c» ~bi 1Ultcbttau
....e i••--
71. No. 5
=;- ,,•07
n, Dirc.c1or Cenanl of
1he • A'YlltiOD A11thoraty said that wU oo s11n of fire 1n the ~ "tred cn1~ Th• Out.!b Authoritic, tDdcd p rtporr, 1b:ri1 bo1h of the rip1•
before u.,. 1 ,111ne9 fell of ,,. Soa\t confusion arose t,e. rail cone • and on11ae ,a · off lite hracli plane, b-4 of D•ICb ,\ VIIIIOo ln1pcc1ioo
,.,,...., 51Jd.
Altho ush mao)' 111.i1r•ll•a
lhc lrtlll when [he )ti
Wtf( in
1Jo.wo, thuc arc no clear in• •tioa, thte hirds were •ucted
m, pl1nt ·, et111oe. d,e t1Hptc-
dntf s.a1d.
fWu bingto n) •· Durin& •
;! ~ d~:~1;1,;1:~:;•,~r~~B:~ AIDS.
,c.-,1t1«1on on
s~ conl,.ctcd the AIDS
btrformcrhu.,bt.nd. fuhcr . • 44 -yur~ ld profes. _.i a,h\ l antJ mother of two, at• -4 n1il'>n:tl rc:~oan,11on f!X her •
1hc Rcpuhl1c1n Nallonal ~.atton ID Hou,ton in AUfu.,;t. She replaces Earvin °M111e h
Jth•on o n the com m1 uioo . ,1,4.tuon ru,aned lu l nion1h. He wu no l ..1J 1lte Wh1to Ho uu ,01a1 enouah 10 ~uppo r1 1h
,, ,,t ·/
Loca l store to offer texts 81Jt:ln Hull
... 7
.., ._;j"_'
andidates debate at Midwestern t~c . .....,_....,,_.
Oa 0cc, 5, Tom Haf"i\'OOCI aod Steve Carriker, caadiclete, fot tho T cua S1at4; ,h aa1e, 111e1 in 1,e Clul Sau.at C•ottf n e11er 10 debi&e Galllplri p--
n.._.,, rur.. aumicl'.od
l~•t of prev1oua PrHidtnt ial dtbttM lt)' fetlDri-, five,111inut. ~ alale•Hts (f'Oal Mcll CM!· '1Jace, qijfl,tk,ru: adi.treae:d 1o lloch caadidatM ud fiVt!-tllmu11 oloaia1 ttatrmea11.
Carriker -,okt Int. add,.._ 111, . . i.... offudia, fot ..,..,. educuioa. ,pecif.icall y ■01in1 M idwe.1ert11 ' 1 lade o f automatic fuadui1 whicli lar,er T.us lftiverllho r•ce1v e . He 11111csted M ulwcacn,•, lund.ilf 11 -..,dne.r.W. to budJt-1 CVl!i due lo ill lioe-i&em
Haywood s po ke D U I, eat• p hH i tio1 JOb1 and u,. Tuu ec oooay u 1be c1mp1i1a' 1 lop 1n ue an4 4,danftl U nrppor1 for lerm lfmitatioft aad bu oppot1tioa IO tll&alil..,_ .lal,
Quauioai 111 cu1ued oa u1u veu 11y fuodiar and tie economy, htll alao coofrontw issu,u sucla as caaape.1p rdana ad ahurtioa. Wien asbd abo•I IM pot-
11bihty of c:uUiq 1&11e spotldia1 on hiJber «tuc-atlOII, Kaywood taid, "I, ptrJo>nally. \liirOuld have no1hin1 IO do with hlll,nd n1 lhe bud,et of lhe alate ofTu.u oe die bact of hiptr NhatlltOD.
Answniq the . - queahon, Carrik-tr a,d H.lywooil's ,ui,omd r t pul o f tbe 1ta1e'1 co rporate
frani:bi.• w. ....id wave "DO pla01
fonn: I've 101 a record a,acl Iha riaco,d &peWI IObow J ....y lO•
How.wt, durlaj Ilia .... be Hid. "My platfor■ ii . ., Mi.. .....,.il• wwy~ia ltillttioe 1101 only 10 WtCllita P..I, ad my di1tric1, but to t h e ~ 1y11ea u a wltol, io tbt ~~ ~
l'm very co-lllad to....._.
ctt•ai'-11 - ....
,lae to ,o ~ wper educatioa" f« c u u . Carribr tbu ai::cuud Haywood of not Uldicatiq specific l1ne• 1lem1 lo be c■t in o rder 10 bllance Ibo budld, 011 t ho ahorlioa 1uue. CuIVpport riku 11id lhat he chan1es ID lea,.&ahOII IO dtal with 1n overt urned Roo v, . Wade
tuilllOII is still I harpi,, for restdtm uudenu. We've lriecl lo teap IW• 1ioo a low .. we poa.ibly ca ud uill maiataia tha quality of the p,osnalllll weoffer."
deei,tOL Haywood l aid tbal be SU~ por&I ,nform..t eon.ten! and would work 10 slop abortt()O bck~b. The und1d,1ea differed OIi tbo 111\UI of c:atnp111n refOlm, with Haywood opHly oppmiq ,tale campaip fu11dia1 •od ,upponinc Md pohlic:at aolu•ica ca 1io1 c:oaain.. douciou. How•
WIien uked about II» ilDpc)t• lance of lk lllto senacorial taoe IO MSU Sb.ldtats, Haywood Mid, ""n. quality of fO't'trnioenl wo haws ia Tu:u atlecls t tudcn11 lhtou,ta C. feea, cbetu1bon, t h c ~ and tho colk,- life Iha ulliv.nicy ii able 10 provide for dio111 ao l'd~y lh.11 thoy are afTeded bolh .,.cific
_.vidal C :::.!";;~~.:·~ suiq,
a&tac:ltod 10 SIM Carribr. "
D1111111 • p,.-Olb&ta laterview,
C1mbr pld, "I doa'I Mve a plat--
Iha l lalt. ••
Catrihr ,lso Hid, "I U.Ult
avarybody recopita, dlal in Tn.,
andpnenlly. •
Haywood thto c:1te,orirad die public'a ..-iew of ,ovcram.•1 u poor, ud aid, •n. public'• viisw ii ... ...,.,.....a talllevdl.i iab. 0
C,amnmslM'< ~ Of).
fAuo1n) •- G4,v Ann R1.:.hard1 rJ the Sonh Americ a n Free 11,k A1r.:emenl ~houlJ hnn1 the r •1inorrJ p,ohlcm~ ,.JOnj the ·,us,~lcrn.o t-1.udtr into n■lional
R1: h11 di, 1 s1rnn1 .supporter 1hr .-ontn c t . •l..,o 111d 1h11 the i1t ,mcn1 will t,.- 11n "co no m1c: ;,." 1,,Jfcu ~ She £ !\O ~.i1d lhillf lhe • gree'ltll ,hou ld !1t lp lhc federal m mtnt tl)l..u, un ,wlvina health n . cr.\ 1tonmt"nt.il ■nd JOh train• :If prn b l.:m -c a. lr,,i g lhc Rio
.:m.J, The Uul y has created 1r111u that TeHn~ wdl lose jot.. n ~rds u ,J 1h11 lu~•na jobs to htner th..n lo~mi jobs to
"-' 1, tt.t
Pac,fic Run.
Midwester n recei ves awar d By Michael Vendrick
Edilor inChid MS U'• Odyuey
the Mind
1nm presented I trophy lo Midwu lcrn du11na I preu COflfettncc IIL'if woek. Dr. Howard M. Farrell, vice preHdeat for scudenl and 1dQJUllSlrllivt K rvice,, and Dr. leut w . Roreu , vice prctidenl for a c ,do mic 1ffaiu, ac cepled th, award (Of !he Campw$. In May, the OM 1earn placed second 11 Iha Odys.sey of the Mind
Ja, » ,-,ohk. ~ 110 eoncerneJ. WMIMf'·
11 Mw 1ron1
wtll "8 befuta ._
-stts lf'ahem.uhl ll. . ..
in~:c/:!~ ;';nib;~~I~~ ~~ru:':;~
~:pc,od Schneider al 696-0435. Envir onmental confe rence to be held on camp us Wor~e~:-: ~:~~~
B J>. 'd R'pp Y R~;;~.,
! ~1~h1t.1 F1119 •· Thro:e dnY'II· •• t.bool1n,s dllnnt th• weched • •II ((,ftkCh:d to a 1•n1 that Ill •~111nkm■ lly. V1t1u .n1 Rin-:oa. 111:1:,11 hlls: r1ohcc .-.e,~oraot, ..id. lite /1\t ,bo-011111 occurreJ ) ,1 1 trailer home an tho 400 ~ fA Madi:i11J11 l111co n Jll ld 1h11 lboH I... ..,.. att • ~ o f aun•w1thlin z
1n 1he world fin.ls comprise Tom Devenport , Pnl Bers, Sc o ll Ro1or1, Cbri1 Burney ind Rak1e Pa~I. OM II an tu1111 iuhon ,n whicb team members p1r1ic1p11c m crealivepro blem 10lv1n1eum ses lo be completed 1n • c1ven pcn od of tune. A 1econd OM team will roon be OtJtnlud 11 Midweslern. Currcntly, lhti OM director, arc seek• 1na three n ew member • l o
T he Nurth Ccn1ral Tc11s Eov 1ronmen11I Ent.reprcncurin1 COitference wo rkshops are scheduled r Oct 9 - IO in the Clark Stlll.leftl t nlc r 11 Mid -stem. Tho purpoi.e of the coofercnce
1 :~ 1
cw and u ,~1,n1 com~ n•cs enrnonme nl•re lalcd scr•
~; 0: 1
V9td\Vo,k,,;h op H1>IIOna. M>IM nf II run concwrc:nlly , wdl be
Toruu mdiadc c11erc1 o:fl.CM!l'I· cy, altcrA11ltv, cneru: m■ nufactln•
int fro m the mun1e1pal wu 1c ,11eam; rninufac11.1rin1 from 1be m• d1111r11I w~sle t lre.n:,; money, ~tcnl,, bus11'1Cll ~ormtllOfl •~ en• vuonmcntal law,, studenl tnv11onmenial pruJeCls; company ei:h1h11$ •nd ne1work1n1: and lhe bu1ldm1 1nd11:1111y. wdl ~~r~;;~wS~~u~?••; ~ ;= bcfOR. the work)hops begin ~ : : ;,r/ re
The conference II s ponsored hy Mtdwe,le rn, lh.: Tcxu Gen.:nl Land Office, lhc T.:ull A111cuhurc F..•len i..1on StHHce 1nJ tho Retf It.iv-er Stein Cluib..
A• nt ly II nul sc moalcr , compelll1o n may he lp MSU ~IU· denls uve mo n,y whee buy 1nc lcUboob. A local booblo rc is pl1nn1n1 to sell new lcllboob, and ,n M SU orcamuiion is pliM1n110 reinstate • st\1Jcn1 book exchanJe. Jen Mc Donald. uf The Book• seller, located 11 Kemp Boulevard ind Avenue H. 111d his sto re cur• rently siocb 111 ,uu l11ry re,d1nc m11cr11l1 i nd could o (fer tulboob u urly u ne.u ,emesler. He •id he hid hoped lo sell 1u1booh for chc f1ll 1emuter, bul he rsn rn to some delays 1 e111na the hool.11•1. · w e ao1 1nrrruted 1n 11, bu1 1hen we nn into 1he 1dm1nutn • 110n, • McDonald said. 'They were rte.llytouchy. ' McDonald u,d 1he offic11ls he ,poke to were "kind of evU1vc" and un1u1c who could 1u1hor11e the release of I boolrlti-1. He drd rece,vo 1 li.11, hue aKI the lis1wu DOC final. Bury Watcu . m1n1eer of the B ■ rn u an d N o ble bookslore operated on umpus, 111d there Vo'U no proW,tn ia ...1u1ia1 UM book·
"In May, I wu
,ocenh\'t. IO sec students 10 dnvc off he J.l.d. ' Frankly, from whl.t ( ' \-e tom, Sarao• 1ad Noble II oRon 1bov• IUIJUlcd nlld. I 1h inlc lhct~'s some room 10 maneuver , We re Joolun11t 11. and wo hope lo do il, • Clff'lpld, •
~ta. . ; '')1
f,Otsi,rdtm ) -- Netherland ~ itou said 1h11 crew, bav• ~ rc,und one e naioe frora an ls_.f#IOJ' ' th.It sl1rnmec1 lllto •a IC'Olnp(U.
Thursda y, October 8, I 992
Mr. Hud y' ~ sec rerary uy1ag • store w1n1ed a booli:!111, • W1ter1 .•1id . ' I called my 1uperv1110rs and w,1h1n a week we ""' • copy of 111 book rcquni.-. by prof~ r1. • Wa1er, u,d H v.•as rmpon 1hle 10 send I fina l bSI II thll llme be· uuse book requu:ts continue to trickle m from profcs..~B t.\'cn ■ fter the knit.Sier bi:JUIS. He s ud he U rrtls mml book requests for the s print ,cmc:slcr 10 come rn this week; however, l(lmc could come 1n as 11tc &$ Chnslmas, dcpcndmJ on the professo.-s. McDona ld u1d 1ltho uah lhe Bunes and Noble shu e receives 1 larcer dr~coun t from hook publ1slten bec.auJe o f \'Olume buy1n1, he bcl1cvu he can offer bett.:r pnca. ('llw1ou~ly. 1( we d1dn' r lhmk ;,: couhl rive • helte r price, we wouiJn·: do 11. We have 10 ha\·c an 0
McDonald u,d. fn add ition 10 th e ophon o f buy ,nr new boob 11 Tho Book1elle,, 111.1dents may IOOCI be ,ble 10 fft uaed book1 11 a studenl book e1eb•nic operaled by 1be En1htb
ClublJatd five ye.an &J O. the Enalub C lub h elped o perate a book eichanp in the Hudi.n Su,ld•nJ . When Bsrnu i nd Noble look o v er ope ra11 on o f the campu ■ bookllore, che u ch1n1e w11 d11• con11nued. Dr . Lo u il J. Rodr1cuc. t , u n1veu11y pre11denl, upla u>cd the connict.
'Wh,le ,1 11 lrue lbat the curuni contracl does nol e:1pron ly prohibil 1ucb an operation, , llow• ina mul1 ipl, boob101ea on campu, II DOI cons1steal wilb the iotenl of t ho Board of Roaen11 when 11 • ~ proved tho coalnet, • Rc>dri1oez lelltt, stated ' la r e cu rn for auann tee d r evenues from Saree, and Noble, the universi1y would not en1•p 1n nor allow on campus any 1c 1iv11y wh,cb wo uld jeopard11e l he paymen1 of the 1nnu1[ lcu c a mounl. T hese funds sre necetury to pr~ v1de 01her rludcnt aervic:es such u partial fundmr of che post office and othe r 1u,\ lh1ry 1c11vi11e1, • he IUled. Rod11suc1 snd W11en bolb sa,d they appreciated the concem of 11uden11 over the price of books.
"I 1 pprcci11e lhe fu11ncia l dilemma f1c1n1 our s1uden1.s u they cry lo complc1e the.tr educ111on , • ROtln,uez Aid. ' B111 !he nsinJ cOlt of 1u1book1 1, noc lhe fault of 1he bookstore. The pnce 11ruc1ure i1 coa1r1 c1ually reaulued and II the Hme II the 11ructure u,ed in all ocher bookscoru. •
LaBeff named Piper Professor
,l,soriok[di o,,D,. Eraily E. UBeff, pn,f~~:..ir of 1oc:,olol)', wu preJentcd the prcsti1ious Piper Profc:-.~r Award
lbrt992 ill May. S c hool 1dm 1n 1Slralors •ominare wh o they consid er •e.acallonl tuchers. • Tbese fuul1y •ombcrt then c ompl • tc appUcOI.IOft.'I. In additio n, frve le Uer ~ of ~ l l < l f t 1r. Nnf w1lh lhetr a"lica1ioa 1. Four of LaBefr, former 11odtftt1 and Dr. ROM rt F.• Clart, division d irector o f JUC11I a■4 bclniv1onl science.• . aubmillt d ....,. of rec»mmenllall<lft.
•n., Wffl wooderfu/ itllCU,.
.1,alatr ..id. "Thon lellcri. made
-..• ..bof TN Piper Fo11ndalion thc:11 aelecib UHae11lry naemh,:u , • II uf wltolD will be ltoqored •~ • P1pt1 ,rof•uor, fr o m a num ber o f ~ o f h1i:hcr edu..ati\,n.
le 1dd1lton lo bc,ni sdt"tkd. Laid( alao r cce1Yed $2 . .SOO. J illelflwaada pia. •1 •11 shoctcll , eu11e d . ovorwt.• l•ed and 1h1dl~J. • t h~
t..a.ff came 1o M~t>lan 1n
lf71. I ....rwd her hachclor ul ,-,fi:ltc.111 Klaace and ra11lc1 o f SQ:,~ 11 To.a, Tedi Unin~n:11y. ilw hulcb a J oc1«.r11 of ax-defy
lroni Okl;ahum:i St:111.1 Un1\eu11y Ono.\ ,usun l 18e(( ,ontumn lu teach :.1 M,d"-'t"\ k'rn 1-. heuuse Mr worl mi rdat1onsb1p w11h bcr
i:ofk,pa In .acld.uon, \hi$ Slld $he
r nJ\)Y$ work-inc with lb.: stlaJ.!nfl!I. The P 1p e7 Award wu u i.bhshcd h1 Randall Gonfon Piper and Minnie S1e..-cnt Piper 10 r""°PiU. <Ma;tandu'I IU(be11.
Cbt Wltblt1n Page 2 ■ Thunday, October 8, I 992
"Mr . Baseball" called 'deja-vu' movie By Roblr1o Ramittz Jr. Morie Critic: You may bavo read my Jut re vu:w and 1n 11 you rud that lbCI movie~ "The Last of lbe Mohicam"
wu well worth \be $4,SO b a lick• e l . I wicb to ma.ke a couoclioa ... !he price of a tKkd ui $4.75 ac Sibl Senter Mall. I st a n d ~ Now, to the businul at hand. Have you ever experie■c-4 dej a vu1 Have you ever MCII IOallldwt1 you know you've MOD btftft? Haw
you ever beard sozoeduna: you bK:Jwyou've hc■rd before? Me too. "Mr. Bueball," pve••_.. real foehna that l WU NeiDI 1011»" th1n1 I'd 1eer1 be.f~. To m Selleck pl1y1 Elliot, a profeSS1ot11I baseball player (N. Y.
Ya nkeu) who is 1radad 10 Ibo Chunic h1 Dus on ■ , I JapHOH
k llD,
The film dealt wilh culture
L ett~ Cory Feldman lilted about U1 hi, lifl / IDd M. there w■s no Jove from his paruts
the lad: of Love
artd no commun1c.1110 0 wbatsotver
but ye1 be aure knew how lo commun 1c I te Po l ice Bubi n1 arid
Rel11ioo Bashioa which be b11 • lade of Love for. And his COUftlllor
who travels wllb him, David Lo. don , a cer1 ified dtut and alcohol couMelor talked aboul tii1 fneod 1h1p with Cory but yet lhu. two people w11 seen in a local bar tb9 niah1 btfore 1boolint Pool and coofron 1io1 him a bout the inc1den1 (M r. London) he say', we have to iet on w 11h hv int al'.ld tbal alcobol will always be around and be •id ii was alnaht to 10 111 lbo6c place..,.. ca use he wu , and I quote " I' m a c ertified ■ l cohol and drut counselor.· ~.
shock a nd 1u r viv1 n1 1hrou1h cooperallo n . Of course, they call Elhot into the man■,er 's offtce ■nd r ive lum 1he oews lb11 he 11 beui& sent away. 1n Elliot's n:uod, 111s like beuaa buslCld down to UM nunors. Elliot arrive, in hpan and he douo' t hOw tbe Wlpa,e or whal lo expect. He ,c:ts 111 interpreter, who chaoses all of Elhofs 1DSwen (in 1r111slahoa) lo press questions. He fCll III aparlm101 lo hve ua .,. be doan't like II mu<:b. He meels his IHm .. . Ibe y doo ' I like him. Loob hke they were bcadins tnlo 111 uplull climb for ElhOI? Rlsht. Of course, there's I love inter• est playld by Aya T1kanasb1, and she is areal. There's I scene 10 whkh there is a possib1hty or EIIIOI reh.lnw11 to the Stales (lbe conver• utioa is the us1.1al), but the 11lcnt or Taklaas hi 11 risht there c1rry1os tbe ICNe.
The mentor , who mus l help Elhot fi1. his shoJrlcom1n1s on 1hc f i eld , 1s lh e m:anaser of lhc Dnsons . He was th e one w ho wan te d Elliot picked ur hy che Drago ns e ve n choull:h lhc ownus vanled some ll:UY from B1l11mo1t. Tosether Ibey do 1h1 • wakc•up- • rly•1nd-e1.erc1sc•lh c•hero•1s•rc.a dy" routine. Elliot lcaros muc h about the w■ys of tum play, Japuese style. 1ccept1a1 w bal IS s1vcn (Clf• c umscaoc cs) and that bu mili1y doe10'1 deao1e wcakneu. Th.is II a • reel 1ood" film where eYerydunf acts resolved, nobody dies and tbe 1eamwinl. I'd 10 see 1h11 film 1sau1, aod I'd recommend 1t nen if you are nol a baseball fan. The movie " at Sikes Sealer Mall ... at $4.7S a tack• d.
e Edit or Also, from I ve r y re liable source I beard chat a local school asked David and Cory 1f they would come and lllk to lhe scudenl.1 and Chey uid yea: buc then wu I fee of S2,SOO.OO for 1he 11lk buc when he wu 1n 1erYiew1d by lbc lo c al n1w1p1pcr be u1d and I quole, "and l think lhe only way I set 10 keep 1hose 11fu is by us1n1 wb11 J hive been .f.cmb: SJYefl IO help other people,• be u1d, unquo te . I feel I how wbal I'm 1alk1ns about a nd lhal I have a r1sht to complain •• I don '! t.now whal bi■ fee wu for comin1 to MSU. btil I'm• recoYer• ins alco bollc ind drus •d1c1 ■ ad bl YC beco aober and clc■ n for 17Vl yu. I am a cercified akoho l drus and famil y counse lor hut am no t l icensed lo counsel in lhe state o f Teus (Does Mr. Lo ndon haYe a
license to counsel 1n Ibis &!ale? ) could there be a Jawswt MSU. Sponso 11ns 1nd1vuals with an addic tion problem 11 a hfe or d~atb 1 i 1u1 tio n and I have never r ccomeoded anyo ne 10 10 into 1 place where lhc ma,n source of in• come 1s a lcoho l and pool. (And bow docs Cory set away somi into • place like that when he is 19 yrs old - lecal 11c •· 2 1) I 1ues1 ii, be· cause be 1s a celebnty. Wh■t I' m rea lly upset ■bout 1s hi• fee .• or all !he lllks lhal I have IIYCn, f"ye lx,ca paid lJima: and I m1sbt h■ve s1Y1u1 oYer a 1bou11nd lalk1 •· I'm Jlll l zr■ 1erul lb■I the achoo!, buy me lunch. I ques1 Cory 1s 1ryin1 to recoup all chc money he . and my Josi 1n lhe , " ful lane· rewards w ill probably come afl.cr I
'Qtl,J~ Wicbitan Midwestern Stale University 3400 Taft Blvd. PO Box 160 W ich ilB Falls. Texas 76308 (8 17) 689-4704 Subscription rate $10 per year. Michael V1ndrd Editor In ChNlf Juh• Nanny A1soclat1 Edl1or Cha,'-aCag• Copy Editor Dan FaMin l!!lualneNMIMge r David Rippy ClrculaUon Manager Renee Davis Advertltilng RepL Dawn Rowland Azaba Duran Graphic Artlata Ang11 Spencer J11n Hal Staff Write r• G. Pat11ck Fonn•r II Russell Kyle Photogr•phlf•
C•rtoonl•t AdvlNr
e have your picture taken f
1992-1993 Wai-Kun.
Belinda Betttam Sand111 Noblin e1n1 MU>ll•
·it\}~ I~ ~ fttl J'ul> 8 #'till ====
Copynghl C 1992 • The Wlchifan. The W/d'litan is a member of 1ha Texas Inter• cort1g1at1 Press Associaho n latter
~ tlJNCH! 'o
Polley: The W.ochit•n will gladly pubbsh
your lotter 10 Iha edi1or ii you will 1nclud1 your name and number 10 we may con Iact you and bl assured that no one falsely used your name. I you wish you, lane, to
Gi~ Crisp Salads. Soups, Burgors, Doxe \,I Sandwiches. Nach05 and more! '
be published w!lhout your name, and Iha CO(lfl nl JUsfif11s Iha! aclion, ploase contact 1h1 editor so a mutual agreeme nt can bl reached. All 11!1111 atl printed unad!led.
Fajitas, Steaks, Chicken, Fish , Chicken
Op1n10t1s e1rpr1ssed are nol nac1s11rily those ol the lacUlty, adm1n1s111110n or slu· de nt body and may not r~•senl a con-
15 4pm-8pm Mo nd sy- Friday! Any drink: o n t he menu ,
sensus of IM entire statl . __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _......
Giant Bur & wine's s dollar offl
~!JITI ~D o BU~!E
lcaYe this Earth - ROiff H ~
& 'Rltas, $3 Hu rrfcane.9, $4 Ltter Drinks & Pitchens. tNery Wednesday at 9 pml $1 Draft&, $2 Hil,alls
.: o 1/2 '!l~!o!!INKSf 0 I
Choose from arty mi><ed drink on the menu e,very Thurs,elay at Spml Excludes 1-,ur anc:;l liter slu d rinks.
p ' _,
EMTERTAINME ; ...."Da;;rh'~"r;a5!~
! ~
' l I !
Mixing country. oou/, and classic rock wit ~ornedy and off·the·wall improvi5ation Dave i5 in gr~ demand. He is sure u, keep you laU<Jh· 1 ~ withh h,o material and listening with his h~h .., tee &ound sys tem.
.------. SIKES SENTER Oat,Jde·entr uce after mall hourt.
Ne ws
tern es w id M eathr.-:;;;::';at :-; -~ --- --- --...
ti<'"~ 1hrtfr c tft
This is
.Jrr1 r1 nil'DI
""'' •m,.,. ,s "Death o l a S1lc,,ih ,,..·, ,"'._.,,,, f'H,~ · ,s " ch, r-,., 0
~~ f lffhli. 1nlmtn direc. r~ "'"""" of F,no An,""'
a ig play abou t a small -Ron Fisch li p lay Dire ctor -
The pt1y deal!! with lhe life of • u lesm1n named Willy Loman. He 11 f1ced with prohlemt auch u lcainc ht, Joh and h1 Y1n1 his •on find out he w11 in volved ,n 10 •f· f1111 .
~~.,d h1,- cut', ab1l11y In arc 111J 1nf r olcl'I' Ibey
" I· If•
ah o
1111d the
c, .,1
1ra dr vo ted lo the
_,,1of the produc11on wu first lo\'c"k of classc1 and .,,eb11rs1n1 !ltnce Labor
, ~ epartment feat ures exh1•b1t
""'::.:·:::·;::',.: ~~ ,~;,:;h;~~:n
~ p.-,psrlru cn l
of Art ii;; for the S«"Ofld of SIJ, CJ,· ~ ,cb~uled for lhe 1992--9)
scu1i:r:~r ned • mas ter of • rt in 1969 •ni.J • mas1c r of fin e 11r1 lhe Un,:;r:~tulplu re in 1973 from Slartet.1 leach Y o f Cthforn11, He 101 •t lhe University of Nevada c urre nt~t Lu Ve1as an 1969 •nd p r o fcuo: ~ o~ds Che po11t1o n o f Perfonn,n a ; /Jcan of F ine and 11
1n Lu Yeps, Nev. Thill consists of monocypes on IIIPPorl hy McCollurn and sc a l e Ektach rome ·S' phi by Raf11. ~,Collum wu born in Ho-
W»b ..
1939 a nd earned
or ar1 11 HumboJdc
(JIIIWJSll)' in 1967.
ic 1e:::•~ urn ed a bac he lo r o f e1 ree in dc• 1ao and p ho t Uoiv:~:: thy from Arizoaa S tate 197& a n/ •n 1970, • ?llllcr'a in mast.er o f f1oc.1r1s io ph and pr1olm1klnc 10 19 :;ofraph y ro m C1hforn11 State He 11 c urrenl/y • 0 1s11oc pro r ~ o f ar1 ~e~.Un iveni1y o fNevad.i 11 Lu
•• R u n -o ff vo t1n1 for ho mecomin 1 nominees w tll take place 119: 301. m. •- I p. m. ind 6 p.m. - 8 p. m., Oct. 8 and 9 a.m. - I p. m. , Oc t. 9 ia lbe C lark Studcnl Center Atrium. For mnre informa• hon cont.ac e Johnny Carter, Student Gove rnment Auoc1111o n. at ell. 4709, •• The first p1ymcn1 for cmerecncy tuition and fee 10111s i1 d ue bclwttn 9 a .m, 1.1\d S p.m,, Oct. 8 I f lhc Busineo O ffice. For more 1nform.111ion call ell. 4271. •• An Arusi Lectu re Series mce11n1 will be held 11 3 p.m.. Oct. 8 in CSC 118. • • Th r Faculty Senile will meet 11 3 p. m., Oc1. 8 in the CSC Hospu1l1ty Room. • • The lnh:!ns1ve English Lin• ruase ln1111urr will offer an open house If 2 p. m.-• 4 p.m,, Oc1 8 m the IELl ·s rc.:en1ly renovated o ffice fra ce o n t he second floor o f Che Univers ity Po lic e build1 n1. For more 1n for ma1wn contac t Janus lfussaful. 4352. • • The Un1veu11y Democrats will meet at 4: 30 p. m . . Ocl. 8 m CSC 118. •• The Pre-Law Soc1ety will feature Bury Macha It 12.30 p.m., Oct. 8 1n Dillard 106. For more an• form 111on con11c1 Tamm, Hughes at 71J-4111 ,ut.1 89. • • The B1o loay Journal Club wtll meet •t 12: IS p. m .. Oc1. 910 Bo lin Science H.1111 2 17. For more 1nfor mal1o n COOIICI Len West II
George B. Davis
•• The Norlh-Ce ntnl TelH En v1ronmcn11J Enlrepr c-ne unng Confe rence will be held at 8 .11. m., Oc t. 10 1n 1he CSC Thealer. For mo re 1n fo r m111o n conracl Bri an Ballard, conferenc e o rgan1 z:e1. at 766•2049. • • The GRE lest will he held at 8 1. m., Oct. 10 in Bolin Science 11111 109. •• A F1n1u y of L11hu wo rkda y hu been schedu led he• CW\!en9am. ant.14 p.m. ,Oc1. IO-II. All students, faculty ant.I slaff members u c cncou raacd to par11c1pale. For mo rl! mform1 11on con111ct Or. How.iut.l Farre ll. vice ores11.Jenl for , tudc nl ant.I adm1m1lrat1,·e serv1ccs, aiut. 4782. • • The E ntc l u h- usage c 11mm111on wall be given al I p. m .. Oct. 12 10 H ardin 207 . A S IS ~::ti~ar~' ::..~~:m', 'c:~~~~e ;~,~: 1 dcp■ rtmcnl . , elt. 4300. • • Th e A uoc 11t1 on for Childhoo d Education will fe.11ture a " Te1 c h 1n1 with P u ppet ., · demonstrallon 11 8:20 p. m.. Oct. 13 1n C S C 1 04 . A ye ar boo k . pho10,:r1 ph w ill be 1aken al t his mee t ine . For more 1nformall on U• CODIICI Kathryn. ACE VICC preJ t.lcnl for pubbc 11y, 11 767•8002, • • T he MSU dcp■ rtmtol o f art will lake a field lrip on Ocl. 1J 10 For! Worlh, For more 1nformahon contact !he art dep1rtmto t o ffice at ell. 41,64,
Church ew Harvest, Pasto r 'Iecp on telling people about Jesus until. Jesus tells srop telling them!"
aonncl. Other pcrfornu ncn will he . 8p.m, ,Oct. 16-17antla1 2.JOp m .• Oct 18. 1: i,c hl1 SIU.I lh i, play. hi\ f1 vo r 1te, 11 one o f rhe mo,,t c h1llenaina play, he has ever d11~ 1cd. But , he added, his mo11 c urrent prOJecl 1s always tu., r1vonfe.
Pl.VS $1000 FOR THE
you to
MEMBER WHO CAW! No oblipliocL No C0llt. Ywlllo,-111U:1 BV.DIIIO,,.'ZRAOIO
7B -14:W
9:45 A.M, 10:45 A.M. 6:00 P.M. 7:00 P.M.
Photo bJ 8dl#td4 B,r,a,,a
Tommy Carey and Becky l\tobley rebean lines from "Death of a Salesm an:•
);al far~
1-.t3l-G5 21, £d. 65
Sunday School Morning Service Evening Service
at 4352.
• • T ASP responsib le studcnll who h ■ ve not iaken 1be official TASP le) I should reaisrcr for 1he Nov, 14 li:sl l>cfore Oct. 16 , For more 1nfor mahon contacl Dari• !nckVI lit e.111. 4321. • • Th, Umvers1ty A ri G1llcry 1s c urrently fca tuu ne an exhibit ca llei.l "New Worb . • For more in• forma lmn conllc t the arc depart• ment .111 ext. 4264. •• Organ1z:a11ons interrstcd io compe ll nl! 1n the Seco nd Annual Banne r Compe l1f1o n c an o btain s hetlll 1n 1he office o f the dean of 11uJcnl) or m the Studenl Govern• men1 AS!>OC11ho n o ffice. For more
vangel Temp le Assembly of God
com plete business the students lty center and facu at M.S.U.! in Nort h ~ t w i c e : • day 10 MSU~ • srlca.ion of offc.t: suppf'ft Texas! · &La,p fumitul'I'~ · Sa\'C fro m '40 · 60% on 1~ items ,·ou nttd most in our Priority Pricer!
•FtttExJ)l'f.SSD:!li~ •Kr1owlcd!,'t'.ilhlc$taff
• Xrmx Copicn & fax ,\ lachi1~
3800 Barnell Rd. • 69 1-5501
,-..J1ek Dilll
.-::......:.".'i~.:~ ~~~~:~;;........... - 10:45 ~ ,·1 Church
m1 Worship ....... .... 6·00
Wtttntsd ay Adult 81hk Study · ~{js.<;1oneL1es ...
(GU"ls Agcs 3- 13) Roy:11 Rant;r r;: , •· (Bo:,·, Ages 1- 13\ Youth S:.r- 1.:c ... . ..
Nursery Available All Ser,.•ias
, . 7:15
...7:JS 715
•5'o.111(tc T )'Jll'Wri1rrs •Complete iMtort. ~ e dep;inmrm · Stttbs.e bnmJ off11.:e funiilure • Interior ~ 1 Stnirr .1vaibhlc - JO.dayOi;irge rl;.11 · lnbu.\i"™ 5i11ct [Q42 Ou, rnstomer
,r,,,,l.cf., ;1,d/' We carr abowt our custv:n.trs!
11. 01. 4593,
• • Boy1· Club ,cbot,rsbiJI'.' ate a va ilabl• lo 1tudenl.ll of all ma_tOP. For mo re information coatact Gary Fuhimpa r at e.tt. 4319. •• Every M onday the United C1mpu1 Minisrry offers• luocheon 11 the C at ho lic C a mpus Center. 3410 Wcsc Campus Drive. A SI fee is required. •• The W1c h1ta F a l b Rushy C l u b (for merly 1he MSU Ruahy Club) bold1 puc11ce al 6 : 30 p. m., every T ue1d1y and Tbunda y . 11 field S in Jaycee Parli:. For more m· for mat io n conlact Rod P'uentu a l
696-2652. •• The psyc bo lo ay clioie p rovuJea help, aupport ud countel· ' inJ for MStr11Udents. For men, in-,
' fonn11ion uO ext.
◄791 .
• • The A frkan•Am ericu d1sc uss100 Jroup offers open d1scw 11on abo ut i mpo rtant 1u uea 11 8 p.m. every Wcdnuda y ID the media room o f the M o ffe tt L ibrary. Everyone is invite d. Fo r more infonnatioo call ext. 4198. • • Applic11ioo1 are a vadable 1n CSC 105 for s ludet1t1 1eekio1 membe r s hip in the Order o f O me11 . Students 1n1erelle d mu,1 beloni to a social fr1tero i1y or 1oro ri ty 10d must maintain • GPA of 3.0 or hi&hcr.
1blice C ea t
2S. Tbe bike 1.1 worth $180, There arc no suspects, • • A Univcraily Po lice o ffiu r rcporlcd • a rU!i fi re on Sept. 26 at the fence borderin a 1be southem e nt.l o r the c ampus and Century C it y . Tht Wic hi ta Falls Fi re Departme nt u 11ngu1s hcd the blue .
The Un 1ve r s 11 y P o l ice responded to one theft and I ar•s.s fire durin1 lhc pa.st V.<ttk.
•• An un k nown 1nd1v1t.lu1 I removed .11 prnk lady 's mountain bicycle, chamct.l lo the rear stairway of 1he Oaks Apartmen ts, oo Sept.
most exp enen ce
works for
1nforrna110 0 contact Kory Fancher, homecom1n1 commiu u member, nl. 017 or 692--1366.
•• Free o ne col oaica l e 11min111on , will be a iven nn Oct 14 at the V1uun Hc~llh Ccnler. F o r more informa11oncallc. tl 423 1. • • The Un1veu11y Procram• ming Board will pteaeol the mov!c "The Ooou' 11 8 p.m.. Oc1. J.C ,n the CSC Theater. For more 1nfo rm1\ion contact 1he UPB 11 CXI . 459). •• Ph, C h i Theta and t h e M SU Accoun11n g Soc iety will presc: 01 1 resume and interview wor kshop fro m I p. m. 10 3 p. m ., O cl. IS 10 1he CSC Theater The works hop 1s open lo all MSU facuJ. ty. slaff and ~nxknts. • • ·oe.1h ofa Salesman• w ill be prescnled al 8 p. m . • Oct. IS in the Fine Arts Thca.tc:r. For more in• for ma tion c on1ac r Janus Buu al
Wednesday Worship
Meeting in the "Upper room" of the Days Inn For more informa tion call: 855-5095
e charac ter
Ca m pu s H ap pe ni ng s
.,-,.:'lfo,ts.• Mc<'ollum and R..&;
F1.-.chl1 ) utnincd up the play u •• b111 play 1h11u1 • MIUIII nW\.• Tu s et th, ~ produc tio n o l Do th o f a Saloman apart fro m lllhcrs, F11chl1 said the case will be 'optninc up tho MklW emotionslly. • He a lso u uJ 1h11 tcencry will bl! o n a movinc platform to speed up scene c ha ncu ant.I lo kctp the play movina 1 1 • stta<ly r-cc.
T,ckru u c 1v111lahlc 11 the hul ufli~e ~font.lay 1hruuch I 1,J1y hc1wec- n I I' m. 1n,I 5 I' m Rr..-r111• lion~ u n 111•0 be m1dc Uu11n1 ho, office hours, Pe r/o rm11n.-c~ are free ht all MSU , tudcnh 1nt.l f11 4uhy S1udcn11 may 111,k up 1hm 1,~kr1, un/y on 1he duy of 1hr, pc rfurm1n,c w11h 1 valid MSU ID Fai ult y lrK'lllhrn may r u.· k up the ir lwu !rec l1d:cb JurinJ boit office ho urs with ~how of valid JO. Cenenl adm1111on 11cke11 ue SS 1nJ $4 for 1enmr c1l1u n,, htjh ,chuol Alut.le nt1 anJ nut1lary per-
Wichita Faus
r----------,r---------- 1
Medium Meat Lover's
I M ed ium Singlc•T opping II II Pizza for I
II O!lor,_
Sing!e•T opping Pizza for
$7.9 5
I I I ~~~.:..';::,:::;:~:;.~-,..,.. 11 ;::;,::::-;::,::=:-._,.,.. I II :;::-.,::;:;:;:::: .:-:_ I;;::-_;:;:;!.: ~:., I l!!!!!I -•ft!1 II·-I::."'."""· ,,_, ~.JI 11::·- ~ lo•-~ __ 0&. 1., _ 11~1
u 1'Qlt'l
L"'" •--- - --- -.JL"'"--..::.- ____
I HR. CLEANERS AND LAUNDR Y 27J] Southwe,sa Parkw~y 64J. ]QIJ6 Rio \'1~t• l'lu.1
J22 n'4
W 1Ch1t1 Sqiwe 'By k wcl Osco' 691•0060
1501 MidwCJCcm P•kway 723-1900
16129lhSniitt 767-0080
S orts
~c Wltblt«11
Wildcats mangle Indians e, fl--1n, 1a.n:u,
,.,, I)
Spurt,')t.;tff \l , J .. .-, 1rn1 l ,h l ~ ~ hi :o ._blene Cb·1,ti.an t:nJHhlh li ~t S11u rJa, 1 f1,:rn "" I'- U S h,"ti.., ell S:.aJ1u.:n \ Cl , hc.'Dl' htU
V. 1lJ;1•1 '!,r"'l~hJ.w,n
on::r .... t:ro lht !t'J •n• , 1:em puJ r et ,\UI ,l! It )t,i..Jc: t n ' f ••rib J Lu P,,u.· r-:,:::..., a.., H- ,kr J •-~d lhe " ,.J . ai. rr.,>\ trl.'J \~
I ,•
f• cr lftlSk f'C'D.alty OftC' pla) llltr Slt\t Prot..,ood. lind,ai.tc:r. ■ nd Duanr W1dt, ddtn11ve: cod, \Ao.'.k• rd AClJ' i qutrlcrha(-t •11••• tw.lt 1ht- pla;. "'o rotcalltd bC'o11w o f another prnal1,·
.,unrlrhotb oo I~ , u,mpb
1'1 1 t::,t,al ~ I p 1G of6Q p nh Pclll(l( ... ru~J t ~lf , ... (' 1,.f<IUp !tl!NI< OD t l fhl atttmr l~ for I 1.iul ,,f lS - ■ r~. <->M or ...,h1,:h ,.o
W11h )2 ~c co nd, lefc ,n t ht fun half. the Waldcat c k1d.:ed .a fidJ p l to !DK" dx IICOff' JI).()
, o 11-uN p.i~i h.1 1111~.:t ltcn1}' A nJtt; In :hr f:M ht lf Pt«,,f'e'llo . .:untd tht t--.111 nltloe hfflfl for SJ of
MSL,"c 1J 1.L1t.1I ~urJs.
MJd',l,•tJttrn tw:rao the stt..ond half b Y C<'llltollln1 ,he o fftnie fof ihc r.;11 ,,,ht minutu of 1hr 1hml
b..111 c :,, t"ic: ln.!tu a ' l l •\ .arJ h!le:. •r1:,n1 ~p a 1 :,La, doq· i nd •
M1J ,. e: ,tern .,.,, qu,c-1 offtD· • 1\rl) ,., t!-.e fir'(: Ital( Thr ln..!J.n, h.J Ill l,"-1 d ..ta. L.• :."w \\ ~ ;te ~,en Q .;.i11t:,N. \. Cn11 f't:11ii-e.., blC a b.uJ •r-,,,:o rt:tt.'lf the 11'11!1~ .. ,~urn~t .. ,,i.n1 "~k >\( L J'l' ~
With f1vr m1n1.11u le:fl 1n thr
r,"t h,lf. tht l.od11t1$' b.J lbc: ball
Ja i.> 1 F ucu s o n , MS U h11th.a. ltr. uded ACC"\ quar1er· h 1.:k !o r s 6-~arJ l.i,~ but,.. ., .:.a!lc:d bad ~ 1uce of aa MSU
27 1 1 R..:-c aaJ Sim HoufflMI Statir Ulll\ T ~
" a 0u1,.1u,J1a1 pctfonna..-,
Sptl,.u ...-.a firi.t &a.I frvnh. ~~,~ ly. Olhtr ouul.alld.q puwnua,.-es
• u tum.:J w t,y ~
••n:n tur:xJ Lft l!-y Clar) ,tal Parter aoJ Mu1h.a Dans Tra• 1J ~ fu11~bed ~..-i 1a lus .:att,of) ,a
lbe. ~fltt.nu:o al Rxc C :,din, CO llittsh o f
M1d - w 1 y 111:10 t!i e 1bud
Tbrtt Wild. at f'IIU.U lhni f'\11 the ha ll o n !ht lnJ11ru · ~2 · ) 114 hoe. M1dwtttcu1 101 tllrce co1,rcu11ve pu11h1t , lb11 hpl fbti W1ldc-1lJ 1n pcut100 10 t.'.Oft llw:tr
W ll b lhC' ctc epllllD of 1 11. yard field p l by Ko,th Wood. lb. fouflli quarter ,." 1 dtfta, 1,.,1 Jtand•oH. Indi a n st1.nJ •Wl) Prtlil• ·ooJ. foh n futt..._b I.ad Fe,. 1urnn , hncb1c ktu , and Wi de: , dtfcMl"'C tnJ
Ta e,id 1bt fouflh q.;:&1.rter, tbt W d d.:a tj m•r.:hed ) 1-yu d, for 1 TD 10 mat e. lhr- M al 1':orc 2'-10.
On Ckl. I. S11ma Kappa took O D O unm• Pb, e.i, ,. I ll I D· crtJ1h1e tot of ~111. De.ptlt mar-
o d1 un1 per for mance, of bo lh ltll'llt. 1he fierce . but fne&.lly foot· hlU 11nw: rnded ..:«de•. ·w,·ve ftM 1 ,ood team here. T he y .,,. o,t bard, · Robb10 Ruble.
and tluc-t- r 11c ,:011cs lor m,n 1M mco~· ; atrJ''fl.-,.:,-mr(l...et· -\T \ 1.ir lhc nJ""ri r""·c-J n.kr, C \ r H fot the It,$ , ,prntn,t-J ,nJ ,•,4,t C k"'f bc-;tlllltf\. C'\a:\. :u.i.! Tcu11 ~no,,., .:~n i h H -,f (j " ~11:rs ,,.,...., p.rh,· 1i:-1e m ~ S.""1~ ( ealul Collc11•l" C' h linit ( \,rt-
7 __:·•
s:.1d 1b1.J cualiercn,·.- m d vdu J,;: b.x,.h lr.tm fr u ~ O l · lli1mm1 and LowaJUN \ ~1J.,,.-c •IMl'l ltoitrd 11M , ~ mp10ru.lup., U,1 u ·ar ud fin.1!obrd tif'.b ;:,ut <'I lo ,ich,._x-,,ls Hr u 1d there- n t t hr1't Jit. ltreot bn.h ul ,.,_~ t.~ ~ nltm.im. .. ~Iii ia JV,$1 • cude: the t1mt tna.l. .... htfC' tilt , 1-.:h.),t, r:J.: ~ SJ"l", lfa-d d ~ . W thtt-..dra.....E,tob al.so 1nclwt tum In·
called back, b,J,..t\tr. bc,..,libc: ot •
11y,a. 11......... s,.....s..,.
·--i-I ••
.-.1r J('W'M'1''--"'Ck' l.,1tc't<'f ' (.,r ... i'l'ltta
Dr ltoberc Clark. cy,d1a1 c~h. ,a,J dM- ~~- ta tbud pl1: c t-clha~ Tu.u A .t M 1Dd So u lb,,. c->I r, ,u Sure lJau'TnLl) 1 f".tr ;,!x _..r.tcnw:, bc.lJ CD.~- :6-
Team Arrow to compete at Texas A&M Tc..un ,\ ,ro.., , MSU', .:ydu11 com, ,.. J I ht .:ocnpdto,: 111 time tn· ab 0.1 10 1 1 Teu, A & MUN'""'
u ...
Milt -~ncc. ... r«"t'l"'ttpulleJ d.i..., n • pa u 10 pul the: f1tJ11n, o n ACU·s 17-prd h11t. Tny Ta•lor ta1lt.ct . and W1JOMf tntd un..:~crufully. 10 fCl tho baU ~
lb< bouJ
- - - - - - -.....- - - ~ - - - , Sigma Kappa, Gamma Phi Beta I I ,. tie in intramurals game
Derrick Wagoner. India n tailback, scan, the ~nd zon e before 8Corin, a thoachdo• "D
ll) K:,1, HSpon,S<alf
oo 1hr 1h,:01r Cl"'Q 7-)lrJ bnt Der• t1.: t \lo auor..u . fullt-1..:k !U::it-kd t:ic i-.ll to r 1\ t tht Wtld... i!S !lCN'lnl Jl"!•l lli.'D. hut lM lnJ11:1~· Jdtrut b<\J
qYIIJU:f. AndcM xoroJ frf'OI 1-, ~ hoe to c.ap o ff ..a 80-yud dm·,e: di.at ,,,·r tl,t: IDdllO.$ St"UI J)OIOI.I 09
S11N Kappa coe;:b. ...t. R11bl1 and M1t• L,wr eai.e coac htd tbc tum !1uou1h OGI o f 1heu IO\llhut rovodt yel Jnuufe:r c , ~e> . no1e:•1u1rd C bus tutt Ou:Mr. , tnlcr hl,tb f l Vll SfWIIIJ8f pe:rfvrnunre.i. on the firkl. The 1t1nu pl•) IWO 1111.,. wilb lS pl•~-, PfT half Tbe fint bltf wu fol•pai~t d , w11!1 the !Uffil h,okhnt u . h o lb er o ff .... nb remartablt ,1ri111t b 111 bot h dcftote 111d of•
J .E. Blackshear, Indian soccer player, p repare, to "bead but t" the baU.
The 1•rnr rtni11ned '-'Otdn..s unld l.11c 1n th e f1n 1 h1U w hen S11m• K.arp1 ·, Landi.a Vi n Gtcrn ~ ... 1111, "" !b<E ba ll IQIO t ht end-
l.NII .a mid" t!M 1wc.wt0e Gi mm.a. JIIII dch ,we: TIH· 1~bdown .....,
off.,,tJu prnalty. T h• u ·conJ ha lf "'-'" ora mo re 1nlcnse w11h L1ure:n llr11d1I and Ama nda Byerly. G•mma Pbi'1 q U1 r1c:rba d; a nd frtt• Ul tl)'. rupti:11ve ly. pu111n1 t heir 1.1 pponcnti to tht IUI G.amm• Ph,. rn.a,· hed b~ Joey G re:tn ... ooJ i nd J Ltt Poth. hu J efe:a1t:J their last ,... .., o pJ)Oetnlt, "lph1 Ph, b y • ('t1mmanJ1n1 IH,1 111d Ch1 Omer by 6 -0. lo rM\,:' up the 1c,tcm p,-,lc ,n the compr1111011. Tbe lum will nO"A· play tht: •• ptndent lu,ue • inner S11m1 Kappa . J up11e t>e1~ dr fe11rJ 1n the ir IHI ,...,o 1•me:t.. tndcd tbr ir na son u • p•n•4 rroup of fncndl. and 1umma~ ·w,no1nr ,~ no l 1111,a), tlla ftl (I.!, ( lfflJhHIIDI 1h1n,. • A rm , ~ttlltr. S11rna Karra memM, ~ Rrnct Berry, S11ma K1r pa. ddtll)t>t tnJ.
lhC' , ('fflp!'llho,e
f"'e fhtm 1hc: opp.,rtumt, to ~fl 10 loo.,. 1h c pl t:d c o .a nd ,., h11r • 0
rood tune.- -
Fri. - Oct. 9th
• College Night - $2 cover • ' New Band Night
• 75c Well Drinks all night • $ 1 Bud Longnecks all night • Local Bands ail 761-6013 lo< 000/Ung & ,nfo,
• •1·
Rumble Sat - Oct. 10th
• Ladies Night - no cover • No Cover before 10 pm if over 21 • $3 after 10 pm • 50¢ Draw Beer & House Wine until 11 • $1 .25 WeU Drinks until 11
Ten Hands Wed. - Oct. 14th
•SATURDAY• • $3 cover 1f over 21
• $4 cover if under 2 1 • SOC Draw Beer & House Wine until 11 • $1.25 Well Drinks until 11
College Night $2 Cover
P.M. -
t.,risl to give
' ..........,,..... ;,::
/. 4 oU of toda y• ,
, •• ,ift. willbet,vllll• J ~ witll Y111osla v1u ~- ~ 1c at l p.rn••
,o;filltAttlc~rooa:.. ,, ,c•rl will 111c ludo j t•.,.ru compoeod etp..
, '-. l, .-cl l)oJCUK>Vi,e by
_.,. 11,01hv1aa •ad
/ )iii ordtufnl eompos1•
r.,.ve tie-ea featured at
. , JliiallrY, Yu1osln1a , , ,td State,. Bo ale ha, concerts and ap-
l ,
~BC lolevu, o n :, ~ by tho lale Arthur
l ,_oo,dooM•c....
~r: !::e:r.~m~! "I' j2. Lui yur, ho pc:r-
, 1'1I Europun countrie.a
~~1td Stale,. He is Ibo
;_.•,::,:: ;:;«:~ u
tho I ~ . Ha 1uc bes ~u,11<1,ndo. Ut -1 D0Jc1•ov11: played 'Z,'1' 41 0 concert tour i n ~~ 11d Hunary durins
'',~;;;l."c:':!;~/t;; ~ ,u,c■I 1
and R o mantic ♦ pl rwo Guitars• which , 1
►"'""""· ,egeBowlset ()Ct. 30 - Nov. 1 1 · r.-n
Bowl will be bold
_,. ftlkead of Oct. 30 • 4 wf'uatioa for tho annual , ,,, aw,ds iJ Sl2, but only be admitted
, J6 .,.. will
,_.mem. will jtttllol
be held from 6
, ICIP.•· Friday, I p. m.1os "" "._., IOp. m. Sacurday
, , - ioS p.m. on Sunday. tJt,y ad Sat\lrday'1 COGle.ata
I C\tlll
all-lltr ~lffl ..... i;;e-.,:nd «>nte,1, IQ 1 1 : ~ ~ ~• n11 ttatn:• ~ : :~: . In la.st )'e.tr·, p1on1bip tourn, re11ona1 c ham. turn defeated mern. lhe Msu Teau from Cbu u 1111 U tum, Tec h . T r1111~ ve~s1ty, Lo111111n1 Un1v1,...11y ofT~u..•;~~• and !he lo R1~ dt7:.s;cni'i only 1 ! :· we~
M, wh1cb ...,.;;111y and Tua.s A & l"UGIM:t"\lp in~ ~: ~harnp1on aod 0
f .., ,.oo utional reco,.
Tbunday, October 8, l&n ■ Pa,. 5
cloiGd, bu1 Suact.y•
:::: tA(:e~::-
Coll~r~ Jeff C.mpbc.11, Alpha Cb.I "Thi, 1)'1t11~:.:1i:;,rdinato r ' nid, to do c""en better. but to do tb • t we mu11 1c1 as 1 many our IO(~C::::'.~le IDVolwd in
English Club elec·t s officers liccr:~:dE;slisb Club cl«ted of• Year's activ•:~C\IJ;sed plan, for 1h11 Sept Is . I ~es II ill first lnechnz in t c Clark Slw!ent Ce,; ter. . New Officers an, Heruue N
•on. pres,dcat; Eleanor !im
~ecrcttry; Krista Laoceblne1:::: tr:!1ur:;_n1tor and Jun Hall. th1d Cl ub 1:ftCmbcnh1p ioc ludes and cots "'Ith • variety of m11ors MSUm1nora and is open lo aay lhe student who Is 1ntett11cd in tlu/~ce~:1~:~ ideas and litera• He &aid activities plaMed Uus year ""111 include member reldints ' nd discuu,ons o r or1g1n1I works rudin11 and d1sc u.1!lioni1 by Mst.i proreuors of their own works d:amattc performances. lup, 1~ P 1 Y1 at M1dwes1ern, Bac kdoo, Thc~tcr, 0Ul •Of•l OWD trip, Ind. Ciett,c New Ycar celebration. The nut inc.elini will be a. 12 : IS p. m., Sq,t. 29, ,n Clark St\!.· dcnc Cen1e, 11 I . All , 1uden11 arc •n~ited lo come and lislen or par• llc ,,-ie 1• the En1hsh Club's fin e s ession or dnma11c rudincs and rcadilllp of orisim,I WOrb.
Association honors award recipients
Plaquu honorinc the D11hn• auubed Alumni rcc1p11ot1 from 1964 to the pr..e111 and the MSU E1 -studeat1 Auoc11li()D'1 fonner riresidenb from 1927 to tbe prutftl 'Nt ll be bung 111 tbc Ea-1tudeat1' 01n1ng Room ID tbe Cluk Srudont Center dunng the neJ.l two wecb. Sherry Kingcade, d1nictor o; aludl.lli rel111ons aod ha1,oo to tbe E1-1tudcnts A11oc111ioa, aaid 10-t11ll1tion of Che pl1q11e1 11 the rnull of a two 1emuter research J)Toject. K1a1c ado said bcr tcsouch revca\eJ tbat lhe names of the pruidcnc, of the Ea-stlMlcoLs As1ocia11on from 1946 10 1960 were never recorded. She ls,«:ulated tha U«JCiattOG w11 1a1c1ive durin1 that time but could find 1110 documeau.cioa of IC· tivitw. Or. Mary Vader, lhe 199'2 Dn• ll11g1111hed alum ■ ae 1111d a pcdiatncian from Mootroee, Colo., w,11 be officially recoaoited and have he, aame added to the pltquc. al tbe Ea -, tudcat1 Auoc1at100 luncbcoa duria1 hoaocomio1
Institute oilers 66 Fellowships
a,o...i a.,,
Tbo Howard Hu1hc.a Medical la1111u10 b. . annoucad that it 11 offenng 66 feUowabips fof full-tune 1tudy lowud a Ph.D. o, Sc. O. ct.1nc in biological t d encca to IIU• dcnb who have cofflf)Jelod leu lhM one year nf 1radu1te study toward M S., Ph. D. or Sc . D. dc1reu in biol01ic1l ICMIDCCI&. S1udent1 who bo ld o, a,- put· au1n1 medical o r d•olal de1rce1 may also be •hziblo. Both U.S. c 11,uns aud forcicn c ,lluos may apply. Tbe fcllow1h1ps are for three yeu s, wilh c:ttCOIIOD pou,ble for Nro add1ttoftll y11r1 or ft.Ill lurport.
Until there's a copy-color-oversizefax-computer-mail dropbinding-delivery-toyour-door machine, there's us. Our copy cenlm provide everything a well-equipped office needs, including the staff. We're o~n 24 hours aday, 7days a week.
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Fellow.chip 1w1rd1 provld,; 1.111 • • 11\111 lhpcnd of $14 ,000 lad I $1 2,700 annual cos1-of◄1hK11ioo allowan.:e, . n=cctiw J- 199). Apphcatu.>ns ud pro,nm uaouncen1cnt• h~hn& mora 1pec16c io for rna lloo and 111pul1t1oa1 are • v11l1bl,c from the fclk>wlhip offica of tM Nation.al Rcsurch Couocil, 2101 C'ons1i1u11011 Avenu1 , Wuh1n1ton , O. C . 20411. Th council'• lelephone autnbcr is (202) 334.21n Apphc.,oon deadlina U: Nov. 6.
League to host recycling drive By Jrao Hall Stan'Wriltr The Juruor Lu11.t1 of WichiU. Falls w,11 offer MSU orpojzalKIU the oppo rtun11 y to rocycla aluaunum c 1111 and pouihly WUI S2SO d_.rint i1I fall l'CC)'clq: driw. Kalbye O'C o1111or, Ju111 ior Le11ue ~ha1rwom1111 of rtcyclia1 devclopmen1, uid an Oct. 24 procram 11 Lucy Park will 1iv1 all w :chit.a Falls cititma and otpna.a,1iou an opportucuty to l11111 t.ow lO recycle r111t1rill1 to pn,terv. the cnvaroruncnc arid reec1111e • profit The pro gram will i111cludo lpCllkcn, dispfay1 and con,patiltoal such u tbe "Mou111ain of Cao,• coate6L
,ad alcova OIi tho &eeond noor of lN Moffett Library. Or. Louil J . Jtodri1au, un iversity pn1idoo1 , u i d th• oalul:Kc siYa:S INdeolll • NIUO of Ille 1e~·,11ueo,y. The project becao 1~•0 yurs azo wb•o a comm111ee cb11red by Dr. Shella)' Archambo, u-1«111• p,o feuor or m111w:, bepn aan:twt, for tu1101te:al memonbd&a. Deborah Banow, necu11ve Ulllllillt CO the pru1dcnt, aaid this w11 1 1rowin1 ellubtl and p&am wdl ovcntwilly iacorpor1te rhe cut-' 1Jcov1 into tho •Ahihlt. Barrow 11id the comm1tteo i1 ,rill aeetinJ items from alumru and retired profeuou for Iha uh1b11, parc,c ulul)' ar11fac1, ftom IIH2 \&ftCilt970. The ub1b11 1ocludu o ld cdit,0111 of Che Wa1•Kwi. old iniacs of the Wichitan , cop1H o f old school 1oos• and pic1urca of tb• c:1 mpu1 at vari ous 1111os o f CMvelopmeot.
All OlpNZIIION are iovi..i ., brin1 • larp, black 11rbare bt.1 of aluminum cans lo c rute a 1DOW11111n . Each parc ic1p1111t will ba entered ,n a drawin, for S150. A ch,ldren·• pos~r contest bu 1lso been pl1Mcd. 'JM pollen CID be 1ubm1Ucd 11 any Inn• dun1111 October Scv u 1I 1m1II prucs will be aw•rtJeJ for d1ffercnl aae grnupt, a!KI the overall WIM1n1 poattt will he disp layed 11 fu1ure recycllo1 drop-ofr SIICI. O'Connor .._., Th-e series of drop"(l(f 11ta 1,1 uill in lhc de"'t lof'IIDeDIII Map. O'Connor n1d lbe Junior Leas"° bopu 10 set "P dro,,-offs 11 Mveral loc111ons to make tho rncychoz o f several m1tc111 ls more convCftteOI for re111dc-nt1. "We' re looking al glu1 1nd aluminum. and lher1'1 tome c,1,on about papa,,• O'Ca.:,r aid. • •R,zht now, 1ha market for pluti,n: not there, and that's • shame.• The Jwuor Leap wtll u:pud their recycling effort, with hOlhct dnve 1n I.he sptiti1. The Ocl. 24 1em1nar, "Your Home, Your Yud , Your Money," 11 co-sp onsored by W1chit1 Falls Clean County, the Tna.s A1ncul• lure fatens,on Servke and the C11y of Wic h,11 Falls Parks and Recrea• lion Oer,artmenl.
Historical exhibit features MSU
By Hwhff Damm
A h1stoncal exhibit fcaturi1111 Midwestern' , btckaround i1 DOW av1il1ble for viewu11 111 tbo west•
Media Club elects officers Tito MSU Media Club opeaed its first meet11111 of tho 1992•93 audem,c yea,r OD s.pl. 24, Pam B111encow1, ttll!NCtor of
cn•u commu11icatioa1 aDd Mcd11
ClYb adviser, brovabt lb• meeting to o,du. Mcmbon prueal elecled oew officers, di1c u1Hd fllad-ra11 i111 ideu ud upcomina: eveab. Media Club offican for 1he 1992·9) academic year comprise Joooifer Brifht, preasdent; Micbael Veadrict, vice pruidont: Jean Hall, secretary aDd Oeau Vielh, tt'l'IJ\lrer. The oeat Media Club mcctinl will bl held at 9: 15 1. m. and 111in 11 12 p. m., Oct. I in Fine AN BIOS. Studonta 11uere,rod in Joining the Mcd11 Club cu cootact BcUCrtcourt II ext, 4715.
Mollett discusses child abuse
Clli14 abuu, u related co 1e.achin1, wu the discuuion 1opic at ibe fint meetin1 of the MSU c hapter of th e Tuu Studcn11 Educaltoo Auoci111oa oa Sept. IS m the Fcrrw,oa buiJdma. Gayle Moffet, dlv..ciptor for reported cbild 11NN cues for tbn Oeptrlmeot of Human Serv,cu , u.,d 1h11 • chan1c LO a cb11d'1 oor• m.al aHitude udfor behavior could l"Cuaoc6carioaofabl ae. She 1110 uid 1h11 it i• a co.acbcr's re1poa1ibility to tell lbe scbool'1 prutC1pal of lft)' ll&lpoclcd child abute CIMI. 1' the princ ipal fails to report any 1uspccled cues, • toachcr 11 theo responsi ble for reporciag Iha IUlpicioo. Joba Fiore, TSEA president, 11id Iha! Moffet delivered 111 en• thusiullc speech. F iore Utd a Te• u State
UPB <file IIQage ~r You!
&er 6(X) locarioos na1ionwidt. call J.8(X).74J.COPY
Finalists named for homecoming queen lyCharlllCap
Hon1ioco111io1 q111en r•■-off vo11n1 wi ll be held i■ th CSC a1r1urn from 6 P·• · to I P·• · OIi 0 1. 7. &om9:l0a.m. to I p.m. utl 6 p .m. to I p. m. on Oct. I ■ad tr. 9 LrlL ID I p. m. OD Oct. 9. Th11 ye1r'1 bom■c:ornm1 qu■III
finaliata u. Lyaa LN ud RaiclMU• Manbews. Tbe re ma iad•r of th• 1992 MSU llomec:Oftlio1 cour1 will cca1i1t of Jenifer Crai1be&d, ,..ior duchnu; Tamara Taylor, jDDior du c baaa ; Cbti,ty Walch, ,opho mo r• p ri11cau aod M ill)' Groeaway. freshman~-
Morrow to give piano recital
87UodllW-S Or. Ruth Morrow will.,..._ piano rociu.1 tt I p.m., ~- 13 in Alia Auditorium. TM rec:rt.al will be her first p e ~ o(lbe fall
Morrow will perform NVeral p11ce1 from th• Prood1 Cla....cio School iac: htd101 "Prelude Cbonla a.od Fupe, • from tba coo&ealpOl'lf)' co mposer Joh n Adams . 1 ■ d •Sonata No. 1, Op, 13, • wriua by Serp Prokofiev.
Sheu.id, "Thi• proa:ram offffl an wiU1u.al variety of 1tylu, from • piece 1h11 wu oric ioally intea6ed for h1rp11cbord 10 a NIOCIIOII lha( wuwnllnllSyeanq o.• Morrow II tho Bohn Chair of Piano 1t Midwutera. She llold1 de1ree1 from Jndiaoa Univeniry, EutmH School of Mu1ic . .d Whitman Colle,e. Her becksrowad spans all musical 1tyle1 and i• el udes performaoce1 throu1hout the United St.ate, and Europe. This IUIOII 1ho will at.a pa~ fo rm 11 South West Teus Stale University, The U111vcrsityof'Tu■1 11 Saa Aotonio and Webster Collete tn SI. Louis, Mo. Morrow bu d1scov1red that while some people are iarimidalod by clu11c1I mU1ic, 11 Cl.ti be enjored and undentood on "differmt le\l'Cls bevcryooe.• Sbe np laiocd that soma people enjoy tho "sheer aomd0 • aod ye t 01her1 "w ill be touched 11t0r• deeply 011 iniellcc tual, emotional levels 1n places that uc not commooly reached. · Morrow believes that mu11c can uprcs1 emolions that t rn dif· ficult to voice in lanpap . She aid that some p1ece1 i ncluded i.n 1h1 proaram arc intended 10 1011eh tbe u1d1v1dual penonally and tome of lhe pieces addreu humanity H • whole.
Ali O IN 8(1WHN
In dccid1n1 what to perform for 1h11 rcc ilal, Morrow recalled that o ne of lhc selec tions , "Le Coucou· from the Clavecio School,
"·~- ~ in October at the New Edition
3916 Kemp• 696-COPY
Teac he r • A11oci1ho. workoltop will b4I held bclWffll 4p.a. .... 1 pm... Oc1. 14 in Iba Clart St.de•• Cente r Balboom. Thi top.c will bl 111e-b1Jc,d mana,e..c. A.yo,,,• 1cre11ed ,n cdiM:alioo II i■vited lo allud, Th• 11Ht T SEA ftlllM.lia, will be Oct. 20.
Wednesday October 14 CSC Theatre @ 8:00
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