The Wichitan
Volume 73, Nu mber 4
Thursd a y, Oct. 6, 1994
•NMAiffli'fflMMd Although they are hard to define .. .
Non-traditional students have different needs (Editor's nole: This is the firs t installment or a twuparl series concerning the s pecia l n eed s a nd progr a ms ror no n• t rad iti onal s tudents at MSU.)
Uy Charles Cage Staff Writer MSU administrators arc working to meet the: needs of non-cr:iditional students even though the detimtion of s uch s1udcnts is unck ar. Since traditional students arethose h<:twcen the ages of 18 I() 25. non-tradilion:il StU• dents migh1 be students not fi ning 1his category .. i.e. students more th:in 25-ye.1rs• old. fanc Lcishnl!r, :issist.1n1 dean of students. said. Bui, Lcishner, it's dif• ficult to define "non•tradi• tional." Leishner said :is the percentage of non·tradilional students increases, - non•trl· di1ional" students become "traditional" students. "Some schools have actu· ally coined the term 'nl!w traditional s tudents: ·· Lcis h• Barbara Merkle, dircc1or of school rel:itions. said each MSU department must hy necessity crca1c its own ddini -
J ack Gladstone • Montana Recording and Performing Artist
Native-American artist presents 'Circle of Light' Oct. 11 M idwcstcrn's Ar1ist-LccSeries Committee will
present Jack Gl;idstonc. a Native American . with his show ,the "Circle of Life" at 7 p.m. Oct. 11 in the Akin Auditorium. Gl:ids1onc is an awanlwinning sinti:r , sonpvritcr
and s1orytcllcr ;iml a di rect descendant of Red Crow. a Blac kfr: c t Ind ian chi ef. Gladstone, the son of a Blackfeet
fa1 her
Gcrman-Amcn can mother. communi cates hi s dual her-
itage. giving his audiences a multi--.:ultural pt.·~pt:,t_ivc. . In his show 1hc "Cm.:lc ol Life." GladsWnl talks about the metaphysic of n:it~rc, o~
the ccolog il·al ~pintuali~Y·. ol v:irious Indian tnbcs. Living m 'balance' with natun! and understand ing the 'ci rcle' of
life were k.ey IO knowing the
Creator. Rela1ions hips with animals such as Chi! wolf and gri1.zly will also he discussed. The show wil l also honor t wo im po rt an t nat ive American figu rl!s whose tall!nt and vis111n inspired their pcopk s and krt a legacy for all Americans: Thunder Rolling Ovl!r lhl! Mountains (Chid Jnscph. Ne1. Perce) and Bright P:i1h (Jim ThorJ>I!. Sac and Fox). A,<1, he tours thrcmghout the United States. Gl.1ds tonc hlends his cn.:ative talen1s to communicate 1he heritage of na1ivc 1\ merit.·ans and ex• plains thi.: role they play in s haping modcrn American i:ulturc. In doing so. hc hopes to "help brid~c the ga_p of undi.:rs tanding r.:x1sts he· tween this country's mJin· stn:am cultu1\: and that of till' original Americans."
Glads tone eve nt uall y launched a full-time pcrfonning and recording career in 1987. opening for the likcs of Bonnie Raitl. Li v111 gston Taylor. Mil:hacl Martin Murphy and GarriS('l n Kctlor. He was recently nominated for one of the l(lp acts for 1993 by t he Nation:i l Association fo r C;1m pus Activities. an organization for colleges and universities in• volved in campus entertain • ment. Jack"s s how. "Circle of Life," will feature :in inter• weaving of songs. srnrics and visual imag.cs fo..-using nn thl! history. mythology and cul· tun: of nativi.: Amcri,ans. Tickets may he in the.: Cl:lrk Stud~·nt Ci:ntl'r Office. room IOJ. Students admission is free For more infonn a1ion l"Jll 689-4510
thi: value of an ed11c11ion. "Its great. I h:ive cnJOyed it. ·· Jeter said. She has scrn th~ campu~ change O\'cr th1: yeJl.\o. " I have heen through 1hr~·c presidents. When I , Jll\c here. t hl.'re were I AUii s1Udcnts: now 11 1s rnure 1h :1 n 6.000. ~ Jeter ~:.iid. ft As long a1,, I led \1.dl. I want to come tu " or~... k tcr said. It is c11mmi1mcn1 like this th:it singles 11u1 MSLI. Rn• drigue1. SJ1d. Thi: Jb1lity "not only to anr:.11.:t 4uality [X'l1ple but to ret:im 4u:.ill1y. ·
students. he s:iid. However. ~social dcvd• opmc.:n1" is an important component of a l'Ollcgc education for all students. U.:ish· ncr said. Some non-tr:iditional stu• dents just come 1(1 class and leave, Lcishncr said. But oth· ers missed the soci.1lization college offers and "jump into" college later in life. she said. "Those students :ire obviously gening something out of it." Leishncr said. One organi za tion fri:• quented by non-tradition::il studencs is 1he Student Gov• emme nt Association. Farrell slid. Farrell said non-traditional student participation shows the v:ilue that students place in the SGA as a forum to express their concerns and suggestions. "If the non-tradition:il stu• dents don't find the org:iniz.a• tion c ffec1ive , they don't show up.ft F::irre\l said. "You can tell how tht!y feel by their attendance." Par t two will present MSU's programs -- past, presen t and ru t ure -designed to ser ve the needs or non-traditional sludents.
How would you define a non-traditional student?
Manny Carenzo age undisclosed "A person that's economically selfsupporting and over the age of21."
Shane Perry age 19 "(A person) not coming out of high school
and going straight into college."
Vicky Paulson age 50 "Someone that has gone out and worked or raised a family, then decided they needed the education or needed to change career fields."
JeterNan Geem awarded 25-year pins 25 ·)'-'ar scrvi--c pin!<> w~ilc By Nc,·ille Lewis sewn ri.:t:cived 20-yeJr p1!1s. As.sodatc Editor In all . 78 un1vers1~y Two M SU e mployees cmployL•cs '~'L'ff ho.norc~ tn stood ou1 among honorel·s .at six cate~on i.:s which ,also a service pinning ,,:cn:mony indudL·d li\'C, JO and 15-ye~r and luni.:hcon hdd Sept. 2~service. m lhe CSC BallnlOm. Both k:ter Jnd Van Gl.-cm In rCCO!,'.ni twn nf 1!11 rt.Y oinr.:d Mid,H'i-tcrn in 1_964 )'cars of service to the um· ~nd still ,kri, . _• pkJ,urc lrom vcrs11y. Blllvc Jcti.:r. a lihrary as~1s1ant alld Dr Henry Van ilic~~jl,~~~-k II i~ the ~tmh:nts' Gecm. assi'H.:i:lll' proiessnr dedKat11m 1h.1t m:11-.~·!<> ,_i1 ;n• of finance and bus 1ncs, ·oyahk w teJL·h lll"H' . • \ :rn administ r a t i on. wery h eC'1Tl said. "~la) he tt i- r)l' · prc~n1cJ pins hy Dr _Lot11 5 t·ausc Sil many ,,,.,,rk par~Rodnguc, . ~!SU p1l· ~1dc~1. timL' and ha, c l\1 p.ty for iheir Eight others. 1ndu<l 111~ cducati\Jll. Thi.!)' unJl!rstand several profcss11r~ n:el·1,·l·d
uon based on 11s fu nction. For example, )ltudt:nl rcla· tions considers any student who did not auend college di• rectly after high school a nontr.1di1ional studenl. Merkle said. Merkle said non-traditional students have different needs. especially in how they hecome acquainted with the university. While Midwestern offers orien1:11ion anti Spi rit Oay!. for all students. those: events appeal more to incoming traditional freshmen, Merkle said. -we h:1vcn't isolated [non• traditional students] into 3 group. It's something we should address." she said. Merkle said, however, th::it m:iny non-traditional students would rather receive oricnta· tion information in ;i less time-consuming manner. ·Time is precious to non• traditional students," Howard Farrell. vice president for stu• dent and adminim a1ivc ser• vices, said. Non-tradition:il students value ch ild c:i re. career planning. health care services. :ind family ac1ivi1ies but don't value "campus life· as muc h as tradition.11
Missy Ellexson age 20
''Someone who didn't come to college directly out of high school."
~ J ,'· I...
KayCee Hale age20
:1 "Someone who has come back after a long . . period of time."
Thursd:1}, Oc1ob cr b. 19?-1
P3,:~ !
Van Dam me plays time cop in new actio n film The 1n.·nJ th1, )t'Jr 1, J n·1.r1,,•:1.11on/ h,, ttl'i) '"l min 11: t ht·nt(' ,\ nd I m ntH '.'IUI"\.' ""hert',·er\JI'.!- lak·,t 11flc:r• ani: ,
·r;,,,,, op.·
Y. lle (~11.l \,11.,.1 • i , i.ll!.·J, Jr.J hwl., .1 , 1h,1ui!h J l ~ ~cn.111,r 1, •~·,r,1n, ,t,k \\ ',dl...:r ,, in ih t· J1111tull p.1~111,,n l'I ,1,1rr111f th.- ,,·nJ • 11, r. l t'l'J'lll; hi, \\ Ill' fwm J;t'lllOE l.1lkd .1nd n.11 .1h1.:nn1; thr.: lulun..· " Ttlllf'( OJ' ,, I\ hJ\l'I.I t1ll lhr.: com11..· t-0111,,. 't'11r.:, h) \hki: R1chJriJ, o u .ind Ml rk \' ,,hl, .11..., INfllll' lht· \lfl.'l'npl.1, ll•r th1, lllm l\ e nc\t'J Jt..l uJII) ,1,,•cn 1h1, c;., m1~· ,\.'11r.:,. hut :I the com it, Jn.: M,~· th,· mm 1,·. I would hJ\'C h.1d Ill h1Jc thr.:m um.Jcr my mJll1r.:,, .1nJ rt·Jd lhcm JI lll!,'.111 .llll' f Ill) pln.'nh were J~kcp 1 hcn: 1, q1111'° J lot Ill nuJ1l) f,,r II h l() run mm1e. J nd Cflllllf h p1o lJmly thlt I "lluld nlll t.U..c children 11
kJn-ClluJc V.m DJmme JnJ M1:1 SJrJ , f11s 1nh1 thii schcmt.· The )eJr 1, ~004, Jnd 11mc lrJ \'d ha, Juq hl:t·n in, t·ntcd VJn 0.immt..· 1, ~1J \ W:.ilkc:r. ~n CX· v.h~I 1, ofkn..·J J J11t'I .11 tht..· ncwl)' t.. 1e.:i1cd .1nJ '.'lurer ,t·t..·rct }!1111,•, rnme nt
~f~;lct~~h~l:: :l;.~ 1hs J,>h i1.. tu m:ikc ~un.: no one 1r:l\dhn1? 1hrnui::h time •~ .. h.mi;in~ the r a.~l. \111\.°C th1lSC ch.1nge, ,.Jn h:l\'c su1..h ;i dcvl stm~ dfcct on the pn:scnl. Howe\'t'r, 1n 1()()4, WJlkcr's
h lSl."!I\.
1\ \
lly ~l:lrk Lo) d Hook Re,·iewe r Summer 1s 1nr.:r. hu1 thl.'
e n1eru1nment ,,r le1SUI\' n.-JJ• mg t'Ontmul.'~ lhts fall with 1ht· n:lc2.,;c of m:iny great hook~. In 11mc for Hl ll,lwccn. Stcr,hen King's " fnjo mnia • .ind Vampire Queen Annc R1ct•'s "Talws · l l'C ;;ure to ~Clrc ·1n:wmn1a " 1;; s:ud h.l h<.· Kint;'~ bc)t " ork III SC \'• er.ii )'Clr1.
St.Jr :iu1ot>111~r:iphlt·s till thc ~hclvr). Doll)' PJr11,1n's • Doll\ ,\I\ Lt{t' mu/ Otha UnfinHhni 8 111mt'.u." 8 Jrl'!Jr.l Bush's "A Mt mo,r. Bar• bara Bush " Jnd OJll;is Cowboy runn1ni; OOCk Emmit Smith's "Emma Ztmr" :t! I
" '-'I'\' rt•k.1_\t.."11 m Sl..·pt,·mht·r. lnn dt'nully. Rush'l- " m l
.l\~I\IJl1"l' Tdr.:\1,1un .i,IJ1-.. I 1111 Alkn :&nd P.1ul R,·:,t·1 t•.1,·h p,:n11,·J bot1k, dunni; 1h1•1r .i,pJ1 1.: 111n,· R..-:1~t•r\ -c ,,:1rlrht1ad · 1, .1 huml, 1,111~ h1,1k .at rd.1111111) hLfl'.'l wh1k Alkn \'Ollhnur~ h1'.'l 4oc~1 hm .uJ lht· uh11n:11e St"n,I m:L'.'l'l Uhlllt) m Wl.... dl!lll' \I 11h1lUI
too Cfth't to .i \ 'lilt•,/ M 1111 • ;-.;:1,I\\ In 1p,.·rt'-J1. k Bt•lly
E.1J1t•'.i, J,· .. vunt ,,f ht·r 11t·.1t d1.•.1th 1'\:f'i,:nr.:n1·1· ~f mh,,h rd b1• th( U,r:h,: llhllllln~ l .1d111 pc-r°'on.1111, lhm.uJ Stnn', .:iutul'i1,1i;raph~ P,n.m· /',m 1 :md J 1uclhh P,uk J11ih11r ~lichad Cntht1Jn, llllnli.. uvn - Fil'" Pat1t111, ·
MSU to open season with 'House of Blue Leaves ' MSU Thi.::uds ~tW.S-95 Sen.son of Qu:ihty" on Oct. 13 with 1hc production o f ~Tht' J/011u of Blut l n n ,r s: J ohn G uJ rc's funny/53d look .11 the Amen can Dream. This prcscnlllJOn runs 0.:L I'\ thrC'lugh (k·1. 15 ll 8 p.m. and on Oc:L 16 .at :?:30 p.m.
IJry per:i.on n.:I. :ind senior c11i:r.J.' ll.S Gn,up d1scounL-1; :m: .also 3\'.3.tllblc. The hox otfit.::e 1s open from I p.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through FridJ)'. The F.:im Fine Aru Thc:itrc is IC1ca1ed ,n 1he Fam Fine Aru Center on West Clmpus On\'c.
1111 au.s .
Admi~ion 1.s free for students .and faculty wllh a cur-
,w -.: .. :.oo
n.:m M SU ID c:.ird. and s pccil.l discounts arc :1\'.ail.:ible for high school students. mili-
Vlnlagt Clothing Handmldt Jtwtlry LocalAn ~ a) Rtcycled BooJu
· Cofret
""":" .,s,..·,
Son Drlnk.s Rtc0rds
:>, ;;>-
,q,,,: ,.,.,. 8y
Bo,,ofltXVl a Jt.:o.J UllC t'tul OHi l'J.l f.JOldl· nJI)' . .ind 1h...• !.11Jloi:uc 1~ pn:- .?" r-o..• IOl\~u 1, 1:.r • r,o,;,e da:tahh \\ l'.tl. A cc°nJin .1m1,unt ,,11hJ1" n norm.:il J nd pwh.ihly C J( • 29 OttftiaCo ~ lh, c, 111" •c, 1M u ....,o ptC'lt.'d Alth1 u_gh II ti. c.lfr~r"Qc.t"°~· (k1ohc1.11~ ,111! hJtJ ,,. 11ni.J 30 ,:,•• "°"?~oc~M! 3 TXJm 'Sl,'ld,y9'1 t)CttlH ' 10 .:iny1h1n~ hut 1hr.: t}p 1,·,1l 32 1 4 ~/•JQO"Qt mr.:nu "" llh 33 - ~• "011 summr.:r ...,'!'I TX' 8 'Dot>! s~ Wo111, -.z.:. sc,r.:rJI .:ictn111/.1J,,:n1u,·r.: t N 'IY"-'"'llc< EI Je "o,t \\c,ir, ciOff't kcuons m thi:.1tr.:r... PHO • •0~1>01th' JI,, • 3• l1ll' ',' (I U If 10 .,.,.,•lt AMldl1a,oo,,,, he.II.,. 11on/0J\'/n1 un: m<', l\.'S, ~o St.-c · ~n ' 1lf'l!I ) II. Just dun I C"< J'ICCI If• t'it..· Je MSA ... 111lCI ptJI 11 [),,(Jl"'(elfD'illH :11, P1t..c• ,O.y 1n1dk"·1ually s11mull1t..•d . · r,mt (<>p~ b O(\W r,IJ)lnF l9 ! Dl.r'f""9~•H I ott,,.,.9 , .11Ccntur)' Cll) S1:i. Cmt'mJ~
=~•::.: , ; ,
40 'Al•modoc'nl·is S'(itol Of'I S,11\ AnlOIIIO
-4 \
~1unJr R,1;u J
l tlfH!'•!Plh'
Bad Religion's new albumtoo loud and too fa st
h11,1 th\·
"Tm,· 111u 1•s" 1, .1 fJ., 1 song with ~reedy lynn. Jnd 7hr llflniJslw l:r " hJ.S a i.111mg gu1• ra~t l)•rics and 13r 1111rodm·110n and ) ltl!hl lvud gu11:ir. more IJ.\t lyn cs tempo ch.:in1=t·~ JI tlw chorus. lnd ) tt!I guitar. loud and ..Brtrtr OJ/ D,111I" I\ ~1m1more IJ.'l t lym.s Jnl.l l,1ud !!UI· l3r 1n sound 1, , "S11 on.~r1 rhflrr tiar. R:ai.J Rdig111n's ncw al: Ftctmn " and ui.c~ the SJmc bum -srra,iger tlum Fu wm h.:irmomtJO!! l'fk cl will~ 1mmcnsdy sa11~fym&. There 1s ont: "ong on th( Every ~flng on the album album which 1.~ d1I h'l\'nl. h:i..~ the~ punk M:k-thiashmg Arter hc :.i11n~ half :in :ii. ch:iruc1em1u:~ hum full 1if fa,1 -p:i,·ed tunes. I didn'1 even get thro ugh "lllf,ctrd" 1i. J wl'icomc t'ight of tht I.S \ u ng) because ch.ingt:. th:il', all 1he f:&sl lyncs and "/nfrctnl" tw gm, wuh a loud guitar I could take w:a1 hni; i;u1IJ1 J nd p11..k) up Nol 10 \3)' I d1dn'1 like the j ust a link h11 It " not l~ :ilbum There were J couple,1ve as thl' 01hi:r tunr.:s on Mings I hked the hut it drH:!ln'1 seem The 111lc 1rack 15 o~ o f out of pl:icC". 1hosc 1wo snngs. "Strtmgn 8 Jd Rel1g1on·~ new :album than f ,c rwn • h:is :i vague is not for light mu~,c l.1n1, .1nd early so~ punk/new W J VC foci 1s the perfect thmg iv h,tcn 10 10 1l with hlrmomiing backwhen )'O U aic Ill an J l!l!ll'S• ground music. Jn!?r)' mood :ind ..SlumMr'' ...,.,th its '_pngley' sive, slightly gui~ WlS .another one o f my fast lyrics :ind loud favontes. Ky Meli~ u Sullh•an
lfonor.. Sympt1\ium JI M .1 m
Music Reviewer If you like
The Aru~t-Lcc1urc Sc,ic:~ The MSU [ngli\h Club Comnl111l'C will pn.-.~nt Jack plann('d a mec11ng schedule Gladswnc at 7 fl m. 0\:1 11 m and cvcnLS for the <emc\tcr .it Akin A11d1hln um. Glad~11•nc iu firM mcxung on ~fll .U, 1~ 3n l\13rd Y. 111n111~ srn grr. Donna Chur..:h, pre, 1dt·n1. , \,ng,Hlll'r, and s hl rytcllt'r pn·i ,dcd over the mcc:11ng. and :,, d1rc'-· 1 Jl-~l·ndan1 o f Due to mcmhcrs' ..:,111n1t1· Blackrr.:et lnd1:in Ch1t'I. Rl·d in~ sched ule~. 1hc Fngb \ h Cn.,w. F,•r m11n• infom1a11l)n Cluh will meet un :d tcrna11ng call 689-.S."i20 ~-hmd:tys and Tuc~:&y\, with The 1hcJl1.·r lk panmcnt will the next meeting scheduled rn..·scn1 -Th¢ llousc of Blue for 12:30 p.m Ckt I~ ,n the Lc:a\·cs" at 8 p.m. Oc1. 13 Cl:uk Studcnl Ccnu:r lfosp1through 15, :md :11 2:30 p.m, 1A1ity Room. Oct. 16 111 the Fain Finl.' Ans The extended scheduled Center Theater. For more meetings arc 111 12 p.m. Nov. info rmJ11on c.1II 1hc hox 7 ,nd 12:30 p.m. Nov. 29. office at 689-.SJ9J or the rublic11y office .a1689-4399. Home-coming 1994 will be the wcck of Oct 17 10 Oct 23. Events include :i fish fry. a1hle1ic t \·en1s, bonfire and Homecoming Brunch. For more informJtion. call 689-
412 1. The music dcp3nmc nt will prescn1 a choir coneen at 8 in
M~tf IVllf/'IOtr
S1 lt'I W•M Co on I U S3 ,n1!1tlJ Ol 21 11(101.1
1) f)l4-,, · ~tl"'lf
( )..1 211 ,n thc C'lark S1utkn1 Tht• following c n-nl \ will Center lh llrnom be 111 M1 dwc:st<'rn S1.11c Un 1vrn.11y t hru u, ho u1 English Club
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nJE Wkhllan
---- ~-- --__.:0~-1P~in~~i~o~n~-- --- -Th~ursd~•2y,: ~Oct~o~ber6~,~ Letter to 9UR VIE ws fi>
•~99~4_ P~ •g~e•:!..,_3-
the editor
fll E ISSUE: 0 0<, MSU OUR POSITION· MS U 10 lhe best or its i;hility sttm so.
s,n, nun.1r adltlnn
nl sludt ntf!
,!:~\·~~0" 00·t.r adhlonal students ugh II m ay not :1l"·ays
By Chnrlt'i Cage
sc.aff Wriltr
What 1s 3 non•lra<litional . While Janus Bu\s M SU' s~~deni, anywJy'' sug~csl'i an o rfic1al dcfinili~n ~?lor of publu.: inform:umn older: o~hcr administrators find ,:~udc,nL'I: 2.s of age ; 0 u~ less in hdpmg them dci. . at definition nearly tr1ditional MudcnL'I: cnnmc lhe needs of 11011 • Whc,n _MSU wen; asked about lhcir . 1n prcpar:umn for the Clark S d nt.-eds two years ago survey n..•o;; uhs f1.: II into the ca./u C~l Ccnicr reno,•ation ·non-commuter." Jane l.cashn:gonc._ of ·commu1cr~ a~d s:11d. r, assisiant dean o r s1udcnts, But arc trad111onal siudcnt~ c commuter studcnis older Mud. or~outer students? Arc commuters'' Who knows. ems · ran.; older studcnis Everyone agree~. however, Iha , __whoever they arc .. make t non•trad111onal s1udcnts students and ha\'e different :lpproximatcly 40% or ~·t SU in difforcnt cn\'1ronmcnL~. met ~~rt~~ needs. Having lived diffen:n1 (!O:il~. non•tradiiional s ~rem ~Opie and set diffcn:n1 rramc or rcfcrt'nce tha lu cd~ts view. hfe from a It's those different frames of ~c.:';: nional students. diffi_cult m sec.: cxactly what the um:nce that make 11 1rad1t1onal studcnL\. crs1ty ts doing for nonFor example, Lt would at firs, .•• non-tradi1ional "Spirit Da.ys" mc:emhthat 1hc a.bscn~e of 11 no "'oncnt.:iuon" program for inco:i t at the um~~rsuy has students. However. in reality the un·"& non-~ad111onal "oricnt.:ition" for non-tnditional st d1vcrs11y 3ndlcs t,lsis. u ents on a one-to-one
S1u~cn1 r~lations. the office responsible for recruitin and or:icn.tau~n. offers ~o help new students become g acqu3mted wtth ~ SU m any way it can. In fact. this an1tude ts prevalent in most administrative offices on campus; if a non-1radi1ional student has a probl_cm or suggestion, MSU admin1s1rators would like to hear ti. ~ishncr has even sonc as far 35 placing 3 suggesiion box i_n ihe C~~ orfice for studc.:nt.s who don't have the time or might he _m11m1datcd by talking to her. Non-1rad111ona\ ~tu~cnts speak through the Student Gov_ci:nm~nt ~oc1ation, too. Non-traditional studeni parttc1p;illon m t~c SGA conlinues to increase. Howard F~II. vice president _for s1udent and adminis1r:nivc sicrv1ces and SGA 3dv1sor. said. _If no~-t.raditm~al students arc unhappy with the umvers11y s pohc1cs, there's no reason why they shouldn'1 be heard. But isn'1 it difficult for non-traditional student~ to attend classes only during the morning'! The only way 10 lCII is 10 listen to lhe students. Th3t's exactly what MSU does.
Editorial Board Members Brian Ballard Neville Lewis Lit Richardson-Hicks Michael Vendrick Charles Cage
)4IO Taft Blvd. r .u . Do,; 160. Wichita Falb, TX 76308
Rcllc Mitlonc
Brian Ballard
EUul ~lh Mlch1rdMin
As.Joc,a,, £J,1or
Spo,u EJ,,o,
Mirhacl Vrndrit lt
Copyt;d,10, Mcll~nSulllun Munc Rtvlt"""
Mark l.oyd &1111:R<'VltWtr
StarTWrllcrJ Jonmhl1n Brady, Ch(lf/ts Cagt, T,,nlwrl)' Eyutn, S~nctr Ft1tdl Adnrtbl111 RcpritStnllh·u
D:..n llawklns
Jason Tucktr Unda Op,1/a
Adwrtwng Mnnngtr/ActOIUlftlfll
Oc.n l. lWfflK'"t
£nttna,nnw111 £JJ1tor
Grupl11c AIIUI
Dnndon Old.1
Cn'c- !M/
Ph"tograplttr Ed,tnr
C,rndm,on Managrr
Chado "(.l lann" Lonun
\Cll.lturd-"al Canada faces cultural-linguistic challenges
(Editor's Note: Culturama Is a continuing column by Lewis to examine the diverse cultures.) By Ntville Ltwls Associate Editor In America, it is of1en 3 question of which race you are: in Canada, n is orten a question of which language you speak. Most Can11d1ans will tell you, they s peak one language. but officially, they have two: French and English. h is these two l:lnguages which posed the mos1 bafOing questions for all of Canada and has even lhrcatencd the existence of a JO-province: federation 10 a point when.: ii is a common joke that should the; union
in Paris. sidewalk c3feS abound. ,u1 and cuhun:: are a way of life and fashion is always hau1e couture and avant-garde. Similarly. hon appelil is tantamount 10 good food and fine wine. Once em blcm a1ic of French royalty, the Oeur•dc-lis has come 10 symbolise 1his lifes1yle. On1ario. on the mher hand. remains a hybnd of Old Mother England and Good Neighbor America. Though. more cullurally diverse, 11 13cks 1hc verve or French Canada. French Can11dians -- or Quebecois-- arc rather proud of their ethnicity. In fact, they sec themselves as a unique people. And they have sound reason lo believe so. Even the drafters of their country's conslitution had recognized lhis foci in 1867 when 1hc federation was formed. The rest of Canada. espec iall y the prairie provinces of Manitoba. Alberta and S:iskatchcwan, s peaks mai nly English. However, the problem is nc'II easily resolved by separa1ion as some Quebecois have been clamoring. Slightly l:irger than English-speaking On1ario.
Quebec is the largest province and the second most populous. It sepa rates western Canad:i from the four M:uitimcs provinces and is a major pan of the mttion's economic b:ickbonc. There is li1tlc doubt Quebec can stand on its own . It is 1his stick 1hat French separatists such as Roher1 Bourass:i and 01hcrs o f the Pani Quebecois wave owr the rest or Canada as the war of words rages. And those wars have already come to hlows. The 1970s was marred hy bloodshed, 11rson and bomb 1hreats. "Vive unc Quebec Libre- was the watchward. The separatist movement was never stronger. It took a Frcnch-spe.iking Prime Minister. Pierre Trudeau. to bring back some semblance of uni1y. This accounts for a peculiar custom wherein an ever wa1chful Canadian political machine ahcrna1cs its leader according 10 French and English hcri1:tgc. But 1hat is a way in Canada: Unilingualism or bil ingualism? Will Quebec compromise iis heritage? Canada has a cultural problem that is unique ly its own.
Sincert ly, Jenny llarmort American Red Cross Blood Strvices
Offenses Repor ted
By Timberly Eyssen Slaff"Wriltr .. A case of theft under $20 was re.paned Sept. 30 when a facuhy member left her purse under her desk :ind returned 10 find S5 missing. .. On Sepl. 28. an Energizer b3ttery was stolen from underneath lhe hood of a vehicle. The cstim:ited value of the baucry is $40. ~~~: ~~:n~hywN~s~~~; .. Skateboarders sk:iting than Washington. O.C.. by Moffett Library on Sept. Ahhough French is 29 were told 10 leave and not spoken in some of the to rc1urn. Skatc.:hoarding is Maritimes provinces such llS illegal on campus. as dc1erNew Brunswick and Nova mincd hy the Board of Re• Scotia. the language and gents policy. Skateboards culture nourishes in 1he could possibly damage school former French colony of propeny. as they did on the Quebec as nowhere el.SC:. library's concrete ledges. Cities such as Mon1rcal ••A pedestn:in-vehi clc and Quebec exemplify all accident occurred Sept. 26 1hat is French :ind more. As when 3 pcdcs1rian walked into the side of a motor ,·chicle. Tc.:rri Anne Thompson said she was w:ilking 10 class with her head t.lown. By the lime she hc.:ard the car and raised her he,1t.l, she struck By Charles Cagt regents meeting to offer 11 and Lady Midwl'Slcrn bill 1hc left outs1di.: mirror Jnd 1he Sbirr Wriler s1udent pcrspcc1ive, De.:in was not signed by the scna1i:'s dnver's door. The ldt rear The MSU student senate said. advisor, Howard Farrell. and wheel cami.: in contact with elec!ed a p:irliamcnlarian. Jen'n:in Ghazal. SGA is now a -dc.:ad hill.her rich1 foot. Thom pson president pro-cemporc ;md prcsidcm and last year's went to class and la1er wcn1 The bill would have board of regents observer board of regents ot,scrvcr, rated the Lord :ind sepaLady the De1hania Hospital EmerSept. 29. said to the BOR oliscrvcr Midwestern elee11ons from gency Room. where she was After II mo1mn 10 suspend nominees, "A lot of 1imc.:s you the SGA elcc1ions. c:,i;;:imincd and had :,i; -rays rules for the purpose of 1he don'! have 10 do any1hing: Dean invited senators 10 taken. She was fou nd to have elections, the senate elected you just sit 1hcrc. But you reintroduce the hill. no broken hones. Or. Brian J.\V. Juslicc parhamcntan:m. have 10 be prt:parcd 111 proStephanie Carroll vo\un• Thom1on. assis1ant professor The senate's p:irhamcn1ar- vide :in opinion every day." tccn:d to lead lhc "student of mass communications. K:uhryn West w;i,s clcch.:d lead non-d..:nominatio ian will offer advice :ind na.l" in- said he heard a "thump~ but opinions on scna1~ procedure. SOR obscr.·cr. vocation at the Oct. 1 football did not see lhc accident ocAmy Dean. Student Govern• The senate :ilso approved game versus Wes1 Texas cur. Thornto n walke d ment Assoc1a1ion vice pres1- C"'s commiucc appoint- A&M. Thompson to her cl:tSs in 1he dcn1, said. ments. Ferguson build1nc. The senate elected David Ghazal announced she will Some.: comm11tcc :ippoinl· • • A non•mJury \'t:hiclc Noll president pro-1cmpore. mcnts were left unrilled 10 move: into Killingswonh hall accident occurred Sept. 27 Dean said 1he prcsiden1 pro- allow organizalions not yet this week 10 learn more ahou1 when a d1sl1Jc1cd driver t~mpore will preside over the represcn1eU in s111den1 senate dorm life. struck 11 kgally parked vehi· scn:Jle when she 1s unable 10 an opponunity 10 sign up. The scna1e will ncx1 meet clc in a swipmg motion. The Ghazal s:ud. attend. Oct. 6. For more information The board of regents oliDean cxplamed tn the about student senate, comact studcn1 said he was looking for cla:moom material in lhe scrvcr will rnend board or senate how last yCJr'.~ Lord the SGA oflicc at 689-4709. passcni;cr ~itle <•f ht\ vehicle .--------------------------when the purkcd cJr ••he AnhitaCl'nicnt was re• ported Sept. 28 when the ownc.:r of a Che\ rnk1 Bcrctt:i National f t dention Circlt K returned from d a.!.s and noOh•ersity ortht Blind ticed damage to the -.ide mirCircle K lniernauonal, a Bhnd ind1\'1duals ::ire mThe ga~ and lcsbi::m com- ror on the driver's ~tt.l.: of the sc1,kc f1rg::ini1.a1ion. will ,·itcd 10 ::iuend the nc:,i; t mu:ut)' of MSU \\ill be ccle- car, The owm.:.r dro\"C to the m..:ct e,\Cry Tuescfay night JI meeting of 1he N.ltional F..:d- hraling NJt1,.m:ll Commg Out MSU Polil'C Oep:1nmi.:nt to 9 pm. in room 100, Bolin er:ition of the Blmd of Wi- Day on Ck1. 11. For informa- report the incident. No wi tScicnct 1-1:Jll E\'eryone i.\ chita Falls at 6.'.\11 pm.• 0~1. uon. call M.A. C11ucndon. ne1;--e1, fir suspccls ha, c tx.'C"n wdcomc Ill attend. 11 itt Dyer's R.1r• B-Q A For mori: informatmn. call mc:JI "11\ he ,ervcd and J 0 1\ Cr!>IIY prc~1den1, 122· identified a'- nf lhe datl" 11f lhc 922'.l report. Nadine Koenig, 696- 1410. meeting will foll ow.
SGA officers elected
News desk: 689-4704 Advatising dc.\lr:: 689-4705
To the editor: On hchJlf of 1he Amrncan Red Cro~s Blood ~-r,·1c~. I would like 10 1hJnk GammJ PIH Bew and all uf 1he vulun • teer blood don11r, for a most succc~sful blood dri,·i.: on Sept. 21. With a GOJI or 65 pinis, 121 c:inng 111d1v1duab donated at till' dnw the ~i,fi of Ilk" Of those 121. '7 were rir.s.i time donors Going hJl k. through the many drivr<. held at MSU, this was 1he mo~I producl1\'C si nce fanu :iry 1986. BJl'k 1hcn. the goal was 200 unil\: which I know G;imma Phi Bela can achii.:vl' w11h the.: fi rst of 1he1r spnn& drives 1n February. When Just one pint or unu of blood can help up to four patients. it's easy to S(C 1he 1mp:ict 1h:1t this dnvc alone.: will have on the Te:,i;;-oma blood supply. M1dwcs1ern is a very intcgrJI p:irt of _1he Wichita Falls Blood Services program. and each and every donor is m.•cded and apprcc1 a1cd. Once again. 1h:ink you Midwcslcm S1a1c University and Gamma Phi Beta.
Meeting Announcements
TIIE \lirhlt>n
Thursdn. Octob<r 6, 199-1
1'31?< 'I
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Indians winning streak snapped on road trip
h.1 1: l thr,,...,. 1. h11. ,1J: 1..•1, rn1 , t,
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H3mS has bcl"O namt."J the defensive " Pl.t)t'r ld thi." 1 1 ~~-~~ ~ ~:~~~: bJ ~~
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p:i.ssc:~ in ihc first h.1lf h um :&ho h.aJ thn·\· t~-.1..k, h• Buffa lo qu.u t,•rt,:il'k GrJd, '-''llh hi~ 1" 0 rntc.-r.·t·piuin, Benton, t,oth of "' hit h kd 111 H:irr" n,,w h.a, I \ ud..k, un lnd1:in 1ouc.-hd11"n' BL·ntl'n, 1h~ )t·.ir
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11 Team Arrow cyding debut----- --- ~':,;;,;'"i,t• "' """ Chns Ron:m ful h1"''-"d in l rd Jml Tim Kdtun 111 1l1h In theC:Ar H rnt·n,Jw,,h,n b,,1n OJ,1, 1uu,h,·t.l in ()1h, ant.I m thl' (',.\ I C men R11n
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..1 .... 0 ... 500 \'CfS1ty, tln O.. whcr l . JJ,('!n Fishm11n n ptun:J 2nd Ill the CAT A men's division
11.i, ,. fin1,hcd lid
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West Texas A&M edges Midwestern State, 35-28 By J onathanHrad) Sporu S1:1fT E\'tn thL,u,h \\\ •,1 f e,.1\ A&M I) rankcJ Nu 2 in vf• fcnst in the NCAA u,,. , ,n 1 11 11. Lhc MSU lndrnns g:iH· lhem a nJn for 1hc1r mC\ncv o frcns1,·d y S;uurd.l)' nig:hi'ly. 1hc.· Buff:ikics
1-tJd: G1Jt.l) lknh,n
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691-0066 Sikes Senter !\tall
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dunni 1hc 1hirJ 4uJrter Whnc: \.Cored ,10 .i \CVt·n y:ml run ",th (I 41) kh Ill the th,rt.l. The g;;imc tn Jc d w11h lht: 8 uffJlocs ,m tor . '\~ 1~ Scnc,Jl wcnt 12 \OhirW yard\ and ll mcir " ent <J. .i. I for 88 y;ird"Bcnto n w:i1ri mtcrccptcd
The: l nJ1an, t'o .:(!m 1h.:n con(c r i:n \· c plJ\' ·l!!J ln,1 Au,11n (olh.::~i: ,11 :! pm <~1
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,1.'.lrL\, \tJ .,.. c·i.· J\. IUJII) I) 11 1-4 doc:,n't m.:Jn .lll\thini. <>:im st11d
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USA Tr:aining Company, In 0a.s held tac'h MONDAY &T 6 - 9:15 p.m.
Full s2500
JI ihr h.1I( ,,nh .17 VJrJ
The l nJi,1n, thfn ,i.:o,rd 1ur1un:udy, t'I)
.,.,ht n ~nc:gJI ihrc:w :1 tilJ yard IWJ<. hdown po1.u lO wide,c r ~1JrLu, W:irrtn wtlh I 5 1 left an tht' h:.lf Scneg~I'( two-pt,inl <.onvc:rsrnn run made u 2k-21 The Buf1:1lnci-. 1hough, tk!d the ~ami.: up before , o,ni
Crystal Nails & Tan ~w
1,.,h ., k ,.,1 • 11 ..., 1.h.<l " " J pU) frnm Bcn1,,n 111 Pt•tf' Lu · n ).irJ t un rnJ~iM th,: "''' .: er.) with I '2 kit m Ilk.' hJII 10 I-' The ,1.'LtinJ hall wa~n t l hl' HullJI 10;•, ,mmi:Ji;UC'!v .1n, .... cu:J lh,, .... 1,11 ,1n.,iha 4 u,IL" J " e ( l'lllllJ; ,.~ the fir~t. ktinnj Jrtvr lhJ! c-nJc:J 1.1.ith 1'hc onl)' ((.·ore maJc hy e1I ihn.-1.• ) J rJ r 10 t\~ tknu,n. ihcr team in tht· ,1."1:ond hJI( v.JS .i tuuchdu" n mJJc. un· m.ii:rng lhr '4•·0: : 1 20
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Mort fnformation Call: !vision or Condnulng EducaU ut4307
59¢ '9¢
Make that three numbers. Because only ot Taco 1•11•
New student rates: 1st donation
with Pim. student H
CaJI ror appohume nL, Earn up to .S<,o e \'cry 2 wrtks
XI I Ohio SI IM J7)J:?2-J68-'
.::;__ t--.:_U-0
con you g•t 10 many
dl••rent taste so nsQllon,
8 $109
C.ntury Plaz.a . within Wl lking dlatanc. lrom campu
tor lt1roe tow p,tees. Got Crunchy Tacos. Zesty Burritos Cheesy Nachos.
Tangy Chllltos. And more
ro, only 59¢, &9¢, and $1.0~ At Toco ee n,. 11 y ou won t 9 1eo1 Tastes and
great prices, you, number hos just come up
TACO'BELL T1t, l o•o,~, .. Fo•
-- .
~: Draws 51.00 "';;::c Pitchers 54.95 Well drinks $2.25 Tuesday• Saturdav 5:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.~.
MONDAYS ARE COLLEGE NlOBT 5:00 p.m. • midnight Draws 75• Pitchers '3.SO . .. ...,. "'-... , s.-...
Tuesdays & Thursdays 5:00 . midnlgnt