1tfllbcr 20, I 99S
Volume 7-t, Numb<er I
\ultv.ar~. t ·o~ ~ Kl
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'I h, ~ \ollw ;u-t ~\ Ille' llhthly IOf
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'I c,1mg h w t11c new ld ('ph\•111!
n ..., St:r1cmhi.·1 1?,o, M'itl v.,11
1c ,:1, 1r11lll'n , 1t,-uh.1 hc:'gin h )' OC\ I .1,umm(r ,c,,11111 I ull !W. l l\'a l1(m
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,houlil ti\·~111 r,,, rrc•n-i:1, u.1111m h •r I ,111 l'flf1 or Srnng l't-)7, Cm
' llHJ> I\ Lhe 'N.td.: 11111\· th.ti 'ilol11 IIIICIIJt' t' \l, l lh tlK' \Olllflnrc. ~ ('II\
By Tlmbu l y EpMn A."od al• t:d Uo, Tcllhoclk pr!C'n 11nd \hc:lf\agc.s at umversmci. llll over lhc C'OIJntry llJ\' or concern 10 ~ 1 stUtlcnb 1111end.mg .!.Chool. M:tS!y s1odcnl\ :u ~hd...,·cs1.em S uuc Lhmk book rncu, arc ~ • by lhc 1ndlv1JU.U bookMott but thui 1s true. Jc,).,;c Nclwn. manager ol the MM.lwe.\lem State llOl\'t'JS1ty Dook.uon:, ~ d Nrbon say> 1c,1bo0k pntts arc set by putih.!.hcn. no1 lhc ind I\ ldu:\I book:.!,h)rc th.it ~ lls them Afta a book.s1orc £CU a tiook, the m.ana,aadds a 20 to 25 pcr...cn1 m.:vk.-up to lhc price of lbe books. The nwk•up Midwc~tem's Slorc aJd!o. CQ\'CU, cmplO)'tt paycheck,, Ullh ly bill>. rrc,sh1 COM., of the boob and the book..'ion:' i. pro(iL Ncbon saKI. " I n most i.nuat,on.s. the h1£hcr a hook'.\ pnce. the lowe r I mart up the pcrornw~ for rc!All tn my >IOft because I undcn.tand OW boob anCAflCIIS-1\'C enough." Ne l.Mvl ~ d.. M ose of the stl.lOCnli Vri ho we re :as.k.ed at-out tlk: high book pr1u \ilu· ation ~11d the)' N:lic,·c anothu book.\lorc on .;an1~ \lri'Ould hnng coc.npeu uon to MSU's buoki.1orc. t.hcrcfore bnngmg down boot pottS. 0 u1 Jerry Noms. manager of T:1.1lc1011 S1::i1c·s book..\lOJ"C. >31J bring• mg compcrnioo to a uni,·crsi l)' may hiwc a rc:vcnc.: d kct When a new book:<1100: 11\ll\'Cd II\ 3('fOS$ the MrlXI from Ta,lc1on, It c-NTicJ SC\lnc o[ lhc tcxtt'loi1b al a higher pritt, 11.llowmg Nom i. m nlL~ 1'lNlle or tu.s prices tiy 2 percent anti ) iill he lo...,·cr tba.n lhc omcr .store . AnOlhe r ptohlcm some ) tUlkllb r.cc Ii ti-ook Oton.,gc> l(lf" CCl'\aill r la'-!,C.S. Tbc)e , hortagcs ui.ually occur when ,nnructon o,·cr-cnro ll cla.-.~s or expand Clti.\.S .Sll el ahcr tclhng the book.ston:- lhc on gmal nwnba of sh1dcnL, cnrollc,,l m t.hc- cb..i.scs., Norm , .\.3.lll. " J lavmg IWO M<>rc:S would not .soh·e the untkt•SIOl. kmg prnblcm Ix· c us...· boLh ttly on lhc other to cover shonagcs m C'a.K' o( an o,·u . crvo llmcnt." ht: said. Nom s s:u d lh:it for C\'Cry 10 stuOCnti. v. ho h.1 ,·c no book., bcciu:,,: (ll O\"Cl"-Cnrullmcnt. 10 more h:1,·c dropped (~'-Co\ e:i.rly a.nd WJ l'IOI IIOlll ) the hook-r.tore or lbe ch:1ngc. Vrih1d1 leadi. to an o, cr.a~mJancc ul boob for the boobto«:. When a 1e:ichcr O\' f f ~l5 a cb.3.~ lhc numhtt of , tUl.kmi. nog,. ually Of'CClCd w,11 h,' \\'C their tiook.\ The other MuJcnlS ban~ io ......... t f<V another iJupment 10 eOO'I( 1n, ...,h,ch u~ly Wci 1, ·o \lo'«"- Net• M)rl~i\J. Nelson s aid he h:i.~ to ~ umuc how niany ~'<1b he \1-lll I\C'CJ I.O ,..,. dcr for u eh d :l\S by lldmg at pt\'\'IOU) \C.'111¢,t(f t'IU'Ullm,·nL, llu\Oo· eve,. llu~ t)T'C uf C\llm31100 "m... k), llc\.--au..-c cM)l\1111: nlS [o, ..:cruun l'b.~ \ ";lry fn\fn )CffiCi,ICI 10 .-.cmo.lL"f Whenever he N ·rr•~Kl(k.) hool,.~ f1.11 l d ,'l.')~ Neb.on ,l('l' CfO Lhc kN, oJ" mone y a.nil U'le) Ill \'OOCd I.ht· lnl~llkc hy krtp1ng ll\i: \)\ 'Cf ~l().'l,.l),l t-lOk.\ Ul\111 I\C).\ umc the cl:&'.1,.\ m lb il.l'\ltlllJ . bvp1ng LO :,ell the n:n.1:11n•
MSU already has its eye on the prize lr.ldll.lon ii, lhc mos1 unponan1 factor Ry M k ha~I Gn-i hi.m an lhc wofl'len's an11Cip., trd , oca)S Sporu Edit°'" W,lb "couple OI WIii) under t.t.: ar With lhc men's unpm:c<lcntcd bell II mly tc a b 11 prcm.:uun: for lhl: founctn COll!.CCUtJvC trips 10 the NAIA NJl.lon.11Soccu Toum:unrlll, quiet rumblmgs of a Na11onal rcc-nu1ing top noich plB)·c~ for thc Cb:lmpK>INl,p women's squat.I was a c111eh. But the l;MJy lmlian,· i,occcr llow:vJ Fnrrcll, Vice Presitlem team h:u alre:ldy laid the foundut.1oi1 for Stlkk:111 Scrv Kc~. dcscnbctl thl:
fo, sudi M!l.V lllC :1i:1m ty
l ..ady lnJ1.111s' rccru1tmcnt a.s
Attwrd. SOfT'IC m1ghl lay, but 1! one looks :u lhc tug ruc turc. 11all
"f:m LL~tic • "It was a phcnomcn:ll recruitment
b&."-."O!llC-'i l hlllcclc.ifCr
Set ChampJomhip? page K
M1Jwcsccm Sw,c's nch soccer
!PB brings fun and lxcitement to campus
~~ °":"' A.ndcn un 1wnl Rirpurtt.r
l ~«cc~Regurg1ta1or· as he s wallow,
c aplUrO
1 uf obJCCb frOln
goldfi~ to
roir~~ : ~°ot,~!".S!'~ ed 1an rfonned Tue~ y night 111 whOcrc Oalhoom, W:l.\ one of the lhC w~hc~ th e Unn•c rs 1t y
ll\.11the Ul'll Q~ 4'1cJ for the fall I
Bo.vd ~poru,orod IT<1f:,'~;:'c, e,~·nt!o. for the fall 01 JQ?S ind udc • 1he Alph11 f 11. n enCt'." 1 3.1) 1ouniey 11110 flC I cah ly on (k l 18, the ~;~; .~111 ~ '!om '0c1uc-a on OC1 26, I tJ "Regurg,t!tll.>r" StC\IC SUU'T
anti Ulen bnngs them 11 lhc ...ame fonn d ean and bi: wn.ron.k:r ~I\.
T\u 1~ Ju, t one o f lhc m 1'11)'
~ alld guc.b
1bc Regurguat~
IS w1IJ . Lhc
arn:u.mg lhu1g I ~ t'M\'Cf ~ n ::i1y own 1wo C)l!). 1.c) ICC director of , 1udrnt fof M1dwu 1c-rn S1.21e.
lt'P•. k 'lic'
t ~.!hf" ilnd fouro<hcr ~udc 111.\
(J< J ,,n
v.. ho lhcy \1-Mlh.:J to
~ •l f':tlllf'nl l,•1 ~l!,l l MuJc:nt,
~~,,,',":'.",,~/,. '"',.......... IJ-t~,u .., A, 1,\·i11c, ·
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°!' ~ cr4· and ~slnXlgc,r. fltl ()o,:
~o Ole~ movic ~cJ4i l1CVlcwCil 1n
1 lhc7 ( ' l:u-k ~ ~,!c~~t~ c1:~1~:~tcl 1
at l'i n1,•c:1\ 1ly l"r(lgF.lllll\lll lJt: d ~orP("l! :,.lmknL, by alw ::::nit illB ~ptll c, o:nl\ Thl•~
St~ UPS page 4
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Dot if ll'lli.. hCIS l h:inac Cll1t10fl!o.. v. h1... h '-011\C nonnall) llll l~ N)._ik, Vri 11 nut be u!;Cful h.!\'IIUM! Nd -.on lhen ru., tu l•\J.:r I\CVri cJ11.11..•,n.), l•llf tun:\ld) f,11 ., 1u1.k11c-.., moM d,t'I--'<~ u-.c the ....WK boot.:- '""''-'C f'Cf )C.U. Vri hk.11 th( "-""'l ., lu«' btJ), b.'lCk ftnm thC' ~lu\knb at a r\.'\lt.1n'Vlllc\l ' ll1~ b,1ol ) tor\: tiuy•b.~ l ...,.,'lfl;i, hll U'U\ II Ndwn nc.· cJi. lllN\! tioook., for :a l l;L." , nc bu)) tia.:• e nough ~••s fill tlk: ~KJ11..'lgc l1 I'-. lkll"i, 111.\l l'l l'\·J Uk' tx,ul,.\, he \lri' III N;lt hu~ any N,,'.l Nl· bon "-11<1 a N.d ,w&. r 1orm 1>1 e,CS) m,uu.t,,i . ,\ nJ
Mld• HIU8 s ,.., .. alulknh Kk llty lloCIH lkl\), t-1.-rtdlt)I J•a., 11, K..hr,n 'wlr Joh Can •rt,,h1, J W. Jutlk l', HNtkr MtOoa111d •11d K, ll)'!-•111ot1)I pa,lkl· ,-,.. ill th• lh ,rlldO!K fh,;:9tn ' • pn,duttkNI of "A Ml,h11ani« Nlchts l>rr•m ·•
l.ilc h) hJ\,: the t..'Ob ..t !be Urll\('I\.IIY , 'II 11111<
Mm ICS UK)Wll '111 bchl1lf or.,1~ Ul'll indutk -11,shr r l.('arn~11i,;. , S Ml 110 c,.t Gump . u n 1 26
):,. --( 1
No~ 7
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s,or.. IHI pat"•·
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IO.UI) tUlll'\ the lll~IIUi'IN Joi:,, IIUI n.:1um the l\>fln lk lh,n l\.u Ill ClM\lac'I lhc 11\i.UUCh'I for the on.It' ...... by \llhl\h flullll , 1t', u, u.tlt) llAJ
MSU Bookstore under fire for high prices \1.an-. \1 1,l•1 lrih ·1 n \Uh \IW\kn!• h111,," ht., l'I \lltltllll) 1 llll"' 1, M \l h , .. ,.. l•I hith .&1 1 .,, S. t \ I , , 1, If•· I ~ (C' ti "'- 1• ,h.•uhlh, I'\ , ,11\111-. 11.thlt _.,, 11... 1frt,, I I • , , . , '-t,1 I"'''' ,,.1 , ... -.,11..1 U1o1·-.1u .. hl\
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What do you think could be done to help solve the high book price situation at MSU?
" I really do11 't know why thtirs art so high right now. Probably buaus, of new editions. It 's a monopolutlr
" Pr,ferably to optn a11o thtr bou Asto rr o n campus o r n,ar MS (I. Th,n thtJ won 't har, a monopoly. n,, boob art
si1ua1ion." Chad 1t111ltt1, Ju11l,Jr
THE \YICHITAN \.4 10 lllll OlvJ 1'0 8 11.1. IN), " i.. h1tt 1-~1-!i-. TX 7b 'l0tl t,..c•~Jol f'\IN... 70,I A,h t nmns t.k::lL (J(Q- "7(1\
f u,,,li11rl1
AJ.k!Odlt l:,.l,hJt
J,u·• • T• olrr Adwrt•Jlltf Jila1t41a
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M1, lwl,t<.iru"-• Sp.,,u h /11,11
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IH'"'-f•l u l'Jtu411 tdtllJI ~rlf
l l'l'.dil.c lhrre bl,-e bttn ..,-.in~ JWON(tn1 o,"ff the l&)4 rour,k'of ~ . tiuc thM .. ti lkt'I and lbu. b 90'IO' t• C'b cbt. )'ft. but 11'.!,IOO~'ffll ltWl \.\ r wane k l r-,1 ,-iuc lbr ~ ~ Mtdwc'Menl Sc.1e Uru,~I)' h» cvn 1ttn. Alld 'tl"t' Uunlt w.c',•c niaJc the Ol'\.~ oary chanp to
Wr 1ui,r cl\an~
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1A'ttl'r policy
om,. ~to lJxfw.gu.11.brfMMr-ct
ot wrapcr
l'lrlH.)l('ft \lo c~..CllDC.. . h,~ . h•• . Md a DC'll tdUt'.~ - ~ •J
"" lbc ('11:1.]y tnm1 "'"t' dadn 1 ctunsc
...a.., lhc' a.in( ot tbc:: f'l('Cf. aru ~ hnc- mc. lbett wttt a kw J')O..~ "'bu -..»led ., dunic Uut IOO AJltbcxcb;an~a,offWl(I' b."W>' NC<V 00-. \.11\MI, -..1U help IJ:' ru...11our~for thtla.ll
""""""rlNS(lM ~l\l pul Olilll• ()w
l'lt""Jof9pcr d\:11 the q UlJcou and C.a.:uky ol MSt I an he proud ol A IIC'"' \(°ap,:tthM rcopt' Wanl lC)~ a,kJ CW' \Ml IJ a n l A ~
W e ""'llflt l>
Wt ban ~ldd,c\l • nc ...·~ C'dllOf, -.c hil\"C RX'Nllr'J n:r,.lfUn JIDd
rue out • PIC'ct
II lrw ,omc \Ullrl.ll' ~
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,·ou.klflll't'1 11 0Ul,('C''f'l,c'th• C)
ph,Olo,ncw.." n lrorn all O\' tf c.tl()Uf.. ftlitjU!ol ln'lffl r.bc- Anc Affl
w.w 1Jl:1Caff«t4 ( W ~ ,i:,aJ l \ 10
J1Yt OU1
1-.-0 12.•1'11£( J'GrCI"- b.Jo. k-10-h11d1, b y OlnMnQ\ hr.-.». I .a.W 'fOI tbcy puc out four r-ast r-rcn, bYc 11\:at • DCJ4 1otn110 ny th11 )"tal'. n. '1111 ... tt1lr I m ltadin& tbc t'hWJC If ll hltl In) rwllC'OC\ H.1-.,C.- l -.=uk:f,w lri«'mdbt~ h~tobr So I I bcbc'vt ""l'~W vt tbc lnunJJUOII flW \UI."-"-' \\ •• uw \('('110ne<hkln.rcr,....Wo.Md pbol(lj~ wt' .ti1-.IA1bt ~ J ~ ol ow $'-lilll~
M k.mCh irt""-- o w , ~
cdlkw-auJc-d.rit,,. .._;,"'\ t~l 1k>11tr • ·.,..._ H•••
Rob)'II~ - ~
!NIil T .,_. c·oacy _, <'oUc-J'l' -.. 1111011•.,..,. ~•ulftt"Wl «N-' f'Wirlflrttrru,k.-C• hd1nJ lbc h«
•••nstw.._,• sac~•••.A~
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Purposes of The lVichitall
8tn1tlt Ca.st. S11dor
The new-look Wichitan off and runnin
R)' Unw M),n t;dl k,r l.n {.'\kr
JnlUI lhr: l urtlll!MC 1n 1lt, 1'', o\,ll,tl
tk,,..,.J H .,.,,.,,11 Tn. M J.,, ,.,b.1, (
"Compttilion. l'rtbtt, otht r univtrsilin and Olht n havt mortinp111 ..,.,hich boob art 11std thtir pn·ces."
Letter from the Editor
1Q,."'h th1)JOII
_, 11aA \ lduM •udfl,..•, , n i/111 ll"U, All. ltJJ ll11"1, c...,, T•ylw "-t,6 R.-p, tW•>
U-dana ltluandtr, f r,shman
rxpt nsiv, . An1u11,,,, ( .,nu, 54Jpltumure
Th, 14'or~.i,i l$ t..ct and t,,cao lh.'\nl'\ 'CC'
.A.h un
)lllft .\ " " -
"If thtJ stll at a l,i~her prirt, they nttd to considtr rach student and their financial situation."
_ ..._
• .. ...,,1 ........ ~
Accord ing to the- Mllh'- C'-l<'m SL,te- Unneo.11\ ~1uJcnt Publi. Jlh' rb lh."-UJ flt,: \I u. '-tJ.Jt "A '
rud in rstabhshing and mamta.11u ng ,m atmosphere of lrt'C ,mJ rt-,pt,n,1ble Jb .. u-.,_1,1 n ~lo ..-. .npu'} h ,b,. • a rnc..an) of bnngrng ~tudc111 ('Olli."t'rn, h> the allt:!OlhJO ,,r l.:k.ult) J.nJ .aJnuubtrJ.lWft f ~ \t 11.l!i1u11 , h...,.. pc,fonn !he following fu ncuon, A a laboratory iJPportumt) fot ,tu~·ms t,) 0btJJ.n ~•U,JI c , ~n.:t-..\.'. w ,,pa.lllnJ • lk' " ,r,a.'-
a meJ1um 1or pubh)hrng 1nh,mkl.U,m vt 1m~unce 11nJ..\.,1 vi mtNY" 10 ~ 1.11u,\"r'11, "
OP-ED et.loose, live and learn
G..u.o1 Column Polio
JJl'/le 1s not JW>t tesl~ a nd b kr . 00 s. e,eryone needs to ha, r a link fu n 1
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Area colleges and universities experienc e an increase in student lh llul•) nA . S.rwl•n l·11lk1w111t: 1nc,1.1 lcu,t 'o lk'i=C'\
w1Jl ' 111\!.'l \lh('.\, Mkl .... l'\lt· m
b.l,, ....-c11 1u1 lllffl',l\C ,o CIIA llhnclll I 11II l' t-J' 11IH'lfll11:U rn1ullmcn1
Enrollment at selected state campuses
1>t , 1uik111, :11 '1,)il\7 1111• I\ ltll Ul\.fC,1"'-' 111 \(I , 1u11t111, ltown la.., t
)t.l1• l•i,? m\· ,nlrnn1ll.mc n1 ' M!7 M11Jwi:,1ccn h ,1, 11\\.. fClil•C'tl
h..-, :,u,c: 111 ~,w.J rt'\IUllnll.'111. ~IC'nllllfl c l kifl\ aaJ th.II 'AC h<l\'C 1•'4111.11 nmw:001 kT~ltM' \talc."
J11nu• IJ11" , Jut•, 11., ol r11hlk Ulh'411\:IIIOII, '-1\IJ
~1,,ny ,1uJt·nt~ Imm oul\lJc nf \\ 11 h11,,( ' 111111I)' an' ,tl..,111llt' U1lmt: M 11lv.1·•t1·m . ~lk· ,iml !1.1111.knh
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I Im.,.,_., 1hc fu ,I llllll' U\ llul'C
hl ~ KI IIJ ~lutk111\
h,thkl .,uJ h,u ilu
Midwestern S tole Un iversity
Tarleton S tate University
6, 110
S tephen F. Austi n Stnte Un iversity Angelo State U nlwrslty
111 ) IIIU\Ulld!Ot: ~I.Ill'\ l h•1<oanl M I .u,dl, HH'
,ainrt•' S1,.•,·11,~• I 2 ,1f u~ rn:oiu nl .\11\IC\ ll\ ll>IIIJ'llo•• 1)oc 1,, ~Vccy COl'll"C'ffi!<> aik.1 1,, rrt'\'('nt 1>1•~•1l'lk J:ul\l\gC h)
unwcr.1t)' m J't'f'°'1ilol ruof"Crl)', rnlk-1Mltk, and m lk r•\k:itc, arc l'ftlh1h11.-J l11)(n bcmR l"!)t'rn\cd \0 t,ul1J1111t• . o n t he ~\Jc.,.,1111,., JO~FIII~ Unck , J'l"hh C,., rlllnp., , b:uuJr;ult (II" .\l.1.1n. of M1i1.,.. C-\CCm
S131c \1n11cr.l1y • Scc-1,-,n 1 \ of the 1l\.'\nu:il , tatcs th.1.t t1cry ('('1,o n unl.11111J 1hc
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c1tht.·r a Jn,1,c..- ol the Pea« lkkt l lllkCL M Sll f''hct otficcr~ will t-,c
11' A\.3111('1.I\
ha.ndm g oot v.anung~ a nd wnttcn rule , and rcgula1 m ns for 1hc Ml\ertillllk~ rcw- a""hilc, M:C01d1ng 10 MSU pohcc chief. II (i l:'.van~ ·so far, .,.,c·,·c £Olien a prclly g,"lOd rc>('lflnse-ric:orlc ,ccm to
s500 off
1 ,u lchm Srntc- U nh 'Cf\11)' m
Ull\l('flril.'llld llbout wllcrhlai.k, UI\ crunpo,.• 1,,1111,wll F\tuh ,:1111 lltcrC' :uc m:1ny
rca\l>n, h,r tht new re1ull11"11, 1 he lu.\l w.1, 11 \l'kt)' concnn 1q:tu i.l1ni,: the rollc1hladc r1 on .1ol1k,.al~.\ l~ol'lc .,.,111king 10 tine.I frt•1n d:1.1osc.., rnul\l be hit hy a r111ktbl:M.k'o lknng 20 mrt, 1md he ~nou,Jy 11\JUrcd Th«= ~ rca..-.on was ticcausc nr the J'fop:ny d.w:1gc cau!-Cd by the ru\krhl:idc.".-.. Ev:111, s.11d th:u ro llcrblu<lcr.\ .,.,ere i lnl'll•ng the raim orr handmll, Md 1cAAng the banJraih Imm the foumJ.111c>n, Mo rre n l.1bra, y was also dam:agcJ h y rollcrhl!li.ku who \\'CIC w.umg lhc nwbk: 1n order to g1un fa., tc, speeds and hc11:ht in lhcif JOlfll\\
l<ohert llon·alh, an MSU JUnlCV :and cmplnycc a t 1l'IC Dike Smr. d1~grtc, ""'llh wmc o( the new rollcrhladmg rc,:ul31100-. · 1 u1c m y s k::ttu fo t uan,pcw1a11on. Now I c an't ~ale
on the 11dcwalb-that"s 1.1urud." 1-;tJU IIOl"\':Ub. llonialh s.ayi hc undcn tands lhc. nttd for some o r lhc rules. · 1 saw lbc litn,-y h rtally looked
bad.~ bcW<I
llllfC,I\C 111 111.'W , 1u, l,•u1 , . m .unl y
ltt,t 11111111(,, \11 h11 hd l l 1Jil\
111, 1•111111~ 1n ~hm l'11
Ill .UI
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fly Tricia 1.cnkrr <>n Thuto,d;1y. Sept 2 1. lhc: MSl l Grnrnl Rrpor1tr Sllkklll ~(n;Wc ...11 J1•lU\\ lhc ,m·1he Mu.lwcs1cm Siaic Studcn1 plcmcnl,1110!1 ol thl' llll Ol1M'm g rm· ( ril1·cmmcnt A-"'k:UIIIOfl Is m the gr,un tlfl l-:lmpt1, J'fC'll·c..,, n f dc-,·ck)rinR Kvcrnl ptoAho 111 !"IC ,tdJrc,~cJ :II lht' irams for the upcomini lc.nn. ml'C'lm~ 1\ a t-,11 rcn:unmg hi a A mentonn1 program fo, lrtsh· UOIIOfm ptllil ) (Clf ru~flllj: tr.a..lc~ men and uan.ru 11udcnt, b one of t'UITCntl)'. lbC'fC ,.. nv writ ten flllh C)'. and C.tlh rmic:,,m h:I\ 1.h '-\ ll.' 1100 the prnp:u on the agcnd:I 0
11m CllOCll\'Of I.\ ~
O\'Cr ,. h1·thc1 nnd
,gncd 10 p:ur
huw 10 p1ht
ir:aJc,, ac<'ordmi:, 10 a n (lfh1,. 1:il
lhcs.c 'lu<knts with MSU , 1u<lcnti fam1har w1lh campu.~ The goal of the program L\ 10 help Mudcnli ~21)'
l· u1urc r rogrnm, 1hc S tui.knl
tim'tmrflCflt fll:tn• to m ilL'llC mduJc ln Alcohol Awarcnc" Weck .
c,•cnl!<> 1n1:l udc t he ~tutJcn c Emollmcn1 Gue•~ . the M.)11 llomc,'tmung D:vuw.:r ( 'omrc:11111111, and 1hc ('hm,tm.L., Ci1Hng 1 rec , which goo 10 bcn c r.1 the Oen Oon11c ll D.1.y Cate Cc mc r in
l ,11J , 111111ll1u,1J
ccrt..1111 ~ul,lu,g, on ,.11r.roi Cul1urc 1111 ( ,Ullr,J\ ll'>•--•11,lfl pmgr,OII h 11o1Uc nk' rL• 1,11m rhc <;tffiNh c C t 1rn111111cc antJ c11,, ~rJlt ,md , c11111r tu.:h \I hovl ,,i
01111ni,: All'IIIHII ,,.....u c nc,,
c•f dr111klllG I he Stutkol Gm cmmc nl A ,"t,1,111r111 h t•J'('• 10 111,ohc <1thcr 11ri;an11a1u,n, .,.,1th thl\ pruJ:r:11t1. C:ulol llw1m:-... prc,Hlcnl 111 S{,A• ..:rn.l
ll,Ul j!t f\
lhCIC I~ a hnc til led
~s 1udcnt
Suvice h:c - Fall • 111c money from 1h,, catciory goes 10 lhe S tudc:111 Alloc:11111n Comm111cc.
lither 0ti,:m11.111om I t>
dean al,mi.:
1hc funJi. 10 ~pun,or J lffcrcn1 a(l1Vil1CS
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0.1110n ha\ ah,o ◄ 11g:m11cJ Ille Campu> 1~nvm11uoi:111 pmg,:11n with
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Rollerbladi ng on campus restricted under new rule Uy 'I lmtwrl) F ) 1'-•tn A,...,.1,.,, 1:,11c.1r 1hr l\•l11k, anJ l'To,c-JufC> M,mual 11( Mnh.1.t',tc, n St.11c na, ..,\k ll II fl(' . . rult,·,, ('()R('fmln& r.,ll11M.:a\lC\ :11111 1o lltr-,k:,1c, on
Ahu ,.1.11\111£ \t,rllc,
i\u,lm•tk'\1,.1'!: I\Uoe c1111"' OI c l.1.~~• t.iu!il11. .- t ~r.,.ld t-i-ce. f
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Fall 1995
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11,cu1t·• hw M ~t • ~ ' "' 1111 Hllll'a\(
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11,,wc,n , ,.c~r~u uc:~, 1t he•\
l :u 1ChWI , ~ll)U"M', -.:Utl )C,U' 111,11 1tk· tnm1k1 1)1 11\1.<W!IIIII! I Bkll' llh h.tH' 1n..· rc,1-.c:d, hr '-IU.I ll11v.c\t1' lh" "tJlC 1 \rd \tlll,ljhl c umlhne n l 1111. lc"f lht· I .1.II
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,,u )IIT AN
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Campus Briefs .0
Uni\'ersity S tudents Arrested
f-1' ,tc,dtnl\ "-"Crt' ~ucd on &f"(:mbcr
11 for Kftan'IC olfcrues.
~ Jlnlmo . .,.a., ancMcd fo, a ClA.)s A
m1!odc.mcancw ror a theft
lfnlnu.·'° 1UJ'11Cd h1mw-lf 1n aftc, s.tcahna boob Imm the
,pl''« I le w&'i rt'\.ca,;(d on a bond of SI~ ~ Kcnr wa~ ~~~d f{w ,.,~uh to another Mu<Jcnt 11w: ti,\;lult ~ nc.at the h u n I-inc An, DutldinJ and ,.,~ over a bat.kctbul iti,tl «cural an the ""1nrncr Ile wiu re lca,cd oa a bond of S8QO
- j,•ersity Art Gallery Shows Exhibit 0 fllC pcrartmrnt oC An. will bo&d its fiN ntubioon in the U nivcnny (,(IIICI")' few 199S-96 unul Octroer 20 flit c,Jl1bll of mu:cd rncd&a dnwings. by fund;IJI Kus.I and John ,.,!. I) litl~ nos Amlg<JJ: 198.5-1995 Galkry boon few l.bc C\'ffll arc y 10 Fnday, 9.30 a.m. to noon and 2·00 lO 4:00 p.m
~-chOlogy C linic Helps Students Cope flit MSU P ) ~ y Oinic u ;wailahlc 1n help Mudcnl\ wuh s.trcu Dl. rtl.llM'ICUdllp probk:m.\,
- i-ludy skills ant)~
t'IIC ;.:1,nic
life UlUli lUOru.. an.u cty p,oblcsru. ;M\11Cty
k>c&ted in OT.>onohoc and n, open Monday thmug.h l 1.00 to S:00 p .m. and Tue.wby I 00 to S:00 and 6.00 10 8 00 1"
1sV Welcomes Faculty Members ~ :,;;;;~~umc racu11y mcmbcn """O'C n:ttntly anlf'Odl,ad at a
(;k:11 ~ Scat and Rohen Walknu ,o,n I.he lli ,·~IOfl of M3thc:m.auc.a1
~ ~dJ•e L Ebner Jom, lhc I),\ ~ •on of lluma nnic.\ J ames L ceJOlf'lo the Oi\1\100 of Fine Aru. Mlllguet A 0. of Ouill'M:\~ Admtn\\lraUon; Sul\311 Klem and Charle.$ Q Sun . Ill ,01n I.ht Dw1~1on o f Scienc e. l.1nJ.a L Pcan,on, Verooac:a ~ L.oalSt Smith, Tcrnnce J Gilmore, JcWt:u Gore Jobruon and Jean
[)t~c~~:-:!;c~v~:\.~~:~tenc~; Jan Marlow ,otru
acuity Members Gain Recognition )tSll rrcs1dcnt. _Dr Lo,us J Rodnguu. WM aprrnnt.cd lO xro't nn Tc.t~ ll1gher 1-'.ducauon Coord1naung Board's Health f"ro lc,-_\ lons ion Adv1.sory Comm11tcc Tbc groor rt\' ICW) mat1er rcbuns cu \Ctence cdurnt1on at the: higher Level and make, ro:ornmcnda :::~~J.~ Jhghcr Education COOfoJ1nating Board ror new ,,..o. Dr UnJa fOMUugh. A»•Mant ProfQ o o f ~ ~ bad her a, . ,4.l li:un to Zlrco" : MalMINltin a#III NatMr,, acttplC:d ror ~ a• >1a1Mmo1,n T~admg in , ,-,,, Middl~ Scltool Dr en.an Thom1on, A5..'1wtnt ProfCJ,;.,l(W of Mau Communteat.ton) ~o arock. Standards of Jotmwlum 111 MudraL1tl, kttJMCd f~ u uon at the 19">5 SoUlhwat S)1nf'™,1wn. I.
O'I OclObcr
w be bdd ,n S•
A■ ·
o, M iC'hal llnr, 0
D y Bernard llu rhult G c-nc-ral lhp o rhr
~cc ur1t y and cr·c111n1 • goo d cdu C'at1 o n2.I cn\lronmen1 R1gh1 there yo u h1t·e 111 tbc ~.a.son'!., 1n a autt.bcl l. for l 1oglc ,u, dorm,.· T h omu Hu lm . " " u ,cant d1tec1or or hou,nJ , said T h e dec111o n to chance the bou i.1n1 arra.ngcmenu • ·as made after numerous re q uut, and 1u11c,11oas by bo th pucn u and '1.ludcnu . Hulm said Tbey bad re • queued that female , 1udent1, be o ffered a greater amount o f ptt\'MCY ind ,ecur11y 1han the m ,, cd d o rm, had pro • VldC\J. Tbe PO\IC')' ,,sue aho tied , n ..,,,th 1be ne ..,, \ IUllllOft bo uo II W2,'1, un c o mfonab le fo r female ,cu denti. ..,,hen roomaucci. b:iid male VISl(0 f\ IQ Che d o rm\ a1 o dd ho urs o f cbe m o rn1n1, - s ,udent, JU\I di d DOI r« t 1 00d g elling ar 111 1 • m 1n gee a drink n f w a1er 1n l h c u n11b1cl o tbc\ . o nl)' 10 ba, t • male 1n th e n•o m p la)' u , ,: 1,c-,abMc • he u , d Thc )&m e
1o11 uauo n
""11 h
D\l\ed do rm, fb c c-onct rn fo r ' l k l ) lfO \ t OUI (1f l hC faC I lhlll 11 I\ 11 0 '"' mu, b C,Hltf 10 ) r 11t unc, co ncd male ,n K1lhn1 s • o r1h alt e r , I\IU
!,d.1111f t 001ba.U player S1tr,bon Broc:t1n1ton wu umcd lbc:
~IA O.vmoo II <Xkruc: rlaycroltbc Weck Snd1t1glcW\ !,,CCwcd 1,1x touchd,o.·ru. 111 d>t ,-n,c apama T#laoo
jl---------- ------~
110 n h,• un l b c ,iame 'IIUI· crna a;,r lled w P ierc e lie mcait , o n NI t hat 11 ha,J ~CIOI C • 11111 0 ti«• d 11f 1c 11h 1n 1bc co-NI do r111'I. 10 ducer n • bo
rnc-nil l<c-portc-r ~l,il'l..lng IJU\ \Cmc~ al.:ohohc
t't"\. C:r.tgt:~ rtU) 0\)( ~ r-~<.e,\CJ. \"'( ,.bumc,J ' " \L'r H'tJ .lll)'..,, bi.:t'e i n the:
·r11 vac-y .
, ootball Player of the Week Announced
• Alcohol rules comply with state drinking Iaw
Co-ed dorms eliminated for safety reasons
rc~Kktk.e h;a.l), 1111 ~hJ.... c,IC'ITI St.1~
"f'bc (lnlv rLk"<' t ~ .lc\_1'N'll •~ .&.llfw, N 1( Ond.,.,dl l 1"'11-.. liut Ofll) .,.. 11h ,u" 1 i:ukkh nc, AU
BnJ..,. cll m u« tie OVCI'
a ~e 11 am! all m u<J ttfrlX to thcU' l (.-...cnt nr "1,-otiol ,n the af'-uuricnt
m ....nun~~ ,i.>N,ul 11 10 the.· ,,rr...-e ,,, lhl\l;,n~ 1111\ ,tk'(llk"\1 ('1'11, tu., tii..-..:-n JKJ,.~('J m :...,'('11"~10..l· u. llh 1 i.-J...t.'
St.1h. , ........... ,u,;, 11 r- ,..,11t,1L-. the IL"'-" of
;u,-,il,,1.._• t-t,-\ ,:1~c:, ti,
J'ICNwt) un-J.=r
the :1£C 1-.f 11
a leg 111ma1c rc\1d en1 anJ ..,, ho .,., :i, n o 1 r corle b ;i \(' be\ o me ffl OI( con ..:erne J • •t h ,alcl ) tht,c da y, . .a nd the u nl\eT\II Y b:aJ a n o b l 1s.111o n 11, r,10\'1Je a s ,,od scr, 11.e to 11 , , l1 ent,
l hc rh 1Jcn l\ ll u lm \IUd \ o m c ,1uJ c nl '- cn u n1e rcd h o .... e,cr . tha l th e \Cf'iilal CJ d o rm , ~, c ar11f1c u l and 1h e unl\t f\ 11) 1, u c a11 n J them 11 kt ,:h,IJrcn • Mal e , nccd ie malc, 10 9c1 alu n,: . anJ le· male\ n eed malc, , - rcHdcn1 rh<'R) t1r ,hr.w ,11J S he added Chai 11 lht unne U II )' were 1n1erc•1cJ 1n r 1otJu, 1n1 m111ure , re, p o n u bl e r,eo r lc , II .... u ulJ Rl)I ~11111f1ually ,ep ,u,tc: ,.o men and men · some of lhe peorl e h ere
marncd . - l ' p , hl"" , ;;i HJ · 1to w ,·a n cbe) \l\) 10 l b CH \l'lllni hu.1,hsnds. ,1111~.
~~:c:~\:~~ ;~i
b,!~c on ~ ': ~:\.;
0 1hc r ,1 uJc n1-. \:tt d '~fld•
ra1tnJ \ludc nc , 1n ,he <h"11n, ..,, o u hJ n o t ,mpro, c u·, u 11I\ bu t "" ~•ul d v n h w c.u,c11 11 f ra,.:1 l oupc r f(''ldc:n t • " " unc. \ AUi tht ~ep .. r;1.1e d1111n, And n c ..,, boun w(l u) J , .. u,e m o re \I UJ e n u 10 ,ol .a ) lluc and tlrcak the rul e• Bui ll11lm • \ lll d th e m,11n 111m o f th e n e ..,, 1c1 uta111, n s. " n o t tn -.vnirul cb c uu dtnt , 11 ,e\ • nd .U..1 1\ 111c , hul I ll 1n c reiue , .afc t, .. nJ cn, urc r ri va( , or 1h o , e ,tu dc n1 , w btl dc-,11e 11
.tf'f'h l\ 111'1.fll," I!' 625
,ci.Jcn L, h\mi: c>n cunru, ..rKI mctt th.lfl 1..,.n-,tunl\ nf I.hem :vc unJcr :agt :? I ar.o1n.hni.: 1,1 kJ Rc~U..._'L) k . 1.htC\ l l'f l'I hi.'U\llli
11 ,, -.c1mc1Ull(', ,1it11.. ult ,...... J1,110~-u,, h t>ec....... c.n ..lll'K."l'WlC: ..,, h,.)
t'\".,. ,'II uiwcr the tn:,.1c.1r111\.ing asc: l?k-11'1,>f'C. ,ic•l..a.111~ th1, ['IOh'-Y "' 01,11.J no1 onl) k- bn·.~ ing um,c-,...11) ruk , kit , 1.uc 1.:11~ R<"dl...llt) k. ,:uJ
The: f'.l\,tll1C\ f. 'I' N'e.U..1 ng Che ruk\. ... oulJ dqx nt.J CCI lhc "i('\Cf"II~ ttf 1t>,,; ...,~~lll l'h..:~ w t-uhJ range Imm H .-.n,IUt.1 P''f\.lll(•u . tt lcrral U• , NU•••.'llllr n.:frn:tJ W lbe \ '111\Cl'!iJI\ 1,,h... c :&nJ -.u, rcu~""1 nf 01,11111...'-ll lt1>fl1 the unl\c,..11, ""llftlm,: Ill Kcdl III. J') l. . 11 i..k." ) C u l. Ill the -.crnc-..tcr ltl ),:Cl ,AU)
Jd,n,,e rt".:.I► 11 In lhc ~•lk:')
~ - _ . . . . . _ ~, , . . . , , , . . _,. .., ... ..,...hc1, ........... ,.. ..., ...,, .. ,11
We k ow what col ege -./
~ ............ FnM, ....,.._, 1, ,..,,_ '-"'~--N••~....,.vJ ., .,,.,.,... .. ~ - -•• --••1111,.,, •• 4J....-.,..,.., lf,,-. ••l«p-.:01 •--••b<~ .... c.... _ ,--~...r,,...., """"-k_.,.,,...,..,..,.,. . ,_...,. <11-••.....,w• .,..,.~- • ~• 1,..., u1••
k-..t~ ..- • "'°"'• _ ......, ...-rl-'.. _ ......... .,,,,u,.,.....,_, t-b"'"',. ,..,..,-....w-
rone P-=nce $7=- 1 0
I, J
NEVER PAY FULL PRI CE-· J UST ONE PRICE ! \Ve S e ll Firs1 Quahty ;\.,11~,c!l. P lu , , u c~. Junio ~ . Chlldn.:n ·, F J <.hto n , And A c ccssnrie~ At One L,<J"' J>r11.:~ . .$7.
d Mtebacl'\ 1"1.u,a 270M Suulh""~~t PK) \ ' Y t\1- ' f t - ~1 l ~.l' A Wcck 1
PINOCCHIO S S 3 29 l UNCH & OINMR BUHtT All Vo u C.m l .,1 7 Do1y, A WN't.' Monday l h ru f n dol)' 1 1 ,> m 10 1 pm ,1ndSpm to9p m On Sdlurd.:1y dnd Sund,1y IT S All OA\I lONG 1 hl'l' rl'l ,11\ on ;,II t eo1 ,tnd -.ult dunt.,
761-111 1 DEU\'ERY Hlll/RS f rtt Dclivcl') unuJ 2 a.m on Fncb, & Sa1uru.;l\ and I ,1 m. Sund.l) 1hru Thur.,d1y'
Plf~;ls· Ital l'fzza. ltd Chmt. REAL FAST!== W ICHITA SQlJARl • 3916 Kr m p MIDWESTERN Pl.J\ZA • J600Jo1~k,bmv tty., 3703 SHEPPARD ACC LSS ROAD (Car n-Out or Fret lxh\C') cml~
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Same building, 99 •e new number
t,"nh•, i.lnn,•:nt I Jlrnr-
Tm. \\ 1c111r":,,1
The Bard sneaks in the Backd
'A Midsummer Nights Dr~:un' fcaturc'ii MSU \tu
lllllkK1:ull 10 ;in y bu ..llll.''-•
M('p,•r1'r ~ '~ 1~,;:l~~ thr he1.1 lhtit I\ • lhci..tJoor I !IC.tire·~ r,1"1U.:llt1n or - 11 ) hk(' fll) '-Cl()nd farn,
he ..;nil
...,., IIOO ...,. ,I Ut' V. \J.lnl.(' duh. h,1, \c\lJOII '>'J ,,11,·,, ,I 111, unn mu,i. ft', , 1111 1 ~, . ,lltul " 111"-' 111( 1111\1 th(' 1, ,111w1 tt'flk'l'Uf'I 11,m, c, tk•v.111,, v.11 U(;I n l \\ h.h11.1 J ••11.. h\ lll k l 1'100.... mu,,, It , ..,~.. A".lt,1)' ,n ,m
tlf111i·111~ h,t. l \IXl'K'
( ,rn,1!,,..,11.
11wn rr
ncnll",I :m
111 Ult" ~lll'IC lllliC -A M IJ ..mnmcr N1i:h1,
•1 dwv,,c D,ihhy l'.:l ,IU\C ~rmnmf
m,i-ac 1, nnt 1u,1 ,1 p1h 1o hnn • ,11, ( ,C,-;l(lllr'11\, ·111: ... 1\ ..... It .
h)thUll)( ,10IIB111,1l" l'\IUll'lllll·n1 lht on i, Jv r c rnui.lk1I hmll!1n.: 1• ik<l.c-J1,u1v. 1tJ1.1 ( i l\'dtl11.11M.· lv.ov.11f1b h'4t' -.l~n:c111 1 1 1 m.l ~l:;l\~: ',:c~I : ,~ : 0111 nlni: nl1thl •I,,.,.,.., IN ,Im• • lili: umul un ~• 11 1 1 11 1~'1111 "'•~I) , ti11.: ,.tlv..,il 111;111 124 tl• nu·•n4l lh hnumu,k
h 1, ,1l
11 , 1J 1•n1 M1d1 .1d All,tu•,,m i: llit ,h, imh.ui, r, ihiu ' CJ:nhu h 'lhCdu h.11 h,Ulll l ,.u, rm.I 111,, " ,h,·.,r ,.,,m,i imn u,vur :it dull,. "·"'' rc1f11nn 1'H' 1.u n11 ri,ir11\11l,1r 1lk:'11K" 11 t i11,>cl1.1.m h,1 .. l'\(\fl'\\('tl ht , ..lJ,M1i,: h,I\ hccn lhll\(O bul ll .... ,11 he t.1"1 h!hMII "lw.:lh C,,JI ,1i-.1r1r(" .. ('()l:1ndt·occ Ill 111, t..Jtm, Ch lk ,d \ol> h'lll.>\,IICJ h'lf a ,hll1.n·1111,... 11t I 1111 ,ti\ ,1\\'l,ll'l' t-011.c. u•llq;c lc("h lhat Jm· lil h,, ,:,:ntcuxl ro,m.,t. l ,111.,.lw1n hnrc-, tn t,nnj hn k ltml,,;111 ,111,1 ~ \ I ' ., 1,.,11\1 di.ii ):\. h( t'\l"Ct."h ~u•l11\ !'< 1rlc ._ uh ('j•t popul.u t",;11MI\ \lK h l\\ I nrJHOi,: 1,,... tJv.m pl.m, on 111.... 1.,mr the l lllHIAI Mlllllkk., anJ fll'l;IDJthlll"'- 10 l ),1 1, y. l'l;11J \ ihlllll\ lh,cX , r,,,, l l ln 4 m,1ruh llf ...... ,,1 ~'"'I ( Oj,1)' lhcm..cln·~ ...·1thtK1I an y ten~ B1lh ~,1,\I and lhl\l, lmi:, hlf ~our t11.i.1111.'\..) ..., ...,rnlf1ta1111t\\ · s 11 fllhcf \ luh h rtC'I\ 11,c h:ukh 1,,... ru• ., hot ,11 lum .,ml llh'I\C,' V l"hc- lt\huno.lU\ h)fl ll\11.JI' ol SCl'llon llllOI IIUI ol IIIV.11 There \ \ I k)I ol 1ni.1 1,ur,..-umi: th,• ,lul1 ,m,l 1n.,l-n1i: ()I) ., 11 t'C Of'l('n 1 III New ...,hC'rt gfc.11 L1lcn1 uwrung nut or D.tll.t..\ :m1.I
l l•1n,11uk,
l•lt11r,11, J It.• llkhl
Chris •Isaak is 'Fore ver Blue' • •and h IS songs refl ect emotion R~ 1\l th,-..... ~u llh.in cn111plct( w11.h :a .,100\')' 'f,01:,.h 111! l·or,:,cr Uluc· C11<h 11, oh. arirm• R.-\1,, .. ..,. an1I upllllrni,: 1)110 MH' h :I\, pntttrl). "The ruJ \•I I • a )'lhlllJ: l'hn, h...ul. v.,I\ <.t• , uooK on h" "N(llhm~ mc,m< that much IO me the U\C or the llCd gu,ur 1(,1\ C.. ,, (.U h 11t<>v-. 11lt>um llt afl ~lured \lollboul Ill) h.lb) • """ha cc,untrv h;1ll:to.l -<iunJ l o top w,,rl!I Ill' \,llll: \\llh p.1wcr; I)( Tht .!lhum lh('O ghdc< nght mlu tiff Lhc .11 hum , l'li.tk mu,1 now "':111 oanr v.11h ,1n.11,:1h. he ...ani,: with 111.11 "1)00·1 l.ca\'c Mc o n M) Own: ah,,1ut tu, Und) m g lo, c . , 111 ,1 nun frdmp .... h,ch I" 3 rnlhck,ng. M'OU~IIC' 111111: l .1,1 fllf\\,Ull t.1 l1)()-1i l'oorChn.\ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ · 1111\"\l'f muc· 1, "'" 3n alhum M1.hK'
~~u.-.;k~~-::.~;: ~'~ .:"'«': ~. 11 1
1 1 1 ~~\~'. ' ~~c·~,:1ec~: ~~ moan., , he l.tmcnh tu~ 10, 1 lcwt
"-•~ : ';::.1:·:~1.~:,~~~11~:.. I!> acluall\. \\n ol('(1\',th~g Mm t ...)II),!, '-(l(J~ I hl.t ):(lOJ h:trJ MUl.'S Of' 3 h1,.:, \olln~ ,u.ui1ht from the l 'l5(}.. ·1h( h ion:. 1-..1.U. cith(f ,ountJ, ,~c 1 c ,1"'"5:t ·niur)•<"li.l ,,r W:o) O.bi'-On. .Jcr,.•n,.h n!-' 1111 h ... ,.., 1111 1 l hc 31t-um l'l.·•• ,n, -.•,th -o3 lly Dtd .1 U.lJ T'hmf' ,.,~ fir the t,\uc~y !lllfl~ ' v.uh ,Ill :mL11m~ h llk nff. and Clll\1lll0(' ~ 111111 thC' ,on~ 1hat'\ IC• <cl'e1I lhC' mn ..1 31rpla), · some• body,("f)'llli! ·sc,mchody'!. Cl)mi:,· I) (1(1( of tJh~ :,.,.m,:\ )NI h('. I( nru.~ flflll th11lli: ·111,11'1, 1h11 h."M.1." tiu1 .i~ ume J:iOCS on, ~Oil
, .mI
i;cl II 1\\JI
11 : ~~ : ~
11r )I'll.If h~d
lhc ,d"~" ,o,.ah anJ catchy tune: Mil~ 1,1 ynu hkc: ,, ch1 IJ\ chncol:tlC· \'0.1t1•ll h:md
h...1!11. lo wer. tu, ,11\;11, a bi1 on
· tir.,Ju:umn 1)11\·· and Cn(lo wmc mc~l on ·c~ \\.1IL1n.: l>., ...,11 T'hcn:.·
)Ou \I. Jnt 10 11..11:n m 1f wu r..- m a 1,;,-_,1 ffl{'ll.111, ~mu'(' it'll \Ultly l'ifm~ ) 1>U Jov.n 111 a hurr~ lfo,..,C\Cr. ii 1~~t ~~ :~ ~~ ~:: 1 ' '~~-;~~
li...a.'lk tech '(WI'\ Im h,m'-Cil Ag11,•c "'hen he '-'>' noth,nf mean, .ui) . Wllh a ffi(3n mckaMly rcc1 to IL B~•l. )U~t when lhC' h\l('OCT IIHnl., tJimg v.uOOut hi, t-.ih) ChC"Cr ,..,lien there\ 00 hope lor tJw: mch1~, .hc'1l). he 1ctt, t h,· v.~,m,111 ,h,•, · go111· m:111. he. launi:hc~ mio ( 11lln lhC' h:1ndv.nucn kl· Nowhcrt: ...,, h1ch. t'IChc,c ,1 or f'IIJI. nnv.hcn· ~ rocks II !. the la)IC\t song on the ICT l1t1m th( ni-.iJc nf lhC Jt"'C'I ca'(' du,c, with more dcfin1t1 ,c drum, aind 10 h1, lt,..t I,\\ L II could 1-.: JU\I I.I. h.11 \Clunl'\.-dcd 3 1111t '41~nous tcd
II ;1
II rh, duh fralur.-, f h,..,uf"l l kfon.i l',1110
Jl<\:11hm Arh.1
•IIM.'C" li month llll l'hut'41l) Ill ►'"''
In N,1v . W(dnc,t.l:.y,
..., ,II ~
rC!'l('f\"CJ c,J'1('n;ll ly lnr u1l lq:c ~lkknl.5 ( ioc:,.I l)J, may l'IC lll\ lll'll In '('Ill o n the Wl'Ckcnd ~ Club hOUI\ w,11 bq?m a t I) pm anJ t ill! v.·hcn lhl: l.l, I pl' f"iOll l(';i\CS
II •
E ntertainme nt Reporte r tobuyocnrandd nveacroncoun • lfthen,,a Any , hock ;n ,~e- tryto theeon<,,t mL.A.Alongfo, ing action onented star, hke th e nde 1s Chi Chi Rodrigut'z Pat rick Swayze and Wesley (J ohn LeeuizamoJ, a s nappy S m pet d reued ,n d rag, the Latino the two t ry t.o train in the makers of ·Too Wonr Foo, finer points ofbceomine a gTeat Thanks F or Evtr)'lhing, Julie drae queen. Along tht way. their Newmar: ret 1t out of the way cur breaks down in the tt1wn of
ea rly. In the first acene of the film, Swt1y ze and S nipes apply hpslick, false eyel ash es and merrily slip into atockinea and high httl11 Thtir transformat1 o n doun t s top the r e . Throughout m osl oft.he film, 1t becomu more and more d,ffi. cul l to remember they a r e men. S wnyze11ndSnipe splayV1ta
8oheme nndNoxeem11Jockson. aspi nngactttssescom petingfor thehon ortorepresentNtw VoC'k
m tho Drac Qu« n of America. cont..est. When the two men t.1e
Snydersv1lle . The residents of SnydersV\lle arethealltoofam 1har baekward rednecks who hove tD be taught h ow lo h ave fun and 11tand up for themselvesby thev.isec1ty s hekert Th e c1ty shcken ,n tuni learn to love the m selves for who they are and hf,come nicer people m the process. The only differ ence"TooWongFoo· orre rs 1sthot the cityfolk h11ppen toberny men in drenes. What makes loo Wong worth watching are the perfor•
~n· ,,
;.:n ,·,
n.,, •
JX11rk U,c 11
laxedthanhehas bttn,nr lletnkes full1d,.,,iaa, ~
uncharted t.emtory tht , fen him SnipH Noxtttca a no noni::en!e, Lllktnoth111 ~ no one :'llt1tude that tha. the m ovie go,,s on It •the nine Jo ke of th e film 10 • t
!uchomasruhnef orctu ~ pu !ih a w11y at h15 tnlt!I Andl..e"1,11zamoproY1dti p! of\augh , with h1, h1ghtr.awhip swiveling, s mart
Ch1Chi. ''Too Wo ng Foo"tneita theconcept ofdraequttn, the mam strtam. and to s
greetht'y hnvebttn sut"ttc Unfortunntely,th t storyit mams trf'am t o be ,,ry 0 rnble, buttht~rforrolllc tS h1hmous , makmll' Too \\ F oo" worth a look. Gradt
/Q!~~~~i!I ..
I, tOfflOffow lo tho nut day
r~ -----
1.1111111\\"l,hll IYllltK'
m •I , 11d1 .s <1111 I c,lu, Jllllll ;\I HllllC up ,lllll t,\ 4 r ...r, en, lll~lll\( 111 l4~111111l11111 • · 1111 111111,ni: 1hc \l' hr,,,I "' '11 ~ u c J 111-tn -..1111 II"· r,.."rk,t \ me the CllUt ,1111111:,1 h,1ll.i:rnu11,I I 1.111.. cl1111 t •~ .th,, 11.c ,_ n,·c,I "' t11: ,1 hl.uu .,1111:"': ,.uJ C'nlt'rl:.&m1rw.111 11111 I\ 4141..,. \ !lJ'li!IIIIO IC ~kfl·t.11111 J.lll"CII. lh( ,III C 0.1tklk1or m111m ~II', 11,.t" d lh,11 pc:1,r,Jc, fr J1,n \\',lh,1111 \. ~cocr.11 m.1n,1i:cr 1•/ (CWllflltlflllY lk>II I \Urf\,rt 1,~ D,.ckJ(l('II' 1l1t,tlrC :t11,J 1luntof nl the 1.ilrnt WC h,1\"(' hc11.•. ~ rl:, y, ,~ r k,1..c1I w uh the :k.1111, ~J\·01111: ,rcnJ Sl:-- 111· S\I) ~ 1.011Hng Ulll ol M1J\I.C\(( m ·, tll('311l' l ►.l.11.1\ all{! -.CC a rl.i) '"'hea r>ckJ',1fUnl'nt ..., ,"' tJ..r,1r1111t•n11 , ,1.-ry c,1ni par;1hli: 1alcnt ,~,, J1vcf-.C m 1.Llcm .md , 11 ...( l•lf 1h1·11 ,gruwcl.l •
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\IJllll', lhl' pl,I) , 1111 l. 1l i:,; thl'II llllll · 1 h,11c111 ~ <~j m ud, ,ln·p I 111 I) l'tl ..iti'< 1 l,l'l\ l' \ :11ul I 1tc Hht ~ ~;' · n ••.-ktkwir 1, wry 1hllcrt· n1 rro111 Jt ,hn C ,ir11.1.rir h1 ' ""•l•ni~ M SI '.~ ,.11,l Jt1n1111 k1,kc )' 1111,:UC'. 111,llflf llul ( ' 111v.1,r1,1 hi " lhe)' Jpn'I h,I\C' 1Jic: c1111u•111, v.1lh fd lhl dl,llllC hi ll,1 'l'ffl(1,• h1ulgc1 lh,11 M "II ' t11,·, anti 11 m :1~l:\ \.\'11 IHI,! I .,lh I lhrnl.
. t ioot.lv.,n v. :mr, tn ,,y ,md ....\q11 h1.·,luk . . t11•,t1.lllll1ltj: 11.md
ST ATE·\\ ID£ PRvf _-
"' ·" J,1111.· h,.:lwc \.\.t11~ ,1 11 ' 1
1 111,. lx·, 11 IH 111111, llUI'"-, • ,1111 hH' ,
, :n ,
W luk lh(' ,1111lcnh i
n,c,un h,IIJ "'"'k 1111th1 11 -.,i. .,!;-,
ha, ..ix ,1iu.kn1, fwm M~ll am1111i: lhc l .t•I N t1' a ll of 1hrll\ ,r.rc 1hc:.,1,c hut t)iC ) :1II h,t\C l,(JlnClhlll~ 111 , 1wnmon the ,k',1tc 10 h: a J\-'Ul .,f R1.:·kd,11ir l hr.11IC'
Nl'.!IC l'.ul.C). the lurm.._, t.W,IIIC I nl 7 24• .ill ( ll'J th( ll,l\lllf (ol tu , t-mtdrn~ a l(l11i: v.11'1 •ht u-.r: 11f 111,
M1thumme r N1ghh l>rcaui- 1, lk ..1hcr M t f>\111Alt1, 11 g,vmg )(•Ill( of M1Jv.·c,1crn ~LllC n:'1111'<1', ,1t-.11.1; lllC' flt"lfl't .it I. llnL\Cf\lly'\ lhcallt \ludcn1, lhC: lhc.1H~ A M1J, uu:i:.c, ~ ch;mu: 10 u~ the ..,kllll the)· k:arn 1n l>u:3m 1\ Md)m~1!,!\ \h cL,.~,. and t'I: 1 p."lf1 ol lhc communt l)' wuh Cl.K'l- tlt• ir \ "A
n l Ill
a lli:ru.111•l"
1 luh 1~-1 A I) 11,... r d lh th>tl l ( hl,t 1,·J, I h.kl ld,hl\l" ,1u1 111 IMll11., dut'M. l>l·, ,1u,(' I qmrh Jo n111 like ( ho, , l nlll' ' Pl I 1.11\\ ,md M"l -..:11n,r ~lt~l' 1111.in !<.1,111, r"l" f\l h ,1,< 111 1,t· d fl,1, 111m• h• th t , luh , t.1111~ h ' l" 1 11 1 ~11~'. ;,~ :~,/~~~l~•~-~•::~ ~~;; , ~. \~ ~: 1 0
1,, h,~•
th ~11,,. allC'fll.ltl\C' ltlfl .u\ai11..I K & R Ille. ,· luh lc.11un', Uot, t, y M, r.,m.111 a, thu1 ndu,u..:
'i'.,•.111>11 '"' !ch t h.u Y. w h,111 1 .tlh dt·«1'1.1,1h: h
- - --
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I _J
Wich;': Falls
h?m~ting~ Wichit a Square
St ,..11 ''"·· 20
\\' l 111 \ °'i
) ~II;
ady Ind ian s bom bar d .BU, move abo ve .500 ; ~, Tst\lor
tt;::~:.:1w1 \ o1lk\h.1ll
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,.:zbl>ll~h 1hc I .uh Intl! m, (4 \) ,, .., , ,loJ\\ , , Ill Ill )1,Unt" l•n,:.
r,l er ,:1111 tl1c 11c ag:uni l Ro. kbur~ w.1., an 1mponM1 a:unc
-~ .1~~~~:.11:~ ,111( tir,111 J11tl lU nunu11.·,
111 de1c m11111rq1. M1l1v.01 e rn 's 1oum:un c111 hope• lie :iunbultd
lJk: lou on SunJ;iy 1<1 the wu nnr-f..S hum the dt'manJin ,e of f!atnc the nit:hl l'ocf1.-t' l',lt.:r hchc.'\·C,\ 1n 1ht' long run the NlW"lhc:ble m Im, V. 1/1 make llule d1lfrrc11t·e. \l>'hlk lhc IIC v.11!1 ku,i.hUr'II ... ,11 M1N"1Un Y:ilky :too (>l'.Lt.h(lm ~ klchofl lhc C'h111,· rL"MIC al 6 rm on Fmlay The MSIJ match
• 11'1,ull)! lh<' IIN "-:I 17- 1\ !he
~;:•;:•,~f,•,':.•: :i.~:~~c .~~~n:;
,r,vl hrrJtht· lr:m1111 ,1 J"I 11
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H (~ l h ~llf'f'illllll' d
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,_•,_.n\ ,11,1, h lunm, lloi,h1
•)l•J1•.l['f "'ll11tnl'll l W,1, \i"•II
JJdlln~ Ill(' 1/111, I •t l \O IN. 11 lht· ~ ln,hJU•. kU I•\ ll1·,h111 ,111 \\Ill• h.-.J i'l l.1lh 11 1,11J.1'1\t ~1. 11'1 ~;::~'; ,'~\ 11 UUc , \ ]ll: :11h rt·,tll)
wLll fnllow
.~ :wuJay, Belhave n !:ice~ Oklahoma ('11y 111 6 rm • wh1k
111, hn l
Mtdwt,lt 'm Lici. lc~ M1(\0Ul'l Valley
l11 t/l'I
r,1111r thr,c: \\ lwn , 1.1h.1I , 11,: llr 1' ,I\ 111 lllJ:l'J ., liCllc .,1.tJ \\\Ill< }!11\'\I 1111,' U\ II} \\ ,h
A ller lhc Cla(\ll' M1dwcMern will lr:1\·el 10 Al,1~llfnJ 10 !:tee
;tiofl1!'h.' l\11111,
D1n11111gh:un !fou1hcm on .'kpt 29
1'11,hl ;..u,I
L\ YER OF TIIE Positio n: St:irung on Hi~h School: ChmtiJ n
1995 Stats: Pa.ssrnt. 4~-71
\ ludil..'S thl' g:unc.: h.trd I k know,; h1, rL'.td, and paucms ,
for -l~k yarJ s w11h -l •- -
1 ~ ; ~;,~ : 3 1
Pac, JO s1..hou l .Jnd handles t'i rg prcssu~ \'C.:r)' ~di lh.:
I li g h Schoo l. Ca.hf ..,
Tribe has something to prove
• IOUt:h1.h1wn,; :ind 3
~hu:h make, him ca!\y to
1nlcr<.·t: plh) O!\
L'oach. \\le arc wry fonun:111..•
Goals & Expectations for thr J995 season :
10 hav\." him ..
•Tr:m,fl'r 111u,.kn1 f rom Wa,hmgton St.all: Umwr.1 1y . • Fa1h,•r was J runnini:ha..:k for the New OrkJm Sa m1., • Dl•Gn•n11.:r "a!\ f1rM T \."am AII-St:ilc ljUJlll..'rl',.1d,. :ind
m::ik\." Pl..'r.on::illy, I would like to complc1 c 6.S pcn:cnt of my 1hc playoffs
ra~,c~ \Vc\•c
1 a nu<.· k u,;
IO he a good IL":tm m this cnnlcrcnl'c. wuh J ~uod ) car l',chmd US MSU ~,II~ .J
()1fn1~m ; PIJ)'LT \1f1hc Yl'Jr
dunni; h1 ,; "-'mur )'l..'.Jr
m high
~'I...._ _ _ _ _ _~
·"'~·h".'.°' l-- - - - - -__&::_'"'--'__.:_•c-->m::::.._.·_ _ __ ___: F
W:C) (lll New Mc...,,co lhghlanth S:uunl.1y m I.a.~ Yc:ga., Fui1 they hne 10 flfO\'t 1hcy can be cons1Mcn1 11
T he lnJiani , ,arced o rr 1hc:
sca,oo ...,th an unr,re.~ o·c v.1n over
"I WJnl for Midwes te rn 10
By M k hHI G r r\ham Spor u J::dllor T he M1d ...·e\1ern S1a1e f(Mltt\1ll lt',lm h:i.\a 101 to jWO\'Clh1s wed: :l.\
Tarkuin S1a1c. hut 1hq ...,ere ~~~1~';: i~-~ :~t~~ n~;e~r :~ S..1t1lhwt'.Mt'ffl Okfahom aSta1c fh·craJI, MSIJ'!t g:unc plan u 10 cut dnwn on m1, 1akci while
coi11mu111g roprodut·c pomu "Wc\·c gut a g1W 1c.un." !ta111 m.ich Mike C':akote, · bu1 we can't ~~; r.d m1s lakts at 1h11 level of
llte lni.ha~J; ha\·e ama»cl1 69 I ' 11 I '
, I
ChaJ Dc(ircmcr. MSt rs ~lartmg quaflt:rh:K k. had two 1umm•co alone III the 1eam·~ lou lO .SouthWC)tCm OkL'lhoma.
' 'w,•n got agood
being a great team .,, Coach Mike Calcote · we h:1 vc 10 fine tu ne.· DcGn:mcr s:uJ ahc big Uung 1i. wc·,'C goc 10 score when we arc 1n!M.lc I.he' raJ 1.0l'IC and qu11malung mistake\ • While Che lnl11:1n , )C3JCh tur an.sweD. New Mc...,aco h;u a whd 1Catn. :KCofl1mg IO Calrott
orr LUNC:Ht.s w,r,,
o u pu1 m orc-
1h• n 1u11 y our u,·,nc• m10
11 rc:Urt'mclll comp,rn_, You pu1 1n furnrc:. 100. So ,our 1ru51 am l ho pe:, lur rhc·lJ.c.lon· you f hoo~ on~. ,u k .1omf' q uouuns !low solid arr " eum1Mny 1hr 1~ llo" 11.16lr
MS lJ J.D.
ib o~·c:ra11 111 mH")lmr nu " llow .1ourul 11 lin.i ncuJ hrahh ? :\ good pl.1r r 10 .ian looking for a n1wen 11 111 1hc: t.lllngs ul 1ndC'pcntlf:'n r •naly111. Four co111p,ui1c1. all w,J tl_v r«og,uu tl rcrourcu for linding out how 11rons " lin.ann .i.l ~n'lC:c:s comp,;rny re.ally 11, g.i.vc TIAA 1hc:1r 1op gr.::tJc.
I'.\/ T H £ 1-' I NAL A.\:ALYSJS, TIAA
IS 1.1:."Tft:R P ERFECT.
A.,\ l Bot Co.. AAA from Duff & Phdp• Crrd11 R,1m1g Co., Au from .\\ood., 1 l1wu1on &n 1cc .1n.! AA.\, Ir Qm St.::andArd & l'oor', . Thot" ra1mg, rd!"'' Tl \A ', :su .b,lu.v. .ound TIA:\ r«c:"·l'd :\+- + (Supcnu r)
o, rr, 11wc:11mc: ni,. r/;um1•p..,y m3 ..,lJ1luy aml uu:1&1 .\lr..-11g1li. (l'lior uc: r.11.ung• o l
a.ll lin.
'Or Try Daily Lunch Plate Specials at our other
Fine Restaurants '
TY'S PIONEER DE'$ MABMapl FAT MCEBI ewood or d ewoo 4537 Mapl
:m o frcn ~1vc hnc:
.3Jl:u n w11h
ttam on the verge of
, I I I
" l'hc)' have: a fre) h man 4u311c1h:":k \\hO dl'C.•n·• rl,1)' l,kc a frc'-"man." Cakolc sad · 11e·, very go,u • A h,g r,rotikm MSlJ h.'ld agami t Sou1hwe.,1e1n w:,!t h;mt.llmg 1hcir S:uurda y , huge ltnt" mcn Midwest ern 11.•1/I b.1,c 11s h.rnt.b full
\\ J
an:r:,i,;mg :!65 pou nd~ rroccc ung die )'00111: 4u.'U'h:1h;l Ck M1l1v. c:-1c:m\ '-CCClfkLuy ha~ the mo~, w rrovc after allo" mg Sou1hwc ,1crn ~uar1erback ToJJ y:ud~ UI Ritz m rack up 309 comr,ktmg almn~I ~ perttnl of h,s
"''"" · w e hll\'C
JUU goc 10 go 001 and
r,lay: srud Odcoic · w c'\'C goc a gon.J team on the ,·crgc of bcmg a ,:rc.i ~n. but we have 10 pull it all iogetht-r •
l '
I '
(. I I ' I
h.lll poml \ ,n IWO gamei. bul hiue prohk·m\ with tunung the b.:,11 O\'Cr
SWPKY at Falnuay
Ensur ing the future for thooc: who shape: it.•
no1 ,nsurAn« compam n only. so 1hc:y (lo apply 10 CREE) i And TIM- which, b..cked by the comp~ny clmn1-1~_\'ll\8 .1ob1l11y. oOt"rs • gu.u-.ant« d r.ue 11 1of relum • ncl the opportun uy for d1,·Kknd rumr,;uu n IWIOO• Of~ of• handful of uuunuKT wide tha.1 curn·ntly hold thcK hi.Shot rrur.rkJ
EVl!:RYO Nt: StlOt.:L O JC.",QW. For funher grow1h potc-n11.1I .u\d d n~l'1-•·
liutmn, 1herc: 's 1hc- C H.EF Hri;ah/c- .1nn1.11ty,
;u wuh a.c,·c-n J11Tcrrn1 m,·u 1mc-n1 ac('Ounu sa,cgn·e you 1hc- llc-.•1hil11_v you w.&nl .u _vou for the future • 'fGg'C'ther. T IA.\ and CRt-:F fo.-rn the "-orkh 1.-riSC'II pr1v.-1c- rc-t1rrmen1 !o_\'~l em b...)rd .,,c-r on asuh under m.1n~C'm en1. \\1th u1 i :> SJ ◄a bill.o n m ,1.UC'h and m<irc 1h,
ol e"pc:ric-11\'C' l,.C'""l8 1he c-J11,.&t1on com1nun11, For u,·er - m1ll1on ,&J\\l " h.-lf
pcoplt> na;mnww le, the only let1e~ tu rc:memb tr ,.,,. l'IAA-C Ht:F
Tm. \\'1<1111,ir,.
C hampion s hip? _ __ __ _ _ _ __
l'\l'(:1~111 J'l.l)tt'li.· :\o.kkd I .un:11 K ev pl.1)C1', \Udl :,,, Rrt't\(';l
C.I\ICI, l.&11dl-.akl
(khct an::arl,1)'m 11llhKlc l(l<lcr \ J11hfl\(ll,I, S kyt lllkl Sunm S1mchc:1111\d Du1 kti1tmC1!'., I 11tirA llauijhc•ty With 1h1, '-'ornhnumoo ol r laycr,. Mkl"' C\ll'fll .... .,n II 1n..uguml g1ur11: 111n n, lhl' )'11t1ni: 1c.-n a moch tMX'tlrd fa..1or for )UC~T"
Auochc1 l.cy :l'JlCO IJ 111.u
v.omcn\ \111,.-crr 1•1 ) L11llcJinll: k'\·d talk OI
c,ut>h~,:l v.·,'Clk'u, " "' (Cf III h,'111 n,tk:[lc, h1: l~ l l• 1n11l.c Mt1.IYiC\l('III •n ,,tn1ou~ ln-nt runn«
1h1ce pl.1)1lff N'Hh\ II\ IIIC I .~ly I 'U►OI<~' ro:11.: h, I h!d~c, tum.:, ,1 ll\d of 111k'lU1ty IOlhC ll'um · 1 think 'I','(' h:w c" )tl• ,J )• oUII.: \ol4U:llllh:llt'llnu1111r,.•1r 11.1t1,c1.ill) • llcd)tt"o \lllkl, ~ hul II v. 11l l'IC 111c.. )CU'\ Jnwn lht' fl1"11 hrlntc Y,(' (,Ill •l:V1 thu~1n11, :1hi1u1 ,111:llklll 11
All ~111nm11r-.um h:wc ii an,I the I o11.ly hw.h,11¥1
I he onh c,L1N1VloN.I 11111mcu, ,vn 'l'r 1,·,un, r,•g1,.10.Jh :we In the '"' .,,high "'h,.__,1,. \l.hkh ' ' a r l u,
*t' Of' J1ffc 1c n1
· 1 thm._ we '-~m wm a N:1tlNul
t'h.vnp,on+J'n r : hoo)ICJ I ti.hi.'f,
~._'t'.,e iO( llK' laletll and 1hc:
"'i\tihy ""''
L1o.h c.,:ve 1111 tnlf'{'lrl,Ull
1111,ltil'ltkf AmyCu.. l.nll, hol Wt" 11i1."<'tl nkln'. lime·" ;viJ 11111,c s,unt' C.\f'CIIClk.1' • <'11.lo.h !);u , m 1100.:c., 111he fllt'1C ('of the l atly l11J1.111\ f'llllk /\ 111''llOl.1 01 M\l l nwn • \oll\,U'f r-1ia:1M1:ukl hc"'J r ,1.1o1h ..i w1:i1!\, lli,"!;l)l(\ II(\ 11 ,Ill h~l.'thc, With a rc,, 'lf,l 1>1 4.! IX-~ ,mil
) l~lllfl(;MII rok 00 !hl' I ad)' lnd\.11b
pl\11 IO 1'-1S\r', IUIUI'( \\JC'l'C~
~we 11.I\(' ClH'll.lj/h l.tlci11,
r onlk' f Wk"hlb hlb lht:h S\.honl ,1.111\l.•ut Jcnmln I 1.Jlt"r ;1111,I
Sharnn D.1) , h n m RKlcr, rt.I)' d
W~tm,11(10'Ao1l,MHlll)t'hJl.) fmm R1rhlJfkJ Jr 1\,llrsr and
11 1d,11i\'cl) I\C'ltt
Hui ,Ii,._'\.-, '-'•1folco•c
M"hnt•b Jcfollld) m:.Jc l\:UUIIJrk' hl
Strph"mr Kr,o,rr h,•n OUW'lln.a ("hn,11,1n hi ;id,J ('\l\("(U:lk'C to \1lC IC:Ull rt'll. "l"
wnhmou N,w fkll h.: l'n,111,:h II tak1 1 ,1 hllk 1Tt1'11. tul11,,•Uk t,r,1
h,r M\ll n.,n11tml·111 - , hr \ tk ~·1,.• \~ o( k1'.,1I h1gl1
Athey nf Arhn,:11111 ,uld S11r.t ru-.c-o t)f Al kn IUf'I fl Ion)'. 11,1 I'll'"" Ill r«ru1b M~l I h,1, ,1!.._1 lu«:il tr~n\fcr allkk:OI\ Amy c,,l.11\l ln ..11 rc,k)'ll
d1.1111p11m, t11p ·
Lady Indians fight through injuries By M k hM'I (,1.-,ham S porU fallt°" lhC' M1d"' r,11•m :;1:11c I ..d) h\t.llJ\fb '4"-.'\.'C'.t l t'l'II\,
.,.,h,,h 1,
1n lh
go:llh'<'ri<'" M1n1.I) ( 'h11ky. Cami M\,( 'ul~m anJ ,!,,ar,\ I U¼"CI 10 \ll'J'I ur In the n11Jlid1I he.- ,~ lu,>kmg ll\'l'l"NJ 1,x-al i-lM knmlc, h,hct 10
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Al~ iufknn~ from an m1ury I\ ~orhnmorc f o1warJ Slt"S,h 11111c Kc1~r v.h,1 v.a, n nl only :a ,1ar player for W11.:h11:1 I :tlh 111gb School, tiu1 ahn pl:a)cJ for Oll.lhorn.1 Chrullan t.1..-.c )C:11' • rm hopin~ the) "'1\1 all he:
t'I)' TbuNl.1>;
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Anti M"lJ'\ 1:111, v.en· nl the unly tllll' ' ~i..mng lllh• tht' j!',IIIIC
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lkd~c, !>aid
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rc~hlh: or th.1nl., • .anc.1 • tc
1•! \J(IIII')
~ Survival check list CJ Phone cords and accessorlea ':J Alarm clock or clock radio
Amy ('ocl..1111, M~l 1·, ~urung m1dfickkr v. 00 m1urcJ her Im« 1n the game a,:11n<J K1\'hl:1nd Junmr
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Cullcgc on Sept I \, will m,,, n1ursd:ay'i. grunc ,!,,he: ooc, no1 need sw gcry, thot1i:,h. a uJ C:llflCCl.t 1obC'tnck M>011 llcdgc ~ •~ lool.m g 1<1r hii.
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