Marc h on Haiti
Ball Schedules
The Wichitan
foloflle 73, Number I
Thursda y,Scpt. 15, 1993
Ivins barbecues politicians
~V_it_h satir~, Milly hins lurned the heat on Texas Poh11CJ30S during her presentatio n Tuesday e,·ening.
Neely answe rs studen t questions Bv Charles Cage
a nytime.
Marsha Neely. sLudent activi1ies secretary. offers the
ries tickets arc also avail:lbk in the CSC office. S1udcnts
• MSU Ar1is1 Lc<.·ture Se-
following answers to ques- may pick up tw o tickr.:ts to any ALS event with an MSU 1.0. Tickets are provided on a semester. first-come-first-ser;e basis. • Campus maps arc avail• MSU I.D. cards may be obUlincd in the Cl:uk Student able in most MSU offices. Center office from 11 a.m. to New students most c:om5 p.m. Tuesdays. Students monly mistake the CSC for roa)' pick up already-made the Hardin building. Neely 1.0. cards in the CSC office said.
tions most commonly asked at the start of the fall
by Brian Ballard Editor ~foll y Ivins, politica l columnist for the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, spoke about n:uional and Texas politics 10 m_orc than 300 people :H Fain Fine Ans Auditorium Tuesday night. Interspersing ~ rious polit· kal appraisal of President Clinton's health can= plan. the Texas governor's race. and the "wise use" movl·mcnl with humornus anecdotes about Texas politu:al figures. she kepi her audience laughing for over two hlJurs. President Clinton's hcallh care plan is dead for this , ongrcssional session. Ivins At most. Congress may pass some int:rcmental legislation to keep insurance companies ;,om denying insurance due to pre-existing conditions. She said she wasn't disappointed in the Clinton administration's performance because she knew Cli nton's record :is governor of Arkansas. As governor. he was an incrcmcn1alist and :i compromiser. Yet. dcspitc Arkansas' big problems when he became governor. Clinton left the state in bcuer shape. This year's race for Texas governor is 100 close 10 call. Ivins said. Recent surveys in Texas show that the Republi can and Democratic par1ies arc lied :it 42 percent each.
fo r more 1han 20 ycJrs. working in the 1970s as coedimr of The Texas Obsen·er. She no1ed that 1hc legislature reinstated a law agains1 being can. g:iy in the last session. hut so Because of Clinton's un- far ii hadn't deterred anyone populari1y in Texas, Republi - from being gay as far as any· cans will try to link Governor one could tell. Ann Richards to Clinton, she She related a comment of said. St.ate Senator Carl Parker that Bush h:is been campaign• all the fools in the legisl:uurc ing on the crime issue in shou ld be thrown nut. To Texas. despite crime in Texas that, Parker h:id replied. ~If having down-trended the pas1 you throw all the fools ou1 of scver:il }'Cars, Ivins said. The 1he legislature. ii wouldn't be reason Bush can campaign on a representative hody.~ lhis non-is.•.ue is that network Political debate in the U.S. news ha.~ incrc:iscd its coverand mean," ace of crime JOO percent in is hccominc "sour
didate George W. Bush. is concentrating his registration drives in the suhurhs which tend lO vOlc heavily Republi-
"When satire is used by such as Limbaugh lo attack the weak and vulnerable, .• . it becomes vulgar." Molly Ivins
1992/1993. With reference to local news coverage of crime, the policy is "If i1 bleeds. i1 leads," she said. A big unknown in the governor's race is what voters in Soulh Texas will do since 1his heavily Hispanic area is in a political furor at presen1. Ivins said. Ivins predicted 1hat just as the 1980s demonstrated the rise of the Republican voter in Texas. the l990s will see 1he rise of Independents. especially Hispanic and women voters. Ivins has been reporting on by "Shrub~ Bush. the name Legislature which Ivins referred to can- the Texas State
Ivins said . possibly because this is a time of transition similar to the periods after WW I and WW II when things were so unscnled. Voters arc becoming cynical about Inc political procc~. Al, evidence of the meanncss of political dcb:ue, Ivins cited 1he behavior of radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh. Limbaugh recently equated 13-year-old Chelsea Clinton. President Clinton's daughter, to the White House dog. Ivins noted that by tradition, poli1icians have been fair game for political satire. but attacking the children of such politicians is a new low.
Sa1irc is used hy the Dolili· cally powerless 10 auack 1hc powerful. she said. ~when satire 1!'.> used hy such as Limbaugh 10 aunck the weak and vulnerahlc. the cripples of s<H.: iety. ii he · comes vulgar." Ivins s.iid. In response to u question from the audicn,c. she said the overt purpose of the ~wise use" movement is to preserve the property right:,,; of indi vidual l:ind owners. Howi::ver, if you examine the names of those organi1.a1ions which belong 10 it, you find that they represent the corporate timber, mining and ranchi ng interests. The hid den agenda of the movemem is to roll b:ick the environmental laws, she said. Ivins urged students 10 get involved with protecting their pol itical heritage. She recalled the words of the lawyer Joe Rauh who had defended many of those accused of being Communis ts during the McCarthy era in the 1950s. Rauh. on his dea1hhcd. was about to be awarded a pri1..c for his life-long efforts to prolcct human righls. His rcprcscn1ative 31 the ccrcmony asked Rauh if he had a mesSJge for those who "'ould be at the awards ceremony. "Tell them how much run it was,- Rauh said. Ivins concluded her formal talk by exhorting students to have fun while fi ghting for the B1ll of R1ghL,;,
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to Wichita Falls
Olders tudents attendc ollege """'"'" ,mo,e.Tt•" o1..,,.,.,,,.an 11""""0oma,n lhe past 25 c...,,.1sn·college steadily over 18-21 declined studentS ag& tradilional
rd BrianBalla Editor Governor
years.while1hoseolderlhan3ttiawn:reaseclfrom10percent10 2S
percent 60
v:arboOk O ·ss ■ '93
10 1810 21
2210 24
25to 30
31 and older
SOURCES Teal,.._ Ect,ation ~ 9olr'l:I lnCI Jorr1Shltp, T-
~•@#M®Ciiii§Lti Los estudiantes universitarios envejecen L a u n ~ ya no es soJamente el domtnlo exdusNO de IOS.){Nenes 25 de estucltanu,, de e<Sad 18 a 21 ha cisminwdo en 10S u1brnOS •
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:/~~fa~~sa~~ ~t:i~h~;c~~e;'~i~ rectors visited MSU August ~~ to~~j~~;~~on with "C:ipiRi,hards held a news conference in the afternoon and a
tov::o:v~~"r;c~t\:\~:in~ ~SI pervasive innucncc in people's lives.- said Richards. adding tha1 the "Capital For A Day" program is an a1temp1 to bring government offi cia ls face-to-face wi1h average ci1i1..cns. f\.forc 1han 15 st.ate agencies. including the State Comptrolle r's Office. the Office of the State Treasury. and the Office of 1he Allorncy Gr.:ncral had booths set up around the CSC Atrium and Ballroom. Each mann ed wa s boo th throughout the day to answer and public the from questions solve individual prohlcms. The program at MSU was the 11th such meeting with the puhlic thll Sll ti.: officials h::id conductl"d 111 1hc state. Rich:ird, prcsrnit·d :iward,; ll!f OUhlJnJ int! si.:n ll'l' 10 LI S1Jn_i hJrton. l-:-hid 1t1\ l"St1gJ~ 111r /or the \\'1lhi1J Shl·rill\ Dl·rJrlml"lll, JnJ S!.!l. t-.lJryhn Fultun. .1 17 ~~;r v1.·1t·r.rn 111 the ~h::,1ff, IJ.:pJrtrn1.·nt Ful1.1n , _-r1c.) nn the Suiu d,,: anJ -::-n.,1., Cr,mmi,1-11111. nw .1\\,1rds ,,.c1c m:idc r•n
Go,•crnor Ann Richards renews her drh•er's license at ~ISU during "Capital For a Day" program, hch::ilf of the AssociJIIOn of Richards. She emphasized Texan s Aga ins t Crim e that there should he ,.cm tolhc:ided hy Richard Collins. cra~cc o_r misbch:ivior hy ju. D.1-.cus~i~g the l<J95 li.:g- vcnik-s tn sch,,ol a-. well :is 1sla11vc ~~mn. Richard,;, ,;,aid zero tolcrJnce fur parents thJI Juvenile rnmc :ind a rc- who abuse 1heir childrcn. va mpl·d 1uvL"n1h: s upport TI1c national n imc hill rc.,y,11:m ,~111 hi.: h1; ,!'.>..,UL'\. We mu, 1 l llJ.,;k iuH·nilc ccmly pa.ssciJ will hri nl! 1wcr <.rtml' on J!I lflHl h. ~ ~aid SI billion lo Tc-.:a.~. "he·s,11iJ.
Page 2 Thursday, September IS, 1994
TIIE Wichito ~
Soro rity seeks pledges
cummttm cnt 1A h1ch ~111,ulJ not be·n h~htly. To 4uahfy for IOI II JIIPO. J pro!.pcc t1\c mcmt,cr ,h,iulJ
Slaning th is fal l. youn!! ladies auending Midwcslcrn
S1:11c Univcrsily will have the oppor1uni1y 10 seek ml'mbcr-
ha\'c al lc:m a 2.5 G PA, he cl::iss1ficd as 3 sophom ,1rl·,
sh1p an 1hc sorority Ocha S11,:m:1 Thc13_
Junior or si.::nmr and he
This sorori1y w25 founded
e;~ ~,
voh•cd in i.:omm unity or school :ict iv111t:s t'lcyond d.tll)' school work. If you arc .scnou~ly 11111.•r• es1cd in becoming a mcmhcr of Delta Sigma Thc1a. a mcc1ing will hc held at (i JO pm.• Sept 24 m 1hc h -S1u dcnt Lounge of the CIJrk S1udc nt Center. For morc inform:ition. c:ill Sh1quan :i H,11. 851 -7243.
in 1913 at Howard Un1,•crsi1y by 22 women who w:1n1cd 10 use thcir collcc11vc strength
to promote :u::1dcm1c cxccl lcncc and provide .issist:rnce to the needy. Since then.
Ocha Sigma Thc1.1 has in11i:Hcd more th:in 185,000 collcgc-cduc:itcd women who conside r membership into
this organiza tion a lifetime
., b_
Mar chin g field next park ing lot
drigue1. s:iid. ~ldcally, we want the best loc:u1on" and bec.1usc of its pro:c:imily to several dormito ries, the marching fie ld "will bring the c.1mpus shoncr." Locating parking space between 8 a.m. and noon ha$ been diffic ult for many studcnts: howe"cr, the president said he docs not "iew the sit• u.1tion as a crisis. "By 8 a.m. the parking lots arc filled, but classes an; also filled," he .s.1id. He added that "af1cr the first couple of weeks or school. s1udcnts usually drop out," .1llcvia1ing pan of 1hc problem. Also, lhi! :l\':ul:ahility of space in SC\'cral Taft Boulcv.1rd churches' parking lo1s facing the MSU campus has helped 1he situa1ion, Rodriguez said.
By N~,ilk lAwb Auoc. Edllor
MSU is planning to convert lhe m::uching field on West Campus Drive into a parking lot ·more likely by Fall 1996, • president Dr. Louis Rodrigu ez said this week. · whethe r we do it this year or the following year, we arc going to need ano1hcr p.: i rking IOI, • 1he president said . Wi1h the opening or the thrce-sr nry McCullo ughTrigg donnitory in June and expandi ng universi ty programs. there is an increased demand for more p:irking space. Bul if MSU is 10 grow • more parking sp:icc will definitely be needed. Or. Ro-
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Chnrlff Lori0nfflt ~ H'id1itnn
~~-....,...,...""'~_........,..7'!..->.Y..._,,.?os-...,...""'~,y,.._, .--...,.......,,.,,., .-,~
Pell funds remain the same
lnsul,ttng, ~ 1mponan11ocon1rol hat kM through walls, floor.. 11nd cc1hngi,. Mou o f us h"'e ,n houses which • ·ere bu,1111 • time II hc:n nobody wor• nc:d 4bout the C01 and ~upply of od . ga~ or ckctrn::uy Today. 11·c arc lorn• 1ng from our .\Ollnng hn11ng bills 1ha1 our home!> arc 1U-pro1cc1ed ag~rnst heal ~ Ho wc:\tr, hf ,ckhng more: ,nsul,1,ho n 11·hcrc: 1herc 1~ none or 100 lmle and bf 1n,1alhn11 ,...,a1 hcn.1t1p• I
\ l
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CREF El1uiry lndt',"< Account. Introducing 1ht' CREF Gr0\~1h 1\ccounr and ,he
i m.011 ,mcMor look, for l,>n5•t('rm g rov.1h 1hi11 out p•cn 11111.umn• The- CKE!-' Crnwth \ c,:ount \t.&r.:hr ~ for 1nJ" ,d ual cump.0111 0 , h,,t .&rt po,st-d for rnp.. nnr grow th In 1ont ra,i lhC" E.1uu_v !min -\nount IOC"lk t /or fflflfC d1\ C" rs1hc•r1,.>11 . "11h a pordol..:, C"n(nm • p;ao m g 11lmo,1 ihl· r n lirr ungc: u l L. ~ nock ,n"umc:n l• It .,.,II ,n\t1I m siock,
Ii . .. ·-··
Ensurin g the future for thOK who shape it ...
I• •• ""'"_
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,:he ide~ of a gourmet cafe 1s catchmg on quuc wcu MSU cu_stodian Irene Witsar; said, (the Shoppe) is a -gOOd meeting place for s1udcnts.S1udcnt Tanya Beyt said, · 1t·s a good place ro~ studying . Why aren't !hey open later.• ~aybc for nighi classes. too!
Save Hom e Fue l Costs
YOU'RE LOO.KING AT TWO COMPLETELY OPPOSITE, FUNDAMENTALLY DIFFERENT WAYS TO INVEST IN STOCKS. WE RECOMMEND BOTH. hether n>u w.ant .a lund 1ha1 scl,cu ~~ c,fic Ml)('k, or oiu· . coven 1hc mark c:1. v.c:rc on the umc p.igc Our nc:v. CW.lF G rov. th .u1d CREf. Equi1., lndn :\ ccounl\ uJt' f"O (Im m el k m,, r• 11r.uc:g1u for ,n-rm ng rn 1ht' k r1, hu, bo1h ,11m to p ro, 1</c: \, h.H r,c:ry
But who wants coffc wi1hou1. a snack? Delicio~ items. hke bagels. brownie biscuiu . .and muffins arc al~ offered.
ping and storm Windows. we nn cut heat lou. usclns fucl a nd ,,,,1·e money lru.ubllng rs rc1lly very wmpk All and )'OU nec-d ,s the p roper msulatiOll a good s1apkr hke Arro""'\ T•SO Sta• pie Gun, ET·500:l'N -50 Ekcuo-Ma t· Hammer HT·SOA ,c Stapk Guns or Tacker Load your gun 11>1l h s1aplu that ha"'' 1<,· k~. 1llcsc ha,·c ampk pcnc lrallon 1n th,: !i()f1111 ood ~1 uds and ncclknl holding power lnsul111on wu h "'apor hamen u~ualty hu, fl.ang~ a 11hc cdgn for caS)' \liphn,: Press the 1nsul1hon 1n bct11·c:c n the
stu<k 4nd s1aplc the flange on one side 10 the frool uf 1hc adp cenl stud. repeal ""11h the flange on 1he other Mde T he- c:ntuc C1\·11y bc,,...·ec:n )tud, !,Muld tie filled 11·11h msulat1on flom 1op 10 hono m 11 11hou1 a ny gaFb or breaks. The \lapk~ \lw.luld be dn\·cn e\c:ry,1~ inc~ No te II you u,sc 1nsulauon • ·11h a n alummum foll "'apor bamcr, 1he flangn on both sldn muu be ~llplcd 10 the \I~ Of the j lUds If
m 1hc Rus~d l ,iOOO•:· a bro;ul md u of
l.'..S ••ockt.
L,kc: o ur C Rl~F S11,ck :h n rnn1 , ,\ h1c h COln b ,nci ;a~m c, lrtllc-, c:J , ,md forc:1gn 1n\C"&t1ng ,mJ our Glob.I E..1m nu ,\ c.-ount. 1\ h11h J Cl11d~ seek ~ o pponun,. 1,0 "orl,h-iJe . 1hc nc" fuml ) •r~ m.uugc:d Ly c .,;~nc:11cnl m\tslmcn t profcJ.li1onal.s T he.\ re , he ,.,me u pc:n, " ho h.a\C helped
rhc 1nsiJc of lhl· CJ\11~ \uppu,i th11 ::~t~:i::~':t-"'''h 111rc: )l•pltcj
If you u« m,ulauon ""1l hou1 1 , 1. por harr1cr. pl"~c II hc t11c:cn rtic \IU!h
,n l he u,u"I wa). lhcn CO\cr tlicc:1111rc 11>all 1111h , hcc,~ ur cl,:ar r,ol)clh)khe r,IJ)IIC J\ J 1a r,or h,m1c:r If f'U\l.lblt fn ld thl· , heel \tl \ nu -'' C' , 1, phaj throui h ,, douhlc lh1~l m.-,l 'iti~ should be m ,,:11,:d c • t r\ Ii 1nck ~ lhc Jto ng ,~ fr ,int cnJ ,1f c,11. h ,1ut1 l>'OU ha\c the ~apor hamcr facing For add111uni1 I luul 1nl11rm1t10n ;,.armer ,11d1accn1 area) , 1hc Nmcr be o ul o( reach on w111c: 10 ,\ ml11 f il\t,: ncr C-orn~nv and 11i f11ngcs Inc. !71 \13\h dl Strc:c1 iuddl; Brook. :-.J U7M !
! n C U S M is looking lor W
Ca ffci~c, caffeine , arid more caffeine' For many -'t dents . the :ih1lt1y to 51:awakc du rmi! c lass rclt 'f upon a swift do,;;c of lhi\ 511~~ stance. The Gourme t Coffc Shopp!! that opt.·ni.:d Scpicrn~ bi:r J 2 1s a perfect provid for this eye-opener. The Co~~ rec Shoppe offers a varict'f Of flavo rs of Cappuccino1 · EspR!SSOS. :md Coffee.
fros t:;:~su rcsea~·d MSU's ~more with less r:ither th:in less with more" policy, s upThough lhc defeat of ported by tt ~ci ling on n~n: President Clinton's economic Pell grants. will assure~ w1d: ~lricm,,~~usth•~u,cmkaoguc,,,mu,y P~·el•I distribution or .1va1Jab lc f ... ... .. .. Th~ Gourme t Coffee funding. grants uvailublc in 1h~· 1995· Even if s1odcnls cann~l Shoppes hours ,n: from J:l(J 1996 fiscal year. 1994- 1995 to 11:30 a.m. Morid:i.y availa.m. arc loa~s grants, obtain ddying Src,mmm•ino'n,'.''c sM,mScu·· through Frid:iy. The Shoppe able, Simmons S.11d. . Jfuun on is located in the Clark tmn informa more For d~· grants Pell director of s1udent financial snidShou ld C~ntcr Atrium , nc:i.r Simmons s:ud fin:incial :iid, con1act the Student the cafctcna entrance. aid.s~i~ons s:11d !here has crease in 1995. office MS U fin.1ncial .:aid office at aid l financia MSU the of lot "awful heen an oh1:1in aid 689-4214. rhetoric" about the 1995- can help students ~~~~4 199b Pell grant funding. bu1 MSU students should sec li1tlc change. if any. has~::"~~~~ll~r~~~J;di~1r:: it started/ Simmons s:11d. If ihc program had been fully funded. students may have seen as much as 3 50 percent increase in Pell gr:m1s, she
Beginning this Scptem-· said she became c..·onccrned ber, student employees at with students ' frustrations MSU will be receiving their voiced during her campaign paychecks a week earlier. last spring. Once clcc1cd. she "h is definitely something consulled wilh Al Hooten, positive," Je n'n:in Ghazal, vice president of business, presiden t of MSU Student who readily agreed to 1he Governm ent Associa1ion. change. she s:iid. said. "Studen ts may now "Now studenLS will not pick up their paychecks on h.1ve to he noa1ing thcir " month. the or the fifth checks." Ghazal said. '·Five Before, studenis were d.1ys. It's a week. It's cuuing !0th. the on paid a week off of your p.::iyd.::iy: A student worker, Ghazal I
Timhf rly Eys ~cu Srnff Reporlc r
!iion assist studt nts a t O fficials from the Tna.s Employment " Capital For A Day" held at MSU Aug.JO
MSU Stud ents get new payd ay
Go urm et coffee shop ope ns in
sladenls. The lint meeting is Tues. Sept, 20, at noon in the Clark Student Center Atrium, If you're
pension m;ikc rl.\ \ CR~.f tile Sl.>O ~.Ull"OI m 1hc L. S managi ng over b 1ll1on m u ,t'h stock oc:w our abou1 To hnd our ,norc tunJ•. ;anJ bu11dmg .,our porilol,o w uh ,u~c L. 11 1soo. s-42.21;6. Tl :\ 11d t4 lc , o ur P" ~
come let involved wilh 11. · Queslions, Call Leslee at ext, tH~
B:tek 31thc ~ MAIN
lntrod1.Klury Spfdals
Gu,:d11U0 ,1®"9. 199ol • ,, ,/ / SS 00 llaucuu
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S_IY< only Spir•ls Sun;htz
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fOf ~llllllChl 011 696-3188 470IK•M.v1Dr ll<u1 T~• •h, 1()-(i•SM 10.l
• • 0 1n1on
Olf Wichi!On
population ......
p0n-c,rcrt~ ~rn, ~,IL"~~and cunfu! .. th1: rl.mc1. lca\'ing 1 r11't,km nr not . For heave n\ .. k, !here a pnpul:Jt1nn strJ1fh~. unvarn~shcd fac t:,. so \~'c ~a c. JU<;t £1\'c u, the n110J!>, thL· puhhc howl -;. n make up our own ,'-!11~uch luck. !he cx.pcn ,. an! \WJ • . . c3I rNC"1('1 0$ an~ c.m SCI.! only one vic~~d. in the ir idcologi-
Page 3
I Letters to the Editor ! Military forces march on Haiti
Thursdny. September 15, 1994
r ; i '
By 1hc time.: this article they arc trained urban guerril· ,Mr, t.hl'Y d('l n I .~·cm 10 he con~c· P01n1 •. theirs. t-.forc.. graces the press. an in - las. Do you know wh:it this i!Tlrl1cll ac;-.umpt,~rns. Thcy'rc jowt'u~ of th~1r viewpoint' 1crvt.:ntion will tx· on its way would mean for civilian ca• 111,·nl1;, _t': ir.:h l~naciouc;ly in'iisiing th~~ jOW\ w11h thd r oppo~ in Haiti. Led hy US fon.·c~. a sualties among Haitians? I mult inational attack force: hope that it 1s not the feeling 111,n ,11_1hc '\C1cntdic facts or popul· . on ly their inicrprt.:la• 'fhl' .-.nL·n1 1s11, hav1.· hccomt.: pre allo~ grow1h art.: corr •ct ,, takes on the 1ask of ousting of 1he U.S-kd forces is th:11 n,~ n·c:nt ~N r o_p ulntinn ~~~~i~lnics :,;·. . . c · lhc.: mili1ary leadershi p that Hai tia ns arc poor, and ill p111n1. _1 o r1.:ad th1.: news acco ~ in Cairo 15 a case holds the.: island in a dt.:athlikc destitute, therefore expt.:ncl· ,H1uld 1 _hink th:~~ 1hc V~itk:tn andu~~~i~IM1ha1_meeting. one grip since democrat ically• able . rather that they art.: I dis.:u,;,;mg a d1lh!~rll planet than h uslim allies were elec ted President Aristide suffering people who need a t at of the U.S. ncgotiatsecond chance. was forced into exile. 111 ~ 1c:im. for d:iys_. the Vatican and M r Much w,11 be s:iid as jus• Much has hccn said of the inl! J 1scuss,on on n nc small us 1ms sm.· cccdcd in foc·us. tilication for the intervention or invasion and, he ii after or Cli nton policy towards 11\;11 1:i11p1agt.:. Tht.:y i!!nO~d 1fi~r:g;taph dt.:aling_ with abor. nv:nt srt11ng fonh 3 20- ycar pla · of the 113-pagc docu. hcfore the foc i. President Haitian rdugces and many ,wwih. n to curh world population Clinton will give the US po· have dubbed his policy racist. I also have serious concerns Yt:I. ,:wn 1f all popu lation control . silion on the issue today. for some of the invading t,~ tht: L'.S. at the _UN conference wcr • mcrurt.:~ advoca11:d ab~~~ve ~r~tsnds r:~~~c~~ anncd forces who may p OS· hY ihc I R2 _c ountnrs, pnpubtion will ~ ,_o .untanly accepted in1er.•cntion. sess racial p rejudices and 51;nl 5 ~illto~ to _over 10 billion lh .m<.:rcasc from tht.: Pl\~· Whal is the strength of US may use the Haitian civilians l"'pulal\On SClt.:ntiSL'i agn.•(·. That's 1f ~ .ne xt 50 years. nmsi inlclligencc on the situation as ta.rgct practice to vent their tc: much more. . imgs go well. It could in Haiti? Much rcSL'i on this dislikes. It is my prayer. Mr. Can Earth ~u~tain this level of h , · dI f II · h Lester Brown. prcsidt.:nt of th , \~n,rn population? question an cast o a ,s t e Editor, 1hat fai r pl.iy and hu· nu:illy puhlishcs a sludy callcd:S orldwatch Institute, anlives of many young miliiary mani1:1rian concern will be the order of the day. War has t,ook ihoroughly analyses the kc Ifft~ o! the ~Vorld." This I don't know what's couslng your headaches .but I did f~;:~;n~l~e l~otthc pr~s;:~11; never been a pleasant enecosystem. y issues fac ing the world find the contact lenHI you've lost over theyeon. briefed o n the terrain, deavor but let's hope that this ·1 personally do not think we arc . . military strong posts and one ends soon and th at 10 a worl d population o f 10 hi Ilia c13cr going to get c_ losc" attitudes of the people, we arc democracy will be restored. AND THEN. the US. I Appropriations Commiuec earlier~. rown told 1hc Senate in for a terrible blood bath. Why'! is year. And do nol be foo led hope. will ease the plight of •Ecosy~te~ s arc already startin , h ., " aboul the importance of the the Hait.ian people by timely said. menuonmg soil erosion cm t g to_ rcak Jown. he ISffilSSe 3S pran S Haitian people's att itudes. grants, aids and investment in pesticide pollutio~ and the ov'ergr~z1n~q~t~;~· ~h~~p dr,ead of What will lhe nation's the country's economy. If this Conversely. this week's issue of .. US f • By Karen N!ustndt wa~tcd to squelch. defenders be fi ghting for? is not forthcoming. then the Rtport" has an article ti tled " 10 Billion f o· &ptorld CoUtgt Pru.,Strvk, .The~ has been a re~ent up• There is much speculation intervention would have ht!en It argues that hc~vy investment in agricu~tu:~t~:~hn~~;M A recent rash of college s wing in the practice o f that they will drop their arms only a military affair and of and ~rec trade will ena~le the planet to susiain double tt~ newspaper thefts has raised :in confiscating student newspa• and n ee in the face of no real humanitarian value. present human populal1o n ill quality levels of life and not o~tcrr from c~itors who s:i.y pcrs nationwide. ~ _Mark superior force!.. But what if de~.radc the hahnats of other species. v10la11ons of First Amendment Goodman, an attorney with the they do not? Just suppose that Howie Prince H k rights arc being dismissed as Washington-based Student · . ow. one as s..can intelligent people. scit.:ntists no less ~college pranks" by students Press Law Center, said. m1erpn:l fact.sthso differently> . and administrators who don't In many cases. Goodman .•Th~ Ian~ cmsclvcs ha~e ~come mercenary foot sol- undcmand the workings of the said, school administrators. un· du::rs cooph.:d hy propagandists 1mo serving in various idco• free press. aware of violations of 1he right logical ~rmics_. It'~ as if the editorial page has sicalthily Black students angered by of free speech, are viewing the sprc?d 11kt: a _virus into the whole paper. the objective news views of a conservative colum- incidents as harmless pranks The Wichitan and the Media Club are pothc"m'?..~-lv~~; _dmg our confidt.:ncc that facts C:ln spe:ik for nist trashed 14,200 copies-- !he and not taking proper Sleps lO making plans to co-sponsor a debate on ..... ""' foll press run -· of the April 15 protect the newspapers. . They can't, of course. Ncvcr co~ld. h was always a white "Daily P erinsylvan ian.M the "This is a sad indication that the issue of whether the news media
Fi'rst amendment v1· olat1' ons d' • d k
Med1·a debate planned
}~~c~:.~1 a new~papcr could be obJcctive and "'just print the ~~~v~~!ity"~7i~~~~lv~~ia1 ~~ :~:y ,1:0ft~d[~~~ j~~tin~s~~\
The l:11c Don James. fonncr editor of the "Wichita Falls Philadelphia. understand the role of the free Tunes a~d. Reco!d New:" ·" .argued at a community meeting Copies of anotht.:r campus press in our society," Goodman they need. al the Cit)' s police station m 199 1 that Mrhe paper" is not newspaper. "Th e Lionhearted," said. "We are seeing a trend. Local media representatives will make bilSCd and keeps iL,;; opinions on the editorial page. were rece ntly confiscatt.:d by We have gotten a rash of calls Yc.:l. l"Very rt.:portcr, every editorial writer knows that the members of several women's from college publications." up a six person panel. They will present partii.:ular way you organi1.e your news story. the sequence groups and burned in the yard Goodman said he urges edi• their perspectives and then field questions in which you present your facts, always gives your story a of.Pennsylvania S1athe Unive~i• tors to unde_ rstanfd that _taking from the floor. parti.;u\Jr slant. Writers have agcndas••always. If nothing t y s tru stce's o me in large quantities o a publication t:,x. v.. ritc:rs try lo persuade the reader that ihe story is im· University Park. The trustee. involves criminal activity. even So, if you are tired of all the publicity r,1nJ1JI c.:nou~h 10 read. Ben Novak. is lhc founder of if it is a free paper. Many cdi· surrounding the O.J. Simpso n trial or b thc:I\.' a population problem'! It depends on how one in- the conservative paper. which tors , howe ver, re port a upr.:ts the facts. North America is rclativdy uninhahited if is critical of women's studies reluctance of the pan of local think there hasn't been enough provided, ),•u ClllnpJrC popu latio n density [0 the Netherlands, Hong and gay rights. law enforcement officials ao d make plans now to be present. YOU will Kone. llr India. Thcrt:- arc vast areas at the Earth"s poles Students at Southcaslern university administrators 10 ,. . k b . ~he;e ll·W people live. But do YOU want to live at the rh~~suF;~~i-nal charges :igainsl ri~.~gefcir~~~~~~~ni~og ~\er~ ratn or rt•~~~,Jnda had lhc densest population of any African popular student governmen t "Even if it is free. and there,,-_ _ _ __ _ _ _ _.::__ _ _ __ _ _~ cCluntry. SPmc argue that the recent massacres between t~e president who admitted that he is an invitation 10 take a copy. Hutu~ and the T utu5. was a war over scarce re.sources. This stoic more than 4,000 ncwspa• or a couple of copies. thal docs pcrs that were critical of his not include stealing or taking \.leek's b,uc of " U.S. Nt'wS & World Report" arg.~t.:s t.1iat administration. large quantities." Goodman 1hc mas.s.acres wcrl: tluc to long.•sta nd ing political n valnes Other campus newspapers in said. 3410 Tan Blvd P.O. Box 160 Wichila Falls, Tcxa~ 76308 tx·1wccn the two trihes. . .. ,. . .. California. Connecticut, Wis• "Wt.: urge publications to News desk: 689-4704 Who is n ght'! The reader must decide. Th~ \\iclu~m, consin. Kansas. Florida, Mas• purs ue crimi na l charges Advertising desk: 689-4705 1 th editorial hoard couldn't agree wht.:ther crc .s a s~nou_s sachusctts and New Hampshire through their police and prose• world population prohle m. After hricf: iniensc .d iscussion. 11 have reported recent thefls of cutors," he said. w:is agreed tha t this is a multifaceted issue whu;h should ~ news papers that contained in· At the university of Pennn,n, Malon, Orlan Ballard ~tudicd mal l its ramifications because everyone of us may fo rmat io n. opin io ns or sylvania, Editor Stt.:phcn Glass AtM.u r &J,tor 1 ;" ·~,f~lc;·c;tc~d;hy~it.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~p=h~o: to~g~ra'..'p:h~s : ~•o:m:'.c:......!p'.'.:e oplc huddled with legal advisc.:rs Nevllltl..twlJ Elllllhdh Rich■rd.~on i+.fkhatJ Vendrick ~ after sending staff mcmhcr.s out AJ.wcwtt Ed,wr Sports Editor Copy f:d1tur tu retrieve papers from dump• 39 so o10, 11a,ot11.3s ACROSS , 0 r x,N11 -~,,1hrou;h . stcrs. The newspaper quickly Mark Loyd MdiJ.u Su \\ivan • -'(Pl'fOl l1eecl 1 inewM9• Book Rtvitwtr printed and distrihuted an addi• Rt\'itwtr h. m V111n am S L"'S E\l'lC;i N,lS 1 n 42 - A,dglBoys oo,nett tional 6.000 copies. St::aff Wrih:n 6J Charley & Guy O rbison 91rx Sta•• Faor Glass .said that no groups I :~• .~:•n~~:r;~'.~c1 TX Jonmhon Brml)•, Chuck Cligt. 1imbtrly f.\•nrn, .IJ torm1rn.1m10111ue1,srpark have come forward to claim i a,,1e1 Ft,charJ Jolin LuBlurlc responsibi lity for conlisc.iting _ ncr1e'H.1ynts 46 : :1 ~:~~u;,,,~..~ I . : l\m• Dara lllawklns ...,, 1 1 a1 Sar1 Jac,nto the p.ipcrs. but he was certain 1 AdvcrlMnit Rrprescntil\"U 11 ~•So,,,·•h~fSI' 11 1 , 1 Txac11,n01m• ""' lhc thefts were due 10 columns A.<fru1uuigM1ma,:u!Accuunu l fl.ton r ucttr 1 · .,As•,m 5til11 •a r.m~1, " 101 R•P by conservative wri1er Greoory Rrcdmb/~ Lmh1 OJ~//11 4 ' ~ ~' re ·:i~· , up • Pavlick, who has questioned S0 .., W,c., ·.i F,1lls 9 TX1".irt,,•"·j• Atnlia Duran b •s-.., ,,., 1 .., _ _ Martin Luther King as a hlack Gmphic A.r11s1 iu"~!M 10,• (crave! hero. admission standards fo r Eric Sri/ Brandon Old., · 5 ·• 9·J f>rl, _ p1i1111 bl:icks. homosexuality, and Circu/wion Mt1n11gn Plw/Ographtr /:'1/,wr ~ ~~•~:~;::•11,arJe"11 50 r, sm most recently. wrote an unnat• ·1Mt _ tering story about a hlack honor _ oa•· ,. J ~ .. ~ IIS!OrtS Ch:uln "Ch:mn" 1.nnon society. '"1•-.1RR ('J\•, s1 r:x ,,..,_· _ _ " A newspaper docs not con• PlmlU/.!fllfJltrr ' • 1.m·J,",;,a:1tis.n 53 snu!I" 1caoa0t1) dcmn or condont.:." GIJSS said. , c.-,,,o· 54 TY-sm·_ -~:\:a.JSl"H I ~But we stand hy tht.: right to cf1..is1r•(1arm1r' publish.'" C"f')"TLGhtCl9'>4. n., WIC'lutun 1hr W,rlwun 1~ ;,mcmt>.:r o(Th,;Tu;1.> lnlnwllc. . a.-1r-1Dme ss r,<,"" •titsontv11ot , 2 n:,s,,- ·•,i• Glass said he was disa . , 1..ic l'rcu Anociallun .in.I 1"he Collc,c P,c,~Scrv1,:c 1bc WKh11:an rn crv,·i the 0\1l)l"l_,n1n1 "'.i11•· _ .1••'.'"''fl.lrdar - ..J-~ r • ar •s on _ worm· · d th U . . p ni;ht Wei.In ..n) m ~1Cfl~I ,uhmutcJ for p11t,h~ ..1,un ..0010 1cfuK :any .1o1.h·c1ll\Cmc111 11 1 PO I ~ IC al versity O[lm10nSC ~[lf t » ed .a1c no1nc,uunl)•thf»c ofthc r~ulty.alln11nL,tut10n01" ♦IUtkoc I :·~; 50 1] the!:"'" - ~ . l - --lJ 32 President Sheldon Hacknc.:y has ho.I) orM1d11,c~lcmSi..1c U11,,·el')llfanllm..)·no\ rcpr~,c1111 conH:n>U•oflhcc11ll~ • , . J 35 ·_ p•acaout rx•· I Raro;••S s;a,rJ S125 1 " ;;ri:::c::·~;;;; not comt.: forward to condemn Ukh,11111 u ..rt • -:~•,s oay.n'SJ5 • ,..gng,nth• - · 36fXltl'l '_n,o;n 5 the. ae1ion. MHc has never said it 2 Letter policy ·•·1 Iv,· ::: lS ~:;~ 38 ~~~;t~=~,nl~I~ was wrong.MGlass said . 1 In the.: Louisi:ma CJSt!, Mark TTtr W,rlufu,o 11,dcomu ..111~ncrocif1,p,munfrom f...:uhy, ~1uLknL,.,od .,1.1fr Lctlcr, 23 rx cn,c~•n.'"':~~ , 1 ~~';!' .:•.:~:~~d·. .., /,~ re;:::~, ix~::a.r~ ~~ ~~~:c~~t~: 11 16 1 1 1 M·>a tllU {,n,t J ol ,,.,,· (11111 • 1119'1"1) ~ • he g ,J x,-,u ,,u cl•«" t,.•1orict.:, the studt.:nl government ;;~;, ~:~:c~•:~~i~c~\h~;\;: :;1~c'."'; ~:1 1 2 1,,ac a Lclrrhone "P1:-ptD&Cl mt II T'l(,sm •1IOl'ls~••• l7 fi;Sl'I ·100,u:>g • d~ ';,_,1·0a,~•• a , 5 "thft••: : :oas nrnnl,,:1 Jml llli.hc" fn, ,,·11filJl1un l'llff"''r' A!l lcllcr- "-Ill t>.: puM1.,h,:-J "-olh the, 1 9 !·' ,. ~~ 1~, ~,~:Y;~~o; Ol'I ! ~:_ .,,; ~~~1~:~l ~~ ~~m:-;o:::~ ,~, 51 TX,,-;- ·oru; _ Jll\h,•r I l"l.llnc unlr-~illTJll~Clllcnl:, h.. ,..: t,c,· n 111.i<lc 11,1111 lh,, ,·o.hlur Lcllc1 , \'-Ill t,c 1 19 mouse• , o tX Pi1ul11 Prent,U. 21 ;;l!ONIUI Fl oe 1\0<\&Srto• · t0..C-l( !Ovdll cJ1tul Im i;r.inu11~1 uni) J l:,c seuu · & 5"~. 22 . 1m _ -.Id ,o..,roand 52 cu! ll'lt <;i•-111 1/,r \\'u~1/,u, 1i ll'CJ11·d m Ille F~tn r,nc ,\lh C~lllcf. 010'
~~~'.a~~.~~~~~~~~~ ~~s~~m~
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:':J• :~all
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I See page 71
a •~__ .A ,·-~ d : \\ C l 'llr ~ Pa~< -1
Thur<day, ~ p,embcr IS, 199-1
CSC is transformed----
into _a 'virt'!~h~s'.,m~~~~-~"
Uy Charle\ (
- --~
By Nc,•illc Ll•wis
M<iOCbt~ Edllur
When you grow ur, 110 J is land in lhl.' Canbbciln. Americ3 always 3 dl\t:llll and ke l1 apf"(,·:ars of1cn hulc unJL·rmw<l pl:icc where everyone )'Ou know h:i-. 3 rc: l:111,•c .. or so ,1 SCl' ms. Bui remov1nc. the doud co,cnng the.: AmCncan mys11quc 1s no sm:ill fc:11 Unm:isk1ng 1hc mys1i;ry 1hJI is Can.Jd3 is c.ven morl.' d:tuntmg Al ka~t. thllSI.' wcr.: my 1n1ti:1l thought~ as I .. an i1;land hoy .. M:.t off for a country v. here 3 str:inge 1'\ gJ mc c:ilkd hockey played America hld already •rnu ll
~;~~d:c.: d1sc.ovcred,
~parltaml· nt~ mJ) sound ,;;tr:in~e to thl· cJr~ of mCl\t who ;ire Ame r1<.·.1 ns lCL' U'-lOml·d 10 3 congrl'"" 1-fowc,•cr. It 1-. only logtc:tl th.:n h,uh hJ\C: ;1 ~t·nJle :ind J hou~ of n:pn:scntallvc~ Uut the comp:irison ends there. FM Pn:s1dent Bill Clinh1n whose tenure in thl' Whuc Hnusc has bcc.:n bi:~ct hy fa iled 3llcmpts in nh1aming Congress' suppon of new bills. 1h1s method WllUld tic like a piece of M&M cJndy. The piL·ces wnuld Jcfinitdy "melt in his mnuthh if he had the right to nomin:ite moq l'f 1hc members of the Scn:iti,;. If 1hJI 1.s not SWl'Ct cnou!!h, imaE?ine Mr. Clanton anJ
~it: ~~~t~~~:i:~1 ~£~ :~~:·r~~~Sfffit~;~l~~: t EJ::~:/ii.'~\~~l~: 1
i.sllnds; likewise and dcsp11c wh.Jt you m,gh1 ha\'C heard, Can:1da. thoush sim,l:ir in some insl:i nce) , is not Amcm:a. The Caribbcan has ils ticaches, Can:1da has h0i.:kt and America has .1pple pie. l-lowc\·cr, the difkn:ncc:.s hi.' deeper th:in JUSl tanning. ice• Mom 's and skating Thanksgl\ ing haking. 0
) '
e lcc tio n "'' Ould ha, l' gu:ir:intccd them thJt rii;ht. For !WO countne.<1 \l.h11,:h never fully cui ihe umhilica\ cord that ues them IC'I Oe.1r Old Mocher England. Sl'l'lllt: Ann Ru.:h:irds r:imp:u gnml! for !;O\'ernor ,s. in :l wnrd. biurrc. Well. it Sl'Cms "''· when )'OU \ Ole for rrcmtl·rs :ind rrimt: minis:lcrs. your Judges wear wig.~ :ind )Our !! Clvcrno r-gcncra l ·· ,wt ~ohv;;o~ l~~~s ~rt: li~l!at!!;
nonh al Chnslmi., . he would have seen :ii lcJ-.I nine fcsti val.<1 tlf Sled p :111 .ind l' :I• lypso musil', Slfcet revelry :ind colorl'ul ma~qucr:idcs. Currl·nt American art forms . nl!\'l'rthl'less. hJ \'e m.1dc a rnlony 11f the rt:~I of the world The star) of the s1l,·er st·rccn Jtul the crooner.\ of iL~divcrsc music are in1crnationally know11. Canada, un the othi.:r hand, wo1ches and pauern!. i1.<1cl f aflcr it.~ b1g
u:~,~~~ ~;md~t•;
h :a vinual i:un. ~v,c~L;pl~)l'r\\l{lnlhc
r,:;~:~:+~/p~, ~:~ ','.r'~::
f:11m.· 1~w~htll.ilJm1.ncnl'ln l1~htl.'r~. rnmpkh.: Jn Jcn]i refueling anJ land 011 J carru:r :ind runway. Doth );:,IOll'~ Wtrc fn:c: lo MSU slUdl·nts. Ron Chamhlc'\,. ,m MSU srn!or and rn_\'J!e pilut, ~Id of V'l~OL. ~t.s OlH rl':111 )' like Oyrni:. hut 11~ fun ~ Of "D:ictyl, '. ChJrlc:, London. :in MSU studcni simply s:iid " h 's IOI.ill ' Y gr.Jphic...
the ame wh1h:th1~ 0 0~.~~l.;~: ;0J c;J{~~ls 1 ~hl· ~:. :~~ ~ ~~:n~~: ;:~;,~:~ I . "~~:~·:;~' ~ ' ;·~~~·.~~7;;i
entc;i;n:e~::h~~ri :~;llon ·about upcomms UP8 events
't r~
" D:i ctyl . , M~ l! e~pl' r\~~: '~"~1rne of the Ni}!h_i~ rl·~lil , •aml'S on -j !! lh , Cl.1rk virtua S d•"~ c i ~:~-r 1ur::. .1 1. hi. was a Siu ' 1 hi\.mulJlllr ~ "'. 1 1 :ir1 t d rct~-~)L J; afll"r the \ ~ ~ · I t.ikc,iff :rnd landing ,du~al . f th , H:u I it·r jct ~~p_l 1 air~~I • !. , • ihe world 3 ~:r~. 1~t~~ equipped to h 1 rnu!!, ihrc.:c-diml'OSHJll:11 I ·t • with d,spl) color ,•,i,;w;,. comp c c . mt:mhcr s1~•n_-o sou~d. Miki.: it:mt. \ · mcnl of ~c K! :u~,~~n;~ -~Dactyl" in ma 1c bscr tJc." "J I" utum. 1.'- a which 1''' 0 opponl.'nts uc l\:;1:iycrs. si:i.nd in a..~~~:~f~
1h dl'rq110d English sport, Jnd not only in :in hut · < ;" ht·at their fonncr master,;; into cooldnt: C.1 n:11.i,.an:-. JI d 11 the du~t. These i;:imc:s. how- Amc:ncan~ h.1\'C1.· nt\ll.Ul'd !t'. e\'Cr. c:in la, 1 fn,m one d.1y lO pn:r,:irc meal, much thl \JIil~ 101 a fh e-day t~ t m.uch Do not way their Eurnpc.1n Jl1l°l"' th' despair 1h11u~h. for 1f rme ha,·c d_one f~r cl'n11_in~:" \~ : must k~ow. when pl:iycJ in very hllk. 1f ~my altnJtH n_ lhl• Canbbcan, these cncoun• For c~:imple. ltall:rn ,mm~ tc:rs1akc onamostfesli\'c::ur, grants introduced P11~J :i~. It 1s like the Su~r Bowl be- 1he cntm· array of pasu\t c 1 mg plarcd in New Orkan~ Germ:ins tirought o~~; , I le_ Jove of o;;ausa~c:s "' dunng M.1rd1Gras. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Jews populanzcd th<.' 1 cJ nl ddic:nc.:s~n The dcsccndanis of ,;;J:i,•cs Canada.... " ... watches a nd patterns in the Canbht.·.1n hJJ n,i sm.h it w:1.<1 ldt lo ille s~ecr luck: itself after its big sister 10 w11..ardry of our fon:mm wrs l he sou th." to concC'ICt the.: ddi<.· iou~ tn:Jts _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ th3t 1slandl:ro;; :ind ,•isiwrs And carnival 35 ,sl:indl·rs equally rc:hsh.
i~,%~1'"1: c;r~~ ~ r~~~r~f0 ~c0 ~ c~~7rrn1~~ /ehtr~~Just :is the e1-:ecu1i\'c but :ilso leading lhl' Trinidad at !he soulhl'm tir of
f,'!:~;uj\ ,r,.~
~f ' \ 6
· in ~
U. S.....
i3t ~.U
~ 1
T he . nt . cnt11lc:d "V,rtuailty. wa'o -:pon~oti.:d Un I vcrs 11 Ihe by Programm ing. Bo:ird. Th,~ event marks a return uf Virtualit)' .iftcr 3 SUl'Ccssful appe.irance las! ye:ir, • ,_,t ic ke y Gross. UPB
i i~~~~:1,ti::~:li~;r:i,1~\
''"- - - - - - - - -J 'la.· ;>.•er•' •"• :;,u:;,l':;,tc;;d.w!"o•rl•d•. l• L.. 1h 3 J 'l·oun1.s 1·':;;'m fo rli~•mhgl.':';!)' ~~nn: dll'l . .. =·::..----:-:::--:---- ------, =rkin ~:n::o unlike the lOncentrJIIUll uf S red mc:il ihat w o!. unul r\': ,... 1.·cntl)' !he m:itn l'Ompi.1ncn1 ol ~ ma n)' Am i.:ric:1n ml',1h Lob.<1ler. c, 3 b, conl'h and J \':met)' l'f fohc$ an· r r<.·p.1n·J several ways From one island to another. narrW\ differ hut rccipcs h:udlyvary. And anywhere 1~ landcr!. congre&aH.', 1hcy mus! find their s:il1fish .• or codli~h ··
si.<1tcr 10 the south. As a :!:c~d:~h o; f~~~\~:~~ni i Qm.-en of Engl:ind. ak Over lhe yc:m, 1hough , rc.<1ult, mo/ol of its 1:ilent ".. .festivals of steel pan :ind Canada h:is turned its h.:ick on becomes hidden among the W ly b:lkcs ·· or johnny c ·cs . . depending on one's i~l:ind calypso music, street revelry some Bnt1sh 1rad!l1ons hy Amcncan s1:irs' par.Jdc and colorful masquerades." c:is1ing iLS eyes tow.irds it." The C.i tibbcan may lack again · Though still deep i~ m:iny soulhcrn neighbors. As a re- lh~ Sludi?s of Hollywood a nd suit~ baseball has become as lhc Sl~gcs 0 ( Dro:idway, but British tr:iditions, which the S1ates h.:ive lnng since United shortaic no ccrumly is Lherc Ametican. is it :is Canadian Though their history shows some assoc1auon with but most Canadian boys of pcrfo~crs. W~:1! th C ts- abandoned and 10 a lc.:sscr isl:indcrs h:i\'e C:lnada. extent ~eahh, m~tcn~ in lack lands beon pinned still the British Crown. 1hc hopes 3fC The successfully blended cullun.:s United S1:11cs has longed mg the next hockey grc:it !heyndm:ikc up. an spm1. th lhc words of live they for -· world e. gt\'Cn h.ive s ,s_la oui bring Canadi:1ns Many since severed such 1ics with hall mu~ic a_nd William Shakespeare, .. All Em:land. It wa ~ a i:cntury 1he sax-pack. a choice of Mol• reggae. dance 1h 0 0.1Y music?! 111 • ....~ st:1gc a is world 1he e perhaps Liti.: Bud noi Lab:m's. or son's bcfOrc C:in:id:a followed sui1 i ts for lhc NFL's ~fonda)' nit::ht strum~nl to be invented m the neg o 11:1t i n~ by steel Lhe .. century twcnllclh Similarly. g:tmc. or, on the football grc10.' Lew•~ Noo:: (Editor's the r Fo y. SO \'Crci gn1 Canbbcan island of Anliglll. :mcn<lcd . Caribhea.n on the other hJnd. Canada h:is lent much of iLS pan. _ ,n On1arm, anll College Ni11ar.1 are . people C:mbbca~ The American 10 ialents hockey have would cemury ano1hcr renowned for 1heir mgcnuuy . began aucalling MSU lh1s scmcslL"r) elapsed before most of the teams. islands would have a11aincd Though fanguishing in 1he .-■.-------""!!""!!!""-----~~ political independence. Considering this foci. it is no small wonder th:11 the the world's SIJlgcs or pllying lancr two have adopted lhe fi elds. However. unlike ~igf!>© ~British Wcstministcr system Can:ida. 1he isl:rnders h.avt.! ~ of govcmmcn1. The word taken cricket. the liulc unPedicures• Manicures Sculptured Nails• Si lk & Fibcrglus Wraps Nall s highli ghted : 251J. orr ABORTION
The Caribbean
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'Lucious Jackson ' begins new era of all-girl bands in v. 111<:h tht· 1"11.:na " 111 s1ruc.- tl'J to "i:ct ready for \Ide twu- -rc1c~k1111 (! UC.. IO cludl'\ «1mc heavy Laun P''r c.-u\,wn and l11gh pi1chcd. f.rnll , o,:al,
ll(ln 1--oclnn.• l;1und1111f , tw~h1 !Oh) '" f il)'iOn~.- '" ( 11y~Clng All-girl t:rnup"i h:avc: \.'omc ha,;; rt·c.-c1,cd ,Clmc nw1kr.11c: 3 long W3 )' ~m.:c the begin • a1rplJy on MTV. pJrt1rnlJrly dunni: "AltcrnJll\ C' N;Ulnn · ning of rock music. and po\.\t''~ a dl'frn1lt' 70,;; w11t-i In the late 60s. all-girl Vl1• funk ~ound. complcce 1:ikcn frum (;1,,d) , ~mplmg the: domma1ed cal band1JnJ On j,~ P! the and Kmi;hc ch:1ns, and in chc l:11c 70s Jnd 80s. all female hands were On " wnllng their own songs and The dm· c:on1muc1; with pl:lying their own instru -occp Shag... a slower -.oni-: ments. wi1h w me mean harmom11ng f-l owever, the girl hands of by Jill Cunnir and Gahncllc the 90s have earned a rcputa• Gl:isc~ Cunnifs soulrul ,•01ct:: tion 3.'i pl3ying ,1 lot harder comh incd wit h Gla ,;er"~ music :rnd 1ncorpora11n g melodic one made for ,;umc some pretty rough lyncs. fanus1 ic sounds By Mtlis."i:l Sulli,·:m
Mu.,lc kr, k "'tr
Luscious Jackson and their new release -N:nurll lngrcdi• ents~ 1s a happy medium. The music is far from elevator mus ic. without being 100 hc.1vy and the lyncs get the pomt across without heing abr35n•e.
Artist-Lecture Series , ~994·l995 • The 30th Season
October 11, l,,,
March 7, 1995
Jack Gladstone Ht'\ •n il•ard••lnnln;t \lnt lT• . - ,r11n1nd \l<Jl'}1rllc,rutd •dlrttt
nd.1nt of HLid,C"'°t l'hwf.
An lntirr11■t1on1I orc...tutk>11 dt-d k11,d 1o P1-r'1nc ltM ur11i ■ nd
The album. which 1s re• January 17, 19'J5 leased on the Bcn,;;111.: Bny, American Chamber Pla)C~ label. Grand Royal. bcgmJ
11.d ( ru• . J.xl,,', ,hnw 11tll lndud,.. ilh ::;;~, llr, It Hppotb Thty ■tt, proud
,n1r ruc;nln1: of \llht, 1lurtrd, and , 1,u.. l lm11::""' Cocu.Jni:; cm hl,1nry• ..,1tink,oo.J and r;vllurt crl' 1tn, Indian
On,, ufl,d,n·, """1 n u l1ni: and lnn<nalht "hilinlk-r 11111,J~ f■wmhl"
.~::!,:::::: ::-u::~ ~~,";~:;.~::::::::,::~•-~~.'.;!a• ,u.,L-. ~rfonnt "'P'"rt,,i~ r■1t1:lnc r r,om
0~ : : :1
" • ortd II • uft and huJ1hy fo1' 1 llhJllnhablt.an1.1.
u... ., ....... .,
AlJ11 1hdllorlum • 1p 111
111117 _
Orw,ofl..ill ■.\ • .,rb.:.,•., m....1 d i,1ini:_1l,hrd no,cli..i., ;and II Oftl"-fflllft
11~•• • l'rutcuor .,f Kclld 11n• nJ The
UlrnMul lhtAt,.._A_rtan l'lltlr act b • ituln tron, 10 lnlern.aUnn:,J o.ulluflll •nd p, fon.r S tud~ IJrrpa rimcr,1 at Printtloun n11bh. Enjoy DOI only I nlthl or lli, no ,..i. 11wc;r1ni:o. •ii'lhl' nr,.1 b, a l!nih tnlly 1111 t urnnl amdtn"t aopptlla.,Jarupptll1, f unbppelb, '\lnJ{.aft .aul hu.r luht,.um... 11 br.l·~lll'r 11 IMn-o.. lndud• pn,t,n111 t.:ffl1 1M rtP"pptD■ 111d rockappt,11■, but on, lbl' l'nlr,,t '1;1h"\. Hk\ a.nt "'"'"I nu,'°I Arrlnin,""°n11ndtnl M1 ol pu~ rnlu1■lanitnt: In, Anwrtuon •nol .,. . .,. a nJ,:l' Trtt, • .., puhlNxd .\ p ril ININalllln,; a n -s•ac ~lalot;•lf
,\kin Auditorium• 7p.m.
\1.Jn ,\ udilnlium • 1p.,n
Novel hailed as 'crime thriller' motmn.
Book Revie wer
(99,t Amba~sador Carlos Fuentes th■ a:,
Debut..... By Mork Loyd
.\11.ln Au<llturtum • 1pm
r,u"\:IIIDCr 8,
1k II aoppdla crnup In
w11h a five second mtroduc-
Cunmr and hJnJ nwmhcr Vn 1an fmnhll! lt'Jm 1hc11 VOlJ h on a t oupll· uf ,onr, for more ht'JUlllul hJrmon11 · ini;. The p:unn(! nf Cunml and Tnmhlc on '"Rullan" :1ml · s urpn~c JlmP,I. to nw . madt· 1hc wht1k Jlhum Cun nif1o 1hroJI)'. drl·p ,,ml· ,1ml Trunhll.'"-. hith p1tl ht•d. JI· mu,t little j!irl Ith· v111ct· . mJl c thti<irit' tw11 ium·, J Ill ..Strongman· h:i.,; an almos1 ahk 1n:a1. industria l-type mcrodulliCln and has ,1 fonky nu1c , uund Lu~1ou, Jat· l son·s .. NJIU mtcrlaccd 1hrout::h thl" whuh:- ral lngn:du.:nt," lnJ)' n,,1 song an<l · 11cre ~ h:1s a 70-. hn·ak :m)' .~alt'.\ rn·urd,. m.1y disco intro. Take away th1.· nCll he JII O\'Cf the u,p-40, and lyrics of .. Here .. and the song mJy not he on the CO\'C r uf could have been nght J I c,cry mai=uinc. hul 11 defihome al any disco Ill 1977. nitely ,hnuld not he 1~non:d. II could wry wdl ht.· 1hc he· Hair way 1hrough the disc gmninc of :a nt·w t·r.1 m ::ill• is a 14 second mtcrmis,;1on. i1rl band~
~•"" Ila,._,
1n11Jr • ~ Alda A11dllor11111 • 1p.• .
Instead, Ana's bo,,; IC\to;; her with J high rri•f1lc ca....: mvolvmg a movie u:on !oUing a doc1or for Jdd1c1ml: her 10 drug~ At lhe \ainc time An.a first lc:1rns uf her youn!! cous1::,; whnsc m•Hhcr has been killed m a street ,;hcx..:Smith's protogoni~t 1s Ana ing. Ana believe.,; the cuu.c.m1Grey, a young FOi agent full 10 be a hon •- 1mm1i;ranl or ambition and drive. After 7 children lookint for -.ccunty yc.irs at the Los Angeles field in Amcnca. office. highlighced with a rcLater. she learns the chll• cenl ptrftcl b,m of a bank robber, Ana is ready for pro- dren's mother is connected
In her tcrnfic debut April Smith has writccn a crime thriller, "Nor,h of Montano... se t off by a tamel y pace. confident use or dct.ail and a likeable heroine.
w11h the .ll'rn~d doc:iur llrn link bnni:s hoth p,.:r.,;;onal Jnd profc\\tnnal :ispccb u f 1\11:i' : hie 111 1hc tJ'iiC hy tnggcrini; forsoucn th1ldhood memont'~ 11nd hy fomng her to confront her pa,;;1. North of Montana cn tcr1am\ :ind hold~ the reader The story mo\'C\ ,mnothl) and never lu,c.\ 1t!o p:1ec Smith\ :ittcn111111 tu dctJII Jnd knowlcd~c or ('Jhf,1rn1:;a \Ct 11ngs add c.:olor and a n.:ali\til qual11y to the h\!t liro;t novel.
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Contact Michael Land at x4139 or come byFerguson Hall, Room 302
Page 6 Thursday, Sep1ember I 5. 1994
Indians stand 1-1. in Player"~ MSU Kickoff Classic Week dthc-
"Th<.· ddl'O'-<-' WJ' ddl
J ohn Lo lilnck
n11cly llO wr vf ih~n ~,
sports reporter
hl nlght," 'iJld \\'Jl'-l111
Thl· No. 17 r,rnkeJ lnd1an1, h\lllllCl'd hack from Friday n1~ht's 1-11 loss 10 lncarna1c W11rd Colli:gc to whip Texas We:-.leyen 5-0 Saturday night in the MSU Kickoff Cla~s1c. Unli~e FriJ:iy, when the lnd1:in:-. l'xpc.: ricnced some. mdl·cismn in the.: a1tal·king third of 1he field, thl'Y pla)'cd \I, Ith a vi:n~canl'c as they OUt• ran, 11u1 Jumped, and 101:illy 11u1playcd their oppont.!nts. Scnwr l·JptJm ti.'ltc:had Chaflrn riu t the lndi:ms on
Senior capt3in Michael Chaffin leads 1\ISU socC'cr tcnm on the field before the game with Tens Wesleyen. The Indians won the game 5-0. d
ron on ..,'sfTJ,t Wkl,,u,n
0-2 Squad IOoks Of
for first win season at home Liz Rlchardson-Hicks sports editor
Wide receiver Dcmetruis Galban a.1so rc1urns to lhc In• dian lineup after si11ing out the 1993 season. The sopho• more, who was an honorable mc:n1ion all-conference sclcc· tion as a freshman, still holds the;: ri.:cord for the mo.!>l re• cciving yards in a single season and is also tied of the most touchdown receptions in a single season. The 1994 foOlb:ill season has not st:mcd as the team hoped wi1h 1wo losses on the road 10 Lindc.:nwood College and Tarleton S1a1e, "Our non-conference schedule ts :i 10ugh oni: :is usu:il !Or us. especially since we play mos1ly scholarship teams. Realistically, we shou~dn't win lhosc games, hut we should be able 10 compc1c w11h them. As for 3S the TIAA is concerned. How:ird Payne, Hardin•Simmons. as well as ourselves,. arc going to be prcuy tough this year. If we can still m3ke It through 1he non•con(crcncc part of our schedule both physically and menially. 1hen I thmk we'll be :ill right the rest of se.uon," head coach Mike Calcote predicted. The MSU foo1h:tll team will make their home debut for the 1994 season on September 17 against Southwc.:stcrn Oklahoma State, 1hcn fo llow tha1 game with two more home con1es1s against Southern Arkansas. September 24. and West Texas A&M. October I . The Wcs1Texas A&M gilmc will be a homecoming of sorts for firlit-year Buffolo hc:id coach Morris S1one. A native of Seymour, Texas, Stone began his college coaching career as a graduate as.liistant coach at Midwestern St;lte in 1988. Conference play hcgins for the Indians on October 8 :is they travel to Shennan. Texas to battle Austin College. After a two-week layoff. the Indians then entcr1ain Howard Payne University. October 22. travel to McMurry, Oc:10bcr 2. and thl!n host their fina l ho me contest of the season. November 5, 1gainst Hardin•Simmons. the defending TIAA Champions. In 1hc season finale on November 12, Midwestern State hc:ids south toward lhl! Big Bend al\!a of South Texas as 1he face Sul Ross State University in Alpine.
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the t,all all 111~h1 " In !he 'il"\11111.I h.,11 . D .1n Scho<.'n g:aH· ~ISV nw1c msur JOl°C when he i.t't*'d \\ 1111 25 minull''- rl•mJintnJ! Ja, <111 Wcs l cya n ·-.
Ragsddl scak:d 1hc g.unc h,r M1JwcMcm \\'1th
whcn he unsm·ccssfully 10
1; 1l·,d
i;h.:ar a p:i.;s hy MSU i.
Ht•nry Ramiro
i-lcad succcr , oal·h at MSU. N:11h:1n Pifer cxrrc!.'-CJ ~:1usf:u.:1mn w11h SaturdJy
They .1n- 11111 n· , ..·nllul 11,f tx•mg pulll'll 1111P1 :h..· . t,lul ;\fl' Wf'fll'I I I \\' l'I 1h-.• pl:iyi:r, 1111 the.: 11-•IJ 1IOWt'\'l'f, 1'11.'t ".1, ljllll ~ to add th:tl llw1~· ",u!! \, ,,rk tu hl' done i n ~•·t lhl· ll',1111 in!O thi: ~and ,, 1 ,h.1pc ncl'l'S.1-af)' u• pul\UL' 1h,•1f fillh fl'!;IOnal d1,nnp1nn,l11p ,.Wl' " 111 hl' \\ 111 kin~ h.u 1kr fl ll 11u r pass1n~ mu1 tlw .iUJl'k•n~ ihird." :-.~ud P1fl·r.
fn tht· othl'r F:Jnlt.: l l l !Ill' night's k \'CI of unity '' hll'h now exists :uruhl~ll:!, •th·~ Cl:1ss1c at MSL' S1,~ \·r I ,l'ld. players. "I think t 1s )'(; :tr 11 w3s Sou1hc111 ,11Jrl·m:.
team has shown hc t1t.:r com - Okl:i .. upSt"tllnl!, IIK.ll'll,lll" has Word. :ind mitm c nt 101 The lndtJn" will .illl"lllPI heller dcmonsirated a de..1-ire.- ~id Pifer. 10 b(\()Sl thl·tr 3-1 1,.•,.01J th1:-.
i ~~~ft1
MSU tackle among best in TIA.\
ttthJ·::h~hl'u:::~,'.~ by Liz Richardson-Hicks According to coach Pifer the team has also worked a ·'n·,,..•r.f-il)' .rnd lhl·n nn 111 Sport1,Editor 101 harder than it did during v ~ • the 1993 suson, resuhing in Drury College. Stat e Midw es tern linebacker Corby Walker has been named the "Dcfcnsiv~ Player of the Weck~ in 1hc Texas lntcfcollegiate AthlcticAssoci:uion ~or his s1cllar rcrformancc m the Indians· 7:30p.m. 45-2 'v\lchlta Fall~ Southwestern Oklahoma 1 loss a1 Tarleton Staie lasl Satun.lay. a 6-3, 215-pound Walker, 7 :30p.m. \\k hlta Falls Southern Arkansas junior from Llano. racked up indudint two for tackles. 11 7:30p.m. \\lchita Falls \\\!st Texru; A & M losses in the defoat. The allAmcncan cand1da1c curremly 2:00p.m. kads the Indians defcnSc.· ,n Sherman, TX Austin College total 1ackles with 19 and IS of the: mp 1acklcr!. in lhe 8:00p.m. one Wichita Falls Howard Payne fl AA, averaging 9.5 t.:ickles :i game. "Corby really had a i;rcJI 2:00p.m. Abilene, TX McMurry University r.:ffort in the Tarleton State probably one of his game. 7:30p.m. \\lchita Falls Hardin Simmons hardest played gamc.:s since he's hcen at ti.·hdwcstcrn. He 2:00p.m . 1~ a Vt!ry mtcnsc pl:iycr and a Alpine, TX Sul Ross Stale University hard worker. It't a gre:u game for us as a team, hut i1 wa~ a good individual cffon on Corby's part." MSU head coach Mike Calcote foo1ball ... Homecoming game is Oct. 22•" said of W:ilker. who was a 1993 First Team All-TIAA pick and NAIA AII-Amrncan Scholar Athlete. ~II':-. nin: Ill he n:cogni1l·d hut I 1,111! have nnprn\'cmcnt . ' make m the f>lh1tmn.~ s:11d 10 1 But the hell Walker. (recognillon) 1~ to i;e1 th:11 "W ". that's lhe .).tatisuc th:11 kl. 21 maners the. mO)I." Walker i.), an accounung major with an impf\.'1i\1,·e 4 U
back of the go:il two more times, giving goalkeeper Robhi Wa tson u liul e broathing room.
*1994 Football Schedule* Sept. 17
Mi~westcrn. St.ate. footb:ill 1s coming off a dis:ippomting ye~ 1n .1993 Ill which the Tribe won 1hrL"C games while los,~g six ot~crs. !hey have starters rclurning from l:m year s squad. mcludmg all conference defensive end Corhy Walker and all-conference slot back Mike McDonald.
pay 100 ro, 111
th,.; hoJrd in only seven mm• uics wi th a powl•rful left foo11:r l.(\rnC lwt.'nty-fiv<" yards h If I B ' h 1· l;~': t~/T~:e-wo~~~~~nd ~h~
ll'•tcn wdl and
Jll 11\CfJII 1mproH'l1H'nl of thl· plJyer, · a111tmll'' 10\\Jfd lhc ~.11nc 311d eJ~h i•1h1•f
Sept. 24
Oct. I Oct. 8 Oct. 22 Oct. 29 Nov. 5 Nov. 12
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News Brief aces criminal charges
.-------D ---.----------~ 1gest
~fraccs oimm:t\ charge:!. s -~ Cponruyed th ~disci rlinary :inion h)' noti~s that o.~"~:nYang lJnJ:iunll'll. lhc , t:ilf \ l'l lip • • • • • • • ~ ~ea.stern Uni. lake copies could hnv• ~ as ht.1.tlqu.trh:n, .11 an undp,i:hh,·d ~IY. t ic uml an accomplice .. c ccn loca,ion :md ruhh,hl·d cmn· Can1pus gets new Thl'M! graduates arc nccdl·d ~ ly stulc more th~1n 4.000 ~ c arc nn CXJlCnsiv, gcncy i,i,,un S1.11 1 mcmbL·r, I , ), as lcadwrs in junwr Sl"· ~c. ol the ~•1.trch 4 " Lun,',r _Yang ~aid, . C mag;i. say lhl' Firsl ,\rnt·ndnil'lll lS\llC~ te ev1son stuc 10 nt(lrl.'111 11.:gcs and uniVl"rSilii.-s. ~ ihi: smdL·nt newspaper O . an article in 11 . .. wen: uveri,hado,, i.:t.l ">' lilhcr. . an: \inhn& to a n: IL·a~l' h)' thl' ','_· bhsh.:t.l ,1 '\lory L'ritic 1, . Hnity Nr~•s" on Fch. 1 Y<dt m~~ pressing .:OllL'l'rn\. . Vu.le~) n•nli.:n:m:~ng J1~J uni vl'rsuy OfftL'C of Puhlll· -,. {he 111:10::i~cmcnt uf SGA cho~hs~h1ld, Pany of lh·}~"h,u::i , T.h1.'. cham:dlor (Ril'li.ird D. mstrm: tmn:11 td~·vt/.\011 will Information. ~ . lh~urr~a~, dcnicr.J knt,w\cd ,1.ght O Bncn) was more cunrcrncd soon he avadahk on the Usmg indcpcndl.'nl ~tudy ~ ,rn grateful 1h,11 moM or uls miss1n_g magazines l!e or ::ihout the <_'Wrall ,:ampui.. The MSU campus. A $2(~1.1100 and tclccourM.'. programs. 1he 1 Jcnts Wl'l'L' c.:cs1a1 c lh· t. · 0 ques11oncd wh • h' but he Rodney Kmt;. verdict h:id just gift from the J S Bridwell ddivay sy!--11.:m lit thl.' pro1 ~ 11~. an~ it wa~ h1.·t·ausc ~f ~g' _f rr..:c c o lic.,\ er st~al: come out. He had a lot to think ~ound~tiun l)f Wichu~ Falls ~ram 1s dcsignt:J to allow J - lf he did to the " Li 0 11 's aJ;azincs constitutcgd a th~~t's about. We have no cnticism <1f 1~ makm~ !he llC\\ .stmho pos- professional in the mo,1 i~1)~ . It was a vute \)I C<lnfi. lh If you on: t.ilkin, · how he h::indlc.:d it.~ Roh /.1hlc.. . lated rural an:a lO rccc1\'C the '1"..· for the paper, " Do • cft. You need 10 b g ah?ut Mullen, circulation director of . This new f:,11,; 1hty w,11_he same high qua.lily education ~ • a senior and editor~} about property," he c l~alkmg the .Collegia11 and a sophomore rnstrunwntal m unpkrnc_ ntmg as a profc/.si<rnal 111 the 3 ~wspapl'r. said. P0 rtcr. He also su ~ 3 r~- s°':_mlogy major. said. t~e nc~ masters dcgrcl· 111 ra- largest mctropo l11an location. ,~Jona said she was . the st rfg _ted th at Th e M 11u1111g Dfril\•" at d10l0(!.1Cal tl!drnology, the Dr. Louis J. Rodriguel, ~ that the administra\r~,; the puhlic:uions. a misplaced Ca~ifo ~ni a Po ly teChn it.: ~ar.:hclors degree in radiolnr MSU presiden t. said the new ,.,,.,.:... iing the theft nf ti1 • . Yang s:iid sh . Un1vcrs11y also reported the 11.'al 11.!L"hno logy :111d 111 program M is a trl!ml!ndous,hich caus..:d a ~ice for several : egkursued Jus - recent thcfl of large quanlitics p~o~·id_ing courses m other step forward for MSU. Not ~ ·. n within the st d cp ing financi:il co s. d~mand - of papers. according to Good- d1sc1plinl!s. only arc we 1hc fi rst school in ~f\sio 5 a college pra cm the cost or rem~n~olton and man of the Student Press Law An addi1i on:1 I gift of the coun1ry 10 offer this much ~Y· fn it scriousl . n and copies, but the P;inu_n~ 1,{~00 Center. $75.000_fro"'! the Mcado~s needed higher level of edu~~ n~ said sh/ ·wa . 1 and campus pol' dmmistrauon Th, llighlmu/u, the news• Foundation ~111 help 10 l!q111p cation, but the deli w ry of the Co ~ d by University sp a 5? tant to support thee were _rcluc - paper for Highland Communily the new studio. program makes it available to pS11G. Warren Smith ~ st- "They were t~o:agazme.. College in -~i~hland, Kan .• was almost anyone in1crt:s1cd in ~ 1 ted that she· d ho hut we weren't h bled . by 11. recently cn11c1zcd for running a furthering thci r t:ducation in 0 -~er position. She also ~~ level of suppono.p,¥~ wnh the ph~tograph of a wrecked car in this field. regardless of lrn:aji)CI\ farice was cam a· s~1 have been a lot. ey cou ld which a student was killed tion." ...!.1cction hy shaki~g•~n,ndg sive about it." y~orc aggres- later, .<he papers disappeared. Season theater k" 1" ' an s maJorin • . _ng. a senio r wuh fncnds of 1hc dead student • g II\ poh11c::il science. claiming responsibility for lhe tickets on sale fith Sl~dc~IS and saying. said 11ello,_lm t e ~crson accused Oro dead. F I . • f II j sitahng 1hc nl!wspapcrs." "Dar n Strauss, edito r or the "We were the •rit:\·in ro. acu ty J OJO U • ' It \113S a shock. like !hey arc C ~mowh Rtview," an indc- cess for these kid; the fuined Season lll'~CIS to MSU time roster dringmorc in10 the story than ~c n cnt con serva tive their anger onto ·1hc Ypup·r .. theater productions :ir~ no~ ~ It w3:5. It Mwas b~own out of Da~spapcr that serves lhe Franklin Mark Kyle, a jour~a·I- o~. sal.~ ~1 the bo,x ~ff1ce in The follow ing arc new roporuo n, Brian Hall Ne~mou1h Co_llegc campus in ism instructor at the colic •c Fam Fme ~ rts C':ntcr. Cm,1 additions 10 the full-ti me ~sident or Tau De lta Fralcr: bee Ha~psh1rc. s::iid he has said. '' But we wanted 10 ~c; per a~ult . ticket is $25 and faculty at MSU: Rohhic Barr· of which Morice • n hatthng to keep his news- them know th 1' . , , _ $23_per ~t~h l>Chool s1_ud1.·n1. JllY ·d is a paper fr b . . ~ was unacccpl scmor c1111.en m military ber. instruclor of art: Nadia . om c ing able bl!hav1or mu free press Bugg, professor nf radiologi· 11embcr. sat . H owever "sys! ~cc also faces possible ex: cmatically' stolen by socicty.M pcrsonm.•1· cal science; Rachel Carl, as..,1U0nfromthcrratcnf stu~cntswhofinditoffensive Staff · . h· Fl .d . Schcd..ulcd performances r-:;, We ha h d f . . crs at t c . ~ ri a include The !louse of Blue sociate professor or nursing; . uy. Whe_n th~ Yale Daily News stolen in thve a our issue! Review. a conscrvatn•~ m~c- Leaves" hy fohn Gu:irt'. Judy Criner. :lSSistant profes~igazme m Con_nec11cut re- Strauss rec paSI t~rce weeks, penden_t paper a~ 1hc ~ m"crs1ty "Lost in YonkersMh . Ned sor of nursing: i:tfl~Y rary an art1clf.! about a deans hav por_tcd. T~e sch?ol of Flonda at Gam~s,•1\le. arc so Simon, M Com~dy of tror.s~ Belly Criscoc, professor or (ODSC!"a1_1ve s tudent poliiical Lhcy can d~~"il.ld there is nothing :ic.~us1oml!d. 10 thl!ir ncw~p~~rs hy Willium Shakcspcare. an education: Li nda Fosnaugh. '1Cllfi1Zlll10n. a.II of the maga. St .d being stolen they laughingly opera Theater production IO assistant professor of mathezjDeS v:inishcd within hours of ro rauss sa1 he suspects a term it "dumping.~ be unnounccd " K2" b matics; Scoll Hcidccke. as,strib~tio~. The aniclc was fo au~c~~n~as:u\that ~bjec~ed . Nit seem! like we_ we~ get; P~trick Meyers.' and /.tudc:i sistant professor of chemis1ry; and Philip Lanasa, inutled Ladies of the Party o f that did n ry n the ~tvitw tmg_dumped a lot_l:1s1 )e?r, l<hrccted one-act plays. SIC Right" and focused on the sch I' h ot appear m the Chns S~arp, a .scmor who IS an For additional infonnation s1ructor or education. Also Joshua Mora, assis• JOic of women in the male..~ s er ~~udcnt paper. c~onot~tcs maJor and produc• call the MS U Thcatr~ t:,minntcd political group. eop c ~hJ~CI to th c pa~er ti_o n di~cctor 31 thc 5.0~0 Publicity Office at 689-4399. tanl professor of fon:ign language; Carole Palmer. asso• Publisher G race Young sa·d as _ a whole. Sirauss said, c1rcula11on newspaper. said cia1e professor of radiological bees of lhc conse r . 1 not~n~ that the Review has a MWc used to have to stake out technology; Paul Pierce. inDCffl objected bccau va~~c dc~imt.~ ~o~servative_ view- the boxes. but we havcn'1 ~up . f . s~ 1 cy point. This 1s not an issue or caught anybody in a while • • struc1or o r mathematics: th gid :h:r~~~ a~~t~~i~nform rac~. It's that the college is not . "A couple of years hack. the Classes begin 1n Gayle Roux. associate professor of nursing; Mickey ~ d sa.1d s~ S. ~he facmg the. problem of freedom dc.:an of journalism look our new masters ~ an box and brought it inside or his . e was wntmg or expression." Stanley, associate professor ll for an English c lass. The .At t~e Unive rsity of oflicc and posed with it like it program of nursing; Patsy Stutte, asso,ntcr ~lso was h~rasscd ::md W1_sconsm-Stou1. editors arc was a trophy. and had his pie• ciate professor of nursing: threatened. Yang said. ll)'tng to fig ure out why some- turc t.iken by the Gai nesville Classes have begun at MSU Lloyd Taylor. assistant pro'W_c know !hat 1hcy were re- one swiped 5.000 copies of Sun," Sharp said. in the master of science de- fessor or business adminissponsiblc. We h?d. anonymous The Stoutonia several weeks "We also had a box burned." grcc in technology program-- tration: Brian Thornton . ~ne calls adm1~1m~ t~Jt they ago. Last spring. at 1hc University the first or its kind in 1hc assistant professor of mass did, and they d1dn t hke the "We lhink it might be be - of Massachusetts at Amherst, United States. The new pro- communication: and William cause we ran a police beat, and angry black s1udc nts stole gram was recently approved White, instructor/coordinator. we published the name.,; for the newspapers and took over the by the Texas Higher Educa- Intensive English Language lnslilUIC. first time," Michelle McCurd)". officl!s at the "Massach11setts tion Coordinatinf! Board .. a Stou1onia s1:iff member, s:iid, Daily Collt&ianM whe n they The program emphasizes objcctt!d to a columnist's areas of study that focus on Sorority sponsors conscr.a1ive views. radiological education and •TRF.K radiological administration. blood drive • srECIALtZED ll is designed 10 help fill 1hc • RALEIGH {Editor's Note: T heft or Gamma Phi Beta Sorority • ROLLERBLADE trashing or The Wichita11 cxist_in_g edu~alional g?P by providing r~g1s1ercd.rad1olog- is sponsoring a blood drive • ROLLERBLADE RENTAL will be prosecuted lo the 1ca.l professionals wuh the .reon Sept. 2. Enticements will run extent or the (3w and • HOCKEY EQUIPMENT • CLOTHING may included filin g civil quired knowledge and skills include free tee shirts and their sandwich coupons to to function effectively in IIU 10,T, WICHffA FALU • ACCESSORIES lawsuits consistent with rree chosen career emphasis. Subway.
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Fantasy of Lighls work days set for early October Work d.1 y,; 111r thl! MS U- Burn, FJ nt,1~y ,,f T!~~1id1~,~-~.
~~;'.1 \l!l l ,11 (k l.
Ms. Jan ·111ad:l'r. ch,111 (ll..'rson , said h,1ur, \\Jll tw 1wm 9 am . until .J r .111 o n l':il'h of the :ihove datl·,. Bec:iusL· lund1 1'- ~l·rwd each work day. s1ud\'.rH,. fJ<.:ulty and !-t:1ff \'Olun1n•n, art asked 10 -'i!!n up in 1he nark Studcnl Center Offo.:l! hcfore the :.chcdukd \, llt'k d:itn. Voluntel.'rs will lw ;.1pplying new p:iint. !!hie .md ~liua to the annual C'hn~irna, di,;pl:i.y which has hl.'comc :a tradilion on t-.tSU l-.1rnpus.
Contest will award $12,000 The National L1hr:1q· uf Poc1ry h:is announl.'L'd thal S l2,000 in r rill'S wi ll ht! awarded this tu over 250 poets in the Norih Amair;m Open Pot:try Con1e,1. The deadline for the i:onll·~t is Sept. 30 and is opcn to e veryone. There is no entry foe. Any poet, whether JHC\'i• ously publ ished or 1101. '-·an he a winner. Every poem also h11s a chanct: to he puhlished in a hardbound anthology. To enter. St:nd one original poem. any suhject and ;my style. lo ll1c National Library or Poetry. 1141 9 Cwnridge Dr.. P. 0 . Box 704-198 1, Owings Mills. MD 2 111 7. The poem should he no mnrc than 20 Imes. and the poet's name and :iCJdrcss should ap10 0 ~his1 : o~~~r:kget!d by Sept. 30.
Disaster courses will be offered by local Red Cross. Course.~ in di.sast1.·r trai ning will be offored Scpl. 22, 24. 29 and Oct. 1 by 1he Amcri• can Red Cross. Tho~c inter• csted in lcamint_! how to :i.ssist disastl!r victims can get addi tional informa1iun hy calling 322-8686. All classes will he tJught in 1he e\'Cning hnurs.
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