~b~ Wltcl,Jttatt
Thuroday, September 17, 1992
time high
• ~ -~r,_,.u The
Offte1al 12th Yel lo be labul J ·day roll hu but the in11ial fiture.s shov,, • ppro 11mate 5 meni to br 111n , tncc lhe Fall 199pcrctnl increue Allho uah 1 1 1 1h1 dec reue 11 c&pe,c1ei.1 brr, 0 l.tiken, the ft~~•,!h: ffiti■I COUnc u. rca,.■ 111 u hould h M1d¥1·e1tern•
C'o•,:u '
e ver. toppuia slh;1;:1~'
rnm1 urs.n2 An e.\lC"nsive r«ru1ua1 dove w11 c 110J b y O r Lou1 "- J Rodusuu. wuvcn11y pro1dcnl , " the main reuon fu( tho ,ncruu 111 lludtnl pup11l111oa. dc(ptte thC' far e lhe 111 . , e,r •o ld pop ul.11, o n II dec hn,111 1c:ros, 1he. country and coUep espcn."" have 10..· rc.u,al. The Tt111 1u111n n ntt 111· c rused lo S24 pu se me1te r huu.r
be111uun1 this fa ll , up hom 1111 yu f• SZO r,110. hut Teu• , , still r■ o~cd ;&S1h 111 the n11mn 1n IC'tmi of 1ff<11d.abte tu,11on anJ feet:. In aJd111on to pos1111 ind pamphlt ls )tnt 1c rou the counlry, lhe recrn11n1tnt Urive en.:o mpu.wJ O\'C'-r SOO h11h .~chools and Junior colle1r.1; ,n Tuu ,nil soutMm Ok· l1hom1. 'In 1970 , 70pc1t"C'nt of our11\1• d rnls WC'fC fro m W1c h1t1 County
Lui tall 1h1110111 11,H unly S6 per•
Ctn! We' re do••· I be tier JOh ol out ruc h . MSU u ,,11,n1 hetttr kno11,n, • Rodnpz Aid R<..J owuu u1d 1h11t 1/1ho u1h many u r11blu u10, 1f e nrollment conunuc) 10 o~c . M1J we11ern hu room for e~patuion Afternoon cluut. ne11o· (acuity mcmhe n a nd J et' rt1 S1n1 t111e b\ldceh ■ re uptwn, M ,Jwulern
Comedia n entertain s crowd Srocl
'Sexual Assault' defined at seminar
By Lind.I Wilson R.,,..ur
In the Un iv1C1n 1t)' P ro111m· mint Bua td 'a: fi rs t p,o~ram o l 1he umullClt. co median lbrry Balll p-, fo rmod fo r , n en1huuuuc c ro11,• J in 1he C lark Stullent Center a,llroom Monday evmlfll(, Baul brour hl h 1:t ftenc llc, mulalcd movie scenea 10 IIK AlaJe for a 111nd1n1 room ooly c,rnr., d. Bud opened tkc ~how with an ,mp reia,on ci r Arn o l d S c hw 1 rzene11e r ·1 " T he Ter• m1n11or • ffo1 rouhne 11..:o ,ncludeJ • ~cory 1 !1 ' K1nJcra:utc-n Cop. • Th e ne a l mrnule he non• chalancly rcmo••cd h11 p11nts tu be· c ome a d1n c: 1n1, 11n1 1n1 T om C rv1se fro m "Ris ky Bu,.incu. • The ~rowd ro11ed u Ba• il danccJ o n th e ll•lt 1D hh underwut a nd
By JuJM1 Nanny Anociact Editor
candidate 11
. •U , r~ \! d i ,pl ,1 ,>,·e r : :. ,.,.: f: ,~, P oll"i I i, t ilt"' ~" b.at b .ad, 10 1b,
FiracB;: t\ E1Js1II, coun.selor for IU u11 p, nc. , dtfined !ho term prec■ut~;::ull and ptov1ded some ■ I Thund■ .•a•inst suu.aJ Uuult C lark Slude~.s~::,sem1na , 1n the
r~i t• n,:&Jc tu the 1,1, mrn • • ort:L, P'cror 1r.~1s-1s he 11 11'-'~J
• 11 ~ not sorncttun1 1nd1VklU1ls ~~~ • upo n the mselves. · Edsall
c:ind1J.11te ~ Bill
~ PrntJcnl (,,·r-rgc- Ou,h
, ,o:~m n I" lb,: frU.:rtl .l!~ 1, m •r ~nf..:11nc u ;.,,,!J•II'\
Edull 1 aid 1h11 lhe n cent '-Cri1 I rap,sr has adverse ly 1ffc.:-1eJ e ve r yone's ltves in s o ma w1
1 : . : ;,~~ ~ 0
o f •lop 0
aunJIIS.SC'S The au dienc e i1u1c:kly d11• covered they were s1tt1n1 m "no· mun land " u Bud included the 1ud1 cnce 1n ma ny ol hu movi e
S h• lhea def1a e d 1ho 1, " " ~uual assault lhroui:h th. u.pl• tui• hnn o r th. rape cy~.lc,
,ricnne victims :,r., \ hll m, In lhr,. , •• 111II 11 ,u,1l1 ni IO 1 <.JCn" se~ of aorff\Aky
'(>)I, 1.11 1h<e :he sou:h D.a!W
.rr••ol flc-nWI ~,.1.11 UW
, uv1tn to 1h, ,..uJrt" 1~ u 11m1:rd [ (I be 1i:,11111hl y
The c~le bc11ns w 1 1h 1 pout :.elf 1 ma1e. The peuon the n an• 1•~apa tu nc,a11vo ruponsu from ochers. llus luJs to the iaolltion or wnhJrawal ~fC. Aller the w1thJn11wal si.ie, the person deve lo ps a power or •nat:r behavior 'With othen Coupled with this •t•~c ,, the ,.pe walk. plaa. ,e~ ual (1ntu1e.1,CCCflenl.
•,,) and -. ommc , c,al
1.- t \·• c wa lln,: s rc and.:d ni,I Jehuflnf <" fln•ricney ••' ud ma lcri.als to rho
The las t s raae II known I I the trani 11o ry 1 u1lt. Hc,e the person re iatizr \ 1h11 he could ha ve been caught and Hppren cs lh11 feclan&, The cyde 1hen continua. EdulJ forther nplained the 1hrce c 1tt1o r1u of ■ npur. G cneull y. the anser npu l uses more vio lence, a nd thci v1c11m.s are shgbtly older
.nt all the votes •·1[!,~t f.:11.uu, ~.m J1dlle , ~r rul.: ~od former , 1~• .:t.,11 , ~n J1J.1h! u , J sho
1 .• r. r1k 1hc <"h,,,: 1111 c c ,a
: •(la'.'rl .1.ll.:O.t'),)J .:,f tbe abr, ff . r:cto:.rnteJ J
youn,er. The Int c11e1ory 1s 1he ud1s• 11c nput. These raprsls kill and mu1il11e their v,c11ms. "There 1s no fool-proof plan to prevent sc~wil u..uult, • Edsa.lJ 111d. Al1hou1h tht-re 1s no sure plan, Edsall s trencd some preuu11ons, mcluJ,ng uutalhn1 dead-bolt locks, /ock1n: w1nJo ws, pay1n1 ■uenhon while driving and c u111n1 the 11111~1 on praie Joor opene rs.
1'1-o., Mk 1-l V""""k'i
Cindy Gomez and h er mother, Anna, dl1cu91 Cind y's plans to punue a deirn,e in foreign la oirua1e1. By JfVI nan Stan'Wricrr u 1ndy Gon1e, 11v1n1 God all !he credit. In earl y April , Cindy. a 22 -yca r•o ld mus commun1c1t1oas majo r at M,dwestera, wu 1n1urcd IO severely 1n 10 1u1o mobilc acci• denl lhat s he had no pulu, and doc100 11• ve he, poor 01.kb of s ur· v1v1n1 . F1, c months later , , he as fiaall y honte fro m the bospual and crcd,11n1 her rrcovery to God. ·1 wouldn ' t be here 1r God hadn't helped me.· she u1J. AMA Gomu. Cindy's mother,
C .,,eoc1.
"Tbe docto n d11ln' 1 11ve us muc h hope." AMa said. "Bue s,nce lhe o nscl of her accident, we fcel like God hu been here, • Anna duc r1bcd her d1uwh1er' s recovery um,racl»OU.1. ' Cindy has p c from noth1n1 ro so mc1h1n1. Al e\'ery tes l, the doctors eipec-ted 1he wont, but Cindy would 1urpmc them , They 'lrould say 'She )hould be here, but 1he'1 nol.' There have been no scibow. ' Dup, tc then opllm1s m, the Go mu family hu s.ecn I loc of pun rt:cenlly. Anu months an 1hc hospt· !al. Cmdy , 1111 can·t walk She has double v,,.,on, s poiung problents, memoq lo h ~n d an 1n1bll1ty lo place na mes -. 11h faces cauud by b111n damage. C indy 1e(1uires the IUJ)C"tvi~,oo or I private n urse. Sc\·e11I 11mu WIC'kly, s he also socs lo tpeech
thcupy ind phyi;Kal thcnpy In 1dd1 11on 10 medic al problems, the fa mily hat financial prohlcm1. Ann• tJUlt her JOb u a tucher's 11de 10 s t• y with C1nd1, and lhe n1cd1 c 1I bdls ha ve mounrtd. "Her hos pi tal hil l u. lrcmen· dou.• A nn• Hid. 'Tht bill rrom Wi<.h1t1 General wu 0~1cr SI )O.(XX> That docsn' I include the 7-weck
Gif t Go d from
Gomez recovering from near-fatal accident
stay al B:.ylo r, the reh1b1ht.1.11on, the private nurse We'll be 1n debt for I kll'IJ, k>nJ hmr. • .4,nna n , d th ey hid been helped fin1nc11lly by the ins urance co mp101 u co ver1 n1 C1 ndy '1 1u 1omob1le and l he aulo mo blle whic h SI ruck hct, u well u a 1poc1al fond i tarted by the MSU Inter• 1111,oaal Stude nt ASIMllhOn and o ilier ft1end 1 a t the T eachtr'a
Crcd11 Union. "We' re 111 very lbaU:ful and 1r11ef"ul to 111 the people from the ISA , lhe 1u c:hcn1, the c bou pooj)ie a nd ochus who havo helped u.,, ~ Anna 111d " I can't bcfia lo lbw • veryooo 11 lhc co0e,..• Cindy said her fm:ods 1n the ISA, •n 0111n1zat1on Cindy WU ICli ve 1n while 11 M 1d-.·es ten:1 , ha ve been especially 1uppor11ve. T he prt'Seace of fr1tnds bu been impor11nl 10 C1nd 1 because o f lbe 1sola11on c.uaed by her hotpitaliD• lion. ·1 always WI.DI IOmeoM there., which 1 know i1t1'1 npt. I i;bouJd be able 10 work thin1s out. But I ret fcclm1 lonely,· CUKty said. "I pet5 you d011 ' c rcahte bow many poople you kno w &Ml your fa;m1ly k.now.s unlll you have problems. · Tbc words come d1fficulUy for Cindy H s he lt1H Co deK nbe the help she h.u rcct1ved from ocbe,a, " The help and Jo"e hom frtrnd 1 tnd famil y ha ve bcra lremtodow.. • Cindy said slowly. ·1 can't be11n 10 s how my 1pprec1a-
Although s h e hu ha d 10 \l.1thdraw from M1dwe.stem, Ctndy hopes lo rcnarn. She. w11,11 to study fore11n l1n1ua1e1, but she bu no 1de1 )'Cl how lon1 11 w11l be before he r rc h1bi\1l1t1on 11 1uffic 1ent 10 co me back 10 school. One lh1n1 CmJy and her f•nu• ly do kno w for s ure is 1h11 their hvt..s will ncvcr be lhe AJ'Qe. "It'• c hanaed all o u r lives , · Amlaid. "Allof us"
Soapy fountain beomes serious matter
das in Texas
iWI,, itaf tnl :!e 1t lo Austin.
The seco nd cate101y, known a ~ the power 11pu1, 1s over-power• ms ind con1ro lhn1 ■ v.c11m . USU1I• ly, the v1c11ms 1n this cateaory are the n mc •1e of th e rap11t , o r
J u:uc .111 11.Jmt> gt"r>c nil
, bramJ u c: \")' tng for 1he 10 lhe U. $ ,
.., I• lkJ:t)1Ui10ll
,1, hh· •urf:,..:c-d lhal tnri )t n are ro mz IO t>e
~ 90 u~, alununum tr11xb
•t...i to u , h ,od 74 ma~-
uod urn-• at $400.56
!lltt\,.,. Ibey are upec wd IO
• KJOrun , or so uys tb& • ::ntu, Bonn• C.mpbeB.
"" fru11~u ate 1M1n1 pur• fot tbt ntw unde,,,o.iod '- '- C-•fNIOI.
By Btlind:1 BertrJm
wi ll ha \•e 10 cons 1Ju ,n 1ht lun1 term. Rodncllf'L q1d RoJnauci u1J rlanJ to r ad.I•· tiona l fa c ulc )' 11, , II drrrnd o n 1ht tyr o l new rnrnllnKnl 1he un i\C'f• )1 1}' ir1111 1n 1hc fulurc- ~,nee th• hea \•1e:t1 ,111den1 I01d fill , 111 I'-""''" lo'tlcla,'°'i ·we ·,e c H reme ly plea:ieJ We "• t 1ruwn h i an 1IH11uc lu£h , ,ic1 11 aecm• 11,e' re J o 1n1 ~11m.:th1nJ rieht , • RoJnpl w td
The foun tain al Midwestern has h111J it's fourth ~01p1na: since 11 Aua. S. completed was Dr . L o ui s J. R odr11uez. un1vers1ry presidenl , u,d Iha! 11 was amui 1n1, up 10 • po int, but 1ftet 1h1s many 11mes, 11 hu become• senOUJ mailer. S1udents 1h1nk 11·1 run 10 do. but s hu111n1 1he foun1a1n down for tht eiaht hour, 11 taku lo clean 1be bubbles out affects the cnt1re cam• pus The founla,n 11 • 111hu1n1
plal!e for the Sludenh, ■ place 10 r elu ot s 1udy, and s ho uld be ■ source of pnde, Rodriguez uid A studen1 cau1h1 r,u111n1 soap 1nlo the fountain can clpccl th<! fol• Io wan s unc11on,. Ph,hp Budine, dun of sludenl affaus, i;,iiJ. F irsl , the i;Cudtnr will be re• quire d Ill clean the fou nhun ■ nd pay any 1cl11cd u.pcn,es. He w,11 be requi red 10 J o com• mun1CJ service fur Tom BrumliclJ , direclo r of lhe physic1I pl■ nt , and wule IWO letters of apology, one lo 1he Bohn family, who donated the
mo ney to, the lo un111n , and the 01hc r to lht school for a ny 1ncon• \·tn1ence he may have n used to the slulknts, !acuity and ~llltl II G . Evans, c hief of po hcc, u ,d 1f s1uJenls •re c■ ueht soap1n1 the foun111n a nd the damage c,,c eeds $ 20 11 u a clus B mu• de meano r , c r1m1n:1 I 11i·t1on whic h could res ult 1n I fi ne un1:1ni: from $ 20010 Sl , S00 1nd/ or l80 days1n coun1y p1I. He s u d the sn1p1ne could hcl done a t any lime. The foun1a1n u limed 10 s hut down 1u1om1t1.:-all)' 11
meht and c:omu back o n the next mom1n1. The 1dtl111on o f uu1 men to kecr, "'' Itch o n the fountain add.s 10 lhe scc ur1t)' co.-.t 1n,J crulc-.; an 1n~On\·cn1rnc:c . Ar,p11,A1m1 tdy 5,00) r■ llons o r c hc n11 c1lly-t re11e J water u retJUHed to fi ll the f0llnt11n. ln1t1al fear tha l the p umps w o uld o\"e rhca t fro m sudan1 d,y soap hubbies th ro ueh the sy~•em appears Co be unfounded , Brum• ficlJ 1.11<1. The o ff1c 11I deJ1c111on iA e&• peeled soon.
O ne m1nu1e he w 11:- f1 11 n1 w al er from h is "Trrm 1na1o r· mac hine 1un and lhc ne xt minute he 11,u dra111ng a fl'm1lc spc.:t.11or on 1ta1 e He \jtuclcl y lur ned he r into 1he " NO GHOSTS" s ymbo l from "Ghos1hu-.1er,, • then look het 1eal lo enJoy }u,; art The uo wd c ame ah ve as ano1her spec1110, wu c111 1td un st11e 10 perfo r m a •c c ne ftom ·r11Jm1 Pla,.:~s· w11h Nic k No he a nd Ed die Mu rphy A:t thl' mu~1c c han&cd, Ba'II \J U1ckl)' handed the "lucky· part1.:1 p1nt sun:la,.scs ■nd the c ro wd ro ared h Paul Mc• C ar ine) and S1ev1e Wo nde r per• formed • Ebony anJ h·ory • B1s1l al.so spoofed "ET , 'Bill· man.· Barbra Streisand. "Be nJ1" ind Bruce Spnni,lten One of the h1i;hhjhls of lhc show w11 when be assumed the role o r M ic hael Jackson, 1m1 m11 an d d1nc1nc and crabb1n1 1n lhe • ilovcd one'1 " lr1d1hon. lm1t111n1 ral lll'e, a fire wu yta,teJ i nd lhe 1udrcnce rcll\'cd the fa mou,- Pcps t comn1er• c 11! d isaster , o nly 1hu li me 11,1th h1 l1nous rc.wl1s B1111 fi n11hcd the show w ith sccnea from "W u t S1dr Story,· the " Rocky " mo\'1ca, i nd, donn1n1 a black. bra 1od • 10m 1weal sh1r1, be became t he,,., o r "Fl■shdancc. • The 11\us1o n bec:1 me co mplete 1,1 the music th robbed , a nd Bu,I sa t unde r lhe spo1h1h1 a nd poured 1 J iau or water over him'C-1 (. It wu obvio us by !he end o f Bu ll·, per fo rma nce Iha! lhe aud ience was enlerl1mrd and u ,. hausted from 1he wh1rlw1nd tour of the ITIOVIC$. After lhe s how , Basil u1J Midwes te rn was• "H:ry fnenJly c ampus · an d he hoped 10 come back lo the c am pus rno n A s he loaded up his staee props anll co$• tum cs. he o nce 1111n 1m11a1ed Sc hwarzencagu and said. TII be buad. · Bas1i't' hnnd of humor 1nJ talent c ■n be seen 1n 1 \'1t1e1y o r mediums lie ,s " n .. wa rd w1M1nz film maker and an accomplished u a ile 11.c tor who has •rrcared 1n New Yor k C 11y, lhe C"omed y Sto re m Los Angeles and his o pened fo r many c ntert11ncr-., 1ncluJmi Chu..k Berry, The Pointe r Sl\le n, Th o llcaf h Boy~ 1nJ Julio l~k ~nu,. H e h11 als o ap peared an "Peny Sue Gu1 Ma rm·d " and ··tne Se\cnth S1a;n· with a..c,e,, Deuu Mo ore . H e a nJ Rndne y Dan ~cr· field CO•\l.•ro te lhe :.t rcen play for lhe I00\'1e "lad)hup . 6
~, Wtebfq
ri I
Page 2 ■ Thorsday, September 17, 1992
Rights violat~~
Stude nt claims censo rship 1s wrong
Guese Writ.tr Eicusc mo. I 1housht...,.. lived S111u. Apre~nlly, I 1n 1he United was wroa1, Otherw1• I woulda' I be
C1n somoooe lell meJtal whal 1s wronJ wilh lhlle oovd( Jbey arc clus ic hlerary wo r ·~1l~o m ren pcnoJt of i,me lhll our ,:
heanns about the at1empt1 at cc•,orsh1p tn the pul few y,oan. first . let'1 ,tart wilb T1ppt,r Go re. Thi• woman rets 10 upsel 11 the type of music her dau&hter h1· teu 10 1ha1 she 11art1 I.D orpni~· lion thal forcu record comp11n1H album!I with p1re11ta.l warn• 10 label ioi stickers. T ipper, hon , 1f you doa't have ■ny heller control ovu )'O\lf kKb. lhlt isn't my problem. lo say, bec1u1e of
, • Snow White and th• So'"en 1Dwal"·es• ,y o f w rdtd so 1 r,J 1 110 loose moral-.'! 5ocn,e Cbn1ti1na " feel" lhat be· n •b cause Snow White hwd wit •~·e dumpy little men, she waa bopptnl from bed 10 be<I each ni1ht. ~hey th 1110 cl11m 1h11 when e pn~ce th Snow Whit. wi • k.iH, !hal WH • prelud• 10 an a ll•O\II
Tip many teenaa:ers aren' t able co bu,' albums the1t parenlS don'I find '::;;;,ti:;!!: :;:~~.lakes away
IWill WORK FOR BOOKS By Jean Hall StialTWrirtt Maybe
was my 1ma1ma11oa,
but I heard an 101ulsbed scream fro m my c hec k book. 1 few weeks •10 . II happened It lhe CUCI moment I was 1ryinr co wrench $336
out of 11 for one 1emes1cr'1 worth of tcuboou at the MSU hoolcslore. I 1hmk I hurl somc1h1n1. From the, upressions o f 11udcnll around me and at olher checkout hoes, I think they fell lhe ume pain.
There 15 a cure, 11 leut a par• l i al c ure , f o r ovcrpriced textbook1111 that w:ms lo work weU on other campuses: a student boot
cichan.e. A boo k eic h an1e is fauly simple to orgamtc; 11'1 hke I swap meet. Firil, studt"nts do not sell the11 tuls bac k 10 the ~cbool at the end of the 5emt'Sl'er for a petty rt1mhw"stmc:01. (l...ut year I rece1, C'd $2 fof • S20 book. A ,irtual wmdfill!) Ins tead, SluJents k ee p all books that w i ll be uJed 1111n the nu1 semester and take them to 1 book u.chana:,: wbu:h could be held 1n the Clark: Sludent Centc-r. Stu· deals wbo need thoM boob for lhc nul semesler can purchase them directly from their peen;.
Usc-tl hooks cu be 1oltl for half of 1hc marked pm:e . That way, we Jel a lar1er reunhur~cmt'nl for re1urn1na bo<1ks and I lower price to, buying books. E\·erybody wms! Re\·ulutionary! The huolo.:tore pro vidts m1ny v1luahle Scr\·1ces to lho 1tuJenls and fac ulty o f M1tl-.•e J ler n. But whc-n 11 '1 time to bny tnd ~ell used lnthooks. their services are unntceJ.s11r1ly c-,p.•nsl\'e. By .:uthne out the nrn.ldlcman, •1udr"1s can serve each other and eue the o u1brrak of c heckbook p11n each scmesler.
'Snea kers' called marginal film By Roberto Ramitu Jr. Movie Critic
·sneakers• 11 not a bioanpby of Michael Jord,n. "Sneakeu· 11 not the ecumerucal history of Michele Jorda.n.
H52726JS I S7 908 S68
)378456283 9982633 04 89)4672
&•~28S. !5@"'4.
You know wbal, thuc arc 100
many codes. The movie ia about• rroup of indi viduals. wicb chedi:ered puts, who come toaethcr in unison lo break 1nlo places 10 see 1f they are .ecure. They are hued by banb, for eumple, 10 see 1f their securily measures are adequalc. "Sneakers · 1s abo u1 sec ret codu and the breakina o f those
« ><Ju.
The film uars R oberl Red• ford , Sidney Po111c-r, Dan Aykroyd. Ri ve r Phoenu:, Mary MacDonald, 1ome1h1na o r olber S1ratbairn and Tiino1hy Bu.stield. Tius i1 JOundioa: l ike the lineup o f lhc Tuu Ranacrs ... with so many s11u1 . what do you upect but 1rea1 thin1s? R1ah1. The film is supposed 10 be 11 1uspenselthnller . Perhaps 11 is i up• posed to be a bone thiit somebody threw Redford and Poi1ier ... bey. a job is ajOb!
I auppose 11 could be those th1na1 . .. but what is produced hy these IWO I CIUli;: Velerans If mt'n:ly mar1101l. They do n ' t discuss a who le 101 with eac h 01her 1n 1hc film ... but then, lhey don'! have to , .. w11h subtle loob and exp,csions we unilers11nd without hc arin1 wonk. Of course, after this firs t weekend. 11 arosscd a little over S10 m1ll1on. Not bad for subtle expresS IOOJ .•. Marcel Marceau 111 lhe way too the bank. huh? There arc funny momenls 1n the fi lm ... like whee the bhnd SU> dnves. ' Nuff' said. 1ben: 1s no ·1 & a· in this film. However. Chere is plency o f suspense ... hkc when Redfonl ha~ to recover an objecl stolen from a world r~nown malhematictan usc4 to IS'll@O sec ret •& .. ~S. This obJeCt. after it was s tolen by the •sneakers.• 11 mis11kenly 11ven 10 t hen 11 ts di• covered !bat lbe math 1uy is &•I$@• and Ibey have to 1e1 ii in back from order to keep •1•1 from 1et1in1 sent to prison ... Sol 11? Good. Bustield as a heavy? C<1mo on, everybody already knows him II the o'er do wtll oo "Thirtysornettu:n,. • MacDonald ... what can you
'Worthless' stamps are By Brian Yount
GutStWriltt Wh i le altemptin1 10 mail 1oother late p hone bill. I noticed tha1 I WH oul of stamps. I ru.<hcd lo the post office lo get a ,1n1le stamp and ended up 1enina 1wo for 30 ~nts. One ,tamp wu worth 29 cenl!, while lhe other was worlh a penny. Why cooldn' t I JIHI pay 29 e:tnls (Of one slamp'1 The answe r wu cle•r to the po,r,raf , erv1ce . The pnce o f mail l C'fVtre bu rn1en, aod 1be ~lamp machine, don 't take r,eMics. Wha l do you do w ith lhe ooc :i la mp yo u 1c1 !hat 1s w o rlh one penn f! One s 11,1e111o n i~ 10 ~.1ve !hem up. Get 2Q o ne-cent ~tamps and rry lo c ram 1hem onto •n en•
velope 1ive11 10 yo u by the phone company .. . the envelope they aive you 10 mail your money. This will confuse lhe hell oul of someone. l'msun:. I tried 1his. Nol only diJ these liUle mo nste r stamps cover up the re turn address. but they also rein• forceJ the seal on the back. Tryini 10 mail this bill wa.s the besl part. Tbe pos tal serv11::e refused to mad 11, d 11mm, no one could sc-e whe re 11 was io1n1. Whose raull wu 1h111'! II wa:-n ' t mine. I didn'I n1•e the pnc ie <1f a sninp 10 29 cents . I d1tln '1 invtnl I m1ch1ne lhat o nl y t1k u quarte r1, d i mes aod nicktls Wl,af has ha p penc-J to o ur
do after "Dances Widi Wolves"? It 's a ll uphill afle r do101 an academy award w1n.nina film with Kevin Costner, hub? I liked the movie, bul I probably will nol ,o sec it apin.
I d1dn '1 hke 11 too much because after the previews on TV, I expected lo ice another "H11111 F01 Red Oc tober . · I loved Po11ier in • Lilies of 1he Field,· "To Sir wilh Love· tnd a hllle known film called "The Lona Ships," 11,0 s11rrina Richard Widmark. In 1h11 film . Poitier, I feol didn't Ji~ me ~at I had expected. Jeez! Redford has l()tten o ld. Who 111h1s Strathaim py? He was f1nta.111c! W,s he, is he.°' will be be blind. Does anybody know who 1hi1 1uy is, and, is he ,eally blind? lfbc'1 noi, he sure IIC1td like
He ne ve r turned and looked like he could see. He !urned toward tbe sound like a blind penoa would. If he is really hhnd, I'd like 10 see a rem1ke of •see No Evil, Hear No Ev il " with Strathairn in !he Richard Pryor role. •sneakers• i~ playina: at Sikes Senter Mall with four showin1s oo Saturday 111(! Sunday.
wasted monetary sysitm? The penny alone 1s almost worthlc.H . What makes a one-cent s1am p any different? It will mo re than likely end up in 1 junk tlnwer somewhere. As you collec l 1he one-cent Slamp, 11 will be collect1ng J ust. Now. the solution! As Iona as those penny s llmps aren·1 serving much use 1n my Junk ilrawer. why no t jus1 nik the price of the stamp to JO cents'' Nol only w ill 11 solve this little pruhl,:m of not knowin& what to do w11h the stamp, hut 11 will 111.0 save- !recs and sttcky sMf. HoweYC't. unhl tbc- problem is solved. we shu uld continu.e 10 iJ.V~ our o nc:-cenl s11mps and let !he ))05111 litrv1ct te ll us where lo Crllll lhom.
, · , IO km! 1~ need As for children I sion u, ko'A
~hi1e w11 one of my f1vorit1 aio,iu ., • child beC'auae the evil qveen b11 the bit one. Aod
I'm ~~~~~;-i::~u:!; 1eu • bad
::,e~c-=-~~t= :-~:;~~:'t~~~ hsltned to the ind:. I ba,·e yet felt !he urp IO JO ou1 and P,u11 cop. Police 1 uoc1a1ion1 promoted a boyco n of all T,me-Wuner mer-cb1nd1se Because of !he pre"ure. lce•T had 1hc comp1ny recall his "Body Counl" album so thll tbe controvers ial 1nck c ould bo n-moved. Bea your parJo n, but didn't
up is "L111I• Red Ridint Hood. Apparenlly, these self-u shieou, people wbo wub to save m y i oul think that Red, Granny and iho Wo lf pl1y • (ow ·par~or" ,,mes before ho •,-ts th!m up. It has betn uid 1hat Granny and Ibo Woodcutter ■re Jov,:n, and the reason the Woodcutter kills tho Wolf i1 bccauae be is in a jealo us ra1e o ver Granny ind Wolfy's ■f·
ho could 111 and c ensor the colo nies unmerc dwlly. He wu wronJ. If our ancucon refused 10 be censored, wby should we in 19927 Another act of censorship tbal 11cklmctotheex1 reme 1t refflt1Yi.nt clau ,c novel1 and chtlilren's boots fro m 1rade f\:hool hhnnet. Rocent e umplca are "The Advenluru of Huckleberry F1M· ■ nd ·To K1ll I
fair. Eacuse me? Granny, the Wolf and the Woodcuuer? I 1bouab1 the reason Wolfy a o t chopped wa.s bec a1,1se be cheated at hide ind 1ecL: and swallowed the pat11c1p1J:11S, Aaa1n, I must ha \'e been . wrona. 1 And 1el th1 1. there 11 Methndut m1n11ter, who bu no con1re1111o n, namtJ Rev. Donald Wildmon ThlS man bas e ntirely too much tune on bu bands.
One b11 C!lamplc of !his
Book excha nge may be beneficial
11y D. Ms! Mahon
1 011 N"l:r~ : ~~J:c~1~n; ; : ~ ' •
were cu1 fmm a M1;h1,· Mnu."0lldtl 100n W1ltlm11n d 11mcJ the- n c.,. M11hly ,n llh l o 1c t bu •""'"' po~er• ,s I C'l1.Ull y ,·oc11~ R.e: ~r •· ~ bk. thw hi 1I Ii IO,.;eJ I I ¥ a '.».:a,~• In W1eh111 Fall1, lhcre '-• been a1ttmp11 at censoutup A hwo•w•••h .~,': h•u~~1~nhJ ,',",",,m," "'-1 t hc:a \' Y 111cu/ 1lhum,. The c;~~;• ~ 1ueJ 10 l1unc h I buy • tI of ..:o chat w ld 1hlm Otw1ow;ly 11 lie\' s inco no one b~t th, rne,.. .__ haJ heanJ thou! 1t · s1iu, 1hcr■ , ',h• ,11tm"'. =,' W ,~
You knoW. maybe 11'1 juu but l'w. alway• fell each per'IOI 1be freedom o f chotce.
COrll~~l~;•l~r~:l~t~~l;;;•;:vr:ta called · pov,·cr sw.11:hcs. · From~
I've beard, these 1w1tcbes •llow person 10 ac tually lum the radio; TV off. Novel 1da. Sort of I.it:, al yew. don'c like the snnr or cbanie lho c hannel or turn orr 1
also w or ks Wilh books •Ill alhu ms . If you don't like the story
ih: :7. t:/~~ ~!/:~·1lt1
Everyone hu . • 111ht 10 ,.. ind bear whll he w1she., " ii doe1n't 1nfrinae on !he n1h11 0
~~:;~;eH;:e; ~~:~1~•--\:h:h! privacy of my ho me 1nfnn1e 11 10mcone else'• ri;ht noc towlldi? If you d o n ' t w1nt 11 ar 0110.. you. 1h11's tine. That's your '-lht. But don't try 10 censor m1t1t. Alll'I thll ri1ht. T1ppc-r:i
Correc tion Teachers' salaries below average . , Tn<y l'llridl 'C uatWrittt
Whal happened to the d•ys when be1n1 • leacher wu a well· respected profession? Du11n1 lh• 1991 -92 acadelll.lC year, the avertp f1cu l1y ,a]ary 1ncreued 0017 J .$ percent. This incru1e is the 1mallest 1ncn:a.se in 20 ye:tn. Accord1n1 to a survey conducted 1nnu1lly for lbe American Association of Univers11y Prore,6011, when 1djus1ments were m.ide for inflation, the increue WU only 0.4 percent. The faculty ,urvey compared p1y ruses from December 1990--91 to December )991 -92 at an infl■• tion nte of 3.1 percenl. In contrut, the s urvey found th11 1bc aven1e salary in 1990·91 increased 5.4 per• cent, bul failed 10 keep up wilh the 1rowin1 inf11tion rttc. Compared to lhe findinJ of this s urvey 10 Midweslern, the ac1dem1c faculty received a three perctnl pay raise across the board. The pay nise wu • decn:.1se of0.5 percent from the n11ional ■verap. Accordin1 10 vice president for academic affairs office, lhe pay raise w11 dictated from the stale; ii wu thisntnochin&, The aven1e faculty salaries for 1991 -92 for a comprehennve univer, 1ly, 1 uni venily 1h11 offcn b1c c 1 l aure1te ind masters pro1r1ms. is profc-sson. more than SSJ,000: 1noc..a1c professotS, more Iban Sl7 ,000; u s ista.nl professors, more 1h1n $31,000 and instruc1or1,
Daniel S. Hamcnnesh, profct• sor o f economic• at M,ch111n S11te U n1 vers1ly ■ nd c h11 r m1n of the AAI.Jf comm11tee 111 c harae 01 lhe survey, attribule& blame p1rt11lly IO 1be rec eu1on , but said another cauu 11 the Amenc-10 public'• al• tirude toWard h1zber education. He claim• !he VOIUS don ' I want 10 pvt their cu mo ney into b1Jbcr ed!.IC&IIOG. The survey found 1hat 1bc 1ver1,e salary for faculty member• If public 1n1ti1u11ons iD(:reued 2.9 pcroenl while lhe averap ulllf)' for faculty members at private wtiNtioos r01e 4. 7 percent. This imb■ hoce 11 so mewhat due to 1be "fiscal c rises 1h1t have pla,ucd our state bud,ets, • Hamer• mesh 111d . and the 1i1ua11on is n 't likely to impn)'-e m 1992-93. People complain tveryday that our educario n syuem i1 l1c k1na ;nod teachen. Maybe this 1s one of 1he rus0t1s. Many aood ed1,1caton leave their profession every year because 1heu aalary 1s no t payina thebills. The education of our children is a critical issue. Our children ire our f1,1ture . We the public m us1 demand that our lilt moacy is used efficiently and produc l1vcly to 1uar1ntec lhe be.sl education 1v11l• able. Educ.ion need to be paid i1. line with Ibis demand. Salary is definitely an incentive to p1ov1de quali ty education ■ nd 1uarantee that o ur children are 11 the receiv-
On pag< I of lhc Scp1. I, 1,M1e of The Wkhilan. 11 , 1ory l'OIICl"ming rhL• n'tn llighl of lhl· , p.icc shunle I· , dcavor wa, misrcprl!sll'nh as lhc Endi:a\·or's m.1i1I night TI1is is 1hc ,cr1,1;. voyage of thL· Endeavor.
Midwestern State University 3400 Taft Blvd. PO Box 160 Wichita Falls, Texas 76308 (817) 689-4704 Subscription rate $1 Oper year. Editor In Chl1f AHocl1te Editor Sports Editor Advertising Man1ger S.le1 R1pr11tn111Jv11 Gr1phlc Arlltls
iot ead. Clrculatlon Manager Since ITI0$1 of u.,; can' t afford to SlalfWrllert send our c hildren 10 a private inconsiJare salaries stilulion wbue erably more, our children wiU mo~ than likely 10 10 a state 1ehool. As a re s ult, we mu, 1 demand lhll our Cartoonist s_tare le1is la1ors revamp our educ.- Adviser hon p r o1ram and allocate more money to ra is in&: educat o r ' s Copyr9h1 0 1992 • Thi Wich.!an sal■riea. memb e r ot tho Tu Wrife your state le11islator; let W,chit1n is a yo ur voice be heard . Don't te1 lntercolleglate Pre ss Assoc111tio11 L• b11bcr educ-11100 be-co me stcond Polley: n,, Wichilan .,.,11 9 1,X!ly pu°' r.ile. your leller to the td~or ll you will 1nc'il your nam• and number so we mayccnl you •nd bl a11u1td thal no on• ta:s used your n1me. Hyou wish your 1tr.er I HR. CLEANERS AND LAUNDRY bt publlshed withoul yo11r n1-n1, aod 1612 9th Scnct 21JI Southwcu P11kw•y juslilits that 1e110n. p'Hse COr'll con11n1 167~ Wichita Square 691-1996 the editor so a muhi■J 1g1Hmltf11 ,,~ 'By Jtwtl (),co' 1501 Midwestern Petway Rio Visu Ptu.a -0060 691 All letters ar• pnnted ~r,ed.l reached. 713,1900 J22-7SS4 Opinions exp,esstd 11• no1 n1ctsS
more than $25,000.
In c omparuon, the 1ver110 salary for f1cully at Midwe.stem is profeasors, more than $49,000; u5oc 111e pro fcuors , more than $39,000; umtanl professors. more than S12,000 and tnJtruclora, more 1han $25 ,000. Once •a•in. Midwestern is behind the national IVeflJe, With t he bleak fin a ncial forecast for hiaher education, is 11 any wonder why people are: hesitant to pursue a profession in educ■• 1ion?
Com et®
10'~ d1scoun1 on dry <"k,111111g an<I laundry. •
1>t'4.0Unl imJhd v.1111 JII) ullk:r 'l'"\ IJl'I Pn:....:111 \1'1;,! I 11) 1\1111 1114.01111111' "llkr, 111 hu l\l ,h ,u1u11!
those ol tht lacully, admrni11r.ition Of dent body a nd may not 11tp1es1n1 1 1ensus ol 11\t 1nt119 11atl.
'J'bur■duy,.c;,eph,mh•!•· 17, lfJ92 ■ Pna-0 8_
ews Diversity elects new officers
R1ll1rd 'la id 11 11
1mi,or tan1 1 0
h~lfl , 11 11 0 0 ...,, h
Th, f'iul cunfcmirtet'- mec11n1 fnllJrttl teveut JCM.:al inventor• o f e nvuonm• nlal produr 11 anti Hr· vin1, includln¥ R,cha,tl D. W1lkla· 1 0 a , wh o ,n ..,a nl ti tl an au-ccnd1hu111n1 pr••cooler; Din W■taon. or Nohhy Clcaftl'TA, who ID• ve nted ■ m■c h ino for manufaciur· Ins fr o m ccn u me, wutu and C .W, Snuth of Sm1th'101nSc,nlowl, w ho hu • propoul 10 compo11I or• 11ruc munk 1r,al wa.s1c1.
IC C )'clc U\lnu,c,
d m11crial1 1n10
\ •l ue - 1 Jd d
Dr. Louu J. Ro duauu , uni\·cu1ty pre.•Klent, 1nJ l)r. Y0o1hi Fuk.anw1 , tl11ecto r c f tho Bureau or Buu neu and Gove rnmcnl Re• urch , aniona olhers, spuko 11 tho conrercnce .
1001 hceaui c thay h rroJucc h~ h 1 the lahor-,n~ct P Yln¥ Joba lhut in11 rc..:ydahl , ,ve Jobs of l • thuP • n a lhcm c m11111n1I, and •h11>" d ,ew he,e l o b• pr()('u~cJ .
Tb, meot1a1 1cheJulcd fo r Ck1. 9· 10 will eum,ne bunncu op-
rccy~~,:; :tl~ btndit of incrtasm1 ,ystern ot u ~ creatina • n cffic1cn1 du~1r,e. • s1n1 reJJourcu is tha1111· he<:ausc , : ' ■tln,;teJ lo Juch •re11 lhc
po rtun111es 1n lhe environmental fitld in four bt01d ucu: oner,r ef. rkicnc y a nd alternallve onoru; manuflcf\lun1 from munm pel wutes; m1nur1c1unn1 rro m 1ndus1n1I wutu and the buildinJ ,nwsuy.
• E ' 'IY C"osb •ni Jowe,, co,.t''I)' 11 1 ve ry h11b f)ltl of
of mrinufaclurini:, • Ballard
~~iversity Prog1·a111miqg Board
Involved in a
\ender bender?
Don't hold up traiffic when you hue J fender bender. Texas laiw requires you to move your car off the road .1nd then exchange intunnce information. So next time,
m,,i i;,,, d3ea4 l Aheart warming Lale for eve,yone.1
Clark Student Center Theatre Wednesday September 23 @ ? :00
• il's lhel.lw
fbe Image For You! ,. I
.\" ·u,J1iir
i., 1ho Krn ••Y
R,po r1 , • liuu l I U 11c r c e n1 n r Amcncan, u t- hmn0~0.\1111 I h• 0 1veu11y G1uup w,, lomwt:J In •II offo rt 1<1 pruv1J c, ,uppurt for 1h• 1 rertcn111e 11 M11Jwt<;l1rn. D1 vc r H l y , n n l hm ilt:1 tl fo people C l h11nu1I UI ho mUlUUtl •l•u 1cc,. p1~ u m11n h11n thou who \ upp<it t lho 11&hl1 of r coplt u f l1ue1 u•I an d homo,c, u1I u11ent.111on.
u1 1enl ■ l 1on ,
D1ve"11y 111t t tho un1vcm 1y re• ljUlrl)O\CnU, for I umr,u• Ill flnl ZA· 110 11 lu t ~pr1na inti rcco nve netl Sept. 10 Re1urnm1 ufficcn 1nchxll 1ccoun11n1 m■j111 La rr y h cob1, pres1Jcnt, p1ycho lon inajor Mimi Brad :ol . ,cn11e a mbuuJur and 1 ntlu11c stutltnl Juhn T u nne ll , publ1,;1ly ch:11rmtn T he mcc t in¥ he~•n w,th the clecl1on of new officcu lfosmc u maJor M.A. Crlltendtn "'~ elected v,ce pre,1Jcn1 anti MX1olo11 maJc r 01v1tl Morn s w11\ 11kc i> Ycr tho s«rc1.1ryflre1sure r pc~ilwa . T hu mcct1n1 • lso 1•vc Diver• s1ty members• ch11nce IC plan the f• II scmu 1er's I CIIVIIIU. The lirsl event will he • lrt p lo D1ll u o n Se pt. 20 IC p1rt1c1p11e m lhc Gay Pride Puailc. D1ven11y 111.w plans 10 celebrate N•honal Cornrn1•0ut Day 1n cnnJunc u o n w11h lbe 1•Y ccmmun1ty cf W1du111 Fall1. A ID S ctlu c11t1 o n w ill be a maJOr concern this yC'11 D1ven1ty mcmhert will be d1) tnhu11n1 AIDS hlC'raturc anti taldni: tlo n• llons for 1n Clark 1 local AIDS or1.n1z.ahnn Student Center Fud3y u • pare or Gay Pruie Weck. Oun n1 !he ,cme, te r, mtmbcrs will be po., hn1 cdu~:thon:il m~ h:r1al and re m1nd1ni s tudent) 1h11 free ccndom1 arc av11l11ble 11 the Vu,iOn Hnlth Center. Dt\p1te the potenual for con• lf0\'t r5y, D11·cr,;11y has mcl l1t1lccr nu ru 1M1n~c from studen ts o r the Unl\'C'n:11f . h co bs sa ,d lhc he l p 1h11 D1vcrs11y hu rtcc1vcd from Plulhp Budine, dean of stutlcnt affaiu, "h,11; h,;,en irc11.•
' Plv-'O "7 l,f,el,M/ V_,-lir"t
Dr. Goorre M. Diekhoff wa• recently chosen as Hardin Professor.
Diekhoff named Hardin Professor e,Jwe Nann1 Anociatt Editor
Dr . Gco r1e M. Dickhoff , prorcuor o r psyc hc lou , rccc1Ycd the pre~1i11ou1 Hardin Prcfoucr award for 1992 tlunna the 1pnna commenccmcnl ceremony. The aw.rt! recopizcs • mem• ber er 1he MS U faculty whc,c wod: 1n 1cach1n1 and research d1mn1 the pu t 12 mon1h1 has brouahl d1s1inc• 11on to h1m1elf anti M1dwes1cm. The award wu cstabli~hcd by tho H,rilin Fcund1tion for W1ch1la Fall~ in 1962 and carries • stipend of$'2,CO>. · I wu s tunned. I fe lt myself 1e1tin1 up to receive the award. I was pleauotly 1urpmed, • Dickhcff 111d. Di c kh o ff Jrtduate tl frc m Ne braska Wealeya n University m 1973 and 1 radua1od with hi1 doc• ! o ra te f ro m T eus C h ri1 111n Univem1y m 19n. A fle r 1radua11ng from T CU, D ickho ff Joined lhe MSU fac ulty. tic tc1che1 several undcr1ratlu1re •nd 1radu11c ccu rs cs ■ nd has thrc<lcd 11 1radua1e thCSCI. Dickhoff uid that the psychol: ro r•m 11 1n :i 11,on,. nod or o
The nom h•r of andualc 1 , uwth. , 1uJcnll hu more than doubled. In atld it,o n tc h 11 tcac h1n J rc,poo, it,ili!IC1, Dickhoff chau l lhe P.fyo.: holnlY Gudua te Adm1.u,o nt Comrn1ttee, serve~ 11 l::c u lty ad· v,scr IO all iratl1,11te 1tudentl rn lho p!1yc hnlo1y pro1r ■ m anti u rvca u: lhc f■c u ll)' )pOn~o r fo r the MSU C hapter of f'\ i Ch, , the na110 01I honor ~1c1y 1n fl"IY~hok!JY. Dickh o ff bu w ritte n m o re 1h1n 40 p ubllc1tinn1. In add i1100 , ho bu p ruentcd mo re th a n 25 papen at pro fC'uional mcelmg•. ·1 s1ay prod1K:1tve by nee wa.M· ing any of rny 11rm-, • Dickhoff u ,d. In h1 ) fr ee 11rno. he c nJoys 1pcnd1na time w ith w ire. Beve rly, 1md lh1:1r l •ycar-old :.un, Ben A s fl& r o hobh,ct arc con· cerned, D,d :.ho lf • J 1d , "Be n 1, my
b,..,,, .
As1dt fr om his lamal y a nd carttr, D1tkho H a ho worb 1n the commun11 y He I ) i rt' ~cuch con• sulla nt for Ree:10 0 IX Educa ti o n Se r vrce Ccnler , c h1 1rm1n o f lbe Wic hita FMJl5 Jns tilut1on1l Roiew Board and I volun t e e r fo r the
'' · 10
By l\fnrlc I l11rdl11 StlfTWricrr
692-5711 For Carry Out Call
e St ude nt Se n i le w1 I mce l 11 6 p. m. , Stpt. 17 m Clark Student Center 104. Fo r more in• for m1t1co, c• ll John ny Ca rter, p ru1dc nl o f cbe Studcnl Guvcmment AHOC1ahon, • t u.t. 4709. 0 The TASP te11 will be: con· duclC'd al S 1. m. , Scpl. 19 1n the CSC Ballroom. • • Fruhmen c ,n ro1i~ter to run for the StuJc01 Senato ;it S a.m. - S p. m. , Sepl. 21·2S an the Studen1 Government office, CSC 106, or io the office for the v1ce-prc.s1dcnl for
s tudent and 1dmi ni1trahve Service,. Ha rdtn 112 For more infor• m111vn, u ll Jchnny Cuter, SGA president, 11 c.\ l. 4709, •• Homccom1n1 nom1 n111ons can he made 119 1. m. ·· I p. m. , Sepc. 2) -25 1n 1hc CSC Atrium. For me re 1n for m•11cn, ca ll J o hn ny Carter, SOA president, 11 ut. 4709.
•• The Ar11s1 Lec iure Serie s w d/ prucnt , mprcu w ni u Joho Roarke at 7 p m . . Sepl. 17 1n the CSC 81tl room. C:ill tx l. 4520 for uckct 1nform11ion. • • The B1oloiy Club will mtct al 12: 15 p . m. , S ep t. 18 1n Bo lio Science Hall I 17. Fo r moro 1nfor• ma t,on, call Len West 1t 72J•7009.
•• Tho Un1urs11y Pro1r• m· m, na Board will present the film " Beauty and the Beut• at 7 p. m., Sep!. 2) 1n lhci CSC Thutcr.
• • Siem• Nu fr1 1c r n11y w ill host • b1t1-,ien101 party on Scp1. 18. For more rnfor ma trnn, call Mike Cncnck r 11 696-58311.
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• 111 bu...inm sinc-c 19-tZ ()MrcuJkmir-r Jo,al~ ~/)C'ak, for 11Yl/! \\~ C"al"l' ahout OUI ~ WW)mm.'
The U n1 vcri 11 y P o li c e rupnndcil to rwo thclls and one act of c n mmal nus.hid 11.'il wttk. •• An u n k nown 1ndiv 1du1I removed• hlas· k ccl-~k1 n wallcl .:ont11n1ni $61, 1hr« V"• cards, a driver's licc n~e anti a nulitary ID c ard from a ~tudent', carrym1 baa locat ed m 11 .licC11nil•fluor slutly room II the Mo ffett Libra ry between 1-1: JO p. m., Sep1. 12. The i1ems arc worth SIOO. There arc DO
suspects. .. An cmplO},::e from lbe Wils u n F a mil } P l:1nn 1n g CJ1n1c r cpo n r d 1h11 ■ n u nknuwn 10d1v1tlu1I re mU\C'd • hlal k oylo n• mu h dufrlc h•g 1h1u was pla ced unile1 a tahle outs1ilc 1hc cnir,nco u f th e Cl ar~ S tuJcn1 Cen1e r Thtaie, hcl...,c,:n 12 15 - !I 45 pm., Sept 10 The bag ~unuum:J 1600 ..., or th o f J, ,pl~} m• fct ta l fur 1hc WFPC. Tber.: arc no ~u, pc-t, • • An unkno...,n md1v1Ju.1J left a small J e nt 1n 1 1rccn 19Q2 G MC trud, belungmjl an \1 SU ~t.ff mc m~r. bc1w.,cn IS 1.. rn •· 5 p m., Scf'( 8 Tht tl;im.1"'° wa , •1>r1111~d II S?:, Ther.: U t no1sU•l"C'~b .
orts On Deck The few, the small, the unknown 8J l.ffD«l.,r
1....:.:;~ a,':,'"°"
Indian quarterback, Crair Pettigrew, preparea to riQe a pu1 Ml ..ouri Valley d•fense. The Indians whipped the Vikinr• handily 21-S.
Indians drown the Vikings ly L« ~ts" Sport., Editor
the Tnhc: •nd Mu,ou n Valle y C'ol•
woukt t,r. "Dominance."
The V,ktn&• of M issouri Va l•
Icy u dul 1n10 the ·ncrmuda Tri• ana tc · and ar e st il l rcp o neJ mas,;a.ns Ahhou~ h the "Bermuda Pos...o;e" rac l.:cJ •up )OS ysrJs of offcn5e and houtcd lhc CO•<•ffc ns1ve pl,yer o f the wnk , 11 m1gh1 hi ve ~e n the unheralJ td ddtn st that s 1o lt the
The V1k1nss could only mUJltr 1)7 ) :tnis o l tolll o ffens" v.•h1lt the Indian Jefen\t: forced lhree turn· oven in the 31 ·2 thwopma. Lud1n 1 tbe lnd11n defens ive ' !1. l r1n 11 le- hu ld" wu JUn1 or Eddie Redm on . who v.·1\ m on nui,c lack• In wh ile. tum -mal es Duane Wud ind Sttve P,e ~N/ood u 1:h rurned • not, h 1n th.: V1 lnn1t ,·tee gnp. Th t lndiar1~ 1Jso rK,::1 v11 1 1bul in the •rnl fr o1n h t:~ hm■ n wnuhon Dt!Tl(t11us Gilhiin l !I. he hauled IJJ y■ rJ., ,n rrccpflons.
quarterback Cr1 11 Pc1t11\"ew and t1i1l!»ck Henry Amltn.
As the second half bc1an, the tndllns wasted l1tllc 1ime in findin& nd
fc ns1ve cn11 nc was m ll chumina, bcca~m~ the lnJiaos oecdcd only I
tone. Junior Ke nn y Boner 101 lhe crowd back on ,ts feet with tus all • out d1 vm1 catch for a 111n of 22
minute and eii; bt )«onds to cuh
After • MVC pun1 1h11 aave the ball b.ck lo the Tribe , the
thc1rch1P", Fi rs t 11 wu Anders for 11 yuJs, th en Galban on the r«e1v1n1 end of a Pt 1111rew bullet for 29 hi& ones. One play later fullba ck Der· 11d. W11o ner s1rulted down the field for 34 yard1 and the i;con:.
lhc e
Thee W1,oner 101 the c rowd JUmp1ns 1g11" u he holted up the middle ind was o ff 10 the races for a 4S yard SCOMi lrot. W ood'.1 P AT s pill th e up • ro1h1s and aave lht lnd11n1 ■ com• forUble 25-2 letd.
No~• 11 wu the defen~•~ tum for I h 1i; play as II the forced the Vi lunc quarterback into 1hrowin1 10 1nLercephon.
The defen s e Sl op ped lhe VikinJ runnini: z1me. dcad•cold once 1ga1n, retumma the p1a1ikin to Peuii rew ind company.
The offense used on ly lhree pla ys to ac o re . T he oew lnd11n scoon1 11ndom of Pet111rew ind G alban hookeJ -up once •pin for 1 4) yard ICOMI dnke.
Pet1111 rew then found no one el,e bul "the Great G1 IMn. • who made I CIIC US c a t c h over a dtfender for 1 44 yard pin.
II sec.-med u 1f e11crythm1 wu 1oin1 the Tobe's way until Wood's PAT wu blotked . but the wry a1cn Wood scooped-up the ball and car· ried it ID for !he IWO poUllS, 11vtn1 1he lnd11ns a 18-0 lead wllh 1:20 left 10 tho ope nm a quarter.
Afte·,: 1 pus 1olcrference c ■ II caused the hall lo he moved all the wa y 10 the two yard line , Waiooer co mplelcd a ' h ■ I lrrck' u he powered his way 1nlo the end zone fo1 h11 tlu rJ touchJown oflhe <Py. Wa; onc r f1n11h cd the aame w11h l 12 prds OTIJUM 14 cam e11.
Durrn11 h1 ~ fir" r two ramts • ~ 1n tnJ11n , Gal ban co ulJ have httn 1ry1ns rn m,k c a st1lcm e n1 . ('The BcrmuJa Re(: tan11,le!' ).
Th• o n ly s c o re durani the 1econd quarter wn done by the MVC JefcMC.
Wood', PAT was bloc ked, and the lnJ11ns stt th eir cr u1 K contr ol and coa,tcJ to ■ )1 ·2 victory.
Th e l11 d11n o ffe ns t too k 11, f1rs1 po,.,u11.>n c.-arly ind d ro,·e 59 y u d , 10 u•t up 1 2S ~y ard Keith w ,,oJfiekt pl.
The V1k1ni defe nse fon:ed Ptt t11rew 101 0 an 1ntenll o n1I 1 rounJ1n1 c 1JI Wule the end z.oac:, ru ut1tn1 in a safety.
This wee k' a performance nulled the Tribe to number four Ill lhe nalional nnki.np.
Th c key 1n engi necri n t 1he KO ring 111a~l ...,, ~ ;a] ~ yard hook up t-elweo:n "Bermuda buddies·
The 1wo pomu ended all KOi'• ,na Jurina th e fint h1tf. wi th th• Tribe lcadina 18-2 1! h.al/hme.
Tribe keeps 'national defense' Jt, 1..ttDKl!tr
Si,o,,t\ 1-:dilor Thr lnd11n i;o.:. cer team 1dtleJ 1wo m1>rc: .: ■ lps lO their colloclion lu t v, et' k ts th~ y conl inued to roll tb, ..,uj!h ,he ~·o mp,! III IOfl . T he Tribe mo unted-up and ha.Jed for Tul" Friday IOf a &how· dowo with Oral Rohtrts. C bu ~k W1 t m1nn l.:i t'ke d the ~, ni,mJ ~o• l h ir 1he T ribe a.s lbe ~C l und nnleJ tc.'I IO ID the DII /OD ~rt'tuJ It) 2 -0 w h 1pp1n1 o f Oral RobutO n the lo lh1...,i n1 Ja y lhe lo· ll 1• n. 111,·cl ed to Si loam Sprinis , Ar k (M • rnnfrvn11 ri un w11h John Br.,wn Uo1,tn 1ty. The /nJ1111 Je!.-nse continued lo , h inc . .1t1d fu r the fo urth co n·
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sec uti ve same lhc TriNl pl1ccd • a oo~e c u o n 1he opponents side of th e ,coreboud. L11n et, Lowe r y k1 ,; ketl th e same wrnner u the Ind i an • bu • h w h ■ c ked fohn Brown 2 · 0 to improve 1he1r recorJ 10 an 1mpre1• , ive 4-{) for lhc young ,cawn. D1\•1d H,he nlgtr ind Danny Cuker l1e1d the team w11h 11.t poi nt~ u ch , bu1 the rnl ;,ltJry hu bttn II lhc pheoi.hni po!illion. Danny llol ilnJ conl1 n11td 10 have 1 ~,. on the coal, as he ran has ,corelt ss ~tre1k lo 360 co nst c111ive nunut u without 1llow1n11 pl. l ip ne \ t for Holl111J and lht 1'flhe 1s 1n o ut o f 1owc matc h 1i;1m11 Ctntcnu y 11 2 p. m., Stpl.
The Bermuda Tuan1le (plui one) will meel fifth-ranked Soulh· weal Okl1homa Stile 11 7: 30, Sepe. 19 in Memorial Stadium.
Spurb Ed11or Du nn i ch e fall. u n F 11J 1y morn1ni' • • sc ■ , o nal ril u:. I he1111• 1n Tull Sporl ~ hna11 ~•• th11D1b 1h, 011sh the mo rnini P•rt ' to !ind lhe e ). pert ~· (O f •W t hey lik e IO thin k) prrd11 tmn) on Jl11J1y n11h1 b1gh -.c hool lootOIIII 11mc.~ As wt f,n u h 1l1n.:1nw thrOll&h art • •nJ J1 ~1nd p,ch , 11' 1 1,me 10 look ind .see who the tud111 on1I powc 1ht1uJ.C, 11e p1tttd •;11n\ l S11r1 1n11 w ith cl:u, AAAAA. wt loo k 10 ,ec how much Odcua Pcrm1 1n •nJ ll uu~ tun Ald1n e are 1uppokJ to wm hy . As we eanrmue 10 re• J. we se c 1h o du~ A.AAA d yna ~!y Witst OranKe Sllrk ' s 111c• llms 1nJ the cla u A powerhouH MunJay's v1..:t11n.~ for the n111ht. Afkr , caJ1 n1 lh1s, mM I ofus are heady to c.ill our hr u kfasl or ¥O r,n our merry way. Ho..,.e ver . the re are lhe select few fan~ 1n ~m• II commun111es that pu ll ,,ut the m11n1fy 1n11 ilus lo read the m1 ..: r osto pi c s ill · man pred u.:11ons. Six-man foo tb• ll . I due say th at 80 per ce n t o f th e ,:cntr•I public hu wi tneu ed one o f these encounte rs. They don't hi ve f1mo u 1 na~.like'MoJo· or "Moguls. ·bul I he y d o pouess some the mosl colo rful n1mes m tht i11ne, suc h IS lhe Parnt C reek P1t1 tes, lhe Trent Go rdl u, the Rule Bo hcals, che J. yto n hyhirds a nd my personal favorite . the Ludcrs- Avoca (L.A.) Ra1J..:rs. lmagrnc h1vini: towns named Blanket, NovlC'e, Sands , Woodson and ~fa y on I forn!Mll schodule. To play the sport , one musl be ,n n cellent , hapc: . With o nl y five other teammates on lhe field , one mu~, cove r I l1rse chunk o r real es• Compared to I I-man football , th e re arc so me differences rn s1J.• m3n foo tha ll. One difference IS the f1elJ 1s onl y 80 yards long co m• pucd tu 1hc stand.rd 100 yin.ls. Another differen ce 1~ lhe scot• mg sy, tcm h:o I bu of a 1w1s t lo 11. Aher I team hn sc nrtd • loucH· down , lhey ha ve I choice of e ither 10 10g tor tile two• pc11n1 coaventOa by k1 ck inK lhe PAT , or they CID c hoose to run the ha ll from lhe th r ec-y ■ r d· hne for I ain&le point. I ron1c1lly. !hi..< syste m 11 toially opposite 1n eleven-man. An o ther unique parl of 1be wame •~when, tum 1oe1 ahead by 45 points , the game IS called, If yo u' re not f1m1liu with the J l:t · m•o sy , tem , there ,re two names 1h11 co me to mind wben talk1n; p<Jv,·crbouse , Fort Haotock and h ylon. These 1wo leams tend 10 re11n su rreme. lf yuu ha ven ' t s.ce n a si.r.•m&n r ■ me. t ■ ke Deck' s ad vic e and w11ch one . It really 1J ■ ~i rht lo ,cc.
j ,__ f'holot,, C7WJ...u
Two Lady Indiana construct a double block durior last week's ram• against Austin College.
Lady Indians spike opponents SportsSt.'llf T he L111dy lnd11n volleyball team has won two o{ their I~ three
Now you c:an ha~
rwo of lM
motN rttogniRd and
accepted cndn card• In 1hr wortcLVlsa• and MulltrCard• cffllll cards..· 1n your name." EVEN If YOU ARE NEW IN CREDIT er HAVE BEEN nJRNfD DOWN BEF'OREI
- ~'ll'tJ':",::i.;!-t' ~--
llotredlt llo secwrilf deoosltl
ed-off. • McKlruey said. The loss to C■ meroo will III tlO wa y slow the L■ d y lnd11ns dow 11 . Mc Kinle y has confidence 1t1 all his players , M ure efforl to play lurdtr is bein& shown by every player. Whether t he team wins or loses, nperieoce 11 1•med Ind mistakes are overcome. for the Mc Kinle y said his Lady India n! 11 tu win the Dtwx:t g 1i1le. 'The team' is well rounded wi lh the c1p1b1li ty fo r them all ta be WIMCt'S, • be SliJ. Ovenll, the Lady lnd11ns 11e 5•5 . Their ncJ.t z•mc will he it 7 p . m .• Sepe. 2111 Abilene Chns111n UniYCrsity.
The Lady Jnd12n1 blew Austin Collc11e 1w1y .KOr1n115 - IJ, 15-10 ind 15-J . Bob Mc Kinley, the Lady Indian s' ht a d co 1c h, was very pleased with the performanct of all his players. Ano ther w in wu liken from · Ambassador Collc;c. The 1.ady ln· dians scored 15· 1 I. 7-IS , 6 -15 and 15-10. Although INS vic tory was oot so easy , th e players shined throu1h w11 h muc h skill and upcrience. The L ■ d y Indian s were defeat ed hy Cameron Un iversi1y 15-9, IS-5 anti 15·3.
Food Ser\'ice Director Robert Masters announced this cepted,for,. week that appli<ar · ns • ' 93 ood Ser e the mJmbirships Cof mittee. ·
'After the first m11 c h, the Ladies' menial mlen.s1ty had slack,
By Dtlana Parktr
~beinal., '
This is an imfo rtant comm • ' ii, represent a( cr1 oss ect1on
rl;on X ,d
of stude ts pri ~ nt b y. the ~
thf, active ember 1lk,.fu Committee and have the time to spend promoting Food-Service excellence, call Leslie Masters, C.S.C., ext. 4424.
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APP,o,,iall'b9ohiltlygua r2.ntmt IO
I t 11111111·1·10 i1•ji)J•I ii+t U
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,.1 10 view plans
:~:r:~n•el~~•cle .• All11on Br 1 M ld The 1y1111 ...,.hether the JO\un•hows no ICrecn the CO or ir lht I al •• •vallable on to the P.ntcular ibraf)' lt.1bkribes 1 1. . ' It (th, htlle quicker i lnfoT~) will t. a or lluden,s, • Breen llld.
11' dormitory f.,._ II
11, 1 pl•nt for • new . ,., do rmitory have
'l!U1 h• v• yet lo be 1p-
t::. ofhowi.
•1~, 81llfJ of Re1en1.1,
Goss represents IACET in Denver
lanl hl\'e been 1p~ ;~ t,,(ID•I 11met1ble wall bt )_',~ i,n1•11ve plan i1 for
i/ 1
10 bt1in
-, Charles Cac,
Starr Writer
, horUy •l'ter
BIiiye Ruth G M1d...,.u 1ern's D1v1;;•• D!rector or 1~1 Educ111 on of COflhnu. 00 v1sit.a1ion ~r ~~~~~~:d an _on. ~ ~rvec\onJuly ) I Des11a,
~~ch-Trip Hall will t.
,~:·~~~~ ~·!~~:7,0;: f ~aJI, INllb • ~of I P-,
,,., SJ.,.
~ ly 70 park1n1 p lace:a,
1ern11 1onat ~ ::entat'.ve 0 1 the lnllnu1na Eduu11:•,11on for. ConGou pronounced lh nd Trt1nu11, IACET CUhfied • e corporation 1 on th: ~!!;n~~;merly the Council has "tn1fic1n1t n:;: Educauon UC1.11, field of c onif/~nlnbuted to the uias cd1.1cation lhrouah its CtrlLfied Pro~~•ablasbmcnt or lhe er Comm.ass1on "Th estabhshcd ,'ulcs •nd 1 framework r. 1 10 pro v ide l he v1s1t1hons :d•ppl1cat1ons, on-site hon units ~r d,e.vicw, for eJuc1• tiona\ fa c •1ru~1r11ei 1ndcduca1 1 ~;;t1nizcd •~e r:, r;e~ 0~ &aid. 1nu1n1 Educ11ioa Units,. Goss
1111.llt<>lt cos.I of the do,.. • · Cl>vued by • donai.o n ~ ~,ciillou1h f:tm1 ly, Rc:d-
1~,, 1111ectur1I firm o f :t' 11~ Sbup deuaned the l'.,or! plan for the ap~ 7S-btd 1lr uc 1ure. anti r-_ v.i1II be able to bt , 1 • 1 ~ •• 1ddi11on1I lwo or
lhc. Uninu11y of Tun Law School 1n AUNin. Eitbt 1 1udcn11 we~o scloctt:d from Tua, to attend 1hrce r,0111 th e hoit un1ven11y. 1M remain• 1n1 five, Wy1n' s sclecllon w11 b111d upon bor 1c1dem1c record nd lc1tcu of rccommend111on a from the MSU •ocK>loay &culcy. The proanm w11 comprucd of• five-week course 1n ~lyt 1c1I democ racy, an 1nt1rn1b1p In the Sc hool nr Law and tho prtparallon of • paper to bo subm111ed 10 lho Southwest Soc1olo11cal AHoc:1111011 fo r pru enntio n II tho 199) Sociolo11cal Convc n11on 11 New Orlea111 in March. Wy111 l penl 20 hours II In U,• lern w11h Dr. Ther111 Sullivan , profeuor of \1w, hclp,na p<epare de m01ra ph11:1 for SulhYan's upAMWe FOJ11Yc Our
~~:!.~ •·
The pr0 1ram '1 purpoH provides Tnu' top aludcnls .,,,.ilh d11ec1 ~xpenencc 1n 10C1oto,:y wtwa prepann1 them for 1raduate cour-
a.stoa)l< ...,_
;,i'j'oa,d of Re1ent1 will
,o w 10 view 1be noor ►
~iliftlliS tht ptoJCCL
1,ett Library
, new system
educe,;. ccn 1ry111e coat1nui n1 IACET1on providers wbo meet . c rucu•, IACET hopes to ict 1 prova,~,n1crn111on1I standa rd for indu I s, therefore, 1ncrcas1n1 the CEU~ ry•wide •ccep1ab1hty or tho
ii',.... ,._ ,. rr,u Library
II c ur0 ._ dnv1n1• • bia brother
1 ,o lllt lafoTrac. The ne'N
Alu?nodsr~are~ently tr:i.,·cled to IACET on-;1tc : .;s1':.lra1nu11 u ID
*11 OI a lrial buia for ap-
..- . :,.i p.~ die CHder lnfoTrac SYJ·
for Educat ion De111n, Inc. is I · prof11 corpor111on prov1d1n1 c:11nu1n& education for doctors nuf'ks. anJ I I one or only I few I
;..l'ri11111 one pri nter, the , - . ~eludes two prinlera ·_, ~ 1 dita. ,- firs! pru11e_r produces 1 .,,. of 1he pe.rtod,cal. The , , • Later pn.nter that pnnt, ,Jtitattual article. 11 CD"1 conta in Che pcu~11 ud make u p two
10 receive IACET
Student finishes internship at UT
m ~~~:!!':=:· .-•1 beck four years. or
,-,,;o.rn1l1, 40CI arc a v11l, tst, ~1cturc, cl octera. 11as hh pbotocopy1n a 1
L1s1 Wyau, a seruor sociolou ffllJOr at Midweslcm, complcced an intcmsbip proeram last summer 11
• After you 101 the results for that clus you could 1ell 1f you " ue =~y for 1radu11e achool, • Wyatt Sine, Midweucrn doun·1 ofrer tndiate studies ui 10C10IOI)', Wy1111 is con11derin1 enrollmcnl 11 the University of Ch1c110, lhe Un1verslly of Cahforn1a at R1vet11de i r tfT Austin after 1ndwit1011 in ~hy, 199).
Organization urges students to vote (CPS) • Democrats wanl you. Repubhcans waot you, Rock Slltl ud celcbntic:s WLllt )'OU. Pubhc af. fain or1111u.111ons wan t you. Pohliciau Wltll you. What those or11n1Uill0ftl waol fTom you 11 11mple: If you ue I I or older. you Cln \JOtlcl. But IO YO!il, you must finl be r1Ji1tered. And if you a.n the 1yp1c1l colleae under• 1raduate, between lbo 11ea of I I ud 24, you represent 1 1e,ment of American cuhuto that 1s pe~1ved u bemt ao1 likely lo voce or 10 pa.rtic1pele in lhc pohllcal p,ooea. So colle,e and university campuses nat,onwide have been tar• ,cted by priVlle ud fl'lbl.C i.11141'11C aroups to resisto r students aad to a:cc them IO lhe polla on Nov. 3. ·s1udent1 tend to feel left ou1. Candidates don'I a ar to be ad·
drnuns ,uucs 1hat ' "' o ( concem co 1Ndents,• Becky C11n, prcsulcnt of Che N11ional Lu11.10 or Women Vo11n, said. ·en tho 20th aMiYet• 11ry of the r11ht for 11•yeu-olds lo vo11. 1h11 rroup hu 1he least per• cen1111 vo1er 1urnoul 1b1n an y other •it 1roup • Mike Dolan, r1eld thrcctot for lhe C1\iforn1 1-b1ud Rock che Vote, 111d, "Get !hem on the rolls, ~I them 10 1he polls." Rocle the Vote II a DOG•profil, non-pu!isan or11ni1..11t,on tha1 has c r11n1zed student vocer re1is1u1i011 dt1VCI n111onw1dc Top 111ucs: that •(71X'&r to be or concun to coll110 11udents on the nat1ooa,l levol include lbe economy, th• environment a nd aborlion nthta, acco,duic to activms. If 11udonu wa nt to addreu 1huc concerns, they must firs1 fOfll ler lo VOit, r111strahOD or1an1uu 11id. Thal way, Ibey can '+'OLe for candulaw who most cloacly reprcsenl their ideals and ideas of ...,.bu sawmmcnt should be, and what i111.111 the rcpresea11!1YIJ 1hould address. Accord1n1 10 the Cenaus Bureau, 26 million men and womco 1n 1be l&-24 •te 1roup are eh11b1e 10 voe, . ind 1ppro:11ima1ely 40 per· cont of tb11 1ro up is r11111ored. Amona colleae siud~nts who are re11s1ered, 10 percu11 vole, 'Jamie Harmon, pr11idenl of the Collete Democrat, of Amcricl, laid. "Muy 1tudcna doo't feel !hey are a part of tbe Americeo community. Tbey doo't have fauulics yet, Ibey don't haYe 1unk-tn roots, so Ibey are noc u pol.leiellly active,· Harmon said. •Poli1ical parlicipe· lion IDCl'C&MI Wtlh . ,.. We wu,t kl , how 11udcn1s today lblt !he politi• eel aod SOV9nlmlDtal ayNlm 1m'11
p,o." The Colle1e Democrat, are or,an1wi1 a Victory VOie prorram on campuses nationwide, w11b the pl of r11i11er1111 S0,000 students tbie fall •• ideally H Democrat,. H1v1a1 tarJeted about 500 collcp and un1nrsit1e1 1a IS s tates, tbe Collete Democrat• plan lo hold ulhu, 101 pubhc11y ud have pol11ic 11n1 from lhe local and nahonal levels speak to stwenll. Harmon 111d nalioaal polls show 11\1dent1 ideoh fyin1 with tbl Domocutic Party, ud al10 u id m11n concern• on campu,cs 111clude educational 1uun and SlU· dent loa ns , abortion and the env1ronmen1.
TIAA-CREF's Five .Easy Steps To Building
Tbunda:,, September 17, 1992 Tony Z..1011a, natll)nal ct.au• man of th• Collet e Repubhcan1, 111d poll• 1nd1ca1e 1h1 11•24 a11 1roup fa vor Republican v,n~•, 1ow1rd savemmfnl, 110C1c1y a.ad the economy, H 11 aroup will be work· 1n1 11 the 1ra11roo1t level on camp us u , a nd won 't be u1i o1 ccl1bri11e1 or rock , how 10 1Ur1ct polcollal Rtpubhcaa re111tranll. Collo1e Repubhc1na will be 10101 door 10 door 1h11 fall to set 11udc11u to re1111er or vote by al,, sentce b11lot, Zarotta uid . H, called 1b1 Republic1os one-()Q-ono approac h 1 "tremendou, oppor• 1unity" lo set 1tudent1 to re1i1ter in
tu.patty. Tb• Republicans, be s11d, ICl6 studen11' concerna u Mint Ibo economy, fom1n policy and 1bof· 110n. Ha said polb htve shown the I 9-24 •11 1roup 11 "not com(oft• 1blo" w11hebortloa. Dolan 111d b11 or11n1ulton 11 1110 worklflt 11 the 1ruuoou level to ~ I studentJ to rt1i1ter. Rock the Vote wu founded io 1990 by Lead· 1nJ record labcl1 and musicians u, response to perceived threat, 10 .,. ti1lic upreu1oe. le hu ai.Du beeo bro 1 d1oed to incl ude voter re1i11u1ioo, upoc.ally (01 yoUJ)f adultt, Oolu llid. Mu 1ic: 11• • and movie c1Jebriliu will ,o 1o campuaea aod hold rail~ 10 IOlk• 11\MW11U aware of the political proea11 aod urao tbem to nfi_,, "H1v1n1 atar• aod m..aic11n1 involved ia: iataiuiw. It mabe YCa" rc1 i11u1 io• 1e:1ier, • II• u id. "Celebriliea want to t •I involved, and wba they do, 1t makoa poli&ical perticipelioll a little cooler.• Rock tbe Vote hu re1i1tetcd 1ppro:11 1m11ely 100,000 youn1 people in Ille pHt two ye1r1, II• 11id, and many eollep aad IUUve,,. 1, 1y 11udea11 are included in the numb1u. Whal concefOI yount people, bo said, 11 havia1 ecceu lo "1he 1y11e m, • or be1a1 bcatd by pohtic,am. ·we havt teea the butt iUlle, 1Dd chit 1s empowermeot and ac• ces• 10 the 1y1tem, • Dolan 111d. "M1ay politiciam doa'I waal y(IUIII people vot1n1, ,ioee yount voteu bave DO panerns or vo11n1 and are uap red i1: 11b l e . That makea po\1IJCWII net'\'OIS. 0
The minim um le1al 11e to refister 11 I I. lf a llUdont FOi awey to 111end school, be may re111ter to vote ID lbe Iowa or city where 1cbool i1 located. However, tbe 1talel bave v1ryin1 laws for readeft. cy requ11emenll; !here is DO oa1iooa I law H ll bli1b in: uni form reaistration law, for all 50 1111ca. An op1ion 11 10 vote by abaealee bllllot ir 11udcn1s are retistered i• tbc1r home atatet, Cain aid. Since the 1910., the Leep of Woinea Voters baa actively sou1bt to ,et YOWlf people lo re11atcr. It bu also published material on
Pare 5
voter ualtta, capaci1lly for ce>IMfl 1tudeat1 wllo may be l()lfll CO M out-of-sllte intllNlion ud WUl lo voe. j,i pnmanes and e5ec:ticm.
Umbrellas sold to protect students (CPS)·· John Katon said lie i1 provid1n1 • nec1111ry prod\M:I (or University of Florida 1h1d.11t1 by sohcitint parcnll co purcllaM IN■ weapon• for 1h11, childreo et 11M Oaiaesville omJ"II. lJniveuity officials, aemitiw kl 111, hcl lhat 1i~ Uaiver111y of florid.a s1uden1a and on• Sul■ Pe Commuaity Coll11e 11udn1 have been murdered in rbo put 1wo year■• are ,nceosc:d, u yint Kaloo • fecd1a1 off of unnec.uary r..n lo make I buck. Kstoa , owner of Tami■ ai Rifle aod Oun Shopl UI Mia:n, _. Jettert 10 tbe parents or Untwnity of Fl ori d• (r cabmen • • d .aopbomorN ia June, ur11111 tht:m lO buy I S99.95 Stumbrc.lla, • 60.~ vo!I alun ,un lbal 15 d11pised u U umbrella. He tot the lddrest from ebe un1Yen1ty, which under 1l1M and federel law must prow ide • directory of INdcnll to sn)'Ol'N wllo
"I ' m JUmplo1 up aod dow■ .
Whal an 1wl'ul thins to do. So baol
me up by my 1humbna1l1, • Kacoa u id. ' It wu all meane fot .acfflty, to uve li vea and prevent crime. face ii, Eifhl kids were killed ■I lho University of Florida. Cao WII allre11 ,n pca,ceiatbewortd? No. Sove n 11udeal1 haYe been killed around Che c.1mpu1 ia 1h1 p11t two yufl, includUS1 five wbo we ro killed in a murder 1pfH i• Au1u11 1990 1Dd rwo femalo ,r. den11 killed 1n thei r apartment in J1n1 199). The two women hv1d io tbe nm, apar tment comple• wbere Uniffnity or Florida juruor Titr.y Se111ons was J1via1 wbeo sbe: diappcared ,a 1919. She bu still oot b«nfound. Art SaD<leetl, the Univeraily of Flond■'1 vice president ofstudeol affairs, said that by Ja...,. any imliN11on, public or prw11e, mml releaae lhe namea of 11udents haled 10 • director y lo an y rcq ueuint orpniution or pcr,ca.. Loca l businesses s uc h u apartment complues and banks and s tudent or11niz.ation1 req\M1I sucb li1t1 most of tho ume. " We've oever Iliad ••Y pcblctm, • he aid. "UDlil DOW,• Stun 1ua1 ar. not outlawed ~ Ibo 1prawlin1 north Florida ca• p111, but a 111.Hioal mial be al l...e 2 1 and resister lhe weepo11 widri di. UDJVIUl!y, S mcJoen IIJd. GUDI ud rifte.a aro prohib11ed oo the campa. ·wo fell it wu • m11UMr or poor tule, 1iveo the str0111 ~ t1oa1 OD the Univer1i1y o ( Florida. campus,· Saodeell aid. 0
Your Retirement
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Nest Egg
CJ,co. out how .1n 1fUI.U1U'C.C company lus beai nlr:dbyWU\1ttkacbngra~.an.al)'Se A.M.Bs:
U)fflpany, Sancbtd&:POClf'undMoody's ln._.
ton Se,vicc TlAA n..d amcd the h,ghat minp: A.M &,,.MA 6om Sandw O< A ..{Supa,o<) Poor', and A:u &om Moody''-
l.ooi< lo, rates.
tlM oiffn :.a guuantttd rrurumum raa:: of
J'41, plu1 d1Y1dcnds (which uc declared annually). ~ pmnnuns 10 TIM ~ ment Annu111cs currcndy u rn i S._, (guannrcul
funds were received 1nd the ac1uli investment pvfurmancc th.le yw
Looi< for acambmtian rJ.,fety and i,uwth.
TIM's mdaoon.al mnuny gr.a }'Ol,I 1cr,:umy. \"ll'Ulbk annwry F e )OU chc whik dlota of • ..m dDtlnCt oll'ld (ij\'ffllfied 11'1¥CSt• men! ~ e . wkt .JJ v.uublr annwt>D. l'fflUTlS wJJ ftuau.tlC.ll'lli ,renof gi.wviiad.
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~ EA,wing"" fu= ro,chow_..oshapc it.• •7.,.._..,,.,,......,••o1-...-· . . . . . . .
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Looi< far rtplllation and '""""'·
TIAA-CREF hu been ICl'Vlng !he cducaoon
and racateh c.ommwuOCI fu, oYu 10 ycan. We Cll\ hdp )'VU with ~ your rttJrcmcn, nocd,. lfld )'OU get I tull ~~ ofpn,duca J.long w:ch l variny ofllCMOtS dw &re abtc,lucdy ~
With TIAA-CREF. eKh dolw U,\'a{td on yow' bdu1f' Ill worlung fur )'OU ngJ'l! from die begmrung.. We NYC no • ciwJcs ,,( m y kind. and only l rrurunu.l cxpcrudopcnnng dwgr: 1/1 dcdumd cxh year from OYffl!J :u,nu,iy u,eu.
==~~o;:~~l='. Whynoclindou1morclbotll'IA.' Jurclillowdw:CZKlp)n
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3411 KEMP 892-8305 • 892-9800
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