (k1 l I at !he F1nr 81pm,1 Chun.h Ac11v1ho Cii:nl11r For mor-= 1nfo1m11 mn ct.nt.ict Rid: 9■1.:bclor 11 767-1 221. •• Tau K.tppa Ep,llon will pr eu-~I ·Th r l) ad: Side S..analo+flUffl• al 1 pm. ltuuu~ O.:t JI at the cor1ter o (91h 1 00 Brook. AJmuuun 1j SJ ro r 1Julh and S3 SO hir t'h1ldrct1 lnkr •rt 12 For rnore llllt)rl"IUl(K.llt aill UI. 42SJ
•• The second ed111on of the 1992-CH Faculty Forum will bet fea• turcJ at 8 r m • Nov J ,n 1he CSC Theater •• T he Un1 Hr111y Pro1nm• rn1n1 Bo ard w,11 prucnl the film JFK"118pm.,Nov ,t uiilic:CSC T heater •• Th~ S1udcn1 Senate v,,ill n1CC:1 lf6p1n . NOY. SmC'SC 104 All MSlJ ~tu.lent, -.ho arr u re,u 1cud for the Nov. I .S T ASP tu.1 arc mv,f«J 10 aurnJ free help ,ro11ms Je511ned 10 1u1~1 tbcm 1n prc:p■ uni for lhe m.,1twm,,11t-~ scc· 1100 for the I U I Wcdnc ~d• )· SU· i,ons will~ hclJ !rum LJO p,n,, IO l ·JO pm , Oct. 2!. Nov 4 uxl Nov 11. Thursda y 11-us1om -.·,II be hclJ (rnm 7p m. 108 pm.,Ot1 :?",:-,,ow, 1 and No-.. 12 f o r mc,rc mforma• l1on t1•nll cl D11ot Spiller al 619-
lUNCllt Deo•
5alade, 5oupo, Burgers, 5and,.;cheo, Nach05 and more!
Fajitao, Steako, Chicken, Fioh , Chicken Flied 5tuk and morel
(;RH.KS & ( 'Ll IIS
KaBJne e
Playing th~ Frid~•Y .tnd S.turd~y at the5'a~ :2410Sh•ppu-d
$1000 JNJUST Qt,lE WEU!
Y~ uo,n,nEE HEAD"IO~"E RADIO ~•tfotnllsta 1-100.-912.0,:21, U L6S
livt" u.z., Fusion, and Blue,
lo <4pm· 8pm Mo,,day-Frldoy! My drlnk on the menu, o (jlant &er& wine's I dollaroffl
$+ Uw l)rlniu, & l'itGhm; every Wedn<
Polrce B~ t rbc I i,,,rr , 11, P ol , . c I\Mf M1.1rrcv ri:·,t1,·er Thc11em, rc~iv)(';J,J t, , u1v• h.1r!:11t) anJ ..v. u t -.. o nh S6SS Th e u arc no 1u1vm u h1 le • ·• :dell! Ju11n1 tht ...,,.-~ 1, • n MS U ~IU• ... o .. Oo H ru,t \lil"r~ dc t l dr1Hn1 a ~ 11e 19SJ Pon111" .. . l' n k11 Q·"' ,1 1r. .!,v1du •I < G u11.:I P11< ,lr\old, 1be pat,rn~rr ,J .,l'l r,~ ,:i r,,r< e Ha ll d1-." ._,f • •.. tt,1e IINO Su:i..n :?~.l 1M1 0.-1 .'l ,r,,.11T•-,;1, ed " "l:tll&cri.J., -. ~,!.- t-.i. k m ; .,.,f ,,f I pa:l il'J ,,J.· 11,•1•. 1t111.n,a,: th 0:it \ ;r:nt ~ru t" 1°:11. ,1 IS ;'1,.o h1eum,rn1 uf ,J. ., /, • j:lfl'r u\1,Jp: ~ ~ \ 1•,l,-1)- d,m11c- • " •• ,.,., !a hle •! flfCS l J ,.. V"'••" .6.nlf " b/111, i. r'u,nf'C I W'l'i..•
Yan L«r hu also lrl\·elcd the co med y c ir c u 11 ■ n d ma de a p, pearanccs at The Com,c: Stup i nd Catch• R1sm1 Stir m New Y.,.-t Tickets. ava ,l•hlc 1n CSC 103. arc free tu MSU s tudents . f.acuhy and Slaff There ""Ill be a S1 c hlrtt for rion•MSU pi:rloOrlnel.
JWti 8,'CllJ
• • ,\ Collea, 8 0-.I Tourn1me n1 -. , Ube fra1 u,-,J al I p. m , Ckt Jlantl! JO pm . No, l mthc CSCTt:eaW •• L r (!At F1.in..1,~ -..,11 m«1 41()1 .i t p,n "-u-. 2 Vl!het.:!.C 0 Th~ W1,h1ta Falb Rvth) . .. ._.oo. 1 tl' Ela.bun 0;,y Cui .a tu,!~<1 hu 1he ~anJ1da1e~ o r H.-v, Club fo rmerly lht- MS U Ru1by Cluh. ,~ cuncnll., \t"Cku,, Dt"AI 1,,:1,m ct.o.~c •• l he MS\ Smttli "'di J'("t· mcmhru. for, No, . 7 makti ap111$1. 1mm 1hiw I-a ll (1,n, crl o n ~ o,., 1 S•n Au11d o For more 1nfnrm1t10n ,:vntac.l Rene Ra11urc1 al 721-5611 1n the Akm "-L-J110t111.m
an d Scrv,c:c Mt- rC" band"e , performed euen ~n ·d ) m loul ~111cc proJuc u nns ■ nil hh :i.ppurcU 1n 1he ma1 o r mot , o n p,.; 1urr 'A Lcaiuc of The ir Own,• d1tc..teJ bT Penn)' Mu)hall 1nJ surnnr Gu~ 01\ I). Tom Hanb and Madorvui
Choo&e: from arry mbted dri,,k on ml Elt.Cludes bur and
0/fice Suppi,os
MSU Students are Welcome! \<le p:-o-nde schcol s ~ &-3
...eil of!1ce ~
l1es 1e.a: .
uw~,..,.., •
3401 Kcrnp Bh d , \\ 1..:hii.a} .Uh , l , '16 ~ l~l i') ff.JJ .J '-1\1 Phot,c: ,~PJ6''1~5~5
ENTERrAINME 0 U,•£: · "'lol• - · • ' 9 ~
AA Bottom!" Jaoon Brown, Dean Faulkner, Buddy 5u~g•. & ~Wl,,te roar ~nto • t.!l~e playing claM•c arid
han rock n roll with a di•tinct Tex.a• flavor' Th10 local barid has opened for Three Dog ~ t , Fogliat, Bauchmsn Tumor 0,erdrive and s & Crm. Get rocked •'th AA Bottom'
Olltalde entrance after 1n&II houn.
:Q, Wlcl,U1n
• ··················································· •···········
Tburo~~. October 29, 1992
■Pap 7 j
Soccer wins big during homecoming By Kylt H uston Sports Staff The MSU soeccr team lookeJ like its old celf lut weekend u I( dcfested bolh Oklahoma C hns111n Univcrs11y ■nd S1. Edwards Uruvcr• s11y before the MSU homo c rowd. On Fr iday iusbt, M1Jwc111r:rn
rolled over Oklaho ma Chmtian by ■ final iCOl'e ofl-1 . The l od1an, Jumped o n lo p o nly S:01 mn1u1u 1010 1he same when mid- fielder Osnny Coker made tho score 1· 0 o n a penall y k1dc after forward Jeff Randall h1J boo n l a ken down by the OCU aoa lie 1n lhe penalty bol. Oklaho ma C hr1s 11.1n 11ed the
MSU tailback Henry An den (3)
Pl.oloby K,1, R~
~R=•~m;eco:;a,:i~n«..(•■--•.;0.~L~2;◄·■Tb~-~l:re:di:•:&l~•~l:ut;,::B~o~wa!r e a a n, 10111t. 28 • 13.■d~P~o=yn=•:U:•:l~ver::•l:ty~d=u:r~lo:g~t=h•:....
'Ifie 'Week,in Sport WVB vs. Dallas Baptist; away, 7:30p.m, Oct. 31: FD vs. l\kMurry; away, 2p.m. Soccer vs. Hardin-Simmons; home, 7p.m. WVB vs. Abilene Christian; home, 7p.m. WVB vs. Austin College; away, 6p.m.
Nov. 3 : Nov. S:
........................ . ......... . ... . ~.
Mu.lwulcro »cored hrsl II the JI : 10 mark when forwud Judd Joy fo und lhc 1001c ball , n 1hc s oal • kupcr ·s box aflcr 1n tmlm.'<:l luck, and $hot II 1010 the left corner of
lhe net lO make the lolCOl'e 1-0.
The Indians c inc hed 1he score w11h 27:) 4 left 1n 1hc ~«ond half, 11k,n1 1hc ha ll 1he lc na1 h o f the field for a Kore. Mid-fielder G oo(( H into n ,cored o ff an u usl fro m Randall "The offense stepped ,t up• nolc b ton1a h1 and 1bs1's whal we talked •bout, • Nathan Pifer, MSU head co.ch, said. H e u1d Midwes ter n was m much bcner Jh■pe and 11 showed m lhe second half.
The ,core 1nc re.as«l 10 2-0 for the T ribe when forward C huc k W iemann puscd the ball 10 for-
w a rd D•n Schoon who neueJ • succeuful header shoe. The lad11n5' final score W I .I oamed with 22:08 lefl: 10 the a,econd b1 I( on • bre1 k -1 w1y 1011 by W1em.1n.n. He beat Ibo SEU p lio in a one-on-one 11luat1oa and shoe 1hc ball mto the ,i,hl comer of the M l for the final Tntie pomt. St. Edward 's ,cored ita o nl y
~f~:; ::: :::.:: ,: : c ; : ~!DI.Ibo
t~:::e~~~;::nu:~i~r:!td;:.~:=:! we,I~,:: ::: 1~~~: 1-::r;1ru~; ~ 1 1th 1 dc nect1o c1ory o,·cr St. Edwards Piner . n fro m M SU aoahc Scoll w University.
3-1 v
lbat bel'lt:IW. can team Pifer coruina ro,ether
foel the
!~~~sses add to WVB loses 5 th, 1 1 1 ;;/;P~:~~~~;,v~:;;~~ ;;~ ;; \ ;
'°'!~':'.wo ''"'"" o,t,
Oct. 30: WVB vs. University Of Dallas; away, 4p.m.
M idwes te rn a111n tuv k th e k •J w11h 12·49 left 1n the lirAI half o n an us1s1 fro m defende r Jun1Qr Fr1d:e r to mu.I-fielde r Danie l H1I liCntcscr 10 tini~h o ff II n i ce 11ve-
:a~;:;•;r~ n~~f;; · v. n Hcme rl , ind o uh1dc h11ter. Tr.rr1 Tho mpson were ho th unable 10 play due lo rupccllve ~ . 'The HIier II the le1m 1· '1Ulrlc1b.clc, " Bob McK1nlcy, MSU volleyba ll coach, u,d. "In order to have a food play the ball hu 10 be set 1n the n,nl poa111on. • Amv Kdlcnhich. 1 new MSU vollc)·h• II player. did wcll III Kiting the b1.II fo r 1!1e l...ady Indian~ "She JUSI need ~ 10 play w11h more c<in· fo.lence: McKui.ley s.111J Ou1~1dc: h11te r Lynn La nrwell WU a lso un a blc 10 play d ue 10 I s ho ulder lnJury from lhc Tarlclon
'In order to have a good play thE ball has to be set in the right position.' --Bob McKinley .H ate U n n ·cu:1 1y ; 1me . S he 15 rccovennc quickly and w,U be play111£ 11gam s.oon. Score s fo r 1he Ocl. 27 i ame wen, 17-15. IS-12. 8-15. and 15-12. 01her previous aames for the Lady lndnini. were wHh Howard P1yn0U n, ven11y. Tarleton and ~lard,n S1mm(>D!> U11ver~1ty On Oct. 20, tho Lady Indians traveled lo HPU an.J lose 15-11. 15JO l.lld 15·10. Non -~top s1d1n1 OUI on bol h 1e1m.1 and I IOnJ n J c 10 the 1ame
had a ti ring effect o n lhe Lady ln· d1ans, McKlllky aid. Wuh a w i n o n Oct . 22 . the Lad y lnd1an i. bou nc e d bac k. 10 rclurn ho me ...,.llh I vic tory from 1SU by scunnt 15-IJ, l!i-12, 4-15. 14-16 and 15·8 Finall y. 11 home a5ainst HSU o n Ocl. 23. lhc L ady lnd1an1 pro du c ed ano lhcr a real w in by ICOriftc: IS-2, 15-3, 11- 15-ad IS-II . In overall sl1nd1na. Che Lady Ind ians arc 1n 1eeond p11ce 1n bo4h 71AA compe:111,on and Distnc1 8.
Soccer wins, loses PRIIHIPUS ol SOUND lllTIRUUNl INVlHING
TIAA-CREF's Five F.asy Steps To Building Your Retirement Nest Egg
-l i
J l
J Look for rating<
Check ()u[ how .m IJ1.1Uflnc:t mmp;a.nv 1w b«n r.uedby thcd=ebdingr:i~~uu..'}'ffl A._M.Bcu
Company Si2nd.ud &Poorund Moo.fy,lnvcs,. rors ScrvKe TlAA hu urned 1hc h,ghcu u1m~ A••f!>upnlOr) fi-om A.M 8cs'I AM from Suro<wd &: Poor"l :1.ndA.u from ,\.loodv s
4 S
Look for reputation and re,ource<.
TIM-CREF h.u b«n lot'l'\"U\g r.hc- cd\X.luon .llld rnc:u-ch t<>mmun111~ for over ;o )'nn. 'X1e ~ hdp you ..,1{h '11 your ~u~mcn1 ncc,.h, .md vou gc, '- full r11lgt' ol pro<lucu .llong wnh J V;ancf)'u( -.Crvl<:C$ th.u ~re J.bsolu1dy fm:
By Kyle Huston Sporl.5 Stllfr The M S U 1occor team s phl two g1mes Oct 17- 18 at the MSU soccer iiekl. The Oc: 11 c•me wu 1g:. uiut Incarnate Wo rd, which 1s coac·1ed by for mer M S U socc u coa c h Howard PalterM>n. P;1.11eno n u,d 1h11 1111 team played terri ble ud th , t Midweucm sho uld bave woo the a:arne u muc.b as they controlled the t.ll. Nalh•n Pi fer . MS U soccer coach , u 1d M1dwu1cm J USI hasn ' t been rcnine any breaks lately. The o nly score or the same happened 1 :3) into the first half o ( the 11mc o n an unassis ted 1011I by forward Randy Ho lland o f !near• catc Wonl. Midw u1crn had its chances to s c ore an the s e cond half bul couldn't a:et !he ball mto che !nearnate Wo rd JOii. The ga me ended w,th Mt d· ""''esttm IOSU'lj 1-0. On S unJay , the In d ians bounced b1.d.. fro n1 lhe lo~~ lo Inc ■ rn11e Wo rd with I l-0 thruh1na of Betha ny Co!legc. · w e s tarted OUI ""ell 111d dul I preu y JOOd Job defensively, · Pifer u11J · 1 h11 vc lo be optim1s11~ be-
cause 1t was the first hme sioce the opcnma 1;1.mc ... 1h1t w111 've scored lhNII<' p is.• P,fer t•1d be really feels hko the Tribe 1s back on !he nchr track no w .. nd he hopes 1h1t they will t tart scorio: some 10111s aod fo:usbfll well. f-.lldweslern scored 1hc win• nana coal with 15 minutes left tn the firs t half off of I beautiful crouina pass from Judd Joy 10 mid-fielder M1cb1cl C ha ffi n w hich made the s,core 1-0. Midwestern o uh hol Bethany 6-2 ,n tho first half The half-ltme score ·..,u 1-0 wi th M idwestern leading. M1dweslem scored twice more 1n the second half. The second 1011 was a n assist fro m fo,..,...ard Jeff Ral'ld.all to David H ilse.alcce r J\151 3 :26 i nto the second half. Midwestern finished 1is acorma with 6:28 left in tho &•mo wboa. defcnJe r Rob Woodw1rd mad. a wo nderfu l c roum1 paa■ 1010 lhe box lo mid-fielder Danny Coker . Pifer s ud he tbou1h1 1bu everybody on the team played well beca use Ibey had 10 worlc for every
JOit.i lhcy had.
Look for law expeme charge<.
\'(.nh ~ CR.EF , CK;h dollu m1Utcd on rour bdulf u '""'rkuig tor >'OU ngh1 from d1t ~nmni \'(le h.lv" no WC ch~ of uiy kind. .ind onk ~ m,nimil apcnsdoptr~nng ch.ugt il deducted n,h ycar ftum o• cn.11 mnmtyuxa .
\'("Jw not fmJ ou1 mun: Jx.ut w ) Jun nil out thcooupon
bdowfurvowti«:,rJorm.ui,.>nk11,1otludutg1rromnm1 oompmv<.Ompuut'ndun \X.c:1hmlc:,'llllliind ft.V.. CREF ii;thc ng.lu rron::.r.cm<.nntf>a.nYfury01J.
MSU cyclists compete By Ky!~ Hus1on Sports Staff Team Arruw, the MSU cyd1na: le■ m . co mpcctd 1n a road race 11 Lo umana Tec h m Ru.~ton, La l~sl weekend. In me n' s 1c1ion, Adam Sp,ku fin 1shcJ fifth 1n CAT A while Robbie Brown a nd Shannon Daniels both plac ed 1n CAT 8 . Ro bh1e Brown finished second and Shanonon 01n1 c ls f1n1.\hed 1n e i g hth place
~9-4 INC. Golt._ __ - ' • "'1-lflf•..U~.. - ' - ........ ....T- ..T -..........,.._. - -U,. • A,....i 1t<1i.-
o• ..,.._._o1w..ir •
lo wo men's 1c 11on , Martha Davis f1n1shed 1n fifth place, Crysial Butler finished 1n sixth and Brandio Alounder finished e11hlh. The y aho competed 1n 1 40 lr:llorncter 11me ln al at Te111 A & MOct. 10. In CAT 8 . Brown fuushed fin! wh1 lc Sta nley Pclcnon finished 1n fourth pli1ce. Wo men·, results 11 che A & M l r 1als were Butle r . fifth pla,a: D•v1s, sixth place; and Aloxander, nm1h place,
Muscular Dystrophy Association /littdlat«Jl.llla:d,tatl)ttic Bowlct
f« I ~
fllad rai1J1& powoa.
Earn extra Christmas money
S.•1tolio"""1~rnu 1-. M.4-.t-♦ -~ ....
For more 1nfonna~on conta.ct J uh• Tr-ayWJck I I 696,5~1
Pap 8
■Thunday, Oct<>ber 29,
workt1ud1 rruanm for ou SSOO ,chol■ uhip for 1wo 199J kl <o~·e, 1a.. dlff■noc-,, Sun- •• • ..••u • 1u,l 1wo l2S0 acbol■r• •llllp1 for o.. t■ IHU ■r . Tt11 mDM atd. S1a•o111 s11d Ule wuultJ hke ,cho/1r,Jupt are rn1w1bl1 uch to up,IMI llw worbtwdy proa,am .....-,. S tudu11 c11 appl y for lb■ 10 uicorpor111 coo p ■ nt , v.
Frats feature haunted houses
By M - Crwhom
n ,.. uf MSU'a ftalerlllh•
tr• "JCltlllJ 1,1p• IIIOMY
,.... ,...
••naof'l2•- -thow1
houu at 1100 La••r Nroat fi"Oa ll....... llae1 II011 .,, . .. IINN btwrt .,. n. • ~ Amttk aa pt.)'1 62 from 7:)0 1. 111. uabl mt. t.11 C:M• ptJc..1 •on for prucriplioa IQlllEf l•ws. 4,,. 1, ~• llt. ,,...,.,. Caudiu,
"Ho1»• o f Hor• S11111• fOfl' Ill Parker Squ ,.. 1, doeltutc half<,f1ts P'Of't,tofM ARC loud1 h oa. Tb• Houu o ( Horton 0,COI It 7 I . WI . , Oct. 2) •25, Hd !hr■ rw:q;,,m, from Oet. 2110 ll. Tbe T a ■ K.1 , ,a 6p11lo1 •sc-an1o rium. • louted oa 111, caroer of 1hb and lroak, opeN oe 0..1 2J udw1ll cklatwhirnlbsla■c ( VUOnhu lc,.,u 011 Hsllownn 1111hl.
Iii ud 54 ptrcn1 111.or tb n,,.,. l::woptea, • c.e:rdl:: &o 1991 report lty tll• US. D-,.r1•••, o( HHIIIL aod Humu Str·
Workstud y funds fall short
Tia. ilitll COIi o( plLl.-...ceuc,. caia illl tlM UailN ! &1111, aad 11ow COltl VV'/ rro. coutry k> CCUDtry • • •Soa:a widi • k>ok. .. '-ow IN.,... o( Ttu.1 tr• to obtain dM. klwitllC pncH for -.dic11100 ordet-4 for meaUII bu1U1, pri,0111 ud 1tata,poawred bolpital, - art uplond tho l•••u edilion of ~filc:11 Notu, • • aontillJ pvblicat1011 o( '-"• Slat• Ca1111p1roll., of P11bhc Acco.ti' ,_.re~ d1villoa ,lhTitt. report _._ Su11a Special Co••iu. . o a ~1 111 rec:1 ■ 1ly co•cl•d•d tllac Ame!1c111 coah•v• to pay u • uao,4,oa,lly llirll•r P,ICH ~ •• , . aotll •II .,. .-~~nd pu«nptioe 11"'1! ~• 4o ~~., of OINf • ...,..u..,..... Joba~r,. Scat.. ~roltrr rv.bc A ~u:id, ~ U.\ : :·o~:~; :ired ,:~~:-..~. q id I I p h db C: lie Y '°1!" • .,. I ICIICICI lld 1tlhl- MedKaid Pfot~•• ltu dOH hnl, ,10 cootrol PflC:H ...., t:•vucaJ ~llfact•rt"tt uk p,odYc9. '
. , Hat.lwr Dalti•
M U.S.
Alloc11cJ wo,Urudy ,,_.. fo, Jiady Si • chit ..metier fell 1 ~ moo,. d111etor o( lfucllol f!GIOCNII ud. 11id Shir 111d 1bc W'Ofbtudy budpt (or 1h11 Hfflf.tl., w.. Ml 11p llilllN upoa l••t te me it1r ' • fitura of Sl l ,OOO, bu1 1bc 1t11.cf\iad1111fo, worksl ud y only p,o.,idcd Mid• wt&&tm WWI $9,001. Tl11ny-1lrlrec 11w.den11 wu1 a••rded With wortlhtdy ft!Ddi•a 101ahnt more tbaa Sl0,000, Si• lolld.
S1mmon1 bl•••d Au11,a (ot thu s ho rtfall and bH wrinH to l lalc o fficlllf U1 orde r 10 rec:tify lb, prob,cra_
,oWMII ......, at,owt..
about a:enetics
:~~-:.~~.::!.'~11~::~r:;:~ ~=rorw rn
Pha rmaceuticals expensive in U.S.
,-b, k 1pp11 Alpll11 Or4tt, 1• coo p•nt10 11 w1tll ,~, Mukai Shriu , u Op•ra lla1 1 baHlff l y O . . ~
..11o1,....,,. ...., . " - · • • •
K1rpa &pc11loe f,.'tniiliM ' " ce,,. ,,.,_ ro1ly 110,11111 bauttt-4 ~ to
C■ater ud th■ w ~~l,y f'<li.lMMIIMI t.01 10 t pcc11I plut for H•I· JowHt1. Masi . .mlMn of Ill.,■ two l'D'i,. will i,. 11 o,,u bofMt h ■ • l•a OIi cudy 10
~:1~b~1~: Orzech speaks :;~t~1~!: ~!,!'1otfic1. l>M41in.
S1mmo•• •• Id o nly S 7 for loc.tl ru11t1ntd i• lkwork1h1dy l\Uld11 fbrdN.,....., ..rilNOY IS Th nm• C1i1trio1 ,~r 1he 111, tlld or 1h, 1991 - 1992 acbool
ESA awards .
three scholarsh ips
IWU~h~o..,~ . h1,1d1e11: bcu un i1vden1, urcly . work tbc full number uf bourt thcJ 11 Halhff Doll!N .,.. a l ~ Oft the p,osr11111. Thi• r e m•1tcr, th• E•• lftbo: 11ruat10t1 11 Mt ~lad by Ibo ud of th• acatHfer, the S1udan1'1 A11oc1a lioo awarded would borrow 111011•1 from 1111 1hru tcbolll'1h1p, rocalm1 Sl ,000:
gbc Ulfcbtt«u a
·Dig est-
M r,nd.l) th,ou,ti Th"rtd1y from 10
■.lft. to 10, m, r',.y (roai I P"' 1o
s p,.. S.11U'dily from~ to 6
p ._ ,aid SIAklly from 2 pm &o 10 SI\Ht..lt IIIUJI hv1 a v1hd MS U ID catd 10 UH lh c.o ...
''°'"· ,.•. J»Uk"
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fortbtlt !',, fr. . . , ~ tilt bt Ad'IHC:.. UI p,u1 b1owcbaol• ,.. alunuu rtlat ion,, d•Y•lopm,ttul ... Olhe, N-ad - , Ml tuvke1 and • membu or lht Et· 011 •Id rht rOM or tr.chttoul planl from Pl• l 11Mir :"'"'h wowld Nbfoup! lflOI oootlnued ■ Or. o( cop, , 1h1 wu in1 brud Hl•ci Auoc:iatioi • · S1vd•n• ... )bllow foeo,dauoo, lu Ort9Ch'1 IJINCII Oft Moadlyl •--- - - - - - - - . _Al ,• rtc,pMnta. ( ,Ntith c:.l.tw•:boa of ;..111, 1 The Onud1 1a1,11h1 !Ml oa INS ( h . b Shen y k1n1ud,, dirMto, or pl() ofdM, w1c:bd O• 10 ::,:111~ ls"!:~"~:~roo,o tv: alaht, IM ,ouh of rh, wicbd de.Id ,11,1... rlallont, ~ id lhf conunit• 01 1111 bod1U of """' I uDda'wOflJ lo •• u u _l1c11ou baud on pr11tntid bu I r •crop 1~ inhabit,d Jc wu no1,r,1dely obMn'ld • to bl en1ut11ned, pl•~•'~ =~~~c ad111v,. .n1, fiauc'III prov, a,1111 V,J.a: &:'o 1~ haolo1y, • p,opl• i,n11I die lac. lloo. 11 7 p.ni. ID the Clar\ Studtnl Ce• and !hut app,uid Thu, ~ 01., cou111ry ump111 iaVO,vtllllnt. in° ad whca a 1111• .,iinbe-r o( C.hk JO w ..... peopk ---d• ll'r. 1 rro. EMropt. 111u:111,n&td peopld h~u, Tb. UII of 1eaetic unprove- c:ounu,y,,d~ IO r,un WIDS ost lk ~ I • who hid a,av.,- r«liaquiahod mea l o( c rop ,pec, u 10 make hleraJly play tock°'~ ~ )Mdy U\Ja I fo couniry ft11hlcnod the If 1n(e.c:11ont lo rtsi11an1 eCOf8tlDg CODtest plHII mora 1 With 1hcm un11 tbt Ha~ and 1-«I u,fQtahOIIJ and l'l'IOfe d1· d1d not JHO"Kle Nill.bk- (ood, ~~ w 1ch. at, ckv1J1, d.nio. 1e111bl1 by caulc are JWII Mime o( lc: r and catertatninc.ot, :!;.•Y woo I low«o 1 1J Mkhl,tt Vmdrick • and ,t,oull. aobhoi cvi clll • proptrty t.boir dutroy is UM ways btoWcluuc.al m1U"1eCrU11 LlitDr in Chiu Hallowee:o COlhUDH, ,...lnclirl j ,pel!Jc upoa their~ fi For 1he second co•u:c:uein beiaa u.sod, On«b said. tr• ao 10tpor1cot par t of o■ r &bully Walu, In nl sevt presented hat Oruch year the 11arr of ih• MSV po.t of• thc0 1 : t°":h I pr•sent day celebtahoo, a,, co.ln ,ou,Ji, (1cc woa the Thud Anu,I talb a. plane bioloty re,e." h and unod hJht,d •~d c■ me 'Y o oe<led w,tb the beJ1efthtt die 10W1 Residu e , Hall A uo d a lioa w11 i11v111d to 1pe1k 11 the South -:--ere a.d m ,pOOklnt of th• dud ,.,u,1 as 1bot1a • •• ltuten or trick u Grou,, , Caulemen' Carolina Home<:orn111 Bu,ldint ~ taluat VIJIi lheit fun,l.et on dm dty. well u lhe Okl1hoft\l AtricWrunl the eowtlr') people Cootut Today, the cu11om o( wean.1 lnnuuce of Jmh im7i•1nnts Tba post office allff CNllld a LudersJup Pro1r1m. COSlltfflCI IS DOI c:IOMly usoc:111.od owe:eo ~o( celcbnllOD lbc Oft roup C S11pp0r1 D1v11i0ftll The a dtzll1•1 d11p l1y dcp icl iaa rclltiOUf ceumorucs lad hu w,lh •,carectow coupla" bask11s1 by 1 11 111volved 1a all aspecls or pl1nl caa from lb• le1aod of an lr11hmaa taho OSI d1ffercot c:b1racten1t1et I b1oiol)' t11urch. ...,,. fn. Children wbo parade 11 tk Devil~ !he lured who J•dc aamed MSV St\ldcnl NutKJ Asuec 10 f11c:b HI apple aod lNJI 1u,e11 oa H,lloweu today arc ,oc:111100 aod the orric, of Hous1n1 of the c:roa oo tba bin mor• hkoly 10.,. druud II 811• CUI bid fo, l'\WN!f up. prttft>I him (rOftl cocnao,~ mu or T,ua10. M1111111 NUIJI IO Mernbc:u of I.ho RHA c:onJack 1beo fnrced 1be De\'11 &o Turtle.a. For at la&1I OH 1Yeau~1. 1raM&1f 1ll pu1ic1pan1t for ha l~ !bl child cu hwi ID thewotldoflwa promis,c otwr IO aeck his ,au.I, 1a1 to encovr11e 1avolvemen1 ud a,Roa., F1lmort When Jac:lc d itd , buv.a i11111mahon.. Kh0ol spinl. Som• modem dly Hallowau Sntdaftll o( Americu GO'tt:m· hirned buo away becnH o( bia tel111 IO competa with llloM mtnl •Y now use c ~puter VH• drunk:tn and natty wayt. Jack WIOI lton'on 11011 o( tbc 1111dy 1u1dc In the 10 h,11, but was tbutined by the ofold. Police report, each year ltt [)eyil UlntJ Coa1pull'r Lab. Ai Jac:k walli:od away, oa11111 a nmp■nt w11h Y&ndah1m cbarsu Thi• pro anm , putcbucd trail "1p11:ed· w1tb1 prialJ'ilJ to btlp IIMdcnll prepare hlrlltp, he c1u1b1 I hot coal wbic:h ,od cb1ldreo·1 1110, bl1de1 aod olhrr dudly ol>, i him by the DcVII. nun1 wa ,..view to .nideett allowt llata:, for a,T--rTftTY Tb11 dteol.e, j aubltai,ce.s. aod Jec:11" earth tha waodued bas Jack cllap l•u rro m lh• American llqNWtcr -1.anteru ...-er &IIJCC, a 1ad1111c cb1nc:1.,1111c LIi thl 1111-Catholic: Camp&n MIAltu)' w1tl 0 0.......at ler.tboob. Jn addillOG, with h11 Jltk~' 111n111on of aome people, upo•1 IO,.._ platc:. a tcek1111 10 s111danl1 allow• m pro1n ll1i1 I 11011 1 pre•H•llowMo party at 7c!;ch c1v1hu1.on haJ had little er• ::todu.:t~ === ~ ~ l l i l after r1v111wi•11be Due co lhcac face,. muy j Th• proaram provides correct worn phrue. 'tndt or treat,' comet Dnw. bo$p111II oow offer free ,-,.y1q of or p1,1a11hmtnt ( o 1do1 the from comTIN: Bapeut St.._, Uaioll bas auw.n IO qui, quutK>U and I( •h• Celhu poured out Halloween candy Few ltop lO uk plur,ed I f•llow1~1p (or at 7: )0 putea 1 '1r16e' (or 1bo Cuti, Tbc reward lib111on lb the 101b , theJ lbe quut1on, "Why do lO mtnyhorp.ra, , Oct. J I, lbouJb it II noc con• ..e.rial may be v11witd bycbaptcn their r, upacl to nblc 1hin11 happen on HaUo••••'tt.01" could, m 1he corn,n o, cumulaliw.ly. I.Kle, itd • Halloween P1r1y. Tbe computrr li b 11 opco The Cburcb of Chr111 S11.dcac
:c•• --•;•
~b-:J••~•r::, ~~:~:·..
Study guide
now available
CCM will host Halloween party
Eec;~: :.::·~~~c~:7'
Fri. - Oct. 30th
The Spin
-S2cover Night
Drlnklalnlght 1glllC:ballnlght
Sat. - Oct. 31st
Dead Kings Pillow
• FNIMY • -nocowr b9fln 10 pm If over 21 10pm
Beer & Houle Wine
Wed. - Nov. 4th
Drlnkluntll 11
Atomic Rodeo
•SATURDAY • If over 21 lf.,,c:te,21 . . . & Houle Wine
College Nig ht
unll 11
9 P.M.
Music IN TowN
766 -60 13