~ELCOME BACK Ja. lrbt ttJ tcbttan r, ~-'
~No.I ; • ,....----
Tbur.oday. !;eptc,mber 10, 1992
Smoking ban
~keepers ~ ~ed
'Puffers' will have to go outside
9).J- Hal
s..tfWril,,A , -,v1s«:d H11>ku,,: pul1,) uit101i1111.;e.l al a a A111uitl B01td uf Ref tnh med1ni ban~ tnh"ll:1-, ,a 1 11 r 1m p111 1&c: d111 e~ tH•r ' fffl,kD,:,e ba!I fi)QQW 1 he u"° po ll ~-~ ,tatr• that "1rool.1n1 -.·1ll k alk,•,n•J ia tll,lll....,, a~u t'l'lly " 1t1 ~ t (('if M•'tilrffl 10 "p1<"1J1 • u fr , bulth) a11J pie.aunt ,a-,.,,r1111ment fof" 11• 1lu· de,m. fa,uty 1talf and rur-t,• • Tit,, l o,rd of Res;,,rit.t putflf dl,e IMI .. po,lh·~ . n,r i i .,.,,. re;;.xn-~ br Pr J RoJ11rue-z. 1111ner•ll) prrrt.ktW llr 10<·c-r\eJ I , ....m,...nJ 1111-n lu1 lhl! h•n h Uffl ._ .\dmuu,l1tfl\• (,,ura.U It -<1111...,.t wi1J 1h11 hrh ,u· th,t
,-.,11, ,
.u n,1l u11
11u~ "" , •rnra,
llaJ tier" 11 1a Ju•II) ul d , .. n ,-,,JUI}'" n·,.pott•r M , umpl-.nl. (1,'fflwlflt--ker•
~auts will (Ollle bakers
)f" c,._.ven.l , F ~ u4a) , _ toeif1m, &b to Cf blil thia . . . . .rd lil• slluttlo •&.
Staylnir dry on the ftnt day of ocbool became• matter of PffC•rioot for lhla MSU 1ludent.
8 1ance
,. . . . . . l b e , ~ -
.. . yM1tc.u r.- . . .
.. 'I""'·
.. . . ..... th'°" ,..... urronavu wilt
,.i.t• .. htt-aJ
(IJ . . - -
Budget shortfall may lead to Pell cuts
. •....vo,.· aad • . . -. . . 1k A.pl., .....
tCPS} ·- Think ll,J barely d!l«d OIi a WW bl.U lo lliooiiic colkfl
a u 1s1aaee to • iddla•i•co•• faa1h• wlM:a biwaakeri •ned ahc-, __,,. Awa .:\an'IGI ~ la....tl,c.ttlaau~INdpt
A lead.ia1 ed~lKNI MYOCato
cr1llc1ud the move, so tooa • ftu Coapua aabncod .. upuslOG o f a ducatioa pro1u•1 i a U1•
H11her ~ Act.
,._, _ Cl1.unio1 ._.... ■ ID~-~ Sw.9-aJ'of
• ·fiW • lll--•d-,«iiailll
,m----,,1..t ,_filo!T.....1<..,_ ai) 1UUOPfC:MttlC4 fMI . . . . . . t• ucnc, foe& for Ht•. pftY.-ci. ~ INII i i
-.I.,, ........ ,_n, -
-'1· wllo spec '-lht.r.1 ia
M,tcllaa, prat1Ua1 of lM CoataittM ror ~ "'--I, wbtc-111 repreMMs a n dlao 100 ot·
t. 815, IC ♦caedy wu d_. It• 0.t.warr. for UNaic■l ~,n ,u101. H• WU ■ l ao . . .._ du-ce ye.an t,y
realit1u wu 1triki•I - ·eo1h
mum Poll Guat fora 12,400 lo SJ, 100 ■c:11 year ud perail a n
aid to mtddle-mcorne ud ~rHtrM E v~r, AZMriean • de«rvd 1he
,et on the laJdet o f op,pornuury aod chmti up, • 8Ulh ..a.
c-h111ce lO
, 'lltu.. ....-v....· - •
.. . . . . . . . K e c i a ~
. . . . ~1919,
•tcuoely repiMwlwmycol· i.epe,1 blveS&ld - thlS it die tDOII d11'f1c•II yur 1 caa remember,• llep. Wilham Natcher. 0-Ky. a.DJ .;bl1r1ND oftlM Houte's educauon appropna1icms .-bcomm1ttee, said. Al1hou1ll the bill soeb to add raa key problems u1 educa110 11. 11. .1111 a■d bumao se r v ices, ·we doa ' I ha v e lht rcso ur c es that sJ,wld i.. aavuled in the.sc arcu, •
federal tuper edlac.alKMI ~ 1o c h1d t ff l ,1 udaat loans, aad 1utbotitr:s ~ ins of SI IS bdlica over • pmad. Tbo Hi1her E chtcat1o a Act ( HEA ) 1ourh1 to ,a.iw U.. maxi-
-"................ •-._,,.., _ .. CIINS, d,vo,ca
La"' mahrt bla..J tlM: ll•sh adnun u,1u11oa for 111• rrobl•na, •y,.a1 11 failed -, f'flt'OIT!i• a $1.4 h1lhoa budpt ,horlfall 1n Ibo Pell pt'Olnlll until ! J u s ~.
Naccller•id. M"atc.t.a said 1k •P ~ tbe HEA bi11 a■d c.urrHt budtet
H owever , t he Ho u!I• votad
Joly 2A to CUI lhe. muu••at Pell Gnal from $1.400 lo S2.300 out year aod red11t• fu&dia1 l'or • wide ranp of polihcally popular Nfbe:r educatio • pro1ums . dnon1101 hope• fm ibe Jars~r 1ncrea1es en-
hor•• ,,,.,.h,n• rn 1t.1•
I l-lflJ hfM, • 1w M.J • flu, i..11,1,tl111111ur1t1llhlntnn1 · I Ii, p•,hty" . 1.,, • ri·•r''tt"• 11, , n, rs • •••• lonm"l"'"''' 1f>.nu1 1m11. lltJ irl, tlHt hHllh pr1,hl.-"1• ,_,, ·. 111,lly th•"'" . 1~ h'I -.,,nd hud ,,.f, kc .ll~• 111111 ,a,J 1h11 .11low1n1 1Rdonr tmt.ltlllf • on1hc. led with t llfflftl lwsldi 1J i,n11Jh4ill and \f14we.•t•~··· ,tt "'"
a,u. l<'f
t""'"'.,,. ,..,.
ltepubliCHI Hd 0.IIDOCUII ar• quit• 11acomfort1bl• w,111 what llley've &.. • ha aid. Mitebtm ht.mod Coa,rea for .01 1ra•f•rt11J more aoaey fTOm to d oae11ic pro1ra1111, 1iven dM c•rrcat ecoeocaie cood:i· tiou. Lawmaken d.realed 1ucb a -,wS-lprin1. •once Co n1re11 decided to val• . , _ 9')"adi.os ud jobs trte, educatioo. it beca• dif• r,cglt, if IIOC impo,siW., lo acbteve
Over1JI. r1M NI ~r.n will dma S70f oullioe frvm b tduca·
"°" buda••
111 19'9) qd • 11aUar e.mo.!:iD19M. Th• P•II Graat took
many i.w. .ur, lM ,-.. two ...s.M l'revioN nd•tN ~ ,-ged dia aiardlil al aboat $))2 1SUlltOII. !"ialCNf _,._ Tit• ld•c1t10• Deput__. NW bl1met Neh a l1tJ• -.ltonfall N bia-.er-tbu•up«tMI ... of tlw prosnmial991aadt99'2. ·n. dtortf,11 " • dtrtd , _ . of th• u ca1io•. • M11c1Ma ,.__ Wit .. ,011111 people aaabw IO fia4 jobs, IDlflJ .re n.tunua1 to ailool and scetina adchuonal u1. M1tcbem 1nd ocher advoutu bad hoped Coa1ress wowd pay ror 1hc 1bonfall 1hrou1h a supple_,.. tal 1pencliq bill or by di!La)'IQI the coall u.nlll 1994 , wi..a law. .ku, a1a111 c ould 1r1111fer fvnds rrom d eftllH to do m u t1c pro1raau . E1dtlr loCOMflO would free up more money fur oJucatwn pror,a~ out
House ludtn. ho wner , ~id they waatod 10 1ddre11S the problem be(Ofe ii rHcbeJ dire p,opwt10M.
•we bave faced up to the mortf.tl now ralhu tha• C'Oflfroal I c n~,1 u1 1994, • Na1cber MKI.
In additio n 10 tht Pdl rrduc • h ons, H o\lte kadu, c ul one pitr· cenl from man y 0 1he, eJu.:allon pro1nm,. incluJittJ suppleme ntal ed-.ca1kia pnl.111, uJ to bJstoric.all y
black oeUepa anJ wuvenuries 111d fur l11ad\tlt1tated y(M.lth plu,uq lo 1tttctd collep .
Faculty, staff display art
l ing victims
Edi By ~ ... - · - · The r.c:utry and ste rf orMsu·, Oep■ r11:11edt o f Art are .:u~r.otly
._.,....., ...lkiacUvic,, l\lt•i., d1ut aod ao1ia,
d iaplay ioa lb•ir wo rk ia r.i.. Umvt"1IY Ml G1lltry o f 11w P• Arts Bu1ld1111 to 11ve Stv,~ 1M ,iuoi ty to view t.ht!tt work , 0 R~::ard Marlin Ash Ill. 1all■ry dirc-clor and pro fc5,.~f o f an. IMd. As h uid mo,t ~1udent1 ba•• 110 ,de• o f w hat l:1 nih o f art ~ (acll!IJ c an c , e11e. Tb1• wtU I • tbem an idea o f what lMy can do,
'f1i:,i1.t P■ll1) - Th• u,.aa -.. ,. 1&, rape-, o r eic••
"""-Clodil, - ol'• ·-... -.r0te -.. atUCkt,
.......... .......... ~tc-
l .............. 1u.... -
... _ ...:..i,. Iba,.,...
'llol, 11-,..,-,,14 p,I
be U:;b also 111 d u,1 ed1ibi1ioo , ve lh ~ 1 111den11 10
. . . . . . )000 bloclt ., c;....
a.• Fttdlv, wil ! r~unil}' 10 1h1d: o f 1b1ur .L..i..., Ulndt. (<;--, ~!rrlK'IOU a rh~lltuehe':'• ralhcr
111111 ._. J:::JO
:J;::~'!Y ::=e~ 1
p ,,,on
p.,I,,. If I .n,h 11 rny r.k«. I wi-"Ualh ,-nl) tfl I f11w r,ufh .• \\ ,,uJ ~,J "Thi, wu I c-11n S" ,,uo1dt" 1nJ u 111 y tbt.--.hol• i:, rart'flf' AnJ I u nJe,,und th1 rt'a,.,m1nt NlunJ
.. ,,..
Smo~rr Oen, ii T i) hu ,
,u:11 1• pr.-,lr1•f'r ,.( lll'C'e,h • ••m
,muui: ali.1111~ . .... 1. !ft.• IIJn!C'lhk "The\' h"t •J.kJ u1 !Cl thr hU t>I lrpt r • . r ,,J,,1 ,,,J "A nNt ~111< 4•n~ , •mr11• ,, • ,,,.,.11<k■, kit l hC'rt ,h, ,ulJ 1W u •mr l11't:.:k>m l,ir
, n,.-lu,. T t ) lu r u,d 1h1 1 ._ann 111J 1nv l. .,oo !'rf.tm ,m..>1:1n11n tht' U ,111>n ,.if11 f'.t " ' • ' ra11.:ul.o!1 h unF11r Jt,.Jritl.lf'1 u1J •rrrornnatrly I\ <tlbf' r .,hooh ,n T•lO '""'
adrlf'IC,td •sll'lll.U , mol1111 t.. llt ta1J tbr 8 0.rd had not di•· ,i:an•d p r1,, 111110n, 1,,1 ot m o k l'I' ckif•I NJ w•IMr. hut thn -..flUHf J 11"11111 11 .... i:...11 th\' \IIYalmn •-<·
to increase access possibilities
w .-....m 1• fill.Ill• ,en.nr •
. .._ plioM tyUeffl lhtoWJhO\lf the
TN-,« ptlff'O"' for l"Hlnf 1llu ,yuca -• • to cn,t-Jc tht Ull'YC.Ult~ commu1h' to ·1mt wp· 11d ,u c .lt••c• d1 11 fr ('l m o ttt Comp.llCt IO aaolher HI lbc ,......,. lsaa. to Manha.II Hardy - • ~ telKOllllll~bllibll lhNfer, ...iJ
Tl111.11 -. .Jl »u• ~H• pou1hihti« • •l b n11mc rou t d .11.1 h11n• • .1ad S)-.n».
Other f~uflhc. o~k.m u. 01ut1 Jn..,.ud 0111 ,pro ... ~,. h el11r11n11e t Che nui.! , I ~ ,,,.:1) , ueodcd •"'u.::bh<,11" uJ .!ne..1,
ddf•ren1ly w hen you ru what tlliy"re 11lki111 altout.· lie Hid . 'Most (,tudenta) teke for aralllM
ditpl1y1n1 he r w11.rcolo n aad
wtial 111.,e,y (iaftNCIOtf) do: A-' .._,4 tltil uluhitlOI ia 1M firtt ol 111 k1ed 11 Midwt,t•r•.
st•lp!uu ; G u y O o lJt, u1. u1oc 1•I• pr <'l f1uo1 of ar t. di~a)'Ula hia photoJtaphi , Dehu ~ . . -. lilijac1 '°"t'\IC'IOf c,f an, do,aa,... t. llaad•bc.nlt 1eu.lp(11r,I
•Trtdilioully, i1 at1.,,.,_,
uru1h: for,., : .El 1u be th
Illus is aa analltl ....i,* ... uitl.
Akuut.•. in .i r11c 1o r o f ■ rt . d11 pla yi 111 bc.r 1c ulp1u re uJ
• Howower , atM~,W9-wW do dlil O(CIIIODIII)', , ·ver y IWO 01' three ye,u, ao ,1ud1■ ll C'. . 1M 00- tht1r 1n.1uuc10rs' work chlnf'C acd mat&RI· • Aab II ullibitioa hu recent unique r• h•f pruu, from tha • p,aoc d11 0 Su1u . · Others ,epru•nl~ u1 1l111 9,J,b1b11,on ar• L,arr y Oav11, IStCX'•ate pr~~o( art d11pla yi11.1 hi• whed 1hrown ,aku weueb: Ehpbelh Yarosi. a ttocu t e pro fe uo r o r ut ,
jewelty .... PMlrre SUM. lechnical UllltaRl, d11pl1 yin1 bi, wehJ,J ,._I IQtlptut., Tlli1 uhib1tion II fuodeJ by
Nat,ouluk , tbe MSU An Endow•••1 Hd tlls Pras1dcnt'1 E..1ecllt'oceFad. Gallery bwrt •ni 9: )0 • m. •· 12 p . m . ~•cl l •<I p . 111,. M o nd■y tbro"p Friday. Tb• uhib1h011 cn,111nua Vlltll Stpt. ZS.
urodrr •,, ho o h- II n•<'JeJ . • rr'"""' ' " pre■• ·o· .nd rl'al,
,,1 •
l,\,;'l f"'"l-lf A U Ill\'
ne w -:- a m r u1 phonr, b1,e ~ .. ma d ... 1111 ,·h • lJo,.. , • , J11lcr t11 lcll\C I 1111''1"1C 11 the l"'f•I D .. ,t h ~ h,im lhl' • .. ,,n ,, ,
~~l "' ,,. lk1l " '11:.it>lc-
ft,- nt,. ,,,ttm il,u, !It , l •1 111. ,, 1
...u, ·
,.,u, n: c,I 1-•nJ
J1, t1n1
J• uJ• ..,.iJ 1 ~ rr i.1,J,.,. , .., ,n1 Jcni. "" llh I, 11f J,,11111 ,u,1, c" 11 1 , hc1rcr , .. :.• ~, 1h 31 p•r11.-ul1, tttnc • • urrv " ,: t ,, '-'f"il''1t,,r , _ ,\,,;,tcJ ... u, ONm11 1~ ,,.,._,rr. J•h.,nn h,-c OM ntu "-c' •C'I lh<-,r rh•'II\'. ~.11ltd the "1ml kt)· -..h1~h" IN.'J fm , all .,.a,unJ I, , , 1f-c-1mr"\ ._ ,ti. Thi•
dcputmcn~ C1lttt • ,., the rr.,.a
plh'IV I~ Jt.,fftCJ V [h,t •luJ1.nl \ ~•n. ,n lbe nr,r futJ1r . \uonr, 1
MSU r.urnhe, w,U be a lll<>tn.1ll-1l1y d1rc c:1 e d lhtOUJb I '1'11('' o f oumt-cr, ,.. 1111 in,tfllol"i.n' :\ 1111 1 hsu.ag of 111 MSL J.-r-11m.·r.L," vi ch, 1'111~1""'' p•sc, of •!le t i'-. South-.c"1t'rn s.- ;1 td,rh "' J1r~ 1nrv. An ,ht-rc••at:J •cr,1c-n a ho a p?fu, 1n tb, ~·el k -. r•re•
lhru ~-•mp,.tr1• 1,, a m"dt"m .1nd 1 -.. .·r,\ ttlr, nc~JrJ rr,,m • m • in!r;r, mc or dau hot i..1 J thl-u h-•rn,r,11•1 l In 1.JU 1! ro n l u !ti t' a h n ,e t,•;r,11:re,. l.i,uhy anJ •Jm,n":utoh rn.,ne• ba,r mult i .. 1n 1.111 lin~ r.:ndh IUn..11,'l'l l :t(l.lh1!1!1,•,
1.t lls2'bounperdt~~ttwc..-r-a.1
University loses untenurecl facuity 8) G. ~ Fortner II Slalf\Vriltr
.on11n11 oi:J rmriJ,.~mrnt 11111 ,,.me nc"' t cnurrJ p,t(ll11>n, \\ cir
The tum layofl :, n,,c ('fll\tcl)
,st probably
bf_,.,,,....,.. New campus phone system
0• lilly 23 . Pru1deo1 Buth s,ped 1al0 law tlM KiJbe, e.c... uoo Act, wlueb ntc.adl ctr. of
dtfW and •tnrlo~NS i odnsuu u 1J b" ha• ntH borJ aoy c-omr{t1nr< )fi atac>ut tbt. ,mot1n1 han attd dof.• !\.JI' mtn)' tw.:111" ftwrr ,·,~ll•i" <tulMIIU "fflOte no~ rhl.11 UI ,wnraSmoku T 1l,lll Wo,Od , lntt'fflA t11•aal OfftC"t Pro,rans• 11ecr-t.iar)' 0 \IIJ J h l' J ou 110 1 m 1t1d thf' nt\O
a ,,... ur11, ,n rc111 J, 11 thUlr) reduclmn~. Or Jut~ Ru5rr, ,.,_.., pre..,1Mnl of a,;aJerns.:: • ffa,t" •..uJ Due IO lht "l'UC'IUf<- l'I !.1<.1.lt) JOh 1uauntrc,;, a l lu,1 ~ ii mo,nth._, 10 a ye.tr'• no,.,,;., mu~r t.... ti•t-n u. 1 pl()fl!S!IOf mformm~ him or hl' r lh11 111, or btr ,unu1ll w d\ 1->e term1nalf>d. The budcct fur 1hr uni, u~il) II pltnnt'd 1ft ~tplembu, l>\.l the le Ji,talurt Joo n o l mc<t-1 uni ,I Januar )' lo l llep\ (I f rt,t.t 1h11 hud1ct . ._ ru11n:; 1 ·<tair •lrp" rl tec1. Roa, r. u,J 9•.:au,e of thl' ,1,1.. 11!r r,ahur of ;; 1a1 c (unJ 1n~ •' lra, t IS ru, leu u r, ' •••ntra ._ h v. tr. nr.i ii11uant trJ 1,1 ht rc n .. ,nJ some n f1hc",:. p1,,1 . .. ••• 1n1tr..,J "Thr 1,n1,c1, 1I) l.,,1 .•m · t•ot\J profu,,,,, .nJ I . Jn • r r1.,. ,.,1.thcm rea w h~ J.,, rn,i; nm,. · It, i,._.,.
u,J f cnun· 1, • ,111u.J ~uJ1 1nkr
dc lc r1rd ht.au,t tl'lc unnu,,1, ( IOI'! I a!f,,,J ,,, pltJao: thr fflPfk'J t<-r ,J,h • p,,,. ,tw'II k u Jeh h,1J r.c, ,,-mrucnt "'htn a ,lr.,·J ,I ,,,me 1,1 th •~,- r • ,r,·"·•n w ,,uhJ ri Hc hu:i r r-1 nk l !inure hJiJ :/,:re h(.,n k , :-r l,' 'IUHJ , .._.. 1, 111 u, . trnJ\ 1n t\l •:~l'~c P ' 'l>:t\ • ~uJ t•J•.Jmg lt•r \ ! u.l• "A c , trrn '•• • h,,.,.1 .. ur .. rr11,om.11h:ly .'5' (lt'h l'nl \ll"c 1'1••, . .1r.J !he (U,t., ,. r,l1IU\', n h l•J "i!,,:"tc : ... n~•-l !>I
lbc cut. m b.lK, t"J1i..1•1,111 l he , ,.. n,1,ru1111n ,1.,1r, 1hal apr1 u ,, m .11c.l) ! -I P"""nt 1•1 •II \lilt !11ndin1 1\ m1ml11rJ .1nJ • an 0(11 he ~-u1 ... 1d1uut a '"''fl\l )IUIUof1~1 ,mc nJmcnt
· t 1nfo1111 n.alr h . h,ih.-r , Ju~• ,nt.. th,• •rr.,n1m.11r 111 1•c r, rn1 o l h .d lf'ICJ m"n<• tlu! , JO t-r , UI lll 'IJ II H'\ , , ,,., ,.,,,, • I• 11.- c,lcJ 1.. , •I.Iler• •)'l ,1tlh l11~h.. , rJU,llhlO I\ :h~ I ! r l 1.r lo-it1: K!Jfn• •.-11J
11o 1n ta ll,
Editor ial
P a ge 2 ■ Thursday, September 10, 1992
Registration system needs modification
Location, costumes make film outstan ding
~•~ :~~~~~I:::;~ with the
By Jtan Hall
StaffWricr.r When I tran s ferred 10 Mid·
Bylloheno.......,J r. Mo,itCntic The S•pl . 11 IHUe o f Ea1ertainmc-n1 Wtckly 1ave the movie •cbmtopber Columbus: Tbe Dis~ry• • ·o + · Wbateucdydoes that mu n'> Chns wouldn 't be! able lo trao sfu the movie 10 another collcae , I suppose. J doa'1 aaree . Ttcbnicall y, chis lS a fine film. The cosiu mu were si mply boau1iful, th e loc ati o os were breathtakin1, lhe sets -were brilliant and the KW\J WU ript on. let's fa ce 11 , a movie aboul Chri stopher Columbus 1ailio1 lbe ocean blue so unds prelly dara bo nna . I 1,1,•as a o different fr o m an yor:t. else , 1ncludin1 Entertainn en l Weekly. which s tiled, ... producers Alusnder and Uya
tlluod ¥Pie us lhe bland , school" Jlc version of Columbus. 1be:O UQ • rcut 11, then St-rve 11 up ap.in. • OJC., l)f:rbaps lhey're 1ryin1 to llude to • doa retum1n1 to ifs .. vcll , yo u kno w . After sec101 the ·ov1e, I felt EW was wron1 in the ..!l\MI that I' ve seen the leJ.tbook . The te.ubook, "The American Nau or. , A Histo ry Of The Uniled Stales To IS77 ,· Vol. I , byGamty and McC au~he y, Slate s, "When K1n1 John II refused 10 finance him {C o lumb u s). he turned lo tho Sp•n •~h co url . whe re after m:i.oy d1sappo 1ntmenu, he fin all y per• suaded Queen Isabella to equip bis upcd1 tK>n. " Wro ra1 !!!! I mean ri1ht!?! I mean ... there 1s the textbook \'ers100 ... oow that v.-u bland. Tbe film is no ·star W ars•, "Silence of the Lambs· or ,:vm an "E.T . · no lucn, no murderous Lcctor and certamJy no ft)'Ulli' boy on a btke. The film perhaps seemed to IJIOVe • little slower lhlll other mo,•,e.~ we ma y have seen, but, tbea a1ain 1h1nk o f 1be time this fi lm takes place in {the 1400s). Tra vel was upo n horseb.ack , waion or s hip, and, of COUr$e, left and rieht (fee t) . There wu mo re pomp uivolved when see1.01 royalty badt 1ben ... kind of lib 1ettin1 an audie nce wirh Michael Jackson. Back 10 m y p o 1n1, t ho producer s did not J ive us t he textbook ~nioo of this 110ry. ID tbD film. we 1e1 IO ICC haw Kina Joba D JCts hold of Columbus' IDIIJ)tl then decides lo try lo have (aclually d oes) an u;pedilioo leave but without Columbus (you're in colleec, put rwo and two k>pthet), The diuppo,ntmeots th• text book cuually mentions were the dela ys caused by tbe Holy Cni.sades and the Spanish tryl0110 rid 1bem s elve1 of the Moors' presence in their cownry forever (1 cueu arcb11cc1ure doesn 't count). lt is Queen Isabella who calls Col umbus back to di1cuss the ox• pc.di1ioa, where 1bo reveals 11w the and Chris are kindred spirit& and mw;t follow their dreaall. She wants tho upeditioo to s uc ceed for 1wo reuoos . Pint , Spa in needs m one y , and this trip could brint 10 lots of wealth . Second , s he would like 10 tte Ibo world-wido spread of CbriltiaGity.
"The film perhaps seemed to move slower than other · movies we may have seen, but, then again think of the time this film takes place In (the 1400s)! S<lme people ... okay, a bwlch of people . .. okay, almost nobody knows who Georie Corraface is . He u Ibo actor who portrays Columbus . Director Dav id L1111 selected Corraface to play Ibo lead 10 the 1001 awaited film adap&arioo of Joseph Con nd '1 "Noatromo. • Unfortunately, Lean died before the film could be lhol:. I.At's move oo to T om SeUock.. He p o r1n y1 Kio1 Ferd1oud . Rachel Ward p o r1n y1 Queen Isabella . These two did not rel y upon 1be ir co llective aood loolcs . Ac11.01 toot pl.::e. Selleck 's Hilu were few , and the fac11l 1ct1111 of Ward (without wo rds) bas to carry a special moment upoa lbe deputure of Colum• bu,.
Robert Davi, whom you may remember from films such u • Action Jackson" and "The Goooie1," (two o f my fa vo r i te m ovies) por1ray1 Mattui Pin.too, the captaLD o flbo"Pinca" . Dt.viwubrilliaatio bi s po rln yal , howio.1 wlilea to exude eoerar physicall y and wbcn to direct bi s eo.ersr 1brou1b bi1 eyes dooo.. The o t her st and out was Tadiob F o re st Flower, who · portrays lbe Wost Indian dau1bter of an island chief. Her role caused ber 10 show al most everythin, she's
I°' (wilboul usiq: aay words what· ~
Her facial es.pressioas were ri1ht oa aod site wu visu.ally captivati.111 {I know a sood thua1 wbe..11 I see it . .. oow, where's that mppmeot r i.111 I usually carr y arou.ocl As a film Cri1ic, my job i1 not to mc~ly cri1ic1u a.nd cw a film lo piecea , my job ia to share my opinioo with tho rNdet' and OJ.plain why I think ha o, sbe should apeod bard earned money o r 1101 1peod bard earned money for a tick.el to ,001 film. The intenlioo of tho filn:unaker must be taken inlo considoratioo aloDJ with tho state of mind I wu tt,e film. So, what I'm in when I .. yins i1, I just wanl lo belp you OUI by lellint you what I IOO, 10 )'OU CID dec ide whether or not you want to see a movie w11h your date, you r buddie■ or by younelf. I'm 1oio1 to see Christopher Columbus a1ain and lhi• time I'll be buyia1 a t1cltet with my own
(81 7) 689-4704
e'e •
::~dcc;=.r luck to fCI lDIO ,:
followed . I was up ut at the ti me . but knew that J had several ,e meste rs
left 10 1c1 all those requi~d cour· ses. Besides. the system would take care o f mt . From that po101 on , I would 10 to early ~fistrarioo. Older and wiser, now I know that early re1 is tr■ 1io11 is no t lhe iod send it once appeared to be . Enrollins s tudent& 11iU have lo deal with paperwork in triplicale. sip•· tures, approvals and all lhe 1npp1n11 of bureaucracy. Thue 1h1n1s I u.pected. Sul man y enrolling stude nts ht! a snac wilh more serious conseque nces . A few proble ms plague 1hc syste m . proble ms which 1he wa1\·en;1ty can fix by modifyin}l early re111tra11on procedun:s. The current enrollment procc.,-, dures all ow a:r ■ duare ,. post-baccal ■ urcates and seniors 10 re1ister helore the lower clas.'iC.1. This is r..i r because 1he upperc lu1men ha ve a mo 1o ur1e nt need 10 gel into required eland. Acco rd1n1 to paee two o f cho fall schedule, 1emor cl1u1fic11100 ts hued on 90 or more credi ts. A 1tu· d e nt w h o to o k IS ho u n ea c h semesttr would become a senio r ■ her s i1 se mes ters o f 1chool. As Mr . Spoc k would uy, thi s is «m1nenlly lofic•I. He re ·• the c atch •- a studen t who complete• his ~11th semester Ill the ~prin& or 1992 will be• Sffilor in 1he hll o f 1992, but he c anno t rer111er as a senJOI' . T be regulalions requ i re 1h11 student lo quahfy H I senior by the end or lhe fall o f 1991. Soevco 1fhe itlaas to graduau: 10 two semeslers, even 1f he needs a spec ,fic clan in the fall u • prerequ isite lo• re· q uired class m the s print. he still
On Che first da y of re1i1 1r1lioo , I wu told tbt ~•rly two hou rs sbor_t o r be 1111 abi:" register as a seruor. I WI& lLJCky the letter "h" came up ~kly However. 1 fneod III Ill • mar class was no1 ~ lucky. ~ ~ also be a scn_1or this f1 U. b1a1 11 unable to rcg111er u Sikh H11 name be11ns with • f, • the ia,s la.t to reais tcr th.i s scme5ter. T~ Every relummr slUdent. 00 1 no~ far from 1ndu111on, 1~ to re111ter before tum. Re1is1rar Billye Tinuc &aid th&! nearl y half o f the studcm bndy roll~ dur i ng ~arly rea istrao: Duunc the spring, the numher ~ 2, 384 . A few classes were clOSed before an y lo we rdusmen ..,,,. able lo re1 1stcr . By the end of 1._ process. SO classes. 1nclud,ng 501111 labs , were clOM.d . Upper c l us me n should not h ave to bo depe ndent on luck 10 find open classes . The univeui t)' s h o uld c h a n1:e the orde r or r ee11t ut1 o n so that number of crcd1t1, not s pell mes of names 11 tho d e ter min ing facto r. Furtb~rm o r e, clau 1ficallon of , cn,ori: s hould be based nn 1hc semester
: :!II~~
t:;e~:~~: n! ~~~r~,
The ea rl y re11str1hon be open to scuden ls in dc,ccDdiq numbe r of c r ed 11 hours . Tbt recular ree1stution should be opea f1rsl lo 1ran s fe r s tuden ts 111 , returni n g students who miued early ree u1111ion and then to i11co min1 fr es hmen. The freshm et could be d1 v1ded 1l ph1be11c11t 7 if necessary. Th is 1yuem would be more f11r to all student,. Sure , we "i"Dllld st il l ha ve to deal wlf h p1pcrwort and long line,, bu! cl■ u room ~ would 10 to slUdentl with the mot11, urient nud , not the luck.iuc tllIIII..
Brought to you by:
American Heart Association
• V
by Judith P■ny
New Harves t Church George B. Davis, Pastor ! "Keep on telling people about Jesus until, Jesus tells you to stop telling them!"
9:45 A.M. 10:45 A.M. 6:00 P.M. 7:00 P.M.
Sunday School Morning Service Evening Service Wednesday Worship
For more information call: 855-5095 Meeting every Sunday in the "Upper Room " of the Davs Inn.
. """_ ..... _ ,. " Fr. poet .. u,o,
, 1 lurNu
S5 UMlcly 57 Ntlpwrll'IIIM
Cqiversity Progra111111iqg Iloard
11 Gr. llll ft
Michael Vendrick Edttor In Chief
Belle Z. MalOne
: ;;;
90 HMd1
Subscription rate $10 per year.
Oan Fann.n
1nle1Ud ,ssue. lo tho midt.llo lMro is By Brian Yount lu1 of a lendeacy to 10 up and Guest Writer down . You can be much mo~ obB• fo ro aad 11 11ce R oe va . Wade , the on1oin1 banle between Jectiva from du• pomt. IA o ther w o rd s, by open 1n1 !be pro-life side &nd the ptCH:hoice yourself to each tswe you serve u • 11de o f abo r1 100 hu rested on a ~11tor for lhe rwo utremu. leetcr-totler . The problem w,th th11 i.nuci 11 Tho pr o- li fe udo lond a to 1h11 n111her 11de hH I lendency 10 b•li1Y1 1h11 life slart1 at coocephatcn 10 the 01ber R1l111ou1 v1cw1 !Iota . 1r1d co nt1nu•s unt il death . tend 10 support pro-Me auSea of the Pro-lifers uiu• lbat abortio n ts ,u ue wh1l11mpor11nce o r oneself murder and thal adoption 11 a key supporu the ocher Somehow the alternative. two ¥1tw1 ~ , conn«t. Bui people "''ho take the pro• T o me the 1bo rt1o n ,ssue 11 choice s t ■ n c t feel that lhe decir.ion like the old famrly feud berwecn the concem1n1 aborllon should be l•ft H1tf1elds and the McCoy, . Bo th up lo the ind1v1J1.11I Pro-cho1\·er1 ques tion 11 what 11de1 1 lw1y1 ice onl y one 11de of 1he "°'>'· potol life truly bc1111s and uiue Th •• is where lhe 1h1rd lllnce 1h11 ado ption procedures 1tronjl y pla ys 1n 1m por1a nt role . lnitcad of fa vor !he c1ucas i1 n popul11ion. In feel inc 1he pressure o f be1n1 un• o ther words. c1 ucu 1ans usuall y deci ded . u,e the po 1111 on 10 ac t prefer adoptinc a caucuian ch,ld. bo ldl y by help1n1 pr o-li fe rs and Both 1ides have food points, pr o -c ho icers und e r sia nd o c h bul where dou • person stand ifhe doesn'I feel lhal the re is enou&b 01ber. This brmis mto perspecl1ve conchaive evidence lo make one of a whole new upecl lo the ar ru· two c hoices'? I 1uuu1 a third men!, and po£Sibly a IOiutioD. While so me ma y co ns ider cboM». Take a seance in lhe middle or 1hemsclvu pro-li fen and 01her1 the u:eter•loller. his I logical place pro-choicera, the new 1ide o f lhe 10 bo when tryine to view such an issue can be called "pro-spectator.•
Mldwes1em State University 3400 Taft Bl,d. PO Box 160 W+chita Falls. Texas 76308
May I stand in the middle?
with mo'!)
trbt Wtctttan Julie Nanny AHOClatl Editor
The ar bi trar y ayu« re111te ria1 by fi n e le1ters 0 1of 111 names fo rces unofficial 1e 010, 1
western. for the fall semester o f 1991. J w11ted in 1he re1i s1r1t1on lino for 1hree boors. More 1h1n half of my chosen c lasses we re. cl ~ . and some serious IC'hcdule JUUhDJ
Lee Decker Sportl Edttor David A!'l)y
Clrculatlon Mlnagtr
Copyrig ht O 1992 • Th• Wichilan. Th • Wlc/1/ran le a membtr of th• TaXII t n f ~la1• Pr.is Atfoci1ll0n. l.U'1 Polley: 111, Wic:hA'anwill g{ld~ pubfish 'fO"' ..:ter to the ..:litor I you wMI lnc:lud• your nama and numbtr ao w-. may contact ,ou ll'ld be assu,..:ilhat noon,talMty UHdyourname, If you wlth )'1)Uri.t1,r10 ti. pubhhed without your name. and th• c:on1,n1 juttlfitl thllt action. pllaM am1ac1 11\o .cli1or IO a mvtuti agrum.nt cant>- rMCMCI. Al lctt•rt .,, priottd untdilad Oplftiont eiq>i'.-.d .,.., no! necfll~ thole of the !acuity, adrninittra110n o, aioff. ~ body and mey not ' 9PfHem aOOMtl"ltl.ltot :h,
Clar, S1u dc111 Center Ballr,Hllll Mond;iy Scp1c111hcr 1~ - 19~2 6 : (1{)
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Ne ws
•• Tlw Uruven11y O.IQOC,- tl -.,11 aw..c, 1 • lO r-m. Sq,(. 10 "' Cl1rk S1uJ01 C ul1r I U . THU SU.tc llep John Hine'- wtJI be . . 1uut ■puke,. Ad111111.o a i.t fr• aod , ..~ w,D bt- .-n-.d. •• Til • U ■ 1v•r11t1 Prorumm 1•1 Bo•rd will pNH:ot co..du ■ H1rr7 Bull 11 6 P·• , th CS C B1l1too• Sept . U AdmmKM W he. •• Th Ar11n Lectwret ~fle.i will pruenl 1aprcui o1utt Job• llouh 11 7 p.m. , Sept. 17 .. tlle CSC 81llroo. Call 619--'.' 20 fo,
u.tec uifonmri oo
.....,.,. . _ _ Dr8-a Jd FIKhll , Interim direct or of the divi.ion 11n pro-t. ed to ate
i .,; :1:i;.::.,:-nUy pro~-
Six facu ity promoted .,,._,_._ StJrwr,..,
Whi le 1b, Ou ! rd ch, u w bl, ) tudt11r~ rt11Ut1tnf •chu,.,I
lo theu hbi<lul, IHP.ln\ll 'tthiu., • 4llt "1SU 111.w.lly •ell'llwu .,, f \n l1111 h .t lh,11 "'"' r1hi1lt-SH Promo ti.J111\ fo1 ta, 1.111, m••t-.t,.,. ,.e,, •nDt.l'\lml'd t,\ 11'1( l'a,~,rnil )
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..ror..,.-Ol'poizw. et 766--»19 ~
•• A tsp,, MUUOlr WIii be he.Id • 11:.JO pm and i pm . Sapl. 10 ., csc 1CM and 10.5 nw M-nu..,f01'•• 1,00,ore d l>> l.k A1J10Cia1,a11 Socul ...a S.-vor11I $c19nco, ud
Soc-111 Yt'orktu Actwa, T~CtMr.
A 11 ttu.d,01 1 i nd Cit• loc a l ·c ommWDIIJ . ,. ••COl.tf lf•d 10 1utad, due lo Iba .. ,.., rtpttl 10 W,c~u Pill• a.cf I.ht u.sat ,..,_ AdC!UJ lioadhe ,.. T bf Stude■ r Tbeatr• for Aw1~DN.1. Q'°"·th and Eductt.o a will pr t te nt • A Prem1e r a
IO ■ m ■I\Jfpsi atwf l
t!M C"11rk Srudt-111 Cuter ,,__.,,
Tiff, av.al 11 lJIO.,N H by W1 l,oe Fa auh P l 1■ 111111 Clia1c , ltd Illa o;.....~ of Coa11111un1 E ~. I hm f or a-or- utfnrma1i oe ~ Smit• . J1tect n r , 11 7.?J •0H.S. ,.tll't-. Adw-• ..-rbe MSU at\ldMI bruch of 1lle Au o.:u u o o for Cllildlto od
u hc)td lli fin! ......
Ed\lC11JOft ....
of 111• 1942-93 ae1de111u: ,-ar al 1:20p.m.. s.p,. JO. ia ~ l02.. n. m1u1ed -,-Jeer will bt LIIKM I ~. pnac1pal of 8eo F,.nk.11• El1mu1 1ry School and for m•r JHHlll enl of lh• Tuu hr1nch of ACS l...,._110MI
~g iste r :A{pw 'To 'Vote In :/{pvem6er
t •\• l'NflJ4
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P..,fomau ,.•e , • et 7 p.m • Sapl. 10 ia
•• Th ,- firH S1u J e n1 Cu, f'tl'lmenl ,-4.U OC IIIIOff ffif'tlll'II for lff 190] .9) a.-adeDW YNI ~-1U tre11 6pm , S.,,.. J1 m C'SC"JOI .\ ritptitw>•t11l1u frn,. ,,·er) JtuJc>al or,■ t1,u110• " teq1H~rN to d ror 10 flt)' lkf SOA orr,c•. C'SC 106. rf,IIIU I HHIOI The off1.-:e U • • 111lly l'lptl'I du.rUII 1he ful1,,w1ftJ llcnet MonJ..)', I a m •. JO • m 111J \ p • ·• i p 1t1 • T ue.ld1y . 9 • • •• ll a m W I pm - Jp m .
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C he ck U s O ut Fo r Free. TcA.:t\ . !IO w c "J hkc to Ban k uf Am~ri,: a •~ p r o ud 10 bc:- ,n a ny flan k of Amenca Tcus 1..dcbrat ,· A nd ,:-ou· re In \ 11cd Drop b) a ccoun1 Free Thar' s r,gh , bran\· h ,ind o~n a pc=rsom1l i:hcc k 1ng t he "JY rhr,,ugh ~cp1cn1bc r T here "di 1'>1..• nl• mun1h l} frc :.II of checks frC'c, 100 15. IY93 AnJ )0u ·11 get )'our firu order ·m lor a Ban.kAm..:nc-.ud' \Vh1lc you're thc.·r1..•. rick up an J pphc1111t c-red11 appro,..a l. ynu ' II ~cl \ ISA._ or \ '11ts tcr('"an.l ' .:n:dn c ard L'pon you ' ll p.:ty no annuJ/ f..:c Jor :111 the hc-ndi1~ o f ::a Ha n kA m<rlCJTd .ind have rhc scc un l)' th:tl -.,·,me.., th~ fi rs1 year A nd bes t o f a ll, you'll ..:11 fanu ly. une of 1he nn11on·~ with bcmg p art of lhl• UJnk of Amc n l in<,t1tu1to ns /.argcs t :ind sln.mgcs t groups o f ftn;1nc1a forc \ CT ~ - hurf) \\ t' rc Like :di good th tng j. thl!> one ,._.on·1 la.!>1
l0t•k1 ng fol"'4ar d 10 " c h.orn1ng )'t•u \\ IC'hll:11 >•II~ 1-hlCPa! i.t'r,'fl.Un , •l)· , i,.~ lu
.!<,14Q S""' ,...,.,..,.~ ) . l-•11 . 1.c1 l111 -..:vnh \\.ill ,un-1
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Located in Cenrury Plaza around the comer from Samurai of Tokyo
Sport s
Pa e 4 ■ Thul'!lday, Se lember 10, 1992
On Deck
Epidemic infects sport s world
An Indian roalie prepare, to Intercept a ■bot on foal as t he Tribe rears
up tor a memorable season.
Indi ans kick opponents pos..~ssed as they sd their s12hts on
in& of second into Hobbs , N.M . lau Wedn esda y u the y unilcd w1tb The Colle1c of lhc Southwest, The T nbc tot.ally domual~ u they rolled to a 7-0 so\Jnd thrashing of South\l.~l David H,lscnteaer and DaMy Coker u ch scored rwo L-Wls wh,lc Shane Amsler scorcJ a nclfcr and
• n111ooal chlmp1onsh.ip. The team urned tn tht1r runner -up status and a national ranlc-
team . Nut up for the m11hty Indians
By Ltie Dtd.er Sports Editor
Ellp«l•llons are once 1111n nmnina slcy h11h for the Indian Soccer team, Com ,na off last ycu·• unprec edented NATA D1v1s1on I run•
oer •up c rown , the team seems
di shed o ur l\1.0 USl511' 10 kad the
was Rc~s Uru versi1y. The T ribe turned the game into a ddc,mve struisk, •rKI Bnan Fl 1n1g1n took nre of the offensive l01d, scorma lhe game·, only aoaJ. Dinny Holland reco rded his second con5cc u11ve shootout ■ s !he Tnhe prev11leJ 1-0. Or1I Roberts pl l)'S hosl Tn~ 3.30 pm. Fmlay.
ln~ian~ ~~. Mi~~o~ri ~all~f ~oll~~~ 7:30P.M. Sept. 12 at Memorial Stadium
87 l..ttl>tdtt' Sports Editor Ever beu the old 11yin1 "111 Jood tb1n11 must come 10 10 end? " For most of us a cb•n~e is 1ood, W11h technoloiY m1k1n1 leaps and bounds everyday, 111s U5 (the consumer) 10 keep the phrase, •oul with the old , m the l'ICW • • For example, •way back when" n to 1 f I peu oo wanted to li ste mu.cit , he had to produce ii tum.self. T hea te c hn o l oay m1d e • bre1kthrou1h - the record player. If WIS I Jrt.11 mvenbOrl. A per· son could li sieo to hi s fa vori te sooss m the comfo rt of hls home. Then science 11ve us lhe c.u• setle player. It was u deadly 10 the record busmen as I runshol woond 10 the head. Fm1lly, the e1ci11ng world of science bou1ht the compact J isc player. II u yet to be dmdetl 1f tbe CD will bury lhe !ape industry six feel deep , bul u if be1 nr s lowly poisoned rhe t1pe crate will die• slow de.1th.
Mo~ t advanl.'cmcnh 1n u~ch· nolotY 15 gooJ fur the consu.m.er'. but be ■wsre there arc some wol
vc.s m s~p&' clodunf ·
One upecially ,, h1din11 out 1n the s poru worltl read y 10 rrab spor~~•t ,~f~s that Pay Pe r· View spo re , pro1n mm1n1 ,s th e best thinr sin<:e peanut butte r and
sma ll fte I viewer .:an I e nJ OY u cr ■ sports pro1ramm1n1 v,,hcn he or ~he like.• . R1a h1 now , in this ~11110:: , ihe 1 concept sounds 1 reat, but 11 ·s hke virus that will :1pre1d and e,-c:nt\llllY take over the entire sportmj ~ orld.• II started off firs! as a cold, prim ari ly J USI charging the con· sumer IO view events such IS c~mpio ns hip bo:unj and wres tllnc
JCl!Y· Fo r
malchcs. Thi:n it spre:1d into the present stase lh.:il I call the "flu" 5tJi"· The virus branched 1h15 sum· mer when NBC offered "The Olym· pic Tn ple (bl " during che Summer
U1mts Another bnnc.h hb sprouted ABC is offcnn& colki:c ftx,(l,a]I ~ 1 p1y -per-v1ew b11 11 Ibis f •II season.
J::/:t:~;::,~t::na of
1be Je.11roy sports viewed on Clble "'•II Thi , wdl all lud to the. . fin ■ 1 1 yroptom whic h I call the. • 1 ulJ bk,wri."staae,.. . cO!U\une, the siaae, th11 In have to hi ve the pay-pe,•..,te "'ill 1cm inslalled 1n h11 ho°"' maJOf sporllnB events, •ucb tbt World Seriu, the Super Bu-.,~ NBA f inals , lhe F111al fou, •.:: colleae bowl iames, e ~ With 1porls coru:umptlOru 11 an 111 lime h11h, the produ: : know 1h11 lbe consumers will the ir favow c JUSI to heroes and for the basic love of the xamc. Riaht now. 11 doc.,n't look II f there' s. a cure fo r th is d1scne , ~ my advtee to the sports klvers of Iba worl~ is to ask fo r a rise .. you'll need 11.
Tribe gains weight, size
By Ltt ~tt' Sports Editor
To say that lh e m e n 1 hasketb1ll 1e1m r11ned • l1t1le over the s ummer would be •n undentatemu l. The Tribe 111ned rd : ~/ ic h• Co 1c h Gen ld S toc kt on's summe r 1ranuc1,on s bu added
size, wei1h1 and I new 1w1st lo Ills frontcourt. Fir s t S1ock1on went wesl to s1in 6'10" , 225 lb. Charlie S1aer.
Although a n111ve Teun , S1i(-r bad y ,,reed 10 play al Utah 011 inill Sla~e hul decided 10 fini sh off tus «rin htshomeslale. ' 11 co e~:l:r~a~rmss some whal of 1 i dimenli10n to the Tribe . size he 15 1 fo rce in ~u:l; 1
th;llrc~: :;~1nd }'~I oddl y enOUlfh , has the sofl to~t h from down1ow;, z1vin1 the Tribe 1nolher ou tsi e thre,I owever, StocktOtl d1dn '1 Slop h ,_ ..,1 k 1, H there Ju.~I one wee ater c SJ5,,...j M1n.-: r■ I We lls stand out M1ch1C
. • Pierce: Piut e a 6 S post avcra~ II points and sevrn rcboun<J.~ a aall>t for theR1ms u 1 seruor.
S1o c kl o n said th u Pierce ultima tely dcc1Jed to attend the Midwestern after vn111nr lht campus du rms an a/l·slar game 111 W1ch11a Falls, With th e ne w re cruit ~ aol relurn1n1 le ll e rmcn, the Tribe should be 1n aood shape 10 ma\:e 1 run 1 11 conferen ce ch1mp 1on.,;bip.
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September 10, 1992
toe Wlc~1tt11
Indians knock-off Muleriders l y l.tt~._"' Sporb Editor I f U...S )'OU u y lh, theme for lu1 S1tu rd 1 y ' s football 1•m• M 1w ua the T 11bc i nd Soutbc,1n ,,rt.nn, wu ·•n)·Uun, you can do. l uoJ..>h-:1\ef • Howncr , M1ke CalcoC• . helld CM\ h, played the Int INmp cud in 1he frame of ~ Dior comtrbacl Phtl Wood. The Tribe pulled oul t. 23-22 "11lb,t.tr IWIJ from the Ml>knden.
Thi mu c h he ra lded lnJu1n oHusc lived up 10 i ts b1lhn1 as "Th, Bu m...J.a T n 1n1lc " u 11 once 1111n ~onf,a cd and de1t roy1J an oppontnl'a drfen~ aU day loa1 The fa nlt)ll, tn o that makes up th e- offcou,·c •ystern 1h11 sucks defenSf', 1n W.I d.>e•n't let the111 out ,It luod an ootstand1n1 e•me The badc field, which 11 m.Jt.
up uf fullha dc Oer m~k W11one r and 11tlh1d,; lfr nr ) Anden , n n ..,.11J for • comb, n, d 10111 of 16 7 )'auh and I touc hdcM'fl. Th e l udu o f th e 1r oup, quu tubac k Cr111 Pc1t1arcw, not 0t1ly nin for W )"lhli bul ~ ror 114 yard, • nd •Ito threw for a 1oochdov. n p 1d1n1 the au.th ranked to m 1n 1hr na11on to an open1n1 day win. It didn' I look 100 Jood for the Tn hc 1n I.be bet •M tllf. Howevet. as 1he M11luuJc rs took the operunt \.1d:;o (f .ad marched 80 yard$ tn \t\·r n plays, the d rivr wa, upped o ff h y a 19- yud 1corin1 1tnlu
u ocut•d b y tbe SAU ofrr nso, bul the PAT f.a1kd Both J , fen1es held 111ht fo r tho r u t o f th• o pe1un1 quar1r 1 Ouau Wade l od the de fen111ve c hu 1e which htld the Mulemlen t.o only 101 yarJ.,. of lotal offense in lhefi~ Nilf, T he T ri be loo k th r u r, n t second qu1 rtu pooe.uion u J J rove S4 yards to w t up 1 -0 yard fid d 1oat by Kr 11h Wood The kry play lead1111 up to lhe three potnl.1 wu 1 28 yard fll.U from Pc1111rcw to Anders. Thrt1 Just whrn 1t looked u 1( 1ho T ribe wu scn1111 hlck 1n10 the thick or 1hmp . a Nmbl~ punt snap 11ve SAU lhe hall oa the lndwi yard luie. Fo nunate l y fo r the Tube, Mauhall Ho lc o mb made h11 prtHCIU felt by p1d.1■1 o ff ID errant SAU put, and rerumed 11 t.o I.he MSU 30-yud Imo. 'Th o Ber muda Tri u11c• nu ded onl y 4S Hconda, nd J play1 t.o capllahz.e tx1 the Mulernkr
k e Jmo o . Ge ne Croo k , Stev e Prutwood and W•da lu d1n1 the core II lhc y i loppcd SA U cnld. J1V1nt the hall hack over 10 the lnd11n uffenwi. That ' s when Pe1t11, ew took. Qve , hy e n11necrin1 • 64•) 11J 1coon1 dr!Ve Pc tt11rc w found 1ro hm1n Denu:trrnJ G1lNn 1n the i nd zon. with n1 W'<Ofti.b k ft III tho fir11 half The key play that tel up the t o uc hJo ...,, n wu a 4 2- yard conoec t1o n rro m Pe11 11row h> N ckup tailback Trey T1ykw A, the JUn sounded cod1 n1 play 1n lhe fi n l half the Tribe wu chn11n1 to • ~ILm 16-6 bd. Both 1ums suuu led early in 1he 1econd half, hut like the fi u t hair 11 wu 1he Mu\er ide rs Jelhn& b1c:lc o n thr boarJ f, n t. SA U construc te d a 18- pla y dri ve culminahn& 1n 1 39-yard field pl Now, SAU had llinuked up on the Tribe and only 1ra1kd hy -
nunover. Fu st, 11 WH Wiper for J I b11 yud1, i nd lhen 11 was Anders rumbhnJ r01 34 y1rJ.1 all d,e way 10 tho one-yard hne. f 1ully, 11 w11 W11oaet'1 t\ln:t aplD u be plLlfl,ed 1n the eGd zone from one yard CM.It Sl\•1n1 the lndiaN a ~ lead. Tbe lod110 d e ren ae be ld 1tron1 w11b lbe likes o f Eddie
The Muh·ode rs were no t abo ut to s how any mercy u the SA U dcfentt. 111Hened i nd forced the lnd11n1 10 punt. Tho ~tar e was now set (Of the fireworks, JOOn t.o be tjp\ltod J. Lee PotL1 boomed a ) 2-yird punl for the T ribe Wattin11 back t.o reu 1\·o the punt for SAU w11 Val Mom s . Mom s fielded the pun! at lhe 41 ■nd wu off 10 !he racu fOf 52-yard 1ouchda,,,.11 Wuh1n the blink of an eye , the Tu be ' s le ad was 1o ne u the Mule n ders knotted the 1• me at 16 a piece. Morn• •• m1r1clo work ""'U ooly the openin1 act for Aiatin'1 OWII Reu1• Cunpell.
Campell, u 1f try1n1 IO 11/#W« to Mnm , · hcro1c1. fielded • SAU puol and broke up held for ,a. y1td• for 1he 1coro. 1ee11WUIJ the , co re !tick ,n10 the Tube favor at .U-16 The firework feshvihH wue not over u SAU 1Umed to be able 10 liJht ano cher fun II tha Muleriden 1.onnec1cd Oft a 6S-y1td touchdown bomb with S:S0 !aft IO rtay ID teJUlahOIII. The 1oucbdown act the crucaal 1ame -1y101 PAT . b u t Wood d ec id e d 11 wu hu 1,ma for redtmp11on. Wood turnrd hit p t 1lllUI i nto hero II he , u,hed throu1h lino •nJ wu huely able lo 1e1 CAO\JJh his ftn,ert 00 &ho baU to ktcp 11 from 101n1 1brou1h the upn1ht1. ThlS kept the lnch1nt lfUptCII I lJ-22 \oed. The oHcnse then 1e<ured th• 1amc by eatlnJ up the rem11n1n1 five intnules of tho same lo JIW tbe lndmu lhcLr fi~t Wle or victory • lhe tnfant scuon. Ne1t up for the •eermuda Boys• will be M11101o1ri Valley Co lle1e 11 7:)0 p. m. , Sept. 12 al Memorial Stadium,
l'Aol• '7K,lrltv,-.II
Craig Pettigrew, Indian quarterback and leade r or the reared ''Bermuda Triangle'' rifles 8 pass during an afternoon practice.
By L« ~k« Sports Ed1l0r H e ad ir a c k c o arh a nd U I UIIDI football coac h C n i1 Beucnt hH decided to han1 up hil
: ~:::::~ 1w::~~;,;.~x; ~ 1
t1c u c nl m11nt11n e d I bo t,on of offeu~ivc line co,,ch for ko I po11 I the pHI two ye1ti, piy,nl b ,Y I role en en, ineeflD I th0 rt c f• ~ s = ~n: ! i:;ceen ent ,uded 1 the fir st male an d fe ~ale All ·
the v1c1nl c0t~hin11 spot Blackshear· o ri1 1n•lly frona Hondo, w ill J01n forcc, wiih h former teamm■ te , M,keCal •o/ ' MSU head football cui1.h Tbc• c, pl ayed college ball toxcthc; i~
Amt:~i~ar°as,~n,t ::;~ : ;n;i~ s:71 Crci me ndous lo ss , nOI JUStto lhe football proi r• m. but to the enhrc a1hle1,c de partme nt u a whole
Vd la11e H1~h School in wh cr ( h e a i~ umc J l h 1 r es p o ns , b, llt y o r Jden~1 v 11 coord inator i nd o , h1 an1 Hac k
: ,:~t,~:i': ! / ': ht~e~,;e~~r= :~~~ taid. H ow e v er . ! h e ath lc ll C depart me nt wa:Ued httlc u me 1n findins I rep!acemenl for Buscnt Th ree wee ks a fte r Besscnl'• departure , tho 1c hool announced that Robert B l■cbhur would fill
coac~ie heired gu1d( lht Je rsey Village F, kon~ lu two di\'.lnct c hamp1oosh1ps anJ a u,p lo th c la n AAAA A h1i \C hoo! \!ala ch1mp1onsh1r, i!l mt B lackshea r, hu • ho held coaching JOh• at Ode\,,1 Pcrm111, Ector anJ MlGreior ll1;h Sthoob, _ rcsrec u,·ely
Ab1\ene'1 Wylie Hi1b School.
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