Photo Poll: Political awareness amon g stude nts today
MSU must decide hclween scholarships for spor ts or nol
-----=-:--_nm Wichitan
Volun or 72, Numb er 2
Midwestern Stale University
September 16, 1993
Campus dance turns violent
BYKathry n Self,
Ed itor, and Ji1lie Nanny, Manllgi nJed itor
Midw es tern State l) ni,•c rsi ty Police and Unive rsity offici a ls arc inves tiga ting a series of dist urbances which began st appro ximat ely l! :50 p.m. Sept. II invol ving MSU s tuden ts and a Jorge numb er of non . sludcn ts, some of which ore suspected loca l ga ng
Alph a frat ernity , the
~oup may not have been
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direct ly res ponsi ble for lhc comm otion of th e
"This is not what MSU is about," Farrell said. "No longer will any type of event that would create an atmosphere where this can go on will be pennitted on campus. We are a community of scholars."
c,·cnin g A_lph a
Phi Alph a pres id ent a nd advi ser
were unva il a bJe comment.
"The dance began a l 9 P-m. a nd about 30 people
were inside on the dance Alth ough th ere were n oo r ," Phillip Bird ine,
gun shots and numer ous ~ca n of studen ts, sa id figh ts, only minor injuri es Ab out 10:30 pm . have bee n report ed lo scufflin g took place inside University offici als. th e Cl a rk Stud e nt Dr Howa rd Farrell, Ce nu,r, not actu al fights." \'ice presid ent for studen t After the fi rst wa rning at admin i s tr a ti ve w as and i ss u e d \·en e id sa ces, rvi se approximau,J y 10:35 p.m. 1hough th e dance was by Birdine to the gues ts, spons ored by Alpha Phi he termin a ted th e dance
I was usherin g people out of the building," Birdin e said. "Durin g th a t time, studen ts sta rted runnin g in my direct io n sayin g
at approxima tely 10:45 p.m. beca use th e pushin g nnd ye lling conlinued. "Peo pl e gra dually sta rt ed leavi ng (CSC) and
th ore was a fight." "Dy the time I got in there (the Ba llroom ), the be e n had portie • separo!A?d by the gu ests," Birdine said. "Prob lem s starte d happe ning outsid e (CSC ) in th e a rea or Memorial Hal l when fi ghts began to erupt ," Farre ll said . "Birdine report ed eight to wer e fi g hts nin e huppc ning at the so me police MSU and He time. tried to brea k ( the fights)." Bird i ne estim ated be tween 160 and 180 people had ga thered ot that point. As soon a s Birdin e and MSU police di spersed
Third Millennium
one fight, anoth er would start, eoid Fa rrell . Durin g the fights , on uniden tified male put his elbow throug h a broken piece of gl oss on the north side of th e CSC, cuttin g his ha nd. H.G. Evans , MSU police chief said th e male did not break the glass, thoug h. He th e n ran before officia ls could reach him. s itu a tion The height ened when severa l shots were heard , Birdine said. "Two small calibe r shots we re fired in th e oir," Farrell soid. •A short
/see page 3
VP expects inc ild bu Group tries to --- ---/---aw in Fall enrollment s es en ar -, r-- --- ---
(CPS) ·· Conce rned thsl the mount ing national debt1 envi ronme ntal degrad ation and inner-city strife will dcvasta!A? their lives in the next centur y unless drastic change s are made, a group of "twentysomcthing" leader s arc organizing on college campuses this fall to increa se the political savvy and clout of young voters . "The messa ge ie th at our genera tion's future is being sold out unless young Ameri can s become energized and more involved in the politica l process , we'll have no one to blame but ourselves," said J onatha n Karl, cofounder of the New Yorkbased Third Millennium. The non-pa rtisan group has received a "treme ndous response" since its opening salvos were sounded in mid.Ju ly wilh the distrib ution ofa declaration that calls for
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solutions to great ills in American society and _ politics, Karl said. Third
Millennium receive s about 100 inquiries a day from intcrcs!A?d people
ond in its first two weeks 300 people from 44 sla tes and three Canad ian provi nces paid $9 to become members, he said. Now Third Millennium wi ll focus much of its energi es on motiva ting 20- to 29-yearolds into politico! acti on, pa rtly by reaching college studen ts with its message, Karl said. He'll be speaki ng at several campuses this fa ll, including hos ting 1994 congre ssional candid ate deba tes and encouraging higher voter turnou t a mong young people, who typically vote at a low rate. David Stevens, o University of Kansas sophomore who is arranging Karl 's visit and help ing organize a chapter, soid that the Third l\lillcnnium's message speaks directly to college
/s ee page 3 I .
Students disagree with ideology By Kathryn Self
Third Millennium, a movement trying to eweep across the country, want., all college age student., to become more politically aware and COnlciowo about their government. But, are college student., really in need of a political awa keni ng? "I think th ere is a Jlenduium effect," Howard Farrell, vice Preaident for studen t a nd ad minist rative services, sc1id. "(Social awa renci:is) hatt swi ngs. There waR a •wing in Lhe 1960• with lhe Vietnam Wo r. StudentB were really in,,.l)Jved an d intcnHe."
Derek Andre ws, president or Un iversity Democ rats, said his group has about 40 members. "l think etuden ts feel a sense hopele ssness," Andrews said. "No matter what they do, iL is business as usual in Wa•hi ngton." University Democrnls, work s with pol(~i~•~~~ ~;; ; ~ lection , Andre ws ,mid, loc,il Democrat the the only age gr_oup to organi?.a Lions in the city increa se in vo ting was a nd county on electi ons. th e 18 to ,10 year-old also sprm~or evcnL<J They group, " Taylor , Pugh and to raise aware ness on Scott ,c;aid. "More young campus." ~coplc und e~ the o~c of Farrell said he :JO are identified --:1th th ought studen t politica l orga n1znt1o ns awareness of guvcnu n enL (an activisL" group)~!:.~~. is cJrnngin~. tluiRc over th e ugc o ,1 . Tamara Taylor , Studen t Government secretary, Shann on Pugh, Studen t Gover nment prcsidcn~ a nd Li nda Wilson Scott, Studen t _ Government vice presid ent disagreed with the idea that college studen lB today arc not
''The last few yenrs studen ts have hnd more concerns, wheth er they be environmental concern s or happe nings in places around the world including Bos ni a a nd Ethiopia," Farrell soid. "I think the pendulum is swinging hack now to a concem of govern a nce on a global level." "JusLbecaus e studentti aren't out protes ling wi th si1:,,ns, it doesn' t mea n they aren't acti ve," 'l'uylor, Pugh and Scott said. "Today's
/see page 3
By John Granth am
Reporter Un offici a lly, 5,840 studen ts ha ve enroll ed for th e Fall 1993 semes ter, J esse Rogers, vice pr esid e nt for academic a ffairs, said. "We pion to increa se our enroll ment 2 percen t thi s semes ter over the 1992 fall semes ter, " Roger s soid . "We arc very pleased with this incre ase becau se the tre nd for the colleg e popul ation ia shifti ng toward s junior colleges of senio r in stead colleges." Altho ugh some students hav e alread y starte d to withd raw,th c numbe rs are expected to increase due to the rcgistro tion of radiol ogical technology scienc e students. MSU is one of only six univer sities that has seen an increa se in enroll ment, Rogers soid. In fact, the Unive rsity of has Texa s North decrea sed by 2 percent. MSU opera tes on o decli ning studen t bosc the fo rces which Un ive rsity to recrui t outeide its region . Rogers eaid fundin g for un ive r si t ies ore bas ed upon offici al enrollmen t figures. "Stau, fund ing is fun druncn tally budge ted by credit hour produ ction by s tud e nts," Roger s said. "Othe r major costs such as buildi ngs, the upk eep of grou nds a nd utiliti es don't chan ge wit h t he incr ease of enrollm en t. MSU ca n grow wi thout much or a n increa se of cost which allows the ability to offer better s a laries an d
cducationaJ assista nce." MSU Police Chi ef H.G . E,·ans said the numb er of autom obile regis tratio n decal s issued to MSU studen ts thi s semes ter has almos t reached 5,100, which is a differe nce of less thon 500 autom obile decals issued for the entire Fall 1992 semes !A?r. Evans said by the end of the semes ter more thon 500 autom obile r e gi s tratio n decal s shoul d be issued to stude nts who r egiste r additio nal vehicl es . Housi ng Direct or Ted Rcdlaczyk said the residence halls are about 91 percen t occupied, which is typica l for the fall semes ter. "Ther e were 32 nosho ws and about 15 students have alread y left ca mpus ," Rcdl aczyk said. "Betw een th e four residence halls, 550 slu• dents arc hou•ed ." "This y ea r we have seen an increa se of uppcrcJe ssmen in the resi• dence halls and fe wer freshm en ," Rcdl a czyk sai d. "Ther e is on increase in th e numbe r of underc lass men who are violat ing th e hous ing policy by not living on ca mpus. They a re bei ng tracked down. Ea ch case will be hundl od individually, but we are makin g sure t hat everyone has adequ ate housin g." l\lore stude nts a r e ca mpus liv in g on its of beca u se con ve ni ence, a fforda bili ty and the lac k of housin g in the comm unity with lhe oxpan sioo of S heppa rd Air Force Duse, Redl aczyk soid.
Hey good Jookin., Editor"a aote: Thf' (ollo-.;n1
rotum.a is• ~ comroentary by Dr. Bo.-.rd FarftU , ,;N! prrsideat for student and adm.iniar alh·e 5errices.
There is somethin g mag;cal about the inception of a new academic year - a fresh start, a tlew beginning, new opportunitie s, a new directi on, continued excellence. As Vice President for Student and Administ rati,-c Sernces at Midweste rn &ate Universit y, I welcome our new and continuin g students and encourage our students lo experience e'\"ery aspect of campu.~ life. This may he the year to join that service org-a• nization or become in-
mak es ~fidwcs State volved in Student Univers ity nn ins tituti on Governm ent. This is the year lo become part of the '4;th an impeccab le acn• reputatio n and a n dcm1c the enhance to surge institut.Jo n that contmueff quality of student life a nd proRpcr'> To grow to ;\lidweste rn Sute me, it is a Uni versity Uruversit y is launching ent that we arc commitm into our 72nd year of exa -student FirsC in!'l lilU· cellence. This is a time li on \\'c treat r:iur fflu• •••,:hen the Universit y is gro~;ng, a time when the dents with th e dignity and respect which they excelJence of the acadeser,;e and we are gen • demic segment continues concerned for the umely a when lo expand, a time s tudents' best interest. new residence hall a -whateve r Jt take \Ve (:'-lcCuUough-'J'rigg ) is betakes - approach in trying ing built., and a time for studcnt..<J to v.;th work to students to consider a help them reach th eir full renovatio n and addition pote ntial It see ms th a t lo the Clark Student ind, ,.;dua1R who a r c nr,t of Center. this philoM>ph y or fram e I nm ofkn asked by of mind d on't last very my colleague s about what he:re. lonJ:! makes Mid ..-estern State uruversi.t y so unique. A_q a communi ty that Whal is the niche that
Parent's Day described as complete success The first annual Parent's Day Sept. 11 can be described in several words - informati" ·e , entertain ing and most important ly, suc:cessful Those in,·oh·ed in the planning. organjzat ion and developm ent of the idea . deserve a round of applause as well as the many faculty members who W'ere present and the volunteer s who make
sure eT"er;-thing ran smoothly. The mood of the entire morning was one of excitemen t and happiness . Parents' faces could n ot help ID rude the pride in their children as th ey talked ID the faculty Not only <lid the parents seem lo enJoy themseh-e s. but the faculty truly appeared interested in meeting the parents, and they al so seemed lo enjoy the fellowship they had .,;th other facultv. The be,--t way lo describe the event may be by saying it was one big Camily reuni on.
One family sa;d the most impressiv e, impacting ~e.nt of the day happened when they greeted Dr. and Mrs. Loui s J . Rodriguez . ~!rs. Rodriguez extended her hand ID L"e .,.,re and said , Tm Ramona, h 's nice to meet you .· The-Presi dent and h,s ..-ue did an exceUcnt job opening their house lo the parent's and malong the parent& feel as if they belonged there. To all invoh·ed. it was a j ob -''ell don e If this year is any indication of Parent's Days to come, they shouJ:i only continue in even greater success
l..dtcr Polk) I...cac-s a> UII: editJr sJn.»d be brid. w the point 100 be •tt!Jom lltm:vc ~ or pc:n)(W J.aJreb Lcnc:n. ~
q;ned b y tbe 'ffl'IO'-acc typcd-UJd ~ il'ICludc J ldc:phonc:
=ta""" adclro:u fol"-6cal oa iuposcs.
U )'OU 9Uh )'OU lcrla IO be published >'ill>',m your !he oz:>:. cd !he cc,,:,,:m )umfies llur X1loc. pia.c couaa be o:f:tcw iO a i:.:i:c:::u.JII ~ be reacho::t Lcac:n •in crli:c:lfo< 8'-=-mly
includes almw,t 6,000 Rtudent,w, u w,dc rnn~,: ,,f academic prugramR, R_lu d cn t sorviccff and l,U!H · n <:s~ support stafT, we make mjstaJce11 . We would h kc to thjnk Ji,,.,,.,. ever thut we learn fr om theRe mi.RUJkcs and that we lend t,, n :f'Olvc prir,r . ity jg~uen in favor ,,f tlw mu s t bcndicwl 1mp;1ct 1JU our AtudcntA:. Jn ffummation, J wuold lik e to welcome Hturl l'n L~ hack for the hcginninJ! ,,f a truly r.xcitini: yl'.! nr 1111 d tn plcdr,c ti> yrm t.hnt we
will work crmscic11tiou11ly to pruvid t! the bc11t ,,c: r• ";cci:i po1u,i h1 f! and t,, Ji,:lp Htudcnte rea ch wh :Jts:v,:r goal th ey have set f;,r thcmRclvcM.
3400 Taft Blvd , _ P.O. Box 160 Wichita Falls. TI( 76308 N ews deak : (817) 689-470 4 Ads desk: (817) 689- 4 705 ..... -
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Dc•r Editor, 1ft ~ e:it tri ~ hatk in ,di•A I a R!'.r:, 1,, ,,£ •umm•:r l,rr ak Summ~r ...-,u fun It ll'em , evr: r)Lh 1nf •~ put inth n J!'"'d r!'• ti,,rnrpen~n·e •4h•n )"OU l'!a ·,,- Cl'lffl ptJA for 11wt1ill'l Y•,u to Ul c Olj rind u , mpilre 1, fe. t ylu I .... A• r,.;,, lly 1mr,rr•• H.! wh ,:n I c..a me b11 t k r,,, ' '"l!t , tr:i t 1,, 1, r, ( rir • l ~f:, fir•t imp re•,ion w11 • JUl l pt rfect I ice t n ru, h •,u l 1mp r .. ~n!mJ -..,·hr-n L'1 ...-; nfT~t m"! that way I firH nrA. ,u ;d th,. crin, truct v,n <A M r.f;t,ull-. ufh H;f!I "J/htil ch ,k ill f ',e,. mt,; IJ\111d11,i 1mpre!' u•! m~ mo~t 1• h r,w mu ct ructu r !'.• ,. f .. v.,e f Y~i ne th,- rr11 m ,,-..,,ir,-. i!!.i up t,7 ,, f ,t~l u. r, n: e~ 11n-! 11,ch,u.:cu u rd u, n ., ,.ry z c;,.-1 ,,..;irnr,lr wh;i: rn "!~ can d•J lr,ni. )' v••t rir,t .. we, lrn"!• Tl,,, c,n t1 "tr11 r~Z"1 ~)0)1-d I al.,, ·r,1• fl t •· .1 nd J Wf"O I 1.h rouzh an 11dd drr,p w,,ul rnuc.h 111c•,r, ·n AJ.,, .... h .. r. • iltmz with II ct,un"~ lr,r I (,:,-I !Jl;!l4:t nl.-,ut m y u• 1,fn1 full YJ 111 wn• r,r1 P>.e1,tr:1t1 fu 1u ~,. I f,. ,. J 1mv,rt..1nt tl,•·m vt"'JP1'= I ;,. ;1• :i ,.,.r). e-y,. ple:um g cr,, ...,d .Ju•l -.,,.,.1, h 1ni! wa~ fun
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fll! Wichitan
Violence .,,, ff1)fll Pa~e I iflle later, four more hots w_e rc fired in rapid -ucccss10n . Then, three were heard .. 0q:er blasts · J was stand · . street' the in 1,nost 1 -f emorial Hall when ~ eord th? ~un shots, .. irdinc said. I thought is a firecrac ker. It kc l ,as 1 n and I recogniz ed lh~y •ere not firecrac kers W i tarted telling pcopl·c t~ gel down and lake cover." began Peo _plc •catterin g , some off. ampu s, some towards he residenc e halls, and •0 ,ne were trying lo get ut of the _residenc e halls ' arrell said. After the fights, the of na1n . concer n Jnivers, ty officials was etting . MSU student s nto re sidence halls and non-stud ents out of th e 1rea. Farrell said. to _wanted was anybody 1f e jetermm eriously hurt," Birdine aid . "We began lo make ur way towards the irecbon of the shots." Evans estimat es the hots came from Lot 1 at r,epee Drive. "I don't think this was a drive-by," Birdine said ·Obviou sly, there wer~ weapons with the number of shots and the differen t sounds." "Our campus police and the Wichita Falls Depart ment police man," Birdine 9toppcd a 1aid. "His vehicle had a weapon and ammuni tion in it. No MSU student s
with caught were weapons ." Birdine reported that CSC was secure by 12:30 a.m. About 1 a .m ., Birdine said h e started lo
.a feel confid situation en_t that the No on:as in control. the only ot~as shot and er reported 1nJ u r y an unident ified was male who received his across cut a . forehead Althou h Evans cannot atg .' tribute the disturb gang to activit a}ce numbc~ 'of arrell said a were id!an~ !l'•mbcr s Uninvite d nt1f1ed as guests to the dance. th ta~~ell ~aid none of membe. °s"lifie d gang are MSU students . Ms'J~i s bis not what ~ out; Farrell said o onger will any . t YPe of event that would create an atmosp here bherc this can go on ,viii e permitte d on campus. Whe are a commun ity of sc olars." . F the arr_cll said beca use of the '!'C1den t, U . thnivers ,ty . 1s revi e wing c regulati ons of events on campus. 8 1rdme said he had
at Maplewood. 3512 Kemp Blvd. Wichita Falla, TX
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From Page J Sludcnts concerned about how issues such as tho na tional debt will affect their futures and carct'rs. "If you ask most college students these days, their pnmary worry is whether the economy will support them once they leave college, " Stevens said. "This program offers some explana tions about why things arc thia way and what needs to happen economically to improve things." The last lime young united to radically change Am erican politics was in the 1960s when unrest about th e Vietnam Wa r and fear of being drafted into the military •purred college demonst rations around the country, C\'cnlually shifting public opinion lo oppose the wa r. Will today's 20-ycarolds be as motivated by economic projcclions?
"Like Wile E. Coyote waiting for a 20 ton Acme anvil to fall on his head, our genera• tion labors in the expa ndin g shadow of a monstrous debt."• excerpt from the Third Millennium declaration tion, "Slcvcns said. "That's the uphill battle• trying to show people that there is a threat out there tha t is just as menacing as yo.~ r drnfl card commgu p. At the same time of its college drive, the nonprofit Third Millennium will be trying to raise its visibility and power by proposin g na tional legislation and hcarines in Washing ton, D.C. lo tackle th ese tough issues, Karl said. "We have no
"Although the threats arc not as visible as in the 1960s, th e economic hardships they pose for the future are just as important to this gcncra-
Also, Birdine said the role of Alpha Phi Alpha m the event will be evaluate d. "Their role in this "ill certainl y be scrut,·n,·z•d ~ ' Birdine said. "We trc; t all organiza tions alike If when examini ng the r~lc' fault can be found the~ they will be handicd as any other organiz ation would be."
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Meanwhile, the engine of democracy has stalled, paralyzed by fringe issues. "It is time lo take responsibi lity. The grave problem s facing our country -- economic stagnnlion, social fragmenlalion and the deterior ation of the environm ent -- demand solution s thnt transcend partisan ship. O Social Security : "Twenty-live years from tod ay •· with relativel y fewer workers and an increasing number of retirees •· we will face a terrible choice: defa ult on our obligations to retirees or raise payroll taxes to ns high as 40 percent. "America needs a new contract , fiscally sound, generati onally fair and sure to protect those who need our governm ent's help." □ The $4.4 trillion national debt: "On a urel
(CPS)·· The '"Third Millennium Decla rntion" spells out in 25 pages the group's concerns and points lo some cha nges it sta tes a rehnccficsso'?' tol preserve t e mancia a nd social integrity for future U.S. generati ons. Third Millenn ium cofounder Jonatha n Karl said the docume nt is not a detailed blueprin t, be a mea nt rath er toscussion cata lyst for di
and change." Some excerpts from the declarat ion: O The preambl e: "For
too long, we as a nation
have failed to exercise self-control. We've trashed the ethic of individual responsibility. We've exploited racial and sexual difference for political gains. Those in power have practiced fiscal child a buse, mortgaging our future, and the futures of ~hose to come.
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out concerns
practica l level, laying such a heavy burden on future generati ons is reckless economic policy. In an historica l context it is 'taxation without reprcsentat ion,' and as we were so aptly taught, That's not fair.' "Unless we meet this problem squarely now, our generati on faces the prospect of economic meltdow n. At best, the costs of servicin g the mushroo ming national debt will drain more and more of our national resources. This means a fu. lure of economically devastating taxation and minimal governm ent scrvices. Disarme d by the burden of debt, our gen-
eration will be impoun t to help our poor, clean up our environ ment, or even build a producti ve life for our families. " □ The environ ment: "Abusin g the environment to fuel our lifestyle today is the clearest example of generati onal inequity. Much of the environment al destruct ion has been caused by an unwillin gness to make short-te rm saCJifices for long-ten n benefits . We can no longer afford such shortsig hted action. "Our future hangs in the balance." Third Millennium's address is P.O. Box 20866, New York, N.Y., I0023. The lelephone number is (212)979-2001
Cards FREEB EES student s get by using their I.D. person one and events alhleUc d • All regularly schedule can get another person In free wllh card. • Any UPB events-guest enterlalners, movies • Artist Lecture In Must pick up a UckeL Tickets go on sale: 2 weeks publlc. advance for sludents and 1 week In advance for lhe
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With a $4.4 "trillion debt staring them in the face, this new generati on has every reason to fear for the tuture and to do somethi ng about it, according to the declaration, which likens the debt to an unfair "taxation without represen tation" for futuro generations that will have to deal with its legacy.
From P•~• I activists arc acting through voluntec rism. We arc the ~encrati on that has to fix everythi ng and we recognize the only way to do It is to fix it our~clvcs." Farrell said the media's ability to report news instanta neously has focused attentio n moro on a global lovel . He said he feels students are more responsi blo for citizens of the world today than a few ycara ago. Andrew s question ed the success of Third Millenn ium, relying on past incident s in history wben groups similar to this one tried to make a change but failed. "I don't see them ever getting past the lobbying stage," Andrew s aaid. "More than likely, people will end up returnin g back to their respectiv e parties. The only group I see having the best chance of becoming a political party is the Christia n Coalition."
- ~
,'. ' 59 J, 89 $
Ideology voice on Capitol Hill so there's absolute ly a need for this to energize us. We need to go to Capitol Hill and say you have to listen to us.'' In it.a declarat ion, the Third Millenn ium acknowledges that the Cold War and its threat of apocalypso is over but warns that "political and social time bombs threaten our fragile successes at home and abroa~. Lika Wile E. Coyote waiting for a 20 ton Acme anvil to fall on his head, our generati on labors in the expandi ng shadow of a monstro us national debt."
1 ~n~:-• nf1~~ Declaration spells
___ ___ __,,_,;;,;;;;;,;,,;;;,___ _...J Localed on Kemp, Sept(,'JTll,er 16, 1993
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. ~ent, Enterta1nm M SforJCS fili "Become what you are" better than cool J;:ic/f/<'•
;; ~/p«~.,;~ ' • . ••~~), • '' ,\ ~/l1 . ?' .C-11"' rJ~:~:t: ,,H, ~ Tl!E'"khj~
.. Sulllnn Juliano Hatfield IS cool l'!ot .cool hkc the first girl m elementary school that gct.s lo wear a brn or mnkc up or some• thing hkc that, but cool ma wny where you v.1sh you could Just be her. After all, Hatfield has beenontheco vcrof Sassy magazine, used to be in the Blake Bobic,, and, by far the most en• 1
"You know those mnRO· zmcs end up m the trash · Follo\\ing ·supermodel" 19 the most \\ell kno\\n tune of the album, "My Sl!ter" Hatfield, v.ho wrote the song herself, docs not even have a ,islcr, nnd saidinthcSe ptemberis• sue of Scuentccn that ii was more nboul 'Aishing you were as good as
~ : : :1: Another really cool thing release of the is about her her second album "Decomo What You Arc." Hatfield's brash lyric.• ore exccllcnUy exhibited on the first track, MSupcrmodcl. " Her re• sponsc to Cindy Crawford arc expressed in the line,
Mn:~:~/,i~~e11s · is a sung done in n Lemnnhcnds fashion and "Spin The Bollie" is about, you guessed ii, the fnvorilc junior high party ~•me. In "President Garfi eld;· Another nolnblc lrnck Hulfocld dcclnrcs, "I can't is "A Dome With A Rod," sing, I'm not n singer.·· Nothing could be fnrthcr from the truth. which Hatfield snid is
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~;:t::~:~: =~i~~t - - - - - - - frees Dr. Kimball i, really quite a remarkable piece of high-action footage . The movie also moves in some different direc· tioos. For instance, the action surrounds not only the murder of Mrs. Kimball, but also why she was killed. (To reveal why would spoil the ending, but it ha, to do with
$6.95 $6.95
"The Fugi ti ve" was wcll•donc and worth th • effort lo lake it to the hil! screen. We can only hope that the others "ill be equal in quality.
:~J -.._, 4'
110 ·· what else·· money nnd ;; oo ....1h1on.,.,(2wds l politics.) 19 orn ·Kic~mt bnnuldl mouT h"i·~r,ismnl.sD 51 11 5 5 ~~kt of• • , [ =..~k•,y in u fnuout 21 N1o11ba1rseobb runs, "'and Deputy Gerard 22 0um,ng •~mp' chases him, but cnn never 23 Temperorwu:ii 52 ~=~~C:on 1~~n rsG'I quite catch him, even though there seems to be 24 Ho1.nb n sl.lthor..-i• s3 TX,"" ' be•II _ no possible escape. In the 25 ~ ~1o.~~~ir' ss ~,:•~noup 1Nwror,g _ . (hoMs1 perxin ) end, both the hunter and JO wflll1JimmyJohn$Oll 56 ,om,TtxanssJo the hunted become pro: ~;: tn.gonists, similar in their 10 58
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Wood fired Brick Oven
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cinematic since the television show, and, of course, much larger budget.s, locations and special effects are
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"Fugitive" still chasing box office bucks
~:;m~~t of :~i~~~-~ technology
!· • ( /' ._, ! t .,. ~ . f-1:n,
~::n:.:;:~ng , ·1his is the Sound ... includes a lyric with which many people csn probably re· Into .. "fell in love ngnin last night·
· 1-[ '/ l · ' · ,J,L · . < - , I ;\ ~ · , 1 ' i; ~ I lf) -.,;;I ! , , ~
what was presented oficn had little to do "'ith find ing the real killer at all, life on Kimball's v.ith: manual but run labor the jobs and seedy hot.els, that sort of thing. The movie, thankfully, is not bound by that limitalion. Here the viewer hes the entire story, from beginning to end. It ~~t:lr~~~s e eventually find his man,
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about R v.om1Ul who v.,tncsses o rape then kill, U1c guy m n sort of Thelma and Louise lvpe move "Dnmo hns stronger gu1lnrs Urnn some of the 0U1cr trncks, nnd Hotfocld', voice sounds liken roller cooster,slnrt ingofflow and gelling higher on each line.
By Denn l.a1tir'ftDCC Movie Reviewer Now going into it.s sixth week nl the box ofThe Fugitive/' starfice , M ring Harrison Ford and Tommy Lee Jones is the number one attraction for mo,ic-goers, and is showing no signs oflctling up. Already it has grossed clo,c lo $134 million, and \\ill probably lop the $150 million mark. The mo,ic is based on a 1960s television series of the same name. In the movie, as in the sen cs, Dr. Richard Kimball (Ford) is a Chicago surgeon who is unjustly accused of killing his wife. He escapes and Irie, to find the real killer, all the while eluding the eITort.s of Deputy U.S. Manhall Sam Gerard (Jones). The original television series on which the movie is based is going on thirty years old. That series suffered from the type of predictability that all ongoing plots TV can't avoid: the viewer knew that this week Dr. Kimball would not (could not, if the series was to continue into the next week) find the one-armed man that killed his wife, thus acquitting himself of his murder charges. So,
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J.l<lh Mnkibbin, a 80 • ·,r mus•< ml\)or, "ill rt'',rorrn her junior Vnice 1:,;,al al 8 p.m. Sept. 2S 1'_ 11 ior Bclh Makibbin ;~II perform in lhc Akin ~uditonum. . · ~!ak1bbm Will porfonn .,,irctio_n• mclu_d~ng :~c, ta in Pal:1', Liebst 11111 5chonheit" a,?d ·chanson tnsle. M:ikibbin is seeking a i,.,chelor of music dcl:T'e<! n,cnl porfonnance. 10
Six Flags Present Long.haired lllld mounta; rnbbil, hands '4ill hn rn,unc spou · • nr, tho 1ght ats·,x Fl ag,i OverT Ari. •xaa as the 1ng1o th Pl'l!Bento~to ime pork nun) T ourth 00 • Cran,, Heritage eativaI Mori, I.ha · P<ople "ill n 200 crnl\s. t"'<>-weok gnlher ror the 18.19 ande~ ""•ntSepl pt. 25•26
News Videoplex opens
nnd lhc Goodtinwr,i." Th<! nmmn of C'Ont roasting in lhu hu,k "ill blend \\ilh U,e smoke S<en1or j!rillin~ snusa~c nnd turkc)' I,•.~ which \i!titor.J cnn wnsh down '4ilh n rold bottJ,, or Sll!'!lapurilln. Pnrk i:ucslot arr in• ,;led to join lhe Indies nl the quiltin~ frame to In· lheir hnnd ut thnl deli." cato crnn. bushy b~nnics by FrJ"ra rubb1L, mised Amon~ lhe crnrl• or• of Sunn and Lydia Lenz rcred for snlc arc while combed Y\'ale. Loose for onk bnskel.<, pollery, co rrom their long, stnincd J?lns~. woodcnn·ats ,s u,ed to spin in,::s, candles, p<Hpouni, ~:.wh_ich Mrs. Lenz holidny dN:Orntion,, lh e_s mto •can•es and wooden kn1cido!-ropc.•~. 0 cr1tcms. rninintutt~. com hu!.k Theirs is just one or dolls, jewelry, puppets, brooms, ironwork, jnmN sc,·era! demonstration cran,, which \\ill nllow nnd jellies The mnny olher Six ~ark ~••ts lo sec how ecess1ties Were mndt' in Flags ridl's, shows and Years gone by. nllrnctions "ill be in run Sctli 1h , operation durin~ the lhe fosti~ e mOO(I lor crnfls e,·cnl . music r 1 " 111 be the On Saturdays dunng bands O • OUrtecn folk lhe Crans F,,,t,rnl. Six "Pi ~lh_ nam!s Ike Flngs will be open from ~ le and Umy 10 n.m. unlil 6 p.m.
Lego contest a,,,'11:~ 0pen to students
'{'he Wichita Falls ~iusrum imit~s ihdwestern Stnw iJni>•crs,ty students to ·;how offLcgo_labors of 10,, by in i!S Lego Mania Conwst at .,.30 p.m. Sept. 19. •· participant., n~ to bring their best Lego ere,,ions to the museum and r,11 out an official entry for!II· The creations \\ill b<'<"me p_art of lhc muse,,rn's cxh1b1t beginning s,ptember 14th. Entr,· foes arc Sto ,nd prizes v.ill be ' ;.-orded in both the ju. ,or di,ision (age 12 and 0 under) and the senior di• ,;sion (age 13 and upl. Winners will be an. nounced at 2:30 p.m. 5cpt. 19th at a special public ,iewing and recep. oon. General public ndmissjon lo the ,ic"'ing and ,.,,option will be $2 for adults and SI for chi). drcn. Members may at• ,end free . For more information call 692·0923.
Poetry contest offers cash prizes p A National College oetry Contest span• sorod by lntem'ational Publications is open to all college and university students. manus_cripts \\ill be pubhshed IO lnwrnalional lnlernational Publications \\ill award SIOO for lir,it place, $50 for second place, $25 for lhinl plac, and $20 for fourth and fifih places. All accepted
Puhlicntions' anU10l01:y,
Th" Wichita Fallo ~lu,cum & Art Cenler ";II be •ho,.;n~ ·so minutcs or si;ht nnd oound" from 4 p.m. to 4·611 p.m. ench Turad11y and Thursdny in tho nowly ronu,·nl«I planctnrium 111 No. 2 Eureka Circlo Tho Vidcoplcx i• n dun! imn~o liquid crystal vidN> projrclion on n dome criling. lluring Scplcmber, Videoplex is rreo \\ith a rrJ,.·ulnr puid udmission to lhc mmi:cum. Admi,sion "ill be $1 for ,·icwcnr 12 yt:onrtt old nnd undrr, nnd $2 for
,icwcr, older U,nn 12 )'CRJ"!\.
PACES meeting announced People and A,U,mn, Control, Education, and Support (PACES), lhc Wichita FnllR nslhma od· urntion ~'Tllup "ill meet at 7 p.m. Sept. 20 al Gaines Pa,ilion nt Wichita General Hospital. Lnurcn Zotz, the proJ.'Tnm•~ coordinator, stnled thnt nlong "ith Mnrk l'elcrmoyer, Dr. Hemrnnn Gregory "ill be nnswcrinit questions
nhout n,thmn. Ho \\ill fo. cus particularly on roping &u. Deadline for the con• with und controlling a test is Oct. 31. There is a child's allergies and $3 rcgistrntion foe for lhe nsU1mn at school. Zotz Riso pointed out firsl poem nod $ I for eoch the asthma is lhe lending additional submission. cause or missed school For the complete days. rules, send n selr•nd· Anyone "i th llllthma dressed, stnmpcd on\'e· is invited to attend. lope lo International Admission is frcc and Publicnlions, P.O. Box there will be refresh• 44044-1, Los Angeles, mcnls and door prizes. Calif., 90044 .
&.mccii:ao Calli::dolc
ThuMl<la)", Sq,tnnhrr 16, 1993
"'reshman, Sophomore, Graduat enators to be elected thair C'h1811 nl thcao meu11111111 Pu£h snid. Certain i11Suo1 nro morn import.Ant to !lomo clnHe!l thnn othon, tho Clnrk Student Center l!enovation bond !Pua will offed tho freahmnn cln•• moro dofinitivoly than any other,•• thoy "Student Government is facing sovt'rnl impor• ,.;11 bcnr tho brunt or tJ,e ro,t, oho said. Ulnt i!IRU('8 this AOfflORlcr, including nthlolic •chnl• ScverRI idooa aro be· nr•hip, and n multi-mil· ing ron.idor«I for tho lion dollnr bond iesuo ror rcnovolion including the nmo,·otion of the ndding a food court, ox• Clnrk Student Center; ponding lho cnretoria, Shnnnon Pugh, Student adding n 24•hour com· Government president, putor l11b nnd hand• 1mid. boll/racquetball courts for student.,' uae. The senntorR electod Studonl>! wi,hing to \\ill r,proscnt their run ror Student clns~eA on commiUeca Urnt affect nil •tudenL•, Go\'cmmcnt Senntor must regielor at tho rrom the Student Student Government Allocntion• Commilteo Office in CSC Room 106 thnl decides how tho $ I million plus studont scr· or the Offico or Vice President for Student und vice recs nrc expended, to Adminislrotivo Scrvic,8 the Academic Council, in Hanlin Room 112 hoPugh snid. twoon ScpL 20•24. "Student Government Regiatrntion ond• at 5 is import.lint because it p.m. on Sept. 24. allows as mony students Students running for ns po•siblo lo hn\'e their senator must be enrolled voice hennl." Pugh. for at least six semester Pugh encourages any• hour,, at tho limo or elec· one interested to get in• lion w,d while serving llll ,·olved. ·so mnny times senator. Students must hn\'e n cumulative grode only ccrtnin orgnnizntions ,end membeni to point average of 2.00 and lhe senate while other not be on probation at the groups' vo{ccs go unheard time of election or service. because they don't send a Elections will be held representstive," sho said. in the CSC Atrium. Polling will be conducted Senator~ nro rcsponsiblo for representing the rrom 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Sept. 29; 9:30 n.m. • I wishes or the mn'ority or lly l.ort.C! M. An-in,rton lloport«
MSU otudent• will ell'Ct one grndunh, t1C'11n• tor, Ont' sophomoru 11onntor und two frc~hmun ~l:'nolol"'ft in c1rclions scheduled for Sept. 29 • 31
\Vith everything else that's on your mind you need n checking nccnunt thnt 's n no-brnincr.
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Wichita Falls 2405 Kell Blvd., 766-1903
Bank of America
rtship s or no_scholarsh1ps? Spo r--- ---- ---- ~sc hol ars t That is the queS ion Indians fall to ACU
Page 6
Tbunday, S.ptcmbct 16, 199.1
BrDrrwM~ n Sport, ~portrr
___,. 'II$~--
Coa~~n~!~ 1~~dand I QI his Indian football !tom took the field against Abilene Christian la•t Saturday in ~ISU's home ' "" - ~ _.;3 .:.:. . opener, they knew what they were getting into. Calcot,, and his !tam knew that Abilene was an NCAA Division II school (two divisions higher thon MSUl and they knew the Wildcats had 35 scholarships more than they did a1su does not ha\'e any), but for almost three quart,rs of football those fact.a seemed irrele,,n.nt. On the first play or the - · game, MSU's Jeff Schueler picked off a Rex and pass dump Lamberti gave the Indian offense a first down inside the WJdcat's ltn yard line Thrtt plays later MSU quarttrback Craig Pettigrew, who led MSU with 29 yards rushing on 10 carries, turned the comer on a three yard touchdoltt-n run. After n extra point, ~ISl' lndmlqurtrrha d: Cniit PYnlrn• '<nmbk. fora nn1 do-.n. Mark ~!arsh the NAIA D1\-;sion II Indian offense right back han~ our hnt on is the 137-0. led Indians down the field marked by 10 score at half-time; it is well a \·ariety of run and pa!-.,, not usually much of a Good defense and game when you are play• but two inromplelc executed·es j!'3\'e ing up in di\isions. passes in the end zone ACU a 13-7 advantage In the second holf the call. game of delay a quarter. and first lat, in the Wildcats put 30 points on Lamberti connected ~ith fon:cd Calcote 1<> ~o 1<> scoreboard and deth<' ,·ard Shawn Crow for the first Marsh for th• 24 feated the Indians 43-10 . WJdcat f<Juchdown. and field goal. said he felt the Calcote The Indians went mto tailback Harold Adams the game !Olred on a two yard run. the half trailing ACU by turning point in was at t.he end or the Place kicker Bony Rttse lhrce. ACU when quarter third missed the extra point went up by 17. There It surprised me we foUowing the second ACU could we way no was played that close in the f<Juchdo•-n. make a 17 point comefirst half, Calcote said. Down by six points, back said Calcote. The one thin we can Petti w drove the
I •
James quits after 18 seasons
majors and minors'.!
Hours atu,r the Pacific 10 Conference imposed eanctions against the Ulllversity of Washington football t,am foniolating NCAA rule,, football coach Don James quit after 18 sea,ons coaching the Huskies. Jim Lambright, who defensive was also at coordinat or Washington, was named interim head coach, said Director or Ath letic, Barbara Hed~e•.
p,. Q a . e c ~ l bu Socirl) sif'l)'dlcbfy it cc:nb;:ui1iuf.:1 1991 ~ dnw N"p:nm1 5cpurDbcT IJ,'1,aod,-iss Owci,b 2.&tl ,.._rolUI ~ ~ « Mr£<.ed:ck ai: u.L 4436 r« p t,ylllc di,iaaaotr!A{O 'Dooola u,a lll) ID pd:-~ MI ~
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ilW•I~ ~ill!
By Bryan Ballard
Sport.I ,dllor All ,cholnrships or no scholarships? That's n question the Midwestern Athletic Depnrtment ~ill have to nnswer hr September or • 1994 The Texns Jntercolle,:inte Athletic Associotion, the confcrC'ncc MSU's foothnll. ,·olleybnll, tennis, J:Olf, nnd truck teams compete in, told MSU officinls they must move to no scholnrships nt nll, or leave the conforencc. This present.-. sc,·eral problems for the Athletic depnrtment. One problem i~ the soccer ll'nm is a notionnl power \'C'ar in and \'C'Rr out and ihc men's arid women's ha!-k etbnll tenm!il went to n:1tionnls Inst season. All three nrc the ,inly !-Cholari. hip sports on campus nnd more thnn likely they ~ill nol ht dropped to nonscholurship sports.
So, what cnn the university do? Basically, MSU hus By joining Ute LSC, two options: leave t.hc ]i.lidwcstem would have TIAA and become an I<> NCAA move I<> independent in the NAIA, move or mo,·e to the NCAA and Division II. This would enable all sports join the Lone Star to give campus on Conhrcnce. scholarships. D.1coming on MSU President Dr. independ ent will more Louis J. Rodriguez said than likely not happen all sports except football because this brings scheduling problems, am would break even. Football must have 38 bolh bnsketball teams scholarships and that is and the football team where the money would have enough probl~ms become a problem. finding opponent~ . In order to overcome That lea"es tho Lone Star Coi,ference <LSC) as the problem or cost, Dr. and the Board Rodriguez the final solution. of Regents will have I<> However, a big problem with this solution is cost.
find out if there is enough support for lhis kind or mo\'e, and if the Athletic Booster Club can incroaS<! its fund raising goals by 50 percent.
If Midwestern con overcome the money problems, a jump to the Lone Star Conference would be a good move for the entire university. It would enable MSU I<> play schools ofthe same aize. It would also enhance recruitment since four the six schools in the LSC are located in Texas.
~ N~ ~~l~a~ i~DiJ}le t~ ,B UF FE T pl. lK Sou1lmf'ltrmOIJal11m1.1Sl,1te \\t'.Ilherf11rd.O~ 7pn L2 WtstTexasSt.attUnlnrslty Canyon,Tx
Brownwood, Tx
Abilcnt, Tx
Oct. l.3 Howard Payne Unlvtrsity
Jfardin-Simmom Unh·crsiry
• Horrwcomlng t Opc-n ~pL has won James ,.._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _...;,;;;;;;;;:; _b_ _ 25 any .., thanmore games Pac-10 other coach in the conference's history. He has a 153-57-2 n,cord in at sea s ons 18 7 Washington, and bas taken the Huskies I<> 13 bowls in the past 14 years. In 1991 the Huskies went 12-0 and shared the National Championship with the University of Miami.
Paul Brolhefton S{x>rts Center To l:e od• on toge of stuoent di scount
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..,... No ,e1r.i, is>oh'rd
MSU t·ooth•ll lum 11 oM o( lhc Unlnnil)" spnrl1 "'hlch
~NE~~~-:_-:_-=_-=_- STATE - Z I P _ SIGNA1UR£
l'C, ~ ~ ~ ~ , l ~ ~
S.S.•- ----- :
~"~UM.klc.a ndYl:S,,\ ~ •,,.....
•. - • _ -~•:•~ - ■_MM◄ i'14•1 IM·f-11 • • • . J
filE Wichitan
~~_:_::iP•~~•7 ~s---~~ ~o~r~t ----..:S Lady Indian8 d efeat Howard Payne
SY Dn'W Mym
iip<''{JI lh-portcr
• ·1~'."c.< s you__ ~ot YOitr cut the Ind· ian h:nd tu one se t . n1C1nfl}' s wo rth, Wt!r e th TI1e second game "We rcaJJ . , fir:>l Wl•r..d:- o~1t of Co:tch e agai nst M<'Muny on ~- g~ t do\,-n ourselve on Jirn"1Y I icht s mouth ar night proved to Mondny ,er th,' ~f,d wes tcrn St,,· .. We dug 0 s, I icht said. be just as exciting ns th e hole, •nd i~rsdves ab,~ ,.0flcyhnff t.-am·s two. le first i:ame, but it wn~ corne h.ick _..
"'°' tough to
and-half-hour, three sets to two, ,•1cloJ)· O\'er tJow:trd Payne Sept. 10 Couch Picht and his teomJurnped out early gai nst _the Howard 9 povnc' clfow ,Jacket •;i,ning the first lwos~els' 15-S nnd 15-9. ·we pa s:,:;ed real Well ond pf_ayed very good as a tcom, Pi ehl said about the ~rst set action. ·Jnd"·,duafly no one re. J1y stood o". l; it was a 8 i,am elTnrt P_icht said the good passing an d teamwork earned nvc r _into the sec. ond sci._but it too k his squad t1m l! to get !=ilartcd. p8 p1e lr•d lhc lndiP,ns 6_3 1,ef.orc good defense brought MSU baik . · Jn th ,• second set we sided out \'cry wcfl ," pjcht !-:li d "ih<'rc was ,... " ho I t Juli w ,en t 1 tea ms ,:ere ::;1dmg out and we
set, Picht sa~ lhc third learn not l~ ,...~, he told his Just play ti . rt)' and to the Jack l ic,r game. hut control e s remain ed in quick 7'.~1~~?."ut to a Putting MSU , ,ind finall y "We wcrC! ~way 15-8. cally, .. Picht ,~red.. physilearn focused d. The out strong (in on gcttmg sell, They w lhc firth ere ready to go... Both learns r. hard in the finafo:1ghl 1 the Indians even 1~'.' cn~c out \ictorioui.a ~. said he felt the ·dI ,cht stro_ng hits by f~~..~1mun Apnl Schroeder really d Pumped the team put them over th e ~~";" P n the final ,ct. Howard Pa,11 c k k d off the first or i tli rc~ e '" h ga me omcstand fo r the Ind1ans.
just w:11tcd unlil they
, .~ -- - - - - - . ; . , - - - -- - •
rn:ideam1 sl.:..! ke .. W,lh th e score 6-6 in the second set, j uni or ~Jolly Van Hemen served up an ace to lhc Yell ow Jackels to put MS U ahead for th e remai nd er oftlic S<t With the ir backs 8gainst th e wa ll . Howard paynr rose to th e occasion. tak ing th C' next two sets to ~t ~y alive Picht said hi ~ teorn loH concen. tration and did not stick to their ~a me plan An 1'- 1 run at the start of the third set was enough for the ,) ac~
Followin '
~ISU that was doing the come from behind McM urry won the first set 16-14, but MSU fou~ht hack and won th e next two. Jusl like thei r pm·ious mntch. MSU could not put tlu•ir nppoOL•nts :1way n11d II fifih set was furcC'd, hut the Indians came up \'ictori ous once IIJ;"ain . Picht said that Inst yenr his squad was ofl en called The Cn rdiac Kids and he felt that title would fit th is )'l'ars team us well Tuesday the lndi,ms were J!oing for the sweep of thl' thr('C game homesland against the Au stin Coll ri:c Knnj!aroos. MSU foccs Hnrdin -Simmon:,; in Ahilcnc at 7 p.m. Sept. l(i
The team':,; nex t home ga me ,\ill be at 7 p.m. Sept. 20 u~ninst Dullas naphqt
Soccer team on the rebound Uy 1Ji-C'wl\1ycu
q 0
kodhur,.i C,11/n•,· Octh.111~ Cnllq,:r
Si:pl. IN ~rpt. 19 • c-pt. 24 •
MSU battled Dmry University Saturday night giving MSU a 3-0 vic-
~pMI.R l"t'pOl"ICr
E\·en lhc, ug-h the term "rebound" and soccer do not g-o hnnd- in- hand, lhat is exactly wha t the Indian soccer team did lust weekend in the 1993 KickolT Classic.
Kans:\\Ci1y. MO 2rm Lind~~rr. KS 3pm W1chiL1 FaJL~ 8pm
The Indi an• out shot John IJrown 27-6, but only mnnaged to put one hall in the nel. The lone i:o:il came from junior Jlan Shoen . Saturday, MSU was forced to put the loss behind them and tnkc the fi eld against Drury University. Fricker said the team was "hyped up·· before Saturday's game.
Three schools•· Drury, John Drown, and Texas Wesleyan -· lrov• ~ISt:m ithil;,i ►'alh Cli~k Cl::i!i.,lc Wkh1t.1Fall~ Rpm efcd lo Wichita Falls to ~ISl1 \ "!o ~ft, 1'!1k llnm:t\il,· . compete Wllh l\1idweatern S,pr. 2H \\'('sl Tt·\.1, ~l:!ll' l l nl\l!(!,J.I\' ~pm C.1n)·twi, TX Stutc Uni\•crsity. . lh1rd'"r·, CL "lc Oct I Springfield, II. 8pm Friday night the ·we didn't gel down Oct. 2 ~::~;;.~R~~:~;;: ·1,llq:r Indians were hnnded a SprmgfidJ.11. 8pm after the loss" Fricker 2-1 loss by surprising 1 }.fSl , . S:i1\:'.11m,n Sr:.rc Oc1 ti said. ·we pul the game John llrown. lnc:1m.1;r Wo~ll C"nllq~· S.m Amunm. l X 7rm behind us and made them (Drury) pay. "We couldn"t fini sh," Two goals by junior Staff writer 10h11 senior Captain ,Junior Chuck Wiemann, another Gra11tham keeps you Fri cker said of l'nday's one by Shoen, and two loss. "We started O.K., informed 011 MSU but w~ didn't play our 1ssisls by junior Judd Joy carried MSU lo a 3-0 win. game. 11ews ~---------------- --------~ MSll/Wilh ilA Fall, Clinic Cln,lc
MSl 1 \ ·~ lklhJ,·cn (\1lkl'.t
·we moved the ball a lot better," Fricker said. "We switch it up, talked and husllcd."" The Indians played Texas Wesleyan Sept. 15 at Ft. Worth. Fricker said he felt confident going into the game. He said the Rams can .. knock the ball around" and they have four or five key players, but he also said he felt the Indians had too much speed for them. Wesleyan did not face MSU this past weekend, but they fell short to J ohn Brown University 2-1 in overtime Saturday night. This weekend Coach Nathan Pifer will take his team to Missouri Saturday to face Rockhursl College and to Kansas on Sunday to play Bethany.
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and your attitude will Ue
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With a fun bar and an eclectic win e and beer selectfon, your dining
kruger's f,
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Special Interest
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Parent's Day 199
Checking in on the k ids
, your views...
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