J.{eady to go
~;' for another season
~, iP
on Page 6
On Page 5
struction pro-
"id w
jects al MSU.
Jane Leishner named dean Search for assistant ongoing JASON LAWRENCE
Bottom: The 3-story addition to McColloughTrigg dorm Is one of three major con-
Game to watch
Next Week
ibuilding anew
., ·--1
Univer si t
The MSU football season kicks off at 7 p.m. Thursday at Memorial Stadium as the Indians take on No. 9 Northwest Missouri State
Photo by Amber Lehmann
a t e
As Midwestern State's Greek system recruits new members, has the alcohol poisoning death of a Louisiana Stale fraternity pledge led to any changes?
Top : Workers continue the renovation of the Clark Student Center.
Midwe s tern
Rush week
dwomen 's soccer teams are
Photo by Michael Fitzsimmons
~-;l ~
L...!:I_La L.JL...:.1J..j__J ~
Editor in Ch_ief Assistant Dean of Students Jane Lcishncr w,is promoted to dean in mid-August, fo llowing Dean Phil Birdine's departure lo accept a posi tion at ano1her university. Bird ine announced in early August th .it he hadacccpted anoffer from hi s undergraduate alma mater, L:mgston University in Oklahoma, to be associate vice president for student affairs and assistant to the president. He was dean of students at Mid westemfor sixyears. Vice Preside nt for Student and Adm ini strat ive Sen•ices Howard F:irrell announced Lcishner's promotion at a pre-semester facultys1aff meeting 011 Aug. 18 Leishncr has been a~sis1ant dean a l MS U for past six years, and se rved as act ing dean for short time ~fter her appointment to that position before Birdine was hired. Prior to workin g in the Dean's Office , she w;isd irectorofthe CareerPlanning and Placement Center on campus for three years. She earned ii bachelor's degree in
Throu gh the years, MSU has exper ie n ce d many chan ges. lnl 922theuniversity was estab li shed as Wichita Fall s Junior College with 55 students Today, MS U ha:• grown into ;1 larger un iversi ty that offers much rnorc 10 Students. "We can be pr~ud of our history," Dr. Louis J. Rodnguez snid. "It 's so importan1 for institutions such as ours to have a sense of pride." Junus. Buss, _director of pub lic in formatm_n. smd plunning for the 75th Ann 1vcr.~ary celebration has been a lot of work "\'ilc just fe el like there 's going to be_ something for everybody," Buss said. Bu!<.s sa id the entire week of the celebration will he busy because Parents' Day and th e 75 th Anf'livcrsary ce lebration will both
~~a i~1u;:~ct~1:rc~~j be the Sunwatchcrst atue dedi cation in which some members of the Ki owa Tribe will be prese nt. Sunwat<.·her is a bronze statue of a South Plains Indian currently under complet_ion by Jack Stephens. a local art ist. Another event planned during the celebration is the Gates of Hercules unveiling which will rnke place in the grnssy area south of Bolin Sc ience Hall. The anonymous donor is taking finai_1cial responsibi lity for the entire proJCCl. R~riguez said he hopes Lhc 75th ~nm versary ce lebration wi ll help mcrease know ledge about and pride fo~ MSU . " I feel really good abou1 tlus." Rod ri guez said. ··1t onl y comes around once every 75 years." Sophomore Meg Morrison agrees. ··1t·s gre;u to be a part of such a milestone. I'm proud to be at :i school that has been around and is sti ll growing.''
Midwes1ern Siatc will celebrate 75 ye ars during its upcoming
l i,I",:' -S ~
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t / ~ilc the curn!nt con),tru~tion takmg place around Midwestern
State's ca mpus has cuuscd some ~ temporary inconveniences. the r,-lcted projects should be worth it _':ie of ~e main projec ts undcrw;1y is the ~ lructlQn of Clark Student Center i '?t)1!1ing has, in essence. been rebu ilt.'' Al ./tn,\·1ccprcsiden1of business, said. ~ nsaid there will be 7,000 square fee t ~f ~truc1ion when Clark Student Center 1s
Construction leaves University with different look Al though there is mud1 more work 10 be done on th e studcrl! center, !>ludent ~ l1a vc al ready been ab le 10 u1ilizc some of the new facilit ic:i;. The Mesq uite Dining Room i!. now open and is vastly different from the old c:1fc1eria. "[l' s (the dining hall) better than the old one,'' fre shman Jam ie Lamm said. Hooten said the new kitchen should be com-
pkted hy mid-Septcmbcr whi le the rood cou rt, '\ll :1<.: k har :md rnrnputer rornns arc still under con~tni c1io11. "[ 1hi11 ~ it\ a m~ss,:· fre shma n _S\1clby Hausk:r \ :l id. "13ul I 1h111k 11'11 be worth 11111 the eml " lloolcn said Clark St1!de 111 Center's m1ticip:1tcd date o_f r.:omplction 1s April 1998 , although ph :1scsw1II hccomplc tcclupunti l 1ha1dute McCull ough-Trigg Hall is also under con~1~1ctio11 with 1h ree lloors being added to the buil ding. A n cxcrcbc room. cx1rn storage and n sernnd elcvatN will he .idde<I to the dorm . Accord ing 10 Hooten, the ant icipated date or
See New on Page 3
GAplans for upcoming year ltlSHA FERGUSON The Wichita n
~ ibi!ityandinvolvemcnt are ~ ideas he~i~d the Student ;7-981 Assoc1at1on's agenda ~~iiidcnt Aaron You ng said ,l!tir ui;~;o~~ .
See Dean on Page 3
:~~i~'.~;:i~r in
Senior Reporter
·1. :. ·J·~ ··• "·
English and a master's of education in human resou rce development al MS U. Fflrrcll praised Lcishner as a pro~ ponent of s!Udents and said he is pleased Leishner accepted the position. "We're very lucky to have someone ofher professionalism and quality," he said. "A lot of the duties and responsibilities of the dean of students she was already 'fa miliar with ." Lcishncr said she is ready for 1hc challcnges~fthe ncw~sition "It's not like I came m10 it blind," she said, citing her time as acting dean . " I am ex.cited. I"vc gotten
take Place during Ho mecom ing Weck, Oct. 20 to 25 . Buss said students arc likely to enjoy comedian George Wallace. presented by Lhe Arti st Leciure Series on Oct. 24. Rodri guez said there will be a lot
't .
head of the
Dean's Office.
MSU celebrates 75th Anniversary
m Leishner:
After 6 years as assistant dean, she
~~l J~~~e~~ '"1" 11 be
Ano1her item on the election pl atform last spring was 10 all ocate fund ~ to the Greek system. The pl:m now is to make the money avail able through the Slu~cnt Leadership Fund , which is a\·mlablctoallcam~~: do~~a;;::i~~~~i:t~~j ~::~~!~~~'. ly Young said the Grc_ek ~y~tcm was a primary foc us ~r 1h1s idea hc~ause fres hmen who jom it have a higher retention ralc thnn those who don't. SGA is still work ing on extending visitation hours in the dorms from midnight 10 2 :1.m. Young sai d the Housing Office appenrs to _be responding posit ively. Before ncuon is taken to make the change. h~wcvcr, " We 're going to fi nd out if the students livi ng in the dorms ~iow reall y want a change." Youn_g said. He pl ans to survey the rcs 1de1~1S to learn what they 1hink about the idea. SGA Vice Prcsiclcul George Cunningham s,iid Student Govern-
ment is working with 1hc Office of Student Activi ti e.~ to promo1e involvement among ~tudents in general. In celebration of Mklwc~tem State's75thAnnivcrsary,SGA plan!> a food drive with a goal of 7,500 pounds or food to donate th rnugh United Way. ''It' s a way tha1 the campu , can gel toge1hcr aml do somc1hing for the communily. l>ecm1 ~c they give U!> so much in so many war.'' Cunningham said. Stu<lcntActivi tic., Director Les lee Pontlcr said she talked with Young and Cunningham about ideas to promote student involvement. Thi! Student Go\'emment ol"licc b in the Clark Student Center, Room 106. Hour.; will be from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.. with ei ther Young ur Cu 1111ingharn av.1ilahlc to students most of the time.
Blast from the past
Soccer team alumni returned to MSUon Sunday to take on this year's team . The alumni won by a score of 2-1 .
Photo by Michael Fitzsimmons
Wayne's European Vacati
The Wich1lan
Parki.ng problem could be easily fixed
,P ,
E,Try ye ar at thi:- time. -.1utlcru ~ hour:-. This se mester the Un ivcrsi1 y '-cr:unhk tn fi nd th.ii one park ing .., pw.:c .ind get to du:,.:- hcforl.! 1hc pro- offered 514 mornin g classes, co mpared to onl y 286 classes and labs in fc,,or ,tan, k rturinu . And a, the morn ing pro~rc:-:-cs. thi.: the.: a hi.:rnoon. hunt for ltwt p,ir~ ing - - - -- -Of cour:-c. problems :-p;11:1..• h1..·L'omc, the might arise due to this m1..·1,1phorit: hunl fnr a 111..·cdlc in .1 h;1y:-1ai.:k. B~ \J ,1. 111 •• you ran for~ct 11 - an ) a\;11 lahk
Unfrersir_y shuult!
kind of sc hedule.
v.[{er more afte nuum classes
Manv sn1dctll:- ha ve pa rt -ti,;1c jobs and work par~mg :-pacc j.., going in 1hc afh.:moons. which 10 h..: at ka:-t ;1 fi vc _ _ _ _ _ _ _ would make it difficult min ulc walk lrom the da,:- room. for them 10 schcd uk their classes. And C\C[) year the prohlcm gets a And still. most students make their 111th: worse . The additi on of more work schedule around their classes. than 100 p.irki ng -.,p;1ces nn West regardless or wh:11 time the class is Carn pu-., IJrivc las t ycu r hdped offorcd. FM the most part. though. the rnn:-. li gh tl y to alleviate the prohlcm Jt lir,t. bUl 110\\ st udent:-. arc ha,·in!! to tinuous circulation of ,·chi cles wou ld hum for ,pace:-. like prcll,itor:-. ag;in. allow more parking selecti on. Even Some have sugge:- ted building if onl y 50 students sc hedul ed the ir e\i,,: 11 more parking :-.paces or eve n a classes in the afternoon. that wou ld mul ti-:-.tory p:1rking f!aragc lO sol \'c me~in 50 additional parki ng spaces in the p;_1 rk ing problem. Othi.:r, ha\'c the mom ine . The best ...feature of the schedu ling sa id ra i:-.ing the price of parkin~ so lution is that it c.111 hcgin immedidc.:<.:al s could help. But the most pr11ctical sohnion is ately in the spring and would not much -.implcr. cheape r and c;1sicr have to w:.i it the yea r or so it would taki: to cons1ruct a new parking lot or than any of tho,c. If the l'.ni \'cr,it y would simply parking garage. And sc hedu li ng reform would oflcr more cl:1s.,i.::-. in th e early afl crnoo n. rather th an :-checlu lin1:. !he mean th at the U~ive rsity wouldn' t majorit y hcforc 1100 11. re,,er sll~dc.:nt s have to spend more money on new woul d ha\'C to hu nt for a parking constrnction. Scheduling classes in the afternoon ,pace \Vith the.: maj orit~ of :-t ud e nt s i-., the mos t scns ihlc and effective hc[!i nni nc their cla:-:-.e, at 9 or 10 in solu tion to a major problem facing 111: morni ng. the lig hl lO find a park - studcnl s and shou ld be implemented ing !<ipa,.:i.: i~ at its ,, or:-t du ring those thi..; spring.
rlu.' fi rst part of O /Jin 1'
fl"'' fem'
E•~,~fi'~ 111 the ,iorld Mu rtyn Mun.yr; re people po1111111g r,. 1ur1.yn •111 ~ / 1 l) ,I
,1 e 11111rr1 111 0 11111 1 0 1 IS I
,111~11:~t t::~
<' / ~ ,
, f" •,..
*;:~ the n11ddlc of Wur.-z,111a
Wayne Moore ,s a senior vocal performance maior
~ ~~~~~1 ~~a~~•;~~~;1 t~1 1
\VJs .most :1ble and \'Cr)' cduca11onal but ,1 lot o
"'at~t~ lirsl\\~;ir.-zaw:1, pl:1cc i·isitcd and pcrfon;t Pol .inti. from r~1)'101 } i1·c
noor hold wi udow, I _could sec ,, b downtown with its v:im•tl shops and ~u Is. cn1r.inccs 1~1 the tm~crground mall s un t .~c liulc cars wi th f;mu liur muncs but unf:um • iar;~t~;~ll~l;~r w;i<s spent shopping. sigh.I· ,ed 11g and n.-c upcrJting from the drns11.c ~hangc in time. 1t was nO?n an~ I f~ lt as if I should hcj11 s1:1ppro:1d11ng ~EM sleep. II w;1s vcl)' exci1i n~ to be 111 a country that most don·t even give a.second 1hou.ght 10. When 1 think of a v:1c:i11011. Polat!d JU SI. docs n(lt pop into mind. ~hen I thm~ ot goi ng 10 Eu rope , I think of Pan~···
L~~~~~~ o~~;~~~··~~e~;~1~~· ~~: :~~~
.. \vc differed in so many ways. hut few differed as much as J did. I am black , ;1~d 1hc on ly black people in Poland arc tou;1m, In ccr• tain backward towns in 1hc Uni~ed Stmcs, I may draw some attention. hut in Poland I drew ewryone·s attention. I would hear people whisper as I w.ilkcd by and sec 01h• crs poinl at me from across 1hc meet. And 1hen I heard it: Munyn (pronounced moosinn). Everywhere I wenl I would hear thi s funny sounding word .ind wonder what it meant. . \ wa." expecting ii 10 me:m something like touri sts or foreigner. but what it rea ll y mc:int was ··11cgro man." It w:1s nothing to he offended about. hccausc for them it w:1s something they had sc_ldom if ~vcr seen. I take pride in speaking En¥h~h wel l. bul nothing 1 have learned in hi gh school or
'Yn ,,
~ ,
college could have prepared ~le fo~ the l,m • uagc harrier I encountered m .Po!,1.r.1d. ,.
g Most of the lungliages I m_n f.11n1l1ar \\llh tiave words th:tt arc e:1sd.Y .translmed. ~~ ~11 1~,;;c~~~~;: because they look or SOl.1.nd s1m1la.r. but l_he
May. mc111Jms State's Chor.LI D~pa~~;~ 'fc~as Swtc's 111c111hcrs of Sout 1 • ~eyed 10 Poland .
Polish languoge was nund -~gglmg. w11h phrn~s like "Dzic.fi Dobry ~pronoun_ce~ Jane Dobrny). whi ch means good d.1y, und ·· Dzipkuje" (pronou nced .. Gen Coo Ycu). which mc;ins "thank you. As lhc <lays in Poland went by, I began to pick up more and more words and
..tJ , thc sameif ~, , ished the ~~~ encore. for Which· v.,,·e ~'tit IU?.c ~a lied "Cindy:• did a~-
ftrt~f~hB~~.th.~~~; rr;;a~; c;~:~e~~n~ water without carbonat ion. Carbonated water is much easier 10 find t~an no~•c:.irbonatcd water. and whe~ we did fi ~d it. we hatl to nsk for "water w11h no gas. We spent u few days in Warszawa. where we pcrforrned al the Frederic Chopin Acade my of Music. It was a great hon~r 10
Cindy.. . was liter.ill ·~ foot-Slomp1ng piece, : sense of excitement. Th hich ij- l ~c . had lo do an e~cce cr°'i:. again. and then w l'fll frr.... 1 Time to Die" agai:. J')crfo~ ,, I The concen was ix-· ; of t~e concert hall ing la~l
kc~~r;1o}"p~~J/ }~~~l.1~ir;~f~/~~c1h;~tr~a~ vcrsl!y, and so · musicians who had performed there before began to play 1 us. and knowing we were one of the few mancc. It was \mcrican choirs th.it had perfonncd there. When 1 The next day. we set ou1 for 1 Czcs1ochowa. Poland. to vis it a 14th century P:1uli1e Monas1cry for the unveiling of the .. Black Madon na." As we prepared to leave. I was stopped :iha:;~~~~ their prograrn1; by different people who w~n1ed to take my The next day, we left C picture. I am nol cxa~gernhng when I say I was in al least 100 p1c1ures. Parents want• 10 Krokow for sighl•S<'ei ~~t) cd me 10 be in pictures with their ch_ildren. one ~f lhc oldest caihcd~,1?1 1 and children w,mtcd me to be in p1c1ures "'.a.'> n I a struc1urcd cone la~ with their parents :ind grandparents. Some mlely drew 1hc ancniioncn,h_'.-,. people just wanted to touch me 10 sec if I people around. of ti:--i1 wr,s real or if my color would rub off. Poland ~a.~ an cxcitin We then traveled to Cicszyn, Poland, and l cons1dercditagreaig~'.aj where we were hosted by the Universi1y of Cicszy n's Department of ~usic. We spent resen t my school, stale and t a great deal of ti me rehearsing for our sec- allowed me to experience all( tll meet new pc~plc, and louch ond concert. Our concen in Cieszyn was in the city learned more in those re,,.,, di · \ !I~ concert ha ll. We were 10 fo llow the cou ld in a textbook.
Opinions ex pressed in the unsigned editori al represent those of The Wichitan editorial board, consisti ng of the editor in chief, senior reporter and sports editor. The unsigned editorial does not necessarily represent a consensus of the entire Wichitan staff.
Letters---· ·····Editor
The Wichitan welcome s letters of opinion from students, faculty and staff . letters should be brief and without abusive language or pers onal attacks. Letters must be signed by the writer and include a telephone number and address for verification purposes. Letters w ill be edited for grammar only,
Weh.:omc 10 fv1idwcstcrn State and approximately 100 student organizal ion s wi th whi ch to afli lia1c. you ha, t' chosen 10 run,uc you cdu At Mid wc~tc rn State Univc.: rsit y 1,;at1011 at .\ilSU. You will !ind a qual - you will di :-icovcr that qu..ility and il) l°acll ll y ,kd 1cated to teachi ng. and caring make the difference. :1...-.. i,1i 11_!! ~ou. fCn1.·ra ll y :-111.1 11 d:i:-isBest wi shc~ ror a grL'at ycar. l a he;1u11ru1 r hy:-iic::d plant. up-1 0· ll a11.: it h tru ctinna l cq uipmc111. ,m Louis J . Rodriguez, excellent 1111ramural sport .; prog ram. Midweste rn State President Un i,T r:- 1ty. I am ex U\.'mcly <.k li gh ted
3410Tatt Blvd. Box 14 • Wichita Falls , Texa s 76308 News Desk (940) 689-4704 • Advertising Desk (940) 689-4705 Editor in Chief Graphic Artists Jennifer TIilery
L::::;rce 5 Nick Ealman Photography Editor
J.C Garcia Advertising Director
: :::~~~.::rris Paul Flemmg Senior Reporter Terah Curry Ct'P)TiJ:'ll
:1~ ~h;ii!s 0
Hai-Te Yang Photographers Michael Fitzsimmons
Alisha Ferguson
Marla Lawry
Chris Fisher April Gibbins
Amber Lehmann Angie McClain
:;]t;tn Anlhony Newberry Jaime Sliva Mandy Thomason
j Q()7 ~ \\'l("h!l~ll l~ I
~1.:::us Donna Payton Advlur Jim Semoe
member of lbe TC11S ln~lqillt Prcu t\.\SOClllit111. lhc Wichi111n
1c-..-r.n lhc 111-.ht ,.., cd11 !In) 1n:11c11, I iuhmlltcd fui publication. OpiniOII.~ ulff"Cl) ln 1llo Wichl!lft do~
D.."'~~...id11~n('C1 1~ nf ucc>uU>n~u, oi 1hc-i-1~ff. ~udcntbod)'. f.cuJ1y. lht:AdmilU.t1rJtlon« lhc BOlfduf kq:cnh nl \1 11t.. c,;icm St111.: Unl,cn1\y 1; n1 ~'Op)' ol lhc fMpt't i1 fret. of ct~oe; aaJJitloMI copk,~ fl .
Unaware or its presence, lh• freshman Is attacked by the lnlomous, bookstore money-mon 5ltr!
Grad students deserve respe HAl•TE YANG
The Wichila n Gr.tdu.ile ~tudc111s are 1rc,11cd :is graduate ~1udents m their depar1mcnt , bul nol so elsewhere on campus. like lhe library or for parking purposes. Dcce_mrnli zat ion is the key word. Acc~rdmg 10 Dr. Jc~~c W. Rogers, vice pres1~c~t of_ academic affairs, the MS U Adrmn1 strat1 on hel icvcs. ·'The variou!> gradu:1te programs should be large ly ~l:ume~: cxecutctl , ;ind ~ontrol led by the !ac uity. _In ?l~1er words. 11 is fa culty members or 111d1v1duul dcpnrlmcnl ~ who lake con1rol of n_ialler!> concerning graduate stu dent,_. .500 _m the s~utlcn1 ocxJy of 5.S0O. !hrs p~hcy ha, Its pros and con~ . I ~le hngl11 ~idc is that through 1his policy faculty.mcmhcrs, "'.'ho i.lre fam iliar wi th gr.1du.11e stud~nt aff:uni, rnn have a freer hand ~_,rm.:lunng thei r gradua1e programs ~n.d_cnJO)' a gr~:~1 deal of freedom ,md ncx11l1hty. In add11_mn, ~rndu~te student~ can ~~~ gre:it rcla11on-.h1ps w1 1h facu lty mcmTh~ .dark . side. ho~\'evcr, is th,u the :~~:::~t':~t~t~~~t.)!>11::~~i.ng to n:cognizc For example,_ graduate ~tudcms have 10 ~o .idv;mccd ~-~c,1rrh requiring much more
: ;~~:7sr~~1~;~1ys::~J~:: ~'.e
!1;1n11:~~~tl~,t: lo.m111g pi,:nod, merely thn·c WL'e ks. is the
Hal-Te Yang is a grad_uate student in polil1cal science. \
that of undergraduate student s.
:nus pol1~y has hccn causing tremendou s 11~corwcn1encc for graduate rniclcms. espeernlly when we coinp:trc ii wi th those of many Olhcr sc hools in which gradu:uc stu~~:~~ ~1~1~~cs:~/,ook-lo:ming period of a Moreover, part-1imc graduate stu~ents. who represent four-fi fth s of 1he 1oial graduate hooy. have to rush b.ick :md fo rth between . work .i_nd school, but they can ~,cv~r CIIJOY the hfc-~aving benefit of park1 mg spaces. 1 leaching .h~t ~c-~~~. as foc ulty . rncmbcr.;. but ic:i:~;~ ass1s1an1s comprise ::ipprox imatcly onc~:~ l~e~f the total g~a~u;n~ population. . ,· ... • I0 lhe Adn!IIHStr.111011. tci.lching ;~~::: ~r:tJu~~~ ;:~od:11 :~kc facult y members So. iu the Cy!! of ·the ~dministrntion t1icn: arc ouly two dis1inct1vc groups 0 ~
Student Government, [ht) ~ 1 their rcse::irch environni~n~11,111 t thei r research. Still f~w g~ I have 1hat in mind.. ·rd~ ol Eventually. :1 ,•Kious ci ~ 1 i~~cJ:s 11 Graduat~stu~cnts
fJ~~~:;,r~~ 1
I.. ... ,. ,..1
Campus Construction
Page 3
Construction complc1ion i:. Ju ly 1998.
A nother proj ect underway 1s the
construction of J.S. Brid wel l Hall , which will house the hcalth ,cic ncc progrums such .is dental hy1:?-icnc and rcspirutory c.ire. According to Hooten. Bridwe ll Hall has been :1 101of work hccau :,c it was completely new con,.truc1ion. not an addition. '"The weather ha!, :-ct ll" hack:· Hooten s11id. ··Wc'"c Ima all ou r brcathi n~ room." Other projects that wi ll iakc place in the near foturc incl ude: additional p:irking.a ncwmof for 1hc utility bui ldi ng between Pierce Hall _and Killingsworth Hall. a new roo t _for the Bu siness A nnex. rcmodchn g
Hardin Sou th and some adcli tional work on the Ccntml Plant. Hooten said
the construction
process is continuou s: "ll's the dominoes.'' Stan Coker. a po!il-graduatc MBA, said he can accc p1 the incon\'Cnicnces brought on by construc1ion. "l th in k the reputation of the schoo l is buill around i1s continued growth," Coker Sflid . " I' m pleased th at 1hc sc hool has r.:o111 in ucd 10 grow and establi sh itself "
olin's changes please faculty, students WAYNE MOORE The Wichitan
science Hall b linall y comta~k of pulli ng every-
~,J ihe
' ' The labs were in poor shape, but now we have better visibility...
;~! int~r~::;~ hi~~ ~J~\~~ ~~ore Hall. wi ll sec
nf you fo,;'-d \"- :ind mineral :-howcascs. ~~~·iiion io ufl?ated \a~s an_d ·,,_ rns. the en1_ 1r~ bui lding ~~ 11 1 1 ~;:~~ih ~~i~~ s~~cns ~: i ,·e~
J~ cntr)' .
!enon1_11ons ~~~t S;i~[l~i~~ 1c equ ipment. utiw :1:-si:-1an1
- Rodney Cate Professor of Chemistry cm111ic s programs There arc i;ome mixed feelings abou t the renovations. bu1 for lhe most part. they are pos itive "It' s nice for lhc most pan . The math compu1er lab is probabl y the bci;t lah on ca mpu s." Virgil And ronache Jr.. mathematics-compute r science major.said Magal y Rincon-Zachary. profes~or of biology. said. "h "s rea ll y nice. I only wi sh that we h.1d more time to unp.ic k. We moved hack in on the 14th !Augu s1) :1 nd we havc to getthc hall running ;md ready fo r 1ours by the ) rd of Septe mber. Some of the
labs had great structural changes. and the third floor is extreme\ )' sharp." Chemi stry professor Rodney Cate said. "We are still discovering items tha1 have not been unpacked yel. The facilities arc much better. The labs were in poor shape . bul now we ~~~·; ss~ ner visibility and s!udent One student in particular had mixed fee lings about the renovations. "Looking 1hrough some of the windows. it looks as though they didn' t do squat." polilical science graduate assistant J. W. Justice said.
ean - - - -- -- - - - - - - - - - ·1 am l'i.Citcd. 1·vc gouen
' :!j:~it~:;~:p~~~:,:~~~I ,e,pon,ihle fo r the Cla rk iCcnterand for the la:-t fi, c ,htha:--p1:t, cd.1 major role in ,11~01nl! renuva1i un. Altlmugh ~-miicd .il'loul her nc\\ pu, i.Jic).Jid ,hc i, not qu ile ready 1e11J.'CSC now. ran'1ju, 1gctup,111d _w.i lkaw,_1y lhat" ,he ,aid. Lel\hn1.:r ,;aid ;1.m~IO rmintain a 111,1jor role in
the CSC'., futu re. incl uding th e de,ig n of anewm ulticulturnl cente r. Lci,hncr was ali;o ad viser 10 the Wai-Kun yearhook and the Greek ,y'>tcm. She h ,..., yet 10 plan any major J:!Ual~ or change, for the Dean's. Of1icc. "M y bigge!,l goal i,; to fin i!.h the rc llovati un and get our admini strat ive ofli cc~ moved hack in here." she ~,lid The Uni ve rsity will cond uc.: 1 .i nat ional :,,Carch to l"l ll the a:-sist.int
dean's pos ition. The target date fo r hiring an assistant dean i~ Oct. 15. Accordin g to Farrell and Lcishncr. 1he ideal candidate wou ld ha\'C expe rience in studem affairs and student union management. Wi th the CSC rcnovalion neari ng completion. Farrell said a new assistant dean should be easy to find . " I think this i.~ going to be .i real plu m for some profe ssional across the count ry to consider," he said
"Some of the old fu rni1ure stil l remain s, which I guess is good. It shows that we arc willing Lo recycle old materials wi1h the auern pt of saving money. I will :my that they did a sloppy job on some of the tiling. but overa_ll I lhink ii's grea! ," Chemi s1ry mstruc1or Candice Fulton was more upbeat. "The safety equipment is excellent. and the chemi stry labs layouts are more student friend! )'. I think that the work that lrns hccn done is wonderful, and it wi ll be great for recmiting ," shesaid. The rededicalion of the Bolin Science Hall will be on Wednesday. Sept 3, al 3:30 p.m.• wilh MSU adminislrators and slate lcg isla1ors scheduled lo attend. Tou rs of the renova1ed foci li1y wi ll be given by siudent s in the division s of mathematics and science.
.(REW .. . ·-:---
Quor.tyG1oomil\9 , PIOduclsforMen
After delays, MSU's 689 prefi x to change to 397 in November JOSH DESKIN
TheWichitan Beginning in tvlay. lhc prefix for Midwestern State's telephone numllc r:- was 10 be changed fmm 689 l1l J97 in order tu accommodate an improvl·mcnl in the te\ccommunica1ion:- sy, 1cm. hut due 10 un~cen circums1;111ce:-. the change did no1 occur. Acrnrd ing to M:1 rslw ll I lardy. dirc, tor of telecommunication'> for MSU , the un iver~ity is not at fou ll for the delay. "Th is technology is ~o new 1h:1t no service provider in 1he ;1re:1 ha, bee n able to gel it." Hanly said. "Everyone on.lcn!d , the equi p· men! 111 once. so AT&T (now Lucicnt Tec hnologies) experi enced 1 7 ~hc,1~1~~~~ · AT&T would have been ahlc to ship the new technology sometime in mid-Oc1obcr but was ,1skcd to delay the del ivery. ,1ccording In Hardy. "The delivery time that wa,; .~ct up happcnctl 10 coincide with the celebration of Midwes1cm State's 75th anni versary." he snid "We to ld them (AT&T) 10 just hold uff un til November so we would nnt inlerfcrcwi th thesched • uled activit ies during the :mnivcrsary week. The change shou ld OO \V occur around No". 18.'' The new technology should provide subscribers with more choices and heller servi ces. "With thi s new syste m. we will be able to all ow customers to sub• sc ribe to calle r ID and have a faster modem speed," Hardy said. The new ad vances will also pro\' ide a better managemenl system for Sou1hwe:-1em Bell. "The integrated system will not on ly allow us 10 provide better ser-
~I~ ~ri~c;;:;:~l~~~ ~ : ~~-
\ kc, and mort: i:hoice,, but ii ;,l,u kb ti ),, n1;111;1gc our rcconh rnnrc 11 cl1;~~~;·~n 1~ the uni,c r!.il} i1, i.:1r enL'OUtllercd \\l'n: lhti,e con-
~~:: ~l~~;~~~~l~);~t;~~~~•,:~•:: ~~~l:~
the c:hang..: wa:- mmcd IO Novcmhcr. they wcri.: ll O\\ _kfl 1clling family and friend, a ditkrcn! phone numhcr. "Wc told lhc uni,er,i ty lo htild off 011 a,~ igning the phone 1H11nhcr:-. hut it wa, too late: lite huu,-
:::~ii;~11~t~c;\;7 \ ~m~~~~~'.~ly 1·1:~~~~ i;aid. C,11.:n. who try !ti re ,1ch lhe )1)7 number:. will now receive :, me,~agc explaining the ,i t11:11ion :111J inq ructions on how lll rc:1eh the ri ght numhcr
al~~v~1~~~_t ~::,:~ 1~g~ This way the call wi ll ~till ge l through," Hardy ~aid. The ,tudents who cho:-c 10 re,idc in unh·cr,i ty housing rece ived pos1ca rd:- te lling them o f 1he1r new phone numbers. "When we found nu1 ahout the change. we had a lot ~f sta:_ioncry wi!h )97 numbers printed, Barh Merk le. director of !.Cho()\ rcl:1 Lions. said ·• ,\fos1 of the st:1tionery £OI :-ent orn hcfore we cou ld change it back We now have a bunc h of stuJenh wilh 1he wrong phone number~:· According 10 Merkle. the u111vcrsi1y phone li nes were not affected ncarlyasmuchas thedorms. "S ince we have an 800 number. we ha,·e not had as much trouhl c a:wc thought we might.' ' she said. "Most people who call here from ou1side the area u'>ually call the 800 nu mber. Those who call from th..:: Wichita Fall s area already know 1ha1 the clwnge did not occu r as planned."
.p 18CU I
:50 Sundav morning sleep~ln or
Phone phollies
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on almost everyth ing else'
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3101 MC ..hn Va n Service Available 6~ l - 1020
L~r~~~~r~!J ~~=~~ACA~~
SEE 13/IC/( JJ/ICE FOR litORE lJE1?1/fSI
Page 4
deserve support
that fini ~hcd 11 -2 and ndvanc~d to ihe qunr1erfirwls of NICK EATMAN
Sports Editor NICK EATMAN
Sports Editor
O\'cr 1h c r:1,1 two ,·c:m;., the
'":~t"\t,:~~ "'~; con,1ructt0n 13csiJc, the 0
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Clark Student
Bol in SCll'llCC
MSU excited about season; first NCAA Division II game
'1 idwcsicrn S1,o1c
Mall. l:ht :-.l';.ison·, foo1 hall tc:1111 wa, in ;1 rch u,J d1ng ~late a~ well.
The Indian~ .ire comin£ nff a luugh 2-8 -.ca,on. To top th:.it, Midwc,tcm
The .\IS U foo11';1II !cam will not only he entering n m:w ,ea~on llwr.-day ni ght when it hosts N~nhwc_st t-.fosouri State .it Memorial Stadiu m, hut the Tnhc \V III aho bcin ;1ncw c,m fcrencc .\1S U will p!:Jy i! s first full .~ea~on of Lone Siar Conkn:nrc arnon :iftcr a Jll O\"C from NA!;\ 10 NCA,\ Di,·is ion II ~t;1tu ~. The Indian<; arc looking 10 irnprO\"C on :1 current t\\:0g;unt' winni nc streak a!. 1hc,· head into their gam~ w1lh the Bcarc;1L,.~ ,1 ho arc curfc111ly i.lnked No. 9 m the NCAA Di,·ision 11 poll ThL· 1wo '"ictorics. however. were the only 1wo of a tough season which saw Midwcs1cm lose ii~ first eight games ]aq yc:1r. Five lossc<; were by five points or less, :md two were in ovcnime, 8111 hl·:.id coach Hank McClung said he is cxci1cd about a new year and i~ posit ive he wi ll have a OC11cr team this season. "] 1hink we'll be ready to go on Thursday night:· .\kCl ung said. ..Thi s game wilt he a great test for us to sec where our progrnm is right now." ~kClung ~aid he cxpt.-cts a tough game from the Bcarcats. who return 14 srnncrs from last year's team
the NCA_A Di~i sion II pl:1{1~~i~ al team," McClung s:tid. "1l1ey re ah•£: sir:g~ p radua1 ion bul we lmow they "They've been hit ha Yg in ;0 be '10ugh 10 beat:· arc well coached gin,: six srnrlcrs come buc~ For 1he MS~ Of the re1Urnces. quar1erbuck ~ ~~/ui1\1~~~~1\~1u~ii-dc receiver Bryan Gi lmore arc
cxpc_c1cd to lead the w~)'f 9 17 yards and seven touch0 three iim~~ on the ground. M1tehell. who posse
tflt 1:~\
do~-i~~~~r::•1~!s~:~~: all-purpose' yards as a fres hman. He caught 22 ptssc~ for ~~~:~ a kickoff wuchdown. He .il so set two sc. oo rcco (449) returner, includi ng most yards in u ~caso~~cks cicrrnont
~t _'
:;~~r~e~o~~~~1~:~~ ~~~~~f
Ja~~s~:,~ Wi lson all l~ad ~:: impress ive fa ll practices and scnmrn::iges. according
~1cClung said defenders K~ ~~ Robins. Bryon H:1wkm_s, Mich_ael Ortmon and E
M}~~u~fi~ defense.
~gfu~~ ~;~
C~~ i;:i~~i:~: l~~i!~c~i·rill on defense will 1 wi ll al:,,o he playing ih fir.I full O be~J:t:o~~io~~a~.ping to have help from ~·rernay,~e last week The Indians host Northwest Missouri ,rhcdulc oi NCAA Di\'i:.ion II cornMorgan, Gnrren Sil vey. Charlie Cr.ift and Craig Frost Ill night In the season opener Photo by JC Gare/a ate petition including the Lone Star Contl"n·ncc that department. J3ut likc any new product or facility, it :.hou)d he given :i chance hcforccritki., m . For new :-.tudcnh. not gninc: 10 1hi:. Thur:.d:iy·~ g:imc , houldn ·1 l·,cn he acon,iUCration For rcturning :,,tudcnh who didn't go t--crorc, r can a,;surc you th i:. CHAIS FISHER pose yards this year ;ind _contrihmc game won't he like :my MS U :game any way I can for us to w111:'' I you·\'c '-Ceo hcforc The Wichltan McCl ung believes G ilmore·~ Yn11 'rt: going to ,re an opcn-s1ylc In 1996 Midwestern State wide preparntior_1 i_ s de finitel y a step offcmc th:.11 <::.in potenti:illy mnve 1 the hall up and down 1he field receiver Bryan Gilmore spent hi s to~~ri~~~11~sv:~r~~~~~a~~ni'!~is sum for 1hc fir..t time in three sc:,~ons, freshman season trying to perfect mer:· McClung said. ··He has gotten 1hc lndi;m" wil l h:J\'e a halnnced his skills with the Indians' offense a lot stronger and fo s1cr:· .i_!lack fcmuring a strnng-anncJ c.'tpcNow as the 6-0 sophomore from Along wi t~ hi s rec7iving dut_ies PLAYER OFT~,: ncnccd qu:mcrh:ic k. speedy wide Lurkin . Texas. enters his second sea- Inst season. Gi lmore shmct.1 as a kick rccei_vers, and three yo_ung, powc~ul son, he wi ll be one of the center- returner, where he not on ly led the runnln!: has:ks. ' Bui won't he JUSI pieces in the Tribe's aerial ,mack. ,cam in yards, he also set two sc hool rnir rc:1mthatw1ll tx-d1fTcrcnt according 10 head footba ll coach records With a new cnnfcn:nce and an,:-\~ Hank McClung. Those fea ts included most return div i. . ion . ihe competi tion wi ll H~ "We ex pect a lot from Bryan thi s yards in a singlt' game ( I08 ynrds hcmuchbettcra ... wc!I year," McClung said. "Anytime you vs. Western New Mex ico) and in a Now I'm not prcd icl ing the outhaven guy with speed like h~ ha_s, sc::ison (449 yards). t·?me of the game.'- , o~ even hm~ ~~~r:~~,n~~ _.!ry nnd fc::iturc him 111 Other hi gh li ghts from Gilmore"s hrgh or lnw nur ).('.Oft' will he 22Clk'-. But thi s 1cam wi ll face the ~ I Gi lmore, who led the team in alt- ~~;~hn~f;k~}~m~c~~r~ irncl~~;dsia;i~ ITD.:i cnmpctiton it ever hn~ before thi~ purpose yards last year, said his opener against Tarleton State the Gil more rt!Ullt~ ye:1r. including No. 9 r:inkcd game day successes could be attribli~t time he touched the ha ll as a Northwc"l Mi\\OUri St:ilc in the scauted to his tireless preparation durcollcginte player. i1ivc in the conference. " ~on ope ner on Thursd:1y After l~c lndin_ns· 2-! ing prJcticc. As the Indi ans make their maiden MSU may not he ready in heat " I really had to learn a lot my firSI voyage in the Lone Star Conference 19_96. Gilmore IS COI\S lc.im." like \lnnhwe~t Mi~ . .,mri. or , year," Gilmore said. "I had to watch this year. Gilmore secs :1 lot or Midwcstcm will surpri!( Tt'X:J~ A& ~I -King~ville ! :'o. I in S!ar Confcrcnccfoes,dCI · th~ Division_II pol!~l. hui I think the :h~tc~n½~~nacncd po_,~~~a:c~~;, ~:~, re.i i hard in picked last hy LSC c~ Tnhc t.lc~mtcly will han: cnou~h :~ !~?w me 1he ball in key situa- the spring ;md in two-a-d.iys;· season poll s lalenl th l\ year to cmnpcle with ~.;~""1 1hink we arc goini thn"c team~. and who know~ . Gilmore, who was second on !he Gi lmore s:dd . "\Ve hOJ>C to pl:.iy we ll mayhc even pul l out u few up~<:ts team in receptions, looks 10 add. 10 and shock some people a long the so_me peo~lc wrong Uu G1 lmorcsa1d. "Wl·nregcint If you're nnt u fan of ~-!SU fno1 ~h a~hdci~,i~!~~o~s0 ball. you might w:1111 to jump 011 the Bryan Gilmore led the Indians In all•purpoe yards last year with his statistics (22 receptions. 370 1•; some team~ home di~aplll 1 1 handwagon nnw, hccau"c you"]! he 826. He also set two school records as a kickoff returner. ya~t)' g!~{: ~~~a~~t2~~o~il -pur- Jackson we :ire going to he compe lglad you did Courtesy photo
,oo "OO"'"" '-•"••m (~( '"'"'" •
Gilmore ready to be offensives t
Sophomore receiver becomes go-to guy in MSU passing
. ..
<. .. ._:_ -,.~~
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·- ---:~-., ···.,.
Volleyball team hoping to If you are interested in joining The Wichitan staff, please co to B105 in the Fain Fine Arts Building and fill out an bounce back from 0-3 start Tl!e Lad) Indian_~ , ta_ning CI_ULb_y playing Denver Urmer.,1ly. which 1, .i !\CAA D1,·i,ion 1 ~chool "Our main foc u~ fo r the tou m.i 1\fler rn111i ng hack frpm ;i tough mcnt w,1, lo ,cc wh:il we do well weckcnt.l at Lhc Dcnvcri mi ti.!lional. and wha! nrl't.l~ \\'ork ."' Piehl ~aid. 1h l' r..•lid11l·~1crn Sta le wlh:yb;dl Meredith Nid wb. a fre~hman te;un e.,p1:cl, 10 take Friday\ N,\ IA frum Holliday. ,cemed lo have fi r iu Howard Paym: Toum amcnl. \·e~· well w11h the 1can1. .\' ichols ti11"] nrcct the girls to do we ll. It i. . hcd wi th 22 ki ll~ aud three total wi ll allow me to l'Spcrirncm with hloc k~ mer 1hc v,cekcnd diffcrc111 lineup~ :mt.I I can gi1c 111orc ··J wa . . ,cry i111pn, . . scd with her pl:1yi nt,: Lime." head coach JinUll\' S)1c r:.in the pla~·, ., uctcssfully,"' Pid1t ~.iiU , Pu.:ht ,;iid Overall thi.: 1c:1111 i,)uu ng. but 1he Mant.ly Pinkcr1011 . a junior ou t~idc cxpcct;i tinn" arc high. Ge11111g hittt'r, led the team al l weekend . adJuqed wn11'i he tvo hard for tht' Now in hL·r !hird <;c;t}On a, a , tarter. three frcshllll'l1 on the team Pin kcnun ha~ led the tc:.im in ho1h ,\~h ley lle,1cr. ,1 frc.~l1111an from kills and :.i tl acks Luhbo(;k. will he nnc of the rnidd le"'Pinkerton i~ the ~tc:.idicst player hhx:kcr. "' l·lc"tcr i, phy ... il;al ly giftct.1 on tht' team. Her lcadcr~hip :ihililics Sh,: i, \'Cf)' talcntcU and wi ll he {lllC .\ l;u1d out rhl· mo~1:· Piehl said. l)f 1hc tc:1111·, he~c middlc-hlo(,:kc r· · Pinke-non ended the loumamcnl Picht ~aid with 40 ki!h and 22 dig~ ao<l wa.~ ~kli~.,a I .ynch. a fre..,h man from n;Ulll'll to the a!I 1oumamcn1 team ~1c,tju1tc. will ht: one of the team\ "I 1rnwcd Stacy Allen from mid ,n11,1U.:-hii1cr, dle- blocker to outside hincr and she Although the team is g:1ini11g a lot ~teppi.=d up .i nd played very well ,' ' nf cnthu~iasm, it losr Shellie Picht said. · Churchwel l. ,.,. ho,c cl igihility ran Allen, :J jun ior. finished with 14 out l.1'-I ,ca}on. Churdrnell isn' t kills v.ith :J .379 auack percentage complct~ ly gone: ~he 1... a~ . . i,ti ng The Lady Indian~ have 1hcir home rnad1 Picht 1hi~ year. opener Tuc~day. Sept. 9. agains, Tl1l' ~1dy Indian, ,1;ir1cd ouc !he Tarleton State before trJveling to ,c:Nin [:iq wed.end () .J, ;1f1cr com- King~\·ille for a Friday, St'pt. 12, pe1i ng ,,1 the in\"i lati onal ,11 matc h with Tcs:is A& M-Kingsville. lin11L·r...11y of Denver. ··we had 1hc Bmh arc Lone Siar Conference fiN game jitter..._-· Piehl ,aid . 1rn11chc~
application or call Ext. 4704
The Wichitan
, -· .. ; -· : ; . _" .. ,,
Who says church has to be boring1j
A ·1•,,,,,,.,.,.,,,,,.,,,.,l,:,.,,,,"''"'h"i>l•m·· I~ -lhrn Gm,•, , /whc.m
Anyone Interested in Adult Flag Football should contact the Parks & Recreation Dept at 761-7490
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IOO%c:.ot1on, S1 0.00
t'"'ber 3, 1997
(dy Indians eyeing repeat
. ~ ~;.,~~-~ eren ce i .:'.~~-~ Sb~ : ).
111 .,,",,', ~1Sl~ \~il l ha\'c 10 ploi· "''••h·
ThC Wict111an
~.~·;_::1.-r~... ~
..S~~o~~~c~: ii~ ~~~~r ~:;~·; ;~ wins games, and MSU appc-urs to have a 1 fh~a~~~c~:~~~~~~a~;~;~i /~x'i;,!!:r
_Th_c11 Lady Indian, .ire ha\'ing to
able lo create some scores Apri l Lasa ter, fo rmerl y April : ire~1~l~~eug~hn:~:u~! r toth~eatat~l~ Indians. She led MSU and thC' LSC in scoring last season hy mcking up
of five fir..t-lcam AII-LSC sclections. including sweeper Rcssa
~•~~~'-~;,i~o~;:i~~ who scored nine goal; and eigh; for go:1ls, respecli\·ely. arc also back foranoiher season 10 give ~-tSU a mid.iblc group of forwards.
t ·-··,
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;~i~.,m ~1ro,~~\e~~:~~nd ho~!~ a c memion NA IA 1\ II-Americ.111 a ycg1~go. er s1:1ncrs returni ng for the MSU defen se include Rohin
rit:n~~·~.~;·f;cf:u:~~~~~ being
ncrs f!om la., t )'~ar\ 15_7_2 squall . · The lady 1nd ian \ n:tumces con-
t \
- .... -
_ _ ,_>'
from where she played 011 1hc S1.itc Olympic Development Team 1 1 ~3~ :; 51 problem with ticrorc... Pifer sa id.
lndi:.ms. _. ~ 11 !~riday, lhc Lady Indians will '•~u Nonhcm Color.ido for their by 3 1 p 111 tbon opener D~~~- ~~ g.imc :it the University· oi· 1 :·A_ ~1 t)f weight will he riding on :~fc:'.~t i"\'o g:.une~ in Colora<lo,''
Adrienne Amry nnd go:, lic S:ira
i~~~U. Fusco. :~: :~h~~t ~i: ~f~{ Pifcr's eye~ really lit up when he . · 11 ~~~~~ t~~UJs!;~~C ~fs~ ;~ :i:it';:~rt~ ~l~\~~U~.m\~~I Las Cruces, New il.k xicu , nsuy
will -~ ic:un), fo
Page 5
. ..
k The Indians are ti I t Tabatha Bryant (left) and Meg Morrison battle for the bat_l In a prac ce as wee · looking to repeat as LSC champions . Photo by Michael Fitzsimmons
Tribe expects tough road early on ANTHONY NEWBERRY
;md confident our team wi II hi:
The Wichitan
!!~~•\~!~~.~i:i~ay lake anywhere The Mid wcstcm Srn1c mcn ·s from half a momh to half 11 seuson soccer lcam wi ll ha\'C i1s meu le before we gel click ing into :i tested in lht! early pan of the rhythm . hut hope full y we c:m schedule could determine whether sneak out some wins durin i:: lhi~ the lndi;rns will make the pla)'offs phaseur thcscason. I thi nk 1\1: will gel bcucr with e11ch game:· this sca.~on. Pifer knows the higges1 wc:tkIn their first sc:1son in NCAA Divi sion II 11occcr. lhc lndiunsw ill ness of this 1c.i111 will he inexperibut he 11ait.1 once thi~ learn ence. ;i gel have to cam an at-large bid lo gains experience 1hc Indian~ will playoIT hcnh. 111e Indians will ope n the season be o playoff-level le;un. Tcnm speed will he the MSU's this Thu rsdaynt 7p.m.. whcn they visi1 the 21st-ran ked team in strength. according tn Pifor. He said lots of 1hc new pl:iyers NCAA Division II. Cal State-Los Angeles. Cal St:1te-LA is also the .ire very fast :111d wi ll pro\'idc <lcplh sixth-rnnked tea m in the Wcsl even if they lack ex pcriencc "We arc deep on 1:ilcn1 and have region. directly :tbovc MSU. MSU will then complete its trip a 101 of skill with speed so we west by playing Ca l S1:i1c- should wear some 1c.1ms out with Domingue1. Hills at l p.m . on our specd." _Pifcrs;iitl Defense 1~ one place where the Saturday To make the playoffs, 1he Indians will hnve lo squeeze thei r wuy into the lop four. To do this, head coach Nnthai: Pi fer believes the fi n;t stretch of games is very imponant. "It wilt be necessary to win 10 gain the opponuinity :u end of year 10 be selected for the playoffs," Pifer sa id . The lnd ianslost six starters from last yc«r's NA IA national 1oumamcn1 squad. and replacing them w;1s the biggest rnsk Pifer had to ;ic:cnmrli.~h over the off-.~c:1son. He ;idmits lhc Indians arc having to re-load hut did not rneruion the :Llw11ys-fc.ircd lcrm. rehuildin g Pifer en ters 1he season wi 1h opti mism bu1 knows he must ha\'C pat ience. "I'm posili\'C about thi.~ 1c;1111
Indians rcl.iined ~ome CX J)Crience. and l'i lcr said he will rely on the returnee~ 10 ,111d1or 1l1c 1ca111 for 1he first portion or 1hc y11un~ .\ C;t !<oOl1 . Two- lime fir..t l~·arn NA IA All A111cric.111 Mikko L:1itincn returns for the Indians lt swccpL·r. ;1~ do defenders Jeff Samples :md Mike Soro l:1 . Senior Chris Rohin~on return., for the Indians hctwcen the pml s
'1;~:;;. '~t~1 tl~. ~~~~tg~ g1~i dcfon!<ol' w11l keep 1c:1rn~ rrom ha\·1
.,.even , cores durmg the l 996 'l',1 • ~on . ,\ho n.:turni ng on offc1hc .ire Chm Rai n and Chri~ Md)o11gal. "We h;l\'c IHCa! ll':lm 11pced anJ have enOU!Jh~experience 10 help: Pifer s.11J. "Chris Bain i, t....ick l ncl i.,. a goo(J ,corer \\.hen hcahh~ . Wil~on is :1 key ~i:oring tlHt'at ,1111] i~ ~/~t:n~-~~1~£~~a~:7-~~ R) dcr Md)O\\CII !O heir the Indian, with hi~ experieni:e anJ "lightning .. 11pc(·d O1her llC\\COmc r-. Pilcr is look ing hl induJc Paul 13 icoy, .\fark Hopper. John Ha~1 ing~ ;ind Rom:_m K~·n ned v. ;ind freshman Chip Scymoui-. The 1\ ISU 2:i-man rm!cr :il~o includes returnees Rohen Shanl' and krcmy 8;1rne11. hoth midtii::Jd-
in!! it c:.~y:· The offen~ had lo replace fake Joy. A<fam Paucrson and Ja~on Johnson. who comhincd t'or 25 goals lma season. Midwe.,.1ern returns for ward Chad Willi ams. who scored eigh t er.... go:1ls last season, along with midfielde r Rohhy Wi lson, whn !allied
>!ayers Qo up for the ball in Sunday 's alumn i game for the
tslem State men 's soccer team. The alumn l won 2-1 . Photo by Michael Fitzsimmons
snew AD, McBee has promoted :su athletic s into commu nity NteK EATMAN $ports Editor
: (':~: ~~hr;::~i~:~~:~r
schools in the local area," McBee saiJ. "Uy giving them a VIP pass. we hope they c:111 it take home, and
said, lhe athletic department has added 12 new corpora1c sponsors in the 1hrce months he ha.~ hccn in
~hoJ~l~~ricc~~:!~~:,.rarems to take
of~:Z~· rc 1rying lo improve our 1 1 s,:ii;~~:~sgn~, ~~~~~ ~~~~~~? hu1 with a lot of sponsors, it help~ into dipping without pay for things
~t ~~;~c ~~~rt~;~~ 1
he ~laned se lling. Hi~ pa~t~!]~~r~-~1 (foot ball, \'Olleyball, me11 's and ~ 1 'A':I) women\ ~octerJ were di.~1ribu1cd 1 1 ~~~~i1 :~~~ tcn morc
lo '~l~tlr~ :hi
.r. cli.cs
\~mu. l(hiia
four laicr.
l ;., \
' •· ~
" McBee
ti~!;;fco din:c1ur a1 Eastern LUnll'er~i1y from 1994 10
~i:i~~,C:~ ~~,!~S~t
come out anJ wu tch us. That's our fi rst goal." McBee said. "We hope thC)' like what 1hcy sec und will hopcfu ll ycomchack a~ain.'_' The youth club, wh1_ch 1s .spo~-
the MSU Athletic Dl·panment.
~~ckh:~~°c~~~i~~tj~~: · cr,~~~e he Now 1hat school has st:1ncd,
ad.~1~~s i~:~~~,i~iph~:~u~~ r;:;~; cn·nt), ,1 MSU :ithle1ic club mem-
t!~: :o;~i~aii~ i~r~'.mc sec ir :t ll ihc "I'm hoping 10 sec a lot of people
~~:~~~ h,Lf~c~;.~~~·1f~sa ~~~ ~~
CKS7 LONGNE Well Drinks & Wine
~ $1.50 U-Call-lt
•30 • PM
on almost evc1y th ing else!
ou.~t~'!~~\\·cr I go. I tel l rcoplc 1 ~~ult ,~ i~~ ;~?v!r~,:~;;~~;:;; prcx.lucl going here and l j ust try 1n sel l it any chance I get." • Along with his duties ·1s the new AD, McBee also said a' ~i::ason he came to MSU was so he cou ld gel
Cl~.~~~ j~~: ~~: ·10 gel the people 10
18,20 in the "Beach" & "Zone" • 21 & Up in All 5 Clubs All Nite!
~:~n!~~t ~~~~~:'~l!~;~~n~~~e~:;~dM~~:~ ~~~,: ~~ ~rr~,:~t~·~~: !ih~a~~also~~1.~1e!-~~j~hc ~;,id a new $ 12.000 said. "I think wi1h all lhc lhings McBee 11 0 ~~e~h:~~ :~:~~ Ji;~ d!~r;; ~c~ t I goi here, I felt we need - ~i:~~r h;°'~~.~~~f:~_ ;W1·t~si~l ~;~ pcoplc involved, Now I jus! hope
f~;e~~; ~Town of the Indians ;1th•
:iwarc ~f ~lh_c ~?mmunity 1 t ~ c:·c ~ r~~:eos~~d;e~·/~: than harder ~ha\c tu work t'ion.~nt people to come ou1 ~ lay, ~evcral projects that , ~ompletetl include a new ~ .th club dc~igncd 10 get
in the near future.
'~!:,~~~u: •c/ 1~~~f~~."~,t~1~,~~dcw!:~ 011 the !<oucccr field ," McBee said .
se~1:fi~ ~~~w~h•: thing th at h;1s helped him the rnos1 in first llm·c
~.f;~~iriarool~~iadiim tayctigo~: Coli seum and the soccer field urc the showplaces of this campus:_· lie said lhc new scoreboard will be
received 1t~/~ei! 1~~ "It 's really to nice lo ha\'C a prcsi dent and u s111ff as suppurtivc u.s I've had." McBee said. "' I' m having fun
4105 Maplewood {In Century City)
SF£ B~ Pl?OE rOR htOJ?E l)ff/1.ELS /
Page 6
Freshmen finding new experiences in conege dor e,Th~~!~\: r:~.~,g:~ent8 Laundry, larger city, food, roomates top list of di:!: : :~~~::"f,:i~~ ~?,,m JOSH DESKIN The Wichitan
Crnmpcd lil'ing ,pare (v.ilh ,1)mw1w cl~l'l. h111d mu,ic ~e.,1 doClf. !\h<merin: w11h 111her-, ;, l:ir~cr city .llld c.1fctcmfood. All chan!!,1',. Change, frc,hmcn llll1,1 cndtH\.' when corning to rnllq;e for th,• fir-1 t11ne. Fur ( \--.ly (ir;iywn, a {n:,hn1.111 lrom Chilllrc", fin1I• 1ng h1, I\ ,1y .m1uml .1 nt'" en~ lx·ramc the ht!!,J;nl chal • lcngc.
lo~t~;~~1:1J/~:.~~n·1 hu~c. llul II ,urc i, c.1,~ 10 .;.!t'I '"tl1) ro{in1mate and I "~·n1 look111g for one o( m~ off. ~-:impu, d a"i.:' :md 'J't'nl :10ou1 an hour fi rn.li ng ii. N(lw 11', at-.ou1 a 10-mmut.:dn\e .. Lhi ng \\tlh '11tnc1,oc 1hcy h:nc llC\l'r met .11,o priwccl
111 ~ ye! another ch:mi:;c for fre:-h!ncn. l·n:,~mcn ro11 IU gel i.iud wnh . an)·onc from 1hc c,cc"o·c par1icr who ,tay, up unul :ill hours of 1hc morning playing luuJ 11111, if to the quic1. rc:-crvcd per-
r,f fore1gn language You might \.\ ondcr 1,1, h,· he cho~c 10 come 10 the Un ued State~ when he wa, a!n:ad>: e,1ahli_,hcd_a~ a liti.:r.itu_rc p_rnfc"nr 1~1_Sp;1!"· lb11ng l1\cd in Sram h1, enti re hie. ~ucne,-M,mJon ":" intcrc,1ed in worki ng at a ,rn:ill uni\er-i1, . Fucnc,.i\.lanjon 1.1,:i, 111 ihc Mcrch:1111
~~;;:::~~\~;~} ~hv~~\r~: 1~~e ~~ ~~~\~~<l ~]~ 1 1 h;1chcl~r o( ~rt, in Engl1\h phi_lo,oplw rmm lhl! I 1m\·cr,11y nf Salam:1nc:1. m Sp:u·n. lk
~~;1? ~:r:t
~~ 1
hi, Ph .D. in rom:mcl' !ani.:u.ifC' trom lhc Uni\cT'l!V
of Gcnrl!ia.
When ·a,;kcd what ,urpri'1-·d h1111 1110,1 :ihnut M1<l\11.:,1i.:rn S1a1c. he an\wcrctl. '"Tht hcauty 1)r 1hc huiltling,, the ;m.: hilcc turc. aml hO\\ well 1hcv arc c.ircd for:· Fucne,-~lanJon 1h11ii.., the ,m,111 rrofc,.
_~. ·
,(1r•l~•.,,lt1dcm_ratiu, al MS U lead to helter kammg relationships and more hclr for ,1udcn1!'-. Fuencs-Manjon ;.,, married and his wife. also a rrn(es, nr, 1eai.:hc, al Baylor l 'ni\·er-ity in W.1eo. An avid spom rari, he 1 ~~~::~:~: Ehl\. He enjoy~ Jiqening m Barr)" While
~:n~;i~~~~nl~ ~':c:: ~~::·~~~}
a, \\ell. hot hi, favorite will alwav, t-.c tr.I• · Uitmn:1\ Srani,h rnu~ic.
:-.1s':·~;ar~c,lo·n~~,a·,",,i•h'"c cha','. Hplc'"1·,~-,.,•o,h,~1;1'·,),:.,~ _:1l1 l,
ty. think, lhl! cam pus hc:iutiful. ;111d ahhough it'., not hi, nati\·c Srai n. he frd:al home.
J•._ ....,
Thursday, September 4 •Student Government m~ting, 12:30 p.m. in Bolin Room 101 •Association of Social and Behavlora l Sciences meeting, 12:30 in O'Oonohoe Room 11 9 •Football vs. Northwest Mis souri , 7 p.m. at Memorlal Stadium , corner ol Barnett and Soulhwest Parkway Friday, September 5 •Biology Club m~tlng, noon in Bolin Science Hall Room 320
lfJmanuS mmr rncr.mn
lnt crn.itiooal mct:1 ing, 7 p.m. in Fcr~u~on Room 102
Tuesday, September 9 •Volleyball vs. Tarleton Stale, 7 p.m. at O.L. Ligon Coliseum •Red River Photography Cl ub meeting, 7:30 p.m. at Wichita Falls American Red Cross Chapter 1809 5th St.
Students: For yo11r
convenienc tickets to Athletic s evi .c an be picked the Athletic s l two days p · 'the event. S still enter sh9wing prope
70 ', , 80'. & 90', Dis co
""'""' ,\
~! ct ~~rmi;
~~O R ~,.
J cl/lCHI TA FALL!i ..r.~ ~
1Jss, 1co~•
~ Voo ~ 1=v~·
.at the event.
. '
r.v-i~ ~ 'l
~fo t
lb~I V:~M IE
$1000 Cash
"SHE'S COT the LOOr 10 Ladies win $100 - Dress ~ Kill! -
Fri I.JOOa,J, "Vinyl tvi/J,Altitude"
Contcsl .. Ladies, get sexy witlt vinyl & platform shoes!
What would you do $100 in cash? We "Double Dare"
Sat •
Starving Student Scholarship Fund! WIN A PAID SEMESTER = TUITION & BOOK
--~ ' I
ledie5' ~ite COLLEGE
NIGHT Office Party }QO[OID& Olympics
~·' -~OF n&s, •• lur •~WA ,... Y!~
; j
Monday, September 8 •Freshman Senator Registration, a a.m. lo 5 p.m., CSC Room 106 or Hardin Room t 12 •A~,oci:uion for Childhood E<lul·:ttion
If your organization has an event for This Week, send i1 to the Wichitan through Campus Mail.
~£ffl"! ~
~~: :i~£ ••GET our"'£
•Texas Sen. Tom Haywood privale luncheon, noon at the Outdoor Education Genier •Michael Smith present s lec ture on photographer An sel Adams, 6:30 p.m. at Wichita Falls Museum and Art Center, 2 Eureka Circle
~Att~~tio~ 1\1 ,
New Kid in Tow n Welc ome s
Wednesday, September 3 •Student Ambassadors meeting, 7 a.m. in Fowler Room 112 • Quarterback Lunch. noon a t Dyer's Bar•B·Oue, 2708 Southwesl Parkway • Bolin Science Hall Rededication Ceremony, 3:30 p.m. at Bolin In the eas1 en1 ryway
·i:i-11 ;:~~1~-:~f:~~~;;.:~:~:_;:~;i:; :.;,~ p-·•r®'o'*Mfi
,. . . , ,~·~1, l
~ 1S Th ProE
, Whal d: :~::::::::~,: ccfo,1h,
" ~ot h:1' · 111 ~. u r0<\nun. c ), '
·md i;o a~ I plc:1,c wi1 hout "I ha,t• nc,er h;1d io li1c \\II ~ !\0rnt•onc else ~fore. 1mc. _Snuih.~.ml. 10 '" I hkc b.:mg able c~mc; bothering ~omconc. hut I think it i_s work ing out all nght." Grny~on s:nd 11 I ··1 l!kc h,m ng a roomm:ue N'c:1u:.c that ml!:w 1hat 11'(~_r~·.~ !! ,'~1l;c'h:~1~r/\~~ 1 ~•:l'ith sleepi ng condi tion~. Lning ' or~i.: ' · \ . P night li,icning 10 ,omconc the-re. I!\ u:.uall v ~rnncone .imund Lo talk to or 10 go. IO don: 1 ~1'.1\c 10 1.!e m~·a c c~~~~crnund." lunch with: · · 111 111 1 L1vini_: in 1he donm can_ ab.o m~kc :.tudyi ng :ind doing d:.t'/ \ pl:': ~ _h tl~ct bcin.., ust.'d IO morn ·s home\\ 1_ih !,Olll_i.: f~o n.1i.:.'. ~· • --~can he u rec1 I shock to the . hnmcwork nearly impos,1hlc at _rnncs. 111 th c c:•.~.tc~i'l'. r00<1 a-. •ust another part ·1nc guy nrxl d110r kept playmg hi, music cxtrl!mcly rnoking, l·a~mg • J loud "hilc I was working on my algchrn homc11,1rk the system. wlu_lc other, 'le t . d ·1.~ ex •cJcd it to he," Smith o( carnpu , hf:: . othl'r night." Gr:i) ,mi s.1id. I a, h,l ' 1 re sn 1 food ~a;~The coukl I so c:o::~-~:~t~Jli~.(~.1d 10 put 1m my m, 11 headphones
Splm!,h team A<ilOrga F C'.. a mcm~r of the Spani~h 1\-lcn:hant :-.larioc~ and :1 ■mmmm
11 nprm~d 1h1.: c.ifch:na trom the '-'·,iv 1 lc it..: Commg 10 collr.:tc :1li,o hring, ;i 1·111 'dll 111 ,, of,..._.... 1.' ;1 <lum 1h:11 mo,1 frci,hrncn J·1111 ,1 h:t\c \\h 11 ' . th •i r p:-in:iu, c Ir,. , . ~ ~-N 0~,, tin; 1, 1 m ln:r~ _I cfon 1 nnti1:c 1 . · much a, other.,, nHghl. lrt·,hn1;i11 Hri ~ f:~ " I rea lly _don 't go ou t a 11 hole 101 ann.i ~rt.,l · hui it f • 1 good knowi ng th:ll 1 don't hw, _:i curfol\ ~11 t..1 Along wi 1h thi, pcr!>nnal hil ity mo:.I arc 1101 u,cd 10 h·1 __111c<lom cor11t/1 ' rlt .. 1 . ·k 1 • 1 . .1 . • ' !:1 J,~~ l'.>lllt.: ~itln lu\c !11 !.111m} fl\\ O1.ii:: , oflc u, Kmght !>:Ud. '~ ll ,n:ip much how 10 .. , had to learn 1l1c laundry room 11bo11t once a wcck."\c .tn~ 01 ~
Min who docs not ~ay or Jo much.
Spani sh professor makes home at MSU
. Al:l~u.l~1 ·ki ·ram.I rccci,•c pri v;i le ro<uns. c a fn.:~hrn:m n:s iduig in Marchrnan Hall , ,on,1~ ,m 11 · . J.ii.on •51111 · :lt. i •1 lot hc11cr th.in h:\\'in~ 1s one such pcr~on .
4 # {fjH ~ itl{t~
~lij,~ ~1iUUJ:1!
4105 Maplewoo d (In Century City)
Write your 100 word essay on your best "sob" story as whx.You s~o~ld be "sa~ed" by ae Station! Submit you moSI pathetic photo with your essay... Entry deadline1 Halloween, Oct. 31 ,.t. The winner will be announced oa Than;!1! '. ~\~~0:
~~~~:~:!. 26 /li,