October 7, 1993

Page 1


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:~ ~~ Wtchitan Th .. · -~ ... .eater production debuts

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Nursing scholarship honors Confederate 1nilitary n1 en

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:\th,·ns, Get. Tn ,·t,,r ,·,·,•n tuully mo,·,•d t,, Bell Count y. T,·xn, . in 1$74 and i., Holhdny. T,~x11s. in l ~!l l 01'.':;cl." nd:tnts of lh t) T:t\'lor f:tmil,· cn •:i tc-d th,, sc holnr , hip fund nnd madr tht• initj:11 conlribn · ti ons, Hill stnt,•d The G~n. \\'.R. Srnrry Co mp

th t.• w;1 r bl'·

R.,nd" H,11. commander of th,• Wi chita F3ll s camp ·we establi shed

the scholars hip in reco~-

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changeably together , its ty ofsaua ! agl,ir.,1;_ :--_:: .! C.=x: ::::: c:-...=.J:e,r.g- topicali '"71-..J..1 •~ "' :.:..: Loa c:.: gre5Sioo and finally to i:-.,; :-•. f : ~.,: '...12 ~rer..:i::r , · Y. challenue m\-s.el(... ; t:-> ;:: : :u-aj:L . :-' a a:.i ~ : : ·e. ~ ... 7"-;: :t--.2: -.;~;.7 :-..:..x::-.-c:- t!.£: re E c: st..rong · Ti:e \rid0,L's Blin d Date ·"ill b,a this year's r::. ::s .:. :: =-~. :-1 th:.; s:1:. ;.·_ dr-1:,-rM: ?, ~-::-... -:2;.: entry for the American r" ..: :.h.1 ;.r::i,j , -~.: :; vb-i f.;J ;,J~q i.~ :-:::: i-;-:c:.I•.: .;r.i'l College Theater Festi,·al play tr~s ;::g ; 1ee..; ·: e : ,; r; , -;;;;:-; :.:. tr; VJ E.r.~.,·r. al the in Plano, Texas, two Tt...t e-,.:,17 ~ fa -;.,-,~{. ~-:;,~ ;~~.\ ~}~;\~ week.;; after the sho" has t:--2 r.<est ·1, ord:.:. '.~-::,i•.·-,~--, . :::.. 1·,.-,,u r:,-s:,.-,,_, i.r..H~.m , s,<:>"1;;v.: 1er, . r. ·,-.. , U,£:- Y:tung an t1F:1Akt tr:""lt:ry ~f~-rd thi: ~l>J.,. ;.~, ;,.i,\ractc~~-rs;,:;,,;;·A~-o~r~;,,-i~n:;,:ter::;;.--~o~pe:n:ed:..

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care during the war bet wt?en the stat-:,s. esp~-

cia.lly in the South.Hill said Tador, the mm fo r whom lhe srholarship was named for, was a membe r of th e \\"ichita Falls commu nity and acti,·e in ci,;c organizations during hi5 life. 16 3 i in Born Rutherford County, N.C ..

T_aytlor ser"edc as a firsFl 11eu enant 1n ompany of l he 62nd No rth

wi ll o~ts t in ndmmis tru-

tion of the fund Hill said the S5U0 sch ol:ir s hip ,nil be awarded cnch foll to 11 nursing student. who


hibits community service. The Gen. W.R. Scurry Camp No. 606 Sons of the Confodcntte Veterans oi Wichit::i Falls received its chnrter in 1909. Scurry·s son, Edgar, was one of the first district judges in Wichita Fall s and was a charter membe r of th e organiz ation. The camp is a member of the nnlional organiz ation of Sons of Confederate Veterans. Those interes ted in appl);n g for the scholar ship should contact Hill at 691-0944 .

-----.J ----•---..,.;;,;;,;;.;;;;;;~----~cnll,' free legal counseling Arti51-L<.-cture Series MSU recognizes 615 years of µ-1:~1:nL\ Ben Vcrccn available to students facuity, staff service Y.7 r.,t.;:.t1-1::, G-:-v=

1 v.~(~~J ,~~'14 t,:rr,

St ,Jt,: ;,lii11 r> ffor ~ [r,;;t; nrJl<J r J m:Jy ;>P.f"'/JU~ ,,;;'.::u, ft ': ': r,,,..,.:,m ;,u;: 1,:'/ dhr p,:w J tbt d rn1 c ~ J ,;, ,Jt11-Y:Ju,;~ ')n t},1; fi r1t t ':"/.J ~t .&t th fJffr1Jd t: Hurfont 'i th,: ,,f ;,,iii 1.f11 r 1J 'i}, ,u ,vl:q ·mtb H,formi-JlJ'lfl which w,ll 1.an htlp th1:rn c/,,c, dc fll ,l1ti1 , 'ffll>. P. t:f 'lfl.,I; ;JJJr,wr; whet!,,, , th •:l M1:d furull f ,,d thr,r lc6;, J ner✓ iv, s and , if w rnr,t,/y .,,,,,,JJ tm.~ :,nrJ t1t1t t,..t 11m; d u• w,, what type . -/The ~tn1r;c iff i not " l.i,1,t,; v, .:u:/11,d,,J,, &n ~P· J,lnflun,,r,l w,th v1,lut1v,~r pl;,o, t,, w rnc and gripe; 'filker a;,id. "IJt isJ;, pl;1 ct le-J0l :,,frrl'.!.1'~ '/'h,, J,,;i;il ,;dv1w:ru :, r,, t.<, Clitnl! wh,:n y,,u hLJ'lt: a ~U11rr,11ya li c:lm~~!I ir1 thr, ~"rir,uff sm,blcm : 1'1w clini c c11nnot ,,£fer 11 t:,tJ: ,,( '1'1;'1,;,;: whli w,J. 1icc in Meas th a t 1u,t,1:,.• , r,}.,:11 r.cr v,ct1' 1/1 ad • for ;i lly involve ;,n ~,: npcci/ic ':idic.,r, ~t.tJdJ; t1 lc; ,,, M.'J IJ 1,r,,v,iJ111u Joe:.! w11 , M8 1.J 11 LudMi a~ainff t anothur ,,r an MSU HLudcnL tm t11 r1v, J1;1!:1 I ,:d1,,:ati1,o. K JI '/ ,Hrnr, u~m11t11nL agalnHLthe UnivcrHity. Tho volun teer advi 11f11J f\1 Ji !:htt :,dt,r,,fl.JMl 1J( to o,Jri Jl)tn,f.H1fl IHid ,,,~:•~ urH arc not expected provicfo Ii.ligatio n on be · 1,1' I.I,,, Louu l ,;l iro ic, Lite und 1, M11<l MHJJ'i: Cr,11tir,11111r. ha!( of 11L11dcnt1 uro nol l';l11r,1,tir111 fom, I Pf<,11rn rr1~ clitlic R ucrvic,:H U fuculLy ~r•,v!ll,f. J,,t ul 11U<,1m,yn u·vailahl o Lr>M8 f11,111 /,11 vi 111( 11, tr~vd v, ur ~}-~fffit,tain Jo/!u l cou n/\,,,.1111 IA, u, 0111 tlwl r con • ~o linK fn,m tho cli11ic, L11rn l11 u od ucut ion ro, HtuduntH mu11 L mukc an q1111 ,";11,r 1Ln . ·ippoi nlm cnt by cuntact.ffo1r11, of U11, i11011on tho the C lark SLmlcrrt 1~1111! d 1111 c: 1·:, 11 lwlp r1Lu , · Contcr vf/i r.o in 1(011111 1 11 1 1,t.• w1ll1 11,dud,, ; civil •.u,u, 0u1.h 11n 11uv,1r1,,l,ll u c1,riH ultDtio11 H wi t!, ~•1:1d1,11t li 11r,d lund· vol un Lo~r lciJu l 11dv_i,;or o 1°,rdh~1, u1,L 111·11IJl 1111111 , ufll cr,11 11l dcrcd co nfulunl 11111ily l 11VJ (' IUIPII, NIH''' iJII . t.111!. 1l1v,1 rt_11 0 11 ,I 11111,nr11l1011, Jt',Jr OHll'(J Jofon r,IUI.JOII, 11,Ht rl(if•uuJ1 ,,d, J,ff1pu r11 · cm,Luct th o C8C olnco tt l. 1 li,,11, ntor.! , 11n 01 l111Jllli w 11! 1 , ,,x!.. ~~4 ,.,'l'ilkor ut cxl 1 ,,.1.11 1.11 ,1,,r ,J111v,,tn 4'/li, 11 n,;,f ,,11,trJ1< In '/'Ill' 1'1111 •

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!~n \'E: r~t: n •,i., ll b!: gm hr1mtet.1mrng fcs ll i..i LH:~ ·,,.-i lh a pt rforman e<: at 7 p rn /J ct 12 ,n Aki n /•.u dit1Jnurn · We were very d1sap-

By Julie Nan n)· Manag ing Editor

Fifty-one :\!SU facu lty and s taff membe rs recently ea rn ed service P'J1n!J:rl that l,1,u Dtamrind pins for their continuous s hi Phdhps had !Ji ca ncel and dedicated servi ce to r,crfo rrn an ce , hut whcr th e Universi ty. The awarding of the th e co mm1ttce had the r,s,p,,rtu111ty lo hring Ben pin s exempl ified 615 of service, Dr. Louis years VHN:n to th1n campus , our ez, university disa ppr,intm ent wa , J . Rodrigu said at the preside nt, qui ck ly replaced," Linda luncheon honoring the Wrl s,,n Scutt, ALS chair employees. ff/J td . Pins were awarded to Vereen will prcsenl benefit-eligibl e employees Chicken of cr the ch:,racl. aL live-yea r intervals. The following are Gcr;rge in an effort lo en• t.crwin and educate the recipients of service pins: audience about history 35 Years the slave struggle and Dr. Jackie Watki n s, conll:rnp orary race rela- professor of geology. tiunn. AJ Ao, Vcrccn's will 30 Years give u pe rsonal mcHsngc Nuncy $colt, ass istant ub,,ul ov,?rcoming advcr- professor of biology; .nnd Dr. HiLy hu •cd c,n his rccovel') Don Jo' lull, proresso r of from a ncu r fatal truck ph ysicn l edu cat ion a nd accidcn l.

rnlrnmural directo r.

Scott 11aid, "JuHt in 25 Years Lhc last few days as word Richard Ash, professor of vf D~n Vcrcen'a appcar- nrt ; Dr . To m Hoffman , English; 11ncc Hpreud, many people associate professor ofalisociot e Dr. lJick King, hove rcmnrk ed th at professo r of history; nnd Dr. Vcrcc11 'H perform ance Rudy Kl ein, associat e professor of foreign lnnguagcs. slwuld Hell •>ul. 'J'ickcls arc uvailabl c 20 Years in Clurk Studen t Ccrwr Alli son Bree n, reforence 111:1 liurn rinn ; Dr llohert Clark ,

professor and divisio n director of social a nd beho\·ior al sciences; Dr. Alfred Stewart, associate professo r of English; Donna Tettl eton , certification and admissio ns assistant of educatio n; a nd Gerald Williams, director of university press and prin t services.

15 Years Patsy Davi s, accounti ng

assistan t of physical plant; Goodr ich , Flo y d

groundsk eeper; Tom Sloan, police sergeant; Jerry Smyers,

police officer; Dr. Yoshi

Fuka sa wa, profess or and director of bureau of business and governm ent resea rch; Dr.

Emily LnBeff, professor of

s ociology ; Dr . Stewart Carpente r, associate professor of compute r science; nnd Dr. Rod ney Cate, professor and coordinator of chemistry .

10 Years

Roy Cage, custodi an; Sue Siber, accounting ass istant of physical plant; Barbara DeBois, as sociate professo r

and progy-am coordinator of Gary hyg ie ne; dental Goldberg, associate professo r

of nrt; Dr. Garl and Hadley,

of b us inesg professo r adm ini s trati on; D r. Dirk associ ate Lindem ann, professor of history; Barbnra Mer kle, director of schoo l re lation s; Carol Pit' r sun ad01i ni at rati\'e os ~u tnnt of school rel at ion s, and J oyr e

McNeely , ussistnn t to Vi ce

Presiden t of Student nn<l

Adminis trative Services.

5 Years

Angie Lewis, typeseltc r ror print sen•ices; Mory Stepp, coordina tor of Clark Student Center; Ha rve Allen, sports informat ion dir ec tor ; Gl en Brooksh ire, power plant Crow , Ra y operato r; program mer analy s t ; Gail Ferguson, controller; Marshall

Ha rdy, telecomm un ications manage r; Roger Hi nesh , custodial foreman; CharlotLe Pnce, te1ler in busin ess office;

Jeff Ray, head wom en's bnsketbnll coach; Lydia Welsh,

account ing ass is tant in business office; Dr. Larry Archambo, as sociate professor and progra m coordina tor of music; Dr. Shelley Archambo, ass oci ate professor of mu sic; Dana Barnett, ins tructor of

English ; Martha Crump ,

instructo r of den tal hygiene; J oanne Donovan , instructo r of roreien la ngua ges; Helen

Hollnwny, secretary of dental hygiene; Dr. Phyllis Hou:hki ss,

of profe ss l> r a ssociate educati on; James Mclntu rlT associate professor or busines~ Gn r y admini str nt1o n , ~forri son, assist fl nt prnfosso r of rndiologicul science ; 1'1m Th oma~. dlr octo r of sma ll bul'tincss devrh,pm ent rcntttr; Dn,·1d Tu ckor, and Dr as:rncia te pro fe sso r or mn1..h !!iC l ftOCl!' S


' gay 'lam

Pa~c 2 Thuncby, October 7, 1993

~1(fz.tfiryns Corner-

Fantasy of Lights more than fantasy I was runazed last Saturday at all the work which goes into the Fantasy of Lights di spiny. When I volunteered to help at tho workdny, I never imagined the millions of details which mugt be wndcd to year after year. For example, my task, which took approximately four hours with two other people working alongside, im·olved replacing the seven dwarfs' beard. (For lrivia's sake, actunlly only six hnvo beards.) After seeing the exhibit year after year, I would have never thought the dwarfs' beards were changed year after year. They always looked neat and trim, as if they all visited the barber the day before their big debul When I first entered the warehouse, though, I could not help to ask this question: How docs this go from a warehouse filled with pieces of exhibits to the beautiful and spectacular fantasy I rcmcmberec on .MSU's lawn? And, as I pondered this question, I could not help to feel as if the job was too much . I vowed that if I ever was put in charge of having the display ready for St. Nick, old Santa would fly over a very dark Wichita Falls. Then, similar to the Christmas magic when Rudolph pulled the sleigh through the snowy night, volunwcrs began pouring in eager to work on the Christmns collection. They came from across the city and MSU's campus. I met one young lady who has volunteered every yoar since the 1970s. She even has n miniature replica of the holiday display al her house. The MSU soccer team arrived in time to work on painting projects in the back of the warehouse. By the way, who won the paint war, guys? The MSU theater group and the MSU Student Ambassadors also showed to paint, hammer and sprinkle glitter wherever needed. Ages of the busy elves ranged from Dr. Farrell's young soccer player, who won his soccer game that day, to people who have seen the lights twinkling many more years than I have been alive. I was excited to see so many people helping to produce a display which beautifies not only the city, but also builds a festive reputation of Midwestern State. The atmosphere couldn't help but to spread the Christ.mas spirit, and I am ready to sing carols and decorate the tree. Another workday weekend is scheduled this Saturday and Sunday: Don't hesitate to volunteer! Call Dr. Howard Farrell at ext. 4782, or go by Clark Student Center office located in the CSC atrium for a map to the warehouse. Kathryn S.lf i• Edilor o(Tht Wichilan

Leners to the editor should be brief, to the point and without abusive Jangusge or personal attacks. Letters must be signed by the writer•· not typed •· and should include a telephone number and address for verification purposes. If you wish for your letter to be published without your name, and the content justifies that action, please contact the editor so a mutual agreement can be reached. Leners will be edited for grammar only.

This is taking more cournge thnn I think I hnve. I hn\'cn't told my parents yet, but I'm nbout to re,·cal my most intimate sccreis to 5,000 people. October 11 is National Coming Out Dny, and I wanted this to be printed in time for it. This is very difficult for me, so bear "';tlime. For entirely too many years, I ha"e ·lied to myself and others nbout my sexuality. This I refuse to do any longer. I am gay. I know this afler years of soul-searching. For the longest time, I wa s not proud of who I was and what I had to offer he -

do not 0 Guest commentan' . . I Id populnr opuuons, 1 I d cnuse of_what I \\"'.15 " .. hn\'c loose mnrnl, . -~ 1 nbnut th use P".'.'plc . 1uve 500 sex pnrtno s Well , I nm one ,,f th05e no\:ir I huve been ccli· people,'· nncl I nm not, n ~1;ie f;,r the last three child molester, n rup; - 1• •cnrs And I nm proud of or any other thinl( t 111 '. in •self for that. . certain segme_nts of th c } 1 needed to write tins society in tins country to let people know thnt would choose to call me. .. nnd lesbinns nre not What I am is n humnn frenk s thut some 18 being l.r}fog to mnke ,tin Id rke 1 everyone to n world thnt is nl_rendy wo~, . We ore your difficult enough wi th out ~el~t' ~·s 1, 0 ur sisters, 0 hn\'ing to look over my .ro r nu·,;ts·, nnd uncl es. shoulder nil the tune . you nctimcs even • 1 did not. choose to be nnd yes, SOI this wny . Who would your p_nrents. needs to choose to be ostracized hy Tl11s society ·. ufamily nnd friend s, hated realize thut our con st't c


Julie Nanny Charles Car

UndaWilsooSco1 AzaliaDur:m


BtllldoaOI"' John Grantham BryanDallanl


.Copy Editor

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uusic Rcvicwcr

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molesters are heterosexual males and less than 8 percent arc gay.

RUMOR: Children in gay families will become gay. FACT: Studies have proven

Help us celebrate National Coming Out Day. Let a friend or family member know you know, and tell them it's O.K. to just be themselves. If you yourself are homosexual, set yourself free. Remember closets nre for cloths, not the heart and souls of people. Please call or write anytime you are in need of support or information. That number is 761-9663, or write to Diversity -- 3410 Taft Blvd. No. 12764 . For obvious reasons, all names can and will be held confidcnlial if you so choose. Crittendc,1 is acting president of Diversity

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"dvenising Rcprcscntath-e

n.WicAlrat U1 tnunhCfoflheTms lalmollcill1.t.Prus AncxuU01 Uld l br. Colksc Prca Stn-a . The Wldiiu rcstrYtJ the nJht 10 Wit HY a.lfflll tuhbaetl for p,lil.Jcatiol ud lo rd\Ue 111y adn1U•ffif1I. Opmou u.p e.ued art 1Wt 11Kwerily dNllt of the faa.dcy, admililulOOII ttt hk1111 booy ol M1dwts1cm St11c UalNl'lity ud lfllf lOlttpratlll l CClurllNl d dMi Ullllt W1d11b1 1taH

FACT: 85 percent of child

There arc an estimated 500 students, faculty and sta[ on this campus alone, and over 32 million others who arc

.......Advcnising Rcpn:scntati\'C - -- - - -- "'tlviscr

RUMOR: Parents worry about their children being around homosexuals because they arc afraid of them being molested or that their children will be homosexual if they are around gay people.

If you arc still in the closet and haven't come out yet because of fear, you should know that the gay and lesbian community is stronger than it has ever been. We now have the support of a great number of heterosexuals who arc no longer ignorant about our history.

•poru Rcponcr

Dean Lawrcncc

Everyone knows that ignorance breeds fear. It doesn't have to be that way. Educntc yoursclfl Everyone today knows someone who is homosexual. You have friends, family and coworkers around you who are.

Diversity is the gay and lesbian organi zation here on campus. We are here to educate the public about homosexuahty. To many myths are floating around out there about homosexuals, and we arc here to give you the facts .

She had been lying to herself, family and fri ends. Since she came out of the closet her life has changed for the better; she doesn't a lie for someone else's sake.

GrapbicArtisl "hotograpbcr

icnl lines we hear, we arc not

recruiting. If you arc gay or lesbian, you know it. If you nre not, you know it.

She has known her entire life that she w:1s a lesbian, but because of the small town and small minds of her community, she had remained misernhle for 42 years.

r:~ilOrial A.5sislant

""cxograpby EdilOr

that in more than 10,000 gay families, there is no greater percentage of the children being gay than in the rest of the popul ation.

homosexual (you nre not alone). We (Diversity) nre here to si•pport you and help you with gay and lcsbiun issues that ari se. Contrary to the st.creotyp-

National Coming Out Day, Oct. 11, is for the people who have been hiding their tme identity, just like the woman who "Tote to me here nt the Uni\'crsity.


"anaging Edi1or


lo Guest commcntarv I By M.A. Crittenden




tion gunrantees 1e, su~o rights and pnv• eges nil citizens. equullyd lhscriously doubt ~f Go r/s any interest in po 1 ,cs whntsoe\'cr. So when

by their neighbors nnd possibly kill ed just becnu~c of the sex of the pcrson they share a bed "ith. Contrary to some

gnys, leHb\nns _und hiac uuls u~k lor civil righ ~we uren't nsking for ~. cinl rii;ht~. just the 8~Pc. rights sharod hy cv':c heterosexual member r~ sodcly; the right to w or without. fear , the righ~rk 11 _pl~cc to li\'C Witho~o cv1ctwn hccause of Ori , t totion, the right to J~~ whom we choose, th right to mnrry whom choose. I hnd severe self-cs teem problems growin · up. I thought I was th C lowest form of life on th c planet. Now,_ thanks t~ some very can ng people I cnn tell the higot.s of the world to go take a n>'ing leap. I nm who I nm . ) nin gny. And I am Proud.

Coming out of the closet


ICaihryn Sc11



By D. Mott Mnhon


3400 Taft Blvd., P.O. Box I 60 Wichita Falls. TX 76308 News desk: (817) 689-4704 Advertising desk: (817) 689-4 705

lllE \VJch1

In ! :1,,. r,~,..,~ , :ll-4.'\




Thursd2}'. Octobtt 7, 19')3




lll«d"nd oy, Octo!Nr 13 t,:30 p .m. Wigwom tu-ail


'Ott,n411 y, October 11,

J,farooN and !jold Doy

W••r Sdtool Colon

10 p.,,,, s-th



Saturda111 October 16

t'lthlrlic l]reakfa st


'P.m . Soca:r Jield }tlSll Cady 91tdituu (Volt be, cy ll} Uffiwrsi ti, of 0..//cu


Sunda11. October 1;>



6 :30 p.m. "rhe Widow's l]lind Dote' • , Memoria l Stadium

2:30p.m . JiNe Artll ,t,,d/torl, u,o


.. Homecolfling 1~9.3

Wntow's /jli>td Oatc•

S p .m.

Jine ~ "1uditon'i,n,

9 ; . " ·· midnight OEC

~utg /lfllSic by the Mammal s


MSU 9ndians (Soccer) vs. ty A 2 p.m. So<cer Jleld 10:30 a.m. CSC l]al/room Oklahom a City Universi Homecom ing ljnmch liil' l'l641rva tions mwst be made by Oct. 13

'P·'"· D•.C. Cigo,, Coliseum



;>:30 a.m . Sheraton Hotel

Ex•Stude 11ts t4.ssociation t]usiness /;feeting 9: 15 Ex-stude nts Dining /'loom


• • -•


';tf.laddin '



Pagi: 3



MSII 9ndinns (Jootboll ) vs.

,'lustin College

'The Widow 's l]lind Date'

,:30 Memoria l Stadium

MSU .Cady 9Ndians (Vol/eyba /I} vs. 3 p.m. D • .!:.. .c/gon ,-. B p.m. ,'lmbassa dor College Collscwn V ) JiNc r'lrts Auditoriu rr.






typical college roommates. Really, really cheap. I

getspecial financing with the AppleComputer Right l10\I; )~ I L~Ul l}'t :1 gn.>:ll p~ on ~ ~ •prin~~r for )OO~ puter lab. foucan even Reseller today. And discover the J,, Campus Apple your See Loan: P.1Pff5 ~l.:.Jcintn-lt So )OU!! he :!hie to!llllll s1.lfjl, !~>1011'1l-kioking The poo~ to be )00!' best~ • · prefer. srudents roUege ore m right tlm in )llllf room-111 thout h:111ng to 11,ut around al tlie rom- power

Contact Michael Land at x4139 or come by Ferguson Hall, Room 302 - ..,........ _ .... .,~................... ........ ~ ..... ~_...,., ....... ,.. ..... '--"'~....-a-.---~~ .... --- - _,. ...... .,._~


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Tiff W'K ~

___ _ . 199223L__ _ _ _ _ ____JS,l_.Jp~owrLtl.CsL___ !::P•~~~·~4_ T1!!!1~urs~ib!J::,r,~Ort~obe~r~7:..!_

MSU stops No. 2

lribe wins first



Uy Drrw 1,,1yr,n




footbull l-Onm c.n prurrd il.q firat \'1ctor,r of th o 11cn1S<1n by dcfcutin,; 1hr \\C'sl Tc,a. A & M DulTulo,•• :1,1-12 lus t Sa turday in

11,,-n naJhard

r tL::lm Spofh t1f'SLJrrintU>Ccc d as~u n for

Jrn lf, thr Ind inns went '" Sport.a He~rtc-r The l\ idwl·stem S tulc into the lol' krr r M m UJ>

1 look ,: ·1,._ 1 '' LV n week end n( fi ercenrdcnrn· cf:i pcL1tion uL th o H Soccer Cl 39 sic h Springfi eld, Ill • On f,' rid3 Y ni,eht t e

24-0. l111rkup qu11rt r rbuck

Urodrnck Si?nrgnl nnd

running j.!'nm c the sparked th e MS U ad ,·anlnr,o.

Kevi n Penso n started . ~ nnyun. Tc~ns The lndrnn:- wtnt tnto lhc s corrn g for th e


Ro ar y College in the C>pc:n◄?r of trlh e


thr gnm<' wilh on 0-3 th e ticric!I rt.>cord, bul sophomore Ind inns with R two-ynrd Rosa;;, Wfl.!I n fJ l mu ch lintb:ackt'r Rudy Powe touchdown run. A 37n tc!i t n~ th e LnlJc of fi nid the team wnH yard touchdown run hy uwa)' with lJfl wnlkcd Yon• Yun ,: Ill evenrni Antwonc O'Quinn, nn 80- In inlnmur•I One (oot.b•ll •ctlon Monday po~ith-<· nsy 3 2 win 12 Su,.JeC'• the nli! d,-r,.r,ti r.11tinrby plal't lhe,rfirat kt(lt l ker,(4-0 We ha d pletyed Lcnrru yurd touchdown i.cnmpcr 7 tu ~k an c:irly U c · MS nlio\'C' our caliber , snid by Danny \\'illinms and n lc:id when !Jrud ~fo"rman Powe nboul the Indians 32-yard Mork Mnrsh fi eld took n hcudcr p;,iss fr,J r_n fir6t three opponents goal accounted for the l.,nncc Lowery a nd pul it lf ha first 's ~1SU of rest were we that We know pa st the J(osory kee per nc,·c• r outplnycd though. poinls . for n 1-0 lend In the second half the Tlu s positi,·c atliludc .Judd ,foy made il 2-0 r,, med the MSU defense Indian, did nol lei down. on ;u1 indirec t ki ck at th t took d o \"t'r Wc:. t Tt'xas' run- Powe snid the tenm mr1rk . .J,,y rt c<:ivc 2:1.!il i\ h•n\ Volley hall :.md-Rlioo t offense, and the field OR if th e score an nn~nst from ~f1 ch1H:I ) i , <>t t 1,1 :i i ~pm w11h th1: 111um;1• cnlf h1r in..: ikaJl Thi· 0-0 was offense MSU kept th e Ch:\1YfTi11lnh 27 m·1nu1 c, Jefl Two West Tc,•:rms fiC'lld nwnl ~.- hn Jul.-d 0.:1. ~, rollini: n fLor losing s t a rl i nc qunrlc-rbnc k goa ls werC' t 1c on y in the gam <: , ,Jny added k c clo of results Crm :,:: Pettigrew Ju R Hr.c cmd J.: r,;d of lf11: \\'omen's Ua!-.kl'thall The run -and-shoot dominati on in the th ird nii,!ht wh t n h1: lirc: d ..i in1.: for L' n lr y I\ r 11.:1 1,1 :ii :Cip rn v.nh 1h1: 11 ,11 rn,1 111L' nl wa s t.h c: only conce rn the quarter Th e Buffulocs The dcaJl shot thnl was ,Jtf1 cclcd t,, 1>: Ind ians had goin,:? into hi e,._1_12 the foothnll for '":h1.·. J uln J O,. L ~'""rrn un, wh c, p:i!-i scd •> thr i:-nme Powe said hack to ,foy for :in ,:asy ur r::.r} Williams. who led l.'1<· • An,.,,w- lotrr,,trd In rl1r•r "'" 1, rn:1) crml• ll kld1 t Jl,r,1 \\'c.,st Texas hnd ti good gnnl 0rd l1t"nruomlO~ a1,..•N-4t..Cn secon d /\fltr ,J,,y·~ t.h n t Indian!- wi th 124 Y s Am... 1roni:lnU.l..l._ offen s e pa ss _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __, H\'erngcd 35 po ints n nishing, nd ded a t wo- .__ _ _ _ i::r,:JI, Jl cmJ C,Jach Natha n pul to nm i:-nme, a nd they were ynrd insuranc-e Pi fe r pul lht •,tcund unit rn ncemed if they would ~!Sli up J l-n. in for th e.• rcmiHndc r rif West Tcxoi. nn!-wcred hl' nblc 111 cover it th e game so the • tarlUA th • dn\'C th nl WJJ S co uld lie r e, tcd for We,t Texas ~nined • wi rd O lolnl of 417 yards, but the c.ipped oIT hy one-yn h Saturd ay n1 l!' ht 's showUnllurct n Hrya fly fnu~l on rhun MSU dcfon :. r cau sed louchdown rfo wn with Sa nga mon 0nd goal T c two pomt SportJ. F.ctit o r th ree turn ovrrs in the The I wo fo otha/1 State Uni vc rf;1ty ~11dW C't:; l c rn S I a lt• ,, i rt ually conversion failed giving I! nm c Hos a ry rn ,:r na gc rJ l o t nj.!uinfi he .1nd KFOX - J.:nni cl'l will s talem11t ins: t.hc high - the Indium; th e Jl - 12 Univ(' r !- 1l y late, hut il TV, ctrnn n(•I :1 h:wc en - Au Hlin CollcJ:e, Oct. Hi ..idd twn !iC'>rcs s MSU powered oITcnsc. T wo of ,ictory vc rsil.y, didn 't m :1ltn a The 1nd rnn s have on• tc rcd rnt o n cc1upcrati vc mu! Mc.\fu rry Urn the turnovers included :J-2 won bali· d men's The :JO. t. Oc 0th cr hyc tl w• wcek eo · Et,:!'rt•t:m<'nl to tt>lcn sc six inlcrccption s by Jimmy Salur~ay m~ht, th e 11 hum c ketb nll gam ts will ht llolleeand, lohnfrit,sc h. Their next game "; he ~I S U athl e11r again s t lncarnalc Wo rd Indians fa ced th eir sevth C\'cnts. battle min,:: cco hom e of loss tht' Despite cnth Top 20 team of lhe 16 again• l AuSlin The ngrc('Jl,cnt cull s Colle~e. Nov. I:!; WeSlcrn Pelligrew in the first Oct. nd year as they hallled No 2 for two football ~a mes, New Mexico, F'ch. G; • College. nd rnnkcdSan ga mrJn S t.ate SL li.ipti three me n 's h11skcth t1II Wayla 26 · The The two schools put on gum e.c;:, nnd women's bas- University, Fch A Private ExccutJve Health FodUty lll r. as th ey kt'thall f,!'nmc to be tclc- women 's ga me will he Sl a classic ha UlJJI PIWGRA.MS: tCJoth a nd niJ il fouJ:hL . ,Jan on r:.ity Univc: n scd Pl■ J r-a,uctl,all han:Jh.11IL wall,ybaU 111 p iur from start lo fim sh Mar1'1 ronlrnl 11·1111 no l'l!url ftt.• . l'ru(n,lnnal MSU jumped •J1: l lo a I ,f t' 0 l ,tarr-■u,ndnl . l'rlvat, or r1 ..., very quick 2-0 lead ( C■ mStar

• Ch annel 3 to televise s1·x M1·dwestern games


Mmhk.1ln<lrurfiu11. f"ull-r.rtl"llntu ntrdn NJUlpm.. nl "l·ilh I ll ,latJ.nrr-.. Spc-ci ■ I

t'lltni:kd buun of optnUnn with monllnNd waulty K«.a ■ nJ rnnlrol. FACILITIES INCI.UIJF.: •J ~ c - , u

• W~.w"''~

•C:-"'-ls..M it....... , \,.,._A,nWoAlf f


•~w_,,_ ,.._

, •~"''klrlt... •T~S.,rotc.

years old? The professor with big red hair


is aging rapidly Professor Ilatlcncourt

• M .... ,70.JAft,.t


c.n1ury p.,. . . . wit/Jin -Ing dlllonco lrom 111t canpu1

ltablW .Ta--,a lpt...

ID:GII J.a • 1:00 a.a.


)p ,...,,Dc tallll'I I

b<JX SS V ca me: n ~ht t,~ci~ and managed tri t u: Ou: e-a me at tw,., ;1 p1 t c1: I,:: . fnrc the end of the fir nt half In the At c'>nd half MSU to<,k back the leaJ when Chaffiu s~ rc:d tJff r.,f ,Jo:/11 second a!l.qH t <if th ~ game for a 3-2 lead . ' Out with 3 :,0 left Sangam,,n ti c:d th e gam~ ~t three to force: r., •11:rtim e. AL th e 97 r, r, mark , ,Junior Fricker mad t an extremely Iring pa sA to Wi e mann . Chuck Wiemann tapped lhe hall pa st th e kee per_ whi ch cave .\ ·1SU an c::.cc1trng 4~ v,cwry. "I'm real, real happy,' Nat han Pifer, ~ISU head coach, said . · J c<J n't dt • scribe how happy I ;,m · ·w., brought hack the s aid he trophy ,' "\'/inning hc: rc 1s ver1 were: s fan The spc:cial against us, th <: call s were agains t. us, hut our young men we:rc too t,,ugh. I'm vc: ry proud ." The: Indi a na ne xt gam e: will be S..iturday, Oct 9, in San Antonio aga in ~l Incarn a te Word College. The team will start a fiv e game home s tand S o uthern against Nazare n e

p .m.



Tueffday, Oct. I 2.


MSU Athle tics

AMPS CH :::..s ,.o~ "Not just your average ~-po rt:; store."

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In Sikes Center lk, 1110 11 u l

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Differentsv1.-c> 1 11~ The• lwll ,..,._, ~ l" Claalc ■acll • lack '11 lall J' ,.,

fJ ,,u ;.; Bm ·1.·n ri r.t,r'! d (i r,1L ,.,,·,th a n tl .. flJ !il fr•;n, ,lf•Y ,J u; Lht:n -,,;,Jr<:•1 bitn ,.elf 11 n ;J penal ty Kl cY. ;,,f. t.c r Arl a m PatU: r M1r, ·1✓ 4 8 ta ckl ed In th e penalty

$5 off any nail service

Grllad or lll'IDln Club Steak $5.95 CMckan

sculpts, manicures, pedicures, paraffin manicures and pedicures


both cooked over Mesquite Wood served with baked potato and salad

$1,25 Draw BHr Comer of Sou1hwcst Parkwo1y and Maplewood. Just down 1hc road from lhc Mall. Food!" Carcteri• Ain't "This _ __, Ll321 8th at Broad ___ ____ _Midwestern _No __ .__ _

______ ______ ___

------EN-----~ ::~~~-~~:-LIGHT UP.

. 600 II 767 3

CASI, P.a. so~ 2am. AllAIITA, GEORGIA 30358 Now)(, .. can t•lo't' two ol the "111"11 rrroe,tl .rd and 1m:p1td rrcdli ca.1.1s In the wor1cLV11111" and Ma,tr:tCl:rd• cn-dll r..1:nJs... ,n )'Ol!Orarnc." EVEtJ ,r YOU AR£ NEW IN


V!SA• and Mnll:tCa1de th, "m::1 1ciudl )'OtJ docrw and nm:f fot- I0-000KS-- !Je PARTMENT STORE.5-TIJJTIO~-EHTER'TAJNMEHTEMEROEl,CY CASll-1 ICKl!:'IS--REST AUIW<l'S-


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No turn downs! No crdlt checks! llo security d•posltl



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- ---S.S.• _ _ _ _ __


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High-fi, h l g ~ fooos can ~a! )OU .,Ill ahffiy l\ealt.

!:'~=: -'~~~ ::~~b at

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L :,_J.. . . . . .,. -..i ..... -


!'Ill• \lil'hl1:111

N ..!:s~______ ----~~e~w~



e reveries innocence

II IH I h,, w111'1t1 or 1'1111•1i rn11 111i •lucrn . i c,v II 1\ world t.hut it11,lltl ~plond,,r nn,1 nff1•<·tntiu' 1' world ur pur,, llrtifl " ·. j(V, whor1.\ u1w lllURL kclnl t.111• rnl11• nncl follow nuw 11t,,m..11r Nnffur th~ hi •I . ,,.1 1111 m uf puni•lu1w,~1' .. h• hti ,·uf'tt ouL uf il It i• tlu• world ~rr . Whnrton'• Hl20 novo;•dllh ubout. 11 thwnrt,•cl lovo 1II' • fnir, "Till\ Ai:1, or 101wL'1•1.~~:~,." 11, hur own w,,n!s, I lus wns n wo I t, 1,huw,•cl Ho pn•rnrio ~ d 1.hnl ii rould b~ •hntt~~ ~· I•)' n muro whi sper " u! . It is thiN w, 11,1;1 thnt ,hrt't'lor Murtin Scorso~l) rnpluru in his 11111, Ill 1 h~. Ago or 1 nr,'. hin1!rt 1 hu lwru, 11 youn~ l11w~•••r nnnwcl Ncwlnnd :\rd~1•r (llnnid llny. l,t•l\'1"), Im~ ltid II life or :mrl~ propn( ty nnd nwt ,rnl1111sncss thnt he hus nlmost no icl o:i of wlwr,• tJ10 customs or Sil· c1r l)' l,•n,·o 110- nnd ~nlity hr1:rns. Hr nnnouncrs his b,1troth11i to 11 pr,,u;,.'hnt ·

1111' 1117tl'11

nil•;"'~.'-~ In


U111r1111Rhl , •hnllow, Mn\' \V,,11 1111 who •houi,:'\'''.' 111 l!)•d1°ri. con111nniun r,:• 11 11 • P••rfiort In• ''"•itio11 r " m1111 u, Ali Lhnt ~ iiv,,r, whun I l'.11111:1,:i, h~1w. finnruu'• cuu~· llh':•ts hos !}l1•n~k11 (~lii1i'',jt:ll1•11 I fo1011r1, nuw , . , U:icn pin~ fru, n '1H_1Hlt•s:-t 11 1narriur.o 1 11 '! f111h,i1 l•,ur11p,•u11 nobl,•m,; 11 N1•wlund r, 1 1 . " ums,•lf "" ti druw 11 to




I 111U1 ' rt1111111llic fc,· 111 totnlly inron .. r Lhnt 1s with lho nil,•~ of ~~;i~~t'1,l 1 ntlrnrlcd to 1 . . 1- · Mu 1• •ho is lho nr:;\.,',;~~ausi" hn!-1 l'Vcr nwt lh nt c1 :\1:.~l'-w 10. ~~enk thu tru th in his 111 t\f,1cml world Io nchnit hi s love for ~lW would hf1 sucrn l suic1du .. sh,, lwrsrl fi ; t.1intcd with th,• rumor ~~,'.1~ sh.,• _sought nnul.lwr , . er'' l,HI(~ht'r mnr nn{!l' ;.''.~led h ir 1Jm1 she fac,•s " m n1:em1•nt. And ,,,1.. 1h~,cnnnot. fnri:ct h,•r,1 nor to ,i':n.,, for she is drawn ,rry spnrk Lhnt shr nwn ·ens in him Unhkt• most ~nodern H


rnlc, 11111I I 1111 Inst hnlf of thn mn\'it• i:1 o :-ccrit•Hol'

nuwi, t1 , t hiH11rn dmw not und hnppily It i• 1h0irull for uuc.lh.mc, tt 111 uncl t! r•t.nnd thnt. N1•w l11nd 111111 1-:U,•n runnol jusl run 1


d11111r.11 t•1u·o1111tvrn 11ml


neolini: lini sorrn la•IWCC'll l h,•m. As tho mo1•i,• prothe mnotiunnl impnct lcss1•11~, und thcrC'

nwny lo,!c- 1.hor lo o~t·npo


t.ho dcmnnd" of ttocit•l y nnd to lin,I 11 m•w li fo lo• ~,,ther Th,, nnswrr is I hnt. in 11 cmnplcx 11111I conlrnlli,d !iOdPly likt thi~ ortt•, forni~ nrruy thc1111-ldvuN u1:ni usl urw ith)a or emnt.iun ll111t pi·udnims il st•lf 1h 1' Ello•n could .,,111 up tl1 Hlil11tu, nml Nt wlnnd t·nnnot t'HCIIJll' hiN need

iH n tlrup in drmnnti,.: trx-

turo. l'innlly, the movie fails lo mnintain I ho 11\'crwhclminl,! ~crnrn of loas thnt is tho story's dliving emotion. When Ncwlnnd finally walks nwny from Ell en for I.he ln~t tim<!, resigned to lh·ing wit.h U10 lifo he wns for rt, nvtintion dt•spilt! hi!-t nhlo to hnve, lho nudicnce grnsps Uw lrngecl_y inlcl· pn:-isiu1t. lcclunlly, hut not cmo• &orst•:w pnid nlh' n• tionnll_y. lion to dctniltt. 'l'lw coHcnm hnckdrops, tuming, 'l'ho movie iH drnmnti t•rn 11111:lcs nnd WH' of ligl1l.ing cn111l1inu tu t-rf•u te cnlly flnl und lncking n climnx . At tho end, some n n•proclul't.ion that ,·iewcrs mny be rendy fur Kt't•nrn 11nwlc~s. It is n it to ho over. 11111slt•rfull v ordh•s trnl rcl "Ai:e of Innocence" is tu lt• nfrorrn1nti1· year11ing now plu)ing ut Sikos Six nnd 1mrr quil t1d lorr. Th en ters. But, it is not p,•rfort. Roview Rn ting B+. Nrwlnnd mul Ell,·n st'Jlll· 1




fJJerma Culture • fal'lal s



P~~i:r.:._S St~pl~rn.'.:ilk::•~::_6,~19:::'>J~

, . cl'.:'.!,ay:.:::'.: .,..'.:Th'.'.'.:11r.<'._':

Album predicted to be hit Uy Mell, .. Sulll\'lrn Mu11lc rovlc,wrr

Up until now, if you missed out on Tho Cure'• 1992 Wi•h Tunr, you missod uul on honring Tho Cure'K live enorb'Y unlc•e you hncl tho hard to find r:ntrrat import. Howovor, with tho rclcnse uf Show, you cnn experienco Hobert Smith's angelic voice nnd tho ecrenma of tho crowd tJrnt mnke Tho Cure'• show• so thrilling. Recorded in Detroit on tho Wish Tour, Show bo• gins, npproprintely enough, with QJii!ll nnd cloaca with End. But in between nre 12 songs from Hcnd on tho Poor:

One of tho hcst tracks wplurcd live is J.t.w..Llkl: ~ . nnd Uw crowd i:ooe wild when the band lnuncho• into lliiliu:.t.hl:


Allhou~h Shaw fr.a• lure• tho band·• recent work, the soon to be re• loused l'arL• nlbum will feature old stimdnrds . such ns ~ ~ • .Eld.c Tow nnd ~ ~ . ns well ns rcttcr to Eliso nnd ~ . their newer al• bums. If you're the biggest Cure fnn in the world, or someone who hasn't got Ki&MJ:; Kies Mc Ki•• the chnncc to snmple Ml:; Milu:d..llJl ond .wish, much or the bnnd's work, which entice the listening Show is n must-hove for our music collection. nuclience.




C■ alflltlll

C1m1► Cki1hlni



Mon-t' ri• 9-6

Sall 9-5

l'll l S.ym,""r lfl1h-7 • Abnul • hlN-k•ntot~ --

• f"1C: 11nancn1 h:ur ~mo\'al

• mllptun.•d oails twd $1'1 unlimitrd

• 1,11111,n~

• ask for student lliscoun1



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You can donate TWICE a WEEK!!

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b,dROCk C:OUNIR'/ IHING, bur

[wnli] MUCH MORE of AN INfiUENC{




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Must Presrnt ::u,,. A-,11,hk In Wkbu, F, 1~ ,, II .UI I K.:tup llouk-nrcl . . . . . . .. L Student I.D. Card______ _ - ••2-<l7JI _ _ .J

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FOURPIA'r'S d,bur rwo )'CARS b.ck m,J,lisltEd Bob J._~ES, Lu RilENOlJR, NA1i1AN EAST ..,d HAR\'£'/ MASO/< ., IHE /All 5UP£11GROUP of rnr 90',. The .JbuM Topped !HE Billbo.Rd 00,'ITTMIJOllAJIY )All CkAm foR AN MIONisHiNG JJ WE£15 (rnr

AII-TiME••c:oRd), wm c;old ..,d 5!)AWN£d • hiT~NGir wirh

•Ahu Thr o.,.c,

s.l,Palm/rt..u, IO / ll 1 91

hc!§,!iggs Wlchltt Sqiwc


H,., .~s so~fT1tlM&- To Cltf'W OM. No

-"MMlfA-L Fn.



SO~fT1t1M&- yoa, UM SIMk yoa,l Tf'fT1t IMTo.


,ottr 6-0T IT.,

GlT It"

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